I Spent 100 Days in ULTRA HARDCORE MINECRAFT… This is what happened.

Video Information

Welcome back everybody to a brand new video on the channel today we are back with another minecraft video in today’s minecraft video we are gonna be doing a hundred days in minecraft now i’ve seen a lot of these videos go viral on youtube and we did a hundred days in pixelmon that you

Guys really seem to enjoy it so in today’s video we’re gonna be doing 100 days in hardcore minecraft but we’re going to make things a little bit more different instead of being able to reach in health like normal we’re going to make this into ultra hardcore mode which means you

Cannot rejet health without using any golden apples or anything like that healing potions and stuff like that you will not be able to regen automatically so it’s gonna make things a lot harder so let’s go ahead and hop straight into this okay so hopping straight into this we go into single player here

Create new world name at this 100 days in ultra hardcore and then we need to go ahead and set the game mode to hardcore itself it’s the same as survival mode but it’s locked at the hardest difficulty and we only have one life and then if we go down here to

Game rules we can actually scroll down to where it says regenerate health here and turn that off that means we can no longer naturally regenerate health it’s gonna make things very very difficult for us so let’s go ahead and do that click done and this should be ready to go where we

Are okay well we’ve spawned in a desert here right next to a savannah and this is where our journey starts i guess there is no natural regeneration and i guess we just go ahead and grab our first thing here which would be grabbing some wood okay

So here we’re getting our first part of wood and throughout this video i’m probably gonna have a few achievements i want to collect so let’s go over them now the first thing i want to be able to do is create an awesome looking base you know like we did in pixelmon but maybe

Even cooler in this one because it’s a single player and that’s one of our main things to do so we want to go ahead and complete that by making a really cool base give ourselves a full set of diamond armor defeat the ender dragon and also go ahead and kill a weather so

That’s what we want to do in the first 100 days at the least what is that over there let’s get ourselves some stone tools and see what that is over there we need to remember that we don’t regenerate health naturally so we need to get a food

Source very very quickly here and we also need to try and find some golden things very very quickly here because that’s that’s the only way we’re going to be able to regenerate health we have a full set of tools here now that we can use to complete our stuff we’re also going to

Need sugarcane at some point let’s go ahead and grab that because we’re going to need to make some like enchant tables at some point and stuff and it could also be useful for sugar i just want to quickly have a look in this desert though to see if there’s any

Maybe desert temple no it looks like this desert just kind of finishes off here kind of like in its own little area well here there are some rabbits though so mr rabbit i’m sorry stop bouncing around i need to eat you oh that’s so sad

So for the next couple days here i went ahead and grabbed some resources and just checked out the nearby area grabbing some food some wood and a little bit more stone for like making furnaces and all that kind of stuff i also decided to get some

Wool from the sheep to go ahead and make a bed because i knew that night time was going to be a pain definitely with not being able to regenerate my health naturally okay so now that we actually have some food here i think it’s time that we go

Back over to these trees to see if they have any apples dropping from them and we can turn the apples into golden apples eventually to get apples for healing okay i think it’s about time we go ahead and check out what this is i think

By i mean by the looks of things what this is is it’s like a drowned underwater city things but it’s on land slightly here and i can see a chest there which could have some pretty good stuff in it okay look at the sea fishing rod and some wheat

And another axe okay good good good that’s looking good also if we even start drowning that’s gonna be very very bad for us oh okay don’t let him get close because again we can’t take any damage oh but we did just get a golden ingot okay wait this could be actually

Pretty good for us getting gold maybe the night is falling so let’s go ahead and make ourselves a bed and sleep our first official day out of the 100 days here on minecraft it’s gonna be a fun time so i started off doing a little bit

Of searching along the coast and i came across this little pirate ship which had some pretty good stuff in it we’ve made ourselves a little breathing hole and now we also have what is this a very treasure map the next chest is just over here okay so we got

Sell ourselves some potatoes that’s probably a good food source once we actually start making a farm and stuff and i think the last chest is directly below this part i want to say yeah i think it’s over here okay yeah oh is that our first diamond okay hold on

Hold on hold on we need we need to breathe we need to breathe we need to breathe come here come okay okay we’re breathing oh okay that was close that was way too close i don’t think there’s any gold in that one though which is unfortunate but

There was some other things that we can go ahead and grab as well go ahead and take all of these goodies oh one bubble that was way too close we got everything good out of there now let’s see where this berry treasure map takes us to because i

Think they also have some pretty good stuff wait it’s it’s literally back where we spawned it’s right where we spawned at hold on okay so it looks like it’s just right here and there’s actually a tip for finding these first try a little lister so you need to line yourself up

With the center to begin with like this and then you walk forward just so that a tiny little tip is pointing out right there so it should be right here i think there we go first time every time there we go that’s what we’re talking about oh that is a

Lot of good stuff let’s grab all of this goodness right here we have ourselves some first iron without even having to go down underground perfect let’s make ourselves a chest plate i can also make another one of these okay let’s also make ourselves a shield because the shield is gonna be huge in

This there we go and then let’s also make ourselves some boots and a helmet there we go we’re three quarters armed up and we also have ourselves a little shield here and we also have our first two diamonds without even going underground this is looking like a pretty good start for us

So i continued on a little bit from where i found the pirate ship and i actually found something else that was pretty useful okay so i’m looking at this desert and i want to see if i can maybe find a temple or something in there wait

What is this this is the most buried temple i’ve ever seen in my life and there’s also what is this scene wait what is the sea there was the the pirate ship right there and then there’s a ruined portal right here with a golden block that’s actually that’s huge that’s actually huge let’s

First off take on this desert temple because this could have a lot of gold in it and i cannot honestly believe how buried this thing is let’s see if we can get ourselves some more diamonds dang this this was a pretty lackluster there’s a temple right here but hey we

Definitely need to empty out our inventory so we can grab some of the stuff there let’s go ahead and take gunpowder maybe bones are probably quite useful i’ll take diamond horse summer because i mean that’s the best horse armor that there is here i think that

Should be pretty good we might as well just take the wrong flesh since we already have something not even thorough i think other than that that’s all we really really need from them so let’s head on back out right now let’s go ahead and see what’s in

This bad boy up here because i already see a gold block which is pretty good but we can’t actually mine it okay so we’ve got the chest right here there’s no iron but there is some pretty good armor and some brand new pants i can go ahead and take there we go i’m

Pretty i’m pretty sure we don’t really need those but i’ll take the shovel i want my flint to steal and stuff back i don’t need leather right now but we really need to find a place to settle down because we have a lot of stuff in our inventory and not

A lot of space oh i wish i could mine this but i can’t mine it with stone is there literally nothing i can do there’s nothing i can mine it with okay great i guess we’re just gonna leave a golden block right here nice oh no i just took my first half a

Heart damage i didn’t really think about it when i just took it there oh no okay well this is not good as you guys can see i’m not regen in that back i am not gonna be region in that back until i get some golden apples but

I guess it could be worse okay so there’s a little desert village over here that i see hopefully oh i know what we can actually do if we go ahead and kill the iron golem safely we can get the iron from that and use that for a pickaxe and then go back to

The gold block and grab that and then we’ll have a go off very first go level okay let’s do that let’s do that and there we go okay so now that i have this iron pickaxe i should be able to go ahead and mine at this gold right here

There we go perfect now we can go ahead and make ourselves our very first golden apple in case we come into any troubles and it also means that we can go ahead and start healing up if we if we need to now let’s just not take another half a heart while while going

Down here because that would that would really suck well running to look for a place to to make my base i came across this pretty cool village it’s like in between a savannah and a plains biome so i went ahead and checked it out there was no blacksmith in it

There was literally no other buildings in it that i could really loot except for the little iron golem that i killed for some iron after looting that village i went by and i saw this pretty cool place to make a base if i wasn’t doing a hardcore you know if

I wasn’t doing a hardcore i definitely live on top of those mountains area but i feel like that’s a terrible idea for doing hardcore because i will literally open my door one day and fall to my death so i decided against it as i was running around i

Also found that this third village which was a plains village but it looked like it was in the desert so i went to go check it out okay so this is a plains village but it’s literally in the desert so these ones usually have blacksmiths i

Think well at least they have a higher chance of having blacksmith is there any blacksmith in this one no no blacksmith by the looks of this i’m kind of just looking for a place to cool base and then we can start making our base and uh building up i think i think this

Looks better than just running through the desert so after traveling for a bit i came across a place that looked pretty nice and nice enough to actually make it my home so i like this little island like cut-off area over here let me go ahead and have a look a little bit more

Because there’s a whole forest right here that we can use to get our wooden stuff i think this is where we want to go home so i guess i can go ahead and start working on something here there’s also it looks like a ruined portal that way

So there’s another shipwreck for us to check out in a little bit but i think first of all we should go ahead and make some kind of house here so that’s exactly what i did i went ahead and spent the next three to four days i think just making a

Basic exterior of a house and uh this is how it turned out i also had this one guy stopped by my house as i was building it so i went to go ahead and check on his trades and he didn’t seem to have anything good so i took

Care of him the good old-fashioned way to get my hands on a couple leads that i might use in the future so for the roof i decided to go with like a granite brick style type thing which means i needed to get a lot of granite and

Luckily since we were near the ocean i went to go ahead and grab some clay i smoked it up turned it into bricks and some terracotta it made for a really cool roof design so here let me go ahead and show you guys how this thing actually turned out so

I’m down a little bit more healthy guys but i’m finally making progress with my house here you know we have the basic kind of design laid out you know you guys can see the windows and the the roof design and stuff like that i’m liking how it’s looking again it’s just something i’m

Gonna have to finish over time as time goes on i need to get a bit more granite and a bit more bricks and stuff from the ocean but i’m also going to go ahead and start up a farm because i am starting to run

Low on food so here what i’m going to go ahead and do is i’m going to make us a bucket and a hole here meaning that we can go ahead and make ourselves a little potato farm to start off here because honestly i do need to start

Some kind of farm so i think a potato farm would be cool and we could have the potato filled just be like over here this is where i did have my house and also look at the look at this beautiful forest that has all been cut down to put in these logs

And stuff it’s it’s pretty sad but it it does the job so here let me go ahead and start making a farm here for our food and let’s get some potatoes growing i think i have some bones as well that i can go ahead and just

Mill that real quick and get it a little bit bigger yeah here we go we have eight bones which makes 24 bowmer which is quite a lot actually so let me go ahead and burn mill these all up real quick and then just break them and we can see how big we can

Get this farm to start off with okay so this should do the trick here we can go ahead and hold this for now and we can definitely expand it as time goes on but there we go we got ourselves a little potato farm it’s currently actually day 10 i’ve been

Working on this house for a little while and by the time i finish it it might be maybe a little bit later we haven’t even got mine that’s the issue it’s day 10 already we’re one tenth of the way into this journey i haven’t gone underground one bit but we

Are down two hearts building this house took me down a little bit of health which was quite surprising so i’m gonna go ahead and eat my very first golden apple hair and we can finally regen some health here in the game so let’s go ahead and eat up and

There we go we are actually finally going up some health hair and getting ourselves back to full health there we go we’re back to full health and as the sun goes down let’s take a sleep on the balcony of our brand new house and there we go okay so we’ve now finished off

The roof here i’ve gone ahead and finished off the roof and finished off all four walls here i just want to show you guys what i’ve done i’ve done this pathway with the shovel and i actually have to add something just to the back here these right here there we go perfect

There we go now we have a perfect step up to the back door we go ahead and add to the back door and the inside is pretty plain right now but we’re going to go ahead and decorate that probably as the 100 days go on because right now we’re currently on day 21

So this does take me a little while but the one last thing i wanted to do here is go ahead and actually make ourselves a chimney and there we go we’ve got our nice little chimney in our house and it’s going straight on through to the furnace

Look at that look at that perfect the one thing i was actually wanted to make is like some spruce trap doors and maybe some spruce buttons and stuff but as you guys can see there’s literally no spruce trees in so far like i’ve been cutting down some dark oak i’ve been cutting down

All of almost all of our oak trees over here but there’s literally no spruce trees whatsoever so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna empty out my inventory and i’m gonna go ahead and make a boat make sure i’m stocked up on potatoes and now let’s go ahead and set up on our

Journey try and find ourselves a spruce for us so we can finish off the house permanently and also get some interior stuff we’ve just found a bunch of sprucies so this is actually really really good so we know exactly where we are the spruce trees here i’m gonna go

Ahead and mine a bunch of these and probably get a few saplings so we can grow it at home i think what i’m going to go ahead and do now is just grab grab all this wood and then i will meet you guys back at our base

So as i headed back to my base the sun was actually going down but i noticed there was another room portal down below so i went ahead and picked it up got the golden blocks from it and there was also another golden appointed which was pretty good along

With some golden angers but then when i got to my base it was pretty much surrounded by mobs so i had a little bit of difficulty getting back in okay so there’s a lot of mobs at my base right now and what i say a lot i mean a lot

Ho lee smokes i thought i placed down enough torches but clearly not every single time it went nighttime i went to sleep so things wouldn’t spawn but i think i can make a clear run inside the building right here i’m gonna pick up the bed and just run straight

Inside here hopefully i don’t get shot by any skeletons let’s go go go go go go let’s make around let’s make a run for it nothing’s shooting at me yet we have some zombies on us pick this up go inside come on come on come on okay okay

We’re inside and we can sleep off the night this is good finally finally finally and there we go the sun is up and we can go ahead and place our bed i think i don’t have my bed upstairs i think it’s a nice little place to have

Have my bed maybe like right here yeah i think this looks good i think this is good let’s go ahead and start our respawn point there even though we’re never gonna really be respawning i’m just kind of realized i don’t know there’s a lot of creepers nearby and there’s also

Babies i’ll be babysitting oh my goodness buddy get on out of here okay okay well another thing i got to do clearly is put some more torches around my base because that was a lot of mobs that was a lot of mobs nearby and there’s also a lot of

Skeletons in the water now which is even scarier already because they won’t die from the sunlight but they will still shoot me let’s go ahead and make all the golden apples that we can because we’ve got a golden apple from that chest we also have these gold here

That means i can make probably how many more i can make five more golden apples we need to get ourselves some more apples for real for real okay let me go ahead and plant a bunch nearby our baser because we definitely need more apples we need a constant supply of

Apples because right now golden apples is our only supply of healing but once we get to another i have an idea for a different supply of healing so that i use the spruce wood that i had from the spruce trees to go ahead and make a bunch of spruce

Trap doors to really finish up my house i also decided to go ahead and add two pressure plates to each door meaning that it would close behind me all the time making sure that nothing would follow me inside my house okay so there it is we’ve gone ahead and added

The spruce trap doors around the edge and i think this really just finished off our house i think it looks really good the only thing i might think about adding is some spruce trap doors along the top of this maybe but that’s the only thing i could ever think of but i

Actually noticed while moving all of my stuff up back on the inside here that we actually had a few apples we’ve got quite a few apples they’re just in a different chest so let’s go ahead and make two more golden apples right here like this and like this

And there we go we have six golden apples to our name that is the equivalent of 12 hearts of healing meaning we should be pretty good for our time being but i think it’s finally time for me to go ahead and do what i’ve always been so

Scared of doing going caving i think i think we’re finally in a good place to go okay we have our shield we have our sword we have a iron pickaxe we have crafting tables we have wood and we can get coal from going underground and stuff and as the sun

Sets i think it’s time for us to find ourselves a little cave i’m also going to go ahead and put all of these sugar canes down so we can get a bunch of paper once we get back here but hey let’s go ahead and sleep off the night

And try and find ourselves a cave so that’s exactly what i did i went ahead and found the closest cave to me and just started mining and luckily i came across quite a lot of iron i also found some diamonds so we could finally get some enchants

Once we got back to the surface and i also stocked up in as much gold as i could find along with some other things okay so usually i would be pretty happy about finding things like this in in a in a survival world but the fact that it’s hardcore i feel like a

Mineshaft is one of the scariest things to be and a lot of cobwebs definitely means that there’s a spawner over there right okay yep yep okay okay no no no no no they give you poison i don’t want anything to do with you and nothing to

Do with you oh my god that was scary very scary noise um i also found one diamond earlier which means i can finally make a diamond pickaxe i think that’s probably the best investment for diamonds right now just because you know we’re gonna mine we’re gonna end up just

Mining more so let me go ahead and use the larger ability right here of the redstone there we go and now we can switch to our beautiful diamond pickaxe nice nice nice but yeah let’s try to avoid those spiders that will cause because if i get poisoned it might

As well be game over at that point nice oh what i throw up my shield are you serious how did that damage me i pulled up my shield like as soon as he was about to show you seriously okay but despite my fear i continued mine in and found more

More and even more diamonds and it was at the point where i found this next fan of diamonds where i realized i had taken enough damage for me to probably have to eat another golden apple so i went ahead and did so but it was also at the same

Time that i’d realized i probably had enough diamonds now to head back up so as i grabbed my last vein of gold i would check the corners and i headed back up to the surface to try and get back home i also ended up digging up very very close to

Where my actual base was which is kind of surprising because i dug down and went into a cave kind of far away from my base so i guess we always find our way home eventually which is which is pretty good to know okay why does this always happen whenever i get to the

Surface at my house it’s always nighttime and there’s always a bunch of mobs that want me dead luckily i have a bed this time so can i maybe just sleep on the shore right here is there anything that wants me dead i don’t think so turtle can i can i can

I rest here with you thank you thank you very much mister thank you very much i got pretty lucky on my mining trip actually i got pretty lucky i have enough for i think wait 27 i think that might be perfectly enough for a full set of

Diamond armor okay so that leaves me wait no you need 24 forces full set meaning we have three spare medium we can make enchants and a full set of diamond armor i think as that is one of our goals we can take that off go ahead so we actually spent quite a while

Down there in the caves it’s currently day 32 as you can tell by f3 though you know it says date 32 right here and we almost have our second goal sorted here which will be a full set of diamond number but hey let me go ahead and start smelting

Everything up because we do have a lot to go ahead and smelt up here let’s go ahead and put all of that iron in there all of this beautiful gold in here and also get a little bit more fruit smelling that because we did cook up a bit of food

While we were down there but we are now down to our last potato which is always a sad sight to see but in the meantime let’s go ahead and do it so diamond chest plate diamond pants diamond boots and a diamond helmet just like that cover me

With diamonds thank you very very much but before i go ahead and put this on i want to go ahead and get my hands on how much more obsidian do we need we need two no three more pieces of obsidian and then we should be ready to go ahead and

Start enchanting so i’m going to go ahead and while this all smelts up here i’ll take a few potatoes with me i need to just go ahead and find a lava pool and grab some city and for an inch on table so luckily for me there was a lovely pool just

Behind my house a little bit so i went ahead and used my water bucket to turn it to obsidian and grab the pieces that i needed for my enchant table okay and i went ahead and grabbed some sugarcane from the sugarcane that we have grown outside now if i use this to

Turn that into paper do i not have any leather i had already had paper okay well we need to find leather now great your death will not be in vain thank you mr cow for your leather thank you very much and let’s go ahead and make ourselves a

Inch on table so like this like this and voila we have an enchant table i think this is the perfect spot because then once we get books we can put it around and i guess now let’s get the achievement enchanter i only need protection once i’ll take

That thank you very much there we go we have a full set protection with the feather fall in meaning i can say goodbye to my old iron armor that honestly we didn’t get all that much damage you know it did us pretty well but now say hello to

All of this beautiful stuff there we go it looks so much better i’m definitely feeling a lot safer on the server now since we’re playing single player right sharpness really only really affects things like blazes and other things like that but for skeletons and anything that’s undead

Smite is where it’s at so i think i actually might want to make a smite sword here i think that might be a good idea so let’s go ahead and try it let’s see if we can get smite or sharpness on this one or maybe we have one of each so

Hey let’s go ahead and get sharpness sharpness sharpness okay it looks like we’re making a sharpness sword clearly the server wants me to have shot on this so i i would just go with it here i’ll just go with it we’ll go ahead and make ourselves a sharpness three

Iron sword and that should be really actually useful against mobs and things especially once we get into the nether which is what i have been scared about doing but now that we have full diamond armor and we will have a sharpness 3 sword i feel like we’ll be able to do it

So i went ahead and made my sharpness 3 iron sword and then went to proceed to go ahead and get 10 obsidian from the same pool enough to make myself a portal uh back at my house okay so now that we are back at our base and we are

Pretty much fully ready to go let me go ahead and cook up some more potatoes real quick but in the meantime let’s go ahead and grab our flint and steel and let’s make up this portal real fast there we go okay let’s just have a little peek in another let’s see

Whereabouts we are we don’t have any gold armor on oh boy oh boy let’s go back into the overworld and grab the golden armor that i clearly forgot and would have been a very very big issue if i didn’t actually bring it because those guys would definitely want

Me dead okay let’s try this again i went ahead and grabbed um some more potatoes got my golden helmet and um we should be we should be much better off now we should be much better if they shouldn’t attack us i don’t think hopefully there is gold here but we ca

Again we can’t mine it because they’ll be very mad at us and there’s also a massive drop here so this is also very scary but luckily we brought ourselves some blocks so we should be okay to just go ahead and bridge across here this should be good there we go the main

Reason i’m in the nether right now though is i want to get netherwatch from a fortress i want to be able to make potions and you guys will see why i want to make potions very soon here because it’s going to be very very useful but then again we also need to

Find blazers to uh get the stuff we need for beating the ender dragon that is also a goal so let’s go ahead and just snoop around stay on the treetops so that we don’t get shot down or attacked by those big pigs with the horns because they’re

Always very very scary but we can definitely get a lot more gold here from that another now that we have access to nether we pretty much have access to infinite gold i’m gonna need gold for my other source of healing but i’m gonna need a lot less

Of it you guys will see exactly what i mean in a minute but in the meantime i need to get down from the street and find my way over to some kind of nether fortress and after a little bit of certain that’s exactly what i did i found myself my first another fortress

And it was a lot less scary than i thought it would be so i managed to find a blaze spawner but i came into a little bit of an accident when one of them set me on fire so i managed to heal up with a golden apple

And then i used the golden or hearts that i had remain in to go ahead and get some more blaze rods from the remaining blazers coming from the spawner okay so what i’m looking for here now is the nether warp because we need that for the potions that i want to make

Hey there we go another one perfect here let me grab this chest grab one piece of iron first i also heard a weather skirt and so i just want to stay a lot but let’s take all of this let’s also take some of this so we can

Grow it ourself and let’s grab the rest of this i’m gonna load up the rest of this place and then i’m gonna go back to the blaze spawner try and grab a few more place rods and then we’ll head on back home so this took us i think

Three golden apples i mean i guess technically four because i’m gonna have to eat another one here and of course it’s raining of course it’s raining here let me eat another one and we can get back up to some nice juicy nine hearts and um let’s get inside and

Sleep off the night can you sleep off the rain hold on let’s see let’s have a look no we can’t okay well i guess we’re gonna have to deal with the sound of rain as much as i hate as much as i do hate it okay so we’re currently

After after that nether adventure we’re currently on day 42 oh my goodness okay so apparently when you’re in the nether time flies by because i did not think we were in there for that long so here let’s go ahead and grab how much gold we have we have 26

Gold meaning we can make three more golden apples okay nice and then we also got a bunch of golden nuggets meaning we can make probably i think yeah no we can make four golden apples now meaning that we can get back up to ten golden apples but now for the main event

This is what i wanted to show you guys and that is a bruin stand now with this bruin stand my plan is to go ahead and make potions but not just any type of potions i want to make instant health potions and those are made with glistening melons now

I think i think i think you can find melon seeds in shipwrecks and we actually haven’t checked out the shipwreck yet so we’re gonna go ahead and swim over to the shipwreck and see if we can find ourselves some melon seeds maybe or maybe

We can have a little bit more of a look in other laces but let’s see what we can find in here any melon see okay not melon seeds not melon seeds okay and we also have a village nearby so i might also try trading with one of

The villagers since we do have quite a few emeralds now but do we have anything in here um no we have another berry treasure map and some feathers i’ll take them no melon seeds again okay well hey let’s head over to the village that way and see if any of the

Villagers can trade us some melon seeds or maybe even melons let’s see if i can find any farmers that want to trade me melon seeds all right so we have 21 emeralds sir what will i need to give you for you to give me melon seeds okay that is a

Full trade up right there let’s see what you’re gonna unlock pumpkin pie okay so you’re gonna give us pumpkins for emeralds but no i want melon seeds from you sir we need to see if he’s gonna have melons for us to trade so let’s go ahead and grab all of his wheat

And we’ll just sell it back to him for a lower price all right now we’ve got you all the way up let’s see what you got come on melons melons but no i don’t want to give you melons i want to buy melons off you oh my god

What is so hard to understand about that i hate this guy i hate this guy so here let’s go to our buried treasure and maybe there might be melts in there i don’t think they usually have the seeds in them but we’ll see so we need to line

Up right here and like i said guys just have the top peeking through right here it’ll be directly below us right here and i do not have a shovel on me so i guess we’re digging with our hands easy peasy lemon squeezy dig in treasure with henry and we got

Emeralds we got gold but we definitely did not find ourselves any melon seeds which is what we’re looking for oh my goodness where will i find melon seeds wait there’s a shipwreck over there let me see if there’s anything in there books and treasures maps nothing that i really need right now

But i do need some air that’s for sure i don’t think we’re gonna get too lucky here with the melons we might need to find a mine shaft with like a melon chest in it or something just diamonds and you know i would be happy if i wasn’t

Looking for melon seeds come on dude i i need to get myself some melon seeds come on let’s head on back to our base here before it turns tonight um because i don’t have a bed on me and i don’t want to get caught out here in the

Night because that would that would result so it was currently the next day of filming and after coming back from trading with the villager and finding the buried treasure i decided to set out on a journey to find the perfect horse now that i had a

Saddle and i could also use this horse in the future to go ahead and find the balance i was looking for so i grabbed my saddle and my diamond horse summer along with some bread and wheat and stuff and then went out to try and find the perfect horse now i remembered that

There was some horses over near the village so i decided to go ahead and see if they were any good to begin with so i began with this grey horse and entertainment i ended up taking half a heart due to suffocation damage and i actually found out that this guy was

Pretty fast and he had 11 hearts which is also really really good so i got pretty lucky and with my first horse i found my perfect horse so i decided to head back to my house and name him joey now i couldn’t just leave joey out in the

Outside tied to the fence so i decided to make him a little saddled next to my house now although it wasn’t much i was pretty happy with what we made here for joy because it kind of looked somewhat similar to our base but had its

Own little style as well so i went ahead and left him in there for the night and finished off that day so over the next few days i decided to make a few changes to my base add in some interior carpet along with upgrading joey’s pen a little bit i also

Extended my sugarcane farm and made myself a little dog where i was planning on spending some time fishing in the future here which brought me up to day 55. so i decided to use the next five days of my journey to go ahead and plan out an adventure for melons

So i did a little bit of research and found out that you could find melons in certain village farms i took some food i took joey and i started off my adventure to find a village with mountains now this journey took me just around about five days but along my journey i

Found a few other things that i found useful a desert temple that had a powerful book in it a ruined portal with a brand new block of gold for more healing and a golden apple and a village that didn’t have any melon so i just decided to kill the iron golem

For some more iron i also came across another desert temple that i thought was the first desert temple we found in the first few days but it actually turns out it was different and boy am i happy that i went down there because i got another golden apple some more gold and a

Feather fall 41 book and it was finally on day 60 where i found this acacia village that had exactly what i was looking for in it melons so i went ahead and grabbed them right up real quick and now that i had the melons i could reproduce them as

Much as i wanted but i noticed that there was this cobblestone pillar in the middle of the village which made me think i had actually been here before this is one of the villages that i looted on the very first couple days of me being in this world so anyway without

Further ado i had the melons in my m3 and i headed it back home so with my newfound melons i decided to go ahead and make a melon farm and also get started on these glistening melon health potions meaning i would have a source of a lot of healing

For a lot less than the golden apples it was also at this point where i decided i needed a few better enchants so i went ahead and made a full level 30 inch on table with all of the sugarcane that i’ve been growing and i just had to go ahead and kill

Every every cow in the radius of 100 blocks with me and all of this took me quite a few days so at this point we’re now on day okay guys so it’s currently day 65 on the 100 day survival we have a level 30 inch on table but i realized i

Only have 26 levels oh yeah we also have these we also have some tier 2 instant health potions now finally we have a really really good source of healing i’m so we really aren’t gonna run out of healing much longer here on this hardcore survival world let me also get this

Meat cooking because we killed a bunch of cows earlier so we have a lot of food for now but yeah as i said i really don’t have any levels right now though so that’s why we’re gonna head into the nether with our trusty golden helmet and to make

Sure i never forget my golden helmet we’ll go into the nether i’m actually gonna go ahead and place a chest right here with the golden helmet in it so we always can swap it out for the diamond one whenever we go to the nether just so we know

We’re going to the nether and we know we’ll get into some business from day 65 to day 75 i went into the nether and collected as much quartz i could find so i created a bunch of levels i also decided to go ahead and check out what was in the bastion

Okay so i i’ve got a few levels i’m up to level 33 right now i still need to get more i want to go ahead and check out this bastion see if there’s anything good inside it that we can go ahead and grab okay are there any there

Brutes okay i see some i see someone so we’re in a kind of good position right now though where i can kind of sit here and maybe get their attention hey buddy come over here how are you guys doing how are you guys doing this is a good spot this is a

Good spot they can’t get us but we can get them nice that’s one okay there we go nice the pigment boots are out of the situation and we can go ahead and check out what’s in these chests okay some gold lots of that nice a diamond shovel oh

Goodness that was scary gold blocks sharpness five acts okay i’ll take it a quick charge crossbow oh my goodness these noises are very very scary the angry pigs okay let’s take some of that oh also the snout banner pattern okay i mean i’m not really going to be using

Quartz that much but i’ll i’ll take it oh and we also got our first piece of netherright nice okay all right let’s take the netherride let’s take this firespec 2 sword as well i’ll take it again i’m not really going to be using quartz all that much so i might as well

Just drop that and what else don’t we really need right now i guess the guild of blackstone only really gives you long gold we don’t really need that we might as well just take a gold ingot and we should yeah we should probably get

Out of here now because i do not want to be in here any longer than i have to be okay so we are now back from the nether and we have 43 levels look at all of this gold that we have that’s perfect so we have quite a few melons there i

Kind of want to show you guys how opt this potion of healing really is because this isn’t health too i’m going to go ahead and show you guys how open this is right now so i know i have feather fallen and i know this might be a little

Bit of waste some of you guys might say but look so we’re down three health right now i’m gonna go down to four hearts actually four and a half there we go there we go four and a half hours just to show you guys how much

This does and if i go ahead and drink one of these bad boys it does four hearts of healing which is literally insane because it means that we’re basically gonna be able to heal up a lot easier now and i’m surprised we got this far to be honest the days of golden apples

Is at an end but anyway that is not what we’re here for we’re here to go ahead and level 30 enchant my armor now now i’m gonna take this lapis and we’re gonna level 30 inch on the summer to make it a lot better so let’s start off by trying to find a

Protection for really that’s that’s kind of what i’m looking for there we go protection for i’m breaking three perfect look at that that is probably the best in charge i’ve got ever you have a protection for protection for protection fund and fire protection 3 to stop us from taking any fire damage

I’m going to go ahead and level 30 inch on a diamond sword to see what we can get on it so let’s go ahead over here i’m breaking three of is it worth the risk i think it is let’s see what we get and okay that’s not bad i’m breaking three

Super niche three and knockback two i think that is pretty good especially for a hardcore world where we’re trying to keep things back and stop things from getting close to us i think i’m also gonna go ahead and inch hunt some books to see what they can get so we can maybe

Put them on our armor okay sharpness too nice another sharpness two okay okay well hey let’s go ahead and put these things together because we can make this sword sharpness three already so if we go ahead and put the sharpness two on the sword now there we go and then put

Another sharpness to that sharpness three and now let’s go ahead and reset these books real fast let’s see what we can get uh we have 15 levels we might as well see what these other ones are if i expect 2 for level 30 i think that is what we need

We need to get to level 30 again but i’m going to save that i’m going to save that for when we get to level 30 again because i think right now this sword is pretty good it feels nice to finally be a lot stronger here in the world even

Though we haven’t really been having that much issue i think i think we’ve been doing pretty well here our next step in the hundred days here is getting into post and there is that one biome in the nether the blue warped forest i think it’s called where

A lot of enemies spawn so if we can get ludian three on our sword it should be pretty beneficial for killing those endermen so that’s our next plan here’s try and get a loot in three so if you guys remember a little bit earlier on here we got ourselves

A lock of the c3 fishing rod so i’m gonna go ahead and use that and do a little bit of fishing out here on the dock that i made to first of all get some levels and second of all maybe get some enchanted books maybe even a loot

In three book but yeah that is what i’m going to be doing here for the next i think probably ten ish days so i’m gonna go ahead and put my bed down on the dock here so we can time skip the nights because otherwise i’m just gonna be getting shot at all the

Time and let’s see let’s see what we can get from fishing here so i went ahead and used my rod interior broke and i managed to get some pretty good stuff i managed to get a protection three punch one powerful not back to book along with a dip straighter three smite four

Efficiency 4 book so those are probably a good ones for either a pickaxe and boots and another one for the bow which is going to be really good because i already have another power 4 that i can put together to make power 5. but unfortunately i did not get enough

Levels to start enchanting for the ludin 3 book and i also didn’t find a loot in 3 books so that meant i had to go back into the nether and continue mining that nether quartz to get a few more levels now i continued mining quartz all the way up to day 84

Where i had gotten myself 39 levels meaning i had enough to have some fun messing around with some level 30 chance to try and get that loot in okay so i just got back from the nether and half of me collecting these levels was probably like yesterday and half of it

Is today but it’s only one video for you guys so you guys wouldn’t really tell the difference but we’re currently on day 84 i believe yeah 84 and now i have a 39 levels i’m gonna go ahead and try and get loot in three so i don’t i didn’t get luna three from

Um fishing i probably already went over that so let me go ahead and put these in here let’s see if we can get some luden three somehow i’m also gonna go ahead and make another diamond sword because i feel like luden’s gonna have a higher

Chance shot on a sword and i can always just unenchant this if it doesn’t show up okay there we go with the lapis now let’s see we have a few chances here so okay that’s smite and that is fire aspect so i don’t really want either of them that’s only looting one

Okay infinity huh now infinity might actually be used for the dragon fight so i’m gonna go ahead and join that i think that’s actually gonna be a really really useful book but that means we’re gonna have a lot less chances now to go ahead and get that loot in so

Uh let’s just hope we can get it here so i’m breaking nope we’re getting it down to the wire here so we have a knockback so it’s not on the sword let’s see if the book has lewd in here oh no the book doesn’t have loot in it i mean i could try

In trying to knit a sharpness for and seeing if it gets me loaded i might just try that i can probably go ahead and unenchant this person 3 and soul speed to get that xp needed let’s just see what this sword is let’s go ahead and see

Let’s see just sharpness 4. of course it is just sharpness for oh my goodness well it’s a sign we just got to go to the nether without ludin and uh just kill more enderman apparently let’s go ahead and leave this all here and let’s head into the nether

Again because we’re gonna need to kill a bunch of these enemies and they’re gonna give us xp anyway so i don’t see why we should just waste our levels now so here let me head into the nether and head over to the blue warped forest i think

It is that’s where all the endermen live so after a little bit of searching i managed to find the warp forest and i just started searching for the endermen and started killing them for their pearls so it took a little bit time because obviously they weren’t all

Spawning all the time but once i found one or two i found a few more quite quickly they became a lot easier to spot from the to spot against the blue background and i just kept farming them okay will you be our last one come on i just need

14 i need one more pearl one more pearl buddy yes there we go okay perfect perfect so now we have 14 ender paws definitely took longer than i thought it would if i press f3 what dare we on weren’t day 90 oh no oh no this is bad

That means we’re gonna have ten more days to kill the ender dragon okay well here i’m gonna head on back to our home portal and i guess we can start making these final end dragon preparations i i think i made the decision that we’re not gonna fight the weather

This time but if you guys want me to do another 100 days 100 days to 200 days then let me know with a comment down below and the weather will definitely be on that list but i think we’re just going to stick to the end dragon one

Boss because again like i said if i press f3 we only have 10 more days and that is very very very scary at least in my eyes so what i’m going to go ahead and do is make 14 eyes of ender just to be safe because that’s that’s

Why i grabbed this many so we turn those all into blaze powder turn those into isovender that means we have our 14 eyes of ender now i need to make our last i guess preparations before this fight happens this is gonna be all or nothing right here we’re gonna

Make our last preparations and i think that also includes oh my god i’m so close to level 30. okay let me let me go back to another real quick i need to grab a little bit more quartz okay and that should do the trick a little bit more nether quartz there and

Now we have level 30 we should be able to enchant that bow so here let me go ahead and check it out okay bo thank you i have the lapis already on me which means let’s go ahead and do this and flame is that really what we want i

Guess we don’t really have a choice flame on breaking you know i i’ll take it i will take it so let’s go ahead and add our other enchants onto there let me get rid of all of these things in my inventory because you really don’t need all this

So you want the power for the other power for and then the infinity there so let’s go ahead and put the first powerful on there just like that and then we’ll go ahead and put the other powerful on and then the infinity and there we go we have our ender dragon

Killing a bow and now i think i want to go ahead and upgrade my sword if i can that is so we don’t have any sharpness books i don’t think so can i just put this with this maybe 29 levels what about this way nine

Levels okay so we just need a few more levels and then we can get our sword up to a sharpness of four which would be pretty nice so here i’m gonna just prep up everything that i’m gonna need for this dragon fight and i guess we’re in the final days now i’m just

Gonna probably make a few more potions make a little bit more healing and just make sure i’m ready for this because honestly i’m i’m quite scared this could all go terribly wrong or this could all go terribly right so i guess we will see once i have everything ready and just

Like that on day 93 i was ready to go i had gone ahead and made a bunch of instant health 2 potions strength 2 potions i’d also cut down all the trees out the front of my house made some more golden apples upgraded my sword to sharpness 4

And i felt confident that i could kill this ender dragon so i stashed away the rest of the gold that i had ate up a slice of steak and got joey ready for our one last ride before leaving i also noticed that the sun was actually

Going down so i decided to wait around a little bit just until the sun would go down so that would be leaving in the daytime so as the sun set in my world and i watched it set for one last time i took a rest in my bed and we started our journey

Towards the end polo so what i was doing at this point it was actually looking for any strange structures under the water to see if i could maybe see the stronghold without actually having to throw anything but i didn’t seem to find anything so on day 96 i had finally found the portal

My eye of ender had switched directions meaning i was getting very very close and here it was directly beneath the savannah plateau so i tied up joey to make sure he would stay safe and started digging okay we should be pretty much here now so my eyes offender have led me here

Now let’s see if we can find the stronghold for the first time ever in this world oh boy this is gonna be fun i’ve never ever fought the ender dragon by myself on hardcore mode to be honest so i’m not expecting me to do crazy well but hopefully hopefully we can do

Something so i’m just gonna keep oh i keep forgetting that i need to not take full damage because obviously this is hardcore okay i hear i hear a zombie oh wait we’re here we’re here let’s go okay we found the stronghold we found the stronghold now

Time to find the spawner room and also be careful not to take any damage because we only brought limited healing which is you know a thing oh hey there buddy um i’m actually going to kill you because you could be kind of useful for getting to the main island if the

Platform is kind of far away come on drop an enderphile drop in the boat drop it in the pool let’s go okay that’s that’s clutch okay now we just need to find the portal room now we just need to find the portal room okay we found the portal room and we

Can’t take any damage from these little guys well here we go all or nothing i’m gonna go ahead and do that last but not least oh wait no that was the last but not least there we go the important has been created on day 90 what is it 96 we have four days

To kill the ender dragon can we do it let’s see now let’s start the final fight mr ender dragon you’re mine buddy okay one oh he’s already shooting at me he’s already shooting things i mean two we’re two for two right now though okay this is good this is good this is good

Take that guy out okay oh my we don’t miss oh but he’s shooting at us he will probably not miss either okay okay well here let’s take out these cage ones right here i can shoot right through that little hole there i think this might be the last tower i don’t know how

Many i’ve taken out but we just can’t get smacked away because that would be a lot of damage if we get smacked up into the air aim a little lower down but also not too high up oh i think we got it i think i think i saw the animation of us

Getting it now let’s go ahead and start taking out this dragon he’s gonna be finding that but we can take him out oh look he’s not region and he’s so bad we actually have this in the bag right now we actually have this game in the

Bag this was meant to be ultra hardcore i feel like this is the easiest dragonfight i’ve ever done when jerome’s not blowing you up with beds it definitely makes things a lot easier if i go ahead and stand right here and make sure i’m crouched i should

Be able to do quite hefty damage to his head okay so we need to wait for him to rest and choose which way he’s facing oh buddy you’re loud you’re very loud right now okay look at that chunking damage right there oh my goodness we are absolutely chunking him right now

And he is very very loud right now as well oh my okay okay mr ender dragon it’s game over for him say goodbye to dragon say goodbye hey let’s go gg i’m going to get out of there because i want to get the dragon egg here oh my goodness that is

Very very loud in my air hose right there but there we go let’s collect all of this juicy juicy juicy xp lovely lovely look at all of that oh that is that is good that is very nice and let me go ahead and grab the grab the dragon egg thank you kind sir

And we can get rid of that and there we go the next generation the ender dragon egg and 66 levels we can definitely do a lot more enchanting but here we go the ender dragon has been defeated and we are going home there we go

G g okay so we’re back home at our bed i’m gonna sleep in the bed one last time here and it is currently day 97 so we have survived 100 days i think i’m gonna spend these next days just watching the sunset relaxing with joe with joe oh no

Joey’s still at the portal oh goodness okay well it looks like we’re gonna have to spend these next days just going back to joey and spending our time here but i think that is where we’re gonna end it that is where we are gonna end the episode and what a better place

To put my ender dragon egg then right there show it off to all of these mobs that keep spawning at my face but yeah if you guys did enjoy this 100 days and you want me to do another 100 days day 100 to day 200 and let me know whether comment down below

And a like on this video blow this video up if you want another one and also if you guys are new to the channel go ahead and hit that sub button but other than that hopefully you guys didn’t enjoy it and i’ll see you guys all again next time peace You

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in ULTRA HARDCORE MINECRAFT… This is what happened.’, was uploaded by Henwy on 2021-03-03 00:15:01. It has garnered 934266 views and 26119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:18 or 2598 seconds.

I Spent 100 Days in ULTRA HARDCORE MINECRAFT… This is what happened.

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Henwy http://youtube.com/Henwy

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    PremiumMC.NetName: PremiumMC Server IP: PremiumMC.Net Version: 1.16.5 Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/4U837tqs2u Who Are We?โ€ƒโ€ƒ โ€ƒโ€ƒWe are PremiumMC! Our server brings alot to the table. We offer Towny with many different plugins to make it a unique experience for everyone! Make new friends here in our server, all of our members are friendly and love to meet new people. Lots to explore with over 220 new custom enchantments that bring in a whole different type of pvping. Get Legendary Loot from beating our custom dungeons with custom Bosses. Be inspired by our community builds and take part yourself and meet new friends… Read More

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    Welcome to our Minecraft SMP Server! We have created a thriving Minecraft vanilla SMP server within our gaming discord community. Join us for regular streams, roleplay, major build projects, and a welcoming community. Seeking Builders and Players If you enjoy being part of a fun, chill, and active community similar to hermitcraft, then this server is for you! Show off your building skills and your creations may even be featured in our next season’s trailer. Rules and Guidelines We keep things simple – just be mature and respectful towards others. We do not tolerate disruptive behavior. Our server is mostly… Read More

  • World of Life and War

    World of Life and WarLife and War is a multiplayer server owned by the YouTuber MATTCASTGAMING where you can fight in wars, protect the leader of your nation, or join the simple way of life and become a farmer, own a shop or even pizzeria! Work hard and maybe even buy a mansion! We have awesome mods for the server and even sports cars! Join the discord for the extra mods to join!Life and War YouTube๏ปฟ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: Do NOT Open – Highly Spicy!”

    I guess clicking that link is like playing Russian roulette with your Minecraft game! Read More

  • YASIN CRAFT: The Hottest Minecraft Memes๐Ÿ”ฅ

    YASIN CRAFT: The Hottest Minecraft Memes๐Ÿ”ฅ “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it and now you’re stuck inside like a clueless Sim.” #minecraftproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿšช Read More

  • Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update

    Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update Minecraft Mode Big Update in Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The popular game is getting a big update that will introduce new features and enhance the overall gaming experience. But that’s not all – this update will also bring a unique twist by incorporating Indian bikes driving in 3D gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this upcoming update! New Features and Enhancements The Minecraft update promises to deliver a host of new features that will keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end. From new biomes and creatures to enhanced graphics and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of challenging yourself in Minecraft like Raido Gamerz? If so, you’ll love the Minewind server. Imagine surviving not just 100, but 150 days in a world full of surprises and adventures. Join a community of dedicated players who push the limits of what’s possible in Minecraft. Experience the thrill of exploring new lands, battling fierce mobs, and building your own unique creations. Connect with fellow gamers on Minewind without any limits or boundaries. The possibilities are endless, just like Raido Gamerz’s 150-day survival journey. Ready to take on the challenge? Join us… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features! Welcome to the Minecraft 1.21 Update Review! Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Minecraft 1.21 Update! Get ready to dive into the exciting new features, enhancements, and changes that this latest release brings to the beloved sandbox game. Exploring the New Features In this video, we take a close look at all the additions and improvements introduced in Minecraft 1.21. From new mobs and blocks to gameplay tweaks and optimizations, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this update. New Additions One of the highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 Update is the introduction of… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Realistic Mahakal Statue REVEALED! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #shorts #trending #bholenath

    "Mind-Blowing Realistic Mahakal Statue REVEALED! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #shorts #trending #bholenathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mahakal realistic statue โค๏ธโค๏ธ #shorts #trending #bholenath #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aaruu OP on 2024-03-22 01:49:31. It has garnered 480 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. the frustrated gamer,building a conduit in minecraft,the frustrated gamer baldi,exploring ocean in minecraft,becoming the most evil wizard in hogwarts legacy,the frustrated gamer harry potter,the frustrated gamer baldis basics,the frustrated gamer hogwarts legacy,first time playing minecraft in 6 years,100 days in minecraft,the frustrated gamer talking tom,the frustrated gamer talking tom 2,fooling my friends with a block morph mod in minecraft! Description command prompt,minecraft… Read More

  • Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash Parvat

    Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash ParvatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mystery of Ronakpur: The Haunted Seed” mystery of kailash parvat’, was uploaded by STAR KING AR BOY on 2024-03-20 07:55:30. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:02 or 182 seconds. Mystery of Ronakpur: The Haunted Seed” mystery of kailash parvat seed in hindi seed part 2 seed in minecraft https://www.facebook.com/ahmed.bro.980967?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://www.instagram.com/3d__anime_?igsh=dnhxYTFyamFwYnN2 ranakpur temple ranakpur jain temple ranakpur dham mystery of love mystery of antarctica mystery of the world mystery of db cooper mystery of kailash parvat mystery of love sufjan stevens mystery of flight 571 mystery of… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts’, was uploaded by TM GAMING 5M on 2024-01-08 01:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure – Day 9 Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure - Day 9 Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival โ›๏ธ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ”ฅ| Day 9 -| Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by Jeet Plays on 2024-01-17 17:06:18. It has garnered 68 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds. Minecraft Survival โ›๏ธ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ”ฅ| Day 9 -| Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ด minecraft live #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcjava #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #minecraftsmp ______________________________________________________________ My Social Media Handles….๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Join Our Discord Server๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ˜ : https://discord.com/invite/RpSNtNQzuq Follow Me Now On Instagram โžก https://www.instagram.com/jeet_plays/ Follow Me On Twitter โžก https://twitter.com/jeet_plays ๐Ÿ™‚ ___________________________________________________________________________ IF INTERESTED… Read More

  • INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! ๐Ÿ˜‚ | Minecraft Shorts

    INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! ๐Ÿ˜‚ | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trolling in fb fights;) #minecraft #troll #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-04-04 18:28:26. It has garnered 894 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftpvp #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #pvp #minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftonly #funny #minecraftpe #minecraftdaily #skywars #minecrafters #youtube #freethenipplemovement #minecraftbedrock #zovax #fortniteitiemshop #freevbucks #hypixel #minecraftideas #minecraftbuild #fortniteskins #ps #minecrafter #mcpe #gaming #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge!’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2024-01-18 01:00:07. It has garnered 102003 views and 4079 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:42 or 4122 seconds. BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge! Watch The ENTIRE Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzU1WGaioAw&list=PLQC4xQiZPCR_SkOpyJ3fuHvu_UF1Ine-l BECOME A MEMBER: https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixir/join Follow Me: Twitter – https://twitter.com/RageElixir Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/rageelixirgram/ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@imrageelixir Discord – https://discord.gg/rageelixir-ragenation-722299575427268629 My Other Channels: RageElixir Vlogs – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirVlogs Gaming Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirGames Minecraft Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirMinecraft Roblox / Games Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirPlays Reaction Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirPlus Intro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbWoEPaNyvw Another… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE & SEEK with QUEEN ELSA ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS ๐Ÿ˜ฑ| QUEEN ELSA’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-01-07 07:40:46. It has garnered 503 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS ๐Ÿ˜ฑ| QUEEN ELSA ๐Ÿ’™๐““๐“ป๐“ธ๐“น ๐“ช ๐“›๐“˜๐“š๐“” ๐“˜ ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ฌ๐“ฒ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฎ ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ“ข[ INSTAGRAM ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://www.instagram.com/queeen__elsaa/ ๐Ÿ“ข[ Discord ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://discord.gg/ZbkKfKmmgp ๐Ÿ“ข[ Rooter ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://www.rooter.gg/profile/2056059966 ๐Ÿ“ข[ SMP IP ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ DISCORD JOIN KRO๐Ÿ’— WAHAN GENERAL CHAT PER IP MILEGA๐Ÿ’™ AND INGAME USERNAME CHAT PER BATAO ๐ŸฅžAND WHITELIST HO JAAO… Read More

  • Mysticite – Unbelievable Clutch! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts #hypixel

    Mysticite - Unbelievable Clutch! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Clutch Was INSANE ๐Ÿ”ฅ#hypixel #shorts #minemen’, was uploaded by Mysticite on 2024-01-16 09:59:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IGN: MMysticite1 #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin … Read More

  • Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadness

    Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-02-13 16:15:17. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video @YesSmartyPie @AnshuBisht minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house small minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft live 2023 minecraft 100 days minecraft live 2022 minecraft hacks download… Read More

  • AlgidPrisons

    AlgidPrisonsAlgidPrisons is a new upcoming Prison server, it stated on the 05/06/2020. We hope to be one of the most active Prison servers out there and we will keep on improving until we reach our goal! We got a casino, lots of mines and vote crates! Read More

  • Wisteria Fields – modded, whitelist

    Welcome to Our New Server! We are looking for builders and casual players to help expand our world. Our main goal is to incorporate lore and eventually open up the server as an SMP. This Java server has 80 mods including The Aether, Botania, Biomes Oโ€™ Plenty, The Twilight Forest, and more. We are welcoming adults only and have a few rules that must be followed. Message me on Discord at daisyfacedkilla for more information or to join. Read More

  • MadCraft

    MadCraftDive into the chaos of MadCraft! Welcome to the wildest ride in Minecraft! Experience the thrill of near-Vanilla anarchy on our server where freedom reigns supreme. With minimal rules, you’re the master of your own destiny. Build, destroy, conquer – it’s all up to you! Join MadCraft now and unleash your inner madness. Let the adventure begin! IP: MadCraft.cloud https://discord.gg/X4t42mATrz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    Minecraft Memes - I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on ๐Ÿ’ฅWow, this meme is so crispy it’s practically a snack! Read More

  • Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start

    Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start In Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, we take a dive, Into a world where memories thrive. Nostalgia hits hard, like a wave of the past, As we embark on this journey, it’s sure to last. The perfect start, in this version so dear, Brings back the joy, the fun, the cheer. With every block we break, every mob we fight, We’re reminded of why Minecraft feels just right. So join us on this adventure, filled with delight, As we explore, build, and survive the night. And if you enjoy this content, don’t be shy, Hit that sub button, and let’s reach… Read More

  • Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles

    Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the top 10 highlights of the recent Minecraft 1.20.5 update. But before we dive into that, have you ever thought about exploring new Minecraft servers to enhance your gaming experience? While watching a YouTube video about Minecraft updates, you might have come across the idea of joining different servers to meet new players, engage in exciting challenges, and discover unique gameplay features. One server that stands out among the rest is Minewind. Minewind offers a thrilling… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Creepy Minecraft Encounter

    Herobrine's Creepy Minecraft Encounter The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can be an exhilarating experience, but for those brave enough to delve into the realm of mods, a whole new level of terror awaits. One such mod that has been sending shivers down players’ spines is the terrifying horror mod that introduces Herobrine and the Cave Dweller. Herobrine: The Mysterious Entity Herobrine is a legendary figure in the Minecraft community, often described as a ghostly presence that haunts players in the game. With his glowing white eyes and eerie demeanor, encountering Herobrine can send chills down even… Read More

  • Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!

    Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The Wonderful World Of Minecraft Magic Mods’, was uploaded by anlog on 2024-04-24 01:26:51. It has garnered 1619 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. Thank You For Watching! Second Scripted Video, Hope Ive Improved Some!! Outro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGDdl33N9Oc&ab_channel=Cartmemes Screen Recorder https://obsproject.com/ Video Editor https://www.vegascreativesoftware.com Music Used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuySSmW5cfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHo4lfcMt1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONbX9QCL36k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLAVnDI03To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BGTcKITaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN5EqlWzH_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atgjKEgSqSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdSb-x49Nac Sources: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1274297-1-6-6-crystals-that-grow-in-light-powerful-magic https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/wizardcraft-120414/ https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mantle https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/Thaumcraft#:~:text=Thaumcraft’s%20name%20and%20fame%20were,expanding%20on%20in-world%20structures. https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1279034-1-2-5-thaumcraft-2-1-6d-outdated https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1286036-ars-magica-v5-52-014-updated-august-2-1-5-2 https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1287110-xenos-reliquary-v1-0-6d https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/dbwhzf/lets_talk_about_electrobobs_wizardry/ https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1290532-1-10-2-1-9-4-blood-magic-v2-1-0-65-updated-sept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica (yes i do not care that imma just cite wikipedia) https://www.reddit.com/r/botania/ https://mcgeneral.fandom.com/wiki/Botania https://web.archive.org/web/20120129031445/http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/364525-110-equivalent-exchange-v616/ https://forums.technicpack.net/topic/46359-please-add-a-magic-mod/ Videos Used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_14UuARmIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcf9FM4TbN4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m465HXRvoiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z_jRem510g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XkMcuIEw2s… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvS7PpNgoU&t=3s IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More

I Spent 100 Days in ULTRA HARDCORE MINECRAFT… This is what happened.