I Spent 700 Hours Getting as Rich as Possible in Minecraft…

Video Information

I spent 700 hours getting as rich as possible in minecraft here’s what happened so after dedicating the last two or so years of my life to getting this really op sword i realized i had now created a problem for myself i was extremely poor which usually wouldn’t

Even be an issue i mean my challenge requires me to grind for everything myself anyways so what do i even need money for well as it turns out a lot of things want to fight these bosses for some insane loot that’ll cost you 10 million coins an hour want to buy this

Item for a 5 stat boost 80 million coins how about getting the golden dragon pet aka the best pet in the game 1 billion coins so yeah long story short being poor just isn’t gonna cut it for me anymore so it’s time to get rich and

My first thought to get some money fast is to just go ahead and farm like i’ve always done i mean as you can see i already have like 10 layers of massive farms set up here so that would be the ideal solution for me unfortunately

There is going to be one kind of big problem with this solution so at the moment netherwart is the most profitable crop so if i just go ahead and farm this for five minutes so that got me roughly 11 stacks of enchanted netherwart which i can then go

Ahead and sell and that made me about 200 000 coins which isn’t too bad that means if i did this for a full hour i could make like 2.4 million coins but when i’m talking about potentially getting an item that could cost 1 billion coins or more 2.4 million an

Hour isn’t gonna cut it i would have to do that for over 400 hours to get a billion coins so i’m gonna have to figure something else out which brings us to the next issue because usually if a player needed money they would just take advantage of the auction house or

The bazaar and sell some items to other players for a bunch of coins but of course my challenge prevents me from selling or trading any items to other players so that leaves me with my only option being to sell items like netherwart that can be sold to the npcs

For a set amount of coins so what can i do to make a bunch of money while still only selling to npcs mine glass which to those of you not familiar with hypixel skyblock probably sounds like a joke but i’m 100 serious because in skyblock this

Glass isn’t actually glass at all and if i go ahead and mine some of it you’ll see i get a bunch of stuff called ruby gemstone in my inventory and each of these gemstones can be sold to the npc for a whopping three coins which isn’t a

Lot but as you saw each time i mine one of these blocks i’m actually getting a lot more than one ruby and as you improve your setup it can quickly add up like right here is an insane example this video uploaded a couple months ago by your local sad man shows him getting

40 million coins per hour from mining gemstones with that being said though the amount you make from gemstones totally depends on how good your mining gear is and after doing a little test with the gear i currently had access to i realized i would only be making like

200 000 coins per hour so if i wanted to start making the big bucks i was gonna have to get to work on upgrading my gear and so the first thing i set out to do was complete a crystal nucleus run which basically involves just completing a

Bunch of different quests and in return you’ll get rewarded with some random loot that ranges from some decent starter mining items and pets all the way up to some materials that can be used to craft the best mining items in the game the loot from this first run

Though was pretty uneventful and the only decent thing i really got was this pickaxe which was definitely better than the one i was currently using but it could only be used to mine 5000 blocks before it would break thankfully though these nucleus runs can be done as many

Times as you’re willing to complete those same quests over and over again so i immediately got right back at it and this time around i managed to drop a prehistoric egg which i could hatch into an armadillo pet unfortunately when it did finally hatch i got kind of unlucky

Because it turned out to be the lowest rarity are you kidding me oh my god well that sucks on the bright side of things though the rarity of the armadillo pet could be upgraded for pretty cheap so i got together all the materials i would need and upgraded mine

To the legendary rarity and now that i had a decent starter mining setup i decided it’d be a good time to start working towards my first gemstone drill which in order to craft would require a drill engine a fuel tank and roughly 38 000 ruby gemstone thankfully i had

Already made a drill engine and fuel tank a few days prior because i knew i was going to be going for this drill soon and i was actually able to get the 38 000 ruby gemstone super quickly with this new mining setup as you’ll see throughout this video though when it

Comes to mining stuff crafting is almost never instantaneous instead you usually have to visit the forge and wait anywhere from a few minutes to a few days in order for your item to be crafted luckily though the forge time for this first drill is only an hour so

I didn’t have to wait long as soon as i got it though i decided to just immediately start grinding for the upgrade to tier two because i had a feeling it could be done pretty quick so i spent the next couple of hours mining a bunch of gemstones

And then killing a bunch of these slimes and boom just like that i had now acquired the tier 2 gemstone drill and don’t get me wrong this thing was definitely decent for the price but it was not going to be capable of making me the millions and millions of coins i was

Trying to get so for my next upgrade i decided to swing for the fences and go for the third best mining tool in the entire game the gemstone gauntlet crafting this thing though was not going to be cheap as it requires 4 million ruby gemstone before i set out on this

Insane grind for these rubies though i decided to try and get one last upgrade to my setup the bow pet because while the armadillo pet i was currently using was totally fine the bow pet actually has an ability that will increase all of your stats by 15 in the magma fields

Which just happens to be the ideal place to mine rubies and all you have to do to grind for the bow pet is to hit the bow boss one problem though each hit has an approximately 1 in 10 000 chance of dropping the pet but if i was gonna

Attempt to mine four million ruby gemstone i basically needed to get this thing so i started grinding for it well now it doesn’t he’s saying now it doesn’t burn love anymore but he’s saying when it first like the update first came out oh i got it i got it i

Got it where is it where is it where is it i’m panicking where is it at it did not burn if it burns i’m done i don’t see it oh there it is oh it’s epic gross okay well we at least we got it okay we got

It we got it we got it so yeah even though i had dropped the pet i now had another issue because only the legendary version of the pet has the ability i’m looking for so my epic wasn’t gonna cut it in order to upgrade it though i would

First need to grind a hundred of a drop called yagi’s from bal’s minion so i spent the next couple of hours doing that and then upgraded my pet to legendary there you go now usually this would be a 10-day upgrade thankfully i have some bits saved up and

We can go waste all of them on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten cat flowers my god and boom level 33 legendary battle so you can see right there the maid of lava gained five percent on all stats when inside the magma fields that one at level 100

Obviously goes up to 15 which is where it gets pretty good before i started grinding for the gauntlet though i decided to do a little test to see how much ruby i’d be able to get per hour so i knew approximately how long this grind should take and i calculated that i

Could mine about 200 000 rubies per hour so to get all 4 million would be about a 20 hour grind definitely a solid amount of time but i had conquered much worse during my time on hypixel skyblock so i got to work about halfway into this

Grind though i had started to get a little bit bored so i took a quick break to do another one of those crystal nucleus runs from earlier and something absolutely insane happened boom crystal loot bundle has been obtained ruby crystal is that any good uh i think it’s unfortunate oh my god what

What oh my god oh my god oh my god you can’t make this up you cannot make this up you literally cannot make that up now if you’re not a hypixel skyblock player you might not understand why i was freaking out this much but this item

The devons alloy has a drop chance of approximately 1 in 8 000 nucleus runs and can be used to craft the best mining item in the entire game the devon’s drill and do you know how many nucleus runs it took me to drop it 18. i mean that is just impossibly lucky

When i got my necrons handle which is about a one in a thousand drop in under 500 runs i was freaking out but getting this drop on my 18th nucleus run is like a hundred times more rare than that and if that’s not crazy enough for you just

Listen to what i was saying right before i got the drop warp please okay do you guys want to come to nucleus to witness the alloy drop if you did not predict now you did not get to predict in the great rage train alloy drop prediction

You will be sad for the rest of your life that you did not participate here wait i’ll open it some more who wants to be here for the ally drive i’m actually just going to pretend it’s happening yeah not sure how it happened but apparently for a brief moment in

Time i became a literal psychic and crazy things just kept happening because a little later on as i was mining i was suddenly teleported into the sponsor of today’s video rec room rec room is a free to play online game with open world voice chat where you can explore

Millions of different rooms and games with your friends the game is also cross-play which means that everyone gets to play together regardless of their platform or device so you and your friends can play together on your iphone ipad android playstation xbox your vr headset pretty much anything you can

Think of and rec room also has a really awesome community which makes it super easy to find new people to party up and play games with what are you doing back here man you messing with the coffee here i was go steal it you wanna bust on

Maybe i might like i literally found this awesome group of players who added me and invited me to their party when i was just walking around one of the rooms so if all of that sounds interesting to you you can use this qr code on screen

Right now or click my link down in the description below to download the game it’s completely free and a ton of fun so make sure you check it out now getting that insanely lucky though and dropping an alloy kinda caused a massive shift in my plans because before it would have

Made the most sense to just grind for the gemstone gauntlet and be done there let that be my best mining tool for the foreseeable future but now that i had gotten ridiculously lucky and dropped an alloy it kind of made a lot more sense to just shoot for the stars and grind

For the devon’s drill as well but that was going to be a crazy amount of additional grinding so it was time to kick things up a notch and first i decided to finish mining all of the rubies i would need to craft the gemstone gauntlet because even though i

Just said that it’s no longer going to be my long-term mining tool it would still be by far my best option while i worked towards the devon’s drill and after doing a quick test with this thing to see how many coins i could now make per hour it was clear that grinding for

This upgrade was well worth it because in only a 15 minute span i was able to get about 215 000 rubies which meant that i could now make 2.5 million coins an hour with my setup i had finally surpassed my nether wart money and there were still a massive amount of upgrades

I could do and i immediately began working towards the next one this time i was looking to get a full set of sorrow armor which is the second best mining set in the game eventually i did want to upgrade to devon’s armor which is the

Best mining set in the game but i still had a long ways to go before i could get that so just like my gemstone gauntlet the sorrow armor would be great in the meantime but in order to craft this sorrow armor i would need to grind 72 of

A drop called sorrow from these ghost mobs each of these ghosts though have 1 million hp and dropping a sorrow from one of them is about a one in a thousand chance so this was going to take a while but approximately 20 hours of grinding later

I was able to craft the armor there we go full set of sorrow armor was not even that bad honestly then i spent a little bit of time grinding up some upgrades for this new armor set and for my gemstone gauntlet and did another quick little money test to see how this new

Setup would fare and this time the results actually kind of shocked me because i was able to get enough ruby to make roughly 4.2 million coins an hour so it seemed like everything with this grind had kind of just been going perfectly so far but then i made one of

My biggest mistakes ever so basically there’s a mob called the worm which if i dig in a straight tunnel for long enough you’ll see a worm has spawned now every time one of these worms spawns there’s approximately a one in six chance of it being a scada worm and then that’s gay

The worm has a small chance to drop the appropriately named skay the pet which is a very very good mining pet but you might be wondering now why would i want another mining pet when i already said i had the bow pet which is the best pet

For mining rubies well because when it comes to mining almost anything else in the rest of the game the scada pet is actually the better mining pet but previously i would have never even considered going for the skate the pet because it had a one in a thousand

Chance of dropping from a skate the worm and even with good efficiency you can only hope to spawn like five to six scathers an hour so i just wasn’t interested in spending over 200 hours grinding for a singular mining pet but then the admins decided to cut the drop

Rate all the way down by 75 meaning it was now only about a 1 in 250 drop and on top of that if you got your magic find and pet luck levels to a reasonable amount you could basically get the drop to be above a one percent chance and so

With that high of a drop rate it should only take about 15 to 20 hours on average to drop and you could even get lucky and dropping in way less than that so naturally i decided to grind for it cause i’m usually pretty lucky so what could possibly go wrong

Well over a hundred hours later i found out that pretty much everything can go wrong because after killing over 350 scadas and also honestly starting to feel like i was going crazy from mining in a straight line for so long i still had not dropped a pet and so i decided

This grind simply wasn’t worth it anymore and i just needed to move on but i had spent so much time doing this that i was having a really hard time moving on so i convinced myself to try for one more day before officially just giving up uh You probably you can’t really do too much until oh my god yes i don’t care if it’s rare it’s done finally finally finally yes so yeah it turns out that one extra day of grinding ended up being a pretty good idea also if you’re confused as to

Why just this one random part of the video includes facecam it’s because when i was streaming this over on my twitch channel which by the way you should join my discord so that you get notifications for all my streams and videos link in the description but basically these

Streams of me mining in a straight line for six hours straight were so incredibly boring that i figured i needed something to spice it up so i threw on face cam anyways though i spent the next couple of hours leveling up my beautiful new pet and then got started

On my next grind and what did i decide to follow up my painfully boring grind for the skada with you may ask somehow an even more painfully boring grind so basically there’s this thing called heart of the mountain which is another huge part of how to make a lot of coins

With mining but i’ve been avoiding talking about it up until this point cause i’m trying really hard not to scare away the non-skyvlog players and it’s a little bit complicated but to keep it as simple as possible it’s basically just a big skill tree that you

Can level up to get more perks like mining speed mining fortune and a ton of other things but in order to actually level these perks you need to collect both mithril and gemstone powder so how do you get mithril and gemstone powder well by mining mithril and gemstone of

Course nope just kidding that apparently would have made too much sense for the admins instead the best way to get powder by far is to mine a bunch of this block called hearthstone which yes by the way non-skyblock players this does look exactly like stone and it basically

Is but for some reason we call it hearthstone in skyblock but eventually after i mine this stuff for long enough i should get a treasure chest to spawn there we go and then if i hover over these little particles here it will open the chest and in chat you’ll see i’ve

Received 1 000 gemstone powder and to show you how much better that is than actually mining gemstones themselves i currently have 22 068 gemstone powder and if i go and mine a gemstone i now have 22 078 gemstone powder so that gemstone block gave me 10. let’s mine

Another one maybe it was a fluke let’s just see 22 088 okay i’m just getting really unlucky let’s mind one more 22 098 wow so in order to get the same amount of gemstone powder from mining these that i got from that one singular chest i would need to mine a hundred

Gemstone blocks and if that doesn’t seem ridiculous enough for you let me open another one of these to see if i can get it to happen yeah you can see right here in chat i got both gemstone and mithril powder from that chest right there so

Not only is it way better than actually mining the blocks themselves but you can basically do both at the same time anyways enough complaining for me so after getting started on this grind i was able to calculate using a mod that i was getting roughly 70 to 80 000 of each

Powder every single hour which seems pretty decent but it is basically universally accepted in the skyblock community that you need to get to at least 4 million of each powder if you want to have a good mining setup which meant that i was looking at another 50

Hours minimum of powder grinding on the bright side though i was at least able to accomplish two things at once while doing this because by mining the hearthstone with an item called the jungle pickaxe i could also accumulate sludge juice at the exact same time which eventually to craft that devon’s

Armor i talked about earlier i would need over 22 000 sludge juice so it was a good time to get started it actually even ended up taking an additional 10 hours or so of mining to finish up all of the sludge juice i needed after i was

Done powder grinding so it was a good thing i got started when i did when i was finished though i took a look at my hearthstone collection and found out i had mined 15.8 million hearthstone in the process of doing all that and then i met my new mortal enemy

I mean at first glance the forger seems like a pretty innocent guy right how could this face possibly be evil well if you remember earlier when i was talking about forging those first couple of gemstone drills you’ll remember me discussing the different amounts of times it takes to forge things so if i

Head over to the ore section here you can see something like a piece of refined titanium takes eight hours and 24 minutes to forge and you even have five forged slots at a time so technically if you needed a lot of refined titanium you could forge five

Every eight hours so how much refined titanium was i gonna need for my mac setup you might ask a hundred and twenty and that’s just the titanium i was also gonna need over a hundred and fifty refined mithril oh and not to mention over a hundred refined diamonds and so

When i started to do the math on how long it was going to take me to forge all of this stuff i panicked because basically the math came out to be that if my forge was not full 100 of the time from that moment onwards i was never going to upload a

Youtube video again so over the course of the next like week or so i went full sweat mode and mined ridiculous amounts of mithril and titanium like honestly if i hadn’t been able to listen to podcasts and watch youtube videos on my other monitor while

I was doing all this mining i might have gone insane cause it was just too much grinding for one man to handle and now i was finally in the home stretch of this grind with the only two things missing being the devon’s armor and the devon’s

Drill and i decided to focus on the armor first and save the drill for last since that was kind of the holy grail of mining and to actually make the armor set i would once again have to return to nucleus runs to try and get my hands on

24 davon fragments and surprisingly i kinda had some terrible luck when it came to getting these things because as i came down to my last set of items for nucleus runs i still only had 22 devon fragments meaning that if i didn’t get two more fragments on this exact run i

Was gonna have to do a ton more grinding i actually want to look at it i’m so done with these nucleus runs please at least one oh times two yes times two oh it’s over thank god oh my god oh my thank god it’s done oh my god

We needed that we needed that so bad we needed that so bad oh finally on the flip side of things though earlier in those nucleus runs on about my 40th or so run i managed to get insanely lucky again not looking promising oh wait i actually got a clue

Oh my god this nucleus luck is actually disgusting dude the command is broken right now i can’t even check how many i have i am telling you i have less than 40 runs total though that is alloy and alloy claw and all my jada rolls in less

Than 40 runs for those of you who aren’t aware the quick claw just so happens to be the best mining pet item in the entire game and how rare is it from a nucleus run about 1 in 400 which means i had now gotten the 1 in 8 000 alloy and

The 1 in 400 quick claw in less than 40 nucleus runs now i’m definitely not a math expert but i’m pretty sure that the odds of that happening are literally like equivalent to winning the lottery so i guess some people win 50 billion dollars and others get some cool items

In a video game but now that i had all 24 devon fragments i could finally start forging the armor and get to work on my next grind and this next grind was gonna be a bit of a painful one because i was gonna have to acquire 20 gemstone

Chambers which i think deserve a little bit of an explanation so basically this is another thing i haven’t really talked about in this video but part of upgrading your mining setup is putting gemstones on the armor and the important gemstones are amber which gives mining speed jade which gives mining fortune

And topaz which gives you pristine which this one is by far the most important because it basically lets you drop higher to your gemstones and the top tier of each gemstone is the perfect version which requires roughly 2.5 million of that respective gemstone and in order to max out my devon’s armor and

Drill i would need 10 perfect jade 10 perfect amber and 5 perfect topaz which works out to roughly 62 million gemstones total but don’t worry i’m not planning on grinding all 62 million of these gemstones in like some crazy streak at the end here i actually had been working on getting these all

Throughout the grind and basically had them all done at this point but that’s where these gemstone chambers come into play because in order to actually put all of these gemstones onto my devon’s armor i need those 20 chambers and in order to make those 20 chambers i need 2

000 of an item called worm membrane and the way you get this warm membrane is what i was referring to when i said this was going to be a pretty boring grind because essentially you just create a little lava fishing area and fish up as many of these worms as your brain can

Handle and so after roughly 30 to 40 hours of this mind-numbing fishing process i was down to my last membrane all right i think this might be the last time i ever have to kill these worms right here i currently need eight more membranes to finish off the amount i

Need i’m about to do the clear for our little loot chair party here i’m not even gonna look at my inventory till they’re all cleared out and just pray that i have enough please you’re kidding me i’m one short i am one membrane short oh my god all right that’s it i’m

Literally going to fish up worms one at a time until i get this membrane i i am not about to sit here come on all right this is the one this is the one come on oh there we go we got it we got it let’s

Go let’s go i am finally done oh my god and if i sound different right now that’s because it is currently 7 20 in the morning and i have yet to sleep i uh kind of underestimated this grind and uh yeah it took a little bit longer than i

Thought it was going to but heading back to my private island now i can put all of these away and there we go my 31 stacks and 16 war membrane which equates to exactly 2 000 worm membrane but i can’t actually craft the gemstone chambers with this stuff quite yet

Because my forge is currently full of a bunch of different items that still have another 10 hours at the very minimum until they’re completed but after waiting for all that stuff in my forge to finish and then also forging up all 20 of those chambers it was time to max

Out and test my setup with this devon’s armor so now i can just go ahead and click on each of these pieces and unlock all five of the gemstones on every single one of them and just as a side note if i was on like a regular profile

Where i could sell items to other players each of these chambers would be worth about 10 million coins so every click here would be costing me 10 million coins and we are finally on the boots and there we go every gemstone slot is now unlocked on this armor so

Now it’s time to go through the process of actually applying some gemstones to this stuff which i do have four perfect topaz which is enough for the full set and ten perfect jades i forged up as well which will be enough for the full

Set as well the only thing i have yet to mine up is the amber so we’re gonna have to go for like a lower quality gemstone on that and actually at the moment i only have 40 000 ampere which isn’t even enough to get like a decent quality

Amber gemstone on all these pieces so probably gonna have to go do some amber mining here in a second but i’ll start off by applying the perfect uh jades and topaz to all of these pieces and finally the boots and there we go now we have three out of five perfects

On all these pieces as well and the reason i have these two extra perfect j gemstones here is because this will be for the devon’s drill when i eventually managed to get that here and should just be a couple more days uh still waiting on some stuff in the forge unfortunately

There we go full jaded on the devon’s armor as well now it is looking clean like i said though i am currently a little bit short on amber here so i’m gonna go ahead and just uh mine up enough to at least have like a fine

Version of the amber on it but there we go i now have fine jades on all of it so this thing is pretty much ready to go for our test now all right everything is good to go for the test so i’ll start my stopwatch for 15 minutes and let’s do it

All right and my 15 minutes is up i have to say it felt like i was mining really fast okay whether or not i was mining way faster than i previously was i’m not too sure but uh yeah it’s the moment of truth but if our coins per hour at this

Point is not really solid it might be a cause for some concern anyways let’s go ahead and open up the gemstone sack for the moment of reveal 917 908 ruby gemstone i’m pretty sure that’s not bad let me do the math really quickly i’d be looking at roughly 11

Million coins per hour that is very very solid considering i still have a major jump to go with the devon’s drill and even more perfect gemstones but actually speaking of the upgrade to the devon’s drill um all of these golden plates in my forge just finished and so i think

It’s actually time to take the first step towards my devon’s drill which is actually going to be starting the forage process for the titanium drill x355 now what i should mention here is this drill right here is actually terrible compared to the gemstone gauntlet i currently have but this is essentially the base

Drill that’ll then get upgraded to a 455 and then a 555 then a 655 and finally it’ll get upgraded to the devon’s drill so we’ll go ahead and start the process for forging this base one right now as you can see a bit of a long forge time

There at one day and 21 hours almost and with that initial drill now in the forge there was basically only one last material i needed to have everything for my devon’s drill and that was 30 of an item called corleonite and this corleonite has a two percent chance of

Dropping from a mob called boss corleone now the terrible part about boss corleone is that he can only be found in one singular spot and that spot is super hard to find in fact when i went looking for it i spent about an hour just trying

To find the location but then even once you find the location it doesn’t get much better because boss corleone only spawns every one to two minutes but it only takes about five seconds to kill him so every single time you kill him there’s just this awkward period of

About a minute to a minute and a half where you’re just standing around waiting and then to make matters worse every couple hours the skyblock lobbies close in order to restart the servers and so at just about the halfway point of the grind the lobby i was enclosed

And i had to go find another boss corleone location all over again on the bright side though this time i did manage to set up this kind of cool like boss corleone mob farm and it made things a lot more enjoyable to say the least and it almost seemed like it was

Boosting my luck too because i was getting corleonite drops like crazy but then as i was literally at 29 out of 30 corleoneight disaster struck oh my god the lobby is now a day 15 which means that it could close at literally any moment and i am still at 29 corley a

Night i just need to get one more otherwise if the lobby closes that means i’m no it’s closing right now oh no please please just last for one more corleone i believe i believe it oh no i’m gonna have to find a whole nother one of these locations again which

Literally took me like almost an hour this last time you have got to be kidding me just for this one last quarterly night oh no it’s closing this is literally the worst case scenario this is actually the worst case scenario no and it’s tp me out the lobby has closed oh my god

All right well i guess i am gonna be uh probably spending the next hour again searching for a new corleone location so i can get this one last quarterly night that is uh that’s insane and while you watch me suffer looking for yet another boss corleone location i just want to give

You all a friendly reminder that if you’d like to support me for all the time i dump into these videos you can enter code ragetrain in the support of creatorbox whenever you purchase anything on the hypixel store it won’t cost you anything extra and it helps me

Out a ton and even if you never buy anything on the hypixel store if you enjoy these videos simply leaving a like on them and subscribing to my channel is more than enough support anyways as you can see when i did finally arrive at another corleone location like 30

Minutes later someone else was already there as it turned out though that actually didn’t matter because with the loot share feature if one person drops it as long as you hit the boss as well you’ll also get the drop so we actually got a little bit of a party formed up

For my final corleoneight drop alright let’s try it again let’s try it again will they let him kill him okay i think we’re on the same page now i think we’re on the same page now they were very hesitant to let him do it but

I think we’re on the same page oh i got it i got it let’s go let’s go 30. let’s go oh my god we got them all on the same page and we got it okay that was a little bit too much work just for one last quarterly night but

We’re good man oh my god 30 corley and i done and now at long last it was time to forge my devon’s drill i’m not sure what the exact amounts of everything are though i just know i have enough let me get my titanium out my mithril my

Refined diamond would i assume i need as well the corley knight of course need that for the final upgrade so first things first upgrading this to the next version the 455 and there we go it’s done already okay now we hop in here again and we start the upgrade to the

555. give me another 20 seconds now second to last we have the upgrade to the 655 and i need to grab some more stuff for that yet again okay trying that one again let’s go to the 6×5 i think i have all this stuff on me i

Guess we’re about to find out yes i do there we go and there it is the titanium drill x 655 and it’s time for the final upgrade so now we have to go ahead and take out the big guns because this actually uh costs a whopping 50 million

Coins to upgrade as well thankfully i was aware of that fact way ahead of time so i’d kind of been like saving up over time then of course i just have to head to the banker here open up my vault and take out the devon’s alloy this is so

Scary to have my inventory that’s i mean look at this thing it’s currently worth almost 700 million coins for just a drop that doesn’t even include the drill but here we go open up the forge once again head over to the very bottom one there it is one devon’s alloy one titanium

Drill x655 and 50 million coins boom all right and finally at long last now my devonz drill is completed i’m actually so excited to click on this thing here we go three two one oh my god look at that we officially have a devon’s drill and as you can see

In here the base rarity of this thing is mythic which means if i throw a recombinator on this thing to upgrade the rarity it’ll be i believe divine rarity is what it’s called which it’s the only item in the game i think you can get to divine rarity but this thing

Is actually insane of course i have also gone ahead and gotten all of the perfect amber gemstones done as well so we have those ready to put on both the devon’s armor and now the drill but before i could test it i first put all of the

Basic enchants on it boom there we go and i think that is all of the enchants we need on it now and now if this was my gauntlet we would basically be done here but since this is the devon’s drill literally the best mining item in the

Game we’re gonna add another upgrade to it so in many parts of this insane journey i have had to mine a ridiculous amount of hearthstone which kind of seems useless a lot of the time but if i head into the hard stone collection here and go over to the very last page you

Will see an item called the silex which can be crafted with nine concentrated stone which at first glance doesn’t seem that expensive but when i click on one of these you’ll see each concentrated stone is nine stacks of enchanted hearthstone which means that one of these silexes is 81 stacks of enchanted

Hearthstone but what does a silex do exactly well it increases the efficiency enchantment level by one and you can use up to five of them on a drill to increase your efficiency to efficiency 10. so obviously applying a bunch of these silexes to something like a

Gauntlet would be a little bit of a waste because it’s so expensive for an item you might not permanently be using but with something like the devons drill i’m pretty sure i mean at least i hope i’m going to be using this thing for a very very long time so kind of makes

Sense to put this on it but of course i first need to go ahead and craft up i believe it’s 45 concentrated hearthstone for the uh five silexes i need right but now we can go ahead and start crafting the silences but keep in mind again like

Doing it this way makes it seem like oh this isn’t that many materials but each one of these silexes is equivalent to 3 million hearthstone and of course now i’m gonna use all 15 million of that hard stone on this one drill here just to upgrade the efficiency levels a

Couple times all right so here we go silex number one did it actually increase my efficiency level okay there we go efficiency six i was worried for a second it wasn’t gonna actually increase it and i was gonna get scammed but we’re good boom there we go efficiency seven

That should be efficiency eight efficiency nine and finally efficiency 10. let’s take a look at this thing oh look at that the golden efficiency 10 that looks insane and now i just need to head over to the gemstone grinder here and first i actually need to take this

Perfect topaz gemstone out of my gauntlet because i’m going to need it for the devons drill now and that’ll actually probably be the end of the gemstone gauntlet for now we’ll be putting it in this backpack but thank you for your service sir but now let’s

Go ahead and toss our devon’s drill in here and oh my god i forgot about actually unlocking the slots okay well i can go ahead and put my two perfect ambers in here for now i wonder if i have enough jade for those next two

Slots one second okay i think i do we can throw this in here yes i can unlock both of those but then the last one is 000 coins a flawless jade a flawless amber and a flawless topaz i do not think i have those ones i’ll go ahead

And put my two perfect jades in here for now though but yeah all we wouldn’t have in here now is the perfect topaz of course that is like the most important one though i’m actually gonna have to go ahead and put the perfect topaz back on the gemstone gauntlet while i grind

These three flawlesses out uh so yeah i guess i just burned 500 000 coins there for no reason all right but now it’s time to go mine the last little bit of these gemstones because i am ready to have this max mining setup all right i think i’ve done it i just

Need to go ahead and compact down all of these gemstones now but i’m pretty sure i have enough for one flawless of each now put the devons drill back in here and click on this one there we go now what i have to go ahead and do is take

Out my gemstone gauntlet again spend another 500 000 coins to remove that perfect topaz off of it and put it on to the devon’s drill oh my gosh look at that that is beautiful as well plus seven pristine on that bad boy that is nice and then i headed over to the

Mines of devon for my final money-making test what you’ll notice here though is that i’m actually now mining jade instead of ruby because now that i have a scada pet with quick claw on it jade is officially better than ruby for me and now before i begin let’s take one

Final look at my stats here we’re rocking with 6 100 mining speed 1744 mining fortune that is disgusting and 15.8 pristine uh looks like there’s actually someone else in the mines right now they want to take a screening let’s go man oh he’s actually rocking a devon’s drill as well his is actually

Like completely maxed he’s uh he’s kind of showing me up but hey you know what we’re getting there we’re getting there too all right anyway it’s gonna totally clear out my uh jade gemstones from my sack there so we’re starting with zero and uh yeah i’ll set my timer for 15

Minutes and let’s go All right 15 minutes is up this is about to be the moment of truth i’m a little bit nervous for it oh my god all right hopefully it’s a good amount remember whatever amount of gemstones we have in here it’s times three for the amount for

15 minutes so then that times four for how much i would make per hour all right here we go boom 1.3 mil wait i think that’s really good so over the course of a full hour that would be 16 million coins an hour i am definitely happy with that and

Considering there are still some improvements that can be made to the setup like i can recom everything to get it to a higher rarity i could also still spend probably way too much time grinding for a drill engine to get a little bit more mining speed on this

Thing as well and if i decide i really hate myself i could even go ahead and grind up some more powder to increase my heart of the mountain perks and that would probably get me a lot more coins per hour as well so yeah there we go

Went from making 2 million coins per hour from farming netherwart to 16 million coins an hour mining gemstones quite the improvement if i do say so myself also just realized i forgot to put a reforge on this thing so let’s fix that really quickly and boom there we go

I put refined on it because i think long term i’ll want to be able to get mining xp to level pets easily i’m also definitely going to continue working on getting all the small little upgrades for this setup and i think i’m even going to post some little like mini

Videos about that on my second channel so you can click on the screen right now if you want to go sub to that channel or you can click on this other video of mine that youtube thinks you’ll like

This video, titled ‘I Spent 700 Hours Getting as Rich as Possible in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by RageTrain on 2022-05-28 20:03:34. It has garnered 4447418 views and 81623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:35 or 2435 seconds.

I Spent 700 Hours Getting as Rich as Possible in Minecraft… Rec Room is free and available on all platforms! Get it HERE: https://recroom.sng.link/Da56h/ed2s/11ip

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Previous episode ➤ https://youtu.be/BDh3GJpDmy0

Edited By ➤ Me & @Pinkworker

In this video I recap my journey of spending over 700 hours to get as rich as possible in Hypixel Skyblock.

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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I Spent 700 Hours Getting as Rich as Possible in Minecraft…