I started the minecraft world I’ve ALWAYS wanted

Video Information

Minecraft is a universe unto itself you can do so much from creating awesome builds epic farms and massive cities to adventuring with friends adventuring alone and of course mass destruction you can shape the world how you want and in this series we’re going to be taking that even further because sadly there’s

One thing vanilla Minecraft lacks movements and an end update but no matter how great you build it’s always hard to make a world look alive enter the create mod most of you have probably heard of create it’s an incredible mod that adds steam engines conveyor belts Factory components trains and a whole

Bunch of new blocks to let you create anything you can imagine alongside giving you whole new ways to generate resources and explore your creativity so we’re going to start a new long-term series focused around this mod but why stop there I’ve also added a few other mods to allow for better storage

Inventory management better Villages a bunch of new blocks and a whole host of new mobs for every single environment even the end what is that and the last thing we’re going to do to switch up this experience for ourselves is to turn on large biomes meaning that each biome

Is up to 16 times bigger than a regular Minecraft world this is going to make resources rarer and open up opportunities to create new ways to Traverse the world trains on talking about trains and this is it we’ve just spawned into our brand new world and I couldn’t be more excited or although

That Zoom was pretty cool that was very exciting but I’m slightly less excited about is the fact we seem to have started in a Savannah and considering we’re using large biomes we could be stuck in a savannah for a while first things first though let’s maybe get to

The top of this hill and see if that’s true and see what we’re actually dealing with here but it appears we’re dealing with Savannah as far as I can see but oh look at that easily distracted but let’s look at this look we do have a massive

Mountain range there which is very cool but I don’t know it’s a savannah do we really want to be starting in a savannah probably not what’s that it’s a kangaroo awesome I’m loving the additional Wildlife already this is very cool but before we make any decisions let’s do

All the beginning Minecraft things punch some trees and get some tools Basic tools required now we can do with some food we’ve only got one apple and I don’t think that’s going to be enough to sustain us can we eat kangaroo well we have kangaroo meat so I’m going to take that as a yes what about you as

Well oh they fight back wow they hit quite hard as well geez but more importantly there’s some sheep there and we could really do with their wool sorry and although we could make a bed I think for now what we’re going to do is make a sleeping bag which is the Comforts mod

That I’ve added purely for the sleeping bag to be honest I think that’s the only thing in the mod but that means that as we’re traveling around we can randomly sleep in places and it’s not going to reset our spawn not that we actually have one at the moment all these

Mountain ranges around here are looking very cool we’re gonna have to build something around here at some point one because it’s spawn of course we spawn just over there but also it just looks absolutely awesome but I think what I want to do is to try and find the edge

Of the Savannah and see what other biomes we’ve got around which could be quite the walk for us but who knows what we’ll see along the way is that an elephant nope that’s a rhino I don’t think I want to go punch a rhino let’s go the long way around oh

We have an emu I don’t think I want to kill that either to be honest we’ve got a few different meat Types on us already I don’t want to overload my inventory with those and I haven’t seen nothing but Savannah on this walk so far it’s

Just Savannah as far as the eye can see oh and I appear to be hungry so I guess I’m stopping here to cook some stuff and then we’ll just keep on running and while we explore the Savannah let’s chat a little bit more about what we’re going

To be doing with this series so the main focus is of course the create mod and that means we’re going to be doing lots of industrialization of the Minecraft world and to really make that work what I want to do is have different sort of settlements different Villages sometimes

Even just different buildings or out of the way factories that will have a certain resource that they’re going to be producing and then shipping all that back to a kind of a central Hub or Port City of some kind which means we’re gonna get to play around with the create

Trains quite a lot which is going to be a lot of fun but it also means we can build up a few different towns a few different settlements and they’re all going to kind of have their own themes and with that in mind that’s why this is

Definitely going to be a long-term world but the beauty of it is it’s my modded world and it’s not hardcore which means it doesn’t matter if I die which is going to be a nice relief to be honest with you but mainly I’m just looking forward to building up all these

Different towns these different areas and there’s a village over there that’s awesome and also what we can do is link up a lot of these Villages so on the train routes between different factories and things like that we could even build little train stations in these Villages

And these are the better Villages which means you get cool buildings like that windmill although it appears to be floating I don’t know if that’s Klaus is better or not probably not but I just want to make a fully immersive world and there’s also going to be a few other

Treats and surprises down the road but well we’ll get to them much later in the series so in this Village it looks like there’s a bunch of buildings we can loot which is going to be quite good but I think I’m gonna need some space and for

That we’re going to make a backpack and this will give us basically an extra chest’s worth of inventory space which is going to be marvelous but I need to get myself some string we don’t have any of that and I need more leather I think I’ve only got two leather at the moment

Yes and Kangaroo hide be turned into leather yeah oh sorry it can two for one oh excellent cool so we’ve got the four leather we need and to be honest I think we can get Wool by chucking it into the millstone here not wall string what I mean is I think we

Can get a string by chucking the wool into there seems to be doing something we can excellent okay so we just need three more bits of wool are there any sheep around that are about to have a terrible terrible afternoon these elephants are awesome but I don’t see

Any sheep I wonder if the villagers have any or maybe we’ll find some string in their houses let’s do a little bit of looting and see what we can find oh leather aha cobwebs they can be turned into string although I think I need a sword for that

Two more cobwebs and we’ll be done I’ve looted half the village but the good news is I should be able to make my backpack now excellent and look at all that extra space we’ve got so let’s quickly sort out a few bits and Bobs that we know we

Want to keep saplings are probably going to come in handy because we don’t know where we’re going to end up and one tiny Quality of Life mod I’ve added is this little curios thing and what that means is I can put my backpack on my back and

Not only does it show up but it also doesn’t take up my armor slot and I’ve got a head slot here as well which means I can either create goggles and not lose my head slot so we’re doing good let’s loot this place shall we oh and I’ve just remembered something else I’ve

Actually done is I’ve got a mod that gives all the villagers names okay that one’s actually Jesus okay I’ve just met Jesus I was not expecting to do that today but it’s such a tiny little thing hey there Renee it’s such a tiny little thing but it makes me so happy so happy

I’m gonna steal everything they own sorry Renee my week now Well that’s the village looted and I’ve done pretty well I’ve got some shiny things and most importantly I’ve actually managed to get a saddle and some leather horse armor and a lead so if we can find ourselves a horse that’s gonna make getting around these large biomes much easier and that bit over

There looks like a different biome I see bees and trees so I think that’s the direction we’re gonna head and we’ll keep an eye out for any horses in the meantime I think what I’m gonna do is head up to the top of that Hill there

Doesn’t seem to be any trees up there which means I should get a good view and we’ll have a look around the area and see if there’s anywhere that might be good for setting up camp because my inventory is pretty much already full it’ll be nice to be able to offload

Somewhere is this what I think it is is that onion it is excellent onions are going to come in handy in a little bit because we do also have The Farmer’s Delight mod on here which basically gives us a much better variety of food and means I can spend some time in the

Kitchen we love a bit of cooking oh it’s so nearly at the top Oh my days oh oh this is nice and is that a jungle in the background it looks like it might be jungle wood as well oh I like this Basin though and lots of iron on the top

This could be quite nice we’ve also got Village over there of course that we’ve just come from so villager trading would be on the cards as well this could be the spot you know this could be the spot let’s have a little look over this way in fact I should

Probably eat something before I fall over there’s a nice Lush Valley over there as well okay that’s looking pretty good and what’s off this way that’s pretty cool too it looks like we’ve got the start of a river down there and of course the jungle over the back hmm

I think I like this and in fact if we look on the map as well that does look very cool we’ve got a nice little area here we’ve got some Rivers going around and of course we’ve got the Savannah and more Mountains and such over this way

Well my mind’s made up I think what I’m gonna do is head down here we’re gonna punch some trees we’ll give ourselves a bit of a flatter area down the bottom here and to be honest I think we’re just going to build ourselves a nice little

Tent for now and then basically go off and explore the wider area because I really would like Spruce and Darko I mean they’re the best Woods how can I possibly build my starter house without those two so Mangrove would be nice too but I don’t think I’ve got any chance of

Finding that anytime soon [Applause] I reckon that’ll be enough space for our tents the only problem we’ve got is what are we gonna build it out of we don’t really have much apart from wood really hmm although there is some calcite up in the cliffs as well and we can probably

Get some wool if we can find some sheep so maybe we’ll do a nice white tent use a bit of birch a bit of cow sight and some wool and I think that should get us set up nicely let’s go find some sheep well I see some sheep and some raccoons

We don’t need those we need the Sheep well I’ve been harvesting wool from those five sheep for an entire Minecraft day and I’ve got 59 oh hello and I’ve got 60 wool that should hopefully be enough and what I want to do now is head back up the mountain and

Grab some of that calcite I think that should work nicely as well oh diorite yeah that’ll work as well I think that’s the first time I’ve ever been excited about diorite oh did the Phoenix just do that I mean what does that actually mean receive a blessing from the great and

Noble Sunbird do I have a thing what’s this Sunbirds blessing I don’t know what that means but thank you pretty bird oh I can kind of float down it’s like low gravity or something and it’s already run out well that was fun while it lasted but I think

We should now have enough calcite wool and of course diorite as well now to actually be able to build ourselves a nice little tent down here oh so I’m going to start by digging out a nice little hole here for it this will just mean that we have a little bit more

Headroom when we’re standing inside then we’ll line the edges here with barrels because this is going to be our storage initially and I’m going to fill in the floor with some slabs here as well so let’s just get some of this tent marked out we’ll start with a bit of wool but

We’re probably not actually going to have enough to do the whole thing so we might have to texture as we go but that’s not a problem well it looks like we did have enough wool after all but either way we still need to texture this

Up a little bit so let’s just mix in some of these other blocks oh the calcite goes really well maybe we can even mix in just a couple of bits of birch as well this tents even got mold that’s disgusting but it’s okay it’s only a temporary shelter I don’t intend

On leaving this here for too long I think what I’m gonna do at the back here is just a little trapdoor wall and on the inside here we should probably think about getting a bed down there we go and set my spawn while I’m here and for a

Bit of additional storage in here we’re also going to use these half drawers which are hopefully gonna work out quite handy for us although we do need a few more just added a bit of birch to the front and I think that helps a little

Bit at least for now you’ll also get a few leaves scattered around just make it look like it’s been here a while I mean it is moldy after all plus you know me I love my leaves all right that’s not looking too shabby now what do we want

To do in here I need to get a crafting table in somewhere for a start maybe I can just Jam that in over there but I also want to move my furnace in there and uh I can’t hold all that stuff let me dump some stuff off there we go so

Let’s stick my furnace in the middle and maybe we should also make a blast furnace and one of the other ones what’s it called a smoker a smoker in particular I feel will be very handy for us a few minutes later and I think we’re looking pretty good I’ve got my first

Little create Contraption in here look at this we have a grindstone which we’re probably not gonna need to use but the important thing is it exists we’ve got all our cookers at the back we’ve got a bed we’ve got plenty of storage and of course a crafting table and even a camp

Fire out the front here although we haven’t got any seating at the moment but for that I think I want to use a different word we’ve used the Birch we’ve used the oak I need something a bit different down here for that which means we need to go adventuring but

Before we can do that I’m gonna sort all this mess out and make sure I’m taking the bits with me that I’m going to need mainly my saddle and my horse armor I really want to find a horse everything’s been cleared away it’s looking a lot tidier around here and I’ve still got

Plenty of space for storage I’ll just sort of start using these when I get multiple stacks of things I think however before we leave there’s a few more things I want to do one of which is to get myself some iron armor easy enough and better than the golden

Leather that we did have and I also want to make myself a new pickaxe and if possible I want to try and upgrade my backpack which I think I can do that and that should give me twice as much storage oh look at that so much space

And I also want to make one of these which is a crafting upgrade for the backpack and that will basically just mean that I’ve always got a crafting table on me and I think I should be able to do that oh haven’t quite got enough string but it’s okay we have a whole

Wonderful grinder we are going to use it after all so we can just use this hand crank and get it working good stuff so if we make one of those and then grab a chest we should have everything we need now for one of those and we’ll put that

In this slot here which basically as I say it gives us a permanent crafting table how awesome is that there’s a whole bunch of other upgrades here as well another one I would really like is this one and I reckon I can probably make that as well you know but what that

Upgrade does which is even better is it will automatically swap my tools so if I’m chopping down a tree of course it’s going to use the ax not a problem exactly what you’d expect that’s what I had in my hand but as soon as I start going for dirt it actually switches out

Automatically to the shovel and then back to the tree it will go back to an ax and so on and that just makes my life a lot easier it means I only have to use one hot bar slot for my tools and I really wish I hadn’t started chopping

Down this tree I hate the big oak trees so I’ve got food I’ve got my horsey bits I’ve got a sleeping bag and I’m gonna take a bit of iron and some emeralds some wood and some sticks with me as well just so I can replace things as we

Go and I think we’re good to go and explore and it looks like we’ve got some visitors running around as well so let’s just get moving if I remember correctly there was a river just over this way and I’m thinking that might not be a bad

Place to start because that way we can do a whole bunch of traveling and not use up all our food and there it is the start of the river excellent are there any oh there are there’s a horse there’s a horse right there although if we’re

Going in the river having a horse now probably isn’t going to be particularly useful uh always got a good jump height speed is not too awful we’ll train him up anyway we’ll save him for later there we go best friends forever so you just stay right here until later okay sir

Right let’s go see what we can find oh there’s a turtle hey Turtle well straight away we’ve got another Village nice do some rubbing Village has been looted we didn’t do too bad we got our first diamond we got a few swords and a few other bits and Bobs

But I think I just want to jump back in the river I really want to find myself some dark oak we do need jungle as well but that’s fine we can grab that anytime because that’s right on our doorstep but for now let’s just head down river until

We find some Spruce and dark oak this could take a while Oh that’s so cool Wait a minute it’s just occurred to me I’ve actually got a mod on here that might help so if we can make ourselves one of these then then we should be good but I don’t think I’ve got any redstone on me have I oh I do we looted to play

Some things excellent right so uh we need to make a compass and then we just need some wood and some saplings and well that’s easy enough I can’t believe I forgot I had this thing on there ridiculous oh I got a banana so if we make

Ourselves one of these what we can do is select a biome and it should hopefully show us where it is uh so let’s try this one all right okay so there is one four thousand seven hundred blocks wow that’s uh that’s quite the distance uh we need to

Go 3 000 blocks this way and we need to go 3000 blocks this way wow okay it’s quite the journey but it’ll be worth it because we’ll get dark oak this is boring there’s nothing in here so now would be a really good time to find a horse what is that a termites

Oh how cool are they they’re carrying little things and everything only 4 500 blocks to go monkeys Oh they are awesome question is can you turn monkeys into pets how cool would that be have a little pet monkey I do have a banana I wonder You like bananas you do oh oh I really want to try and train a monkey we’ll save that till we’re a bit closer to home though because otherwise he’s gonna get stranded out here but that is awesome it looks like we might be able to tame them onwards all right Thank you oh progress update we’ve got just over a thousand blocks to go and I’m sick of the Jungle honestly it’s been 5 000 blocks of jungle and rivers but you know large biomes you get what you ask for I guess [Applause] I think we’ve just found ourselves a trail ruin problem is I don’t really have the things to actually uh to make use of that right now what I am gonna do though is add a waypoint for that if a note may come in handy in the future oh

And finally look a different biome as well we’ve only got 500 blocks to go oh we haven’t even got that look there’s one right there oh I’m so happy it has taken four in-game days to get here but we’re finally gonna get some dark oak and we’re gonna chop down a whole bunch

Of it not because we want the wood right now but because I want as many saplings as possible I don’t want to risk running out once we get home well I’ve got a bunch of saplings and I’m thinking while I’m this far out I may as well have a

Little look and see if we’ve actually got a tiger anywhere near here because we still need Spruce and hopefully it’s not too far that’s 5 200 blocks are you kidding me 5200 blocks well I might as well make the Trek now we’re halfway there I’ll let you know if anything

Interesting happens along the way oh great now we’ve got Bears maybe let’s not go too close to the Bears Oh Oh no I’m so many blocks out [Laughter]

This video, titled ‘I started the minecraft world I’ve ALWAYS wanted’, was uploaded by Mr Beardstone on 2023-08-29 12:15:09. It has garnered 26027 views and 1628 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:48 or 1248 seconds.

I created the Minecraft world I ALWAYS wanted. Vanilla minecraft is fantastic, but sometimes, we just need a little bit more… so what if we added movement and new ways to farm resources with Create Mod? How about a better inventory system and some more wildlife? And more blocks to build with? YES PLEASE!

Join me on this new adventure as we build a fully industrialised world with the Create Mod!

Nod to @Stam1o for the inspiration to create my perfect world – be sure to out their channel!


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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “2014 And 2024 Difference Minecraft” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the evolution of Minecraft over the years. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for a vibrant and engaging community to share the experience with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its unique gameplay features, active player base, and exciting events, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods

    Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods The Terrifying World of Minecraft Skyblock with Horror Mods Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Skyblock with horror mods. As our brave protagonist navigates through the treacherous landscape, they encounter the ominous presence of Herobrine lurking in the shadows, the ever-watchful Cave Dwellers, and the haunting gaze of the pale hound. Herobrine: The Shadowy Stalker Herobrine, the legendary figure rumored to haunt Minecraft worlds, adds an extra layer of fear to the gameplay. With his eerie presence felt at every turn, our protagonist must stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to his malevolent schemes. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Cozy Cubes Minecraft Experience | Peaceful Forest Library | Ep.1

    Ultimate Cozy Cubes Minecraft Experience | Peaceful Forest Library | Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Relaxing Longplay (no commentary) | Peaceful Forest Library | 1.20.4 | part 1 of 3’, was uploaded by Cozy Cubes on 2024-04-27 18:48:03. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:47:03 or 35223 seconds. Hello friends! Welcome to my new channel and to this very first Relaxing Minecraft Longplay with no commentary. I’ll be exploring gorgeous biomes, mining for building materials, searching for a build site and ultimately building a peaceful Forest Library in a cozy redwood forest along a picturesque river. I’m playing on Minecraft: Java… Read More

  • Unleashing Minecraft’s Dark Entity glitch

    Unleashing Minecraft's Dark Entity glitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Memory unlocked 😞😞 #minecraft #memes’, was uploaded by Entity Demon on 2024-01-14 04:04:07. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: -69 IQ vs 9999 IQ! 😲🔥🎻

    Minecraft Showdown: -69 IQ vs 9999 IQ! 😲🔥🎻Video Information This video, titled ‘-69 IQ vs 9999 IQ Minecraft 😳 ( World’s Smallest Violin )’, was uploaded by NukeVsCity on 2024-01-07 11:58:11. It has garnered 20757 views and 517 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Once again some traps in Minecraft where we attempted to prove our high IQ. In this funny short you are going to see how easily is to get diamonds! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Nuke. NukeVsCity creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! SLUURP – Minecraft: The Movie (2024) | BEHIND THE SCENES

    UNBELIEVABLE! SLUURP - Minecraft: The Movie  (2024) | BEHIND THE SCENESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Movie (2024) | BEHIND THE SCENES’, was uploaded by SLUURP on 2024-04-13 15:00:08. It has garnered 43337 views and 1992 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:39 or 699 seconds. Minecraft: The Movie (2025) | BEHIND THE SCENES #minecraft #minecraftmovie #movies Dive into the wild world of the Minecraft movie with our exclusive Behind the Scenes look! Join Connor from SLUURP as we unveil secrets from the set, from live-action block trees to breathtaking new landscapes. Catch a glimpse of the star-studded cast including Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and more as they… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Live 24/7 Minecraft SMP in Hindi!!! #shorts

    Unbelievable! Live 24/7 Minecraft SMP in Hindi!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | 24/7 Minecraft Smp | Minecraft Live Hindi | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by axminer 1M on 2024-04-04 11:58:52. It has garnered 9228 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 05:12:40 or 18760 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Making Peace full Smp #minecraft #shorts Hello, Namaste, I Am axminer1m to kese hai aap log 🫶 swagat hai mere is Chote Se YouTube channel me 🏆🙃 App Logo Ka Ax Community Me Swagat He Aur Abhi Tak Apne Mere Discord Channel Follow nhi… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Security House vs Zombies – JJ Rabbit & Mikey

    Insane Minecraft Build: Security House vs Zombies - JJ Rabbit & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Build a HUGE Security House vs Zombies Mikey and JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-03-07 20:00:31. It has garnered 5501 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Build a HUGE Security House vs Zombies Mikey and JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • Unbelievable glitch! Find secret key in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable glitch! Find secret key in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dig here (Minecraft Monday PT2)’, was uploaded by Lockedoutofaccount on 2024-01-16 05:36:18. It has garnered 96 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:56 or 12776 seconds. I play Among Us with my budy luke and Harrison again. And again n make dumb captions and re-use them Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: WARDENS vs PIGLINS & more!

    EPIC Showdown: WARDENS vs PIGLINS & more!Video Information This video, titled ‘WARDENS vs PIGLINS & ENDERMEN & GOLEMS in Mob Battle’, was uploaded by SquareEyes on 2024-04-08 07:00:15. It has garnered 14601 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:12 or 312 seconds. In this Minecraft mob battle, a warden army engages in a fight against a piglin, enderman and golem army. The ending is insane, so make sure to stick around for it! ⚔️ Battles: 0:00 – Round 1 0:34 – Round 2 1:09 – Round 3 1:45 – Round 4 3:04 – Round 5 4:09 – Final Round 👉 Hey! Click… Read More

  • Only Black Guy at Chinese Concert 😂 #shorts

    Only Black Guy at Chinese Concert 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: You are the only black guy in a chinese concert🤣 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wuzba on 2024-04-19 12:00:30. It has garnered 7136 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Pov: You are the only black guy in a chinese concert🤣 #shorts #minecraft @MrBeast @PizzaaMC @PizzaaMC_2.0 @Nqisik @MrBeastGaming @aariya.art.dp. @MrBeast2 @minecraft @DaquavisMC @TwiShorts @Upper_gaming @GEVids #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch… Read More

  • FreeLand

    FreeLandOn this server, you can freely enjoy Faction PVP without any paytowin nonsense! There are plenty of ways to enjoy this server! Read More

  • SkyGens pve 1.20-1.20.4 Brand New Server SkyBlock

    Welcome to Skygens! I am very proud to announce the release of my first ever Skyblock Server. Skygens has everything you need, including Minions, Skills, Pets, Free Ranks, Free Crates, and more! Join us at play.theblind5.com [1.20-1.20.4]. Server Updates The server is actively being worked on every day, and updates will be released at least biweekly. Join us now and explore all that Skygens has to offer! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Mob Battle Royale: Choose the Losers!

    Looks like the stakes are high in this Minecraft Hunger Games! Will it be the Creeper, Enderman, or Sheep that gets voted off the island? Tune in next time on Mob Battle Royale! Read More

  • Farmers’ Frenzy: Minecraft Mod Mayhem

    Farmers' Frenzy: Minecraft Mod Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a mod takes flight, Farmer’s Delight, a culinary delight. New foods and crops, from onions to tomatoes, And blocks like stoves and pots, for cooking bravados. With tatami mats to sit and relax, The Farmer’s Delight mod brings new tracks. So dive into the game, with a hunger so real, And cook up a storm, with crops to peel. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Moments 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Moments 🔥😂 When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. #minecraftfails #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Invading My World with Tlauncher! | MatGame_2000

    Invading My World with Tlauncher! | MatGame_2000 Exploring the Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Prepare to be thrilled as a new, spine-chilling creature makes its way into the world of Minecraft! The latest mod introduces a relentless entity that will stop at nothing to hunt you down throughout the map. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you try to outsmart this menacing foe. Remember, if it catches you, run for your life! Discovering the Mods: Delve into a world of fear with these intriguing mods: From the Fog: Unleash a mysterious creature that lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. The Man… Read More

  • Ultimate Taiga Island Seed 1.20 – Java Edition

    Ultimate Taiga Island Seed 1.20 - Java Edition Exploring the Minecraft Taiga Island Village Seed 1.20 Embark on an exciting adventure in Minecraft with the Taiga Island Village Seed 1.20! This unique seed offers players the opportunity to explore a survival island with a taiga village, making it one of the best seeds for those seeking a challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience. Discover the Taiga Village Located at coordinates x: (0) y: (70) z: (0), the taiga village in this seed serves as a central hub for players to interact with villagers, trade resources, and embark on quests. The village adds a dynamic element to the gameplay,… Read More

  • Wild Pickle Power in Minecraft: Unbelievable Chaos!

    Wild Pickle Power in Minecraft: Unbelievable Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘They Couldn’t Handle Us as Animals in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CheapPickle on 2024-03-01 19:12:50. It has garnered 768495 views and 28390 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:12 or 732 seconds. Me, Tucker, And Estabr0k a few Minecraft noobs played mob hunt. Go to https://1shotenergy.com/?ref=CheapPickle and use code CheapPickle for 10% off your order! Where one person would be the seeker and the others are the hiders. We could turn into any mob we wanted and we tried our best to hide from the seeker. MERCH: https://cheappickle.com/ Friends: @tinymacdude @estabr0kmc @Datboyashy @smirk01_ @l21saac… Read More

  • Ultimate Halloween EDM Mix + Funny Moments

    Ultimate Halloween EDM Mix + Funny MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘G tag #music #halloween #edm #scary #strangerthings #ilovedonuts #fnaf #funny #donuts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Goo202 on 2024-03-23 04:34:01. It has garnered 422 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Defense Tower Build ft. Draki Mine #short

    EPIC Minecraft Defense Tower Build ft. Draki Mine #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Defense Tower İn Minecraft 2 #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Draki Mine on 2024-01-16 00:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I’ve constructed a new defense tower in Minecraft! In my video, I guide you step by step through this magnificent structure. Read More

I started the minecraft world I’ve ALWAYS wanted