I Survived 100 DAYS as a JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1 I spawned in as a mighty dinosaur! Well,   not really. I was pretty small  and only had four hearts. “I’m just a baby!” I looked around and noticed there  weren’t any other dinosaurs around.   And then I noticed I was in  an enclosure with tall walls!

“Hey that’s no fair! I want  to run around and be free!” I ran around, looking for a way out. I couldn’t  find anything! Just then I heard a bell going off   and I saw some food being lowered into my cage. I  was hungry, but I still needed to find a way out.

The food lowered to the ground and I ate  all of it. Then I got a brilliant idea!   I held onto the hook as it was brought back up  to the edge of the wall. I jumped on the edge,   free from my enclosure! Then I  jumped off and ran toward the jungle.

“Dinosaurs are meant to be free!” As I was running, I saw a human in a car trying  to chase after me. He started shooting at me! “Ahhhh!” I managed to jump over a large  tree that had fallen down,  

But the car couldn’t get through. One human  threw his weapon down in anger and yelled at me. “We’ll get you back! Mark my words!” What a weird guy. I found a little cave  and decided to hide out there for the   night. I would go looking around  for more dinosaurs in the morning. 

On day 2 I woke up feeling very hungry. “Man, I’m going to need to find more  food if I want to survive out here!” I quickly began chopping down some trees and   managed to make a crafting table.  With that I made some wood tools. “I feel a little bit more prepared now.”

I explored further in the jungle and  found some sheep. I hurried and got   their meat before they could run away. I  really needed to gain my strength back. “Mmmm yummy.” As I was enjoying my food I heard  a snap of a twig. I turned and saw  

A small ocelot trying to hide behind some bushes. “Hey, do you want some food?” The ocelot peeked out and slowly  came and grabbed some meat from me. “Thank you!” “Of course!” “What are you?” “I’m a dinosaur.” “You won’t eat me will you?” “No, I won’t. Have you never  seen a dinosaur before?”

The ocelot shook his head. “I know that park over there has dinosaurs  but I’ve never seen one until today.” Interesting. I wondered what that park was all   about and why there weren’t any  other dinosaurs on the island. “Thanks again for the food!!  You take care of yourself!” “You too!”

He ran off into the jungle. “I need to figure out what’s going on here.” On day 3 I gathered some more materials to make a   little base. I knew that the humans would probably  be back and I wanted to be ready for them.

Once the base was finished I  went out to look for some food. “Boy am I hungry again!” I managed to find a bunch of sheep and  tried to herd them back to my base,   but then a bunch of alligators  came and started attacking me! “Get back you nasties!”

I used my sword and my pure strength to fight  them off and before I knew it, they were all gone. Just then, I felt a surge of power  and I grew into a teenage T-Rex. “Hey! I have more hearts now!”

I finished gathering the sheep and led them back  to my base. I hurried and set up a pen for them. “What a good day!” On days 4-5 I made my   way back to the park to scout it out.  Maybe I could learn more if I watched  

What the humans were doing. I was searching  around and found some rusty shears! These   might come in handy. Just then, I saw  a bunch of humans driving toward me!   I ran through some rocks and dirt hills to  lose them, but they just kept following me.

I roared at them and the force  almost toppled their car over. “That’s new.” This caused one human to fall out of  the car. The driver didn’t stop and   they left him. He got out his weapon  and started shooting darts at me! “Hey stop it!”

I roared again and the force  made him fall over, but I was   starting to feel the effects of the dart. “Ouch!” I felt quite woozy. “What was that…?” The human pulled out a walkie talkie. “Dr. Harland, I have subdued Test Subject  A, come to this location to retrieve him.”

I couldn’t let the humans take me! Especially  not this Dr. Harland. He sounded like bad news.   I mustered up my strength and smacked the human  with my tail, sending him flying over a cliffside. “I gotta get out of here!” The sleeping dart definitely was doing it’s job,  

But I managed to get back home  before completely passing out. “I’ll have to find that doctor. tomorrow…”  On days 6-8 I woke up, still  feeling a little groggy. “That wasn’t super fun. I need to  be sure not to get shot again.” I went out and grabbed some  food before heading out to  

Gather some more supplies. I needed  some better weapons to defend myself. I went further into the jungle and spotted a  small mountain. I started to mine out some of   the materials and set up a crafting table to make  myself a new stone sword, pickaxe, and shovel. “Nice!”

I was about to make my way further up the mountain  when I saw some little jaguars hanging out. “Aw, they’re kinda cute.” But that was short lived, because  they started to jump and bite at me! “Come on guys! I’m not food!”

They didn’t back down, so I used  my new sword to fight them off.   It only took a minute before I defeated them all. “Thank goodness for that, otherwise  I would look like swiss cheese.” I ate some food to heal and I  headed further into the jungle. 

On days 9-10 I journeyed past the  trees to the edge of the island. It   was beautiful. Too bad there were  humans trying to hunt me down. Just then I heard a screeching of  tires and saw a car coming towards me!

“Wow, I was just thinking about the humans and  then they show up.Maybe I have superpowers!” I started to think of it  raining sheep and….nothing. “Well, it was worth a shot.” I started to run away from the car but they  caught up to me pretty quick. The guy I had  

Seen earlier who had thrown down his weapon  was inside. He must’ve been Dr. Harland. “You can’t run away from me now! You’re mine!” “Go away!” The car soon caught up to me  and the humans had me cornered. “Ahhhh!” A heavy iron cage made out  of chains pinned me down!

“Thank goodness for that tracker.  We didn’t realize it was attached   to you until later because Jones never came  back. But at least he did his job right.” Dr. Harland plucked something off of my leg. It  looked like a dart, but then I noticed a little  

Blinking beacon. That human, Jones, must’ve shot  me with a tracker a few days ago. I felt so silly. “I don’t belong with you!  I belong out in the wild!” Dr. Harland just laughed. I was confused and desperate.  I needed to get out! Just then,  

I felt a whoosh of air and part of the cage was  broken! I saw a blur of/pink whizzing past me. “Run Zozo!” I ran, following the pink blur back  toward my base. When we finally stopped,   I realized the/pink blur wasn’t  just a blur, it was another T-Rex!

The dinosaur jumped from  behind cover and scared me. “I knew there were other dinosaurs  on the island! I’m Zozo.” The dinosaur smiled at me. “I’m Zoe. I’m your sister.” “Sister? Wait, back up. What?!” “We’re twins. I was put in a different  enclosure though. I heard that you  

Escaped and everyone was freaking out so I  took my chance when they went looking for   you and climbed out as well. They really  need to work on their security system.” “But hey, good for us though right?” “Right!” “So, you’re super fast?” Zoe nodded her head and zoomed in  a circle, demonstrating her speed.

“What can you do?” “Um I don’t know. Am I supposed  to be able to do something?” Zoe looked a little uncomfortable. “No, not really.” “Oh wait! I can move things with  my roar. It’s like a sonic power.” I showed it off. “That’s really cool!” “Do all dinosaurs have powers like us?”

“No. I guess we are just special!” Zoe seemed like she wasn’t telling me something. I   was going to ask her what she knew,  but then I heard her stomach growl. “Hey, how about I get you some  food? You must be starving! “That’d be great actually, thanks!”

We went to the farm and ate until  we were both full. Zoe must’ve not   eaten for a long time because  she had double of what I had. “How about you live here? It’s  safe, there’s plenty of food,   and I’d love for you to stay with me.”

Zoe looked really happy about  that and she readily agreed. “Sounds like a plan!”  On days 11-12 I made an area for Zoe  on the base. I worked hard to give her   everything she would need in order to be  comfortable. Soon, it was all ready to go!

She seemed really happy to have found me and   I was happy to be reunited with  the sister I never knew I had! I decided to go exploring a little bit to  improve the base and the weapons that I had. While I was out, I came across  a flock of birds nesting on some  

Stones. They were beautiful looking woodpeckers. “Hey, could I have some of that stone?” They seemed friendly enough, but then out  of nowhere they started pecking at me! “Seriously?!” I tried to smack them, but they kept  flying and then dive bombing me. “I need to get out of here!”

I ran into the trees, hoping to get some coverage.   They stopped attacking but  I really needed that stone. “What am I going to do?” I looked around the jungle and noticed  some long vines hanging from some trees.  

I had an idea! I gathered some of the vines,  a couple small sticks, and a bunch of rocks. “This should do the trick.” I snuck back to the rock formation and  attacked with my new weapon…a slingshot! “Take that!” It worked perfectly and before I  knew it, all the birds were gone.

“Nice! And I have some food to take back to Zoe!” I gathered the bird meat, and started  mining out the rocks. It took a while,   but I finally got enough  to make some new furnaces. “This is awesome!” I headed back to the base and  showed Zoe my new weapon. She  

Was super impressed and even asked  if I could make her one. I happily   agreed! She was super excited and shot  with the slingshot towards the lake. Once that was done I used some wooden logs   to build a wall surrounding the base.  It was all starting to come together. 

On days 13-15 I had a weird dream. I was back  in the park but it looked like I was in a lab   of some sort. People were poking and prodding  at me. I saw Zoe and she was chained down. “Let her go!”

Then the dream changed and Dr. Harland  was there. He was presenting us to a   large crowd of humans. He had us  trapped in enclosures and we were   chained. The humans stared and  laughed at us. It was horrible! I woke from the dream with a start. “Woah! That was terrible!”

I went to go find Zoe. I told her about the  dream and asked what it meant. She hesitated. “We are lab experiments Zozo.  We aren’t natural dinosaurs.   Dr. Harland grew us in the lab,  giving us special abilities.” “Why would he do that?” “He’s not just a doctor, he  also owns the entire park  

Over there. He genetically engineers  dinosaurs for human entertainment.” “That’s awful!” “But you and I are special.He made us  specifically for a new exhibit he’s working on. This was a lot to take in. We  were being hunted by an angry   doctor and his goons. It felt like  the odds were definitely against us. 

On days 16-19 I woke up to find  that Zoe wasn’t in the base. “Zoe!” I looked everywhere and called out  to her, but I couldn’t find her. “I wonder where she went.” I looked around the entrance  and noticed some footprints.   They looked a lot like mine, but were smaller.

“These must be Zoe’s footprints!” I followed them, leading away into the  jungle. They stopped at the mouth of a cave. “Oh no, I hope Zoe’s okay.” I tried to quietly creep in the cave,   my slingshot at the ready. I heard some muffled  screaming along with some maniacal laughter. “That doesn’t sound good…”

I went further down and I saw Zoe!  She was all tied up. There was also   a monkey tied up next to her. Around  them were a bunch of big hairy spiders. “Ew gross!” I charged, shooting rocks as I  went. The spiders looked alarmed  

And tried to scurry away, but I  managed to fight them all off. I hurried and freed Zoe just as she yelled at me. “Zozo look out!” I turned around and there was the biggest  spider I had ever seen in my life!   Granted I was only a few days old, but still!

“You’re taking my dinner!” “That’s my sister! She’s not food!” I slung some rocks at the huge spider before  charging at him. He smacked me with his legs and I   was nearly down to my last heart when I remembered  my roar. I let out a big roar, the force made the  

Spider fall over. I then attacked with my tail  and weapons and within no time he was gone. “Victory is mine!” All of the sudden I felt power course through  my body, and I leveled up into an adult T-Rex. “Nice!” I had way more hearts and my tail could swing  

Faster now. I helped finish  freeing Zoe and the monkey. “Thanks for rescuing me! I”m Crew.” “I’m Zozo.” I looked over at Zoe and she was shaking. “Are you okay?” “That was so scary. I went out this morning  before you got up and I was ambushed by those  

Spiders! I tried to roar but they tied my mouth  closed before I had a chance to call for you.” “I’m glad I found you. Being spider food  wasn’t really a part of my grand plan.” Zoe laughed and Crew joined us.

“You’re from that park over there! I knew  there were dinosaurs, but nobody has seen any.” “Yeah we managed to escape Dr. Harland but  he is kinda crazy. He wants to bring us   back so he can make money off of  us and all the other dinosaurs.” “That’s awful! How many more dinosaurs are there?”

“We don’t know. But they don’t belong  in there. We need to help them escape.” Crew thought for a minute. “I might be able to help out with that.” “Really? How?” “This island has been inhabited by dinosaurs  before, a really long time ago. There was a  

T-Rex like you guys that had a special  item that could ward off the humans.” “That sounds awesome! Do you know where it is?” “No, sorry. Legend says it’s on the island  somewhere, but nobody has found it.” This was good news! Maybe we could  make the humans leave for good! 

On days 20-22 Crew came with us to the base.  He seemed to really like us and wasn’t scared   like most animals were. He was also really  funny and would ride on our backs sometimes. Once we got back to the base we tried  to get settled in but then a bunch of  

Jaguars showed up, trying to get our sheep. “Hey, there’s enough food for all of  us. You don’t need to steal from us!” They didn’t listen and just continued  to attack. With our combined strength,   the jaguars were gone in no time. We made some improvements to the base including  

A treehouse for Crew to hang out  in. He really seemed to like it. “Hey Zoe, would you want  to help me with something?” “Yeah sure, what is it?” “I want to make a statue. I want  the humans to know that they can’t  

Mess with us and I want all the dinosaurs  to know that there is hope to be free.” “That sounds awesome Zozo!” We chatted about the design and started on the   base of the statue. Can you  tell what it’s going to be? Also, if you like what you’ve seen so far,  

Don’t forget to subscribe! We love  having you here on our adventures!  On days 23-26 I woke up to the base being  attacked again! They broke through the wall! I   guess the jaguars had some reinforcements and  didn’t like that they didn’t get our sheep! “Come on guys, really?”

Zoe and Crew joined me, and with their help,  we defeated the jaguars in no time. I noticed   that one of them had dropped something  so I picked it up. It was an iron sword! “Woah neat!” I swung it around and nearly jabbed Zoe with it. “Hey watch it!” “Sorry.”

I looked around the base for a minute. “Maybe we need to make some changes  to the base so that it’s safer.” Zoe agreed and we went to work. We worked on  expanding the walls and making our own areas  

Larger. We ran out of supplies pretty quickly,  so I headed out to gather some more materials. “I also really would like some more iron  so that I can have some better weapons.” I explored for a minute before  finding a large cave. I delved   deeper and deeper until I found some iron ore. “Perfect!”

Just then, a bunch of bats came out  of nowhere and tried to swarm me. “Ah!” I hurried and started smacking them with my new   sword. The last few that evaded  me, I shot with my slingshot. “Nice! I really like having a sword.”

I mined the rest of the iron and hurried to craft  myself an iron pickaxe, axe and an iron helmet. “This will be perfect!” I left, still feeling accomplished.  I had a new weapon, and a new tool.  

I felt like I was on top of the world! On days 27-31 I went to Crew to chat with   him about the special item that  would help me defeat the humans. He was chilling in his treehouse. I was too  big to fit, so we just talked from a distance.

“Well the legend says that thousands of years ago  many dinosaurs lived on the island in peace. Then   one day the dinosaurs saw a boat approaching. They  had no idea what it was, so they didn’t fear it. But then the humans landed and they began  to immediately attack the dinosaurs! They  

Took over the island and started to chop  down all the trees and pollute the land. One T-Rex, his name was Ignatius the Great,  he sacrificed his most prized possession   to the volcano gods in order to gain a  legendary item to ward off the humans.” “What was the item exactly?”

“It was an amulet that granted him awesome  power to grow to ten times his size!” “Wow! That is awesome!” “Right?! So he used the amulet to defeat  the humans and protect the dinosaurs.” “So what happened to him and the amulet?” “I’m not sure exactly. That’s all I know.”

What an interesting story. I hoped that it was  true, it could be the answer to all my problems!  On days 32-35 I thought some  more about what Crew said. “I really need to find that amulet. And if it’s  on the island, how hard can it be to find it?”

I decided to look around for something  significant that could possibly help me. While I was venturing further into the island,   I came upon a group of ocelots.  One of them recognized me. “Hey! It’s that dinosaur that helped me get food!”

He ran up to me and started talking to  me. His family seemed a little reluctant,   so they stayed further back. “What are you doing?” “I’m looking for the amulet that was lost on  the island. Do you know anything about it?” My little ocelot friend shook  his head, but his dad piped up.

“That amulet corrupts all who  hold it. You don’t want it.” “Why do you say that?” “The dinosaur that held it, Ignatius the Great,   began to use the power to unfairly rule all  the dinosaurs. The volcano gods were angry,   so they willed the volcano to erupt,  taking out all the dinosaurs.” “That’s awful!”

“Well that’s what happens when you  mess with power you shouldn’t have.” “I couldn’t agree more.” I flipped around to see Dr. Harland! “How did you find me?” “It’s not that big of an island, I  knew I would find you eventually.” I tried to run away, but Dr. Harland shot a dart  

At me. It got me right in the leg  and I immediately felt woozy again. “Oh no…I can’t pass out again…” “It’s okay, we’ll take care of you.” Then everything went dark. On days 36-39 I woke up back in my house! “Hey, how did I get back here?”

I went outside and saw the ocelot  family hanging out with Zoe. “Look who’s awake!” My little ocelot friend ran up to me. “Zozo, you’re okay!’ “What happened?” “Dr. Harland shot you and then you passed  out. We worked together to move you. We met  

Your sister outside. She had been looking for you  and was worried. She helped us to carry you in.” “Wow, you guys are the best. Thanks!” “No problem!” “I don’t even know all your names.” The ocelot officially introduced himself as Marty.  

The rest of his family had M names as  well. Melissa, Moe, Miley… You get it. “Now that you’re feeling better, how about  we make some room for our new friends?” “Sounds like a plan!” Zoe and I worked on making an enclosure for the  ocelots. I could tell they were scared to be  

Living out on their own. By the time we finished,  I could tell they were really happy about it. I decided to talk more with Marty’s dad, Marvin,   about the legendary amulet. I asked him  where it might be and he shook his head.

“All I know is that the legend  says it was buried with Ignatius   somewhere on the north side of the  island. That’s where his home was.   Everyone claims that he was wearing  the amulet when the volcano erupted.” Interesting. I would have to travel  a long way to go looking for it.

But before I went back out, I got to  work on the statute. It was coming   along pretty great and I was excited  to finish it. So, was your guess right?  On days 40-43 I went out to go looking for more   iron since I hadn’t found  that many deposits nearby.

I went north and found a  pretty big cave. As I entered,   I saw a bunch of snakes slithering around. “Not today!” I quickly shot them with my slingshot,  hit them with my sword, and also used my   roar to send them flying into the lava.  I was starting to feel really powerful!

I journeyed deeper and sure enough, I  found a huge deposit of iron as well as   coal. I made myself a little crafting table  and set up a camp for myself in the cave. With the iron I had collected I made  myself all new tools and weapons.

“I am the mightiest of the  T-Rex’s! Nobody can stop me now!  On days 44-49 I journeyed to the north side  of the island in search of the amulet. I was   tromping through the jungle when I heard a  scream. I snuck forward to see a bunch of  

Alligators who had trapped a toucan. It  looked like they were about to eat her! “Hey! Stay away from her!” I tromped out from my hiding place and  the alligators snapped at me. I guess   they didn’t like me intruding on their  dinner plans. They started to attack me,  

But with my sonic roar and powerful  tail, they were gone in an instant! “Thank you Mr! “I’m Zozo.” “I’m Gretta! I thought for sure I  was going to be alligator food!” “Well I’m glad I was around.” “I’ve been hearing about the dinosaurs on  the island. What brings you over here?”

“I’m looking for the lost  amulet of Ignatius the Great.” “Ooh that’s a tricky one that is. It’s supposedly  here on the north side of the island but…” “What?” “Well…it’s kind of complicated to explain. I  think it would be easier if I just showed you.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan to me.” On days 50-53 I followed Gretta   further into the north side of the island. We were  about to enter a clearing when Gretta stopped me. “Is that chanting?” “Yeah…” “I looked through the trees and saw  a temple of some sort. There were a  

Bunch of other toucans gathered  around something on a pedestal. “Hey, they have the amulet!” “Wait, Zozo!” I didn’t listen and I tromped  through the trees toward the   birds. They immediately squealed  in delight and started bowing. “Um…what’s going on?” “Oh Great and Mighty one! You have heard our call  

And you have come to retrieve  what you have left behind!” I looked on the pedestal and noticed  that it wasn’t an amulet. It was a… “Is that a foot?” “Yes great Ignatius! It is your foot!  We have been saving it for you!”

I looked behind me and saw Gretta  was super embarrassed. These must   be her family members. The crazy  side of the family no doubt. “Um yes…I have been missing my foot. Thank  you for taking such good care of it.”

They continued bowing as I went up and grabbed  the foot. It was definitely from a T-Rex. “Um…my humble toucans…where did you find my foot?” One hopped forward eagerly. “Oh yes we found it over here!” We journeyed on a path leading  toward a large rock formation.

“The foot was just sitting  right here oh Holy One.” “Thanks. Do you mind if I look around?” “Do as you wish Great One!” The toucan left and Gretta flew up a  moment later to rest on my shoulder. “I should’ve warned you. I don’t come around here  

Anymore because they are all a bunch of  crazies. I mean, who worships a foot?” I just laughed. “It’s fine. It was exciting to say the least.” I began digging at the rock formation and  sure enough, I found more bones inside. “This must be Ignatius.”

We managed to uncover all the bones  but there wasn’t an amulet in sight. “If he wasn’t wearing it, where did it go?” “All the stories said he was wearing it…” This was beginning to feel like  a wild goose chase. I gathered   all the bones and we headed back toward the base. 

On days 54-57 Gretta and I made it back to the  base. She didn’t want to be with her crazy family,   understandably, so we made a little nook  for her. She seemed to really like it. “Hey Zozo!” It was Crew. He came over to me. “Whats up?”

“I’m running a little low on food. Do  you think you could grab me some more   bananas? There’s a tree nearby with some in  it, but there are also some spiders in there.” “No problem!” I went to the tree Crew was talking about  and immediately saw the swarm of spiders. “Yuck!”

I used my slingshot to make them  fall out of the tree and then I   attacked them. They were no match for my  roar, and soon enough, they were gone. “Sweet! Now Crew can have all  the bananas he could want.”

I used my roar to make the bananas  fall out of the tree, and I gathered   them for my friend. He was ecstatic to  see all the food I had gotten for him. “Wow! Thanks Zozo! Wait here for just a minute.”

Crew went to work. In his tree house he  started mixing a bunch of ingredients   together in the mixing basin and before I knew  it, he had a big loaf of banana bread for me. “Where did you learn how to bake?  And where did you even get a mixer?”

“I have my ways. Here, hope you like it!” I ate it, and it was actually delicious! “Mmmm yum! Thanks Crew!” He jumped up and down in delight. “No problem!” On days 58-62 I worked   on the statue for a little bit. I was nearly  done when I heard a scream from down below.

The base was being attacked by some humans! “Oh no!” I hurried to run down to the base,  and noticed that all of my friends   had been shot with sleeping darts. The  humans were trying to take them away. “You let my friends GO!”

I roared with all my might, and the humans focused  their attention on me. They tried to shoot me,   but I dodged them. I managed to  take out a few of the guards and   then went to chase the rest away.  They got scared of me and ran off. “Good riddance!”

I hurried to help my friends get back to their  homes, when I noticed that Zoe was missing. “Zoe!” I looked outside the base and I saw her lying  on the ground. She didn’t look too good. “Zoe! Let’s get you inside so you can sleep.”

“They didn’t hit me with a sleeping arrow  Zozo. They hit me with a real bullet.” “What? Why?!” “I heard one of Dr, Harland’s  men say that they just needed   one dinosaur for the exhibit. You.  So, I charged him, and he shot me.” “Oh no Zoe…” “It’s okay. The hunter that shot me, Brett,  

Said that they were going to get the  amulet from it’s secret hiding place.” Zoe weakly handed me a map. “They dropped this. Hurry Zozo. Take care of  the rest of the dinosaurs.Protect the island.” And with that, my sister died. “Nooooooo!” 

On days 63-66 I used the map that  Zoe gave me to track down Brett. “They won’t get away with this!” I traveled to the north side of the island again,  past the temple and down into a large cave. There didn’t seem to be anybody  around, but then I saw a pool  

Of water with a large glowing squid in it.  There were a bunch of humans attacking him! “Stop hurting innocent creatures!” The men jumped in surprise as I attacked them.  In only a matter of seconds, they were defeated. “Thank you ancient one.” “Of course.”

“I knew you would all be back someday. It was only  right that the dinosaurs ruled this island again.” “Do you know where the amulet is?” The squid nodded and pointed  down further into the tunnel. “I’m afraid the rest of the humans already  started heading down that way though.”

“How did they know to look for you?” “Dr. Harland was my friend. When he came to  the island he discovered me and studied me.   I told him of the amulet in the cave but  he wasn’t interested in it at the time.  

It wasn’t until recently that he wanted  to retrieve it. I guess he didn’t want   to chance you finding it and overpowering  him. He ordered his goons to destroy me!” “I’m so sorry. That must’ve been heartbreaking.” “You can’t trust those humans. They only  want power. They’ll do anything to get it.”

“I’ll go retrieve it.” “Good luck to you friend.” And with that, the squid swam further  into the pool, and disappeared.  On days 67-70 I went deeper into the cave which  then opened up into a huge underground chasm. “This must’ve been Ignatius’ lair.”

Then I saw Brett and some other goons  grabbing a chest from an alcove. “That doesn’t belong to you!” Brett dropped the chest in surprise.  He turned and sneered at me. “It don’t belong to you neither!” I charged, ready to strike. The men  got out their weapons, ready to shoot.

“Don’t hurt him, just put him to sleep.  The Doc wants to save him for later.” I managed to dodge all the darts and  I used all my strength to swing and   hit the humans. I finished off his  men and then went to attack him.

Brett looked a little uneasy as I got closer,  so then he pulled out his dart shooter. “I don’t want to hurt you  dinosaur, but I will if I have to!” He fired his weapon and it wasn’t  sleeping darts, it was a stun blaster. “Ouch!” Electricity pulsed through  me and I fell down, hard.

“Just give up. It’ll be easier.” Then I blacked out. On days 71-74 I woke up,   my bones and body aching. Then I remembered. “The chest!” I looked in the alcove and it wasn’t there. “Shoot! Brett must’ve taken it while I was out.”

I felt awful as I made my way out of the cave and  up into the jungle again. It was super slow going   to get back home, but eventually I made it. On days 75-78 I entered the base. I was so  

Exhausted and just wanted to be alone,  but my friends came running up to me. “Zozo, you’re okay! We were asleep and when  we woke up, you were gone! Where’s Zoe?” I told them all about what had  happened and they stood in shock. “We are so sorry Zozo. Zoe  was a really good friend.”

I felt awful, I told them I needed to rest  and I went in my house for a little while. It wasn’t too long until I heard  screaming and shouting. I hurried   to run outside only to find Brett in the  base, trying to shoot my friends again. “What are you doing here?!”

“I need your blood dinosaur. Give it to me!” “Ew gross, no!” I roared at Brett, causing  him to fly backward into the   wall. I smacked him with my tail  and sword, easily defeating him. I then felt a surge of power,  and I leveled up into a full  

Sized T-Rex! My roar could demolish  anything and I had a ton of hearts! “What did he mean he needed your blood?” “I have no idea…but that was definitely creepy.” I looked and saw that Brett had dropped  some things. I was hoping it was the amulet,  

But it was just a keycard and a  painting. The painting had some   glyphs of humans shooting a dinosaur with  a dart shooter and then growing to be huge. “Have you seen anything like this?” “No. It just looks like something  the old humans must’ve left. They  

Probably just thought that defeating  a dinosaur would grant them power.” “I guess Brett thought so too.  Probably why he came back to hurt me.” “Creepy.” I looked at the keycard a little bit more closely.   It had the park symbol on it  and a label saying Site B. “What is Site B?”

“The park is Site B. Site A is  the abandoned site down the hill.” “There are two?” “Yeah, Site A was abandoned because it  was too small. Now it’s just storage.” “There must be something important in  there if Brett had a keycard to it.” “Must be.” On days 79 to 84 I  

Traveled to Site A to go exploring. I was hoping  the keycard for Site B would work here too. As I approached the front gate I  took out the key card put it into   the key card scanner and the gate clicked open. “Nice!”

I followed the path and arrived  at the main building that rose   through the jungle high into the sky! I slowly went inside the building and saw lots of  boxes and cobwebs. The place looked like a mess!. “This place has been completely abandoned. ”

I explored the building and saw an interesting  roller coaster through the window! It goes   straight through a dinosaur skeleton exhibit!  What in the world was happening in this place?! All of the sudden I heard a noise  from a back room. I approached and  

Looked through the window only to see an  alligator looking through the cabinets. “I wonder what she’s doing?” Then she saw me and charged at the  glass. She then opened the door and   ran towards me! I quickly backed  up and she snapped her teeth at me. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking to see if there was anything that   could help me defeat Dr. Harland  here. What are you doing here?” The alligator looked at me. She paused  for a moment then started speaking slowly. “I’m also trying to get to Dr.  Harland. He’s been running tests  

On my family in order to make new  dinosaurs. I need to rescue them.” “We can work together! Have you  found anything useful here?” “Uh yeah, There’s some sort of  weapon downstairs but its too   heavy for me to carry. Maybe you can carry it.”

I started to go down the  stairs toward the control room. As I was about to enter, I felt something  push me down the stairs. It was the alligator! “Hey! What was that for?” “You aren’t supposed to be here dinosaur!  You’ve been extinct for years and now you  

Just expect to rule the whole island? The  alligators are the real predators here!” She snapped her teeth at me and almost got me! “Hey I’m just trying to survive  here! I’m not trying to hurt anyone.”

She ignored me and kept snapping her teeth.  I backed up and then used my roar to push her   back. I hit her a couple more times and  then after only a minute, she was gone. “I wonder if there was anything  down here or if she was just lying.”

I looked around the room and sure enough,   it was mostly just trash. Then I noticed  a trap door. I was too big to go all the   way down but I did notice some diamonds and  other materials, but they were out of reach!

I looked around and there were a few more  diamonds just laying in the corner of the room. “These will definitely come in handy!” I grabbed them and headed back  to the base. I would definitely   need some help scouting out  the rest of the secret room 

On days 85-89 I went back to chat with  my friends about what I had found. “Wow! I knew that the alligators on the island  were super territorial, but that’s just crazy!” “What weirdos!” “I know right. But would one of you come  with me back to the room? I can’t fit down  

There but I would like to see if  there is anything else of value. “Yeah sure!” Crew and I headed back to Site A and he checked   out the secret room. He came up  in a few minutes super excited. “There’s a tunnel and it looks like  it leads into the Site B park!”

This was great news! Now I just needed  to figure out a way to fit down there.   Crew explored some more and said that there  was a bigger tunnel opening near the river. “That’s perfect! I’ll go in  that way once I’m ready!” 

On days 90-94 The monkey gave me the diamonds and  I used them to craft myself some better weapons. I   didn’t really have enough diamonds to make armor  that would fit me, so I just made weaker diamond  

Armor with a few chunks missing from the armor  pieces. It would be enough to cover my weak spots. I tried it all on, and I  actually felt really cool! “Not only am I a strong dinosaur with super  powers, I now also have some protection!”

I knew that I was one step closer to defeating  Dr. Harland and freeing all the dinosaurs.  On days 95-97 I finished the  statue! It is in honor of Zoe. As I looked up at the finished  statue, I felt a sense of hope  

And strength. I knew that I would get  the amulet and fulfill my destiny. On day 98 I said goodbye to all  of my friends before heading out. “Take care you guys. I’ll be back, I promise.” They cheered me on as I left the  base and headed out to the park.

On the way there I noticed a plane overhead and  it was dragging a sign in the sky. SUBSCRIBE? Hey,   that sounds like a good idea!  You should do that so you can   follow along on some of our other adventures! On day 99 I went to the river where the tunnel  

Opening was. I broke the bars and headed inside  toward the park. It was dark for a little while,   but then I started to see light! The  tunnel led to an enclosure with all   kinds of other dinosaurs! I approached  the gate and roared to break it open. “Woah! It’s the T-Rex!”

They all gathered around me. “Are you going to free us?” “Yes! This tunnel leads to the  outside world. I’ll go open up   all the other enclosures so that we are all free!” The dinosaurs whooped in delight, but  then a bunch of darts started flying.  

The humans came out of nowhere  and started shooting at us. “Run! You’ll be safe!” They all started running into the  tunnels as I roared at the humans.   I trudged through the park,  defeating the guards easily. I continued to the other side of the park. 

On day 100 I was loose in Jurassic  Park. There were a bunch of humans   running around in panic. I tried not to step  on them, I just wanted to find Dr. Harland. Then out of nowhere came a bunch  of humans with weapons. They shot,  

But I dodged and roared and swung my tail at  them, sending them flying in different directions. They quickly ran away and I continued through  the park to the big building in the center. I smashed through the doors and sitting on   a pedestal was the amulet of  Ignatius. I went to grab it,  

But I felt a dart hit me. I flipped around  and saw Dr. Harland with a large dart shooter. “Come quietly and I won’t hurt you.” “No!” I grabbed the amulet and I felt a surge of power!   I turned into a giant T-Rex with  massive teeth and a mighty tail. “So be it.”

Dr. Harland backed up into the lab and  closed the door. I heard some whirring,   and then he appeared in a large robotic suit.. “I didn’t want to hurt you but you have  ruined my park! You are a liability now!”

He shot at me with some tough shooters,  but they didn’t hurt me as much since I   was all powerful. However he soon started  throwing bombs at me, which were not so   easy to avoid! We exchanged blows, and I almost  thought that Dr. Harland was about to end me!

“Auch that hurt. Ha I dodged that one! You  will not take me down that easily! Take that!” “Agh! You dirty lizard, that hurts!” But I was also doing some damage!  I could tell some of my roars were   hurting his mech, because sparks started flying!  

Finally his mech started smoking!  Now I was doing some real damage! Then I used my sonic roar and sent Dr. Harland   flying. The suit crumbled into pieces  and Dr. Harland was finally defeated! I made my way throughout the rest of the park,  

Releasing all the dinosaurs back into  the wild. They all seemed super happy! Once we all reached my base,   I saw my friends cheering for me.  Life was back to the way it should be.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-03-10 22:11:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR in Hardcore Minecraft! The evil Doctor …

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    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!

    Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rebuilding A PERFECT FNAF Pizzeria In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jollie on 2024-05-13 21:43:16. It has garnered 1387 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring my first abandoned mine in Minecraft

    Exploring my first abandoned mine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine’, was uploaded by Morpheus ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-21 15:11:27. It has garnered 21752 views and 823 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds. ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine You can help support this channel by subscribing. Thank you Donate via Paypal https://paypal.me/MorpheusASMR Amazon USA https://amzn.to/3V8EUmh Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2Nbnu3m Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2EgKOtS Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchy

    🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight на RuHypixel 😱 #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #anarchy #анархия #сервер’, was uploaded by Чиз on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ̶М̶О̶Й̶ ̶С̶Е̶Р̶В̶Е̶Р̶ 🌞IP: mc.sunnybeach.fun 🪅Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: https://vk.com/savchikvyacheslav DONATE: donationalerts.com/r/cheesechill —————————————– – 📫Advertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 🗿🤯🔥 #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!

    Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Minecraft Marketplace Pass!’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-04-05 14:08:03. It has garnered 176 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:30 or 6630 seconds. You can have an entire month FREE! I am giving away a code for a subscription to @minecraft Marketplace Pass. 🎉 General Instructions on How to Enter: 1. You need to have Minecraft Bedrock. 2. Be in the chatbox for the bot to see you when the givaway starts 3. Have a twitter or discord account so I can send you the code 4. Play… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralart

    Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art 😍 (My Fan Comment) #shorts #ytshorts #viral #shortsviral #viralshorts #art’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:24:28. It has garnered 2369 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan 😍 Sub to my 2nd channel @ItzWardenYT_2.O #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic #viral #gaming #gameplay #fan #fancomment #logo #logoart #viralvideo #art #trending #trendingshorts #subscribe #sub #like #likes #share #hypixel #itzWardenYT #ytshorts #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱

    Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 8 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-11 14:00:16. It has garnered 5766 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!

    INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed’, was uploaded by NATION_GAMING on 2024-03-16 14:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed. Read More

  • Frank_INC

    smp server survival greek and english friendly server with shop and trades frank-inc o ο καινουργιος κοσμος που εχει οπως και δηποτε την ευκερια να δοκιμασεις και να ενωθεις μαζι μας για νεες περιπετειες frank_inc.apexmc.co:25594 Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on pure vanilla gameplay. Join us on the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.4) for an enhanced experience with texture packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks. To join, first connect with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs. Then, join with play.vanillaplus.uk to receive a code to DM our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building, farming, and trading at spawn. We’ve recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Come join the fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft:… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft!