I Survived 100 Days as a Mage in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

Video Information

Unbelievably it has been nearly a year since i first released my 100 days as a mage video which sparked basically the entire interconnected fix of verse i thought what better time than now to go and revisit those four mage videos it is one story after all let’s be honest here my entire youtube

Style has changed pretty dramatically over the last year and i think now would be a great time to go back and revisit these four videos as kind of a director’s cut where i can re-edit them together make a more concise overall story and allow you to just sit taking

The whole thing in one sitting all right enough of that let’s go 100 days mage starts right now Guilty guilty guilty so it is decided for practicing the dark arts of the arcane you will be stripped of all magical abilities and banished from this world for the rest of your days sentence to be carried out Immediately 100 days it’s both a long time in hardcore minecraft but also a short time to accomplish a lot special shout out to luke the notable who came up with this very cool 100 days concept and a very special thank you to forgelabs who turned me on to this with

His amazing zombie apocalypse video seriously i think it’s one of the best minecraft videos i’ve ever seen i’ll link that video as well i’ll be lightly role playing this again just like my last video this time as an unnamed mage who has been stripped of his once formidable power

Seems he dipped a little too deeply into the dark side if you enjoy the video and would like to subscribe for tons of content both 100 is videos as well as more traditional let’s plays from my long-term survival world please do i promise you won’t regret it enough of all that

Let’s get on with the video enjoy so this is how it is i can’t believe they actually did it perhaps one of my more interesting experiments may have gone wrong but the council wouldn’t even listen to my reasoning i told them i could correct it but they took my power

And they sent me here nothing is known of this place except no one has ever returned i will be the first though i will return to this so-called council and discuss my banishment up close and personal but first i need to survive this prison world

If i had even a taste of my old magic this would be the simplest of tasks but without it i’m going to need to make tools like a commoner how embarrassing i actually had to use my fist to break some wood just to make some simple rudimentary wood tools and then i could

Upgrade those with stone well and then i saw this oh oh what are these uh yeah no thank you no thank you dinosaurs freaking dinosaurs are here oh man yeah that’s not good look i don’t know if these beasts are friendly but i’m not going anywhere near them then right after that

Everything changed i found a village i had no idea there was intelligent life in this dimension i tried talking to one of these well people i guess they seem almost mute making only slight grunting sounds to me maybe someday i could find a way to trade with them but for now my stomach

Was starting to rumble a bit and i need some food luckily farmers in this place had been busy and had some ripe carrots and wheat looks like i won’t starve what in the hell is this there is liquid furious that changes everything the fools on the village council stripped me of my power

But perhaps they weren’t able to strip me of my ability to regain power i need to make a book right away by making an item frame with some of these cows i just slaughtered and putting a book near the liquid ethereum oh the magic happens literally the magic happens by unlocking

This book i unlocked my own spells now i’m nowhere near the powerful wizard that i was when i was banished but i have the ability to cast spells again the sun was going down and i still hadn’t found any sheep to make a bed yet and

Yeah that’s when i got attacked by a tree oh shoot oh shoot what what what what what What the heck oh thank god all right the mighty tree that attacked me maybe wasn’t so mighty after all but on its death it spawned a phantom that could have been scary had enough ability to hide under this tree i headed back to the village and snuck

In someone’s house and hid there for the night i wanted to start the day by gathering some wood not as easy as you might think whenever you need to protect against trees that can come alive and kill you but fortunately i was able to get some rudimentary supplies without much incident

I’ll need to make an oculus first and to get that i’ll need some blue topaz i haven’t seen any so let’s just hope it generates in this dimension as well i gathered some wood some more food and had to take out some more of these ice

Spiders i had done the mine to mine for the rest of the night i finally found some blue topaz after mining for almost an entire day i also got a nice haul of iron and even some diamonds but for a mage who needs to make an oculus blue topaz is where it’s at

I was able to craft an oculus finally my first step back into the arcane i had three ability points i can grant myself touch dig and projectile this won’t help me dispatch any of these terrible monsters but it will help me gain more power and for now that’s where my focus

Is magic is like a muscle you have to use it and use it effectively to gain more muscle if i were say to make a lightning spell and just cast it wildly at the sky outside of it looking like quite the light show nothing would happen to me if

I’m digging stone and ore i’ll gain more power the more i use it which will then allow me to make more and greater spells you know it seems in this world even mining is no easy task oh come on dude yeah trees come alive coal comes alive how do we survive here

I was able to craft a few more parts of what i’ll need to create my first spell it’s a bit of a process when i learned the arcane arts i was in teeterly’s school for the gifted and arcane i took for granted they had all the simple machines there sure we

Learned how to create them thankfully for me but we never really needed to if we needed an oculus there was always one just down the hall if i’m gonna be living in this place for a while i’m gonna need some room i spent the evening today clearing some

Space just beside my house to make the altar hopefully i have all the parts i need again i stayed out too late tonight and i almost paid the ultimate price i had to run back to the safety of my house and eat some food and slay them from inside my door

Yeah i’m not real proud of myself here but look i don’t have any spells yet so i gotta do what i gotta do i spent time today building up my altar magic walls almost tripped me up but i was able to find a bit more vinion ore

And i got the alder all set up time to craft my first spell officially projectile dig that’s it such a simple spell will give so much power in time i just need to put the book in the lectern drop a blank rune in the altar video dust arrow and a snowball

How could i have forgotten that all projectile spells require snowball and i surely have not seen any inside this terrible dimension i spent every second of the night and following day searching for snow and came up empty i have no reason to expect that snow is even a thing in this

Dimension but i surely hope so if there’s no snow i will never be able to make a projectile spell and that’s going to be bad for surviving i need to keep searching at the end of the day i managed to find my first wool so i can actually make a bed

No more sleepless nights for me another day out searching i found an interesting house made of brick the stairs lead to a very very dark basement that i am in no way prepared to go check out i will mark it in my map for later finally i was out for so long

Searching i actually had to travel back home to drop off all the loot i’ve collected then i ventured out in a new direction to the south and sure enough snow After crafting just a few more components orange roon iron pick iron shovel and spell parchment lo and behold i have it my first spell since being banished i am so excited i head down to the mines to mine and level up my magic power for the rest of the day

I spent a good deal of time today to make a second spell i remember there being a simple mage light spell taught to mirror students at the school it’s a hard pill to swallow for such an experience made such as myself but i’m going to need to start with some basic

Student spells i suppose i crafted the book for the spell projectile magelite and went out in the storm to craft it only to be met and scared after death by some sort of cloud storm monster this place is insane after i brushed myself off i went back

Out in the rain and made my spell testing this thing out i am not sure if it’s how basic i’ve become or what but i am so happy and proud of this little light i’m gonna try to light up the whole village and keep some of these monsters away tomorrow

It’s become obvious that i need a decent attack spell this world is just so intense i work today on crafting a basic projectile force damage spell short look i’d love to add some enhancements but i don’t have anywhere near that type of materials this spell is awesome but now i need

Some sort of protection sure i could make iron armor i certainly have enough of iron but that’s fine for some commoner perhaps one of these idiots i live in this village with but for a mage no i need mage robes and to get that i need

Leather and to get that i need cows and wheat we’re making a giant farming operation here i think there’s always something well i work today on making some space for a nice wheat farm for the cows the stupid village is so snug in the middle of a spruce forest that there really

Isn’t room for anything and roads and all that stuff so let’s clear some space right in the middle and we’ll have some room for wheat and probably attach the cow pen to that i suppose if i’m going to be spending the next few months living here while my power grows i may

As well make something pleasing to the eye i got lucky again a huge and i mean huge pool of liquid ethereum formed just under a small layer of dirt in my base i’m going to clear this out to make it a proper pull to a mage ethereum is like liquid gold

Being freaking scared of the night is getting old some sort of winged demon thing chased me inside today i got more done around the town for a crop field and this cow pasture but boy these demons are scary i need armor in a bad way i worked on landscaping the town again today

Then something happened i heard a scream outside my house and looked out just to see this so apparently invasion of the frozen jerks is a thing here that’s spectacular i can’t sleep tonight due to monsters literally standing on my roof so i headed down to the mines and went to town

If anyone’s gonna kill me now that i have a decent attack spell it will be my almost stupidity at this point i was out planting wheat today and nighttime almost ended me when i was stupid and didn’t go to sleep a wolf beast caught me almost completely out of mana yikes

I killed it with my own shovel at least but it was close i made a mistake me the all-knowing master mage didn’t consult the arcane compendium before gathering leather for my majors i was browsing through the pages this morning and dropped the book it fell

Open to a recipe for the mage helm which requires one piece of leather but for wool to my display i checked the other parts and the same held true for them as well so when morning broke i was off to find sheep these are the slowest and most

Infuriating animals i cannot believe a master of the arcane arts has to hold wheat in his hand to coast these beasts to follow not only that but it turns out that these dinosaurs are indeed peaceful thankfully as i just backed into them not knowing they were behind me and

Worse though they will follow me when i’m holding wheat i was completely swarmed by the largest animals i’ve ever seen to wonder i wasn’t crushed i didn’t make it all the way back home that night and had to leave my sheep out in nature and run home so i could sleep i hope

They make it through the night i got the sheep back home home is this my home no it’s not my home and i won’t think of it that way this is simply a way station along the road to my sweet revenge i don’t think these sheep will be safe

Even within my little village from all these monsters unless they built some sort of shelter i did start laying out a basic plans for maybe a barn in the future i may include a cow aspect to protect them as well i’m a man on a mission i want to feel

Invulnerable and the added punch to my spells would be a nice side effect from full mage armor i’m off to find brown dye i had three options cocoa beans found only in a jungle flat mushrooms whatever they are not the normal mushrooms no i tried those these mushrooms have to be

Flat to make brown dye not the other brown mushrooms which are brown or cattails i think that’s my best shot i i know from exploring to find snow that there is a swamp across the sea i headed that way and sure enough cattails oh right also i almost died again This is getting old i need armor i need enchanting and i need a good decent healing spell all right i’m getting serious now i need brown wool and i needed to move these freaking cows i worked on the cow pasture for a bit and kept an eye out

For when the sheep ate some grass also i learned something else apparently sheep eating puzzle won’t regrow their wool so blah had to replace all of their pens puzzled with grass but i’m getting closer i spent the day gathering wool and slapping a small roof on the sheep pen

Wall this should make it blend in with the village a bit better and give the sheep some protection in case some sort of flying beast starts shooting projectiles all over the place after the sunset i dove in to make my mage armor the only hang up is the pants which i

Need one single gun powder how do i have any gunpowder for all the mobs i’ve killed in the past 19 days it’s unbelievable i’m gonna have to really watch for a creeper somewhere no creepers yet but i’m going to start dealing with something else that is annoying me you know these crop nature

Monsters that spawn when i’m breaking uh carrots or grass or whatever i thought that if i were to put a small roof on some of the smaller farms maybe they would spawn and stay within fighting range it did work on a little bit of a test run

While i was working on another one of these farms one of the idiot villagers came out and offered me a drink of water i could have gotten my own but it was kind maybe i could help these people somehow survive on this awful place today i thought of something i i don’t

Know why i didn’t do this before but you know we may just do things other than just pure magic we’ve learned ways to build normal stuff too just better i craft a magician’s workbench and it’s upgrades today this allows me to hold all my most crafted recipes in the

Machine as well as different crafting components and storage it’s a really nice little upgrade to my life the next thing i’d like to do is start work on a actual good and proper healing spell well i mean as good as i can at my meager level

First thing i need to do is i need to get some glowstone and that means a trip to the nether and well look the nether in my old home wasn’t so dangerous a place but this prison dimension it could be a whole lot worse if the monsters that inhabit the

Overworld inhabit the nether i could be in for a real fight i gathered some obsidian made some flint and steel and got prepared my trip to the nether was a wild success first and most importantly i didn’t die so it was key also i managed to get a lot of glowstone

Right off the top i pushed my luck by staying and killing some mobs to finally get some gunpowder i am very excited to complete my mage robes i need some green dye for a healing spell and to get green dye you have to have a cactus and to have a cactus you

Have to have a desert well luckily thanks to my search for snow i know pretty much where a desert is so it took a boat far down to the south west and i found it while i was in this desert i decided that i think it’s time to find

Out what dinosaur tastes like so since i know there’s a passive already i went ahead and took out as many as i could find i’m gonna be eating dinosaur steak for the next couple weeks i did some real building today i’d like to get my crafting holder a bit more

Protected so i can make spells in peace and to try to come up with a simple design that fits this little village that we have here these people are so helpless i don’t understand how they haven’t been slain by the incredible amounts of terrible monsters all over the place it ball goes

My mind i suppose i should start thinking a wall soon i built my first real mage machine today my first obelisk in this new world with it i can make much more powerful spells as well as a kale factor and i can cook things like meat and potatoes in it

Also as a side product it generates lots of vitium dust for me which is something i’m woefully short on i’ll need to get some liquid ethereum to power it fortunately i have a large pool just outside my door finally today is the day day 27 and i’m

Going to make my first honest goodness proper healing spell self heal regeneration i’m going to get the bang of the initial heal plus i believe a few seconds of heel regen on top of that what a spell i did have to link my obliques to the crafting holder and i’m glad i still

Remember how to do that i do need a better place to store my liquid ethereum i’m finding around here maybe a few storage ponds or a tank or something like that after 28 days i was starting to feel a little bit cooped up so i headed out of

Town i found some sort of old ancient dungeon that i could go exploring it started off pretty well i wanted to test myself against something that i could hit and something that would hit me back and yeah there was no shortage here in this dungeon there were some scary monsters

But using my projectile dig i could actually break any monster spawners and using my projectile light i could light up rooms from a distance away it actually went pretty well i didn’t delve down to the very deepest depths here my inventory had filled up with loot and to be honest it was

Getting harder per level that i went down and i just didn’t want to risk dying down here and well being dead i kept pushing my luck further and further keep thinking okay one more turn one more crate one more chest and then this happened

Oh no oh no no no no no no oh oh babe that was close it’s a funny thing after killing really endless monsters and terrible things in this world one simple zombie with a pickaxe almost took me out i think one more hit and i would have been done for

What good is a wizard without a wizard tower it’s time to build a place where i can do some real work and maybe get away from the people in my village just a little bit i’d like to enchant my gear as soon as i possibly can the real hang

Up right now is a place to actually do it and well i guess sugarcane for books too uh i i’m farming sugarcane though that’s a problem that will take care of itself in short order let’s just build a tower today i think it turned out pretty well

It was finally time to enchant my gear up my brand new wizard tower and i learned something terrible it takes 30 levels to enchant gear in this terrible dimension it’s like the stories i read from years and years and years ago how it used to be back in my father’s in his

Father’s day 30 levels man yikes i am so beyond over monster attacks and just the absolute constant nature of them so today i’m going out and i’m going to be building a wall i decided that for this wall i wanted to build sort of an organic shape of the wall

Following the natural landscape and this doesn’t need to be the fanciest wall of all time it just needs to be high enough to stop monsters from freely walking into my village i spent the entire day extending my wall up so it’s about four or five meters high around

Again it’s not gonna win a beauty contest but you know what it should work to keep at least some of the monsters out yeah i know there’s flying monsters in this dimension but at least the the wandering ones aren’t just going to wander up and burn the whole place down

I cut down all the trees within the walls i want to see how much space i’d work with and then i went outside the walls to cut down some more trees just to gather wood for future buildings and stuff and when i came back after the sun went down well the unthinkable happened

My village was very very quiet there was no one here Yeah i don’t know if maybe something came and carried them away ate them in their bones and their clothes everything or what but i had one villager remaining damn it i’m gonna protect that one dude that one guy he is gonna live i’m not gonna let anything happen to him

I did some real work today i feel like i’m finally moving out of the novice mage skill set and moving into slightly more interesting things to make my silk touch dig spell which something i really want i am going to need an air essence and so to get that i

Need to make arcane ash and smelt that and to get that you need netherrack redstone glowstone and bone meal well netherrack is the one thing i don’t really have any of so i ventured into the nether and risked it all to get some and i figured while i was here i may as

Well grab some quartz and things that are sitting around as well pretty much uneventful other than that and with that i completed my silk touch dig spell this is going to be so great i’m going to be able to pick up grass pick up glass pick up stone without it

Turning into cobblestone which is going to be great for building more i’m really really excited for this spell with my 34 levels i decided to enchant my chess piece today i got fairly unlucky only unbreaking three there’s a lot of worse things you can get than just unbreaking three but i was

Hoping for unbreaking and some sort of protection but look i’ll take it to make more spells i’m gonna need blue skill points and as i’m leveled up to intermediate mage power now they’re not coming free that means it’s time to start summoning some bosses so i think

I’ll summon the earth guardian first and see how well i do against him the only thing is to summon the earth guardian you need an emerald and i don’t have any emerald so i’m off to a nearby village to see if i can make a wheat trade and grab a handful

I had another idea for a guardian that maybe won’t be quite so pricey as well there’s such a thing as a water guardian and it’s actually fairly cheap to summon the only thing you have to wait for is rain so you know it can happen frequently or not so much

After night fell instead of sleep i went into the mines i gotta tell you mining is such a pleasure now since i have enough mana reserved that essentially i never run out i can mine as quickly as i can walk and fill my inventory in just minutes

The only downside is breaking ores with my spells doesn’t yield experience which i need in order to enchant my gear i’ll have to think about that sometime after just days and days of just bad luck at every turn finally things change and went my way i was just finishing work on the water

Guardian summoning platform and it started to rain i rushed back to my house grabbed eight redstone inlays wood for boats iron for buckets of water and i got a summon off while the rain kept on going Okay i’ll admit i’m not so proud of how i fought him it wasn’t exactly a fair fight i put up gates to keep him far away from me and just shot my rock shot spell from the safety of good distance here uh look it’s not on me the water

Guardian doesn’t have hands and can’t open the gate the rain persisted overnight and despite the danger of mobs coming up behind me the rewards were just too tempting i stayed out all night and much of the next day killing the water guardians over and over and over and over i

Summoned and killed eight water guardians before the rain stopped eight in my wildest dreams i thought perhaps i could get maybe two maybe three but eight oh man i gotta get back to the oculus i spent all of the next day looking at my points in the oculus and deciding

Where to put them and what my first spell would be i didn’t want to waste any of these points because i don’t know when the next time the rain is going to fall and i’m not totally convinced of my ability to beat the earth guardian

So i finally decided that i wanted a way to harvest leaves better for building this place i want my town to look beautiful and leaves would be a big help i created a projectile autumn’s harvest feather touch spell and my hope is it will drop a lot and lot of leaves every

Time i cast a tree i don’t think it will need the area of effect modifier because that is uh going to be a little bit out of my reach as of yet it was a good day and a bad day i guess the bad first all my cows are

Dead i have no idea what happened uh i can probably guess i mean there are terrible monsters that spawn up every two seconds and try to kill everything they see but still i didn’t see it and i wasn’t here to defend them yeah cows are all gone it’s okay i’m not

Out of food i have plenty of crops here in the town to feed me not a big deal i have one surviving villager here and maybe i should bring him some dinosaur meat just to make sure he’s fed we can’t communicate at all that maybe we’ve become some sort of understanding

It’s been 40 days at this point i suppose it’s just the two of us here i may as well make an attempt to talk to him on the good side my autumn harvest spell works perfectly maybe i’ll really class up the place and put a bunch of leaves

All over and just bring some nature in so it’s not just grass and there’s some random houses inside the walls yeah i think it’s gonna be really nice i made a hay spell today and i sure love it i mean so i could run out and find

Leather a little quicker now that my cows are all dead i got completely sidetracked however by a new idea while i was running outside i thought of an easy little design for the top of a wall that could maybe allow me to patrol up there and if any of those huge

Monsters come attacking it would be really nice to have a higher vantage point to fight them just to mix up the pallet i decided to gather a lot of oak since it stands out a bit from the rest of the village which is just bathed and dripping and spruce

That’s a long time here i may as well make the place look nice i worked on the top of a wall today and yeah it’s coming along it’s probably gonna require another day to work but what i really like about having an overhang on the wall is it stops anyone

From scaling up the wall that’s right i’m looking at you spiders i was working on the wall all morning on day 43 and i took a little break to come and talk to my one villager in my town i don’t know try to come up with some words that maybe we could both

Understand and well then this happened look if you could just tell me your name wait did you say bob is your name bob okay bob it is so roughly translated and yeah i mean very roughly translated my neighbor’s name is bob i think he was trying to tell me he

Could help it’s so difficult we have so few words that we both understand perhaps i may have dismissed the people living in this village as sheer idiots with the intelligence of a cow maybe i was a little too hasty i will look forward to talking more with

Bob i truly can’t have a conversation at this point but it is nice to hear another voice you know one that’s not screaming monster sounds while chasing me all over the place i want to upgrade my liquid ethereum storage back in the university we had giant tanks to hold it and well that

Doesn’t seem like a thing i can produce here so i’ll have to improvise a bit i started some simple round holes in the ground to hold a decent amount and have on hand just in case my little area becomes under siege by monsters well but then it started to rain again and you

Know i couldn’t resist yeah baby six more blue orbs is almost too easy it is too easy i’m not complaining though the next thing i want to think about is how to get some green orbs next uh maybe the air guardian hmm maybe i finished up the ethereum poles here on

Day 45 and i also added a fence to the wheat field i still don’t have a solid plan on what to do about the cows i actually do need more leather i could go out and harvest leather from random wild cows and monsters but i’d rather have a

Breeding supply right here at home the thought of coaxing more cows inside the walls is not something i am relishing i couldn’t sleep tonight though i’ve been thinking about my quality of life i think roads would really help nothing super complicated just something i could walk from place to place and not

Be stepping in animal duty or dead monster goo from the night before i’ve had something gnawing at the back of my mind for quite some time and only this morning that i figure out what it is this world this dimension is too quiet okay yeah there’s constant sounds of

Monsters and terrible things everywhere but there are no loud booms no explosions from meteorites hitting the ground there should be moonstone everywhere at this point but there isn’t i remember my masters at university used to talk about a sort of poor man’s version of moonstone that ancient mages

Could use when there were shortages you see mages used to be much much more prevalent than they are in my time and moonstone will only fall near a fairly accomplished mage at this point i think i am fairly accomplished and yet no moonstone i have to assume that i’m the only mage

In this area so i think it’s fair to say moonstone isn’t falling in this dimension i’m going to have to use the artificial moonstone made from iron blocks yeah it’s a little pricey but if this spell works i shouldn’t be short on materials ever again

I have been wanting to make an area of effect dig spell with feather touch thrown in as well this is going to be amazing it’s a little complicated though first i had to upgrade my crafting altar goodbye glass blocks and hello lapis caps one day i’d like to change up for a

Better block moonstone or sunstone but well at the moment lapis is just fine after a lot of components and a lot of components it works oh this has been fun i spent the entirety of day 47 mining i really don’t need endless materials truly but i just can’t help myself it is

So fun you have to understand i was a really powerful mage in my old life and stripped of all that ability suddenly and with basically no warning to regain this power to shape and destroy giant strips of land with nothing but a gesture and a thought oh oh it’s a feeling all right

With my new artificial moonstone i’m actually able to do the ritual of purification on an obelisk this is a great spell it’s a little pricey because you need to kill a bunch of pigs to get the the pig fat for the candles but well worth it so with this you can take the

Obelisk and you can stop it from requiring ethereum or ventium ore to function it can harness the power of just daylight to work so basically it works for free but only during the day well since i sleep a lot of nights that’s not going to be much of an issue

And it’s going to be a net win where i can power my cow factor or my altar basically all the time it’s really really nice i worked on the roads all day in my little village here and you know having such a steady supply of stone really changed everything it’s nice not to

Worry about materials and i can just build where i want to build 50 days in this prison and it’s starting to feel a little bit more habitable i have i don’t know a friend at least someone i can talk to in the nights after a hard day’s work the walls

Are high and monster attacks are seemingly a little bit less frequent the next major step will be to light this place up but first i needed a lot of oak so i used my hay spell to run out to the huge oak forest nearby and spent the day dealing with my oak shortage

Now that i’m halfway to the power i’ll need to return to my world i want to start making life a bit easier so i can focus more on my studies firstly i upgraded my spell desk so i can make more complex spells now each spell can actually have up to five variations

Secondly i started making something that will be a bit more complicated but well worth it my only fear is that flickers won’t spawn as dimension flickers are amazing little arcane critters with some simple guidance they can do all kinds of things farming butchering storage yeah i’m more than ready for that

I caught a lot of flickers today and not having an absolute plan for them i wasn’t sure exactly which type i needed not that it really matters you don’t get to choose which ones pop in existence i just want to have a nice selection so that when i’m ready to automate some

Stuff i have the flickers in a box ready to go this wall needs to be completed after spending a few days working on my magic workshop it felt good to get outside and work a little bit more on the cosmetic part of the village still a few more things to do but every

Block that i build up keeps me and bob a little bit more safe well here we go to make my first flicker habitat i need slime balls and i have not found any slimes here at all i took a boat to the swamp across the ocean and stayed awake all night

Yeah it was awful and scary Yeah it was at that point after getting blindness and almost blown up by a creeper while getting hit by some other sort of flying creature that i thought hey you know it’s time to get out of here i did return with a nice bit 13 slime balls and some pig fat

Some um it was really a good haul and it was a little bit more dangerous than i wish it were but hey you know what i made it out safe and i’d love to see another day i made a flicker habitat and the flicker focus of felled oak man this is terrific

Now hypothetically when a tree grows the flicker should cut it down automatically oh man i’ve missed flickers so much i have a fully functional dark oak farm this is terrific i added a magic broom to sweep up the logs apples and saplings and drop it right in the chest for me

There’s no way to really automatically replant it but i don’t mind swinging back to replant logs it’s just going to be nice that it’s going to automatically chop them down for me i have to work on some sort of advanced storage solution later i’ve been building uh completely out of

Spruce with some oak this is gonna be really nice i have a third wood to work with plus dark oak goes well with my dark black heart actually that you know that’s kind of a thing i’ve not been feeling very dark-hearted recently none of the anger

And hate that used to overwhelm me is really part of me anymore not sure why i’m extremely angry when i think about it being imprisoned here but maybe it’s my friendship with bob or knowing that i need to look after him that’s kind of keeping me from delving deeper into the

Darker side of the arcane that’s kind of what got me here in the first place but i don’t feel that pool anymore i don’t know i’m gonna need to think on this maybe this place is changing later in the day i started my quest for

Green orbs i’m gonna need a lot of these to sort of enhance my magic skill and well to get that i’m gonna need some of the air guardian and well to summon the air guardian you have to summon them quite high up in the air so i went to

The top of this little mountain peak that i have nearby my village and started building a well another mage tower but this one’s going to be a lot taller it needs to be basically cloud height at the top where i will summon the guardian yeah it’s okay it’ll be a

Nice place to look over my creation of this town the tower is growing and growing i finally remember to bring a bed up with me to save the return trip back down to my house which at this point is pretty far down below so the view the view is really

Nice from up top but uh getting down is actually not that easy of a task i really need to work on a ladder or stairs or something i finished up the final details on the mage tower and yeah after 59 days we are just about ready to summon this air guardian

I think tomorrow i’m gonna gather the materials i need to bring him into this world and hopefully slay him I may have gotten ahead of myself just a little bit i do want to slap a roof on this thing and actually add a little bit of infrastructure going up like like some floors so it’s not just a pole with a ladder in the middle maybe eventually we’ll dress this up

With some libraries and all that kind of mage type of things i had intended to summon the air guardian today but it turns out that to do that i need to make some air essences and well that takes some time so it turns out we’re delaying that summoning

Procedure for an additional day but i swear tomorrow the dude is going down hopefully a whole bunch of times sometimes rarely but sometimes everything works out perfectly i summoned the air guardian seven times and easily slowly but easily took them out gathering seven green orbs and granting

Myself some very very nice new abilities tomorrow i think is going to be an awesome spellcrafting day i spent the entire day making one of my all-time favorite spells maybe the very best spell in all of this arcane world called mark and recall it’s amazing you

Can mark a spot in the ground go anywhere you want throughout the entire world and recall yourself back to that spot i made this a little bit extra though i made it both a self-casting spell and a projectile spell so that way if i’m out traveling

And i see some pigs or some cows or some mushrooms or something and i want to send them back to my base i can projectile recall and they will instantly be teleported back to wherever my mark is oh oh this is going to be a time saver no more carrying wheat and

Having animals follow me like a commoner no baby i’m a mage on one of my air guardian kills he dropped his sled and that is awesome so i have now gained the ability of flight it’s not great flight it’s not exactly uh a wizard flight but i can

Ride on this thing and i can go anywhere i want flying is awesome Oh yes i can’t even express how joyful it is to fly through the air again after that ability was sort of stripped from me i spent the rest of the afternoon sending sheep cows pigs chickens all back to my base using my amazing recall spell we have a whole thriving farm here

For me and bob it’s gonna be great separating these beasts from their one pen is surely a lot easier with recall but there’s still such stupid creatures even breeding them is a pain maybe there’s an arcane solution to that too i wanted to make a charm spell to breed

My animals and to do that i really wanted to be an aoe charm spell and to do that i need tnt and to get that i need gun powder which i still don’t really have any so i am going to head to the nether and grab

Some gunpowder but before i go there i am acquiring quite a few spells so i went ahead and used some of my precious leather now that i have a supply of cows around to craft three spell books that way i have one for attack spells one for sort of uh dig

Dig spells and stuff like that and then one for utility such as mark and recall magelite all that kind of stuff it’s gonna help to really sort of organize my inventory i think all right off to the nether can i just tell you how much i hate the

Nether here i look the nether in our normal world it’s scary this is ridiculous everything here is trying to kill you and has means to do it it’s really awful i i’ve really sort of taken to killing everything i see from a good distance

Oh man well i made it out alive and got some gunpowder so i should be ready to craft my spell oh boy i need eggs i need a life essence and to get that i need eggs this day is insane i stood around the entire day waiting for two eggs

Before i finally got them i finally did it i took my couple eggs and made my charm spell oh there is love in the air For future growth in my arcane arts here i’m going to need some cerro blossoms i have a couple but i need like 10. i basically two choices here either bone meal grass and just hope or go exploring i’ll be honest here if i didn’t have recall and an air sled i’d probably just

Use up all the rest of my bone meal but i don’t have that much and you know with recall it’s only a one-way trip so it’s not too bad sarah blossoms grow in primarily green areas forest plains that kind of thing so i searched a bunch of those today and

I had to deal with a bunch of monsters under the tree canopy i don’t think these ones are necessarily dangerous but they’re scary and they leave off some sort of poisonous cloud after i kill them things got a little dicey towards the end of my voyage here and so i had to

Put my recall to good use that good as i have it we finally have gates to our little village here i spent two months in this place with wide open gates wondering why monsters kept attacking me and yeah i’m happy i’m happy to have some sort of semi-functional way of keeping stuff out

And also keeping bob in and never know if he’s going to wander off there’s a small section of my base here that i’ve never really liked this sort of weird cliff area here i decided to add a retaining wall especially now that i have gates it’s going to be probably

The main way in and out so i’m just going to dress it up a little bit and then eventually i have something in mind to go up on top of that area but well that’s down the road a bit my chickens are dead oh come on apparently some sort of monster got in

The pen killed them didn’t even bother to eat their meat and then just went away really nice it’s really nice the sheep and other animals i have seem to be okay and especially the sheep i’ve had here for a while penned in in that sort of foundation wall area thing so maybe i

Need to move all the animals in there just to keep them safe if something killed them all and then went away i gotta think it’s some sort of winged creature and i gotta protect against that bob and i have been speaking pretty much every morning and every night and we

Form some sort of hybrid language i basically speak in my language and he kind of grunts back but together we’ve been consistently expanding on the topics we can semi fluently discuss this morning over a dino steak breakfast bob asked me about learning the ways of the arcane i’ve been thinking once i

Leave this place to get my sweet revenge on my captors he’ll be here alone and well helpless maybe i could teach him a few basic spells i spent the rest of the day building up this barn around all of my animals to protect them and just thinking about bob

And his training in truth i’ve never actually had a student before and at this point i’m still quite intermediate myself but i once was a great and powerful mage and i suppose i could start to guide an apprentice for just throwing together a roof really quickly

Over the course of only one day the barn actually turned out to be kind of nice i think it’s gonna be a good place for my animals to live should protect them basically instead of use glass to further reinforce the only ways in for monsters i did use fence it

Should keep them out i think and yeah i feel like my animals are going to be safe i made a kind of big decision today if i would be taking on an apprentice i need a place to teach them additionally i am quite tired of living in this tiny

Little house i want something more fitting of a mage of my stature i’m going to clear a large bit of land and begin construction this morning laying out a giant mansion slash school survival fortress with enough room to survive fight monsters and also live in some

Sort of luxury isn’t as easy as it sounds i don’t want to make a mistake here and i want to make sure i have enough room for all the rituals and teaching i’ll be doing here i have 25 more days here in this dimension to gain

The rest of my power as well as train bob to be self-sufficient when i leave there’s no time to waste i added dark oak floors to the place very fancy right my tree farm is actually good enough that i have quite a bit of dark oak sitting around so i can

Actually start to use it for building after that i worked the rest of the day on building up walls and sort of a skeletal structure of how this house is going to be boy it’s weird there’s no squares basically it’s all sort of random heights and random rooms all set aside

With sort of purposes in mind and yeah i’m gonna have to work out some really interesting roof ideas to make this whole thing work day 76 here was spent building up more of the roof line starting to add some second floor structure and also planning out exactly where the bedrooms for my

Students are going to be they say students yeah maybe i have a plan on that building roofs all day long all day i have some windows too i begin the process of adding some interior design ideas to the house i still haven’t shown it to bob but i am

Very very excited for him to see sort of his new workshop student house mansion thing that he’s going to live in i’m actually beginning to run low on resources i can hardly believe it honestly the amount of spruce trees in particular that i’ve cut down to make

This base but well that’s the situation i do have my automatic tree farm which is nice for slow pass of tree growth but i need to probably go on a scavenging run i decided to take the day and go out exploring i was just kind of feeling a

Little bit cooped up and wanted to get out of town and sure enough i found something awesome a freaking redwood forest man this is awesome i wish i had known this was here about i don’t know 80 days ago or so but regardless i use my sweet dig spell

To basically take down these majestic trees in about four seconds if it weren’t for their living tree protectors i think these things are called ants and yeah they’re not hard but they sure get old whenever about eight of them spawn every time you’re trying to cut down a tree

I spent a good deal of time today training bob he has a pretty good grasp on a dig spell and i’m hoping he’ll earn a decent attack spell soon as well i want to finish the room in his mansion get him moved in so we can spend even

More time working together i’m starting to run out of days in 20 days i should be powerful enough to return to my world and rain down punishment on those who sought to imprison me i was continuing work on the mansion and it started to rain i checked my oculus

To see if i need any more blue orbs and i think i’m good for now the only thing i really need is a bunch of red orbs because i need to get in some advanced stuff now i’m not going to get red orbs for free until i get to

Magic level 40 and that still weighs off so i may need to find a new way or a faster way to get some i think i know how but i’m not looking forward to it very much after that i started working on school and when i say school i mean an actual

Arcane school that i’m going to be building here over the next couple days bob can’t be alone it’s not fair to him and it’s not safe for him either tomorrow i have a surprise for a friend yeah i said tomorrow but i met the next

Day i keep finding more things i want to add to the mansion and the constant onslaught of monster attacks that’s not helping either yes this is so great so much for bob living a life of utter isolation using my mark and recall spell i kidnapped i mean

I relocated a village to my mage academy this small group of apprentices will someday rule this world the last thing is to bring bob out of his tiny little house let’s make him wear a name tag just so i make sure i know who is who and recall him to his new family

Look at him he’s so happy oh bob i’m sitting here smiling like a butcher’s dog There’s a lot of crafting that goes into this next step so the idea is i need plenty of red orbs you can get these by summoning a winter guardian but that’s not so easy first you can only summon him in winter biomes and maybe only when it’s snowing

I’m not actually sure i can’t remember that part the nearest snow area is quite far away so the problem is if it starts raining here at the base by the time i make the journey even with the air sled it’s very likely going to be done raining by then

I’m going to construct two keystone gateways between my base and the winter area they’re quite expensive to make requiring 12 ender pearls unfortunately i have 13 and plenty of other materials but additionally they also need power and not a big deal but i’m gonna need to do

Two more rituals of purification so that they’re constantly powered during the daytime i flew down to the winter area and made the other gateway and it works i can’t believe it kind of i’m going to build a containment cage for this winter guardian yeah i’m not kidding this dude is really tough

After i work on the gateways i had a long lecture with my students about various guardians and elements i don’t want one of them watching me kill these guardians and think that they can do the same it’s funny i spend all this time getting the essences and building the gateways

And powering everything up and then i realized i have no pumpkins i have like three pumpkins to my name and it takes three pumpkins to summon this dude so yeah i just gotta wait for pumpkins to grow holy crap this is so painful this dude will not die yeah i got him

Summoned and contained and everything and that’s all fine but oh man i need a better spell this takes forever literally literally an entire day of shooting this dude to get him dead oh man i did it though i returned home and i took my one juicy red orb and i plunked

It in i opened my oculus and i got it i got flight i made the book and i guess i have a real issue here i need more red orbs so here we go again by the time i got him dead it was already day 91 i’m hoping i can make a

Flame shot and possibly take him out a lot faster i wish i had that damage modifier oh this is so much better flames take him down really fast so i should be able to now summon him a few more times as long as my pumpkin supply holds out and

Get a bunch of red orbs it’s now officially a week before i go and return back to my captors pay them a little visit with my new flame spell i think i should be ready it’s time to start building the portal to draw enough power i’m going to need to make a very

Large with a couple obelisks powering the entire thing up it’s going to take probably most of my remaining resources to complete this and the portal is complete i finished it today it’s not functional yet but a structure should hold it in place i took today off building and spent the

Entire time trying to instruct my students i’m really running out of time and i’m worried about these guys there are some important matters at hand formal education possibly isn’t in my villagers culture here but thanks to bob acting as kind of translator i think some of the point is

Getting through despite their inability to stand still for two seconds i built the two obelisks needed to power the portal and turn them on and well we’re ready to go i can flip the switch at any point in power it on i just need to do a couple more things

Before i leave this place i finished off the walls properly by adding a good deal of fence and you know after my departure i don’t want any more nasties like ice spiders to harass bob and his family it’s his family i guess it’s really my family too now

These people are such nitwits at time they’re difficult to teach but i will miss them there’s another thing that has been annoying me over the last 98 days or so and that is my nether portal i need to keep it open so my students can go and

Gather what they need there are some nether materials needed in the arcane but the steady invasion of demon beasts is annoyance to me but it could be deadly to them i constructed a dark obelisk or a black aurum to protect them basically anything that comes through that portal should be

Sucked up and destroyed and actually turned into ethereum and since i’ll have a surplus of ethereum nearby why not set a up a kale factor or three to smelt their oars and such for free well today’s the day it is time my students gathered to see me off i

Think there were some who were sad to see me go some are worried about what would happen to them once their protector or their teacher had left them i can’t explain what happened exactly i was looking at the portal envisioning my revenge my rage at the people who

Imprisoned me in this place and i just couldn’t find that fire i couldn’t find the anger or the lust for revenge against those who did me wrong instead there was worry i worked for my people the ones who followed me who left their village to come here and build a better society

Under my teachings i only need one more step forward to leave this place this place where monster attacks are the order of the day and where every single step forward is met with resistance and pain and yet i could not take that last step i turned around and returned to my people

Maybe tomorrow i thought maybe tomorrow i’ll seek my revenge but today after 100 days in this place we have a lot of work to do Well children yeah that’s the way i remember it anyway oh no no i don’t regret it we had so many things to build here but maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow i’ll return home and give my captors a taste of my new abilities but today go practice your spells we have a lot to do I have made a huge decision in order to teach my students more properly i need a textbook a kind of guide i can’t continue to be the one and only teacher for these men and women forever and when they branch out and begin teaching the arcane to their own

Students they’re going to need some sort of book to follow i’ll be working through the guidebook as best i can trying to find issues that i need to refine or change or make better before i hand off to my assistants bob primarily many of the first lessons or quests i

Suppose are things i’ve already taught them i knocked them off the list quickly things like inoculus bell crafting table crafting alter it was when i went to knock out the quest to hold every ars magicka item at once that i realized i was completely out of desert nova

Not a big deal i know there’s a desert close and even though it was nighttime i took to the sky in my air sled and headed out while on my way to the desert that’s when i saw them Yeah those were mages from my realm they’re called the black flame and they’re kind of the secret police of the mage council why could they be here i wondered if they were banished too like me maybe they had done the council wrong but i watched them shoot fire from their hands

At a zombie and no they weren’t stripped of their power these guys were ready to go i took the chance to surprise them and shot from above making short work at this point i can rather easily handle one or two black flame but they usually come in numbers

Why would they be here on their own unless they were looking for me i worked on knocking out some simple quests from the book today i think all my students could pass this so far quickly except for maybe be able to bone meal grass we don’t actually have any real means to

Get bone meal except risk life and limb fighting monsters at night that’s not great for novices so i need to consider options soon i have a few thoughts i’ll keep working and writing the book for now and see where it naturally leads i had to run out of the village to find

Pigs to slaughter for more candles i’m going to want to make a few more light obelisks soon and it’s going to be good to have some pig fat on hand ours magico was the type of magic that i specialized in back at the academy it’s mostly an offensive and defensive

Action magic but there are lots of different kinds of magic and since i’m here by myself i think maybe i’m going to take this opportunity to get into more of them but let’s do my school first so it’s only taken me three days to knock out most of the arts magic

Requests that i’ve written so far there are a few that will require things i have in very low supply such as my one ender pearl i’m unwilling to part with that being said i’m very happy with my progress through it so far it only took me about three days i expect it will

Take my students quite a bit longer i’m gonna get a good night’s sleep tonight and then delve into probably the one magic i’m most excited to learn about i’ve always admired it from afar but i wasn’t allowed to study at the academy well i guess i’m the headmaster now and i’m

Changing the rules i may already have my first issue with learning thoncraft i can’t find any crystals i probably need to venture far far away from my base and find some unexplored land to seek them out and i’ll do that tomorrow but not today

I set up my kale factors to all to smell all the ores i bring back using the new flicker of focus of sorting i can pull items out of one chest insert them in my kale factor and then export them from that into another chest this is

Fantastic i can feel my old knowledge of ars magicka coming back faster than ever now that i’m actually writing it down in a book i can’t wait to get further i returned from an all-day mining group with tons of ores and stone which is really good i’m gonna need a lot of

Stuff to really take this to the next level but still another day no thumb craft crystals i think i just need to go further look that’s okay i don’t mind doing some mining it’s fast and filling up my inventory is just minutes but i need some way to get the materials

Back to base so i can stay mining longer yeah i’ve got to figure this out all right i’m starting to think this may be a real issue i mined all day long and for the third consecutive day i have found nothing i think i just need to go far far away

As in not walking distance to me that brings up a good question though what do you do to get there and back i need to sleep on this this is a complex issue i had a terribly close call i traveled to the place where i had been killing

The frost guardian and took my air sled just a bit south the place i’d never been i dug a hill deep down and started mining i had just started well when this happened Yeah that was awfully close i can usually kill these things by just backing up and shooting them but i didn’t have anywhere to back up and this dude almost got me wow i returned home by recall to unload my inventory i managed to find a few shards

On my way down but not nearly enough while i was there i decided to upgrade the kill factor with three charge focus which should actually make it quite a bit faster that’s cool i don’t know why i didn’t really do that before but regardless it’s chugging along now

With enough time left in the day i decided to take one more trip back to the mining area and head back through the gateway and that’s when tragedy struck It was dark and i had trouble finding my mining hole so i decided to use my mage lights and light it up but i accidentally cast recall i fell for my sled i didn’t die but the sled just vanished i recalled myself to home hoping maybe

It had been sent there too but no luck that was my only air sled this is a tragedy Not having an air sled is actually worse than just slowly walking my only gateway to the far reaches of this land is on top of a giant mountain i have an idea though i can make a spell that will allow me to jump off the top

And gently float to the ground i hope it will carry me far enough that i’ll be in the new area but even if not i do have haste running it’s pretty solid should be able to get there fast enough until i can gather the ender pearls for another gateway It works fine it’s not great i underestimated the sheer distance so there’s still a good bit of running but whatever this should be fine for now i mined most of the night and got some feather touch thumb craft shards can’t wait to get into this hopefully tomorrow

I spent the first half of the scanning stuff with my new thermal meter pretty cool stuff here as i look at stuff through the lens i can see what it’s made of and later i’ll be able to use this stuff to research even more stuff fantastic really after good biz scanning

I kind of hit a wall so i made a research table and some scribing tools with this i can combine primary aspects to make lower tiered aspects i made a few and then continued my scanning solid scanning day today i remember so many times just watching the tharmaturges at school do their research

They would complain and complain but it looks so interesting to me i might be the only one maybe the only one left in the entire history of thongcraft who really actually loves research the only one after a decent amount of research today i went out to look for nodes since i’ve

Never had a thermometer before i’ve never actually seen a node but my friends at the academy said they’re all around us i found a couple at night and then this Yeah the council is definitely here i guess they’re not satisfied with the single black flame mages they’ve been sending they sent a full group of armored mages flying their colors this is really bad i’m thinking about my students i’ve been working on the book trying to teach them

Even the most basic of spells if these guys find our village they will kill everyone without hesitation the council views me as tainted they’ll view any of my students as the same i need to get home right away and make sure they’re safe with all the nodes i found in this world

Being very very far and a real pain in the butt to get to i want to heavily dive into research my goal is to actually move the nodes back home as soon as i possibly can it’s funny my entire outlook on this book has changed a bit since i saw those

Mage council warriors i’m spending the nights of bob training the other mages but spending all of my days training myself if i’m being realistic here they’re not going to be ready bob maybe he’s been training with me the longest but the others they barely know the basics

If i’m going to be taking on the full force of the mage council i’m gonna need to be better than i ever imagined i’ll admit when i think of them attacking my village i do feel some pull of the dark if i were to delve into blood magic just a bit

The magic that got me banned i could probably no no i can’t go down that route i can defend my people with rs magicka i know that from before and the new thumb craft spells i’m learning now i just need to work faster there’s a ticking deadline i just don’t

Know when it is Well children yeah that’s the way i remember it anyway oh no no i don’t regret it we had so many things to build here but maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow i’ll return home and give my captors a taste of my new abilities but today go practice your spells we have a lot to do I had that dream again the one i’m sitting in the house many years after deciding to stay with my people it fills me with hope and fear i hope that maybe it’s not a dream as much as a vision of the future but also

I fear that it won’t take place i fear i won’t be able to grow the school and i won’t be able to keep them safe after 113 days in this prison dimension everything changed i found several small villages of people here but today i traveled far south looking for nodes and i found

A city it wasn’t pristine yeah that’s true but it was huge there had to be 30 to 40 villagers here so city maybe not a city but huge indefensible there were stone walls all around it only a few gates i don’t know why i’ve been thinking

About moving all the nodes back to me but maybe i should move me and my students to the nodes it’s a huge decision but i saw more mage council warriors wandering around i assume looking for me i need to go all in on defense tomorrow i’ll return home and break the news to

My students after sleeping here in my new city i changed my mind the people here are a bit standoffish i did nearly kill 15 monsters outside their walls so i think they feel them at least someone on their side thanks to bob i know some of their

Language i did try to communicate that i’m here to help but i was met with some skepticism i was going to go all the way home but i thought better of it if i’m for sure that i’m moving here i should just move my gateway i spent a good deal of time

Gathering a lot of stone and materials so that i could have some sort of storage place here inside the city walls after setting up the gateway and activating it it didn’t work not at all seems that the distance is a lot further and it’s going to require a lot more

Essence to actually charge so i did what i didn’t want to do i ran the entire way home no air sled so i just ran i just ran and ran it’s very far it took the entire day i’m such an idiot after messing around with this gateway for an entire day

Trying to get it to charge i realized that i put in the keystone receptacle facing down and not sideways so yeah yeah as soon as i put it in the right way and charged it up just a little bit it actually fired up so it’s gonna work it just needs to get enough

Power to actually send me that distance yeah yeah it works after it charged for a little while i did some mining and the gateway connected i made two trips back and forth bringing all my stuff i have a plan to build here that would be perfect

For both me and my students and also for the people of the city i just need them not come looking for me for a little while longer i need to buy a little bit of time i flattened a bunch of land near my storage building in the new city and

Started laying out my castle yeah i think castle it’s going to be big and stone and full of defenses for when the council comes to visit we’ll have lots of room for all my students as well as any new recruits from this new city with plenty of training room as well

If there’s one regret i have from the school in our old villages it wasn’t big enough and wasn’t really defensible at all i didn’t think we’d need to defend against other humans monsters sure regular walls are fine for that but humans have flame spells and maybe building out of wood wasn’t so

Smart after all i need to get back to the book soon this has to take priority though i have the first part of the castle laid out i spent a large part of the day just putting in floors so i can start getting things in the right rooms my main focus

Will be thorncraft and rs magicka obviously but i want to have lots of room for my students to do their studies as well there will definitely be a phase two of this build after another two trips back and forth i’m starting to get settled in one of

The new city villagers came up to talk today he was very very nervous i think he was trying to tell me about something about a dark obelisk outside the walls and how the villagers are scared he was asking me to take a look at it i believe i actually

Managed to get walls up today i really wish i had an aoe non-feather touch dig spell i’m actually running low on cobblestone i’m just hurrying so much so i can get back to thorncraft and the book as soon as i possibly can i made another light obelisk with the ritual of

Purification next to my new crafting altar this place is just going to be so great i spent the first 100 days i was in this prison dimension all cooped up in one small little house and now i actually have enough room to spread out and do my thing wonderful

I spent the evening working outside of the castle adding supports if our outer city walls are breached i want to have a good secondary set of strong walls to keep any monsters or mages out my main focus right now has to be getting our students here to our new home right now

They are mostly defenseless except for whatever small abilities bob has to protect them i checked on them today and they’re all okay still studying hard but i worry adding a second floor to this castle is absolutely clutch my students are gonna be housed up on the second or even maybe

Third floor to keep them as far away from any monsters that could wander in as i possibly can i need to move quickly i start planting lots of spruce trees around they grow quickly and produce a lot of wood from their huge two by two meter trees

I need a new spell actually i need two new spells first i want a quick way to gather obsidian so i’m going to create a mining power spell projectile dig mining power this should give me the ability to break obsidian instantly i don’t think there’s any need to add aoe at this point

I just set up my mana battery and essence refiner to make an earth essence pretty easy stuff i just did dirt two stone and obsidian with one arcane ash and boom i’m getting there i gathered everything i need without having to return to our old home that’s pretty big

Progress things are starting to settle in here i feel like maybe this is where i actually live I made the spell and it didn’t unlock prosperity that’s actually what i really wanted nothing i made a mistake after some research i left out feather touch for my spell so i actually need to make it again a complete waste of time and resources i had to spend the entire day gathering

Resources for this new spell i can’t believe it i had to make a new earth essence not a big deal but i need an air essence which i have plenty of from my many fights with the air guardian okay well that’s one good thing i got it

With prosperity i can make an awesome dig spell that will double or even triple the ores i get when i’m underground boom baby this is fantastic now it is an expensive spell but i think i have the materials to pull it off the only thing i’m very short on is

Gunpowder for the tnt required so i actually spent some time down in the caves hunting creepers it’s a little crazy down there i need to spend some real effort to light these things up Yeah fun stuff right the nether’s awesome i need some air essences so i returned to take on my old base and went up to the tower after a few minutes of summoning the air guardian i went from three essences to 11 but here’s the big news i got a new air sled

Flight is mine again today was a day of triumphs and failures i made the three bass essence cores required for my awesome fortune aoe dig spell then made the spell and it is amazing where one coal used to give me one cold piece now it can range between

One and three the same should apply to diamonds blue topaz and most importantly the rarest of all oars moonstone then in my joy at having made this very difficult spell i took my first ride on my new air sled to survey the city and it’s a small fire and in the time it

Took me to get down there several villagers had been set on fire by some sort of terrible flame demon The fire just kept on spawning more demons it seemed like i had to put it out as fast as i could i fought all them off and we lost one house but more importantly we lost two villagers i couldn’t save them my heal spell is only set to self

I don’t have a projectile heal in my arrogance i didn’t even consider it the villagers won’t even look at me i don’t know if they blame me the thing is i don’t know if i blame me either I spent the day trying to get my head right i have amazing amounts of stone and cobblestone now just from mining and so i began work on the second floor of the castle there’s so much to do i want new spells i need to build so i can relocate my

Students who i’ve been completely neglecting i need to delve so so much more into thumb craft i’ve barely scratched the surface i think though in the end defenses against the monsters here as well as roving bands of the councils mages has to come first the reality is we lost two

People i don’t know that the people in the city were starting to trust me or not but after losing two of theirs i’m sure they don’t this world is hard and it needs a hard person to protect them i need to be stronger this castle is going to be awesome i hope

I was a master of the arcane in my previous life not a master of building huge epic castles but i think this is going to be good the thing is it’s kind of a race up against time more than anything else if i had all the time i wanted to to

Find different color combinations or other shapes the thing is i could be discovered at any point this castle will be great but more than anything it will be safe probably the third floor of the castle is done and i need a break from building i feel

Really good about where we’re at but i want to get back into thumb craft research and finally get some new powers i left the city for two things today i need sand to start growing a decent amount of sugar cane here and i need wool it’s time to bring my students

I think they need to pick up the pace on their studies and i need to pay more close attention to them bob has been doing a great job this last month passing on the things i’ve taught him but i think they need a real master teacher and i think bob might need a

Break they’re here i recall them all to the third floor where they’ll be living and studying during the day they’ll have full use of ours magicka and later thom craft tools in the castle but at night i think they can reasonably be safe here up on the third floor

Bob is super happy about the giant stone walls i’ve sat on one of bob’s best students earl to work on well public relations with the villagers in this new city i’m hopeful some might express a desire to learn the arcane of my school and eventually join our ranks

We can use all the firepower we can get there are about 5 000 things i need to be doing and yet i spent the entire day putting iron bars on the castle for windows instead of glass in this terrible place glass just doesn’t seem like a viable

Option or a barrier of any kind to these horrible beasts that attack us both day and night iron bars seem to feel just about right sure hope my students appreciate the sunlight coming into their room also i finished the tower part of the castle it’s coming along it’s a little

Bland a little boring but it’s coming along i made a new spell today it’s called projectile create water look i don’t really need it to be honest but i want to move some farms around and it would be great to have water in command and after i’m a mage

Doesn’t look right to have a mage powerful master of the arcane carrying buckets around also i am still thinking about defense and i don’t want monsters trampling our crops maybe put up some sort of wall or something around the fragile farmland that we have so far my goodness finding nodes is tedious

Business i need a better system i want to make a good great wood wand next it can hold double the v as a v this vice let’s call it v but that also means it will require double the nodes to charge it up i search most of the day and night and

Found exactly one node cool i need to learn how to bring nodes home this is insane everything is so slow with them all over the place in my research today i learned how to make a node in a jar that’s going to be great but there’s a problem

Because of course there’s a problem i need 7 dv per aspect just to do it once my max wand only holds 50. i made three pieces of thauma charge robe today they do grant a discount and i’m hoping that i can use the discount to maybe get a little bit more done

I was out in the desert harvesting sand and i got caught in quicksand of all things okay universe i get it i get it time to go home i worked more on one today and made some goggles of revealing these are gonna be great for finding nodes more easily

While out in the wild my main focus here needs to be a silverwood wand to do that i need two major thumbic machines one is a crafting all to actually make the silverwood one core and the other is a basic alchemy setup i’m not sure which i’m most

Nervous about but it’s fair to say both i searched so long and hard for a single ordo node and came up short nothing i really can’t do anything with that one so i’m gonna have to look again tomorrow without an order node i’m stuck i was out exploring again and i ran

Across something odd the ground was all purple and oh my goodness you know what this is taint i remember hearing fellow students at the academy talk about it and their fears tank can come from thoncraft and it’s a constant struggle to outrace becoming more powerful in somic arcane

Versus becoming tainted how do i completely forget about taint this could be bad after searching for an entire day at the very end i found one single 25 ordo note and tapped it it’s in a winter biome and it’s very far away that’ll be the first

Note i bring home once i get my silverwood wand made at least i don’t have to walk home that would be the worst all right then it’s time to start crafting i made a crucible and surrounded it with stone and here for my entire floor to catch fire while i’m

Making my first real thom craft craft i put a heat source under it and threw in some great wood logs then some iron nuggets and boom we have thaumium this is going to cap my new wand i almost made a terrible mistake i was just about to start crafting the

Silverwood wand because the one i really want still wasn’t unlocked in my research and then i checked one last time and there it was the witch would wand somehow i unlocked it during all my research and searching for nodes this is going to be a life changer

This wand is amazing since i’m already decently skilled at rs magicka i can actually use my mana to recharge my wand i won’t ever need to go node hunting again the only thing it takes to craft is all the elemental essences and some essentia that’s fantastic i actually gathered

Most of that stuff for the silverwood wand today’s the day that everything turns around i got a good start on alchemy today i set up some essentia collecting jars and began collecting the items i’m gonna need to craft this beastly wand it’s a little more complex than maybe i was

Prepared for at first but i think i’m starting to get a handle on it mostly i just want to craft this one before i have to go and look for more nodes honestly not searching for nodes is turning into my entire life goal more alchemy today i’m getting there

It’s kind of painful at first but i know i’ll be able to heavily automate this in the near future there’s a light at the end of the tunnel i think it should be ready by maybe tomorrow I cannot believe what a feeling this is i’ve watched thaumaturges at the academy do this countless times but to actually do it myself and not only that but to be getting an item that i desperately need oh this is amazing what a machine

I got my one core and i was so happy i took a running leap through the village and that’s when i was attacked by some sort of flaming demon beast there were a few of them but that’s not the biggest problem there were no villagers standing around

I have a sinking feeling in my gut not again In the village there was fire damage everywhere they had been attacked i’ve been so busy crafting and growing my thalmic power something came at them and i wasn’t there i looked around a decent part of the city had been burned when i asked what happened they described to

The best of their ability what had to be a mage maybe the council had found me our time may be out i decided right then and there i’m not going to wait for them to come to me it’s time to take charge i talked to bob

And we decided to bring them all in for their own safety i recalled all of the villagers to my third floor at once i’ll work on expanding their space later some of them were not pleased at my decision but a few were down to half a heart it had to be done

Yesterday was quite a blow to go from such a high to such a low and having moved the students in i feel at least we’ve settled on a path i stayed up much of the night talking to them and explaining bob is my translator because my villagers speak is still not great

We explained that if they say out there they will eventually be attacked they know about the monsters in this place and have been dealing with them for generations but they don’t know about other mages i explained they’re much worse than the fiercest of monsters here but i don’t know if they believe me

It wasn’t until bob explained that as great and powerful as i am the power they’ve seen me display in defense of the city as great as that is i was still banished here and stripped of my abilities i believe the people who sent me here

Are coming here to finish me and any who follow me at first they wanted me to leave i struggled to explain if i go that won’t matter at all the council will come back here and burn this place to the ground they’ll view people here as infected with my teachings

I don’t know if they understood but i hope so regardless if they follow me or not i put the city in danger by coming here and i will defend it to the end yesterday i was just about to craft my witchwood wand and i discovered that it

Takes a whole lot of v to actually make the wand with the caps so i had to make a crafting scepter if this works right and i think it will i should be able to skip the silverwood wand altogether that would be great i made a great wood wand with three gold

Caps that can actually hold 75 v that’s the cost to make my rs magical one so with my 10 discount for my robes i should be on easy street i filled it all up except for tara so i’ll have to head out and get that in the morning solid day today Do you think i’m so foolish why why are you here you banished me leave me be we took your power and yet you could not leave well enough alone we watched you regain some of your abilities and allowed it but now you have taken apprentices you

The one who has been banished for his crimes this is forbidden as you well know no no this is not right these people would be destroyed they can’t defend themselves These people who do you think these people are i i i don’t they are but descendants of banished mages from ages ago they cannot be allowed to learn the arcane the dark abilities flow through their blood just as it did their ancestors just as it does you no no they aren’t dark

I’ve renounced blood magic i won’t teach them any it is too late you have broken the agreement i i made no agreement i made no agreement it was made for you when we stripped you of your abilities enough you and the bloodline of the banished will be destroyed

Sentence will be carried out in 50 days i made my witchwood one today i had a dream but i don’t think it was a dream last night i i think it was a real message from the council and i think we have about 50 days left

I don’t know what i’m gonna tell the people i slept on it and i feel a little bit better here the next day i have about 50 days 49 days to prepare my army i guess this was gonna have to be they have to be drafted this is all my

Fault if i never came here maybe this city at least would be safe from the council maybe only me and my few students would face their rage but now it’s too late they’re coming we have to be ready i made some paving stones of warding for inside my castle just to section off

Hallways and different rooms i am kind of sick and tired of being attacked while i’m crafting and these things will keep pretty much any monster out i think i think even the flying ones should work against them i am just about out of ordo shard so i

Need to mine i believe they form mostly on ice or frost biomes so i flew my airside out to the one i discovered while node searching and mined all night long i left thousands maybe millions of cobblestone just laying on the ground but i’m really only after one thing i’ll

Take the diamonds as well i suppose i broke away from thom craft for a little while today just to work on the city i want to tidy up the roads make sure there aren’t any jumps i’d like there to be at least stairs or slopes going up all the roads and everything

I want to make sure that after we defeat the council mages that’s right after i don’t plan on dying in this upcoming attack after we defeat them i will make sure that we have a city that is worth living in i didn’t do a lot today i think i’m just

I don’t know i’ve been mixed i’m worried about the council i’m worried my students aren’t learning fast enough i’m run down on fighting monsters every single minute of every single day i need real progress here i i don’t know i’m just discouraged i decided part of the reason why i’m

Down about this whole thing is because of the overwhelming size of some of the projects i want to do in addition to the council sending their forces against me in only a few weeks today i did a small thing but that one thing will help a lot i built an

Infernal furnace this thing is super cool it will smelt items for free additionally occasionally giving extra nuggets it’s not exactly doubling my oars which is possible in them craft but i’m not quite there yet i have a lot of wars and more more than i’ll ever need to be honest

Mining is insanely fast even if i run out i can mine up as much iron as i possibly need in about one minute i attached a couple bellows to make it a bit faster plus they look super cool nice i added a hopper item grate and chest on

Top of the furnace just to drop all my iron and gold in after a mining session this should be super easy in fact i could actually even make it easier i have some thoughts but that’ll come later after that it was a big research day i’m

Trying to find my way to better armor i love my arse magic a mage armor but for a real battle i might need something more stronger and i believe there is such armor in thomcraft i just need to find a way to get to it in research

I’ve mostly abandoned my book for my students i want to come back to it honestly it’s just taken a backseat to the impending attack after we beat the council’s attack i’ll dig back into the book in earnest i really do want to get into alchemy a

Lot more so i set up four alchemical furnaces today along with two olympics each up in the second floor i think this is going to be an easy solution to my essentia crafting eventually i will probably need to build some sort of building just to house all

Of it but for right now i think these fours should help speed me along my way the thing i have to figure out is how to get coal or another heat source up through the bottom of the furnace it’s not like hoppers go up i have one thought

I had two large breakthroughs today first my old skills and arts magicka came to the rescue i can use flicker item transport to get coal up through the bottom of the furnaces boom easy coal isn’t my forever solution but for right now it’s automated and it works

Secondly for quality of life as much as thom craft research i just learned now after 58 days of this i can scan items while in my inventory hi what a complete lifesaver i really really wish i had known this a long time ago but i just got a ton of research

Points today by scanning literally every item i own in all of my chests i want to fly i mean the air sled is awesome but if i’m in serious combat for a long while i need real flight and the only way to get that is with the weather star

That’s a tall order but it’s time so with that in mind i crafted a new attack spell lightning with three prosperity enhancements this is like looting three for a spelling and should help me get some weather skulls soon ish i hope oh yes i spent the entire day in the nether

With my prosperity spell looking for just a single wither skeleton skull with just one i can actually make something that’s going to make them drop a lot more commonly but i need one first yeah no luck no luck but uh a really stress-free day living here in the nether really

Really relaxing it’s like a spa day two in the nether nothing it’s kind of amazing though actually no near-death experiences just grind no luck again i’m going to return home and figure something else out because this isn’t working but i want flight i made two discoveries today back home

Doing some research first the dismembering spell that i was planning on using from mars magicka actually requires three weather skeleton skulls just to make the spell in order to get more but thoncraft has a better solution there is something called a axe of the skull taker and with that i can get

Somewhere around a 15 chance of actually getting a wither skull whenever i kill one that’s not bad but the biggest thing is this axe only requires one wither skull to make so that’s what i want to do i finish up the research but yeah i go ahead back to the nether

I got it holy cow what a grind just for one skull but i got it with this the possibilities are endless this axe of the skull taker is a rather complicated infusing recipe so i spent the entire day basically just breaking things down into their liquid essentia form and

Yeah i’m pretty close it requires four different essentials three uh aren’t a big deal i’m actually indeed void jars just to get rid of the excess but one is a little bit more complicated but that’s okay tnt again is my hold up luckily i actually got a good bit of tnt in the

Nether just from killing those floating flaming skull things that constantly attack you yeah so uh cool i’m glad those are around I did it i got it it took some era in furnace and tell them but i got it oh heads are going to roll okay this axe is awesome it only took about 20 kills or so and i got all three skulls hooray i celebrate quietly and quickly zip

Right back to the portal i’m not messing on the nether any more than i need to i’m more than just a little bit nervous about fighting the weather so i did some more thumb craft research there is such thing as warted glass that i believe and

I’m not 100 on this i believe it will trap the weather inside i think it’s worth it to give that a go so i spent today making as much as i could to advance zombie brains yeah you need zombie brains to create glass that makes sense so at nighttime i went out and

Hunted as many zombies as i could i finished the night with nine brains i don’t think that’s quite enough for the amount of water glass that i’m going to need so i spent the day harvesting sand smelting a ton of glass and just kind of

Waiting for night so i could do it again i’ll admit spending the night killing zombies is kind of fun but i have to watch myself i don’t want to slip back into the dark arts killing beasts and monsters is a necessity of life here but if it becomes fun

Yeah i can almost feel my bloodlust returning and i won’t i i can’t go there ever again I did it okay look this might not be my most proud moment of my mage life but in the end i beat him and really truly that’s all that really counts maybe when i retell the story to my grandchildren i will leave out the weatherproof cage but hey you know what

I got another star and that means i can craft flight i’ll be honest i want to make my flight spell right now but if i’m going to do it i want to do it right so that means i want to do a duration 3 modifier on it and that means i need

Three more red skill points and that means i need to go find the winter guardian place so first i’m gonna stop by our old village and get some pumpkins so i can summon him yeah i seem to have lost my winter guardian summoning platform this dude

Can only be summoned in a area with snow so like extreme hills or a high mountain or something like that and uh yeah i can’t find it i guess i could make a new one but i i know it’s around here somewhere and i have spent the entire

Day looking for it if you remember i moved my gateway and so now i don’t have an easy way to get there so yeah i thought i could just track it down but i can’t apparently it took me almost the entire second day to find my summoning platform i finally

Did it and i summoned and killed him three more times not too hard this fire spell is great this may be the biggest day since my trial i got it i got flight I’m so glad i took the extra time to get the duration three this spell will last for nearly seven minutes before i need to recast it that is just awesome there’s a spell i’m definitely going to need if i’m going against other mages dispel is a requirement in a good magic

Fight anything that casts me i can simply dispel the downside is it will dispel my flight or regen spells as well but whatever i can simply recast that i start my day by talking to bob well trying to he was a little distant i showed him my flight spell and

Promised i’d teach it to him as soon as he was ready i asked him to take on even more of the teaching well most of the teaching in fact we only have 25 days until the council attacks and i need to spend all of my time preparing

Spent the rest of the day working on the roads in town i want everything to be lined up so we can navigate through the town quickly depending on whether we’re attacking or defending or running or whatever i want to be ready you know what i’m sick and tired of is

Walking out my front door and having a creeper fall down on my head because it’s up on one of the roofs of these houses so yeah these houses got to go i want clear sight lines whenever i leave my place know if someone’s out there if someone’s attacking or whatever i want

To have a nice empty field right next to my front door okay cool so these houses gotta go i need amber i need a lot of amber actually i mined all day long and all night long and i got a ton of material like i i can’t even believe how much

Materials but only about 25 amber and that’s with my prosperity 3 spell it’s enough for a few of what i’m after next but i’m probably gonna have to mine again this is going to up the safety of our little civilization here about a billion percent in my thumb craft research i learned

About some sort of lantern made with amber that’s why i wanted it all this lantern lights up a huge area so my thinking is i’ll make a bunch of these lanterns put them all over the town not just in my castle but i’m talking every bit of this entire city

Should keep all the monsters and if the mages do come i should be able to actually see them if they attack at night this is gonna be a big net win and who knows i might be able to let my students leave our little castle area here

I spent the whole day making more night or at least for as much essentially as i had on hand and then i spent the whole night down in the mines mining up more amber i really want to light up my entire city it would be so nice to not

Have to worry about the constant monsters just dropping off roofs coming around the corner in every pit and every hole in every dark house yeah it’d be really really nice it was research day today with the council arriving in only 19 more days i have to lower my time into protection i

Think my arms magic offensive spells are probably good so i’m more concerned with well being alive so i’m hoping thomcrap has some answers i researched a lot of stuff about runic shielding from what i understand well it’s a shield that takes the brunt of the attack before you actually take any

Damage that sounds pretty good to me but first i need to automate a few things yeah i’m going to need more space the more i read about this and the more i think about how exactly i want to set up everything the more i realized that as

Big as my castle is well it’s not big enough so i have a whole second floor the problem is the footprint is a little oddly shaped and i want something that’s kind of square to be honest kind of boring but big enough to put all my essentia

Right out right next to each other and allow a golem to actually operate i leveled the houses outside and flattened the land and i should be good to expand tomorrow morning now that i got my new ultra area set up i realize now really how cramped i

Really was this is much much better i maybe i’ll surround this ultra with essentia jars and really just have one step crafting got my materials to be broken down into one chest and wait a few moments and then craft whatever i need to on the altar very cool

I’m still gathering materials for these golems my plans have two of them running at all times to help speed production i figure it’s faster make two now than one now and add later one more eventually i do want to have this all fully automated but for right now i have

More pressing matters to attend to after a rather chaotic craft Oh I got it oh jeez i didn’t double check all my essences and i was one short i managed to get it quickly enough that it didn’t completely ruin my entire thing or explode or anything and uh yeah wow that was that was really close i’ve got

To double check stuff oh yes the golems are working perfectly this is just so great every time i need essentia i can just drop it in and almost instantly craft whatever i want hooray indeed it was a building day today i am planning on building a building around

My golems instead of putting the golems in a building i guess no matter what happens in about 12 days i want to protect these things and and my entire essentia production there there are a plan to automate the future of my life here and i’m assuming that i’m going to have a

Future of life here i’m not planning on dying so with that in mind i really want to make sure that everything is safe from the upcoming attack i spent the day adding a better roof onto the new compound extension as well as adding supports to the walls

I also want to level out some more of the ground for some upcoming farms here i don’t know if we’re going to get to this before the attack comes but let’s have it ready so whenever i do have a free day i can actually add some golems now that my production is fairly

Streamlined today was another material gathering day i decided with only 10 days left i really want all four pieces of runic shielding i really don’t know how big of a fight i’m in for here of course i don’t expect the council to come themselves but will they send a

Detachment will they send a full army will they send monsters who knows they’re capable of a lot of terrible things i’m not as worried about my offense as i am my defense at the moment so i really do think having all four pieces of my shield will be invaluable

I got my first ring it’s a pretty messy craft i really have got to figure out how to cut down on all the warp generating on these crafts i don’t think these are even extremely high in stable unstable rather crafts i don’t know maybe i could add some crystals or

Skulls or something around here that would help i made a bunch of crystals and added them overhead of the alder and i think i had the right effect because i made the runic shield necklace with no warp effects at all so that was super nice

One more day of this and i should have the belt done and my full four piece runic shield sweet boom baby all four pieces of runic shielding are done with a weak despair i’m in good shape tonight i’m gonna go check in with my students and my friend

Bob it’s been a long time weeks actually since we’ve talked and i want to see how things are going i visited with my students for a good while last night and it was i don’t know different they call bob master now as they should he is the one teaching them but last

Night i don’t know i i’m probably hearing things but i felt it was a different tone when they called me master maybe uh i’m probably they’re probably just worried you know they’re probably just worried like i am the council is coming there is an impending attack ah i’m sure it’s nothing

Bob did tell me they’ve been making good progress and should be able to help me fight which honestly is more than i expected that’s good that’s really good I made two straw golems say in two harvest course i think if i can upgrade these guys they will plant and harvest all the crops near wherever i put them down i think that with this upgrade they’ll actually replant as well but i’m not actually 100 sure on that

Golems in crops planted and upgrades installed with this entropy shard upgrade i i do believe this is what i need to make them replant but i’m gonna have to wait until the crops actually grow to see if they get harvested we’ll see if that happens over the next four days

I put magic brooms over each farm and that should sweep up all the crops these guys they don’t put stuff back in inventories they just sort of throw them on the ground and that’s okay i got ours magic a solution for that i worked on a proper healing spell i

Don’t know if i’m gonna be able to make this in time i need eggs for it nine actually so i spent the whole day gathering chickens to recall back to my base i got some some suffocated in the wall whenever i recall them a little too close uh but i

Got a couple eggs so far i i don’t know if i’m gonna get nine you just need to hurry up and lay some eggs still waiting on eggs so i worked on the farms and leveling the land a bit more it would suck to be in the fight of my

Life only to fall in a hole or something tomorrow is my last day before the fight and i want to spend it with my students and my good friend bob just before dinner time where we’re all going to eat together as a family i made my healing spell the chickens

Laid their last egg and it is really awesome i made one other little surprise just in case things go south i feel really good about my chance against the black flame or whoever the council sends against me i gave my students very clear instructions on what

To do and then i spent the rest of the night in quiet preparation they’re coming for me and my family tomorrow it wasn’t long before i heard them my students are all upstairs any noise comes from outside well i knew it was them I battled the council’s mages throughout the day but when night fell they sent something different at me they sent these zombies in such mass that i almost ran out of mana a few different times these zombies were tough and not only were they tough but they grew bigger the more i hit them

Yeah i handled them but there were a couple scary moments I don’t know how the council did it but somehow they got the ender guardian to join them it was there in my city i tried to take a stab at it but i think i knew all along i didn’t really have a chance it was time for me to go

I recalled to my workshop and went upstairs to my newly constructed gateway this was my emergency backup plan i told my students if things went sideways if they did call a boss or a mega monster they should just go through the gateway to the old town and we would regroup there

Hopefully council wouldn’t expect it but that’s when things went sideways our gateway was completely drained of power i checked and double checked this thing before going to sleep last night and i know that there was lots of power i don’t know how this happened so i had to make a run for it

I ran out of the somewhat safety of my castle only to see dawn had broken i’ve been fighting for a day and a night i ran to the church and activated the gateway somehow i made it before the under guardian caught up to me i activated the gateway and dove through I came out of the gateway not in my old village surrounded by my students and my friend but in a cell there’s no other answer i could see they’d captured me again it was bob my oldest friend i asked him how he did it though it was

Easy enough to figure out if anyone had my gateway key they could have repositioned it to spit me out anywhere in the entire universe i didn’t think that i needed to hide it from my students but why we had a plan he explained how i had abandoned them abandoned him

How i had just left him to do the teaching while i trained on my own he and the students were in so much fear of the council and they didn’t trust me to protect them as it turned out maybe he was right maybe they all were i tried explaining but it was done

Bob had caught a deal he apologized to me for what it was worth and he ported away i was alone banished again though perhaps my turn away from the dark arts was not total and complete perhaps my rage at the council my rage at bob perhaps i could find that spark again if

I just reach deep enough that dark spark oh yes yes there it is Okay let me tell you what’s going on we’re here at knox studios our team here at fnn contacted a former nasa employee to do a short interview about some of his projects it didn’t take long to realize that this gentleman has a lot to say about a lot more than just what he

Did at nasa so could you tell us again why you called well yes i guess i guess i called to tell you my story it’s probably going to sound pretty fantastic but well i assure you every word is the truth why don’t you start from the beginning

The beginning i don’t well maybe it’d be better if i start halfway and then we’ll circle back okay it’s your story well yes i guess it is i suppose i’ll start with my betrayal i had a great friend once he found me living in a modest village

All the people of my village were killed in a brutal monster attack and he took me in then he began to train me in the arcane arts he was a good master and fine teacher eventually we took in more students and i was his assistant it was a good time of my life

So exciting learning new spells each day i’m sorry spells as in magic yes magic magic and a great many other things in this world and others are very real my dear i’ll tell you my whole story it’s a long one though my name is bob and i’ve had quite a life

After the business of betraying my master was done the council brought me before them i was judged guilty because i learned magic from a banished one because i gave up my master i was allowed to live and granted the same fate as the one i betrayed i appeared on the strangest planet i

Could ever imagine well there wasn’t a real planet just a very small floating island over a void yet there seemed to be gravity and an atmosphere it was kind of beautiful it seems the council had learned its lesson after banishing my master on a planet ripe with resources that allowed

Him to regain his arcane abilities it seems i’ve been sent to a place with nothing literally nothing a small platform floating in a void i reached for my magic and yeah it was gone i was alone in this place with nothing before i was pushed through the portal

The eldest member of the council shoved a small book in my robe i opened my mouth to say something but he just shook his head seems he gave me a book on how to survive in this place at least maybe one how to create life under the grass blocks that i appeared

On i found some living root i broke that and sure enough i could get a sapling from it with a sapling i could maybe grow a tree and with the tree maybe apples and maybe more things at least maybe i won’t starve the book told me to search the ground

For little pebbles that i could craft in a cobblestone and sure enough it worked i just hit with an empty hand and i get cobblestone that’s pretty nice i was able to get enough that i could make a small platform around to hopefully catch all saplings if i lose all the sampling

From a tree well i might be in big trouble as the sun started to set i started to get a little bit nervous remember i came from a planet filled to the brink with terrible monsters that came out at night now the old mage’s book told me to make

Something called a dark room and with that i can get monsters spawn only within that room i don’t know where they’re coming from and i don’t really want to ask but yeah i started constructing a dark room already here on on day one i made my dark room and yeah it was a

Total bust i don’t really know how these things work after a full day and night i got no monsters whatsoever now i did spend the entire day expanding my platform a little bit and harvesting a ton of oak so not all was lost but uh yeah so far no luck

Since my dark room didn’t work i decided to take it all down and build one a little bit further away from my platform maybe i’m too close to bring the monsters in or something i i don’t know i don’t know but regardless this one sure enough did work once night fell and

No sort of extra light could get in yeah i got monsters some of the same monsters from my old world some skeletons creepers even an enderman appeared that’s not too bad somehow the book knows when i have the requirements to move on to the next task

It’s kind of a questing system i suppose so i spent a lot of time sitting and waiting and harvesting oak and looking at my dark room today according to the book if i kill five skeletons creepers zombies one witch and one enderman i will complete the task

And get a little reward where’s that reward come from i don’t know i don’t know i i just get it somehow after i complete the task i get a reward this mage it was trying to help me i i don’t i don’t know why but but she was

Well regardless i had a lot of time today to really just think a lot of time to think is not really an ideal thing for me right now when i think back and i remember the way that i treated my master the man who took me in when i was the last surviving

Member of my village i’m embarrassed that i didn’t believe in him that i betrayed him i think that his plan could have worked had we all teamed up together gone through the backup portal we could have mounted a defense against the council and but regardless what’s done is done i

Can’t change it right now i can only survive and it’s probably best that i don’t spend a lot of time in quiet contemplation right now because it’s not a good place for me the book talks about something called mystical flowers this is something i don’t really know much about but

It seems like it’s guiding me to learn some sort of magic i’m kind of figuring out that maybe different planets have different magic systems that they can use because while i don’t have any of my old ours magic or thumb craft ability i do seem to have

Some sort of ability to get these mystical flowers and whenever i hold them in my hand yeah i feel something i don’t know what exactly it’s a little different than what i had before when i was a fairly powerful mage but it’s it’s something it’s it’s some sort

Of arcane ability and yeah maybe the book is going to show me how to do this i spent the day using bone meal and grabbing flowers and then with that i could use those flowers and turn it into some sort of special britannia fertilizer and with that fertilizer i can get mystical flowers

Yeah i got quite a few today less than a week into this new place and i may have already screwed up i can’t figure out a way to fill a pedal apothecary with water i have no access to iron so i can’t make it pure daisy

Unless i can fill the apothecary uh i may need to kill enough zombies to get three iron ingots oh i might be here for a very very long time waiting uh the thought occurred to me today that i am an idiot i can make a wooden bowl

And with a wooden bowl i can scoop up enough water to fill it up yeah now i can make livingstone and living wood with my pure daisy hooray now that i have a bit of living wood i can actually make a wand of the forest and with that connect my mana spreader

My one endo flame with a manipule i have mana i feel almost like a mage again it’s pretty amazing i spent the rest of the day collecting living rock and livingstone just to prep for the future last night i got attacked by phantoms these things are really scary uh

Whenever i’m positioned just inches away from the void yeah i don’t have a fence or anything like that and a phantom could knock me off very easily so yeah i need to sleep so i have my mob farm roof that i hid under throughout the night but i still don’t have a bed

So i need to spend some real time killing spiders i need 12 string in order to make a bed i worked all day today on basically doubling the size of my platform and the roof that goes over top of it to make sure that no light

Seeps into my mob farm and make it efficient both day and night yeah i really don’t want to see phantoms again ever more phantoms again but i made an orchard this flower is amazing with just a man i can put down smooth stone and it will conjure ores from mana

I got enough iron to make an iron pick and if this thing will actually make some redstone i can actually even automate my endo flame a little bit i am keeping an eye out for my spiders my mob farm to get the string i’m truly hoping

This is the last night i have to stay awake all night my mom farm blew up i don’t exactly know what happened i just heard an explosion came and looked and yeah boom if i had to guess probably a skeleton trying to shoot at me hit a creeper and

The creeper got even but i don’t know luckily i didn’t lose anything really good my orchard is amazing but my biggest hold up at the moment is actually stone production i really need just a bit of redstone so i can move this whole project along but as of yet i’ve used

All my mana and no luck the orchard is coming along beautifully and is providing tons of ores tomorrow i’ll automate this but first i finally got 12 actually 13 string and that’s enough for three wool and that is enough for a bed my goodness i took a look around my

Little world and finally went to sleep I built an open crate and added just a bit of redstone my calculations are correct the hopper should turn off when there’s something coal or charcoal on the pressure plate and then when an endoflame eats it it should drop just one more single piece i hope i’m right

On this i don’t exactly have the resources to spare it was a huge day for me on my little platform first i made three more endo flames tripling my meager mana production is a good thing then i heard the familiar cackle of a witch the last mob i need to finish this quest

I slayed the dozen or so other mobs in the farm and i got the quest done hooray and to cap the day off i fixed my redstone and got my dropper actually working but wait oh wait there’s more i placed more stone since i had some

Mana saved up and i got diamonds oh man i am so happy it after a bunch of really sort of difficult and tough days today yeah today was a good one i just needed a little bit more lapis to finish the orchard quest and i got it

Today it was awesome so the next thing the book is telling me is to craft some man of steel armor and tools that is probably going to take quite a bit of mana unfortunately i’m sorry i have a real issue with not having dirt as well

It’s kind of a problem but not a problem i really see a solution to i think for the time being i’m going to be kind of stuck with oak and cobblestone i set up more semi-permanent places for my two pure daisies of course this whole

Thing is going to change as i begin to work out the actual layout of the base but for right now it’s fine it’s safe everything is lit up and fenced off i should be about as safe as humanly possible i shouldn’t have mobs spawning and i really shouldn’t be able to fall

Off my platform unless i dig directly under my feet well let’s just hope i don’t do that my dirt problem is real i got a couple potatoes from some zombies and have a decent amount of seeds but i really have nowhere to plant them i’m still eating

Apples which is okay but it would be really nice if i could cook the apples or something like that but i can’t one thing that happened that was very cool i was buying my manipole holding an oak sapling and i noticed i can drop it in and get a spruce sapling in return

That’s really amazing i kind of wish i had thought to check that before i’m not going to be stuck to all oak and cobble now now it can be all cobble oak spruce and i presume the rest of the saplings as well this could actually be

A huge game changer for me i could start to actually make some things that look pretty as well as functional and and keep me from falling into the void yeah very nice i spent a big part of the day laying out farms sort of going into the evening and

Night i decided some nine by nine meter farms and just hope that at some point the book is going to show me how to get dirt i really don’t know how that’s going to be yet but you know it hasn’t done me wrong yet so

I assume that the book is going to guide me in that respect as well i did it i saved up enough mana to actually get in a full man of steel armor and tool set amazing and to boot i look freaking cool now that i’m going to be using man of

Steel tools however i need a source of mana to carry it with me that’s kind of how they work is they use instead durability they use mana to sort of cost that if you don’t have any mana on you then they break rather quickly so that’s no good things are pretty expensive

After all so i made something called a man of steel tablet it’s awesome it’s kind of like a battery they can just carry with me they’ll just recharge my armor recharge my tools and actually some other things coming in down the road that are going to be pretty cool too

For the next quest however i need 10 pumpkins and yeah that’s going to take a little while so i planted my one pumpkin seed bone milled it up and now i’m just gonna have to wait so while waiting for my 10 pumpkins to grow i’m just going to farm as much

Spruce as i can get a bunch of materials and make a whole bunch of charcoal as well for my awesome new mana setup i got my 10th pumpkin finally and made 10 fell pumpkins the quest book is a little bit unclear here it seems i have

To go to the nether to get blazes but to get obsidian i need blazes so after some research i learned that you can make fell blazes which is two iron bars with a fellow pumpkin on top a kind of a hybrid blaze it only drops blaze

Powder but a good amount of it enough to make some blaze blocks and with that i can use my pure daisy and convert them into obsidian time to go on vacation to hell So this council banished you like they did your master yes but to a different planet they called it a dimension but i know science and understand that it’s just a planet in a different solar system you knew science back then well my father did and i learned it from

His notes you see i was actually born on a spaceship called the sheriff there was some sort of accident and we had to evacuate we crashed on a planet called tovolin i was just a child when we crashed but eventually trained as a test pilot one of our tests was to leave the

Singularity that surrounded tovlin a singularity it’s kind of a field that surrounds the planet it wouldn’t let any signal through so my mission was to exit the singularity and drop a beacon unfortunately it didn’t go as planned my ship hit the field and was projected out wildly fast i was put into deep

Sleep and only woken once the ship crashed on a distant planet i have no idea how long or far i traveled from davalin wow and the planet you crashed on was that planet is where i met my master and eventually learned magic So Well i did it i made all the obsidian i need took a while to fight all those blazes but i did it and i emerged victorious although i will admit there were a few close calls i made my portal and tomorrow tomorrow we’re going to the nether

I spent the entirety of the day wandering around the nether i need to find a fortress and kill a gas both things seem to be a bit of a challenge but first things first i need to be safe i made a gold helmet to make the pig

Ones think i’m one of them and actually did some trading with one today honestly it was quite fun to get some nice things from them too other than that the only valuable thing i found in the nether so far is some red mushrooms which actually will be quite valuable at some point

I found a fortress it’s quite far from my portal and thinking of the future i figured it would be best to just take time to make a small tunnel that goes straight to it before i go about the fighting of blazes i need to get some food anyway so yeah we’re not fighting

Today but at least i have a way to get back quickly i finally found a blaze spawner and managed to take out a handful and got 15 blaze rods i don’t intend to come back here anytime very soon so i savor a few more than the 10 i actually needed

Lastly i need gas tier i killed a few but they keep dropping the tears over lava so that that’s cool i got it i killed quite a few gas but finally got a tear then another actually right after i’ve had about enough of this nether and i’m very much looking

Forward to going home it might not seem like much but with all the gravel i brought home from the nether i can turn two dirt into four cursed dirt and essentially have quite a bit more dirt not not infinite not unlimited but a lot more than i had before

I’m almost starting to feel my vision for this place come to fruition i planted as many potatoes as i have and i am very much looking forward to eating real food in endless supply i worked hard all day and after my trip to nether i am very much looking forward to going

To bed So I had a terrible nightmare again i dreamt of my master sitting in a cell his rage at me must be just all-consuming i have no real excuse i wish i could try to explain but in the end i betrayed him i don’t think he could ever forgive me for it and honestly

I don’t truly think he ever should i’d like to progress a little bit more in britannia but in order to do that i actually need sugarcane and to get sugarcane i need a hay bale well i don’t have any of that so i planted the few

Seeds that i’ve gotten from grass and i just need to kind of wait for them to grow so in the meantime i’m going to harvest a bunch of oak and get my manta production filled back up again i made a quick trip to the nether and

Grab some soul sand i need another work for an upcoming project so i need a place to actually grow it i can get the actual netherward seed by tossing a blaze rod into my manifold but i don’t exactly have renewable blazes here so yeah soul sand it is

I’m in a kind of holding pattern now i spent the whole day waiting for another wart and wheat to grow it’s okay i don’t mind grabbing just a ton of oak and spruce in the meantime also i made a grass block using fertilizer or surrounding a dirt block i’m spreading

That on my second field for now hoping maybe a chicken will spawn i’m gonna need feathers soon and yeah yeah that would be a really nice sort of head start on an upcoming alchemy project i made my first rune today i’m still waiting on netherwort enough to grow

Wheat and then sugarcane but i made an earth rune also i’m going to want renewable mushrooms soon so i made a dark room so they’ll spread but as of yet nothing going i did have an enderman teleport in there and steal one of them so that’s

Fun fun stuff i only have a couple and enderman are gonna come in and take them that’s cool i finally got my hay bale and traded it for sugar cane but now i don’t want to use my one sugar cane for crafting so i’m going to wait until it at least

Grows too high to harvest it not full growth on netherwart still and also no chicken has spawned yet on my grass platform so all in all uh nothing nothing accomplished at all nothing at all i got so bored waiting for these things to grow or spawn i started building what

Will eventually be some sort of central park on my little base here it’s just a giant oval where it can grow grass and maybe down the road maybe trees or who knows a lake or something it’s not great but i i’m starting to wonder if my little grass platform is so

Small that there are limited chances for passive mobs to spawn because it’s been now two days and it’s kind of weird that i haven’t gotten a single animal yet so yeah maybe i just need more grass in general both my netherwart and sugarcane grew so i finally made two runes today pretty

Fantastic i still need a feather but after a quick trip to the nether for more gravel at least i have a bunch of dirt i can lay down to make a much bigger and better grass field who knows maybe today’s my day i made something today i probably should

Have made many days ago a ring of magnetization it’s going to be a huge resource saver i have lost several dirt blocks to the void and an embarrassing amount of other things as well look every single thing i have right now is precious and if i lose something in a

Void that can really set me back imagine it was something like a tool or or a rune or something that is really painful to make my only man is still generated by dropping charcoal into a pressure plate and thus my ring is still going to pick that up that’s not ideal

There’s a flower called a solignolia it’s pretty cool it basically has a small area where it will deactivate my magnet ring so i can put that near where i have charcoal laying on the ground i don’t want to pick it up and no matter what happens in that area my magnet ring

Won’t take it yeah pretty convenient little flower i’m having a heck of a time getting this feather if only zombies dropped feathers my grandfather used to tell me bedtime stories of zombies who when you killed them they would drop feather back in the olden days he wasn’t really my grandfather in the

Wandering trader camp we used to call him papo and all the kids in the camp basically thought of them as their grandfather when my mother and i crashed on tovlen without my dad he really looked after us introducing us to the world that at that time i assumed we’d live in forever

Little did child me know looking up at the stars wondering where my dad was if he was alive or dead that not only would i eventually leave tovlin but i would actually live on two more planets i’d become a powerful mage i’d be banished in a void world what a life

Well anyway i made something called a cocoon of caprice i believe when it hatches a random passive animal will spawn please be a chicken just please be a chicken maybe a cow cow would be okay but i need a chicken please my cocoon hatched and it’s a freaking bunny

It’s a freaking bunny rabbit and not only that but whenever i walked after it to see what it was doing it just ran off the edge it just hopped off the edge of my platform the only animal i’ve got to spawn was a freaking rabbit and it just hopped to a step

I’m an absolute idiot i’m an absolute there’s something in the book that the old mage woman gave me called the rod of the lands had i just read the book i could have saved myself so much time this thing is amazing it for the

Small cost of a little bit of mana can actually spawn dirt and i already had a bunch of runes made so i use my rune of the earth and yeah just i can just unlimited dirt unlimited dirt for just a little bit of mana i can

Actually fill in my field now it looks it looks awesome it’s just it’s fantastic i added a furnace and some hoppers in my mana production area i don’t mind harvesting trees manually now it doesn’t take very long and i think i actually can automate that later but for right

Now i want to just be able to plop a bunch of stacks of spruce down feed charcoal to my end of flames very soon i want to get into some heavier battani stuff and i’m going to need a lot more mana on reserve to do that

But first the feather i spent a good deal of time adding more dirt to my central park area i really am hoping to get a single passive mob to spawn this is pretty awful if nothing else maybe i’ll get enough bones and string to make more cocoons but blah chickens man chickens

Speaking of bones i use nearly half a sack of bone meal together flower stay hoping i can make more botania fertilizer should be an easy way to make a lot more magical flowers for when i’m ready to increase my abilities here overall solid day i finished off my central park today

It’s pretty big it’s pretty big it’s pretty bland but but pretty big hey big news though i got my first pass of mob spawns okay look it’s it’s two more rabbits you know whatever but it still counts that tells me it’s working and that’s what’s really important now

If i can just get a chicken we’re in business i caught a sheep a couple of them actually yeah this is great this is really great a not only can i turn wool into string according to the britannia book that’s really cool but it does show me i was

Getting a little bit worried that maybe only rabbits would spawn so it does show me that maybe all the passive mobs will spawn and that’s really really good news i also added a ring so hopefully i won’t fall off the edge that be an added bonus be really nice to not die

Only 40 days into my life here that’d be cool so getting back to your time on tovlen did you have a family yes yes my mother and i were on the same escape pod so we lived together and found a small community of wandering traders humans it’s kind of hard to explain

Our ship was conducting an experiment when it went wrong the experiment created the singularity sending us all back in time back in time i suppose that probably sounds fantastic but it’s true the first ones to escape the sheriff landed closest to the current day the last ones to leave

Landed far in the past the furthest past humans to land on toblin actually set up a civilization the wandering traders were actually descendants of them this is a lot to take in yes i have no doubt it is so you lived with them on this planet tovlin

Indeed in fact i married one i had children i missed them all terribly and since your ship exited the singularity you haven’t seen them no i have no idea where tovlin is i do look at the stars nearly every night and wonder i got chickens amazing i slaughtered them and got a couple

Feathers i’m not concerned about keeping them to read now that i know my giant field theory is correct that being said i’m going to keep my sheep well i was going to set them dollars here but stripper decided he wanted to play i’m gonna miss those sheep we’ve been through a lot together

I finished my rune quest and i was on such a roll i decided to do another one back to back i made a rod of the seas this thing will create water anywhere just like the rod of the lands for dirt it only costs a little bit of mana it’s

Really nice so thus i decided to plant my other crop field i should be rolling in food shortly i decided after 40 days here in this place i would like a roof over my head i have big plans but i can’t focus on those when i’m so tired from sleeping

Only feet away from moaning zombies i built a platform at the end of my street and we’ll build my house eventually up top but first i’m gonna fill this in with dirt it’s moving day officially kind of i’m moving my mana production from one little place to an expandable area

Halfway up my street over to where my house is going to be i know i won’t be using charcoal forever but for right now i’ll be able to be able to use more endo flames and be all good to move my man i’m going to have to make

Another mana tablet and maybe a few more pools so yeah off to make more living rock tonight i moved my mana production and i made three more endo flames these are so basic but yet i just doubled my mana production that in itself is kind of amazing

We’re just about ready to actually ramp this up by using maybe a few more pools and maybe a couple more spreaders to be able to move mana all over the base wherever i want to i don’t have a need for it in different places yet but i think it will

Soon i would i would just like to be prepared after a solid day of building i worked on making sure i don’t fall or get killed by mobs put a fences around then torch spam the entire ground just hoping they won’t sneak up on me i’m really

Psyched about this progress i am very very excited to have well a home i don’t have an absolute need for any more pumpkins yet but i think i might soon so i built out another small farm area and i do intend to plant pumpkins on that and maybe melons as well should

Be solid you know it would be nice to have just this stuff sitting around so when i do need if i need to make some foul blazes or whatever boom i have 9 18 27 whatever on hand ready to go i started the day mining a giant stack

Of oars i need lapis for an upcoming project it’s kind of random what the orc could give so i use maybe yeah i use just about all the stone that i’ve smelled thus far should probably set up an automatic super smelter of some sort soon but for right now the

Manual isn’t that painful this orchid is amazing it’s it doesn’t use very much mana at all and as long as i just remember to use it before the pool fills i’m not really wasting any it’s really nice i made something today called a terrastill agglomation plate i think the

Gist is i can use it to somehow make tara steel and to do that i need a mana diamond mana pearl and man of steel the only thing i have in decent supply is man of steel i really don’t have a source of unlimited ores and would really like to so options

There’s basically two routes i can go i either need to focus on making more mana or different ways to use my mana i really don’t know what is best right now i guess the answer is really truly both but i think for the immediate future i kind of need to pick one

I spent the entire day moving the contents of my chest to my new actual storage place it’s not really a storage room yet as it’s not a room at all there’s a kind of a wooden platform in the middle of a field that will eventually be my house but yeah you know

It’s okay my storage area yeah that’s fine storage area i have a plan to make something i need a lot of and that’s smooth stone smelling cobble is already getting very old so i’m hoping to use just a bit of mana to convert lava and water into

Smooth stone that i can more properly build out of especially stone brick i got some flowing water under lava and that makes smooth stone the problem is if i break it it will become cobblestone and i’ll be back to smell it again again but i think there’s a better solution

I can use a mana lens on a mana spreader the one i need is called weight it will make any block fall just like gravel so if i put a slab under a smooth zone block and use weight on it it should fall and break but not turned into

Cobblestone should give me basically an unlimited supply of smooth stone i just used a floating hourglass with a little bit of redstone to put on a pulse and yeah yeah i think it actually works it’s pretty pretty awesome i made a floating hopper hawk today this amazing little flower will pick up any

Item and drop it in the inventory it’s connected to however there is one small issue i don’t want to pick up just anything only smoothstone simple solution though just add an item frame with the item and it will only take that boom i feel like we’re making progress here

I made a jaded amaranthus today it’s probably something i should have made a long while back but this should allow me to convert mana into magic making flowers and thus eventually more mana getting mana up to where i want to plan it might be a little bit complicated but

Eventually i want to automate it anyway so i need to get the infrastructure set up i need a helper here it’s one of those things i’ve always been a bit of a loner but being here is just so very alone i think it’s the void honestly

When i lived on a planet with other villagers even if they were far away and i didn’t have any real contact i knew they were there this is different this is just me and this floating platform some days it just gets to me there’s a lot of waiting today and while

I was waiting i just found myself looking up at the stars and just wondering which planet was tovlin missing my wife my kids yeah it’s been quite some time since i last saw them but it doesn’t make the hurt go away So I made something today called a pulse redstone mana spreader to activate the drum of the wild the thingy here is the drum will be activated every so often and break the magical flowers around it i made an hourglass but after trying it decide it’s just way too often and instead i’ll

Just use a button to just push it when i need more flowers i really don’t need to automate this i dropped a mana pearl mana diamond and man of steel on my tara steel plate and went to work building my new house seems as though my main production is

Quite slow because by the time i went to go check on it apparently the items despawned hooray for a wasted precious resources on the other hand i do like the footprint for my house so that’s pretty cool i got it this takes an absolute crap ton

Of mana to make this terrace deal but i got the two required ingots by the old woman’s quest book thankfully now it’s calling me to make a portal of some kind this is weird but first i need to address my terrible mana production for real i’ve got i’ve got a change this is

Unsustainable at this point hey i got some cows today i don’t really deeply need them but at some point i’m gonna want milk and it’s super nice to have it right here i actually fenced them off in back of my house until i can build a more proper place for them

Maybe i’ll build a floating barn that’d be cool i’ve decided i need to get some sort of enchanting at least i’d like to get to a point where i can take on knobs without any here and i am certainly not there an enderman last night almost ended me

Here’s the thing to get the britannia and channing set up i need 17 obsidian 17. that’s a lot i made all the fel pumpkins i could today and was still only able to come up with 13 blaze blocks which can turn into obsidian looks like i’m headed back to the nether

I got the 17 obsidian i needed plus a few spares what an effort after that i realized i’m going to need more diamonds than i currently have so i made my six mana pylons pretty awesome and now i get a quest reward i haven’t talked a lot about quest rewards because

Whatever but this quest reward is amazing i got fortune 4 not looting for i almost made a mistake so you get one free book with this quest reward yeah i got fortune 4 that is a life-changing enchant at this point i said my enchanting stuff it’s a little confusing honestly luckily the

Book has this like preview function so i could kind of preview it but even with the preview it was very complicated to set up uh yeah i messed with it all day and couldn’t really get it figured out i spent literally another day trying to figure out how to get this enchanting

Setup to work the book says 17 obsidian but i cannot get the math to work to make this pattern equal 17 obsidian i don’t know what i’m doing wrong it’s making me just a little bit crazy oh baby oh baby i got it the thing dreams are made of a fortune 4

Pickaxe i can hardly believe a thing like this even exists next i’m going to harvest a bunch of wood fired my man in production and i just went to town i went to town on oars today i’m really after diamonds to be honest because of some upcoming builds

And things i want to do but honestly i’m just happy for all the l ors it was a it was a great day of mining So bob you lived on tovlen as a young man then the mage world with your master after that how did you get here huh yes we’ll get there in time but first i need to tell you about the inquisitors they sound like bad guys yes yes i suppose they are

What would you say if i told you this country you live in the united states yes the united states is not the only united states of america in the galaxy you see the sheriff the spaceship i was born on was from a united states many years ago i became friends with a

Brilliant man he and i have been working closely on a theory that there is an organization that is somehow guiding the inhabited planets of the galaxy there is a shadowy group on multiple planets working behind the scenes yes my friend believed they’ve gone under many different names illuminati knights templar inquisitors

Undovelin they worked to keep us in the mid-ages for many many centuries on other planets we think they’ve attempted to mirror this history of what we call original earth well for example my mother used to tell me of a city in my united states called miami i never heard of it

It’s where she was born but yes there’s no such city here but i’ve seen the maps of my parents united states the geography is all different but many of the names are the same this is a lot to take in i started work on something i should

Have done much much earlier a simple tree farm my idea is to make a modular system that can be added to basically anytime i need more i made some bore lenses and off to a good start the more complicated stuff will come tomorrow but we’ll see how much of a master of the

Botanical arts i’ve become in the last two months i moved a bit closer today on my automatic tree farm using a hopper hawk and three labeled chests i should be able to dictate what goes where and then from that drop a sapling and pick up the other stuff quickly

One small drag is i’m not gonna be able to use spruce with this design i really wanted to but it does seem like oak is really my only option due to spruce not growing with the mana spreader above it i struggled today because i have a very basic misunderstanding on what a rune

Corpus actually does and how it works it places a block on the same block as what’s under the block that is planted on you got that so for example right now i had it set up where the arunacharpus is playing on core cert and i thought it would plant dropped

Saplings on coarse dirt but no it has to have a block under the block it’s planted on that matches where you want the planted flower to go it’s a lot easier seed than talk about all right after three days of working on this thing it finally works i got it now

If i want to later on i can add a flower called a munch do which actually eats leaves and makes mana but right now i’m not really worried about that my mana production is going okay eventually i’ll have to upgrade it but for now i’m really worried about wood which is

Honestly actually for man of production but whatever it’s fine the next thing i want to use is mana to increase the growth time of the trees because they are quite slow and i know just the flower that i want to add to it i wanted to work on the portal to

Alphine today but first before i get there i did add three agar carnations around the tree farm and they’re basically like like free bone meal it costs a little tiny bit of mana and it will just bone meal your trees eventually it’s noticeably faster but still not quite as fast i’d like i

Believe they’re stackable so i might add a few more whenever i get around to it but the big project of the day is the portal to alpine now i think to actually get this thing built and working it’s going to take quite a bit of mana to actually turn it

On but i got it built i put the pylons there i put some mana pools everything is cool the only thing i really need to do is make sure i’m getting mana to the mana pools that are gonna sort of be powering the thing and to do that i’m

Gonna have to rework where my mana spreaders are it turns out mana spreaders can only go 12 blocks before they start losing power so you get 12 blocks for 100 of your mana transferring between man spreaders but then after that then you lose so i don’t

Want to lose any because i don’t have that much so um yeah we’re gonna have to sort of reposition where these are but it’s a small detail i had a brilliant idea today that went sort of awry i wanted to use endo flames at my tree farm i’m getting all these

Sticks just randomly dropping whenever the leaves are eaten i thought oh well sticks are burnable so ender flames can eat the sticks but you know what else they eat saplings they freaking eat saplings so yeah so i wasn’t getting any sapling so after i went through about a

Stack of saplings luckily i have a lot but still i don’t have endless supplies so yeah i need to pick pick those guys right back up i made a couple of mana splitters today for some reason all the mana going to my alpha portal was all going to one side

Of the manipule i can’t really explain that so using a splitter splits the mana evenly between two different poles allowing both pylons to be powered i actually think this portal has almost enough juice to actually open it i am very dissatisfied with the rate of

My tree growing it’s just so very slow i added a couple more agricarnations bringing my total up to five hoping the trees will grow very fast but that adds a problem of mana i still don’t want to add a munch do quite yet i feel like i’m not gaining

That many saplings and i don’t want to push it so i did add another mana pool to my splitter and i’m shooting about a third of that alpha mana to my tree farm now hope myself enough for the portal honestly i’m just i’m very tired i’m not

Thinking very straight i think that i’ve been afraid to go to sleep because of these recurring nightmares of my master and uh yeah it’s it’s not it’s not real fun it’s not real fun right now on my little floating island I built a lake the last couple days here on my island i just felt like breaking away from the britannia grind and i really need to let the endoflames run for a little while together mana for my portal but i’ve been thinking about my situation here if i’m gonna be stuck

Here forever it’d be nice to make the base look a little nicer what’s nicer than a lake not a lot right so i spent the day digging it out and then i spent the next day filling it in and yeah it’s looking pretty nice we’ll we’ll add some nature and some greenery

Later on but it’s pretty good i needed one more obsidian you know i’m sitting here on 72 levels that are just wasting away i decided to make an enchanting table and enchant my gear i mean why not i can chant books and all that betania set up but honestly i’m not

Overly picky on what i get so to make that i have three obsidian i need four so i made a blaze match and i put it in front of a pure daisy and that’s the moment that i realized what a complete and total idiot i am

I have access to the nether which means unlimited lava which i could turn into obsidian with just some water it’s truly unbelievable it never even occurred to me just i mean wow just wow i enchanted all my gear today and i got the one enchant i really really wanted

Silk touch on my ho now i can actually start using leaves to decorate that’s pretty cool this is going to be a huge improvement on my general mood today is the day it’s time to open my portal to alfine if everything goes right i should open a portal to a different realm

Apparently i can’t walk through so there goes my ideas of escaping this place but i can trade with the elves who live on the other side it’s super cool Unsettling does not even begin to describe the emotions that i felt after seeing what i saw in the portal alphine after digging around the book i don’t think that’s what i should have seen i don’t know if it’s my former training as an ara’s magic and thumb craft mage or what but

Yeah the portal didn’t exactly work as intended and yeah that was that was frightening i spent a lot of time thinking about that portal and i had kind of an idea well we’ll see if it’s possible but in the meantime i made two rods one will create

Cobblestone and one will smelt it it’s pretty cool actually it’s going to give me access to a lot more materials and very readily and easy to use as well if my plan works as i hope it will yeah i have a lot to do in a fairly short amount of time here

I’m just thinking about the nature of this place it’s so artificial i mean i’m floating in a void it’s no wonder i feel like my emotions and mental state is somewhat floating as well the brain is an amazing thing it’s not so hard to trick yourself into a different mental state

I remember when i was younger still living on toblin i read the amazing book waking up by charles tart it talks about how it’s possible to completely change your current self with a different self he was talking about a more positive you or a happier or a

Depressed you in many ways each of these use is a different person all existing at the same time within your brain it’s not terribly hard with some practice to simply turn the dial and select a different you to take charge of your mental wheel i think in this case not seeing the void

Below me may be a little push that i need to feel like i have solid ground underneath me and maybe spin that dial to a more positive me it is important that i make this place nice and homey at least as much as i can After working hard for five straight days i decided to try my portal again feeling the connection to the portal i tried to focus all of my energy and all of my mental focus to it and well here’s what happened It worked i i don’t know i swear that was toddling i swear it was it was only there for a second and when i moved towards the portal it went away could i get home after all this time away my wife my boys Could i see them again Tell me more about your brilliant friend yes his name was percy baskin was yes sadly he got sick we lost him eight years ago that’s sad i’m sorry well i’m not convinced it was natural actually it was so sudden i think the inquisitors learned of what we were working on you

Think they killed him i’m not sure to be honest but these sudden tensions between countries i think percy saw it coming he talked about nuclear war coming often in fact he started writing a book on how to survive it it sounds like you two were good friends yes indeed

He even named his son after me robert frederick percy spoke to him often he was so very proud so how did you get to our world hmm well i suppose that’s really the end of my story the portal worked only for a few moments i tried to reopen it but i couldn’t i

Was out of mana and out of mental focus as well i suppose it’s something i truly don’t deserve i’ve been lost for years in fact i’ve written off ever having a chance to go home when i look up at the stars i have no idea which one could even be mine

And yet if that was the castle of tovlen maybe this portal can do more than show me other worlds i needed to do more study i spent another five days adding trees to this area it’s so important that i make this place comfortable it’s just a

Facade though if i walk up to the edge it’s obviously a void but as long as i stay on the paths it’s fairly convincing i decided to need something to kind of block the edge so i went and got a whole bunch of different kinds of saplings

Acacia spruce dark oak oak birch jungle even and i just planted them right around the perimeter again i don’t know who i’m trying to fool here necessarily maybe myself i guess but it kind of works my lack of bone to slow me down a little bit here

I’d like to make more grass blocks so the grass will spread a little bit faster but regardless it will eventually spread and get all over the place and yeah that’s what really counts i wasn’t paying attention the last week i guess i was just well just thinking

About the portal and trying to figure out what to do about it and i completely ran my mana totally so yeah i had to go make a whole bunch of charcoal and yeah i spent the entire day chopping trees next up i’m finally working on the house

It’s been a state of half built for quite some time now it’s time to make it a home i may not be able to provide all the comforts of home but i at least can put a roof over my head and work somewhat on the outside

Make it fun to come back after working all day on my on my betania yeah it’s coming along after two full days of building i have the beginnings of what is a pretty nice little house i like the footprint the general shape could use a lot of detail

But yeah you know it’s not too shabby i can see living in this house and it could be a nice home for someone trying to move things out of my way i just had to raise up my mana spreader network a little bit so i can walk around instead of always stepping over

Them i came up with a nice little design that should help make the place look a little bit better as well nice i decided to semi-automate my pure daisies finally i just put a random carpets down and automated so it’ll place the blocks then i’ll just use vane

Miner to break them whenever i want to i don’t see a need to automate the actual breaking of the blocks yet but continuing base design today i worked on the roads there’s something i really don’t like about the roads but i can’t quite put my finger on it

Maybe i’ll sleep on it and just see what comes to mind I tried the portal most of the day yesterday and i saw some things that i don’t really understand i just tried to focus my mind and focus on my family and focus on connections that mean something to me but i don’t know it’s going to take some study more greenery today

The house is looking nice but the land around it not so much so i took my bone meal that i had remaining and went to town hiding lighting under bushes to keep the monsters away and adding tons of grass all over the place it’s kind of starting to look like a real landscape

Kind of more greenery today i worked on a few little paths within my yard yeah this is starting to feel really good now it’s really starting to feel good one downside is i have tons and tons and tons of skeletons that live under these trees so they don’t burn up

In the sunlight so that that’s fun i need to talk to an expert about this portal and i think the only experts live on the other side so i spent some time gathering my mana and focusing my brain and after i gathered all the materials i needed i opened the portal and it

Actually connected to alfheim i started by trading with them the materials that i needed getting some elementium and some dragon stone and some pixie dust in fact i actually got enough elementium to make all new elementium gear both armor and tools i look pretty cool i actually had just enough levels to

Actually enchant all my new gear so yeah i’m pretty ready feel good to finish the last quest in the book i had to just trade a few more times with the elves to finish that off and then that entire chapter is done actually it’s pretty great i thought about communicating with

The elves all night and came up with a plan i threw my lexicon botania through the portal and only a few moments later they threw it back but with so much more information they filled my book with elven wonders oh wow i spent the entire night reading and learning

Armed with elven knowledge i made a conjuration catalyst this thing is amazing it can double at the cost of some mana so many resources living in a void this is absolutely amazing i can double things like soul sand gravel sand and many other things that are otherwise very limited or extremely difficult to

Get incredible the elven book told me of more things and well maybe maybe the thing that i need i need one more thing it’s mundane really but i need one ink i thought a squid might spawn in my lake but it seems to be over a desert void and thus

No fish so i spent today building a small lake in what i believe is a river biome and i’m hopeful i’ll get at least a single squid to spawn here so i can finish my work first thing in the morning i returned to my little man-made

Lake and sure enough it was teaming with squid just what i needed i have time to do one more thing i combined the ink with a feather in a book and i sat down and started to write I’m sure that you will never forgive me you shouldn’t anyway you took me in when i was the last living person in my village surrounded by terrible monsters you not only protected me but you taught me the arcane and further you trusted me with teaching our new school

And yet i lived in fear if the council was so powerful they could banish someone who is as strong as you what could you possibly do to defend us i didn’t fear for myself but for the helpless and weak students who were not yet trained enough to protect themselves i’m sorry

I should have believed in you and fought by your side the council indeed did strip me of my power like you and yet in this new place i found a different kind of power something based in life and hope not blood and death through study here i’ve discovered a

Spell buried deep within elven knowledge that i believe will rescue you from the council’s jail and bring you here i have prepared this place for you i remember the times you talked about the smell of the breeze going through all the different trees and plants i remember seeing you sit at the small

Lake outside our city walls and just looking over the water master i owe you everything a debt i cannot possibly repay but i hope in time living here in this place you will find peace your student and friend bob I left the book in a lectern and my armor on stan i put all my items in the house where my master will see when he emerges from the portal i took one last look around what i did here was good and maybe possibly this will repay a portion of my debt

From my betrayal i don’t know what the outcome of this spell will be for me but i don’t expect to live through it the oven book was very vague but it was clear enough about one thing the spell can only be used to bring someone here but at the cost of

Sending the caster away like everything else with the alpha elves it is a trade i open the portal i focus my mind and i cast the spell So you saved your master and used the portal to bring you here well not exactly the portal spell was incredibly complex it wasn’t a summoning spell but a replacement spell i could summon my master out of his cell but i would be projected in the opposite direction

There was no way to select a destination i owed him everything so there was really no question if i would do it i didn’t know if it would bring me to a survivable world or the vacuum of space it was my utter surprise to appear here in middle of

Pittsburgh in some sort of alternate united states i arrived many years ago and despite never finding my way back to my family managed to make a good life bob hold on a second i just got some sort of emergency broadcasting system huh so they did it

I didn’t think it would be so soon i don’t understand who the inquisitors i’m sorry my dear what’s what’s happening bob what’s happening Okay [Applause] [Laughter] so I was at peace finally in my very long life i’ve been banished stripped of my arcane abilities i’ve been betrayed and imprisoned by my closest friend and stripped yet again of my regained power my former apprentice freed me from the mage council using an ingenious exchange spell he teleported me across the galaxy

To some sort of peaceful botanical land that he built for me floating gently over a void i lived there for centuries using bob’s strange plants to sustain my life taking solace in that the mage council surely is dead from old age my anger and hatred died slowly but was

Finally replaced with a calm tranquility until he knocked at my door Who are you [Applause] I awoke for my spell in the strangest place seemed almost like a jail but different this time i had no sense of being placed here as i did when i was first imprisoned this was more abandoned i felt alone here as i’ve been for the past hundreds of years true i could feel

Captain dylan suspended in my void my void is sort of a cell or prison within my psyche using just a small portion of my own life essence i can keep them there indefinitely looking around this place there was nothing there but a book and a cage-like machine machines

I’m no fan of the mechanical but still it seems like none of my arcane abilities came with me at least this time i knew to expect that arcane talent seemed to be world specific and this time i would be ready to start from scratch i learned quickly by hitting the stone

With my hands i could get cobblestone and from that by throwing the cobblestone on the ground for some reason this world converts that cobblestone into wood so i had the basics of getting some tools started what’s even more amazing about this world is after i made a pickaxe i

Learned that while i’m mining the stone i was getting random oars to drop as well i didn’t see them in the walls they must be embedded somehow in the stone but i was getting plenty of ores just by expanding my little room it didn’t take very long until i got

Enough coal to actually start to burn some of these oars and smelt them into usable ingots this might be a livable situation after all after i mined all night i spent some time reading this book that i found here it has sort of instructions on how to

Live in this place i don’t know who placed the book here or why but i’m going to use it the first instructions in the book say to make a windmill i am stuck in a cave underground this is ridiculous but that being said i have no other real answers so

Cave windmill all right it’s very confusing but i have to make cogs and turntables and yeah i hate machines and finally after endless trial and error i have effectively created a windlass windmill underground apparently there must be some sort of slight gus coming down here from somewhere regardless it does work

Now to figure out this confounded crafting mechanism before i can do much more i need andesite it seems the only way to do that is just mine so well here i go one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe stripped yet again of my amazing powers and i’m hitting a stone

Wall with a stone pickaxe this is humiliating i finally got this mega crafting to work and now with a fully functional giant machine i can actually make gravel yeah gravel I will admit as much as i hate machines and one looks pretty cool whenever it’s fully functional regardless back to digging i need a lot more cobblestone and a lot more andesite i need to start some sort of smeltery for something soon to get that i need clay it seems like

The most likely way to make clay in this confounded underground hole is to crush gravel and to do that i need a lot of cobble and so yeah a lot of mining today but i’m getting a little bit nervous about food it’s been six days and i haven’t eaten yet

And i’m getting pretty hungry i’ve been eating a little bit of zombie flesh just tied me over but it’s not great i think seven days is more than enough time it’s time to make a blood alter i’m gonna put this right beside this zombie spawner and build my altar sort of under

And around it my thinking is once i get this thing full i don’t really want to move it and i don’t think i can move the spawner yeah this should be an easy way to quickly start to gain back some of my arcane power it’s funny this is the actual thing that

Got me in trouble in the first place i guess everything comes full circle i learned something today about my stupid machine first it can actually break down coal ore into a lot more coal than one so that’s good secondly i can even break down iron into about one and

A half iron chunks per ore so it’s not exactly or doubling but i’m getting more so that’s also good but most importantly by putting granite into my blood altar i can actually make dirt and with that i can actually plant some food i got a couple potatoes from zombies and planted

Those immediately i cannot wait to eat before calling in tonight on day eight i was able to make my first blood orb oh yes i know it’s just a weak blood orb but to me this is everything this truly begins my journey into the dark arts

I made an alchemy table today too this is great i can use this to double certain things and just create other things from simply a little bit of blood solid work you know i really need more room i need more oars i need more andesite i need

More cobbles i need more of everything and i am kind of over mining by hand but i don’t have a better solution as of right now so yeah i spent another day just carving out more room for this stupid big machine i have i need water in a bad way and the only

Way i can see to get that is from cactus now i can get organics luckily from throwing zombie flesh on the ground i’ve learned that whatever transforms stone into oars actually will transform zombie flesh into random organic items that’s good so i have a chance so i can put my

Cactus in this machine called a mixer and that should break it down into water so i got a couple cactus and planted them and now i just need them to grow because i don’t want to use all the cactus that i have for this so yeah a

Little bit more mining today and then we should be ready to craft later the mixer is a two-part thing you need the actual mixer part and then you need the well cauldron or pot or whatever to actually hold it so the hardest part of this whole thing is getting this gear to

Spin the right direction to actually make it work and after a lot and i mean a lot of trial and error i finally got this ready but believe it or not i had to dig out more room so i dug out a couple more layers i i really

Yeah i’m kind of over digging my plan worked the mixer actually did break down cactus and gave me some water but more importantly today i was able to make a small smell tree look i figure if i’m going to be digging out walls every freaking day of the rest of my life it

Feels like at least i could use an iron pickaxe so that’s what i went about making today now that i have a couple buckets of water i am able to use my weak blood orb some sugar and i can make something called a water sigil yes i remember this

From my days as a young blood mage this is amazing i can actually put water anywhere i want with this amazing device After getting my water now a lot of options are open to me one of the things i really need is a lot of sugarcane for an upcoming project and so to do that well i need to build a little bit of a sugarcane hallway yeah eventually i’m

Going to be able to automate all this but for right now i don’t mind a little bit of manual thing i just will uh yeah you know just dig out a hole today was so solid by using my alchemy table a little bit of blown meal and

Some dirt i was actually able to make a block of grass i don’t need it now but eventually it’s going to be nice to have some greenery in here maybe i can even possibly get some mobs to come in it’s a little dark down here in my cave kind of like my soul

Also i spent some time working up a tier two altar i need eight blank runes which are simple enough to craft i think i’ll keep my altar basically right where it is right now i just need four simple runes and four tier two runes not a big deal

Now that i have a tier two altar i would actually like to upgrade it a little bit more and take my blank runes and make four speed runes and four runes of sacrifice they should both help it refill a little bit faster i did try to

Make an apprentice blood orb but i ran out of blood and the craft actually failed after taking some time at the spawner fill it back up i successfully made one it was good to have even the beginning of some actual real power we’re moving in the right direction

I upgraded my pickaxe with two levels of redstone for speed and started digging out yet another room i actually just really need stone more than anything to upgrade my blood alder to a tier 3 it’s going to require 20 more runes and to get that i need 40

Reinforced slates so that’s 40 stone yeah time to start digging and with all my stone i started the process of making my 40 reinforced slates you know this is such a mind-numbing process my eyes just sort of glazed over and i started thinking back to how i got here You need to understand how strange it was to have another human being on my planet it had been hundreds of years mostly i had spent the day’s quiet study of these plants and their amazing properties enjoying my solitude this captain dohen explained something about a singularity a science experiment

Gone wrong that had somehow populated the entire universe i’ve never had any time for science myself if a so-called scientist got even a small taste of my powers i assure you it would never glance at one of their machines again finally he said something that interested me some sort of an armada

Traveling through space was destroying planet after planet in the past i probably would have been delighted to hear that but over the hundreds of years something had changed me yet again spending these centuries in bob’s botanical gardens had sort of instilled some sort of belief in me that life indeed is precious

If something was wiping out all life in the universe well maybe i had been at peace for long enough I think i’m nearly strong enough to do an actual ritual there’s one in particular ritual that i need to start with it’s called serenade of the nether this should allow me to create lava for just the cost of a small bit of blood the zombie spawner continues to get

Faster as i upgrade it by adding sugar and hopefully it will keep up with my increasing demands for more power more power yes the next thing i need is a tier 3 blood orb and to get that it is a 25 000 payment that’s a lot my elder appears to

Only hold about 10 000. i can add runes of capacity but they don’t seem to add as much as i’d like i’m not really sure what to do next i had my altar about halfway full and tried to craft this and apparently i did not have enough even with my five blood

Runes of capacity i only have twenty thousand still five thousand shy so yeah i gotta re-grind this up unfortunately it doesn’t take that long but it’s basically a wasted day and finally this time i waited until my blood orchard was completely full and i had a stockpile of a lot of zombies just

Waiting to be killed and i crafted up my tier 3 blood orb no problem this time hallelujah i realized something very silly that i should have realized a long time ago i can use my alchemy table to make clay from just my water schedule into sand no more endless crafting gravel and

Chewing it up in just hopes of getting a clay ball this is a huge win after just a little bit more zombie grind i dropped a smeltery melter into my blood alder and got a weak activation crystal now i can take my four ritual stones and my master original stone and

Create the serenade of the nether next i need some obsidian and to get that i can just drop buckets of lava on the ground and use my water schedule to make some obsidian and boom i am about ready to go to the nether but yeah before i go to the nether i

Need to be fully prepared i have access to a little bit of food but i’ve been really walking a tightrope honestly and trying to progress i’ve not been spending any time farming and that needs to change i’m going to use some of my precious bone meal to finish off and

Plant all the potatoes i can which should at least keep me fed when i go to the nether i made a cobblestone generator today i know i’m completely surrounded by stone but i really just want cobblestone so i’m hoping that i can make it and then smash it into

Gravel i want to work on a smeltery but to do that gravel still is kind of my hold up unfortunately after making it i was disappointed to see that breaking cobble also gets you any of the variants of stone which is not really ideal for getting more gravel i may need to

Actually make a machine at some point it’s a bit disappointing for sure it took me nearly a month but i finally made a smeltery i had to make a little bit of copper to make a few of the pieces i need and luckily i have lots of it

Or doubling finally i’m going to need some way to automate this i did think about the way that bob automated his stone generator back in my garden of glass world but i don’t know if that’s going to work here i need to investigate how to make an hourglass

I tried it and sure enough my attempt was less than successful apparently my old apprentice bob had learned some new tricks since his time staying with me because yeah the hourglass that i tried and didn’t do anything eventually after much tinkering with redstone i did find a machine that works

This thing spins around and every time it goes towards the smeltery it activates the red zone and we’ll pull it out and think it so yeah it’s not super efficient but it works now that i have my ore doubling completely automated i need a tinker’s

Anvil and then i need to make a hammer i am totally over digging out these rooms with a single pickaxe at least a hammer can let me clear a 3×3 space apparently there are only some metals that you can use and one of it is brass

To make this tinker’s anvil so i needed to figure out how to make brass and then smelled up three blocks of it after that it was rather quick work to actually make the hammer i slapped on the diamond for the extra durability and some redstone for some extra speed and

Yeah i am ready to go to town i made a fan today apparently this thing is supposed to be able to blow hot air through lava but honestly after an entire day of working it out i could not figure out how to do it so i will stick

With my smeltery for doubling oars and be very happy about it look at this press look how slow that thing is yeah technology man if i’m being honest though i am beginning to grow a little bit frustrated with the state of my underground lair i don’t plan on being

Here forever but the state that it’s in is absolutely terrible it’s just a hole it’s just a hole with walls and a few machines scattered around i need to move some stuff to a different room and free up some space i spent basically a day working at the logistics of where stuff

Will be and moving my big dumb windmill i need quartz to progress and so it’s time i went to the nether and this is about the fastest nether trip ever i went in so speedy grab quartz and ran out i spawned in a crimson forest and

The last thing in the world i want to deal with is a hogland those things could own me in one second flat so i grabbed my quartz and i hustled right back home finally today on to storage i made a bunch of storage drawers and a drawer controller and so i am ready

To get kind of organized not super organized not like the greatest ever but look at least my stuff isn’t in just random chess all over the place we are moving in the right direction here it really took me a full couple days but i did actually get all of my compacting

Drawers and my regular drawers all set up all of my oars should have a home and where i can grab blocks or ingots or nuggets right out of it as well as all the different stones including both cobbled and smooth stone variants things are good unfortunately i can’t figure out a way

To automate getting this lava in here so just every once in a while i have to go and grab eight bucks and put in the smeltery just to continue doubling my oars because now that i have a hammer i am getting tons and tons and tons of

Oars in fact probably more than i’ll ever need i made something today that i have no idea how to use the book told me to make a small block breaker so i did it i don’t know what to do next i is this a cobblestone generator is this

Break ores i don’t i don’t know it’s just a machine it doesn’t tell you anything about it so i just i just made this machine and i i threw it down the corner and i i don’t think i ever looked at it again i’d like to keep all my blood magic

Stuff in the same general place and since i have a room for my machines and room for my storage i may as well spend a day digging out a room for my future blood magic rituals so they’re all kind of together you know i was just digging and i just

Started thinking back to well this Captain dolan’s plan was simple in a very complicated way i suppose first using my power i would teleport us to fred’s planet somehow this fred was the son of the commander of the armada captain dohen called it an a.i for whatever that means teleporting this distance between me and

Fred’s planet would be incredibly draining for me but once there i believe i could bring fred to us and then all three of us to the planet tovlin then everything changed captain dolan mentioned he was working with the mage council my captors i was enraged how dare they

In just a blink i imprisoned this captain dolan in my void and went back to tend my crops I made a hellfire forge and decided i need a tartaric gem now this is a way to hold all my will which i’ll get from killing all these zombies this is the next phase of blood magic and after 40 days in this place i think it’s way overdue

But there are a couple ways to get will first i used a snare to get my first few and then after that i made a sentient sword now i can use this indian sword now but i really want to enchant it and to enchant it i need a couple more things

Well i need an enchanting table after digging up my room i converted a bunch of granite into dirt and i went about laying down a nice big dirt place now i took my one grass block and i’m gonna let the grass slowly spread and just hope that somehow some cows make

Their way in here if i can start breeding them up i can start to get a lot of leather and with that i can actually make bookcases so that would be great after killing a lot of zombies and collecting a lot more will i made a pedectarteric gem today this is the next

Level of gem and can actually hold a lot more will so well after i make this i’ll head back over the zombies and kill a bunch more this zombie spawner is not fast enough it’s okay but i need it to speed up and i’m not really sure how to go about

Doing that i spent the entire day killing zombies and filling up both of my gems so that i can make yeah the next level of tartaric gem finally after two days of grinding zombies i got the 240 wheel i need to make the next level of tartaric gem i am in business

Yeah it finally occurred to me that i don’t need to wait for cows to spawn in my grassroom i can actually make leather using my blood magic alchemy table so i did that and then after that i took my one book that he made so far and i made

An enchanting table oh we’re getting close and after all that work the common tartaric gem is mine yes this is amazing now i can actually start to make some real improvements now with access to lots of leather i actually made all of the bookcases they need so i can now enchant my sentient

Sword i think i’ll make a new one though so it has full durability and yeah yeah we’re gonna get a nice enchant here and i’m gonna go kill just so so so many zombies i learned something about the unique mechanics of this world today though i

Learned that whenever i break stone i am getting all cobbled variants like cobble diorite and cobbled granite and all that stuff which is why i have to smelt it just to get dirt but i can make a silk touch upgrade for my hammer and then i will get regular

Granite and regular die right and all that stuff with regular andesite which is actually going to make crafting a lot easier so i did that today and now i have a silk touch hammer hooray yeah and next is back to the grind because i need ritual stones and i need

A lot of them i’m gonna need 36 tier 1 slates and 36 tier 2 slates i’m going to be here for a while there’s something that’s bugging me in the back of my mind i believe there’s a way to automate this slate making procedure so i went to my hellfire forge

And i was able to make routing nodes now i think these routing nodes are basically like pipes that use blood magic to move items in and out and i think they can move stone and slate in and out of the blood altar to do this though i’m going to need some

Red dye and well fortunately my grass is spread no animals but hey i got some red dye so that’s that’s a win i made some routing notes and some standard item filters and yeah nothing worked nothing worked at all i’m gonna have to spend the night reading this blood magic book

Another day another complete day of just trial and error one thing i realized i needed is a node router it’s kind of like a connector that i can connect these these nodes together and you sort of see the lines go and that’s going to tell me what where they’re connected and all but

Yeah it doesn’t matter none of this worked nothing works at all i was getting very frustrated at this point all this time that i’m messing around with these stupid nodes that don’t work i’m just doing the slates by hand manually and that’s fine i decided to

Spend one more day trying to get it to work and i did kind of i got it to actually place the stone in the altar but i could not manage to get it to take the slates out of the altar i i don’t know i don’t know i looked at every

Setting a thousand times and i i don’t know what i’m doing wrong i finally though after what four days of this got all the ritual stones i need to leave this place i’ll be it temporarily there’s a blood magic dungeon that i’ve only heard about in stories i’m hoping i

Can access it from here and bring its loot back it might have some really nice stuff but to even do that i needed the next level of blood orb the magician’s blood orb and fortunately i have a decent amount of zombies and a decent amount of

Runes of sacrifice so i could get it i did it i did it i completed the ritual to another world this thing is going to be amazing i was going to activate it but i realized that i don’t have anywhere near the lp in my network to actually do that so yeah

Let’s go kill some more zombies i took my weak activation crystal and a whole bunch of lp that i got by working through the night and i activated the crystal oh yes it is time to go to this dimension I successfully looted the first room didn’t die there are actually no monsters there but i got something that i really really needed i got some towel fruit so the first thing i did is i made a cow bait and i got a cow to come down

To my little grassy area and then i planted my towel fruit where the cow is standing now this is a little weird if you plant towel fruit just in the ground you’ll get more tile fruit when you harvest it but if you plant it in the ground under a living creature like a

Cow you might get saturated towel fruit and that that is what i really need it works i got my routing nodes to work i took a couple days away and i went and i thought about it and when i came back i changed the settings and surely enough

I have a fully automated slate machine now unfortunately it’s not automated where i’m getting more blood i still have to go kill all the stuff but it actually works it actually works i am so happy i’m so happy right now now unfortunately i still have to

Babysit the system like i say not only do i have to kill the zombies but i actually have to be close to the spawner so that it keeps spawning zombies additionally it was really making me crazy i’m just really happy about it so i took the day and the automation

Opportunity to make a big handful of reinforced slates and i actually made 10 more runes of sacrifice that’s going to give me more juice per zombie that i kill that’s that’s big bang for my buck improvement i had an idea about this zombie spawner it does seem that you can actually

Improve it and i thought well what’s going to make it spawn faster maybe clocks so i took and i made 16 and then later on another 16 clocks and i just clicked on it it did seem to do something but i don’t know what it do it wasn’t a noticeable improvement anyway

But i did put 32 clocks onto the spawner and uh yeah i i didn’t really notice any impact at all actually not even a little bit I kept captain dolan in prison for years no time would pass for him but learning that the council still existed after all these years was way too much for my newfound serenity to handle they will die the fire the rage it was all back perhaps even stronger than before

I sent myself into the void i needed to learn more i asked the captain to take me back through the portal he used to get to me he explained it would kill me something about he was a generation one someone the singularity had actually transformed and thus he could travel through but

Anyone else would die i’m quite sure he could sense the change in me my thirst for revenge quietly the captain told me he would only show me where tovalen is after i had brought fred to us there was much to think about You know i think i screwed this up somehow i really only need saturated towel fruit and to get that has to grow near my cow however i think i planted it just too far away from me where i’m actually working by the blood altar i may need to actually do something in

This close area just so it grows because i’m having no luck on getting some growth stages at all well i think it’s time to start some britannia while i wait i want to stay very close to this cow and you know my old apprentice was a real master of

Britannia and i picked up a few things living in his old world i think i can probably figure out some stuff that will help me progress further in my dark arts obsession and uh yeah there’s some good stuff first i gotta make these flowers though i added some storage drawers in my

Britannia area just to help keep me organized all these flowers do tend to add up and the nice thing is i can make two by two storage drawers and see all the different flower options that i want i don’t know how deeply i’m gonna get into this but there’s a couple things i

Have in mind that would be kind of nice i’ve been working here for two days on gathering botany supplies and i still don’t have a fully grown towel fruit and it doesn’t appear to be saturated at all yet hey check it out my towel fruit grew and

It wasn’t saturated it was just a regular freaking towel fruit well boo for that yeah i’m gonna plant a couple more maybe do like a little two by two plot so i have more chances but the other thing is my cow’s almost dead it does draw life from it whether it

Gets saturated or not so i’m gonna need to make a little bit more uh wheat cow bait trap things whatever you know what i’m talking you know what i’m saying yeah i just need a couple machine parts though and to do it i need two more iron

Plates and to do that means i need to hook up my presser i was kind of hoping i was done with this sort of aspect of this world to be totally honest i thought i had maybe converted fully into magic but i hadn’t the problem is when i

Hooked up my presser it over stressed the cogs and it wouldn’t work so what i have to do basically is un unhook one of my wheels and then just hook this up temporarily or maybe add more wind powers i i don’t i don’t really know i

Don’t really care to be honest i just want to make these two plates and move on with my life i did in fact get more cows to spawn and i’m still still waiting on more of this towel fruit it really is awful it’s just it’s just awful i’m just gonna sleep here

I quite honestly spent an entire day just reading my blood magic book and waiting and still having no luck i got another towel fruit thing to grow to 100 and again it was not saturated so i’m going to try basically one more time and just see how it goes i’m looking around

The base and i got to be honest it looks terrible but i don’t care i’m leaving this place the second i am powerful enough to bring fred to me we are going to put him in the void world and i am going to teleport all of us to this

Planet tovlin and end things with the mage council but until then well yeah i’m waiting for saturated towel fruit and would you look at that after almost unlimited days and a few more cows dying i got a saturated towel fruit finally this is going to be huge in crafting and

Allow me to actually progress to sort of end game blood magic this saturated towel fruit is still at its second to last growth stage and i need to wait time has officially stopped and on day 69 the beautiful flower burst forth and created something magical something pulsing with yeah what hello

Okay i will admit that is some creepy stuff that is going on here in my base i don’t know what that’s all about but i would like to leave soon so it’s time to progress a little further in blood magic i need a weak blood chart and to do that

I have to make this machine called an alchemical reaction chamber unfortunately i don’t really know how this works i dropped my magician’s blood orb in and it started working i thought that’s cool and it’s not cool it actually reconverted it back into its original block of gold so yeah so now i

Get to spend a day making another magician’s blood orb that’s fun and after i made that i learned how this machine actually does work and i got my two week blood chards this is great it’s one guaranteed and a percent chance to get a second one so i was pretty lucky there awesome

I decided that it’s time to start digging for a maximum tier altar that’s a tier 4 altar and to do that i need a lot of runes i spent yesterday and last night making a ton of blank slates and i think i am just about ready i was just

Digging around ready to make my tier 4 altar and all of a sudden zombies started coming from everywhere i’m not sure if they escaped out of the chamber or if they were spawning because it was a little dark either way luckily i saw them because if i wasn’t paying

Attention that amount of zombies and me with basically no armor they could have ended me quickly it must be spawning because even then even the next day as i was working again a ton of zombies including some babies and these guys are fast came out from everywhere luckily i could pillow

Straight up my sword was broken so i had to kill them with my pickaxe and uh yeah not a great way to to deal with this but um i finally did it it was a little scary it was a little scary to be honest i need to turn off the spawner i don’t

Know why i haven’t thought of that yet but then finally it happened i got my tier 4 altar all set up i needed these weak blood shards for the caps and the pillars and i am ready now with the tier 4 altar i can do something that is very cool i can

Automate the collection of blood yes now by just using a couple blocks of coal and some blood from my altar i am able to upgrade my ritual diviner to a dusk ritual diviner and with this i will be able to make the ritual of well of suffering and with that i can fully

Automate my blood power and once that happens it’s only a matter of time until i can bring fred to us and i can get my sweet sweet revenge with my automated slate system i was able to make 36 more ritual stones and the master ritual stone and i am all set

The only thing i need is i need space i’m gonna have to move my altar around i don’t believe that i can move the spawner so yeah i have to move my altar around so i want to make sure i get everything i need while it’s fully functional because

Once i move it i won’t be able to get any more blood altar crafting until i reposition it all i made a terrible mistake and just got lucky i was digging out space with my hammer and i accidentally hit the spawner and i broke it luckily the

Hammer still touched and luckily i could re-put the spawner back down so the spawner is indeed movable which means i can leave my ultra where it was i made the ritual above and i am ready to activate it every hostile creature in this area will start to die as soon as i

Get ready but to do that i need a lower spawning platform i want the mobs to spawn underneath me so luckily now i can move my spawner so i can position it to be directly under the altar so yeah i gotta dig again i activated the ritual and went to go

Look and see and yeah i made another mistake unfortunately the spawning platform down below is a little bit too low for the mobs to die so i need to raise it up by a block not a big deal but um kind of a pain in the butt

Oh and would you look at this it works i brought the platform one block and these guys are taking damage every time they turn red that means i am leeching from them and putting blood into my lp system i have my blood orb on the altar so

It’s just getting completely full and i am so so excited i stood here and watched this thing work for a long time and while i was here i was thinking back to well conversation i had with captain dylan Bringing captain dolan with me trapped in the void was simple enough i visited many times over my hundred days in this new place the stone planet all the while the captain continued to fill me in on the state of the universe actually to be honest it was hard for me

To even grasp even a powerful master mage who was hundreds of years old how could the mage council manage to have lived as long as i i don’t know perhaps it’s their descendants perhaps it doesn’t matter who it is i’ll kill them regardless the mage council whoever it is in those

Seats will pay over time i actually grew to like this man he had only learned how the universe came to be in the days before coming to see me eventually i explained to him the void was only active when i was visiting him and the rest of the time he spent in

Suspended animation james was quite upset upon learning that i kept him in a freeze for years he told me the armada was headed towards tovlin towards his people the crew of his ship the black goat but also it was headed towards the mage council a plan began to formulate in my mind I’m stepping into some things that even at my peak of blood magic in my prior life i never delved into today i made a machine called a demon crystallizer i think this could be of some use bringing fred to me but i’m not sure it surely was expensive i’ll have

To start replenishing my will very soon fortunately i’m out to a nice lead on slate so i was able to make enough ritual stones to do this next ritual that i need this ritual is called the resonance of the faceted crystal and i have absolutely no idea what it’s supposed to do

I need to spend some serious time reading and studying my book i think i’m too short on will to do this next step so i spent the entire day killing zombies with my sentient sword and filling my tier 3 common tartaric gem i hope a thousand will is enough to get

This next part started but i’m not really sure again i am in really uncharted territory for myself i activated the ritual and actually managed to get a couple crystals but not nearly as many as i need so i need the maximum tier tartaric gem and to do that

I need to basically ramp up from the very smallest to the biggest because it takes a tier four to make a tier five and you need a tier five to have enough will you need a lot of will anyway it took one of my demon crystals but

Surely enough i ended up getting it i got the greater tartaric gem this is the biggest one this is going to take me a long time to fill up but at least i have it and i can start the process i noticed a problem a potentially kind of big problem

I cross chunks and this gets a little bit technical here but all of your aura whenever you crystallize your aura it stays within one chunk my ritual crosses chunks which means i’m not sure which chunk it will go into so basically i spent the day digging out and preparing a room that is

Exactly one chunk big so all of my aura will stay within that chunk and then i can crystallize it from there again i don’t really know what i’m doing i’m just kind of going by the seat of my pants here i have another problem i dumped a few

Stacks of smooth stone into my blood alder and notice it is not quite keeping up even when i’m in range of the spawner so thus it’s time to upgrade i’ve done really nothing of the 28 runes from my tier 4 upgrade they’re all blank so i think i need the materials for all

28 to be runes of sacrifice fortunately again i have lots of slates i can do it but it’s going to basically run me out of materials i think this will make it keep up for any amount of crafting that i really want to do though

And just like that i used up all of my reinforced slates but it worked i have runes of sacrifice the entire 28 exterior runes and i should be good now to craft as much as i want i can automate this as long as i’m standing close enough for the spawner for it to

Be active i took the opportunity of while i’m waiting for all this crafting to happen to just kind of run around the base and pick up my ore and crap that’s spread out everywhere and process it i have enough ore for probably about a city made out of gold and bronze and stuff

But for right now i don’t really need any of it but you know i got nothing else to do while i wait i want to do more stuff but i’m out of will again so yeah back to the will grind i mean look it’s easy it’s just

Time consuming it takes a really long time to fill these up a really long time like literally two days it took to fill up this one gem of just constantly grinding yeah i mean that’s cool i’m getting lots of uh returns for it so that’s good but yeah yeah lots of time

I had some success though i took my mostly full greater tartar gem and put it in the demon crystallizer and crystals started springing up now i need to have at least i think one of each kind so i can just grab these with my silk touch pickaxe and pick them up i

Think well maybe silk doesn’t matter but regardless i can pick them up so this is good that’s a good first step of this sort of last ritual that i want to do bringing fred to me is going to draw a lot of power from these crystals so i’m

Going to need quite a few so with that i made nine demon crystallizers and put them in one demon crucible in a different chunk than my main sub this should put a ton of oil into the air for my nine crystallizers and should make a lot of baseline

Crystals which i can draw power from for sort of my final portal i i really hope this works but i’m starting to get a good feeling it will while trying to make some demon slates which is the tier four slates i just realized that i just need a second

Tartaric gem of the big one the greater kind i i need one to be running on my big main crystal area where i’m getting all the different kinds of crystals and i’m gonna need one to do sort of the baseline crystal so yeah i spent the day making well going through the whole

Thing again just to get a second greater tartaric gem that i can maybe grind one while one’s working and do whatever i want but yeah back in together more will hooray i had my first very very close call on day 92. a creeper must have spawned

Somewhere that’s all i can think it was unless it was some other random explosion but i was just digging out this i want to dig it down about 23 blocks for this big ritual setup that i want to do and uh i almost got blown up

It was really close i mean i did get blown up i just didn’t die fortunately or well i guess that’d be the end so yeah i’m digging out of one chunk hold down about 23 blocks where i can put three or four rituals all on top of each

Other and i think it should work out nicely i have the sketch of the rituals that i want to do and to do that i need 42 more ritual stones which require lots of slates it’s gonna be great but yeah it’s gonna take some time to grind

I keep doing it i keep moving away from the spawner darn it and it just stops being active and then i start not getting enough blood to make this this thing is fully automated and it’s going to go great but i just need to stand

Here so i’m just going to stand here and study my book and look into sort of my final ritual a little bit more for an entire day while i craft about three stacks of slates i achieved something today that will be very very important in the future i got

Both sets of living armor the helm and chest and the legs and the boots i am now completely fully living armor equipped it’s going to be very difficult for the mage council to defeat me at this point i just need to get there well i realized today that i made a

Terrible terrible mistake i could have sworn in my youth back when i was first delving into the dark arcade arts that there was a way to automate will production but it seems now that is not possible so that being said i need to alter my plans on how to bring fred here

I need a lot of crystals i need a way to get them quickly i took all my newly crafted ritual stones and i did the two main rituals that i need in order to pull this off i harvested all my crystals only to realize that i need 1200 will to combine

Them into placeable crystals on the ground well back to the grind just a little bit but i am so close i can feel it my full blood magic power is almost returned to me my rage at the council grows ever stronger It is done after 99 days in this place i have managed to regain all of my lost blood magic abilities and from the ritual that will grow to harvest these crystals everything is ready now the crystals are growing and i can feel their power coursing through my body now i just need

To wait the crystals will do the work for me and in time they will open a portal to bring this fred person to me my time is at hand Um so Finally the moment my moment was at hand i brought fred through and into the void for me to teleport the enormous distance to toddle and it will require them both to be in the void i assured them i would free them both after we arrive and i would free them

But first i had other plans i opened up three small portals in the void not big enough to pass through but big enough to talk Finally leo stop he’s here in time the armada is not yet to us edwin thank you for helping after all we did after all you did yes edwin you know i almost forgot my name it’s been so very long since anyone called me that why are you contacting us through the

Void world come here at once do you have fred and captain dolan yes they are here with me how long until the armada arrives only hours we’ve nearly given up hope helplessness yes i remember that when i was banished on a world filled with terrible monsters for doing nothing but

Exploring some of the very dark arts that you hope will bring your fred to you i remember hopelessness when then you convinced my closest friend to betray me and imprison me in a cell no bigger than five pieces wide Edwin what are you doing take us back to tavlin this armada is there any hope against it no its power is too great when cal arrives with his fleet the entire planet would be obliterated obliterated i only wish you would know hopelessness for as long as i have but a few hours

Will have to do for many years i thought i would be the one to lay waste to this council but this technology may be worth something after all goodbye No edwin my my people they’re on the moon of toblin cow will certainly destroy it as well we will stop cal i have no desire to see all life in the universe wiped out i did once but my old apprentice showed me life is indeed precious but i will not

Spare the mage council or their people my people the crew on a perro have nothing to do with the council please spare them there may be a way i could use a spell i learned from bob actually a variation of the exchange spell that saved me maybe you can save my crew please

I can but it’s not the spell will cast your crew individually randomly throughout the entire universe they will be placed on random planets each alone having no idea what happened and no hope of being rescued the alternative is death at the hands of the armada so be it Land into a pearl command come in a pearl command is anyone there tracy come in yes dr landon why isn’t anyone in communications answering where is everyone a poor base has been abandoned dr landon what what do you mean abandoned where did they go unknown the crew of the black goat simply disappeared Dr landon i’m detecting many incoming ships at very high speeds a fleet an armada Hey edwin are you okay he’s breathing very rough did the spell work did he save your crew i think so so what do we do now So So You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a Mage in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE’, was uploaded by Fixxitt 412 on 2022-06-03 14:02:16. It has garnered 1268060 views and 7984 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:33 or 14193 seconds.

The NEXT MAGE video just released! https://youtu.be/H8AqOOCnJkM

The NEXT FULL MOVIE in the series: https://youtu.be/v21CWI-f9Jo

After a year, I decided to re-release my entire Edwin the Mage 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as I Survived 100 Days as a Mage – THE COMPLETE STORY! The reason is, these stories are all part of a larger inter-connected universe, called the Fixxiverse, and our star, Edwin the Master Mage will be a MAJOR PLAYER in my Hardcore Single Player Survival World going forward! New viewers and old alike can get caught up before we move on to the undead invasion of New Hope in my 1500 Days of Hardcore Minecraft video – coming soon!

The COMPLETE FIXXIVERSE PLAYLIST (in ideal watch order): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1yPAXOC3LaF2m0slgF5f_kECX2kFsdaD

Where the story goes NEXT!!!! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1yPAXOC3LaEX8dOjD1Jjui5_4lvISiH8

Modpacks: Simply Magic (1.7.10) Garden of Glass (1.16.2) StoneFactory (1.16.2)

The lore of the Fixxiverse continues and gets deeper and deeper following the events of I Survived 100 Days as a Dark Mage in Hardcore Minecraft and I Survived 100 Days in a Fallout Bunker in Hardcore Minecraft. Let’s go!

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBxP6BnecRWGBMrnzj4OTA/join

#Hardcore #100Days #1.18

Better Leaves Add-On by Jermsyboy! https://www.youtube.com/c/JermsyBoy

SEED: (Pre-Release 1) 3673629502991675464

2nd Channel for Variety Games! Fixxitt412 Off the Record https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuivXdFFr7bMDIjW1dcQoyQ

Fixxitt’s Discord: https://discord.gg/2pWYRt3

Fix’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fixxitt412

All music provided by epidemicsound.com

***Need a server?*** http://bisecthosting.com/fixxitt412


Like SB737, Skyes, Linkzzey, Loony, LuketheNotable, Fru, Spoke, Legundo, Jon Bams, NotNotBrock and many more, I decided to start my own Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft world – but this time, in 1.18 with the all new Caves and Cliffs terrain generation! Come along for this ride – it’s going to be awesome!

I plan on releasing videos every 100 days as I work to build up an amazing kingdom worthy of the names listed above!

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server!

    Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “полет на щитах #northx #майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine soaring through the skies on shields, battling fierce opponents, and exploring a vast world filled with endless possibilities. That’s just a taste of what you can experience on Minewind. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who are always up for a challenge and ready to make new friends. With a dedicated server IP like YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily dive into… Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Redemption Quest: Minecraft’s Patriotic Jest

    Redemption Quest: Minecraft's Patriotic Jest In the world of Minecraft, heroes unite, Facing battles, shining bright. Hennessy, Jude, and Vernan, a trio so bold, Fighting for their country, stories untold. Atomic bombs, war’s deadly call, Hennessy’s mission, to save them all. With one arm strong, he stands tall, Defeating evil, breaking the wall. Professor Markus, a villain so vile, Threatening lives, with a wicked smile. But Hennessy won’t let him win, With courage and strength, he’ll do him in. In the end, victory is sweet, The country saved, enemies defeat. Hennessy, the hero, true and brave, In Minecraft’s world, his legacy engraved. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick

    Minecraft's Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick Minecraft Auto Crafter: A Compact Solution for Efficient Farming Are you looking to streamline your Minecraft farming operations with a compact and efficient auto crafter? Look no further! This easy-to-build, observerless one wide tileable auto crafter is the perfect addition to your Minecraft world. Whether you’re playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition or Minecraft Java Edition, this system is designed to enhance your gameplay experience. How It Works This auto crafter operates on a simple principle similar to item filters. By placing iron ingots in one slot and redstone in another, you can witness the system independently crafting these items. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as a Mage in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE