I Survived 100 DAYS as a NOOB DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1, I spawned in as a Noob Dragon, with  a gang of angry villagers surrounding me! “Hey, look! Another dragon! We better  get that nasty beast before it gets us!” “What!? Mister, I just got here!  I don’t want to get anyone!”

“More draconic lies! You’re not gonna  pull one over on us! Let’s get him, boys!” The gang of villagers all started to chase me  across the autumnal valley. I didn’t understand   why they were so angry at me – I was just  a baby Noob Dragon, I only had five hearts!

Luckily, I was still pretty fast for being  a scaly noob, and I managed to outrun them,   reaching the aspen forest and leaving  all those villagers to eat my dust. With them gone, for now at least, I took a moment  to rest amongst the trees and catch my breath.

“Boy… These guys sure know how  to roll out the welcome wagon…   I have no idea why dragons have such  a terrible reputation around here!” And I didn’t get much pondering time. skin-texture-pack-tutorial/”>Before  I could pick myself back up and run off,   I was surrounded by those same  villagers again – They caught  

Up with me and emerged from between  the trees, completely surrounding me! “Tag him and bag him, boys! One less dragon   out here makes our villages  just that little bit safer!”  On day 2, after the villagers captured me,  they took me straight to dragon jail and  

Threw me into my cell. They didn’t  even take the time to hear me out! “What about due process? Don’t  I have the right to a trial?” “Those are human rights, Noob  Dragon, and you’re not human!” “Darn it!” At least I wasn’t alone in my cell. There  was also a bored-looking komodo dragon,  

Lounging around. I was happy to have someone  in the same boat that I could talk to. “Hey, I’m Zozo! All those villagers captured  me pretty much as soon as I arrived,   just because I’m a dragon! I don’t understand.” “Nice to meet you, Zozo. I’m Karl.  Komodo Karl. I’ve given up on trying  

To understand why the humans do what  they do. I’m not even a real dragon,   I’m just a komodo dragon!  I can’t even breathe fire!” “Breathe fire? Wait… Karl, you’re a genius!” “I am? I mean, uh, thank you, I’m happy  to finally have my genius recognized.”

I turned to the door of my cell, summoned  up all my might, and blasted a fireball at   the door. It wasn’t all that powerful, but it  was powerful enough to at least set us free. “Let’s go, Karl! Before the  Villagers realize we’re gone!” “You don’t have to tell me twice, buddy!”

Karl and I ran out of there,  going our separate ways. Now we   both at least had a fighting chance out here! On day 3, after escaping from the dragon jail,   I fled to somewhere that the Villagers would have  a lot harder time finding me: The Black Forest.

By the time I’d gone deep enough into the  forest to feel safe from the Villagers,   I was so hungry I could barely stand it. “I guess using my fireball power and then making  a daring escape really works up an appetite.”

There wasn’t a huge amount of food  around, but I at least gathered up as   many Sweet Berries as I could, eating some  and storing the rest away for safekeeping. Suddenly, a huge shadow passed over.  I looked up and saw something amazing:   It was a huge, fully-grown Ender  Dragon, soaring right above me!

When she spotted me, she turned herself  towards me. I looked so tiny compared to her. “Hello, little one. I didn’t expect  to see another dragon down here,   even a teeny, tiny Noob Dragon such as yourself.” “Hi, Ms. Ender Dragon! My name’s Zozo,  and I’m pretty surprised to see you,  

Too! People aren’t very kind  to dragons around here.” “Ah. So you’ve encountered all the  cruel, small-minded humans who are out   here threatening to ruin our way of life.  You’re lucky you escaped with your life.” “Wait, you know about all that!? Please,   tell me more! I’d love to understand  everything that’s going on here!”

“You’ll understand it all  in due time. Fly with me,   little one, and I’ll take you back to my lair.” So me and the Ender Dragon used our dragon wings  to take off into the sky. At least it’d be a  

Lot harder for humans to get us up there. From day 4 to day 5, I flew with the Ender   Dragon all the way back to her draconic  lair in the wooded red rock mountains. As we flew over, I noticed that there were  an unusual number of Ender Men wandering  

Around the mountain. I figured they must  have been there with the Ender Dragon. We touched down near the top of the mountain,   and that’s when the Ender Dragon  started telling me her story. “You see, Zozo, we dragons once ruled  this whole world. The natural home of  

All dragons is The End, but The End  isn’t a very vibrant place. Instead,   we dragons came here, and helped  lift up this world to greatness. But some creatures, especially the humans,   were ungrateful for everything we did for  them. They decided instead to hate us,  

And hunt us to near extinction, just because  we’re the rightful rulers of this world!” “That sounds horrible! What can I do to  make it all right again, Ms. Ender Dragon?” “We must reclaim our territory, piece by piece,  

Zozo! You can start by finding a good place  to build a base. Here, take these tools!” The Ender Dragon gave me a set of stone tools,   and I flew off again. I searched from the skies  until I came across a Guiana shield biome. “This seems like a good place to hang my hat!”

I flew down and started using my stone  axe to clear trees and make space for my   base. This also gave me enough wood to make  a decent start on actually building it, too. I took a break from my building  to appreciate the scenery,  

When I saw a gang of Villagers wandering  through the forest, searching for me. “I swear I saw a dragon fly  through the sky around here.   We need to find it before it does any damage!” But this time, I wasn’t going to settle for  being captured. I blew another fireball,  

And it exploded right next to them.  They scattered immediately after that. Then, I leveled up, thanks to me using  my dragon skills! I had ten hearts now,   and I’d gotten bigger. “Not as much of a noob now, am I?” From day 6 to day 8, I was exploring  

More of the Guiana shield, when I happened  upon a sad-looking raccoon wandering through. “Hey, Raccoon, is everything  okay? You look a little glum?” “Of course I look glum! My home just  burnt down. I’m the only one who got out.” “Oh no! That’s terrible,  

I’m so sorry! What happened? Was  someone being careless with matches?” “No, no, someone else did it – Or  something. And I know I’m not the   only one. There are a lot of incidents  like this – Some places getting burned,   some folks getting poisoned. You  better be careful out there.”

And with that, the raccoon wandered off. I  knew even more now that something horrible   was going on out here. But was it something  I could fix in less than a hundred days? The day after, the Ender Dragon returned, floating  in the sky. She had some things to say to me.

“Zozo, I’m afraid I have grave news.  The humans are working together with   some of the other creatures to  wipe us dragons out completely.   We need to find and crush their  resistance movement completely.” “But where would we start, Ender Dragon?”

“I need information, first and foremost. Make  your way to the Jacaranda Forest, I believe   there may be some people of interest there.  Find out all you can! And while you’re there,   if you can find an old chest of mine, I left an  echolocator inside – It’ll help you find caves.”

Without any delay, I set  off to the Jacaranda Forest.  From day 9 to day 10, I flew away from my  base and made my way towards the Jacaranda   Forest – Hoping to find some information, and,  if I was lucky, the Ender Dragon’s old chest. I landed in the forest and  started searching. Thankfully,  

It didn’t actually take me long to find the  chest that the Ender Dragon told me about. Less thankfully, there was an  angry Crimson Phantom guarding it! “The owner of this chest told me I  could have what was inside it, sir!” “Oh yeah? Well, I don’t care! It’s my chest now,  

And if you want it back, you’re  gonna have to fight me for it!” The fight began, and because I was  still technically a real Noob Dragon,   the Crimson Phantom was stronger  than me. His attacks were powerful,   and he seemed to be good at tanking mine!

I pulled out of the fight and tried to collect  myself. I was worried the Crimson Phantom was   going to attack me, until a Phantom  Fox ran in and distracted him for me. “Hey, Crimson, don’t you know why you shouldn’t  fight with dragons? You’ll get burned!”

That was just the distraction  I needed to fire a fireball   at the Crimson Phantom, destroying him for good. “Thanks for the assist, Phantom Fox!” “No problem, Noob Dragon!” With the Crimson Phantom gone, I easily  searched the chest and grabbed the Echolocator. The Phantom Fox was still there, waiting for me.

“Say, want to come visit my friend, the  Elder Guardian? I think he’d like you.” “Sure! He might be able to help  me with some information I need.” We traveled deeper into the forest until we came  upon the Elder Guardian. All three of us sat down  

To chat, and I asked the Elder Guardian if he  knew anything about the human resistance groups. “Resistance groups? Where have you heard of such  a thing? I don’t know of any resistance groups,   just people trying their  best to survive hard times.”

“Interesting… I’ll report back with that!” From day 11 to day 12, I flew from the Jacaranda   Forest back to the Wooded Red Rock Mountains,  where the Ender Dragon was waiting for me. “Well, do you have anything to tell me about the   resistance groups? Our continued  survival depends on it, Zozo!”

“I spoke to some people, and the funny thing is,   nobody seems to know about any resistance  groups. Just people trying to survive.” “Fools. All of them, fools! Do I have to do  everything myself? Gather up some iron from a  

Cave to create some iron armor, then find a remote  village to the south of here. You’ll see evidence   of the human resistance with your own eyes,  since you seem to have so little trust in me!”

I had no idea why the Ender Dragon seemed  so mean and angry with me all of a sudden,   but I figured I still better do what she said. I flew down from the mountain and used the  Echolocater to find the nearest cave. I headed  

Inside and started mining until I found some iron  ore. This would be perfect for armor and tools. But when I left the cave, some angry  Dread Thralls were waiting for me. “Can’t you guys give me a break? I’ve  been having kind of a rough week.”

They didn’t listen. Instead,  they attacked. Lucky for me,   it was easy to make short work of  them with my fire breath attack. “Now I need to go find that remote village…” From day 13 to day 15, after searching for a  

Couple of days, I found the remote village  that the Ender Dragon told me about. But… It seemed so peaceful. It  was a small, isolated community,   guarded by a single Iron Golem. They didn’t  even seem to be bothered by me being there,   like the villagers that had first imprisoned me.

“A lot of what the Ender Dragon  told me doesn’t seem to add up…   Something’s wrong. I need to get  out of here and find out the truth!”  From day 16 to day 19, I flew back  to the Wooded Red Rock Mountains to  

Get some straight answers out of the Ender  Dragon… Only to find that she wasn’t there. “This whole situation just keeps  getting weirder and weirder. I’m   starting to get a little worried, honestly…” I flew back to my base, turning  this whole thing over in my mind,  

When I noticed someone was already  at my base, waiting for me. It was one of the villagers from that   little remote village that the  Ender Dragon made me stake out! “Oh gosh, I hope you’re a nice dragon, because   that evil Ender Dragon is attacking  my village, and I need some help!”

“Wait, the Ender Dragon? Oh no… Don’t  worry, I’ll go over there right away!” I flew back to the remote village and saw,  to my horror, that the villager was right:   The Ender Dragon was flying  above, destroying everything! I flew in and tried to reason with her.

“Ender Dragon! Why are you doing this?  These people aren’t part of the resistance!” “You gullible fool, you barely deserve to call  yourself a dragon. There is no resistance! There   are only we dragons, and all the inferior species!  You can either be with me, or against me!”

“I’m not going to let you hurt  innocent people, Ender Dragon!” “Then you’re against me!” The Ender Dragon blew one of her poisonous purple  fireballs at me, and everything went black.  From day 20 to day 22, I woke up from being  knocked out, and found that the Ender Dragon  

Was gone – But she’d also destroyed the  entire village, and left no survivors. Except for one Iron Golem, who was  left without anything to defend. “I feel terrible… It was my duty to defend  them, and now, they’re all gone, because of me…”

“It isn’t your fault, Iron Golem, it was the Ender  Dragon’s fault! Come back to my base with me,   we’ll work together to defeat the Ender  Dragon, and avenge everyone she hurt!” “Yes… That sounds like the only way  that I can bring my heart some peace.”

The Iron Golem and I went back to  my base. I let him stay in my house,   and made sure that he was happy here. “Thank you, Zozo, this looks  like a wonderful place to stay.” And while I was there, I built a  smelting furnace, where I turned  

My iron ore into iron ingots, built a few  new pieces of armor, and an iron pickaxe. “I’m going to use all my might to become  an experienced Dragon, and take down the   Ender Dragon for all she’s done!” From day 23 to day 26, I decided to  

Take my new iron gear out for a spin. If I  was going to become a mighty enough dragon   to defeat the Ender Dragon, I needed to  get to work and explore some new areas! I ventured out to the desert and  started looking around. Then,   I spotted a Vex Piglin attacking a Komodo Dragon!

“Wait a second…I know that Komodo  Dragon! Komodo Karl, I’ll save you!” “Zozo! Thank goodness, I thought I was a goner!” I rushed over and started attacking the  Vex Piglin, but it was really strong! “Yikes, this is gonna be a  harder fight than I thought!” The Vex Piglin knocked me down!

“Oh no, Zozo! Look out!” “Karl! I can’t beat this guy by  myself, I need you to help me!” “How can I help? I’m just a komodo dragon,   you’re the real deal! I couldn’t  even free myself without your help!”

“Just trust me! If we work together we’ll  be much stronger than we are by ourselves!” “I’ll give it my best shot Komodo Karl jumped in and attacked  the Vex Piglin while I was down,   attacking him and saving my life.

“Thanks for your help! See, I knew you  were stronger than you thought you were!” “Thank you for showing me that,  and helping me save myself. Hey,   let me give you something to say thanks!” He gave me a Komodo Dragon Spit Bottle. “Oh! Um…thanks I guess?”

“I know it seems gross, but you  can use this to make a poison   resistance potion! It should help protect you!” “Oh! Cool! Thanks!” From day 27 to day 31,   I took a stroll through the beautiful Rose  Fields to catch my breath after that fight  

With the Vex Piglin. Seeing all those  flowers definitely put me in a good mood. While I was stopping to smell the  roses, I saw a herd of sheep! They   were wandering around and looked pretty lost,  so I told them to follow me back to my base.

Once we got there, I built a  pen for the sheep to live in. “Here you go! You guys can  stay here as long as you like!” “Oh Zozo! You’re back! I’m so glad, I wanted  to show you what I did while you were gone!”

The Iron Golem showed me some  bookshelves he added to the base. “Awesome! Thanks!” Meanwhile, in the Wooded Red Rock Mountains,   the Ender Dragon was up to no good – with a  frightening Ender Blaze standing by her side. “I’m so glad you see things my  way, Ender Blaze…with your help,  

No one will dare oppose me ever again!” “My pleasure! We Ender Beings  should be in charge of everything,   and if you’re the one who’s gonna make that  happen? I’ll do anything I can to help.”  From day 32 to day 35, I left my base  to go explore the Enchanted forest

I was just taking a casual  stroll and looking around,   when suddenly a group of Warped Moscos spotted me. “Oh no! A dragon! Quick, let’s get  him before he burns down our forest!” They rushed toward me and started attacking me!

“Hey, wait! I’m not here to burn anything  down! I live in this forest too!” “That’s what the dragon in our last forest  said, but he was a liar! I bet you are too!” “Wait a second! The Ender Dragon? She lied to  

Me too! It’s my mission to defeat  her so she can’t hurt anyone else!” “Really? You promise?” “I promise! My name is Zozo,  and I’m a nice dragon.” “If that’s really true, then  you should come with us.” I followed them to a Warped Toad  who was sitting under a tree.

“Well, I certainly didn’t expect  you boys to bring me a dragon.” “I’m here to help, I swear! My name is Zozo! I  don’t like the Ender Dragon any more than you do.” “Well, as the old saying goes…fight fire  with fire. Having a dragon on our side might  

Be the advantage we need to end the Ender  Dragon’s reign of terror. The Ender Dragon   isn’t used to battling his own kind, you see.  He’s tricked most of them into working with   him. I’ll tell you anything else that I  learn, and help you however I can, Zozo.” 

From day 36 to day 39, I decided to work  on upgrading my armor. I went down into   the mine and started digging for iron. I found  enough to craft the rest of the armor I needed,  

And I even found a couple of diamonds too! I  gathered everything and took it back to my base. I used the iron I mined to  complete the rest of my set,   and when I was finished I saw a  raccoon at the entrance to the base! “Hey, are you Zozo?” ‘That’s me!”

“Oh good. I heard you’re trying to  learn more about being a dragon,   so you can get strong enough to  stop the Ender Dragon. Right?” “I am, are you here to give me  Dragon Lessons or something?” “Nah, I’m just a raccoon. I could teach  you how to find food in the trash! But I  

Think you’d rather talk to my friend. She’s  a lightning dragon, and she’s not too fond   of the Ender Dragon either. If you’re not  busy, you can come with me to meet her!” “I’m never too busy to learn, Let’s go!”  From day 40 to day 43, I followed  the raccoon to the Araucaria Savanna.

“She’s really excited to meet you!” “Oh jeez, but I’m just a noob  dragon! I’m still learning!” “Yeah, but you were brave enough to stand up to  the Ender Dragon. That’s a big deal. Here she is!” I saw a huge, tough Lightning  Dragon sunning herself in the  

Middle of the savanna. It sure was a sight to see. “You must be Zozo! I’m so happy to meet you. I  know you’re looking to get stronger and learn   more about being a dragon. I’ve been a dragon  for a pretty long time, so I hope I can help!”

“That would be awesome. Can you help  me get better at breathing fire?” Before she could answer,   an Ender Blaze jumped out from behind  a tree and landed right in front of us! “Well well well, lookit what I found!  A couple of traitors working together!” “Who the heck are you?!”

“I’m the guy that’s gonna teach you a  lesson about opposing the Ender Dragon!” The Ender Blaze fired a missile at me,  and I just barely managed to dodge it. “Help!” The Lightning Dragon gave me some of her power  to fight the Ender Blaze. I felt myself get  

Bigger and stronger, too! But just when we  thought we defeated him, he kept attacking! “You’ve done a great job here  today, Zozo! But you need to   get out of here, I’ll keep this guy busy! Go!” From day 44 to day 49, I flew back to my base.

“I hope the lightning dragon is okay!” I didn’t have too much time to think about it,  though, because the Warped Toad came to see me! “Zozo! I have some news. My research has  pointed me to a weapon that I believe   will help you defeat the Ender  Dragon. It is a Netherite Axe,  

A powerful axe made by combining a  diamond axe with Netherite Ingot.” “Oh! I have some diamonds already!!” “Excellent. And you have the amount of  diamonds required to craft a diamond axe?” “Well…no, I need to get some more diamonds.” “Then hop to it, young dragon!  Time is of the essence!”

“I get it! Hop, like a toad. Very funny!” “This is no laughing matter, Zozo.  Much is at stake! Good luck!” On the encouragement of the Warped Toad, I headed  down into the mine to start digging for diamonds.

“Whew, all this mining is hard work. But it’ll be  worth it when I finally defeat the Ender Dragon!” It took a while, but I found some  diamonds. enough to make a diamond axe! “Now I just need to figure out where  I can find some Netherite ingot!” 

From day 50 to day 53, I started  my quest to find some Netherite   ingot and build the Netherite Axe.  I ventured out to the Crag Gardens   to see what I could learn. When I  got there, a Cleric came up to me. “Greetings, little dragon! Are  you a friend of the Warped Toad?”

“I am! What can you tell  me about a Netherite Axe?” “Well! The Ender Dragon is vulnerable to  Netherite weapons, according to stories I   have heard. She isn’t able to melt them with  her fiery breath the way she would ordinary   metal weapons. The combination of diamond and  netherite makes it indestructible to her.”

“That’s great news! Do you know  where I can find some netherite?” “Now that, I’m afraid I don’t  know. I wish you luck, though!” “Okay, well thanks for the info!” I started to head back to  my base. As I was walking,   a fireball hit the ground  just a few feet away from me!

“Hey! What gives?!” I could see a Fire Dragon just up ahead! “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t aiming for  you! I was aiming for those zombies!” Sure enough, he was fighting a horde of zombies. “Want some help with that?” “Nah, I’ve got this!” He shot another fireball out of his mouth,  

And blew up the rest of the  zombies without any trouble at all. “Wow, that was awesome! Say, do you want to team  up with me and help me fight the Ender Dragon?” “No thanks, I’m good. Sorry kid, but  I fly solo. Good luck with whatever  

You’re doing though. Sounds  like you’re gonna need it.” From day 54 to day 57, I explored  the Crag Gardens some more. “If I were some Netherite, where would I be…” But just as I was searching, the  Ender Blaze popped up behind me again.

“I don’t know about Netherite,  but it looks like there’s plenty   of loser-ite here! Because you’re  a loser, you tiny noob dragon!” “Aah! The Ender Blaze is back!” I drew my weapon and got ready for a fight, but  he was still way bigger and stronger than me. “Oh no! I can’t beat him yet!”

“And you never will! All hail the Ender Dragon,  may her fire cleanse the land of all weakness!” I didn’t have any choice but  to run away as fast as I could. “Next time I see that guy, I’ll be ready!”

Meanwhile, back in the wooded red rock mountains,  the Ender Dragon was floating back and forth. “It is all coming together marvelously. Soon,  there will be only dragons and those who serve   us. Any of my kind that refuse to join me will be  dealt with swiftly. All else will be burned to ash  

Or reduced to nothing but dust. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!” From day 58 to day 62, I went back to my base   to check things out and figure out my next step. When I got there, I noticed something  was different! There were walls! “Wow, this looks great!” The Iron Golem stepped forward.

“Glad you think so! My mother always taught me  that a good houseguest helps out however they can,   and I had some spare time so  I built some bigger walls.” “Thank you! I still think the base  needs something else, though…” “Maybe something decorative?”

“Yeah! Like a statue. I know! I’ll build a  statue of an adult dragon, to remind myself   what I’m working toward. When I look like  the statue, I’ll know I’m done growing up.” I gathered some materials, and started  constructing my adult dragon statue. Then,  

I added some banners to the base  to spruce up the place even more. Next, I used my diamonds to  craft myself a diamond axe “What a great day! I’m one step closer to having   what I need to defeat the Ender Dragon. I  just have to stay brave and keep going.” 

From day 63 to day 66, the Cleric  came to visit me at my base. “Zozo, the time has come for you  to gather the remaining materials   for the Netherite axe. In order to find  Netherite, you must enter the Nether!” “Okay! Um…how do I do that?”

“Through a portal, dear dragon.  There is one I can lead you to,   and once it is operational you will be  able to travel through it to the Nether.” “Oh okay, neat!” “Follow me, Zozo.” I followed the Cleric out to the Snowy Blue Taiga. “This is where the portal is. Unfortunately,  

It appears to be broken. You will not be able  to pass through it until it has been repaired.” “Oh, bummer. How do we fix it?” “That I cannot tell you. I will return to  my research and see what I can learn. In the  

Meantime, explore this area and see if you can  unlock the secrets of the portal for yourself. ” I never could have dreamed becoming  an adult dragon would be so much work,   but I was ready for the challenge. If I needed  a working portal to help me complete my quest,  

I would find a way to make it work! From day 67 to day 70, I wandered around   the Snowy Blue Taiga, looking for clues  that might help me fix the broken portal. “Zozo! Is that you, buddy?” “Oh hey, Komodo Karl! What  brings you all the way out here?”

“I came out here to visit some friends,   but I ran into an Ice Dragon causing all  kinds of trouble, freezing my vacation house!” “Oh no! Let’s go see if we can stop it!” I followed Komodo Karl to his vacation home,  

And sure enough there was a great big  Ice Dragon stomping all over the place! “Hey, what are you doing? Cut that out!” “You!!! You work for that infernal Ender  Dragon! You can’t tell me what to do!” “I don’t work for her anymore!”

“A likely story! Ice to meet you, little  dragon! Prepare to be frozen in your tracks!” Then the ice dragon rushed at me and  attacked! I had gotten a lot stronger   and better at fighting though, and I was  able to defeat him and knock him down.

“Please listen to me. I don’t work for the Ender  Dragon anymore. In fact, I’m trying to stop her!   But I need help to do it. If you join me,  maybe we can stop her once and for all?” “That would be more productive than taking  out my rage on this random vacation home…You  

Know what? I will join you!” From day 71 to day 74,   I returned to my base, and found the Ender Blaze  had beaten me to it! He was launching fireballs   at everything in sight, and had already  knocked down one of the walls completely! “No! Stop that!”

“If you want me to stop so  badly, you’ll have to fight me!” “What if I’m still not strong enough?  I guess I have to try anyway!” I attacked the Ender Blaze,  but he knocked me down! “He’s still too strong! What do I do?” “Perish! Hahahahahaha!” He attacked me, but I dodged it.

“Get away from our base, you fiend!” The Iron Golem attacked the Ender  Blaze, but the Ender Blaze grabbed him. “I’ll take this! Smell you  later, foolish baby dragon!” The two of them teleported away in the  blink of an eye. He’d kidnapped my friend! “No!!!!”

That was too far! I needed to get  strong enough to beat the Ender   Blaze so I could save the Iron  Golem who had helped me so much! “I won’t let you down, Iron Golem, no  matter what! I can promise you that much!”

First, I had to repair the damage to my base.  I rebuilt the busted wall, and added a guard   tower and a fence for extra protection in case  Ender Dragon sent any more minions to attack me. Looking at my hard work, I couldn’t help but  

Feel regret for not putting in all  these security features earlier. Meanwhile, back in the red rock mountains… “Excellent work, Ender Blaze. Without  his little friend to help him,   Zozo stands no chance. Not that he had one  to begin with. There is none mightier than  

The Ender Dragon in all the land! And  soon everyone will bow down to me!”  From day 75 to day 78, the Warped  Toad came to see me at my base. “Zozo! I heard about what happened. I am so  sorry, little one. But all hope is not lost.”

“I know, I just have to work harder!” “And you just need the right equipment. I’m  sure you know by now that diamond weapons   are most effective against the Ender Dragon,  but they are also most effective against his   Ender Blaze as well. I brought you this,  and it should help you in your quest!”

He handed me a diamond sword! “Thank you! Do you know where the Ender  Blaze might have taken my friend?” “Yes! That was my second gift, you didn’t give  me a chance to show you. Anyway, here it is. Take  

This map, and it will lead you there. You’ve come  a long way already, Zozo. I know you can do it!” “Thank you!” Armed with the map and my new diamond sword,   I headed off to confront the Ender Blaze  for what I hoped would be the last time. 

From day 79 to day 84, I followed  the map to the Ender Blaze base. “Give me back my friend, you monster!” He came out of the base to face me. I could  see the Iron Golem trapped behind him. “Oh I’m a monster, am I? And you  aren’t, for betraying the Ender  

Dragon who took you under her wing, and  taught you what it means to be a dragon?” “Being a dragon isn’t about hurting innocent  people and being a bully! She’s a liar!” “And you’re a loser. Please,   feel free to fight me again if you’re  so eager to taste defeat once more!”

I drew my sword and attacked as fast as  I could. He blocked my attack with ease,   and I started to get worried. “Uh oh, is this new sword enough to defeat him?” “Of course it’s not!” He hit me hard, knocking me down. It was  looking like things might be over for me,  

When suddenly the Ice Dragon  slammed into the Ender Blaze! “Not so fast!” “I thought you only worked alone?” “I usually do, but I’m not going to  let the Ender Dragon ruin everything   for our kind! Let’s teach this  lady a lesson! Here, take this!”

He tossed me a Dragon Enhancement  Potion, which I drank quickly. “Blech, tastes gross!” Even though it didn’t taste good,  the potion made me transform into   a full-grown adult dragon! And I gained hearts! “Not such a little dragon anymore!  Now, let’s handle this Ender Blaze…”

With the Ice Dragon’s help, and my brand  new strength and size, we were finally   able to defeat him, and free the Iron Golem. From day 85 to day 89, I headed out to the   badlandsto collect some [teracotta] I could use  to finish off my statue. It was perfect timing,  

Finishing the statue of an adult  dragon when I was finally one myself! I returned to my base, and put the  finishing touches on the statue. “That looks great!” Then, the Cleric came back to see me! “Zozo, I have great news! I know how you can fix  the Nether Portal! Take these obsidian blocks,  

And use them to repair it. Then, you can go  through and collect the netherite you require.” “Awesome, thank you so much!” I took the obsidian blocks and ventured back out  to the snowy blue taiga, where the broken portal  

Was waiting for me. I used the blocks to fix the  portal, and then I was ready to enter the Nether! “Wow, this place is kind of spooky!” I looked around for a while,  and I saw some Ancient Debris. “Ooh! That’s it, if I get that Ancient  Debris I can get some Netherite!”

But as I ran toward the Ancient Debris,  an Ender Ghast jumped out and attacked me. “I don’t have time for this! Get outta my way!” With my new strength and size, it was  easy to blow that Ender Ghast away! Then,   I grabbed the Ancient Debris, and  headed back through the portal.

“Now I have everything I need!” From day 90 to day 94, I emerged from   the portal and was back in the snowy blue  taiga. But my good mood didn’t last long,   because the Ender Dragon was waiting for me!

“Hello again, Zozo. You’ve grown, I see. Not  a noob dragon any longer, you’re a mighty   beast now! Join me, come and work for me again,  and together we will conquer this puny land.” “No! I’ll never join you! Fool me once, shame  on me! Fool me twice? Well, you’re just mean!”

“If that is your choice, then so be  it. Hey, what’s that behind you?” When I turned to look, she snatched  the Ancient Debris out of my hands! “Hey! Give that back!” “No, I don’t think I will. I’ll give  you something to keep you busy, though!”

As she got ready to fly away, she  dropped a cage on me! I was trapped!  From day 95 to day 97, I used my fiery  breath to destroy the cage so I could escape. “Yay! I’m out! But now what  should I do? I know! I’ll  

Go see the Warped Toad and ask him what to do!” I traveled to the Enchanted forestand  tracked down the Warped Toad. When I arrived, he was lying on the ground dying! “Who did this to you?!” “The Ender Dragon…she attacked me…I  don’t have much time. Listen to me,  

She’s taken what she stole from  you back to her base. You’ll have   to go there to retrieve it. Thank you  for your heroism, Zozo…goodbye…” ‘No!!! I’ll make her pay for this! I swear!” On day 98, I returned to my base,  

And was greeted by a horrible sight. My base  was completely destroyed while I was gone. “She must have come here too!  Curse her! This is terrible.” I looked around for my friends that  were living there, but they were gone.

“Oh no…what do I do? My base, my leader,  my friends, she took everything from me.” “Not everything.” I turned around and the Ice Dragon was there! “I’m sorry you’re so sad, Zozo, but  I can help. If the two of us team up,   I think we can take down  the Ender Dragon together.”

“What should we do?” “We’ll gather up all our weapons and supplies,   and we’ll head to her base together.  Then, we fight as hard as we can.” “Okay! Let’s do it!” On day 99, the Ice   Dragon and I journeyed to the wooded red rock  mountains, where the Ender Dragon’s base was. “Ready?”

“Not really, but I don’t have much of  a choice! Let’s give it our best shot!” “Hello, traitors. Come to grovel at my claws?” The Ender Dragon rushed us both. “No! We’re here to take you down!” “Hah! Funny joke. But I’m finished  laughing. Time to taste defeat!” “Time for you to freeze!”

The Ice Dragon attacked the Ender Dragon,  but she dodged the attack and came back   with an even harder hit! She knocked the  Ice Dragon down and he didn’t get back up! “No!!!” I attacked next, but the Ender Dragon was still  way too strong! I did get one good hit in though,  

And she dropped the Ancient  Debris. With no other choice,   I grabbed it and ran all the way back to my base. There, I was finally able to craft the Netherite  Axe. When I did, I felt the strength coursing  

Through my body. And when I looked up, the  Ice Dragon and Lightning Dragon were back! “You’re alive!!!” “Sure am! And I’m ready for round two!”  On day 100, the Lightning Dragon and Ice Dragon  and I returned to the Ender Dragon’s base. “We can’t let this lady keep giving dragons a  

Bad name. Let’s show her what it  really means to be a dragon!!!” All together, we attacked the base. The  Lightning Dragon and Ice Dragon worked   together to fight off her minions, while  I went inside to find the Ender Dragon. “Your days of stepping on  the little guy are done!”

“Ready to lose again so soon? If  you’re so eager, then let’s fight!” “Well, I’ve got this now!” I pulled out the Netherite Axe, and she  actually looked a little bit scared. “How did you get that?” “With a lot of help! Because unlike you,   I believe in kindness and  friendship! And kicking your butt!”

I ran at her with the axe, and started  fighting. This time, I knew I was strong   enough. Before long, I delivered the final  blow, and the Ender Dragon fell to the ground. “Finally, there can be peace between  dragons and the rest of the world.”

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a NOOB DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-04-06 21:15:02. It has garnered 2374402 views and 32297 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:43 or 2143 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a NOOB DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft! Everyone knows Noob Steve, now meet the Noob Dragon! I have to figure things out on my own, in order to stop the mysterious super villain. I’ll meet tons of dragons, including the famous Ender Dragon! Can I save the world in time?!

#zozo #minecraft #100days #noobdragon

Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a NOOB DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!