I Survived 100 DAYS as a ZEBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1 I spawned in as a zebra! “Wow, I’m so little and I only have 3  hearts. I need to be extra careful.” I looked around and saw some antelope. Then I heard someone calling me. “Zozo! You’re here! We love you so much!”

I turned and saw two zebras running over to me.   These must be my parents! They  nuzzled me with their noses. “I love you guys too!” Then out of nowhere a savanna  jeep sped by. A human dressed   like a hunter jumped out and  started capturing the animals! “Run Zozo!”

My parents leaped in front of me so I  could have a chance to escape. I ran   away and hid behind some rocks. I watched  helplessly as the hunter caught my parents   and put them in the back of his jeep.  I was too little to do anything and I  

Felt really sad. I barely had any time  with my parents, and now they’re gone. I couldn’t just wait around though. It was  getting dark and I needed a safe place to   stay for the night. I dug a little hole for  myself behind the rocks and went to sleep.

On day 2 I woke up confused. I was in a hole  all alone. Then I remembered my parents and   I felt sad again. I climbed out of the  hole only to be attacked by some snakes! “Oh no!” I didn’t have any weapons so  I had to dodge and run away.  

They chased after me but I started  to cross a river and they stopped. “Phew that was close!” The water was really strong but I  finally managed to get to the other side. “I really need to make some weapons for  myself, otherwise I’ll be snake food!”

I went to work gathering some materials  to make myself some tools. Once I had   collected plenty of stone. I put up a  crafting table and used it to make a   full set of stone tools. It wasn’t much,  but it made me feel a little bit better. “This will have to do for now.”

I figured I shouldn’t cross the  river again so I found a spot   near a tree and made myself a  little shelter for the night. “It’s okay mom and dad. I’ll find you. I promise.” And with that I fell asleep. On day 3 I woke up feeling  

Hopeful. I knew I could find my  parents, I just needed a little   bit of help. I’m sure someone knew where  the hunter kept the animals he captured. I set out across the savanna when I noticed  a baboon getting attacked by a boar. “Someone help me!”

The baboon screamed and tried to run  away, but the boar was too much for him. “I’ll help you!” I jumped into action, distracting  the boar while the baboon attacked.   We managed to defeat him and we jumped  for joy. Not bad for the little guys! “Hey I’m Zozo. What’s your name?”

“I’m Barry. Thanks for saving  my life! I owe you one.” “No problem! Hey, do you know where  I can find the hunter that keeps   trapping animals? He got my parents and  I could use some help getting them out.” “I can try! The hunter caught  my family too. I followed him to  

His base but it’s basically impossible to  get inside. Maybe we can do it together!” “Sounds like a plan! But first we should rest up.   You can come live at my hut with me  if you want. It’ll be safe there.” “That sounds great!”

Barry and I headed back to my  house and made him a little hut   right next to mine. It was small, but  it was better than living in a hole. “Goodnight Barry!” “Goodnight Zozo!” On days 4-5 Barry and I made some  

Adjustments. We set up a perimeter to our base and  made our huts a little bit bigger. We also found   some seeds so we could plant some food! It was  actually starting to feel a bit more like home. “Let’s go hunt a hunter!”

Barry tried to look scary as he said  it, but it sounded a little silly. “Too much?” “Too much.” He shrugged and we headed out. We  passed through the desert and made   our way further into the jungle. We crouched down  

As we approached the hunter’s fort. It  was huge! But I didn’t see any guards. Just then, a bunch of baboons  came running toward us. At   first we thought they were friendly,  but then they started attacking us! “Ah! Oh no Barry, we need to run!”

We ran as fast as we could and eventually  the baboons stopped chasing us. “Why were those baboons attacking  us? We’re not the bad guys!” “I think the hunter can control the animals  somehow. He wants us to be his servants.” “That’s terrible! Were any of  those baboons your family?”

“No I didn’t recognize them. My  family must be inside somewhere.” We started to head home so we could reassess  our situation, when we saw a human up ahead. “Oh no! It’s another human! He’s  probably working with the hunter!” We started to run away but he called out to us.

“Hello friends! No need to run. All  I want is to take your picture!” He held up his camera. He seemed harmless  enough so we approached him slowly. “My name is Patrick! Could I perhaps stay  with you so I can get some good shots?” “Sure. You’ll be safer with us than out by  

Yourself. Maybe you can help us get  our families back from the hunter!” Patrick took our picture. “I would be happy to help you! The  more animals, the more pictures!” He took another picture. We went home  and helped Patrick build a little house   for himself. He seemed to really love it and took  

Pictures of everything. Eventually  we all got tired and went to sleep. On days 6-8 I woke up to  Patrick taking pictures of me. “Beautiful! Even when you  are drooling you look great!” He printed out the picture on his polaroid. “Here take a look!”

I looked at the picture. It was me drooling,  along with some weird symbols underneath. Hmm,   maybe it’s a weird human thing. Patrick left to go  take pictures of the rocks when Barry walked in. “I don’t know if we can do this Barry.  We are just a small zebra, a baboon,  

And very odd human. We are going to need a  lot more help in order to free our families” “I think I know someone who could help!  It’ll take a little while to get there,   but he’s our best shot.” “Okay! Lets go!” We headed out, leaving Patrick  to keep watch of the base. We  

Made our way across the savanna. It  was really hot, but we finally made   it to an oasis with a watering hole and  trees. There were elephants everywhere! “He is over there. He doesn’t like  strangers, let me talk to him first.” Barry turned toward a large tree  where an elephant was sitting on a  

Rug. Barry walked over and chatted with  him for a minute before waving me over. “Welcome my young friend. What is it you seek?” “We want to rescue our families from the hunter.  He has captured a lot of innocent animals and he   needs to be stopped.” The elephant nodded.

“Yes, I know the perfect artifact that  will help you. It is a necklace with   the tooth of a lion. It has been lost, but  rumor has it that it is buried at the base   of a secret underground waterfall. Find the  waterfall, and you’ll find your necklace.”

“How is a necklace going to help us?” “Ah yes, it has the power to give you the  strength of 10 men, or in your case, zebras.” “Oh wow! Thanks so much!” Barry and I were much happier as we went  home. We could finally defeat the hunter!

On days 9-10 we arrived back at the base. Patrick   was taking pictures of some  hippos that he had befriended. “Wow! What magnificent creatures!” We talked to the hippos and found  out that the hunter had taken some   of their family too. We offered to  make them a little enclosure in our  

Base. They were very happy and  thanked us for taking them in. After finishing up, I went out to  go gather some materials and maybe   locate the waterfall. I went back to  the river because maybe the waterfall   was close by. I crossed the river and  saw the snakes that I had met before.

“Get back you noodles!” I smacked them and was able to defeat all of  them! I really have gotten stronger. Maybe it   won’t be so hard to beat the hunter after all. On days 11-12 I kept exploring. I found a rock  

Formation and inside it was a cavern. I  found some more materials and decided to   go a little bit deeper. As I went down further  I was suddenly attacked by some nasty spiders. “Ew gross! None of that!” They got a few hits in, but I  defeated them all pretty quickly

It was then that I felt a surge of power  and I transformed into a bigger zebra! “Wow! I feel amazing! I feel  like I can take on anything!” I continued down the cavern, hoping to find the  waterfall, but there was nothing. I felt sad about  

That, but at least I’m stronger now! I made my  way out of the cavern and headed back to the base.  On days 13-15 I was making my way back to the  base when the hunter drove by in his jeep. “I’ll be back for you Zozo, right  after I collect your little friends!”

I was so confused. How did he know  my name? What did he mean about my   friends? He drove away really  fast and I tried to catch up,   but it was hopeless. By the time I got back  to the base, I realized what the hunter  

Meant. All my friends were gone! He must’ve  captured all of them! But how did he get in? I looked around and found Patrick’s digital  camera on the ground. The last picture he   took was of the hunter shaking hands  with Barry. Traitor! Barry sold us out!

I was so tired from my journey that I barely  made it to my bed before I fell asleep.  On days 16-19 I woke up discouraged. I still  couldn’t believe that Barry betrayed us. I   figured I needed to move my base so I  went about collecting some stuff. I was  

Looking around the hippo enclosure when  I noticed Patrick hiding behind a rock. “Patrick! You’re okay!” “Yes yes, I’m fine. I’m just so grateful  I was able to hide before that awful   hunter took everyone away. I can’t  believe Barry made a deal with him!”

“I know! It’s crazy. But hey, I found your  camera. I thought you might want it back.” Patrick was so happy, he took  a bunch of pictures of me. Then   we went to scout out a new spot for our  base. We worked on clearing out an area  

Near some trees and started  to build from the ground up. “Patrick, we need to do all that we can to  protect the animals on the savanna. I think we   should build some sort of statue that will let  them know that they can come here for refuge.” “I think that’s a great idea Zozo!”

We started to gather some supplies and  build the base of the statue. Can you   tell what it might be? (Pride Rock) On days 20-22 Patrick and I went   looking for the underground waterfall  that the elephant had told us about.  

We followed the river up a little ways  before running into a pack of lions! We   didn’t know if they were friendly  or not, so we approached slowly. “Hello! Have you seen an  underground waterfall anywhere?” The lions seemed nice enough,  but they looked confused. “Waterfall? Why are you looking for a waterfall?”

“We were told by a wise elephant that we  could find a special necklace buried at the   base of the underground waterfall.  It’s actually a lion’s tooth!” The lions looked even more confused. “There is no such thing! If anyone  would know, it would be us!”

Now it was my turn to be confused. Then I  realized that it was the elephant that told   me about the necklace. An elephant that  Barry knew! It must’ve all been made up! “Come on Patrick! We need to go find that  elephant and see what he actually knows!”

Patrick finished taking pictures of the lions,   and we headed to the oasis. Once we arrived,  we noticed that all the elephants were gone! “Oh no, what are we going to do?” “I think I actually hear something over there!”

Patrick pointed towards a large rock formation  and sure enough, an elephant was hiding. It was   the elephant we had talked to before! “Hey you! We need some answers!” The elephant trembled. He  actually looked pretty scared.

“Please don’t hurt me. My family was captured by  that awful hunter! Barry told me if I lied to you,   the elephants would be safe. He’s a traitor!” The elephant looked really  shaken up. I felt bad for him. “I understand how you feel. Barry betrayed  us too, and now the hunter has our friends  

And my parents. But if you come with us,  you can have a safe home at our base.” The elephant perked up. “Oh thank you! I would love to come with you.” “Of course. I don’t think I know  your name though. I’m Zozo.” “I’m Neville.”

“Nice to meet you Neville.  We’ll take care of you.” We headed back to the base and made it  home just in time for the sun to set. On days 23-26 I went to make some improvements  to our base. I added some new fencing,  

A large garden, and fixed up a  place for the elephant to stay.   He seemed pretty happy about it, but  I was feeling a little discouraged. “What’s wrong Zozo? You’ve done a great job with  the base. No way anyone is going to get inside!”

“It’s not that. I’m just upset  that the lion’s tooth necklace   isn’t real. It was my only hope to  get my parent’s and friends back.” “I’m sorry you feel that way Zozo.  But guess what? The necklace is real!” “What?! Then you didn’t lie to us. We  still have a chance to save my family!”

“Well, it is real, it’s just not a lion’s  tooth necklace. It’s a special totem. It has   the ability to turn you invisible, but it  only works on those with pure intentions.” “That’s perfect! It’s going to be easy now!”

“I guess I should also mention, the totem is  guarded by a crocodile. Nobody can get past him.” “Between the three of us, I’m  sure we can get the totem!” We set out to gather more materials  

To make some armor and swords for all of us.  Once we felt ready, we locked the base up,   and headed out towards the river. On days 27-31 Patrick, Neville and I went   looking for the crocodile. We passed a group of  hogs on the way and they tried to attack Patrick.

“Hey, I only wanted a picture!” He tried to run away but they kept   getting hits on him. Neville and I charged at them  and after just a minute, we defeated all of them. “Great job Neville! No way is  the crocodile going to get us.”

We started to head out when we noticed Patrick  wasn’t following. He was looking down at his feet. “Hey are you okay Patrick?” “I just feel pretty sad. All  I’ve done is hide or run away.   I couldn’t even save any of our friends  earlier and it makes me feel useless.”

“You’re not useless Patrick! You’re  our friend and you’ve helped more   than you know. We all have different  strengths, just use your strengths!” Patrick seemed cheered up  by this and nodded his head. “Thanks Zozo. You really are a good friend.” Patrick hugged me, and then Neville  hugged us. It was a little squished,  

But it was a nice little moment. Neville even  managed to take a selfie with Patrick’s camera.  “Nice!” We kept trekking through the savanna, all  feeling a little bit better about ourselves.  On days 32-35 we finally reached a watering hole. “This is the watering hole.  But I don’t see the crocodile.”

I looked around, and sure enough, it looked empty. “Maybe he went to go hunt somewhere else.” All of the sudden there was a commotion. I felt   something try to grab me and  I ran out as fast as I could! “Woah, that was close!” It was the crocodile alright,  he was just super stealthy.

“How dare you disturb me!  Can’t you see I’m resting!” “We didn’t mean to disturb you, we  just want the totem you are guarding.” “And why would I give it to you?” There is a hunter driving through the  savanna capturing innocent animals.  

He has captured our family and friends. We  only want the totem so we can defeat him.” “How do I know you deserve it?  You could just be lying to me.” “Well if I didn’t deserve it, then  it wouldn’t work anyway, right?” The crocodile paused.

“I suppose that is true. But I can’t just  let you take it. You have to earn it. Bring   me the golden apples off of the tree on  that hill, then you can have the totem.” The crocodile pointed toward the  hill, on top was a small tree. “Okay, we will do that for you.”

“Not all of you. Only you little zebra.  Prove to me that you are worthy.” I wasn’t sure I could do it by myself, but I had  to try. A lot of animals were counting on me. “Okay, I’ll go.” I headed up the hill to  retrieve the golden apples.

On days 36-39 I made my way up the hill. But  it wasn’t just a hill, it was a mountain! “Wow, this was a lot taller than I thought!” I finally made it to the  top and saw the apple tree. “Wow, that tree is bigger than I thought too.”

How was I going to reach all those apples?   Just then, a monkey with a fancy  robe appeared in front of the tree. “Hello traveler, come to  retrieve some apples, yes?” “Yes. The crocodile down the mountain needs them.” “Ah yes, it’s been a while  since he has sent someone up  

Here to retrieve some. The last wasn’t so lucky.” “What the heck does that mean?” “I shall present a scenario to you and then  you must answer a question. Answer correctly,   and the apples are yours. Answer  incorrectly…and you will die.” “Wait, die?? Are you serious??”

“Here is the scenario: Two monkeys are traveling  together down the bank of the river when they see   a banana lying on the ground. It seems to be a  normal banana. They look across the river and  

See a tree. In the tree, is a third monkey.  He seems to be gathering bananas. One of the   traveling monkeys says to his friend that they  should take the banana on the ground since the   monkey in the tree is already harvesting  bananas. How should the friend respond?” I thought for a moment.

“They shouldn’t take the banana.  It’s not theirs to take.” The monkey nodded and smiled. “You are correct   young zebra. In fact, if they had taken the  banana, they would’ve taken the only good banana,   since the ones being gathered were indeed,  rotten. They would’ve taken the only banana  

That they third monkey would’ve found for days. He  would’ve starved if he didn’t have that banana.” The monkey pointed to the tree. “These are yours for the taking, but since  you cannot climb, let me assist you.” The monkey snapped his fingers and a dozen  golden apples appeared in front of him.

“Wow! Thank you!” “Of course young zebra. Stay true to yourself  and remember what is most important.” What a cool guy. I thanked him again  and he disappeared along with the tree! “Woah, where did they go?” I didn’t know but I didn’t want the apples  to disappear too! I hurried to collect them  

Before heading back down the mountain. On days 40-43 I arrived at the base of   the mountain. My friends had set up a  little camp next to the watering hole. “I got the golden apples!” I went over to the watering hole where  the crocodile was barely visible.

“I retrieved the golden  apples, just like you asked.” “You’ve done well.” The crocodile submerged for a moment  before returning with a rock in his mouth. “Use it well young Zebra. You have earned it.” On the outside of the rock were those  interesting symbols like from the picture  

Patrick took of me. Huh, strange.  Maybe it isn’t just a human thing. I twisted open the rock and saw the totem! “There it is! I better hurry back to the camp.” As I arrived back at the camp,  Patrick tried to take a picture of me,  

But I immediately activated  the totem and turned invisible! “Woah Zozo, where did you go?” He took a picture of nothing,   because I was gone! I walked behind  him and then deactivated the totem. “I’m right here Patrick!” “Wow that’s amazing! That  hunter doesn’t stand a chance!” 

On days 44-49 we traveled back to the base.  On the way, we stopped by the river to get   some water. We had been walking a long time and  needed to rest. We even found some nearby plants   we could eat. All of the sudden, a hoard  of boars came out from behind the plants.

“Oh sorry, are these your plants?” Without a moment’s hesitation,  they started to attack me. “Hey. I just wanted some food!  You don’t need to hurt me!” I managed to dodge and defeat  all of them by myself! Just then,   I felt a surge of power, and I  leveled up into an adult zebra!

“Wow! I’m a lot bigger now!” I noticed that I had more hearts too!  I felt like I was the strongest zebra   in the world. Taking down that  hunter was going to be super easy!  I went back to my friends and  we talked about our plans.

“I think that we should continue to  build our statue once we get back   and then gather some supplies for better weapons.” “That’s a great idea Zozo! You can teach  me to fight better so I can help you!” “Yeah, we’d love to help with the statue! We need  

As many animals as possible to know  that they have a safe place to stay.” I agreed, and we headed the rest  of the way back to the base.  On days 50-53 we arrived at the  base. Using more of our supplies,  

Patrick, Neville and I got work on  the next part of the statue. It was   really starting to come along!  Can you guess what it is now? It was looking really good, so we took  a break and tried to work on our base.  

We set up some new enclosures, just in  case we had more animals come by. We   felt really good about our progress  when we heard a knock on the door. I looked outside, and there were a bunch of lions. “Hey, you’re the lions we met earlier!”

“Yes, hello! We saw your statue and wanted to  know if we could stay here. Some of our friends   were taken by the hunter and we have nowhere  else to go. Could we stay here with you?” “Of course!” We opened the door and the lions sauntered  in. We showed them one of the enclosures  

We built, and they loved it! They  immediately made themselves at home. “Thank you so much! We would love to give  you a gift as a token of our appreciation.” One of the lions gave me some  diamonds and gold as a present! “Wow this is incredible! Thank you so much!”

I immediately began working with the diamonds at   my crafting table and made  myself some better armor. “Wow! This is amazing!” That night, we all gathered around the campfire  and had a fun time. Patrick even tried to juggle  

For us. It was a good way to end the night. On days 54-57, I woke up to someone screaming!   I raced out of my house to find animals  running around like crazy! I noticed   that the base’s front door was open,  and there were hyenas running around.

“Oh no! We’ve got to get them out of here!” The lions and I were able to defeat some  of them and drive the rest of them away. “Phew, that was close. But how did they get in?” One of the lions stepped  forward, his head hung low.

“I’m so sorry Zozo. I went out during the night to  do some hunting and I must’ve forgotten to close   the door all the way when I came back in. You  can kick me out if you want to! I deserve it…” He looked so upset, but I knew it was an accident.

“It’s okay. Nobody got hurt and  nothing was taken, so we are okay.” He seemed relieved, and we all headed back to our  houses. When I walked inside, it looked like one   of my chests had been opened. I ran over, and  I realized my totem of invisibilty was gone! “Oh no!”

Neville heard me from outside and peaked in. “Is everything okay Zozo?” “No! My totem is gone! Those  hyenas must’ve taken it!” “Oh no! We need to get it back, and fast!” We told Patrick what had happened and he  agreed to come with us to find the hyenas.

“I think I might even know where  they live! I saw them once near   a cavern and I tried to take a picture,  but they tried to eat me! So I ran away.” “That’s awesome Patrick! Not the almost getting  eaten part, the knowing where to go part.” He nodded and smiled. “I know!”

I talked to the lion’s before we left and  told them to let in any other animals that   needed help. They agreed, and we headed  toward the cavern to retrieve my totem.  On days 58-62 we traveled toward the cavern that  Patrick told us about. We ran into some degus on  

The way and told them to go to our base if they  wanted a safe place to stay. They happily agreed! We also ran into some ostriches and  frogs. We extended the same invite   to them as the other animals, and they accepted. “Wow, I hope we will have  enough space for everybody!”

The whole savanna wouldn’t be able to  fit in our base, but we could sure try! We kept traveling and gathered  some food and seeds as we went.   We were going to have a lot more  mouths to feed when we got back! We finally arrived at the  cavern, but it looked empty.

“Are you sure this is the right place Patrick?” “Yes! See, look!” He picked up something off the ground  in the middle of some tall grass. “This is the lens that I dropped before! I was too  scared to come back for it, so I just left it.”

We continued into the cavern, which eventually  turned into a large underground cave. We peered   over a rock and saw the hyenas down below. There  were tons of them! Some of them were just lounging   around, but some were fighting over something. I  took a closer look, and realized it was my totem!

“Hey, they have my totem!” I whispered to my friends and  pointed toward the group of hyenas. “There are so many of them! How are  we ever going to get your totem back?” I thought for a minute, and then  came up with a plan. I whispered  

It to my friends and we got into our positions. “1,2,3, NOW!” Patrick started flashing his camera from the  opening of the tunnel. The hyenas all saw the   lights and went running toward Patrick.  He hurried and hid behind a rock by the  

Opening as all the hyenas came rushing out.  Neville came out from behind his rock and   tried to roll a large stone in front of  the entryway. I ran out from behind my   rock and went down to grab the totem  that the hyenas dropped in the chaos. “Got it!”

I ran back up to see Neville struggling with the  rock. The hyenas were trying to push it back open! “Zozo, can you turn us  invisible? Then we can sneak out! “There’s too many of them. Even if we’re  invisible, they’ll bump into us and find us!”

“Go and defeat that hunter Zozo.  Make sure all the animals are safe.” “Neville, what are you saying?? Don’t do it!” Neville then pushed the rock out of the way   and ran outside.(And away from the entrance  with all the hyenas attacking him as he went) “No Neville!”

Neville ran outside as the hyenas chased him,  getting hits in. There was no way he was going   to survive. I hurried and had Patrick climb on  my back and then I activated the totem. We both   disappeared, and we ran. We watched as Neville  was defeated. We had no choice, but to leave.

On days 63-66 we arrived back at the base.  Patrick and I were very sad that Neville was   gone, but we were going to make sure his  sacrifice wasn’t in vain. I had my totem,   and there was no way I was going to let  anyone steal it again. I made an even  

Better safe and hid that in a secret spot  in my room. Nobody would ever find it here. We helped all the animals in their new homes  and planted some more food in the garden. We went to work on the statue, but  noticed that it was already finished! “Who finished the statue?” “We did!”

The lions came up to me and all bowed at my feet. “We owe you our lives young zebra. We hope you   accept our work on your statue  as a way to show our gratitude.” Wow. It’s not everyday that the  king of the savanna bows to you!

“Thank you, but I’m not the  true hero. Neville sacrificed   himself so that I could get the totem  back. You should be honoring him.” “Then we shall honor our fallen friend  and build a statue of him as well!” We all worked together and made a statue  of Neville standing on the landing of our  

Other statue. He was raising his  trunk in triumph. It was perfect,   and I knew Neville would have liked it.  On days 67-70 I woke up to Patrick  taking pictures of me again. “Wonderful!” “Patrick, not now, I’m trying to sleep.”

“Sorry, but I had a thought, Zozo. What if the  totem gets stolen again? Or even lost while we   are inside the base? We definitely need a backup  plan. We should scout out the base, just in case.” “That’s a really good idea Patrick.”

“Perfect! I’ll meet you outside! Don’t  forget your totem, just in case.” He left and I looked toward my safe.  I actually felt safer with it here,   so I didn’t bring it. I would tell him later.

We gathered the animals to let them know we were  leaving. We told them that if any animals came by,   they were more than welcome to  stay. Unless they were hyenas! “And don’t forget to shut the door all the way.” One of the lions looked away in  embarrassment, but he understood.

“All right! We will be back in time  to make some final preparations. Then,   we will get our friends and families back!” Everyone cheered to that, and we took off. On the way there, Patrick took  some pictures while I gathered  

Some seeds. We also ran into some small  monkeys. We told them where our base was,   and they started to head that way. It  felt good to know that we were helping.  On days 71-74 Patrick and I snuck around  to the same spot where Barry and I had  

Been earlier. We looked around the base,  and it seemed bigger than the last time. “I can’t believe it.” I looked where Patrick was looking, and I saw  Barry! It looked like he had gotten bigger. He   had also gotten bigger. There were other baboons  there, and Barry seemed to be bossing them around!

“He sold us out so that he could  be the boss of the baboons?” “I guess so…” I still couldn’t believe it.  Barry had been my friend,   and he seemed genuinely interested in helping me. “Hey Zozo, I’m glad you are my friend.” “Thanks Patrick. Where did that come from?”

“I was just thinking, and you’ve  been really awesome to me. Just   wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done.” Then Patrick hugged me! “Thanks Patrick!” All of the sudden, we were surrounded  by baboons! How did I not even notice? “Ah, right on time.” I looked and I saw Barry looking down at us.

“We don’t want to fight you Barry.” “Well that’s funny because  I do want to fight you!” Barry swung his arm and smacked Patrick! “No, stop it!” “As soon as you give me the totem!” “What? The lion’s tooth necklace?  It doesn’t exist, you know that!” “No Zozo, the totem of invisibility that you got!”

“What? How did you find out about that?” “I have friends on the inside.” All of the sudden, Patrick got  up and walked over to Barry. “No Patrick! You’re working for him? Why?” “I had to Zozo! After our base was attacked  the first time, Barry told me to keep my eye  

On you.He threatened to hurt you if I didn’t  help him. The hunter wanted more animals,   and they told me to gather them all in a  safe place so they could collect them later. “How have you even been talking?”

I’ve been sneaking out at night. I told  them about the totem a few days ago. The   lions thought they had left the door open  but it was me…it’s my fault Neville is gone… Patrick hung his head down low. He looked so sad. Barry hit Patrick again.

“Enough you! Now Zozo, give me what I want  and maybe I won’t hurt Patrick. Again.” “I don’t have the totem with me!” “What?! Why didn’t you bring it?” “I thought it would be safer at the  base. Why do you need it anyway Barry?”

“Why do you think? The hunter will  be able to turn invisible and trap   any animal he pleases! And I’ll be his right  hand man, or baboon. King of the monkeys.” “It won’t even work for you Barry! It only  works for the pure of heart. I had to earn it.”

“So you say! I think you just  think you’re better than me!” He hit Patrick again. “Stop it! I’ll take you to our base!” “That’s just what I wanted to hear. Move it!” On days 75-78 we slowly traveled back to the   base. Patrick and I were bound and  dragged behind the other baboons. I  

Wondered why they even agreed to help  Barry. I tried to talk to one of them. “Psst hey, we can get you out of here and  you can live with us. You’ll be safe there.” The monkey looked at me sadly. “We’ll never be safe. Not with  the hunter and Barry around. It  

Isn’t the worst actually. The hunter  gives us food and a place to sleep,   but we are basically his servants. We can’t  leave because they’ll just find us again.” I felt really bad for the monkey,  but we couldn’t give up now.

“We can defeat them. If you help us  escape, we can all work together.” The monkey thought about it for a  second, but then Barry started yelling. “Hey! No talking to the prisoners!” He hit the sad monkey, who immediately ran up  ahead, pulling me along. Well, at least I tried.  

We soon stopped at a water pond to rest. I walked  over to Patrick. He wouldn’t even look at me. “Patrick, I know why you did  all of this. I don’t hate you.” He looked at me. “Really?” “Yeah. You were just trying to protect me.  But I’m not giving up. We will defeat Barry  

And the hunter if it’s the last thing I do!” Patrick looked back down at his feet and sighed. “I don’t know Zozo, we are  kind of in a sticky situation.” “I think maybe we can get  the baboons on our side.” All of a sudden, Barry hit me. “No talking prisoner! Keep moving!”

I tried to formulate a plan the rest of the way.  At this point, we just had to hope for a miracle.  On days 79-84 we were getting  closer to the base. Suddenly,   Barry stopped. We stopped a decent  distance from the base, having it   visible in the background. “Bring Zozo forward.”

The sad baboon brought me closer  to Barry, still keeping me bound. “Zozo, you will go in and retrieve the totem.  You will then tell all the animals to gather   outside for a meeting. You won’t tell  them about us or I will destroy Patrick.” “I’ll do it! Just don’t hurt him again.”

I made my way to the base and went inside. A  few animals greeted me and I quickly said hello,   then walked away. I went to  my house and opened the safe.   The totem was still inside. I grabbed it  and went back to the middle of the base.

“Everyone, I need your attention! Patrick  and I have an important announcement to make,   but we need you to come outside to see.” The animals all gathered together and  we started to go outside.I felt so bad,   but I hoped that maybe we could defeat the  baboons and Barry together. As we walked out,  

I didn’t see anybody. Where did they go? Then the baboons and Barry jumped down from the   trees! They ambushed us and  my friends started to panic. “Zozo!” “It’s okay! I’ll handle this!” I was just about to attack one of the baboons,  when all of the sudden they surrounded Barry.

“Wait what?! What are you  doing you fools! Capture them!” “Stay down!” It was the baboon I had talked to! I guess he  had gotten the other baboons to agree to fight. “Hey! You’re helping us!” “We want our freedom back. And you seem  like a capable guy, we’ll help you.”

“Perfect! Wait, where is Patrick?” I heard Barry laugh. “It’s too late for your friend Zozo. He’s gone.” “No!” I ran further into the trees, . I  looked around and I finally found   Patrick. He was sitting up against  a rock. He didn’t look good at all. “Hey buddy, did we win?”

“This one yeah, but we still  need you for another fight.” Patrick laughed weakly. “I’ll try my hardest, but I’ll need some help.” “Of course.” I helped him up and let him ride  on my back as we slowly made our  

Way back to the base. We got back into the  clearing, but we didn’t see Barry anywhere. “Where is Barry?!” The animals all looked at each other. “I thought you were watching him!” “Me? I don’t even know who that guy is!” The animals all grumbled and pointed  at each other. I shook my head.

“It doesn’t matter, he’s gone now.” “Wait look!” Barry had gone into our base! On days 85-89 I chased after   Barry. He had some flint and steel, and  was going to light our base on fire! “Barry stop! This is crazy!”

“You can’t stop me Zozo! I’m going to be King  of the Monkeys if it’s the last thing I do!” Strange, that’s what I was thinking  earlier, but about my friends. “Barry stop, it isn’t too late for  you to change. Why would you want  

To be King of the Monkeys when you  can be a friend to all animals?” “You sound like a hippie.” “What’s a hippie?” “Nevermind, I’m done talking!” Barry set the side of the ostrich  enclosure on fire when all of a   sudden a big splash of water rained  down on him, extinguishing the fire.

I looked up and saw that the water had  come from the trunk of the Neville statue! “We added a water feature while you were gone!” One of the lions was pressing  a button on the side of the   wall. What absolutely perfect  timing. I walked toward Barry.

“This is your last chance Barry. Come  join us, or I’ll have to defeat you.” He looked so angry! “NO. I WILL BE KING OF THE MONKEYS… I WILL. I…” All of a sudden he slumped down and  started to cry. I stood there, shocked.

“I don’t want to be King of the  Monkeys…honestly…I just wanted some friends…” “Well you have a weird way of showing it.” I still didn’t trust him  completely, but I helped him up. “It’s okay Barry. You have a home here.” On days 90-94 Barry moved back in. Some of  

The animals weren’t too happy about it, but he  tried his hardest to make it up to them. He made   some cool improvements to people’s houses, the  base, and he even helped Patrick .He seemed to  

Feel really bad about what he had done, but he  was making it better. Later, he came up to me. “Zozo I need to tell you something  about the hunter’s base.” “Okay, what is it?” I know a secret way I can sneak  into his base around the side.

“Awesome! So you can open the door!” “It’s not that simple. The controls  for the gate are in his private room” “Oh I see.” I thought for a moment. “You need to go back and pretend to still  work with him. You need to betray him now.”

“What if he catches me while  I’m trying to do this?) “He won’t. I’ll be sure to protect you.” “Okay. I trust you Zozo.” On days 95-97 we all made our   preparations. We forged armor and  swords for everyone just in case. “No Zozo, I’m too weak  still. I need to stay here.”

“But Patrick, I need you! We’ve come this  far together and I need you there with me.” “He can ride on my back.” One of the lions bowed to Patrick. “I shall carry you, and I will  promise your safety, good friend.” Patrick agreed.

“I’m proud of all of you! Today we  are going to rescue our families   and our friends. The savanna will be free again!” Everyone cheered, and we headed  out to the hunter’s base.  On day 98, we arrived at the hunter’s  base. It looked the same as usual,  

Which was good. Barry came up to me. “Okay Barry, this is your cue.” He looked nervous. “It’ll be fine, you remember the signal right?” He nodded. “Thanks Zozo, you’re a good friend.” He headed towards the side of the base  and disappeared around the corner. We  

Waited a few minutes and then we heard a  loud monkey call. That was our signal to   go! Then we saw the front gate  start to open, Good job Barry! We charged through the front gate and into the   courtyard as we started looking  around.I even saw my parents! “Zozo!”

“Mom! Dad! We are here to rescue you! My friends started working on getting  the cages open while I headed upstairs.  On day 99 I found the lair of the hunter. He had  all sorts of animal pelts all over the place,   and even more guns. Sheesh,  this place gave me the creeps.

“I knew we would meet again young zebra.” I turned around, ready to attack. The hunter was there, but he  was holding Barry hostage! “Give me my friend back, hunter!” “Oh you mean this traitor? I don’t think so. I  think instead I’ll just add him to my collection.”

He waved his gun around the room full of pelts. “No!” I activated the totem and disappeared.  I knocked the hunter away from Barry   and told him to run. Then I charged the  hunter. He blindly shot around the room,  

But he had no idea where I was! Barry wasn’t so  lucky though, and got hit as he made his escape. “That’s a cheap move zebra!  Disappearing so I can’t see you!” “Says the guy who captures  animals and then enslaves them!”

He got a few lucky shots in, but I was able  to deliver the final blow. I unequipped the   totem and ran over to Barry. He had  been hit and he looked pretty bad. “Oh no, Barry. I’m so sorry. I  promised I would keep you safe.”

“It’s okay Zozo, I did what I needed  to do. Thanks for being my friend.” Barry put his head down, and was  gone. He had made many mistakes,   but in the end chose to do the right thing. On day 100 I felt a surge of power and  

I leveled up into a large adult zebra! I was  stronger than ever, and knew that from now on,   I could protect all of the animals in the savanna. My friends had figured out  how to open the cage doors,   freeing all the animals from the hunter’s base.

I was finally able to talk to my parents. It was  a beautiful reunion. We were all free at last! If you want to see what I’ll do next,   don’t forget to subscribe and like  this video. Thanks for watching!

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a ZEBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2022-11-23 22:15:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Zebra in Hardcore Minecraft! #minecraft #100days #zebra Join my discord …

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a ZEBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!