I Survived 100 Days as an ARCHER in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

All right 100 days as an archer in hardcore minecraft being an archer i could only use bows for combat no swords axes shovels fish pickaxes anything just bows and not only that but this minecraft world is probably not the type that you’re used to there are new animals new biomes new

Bosses tons of intense dungeons with new illagers there’s mutant beasts look how beefy these things are they’re insane oh and also dragons because who doesn’t like dragons am i right but yeah i had to survive in a world with all of that for 100 days using only bows for combat

My only real goal was to survive and i have a ton of cool arrows in the mod pack that i can use to help me out but with no melee weapons at all it was about to be a struggle also i saw that tons of new people found my uh 100 days

As a summoner video very cool very lit but you know what’s not cool and not lit that 98 of those people are not subscribed therefore if you’re new here and not subscribed then you should subscribe and also like the video because then you’d be a very cool person yeah

All right anyways let’s see if i can survive 100 days in this crazy hardcore world with only a bow day one i spawned into my world in a tiger biome right next to a village and whoa look at that i’ve been a chest right next to my spawn with a bow and an

Entire stack of arrows how did that get there that’s crazy i explored and looted the village and got some decent stuff i got some bread potatoes emeralds apple pies some weird fish statue uh some silver and gold nuggets and also some iron armor very good start i then

Crafted all of my stone tools i was exploring the area around the village and decided to hunt these wild boars for food and that was a mistake these things were doing all sorts of crazy maneuvers and dodging all my arrows and they literally almost killed me day one which was kind of

Embarrassing but at least i got food right the next day i went to investigate a graveyard that i saw at the edge of the village and that was a terrible idea the chest inside the graveyard spawn this ghost which of course attacks me and i try to shoot it but arrows pass

Right through it so how do i be an enemy that i can’t shoot with my bow well i’m not allowed to use an axe or a sword or anything so i literally had to punch it with the bow it’s still using the bow so it is okay but i definitely didn’t

Want to fight a ghost ever again so i broke the chest and it gave me a bit of iron and copper and a few other things but honestly nothing really worth almost dying over i temporarily stored all of my things in the villager’s house and decided to go hunting i needed more food

And also feathers for more arrows while i also gathered a bunch of dark oak wood for my future house because i kind of wanted to go for like a log cabin type deal and i think it would look pretty good i actually ended up finding an entire other village before i found a

Single animal to hunt so i slept there for the night on day three i looted the new village and the best that it had was iron weapons that legally i am not allowed to use so not really great as i was activating the waste zone for the

Village i saw more of those boars and after what happened last time i was not about to fight more of this i spent like all of day three hunting animals and also came across a little house i was gonna go in to check it out and then i

Saw purple particles through the wall indicating an infernal mob which guarantees the mob is hostile meaning i was not messing with that right now because i didn’t wanna die so i got out of there then on day four i was kinda lost i ran around and it took like half

The day but eventually i found the second village and i used the waste zone there to go back to my first village i then smelted my oars and cooked my food and then using the iron that i had right now i finished my iron armor and also

Made an iron pickaxe i also made a bunch more arrows because i would definitely need them so on day five i wanted more iron so i was getting ready to go mining and then this happens yeah creeper just walks into my house and explodes like yeah okay i staircased

Down from inside my house so i could hopefully find my way back whenever i was done mining and these caves were terrifying everything was super dark and i could barely see and there were skeletons and spiders and creepers and zombies everywhere and i was not having

Fun but i did end up finding a skeleton spawner and this was incredibly worth it in the chest in that dungeon i found a broken heart which said it would destroy empty heart containers whenever i took lethal damage which would keep me from dying and uh spoiler alert this thing is uh necessary

For this 100 days i’ll tell you that right now i came across this steep-ish drop and i couldn’t see a thing so i crafted torch arrows whenever i fired these arrows they would put a torch wherever they landed and i used these to determine that the cave was very big but

Also pretty safe at least that’s what i thought the second i get down there i get attacked from every direction caves were not fun i did not want to be in them ever again it being so dark made them way scarier than they had any right

To be and because i could only use a bow it was pretty dangerous as well i mined for a little bit longer and then i went back home finding off all those mobs used most of my arrows so now i needed more feathers again i used the two

Feathers that i had remaining to make luck arrows which i assumed worked like looting just from the 8 arrows that i made i got up to 21 feathers these arrows were amazing on day 7 i headed back home and i made more arrows i had over two stacks of arrows now and i

Wanted to convert some of them into other arrow types so i went to gather some grass and some lava and then i made two arrow variants the first one i made is fire arrows which as you can imagine light things on fire and the other kind that i made is burial arrows which

Buries things when they get hit i figured these would be really good for any enemies that i wasn’t really equipped to fight yet alright now i wanted to build my house because quite frankly the village kinda sucked so i spent a few days building my new house

Oh and then one of the nights that i was building i tried to sleep and i got a message in the chat saying you can’t sleep while it’s looking at you that is probably the creepiest thing i’ve ever read in a video game ever and i was a

Little bit concerned but i looked around and i saw this creepy ender eye thing i didn’t want to attack it because i figured if it fought back it could be a little bit dangerous but luckily my burial arrows do not deal direct damage

So i was able to bury it and cause it to suffocate oh and then look what happens when i’m in the middle of building Another creeper like why what did i do wrong i wanted to make a log cabin because i figured like a you know a archer and a log cabin would look kind of cool it’d be kind of like thematic and i’m not really good at creating builds myself so i kind of just

Googled minecraft log cabin and reference one of the images i found there so i didn’t make it exactly the same mostly because i didn’t want to spend the time to do so but i will leave a link to the youtube video of the one that i found in the description and i

Was working on my roof when i saw this group of pillagers just staring at me this was kind of creepy i’m not gonna lie so i took them out with my bow which of course gives me bad omens so i guess i would need milk before i went back to

My village by day 14 my house was pretty much done i just needed to get some glass panes for the windows and also transfer stuff from the village and i was good to go but firstly i had to get rid of bad omen i ran off in search of a

Cow and after a hot minute of looking i found a yak and i milked it and i got rid of bad omen i spent day 15 treasuring stuff from the village to my cabin i then made some glass and filled in the windows with glass panes and my

Home was complete at least for now then i made an iron a strengthened longbow which could fire arrows from a longer distance now i wanted more resources i wanted diamonds i wanted more iron i wanted everything however i did not want to go mining the cave sucked and i

Didn’t want to go back in them because i was scared so i spent all of day 16 looking for a dungeon and i i found nothing i found no dungeons at all i hated a ton of animals for food but i i didn’t find any dungeons so

Sucks i also made a small backpack that night to store my items because my inventory filled up quickly the morning of day 17 there was an infernal zombie outside the cave that i was in it reflected the damage that i did back to me and also it spawned cobwebs everywhere fighting this thing

Was a little bit tricky it took a lot of arrows and a lot of waiting for my health to regen but eventually i took it out and then i made a sword and harvested all the cobwebs for string which i could use for more bows later on

Then i kept looking for a dungeon on day 17 and i still did not find a dungeon on day 17. on day 18 though this was a good day this was a really good day i went to some caves and got a bunch of iron but

No diamonds so i went back up and then i found a ruined portal i gathered some of the blocks because i would need them for later and then i opened the chest this chest had an item in it called the cracked crown whenever i equipped this it would give me an extra 120

To all of my stats like it gave me 12 extra hearts it made me super fast it boosted my armor it also would boost my attack speed which didn’t really matter but it was still cool like this thing was absolutely busted it was just sitting in a chest in the middle of

Nowhere this is probably the best item ever had in minecraft it’s literally nuts at the end of day 18 i found a village with another trinket in it and this one was called the missing page it could damage all the mobs around me whenever i

Got hit but i couldn’t use both this and the crown at the same time and the crown was definitely superior the next morning i traded the fletcher in the village a bunch of sticks for emerald so i could make more luck arrows later on i traveled away from the village still

Trying to find a dungeon with diamonds in it and i saw this little baby sea serpent in the water i figured a small one wouldn’t be too much of a threat so i fired an arrow at it it jumped up on land and i was able to easily take it

Out with a few more arrows it only gave two sea serpent scales but it was better than nothing i decided now to sail across the ocean because i figured there might be dungeons with diamonds out there i also didn’t bother sleeping because i figured the ocean was no worse

At night than it is during the day however my eyesight is much worse at night and i sailed right next to a fire dragon roost luckily the dragon was not there right now so it didn’t attack me but if it was i would have been dead for

Sure i decided then to sleep off the night because i did not want to do that ever again the next day i decided to scout out the dragon’s nest it was a green dragon and pretty small but it was still a dragon regardless and i did not

Have the damage to beat that thing yet and then the dragon saw me luckily i have the cracked crown making me insanely fast or i would have been a goner i then spotted an ice castle which was exactly what i wanted it was a dungeon i finally found one however i

Had almost no arrows and my armor was almost broken so i was hunting for feathers and smelting for iron and while looking for birds i spotted an illager dungeon it was like an illager face made a glass it was pretty cool there was a ruined portal next to it with some runes

Of lightning iron and a gold sword with illager’s bane 7. if i could actually use swords that would have been pretty convenient for the dungeon right next to the portal the runes of lightning were only used to make a relic that i would probably never need so they weren’t

Really useful at the end of day 20 i made a new backpack and a fresh set of iron armor i still needed more feathers though so i hunted more birds on day 21 i also killed an infernal boar which gave me a protection to a chainmail

Chestplate i kept hunting most of day 21 and at the end of day 21 i spotted an illager archer tower archers as you can imagine use a lot of arrows so i figured taking it out would allow me to get a ton more arrows to use and oh i was very

Correct i crafted all the arrows that i could right now and sniped all the illegals out of the tower and i climbed the tower to loot it and i got over a stack of arrows just from this dungeon and then in the chest i got three enchanted bows two with mending and one

With ender mending ender mending was basically just a better form of mending that would store the experience in the weapon even if it had full durability and then use that or experience later on to repair it so overall this tower was a major success the next morning i cooked

Some food and then i was ready to take on some dungeons the first dungeon was the ice castle this place was surrounded in illegal guards and inside there were strays of course one of the illegals gave me bad omens so i would need milk before going home also while i was in

The area of the dungeon i would get slowness and mining fatigue constantly which got really old really fast all of the barrels on the ground floor were empty so i went down the staircase and i spotted a frost mansur illager i took out the first one that i saw pretty

Easily and there were more down in a dark tunnel and i was basically just blind firing arrows hoping to take them out the ice magic that they used did a lot of damage but eventually i managed to take them all out one of them was infernal and gave me projectile protection two boots

However that was definitely not the best of the drops every frost mansur illiter would give me totems of undying and diamonds just from those three that i killed i got three totems of undying and seven diamonds this dungeon was perfect for what i needed i equipped one of the

Totems of undying in a curio slot and i was now very safe the actual chests in this dungeon were some bottles of enchanting some raw fish and stuff like that but the actual prize here was definitely at the mob drops the next floor down was just a bunch of pitch

Black tunnels full of strays and occasionally frost mansur illegers the entire floor was basically just the exact same thing which is a ton of really long tunnels full of strays that were constantly spawning and at the end i would get a totem of a dying or some diamonds from an illager that was

Basically it it was a total pain getting through all the strays and i’m not even sure i went through the entire dungeon but i got so many tons of undying that i don’t even care i was stacked one of the strays also dropped a rare item that

Gave me immunity to slowness and also a speed boost which was pretty good for this dungeon because of the constant slowness that i was getting i killed a few more frostmancers throughout the dungeon and after that i was getting kind of confused and lost it was dark

And i just didn’t like it anymore so i went back to the surface i ended up with like seven totems of undying in like 13 diamonds which was overall pretty good definitely worth doing but i didn’t really want to do it again the strays were really annoying also with ender

Mending my bow literally never took damage so it might as well be unbreakable i then milked a yak to get rid of my bad omen effect and was ready to take on the next dungeon and then i realized that my inventory was completely full i went to look for a

Waste stone so i could teleport back home and i did find one it was just right next to the dragon luckily the dragon didn’t notice me so i could go home safely and store all my stuff the next day i cooked all the fish that i

Got in the dungeon and also made a diamond pickaxe there was a lot that i wanted to do at this point i wanted to enchant things i wanted to make new arrow types i wanted to do more dungeons it was a lot but the three main things i

Needed were feathers obsidian and lapis i needed these three things to do pretty much everything i wanted to do feathers for more arrows and the obsidian and lapis for enchanting now lapis requires mining and those caves were kind of scary and i definitely wanted more arrows before going back into them so i

Figured my best bet would be more feathers i really wanted a chicken farm for feathers but i’m pretty sure chickens weren’t spawning in this mod pack because i literally never found a single one for the entire 100 days so i had to go hunt birds instead after

Spending all of day 24 hunting i made a stack of normal arrows and 16 protector arrows these arrows would spawn a little iron golem to attack whatever they hit which seemed really good but like i actually didn’t use them very much but it was a really cool idea

Then on day 25 i got over my fear of the caves and decided to go mining actually i stripped mine for like most of it i ended up digging into lava so i went ahead and gathered the obsidian that i needed then i strip mine for a while and

Eventually i found six diamonds and then right above those diamonds i found a cave with 47 lapis i could have gone back up at this point because i had what i needed but i figured i could mine for a little bit more because it wasn’t so

Bad and then i was reminded of exactly why i don’t do that i shot an arrow to zombie and then everything just sucks real bad real fast there were creepers and skeletons everywhere then there was this massive horrifying centipede thing and then there was a red mob spawner

That started making weird noises and everything just sucked dude it was just not a good time also if not for that cracked crown earlier i would literally be dead right now so glad that i had that and uh needless to say i got out of there immediately

Day 26 i started smelting my oars and crafting my enchantment table i set up the bookshelves on the table and then i used the bottles of enchanting that i got from the dungeon to reach level 30 and i put level 30 on a bow and whoa i got power three flame on breaking

Three in ifrit’s blessing five which does more damage to mobs that are on fire and then an enchantment called scope i was not a fan of scope it would just put a giant scope on my screen whenever i shot my bow which was kind of

Annoying but the bow was so good that i couldn’t not use it so i kind of had to live with it for now i also put efficiency 1 on my pickaxe but i would need more levels for anything more on day 27 i wanted experience for more enchantments because infinity would be

Amazing the best way to get exp would be another dungeon but i needed more arrows for that so i used the eight luck areas that i could craft to hunt more birds however the first bird that i killed first of all took two arrows and also was just terrifying it was called a

Terror bringer apparently which was definitely fitting it also gave me nine feathers so it was definitely worth the two luck arrows then in that planes biome right next to my base i found another illager archer tower this was becoming like my favorite dungeon because it gave me so many arrows every

Time i bought one like not even the chest but the illegals themselves dropped tons of arrows just killing a few gave me an entire stack of arrows i then came across a weird beehive and i am not the brightest so i break it and a massive queen bee boss jumps out and

Starts screaming and shaking my screen and going crazy i fire arizona and thanks to my enchantments i was able to do a lot of damage per arrow but then it summons an army of bees and start poisoning me and once again without the cracked crown i would be dead i would be

A goner the crack crown mvp i ignored the minions and kept hitting the queen over and over and eventually all of the bee minions disappeared and the queen bee exploded into honey everywhere she was defeated she dropped some honeycombs a stinger some honey blocks some bee ness

Overall nothing super useful but it was a really cool boss i then spent the rest of that day hunting for more feathers and then when it became nighttime i actually chose to not sleep because i really hadn’t seen what the nikon has to offer and i was kind of curious this

Night actually ended up not being that threatening it was mostly just the normal mobs along with some little ghost dudes flying around but nothing crazy i did learn though that the archer tower respawns the illagers these guys give a ton of arrows per kill and i could just

Farm them whenever i got low this was an incredible discovery the next day i went home and made a bunch of arrows then i also turned two stacks of my normal arrows into vampire arrows by using obsidian vampire arrows were just normal arrows but with life steal so there was

No reason to not use them then using some of the ice that i got from the ice castle dungeon i made 32 frost arrows which could freeze things that i hit and then i made a stack of knockback arrows which as you could probably imagine deal

A lot of knockback i had 14 feathers left now and i turned half of them into luck arrows i was going to turn the other half into reinforced arrows but there was a recipe conflict and i didn’t have a mod for that so i had to install

A mod called polymorph which let me craft the ones that i wanted and now i had a lot of different arrows however as you can see this is quite the inventory filler so i crafted a quiver to hold all my arrows to use the arrows that are

Inside the quiver i would need a switch bow and a switch bow takes an eye of enter and eyes of ender in this mod pack require two ender pearls and a blaze rod and getting both of those kinda sucked i had ways to get blaze powder but no

Blaze rods and blaze rods were only in the nether and the nether is very dangerous with no fire resistance and i didn’t want to die and then ender pearls ender pearls only come from endermen and endermen cannot be shot by a bow and as someone who can only use a bow that’s an

Issue so uh yeah we were gonna have to find a creative solution to that the next day i went to the illegal dungeon from before on the off chance that i had ender pearls and the very first illustrious that i kill of course is a banner and gives me bad omen go

Figure i took out the rest of the illegals on the bottom floor and looted the chest which had a decent amount of diamonds the top floor had an evoker in a giant illager golem and the evoker’s stupid vexes do so much damage and it spawns a

Ton of them i took up the evoker but half of the vexes were infernal they were breaking my armor shredding me blinding me poisoning me everything bad at once i literally had to eat my golden apple and run away or i probably would have died there i took up the remaining

Vexes and then i went back and took down the golem which couldn’t really hit me because of the door i broke all the obsidian on the top floor and looted the chests and this dungeon was insane for diamonds i got 24 diamonds 48 iron 18 gold and also i got another tone of

Undying so now i have like 10 or something however it had a lot of stuff but what it did not have was ender pearls meaning i now had to figure that out i went to a nearby snow biome and waited for night time because i was

Going to try and find an enderman and kill it somehow i saw an ice dragon and i’m not really about that so i went the opposite direction and found two dragon skeletons i harvested them for their bones and skulls and later that night i found another dragon skeleton and

Harvested that as well i now had a ton of dragon bones i could use those for tools later on i finally spotted an enderman and i looked at it and lured it into a boat i then built a little wooden structure and drove the boat with the enderman inside of it under the

Structure causing the enderman to suffocate now the enderman did quite a bit of damage while i was doing it so it was a little bit dangerous but when the enderman died it dropped an ender pearl so it was definitely worth it now i needed one more ender pearl and then i

Spotted a mutant enderman this is a boss level enderman and honestly i had no idea what it could do i didn’t know if it could dodge arrows i didn’t know if i could touch water i had no idea i was debating if i could take it on and then this happened

Yeah creeper comes up blows me into the sky and i only have half a heart after fall damage needless to say that definitely was a sign to not fight the enderman and then as if things weren’t already kind of bad i start getting sniped by a mutant skeleton like my

Health was getting obliterated and this thing was not missing any of its shots that broken heart that i got earlier that destroys heart containers whenever i die is literally the only reason i survived that i had to throw my one interval to get away and i only had two

Heart containers left meaning i would have died 20 times to that skeleton just now that’s crazy i then slept in the forest which is supposed to restore my heart containers and for some reason it did not restore them meaning on day 30 i ran around with two hearts terrified of

Literally everything i found a ruined portal and got a ring that would make piglets passive towards me which was nice but that’s not what i really needed right now i needed a way stone to get back home because i only had two hearts total i chose to use the diamonds that i

Got earlier from the dungeon to make a full set of diamond armor i figured this would make it so i don’t instantly die whenever i get shot by a random skeleton or whatever at least that was the idea however i then took a break in real life

And then i logged back in and my health was completely restored which was a relief when i first got that cracked crown relic i literally considered not using it because it was so good and so broken but then i learned that this world is definitely dangerous enough to warrant

It i almost died so many times already because i had to use the ender pearl to escape before i still needed two more and i also wanted more dungeon relics so i used that night to hunt for more dungeons and more endermen i found another enderman while searching and i

Learned that it’s a lot safer to suffocate it when it’s not mad at you so that’s what i did and it didn’t drop an enderpearl then i found another enderman near a mausoleum dungeon and did the same thing to it and this time i actually got an enderpearl also this

Mausoleum couldn’t be entered without a key that i didn’t have and i also don’t even think the key was available in the game yet so i couldn’t actually do it so don’t worry about that i then found an infernal enderman and used the boat to

Kill that as well and it gave me my second ender pearl and now i just needed a blaze rod i saw another ice castle but these dungeons seem to have like a custom loot table meaning they can’t have the relics that i want because they don’t have normal vanilla dungeon lube

Meaning there’s really no point to going down there i also killed a weird wolf and they gave me a feral wolf head which is a pretty cool trophy so you know i’ll take it and then on night 31 i found a really weird illager tower it was surrounded in all kinds of illegals

Which i killed with my bow and then i went inside the first chest that i looted had a callus trinket which would be immune to cactus damage and stuff like that so you know it was kind of bad and the only other two pieces of equipment that i found in this dungeon

Were rings of strength which do literally nothing for a bow so yeah this tower was effectively useless the next morning i saw another one of those towers but more importantly i saw an archer tower now i had to use a lot of arrows on this adventure so i got out

My luck arrows to take out the archers and just look how many arrows i’m getting per kill it’s literally insane i then went to the other pillager tower and these things were such a pain there were illagers everywhere constantly shooting me with arrows and then this

One armored one in a pit throws baby creepers at me like where did he get those i killed most of them and i go to get the drops from the armored one in the pit and the pit is just full of creepers thankfully i had diamond armor or that

Could have been very bad i got these creeper spores which could be used to make mischief arrows but i kind of forgot that i had those immediately after and i never ended up making those arrows so sucks to suck i guess and then the loot from this tower was

Very disappointing i got another ring of strength another missing page and another cracked crown which is all stuff that i already had and couldn’t use very cool i was sailing in the ocean to find new land and then a giant red sea serpent jumps out of the ocean and bites

Me i quickly get to land and this thing still comes after me this was beyond terrifying but after i got on land it never hit me once and i was able to take it out with my bow the ocean was a very scary place although i did see a whale

Jump out of the water so that was kind of cool i then got jumped by another sea serpent and at that point i just decided to stick to lane whenever i could on day 33 there was a hydra that i found in the swamp biome after snapping it from a

Distance for like five minutes straight i managed to take it out it dropped eight hydrafangs which could be used to make a poison arrow which i also forgot i had and also never use i sealed across the ocean which was pretty risky because if i ended up

Fighting a sea survey in the water i would definitely lose that fight there’s no doubt in my mind after a bit i ended up getting caught in a mermaid song which pulled me in towards it i took out the mermaid with my bow and honestly that song might have saved my life

Because there was a massive sea monster shark thing that came out of the water and tried to attack me it took a metric ton of arrows but eventually i took this thing out and they gave me six ancient scales which could be used for armor and then on land i accidentally wandered

Into a village completely forgetting i had the bad omen effect which starts a raid imma be honest i wasn’t really interested in a raid right now so i used the waste stone in the village to go home and left the villagers to fend for themselves it might be a bit of a scummy

Move but i’ma be honest i don’t care if they die and i don’t want to die myself so it works out in my books on day 34 i stored all the stuff that i got and i also enchanted a bow hoping to get infinity which didn’t work

Now i wanted to get my switchbow but i really wanted some type of firesis before going to the nether and the only real way to get that is to find more dungeons so it was time to explore again i found a ruined portal that night which gave me magma walkers these turned lava

Under my feet into rock which was pretty close but it was not quite what i wanted i then found a really big building in the roof forest and i thought it was a woodland mansion but it was apparently something called a theater i went in and

Of course it was full of ill agers i took them all out in one or two arrows and then there was the boss the conjurer i started firing arrows at him and he fired off a bunch of projectiles and then teleported he teleported me around as well and he also turned invisible but

He was on fire so that didn’t really do much he also really wasn’t attacking me very much so i was able to take him out pretty easily and right before he died he summoned a killer bunny which got stuck in a fence so it really wasn’t a

Threat he dropped his hat which i put in my cosmetic armor slaw and i look kind of cool now not gonna lie then i ran for a bit more and found a village i spent that night looting it and then by morning i had determined that there is

Absolutely nothing of value there then i found a boss bar for the spider queen after searching for a bit i found the nest and i absolutely cheesed this thing i just sat there and sniped it from a hole in the roof and it couldn’t do anything however after killing it i

Heard the most awful sound of like a million spiders inside the nest i tried taking them out from above but it was literally not putting a dent in their numbers after a while i did what any smart person would do and i vane mined the entire nest and then i ran for my

Life it actually was a lot easier to get rid of them this way and after using literally all of my normal and vampire arrows i was able to take them out and run in and get the queen’s drops the queen dropped a spider charm and when i

Used it spawned a baby spider that seemed to be passive towards me however it didn’t seem to fight for me so i looked it up on google and apparently it tames with rotten flesh but the two that i had wasn’t enough so i sort of just

Left it there for now i then found a house in this biome which gave me this cool soul armor and had a hidden room with a golden apple and some rotten flesh then i used that rotten flesh to go back and tame the spider and look at this thing cute boy

However on day 37 i was looking for a waystone and it took about half the day to find one and by the time i found one cute boy had disappeared i literally didn’t know what happened it was just gone like one moment it was there next

Moment it was gone it probably got lost somewhere but it’s unfortunate regardless i got home and i started sorting all my stuff i also put the soul armor on display and then i repaired my armor as much as i could with the diamonds that i had right

Now the next day i needed flint so i went out and gathered a ton and came back home i made a ton more vampire arrows and i started enchanting all my stuff i got protection 2 on my chest plate and then i finally got an infinity bow it had two

Curses on it and one of them would activate if i died which i can’t do in a hardcore world and the other would set me on fire if i hit the same enemy four times without killing it which would be a total pain but i can at least work

Around that for the sake of infinity and i did test it and unfortunately infinity does not work on my special aerotypes so i would need to carry at least one normal arrow to make use of it however infinity was still very worth it because i could save my better arrows

For dungeons on day 39 i wanted to get more diamonds to repair my gear materials for bigger backpacks and also slime balls so i picked one of the few directions i’ve never gone before and i started exploring again i know i’m doing a lot of exploring and

It might seem like i’m trying to stall going to the nether for that blaze rod and that is because that’s exactly what i’m doing fire is scary what do you want from me and it also didn’t help that i had a bow that could now set me on fire so i

Really wanted that fire resist and i looked and i could actually make an item that would give me fire resist but i needed slime balls to make it at least i needed magma cream to make it i then spent a while hunting animals and then i had to go through a jungle

Because it was the only direction i hadn’t gone yet and jungles kind of sucked to explore not gonna lie but i found this cool gorilla look at this guy yeah and by night time i was able to upgrade one of my backpacks to medium which gave me a lot more space

Then that night i spotted a mutant zombie actually two mutant zombies i shot at one from far away and it let out a massive roar and after a few more arrows it fell over and i thought i had won and then it got back up so i shot it

Again and it went down again and then it fully disappeared so i really thought i won this time and then i go up and apparently it glitched out and it was invisible and it starts attacking me while invisible i ran away i wasn’t really dealing with that right now but

That was cool and weird i guess then in this planes biome i come across a very odd collection of structures and mobs there was a village next to a weird dungeon next to a cyclops next to a pillager archer tower which was inside a dragon’s nest like the stars had to

Literally align to generate this also the orange dungeon required some sort of weird way to enter and i didn’t know how to do it so i kind of just ignored it i started firing heirs of the cyclops and then i learned that there was also a graveyard in that biome and the ghosts

Kept interrupting my fight and they were really annoying because i had to punch them to death it was not very fun but eventually i took out the cyclops i then ran in to get the cyclops drops and then i ran to the village and slept because the night time was horrific i

Hated it the next morning i loaded the blacksmith and got three diamonds and then as i was searching the other houses the dragon decided that today was the day to attack the village that might have been my fault but i really couldn’t fight a dragon right now so that was my

Cue to leave and then on the way out i found a ruined portal which was another structure in this giant plains valley of the structures and the ruined portal chest had magma cream in it which was exactly what i needed and i don’t think it generates in those chests so i was

Kind of confused but i found out why later then i glanced back at the village one last time before leaving just in time to see the fire dragon disappear i ran back in and saw a massive shadow on the ground which is where the dragon’s body was meant to be meaning the guards

Actually killed the dragon i never expected that however this village had no use for dragon scales so i was the one to reap the rewards and i got 26 dragon scales that was enough scales for a full set of dragon scale armor it also meant that the dragon’s nest was empty

Now so i went over and took out the pillager so i could loot the net safely and that is when i realized something amazing the ifrit judgment curse of my bow had said that it would give me rewards whenever i killed an enemy in less than 4 hits what i did not realize

Is that it would put the rewards into a chest whenever i opened it most of the rewards were firework rockets but i also got things like magma cream obsidian stuff like that it literally couldn’t be more perfect magma cream was exactly what i needed however this enchantment

Got really annoying later on when it filled my chest with random fireworks but for now it’s really good the dragon nest didn’t have much in terms of loot but honestly i didn’t even care i had dragon scales i had magma cream i had everything i could ever

Dream of i spent the rest of that day running around and exploring the area and then come nightfall i use the waystone in a snow village to go back home i used all the stuff that i gathered to upgrade both of my backpacks into large backpacks and just look how

Much these can hold i had plenty of inventory space then i made my dragon armor but i didn’t want to use it yet i wanted to get this stuff enchanted with unbreaking and stuff before i used it but i had like no levels right now but

What i did have was everything i needed to make the obsidian skull using a lava bucket i made an item called a molten alloy and then i combined that with four redstone dust to make blaze powder i then used that blaze powder along with the magma cream we got

Earlier to make the obsidian skull which made me immune to burning i could still take fire damage but i couldn’t be on fire if that makes sense and with my lava boots i wouldn’t have to worry about lava either and now i was all set for the nether

Sorta in this mod pack you can’t light another portal with a flint steel instead you need a netherrite lighter which requires four of those molten alloys i went and got the stuff that i needed and i came back and made my alloys and then i made my netherright

Lighter i also repaired my armor as much as i could with my four diamonds and now i was actually ready for the nether now if y’all watched my 100 days as a summoner video you would know that in some mods nether portals can just spawn

Mobs for no reason and i was not about to risk a fire mob spawning when my house is made entirely of wood so i built a stone room to put my portal in and then i went to the nether in the nether i spawned into a cave and on one

End of my portal there was a pretty steep drop i went back home for a minute and i crafted rope coils and i could use this rope to safely get up and down from my portal the nether was very creepy the lighting was dim and the walls were

Literally laughing at me and there were also ghosts that made horse noises for some reason i just wanted to get my blaze rods and get out of here because this place was not fun there were also blocks of sand that would just fall beneath me whenever i walk from them

Like how is that even fair and there were so many weird mobs here there were poisonous fireflies there were these weird golem things that were throwing pets at me there was all kinds of stuff i was completely terrified and the terrain here was absolutely horrific and then i remembered my lava walkers i

Could literally run on lava i don’t know why i was so scared the whole time i ran across the lava ocean and these weird basalt golems could do literally nothing about it i came across this weird nether fortress style dungeon and whenever i got closer one of these statues came to

Life and attacked me i shot it twice with my bow taking it out and it dropped a blaze rod now this is what i came here for but i needed at least one more i saw two penguins nearby and decided to trade them all the gold that i brought with me

And i ended up getting six ender pearls and a few other things nothing insane but the ender pearls were very very good because endermen were very annoying to kill i began looting some of the chests in the dungeon and i got a few diamonds some gold and a lot of netherwart i very

Carefully took out the remaining guard statues and got more blaze runs sounds around me were growing pretty intense and i was very alarmed i went into one of the dungeon doorways and the entire dungeon was basically just a giant maze of these doors there were some rooms

That had spawners with guards and other rooms had chests with loot and with how much damage the guards did i decided that this dungeon definitely warranted vampire arrows i cleared most of the dungeon and i got a few diamonds a bunch of gold some tungsten ingots but overall

They didn’t really give anything insane and then eventually my helmet broke and i decided to leave i didn’t know how to get back but i also didn’t have to i made a brewing stand and then using the water bottles the piglets traded me i made mundane potions and then i turned

Them into recall potions with nether quartz and then i learned that they don’t work in different dimensions so i guess i did have to find a way back now i only needed four more obsidian to make a nether portal so i went to find some i

Traded a piglet all of my gold and got up to 11 obsidian i then made a portal and went back to the overworld and i literally spawned on a mermaid rock if i was less geared than i am right now i literally could have died there that’s

Crazy although it could have been a dragon’s nest so i guess it could have been worse now that i was in the overworld i could actually use the recall potions to go back on with the blaze rods i could now finally make the switchbow i made it and then i enchanted

It with level 30. i ended up with hunting 3 power 3 and unbreaking 3 and for those that don’t know hunting 3 makes me do more damage to animals this switchboat could freely swap to any arrow in my inventory or in my quiver for now i would use this bow for utility

Arrows because my normal bow is still much better for combat then i upgraded my quiver to the big quiver and got to making more arrows i made 16 teleport arrows 16 thunder arrows 8 tnt arrows and a bunch of torch arrows i would have to use a lot of these sparingly because

They were pretty expensive but now i had a wide variety of arrow types and a switchboard made them super easy to use then i made this item called a pedestal which was super useful but i would need more quartz before i could use it i went

To the nether for quartz and i literally could not find enough i also accidentally used all my normal arrows for torch arrows so i didn’t have any to use in the nether oh i also ran out of food i went back to the overworld got more arrows and then i went hunting for

Food eventually i found a hunter illager’s house which gave me like half a stack of steak and then i went back to the nether for more quartz it took the entirety of day 46 to find enough force because of how the nether was set up in

This mod pack force was insanely hard to find but by day 47 i was able to fully set up the pedestal i was about to use the pedestal but then i went inside and got a little bit distracted by enchanting i was hoping to get fortune 3

Of my pickaxe but that didn’t happen but i did get depth strider 3 on my dragon boots and then the next day i used my new pedestal what this thing does is that it can enhance some of the arrows in the mod to make them even better for

Example if i put the thunder arrow into the pedestal it gives me a thunderstorm arrow and to show off the difference this is a thunder arrow and this is a thunderstorm arrow not every arrow could be enhanced but quite a few could and it took quite a

Bit of time so i spent the entirety of day 48 enhancing all my arrows i could upgrade my fire arrows thunder arrows burial arrows luck arrows and knock back arrows and then that night i tested some of them out now because i’ve never used the knockback arrow this is what it does

Just a really big knockback but nothing crazy but the upgraded version is called the fly to the moon arrow as you can probably guess by the name it sends things to the moon like it literally sends the mobs so high up that they despawn because they’re too far away it’s crazy

It was fun but probably not the most practical for getting items the transformed luck arrow just gives more drops per kill so i didn’t want to waste one but the burial arrow aoe just buries things in a big aoe around it so rather than one mava could bury in multiple

Mobs and the last arrow to test was the fire storm arrow however it was raining so i couldn’t even test it that night the next day i went to a cave to test the arrow and it spawned three fire tornadoes wherever it lands this arrow

Was super cool but it was a little bit laggy and also i feel like enemies aren’t gonna sit still long enough for it to do very much but it looks really cool my next goal was to get the dragon armor enchanted which means that i need more experience meaning i need to take

On more dungeons meaning it’s exploring time again let’s go gamers i then use the waystone in my village to teleport as far away as i could because i figured that’d be the best way to find new things i actually ended up coming across my nether portal on the mermaid rock

Like what are the odds of that and then i found a massive illager tower while trying to enter the bottom floor i got swarmed by illagers with wooden swords which was actually the perfect opportunity to try out my thunderstorm arrow they got blown away i was able to

Get to the first floor but on the next floor the illagers were being given strength by one of their supports and they did a lot of damage i tried using a protector arrow to spawn an iron golem to help out but it died like immediately i managed to take up those illusions but

Like barely i got down to half hp and with how much defense i have that is a lot of damage i used my frost arrows in the next room to freeze them in place but then it was just the supports anyways and they don’t fight back so it

Was kind of a waste however the chest in that room had a power 5 bow that was more than appreciated i approached the next floor and a ton of infernal pillagers start blinding me and poisoning me and everything just sucked but i retreated into the previous room

And was able to take them all out and get to their chests and these chests that they were guarding contained a ton of potion arrows but the arrows were all positive effects so i didn’t really see the point in taking any of them these floors were getting a

Lot tougher so i decided to use my reinforced arrows for this and these arrows did damage they destroyed all of the illusions and i was able to get another power five bow and an enchanted golden apple out of that floor i one shot every illeger on the next floor

With the reinforced arrow and this floor had a ton of potions and potion ingredients very valuable and the next floor up was absolute chaos when i looked up there it was pitch black so i fired torch errors at the walls to light it up and i get up there

And there are a ton of mobs and while i was fighting the mobs an infernal zombie spawned it fired a fireball causing the floor to catch fire once most of the mobs were defeated i broke the wall and started breaking all the spawners then i looted the chest and

I got another enchanted golden apple a mending bow diamonds and a lot more but by this point the tower is completely burning down i started mining the wall of oars in that room as fast as i could before the tower burned down and by the

End of it it seemed like the fire had mostly put itself out which was definitely a relief the next floor was the final floor i got up there and immediately took out the infernal illager king with two reinforced arrows these arrows were nutty and i absolutely

Loved it i cleared the rest of the mobs in the room and then blocked the staircase so no more could come in i looted the chests and these just contained tons of diamonds enchanted golden apples an infinity bow and just tons of really good loot there were tons

Of ore blocks in the room as well and this tower was just incredible it was a total pain to take down but the loot was beyond worth it then i used a boat to get down from the tower and saw another one of those illegiti towers from

Earlier i just sort of ignored all the illegals and ran to the tower to loot it and it basically only had some rings of strength so it really wasn’t even worth my time i then found a nearby village and used their waste them to go back

Home for the night i was able to enchant my dragon leggings with protection 3 and also vitae 2 which gives me extra hearts i then combined my bow with one of the ones i found in the dungeon to get power 5. and then i crafted a bunch of triple

Arrows which would fire three errors at once rather than one after that dungeon i really wanted a better aoe attack and i figured this was exactly what i needed and i also made a lot of reinforced arrows i still needed more levels to finish my dragon armors enchantments and

I also wanted to find a desert bomb because i hadn’t found one yet and i expected desert temples to have a lot of really good loot i made an item called nature’s compass which could point me to whatever biome that i wanted so i set it

To desert and i followed it i ended up coming across a super cool looking building and i went inside to loot it and it was just pitch black and i went through the entire building and there were like three spawners and the chests had bread and a few emeralds and that

Was basically it a building this cool and all it’s gonna give me is bread like okay and then that night i got to the desert biome there were these angry tornadoes there were giant bugs there were lightning dragons overall not the safest place but i figured that where

There’s danger there might be good loot the next morning i began exploring the desert i killed a giant spider a few giant bugs and then i got attacked by a death worm these things were terrifying and ugly and gross and also very hard to hit with a bow they were usually

Underground then a bit later a death room jumps out of the ground and uses its tongue to grab me and throw me into the air and i take a ton of fall damage now don’t get me wrong billy and iq strats but could it not there were also these angry

Dogs that attacked me during that and when i ran back over there i found insane fur on the ground that they had dropped i guess they had died to the death worm then i climbed over a hill and a fire dragon spotted me it starts coming after me and while i’m running

Away an infernal version of those stupid dogs starts pulling me back trying to get me killed like why eventually i got far enough away and it seemed that the dragon was fighting the dogs instead apparently i was leaving a little bit too slowly and the dragon noticed and it

Hit me with its fire breath and that was my sign to get all the way out of there i came across a desert village and i got a horse flute which could basically just teleport my horse to me whenever i wanted however i did not have a horse

Nor did i plan on taming a horse so i didn’t really have a use for that a bit away from the village i ran into an alpha insane dog i killed it and it gave me its eye which i could use for a couple things i didn’t need and also

Didn’t really care about i came across a few more of those dogs later on and i guess they were trying to like kill a dragon skeleton or something they’re not the smartest in the world but at least they look kind of cool right however while they might not be the smartest

Dogs ever i definitely was not the smartest gamer ever and yeah the next day i picked a fight with that dog and the entire pack tried to kill me i literally was so terrified that i was gonna die to something so stupid but luckily i made it out okay

But by that night my armor was nearly destroyed so i had to head home i was able to use the drops from those dogs to make glue and this glue could slightly repair items durability and the key word there is slightly it does not repair very much but it’s better than nothing i

Wanted to enchant at least one more piece of my dragon armor before i started using it and earlier i got this experience battery relic which i don’t think i put in my notes because i don’t remember reading that anyways this thing was way better than i realized so the

Way that it worked is that whenever i gained a level it would just give me like half a level of experience for free which is really good the only issue with it is that i can’t use this and my cracked crown at the same time but performing basic mobs that aren’t a

Threat it’s definitely worthwhile by morning i was almost level 29 so i could almost enchant a piece of armor i went over to the archer tower near my base and farmed the rest of my exp from them and got to level 30. and then i enchanted the dragon scale chess play

And got invite to and i’m breaking three in my opinion unbreaking was the most important enchantment to get because if this armor breaks before i can get more scales for it i’m kind of just screwed but uh yeah with that i now felt comfortable enough to wear my full set

Of dragon scale armor however i still needed to enchant the helmet i went out to get lava to make more firestorm arrows and while out i ended up getting to level 30. and then after getting back home i enchanted my helmet with protection 3. and now that i was sufficiently geared i

Wanted to try and take on some dragons i wanted to be able to repair my armor whenever i needed it or make backup armor in case mine broke now dragons are no joke i decided to use my reinforced arrows with my power 5 bow because i wanted as much damage as i possibly

Could i was walking through a cold paco biome when i get absolutely a jump scared by an ice dragon’s attack i hadn’t even seen it myself yet and it just jumps me from across the biome like okay i was able to avoid the ice breath long enough to get close and then i

Started firing reinforced arrows at the ice dragon because of how strong my bow and arrows were within like five arrows i was able to defeat my first dragon i was a dragon slayer let’s go gamers i gathered these scales and everything and then i looted the nest i got some

Sapphires and some diamonds but overall nothing too crazy that dragon was one of many i felt like i could take on the entire world right now and that is exactly what i wanted to do the next morning i found another ice dragon and then i tried using my frost arrow to

Immobilize it and i’ma be honest i don’t really know why i thought the frost arrow would work on the ice dragon but uh it did not so i kind of just took it down with my reinforced arrows i ended up spending the next two days hunting ice dragons i

Didn’t really keep count but i took down like four or five dragons and these guys give a a lot of experience however these scales i needed from my armor were gray fire dragon scales so i probably should have been going for those instead but oh

Well on night 59 i ended up getting a ring that pulls experience orbs to me which wasn’t all that great but it would definitely be better than my piglin ring at least while i’m in the overworld on day 60 there was a dungeon that i wanted

To take on but right next to it there was an ice dragon nest i was going to take out the dragon and then fight the dungeon but then the dragon just decides to fly into the dungeon and decimate the entire place however it didn’t even kill

Any mobs it just sort of destroyed the room and then that was it regardless i killed the dragon myself and then i stormed the dungeon it really wasn’t too much of a challenge it was mostly just a lot of illagers that i one shot with my

Bow however i got like 15 diamonds and a bunch of gold so it was worth it then right near that dungeon i found a massive illegiti fortress like when i say massive i mean beyond huge this thing was bigger than some entire biomes are i saw a fire dragon nest nearby and

I was going to take it on and then the dragon flies directly into the fortress now naturally i assume that the dragon would wreak havoc and destroy like half the fortress because you know it’s a dragon but i am almost certain that they killed the dragon without a single

Illeger dying i was definitely not going to try and fight this entire army right now i needed much better gear first on day 61 i had a lot of blue dragon scales and a lot of levels i figured that i might not be able to find a gray fire

Dragon super easily so i decided to enchant a brand new set of armor just in case and my enchantments were insane my boots got protection for depth strata 3 of vitae 3 and unbreaking 3. my chest plate got protection 3 on breaking 3 and golem soul 4. golem soul would make me a

Little bit slower but i would resist knockback so i would say that it’s pretty good and then my pants got protection 3 i’m breaking 3 a curse that does not matter because i’m on hardcore mode and then swift 2 which could make me faster but use more hunger i never

Saw a good enchantment for my helmet so i didn’t enchant that quite yet i now wanted to defeat more dragons to get more experience for my helmet because i was so close to a god-like armor set so i spent all of day 62 running in a direction to find some dragons and i

Found literally zero dragons i did find a pretty cool forest with some bamboo though so i grabbed some of that to take home the next day i took out a sapphire and a white ice dragon and got to level 30. then later that day i finally killed my

First fire dragon it actually did end up being the same color as my current armor but the new armor was so much better enchant wise that i was still gonna swap anyways then at night i saw a boss bar for a necromancer i looked around and spotted a small building in a weird

Orange biome i went over to it and went down the stairs and there was the necromancer boss i shot it a few times and then it spawned these wraiths once those were down i ran further in and shot the necromancer a few more times it seemed to be invisible but it

Was on fire so i could still see it it then spawned a metric ton of these weird skeletons and i literally could not handle them so i had to retreat out of the building and after taking out the skeletons for a little bit the necromancer sort of just died

I don’t know if it was hidden among the skeletons or i don’t know if it’s hp was tied to the skeleton spawns or whatever i have no idea but either way i defeated it so that was cool i went down and looted the room that it

Was in and i got a soul crystal and some soul shards and the boss dropped a necromancer staff which could fire a projectile meaning it was a weapon meaning i was not allowed to use it it did make a cool trophy though however this soul crystal could be used to make

A soul healer which was actually kinda nutty it was an item that whenever i used it it would give me regeneration 3 and health boost 3 for a couple seconds it had a cool down but being able to regenerate my hp whenever i wanted just for free was so beyond nice

In fact it came in handy almost immediately i was wandering near a desert and then i started getting sniped constantly by a mutant skeleton and unlike before when i almost died i could actually fight back now despite my really good armor this thing was doing quite a bit of damage to

Me so i used my soul healer to heal myself up i spammed arrows at the skeleton and despite literally every mob that exists trying to help it out i did manage to defeat it upon dying it exploded into bones everywhere and as i was gathering the drops another mutant

Skeleton starts sniping me again so i use the soul healer and then swap to my reinforced arrows and take this guy out that’s two mutant skeletons in one night what are the odds the next day i saw a boss bar in the desert for a pharaoh and

After looking for a bit i found the temple and i don’t know if it was supposed to be cut in half the way that it was but it makes it way easier on me so i’ll take it i swapped to my reinforced arrows one shot each of the

Guards and then shot the pharaoh until it died it literally never even fought back because of the distance so i assume i was definitely not supposed to be able to do that while i was going to get the loot a ton of scarabs come out of the

Temple and attack me one of them was golden and they dropped the golden scarab item and then i looted the room that the pharaoh was in and i got a ton of gold lapis a few diamonds an enchanted golden apple and his really cool banners from around the room the

Golden scarab item was pretty similar to the soul healer however this one gives a resistance 3 in regeneration 1 for a few seconds personally i feel like the soul healer was better and i only had so much hop hotbar space so i wouldn’t really bother with the scarab i ran around

Until i found a waystone and then i headed back home i used the mutant skeleton pieces to craft armor and honestly it didn’t look half bad and it kind of fit the whole archer theme i had going so i used this as my cosmetic

Armor though a bit later on i did end up hiding the helmet i then put up the banners that i got and then put the gold scarab and necromancer staff on display then i enchanted my helmet with protection 4 and aqua affinity and then i used the rest of my levels to enchant

Books and switch bows i got a power four on breaking three switch bow and then later on i enchanted another dragon scale helmet and gotten breaking three invite three then i enchanted a switchboat and got another power four one so i could get power five i combined the two dragon helmets to

Make a super good one and now i had a full set of godlike dragon armor however i did not have the experience right now to combine my power for bows power 4 is better than my current switch bow though so i used one of those until i got more exp

Then using that bamboo that i got earlier i made a blow gun and blow darts these darts don’t deal any damage but whenever i shoot a mob with them it allows me to capture it in a crate now if you consider this not using a bow

Then oh well but i was gonna have my fun with this thing the next day i tested the blowgun and crates by capturing a turkey and then releasing it a bit later this could be pretty fun then i made some luck arrows and put them on my pedestal and when

They were done transforming i went to the nether i really wanted to fight the wither although i gotta admit i didn’t exactly know how i was gonna fight the wither because at half hp it becomes immune to arrows so i was gonna have to figure that one out regardless of that i

Found a soul sand biome with a ton of wither skeletons and i killed a bunch of them until i eventually got two wither skulls and eight wither skull fragments now you need nine fragments for a skull so i needed one more fragment and every wither skeleton drops a fragment meaning

I literally needed one more skeleton and right then is when i stopped finding wither skeletons i literally could not find another one to save my life i spent the entire next day looking for more skeletons and i found nothing eventually i gave in and i went into a

Dungeon and there was a spawner in here for these two-headed wither skeletons that guaranteed a drop a skull every single time literally if i had just found this sooner i would have been in and out in like five minutes but nope it had to be the literal last thing i

Checked however in this dungeon i did end up finding flame infinity and mending books so it’s not all bad i then made a nether portal went back to the overworld and then a recall potion home because i now had wither bones i made a dragon bone pickaxe but i couldn’t

Enchant it yet so i wouldn’t use it on day 68 i was ready to fight the wither because the wither is immune to arrows during the second phase i decided to fight it in a village because based on what i saw with the dragon before the guards seemed pretty strong and i

Figured they might help out in fact i actually went back to the same village where the guards killed that dragon and i was going to have them help me out but all i could find was the remains of the guards i knew for a fact that they were

Still alive when i left here before so i was a little bit concerned there wasn’t even a villager in sight but what there was was a giant cyclops this thing had killed all of the villagers and all of the guards and then it started chasing me i started running away while firing

Arrows at it every now and then and eventually i managed to take it out the cyclops dropped its eye but that wasn’t going to bring the villagers back that village was done for like literally all life in that village was gone so instead i teleported to another

Random village and i placed my soul sand and my wither skulls and summoned the wither using my switchboard i fired reinforced arrows of the wither over and over and i did a lot of damage once it got below half hp i couldn’t hit it with arrows anymore and then i let it further

Into the village so the guards could help out however the guards were a little bit slow and didn’t help very much so i had to just start punching the wither with my bow because of the cracked crown boosting my damage i actually did a little bit more than i

Thought i would so it wasn’t so bad after i punched it down super low one guard and an iron golem came in to finish it off and then unfortunately they both immediately died to the wither effect their sacrifice was not in vain though because i got my nether star and

I do not think i explained exactly why i wanted this thing when i got home i combined the two powerful switch bows to get power five and then i crafted that bow with the nether star to get true infinity now any kind of arrow that i used was infinite thunderstorm arrows firestorm

Arrows explosive arrows uh teleport arrows frost arrows vampire arrows literally all of them were infinite and i could use as many as i want and i would never run out and because i had power 5 and true infinity now i didn’t need my old wooden bow anymore so i put

It on display and retired it i then put my flame and mending books on the switchbow and i had the ultimate bow actually it did have a pretty amazing upgrade remaining but we’ll get there when we get there i then used one of the spare wither skulls that i had to make

Wither arrows which were really expensive so i never thought i would use them but with true infinity i might as well the next day i wanted to get more aero types because they were all infinite so i might as well get the best ones that i can i made piercing arrows which pierce

Armor and i think go through entities and also air arrows which caused levitation i then put the air arrows in the pedestal and upgraded them to aoe i had one more arrow type that i wanted to make but i would need another ender pearl to do it while i was waiting for

Night time to get an enderman to spawn i ended up testing my triple arrows against an ice dragon and i’ma be honest against a big target these arrows might just be better than reinforced ones this dragon got shredded then that night i found another enderman

And trapped in a boat but before i could even suffocate it i start getting assaulted by another mutant skeleton like there are so many different kinds of mutants that could spawn but the only one that was ever attacking me was skeletons like why i absolutely obliterated it with triple

Arrows and i suffocated the enderman in a block of course it didn’t drop an ender pearl so i had to find another one i suffocate that one and then i got my ender pearl i went home made an eye of ender and then crafted arrows of the searcher these

Arrows would automatically lock on and attack whatever they get close to which seems really good for anyone that has bad aim not that i have bad aim but you know on day 70 i wanted to take down a lightning dragon it was the only dragon type that i

Hadn’t defeated yet and i’ve never even bought one in previous mod packs because it didn’t exist when i played before so it was a brand new thing to me i was on my way to a savannah biome and then i had a bit of a close call with these

Birds in the swamp and if not for deathstrider i probably would have been in trouble like just look how many arrows they hit me with it’s crazy i spent day 70 traveling to a savannah biome and then on day 71 i arrived and immediately i spotted a dragon nest with a lightning

Dragon i approached and fired a wither arrow waking up the dragon then it came after me sorta it was honestly kind of a disappointment it didn’t even use a breath attack and it just kind of walked towards me until it died so wasn’t really much of a fight i

Found another one further into the savannah biome which actually used the lightning breath it looked super cool but the odds of finding a lightning dragon underground to get my own were a slender nun they only spawned in savannas in badlands biomes and those were kinda rare

I took out the dragon pretty easily and then i collected the scales at the end of that day i found another lightning dragon and i did something pretty crazy just to see if it would work i shot the sleeping dragon with a blow dart and then i shoved it in a crate i

Had a lightning dragon in a box i don’t really know how it fit in there and honestly i don’t even care it was so funny to have a lightning dragon in a box my goal now is more villages there was a certain relic that i wanted to get

And i could only find it in certain village chests it was a quiver which as you can imagine is pretty thematic for an archer it went on my back and i could double the draw speed of my bow which seemed like it would be pretty good i

Checked the village nearby and i didn’t find it but what i did find was a fire dragon nest so i hit it with a dart and i put it in a box once again i didn’t really have a use for it but i was kind of starting a collection i then found

This little desert temple thing that just had barrels of free loot like there was no guards or anything just free stuff there were recall potions and there was also a balloon relic which would let me jump higher which was pretty cool overall nothing too crazy but like in my opinion there should have

Been some sort of mobs defending it i also found an illeger mine which gave a few more diamonds but that was literally it and then for the entirety of day 73 i kind of just kept hunting villages however while doing that i had a bit of

Fun with the crates i got another fire dragon a necromancer boss a spider queen boss and that night i also got an ice dragon on the morning of day 74 i had to repair all my armor and then i went back out on my quest for the quiver i ended up

Saving one village from a cyclops by creating it which i think was actually pretty risky because i’m pretty sure it almost ate me so maybe not my smartest move i also found a tiger village which had like ice skates and stuff but still not the quiver and then i got attacked

By another mutant skeleton so i put them in a box i literally wanted to find any of the other mutants but skeletons were all that i could find then i saw a cyclops harassing a plane’s biome so i hit it with a fly to the moon arrow now

Let this be a lesson you ever got a problem just send it to the moon that easy the next day i found two queen bee nests and then i created both of those as well and then i used my firestorm arrows to take out the bees that they

Spawned i didn’t even have any plans or uses for the mobs i was creating but it was just so addicting for no reason at all then on night 75 i found a giant tower dungeon that i’ve never seen before i start looting the ground floor and it just has tons of artifacts and

Relics and all kinds of stuff there were just so many things but the absolute coolest one that i got here was the midnight robe which made me insanely fast during the night time the higher floors were full of armored zombies and witches and the loot was pretty basic

For the first few floors however three floors up i got a legendary ring of the hungerless it would just keep my hunger bar full and i never had to eat which was amazing because these swift pants made me use food a lot i kind of feel

Like i might get an item like this in like every single video so far i promise you it’s not on purpose it just sort of happens i cleared all the witches on the next few floors and on the final floor i got some pretty interesting loot i got an

Infinity ham which was an infinite food source which would have been really cool any time before this dungeon then i got a spatial sign which could teleport me back to a safe location but i already had recall potions so i didn’t really need that and finally i found an ancient

Tome for the power enchantment meaning i could get power 6 on my switchbow and i looked it up online and apparently these tomes require level 35 to use so i went to hunt a few more dragons while looking for dragons though i found this pretty cool yeti which seemed passive so i hit

It with a dart and i put it in a box i spotted another yeti near a village but it was infernal and only a hostile mobs could be infernal so i was a little bit confused this yeti had a super cute baby with it but when i got too close to the

Baby the yeti attacked me and when i say that this yeti had more hp than any dragon i’ve killed so far i am not exaggerating this thing took so many arrows to take down and then it had an extra life which definitely didn’t help eventually i did take it down

Though i was going to take the baby in and raise it as my own and it was going to be super cool and then i couldn’t find the baby anywhere i guess i had like died or disappeared i have no idea by nightfall i still hadn’t found a

Single dragon though this midnight robe was kind of nuts i was insanely fast i then spent that night running around at the speed of sound taking out ice dragons until i hit level 35. on day 77 i headed home and combined my bow with the ancient tone which apparently only

Cost 30 levels so i got scammed yeah i love the internet i then fenced off my front porch and placed down on my yeti and i used the name tag to name him cappuccino i love cappuccino he didn’t seem aggressive he was pretty nice and now i have a new pet

And now what i wanted was a piece of netherrite i did have a mod installed that made it super easy to craft but that seemed a little bit too cheaty for my taste so i went to the nether to mine it i mined with my pickaxe for a hot minute and

Found literally nothing and then i decided to try out blast mining with tnt arrows and it worked like a charm i almost immediately found a vein of three ancient debris and then a few blocks away i found my fourth piece i then built my portal and went back to the

Overworld and i actually ended up in a mine shaft i figured it was a good opportunity to loot it because i hadn’t seen one before but there was literally nothing there i made my netherright ingot and then i combined it with my switchbow giving it multi-shot i thought that this would

Make my switch bow fire three arrows at a time but no it fires 9 of whatever air that i shoot now that’s crazy so i had infinite arrows and i fired 9 per shot like this bow was insane now this made some arrows even crazier than you might think

Like the tnt era when i fire it the first three would explode and then launch the rest of them super far away and recover a massive area and explosions it was super cool and of course the triple arrow which fired three arrows at a time now fires

Like 27 arrows at once which is insane like look at this this is one shot with my bow now some arrows did get worse like for example the teleport arrow was probably not the best but that’s fine and then of course the thunderstorm arrow is just absolutely absurd now

On day 79 i wanted to get a scout enchantment on a helmet which would cause mobs to glow through walls the idea was to find a tier 5 dragon nest and then hopefully get a dragon egg i needed more exp for this though so i went hunting dragons again i didn’t find

A single dragon until that night but when i did find one i literally one shot it with reinforced arrows multi shot was insane later on day 80 i took down a lightning dragon and then i found a desert temple with some jump boost rings and basically nothing else worth

Talking about i found another temple the next day which gave a holy locket which gave some pretty good buffs and the next temple that i found gave me a talisman that boosted my movement speed in the desert and then at night in a desert biome with that speed boost combined

With my midnight roves i was insanely fast like really fast like uncontrollably fast it was insane then using that i ran around at the speed of light killing more dragons and then i ended up finding a badlands bio and i finally spotted a mutant creeper which i had never seen in this entire

100 days until now it probably would have been a threat before but my bow was so insane at this point that i shot it and killed it in one hit it blew up into an egg which for some reason i chose to punch and it just sort of blew up into

Gunpowder i was probably meant to do something else with that but i didn’t know so that’s what i did and that’s all i got i went back home the next day and chanted two diamond helmets and got scout three on both of them and then i

Combined them to get a scout for helmet this would hopefully help me find a tier 5 dragon nest i then used all of my remaining experience to repair my armor next i made potions of night vision because the caves were way too dark for my liking and i kinda hated it i wanted

To enchant some more pickaxes because mine was nearly broken so i went to an ice biome and started hunting mobs i killed mutant skeletons and creepers and i also put a mutant creeper in a crate to add to my collection i also found a mutant enderman and i guess because of

My multi-shot enchantment it can’t dodge all the arrows at once and i actually managed to kill it and i was about to take on an azure dungeon when somehow i accidentally got the sniper duel achievement i don’t really know what i did exactly but i guess i somehow killed a skeleton

I have no idea i then killed a few more ice dragons until i hit level 36 i went home and i enchanted three dragon bone pickaxes and all of them turned out horrible no efficiency no anything just curses and a bunch of random garbage so instead i just enchanted some diamond ones with

Lower level enchants and then i repaired my old one to use that instead you couldn’t pay me to use those dragonbone ones not a chance then i teleported to a desert village and went down to about y 30 in the savannah biome and started looking for a lightning dragon nest

I figured the odds of finding a lightning dragon one specifically were pretty low because you know savannahs aren’t very big but i had hope i didn’t really know if there was an ideal method to finding these so i started strip mining i read online that you could hear the caves from like 100

Blocks away so i turned on subtitles hoping they could maybe help me find one i mined for a few days and i kept getting completely abated by these giant crystal caverns which looks super cool they look beautiful look amazing but they’re the same shape and size of a

Dragon’s nest and they’re not what i need at all then on day 85 for half a second i saw a subtitle that said coins clatter i had literally never seen that subtitle before so i dug towards that subtitle and i found charred cobblestone i actually found a dragon cave i really

Did not expect to find one i can’t even lie i dug in and there was a massive sleeping red dragon along with tons of skeletons and other stuff i wasted no time and i started firing a massive barrage of reinforced arrows at the dragon and then of all things i get

Shot with a blindness arrow and then i just can’t see anymore that was actually pretty stressful because no matter how good my armor is a tier 5 dragon is still a tier 5 dragon and could easily kill me however whenever the blindness were off the dragon was apparently already dead

Like i knew my bow was good but i didn’t think it was that good and then i ended up aggroing two endermen and i tried punching them and it didn’t work so i spent like 10 minutes trying to kill them with firestorm arrows it took a while but

They went down i cleared the rest of the mobs in the area and then i looted the dragon and i didn’t get an egg it was definitely a tier 5 dragon because the skull said so but there was no egg meaning that it was probably a male dragon however despite no egg these

Chests were stacked there were high tier enchanted books diamond armor everything and i could actually use some of the books that i got too so it was pretty good on day 86 i went home to use my experience for more enchantments and i saw on a switchboard that i could get

Pull speed 3. because i couldn’t find that quiver earlier this sounded like exactly what i wanted i enchanted it and it turns out that combining that with my current bow would use all of my experience and also downgraded my bow to power 5. that was honestly fine though

Because i figured the pull speed was definitely worth it i tested out the pull speed and it was fantastic i could fire massive volleys of arrows super fast on day 87 i got back to digging in an area with a lot of savannahs and badlands hoping to find a tier 5 female

Lightning dragon i was asking for quite a lot but i had faith i kept digging for most of day 87 and then i came across this ravine i jumped across the ravine and nearly ran full speed right into a lightning dragon’s cave this placement was so convenient because i probably would have

Missed it otherwise i assumed the dragon saw me so i started spamming a massive barrage of arrows it started completely destroying its own cave but within a few more volleys it was dead this boat was so op but honestly i don’t even care bro look how much stronger i’ve gotten over

The past 87 days it’s crazy i had managed to find and defeat a tier v a lightning dragon but the question though is was it female and the answer was a massive yes i harvested it and got an electric blue lightning dragon egg it was time gamers

I checked all the chests but i’ma be honest they were trash especially compared to the fire dragon nest but i didn’t care i had my dragon egg i was good to go i wanted to make gold armor for my future dragon so i made all that i could

Right now and then i went and mined gold from an old fire dragon nest to get enough to finish it now to hatch my dragon it has to be raining but i also needed lightning dragon blood to make a summoning crystal for my dragon so i went to look for

Another lightning dragon while waiting for it to rain i spent the entirety of day and night 88 running towards a badlands biome hoping to find another lightning dragon immediately on day 89 i found a lightning dragon and i used my triple arrows to fire like 27 arrows at once

Into the dragon obliterating it now i still needed rain to hatch my dragon but also when it was hatched i still needed it to grow up a dragon normally takes 125 days to grow and i don’t know if you noticed i don’t really have that many left but there’s an item called dragon

Meal which ages a dragon by one day but it requires four meat and five bones to make so i needed a lot of bones and a lot of meat i went ahead and made all the dragon hatching tools i would need whenever it was hatched and then i got

The hunting while hunting though it actually started raining this was perfect i recall potioned home and put my dragon egg down in a spot where i could easily defend it i waited by this egg for ages and i was a little worried that i was doing something wrong because

It was taking quite a while but then it happened lightning struck and my new dragon was born i grabbed it in my dragon horn and saw that it was female and then i stepped out the night because the rain was kind of annoying the next morning i

Placed her down and put the gold armor on she looked amazing i saw that she had a banner slot so i made a lightning dragon banner and it was a little bit too big for her right now and then i named her stormy was it a

Very original name no do i care also no now i needed to farm tons of dragon meal to grow her all the way up so i got to grinding while i was hunting for bones i also managed to beat my first mutant zombie they had to be burned after being

Knocked down so i had to use my firestorm arrows because otherwise the fire went out way too fast and then another one attacked but it went down pretty easily i got a hulk hammer from one of them but it wasn’t a bow so i couldn’t use it

Then the next day i found one of those really cool dungeons with lots of artifacts and decided to pause my hunting and it was very worth it i ended up getting a new belt that increases my looting and also a talisman that goes on that belt to increase my looting and my

Luck timing could not have been better and then for the next few days i just hunted bones at night and meat during the day by day 95 i was able to craft enough dragon meal to grow stormy to max size and she was massive my own stage 5 lightning dragon it was

Amazing i got on her back and tested out her biting attack and her lightning breath attack the lightning breath actually destroyed blocks that it hit which was pretty cool and then i took to the skies i could fly my dragon around this was amazing i felt like i had

Infinite power i flew over to the nearby illeger archer tower and using the birth attack i destroyed it until it was just charred nothingness i flew around ravaging illegal dungeons and pretty much everything i could find i tried using stormy’s breath attack to access the mausoleum but that didn’t seem to

Work then from stormy’s back i fought an ice dragon which was a little hard to hit but it died very fast that night i made my dragon summoning crystal and then i bound stormy which would be super useful if i ever somehow lost her on day 96 i was starting to prepare to

Create dragon steel and then after spending the entire day preparing that and researching i saw that it was absurdly expensive i needed like a metric ton of lightning dragon scales which i definitely could not manage before day 100 so i kind of just gave up

On the idea on day 97 i had a bit of unfinished business to take care of so you remember that raid that i started back on day like 33 yeah it was finally time to deal with that so i figured the protector error was the most fitting for

The job and then i teleported to the village to finish what i started the first wave was just the annoying reefer pillager along with its army of creepers and then a few dudes with crossbows in the second wave there was a giant golem that got absolutely shredded and

Then my protector golems went to town on the other illagers the third wave had a giant illegal king along with some ravagers and more griefers the protector arrows were actually pretty good because they let me deal with the more annoying enemies while my golems dealt with the

Rest then during the next wave while i was fighting the pillagers a hydra joins the fight and attacks i fired protector arrows at the hydra and then my goals pushed it all the way away from the raid and then the next wave had a ton of infernal mobs so i got blinded almost

Immediately i was blindly firing arrows into the darkness and i took out most of the pillagers there was some sort of weird like super witch mob but it didn’t really do very much during the final phase i got blinded again but i managed to take out

Most of the pillagers then the bar at the top had vanished making me think i had one but there were still pillagers around so i was a little bit confused there was also a weird structure thing that i couldn’t break myself so i shot it with some tnt arrows and then i took

Out all the pillagers that i saw but i never got hero of the village so i don’t really know if i truly won or not but as far as i could tell the raid was won on day 98 i spent most of the day setting up displays of all the things

That i got throughout the journey my old dragon armor a set of mutant skeleton armor banners for the three dragon elements and a bunch of boss drops that we had gotten and now it was finally time to get back at the illagers they had been a problem

For me this entire 100 days and it was now their time to be attacked remember that giant illegiti army base that i found on a day like 60 that was my target i spent like the rest of day 98 flying there on stormy and then that night i camped just outside the wall

Day 99 the day of the siege i could very easily just use stormy to decimate the place but that wouldn’t really fit the challenge i wanted to use just the bow for this i began my attack by launching thunderstorm arrows at all of the wooden buildings and they began burning to the

Ground i then got an advancement saying that a general had called for reinforcements which they would definitely need to try and beat me i got into the fort and started thinking out pillagers left and right with my reinforced arrows after clearing that entire area i swapped my triple arrows

Trying to take out more across a wider area i started actually taking damage which i would really rather not do so i swapped to the vampire arrows i was shredding their numbers and then after a bit they trapped me in a cobweb and blinded me and then fired arrows from all sides i

Was actually a little worried and very impressed here but i did manage to escape and once i escaped i barraged them all with vampire arrows to keep my health up then i learned that my pierce arrows were amazing for this they would fly right through the pillagers and hit the

Ones behind them clearing a massive numbers at once i took out pillagers non-stop and when their numbers were starting to thin i ran at the tower and cleared the entire thing doing this started a timer at the top of my screen indicating that there were reinforcements on the way

Whenever that time i reached the end it would spawn a small army of illagers at the front gates by the time the third wave of reinforcements had arrived i had cleared out most of the fort however my armor was shredded i wasn’t sure if my armor would last the rest of the battle

But i had faith i started using my triple arrows against the reinforcements hoping to clear more of their numbers at a time and oh yeah it definitely worked they got shredded the sun rose on day 100 as i took out the fifth wave of reinforcements then the final wave of reinforcements was beaten

I didn’t actually realize that it was the last wave and i thought there was one more but regardless no more reinforcements then i used my scout 4 helmet to run around the fort and take out the remaining illegers i kind of expected an achievement for taking them all out but that didn’t

Happen so i took the achievement into my own hands i spent that night using stormy’s lightning breath to decimate the entirety of the illager fort any illegal that may have survived that would have nothing left i had one i had come this far as an archer with only a bow

And the journey was complete and that was 100 days in hardcore minecraft as an archer with only a bow thank you everybody for watching if you want to see more like it be sure to sub to the channel and also watch my older videos maybe you’ll enjoy those as well

And if you have any suggestions for future 100 days videos be sure to leave them in the comments but for now i’m gonna call it there i will see you all in the next video later

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ARCHER in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2021-12-15 17:11:00. It has garnered 2484163 views and 51407 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:45 or 5265 seconds.

By using ONLY a bow with AMAZING custom arrow types, I survived 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft as an ARCHER. Here’s what happened…

Modpack (Java Edition): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zzL_5zFuhXHUDop9uMwM_SAt3tMTSVSL/view?usp=sharing

Log Cabin reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXpBCpvHFQg

Join my discord! https://discord.gg/aam5Stw

Pokemon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/speshel

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjzL8xzdYGrR4rcfqxXxeA?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speshel_ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Speshel_

Music provided by Epidemic Sounds, sign up here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/a4vqag

#100Days #Minecraft #Hardcore

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as an ARCHER in Hardcore Minecraft