I Survived 100 Days as an ENDER KNIGHT in Hardcore Minecraft…

Video Information

All right 100 days in hardcore minecraft as an ender knight in this video i am a human that was born and raised in the end as such i can use teleporting abilities just like the enderman and i had super strong ender knight gear that made me one of the strongest warriors in

The end however after the ender dragon was defeated the evil ender beast took over since i was too much of a threat to him he banished me to the overworld and his minions stole my gear and locked it away in their domains my goal was to defeat the ender beast minions and

Reclaim my gear and then free the end from the ender beast’s tyranny will i be able to handle it and free the end let’s find out day one i found myself in this mountain biome and after looking around i noticed a weird structure i walked up

And i saw a sign that said ender knight’s assistant kinda odd but let’s see what’s up i opened the door and i went in and there was this really weird villager yo you’re the ender knight that got banished right looks like all your gear has been stolen by the ender subordinates

I happen to know how you can get to their domains but you’ll want to get properly equipped before i would spend some time getting armor and weapons and getting a home base established come back to me once you’re prepared to take on one of the end of

These subordinates and i can help you out oh and also the endermen Okay so this guy can help me get my gear back nice after leaving that structure that i definitely didn’t build myself before starting the video i teleported over to a tree got some wood and i made my wooden pickaxe i then mined some stone i made a stone pickaxe and axe and

Then i went to hunt some sheep for wool for a bed i killed two sheep and then i realized that i was running out of hunger so i quickly made a furnace and i cooked some food i then teleported over to some cows i took them out and now i

Would have enough food to last me for a little bit i spent the rest of day one teleporting around hunting animals for food and other resources the next morning i cooked the food that i hunted and after that i decided that i wanted the mine based on that guy’s advice i’d

Want to get weapons armor and a home base so that’s my plan i was looking for a cave when i stepped into some water and started taking a bunch of damage yeah i kind of forgot about that but i can’t touch water because of the whole

Ender thing which is gonna be fun i found a cave a bit later and i started mining a bunch of iron i didn’t encounter a single hostile mob somehow and i managed to get up to 34 iron and then i went to smelt it by the end of

Day two i had a full set of iron armor and iron tools the next day i wanted a backpack to avoid inventory issues so i started teleporting around looking for sheep this year and i was not having good luck i ended up finding an entire village before i found

A single sheep and this village gave some emeralds but that was it then in this mountain biome i found a nature ore only one but it could be used to make a nature ingot which could be used to make a full set of gear if i got enough of

Them this was actually a custom mod that i commissioned and i was pretty excited to see that it was working i ran around that biome and i ended up finding a few more pieces of nature ore but still not a single sheep at this rate i wouldn’t

Get my backpack at all let alone soon the teleporting around was letting me travel super fast as well so in theory i should have seen a sheep by now but no luck i then accidentally jumped from the water once again forgetting that i cannot in fact do that and in a plane’s

Biome i actually found sheep they didn’t give me enough wool but it was a good start but then i started walking away and i turned around to see that they had all regrown their wool immediately so i turned around and sheared them again the only thing that i needed now for a

Backpack was string and luckily it was turning night i waited around i killed a spider for string and i slept the next morning i made a small backpack and then i upgraded it all the way to a large one i then dyed it purple because that’s my

Favorite color and also you know the whole ender thing kind of fits the theme and also just why not now i had a ton of storage space for my stuff i kind of wanted to get my house set up as soon as possible and i wanted purple blocks for

It so i spent day four teleporting around gathering these purple flowers for dye i also got some more nature ore and coal and stuff like that and then i kind of almost lost a fight to a random boar but we don’t talk about that after getting a lot of flowers i decided that

I wanted to use this limestone stuff that i saw all over the mountain for my base it was kind of as close to end stone as i could get so it would have to do the next day i spent the entire time mining tons of limestone i wasn’t sure

How much i would need so i wanted to grab as much as i could just in case day six i had a ton of limestone and i wanted to find a place to build i didn’t have all of my materials yet but i wanted to have a location in mind for

Whenever i did i figured that it would be smart to set a base next to where i spawned so i began heading back that way i found a ruined portal along the way and i ended up getting a golden apple and some golden carrots and then i continued traveling using my teleport

Ability it did not take long until i was back to where i spawn i checked the local area and i found a relatively flat spot on a hillside this was definitely where i wanted the build and now that i knew that i needed wood so i went to

Gather a bunch after gathering wood i went caving for a bit for more iron for the rest of day six then the next day it was time to build my house i stained a bunch of planks purple i chiseled my limestone into bricks and then i began

Working on my house and by day 11 my build was complete and if you can’t tell it’s based on an end city but because i don’t have access to any of the end materials i had to make do with what i had and i think that it turned out

Pretty well honestly all of that building made me use all of my food so i spent day 12 teleporting around hunting animals to get more and while i’m hunting animals it’s a great time to tell y’all to like the video and subscribe to my channel and also maybe

Follow my twitch i love streaming and honestly it’d be pretty cool if you went there and followed me and watched my streams and all that and yeah anyways by that night i had quite a bit of cooked food which would hopefully last me for a while the next morning i walk outside

And i see an enderman i knew it wouldn’t be friendly towards me so i was preparing to kill it for an ender pearl when a creeper blows up my front yard i just finished this house and it’s already getting destroyed not very cool i killed that enderman and got a pearl

And then i repaired my house i then killed a few more animals for food and now i wanted the mine i had my home base and i still needed to get better weapons and armor so i had to work on that i mined for a few days and i ain’t gonna

Bore you with all of the details but uh i was not getting very lucky i made a diamond pickaxe and i nearly broke the entire thing and i barely had any diamonds then at the end of my trip i found this giant lava cavern which was super dark and there were mobs

Everywhere i ended up getting a few diamonds here but i had to leave some behind because there was just way too many mobs and it was way too risky to mine there i go up to the surface and of course it was raining so i can’t travel

Home because the rain damages me because i have like ender something or other i don’t really know luckily it was nighttime so i could sleep and make the rain go away or i would have been in a lot of danger day 16 i arrived back home

And i stored my stuff my haul was kind of pitiful i didn’t get nearly as much as i had hoped for mining but hopefully it would be enough i had these rubies which could make very good armor i made a really strong sword too but it was a

Bit slower but honestly the damage was very worth it i ended up making a replacement diamond pick a ruby chest plate and leggings a ruby sword and a diamond helmet no good boots right now but iron would be fine i then made a nature sword which whenever i right

Click it it would give me a regeneration five buff for a few seconds at the cost of a lot of durability this would be amazing for healing up so i made a few of them day 17 i wanted to see if i can get some more diamonds and stuff from

Dungeons mining took a long time for not much reward so i figured that a dungeon might be better i also kind of wanted gold for golden apples and maybe some potion brewing stuff if i could find it i saw this one tower dungeon but i felt

That i was a little too weak to handle it right now and i didn’t really want to die so i would say that for later then shortly after i saw an ice castle dungeon this castle had an aura around it that gave mining fatigue and slowness

Which was not fun but i thought that i could maybe handle it i then spent a bit of time stealing these soul lanterns from the castle because they looked kind of cool and i kind of wanted them after stealing those it was night time so i

Slept then the next day i went into the depths of the castle i get down there and i see these two ice mage illagers and immediately take a ton of damage and nearly die my nature sword literally saved me with the regen boost and i left

That place as fast as i could no chance was i going to be able to beat those villagers in my current state a bit later i found another tower but this one only seemed to have two floors meaning that it should be way easier than the

First one that i saw i went up and saw a few illegal spawn after taking those out and breaking some spawners i went inside i took out a few of the illegals that had wooden swords as well as these drumming ones that seemed to buff the

Others and then i went up to the second floor and it was literally empty then the third floor was super dark and there were mobs everywhere i used the nature sword to regen my health and i started fighting all the mobs and after a bit i broke into the stone brick wall and

Began destroying the spawners i then looted the chests and i got some golden apples emeralds a crossbow and some diamonds then i began mining the wall of oars after getting all the diamonds which is all that i really cared about i went up to the next floor where the

Illager king immediately does a ton of damage i healed with my nature sword and i prepared for a really hard fight and then i saw that he couldn’t fit down the stairs so i took him out pretty easily i literally chest that he was guarding and

I got a ton of good stuff two god apples a bunch of bows and crossbows with really good enchantments and then i mined all the ore blocks around the room and i got tons of coal gold and some more diamonds this place was very worth

It then the next day i felt pretty good about what i had gotten and i decided to head back home i spent most of that day traveling and then once i got home i began cooking a bunch of food that i gathered day 20 i made some diamond

Boots and then i decided that i would carry around this infinity bow that i got from the tower so i would have a ranged attack option i then finished cooking my food and made a bucket and then i went to gather some obsidian after getting four i teleported around

To get some sugar cane and then i went back home and i made an enchantment table and then i put some enchantments on my gear i got sharpness one on my sword and my armor had full protection one and protection too i felt pretty good about my gear so i decided that i

Would talk to the guy in the mountain to see what i had to do next it seems as if you are fully prepared good the weakest of the enterprise resides in a domain of water and you’ll need the water key to get there the water requires crispering

As you crystals have heard by now you’re entered dna mix so you can not touch water but i know of a way around that if you craft a turtle shell helmet and combine it with two ender pearls you will create a helmet that allows even enderman Yo so these 100 days videos are a lot of work you know and you might be wondering how i can get so much work done so often well that is with the help of g-fuel g-fuel is a much healthier energy drink that contains zero sugar and has a ton

Of amazing flavors for you to choose from there is absolutely a flavor for everyone now having caffeine in a drink is not for everybody so they have another line called hydration that has no caffeine it’s packed with vitamins antioxidants electrolytes and it has some of the same incredible flavors if i

Had to pick a favorite flavor it’s definitely gotta be shiny splash but hype sauce and radioactive lemonade are great options too because i am partnered with gfuel you can get 30 off your order from when this video goes live until april 25th with code special so yeah

Check it out at the link in the description and if you pick some up with my code let me know on twitter or in the comments or something like that anyways enjoy the video okay so i am not nearly as close to fighting the first boss as i

Expected i now had to go find turtles to get the turtle shell as well as defeat enderman for ender pearls i grabbed the one ender pearl that i already had and now i had to go find a beach biome with turtles then i found a beach and i used

My boat to grab as much kelp as i could towards the end of that day i found some turtles however actually breeding them would be tricky the next day i very riskily jumped into the ocean to try and feed these turtles some kelp only to then look it up and realize that i

Needed sea grass which is great i went to find a cave and i mined some iron and then i headed back to where i found those turtles i smelted the iron and made some shears and i risked my entire life to get some seagrass then with

Seagrass i got one turtle to follow me but the other one that i saw before was nowhere in sight i looked around the water for a bit and saw no sign of the other turtle so i assumed that it somehow died or despawned or disappeared

I have no idea either way i now had to go find another beach with turtles then the next day i found some turtles on land i immediately bred them and then they laid a few turtle eggs and then i learned that there’s absolutely nothing stopping me from just braiding them over

And over so that’s exactly what i did until there were enough eggs to get me my turtle shell whenever they hatch these apparently took a few days to hatch so i built a defensive fence around them so no mobs could come over to destroy them the wiki said that they

Hatched faster at night so i wanted to just wait around here for a little bit and maybe farm my ender pearls for the time being and i also couldn’t really leave the area or the eggs would unload and then they wouldn’t hatch so there’s really not much else i could do i spent

The next few days and nights just chilling around waiting for the eggs to hatch and i ended up building this neat little beach hut out of some palm wood i don’t really know why i did it but it helped pass the time so why not and

After that was built i kind of just sat around with i would have gone mining or something but the risk of unloading the eggs and having them not hatch wasn’t really something that i wanted to deal with though on one of the nights i definitely had to leave that area i saw

A mutant zombie start to come after me and after teleporting away from that a mutant skeleton shows up and starts shooting me with arrows luckily i can teleport very far distances letting me get away i teleported back and those two had seemingly despawned so i was safe

Down day 31 i teleported my way back home and once i got there i enchanted the ender shell helmet with protection one now because of all that waiting for eggs i was now almost completely out of food so i had to go hunting for more i

Had it for the rest of that day and then i headed home the next day i spent cooking that food that i hunted and then i went off to try and find the heart of the sea in the prismarine crystals i went that whole day without finding an

Ocean but at the end of the day i did take down this illager archer tower the loot wasn’t worth it at all but i figured it was worth trying day 33 i found an ocean pretty quickly i tested my shell helmet and it gave me water

Breathing and i could go in the water without taking damage this was amazing because now i could get the materials that i needed i immediately found a sunken ship and in it a treasure map i followed the map looted the chest and inside i got my heart of the sea and two

Of the prismarine crystals that i needed i needed four crystals in total so i was halfway there i went back to exploring the ocean and quickly spotted this little structure that had sea lanterns i swam over to it and it was this weird civilization of fish people and i broke

One of their lamps got the last of the crystals that i needed and now i was good to go and then i spent the rest of day 33 heading home the next morning i used my heart of the sea in my prismarine crystals to craft the water

Key this would let me get to the water elemental domain if i could defeat him i’d be able to get some of my gear back after cooking some food i readied my hot bar and i prepared myself for the fight okay if i use this key it should begin

The first boss fight i’m all ready to go and let’s get it okay we’re here and there he is a hello gamer all right it’s kind of dark in here which is tough and that hurts a lot and i can’t reach you that’s even more tough suck okay can i hit you okay

One okay i do a lot of damage but so does he and he has more attack range than me which is sick i want to try and not have to use my nature sword because it gives a lot of regen but i don’t want to waste it

I guess i can get more though but still i want to try and beat him without using it that’s the goal what is this where are you going buddy okay there’s you know what you don’t want to change my mind i love spiders and wolf and spider

And skeleton i want my armor breaking no die oh you came back down your friends are still here all right that was that back up okay yo this guy is no joke him again half hp him again runaway heel oh he does so much damage you know again the knockback is also

Kind of crazy and then he has projectiles too i need to knock it in the corner i’ll just die guaranteed okay i should have made more golden apples as well but i think i’ll be okay hit him again you got some more friends or are you done with that oh yes you are

Going to something more friends and i’m dying and need your sword okay major sword for life all right let’s go down spider down skeleton down blaze or water wait this is like a water version of a blaze called the guy what’s it going to be called like a

Vapor that puts a torch in here let’s go oh we won let’s go okay he had like one hit left i didn’t even realize that he dropped my golden apple let’s go to replace the ones that i consumed fighting him uh i get my endermite helmet my endernite boots and an overworld key

Let’s get it all right and my helmet is almost my armor got destroyed during that okay we did it let’s go after defeating the water elemental and reclaiming my helmet in boots i went back to the villager to see what he had to managed to say and reclaim your helmet

And boots congratulations but you’re nowhere near ready for the enterprise yet your helmet and boots will make water trouble far easier for you and you no longer take all damage but you’ll want the rest of your old equipment before trying to free So yeah the fire domain was my next goal meaning i had to get fire resistance and better enchantments and all that and i would also want to get more golden apples because that water elemental did tons of damage day 35 i needed to work on enchantments i wanted to get better

Armor a better weapon all that fun stuff so i wanted to go find bookshelves and also dungeons for experience being able to teleport around and be immune to fall damage was a fantastic buff because i didn’t nearly kill myself every single time i teleported into a tree so this

Armor was a huge improvement i spent days of 36 to 42 just traveling that probably sounds fake and i know there are definitely some people out that do fake it but no this is literally seven days of just this teleporting and traveling as fast as i could in one

Direction to find more villages or dungeons or literally anything and i’m i’ma be honest i was uh not seeing much i barely found any villages or dungeons despite traveling at insane speeds with teleportation and the ones i was finding had like apples and broken hoes and that’s about it i

Did find some decent dungeons though like this illager one that had a golem inside that uh couldn’t fit through the door that one had an obsidian case inside filled with chests with good loot but the worst thing is that i was not finding any bookshelves and i know what

You’re thinking couldn’t you just make bookshelves uh yes but i was really stubborn and i wanted to find them and i kept telling myself that i was gonna find them soon if i just kept going i was wrong being able to travel in the ocean so freely was nice though i was

Really fast and i could breathe underwater and stuff it was pretty cool i did find some villages occasionally but it’s crazy because none of them knew how to read not a single book in the entire village literal scam what makes this even crazier is that before i started traveling i added another

Structure mod and i hadn’t seen a single one of those either by the time that i finally found some bookshelves it was in a zombie desert village of all the structures a village with a bunch of zombies has books a while later i found this super cool house with a bunch of

Anvils and in there i got some more bookshelves not enough books yet but getting there at one point in the desert i found this pillager outpost with a bunch of iron golems and i let all those boys out i didn’t gain anything from that but it was fun then a bit after

That i found another village with a librarian with the last of the books that i needed it was time i finally had enough books for level 30 enchantments right next to that village was a desert temple with an entire god apple inside and now to return home now you see the funny

Thing here is that i had a mod installed called waystones which lets you teleport and you know you can teleport the different way stones you’ve unlocked i didn’t realize i had that installed i didn’t mean to install it so instead of using a way stone like a smart gamer

Would have i manually walked 15 000 blocks home it was with my teleport ability but still like that was really slow i arrived back home on day 43 and i immediately set up the bookshelves for enchanting i checked the few items that i had to enchant right now and i decided

To put protection 3 on my underneath boots the next day i figured that it was about time to go to the nether to prepare for the next boss i had to get fire resistance meaning i had to find another fortress i went over to a nearby

Lava pit and i mined a bunch of obsidian i then built a nether portal in the side of the hill and i lit it i was gonna go in but then decided that i wanted to get more obsidian so i could build a portal for getting home so i did that then i

Went to the nether the nether was dark and spooky and i immediately found some flamore this could be used for an armor and weapon set just like the nature or in the ruby ore but because i had the ender night gear now i didn’t really

Need that so not going to use it i looked around and i saw a few dungeons but i really didn’t want to mess with those because my only goal here was to get stepper potions i traveled around for a bit and then a wild series of events happened i teleported i got

Jumped by a gas after returning its fireball i walked a bit further and found another fortress but then as i walk up to the fortress i kill a wither skeleton and boom a wither skull immediately my luck’s kinda crazy however the fortress was not so lucky i

Ran around and i killed blazes and stuff for a bit but there didn’t seem to be any interior to the fortress meaning there was no in netherwarts and i needed that so that was very unfortunate i then just ran through the nether trying to find another fortress it wasn’t that

Dangerous but it was very dark and very hard to see then at the end of day 45 i found another nether fortress and i went in and i immediately got my netherward i also had enough blaze rods and stuff to make potions so i ported back to the

Overworld i ended up in a badlands biome next to a village so i teleported to a safe spot and i slept the next morning i checked f3 and saw that i was 13 000 blocks away from my house nice i was traveling home for the next

Few days of finally arriving on night 48 the next morning i got to brewing potions i bring potions of fire resistance resistance and healing i wanted night vision potions too but i had no carrots so i had to get some later then i went upstairs and i used

The grindstone to remove sharpness one from my sword i wanted to re-enchant it but looting three didn’t seem to be super useful to me compared to like sharpness so i didn’t do that i then enchanted a diamond chest plate a diamond pickaxe a book and diamond leggings i didn’t get the best

Enchantments but they would do now i wanted more experience for better enchantments and some golden carrots for night vision the next day i set out to find villages and dungeons again last time that took ages and maybe this time that would be different and yes it

Actually was different later on day 50 i found a village and after searching for way longer than i should have i finally found the farm and took some carrots now that i had those it was now time to find dungeons for experience later that day i

Took on an archer tower which forced me to use my nature sword to heal up and gave like no exp so i would probably avoid those i traveled the next few days taking on any manageable dungeons that i could find at first all i could find were these massive illegal force and i

Knew from my past videos that these are one of the most difficult structures of takedown of all time so i was not going to try it and one day i saw this golden bunny i’ve never seen a golden mob in my entire life so i have no idea what mod

It was from or how rare it was but i immediately made a mob capture device to try and capture it cause i wanted to make it my pet and then it jumps down a hill and it dies to fall damage i’ve literally never been more disappointed

In my entire life after that tragedy i just kept traveling i found this cool abandoned house that had these cool banners and stuff that was nice what was not nice was the lack of dungeons specifically i wanted a tower dungeon because they gave good experience and also gave enchanted bows and got apples

And stuff and eventually i did find a tower and it was huge because it was so big it seemed like everything about it was harder so i just cheesed it and teleported to the top and i shot the king to death from a distance i then

Looted the room and got tons of insane stuff and then i went down a few floors and got a bunch of exp got apples stuff like that i didn’t do the whole tower because it was very dangerous but i got enough stuff that i didn’t mind missing

Out on a few floors after that tower i added even more structure mods to the game this world was for some reason very barren despite me having plenty of structure mods so the only solution is to add even more i actually ended up finding another massive tower pretty

Quickly and after clearing the bottom floor i went up and i immediately got chased away by an evoker and their vexes vexes do way too much damage so i wanted to play it safe i ran off and slept to avoid night mobs causing problems then i

Went back in the room that i fled from was just full of vexes and zombies summoned by this evoker and necromancer i ended up just swinging into the room of pure chaos having to eat golden apples he’s my nature sword and eventually i even had to eat a god apple

Just to stay alive and clear them all after clearing those i checked the floor above which was just archers so i wasn’t really worried i broke into the stone pillar and broke the spawners and then i finally looted the room these rooms first of all had full enchantment tables

So i enchanted my helmet with protection four and i got a sharpness for book as well i wanted to save that book for whenever i got my ender knight sword back meaning i still had to enchant my ruby sword oh and i also got a bunch of

Totems of undying from this place which would be very important the rest of that tower was pretty much empty and i went all the way up to the king’s room took him out and looted the room and i got a power 5 bow which was amazing because the next

Boss was said to have a lot of range meaning i would definitely want a strong bow before taking him on i went back and i enchanted my sword with sages a blessing of five sage’s blessing would increase the exp that i got from killing mobs which in the long run would

Actually help a lot then i place down an anvil and i combine my infinity and my power five bows now i just needed to get a strong sword and better leggings and i would be ready for the next boss i could use the sharpness 4 book but i would

Much rather save it the next day i was finally seeing structures i found this illager fort thingy that kinda almost killed me because vindicators are open but luckily i could teleport or i would have been dead then later i found a flying village i explored the flying

Village for a bit and it was cool and all that but honestly it was just a village which wouldn’t really give anything crazy then that night i found a witch house it said keep clear so i went inside and there were tons of potion ingredients and one of them even had an

Unbreaking three bowen insanely good loot very well down the ladder there were a ton of witches with a witch spawner and believe it or not a bunch of witches at once is very dangerous the hormone potions did a lot of damage and i was poisoned and i had to keep eating

Golden apples and use my nature sword but luckily i managed to clear the room and that room’s loot was not even close to worthwhile so that was great for the next few days i just traveled taking on random illager bases here and there to get as much exp as possible i didn’t

Even care about loot at this point just killing mobs and breaking spawners for levels were all i really wanted some of these structures were pretty cool like this giant quarry mine thing however not all of them had spawners which made me get way less exp occasionally i would

Just use the books that i got from the last tower to make bookshelves and check my enchantments and i actually ended up getting a protection 3 book which could be useful later power dungeons were just insane the exp game from them was easily the highest of all the dungeons and they

Sometimes had god apples or good enchanted gear and of course they were dangerous but i could handle it the second time i did enchantments i ended up getting protection 3 leggings so now i just needed a sword and on day 61 i decided that i needed to mine i wanted

To get a ruby sword for enchantments but i didn’t really want to remove the sage’s blessing enchantment from my current one so i had to go get more rubies i mined until i eventually found three rubies and i doubt i would never need any more so this was good enough

The next day i wanted to find a grindstone because it occurred to me that i should be checking my ruby armors enchantments because it was you know stronger than diamond and it wasn’t entirely broken yet and i spent the whole day looking for a sky village i

Finally found one and there was not a single grindstone in sight nice day 63 i decided that the ruby armor dream just was not gonna happen i checked my sword and i saw a range of four i figured worst case scenario it gets a bad enchantment and i could just

Grind stone it so i enchanted it and i got range 4 and looting 3. and that is when i decided screw it i will just use the sharpness 4 book from before because i could now make a really good sword i now had a 30 000 block journey back home

Fun and for the next few days i was just traveling home i didn’t sleep during the night time because it was already this late into the challenge and i still had two bosses so i really didn’t have the most time to waste i also learned while

Doing this the hunting mobs at night is just really good for experience i don’t know why i never did that before but honestly it would have been a lot faster than having to find dungeons because i got so unlucky with the world generation also looking back at this footage i

Definitely had enough obsidian to go to the nether and travel home faster but i didn’t think about that so i didn’t do it it would have been a pain because i hate the nether anyways but it would have been faster i finally arrived home on the morning of day 66. i instantly

Went upstairs and enchanted and got protection four on the ruby leggings i tried the chest plate too but it only got a curse so i would just use the protection 3 book on that later i wanted to save the ruby armor’s durability until right before i bought the boss so

It wouldn’t break then i added sharpness 4 and fire aspect 2 into my ruby sword and now it was very good i went ahead and combined it with these sages blessing enchantment 2 just for the extra experience after that i finally brewed night vision potions i spent the

Whole day brewing and then i made a backpack to store my potions in day 67 i desperately needed food i used like 90 of my food while hunting dungeons and now that i had looting and fire aspect i should be able to get it pretty easily

It took me a while to find animals because i kind of already hunted all the nearby ones but when i did i got so much food so easily after getting enough to last me for a while i went back home then that evening i felt like i was good

Enough for the next boss so i went to talk to the villager you’ve done well to get stronger but even as you are now this fight will not be easy unfortunately it doesn’t seem like you have much of a choice to make the fire key you will need another scrap as well

As some nether ports this will allow you to access the domain of the fire elemental which is guarding the rest of your equipment be sure you are prepared boy another right luckily i already have the nether quartz but now i needed another right as well no time to waste

The next morning i went to the nether i went to a spot that looked like there wouldn’t be lava under it mine down to y15 and i got this strip mining i mined for the entire day but by the end i finally found one piece of ancient

Debris that was all i needed so i built the portal and i went back home the next day i spent traveling home and then once i got there i made the fire key i then put protection 3 on my ruby chess play so now hopefully i would be strong

Enough to win i had good gear got apples and a worst case scenario i had multiple tones of undying so i should be fine okay well i think i’m as ready as i’m gonna be i have my totems of undying i have my potions i have my apples and

Stuff like that so uh let’s do it let’s try and get our stuff back all right we’re here it’s dark drink drink drink okay that apple’s cool okay we’re good where’s he at hey buddy shoot fire okay oh okay chill chill chill looking immune to fire so

You can’t do that much to me bro i cannot get close we’re gonna go for the bow what’s the smoke doing what’s this is there a shield you block my air out no you explode okay god i got it i can’t see and i’m slow what was that

It was a fake one you can see that they died right there there’s another one are you fake i know you’re the real one are you the fake one you’re the fake one okay so the fake ones i think still shoot stuff it’s like it was still shooting stuff at me

So i have to deal with those like immediately okay so you have friends just like the water elemental did but uh here’s our let’s keep to be honest and your explosions are loud and you keep putting me in the corner my boat is damaged look at his hp could you go down

Bro he’s just dying the boat was crazy all right i’m gonna need you to not explode at all whenever you drop your items okay because if you blow them up i’m not gonna get them i need the items let’s eat a normal golden owl to get the

Absorption back that is an enchanted one don’t waste that even though i have nine of them he’s almost dead i don’t want to shoot so that smoke appears it means he’s going to do an explosion right that’s what it looks like i don’t want to shoot right after the smoke

There there’s the smoke for the explosion so it’ll explode now i shoot we’re good we won and the items dropped let’s go let’s go oh we dropped the god apple too i could have used one we would have replaced it okay and we got our leggings we got our

Chest plate we got our ender knight sword and we got our full set of gear yeah we had strength and speed boost we’re chilling now let’s grab the overworld key and go back home the fire elemental was defeated i tested out my ender night gear i could now give myself

Levitation at will and if i got attacked enderman allies could appear to defend me and also using my sword i could use ender dragon’s roar which obliterated anything in front of me i was now incredibly powerful minus the enchantments that is the next morning i headed back to the villager to see what

He had to say to make the key to the end of beast’s domain you will need to defeat the wither and return to the end with the power that you now possess the enderpiece would not challenge you directly as he knows that it is a losing

Battle that means you can go safely to the end to collect the needed materials once you have obtained a netherstar from the weather combine it with four and stone to create the end key which will take you to the end of this domain as this is the last time that i will

Probably speak i will give you a word of advice the end of beast’s ability to curse opponents is what gives him so much power if he curses you you will die guaranteed up to 30 seconds there are two ways to counteract this prayer style the first is milk if you drink milk it

Will clear the clutch from you but be warned it will also clear any beneficial potions that you may have the second way is to eat one of the ender beast’s own scales as you find that you made your awesome scales and if you consume one of those

Okay that was a lot of information i now knew how to get to the ender beast’s domain and how to survive the fight then i was in my house looking at my items and i saw a stone golem outside i went over to it and using my endernite sword

I absolutely demolished this thing i then saw this group of pillagers near my base one of them had a banner and i decided you know a raid could be fun i took out the group and then with bad omen i went over to a nearby village and

Then i think the raid glitched or something or i just couldn’t find the mobs i’m not really sure i couldn’t find any other illagers and the bar was just kind of stuck halfway also i did learn while i was doing that that touching a sweet berry bush would cause me to make

A lot of entertainment friends real quick which was fun but could get kind of overwhelming the next day i decided to start exploring i had plenty of time to kill before day 100 and i needed enchantments and stuff so i set out to see if i could find some fun dungeons i

Also just really wanted to use the ender sword because it was way too fun i ended up actually doing a raid on this adventure and let me tell you rates are kind of crazy there were a bunch of weird illagers including kings necromancers ones in diamond armor all

Sorts of stuff i would call the raid easy but uh that would be a lie it went on for multiple days and i used all of my normal golden apples to survive i even considered giving up at one point because i saw a huge cluster of diamond

Armored evokers and stuff in the ocean i sniped them from a distance took them out and then i cleared the last few pillagers in the village and luckily that was the last wave raids are no joke in this mod pack that was very difficult the next day i realized that i was level

34 so i placed down an enchantment set up and enchanted my sword with sharpness 4. i didn’t get anything else good but i did see that whenever i get level 30 again i could get protection 4 on my leggings then i continued traveling i wanted to get more exp for enchantments

And i also really wanted to replace all the golden apples that i used during the raid because i was now out of them and it seemed like my bad structure luck was back as well because i teleported around into new chunks for a long time and was

Not finding much at all of course this time i was having no trouble finding villages but those were not what i needed a few days later i took down this pillager tower in a desert after dealing with that i had enough levels to enchant again so i put protection 4 on my

Leggings now i just needed a good chest plate and i was ready to deal with the ender beast and then like immediately after that i started a raid by wandering into a village yeah the last one was not very safe for me so sorry villagers but no i kept traveling

And all that i wanted was a tower dungeon they always gave tons of exp golden apples everything so it was exactly what i needed and i was just not having luck at all i was finding almost every other kind of structure which is the worst part that is until day 80. i

Finally found a tower but it only had two floors after clearing the first set of mobs i checked f3 and just look at this nearly 34 000 blocks out on day 80 for a two floor tower literally scam and then the worst thing this tower with two floors has turtle scoots i literally

Could have just not bred turtles and done one of these instead and it would have been way faster however it did give me blaze rides so i can make eyes of ender without going to the nether so that was nice however it did not give me many golden apples at this point though

I don’t even care i just wanted to enchant my chess play and i would be good so i placed on my enchantment stuff and on my chess play i was able to get protection for it i then cycled through a ton of books on the off chain so that

I could maybe get sharpness 5 on my sword but no luck now that i felt decent about my gear it was time to head back home and nope i still was not processing the fact that i had way stones installed and that is unfortunate and then on the

Way back i saw a massive tower literally the tallest tower that i’ve ever seen like 100 blocks to the left of where i was traveling i didn’t even bother taking it on because i didn’t really need anything from it anymore when i was nearly home i saw a golden chicken it

Was near the stone golem so after taking that out i grabbed the golden chicken this was gonna be my new friend i arrived home late on day 86 and using a name tag i named my new chicken cookie cookie the golden chicken now i needed wither skulls for that nether star i had

One skull in eight fragments right now and nine fragments could make a skull so honestly i was super close to fighting the wither i went to the nether and my levitating ability made it super easy to travel around this place i was floating around looking for a fortress for a

While and then i realized that i didn’t even need a fortress i just killed a bunch of wither skeletons around the soul sand valley and by the end of the day i had enough fragments for my remaining skulls i then realized that i forgot to bring obsidian so i had to

Manually mine a bunch from these spikes and then after getting enough i built a portal and i went to the overworld i was in a cave so i mined up to the surface and then i slept now i was like 7 500 blocks away from my house so i had to

Spend all of days 88 and 89 traveling luckily i’m used to that by now along the way i did find a mushroom island which is super cool and i grabbed a mooshroom as a pet to take home i got home late on day 89 and i used a name

Tag to name my mushroom a hash brown so now i had cookie the chicken and hash brown the mushroom very cool pets love those guys after that i grabbed my soul sand and i made my wither skulls and now i was ready for the wither the next day

I went off into an area away from my house i took up the nearby hostile mobs that might become a problem and then i drank a potion of resistance and then i began the fight the first phase i was able to deal quite a bit of damage with

My bow and i was able to swap to my sword and use enderdragon’s roar for a huge hit i got through the entire first phase without even getting the wither effect but then in phase two things got very loud and very chaotic i was just

Swinging at the wither and as it hit me more and more enderman spawned into hell it did not take long until the wither was beaten and i had gotten my netherstar and now is where it gets awkward i had my netherstar but i still needed eyes of

Ender to get to the end to get the endstone for the key i waited until night so i could kill enderman for ender pearls however i completely forgot about my looting three ruby sword so i used my non-looting ender knight sword the whole time at the end of that night i saw a

Zombie mage illager right next to a mutant creeper kind of a wild combo because i have not seen either of those mobs before a zombie mage was beaten by my enderman as i fought the mutant creeper this thing was terrifying and actually did a decent amount of damage

But i was able to take it out pretty safely it exploded into an egg let me put it on my head but whenever i tried to make it do something it just sort of exploded into gunpowder so probably wasted that but whatever by day 91 i had

Four ender pearls not nearly enough for the portal i decided to go ahead and start following the four that i had though just so i’d be ready whenever i got enough i followed the eyes and along the way i did lose one and then right as

I find the portal one of my eyes falls onto a cactus of all the ways to lose one a cactus regardless i found where the portal was and now i just needed more ender pearls and for that i sort of just had to chill i did basically

Nothing during the day and i don’t really like not doing anything for a period of time during 100 days video but i really couldn’t think of anything else to do that night i hunted enderman and i got a whole one more ender pearl this was gonna take a while for the next few

Days i just repeated the very simple process of hunting enderman at night and chilling in my very cool very well-built house during the day at one point when i realized i only had 11 steak left i got out my ruby sword and me with my massive brain remember that i had looting i

Killed one enderman that night and immediately got up to nine pearls to a 95 i decided to head to the stronghold if the portal already had an eye in it i was good i dug down and there was no stronghold i went back up and i literally lost an eye trying to verify

And this was definitely the right spot i dug like two blocks over and when i dug down i saw stone bricks meaning i found it i didn’t even know you could miss the stronghold if you were in the right chunk but i guess you could i navigated

The stronghold found an ender pearl in the chest and then i found the portal room i immediately made the rest of my eyes activated the portal and jumped in i was in the end of course there was no dragon and i ended up getting attacked by endermen meaning the enderpiece

Influence was very prevalent there were enderman with red eyes and stuff it was kind of wild the center fountain even looked different i made my end key as soon as possible i could now defeat the ender beast whenever i wanted i did want to check out the end a bit though to see

How corrupted it’s become there were these end zombies and mutated endermen here it seemed like it was bad the worst part there were ender knights and they weren’t me ender knights they were evil ender beast ender knights and they looked cooler than i did i went through

The end gateway and the outer part of the end just looked poisoned everything was purple and there were knights and zombies swarming me trying to take me out before i could defeat the ender beast i ran around the poisoned biome when there were all sorts of weird frog creatures and flying jellyfish things

And the end was just a mess i explored the end for the next few days and let me tell ya it was wild i found an end shift that was completely destroyed sunk halfway into the ground i dug around until i found a chest and i found a map

That led to an end city i checked out that entity and looted it but it seemed to be in an area that had not been corrupted or anything so it was pretty normal and therefore useless at one point after defeating one of the evil ender knights it dropped its sword the

Artist’s sword which gave wither to the mobs that i hit this was obviously nothing compared to my ender knight sword but at least they tried i explored for a while but honestly it seemed like i had seen everything so i searched for a gateway to get out and after finding

One i jumped into the center fountain and went back to the overworld upon arriving in the overworld i saw that it was sunrise of day 99. this was going to be my final day to prepare before taking on the ender beast the guy said that i

Needed milk so i milked hash brown and got six of buckets that should be enough i hope i then went out to hunt some food because i only had a one pork chop left i got up to 21 and once again hopefully that’s good enough then i tried to

Enchant books again to get sharpness 5 on my sword and yeah no that didn’t happen i readied my inventory and made two nature swords just in case i felt pretty good about my gear i slept off the night and now it was day 100 day 100

The final day and the day that i take down the ender beast the end was all poisoned and there were tons of evil mobs everywhere and the ender beast was absolutely ruining the place and that ends now okay now it is day 100 it is time for the

Ender beast to die i have my key i have my potion effects i’m gonna try to not use milk because uh i would rather not lose the resistance potion effect whenever i drink it and also it just makes more sense not to um and also

There might be a bit of an issue in the mod with using milk i learned about recently so maybe milk’s not the best idea anyways um is now day 100 we’re going to be doing this now i have the key here i have my hopper all

Set up i have an egg right here that i don’t really need and now i have oh anyways um we got to say goodbye to cookie and goodbye to hash brown for now because there’s a chance that i die here i’m not going to hopefully but i might you never know

But uh i guess without further ado let’s do it oh it is dark dark oh it’s mega dart okay drink the night vision drink the i’m talking over here drink the resistance and the enterprise should spawn now yeah what’s good bro oh he doesn’t see

Me he didn’t i died i was wrong i was wrong i was wrong okay him with a bow shot oh he oh oh okay you’re immune to bow shots got it oh okay no you see me i was wondering if you you just didn’t see me okay enderman go go ham my boys

My my the scales are these the scales they’re the scales doink ender b scale okay so i can eat that to get rid of the effect to get rid of his curse bro i can’t get close enough i can’t i can’t get close enough and the arrow is just to just teleport him

Around oh that was good that was a really good hit okay that’s how i have to do it but teleport in hit him real fast and then whenever he hits me away get the hope and enderman spawns he won’t come close though because he knows he knows i’m gonna beat him

I got him look i hit him okay you know about him not coming close i was probably wrong um i’m gonna eat a you know eat a god apple why not right why not get the absorption going knock me away again knock me away again okay we’re having fun i have plenty of

Scales wait what do you grab me grab me grab me okay okay he gave me the curse i’m gonna keep this and it still activates the thing oh that okay okay that is interesting okay that wasn’t supposed to happen i want my i want my night vision back that

Wasn’t supposed to happen okay that’s not what’s supposed to happen that was not supposed to happen okay anyways okay that was not how that was supposed to function what just happened oh i could still roar him away but it’s a projectile so i can’t hit him with it no

Anderson was slain my ender beast okay buddy this fight is so tough dude i can’t get close enough we got i’m down about a quarter though just keep teleporting in going for a swing whenever i can and hope i do not okay ender chris is applied i have to

Put another title moving dying right now i need another scale as well don’t crash the game i don’t like that i don’t like that it kills you it’s not supposed to do that dude that’s not the point the scale is supposed to oh god okay i

Have it again i’m kind of not gonna use the scale this time with the total of a dying go because the total of a dying just goes for it without because if i don’t use the scale i won’t lose night vision right which is

The one thing i don’t want to do i don’t want to lose night vision so if the total of a dying is just what carries me and so be it i have so many of them actually i don’t have enough to last me this takes so long he grabbed my enderman no

Wait it still happened it still happened okay this is really bad um this is really bad okay my endermen are all shot enderman don’t get shot okay no he grabbed me just hit him hit him as much as i can bro as much as i can no hit him

Just hit him just hit him just hit him okay what he’s over there now okay while he’s over there i’m going to scale don’t kill me okay i’m gonna got apple i’m going to night vision yeah it definitely does not clear the effect like it’s meant to it’s kind of

Weird i don’t like that that was scary but i’m alive my game didn’t crash and one more we’re done we did it we defeated and look at all these scales we have we can’t even use these for anything let’s go do i have a total bar

Right now oh shoot uh okay we’re good we’re good we’re good i’m gonna eat one last scale munchies i’m gonna eat one last night vision potion and now we’re good look at the boys look at the enderman look how many scales we have bro we have so many of his scales and

He’s defeated that is it the end has been freed that is 100 days as an ender night i appreciate everybody for watching comment on the video like the video subscribe all that fun stuff and i will see you all in the next video later

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ENDER KNIGHT in Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2022-04-21 19:48:34. It has garnered 827709 views and 23364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds.

Pick up some G FUEL with Code “SPESHEL” for 30% off until April 25th (and 10% off after that): https://gfuel.ly/3ugSoyD

After being banished to the Overworld by the Ender Beast, I survived 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft as an Ender Knight…

Check out my TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/Speshel_

Custom mods used in the video: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ender-knight https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ore-extension

Join my discord! https://discord.gg/aam5Stw

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjzL8xzdYGrR4rcfqxXxeA?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speshel_

Video edited by Hovy, discord tag: Hovyyy# 6410

Music provided by Epidemic Sounds, sign up here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/a4vqag

#100Days #Minecraft #Hardcore

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  • 15 Years of Minecraft Shenanigans

    15 Years of Minecraft Shenanigans Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft Magic with @Aphmau, @TommyInnit, and Friends Join @TommyInnit and @Aphmau as they embark on a journey to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Minecraft on YouTube. This iconic game has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions worldwide, offering endless possibilities and excitement. Survival Mode: Where It All Began Survival mode is where the adventure began for many players, including @TommyInnit and @Aphmau. From the first night filled with challenges to the thrill of finding diamonds, Survival mode tests players’ skills and creativity. Redstone Wonders and Creative Builds Redstone creations and detailed builds in Creative… Read More


    SNEAKY WAYS TO AVOID GIANT IN MINECRAFT Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft, where danger lurks around every corner. In a recent video titled “ĐỪNG MỞ CỬA CHO ROLLING GAINT VÀO LÚC 12 GIỜ ĐÊM TRONG MINECRAFT,” viewers are taken on a journey filled with suspense and excitement. Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft As the night falls in Minecraft, players are warned not to open the door to the Rolling Gaint at midnight. This cryptic message sets the stage for a spine-chilling encounter with a mysterious entity that roams the pixelated landscape. Meet the Sinh… Read More

  • “Escaping Deadly Minecraft Traps: Indian Gamer’s EPIC Fail 😱” #shorts #trending

    "Escaping Deadly Minecraft Traps: Indian Gamer's EPIC Fail 😱" #shorts #trendingVideo Information ये क्या लिखा हुआ है जंप डाउन फॉर डायमंड ना भाई मैं इतना भी लालजी नहीं हूं जो डायमंड के लिए नीचे कूद जाऊं ये क्या लिखा है गिव अवे बाय टेक्नो गेमर हां भाई क्यों नहीं जैसे कि तुम लोग देख सकते हो मैं लाइट की स्पीड से नीचे गिर रहा हूं तो अगर मैं ऐसी स्पीड से नीचे गिरता रहा तो टेक्न से पहले मैं कहीं और ही पहुंच जाऊंगा मेरी थोड़ी मैथ की कैलकुलेशन करने के बाद ये कैलकुलेट किया है कि अगर मैं अपने गिरने से पहले नीचे बब लगा दूं तो मैं बच… Read More

  • Horror Villager Encounter in Minecraft!

    Horror Villager Encounter in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND HORROR VILLAGER 😨 #creepystories #minecraft #scary #shorts’, was uploaded by Scary fire on 2024-03-20 02:34:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Live Stream with Falco Gamer #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Live Stream with Falco Gamer #ShortsVideo Information कुमार सो वेलकम बैक टू न्यू स्ट्रीम दोस्तों तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने वाले हैं माफ्ट हेलो गाइस कैसे हो आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू न्यू स्ट्रीम तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने वाले हैं माफ्ट जैसे कि तुम लोग को पता होगा पिछली बार के लाइक लास्ट एपिसोड में हम लोगों ने बनाया था वो क्या बोलते हो उसको आयरन लाइक डायमंड बनाया था ना अभी कुछ ज्यादा ही थ हम लोग के पास डायमंड लाइक 42 या 40 से 50 डायमंड हम लोग ने माइन किए थे तो आज के एपिसोड होने… Read More

  • Insane New Skyrider Mod in Poppy Playtime 3! 👀

    Insane New Skyrider Mod in Poppy Playtime 3! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft poppy playtime 3 addon by @MrMaker-uo4ie’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-04-30 12:32:55. It has garnered 34383 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:49 or 349 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft… Read More

  • Sandbox Mayhem: Sandurs CTMM Minecraft Stream

    Sandbox Mayhem: Sandurs CTMM Minecraft StreamVideo Information I could just don’t keep infantry I guess why not uh a CTO is in the map I think a CTO me yeah there are graves in the map but I think keep inventory will be better I think I’ve turned the graves off I think maybe if kvt gave me the right command because I think some player had Pro problems with Graves in in MTI player I have a battle sign you cannot stop me oh [ __ ] no sh Jo no shot see that you didn’t see that uh The Killing you with uh… Read More

  • Unleash the Demon in Minecraft – #gaming #trending

    Unleash the Demon in Minecraft - #gaming #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘#gaming #minecraft #trending #demonplayz #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by Demon playz on 2024-01-07 03:42:29. It has garnered 34 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Abe Domo’s SHOCKING twist in Minecraft One Life S3!

    Abe Domo's SHOCKING twist in Minecraft One Life S3!Video Information Hey Shout out to nmy for this opportunity nampaknya it is going to be heck of A series ya Maybe This is all just game and stuff for you but one thing for sure satu nyawa Selamat datang ke musim baru yangtigat bar k duki sini ow na season season i for any not Mira the Never putraar for satu Jawa sat Jawa satwa satuwa satwa satwa [Musik] satwa satwa nyawa Selamat datang ke musim baru yang ketiga kembali kini dengan kasih baru satu nyawa Selamat datang ke musim baru yang ketiga k yang kuat menyakat salah langkah… Read More

  • Join KarebearXp for 200 Bat Kills in Minecraft! 🦇

    Join KarebearXp for 200 Bat Kills in Minecraft! 🦇Video Information e e for e why is it always black when I start I don’t know what causes that but I need to figure it out because it’s starting to piss me off how are you guys hello hello I hope your weekend was beautiful everybody in here fighting over first and I even had to restart the stream I apologize for that you can blame [ __ ] OBS for not want to start my backtrack [ __ ] ass [ __ ] how is everybody though how was your weekend did you guys wear green did you… Read More

  • Minecraft Speedrunning Madness PT 2 – Unbelievable RNG!

    Minecraft Speedrunning Madness PT 2 - Unbelievable RNG!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speedrunning random minecraft items PT 2’, was uploaded by ardentdouble on 2024-04-22 19:00:00. It has garnered 9256 views and 290 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #jokes #memes #viral #fyp #recommended #viralvideo #itemshop #fortnite Join us in the ultimate Minecraft experience where we explore survival games, adventure maps, and redstone tutorials. Our channel features Minecraft mods, speedruns, and building timelapses that will inspire your own creations. Dive into our Minecraft challenges or relax with our music videos featuring note block covers of popular songs. Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Cubilization 2

    Cubilization 2SURVIVAL+ ACCEPTING PLAYERS FROM 1.18 to 1.193 **NEW SERVER** Server Economy – Chest Shops – Community Focused We are also looking for Staff / Builders to join the Team so if you are interested in Growing with a New Server then this is the place for you! play.cubilization.com Read More

  • GeoPolitik Factions 1.20, under development

    Welcome to Geopolitik! Geopolitik is a 1.20 survival multiplayer server similar to Towny, with a limited map that encourages diplomacy, trade, and interaction. Plugins: Towny Other plugins to enhance gameplay Minecraft Version: 1.20.x Minecraft Platform: Java Server IP: soon Server Link: https://discord.gg/M4ntu49H3a Dynamic Map (DynMap): soon Read More

  • Gamersgulag

    GamersgulagServer Name: Gamers GulagMinecraft Version: 1.20.4Welcometo Gamers Gulag, where your Minecraft adventure begins! Whether you’re aseasoned builder, a daring explorer, or a strategic fighter, our serveroffers something for everyone.Why Choose Gamers Gulag?Survival: Test your skills in our challenging survival world, where you can build, mine, and craft your way to success.Dungeons: Explore perilous dungeons filled with unique mobs and treasures. Can you conquer them all?Party Games: Enjoy a variety of fun and exciting party games that you can play with friends for endless entertainment.Banker System: Use our banker system to earn interest on your coins, adding a unique economic twist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecrafter’s Ultimate Guide to Epic Fails”

    Looks like this meme needs to level up to get a higher score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Build | Strugglebus Shenanigans

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Build | Strugglebus Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, we’ve just begun, Building a house, crafting tools, having fun. Exploring the plains, with cherry trees in sight, Gathering materials, preparing for the night. A cave adventure, with iron to find, Facing mobs, with a shield in mind. Deepslate mining, a risky endeavor, But the rewards are worth it, now and forever. Back at the surface, it’s time to build, Using deepslate tiles, our vision fulfilled. A storage tower, enchanting setup too, Our house is coming together, brand new. With fences and windows, and azalea leaves, Our home is cozy, just as we believe…. Read More


    NOOB GETS ROASTED BY PRO - MINECRAFT #SHORTS #MEME "Noob: accidentally punches a creeper Pro: builds a mansion out of diamond blocks while riding a pig Noob: "How did you do that?!" Pro: "Skill, my friend. Skill." #minecraftgoals" Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Hardcore Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Hardcore Survival Adventures! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server and embark on thrilling adventures like never before. With a vibrant gaming community, challenging gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind is the ultimate destination for hardcore gamers and survival enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the Evoker Challenge, survive 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft, and showcase your gaming skills like never before. Whether you’re an Indian gamer looking for a new challenge or a Minecraft fan seeking a fresh experience, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • 10 Years of Java Community Map Celebration!

    10 Years of Java Community Map Celebration! 10 Jahre JAVA COMMUNITY MAP – Wir feiern mit Euch (KOSTENLOS) !!! Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft and 10 Years of Community Map Join in the festivities as we celebrate the mega event marking 15 years of Minecraft and 10 years of the Community Map. The server will be open 24/7 from today until Sunday, May 26th, allowing you to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft with your friends. It’s not just Minecraft’s anniversary – Boubou is also celebrating a decade of existence. Yes, Boubou has been around for 10 years now! We’ve taken the Community Map and… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as an ENDER KNIGHT in Hardcore Minecraft…