I Survived 100 Days as VIGILANTE DEKU In My Hero Academia Minecraft… This is what happpened

Video Information

Hey guys it’s rizzakumadoria and today I’m gonna be unlocking the full power of my core today I I need you to subscribe I need you to subscribe right now if you don’t subscribe I’ll never have my Riz again all for one took my wrist from me and if you don’t

Subscribe and drop a like if you don’t subscribe and drop a like and leave a comment and tell me your favorite micro Academia character I’m gonna lose it I’m gonna lose it man Glock for all four cowling oh you’re still not convinced that’s okay I brought a spare

Hey guys it’s future Timmy here I’m sorry for that crazy intro bro my voice was dying that was literally the cringiest thing I’ve ever done but it was also hilarious and I do not regret it today we’re gonna be spending a hundred days as Deku and there’s actually gonna be multiple outfits and

Multiple different Quirk abilities we’ll be able to unlock because we’ve actually seen micro Academia you’d know that Deku goes through a lot of changes over the course of the show which is to be expected because it’s my hero Academia you know like he’s learning at a school

And what this means is we’ll be unlocking our Glock for I’m kidding what this means is that we’re actually going to be getting different costume changes and different abilities and getting stronger through the course of this video eventually we’ll become vigilante Deku the Deku that’s able to quite literally take down like multiple

Villains without even breaking a sweat if you’ve seen the manga that’s gotta be like the coolest deck who has ever been this mod is actually really nice like you can just see from the outfit this looks insane on top of that like The Quirk abilities are really awesome and

We’re gonna have to work really hard to get them there’s bosses in this and there’s a lot to do so I hope you guys are excited and if you are make sure to come subscribe like I said the intro and honestly if you’re new to the channel

Welcome to my Fusion Timmy Channel I mean I don’t know what else you want me to call it Fusion like Steve I do many other sorts of like anime Minecraft videos but this is my first ever micro Academia one of my God what what just happened in the

Background there bro that thing is still going it’s still still going when does it stop I it’s literally still going it just went out of my view that is crazy anyways I hope you guys are ready to get into a hundred days as Deku and my hero Academia Minecraft guys it’s

Day one and I’m terrified there’s people everywhere the spawn rates are so high in this mod okay I think I’m safer on these guys right hey Decker what’s good man we’re buddies right I mean I know I look exactly like you we we’re friends right okay cool cool

Um yeah I gotta attack the moment I try to start this video very terrifying what the heck is that who are you again I’m gonna be getting chased bro there is people everywhere though it’s kind of scary I kind of want to make a base somewhere but there’s just there’s stuff everywhere

I mean I guess that’s mostly safe there seems to be a lot of students and heroes everywhere but you know it can be a little dangerous either it was actually changed into our OG outfit because we have not earned the right to use our beta or gamma outfit see we’re starting

With the season one Deku outfit yeah that’s right we’re getting quite the downgrade it’s still nice but as it gets further up it looks better and better in my opinion I think they just have some really cool design choices what the heck is this tetsu tetsu

Huh that’s a cute name oh he seems nice so hey hey hey hey hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa Detroit smash that should work I think Endeavor might have done on that I don’t know bro I’m terrified because I don’t know what’s what’s good or not I know I know

You’re good bro I know you’re good I need food and I need a house so that’s violent we gotta stay away from those things they’re not good men kill us very quickly the heck is that sludge villain Oh Yeah from like the first season okay uh if we get away from here it

Seems to kind of clear up a bit but the bad news is there is gonna be some violent people what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna try to get some food and stay away from NPCs as much as we can because there’s gonna be good NPCs but there’s also bad NPCs Detroit smash

Oh my God almost killed me all right so I gotta be careful the explosion could hurt me when it’s up close okay well anyways so basically we’re starting off with our Delaware smash it’s not even Detroit smash Delaware smash if I was looking at the menu you’ll see

That uh one for all rank vigilante reputation 27 I’m zero On My Level all right well uh what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna Farm some sheep so we can get some food and we’re also gonna try getting some wool from them so we can

Make a bed because I need a place to store stuff and I also need a place to put a furnace build a home because man’s dangerous out here and I hate to admit it but it really is it’s very dangerous out here because I could easily die from a lot of stuff

There’s villains running around and if I don’t have a safe place to stay that’s not good I know I need to cook this food you know what I might as well just start building like a furnace or something I was trying to get some HP really quickly because

I’m so low and I don’t want to instantly be killed but I think we’re just gonna have to get some wood it’s been a while since I’ve had to get some wood in like a Minecraft Let’s Play and Naruto and Dragon Ball and stuff like that you really don’t have to

But uh yeah we’re going back to some kind of OG Minecraft stuff here what would be really nice is if we can find a village that would be pretty awesome we don’t have like a reason to stay around the specific area so we can totally just run

Around uh what I will say though is I definitely want to make a bed Chomper the Frick is a chomper let me try like hitting him it does damage me a bit every time I use that move it for some reason hurts me as well either way it did a decent bit of

Damage to like six damage not bad uh I’m tempted okay I can’t use that move much it just hurts me too much but I did get the cows low so that’s nice I want to level up at a first we just need to figure out how

To eat because we’re getting low we have the XP already I think killing anything gives us XP I’m not gonna kill the baby pig that’d be messed up let me uh let me kill this cow we got 53 let’s see if it goes up from us killing this cow

Even if we’re not using the ability I’m just curious 54. so basically killing anything gives us XP good to know the four seems like a horrible idea so I’m gonna instantly just avoid that like they’re finding something over here whoa kindo rapper nah man get that thing

Away from me it looks strong it just killed some NPCs I’m gonna keep my distance there’s a jumping thing why don’t we go on top of a hill if we can’t find a village we might as well go up on top of the hill to make a

Base because I’ll be the next best thing there’s a lot of villains through here I can somewhat avoid them if I go through this path in the forest yeah because I can see like on the mini map this is like a SWAT op so you know

He’s good he’s police we got some horses all right so we’re good if we go up to this hill uh okay there might be something but I think he’s peaceful I hope we’ll go and kill some sheep power down here too just to go ahead and get some

More Woolen food what the heck they made like a stone pillar over there What in what capability is that there’s a lot that we have to learn in this mod this mod is dangerous because there’s so many things spawning in so many places and I don’t know what

Everything does I don’t know exactly what’s peaceful and what’s not like I know some characters but some like Chomper I’m sorry I I don’t remember Chomper from the show my bad that’s a villain isn’t it cementos semen toss pretty sure that’s a villain yeah now I’m gonna assume that that’s a

Villain I’m gonna mind my own business even the hills don’t seem to be safe there’s a lot of NPCs if I go around here holy crap all right what we’re gonna do there’s better house now building a house on wood might not be a good idea

So uh we need to be careful about that there are seem to be some students here and stuff so I think we’re okay maybe Simon toss is all right maybe he’s an all right guy I don’t remember him I think he might have been a hero I can’t remember

Either way I think we’ll build up here let’s just be a good spot we just need to go ahead and get us a bed made some tools and start making some actual progress we got some Stone we can make like a stone house because like the reason I don’t want to make a

Stone House in this I mean a Woodhouse is just because Endeavor and other people like look out there’s flames in the top left of the screen uh that should say I don’t think I really need it sword right now at least not a stone uh like a wood one

I keep like mixing Stone and wood either way yeah there’s fire over here already so that just tells me that we need to be extra careful anyways I’m gonna go and make a bed go to sleep and then I am gonna go get some Stone and start working on this base oh

My goodness there’s a lot of flights going on it is chaos they better not come over here dude all right I set my spawn let’s go to bed oh my God why are you right by my house all right let me sort of like a TP here nah cement toss

See me you can beat him right cement you can beat him right see Matt I think seema’s gonna win I can kill din uh dabby I’ma said dingy bro I’m over here thinking of Chainsaw man I’ll kill Dobby if he kills himathos what guess what you’re on my spawn point nerd dead

Did that give me some XP Maybe it did when I have 100 maybe we’re just about to rank up okay well I can’t do that stuff yet but well at least I died right by my bed stupid fire all right well time to actually sleep look see that’s

That stone platform I was talking about this has been the craziest day one ever dude okay here we are I’ve made a small little base in the next couple days but it really wasn’t a lot uh so basically all I did was I kind of just transferred everything over here

Into this little house on the hill I decided to go a little bit further up because I didn’t like where that spot was and I was got to level everything out this was already pre-level I just had to add some dirt and uh I hear fire yeah also there’s this big gigantic like

Flat hill right here so nope nothing can spawn in this area that can get me everything’s gonna have to come from the right or the left and uh luckily there’s a bit of a hill here too so it’s mainly just in front of my house and then to

The right so that kind of blocks off most NPCs from spawning and luckily for me there’s quite a few Heroes around so nothing’s too bad we got two bakugos Todoroki you know you got the idea I estimate the ladder appear so I can see around my base because I feel like I’m

Gonna need that especially with how many things can spawn there seems to be a lot of Heroes around here so I’m not complaining it seems like a lot more Heroes were in those mod the villains so it doesn’t seem like I’m gonna have too hard of a

Time although yeah I’m kind of ready to start building up my levels but the bad part is it’s gonna be kind of dangerous fighting stuff that’s for sure uh what I will do is I’ll go ahead and delete this uh Delete delete and then I’ll make one

Right here I’ll add it we’ll call it home we’ll spawn up here every time we do home that way we can actually get a good look of everything uh but yeah I think we’re ready to start actually training it’s about to turn night time and that sucks but I just finished doing

Everything I cooked my food yeah honestly everything went really well I just need to do a couple more things I feel like I just need to start training because whoa somebody just got launched they’re dead I didn’t see them but they are dead they are gone 100 percent

Anyways uh what is happening down there yeah I think it might be time to fight some stuff soon is what I was getting at I think I’m gonna do a couple more things to this house and then I’m gonna start fighting some villains and trying

To build up my levels uh I could use a chest I’m gonna I do want to go ahead and make me a chest before I sleep and to work because I want to start putting this stuff away like these costumes I don’t need right now and I don’t want to

Lose them I don’t need the obituary from earlier all right just for an explosion right outside my house and that is exactly why I have built this Cobble house because I know it’s a little bit more resistant to fires and stuff it’s not going to help to explosions but it doesn’t seem like

The the characters have that many explosions it’s more just fire but I can explode my house if I was to use my Delaware smash what what totoroki that is that is scary all right anyways I’m going to bed all right let’s go down there and let’s try and find some stuff

I know a magic will be able to do a lot but we might be able to snipe some pretty easy villains if we’re lucky I’m gonna try and go I’m gonna try and go for some of the easier stuff we’re already at 100 out of

100 XP it should level us up if we kill one more thing I imagine maybe if I even kill an animal it’ll go up let me try killing like a cow or something because we learned earlier that that does give XP so if I kill something kind of simple

It should give XP from what I understand that’s if I can even find something uh as soon as just be NPCs all around here here’s a zombie don’t give any XP I think I have to actually kill it sword this is a little dangerous plus he’s on fire great there’s two of you

Two and I still didn’t level up interesting maybe there’s something I have to do to level up that that level map it did I have to use my ability all right I hate that it damages me for using that move whoa oh well that’ll do whoa

So now if I was to look you can see that I’m level one and I have one skill point which I can put into Health power stamina I’m gonna do Health right now because I feel like we need it uh points will not come very quickly all

Right so now you can see we have different things here level one Delaware smash we already have that level 20 is full cowling level five is Leap which is gonna be the next one we get level 10 is Texas smash level 30 is Detroit Smash and level 50 is United States of Smash

So next thing we’re gonna be getting is Leap which I think will be pretty good for traversal uh but we’re gonna try putting a lot into HP at first because I feel like we need to we’re just like really weak we can’t take many hits plus

Our outfit is the weakest of the outfits uh we definitely gotta put up some more HP what this means is I need to not only train but I also need to get food because killing stuff with these abilities is going to actually hurt me hash what the uh

Hey hey I didn’t mean to it well that happened um so guys I forgot to mention my one key is the same key as my freaking Delaware smash key so if I try and use an item that’s in my one slot I end up just using my Delaware smash which normally kills people

Ouch where he instant killed me where’d my where’s my stuff even at I died like right around here right this was the Endeavor that killed me I’m pretty sure or maybe it was this one I don’t know but my stuff should be around here somewhere ow ow ow ow

No but seriously though where’s my stuff should be around here somewhere okay guys so I’ve been doing some training come out of the house I’ve been doing some training and I have died a lot but I figured out that stuff like that like that Sledge villain he’s actually not

That hard to kill and the reason why is because he doesn’t have a lot of armor were some of the villains have armor so I’ve just been killing stuff that doesn’t have armor and I’ve got all the way up to level five now I put in four

Of my stat points I’m about to put in the fifth one put some more into HP next uh it did not give me another extra HP bar which is kind of weird because I just put in three HP now I only have two Health like down there that’s weird hit me

Oh okay then anyways now I have uh leap apparently which I can use now I just have to oh okay so I just do that and then oh okay so now I can just why does it hurt me when I use these moves that sucks

If you ask me they should remove that I have to like half kill myself just to use leap I mean I imagine it would hurt in real life but like that’s that’s wild uh maybe it’s partly because it’s one for all maybe it’s not every Quirk that does that I don’t know

See if I can eventually get full cowling maybe that’ll help I do not know but we’re only level five and I’m gonna say it takes a lot of grinding what we’ll try and do now is we’ll try and take out something the bad price I need so much

Food I might have to make a farm just so I can have enough food to like sustain myself you know what I mean because this is pretty bad so maybe I’ll make a farm somewhere like down there uh and then maybe I could make like a checkpoint that could

Teleport to because I need food I need lots of food and I also upgrade the costume to the beta costume because we lost our first one the beta is not exactly that much better anyways that’s muscular We’re not gonna fight muscular he’s probably like one of the strongest he may be the strongest

Like villain boss in this that I know of I’ve not seen anything stronger yet so I’m gonna avoid him at all cost now I’m trying to see if I can spot any other types of villains that I think I can fight mostly just Heroes down here

Uh oh my gosh If You tab there’s just so many that’s muscular I’m not about to mess with him we have see it takes HP to even use those moves and I don’t have like regeneration or something you know what I’m gonna add a command that gives me

Regeneration if possible because this is like stupid on the mods part okay so I’ve given myself for generation three which if that is too much I can always sit down for Generation two but for now we have regeneration three now this is gonna help us actually use our moves

Without dying every single time so if I usually yeah I don’t think three’s too bad because the amount of damage it takes to even use one move is ridiculous actually fighting down here oh snap you just use this move right here Kappa she’s still hurting me a lot

Okay I don’t think I got anything for that because Deku is too busy over here soloing everything on his own hey my bro hit me like that geez see a swiney regeneration this is crazy this mod is so hectic I’m glad that I added that I’m gonna have to do it just

Because I’ve been using my moves use so much HP and I have to eat so much just to withstand it it’s ridiculous for now though uh muscle man right he’s a little strong but we have like uh Marshall hair she’s definitely beatable and Chomper is definitely beatable

See like I can kind of snipe them a bit and it’s not too bad now that I can actually use my moves it’s not too bad it still hurts me if I spam them too much though however now I’m getting XP at a decent rate whoa wait a minute Marshall here is top

Ow okay let’s not wear that maybe that’s is it the outfit no it’s not I don’t know it looks weird I’m good uh I just snipe them you know what they’re gonna do they let me know I’m hitting him but too dumb because I can just snipe them

See look at this muscle man who he’s dead wait no wait that guy’s not oh my goodness dude it takes so many hits to kill them and look my regeneration is not having that much get back from me okay I gotta regenerate a bit like look at this this is nuts

Get me away from here okay maybe I bought off a little bit more I uh could chew this guy’s strong but we have to take him out if we want to level up so that’s what we’re gonna do I don’t want to kill the hero but he’s in the

Way yeah it’s definitely something Deku would say uh-huh I don’t want to kill the hero but he’s in the way there’s stamina meter oh that’s wild that’s what the stamina meter is for okay so now I have to also worry about stamina yeah no I’m keeping the

Regeneration this is ridiculous as if HP wasn’t enough of a limiter bro what are you doing he watched one Jackie Chan movie I swear oh no or was it Bruce bro you need to stop spamming that only movie no I only know one move too technically I have two but really only

One does damage so like but I have reason you look like you’re like hey oh nope I can do that too you just Loop away this guy is strong come on die okay this guy is really strong still haven’t killed him yet oh he’s freaking got teleported like dude back off

Oh my God he’s gonna actually kill me at this rate no stop muscular oh nah keep me away from him I don’t even have a food bar anymore so I can’t run is he dead all right well he’s dead I didn’t get any XP from that all that was for

Nothing man I’m going home okay so I’ve made some pretty huge progress now I actually have level 13 which means I’ve unlocked the text of Smash now I haven’t used the X I want to see what it looked like on camera but I did grind up a little bit

More because I was trying to get my damage up uh I put my stop points like this I okay here we go power 10. I put a lot of stuff in my packs I feel like I wasn’t doing a whole lot of damage to people because man some of these enemies

It just they just tank damage they have so much HP like there’s Dobby over there I would probably be able to do like two to three damage per attack if that sometimes it’s less sometimes you only do one damage that’s how much like defense they have sure they don’t have

Much health but that defense part they have in the top left yeah that kind of makes it a little harder but stuff like this guy right here where he doesn’t have a defense part look he just easily got killed I mean three only one HP but

Basically I have to be far smarter about how I use my attacks now I do have this third move and I want to see what it does Texas smash let me get away from everybody okay it’s just like a stronger punch basically I do need to increase my

Stamina if I want to use more attacks right now it’s like I’m lacking stamina I’m lacking HP I’m lacking strength and I’m not that strong but I can deal with some of the weaker guys and that’s how I’ve been getting more strong uh it’s like guys like the

There’s like thugs there’s the violent vandals trying to figure out like this guy right here violent Vandal there’s a girl version and a guy version I’ve been killing those some what are these These Are Good Guys these are good guys but there’s also like uh a bunch of little criminals like there’s I

Think his name was like the Grabber or something I don’t remember oh Chomp or my bad not the can you imagine that villain name being the Grabber night his name was a chomper I’ve been taking him out Muscle Man which is like not not Regular Show Muscle Man different guy different guy I

Know I I thought the same thing Okay so time to look around for some guys to fight so right here there’s a guy that I fought before the invisible wall uh not not very creative name so I can go Whoomp oh wait wait no no okay oh okay I was muscular Muscular is

He’s definitely the strongest guy I’ve seen so far even Dobby doesn’t compare Dobby has like what 17 to 20 defense this guy has 30 or 29 so a lot more he’s pretty powerful but he is low he’s low right now I killed him I think no I didn’t

All right we’re gonna kill muscular real quick I know he’s already what the frick was that bro just like evaporate I’m so confused okay well there’s another muscular We’re Not Gonna bother fighting him because he’s way too strong when he’s at full HP here’s a sledge villain dead gave me a little bit

Hey hey who’s hitting me hold on I got hit by something I don’t know what I do have the Regeneration so that helps all right let’s take out this uh violent vandal pretty easy gave us some XP just a little bit though not a ton the big ones

Are the best but when there’s a bunch of Heroes around they kind of take care of most of the villains before I ever get a chance musculars like everywhere though and he’s like the strongest one he’s the one I don’t want to fight right now him

And Dobby those are the ones I’m having to avoid the most because they are dangerous very dangerous now this is a lot of villains I’m gonna keep my distance because muscular’s right there we do have one Healer uh a hero going in here but I’ll admire that hey hey what do you want

Texas smash holy the fruit no okay y’all no at least get likes P I got a decent amount at best that’s not that much bro leap I said excuse me I said leap it’s like so bad help me and now we’re good there’s too many entities man there’s

Just way too many spawning what is with this mod and like these spawn rates most mods don’t have enough stuff spawning this one has too many also my regeneration’s gone okay the regeneration’s back and now I just gotta figure out where I died at which was somewhere in like all these villains

You’re back oh my God muscular stop man this is why it’s so hard for me to grind okay there’s a bunch of Heroes here now in the area uh oh there’s my tombstone yeah you know like the place I died yeah Okay looking good hey Mr Muscle Man oh watch this teleport like that and now I’m saved okay well clearly I need to do a lot more training off camera before I can really showcase any of these moves but Texas smash is basically just a little bit bigger than the first move

Okay guys we have a bit of an issue going on here so basically what happened was there’s a no move outside our base a boss and it seems to be practically unkillable you see Deku being thrown down there that’s probably because Lenovo he’s dead now uh the nomu’s

Basically insane he’s right down that Hill uh I apparently skipped with my life and he just seems to keep regenerating the heroes almost kill him and then he regenerate so we’re not even gonna be able to kill him most likely unless we get maxed out and even then I

Don’t think that’ll be enough either way he’s super op and we seem to try and avoid him at all cost now I have made some progress lots of progress I’ve made it all the way to level 20. and now I also have some more skill points I put

Some into stamina because I was rosing I’m gonna need stamina to use my abilities more frequently I did a little bit of Health just like one or two mostly power though and now I’ve unlocked full cowling so if I zip four I’m officially full cow mode this now

Makes me quicker I have more jump speed I’m quicker I have more strength resistance meaning I should do more damage in theory now I don’t think I’m ready to fight muscular but since he’s already so low we might give it a shot oh that did like nothing Texas smash does though oh snap

Leap leap did not save me Texas smash ah leap again my stamina is too low man I’m just not strong enough man they like lagged the game so much when anything happens I gotta get out of here bro this is bad where’s the normal at oh yeah there he is

This is complete chaos there’s just so many entities in this I think I could probably slow it down if I really tried but I don’t want to blow up my house like all these flights around my house is kind of dangerous no idea where muscular went

That’s the sound of him dying holy crap that hurt my ears yeah these guys are something else oh my God muscle man just killed me oh my goodness dude trying to LEAP across get my items all right you want to go you want to play Let’s Play okay here we go Texas smash

I’ll take you all on all these criminals around my house with guns are you sir I forget I don’t have regeneration right now so first off um first off full cowling I just broke a bit of my house I did not mean to do that we are officially full cowling now I

Mean we’re faster and stronger all right I don’t want to destroy my stuff somehow so I’m trying to be careful there we go now we’re back and we’re ready to go but now you guys can see what I mean by it like it is incredibly tough to train in this I need

300 XP points to even level up once to get one point and it takes multiple points to even have any progress this Mod’s a little hard not gonna lie a little too much but I could just be doing things the wrong way I don’t know however I see a boss over there

Scavenger he might die at this rate though but can I kill him first never mind he’s dead he is very much dead also there’s cash here and I don’t know what this cash is for maybe there’s a use for that I’m not exactly sure right now I have a full cowling’s pretty nice

That’s a that’s a villain right there but I’m out of stamina I think uh full cowling might be draining my stamina so let me go ahead and just get out of there oh he’s low all right endeavor’s gonna kill him man I’m getting out of here

I just don’t feel that strong without my full abilities oh is that freaking katana oh my God okay well deck it with the katana it’s over now yeah full cowling I think does drain my stamina bar on the right but I could be wrong it feels like it’s

Like kind of a passive drain it’s not too much but if you use abilities it kind of stops you that nomu look they’re trying to kill him but he just keeps regenerating dude he’s insane he’s like makima off the chainsaw man mod I think I’m good

These mobs just go crazy I’m not even gonna lie they’re ganging up on that guy and still losing okay we have quite a few villains over there not gonna fight that not flying that nomu that’s for sure we’re gonna go back home and I’m gonna sleep because it’s getting dark but I

Just need to train more Texas smash is decent full counting seems to just be like a slightly quicker stronger mode mainly I’ll be using my Delaware smash which is like a little bunk it’s not bad see I’m getting XP but I have to focus on the weaker guys or guys

That I can manage because I just I can’t fight a whole lot also what the heck is this is this like the guy up Despicable Me like the guy tries to steal the Moon is this his outfit it’s not too bad though I I can kind of rock this I’m just saying

Has a hoodie and everything but nah it’s not nearly as strong as the actual easy cool drip okay guys time for another little update so it’s been about 10 days and I’ve made a lot of progress more than you would expect instead of just getting to level 30 I got to level 33

And I have put my stats heavily into health and power and then like I think two in the stamina I really want a lot more HP this time and I wanted to keep obviously increasing my power a little bit so now my health bars went up quite

A bit and now I have a locked Detroit smash yeah I now have Detroit smash there’s only one more move for me to unlock and that is going to be the United States of Smash now unlike every other one here instead of it being five or ten I have

To get 20 more levels to get the United States of Smash which is the strongest move in my Arsenal however now I’m getting closer and closer to being just like all might and I can’t wait man it’s it’s about to be insane uh I want to see how much damage

I can do now because I also want to see what the Detroit smash does not gonna lie I’m a little curious so Detroit smash would be my fifth key I just need to go find something that can withstand my attacks I need to see how much damage this can really do to

Something if I wanted to uh not tobacco though he’s he’s too nice he’s too nice the guy that boy Deku throughout the entire series and you know he’s too nice well he did he eventually did become nice to be fair look at this guy right here who does he think he is

I just did Detroit smash them that did a lot of damage bro hey Detroit Smash It wait that was the wrong thing Detroit smash there we go okay bro if you don’t chill out I was spamming did Texas smash on him pause anyway oh I leveled up again that quickly okay

I’ll take it some more power because we still aren’t doing quite as much as I would like to with our attacks our attacks just don’t do that much damage to these really strong bosses we could take some guys out like their fodder though it’s it’s crazy we’ve come a long way

But muscular my objective is to be able to kill muscular by the end of this video this man right here see I’d only did one damage to him and that was a Delaware smash Texas smash does about five Detroit smash evaporated them I guess I actually killed him there uh it doesn’t matter

Though because currently I mean I it takes so long to kill him and he was already at low HP it’s just not enough I need a lot more to be able to say hey I can kill this man you know I I can’t kill muscular fair and square right now

I just can’t but eventually I’ll get there I’m becoming more and more like all my I can’t wait now what I do have to say is that I’m gonna have to kill a lot more of these little guys uh they’re kind of hard to find but sometimes they’re in groups

Normally because like if they haven’t been killed it means that the villains are probably one in that area right now there’s a bunch of Heroes in this area but over here there was some villain okay now they’re dead but basically the villains normally group up so if I kill

Them all I get a lot of XP and I can normally just snipe them whatever well that looking like Master roshi over there for a sec I thought that was like Masters for a second anyways yeah you got like a thug here dead yeah Dobby he’s almost dead he’s gonna kill him

Dobby’s dead now you see I’m getting XP it’s just like that so I’m just having to grind a lot it’s kind of sad because it takes so much grinding just to get anywhere but I’m finally starting to get some good moves uh let me go and actively my full cowling again probably

Didn’t even have my full cowling going Got them all fighting dude this is crazy yeah let’s go I also have a katana that I’ve used a little bit I’m not done though look at this villain he’s dead Deku the other version of Deku got him there’s Dobby ow okay now I see how it is

Bro deck we stopped taking all my kills man let me do this on my own wow okay now I see how it is I see how it is I have a handgun now oh I don’t have any bullets but I have a handgun okay well I really do have a

Glock for all now I guess I really do that’s what I’m looking for going like that pretty easy pretty easy fry uh fish whatever yeah the word I’m looking for yeah he’s gonna be pretty fun Detroit smash um I said not enough stamina not stamina okay there’s a Delaware smash

I’ll use a katana too look at this katana yeah I need a lot more stamina a lot more stamina and a lot more damage that’s what I’m lacking in the most I have a lot of levels to get before I can actually get to the United States of

Smash but once I get that that’ll be pretty huge too now like I said my objective has been to kill muscular in a fair fight later on he’s the strongest person I know we can’t kill that nomu so I’m not gonna try we might try eventually just to see

How far we can get but we definitely can’t actually kill him maybe we can give him a half HP I notice when he gets to half HP is normally when he like he becomes invincible and starts regenerating if we could get him to like

Half HP that might be a win we might try that we’ll see here’s Chomper good old Chomper he’s dead goodbye Chomper and I’m getting some XP just takes forever where I can find this chest over here though um got some carrots I don’t really need Fire charges but I’ll take the the nice

Little carrots more food oh yeah pretty sure we just gotta kill a lot of villains that’s why I’m cutting a lot of this out because honestly my Hundred Day videos I’m not gonna shoot every single day because it’s super boring however I will show you my progress and show you the boss fights

And the fun parts uh good Lord look Deku and muscular out there really going at it muscular is just op in this mod okay I’m out of here goodbye you have fun with that Deku I’m not finding that thing that that freaking literal muscle you wanna talk about a muscle man

Muscular is the muscle man dude he has like he’s literally made of muscles Muscle Man’s already had his job taken bro he needs to quit look how much dirt I have just from the explosions that freaking went for all makes oh I have a golden apple too that

Could be useful later although I already have regeneration so I don’t know there’s a villain here’s there’s a lot of villains outside my house holy crap okay let’s take this one out first oh there’s two of them well I can kill scavenger just like this Delaware smash is a really good uh

What the heck hey yo deku’s you want to come help me out with this guy already look real quick I mean look at this I can just snipe snipe I think he died wow okay I actually killed him there that’s impressive by the way yeah I just need to do a lot

More grinding and get stronger and that’s the only thing I can do to be able to eventually be able to stand a chance against these guys look you dropped another Katana okay so we have another update right so I actually made some pretty decent progress level 52 and I have now unlocked United

States of Smash now of course you can see my reputations gotten pretty hot I’m kind of well known around here now I’m a bit of a hero a bit of a legend one would say and my stats are looking like this 30 power 12 stamina and 10 Health

My Health’s a little low but that’s because to actually use the United States of Smash I’m gonna need a good bit of um stamina either way I’m pretty excited for this and we’re gonna kill some things and try and test out all of our moves combined to see what that’s like

So first off let’s go full cowling right we got full cowling now let’s see what United States of Smash can really do foreign I just like evaporated him into the heavens okay the United States of Smash is no joke let’s try it again um sorry guys uh this is a little awkward

Um whoopsies I think my stamina is too low on the right I don’t completely understand the stamina bar because like I can do that there’s a Texas smash but I can’t seem to do a United States mesh I don’t know what that’s about I guess I need a lot more stamina a lot

More stamina if we have to use United States of smash more often there’s two of them I’m not dealing with that man oh boy for me oh no oh no I left out Golden Apple save me there’s too many of them oh is it over oh no he’s just taking a small break

Even with this regeneration three I’m having a hard time that’s why I said this for Generation 3 was a necessary thing for me to actually use this mod to even fight some of these bosses holy crap dude dude stay away from me stay away from me

I got a glock in my rock whoa whoa whoa stop bro I can’t even leap anywhere the Sleep goes like two feet nah hey look at him listen I swear I’m stronger than it seems all right I just need a little bit more training just a little bit more

I I need a lot more training I’m not gonna lie get this dude United smash nope Texas smash double smash what aha you’re not about to make me Diet bald now this still hit me okay well look um dude my regenerational save me screw you

Bunk dead oh yeah I have to make a lot more progress to really be able to use this properly it’s so annoying I’ve spent so many days trying to get stronger and I still feel pretty weak because these are like some of the stronger ones right like you can say

They have armor I’m still not even close to being able to kill muscular though I need more time I need a lot more time to properly be able to use my Quirk without it backfiring on me it’s time to get grinding uh again grinding yeah just lots of grinding in

The spot I’m not gonna lie there’s there’s not a whole lot more to do it’s just a lot of grinding but maybe I can get this Glock for all and that could take out muscular if I shoot between the muscle I’m kidding that’s not gonna work

Although yeah I mean I can probably get a lot stronger with my stamina and health and Power I I think I might try and go to like level 100 honestly adeka love 100 might be enough to take out muscular it’s just gonna take a lot of training uh like here’s an easy guy

To take out thousand eyes I grind them a lot because they’re kind of low HP oh snap yeah uh get back over here I wasn’t done with you now you’re seeing my power look at these little guys okay I killed him all right let’s get away from muscular there but yeah I’m

Getting XP pretty easy now uh it’s coming easier the stronger I get so I’m able to level up a little faster uh I still have a long ways to go so even though I have all my moves now I have to get stronger be able to kill muscular all right listen guys listen

We are getting there we are getting there there is a cap for stats they’re not infinite the highest you can go is 30 in your stats and I have 30 in my power I just gotta get to 30 in my stamina and health which I’m getting

There very quickly as you can see I’ve been grinding a ton and I’ve almost got everything maxed out I’m pretty excited to see what I’m gonna be like when I have everything maxed uh but it’s time to wear the gamma outfit because as you guys know I’ve been wearing the beta

Outfit for most of this video because we lost the alpha but now we’ve officially move up to gamma we’ll actually wear the true Deku outfit that he currently wears now vigilante Deku is another story however we do not have that in this mod currently this is the closest we can get

But this is pretty much what it is except for normally Deku has like the bunny ears and it’s a bit more ragged and also he has like black Whip and all that but this the modders haven’t got to that point yet I’m pretty excited for when it does get

To that point however now we have to go get stronger first let’s go and test out how powerful we are now here’s Dobby ow ow ow ow ow ow let’s not you know what maybe Dobby wasn’t a good idea on second thought you know van ducky feels underpowered in this bro

Give me these guys who are you plus I said I thought that said Texan it says Tesla like the like the brand that sells cars okay nope nah why is Daddy so strong I’ve killed him a bunch right now but normally I just snipe him when he’s up close he’s dangerous

He’s very dangerous Yeah I can just snipe him all the way from here I love that like I have that sniping potential yeah what you gonna do even with my regeneration that I added through commands I’m still taking so much damage they gotta like fix that in my opinion this is a little weird

However now we kill Dobby I just had to use my range attack the range attack is like half the reason I’d be able to grind as much as I have been uh I can also go full cowling which does help a little bit probably could be a little

Bit better I can’t wait till they add more to this mod the mod’s not bad or anything but it could use a little more however I’m still not maxed out yet so I don’t want to judge everything too much not until I officially have my Max moved I say some smash

Oh yeah how’d that feel bro he almost died from that all right time to finish up my training small little update here guys but apparently there’s something that I’ve overlooked this entire time and a lot of you might already know this but apparently my full cowling can go a heck

Of a lot higher than just what I was using so if you go to full cowling this is ten percent this is what I was using that entire time but it can go far higher so like right now you see we have strength two speed jump boost two resistance but I can make

It go up much more so 20 percent right thirty percent forty percent fifty percent and at fifty percent you’ll see that uh our stats are looking like strength five speed five jump boost six resistance four and that’s only at fifty percent it keeps going now once you get past eighty percent

Starts to hurt you but then adds Max at 100 your strength and everything is just insane although you can’t keep it very long there’s a stamina bar and it’ll eventually run out and go back to zero percent but I can run a solid 50 60 without having any issues and I’ll

Have jumpers and all kinds of stuff so basically full counting is just as op as I would have hoped oh my god that hurt wait ah ah okay uh not what I uh not what I plan there but I’ll take it you know what we’ll take it by the way that’s really awesome

Because now we can just go to like 50 60 I think it’s well I can hold a 70 percent but I’m noticing that uh it’s lacking some of the previous stuff so um let me see if I can get to go back down to zero go back down go back down to zero

Percent go back down go back down it’s not going back down oh well it just means I can probably keep about 50 60 70 at most I figure out what the best thing is soon but I think it’s probably about 50 60 by the way that’s just another way

For me to be able to train easier okay guys it’s time for the grand finale of this video yep that’s right I have all of my stats completely maxed 30 on everything pure dedication and effort is one of the things I’m most proud of in this playthrough honestly in any of my

Hundred days this was a really hard task this was probably one of the hardest videos I’ve ever had to make because of how hard this mod can be it takes so much to level up and I don’t care how many Buffs you get it still takes

Forever this took me so long but I’m finally here and now it’s time to reap the benefits of getting this strong so we have muscular we have all for one and we have the eyeless no moon now we also have the nomu but he’s uh he’s kind of

Still alive from earlier he never died it’s been all this time and he’s still very much alive I thought he might have despawned no let’s go ahead and full Cal up to uh 50 actually we’ll go up to 60. we’ll chill with 60. actually we’ll go

70. 70s as high as we’ll go look how high we can jump at 70. now we’re not gonna really fight the no Moto last because he’s pretty much invincible and I know we cannot kill him but where is he right now Mr Nomo hey hey hey hey leave me alone man see now I’m like oh pee I’m leaping across the room no issues this is the Nomo he’s literally invincible literally I don’t know of a way to kill him currently so that’s a shame however muscular is killable and this was the

Goal so we’re about to try and see if we can kill muscular look we have resistance heavy resistance bro all right look he can’t even hurt us hardly United States of Smash whoopsie I kind of killed a student whoopsies no where’s he at though I know he’s not dead where’d he go

Did he did he die I don’t think he died is this him this is him and now he’s trying to fight someone else nah man EXO smash wait hold on oh ow bro that fall damage makes no sense okay let’s go get the fall damage uh

Nothing you know what I mean let’s go get the stuff from the fall damage wherever that was first I have to find it one more time and this time I’ll put my back into it [Applause] let’s go where you at where are you at is he dead

Oh my God I think we killed him how do I stop my full cowling though this is a bad issue okay I’m going home we killed him we killed him but our full cowling for some reason won’t stop it’s like when we go to 100 it straight up will just go

Until it kills us well it was worth it it was worth it it’s pretty much if I lock myself up to 100 I’m dead like that’s just how it is but it worked we killed muscular Authority United States of Smash that’s how much damage it did

When we was using our 100 full cowling it’s a lot like the show when you think about it that’s pretty much what I had to do and now there’s still the nomu and all for one and I know all for One’s Gonna Be Crazy all right time to see what all for one’s

Like go to 70 percent we are all right nope get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me I’m just trying to LEAP but it won’t leap there we go there’s the Nomo right all for one oh he’s got a Boss Bar oh nah

Uh he’s literally Invincible guys I think wait no he has an HP bar he just constantly regenerates he’s killable he’s killable all right as long as I keep my full cowling I’m good why is he floating like that freaking nah all for one oh nah

He can barely hurt me when I’m in my full cowling mode issue is it just drains so much stamina and I have maxed out stamina all right maybe with the help of the other Heroes I’ll have a chance he’s definitely killable I just might need to help some other Heroes oh my God

All right my full cowling’s gone I gotta let my stamina recharge look he’s too busy fighting muscular down there he doesn’t even realize all for one’s right there and regenerating all right we got we got other Heroes on the scene aha I hit him didn’t do a whole lot but

It’ll do it for now oh the nomu and Waffles are gonna fight I gotta see this hey hey hey hey I thought they were gonna fight apparently not Bro he just runs so wild Nah Get me away from this thing all right 70 Cali yeah why are you trying to fight me now normal mind your own business this old 1v1 Uh of course no more you just can’t let me fight all for one in peace well guess what I got you a buddy the eyeless no move I think he’s killable okay I’ll kill the eyeless numo actually [Applause] yeah that’s right cry cry what you gonna

Do I’m gonna cry tomorrow you run him ah come here y’all both dead I have so much resistance right now all three of you right here okay well my stamina’s out it was nice seeing you guys last part even with full stamina I don’t know if I could hit him and kill him

That’s it I have to prick out my greatest weapon of all the one that all might left for me all right guys I’m done messing around I’m bringing out the Ultimate Weapon to stop all for one this Glock It’s gone for all four Counting today we learned who a true hero was underneath the mask the ultimate Deku Fanboy Fusion Timmy with his Glock for all Full Count okay I can’t man it’s just okay I’ve had enough of this video If you enjoyed the video make sure like

Comment subscribe hit the notification Bell and I hope you guys enjoyed 100 days as Deku I’ll see you guys in the next one future Timmy signing out

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as VIGILANTE DEKU In My Hero Academia Minecraft… This is what happpened’, was uploaded by FuzionTimmy on 2023-03-01 16:06:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

This video, I play as Vigilante Deku in My Hero Academia Minecraft 100 days! I decided to do Deku 100 days in My Hero …

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  • Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream Patch

    Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream PatchVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] सो हाय हेलो व्ट्स अप गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी का स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो आ जाओ सब लोग जल्दी जल्दी आ जाओ आज थोड़ा डिफरेंट है आज मूड आज हीरो ब्रांड प्लस के डलर मोड है आज आज मैंने के डलर भी ऐड किया है ओनली हीरो ब्रंड नहीं है आज अरे भाई रात अभी से है यह तो दिन ही नहीं होगा भाई सुस्वागतम गलती से दब गलती से मैंने ना [संगीत] दबाया भाई गलती से दप गया था क्या करें या सो तो सकते नहीं है चलो ऊपर… Read More

  • Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94

    Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94Video Information बिना कहीं ऊंची हाइट के जाए बिना आप ऐसे उठ सकते हो मेरी तरह इस वीडियो में मैं आज बताने वाला हूं कि हाउ टू फ्लाई इलेक्ट्रा इन माफ्ट पॉकेट एडिशन तो सबसे पहले आपको इलेक्ट्रा लेनी है मैंने इलेक्ट्रा लेने के लिए क्रिएटिव में गया हूं क्योंकि क्रिएटिव से जल्दी मिल जाती है पर आप सर्वाइवल सीरीज में हो तो सर्वाइवल सीरीज के लिए आपको सबसे पहले एंडर ड्रैगन को मारना पड़ेगा फिर वहां से एंड एंड सिटी में जाके फिर आपको इलेक्टर वहां प इजली मिल जाती है फायरवर्क्स तो क्रीपर को मार से उनके पाउडर… Read More

  • Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #Viral

    Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #ViralVideo Information ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न से तार चिपक गई छाती से ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न सेता है ढीली कौन कसे कौन क कौन कसे कौन क कौन क कौन क कन कसे कन कसेन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप ले [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा [संगीत] हिट [संगीत] परवा ु कमरान इधर अगर तुमको पूरी वीडियो देखनी है तो जाओ देखो यार चैनल पर पूरी वीडियो डल चुकी है और आल्सो लिंक इन डिस्क्रिप्शन और वीडियो देखो बहुत मजा आएगा और मेरी तरफ से हैप्पी… Read More

  • PokeXplore

    PokeXploreUpdated to Reforged 8.2.0! PokeXplore has several unique features for you to enjoy! * Pokemon can learn any move they learned in any game from gen 1-8 * Simple TMs – only one TM for each move * Custom Terrain * Automatic Loot Chest Refills – globally! * Stunning and Unique Auras * Quests * Dual-Type Gyms * More features to come! Website: https://www.pokexplore.com Discord: https://discord.gg/zMTBEtZ play.pokexplore.com Read More

  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

    Welcome to the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Join now and experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in our updated 1.20 modpack. Level up, unlock new skills, and become the ultimate Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Features: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

  • PixelRealm

    This server contains many gamemodes such as skyblock, bedwars, skywars, normal survival and many more will be coming soon. https://discord.gg/9t96EncjEKJoin the above discord server and visit server activation channel to start the server at your play timeThe server also supports all versions and can be played from both java and bedrockEnjoy Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?

    Minecraft Memes - Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?Seems like your dog really horsed around and paid the price! Maybe it’s time to invest in some pet armor and potions for extra protection next time. Read More

  • Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift

    Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift In the world of Minecraft, MishanYAYA reigns supreme, Crafting stories, building dreams, in a virtual stream. With subscribers by her side, she ventures far and wide, Exploring realms of redstone, where diamonds hide. Gifts from Vova, surprises from friends, In the world of gaming, the fun never ends. From LOL to FUGUE TV, she’s a star, Spinning tales of adventure, near and far. So join the journey, with MishanYAYA in tow, As she navigates the world, with a playful glow. In the land of Minecraft, where creativity flows, She’s the queen of the game, everyone knows. Read More

  • My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS)

    My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS) When your friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft start teleporting around like they’re in the Matrix, you know it’s about to get INSANE! #WiFifail #Minecraftmayhem #laggylaughs Read More

  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle - Join Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the exciting and creative world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taming an Ender Dragon to soar above your castle, just like in the video you enjoyed. At Minewind, you can experience thrilling adventures, build amazing structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server by entering the IP address YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that… Read More

  • 🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play #405 – Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*

    🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let's Play #405 - Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Applaus] na einen wunderschönen guten Tag und herzlich willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft ja ich hoffe es geht euch gut und se bisher auch durch den Samstag gut durchgekommen ja ich habe ein bisschen was vor diesmal habe ich aber was vorbereitet hallöchen brinchen und hallöchen Lina brinchen Moment dass ich das nicht vergesse und zwar und zwar und zwar und zwar genau Eier genau eine ganze schaler voll Eier Teppiche und warte mal was war denn hier noch drin außer schwarzstein ach so ja das ist für die Farm noch… Read More

  • World Domination with Princess_Panda27

    World Domination with Princess_Panda27Video Information are doing Minecraft again cuz I said I would and working on the house we’re working on the third floor now yeah third floor I think yeah I got to figure out how I’m going to put the ceiling on this one and then um go from there I’m trying to get the stream up real quick and then there it is I can share it out real quick and then let’s see [Music] h [Music] okay there we go got it up all right let’s see probably do this someone near on here you want to be… Read More

  • “Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!” #clickbait

    "Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играю на анархии LantonCore #анархия #выживание #survival #minecraft #майнкрафт #klauncher’, was uploaded by Hayper on 2024-01-29 20:01:41. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. Tags (do not read): #klauncher anarchy, funtime, funtime, pioneer, akvych, funtime server, pioneer funtime, farm, minecraft, funtime, funtime stream, funtime anarchy, fun time, coin farming, found dupe on funtime, minecraft, funtime fits, netherite armor, fan time, vulture, funtime fits, funtime coins, minecraft anarchy, dup funtime, holyworld anarchy, minecraft anarchy, wipe, mystic funtime, pvp funtime, minecraft, funtime pvp, in minecraft, cheats,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gaming

    Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gamingVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybey that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit do that make me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 – Counting Emily’s Deaths: Shizo! 🤯

    Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 - Counting Emily's Deaths: Shizo! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How Many Deaths? – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 11’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-27 22:00:13. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:26 or 12866 seconds. If you caught my livestream where SerenaFire came to raid an ancient city with us, it happens in the middle of this video, right after I run around like an excited bouncing maniac. After that, I tragically die a bunch of times in places and ways I totally shouldn’t have died. Enjoy! Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBS

    Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBSVideo Information for h what’s up Thomas hey up Thomas how are you doing today how are you doing Thomas racist live once again I’m referring to uh the Los PS TV yes but me no no no chance you’re referring to m ow those suage Works where do you enter you like okay this is not it I’m many good to explain to me how this works where’s little cam cam what do you mean where’s little cam cam right here manam I’m not going to touch anything until goo tells me what to do I’m not going to… Read More

  • Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!

    Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video today I’ll be going over Sky spoofer and the three different spoofer modes as well as answering many of the common questions I’ve been asked by you guys in my Discord so first off what is a spoofer a spoofer is a software that either permanently or temporarily spoofs your computer serial numbers to make it seem like you’re on a new device and this is most commonly used to remove Hardware ID bands which almost all competitive games utilize including valerant fortnite Call of Duty Apex Legends and many many… Read More

  • HARDCORE Minecraft: Ghost Survives 100 Days

    HARDCORE Minecraft: Ghost Survives 100 DaysVideo Information hello guys welcome to my hardcore Adventure today’s episode where we’re going to get scared make friends and many other things to survive these 100 days and if I die once then everything is [Music] gone so just like any Hardcore Minecraft video so to get myself started on the first day I got some food found this ruined portal with decent Loot next I got some wood for tools to then get some Stone after that I went to organize my inventory but then this happened ah son of a [Music] mother a I’m the smartest person… Read More

  • Corgi creates mind-blowing Minecraft sand art! #41

    Corgi creates mind-blowing Minecraft sand art! #41Video Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Sand Art (Corgi) #41 #shorts #minecraft #apexlegends #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Persivan on 2024-01-13 17:21:22. It has garnered 10567 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Satisfying sand art in Minecraft . Hope you all will enjoy . If you like our short content , don’t forget to LIKE and Subscribe . Share our video with your friends and let them enjoy . Stay tuned for more amazing videos . Game :- Minecraft Bedrock Edition With RTX On . :- Social… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as VIGILANTE DEKU In My Hero Academia Minecraft… This is what happpened