I Survived 100 Days in a FANTASY REALM in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened

Video Information

Minecraft has been taken over by a highly dangerous boss named the cosmic fiend i have 100 days to put a stop to him or else minecraft as we know it will change forever along the way i’ll have to battle through mythical creatures explore new structures and craft

Powerful armor will i be able to survive 100 days in this fantasy realm on hardcore mode or will the cosmic fiend and his minions defeat me stay tuned to find out starting out on day one i spawned in with a new compass at the top of my screen which seemed to track nearby

Creatures i also had a bunch of new items in my inventory which looked to be guidebooks for the different sorcery and monsters in this mod pack they ranged from being about powerful creatures to rituals so these would be useful to reference in the future alongside the books i started with a backpack that

Gave me four additional rows of inventory space which as you will see comes very handy in this adventure after checking out all of my new items i started getting wood and the trees around me were rainbow eucalyptus trees which are a really cool tree type and actually exist in real life chopping

Wood is different in this pack you kind of just break away at the stump and eventually the whole tree falls down at once now i was on an island so i checked my map to see if there was any land near me and nope i was stranded i needed to

Get out of here so i crafted a boat and started sailing away i managed to find a desert soon enough and i began exploring the land what is this bones just bones from an animal berry all right it’s a pixie summer pixie hi i love pixies what is that insane dog oh oh

Why did i attack this thing oh oh i have no food i have no food i barely escaped the dog and while running away i saw this huge dragon fossil luckily it was a dead dragon so it wasn’t of risk to me but it could mean that there were more dragons flying

Around nearby i farmed up some wheat to make a couple pieces of bread and then collected bones from the dragon which would definitely come in handy later i encountered a pillager outpost while running and also these two structures one of which had hay in it so i hastily

Collected it and was able to make six pieces of red that wasn’t the only thing in this house though what is that i see like a player what ever danielson hello have you seen any food around here you need food hey hey oh you’re still hungry that’s not

Enough i need more food i just gave you all my food dude how hungry is this guy trying to like make friends with him or something can i recruit you oh companion added wait it actually worked wait what What this dude’s like my companion now wait can i like make you follow me i’ll stay here i’ll move around i’ll stay here i’ll move around wait can you follow me or what oh my god no way i just i i recruited someone let’s go

Bed oh i need that in chess i’m gonna take all this i actually need a torch so i’m taking that because it’s been very dark and books and so i had a new companion to accompany me on my adventures the first night approached so

I headed to sleep and on day two i found this house which had iron pickaxes out in front and i just realized that i hadn’t even upgraded my tools to stone yet i recognized this house as a dwarven tavern and surely enough when i went inside there was a dwarf blacksmith in

There now strangely he was all blacked out which i don’t think is normal but still he had trades for fey ore that get upgraded as you trade more that maybe i could invest in later i uh borrowed the gold armor said he had and then continued on with my ventures i ran into

A gatekeeper who i was familiar with these guys hold the key to the blue skies dimensions a little bit further along i found this strange structure with a magenta roof i made my way to the other side and it had a way stone outside of the entrance which i marked

And when i went inside i found the building to be a library it was filled with bookshelves which i collected since i would need them for enchanting and i then ran into a door that read employees only so obviously i entered and there was a chest inside that i checked for traps

But it seemed safe so i eluded it and got a scroll of regeneration as well as a buried treasure map i made my way up some stairs and found an area that read forbidden section which i of course also entered and found a chest as well as a

Hidden little spawner that i broke other than that at the top of the building i found this floating brazier which i don’t i’m not sure if it’s actually supposed to be there and it ended up being called a magical brazier i got out of there and then tracked this strain

Structure on the map which i headed for and it turned out to be an orc encampment i fought the orcs from above because i couldn’t really trust my gear to keep me alive and while i was doing that everett he was just he was just useless i defeated a decent

Amount of orcs and then night hit so i slept to avoid any other mobs with the morning of day three i was more confident in heading into the encampment okay please ever do not die to him oh he’s running away from ever ever you’re a boss buddy oh

How much oh oh he ate okay good he actually eats to get his health back here take some more bread good job ever ever danielson my man oh diamond block oh no way wait that’s so nice there were a couple of chests in here from which i

Got a golden apple iron scraps and a big horn i don’t know what those are for the next chest gave me some lapis coal and another golden apple which i took happily i made a demon axe and pickaxe and then left the camp now at this point

I knew i really needed to find a place to set up my base my inventory was full i was low on food and i wouldn’t survive like this much longer while searching another howl snuck up on me but this time i was prepared and everett was able

To take it out with his crossbow good job evert you beast i found another one of these libraries shortly and i quickly looted it there wasn’t really much in it though so i got out of there pretty quick soon i came upon a desert and in my experience i knew deserts were very

Dangerous and warranted dragons still being badly in need of a home i wandered into the desert and my fears about it being dangerous were exactly right there’s another recruit up up ahead here oh is that what this is this is another recruit spelling no way wait can i

Recruit a second person that would be great hi oh jerk and ah ah i knew going to the desert was a bad idea i knew it i called it i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it oh my god oh my god

Oh man please please i’m in the water please spare me please dude dude okay i’m digging down i’m panicking okay an insane alpha dog had attacked me and now it was waiting to pounce the second i made it back up to the surface i carved out a little area for myself

And placed a bed so i could sleep in hopes of the alpha dog despawning in the morning and while sleeping i had a dream about the sponsor of today’s video monster legends monster legends is an awesome free to play mobile game that is available on all devices you can collect

Over 900 monsters with different elements and rarities and build your own monster empire you’ll need to collect food gold and gems so you can tailor your empire and reach new levels catch your new baby monsters feed them to evolve level them up and boost their powers with runes relics and talents

Create the best team and challenge your friends or other monster masters in battles where you can conquer trophies win rewards and reach the top leagues become a member of an alliance interact with other monster masters and join exclusive events where you can unlock chess with awesome rewards one of the

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000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kaori thank you again to monster legends for sponsoring this video and now let’s get back into it fortunately everett teleported back to me on the next morning and once i reorganized myself i headed back for the

Surface one of the insane dogs was right above me it was weaker in the water though so i was able to defeat it i’d like to note that for some reason in this mod pack your health bar disappears when fighting mob sometimes so just know that’s not me going into creative mode

Or anything that’s literally it just being hid from me also the mob was enchanted which i’d like to note because enchanted mobs have additional health damage abilities and can drop enchanted books so they are really great to farm but also tough the rest of the dogs were

Feasting on a dragon that they had just hunted down i figured the wisest thing to do would be to head out and go back to the building i was chased away from initially i was met with johann sigridson who i welcomed into my troop and also jerk engemen interesting name

Who i also recruited with that i decided i would set up camp in the house given that it had a good height advantage and water around it providing a fairly solid amount of defense having my inventory cleared out felt great i also placed a waste stone down so i could teleport

Home whenever i would encounter any more of these additionally i created a waypoint on my map and now i would be able to find my house from anywhere which is really useful because i’m not always the best at remembering coordinates oh so real quick just i just

Want to show off my new skin right here which is a purple wolf check it out oh yeah oh new skin sweat in the house you know what it is I remembered that i had skill points as well yeah that’s that’s right you can increase your damage with swords bows increase your health like basically anything i decided i would upgrade my herds first because that would give me a big survival increase and i was able to

Get two and a half hearts to start while i was doing all that i heard a sound outside and went outside to johan getting attacked by an insane dog luckily i was able to fend it off and give him some food so he would stay alive having these companions ends up

Being more trouble than help as you’ll see in the future but we’ll get to that later having situated myself i now wanted to go adventuring and mining so i headed out with my army but the desert remains a dangerous place for travelers oh there’s a dragon there’s a dragon there no no no

No why oh my my companions are dying guys come down here if you want yup ever just died guys come down here please all right well it looks like everybody’s dying today jerk teleported back to me which was a good sign and i decided i would just use

Being underground as a reason to start mining since i needed to mine anyways i found fade gems down here which look like diamonds but it’s used for trading with the dwarves for magic which i needed to look into some more i started smelting my oars while mining and then i

Got snuck up on whoa oh my what just happened without my extra hearts i would have been down to half a heart there i quickly made a shield a helmet and some boots as well which would give a slight boost to my protection i continued mining deeper underground and i also continued to

Upgrade my hearts with experience i found strange oars while continuing on with mining including these moon crystals which can be used to access the new after light dimension which i do later fiery glass which can be used to make brighter torches and silver ore which can make okay gear while mining i

Started having issues with johan dude get unstuck bro dude my goodness these guys are hard to manage and i’m running out of food oh my god you know i’m gonna have to let them die if they die i can’t deal with that yeah you’re gonna die

I’m sorry buddy i just i can’t i can’t yeah all right well yeah he’s gonna die too i can’t guys i can’t i can’t babysit you okay so jerk just died too you know i am pretty caring about my companions but i just did not care in this case because

Babysitting them was not beneficial at all i found a diamond vein which i scooped up and then i ran into an even more expansive cave system in which i focused on getting experience so i could keep upgrading my hearts i was about to go back up to the surface because i had

No food left but just before i did i encountered this interesting geode which contained an ore simply named gems that you can make armor with speed boots as well as the spawn egg for the cosmic fiend so this was actually an amazing find better yet i found out that this

Armor is more powerful than iron i scooped up a bunch of these gems but before i could make myself a set of gear with it i found a mine shaft which i couldn’t help but explore now keep in mind i was at five hunger bars but i

Knew that there could be some food and relics here i managed to find diamonds a chest which gave a piece of bread and a slime heart relic which reduces your health regeneration but in return gives you fall damage immunity i couldn’t put it on because it required a talisman

Slot that you need a special belt for which i do get later but i wasn’t sure if i wanted to use it either way because i didn’t really like the health regeneration decrease i don’t know maybe you guys would get it i chose not to i

Also got these runes that can be used to create relics and after looting that chest i finally remembered that i could craft myself a full set of new gem armor i also crafted a diamond sword and my gear set was looking pretty good i went back up towards the surface after that

And it was night time so i quickly slept and made my way up on the next day but as soon as i came up i was attacked by an insane dog which i nervously fought off and was able to defeat the desert temple i saw from before was still next

To me so i checked it out and i got some bones manuscripts horse armor diamonds and an old eye which is one of the ender eyes needed to head into the end the best loot though was an enchanted golden apple and a regular golden apple which i

Really needed on the way back home i mined a bunch of bone blocks which would let me bone meal a lot of bread and i then found another one of these companion structures in which lives targanyansen i didn’t have food to recruit him so i headed outside and bone

Mealed the wheat seeds that he had which gave me a total of 51 pieces of bread so i was easily able to recruit him and give him some extra food i continued adventuring and found this tower which had a dragon behind it so i carefully mined into its side i was already

Familiar with these you see in my medieval minecraft 100 days i almost died to the trap that these have so this time i was able to mine out the tnt and loot the chest safely which gave me an iceborn diamond sword that deals an additional 3.12 cold damage making it

Pretty powerful there was also an enchantment called worker exploitation which gives you double wool from shearing sheep but also deals damage to them so that was pretty interesting and then i got another enchantment called funneling that puts oars in your backpack as soon as you mind them i

Returned home after that dropped off my loot which felt great and i made a diamond chest plate and leggings i was slowly gearing up on the next day i set out in hopes of adventuring and finding a new home although i didn’t exactly end up finding one i found the sky shard on

The floor and the random explosions i was hearing and seeing sometimes now made more sense because those are what drop these sky shards these can be used to make a keeper of the heaven weapon skyshooter and the cosmic fiend spawn egg so this was actually really important i was afraid of dragons going

North so i decided on going more towards the east i found this huge structure in the distance when i approached it though i got attacked by a dragon and had to quickly tunnel down the good news is that torgani teleported to me so he wasn’t gonna die i was pretty annoyed of

Dragons at this point i did find a dungeon down here which was filled with zombies and it actually gave me some decent look i might away from where the dragon was but as i was doing that i mined into another dungeon everything seemed fairly safe at first until a boss approached okay

That’s a boss that’s a boss that’s a boss okay i’m so happy that i was able to get out okay see this is good this is a good situation here this is good me and casing myself saved my life but it still took a ton of hits

To defeat it defeating that boss landed me some really sweet rewards including protection 4 leggings and a protection 7 helmet that’s indestructible there were also some chests in the room from which i got a supply cam chest which is actually something really interesting as you’ll see later i got a music disc and

Another golden apple as well and that was it for this dungeon not so bad i made my way back up to the surface and honestly i wasn’t too far from where i was in the first place so it’s not a surprise that a dragon attacked me again

I made sure to mine far away this time and then i got sidetracked while doing that with another boss which also had an absolute infinite amount of health oh was warning me of a creeper corgina you absolute legend he’s warning me that there’s a creeper here except the only

Problem is he doesn’t actually shoot the creeper he just says creeper but still amazing job my man what a guy what a guy a lot of hits later i was able to finally take down the boss and they dropped protection 5 diamond boots at max durability just absolute heaven here

I finally made it up to the surface after all that and the dragon wasn’t on me i did see it not far in the distance though so i made a run for it i found a desert temple which i couldn’t resist looting and other than a golden apple

There wasn’t really much there and then a dragon attacked me again worse yet i had commanded torgini to stay so he was just kind of stuck there and i couldn’t come up for him unless i wanted to die so that was goodbye to him there were more dungeons here and i just couldn’t

Resist continuing on with mining and looting i did find a mine shaft soon and found this little jail compartment which had an incredible relic infinity ham an infinite food that restores ten of hunger per use has three charges restoring every 60 seconds are you kidding me

That is the best thing i’ve got in my life i wasn’t sure of how to use the infinity hem at first it turns out that it has to replenish itself after you pick it up which i figure out later i continued scouting for mineshaft chests in search of any more of these powerful

Relics while doing so i ran into another boss in full methorite this time and after a bunch of hits as usual he dropped these boots which were pretty crazy they had feather falling 7 on them but my current protection 5 boots were still better still though i would find

Use for these later i found a leather belt relic which gives you three open extra relic slots for special talism relics one of which is the slime heart that i got another one of i was still wary of using it because of its health regeneration reduction though continuing

On with searching i found the jackpot of relics three in one chest another infinity ham which i happily took a midnight robe which gives you plus 15 movement speed in the night time and invisibility in areas without light but i would have to replace my backpack with

It which i didn’t really want to do with how much i had been using it and finally a magic mirror this relic is insane and you will definitely see it come into a lot of use it lets you teleport back to your respawn point whenever you want

From wherever you are this ends up saving so much time and energy in this video so it is a big plus that i got it that was not it though because i found another one of these prison cells and in it i found the out runner relic which

Accelerates your movement speed by five percent each second you run this makes you faster than sonic you’ll see what i mean i also got a camouflage ring which makes you invisible when you sneak on grass i was really happy with my new artifacts these are so cool come on

My respawn point was not set yet so i couldn’t use the magic mirror to get back home and a dragon did come at me when i came up to the surface but it couldn’t exactly catch me i slept off the night and with the start of day 10

Well first of all look at that infinity ham go to work i mean just amazing anyways my chest were packed at this point so i headed over to some trees to collect some wood before i could do anything though a dragon attacked again however i used my camouflage ring which

Confused the dragon and i was able to get away wary free i could not wait for the day that i could hunt dragons and my goal was now to gear up as much as i could i kind of forgot about the whole getting wood thing for a bit and i found

This desert structure which i entered and it had a tomb in the middle of it which i broke into and underneath there was a secret staircase going down towards something i made my way through and once i reached the bottom i was met with husks which i took down and i

Ventured further where i took out more husks until i coincidentally ran into another boss room that had spawned within the crypt defeating the boss one as usual and as a reward i got this projectile protection 7 unbreaking 5 diamond chest plate with 4 additional hearts i now had more than 2 rows of

Hearts and just as i was checking that out i got i got attacked by a dragon i was considering staying and fighting it for a while but then i just used my magic mirror and got out of there now my set of gear was very solid at this point all

I really needed was a bow to complete my set not to mention i had a set of protection 4 leggings that were waiting for me to use them i just needed to repair them the next morning i crafted a bed roll which lets you sleep at night

Without setting your spawn point so this would let me use my magic mirror whenever i wanted to just return home my next mission was to get a powerful bow before i got to doing that though i decided i would use this supply cam chest i had mentioned and gotten earlier

And when i used it it spawned a layout for a building i had to fill out an area on which i would spawn the supply camp so i filled it up with that done i placed the mine camp and it worked i also found a schematic for another

Building called the town hall here as well as the build tool which can be used to create these buildings the supply camp was filled with basic loot like coal tools meat and just a bunch of pretty useful things this is all a part of the mine colonies mod and as you

Build more things you can actually start to grow a civilization which is really cool and maybe something that i could do later in 100 days anyways right now my goal was to create a very powerful bow and for that my plan was to head down and mine to get enough experience for a

Level 30 inch hint mining is pretty dangerous in this pack though right away i found a cave spider spawner that i took down and under these spawners there are actually pretty good chests this one gave me a depth rider 5 book a mythic chest plate as well as a rare bow now

The chest plate had an increase in enchantability by 28 and it was unbreakable an increase in enchantability basically means you can enchant something higher than for 30 levels which gives you more enchantments i still wasn’t sure if i wanted to use this one though because mine seemed to

Be better so for now i just kept it in my inventory i ventured deeper into the cave looking for the ore i needed and i encountered another boss who dropped indestructible protection for leggings with a 1.25 armor increase so these were better than any leggings i had in a

Dungeon i found a power 11 book which i couldn’t have even dreamed of getting but i did so my boat was already looking to be crazy strong i returned home using my very handy magic mirror slept the night off crafted some arrows a bow which i i always forget how to do and

After smelting a bunch of iron i crafted in an anvil so that i could put power 11 on my bow now i didn’t have infinity yet which would let me use the bow with only having one arrow instead of having to continuously craft them but i still

Wanted to start using the bone now my objective was to hunt down dragons and it was not too long before i found my first target the dragon was hurling huge fireballs at me which was damaging me and digging me underground which was really throwing me off it was also

Really difficult to shoot at it while i was on fire so i was struggling to get in the water and aim as well i continued taking shots however and i was able to prevail i wanted to get some dragon blood which is an important resource

We’ll talk about a bit later so i got some sand and started smelting it into glass while i was waiting for that to create some bottles another dragon attacked me before i engaged in combat i increased my bow skill and it now did 49 more damage i started bowing the dragon

Down and it got in close range which made it really easy to hit while firing at it though i ran out of arrows which made me panic a bit but i was able to use my sword and take it down i got fire dragon blood and flesh from the dragons

And i was really happy with how far i had come now if i wanted to get the best armor in the game dragon steel i would have to collect a lot of dragon scales and i set out to do just that but i didn’t know at the time that you need to

Get about 360 dragon scales to do so and each dragon drops between 0 to 35 and it’s really up and down that combined with the fact that dragons are not in very close proximity to one another made it a pretty difficult objective i needed more arrows before i

Hunted any more dragons so i collected some flint and made all the arrows i could the only problem is i was running very low on feathers so restocking on arrows again would be a problem i needed infinities soon i continued my adventures and found a couple of desert

Temples from which i got a golden apple enchanted golden apple and found an interesting enchantment called the boon of the earth which gives you a chance to get random oars from mining stone in the night time i found a pyramid structure which gave me the achievement traps and

Curses which is not something you want to see as i made my way through the entrance of this place it led me to amaze at first it seemed pretty harmless and not full of traps but when i got further in i started encountering enchanted husks taking a couple down was

No problem but soon they started flooding through within the pyramid i found a desert temple kind of treasure room and i found a scarab talism in it which gives you 15 bonus movement speed in the desert increases your block breaking speed gives you immunity to suffocation and the ability to burrow

Yourself underground pretty good stuff this goes into the special talisman slot relic so my belt was coming in good use when i came back up i encountered a legendary husk which is very dangerous i had to slowly take it out while getting attacked by other husks upon its death

It also left me a nice surprise of silverfish and i i can’t say i wasn’t freaking out a bit i found another treasure room which just had a golden apple in it and i then found this double chest which i did not trust and for good reason because it was trapped and worse

Yet the chest contained two skeletons unbelievable and when i was checking out the trap further something damaged me at literally eight hearts a hit how how ow what is that something just damaged me like crazy i don’t know what that was but i got out of the pyramid when i was finally

Outside i tested my scarab amulet which worked like a charm it dug me underground and it was kind of freaky even i found a village in the distance and this village had a kind of abandoned house in it so i scouted all around its interior and then entered the inside not

Sure of what to expect right away i was met with a skeleton and cobwebs meaning there probably hadn’t been any sign of life here for a while i made my way up some stairs and found this interesting statue which i couldn’t get for myself and then found a hidden urn which had

Bone meal in it probably remnants of someone who lived here before i found another urn as well that had a really interesting design and i was able to take it for myself i soon came up to a bed with an armor stand next to it and

Maybe the person that lived here was a guard i don’t know who else sleeps with a set of armor with them finally i made my way up to the attic and it was no less creepy but it did have loot in fact it had three golden apples which is a

Nice find other than that there wasn’t really anything else in here other than disintegrating skeletons so i headed out i soon found this tower which intrigued me it had a medieval theme to it the bottom of the inside had a chest with simple loot and when i made my way up to

The next floor it had a spawner as well as a chest with some raw fish the mobs seemed to get stronger and the loot better as i made my way up and when i made it to the top i was met with this simple pull but hiding under it ended up

Being a diamond block which i scooped up happily even though honestly at this point i didn’t even need diamonds anymore i found another orc encampment which i was now easily able to take care of and on the next day i actually found an icy spikes biome within which i found

This huge dark tower these are called mausoleums and entering it apparently requires a key so i was not able to get in i do end up getting in later though and for a very very important reason which i’ll tell you about in the future i continue traveling through the desert

And look how fast i went because of my runner boots and the scare of amulet it is crazy anyways i found another dragon and taking it out was no problem my power 11 bow made things very easy for me i had a whole lot more of this to do though and

To be honest the dragon hunting doesn’t end up going exactly to plan towards the end of the video i checked out the dragon’s nest and it had a lot of chests in it but nothing of use what i was finding useful though were these mage looking towers that i was fairly often

Running into the chest at the top of this one gave me mythic leggings which were really close in strength to my protection for leggings but i figured that they were a bit better because of their additional armor and heart increase throughout this time i also continued increasing my skill points

Getting to 87 increased bow damage not long after i found another dragon which i managed to take out even quicker than the one before i defeated another one but ran out of arrows then another one with just my sword a lot of dragons i found a cemetery out in the open which

Had this strange ectoplasm in it and it spawned a ghost that tried to haunt me but i got it now at this point i needed to find arrows or an infinity book because my ammunition situation for my bow was just bad while searching i found moo blooms which i mean just just look

At these guys hi guys nice to meet you nice to meet you i ran into this interesting biome as well which i mined the floor of and it dropped ash powder which could be used to make ashy bricks interesting stuff my hunt for dragons continued and i’m not

Even gonna show all of my dragon kills at this point but when i tried to go to sleep something strange happened oh can’t sleep while it looking at you what is that this thing is not good night watcher yeah okay okay what’s what is that

What is that okay wow i finally went to sleep without something looking at me and on day 19 i found another mage tower and got a tome of scrapping from here which lets you take off enchantments from items and then put them on something else this is really useful

Because i wanted to make a full set of dragon steel gear and i also wanted to keep the enchantments on my current gear or be able to transfer them over rather since they were really powerful i mean i had protection 7 and stuff i continued searching and then got distracted by a

Building in the distance and almost died by falling straight into a ravine but a random block on the side save me i don’t know who placed that there but thank the minecraft gods another mage tower gave me a sword that makes mobs explode into a loot pile when you defeat them and

Feather falling eight i kept on getting tones of scrapping from these towers as well i ended up finding another companion guy but i really did not want to recruit another one of these guys but you know what happened i accidentally gave this guy my infinity me yeah the

Worst thing that could have happened i just meant to right-click him and i accidentally fed him so you can say goodbye to that yeah he was he was gonna die it was just a matter of when i then found this temple and i knew that in hiro lives medusa before i could do

Anything though i got seduced by some sirens not mermaids sirens okay these things are evil but i was not overcome by them or their beauty and i was able to take them out they did give me some shiny scales which are a nice item and can be used to make some pretty strong

Things so that was a plus in the night i got ambushed by an orc tribe which i just i just ran away from on the next day i wanted to make a blindfold so i wouldn’t get turned to stone when i would approach medusa i needed the

Leather and i found out that i could make some with kangaroo leather so i unfortunately had to hunt these guys down and make myself some leather to be fair though there are some aggressive animals okay they are not that friendly when you are on their territory i made a

Blindfold and with that i headed into the building and flicked a secret lever that i found and then headed into medusa’s secret lair i made sure to put my blindfold on and slowly walked in one look for medusa and i was dead just like that i was blind and i got attacked by

Some revenants at first and then medusa approached a few hits later and i defeated her yeah i guess when you have a blindfold on the fight it becomes much easier given that her only strength is that she can turn you into stone by looking at you so yeah that worked out

Pretty well i’d say i collected her head as my reward and headed out at the end of the day something interesting happened i was fighting orcs when i accidentally hit an elephant and that is a that’s a big mistake you see elephants hold grudges for their entire lives and

Then their children hold grudges for their entire lives this was not good these elephants were literally stronger than anything else i had fought and i was afraid that now they would be all hostile towards me which they were in this area so i wanted to defeat all of

Them so that the word didn’t spread that i was uh mean to elephants i was trying to eat a golden apple and look at this look at this these guys are beasts they were getting me dangerously low but being in the water gave me the idea of

Using it to my advantage which worked really well and i was able to take them down more manageably i hope that now every elephant i saw wouldn’t be angry at me because they they wouldn’t know and guess what it worked they weren’t angry with me that that is until i tried

To free an elephant from a tree by breaking it and then i hit the elephant instead yeah very smart i took shelter in a mage tower and got an axe that pierces armor as well as a bow with a hundred fifty percent increased draw speed and something that i haven’t

Mentioned is that you can actually take these perks from these strong items and put them on the gear of your choosing by using affix tomes so keeping all these special items is a good thing upon coming outside i found another dragon just chilling in the air the bad news is

That it was stuck up there and i had no way to shoot at it since i was out of arrows but then an incredible thing happened i found infinity in a mage tower my problems with arrows were over so i marked a waste stone and used it to

Get home i put infinity on my bow and now my bow was powerful but it would break after even a bit of use i couldn’t put mending on it but i could use a totem of scrapping on these indestructible leggings and then put indestructible on my bow i needed

Experience if i wanted to do this so i headed down to minors while down here i killed a zombie who dropped this golden ancient sword which is an uncraftable item so i thought it was pretty cool i also found this ore while mining which is called an ex-petrified orb and at the

Time i didn’t really think much of it but as you’ll find out later this is the key to getting a crazy amount of experience i ended up running into this necromancer orc while down here and he started blinding me and withering and the orc with the shield that was with

Him was literally just unkillable for some reason i started freaking out so with my magic mirror i got out of there once i was home i had the idea to go to the nether to mine courts which would be faster experience gain so i built another portal but when i tried to light

It up it didn’t work yeah apparently i had to craft an entirely different lighter to access the nether in this pack in order to get the materials needed to make another right lighter i needed to find a ruined portal because they spawned with methyl rack and other things i needed i defeated another

Dragon and on the next day mainly just tried to figure out my storage situation before heading out i had a lot of these items with special perks and the mythic ones especially had really powerful perks on them so i wanted to be able to transfer those onto my gear what i found

Out though was that in order to do so i would need to sacrifice a mythic item in a soulfire campfire to get a mythic shard and then using that i could carry over the perks but that seemed like a lot of work and a lot of experience used

While i was home organizing everything i also wanted to start making dragon forge bricks which would be used to make the dragon steel armor it’s kind of like a very very very advanced furnace i had to grab some cobblestone then smelt it for stone bricks and i was only able to make

Four dragon forge bricks for the time being i would need about 10 times that many i continued searching for a ruined portal on the next day and ran into a cyclops who can literally eat you and one shot you so i kept my distance and was able to bow him down i

Defeated another dragon and cyclops who dropped an eye of cyclops which is a mythic item that weakens all nearby enemies when you hold it in your offhand i found this crazy mythic axe which had an increased enchantability of 12 executes enemies once they’re below 7.16 health here’s his armor and has a 100

Critical hit chance on top of all that it was unbreakable there was also this horrifying shield in the chest which weakens enemies when you block them it would be it would be really nice to get all these perks on my gear but i just i didn’t

Have time for that right now by day 27 i still wasn’t having much luck with finding the portal i did find this beautiful mountain range though look at this it’s just amazing i also found this huge structure which turned out to be an end castle this place is massive and has

A lot going for it i mean maybe i should have moved here i found a pillager in the area though and a chest which had some basic farmer loot there was also a village area here with what looked to be shops and houses and it’s possible that villagers lived here and then the

Pillagers pillaged and took over which is kind of sad i found some additional loot in the blacksmith area mainly just a bunch of charcoal there was also this very interesting area that had a bunch of benches and what looked to be a preaching area this could be a church or

Some cult that the pillagers led i dug down to see if there was a stronghold under the end city but there wasn’t so i guess the end in the name of the city didn’t have much correlation at least from what i saw on the next day i found

This strange building which had pigs and hay in the front and when i went inside and made my way up i encountered a witch i felt kind of bad for taking her out because i invaded her home but still she attacked first okay there wasn’t much at

The top other than some minimal loot in a chest a level 30 enchanting table and a cat i found these tasmanian devils which i decided to feed and i thought i had tamed one but i think it just appreciated the food and then while i continued my search look at this look

Look at what happened it just took my meat hey hey don’t you dare take my meat i already had one companion steal my meat i’m not letting that happen again please tell me i can get that back yes you thought i can’t believe it i tried to

Steal my stuff man one word victory i then ran into a tree that was set on fire and was about to start a forest fire so i used water on the lava and broke all the trees i found another dungeon while in this forest yet still no ruined portal

And i headed in upon entering i had a few different directions to go into and upon taking one of the paths i was introduced this big room with spawners i took out the mobs in the area and the spawners themselves and found a chest with half decent loot i made my way

Through the rest of the dungeon and then ran into this little park orbit which you already know i absolutely crushed um anyways i i got out of there and slept and then look what i found on the next day look at that amazing i also encountered a sea serpent which are

Actually really dangerous creatures but my bow just melted it down in the same direction of the leviathan there was an ocean village of some kind so i made my way over and this place was really cool the first building i ran into was a farmer building with a lot of honey in

It and iron ore and then i approached this building which was much larger it didn’t have anything on the bottom layer the middle floor was fairly empty as well but when i went to the top there were three dragon heads there i i couldn’t believe it at first but they

Were real and in this pack there are actually a few different things you can do with them so maybe they would come in handy i went into the biggest building in the town which was pretty empty on the inside the design was still nice

Though but at the top of it there was an attic that was so dark that it basically turned into a mob farm which was hilarious because there were so many mobs splitting out from here and they kind of they kind of got me low i found

Another hut that had a stack of oars in it and yeah that that seemed to be mostly it for this place so i grabbed my magic mirror and headed home i defeated another dragon on the next day and i found this cool purple forest biome which was covered in bamboo and purple

Trees i also realized that i was at level 30 at this point so i could do some enchanting i got the indestructible enchantment off my old pants and the original plan was to put this on my bow but i had a lot of things to enchant i

Also took protection 5 off my diamond boots so that i could put it on these nether right boots that have feather falling 7. also my outrunner boots that give you crazy speed ran out of durability as well as a lot of my other relics i did find out that i could

Actually repair them by using a runic anvil and hammer which requires a blaze rod to be made so now i had another reason to get into the nether on the next day i found these miramix soldiers which are only aggressive if you get too close to them and they were building a

Nest of theirs so i i left them to it other than that i was still having no luck with finding a ruined portal so i added the structures compass mod into the game and this basically lets you track down any structure of your choosing which i really needed right now

Because i did not want to spend the rest of my life searching for a ruined portal to make it you need mossy stone and dead coral so i first went underground in search of some mossy stone and i was actually able to find it pretty fast within some stone pillars with that

Collected i still needed to get dead coral and for that i would need a silk touch pickaxe unfortunately i didn’t have silk touch out of any of the enchanted books i had collected at first i thought the best way to get levels would be to look for mage towers and

Other structures and try to find enchanted books there along the way i defeated a lightning dragon and i found out later that you can’t make scales of lightning dragons with fire dragon skills so this was not useful to my cause with the levels i gained i finally enchanted my bow with indestructible and

My new boots with protection 7. i was getting stacked i figured that i would actually try mining for levels and doing a level 30 enchantment instead just upon me making my way into a cave i mined another x petrified orb which seemed like nothing but then i checked its uses

And it said that it can be used to make the eternal stella item which reads that it has three uses so i thought maybe these orbs have uses as well and they did it gave me six levels of experience just like that one orb and then used

Another one that gave me four more levels of experience and these things were really good it seemed i could get a level 30 enchantment in no time i encountered an elite skeleton which was a bit frightening it had fire arrows and it was not taking much damage from my

Power 11 bow which was not a great sign i used some of the experience that i got on skill points for speed but this is actually only speed when crouching i don’t know why i did this i need to focus on my goals more anyways i went around collecting these expensified orbs

Until i had a solid number and then i just needed to set up a level 30 enchanting table so i crafted some bookshelves mined up some obsidian and crafted an enchanting table then all i had to do was place everything down on my top floor and i was ready to enchant

I had to enchant books a couple of times to reset the enchantments available but pretty quickly i got silk touch as an option and enchanted the pickaxe now i just needed to get the dead coral funny enough though as i was looking for that i found a ruined portal after all that

Effort into collecting the materials needed for the compass i found a portal on accident the chest had a ghost skin talisman which makes projectiles fly right through you but you lose 50 attack speed which i wasn’t sure if i wanted to do now for some reason i completely

Blanked out for a while and thought that i needed another right scrap item rather than the netherrack to make it so i literally left the portal without getting what i need i know really dumb but don’t worry at least i figure this out fairly soon at this point i still

Thought i needed the item directly and that i needed the compass to find more portals so i searched for coral and was able to find a bunch at the end of the day i placed it on the ground to let it dry up and collected it with that i was

Able to make the structure’s compass and i sneaked right clicked to access the directory i then typed up a ruined portal and boom it started tracking the nearest portal to me i followed it to its marked coordinates and was confused at first because i saw nothing but then

I realized that the portal was underground sure enough i might straight into it and it’s just gave me a bastion ring which makes piglens neutral towards you and makes them point to bastions i hunted down three more wait no four more portals but thankfully after that i

Realized that i was supposed to craft this item i collected up the netherrick i needed as well as the magma blocks and all that was left was the lava i combined everything to make molten alloy smelted up netherrack for another bricks and finally crafted the netherrite scrap piece which i combined with netherrack

To create another right lighter wow that’s uh that was way more challenging than i thought i did not think getting into the another would take so long hello nether right away lava just fallen unbelievable now that i was in the nether i needed to find another fortress and get a blaze

Rod to make a runic hammer and repair my speed boots i found this little mob called a bakugan which was just demonic and then i ran into something even more demonic literally a demon i defeated another demon and he dropped a heart of flames and this thing smells 500 items

It’s insane these demons were all over the place and even this happened oh my god I escaped through the nether portal and there were three demons just waiting for me i used being home as an opportunity to clear my inventory restock my food and when i looked at what bakugan’s drop which is a bakugan charge i saw that you can combine it with a prismatic diamond

To create a true background’s charge turns out it can be used to create a true dirt excalibur as well which is a weapon that apparently uses dirt to attack pretty interesting i headed back for the nether on the next day and i set my structures compass to look for another

Fortress the compass led me through many strange biomes including this one that had an interesting ember gel block type in it this bind was in general beautiful and completely took on the opposite of the usual red netherrack i soon found another fortress in this kind of dead

Green fire biome branched on over and found a blaze spawner in no time with an interesting blue blaze spawning in fact it dropped a blue blaze rod that could be used to make multiple items one of them being the sole conqueror a bow that seemed fairly powerful i was able to get

A blaze rod right after that and with that my nether fortress mission was complete i set a waste stone and headed home to finally make a runic anvil and hammer first though i needed some iron to create an anvil so i headed down to the mines i took the chance to get more

Of the xp orbs as well unfortunately my fortune 5 pickaxe didn’t work on those but it did work on diamonds and from seven diamond ore i got 31 diamonds which isn’t even the highest you can get once i got all of the iron i needed i headed back home and set everything to

Smell while waiting for that to finish i crafted an eternal stella using all of the ore that i’d gathered and after doing some research i found out that it can either be used to make armor completely unbreakable or can be used three times to repair all of the gear in

Your inventory both options were great but i preferred to make a piece of gear unbreakable so i decided to use it on my pickaxe which i would need more levels to complete in search of those i once again headed for the mines and while down here a camouflaged creeper almost ended my career

Oh my god that was a creeper these creepers man they’re skinned i can’t i saw the health bar of something i didn’t know it was a creeper and i didn’t know it was i thought it was glitched or something because i didn’t see anything in front of me i found this dungeon

While down here and it had a spawner and then a zombie brute caged up in the corner there was also a crucible here which i took and this could be used to perform some kinds of rituals which i wasn’t ready for i went back up and

Found a fully durable anvil in a chest with that i headed home and first of all enchanted my pickaxe with indestructible then crafted the runic anvil and runic hammer and tested it out on a relic sure enough it worked and i was able to fix

Everything i had so i could get back to speed running and camouflaging i also put protection 5 on my leggings so now all of my armor was crazy strong and i was able to resume my search for dragons while traveling the seas though things got a bit dangerous ow

Oh boy it’s a sea serpent actually this is not too good tell you the truth this is not that good i then got a message that said ocean depths are shining with strange blue orin i started taking damage from something i couldn’t tell what it was

While in the middle of all this i got seduced by some more sirens and i had to fend them off after that another sea serpent came at me and i once again boated down i finally made it to the surface by the next day but then a huge

Sea serpent attacked me and this guy was actually dangerous good thing that i was not in the water when this happened because i could have ended up taking too much damage and died i continued dragon hunting when i found this is that a mooshroom island is that what i’m seeing

With my eyes right now no way i think i see a mushroom village how rare is this you guys got quite the base going on here rarest structure in the game given that this is a mushroom island there seem to be a lot of mushrooms but more

Specifically a lot of new types of mushrooms i got a big mushroom which is a part of the mushroom quest mod and when i searched it up my goodness there was a whole selection of mushrooms the village itself was pretty typical but still cool because of the mushroom theme

I was interested in the different mushroom types so i crafted a micropedia and it had an extensive guide on these mushrooms i mean their locations uses everything that was cool and all but on the next day i noticed something okay i just checked back the footage and the

Seagull stole my ham again i will i will not allow this i will not allow it where i’m gonna find that sequel and absolutely kill it which one of you stole that one stole my bread that one stole my bread where is my meat you steal things you’re gonna die one of you

Has to confess yeah my infinity meat was gone we can say goodbye to that i swam to another part of the mushroom island and here i found an interesting being you look mystical man look at this look at this guy look at this absolute legend oh dude oh

This guy’s sneezing he’s just walking around sneezing hi oh my god can i wave Oh wave all right man hi hi dude i said goodbye to my new friend for now and this magical feywild stuff got me thinking about things i could do in the mod after some research i found out that pixies can be befriended with cake and then give you potion effects

Like speed strength and other things that would help me hunt down dragons faster i had to find the materials to find a cake but before that i ran into this beautiful sky village i collected up a bunch of blocks and then made my way up to the top i explored around and

There were actually villagers here too the civilization seemed to be fully functioning which i wonder what it would actually be like if there was a sky village in real life i also saw another house in the sky in the distance which i wanted to check out and with the village

Explored i jumped down into a pond down there i saw a terror bringer which is a really dangerous animal so i took it down with a shot right away and in the night i found this blood seeking vampiric netherrite sword in a mage tower which has a 60 increase in

Critical hit damage and better yet life stealing i returned from home with this new amazing sword and defeated an insane dog along the way from which i got this void key that apparently lets you activate a dungeon with different difficulties this would be an interesting challenge to take on later

In preparation of that and the cosmic fiend i figured i needed to make upgrades to my sword because it was essentially just a regular netherright sword at this point so i did the usual mining for these xp orbs and mining continued into the next day i then started working on getting good

Enchantments on the sword also in this pack enchanting has three elements that i didn’t talk about yet it has arcana which controls how rare your enchants are quanta which essentially messes with the enchanting table and makes the enchants you get completely random throughout the three different levels

You can choose and then eterna which controls the level of enchants you do and you can even go up to level 80 enchantments in this pack which give you very powerful enchantments this was all quite confusing to me i must say and there are basically different

Bookshelves that you can make to add in different elements to the enchanting table they looked really difficult to make those so i didn’t really mess around with this much i was at least able to get sharpness 3 which wasn’t that great but it would do for now i

Finally started looking for milk and eggs to make the cake for the pixies and defeated another dragon while doing so after a while of looking i was able to find some cows which i milked up and while i was looking for eggs guess who showed up an insane alpha dog which i

Easily got my revenge on it felt good instead of finding chickens i found emus who also drop eggs and i was able to collect enough of them to make a good batch of cakes but when i tried to befriend a feywild pixie with the cake

It didn’t work i made this cake for you you have to take it pixie come down here please wrong pixie apparently it’s the pixies from the ice and fire mod that can get befriended by a cake and can buff you i did not do my googling

Accurately i now had a second idea which was to tame a hippogriff and be able to fly around while searching for dragons but for that you need a handful of rabbit’s feet and i did not know how hard they are to get i started looking for rabbits and snow biomes because i

Heard that’s where they spawn the most but the one i was at didn’t seem to have any i even used my structures compass to find another snow biome and on the way there i saw another one of these floating houses that i’d seen earlier i

Made my way up to it and everything here seemed pretty ordinary looking as if it was just another house on the ground the loot on the inside though was much better there was an ender pearl enchanted book this heavenly cup which was quite interesting and could be used

To make heavenly tea or tea with cookies even better there were also some very strong tools especially considering that there was no danger here really other than having to go through the trouble of blocking yourself up and the shovel that i got from here was actually a pretty

Good upgrade i went up the tower and there was another chest that had heavenly petals and heavenly cookies which i took instantly i combined all three to enjoy some heavenly tea with cookies and it gave me instant health speed 2 and regeneration 3. actually really good buffs with the speed buff i

Made it for the water down below and i then resumed my search for rabbit feet on the ground eventually i located a snowy tundra biome and i did find rabbits the only thing is the rabbits didn’t drop any of their feet so this was gonna take a while i continued

Hunting rabbits but with no luck really while out in the snowy tundra i ran into my first ice dragon as well these guys have a great look to them but just like with the others i was now able to take them down quite manageably i found a

Nice temple and it had this weird trap contraption at the bottom which i mined out and i looted a cold eye from a chest which you need to get into the end now my luck with finding rabbits wasn’t too hot in the snowy volume so i figured i

Would try and hunt for them in the desert i also had the scarab talism which made me go insanely fast in deserts so i thought that it would be a good idea however i still wasn’t finding rabbits i was at least still finding dragons during this time so i was on

Track for my goal it’s just it would be really nice to speed things up a bit hey at least i was able to find this little guy frog oh you are a good guy i found this witch hut in a swampy biome and there wasn’t much here just a witch

Chilling also while continuing my search i fell straight into this ravine and barely took any fall damage because of my feather falling seven boots i’m pretty sure i was almost immune to fall damage at this point i tested this further even though i was quite scared

And yeah i barely take any fall damage i then found this dirt hut and on the surface level it seems completely normal but i broke the carpet and there was a secret trap door to a ladder that seemed to lead to a hidden cellar i went down and there were imprisoned villagers down

Here one of them a zombie it seemed like they were kidnapped and were experiments of some kind there was a chest here that had a golden apple and some other scrappy loot but after that i got out of there on day 59 i defeated some ice dragons thinking that they would

Contribute to my goal of the dragon forge but to be fair i did get another fire dragon down as well i found some rabbits on day 60 still no rabbit feet but i was trying i also found another snow temple and this one had a holy

Locket relic in it which makes you deal additional damage to the undead as well as having a chance to set them on fire bonus health regeneration and invulnerability for 0.5 seconds every time you take damage this was a really nice relic so i put it on i found a nice

Temple after that which i checked out and the loot seemed pretty basic other than this enchantment called the health fusion that makes you deal extra magic damage in the nether i left from there and then ran into some prisoners that i wanted to help free yourselves

Go go go go go go go you’re free you’re free you’re free go go i’m not sure if those guys will get away but you know what i tried while running out in the night i ran into an ice solider who is also enchanted look at him dropping

Icicles on me hurling fireballs i was able to take him out though and he dropped a wand of freezing look at this thing i also encountered this mutant skeleton who literally has aimbot like that’s crazy but i still took him out on the next day i found this massive tower

I walked through the entrance and it seemed fairly safe at first there was a jailed off chest which i thought might be trapped but it was actually just locked so i skipped trying to loot it for now and grab this emerald block that was at the back of the room i then

Walked around and found these levers which i flicked and they opened the iron door next to the chest but not the chest itself i figured i would head to the next floor and this one had a spawner which i took out and there was another one hiding in a corner which i also

Removed the chest on this floor was open and that’s because you need to break two spawners on each floor for the chest to open it’s not exactly clear when you first enter there was also this bunk area and i tried breaking the chest here by the way but it just didn’t let me

Things were mostly the same for each layer but at the top there was this strange cube i found out that you need to collect three keys to summon a boss i was able to get two keys from different chests but unfortunately could not find

A third so i left for now and maybe i would find another one of these towers later on so i could complete the boss fight as i continued on i ran into a rainbow air balloon which i checked out but it didn’t have anything on the inside i also spotted another sky tower

Which i figured i would build up to but the first time i tried i didn’t bring enough blocks so i got stuck midway and then tried to ender pearl up but it didn’t reach so i had to mine up blocks and then make my way up again when i

Made it up to the surface of the island it looked very similar to the one i’d run into earlier the bottom of the tower was like a library and the next four actually had a lot of mob spawns that i had to take out the chest on this floor

Had some fairly decent items like ender pearls and other than the chest there really wasn’t much here so i headed home and it was on this day that i found out you can’t mix different dragon scale types together so all of the ice and lightning dragon scales i got while

Hunting were completely useless yeah i was about to give up on this whole dragon steel gear mission but don’t worry not all hope is lost in the night i found this monster fight going on this is entertaining i want to watch who wins dang this is intense oh

The dragon wins i then saw another one of those large towers i saw earlier and i got the third key i needed from here so that meant i would be able to fight the boss i went to the top and began the fight and let’s go

All right land golem okay he took a half heart off you know or actually wait no that i just don’t even have the half part actually yeah my gear was pretty powerful at this point and i was able to take down the land golem without any trouble he dropped five diamonds and

This land guardian eye which i don’t think has a use but it was a fun little fight after taking on the land guardian boss i felt pretty confident in trying to defeat the dungeon key i had gotten earlier now apparently this dungeon gives you coins which you can then use

To buy items like diamonds ender pearls and other things i set the dungeon to its highest difficulty started it and it teleported me to this room the counter started saying 0 out of 125 and soon pillager started spawning and evoke respawned which was perfect because he dropped a totem of undying and another

Ender i needed to access the end of this pack i wasn’t really taking any damage from the mobs here i even upgraded my sword and bose skills to max so i was dealing a hundred percent more damage with them soon enough though a message appeared saying a horde approaches where

Mobs spawn twice as fast and are enchanted with some type of ultimate magic and you know what things started getting a bit scary okay oh my goodness oh my goodness okay wait it’s getting a bit crazy i was getting more totems of undying which is really good actually i

Also started picking up void coins which are the main reward of these dungeons and a message then appeared saying the mobs were wearing iron and i couldn’t see the iron on them but they were definitely getting harder to kill i was eventually able to finish clearing up

The room and got a message saying that i cleared the dungeon with one star i’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not but i feel like i did pretty well i got a chest that had a bunch of random food in it and then a self-destruction timer

Started going off and a villager appeared who is selling items for void coins there wasn’t anything i really wanted to buy from him but i did get seven totems of undying from this so i was not complaining the building eventually self-destructed and i had my magic mirror in case of anything but i

Did end up falling and having slow fall so i safely made my way down and guess who came with me the villager who didn’t have the trade anymore and instead he barged into my house and made himself feel at home no he’s just using my house

Yeah man no problem just sleep in my bed oh okay well she just became a tool okay cool man yeah man make yourself at home dude make yourself at home really have a great time please i enchanted my gear up some more and honestly at this point i wanted to

Take a break from the overworld adventuring and wanted to see what i could find in the nether and the new dimensions in this pack honestly though i wasn’t really able to find much in the nether other than another fortress and the new biomes which were still really

Cool so i returned home and began working on creating a portal to the afterlight dimension the guidebook was actually really helpful and it explained the first thing i needed to do was to get 21 moon crystals and 10 void rocks i already had the moon crystals but i had

No void rocks so i headed down underground where the void rocks are supposed to spawn while looking for them though i did this oh that was a bad idea i just trapped myself under lava i don’t know what i was thinking but fortunately i got out

Of there my gear was really strong at this point i mined down further and found this block called dark stone which actually looks really similar to void rocks after a bit more mining i was able to find what i needed now that i had these base materials i was able to craft

A ritual altar in order to create the portal i would need to perform rituals to get some specific items first first i had to create a hammer and crush up some moon crystals then i placed void rock and moon dust into the altar and created strange obsidian i got 12 pieces of it

Which is what i would need to create a portal and then performed another ritual to create a staff of moonlight using the strange obsidian i started building the portal but i wanted to make it a perfect shape so i made two more pieces of the strange obsidian and finished it off i

Then activated it with a staff of moonlight and with that i headed into the afterlight okay delving into the dark oh boy look at this place wow look at these crystals radiant shards radiant crystal block golden shards of radiance whoa the afterlight has a very empty feeling to it i collected the nearby

Crystals and continued on to find a moon spawn it dropped a living essence that could then be used to craft an eye of ender it’s also an ingredient that can be used for rituals in this mod i then found a teal looking version of the crystals i had seen earlier and this is

Used as a light source so it’s like glowstone in this dimension i defeated another moon spawn which dropped a crystallium ingot which is an ore you can mine and can use to make a new gear type equivalent to iron while walking around here it felt like there was

Almost a ceiling rather than sky above me because of how dark everything was and i did not like it the trees here on the other hand were very bright after some more walking around i encountered these ruins with a skeleton lying on the floor and there was this vase that i

Broke and got more living essence i broke the skeleton’s body but nothing happened i thought that some type of voodoo ritual would have occurred but no i found another ruin nearby and the vases in this one dropped moonberries and soul prisms which could be used to make soul torches that looked pretty

Cool but they were dim so i didn’t like using them while exploring this vast space of nothingness i soon ran into a very strong mob whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa dude oh whoa whoa he’s not taking damage is this like a player trolling me or what he’s invincible

Dude i eventually defeated it by shooting at it and hitting it from up above it dropped three enchanted books which weren’t the best in chance but still that just shows you how many enchanted books these enchanted mobs can drop at this point i had explored a good

Amount of the surface level of the dimension so i wanted to see what’s underneath it was a lot different than regular caves there was a mix of red and blue blocks and soon enough i found pearl shards ore that can be used to make eyes a vendor i also found this

Redstone looking stuff which is called bloodstone shards and this is a material needed to create the respawn catalyst that can set your spawn point in any dimension when i came up to the surface i saw this sunrise or sunset that made the dimension look a whole lot more

Interesting and i enjoyed the view i felt like i had explored everything here and i decided i would return home but then i found out about this elemental amulet item that you can craft in the after light dimension which gives you permanent haste speed and lifesteal so i

Wanted to get one for myself i ended up looking for the materials needed to craft this thing all the way into day 73 and still wasn’t able to find them here’s the issue i went through looting different types of buildings and got tons of different items i also mined

Anything i saw by day 70 i had every item needed to make it other than one an aquacrystal i tried everything i could to find this thing mining looting searching underwater but i was finding everything other than this aqua crystal anyways let’s just forget the search

Ever happened because it was a big waste of time and i was pretty upset about it i figured the best way to move on was to move on to a new dimension my pick was the atom dimension which takes place in ancient egypt so i filled up a 5×5

Portal frame out of sandstone blocks with water crafted a scarab and threw it in oh let’s go it worked okay do i want to go in do i want to go in wait i need oh i needed food okay that’s fine i’m in oh yeah what’s up oh nice i already have

People shooting at me nice hey back off chomps nomads luckily they are not too strong iron scimitar whoa cool oh more back off lawbringer that’s right i was now in ancient egypt it was a beautiful sight really and i saw a village in the distance that i

Approached but as i did i was ambushed by an assassin that poisoned me after that though i ran into some more friendly creatures what are you oh it’s a baby camel wait okay guys seriously that’s such a cute baby camel oh we got the other camels here

Those camels were so cute the structures in the village were really really cool the blue with the sandy white made for a great combo i also ran into a human female hunter here that provided trades for golden coins and wanderer leggings i loaded a crate here and it had a dirty

Coin in it that i apparently had to wash off there were more villagers that i ran into and they had a bunch of new item trades all with the same currency of gold and coins so that was kind of their emeralds in this dimension i accidentally ended up falling into a

Water puddle and took the chance to wash off the dirty coin i got which actually worked i then saw pyramids on my map so i wanted to head towards them and while doing so i ran into these colorful butterflies i don’t know if they were actually from the atom mod but i like

Them a lot butterflies are one of my favorite things in existence for sure i found a pyramid soon enough and i tried to find an entrance in but was pretty confused because there didn’t seem to be anywhere that i could enter through and i couldn’t break into it while i was

Trying to figure this out a bunch of mobs spawned in the nighttime that i had to fight off and then i figured i would leave the pyramid and find a different one with an entrance i could spot i managed to find another one pretty soon

I was able to find the lock to the entrance but i didn’t know how to activate it yet i end up finding out really soon in the meantime i found this spawner out in the open with some crates and i actually got iron camel armor from

Here i also looted a dirty necklace and i thought that this could give me some type of artifact there were more of these ruins type structures around that i checked out and looted for any new items i found i made my way back to a puddle with them and cleaned off some

Coins as well as some jewelry which i thought would have some perks to them but apparently they were just cosmetic at least from the ones that i got hey on the bright side i was looking good with my new gold and silver i made use of the

Coins that i had and bought some emmer bread from a female hunter which would let me stay in the atom for longer it only replenished two hunger but it was better than nothing i continued traversing the desert in hopes of finding answers and got attacked by some

Desert wolves along the way which i unfortunately had to take out i love wolves so it was a bit of a heartbreak but it had to happen i ended up finding a pyramid explorer map in one of these ruins and i followed it all the way to

The x i instantly saw another one of these puzzle entrances and a quail yeah cool cool animal i love i i like coils now i again spent time trying to find a space to get in because i didn’t know that what i found was the entrance but

Luckily i soon did some research and found out you need to make these nebu torches and place them on the marked blocks with that entrance so i started digging down in search of this nebu or which from what i read is pretty rare to my surprise i ended up finding a mine

Shaft which is perfect because that would increase my chances of finding this nebu war instead of cave spiders these tarantulas spawn here which give you weakness rather than poison and i very much preferred this i searched around for a while and ran into this

Stone guard guy who was uh he was a cool guy he was a cool guy in fact i ran into a few more that i took out eventually i thankfully found nebu or smelted it up made nebu torches and did the final honors okay let’s try this boom nice let’s go okay oh

What is this right away i was faced with monsters including these bone storms which are like blazes but they shoot bones instead i cleared the room and the chest here gave me an iron cuppish a weapon i’ve never heard of before quite interesting i found a ladder going down

Which i took and i was met with what looked like a trapped maze worse yet i couldn’t really avoid the traps here so i kind of just had to deal with them i started speeding through this place and placing torches to mark the spots i went

To i was stuck here suffering for quite a while before i finally found a hidden ladder leading me down to the next level this floor looked like it was a maze too but the first room i entered held a sarcophagus for the pharaoh pharaoh turns over and there’s a sarcophagus

Okay i think i need to place one of these on each one of those oh okay Look at this guy he’s sick the pharaoh continued hurling blasts at me and summoning zombies but using my armor and lifesteal i was able to take him down he dropped this sword named nephthys’s banishing which deals double damage to undead monsters and look at this thing

It looks incredible i liked it so much that i just wanted to continue collecting all of the ancient items in this dimension i alluded the sarcophagus as well and it had a bunch of dirty jewelry as well as a golden date which is kind of like a golden apple it gives

You good effects when you eat it the rest of the rooms on this floor were just filled with monsters and basic loot what’s interesting though is that this new sword was one-shotting undead because of its double damage and it wasn’t enchanted at all that gave me the

Idea to put smite on it and i had a smite 11 book from defeating enchanted mobs so this sword is an undead slayer i found a pyramid shortly and unlocked it in the same way this time i made it faster to the bottom layer so i was making improvements i started another

Pharaoh fight and put my new sword to the test look at that look at that that’s crazy i killed this guy in like five hits this pharaoh dropped isis’s duality which fires double arrows and this was a great upgrade from my normal bow which is exactly what i needed i

Took off power 11 from my normal bow and put it on this new dual shot bow and i tested it out after that and got a collateral kill which was awesome in fact i got multiple at a new pyramid look at this one of the chests in this

Pyramid actually had an ancient item called and put’s grounding which was another bow and this one slows enemies on hits i took another fight with the pharaoh and after melting him down he dropped a weapon called nuits ire which can apply wither to enemies on hit or

Block this is a new weapon that i haven’t seen before and definitely has a smooth look to it so i was happy to add it to my collection on day 78 i did something very important i tamed a camel i put a saddle and iron camel on it and

Decided its name would be jeffrey it wasn’t too fast but you can actually equip these guys with two chests which kind of justifies that i wanted to bring jeffrey home but when i went through the portal he didn’t come with me he was he was stuck in the atom no

Well jeffrey you can be my guardian because there’s no way i’m traveling on you buddy i’m not gonna lie you are very slow even though jeffrey wasn’t fast at least i had made a new friend and i was happy with just that i started finding a

Lot of rabbits here which made me think maybe i could still get enough rabbit feet to tame a hippogriff i hunted into the night and into the next day and got up to two rabbits feet i also spawned in another pharaoh who actually spawned in as a legendary enchanted mob i forgot to

Switch to my smite sword at first and i was literally doing no damage to him luckily i had my smite sword on me and when i switched it made a huge difference look this is my normal sword and then this is the double damage to my

Sword using the op sword i was able to take him out and he dropped the same weapon that i’d gotten before i also defeated another pharaoh who dropped ta’s decadence which is a pickaxe that can turn iron into gold which i thought is a really interesting perk i really

Like these ancient items so i searched them up and there ended up being a lot more than i thought i would have liked to collect all of them but that was a pretty huge commitment still though i defeated another pharaoh and got this item called debs undoing which deals

Extra damage to stone mobs i don’t know how many stone mobs there are in minecraft but still it was an interesting weapon type at this point i was satisfied with everything i had done in the atom dimension and now i wanted to get back to my goal of getting full

Dragon steel armor on this day i did more studying and found out that you can actually find pieces of an ice dragon forge at mausoleums which is the big dark structure we saw earlier that would cut down the dragon hunting i needed to do entirely so entering and looting

Those was my next mission thing is to enter them you usually need a key instead of that the first thing i wanted to try was to make a dragon bone pickaxe and see if i could break through using that i needed wither bones so i hunted for those and then crafted the pickaxe

Luckily i had saved a waypoint back to the mausoleum that i’d found earlier so i got there quick but when i tried to break in it didn’t work so the dragon bone pickaxe strategy was a no-go i hunted mobs spawning around the structure hoping they would drop a key

But i had no such luck i looked into it some more and it turned out that dreadliches have a chance to drop the key needed and they can be most commonly found in snowy tundras and so i headed out for a search using my trusty compass

I ran into an ice dragon along the way and i actually did need to find these because i needed ice dragon blood for the forge now these dread mobs are supposed to spawn in the night pretty commonly however i was finding none whatsoever i tracked down another mausoleum thinking that it might be

Different or have an opening to it but i had no such luck i ran around looking for any sign of existence of these dread mobs instead though i ended up running into frost maw frost ma what is that there’s like a boss bar here aha frostmouth oh he’s waking up already oh

He’s enchanted are you kidding me oh let’s go he’s enchanted man oh wait that’s not good for me that’s not good for me at all okay okay please die thank you he dropped an ice crystal that would let me freeze enemies i continued looking for dreadliches so that i could get the

Key to the mausoleum but this tedious search continued on on day 83 while waiting for the night for mobs to spawn i found a dragon underground on my tracker and these are the dragons that can drop dragon eggs so this was exactly what i needed to find for the other

Mission i had in mind i soon mined into the dragon’s cave and there it was sleeping this dragon was sleeping right above a pool of lava though which was a huge issue this meant its item drops could get burned or i could just get shot into lava myself i had to make my

Way down slowly and plan this out but that’s that’s not what happened that’s what i did and that’s what i did by accident okay okey-dokey dragon i need you not to fall into lava please dude no this is the worst case scenario dude dude what’s happening i’m gonna lose all the

Loot oh my god no this is terrible worst case scenario possible all of my gear is breaking okay i just have to kill it i’ll find a different dragon my gear is actually breaking it was almost impossible for me to make it out of the law but the dragon

Kept pushing me back in i located the nearest piece of land and started swimming towards it but swimming in lava is really really slow and my gear was at risk so i even had to take my boots off i barely made my way to the island in a

Panic and got in the water from there i continued firing at the dragon which is huge by the way just look at this thing and it continued to put up a fight after more continued shots i was able to take this thing down right away i made sure

That everything below it was covered with water and blocks so that none of the loot would burn but then i made a huge mistake you see when looting the dragon i decided to loot it for its blood thinking that i could still get its egg instead of that i didn’t get an

Egg at all and defeating this dragon turned out to be pretty much useless i guess i had more ice dragon blood but i much would have preferred the egg that was unfortunate i got out of the cave and i hope to find another dragon underground sometime soon while

Searching for the key i needed i ran into this it was actually very difficult to aim with this bow because its trajectory was just strange i wanted to get a different one anyways the mutants started spawning mini creepers and then jumping in the sky and i was getting

Barraged it then regenerated all of its health and got me stuck in a crater which was actually really really dangerous given it can kill me in one hit with an explosion my bow is barely dealing damage to it for some reason and then at the worst moment i got stuck in

Ice spikes that an ice dragon had created before the munich creeper was jumping around like crazy but when it finally stood i was able to land at the final blow on it what i didn’t know is that itself implodes on death and pulls in everything around it fortunately

Though i stayed far enough and alive day 84 i still had no luck with the key i got attacked by these creatures though which i’ve never seen before some crazy enchanted wood things day 85 i literally tried glitching into the structure because i was sick of trying to find

Dreadliches but it didn’t work after looking into some more apparently the spas for the dreadlitch mob in my world were just messed up because they are supposed to spawn in the night time in a snowy tundra but they were not at all in fact none of the dread mobs

Were spawning other than the ones outside of the mausoleum because of its spawners so i decided that i would spawn them in because no matter how much i would look i would not be able to find these guys and i wanted to progress i’m gonna pull a forged labs on all of you

And say you should comment suev i totally support your decision on day 86 you are an inspiration and what you did is the right thing to do anyways i hunted all of the dreadliches down and none of them dropped any keys so more just sporadically spawned and i finally got a

Key from this before i could use it though i ran into this creature what is this called thunder screamer i need to fight it okay okay it’s a bit stronger than i thought okay it’s a little bit stronger than i thought it’s not dead yet okay it’s dead

It’s dead unfortunately it didn’t drop anything but now it was time to head inside the mausoleum right away i found a troll tusk in a chest which can make a forest troll leather helmet that reduced projectile damage by 10 i got attacked by a dread cool and then ran into a

Spawner which i didn’t want to break yet because i wanted to potentially use this place as an xp farmlater but as you’ll see this was a mistake as i continued forward the number of mobs only amplified and i was attacked by a large variety of monsters critters and undead

Mobs apparently torches and light doesn’t affect the spawners so the mobs just continued pouring through i also got this effect of blindness and bad luck which made it really difficult to navigate through this place this blind wandering continued on for a while until i finally found it but just as i did i

Accidentally used my magic mirror and teleported back home now i use this as a chance to take off the blindness i had for 83 minutes but it didn’t work luckily that was just a glitch so when i refreshed everything was all good i made my way back inside the structure and got

Back to the dragon forge room i made sure to clear out all of the spawners around here this time and then mined up all of the pieces of the dragon forge on the way out i grabbed this dragon bone flute used to control your dragons and

Then got out of there i had collected a good amount of dragonforge pieces but i would still need to get about more than twice that so i got to searching for another gravemaster’s key which after a few dreadlitch kills i got i may or may not have accidentally dropped my chest

Plate after that which i had to look for and luckily found i once again headed into a mausoleum and headed straight for the dragon forge room i locked myself in broke all of the spawners cleared out all of the mobs so that i could collect the dragon forge pieces that i badly

Needed with only a handful of days remaining before i would fail my mission i went back home and tested what i had to see if i had enough dragon forged parts and it turned out that i needed just four more dragon forge bricks all that was needed to craft those is a few

Dragon scale blocks and to my great benefit i already had them unfortunately though it turned out that i still needed to make a dragon forge core which is not at all inexpensive it requires eight dragon forge bricks so i needed to find another mausoleum while doing so i got

Attacked by an ice dragon but i decided i wouldn’t kill it because i actually needed an ice dragon to fuel the ice dragon forge by breathing on it to set that up i would need to trap the dragon and then put the forge next to it so i

Made a dragon bone wall which is resistant to dragon breath and a chain line that i used by placing down the dragon bone wall attaching the chain line to the dragon and then linking it to the wall trapping the dragon entirely i once again hunted dreadliches in the

Night and got a key shortly after and headed into the third mausoleum i did the usual mob clearing and then got myself the final pieces i needed for the dragonforge now i could make the dragon forge ice core with that i headed toward the trap dragon and started a raid in

The process which i thought about actually doing but i couldn’t find the raiders and i didn’t have time so i continued on to the dragon i was now ready to build the ice dragon forge and finally make dragon steel armor now all i had to do is trick the dragon into

Blowing into the forge which essentially fuels it and bam the forge was finally created and working after all this time i thought it would be impossible oh no way Let’s go now that that was running i just needed a few more bottles of ice dragon blood so i can make a full set of gear out of dragon steel it didn’t take me too long to track down a couple of dragons and get their blood and after that i ran

Into what seemed to be another end city weirdly enough i ended up accidentally mining into this room that had some kind of redstone contraption in it upon looking into it further this was some kind of a secret door that gave access to a chest the room itself ended up

Being some kind of a torture room there was a dispenser that could shoot out arrows and a skeleton skull this place was creepy i got out of there on the next day i returned to the dragon forge with all of the ice dragon blood and iron needed and sat there as the forge

Did its work by the end of the day all of the dragon steel had been created and i crafted every single piece of dragon steel gear to finish things off i crafted a dragon bone bow and with that my full set of dragon steel was complete now i needed to enchant it though

Luckily i could carry over enchantments from previous gear which would make things easier but i still had a lot of work cut out for me and not a lot of time left i went around my chest looking for books of scrapping so that i could carry over my enchantments and was able

To gather a total of seven books with that i started taking enchantments off my old gear and only after i scrapped a few pieces that i realized that i didn’t have the levels to put the enchantments on my new gear now so i was stuck with unenchanted gear i headed down to the

Only place where i knew how to get experience fast the mines i accidentally fell into a ravine while down here and i felt the damage of fall damage for the first time in a while it it felt bad not to have feather falling i ended up

Falling right next to a boss room which i should have ran away from given my lack of enchantments but i stayed and this was a big mistake not only did i get trapped but the mobs around me were doing a lot of damage and i would have

Been dead if not for my extra hearts i soon started finding the expectrified orbs i needed and also while mining i found this chest that had a blood seeking culling netherrite axe of latent magic but what was unexpected was how effective this energetic crossbow would be it had this movement speed perk which

I’d never tried out before i tried it in my off hand and it didn’t work but when i used it in my main hand it increased my speed like crazy and this isn’t even considering the crazy speed boost from my boots i mined some more and then returned home to continue enchanting and

This process basically continued without much variation through today 93. along the way i made a sharpness 11 sweeping edge eight dragon steel sword along with a bunch of other really strong items all of my gear pieces had indestructible or mending on them too so i had no worries

About them ever breaking the final item i needed to enchant was my bow with limited time to hatch a baby dragon though i decided to start looking for a dragon cave again i found a boss while out and just for comparison i was now able to three hit it a boss that once

Took me like 40 hits to the feet i also found this interesting dungeon that i decided to jump into and it seemed to have a typical spawner maze design so after checking it out for a bit i left my search continued on until the night of day 94 when i finally found an

Underground dragon i mind my way down and mine straight into it because i was really confident with my new gear but there were two problems i didn’t have life steal on my sword anymore and my bow wasn’t enchanted plus i didn’t have any arrows the combination of that and

The dragon shooting ice spikes at me and digging me down made it really difficult to attack the dragon and to heal at all i was able to get back up got a few hits in and because of how powerful this new sword is i slayed the dragon quickly i

Blocked up a bit of the bottom to make it so that the dragon’s items wouldn’t fall down and collected my spoils of war from which i got a white dragon egg i returned home and placed the dragon egg down with water on top of it given that

It’s an ice dragon so that it would start growing i figured i would kill some time while waiting for it to hatch so i adventured for a bit and found this abandoned house which i walked into and it literally was just an abandoned house

I made it up to the attic and with that and headed out i returned home after getting attacked by a fire dragon because i literally couldn’t shoot at it but when i returned my dragon egg was missing i was really confused i walked around to see if the dragon was walking

Around somewhere or something but that wasn’t the case i don’t understand man what happened did it die there’s no way that happened it was my newborn dragon and it just disappeared i was saddened because not only was i now a bad dragon owner but i

Also did not have much time to try to get another dragon pet i got more levels and finally enchanted my new bow which i couldn’t transfer the power 11 to but honestly it was still better than the other bow because i would actually be able to aim with it i started once again

Searching for a dragon underground along the way finding this strange undead stable with a skeleton horse as well as two zombie ones i also ran into a hippogriff and tried taming it with a rabbit’s foot unfortunately i didn’t have my other ones at the time and this ungrateful animal started attacking me

So i absolutely left it i couldn’t believe it i ended up taking the movement speed perk off of the crossbow and trying to put it on my sword which didn’t work so my second option was to put it on my boat and now i could not

Only hold a powerful bow but also an item that gives me speed all the time further in the night i ran into a cyclops which i got way too close to and it actually almost killed me because cyclops can one shot you when they eat you but luckily i dodged that bullet and

Was able to take it out on day 97 i found uh i found this oh oh what is going on here mungus this is like little lumongas guys what the heck dude these guys look sauce bro oh i just got darkened i should not have killed i’m sorry dude oh my goodness

That’s not good are there cows around cows yeah that was uh that was an interesting encounter the blind soon ran out and i ran into a mushroom temple i mean look at this thing what a what an absolute beauty going down i was very careful because these temples often have

New types of traps but the bottom was strangely covered in water and when i searched all around to see if there was any redstone there seemed to be absolutely nothing so i eluded the chests and got out of there in the night time i found this strange shrine kind of

Area with a chest with a lava bucket inside and these statues i couldn’t find anything more to this but this was interesting on day 98 i finally finally found a dragon underground now this hadn’t been the best goal to focus on because i only had a few more days to

Summon and defeat the cosmic fiend this ended up being a fire dragon which i was able to take out surprisingly fast better yet looting this dragon gave me not one but two dragon eggs green and gray i quickly went home and set these fellas down to start hatching while

Waiting for them to grow i grabbed my builder’s wand and town hall i’d gotten from the mine camp encampment earlier and while i was trying to figure that out my dragons grew i named the green dragon matu and the black dragon gemin i used my dragon command staff to make

Them stay i didn’t want to take them inside of my house in fear of them growing and then suffocating leaving them outside made me worry for their safety too but i figured they would act as any other pet and not get attacked when they’re on stay

But uh i was i was wrong about that i made some dragon meal using the little meat and bones i had to accelerate the growth process of these guys after that i finished placing the town hall which just showed up as this block at first but shortly after an imaginary railing

Formed around it and villagers showed up i was checking out the skills and abilities of these guys and then this happened so i went around lighting the area up hoping that this wouldn’t happen again now i really wanted to build the first part of the village for these guys

And keep them safe but i just didn’t know exactly how and that would take time to figure out which i didn’t really have so i needed to decide between defeating the cosmic fiend or building and protecting a civilization i chose defeating the cosmic fiend now it’s at

This point that i realized i had made a huge error in my thinking i had collected all of the ingredients needed for the cosmic fiend spawn egg other than an egg itself the simplest of ingredients but now if i didn’t get one in the next two days i would completely

Fail my challenge that these 100 days were the purpose of and so i searched and searched into the night i found a village and looted the chest thinking that they might have some eggs in them but they didn’t i even ran into sheeps and cows but still no signs of chickens

That is until i ran into this forest i see a chicken chicken please lay some eggs no do not kill my chicken that is the worst thing that can possibly happen chicken i just need you to lay one egg and so i waited into the

Next day and i now had one day left i started looking for more chickens as well while i waited for the other one to drop something but i didn’t find anything i thought that was it all of these 100 days wasted because i didn’t plan carefully enough but you know what

I turned my hit boxes on returned to the chicken and sure enough it dropped an egg let’s go you legendary chicken you absolute legend good job okay okay let’s go i had to get going i was on the final day and i needed to summon and defeat the cosmic

Fiend i crafted it spawn egg and got ready but while heading out something horrible happened what’s happening are my dragons dying oh no no no no no no i’m gonna have cleve no dude dude i didn’t think that random things would attack them dude no

I was upset i don’t know how i could have saved the dragon because i couldn’t really hit the wolf without hitting it and it was a devastating loss i was disappointed in myself at least one dragon stayed alive which is great that that happened and i wouldn’t be making

That mistake again i made a little shine for gemin in hoped that she’d rest in peace it seemed that now everything was going wrong because the next thing i knew i got a message pop-up saying that briella from my colony died to a mob honestly i kind of knew that was going

To happen because she kept walking around with no protection for no reason i finally figured out that i needed to drop off resources to be able to build structures with the builders one but i didn’t have time hopefully my protection would be enough for these civilians but that was not guaranteed i positioned

Myself far from my house to summon the cosmic fiend and it was time for the final battle okay let’s go oh boy oh boy oh boy okay it’s attacking other mobs but this is actually working the cosmic fiend was attacking other mobs it’s an uncontrollable creature and

I was taking full advantage of this by bowing at it from a range soon enough though the fiend did start coming at me and digging me down it also started shooting red fireballs at me which i wasn’t able to dodge but my armor was keeping my health secure once i got it

Further down in health it started coming straight at me digging me further and further down it can mine through bedrock so i had to be extremely careful not to lose my focus soon i was able to get into a good position and barrage it with shots and with just a couple of shots

Left i took down the cosmic fiend it dropped the destroyer of moons which is a pickaxe and space devastation which is a sword check these things out space devastation gave me the ability to dash in to shoot fire at enemies i thought the space destroyer would let me mine

Chunks of blocks but it seemed to be fairly normal i defeated a mutant skeleton with my new sword and with that i had completed everything i wanted to in these 100 days thank you to sharkey for making this mod pack and letting me use it i’ll leave a link to it in the

Description below once again thank you to monster legends for sponsoring the video make sure you download the game now and claim your free starter pack which will give you a head start and speed up your leveling process

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a FANTASY REALM in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by Suev on 2022-06-27 04:16:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Playing RANDOOM ROOM in Minecraft

    Playing RANDOOM ROOM in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the RANDOOM ROOM Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious RANDOOM ROOM. Join Tâm Trương on this exciting journey through the virtual world of creativity and exploration. Unveiling the Secrets of RANDOOM ROOM Step into the RANDOOM ROOM and discover a world filled with surprises and challenges. From hidden treasures to unexpected encounters, every corner holds a new mystery waiting to be unraveled. Test your skills and wit as you navigate through this enigmatic space. Join Tâm Trương on YouTube Follow Tâm Trương on YouTube as he explores the depths of… Read More

  • Survival Smiles: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Madness!

    Survival Smiles: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Cube Xuan brings joy with each joyful sound. Surviving the challenges, with humor and grace, Crafting memes and laughs all over the place. From digging for diamonds to crafting a pick, Every step in the game is a clever trick. But even with riches and diamonds galore, Survival is tough, it’s not just a bore. Cube Xuan takes on the hardest of tasks, With skill and determination, no need to ask. From heart-pounding challenges to maps that deceive, Cube Xuan conquers all, you better believe. So join in the fun, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Modpack Challenge: Unpredictable Adventures

    Minecraft Modpack Challenge: Unpredictable Adventures The Unpredictable Adventures of Minecraft’s Randomly Generated Modpack Challenge Embark on a thrilling journey through the Multiverse in Minecraft like never before! Forget carefully curated mod packs with a cohesive plan – this time, it’s all about randomness and unpredictability. Join the adventure as our protagonist dives into the unknown, guided only by the whims of a random number generator and the roll of a dice. A New Mod Every Day Instead of settling into familiar terrains like oceans, deserts, or magical realms, our daring explorer loads up Minecraft each day with a brand new mod. From enhancing gameplay… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an intriguing YouTube video showcasing the Clockwork Mod in Minecraft. While the video itself is not about Minewind, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. The ability to create, innovate, and explore in a virtual world is truly captivating. Imagine joining a Minecraft server where you can unleash your creativity and build to your heart’s content. A place where you can interact with like-minded individuals, embark on adventures, and create unforgettable memories. That’s where Minewind comes in. With features like Create mod, Clockwork mod, Valkyrien Skies,… Read More

  • Jesses Galore: Minecraft Modded Mayhem

    Jesses Galore: Minecraft Modded Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Jesse’s the name, a hero so bold. With mods and memes, the game comes alive, In custom cutscenes, where adventures thrive. But wait, who’s this Xara, causing a stir? A new character, with secrets to confer. Jesse’s on the move, ready to explore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. So keep on watching, the story’s not done, With mods and memes, the fun’s just begun. Jesse’s the star, in this Minecraft tale, With twists and turns, that never fail. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Rich vs Poor Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Rich vs Poor Battles! Are you a fan of Minecraft content creators like Berkant? Do you enjoy watching videos that showcase the fun and creativity of the game? If so, you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of activities to enjoy, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of the Minewind community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting… Read More

  • Firestarter Fiasco: Minecraft Music Video

    Firestarter Fiasco: Minecraft Music Video Minecraft Animated Music Video: Pyrokinesis – Ветрянка The Minecraft community is constantly creating innovative and captivating content, and the animated music video “Pyrokinesis – Ветрянка” by CHOCOZAIM is a prime example of this creativity. The video features a unique blend of music, animation, and storytelling that immerses viewers in a mesmerizing world. A Creative Collaboration CHOCOZAIM’s video showcases the beauty of Minecraft animation, combining intricate visuals with a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. The collaboration between music and animation creates a truly immersive experience for viewers, drawing them into a world of emotion and storytelling. An Emotional Journey The lyrics of… Read More

  • INSANE MOB FARM & TECH MODS in MeatballCraft!

    INSANE MOB FARM & TECH MODS in MeatballCraft!Video Information Benvenuti in un nuovo episodio di Minecraft mecraft dimensional Ascension ho livellato alcuni Villager Anche perché i loro Trader sono strabuoni per gli Mc adesso prendiamo lui che scambia mele per smeraldi ne scambia 512 Mc per 16.000 che non è affatto male e lui invece ci vende radic Crystal praticamente li Raddoppia e ho intenzione di farmi l’armatura di emeric e una volta fatta Vediamo se riusciamo a ottenere degli Incantesimi decenti possiamo farci il Tom of Knowledge che consente di tenere L’esperienza e di non sprecarla quando incantiamo vediamo questo c’ha un Breaking 4 vediamo se… Read More

  • Unstoppable Fireball Spam in Minecraft!

    Unstoppable Fireball Spam in Minecraft!Video Information in this game my opponent kept Fireball spamming but I still got the [Music] win with your turn to the wind G I spoke with you cuz you help me too to [Music] pass in your living room no subscribe for more Minecraft videos This video, titled ‘My opponent kept on fireball spamming #minecraft #fb #fyp #hypixelbridge #hypixel #pvp #bedwars #4k’, was uploaded by Itscalledme on 2024-05-01 06:44:24. It has garnered 11757 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. I found a good pvp strategy? Texture pack: Asda 16x Version: 1.8.9… Read More

  • Insane 2B2T Moment: Crazy Chaos Unleashed!

    Insane 2B2T Moment: Crazy Chaos Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Grim moment (2B2T)’, was uploaded by Silly on 2024-05-08 05:42:36. It has garnered 97 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. silliness client: mioclient.me tags (ignore) tags (ignore) #2b2t #dupe #experimenttv #2b #hackedclient #minecraft #mc #elytra #data #noxshop #1.19 #elytralauncher #fitmc #salc1 #rich #config #anticheatmode #bypass 2b2t, 2b2t ip, 2b2t farlands, 2b2t end base, 2b2t alternatives, 2b2t april fools, 2b2t antvenom, 2b2t asgard 2, 2b2t almost died, 2b2t australia, 2b2t admin, 2b2t address, 2b2t base, 2b2t bedrock, 2b2t bedrock edition, 2b2t base hunting, 2b2t best builds, 2b2t base… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SERVER FUN! JOIN NOW!Video Information तो हेलो दोस्तों मैं हूं प्रियांशु आप देख रहे हो लफ्ट और मैं खेल रहा हूं माफ्ट और गाइस हम फिर से आ चुके हैं अपने यार मा की वीडियो के साथ और हां भाई पता है बहुत दिन से यार वीडियो नहीं आई है बट अब यार फिर से शुरू हो चुका है और यह है भाई अपना माफ्ट का सर्वाइवल एपिसोड वो जो मेरा पॉकेट एडिशन का चल रहा था वो यार बंद हो चुका है तो भाई और यार बुरा लगा ब यार बंद हो गया बंद हो गया बट अब हमारी नए एपिसोड्स चालू… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Can’t Beat M8K3Y FNF Minecraft Mod!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Can't Beat M8K3Y FNF Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mod that I can not do’, was uploaded by M8K3Y FNF on 2024-03-04 22:25:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • JJ and Mikey Face Terrifying UMA Attack!

    JJ and Mikey Face Terrifying UMA Attack!Video Information huh hm who’s there who’d visit this late in the day is it a delivery I’ll get it mm oh thanks [Music] yep [Music] JJ wake up please JJ huh H where where am I hold on I’ll wait I remember we were abducted Ed by that ghost that’s right and if we stay here only our bones will be [Music] left see oh no oh if we can’t find a way to escape the ghost is still out there how can we escape huh the ghost left a this is our chance we need to escape but… Read More

  • “Epic Minecraft Podcast Clips – Insane Survival Adventures” #podcast #minecraft

    "Epic Minecraft Podcast Clips - Insane Survival Adventures" #podcast #minecraftVideo Information pretty much any Survival game that I play I’m like oh this is kind of like Minecraft it’s literally just because it’s survival it won’t even be like the same layout like you know not even pixelated or blocks like when I was playing uh when I was playing power world I was like oh yeah it’s like Minecraft but like Pokemon it’s it’s not even mcra it’s just survival it’s just a survival game um sometimes I will get but you know those um videos on Tik Tok where it’s like I don’t know what country they’re… Read More

  • INSANE: Building Prison in Minecraft Server

    INSANE: Building Prison in Minecraft ServerVideo Information [Music] going on Gater Gator hey Tater can you do me a favor can you pop in the YouTube and type something in chat I want to see if I fixed my tablet I think I combined both of my chats into one spot and everything is is we’ve been restored to peace it’s neon you guys I got some cool stuff to show you guys today we’re doing Minecraft server again Gator doesn’t feel good hey Gator it works Gator I hope you’re okay my friend sometimes it’s it’s easy to hey it’s a branch how’s it… Read More

  • “INSANE!! Build a Round Shelf in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "INSANE!! Build a Round Shelf in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information [Music] surrounded by couples all the time I guess I should take it as a [Music] This video, titled ‘How to build a Round Shelf in Minecraft Tutorial! #minecraft’, was uploaded by barry on 2024-05-05 19:00:21. It has garnered 2851 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. How to make a Chinese Inspired Round Shelf in Minecraft Tutorial! #minecraftshorts #youtube #minecrafttutorial Minecraft building ideas These videos are often inspired by many online shared builds if you feel that an individual deserves credit feel free to leave their name in the comments… Read More


    ZEDMO SMPThis ZEDMO SMP, it is open for everyone around the world! Play on the server with your friends~Build~Mine~Survive! Read More

  • Waychest SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist 1.20.4 Custom Plugins

    Server Information Server Name: Waychest Server Location: United States West Coast Website: https://waychest.com/ Wiki: https://waychest.com/info Version: 1.20.4 – 1.20.6 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] “Waychest” is a unique Minecraft server that offers a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm where you can start your journey alone and discover the world with other players. Custom items and blocks enhance the survival gameplay experience. Feature Highlights: 🌍 “Journey” System: Create and explore your own journey with others in a shared world. 🎁 Waychests: Guide Journeys to find each other and earn rewards. 🚀 “Waychest Flight”… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “420 Blaze it on Minecraft Reddit”

    Well, at least it’s not a Creeper blowing up your house with a score of -3! Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Hidden Items: A Quiz Adventure! #shorts

    Uncover Minecraft's Hidden Items: A Quiz Adventure! #shorts In Minecraft, what’s hiding, can you see? Items overlap, distorted door, a mystery. Spot the difference, find the hidden prize, In this quiz, let your gaming skills rise. Subscribe for more quizzes, fun and light, Join the challenge, spot with all your might. Female game commentary, engaging and true, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always something new. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this gaming world, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Unleash the POMNI portal madness in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    Unleash the POMNI portal madness in Minecraft! 🔥😂 I tried finding the POMNI portal in Minecraft but all I ended up with was a bunch of confused villagers staring at me like I was crazy. Read More

  • Minecraft Village Shenanigans: Episode 595

    Minecraft Village Shenanigans: Episode 595 Minecraft Episode 595: Villager Breeding and Resource Exchange Welcome to the land of Minecraft episode 595, where the player embarks on a journey filled with resource gathering, villager interactions, and strategic planning. In this episode, the player focuses on exchanging resources with villagers, breeding villagers, and optimizing their gameplay experience. Resource Exchange Strategy The player starts by exchanging land blocks for resources like rice and wheat with villagers. This strategic approach allows them to efficiently gather materials and save time for other activities like building houses and exploring the world. Key Point: Utilizing resource exchange with villagers can help… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which challenged viewers to find the difference in a changing Minecraft world. The thrill of discovering that one spot that fades away while another appears is truly exhilarating! If you’re someone who enjoys these mind-bending challenges and loves exploring new and unique experiences in Minecraft, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind offers an immersive and… Read More

  • Immigrant Invasion! Watch me build homes from scratch in Mine O Sphere Season 3 Stream 009

    Immigrant Invasion! Watch me build homes from scratch in Mine O Sphere Season 3 Stream 009Video Information and live yeah it’s been a hot minute it’s been a hot minute I am I feel bad I see you guys on here all the time like I’ve got it like my lock screen of my phone is the is the map and so I see you guys pulling out some awesome stuff and I’ve been just sitting here too busy to play this I haven’t streamed in a while so I will make it up to you last night my girl’s flight was or the night before last my girl’s flight was late so I had… Read More

  • Unbeatable Herobrine Foe – Ayan Gamer

    Unbeatable Herobrine Foe - Ayan GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘No one can replace as herobrine #shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Ayan gamer 105 on 2024-01-14 12:01:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft skibidi toilet shorts Sonic herobrine tiktok siren head ij and mikey roblox granny maizen techno gamerz monster school godzilla cameraman goku mikey and j minecraft momo among us mrbeast chainsaw man hiha momo minecraft choo choo charles proboiz 95 skibidi free fire sakura banban gta 5 choo-choo-charles car robot skibidi bop yes yes yes Zombie little singham giant… Read More

  • Unleashing Deadly Powers in Minecraft?! #shortfeed #viral

    Unleashing Deadly Powers in Minecraft?! #shortfeed #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘i tried to make all dangerous entity #shortfeed #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-07 06:01:56. It has garnered 429 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app… Read More

  • OMG! My GF Left Me On Read & Disappeared! Reddit Minecraft Parkour Drama

    OMG! My GF Left Me On Read & Disappeared! Reddit Minecraft Parkour DramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Ghosted Me! My Girlfriend Left Me On Read! reddit minecraft parkour shorts’, was uploaded by storytime on 2024-01-27 21:29:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. She Ghosted Me! My Girlfriend Left Me On Read! Minecraft Parkour: Reddit Stories & Shorts Adventure! Tags: … Read More

  • 🔥 AHMAD GOES CRAZY! 🐵 #tiktok #creeper #minecraft #explore

    🔥 AHMAD GOES CRAZY! 🐵 #tiktok #creeper #minecraft #exploreVideo Information اذا تتوقع اني مت حط لايك اذا تتوقع اني ما راح اموت حط اشتراك This video, titled ‘#explore #tiktok #creeper #minecraft #shortvideo #shorts #short #shortvideo’, was uploaded by احمد مد🦍 on 2024-01-03 22:34:30. It has garnered 6257 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Elmo’s shocking game-ending fail!

    Elmo's shocking game-ending fail!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bro messed up and quit the game’, was uploaded by ElmoClips on 2024-02-17 21:30:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Editing software: Capcut Current subs: 7 Thumbnail by @Elmo_Clips Tags (ignore) High Quality Video minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half… Read More

  • Mastering Keyboard & Mouse for EPIC Minecraft Adventures!

    Mastering Keyboard & Mouse for EPIC Minecraft Adventures!Video Information well hello there I hope everything is working properly should be how are you doing guys I am doing a okay okay I should probably increase my volume a little bit because today I cannot scream too much um yeah how are you doing beautiful people that I love I hope everyone is doing really fine as you well deserve not like me yeah I’m do I’m doing good uh I’m just super tired but yeah let’s stop about that St about the rambling it’s time for us to jump into a new brand new world of Minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE Sniper Kills in GTN Today!

    INSANE Sniper Kills in GTN Today!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nice Snipes I Got From Today!’, was uploaded by GTN on 2024-04-02 23:14:06. It has garnered 111 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Hello there! My real name is Brice but I go by “GTN” online. I like to play and make content on Dying Light, Fortnite, Minecraft, GTA V, Clash Royale and Star Wars! I am always down to try any new games and play with any viewers so please feel free to add me on any of my social medias! Thanks for stopping by and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Phone Hack! Finish Faster! #Animation #Meme #Collab

    EPIC Minecraft Phone Hack! Finish Faster! #Animation #Meme #CollabVideo Information This video, titled ‘tutorial cara cepat selesai telpon #animation #minecraft #meme #collab collab bareng @jainur321’, was uploaded by AP craft MC on 2024-01-08 08:24:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • BlockedIn Network

    BlockedIn NetworkAbout The BlockedIn Network The BlockedIn Network is an upcoming Minecraft Server Network. We offer a cosy and friendly community as well as custom developed Minecraft server experiences like you have never seen before. Our ethos for running the BlockedIn Network is to have a experience that is custom and doesn’t get stale after a while. A complete reimagining of the minecraft experience with many new custom features coming in future updates. You & the rest of the community get to vote upon major decisions, including certain features, whether worlds get reset, what you would like to see in the… Read More

  • Altitude Community SMP – McMMO – Land Claiming – Economy – 1.20.4

    Server Information: IP: play.alttd.com Website: alttd.com Rules: alttd.com/rules Discord: discord.gg/TGqpzCJ Blog/News: alttd.com/blog/ About Altitude: Altitude is a community-centered survival network that aims to provide a home-like environment for players. We focus on survival gameplay with added community-suggested features to enhance the experience. While primarily geared towards older players, all are welcome to join! Features: 1.20.x Survival Map Land claiming with GriefPrevention Basic teleportation (/home and /back) McMMO & MyPet Dynmap: alttd.com/map Economy with player shops Custom warp plugin for towns Monthly server events We also offer a range of custom features suggested by our community. Check them out here. Join… Read More

I Survived 100 Days in a FANTASY REALM in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened