I Survived 100 Days In A JUNGLE ONLY World In Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

I’m going to be surviving 100 days in a jungle-only world but not just any old Minecraft jungle this jungle has Tigers gorillas crocodiles and much much more can I master this overgrown Paradise or will I become yet another foolish Adventurer here I was in the endless jungle like any Minecraft player my

First step was to smash the nearest tree to pieces I made a crafting table as well as a wooden pickaxe and began exploring after getting my legs wet I got to work collecting some Stone in order to upgrade my tools wood is for peasants stone is for slightly more

Well-off peasants and yes I definitely meant to make two Stone pickaxes that’s why I paused for several seconds wondering how I graduated from preschool I looked at some of the new weapons available and noticed this little green parrot nearby I found some green onion seeds but he wasn’t impressed their

Green onion seeds and you’re a green parrot eat the seeds I met a happy creeper couple and they didn’t stay happy for long I collected some coal and then continue pushing through the undergrowth the wildlife in this place was absolutely stunning and I spent a

While just taking it all in on the less stunning side I spotted a piranha and you seemed to be challenging me I jumped down missed and he bit me I stumbled Upon A Ravine and of course leapt straight into the puddle of ankle deep water at the bottom I got to work

Collecting some iron and coal which I used to craft myself an iron chest plate now you might see this Stingray here and think oh what a cute little Stingray no these things will poison you if you get too close I made a crude wooden Shield which I upgraded to a stone shield and

My favorite thing about these is that you can Bonk enemies over the head with them but talking of my favorite things let me tell you about today’s sponsor Clash Royale Clash Royale is a real-time multiplayer game with dozens of unique troops spells and defenses Clash Royale

Is also the only game where you can put a guy in a barrel throw an enemy Wizard and watch them duke it out and then if you lose just spawn a pekka and watch it wipe that wizard off the face of the Earth I’ve been playing for six years

Now and the feeling of destroying your opponents as towers and taking the win never gets old as you gain trophies and progress through the Arenas you’ll unlock more and more new cards with my favorite being the rocket I’m an expert what can I say you can play against your

Friends or with your friends in real time 2v2 battles or Duke it out in 1v1s to climb the prestigious trophy Road maybe you could be the next top player download the game for free using the link in the pin comment and now let’s get back to the video go on zombie oh

That’s too bad try again try again oh you’ll get me next time I’m laughing but I’ve probably given him severe head trauma Karma was immediately served to me on a silver platter when I came across this skeleton spawner I took heavy damage within seconds and it wasn’t looking good these two skeletons

Started fighting and I thought it would buy me me time to heal up but one of them completely folded as I fled I crashed to the ground leaving me with just half a heart left I scrambled to block myself in and by some miracle managed to prevent the skeleton from

Dealing the final blow now what I should have done in this situation was learn from my mistakes back off and come back when I had better gear what I actually did was start digging a tunnel underneath the mob spawner so that I could steal all the loot I had zero food

Left so I really couldn’t afford to mess this up unfortunately that’s exactly what I did but somehow I got everything under control before I knew it I was staring one of the chests right in the face and all the pain was worth it you know what this is fine there’s gonna be

Better stuff in the other chest I’m starting to wish the skeleton had actually taken me out earlier it wasn’t all bad though I did now have some food that wouldn’t make a health inspector Keel over after ascending to the top of the Ravine I found a small ruin I dug

Around in the hopes of findings in Buried Treasure but all I had to offer with Soul Sand but then I discovered a ruin that did have some treasure and this stuff was genuinely really useful I then realized this whole building was made of silverfish Stone and promptly

Ran away you might call that cowardly and so would I but I didn’t want to stick around and watch the building turn into a writhing mass of silver insects don’t worry though there’s plenty of that further down the line before long I found yet another ruin and this one was

The best one yet I found some protection one chain boots and yes Spruce Wood is by far my favorite wood and seeing as it doesn’t spawn naturally in the jungle I had just hit the jackpot there were also some lapis blocks on top and a wild onion patch outside I’m not sure what

The consensus is on eating raw onion but you gotta do what you gotta do I startled a couple of butterflies probably because they saw pieces of raw onion on my hands and then jumped into this hole it had tons of iron and coal deposits as well as a very angry and now

Very dead skeleton wait aren’t skeletons already dead because they’re skeletons anyway I crafted myself a full suit of iron armor and started mining down in the hopes of finding a cave oh look a cave there were a fair few monsters inside so I jumped down and let nature

Run its course I’m not gonna get disease from these am I this spider didn’t fight back at all so I thought about my actions for a second and then killed him anyway I kept exploring dropping into this tunnel and then this happened I already know I’m getting a million

Comments on this video saying it’s fake especially since it was an eight vein I made a diamond pickaxe and by using the leather I got from the ruin earlier made a handle and you said handle to make a diamond saber it does extra damage to enemies without a chest plate which is

About 95 of them some will almost always be getting the bonus I’d also found a book in that previous ruin which meant after mining up some obsidian I could craft an enchantment table this was a May amazing as not only could I enchant my iron armor with Protection 1

Effectively giving it the same Defense level as Diamond I was also able to snag fire aspect on my sword I was feeling great with all my new gear and continued through the cave I could hear this weird clicking sound what is that what is that

Just kill it just kill it just kill it get off my screen right now not only do these Hearts represent my health they also represent my mental state after some deep breaths and by that I mean a lot of deep breaths I was ready to continue adventuring I had somehow

Amassed a stack of iron which I plan to use for an anvil and some extra tools I needed to wait for it all to smell so in the meantime I proceeded to beat up every monster I can lay my hands on however the iron was still nowhere near

Done so I grabbed it and started heading to the surface when I finally reached it Knight had already fallen so I instantly started heading for the Treetops it’s extremely dangerous down on the forest floor as monsters especially creepers can hide in amongst all the leaves and Vines I then replaced my stone shield

With an iron-plated one it’s really bulky so I decided not to use it unless I was in danger like right now where I’m fighting the skeleton I had a look around for a good looking tree and settled on this one when you’re making a base in the jungle you’re pretty much

Legally obligated to build a treehouse my inventory was stuffed to the brim and it felt great to finally offload all of my possessions into a chest bear in mind what I’m building right now is only a temporary base for me to find my feet before I can build something cooler I

Need better tools and more importantly a more stable food source than Scavenging for melons I added a fence around the edge of the tree house because otherwise I would definitely slip off and break both my legs I then did something very out of character I organized all my

Stuff on day four usually I leave it till about day 30 when it’s gotten so out of hand that I have to organize it I’d spotted a few sheep when I’d emerge from the caves and really want to the bed so I began searching for them there

Were a ton of mobs around including this skeleton with his ginormous head this sheep actually gave me three wool which made my life a lot easier on my way back to the tree house I found a roach and naturally chased it down in order to

Wipe it off the face of the earth I got a little bit lost on my way back and by that I mean I literally found a gorilla but I used my good old tree hopping method to find the base this creeper was lurking at the bottom so I was gonna

Need to evict him the next day I crafted an iron hoe as well as a pile of torches where are you creeper I’m not mad or anything I just want to talk get off my land as I mentioned earlier food was becoming a growing problem so I began

Clearing an area for a farm if you’ve ever tried to build something in the jungle you know just how time consuming this is there’s just so many leaves I ate a banana which gave me plus 1000 energy and started building a wall around the area Luke the notable style

Normally I would never ever bothered doing this but I wanted to ensure I wasn’t snuck up on in the middle of the night it also really helped to visualize where my territory ends and the jungle begins oh abandoned property I can rant site later I also dyed my bear red as an

Homage to the OG if you don’t get it then you should build a time machine and restart your entire childhood I began planting every scene I could get my hands on pineapple tomatoes cabbages wheat why did I only just get the advancement for planting seeds I needed

To set up an infinite water source so I visited a nearby Pond after giving the crops the gift of hydration I began pumping them with steroids anyway I started looking at all the different foods I could potentially make I’d say this one’s my favorite seeing as I had a

Small area to work with now I decided I might as well raise some animals and buy animals I mean only sheep they were the only ones available it was pretty frustrating taking them through the undergrowth but eventually the suffering paid off I hope they like their new home

Because they’re stuck here forever I thought the bass could do with a little bit of expansion so I added this Lookout area on top I bred the Sheep again and harvested some rhubarb I bet I could cook something nice with this I’m missing key ingredients for all of these

I did a completely pointless water bucket from the tree house and set out towards the ruin my mind raced with all the loot it could have emeralds gold diamonds who knew what awaited us it’s literally the spruce sapling ruined from a few days ago how did I not realize

Seeing as West was the direction I’d unknowingly come from I decided to Head East instead I’d spent quite a few days in the same place so I really just wanted to go out and explore and also work on my water bucket skills I discovered a Pillager Outpost

Immediately as well as a well we’re actually gonna keep a running tally of these because I find way too many of them throughout this video I equipped my shield and approached The Outpost ready for a fight it started off well but the crossbow damage quickly started to add

Up are retreated into the trees and realized I could just shimmy over to the chest at the top instead of fighting for it in typical Pillager Outpost fashion the loot was mediocre then this genius decided to climb up into the trees to fight me and he got exactly what he

Deserved all the pillages seemed pretty mad that I just horrifically pushed one of their men off a 20-foot drop and I fled the scene I’d managed to grab a couple of their hay bales which I used to make a moderate supply of bread I wasn’t done with my exploring yet and

Pushed on wood I found this cute little Songbird and then stumbled across a jungle variant of the desert temple a John Gazette Temple a dizongal temple you know what that’s not important I dug down expecting the usual TNT chamber and was horrified to find that the entire

Thing was made of several layers of silverfish Stone the more I killed the more spawned in to take their place I could have jumped down and tried to out damage them but I had no idea if there was a TNT trap at the bottom nor did I

Know if I could even and win the fight don’t worry though I’m not giving up on this place I already had an idea cooking up about how I was gonna wipe every single last silverfish out but first it’s nap time now that nap time was over

I made my way over to the hole I found earlier I think you can guess what my plan is here I’m gonna use the lava to make obsidian use that obsidian to make another portal go to the nether fetch back a gas transported to the temple and

Use the gas to block the silverfish it’s quite simple really of course I’m kidding the lava fried the silverfish and the plan was working spectacularly until I got jump scared and accidentally dropped my saber the more I tried to bat the silverfish away the more would spawn

In I couldn’t jump in and face them head-on or the entire chamber would crumble and I couldn’t pour lava on them or I’d lose my saber I tried using a fishing rod to yank it back up to me which actually does work in Java Edition but the silverfish were directly on top

Of the saber I decided my best bet was to dig a safety tunnel I dropped down grabbed the saber and blocked off the tunnel from there I could pour lava over the top and exterminate all the silverfish now that the crisis had been averted I could get things back on track

Before long the fabled chess room was finally inside surprisingly it didn’t have the classic pressure plate trap although I guess that makes sense considering how easy it would be for a silverfish to trigger it and blow up all the loot talking of loot it was solid it

Wasn’t an insane pile of riches or anything but it definitely wasn’t bad I’d say the pain and suffering was worth it for Four Diamonds I’ve brought my bed with me so I ended up sleeping inside the temple which considering how ancient it is probably has a million different

Bugs inhabiting all the cracked stone bricks instead of heading back home I decided to keep heading east I was going in more or less a straight line so it wouldn’t be difficult to find my way back I also probably did more water buckets in this one video than all my

Others combined I found another Well bringing our count up to two with an ant hill nearby on 4 fortunately the well didn’t have any emerald ore like the last one so it was a stupid well also the terrain generation here was uh it was really something I didn’t have any

Specific limit for when I turned back it was more I turned back after finding and looting a cool new structure I found a ruin with more of these guys yay I’ve actually done four previous attempts at jungle only 100 days and in one of them

I died to silverfish on day two which is why I was so cautious of the temple earlier to top things off the ruin didn’t even have a chest or maybe it did and I’m just dumb but judging by how much I destroyed I’m pretty confident in saying it didn’t have a chest I

Continued my journey through the Tangled undergrowth and found a good old-fashioned jungle temple and a well but at least this time it was a good well I can’t tell you how good it felt to be inside a temple and not have to worry about silverfish I’ve made my way

Through the extremely low quality traps and was rewarded with equally low quality loot I decided to try try and do the lever puzzle legit and after about a minute of flicking the levers randomly I actually managed to get inside the reward was it was really something this

Sightseeing couple got lost so I showed them the way to the afterlife there’s a lot of tracking Through the Jungle with not a lot of potential commentary I mean it’s just all leaves and very high definition water which my PC was really happy about I discovered a forest fire

In the making and did absolutely nothing to help instead I decided to see how fast I could break this golden hoe the answer is about two and a half seconds there was a gold block which I definitely wanted so I carefully surrounded it with dirt and well I’m uninstalling the game it was

The only one that spawned too so I wasn’t able to get a spare to make up for it I spotted easily the most complete ruins so far and as a bonus it didn’t house a single silverfish the loot was alright I’ll take an enchanted fishing rod plus the golden apple will

Come in handy a fly was hovering nearby so naturally I sliced it in half I tried taming this Ocelot with fish for old time’s sake but of course it didn’t work yippee another well if I find another one of these in the next few minutes I’m

Gonna eat at Arby’s oh please no no no I was joking no I started off day 11 by restocking on melons take that zombie oh you have a wife and kids I I think I should I think I should leave now I was a considerable distance away from home

But I still didn’t want to turn back yet I yearned for adventure actually it’s because I have a ton of chores to do back at the base and I kind of don’t want to do them I found another Brewing portal and finally had the chance to redeem myself

Sometimes you just have to look up at the sky and ask why me thankfully there was an extra gold block and at last things went in my favor I spotted a floating island up in the distance Terraria style and I have to explore that I scaled the closest Tall Tree and

From there I could pillar up there was a small ruin with the chest and oh that is what I like to see I could hear Groves coming from below the floorboards and sure enough there was a concealed zombie spawner only one zombie had actually managed to materialize so I just jumped

Down and deleted him there weren’t any chess but there were some very nice piles of iron and gold blocks I had the urge to jump off and land a water bucket but even I’m not dumb enough to risk that instead I took the easy way down

And still broke my ankle there was a room portal right in the middle of this lake so this time there was no forest fire some piranhas tried nibbling on my toes but they got what they deserved this portal generation is honestly super cool and I would have loved to make it

Into a proper Island build but I have chores to neglect and structures the ransack Knight was beginning to fall and I really should have slept but instead I continued on like I really really should have slept I wised up and stuck to the Treetops before becoming even wiser

Upper and just going to bed I began my morning as everyone does by getting set on fire I found yet another silverfish ruin I searched fruitlessly for a chest and after stopping to kill a silverfish I’ve made my way out it was another of those days where I just do a lot of

Running and jumping and whatnot I found a melon patch which made me go from a measly 22 melons to a mighty 64. that sounds cool until you remember that melons are one of the worst food sources in the game I came across a Grove with these little guys hanging out and they

Were adorable I should probably know what they’re actually called but I lack basic thinking functions so someone please let me know in the comments time ticked on and I still hadn’t found a new structure yet but I had an idea what if I climbed a tall tree and then increase

My render distance a little the most obvious thing was the floating island to my right but more importantly I could just about spot a village I started bridging over to the island and nearly suffered a horrible fall but I managed to save myself I found another boatload

Of golden apples as well as a backup Diamond chest plate I then broke into the hidden chamber wiped out a family of zombies and stole all their money because I’m the good guy remember I then began heading through the jungle and what I hoped was the direction of the

Village surprisingly enough I actually managed to find it ah this is great what is that get it off get it off I’ve never read a more accurate advancement in my entire life this mod pack adds guards to Villages although they didn’t really seem to care about me blatantly robbing

The civilians you hear that Taisha all your stuff is mine now oh hi officer yeah everything’s fine all my days the gorillas are adorable The Village had a blacksmith and the loot was genuinely awful I mean my expectations were low but man whisk great in the bottom of the

Barrel here I tried out this quarter stuff but it was nothing special and I ended up throwing it away hmm I need a place to stay for the night thanks Josefina is she asleep or awake I can’t help I awoke to Josefina yelling at me about breaking into her house I asked if

I could bounce a ping pong ball off her forehead and that was the final straw before she returned with the guards I made my escape and once I was 10 meters down the path I got right back to my life of crime this house is full of dirt

How do you guys live like this I’m gonna steal your stuff but I’ve gotta clean your house up dude I wanted to craft a backpack which requires leather and since I’d spotted a cow pen last night I knew this was a golden opportunity unfortunately when I visited the cow pen

One of the cows had escaped so I was gonna need to track him down sup DD mind if I take your stuff thanks Dede call police Cal police you have the right to remain silent a pair of villagers were having a romantic moment in the cow pen

So I kicked them out go on there’s a time and place people there was a cat that had somehow ended up in the pen and I knew I had to make her my friend it was time to break in my enchanted fishing rod I also found the most cursed

Thing ever a skinny Iron Golem he looks like he dropped iron nuggets instead of ingots taming the cat was not an easy task mainly because she did a lot of running away and not a lot of staying still I persevered though and eventually she was mine I decided to name her zip

Seeing as she loves to run I didn’t want to keep breaking into josefina’s house so instead I commanded the blacksmith by the way zip is the cutest cat to ever exist I bred the cows and fed the little ones so that they’ll grow up big and strong and hopefully drop leather when

They die I started cleaning up the village and then witnessed this am I the side character in this story I had a better look at the lake I’d fished in yesterday and really liked how the surrounding terrain looked this was the type of area I could build a cool Basin

Of course any good base starts with deforestation I’ve been making fun of this Iron Golem but in all fairness he’s like nine feet tall so he would probably destroy me in a fight I had a look at this ant colony and they actually take leaves from the trees which is just such

A cool feature shout out to the modders that make this kind of thing possible you guys are amazing on a less amazing note I tried clearing away some of the trees in the village by burning them and it quickly escalated into a raging forest fire the cow pen was ablazed the

Undergrowth was Ablaze the villagers were Ablaze it was not a good time due to the holes in the pen some of the cows tried to escape but due to their insatiable appetite for wheat I was able to convince them back I swear these guys love wheat more than their own families

I bread my future backpack I mean this group of cows and realized the fire was still going it’ll work itself out it’s fine Rosia was busy face planting into my door and when I slipped past her she decided to just no clip straight through and take my bed for herself I replaced

The door with a fence gate to soften future incidents and then all I had to do was evict her from my property actually seeing as she’s a toolsmith I’m pretty sure it’s her property or at least it was her property instead of sleeping I went out lighting up the

Village as best I could because I made up my mind I wanted to build a base near here and my ability to exploit the villagers for money would be ruined if they all died to monsters in the night I tried taking on this creeper and completely missed my saber swipe which

Meant he put a big fat dent in my new land I didn’t have much dirt so I was forced to fix the hole the psycho way if you properly fill up your creeper holes you are a wonderful wonderful person I found an ant just hanging out upside

Down on my house and I decided to name him Anthony listen when I was like seven I had a frog Teddy and I named him froggy my ability to name things has been abysmal from a very young age day 15 zip decided to try teleport out of

The house so I had to go track her down it was a good kitty who’s a good kitty approach die die die thank you the cows needed more food and using my Jewel wielding abilities I was able to farm a ton of wheat uh unfortunately while harvesting the wheat I accidentally hit

A villager so I’m sorry I have nothing against you personally but you’re gonna tell the guards so oh no a creeper oh no how is he still alive he took so long that I just felt awful by the end of it I mean he didn’t even drop any money

Seeing as leather isn’t a guaranteed drop from cows I was gonna need a fairly large number of them before I could get my backpack I found some raw chicken on the floor and tried turning it into KFC by throwing it into lava Eugenio what kind of name is Eugenia he was not

Impressed I needed to wait for the cows to be able to breed again so to pass the time I headed into this very convenient cave in the middle of the village I wasn’t searching for diamonds though I wanted all the coal and iron I could find you see I could sell all these

Resources to an armor Smith which would not only provide me with plenty of emeralds but also level up the armor Smith enough that they would sell me diamond armor I was gonna need a boatload of resources but the caves were more than willing to provide while I was

Down here I also took the opportunity to collect enough obsidian for two Nether Portals even though I was about 5 000 blocks away from my tree house traveling through the nether would shrink that to just 625 blocks because as we all know one block in the nether equals eight in

The Overworld I’m pretty sure you could ask your grandma and she’d know the Overworld to Nether block ratio while I was grabbing some Redstone this skeleton tried to go for an insane surprise attack but he fell straight into a molten pair of lava a plus for effort

Though oh skeleton fight I wanted the crossbow guy to win so naturally he lost I then sat there and watched the other skeletons futile efforts to take me out as my Thorns armor slowly chipped away at his fleeting life until eventually he was nothing more than dust anyway I was

Happy with all the ores I mined and decided to add to the surface if my calculations are correct the village should be here I had no idea where to go until I spotted the floating island in the Distance by looking at the orientation of my old wooden pillar I

Was able to make a rough guess as to which direction The Village was in I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel like an absolute genius here hey kids I have good news and I have bad news the good news is I have food for you guys the bad

News is you’re all orphans now with the sacred four leather finally in my inventory I was able to craft a backpack after a few more minutes of fixing conflicting keybinds I was able to successfully open my new backpack I wanted to head back home to grab all my

Stuff and bring it to the Village but there was one last thing I needed to do before I put one foot in the nether I wanted diamond armor I followed this guy back to his house and he was so surprised he flew through the wall and

Into a nearby hole once I got him out of the hole it was trading time I at least it was until he didn’t have the iron trade and therefore completely ruined any chance of me leveling him up further it’s fine it’s fine I’ll just find a new

Villager you you will be my master armorer can you please stop jumping on the table fine I’ll just try another place okay surely this guy will be the one what’s his name oh no Eugenia thankfully clutched up and happily bought all of my iron before long he was

Expert level and I didn’t have as many emeralds as I thought I would so I was only able to buy diamond leggings thanks Eugenio just gotta steal your stuff before I leave I set a temporary goodbye to zip because today was the day I’d make the trip back to the tree house I

Made a pair of gold boots built the portal and fed the cows again as one day in the very near future I’ll be turning them into Stakes it was time to head into the nether I almost immediately spotted a new structure but didn’t get much time to take it in before a giant

Mosquito tried to bite my face off I started mining quartz for some free XP but the mosquito’s brother came for revenge and I managed to accidentally hit a zombie piglet I tried to grab some Netherrack to pillar up with but my inventory was full I was cornered on the

Edge of this cliff and the only way to go was down with just one and a half hearts remaining I’ve ran as fast as my blocky Minecraft legs could take me it wasn’t too hard to heal up with my ridiculous amount of golden apples and from there the pigments made an orderly

Cue to be chopped down I found a spawner nearby but thankfully these zombie piglens were unaware of the war that had just taken place the chess didn’t have much of interest but I won’t say no to some music discs I made sure to collect some blocks so that I could avoid a

Situation like the one earlier I headed up to the structure I saw earlier which seemed to be some kind of ruined City I was pretty wary that it’d be full of piglet brutes or something but thankfully it was empty while fighting some magma cubes this guy decided it

Would be funny to drop directly onto my head he also had one of the most painful death noises I’ve ever heard right up there with horses I really wanted to get a fire resistance potion so I started trading with this piglet he actually did give me what I wanted but unfortunately

My intrusive thoughts told me to push him off the edge so yeah oh your dad nah I haven’t seen him Karma was Swift with this mosquito causing me to fall off my bridge and take a giant chunk of full damage there was this cool nether themed jungle sample nearby though I was

Curious to see if the traps have been changed up but they were the same terrible traps from the Overworld jungle temple I’d love to make a joke and complain here but golden ingots really aren’t that bad I once again solved the Piston puzzle by flicking the levers on

And off repeatedly with zero plan in mind okay that is Criminal is that a chest full of loot or a garbage disposal there was an extra chest in this room and it had an iron backpack which was actually really good this mosquito wanted a piece of me but I dispatched

Him with my shield and saber combo with all the nearby structures explored I set off in the direction of my tree house I tried to speed bridge and it went about as well as you’d expect I’m not gonna lie the giant mosquitoes or Crimson mosquitoes as they’re officially called

Were quickly becoming my most hated mob also they’re only supposed to spawn in the Crimson Forest hence the name but they decided to treat that rule as a suggestion oh great more flying things I tried so hard to kill this vulture but he’d poured every skill point he had

Into evasion worryingly my Food Supplies were running really low all I had left was a loaf of bread and even though I could eat the golden apples in a pinch it would be a massive waste the main issue was that due to the ridiculous amount of mosquitoes spawning I was

Taking way more damage than any usual nether outing this was in turn forcing me to eat way more food in order to you know stay alive there was another theme Pillager Outpost which seemed interesting I tried bridging again and it’s just painful to watch I had a feeling there were piglet brutes lurking

Inside The Outpost so I pillared up which turned out to be a very good decision the chess had pork chops which was amazing given my current situation even if it’s kind of weird that the piglings are keeping pork chops I also found a netherized scrap seeing as I was

Having a good time naturally a crimson mosquito had to come along and try ruin it I then decided to wipe out all the piglets in the nearby area and I’m not sure why actually I do know why it’s because I found it funny conveniently The Outpost was almost right on the

Coordinates of my tree house so it looks like I’ll be heading back home except I won’t be heading back home because I’m an idiot and somehow miscounted the obsidian for the second portal hey guys I know I just wiped out half of you in a completely unprovoked fight but would

You be able to trade me the obsidian I need thank you so much with that little hiccup out of the way I could finally build the nether portal I could finally build the nether portal and return home well this isn’t exactly spot on but I’m

Sure I can find my way back I I kind of know the area and by kind of know the area I mean I have absolutely no idea where I am there’s a jungle temple nearby though sadly my lever flicking abilities failed me and I ended up just

Cheating in order to get the second chest hey hey come on stop booing me everyone cheats to get the second chest I re-watched my footage and found the actual coordinates for my base instead of just going off of memory alone now I actually know where I’m going as the sun

Began to rise on day 19 I stumbled across a ruin I’d never seen before it had a chest but before I could get to looting a crimson mosquito showed up except he tried fighting a gorilla and got absolutely bodied it was beautiful oh no bro’s getting emoted on I headed

Back over to the ruin and was almost 100 convinced the chest was a trap chest let’s have a look yeah I knew it just for fun I decided to see what would have happened and in hindsight this could have ended really badly I got really obsessed with punching this particular

Leaf block and then set back out on my journey home almost immediately I found the Pillager Outpost and I’ve never been so happy to see one in my life I rode across the lake and before long the tree house came into view I was finally home also that torch didn’t break from the

Water that’s kind of weird I began sorting out my inventory and it was at this point that I’ve realized I forgot to wear the diamond leggings sometimes my genius it’s almost frightening I then crafted a copper Shield it has no statistical benefit over the iron one in fact it’s actually slightly weaker but

That was a fair trade-off for how much less space it took up on the screen now that I wasn’t being attacked by mosquitoes or piglens or just getting lost in general I wanted to take the opportunity to figure out how to make some of the brand new foods as you can

See it was going really well eventually I got the hang of things I wanted to make a hamburger but you need beef patties which are made from raw beef rather than steak which was all I had while organizing my storage I found this animal dictionary I’d been given when

Generating the world and gave it a read oh yeah look at that Crimson mosquitoes can only spawn in Crimson forests well isn’t that funny care to explain Alex now that I had all my stuff organized I could start figuring out what to take back to the Village seeing as that was

Where I wanted to make my actual base this tree house has served me well but it was time to move on to bigger and better things I harvested my crops One Last Time said goodbye to the Sheep who were now stuck here forever and headed

Off well actually I had to go into the caves to mine obsidian for a new portal and it was very boring I spawned very close to the piglet Outpost showing that my original portal wasn’t that bad of a guess I could already see several Crimson mosquitoes flying around which

Is why I used an ender pearl to cross this lava lake for some reason there were Enderman up here but I wasn’t complaining I needed more pearls anyway way I recognize this monster who I’d had several encounters with in my ocean only 100 days he just throws his kids at you

And it’s really annoying I spotted a temple nearby and began bridging over I was extremely source of this chess being out in the open and broke it instead of opening it it had an Infinity book and as it turned out I was right to break it this TNT could have caused some major

Problems I.E my death I pulled over to this island and was minding my own business when I got attacked by a massive bone serpent I tried killing it but it was way too fast for me to land a hit to complicate things a ghost noticed me struggling and decided to make me

Struggle more hey guys I’d like you to meet my nephew Stanley things really weren’t looking good and I’m not talking about Stanley I needed to get off the island and try purling but completely overshot causing me to fall right into the lava my only chance at survival was

Eating a golden apple and if I I’ve been a second too late I would have lost everything I wasn’t out of the woods yet though the Soul Sand Beach I now found myself on was swaddling with enemies and my health once again started to dwindle I finally took out the ghast but the

Mosquitoes were intent on not letting me heal by some miracle I was able to find a quiet spot to heal up in you’re not invited I gone a little off course and started realigning myself with the direction of the village nether portal it’s all the way across this giant Lava

Lake my first thought was to swim across it with the aid of a fire resistance potion but seeing as my lava swimming abilities were practically non-existent I abandoned the idea almost instantly like it or not I was gonna have to take the long way around I ran into a Bastion

With a ruined portal right next to it I used the last 30 seconds of My Fire Res to swim over to the portal I was hoping for a god Apple but given how rare they are it wasn’t surprising that I didn’t get one I then started bridging over to

The Bastion now that I’ve trespassed I might as well say hello to my new neighbors okay calm down with the 360s mate Faison gonna sign you in all honesty I was really scared going into this Bastion I felt like at any moment a tidal wave of piglets would jump down

From the upper floors and swarm me I found a chest tucked in the corner with a diamond pickaxe I’ll take that any day I still needed to check out the middle chest and despite my fears none of the piglets seem to notice or even care I

Decided to go to the chunkier top part of the Bastion and suddenly the lack of piglens earlier made a lot more sense oh well now they’re all dead the sweet juicy loot was all mine we started off strong with the diamond shovel and soul Speed 3 is pretty decent to have after

Making my way out of the Bastion I found myself in the Crimson Forest a hogling tried to steal my wallet but I stole his life force this was a really satisfying moment if you’ve been watching this channel long enough you’ll know know that I tried to record a jungle only 100

Days about a year and a half ago but ended up dying to hoglands on day 36. I tested out the diamond pickaxe I got from the Bastion and it had a pretty cool enchantment although each time you mine it loses 9 points of durability I emerge from the tunnel and there was my

Nether portal all I had to do now was make it over this Chasm you can tell I was on edge because I misplaced one block and it jump scared me so bad I threw all my Netherrack Away by accident once I managed to safely get down I looted this Temple which I somehow

Hadn’t noticed before and at last headed back to the Overworld it was pouring with rain so I tried getting zip to teleport inside but it wasn’t working nothing a bit of property damage can’t fix as I was harvesting wheat I found a sick villager begging to be cured

Naturally I didn’t help in the slightest I looked out over the lake and I knew that this tree would be perfect for Treehouse 2.0 it’s gonna to be way bigger and better and cooler than the first one I eagerly ran up to my new land only to discover there was a

Silverfish ruin on it unlike the previous times I’ve come across these things this time I was armed with TNT it turned out there actually was some loot in this ruin even if it was a protection one book and a single bottle of enchanting if I was gonna make my home

Here I needed to clear the area so I got to work before long I spotted a pack of gorillas nearby I’d learned from Alex’s animal dictionary that you could tame these guys with bananas and he was true to his word I have a pet gorilla this is

Without a doubt the happiest moment of my entire life I tried taming more but unfortunately didn’t have enough bananas hey skeleton get off this property which I’ve obtained through questionable means a male may not have zero proof of legal ownership I’d left my bed at the

Blacksmith and was too lazy to go get it so I crafted a new one ZIP what are you doing I continue clearing away the nearby Forest firstly to free up the space but also to get materials for my tree house I wanted to make a giant custom tree and that was going to

Require a lot of jungle wood and leaves I ended up finding a dark oak tree which is like finding a polar bear in the middle of a desert and unfortunately the leaves didn’t drop any saplings I would have loved to have had access to both

Dark oak and Spruce but I can settle for just Spruce in order to make the custom tree I was gonna use this pre-existing one as a starter which meant I needed to shave off all its leaves and branches sorry tree you gotta go bold with the tree reset to default settings I could

Start the build I wanted to convert the trunk to a 3X3 which would allow me to carve out the inside and install a bubble elevator I found some more ruins on my land and they probably pose great historical value but I can’t say no to some extra lapis I didn’t have any

Blocks to scaffold with for the Treehouse build which is why I ended up spending the night collecting dirt dating 24-zip brought me a rabbit’s foot and I made sure to show my approval I began building up the base of the tree in order to make it feel more organic

It’d be a little jarring if it was left as a perfectly smooth 3×3 cuboid unfortunately thickening the trunk had used up most of my wood and it wasn’t long before I ran out I then made my way over to the village in order to feed my growing population of Big Macs I mean

Cows the villagers had left this big pile of melons out which must mean they’re free now that I think about it it had been a while since I’d seen a villager and uh considering the things I’ve done I don’t blame them for hiding there was a jungle temple nearby so I

Headed over to check it out I don’t even know why considering the loot’s gonna be terrible oh okay then spam the levers as per usual and grabbed all the extra loot I spent the next few days working on the top of the tree and as you can imagine

It took a ton of jungle wood to build I found it pretty difficult to build natural looking tree branches in survival it’s so much easier to do this kind of stuff in Creative especially since you can fly around and not worry about plummeting to your death I got

About half of the top branches done before deciding to take a break day 27 I caught a nice shot of the sunrise and had a look at my tree from afar it’s it’s fine it’s fine we’ve just gotta trust the process I found a stingray flopping about on land and tried to put

Him out of his misery and I think I just ended up making it worse while I was feeding the cows a villager came up to me and it was Josefina hey Josefina how’s it going you’re suing me for breaking and entering oh I’m going to the nether the lawyers Will Never Take

Me Alive Jerome was also hiding out in the nether so at least I’ve got company all jokes aside I have no idea why I did this I spent about 30 seconds in here and then just left Anthony was still hanging out upside down on my old house

I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown up yet back at the base I dumped my inventory into a chest and crafted a bunch of buckets because I wanted to make that bubble elevator usually people use one water bucket at the top and then use kelp to turn the entire thing into water

Sources but seeing as kelp doesn’t grow in the jungle I was gonna have to do it the hard way sure it was tedious but by the end of the day I could rock it straight to the top of the tree the best part was leaping from the top Assassin’s

Creed style as night fell I got back to work on the top of the tree finishing off the other half now that I’ve built the branches of the tree it was time to add the leaves I broke two pairs of shears collecting leaves which I thought would be enough it’s not enough I

Started layering the leaves on the branches and by the end of the day I’d completely run out I’ve been in the same area for a while and decided it was time to explore the one thing I did forget was food which I noticed almost immediately but chose to keep going

Forward anyway I leapt through the trees just like Tarzan okay maybe not quite like Tarzan I found a ruin made of bricks and uncovered some buried treasure in it sharpness 2 isn’t bad before I left I made sure to collate most of the bricks because they’re a

Pretty annoying block to get usually and I also made sure not to forget these bookshelves of course since I was out exploring the jungle it wasn’t long before I found a well I basically found a bottle of smart water because it was completely worthless and provided zero

Value soon after I found a village tucked away in the leaves it was good to know that even if all the villagers back at my base died I could always come here and force these guys to do my bidding instead I stole a red bed but I replaced

It with my white one so it was a fair trade I started defacing The Village’s sacred Ruins In Search of treasure but gave up I then discovered these bookshelves which were easily 10 times better than whatever the ruins had to offer the next house I broke into was

Owned by a child and I guarantee Trevor’s done some serious tax evasion on his allowance in order to afford this thing I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I walked out of the village but it definitely wasn’t an Airship I probably should have slept but this was way too

Cool not to explore right now I could have very easily been sniped off this ladder by a skeleton but thankfully that wasn’t the case I was extremely cautious once I was inside since if I got swarmed by mobs in a surprise attack I wouldn’t live more than a few seconds I found an

Engine room but this Redstone Contraption thing didn’t seem to be functional before long I came across a spawner and I did not want to take on these ax-wielding skeletons in a fair fight plus since they had chess plays my saber was only doing 75 percent of his

Usual damage I crafted a temporary iron sword to deal with the skeletons and slowly slashed my way through the hall it took absolutely forever as you can tell by the fact my sword was already at half durability by the time I made it through there was a small area up in the

Roof although the Loop wasn’t exactly anything to write home about I headed up the stairs and came face to face with even more skeletons also if you think I’m playing this too safe I got hit once and lost a quarter of my health it takes me 10 hits to kill these guys whereas

They can drop me in just four I cleared out all the ax skeletons and found a new type of skeleton the blindness skeleton I kept getting hit by the potion they dropped on death and within a few minutes I was completely out of food there was no other choice but to

Temporarily Retreat ladies and gentlemen I would like to present cooking with Mosey first jump in a nearby lake and start slaughtering all the marine life with your sword then dig underground for natural resources to construct your kitchen appliances craft a knife with nothing but your bare hands using the

Knife carefully fill it ah fillet just just cut the fish up place them in your cooker and within a few seconds they should be smoked to perfection thank you all for watching cooking with MOSI with a pile of fish fillets and terrible reviews from audiences around

The globe I made my way back up the blimp I used my ax instead of my saber which worked so much better I took care of the final spawner and approached my reward was my pain and suffering worth just two diamonds that’s debatable there was also a plague Asylum map which

Sounded interesting in a freaky kind of way I climbed onto the top of the blimp and then headed to sleep I left from the top into Knee Deep Water which obviously broke my fall perfectly ah child I started making my way back home and since I hadn’t gone super far out I

Didn’t bother with nether travel also since I took a slightly different way back I can find more structures as I went like this pillage route post as always the loot was how do I put this oh yeah trash I proceeded to attack the pillagers for not having better stuff

For me to steal and then started pillowing up to see what else I could find I in instantly noticed this giant ruin made of stone bricks it was a jungle version of a nether fortress it didn’t have Blaze Spawners or wither skeletons instead it had an entire

City’s worth of drowned I found one with a trident and I’ll admit it he was destroying me I had to take measures I discovered a chest with some iron and gold in it which wasn’t bad although some of the others were definitely questionable the pillagers had followed

Me to the Fortress and had even put fireworks in their crossbows which were slightly terrifying I couldn’t kill the captain since I would get bad Omen so I dipped and before long my giant half finished tree came into view I swapped my white bed for the Chad red one I got

From the village and then got to work I wanted to start a farm and for that I would need to put in that sweet sweet manual labor I couldn’t just live on melons and fish fillets forever in order to tide me over until the crops grew I did some fishing it’s it’s really

Exciting trust me guys I’ve put in some extra effort collecting ingredients and was able to make myself some sushi I collected a ton of leaves because it was time to get back to work on the tree there’s not a lot to say here so instead I’m gonna shamelessly ask you to

Subscribe it’s completely free and you can always change your mind later a creeper tried creeping up on me so I hit him with a pretty terrible trick shot actually I headed over to the village and began Mass breeding the army of cows that were in this tiny pen by collecting

The leaves in the village it helped to clean it up because it’s very overgrown here look at me being nice to the citizens even though I’m only doing this so that it’ll make my future plans for this place run smoother I found the queen of the ant colony and gave her

Some of my leaves as a peace offering the ant nation’s size was honestly starting to become a little scary as I rode back over to the tree house I could hear a music displaying I mean I could hear a music disc but you guys are getting copyright free music after doing

Some digging I found the source of the copyright free music and it was this zombie wearing a special backpack I didn’t want to ruin his Vibe by killing him so I just left him be if he wants to chill in his cave and listen to some

Tunes who am I to stop him some of the crops had grown which meant at least now I had some bread to live off of but in the dead of night I spotted a crimson mosquito seeing as they’re my sworn enemy I tried my best to take it out

Unfortunately it got away but I’ll get my revenge for now I’ll settle for this zombie day 35 I grab some more dirt and got back to work finishing Leaf placing simulator I’m really happy with how the tree turned out I’ve been trying to get better at organic stuff for a while so

This was a great payoff some skeletons tried moving in on my property so I started my morning off with a light brawl now that the tree was done it was time to actually build a tree house I didn’t want to turn all the grass to

Puzzle by growing a big spruce tree so I built up a few blocks and still ended up with a giant brown smudge on my land I fed Zips and fish because she’s the best cat ever and realized guys there was a fly on my land not anymore as I dove

Into the lake a creeper followed me in and I tried not to think about how horribly wrong things could have been if he jumped me while I was at the crafting table the reason I was in the lake was to visit music zombies cave as I needed Granite I couldn’t find music zombie

Though only his parents and his cousins actually he had a lot of cousins also I have no idea what’s going on here I made this mod pack in two afternoons with a solid 20 minutes of play testing if this video gets 10K likes I’ll release it on

Curse Forge for you guys to try out my search for granite led me deeper and deeper into the caves and I ended up finding some diamonds it seemed kind of pointless to mine them right now since I would likely get a full enchantment setup going soon so I decided to come

Back when I had Fortune 3. it was dark when I emerged at the surface and I spent some time lighting up the general area we have a strict no creepers allowed policy my first order of business the following more morning was to light up the branches of the tree I

Knew if I put it off I’d definitely get blown up sooner or later with that out the way I could begin work on a treehouse itself I got the general structure built but when it came to putting in the roof I didn’t actually like the granite after an emergency Pit

Stop to collect Spruce Wood I got back to work adding a protective guard rail around the edge as well as a much better looking Spruce roof I spent the next few days adding some smaller details and Decor like this chimney that’s basically a fire hazard begging to happen I did my

Best to really fill up the space and make it feel like a proper home the main issue I ran into was setting up the enchantment table I couldn’t seem to find a way to place all the bookshelves down without it all looking super ugly

But then I had an idea why not just use the inside of the tree as an enchanting room even though in real life this would completely destroy the structural Integrity of the branches we’re in Minecraft so we can do what we want it turned out great and definitely had a

Magical Vibe about it the only problem was that I was missing a bookshelf so I could only get level 28 enchantments with the enchantment room mostly sorted I could now Rebrand this day to storage day for those of you that don’t know what it is I I mean it’s pretty

Self-explanatory thanks to my backpacks I could take everything up at once and from there it was just a matter of putting all my items in the right chests I could have used item frames to label the chests but I cheaped out and went for signs instead I rediscovered these

Redstone lamps I looted from the Airship and thought I’d try them out for the base I know they’re supposed to be bright but with this Shader they were blinding day 42 started with a rainbow that was nice I watched the neighbors burn to a crisp and then spotted a roach

No you get back here right this second I planted some sugarcane on the shore and didn’t bother making a farm since I didn’t need much of it I set up a small paddling pool so that I could leap off the top of the tree house down to my

Front lawn I harvested all my like crops and in order to expand the farm I had to turn all the puzzle to path blocks in order to use the hull on them I actually spent most of the day just farming I had loads of seeds and wanted to make sure

Not a single one went to waste I visited the Beef Factory and it had some beef for me wonderful I’d chopped the beef into patties cooked them perfectly and At Last I could craft the legendary hamburger of course now that I had one hamburger the logical thing to do was to

Make 11 more of them with every bite I could feel my organs shutting down but my God it was delicious I was able to make a couple books with the leather I got from the Beef Factory and At Last I could get level 30 enchantments I had 45

Levels and I was gonna put them to very very good use I crafted a diamond sword and almost immediately got a really good enchantment leech 3 means I’ll restore Health by killing enemies I also got protection 4 on a chess play Saturday I wrote just efficiency 4 on two Diamond

Pickaxes with fortune 3 nowhere in sight to round things off I went from breaking three on some leggings in the hopes of getting prop 4 and uh it was a great plan I wanted to combine my two chest plates together but decided to wait until I have mending as well otherwise

I’d have to add it later at an increased price for now I stored away my good chest plate with all the enchanting out of the way I started prepping because it was time to track down the mysterious plague Asylum I hung my saber up in an

Item frame as a sign of respect it served me well I noticed I had a Rotten Tomato in my inventory so I found Lewis and threw it at him that’s what you deserve for not having the iron trade I visited McDonald’s one last time before heading off to bed got a big day

Tomorrow after all I had a look at the map and thought I knew roughly which direction the Asylum was in I was gonna be using nether travel since structures on maps are usually thousands of blocks away I tried knocking this gas Fireball back with a piercing crossbow and just

Ended up killing him with the arrows so I guess I failed the task successfully my plans were slightly derailed when I found a nether fortress almost immediately which is by far one of my luckiest Fortress swans usually I gotta search thousands of blocks for one of these things I began collecting blaze

Rods which was fairly easy since my sword had looting too and speaking of looting 2 I was even able to get myself a Wither Skull if you’re wondering why I’ve switched to sword instead of sticking with my saber it’s because the saber is pretty ineffective against enemies in modded structures due to them

Usually having chest plates I started making my way through this Basalt Delta but complications quickly arose when I ran into one of these blue guys I was in extreme danger of getting knocked off into the lava but thankfully was able to park all my way to safety I had no clue

Where to make my exit portal so I just decided to YOLO it I ended it up in a cave and the first thing I did was fall through my bed I’d ended up bringing along my extremely damaged diamond pick so I had to spend a few minutes Mining

And smelting iron in order to make a temporary one after digging myself out of the underground I checked the map I’d overshot a bit but it looked like I actually wasn’t that far away anymore I first focused on aligning myself on the x-axis I found a jungle Fortress but

Didn’t bother exploring before long the top left of the map started to fill in before I could get to the plague Asylum though I ran into yet another jungle Fortress all the bad loot I found in these was instantly Redeemed by the fact that this chest had an efficiency 2

Diamond pickaxe I was a little confused about where the Asylum actually was until I realized the entire thing had generated underneath the lake I dug in and why just why I blocked off the entrance with some Netherrack and was very grateful for it since within seconds a literal Army event these were

Crowding around me they all died in just a couple hits which I assume is supposed to be because of their play I could see a chest in this giant glass bottle and started bridging over to it I was starting to grasp the situation of this place a little better the husks seemed

To be the patience with skeletons dressed as the plague doctors I broke into the bottle and that’s what I call Luke I needed to take out the spawners but the skeleton doctors could eat hits like there were no tomorrow on top of dropping splash potions of harming when

They died thankfully there were no ranged enemies so I was able to safely take out the spawner from above and once the place was clear I dropped down and removed the husk spawner too I saw another active Spawner in the distance before realizing this entire place was

Filled to the brimless faunas I decided to worry about that later with all the enemies gone I could properly check out the first area I found a bad Omen 5 potion as well as this thing a single particle of this stuff would like they kill me in two seconds flat I’m honestly

Not surprised all these guys have the plague I started working my way through the winding corridors and it was at this point I was beginning to grasp just how massive this place was not to mention there were barrels scattered everywhere full of loot it wasn’t diamonds or

Anything like that but there were loads of useful resources like iron and coal I found some kind of brewing station and took out the witches who were likely responsible for all these Juiced up potions they were getting paid good money for it too this place was so big I

Honestly can’t even commentate over most of what happened without it getting repetitive I went from tunnel to Tunnel killing every monster I came across all the while scooping up every ounce of precious treasure I could get my hands on I also found the most secure door I’ve ever laid eyes upon the security

Team nailed it with this I ran into a small roadblock when there was a plague doctor spawner I couldn’t reach for my pick but this place had given me more than enough resources to deal with it using other means I noticed that as I descended down the floors of this mad

House the doctors got more and more powerful with these Diamond armored ones being the strongest I also started testing out some of the potions I found on the husks from a safe of a distance as possible I even found this potion that gives me every single Beacon effect

At once I found living areas cursed pits diamond ore this place had it all well apart from healthy people all good things must come to an end though and eventually I reached the very bottom I began digging back up to the surface and reached it just as the sun was setting

It was nice to finally be back in the world of the living I wasted no time constructing a portal and jumped straight through to the nether because I really wanted to get back home my first step towards doing that was falling straight into lava and then mining

Straight into lava I was a little lost but it wasn’t long before I spotted the familiar nether fortress strangely in enough not a single Crimson mosquito bothered me throughout the entire nether Journey maybe they had a day off or something but whatever the case I wasn’t

Complaining I made it back to the portal and it was great to see The Familiar sight of the Treehouse I said hi to zip and then climbed into my bed for a well-deserved rest my inventory and backpacks were an absolute mess so I began organizing them this is the spoils

From the plague Asylum yeah that seems pretty balanced I’d also somehow manage to acquire nearly all the music desks aside from my net worth now rivaling that of Jeff Bezos I also had 58 levels unfortunately while preparing some gear for enchanting I accidentally grindstoned my prop 4 chest plate I got

Some decent enchants like these feather falling 4 boots even if they had curse of garbage I mean fire protection 3. I also got this helmet which had Insight 3 one of the modern enchantments Insight boosts your XP gain which as we’ll learn later on is incredibly overpowered I did

Some combining getting this pair of leggings as well as an efficiency 5 pick I didn’t manage to get Fortune but considering recent events I don’t think that really matters I wanted to get a stable and consistent source of XP and arrived at the conclusion that I should

Make a villager trading Hall before I could do that though I needed to set up a villager breeder I found Lewis and working for me was the last thing he wanted to do unfortunately for him his arms are permanently bound together and therefore he can’t climb out of the

Minecart I began digging Lewis’s new estate and as you can see I’m putting a ton of effort in voila my masterpiece despite having access to over 10 stacks of iron I was cheaping out on Rails and refused to craft more which made this whole thing take way longer than it

Should have done once I had Lewis in I returned to the Village to grab a second willing participant I chose Brandon although I realized I’d have to sleep since he was more occupied with going to bed than being captured I really don’t know why I was so stubborn about not

Crafting more rails we moved at a snail’s pace through the grass and Shrubbery until eventually we connected with the main track I needed beds for Lewis and Brandon as well as for the future workers I mean their children plus I needed to feed them so I took the

Liberty of harvesting all the villagers crops thankfully Brandon had been keeping a pair of sheep so I’ll be able to breed them for bonus wool the guards were doing an absolutely incredible job of protecting their citizens and their possessions after donating some beds and bread to my villager prison breeder I

Removed the Soul Sand from my bubble elevator making it just a Vader I mean it doesn’t Elevate me anymore this is a terrible cut that get don’t put that in the video anyway I did it so that I could swim up and down and not have to

Leap off the tree house into a pool of water every time I news at the 25 loaves of bread I donated to the breeder wouldn’t last particularly long so I spent the night harvesting and expanding the farm I checked the breeder the next morning eagerly awaiting the results and

Not a single kid come on guys I need you to step it up here my employees were gonna need a place to work so I began clearing out an area it was a much easier process with diamond tools now that’s more like it I can’t wait till

They’re all grown up and have no choice but to work 24 7 in my trading Hall um don’t worry about it Timmy go play just enjoy your childhood all 20 minutes of it I continue clearing away the undergrowth and collected some dirt for landscaping I managed to catch a zombie

Otherwise known as an illegal discount coupon we’re gonna feed the villagers to him cure them and then as a thank you for saving their lives they give us 99 off the trading Hall was gonna be pretty big so this hill was gonna have to be fixed I disrespected this Zombie by

Killing him with my hoe and then started planning out the dimensions of the whole the Zombie Nation wasn’t taking that disrespect laying down and began sending their soldiers which made planning the training Hall basically impossible I thought I’d go to bed to put a stop to

It but by the time I got to the bed the sun came up I got poisoned by a stingray as I entered the caves which isn’t exactly my idea of a good morning the reason I was down here was for granite and yes I promise I actually do use it

This time I didn’t need much since I already had loads but I wanted an extra stack or two I also needed some Stone so I dug a giant tunnel as I mined this cold I realized I was getting way more XP than usual which reminded me of my

Inside helmet I broke into a Ravine and saw that just mining some Redstone or killing a couple monsters was leveling me up at a rapid Pace I didn’t have time to explore though and started heading back before I left I took care of a couple more enemies netting me a power

Tubo I checked up on a legal discount coupon and he seemed to be fine all although he was shaking his head a lot if he’s trying to signal that he doesn’t want to be involved with my multi-level marketing scheme too bad he’s got no choice oh a zombie behold my expert my

Expert my expert fighting skills I had nowhere near enough furnaces to smelt all the clay so I was forced to make a giant wall of them day 54 an Enderman decided to help himself to my lawn so I helped him cancel his Live subscription I went into The Nether and watched this

Ant who was clearly very lost I’d forgotten to bring gold armor but thankfully the local Pig Lim was off hanging out with his zombie friends I needed a ton of warped wood for this build so for the next 10 minutes or so this forest was gonna be my new home I

Have no idea why but there wasn’t a single Crimson mosquito about again some of you might be thinking I tweaked the mod pack or something but I haven’t laid a finger on their settings of course I’m not complaining the nether felt like heaven without them I’m just confused on

Why they vanished oh wait no we’re back to normal as I was heading back this ant almost went back into the nether portal so I decided to try and save him unfortunately he’s an ant so he had no idea that I was attempting to help him

And instead wandered off I give him five minutes before a mosquito gets him I arrived back at the tree house I arrived back at the tree house to sort out my inventory before heading back into the nether I wanted to put my insight helmet to the test and see just

How much xp I could get from mining quartz I take back my earlier comments about the mosquitoes Vanishing they were everywhere now I couldn’t even Bridge without one of them launching themselves on my face my plan with the quartz worked perfectly and before long I was

Already at level 37. on my way back to the portal this guy decided to fight me unprovoked right in front of his kid and I’m pretty sure he’s traumatized for life now you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna head out now I was determined to get protection 4 on a chest plate but

The enchantment table would not stop offering me soulbound if you’re wondering what soulbound does it means your items stay in your inventory when you die really useful for a hardcore player although on the more positive side of things I had all the materials needed to build the trading hall for

Some reason replay mod bug bugged out as I’m completely invisible for the entire time lapse I really like the color palette I used I think the pinkish Granite Works as a great base for the bright blue logs the bottom area doesn’t serve any purpose it’s the top part

Where all the prisoners are gonna go I started off day 60 with a nice Swan Dive I headed down to check on my workers and all my days there’s a lot of you wait your name’s Sybil Leslie okay Lulu that’s not bad you’re called winnel Brandon you named your child winnel

Let’s just think about that Brandon winnall I can’t do this anymore Brandon I really can’t I tried my best to ignore the fact that his child’s life was completely ruined and started building a roller coaster the first part was gonna be a stopper a legal discount coupons

House the second is this really fun slope and turn combo which then deposits the rider in the trading Hall where they’re forced to work for the rest of their lives although I did forget to build that photo booth thing where you can buy a really bad picture of yourself

On the ride for like 15 I I then had some kind of Spiritual Awakening or something and found out I could telepathically harvest the crops with my mind I have no idea what mod adds this but it looks hilarious and is faster than breaking and replanting now that

Night had fallen it was safe to move discount coupon into his new home honestly if you fall for a trap as obvious as this you probably deserve to be in here I tested out the roller coaster and it worked exactly as I planned I planted more crops although at

This point it was less for feeding the villagers and more just for decoration I tried using the Redstone lamps in lampposts but I still didn’t like how bright they were a lantern looks a lot better I added in some fences too and I’m really starting to like this place I

Didn’t want to just leave the bottom of the trading hauler’s grass and converted it into a crop storage type thing with that out of the way it was finally time to start converting the villagers I began with Lulu and I’m sure she’s lovely but unfortunately I need money it

Was only only after she got turned into a zombie that I realized I completely forgot to make weakness potions I’ve basically just given her the plague without having a cure I attempted to make a brewing stand with a stick and uh yeah let’s just move on from that I

Needed to get a brown mushroom and since they don’t spawn in the jungle my only option was to go to the nether somehow the queen ant had ended up down here and I have so many questions in order to get the brown mushrooms I was gonna need to

Get up on the nether roof and the first thing I did was build a portal to get back down in theory it should link up with the one in the village oh we’ll worry about that later back on the nether roof I went around picking mushrooms from the Bedrock I have no

Idea how they can grow on Bedrock but I think it’s best not to ask a zombie piglin came back with me and I tried to get him back home but he wasn’t having any of it even though I’m lost there’s nothing a bit of extra render distance

Can’t fix as I was heading back I found a ruin with a night vision potion and immediately regretted using it this just looks so cursed make it stop I came across a temple and seeing as I had full diamond armor decided to full send the chamber as I expected I ended up having

To fight off an entire extended colony of silverfish it took so long for me to kill them all but it was daytime when I took care of the final few I got three Diamonds though so I’d say it was worth it I found the brick ruined that

Ransacked earlier so I knew I was fairly close to the tree house I had to pillar up again in order to check but before long I was back home safe and sound I had 38 level is due to Insight and managed to get a protection 3 chest

Plate as well as a leech 3 sword which I’ll be combining with my current one later you’re right up there mate I shared the Sheep visited McDonald’s and finally put leaves on the lower branches of the tree I was offered Fortune 2 on a pickaxe gave it some thought and felt it

Was the best I was gonna get the final ingredient I needed for the weakness potion was a spider eye so I mined in a straight line in the hopes of running into an abandoned mine shaft I found a cave which was promising but then it turned out it just connected to a ravine

I’d already explored I didn’t give up and kept looking which resulted in me both getting a spider eye and finding some diamonds these guys said they found the diamonds first but seeing as they’re now dead I found them first I went through cave after cave Ravine after

Ravine but still no sign of a mine shaft after a full day of searching I was forced to admit defeat I could still Brew three weakness potions using my one spider eye though so so it wasn’t a total failure I had to shovel sand in order to craft glass bottles and by the

Time I was done it was already day 64. I was approached by a flaming zombie villager child and I felt compelled to save her not you I got her into a small box although what I didn’t realize at the time was that she had naturally spawned so she despawned like five

Minutes after while I wasted for the sand to smell I did some more enchanting and finally got Fortune 3. I’ve never been so unlucky with this enchantment before with the weakness potions ready I could at last cure Lulu sorry for leaving you as a zombie for like four

Days straight while I waited for her to cure I just cleared away some trees having already forgotten about the zombie villager child and look at that you’re safe and sound no harm done for the most part anyway I wasted no time in setting up the next villager which happened to be Leslie

Um Brandon I gave Leslie the magic cure and started leveling up Lulu she would pay me one Emerald would per iron ingot and is that a fire aspect ax I had to wait for Leslie to recover so in the meantime I started collecting Spruce

Wood in order to build a sheep pen I was gonna need to go bed mining for ancient debris in the near future and that wouldn’t be a very good plan if I didn’t have any bets the pen took way too long to build I mean it’s a sheet pen I

Should not care this much about how it looks but by the time it got dark I finally had a design that I liked Leslie my man you’re cured he stared at me the whole time he was going up the roller coaster he definitely has a grudge I

Chose to make him a toolsmith and alongside Lulu he’s gonna be one of my main methods of making money usually I’d build an iron farm but I was fairly sure I had enough iron to sell it to them daily until the end of the 100 days after some last minute readjustments to

The sheet pen it was time to actually put sheep in it I was dreading this but it actually went smoothly before long I had myself a lovely fluffy family Lee who is Will I will be using for high grade explosives the stingray had returned to my water elevator so I had

To let him know who was boss Georgie was the final villager to be cured and I sent her up to the trading Hall my plan was to get her to sell me mending but sharpness 4 for just three emeralds is an absolute steal no seriously I am

Robbing this woman get out of my house Stingray I Enchanted another helmet with prop 3 and once I have mending books these helmets are gonna make a better combination than Orbeez and a trash can I just really hate Arby’s I harvested my crops with my mind once again and

Defended my land from some unwanted guests I woke all my villagers up in the middle of the night by throwing baguettes at them and then went to sleep I’d use my last weakness potion which meant I needed to try again at finding a mine shaft this spider donated me his

Eye before I started digging which had to be a good sign surprisingly enough it actually was a good sign I got into a little scuffle with this kid but he’s fine as you can see by this footage it didn’t take long before I found a cave spider spawner which for some reason was

Guarded by a crimson mosquito why are you spawning in the Overworld stop I started farming and before long I was able to lead the caves with nine eyes which was more than enough with the potions brewed I was able to get the zombie villager-shaped ball rolling again unfortunately for winnel it looks

Like she’s involved in that also how did that guy get in there I did some trading and then began sharing the Sheep this one thought he could Escape but no no he can’t I had a suspicion that oh hi Lois I had a suspicion that the villagers in

The trading Hall were close enough to clean the beds in the breeder which meant there wouldn’t be any more kids in here unless I added extra bets it was starting to get pretty Lively in the trading Hall I leveled up wintle and realized she would pay one Emerald per

Cabbage which was the exact moment dollar signs appeared in my eyes before I entered the Cabbage business though I needed Runner to be a man ending librarian except she offered me Insight too which I thought I could add to all my armor pieces and triple my current XP

Gain I harvested my cabbages for the first time at this base and then sold them to winnel making an absolutely incredible profit oh it’s you again you know what let’s be friends see look we’re bonding oh look a perfectly normal day with zero subtext or implied humor I began curing

Another villager and in the meantime make tons and tons of money I didn’t have much to do until they were healed so to kill time I increased the size of the Cabbage Patch that’s literally all I did I did also add a small tomato patch actually or as an American would say a

Tomato patch rate my accent on a scale of one to ten I would personally give myself an 11. i Enchanted my shield with Phalanx 2 which lets me move faster while holding it I started bright and early the following morning trying to get a mending librarian the Villager of

Choice was Buffy and she was not cooperating getting a mending librarian is just so tedious by the end of the day I’d broken over 200 lecterns without a single mending offer it was even worse at night since villagers don’t take jobs as much it also doesn’t help when they

Walk as you’re placing the lectern causing it it to disappear and forcing you to reload the world in order to get it back salvation eventually came and while it was definitely overpriced it was the best I was gonna get I also now had an infinite money glitch as I could

Buy these bookshelves for two emeralds from Georgie break them down and sell the books at one Emerald a piece to Buffy at long last I could get myself a perfect helmet I also added mending to my leggings and it was at this point that I learned you can’t put Insight on

Anything other than a helmet it was a pretty painful moment somehow all the Sheep had managed to cram themselves into the Tomato farm so that needed rectifying even more confusingly There Were Somehow two villagers in the pen now Catherine and Mohammed the village of reader is protected by several sets

Of fence gates how were they managing this I started cheering the sheep and the Phalanx 2 enchantment makes this borderline unwatchable Brandon get up make more babies it had been a long time since I’d gone out on an expedition and felt it was long overdue I went in a

Completely unexplored Direction with the same goal as always find a really cool new structure I filmed a jungle temple and it had some okay loot I did end up resorting to cheating to get the second chest after a while of jumping through the Treetops I found what I thought was

Some kind of Hobbit house but it turned out to be a chicken coop this was actually an incredibly good find because the end game set of armor I’m going for requires a lot of feathers the gang was making a run for it but I lured them back with some delicious wheat seeds I

Don’t know why they go crazy over these my initial plan was to just camp out here for a few days and keep breeding them but I’ve realized something that’s incredibly boring it would also be a nightmare taking them back home through the jungle since they get stuck on the

Terrain incredibly easily I decided to push on with my adventure and deal with that problem later I found a jungle Fortress and while the first chest had nothing special this one was able to pull through with an enchanted diamond and shovel before long I was in a village with the worst infrastructure

I’ve ever seen I made sure not to forget the gold block from the room portal it was fun just running around in the jungle wondering when the next building would show up from behind the trees I came across an absolutely massive jungle Fortress but it was overshadowed

Instantly by what looked to be a jungle Mansion I made a beeline for it and as suspected this was a woodland Mansion not only did these places hold some of the strongest enemies in the game in this mod pack they get to wear armor too I’m in trouble aren’t I while the chess

Lutein Mansions is practically non-existent the main attraction here are the totems of undying drop by avocas evocus have a very interesting attack strategy called hiding a corridor spawning as many demon babies as possible and then let the vindicators do all the work thanks to their tiny hitbox

And fast movement speed the vexes are easily some of the most frustrating mobs to deal with come here so I can kill you oh there’s the evoker yeah nice try mate oh uh any chance we can talk about this fellas I got absolutely destroyed and with just four Hearts remaining I ran

For my life even on death’s door I for some reason decided to conserve my God Apple because I’m a complete idiot thankfully the regular golden apples gave me enough of a boost that I could take out the ax wielding Maniacs I put a creeper-sized dent in the property value

And had to remind this Crimson mosquito he was in the wrong Dimension and at the end of it all the reward for nearly getting chopped in half was drum roll please loyalty one skeleton do you mind I collected some wool from a nearby room

And used it to craft a bed as I left the next morning I found this zombie who really wanted some cocoa beans there you go man enjoy the Mansion was a cool enough structure that I felt satisfied and was happy to head back home oh apparel I have eight seeds so that

Should be plenty what I’d use way too many seeds on him to give up now so after punching some grass I find only managed to tame him I also never bothered naming him along the way I found a floating island after receiving the usual Golden Apple supplies I dug

Down and murdered the zombies minding their own business no hard feelings right guys now that I had totems of undying this Reckless water bucket was perfectly acceptable I found a village although it wasn’t the same one from before I had to steal some of their seeds to feed my chickens since I’d fed

The parrot all of mine Hi man what’s up you get that joke way too much don’t you please go away I’ve completely forgotten the coordinates of the chicken coop but somehow managed to find it anyway I fed everyone the stolen seeds and started digging down the only way I was gonna

Get these guys back to the base was with nether travel I built the portal and oh no seeing as I was right in the home of the Crimson mosquitoes I wasted no time setting up a shelter around the portal I was gonna need to make a tunnel all the

Way back to the original portal all since otherwise the chickens would definitely get blown up by aghast or Fallen lava before long the tunnel was finished and I started ferrying the birds back it would have been great to have had leaves but I was gonna have to

Make do with wheat seeds things seem to be going perfectly right up until the end I needed to wait on the other side of the portal so that the chickens would go through but I hadn’t left enough space I kept holding the seeds while fixing my mistake which led to half of

My precious livestock falling off the platform thankfully I was able to get everyone back into the tunnel safe and sound it had been a difficult Journey but we’d all made it back safe and sound most of us have made it back safe and sound I intended to raise these chickens

With love and care which is why I put them in this 2×2 hole after sorting out my inventory i leapt off the tree house and nailed the landing my money machines uh I mean my friends did you guys miss me I didn’t absolute ton of trading and

Managed to get up to level 35 life I really wanted to get a pair of prop 4 boots so that I could override the fire protection on my current pair score I had three pairs of boots that I needed to combine together and since I’d exhausted all the Villager trades for

The day I went into the nether to get XP from Quartz in sight three being the very balanced enchantment that it is helped a ton I made sure to kill this hoglin because no I still haven’t forgiven them for ruining my original Jungle 100 days this guy told me he was

The son of the piglet I’d killed years ago and he’d spent his life training for Revenge there was some Nether Brick in the Wall which turned out to be a spawner all the Striders in here were freezing so I thought I could do them a favor and help them back into the lava

Go now be free your whole life awaits oh not exactly the outcome I was aiming for I remembered spotting a Bastion when I first entered the chicken nether portal and it wasn’t long before I found it I rained down arrows on the local population minding their own business

And then checked the chess they were not very good by the time I made it back home it was already day 77 I’d acquired a respectable 41 levels which drained faster than my bank account the maxed out gear was almost within reach I just needed another 40 levels I headed to the

Sheep pen and realized Muhammad and Catherine had somehow managed to start a family I mean congratulations but like what how why my crop harvesting Powers were stronger than ever and I bred the Sheep yet again because I’m a terrible owner and have no idea what I’m doing

One of the chickens managed to escape so he had to be dealt with here you go Catherine do you even eat food with some 1am villager trading that definitely violates some kind of employee safety law I finally had an enough XP to make a perfect chest plate good evening

Stingray I shared the Sheep one last time and then headed into The Nether as it was finally time to mine for ancient debris I found a piece on my way down even if I did end up incinerating myself things were going decently although I kept running into Basalt deltas and lava

Spills every two minutes weirdly enough I ended up stumbling into an abandoned nether mine shaft I found a chest containing a frying pan and this is easily the best thing any mod creator has ever added I think the funniest part is that it does the same amount of

Damage as a diamond sword I’m not really sure what the actual point of the nether mine shaft is since there’s no oars to mine down here besides quartz I returned to the tunnels and it wasn’t long before I’d ran out of bed wanna guess how much

Debris I got 7 12 15. I got three pieces and one of them was the one I found right at the start get out of the elevator Stingray I’m not in the mood but I brightened up when I learned you can push sharpness on the frying pan I’d

Be mining some quartz while searching for debris and finally had enough levels to make a perfect pair of boots I began my morning by harvesting some cabbages and managed to feed the chickens without breaking them free I bred the Sheep again because I really need to get my

Water Supplies up in order to make this special armor set I’ve been talking about I need eight nether writing Gods instead of the usual four that’s 32 ancient debris while I waited for the Sheep to regrow their wool I began some illegal deforestation I mean some legal

Deforestation in the village I want to drink one of those badom and five potions I got from the Asylum and do a raid here at some point hold on is that sheep trying to break the rest out I was able to acquire a perfect pick I

Went to rob the Sheep of their wool and that is a very weird looking sheep I spent the rest of the night AFK at the bottom of the trading Hall so that by morning the Sheep had regrown their wool I returned to the nether praying that my patience would be rewarded I say

Patience like I hadn’t spent the entire time I was AFK ordering dinner on ubereats thankfully this time things went a million times better I ended up leaving the mines with 20 ancient debris which puts us well over halfway towards our goal my ax was kinda weak from all

The tree chopping I’d put it through so I fixed it up with some quartz I was down to one golden carrot so I used my considerable wealth to stock back up I actually had 24 netherrite scraps total since I’d found one in that first Bastion I rated this is pretty good

Progress but we need to get stronger I had a few levels spare and used them to make a possible bow it’s not exactly a weapon of mass destruction but it’s not terrible by any means tell your friends about the legendary frying pan Samurai well actually you can’t because I’ve

Just killed you but that’s besides the point the reason I was yet again in the nether wasn’t to do more debris mining it was to collect Ender poles you see the plan is to first take down the Ender Dragon then the Wither and then use the

Beacon from the Wither to destroy a Max Level raid it was a lovely sunny day back in the Overworld and it was even Lovelier when I deleted this Stingray I crafted The Eyes of Ender and set out to find the stronghold I quickly realized I should have crafted more since they kept

Getting stuck in the trees and becoming impossible to find night fell but I pushed on I couldn’t sleep since that would reset my spawn point and then once I killed the Ender Dragon I’d be all the way back at spawn instead of in the tree

House by the time day 84 rolled around I was down to just 12 eyes so if I lost a couple more I probably wouldn’t be able to activate the portal fortunately it wasn’t long before the eyes started nose diving into the ground I broke the golden rule of Minecraft and got exactly

What I deserved I continued digging and within a minute I was inside the stronghold I found the library and it had some some amazing enchanted books the second chest was even better sometimes the portal can take a solid year to track down but luckily I found this one pretty quickly the silverfish

Tried challenging me but I’ve grown far past the point of them being any kind of threat I lit the portal and then logged off because it was like 5am but after some sleep I was ready to destroy this Dragon I’m not gonna lie we’ve all seen the ender dragon fight a thousand times

So I’m not gonna make you watch it all I spammed her with my bow and bumped her over the head with a frying pan to finish up the fight I took more damage trying to 1v3some Enderman with the pan then I did the entire dragon fight I

Scooped up all the XP and unfortunately Insight doesn’t seem to to work on it although that makes sense given how op it would be I grabbed the egg and made my way through the Gateway and made my way through the Gateway for some reason all the locals were really mad and

Started jumping off the edge I thought I’d lend a hand I saw some parasite spider looking thing and made sure to wipe it off the face of the earth I knew finding a city was gonna be a long and painful Journey when even Max render distance didn’t produce any results I

Discovered an end version of the desert temple which was guarded by endemites the chest room was actually way more dangerous with every chest rigged up to TNT the loot was amazing though diamonds a diamond backpack a god apple and even a magnet upgrade for a backpack although

As I would quickly learn the magnet upgrade is more like a downgrade since anything you throw away gets sucked right back into your inventory I decided to detach the upgrade I came across a crashed end ship and while it didn’t have an elytra it had some decent Loop

This diamond Greatsword was insane I mean look at the size of this thing eventually I managed to find the city and even though it didn’t deserve the word City in any name shape or form it did have a ship with the wings finally in my possession all I had to do now was

Find a gateway to return home this was actually somehow harder than finding the city I spent ages flying and purling through the endless expanse surveillance it was a relief to finally find a Gateway regardless of whatever’s happening on my screen right now I made it back to the main end Island and

Jumped into the fountain here it is the end poem just kidding we’re not reading that I had 66 levels and intended to use them to make the best sword possible and I’m out of levels again hey chickens did you miss me I doubt it to be honest I

Scammed the villagers like usual and added mending to my elytra the sugar came far my planted ages ago was coming in clutch as I had plenty of paper to make rockets by by far one of the best moments in any Minecraft world is the first takeoff I have more than enough

Chickens at this point so I collected the feather attacks I felt kinda bad but it had to be done all that was left now was to get the remaining eight pieces of ancient debris while I was in the nether I found this guy chilling in the lava

And wondered if I could stand on him the answer’s no I wanted to start a brand new mine so I dug down and broke into the old one it’s fine we’ll just improvise I had a stack of TNT from all the different temples we raided as well

As plenty of wool and wood for beds I was determined to make this the final ancient debris trip I also took the opportunity to mine plenty of quartz since I needed a lot of levels to max out my sword I ended up managing to find 14 ancient debris which was way better

Than what I was anticipating I smelted the debris forged the ingots and with both the feathers from my dead parrot that I didn’t even name and the feathers of the chicken family I had just extinguished I create did four feather right ingots the Oliver I’d been working

Towards for so long was finally here I also made a blaze writing got for my sword but forgot I needed to use a vanilla nether writing got on it first not only does feather right reduce fall damage and allow you to triple jump it also allows you to walk on water tell me

That’s not the coolest thing you’ve ever seen in this game I then took to the nether as I needed one last another writing got which I intended to steal I found a Bastion and realized I had a long way to go before I mastered my new

Powers I had a really fair battle with the piglens in which I first rained arrows down on them and then attacked them with my god sword from Out Of Reach sadly the loot was nothing but karma I spotted another of these weird vulture things and finally got my revenge there

Was another variant of a vanilla structure this time being a Soul Sand jungle temple yeah the loot was about what I expected I saw a piglet Outpost and I could do this the stealthy way or I could use my maxed out gear to its full potential take a wild guess which

Option I picked I did all that for an onion crate I found a ship guarded by wither skeletons and it had not one but two nether writing Gods there was also a pair of netherite boots that were utter garbage they had cursor binding curse of Vanishing curse of existing it wasn’t

Pretty I had the Blazer writing got on me so I maxed out my sword there and then yes I did all of this for seven percent increased fire damage is that a waste of time I mean yes but it’s cool okay it’s cool look at my sword it’s

Cool on my way back I found a treasure Bastion which I was gonna be stealing from I did a 1v3 when it takes all against the piglet brutes and I won so I took everything well that was fun bye guys good luck with the funeral costs I was running severely long rockets and

Made it back to the poor soul with just three to spare I have plenty of gunpowder but practically no paper fortunately I discovered I could chop logs and use their bark to make paper which actually makes a lot of sense then Next Step was going to be making the

Village raid friendly if you’ve ever done a raid before you’ll know that the AI can be funky sometimes mix that in with a village full of trees and bushes and holes to get stuck in and it would be a nightmare to play sure my Solutions weren’t pretty but they were a lot

Better than having to spend 30 minutes hunting for that one random Pillager who gets lost in a cave and stops you from progressing I wasn’t sure if there was actually anyone still alive in the village which meant I would have to use one of mine as bait I picked Belva

Because her name is fun to say and as we were leaving Brandon was like where are you taking my 15th child don’t worry about it Brandon I’m just gonna use her to draw in an army about 10 times the size of our current population I needed

To keep Belva safe or I’d lose the raid so I was gonna have to build her a prison I mean bunker I reinforced the frame with obsidian and even gave her a nice sunroof I did realize there were a few citizens around but I couldn’t be bothered to move them into the the

Bunker so Belva gets to keep it all for herself day 93 I gazed out over the village which was definitely looking a little worse for wear I returned to the nether as I needed to get the remaining two wither skulls I kid you not I got a

Skull from the first wither skirts and I killed naturally that meant the other one took absolutely ages but eventually I had it in my possession although I run out of rockets on my way back which means we’re gonna have to walk do you think Pokemon go works in the nether

After a lot of complaining and walking and more complaining I made it back home after a quick power nap I was ready to fight this three-headed Eldritch demon it would be a battle known the world over it would be nothing but the Titanic forces of Good vs Evil hold on oh one

One second guys genuinely I feel so bad for the Bedrock players out there because the Java wither is just so hilariously easy I literally moved less than a meter and still won the fight I found a cave centipede like the one that had nearly ended the playthrough on day

Two and took my revenge also killed this Stingray because I hate them back up on the surface I crafted the beacon and started piling my absurd wealth in the village I chose Resistance 2 for the beacon power since it would give me the best chance at surviving the attacks at

The max out raid mobs I then spent the night adding leaves to the tree branches that I’ve been too lazy to add leaves to when I first built them day 95 was a very special day why because I’m building a monument to me unlike certain aspects of this world such as the

Villager breeder or Brandon this thing looked amazing ah just look at that handsome man this is the kind of Village Improvement I can get behind I then dumped all of the time I could spare into clearing as much space in the village as possible I would only have

One shot at doing the max level raid as if I failed I wouldn’t be able to restart and still finish in time for Day 100. Day 99 I stood atop my beacon and chugged the bad Omen 5 push the town erupted in chaos as Raiders swarmed him

From the trees you know this is serious when the ant Nation joins in all manner of enemies came to battle including full diamond pillagers baby creepers wait what and literal Knights as the waves Drew on things started getting out of hand without the resistance to Beacon

And leech 4 sword I would have been absolutely demolished by far one of the most annoying mobs was the illusioner since as far as I could tell there was no way to distinguish the real one from the Fate One of the enemies dropped an item that gave me the powers of an Avoca

This is awesome the Raiders even stooped to trying to kill Muhammad and Catherine but I wasn’t letting that happen day 100 had arrived and the battle raged on I must have cracked half my ribs here but it’s fine I’ll walk it off slowly but surely the numbers started to thin the

Raiders launched one final desperate attack with all the forces they had left but it wasn’t enough I used every ability in my Arsenal to keep them at Bay with 100 days of Minecraft having led to this moment I took down the final illusioner and became the hero of the

Village I mean aside from imprisoning the entire Village of population in terrible conditions and forcing them to work for me effectively negating any kind of hero status I’d survived 100 days in a jungle only world you know what Stingray I think we can be friends after all Foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In A JUNGLE ONLY World In Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Mozi on 2023-02-24 18:19:55. It has garnered 1182525 views and 15725 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:26 or 6026 seconds.

Download Clash Royale – https://wehy.pe/y/1/Mozi I Survived 100 Days In A JUNGLE ONLY World In Minecraft Hardcore!



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#minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #clashroyale I Survived 100 Days in a jungle only world in Minecraft Hardcore! I tried surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore in a jungle only world, and this is what happened! In this 100 days in minecraft hardcore, I only have the jungle biome!


⭐ – The Modpack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mozis-upgraded-jungle



📺I Survived 100 Days In BETTER MINECRAFT Hardcore! – https://youtu.be/d68YgO9YC6w

📺I Survived 100 Days In An OCEAN ONLY WORLD! – https://youtu.be/EvUG9s6D53k


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    Experience Sky-High Adventures on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a unique flying minecart creation in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind server, it sparked our interest in the endless possibilities that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to soar through the skies in your very own flying minecart, without the need for mods or complex installations. The creativity and innovation displayed in the video inspired us to explore similar experiences in the Minecraft world. If you’re looking… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Multiplayer Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Multiplayer Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of multiplayer gaming in Minecraft. If you’re a fan of playing with friends and exploring new worlds together, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the YouTube video about Minecraft multiplayer games for Android, you may have felt a sense of excitement and camaraderie that comes with playing with others. Imagine taking that feeling to the next level on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of… Read More

  • Ultimate Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons

    Ultimate Farmer's Delight Mod Addons Welcome to a Culinary Adventure in Minecraft with Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons! Are you tired of the same old food options in Minecraft? Look no further! The Farmer’s Delight mod has got you covered with a plethora of new food items, cooking mechanics, and traders to spice up your gameplay. Let’s dive into the top 25 Farmer’s Delight mod addons that will revolutionize your culinary experience in Minecraft! 1. Farmer’s Delight Starting off with the core mod itself, Farmer’s Delight introduces a wide range of new food options and farming mechanics to enhance your gameplay. From hearty meals to… Read More

  • Survival Base Race: Minecraft’s Wild Interior Score

    Survival Base Race: Minecraft's Wild Interior Score In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, IrieGenie’s survival house tutorial arrives. With medieval style and rooms galore, This base is one you’ll surely adore. From bedroom to storage, brewing to enchant, Every detail crafted with skill and grant. Exterior beauty, interior charm, In this house, you’ll find no harm. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your imagination be fulfilled. Thanks to IrieGenie, the master of rhyme, For sharing this creation, so sublime. With Faithful pack and BSL shaders in tow, The visuals in this video truly glow. And the music sets the perfect tone,… Read More

  • 7 Hilarious Pranks That Went Too Far

    7 Hilarious Pranks That Went Too Far The World of Minecraft: A Digital Playground Enter the enchanting realm of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. With its pixelated landscapes and endless possibilities, this sandbox game has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Exploring Minecraft Shaders One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to enhance its visuals with shaders. These modifications add stunning lighting effects, realistic shadows, and vibrant textures to the game, elevating the player’s immersive experience. Immersive Gameplay with Minecraft Memes As players delve into the world of Minecraft, they often encounter humorous and relatable… Read More

  • Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

    Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Zombie Apocalypse with Live Streamers Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new trend has emerged – exploring the zombie apocalypse with live streamers. Let’s delve into the exciting adventures of Danielkin, ItsNotFurBall, and thedustyyyyy as they navigate through this thrilling modpack. Danielkin: The Fearless Explorer Danielkin, known for his daring escapades, leads the pack in this zombie-infested world. Armed with his wit and resourcefulness, he fearlessly ventures into the unknown, uncovering hidden treasures and facing formidable challenges along the way. Key Points: – Danielkin’s strategic gameplay keeps viewers on… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chaos

    Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Welcome to Hardcore Minecraft – World 1 [Part 28]! Exploring New Adventures in Minecraft In the latest installment of Hardcore Minecraft – World 1, our fearless player, Katie, delves into the vast and unpredictable world of Minecraft. With each new episode, viewers are treated to exciting gameplay, unexpected challenges, and thrilling victories. Surviving the Unknown In this episode, Katie navigates through treacherous terrain, mines for valuable resources, and battles against formidable foes. With each step, she must strategize and adapt to the ever-changing environment to ensure her survival. Key Highlights: – Katie’s meticulous planning and quick thinking in the… Read More

  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

    Chambers' New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With chambers and rooms that will bring us cheer. New progressions and trials to explore, With twists and turns that we can’t ignore. The Great Room in Chambers, a sight to behold, With new features and challenges untold. The Trap Changes in Chambers, a test of skill, Navigate carefully, or you may meet a thrill. The Room Tuba, a place to relax and unwind, A peaceful retreat for the creative mind. The Gathering Room, where friends can convene, To share stories and adventures unseen. The Room Change Eruption, a… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition

    Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition In 2024, just offer the Minecraft zombies a peace treaty and some diamond armor – they’ll be too busy admiring their new bling to attack you! #minecraftpeacekeeping Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need!

    Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need! Exploring the Top 7 Mods for Minecraft 1.20.4 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with these top 7 survival mods that promise to enhance your gameplay experience. From overhauling the overworld to adding immersive portals, these mods bring a fresh perspective to the game. William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld Experience a revamped overworld with William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld mod. Available for both Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this mod introduces new elements and challenges to keep you engaged. Farmer’s Delight Dive into the world of farming with the Farmer’s Delight mod. Designed for Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this… Read More

  • Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server!

    Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server! Are you looking to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further! While watching this amazing video on Minecraft tips and tricks, you may have realized that you need a new challenge. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. Imagine a world where you can showcase your pro skills, build incredible structures, and engage with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind by entering the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Explore new adventures, conquer challenges, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

  • B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 – Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)

    B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 - Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox Vertical Stream! (Maybe 7K?)’, was uploaded by ๐•ญ๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐•ธ๐–†๐–“123 on 2024-03-23 18:17:56. It has garnered 9733 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:45 or 10245 seconds. i just play gaem #lethalcompany #roblox #livestream #fyp #popular #minecraft #company #lethal #steam #live #mario #fun Read More

  • Digging My Grave: Vintage Story Madness

    Digging My Grave: Vintage Story MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Digging Myself a Grave in Vintage Story’, was uploaded by Robotaus on 2024-04-22 08:10:42. It has garnered 1045 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:26 or 866 seconds. This is game about surviving in a blocky world and building whatever you want. It’s not Minecraft I swear. Music from https://filmmusic.io “Vegas Glitz” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Sneaky Snitch” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “At Rest” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Monkeys Spinning… Read More

  • Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway Adventure

    Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2t. Traveling The Nether Highway’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-05-15 07:03:34. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where danger lurks around… Read More

  • “Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft” #pixelart

    "Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft" #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snoopy and Woodstock Sand Falling Art Short #minecraft #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dragon on 2023-12-09 18:30:09. It has garnered 7670 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐Ÿšจ

    ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐ŸšจVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the confined smp๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-16 23:14:04. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:56 or 10676 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the minecraft server๐Ÿ”ด JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/PmWzGUst tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • “EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)” – Cartseem

    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ https://www.mediafire.com/file/e80abl… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More

  • AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AI

    AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sam Altman FINALLY Breaks His SILENCE! New Minecraft AI Agent, Text to Action, Programmers GONE!?’, was uploaded by TheAIGRID on 2024-02-26 05:54:05. It has garnered 37753 views and 1164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:57 or 1677 seconds. โœ‰๏ธ Join Our Weekly Newsletter – https://mailchi.mp/6cff54ad7e2e/theaigrid ๐Ÿค Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/TheAiGrid ๐ŸŒ Checkout Our website – https://theaigrid.com/ Links From Todays Video: https://twitter.com/LinusEkenstam/status/1761881640953876849 https://twitter.com/tsarnick/status/1761506642800361478 https://twitter.com/_milankovac_/status/1761465357460701298 https://twitter.com/TeslaBotJournal/status/1761153372458213685 https://twitter.com/bilawalsidhu/status/1760076742679552273 https://twitter.com/mckaywrigley/status/1760335268257931447 https://twitter.com/IntuitMachine/status/1759941976927924682/photo/1 https://twitter.com/GuangyuRobert/status/1759736712627212791 https://twitter.com/apples_jimmy/status/1761885098260234355 https://twitter.com/AndrewYNg/status/1761912346153521374 Welcome to our channel where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in AI. From deep learning to robotics, we cover it all…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/p/mizunos-16-craft-cit.html Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=6c2e7d98-c26a-47ac-bab6-766f9a67a94e Shader — Complementary Shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Mod — OptiFine https://optifine.net/home ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More

  • Windshear Network

    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. play.windshear.network Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Welcome to Foggy Willows Foggy Willows offers a simple, vanilla Minecraft experience unlike most servers. We prioritize simplicity with no plugins or datapacks. Our server runs on the latest stable vanilla jar and is hosted on high-spec fiber optic servers. There is no world border, plugins, tp/sethome, and we play in hard mode. Players are encouraged to sort out their own social issues and play how they want. Join our small community of normal players and help us expand. Key Features: Latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard… Read More

  • Distant Horizons

    Distant HorizonsDistant Horizons: A classic Towny Community with frequent events and minigames!Check out our Discord for more! discord.com/invite/GpGyDeHb8j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Okay grandma, I’ll build my own damn village”

    It’s like grandma is trying to understand Minecraft, but she’s stuck in a different dimension where memes have scores! Read More

  • Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure!

    Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Save Eggman, the challenge is set, In a world of blocks, where fun is met. Join the adventure, with humor and glee, As Cube Xuan crafts a world for you and me. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In a world of Eggman, joy is found. Subscribe to the channel, for daily delight, With MC animations that shine so bright. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where happiness flows, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Saving laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 is like being the superhero of slow internet connections. I am the hero they never knew they needed!” Read More

  • Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo

    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with technical issues while trying to download or install Minecraft Launcher from the Microsoft Store? Look no further! We have a solution for you. While watching the video on “How to Fix Minecraft Launcher Not Downloading or Installing Microsoft Store,” you might have realized the frustration that comes with encountering such problems. But fear not, we have a welcoming and thriving community waiting for you at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience without any technical hurdles. Our server IP is… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!

    Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rebuilding A PERFECT FNAF Pizzeria In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jollie on 2024-05-13 21:43:16. It has garnered 1387 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring my first abandoned mine in Minecraft

    Exploring my first abandoned mine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine’, was uploaded by Morpheus ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-21 15:11:27. It has garnered 21752 views and 823 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds. ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine You can help support this channel by subscribing. Thank you Donate via Paypal https://paypal.me/MorpheusASMR Amazon USA https://amzn.to/3V8EUmh Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2Nbnu3m Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2EgKOtS Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #anarchy

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight ะฝะฐ RuHypixel ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts #minecraft #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ #anarchy #ะฐะฝะฐั€ั…ะธั #ัะตั€ะฒะตั€’, was uploaded by ะงะธะท on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ฬถะœฬถะžฬถะ™ฬถ ฬถะกฬถะ•ฬถะ ฬถะ’ฬถะ•ฬถะ ฬถ ๐ŸŒžIP: mc.sunnybeach.fun ๐Ÿช…Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: https://vk.com/savchikvyacheslav DONATE: donationalerts.com/r/cheesechill —————————————– – ๐Ÿ“ซAdvertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!

    Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Minecraft Marketplace Pass!’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-04-05 14:08:03. It has garnered 176 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:30 or 6630 seconds. You can have an entire month FREE! I am giving away a code for a subscription to @minecraft Marketplace Pass. ๐ŸŽ‰ General Instructions on How to Enter: 1. You need to have Minecraft Bedrock. 2. Be in the chatbox for the bot to see you when the givaway starts 3. Have a twitter or discord account so I can send you the code 4. Play… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ #viralart

    Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ #viralartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art ๐Ÿ˜ (My Fan Comment) #shorts #ytshorts #viral #shortsviral #viralshorts #art’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:24:28. It has garnered 2369 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan ๐Ÿ˜ Sub to my 2nd channel @ItzWardenYT_2.O #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic #viral #gaming #gameplay #fan #fancomment #logo #logoart #viralvideo #art #trending #trendingshorts #subscribe #sub #like #likes #share #hypixel #itzWardenYT #ytshorts #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo Read More

I Survived 100 Days In A JUNGLE ONLY World In Minecraft Hardcore!