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I survived 100 days in the ultimate mod pack all the mods 8 is filled with insane Tech crazy armor and basically as many mods as possible in these 100 days I want to be able to complete most of the quests that includes or duplication power generation and Mining all the

Modium ore day one I spawn into a little beach type area right in front of some Tower I also noticed this gigantic Skyship in the air so the tower was a roguelite dungeon and the Skyship was basically an in-game dungeon really quickly I chopped down this birch tree

And made some basic tools after being set up I found a village right next to me and began looking through the chest for now I just grabbed everything I could and checked off a bunch of quests inside the next chest I found some iron leggings leather boots and these gems

Which would be really important for later more importantly I grabbed all the foods and kept the gems that had 100 Purity plus I also picked up this rare stone pickaxe as I moved through the village I activated the way Stone picked up this little green thing and went up

To this structure that had some Beacon lights on it the quest up here had some compressed iron armor which were super strong and it had these compressed iron ingots then as it turned dark I started checking more quests like the storage one and the bounty board during this

Time I made a stone sword and saw these updated apotheosis mobs this one was destroyed by the Golem but the sort of dropped was pretty nice one of the mobs also dropped inferium Essence which allows you to start growing netherrite much later on there were more Quest

Rewards though and I basically had no room left in my inventory on the bright side I actually found the quest line that you’re supposed to start on the next day I used an iron ingot to make a shield and after eating some berries I ended up gaining two hearts so eating

Different foods can increase your hearts but it’s all up to a limit really quickly I completed the getting wood quests and started on the stone ones I also randomly picked up this iron sword I guess a boss must have dropped it I made the tools but I just didn’t have

Enough Cobblestone to complete the full Quest before that though I went up this hill and found another Village but this bottom part was basically abandoned in this place they were were some animals chilling but I focused on collecting Cobblestone for now the reward was more XP and torches the next Quest though was

To make a chest which would help in me making a backpack for later lucky for me there were cows right here so I grabbed this hay and read them for now I just killed two of them for their leather and since there were smokers here I cooked a

Bunch of random food that I had after moving up this hill I finally found some villagers and the zinc ore that vein mining thing is super useful also I found this weird book and some condensed blood for a mod called evil craft it wasn’t really anything else in the

Villages so I moved around grabbing all the hay bales and eventually I made a bunch of pickaxes to go mining with once again this vein mining option was super helpful the only problem is is that it shreds through pickaxes eventually I made my way down to iron level and had

To make a ton more pickaxes this way I ended up making my way into a cave system as well right now it was super dangerous since I did not have much armor deeper into this cave I found a very dangerous room that spawned skeletons and spiders right behind that

Was another zombie dungeon too in order to not die I made a furnace to smelt all the raw iron I’d collected while that was going on I went in to light up this dungeon and it was super dangerous plus there was a zombie carrying a jukebox behind this dungeon that was uh playing

A lot of music eventually I made this place much safer and got my quest reward for killing these spiders plus some of these chests were kind of nice I kept these spawners up just in case I would ever need them and on the other side of

The dungeon I fought a bunch of zombies and took out the one that was playing the music my iron also ended up being smelted which completed another quest with all the iron I had I used it to make a chest plate and a helmet the rest was used to complete another Quest so

Now I was a little more prepared and I dove into the zombie dungeon I immediately took out the top floor spawners and looted the chests after that I made my way into the catacombs and started looting there but there were way too many zombies attacking especially this guy over here wearing

Netherrite armor which I had to outsmart it ended up not even dropping anything good though then I basically got swarmed so I had to make my way out and along the way I grabbed some Quest rewards for killing 50 zombies and I picked up this diamond Ax from a chest the first thing

I did once I I got back up was I read those cows again and got some more leather this way I was able to craft a backpack from day four to five I fought these zombies and got a rare turtle shell right after that I grabbed my

Quest reward and had enough iron to upgrade my backpack with that I went over to that roguelike dungeon to grab a bunch of loot I fought an Enderman at the bottom which is very dangerous and started making my way through these side rooms my goal was to break these

Spawners as quickly as possible so that I could loot these chests this chest mostly had Enchanted armor nuggets and a bunch of gems I also grabbed the brewing stand here as well one of these chests though ended up having diamonds as I made my way deeper into this dungeon I

Got some more gold and ender pearls as well my backpack at this point was halfway filled fighting these mobs also completed another Quest and this one was another Bounty I then found more stairways leading deeper into this dungeon most of the chests had the same types of items but I did get an

Advancement for looting 50 containers once again after going down more stairs I actually bought some tough mobs now plus these chests were getting so much better the armors in here were actually pretty good good now then I think I found one of the main rules that had

Like four spawners in them and I accidentally hit an Enderman which made this entire thing so much harder this straight over here ended up inflicting poison and slowness so I had to be super careful I think I might have missed the chest because there was nothing in this

Room other than these quarks pillars then on the other side I got one more golden apple plus some more ingots finally after all of that I found the last staircase leading down the chest in this floor were stacked no diamonds but gold and a bunch of useful materials I

Gotta say my luck was crazy because the bottom of this dungeon opened up to a big cave but the best part was that it was underneath a mining system I built up and got there as quick as possible the only thing you have to worry about in this place was the crazy knockback

Mobs every single chest in here had tons of ingots and there were also so many oars just left alone which I of course vein mined I spent the entire time just trying to dodge these mobs and gather every single thing I possibly could I had stacks on stacks of iron gold and

Coal my backpack was also almost filled up so I had to use a bunch of gold to upgrade it after that upgrade I did another run through grabbing everything I missed and I ended up with two stacks of iron ingots and five stacks of iron in like other types of forms plus tons

Of gold and cooked potatoes as well in one of the chests I also found a diamond chest plate since my backpack was almost filled again I decided to make my way back up towards the surface I ran through a good amount of iron pickaxes but I did eventually get out I ended up

In an abandoned mine colonies Village but this place didn’t have anything too good other than these cows I used the leather to make a tool belt and there was also a quest reward for this as well while moving along this Village I activated a waste Stone and this place

Had a weird meteor crash I had an iron pickaxe though that couldn’t break crying obsidian so I just left it for now that night I went across the river and found a structure to sleep in I’m pretty sure that this is also a roguelike dungeon as well for now I just

Set up a bunch of furnaces to smelt the oars that I had and I made a bunch of iron blocks the last thing I did was use my gold to make golden carriage and golden melons to craft the feeding upgrade so I wouldn’t have to feed

Myself day eight to nine I basically use this time to remake some armor and smelt most of the ores to free up the inventory space with the iron I had I made an iron furnace and this is supposed to cook stuff faster but I didn’t know about the augments that you

Would have to put in it was also a quest reward which allowed me to upgrade the other furnace as well while all that was cooking I went out to find lavender for purple dyes but I had no luck I ended up getting like 90 of the stuff cooked up

And decided to just move on I found a really nice biome at night and I fought a bunch of mobs here right next to that I stumbled into a grass-filled biome 2 which also looked pretty nice the mobs were absolutely crazy the entire night

But in the morning I found a spot well I thought it was a good spot just for a little bit once I cleared out the space I realized this biome has a ton of lag because of all the flowers here so if I were to put machines on top it would not

Be a fun experience for me after that I just went right back on the hunt and I took out this mushroom structure which had these mushroom Warriors across Another River I collected a bunch of sand for a quest and found another meteor this one I could break into I

Ended up spending the night in a random Village as soon as I woke up I started looting these chests and I grabbed the waist Stone then I ended up finding the perfect place to build a house I started off by clearing a ton of dirt to make a

Flat area I also filled these giant holes in as well once I was done I wanted to set up a basic house I had a ton of oak logs that I used to set up the frame this was just trial one and I went down to the cave that was behind

The house to grab some Cobblestone there was also a Wandering Trader here which I tried to set up but these guys ended up being so annoying later on I then set up these furnaces to get regular Stone and placed fences around to add depth once

That was done I used a stripped oak on the inside just for a different look while I was repeating this pattern around I had to expand the house just a few blocks more then I ran out of Oak so while planting some more saplings I had

A bunch of uh creeper accidents the next morning I took out an apotheosis mob and I got some new leggings then I shared a bunch of sheep which gave me Quest rewards I use the bone meal to get a bunch more wood and I went to the shore

To grab a ton of sand this allowed me to get the framing done and put the windows up as well now with the bare minimum of stuff done I could place down the waist Stone the bed and the furnaces inside since I had a bunch of stone bricks from

The Dungeons I almost had enough to finish the full floors to get the rest I had to go back down to the cave now the bottom floor of this place was basically done and I started working on the second floor to save space I used Oak slabs to

Make the floor I had to spend a whole other day just Gathering Oak locks to copy the same design from the bottom to the top with all of that the framing was complete and I gathered a ton more Stone to start working on the roof the outline

On the roof was going to be stone bricks and the main material was going to be a darker wood I had to teleport back to that older Village to grab these dark oak saplings and the wood it took a little bit of time but this place was

Basically done I just needed a little bit more glass I ended these days setting up the simplest storage room day 14. now this is where the real progress starts for now I still didn’t know much about these mods but all that started to change the first thing I did was make an

Oak drawer to complete some Quests for now I actually didn’t know how to use them properly but they become really important later next up I started working on this sophisticated storage stuff by making their chests now these chests can be upgraded but they cannot be doubled up I was able to make two

Iron chests and they were huge since I had tons of gold I decided to upgrade them into gold as well for the future I made some upgrade bases as well and places many of these chests as possible in fact I actually replaced all those vanilla chests with gold chests instead

Once morning it I made a crafting upgrade for my backpack but this ended up being very annoying I also made tons of iron pickaxes to gold mining I used the cave behind my house to gather an absolute ton of oars closer to the surface I picked up coal copper and uh

Some useless things as I got deeper down to this cave I started finding things that would make really great items for now the thing I needed the most was Redstone I ended up finding everything but Redstone though on the bright side I started the silent gear quest line now

This would help me make some crazy tools and weapons I ended up having to go very deep underground to find Redstone I ended up returning home since all of my pickaxes broke there were so many items that I had that needed to be smelled though while that was going on I placed

Glass panes inside of my house during this time a Wandering trailer came inside and I had to take this dude out this unlocks some really funny and helpful Quest rewards I got a special sword assigned to worn off wandering Traders and a pedestal after that I completed another Quest and this one was

To make charcoal and Tiny charcoal as well since I had a bunch of this infernium stuff I wanted to create an area to form this thing for now I was able to do half infernium and half another crop I made a very simple Cobblestone perimeter to plant these

Crops in I only had like seeds so I bone milled a bunch and started expanding slowly this ended up completing another Quest next up was making the infernium seed itself I had enough for exactly two what the quest award gave me two more day 17 I had to take out another

Wandering trailer and its llamas this time I place the sign down so goodbye forever I then planted some sugarcane down for paper and I needed blue dyes as well since I didn’t want to waste any lapis so I ran around picking up these corn flowers until I stumbled into this

Weird area I picked up this mysterious Cube and it gave me a bunch of random things and the Quark stuff underneath started the applied energetics quest line now that I had a bunch of blue dyes I made some blueprint papers the first blueprint I made was for a sword and

This gave me a blaze rod as a reward next up I wanted to make a hammer for 3×3 Mining and a Paxil since I had this compressed iron I ended up using those to make a new Paxil and this one was significantly stronger the only issue is

That uh compressed iron is very hard to get so repairing this thing is going to be a nightmare I had enough blueprint papers to make a hammer blueprint as well then to make some of these repair kits I had to break a bunch of gravel

Down for Flint day 18 I made a template board and this very crude repair kit since it was part of the quest line I also had to make the crude and the sturdy version as well I kept the story version in my backpack but I kind of

Forgot to store the materials in it next up I ran around the village collecting hay bales and a bunch of random blocks I then found this engineer’s house where I just took everything I was actually out to get these flowers to make purple dyes this was so I could make some warp

Scrolls one of the blocks I collected was a compressed iron block which allowed me to make the compressed iron Hammer now these tools ended up being very durable they were like three times more durable than regular iron with these new tools I wanted to grab a bunch

Of resources so I’d hop back down into the mines I really needed Redstone and diamonds I started digging down from the area I was previously at and grabbed everything on the way down after a little while I was finally at Deep slate level I also found a cave as well which

Is super helpful in here I picked up this thing called osmium and that started the mechanism quest line mechanism is gonna be a huge mod for this mod pack I then found diamonds and this monster box which spawned mobs that dropped oars after lighting up most of

This cave I dug down lower to hopefully get more diamonds and Redstone this time I switched to a hammer and strip mine for a good while throughout this strip mining journey I picked up tons of metals and Lapis then after a good amount of time passed I got the Redstone

And ended up completing a quest as well on top of that I got these prosperity shards and finally some diamonds the Redstone was now coming in bunches the next quests were to start generating power so that I could duplicate oars this strip mine ended up connecting to a

Pretty large cave and in here I picked up a lot of obsidian just in case the rest of the cave wasn’t too good though but I did manage to pick up two bounties for spiders the durability of my tools were running out like crazy and uh getting compressed iron is not fun I

Ended up grabbing a little bit more stuff and fought this mimic these guys ended up always dropping uh really cool relics and I picked up this scarf of invisibility before leaving I tried to use this Hammer as much as I could my backpack was almost filled to the brim

With that Journey being done I teleported back home and used a little bit of my compressed iron to repair my Paxil and Hammer then I had so many ores of smelt I filled these furnaces up everything that couldn’t be smelted I turned into blocks and put it in a

Valuable’s chest I had to clear my backpack as well and I realized I picked up the smithing table which I placed right next to my furnace my infernium was also growing so I was able to plant more seeds that night I upgraded to Golden furnaces and smelled even more

Things but I still had no clue about those augments while I was making these osmium blocks I realized that they could make some pretty cool armor so I made a full set of osmium armor and even the shield next up I made a few more template boards and I got a blueprint

Book then I made some more blueprints for binding grip the tip and the coating the coating was super expensive then I opened up the blueprint package which ended up giving me a ton more blueprints as well day 23 to day 24 now I needed leather really bad so I wanted to make

An area to keep the cows in I chopped on a bunch of trees and built a very simple little area also most of my items had uh been smelted now I ended up grabbing one cow from the village but I could not find any more there was also another

Problem as well though I did not have enough space in this little area for an enchantment setup so I would have to move the storage system real quick I ended up moving all the chests to the other side and had to remake the bookshelves after all of that I was able

To make and place this enchantment table down I just needed more bookshelves since it became morning again I went out to look for More Cows I grabbed my sugar cane which was going like crazy and went around this entire area and could not

Find a single cow at all I had to go up this hill to the right of my base that’s where I found a waste Stone and I finally saw another cow it took a long time to lure this guy back but I was finally able to start breeding them once

I got back inside the house I made a stack upgrade for my backpack and got started on generating power I needed to make a machine frame and I was able to use a coal generator now this machine was not expensive at all but trust me it starts to get way more complicated from

Here Quest wise I now moved on to part two of the getting started Quest now things are going to be very serious a 25 to Day 26 I built a patio on the left side of my house and clean clear the path to enter it of course I also had to

Decorate it a little bit then I used this inferium I think I’ve been saying it wrong the entire time to complete some side quests by making different types of Farmland these Farmland increase your chance of double harvests I spent the entire night fighting this epic enchanted witch who kept spewing

Now this was probably the scariest thing ever because this witch would non-stop poison me and that goes through your armor also what was even worse is that once its Health got down to six hearts it would just heal so I had to do a bunch of tactical Retreats and try again

In the morning that’s when I got attacked by this wild and Hunter and I think this guy actually ended up killing all the cows before I took the witch on again I made a katana blueprint and an osmium Rod to craft a diamond Katana this new sword plus trapping the witch

Made it much easier to take this thing out and it managed to give no rewards at all with all that being done I crafted a metallurgic infuser and had to power it using my coal generator this way I could get a bunch of these things called

Infused Alloys the first thing I’d to do was place a redstone down and that would turn iron into the aloe I needed I ended up getting the five Alloys and then I put an osmium ingot in here to get a basic control circuit next up was to

Make two energy tablets which I already had all the materials for all of this allowed me to make this wind generator now this way I could actually have a very sustainable power source to store the energy of this windmill I needed to make an energy Cube this meant that I

Would need even more energy tablets which required even more infused alloy so I think you understand how this works now the only new thing that it needed was uh steel ingots to get that attitude in a very primitive way I used a hammer to make iron dust and combine that dust

With coal to get steel dust and after smelting the steel dust voila four steel ingots and the Basic Energy Cube the next day I used some steel to make Asic Universal cables and this would be how I transfer energy most of the time I had all the materials to make a building

Gadget as well and I did this just for the quest rewards I also swapped to this energy pipe instead for now because it was mostly a quest too and it gave me a free reward the only difference is that you have to use a wrench on these ones

To control the importing and exporting since I had the extra pipe upgrade I made the Gold version as well and placed that into this pipe so remember those Wilding guys from the day before I just saw that they killed all my cows while the windmill was making power I expanded

The farm out some more I just moved the Cobblestone perimeter back so that I could plant more infurium that night I made even more steel dusts and wanted to make this thing called the enrichment chamber so I can get a stage one or processing plant started once the

Enrichment chamber was made I got oars as a quest reward and a diagram on how to set the level 1 Factory up I made an item pipe and grabbed the furnace to set this whole thing up I did a practice setup on the patio and had the inputs

And outputs ready with the basics being set up I placed a coal generator behind the enrichment chamber but uh all this would be temporary since the actual plant becomes so much bigger with all that done I ended up unlocking some Quest rewards for getting diamonds and uh this enchantment table was one well

Also the Tier 1 plan only gives you like one extra orb per every three you put in before the night ended I ripped the setup up and made a basic fluid tank so that I could collect a bunch of lava day 29 to 30 I made a heat generator and

This unlocked a ton of quest rewards for me I got a bunch of really useful items that I would need much later I then set up this ore processing plant right on the bottom floor for now this would be more than enough space to complete even

More quests I put down some coal in the enrichment chamber to get some enriched carbon then my energy Cube was full so I picked it up and got a question for that as well I also saw that you could upgrade this thing and it wasn’t super expensive so I got started on the

Advanced Energy Cube that just needed a bunch of infused alloy which weren’t too hard to make the Advanced Energy Cube was basically like six times bigger next up I used the metallurgic infuser to make steel dust I had to swap the Redstone for colder carbon and then put

The iron in and recycled whatever came out back into the machine to make steel dust so I ended up having a bunch of Steel dust cooking after that I took another look into the quest book and saw refined in storage as well which needed quartz that means I needed to go to the

Nether so after crafting some flint and steel the quest reward managed to give me eight quarts as well oh yeah plus my steel cooked up and I took the rewards for that just to speed things up I built another portal and lit that bad boy up the nether itself wasn’t too bad though

I was able to grab a bunch of quartz very easily then I went out to explore so it turns out I was in a magma waste biome which was super annoying but nothing was too dangerous other than these apotheosis spawns I ended up dropping into a little cave-like area

And got tons of gold nuggets then I decided to use my hammer to burn through these Netherrack while mining I picked up a bunch of raw nickel and inferium Essence plus I fought these nether silverfish like non-stop because I was already mining I went down to the agent

Debris level and found some immediately from this little area alone I had three pieces I spent the rest of the day shredding through the hammer while mining I found some lava and forgot to turn the fluid tank into bucket mode and that basically burned the entire thing

Up after my hammer almost broke I had stack tax on stacks of golden quartz I decided to just go back home then I ended up with so many items to smelt and slowly put it through the process while that was doing its thing I turned as many items into blocks as possible and

Cleared out my backpack once that was done I started making these processor bindings which are also needed for refined storage I had almost everything available for this raw Advanced processor the only thing I needed to do was to smoke this thing and to help with that I actually looked at these uh

Furnace augments for some reason regular Cobblestone just wasn’t working for these augments so I had to grab a bunch of diorite with that I had a factory augment and this created another problem now I needed power to go towards the back of this furnace as well so I had to

Move all the machines one block forward and placed cables behind them to Route the power with this little change every machine was getting power again so now I just had to find better power generators I used all of my inferium and combined that with this gym to make a prudentium

Essence the next morning I made another fluid tank this time I turn the bucket mode on and I collected a bunch of lava I filled the entire tank up and put it all in the heat generator since I ended up having so much stuff I ended up completing a bunch of random quests

After that I found more augments to put into the furnace one was for Speed and the other was for blasting these two augments took up a bunch of power though on the bright side the enrichment chamber turned 3H in debris into six netherrite scrap the rest of the night I

Was watching things cook and turned a bunch into blocks to store away a 34 to day 35 I forgot that I had another furnace so I basically made another one to cook this raw Advanced processor and with that I was able to make a controller this was basically like the

Brain of the storage system next up I needed to make a disk drive which wasn’t very expensive all of that quartz mining really paid off though I got that disk drive made and collected my quest reward in order to increase the storage I needed to make these uh storage Parts

But they were pretty expensive well the good ones were pretty expensive at least I placed the basic storage set up in the center of this area to see my items I would need to be able to make this grid number one I needed to smoke these

Quartz were silicon and then I needed to make a construction and a destruction core all of those also need these basic cores it was tedious but already having a bunch of items helped like crazy after grabbing some sand I was able to make the grid now it was time to put some

Power into the controller I did it in a very stupid way but it still worked uh this place was charged up and I could put items into the digital storage system I did need this crafting grid though not just a regular grid I was now able to work on putting storage discs

Into the disk drive the first thing I was able to make was three 1K storage parks and some storage housing with those three 1K Parts I could craft one 4K storage part because I liked paying I spent all night making a bunch of 1K storage ports so that I would have

Enough for at least 6 18K before the night ended I removed this energy Cube and placed it down below to The Ore processors this controller was powered by the windmill alone now on Day 36 I ended up finally having enough of these random items to craft the last 4K

Storage part which would allow me to make just one 16k storage disk for now this is totally worth it since I didn’t have a bunch of stuff after that I put this storage disc into the disk drive which means 16 000 items can be in the storage system I moved basically

Everything from the chests in there too during that process a bunch of quests were also unlocked after putting all that stuff into one system it was only like 20 full I had one more upgrade left though and that was to turn this grid into a crafting grid and that was very

Simple before this night ended I was able to craft another 4K storage disk for even more storage and I also made a wireless transmitter and some upgrades but it still only extended like 32 blocks day 37 I saw that I had a bunch of seeds so I made a Crusher I put some

Seeds into this thing and went out to make an automatic composter as well for bone meal while all that was going on I completed a bunch of quests leading up to like the tetrium Farmland in the mystical agriculture quest line I even made an infusion Altar and a pedestal

But I would need like seven more pedestals before the night ended I made it a whole nother crafting grid which completed another Quest and I just needed ender pearls to make the wireless version of this thing the next day I used a bunch of the Platinum ingots I

Had and replaced the hammer and the Paxil heads on top of that I made a diamond tip for the Paxil and a quartz tip for the hammer then I began working on a jet pack first up I needed the wooden version while crafting this thing

I needed leather so I had to put these leads to use and bring some cows back I went up to that hill where I found the cows last time and discovered another Village so I took all their hay bales and everything from the engineer’s house after that I activated the way Stone and

Remembered that there was a meteor thing near another village now with diamond level tools I was able to break into this meteor and get the chest inside there were tons of gilded Blackstone and the chest itself has some pretty good loot too I put everything away in the

Storage system and made tons of bread then with some spare chests I put enchanted books gems and apotheosis gear in them since there was a new update with apotheosis that changed a lot of things I had to throw all these gems down and crush them with an anvil now

That ends up giving you this thing called gem dust which can start the mod properly I was able to make this thing called a salvaging table and that will let you get special material from these apotheosis gear once I got that set up I went back to working on the jet pack and

These things weren’t too expensive it was just super annoying to craft all the little pieces I ended up making most of the things but I was still short like three leather and once the rain cleared I grabbed some items and went out to get cows and sheep this time I found a

Pillager Outpost where I grabbed all the wool past that I found uh one of those meteors again and I broke into them this one gave me more gilded Blackstone and the chest had more loot past the meteor though I found this weird beacon-like structure and the chests weren’t too

Special other than this Enchanted Voodoo puppet and this thing called The Bunny Hoppers so the puppet ended up not working for me but the bunny Hoppers were like the best thing ever it gave me jump boost and Immunity to fall damage plus I learned that I could use these

Wild and wings to make leather so I spent all night fighting mobs and targeting these wild ends uh I then chose to just sleep in this one uh roguelike dungeon that I was in before too since I’ve never tackled a roguelike dungeon like this one I made my way down

This super long staircase the floor is closer to the surface were very similar to the other roguelikes I just took out a bunch of spawners and lit these areas up this way I could loot every single chest uh while I was you I made sure to grab everything now jams and enchanted

Weapons since I could just dismantle it all as I got deeper into this dungeon I got even more golden apples and my backpack was starting to become filled this was slowly becoming a problem so I made sure to only grab the purest gems and the highest Rarity of these

Apotheosis gear as I got closer to the bottle floor Not only was my backpack filled now but my inventory was also getting filled too lucky for me I took out a zombie who was holding another backpack it was an iron backpack too which cleared up a ton of space for me

Eventually I made my way down to the final floor which was like fully nether themed the Chester near had tons of gold and even an enchanted golden apple I also made sure to pick up these redstone blocks that were on the ground I managed to fill basically two whole backpacks up

Some of the chests in here had like a whole stack of gold in them it was pretty insane before leaving I explored the cave connected to the dungeon and picked up some amethyst shards I surfaced up near a village and slowly started to bring these cows along as

Well the next morning I had the cows in the pen and it was time to organize everything I put all the gems and Enchanted gear in a gold chest everything that couldn’t be smelted into the storage system and any oars in the processor once all that was done I

Cleared some space in the storage room and salvaged any apotheosis gear that didn’t have good in chance I also made a book of disenchantment but that would be for much later also in that dungeon I picked up tons of books so the enchantment setup was ready to go once

That was finished I ended up building another wind generator and took the quest to work for that plus I plugged it into the OR processor down below then I got my first enchantment which is all right I had tons of levels anyway so I just kept re-rolling it I ended up with

Protection 3 on my helmet and leggings and efficiency 4 on my Paxil a43 I crushed a ton of gems to get gem dust and I fought this villager Patrol but left the captain alive for now instead I went to take out an Enderman I needed red dyes to make this uh Merchant

Summoner I had no clue what it was I’ve placed it down and a villager fell from the sky but this dude only sells like very basic seeds and saplings so it wasn’t too useful for me right now at this point I didn’t know that you could uh configure inputs and outputs within

Each machine so I was fiddling with this Basic Energy Cube since it wouldn’t take any of the wind generators energy that just ended up making me mad so I moved on to make this wooden jet pack now this thing was super cool but it burned through fuel so I had to upgrade it

Pronto I think I might have messed up a little by making a copper jet pack uh but it was about 10 times bigger than the wooden one I quickly hopped into The Nether to fill this fluid tank and uh that was able to fuel this jet pack up

As well the next day I learned that you could put ingots into the sturdy repair kit but I put osmium in thinking that it would fix my armor my armor wasn’t from Silent gear so of course it didn’t work on the bright side this jet pack was

Working like a dream though and I quickly went into the nether to grab more lava when I came back I actually used an anvil like a normal person and repaired the armor just to see what was up I teleported to the first Village that I spawned in and went to see the

Sky ship since I could fly now the mobs were pretty ridiculous but I was able to check one chest out and they were staffed I couldn’t grab anything and had to retreat since they almost killed me ah back at home I salvaged even more those apotheosis gear and crushed even

More gems then I was able to use a bunch of those netherite scrap I had to make one netherweight Ingot this actually ended up working out very well since I got a quest reward which just gave me another agent debris I put that through the enrichment chamber to get two scrap

Now with all of that I was able to make a reforging table this meant with gem dust the materials I salvaged and a bunch of levels I was able to re-roll affixes on my gear it would also allow me to add sockets on my gear as well for

Now the affix on my Paxil and Katana were pretty good so I just took those I also put one on my helmet but then I ran out of levels a 45 to 47 I planted five more inferium seeds and completed this hammock and sleeping bag Quest next I

Saw that you could make a sink which is something that I would need eventually I just needed to grab clay whenever I could with that noted I teleported back to that first meteor to go mining I was able to collect tons of clay immediately and even fall into a pretty large cave I

Made sure to grab every single ore down here and once I tap that cave out I started digging lower and found myself in another cave and did the exact same this place though actually had diamonds now the cave under this one was absolutely gigantic I could already see

Tons of valuable stuff I ended up running out of torches so I had to place a waste Stone down and then quickly came home after the Torches I ripped this place apart as well this cave ended up having tons of redstone and diamonds I was able to grab it all after lighting

This place up there was also an apotheosis boss room with a very op zombie hoglin this fight actually took way too long there wasn’t anything that good in the chest either I went right back to stripping this cave clean my backpack was almost filled but I really

Wanted to set up an area to mine diamonds at least I chose y equals negative 51 and ripped through this entire area I ended up having so many items that I needed to turn them all into blocks I was still in the mines and totaled 24 diamonds and like thousands

Of everything else I also ended up running out of torches so I wanted to mine really quick and then leave I use this jetpack to fly around the caves even with this inventory management I did I decided to call it a mining trip as soon as I got home I started to clear

Out my backpack and there was just so much stuff that needed to be put away I replaced all my tools and even placed all the oars in the processors just look at all the stuff I had I mean this wasn’t even everything there was also a

Bunch of stuff I had to put in the storage system as well then to generate even more power I made some infused alloy to craft these solar panels and eventually make a solar generator there’s also an advanced version of this but I decided to just use the basic one

For now while we waiting for everything to smelt I crushed even more gems and in the morning I moved the windmills back a few blocks this way the solar generator would not be blocked by anything obviously it decided to rain anyway and then while messing with the setup at

Night I decided to switch the heat generator and this slowed everything down to a crawl since nothing was getting enough power I had to remake the older setup again a 50-51 I moved the windmill up on the hill for now this was because they spin way faster the higher

Up they are which in turn generates even more energy that night I relied on the coal generator and in the morning I made an extra energy Cube and started working on an iron jet pack once again these things aren’t super expensive it just needed so many random little things to

Be crafted regardless I got it done and this jet pack was about like four times bigger than the copper one the coal generator was working surprisingly well and I had so many ingots just ready to go also now I had two Advanced Energy cubes being charged up as well a 52 to

Day 53 I made more infused alloy so that I could have an advanced fluid tank with this I was able to pick up way more lava for the Heat generator but I think the heat generator might have been the worst at getting power I used all the lava to

Surround this heat generator with Perpetual lava but I think I messed up somewhere along the way and I ended up burning a good bit of my house down I absolutely didn’t learn my lesson at all and the next morning my house was Up in Flames again plus this time I had no

Power so for the rest of the day I just used an energy Cube it was the one that I filled up to power the rest of these oars that night I had to infuse a bunch of Alloys with diamonds to make reinforced Alloys then guess who developed some brain cells all that

Basically had to do to power these machines was use two wind generators and that did the trick better than anything else I actually made two more windmills just in case so that I could charge these energy cubes and uh in case I needed them for the future I ended up

Using one of them to power the machines as well and once again I had tons of ingots to turn into blocks to prepare for more exploration I made all the materials for a pulverizer with that I placed some old diamond armor in here to get some diamonds in return but this was

Mainly used to make sawdust so after I placed a bunch of logs in here I use the sawdust to make a bunch of cardboard boxes this would allow me to carry spawners before the night ended I made a diamond backpack and got four diamonds in return then I made a blueprint for

All the armor pieces The Shield rings and even a bracelet all those also had quests as well a55 today 56 most things were already smelted so with the insane amounts of ingots I had I repaired some of my armor pieces I then made all the materials to craft this osmium

Compressor which wasn’t too expensive this was needed to make refined obsidian which would be huge for me right now one of the quests was also to make a refined glowstone as well so I hopped to the nether to grab a good amount of Glowstone Dust all of that allowed me to

Make this refined glowstone and get pretty easily so in order to make refined obsidian though I needed to make refined obsidian dust which is when you have to infuse obsidian dust with diamonds it’s not super hard to make the next day I waited for the last bit of

Oars left over to cook once that was done I put some obsidian through the enrichment chamber which gave uh four dust I got about a stack of that and also made these enriched diamonds that I use on metallurgic infuser once that process was done I had a bunch of

Refined obsidian dust the next day I had about 20 of those dusts ready to become ingots this process was the slowest though and it used up a lot of osmium I did get a quest to work for the refined obsidian though which was some pretty useful stuff I just let the process go

And started working on this level 2 or processor first up was a pressurized reaction chamber it was going on pretty well until it needed steel at least a refined obsidian ingots were all coming in now I ended up with 52 of those ingots before I stopped the process

Anyway with all the refined obsidian ingots I made a full set of armor and uh checked out their enchants that night I also made a good amount of tertium essence a 58 today 59 now it was time for huge upgrades this was so I could make a level 2 or processing plan first

Up I would need a much larger area and I chose to dig into this hill so I would be able to place out windmills up top after putting three of these generators together I routed the cables into the hill I then plugged these machines to

See if they would get power now in order to upgrade to level 2 I would need more machines first up there was a thing called an electrolytic separator which required some weird things but I had it all to use the separator I needed an infinite source of water and I chose the

Sink which would also give me Quest rewards as well I hung up the separator on the wall and placed the sink right next to it which provided water now the separator takes the water and makes hydrogen and oxygen both gases that we could use the next thing I needed was a

Purification chamber which takes the oxygen in I placed this underneath the electrolytic separator and connected it with a gas pipe I had to mess with the cables a little bit to make them look better then to use the extra hydrogen I made a gas burning generator which would

Fuel the entire system perpetually I placed that in the corner behind the separator plus I put all the pipes in the next machine was a Crusher which I already made but I forgot so I crafted it again those are basically all the machines I needed for a level 2 or

Processing plant I had to do one little thing though and that was to set up the outputs so they go in from left to right all across each of these machines that gas burning generator was pretty be insane though it filled up an energy Cube super quickly now it was time to

Decorate my main goal was to make sure this thing fit the landscape so I terraformed it a little and crafted a chisel to make stone bricks and crack stone bricks the floors were complete by the morning and already looked so much better I then put some oak logs up as

Pillars and used Oak slabs to cover the dirt on the roof once that was done I used a very weird type of stone for the back wall but left the cables exposed since I really like that look I then expanded the sides uh by one more block

And use the same floor pattern on the side walls then to test things out I put 31 pieces of copper ore into the purification chamber but it actually turned out that I didn’t have enough power so I had to move a wind generator over here and I pushed the separators to

The sides of the wall which made the entire place look so much better okay the process is this the oars get turned into clumps the clumps get crushed in the dirty dusts dirty dusts get enriched to regular dust and then smelt on the right side I also placed a few of those

Metallurgic infusers oh yeah and like 30 of those copper became like 81 ingots eventually I had four infusers on the right side and all of them were powered up by like one wind generator since they don’t need too much power I also made sure to stock up the first two with coal

And the last two with the Redstone and diamonds in that order a 62 to day 63 the next big goal was to get all the modium ore before I went out to search for some I put speed upgrades into the machines I also made a crafting table on

A stick and then a Nature’s compass with the compass I was able to locate a deep dark biome this one was close and it’s where the ore spawns it was a huge cave between some mountains okay once I got inside I started digging around until I saw any types of skulk blocks actually

Ended up pretty deep underground and still couldn’t find anything but I did get a bunch of ores though I searched for the deep dark biome again but then it said I was 400 blocks away at least I started stumbling into caves though around here I immediately found some

Spawners and the chest underneath had a bunch of diamonds the jet pack also helps like crazy to zoom around these caves I ended up taking on another monster box and found one more chest under a spawner which was stacked then finally after all of that I found some

Skulk veins which meant that this place had some potential I looked around and couldn’t find these oars at all once I made my way inside the skeleton dungeon I ended up using this cardboard box to bring a spawner hole the chest in here were pretty nice and they had a bunch of

Enchanted books on the way out I broke some sculpt blocks and hammered my way out of this entire area uh I was pretty much following this compass and I collected a bunch of Wars along the way eventually I found another little area filled with skulk stuff but even after

Looking around I couldn’t find any uh all the money Wars the amount of stuff I had now was pretty ridiculous I turned all the blocks into oars and put them through the processor while that was smelting I went to put all the stuff away I also ended up having power issues

So I placed a solar generator with the wind generator plus I made one more windmill but the real issue I think were the speed upgrades so I had to remove a bunch of those speed upgrades and put energy upgrades Instead This made the machines way more efficient and hold

More energy that plus this energy Cube kind of fixed all the issues with all that running I put fences up front so that mobs couldn’t come in before the night ended I had energy upgrades and a few speed upgrades in every machine the next day I found these huge amounts of

Sugarcane and grabbed a bunch of them plus the sand over here I also had 53 levels and decided to use them to enchant this refined obsidian armor I got protection for on the boots and the chest plate which was huge I settled for the fire protection on the leggings and

Protection tool on the helmet for now with this I think I was basically almost Invincible but there is even better gear though than I made tons of processors to craft this Wireless crafting grid even if it only extends to 32 blocks away I was now able to access the storage from

My machine area I also ended up making four more energy upgrades for the purification chamber and crafted a warp Stone then later that night I made an advanced feeding upgrade plus these warp plates I placed one on the bottom of my house and the other in the machine room

So I could easily warp between the two areas before the night ended I crushed a bunch of jams and salvaged tons of gear with that I was able to put an epic affix on my helmet a 66 I socketed some Max Health gems into the helmet and I

Went to check on the oars this time I actually fully got rid of the speed upgrades and upgraded my furnace to a diamond one I then learned that I could check how many foods I’d need to eat to increase my hearts this cooked chicken was something that I hadn’t eaten in so

I made sure to run around without my feeding upgrade and I got my two extra hearts since I don’t need cows anymore I got rid of the pen my next order of business was making a refined obsidian Paxil and hammerhead to replace the Platinum ones this basically double the

Durability I also upgraded the sword as well the hard part was basically repairing these items so I had to put a bunch of refined obsidian ingots into the repaired kit and in order to help with that I also have to make even more ingots I added the osbium compressor

Into the machine area and let this refined obsidian dust turn into ingots that night I was more than ready to take down that Skyship I flew up on top broke a bunch of spawners and took out those hogland riding wither skeletons these guys ended up not doing any damage at

All to me the chests here though were Top Notch every single one of them had golden apples and rare ingots using my jet pack I was also able to take out those floating spawners as well while looting some more I’m make sure to take all the armors and food as well I even

Grabbed all the furnaces here too the bottom of the Skyship was the mother lode after clearing the area I ended up with a bunch of gold blocks and tons of diamonds I basically spent all night looting and decided to explore in another Direction until I ran out of

Fuel during this journey I went across tons of biomes and found a Pillager Outpost this place had evokers and witches though so I was able to grab two totems of undying and complete a bounty for the witches I actually managed to make it home before I ran out of fuel

Then I had the very annoying task of just slightly organizing the loot I had collected I also picked up these uh bananas that I ate to hopefully increase my heart but it turns out that I maxed out that option that night I completed some quests and one of them was to make

Advanced cables so I replaced the basic one on my main machines I then chopped down and replanted a ton of trees this way I was able to make a bunch of charcoal and charcoal pieces since I was running out of coal after that I spent most of the time crafting materials to

Increase my storage again I had to make so many 1K storage Parts just to get 16k more storage space once night hit I force loaded my chunks temporarily and went out to grab coal from the mountains after tapping the mountains dry I even took all the coal from that meteor crash

This place also had tons of blocks of coal as well so now I think I had more than enough forever a 69 to Day 70 I spent these days waiting for all my oars to smelt during that time I did a few things first off I put a gas upgrade and

Energy upgrades into each of these machines and once again that ended up being a bad idea so to help with the power demand I had to bring a Charged energy Cube over I removed some upgrades again but at least the ingots being produced were insane though to help with

The energy demand I also almost maxed out every energy upgrade after all that all I really did was just wait day 71 to Day 72 this was all the ingots made from all that Mining and processing it was pretty crazy I turned everything into blocks to save space uh which was

Surprisingly satisfying then on top of the hill I expanded the area and started making way more solar panels and solar generators turns out this Advanced solar generator might be one of the best generator is out right now the only negative is that it doesn’t work at

Night so to fix that I had all of its energy input into the energy Cube and that energy Cube would output towards the rest of the system this Cube would even stock up if the energy wasn’t being used I connected both sides together and replaced some of the basic cables as

Well for some reason I also collected a bunch of lava once I came home I used the leftover netherrite scrap to make netherrite Ingot and with that I made a netherride coating that I placed on the Paxil this meant that I could mine all the modern Wars now and then use the

Sharpness for an Unbreak E3 books on my sword next morning I upgraded the cube to the elite version I was generating a real good amount of power now now my infurium side of the form was basically filled out and I used most of the infurium essence to make the highest

Level of the stuff which for me right now was tertium and then also set up the ore input properly with the chest and last but not least I made a mega torch to stop mobs spawning within 64 blocks from it oh yeah and to end these days

Off I actually ended up traveling to that first Village I spawned near and started a raid I even fought through most of it and it eventually just stopped so I’m assuming some of the villagers just died off from here I started looking for another deep dark

Biome and I was pretty close to one I just needed to start digging down I was collecting a decent amount of Loot and basically just beeline it straight down to the bottom I broke into a small dungeon and found even more loot eventually I saw some sculpt blocks and

That was a great sign that ended up just being a super tiny patch though and I actually broke all of it because it gave XP after that I found another zombie dungeon and this time I actually boxed the spawner up for later finally I broke

Into a big deep dark area I found this Monster Box plus I spread this skulk stuff around and then I woke the warden up not gonna lie this fight was super easy I didn’t even take any real damage and just uh by moving backwards I was

Able to take this dude out super easily this gave me so much confidence I just stopped crouching on top of that the question Ward gave me and all the modium Ingot you basically only need one anyway to go to the mining Dimension and grab more but I decided to stick around

Actually ended up taking out three wardens on my quest of clearing all the skulk in this area eventually after clearing a bunch I found two all the modium ores in a random Corner this gave me one request reward and then I collected that Ingot also gave me

Another reward so in total I ended up with five oars I came home put all the items in their respective area and began processing the all the money more so from those five I ended up with 11 all the modium ingots this opened up so much

More to do the first thing I made was a teleporting Pat to the mining Dimension and I got an extra one as a quest reward I placed one on the other side of my way Stone and used an empty hand to jump in as soon as I was in I placed the

Waypoint and hop right back out a75 since I had so many items melting I decided to work on a mob grinder so I cleared out an area right next to my house and built this very simple little area they just needed to be five by five

By five the floor had to be dirt and that was basically the only requirement next up I made some Eyes of Ender with that one Blaze Rod I had using that I was able to make an XP drain Singularity tank so I stood on this thing and it

Took my XP until I could pick it up with buckets after that I made this thing called a mob Swap and got some DNA from this chicken actually messed up twice by making the wrong chicken feed and accidentally feeding it to uh two innocent chickens the one I needed had

To be cursed lucky for me I got those chicken spawn eggs and once I got the cursed feed I used that to get this rotten egg trust me it all starts to make sense soon since it was night I hopped into The Nether and placed one of those mining Dimension teleporters here

This takes you to the other dimension and here I had to dig my way out towards the surface this place had crazy enemies though I bought a bunch of blazes and this epic apotheosis boss who dropped a really nice helmet one of the quest rewards also gave me ancient Soul

Berries which apply night vision and I could finally see things now I actually ended up picking up a wither skeleton had two and some more Quest rewards so I decided to come back home for now I needed those blaze rods to make more Eyes of Ender and to make this

Absorption Hopper I also needed this uh Mob Masher as well well as these Vector pads to push all the mobs into that Masher a76 it was time to construct the mob grinder I needed these uh tinted glasses to finish it but I only had six before anything I wanted to make sure to

Decorate the area so I used some oak logs as frames and a bunch of stone bricks while smelting more Stone I repaired my tools and managed to fill out most of the walls inside I then placed this mob Masher right on top of this lever since it was all working I

Used that rotten egg to turn this dirt into Dreadful dirt now on here it will just constantly keep spawning mobs but since I had the lights up it wasn’t spawning anything just yet I didn’t use these Vector pads to lead everything towards the Masher once that was done I

Could only fit a few tinted glass in so I went to search for some more even after searching all night I couldn’t find any amethyst geodes in this cave I quickly returned back home to make an Ender inhibitor so Enderman couldn’t teleport out of this trap then I went

Down to the cave right beside my house and found a shield with tons of amethyst shards with that I removed the Torches from inside of the mob room and boarded things up I had to get rid of this Mega torch as well but now things are working

Like a charm next up I placed this absorption Hopper down and connected that to the XP tank I also placed the Ender inevitor down as well on the left side I made a diamond chest and placed that there for the items once I set up the inputs things were working perfectly

I just had to terraform this area a little bit to basically make it fit for now I just had no idea how to use this XP tank then because of how many items was pumping out into this diamond chest I had to make a level 2 stack upgrade

For now I was also smelting things so I needed to shut it off otherwise I would just lag out of this game I just put torches inside and that did the trick a 780-day 79 I started off these days by making these ender chests and pouches then they gave me even more ender

Related items as Quest rewards after that I wanted to start messing with these drawers I needed to make these botany pots too it turns out that you could make a very efficient form right on top of these drawers by themselves I also made the entire infurium side of

The farm filled with infurium Farmland once that was done I made it configuration tool and a copper upgrade both just for the quest rewards I set up this 1×2 drawer uh to house a mini wheat form and it actually worked really well it was really cool I wanted an area of

Drawers to just form a bunch of things that I didn’t want to do manually I ended up setting one for uh sugarcane oak trees and carrots oh and of course the wheat one all these are automatic so I wouldn’t have to do anything because of that I ripped apart my wheat farm and

Uh replaced it with all the inferium seeds to automate this form I made a harvesting pylon and put that right in the center this thing needed a hole and a chest to get it started though day 80 I made a storage controller because I wanted to connect these drawers into the

Storage system I linked all the drawers up to the controller and even moved it right next to the storage system at this time I didn’t realize that I would need an Explorer Cable in the meantime I made that infurium form into a two 9×9 form

And bone meal as much as I can even though I didn’t think it did anything oh yeah all the ore ended up also being processed and for some reason the compacting upgrade did not work super well in this chest before the night ended I made tons of refined obsidian

Dust and ingots then I use these bottles to pick up the XP from this tank the 81 to the 82 to get infinite amounts of loot I would need to go to the mining Dimension so to be smarter than that I wanted to make a quarry as well before

That though I connected this external storage to the drawer controller and plug that into the system since that was working I made some compacting drawers for uh deep slate and stone this way all those things wouldn’t take up a bunch of storage space in the main system once

That was done I made this thing called a builder and with this I would need to place a quarry card inside it since I had all the materials I made a shape card then a quarry card I then needed to turn that quarry card into a fortune

Quarry card but I had no gas tears so on the way to the nether I checked on the infurium form and it was working like a charm this might have been the most annoying thing ever though on my way to find a Soul Sand Valley I rated a bunch

Of nether temples which had good gear and I even found some vibranium ore which I couldn’t mind yet I also found a Bastion which gave me ancient debris but for some reason I just could not find any gas I did find some thing really cool though in this Temple night vision

Goggles after all of that I finally found a Soul Sand Valley and in year I took out a ton of gasps and even these wither skeletons and these guys ended up dropping a bunch of uh skull fragments which can eventually be turned into wither skeleton heads I actually ended

Up finding these gas tears in a structure instead and decided to come home then finally I was able to make a fortune Quarry card and turn that into a clearing card as well so in order to get this Quarry I filled up an energy Cube and made tons of windmills four to be

Exact I hopped into the mining Dimension and turned my chunks on I placed this Builder right across from a chunk and clicked the shape card on the Builder now I wanted to Only Mine like this chunk to start off with so I selected the two opposite corners of this chunk

And started missing with the dimensions and the offset I raised this thing up 256 blocks which was the max and I set it back down 120 blocks this would have to be readjusted later now I had to power this absolute unit good thing I bought those four windmills and some

Chess slime long I also upgraded these Chester Diamond as well the power setup was pretty basic I just had connected all these wind generators to the Builder but setting up the chest took a little bit once I started the machine it took all the power and mowed down a little

Section of the chunk that alone gave me so many ores and tons of cobblestone I placed a compacting upgrade on the second chest which is supposed to do a little bit of the compacting job for me I spent that whole night making tons of solar panels to get an advanced solar

Generator in the mining Dimension as well all that ended up giving so much dirt Cobblestone and deep slate so now I have to Blacklist those items also look at how cool this Quarry is it works so well the next morning I moved all those deep slate Cobblestone and dirt blocks

Into compacting drawers this was in case I would ever just need a bunch after that I force loaded the Quarry chunk and now all I had to do was just wait I did pop in here occasionally to add wind generators and see the progress the 86 I

Found out there’s upgrades for the mob master and I made one that increased sharpness Smite and most importantly looting with these upgrades both the chess and the XP tank were getting filled up crazy fast I then found out how to use this tank I just needed an XP

Tap which would uh just drop levels to me yeah this place was just giving so many items out I wish I built it way earlier I was now able to complete the quest that needed ender pearls and Eyes of Ender before the night ended I made this personal shrinking device and

Wanted to make this thing called a lily pad of fertility but it was kind of expensive once morning hit I put a compacting upgrade into the mob grinder chest and then I made a graveyard now once this place gets sold uh I could use a book of this enchantment to remove

Enchants off any armors also now this mob grinder was kind of getting out of hand I actually had to make a stack upgrade level three since there was just so many items flowing through my next goal though was to make Wireless power and to do that I had to go underground

All the way to bedrock to crush these Redstone dusts this gave me tons of flux dusts and I was able to craft a flux plug which grabs energy and a flux point which ends up transferring the energy I’ve placed the plug on the energy Cube

And set up the network for now I really didn’t know how this worked so I couldn’t get it all done but eventually I got it to work perfectly the 88 I swapped energy cubes in the mining Dimension and checked it on the Quarry the quarries cannot mine all the modium

Ore that’s why it had to be clearing so I could just see it in mind it myself I ended up with four more all the Mario mowers and since I just repowered this sport it was moving at like light speed the amount of items that was dug up was

Ridiculous I think now I basically had just an infinite amount of uh worse I took the H and debris that was in here and uh this Quarry stopped mining so that means I had to change the offset to go 100 blocks lower all the way down to

Bedrock back home I turned those four all the modium ore into eight ingots and the four h in debris into 12 netherite scrap then the mob grinder was also super stacked so I cleared a bunch of space and used the infurium in there to enhance my farm the 89 to 90 I cleared

Out the mob grinder one more time and put a bunch of pouches in my tool belt this way I could hold all these wrenches and random stuff I didn’t really us all I had to do was place a flux point and that would basically just give me Wireless power from wherever I needed

Now everything could be a lot cleaner so I cleared up the entire top of the hill and placed all the wind generators in line I also connected all of that into an energy Cube which that was connected to a flux plug after all that I also connected the energy Cube into an

Advanced solar generator as well for the machines below they were all now powered by a single flux point the next day I put another Advanced solar generator into the main system as well once that was done I went underground to grab a bunch of obsidian with that I made this

Thing called a flux controller which was supposed to like give energy to everything in your inventory but it just didn’t work so I would have to power my Jetpack manually from now on update on the Quarry it will mine down to bedrock and this is what it yielded it’s pretty

Crazy 891 today 92 for the next few days I had to smelt and organize these things it basically filled up my backpack and the input chest as well I actually had to make another stack upgrade for all the stuff that needed to be cooked and a compacting upgrade for the output of

Everything I don’t think I’m gonna another items anytime soon while that was cooking I had to set up this Quarry for another chunk I needed a bunch of all the mighty mowers I chose the chunk right next to it and with full power this thing shredded through a massive

Amount of blocks really quickly I flew around looking for a desert to get some cactuses or cacti during my journey I took down this Pillager ship and very stupidly broke a Vindicator spawner that was just free emeralds eventually I found a desert village grabbed a cactus

And took the way Stone back home with that plus these mob drops I could finally make that Lily thing but of course I didn’t have the main material a lily pad I had to go out one more time to find a swamp and around that journey I also found some cool Villages and

Fought some random structures that Journey ended up with me getting 19 lily pads which should be more than enough for now I just made two lily pads of fertility I placed one right behind the harvesting pylon and it took a while to work but this thing was crazy in 93 I

Spent this entire time just watching the aura processor cook it was all worth it though since the Quarry was also going on as well that ended up giving me 17 ancient debris and then I had to reset it back down to bedrock there was about five all the Mario War just chilling

There though the 17 ancient debris turned out to be 51 pieces of netherite scrap through the processor and with that I ended up making four netherrite ingots I then used the all the modium ingots to craft this thing called the salvager and on top of that I made a

Material grater these were all just for the quest rewards I had to make a bunch of weird items to use the material grater like these dusts the material grater was definitely not worth it or I just had no idea how to use it I also use a lot of those Wither Skull

Fragments to make five wither skeleton heads in 95 I had 10 extra all the modium ingots now and that Lily Pad sped up the infurium production like crazy I had seven stacks of infurium essence now I used all of that to get like three supremium Essence more importantly I was

Able to make a set of armor from the all the modium ingots stats Wise It’s very similar to the refined obsidian one the biggest change is that these ones are indestructible the quest award for me making the armors gave me so many more oars which meant that I could basically

Get all of my ingots back on top of that in the mining Dimension a second chunk had been cleared and I moved the Quarry across one more time this new gear looked incredible and I wanted to test it out in the other dimension I ended up getting some mythical level gear here

And I got some more blaze rods for fun once I came back home I salvaged the Mythic gear and tried to see what affixes I could get nothing was too good though I ended this day by upgrading my furnace and putting all of my oars into

The input chest one more time in 96 I used more infurium to make supremium I ended up having enough to do a really cool ritual so I made some more infusion pedestals as well once everything was set up I surrounded this Prosperity seed around supremium Essence and four

Netherweight ingots as soon as the ritual finished I got netherrite seeds I planned it immediately to hopefully get it grown quickly after that I turned that Farmland into tertium and uh drained that XP tank while clearing out my mob grinder day 97 I got good

Enchants on my boots and made in all the modium so board which gave me three ores as a roared then there was a soul in the graveyard which allowed me to disenchant my old sword with that I was able to push sharpness 4 on this new sword after

That I made two super Advanced processors which took some netherride ingots with that I made an advance to wireless transmitter on the storage system that extended like 2 000 blocks out later that night I made a bow using refined obsidian ingots fine silk cords and a compressed iron tool rod on top of

That I got power 4 on it as well day 98 I increased the transmitter to 3 000 blocks now I then had seven netherweight Essences in the farm and I mined the leftover all the modium in the Quarry once all that was done I was able to

Make in all the modium pickaxe and also get even more oars that night to prepare for the next few days I made more Eyes of Ender and extra energy Cube and almost died to this absolute tank I think this guy was just supposed to be a

Traitor but it almost killed me when I attacked it in 99 to day 100 this grave Guardian was a traitor I was able to trade with it once it stopped being aggro I under the other hand was running out of time so I took These Eyes of

Ender to go looking for the stronghold now this stronghold wasn’t far away at all it was literally like two islands uh in front of my base I follow these eyes all the way down and broke into the structure of course I looted literally everything possible eventually I found

The portal room and placed the way Stone down this way I was able to clear my inventory and charge my jet pack real quick I then hopped into the end Dimension and made my way towards the main island the fight was super easy I just flew around breaking the crystals

Then when it came time to take it out the dragon I was able to uh basically defeat him before it even perched for the first time I got some question words from that and 40 levels plus the Dragon Egg the big problem was I forgot to complete one of the quests before the

Dragon so the main Dragon line didn’t complete since it was day 100 I decided to go back home I Enchanted my armor and I was able to make a netherrite Ingot now from my farm then to end these days off I put some affixes in my gear if you

Want 200 days let me know in the comments there’s still so much to do

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 8 HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2023-02-04 15:00:29. It has garnered 175856 views and 3392 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:40 or 3820 seconds.

I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 8 HARDCORE. In these 100 Days I Want to Complete many of the Quests Available, Duplicate Ores and Be able to make Allthemodium Gear.

If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1

—————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev, Skyes, WelcominTV and many more!

100 Days in All The Mods 8 100 Days in Modded Minecraft 100 Days in All The Mods ——————————————————————————

Modpack: All The Mods 8


My Socials: TikTok: tiktok.com/@mythbustingnoob Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/MythbustingNoob Twitter: https://twitter.com/mythbustingnoob

Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:17 – Day 0-10 9:00 – Day 10-20 14:30 – Day 20-30 20:30 – Day 30-40 28:00 – Day 40-50 34:00 – Day 50-60 38:50 – Day 60-70 45:10 – Day 70-80 52:15 – Day 80-90 58:00 – Day 90-100 1:03:39 – Finale

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  • Axolotl SMP

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  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

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  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

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  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

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  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

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    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

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