I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore..

Video Information

In today’s video I’ll be entering a land filled by enchantment and perils Untold all of this in a daring Quest To Survive 100 days in fantasy Hardcore Minecraft now this world is filled with plenty of creatures I’ve never seen before that are monstrous with caverns and terrain

That I’ve never seen and mythical beasts I have some simple goals other than obviously not dying I want to be able to take down at least three of the main bosses in this mod pack and those fantasy mythical beasts I was talking about I want to be able to ride them and

Fly around the sky so follow me on this epic journey in this fantasy world where a legend will be born on day one I spawned in a valley full of roses I believe as soon as I took my first steps I was already getting damaged by the

Roses yeah that kind of hurt and then I saw this floating cat yeah you see that role I’m able to roll in this mod pack which is super cool I said out of this villager and this chicken I went inside a villager’s house and I looked into

This chest but then I was prompted with this choose my origin I wasn’t quite sure what it was exactly but I stumbled across the Arcanine which basically all I read was I can climb up walls and see in the dark so you know I’m taking that

Every time as soon as I took the trade I was already having issues while I was running up walls there was quests around the world so I observed this guard and I finished the quest and I needed some food so I started killing some cows I know Epic oh

You guys thought the music was gonna come on again breaking trees in this mod pack was so interesting you have to kind of chop the bottom one and then the whole thing goes I continued exploring the village and on day two to three I just kept exploring

Around the world the water was so blue The Cliffs were so high I could not wait for this adventure while I was going around just seeing the world in shaders it definitely felt like a fantasy world I had no idea what to expect or what

Lied ahead of me but I was in for a treat on day three I found another Village they seemed to be really connected and nearby and of course I looted as much as I could in this Village they had a castle-like structure in the middle and so I climbed it and I

Started checking out the loot inside I needed some words so I went up to the forest but while I was chopping I found this little guy a hedgehog and so I followed him around and I picked him up actually On day four I started building out the base and I put a fence together for this Hedgehog this is so cute guys like look at him what should we name him I’m thinking Harold the Hedgehog what do you guys think let me know down in the comment section I’ve never seen a

Hedgehog in Minecraft before so Harold and I just hung out I continued exploring around the village and I saw this possum so I followed them around for a little bit they were such cool creatures in the world but from day five it was time to enter the mines and

This is my first fight with the zombies uh yeah this is a really good indication about how this video is going to go I had no idea how hard the combat was going to be as you can see it’s very different and while I don’t have very

Many hearts right now for the first couple days I had no idea how to fix that or how to upgrade myself so it was definitely a struggle I made myself a full iron set and I was ready to take on the cave there was so many cool auras

And things to see I was honestly just overwhelmed there was so much going on while I was skating I thought I found diamonds but then this ended up not being diamonds it was like mokai or I had no idea what to do with it and this random moonstone

Yeah you hear that throughout my whole playthrough I could just hear these guys like chanting and cheering and it scared me it literally come out of nowhere then I found this little spot in the cave it seemed like a mine shaft but a bunch of greenery and there was diamonds on the

Ground so I made myself a diamond pickaxe I continued exploring I looted this chest and well I found this sword that was really different and a wand I tried to use it but I guess I didn’t have the runes or whatever it took to use it and yeah creepers in this mod

Pack they blow up and they make a loud noise as you could see foreign with this chest Yes you heard that correctly this is a chest a killer chest with Chompy teeth that nearly destroyed me I was actually freaking out like this chest had hops it was jumping and chasing after me

Thank God I had this Shield because if I didn’t have it I would have died I barely got any swings on it but I think it killed itself from Fall damage so you know that kind of saved my life I probably would have died there all exploring further I found a deep dark

Part of the caves and I thought I almost accidentally summoned in the warden so I snuck around because I was not ready to fight a warden I literally could not even kill a chest with teeth so there was no way I stuck my way out of there

And I ran as fast as I could I nearly died on the way out of there the caves were so dangerous guys you have no idea the zombie attacked me then I got poisoned and look at this half heart I hit away and I waited to heal up but

Then I went back into the cave and this weird effect was happening to me it was like drawing me in towards it and then it was like a squid the squid was making me stare at it luckily I got out of the gauge of the squid and I said that’s

Enough I’m leaving the caves there was so much more this world had to offer I found this random structure so I decided to climb it nothing really important there and then I saw this bear and I decided to pick a fight with it because I had to you know show off my manhood

Somehow I nearly died but yeah I think the killer chest scared me straight while I was exploring I saw this Castle tower-like structure and so I got closer to it when I went in there was a lot of loot for me and it looked like somebody

Had been living here I’m not quite sure who it was exactly but I looted it up and I cleared the whole Tower I kind of wanted to make a home there but I decided not to when I left I saw an entrance going into the ground and when

I went down I saw a bunch of villagers it was like a village underground and of course I looted everything I could and well I left while pondering the fantasy world I found this really weird Circle structure it said prisoner’s quarter I looked around and I decided to go in and

Um when I entered I had no idea what was going on it almost felt like it was a dungeon and then this creature came at me with really long arms and charged me I was so confused it was called a leaping zombie after I killed him I blocked off that

Entrance because I don’t know how strong these mobs are I later fought this Undead Archer and took him on and uh it was pretty easy actually when I cleared it I looked around at this place I didn’t know where I was exactly but it was from the Modpack mind cells I had to

Be really careful because I only had seven hearts in iron armor while I was through my inventory another leaping zombie snuck up on me it actually scared me and I thought I was going to die I kept finding the mobs in there and then I saw this guy right here he had like

Something on his back and it explodes voted I had half a heart I nearly died I didn’t have any food so I had to get out of there it was not safe at this point I didn’t even know how to upgrade my hearts or my armor or literally anything

Found some geese down by the river here and I killed them for their meat and also feathers because I needed arrows my screen started to get great because I didn’t have anything to eat so obviously any chicken I saw I killed while I was adventuring I found this pyramid I don’t

Know if it’s a pyramid I’d say it’s more like a temple inside there were two spawners and while I didn’t want to die right away so I took them out hey guys just here to steal your stuff there wasn’t much there for me so I continued exploring there were so many

Random villagers and outposts around it was just so cool to explore them this one had a greenhouse so I stole all their food of course I honestly needed all the food I could get while I was exploring around I stumbled upon another Village and they had a lot

Of hay bales so of course I took it every time I was looting chests in this world I’d always find something new I found this necklace that’s supposed to weigh me down in water all looks kind of cool on me so it says I can move freely

In water with the necklace let’s see oh my goodness I’m literally running around in water I was exploring all the places in the village they even had a huge library and a castle that almost looked like home I think I found their Cemetery or where they bury their dad or something but

There was a lot of chests here and of course I took their loot as well but then there was a downstairs to it there’s more oh I hear it looked really dangerous so um I went in yeah this place was swarmed and full of zombies that’s a solar fish I even found some

Random silverfish like why is there silverfish here I boxed myself in and tried to hit these zombies from an angle and the solar fish were still able to get in yeah I nearly died so I boxed myself in and decided I need to get out of here I

Ran to a portal and said the prisoner’s quarter and while it kind of just took me back to the Mind cells I felt a little bit more confident because I had food oh man what is that thing nope Shield no back up I was honestly reminded I don’t belong there and I ran out of there on here oh it’s a crab I crab oh my God as I was adventuring around the world I’d find so many cool Towers to climb up on and then I found this I think it’s a

Pillager Outpost it definitely looks like one it was built differently so I had to go check it out I kind of scouted the area just to make sure there were no threats around me and then I ran onto the building when I first entered there was no sign

Of any Pillager so I just looted for free I mean I could probably use everything I could get at this point whoa look at this I kept looking around and then I noticed these spider legs that were glitching through the block what is this is the room of spiders what

The heck when I opened it up the spiders came right at me you’re all dying spiders take that it didn’t handle my whole spider situation a few died but there was still a lot in there climbing up oh get out of here nope get away from me after handling the spiders I kept

Exploring around and in this chest I found a lightning rod I kept right clicking it and trying it out I could hear the thunder but I did not see the lightning I continued using it but nothing really came of it when I entered the Outpost again there were all the

Villagers I don’t know where they were but they decided to come get me maybe it’s because I was using a lightning rod they were literally everywhere I was getting swarmed I’m actually looking at this footage now and I noticed my armor had broken off wow so nice here it’s

Here I basically already looted up the whole place so I decided to leave I noticed there was a horse pen in the distance there was a lot of horses yeah yeah this one wasn’t really fast so I decided to go look for another one dude are you serious right now we

Eventually became friends now moving around is gonna be so much easier I decided to name this horse Ned I don’t know why but this is Ned I was moving around so much faster now I came up on this structure it looked like almost like a battle tower from another mod

Pack I played so I went to go check it out inside there was a zombie that greeted me and of course a silverfish I don’t know what it is with silverfish in this mod pack I climbed up the tower and there was actually armor I could use

Here and then there was a witch her name was Bela or something I killed her and while there was some good loot in here there was a diamond sword the boy was upgrading that’s the one thing I liked about this mod pack you can just keep adventuring around and you get

Better loot now that I had upgraded gear I actually decided to go back into the Mind cells and then I actually went on Google and decided to see why I wasn’t that strong now that I had more Hearts I was a lot more confident and my weapons

Were stronger there was a stat for defense and attack so I went right to combat oh wow I actually had to go behind this thing oh yup see up oh I feel so much stronger now how ow this guy hurts a lot yeah this is what Panic looks like when I’m about to

Die two and a half hearts literally down to one and a half I was able to run away and eat a golden apple and continue on my way look at this thing poor guy can I take this the purple mob specifically gave me the hardest time

Because I had to hit him from a certain angle I definitely can’t say I went through the Mind cells a lot better this time and I actually utilized this lava bucket to get through the levels because uh well there’s a lot of mobs it actually worked out really well in my

Favor I almost died again thank goodness that I had golden apples you’ll find out through the play through that Golden Apple saved my life plenty of times yeah we’re not doing that you’re catching lava yep lava is my best friend nope get away from me get away from me

Nope this was actually really good combat training but once again I nearly die way too much that’s the point of Hardcore it just makes it that much more exciting get away from me oh my God I’m one heart one heart nope nope nope I’m running I’m running for my life [Applause] oh just run just run just run this guy literally charged through the door it’s kind of a crank you got through but I took care of him no worries oh my goodness I found a portal within the portal it was called the insufferable Crypt and so of course I was curious so

I went down we watch oh my goodness what have I done you know I’m not ready for this yeah I had no idea where I was I kind of assessed the situation I saw all the dead bodies with the Flies flying out of them and then I caught a peek of it oh

Oh my goodness oh my God that thing was called the conjunctivitis it literally screeched at me and that’s all I need to see I got out of there there’s no way I’m fighting that not today when I got back to the surface on day 24 I had a lot of quests

That I could actually cash out on oh dude that’s a lot of stuff oh my God that’s a lot of stuff so slowly I started realizing maybe I should follow the quest line and do what the game kind of tells me but at the same time we’ll use it as a guide but

Then we’ll keep doing our own thing I’m back you don’t care okay I had all this newfound Loot and my backpack was getting really full so I had to drop everything off on day 25 I got back to the village and I decided to start trading with them I had so many emeralds

From just looting and all those Emerald blocks from down in the mine cells oh W’s I was actually able to get this armor to Master Level and so I was able to trade emeralds for Champion helmet and chest plate and I was able to get diamond leggings and boots for one

Emerald so it was a really good deal so now I had a full set of armor full armor bars and I was feeling a little bit more confident so it was time to hit the mines I was feeling dangerous I kind of wanted to fight something so I went back

To the deep dark and I tried to summon the warden but no luck so I continued looking around and I saw an abandoned Camp down in the mines that was pretty cool I don’t know I was just trying to pick a fight with something with my brand new armor I kept stomping around

Here but I wasn’t able to summon a warden all’s exploring there was a Boss Bar on top of my screen called the void blossom oh what spellblade so this would be my second run-in with a boss and I want to take out at least two for my goals and

So I started digging towards it oh there it is I saw it it was just like a huge flower it didn’t look harmless at all so I shot some arrows at it take that okay it’s actually doing some damage ow oh my goodness out nope we’re getting

Out of here yeah a little that I know it was very dangerous I almost died once again I was able to flee away from those vines or whatever it was shooting at me I went back from another angle and I tried to pour lava on it I’ve done this

Before with dragons and other mod packs but I guess this void Blossom was immune to fire literally has no idea it’s coming oh okay it’s on me it’s okay the lava is about to hit it out oh my God I was quickly punished for even coming back when I reached the

Surface I said Hey to the Hedgehog and while I went to the nether I still wanted some Adventure wait oh when I spawned in on the other side I think I was on top of a fortress I didn’t really know where I was it looked like a traditional nether fortress it

Had more attachments it was bigger skeletons everywhere so this was the fight I was looking for so I took him on with a full head of steam I was getting chased by a few of them and there was one that was a lot stronger than the

Others I want to say he was the boss of the area I just took him head on and well luckily I killed him before he killed me he dropped the diamond pickaxe so that was nice it also had fortune 3 on it so that was pretty cool

I kept getting sworn by his soldiers but there was a lot of loot in the castle to get so I went through every single chest and while the loot wasn’t great but I took what I needed on the other side of the castle there was a guy with I want

To say like I don’t know fire on his fist so I just shot him down with my bow I continued exploring the Nether and while these are the piglets they look a lot scarier than regular Minecraft and they hurt over the ledge it was like another castle-like structure and it was called

The Hall of the piglets so I saw a flying piglet I went inside right away but inside there was a lot of loot there was armor stands with Diamond Armor which of course I’m gonna take that and while there was a lot of pigling guards that swarmed me luckily I

Am able to climb walls so I jumped out the window and started climbing up the walls and taunted the piglet there was something hitting me with rockets like out of nowhere I was hit by a rocket and so I end up pulled to a different direction just to stay away

From it went back to the hall and somebody was cooking food because this was another Fortress I wanted to go find the Blaze Spawners and while I found them this was a good time for me to practice my bow skills I even upgraded my bow level so I don’t know if it did

More damage or it improves accuracy but um but I wanted some Blazer rods just in case you wanted to go to the end at least I thought because apparently in this mod pack it takes a lot more to go to the end so uh stay tuned for that so

I just spent the day fighting off blazes after killing all the blazes I went back towards the portal and then this happened so there was a piglet flying rockets at me like look at this guys it was shooting rockets at me and so I went

To go charge it full speed and well when I got closer my game crashed literally just glitched out and so I actually had to do a backup of the world uh the Hedgehog was gone the builds I had made were gone but at least I could play on

The world I don’t know what it was about this mod pack but it had an issue in the Nether and I kept crashing when I went there so that was a big problem so I had to retrain my villagers and actually just get better armor I still wanted to

Adventure so I took off in a boat the Ocean looks so nice the water was so blue and well I think I saw like a I want to say there’s like a bigger whale dolphin I don’t know what it is but I went to go hit it and well it hit back

And it made me really dizzy I was holding a grudge so I kind of wanted to kill it so I charged it that’s what it gets right and of course I was attacked by another chest but this time it was like an underwater one of course I’m

Getting fooled of course there seemed to be some type of spawner or Pillager in the water and it actually had a wolf spawn egg in there so I actually had a wolf friend now at Sea which was pretty interesting he was a good boy I tried to take down the spawners

Underwater but uh I actually can’t hold my breath down there for too long so I just forgot about it then off in the distance I actually saw a pirate ship once we rode up to it I opened up the boat and the Wolf went in first it was

Being occupied by pillagers so I charged in and I destroyed them they actually had a lot of loot here too on the bottom level there was more hiding down below I guess these were their servants I don’t know what they were but I went in and I killed all of them

And true pirate fashion I stole the ship just kidding I didn’t I didn’t steal it at all I just loaded it up with TNC and uh I’m gonna blow it up like a true pirate so I put all the TNT down and while I watched the ship blow up

Uh things went really bad I actually fell into the ship while everything was blowing up and well look at this I nearly died I think I got down to like two hearts it was a good thing I had this Golden Apple I almost trolled myself I kept

Checking out the ship and on top there was a phantom spawner and I hate Phantoms so I had to get rid of that spawner everything looked good from up here but I decided to 360 off the top of the ship I missed my boat though while seeking out some more Adventure I found

Some land and there was a whole village here I think there were farmers and while lucky for them well I guess unlucky for them I needed food so I stole all their crops actually ended up training one of the villagers here to be a master level

Farmer and while I was able to trade one Emerald for golden carrots so that’s an insane deal what is that like a peacock a dragon looks so Majestic Foreign oh I shouldn’t have killed that I think I could have rode that yeah so I accidentally killed the majestical bird that actually was able to ride so that’s kind of my fault well now I know for next time because that’s definitely one

Of my goals is to be able to fly high in the sky I also noticed there was a floating island above the village when I got up there it kind of just looked like a green garden Oasis there wasn’t much there but one chest and so I took my

Umbrella that actually doubles up as a shield and I floated my way down I realized I had a lot of quests I completed but I did not cash out yet and then I went back down into the caves here’s a clip of me mining something and I’ll probably never use then I

Accidentally ran into the stronghold there seemed to be a lot of chests there and this spider literally jump scared me and I fell all the way down to the bottom and while this is just a zoomed in clip of me looting the whole thing there’s a lot of loot in there that was

Kind of useless I found out that I actually can’t head to the end well I guess you can but there’s a lot more steps to it and because it wasn’t really aligned with our goals I didn’t really care too much for it I just wanted to

Keep exploring the world and so I left the strongholds and continued adventuring that’s when I ran into another one of these battle towers that I saw earlier then I ran into a Outpost they had two alleys locked up so I freed them be free and then uh well which threw a

Potion at me so I took care of that galleys look so cool in this mod pack I gave him arrows because I was lacking a lot of arrows and whenever we’re going on adventure and they find some arrows they give me some so that was really useful I found this abandoned house I

Don’t even know what this is I got I don’t know I guess you could say it’s a house it was abandoned out in the forest and then I saw this purple figure it was uh I had no idea what it was then I got closer and realized it was a mushroom oh

That’s a mushroom what is that hey oh what’s up mushrooms yeah these mushrooms were so confusing like they obviously were friendly they weren’t hurting me they look so funny what are these little dung beetles all their ants these are kind of big ants though sorry

Sorry ants oh there’s an ant in there I found another one of those Horse Pen structures and well I took another horse oh oh no wait I just started a raid on accident sorry sorry villagers everyone get inside Golem kit I’m gonna throw this on the ground look at that oh cool

I have Golems what up boys we got a village to protect uh here’s a little contact before it goes absolutely crazy so I accidentally got the bad Omen effect and then I rode by this Village on my horse and while a raid started and I had no idea what I was getting myself

Into I thought I was so strong because of all the items from this mod pack and then the red began things went pretty smooth at first I was destroying them you know as I should and then um there’s a lot more than usual it had like a

Summon Golem kit I summoned in the Golem and he helped a lot actually and the golems in the village helped me as well but um they actually turned on me because I accidentally hit one even this ravager look at this guy this guy is a beast he looks so mad

Yeah he got me down to two hearts I feel like that’s a reoccurring thing in this video so far it’s just getting away with two hearts yeah I kept it from a distance and finished them off but then I got Frozen Yeah by that thing right

There I don’t know what an iceology I believe that’s what it’s called but I think I don’t know what wave of the raid this was but it got extremely hard there were so many villagers when I thought it was over it was never over there were a

Bunch of dudes with bows dudes with axes you know regular raid things but then there was Wizards and illusionists and while it was a little bit too much this battle literally lasted way too many nights and well I don’t even know if any of the villagers were gonna make it I

Just try to do my best and kill every single villager I saw but then at one point it was just way too much like I walked into the building and there was like 30 of them just having a party I tried to take out as much as I

Could but at one point I just had to let the village go supposed to be like a boss witch and when I finally healed up I realized the raid wasn’t happening anymore I failed the village sorry Village um my bad yeah I definitely need to get

A lot stronger but I still was itching for a fight so I continued traveling to Fantasy World and on day 43 that’s when he ran into one of our first bosses the old Champion I guess it was like the old Champions remains but there was a hole

In the ground and I was able to see him I fired an arrow and I summoned in a Golem the Golem was actually doing a lot of work in and I just fired arrows from above but at one point I wanted a piece of the action so I dropped in on its head it started swinging at it

What is this is that a wolf oh my God almost dead I just got out of its reach at one and a half hearts I was able to reach the pillar something else spawned in so I’ll use another Pearl and got out of there you guys see this I’m looking

At a griffin a all-white Griffin with yellow tips on its feathers it was part of the Mythic Mounts Mod that is such a mouthful but I was finally able to fly a high in the sky one goal down guys let’s go first thing I had to do after flying

In the sky I was able to spot down the ship and I was in the mood for being a pirate again so I flew on top of the boat and raided the pillagers it’s funny because pillagers are supposed to do the rating but I am yeah get it guys yeah

Cool I checked out the ship from the top and there was my Griffin waiting for me on day 46 I found it I want to say there’s like an ocean Monument structure um I took a look around it once again I could not breathe underwater for too

Long and so I actually started drowning and I got hit by a jellyfish on the way up after that I kind of got scared I didn’t want to be there anymore so I called over my Griffin and we were out it was just so nice to be able to travel like

This wherever I wanted to go I could fly over it no need to walk anymore like the movement was so much better and then I found this I want to say castle in the sky and then I saw some loot here it was an emerald block I mined it and as soon

As I did the floor dropped below me it was a trap there was one skeleton waiting for me but then I realized it was a full room of them there was a spawner right here and skeletons are actually nothing compared to what I’ve been fighting I had some decent Loot and

While there’s a lot of cave spiders in there so I had to deal with a lot of poison I slowly made my way through this Castle I have no idea how big it actually was but there’s a lot more rooms than I actually thought I eventually made it all the way through

The Maze and back to the original spot and so I gathered the gold blocks and ammo blocks and took my reward and because I could climb up walls while I just climbed up to the very top and it was someone’s bed there was some good

Loot in there as well but then I found a side room and in the side room there was even more gold blocks after I was downloading I took my boy Griff and we were out of there it was pretty cool actually that’s what I enjoy about modern Minecraft you always just find

New things to explore that are just so different speaking of different on day 51 we arrived at a I want to say like a beachfront Village and just look at the way it’s set up it’s so cool and while obviously it’s still a village so I took

Everything from it and I even saw a fisherman like an actual fisherman he was on a boat you could trade with him and he had a lot of fish on board I tried to jump off the boat and ride Griffin but I kind of missed and so I

Demanded he come back look at this he uh he didn’t listen to all my commands but you know he was a good friend you spent the night on top of this battle tower well because I could fly now so why not on day 52 I came to a structure that

Actually looked like a jungle temple but it was all wood I slowly started chopping away at it and while you guys know to chop down trees in this mod pack it’s a little bit longer so as you can see the lunar actually wasn’t terrible as well diamonds Golds emeralds and

Because we’re Flying high in the sky I could spot everything found another pirate ship had to take out the pillagers I don’t even know I should just call this video 100 days as a pirate because I’m literally just destroying every pirate ship I find and

Now I can fly high in the sky was so much easier to come home and on my way back home I actually found another Griffin which I tamed and brought back to the base they’re both full size Griffins and actually I searched up how to make them I needed raw mutton to make

Them and so I went out on foot I found this like kind of Monument they look like a villager’s head I’m trying to see if there’s any loot in it but there was nothing try to loot another chest and of course it attacked me I’m gonna have

Trust issues after this I swear hashtag never trust a chest I guess I don’t know when I got back I decided to trade with more of the villagers because I wanted to replenish on my armor there was another Mythic Mount and it’s like orange and red I think it was called the

Zarpack zarpak zarb cat I don’t know guys let me know down in the comment section below I’m not great with pronunciation but I did tame it and I was able to fly high in the sky with it it was pretty cool these goals were getting knocked day by day and then we

Had our first Mythic baby there it is a baby Griffin looking just like Mom and Dad hey buddy on the night of day 53 I wasn’t able to sleep because it was like a blood moon or something like that day 54 was really cool guys look at my experience you see

That yeah I just gained a lot of levels and if you’re wondering why is because all the quests I completed I never collected the reward and so I missed out on a lot of items and a lot of XP now that I knew a lot of the quests and I

Had all these levels I wanted to do a little more adventuring go find some more things I went around looking to trade with villagers so I could find some more maps to find more structures it was cool to see all the different types of villages

But I went back to the mine cells do you guys remember that eyeball thing yeah the conjunctivitis I couldn’t whatever that eyeball green machine thingy I wanted to go search for it I was much stronger than I was last time so I took the Mind cells on with a full head of

Steam but then I found another portal within here and it didn’t take me to the eyeball thing it took me to another dimension I had no idea where I was but it was open the sky was a different color it had all the blocks from the

Mine cell down below I went to go loot all their outposts check out everything there was a couple new Mobs I saw there some of the same ones some new ones but it was definitely a really cool Dimension to be in I’m not sure what this statue is right here I don’t know

If this is one of their gods or somebody who they worship I tried to take it down because you know they should worship me I’m switched come on but uh no I couldn’t get the item I continued searching around I found two other monuments and then there was this guy

With two swords in his hand he’s pretty cool but he was weak so I destroyed him I kept searching around and just trying to see what this Dimension was all about there was even these little Firefly mosquito things I don’t know but then I found out well there’s an underground to

The other side of this Dimension and it had parkour which uh wasn’t that bad actually usually I’m really bad at parkour but this was this was easy so I charged through all the levels these mobs were they weren’t hard at all now that I had better armor and I had this

Umbrella Shield thing it probably took like one or two hits to kill these mobs I went through the maze did all their parkour and uh I accidentally fell on the spikes and it actually didn’t take too much damage I don’t know why it shouldn’t run through this thing when I

Got to the end of it it was being guarded by this two sword Blade Runner guy and there was a bunch of loot at the end like there was gold diamonds emeralds so I guess it was kind of worth the journey and then I ended up here yep that’s right

Oh man okay we’re back this is the elevator when I saw that eyeball thing oh okay there it is all right I can definitely take it on let’s fire a few arrows here oh what is that I’m gonna get out of your way here okay just dodge and weave fire arrows

Keep moving is that thing like like is it roped up yeah it’s stuck on chains ow okay this thing really hurts I’m definitely eating this God Apple the god Apple I’m just gonna charge it right now the conjunctivitis was actually insanely strong I kept trying to swing at it and

Then all of a sudden it started summoning little tentacles in the ground at first I didn’t think too much about it it’s like whatever they’re just tentacles but I actually hit on top of another block just so they couldn’t reach me and while they actually did a

Lot more damage than I anticipated got me down to once again two hearts and I was able to eat a golden apple all right I’m Healed up take a couple more arrows whoa did it just relax what green arrows green laser beams Lots please all right I was gonna stick by this

Corner and if it charges me out I’ll back up okay why are these tentacles actually really annoying yeah this was definitely one of the toughest boss fights I’ve ever had because you have to deal with so many different things one of them is like the tentacles the beams it shoots out and

Then it’s charging you I recrafted my armor mid-fight and I rained down more arrows on it it was getting lower and lower and then I saw it shoot out some red particle then I got really confused I continued shooting my bow at it but I didn’t really understand I think it was

Getting mad just kept firing red things at me okay it’s actually pretty low one more shot one more hit here we go come here and okay that was easily the most annoying fight I’ve ever done ever I literally had the craft armor in the middle of that fight after I killed the

Conjunctivitis I celebrated like guys you have no idea that was definitely one of the harder bosses I’ve ever fought I was happy you know that was one of the goals is taking on bigger bosses and when I got to the surface I was welcomed by these little blue jays and this

Little man what is this thing I don’t know but there was like this huge snow giraffe and a reindeer it’s twerking right here when I was right clicking it so I killed it as well I got some new items from the conjunctivitis of course I cashed out on

My quest at night I actually wanted to try out all the items I got from it so I dropped a bow it dropped this tentacle and it dropped that sword that you guys saw earlier so the tentacle you can actually right click on things and it’ll actually like teleport you to things

Watch me pick on this creeper here yeah it’s pretty fun actually I felt like Spider-Man spider switch everything was really strong for this guy so it’s definitely worth the battle oh my goodness is this a phoenix wait come to me come to me come to me you would

Literally look majestical please tell me I can fly you no come back oh the ice is breaking underneath me please come down please come down come on buddy oh no way this works it worked but I damaged it please don’t die please I didn’t mean to

Hurt you I didn’t mean to hurt you I promise is that six health oh run it czar guys I don’t know how to say this I’m embarrassed zark back I need to find some trees stay there please don’t go anywhere stay there don’t you dare go anywhere is

This apples is there peaches no no I want apples so to tame this guy I actually need a golden apple this guy’s a specific breed so he needs to find a golden apple so I didn’t want him to fly away because at the moment I didn’t have

A pair of wings to get back home and I was pretty far away that’s my friend oh my God it’s so cute hey do you mind after running around looking for a golden apple I gave him one I was finally able to tame this is our cat

Sorry path oh let’s call it red phoenix oh my goodness do you know what oh baby we have a phoenix red Phoenix and I rested on top of the battle tower and the next day well I think he was teasing me then I saw the alley again I

Hadn’t seen him in so long but he was bringing me an arrow when I made it back home I saw Griffin just flying around it was pretty cool to see that as you guys can see I have 153 levels so let’s get to enchanting I Enchanted my

Brand new bow power 4 and spell power 4 and I tested it on this poor creeper oh get destroyed I just one shot that thing because I lost so much armor from the last battle I actually traded with the Villager to get more and I went back

Into the nether fingers crossed I wasn’t gonna crash I went back to that piglin Hall and while they are still very strong and very hostile I was looking for the guy that fired a rocket at me and made me crash I wanted Revenge but of course I crashed so that

Was a short nether trip luckily I had a backup and I was back down in the mines I think he’s scared of me I really want to fight the warden so I so I started exploring around in the cage down below whoa dude it’s like a mushroom bomb down here

What are those little fairies Pixies yes here he comes finally the fight we’ve been waiting for come on previous why does he look like that that’s good we’re starting this oh my God he’s running at me oh yo yo yo yo relax I totally forgot

How strong he was he blasted me with one of his beams and uh it got me down really low oh that’s a creeper ow ow luckily there was a gap in the cave here where the Orden couldn’t cross so I actually just used that to my advantage

And boat him down from this distance the ball I got was insanely strong and killed the warden right away so I wanted to fight more wardens so I uh summoned some more I did not want to give too close so I kept so I kept every Warden

At a distance one of the quests was to slay five of the wardens and I wanted to make some equipment out of them so I started farming them so the next couple days I just picked on the wardens and farmed them sorry I’m sorry when I got back I wanted

To find a bigger boss and so I had a couple Soul stars and the Soul star kind of acts like an ender pearl in a way it leads you to a structure a mob I wasn’t 100 sure but I said screw it let’s follow it and I started following it on

Foot and I saw this little otter in the water oh my God it was so cute look at this otter guys I kept following the stars and I eventually picked up a horse because well it’s a big world out there it’s also a cruel world look at this

Warthog it literally attacked my horse then I ran to another Pilger Outpost it looked more like a village actually it was like a Pillager Village I don’t know what you’d call that they even had like a little area for cooking and a little Library pretty sophisticated pillagers if you ask me

On the shore here I found a narwhal look at this thing guys this is a narwhal right is that what’s called yeah I think so and then I reached the edge where I think they were all spawning in with Narwhals and what are these things called Hold on let me Google that

Porpoise Manatee they’re called manatees so I saw manatees and narwhals a pretty cool site honestly I was just going where the star led me taking out things and structures just preparing for my next fight then I found a sand temple but it was made out of ice had a couple

Cool things in there and while I wanted to see if the trip mine was working so I threw down a piece of wood and yeah the whole thing blew up I did not want to be down there picked on some reindeer and I also found a cave spider Den like

I’m not saying the responder this was like a whole cave spider face where they’re coming from it was it was insane and honestly I didn’t have the energy for it so I left when I got to the surface there’s these cute little penguins look at these guys

Dude they’re so cute look at them the adult penguins and the tiny little baby penguins that looked like a huge Observatory and when I approached it I saw the snow giraffes again and also I I want to say these are like I said bigger versions of

Bison I left them alone and checked out the observatory looks like someone was living here it was a really cool structure I went to the top and I looked around it was pretty good view from up here the following day I kept following the

Star and it led me to this Tower it was full of of course you know pillagers and I kept looking around this structure as my star kept leading me here I went down I noticed there was a flooded I want to say it’s like a flooded basement but

Then I was kind of confused I kept using the star and I kept leading to a specific location but there was nothing there so it kind of led me nowhere so while I was leaving I found this yeah little did I know this was a it was

An altar for a big boss I looked it up and it was actually one of the stronger bosses of this mod pack so I had to make sure I was ready for it on the top of the structure I found another Ingot and I figured out I need to go to the Nether

And collect a few things so I can summon the boss from the altar I was getting attacked by these random magician dudes I don’t know what what they’re supposed to be they’re really annoying I took them out I made a quick trip into The Nether and I wasn’t

Crashing so that was a good thing so I decided to stay a little bit longer and explore it it was definitely really scary like the nether itself is already pretty scary to me but like seeing all this terrain like the lava the bubbles and all the weird plant grass things

Different experience then I saw this fire Goblin he wanted to trade with me it was so cute but I had nothing to trade in I didn’t really want anything and I went down into this Temple and of course it was guarded by the most annoying mob in Minecraft the hoglands

Dude I hate these things I got my loot from this Temple structure thing it was okay the loot wasn’t amazing and well I was ready to summon in the boss I quickly found out his name was the returning Knight and this guy was no joke when I spawned him in I

Tried to fire arrows at him but nothing was hurting him I was so confused he was funny in little minions I did not want to get close and I kept firing arrows but none of them were hitting him while I was shooting them they were bouncing

Back at me and actually hitting me so I quickly realized I cannot shoot arrows at this thing it would slam the ground but luckily it moves slow it continually spawned in little minions and little I guess this is a necromancer I don’t know what they are he knocked me up in the

Air but luckily I had a totem and saved my life I ate a golden apple and got out of there I got out of his reach and had to recraft armor I needed all the help I could get I summed in the wolf and the Iron Golem and honestly I didn’t even

Know what to do at this point I pulled out all the weapons I had and I used the tentacle to fly around the walls and reduce my fall damage I realized the only way I was gonna hurt this thing was getting up close and personal and my

Weapon wasn’t doing an insane amount of damage but slowly but surely I’d be able to take him out I kept swinging away and sometimes he would blind me and his minions would attack me as well I would use my boots of swiftness and just try to move around him and the tentacle to

Be as elusive as possible I had two Golems swing at him and he was actually focused on me so this was perfect when I had the chance I’d go in and take a swing there was a lot of close calls in this fight luckily I had a lot of golden

Apples ready to go I realized it was getting healed by something and it was these little Mages it was casting on top of him healing him so now my main job was actually to take out those guys the Iron Golems were getting him so low

But I wanted to be the one to land the final blow while I was hiding around the corner making new armor one of the Iron Golems actually finished him foreign I must say that fight was really annoying because all the minions and the Mages would heal him and keep him away from me and I couldn’t shoot him with my bow but he did drop his huge mace I guess you could say this or a hammer I

Guess it’s a mace and I have to use two hands to hold it if I held right click I could explode the ground in front of me and make them weak and make myself stronger it was a strong weapon I went up and retrieved the stuff I stored

Earlier and while I want to explore the world with my new Nightfall this was the name of the mace I ended rolled onto this evoker and took him out but then I was actually really low and the guys with the little wings actually chased me

Down and nearly killed me like how do I almost take out like an insane boss and nearly die to this tiny little fairy looking thing after fighting the returning Knight I was in dire need of food so luckily I found this Village and was able to take their hay bales I saw a

Huge floating structure it seemed like a village off in the distance I tried to end up Pearl over and while I I missed I tried again and I missed so I kind of gave up on it and was attacked by this warthog like dude these things are so

Aggressive and I saw this like lizard Dragon thing so I charged up my weapon and I went to attack it and I actually found out it’s a scaredy cat I did not want to fight me so sorry to that reptile I guess then I found another red

Phoenix sorry guys I really don’t know the name I tamed it and I figured this is probably the easiest way up to the Village because I kept missing the ender pearl and so I landed on the moon no it’s not the moon it’s a fly it’s a

Flying Village guys I checked it out it’s pretty cool here actually I said hi to this villager and he I don’t know what happened but he fell off the edge I I don’t know something happened and I decided this was a good time to collect carrots because I had a lot of

Gold now that was good for food I made a lot of golden carrots you stopped by at another Village on our way back and I found another Griffin I don’t know what happened to the red phoenix I think it died somewhere but I found a griffin with black wings

It looks super cool I put some gold armor on him and he almost looked like a race car but like a race race Dragon I guess on the way back I actually ran into two other altars so I was able to get more netherreal ingots once I got

Back I took some down time just to check out all the equipment I had no the way he was swinging I Enchanted all of it made it a lot stronger and um I wanted to go back to the Nether and fight some other bosses but as you can see the game

Crashed dude please fix this I don’t know if it’s my fault but there was one boss I ran to that I haven’t fought yet so I headed over to the void Blossom that big purple flower thing I dropped down onto it and it welcomed me with its Vines it’s gonna attack us

Right away you wanna play that way I got a couple bow shots on it and it actually was hurting you pretty bad I’d have to be careful though because these spikes would actually just go below me I have to keep an eye because it hurt a lot as

Well some of the flowers were beaming towards it and it seemed like it was healing just like the other boss the thing is I didn’t realize that until a little bit later so I kept swinging away at it you know wasting all my food armor and time but

Then I was like oh yeah it’s definitely getting healed let me take these out this was like a whole nother level hard because you have to avoid the vine spikes and then decide when to go in and it would respawn in its healing elements so I’d have to go and take it out

Luckily I could climb these things rather than breaking it I charged my weapon and win it for the final blow I was able to kill the void blossom I collected My Rewards I don’t know if you guys noticed but the whole time I was fighting there was a

Bunch of streakers and Warden related stuff so you know why not I decided to pick on more wardens I’d slum in them in and then I’d box them up like this and just destroy him with my bow and like look at me I’m literally destroying these wardens with this Nightfall this

Thing is so strong and it looks so cool when I swing it I was just having too much fun I was near the end of the hundred days I had nothing to lose and well I didn’t get all these weapons for no reason I got to

Use them on something uh they got me pretty low so I did take it from a distance but when we got back up to the surface I found this glowing Forest Enchanted Forest it looks so cool it was like the perfect night and on day 100 we were flying around and

I saw this villager I was trying to trade with them he kept nodding at me I didn’t like that disrespect so I charged up my Nightfall It was now the dark Griffin and my tower and that’s how I spent 100 days in fantasy Minecraft

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore..’, was uploaded by Swidge on 2023-06-02 15:50:38. It has garnered 94058 views and 1759 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:42 or 2682 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore.. Here’s What Happened.. I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore but in a FANTASY WORLD!

100 Days, but in a FANTASY WORLD. This world has nothing but adventure! Creatures, beast, mobs, all types of structures and biomes to explore… Even new dimensions. Will I survived the cruel fantasy world and reach my goals? Watch and find out!

Try the modpack yourself: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fantasy-minecraft-fabric

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  • Epic Minecraft Salmon Boss Battle! | 100+ Mobs Face Off

    Epic Minecraft Salmon Boss Battle! | 100+ Mobs Face OffVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft |Mobs Battle| Salmon Boss VS L_Ender ‘s Cataclysm’, was uploaded by 100 Hundred Plus on 2024-02-29 14:18:49. It has garnered 1653 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. Hello My Friends… I Hope You’re Doing Fine …Please Be Happy And Subscribe To my Channel and Give me Your Opinion in Comments … Thanks Mods : Salmon’s Genesis reincarnation Link : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/salmons-genesis-reincarnation L_Ender ‘s Cataclysm Link : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/l_ender-s-cataclysm My Main Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbXa_x18VwNM8KEjnAEupew/featured The Twilight Forest Cosmic Fiend Archaic Sentinel Mutant More Mutant Beasts Blue Skies Summoner Farseer Vanilla… Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwars Showdown: Nex vs. Rivals! #minecraft

    Ultimate Bedwars Showdown: Nex vs. Rivals! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedfight part 7 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #minemen #mmc #bedfight #fireballfight #asmr’, was uploaded by Nex on 2024-01-11 13:31:30. It has garnered 11653 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Discord server: https://discord.gg/kjBw6ATcJE Pack: ask in comments MINECRAFT SETTINGS FOV: 90 Sensitivity: 100% 400 DPI Client: Badlion/Lunar SETUP Processor: Intel Core i5-11400F Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ram: 16 GB Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3 Tenkeyless Mouse: Glorious Model O tags: solo bedwars, minecraft bedwars, hypixel bedwars, manhan iq, war og, manhal_IQ_, bedwars asmr, bedwars montage, stream snipe, hypixel… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE Challenge: Half-Heart Survival!

    Minecraft INSANE Challenge: Half-Heart Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But I Have Half a Heart’, was uploaded by BlooMC on 2024-02-20 00:00:16. It has garnered 9392 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Minecraft, But I Have Half a Heart BlooMC does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.20 challenges in 2024! Today BlooMC plays not Minecraft, But Water… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE HACK! Hold torch in left hand in Minecraft! 🎮

    🔥ULTIMATE HACK! Hold torch in left hand in Minecraft! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Hold A Torch In The Left Hand In Minecraft | Smart Torch Add-On! | Mcpe | in hindi |’, was uploaded by ROLE GAMERZ on 2024-03-05 12:10:42. It has garnered 61 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. How To Hold A Torch In The Left Hand In Minecraft | Smart Torch Add-On! | Mcpe | in hindi | 2021 1.3M views · 2 years ago#SmartTorchAdd # 2:05 Smart Torch Add-On For Minecraft PE 1.20 | Hold Torch In Left Hand In Mcpe GAMING BARSHAN New 47… Read More

  • Timbo MC Server

    Timbo MC Server‎TimBo MC Server —————————— CityBuild, Survival, Minigames ——————————————————- Bedwars | PVP Arena | TNT Run | Parkour Sky PVP | Bomb Lobbers | Fussball | Laboratory Quake | Temple Run | TNT Tag | Block Party Party Games | CS:GO | Splegg | Prop Hunt ——————————————————- You can find more information in our presentation video and on our web page. https://minecraft.timbo.si/ https://youtu.be/PFwhG4OK_Ik https://discord.gg/DjgwcpHnwa mc.timbo.si Read More

  • EpicGaming SMP semi-vanilla Minigames

    Server Information Server IP/Address: play.epicgaming.ch About the Server: We offer Java/Bedrock Survival and Minigames. Join us for regular Server Events. Towny Survival Features: Mobheads Teleports Economy Death Chest Ingame Ranks Miningworld with no Mobs Ender Dragon respawn Minigames: Soccer Horse Race Build Battle Bedwars Ice Boat Parkour Community Details: We have 5-10 daily players with an average age of 20. Our server uptime is 100% for your convenience. Additional Information: Ranked 36th out of 2000+ Servers on McLike Active server owners who host regular Server Events and keep the server up to date Interested in Joining? Leave a comment to… Read More

  • Savage Minecraft

    Savage Minecrafthttps://discord.gg/jhfGAT9Gm6 “Savage Minecraft: Where Creativity Meets Survival TenacityWelcome to Savage Minecraft, an immersive world where the boundaries of creativity merge with the challenges of survival. In this dynamic server, players find themselves thrust into a vast and untamed wilderness, teeming with opportunities and dangers alike.Survival is at the heart of Savage Minecraft. Here, players must navigate through rugged terrains, brave the elements, and fend off hostile creatures lurking in the shadows. From building shelters to forging alliances, every decision carries weight as players strive to endure the wilderness and thrive against all odds.But Savage Minecraft isn’t just about survival—it’s a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Minecraft Hypocrite Encounter

    When you meet a Minecraft hypocrite and they start preaching about the importance of kindness and teamwork, but then they steal all your diamonds and set your house on fire. Read More

  • Villager Crop Farm: Minecraft’s Automated Charm

    Villager Crop Farm: Minecraft's Automated Charm In Minecraft’s world, a farm so grand, Villagers work, crops in hand. Automatic and simple, a sight to see, Harvesting and planting, all for thee. Version 1.20.4, Java’s delight, Villagers working, day and night. Hoppers collecting, items in tow, Efficiency and beauty, all in a row. Inspired by blockical, a master of farms, This creation shines, with Minecraft charms. Music from Mojang, setting the tone, In this world of blocks, where creativity’s shown. Read More

  • [Hot Nether Portal Alert] Gegagedigedagedago! #shorts #Meme #memes

    [Hot Nether Portal Alert] Gegagedigedagedago! #shorts #Meme #memes When you finally find the most secret nether portal in Minecraft and realize it just leads to a room full of chickens clucking “Gegagedigedagedago” over and over again. #disappointingportal Read More

  • Master Teacher’s Sneaky Pixelmon Addon Spamming Bosses

    Master Teacher's Sneaky Pixelmon Addon Spamming Bosses The Exciting World of Minecraft Addon Pixelmon V1.9 Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of Minecraft with the Addon Pixelmon V1.9? This incredible addon, created by Smell of curry, brings a whole new level of excitement to your Minecraft experience. Let’s explore the features and elements that make this addon so special! What is Addon Pixelmon V1.9? The Addon Pixelmon V1.9 is a unique addition to Minecraft that introduces Pixelmon into the game. Pixelmon are pixelated versions of Pokémon, adding a fun and adventurous twist to your gameplay. With this addon, you can explore a world… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Clutches and More!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Clutches and More! Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? After watching that incredible video of extreme clutches in Minecraft, it’s clear that there’s always room for improvement and new challenges. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of dedicated players and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity and strategy collide. Whether you’re into building elaborate structures, engaging in intense PvP battles, or simply exploring the vast landscapes, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Crazy Island

    Surviving 100 Days on a Crazy Island Minecraft 100 Days Survival Island: A Hardcore Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey in Minecraft as you witness the epic tale of survival on a deserted island with limited resources. Join the protagonist as they brave the challenges of the wilderness and strive to thrive in this hardcore mode adventure. The 100-Day Challenge Surviving 100 days on a survival island in Minecraft is no easy feat. With limited resources and the constant threat of danger, every decision counts. Follow along as the protagonist navigates through the challenges, builds shelter, gathers food, and battles enemies to secure their survival. Key… Read More

  • Enter Bizarre Tunnel in Minecraft – Explore Cartoon World!

    Enter Bizarre Tunnel in Minecraft - Explore Cartoon World!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-04-21 13:00:16. It has garnered 219 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:00 or 1980 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft & Roblox Mobile Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft & Roblox Mobile GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘OMG i am in Minecraft | Roblox | Gameplay, No Commentary, Android’, was uploaded by TheGamerBay MobilePlay on 2024-03-21 14:15:02. It has garnered 112 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:15 or 1215 seconds. 1. “OMG I am in Minecraft in ROBLOX is an absolute dream come true for all Minecraft and ROBLOX fans! The level of detail and immersion in this game is truly impressive. From building and crafting in the iconic Minecraft style to exploring the vast open world of ROBLOX, this game has it all. It’s a must-play… Read More

  • 8 INSANE reasons why you NEED to switch to Minecraft NOW!

    8 INSANE reasons why you NEED to switch to Minecraft NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gdy kończysz grać w starą grę i przenosisz się na minecraft’, was uploaded by AntexoLive on 2024-04-28 12:48:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Switching from the game you’re playing to Minecraft? Then Play! I recommend the MineBerry.org server on version 1.12.2 😀 Servers … Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! A NORMAL DAY IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘EL DIA MAS NORMAL…💀 | #shorts #minecraft #memes #viral #dieguioplay’, was uploaded by DieguioPlay on 2024-01-08 17:55:32. It has garnered 1619 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✴️Follow me on my Networks: 👉Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/DieguioI 👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/djp_juanpablo/ 👉TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dieguiotiktok 👉Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dieguioplay 👉Contact – Email: [email protected] ✴️Participants: 👉 ——————————— ————————————————– — 🔥The Best of DieguioPlay and Friends: ‣ WE FALL INTO THE INFINITE RAINBOW HOLE: https://youtu.be/cGW3MD7Mr00 ‣ The Best BLOCK Hiding in MINECRAFT: https://youtu.be/wXEtS9SU78A ‣ KANDY, LA MASTER DEL MISTERIO (MURDER MYSTERY): https://youtu.be/S-IOSePSuFk ‣ THE CITY OF LUCKY BLOCKS… Read More

  • New Shizo Texture 128×128 for MCPE! Must See!

    New Shizo Texture 128x128 for MCPE! Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘texture 128×128 mcpe 1.20+ smooth dan ringan’, was uploaded by pandu dw on 2024-05-17 12:19:04. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. #minecraft #mcpe #texturepack Download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EqWFTMKSj99W0v1pn8BZVC5zYTWV02ql/view?usp=drivesdk Read More

I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore..