I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Bedrock!

Video Information

This is minecraft bedrock a game played by many people but yet there aren’t even that many hundred days videos made about it my name is basic king and this is the story about how i survived 100 days in minecraft bedrock if you like what you see consider subscribing because i’m

Very close to 5k with that said let’s get straight to day one as the first day began i looked around and wow i spawned right next to a village i must be really never mind i guess i am playing minecraft bedrock after all notch must have felt bad for me or something

Because i found some iron armor and a chest along with an iron pickaxe and then right after that i found another blacksmith and this time he had some obsidian and a saddle for me thank you notch once i was done roleplaying as a pillager i decided to start chopping

Down my first tree as well as start mining for some cobblestone i then crafted up some stone tools and decided to go exploring and that’s when i found this ruin nether portal which just so happened to have a god apple now i don’t know what the chances are and i

Get that this is bedrock but holy crap this is a big moment that needs to be celebrated and then right after that i got a trident after killing a drowned bedrock i love you and then i went home to sleep for day two after waking up on

Day two i was immediately jump scared yeah this skeleton might have scared me but i still took him out i then decided to pull a joe biden and forget how to walk i fell right into a hole and could have died but luckily it was right next

To a cave entrance so i began bridging down and well i might have fallen directly on a skeleton and could have died again but it’s all good because i rode this wave all the way down and managed to find not one but not two either but three whole veins of diamonds

After deciding i was rich enough i went back up and decided to sleep for day three day three i focused on getting organized as well as crafting up a few furnaces and getting some iron smelted up because i wanted to be iron man then i began collecting some wheat because i

Had an upcoming project that i knew would take quite a while so i needed to prepare i also kindly asked the villagers if i could borrow their potatoes don’t worry i didn’t steal while i was waiting for my potatoes to cook i saw this in the distance so i

Went to check it out unfortunately i couldn’t become allies with the pillagers because this village had nothing to really steal day four i betrayed my men look i’m sorry guys it’s nothing personal but come on you gotta get better loot than that while running back to my village i found an abandoned

Nether portal and that’s when i noticed something i was being followed and i really did not want bad omen so i’m sorry dude but you’re turning into mcdonald’s sprite i just can’t deal with this right now once i made it back home i decided to make a chest i figured if

I’m gonna be looting all these different places i’m gonna want some inventory space to hold the items after cooking up some more potatoes i decided to call it for the day day five i began my first big project in this hundred days movie and that was a villager trading hall

After running across this hill i began digging and uh well let’s just say i should have crafted a couple more shovels because there was so much dirt that needed to be mined out but eventually i got it done and it looked like this i started off day six by

Crafting up some boats using these boats i was going to transport villagers from over here to my villager farm but just like every 13 year old teenager there is a problem with that and that problem was this hill i needed to get a villager from down there in the water to up here

But i knew this was going to be tricky but then i thought of a big brain idea what if i made a water slide honestly this didn’t even take that long and it actually ended up working really well using this water slide i was able to get

My first and second villager in here with no problem once everything was ready i decided to craft up some bread and well let them go to their business day seven i started off with chopping down some trees i then lured these two paid workers to my base and trapped them

In a hole within this span of about five minutes there’s already five children being born from these villagers you know what i’m not gonna question it i then went on a bit of a killing spree killing dozens and dozens of cows i’m just kidding i could only find a couple but

That is when i found this guy i went ahead and asked people on my discord server that you should totally join by the way to give me a name suggestion and they decided oreo so i’d like you to meet my new horse oreo together i went through

The night killing mob after mob getting tons of bones and a bunch of other useful things i could use so thank you oreo day eight i started off by planting some sugarcane today i wanted to primarily focus on getting lecterns and other things for villagers

So i could get myself a trading hall set up but before i got started on that i was getting really sick of making the journey to get back to my stuff so i brought it back to my base i was starting to get more and more attached

To these villagers which i soon going to regret foreshadowing aside i noticed i was bone dry on iron so i decided to craft up some torches and a diamond pick and then i headed into the caves i had a couple close calls but i did manage to

Get a ton of iron in the end along with a ton of coal and then i spent most of the night time just standing still waiting for it all to smelt up day 9 i started off by crafting myself up a shield and some other basic tools today

I wanted to primarily focus on mining out my villager trading hall and i knew this was going to take a minute Now that i had everything all mined out it was time for the fun part and that is of course getting the villagers down here with the correct professions or at least that’s what i would say if i actually had the professions i didn’t quite steal them yet so i guess it was

Time to go up to the surface once i got up there i started robbing this village for everything it had i also almost died but eventually i made it back and everything was fine day 10 i mostly spent sharing sheep because i needed a

Lot more wool and a lot more beds so i returned home after getting a ton of wool and yep these guys can just keep doing their business day 10 is when i started the most monumental part of this hundred days and that is the villager trading

Hall there was four things i did first i get these villagers lured out then i chopped them in a hole and kind of push them down then i trap them in a wall make sure to lock their trades though because i don’t want them you know gaining freedom but this definitely did

Take a few days so let’s look at me while i was recording okay hello this is the first time i’m actually speaking in-game for this video so i just want to quickly show off what i’ve been working on because i know i did skip quite a few days doing this

So i have a bunch of money makers on this side and i also have a spot where i can buy some food i figured that would be pretty useful i have a farmer probably should get more of those two blacksmith people this guy has a cool sword but what i spent all

That time on was these guys believe it or not mending sharpness 4. this guy also took 100 tries got efficiency 4.5 protection 4 front breaking 3. i’m quite happy with the progress now let’s dive back into the 100 days day 13 i was feeling kind of like mr beast i

Was just breaking down some trees but putting saplings down to replace them and apparently i was feeling a tiny bit political and i made a bunch of walls i ended up crafting over three stacks of walls and a stack of torches but for a good reason i wasn’t wasting it don’t

Worry hard-earned cobblestone i wanted to spend the next few days touching up my land i wanted to call this the great building season or something like that but the name still in progress and we we can just move on we don’t need to talk about that i spent the next few days

Touching up my land uh making things a little more flat a little more even and just nicer overall so i made a couple more shovels and yeah i began doing this for quite a while but after a while it started looking pretty flat and nice so i decided hey

This would be a great time to start looking at the rain and trying to move around but then god was like yeah no yeah no yeah no and he tried striking me down i did not appreciate this one bit because i was literally three blocks away from being struck but hey it’s fine

You know i’ll move on i’m a human being so god problems aside i started placing down a bunch of walls and walling in my land about halfway through the night i decided i needed to place some torches because mobs kept spawning and i really didn’t want some more creeper holes to

Fix up everything was going really well until this happened i heard a creeper and i had about two seconds to react if i didn’t then this hundred days would probably be over right now but by the end of the night i had finished walling off my area and

Making it all spawn proofed day 14 i learned that if you destroy the source blocks of sugarcane it just deletes the sugarcane itself i did not know this was a thing but hey i guess now i know after ruining some fun that kids could potentially have from the water slide i

Decided it was time to install a gate into my compound i don’t know how but i forgot to do this and then i spent the remainder of the day just chopping down trees preparing for the house that i was going to build the whole morning of day

15 i spent chopping down this giant tree i definitely did not want to leave any part of this floating it was around this time where i really started to think about what exactly i wanted to build at my compound i had no real ideas for a

Base but then i got one so i crafted up a stack of torches and started running back to the cave from the start of this hundred days what i wanted to do is head down to negative 57 and begin doing a lot of strip mining because i needed some deep slate While making my way back up to the surface i stumbled across to fight and i decided not to get involved loot definitely could have been better but once i made it back home i decided that day 18 i wanted to focus on finally starting working on my base and oh boy

Was this going to take a couple days as proof today literally i spent the whole day just making these four pillars not the most amount of progress i know and i apologize but i began working through the night and managed to make a decent amount of progress day 19 i started off

By collecting a ton of sand because i needed a ton of glass panes for the house that i had in mind after making an entrance up to my base using some ladders i began placing down all of my glass panes Once i finished with that i decided to go back into my little hobbit hole and sort my inventory and then go to bed day 20 i crafted up a bunch of different stairs and then i began by finishing my roof After finishing the roof i put the final glass panes in and yeah i’ll be the first to admit my house definitely looks a little strange and almost like a creature but feel free to leave your comments down below and i’ll read them day 21 i mainly focused on these paths

They look really nice come on give me a compliment please and then i crafted up a hoe and yeah i started work on this giant farm and it was one of the most satisfying things of my life oh just listen to the sounds the beautiful glory of me telling the land

It’s so satisfying and i could watch it all day my farming obsession aside i realized i still had a little bit of sugarcane so i decided now would be a smart idea to start planting it before i forget so i planted it right next to my

Gate and then i went to bed for day 22. for some reason day 22 i was really feeling the lag so i decided to look through my settings and that’s when i noticed for some reason my render distance was all the way up i know i didn’t do this but for some

Reason it is and it’s causing me immense amount of lag so i turned that down and then i began chopping down trees and planting a ton of saplings once i was done with that i grabbed some wheat and started bringing up my cows i’ve been doing this periodically through the last

Few days and they’re really starting to grow in numbers and then to end off the day i decided to craft myself up an enchantment table i was really happy to do this but i won’t be using it for quite a bit because i still have a few

Things i have to get ready day 23 i left my compound and searched for the perfect cave i really wanted to get some diamond armor but unfortunately this cave was mainly just a big waste of time i didn’t find much but eventually i found a bigger cave and it actually went down to

Deep slate and that’s where i managed to find my first diamond i was so happy because it didn’t take too long to get but then unfortunately i started spiraling out of control and yeah i spent so much time in this cave literally got jump scared multiple times almost died to a creeper

Almost fell in lava and died but i managed to find a couple more diamond veins and yeah that was pretty much it oh my bad i forgot to mention that i got another enchanted golden apple yeah i love bedrock i’m feeling really rich after gathering up a little bit more of

Obsidian i decided to return back to my base and then i made a double chest and put all of my valuable stuff in there and yeah i’m really trying to rub it in your face that i am the richest bedrock player and you just kind of have to deal

With it ignoring the fact that it’s midnight i started breaking down all my sugar cane because i was really trying to save up for some paper and books and then i also collected up some wheat day 27 i decided to grab up all my bones and

Turn them into bone mail i thought today would be a perfect day to do a lot more farming so i went out bone marrow all of my crops and managed to double the size of my farm and then i decided to use my wheat to start breeding up some cows but

Then god decided that he hates me and he made it rain again you know it’s rained so many times in this hundred days movie that at this point i’m starting to think that i’m just partly cursed but it’s okay i’ll move on i then started chopping down a

Bunch of trees and again replacing all of my saplings and this time instead of doing some weird build or something with the wood i decided to turn it all into sticks and see how many emeralds i could get and then once i got all these emeralds i decided to be cool if i

Started leveling up my other villagers but then i ended up actually wasting all my emeralds trying to get this guy to trade me some uh diamond armor yeah that’s it’s gonna take a lot more trading to do that instead of sleeping i decided i wanted to kill some skeletons

But the zombie was like yeah no yeah no yeah no so instead i went home grabbed some obsidian and then i ran around for a little bit trying to figure out where i wanted to put my portal but eventually i decided on my house so now i have this

Portal right next to where i want to be sleeping uh i won’t question that at all that’s pretty normal behavior and then i decided hey why don’t i go to the nether i’m just kidding i know i’m not ready for that i mean literally look at my

Armor it’s on the verge of breaking i needed to get geared up before i did anything like that because i was not going to risk dying in this hundred days but how exactly am i going to get the diamonds to do this caving yeah that’s that’s really all it

Is but this time it’s a little different and see instead of searching for a cave i decided why don’t i just make my own After a couple minutes and finishing this up i’m done with it and i think it’s a nice little mine height but then i decided to spend the rest of the day just tunneling down to 12. i wanted to go down to 12 for a little bit of an

Experiment to see what the best diamond level is but once i got to 12 uh yeah things got a little interesting and i started tunneling out you know starting to do a little bit of strip mining and that’s when i found the biggest cave of my life this thing was

Ginormous now you would think with a cave this big that diamonds would be a pretty quick and obvious thing to see and find well in that case you’re wrong i drove myself mad in this cave i found a couple diamond veins yes but they were one diamond a piece now that’s not too

Bad right wrong i was literally down here for like an hour straight and i kept finding these one veins and it was driving me nuts and at one point i was backed in a corner with a like a zombie spider jockey i don’t even know what you

Want to call it and i almost died this skeleton shot it behind me and i went down to almost half a heart so i ran away ate a god apple and yeah i just barely managed to survive luckily after that i didn’t have any more near-death experiences but i still kept finding

These one veins of diamonds and it was really demotivating but that is until i found the secret water strat bedrock has one great feature that i really like and that is its water its water is amazing in caves because it’s like it’s almost like free x-ray like

You can see everything around you when you go underwater so using this method i got myself a ton of different diamonds and eventually i had enough for armor so once i got all that i decided to head back up to the surface and yeah here’s a

Great example of how far i had to dig down to get down here day 33 i was almost happy to see the rain but then again i really dislike it it’s always writing in this world i don’t know why and after the exhausting work over the

Last 10 days i was finally able to craft myself a full diamond armor set along with a couple tools i felt so rich and you can definitely see when i go in third person right here flexing like your ex aside i decided to head back up to the surface and tend to

My farms and my animals after hearing the screech of a couple phantoms it occurred to me that i haven’t slept in quite a while so i should probably do that day 34 i decided that i was kind of sick of running out of food here and there and i wanted to

Go back to just eating potatoes again so i bone my own potatoes quite a few times and planted a couple so i didn’t like lose them all and then i began smelting them up next i kind of realized that this forest is looking a little overgrown so unlike mr beast i decided

To say hello and chop down all the trees after a full day’s worth of chopping down trees and two iron axes i’m proud to say that i successfully chopped down the whole forest and yes i’m starting to get a ton of beehives but that’s for later in this hundred days day 35 i

Started off by well yeah ruining all of my hard work all of these sticks and trees that i chopped down were going directly towards the villagers i really needed emeralds for books but yeah i’m a little bummed because i had like seven stacks of wood but it’s okay you know at

Least i’m becoming rich off of it after crafting up some books i was very pleased because now i could finally buy some of my first enchants and that is a full prop 4 set yay thank you capitalism seeing how much fun i had the last day with capitalism i

Decided hey why don’t i get some more sticks and go trade them wait a minute why are you costing a stack now wait are you two why oh you’re not stopping my capitalism unfortunately i couldn’t really do anything to fix this so for now i guess

My capitalism is going to be slowed down but don’t worry i’m going to the nether soon and these guys will feel my fist when they decide they don’t want to give me any more profits i won’t allow it oh yeah i also managed to buy my first mending book so that’s pretty cool

Problems with my business partners aside i began collecting some more sugarcane because i really wanted to make sure i had enough books to get a full level enchantment table speaking of my enchantment table i still didn’t really have a proper place to put this nor have

I really thought of the building i want to put it in so i decided why don’t i spend the next day or two just building a little spot making it look nice and that’s exactly what i did after running around for a little bit i decided the

End of this path would be the perfect spot to make this little enchantment set up so i began working and managed to finish it all by the end of the night i’m pretty happy with how it turned out but i don’t know if there’s going to be

Enough rooms for bookshelves to make it so it’s level 30. so i might have to do a little bit of messing around with that but let me know what you think of this down in the comments below day 37 i started off by seeing if i can make a

Weakness potion and i found out that i actually have all the ingredients already i’m just missing blaze powder isn’t that fun and then i decided i needed to chop down a couple more trees and place down a few more saplings i can never have too much wood and that’s when

I made a questionable purchase i wanted to get some gunpowder bones and all that good stuff so i bought about a stack of arrows trust me i know what i’m doing and i’m good with cash i was about to head out when i realized i forgot someone and

That is my good old buddy ol pal oreo i’m sorry oreo i definitely oh god you’re gonna die okay you’re going back after spending the night role-playing as a navy seal sniper i realized that i had a ton of bows so i decided to craft them

All into one and now i have a fixed-up bow day 38 i made myself an anvil and decided to place it into my house i was really starting to get geared up or at least trying to so it was back to farming i ended up getting so many seeds

That i filled up my entire farm and now i had extras so i guess that’s a first i then spent the rest of the day chopping down more trees i’m sorry it’s gonna get really repetitive here for the next few days i can’t really help it i’m just

Trying to get some emeralds day 39 i decided to sell all of my beautiful sticks for emeralds and i actually managed to get myself a lot of mending books which was going to be helpful for the future i then crafted up as many bookshelves as i could because i really

Wanted to see if i could get level 30 enchants on my enchantment table and i actually managed to get to level 27 which i was a little surprised with now that i knew it was possible i went home crafted up a couple more bookshelves and then i placed them down i then decided

That i wanted to enchant my pickaxe and under any other circumstances i would have definitely kept this but i was really looking for fortune so i’m putting it in the grindstone all right second try is the charm and oh nope just efficiency three okay for real this time third try is the

Charm and wow yep it looked like it was so that’s pretty nice now i have pretty much a maxed out pickaxe it was still raining day 40 but i don’t care it’s still prime time to chop down some trees i mean at this point you should have it

Memorized i chopped trees went home got profits yeah that’s that’s really all it is but you can’t really argue with this amount of emeralds your boys rolling with over a stack day 41 i was out bone mailing some crops and then i fed up some cows because i killed a lot of them

While trying to get my bookshelves but uh we’ll ignore that i didn’t kill anything i then bought a couple more mending books and now i only need two more which is pretty good but now i really want a good sword and unbreaking just isn’t really gonna cut it so to the

Grindstone unfortunately now i don’t have 30 levels so i can’t really do a full enchant but what i can do is plant some more trees and chop down a few more trees let’s go i love capitalism day 42 i decided that i was sick of doing the

Same thing day after day so i started building a new building and this was going to be originally was supposed to be like a wind tower but i decided that i don’t really know how to build that so uh yeah i just kind of started free

Building this but it didn’t turn out too bad day 43 i decided that i needed to put a roof on this thing and when i came back out i decided that i actually hate how it looks right now so it’s time to completely switch it up and by the end

Of the day this is what we were working with day 44 was my final day working on this house and i’m very proud of how it turned out i think it adds a lot and definitely makes my compound look a little more complete although sadly i

Had to use the rest of my deep slate for this roof which kind of sucks because i really don’t feel like mining for any more day 45 started off with some wonderful capitalism don’t worry i’d try not to skip a day even if i could i then

Made myself three axes and uh well i think you know the drill although this night instead of sleeping after i was done chopping trees i decided to feed a bunch of cows and i was really trying to get these numbers up because once again

I had to kill a few of them day 46 i made myself two hoes and grabbed some water from my water bucket today i had a cool idea and that’s to completely fill the outside of this building with farmland Once this all grows in i feel like it’s gonna look really nice i then spent the night chopping down a bunch more trees because that’s all i ever do with my life oh don’t worry i also did this for the majority of the morning of day 47.

After all that hard work it was finally time for some capitalism thank you i’ll take those oh thank you for that emerald oh thank you for these two man everyone’s just so nice i decided to stay up that night because i was really wanting to get some good enchants on my

Sword and i still wasn’t quite level 30 so uh goodbye creeper all right finally after all this time let’s let’s get this sword enchanted okay okay oh un un breaking three okay you know it’s fine i’ll put some sharpness on it put some ending on it and we’ll just call it

Good for now all jokes aside this was my first time using a mending book and my pickaxe got some ending as well so that’s pretty monumental i decided to name my sword the king’s blade and my pickaxe i called it the earth splitter because i don’t know it just seemed

Fitting day 48 i decided to enchant just my chest plate my helmet i wanted to get some just a little bit of protection because i didn’t feel entirely safe and i really wanted to go to the nether yeah you heard that right i went home i

Gathered all of my supplies and then i stepped through the nether portal and immediately caught on fire and literally like died irl i have i have no idea why i caught on fire there’s literally nothing here but you know what i’ll accept it as far

As being in the nether goes i was only here for a couple things the most obvious was blaze rods because i really need to make those weakness potions second thing i really wanted was some glowstone because i mean it’s just a nice building block and the third thing i wanted was a

Little bit of golden quartz these both give xp and it’s really cool for me because you know i’m trying to level up trying to get some levels but uh yeah i ended up looking around for four days i was in the nether okay four entire days no idea where to go i

Could not find the stupid fortress anywhere and it was really really starting to annoy me to the point where i started getting a little reckless now when you hear reckless in a hundred days movie what do you think do you think oh i’m just running around being stupid and

Risking my life or do you think i’m running around being stupid risking my life well the answer goes as following i ran around acting stupid and not caring not having a single care in the world and uh well we’ll just kind of let we’ll just kind of let this small little short

Clip explain itself okay now i’m at a loss for words i just spent the last month of my life working to get to this point for this video and i just singly handedly lost my click bait for i survived 100 days in minecraft bedrock so i’m sorry you’ve

Been misclicked you’ve been click baited whatever you want to call it i’m still going to title this video like that but uh okay picture this alright so one death is technically closer to zero if you’re rounding so technically i have yet to die so i’m just gonna

Quickly go get my stuff and uh yeah at this point i was really mad so i just kind of logged off for the night day 53 i mostly spent just getting everything organized and wow i’m starting to get a ton of gunpowder oh yeah and just in

Case you want a little bit of a backstory about how i died i literally just was walking around in another tunnel and a magma spawn on top of me probably could have ate a golden apple but i didn’t so uh we’re just gonna continue moving on with our lives after

Getting everything completely organized i got myself a ton of sticks and then i went to do some trading i really wanted to get my head off of what had happened the day before so uh yeah once i was done trading i decided that i wanted to

Leave my compound for a little bit i wanted to go on a little bit of a caving adventure mainly because i needed uh some uh coal yeah i ran out of coal for like the fourth time this 100 days movie so far but this time’s gonna be different

Because i have a fortune on my pickaxe and if i find diamonds hey that’s just more payment after just a little bit of running around i managed to find myself another big wide open cave i seem to get really lucky with these and after just a

Little bit of mining with my fortune i managed to get a stack of iron so then i started heading down this giant hole and uh we’ll just let the next clip speak for itself yeah you remember that time in that last cave where i struggled to find diamonds

That kept getting one veins well this made up for it my fortune was really just like oh awesome bro i mined four diamonds and managed to get myself eight diamonds like that is awesome that’s a great start and that’s how this whole cave was i just kept finding these nice little things not

Necessarily a ton of diamonds but i still managed to get a decent bit and of course a ton of coal definitely needed coal and fortune made that very easy so after all this i finally went back home and yeah one thing i definitely do have

To say is i am extremely proud of this little compound i’ve made i’ve loved seeing all this progress i’ve made and it’s only going to go up from here because after this i wanted to primarily focus on building but first of all let’s look at my wealth so let’s just take a

Little bit of a second to look around at all the stuff i have i know it’s a lot to unfold but hold on give me one minute and i’ll go ahead and fix this all up ah there we go now you can see all the blocks of diamonds and everything else i

Have yeah i’m really wealthy and yeah yeah this was a full day all right that little gap right that was a full day i spent the whole day just cooking up my iron in furnaces and organizing this single chest just so you can see how

Rich i am now the rest of day 57 i started off by chopping down some more sugarcane because i needed some books so i had to breed up a couple more cows and then murder a couple cows i’m sorry guys it’s nothing personal the cycle of life

Aside i decided to grab all of my emeralds and a couple books because i wanted to get all of my mending books that’s right finally i managed to get all of these which is a huge relief learning how to use english aside i grabbed all of my books and was pretty

Happy with my collection definitely starting to grow but then i decided it was finally time to return to the nether although this time i wasn’t going to be in there long i purely just wanted some more courts and stuff to get some more levels quickly but uh once again the nether almost

Killed me yeah i got a little too close to death right here so let’s just return home where everything is nice and happy day 58 it should come as no surprise that i’m back to chopping trees it’s really peaceful and it definitely calms my nerves after a nice trip to hell after

Finishing my tree chopping i decided to get a few more emeralds and then finally upgraded my axe that’s right this is a monumental moment finally put enchants on there so wood chopping’s gonna be a lot quicker now after that i decided to name my axe the tree stomper because well what else

Is it gonna be used for let’s be honest and just to max out all of my tools i decided to put mending on my shovel and call it the blue spoon now that i have a really decent axe i want to take it for a test drive and oh boys this thing fast

You know i might have learned the hard way just how fast it is because i accidentally broke a beehive and uh just look at this angry mob all right this makes me feel like a bts stan on twitter like i this is scary by the end of the

Day i chopped down almost every tree so i just planted some saplings and then went to bed day 60 i felt like building but noticed i have no more deep sight for roofs so i had to travel down to my mines and start mining for deep slate

For a bit i know it’s not the most exciting footage but i came up during midnight on day 61 so i slept and now we’re on day 62. with all of this building material wow first of all i look rich but second of all i can build

Like four or five homes easily with this amount so that’s exactly what i did and this is where i start regretting not having replay mod you see bedrock and java are two very different games in terms of mechanics and like mods and stuff which i won’t dive into because uh yeah i’m

Not gonna go through that but just know that like optifine and replay a mod and stuff like that aren’t really on bedrock so yeah i guess i’ll speed edit this so it’s still interesting but i’m sorry in advance if this gives you a stroke it probably won’t but i’ll see you in a

Couple days I’m sorry if that time lapse is a little on your face and all over the place because i really don’t know how to do this without spending hours and hours editing the short little montage but just know that after this day i finished this house and this is what it looked like after

Quite proud of it it’s meant to be a pretty boxy basic kind of build and once i get done with everything else i want to put a bunch of beds in there and then that could be like almost like a town hall where a bunch of villagers can stay

And i’m also going to be connecting this all up with paths because i think it looks really nice and makes the land feel a little more like connected i guess once i was done with that i wanted to make a little bit of a different kind

Of house but these cows were in the way so i did the most logical thing and i made an entire back passageway behind this house just for cows to stay i hope they enjoy their new home because it took me quite a few minutes once i was

Done with that i started working on this house and again i’m just gonna skip the whole montage part and just show you the after product really wish i had replay mod would make this a lot easier but just know that i’m going through adding details trying to make everything as

Nice as i can it’s just a pain to edit so this is what this house looks like after and of course yes yes yes i need to focus on that path once i was done i decided to do a little bit of farming and some wood chopping because i wanted

To take a little bit of a break and i needed a little bit more wood for one more house day 69 stop laughing i decided to grab some bone meal and start boiling my land and making some more vegetation i thought it’d be a nice little addition make everything feel a

Little more complete and uh i might have started world war iii by accident but uh we’ll just ignore the dozens and dozens of bees chasing me right now you know i’m sure everything will be fine escaping the world war aside i decided to bone meal a couple trees into my

Compound i wanted to make a little bit more greenery but i had to make sure to place torches because you know there’s this little thing i like to call mobs and that’s not exactly what i want but after this i started working on one of my final homes and uh

You know this one might take a little bit of work something tells me it’s not quite looking right yet i don’t know what i just made but it’s an abomination and after this i quickly made my final home that was the most basic and smallest out of all of these combined so

Uh let me take you for a little bit of a tour starting off we have of course my house then we have of course my beautiful lookout even though it’s not that tall but we’ll ignore that then we have my villager breeding house with tons of beds then we have this random

House that serves no purpose but is closely followed up by our enchanting table that i’m proud of which is also followed up by our mine shaft which is also followed up by our farmhouse on the outside which is also followed up by our another random house this one also

Serves no purpose but i like it it looks nice and i think this has definitely come a long way day 73 i started off with grabbing all of my sugar cane and making as much paper as i could i wanted to make rockets before i went to battle

The end and all that and i have a decent start since i spent pretty much the last 10 days building i wanted to get a ton of wool so i can make tons of beds and exactly 24 if you’re wondering and i don’t know why but it’s just now

Occurring to me that i should have made a sheep farm so that’s exactly what i did i quickly ran home and started digging a hole just like it did with my cows but then i realized hey uh sheep kinda kind they kind of need grass and i just have dirt right here

That might need to be fixed so i crafted up a bunch of different fences and began walling off this area for the sheep after convincing them for a solid minute that they’re not gonna die if they step outside of the line they came out and i

Started breeding them a lot and then i went to bed since i still had some extra fences i decided that now would be a good time to get my cows out of this hole i don’t know why i trapped them here to begin with but i’m learning from my mistakes after spending a

Considerable amount of time with these sheep i decided that it was finally time to craft myself up a bunch of beds and oh boy my inventory is completely full now that i had exactly 24 beds i just went house to house placing down all of them and then immediately i decided to

Let my villagers finally go free they have yearned for this moment for so long and i’m i’m honestly proud to provide and immediately they went straight to breeding i swear they wasted no time with all of these beds here i was looking to have like a stack of

Villagers running around and i’m all for it now that everything is free kind of like that subscribe button that you could press down below i decided to move all of my items from down in that creepy basement to into my house don’t know how i haven’t done this

Yet but i spent a long time doing this and the reason this took so long is because i was being as organized as i could every single chest had a purpose and every single chest was going to be followed by that purpose while going through all the random junk that i have

I found two bells so i put them underneath my house and wow these villagers seem to be a little tense i don’t know why i’m proud to say that after a couple days of progress i have completely organized every single chest and i even clogged up that nasty little

Hole that i used to go through every time so now there’s just a straight ladder going all the way down and all the way up now i wanted to shift my focus to my armor because it’s starting to get a little broken and it’s not really enchanted so to save myself a

Little xp in the future i decided to combine all these books together so now i got protection for and mending books after a full night’s rest i wanted to time myself and see just how fast i could chop down this forest and i’m proud to note that after an entire day

I finished all of it yeah this new pickaxe that i have is really really good and i love it so after this i decided to craft that all into sticks and planks and you know what i like getting 42 emeralds but at the same time i think it’s time to go to the

Nether i’m sick of not having broken trades i need them so let’s go or at least that’s what i would say if i had decent armor so uh so our top priority right now is to get emeralds because i need a lot of emeralds to make sure

Everything’s perfect and i’m able to you know max out my armor pretty quickly along with selling sticks i also started selling some paper because i have stacks and stacks of sugar cane i then added these books to my helmet and my chest plate and unfortunately i am out of

Levels so i can’t really do much more i tried a few different methods of getting xp such as killing animals and such but then it dawned on me what if i tried doing a raid this would give me a totem and i’d feel pretty safe and protected

So i started killing some of these illagers or whatever the heck you call them and unfortunately i i don’t know it just there was a lightning storm i was a little spooked lightning kept trying to like kill me and smite me like earlier so by the end of the night i

Just decided to return back home and that’s why i decided to go to the nether after a nice snap day 79 i jumped into the portal expecting and preparing for the worst i had my enchanted god apple along with 10 normal golden apples to really make sure that this time i don’t

Die this time to make sure i find the nether fortress i decided to go off in diagonal directions i wasn’t going to play any games this time and this was my top priority that is until the skeletons got in the way and had to be dealt with after digging some very necessary

Tunnels and running a couple hundred blocks i was a little shocked i accidentally found this while entering a cave making sure to waste no time i quickly went off and tried finding a blaze spawner found a couple wither skeletons and this one really spooked me but besides that nothing really went

Wrong slowly i was able to collect some more blaze rods they were taking a while to spawn but eventually they started spawning a little more often so i was able to run back home and avoided quite a few close calls i’ll be honest but i made it back home although

Something was a little off because last time i checked my portal wasn’t right here so i broke this obsidian so my portal broke and i ran home because this was the village i spawned right next to once i made it home i made the mistake

Of sleeping you might ask why this is a mistake but i’ll let you know in a minute day 83 started off with me making a bunch of golden ingots later i’m going to be turning this all into some golden apples once i was done with that i

Decided to just go through and organize all of my other crap that i’ve gotten and now we are finally at the time for me to make some potions after definitely not searching up how to make a weakness potion on google i learned how to make it and then from there i wanted to

Create a couple other potions some regeneration because you know it’s pretty useful definitely in pvp situations and then another thing i wanted is some slow fall you know what you need for slow fall phantom membrane yeah i think i think you might understand why i shouldn’t have slept so

This meant i had to keep myself busy by doing a bunch of other things i started off by making some golden apples because i forgot to do this earlier then i decided to be smart to make up a couple more lecterns to try and get better

Enchants but the issue with this is that none of these villagers wanted to get it i don’t know what villager was getting this lectern but it wasn’t any of these so into these different houses no one was getting lecterns what is going on eventually i got sick of this so i just

Started doing farming because what else is a man supposed to do and now that i have two giant wheat fields it takes quite a few minutes to get this all done and sorted with so now we’re on to day 85. day 85 i was back in the nether

Trying to get myself some ender pearls but for some reason these guys just didn’t want to fight me you know i get a couple hits in but then they’re they’re gone they just disappear so then i started collecting a bunch of gold nuggets to make gold ingots and then i

Used my my beautiful war strategies to uh stick this guy in a hole yeah he’s stuck here forever but he did manage to give me like seven ender pearls so i guess that’s generous of him i spent a majority of day 86 just continuing to fight these stupid endermen they

Wouldn’t drop pearls no matter how much i asked and begged them to so eventually i just went back to the overworld when i got back home i just decided to organize all the random crap i got because what else am i supposed to do now that it’s

Morning time i don’t know exactly what to do for today so i just kind of did some random things like killing animals and then i noticed that my horse somehow escaped i didn’t even realize this was my horse at first i was just about to

Run past but oreo how did you even get out here after noticing that it was becoming close to being nighttime i decided to spend a couple emeralds getting some arrows for my bow and then i well i just camped on top of my farmhouse really wanted phantom membrane

And tonight was the night tonight was most definitely not the night i went absolutely bonkers trying to get to some stupid phantom membrane these guys would swoop down and i’d smacked him with my sword missed the second shot so they wouldn’t die and then they’d end up

Flying up and then they just mock me screeching at me and guess what they’d never swoop back down you know what happens when the phantoms don’t swoop back down they despawn these phantoms kept despawning and i maybe killed like two of them out of the 30 that spawn on

Top of me tonight so i had to wait for the next night which aggravated me alrighty day 88 i am back in the nether baby you know what’s more exciting than not killing any phantoms and not getting any phantom membrane not killing any under men and not getting any ender

Pearls that’s right i spent a full two days here i was here until day 90 just trying to get all of my ender pearls and oh boy i wish i could post all of these clips and everything separately just link them in the description so you can

See just how long i spent trying to do these stupid little things look at this enderman i hit him he’s gone never see him again look at this guy hit him kill him nope i don’t kill him it just it it drove me insane but finally i got up to

However many pearls i needed and then i left the nether after waiting for the night on day 90 i’m proud to say that i actually managed to get some fanta membrane you know this is a huge accomplishment and i’m so happy immediately after getting some phantom membrane i quickly turned that crap into

Some slow falling potions and now i think i have just about everything prepared to go to the end psych just kidding i’m back in the nether because i still need literally two pearls you wanna know how long it took me to get these two pearls 20 minutes

But i’m not gonna count this as another day because heck i feel like i’ve skipped too much and just like it’s so repetitive like i’m sorry but i’m just giving you guys more footage and more content to work with so uh day 91 yeah let’s let’s get to it day 91 i

Gathered up everything i could possibly need i bought an enchanted bow off of villager grabbed all of the potions that have brewed grab some blaze eyes some blaze powder a ton of wood for you know i actually thought this was pretty smart i’m bringing like a stack of wood

Specifically to make shulker boxes so i’m like i’m gonna get so geared up i also have two rocket or two stacks of rockets i’m very prepared for this fight and after releasing my extra rocket just to get this whole adventure started it was time to head out and search for the end

After throwing the first eye of ender and landed towards that village that goes to the villager outpost so i thought maybe i’d be lucky and it’s just right there but it ended up going further pointing me towards the direction of the ocean luckily i did

Bring a boat so i was prepared for this situation after traveling for about a couple hundred blocks i found another village since i didn’t see the stronghold in the water there was only one place this could be and that was this village or at least i was hoping so

After running up to the well i threw the eye vendor and it actually ended up going straight down so this was the spot or at least i thought it was i started digging down and digging down and digging down and digging down a little bit more and

Eventually i fell into this like ravine and i was a little concerned but after digging down a little more i fell straight into the stronghold and there was actually diamonds yeah i don’t know what it is but luck really turned around during this hundred days now didn’t it after minding the diamonds

I kind of found out there was like a hallway behind this so i ended up falling it down a little bit and i found a library now this is actually really good and awesome because i needed a lot of books and this would definitely come

In handy if you guys decide you want 200 days after that i began searching around the corridors for a little bit until eventually i found the portal room and i was very happy to see this because it didn’t take too long and it actually was a decent experience now some may say

It’s weird i say it’s quite normal personally since i’ve been playing minecraft over the last few years i actually never destroy the spawner i like to keep it just in case i want to do something with silverfish and i think you should too because it’s actually pretty weird seeing it there but

Ignoring that ranting aside i lit the portal and jumped through i was so happy and i was kind of scared at the same time but luckily i actually had a decent spawn after doing a bunch of pot don’t take that out of context i was finally

Ready to take on the ender dragon and oh boy was this one of the worst experiences i’ve ever had ignoring my horrible aim aside this ender dragon was the most hostile ender dragon i think i’ve ever seen this thing puts the bedrock wither to shame this was the most terrifying

Experience and i had multiple close calls but eventually i managed to slowly crack down each tower except for this one that the ender dragon seemed to not want me to get at all i swear every time i get close to the top it would pin me start doing a bunch

Of damage and then i’d fall back down yeah that’s one of the only close calls that you’re gonna see but just know that there was a couple of them but eventually i broke every tower and let me tell you strength pots and ender dragon they mixed together well look at

This homies health and after a couple more hits the dragon was slayed since i have mending on every single tool minus the bow everything got completely healed up and i don’t have to worry about durability anymore but now is the fun part we get to go to the end cities or

We have to go try and find the end cities i should say going through this tiny little portal after going through the portal i turned up my render distance to see if i could see any close end cities and wha yeah you see that you see that oh you

Don’t see it give it a second let it load in oh oh yeah you know there’s an end city right there and there’s a ship you know what that means free elytra heck yes after beginning to bridge towards the island it was connected to i started

Running out of blocks and i had to use a little bit of my wood but since i made it to this little island i was able to grab a couple more stacks of this end stuff and i managed to make it to the beautiful ship

Where i again ran out of blocks and had to use wood but that’s fine because i definitely didn’t need this much wood especially because i’m not going to be getting a whole lot of shulker boxes after killing the shulker that was guarding the elytra it was finally time

I floated over there popped it out of its little item frame and put it on this felt like such an achievement i also collected all the items out of the chest which actually managed to have some pretty decent stuff i really like the end it has nice good loot for my

Goblin hands after that it just gets really repetitive of me killing a bunch of shulkers trying to get shells and i eventually made my own little shulker box and put all of my goodies in there yeah you see this i’m rich after killing one of the shulkers their shell actually

Fell landed on the ground so after swooshing down there i grabbed it or at least that’s what i would say uh wait wait am i about to die wait a minute wait oh no half a heart yeah for some reason these guys just kind of sensed that i was too amazing

And that i definitely went in a pvp situation and they just left me alone literally had half a heart right there almost ate my god apple kind of glad i didn’t because it’s nice to have it and yeah after that i just flew around trying to get as many shells as i could

From these end cities and finally i decided to go back home after returning home day 100 and facing some accidental x-ray i said goodbye to all of my villagers and my beautiful world and i guess this is the end or is it if you guys want to see 200

Days 2 500 likes and i promise i’ll do it i thank you all so much for joining me through my adventure and i hope you enjoyed my movie and someone just snapchatted me hopefully it’s a girl and i’m not lonely anymore i’ll catch you guys in the next one adios gamers and

Remember stay basic and be a king Is

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Bedrock!’, was uploaded by Basicking on 2022-05-30 21:15:03. It has garnered 969019 views and 20446 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:01 or 3121 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Bedrock! In Minecraft Bedrock you pretty much have 1.8 Combat, Insane luck with structures, crazy trident luck, and more. There are also a lot of things that work differently than you’d think. Can I survive 100 days in this different landscape, or will I fall victim to its different mechanics? This is the story of how I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Bedrock!

►Inspiration for the video! @Skyes @Mozi. @LukeTheNotable @ZetroYT

►My Socials Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSubjDL6iiqL-5hQ0BFw9g Personal Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/that1dominic/ Social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imbasicking/ Discord: https://discord.gg/bSScTAUDWU VODS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRDW4CZP8biJRQVYPYcb48A

►Video Info Seed: 313714641 (Version 1.18.31) Minecraft Skin: skin/19974771/bedrock-basicking/” rel=”noopener nofollow”>https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/19974771/bedrock-basicking/ TimeStamps: 0:00 Intro 0:21 Days 1-10 5:57 Days 10-20 10:41 Days 20-30 15:52 Days 30-40 22:00 Days 40-50 26:09 Days 50-60 31:50 Days 60-70 35:24 Days 70-80 40:30 Days 80-90 44:56 Days 90-99 51:10 Day 100 (You Better Have Watched This Far) 51:20 Outro

►Keywords, Tags, etc minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft,minecraft,i survived 100 days minecraft,minecraft bedrock,100 days,i survive 100 days in minecraft bedrock only world,minecraft 100 days bedrock,i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days,i survived 100 days in the bedrock only world,100 days minecraft,minecraft hardcore,i survived 100 days in minecraft,surviving 100 days in bedrock only world,minecraft survival,minecraft mods,100 days of minecraft

►Channel Info Current Sub Count: 5,009

#100dayhardcore​ #surviving100days​ #ISurvived100DaysInHardcoreMinecraft #minecraftbedrock #basicking

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    Hello there! We recently launched our first season of Towny after a 4-year break. We are seeking players who are friendly and enjoy Minecraft without the need for speedrunning everything. This weekend’s event: We are hosting a build contest with the theme of Ancient OR Mythology, with great prizes for participants. Main features include: Towny for land claiming Custom economy with a stock-like market system Custom fishing with textured fishes A Casino Seasons and rentable properties Dwarfism and more If you are interested, join us at: IP: reddit.reyvadin.com (1.21.X) Map: map.reyvadin.com Discord: discord.reyvadin.com Our approach to server development is giving… Read More

  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hirayasmp.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘超智障的一部片 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #memes #颱風 #skywars #gaming #颱風 #ep1 #pvp #lunarclient’, was uploaded by V概 alvin on 2024-09-16 13:59:03. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Producer: Vgui Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Hardware: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: PJ02 mechanical keyboard (red axis) Microphone: HyperX SoloCast Minecraft ID: V_alvin Read More

  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

    Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muscle Efekan and Skinny Alperen, a dynamic team. Their battles are epic, their adventures grand, In this virtual world, they make their stand. With muscles of steel and skills to match, Muscle Efekan takes on any catch. Skinny Alperen, quick and sly, With moves so smooth, he’ll make you cry. Together they conquer, together they thrive, In this Minecraft world, they truly come alive. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And join these two heroes in their epic show. Read More

  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

    POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft POV: Ultra Toxic Friend at different Ages Age 10: “I’ll steal your diamonds in Minecraft and blame it on a creeper!” Age 15: “I’ll grief your entire base and call it a prank, bro.” Age 20: “I’ll steal your girlfriend and blame it on lag.” Read More

  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft! The Emerald Golem in Minecraft Farm Details Farm Performance: The Emerald Golem farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, making it efficient and convenient for players. Versions: The farm is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including various subversions like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4. Platforms: The farm is designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for players on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary shaders enhance the visual experience of the game. Resource Pack: The farm utilizes the default… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/theboiledone ——————————— Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/stellakosmistr TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stellakosmistrvt ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@Futuretech1472 ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: farcross.xyz Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! https://dsc.gg/farcross Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! https://dsc.gg/craftedcroix My gear: https://kit.co/craftedcroix/craftedcroix-s-gear Want to give me a donation? https://streamelements.com/craftedcroix-2047/tip Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! https://farcross.tebex.io Join the Farcross Reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/farcross/ Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More

I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Bedrock!