I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft’s Scariest Dimension…

Video Information

Imagine you’ve been teleported into a terrifying minecraft dimension where literally everything wants to kill you this is the between land and i’ll be surviving the next 100 days inside of this dimension and in order to escape i’ll need to acquire a powerful set of armor weapons and tools and defeat the

Four bosses that rule over this place will i be able to survive and escape watch till the end to find out so on day one i spawned in and immediately noticed that some sort of strange zombie creature was already walking towards me so i quickly grabbed

A couple of logs and used them to make a crafting table and wooden sword and took this weird zombie creature out then i crafted myself a wooden axe and continued to collect some more logs as i was doing this though a fish jumped out of the nearby pond and started attacking

Me thankfully i was able to take it out but i was now dropped down to half health and had definitely got the message that nothing in this dimension was friendly there was also another one of those strange zombie-like creatures swimming towards me so i decided to get

Out of that area as fast as possible because it definitely was not safe but i quickly realized that there wasn’t really anywhere that was safe in this world because as i was approaching another body of water i was attacked by two crabs at the same time dropping me

Down to half a heart of health somehow though i was able to quickly run away and survive this attack but now i was really scared with my health now at the lowest possible amount it could be though and my hunger quickly dropping i knew i needed to get myself set up with

Some materials asap if i was gonna survive i figured my best bet would be to start mining and try and collect some stone and coal for a furnace and fuel that way i could cook up some food to regen my hunger and start healing and after doing a little bit of mining i

Tried to craft myself a set of stone tools but it seemed that that recipe didn’t exist in this world so i was gonna have to stick with my wooden tools for now eventually though i mined into some sort of yellow ore called sulfur which i assume was the equivalent of

Coal in this dimension so i mined all of it up crafting myself a furnace and began cooking up the one singular frog leg i had managed to get so far obviously this wasn’t enough to fully regenerate my hunger but it was a start before i went hunting for more food

Though i wanted to set up some sort of home base for myself that way if i got into any trouble i would have a place to run back to and hide and based on the terrain i decided my best bet was going to be to just hollow out one of those

Massive trees around the area and live inside that for a while since i currently only had access to wooden tools though it was quite the slow process and my work continued on into the next day but eventually i was able to get it all cleared out i also set up

A couple chests for storage just to keep myself organized and then i shifted my focus to solving my hunger problem and after walking just a couple of steps outside i spotted a few bright blue mushrooms on the ground and every natural instinct told me not to eat

These things but i didn’t really feel like i had any other choice at this point so i picked him up and started munching and to my surprise they actually did regenerate my hunger and solve that issue and they also caused me to start having visions about today’s

Sponsor rec room rec room is a free to play social game with voice chat and it is the best place to build and play games together with your friends you can either choose to explore one of the millions of already player created rooms or you can build your own game for you

And the rest of community to check out and play personally i had a ton of fun playing the paintball game mode where your objective is to capture the enemy team’s flag without allowing them to do the same rec room is also available on a ton of different platforms including

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So if you guys want to check it out use my link down in the description below to download the game and of course thank you once again to rec room for sponsoring today’s video so after that experience i decided that these mushrooms would only be a good food to

Eat for specific situations and i started hunting around for some other sources of food and i actually managed to kill one of those anglerfish that i fought earlier and got some meat from it but then as i continued looking around i accidentally walked over a poisoned frog

And got attacked by another one of those crabs which dropped my health back down to half so i immediately sprinted back to my tree house to try and avoid any more trouble when i got there though i noticed that some sort of ghost was just waiting for me outside and making some

Very creepy noises and i had a sneaking suspicion that i was definitely not ready to fight this guy yet so i just spent the rest of the day camping out my tree house and on day three i thought it would be a good idea to start doing some

Mining because if i was ever gonna be able to deal with those monsters that were waiting for me outside i was gonna need to improve my gear so i started work on making a staircase down in my treehouse and once i got low enough a message popped up on my screen letting

Me know i had just entered the cavern which i wasn’t sure if i should be excited or terrified about that there seemed to be a bunch more oars to mine down here though because as i explored i found a lot more of that sulfur and also

A bit of a new ore called slimy bone but this place also made a bunch of creepy noises and aside from the torches i was placing was completely pitch black so as you can imagine i was pretty terrified the entire time i was down there i did

Manage to make it out alive though and was even able to craft some new tools with that slimy bone oar but when i opened my door to check outside i noticed a super dense fog had rolled in so i decided to go back down into the caverns and just continue mining for the

Time being because i wasn’t sure what that fog meant and didn’t want to be anywhere near it as i made my way back down though i found a new ore called ceramide that i was able to mine using my new bone pickaxe but i didn’t get much time to celebrate because right

After that i was attacked by some bugs which doesn’t sound too scary but once they started crawling all over my screen i was kind of freaked out i continued to mine for a while though and actually managed to find a ton of this ceramide

Ore when i got back to the top level of my base though i heard some sort of crazy noise going on outside and when i went to look at what the heck was happening i noticed a massive rift had opened up in the sky i also used all of

That ceramide i had just collected to make a full set of armor aside for the boots because i didn’t have enough for those yet then i made an attempt to try and replenish my food supply by hunting down some of those crabs that had been harassing me earlier these crabs must

Have been on some type of steroids though because even with 3 4 of an armor set they still were destroying my health so i instead opted to hunt down some snails and collect their meat since those guys didn’t attack me i came across some alligator-like creatures while hunting but to my surprise they

Seem to be one of the very few friendly monsters in this entire dimension the next day i went back down into the caverns because i wanted to find a couple more ceremonies that i could complete my armor set while i was down there though some rock monster rolled

Out of the wall and knocked me down to half health with just one hit pretty scary stuff so i was definitely gonna be trying to avoid those guys from now on i also managed to find another entirely new ore while i was down here though called octane i wasn’t quite sure yet

What this was gonna be used for but it looks pretty cool i also noticed though that my max hearts had started to decrease and the bar above my hunger bar was at about its halfway point i had some balls of sap in my inventory that i had collected from a tree earlier that

Very closely resembled this bar above my hunger bar so i decided to try and eat a couple of those and just like i had hoped it replenished that bar and restored my max health to its usual amount once i made it back to my base i

Found out that that octane ore i had just mined up could be used to make some tools so i did exactly that when i went to take a peek outside though i spotted some weird flying bat in the sky so i went back inside to craft a bow but

Unfortunately didn’t have the materials for arrows yet so i had to settle for using my sword and i eventually managed to take the thing out but it didn’t drop anything so it was kind of just a waste of time i did find out though that this

Octane sword i had just crafted was very op because when i was using it to fight this zombie it set it on fire i yet again heard another weird noise going on outside of my base and when i went to investigate was confronted by this horrifying specimen i was able to kill

It but i definitely was not going to be upset if i never had to see one of those things again and the next day i set out on an expedition in hopes of collecting some brand new materials first i killed a couple of dragonflies in order to get

Their wings because that was the one missing ingredient i needed to craft some arrows i also killed one of those alligator things that i had come across earlier just to see what they would drop and as it turns out they’re actually called lurkers and drop their skin i

Also did some more caving and found enough octane to craft myself a shield when i equipped it though i noticed it blocked a pretty large part of my screen so i decided that i didn’t really want to use this thing too often even more importantly though i was able to craft

Those ceramide boots meaning i now finally had a full set of armor and after this zombie nearly broke down my wooden doors i decided it might not be a bad idea to use the extra ceramide i had gotten from the trip to make some sturdier ones i also decided to make a

Big ladder down into the caverns because the staircase i was using now was really annoying and really slow and once i finished this ladder i was super super happy with it not only because it was a much faster way to get down but because

I had also managed to make it go to an even lower part of the cavern which i hoped would help me find some new rare ores i also realized that my current food situation was pretty drab considering the fact that i was pretty much exclusively on a snail meat diet so

I decided to spend a day just roaming around on the surface looking for some new and interesting crops that i could potentially add to a farm and once i had found what i considered to be a decent variety i began the work on actually setting up the physical farm itself by

Just throwing down some fences and torches for lighting and during all of this traveling around i had been doing i noticed that anytime i needed to swim through the water it was a very slow and painful process so i made myself this nifty little rowboat that was a bit

Difficult to learn how to control but would definitely speed up the water travel and as i was still learning how to maneuver this rowboat i spotted a huge tower off in the distance that i didn’t feel ready to go venturing into just yet but at some point in the future

I was definitely gonna go back there i also used a net i had crafted to capture myself some geckos in a dragonfly and once again i didn’t know exactly why i was getting these things just yet but i figured they would have to have a use

For me at some point in the future and on day 16 my inventory had become completely full with all the new items i was collecting so i rode my way back home when i got back though i was once again attacked by one of those disgusting creatures called shamblers

But i noticed that every time i killed one of these things they dropped their tongue so i looked in to see if there were any recipes that that was used in and as it turned out if i could just get a couple of teeth from those anglerfish i could actually craft myself a

Grappling hook so as you can imagine the next day i set out on a hunting trip for those anglerfish and throughout the day i actually killed quite a few of the fish but for whatever reason they just weren’t dropping very many teeth so my hunt continued on into the next day and

Those lurkers ended up coming in super clutch because they automatically hunted down the anglerfish meaning i was able to just go and grab a bunch of extra teeth from ones they had previously killed and as i continued to explore around i ended up spotting a massive tree off in the distance and thought

This would be a perfect opportunity to craft my grappling hook and test it out and similarly to the rowboat i had a little bit of trouble getting down the mechanics of how to use this thing but eventually i made it to the top of the tree and there was some sort of fruit

Seed hanging from the vines on the tree when i got there so i decided to collect as much of these as i could so i could plant them at my farm later on as i attempted to descend the tree though i accidentally fell a massive distance and

Ended up with half a heart definitely needed to be more careful with the grappling hook in the future and after that near-death experience i felt like i had had enough adventure for one day so i traveled back home and the first thing i did when i got back was grab some

Bowler pads i had up in my farm as decorations and converted them into a kite which as you can see here would hopefully solve my problem with descent if i decided to use that grappling hook again in the future i also got to work on setting up and filling these compost

Bins in my farm because in order to plant the seeds i had just gotten from the big tree the day before i would first need to generate myself some compost thankfully making compost was not a super complicated process and the next day i already had some and was able

To plant those seeds and at this point in my journey i was starting to feel pretty confident and thought it was about time i take on my first boss of this dimension my current armor set was pretty beat up though and kinda low on durability so i first went and mined a

Bunch more ceramide and crafted myself a new set and then i went out to hunt down my first boss the cairo maw matriarch on the way there though i hunted down some more anglers for teeth again because as you’ll see in a second arrows were gonna

Be kind of important in this fight when i arrived at the boss’s location though i noticed that the actual nest was towering above my head but i had already committed to fighting this thing so i began making my way up as soon as i reached the platform though before i

Could even get my bearings i was suddenly swarmed by a bunch of those swamp zombies so i quickly boxed myself in a corner to avoid the gaze of the matriarch and took out these zombies that way i didn’t have any distractions during the actual fight and after

Finishing off the last one i peeked my head out and not even a second later the matriarch swooped over and began attacking i tried to angle myself in the corner to prevent it from reaching me but then it flew in and picked me up

With its claws i was able to hit it a couple times and force it into dropping me and clutch with my voller kite to avoid any fall damage but it almost immediately picked me back up again and this time i wasn’t quick enough with my

Kite and dropped down to half hp then it grabbed onto me again and attacked me while it held me dropping me down to a heart and a half and then it dropped me off of the side of the cliff forcing me to quickly clutch with my kite once

Again if i had just been a second slower i was probably dead there clearly this thing was way too powerful for my current gear level but i had spotted the matriarch’s nest up there and thought i saw something pretty interesting inside so i had a plan i made my way back over

To the island and built my way up once again i then started sneaking over to the nest to see if i could get my hands on some of the things inside as i was only a block or two away though the matriarch swooped in again picked me up

And dropped me putting me right back down to two hearts but using my kite i was once again able to glide out of the situation and avoid death i was determined to loot this nest though so i built my way back up once again and this

Time when i got there the matriarch was nowhere to be found and when i took a peek inside the nest i saw what appeared to be one of the matriarch’s eggs so i used my net to grab it there was actually a second egg in the nest but i

Wasn’t able to get my hands on it fast enough and i was super worried the matriarch was going to be extra aggressive now that i had taken one of her babies so i threw on my volar kite and got the heck out of there i spent the following day just traveling back

Home with the egg and when i returned i decided i wanted to make a little incubation room for tohatchen i started out by just making a mossy stone outline for the walls then dug out the floor and replaced it with some limestone so it looked a little bit cleaner and capped

Everything off with the glass roof to let some light in for the hatchling and i’ve gotta say considering the fact that i think i am a terrible builder i don’t think this room turned out too bad and it seemed like the egg itself was pretty happy here because almost immediately it

Started wiggling around a little bit i wasn’t sure if it was going to take a really long time for this thing to hatch though so in the meantime i decided i would go caving in that deeper layer i had access to now to see if i could find

Some new oars and right off the bat i found something called scabis which i had no idea what it was used for but it was new so that was kind of cool and the next day as i continued to explore the caverns i found another new ore called

Valonite which this one i knew could be used to create the best armor in the game and was essentially the equivalent of diamonds i continued to look around to see if i could find some more of this because obviously it would be awesome to have but i ran out of food before i

Could find any and these lower parts were absolutely terrifying so i went back up to my tree house and when i got back up and went to check in on the incubation room i noticed that the kairoma baby had actually hatched out of its egg and was now asking for a gecko

As some food thankfully i had caught one of those earlier so i fed it to him and he seemed pretty content i assumed this guy was going to continue to want more and more food though and i personally was also out of food so i decided it’d

Be a great opportunity to go out and hunt for both myself and the baby cairo mom so i spent the next day killing some snails to gather some meat for myself and also capturing some geckos and dragonflies that i assumed the chiroman might be interested in when i finally

Made it back at the end of the day though this picky eater was demanding i give him a frog leg which i had not gotten during my day of hunting so it was time to go back out after hunting down and feeding him his frog leg though

I noticed that my white pair plants that i had gotten from that big tree earlier had finally grown which was awesome because it gave me access to some new types of food that i was in desperate need of including the pear itself and surprisingly a doughnut the next day

Though that picky chiromaw baby got even pickier because this time he wanted me to give him a snail egg which is way more complicated to get than it sounds because it would require me to go kill a sludge creature to get some sludge balls that i could then in turn use to breed

Two snails and get a snail egg and to make matters even worse the biome that these sludge creatures are found in requires a special type of boots called rubber boots to even walk on so my first mission was to find a rubber tree so that i could get these boots anyways

After an entire day of searching for this rubber tree with no luck i finally managed to find one on day 34 and i also found this giant toad that i was pretty sure i could tame as a pet unfortunately though i didn’t have the food he wanted

On me at the moment so i would have to come back to tame him later but i attached my bucket to the rubber tree and started filling it up in the process of waiting for it to fill up though a thunderstorm started and i nearly got struck by lightning and as if this

Little stretch of days here wasn’t bad enough already when i got home i found out that that one bucket only gave me three rubber balls and i needed four for the boots so the next day i sailed all the way back to that rubber tree and started filling my bucket again this

Time though i brought some dragonfly wings with me which are that toad’s meal of choice but he was a very hungry boy because even after giving him all of the wings i had on me he still was not tamed i was determined to tame this toad though so i hunted down some dragonflies

To get some more wings while i waited for that bucket to fill and this time i had enough and was able to tame the toad and i gotta say i think it was worth the grind because riding this guy around was awesome and by this time my bucket was

Once again full of rubber so i grabbed it and rode my toad home and after smelting the bucket to solidify it i got three more of those rubber balls and finally was able to craft those rubber boots i realized though that when i brought my new pet toad into my base i

Had completely trapped him in here now and there was no way i could get him out at the moment so i spent the next day just making a couple alterations to the design of my base to try and better accommodate him but he was quite the big

Boy and even after going through all that trouble i still had not been able to create a good way of getting him in and out of the base easily so for the time being i decided to just use a bit of a scuff solution where i would

Temporarily place some blocks down as it would turn out though this toad completely solved my issue of even needing those rubber boots in the first place because when i got to the biome where those sludge creatures spawn i was actually able to just ride around on my

Toad at full speed with no issue so i spent a little bit of time collecting some sludge balls there and then bred two snails to get my first snail egg but i had already decided that it would be in my best interest to start a tiny

Little snail farm at my base just in case this chiromaw baby ever wanted another snail egg so i collected two more eggs and then got to work on setting up the layout for this snail farm as i was working on building the farm though the sky suddenly started to

Transition into a blood red color and when i went outside to investigate there were some very haunting noises and i could just tell something was wrong and as i was walking back towards my tree house a swamp zombie suddenly started sprinting at me and when it hit me it

Did four whole hearts of damage which was way more than usual so it seemed like this blood fog had turned the swamp zombies into a super version of themselves that was both stronger and faster i managed to make it back inside of my base safely though and finish my

Build but i gotta say with the blood fog looming overhead the build looked very eerie and the next day the blood fog still hadn’t cleared up which was about to be a bit of a problem because in this dimension any tools you carry on you are constantly corroding which lowers their

Effectiveness and my tools were currently super corroded and as part of the process to fix them i needed to go outside and get some swamp water but that meant that i was likely going to be confronted by a horde of swamp zombies and when i stepped outside that’s

Exactly what happened and they attacked fast quickly dropping me down to three and a half hearts in the blink of an eye thankfully they seemed to be much slower than me in the water so i was able to get the swamp water i needed and escape

Back to my tree house as i was in the process of removing the corrosion from my tools though i spotted some weird rat creature that i had never seen before right outside my base and for some reason i thought that i needed to go fight this thing because maybe it was

Gonna drop some exclusive loot or something which immediately turned out to be a huge mistake because after getting overwhelmed by all the mobs outside i started to run back into my treehouse and got knocked down to one and a half hearts and the day only got

Worse when i went over to my farm and noticed that the rain had put out all of my torches and also was starting to flood the ground thankfully though the next day things finally returned to normal when the blood sky cleared up but there was still a massive horde of mobs

Surrounding my entire base so i needed to clear them out somehow and basically what i did was just set up a super scuff trap in my farm area lured them all into it and took the majority of them out but the action was really only just getting

Started because now it was time for me to head out to take on my first real boss of this dimension the primordial malevolence and unlike that chiromaw matriarch that i challenged earlier this was a real boss one of the four that ruled over the betweenlands which meant

That if i wanted to escape this place i would need to take it out so i spent the day traveling to the white’s fortress which is where this boss was located reaching the fortress was only just a start though and now the real challenge began as i attempted to climb up it

First i encountered a guardian that somewhat resembled a blaze but these guys shined bright green and shot out multiple fireballs at once i was able to use my shield to pretty easily block the attacks and then went in with my sword to take it out while it was on cooldown

And finally i broke the spawner so that i wouldn’t have to deal with any more of them then as i was looting one of the chests in the fortress a poison cloud suddenly overtook me quickly dropping me down to two and a half hearts and as i

Attempted to eat and heal up it flew to me again this time dropping me down to one heart at this point i went into full panic mode and quickly ran up the stairs to get to the top of the tower and blocked it off so the cloud couldn’t

Chase me then i threw on my kite and flew like 50 blocks away from the fortress just to get away from all that so i could heal up for a little bit i actually even ended up taking a pit stop at my base just to cool down a little

Bit and also to drop off all the loot i had gotten from the tower so far on the way back though i tested out a weapon i had gotten there called the hag hacker on one of these swamp zombies and let’s just say it was pretty op on these guys

But it seemed to do pretty much no damage at all to anything else so i guess it was some sort of specialized weapon for that one mob when i eventually made it back though i finished climbing to the top of the tower and started to walk into the

Central room and i got poked by some spike traps on the ground a couple of times before i managed to hop over to a safe blue block when i looked up though there was a target on the ceiling in each of the four corners that looked

Like it should be mined so i got to work on doing that and after mining the final one a blue light flashed in front of me and dropped a sword on the ground called the shockwave sword and when i right-clicked on the ground with this

Thing just as the name implied it sent a shockwave forward and as i climbed the final staircase of the tower i encountered a sign that said only the sword keeper may enter i guess that was me now though so i walked forward and an eye suddenly appeared in front of me and

Teleported me to fight the primordial malevolence and right when the fight began the primordial malevolence summoned in a white but thankfully using the shockwave sword i was able to quickly take it out then i tried to use my bow to get a shot in on this boss but

For some reason when it hit it the damage reflected back onto me but then it shot me with a green orb that i was able to catch and reflect back at it and when it hit it seemed to remove part of its shield and i was able to attack the

Boss through the gap so it seemed like the key to winning this fight was to use these green orbs to slowly chip away at the boss’s shield and after reflecting the second green oar back at the boss i was able to get in a ton of damage while

It was stunned i stunned it again but this time it spawned a white as well which prevented me from getting in very many hits i continued to slowly chip away at the boss’s health but once it reached about the halfway point it started using a new attack that would

Spam blue orbs at me and i had to try and dodge them there were so many though that it was almost impossible to dodge them all and i ended up getting hit by a few and dropped down to four hearts after hitting it with a couple more

Green orbs though it had lost nearly half of its shield and while it was stunned i was able to get in a ton of hits i was low on health and starting to run out of food though so i needed to finish this fight quickly if i wanted to

Survive after the next green orb hit though i was able to shred through the boss’s hp dropping it down to about its last five percent and now with more than half its defenses gone i was able to just keep jumping up in the air and slowly chip away at the remaining hp

And eventually i landed the final blow and defeated the primordial malevolence the boss dropped a ton of xp and also an item called the ring of recruitment which sounded very very interesting i spent the rest of the day traveling back home but then when i got back i tested

Out this new ring on a lurker and was able to convert it into essentially a minion that would do whatever i told it to but in order to keep a mob as a minion i would have to constantly use xp levels so i stopped for now when i took

A peek into my inventory though i saw that my armor was super beat up from the fight so i figured now was the perfect time to start converting to valonite armor i only currently had enough to make a chestplate though so i decided i would go mining for the rest of the set

And this mining trip was pretty insane because in the span of just one single day i managed to find a total of 19 more valonite which was more than enough for the rest of the set i did end up getting lost though the next day as i tried to

Escape the caverns and got soaked in some crazy decay water that completely wiped out my sap bar thankfully there were no mobs around me at the time but that was definitely something to stay away from cause i would essentially be a one shot if there was a mob around and

When i finally made it back home i crafted myself a full set of valonite armor but decided to stay away from the sword because it was no better than that shockwave sword i had just obtained there was also a shield i could get but i was currently two valonite shorts so i

Went back down into the caverns and quickly found a vein of eight so that was more than enough and this day just kept getting even better because when i made it back up to my base my baby chiromaw finally hatched and i had spent a lot of time and resources nurturing

This little guy so i thought he needed a name and i ended up going with chris because i thought chris the cairo maul rolled off the tongue pretty nicely i also found out that if i put this guy on my head i gained the ability to double

Jump which was pretty awesome then i made myself that valonite shield and i was very happy with it because unlike that octane shield from earlier this one did not block like half my screen and since i had found such a large vein of valonite i actually had a lot extra so i

Also made myself a pickaxe with all this new op gear though i was feeling pretty dang powerful and decided to go back to that battle tower i had seen before and take on the challenge when i made it into the first floor of the tower i was

Swarmed by a bunch of termites but with my new shockwave sword i was able to pretty much one or two shot every single one of these guys so it wasn’t really an issue i also broke quite a few loot plots that were in this area and managed

To get surprisingly good loot from them as i continued to ascend the staircase i walked into a room that had a kyramaw spawner in it but once again this shockwave sword managed to just shred every single one of them and it was no problem the next level though had one of

Those weird green blaze spawners and this one caused me some problems because while dealing with one of these guys at a time was not too difficult dealing with three of them all shooting like five fireballs a piece at you it did some damage but by utilizing my new

Valonite shield and just slowly taking them out one at a time i was eventually able to clear the room and kept advancing the next level had a white spawner in it that i immediately broke but it still had time to spawn two wipes and just those two alone were nearly

Enough to take me out and i only survived the encounter with two and a half hearts and then i climbed to the final floor and before i even got all the way up i spotted a white spawner to my left which i knew to break immediately then i used my specialized

Axe to one shot all the swamp zombies and tried to lure the whites down the staircase so that i could have an easier fight with them they didn’t really take the bait though so i ended up having to fight them on the top but surprisingly i

Was able to hold my ground pretty well and they didn’t cause me nearly as many issues as those previous two did so i finished looting all the pots and chests that were on the top of this tower threw on my bowler kite and flew to safety and

When i got back i decided i wanted to take my toad once again to go farm some more of those sludge balls because i had kind of been neglecting my snail egg farm while we were there though some strange mummy thing rose out of the ground and at first it didn’t seem too

Intimidating but then it let out a huge screen that completely paralyzed us both and it started sprinting super fast towards us luckily my toad was fast enough to get us out of there in time but that was a little bit too close for comfort and i definitely wanted to avoid

Those things if at all possible i also decided that if i was gonna name my chiromaw this toad deserved the name as well so i decided to go with todd the toad to kind of stick with the theme of alliteration and i guess i must have

Just been in some sort of animal loving mood that day because the next morning i decided to start on my zoo project there weren’t a ton of unique creatures in this dimension that i’d be able to capture but there was enough that i would have a decent variety so i spent

The first couple of days just collecting unique building blocks that way each little room in the zoo would look different then when i actually began building i started off by creating a room for my toad partially because i thought he was the coolest creature so i

Wanted him to be shown off first but also because i desperately need an area that i could easily get him into and out of because right now it was a total mess then i created a little bug area that i could place any dragonflies or fireflies

That i captured into and finally i made a room for a lurker it was a bit of a challenge to actually get it into the room but using the ring of recruitment i was able to force it to follow me and that simplified the process a lot and

Once again i certainly do not consider myself to be some sort of crazy good builder in fact i think i’m pretty terrible at it but i honestly don’t think this little zoo area turned out too bad i think the only downside to it was i just didn’t have enough time to

Make even more rooms but with that project now completed it was time to shift my focus to my second boss battle in this dimension the spirit tree i first fixed up all my tools and weaponry by removing the corrosion from them and then i set out to find the boss and when

I arrived i spotted some small faces on one of the logs surrounding the big tree as i got close to them though these little faces started spitting balls of sap onto me so i started swinging my sword at them to see if i could kill

Them but while i was doing that waves of tree root spikes started coming up through the ground and doing some pretty big damage to me so i decided to step back for a second and regroup just to figure out the best way to approach this situation i noticed that one of the

Small faces i had killed though had actually dropped a mask and i tried to equip it to see if that would stop the little faces from spitting any more sap balls at me but it didn’t work i eventually decided to just try and push in towards the main spirit tree anyway

Though and see if i could do some damage and surprisingly i actually managed to get a few good hits in but then it started shooting tree spikes out of its face at me that did some massive damage and as i stepped back it hit me with another tree spike attack through the

Ground dropping me below half health so i decided to back out for the time being it had also become completely pitch black outside at this point though so i decided i would wait for a little bit to see if maybe it would brighten up outside that way i wasn’t fighting the

Tree completely blind i waited quite a while though with no signs of things getting any brighter so i decided that i would just run around the spirit tree and spam place the torches i had in my inventory to try and lighten things up a little bit and that actually worked out

Pretty well so i went back in for yet another attack this time i started by shooting the tree with an octane arrow from my bow to light it on fire and then followed that up with some attacks from my sword after taking one too many hits

Though i got dropped down to one and a half hearts and quickly sprinted out of the way i wanted to take this thing out though so i went back in again and this time after getting a bunch of hits in with my sword i was able to block the

Majority of the tree spike attack using my shield and while i was recovering from some damage i had just taken another one of those riffs opened up in the sky and let a lot more light in so i could finally see what was going on i

Used this as an opportunity to go back in for another attack and got some quality hits in but then i once again got dropped to two and a half hearts luckily though i was able to use my shield to block the rest of the tree spike attack and survive this spirit

Tree was no joke though and after healing up i went in again and this time i was able to get a bunch of strikes on the tree and when he started to try and use his attacks i was able to dodge them by jumping and blocked all the tree

Spikes using my shield taking almost no damage and just by looking at the texture of the mask it was super broken and i could tell i had almost defeated the spirit tree i just needed to get a couple more hits in i backed out one last time to regenerate to full health

And then went in for the final strikes and after only a few hits i had defeated the spirit tree i collected the spirit tree sapling that i got as a reward but then decided that i wanted to get out of there because the tree was rotting in

Real time and i didn’t want to see what happened when it fully died just like that though i was back at my home base and had defeated two out of the four bosses i needed to in order to escape the dimension during the battle though my valonite armor had become really

Damaged so i was going to craft an item called the animator which would use life crystal and sulfur in order to repair it as i put my first armor piece in though i saw that it was using sulfur way faster than i thought it was going to so

I had to go back down to the caverns and spend the rest of the day collecting sulfur just so that i wouldn’t run out and then the next day i was able to use the animator on every single piece of my valonite armor and fully repair it but

Doing so completely depleted the one life crystal i currently have so i figured that it wasn’t a bad idea to go hunting down in the caverns for some more life crystal there was one little issue though and that was that life crystal was only found under the really murky waters that were basically

Impossible to see it but if i could get my hands on a full set of lurker armor it would provide me with the ability to be able to see clearly under these murky waters so i spent the entirety of day 66 hunting down lurkers and collecting

Their skin before on day 67 i crafted myself a full set of lurker armor and as you can see in addition to making it easier to see underwater it also increases your speed and how long you can breathe for so this thing was gonna be perfect for hunting for life crystals

And within just one day of searching i managed to find three life crystals which i was pretty sure was more than i was ever gonna need and when i made it back up to my base on day 69 i used part of one of these life crystals to fully

Repair my shockwave sword and then i started on my journey to brew a potion which usually isn’t too hard of a thing to do in minecraft but in this dimension it was an absolute nightmare basically i had to grind up a ton of different plants trap some geckos in some cages

And then test all of those plants on those geckos to find out what each one did then i had to craft myself a cauldron and throw in a bunch of those ingredients that i had just discovered then i had to use a bucket to take it

Out of the cauldron and put it into an entirely separate contraption that would actually turn it into a usable potion and after literally 10 days of doing all this i ended up with one singular potion of strength and after all that it was already time to travel to my third boss

Fight so i guess we were about to find out if this potion was worth the wait and when i arrived at this next boss’s location the first thing i did was block my toad off into a corner towards the bottom because the last thing i needed

Was this guy running away while i was in the process of fighting the boss this place seemed to be some sort of a spiral tower though and there was a very obvious staircase leading to the top so i began to make my way up it and when i

Reached the peak i saw four octane plates that looked like they needed to be lit on fire so i did exactly that after lighting the last one though four fire geckos spawned in and started attacking me and at first i didn’t think these guys were too intimidating so i

Was pretty aggressive in trying to take them out but then out of nowhere i got dropped down to one and a half hearts and started taking them a bit more seriously eventually though i was able to take them all out but that was not the last thing that needed to be done at

This tower because next up i had to solve this big crazy light puzzle in order to unlock some crypts underground and i won’t bore you all with the details of how i solved this whole puzzle so two days later i unlock the crips and it seemed like now i would need to

Progress through multiple layers of these crypts in order to make it to this boss battle and at first that didn’t seem too bad when i was mostly just being confronted by these unintimidating worms but as i progressed further and further down into the crypts i started

To burn through my food very very fast and the durability on my armor started getting decimated turning back was no longer an option though so i plunged deeper when i went to unlock the entrance to the fifth layer though some crazy monster came screeching out and at

First i thought my best bet was to try and just kill it so i started swinging my sword but within seconds i had been dropped to half a heart of health and started sprinting away i was literally one hit away from losing everything in this hardcore world i had to get down to

That next layer though so after healing up as much as i could i went back to take on that creature and somehow in total darkness i was able to kill the monster and it let out a terrifying screech in the corner it had knocked me

Into though i saw some huge axe lying on the ground and when i picked it up and looked at it in my inventory it seemed to be really strong i continued to progress to the crypts for the rest of this day though and finally on day 86 i

Arrived at the final layer my valonite helmet had completely shattered at this point but luckily one of the pots i had looted along the way had dropped a bone helmet so even though it wasn’t as good i at least had some replacement then after making my way down the ladder and

Into the pit i saw some big machine in the middle and i figured out that if i continuously shot each side of it with my bow it would slowly lower it closer and closer to the ground and eventually i got it all the way down to the bottom

And it exploded into a pile of xp when i went to go collect the xp though a sludge tentacle came bursting out of the ground i took a couple of swings at it with my battle axe and did a little bit of damage but with just two hits it

Dropped me below half hp so if i was gonna kill this thing it needed to be quick so i drank my potion of strength and crossed my fingers that it would actually do something and to my surprise when i started hitting it with my battle axe again i was doing ridiculous amounts

Of damage like seriously i was doing 10 or more of its health with every swing and within literal seconds i had defeated the sludge menace it was a very good thing that i had been able to take it down so fast though because even in just those couple of seconds it had

Knocked me all the way down to only four hearts i knew there was supposed to be some pretty powerful loot hidden all around in these crypts though so i started using a new item i had gotten called the swift pickaxe to dig around and look for it which by the way this

Pickaxe is completely insane and almost insta-breaks every single block anyways though i first found an ancient greatsword which seemed to be the counterpart to that ancient battle axe i had found earlier and then i discovered the full set of ancient armor which was even better than the valonite stuff i

Was currently using and to add on top of that this stuff also just looked awesome so i was super happy to have it and when i eventually made it back to my base i only kept getting more and more powerful because i found out that these things

Called middle gems that i already had in my chest could be applied to armor and weapons to give things like extra chance to heal or even chance to cause extra damage so obviously i applied these things to my entire ancient armor set and also my two new weapons to be honest

With you though i felt pretty dumb that it took me this long to figure out what these things were because i could have probably avoided a lot of near-death experiences if i had just realized that sooner and now i was just about ready to start preparing to take on the final

Boss of the betweenlands and escape this dimension but first it was time for some unfinished business because if you’ll remember all the way back on day 25 i took on the cairo mom matriarch but failed to take her out but now i was gonna take my toad and go finish this

Job once and for all so i made my way back to the location of the nest suddenly though as i was blocking off my toad so he wouldn’t escape the matriarch swooped in and picked me up to start attacking me but this time my new armor and weapons were way too powerful for

Her and with just a couple hits i took her out i had finally gotten my revenge and she also dropped this cool item that would shoot out barbs 360 degrees around my player of course my business here was still not yet complete though because i wasn’t just gonna leave the remaining

Babies hanging up there with no mother so i built my way up to her nest and grabbed the remaining eggs as i was getting ready to leave though a lightning storm started which made for an amazing opportunity so i threw one of the eggs i had just collected into a

Spot where lightning was about to strike and created a lightning chiromaw egg which as you’ll see soon is pretty crazy on the way back to the treehouse though me and the toad both fell into a pit and in the process of me trying to get him

Out of the pit he somehow suffocated in a wall after all of our journeys these past 91 days todd the toad had died or had he because from one of the boss fights i had picked up a ring that would actually allow me to revive dead pets so

When i made it back home i placed the ring in the animator and todd the toad was back to life it was good to have him back and i was definitely gonna be more careful about jumping over pits with him in the future while i was here i also placed down the

Two baby chiromaw eggs and then over the next couple of days worked on both making sure to feed those babies and also to begin preparing the bait for my final boss battle and on day 95 both of the baby chiromaws finally hatched and the lightning chiromaw looked just as

Awesome as i had hoped it would and as if that wasn’t enough while it’s on my head it’ll actually shoot lightning bolts at any enemies i’m fighting but with those two taken care of it was time for me to go journey to get the last piece i needed to finish this bait for

The final boss and unfortunately this journey was going to be too dangerous for any of my cairo mods and even too dangerous for my toad because i was going on a hunt for a tar beast and basically if you get too close to a tar

Beast it sucks you in and one shots you so your only hope to survive is to keep the fight ranged and i somehow was supposed to kill like four or five of these things in order to get all the materials i needed to complete the bait

For this boss but it had to be done so i traveled to the biome where they spawn and began searching and when i arrived i almost immediately spotted one so i got its attention and started unloading arrows into it and it started off pretty well but then as i moved back a little

Bit more to try and keep my distance from the thing i walked into some sort of block that almost completely stopped my movement and for a brief second my hardcore life flashed before my eyes thankfully though i was able to make it out of the situation and eventually put

The last arrow shot in the tar beast and took it out and over the next day and a half i repeated this exact same process four more times and it more or less went pretty smoothly but then i returned home made the animated tar beast heart and crafted it into

Mummy bait and as day 98 came to a close i arrived in the marsh where i would be fighting the dreadful pete mummy the final boss of this dimension so i found a spot that i thought would make a decent battleground and threw down the mummy bait and when the mummy spawned in

I started by trying to use my battle axe because it had a gem on it that increased strength so i thought maybe i could take it out quicker using that but i realized that this guy was doing a lot of damage so i instead opted to go back

To my greatsword which had the ability to heal me i had already managed to take out a decent portion of the mummy’s health though but now it had spawned in a bunch of minions and i was completely surrounded the mummy got a couple good hits on me and dropped me down almost to

Half hp but i just continued to swing with my greatsword and managed to heal it all back in a few seconds it seemed like he wasn’t able to move as easily in water which allowed me to continuously get hits on him while also keeping my distance and just a few hits later i

Swung the final blow defeating the dreadful pete mummy i collected the pile of xp he had dropped and defeated his last minion but just like that i had officially conquered the betweenlands and when i arrived back at my base i noticed some giant tree portal had

Appeared there and i knew that this was my escape to my next journey so i went through my zoo and said goodbye to all my friends including chris dakirama and todd the toad and i also made sure to free them all so they wouldn’t be trapped here without me and then i

Stepped through the portal

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft’s Scariest Dimension…’, was uploaded by RageTrain on 2021-10-31 15:05:10. It has garnered 1996216 views and 48235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:01 or 2701 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft’s Scariest Dimension… Rec Room is free and available on all platforms! Get it HERE: https://recroom.sng.link/Da56h/23wt Thanks to Rec Room for sponsoring.

Mod Pack ➤ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/into-the-betweenlands

Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/ragetrain

Twitch ➤ https://www.twitch.tv/ragetrain

100 Days in an APOCALYPTIC BLIZZARD ➤ https://youtu.be/gTX-a_RIbt8

Intro By ➤ @Pinkworker

In this video I have to survive 100 days in minecraft’s scariest dimension. In this world almost every mob is hostile and is also very terrifying. Stay tuned to the end to see if I can defeat all 4 bosses and escape the dimension before the 100 days is over.

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0:00 – 100 Days in the Scariest Dimension… 2:53 – Rec Room (Sponsor) 3:45 – 100 Days in the Scariest Dimension…

#100Days​ #Hardcore​ #Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE DISASTER ADDON: Minecraft Marketplace Review!

    UNBELIEVABLE DISASTER ADDON: Minecraft Marketplace Review!Video Information This video, titled ‘INSANE DISASTERS ADDON: Minecraft Marketplace in-depth Review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-04-17 17:59:57. It has garnered 41624 views and 1114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:30 or 990 seconds. Natural Disaster addon for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, is it worth the price tag? ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=fc5760e5-ed30-4ffd-b3dc-354e2e7c2a10 Join us as we dive into the chaotic world of the Minecraft Marketplace Insane Disasters… Read More

  • Epic Fireball Fight on BLUBERIES Minecraft Server!

    Epic Fireball Fight on BLUBERIES Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Never Back Down, Never Give Up In Fireball Fight!!! #mcserver #minecraftserver #smp’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-07 04:30:15. It has garnered 21322 views and 543 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! Never Back Down, Never Give Up In Fireball Fight!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP… Read More

  • Unleash the ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE in Minecraft PE!

    Unleash the ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE Dimension in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by Sploodie on 2024-04-04 15:00:23. It has garnered 7919 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE Dimension in Minecraft PE minecraft,mcpe,minecraft pe,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft be,mcbe,minecraft portal,minecraft dimension,portal,dimension,zoonomaly,zoonomaly minecraft,zoonomaly mcpe,zoonomaly minecraft pe,zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mod,zoonomaly mcpe addon,zoonomaly minecraft mod,zoonomaly portal minecraft,minecraft zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mcpe mod Read More

  • Minecraft CRAZY Physics Mods Destroy Gameplay

    Minecraft CRAZY Physics Mods Destroy GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arruiné Minecraft con Mods de Físicas’, was uploaded by Hatsu on 2024-05-11 22:18:31. It has garnered 12932 views and 1542 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. 2 videos in a month? impressive……………………………. In this Minecraft video game with the physics mod, nothing special like a hardcore or 100 days. Just a playthrough that borders on sick •Tiktok – https://www.tiktok.com/@hatsuu9 •Twitter – https://twitter.com/Hatsupng •Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/hatsupng •Contacto – [email protected] Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Season 3: Nature Takes Control!

    EPIC Minecraft Season 3: Nature Takes Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Season 3 Episode 5: Nature Is Taking Over!’, was uploaded by 4oli on 2024-04-03 04:00:08. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:45 or 3945 seconds. In this episode I made more progress on my new house! The Next Episode: https://youtu.be/vGIvij-4-8E The Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/e2i7cNRrcFM Rules Of This Series: This Series will contain seasons, each season will be 10 episodes and every episode will be around 1 hour long. At the beginning of each Season the world will update to the next major minecraft version, so for… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Obsession Revealed!” #shizo #clickbait

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Obsession Revealed!" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why you play minecraft all day? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Custom on 2024-03-29 10:30:30. It has garnered 120 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. 🌟 Keep Watching, Stay Smiley😊 —— Support us – Click on ♥️SUBSCRIBE —— Thanks For Watching 》If there is any copyright issue so contact me on:- 》[email protected] 》i will act soon as possible about copyright issue 》This content is just for fun and if you need any help for your content i am always ready for help #shorts #hate #greenscreenkids #greenscreenadult #greenscreen #roast… Read More

  • Avalon SMP 1.19 MMORPG Dungeons Classes Questing

    Server Information: Server Trailer: Watch Here TikTok: Check out our TikTok Server IP: defend.avalon.today Avalon is Under Attack! You are a Guardian. Join a kingdom or create your own and invite others to fight evil in Avalon. Discover secrets, conquer the Great Evil, and experience an mmoRPG like never before. Features: Become a Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Paladin, Summoner, Cleric, or Marksman NPC-based Questing Keep Inventory enabled 14 Daily Raid Bosses with epic rewards Dungeons Custom Skills and Magic Spells Custom Armor & Weapons Custom Crafting Co-operative Towny environment Silk Touch Spawners Crates, Voting, Banking Pets – Capture mobs/animals, and level… Read More

  • VanaByte.com (1.19.4) (KitPVP with super powers)

    VanaByte.com (1.19.4) (KitPVP with super powers)IP: VanaByte.com (1.19.4)Discord: https://discord.gg/7xWkBGkGwhA fun little KitPVP server I coded myself. Come test it out and leave comments please!There are 7 KITSeat with their own special ability:Airbender – gust of windBerserker – jump boost with axeScorch – shotgun shooterGoblin – arrow barrageIgor – explosive tridentsSumo – ground poundGrief – invisible vampire Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The modded Minecraft addict

    Minecraft Memes - The modded Minecraft addictWhen your friend is always playing with mods in Minecraft, it’s like they’re on a whole different level – literally, because they’ve probably added a bunch of new dimensions! Read More

  • Crafted Chaos: 1.5 Years, 1 Epic Map

    Crafted Chaos: 1.5 Years, 1 Epic Map In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I spent 1.5 years crafting these islands, oh how time flies. With dedication and passion, I built this map, Every block, every detail, a labor of love, no gap. Join me on this journey, as I unveil the creation, Each island, each structure, a new revelation. Support me on Patreon, if you feel so inclined, To continue this project, with your help combined. So come along, let’s explore this world so vast, In Minecraft we trust, our adventures will last. Stay tuned for more tutorials, in-depth and true, As we dive… Read More

  • When You’re Too Addicted to Minecraft 🔥

    When You're Too Addicted to Minecraft 🔥 “When you’re so lost in Minecraft that you accidentally try to mine your real-life furniture for resources #minecraftproblems” Read More

  • Harry Potter in Minecraft: AI Film & Music

    Harry Potter in Minecraft: AI Film & Music Exploring the Magical World of Harry Potter in Minecraft Harry Potter fans, get ready to experience the wizarding world like never before with the Harry Potter – Minecraft Edition and Style AI Film with AI Music. This unique creation combines the beloved characters and settings of the Harry Potter series with the creative freedom of Minecraft, all brought to life through the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Unleashing Creativity with AI The entire film and music featured in this project are original creations, making them entirely unique and a must-see for any fan of Harry Potter or Minecraft. The… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Fun Never Ends!

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Fun Never Ends! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting adventures of Kaan, Dania, and IsyCheesy as they dive into the world of Roblox and Minecraft for the first time. Their 1-hour XXL video is filled with laughter, fun, and plenty of gaming action. As you watch these three friends embark on their gaming journey, you can’t help but feel the urge to join in on the fun. And what better place to do that than on Minewind Minecraft Server? With its thrilling… Read More

  • Scamming a Minecraft Developer for Updates

    Scamming a Minecraft Developer for Updates The End Update 1.22 in Minecraft: A New Adventure Awaits! Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got even more exciting with the End Update 1.22! Dive into a realm of new possibilities and challenges as you embark on this thrilling journey. What to Expect in The End Update 1.22: With the latest update, players can look forward to: New Biomes: Discover unique landscapes and environments in The End, adding depth and variety to your exploration. Updated Mobs: Encounter new creatures and challenges as you navigate through this mysterious realm. Enhanced Gameplay: Experience improved mechanics and features that will… Read More

  • CATNAP CAUGHT IRL?! POMNI Minecraft Poppy Playtime

    CATNAP CAUGHT IRL?! POMNI Minecraft Poppy PlaytimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP WAS CAUGHT IN REAL LIFE! POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 3 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-02-23 20:00:03. It has garnered 586335 views and 4400 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:12 or 4152 seconds. CATNAP WAS CAUGHT IN REAL LIFE! POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 3 in Minecraft Welcome to the Poppy Playtime Chapter in Minecraft with CapNap! Here you will have exciting adventures with CapNap, DogDay, KickinChicken, Bobby BearHug and their friends. CATNAP POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 3 #catnap #poppyplaytime #minecraft Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SteamPunk Mod Adventure!

    Ultimate Minecraft SteamPunk Mod Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SteamPunk MOD VOD 2’, was uploaded by Casual Kaine VODS on 2024-03-25 02:41:17. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:28 or 10528 seconds. This is an unedited VOD from my Kick stream uploaded to YouTube. I’m live late weekend nights on Twitch/Kick so feel free to stop by and say hi! Twitch | https://www.twitch.tv/casualkaine​​​​​ Kick | https://kick.com/casualkaine Twitter | https://twitter.com/CasualKaine​​​​​ Patreon | https://www.patreon.com/casualkaine Read More

  • Deadly Knight Gamer Exposes Mayor Diana’s Money Secrets in Fakepixel Skyblock

    Deadly Knight Gamer Exposes Mayor Diana's Money Secrets in Fakepixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to earn money with mayor diana in fakepixel skyblock’, was uploaded by Deadly Knight Gamer on 2024-03-07 10:30:13. It has garnered 133 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:49 or 409 seconds. How to earn money with mayor diana in fakepixel skyblock #gaming #minecraft #fakepixel #fakepixelskyblock Read More

I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft’s Scariest Dimension…