I Survived 100 Days in Monster Hunter in Hardcore Minecraft

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if you combined Minecraft and Monster Hunter well you don’t have to I found a mod that lets you live out your Hunter fantasies by battling massive monsters crafting insanely cool armor and weapons rafalos baroth devil Joe all these names

I can’t even pronounce yeah I’m a battle all of them and I have 24 hours to complete every single quest in the game collect all the best armor and defeat All the Monsters if you want more videos like this then don’t forget to smash that sub button

And just like this it begins I got a lucky spawn right beside his chest and we got some starting glue got some pigs real quick just getting some meat already got some iron and this is my first Iron let’s get plenty more I’m not sure if those are emeralds or uh something else

Yeah just like I thought I need a I need a iron pickaxe the Sun is setting unfortunately but neither nevertheless we do have uh some good upgrades so the first they actually went on pretty good how’s my iron doing it’s doing pretty good let’s craft some more pieces am I

Ready to face the dragon probably not yet but soon I will be Daleks you guys seen that am I the only one seeing that I think I think we found our first Monster there we go that’s a delix I will craft myself some golden apples I

Yeah I can craft two I can craft two golden apples okay so I think this should be good enough I got my shield got my demand team sword I think I’m ready to battle this thing okay so yeah my first kills is is uh it’s pretty

Cheap it’s cheap kill okay so I got him wait okay so how how do I look at him we have another one another one right here okay so let’s get him as well wait is he not attacking me he’s making sounds he’s trying to attack me but oh I can’t hit

Him no more okay so we got another other one move side move side okay we’re gonna actually sleep the night out taken it’s taken okay I’m gonna sleep here okay guys so I’ll see you in the next day and hopefully our uh hunting will begin tomorrow knit with he’s just standing in place

Take a quest oh this is oh this is the actual uh MPC that gives out the quest okay we’re gonna Hunters introduction yeah we’re gonna take actually the great jaggy monster we’re gonna slay him slay one great jaggy or if you die three times Through Time runs out you’re gonna

Fail the quest okay we’re gonna we’re gonna take the quest set ready status yes we’re ready okay so we have two lives and the time limit is 41 minutes okay so I think I’m pretty much oh there he is there he is okay can I defeat him

2.6 K okay yeah you you know what I better I better get a move on better get a move on I’m gonna defeat you it’s gonna take me a while but I will I will look at this you guys seen this you know what maybe maybe I need a

Better sword I am not doing no damage to him at all hold up there’s supposed to be a starting loot 400s like myself okay you know what can I four feet can I four feet no stop attacking me stop attacking me teleportation complete okay so I failed the quest but is there anything

There’s a chest ah yes there we go starting equipment bone blade is a good 330 attack speed or what did it say portable Stone truck I think I might need it we have a pretty cool armor says so let’s try out the armor it’s called the yukimo casa yukimo doji yukimo Obi

Yukamoha Kama how do we look okay so yeah this is me this is me although uh this weapon is like very slow I hope it’s gonna be okay if I’m gonna fight that guy again let’s get the quest again okay so round two baby here I come I’m gonna drink my curing buff

Potion and I’m gonna drink my nutrients and I’m also gonna set a trap for this bad boy where I see there he is okay so we’re gonna set a trap for this bad boy right here okay there we go here we go there we go so how’s damage

Hey the damage is uh oh it’s way better oh he’s oh he’s trapped hey this is actually a really good thing the way oh he hit my shield oh okay okay you know what back off a little bit what is this it’s a stone trap one more Stone trap there we go

Okay you know what I need more buff nutrients ah protect myself oh wow he oh whoa he oh run run run run run why I see so how did I defeat him look at this guy look at this guy okay you know what stone trap one more

I can do this I can do this okay set the Trap set the Trap drink the potion okay protect my shield oh dude he’s absolutely wrecking my shield you guys seen this so he’s screaming I avoid him I run away I run away run run run run I run in

Circles so he doesn’t get me and now I hit him okay so I think I kind of get it now okay yeah never mind he’s still attacking me he’s still attacking oh there we go oh okay yeah I kind of get I kind of get it he’s like screaming you can’t really do

Anything he’s a jumping but that’s that’s pretty much it he’s just like bugging around there we go we drank a little bit then we hit him there we go he can’t even hit us okay so I think I know how we should defeat him now okay you know what before he like

Goes and gets me I’m gonna get my pickaxe and I’m actually gonna try and like maybe get some of these materials is that possible no it’s not possible no don’t attack me you Beast yeah it’s actually a quite a pickle to be honest he’s like really strong not gonna lie oh

Oh he’s gonna do your tail swing failed failed Mister oh he bit me again he failed on that one oh the sun’s setting in this is gonna be actually quite a long battle oh no no he he hit me again no move aside yeah guys I’ve been hitting him

For quite a while now but he just he’s like really strong because uh he has a lot of Health but that is Monster Hunter and that is how he actually defeat the monsters oh there there he goes there he goes okay now now he’s mine oh Rock he

Literally got me there he did quite a oh he’s a he’s a runner huh he’s in a running mood in the running mood but either way I got him maybe like 40 down of his of his health I think I need like a regen because this is like playing Dark Souls

This is really dangerous don’t kill me please don’t kill me I’m a friendly guy can actually go up somehow parkour there we go I’m just trying to get back to my base and I’m gonna sleep the night most likely uh so it’d be daytime again okay

So it should be a beautiful morning is it a morning no it’s still night time wait hold up I don’t think sleeping helps I killed him I killed him yes it only took me like a few days but I got him the great jaggy wait the great

Jagged did I not did I not kill him already hold up okay he said that I received my rewards but I’m not sure what he’s talking about because I don’t really see any rewards I got a portable Stone trap but that’s pretty much it and you know this weapon I just understand

Now bone blade it’s the crap easiest weapon in the game that’s why it took me so long nearly two days to kill this guy dudes there is a quest called uh oh rafalos drop as fast as possible to Sandy Raffles rafalos is a literal fire dragon there is absolutely no way I can

Defeat that guy yeah but either way our first dragon uh well monster kill you could say gone pretty good going pretty nice okay just like any sane person I will get myself a base going real soon uh okay so the point is you get a base

You have some chests going and then you get the quest and the quest rewards should be coming down to you and then I could actually craft some more even loot from parts that drop from the drought from the monsters that I kill so yeah let’s get the space doesn’t have to be

Good it just has to exist I will make it big though because I like a big base okay I’m gonna have to go and uh get some more materials yeah real soon we also have a lava Supply nearby so uh yeah that’s pretty good I am smelting some also sad because I will

Get some window scaling we have a chest inside this house is there yeah there’s only one chest we have traveler’s backpack Blaze oh I actually I was picking up so many backpacks but I never actually received a blaze one I don’t even know how you

Craft it how does it look on us it looks oh wow it looks pretty darn good but yeah guys I do really want to show you my base and the progress that I’ve been making it’s absolutely amazing there you go I know looks like a sample just wait till we get closer

We have a little staircase going we also have a little fence going and yeah let’s place the barbecue stand there we go so uh we I I’m like a legitimate Monster Hunter now I can literally roll myself some beef so yeah that that’s how you do

It basically but yeah this is uh this is my base here’s how it looks from the outside it’s a work in progress but I’m I’m going for a very very open Modern design and yeah oh oh no mice my glass has been done for ages now I completely

Forgot about it okay you know what I’m gonna actually do the upper layering and glass I think that’s gonna be like maybe maybe it’s gonna be okay I hope okay please don’t look like bad okay okay you guys tell me how it looks you tell me if

It looks bad or good I think I like it you see I’m going for very very unique Vegas you will never ever see any bass like this ever only only evil for me listen here buddy listen here buddy okay so I’m gonna okay so this is my

Gathering chest you know what I’m gonna make a sign Hunter loot there we go this is my Honda Loot and then this is just my garbage can if you could say space right here so I don’t I don’t actually need any of this apart from this because I will be

Going hunting very soon okay I’m gonna need a backup weapon don’t need any of these okay Quest Giver I think I am ready wait your armor now but either way okay so the great jacket we did kill him but we’re gonna go after something bigger nargusagu drop or slay the vivern okay

We’re gonna take the quest and we are gonna head off okay I think I’m ready okay so there we have some golden apples in this chest we have nutrients okay so we have some some good loot so I like this I like it we have some nutrients okay so are we ready

This place looks actually very deserted okay so I have 40 minutes to defeat that guy is that him that’s a gargoyle uh no devil Joe uh devil Joe that’s gargoyle those are not my enemies where I see don’t see him those are like silent PCS

I think I’m gonna kill him just in case because uh I will get loot if I kill them okay so the gargoyle must be inside of these no that’s another guard one I need to kill a viral a wyvern if I’m not mistaken damn this is really tall like

The grass here is very very tall you’re gonna kill this guy as well whatever I kill I’m gonna get way more loot at the end of the day so I I’m just gonna have to Nuke everything I think okay so we have one space here how to how does this

Look is the wyvern here I don’t see the wyvern but this this zone is way bigger than the first one oh yeah there he is that devil Joe you guys see him I see him I see him okay I’m I can’t just like go ahead and kill with my

Weapon look at that guy look at him no way you want me to defeat them with my little bone blade you you kidding me bro no way no I’m picking another Quest you can kill me nutrients for oh guys my speed bar is gone oh okay yes so the nutrients will

Help me so it’s good that I I can actually keep them and we did get some loot we got some we got a bow and we got also Lumber bar okay yes so this works okay so a bow only seven bullets is this I hope okay

So let’s see let me try can I pick up can I pick it up oh wait hold up it doesn’t use them oh so the why the wyvern bullets are like for something else it does 6.5 damage but it will allow me to cheese them

Won’t it I think it will I think I think we can do this we’re gonna become the greatest Monster Hunters let’s just place the lumber bar and hear the wyvern Arrow as well the adamantium sword but I will take this okay so there we go okay so let’s try another another Quest

But maybe not as hard of quest leading the charge baref’s drop okay you know what let’s take this Quest yes we are ready oh I already saw him like right there wait hold up is this like wait was I here already okay hopefully not hopefully not all right okay so

There’s no starting chests here okay so yeah there are these guys spawned in Deluxe but I think I saw someone maybe over here while I was loading in yep bharath oh no that’s a sand dude okay you know what can I defeat him okay I have to climb up higher how much

Health does he have oh I missed what’s your health buddy oh 9.5 K okay you know what that’s good hey I can actually do this ah finally someone someone’s My Level okay he’s not gonna kill me if I’m gonna stake him like this oh we even have some materials here

And a sneaky way in oh time to cheese this guy okay there we go hey you know what this ain’t so bad if I’m gonna cheese it hopefully oh yeah he is attacking me bit by bit okay so I think I’m good I think I’m good though

Oh oh I got my backpack with me by the way even though I can’t really carry any uh anything from here it’s uh the Sun is setting in but I am still teasing him oh is he gonna charge me don’t charge me buddy don’t charge me

Oh yeah he is he is okay there we go he doesn’t know where to go okay yeah the bow and arrow strategy is very op hopefully I’m gonna get like way stronger Elite than the bow because the bow does absolutely minimal damage but it’s better than nothing

Oh nope he’s charging again oh solo he is solo okay I can do this I can do this I just need to run away a little bit there we go place the Trap he’s not gonna get me he’s not gonna get me uh because I’m a oh yeah yeah if I was the

Melee I would have been that but no not this time okay how much health 380 380. come on just a little bit more just a little bit more just a little bit more I can do this I can do this I can do this I’ve just been

Firing at him all this time it’s been like maybe 10 10ish minutes 15-ish minutes and yeah yeah it’s it just takes time that’s that’s pretty much it there we go uh he can’t really just get out from there so uh yeah it’s uh but it’s not my problem right how much health 118

Oh I’m gonna get him real soon I’m gonna get him real soon yep what you gotta do baroth 76 oh my nutrients wore off okay I’m gonna get some nutrients just to be safe I gotta be safe okay so let’s see how much health 16 bam one send more Health huh

Oh there we go there we go got him I got you I got you look at this look at this guys I killed the Barbara woof a literal bow Hunters Stout bow Rarity four look at this I am the literal champion of this world you guys seeing this I’m so

Happy with myself and I died zero times but it’s the cheesing strategy it’s not like the best strategy so I don’t know if it’s like I don’t know if it’s like the best one because I cheese I choose to move my bow we actually got plenty of

Loot we got remote ranks devil Joe scales talents tail uh and we also have a Remo borrow skull and we in the chest got Barris helmet male false griefs okay so we got his uh we got his loot set this will actually be like a huge outbreak for me so hopefully it’s gonna

Look cool let’s take off this armor set and let’s put it on oh no not this one let’s put it on the barif oh oh oh wow I look at my look at my sword bone blade I think I’m not getting any good weapon drops I just gotta bow what

You want me to cheese it with a bow again look how I look I think I’m pretty much ready initial defense 75 maximum defense 150 versus previously 10 to 70. oh initial defense is pretty good Thunder resistance resistance headgear made from Battle of armor won’t crack

Even if it trampled on by a wyvern oh okay you know what we’re gonna go after a wyvern next so I think I think that’s our next goal okay yeah we’re gonna do just that actually but first of all I will sleep the night because we are

Looking maybe to see fighting around the daytime look at look at that witch why is the real witch okay I will actually craft myself uh a little bit more chests in fact I will craft myself some storage facilities okay so we will do this this you’ve never seen chess like that how

Have you okay we will place all the crafting materials in here and the armor sets were actually gonna place right in this chest okay there we go okay so I think I think we are ready to go for another one hopefully we’re gonna get maybe like a better better weapon I will

Craft a weapon as soon as I can because there are plenty Monster Hunter weapons that I can actually craft but first of all we’re gonna see what else we can actually get the great jaggy barif just kill them Delux okay you know what delix we’re gonna take on the quest set ready

Here we go so did we get any starting chests no no we didn’t know it’s the arena again oh you know what maybe oh five Delux okay so we just need to kill five of them hopefully they’re not gonna have like a lot of Health Alex oh it’s just these

Guys huh hey that’s actually really easy I can easily kill them there we go um my bow was really oh oh no don’t get don’t go don’t get near me boy oh look at that there’s so many of them okay there we go one more oh one more

Oh no no no no run run run run oh there we go got him got him I got him okay so oh they dropped quite a few potions let’s get it let’s get it what is this they dropped here did I pick it up yet they Trump me some heels hey

Let’s go this this is what I’m talking about you guys seen this you guys seen this okay so we got some sharp and Fang monster guts okay monster guts I might be able to use it to craft something as well okay so let’s see what else I got

Uh an aluminum base disc Stone paralyzing oh I can craft some good ammunition with the paralyzing and Flame sag and stuff like that and the chest we have a bevel slicer it’s a rarity 4 as well as my hunter Stout bow but hopefully it’s gonna be

Good okay so let’s just put this here okay you know what the paralyzing side yeah we’re gonna put this as well this is someone a million bass so how does this look oh you guys seen this you’ve seen this this is my new weapon finally I got myself a melee weapon oh that’s

What I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about the melee weapon oh it’s really good 25 attack speed okay you know what this is it way better than my bone one yeah it is like two times better than my bone blade okay yeah the bone blade is uh it’s going back into

The chest this is my new layout okay you know what oh don’t eat the wood by the way okay so I think we are making pretty good progress I feel like uh I feel like a really good Monster Hunter I will just maybe get a little bit more loot before

I actually uh Venture into the world because we also have World spawns if I’m not mistaken there was a literal dead body of a dead carcass of uh of a wyvern or a or a behemoth or a bar off somewhere in that area because I was

Gonna build my base there but I decided to not build it in case they spawn there so uh yeah this area was clear enough for me let’s actually place the lumber bar as well here and the buvernia abro okay let’s go one more go we’re gonna go

Actually load your quest so narguka who you see it’s a wyvern okay yeah we’re not gonna go with them lagiacross no just showing up eating price in the valley hurry up and stop this disaster very large lagiacres okay yeah we’re gonna take the quest by the

Way guys I did switch out my hat because I really like my initial hat so how do I look am I ready to slay some monsters I think I am let’s actually try our best is there a chest here also ah No Loot this time okay so let’s see who we are

Fighting this time is he gonna be in this area as well let’s check it out let’s see okay we have okay that’s weird is there anyone here at all I can’t see okay do I have any torches yes I do this is a cave is there someone in the

Oh you guys seen this you probably aren’t but there is there is someone in the cave definitely okay you know what let’s actually bait him out oh you see him he’s he’s being red he’s highlighting in red okay let’s get this baby out let’s get this baby out I’m

Gonna have to actually maybe fight him with my melee weapon because uh he has like quite a bit of help I might have to tell me a little bit more okay I’m gonna go for the melee so the melee weapon does quite quite good damage actually hey let’s go let’s

Go let’s go we can actually defeat him okay so just Spam this I think he’s stuck this is my time to cheese him oh oh no wait he’s not I found his weakness his tail is his weaknesses he like takes extra damage when I hit his tail okay you know what

Let’s go let’s go your tail is mine buddy you’re not gonna survive this okay yeah we are doing some good damage I would really like him maybe to leave this area though come on buddy follow me follow me it’s no fun if you’re in the

Cave I don’t want to kill you if you’re in the cave buddy yourself his tail is his weakness I just I just need to hit his tail it is already daytime yeah it is but I am still hitting this guy right here okay come on buddy come on buddy I could

Kill you I can kill you don’t you worry about it it’s only gonna take a few more swings but yeah uh I’m actually enjoying that I have like so much more loot now because these mobs are easy peasy real easy okay there we go practically done you know what for Swagger points for

Swagger points I’m gonna finish you off with a bow there we go that’s how you that’s how you kill a dragon was that Dragon it was a light Guy cross like a guy across well yeah we got him we got him okay so did he drop

Any loot no we’re gonna get his when we spawn n okay so there we go that’s actually so so time consuming well yeah let’s see what Lou he gave us so we received a barrel okay we we received devil Joe tail Fang seed Etc Hunter Lee

Out for Hunter Lee we got a Berserker sword remedy six hey I think that’s an upgrade oh yeah it is oh yeah it is oh wow and a portable Stone trap I think I already had it but you know what neither the less I think I

Really did Stone trap yeah there we go we have it already but you know what I’m gonna carry two from now on so uh let’s actually check out how this bad boy looks oh wow oh wow you guys seen this you see that witch you see that witch

Oh that’s a one shot see the witch and that’s also my first monster kill so that that explains yeah I’m not really killing a lot of mobs uh nighttime mobs at least I’m more of uh more of a hunter guy but yeah you know what let’s actually wait uh over the night wait

Over the rain then we can actually proceed now I’m sure that there are things that I can actually kill in the real world oh yeah this is a very what is it minus 50 speed or you know okay you know what this is like a big boy attack I’m gonna

Actually maybe use this gun wait is this minus 25 speed minus 10 speed oh wow the speed decreases rapidly with uh with these things so uh maybe it’s it’s not the best point but you know what what I was saying is that I have to maybe oh oh no what was that

What went on here skeletal horses multiplied okay you know what let’s actually test out the bow both pretty good test out this and now this one let’s go let’s go oh get the XP get the XP okay so I think we are literally buffed so much it’s crazy oh look I can actually

Oh I can run with it in my other hand but I can’t use it but it looks pretty cool at least I can run with it in my hand without a slow debuff maybe I did screw up I was actually gonna go mining but I didn’t get the

Tools and I don’t I don’t have any tools that I can mine with so uh I think I I screwed up here but you know what I’m a monster hunter I’m I’m like the coolest Slayer I am paddling along my boat the real world but they are very very

Rare we have a gargoyle uh yep here’s my bow okay so let’s kill the gargoyle I’m not sure if they drop loot in the real world or uh okay so let’s see no he didn’t drop anything yet at least well I don’t know if I’m gonna receive like

Loots my chest because this like real world hunting and it’s a little bit different than uh than uh the arena like the space that they teleport me to with uh with the mod and the quest Giver I think I found one it’s a devil Joe devil Joe uh he has 16

000 Health okay you know what can I shoot him from here did I get him maybe a little oh there we go I got him now can he see me oh yeah he can yeah he can yeah he can no no oh oh no yeah he he can definitely see

Me oh no dude I better oh you know what let’s see the caves he’s not gonna find me here no he won’t oh yeah yeah he’s tryna he’s trying to at least oh oh he attacked he he did like an AOE attack you guys seen that

Who’s he fighting against I can hear him fighting and chomping oh oh he freaks something you know what I think I think it’s time to go mining maybe I think I’m not ready to fight a 16 000 Health devil Joe so I think I’m gonna maybe like exit through like

Another way and get my way out into and see the open I will Camp the night though here somewhere let’s place the backpack like this open it and yeah I think I think I’m pretty much ready to go so yeah The Haunting is uh getting kind of difficult

Because uh I’m not really that good geared my armor is sick but it’s not like the best so uh yeah the fighting like the Beast the beasts in the Overworld you could say is uh gonna be quite a challenge so I think I’m gonna need to maybe upgrade my loot a little

Bit more I do have some good materials so maybe I should use them somehow back at the base you guys seen this I even got myself a little a little farm going on here so I think I’m gonna get the bread yep get the bread it’s actually weird I was

Hoping for more chests to spawn inside like the dungeons that I’m tpnc but uh I’m getting pretty unlucky here so uh that’s pretty unfortunate but yeah yeah nevertheless I think I think we are good on food anyway just plant these bad boys like this there we go

And last one like this okay so let’s actually go and maybe get a quest real quick but first of all even check the chest if anything it’s spawn in oh yeah we do have a carrying buff and also raw meat I don’t know if that’s any good but

I will keep the buff and the raw meat oh hold up that’s the wrong chest this is the chest for my uh regular stuff where are your Trader buddies I’m actually looking for uh someone to take these emeralds off me so I think I’m gonna have to go adventure and see the

Village again and see if there’s any Traders nearby and if they have like any good deals but yeah great jaggy barif Delux uh rafalos devil Joe tigrix Kieran uh that is a really really tough choice because uh these guys are like really strong okay you know what

Ah okay I think we’re gonna go for maybe a delix can we go for a delix no you know what we’re gonna actually go for uh uh legacruz yeah I think we’re gonna go uh go after this guy so uh let’s actually take this Quest

Oh no oh no I actually got the wrong uh I clicked the wrong Quest accidentally so I need to kill five deluxes again but anyway it’s it’s not a problem to be honest but yeah you know what guys strangers uh I keep dying in this video like three bosses well not that much

Really oh oh I’m lagging quite a bit I do have some loot here oh okay okay I think I I was lagging because of like the weapons I don’t I don’t really know okay so let me just kill this guy there we go there we go and then you

Guys as well as I was saying what I was saying is that uh I I keep dying well I died a few times like in the game and like the Serena I as you see it says plus two lies plus you see I don’t have

Any XP uh it’s a hardcore video so take it at your own will like I didn’t die in the real world I only died and uh like the arena segment of the of the mod so uh I guess I get a pass with this one because uh it’s not kicking me off the

Game like I’m I’m allowed to die like in this world in this mod because it’s like different it’s different from the real world it’s not Overworld if you know what I mean in the Overworld I haven’t died at like zero nothing because I would have been kicked out of the game

Like instantly but yeah I think I think I’m pretty good actually I don’t know where the last one is where’s the last guy there we go there we go uh the loot just keeps spawning in and uh I’m not sure how frequent it is but you see this this

Guy he like doesn’t want to give me his stuff but the other guys did give me their stuff so let’s see if we get anything in the chest but yeah let’s also sleep the night and accept the other Quest monster Gods we don’t actually need any

Of this so well let’s just put it back you know what I’m gonna take my weapon back now because I think it’s about time don’t run away yet just yeah okay so we have a depth Strider to enchant what 56 summer rolls for a travel Travelers backpack of a villager that’s

The first time I see a villager backpack that’s pretty cool do you trade anything though do you sir no no you don’t anyone in here no okay you know what I’m gonna go and sleep as well so I’ll see you guys in a little bit and let’s actually get the other quests going

Okay so let’s go we are gonna kill a lagiar cruise yes we’re gonna kill this guy let’s go so anything in the chest no still empty okay you know what I think this is the guy that maybe I uh I quit from oh you guys think I can actually

Cheat the system like cheat the map this water is high enough I can probably like uh not have to go around the whole thing and I can just maybe like lift myself up with the water so so let’s try this I think I can actually yep here I am so

Where is the mob okay so I think oh no I need to go deeper I need to go this way damn I’m actually doing some Hardcore Parkour here plus I’m gonna use my boa and they’re not gonna even know where I’m shooting them from never mind

Plans changed oh yeah no no not yet so where is this guy where is this guy do we see him no we don’t see is he in the cave because that guy in the cave let’s actually check out lagiacros oh maybe maybe it’s the same mob that we killed

Or already okay yeah let’s actually jump into the cave oh I need to heal up killing buff let’s go emeralds can’t eat emeralds let’s actually eat some meat too okay so let’s see what we have here what is that thing lagiacros oh it’s this guy again okay you know what

Okay I’m gonna kill him and I’m gonna get his loot so this should be a lot quicker this time now that I have like way more powerful uh weapons with me trying to push the sky out into the open but he doesn’t want to go he doesn’t

Want to go no dude you need to leave please come on dude there we go I nearly got this guy come on come on I can do this there we go last hit nope last hit this time there we go Quest complete ah okay so yeah this is actually getting pretty

Darn difficult but we got this guy again and uh he didn’t he stuck in the cave he’s too fat so you turn around so uh I guess I’m getting pretty lucky here let’s actually get back to the base and maybe try another mob kill something a little bit more dangerous

But did we get any loot so yeah we did get quite a bit of loot here so uh devil Joe stuff I think the chest we got oh yeah we are the Hunter’s boat and we got armor is the armor better or the same as mine it’s a tigrix I’m not sure where

The tiger X is like uh more powerful than mine oh yeah it is it is hey let’s actually try and put it on let’s see how it looks does it look good it’s not a full set am I missing something it’s not a full set okay let’s

Put this in here it is not a full set which is uh a little bit worrying hey bot I look I look cool I guess yeah yeah I look good I look good why do I still have my trainee cap like this hat yukumokus Casa it’s like not good at all

But yeah you know what this is still good it’s good by the way my XP hasn’t returned to me maybe if I kill a mob then my XP will get back on but yeah this is uh it’s uh as long as I don’t die in the Overworld I’m happy uh

Because uh I don’t I don’t want this video to end but yeah let’s actually uh try and kill maybe some other guy so lagiacros we just killed him let’s actually go for a Karen no we can’t do Karen Karen is a literal uh yep Elder Dragon he’s a

Literal Elder Dragon we cannot we cannot defeat him we cannot defeat him but we can defeat uh not rafalos we can’t defeat norga kuga Wiltern yeah we can take on this withering night time is selling so uh I think I need to be a little bit more careful but yeah again

We are at the same spot so well we’re gonna try and defeat the same kind of Elder Dragon by the way if like this sweater goes down does that mean like there’s a secret entrance because uh that’s what the previous map had but maybe not this one maybe not this one I

Am actually having quite a bit of fun like discovering these monsters and becoming like the ultimate Monster Hunter and by the way we did get like a big armor upgrade so maybe I can fight this wither now okay so I think he’s this way it is night time and I tried

Sleeping before but it’s not letting me sleep so it’s uh yeah it’s it’s gonna be like that what is this so where is the oh I can place it can I see this I can place it finally it’s not not beside the wyvern huh the wyvern let’s see see there somewhere I

Don’t see him don’t see him see up top somewhere you guys see him I don’t see the wyvern uh bro see like in there somewhere I can’t see anything oh wait no he’s not here that means he’s like in some other place maybe like he’s

In the sand domes you know what I’m I’m on a pretty big time limit so uh so we have a cave here and the cave is uh oh it’s just this cave right here no we don’t have a wyvern oh hold up I think it’s like something

Here at let me see Quest screen ah you serious I can’t read it I think it says something like destroy the eggs of the wyvern or something maybe it’s too uh give them a maybe agitated or to appear do you guys see his uh eggs

Somewhere and we’ll see his ax oh and I can also Break Stuff maybe that means this place is uh maybe it’s bugged okay so I did spend quite some time there I actually got AFK it out so 40 minutes passed and that’s why it’s already raining I have no clue how many

Days past probably around so you but anyway yeah we are back and we’re gonna actually go and try this guy again so what happened was uh I didn’t really want to kill myself because you see the arrows they do come back and they probably will kill me right if I shoot

Myself like up into the air but the problem with that is uh I can place torches in that world right and I can also uh Break Stuff in that world I’m not gonna risk and and die there because uh what if I don’t come back so uh yeah let’s actually try and kill

Someone again devil Joe no tigerix no Kieran no ah lagiacros norga cougar okay you know what we’re gonna go with uh narga yeah we’re gonna take on this guy I think that’s uh wyvern yeah it is a wyvern okay so let’s try this again okay first

Of all check yep the chest does not respawn the loot the dirt that was in here that was my dirt I placed it as a test so you see what would happen and yeah uh seems uh seems the chests don’t get despawned I only received one time

Like a care package of like nutrients and that is pretty much it we have got gangwas gargoyles finally spawning in that means uh that means that we are good that’s what that means that means this guy will probably spawn in where are you Feller where where is you I know

You’re somewhere here I can smell you plus I got on you but my torches hey hold up check oh I can’t place the Torches no more so we were bugged so where’s the wyvern can I see the river and a seat inside there okay so hopefully he’s not gonna charge me oh

Yeah there that’s uh oh run run run run run run run run please please don’t please don’t please run run run oh oh oh oh yeah you can’t get me you can’t get me stream sniper you can’t get me hopefully he can’t fly look at this guy he near

You know what if he like oh oh that’s a crazy attack he got there that’s what you get you dumb withered steal my wrath feel my wrath like guys I’m not strong enough to fight him I’m not strong enough I need like the best armor in the game not to like say damage

Plus any like way more heals I only got golden apples to be honest oh no he can jump I’m gonna drink my nutrients and I’m also gonna drink my Kirin buff so the key ring buff uh hopefully it’s gonna like increase my damage oh oh where’d he go

See here let’s actually go right over here now we go here we go there we go still hitting him it’s gonna take a while to be honest by the way I love this boat this goal is actually really strong you guys seen the damage

It’s uh gravity 8 bow plus 14 I sell and hold up I think that’s an ice dragon I think that’s an ice wyvern so I think we got pretty lucky you guys see him I know he’s somewhere here I don’t actually go down uh you know what I’m going down

Yeah there he is I knew you were here I knew you were here you bad dragon please don’t jump up I do have to see lives so it’s not gonna be a problem but either way I don’t want him jumping around I like trying to trying to kill me and stuff like that

Hold up don’t move don’t move I’m just trying to damage you my guy that’s all I’m trying to do I’m actually doing pretty pretty low damage 25-25 when I was uh hitting him up on the tree I was sitting 50s you have 40 35 that’s what I’m talking about but still yeah it’s

Is there like a headshot pattern that I need through because the 24 damage is not like good enough you know what I’m gonna try and melee him oh yeah I can I can wheelie him from a safe distance if he’s gonna one shot me well it’s uh I

Do have plenty more lives to go so it’s uh it’s it’s not a problem there we go he’s down I got him pinned I got him pinned stand right there don’t you dare move by the way his name is narga cougar for those of you who are uh

Monster Hunter Fans because I actually played Monster Hunter by the way I completed Monster Hunter world I also had Monster Hunter don’t know like whatever the PSP version was the PSP like uh when I was like a little kid I was playing the PSP version

It was actually one of the best games on on the PSP so I I I’m not talking about PS Vita I’m talking about the PSP 3000 or like 3 000 that kind of stuff I have yet so you actually played the iceborn expansion so uh yeah I’m I’m

Pretty hyped for the iceborn expansion and I don’t release like three years ago but I didn’t I don’t have time to buy it yet and actually complete it as well okay I’m gonna drink uh another Kirin buff okay I’m gonna get my golden apples ready to be honest

Okay so first of all we’re gonna we’re gonna run for it I’m gonna make a run for it he’s pretty low on health there we go I’m running please don’t attack me or don’t charge me is what is what I should say don’t charge me okay so let’s actually uh get the bow

Okay there we go a c coming on buddy I know you’re here yeah he sees me he sees me okay don’t eat the torch no more oh no oh oh I might actually die here one time because I’m I’m not playing it safe at all look

At that attack you guys seen this you seen this no that’s what I’m talking about with a boss battle oh oh get away from me get away from me get away from me you you monster you animal 450 Health 420 Health we’re gonna get him we’re gonna get him oh

Don’t attack me like that don’t creep up on me oh that oh he nearly got me with his tail he nearly got me with his tail this game is all about uh dodging their attacks so kind of this thing when he does that thing you just dodge there you go Dodge Dodge

Can do nothing oh there we go I got him I got him narga there you go buddy that’s it you’re dead You’re Mine by the way guys I can do your wheel you see me you see how I do all wheel that’s what I’m talking about that’s that is what

I’m talking about uh finally finally okay so I am hyped for the loot that I’m about to get show me the goodies oh we got we got Electro sack rum Remo Remo breast skin and we also got Inferno sag again a blazing fire sag I mean hopefully that’s

Like good I guess I know it is good but let’s see we got a new weapon we got a heavy bagpipe oh let’s actually check out the bagpipe that’s gonna be pretty cool we got also some materials so the oh you guys seen this oh that is so cool that is that’s pretty

Darn cool so the back pipe is the damage good it’s a rarity three item and it does 10 speed uh minus the grease my movement speed but does 48 attack damage it’s uh two times less powerful than my uh Berserker sword Rarity six but it doesn’t have a cooldown I can like spam

It so uh I think it’s uh I think it’s gonna be pretty good damage I think it’s gonna have like pretty good damage guys seriously the sounded place that’s gonna be annoying not gonna lie that’s gonna be so annoying hey but here we go we

Made it we made it let’s go I will do something absolutely crazy but you will you will know you will know what I mean first of all let’s get a bucket let’s get a flint and steal we just got enough so that is perfect okay so what I’m

Gonna do guys is we have a lava pit right over there I will actually grab myself a water bucket and uh oh that’s it my health boost is gone okie dokie that’s not a problem let’s actually try and uh place it like this there we go

We’re going to see the nether it’s gonna be a short trip I’m gonna do it quickly but uh we need to go there primarily because I need a literal I need literal potions the golden apples are good and I have 14 of them but if I’m if I’m gonna

Go against the ad bosses I need way more and I mean like way way more okay I forgot my pickaxe hold on let’s break this bad boy hold on I need Diamonds oh no no no okay so I think we’re gonna go mining first

Or do I have enough uh what do you call adamancium I think adamancium is like diamonds so uh if I have enough that’s gonna be good if I don’t that’s gonna be a little problem so I might see adamantiums ah so close so close I got this useless sword it’s absolutely

Useless for a monster hunter such as myself look at the weapons that I’m wielding I don’t need no our man seems sword but I would need an atomancy in pickaxe too bad I wasted the hole so uh let’s actually go mining for a little bit and then uh yeah neither

Gold nor iron so what is it copper ore the copper sucks copper sucks it’s worse than gold I’m pretty sure don’t eat iron I’m actually looking for diamonds and or what is that that’s that’s blue stuff that blue stuff is that good is the blue stuff good let

Me see where’s the armor so the blue stuff can be mithril perhaps and mithril is pretty good so let’s actually try and grab it oh pretty is it is it pretty mithril yes yes hopefully this is as good as diamonds you know what I will continue looking

For diamonds just in case but we got mithrals so uh oh I didn’t get enough I didn’t I didn’t get all of it gonna get all of the mithril oh we got even more mithril let’s go anymore yep there we go even more methyl let’s go let’s go yeah that’s good that’s good

Uh miffral is actually really useful you can craft quite a bit of stuff from it and Redstone okay so there we go mithril oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that is not good at all let me try and Patch this off real quick

There we go is that better I think it is I think we need to do this quickly come on go go go go go go there we go I I got it I got it and I’m good trust me I am no no I didn’t pick it oh no I played it

Not safe and I paid for it I paid I only got two diamonds I only got two diamonds that is not enough that is not enough he’s serious ah we got a spawner I repeat we got a spawner so the spawner might have some good leader as well

Let’s defeat the spawner before it didn’t spawn any uh the bad stuff we got diamonds that’s four total diamonds and I will also get the bounce because I need the bounce and I will get actually the Saddles too because I’m gonna need the Saddles and yeah let’s actually go ahead

And go back up now so I think we did plenty of mining for uh for uh this time there we go now that’s what I’m talking about so finally got the diamond pickaxe it took me quite a little bit but it’s it’s not a problem there we go the ice

Bucket challenge so I’m gonna get a portal up and then we’re gonna get some heals and we’re gonna go and battle uh the main bosses of this kind of mod it’s gonna be crazy one two three and then we go one two three and then we go four and then we do

This this and we don’t have enough we don’t have enough did I miscalculate wait oh no so will this be enough no just need one more but yeah guys let’s go to another and let’s get them heals okay let’s go we are off to a great new

Hell yeah we’re going to to the nether there’s not gonna be anything in another for us except except trouble my girl why do you like about uh my weapons is that weapons like the bow has such good damage you see that I guess look at that I guess bam no wait hold up

He didn’t die come on the the drop on this uh bow is like really bad unfortunately you serious come on dude oh no screw this I’m I’m leaving I’m leaving should I drink the Kirin buff or uh terrible Fortress there we go we made it we’re here

So okay there we go finally blazes let’s get them let’s get the blazes oh one shot oh let’s go I love this bow this bow is amazing okay so let’s actually uh we need also some quartz oh I need to bring a torch with me we need

Some quartz to actually empty the fire there we go we need some quartz to get the heels uh for us and we are back by the way there are the pig man zombie pigman uh somebody somehow they aren’t really attacking me so uh yeah I didn’t

Kill a single Pigman in the nether I know it’s pretty crazy actually I don’t know why they didn’t just like spawn and they’re gonna have to kill them okay so next let’s actually craft the potions in total we got 64 and 55 nether Awards and

Also 22 blaze rods if I need more imma just stop back in and then we’re gonna we’re gonna repeat what we did so let’s get the Cobblestone let’s get the blade you sprawled okay so there we have the Bruins stand it goes we’re gonna put it

Right here and now let’s get the actual there we go cups we got some glass bottles there we go one wait oh I need water I need water and now let’s actually get the uh blaze powder I’m not gonna use all of it but I will I will leave like three routes

For whatever purpose if you know what I mean so let’s get another boards there we go we got the potions cooking so uh let’s actually okay yeah let’s sleep the night get some potions going and then we’re gonna actually get and maybe try and kill like a big like a Kieran or uh

Rafalos I think that’s what you call it right Raffles yeah rafalos or uh devil Joe or tyrex or even a Kieran we have so many mobs to go the time has come raffles uh the prince of the sky wyvern have landed in the desert hurry up and stop

Its re wreaking havoc we are on our way to survey and search for a mineral mineral grain but we encountered this violent wyvern and then we have the tigers that Rampage and tigrix is outside of the Sandy Plains unseen Elder Dragon oh the Kirin okay you know what we’re

Gonna go after rafalos okay let’s go let’s defeat this guy I’m ready I know I can do this I got my I got my weapons here you know what maybe it was a mistake that I didn’t take my uh cool melee weapon because this melee weapon this pipe it’s actually a little bit

Worse but nevertheless I think we’re good ruffalos okay where is that guy okay I’m gonna defeat these guys just to be safe 69 damage you guys seen the damage that is wonderful we are doing some great damage there we go go this guy this guy and he’s gonna be somewhere around there

Okay let’s get these guys just beforehand there we go one more and then that guy guys don’t even see where I’m shooting at but yeah I’m just a pretty good shot I’m like a super good shot where I see you see behind this corner oh there he is that’s rafalos that’s

That is not good at all am I ready guys am I ready I think I am let’s go run away run away I need I need to get up somehow oh damn I’m doing some good damage is it because this is like plus 14 ice element oh that’s some good damage

Uh fire resistance made of Tigress materials armor worn by those who’ve exercised its evil curse tigrix did I kill a Tyrus before I I don’t think I have so uh but I do have his armor or maybe I did or maybe I did kill him who knows I hit a 109 no

Where’d he go hold the phone what was that oh there he is there he is there he is oh he can’t see me can’t see me I better get these cheap shots in while I can you know what I’m not I’m not gonna risk it I’m not gonna risk I’m

Gonna climb back up wait oh he’s too far away I need to bait him closer hey buddy come here buddy come here come here buddy I know I know you can see me I know you want a piece of me I know you’re stuck in the corner by the

Way there we go there we go that’s what I’m talking about come here come here there is absolutely no way this guy is uh is uh getting out alive I think I’m over Geared for him actually you know what you can’t be over geared in the Monster Hunter MOD because they just

Have tens of thousands of health so well it’s it’s not the same okay let’s actually go for Emily let’s set him with some melees oh yeah he can fly for sure oh yeah yeah yeah I get it I get it I get it I get it heal up the with the potion

Heal up he loved let me get my nutrients okay there we go there we go I I’m fully back up Stephanie Health okay there we go there is no way this guy is leaving let’s go Raffles was his name yeah I think I killed him also in Monster Hunter uh

World on the PC I I played it on the PC like quite a while ago when it just released uh for the PC because uh a release first on the console on the PS4 as an exclusive or maybe maybe like just like for a freebie the first year it was

There but then when it came to the PC it was crazy good okay I’m gonna go in for Emily again before the suts oh oh damn bro okay he killed me and there we go I am literally in hardcore mode but I just respawned like nothing even happened so

Uh this mod kinda breaks the hardcore immersion but I I think I get a pass to be honest I think I get a pass because uh you can’t be expecting me to survive these attacks they one shot me I can’t I don’t have enough time to dodge them

Let’s buff up again so I got my nutrients okay there we go there we is there he is hitting him over the wall you guys seen this he doesn’t even know where the arrows are coming from where they coming from though coming from here I’m gonna finish you quickly partner

We’re gonna finish you quickly part oh oh oh oh let’s go let’s go let’s go what he doesn’t really want to immediately me huh he thinks he can shoot Fireballs at me all the way from there oh you get down there partner you get down there

You get down here is what I’m trying to say okay there we go that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about can’t do nothing the damage also sucks the bows like way better the bow is so much better oh my why is

The bow so good on this guy 70 59 71 69 let’s go there we go going through the fire and see the fire pits go on onwards fourth 300 140 oh eat the golden apple he killed me one more time he killed me again okay this is my last Health oh wow

He’s actually pretty dangerous because uh he Ramsey and then he you can’t really survive his attack I mean I I must suck I I suck if this was like a real Overworld battle and not like a not in his layer and not in his domain I that that would be end game

Because it’s hardcore but I get a pass I get a lot of lives in this video actually I always play in hardcore and I never die there we go there we go I killed him I killed him that’s what you get wait he still has 96 Health left you

Guys hey I killed him I got him let’s go let’s go that’s what I’m talking about let’s actually check out what Luke we got this bound to be epic show me the goodies I know I must get something good so we got wyvern wyvern marbro flame sag

Sharpened Fang and in the chest we got a black casket oh wait is this uh a haunting horde oh we gotta upgrade ravity 3 all the way to reverity 10. no wonder I wasn’t doing any damage to that guy with like my heavy horn let’s check out how it looks

Before I go off to that right around here so come on please please look good oh wow what is it called again it’s a black casket okay okay it’s it’s good and it does pretty good damage well it must be at least hey that is really

Really nice I I like it I like it I like it quite a lot plus I can also run with it it’s only a 10 speed debuff I can run with it so that’s perfect okay so let’s sleep the night and let’s actually oh I forgot this thing let’s actually sleep

The night and then maybe I can see what else I can craft from all of this stuff but yeah uh we we are doing pretty good progress let’s actually continue on battling the worst enemies we can find are we ready for Kieran fast as possible the Sandy died three

Times on an unseen Elder Dragon has was roaming in the desert tried to investigate and capture people before the sunset Kieran okay so uh wait is it really a dragon I thought that was a horse I thought Kirin was a horse no I saw a picture like when I was downloading uh

This mod I saw a picture that was like a horse bro it says it’s a dragon and I I never actually battled horses in a monster hunter world I I only battled like actual beasts okay so it’s this map again let’s see who we fighting against

So please be perfectly sane and oh yeah that’s a horse all right that’s a horse okay you know what you know what I’m watch Health 10K health is he gonna no no no no no oh no that’s it that’s it that’s my one death gone

Maybe no no he didn’t attack me he did not attack me get on to my safe spot come on come on oh he’s right here he’s looking at me don’t look at me oh yeah he well you you want to piece me that’s it time to DPS it seems It’s a healing

Bottle there we go now what oh yeah the damage is uh pretty bad actually this time let’s actually try and melee him maybe it’s gonna be a little a little bit better yeah it’s a lot better okay yeah melee weapon it is I’m sorry guys so you have to listen to

The sound I know it must have it must suck wait I see it’s climbing up you can’t climb up buddy you better not climb up he’s trying to destroy the blocks too oh we need to use my golden apple before he kills oh okay so he did

Kill Me One Time okay it’s it’s a little bit more tricky than I thought let’s actually try and maybe uh after all melee uh shoot him with the with the bow okay so where where is that guy he should be somewhere here there he is there he is what’s this health uh

His self is that 9k and he can shoot me from anywhere okay I see I see how it is you guys see him he’s just standing there he doesn’t want to come oh oh okay last Health it seems It’s last health for me okay maybe I’m a little bit not prepared

For Kirin that’s actually like practically the main boss guys so uh seems that it seems I’m not ready for him he’s he will kill me he will probably kill me he disappeared and I got a kill he disappeared he the spirit and I gotta kill oh wow that’s that’s pretty good

Okay so let’s see if he dropped anything good there we go so first of all did we get any Elite we got Kieran Platinum main Kieran gem Kieran Thunder tail light Crystal okay that is uh perfectly fine chest is empty the chest is empty

Oh I oh no that is not good at all I got his materials for the quest from the NPC but the boss like the the mob himself didn’t drop me any loot because uh didn’t spawn anything okay I thought that was pretty weird okay you know what

Witches leave my Village alone this is my Village alone and mine alone if you know what I mean come on I can do this even closer like this wait hold up like this there we go snipe sniped her okay yeah you know what we’re not ready for him

Let’s go for a devil Joe I think we might be ready for this guy okay so we are back in this Zone it seems I was hoping there would be more zones but I think you know what I think I’m gonna have to actually travel the world and

Maybe then I can get some variety in my zones so I think I’m just gonna get the kill quickly get the loot and then uh go on an adventure because uh I’d like to actually explore the real world and I think I’m pretty much geared for the

Real world already I mean look at me if I’m not good I don’t know who is because I’m definitely geared plenty for for the for the real world devil Joe okay okay you guys ready you ready to take this B start I think oh oh okay

First shot there we go bam there we go okay so don’t you dare go into the cave don’t hide from me buddy don’t hide from me he’s so big he is so big you guys see his size it’s crazy I Society he is so big it’s crazy he is absolutely

Terrifying wait if I hit him like closer to the head do I do more damage no no I don’t the damage is really random but uh either way there we go that’s that’s basically how you fight a boss I can’t get down onto his level if that’s uh

That means anything his textures his texture is like really oh he went to the cave he doesn’t want to play doesn’t want to play okay I’m gonna actually uh drink a potion of regeneration there we go let’s go there we go where is he where is C is he coming is

She okay let’s eat the golden apple okay SC common I’m gonna do this for when I see him for when I see him a sea hiding behind a wall he’s not he’s not showing out bread I’m not hitting him I am not hitting him there there he is

Oh wow what a beast what a beast he’s so scary there he is I think he’s coming now oh there we go yeah yeah he’s coming all right he’s coming all right oh look at that look at that big boy oh let’s go let’s go run run run oh yeah he hit me

He hit me he did an AOE on me he did an AOE on me no you don’t no you don’t devil Joe no you don’t gotta die You Gotta Die though oh yeah he’s doing uh he’s doing a kind of an aerial attack what does he do now why is he screaming bro

What leave me alone bruh leave me alone oh no this is like oh no bro okay I think I’m safe here I can only see his oh I could see him from Over the Mountain is he gonna follow me I don’t think he is okay so let’s actually uh

Check out where is he you you somewhere here buddy yeah there you are there you are okay go back go back he can’t come in here can he no he can’t okay I think I’m good for now cheese him that’s my strategy I’m gonna make a run for it gonna run for it

Oh yeah he’s uh oh he’s a big stomperel right oh foreign where you going dude I’m right here I am right here oh he is big and he is mad I don’t know move move move I’m gonna go uh and see his Lyra hopefully he’s not gonna find

Me there where is he see following me I don’t think he is there he is let’s let’s set him from here damn this is actually a pretty fierce battle he’s taking minimal damage he has like very good protection I might have to melee him or hit him from above because uh he

Was taking a lot more damage when I was hitting him from above okay okay so yeah underneath him bad spot bad spot by headshot oh wow is the headshot legit is the headshot way more damage doesn’t look like it no okay he’s stuck he’s stuck for now that’s good

His health is stuck at 5.8k I don’t know if I’m doing any damage I really hope that it’s just my mod that is like kind of stuck because of like them out of a damage I’m doing the amount of felt this guy has so I’m just hoping that that’s

Just the UI mod that’s showing up the health status bug and not that he’s like unkillable now so I will be probably continuing to beat him for 33 more minutes here and hopefully he’s gonna he’s gonna fall down quickly soon enough at least damn he’s really trying to

Attack me but he doesn’t know can’t fight me can’t fight me this is my way of fighting I choose that I am I am the master cheeser I am the master cheeser you can’t do nothing against me you should be really close by now oh second so long so long really really is

Okay come on come on I know I can defeat you by the way I did die one time to him already so uh I’m gonna play it really carefully I tried going down on his level hitting him with my uh melee weapons seeing if that’s gonna like maybe do some more

Damage but it didn’t well it did it it did pretty good damage but not worth it not worth risking my death because uh I I did I did how to uh respawn so uh that’s not good come on stop doing that buddy stop doing that buddy I know I

Know you wanna peace me I know you want a piece me I’m gonna use this hide it used to Spur his ladder his bones his skin we’re gonna use them to decorate my base and I’m gonna craft armor from his skin I’m gonna use his skin to kill his kin yep

I’m gonna do just that by the way guys hope you are enjoying the video oh there we go we got him let’s go we got him pound pound you go pound that’s what you got you got pound only tweak me 10 minutes hey that’s not super no 15

Minutes hey that is not too bad that is not too bad okay so let’s go finally we got him we got him let’s see what we got so we got double Joe hightail Fang oh there we go oh wow hold up there’s so much it’s

Crazy hold up is why is there so much loot here that is like did the boss that we killed bog out and he didn’t spawn loose so did we get like two Loops like you usually get this but I also got all of this I mean nutrients I’ll take it I’ll take

Hey let’s go we got a good we got a good we got some good loot that is really good plus we got a new uh a new armor set so uh gagawa egg what is that what’s that what’s an egg what can I do with the egg you guys seen this

Is this like uh is this like my pet you know who this is like my pet I really want to check it out let’s actually check out the sword first so this is a thunder sword remedy four and it does 62 attack damage how does it look

S pretty darn good I like the way it looks it looks really nice let’s actually sleep and then check out the armor I’m gonna place all of this uh junk here I do need the meat and I need this I need the camera buff okay so uh

The great sword I’m not gonna I’m not gonna actually use it that much so I will uh put it with my other collection let’s actually check out the loot so it’s a Raffles oh it’s raffles does it give any protection oh oh wow I think it does I think it’s

Oh wow is it good oh wow I think it’s like really really good it gave me full uh full armor on my uh on my UI so what that means it’s like literally better than the tigrix Armor so I think that’s legit so I think I

Think that’s perfect you know what I did see a dragon I think it was like a kiwoo whatever he kept crashing me I try to record a fight for Dragon in the wilderness two times but he kept crashing me and I had to leave and then uh record again and then it got

Corrupted again got crashed again so uh yeah yeah that’s unfortunate but maybe I can find another dragon in the wilderness I did say this is Art time to go and see the wild so I will uh I will hold my word and we are literally going

To the wild so let’s actually just get some materials just in case we do need them okay so let’s actually go off we go on our adventure and yes I I am deal wielding what is that that’s Kieran so yeah I Kieran just spawned in the wilderness I was actually gonna get on

This boat real quick okay so akiran is in the wilderness am I ready I have heels I have everything but I just don’t feel like I can defeat him ruffalo’s armor maybe Raffles armor will do the trick I don’t know uh I will try like I’m already here okay so this is

The moment everything goes see crop or everything will be beautiful so let’s just try and get this done shall we okay I’m gonna shoot him and then I’m gonna run away if I need to 17. oh yeah that’s not good no no he’s oh yeah yeah okay yeah let’s get the

Boat let’s get the boat get the boat run run no we cannot fight him we cannot fight him no oh oh no no no no no that is not good you guys saw that he he practically killed me I had to use I had to use a

Golden apple that is not good we are not ready for Kieran yet wow what is this deal by the way like I have Raffles armor on but I still can’t defeat Kieran like literally what is this deal what what do I need to defeat him is there

Like a special armor set that I need because he just won shots me if I didn’t drink my literal nutrients get like boosted health I he he would have one shot at me that is not good at all that’s uh that’s why I had difficulties killing him in the arena as well the

Real world I cannot afford to die here that is gonna be a big No-No oh there we have some lava oh no witches are spawning and okay you know what I think we’re gonna go down we’re gonna go down but we will not uh we will not go and see the lava

There we go easy right it’s easy that’s that’s how we all should do it there we go some easy stuff easy does and that there we have water and now we go back up I guess I have no clue where I’m going but it is night time so I should probably sleep at

Some point already is this area safe is there no witches here don’t look like it don’t look like it okay let’s Place uh let’s play some torches Place some torch so the witches wouldn’t know that I’m here let’s place this here like that okay so uh the Knight comes to

And well the day comes CNN and I will go ahead and Hunt some more Dr uh beasts some more monsters because I am after all the Monster Hunter and I need to kill all of them in this mod pack and I have quite a few to go to be honest

Including the Kirin so uh it’s gonna it’s gonna be quite difficult oh oh oh 3D spawn no I think I’m just out of his area okay so I need to jump over how can I do that oh no oh no some sheep some poor sheep oh there we go

Some poor sheep fell and it died uh I can also get the XP but I won’t I won’t I have uh oh yeah I was just like the Sheep to be honest only I was like way more protected okay piggy you you survived right you somehow survived it was just

Me how did I fall oh there we go oh no no no go up go up go up why is this River so difficult I’m not trying to be difficult with it anyhow where is C I think that was a barif I think bharath was here

Gargoyle oh oh he won he went asleep hey buddy you want you want to eat something I got I got red I gotta believe what you want no you don’t want me no uh the crops aren’t ready yet or oh no the crops are ready okay there we go

We’re gonna go you want some seeds I never tried feeding these guys so I don’t know if they eat he doesn’t want seeds and he doesn’t want wheat okay hey your choice your choice uh just just for that I will actually help my friends here uh oh that’s it that’s the max okay

There we go there we go yeah just getting their uh form a little a little bit more Bountiful okay you know what let’s sleep the night uh I heard I’m hearing doors close and open come on villagers you gotta get inside I’m coming with you come with you we

Sleeping together what you got for me you got a traveler’s backpack looting thank you another TR oh my you got some deals on the backpacks to be honest it’s uh it’s crazy world we living in huh where they wanna filthy like a stack of emeralds for a

Backpack like you can craft this thing so easily well I mean it is the Villager Edition so that’s that must be why it’s so like pricey oh we got an extension of the house I’m gonna get back to the base and then kill some more monsters

Oh okay there we go there we go got the witch little dodo wait what is that going on in this world well why is everything spawning in it I’m just gonna help these guys out gonna kill uh kill the witches kill everything that you

Don’t need I get The Barber of guy uh he ran away because uh we saw him and then we didn’t oh I’m gonna take the gunpowder in case I do need it but yeah I’m gonna go back to my use I’m getting I’m getting attacked here actually that is uh that’s pretty

No way no way oh doggy doggy doggy come here no I got it all in suit please no hey you you want some Modern chops come on please please no I don’t have any bones I don’t have any bones I was gonna I was gonna get this wolf as a pet uh

It’s been such a long time since I had a pet I think the last time I had a pet was in uh was in the uh volcano eruption oh no it was the uh the dinosaur the dinosaur uh uh the T-Rex Park the dinosaur park my other video is what I’m

Trying to say it’s been a long time since I had a pen of videos so uh I guess this is this thing achieved this ain’t the video because uh can’t get the pet I used up all my bones oh there’s quite a bit of them actually that’s good I’m gonna come back here

So guys I’m not gonna lie this is it for this video I hope you enjoyed it it’s a lot of play time we achieved quite a bit in this world I do have like I think one of the best sets Farmer in the game and I also uh got plenty of weapons this

Weapon is Rarity 10 and then a rarity eight bow this is like the Ultimate Weapon pack I believe so I’m really happy with the loot that I received and yeah guys if you enjoyed this video if you want to see more please subscribe to the channel it’s been me a little stick

As always and if you want a part so you make sure to smash that like button and write down in the comments that you really do want to part so you because I will actually invite my friends over and we we will actually uh maybe add some

More mods and then start over real quick so we could see who’s who’s the best Monster Hunter I am also taking notes so you guys really enjoyed the Aliens vs Predator video and you really want to part two so I am in the process of actually uh inviting my friend over and

Getting the mod pack updated as we speak and on my server I am hosting my own server all the time on my Mac so uh there you go and when that’s going to be done maybe the next video will be a 200 days or even a 500 Days Like A Part Two

To see the Aliens vs Predators video but yeah guys I hope you enjoyed this if you did again make sure to smash that like and thank you so much for watching as always guys see you in the next one peace Thank you foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Monster Hunter in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Lil Stick on 2022-10-18 22:39:12. It has garnered 63833 views and 1508 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:48 or 5088 seconds.

100 Days to Survive as a Monster Hunter. Subscribe to support Lil Stick’s career as a Minecraft YouTuber♥

In this “100 Days in a Monster Hunter in Minecraft” video I wake up as a a minecraft monster hunter 100 days that needs to hunter complete minecraft monster missions to get by. I need monster 100 days to collect the best hunter minecraft monster gear and defeat minecraft hunter beasts for monster minecraft 100 days. Build a Monster proof minecraft hunter 100 days base and as a hunter minecraft learn monster new 100 days hunter techniques to defeat monster minecraft beasts with monster hunter weapon and monster minecraft hunter tools.

➤Video Inspired By: Forge Labs Luke TheNotable Sword4000 Forrestbono

➤Business Email ➜ [email protected] ➤Instagram ➜ lilstickproductions ➤Twitter ➜ lilstickproductions ➤Discord ➜ lilstickproductions

#100days #minecraft #hardcore

You may know me from another channel with 110k subs. I’m recording here because I feel I was creatively limited on that channel and want to try out what’s really interesting for me on here.

0:00 Intro 0:53 Start 2:24 100 Days in Monster Hunter Minecraft

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    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

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I Survived 100 Days in Monster Hunter in Hardcore Minecraft