I Survived 100 Days of Minecraft : Xbox 360 Edition

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Over the years Minecraft’s Evolution has been one magical thing whether it’s the cool new updates they add the community mods that people create but the different iterations they add for certain consoles I can say for sure that Minecraft’s Xbox 360 edition is one of the most iconic versions of Minecraft so

I decided to revisit it for a hundred days I wanted to find out if it was truly as good as it used to be and to make things even more interesting I decided to try to get every single achievement with that being said why don’t you sit back and relax and watch

These hundred days of nostalgia so on day one we go immediately for the bonus chest which has some great stuff to start out our world with and then we start working on our first achievements I might know true with my fist and I didn’t get the collect wood achievement

So I did a couple more to test it out and it did the same thing so I reloaded the server and thought that would fix it and it did as I get my first achievement taking inventory so I basically did the first couple minutes again I got the

Collect wood achievements same with the benchmarking achievement and since I could craft my tools now I got the time to mine and the time to strike achievements as well it also gave me two other achievements but it didn’t State them it’s probably more tools and then

Uh something with a hoe I’m not sure but I went on to getting some Stone and some coal and I decided to fight this drown for the Monster Hunter achievement I’d gotten that stone to get the Hot Topic achievement and then use charcoal to smell wood get renewable energy and then

I got a bed and changed the sheets to get the achievement change of sheets I know it seems like we’re blowing through this but there’s just so many achievements you can get early game as I get the getting an upgrade achievement I promise it’ll definitely slow down and

We’ll do a bunch of other stuff but that’s the end of day one and we go to sleep in our new orange bed they do starts off with another achievement cow Tipper that I forgot to re-get after the first couple minutes before I set out

Into my world I decide to get a bunch of meat and I will be spending days two and three discovering the whole entire map because in Xbox 360 edition Minecraft you only get one section of world there’s no there’s a world border essentially that’s all I can work with I

Will go into further detail on this but some of the achievements are unobtainable because of the world size now I will skip most of this because it’s pretty boring but you can see the map fill up on the left hand side of the screen so that’s pretty cool and you

Might be able to notice that I’m not eating anything that’s so I can get the iron belly achievement because I already got rotten flesh from that drowned I figured I’d do it as early as possible you know just get out the way I also pick up some sugarcane on the way

Because this is going to help us out a lot in the end game you’ll see later and on our stop by through the desert I also got some Cactus for an achievement that’s going to be coming later as well as you can see we got about half the mat

Filled up but I think that’s where we end day two and take a little rest day three is a little more exciting in the day too just because we get some achievements done and we find something that will help us a lot and you guess

What it is okay yeah we found a village but we’re not going to be going to it yet we’re going to wait a little bit we’re gonna explore the rest of the map and then come back to it and we finally got hungry enough to eat our Rod flesh

And get the iron belly achievement and right after I ate a pork chop and got an achievement too I forgot that was achievement also got a shirt um I won’t ever use that but that’s that’s cool I guess by the end of day three we didn’t fill out the whole map

But that was okay because we can do it tomorrow on day four we automatically started filling out the rest of the map now that that’s done we can finally head over to that Village and while we head over there let’s explain why my world sucks at face value my world seems fine

But there are a lot of biomes missing that I need to complete some of these achievements all of the achievements that I can’t complete are as follows adventuring time lion tamer dry spell the deep end cheating death so I got that going for me Let It Go feeling ill

One pickle two pickle C pickle four alternative fuel musk Ramen Castaway sleep with the fishes and echolocation that’s 14 achievements I cannot Complete because of the world that I have now that we got that out the way let’s get on to our next achievement map room once

We got to the Village we started clearing out some land and set all of our stuff down I looked around the village and found all three of the crops that we need and I finally replanted everything I could find and then I slept chopping trees was the start to my day

Five I decided I wanted to build a house and I tamed the source to get the saddle up achievement back to the house I started clearing out some land and got the building but the sun started to set so I decided to go to bed when I woke up

I immediately started on my house I eventually got bored so I went ahead and built my mind just because I knew I was gonna need it pretty soon I went as far as my pickaxe would let me and it happened to be night time when I go back

Up so I just went to bed in the morning of day seven I killed some of the mobs that were burning outside my house so I can get some bones I made some more tools and then went back down to the mine knew I wasn’t gonna care about my

House at all but at least I found some iron I was going through negative wide level 11 because that’s where diamonds spawned but in this version of the Xbox 360 that wasn’t a thing yet so I did with any Minecraft player would do is build a little room and then dig tunnels

From it I also built the Second Story just in case I needed some more tunnels and I saved myself a lot of time by actually making stairs I’m gonna run up and down these a lot in this video once I got to the top it was night time so I

Went to bed after this creeper put a hole in the ground I was in the mine for quite a while so this marks the start of day nine it smelted all the oars that I got the night before and cooked some food as well all that time in the minds

Was me just stalling because I had to do something I hate the most it’s not that I don’t like building it’s just sometimes time consuming and I can’t make up my mind on exactly what I want to do and collecting some of the materials can be a pain when I got back

I got my next achievement acquire hardware and I immediately went to my craft table to make some iron armor that I really needed the upgrade I guess the Iron Man achievement is pretty cool too it ain’t much but it’s honest work this house has taken quite some time but it’s

Looking pretty nice so far and I got to sleep in it for the first time kind of stood here for a while on day 10. not sure what I was doing or what I was thinking sooner later we got to work on the house and we finally got the base

Done let’s go leave your guesses down below if I finish this house or not in the next 90 days just just for fun there are those Cobblestone stairs again foreign had to scare me before giving me some diamonds I’m not sure if these eight diamonds in that achievement were worth

My sanity but we got him anyways I’m just trying to sleep man and I’m getting bullied in my own house leave me alone leave me alone I probably should torch that up a little bit huh you already know we had to make our diamond pick before we go to sleep it’s day 11

And this dude’s still here nope not rebuilding that house I wasn’t down in the mines for long I had some iron but that’s about it and these guys attacked me and I guess I found some gold too my notes said I wasn’t in there for that long now I

Don’t know if another day passed or not so we’re just gonna stay on day 11. found out there’s a lot of cryptographers here is why I got that sugar cane but instead of planning it I went to bed I I don’t know what I’m doing okay that’s what I’m doing I know

I’m not that dumb since I’m gonna need to trade quite a bit I decided to lock this guy in a box and go find a farmer villager which I didn’t know I had now that I’ll have a steady source of income I planted what I could and then I traded what I couldn’t

I I traded the leftover stuff that I had and I put this other guy in a box too I collected all that iron I mined and made some Essentials like the bucket and some shears I needed shears in order to do this achievement that I need a single

Wool block of every color in my world every single color is craftable except black brown gray and light gray so I need to find those sheep naturally but I got kind of late so I went to bed next morning I finished collecting the dyes and went out to find the sheet kind of

Cheated to get black though just it was already there so I just grabbed it Oh I thought this was supposed to be a kids game why are they doing this right in front of me what the heck thanks for the achievement though and while taking off this purple sheep’s clothes I got

Another achievement well I went around sharing all these different colors of sheep I ended up finding one of the ones that I can’t make the brown sheep laughs it started to get dark so I had to go to bed and continue on the next day before

I set out on day 16 I placed all of my wool in Rainbow order or as best as I could before I headed out I went and bred myself a little dog and after quite literally searching for the whole day I finally found the gray sheep

On my way home I stopped by the lava pool to get some obsidian so I can make my nether portal and my enchantment table I decided to finish my wool rainbow and then head to bed the next day I immediately went to go craft my enchantment table but this creeper

Wanted to give me a surprise I don’t know what I would do if my brain wasn’t so big I finally got to craft it and got the enchanter achievement I didn’t want my nether portal to just be standing somewhere so I built into this hill

I also crafted a fishing rod so I can get some fish so I can cook it to get that other achievement wait that’s the wrong one this achievement right here and then I did this other food achievement I’m also been a little hungry that day and I got this bucket of

Lava thinking that was some achievement now I realize today was kind of full of chores I’m just doing some crop stuff now everything has to do with food you already know I had to make some profits off that though and then it was bedtime a18 I started with some sugar cane

Farming because who doesn’t love that it was all good though I needed it for some bookshelves anyways and this is where the enchantment table is going to be I’m sure being out in the open isn’t going to be a problem at all and then I decided to go to the nether when I’m

Completely under geared a guest started attacking me right as I got into the nether but I hit its ball back at him and got the achievement I looked around for a little while and couldn’t find anything so I tried to go back but I got smoked I immediately went back to get my

Stuff and went to bed when I got home started day 19 I placed the sign to get the it’s a sign achievement I tamed this dog made some bookshelves and got the food that I cooked and I guess I had to poop or something because I was standing

Here for the whole day and I did some sugar cane things before I started farming some spiders while I was doing that I got unlucky enough to fall into a small hole that led into a ravine though I died I just decided to sleep it off

I’ll get my stuff in the morning so it turns out this hole was just a single block I couldn’t see much so I just kind of went for it in the end I survived and I got all my stuff I used that string I

Got to make a bow and then the bow that I made to make a dispenser I then farmed everything so I could trade it with Avenger and then I fell asleep in my empty house again on day 21 we go to the nether I hate this place

With a passion oh look my pants and we out and we out oh I literally have no words for that I knew that lava bucket was going to be useful at this point I’m so under geared I need that full enchantment table and some diamond armor that’s that’s why I’m

Killing cows and you did not watch me and my dog just now I that was not me I don’t know how that happened looking back on this I didn’t know that I had llamas in my world so the achievement so I got that going for me was obtainable I

Just didn’t do it because I didn’t know so if you want to get at me in the comments for that I’d go for it so I finally obtained my fifth wolf to get that achievement and I marked this off as day 22 so this is day 22. as I was at

I was going on the sides of the worlds where the water was so I could get some clay for that achievement and then I found the small village and lucky enough this Village had two very important villagers in it one was a toolsmith and the other was a weaponsmith but

Apparently I don’t see the weapon Smith yet I find it when I come back and as I’m heading back home I find all these villagers in this one house and before going to bed I made some more bookshelves for my enchantment table on

Day 23 I made a pot why why this is an achievement I don’t know but I’m only a couple books short of getting a little dirty I also place this chest next to the mine for the Cobblestone achievement and I killed a few more cows I picked up

Some of my emeralds and took them to the other Village found out this guy had a fortune one and breaking two pickaxe what and that’s when I found this other guy put him in a hole and found out he was a weaponsmith which that means I can

Get diamond swords and axes on day 24 a zombie started attacking me while I was AFK I really should put some windows on this thing I made some more bookshelves and checked the level I was only one bookshelf off I trapped this clerican and started trading with him because I know that’s

How I’m gonna get my ender pearls I did a little crop run and made some money as well as the Hagler achievement those emeralds I just got went straight to the diamond pickaxe and I traded with bro over here and he gave me a diamond sword

And a diamond ax tried to sleep but then oh there’s a creeper Mouse creeped my house no surely they’re gone right oh no then instead of going to bed or trying to pick up all my stuff that just fell out of the chest I tried to go for the

Sniper duel achievement and it doesn’t work at all and then the creepers decided they haven’t reached me enough tonight I’m just not gonna edit this because I don’t want to relive the pain that I went through my notes for day 25 say I went strip mine and got Swanton bond by a creeper what is that oh that’s that’s what it means if you notice when I die there is quite

A bit of lava around and can you guess where my diamond pickaxe went I think my inventory speaks for itself after that incident I decided to take some time away from the mine and get some more emeralds so I can replace my pickaxe and I decided to finally move everything

Into my house well not everything just my furnaces I don’t know I think I’m an idiot that’s why but I finally got 30 levels on my enchants and made an anvil I then proceeded to make one of the dumbest financial decisions you can in Minecraft and use a diamond for a

Jukebox it might not be as dumb as going back into the mines because I’m gonna need a jukebox later I don’t know if I need to go back down here you know I’m mining a little bit of this a little bit of that and then I find some diamonds

But I’ve remembered not to mine them because I don’t have a fortune pickaxe on me well I had enough of the mines today so I headed out 8 26 I started with the farm I just hate spending all that time on farming but the profits are

Pretty good it took me all day but I got enough emeralds to come back and get another pickaxe yeah and I even got enough for one of the swords you’ll never guess what I did on day 27 at least there were diamonds involved and I

Got seven of them so that’s good too and I made my first piece of diamond armor with those diamonds I was pretty proud of myself because I don’t think I ever made diamond armor when I was younger I farmed the sugar cane again and decided

It needed to be bigger so I made it bigger wonder how many times I walk up and down the stairs in this video cheching more diamonds I’m really skipping a lot of this but I am finding a bunch of coal and iron which is really good yeah skip the Diamonds though we

Finally made full diamond armor let’s go this was literally my dream as a kid I swear I didn’t want to wear it just yet I wanted some enchantments on it at least laughs I end up planting my melons and my pumpkins I’ve never used these by the way disclaimer and then now look at all of the sugar cane we can sell this for so much now okay I might have lied I only got seven emeralds but at seven

More than I had before so I’m not complaining I haven’t done this in a while but I get to go to bed for once day 28 was all about that nether progression so I made some more iron armor and headed to the nether to my surprise I didn’t get immediately

Attacked by anything this time I did mine a fair bit of course for That Sweet XP while roaming around I did find what I was looking for another Fortress and not too soon after I found what I was looking for in the nether fortress The Blaze spawner and after one of them

Dropped the rod I got the into fire achievement I farmed enough of them until I had enough rods and then I explored more of the Fortress that wasn’t a good idea with just iron armor and tools because I got cornered really quickly and died with 29 levels I

Went back and got my stuff but I dipped immediately when I got home I didn’t even bother to do anything I just wanted to sleep 8 29 starts out with me making some fire resistance potions and now that we have our blaze rods we can start

Working on getting our Eyes of Ender and we’ll get our ender pearls from our cleric and I swam in lava with a fire resistance effect for another achievement and then for some reason I decided to tame a horse which I’ll use once or twice and I’ll probably forget

About him the next achievement we’re going for is one of the stupidest achievements ever but apparently the next clip is me going to sleep so I’m I’m a little confused right now I guess I must have just stood around the rest of the day but now we’re gonna make this pig fly oh Now we’re back to farming dude oh it’s so annoying I don’t know if Fortune works on crops in this version but I’m gonna do it anyways in the end it’s also worth it 32 emeralds from all that isn’t half bad and that means I can go ahead

And buy eight ender pearls and now I already almost have all the eye center that I need make your money gets you off retired foreign day 31 I mind that’s it that’s all you’re getting I did a lot of the usual on day 32. sure I could have done this whole entire thing

A lot better but I mean I didn’t so I probably wasted a lot of time finally we have something new That was a good way to spend two minutes at least I actually ride my horse this time what do you know I came all the way over here just to trade for seven emeralds I probably should have brought those villagers to the other Village by now but I that’s too that’s too much

Work I did meet a big old slime on the way back so I get some of the balls on my way back and yes I forgot my horse I got the skeleton to shoot this creeper to get a music disc This Witch woke me

Up on day 33 so I had to kill her I make a slime block not too soon after listen to some music and then take a leap of faith Thank you and then I take an even bigger Leap of Faith by going into the nether again yeah no no get me out I need out so instead of going to the nether why don’t we try to find the end portal that definitely didn’t take all day I did get

Some pretty good Enchantment books from the library though and here’s the portal room right next to it I also only needed two more eyes Bender to complete the portal on my way back in day 34 I traded some emeralds with the Villagers over at the small village and remember I left my

Horse over there so I went ahead and rode it back to my base I decided to make some iron blocks and get a pumpkin so I can get The Bodyguard achievement which you complete by making an iron golem then I use those four elements I traded

For to get the last ender pearl so I can make the last Eye of Ender I need for the end portal frame wonder how many times I touch a cobblestone stare in this video I was strip mining on day 35 when I ended up finding an abandoned mine shaft which was actually really

Lucky for me not only is there a lot more open resources down there there are also a lot of rails which I will need for a future achievement I spent up until day 37 in this mine shaft mining all the rails getting all the oars and

Opening all the chests that I could find I even found this cave spider spawner on the very edge of the world as well as a zombie spawner but I won’t go back and use those at all after I had collected all the oars and the rails down in the

Mine shaft I wouldn’t headed up back to the surface when I got back I put all the cobblestone in my chest and I was so close to getting the chest full Cobblestone achievement and then I smelt that all of my oars and when I said I

Mined a lot of rails I meant I mined almost four stacks of them which isn’t enough but it’s going to help a lot and then I kind of stared at the ground for a while before I went to bed um I don’t know why I did that it’s

Probably not very good just stay in a no windows and the door open but yeah at least I got to wake up on day 38 to some nice fresh iron and gold at least today I stared at my furnaces instead of the floor and it was daytime

So I couldn’t Dodge any mobs after that mining session I came out with 16 blocks of iron and six blocks of gold which isn’t too bad the rest of the day I focused on trade so I get to level 30 so I can finally enchant one of my pieces

Of armor I decided to enchant my chest plate and got exactly what I was looking for oh 839 was a copy and paste of day 38 trading emeralds for that level 30 so I can enchant more armor I also bought another sword and an ax for some reason

I think I was going for the overkill achievement with the swords but I don’t know what the ax is for at the time I got home it was night time so I just went ahead and went to bed day 40 was the day I went for the on a rail

Achievement to get this achievement you need to go 500 meters on a rail in One Singular Direction and I wasn’t sure if a block was counted as one meter or if a block was three meters or four I don’t know how it actually converted so once I

Got finished placing all the rails I had I decided to ride it and see if I got it Guess I’ll have to try again tomorrow or not because on day 41 I’m hunting cows oh that’s right I still need to die a whole entire set of leather armor for an achievement as well I quite literally did this all day but at least it hit Level 30 by the end of it

I made a full set of leather armor and dyed it all white to get another achievement on the start of day 42 and then I got a little unlucky with the enchantment on my pants but at least they had on breaking three I then mined a couple pieces of cobblestone to finish

The chest full of cobblestone achievement which is one of the weirdest achievements Minecraft has let me know in the comments if your team character team potato I think in Minecraft and in real life potatoes are just better I wonder if Minecraft villagers were actually based off Squidward so kind of

Make the same noise as him and they have a bit old no I don’t know the a43 we bought a lot of pumpkin pie for some reason I think I was just trying to get my levels up but why pumpkin pie I don’t know if I had more time I would have

Definitely made some automatic sugarcane Farms but I just don’t think it would have been worth it I only hit Level 30 again so I decided to enchant my boots this time and I got some pretty nice ones I normally go for fire protection at least one piece of my armor and I

Normally do it on the boots but considering that having my pants this isn’t as good as I wanted it to be now we can get back on to one of the most pointless achievements in Minecraft on a rail since four sex rails didn’t work I just assumed that it was going to be

Exactly 500 rails so that’s exactly what I did at least I thought I started extending the track just further beyond the point that I ended and once I was done I decided to ride the minecart all the way back Dude this achievement’s actually so dumb I don’t I don’t get it at all it makes no sense the next day I just decided to make two more stacks of rails I just I wasn’t trying to count exactly how many out I just knew this is going to be more

Than enough as I was going to put the rails on the other end of the track I saw a witch and realized I could get that achievement right now but then after I brewed the potion of poison she was already gone and so I just had to

Wait I then decided to make a weakness potion and get into gold apple and keep it on me at all times just in case that same situation happens with a zombie villager just so I don’t miss my chance and then I put the rest of the two

Stacks of rails that I had it took almost all day but we finally got to see if it actually works this time thank you sorry I had to make y’all sit and watch the whole thing because that just shows how dumb and pointless that achievement was speaking of achievements isn’t that

A zombie villager right there I throw the potion that I’ve been feeding the golden apple and he starts attacking me still and almost die I ended up getting out of Harm’s Way and wait there until I get the achievements too bad he was just another stupid

Cleric and I rode back to my base it was already day 45. I decided to go for the free diver achievement and for that I needed a puffer fish it took me almost half the day but I ended up getting it I brewed my water breathing potions and

Sat in the water for two minutes just another pointless achievement in my opinion but oh well 846 was just one of those setting up days kind of figuring a couple things out sat here waiting on apples to fall from these trees but I realized I could just go buy some with

Some emeralds wanted to make the gold Apple before the ender dragon fight but if I couldn’t I would save it for the Wither fight because I feel like that would have been a little more challenging and I guess I didn’t get enough pumpkin pie the other day so I

Went and bought some more did Monday farming and my sugar cane farming and decided to get some achievements I could only get at night for instance I killed this creep with a bow and got a baseball cap for some reason and then I got my Archer achievement and I tried the

Sniper duel achievement again but I was still convinced that this was not possible because once the skeleton got 50 blocks away from me I just couldn’t see it at all but I did end up finding a witch to get that taste of your own medicine achievement at the start of day

47 I hit Level 30 which was good because I can enchant another piece of my armor and I did but the only problem with the helmet is it didn’t have Unbreaking three but that wasn’t that big of a deal and with that I was finally able to put

On my fully enchanted diamond armor set and it was time to head to the mines to try to find gold so I can finish that Golden Apple okay I’ve literally been down here for a day and I found absolutely none what is going on yeah so

Smelt the stack of iron I got I was level 30 again though so I couldn’t enchant my bow at least I got power but I was really hoping for Infinity so I didn’t have to buy arrows then I combined both my swords so I get sharpness three and then added looting

Three on top of that and then made it sharp to sports just because and power 4 wasn’t enough so I made it a power 5 Bow then I stared at this jungle tree for a solid minute I don’t I don’t know what’s going on since my sword did not attack

Damage I thought I would get the overkill achievement but it ended up not working and I don’t know if that’s because nine attack damage doesn’t mean nine hearts that would mean four and a half I don’t know I didn’t look into it I didn’t research it so I just thought

This achievement was unattainable I thought it would be a PVP only thing but after looking into it obstruction obviously I found you probably have to use strength potions and then I headed to bed before making the final preparations for the ender dragon fight on the start of day 49 I bought some

Arrows got some of the dirt out of my chest and headed for the end portal fast forward a little bit and it’s kind of a little darker but I did find the end portal eventually so I threw my two eyes Ender in there and went into the portal

So as we enter the end we’re just gonna call this the start of day 50. out of all my hundreds of hours on Xbox 360 Minecraft this would be the first time I ever beat the Ender Dragon and for some reason I was just smoking these crystals yeah

Okay maybe I didn’t do as good as I thought I did but I did make sure to bring my bottles so I can get the dragon spread achievement after I shot down the last Tower I’ve built up and destroyed the last two ones in the cages

At first I got up real close and was hitting it with my sword and I realized in this older version of Minecraft you could shoot the Dragon Ball with anybody in the fight so after a while doing that I ended up shooting my last shot repeating the Ender Dragon and you

Already know I collected the dragon egg because I mean who doesn’t but before I left I needed to go into the further end I don’t know what you call it so I threw the ender pearl in and I saw the end City and in Overworld time this would be

The start of day 51 exploring these things can get pretty annoying and I’m sure you know why but I will say the loot is definitely worth it especially in these older versions and this pickaxe I found was actually insane it took me about a day going through this whole

Entire Place killing all the shulkers I could and finally reaching the end ship I tried to collect the dragon head but it just fell into the void I mean it’s not that big a deal but it was still pretty cool to have and then killed the shulker eluded some pretty good armor

Out of these chests and finally claimed my elytra one thing I want to know about this version is that you can actually put on your Elijah from your hot bar you don’t have to go in your inventory and switch it out like you do in Java

Versions I used my lighter for the first time and then headed back to the end and as I jumped through the portal I finally got the end achievements and when I got back it was time for bed when I woke up on day 52 I made some more chests and

Made four shulker boxes which I was surprised wasn’t an achievement as well as getting my elytra but oh well and since I had my lighter I finally had some use for like gunpowder and saving I also used my Elijah with rockets for the first time I then headed to my lava pool

So I can get some obsidian so I can make an Ender Chest because I put some of the loot from the end cities in there when I made the Ender Chest I was able to get my really good pickaxe and my nice pair of boots out of there I combined all

Three pairs of my boots to get these really good boots even though they had curse of Vanishing but I wasn’t too worried about them I also combined all three of my helmets to get this near perfect helmet all I was missing was aqua affinity didn’t put fortune on my

Pickaxe yet because I wanted to make sure it was Fortune three so I just waited I tested my luck in the mines on day 53 I was still looking for the remaining gold to make the enchanted golden apple for the Wither fight and with my new pickaxe I sure it would help

A lot and believe it I was able to find gold in the first couple of minutes does anybody remember when I spent a day or two in here and didn’t find any after a couple more minutes of mining I already had enough but I decided to stay down

Here and keep looking and oh boy that was a waste of time at least I was able to construct the golden apple which is only possible in the older versions of Bedrock believe it or not this apple weighs roughly 154 560 kilograms Steve must be very strong then to finish off

The day I headed over to the other Village to grab some more emeralds and when I got back it was already time for bed at this point I had all preparations set to fight the Wither except for actually having the skulls that’s what I did on day 54. I reinforced the portals

So I can get back safely when I was done and then I headed to The Fortress with the skeletons have a 2.5 chance to drop their skull when they die and every level of looter you have adds two percent to that in other words I have an

8.5 chance to get a wither skeleton skull when they die so that means for every 12 wither skeletons I kill I should at least get one head and if you know old farming Minecraft odds you would know that this would not take me 36 wither skeletons thank you

If you want to go back and count how many wither skeletons that took you can be my guest but I’m not gonna do it I was just happy that I got one of the heads now and with that I was able to get the camouflage achievement I didn’t

Know if this would work because I don’t know if you could actually put the wither skeleton heads on getting the other two took absolutely no time I guess it was because of how bad my luck was at the start but I’m not complaining when I got back to the Overworld five

Days had already passed so this would be the middle of day 59 and then I wasted no time by going down in the mines and building my little Arena and by Arena I mean a small little room to spawn the Wither in and a giant tunnel to walk

Through and I found some diamonds on the way and once my tunnels were finished I placed the last head on the Wither and ate my golden apple I thought the weather was going to Target me in the tunnel and just keep breaking that layer like it normally does but it started

Flying up and breaking the ceiling trying to shoot at this thing was actually such a pain because it was hitting me back my controllers kind of boo-boo did you know that the Wither is twice as powerful on Bedrock Edition having 600 hp instead of 300 like on

Java I ended up getting it down to half Health but then here it comes the hard part and this thing with my bow anymore so I gotta hit it with my sword and this thing has been smoking me all night and apparently it has some special attack

They can do where it just wakes up a bunch of blocks in front of it we end up coming all the way back to my staircase and I decided to take one final push and try to get it foreign Okay I actually just got smoked but I run back down and see that there’s nothing left everything was blown up so I spent the next literal day going back and forth coming and punching this thing and I finally ended up defeating it with my fist and apparently the one on

Bedrock pulls a guilt throw when it dies so yeah I don’t know at least when I went back the nether star was still there and that’s all I really cared about and of course I died again before I get out of there don’t worry because we finally got out of there with another

Star and since I died with all my stuff I have to remake all of my armor but not too soon after I was able to make my beacon kind of annoying this doesn’t give an achievement on its own but I still need it for another achievement

Nonetheless and on top of that it was a wet Beacon Adam Jane would definitely disapprove and I finally got to rest after these very eventful two days after yesterday’s incident I have a lot to catch up on so I started with trading for some emeralds

So I can get my fortune pickaxe back and I was quite literally one Emerald short so I took a visit to the green stuff then got a couple more emeralds and purchased another and I was finally able to mine these few Diamond set the Wither exposed down here and then I used those

To make another pair of boots one thing that wasn’t lost in the Wilder fight was my efficiency 4 and breaking three pickaxe so I finally got to use it on day 63. I almost got bodied on my way down by the strap and iron sword once I

Got down there I immediately found some gold and there’s some diamonds hiding behind it and it was actually one of the biggest fans of diamonds I’ve ever seen I didn’t know this was possible 17 diamonds with Fortune one from that whole vein I found this guy wandering

Down here so I decided to cure him because why not and as I was leaving to do so I found some diamonds I missed on the roof after I had started the curing process I went back up to sleep got back up to speed on day 64 by finishing my

Diamond armor and when I went down to check on my villager it turns out he’s another farmer I was really hoping for a librarian because it would have made my day a lot easier but instead I started chopping trees Farm some sugarcane and got a bunch of leather to finish the

Rest of my enchantment table even though I was at level 30 it was still nice to have the enchantment table back and before I ended the day I went to try to get the supersonic achievement where you fly through a one by one block with an

Elytra and I realized this was going to be very tough and that’s what I decided to do for all of day 65 and 66. I made sure to put all my useful stuff aside just so I didn’t have to pick it up every time I died if I had to pick any

Achievement that was the dumbest side of this list this would be the one honestly kind of wasted these two days because this isn’t how you’re really supposed to get it I mean it might be but you literally don’t get enough speed just flying with it I even made this little

Platform to dive off of and try to shoot right in the hole and it just doesn’t work I mean on this attempt on day 66 obviously this isn’t gonna work but it is possible to make it in the hole and like I said I tried it all day again and

Just no luck with it at all luckily I ran out of rockets at some point so I had to stop now if you thought the last two days were pointless day 67 through 70 nine I fished for mending for my elytra in earlier versions you could repair your lycho with leather and I

Tried that but it didn’t work and so I thought my old other option was to get mending and so day after day I fished and got nothing I got a couple enchanted books here and there that helped me a little bit but nothing that I was looking for and finally it hit me

Wow there’s a thing called Phantoms in the game and by this time it was already day 77 so I just found them the next couple of days I ended up getting three so I was able to repair my elytra almost to full capacity and then I decided that

Was enough so I finally went to bed although I wasted 12 days fishing I did get one really good thing out of that in efficiency 4 fortune 3 book having this is going to speed up my next achievement quite a bit so I made the best pickaxe

Money could buy and headed down to the mines one of the harder achievements in Xbox 360 Minecraft is beaconator this achievement requires you to fully power a beacon and if you know how to do that you know it’s not cheap the only thing that could stop us from getting this a

Gym is the world order no it’s actually time I don’t know if I have enough time to do this and I know it’s not very fun watching someone mine for 10 minutes so here’s the brief summary of what we do from day 80 to 88. we smelt

We built we smelt we built some more we Farm we trade and we Farm some more and our Farmer’s gone good then we have another one I bet none of y’all have ever been this rich in Xbox 360 Minecraft and now we’re only four blocks off then we got some more coal trading

Only two more blocks now quick little nap for the funsies even though it happens a lot finding diamonds never gets old mining endless strips definitely does but now it was officially time to finish the beacon and of course to my surprise the achievement doesn’t go through I guess we gotta

Build it bigger this is gonna be a lot more blocks that extra layer basically doubled what I needed still don’t know if getting emeralds for this Beacon was efficient but I did it anyways at least I don’t let the plant the sugar cane like I do all the other crops and I’ve

Actually seen so much gray in this video it’s hurting my brain a little bit but I really don’t mind it when it’s mixed in with blue 12 year old me would actually be freaking out right now did you know in this version of Minecraft every chunk

Has at least one diamond in it that Minecraft fact wasn’t fascinating enough did you know that Minecraft Xbox 360 edition sold over 20 million copies one final fun fact before we continue did you know that a full Beacon has 164 blocks of ore on it apparently I didn’t

Because I am off by 81 blocks which is why I’m not getting the beaconator achievement right now I guess I got so mad I tore the whole Beacon down I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing I did remake a small window just for the speed boost

I think I gave up on it at this point because I turned a bunch of my Emerald blocks into emeralds so I can trade for some swords and as I’m headed home I try to kill this creeper and this spider hits me instead so in turn I missed the

Creeper and this creeper blows me up that was such a great way to end off day 88 even though the beaconator achievement didn’t work out I still had to get well rested for some last minute achievements I had to do I’ll tell you I didn’t realize how lethal creepers were

Back in the day from getting Swanton bombed for them just spawning in my house it’s actually just crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rum room with rats rats may be crazy crazy you know what makes

Me crazy the fact that I have to get gas tears for this achievement hooray the nether little these guests now I play Call of Duty that wasn’t so bad for my first guest here thank you hold up hold up hold up watch this watch this I had to redeem myself

After that that was horrendous that’s guest here number three I’m just the best I’m on controller I’m just the best and there’s the fourth and final guest here I’m glad I don’t have to go back there ever again and of course the first

Thing I do on day 90 is make the end of crystals the first ender dragon fight seemed pretty easy so I didn’t actually prepare it all and it was definitely a lot easier to find this time I still wish they would add a fourth dimension to Minecraft that’d be pretty cool if

You’ve never respawned the Ender Dragon before all you need to do is place and crystals on each of the spots that I do and all the pillars reactivate and he just spawns back just like that we got the end again achievement I think you know what happens next Oh Um that wasn’t supposed to happen tying is just such a huge inconvenience at least all my stuff’s still here and like the weather fight okay let’s try that again oh no Okay now that one is actually unfair he just flew right into me at least all my stuff was still here at the top hereish airish and then to my knowledge another portal supposed to open up I quite literally triple checked this place and there was only one portal and it was the

First one that opened so I guess I just had to Hope I still had some shulkers there and there’s one waiting at the doorstep nice That one shulker wasn’t going to cut it so I had to find some more and lucky enough this big old tunnel had some Bring it up I just felt like y’all should witness that whole thing because that is actually kind of my most stressful thing ever now that’s done I have no use for the end Dimension ever again the start at day 29 I somehow thought that rebuilding the beacon would fix the achievement but obviously that was

Pretty dumb I don’t know what I was thinking since I had deemed that achievement impossible I went for the last possible achievement which was the supersonic achievement it was obviously just a repeat from earlier there was no results it was completely pointless I don’t know why I tried to go for it

Again and it gets pretty frustrating when you die just randomly like this so I just went to sleep on day 93 I had the bright idea of making this bigger and what I mean by that is I just made a wall with a bunch of holes in it so

There’s more chances me to actually get the achievement I was really hoping this would work because I was running out of ideas really quickly I mean I don’t know what I was really expecting but I have one more rocket so I might as well use it

At this point I’ve almost given up I’m I’m just sitting here staring at my bed for a couple minutes I decided to farm some more gunpowder at night just because I’m gonna go for the achievement again I don’t know what else to do finish the night out with 16 gunpowder

And I was able to repair my elytra the a94 was the last day of me going for this achievement after all the trial and error after all the close calls after all the what ifs that didn’t give it to us so I tried putting a speed Beacon near us maybe that’ll help

How how explain to me how that was the best I get that’s the best it’s gonna get I then tried to dig a one by one tunnel and see if I could do it that way couldn’t start flying in the tunnel and I tried to jump in the tunnel and start

Flying and it just wouldn’t work I wasn’t gonna give up yet because I still had a couple of days but I was really thinking about it I think I had a pretty good idea but I had to sleep on it so I’ve been trying to do this achievement

Horizontally but what if I cut it vertically so I decided to make a little ring at the bottom of a pool build all the way up about two stacks and then make a little barrier around so I can dive down and hit the water oh I hope this works thank you Pretty sure I stood in my chair and started screaming when I did that I wasn’t done yet though I still had two achievements that I think I could do I put down a sketch for the beacon just to see how many blocks I was missing and it

Was quite a few the amount of blocks I needed had doubled from last time but an achievement that I declared impossible before I’m gonna go for again I decided to build a little chamber for the skeleton and then build 50 blocks out to be at the perfect spot to get the sniper

Tool achievement so after taking quite some time to get this skeleton in its place I ran all the way back took aim and got the achievement and I normally sleep when it turns night but I had no time to do that these last four days I would try my hardest to get the

Remaining amount of ore that I need to complete my beacon I did about an hour and a half of mining I was hitting World border after World border and my pickaxe was so close to Breaking but after all that time I thought that was enough and

I went back up to the surface when I got up there I immediately started smelting because it seemed like it was half of day 99 and I wasn’t about to get stumped by time when I had finished smelting all of my oars I made it all the blocks and

Started placing it see if that was enough We had finally done it the beaconator achievement and that marks the final achievement that was possible in this singular Minecraft Xbox 360 world except that wasn’t the last one there was still one more achievement we needed to get final achievement we needed to have was the passing time achievement which is

Spend 100 days in Minecraft Xbox 360 edition and obviously that would mark off the 100 days of us living in this world and as I went to bed on day 99 I waited for that sweet sweet passing time achievement foreign and of course I just don’t get

It because that’s the story of my life I thought maybe it was because the time I spent the nether or the end just didn’t count as the Overworld I wasn’t sure how it worked and so I slept again and again and again and I just never got it and

I’ll be honest I did this about 20 times and I was gonna fake the end of this video but it just never gave it to me and I know I said I’d wanted to do this without any external help but I decided to go to Google and it ended up saying

You need to spend 33 hours this means I would have to survive a hundred day and night cycles in Minecraft and with that our 100 days comes to an abrupt end thank you guys for sticking to the end and tell me what you thought about it in the comments also if you’re interested

In me coming back and completing all the achievements on the Xbox 360 edition let me know in the comments as well and if you enjoyed hit that like button and subscribe for more videos from me thank you guys again and have a blessed day

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days of Minecraft : Xbox 360 Edition’, was uploaded by Schmizzle on 2023-06-28 06:15:45. It has garnered 463385 views and 13631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:48 or 2688 seconds.

In this video, we play through 100 days of the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft. If you enjoy, please leave a like and drop a sub!

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

I Survived 100 Days of Minecraft : Xbox 360 Edition