I Survived 100 days on a Survival Island in Minecraft Hardcore!!

Video Information

All right i survived 100 days on an isolated survival island now some of the things that we get up to building in this video get pretty crazy so stick around to see how we transform this lonely little island into a sprawling vibrant masterpiece also real quick before this video starts if you enjoy

The video at any point and you would be so kind then please consider dropping a like and subscribing because these videos take a very long time to make now without any further ado on with the video okay so day one on this lonely little island stranded out in the middle

Of nowhere we began our journey by chopping down the singular tree that laid on the island but whilst grabbing the wood i noticed that there was a cave right next to it but instead of getting my stone from there and risking death this early on i decided to get my stone

From this big shard rocky thingy on the island instead because that cave just looked quite ominous anyways after grabbing some basic tools a storm rolled in and it began to rain so i guess this is kind of like an omen of how well this 100 days is going to go

So ain’t that great but a little bit of rain isn’t going to stop me from going around and breaking every single fiber of grass on this island in search of seeds to start a farm and well by the end of the grass-breaking spree we had a

Whole 20 seeds so i got to work on planting them all down by the water even though i guess everything that i do on this island is by the water but anyways after planting them all down i leveled a bit of the island to open things up and

To give me some more resources to expand later and then i went and made myself a furnace and smelled it down a piece of wood into charcoal and then made some torches so that this night wouldn’t be as dark and then i went around planting down my saplings and finished off

Cutting down the tree and well this thunderstorm was not letting up so i decided to grab my things and start heading down into the ominous cave we saw earlier mainly to avoid the rain but also to possibly find some good loot down there and well as soon as i entered

The cave there was some cold just sitting there waiting for me so i grabbed it made a few more torches before traversing further down into the cave until we approached our first mob which was an extremely trigger-happy creeper that just decided to blow up on

Me and then i swiftly put an end to his zombie friend right here and headed deeper into the cave finding quite a lot of iron dart around so i grabbed some of it and headed back up to the top of the cave because i didn’t want to get greedy

And regret it so i made a little base of operations down here and began smelting down the iron after smelting it all down i made a pick a sword and a shield and well now we win because shield beats everything in this game anyways i headed

Back to the surface and the rain has stopped now and i also had two trees that grow my island so i quickly chopped them down and headed back down to the bigger cave to grab some more iron coal and and pumpkins yeah there were pumpkins down here so i guess that’s the

Thing now anyways i stayed in the cave for the rest of the night just making sure to be careful considering that i had absolutely no armor and by the morning of day two i grabbed quite a bit of coal and iron so i headed back up and

Started smelting it all down and whilst that was doing its thing i headed back to the surface to start expanding my island out a little bit with all the dirt i gathered prior and well it didn’t make too much of a difference but hey at the end of the day progress is progress

Anyways i decided to head over to one of the many shipwrecks that’s around my island to see if it had any good loot to offer me and oh boy was this a good idea the loot on this shipwreck was pretty good okay i got some iron i got some

Lapis some paper and some carrots so overall a very nice find to get this early on anyways i spent a good portion of the day just grabbing wood from the boat because well it just sat here and i may as well take it because well i have

Big plans for this little island and they required a lot of wood so the more the better anyways after making sure that that ship will never set sail again i headed back to my island took up my iron out the furnace and then made myself a chest plate a second pickaxe a

Shovel and an axe and then went round planting all my carrots and had a lovely meal of stinky meat to get my hunger back up hmm you’ve gotta love you gotta love stinky meat and then i proceeded to spend the rest of the night landscaping the island and

On the morning of day three things were looking pretty flat on the island and well they’re not looking great but don’t worry like i said earlier i have big plans for this place and this is just the beginning anyways i decided to head back down and continue exploring the

Caves underneath the island in hopes of kicking myself out with iron or if i’m lucky maybe even scoring a diamond or two anyways i found some more lappers and then stumbled across a spider when i realized that that’s the only way for me to sleep on this island is by getting

String from spiders and then crafting it into wool so let’s hope we can find some more after traversing the case for a while i had to eat myself some more stinky meat because i was getting hungry and really didn’t have any other choice and then just go straight back to mining

And after a while i ended up finding a zombie villager with hella drip so i killed his friend and then proceeded to trap him in a cobblestone box to possibly use to trade with later but then all of a sudden i found some diamonds which are pretty high up for

1.18 but shortly after finding them i then found a chest with some turtle eggs in it and then i was confused at first but then i remembered that this map was man-made so some of the ores and chests and stuff obviously been put here so that that’s why they’re that high

Anyways i headed back to the surface to make myself some shiny new armor and a diamond pick oh and also our first piece of wool for a bed but after making all that i headed back to the surface and a lot of trees are gonna appear it was it

Was literally like a forest up here and we also had a beehive spawn now so we can have a cool bee farm later on yay anyways i spent the night chopping down and replanting all of them because tomorrow we start work on building the island out properly but before we get on

To expanding things this got me thinking if i was stranded in a desolate island out in the middle of nowhere and can only bring one thing with me to help give me the energy to rebuild civilization then there’s no question i’d have to choose g-fuel and if you’re

Unfamiliar with what g-fuel is let me catch you up to speed g-fuel is an amazing delicious sugar-free way for you to get your energy in a healthier way compared to other very sugary drinks and you also may be thinking hey caffeine’s not really for me well don’t worry okay

There’s a complete range of caffeine and sugar-free tubs just for you so be sure to check out the link in the top right of the screen right now or in the description below use code poppers at checkout to get 30 off for this week and this week only once again that’s

Co-poppers at checkout for 30 off until the 25th and i mean hey 30 off to rebuild civilization you know i’ll take it all right go get yourself some energy anyways as the sun rose on days five and six i got to work on building out the main island so uh now’s probably the

Best time to tell you what my plan is for the actual layout of everything so here we go i want to build one main center island to have a house and stuff on there followed by a second outer island or a little ring thingy going around where it’s like got a tree farm

On it or something and then maybe a couple more depending on how big and how much time we have but uh yeah that’s the basic gist of everything we’ll see how it comes out anyways i worked tirelessly into the night and into the next day just placing down dirt until eventually

The island was done and it was looking pretty good albeit now that the island was completely hollow underneath but hey we can’t see it it’s not a problem but anyways after i was done with the dirt i went around harvesting all my crops what i know is that we now have two beehives

So that’s nice you know the more than buzzy boys the better and then i worked on just tidying up the layout of the island for the rest of the day and uh phantoms also came after me at night and i killed them and got a couple of their

Membranes but they really messed me up during the process on day seven after working hard on landscaping the island for the past couple of days i decided to head back down into the caves in search of spiders and well it didn’t take long for me to find a couple but they only

Dropped a total of three string but shortly after i put an end to a zombie and he dropped a potato so hey that’s a win in my books you know i’ll take another food source i am not complaining more cave spelunking later i think that’s what cave explorer is called i

Don’t know but anyways more on king later i found a lava pool but there was nothing down there so i shall leave it for now and later on when i want to grab obsidian i’ll come back down here and that’s where i’ll get it from oh and i

Also found a mob spawner while i was down here sadly it was a zombie spawner but hey i got a load of string from the chest so now i can make a bed so after getting some string i headed back up to the surface to start smelling my iron

Down and then made a bed as well as farmed out some potatoes and then made a smoker to cook them in and then worked on improving the mind for most of the night before finally heading to bed after a week of no sleep okay so on the morning of day 8 things

Were really starting to come together we now have more land to build on a literal forest of trees at our disposal and enough iron for the time being so i decided to start work on gathering the materials for my house and start planning where i wanted it to be you see

I kind of wanted like a circular design like in the center to be like a central hub of everything and each side leading out to a pathway you’ll get the idea once it’s built but finally after three days or so working on it by the morning

Of day 12 the house was finally done and i think it came out looking pretty nice so after building the house i decided that it was probably time to go and grab some obsidian and start preparing for enchanting and the nether so i ran back

Down to the lava pool we saw earlier and grabbed enough obie to make a portal and an enchantment table and by the way i don’t know if it’s just me but mining obsidian with a non-enchanted pickaxe just makes me angry like i was seething

While mining this i just uh i hate it so much anyways obsidian rage aside i returned to the surface and built myself another portal which i know doesn’t look amazing we’ll improve it later um and then i went and sorted out my storage and tended to the farm for the rest of the

Night and by day 13 it was time for us to start heading into the nether and wow that was actually pretty quick day 13 and another anyways i wanted to go in there to mainly get some gold to start trading with piglins for leather because then i can actually make an enchantment table

Considering that you know we have no cows so once i arrived in the nether i set out in search of gold but after a while of looking and i couldn’t find a single gold ore in fact i noticed that the area looked like a pre 1.16 nether and i’m in

1.18 so something was definitely off but during my search for gold i did spot a fortress so we shall probably use that later i i don’t really know but i headed back to the portal and started a strip mine in hopes of reaching new nether chunks because i thought that this was a

Man-made area that would have probably been made prior to 1.16 and therefore wouldn’t have any of the things that i need in it so i mind and mind and mind and well actually ended up coming out directly in front of another fortress and well i don’t know if it’s the same

One but i don’t care i just bridged over to it and once i got over to said fortress area um i saw some nether gold ore so we’re in 1.16 like chunks now so this is actually useful to me so i went and mined the gold and then realized how

Massive this nether fortress actually is like this place is this place is pretty big okay and it’s all cut off and like corrupted i’ve never seen one like look like this it was it was weird anyways after looking at the fortress in awe i made myself some gold armor so that the

Piggy boys wouldn’t immediately be angry with me and then absolutely destroyed aghast yeah that’s what you get you overgrown screaming pillowcase the pillowcase really that it don’t matter anyways i continued mining gold being careful not to angle the piggy boys around me as well as grabbing some bone blocks i

Grabbed some bone blocks from the soul sand biome to use on my farm later on and after grabbing them i headed into the fortress and grabbed some nether warts and then also went round looting some chests around the area in the fortress and well i managed to get some

Horse armor some gold and two diamonds so that’s very nice and i shall take it oh and i also killed a singular blaze but unfortunately didn’t get a rod some gold mining and a piglet attack later and it was finally time for me to begin trading now at this point i’ll probably

Take most of the things that they trade me but i will not complain about leather or like ender pearls or anything like that and after trading with this guy for like a 30 gold or something i ended up with seven pearls a potion of fire resistance and 10 leather so i decided

That would do for now because i was sick of seeing the nether and i headed home stole my stuff away and then made an enchantment table however we were still a long way off of level 30 enchants oh also i was hella hungry so i broke some

Bone blocks down into bow meal and i got myself some more potatoes okay so on day 16 i started work on adding the paths at each side of my island joining them together at my house so that we can really start making this place look good

Soon anyways i ended up running out of gravel pretty quickly so i just ran down the mine and grabbed a little bit more and then continued on with the path making but during the process of making them a beehive was in the way so i kind

Of had to uh remove it and then wait for the bees to de-aggro and then finally finish my final path and then i i did give the bees a new home with some lovely flowers and some trees and well i think it came out looking pretty nice

For now alrighty so on day 17 things were really coming along now when everything was starting to take shape so i decided to start work on restocking on wood for the next big expansion so i spent the entire day just growing and chopping down trees and by the end of

The day we had a decent amount of wood anyways on the following couple of days i decided to work on the mine a little bit because i’d only seen caves that were covered in stone and being quite high up and i really wanted to see if there was anything hiding in the depth

So i continued my way down through the upper layers and down into the abyss in search of good loot and well eventually we found what i like to call a real cave but uh there were hella mobs in here okay there was a lot of things in here

So i made my way down very carefully and then almost met my end by a skelly who needs to be signed to phase because this man didn’t miss a single shot but it’s all good because when i got my health back i went and boofed him and then

Noticed the literal creeper army stood opposite me why is there so many things down here man this is crazy anyways i got to work on securing an area down here so that i at least had a slim chance of survival during this adventure and whilst building my little

Safe haven i got a visit from a farmer right here who i had to quickly put down because well i can’t cure him and well the one that i had earlier also despawn so i just don’t have enough time anyways i moved deeper into the caves and immediately found a single vein of

Diamonds just chilling down here on its own so i grabbed it and then continued on my exploration and well the creeper army kind of dealt with itself the idiots my idiots after a little bit more exploring i ended up stumbling across another singular vein of diamonds

And well i i hate this spawn in one vein so often you get so excited and you mine it and it’s just disappointment anyways one army of zombies later and i found my first two vein of diamonds whoa we’re going up in the world to vain yeah but i

I guess in this day and age two veins the best you can hope for really and then shortly after finding the diamonds i found myself a skelly spawner so things were just going up and up from here and they also want some melon seeds in the chest which i love melons so hell

Yeah why not i’ll grab them and then also found another two diamonds and then headed back home because i was sick of being attacked to every turn and i’d also not seen the light of day in like an hour so yeah anyways i headed back to

The surface i stored away my stuff i smelted down my golden iron and then went and just chilled out for the rest of the night alrighty so after spending a couple days down in the mines i decided it was time to expand again and well this was a pretty big one okay

Because the first circle is 50 by 50 but this new one is 100 by 100 so we have our work cut out for us here okay anyways i worked hard for days on forming the first layer of the outer circle and oh boy this thing already looks pretty cool however i did attempt

To start filling it in and yeah it’s gonna take like a lot of dirt to do this so we’re maybe not gonna do that right now um also i’m gonna use this outer layer right here as a tree farm because well you can plant a load of trees around

This and have a load of wood but finally by day 24 the ring was done and everything was really coming along now so all that was needed to do was filling in the thing with dirt and also get some grass over there and some fences on the outside and maybe some like better

Bridges so i just had to spend the rest of the day just working on the farm and giving a new kind of like style thing that well i think it came out looking pretty good if i do say so myself and then on day 25 i decided to head

Back into the nether to try my luck again with getting more leather because well i really wanted to enchant and i had some extra gold laying around from my time in the caves so i headed back in and followed my path back to the fortress and then began training again

And well i got attacked by an invisible ghast and then jumped by this wither skelly who well just take a look yeah it was a scary time the man pulled me to two hearts and almost killed me but luckily i regen and survived and then went and killed him and then tried

To go back to trading with my piggy boy but he disappeared so i found a safer spot with another pig and continue trading and well by the end of the session i had 13 more leather five more pearls and well that wasn’t too bad and then i went and grabbed some more bone

Blocks because i can and they were just sitting there not being used and then i headed back home stole my stuff away and went to bed and then i spent the entirety of day 26 just digging up dirt to finish off my ring and to start work

On a new project soon which will really make this place start coming together so yeah i just dug up dirt all day and used this little trick that turns gravel into dirt it was very very useful and then on the following day i placed it all down

And managed to get all of the circle filled in and then went round adding a few fences but didn’t manage to finish this off because i had nowhere near enough wood to do that anyways lack of wood aside i then went round and planted like a hundred saplings all the way

Around the circle and boom now we have a tree farm okay so on day 28 i went round and grabbed a load of sand from the ocean floor and began placing it down one layer around my main island just to start using it as a sugar cane farm and

Well it actually didn’t take up that much time or sand so by the end of the day we now had a sand bank around the island and the start of a soon to be pretty large sugarcane farm so that’s you know that’s some good progress anyways i spent the night adding more

Crops to the farm and on the morning of day 29 i headed back over to the shipwreck to grab some more birch wood from it because i wanted to add some fences like dotted around my farm and uh well i really wanted some variety in the

Wood to use and well this is the only way i can get birchwood considering that there’s no other saplings so uh yeah after clearing out the ship of all birchwood i headed to another one to check if there was any lou or benny moore birchwood and well there was some

Pretty good loot on the ship including a diamond which made me think that i probably should have come here sooner anyways i looted the rest of the ship and it didn’t really have much except a zombie trap down here so i headed home stored away all the stuff and then

Crafted some fences to place around my farm followed by a few lanterns on top of them and boom there we go it looks really nice it looks kind of unusual but uh but i love it it looks very symmetrical it just looks good okay Anyways on day 30 i was completely out of coal so i headed back down into the caves in search of any i could find but actually ended up getting sidetracked and went on a massive mining spree picking up basically everything i saw and actually ended up stumbling across

This whopping vein of nine diamonds now this this took me back okay i’m just as shocked as you are because i thought that the maximum you could get was eight but then you know this map is handmade so i’m assuming that’s why but to be fair to myself and the game i threw

Through away so that things didn’t get too easy considering that you know a nine vein i didn’t think could spawn naturally so uh rip extra diamonds you will be missed i just don’t feel right taking them you know anyways after that incident i returned to the surface and

Smelted down all the loot that i got and made a stone cutter and by this point the sun was already rising so i spent the rest of the day working on tiding up the entrance to the mine because well it was just kind of like a hole in the

Ground and everything around it looked somewhat good and this was the only thing that hadn’t had a glow up yet so uh yeah but by the end of the day i think it came out looking pretty good okay so now we’re on day 32 when we’ve come pretty far already but now it’s

Time to really get things going because uh when i woke up i made myself a diamond sword a diamond chest plate and then crafted a few gapples you know just just for it anyways after making them i headed outside and started working a little pond area just outside my house

And you may be wondering hey poppers why do you really need a pond i mean you’re surrounded by hella ocean what use would you have for a pond well i don’t really have a use for a pond you got me there but it looks good it’s got a good

Aesthetic to it so i’m building it so my idea to make this area look all nice and cozy was to have a pond in the middle surrounded by some trees and some flowers and maybe a little path leading through so i started out with the pond

And it ended up coming out pretty good and then i spotted a wandering trailer on my land so i went over to check what he had and well he did have some pretty good stuff for the pond but i was a poor boy and did not have the emeralds to

Purchase it so instead i bought some moss because well i can farm it and it’s gonna look really good anyways i began work on the path and it all came together linking in the middle with the sides of the pond then i dotted a few trees and flowers around as well as some

Moss and azalea trees and uh well here it is i’m really happy with how this edition came out all right it looks really good things are very nice tranquil area okay very nice okay so it’s time for some big work all right i wanted to light this place up a

Bit and finish off some stuff that i’ve been putting off such as finishing the bridges everywhere and just making everything look better by adding fences and just stuff and little details so i spent a good few days working on all that as well as farming out my sugarcane

In the time being and grabbing some more iron for lanterns alongside everything and on day 36 everything was looking a lot better but i was out of iron because of how many lanterns i crafted but hey look all right they look better than torture so it was worth it anyways i had

A little trip down the mines to restock but whilst i was down here i stumbled across a water cave and remembered something about the stronghold for this map being under water yeah again it’s a man-made map so i went inside to have a look around but saw absolutely no signs

Of a stronghold so i called it a successful few days smelted down my iron and went to bed alright so after a few building days it’s time to head back into the nether to kill some blazers because i really wanted to stop brewing some potions soon so after arriving at

The fortress i held my gapples tightly and went in search of a blaze spawner killing a couple with the skellies in the process and then eventually stumbled across a spawner and got to work eradicating these fiery boys from existence for their ever so sore after runs and well after grabbing more than

Enough i headed back home to make myself a brewing stand as well as some glass bottles and the ingredients to begin cooking up some potions and then organize them nice and neatly in this barrel right here and then i spent the rest of the day building a little crappy

Netherwalt farm under my house because well i decided to go small this time because i usually go too big and i never use that much at the wall let’s be real we don’t use that much anyways on the following couple days i went underground again but this time in search of an

Amethyst geode or amethyst cluster or whatever whatever they’re called we’ll call them purple things that make noise anyways i wanted to go in search of one of these because i really wanted to put one underneath my enchantment area to kind of have like an amethyst geode under my enchantment table because i

Think it looked really nice anyways after stumbling across a few caves for a while and mining all around i did actually end up stumbling across one so i grabbed all the calcite the amethyst and the the other snuff i think it’s like smooth basalt or something and after destroying this very beautiful

Natural geode i returned to the surface and began work on rebuilding it in my own image oh and i also made myself some purple glass because i had access to the flowers and a multitude of dyes and uh well it turned out pretty nice i’ve never built anything like this before

But i shall 100 percently be doing a geode enchanting area again maybe in the hardcore series okay because this looks real good and i know the table can’t go in the center is because i built it the wrong size but i’m i’m limited with space here okay but it still looks okay

All right but sorry about the non-centered table okay so on day 41 i went in search of the stronghold that was hidden underneath the island because well i thought there could be a library in there and that would save me so much time getting all the books i needed for

The enchantment table instead of having to trade for leather in the nether so i went around exploring all the upper caves for quite a while you know checking every nook and cranny but eventually after a little while of searching i spotted some stone bricks under the water in this big ravine right

Here and almost died getting to it but uh i made my way inside deeper and deeper into the stronghold until i came across a room full of skellies and this place was just crawling with mobs but yeah it was not a nice place also if you’re wondering why i didn’t get the

Achievement it’s because this is a man-made stronghold and i’m assuming that’s the reason why it doesn’t come up anyways after dealing with a room filled with skellies i opened a door to a magma cube trapped in a room with a chest so i quickly dispatched him and uh well found

A chest full of potions and even had a look potion in there i don’t actually know what that does but hey you know what i’ll take it anyways i popped a night vision potion and continued making my way through this awful awful place oh look and now it’s time for cave spiders

I’m absolutely terrified of these things i absolutely hate them so instead of taking these little gremlins head on i decided to break blocks around the size to try and break the spawners it was all it was a whole ordeal okay right um but they ended up getting a couple good hits

On me but i wiped them out nonetheless after searching around the walls of the stronghold for a little bit longer i actually ended up finding a library but there was an absolute horde of zombies in there so i dealt with them hopped down and then

Took a load of books from this place so uh yeah i grabbed my books and went home and when i got back i made all my bookshelves placed them down and got to work on enchanting and then disenchanting and then re-enchanting to get fortune two oh and i also made an

Anvil and combined the two pickaxes and then boom a very nice pickaxe now and then i spent the rest of the day trying to get silk such an iron pickaxe but uh no no it didn’t happen okay so on day 43 we were quite low on xp so i made my way

Down to the mob spawner i found earlier to set up a little crappy mob grinder down there so that i can fund my heavy xp usage on enchants then once the farm was made i sat at it all day and well it didn’t give me an insane amount of xp

But it was it was pretty decent anyways after i was done at the farm i returned home smelted down some iron and went to bed anyways on day 44 we’d had a few weird days so now it’s time for me to get to work on building the second ring

That’s right it’s time to expand some more but this time instead of adding some normal stuff we’re gonna have two halves okay we’re gonna have one half another warped biome and we’re gonna have the other half nether crimson biome and i think it’s going to look really

Cool but this was going to be a lot of work so first i managed to get silk touch on a pickaxe and then headed into the nether in search of both the crimson biome and a warped biome to begin completely tearing them apart so the first one i found was actually a warped

Biome and it also had a brewing portal right next to it but didn’t really have anything there so i headed over and began tearing the whole place up all right i took trees down i took the floor i took everything oh and i also brought my anvil with me to keep repairing my

Pickaxe so that you know i could keep things running smoothly when my pick gets low on durability anyways after a while of successful nether deforestation i headed home to store the stuff away and then went back to the nether to continue digging it up and repeated this

Process a few times until i had what i deemed would be enough warped nylon and warped logs to complete their half of the island and then i set out in search of a crimson biome which actually wasn’t that far away and then repeated the entire process again but this time with

Red now at this point i’d collected a lot of materials mainly wood so i got to work on the outline of the circle with giving each side their respective colors and well this circle was confusing as hell to build i don’t know why i kept messing it up i literally had an image

Next to me but it was just i don’t know it messed with me but eventually i placed all the wood down and now it was time to start placing down the warped and the crimson nylon in their respective areas and then finally went around placing the the fungi down and

Then bone mealing it all and well here’s the end result this thing looks really really nice i am really impressed with this and i also noticed at this point that i had a setting turned off in my shaders that made everything look really good so sorry about that it’s on now but

Yeah the nether area looks really nice very very happy with it good job so after all the expansion was done it was time to finally start gearing up to kill the dragon and maybe even a couple of withers alongside it so i set back out down the mines with my fortune pickaxe

In hand ready to get stacked on diamonds so i searched around the caves for a while not really finding anything other than a few bits of iron and some redstone but eventually there was a diamond shining in the roof of a cave and well i went to go and mine it and my

God look how many are here there’s so many this was absolutely insane i guess i was wrong about the amount of diamond veins you can get earlier anyways we got 20 diamonds from this with fortune and i think it was an eight vayne so uh definitely not complaining but it wasn’t

Enough so i cut my celebration short and continued through the winding caves and caverns until i found one more that gave me four hmm but after that i got slapped by a lot of mobs but it’s okay i dealt with them and continued through the caves until i

Stumbled across another diamond and a cave absolutely packed with iron ore i mean just look at this there’s so much of it so i i grabbed it all and ended up stumbling across an area of cave which i was quite familiar with this is this is where i broke the geod earlier anyways

After getting 28 diamonds i decided that was enough for me and headed back to the surface to craft the rest of my armor and tools and just like that we are now fully kitted out in diamonds let’s go so then for the next day and a half i

Stayed down at the zombie spawner to rack up some xp to enchant my armor before going and fighting the dragon and after being down there a while i ended up with enough xp to enchant some of my armor and some of my tools even though i forgot to enchant my sword for some

Reason but uh that’s okay because i decided to put that pumpkin to good use that i got all those days ago and uh well i made an iron golem now the one that i made in the last video was called gaston’s and he didn’t really last too

Long but uh this one shall be called alfred and just look at him over there okay he’s chilling by the water he’s such a lovely guy this guy will live forever all right so on day 59 it was time to start cooking up some potions so

I went and grabbed some nether war and began brewing everything i needed and well like i do every time we needed instant health slow falling and speed but i already had that this time as well as a jump boost and strength potion so this this this dragon is not ready

Anyways i brewed them all up upgraded them and boom we’re now ready to kill a dragon so on the next day i headed back down to the stronghold and made my way to the portal room and jumped in and well i actually managed to hit all the pillars quite quickly and accurately

Which is a big change for me considering i’d miss my shots quite a lot anyways it was now time to kill the dragon and oh my god this man did not want to die okay i hit him a load of times with the bow but every time he came into perch he

Flew off seconds later but eventually i got some good hits in and almost died to an enderman but after dealing with that inconvenience i put an end to the dragon and started my journey through the outer end islands in search of the elytra now this is always a gamble of how long it’s

Gonna take me to find a city with a ship so this time we end up getting very very lucky and there was one literally right next to the portal so uh yeah it was a pretty big city too so uh british my way over to it ran in dealt with the

Shulkers and then went deeper and deeper into the city for that sweet sweet loot that ended up being uh okay and then i headed to the ship grabbed the loo and the elytra and then headed back home stole my stuff away and went to bed

Okay so whilst i was in the end i actually managed to score myself a lovely looting 3 sword and well it just so happens that i want to make four beacons so i headed back into the nether with my sword and a look potion in hand

Whatever the hell this thing does uh and i went on a rampage killing with the skeletons for their skulls and well even with a looting three sword this took so long i managed to get the first one after 10 minutes and then after that they were just they were really far and

Few between but eventually after about an hour and a half maybe even more of just pure pain and frustration i finally had enough skulls so i grabbed some soul sand and then headed into the end and well killed them 100 legitimately okay just hear me out okay this is a lot

Easier way is it a lot quicker way to kill them i’ve just spent an hour farming the skulls i do not have it in me to kill them legitimately okay so i want to see comments down in the comment section right i want you justifying this okay i want justification anyways after

Killing all the withers i grabbed some extra robbie from one of the end pillars and returned home to craft all my beacons and now all i need to do is build a mega beacon underneath my house but i really don’t have the iron for that so you know what that means that’s

Right it means that day 70 is an iron mining day but i actually don’t need that much more so it didn’t take me that long i just went round mining all the veins of iron that i ran by previously when when i didn’t need iron anyways

After grabbing my iron i smelted it all down and even had to make more furnaces fern fern eyes to to help with the amount that i brought back okay i had a lot of iron but after that i began working on the pyramid but realized very very quickly that it’d be really stupid

For me to make a full one considering how much iron it would actually need for four beacons so i just had to do a half one instead and well i’m pretty happy with how things came out it looks really good but on day 71 storage was becoming quite a problem because everything was

All over the place and if you know me you know i like myself a nice clean sorted out storage so i got to work on building a little area next to the mines that would be used for storing all of my stuff in and well i’ve never done this

Style of building before with the the stripped kind of logs as beams and stuff without a guide but i think it came out looking pretty good i definitely feel like i’m improving with building so yeah i’m happy with this anyways after the build was done i made some chests and

Gave them their own theme if that’s what you call it um and added items frames to it and uh well here’s the end result it looks pretty good anyways after sorting out some of the boring stuff like storage i decided that i wanted to add some end islands around

My area to add even more decoration between the outer circles so i headed back into the end and started completely tearing the place up and also tried to soak touch a chorus fruit which worked to my surprise but i don’t know the first thing about these things and i

Don’t know whether they grow if you plant them so i guess we’ll find out anyways after grabbing all the necessary resources and materials i headed back home and began work on adding some of the islands dotted around everywhere in various sizes with the chorus fruits on top and well they actually grow pretty

Fast and by themselves so that’s good anyways after completing all the islands i headed back into the nether to grab some glowstone so that way i can light up the water underneath them at the islands to really make them you know stand out and look look better

And uh boom here’s what five days of hard work comes out to and also i realize that this video is a lot of building but i kind of wanted to do something different this time around in the hundred days so uh yeah i hope you enjoy it

Anyways on day 82 i got up and i was gonna combine the shovel that i got from the end with my current one because he had efficiency on it but it’d have been a waste of time to do that so i just saved the xp and didn’t do it anyways i

Went on a massive sand gathering spray again because i wanted to make some glass some purple magenta glass to be precise because i wanted to go and cover the top layer of water all the way around the end islands in purple glass so that like it looks cool and it like

Goes shiny and purple and glowy and so it’ll just look good anyways i headed under the water grabbing as much sand as possible and using doors wherever i could as well just to speed up the process also thank god for respiration or aqua affinity whichever one it is uh you’re

Gonna love it okay it’s great anyways after getting more sand than any same person would ever need to get i started smelting it all down into glass and well this took so long you have no idea but whilst the furnaces were doing their thing i got to work on making as much

Magenta dye as possible and my god i broke so many flowers but hey it’s a good thing we’ve got a lot of lappers anyways i made myself the dye added it onto the glass and finally at long last after days of smelting and breaking flowers it was time to start placing

Down all of this beautiful beautiful magenta glass so i got to work and well i did make some good progress but definitely needed more sand during the process uh a lot more actually uh rip diamond shovel but eventually we were done and with the shade as i used this thing

Looks super super shiny and glowy and i really really liked it so it was definitely worth the time invested okay so we’ve come pretty far in this 100 days and made some really cool builds along the way but we still only have diamond armor so i repaired my pickaxe

And now i guess it’s time to go on an insane and netherright mining spree whoa yeah let’s go uh but no i i went into the nether and tried to grab some netherright by just spam mining everywhere but i did almost break my pickaxe finding absolutely zero

Ancient debris but after i repaired it and tore up the nether some more we finally found some pretty quickly but decided to only go for 12 because well i know it won’t really do everything but it’s enough for what we want it for anyways i headed home smelted it all

Down repaired my pickaxe and then made myself a netherride chess play on leggings and a diamond pick but by this point the sun of day 94 began to rise and i was feeling quite adventurous so i made myself a boat and set sail for well i don’t really know anything maybe maybe

A shipwreck maybe some land who knows what i’m gonna find out here but hopefully something cool and well after sailing for a while i finally spotted some land that wasn’t my island so i went and beached my boat and do you remember me asking for a shipwreck or

Some land well how’s about a shipwreck on land hey look at that one that works fine i shall take it anyways after looting the ship i continued across my newly discovered lands but after walking for a while i noticed that there was nothing here like nothing there was no life there was no

Structures and there was really like not many trees it felt really really creepy oh and i also found a brewing portal with a fishing rod in it but after that i went and explored some more and genuinely felt quite uneasy in this place i don’t

Know why it’s just it’s so big yeah it’s so empty and there were some more structures that had some okay loot but it just made things feel even more off anyways as night fell things just got worse so i booked it back to my boat and headed

Home and actually managed to get home by the morning of day 95 but when i got back to my island i actually decided to take a look around at what we built and wow i’m really impressed with this i’ve not actually taken a minute to stop and look so far

And wow i’m really glad about it so i decided to take this opportunity and make a load of maps and make a display board kind of thing to really see how my island looked and uh well look at this i think it looks pretty good it looks

Pretty good from a bird’s eye point of view on a map very nice anyways i decided to spend the next couple days just working on tidying up the mines and adding stone bricks all around them and all down the staircase just to have it look cleaner because it was the worst

Looking thing on the island currently okay and uh day 100 it’s been quite the lonely adventure this time so i decided to use all my iron on iron golems and make an army of them because well they were my only friends now and because i think the bees died earlier on but

Anyways i finally made some fireworks and used my elijah to see my island from the top down for the first time and i was really really happy with how this turned out and also i was really happy that we had just survived another 100 days but this time on an isolated lonely little

Survival island and we went from this crappy little dirt patch to having this massive vibrant island that i am really really impressed with now as always thank you all so very much for watching i do really really appreciate it and if you enjoyed the video at any point and

You would be so kind then please consider dropping a like and subscribing it would really really mean the world to me and be sure all right don’t forget thirty percent off code poppers at checkout all right go grab yourself some good good okay till the 25th till the

25th anyways if you want to stay up to date with the videos and any behind the scenes things and get a free cookie then go ahead and follow me on twitter and if you want to know what mods and texture packs and resource packs and shades and

Everything i use in my videos then head over to the discord there’s a full list of download links and tutorials in there for you to have anyways that’s it for me today stay still till next time and i’ll see you all in the next video adios peeps You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 days on a Survival Island in Minecraft Hardcore!!’, was uploaded by IT’S POPPERS on 2022-04-21 19:37:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video I attempt to survive 100 days on a survival island in Minecraft Hardcore. I Survived 100 Days on an ISOLATED …

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  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

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  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

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I Survived 100 days on a Survival Island in Minecraft Hardcore!!