I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I’m going to be spending the next 100 days on this one block in Minecraft while I’m on this block I risk falling into the void being jumped by mobs and even more threats if you go on to enjoy this movie at any point please consider subscribing and maybe leaving a comment

Now let’s get straight into the movie now believe it or not day one starts with us on this one singular block and yeah there’s absolutely nothing around us except for this block telling me to break it and against my better judgment I did the block told me some basic info

Such as it’ll regenerate and it’s infinite yada yada nobody really cares but then eventually it gave me enough wood and told me to enlarge my platform so I did it might not be the biggest upgrade ever but at least I feel a little bit more safe now I continued breaking the block

Until our first mob arrived hello Mr Pig how are you doing I sure hope he doesn’t fall yeah I continued turning my wood into slabs to expand my Island and then that game warned me about not forgetting to put my items in chests in case I fell

Into the void and that’s when I had a realization oh wait I’m not playing in hardcore mode so I got that all fixed up I then decided I wanted a place to start a tree farm so I started building up this little bridge but don’t expect much

Okay I really don’t have much materials after breaking the block a couple more times the game gave me a water bucket so I could place blocks underneath the infinite block so gravel and other blocks like that wouldn’t fall I also decided to put what I’d like to call the

Oopsie platform underneath the one block just in case something bad were to happen and I were to possibly fall with my time coming soon I got this chest called the benevolent gift and it had some wood and a torch after breaking the chest this nice little block upgrade

Appeared and right after that I was alerted that I was on to the first stage the planes I crafted myself up some fresh wooden tools and began breaking the block once again until this time it spawned a pig and that reminded me these guys need a place to stay so I began

Building them a platform but I’m not the smartest person so it wasn’t exactly perfect speaking of not perfect I was completely out of wood so I began breaking the block to hopefully get some more and guess what this block did it spawned animal after animal after animal

You see this look this is the look of someone who’s going insane day two I realized I wasn’t gonna have enough wood to fill up this entire platform so I decided to use dirt instead Don’t Judge Me Now was the part I’d been dreading but luckily we had a volunteer that went

In there thank you Porky I appreciate it unluckily for me though the other animals weren’t as kind so I had to spend the entire day Tris trying to push them in there somewhere easier than others others were harder than others but eventually I got them all in there

And the best part is none of them fell into the void and they all actually survive with the animal situated I could move on to the fun part climbing up the tree that’s one block away from Death you know it’s kind of scary up here because if these leaves Decay I’m going

Straight into that void but it’s okay I managed to chop down the entire tree without falling with the tree chop down I decided to go ahead and make myself a lot of fence gates because due to contrary belief my animals probably shouldn’t be falling into the void once

I was done with that I realized it’s a little bit dark and mobs could spawn so I decided to throw a torch on that island and just kind of keep it safe overnight I continued breaking the one block overnight and managed to unlock the second phase we were now onto the

Underground with the sun coming up on day three I was starting to get a lot of animals and some of them were trying to jump off my Island so I guess I have to move my furnace now regardless of that though I got to smelt up my first two

Iron and make myself up a shield I didn’t have quite enough iron to make it into tools but I did make a bunch of cobblestone tools feeling confident I started breaking the block once again until well I got a little bit of a jump scare luckily I was prepared and on

Guard otherwise this could have been a very unfortunate ending but just like the work of a true police officer I swept it under the rug and continued on with my day my day was then interrupted several other times by many different mob groups until a creeper spawned in

And kinda gave me a little bit of a Fright with the creeper slain I decided to keep breaking the block until it gave me some Birch and I should mention I’ve been burning all of the Birch into charcoal uh for no reason I definitely don’t hate Birch don’t worry about it I

Was just enjoying some late night mining when a visitor decided to show up and again scared me this time you almost blew up my chest in furnace but hey it’s okay I still took him out I then definitely didn’t spend about two minutes trying to figure out how to make

A Minecraft circle you know don’t don’t check my uh browser history for those interested in the circle building day uh yeah we’re still doing it this outline is almost complete I’m just kind of making sure it’s not wonky because let’s face it I’m not good at building circles

In Minecraft wait that’s supposed to line up uh even with an image I still mess it up how now to say I underestimated the amount of wood I needed would be an understatement itself because this thing required all of the wood I had saved up I thought I’d still

Be able to keep a couple you know just for tools and supplies and such but nope it all went to filling in this platform just kidding I actually had to chop down this tree to have enough wood to fill up this whole thing but I will say it was

100 worth it because now I could plant over 10 trees compared to just one I went back to Breaking the one block and managed to get myself some Spruce saplings this was amazing because that’s my favorite type of wood no more Birch I then went to make myself some shears so

I could start sharing my sheep so I can actually get a bed you know because I don’t really want to not sleep during the night and that’s when I realized something I got a grass block a couple days ago from a chest and I think my

Sheep ate it so yeah we don’t have any grass and I don’t know how to make that spread ignoring the problems for future me I finally got to take my first good night’s sleep day five started out with me doing some organizing because my inventory was an absolute mess I then

Decided my Island needed to be expanded a little bit because I feel like I don’t have much area around this one block so I did some modifications I unfortunately started running a little low on some wood so I chopped down this tree and began placing blocks once again it was

Now almost night time but my island is looking much better and definitely a little safer day six started out with me Gathering some trees and then I was back to mining the one block I had a couple encounters with zombies but I managed to take them out with no problem I

Continued buying the one block and managed to find a spider friend he wasn’t mad at me because it was daytime so I’m gonna name him Jerry me and Jerry are now best friends I continued breaking the one block once more until the worst thing happened a creeper had

Spawned Jerry’s life was in danger and I’m just kidding I took out the creeper it was okay it was at this point where I started realizing I was getting a lot of iron and you know what I should probably make some armor I I can see how that

Would be beneficial to my health in this game because uh you know I kind of have nothing except for this Shield I noticed my first spruce tree had grown so I decided to take a break and chop down all these trees I continued breaking the one block and reached the end of the

Phase and this time it gave me more Spruce saplings and a map that’s going to be interesting because now I can see how my base develops throughout this hundred days after waiting for a couple seconds we were finally on to the icy trunda tronda what is tronda not being

Able to speak aside we had a major problem Jerry was now mad at me I don’t know what it was maybe I accidentally said something to anger him but he had to be dealt with I’m sorry Jerry I I promise you I don’t mean it day seven

Started off with some tree chopping and then I decided to craft a crap set of planks because it was time for a new island expansion see I have all these animals but nothing to feed or breed them so I decided why don’t I make a farming area once I finished the outline

I decided to grab all of my gravel and dirt because I wanted to do a little trick basically you just just have to make yourself a crap ton of coarse dirt and then you can use a hoe to turn it back into regular dirt giving you an

Extra bonus of dirt using that trick I was able to completely fill up this spot with third and then I also started torching up the place during the night because uh you know I don’t want mobs spawning that’s not that’s not a good thing day eight I decided to make sure

My island is a little bit safer so I crafted up some fences and started going around making sure all of my walls were nice and defended because if I fall off that’s the end of this challenge once I ran out of gates I decided to chop down

Some more trees so I could finish placing all of them and I think my island is really starting to come together I’m proud of this day nine I was back to mining the one block once again and even a dog spawn then and I don’t know why but I was curious if I

Could throw a snowball at it so I did and oops that was a mistake I stayed up on this tower for a couple minutes but when the dog wasn’t becoming passive again I had no other choice than to end it ignoring that mistake I was back to

Mining the one block then out of nowhere a stray started attack me but since I have my shield it’s really not much of a threat a minute later two other stray spawned in but these idiots didn’t know who to shoot so they started shooting each other I continued breaking the one

Block and it finally gave me a chest with a piece of ice inside do you know what this means it means we can now have an infinite water source so you can tell how excited I was I placed down my bucket and that piece of ice and voila

Just like that we never had to worry about water in this world again Overjoyed that I could finally make a farm I went to bed very happy that night day 10 I grabbed all of the farming stuff I’ve acquired over the last 10 days and finally was able to start

Planting them getting some crops nice and ready after that nice break I was back to Breaking the one block an arctic fox spawned in and worried it might kill my chickens I killed it I got attacked by Strays a couple more times but then had a genius idea of putting a bunch of

Chests around the one block this is so I can organize everything and not have to worry about running back and forth so often but unfortunately these gaps made it very very ugly so I decided to do the most logical thing and travel underneath my Island just hovering over death but

It does look much better now I also decided to move my crafting table and furnace just so I could open up this area a little bit more I decided to stick them in the floor because well where else would I put them and then the rest of the day was just spent

Organizing day 11 I was back to Breaking the one block but then a polar bear decided it wanted to join my world I didn’t know what to do with it and I kind of figured it was gonna kill some of my animals or me so I murdered it

After that encounter I was attacked by skeletons once again but then decided to go chop down some trees to help ease my mind once I was done chopping trees I came back to organize my inventory a little bit and I should also point out that I’ve been getting these iron

Helmets from the Strays I’ve killed so I can combine them and turn them into a full iron element don’t worry I’m not cheating after that I decided to make myself some bone meal and do a little bit of farming but I do kind of regret that because of course right when I

Started breaking the one block again a wolf spawned you know what this means it means that if I have bones I can go ahead and tame this guy and uh Hey I just used them all up uh all right Little Wolf don’t mind me I need to uh get some shades

Oh you’re kidding me so of course with my insane look that wolf is now dead and now I have imminent death these zombies were dangerous because mixed with the skeleton they would get launched at me doing a lot of damage with Just One Singular hit and on top of that this

Skeleton was also pretty strong and I was not able to take him out but using his own arrows I made him defeat his own teammate and then eventually himself after that near-death experience I decided it was time for me to get more armor so I used up almost all of my iron

And yeah it’s safe to say I’m gonna be a little more difficult to kill now with my newfound bravery I was back to Breaking the one block once more I got jumped a couple more times by more skeletons but eventually I’ve started to collect a lot of Bones which meant it

Was only a matter of time until I got myself a dog oh I was so happy to have this little doggy as a friend but I’m not gonna do much with him over the next hundred days after breaking the one block a little bit more organizing my

Inventory breaking the block even more I was goes on to the next phase day 13 I was officially on face for the ocean but before I went Skitty dipping I decided I wanted to do a little bit of farming first because I really wanted to start focusing on these animals trying to get

Those numbers up and then after doing that I decided to do a little bit of tree chopping I then spent the rest of the day just trying to fix up my farm and overall My Island I think it’s starting to get pretty decent but I’m gonna need a base pretty soon before

Going to sleep for the night I decided to craft myself up a smoker and put some potatoes in there because due to contrary belief melons aren’t the best food source in the game day 14 I noticed my Shield’s durability was pretty low so I decided to craft up a new one after

That I decided it was finally time to get started with the one block what I do like about this phase is that it features a lot of my favorite blocks such as prismarine which I will be using to build my base eventually while breaking the one block a turtle spawned

In and I didn’t know what to do with this guy I don’t know if he can survive outside of water but I didn’t know where else to put him so I decided to just push him over to my farm area because I do have a water source in there and

Maybe he’ll survive possibly I don’t know I guess we’ll see after that something quite interesting happened we had our first diamond spawn in this is pretty exciting because diamonds are very hard to come by in one block because uh well you only have one block so good luck finding diamonds I decided

I wanted to try collecting these Coral blocks So I placed a water bucket in hopes that it would work but sadly it’s just gray and dead kind of like my social life I ended up getting this trident from the one block and didn’t have to wait long before using it after

Taking care of those visitors I decided I needed a place to run just in case things got a little dicey so I decided to break that sapling just in case a tree were to spawn in Block path I then met probably the strongest fish I’ve

Ever seen in this game this guy did not die after multiple hits I then ended up catching his cousin which I’ll probably just call Jerry while breaking the block my nightmares became true after or two Guardian spawned in I’m glad I broke that sapling because if that tree would

Have grown I could have been stuck having to deal with these guys but these guys are so annoying since I have fences surrounding my whole island they weren’t gonna fall off easily so I had to take them out one by one after doing all that

Hard work I was pretty tired so I took a nap day 15 was a really peaceful morning until it wasn’t two more Guardians showed up but I did manage to take them out after a quick intermission to do some smelting I decided to save this stupid Parker fish’s life oh that’s a little

Harsh isn’t it no this puffer fish sucks my hatred for puffer fish aside I was back to collecting more prismarine for my base oh never mind I was starting to run a little low on iron but I figured it’d be okay because I’ll get more during this phase right all right

You know what we need to change this little platform we have here it’s just not safe enough I’m gonna end up falling dying or something’s gonna happen with Mobs so that’s why I’m making the awesome mob killer 9000. you see mobs are gonna end up falling into the void

If I don’t want them to be here but if I do want them to be here uh well I haven’t thought that far ahead towards the end of the night I was very glad I built this thing because this Elder Guardian just fell straight into the

Void and I didn’t have to get mining with oh I spoke too soon luckily since I have a cow getting milk wasn’t going to be much of a challenge day 16 started out with some morning Mining and I was starting to build up a lot of blocks for

My house which I will be building soon soon after a dolphin spawned in which made me feel really guilty after it jumped into the void but that was far from the only mob to fall into the void we had many casualties this day which you know kind of my fault but I’m not

Going to take any responsibility for it just like your average teenager with all that guilt I was feeling I decided to take a break and chop some trees because it’s very relaxing and good for your health I then went back to mining the one block and a turtle spawned in and I

Decided this guy I was not going to let fall into the void I ended up pushing him to meet the other Turtle but where was the other Turtle oh there he is just blending it with my melon a short time later something bad happened but not to

Be worried I do have a wall defending my reaction it was a real close fight but in the end I just barely managed to make it out Victorious after collecting all the blocks I’d mined and saying hi to this Turtle that’s probably gonna dry out since it’s on Water I went to bed

Day 17 started out with me role-playing as a lumberjack and then I was back to Breaking the one block once again and of course making my enemies fall to their death I then decided I wanted to save this Turtle somehow but every time I tried to do something he just kept

Running to the one block I decided to ignore him and just go back to trying to get through this phase then I would organize my items and back to sleep I went day 18 I did something out of the ordinary and I finally harvested all of my crops they’ve been sitting here for

Multiple days I just forgot to harvest them for some reason after doing that farming I decided to bake up a whole stack of potatoes and then I started crafting up some fences because I was ready to transform my Animal Sanctuary I wanted to make it a lot more nicer and

More organized as well as establish a good food source that kept me pretty busy for the rest of the day and especially these bunnies because they all refused to go this one little block area I don’t know if they hate me or if they just don’t want to cooperate in be

Caged for the rest of their lives but my gosh rabbits please I then took a second to admire all the hard work I’ve done today and then decided to breed the animals a little bit because a couple of them might have lost their lives throughout all this but uh don’t worry

Not my fault definitely didn’t do anything I then crafted up some carpet using the only wool that I had and that’s when I developed an idea you see if I breed two sheep the baby spawns in with wool so theoretically if I just keep reading them I’ll be able to collect wool just

Like I would if I had grass day 19 I was back to doing the boring thing again that’s right one block baby although this time I got something that was kind of cool it was called the music chest and it had a music disc and a couple

Pieces of paper it also gave me a book so I decided to write exactly what was going on in my brain at that time and uh yeah I think I might be going insane because right after that clip I decided to stop recording and guess what I was

Still doing I was still playing one block so I made a bit of progress I actually beat the ocean phase and I tore down that giant ugly shed surrounding it but don’t worry many iterations of that are yet to come but yeah I made a little

Bit of progress don’t know how I stopped recording but I promise I didn’t make too much the rest of day 20 I mainly spent just trying to make this part look good but also be functional and uh trap doors aren’t the best because mobs can

Still on and walk on them I then did some farming and breeded my animals a little bit day 21 I decided it was finally time to get work on my base so I grabbed some slabs and began bridging out this new area progress was going great until I realized I was going to

Need much much more slabs so I crafted up a ton and went back to placing this platform was going to be a lot bigger than all the other previous ones and that’s because this one was going to have a swimming pool for Animals as well

As my base so it had to be better and it had to be perfect once I finished the platform I decided to go around it with a trim of spruce just to Spruce things up a little but in all seriousness though I want to make sure this area

Looks really pristine and really draws your eye towards it so I’m gonna make it as perfect as I can you know what else would be perfect joining my Discord server that’s it that’s all I have to say while outlining my Island in Spruce I decided the rest of my Island should

Have it too so I went around breaking the edges of every single platform just so I could add Spruce and oh yeah that looks so much better since night time was coming I also thought it’d be smart to not have a mob farm so I lit up my

Island and also put down a bunch of fences just so I don’t end up falling into the void by day 22 I had the perfect area to start building and it was all ready for a pool that’s right the first thing we’re gonna go ahead to

Build is a pool the first thing I did is grab my prismarine and I wanted to be a little bit smarter so I crafted slabs so I’d be able to save some blocks next I carefully hovered above the void just trying to place these blocks in a

Pattern that looked kind of cool then I had to place a water bucket down and try not to fall into the void as I did the floor once I was done building this thing it was finally time to bring it to life so I placed down a fish bucket that

I collected through the ocean zone and started filling this thing up next we are up to the turtles and uh one of them has sadly disappeared I have no idea what happened to it but I’m praying that it’s still alive somewhere after some final details such as bone meal it was

All finally done and it looked really good now it was finally time to work on my house so after a quick night’s rest I went straight to it foreign foreign I’d finished building my entire base and I definitely like the Japanese inspired build I think it looks really cool and I definitely want to build more in this style in the future now that I had a house it was time to fill it so what I

Did is I went around adding a couple chests a furnace and a crafting table this is where a majority of my items will be held and especially the important ones such as iron and other things I then ran over to my animals to see their thoughts on my build and uh oh

Yeah no no it looks pretty good yeah yeah I like it yeah I don’t know man it could be a little bigger after doing with that person that didn’t like my build that much I decided it was finally time to sleep and we were on to

Day 28 where I was back to break in the one block after my five day vacation I forgot what the name of the phase was but I’m pretty sure it’s along the lines of jungle because the one block was giving me a lot of mossy cobblestone I ended up getting some parrots and

Quickly had to rush around and find seeds but luckily there were some in my inventory so I could quickly tame them but upon further inspection I realized there was two of them and I just pushed one in the void whoops oh just kidding it’s actually on my shoulder I didn’t

Know where to put these guys without getting them in danger so I decided to drop them off right next to my dog that I’ve also never really talked to you know what I’m not a very good pet owner am I I then decided to grab some crops

And go breed my animals after a little bit of organizing it was time for bed day 29 started out with me breaking the one block but then I decided it was time for a change I broke all the trapdoors surrounding this little one block and

Then I decided it was time to bring back the barrier that’s right we’re going safety mode because uh you know what we’re almost a third of the way through this Challenge and if I die now I will be very very sad I thought doing this would be smart because mobs couldn’t get

Me but I thought too soon because the only mob that could hit me is vexus and guess what zone I’m in I’m in a zone that spawns vexes luckily they weren’t too much of a problem and I was able to get back to Breaking the one block until we had more company

Oh my bad did you think something bad was gonna happen I ended up getting this chest that had some bamboo in it so I decided to go plant it by my house I thought it would make for a nice decoration I was finally starting to collect some more interesting blocks

Such as Redstone and then a panda that just decided to spawn in this guy was huge and I really did not want him to be falling into the void I used a piece of bamboo to guide him over to my animal pit and then I just kind of let him sit

There the rest of the day was then just spit breaking the one block until it decided to make me look like I’m cheating by giving me a Wandering traitor spawn egg look I I don’t know why I gave it to me but I’m not gonna complain because now it looks kind of

Cool in my collection after that I decided to grab all the Collectibles from around my Island and put it inside my base and then right before going to bed I sheared my sheep I started out day 30 by grabbing some bamboo so I could plant some more on the side of my house

I then decided to participate in some deforestation I swear it’s for a good reason though well even if that reason is just so I can label my chest for organizing purposes I then made myself an iron ax and continued on with deforestation today was really starting

To feel like a chore day because right after that I was out in the field Gathering crops and then back to Breaking the one block or spawned in but I didn’t feel like going through the effort of bringing it to meet my other animals so same could be said for more

Animals but we can ignore that I ended off the day by making some adjustments to the safety bunker and now it has a roof I woke up day 31 admiring this Lantern for some reason and then put Gates blocking the doorway to the safety bunker the one block gave me a chest

With a single piece of sugar cane so I quickly decided to go plant it the one block then spawned in some parrots and after trying to find some seeds I came back to them role-playing as skydivers and had to watch them slowly fly into the void I quickly forgot about the

Paris though because the one block rewarded me with some diamonds and other ores that’s so odd oh there’s a witch a witch spawned in saying something about liking the video if you’re enjoying it but then she slipped and fell into the void it truly was a tragedy I got

Another piece of sugar cane from the chest and was going to plant it with the other ones when a monster party had spawned in I got chased around by a bunch of these flying little rats that resembled one of my old teachers and then this witch Splash Smith poison with

Her final breath which forced me to eat a golden apple after taking care of this spider I had to rebuild the safety bunker as they had gotten a little destroyed from the fight also a lot of these vexes were still flying around but I can’t really kill them because of how

Low they are and they’re kind of in the void after that stressful day I really needed a nap day 32 started out with more of these stupid flying rats spawning from the one block and as I went to collect the blocks I heard one sneaking up behind me and just barely

Managed to not fall into the void die you stupid rat I continued breaking the one block and it gave me another diamond and then a music chest with some more books I noticed that since I had four books I could make a left turn so when I

Get access to villagers this will allow me to get Librarians which will sell me even more bookshelves so then I can get enchantment table very easily before we got villagers though we still had to pass this jungle phase which was not going to be easy after creating a new

Iron pickaxe I got completely sidetracked and went around collecting wheat to make bread for the villagers look it’s better to be safe than sorry at least that’s what my parents say finally I was ready to get back to mining stupid rats your mom then stopped to say hi but I continued Mining and

Punching these cats into the void ignoring that last part I broke some bamboo spread it around my house and then went to bed day 33 started out with me role-playing as a lumberjack before realizing I wasn’t quite cut out for the shop I then decided the way I was doing

Things was just not efficient enough I mean think about it when I villagers I’m gonna need a ton of wood and chopping down 10 trees to get a stack just wouldn’t be that smart bad puns aside I thought it’d be a lot smarter to plant big spruce trees instead seeing as one

Tree can give me two stacks of wood alone I started day 34 with punching some more bamboo and then making some Fletching tables can you tell that I really want these villagers our first few big spruce trees had grown and they looked super tall compared to the rest

Of my Island so I did a reasonable thing which was crafting three stone axes before I went to start my new position as a lumberjack you’re still hoping it pays pretty well after some hard work the day was already over and I went back to bed before any mobs had the

Opportunity of spawning in day 35 I planted some spruced trees before collecting some leather from the black market the FBI I heard about it and sent some agents after me soon after while breaking the wood block two single mothers spotted to my area before quickly leaving after seeing me I got a

Diamond from this chest that spawned in and then finally was surprised with the benevolent gift which meant the end of the Jungle phase listen jungles are probably one of my favorite biomes in this game but this phase this phase was enough to change my opinion I had a full

Minute to wait before the block upgraded so I took the opportunity to smelt up some iron and organize my inventory finally we were on to phase six the red desert with how quickly I was going through this red sand this would probably be the fastest phase yet until

My shovel broke after crafting a new one we were on to record Pace I found some more diamonds killed an adorable Fox and it was a pretty good day day 36 I clocked her to my position as a lumberjack before going to 1v1 this tree after my victory I celebrated by

Breaking the one block which was now giving me emeralds you know with all these emeralds it’s almost like it’s trying to give me a Village oh my God Angela you are the love of my life I used a Fletching table to lure I mean guide the Villager back to my house and

Then use six gates to keep them nice and trapped close it’s just for safety purposes please don’t be freaked out right I’m not I’m not crazy I used some of the wood that I’d gotten to get some emeralds from Angela as well as lock-in or stick trade I then did some more

Mining on the one block before quickly hitting the hay or as normal people would say sleeping day 37 I was working hard or hardly working well probably neither I mean I am playing a 3D block game I think it was jump scared by what I thought was an enemy but he actually

Turned out to be neutral since he didn’t have a weapon I decided to save his life well at least for now listen buddy you better behave you’re on thin ice after that short and drop option is back to working on the one block and now here’s

A fun little challenge how many times do you think I’ve said one block throughout this video if you can guess the correct amount of times in the comments will receive some sort of a prize a villager Trader then showed up on the one block and after seeing the super useful items

That I 100 needed I turned around and he fell into the void I looked up and I looked everywhere I just couldn’t find him you know it truly was heartbreaking it was so sad even this guy wanted to say his goodbyes but I punched him back into submission I wanted to get some

More emeralds but after running low on wood I decided to go gather some more and then off to sleep I went instead of waking up to do some trading I completely forgot instead of buying the one block again you see don’t forget kids wait how did the rest of that go

Again a few minutes later I remembered I needed to role play as the government and scan my villager out of some money because after all I did give them a place to stay I went back to the magical one block and ended up killing some donkeys and I swear their death noises

Were made just to make me feel bad for killing them like at least give me leather at this point I was starting to collect a bunch of terracotta but I don’t have any ideas for what to build so it’s just gonna kind of sit in this

Chest for a while Joe mama was the second villager to arrive but instead of becoming a Fletcher he decided to creepily sit outside my house windows trying to break in after a ton of convincing Joe finally decided to become a Fletcher welcome to the business my

Friend I did some farming for bread and cheered my sheep for their little wool I could get it all would have been much easier if you didn’t eat my only grass block this guy then tried to bully me but I heroically ran inside to sleep get

Back to your place okay never mind I’m sorry sir it’ll never happen again I promise after that encounter I calmed down by the soothing sounds of capitalism just listen to that beautiful sound of money unfortunately that sound of money won’t keep up if I run out of

Product so I clocked back into my position as a lumberjack and I hope I get a race soon after clocking out I went back to mining the one block before tragedy struck this was by far the most difficult mob party yet I mean I had to

Click my mouse and show it eight times can you believe that day 40 I caught this guy relaxing trying to pet my panda and decided to absolutely obliterate him with my ax for some reason this made me feel incredibly bad especially when I realized his brother witnessed it all

Happened right in front of him oh well nothing a little bit of capitalism can’t fix speaking of capitalism while breaking the one block another villager spawned in welcome to the team Usman you can become My Librarian this may be the only time I will happily take a bookshelf trade instead of something

Like mending both limited access to iron there really is no need for me to get Enchantment books I took a quick break to breed some animals before quickly returning back to Breaking the Wind Block please stop giving me spawn eggs people are gonna think this is fake for

A second I thought these guys were gonna be friendly until this guy tried to hit me several times with his ax yeah blame it on Tourette’s buddy I know what you were trying to do day 41 I started out by crafting my 87th iron pickaxe before mining the one block yet again some

Husks spawned in but they ended up falling in the void sadly and then I was surprised with a benevolent gift you know this phase felt so much shorter than the jungle phase the next phase though is going to be the scariest of them all it’s the nether phase which in

My opinion is the most terrifying one because think about it like this my island is 90 wood and with a single Blaze this whole island can be burned down if things went wrong I decided to play it as safe as I could by putting stone slabs surrounding the safety

Bunker just in case a blaze were to shoot me and some Fireballs hit me day 42 I woke up on guard I made myself a bow and bought some arrows off a villager to help defend myself luckily with just iron tools this phase will go by pretty quick with how quick the

Netherride gets destroyed at first enemy spawned in and he was either shaking with excitement or rage I couldn’t really tell which one though maybe the void can answer that while breaking the wood block some ancient debris spawned in which forced me to make a diamond

Pickaxe and I don’t know if you can use a iron pickaxe to mine ancient debris but I didn’t really have enough patience to find out I also managed to get a piece of obsceno in right after which made me really happy we only needed nine more pieces before we could go to the

Nether which isn’t just one block speaking of the one Vlog it gave me yet another spawn egg why do I need all these my worst nightmares thing came true after some blazes spawned in luckily I managed to keep the damage to a minimum only losing the single oak

Fence in the process I decided to change the roof of the safety bunker before going back to sleep day 43 some wither skeletons spawned in which gave me a good chance to use my bow soon after I was jump scared the absolute hardest I’ve ever been jump scared in Minecraft

This gas is easily the loudest thing to ever happen inside my eardrums and despite it being 3 am I continued mining the one block these weird orc blocks were really slow to break despite what tool I used so I decided to invest in a new Fresh iron hoe remember kids never

Waste your diamonds on a hoe in Minecraft at just spawned in which gave me a piece of deathrite scrap and a blaze rod soon after it also gave me some pigs from Hell or as I I’d like to call them mistakes ignoring what my mom

Calls me I stole my bed back from some villagers and then went to sleep day 44 I went to go look at my animals when I noticed something there were so many of them that they literally had no room to walk so against my better judgment I

Sold them to McDonald’s making sure to keep at least a few so they didn’t go extinct luckily I don’t think fast food would be an issue for quite a long time I took a minute to do a little bit of extra farming and then breeded my sheep

Before killing them all look I know I may sound like an absolute monster but I only need a few of them so I can get some wool so the rest can just kind of go I went back to mining the one block and learned that water is pretty deadly

To Striders before summoning The Reincarnation of hell this Blaze was lucky enough to get a shot on me so I decided to repay the favor by letting him slowly fall into the void I decided to decorate the safety bunker to match the theme a little bit more before I

Went back to bed the next morning I wasted no time getting back to the one block I heroically placed this lab and started killing this Blaze but he escaped through the gaping hole in the floor but I wasn’t gonna let Buddy Escape that easily so just like my

American Brothers I shot at him big big mistake he launched a counter-attack shooting my Island in three different spots causing absolute Mayhem to break out it was all starting to burn and I couldn’t extinguish the Flames because they were underneath my Island by some miracle I was able to stop them but the

Damage was already done I made sure it could have been a whole lot worse but if I wasn’t an American then this probably just wouldn’t have happened in the first place I guess it’s what we get for liking guns all jokes aside someone had to clean up this mess and it was going

To have to be me thank you stupid Blaze I went back to Breaking the one block and to rub more salt in the wound I was attacked by some hell pigs today just wasn’t my day day 46 started out with me doing a considerable amount of lumberjacking until this Panda looked

Straight into my face at some point I’d love to make this guy a whole little habitat I mean just look at him back to Breaking the one block I’m in another Strider and instead of pouring water on him this time I smack him with it I went

Back into my base to deposit the wood from earlier and realized the sheer amount of wood that I have collected I’m expecting a raise soon because I’ve put in my work I got a little bit of obsidian and then a lava bucket for some reason I continued breaking the wood

Block until the end of the day and then went back to sleep day 47 I woke up to what you probably could guess I went back to mining the sacred block these magma keeps spawned in but it didn’t even phase me at this point I just kept

Mining like nothing happened I had now collected nine pieces of obsidian meaning I only needed one more before I could make my nether portal which immediately made today better than well the incident that I don’t want to name after a few more minutes of mining it was done I had finally collected 10

Pieces of obsidian and could go to the nether I grabbed a ton of nether themed blocks and broke all the bamboo along with these fences I wanted my nether portal to be right outside my house so it’d make my house look a little cooler I forgot to actually start recording

Using the replay mod but I can just tell you what I did I started out with building the portal and then made some weird shapes using Netherrack to make it look like the nether had broken through the portal I don’t know if anybody else

Does this but I love to do this in my builds I put down some Soul Sand infected the floor and added detail by detail by night time this place was really starting to come to life day 48 I added some Flames to the soil sand but had to be careful to not accidentally

Set my Island on fire finally I got myself organized and grabbed my golden apples and then went inside the portal upon stepping through I was convinced my PC was about to blow up every single fan started going at once and my game literally froze for like 30 seconds as

Beautiful as this place is my PC just can’t run it with shaders so I’m gonna have to temporarily turn that off I collected some bone blocks before deciding I was way too afraid to be in the nether right now so I stepped back out and wow my world looks so weird

Without the shaders ugh much better I used him at the bone meal I got as steroids for my crops before going back to sleep once more seeing aside finally had abundance of bone meal I decided to do the same thing for the morning of day 49. I also managed to grab this really

Beautiful shot of my nether area which definitely has not become the background of my PC seeing as it’s been a few days I did a little bit of mining on the one block just for the sport of it before going back to the nether because I

Forgot to do the one thing I needed before I left and that’s grabbed these four extra little bits of obsidian from the sides of the portal using these I was able to go back to the Overworld and craft myself an enchantment table I decided I wanted it to be on the other

Side of my house because it looked a little bare compared to the nether trunk on the opposite side I expanded the floor out a little and then placed down my enchantment table along with all of its books turns out I was actually missing two bookshelves but we can

Ignore that I did a little bit of decorating but stopped to get some rest day 50 started out with me finally giving my panda a proper setup I gave him some bamboo which he seemed pretty grateful for and then I got back to work decorating my enchantment table set up

Since we had hell on one side of the house I thought an overgrown theme would make for a nice opposite so I made my enchantment area look like an ancient structure but it looked like it needed a little bit more leaves were the perfect solution for this build so I bone milled

Up a tree and sheared the leaves right off the side of it before going ham for my enchantment setup this was indeed a good detail because it looked amazing day 51 I was still in the building spirit and decided to use some prismarine slabs for the flooring which

Looked all right I guess it’s okay and then started it a new expansion that would be hidden behind my base this area would later become known as the Villager pit but it needed a ton of work I had to break a lot of blocks and didn’t really

Have a plan for what it looked like but I did the best thing I do and that’s winging it I surrounded it with Cobblestone which helped give it that prison feel before stepping back to look at all the work I’ve done the past few days I gave some more bamboo to my

Favorite Panda before going back to sleep day 52 I went to go share my sheep because I was in need of a lot of beds and then went to finally go enchant my items you might be wondering why I didn’t just craft some Diamond gear to enchant but you’ll find out soon enough

After getting Fortune 2 on my pickaxe I started work on my villager area I tore down most of the Cobblestone I had previously built up and instead went for more of a spruce style I then took a slight break only to get right back to building on day 53. just like a girl

Doing her makeup I was trying to find a way to hide the back of my house because it did match the style at all I put down some fences instead of work on a dome for the roof which looked pretty good if you asked me for the ceiling I wanted to

Go for more of a different style by putting a bunch of fences together by the end of the day I was pretty proud of how it all looked and before going back to bed I decided to tear down my back wall in order to give these villagers a

New home come on villager I promise you’re gonna love it in here by day 54 I had the villagers in position and was ready to start placing down all of their beds I forgot to take into account that villagers are just like notorious criminals just when you think things are

Going good we have an unfortunate Runner he came back for some reason so I decided to shove him back into the pit where he was supposed to be somehow there was already a little child running around but I take that as a good sign back at my house I finally was able to

Destroy all these Gates that had been bothering me the last few days and then finally made some bread to feed my villagers I wasted no time getting back to that beautiful beautiful capitalism and some other small chores were on the island like getting more beds for my

Villagers after that I made some Blaze soup at the one block and managed to reach the end of the phase I was going to sleep upon entering my house but I heard some weird zombie noises and I couldn’t tell where they were coming from but if they ended up infecting my

Villagers that would make for a huge mess after searching for it literally I can’t make this up five minutes I finally found him hiding in the tiniest Gap he ever could have spawned in day 55 this wandering Trader showed up and actually had something I wanted to buy I

Then warned him not to enter my house but he did so anyways so I had to deal with him I spent the rest of my morning doing some fine capitalism before going to mine the one block this phase was called Idol and had the absolutely most random theme it had every single zone

Collected and did this one phase which made for a really really tough time it mainly gave me a lot of B things like honey and hives but it also dropped a lot of chords which could be used for a cool build later I then crafted myself up a grindstone and unenchanted my

Shovel my goal was to get silk touched so I could finally touch some grass and I was willing to do whatever it took I crafted up some wooden shovels and started enchanting them with some meaningless enchants since I didn’t get silk touch on any of them I crafted up

Even more shovels and finally this little thing popped up on the enchantment table the only issue is now I don’t have enough levels to get it day 56 I used some of the wood for my collection to trade with a villager for some XP but wasn’t able to get enough

Sadly so I had no other choice but to clock back into work as a lumberjack I’m really hoping they don’t mind I took 10 days off my job I gave my panda some bamboo before going to trade with my villagers and this was finally up nevermind I just went to sleep d57 I

Woke up and warmed up by doing this insanely Fair balanced fight with this Iron Golem before going to trade this was my moment after 56 days I was finally going to have another grass block using the power of silk touch within 30 seconds of getting this enchant I had already found the grass

Block I needed I made sure to place this one nice and far away from the Sheep just to be extra safe I think got this rare chest with some gold and another useless enchantment book that I will probably never use I did a little bit of farming and made another smoker because

My old one accidentally got tossed in the void I then made some fresh new steak instead of the usual potatoes threw some carrots in this Village of space before going to sleep day 58 I woke up and 1v1 this Iron Golem before deciding today was going to be an

Important day I was gathering a bunch of materials so I could finally build an iron farm if you don’t know this is probably one of the most important Farms to have in one block and I needed it but before we built that we had to gather a

Lot of things for starters I needed four stacks of blocks that couldn’t and so the easy solution was Netherrack so I made a quick trip to the Nether and collected some blocks I also needed a bunch of crimes and logs but my ax decided to break before I had enough so

I had to resort to using my fist this is exactly why we need an iron farm d59 I was gathering the rest of the blocks I needed and took a quick break to kill an iron golem before stopping to do my daily capitalism I decided to level up

My Librarian because I thought I would need a name tag and to my surprise it actually popped up with the name tag trade which made me pretty happy I had to break the one block a little more because I actually didn’t have all the materials necessary and my only chance

Of getting them was through the one block I got this skeleton horse and decided to save it and I think I’ll name you Jerry as a jump scared by some Phantoms and then went to sleep day 60 I woke up and did some trading with my business partners which reminds me feel

Free to stop by my personal website shopkingbob.com and you can get yourself some beautiful King Bob merch I mean how could you say no to this little King Bob merch plugs aside I went on to do the great cleansing of sheep I swear it was completely Justified I trapped some

Villagers and boats and then looked around my Island for a good spot to build an iron farm I decided to remove all the tortures from the panda sanctuary and waited for a zombie to spawn in I bit off a little bit more than I could chew though and realized

Just how many other mobs there were after killing the skeleton I noticed the zombie had armor on which made me 76 sure he wouldn’t despawn just to be safe I threw my iron hoe at him which he picked up I decided to loan him in my

House for the time being and took a nap alone that night day 61 I was fixing the previous mistakes of spawning mobs and managed to light the whole island back up while trying to get back into my house I accidentally let the zombie free and he was refusing to get trapped again

After a little bit of struggling I convinced them to stay in my window until I actually needed him with everything all collected I started building this iron form and actually remembered to use replay mods Foreign Foreign building the iron farm which is already starting to work I tore down this ugly path and started building a nicer one using Spruce I then went back through and added some fences on top to stop my clumsiness from killing me after that I dealt with this Iron Golem who’s

Confused on where to go and then I went to sleep day 67 started out with me getting organized and then I 1v1 this goleon you know I can’t help but feel like this is a reoccurring theme for the mornings this wandering Trader showed up and I decided to leave him be for the

First time ever like I would ever do that I decided that since I was a miner I was going to do some mining on the one block I promise that sentence only makes sense if you don’t think about it the Zombie horse spawned in and I decided to

Let him roam the island to wherever he wanted to go while I was mining the one block I got a lot of Honey bottles from this chest and then was attacked by some vicious bees which reminds me of world war B for my 100 days in Bedrock series

That you should 100 watch I can’t stress just how random this phase was I had so many chests and they all gave me the most random blocks in the game I got attacked by another Beast worm and then took out some Golems before going to

Sleep this 68 I decided I needed to make very slight changes to the Iron Golem Farm after watching this guy melt into literal money I decided to postpone all of that and make two smithing tables to start using this for even more capitalism I bought like seven axes from

This villager in hopes of getting an iron trade and I probably should have done this a lot sooner because I continued leveling up my toolsmiths until they started selling me Enchanted iron tools yeah I’m gonna need your entire stock sir unfortunately leveling them up took most of the profits I

Gathered so it was back to role playing as a lumberjack I really need to fix my iron golem spawning on my collection platform because they could have killed me very easily if they were mad at me after all of that an iron golem spawned right in front of my eyes trying to act

Like Jesus before having a quick prayer session with him day 69 stop laughing I decided to craft some trap doors on this platform so no more Golems could spawn in which seemed to be pretty effective I passed this Iron Golem trying to look like like I wasn’t farming his family

Members before slowing their remains for profits wow that got really dark I threw tons of these stone tools into the void and did some more training we went from stone tools to iron tools to freaking diamond tools this is what it looks like to be a baller this is exactly why I

Decided not to spin my diamonds earlier in this movie I noticed this visitor on my roof and decided to treat him to a good time before crafting some glass furnaces these would allow me to get some armorers which if you’re a genius like me you know exactly what they’ll

Sell me after enough trading time to chop some trees you know after this video I feel like I’m going to have to write a formal apology to Mr Beast and Mark Rober hi Little Panda Day 70 I went to unclog my iron golem farm and then immediately went back to tree chopping I

Apologize in advance for how repetitive things are about to get from here I emptied my inventory into this chest and proceeded to craft a metric ton of sticks to sell for profit if only it was this easy in real life shopkingbob.com please I need this I went to go check

Out my iron implies and was very happy to see it had already made it up to 36 iron after less than a full day I proceeded to craft Fletching tables with iron and then sticks and then finally I used Flint I blamed this on me being tired and nothing else I did more

Trading leveled up some armorers and went to go chop trees pause where was my panda the worst news had become a very sad reality Jerry the panda had been killed by a giant spruce tree can we get a rest in peace in the comments for Jerry the panda rest easy King it

Happened too soon ha Day 71 I won’t even lie to you it was pretty much the exact same thing as the day before minus this one little thing I started World War B all over again I don’t know if it’s just because of my extreme skill but I didn’t end up getting touched One Singular time

Throughout the whole battle I had to repair the safety bunker a little bit but honestly I prefer doing that instead of trading with villagers for another 20 minutes straight I got a diamond along with other cool Vlogs and then a music chest with pig step some donkey spawned

In or as I like to call them free leather while vibing where I thought I was completely safe these messages in chat appeared and it freaked me out a little bit but ignoring that the rest of the day consisted of me breaking the one block until I reached the end of the

Phase judging by my message in chat I was starting to get pretty over it after a quick nap Day summary 2 I was ready for the next phase of the one block I crafted some extra chests in my base which would help me clear out all the

Junk from the last phase speaking of phases we were now on to the desolate land days which I’m pretty sure is one of the final phases of the one block after doing some very fun and entertaining organizing for the entire day and night I I can’t be the only

Person that spends an entire day in my world just doing this right day 73 I was still going strong with organizing in the world and then decided today was going to be a tour day I clocked back into work for a while before noticing my panda was gone rest easy Jerry the panda

Day 74 I unclogged the iron producer 9000 and did some amazing capitalism my villagers were finally on to selling me insanely op Diamond gear that isn’t actually insanely op because it has fire protection and that’s about it diamonds are diamonds though and I won’t complain I bought the full set of diamond armor

Which felt like a huge accomplishment and then immediately used a grindstone to erase all of the other enchants since I was level 44 I didn’t have to worry about getting more levels for enchants and oh my God never mind one day I will be lucky with enchantments at least I

Hope so my goal is to get at least protection 3 or just Unbreaking on every single item but I didn’t get very lucky after a little bit more of trading I was finally back to level 30 and decided I wanted to enchant my new boat that I

Just crafted instead of my armor but I did get power forward day 75 I was doing more boring villager stuff and then tried my luck with more enchanting and finally I got some super decent armor that would definitely work for now I was looking pretty shiny with my new

Protection on breaking armor and I used my grindstone to erase the enchants of my borrowed tools from the villagers and then crafted myself a new diamond sword I was unfortunately out of wood for the 40 second time and decided to go collect some more but it just wasn’t the same

Without my panda Watching Over Me Day 76 started out with me unclogging my iron farm once again that I still have not managed to fix and then I took a quick pit stop at my villager pit before going to chop down some more trees my iron ax

Was on its last life so I decided to combine it with one of my older axes I was trying to to get to level 30 so I unenchanted a couple of my wooden shovels and got efficiency form on my diamond pickaxe I decided since I wasn’t

Getting very lucky on my enchants it was finally time to get some Librarians I bought four bookshelves and turned them into lecterns before realizing it was pretty late and all of my villagers were asleep so I joined them I woke up and threw some glass at my feet and still

Wasn’t able to reach level 30. so I went to start trying to get good villagers I got mending on practically my first try but decided it was way too expensive and it just wasn’t worth it I then got protection for which I would happily decided to buy the next villager decided

To take a while to give me something good but eventually they gave me a mending book for half the price of the old one pleasure skim I mean doing business with you sir role playing like Logan Paul aside I finally reached level 30 and decided to enchant my pickaxe

Once again and it was so close to being the perfect pickaxe minus one thing silk touch out of all the other times I’ve needed soap touched in this movie you give it to me now I decided I wouldn’t stand for this and instead just crafted

An anvil so I could combine my fortune 2 pickaxe with this one I don’t mind getting rid of silk touch because I only needed that enchant for grass which I already have I added protection to almost all of my armor but once again completely ran out of levels and had to

Skip adding protection to my helmet day 78 I woke up and was ready to do something different I walked into the nether portal and started mining chords for levels this was a hundred percent more interesting to me rather than trading with villagers for 20 minutes straight I decided that while I was here

In the nether I should mine down to y15 so I could start mining some ancient debris since I had this new enchanted diamond pick mining was super fast and I managed to find my first two pieces super quickly I continued mining for the rest of the day getting quartz sold and

Barely any ancient debris I decided to leave my mining hole and start bridging out towards this nether cliff and then I heard a gas around me but I decided to ignore it and focus us on getting to safety I spent a while just running around looking for a fortress but sadly

Had zero luck finding one and just ended up getting a bit annoyed day 79 I returned home from the Nether and spent a little time getting organized I then did some villager stuff before focusing on chopping down more trees I climbed up my enchantment table to shoot this Iron

Golem point blank in the face before doing some very exciting trading I cannot wait for the day where I don’t have to trade with villagers in Minecraft anymore all of the villagers ended up going to bed but I didn’t let that stop me from getting good in chance

Day 80 I grabbed some mending books and started putting them on my armor and tools while minding my own business and iron golem spawned in the wall which made me jump a little bit I went back to the nether once more because I really needed to get more netherright before

The 100 days was over since I had mending I was able to repair my pickaxe when its durability started to get a little low I decided I needed to find this Fortress as soon as possible and proceeded to spend the next two days looking for it I wish I could say I was

Joe joking but these things are impossible to find I ended up finding it by complete accident while trying to walk back to my portal and took out the skeleton in complete anger I stepped into the Fortress with my guns blazing no pun intended and started collecting

All the blaze rods I could ever want while looting this place I found a lot of useful items such as diamonds horse armor a saddle and more while I was in the nether I really wanted to get all of my ender pearls ready so I trapped these

Little pigs in a hole and began trading with them I might be one of the most unlucky players ever because after an entire stack of gold I only managed to get four pearls not that that really mattered though because little did I know the next phase in the one block

Would give me all the pearls I would ever want ignoring this useful information I proceeded to spend a ton of time trying to find the Warped forest for more Enderman i instead found yet another Fortress a crimson biome of assault Delta and just at this point was

Getting sick of it I took the Walk of Shame back to my nether portal and then decided to take a nap because it wasn’t nighttime day 84 I finally got around to fixing my iron golem Farm by turning the last row of blocks into stairs so that

The Iron Golem didn’t get stuck of course this ended up messing everything up and turned the lava into obsidian while trying to break it this Iron Golem got mad at me it nearly tossed me into the void I stood there for a second contemplating what I should do because I

Literally just avoided death like a champ I managed to fix all of the errors and went on with my day my day then consisted of breaking the one block a creeper spawned in which I hadn’t seen in 80 days before I chest spawned in with another spawn egg by the end of the

Day and evoker decided he wanted to join the party but ended up falling into the void leaving me to take care of his flying rat problem and then I went to sleep day 85 I woke up to do some more trading before going back to mining the

One block so I’m not able to fly rats spawned in which was a nice change of pace if you ask me and then this chest popped up with the weirdest noise I’ve ever heard but I will gladly take those diamonds a monster part already spawned in which had some more flying rats but

Sadly that wasn’t enough to stop me I decided to change up the safety bunker to better match the theme once again before it started storming so I went to bed day 86 I woke up and started mining the one block and immediately got my daily dose of fright and a voker caught

Me off guard causing me to mine a block instead of fighting him but that was fine because homie literally walked off the block himself more mobs spawned in and I continued mining the one block even more there’s really not much more to say although I did realize something

The reason why evokers were probably spawning in this phase wasn’t just to annoy me it was to actually help me by giving me totems so I decided to block off the void and went to my iron farm to grab some iron and then took a second to

Enchant my ax but it only got Unbreaking after a few moments of mining I reached the end of the phase which meant no more evokers sadly but that was fine I waited for the new phase which was called the end I decided to craft an iron golem to

Help me defend myself against the evil things that might start spawning from the one block except he got stuck in the wall for a few seconds uh day 87 I needed some more money so I went to go chop down more trees with my diamond ax after that you could probably guess what

Happened after role playing as the United States government I had enough levels to re-enchant my ax and this time got efficiency and Unbreaking I decided this was good enough and slap some mending on that sucker before finally going to sleep day 88 started off with me chopping even more trees and then

Selling it away for profits you know it probably would have been a thousand times smarter and more efficient if I would have just let these villagers get infected and then cure them for a better price did I ever do that no but should I yes I Enchanted this fresh new diamond

Helmet and finally got something decent on it I played around for some more Enchantment books before finally getting sharpness 5 at 4am day 89 I was back in the nether hunting for war netherright except my game tried to completely break and resolve to me getting attacked with

The power of lag you know what right here I thought for sure I was going to be a goner but somehow managed to live throughout the whole attack I went down into the mine shaft and started doing some more mining for ancient debris I unfortunately didn’t get much except for

A greeting from all of my fans I spent a while running around collecting quartz gold and other things for levels I was still in here for day 90 and continued to do the same things as previously towards the end of the day I emerged back into the Overworld and organized my

Inventory I threw my ancient debris into a furnace and crafted all of my courts I’d collected into blocks I made myself up for another ingots and finally put it onto my armor I feel pretty powerful now I did some more preparation with my villagers and crafted a new sword to

Enchant my plan was to add them both together to make a very strong sword sure it would have taken every single level it’s my name but that’s a pretty decent sword if you ask me I went back to the Nether on day 91 because I wanted

To finally get the rest of the pearls I needed little did I know the current phase I was on would give me plenty but oh well I spent a while trying to find a pig win before finally finding one near my portal I managed to get another five

Pearls and only needed a couple more at this point which these Pig ones happily helped out with sir please stop hitting me please day 92 I finally got started on the one block and smacked Jerry The Iron Golem not once not twice but three times I’m

So sorry please don’t be mad I healed my iron golem only gonna hit him once again by accident homie straight up looked me dead in the eyes which was nerve-wracking I’m so sorry some Enderman spawned in but Jerry the absolute unit he was took them out with

No problem and a minute later proceeded to do the same thing again can we get a hashtag Jerry in the comments I decided to take a break from mining the one block and did a little organizing with my op loot towards the middle of the night I realized I needed to start

Collecting some more sugar cane because my Rockets were going to be needed once I entered the end and that’s when I noticed something horrible this zombie spawned in but I yielded him into The Nether without a second thought I grabbed an easy to break block and started making this platform for mobs to

Spawn in I needed to collect a lot of gunpowder and figured this would be probably the easiest way day 93’s started out with me in an intense fight with a shulker that was for some reason glowing white I then went back to mining the one block a new monster party had

Spawned in but I wasn’t too worried that was until this levitating Enderman decided he wanted to ascend but ended up falling and dying mysteriously along with the rest of the mobs while repairing the damages I noticed Jerry The Iron Golem had been killed and decided to plant his remains to pay

Respects I’m truly sorry for all the times I hit you big guy I used my frustration on Breaking the one block and killed a bunch of Ender mites I made myself two shulker boxes using all the shows I’d gotten and started filling it up with materials I would need for the

End in the night time I was hunting Creepers with my Looting 3 sword and breaking the one block that’s when I noticed exactly what happened to my villagers you remember that zombie from the other night well I think he infected all of my villagers I had to kill this

Iron Golem because he was trying to kill my villagers and I just couldn’t have that I then took a nap away from the wall because it wouldn’t let me sleep here Day 94 for my zombie villagers were burning because the roof was open and made out of slabs I started Brewing some

Slow fall potions before I just couldn’t take it anymore the sounds of my villagers dying was awful so I added a roof above their pit I continued propping all of my Android stuff before breaking the one block I had to reach the end of this phase soon because if I

Didn’t I would end up not having enough time to reach the end before this video ends I killed more creepers during the night admined the one block even more day 95 I broke some more sugar cane and mined the one block even more until finally the end had arrived after

Writing probably the most poetic poem you’ve ever heard that happens to be a single day off I waited for the one block to finish upgrading we were now on to the after phases I decided it was finally time for me to tear down the safety bunker with my Island back to how

It should be it felt a lot bigger without the bunker on top during the night I tore down the spawning platform and did a little organizing before going to sleep day 96 I crafted up a ton of beds and headed into The Nether I still needed to get a couple another ingots

Before I went to the end I went through and exploded every single bed I had even after all of that I only managed to get another seven ancient debris but luckily I still had three scrap from earlier meaning I could craft two more ingots after that I spin it some more time

Getting organized and finally upgraded my sword and pickaxe because I used them the most day 97 I looked into the portal and jumped in this was it it was finally time to beat the game and finish this video I turned on the replay mod lit the portal and went through

Upon going through it was dim and smoky in the air I squashed myself with some slow falling potions and Ender pulled on top of this Tower once on top I was able to shoot down most of the end crystals but had to jump down to avoid the dragon’s deadly breath Foreign up to destroy more crystals and now was able to focus on the cage once I decided to build up and shoot them instead of shooting them from the bottom for some reason I threw another potion of slow falling before getting attacked by this Enderman I pulled to the dragon and

Managed to get some hits off before she flew away I then began sniping like a Navy SEAL as the dragon came down once more I went in for the kill but she flew away right before it could be done after a few more sniper shots she was ready to

Show the most disrespect I could I use my fist to slap her straight to death before taking a screenshot to flex using mending I was able to completely heal all of my armor and tools and even grab the dragon egg I started towering up towards this Gateway and built a

Platform so I didn’t end up falling then I threw a pro into this portal I immediately chucked a pearl to the other Island and ate a golden apple just in case now was the really fun part which was running around looking for an ancient city I I started bridging from

The island and landed the sick enterpro wait no no no no no no no no no no 5 000 likes and I’ll make another 100 days video that’s all for me I really hope you enjoyed this movie and make sure you subscribe and join my Discord server

Please I’m trying to get to a thousand members

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Basicking on 2023-03-05 19:00:23. It has garnered 81996 views and 1555 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:59 or 4019 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!

Shaders Used: BSL Shaders Seed: No seed, custom map!

►Inspiration for the video! @Skyes (Inspiration) @Mozi. (Inspiration + Thanks for your help bro!!) @LukeTheNotable (100 Day Creator) @paindomination (Thumbnail Credit)

►My Socials Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSubjDL6iiqL-5hQ0BFw9g Social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imbasicking/ Discord: https://discord.gg/bSScTAUDWU Live Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BasickingLIVE

►Keywords, Tags, etc minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft,i survived 100 days in one block minecraft,minecraft hardcore,100 days,i spent 100 days in one block minecraft,minecraft,i survived 100 days in one block skyblock,100 days hardcore,we survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived 100 days in one block skyblock in minecraft hardcore,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,hardcore minecraft,i survived 100 days on skyblock in minecraft hardcore,100 days minecraft

►Channel Info Current Sub Count: 17,764

#100days #oneblock​ #Minecraft #basicking #100daysinminecraft

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  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

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  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

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  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► http://youtube.xrohat.de/ Highlights ► http://highlights.xrohat.de/ VODs ► http://vod.xrohat.de/ Instagram ► http://instagram.xrohat.de/ Discord ► http://discord.xrohat.de/ Twitter ► http://twitter.xrohat.de/ TikTok ► http://tiktok.xrohat.de/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you galactic.s2.cbu.net:19018 Read More

I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]