I Survived 100 Days on One Block Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

I survived 100 days on this block in Hardcore Minecraft every single item in the game is condensed into this one tiny Block in these 100 days we will go through phases to collect all the resources we need to build a magnificent Island and also defeat the Ender Dragon

Well uh here we are we’ve got no food no resources but we have this one block right here so what can this magical block do for us I’m not sure oh duh hello hey buddy how are you uh let me let me let me give us a little more

Room here I don’t want you falling off this is this is my best friend oh I’m so glad you’re here I thought it was going to be lonely on this whole this whole trip together but uh I’ve got you oh and we got the grass to spread I’m too good

So essentially if you don’t know this is how one Block Skyblock works we have this one magical infinite block that just gives us resources and chests over time as we break the block we will actually progress through stages taking us through different biomes and different dimensions and eventually the

End no we’re losing blocks most of what we collect from this block is safe but we do have to be careful because occasionally we will get bad mobs spawning trying to kill us but for the most part it’s gonna be safe and we’re gonna get friendly things like this little piggy right here

Oh what was that noise why was there a villager noise what was that was that you no someone over there yeah oh we have Bedrock okay so with this timer does this mean we’re progressing to the first stage block below you will regenerate yes I know is that it that’s

All you had to tell me okay well thanks for the info I guess so our goal for this one block is just to collect as many resources as we can and create the ultimate one Block Skyblock Island and hopefully get a lot of riches as well as defeat the Endo dragon and

Officially beat the game all with our best friend here I’m gonna call you uh Bubba you look like a Bubba come on bubba don’t fall off this island I’ll protect you as best I can oh you know what I have this block of water here so

Let me do this very careful and I’m gonna place a log under here because that’ll be a little bit harder to break that way we’re not gonna lose our gravel or our sand well we’ve got a decent amount of resources so I guess we can start expanding this island I don’t know

How rare dirt’s going to be so I’ll probably start with slabs for now probably gonna be our best bet what do you think is it a good idea for me to make a platform yeah yeah he likes it he likes it okay well I have no idea if hostile mobs are

Going to spawn so maybe just for now let’s make ourselves some basic tools just to help keep me safe I I don’t know if I’m gonna come across anything bad but I just want to be safe okay this platform should help service nicely and

Now you guys can uh you guys can get off my platform thank you you can stay down there for now so I don’t know in which order phases will come to us but what I do know is that each phase is longer and longer so the first few phases are

Rather short and then as we progress the phases only get longer I’m gonna need to make some sort of Animal Farm here won’t I okay since Birchwood is useless and ugly I can just use it for all of my tools sorry to all my Birch lovers out

There it’s just not for me oh hey little buddy come on now I know what to expect for the first few phases here because I have played one Block Skyblock before we just never got super far in the world but beyond the first couple of phases I

Truthfully have no idea what to expect so it’s gonna be a really fun adventure to see what happens oh we gotta say oh we have saplings okay I will eventually make a tree farm but for now let’s just start placing some saplings around here randomly so that we can start to get

Some sort of tree growth then I’ll have the torch be like right in the middle oh this is nice yeah I have one of those mods that uh automatically switches tools for me so I can just sit here relax and let it happen oh oh what are you doing

Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit you buddy here’s what I need to do I need to get um a small little farm growing just for now because I need at least a little bit of wheat so that uh I can eventually get these animals in their own little

Farm area right now they’re just they’re just really annoying I’m sorry Bubba I don’t really need to grow another melon I guess I will what why did the chests keep making I’m so confused if anyone has the knowledge as to why chests make villager noises uh

Please let me know I I don’t know look at look at all of them no one knows what’s going on can you stay off my chest please oh are we moving on to the next phase all right let’s see what it is I I have no idea

But uh I’m gonna put our other torch right here oh it looks like we’ve Stone oh oh yes finally we have Cobblestone and we can make stone tools all we’re moving up on the world uh which one’s the OG Bubba how am I supposed to know definitely using it

Yeah it’s you okay well according to the map Maker’s website let’s see excluding the tutorial and the after phases which I’m not sure what that means there are 10 phases in total which are the planes the underground which we’re at now icy Tundra ocean jungle Dungeon red desert

The nether Idol desolate land and end assume once we get to the end we’ll have the option to defeat the dragon if we will okay well sounds good to me oh and we have coal now we’re really moving up in the world isn’t that right Bubba okay

It’s time to retire these old wooden tools and to move up in the world okay I’m gonna make a little island for all of these mobs but I want it to be grass just so it looks pretty so I’m gonna make a line of dirt just so we can get

The grass to spread so I’m gonna try to keep my Islands pretty consistent and use some sort of like a grid system almost so we’ll have this main island which for now is just gonna stay like this and then we’ll build off with this little animal Island which is mostly

Gonna be a pig island I can’t finish it all at once but I know in no time we’ll have more than enough resources so we can eventually work on that I’ve got an idea with how we can handle these animals ah here we go okay So eventually

We’ll have a lot more fences around this whole thing but for now we can have a series of fence gates sort of keeping the animals at Bay well I don’t really have any fully grown crops to uh persuade them to move now but we’ll get there soon

Uh-huh yeah there we go okay we can at least get the piggies that’s that’s a good start okay I want I want everyone except for Bubba Bubba’s staying on the main island he’s the OG he’s allowed to be here oh no come on single file okay we did it we did it

Come on all the pigs in here I mean we don’t have the cows or the sheep or the chicken where they need to be but hey at least we got one of them get ourselves a little baby Bubba here we go ah and we officially have our first tree I still

Can’t make a bed so I guess we’re forced to wait out the night oh but actually I could smelt this iron and make some shears aha but we only have one sheep I think as time goes on we will eventually get more sheep but that might take a while

If I’m not mistaken if I create some bowls here you can sort of just use mooshrooms as an infant food source I’m pretty certain that I can just use a bowl on them as many times as I want for mushroom stew which granted isn’t a great food source but you know what it’s

A food source that I don’t even have to work for oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill out dude chill out no no no oh oh hold on we can talk about this yeah there we go I guess I really only need to keep one bowl around me and we’ll

Have an infinite food source okay come here buddy yeah oh no way you are the best sheep I have ever come across in my entire life he gave us just enough Wolverine oh yes I may not have a starter house yet but I’ve got a bet now along with the oh oh

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let’s let’s talk about this we could talk about this hold on hold on let’s have a conversation please civilized adults here oh no oh wait I know what I can do aha you thought as I was saying before I was interrupted by the zombies I would

Really like to get myself a starter house going here as well as finish up this island for the animals so I think our best bet is just collecting as many resources as we can and working on that house oh we got some bunnies what’s up

Oh oh oh oh oh okay okay chill out don’t don’t jump off the island here let’s let’s let you go to the Animal Island come on come on where where’d you go oh no I just saw him die well have a bowl well uh I don’t think we’re really gonna be

Able to keep rabbits on this island unless I want to keep a too high walled fence around this entire thing it’s not it’s not gonna work out I’m sorry it’s not you it’s me but actually actually it’s You So eventually I want this whole area fenced off not just for the safety

Of the animals but also for my own safety because you know I’m stupid I’m clumsy and I know that about myself and I don’t want to accidentally fall off the edge at least not anytime soon hopefully we have any of this grass spreading yet or is it just being really

Slow oh we’ve got one block are you doing little baby pig you got over there oh he’s a little shy it’s okay I get it for those wondering my texture pack is just vanilla tweaks and I chose some really fun textures including these 3D mushrooms and then for my Shader pack

I’m using BSL shaders they’re by far my favorite because they keep a mostly vanilla look and why is the Steely tree that wants to grow come on but PSL keeps it mostly vanilla look doesn’t affect my FPS much at all and I think looks really nice

Okay I’m gonna try to start keeping my apples instead of a food source I’m gonna use them for golden apples because uh I know sometimes some pretty nasty mobs spawn oh no no way did that just happen What well I didn’t expect something like that to

Happen so soon so I’m gonna build up some of the layers around here just to be safe and here’s how we’re going to approach this block instead oh wait hey we got a spruce sapling so that’s that’s the good thing we got the best tree type

So I think the best way to go about this is building some sort of like protective barrier around the block one that can’t super easily be broken and that way we can also you know mine the block from a distance while keep all the mobs in a

Secluded little area Okay so with this no this pork chop that must mean does that mean Bubba died no bubble was blown up I didn’t even realize I lost him I can’t eat this pork chop he needs ah I mean I guess I can get a replacement

Bubba for now but oh man I feel so bad well anyways we have this set up with the block here where I can easily access the block just like this from a distance but the mobs can’t get to me I mean if a skeleton wanted to shoot at me or

Creeper one to come right here and blow me up they could but you know it’s a little bit harder I can I can sort of mine it from a distance and then every once in a while collect the drops jump back up here and it’s all good no no

You’re not gonna give me this time no sir I’m sorry chicken it was for your own good I’m keeping you safe okay so with all of our items in our chest how much iron oh we’ve got 13 okay let’s smell this and see if maybe we can start

Getting some iron tools as well as maybe a little bit of armor and preferably a shield I’ve had like two more creepers sneak up on me and uh it’s it’s not pretty they do a lot of damage thankfully for some reason with this map their explosions seem to be like

Slightly delayed I’m not sure if it’s lag or something but I can usually get far enough away that they don’t hurt me too much I’ve sort of just been AFK Mining and we have a decent amount of resources but we definitely could use some more ultimately I would just like a

Few stacks of oak wood Spruce Wood and Cobblestone all for a nice looking house okay first thing I’m gonna make besides the shield is a chess plane immediately just because chestplate does provide the most amount of armor so it’s gonna help protect me the most I don’t really care

About my tools right now I really care about my protection though when we have a little bit more of this wheat to harvest so we have six iron I’ll save it for a little bit of something else I think I’ll make some pants next um oh now we’ve got enough I’m just not

Too concerned about getting myself iron tools because we’re going through the durability of our tools like crazy and so I’m not sure it’s worth it to make iron honestly at least not yet maybe once we start getting some diamonds whenever that is oh dang we’ve got a lot

Of dirt okay let’s uh let’s continue doing a little bit of work on this Animal Island here well a pig just killed himself in the berries what the heck dude why would you do that I don’t pigs are so dumb man I swear uh I think I want this island to be pretty

Big I’m gonna have a lot of animals on here and I eventually want room to make individual stalls for each animal type so we’re gonna need to make this pretty big I actually think putting some type of barn up here would look pretty nice actually so maybe we’ll do that okay I

Had to break the berries animals keep hurting themselves on it all right um huh the countdown has started but I’m not sure what the next phase is I don’t remember uh oh it’s a snowy biome interesting oh I think my shovel isn’t registering okay so does snowy bio mean more Spruce Wood

And dark oak wood oh I think it does well I don’t know if it means dark oak but I hope it does realistically all I actually need is the Spruce Wood because I want to build a really nice spruce house because Spruce Wood is just the best I’m sorry it is oh

Cool we did get dark oak and the animal farm is coming along nicely it will probably become bigger in the future but for now I think this is a really good size space and we’ve got everyone just chilling alongside in here and we almost have two of every animal I just don’t

Have two sheep yet but you know I really have some food buddy um I really want to breed him I would love more sheep so hopefully we get one soon maybe from this snowy biome as much as I would love a pet wolf um I can’t risk it killing my sheep

So I think I’m gonna have to do something pretty bad anyways yo what are these dudes oh fight it come on fight it up yeah yeah yeah come on who’s going who’s gonna win okay I said let’s grind out one more day of resource Gathering and then make

Ourselves a house okay we’ve got food lion and a good amount of resources now so let’s make this house Oh alrighty well we have officially finished the platform the house and a little bit of decorating so I decided to go for a small little Spruce Cottage and I really like it I also wanted an oak tree so all I did was I grew one of the

Really tall oak trees it was a little bit of trial and error um and then I just added some logs to the bottom and a lantern I think it looks really nice the house a pretty simple design mostly just Spruce Wood stripped Spruce logs some campfires fences normal details and of course

Flowers I scratched up a little bit of bone meal and bone meal the place and then I picked some flowers for some pots now as for inside I just kind of have some random chests that like literally are not organized at all but I’ll figure

That out pretty soon now that we have a house we can actually finally start to clean up this Middle Island and get some chests out of here I decided I want a little bit of grass around here and eventually this island also needs to be a little bit bigger I think it’s just

Getting hard to keep track of everything like this whole thing’s a little bit of a mess so I’m really glad we’ve got a starter house now I think it’s really pretty I might eventually make a better house in the future but again this is just our starter house

It’s got some good vibes we got a map oh I have a little map of my Island now that’s pretty cool look at that what I do want to do is grab some of the leather I have and make some item frames one item frame will host the map but I

Also want an item for him that is unfortunately going to act as a resting place or Bubba right here we have his pork chop and he will forever be in my heart okay so I’m gonna put Bubba right here above my bed that way I can

Remember him every night before I go to bed and I’m not sure about the map but maybe huh I don’t know maybe just right here for now guess it can just act as a house decoration for now we can just get a good map of our Island this is where

We’re at right now it’s not much but you know what it’ll look good pretty soon eventually I want all these blank areas to be connected in we’ll use some sort of block maybe dirt with something to fill them up I think it could look pretty cool and then our animals are of

Course healthy happy and they’re all thriving after I’ve bred them all so now we continue Gathering resources and we see what we can collect oh uh I didn’t expect that you won’t attack me correct we’re buddies we’re friends we’re Pals I guess I’ll keep you being completely

Honest I know polar bears are terrifying in real life but I think they’re kind of cute like look at this little snoot how can you not like him maybe a fun project we could do is once we collect enough resources from each biome we create different islands with different biomes

So we have like a tundra Island a Plains Island which could just be our house maybe a spruce Forest Island I don’t know we already have the two supposed plain spines pretty much finished organization is not important to me right now so we’ll worry about that later

These dudes keep spawning and then they just end up attacking each other okay with all the trees and miscellaneous blocks gone this Middle Island looks much much better I think I’ll need to expand it a little bit which I should have done before building these Bridges but it’s okay

Or maybe I’ll just leave it small on purpose I’m not sure Hello whoa what what is this what is this what is this hold on hold on hold on hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa um hello excuse me that did way too much damage and they

Can climb fences how do I even kill him can this polar bear help me just I really need to kill the skeleton he’s the hard one oh wait I have a shield I’m an idiot I should have been using this the whole time oh this is not good this is not it’s not

Good at least I do have a small amount of resources with me oh boy oh boy polar bear why don’t you help me instead of just huffing and popping over there okay we’ve got him come on we’re almost there please oh yes okay oh we did it all these slowness arrows dang

I really thought it was gonna be dead there for a second that was crazy intense I don’t like that one bit literally all I have to do is get one of them to hit the other and then they just willingly take each other out well my plan going forward is just

To collect a few more resources for some oh well I guess I don’t have a plan anymore um as I was saying my plan going forward is just to collect enough resources mostly like dirt I have a good amount of oak wood so that I can start a tree farm

And then once we have the tree farm in place I also want to start maybe between these two like a farming Island an island dedicated to Growing pumpkins melons wheat carrots all that good stuff just so we have a supply of all of it in case I ever need it for decoration or

Breeding animals or anything like that the main one I need is just wheat so that I can breed cows because I think cows would be my main food source for a while that’s pretty much the best thing I have access to okay uh we’ve got a new one coming

Here let’s clear out our inventory first well even though we finally got a diamond I have the feeling they’re still probably going to be fairly rare so I’m not expecting to get many but as we progress through the stages I’m sure we’ll get many many more oh

Oh that scared me I thought it was gonna be something bad I wonder if we’re gonna get Guardians to spawn this also she seems like it’s partially the ocean too well I think we’ve collected enough resources for a tree farm but I’ve also been collecting

A few fish here and there and so uh I’m gonna need to figure out something to do with them I’m not sure right now now how the heck is it raining no I’m not gonna deal with a thunderstorm no thank you so while I was building that structure I

Actually got hit with a pretty cool idea so we’ve got our main island our house of course the animal farm which will be built upon in the future and then we’ve got a tree farm now the dimensions of everything aren’t quite perfect because that main island is a little smaller so

These two are spaced out a little oddly but we have our tree farm here and I figured that this could almost act as like a little bit of a park so it doesn’t look too pretty right now but from now on I’m gonna space out the dark

Oak Spruce and oak trees throughout to look kind of nice and then in this middle area why don’t we make this a true Park combining these three areas just to look pretty in the middle of this area we can actually add ourselves a little Pond using a lot of the Aquatic

Resources we’ve gained I’m gonna try to lay out some sort of plan for this mostly using dirt and Oakwood planks since that’s what I still have a ton of and we’ll see what it looks like alright so here’s the blueprint for what I have so far we have this descending staircase

From the tree farm and then this will eventually be a lush green Park I have a little bit of dirt right here just to spread some grass but it looks like the grass is sort of spreading out its own adjacently even though it’s a few blocks

Down I didn’t know it could do that but interesting so what I’ll probably have here is I will make this entire Area dirt I might need to collect a little more from there because I’m running kind of low uh we’ll probably Place some fences around here or maybe even some

Glass or something like that and then have a big pond in the middle uh it’s either going to look really cool or it’s going to be a big flop and I don’t know which one it’s gonna be so let’s design this and I guess just see how it looks once we’re finished

Okay well here’s the is the fan completed with a few animals from the eggs I threw and of course I had to let one little pig in I think it’s a nice little place here though I put some trees some lanterns we have

Some plants I like it a lot and I put my fish in here but where are they oh there they are I think since I had the fish in a bucket once they won’t despawn but I’m not sure it’ll also be nice because it

Can at least be a place we can put uh look at these poor Turtles we can try to get them in there I can probably break these fences and just push them in actually let’s try to do that it’s just a little more fitting than these walkways sorry buddy welcome to

Your new home two turtles I I really like them if you have any name suggestions for these Turtles let me know down in the comments below I would really like a good name for these Turtles as for the polar bear uh he doesn’t have a place yet but I really

Like this grid system obviously we only have these four Islands so far but just like we have you know two islands connecting off of these two sides of the middle Square I’d eventually like another Island there and there and then they’d probably also be connected in

Islands in the corner like the tree farm not sure if that makes sense but that’s the plan and then in between them we can make these little Parks maybe I’ll make one entirely aquatic maybe I’ll make one the polar tundra for the polar bear I’m not sure I think the idea would be

Pretty cool or we could even make them different dimensions like we can make one nether themed and one end themed I’m just kind of running some ideas right here but I do really like the way this came out plus it’s nice because if I’m ever being stupid like am I right now

You know the fences are supposed to protect me but if I fall on the edge at least this will catch my fault I literally cannot come off even if I wanted to I’m too protected so yeah this is really nice I’m a big fan of this unfortunately after this I really have

Like no resources of any kind so it’s time to start getting some more okay well I’ve been collecting uh materials in the jungle dungeon phase now for a little bit but we actually have parrots and I want to tame them looks like we also have bats spawning is that correct

Oh they must be spawning underneath the dark area here that’s really cool let’s see if this is enough seeds to tame these parrots I really hope it is because that’d be really cool to have some pet ferrets here oh we got one and we got the second one hey there we

Go you know what you guys should oh my babies you know what these parrots can just stay at the park we’ll make them sit down I think this is a good spot for them they look pretty cute come on come on the land come on Toucan Sam there we

Go oh nice I love this little Lively Wildlife Park we have fish we have Turtles we’ve got little chickens we’ve got parrots and there should be a pig somewhere is he in the tree farm nope those aren’t pigs there was one Pig but I’m not sure where he went is he dead

Huh yeah I don’t know where he went well let’s keep collecting resources like well uh interestingly I’ve gotten a pig spawn egg for some reason I mean that’s cool I appreciate it but like I don’t really I don’t really need more pigs I’ve got enough so I don’t know why

Dude give me a pig spawn egg I don’t know if it’s important for something so I’m not going to use it just yet I think we’ll just keep this in our chest for now and maybe there’ll be a good use for it in the future but I have no idea

Maybe it’s just meant to be a silly and fun item to have I I really have no idea reminding resources a bit we’ve got a good amount of stuff but our pickaxe broke and I also realized I’m out of food like I’ve got a couple pieces of

Food here and there in my chest but besides that I I I’m starving I’m starving dude I’ve got a horse now but I’ve got no food I guess I could eat him no no no I can’t do that so we have the tree farm on this

Side of our house but on this side how about we make ourself a farm for food following me dude all of them just keep following me I don’t have anything for you get off the fences you’re gonna die okay thank you thank you for listening I

Appreciate it well hey we’ve got a horse but yeah let’s make ourselves an island for some food so I don’t start All right so over here we have our weight field uh I may have gone a little bit overboard with the lanterns but I think it looks really good I also like with the shaders the soft light that the lanterns provide but I just wanted to make sure the wheat had sufficient light

And I think we’re all good I definitely don’t have enough seeds to cover this whole thing but pretty soon we will have enough wheat to supply us with more than enough bread than we could ever need and we can also breed some cows and mushrooms eventually I’ll probably make

A cow Crusher farm so that we can get a great supply of beef and leather if we ever need it so once this is all filled in and totally grown I think it’ll look like a really nice and beautiful wheat field and of course I added a lantern in

The center I don’t really like how it’s floating because I don’t you know I like everything to look real but you know it’s all right so let’s keep oh uh Hey parrots I was gonna say let’s keep collecting some materials because again I’m pretty low on blocks after our last

Few builds but I’ve got a great consistent source of wood thankfully so I just want to collect enough resources for us to be able to make a mob grinder I’ve almost got enough diamonds pretty soon to make myself an enchantment table and I think within the next couple of

Phases here oh oh okay uh maybe not well as we’re running I was gonna say I thought we were going to be able to uh hopefully be able to get enough materials to uh make myself an enchantment table so I want to make a mob farm but uh I have to kill these

Maxes first why is this a fancy not a gate okay now who’s whose idea was it to Ed vexes I don’t like this one bit clearing out this pathway so that I have enough room oh boy okay they’re pretty spread out so maybe we’ll be okay I don’t want to accidentally hit something

Okay come on yeah take that oh he was a lot easier to kill than I thought this should be easy oh okay not the poison though not the poison okay okay the witch is stuck I just have to survive the poison and regenerate soon okay I think we’re okay

I think we’re okay I just need to collect a little more food here okay I’m feeling I’m feeling okay some of the vexes are just kind of flying off they’ll do their thing we just have to take care of this witch now that Vex is

He gonna come for us or is he just gonna stay down there huh you know what if if the Vex wants to stay there I’m fine with that okay we got her down okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we can survive the poison okay I don’t think I killed the vexes

But if they just traveled far enough away like are they gonna eventually come and try to kill me or will they just stay far away like am I safe I think we’re safe I don’t really see any more name tags oh that was crazy at least we did it uh I

Should really start keeping my shield on hand but you know I wouldn’t really have done much to save me from the witch or the vexes which is why I really want to get an enchantment set up pretty soon but you know that’ll that’ll come when

It needs to come oh okay we made it through that’s that’s all that matters that was really stressful oh that’s not an Enderman that’s a creeper hiding in the trees why are you in the trees I was far enough away can’t tell me I wasn’t oh my gosh okay

Let’s repair our Island and uh I don’t know so I just harvested my wheat farm and replanted it because I was about to start working on the mob farm and uh I fear that this patch of grass has actually created a planes biome so now pillagers think they can just spawn now

The issue is if I kill them it’s not a big deal because I can just you know take the bad Omen effect and use some milk and get rid of it but uh man this is crazy I think I’m just gonna leave them alone and see if by leaving

Them alone for long enough they’ll eventually despawn so that’s my hope I have no idea but uh fingers crossed because they’ve got they’ve got crossbows and I don’t want to mess with that right now here is our mob farm fully completed all the other Islands I’ve built thus far

Look pretty much the same so I wanted to do a slightly different theme for this one so we slowly change into the new one and here we go I had lots of cobblestone and a little bit of mossy cobblestone so that’s what I made the farm out of and I afk’d for

One entire Minecraft day and I’ve gotten not only a ton of XP but also a decent amount of Loot and I’m also pretty shocked by the amount of music discs I’ve gotten we have blocks far strad Ward uh 11 stall and Ward again I I don’t know if the skeletons were really

Killing the creepers up there what was going on but that’s kind of crazy I’m okay with it though so even though this isn’t the optimal location to be AFK optimal location would be a little bit higher or lower we’re still getting a lot of drops just hanging out here if I

Just hang around my Island for a few minutes and then come back we get a lot of mobs to kill though this was definitely worth it and uh I’m really glad we made this because this is going to be really nice going forward you know

It’s not the best XP farm in the game but it’ll definitely get us more than enough XP for our purposes because after just like one day which was I don’t know maybe like 12 minutes we’re at level 43 so that’s pretty dang great everything else on the island is looking okay

Unfortunately the pillagers did not go away so let’s keep mining until we get to the next phase because I’m curious to see what it is well I’ve been mining in this new biome for a bit it’s the red desert phase and uh we got a villager I accidentally hit him because I thought

It was a witch and he’s freaking out but uh hopefully we stay good friends don’t don’t go near the pillagers dude don’t you dare I’m sorry Vincent I love you too much the drops from this uh phase are actually pretty good though we’re getting a lot of Mesa blocks and blocks

We would find in the desert and a red desert but also we have two diamonds already so either we’re just really lucky or this biome is finally going to get us a good amount of diamonds I think I’ve got like maybe five or six in my chest so far

I can’t do any enchanting with them oh another one unfortunately I can’t do really any enchanting with this so far because I still don’t have any obsidian but hopefully the next phase is the nether end maybe there will be able to find some obsidian I don’t know I’m really hoping

Or at least maybe some lava buckets well wait a minute we have a Pillager but he doesn’t have any weapons can I let you go free since you don’t have an ax or a crossbar you just you’re just gonna hang out you’re not going to attack Vincent are you

You’re just chilling I think he’s just chilling I don’t know that’s kind of okay uh you guys can chill in there in my house uh what do I do with you are you I mean you can hang with us as long as you’re not gonna kill us I mean I guess if he’s

Gotten a weapon then we’re fine I don’t know yeah I don’t know he seems pretty cool so maybe maybe we just keep him over here it seems like he has no interest in us or the Villager but I’m Gonna Keep a good eye on him just for a little bit of

Time I don’t trust anyone with eyebrows that big look at those things okay according to the map’s website in the next phase I should be able to get both lava buckets and obsidian which means I’ll need a diamond pickaxe unfortunately but hey at least we’ll be

Able to get it also my Island’s starting to become way too overpopulated I need to do something else soon I don’t know what to do all right well a couple of days of mining later and here we go uh we’re on to the next phase which is the

Nether I think now I’ve got about half the amount of diamonds I need for like a full set of armor full set of tools and all that stuff but I’m pretty much there on the XP I might be able to start off with level 30 enchantments right off the

Bat I have a decent amount of leather for bookshelves but oh I don’t have any sugar cane or paper so I wonder if I need to find a villager that will allow me to trade for paper or for books or bookshelves I can probably find one I’ve

Got Redstone so I can make some lecterns for some Librarians but let’s see here yep looks like we’re on the nether phase okay I’m really hoping we get some obsidian uh or some lava I don’t know something good let’s just do some Mining and see what

We get okay with the hoe we’re going through this quick now oh hey Buddies maybe I should keep them because I can uh trade for eyes a vendor with gold and stuff but I don’t have a lot of gold so I don’t know if it’s worth it yet oh

Ancient debris I don’t know if I can mine it with iron do I have to mine it with diamond or can I shoot I don’t know Okay Google’s Google says I need to dive into pickaxe so let’s make one I don’t want to run through this pickaxe so I’ll only use it

Once we get actual ancient debris and save it for anything else oh beautiful oh and obsidian okay that this is gonna take a while to mine but you know what it’ll be worth it because I think when we go to the nether it’ll be just a normal nether meaning like it’s not

Going to be a weird Sky nether it’ll just be literally the Nether and that’s about it we’ll have the freedom to finally explore and get off a really tiny isolated island and we’ll be able to raid some pig limbastians and Nether fortresses I can hopefully get myself

Some Saddles finally for all these dang horses and llamas and everything I’ve got around here oh more spawn eggs this time it’s a wolf I can probably tame this one I’ve gotten so many spawn eggs at this point it’s kind of crazy okay well let’s just keep Mining and see if

We can get enough resources to make ourselves uh another portal day 34 has just been mining trying to collect enough obsidian and or lava buckets just to get to of the nether oh I hope we’re done soon oh actually after this I only needed one more piece

Huh I spoke too soon well here we are we officially have enough obsidian plus our lava buckets to get ourselves to the nether which is pretty cool except it only feels right that our nether portal has its own dedicated place so how about we use some of the blocks we got from

Mining in this nether phase to make a nether Island I think that’d be very cool I don’t know if I have enough blocks to finish the whole thing but we can always get some stuff from the nether to complete it actually maybe I’ll mine a little bit more first and

Then we’ll make it Well before we go to the nether Island and check out the nether itself let’s do this boom boom boom boom boom boom and there we go okay so I don’t have a lot of things to enchant but let’s do a little bit actually if we’re gonna enchant anything iron let’s get all

Fresh tools and weapons well I actually only need a helmet and chest plate because tools I’m gonna go through in two seconds I’m not gonna bother enchanting those and then we’ve got our gold boots to keep us safe from piglens and of course the other pants we got uh let’s do Protection One

And also Protection One sharpness one and then can I get them breaking on my pickaxe just to keep it we’ll do efficiency okay well this is a good start I also gave myself a fresh Shield just to be safe I don’t know where to put this let’s let’s

Just leave this down here for now uh just because I don’t know what the nether really has in store and uh I don’t want to be careful so this little grid system I have for all these builds is going a little bit differently than Bland just because I kind of messed up

By making this island smaller than the rest and so that Island’s a weird distance but it’s it’s almost perfect it’s just not quite perfect now this nether Island I do intend on decorating more in the future when I was initially trying to make the portal I was messing

Up the lava and I was gonna use extra lava for decoration but I don’t have any now but we can use some of the blocks we get from actually exploring the nether to decorate this island more but you know what it’s good for a little start

Here so let’s just do a little nether Adventure I guess we can search around to see if we can find any pigment bastions even though I’m probably too weak to raid those now uh or we can just uh see what’s around here nether fortress would put a ideal that way we

Can get some potions honestly till I can get more diamonds uh I don’t really have anywhere else to go I’m not getting many diamonds in the nether phase so hopefully in the next phase which is the idol we’ll get some more we should be pretty close though because I’ve mined a

Fuse to exit blocks from the Nether and I remember the website saying there’s only like six or seven hundred I don’t know individual blocks to mine in each phase roughly well uh let’s explore around and see what there is to figure out now the end phase according

To the website does not have actual Ender dragons and I don’t think it has an electro either but we can actually go to the end once we’ve finished all the phases I don’t know if that means once we finish the end or once we’ve also finished the after phases as well I’m

Not really sure what the after phases is if I’m being entirely honest I’m all just I’m gonna have to figure it out while we’re here though if you are enjoying this video so far please consider leaving a like and commenting and subscribing all that good stuff it

Really helps me out especially on these videos that take literal weeks to finished and if you want to see 200 days in this world or more episodes like this also let me know because uh I really appreciate your feedback and I try to respond to as many people as I can but

If I don’t find a fortress that I die we might not even get to upload this video where where where can I go man this Shader pack sucks for people that are colorblind because it’s it’s really mushing all these Red Blocks together and oh my eyes are like what is going on

You can stand to go a little bit higher maybe there’s some stuff I don’t know oh it feels good to actually be able to run around I felt so confined in my little claustrophobic uh I don’t like this man I wish this map was for 1.20 and had

Cherry wood because it’s quickly become one of my new favorite blocks especially to use with warped wood it just oh it’s such a good combination oh wait a minute is this a piglet Bastion I do want to raid a Bastion but also I have to be very careful because the piglet brute

Right now with my armor I think can one hit kill me or at least he can kill me in two hits because uh I’m not not very sturdy right now oh well let’s try to scout this out oh no I don’t like all those brutes I might try to dig my way

In their walls and then just try to figure out if I can just get the chests without having to confront the brutes it’ll probably be our best course of action because if there’s a brute I’m screwed and I don’t want to die hey I’m through here don’t mind me I’m not doing

Anything I might trigger them so I protected myself but can I access the chest from here if I if I click really fast oh I can yes okay we’ve found the solution uh oh nope nope no we didn’t no we didn’t no we didn’t no we didn’t no okay

There’s all the Broods start coming but we’re okay man that that would have been bad oh Soul speed oh golden apples okay okay here we go yeah this is nice uh nothing too great in here but I guess I’ll take everything I can uh oh and finally yes we got

Netherade upgrades I forgot oh so this map isn’t in 1.20 but my game client version is so uh that means we get 1.20 spawns in nether chests well we got pretty good returns from just this little trip we got another netherite scrap and I think I

Have like three or four back at home so I can make one piece of something netherrite now I won’t actually upgrade anything until we get full level 30 enchantments which we don’t have yet because I don’t have bookshelves I don’t have sugar cane I can maybe trade with

Villagers for one of those things but uh I don’t know I don’t have many emeralds either the only thing I might be able to do is get one farming villager that I can trade carrots and wheat for emeralds with and then get another villager that I can trade those emeralds for

Bookshelves and or paper I think that’s gonna have to be what we’re gonna set up but I’ve got like two or three villagers so we have the perfect amount to do it oh it’ll be annoying but unfortunately that’s what we have to do for Success once we get those bookshelves we can get

Everything we need for a perfect pickaxe or sword or armor piece and then we can upgrade it with netherright I still don’t have enough diamonds but hopefully we’ll start getting some more soon I know it’s possible to get full diamond I’ve seen other people do it let’s keep

Looking around here and see if we can find a fortress been searching around for a while and still can’t find anything we don’t find anything else pretty soon I’m gonna call the quits because I don’t want to run out of food and my inventory is pretty full anyways

We can always come back here and honestly you know we don’t really need a fortress I think I might have gotten netherwort from a chess before honestly the only other thing we need is blaze rods but we get random Blaze spawns in the nether face sometimes and I don’t

Even need the blaze powder right now because we’re not gonna go to the end for quite a while I was just hoping to maybe find a fortress because frequently if you’re lucky uh you can actually get diamonds and Fortress chests which is a pretty dang good way to get some

Diamonds because uh I need some diamonds but maybe I’m just destined for a mediocre World okay well now that we’re back in the Overworld let’s get on with our plans so we definitely need two types of villagers right now we need a villager that we can get emeralds from

Probably by trading Farm crops and then we also need a villager that we can get books or bookshelves from I believe we can get that from a librarian and a lectern eventually we will also need a villager that gives mending books but that’s not as important right now so

Before we get these villagers set up how about we make a small village island really fast an island with small villager houses just as a place for our villagers to live we’ve got three villagers right now uh I had some wandering Traders and we can put some of

Our animals in there I think that’ll look pretty nice I just have to gather a few more resources before we start with this Thank you okay well here we are and our island is starting to look really good before we get started with the village island I actually expanded out this island made it all grass and also expanded it out of block just to make it a little cleaner have some more room it

Felt really cluttered and too tight and this Farm is going crazy all the time anyways here we have the village island I went for a sort of like Nordic Viking inspired roof and just pretty simple village houses we have our three villagers here we have Mr Arnold our wandering Trader

Um unfortunately Donald did not survive the journey but uh yeah in the side we also have some animals here you know donkeys horses llamas alpacas and our polar bear because I don’t have any other place so let’s get our lectern and our composter and what we need to do is

Get one villager that’ll give us books or bookshelves and then one villager that will give us some sort of farming trade either wheat for emeralds perfect um that’ll do it and then we have to use our lectern to get another trade and uh that’s also perfect what okay uh I mean

Thank you guys for cooperating but uh we should have some weed already in our chest so we’ll use that wheat and uh the emeralds we have in our chest already to trade with the Villagers okay I haven’t planted some carrots just in case but uh

Looks like wheat is the way to go oh that would have been bad no thank you almost fell wow I can’t believe how lucky we got I’m kind of speechless right now that’s that’s kind of crazy you know what I’m not gonna explain or anything though I mean it’s

Awesome it’s just a little unexpected I guess I don’t know well I’m checking my chest right now and I’m an idiot because uh I do have sugar cane so I really didn’t need to do any of that at all but you know what do that now

Okay let’s see how many emeralds we can get and how many bookshelves we can get I don’t know if we’ll be able to get the 15 we need but we should be able to get a pretty decent amount I think okay we have 50 emeralds for now

Okay we’ve got 50 emeralds for now and he also lets us do pumpkins okay now you buddy well we have five bookshelves it’s it’s a good start we can work with this okay well let’s work with the sugarcane we do have can you bone meal sugar cane I

Actually don’t even know because I’m the new no you can’t okay well well I don’t think there’s really any other method for getting these bookshelves besides what we have right here and maybe growing a little bit of sugar cane so we’ll just continue this process on and

Off and hopefully within you know like 10 or 20 Minecraft days we’ll be able to have enough bookshelves you know we already are a third of the way there so we don’t have too much more to go so in the meantime uh let’s continue Mining and get to the next phase here

Just to see what there is well I’m actually having a bit of luck with my search for emeralds because we’re in the idle phase right now and I’ve gotten more than a few emerald ore and uh looks like we’re getting a lot of other really interesting blogs too like there’s just

Random diamonds and ancient debris and honey and slime I’m not sure what the point of this Dimension is I’m a little confused but uh oh hey buddy like why did we get a card spawn egg what was the point he did get a beehive though so we could actually

Add that to our little park and maybe the bee will move in actually we should have this bee live right here hopefully he comes to get it because he might pollinate our farm if we’re lucky we’ll slowly move him in that direction yeah but this phase is a lot better than the

Nether so I’m liking this plus this might sound crazy but I I think I have more ancient debris than diamonds right now to do any of the upgrades though we’re going to need a lot of diamonds so hopefully we get a good amount in this

Phase I have no idea what to expect okay I don’t know if there’s actually a theme to the idle phase besides having oh my gosh a lot of Courts uh it just seems like it’s random blocks and items from every other phase we even got some cats

We got some bees we got some more donkeys I don’t really know there doesn’t seem to be any Rhyme or Reason to the items we’re getting oh we got a skeleton horse though that’s pretty cool you know what I still don’t have a dang saddle but you know what I I want a

Skeleton horse because these dudes are oh they’re so cool come on get over there dude I don’t even have room for all these come on oh I didn’t mean to hit you yeah I did but you deserved it it’s all right though because we’re getting so many emeralds

So I’ll be fine maybe I’m just crazy but this feels like the longest phase ever okay I finally got a saddle I think it’s my first saddle but I don’t know so let’s try to tame this Zombie horse I really like him I like the skeleton

Horse too but uh Zombie horse I’m really feeling right now he’s kind of slow but you know what he’s cool that’s that’s all that matters I guess nothing wrong with the horses they’re just uh all crowding around the middle and it’s kind of hard to manage

Them all oh do I just automatically have these horses tamed that’s what it seems like this dude would fit nicely on the nether Island there you go there you go okay we’re moving on to the next phase while we’re doing that let’s Harvest our Wheat Farm again trade all

That for emeralds and see how many emeralds we have total okay I’ve got seven bookshelves this far I don’t think we’re gonna have enough emeralds to finish our bookshelf collection but we’ll be able to get close which is I guess what really matters still have a

Lot of time left in this world so I’m not in too much of a rush so before we trade this is the desolate land face yeah oh is it supposed to be inspired by a stronghold oh that’s kind of cool so it’s like we’re exploring the stronghold before we get to the end

Oh we have mycelium okay huh this is kind of cool yeah this is the last phase before the end but the end doesn’t necessarily mean the dragon fight okay we have 51 emeralds okay we have 12 bookshelves total we’re close we’re close we’re very close three more bookshelves which means 27 emeralds

Total that shouldn’t be too hard to get maybe just one or two more trades from the farm and we’ll be there this face give any emeralds is my question uh-oh my least favorite mob in the game well actually I don’t know silverfish or baby zombies one of them is my least

Favorite what’s your least favorite mob let me know I’m curious because I hate these little buggers oh they’re so annoying oh it didn’t blow my items just blew up one block that’s okay it’s fine we got a rabbit spawn egg just so we can jump off the edge so I’m hoping after

One more Harvest of this farm with the wheat we’ll have enough resources to uh a trade for enough emeralds you know I like having this Auto Tool mod but it’s not necessarily using tools to break things and I’m going to lose durability anyways I’m hoping we’ll have

Enough emeralds after this also if you notice uh I got myself a totem that’s because uh we had some very interesting spawns in the middle there we had a supercharged creeper which almost killed me and then we had novoker which almost killed me but thankfully I killed it

First so that uh I got the totem so the totem will help me stay a lot more safe however I want to be very careful before mining any more of that middle block I definitely need to get better armor and weapons that’s a non-negotiable right now I have another supercharged creeper

Sneaks up on me or we get another evoker I could very easily die pretty quickly so we’re pausing progress on mining that block until we have fully enchanted diamond that’s definitely what we need right now okay fingers crossed we have enough wheat to get enough emeralds so that we can get this

Bookshelf I need three more please even if we could only get two more I might have enough sugarcane to make one bookshelf for myself nope not enough well can we make two bookshelves with what we have I only need one more Emerald for another bookshelf but let’s see what we can do

Okay we’re leaving one sugar cane just so I don’t use all my Supply I don’t want to accidentally use it all up that would be bad oh okay I think we’re good here perfect I didn’t even need to do the trade okay do I have any space for this

Enchantment table right now because I don’t really have a ton of extra resources to be like making a new Island right now an enchantment Island would be cool we could make like a wizard tower but that’ll come in the future we can put it inside of here here’s what we’ll do

It’s not the prettiest but here we have it let’s go see how many diamonds we have and what kind of magic we can make happen fingers crossed well we’re actually a heck of a lot richer than I thought uh we’ve got 32 diamonds and in total we’ve got uh nine pieces of netherite

Scrap but the diamond is coming first little diamond armor is a necessity to keep myself protected and then probably another diamond pickaxe just because ours is suffering and I don’t see the point in repairing it uh diamond sword can be disenchanted so let’s do a diamond X and then the diamond shovel

And we’ll have one more left over say goodbye to these crappy tools yeah get out of here okay what kind of achievements can we make happen I’m only gonna do one level 30 enchantment for each right now I’m not gonna be too worried about perfect enchantments oh we

Got silk touch okay and Mike keep that we’ll have to see we’ll see if it’s worth it okay shovel is good that’s good ax is also good okay we’re moving up in the world let’s make a grindstone I’ve got Stone to make it I would usually prefer Fortune over silk touch but maybe

I’ll only use a silk touch pick most of the diamonds we’re probably gonna get in the future will probably just come from end City chests honestly oh we got Fortune three and we have silk touch huh okay I’ll figure that out yeah well guess we’re going back to the XP farm

I’m just gonna get the best level 30 enchantment that I can do okay well I’m officially 100 out of lapis so here’s what I could scrounge up the helmet we got a pretty good achievement our second try uh I’m the protection three on these two because I’m not gonna try for

Protection four we didn’t get it so whatever also protection three only on the boots pickaxe I went for the fortune pickaxe our tools are all right with Efficiency do you mind I’m trying to have a moment here and then sword I got sharpness four looting three on my second enchantment

So we’re gonna stick with that because it’s it’s okay it’s it’s decent enough say goodbye to this armor I don’t mean that either so we are much more protected now so we have the netherrite upgrade and unfortunately to craft more I need Diamond so I can make a smithing table

And I could enchant one thing to netherride I guess because I at least want to keep one of these so I can craft more I guess my helmet could go for it but I’ll worry about that later for now I think our best bet is to get through

More of this phase just because we’re a little more prepared now and then after that we’ll be in the end phase we finished the end phase and we’re in the end now being in the end will be great for us because it’s 1.20 so we’ll have

Access to arbitribs uh but also I can usually get a decent amount of diamonds from end City chests plus we can bring some Rockets with us getting a lighter and we can easily just fly around our new powerful armor and weapons we should be able to easily handle any threats

This block throws at us but I don’t know I’m hoping this honestly isn’t too hard like I don’t use a lot of food since a lot of my work is just standing here uh the only hard part is when occasional strong enemies spawn but we shouldn’t

Have too much longer left on this phase so I looked it up and the after phases in this map are basically just random blocks random mobs and random chests which come after you finish the end phase but there’s about 6 500 blocks before you get there and total we’ve

Mined almost 6 000 which means we’re almost done at this phase and then we just have the end phase which has about six to seven hundred blocks as well so let’s wrap this phase up and see what kind of items wait Us in the end can you

Back off donkey trying to mine here also if anyone’s wondering how I get small totems and bushy tree leaves and all that stuff I use vanilla tweaks uh they have like a small item texture where you can make items in your offhand a little smaller which I

Like because uh I don’t like when totems take up my entire screen same with shields well here we are on the end phase so I guess we just have to mine through these five six seven hundred blocks however many it is and after the end phase I guess what’s going to happen

Is an End Portal will spawn underneath the infinite block and then we’re ready to go now right now I don’t even have any as a vendor so we’ll still have to take a trip to the nether to get those and we’ll have to get some blaze rods

Too I’ve got a little bit in my chests here but not a ton but unless the Portal’s activated already then we can just hop in when we won I guess we’re good to go um okay I don’t know what just happened uh I was mining and randomly it said the

End is near and that was about it I guess the end portal just spawns we need one two three four more Eyes of Ender total which really isn’t a lot okay that’s pretty oh where is there a shulker hello huh let’s see if we can

Make the rest of the Eyes of Ender we need we also do have a few Phantom membranes so I can make a few slow falling potions oh oh I guess okay that’s gonna start the after phases now this portal oh there he is I see him okay okay well there it is uh

We have the portal well before we go in let’s take a moment and get ourselves organized maybe make some slow following potions check if maybe I can get myself an Infinity bow on the first or second try if we’re lucky uh and all that sort of stuff just

To get prepared for the dragon fight let’s get to level 31 more time you know what even if we don’t get infinity we probably have enough dang arrows that it doesn’t matter because I’ve gotten so many arrows from killing all these mobs and in all these chests we probably have

A few stacks of Errors honestly so we’re probably okay oh yeah okay I don’t need Infinity oh okay creeper oh but I really just want two okay so this is the after phases right yeah just totally random blocks Okay cool so yeah I want to defeat the Ender Dragon but mostly I

Want to explore and cities for diamonds and Arnold you’re an idiot um for diamonds and four and elytro obviously it’ll really help for flying around our Islands okay Power Three I guess I’ll take it by itself you know what let’s do it one more bow I can enchant one of these

Broken bows and we can get to level 30 easily killing a few mobs something good even if we get another Power Three bow I can at least combine two of them that would be nice okay there we go power fourth you know what that’s pretty good I’ll take it and

It’s good enough for now take a few stacks of arrows okay let’s get ourselves some slow pulling potions maybe a couple water buckets and some building blocks and we should be all set to uh fight this dragon I’m excited okay now we had redstone also harvested a sugar cane and used

Everything we had to make as many firework Rockets as we could so we’ve got these now okay Cobblestone is a nice trash block and these are all good well we’ve got everything our potions our trash blocks water bucket the arrows and anything I can eat I think we’re all set

To fight the dragon do I really need anything else I don’t care about dragon’s breath I’ve got food golden apples I think we’re ready I’ve also collected for myself another stack of bread uh just from harvesting the farm again just in case we’re in the end for

A long time looking for cities uh it might be very useful so let’s jump in and head to the end oh I’m scared huh now why is there a bridge already going to the end Island is this is this because it’s a map like if this is a pre-made map then that

Makes sense but I didn’t make that unless that’s just how it spawned naturally uh uh okay that’s a little weird well I guess let’s grab these towers okay so we’ll take the slow falling now just in case the dragon knocks us off and then what we can do is uh we might be

Able to get a good amount of the towers just from right here oh wow I’m good at this come on okay only two left and those require some building actually what if I just do this can I land oh no way no way I did yes

Oh I’m too good okay this might hurt we’re okay let’s see if I can do it again with the slow falling oh hi can I get oh okay well I got a decent amount okay cool ah we got the towers that was the quickest I’ve ever done it hopefully

That means uh good luck for the rest of this run too but I guess let’s just try to start shooting this Dragon oh not with that though okay I don’t have unlimited arrows but I do have nearly four stacks and I don’t think we’ll go through that entire thing here so I’ll

Just try to shoot the dragon when I can oh I gotta get behind you foreign oh wow we did a lot there okay well we’re almost done with this come here buddy you’re going down oh come on we’re almost there oh we did it yes okay let me know that

Wonderful XP come on get over here yeah baby gotta take a screenshot a screenshot every time I defeat the dragon that was a quick fight that took me like four minutes heck yeah give me all that XP now we can go back and officially get perfect armor weapons tools all that

Good stuff right there and boom we got the egg now I just need a couple of Ender Pearls so I can go through this portal okay so and a pearl boom nope oh yep okay here we are now let’s look for an end City oh man I

Don’t have opted fun so I can’t turn off the fog no huh well I don’t think there’s an end City anywhere nearby so let’s just use ender pearls to uh Bounce from Island to Island and hope for the best now this is why I brought a lot of food

Intentionally because I knew I might have to spend a long time going between islands but thankfully we’ve got Andrew pearls and blocks to uh move around um I need to figure out a solution because uh no joke it’s been about an hour and I have not been able to find a

Single and City I’m literally just walking from Island to Island using ender pearls killing Enderman or mining in stone when I need to and just bridging between them uh I hope I find one soon normally they’re pretty easy to spot I’m sure I’ve gone past some but

With this fog it’s uh it’s kind of tricky and there’s nothing I can is that an incident no it’s just another portal um there’s nothing I can really do so uh wish me luck well I guess wishing me luck doesn’t do anything because I’m playing this in the past from when

You’re watching it even though it’s the present for me but time isn’t real so I’m a little confused what I was trying to say but I don’t know where to go oh I mean I’m like a few thousand blocks away so surely I’ll I’ll find one soon right I haven’t experimented eating some

Chorus fruit so if I ever run out of food it’s it’s no big deal ladies and gentlemen I think no way is that it I think that’s it I think in the fog I see an end City oh please please be an entity it is that is this is a beautiful

Sight you have no idea it’s been like three and a half hours not that long I’m exaggerating but it’s been a long time I’ve been looking for these entities please tell me it has a ship oh and it has a ship I couldn’t have asked for anything more this is

Beautiful okay okay okay let’s bridge over to this island and we’ll enter our way there you think I can make it let’s try oh please oh just barely okay let’s head to the city the end cities with shaders though do look gorgeous I mean they almost have

Like a slight ominous Beauty to them like they’re a little scary but also pretty at the same time I don’t know I like it while we’re here I will also collect shulker boxes I got a few shulker shells from the end phase mining the one block but nothing crazy

So I’ll probably try to get more from here just because you know I’m not sure if I want to continue this world past 100 days or not it’s really just gonna depend how the video performs and what people want but you know if it does well hey I’ll do it why not

But if I do want to continue this world choker boxes are definitely going to be useful dang all the Shockers just keep teleporting away from me let me kill one of you come on just one I just want a couple shells man it’s not that deep um nothing that good okay oh one

Breaking three mending okay I’ll take that uh the iron armor I’m not going to take Unbreaking oh these are better than the boots I have let’s equip these nice we got some pretty much perfect boots heck yeah we can combine them with the depth Strider ones if I really want but I

Don’t know if we really need depth Strider because there’s not really any oceans or rivers or lakes to worry about uh this world is pretty much just all uh all Air well I think everything else is empty so let’s try to head to this end

Ship now I think this is what I can do the ship lovely okay let me grab this dragon head perfect and we’ll grab the elytra okay Okay I don’t need anything else so uh here we go we have it I wish I brought a crashing table so I could make some shulker boxes right now but uh well sweet we’ve gotten a lighter so with this end City let’s go out and find

Hopefully one more end City I want to see if we can find some with some diamonds in the chest or potentially an Armature now if this end Island was pre-loaded uh because I have my suspicions because that little thing we saw when we first spawned in that means

That there aren’t going to be armor trims because this island was loaded in before 1.20 however there is still a chance if it wasn’t loaded it regardless either way there’s still a high chance to find diamonds spawning in and City chests so I want to check out maybe one

More end City just to hopefully find some it should be a lot easier to find one now though because we’ve got this elytra and this will make exploring end cities a lot easier and also uh a lot more fun I just have to be careful because I don’t have on breaking three

I’ll be on the lookout for this guy oh well this one was right next door so great we can get an extra Electro in case this one breaks or that I don’t know something happens oh there’s the diamonds I was talking about uh move mending and efficiency four heck yeah I’ll take that

Five pickaxe hell yeah this is the perfect chest this is exactly what I was talking about man combine these pants to get a perfect pair of pants this is great oh man we’re getting lucky okay let’s throw some of this stuff in Nintendo chest for now and then I can

Just make an Ender Chest when I get home and collect it I’ll just take all the armor why not uh oh prop four okay nice okay I think this is the last one now I don’t think there’s anything else with Lube oh don’t kill me get me out of here

No no no let me get out let me get out let me get out got it yeah I think we’re good okay well I think it’s time to just look for another portal because we’ve spent way way too long in here like I I didn’t want to do all this 100 days in

Minecraft isn’t a super long time and so I like to put most of the footage in the video and so I don’t like when I have to spend a few hours doing something that I really can’t put in I’m not just gonna put in hours of me walking okay well

We’re back here uh let’s pray I have enough actually I know I don’t have enough obsidian uh I know I don’t have enough obsidian to uh to make an Ender Chest but I might be able to mine the corners of this nether portal and then we’ll have enough

Skelly water you do go back go back to the Overworld oh this is so nice look at this I can just fly over fly wherever I want and we can get a great view oh wow our Island looks good it’s really big I mean we’re going to

Expand it more in the future here but I like where we’re at so far so let’s organize ourselves and figure out our next step okay first let’s see what armor weapons or tools and all that stuff I can combine to make it perfect or at least better I do need mending but

That’ll come in the future I’m not gonna bother combining the boots because depth Strider isn’t needed and this will give us Unbreaking three mending prop 4 perfect legging plus protection 4 Unbreaking three we could do aqua affinity and respiration on a helmet why not maybe we’ll make an underwater build

And then this can be efficiency five and then our shovel is perfect yes perfect enchantments on a shovel okay sweet we’ve got a lot of pieces of perfect armor there’s some missing but you know what we’re we’re in a pretty good place everything’s perfect uh except our

Helmet and our chess piece need mending which we can get from a villager and we can do some trading in the future I’m not too worried about that and then our shovel is perfect our pickaxe is perfect ax is almost perfect uh but unfortunately I don’t have the XP to

Really do anything more right now thankfully it really doesn’t take me long to get to level 30 in terms of XP because this Farm as long as I’m standing close by it works pretty fast oh where’d these slabs go okay so here’s our netherade situation

We’ve got lots of gold so to craft more of this you need diamonds and Netherrack okay let’s go got the Netherrack we have five total right now I’m gonna leave one in my inner chest because we always need one and then a smithing table which I believe is a crafting table with iron

Yes well our boots are perfect so let’s do our boots first it actually doesn’t matter because we’re gonna put mending on everything else with a mending book and you can put a book on netherade or Diamond just the same but you know what this is a good starting Place we’ve got one netherite

Scrap and it shouldn’t be too hard to get all the netherrite we need for a full set honestly so let’s work on that I think it would be a great goal if we ended this 100 Days with full netherite armor weapons and tools and all those armor weapons and tools were perfectly

Enchanted and to get some of the last bit of enchanting we need from the enchantment table we’ll get enough quartz and XP for mining for netherrite honestly but I feel strong enough to uh not really need fire resistance potions right now I think we’ll be good without those if I’m being honest foreign

So let’s head to the nether and we’ll head down to a low y level and just mine for some ancient debris I want enough netherite for at least my armor set that’s the minimum goal I want depending on how my luck is and how much

Time this is taking we’ll see if I get to my armor or we’ll see if I get to my tools and weapons I don’t know just yet hmm I don’t know where to mind but I guess we could just use this now I’ll try not to use all the Rockets but

There we go I do have to be careful about one thing I do know that uh mining a lot of Nether X since it mines so quick is going to wear down my pickaxe durability like nothing else so uh my pickaxe might break before I even get to

Finish this you might have to go back and repair it a couple of times but I’ll try not to go too far why don’t we just dig down right here and see if this is a suitable area well uh we’re at the perfect y level about why level 14 15 oh

I swear that was not planned uh anyways we’re at the perfect y level about 14 or 15. so I guess what I’ll do is I’ll just mine straight until we hit a lava pool or somewhere where we have to turn around if we’re an unfavorable biome

And then we’ll just start a tunnel a couple blocks in a different direction now hear me out people in the Minecraft Community love to argue about netherright mining people always say you’ll mind way more interesting debris if you mine directly on the chunk borders but here’s the thing uh I tested

It out and I didn’t get any more netherite mining on the chunk borders versus in the middle of chunks in fact maybe it was just my luck but I tried in two different worlds and I got significantly more netherrite mining in the middle of chunks rather than on

Borders in theory mining on chunk borders makes sense because you only get one spawn per chunk but in practice it didn’t really come out that way so if you’re mining netherrite do it whichever way you want sometimes I also just like to go crazy and mine random tunnels like this but

I’m trying to stay organized right now so this is the way I’m gonna do it I’m just gonna mine straightforward uh might miss an occasional piece here or there but I’ll try my best not to miss any the colorblindness is sometimes a little wild plus it’s hard to see when it’s just

Dark like this okay see this is what I mean the basalt Delta mining’s a lot slower so we’ll go a couple blocks in this direction well actually before I go a couple blocks in that direction I will check out the mine we currently have just to make sure I didn’t miss any

Ancient debris and then we’ll start another mine in the next Direction and it’ll be good we’ll just keep doing this until we get some more netherade well I’ve been mining through a few more tunnels and honestly all I have to show is a slightly broken pickaxe and one

More piece of ancient debris so instead of doing the organized tunnels I’ve just decided to wing it and I’m gonna do the crazy tunnels again because honestly I feel like doing this method I mine a lot more blocks a lot faster maybe it’s not the most efficient but exposing so many

More blocks feels like it’s probably gonna give me a higher return in nethery it’s what I’ve always used in the past and it works for me so let’s continue doing this and see if it helps at all I have no idea foreign well I better stop before my pickaxe

Breaks because it’s about to break here but we’ve got 16 more pieces of ancient debris which is you know four more nether I didn’t gets which is pretty okay not as many as I quite hoped for but it’s a good start so since I don’t want to break my pickaxe let’s just go

Back through the tunnels we originally made and uh make our way back to the portal I think we can get back there eventually I’m not 100 I know the route but I think we can find it just following in our footsteps okay we’re back here let’s uh see if I can at least

Put a couple diamonds on my pickaxe to repair it I was gonna do an enchantment but I think that’s more important I don’t know when I’m gonna get bending and I don’t want to accidentally break this because I am stupid also where did I put my shovel oh here it is huh I

Don’t know why I put it in there well I’ve only got two diamonds and we’re gonna need more to upgrade for netherrite so I guess we’ve still got a little bit of mining to do I want it to be done but I guess we’re not before we

Do some mining let’s actually get a lectern just so I can get a mending book somehow and put mending on this I’ve got some worlds hidden around in random chests I’m sure we can scrounge up to 20 or 30 we need for a mending book where

Are you Vincent are you in here no Vincent where are you I need you buddy uh anyways you want a job yeah nope okay Mateo get out of the house so we can just have a moment here okay with this setup Vincent’s stuck in the house so we

Can just uh constantly break this and place it again until we get mending I like this method because you know it’s foolproof and it does work the only issue is sometimes I literally get mending on the first or second try sometimes it takes me five minutes and other times it’s taken me

Upwards of an hour to get a mending trade so I’m really praying that my luck is a little bit better today because I don’t want to waste days on trying to get a dangmen Duke book come on Vincent please please give me mending no fear this might take a while oh gosh

I hit him he’s gonna be extra expensive now okay it’s a new day uh we’ve got a mending trade and I gotta act fast and get all the emeralds I can so I can make the trade happen uh oh I don’t have enough emeralds uh okay let’s let’s do

Another wheat trade from this farm and hopefully that’ll be enough I really have no idea so fingers crossed if it’s not maybe I can figure out some trades with the other villagers I think one of the villagers is like books for emeralds I can probably get a few books somehow I

Think I’ve got an extra bookshelf or two I don’t know honestly all my chests are so disorganized uh if I do 200 days in this world that’s the first thing I’m doing a storage room oh shoot actually since I slept does that mean the trade is ruined or is the trade still there

Oh gosh I really hope I didn’t mess it up gives me 25. Vincent buddy are we are we are we in good standing still no I lost it no no it’s right in the middle of the night and I slept to make this segment a new

Day and oh I’m an idiot I’m an idiot okay let’s replant the farm really fast but we’ve got 25 emeralds now so if we ever get The Mending trade again this should be enough to get it I’m so stupid for messing this up hopefully it doesn’t

Take us too long to get mending again I don’t think it will take us too long but uh I don’t know sometimes this game likes to prank me I really have no idea I totally forgot that sleeping would reset it since I never traded with him

To lock it in I should have known that uh I’ve learned my lesson now okay we’ve got The Mending trade it’s still the same day it only took me like two minutes this time uh let’s not sleep and I need a book to complete this trade I’ve Gotta Have One Singular book right

Oh I saw one there it is okay cool look plus exactly the right amount of emeralds equals mending book for our pickaxe I need this mending book so I can get to mining again oh lovely okay I’ll fix your house for you there we go are we good now yeah we’re

Good okay many doesn’t cost too much thankfully so now we finally got it which oh thank thank the gods okay sweet so now we have to get back to mining so that hopefully we can upgrade all of our armor and whatnot but I don’t know if

We’re gonna get a lot of diamonds from the after faces well I’ll test it out for a little bit and we’ll we’ll see it might really be worth my while to head back to the end honestly but uh I don’t know in case I do need more firework

Rockets let’s start planning a little bit more sugarcane I could make a sugarcane farm but we don’t have much left in this world and uh I’m not gonna waste my time doing that there are some pretty cool things we’ll accomplish before this end of the world though so I

Don’t want to miss that man the after phases are fun the only issue is there’s so many like random items that my inventory is filling up in two seconds and uh it’s kind of hard because I just have to go to my chest every minute and I don’t like these random mobs we’re

Getting but I just need a few more diamonds so hopefully we don’t have to spend too much more time here see how much mining I have to do after another day I’ve only got a whopping two diamonds I’m not having great luck here but I only need oh come on

I only need a few more These guys are pretty easy at this point honestly honestly the mob spawns are just inconvenient it’s not really a challenge or anything I’m just it’s just annoying okay there we go let’s hope we can get some more diamonds here besides the diamonds I’m literally just throwing every other item I get off

The edge truthfully I just like don’t need them I don’t know okay I’ll let these skeletons fight I’ve got so much junk in my chest what you killed my parrot okay no I’m taking Revenge you’re supposed to shoot each other not my pets oh come on man oh I feel bad I’m

Sorry Mr Perry he was just trying to live a good life dang diamonds really aren’t that common at all in the after phases I was hoping for much better Diamond luck was that another one nope okay so let’s take this and then do I have any more gold ingots

Or is it all Raw okay is this enough yeah yeah it is so then I’ve got I’ve only got four of these but uh we can do it I already have oh no I have to leave one in here okay well we have enough for a

Full set of armors so that’s good oh wait I’m stupid I don’t even need diamonds to upgrade this I don’t know what I was thinking oh I needed diamonds to craft more upgrades that’s what I wanted because I want an upgrade for my pickaxe now okay

Well uh how many diamonds do I need I need six okay so I actually need two more diamonds I’m you can tell I’ve been in this world too long I’m exhausted my brain ain’t working okay so two more diamonds I think that’s doable and then we can get another right pickaxe I think

We can do it okay so I should be able to do what do I have to do I have to do this first okay and then I do this and this and this and boom okay now we’ve got a full netherite armor and another ride pickaxe this

We’re we’re in a pretty good spot I’m feeling good about this so now with this extra durability on our pickaxe we should be able to do a bit more mining here and there and it won’t take as much of a toll on our pickaxe plus The

Mending we should be okay like I think if we repair our pickaxe it won’t ever get degraded at all at this point and see if we can repair with this we’re in a really good spot though honestly I’m really just hoping we get another illusion or spawn pretty soon because uh

I’d like uh I’d like another totem woman dying that’d be kind of nice so let’s just spend the day Gathering a few more resources here okay now I want to do something really cool to finish out this place so let’s actually hop back into the end here okay I want to collect some

Of these end resources for a fun build project I don’t really know how much I need but uh let’s just collect the random amount of headstone I guess Well here we go I didn’t want to do anything special but uh I made a small little end Island it uh doesn’t look great but it’s just a place to hold the dragon heads the egg adds some of this course fruit you know I wanted individual like biome Islands uh I

Didn’t realize the chorus plants would grow so dang tall and then of course we have the nether one over here which I still have to upgrade a little bit uh it’s definitely a bit lackluster so how about we do that actually I think having some lava pools maybe would be really

Cool also maybe some different biomes like the Warped in Crimson blocks so I’ll bring a hoe and some shears so we can collect some of that ah it’s such a beautiful privilege finally getting in a lighter and just being able to quickly fly around and do fun things like gilligast up close

I love it it never gets old okay that should be good let’s go back to the portal and then also uh grab a few buckets of lava I think would be good okay let’s revamp this island a bit why not whoa this is a total letdown because I’m

Stupid and forgot you couldn’t place any of the like Crimson roots or you know the mushrooms another wreck so uh yeah and I don’t have any from the nether phase because I didn’t have a sub touch pick so I guess this is what we’re gonna have to work with and that’s all

But you know what it’s good enough for now man this Farm is great after you know just a few minutes away from it I come back and I get so much XP okay with our time very limited in this world I think I really want to go out with a bang

Well folks here we are we have officially made it to day 100 and I have something really special play uh you didn’t see that for day 100 uh why not go out with a bang like I said I took all the sand and all the gunpowder I had from this

Massive Farm producing tons of creepers and uh let’s say goodbye I mean I just gotta see what happens you know oh yeah yeah this is good sorry skeleton you did a good job with that TNT placement uh anyways see you later just kidding just kidding

Um I made it back above the world so if you want to see more let me know

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on One Block Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JWhisp on 2023-08-13 13:55:00. It has garnered 59828 views and 1471 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:50 or 5030 seconds.

Hey guys JWhisp here and welcome to 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft on one block skyblock! Will I be able to survive the 100 days? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔔 | Find me outside of YouTube | 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jwhisp_ 📸Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jwhisp_ 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwhispyt/ ⚫Discord: https://discord.gg/cG7aFsb

This hardcore series is inspired by Wadzee , acookiegod , FWhip, notnotbrock, suev, paindomination, wunba and Farzy, maybe sandiction and ezy with their Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Grian and Mumbo Jumbo on Hermitcraft. Acookiegod is also cool. I like to make Giant Mega Builds , Automatic Farms , and Mining Videos. This is an Epic Minecraft Legend of JWhisp in a Hardcore Let’s Play!

💰 Work with me directly to grow your Channel! https://payhip.com/CreatorSuccess

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    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱Video Information hello everyone welcome back to the chill Survival series we are standing in front of the mum that we buil in the last episode and we did a little bit of the Interior live on stream the other day this is how it looks inside at the moment and today we want to do something else I prepared something over here and we want want to build a bee farm in this episode a bee farm and a b Sanctuary I’d say we built well kind of like a bee house a greenhouse that is a beeh house… Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans on FableSMP

    Sneaky Shenanigans on FableSMPVideo Information last time I F bless and P Fenris awoke uh finally checking his messages his his previously uh missed messages from Ray who’ been pretty worried after everything that happened with arsa when he just took off the only message that came from Fenris but just as calm not from him was Violet saying he’s okay with no nothing else no further words nothing that was it so Ray was a little bit of the worried um came came in promptly punched arisana who was staying with TR Rec helping him out that morning um and smooth it… Read More

  • Unbelievable Pixelart of Hanuman Ji in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Pixelart of Hanuman Ji in Minecraft!Video Information जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुण सागर हे ये तो बेब को बना रहा है ये तो हनुमान चालीसा है त मुकद्दर का सिकंदर का गाना सुनाऊंगा तेरे को हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे पॉकेट ट्रांजिस्टर ये सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन देखो This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji Pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 Pt- 2 #shorts #hanumanji #pixelart #ytshorts #minecraft #pixel’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-04-29 12:41:09. It has garnered 10342 views and 596 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Hanuman… Read More

  • EPIC: Ender King finds DIAMOND OCEAN in Minecraft!

    EPIC: Ender King finds DIAMOND OCEAN in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Diamond Water in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ender King on 2024-03-01 23:26:28. It has garnered 5120 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. This one was super satisfying and very….blue! We hope you enjoy it. Also, thanks again for the first 1,000 subs! On our way to 100,000! Read More

  • SHOCKING: MInecraft Pro Reveals the TRUTH About Practice! 😱

    SHOCKING: MInecraft Pro Reveals the TRUTH About Practice! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Does minecraft need practice…?’, was uploaded by Nec0r on 2024-04-15 20:01:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if u enjoyed so, Subscribe and Like the vid! Find me here DISCORD … Read More

  • Unbelievable! 1000-7(DEMON) in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unbelievable! 1000-7(DEMON) in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information [음악] to This video, titled ‘#minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by 1000-7(DEMON™) on 2024-05-23 17:02:27. It has garnered 464 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Anthony Zero Ch. Teaches INSANE Minecraft Tricks

    Anthony Zero Ch. Teaches INSANE Minecraft TricksVideo Information [Musik] give me give me Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam [Musik] are [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] натойй [Musik] J money money mни mнінініні-ні [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] а ak [Musik] [Musik] ya ya thank you thank you thank you thank you oke hal kali lagi ak Zero channel ant Zero dan kali ini kita bakal main game Minecraft Halo yang nonton live ataupun replay yang mau main e Mabar boleh ya Masuk aja servernya ada di PIN chat ya guys e kalau yang nanya ini Brock atau Java eh Brock atau Java ini dua-duanya ya bisa Brock… Read More

  • Unbelievable! AI commands Minecraft bots using GPT-4!

    Unbelievable! AI commands Minecraft bots using GPT-4!Video Information I’m going to show you what it looks like to integrate GPT 4 into a Minecraft Bot Minecraft is a great sandbox environment for testing out AI so let’s jump right into the demo so you see I’ve created this little artificial Grove that we can use to test out our bot’s ability to harvest trees I’m going to start by starting up the client and spawning in our first bot there you go you can see Alpha spawned in and teleported to the starting space now I’m going to test out the First Command which is come… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Hà Anh Huân’s Skibidi Car Race in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Hà Anh Huân's Skibidi Car Race in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘skibidi car 4 #minecraft #lego’, was uploaded by Hà Anh Huân on 2024-01-16 11:59:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft skibidi toilet,lego skibidi toilet,skidibitoilet lego,skibiditoilet,#skibiditoilet,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft song … Read More

I Survived 100 Days on One Block Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft!