I Survived 100 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

I survived 50 hours in one Block Skyblock again previously I created this massive platform and made decent progress but there was still some work to be done and things I wanted to improve on on my platform the biggest challenge will be transforming this entire platform into a work of art I

Wanted to look natural and like it’s part of the world not some wooden structure if you enjoyed this movie it’d mean a lot to me if you’d subscribe and now things are going to change of course 30 000 likes for another 50 hours movie

But I want to see what happens if we get 3 000 comments on this too switch things up for once and I have news I think all of you will love instead of continuing on this world and barely uploading for you guys I’m going to make a one Block

Skyblock series since you all and I seem to love this mod pack so much if you’d like to see sneak peeks at the series for it you should follow my Twitter I’ll be releasing the World download for the series Once I hit a hundred thousand followers on there I’ll also be taking

All of your input and ideas into the series as well I want to include everyone into it now here’s me surviving 50 hours in one Block Skyblock in Minecraft hardcore enjoy trust me you guys will not kill me oh God wait wait wait there’s a lot more than you than I

Was expecting oh it’s gorgeous no I’m definitely not talking about you or we can get a box I guess that also works hard chicken okay well we had a chicken wow what a nice hole am I a war Monger are you proud of me are you because I’m

So sick and tired of having to farm them I just survived another Huh what a beautiful world to be back in I completely forgot everything I did and any promise that I made for this video so I don’t know if I made myself a to-do list last time but um I’m gonna take this time to remind myself everything I’ve done

Okay okay so beautiful so I remember everything I can’t I’m not gonna lie I kind of really want to remake this you know I at least have like a second one over near there you know because it’s not bad or ever you know a bad decision

To have so much iron so I think that will be a good idea I mean this works really really fast nah nah I see myself needing a lot of iron for Hoppers I also downloaded some mods so now oh here here’s the greatest thing watch this I’m

Very excited about this one oh look at um oh look it instantly get white okay there we go now the leaves are going oh look at that ah finally I don’t have to spend like 20 minutes going through and getting rid of all the trees and now I

Can just go through my entire tree farm everything will just instantly disappear this will take me like maybe a minute at maximum and I’m just talking so that this part can be a lot longer so that you guys can really get a nice time lapse of the entire thing and how is it

Already nighttime I don’t remember any of my chest it’s taking forever to find stuff but don’t worry I didn’t add that many mods so I just kind of added stuff just to like make this uh smoother and everything now is it so there’s multiple like huge things

That I want to do in this movie and that’s mainly making a lot of these Farms automated and I don’t know if I can make a wheat farm automated but I know I can make the carrot and the potato farm do that and speaking of these yeah it definitely should go

Around completely Harvest all of this stuff again I really don’t remember if these Farms were useful but even if they’re not useful I think I’m going to try and make them useful because uh kind of don’t really do that much in Minecraft like I kind of always

Redo the same things and stuff so I kind of want to step out of my comfort zone in I don’t know I’ll just do like a lot more see if I you know can find new hobbies in this or something and everything we just harvested put it

Right into there cool and then we just have one more farm that I want to go intend to and then we can finally start getting to our uh objectives that I still haven’t thought of yet and I’m making it all entirely on the Fly I think especially making the sugarcane

Farm automated will make just a lot nicer definitely need to do that you probably even combine that and the bamboo Farm to be automatic and the first thing that’s like kind of jumping on at me that I really want to change are them you see I’ve never really

Explored a horses in Minecraft I’d never like really do anything because they’re kind of just obsolete boy these ones are super cool they’re way nicer than their regular horses with skin and non-decomposing so I think we need to expand this area over here we’re gonna immediately just start working on this

Side over there and I think this will entice me to make another iron farm because right now as we can see that the villagers are not loaded in so I think that means that there’s going to be no Golems so yeah I kind of think I’m gonna

Build one like right there now what’s my wood supply looking like okay I I I won’t lie I actually expected worse and I think the wood type that I want to use over here is gonna be Spruce because I kind of want to darken up the area

Because I’m using a lot of light Woods which just in case I fall probably should keep that on okay let’s oh actually wait I can make this even more beautiful oh I only have six wow that’s such a good thing I have so much gravel

Wow thank you so much past me that’s so nice wow I’m so happy I’ve been gone for so long and I get to come back to making more dirt I know what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the hour I’ve kind of forgotten how nice it is to have maxed

Out stuff never mind maybe this won’t take me that long and very surprising to me this actually didn’t take that long because just like I said uh having maxed out tools really speeds this along it kind of makes me miss playing on a world that you know might actually make

Progress on instead of just starting over every single time but speaking of that if you guys want the series just get to 40 000 likes okay so that went fairly wow wow that actually isn’t that much dirt uh we’ll be fine for a while I just really don’t care to make more so

I’m just saying that we’re fine anyway so now it’s actually start preparing for the land and I kind of think we’re gonna play this one a little dangerous but I think we’re going to be using lanterns to light this up so we should be safe anyways so what happens if I put you

Here okay no I don’t want that okay but I want you up here and then we have to come across there okay then I break you and I break you and I lose those two that’s the most important part I didn’t want those and to save on dirt I think

If we go three in we should be good with that amount and then we’re just gonna bring this all the way across I think that saved me about three stacks so that’s really nice now I want to kind of make this unique you know of course I

Could just make this flat make a little building wow that’d be so cool and totally lame so what I want to attempt is some kind of Hill I was thinking to go like five down and then we do the exact same thing that we just did where

We just bring all of this all the way down after doing all this I don’t know why I went this far back because I’m planning on making stairs so yeah uh anyways now we need to go around with some grass blocks put these down and

Then wait for it to you know spread to all the dirt oh that was incredibly fast okay thank you and then I kind of want to make it with uh like spiraling stairs so I really don’t know my other ground back here okay so I think if we can

Start it roughly here let me just make it three and then we have another one that goes up one and then now on the final step since we’re right here at the edge I believe if I make this about four yes perfect so then this is when the

Staircase will turn and then to make it even fancier and also just less annoying to have horses go up and down it we can then put slabs at the edge of every single one of the stairs so it’s like an actual slope it just makes it so much

Easier even though I actually think horses can just go up a single block uh anyways hey just that little bit of work and I’m out of dirt again I swear there has to be a faster way than me just you know making it by hand like this but you

Can already guess what I’m gonna be doing That’s so exciting good I love making dirt never never gets old or tiring now I used a ball in the gravel ended up with I think like 12 stacks of dirt but at the end of doing all of this a

Wandering Trader came by uh I don’t remember if they actually showed up in this world beforehand but that definitely caught me off surprise and uh you just had so many good trades so I let him uh live and he’s gonna stay on the platform if you don’t see him uh he

Went to go get the milk this is so realistically this might actually not even be enough dirt for the hill design that I want to do wow that Grass Grows really fast nice oh it’s looking beautiful does it actually climb up the stairs or do I need to put it at I need

To put out every single one outcome uh actually here we’re gonna make it even simpler uh we’ll just take away a slab at every single step and then grass can actually get up it I’m way too lazy to put a cross box on all the steps next up

Before I actually go and do this so I’m very low on food and also we need to go and heal up a lot of our stuff I mean we don’t need to I just like everything being full and pretty oh God I forgot how slow this is

Um we might have to get creative and start to redesign our entire place so I think the help out with mob spawning in here we might actually have to make this land like a lot bigger and I might move all of the animals God that’s gonna be

So tedious from over here to kind of all the way down there and I think we’re gonna make another really big land and probably build like a nice Barn for everyone over there I think that’d be nice and then by moving a lot of the entities uh away from this maybe this

Will actually work a lot faster I do remember seeing some comments like some of you said that there’s spiders up there and that’s what’s going to be clogging a lot of the entity counter like the mob count up there so I do know about that don’t don’t worry at all but

I don’t believe it’s taking up that much plus I’m also just really lazy I don’t want to go up there and if anything I can just build a second one of these somewhere else and then I’ll just run back and forth okay so everything’s fully healed God everything organized in

There just trying to like familiarize myself with everything in here however I only have two more Stakes or uh pork chops and um yeah let’s not run out of food let’s just go say hi to uh some hoglands which oh God I don’t even remember this another okay and for once

I have maxed out netherite armor and tools with looting and fire aspects so I get a lot more okay well that was only four but it also comes cook so it’s gonna go so much faster than my previous movie so I love this uh wow this place

Is really sad oh you look so cool it would be even cooler if there was some hoglands here I’ve never actually had this issue of none of them spawning on I see you please no no okay don’t fall down though okay thank you yes thank you for your donation greatly appreciated

Don’t touch me don’t touch me I I will obliterate your entire bloodline come here and I’m actually tempted to make some kind of a tunnel or pathway just to go to a different part of another and then hopefully find another Crimson for us because this is really sad okay so if

We take flight let’s just check out this direction oh why hello oh God it’s two babies no way oh yeah that’s perfect okay get away from the edge though and yeah don’t don’t need you over there thank you there you go can you hold this

For me okay go oh wait YouTube shoot yes there’s so many down here whoa what up boy there we go see now in no time we’re gonna be getting uh Max stack of cooked pork chops and wow do I really need to focus on my Farms back at home so I

Don’t have to keep doing this because I’m getting so sick and tired of having to go into The Nether and always farming these guys trust me you guys will not kill me oh God wait wait wait there’s a lot more than you than I was expecting

Wait no I’m not gonna be that brave wait chill wait oh my God why are there so many of you who’s giving birth well I’m here should I pick up glowstone oh here since we’re here and this one is so easy to get to we might as well pick it up ah

Beautiful and that was almost a stack now if I can just get a stack of pork chops where are you oh yeah yes finally it’s not babies yes if I didn’t know any better I would assume that there’s someone very angry near me I just only

Get a feeling I knew I saw you at the corner of my eye you can’t hide that delicious dinner from me you didn’t even fight back that was a little sad uh not sad for you though just stop trying to touch me nice okay well we have 69.

Which way was my portal maybe if I head this direction oh an even more nummy num num for my tummy Tom Tom okay please stop hurting me please stop stop chill chill chill okay here we go you look kind of familiar so I think it was this

Direction and oh my wait this is amazing don’t ruin it okay go away wait didn’t I have an issue with finding another Fortress before what didn’t it wasn’t that like impossible to find yeah I never found one before what ow I didn’t even know this thing could

Actually spawn in I thought the map Creator made it impossible oh I’m good I’m I’m totally fine I don’t want to fight with her skeletons oh never mind maybe we just need to get out of here there’s a lot of wither skeletons everywhere well that’s honestly really

Nice to know so if I ever need anything like that I kind of know where to go now wow that is so shocked oh there’s another wow I do not explore the nether that much but I just keep on getting surprised uh and also in case you’re

Wondering uh yes I am completely lost okay maybe if I continue this way we head towards zero zero I might find my portal then oh wait wait you’re familiar oh you are definitely familiar hi you’re very lovely let me go down here yes yes ow okay and then I think it was this

Direction and my portal should be right there what’s up gorgeous no I’m definitely not talking about you okay let’s go get organized okay good so now I’m we actually have oh wait I had food oh wait I can make one of the villagers sell me golden carrots oh

That’s definitely needed also now we have a lot of bone meal okay we have a lot more bone meal my wow I’m very rich on that okay okay so with memory okay so if my memory serves me correct I got every single enchanter that I need you

Were just for selling sticks and getting emeralds so yep I still have to make some more villagers so I think first off we definitely need to finish up the horse’s stable Mountain which I still don’t know what to do with this under area but I really don’t want to cover it

Up so oh wait maybe we can have like some kind of oh wait we could probably make like a hidden area for the Zombie horse and then the skeleton horses can like live up top that I don’t know it might be taken in a weird way but it’s

Not supposed to be in a weird way hello beautiful very hopeful that I don’t need to make more of you okay so I really want to match it up with over there but I think it’s fine if I go over it because I don’t want to be that tiny and

Like constricted which I think this should be a good size maybe yeah this big yeah I like that okay okay then once we get over here I think this is one block away from the ground right there so then I can actually build a uh kind

Of like a cliff just so it’s not all one block going up and down so it can kind of go over by one and stuff is that or is that two blocks oh God this is gonna take so much dirt okay let me leave one block right here

And get it one block and then I think we come in about here yes yes okay and then we just fill it in right here okay beautiful now I’m just uh it’s just time for me to go through all of this and fill it up with dirt which I’m really

Hoping that I won’t have to make more dirt I could probably get away with it though if I make some Stone especially then like you know it’ll add in some color to this make it a little bit more believable but we shall see I don’t know

Why I’m going all up for these horses but hey you know I’m trying out some new stuff okay so I’m definitely gonna be using some kind of stone in this project especially down here so I didn’t even finish the ground up there so that’s awesome and I have two dirt and

Basically no gravels oh you already know what time it is oh yeah do I even have shulker boxes because we might want to do something else as well oh I do have a shocker wait really oh my goodness past me I love you wow I thought of everything where where

Was I just yeah let’s make even more shulkers okay well I’m not gonna be gathering this much uh shulker’s worth of gravel but seeing how I’m always needing uh a lot of gravel and dirt so I think we fill up a shulker and my inventory full of gravel and then we

Just really really hope that this is enough for the entire movie didn’t I make a staircase going down like a gravel pit wait yes right here yes I wonder if there’s a way to make a dirt farm because by golly G willikers would I love to have that no God wait did I

Use it uh there’s gravel there but there’s not that much okay so that was really lame uh I got like brand house Stacks from that uh I swear I found like a huge gravel plateau in the past but maybe it was over here oh gravel where

Are you or you know what maybe we just go fly around and find some no oh my God I almost flew into the lava man I hate it whenever the elytra accidentally activates okay so this is a pretty decent spot I’m really hoping that none of it just falls down into

Lava however I already know what I’m going to be doing uh for this entire hour which I’m hoping I only have to spend an hour collecting all of this however I have a strong feeling and I’m going to have to do more because I really don’t think this entire area is

Going to fill up a shulker and my inventory but yeah we’ll see just see what happens and boy was I wrong uh there is a lot of gravel here and I managed to actually fill up my shulker box and my inventory and I might even

Just uh drop my arrows and uh yeah just my arrows because like I just I have so many at my house I really don’t care so we could do that and then I can go around pick up this extra gravel because at this point this stuff is more valuable than netherright

Oh you might be wondering how I got here yep I’m not gonna miss that another kind of completely forgot that uh yeah gravel likes to fall into the lava okay so now that this is finally done we are completely full so much gravel I probably won’t have to come back in here

For at least an hour or two ah hi buddy don’t don’t go through that part do not go through the portal thank you and I think you already know what I’m gonna be doing forever oh I’m in my hoe like the tool kind you know like yeah I need my help

I haven’t done this in forever don’t worry I promise you the movie’s not going to just be me making dirt I I can promise you on that but at least the strategy uh allows me to make a lot of cool builds there or at least make

Everything look pretty in here so oh I won’t bore you for uh much of this hour but you have to take a wild guess what I did for uh for all of this I still want there has to be some way to make a dirt

Farm that has to be possible right so I didn’t get to do much work on the previous hour and uh kind of near the end I kind of forgot to unpause the recording when I went to go sleep so I tried to write down sorry and dirt but

Then I ran out of room so I just wrote down SAR but anyways on this hour I actually was able to play for an hour because I didn’t have to go and do real life stuff anyways I’m roughly halfway done with a shulker box for making really good progress uh my tools are

Kind of almost broken or at least the shovel is and wow if you’re wondering this is very boring I’m actually just watching a live stream while I do this so it’s at least making it uh sufferable but in lighter news with me doing all of

This I’m gonna end up with a whole lot of iron from the iron farm and the dirt over at the hill should be fully uh grown everywhere and then on this hour I got back to work and I was actually going to finish all of the dirt and this

One go but um yeah there’s apparently durability on your tools and my shovel was getting pretty low it made it to the red oh my goodness hello it’s been so long and I’m so done with doing this but I’m almost completely done by not I’m

Just gonna make you all uh watch this on a first person uh view now oh finally we are completely done with making dirt and beautiful now the only thing though after finishing all of this I’m really curious how much iron do I have now I won’t lie I was expecting more but uh

Okay yeah I think we are definitely gonna be making a second one and then speaking of second one yeah I need to fully heal up all my stuff oh my God why is there barely anyone in here oh God now it’s gonna be another tool that I

Have to fully heal I think I need to come up with the way of better XP oh wait oh no I’m not gonna have enough time to pick up all the bamboo oh I made a mistake oh we need to hurry oh my God

I wish there was a faster way to do this I think looking into an auto crafting mod might be very useful in the series spawn don’t despawn this is the fastest five minutes ever I swear okay I think I grabbed it all and done wow that is so

Much brighter oh dear God I need to make this automated so badly so for the one block series would you guys be against me actually like finding an auto crafting mod if that even is a thing because I won’t lie that’ll make having a bamboo Farm a lot more enjoyable and

Possibly some other things as well ah beautiful now we just load up on sticks and then we come over here then we just talk to our lovely buddies and not bad just by trading with them alone I almost filled up every single one of my tools

And made a very nice profit okay there you are now if you come over here just buy a lot of lanterns please for the love of God give me a lot of XP I really don’t want to go to my mob grinder yeah I don’t know why I was so worried when I

Was making the Beehive area over there and I used panes instead of glass of uh blocks of glass because I could just buy an infinite amount don’t so I I really don’t know what was going through my mind back then but sadly we have to go

To the mom grinder which it doesn’t even look full because I wasn’t that close to it so yeah so maybe what we do is we build another mob grinder down there and then we build an iron farm over here and then all the animals we travel to like a

Different continent we go to like Europe or something we put them all over there all right but that was actually relatively fast so we’re finally good what we can do is let’s get our dirt we go and check on the hill Oh let’s see is all the grass

Stuck oh the grass has actually gone up there okay good good beautiful fill in all of the stairs wow this is actually almost completely done and now I can go over here put down some more put down some more dirt perfect okay so we’re

Done up here so let’s go and do the wall oh we need to get some stone do I have stone I got some we could use terracottas but I don’t think that would actually look too great I don’t even think I have cobblestone generator oh God do I even want to make

One I mean we can always mine out the block but the chances of actually getting Cobblestone are so low or we can get a fox I guess that also works or chicken okay well we had a chicken yeah no not worth it okay so we have a

Cobblestone issue because I do uh I do want to build with it a lot we are going to be needing that for a lot of stuff which I need to cook you well okay you know what we might as well not waste time and it does seem like we’re

Starting to get low on stuff for fuel so we can start turning all the trees into a charcoal God it goes so much faster oh I love the tree cutting mods so much beautiful and honestly looking at it just because of how much resources it

Would take to fill the bottom out here I just think we don’t do anything and yeah I’ll just regret you know putting this here I mean all we can kind of just cut it off and I don’t know maybe we put like boxes there or something we could

Probably put some animal right there okay this should be good enough to start with slap you into there and now you’re gonna see the wonders of me attempting to make this look natural and good this is going to go awful okay so we need you

To come out to here and then I guess we’re kind of just like swap it up a lot between these and we can kind of put like dirt here and there yeah yeah ooh such a smooth transition wow this is looking so incredible oh wow that was

Really not that much uh well we now have another issue we need to make a cobblestone generator Oh yay you know what here we’re gonna make it super fancy and beautiful so I’m going to be using my stone bricks for this and just so it doesn’t destroy or ruin anything

Maybe we build it over here because on this one we’re closer to the iron farm so that’s going to constantly work and uh I would like to do some projects where it’s going to require a lot of Hoppers so I think over here would be

The best or we put it like right right over here right next to the bee hive just to kind of fill in this area a little bit more I think I like that I think this is a good spot now this should be far enough away from any wood

For any of the you know the uh Embers you know light it on fire hopefully or else this is going to be a very sad movie and that won’t matter too much I think has been forever since I’ve had to build one of these and I really don’t remember

Okay and then first off we’re just gonna cover up where the lava goes so now nothing can really fly out of it and then it goes over here as well so this is where the Cobblestone is gonna be so water falls down right here and then we

Just mirror it and then just to keep up with the look spoon we’ll just put a slab right there I think we can just slap the lava right there and then we just put the water right here and then we’re not fine not fine not fine no no

No no no no no no not fine okay so we can’t mirror the sides that’s what I’ve just learned so maybe we break you there honestly what if we just have the water go down okay okay now this should be good nice uh just so I feel safer what

We can actually do as well is just completely cover up the lava like that so now we can just stand right here okay I yeah I need to put some ground around you okay beautiful and actually okay I think I know how to make this even more

Efficient okay first off we need Hoppers oh hey look I have three Hoppers you are not welcome here no so what we can do now over here is we can actually just have some Hoppers leading to a chest which we can just make the ground right

Here be a chest I believe yeah just like that no wait actually block there and right there and then we put the chest right here and then Hopper goes right there and then we have another Hopper and then this is where all the fun happens how do I do this uh okay water

Goes there we break you pick you up I then upper Hopper and now I can fill in you and you and then once I break this okay let’s gonna break everything so then I break you um okay water goes here I break you and then we put the last hop right there

Perfect so now when I break you why is the water like that I mean I don’t think that’s gonna create an issue all right see if I don’t okay if I don’t pick it up oh my YouTube wait what do you see that the block flew up

Over here went over there straight into the lava okay and still into the lava okay yep still into the lava you can uh yep you just did it again you try to launch yourself into the lava so what if I just put a block right here

And then I break you are you gonna become a lot more successful okay maybe I don’t have anything on top of these and then I just keep breaking you and then I can just do this I have a feeling that I need to uh encase the water and

I’m like maybe we put a block here and let me put a block right there and then I break you and then maybe we’re good that’s right I’m kind of a professional I know how to make something that’s incredibly simple and no issues whatsoever becoming issue okay but I

Think we’re good as I mean it looks like we’re having a lot more success with it oh if I want the water gone Hold Up Wait wait I think I know how to make another issue with this I mean another solution wait that actually worked okay and oh my god

Um never mind that did not work why did oh my love is still there right yep okay maybe we get rid of you so what I meant to say was maybe I put a trap door right here and then okay so now the water is

At least gone for me over here and then I can still break it dude trap doors not catch on fire plus I’m thinking that I really just need to expand the ground over here so I can walk around this machine yeah let’s go do that okay so my thought

Process now with this is that we can make this a lot lot bigger and sunsume I have a maxed out another I pick it kind of Mines really really fast I know kind of a shocker so it would be a really stupid to just sit right here the entire

Time and just break one block and we’re gonna try and keep the machine pretty soon um here’s some more Stone uh bricks probably would be smarter to do two of these at a time oh we need more Hoppers that’s also a very important thing oh wait actually okay okay here’s a

Humongous big brain move so since one side is lava one side is water you know really doesn’t matter or water boom okay so we’re gonna use Spruce Wood on the uh water side where’s my wood so maybe we can you know uh Swap this out with you

Oh my goodness so beautiful how do I come up with it all right cool why not and then just so there’s not too much wood we’ll just keep using slabs on top of this so now we just need to extend this down I I’d say four four more wait

Can I break five or four blocks let’s see if I crouch I can break it if oh okay no okay oh I didn’t do that okay so we go down five and we put wood right along this I won’t lie I don’t know how far you need to be okay break

You and then we break you you and you and I lost one then we take Hoppers and we fill up this entire area just for the chances of our blocks going absolutely anywhere oh I actually made the perfect amount that was very strange I never do

That now for the lava side latch me up I actually think that we could just break this right now give me okay bring you across wait are you too high up wait a second uh I think I made a mistake uh oh okay I think it’s ready this is just going to

Be an absolute pain to set up especially with the amount of lava that I will be needing okay beautiful so Waterside is completely done now we just need to go and get a lot of lava please don’t break anything or catch anything on fire but we’ll just leave

This lava in here or do I just need one wait do I need to go get more lava uh at least one more but I’ll be fancy schmancy and I’ll go get four more yeah we just need four more fine oh cool I have a cat in here now now where can I

Find lava isn’t that beautiful oh my God why are there so many of you right here jeez now if I had to take a wild guess I would say that there’s a couple of spiders uh in my mob grinder but I could be wrong why did I actually picked wait

I actually picked up those gas tears in there all righty and you go there man then we go then we just fill in you and there we go lava is 100 covered this machine should be completely fine I think I actually need more oh wait I

Might need to just cover you in maybe we should be fine I have a very strong suspicion though that I’m going to be needing uh more Hoppers I probably shouldn’t have made this so long since I can only stand right here and break three of them but I made it okay this is

Going really fast and luckily I can actually just hate my mouse and then just stand right here and go do something else so we’re almost halfway done with the hours so I’m just gonna finish up this hour and then we’ll just see how many I get actually okay wait

Wait while doing this get this what if I just stand over here oh but you’re too high up the issue is this water okay I think we need a trap door it’s fill in that I’m gonna put you there or drop you down okay so now I can stand right here

And I can almost break all five of them but the good thing is that I’m constantly breaking I’m never waiting so now I can go AFK and we’ll just see how much I Do by the end end of the hour okay and after an entire or not an

Entire hour but the rest of the hour wow and we even picked up some in here so really it’s like that so it’s like wow okay I I would say that this was uh definitely worth the investment uh it was definitely worth the time to

Actually build this so oh no no no no no no oh that’s not good no oh my uh where did they spawn over here it has to be this right like that’s the only place is it is how do you guys spawn there really I thought it was

Completely fine inside of the sugar cane hi buddy yeah can you not touch me thank you okay well we just got to go through check it out wait nope got a hit okay not seeing anything else almost just fell to my death at the very least it

Didn’t blow up the actual Farm it only took out four of the slabs so I will very happily take that okay we need to Baby proof the place even more before I go in AFK at that farm okay so we have a lot of lanterns and that would you know

Light up the sugarcane farm very well however we can just take some glowstone and then okay is this actually safe now I’m scared not seeing anything high do I also need to go oh wow that really pushed him do I also need to go through you and light you up up Heiser

Is there anything else okay so I think it’s wow I think it’s definitely just the sugarcane farm cool I I was always curious how some things were like spawning in here and there but I don’t know I’m just it’s still very weird to me okay so what if we go like one and

Let me go four and then we come over here to this lane and then I just mimic everywhere that all of the uh stone bricks are when I tell you this place is gonna be lit up oh boy is it going to be lit up and there we go okay so every

Single place is done now we just go back and we put down some glowstone okay beautiful now we just need to go around and remove all of these okay beautiful we should hopefully never have any more issues I don’t think they can spawn in here a really good test will be if any

Do spawn in there that means that there’s bamboo missing from one of the blocks in there next I can go through the mountain and you know put down some glowstone in there however I can just use my lanterns okay perfect I know this looks uh really ugly but I really don’t

Care I just really don’t want things to spawn in anymore so we should be completely fine in here because all of the ground is below okay yes yes uh do I need to spawn proof the the fox area or are you guys not safe oh my God oh my God oh

Geez what was that how did I miss a one block jump oh I can’t even put anything up here oh okay well thank you for the heart attack that you guys are spawn proof in there oh but here I won’t be a monster can I get inside

This is what I get for not being a monster oh you little don’t you dare running my chickens and kill them where did you go this is what I get for being kind yep now we got just come here let me guess you’re gonna run out too and

I’m gonna have to go and catch you go go come on get in here come on yep how did I know you are about to run off the map get over here no no get out again God come here come here come here come here okay both of you little lovelies I love

You guys so much I adore you come here you’re back in the lonely cage okay now don’t mind me just stay right here there okay yeah I this is why I definitely need to make a bigger uh animal pin area we should also really uh make a brewing

Or like a witch villager or whatever the one is where you can actually trade them uh rotten flush might be a really good idea wow that was a zombified villager needed you in every single movie I uh ever made recently okay everything is healed everything should be spawn proof

I’m now worried also by the way how is our iron looking are you doing good not bad I think before it was around like here ish so yeah nice nice we’re making progress on that oh God don’t fly off the edge all righty well um well I know

What I’m gonna be doing for the remainder of this hour once again and then I think the I think our 13 then I’ll actually get like a full hour of me I’m breaking cobblestone in because another huge reason why I want to get so much Cobblestone is that uh I kind of

Want to do a farm that I’ve been wanting to do even in my hardcore World which I haven’t really touched in maybe a year now oopsies but I just find it boring sorry but um I’ve been wanting to do this farm for about the past year now

And I either want to do it in this movie and or also in the one block Series so we’re gonna be needing a lot of blocks for it and I don’t really want to use wood and finally I was able to just mine at the cobblestone generator for the

Hour now I can’t lie I was playing Clash of Clans and Empire Z the entire time that I was doing this I just got those games and I’m getting into it uh anyways so the pick’s almost broken I had to you know keep an eye on this thing it was

Actually working very well very smoothly so by far this is one of my most favorite Cobblestone generators that I’ve ever built and I haven’t looked into the chest yet but I’m going to assume that we are definitely good on Cobblestone for now when we can actually

Go and finish a lot of our builds all righty let’s go see the magic oh that’s a good sign oh oh my god I didn’t even realize I had so much anyway then how much is that oh wait is it oh my God how’d that to be oh my God you can’t

Even pick it up oh no oh God uh I made it to efficient well we can definitely start building with you know just Cobblestone from now on but you know that’s really ugly oh nice nice uh actually okay so oh Jesus okay I need to get organized okay so instead of

Smelting all of that yeah we need to start smelting away a lot of our wood which Speaking of this now that I’m going to be using wood a lot more we might want to extend the tree farm but I kind of made an oopsie because I

Remember in uh part one how I said I would just expand this going backwards well um there’s kind of something in the way now and uh maybe we just continue it this direction I guess that would be the smartest So speaking of that what saplings do I have oh cool I basically

Have every single one of them however uh dark oak love you but you’re kind of annoying to grow and I don’t know if I want to make a tree farm for you acacia wood is all right and jungle is okay you know it’s not the best so honestly I

Think we just you know continue with these saplings you know the normal ones okay how did I build you um simple enough simple enough okay beautiful so this one okay wait wait wait wait wait we need to extend you one more block and barely any blocks to spare but finally

Okay so the oak one is done and now actually looking at it okay so I might be a little tricky maybe we have to kind of redesign this but I can at least start extending this back or we can always just extend it this way which

Might work but I don’t know but I anyways it’s just I can finally start expanding the tree farms a little bit you know and start making them a lot bigger ah beautiful so now I just need to go around and copy that confusing design which I don’t know why it’s so

Hard for me to pick up on but we just need to finish the Birch ah and the Birch is so nice and beautifully done now time for the last one which is Spruce and nice so the tree farm is now completely done and now we can actually

Expand it so hopefully in a different direction so I don’t make such a giant triangle for my entire base which maybe I don’t know like I can like designate this side for like charcoal or something who knows like I’ll I’ll try and come up with something or maybe I just redo this

Part and this isn’t a tree farm anymore you probably just have this um be like on nice walking spot which after running through hearing you know collecting all the trees and why not that might not be a bad idea because I’m going to assume in the future I’m going to be walking

Around here a lot and running through trees right here probably going to be really annoying uh I don’t think I’m gonna change the ground though because it just it really doesn’t matter but yeah I think it’s time that we just removed the tree farm right here and I

Guess we just leave it open like I’m kind of down for about oh and then at least I get some dirt back and I need to make more slabs ah so much nice are so open and just blinding my God you’re so bright well hey anyone who’s sleeping

Good morning now that I’m going to be using a lot of wood plus we’re gonna be getting into building soon which way do I want to take this ah because I’m definitely going to be transforming this I need all of these animals gone and moved so I don’t think we want to bring

The trees this way so maybe this way the only issue is that these oak trees these are going to be hitting the mountain at times and I really don’t feel like redoing any of this I’m gonna be honest but I think going this way is probably

Our safest bet plus we really do need to uh kind of cover in the land over here now I can’t even lie if I didn’t have the tree cutting mod I would 100 not be doing this definitely never would have done this with just the amount of work that it

Actually takes just to cut down trees normally it’s so nice being lazy okay perfect so we extended it just a little bit but we’ll see how this works you know if we need more wood wow that was cool then we’ll just expand it but I just want to start doing other stuff beautiful

Um let’s go ahead and get back to cooking you however this will be a shocker to you I really need to fix my pickaxe which that actually did a lot wow that was surprising oh my God he didn’t even give a second dude there was legit like not even one

Second he blew up as he was falling I love creepers I love them so much I never get tired okay anyways besides that fun so everything is completely healed up I also feel like I need to go and get more of the Cobblestone oh dear God we’re still not even done with the

Overflow I was too efficient I’m just too good at it anyways I think we can actually finish the mountain I’m just gonna grab some of those some of these yeah yeah I get more mud dirt okay so we put some of you like that that too oh so

Beautiful sloppy right there oh my goodness how does he do it I don’t know so we can now go around remove all of the lanterns how did you get grass what that’s actually really confusing to me how did any of you get grass or not grass isn’t supposed to be able to jump

That far interest okay and then maybe just so it’s not like so awkward looking maybe we bring it out to here too and maybe we just bring it up like randomly at some points like this just to give it like some kind of uh like depth in life

Uh I mean not the worst however I really just do not want to spend that long on this uh maybe we can continue it all the way out to here because we’re not going to be building the entire wall uh I can’t lie I’m just going until I can

Like cover up everything all right I’m kind of liking this it’s starting to grow on me I think I just need to keep on spamming blocks everywhere you know and then it might look even better oh I love you yes more of you yes and then I

Think maybe we use dirt up here just to like not make it so smooth okay as long as I can just cover it up to where uh I don’t see it that much so yeah just when I come over here I’m only gonna look like that far and wow look it’s the wall

Is uh completely done you know you don’t even see it wow this is so cool I love creating Hills definitely don’t look over here though however yeah we really don’t want this to be uh you know a spawning ground so first off I hate having lights on the ground I’m I really

Don’t like stepping on them so we’re going to go through remove all of these we’re we’re gonna have to come up with a new way to light up this place without it being annoying okay so you’re not the worst I think glowstone is going to be

Our life saver over here okay then I do like the look of lanterns on like a Hilltop like this so and we’ll just go around put you there okay so at least the the hillside is lit up uh you are definitely going away though and my glowstone there you are beautiful next

Up let’s use fences yes yeah I don’t think there’s any other like pretty way to do this so what we can do because I’m thinking light post it’s just it’s very it’s a very outdated looks I don’t know how nice this will look but like you

Could just do boom boom and then you go pow on top and then wow look at that you have like a very simple light post obviously you could use like signs or trap doors and it’ll look a lot prettier but this lights up the area and it’s not

On the ground so I can’t like walk over it and go like you know it’s super annoying and then maybe we just skip it out like four blocks in between yeah not too bad and I kind of have a fun idea for the staircase to actually make that lit up

Or light up now since I have some fancy Stones I can make stone brick walls you can never go wrong with these yeah you could just build so many beautiful things I need way more fences so now so we’ll skip this one because it’s really close to that but maybe every single one

Of um like the steps that go like right past the slab so you put down a stone wall and maybe do fence and then we just do a glowstone block like that you know might look nice and I think we do one more right here boom boom and then we do

One more at the very top I kind of like it it’s kind of cute it’s cozy and now up here so here comes the issue oh God so we don’t need to continue them on the side anymore and then I think we can actually just remove all of these near

The edge and then maybe like here let me do like boom Bop you know I think that looks a little bit better you know a little bit fancier than down there or I might go back and change out the bottom parts of all of those to stone brick walls but

Honestly right now I don’t know so I got them all placed around now let’s just go around remove a lot of these put up all their fences and there we go nice and bright and then I don’t know if I want to build like a stable for the horses or

If I want it to be nice and open and just like really fast and easy to make no no maybe maybe we do build something you know I haven’t actually built a building in actually like a really long time now that I think about it now what

Fun blocks do I have it’s a workless because I don’t want to just use like my typical Stone and Oak Wood you know that’s boring we do have a lot of quartz that could be fun some quartz with maybe some prismarine stuff but I don’t have

Too much to work with but I think I have an idea actually first before I even go through and pick out what blocks I want to use let’s go and handle the tree Farm okay I get a decent yield from it when I let them grow but we might want to

Extend that soon so I can actually go through that those logs very quickly oh my God you chickens lay eggs so rapidly geez so I think a nice looking build ah I can try and make the place look holy especially since the horses are dead so I think it’d be a little funny

So I think we’ll use a lot of Court blocks and then can I oh I can’t oh okay so I’ll take 64 pillars oh yeah you already know we’re definitely gonna be needing some stairs and then we should be able to do some fun stuff with all of

That we’ll leave a few regular Court blocks now since I have these it kind of sucks a little bit I can’t lie but fine okay we’ll take some prismarine walls then maybe half of you go into slabs and the other half go into stairs and same

Story for you and just for some extra building like capabilities we’ll use some birch logs and then I guess we’ll see what I can you know build with all of that oh we might want glass we need to go and buy glass please tell me I have emeralds please please

I don’t even have any specs oh my bamboo forest that I do not miss blah blah blah I need to make this automated so badly wait can I even make this automated if I use like honey blocks because I don’t think I have that much slime and I don’t

Really know how to get more okay so we now have a couple of sticks luckily I can also go and repair all my stuff what’s up you beautiful folks and finally I can actually buy some glass and uh knowing me and how I like to build especially with glass yeah let’s

Just oh God way to barely any of you sell it okay well we’re gonna try and buy as much glass as possible I would like to use up all of these emeralds on it so it’s not bad but uh give me more give me yes you’re phenomenal at

Capitalism oh my goodness US government is so proud of you perfect I’m very happy with that six and a half stacks I think I can do something with that now thinking about it uh just while I’m over here I’m pretty positive some of this is actually spawnables so yeah let’s just

Light you up but anyways how are we doing do we make a dent oh we did okay okay so we finally made a dent in here and we have a nice little back supply of that one I’ll be surprised if I ever need to go and mine for some more

Cobblestone I would actually be very impressed with myself but not in a good way okay so if I take the blue dye and then I believe I know how to make this yes yes so I take you and I think it’s like what you just do that and you do

You oh beautiful oh pretty I uh I wanted it to be light blue oh look at that I have a lot of white dye ah look at that now I have a lot of light blue dye God can I change it please can I can I play cool awesome

Okay well if you’re any crying tonight while I’m sleeping uh it wasn’t me no I’m not salty no why would I ever be angry watch no and you know what here well let’s make a lot of light blue uh stained glass if I make you can I turn

You into pains okay yeah so regardless doesn’t even matter about here we’re gonna turn all of you into like uh blue glass and you know what here I won’t throw it away maybe I can you know find something to use uh the blue stained glass for even though I like really

Don’t like that color the light blue is just so much more beautiful that’s so much so much nicer okay so I have a lot to work with Okay first up get rid of oh I don’t have space okay uh I’ll just drop you right now we’ll make this fast

Okay perfect okay God how do I want to do this uh usually I just start placing down stuff and then I just see how it goes and then it usually works out um okay I think I know a way to make a stable it’s where horses can’t leave it

But I can go in and out without them moving okay uh let’s go to every single corner and we’re going to place Birch like this so maybe we give ourselves three blocks to make a wall two for the entrance three for that and then we go

Boom boom boom I think we just move it over by one block okay I believe this is all evened out now obviously oh God hideous ah beautiful so pretty plus that just goes in with all the court blocks a lot better and then we’ll just make this

A long boy so we’ll come all the way down here give ourselves four blocks away from the wall area and perfect okay next I think we used the bricks and then one more block so I think this is when we use the pillar and then I think we

Break out the chiseled block on the third because then we can do light blue stained glass which I think if I just use the panes this should be fine and nice and now I don’t believe the horses can leave this I’m pretty sure that only I can actually leave this now but if

Anything I’m just gonna time up to a post inside of here if you know they want to be adventurous you know we can’t have them being too adventurous in here now I have no idea how I want to do this um I don’t think I want to make a roof

I’m not gonna lie I hate making groups I kind of like making everything open plus you know the horses are dead it’s not like anything can kill them okay not bad I’m liking this and I think so the entrance is going to be completely different from all of the walls so maybe

Now we match all of these pillars with like you know regular pillars going up I mean we could do chisel chiseled brick and then this comes out and then I guess we just do panes on the inside and that my eat be an okay wall don’t worry about

Depth yeah that’s uh that’s coming next okay not too shabby not too shabby then what if we do more uh Court pillars okay oh and then we can actually come out to here with some prismarine stairs which we then continue up here I mean we can

Also then just mirror it like that so we can do something like this just for the outside and then once we go inside we can actually just copy this we can just do boom boom boom pow and then you’ll just never know that the inside is just

Empty okay I think I like it but we’ll just touch up on that later now for the front first up I think we just use actual glass blocks right here maybe we use regular quartz right here I mean this isn’t really a busy design but this

Is a busy design so maybe by using like a flat block like that it might be better and then I guess we can actually just bring a pillar across but I do have shares so we can do this as well oh actually no we make a curve in oh wow

Nice now it’s starting to look like we’re making a fast food entrance perfect yes oh actually even then so if the horses can actually still walk through this I’m pretty sure if I put down some slabs right here I can still ride the horses through the door but

They can’t leave I think uh anyways okay so let’s just go through copy over the other wallets over here okay beautiful now I just don’t know what I want to do back here I almost I just want to use some Oak back here but I think it’s best

If I just leave it as the corner maybe I use no I actually can’t even use any prismarine stuff I probably shouldn’t have turned it all into you know stairs and walls but uh I digress well I do like the pillar look right next to the

Uh the oak law oh no the uh the birch logs so maybe we just do that maybe this is when we use some of the regular quartz and then actually maybe we just do this you know and then uh we just put in some glass panes make it a nice big window

For them and I think that’s good I mean I can always just remove these two and we could put in chiseled which kind of looks cool won’t lie okay I think we’re good with all of the walls obviously we are nowhere near done this is very Bare

Bones and kind of ugly to me I need depth and I need some color in here so at the entrance we can put down these and then we could put some glass panes on top because that just always looks really fancy and nice at every single

Corner we could do the exact same thing same with the panes ends in a nice amount of color beautiful beautiful next up kind of just want to add in this block around to some areas especially around here no not like that okay so then we could break up the color like

This but I don’t think we should bring it up higher but we can curve it like this I don’t entirely hate it we can then put walls right here with some blinds I won’t lie I don’t hate it that much I think I just need it to grow on

Me there let’s add it over here too so I mean it’s not the worst you know I feel like we need to add something up top it’s way too flat for me so I actually think I know exactly what we can do so to break up the color some more maybe we

Go this yes and let me just bring this all the way across also we then fill in this little hole oh barely had enough okay we can do next so to actually break it up instead of it being so flat we can then put the staircases here let me do like this

Let’s go boom you can also then put some right here okay it’s nice and then we’ll copy it over to here my God we barely have any blocks to work with Okay and then we only have four left so maybe do one here do one more right here mirror

That over here okay perfect um and then how would you look I were to do a block right here like what if it make this kind of fly I mean it doesn’t look bad I actually kind of like that surprisingly it’s a pretty nice design plus I am grasping at straws right now

God I missed my guardian Farm oh I would have made it so nice to actually have unlimited blocks of this to build oh I don’t have enough okay wait wait change of planes okay okay so I don’t have enough of this one but I do have a lot of these oh you wait

I think we should actually go check them out I don’t know why I don’t think I’ve actually ever used uh wandering Trader before in my life I’ve never actually seen any good trades from them but maybe this time it’ll be different nope nope it’s pretty much the same uh um so

I I appreciate you coming by I truly do um I’ll see you again soon maybe nice we’re up to 37. I’m trying as we were okay nice nice I almost now like can I put what happens if I put you on top so I don’t like how you float but what I

Could do what if I put a wall okay uh I guess I can make that a full block and then I just put that on top I’m in on the sides we can have like these cool little pointy Parts might look all right at this point I’m just placing down

Anything at every single like opportunity that I can because I just really don’t know if it’s gonna look good or not and I have no idea what I’m going for however I do know that I want to fill in these just like how I did with the outside and then the corners

I’m not too thrilled with I mean we could do Boom Pow oh wait no no no we could do boom I mean it’s not the worst it can most definitely be a lot worse because I mean ultimately I’m just trying out new uh building styles like I

Don’t want to do like you know a very typical Stone and Oak anymore you know I want to find some cool stuff like this which I almost feel like something should be coming across this I do have a lot of glass ah wait a second I think I

Can come up with something for this so maybe up here since I have this now and I can’t place anything so maybe boom and then we go being copy it over here and then we can go across it with some glass just like this maybe we do like two over

Here two over here then we break out the glass pane and then we do one more right here I’m gonna you know bring it up a bit and I guess we could put two on top like that on the kind of oh and then put you under just like that because I mean

It’s kind of a design I don’t know I just I feel like it needed something under it like that what am I gonna do for lights also I don’t like the top part here I think yeah I think we do that okay then just because I just I

Love it so much I love uh glass panes when they’re just like a rod like that okay nice and then I think we’re okay with everything up here I don’t hate the walls and I mean I can always just do you know that it’s really easy fix and

Maybe we’re done it’s kind of just like a vomited building maybe we put that there and there I mean I guess we can do that so it’s kind of futuristic not too futuristic but I I don’t know I think it works it’s a nice little vomit building

Then I think we’re completely fine on the inside I mean I can copy that look out there into here okay nice now for lighting God I really wish I’d see a lantern so that would have made this so perfect God I don’t even have it I mean

I can make a few how many can I make five well I guess I can do something with five God uh and then maybe the rest we just do lanterns so we’ll put the sea lanterns that very strategic points and then we’ll just put the lanterns everywhere else to actually like make

Sure the place is bright I mean uh oh God uh put sea lantern there sea lantern there okay so we could put Lantern there Lantern there and then oh God that’s not even wait how how did I mess that up wait a second no you’re not good how did

I mess you up so much okay there we go but once again yeah okay so no Center there oh my God I don’t even know where to put this last one honestly I don’t think there is any spot for this I think we now just have one extra one okay so

It’s kind of lit up uh we could put these in the corners it’s because they’re kind of out of the way and you won’t really be seeing them whatsoever uh I think this might actually be bright enough I really don’t think anything can spawn in here maybe we could put one

There there uh okay you know we’re just gonna see how well that holds up but I think we’re fine next up I think we just go around out here we can put one like there there oh my God wait I can actually come back and change this out

With soul lanterns oh Soul lanterns might look way nicer than regular lanterns oh they look so much better how do I make them I know you can make them but I don’t know the recipe okay I’ll look at it and a little bit really I

Promise you I will I won’t forget it I swear but I think we’re good like I don’t really want to mess with the ground in here there’s really no point but I think we’re good hello boys yep I need you all to follow me okay I trust

Me I have a beautiful home for you guys I put a lot of thought into it it took me forever yep just don’t fall off please yep yep come up here nice come inside okay so they can go through hi buddy I’m inside fine okay you’re good

Please come inside and there we go okay so you guys can walk inside until I do this to you and then I believe only I can get out well they immediately started eating grass I don’t know how but I’m going to assume that you guys

Like it in here and now this place is even more open and perfect awesome it doesn’t look too shabby if I had like a bigger inventory I could have made it a lot nicer but it works it was something fun to you know try out with like this

Kind of a color palette even though I have the autoinator that’s built those same blocks so uh well just ignore it I was very limited on prismarine I wish I had more okay what am I feeling like doing now which one is going to be the least annoying oh actually it might help

But you go and get organized okay so much better um you know what I think I just need to go and clear my mind so I think wow that is a really huge tree okay I see you oh I mean I could go and uh I guess expand

The animals pin yeah do I want to do I really want to make them a nicer area to live could start making all those cows and pigs and chickens into food I guess we can actually expand on the animal pens and I only have one Panda

Wait really wait I don’t even have two oh God that’s sad man that’s that sucks for you pal jeez now the issue um I I don’t know how kind I want to be to all of the animals and I really don’t know how I want to build for them ah but

A part of me kind of wants to use a lot of dirt to make the land look really cool God that’s gonna be so expensive and I really don’t want to make more dirt okay well since I have so much Spruce let’s use up some of this and I

Don’t really want to remove any of their pens like I’m gonna remove the animals from them but I kind of want to leave them here as memories but maybe I just go okay not like that but maybe I just go around with some Spruce slabs and I

Kind of just fill in everything so you know we can’t really fall into the void anymore if I’m being honest I don’t know why I left any of these open spots it doesn’t really make sense to me it’s really not smart okay beautiful so now nothing should be able to fall out and

Die even though I truly done anything would have done that anyways I don’t make mistakes like once you know I would never get anything killed in here and God even though I really don’t want to make this place a rectangle but I think we bring out the land from this

Point forward plus this will also get rid of a lot of wood given though I don’t know why I’m trying to get rid of wood when I extended the tree farm because I was worried about running out of it but at the same time shush well I

Don’t mind me it’s not really going to be a mystery about what I’m going to be doing for the next hour at some points you know it might be kind of cool no no you said I was going to use different color of slabs in here probably make a

Design but yeah you know we’ll just make it out of spruce and then I think after I do this maybe we’ll add in some dirt you know get some nice grass going around here plus then I can at least take this time to think about okay what

Do I want to build for all the animals to stay in so bringing back the segment that everyone loves uh this was really late and I was really tired but I wanted to keep on recording so I extended the platform by 24 blocks I believe I did

Just so I can have a nice very massive area to play with now I’m going for a museum theme for this but it’s not going to be your traditional look whatsoever I could have done like a nice Circle build for this building but I wanted to get

Kind of crazy with it and I just wanted to randomly play stuff and then just see what happens so once I completed the entire platform I built this kind of diagonal staircase leading up then I just covered it with some oak logs and then I put some stone walls on top of

That and then some fences and then some light blue gloss paints on top basically I just wanted to make it as pointy as possible just to make it look even more terrifying just to get rid of any kind of courage or Hope from any of the animals that they would think that they

Could Escape next up I got some more oak logs and this is one I you know I didn’t make it a circle but it’s kind of circle but I just went around the entire platform and I just started placing trying to give myself enough room to build with but it does doesn’t really

Matter because they don’t need that big of a pen or containment unit or land for every single kind of animal regardless even if I use up this entire floor boom I could just go up you know so the possibilities are endless with it it’s just I just want to try something new

And you know just continue the very bizarre looking builds wow what a nice hole so I do plan on filling up this entire thing with dirt but uh probably should save on that since you know it uh does take me a long time to actually get

Dirt so if we just go around so to save on all of that beautiful stuff yeah we’re just gonna go around and make a border out of uh Oak planks and then uh I I don’t know I’m just going to wing it from there and now looking at it uh

Let’s do a second layer oh God this is not gonna be easy for me to keep track of uh hopefully this all looks good in the end oh which now after completing that I probably should have made you out of planks not gonna lie but oh well we

Ballin I have a lot of trees which do I have a lot of dirt oh thank God oh man I don’t need to go make more oh thank God and then we’re just gonna take like four brass blocks don’t need that much now the one thing is that I don’t know if I

Want to fill this hole in but that might look the best ah God I don’t know wait no no no no I have a genius idea okay so maybe this is gonna be the outside of our farm Arium Hut thing and then right here where I’m placing these this can be

The wall which you know I’m saying this out loud I don’t know why I’m making it out of a expensive block instead of just something else that really doesn’t matter but uh oh well we digress okay yeah I have a good feeling about this maybe then with that all done now go

Around with some dirt fill all of the landing open to God it only takes me three Stacks oh dear God I think that was about six Stacks please don’t take my entire dirt collection I really hope your animals are worth it that was like seven and like one-fourth

Of a stack for that now I guess we could just keep keep it pretty typical for this part you know just use some logs and some stone bricks for the walls over here put down some leaves because I don’t think we need to make it that complicated however uh while I was

Placing on the dirt I kind of realized I think spiders can spawn in here I’m honestly not that sure but I kind of really don’t care to find out if they can or can’t so oh wait I’m stupid never mind if they can I can even place down

Torches okay nope never mind okay so anyways other than that why even have leaves oh wow I have four wow that’s it’s a lot is that really all I have oh wow I have a lot of dirt oh who’s ready to ruin the rainforest I wonder if it’s

Actually worth it to make uh maxed out Enchanted cheers or wait can I use a hoe doesn’t a hoe do the exact same thing if you put um silk touch on it oh my God wait it dies Why didn’t so I’ve always been using shears wait this looks so much better better wow

That’s incredible like the same speed and everything and then now I don’t have to waste any of my iron as I only have an infinite supply of it well then good by you you’re obsolete God I love you so much more every single time I use you

Might be taking weird okay so we should be good on leaves more of you okay so this should be good enough to start out with and I have no idea how I’m going to be doing this huh well I think it’s already obvious I’m going to have to make a staircase in

Here and have the thing go up um I kind of wanted to try like a new style maybe we kind of leave like it kind of open you know like maybe we don’t really make like a roof in here we don’t even really make walls so maybe I try and go for

Like kind of like an open tree design you know you know you know what I’m saying so I think we at least have a nice massive entrance right here which oh dear God I barely have enough wood for this okay so maybe we go like one

Two three here’s the fourth and then I’m gonna go like two two three okay and then tada okay that’s really bugging me I’m not gonna lie that’s kind of rough to look at uh wait wait trust me I I know exactly how to fix this wow now that just looks beautiful

And so just to keep the feeling of dread and absolutely no Escape so then I think if we just put spikes here and then not up there because I can’t reach it wow doesn’t that just look so comfortable and then just make it I guess look kind

Of realistic also just new color you can then also put some walls on all the logs down here just so like it just looks like it’s supporting itself up always have to come up with the most annoying stuff ad okay it’s at least looking a lot more rounded out God I really hate

That like oh my God I can’t even begin to explain how much I don’t like that but oh well I’m just a little curious what what would this look like I mean I don’t hate it I I just don’t get it but maybe it works let me add it to the

Underside of the other ones I honestly don’t know wait what if I add them here as well you see this is me being adventurous because honestly I just like to throw random things everywhere nowadays just to see if it works it’s not wait wait wait let me let me see one

More thing okay nope can’t even add them okay um I’m in the next thing in my brain is just telling me to add okay up nope never mind nope that’s why it’s just gonna stay in my brain honestly kind of just want to leave it like this just

Because I don’t know maybe it’s gonna grow on me wait I don’t know we’ll probably go back to that so now at every single edge except for here what if I add in you okay so not too shabby and then you already know we’re gonna add in these oh

God this is gonna be so expensive animals are worth it I just have to keep telling myself that oh and then I actually think it’d be better if we break these place you okay okay now what do we want to do with the walls oh no

I don’t know what I want to do so I honestly don’t really have any idea for this whatsoever so we can maybe go with what uh usually works out for me and that’s just randomly placing blocks maybe we use regular stone bricks which I think I can do something with this but

Instead of using Windows just to keep it more naturey and medieval over here so oh God okay so every single part that’s not this that actually goes into a straight line uh we just put down fences which actually is kind of a lot and then

I guess for all of these spots this is when we use leaves it’s mainly the thing that I’m trying to do right here is just make sure that the animals can’t jump out and Escape which I’m weirdly kind of liking this I’m not you know I’m hating

It and maybe we just bring up everything so it’s two blocks tall because I’m just worried about them becoming sentient and then just jumping out like that and then you know escaping which you know that that would be a very big No-No show just raise all of you oh okay yes yes I’m

Liking this and maybe I mean I could have just done this with you know everything one down but um oh well live laugh love learn you know so now I can go around here play some slabs mainly doing this because I have so many of

These and I kind of wanna out of my chest and I’m kind of liking that who o nice it’s like a nice prison so maybe the animals won’t hate it so much and speaking of hate let’s go around and add a nice lip around here just so I can use

Up even more of the slabs plus it just makes it nicer just so everything isn’t so flat in the uniformed so gorgeous in here and maybe so I think yeah so every single one of the fences that I used except for the turtles for some reason are all Oak which I have

Right here so maybe I just make their pens just out of fences so really nothing is changing over here like whatsoever except uh now they’re just gonna be living in here and I think we’re actually ready for them so not you guys but let’s go through and start

Moving you my God there’s so many of you in there hi yeah for once would you guys like to get out of the Corral yep there you go yep got you yep got you two yep happy to see ya beautiful and then for you guys just because I like you so much

You’re a lot Kinder than all of the other mobs that I’ve ever gotten uh okay wait but don’t don’t stand right there there you go all of you stand right there thank you ah gorgeous and then just freeze how do I release it release release be gone bye bye go away go go

Wait what go away do something thank you and you know obviously we could use torches but ew we’d rather just be fancy and ooh look at the lanterns and please move please please move move I can get it like like move like you can get out

Of here thank you ah I’m a little curious what what would you look like if I put you there and then I put you there oh okay and there we go okay so I think we’re done with that and look at that you guys actually have room to move

Around you’re not just cramped up in a uh like a three by three area I know you’re welcome you’re welcome for finally treating you with um humility okay next up might as well just keep them neighbors so what’s up everyone yep yep let me oink you and you yep okay

Start getting out of the Corral sadly though I don’t really like any of the other mobs that much maybe the Sheep but um yeah you guys aren’t gonna get this big of a space uh nothing against you maybe okay move please I’m trying so hard to not create you then I’ll put

Another one here perfect this actually isn’t bad no I’m given how I built this so incredibly weird oh I’m loving this building I was actually very nervous at first but ah I just I’m allergic to L’s all righty you beautiful butt heads I suppose I donate you that much you know

You guys did allow me to go and finally get a bed okay but don’t go off now okay you guys aren’t you know that loved and then I think a cute little space like this is good enough alrighty let’s go everyone in let’s go come on come on

Come all gather around okay good good and you’re trapped in here forever thank you and then I think the best place to hide a lantern would be right here oh do I not need to make a second floor maybe for the fish unless maybe I make a new

Area for the fish maybe we make like a giant aquarium you know that might be cool alrighty what’s up Mr oink oinks you guys just really do not care there is not even one stop behind any of your eyes no no no no no no no no no no no

Now since they are tiny uh I’ll I’ll be generous I’ll give you guys one extra block and then you go there I break you alrighty four down I have to go now can I put a lead on a panda I really don’t know no I can’t okay let me go get you

Some bamboo alrighty beautiful you follow me I have a long journey to go I don’t hate the panda but I think I’ll be kind to him so we’ll make this your area which this looks comfy right yeah yeah you want to come in here look at this

Here we go you can you can eat it and then maybe just for the panda spot we’ll just put bamboo along there and here and then Boop I could just drop that so now whenever I come over here and visit him you know and say hi because you know

That’s what I do with every single Panda that I’ve ever captured before just ignore the hardcore world I could just come over here break one of the bamboo shoes it’s online boom now he gets to eat why did I give you such a massive pen I hope everyone watching uh

Appreciates this you you definitely get spoiled oh god well luckily you guys don’t move until I allow you to wait can I just move you guys wow you sit no okay wow so when you sit nothing moves you unless I push you okay well apparently I

Just have to let them fly and then very quickly go around and pick them all up yep no please stop doing that okay at least I can pull you guys super fast that’s nice um all right here you guys you guys gonna have this super tiny spot right

Here okay not bad I totally forgot to light up your pens this is looking beautiful yeah the parrots totally deserve all that and they look so happy uh just for the parrot safety we probably shouldn’t move Fundy because I don’t know if the foxes will actually

Like attack the parrots so we might as well move you guys can I use leads only of course I can cool okay so now I hold this do you guys want to follow me nice okay cool I’ll see you guys in one hour okay I was joking but like you can

Definitely move faster if you’d like wow oh that was beautiful you guys move so fast okay let me just push you in yeah just come in everyone oh my oh okay wow that was fun okay let me light you up wow and beautiful so can I actually breed sea turtles even though

They’re on land and not near water like is that actually gonna work or do you need sand well um I don’t exactly care to stay and find out now I’m gonna go with no I have a feeling that you actually need sand and I could put sand in here but I don’t

Know maybe in the future if I feel like making a place for the sea turtles then you know I’ll make like a big aquarium for them or something and have some water so they can swim around and have sand in there so you know they’re in their like natural habitat um I still

Really want to get a second Panda but I don’t know if the block will spawn you in which I mean you know I haven’t even uh the one block you know the entire point of this series so you know I guess we could just stay here you know have some

Fun for a little bit see what we get because I am actually really curious about all the stuff that I can get from all the oh wow I get a llama oh yep and both oh my God wait did they just go to the end oh wow okay well I now have two

Llamas in the end I wasn’t expecting them to fall through the uh the block and into there and just to see all of the possibilities that I can get from this and hopefully get a panda I just spent the remainder of this hour just at the Block well

Um so that was fun and uh a bit happened so I now have two snow foxes two more pigs got another bee and I lost one of my pillagers uh I don’t know if you were able to see it but towards the end of the time lapse um I had a hogland spawn

In here and I really wanted to trap it because I figured it would have been uh kind of cool to have it um yeah did you know that hoglands and pillagers don’t like each other because I didn’t so I tried to save them once I noticed that

It was attacking them but uh yeah sadly one of them died but I saved him and now I kind of want to move him so that uh he doesn’t die whatsoever where are you there you are and I think I know the perfect thing to do so I kind of want to

Put him like in a pedestal cage looking thing and I think you know if we just build it like right here that bugs me much better and if we put honey right there he won’t be able to jump like whatsoever and then just put some glass

Around this and boom now we have a beautiful cage for this beautiful man and I think the oh wait wait I need a trap door so the easiest way for this I think is just making a nice little dirt pillar going up which I’m hoping he’ll

Be able to get up here with that and maybe having it exactly like this so I just stand right here and then I’m expecting him just to run over oh here let’s there we go now he has to run through that and as soon as he gets in

Here I just break that and then I think we’re good it’s a hi buddy yeah oh cool wow you’re a speedy one nice my God you’re fast don’t touch me oh my God I almost fell one no what just go in into the Hall how is he going over it I’m not

Oh God okay I’m starting to get worried that he’s actually really close to dying please I’m trying to save you just get into my hole I will hate you if you come at me don’t just come on yes oh my God yes and I don’t believe he’s able to

Move whatsoever oh my gosh yes I think he’s actually stuck in there okay so quickly now before I lose him I have a name tag and I’m I don’t even want to chance it so we’re just gonna name him because I don’t think he’s gonna be staying since he’s not in the boat

Anymore hi buddy yeah yeah you like it right here there you go well now you’re going to be stuck there forever and you never have to worry about leaving me so uh welcome to the compound I hope you enjoy your stay However uh yeah this is

Still ugly to me so we definitely need to uh improve it a little bit which I first want to cover up the honey block because you know it’s just you know it it’s cool but you know it could be a lot better which I think that’s nice and

Then this will be expensive and I don’t even know if it’ll look good and I’m kind of curious so either putting signs up here just to hide the honey block even more and then just kind of add a little bit more to the post which that’s

Actually pretty nice I won’t lie yeah no it’s the okay I think I only like it at the top not down here um man because then if I put signs on the gloss and you know we just can’t see them anymore and I want to see him while

He’s in turmoil so I don’t think that’s bad I’m pretty happy with this look because I don’t think there’s anything else I can add to this without it becoming too much so uh yeah at least now he’s safe uh if I get more of them I

Might put some more pillagers on here I don’t know why I’m doing this this is the thought of it’s kind of weird though I’m just putting my enemies up in cages standing forever and sticky honey probably with ants going over their feet and uh am I a warmonger okay another

Quick thing um I I think you can also my favorite type of wood to use and I am kind of out of wood so let’s just bend this little bit of time just going through our tree farm shopping them all down restocking on some wood because I

Think I’m ready for the next build and I’m knowing me it’s gonna be made out of oak logs and stuff oh my God it’s just so beautiful and I love it how fast I go through trees with the tree cutting mod it’s just so beautiful it really needs

To be in vanilla Minecraft which uh looking over here um I kind of just remembered that I’m still not done putting away all of the animals so oh God how do I keep foxes contained in here um I don’t know if I can put the foxes in

Here uh because I’m really worried about them jumping over a fence attacking any of these guys I kind of really don’t want to put like a super tall fence placed in here because I feel like that’s just gonna make it look ugly oh God what do I do with them

Um well while I think about it I might as well put away everyone else oh God please don’t escape please don’t escape don’t escape don’t escape no no oh my God yeah yeah come on yeah yeah everyone back into the pen uh-huh uh-huh beautiful should I should I breed

Them next up we got our wonderful bee don’t fly away okay good good yes come with me now I haven’t even ex I don’t even think I’ve been into the Beehive this entire movie okay come on come on buddy work with me here you have wings

Fly higher there you go don’t don’t get stuck there you go there you go yes okay Welcome to The Beehive we should probably go go and collect all of this honey beautiful oh yes keep it up everyone very proud of you love you all it’s not bad nice got four more honey

Blocks so now whenever I get more pillagers or anything like that boom I can instantly go in and uh uh put them on display what do I do with you guys what do I do because I really don’t want to get rid of them I actually really like how they look um

I mean if anything I can actually just have the foxes in the front especially since there’s you know fences right here maybe that’s an idea oh I’m wrong don’t run where did the other one go please drop that please please please I need the lead here here do you want do you

Want this huh yeah yeah are you hungry huh okay cool uh are you hungry for another right sword okay listen Bud listen buddy okay one way or another you’re dropping that lead uh oh God I don’t even think I have anything raw here do you want cooked chicken or cook

Bunny thing yes you do okay cool thank you give me oh it was good uh trading with you okay yeah so maybe I just keep foxes here and then you know they they could be the guards that’s that’s what we’re going with Hello uh only two in

Here okay cool hey what’s up boys stop running stop stop stop Bundy come here ah come on I have cooked rabbit free too here do you guys want uncooked fish yeah you do yeah and boom so I don’t believe they can ever break out of these

Leads so they should be safe there which should be entirely good so let’s go and clear you out wow so much nicer however let’s go around and you know kind of flatten the ground a bit oh it’s so nice and open and flat except for the Sheep

Work so this might surprise you well I actually want to try and save all of this dirt which I think the easiest way is just by doing it like this also I might just say uh wow I have a lot of birch slabs now I never realized how

Much I used on this wow that is a very weird site so of course I can make the land look really pretty and just get rid of all of the Birch slabs right here and put in Spruce but I kind of want to keep this just for the Memories just to see

Where I used to keep all of the animals and then there was the aquarium now I don’t know what I want to do with this because I kind of want to put a bigger fish tank over here and this general area kind of right next to this Farm

Because in them I think it just makes sense to do that because I’m not really seeing anywhere else to put them are those horses still there oh they are hey what’s up everyone can I breed skeleton horses is that a thing oh God that’s gonna take oh God that’s gonna take forever

But okay at least I have unlimited glass I could also just make it out of light blue stained glass for the aquarium so it’s not just clear like that which might be cooler but it’s more opaque so we might not be able to see all the fish

In there but I don’t know maybe it would look better maybe maybe we’ll do light blue stained glass so upon waking up I noticed that my Farms I haven’t really been touched uh for several hours and then it kind of reminded me so as soon

As I went through all three of the Farms replanted everything blah blah blah I had a lot of carrots and potatoes left over and instead of just throwing them away or making bone meals since I’m completely maxed out I went over to my villagers just to see what would happen

If I had another population boom but also um I kind of want to get into automation on this world so yeah I think I might need some more villagers plus I would like to make some Farm villagers so I can trade with them and you know sell potatoes carrots wheat whatever to

Them just to make even more more Emerald so I don’t have to constantly break down all of the bamboo speaking of bamboo then I went over to my sugar cane Farm started to uh handle that and then I noticed wow there’s a lot of eggs outside of my chicken farm and when I

Went over to touch it they glitched through the glass and they kind of shot out and one that was just really weird so I just threw some more eggs in there but it also reminded me I always make a chicken farm like this and I always get

Unlimited eggs but I never use them whatsoever and this is always a waste so another thing that I want to get into once I do all my other Farms which I don’t know why I’ve never done this before but I can either set this up so it’s completely automated and whenever

An egg is laid it’ll automatically shoot into a pen where once I have a lot of chickens in there I just go through and say hi to them all and then I have unlimited meat to eat you know unlimited good food so basically what I’m getting

At I kind of want to make Farms that I just never really make or utilize at all so I think this would be a fun one to try and get into plus you know I don’t know it’s just like another food source to get it and also man I I need to make

Work of all of them but first up hey are any of you hungry I have some raw chicken that I really don’t care to cook there we go beautiful see I’m hoping that by me feeding you guys you’re going to like me more and you know you’re not

Going to create any uh Mischief okay but first okay I need to stop getting sidetracked I have now created so many projects for me so that needs to be done right now um I think I I still think over here is going to be the perfect spot for an

Aquarium now given how I have so much burnt slabs uh we’re just gonna make the border of the aquarium out of this and you know what just one just just for time you know uh I think we’re gonna be using blue stained glass for the aquarium so yeah I think I I think

That’s just gonna be the smartest route to go plus you know it’s just a lot faster now uh I don’t have many of of you and I still don’t know if I can breed tropical fish and salmon and uh cod in there but now uh for this of

Course not cool so first I have to go through and break the floor on where I want to have the fish tank which I guess we could just be boring and have like a rectangle fish tank nothing wrong with that okay beautiful we used up a lot of the slabs

So first let’s just do like an an easy little wall right here and then we’re just gonna see how see-through is this yeah I really don’t think we’re gonna have an issue with seeing the fish and beautiful so I don’t think we need to make this any higher I really think that

This is totally big enough I kind of want to bring the water all the way up here so I’m hoping by having uh slabs on top that it’ll actually prevent the fish from jumping out and honestly at that point if they jump out them Karma okay

Perfect now I don’t have to run back and forth so I can just stay right over here get all this water so uh now comes the super fun part of having to fill in the entire bottom floor with water because I still don’t trust fish and I really do

Believe that they would just you know uh swim down into these little air pockets down here even though it’s only half a slab and uh yeah I think that they would just suffocate oh dear God I wish there was a faster way to do this uh why am I

Doing so much for mobs that I really don’t care about and I will never interact with again I guess also I’m making a fishing spot you know if ever want to go make a fishing rod and come over here and just relax even though I also know I will never do that okay

Survey says did I miss anything no okay finally oh my God then I oh how do I actually wait no never mind okay so now we just go through with water put it on every other block boom it starts to fill in oh my God this is so much faster on

The water all the way to there you should fill yourself in beautiful yep don’t hear any running water then we just go through clear all the dirt and there we go now we have an entire fish tank and hopefully this will prevent I oh God I don’t know if fish are gonna be

Able to jump out of this I mean if anything I’ll just come back and either double up the slabs or we’ll just remove the slabs and put down glass anyways now we can get rid of all of you and then oh don’t don’t okay come here buddy okay I

Believe that’s all the fish from here and we just break you wow it’s just so open and empty and okay well when I stand in the sun you can’t stand when you’re in the shade then you can actually kind of stand there but at the very worst I I don’t mind using this

Glass just because like yeah it’s just so much less work okay now with all of the animals finally taken care of um which Farm do I feel like doing first well I feel like if we make uh some automatic like wheat carrots you know potato Farms that’s probably the easier

Route so I feel like we should go that I just need to mentally prepare myself to them go and do this so I think the most important question is where do hello where do I want to make it I feel especially since after uh bringing out

This area I feel like we should extend it this direction and then oh especially right here oh of the Farms right next to the Mob Spa honor I don’t see anything going wrong with that so first off let’s go do the fun part let’s go abduct some

People oh my God you guys oh God I can’t even get up the stairs oh oh God I’m moving oh god oh no there’s so many of you oh God it’s like my actions have consequences oh okay there’s one thing I need to make an addition to that doorway

There we go now only I can go in and out wait what oh is it because of the boat oh gosh okay well anyways now I can actually just go in here with the bow drag out a villager none of them can follow except for the demons I don’t

Know why but here let’s just go get the three villagers and then we’re just gonna leave them all right here uh you know just so that they can you know watch me uh create their fun area new area thingy wow don’t they just look so comfortable and ready to live a life of

Um volunteer work okay so since I’ve been using Spruce Spruce wow okay a lot of spruce well let’s switch it up man now for the farm area let’s use oak on second thought uh let’s use Birch yeah apparently I have just a little bit of

It so you know why not oh God now should I just make it a giant square or should I try and make it look pretty like this you know what I think uh the remainder of this hour and 26 I kind of want to beautify at least this area but you know

I kind of want to make our land look a little bit prettier you know we don’t need it to be so plain and now for something that I haven’t been doing whatsoever this entire series I guess you could say I placed down more slabs but like I said before I do want to

Attempt to make this area look beautiful and if I’m going to be making this area a bit of the automated Farms I feel like we can go with some kind of a design maybe like a shopping district in some sense maybe something that you would see

In you know the last of us or Lord of the Rings Skyrim something so at the beginning of the hour I was just extending out this platform and I found finally finished it mainly because I just kept on expanding it because I kept on making too many slabs then after that

Since I had just a little bit left over I kind of completed the bridge walkway behind the Villager housing unit if you catch my drift and then once I finished everything um I got sidetracked once again so then I just started to think and you know

What with how this land is starting to look I kind of want to transform it in some way I actually kind of want to work on my atmosphere slash World building skills you know so if you look at the center of my entire base that I created

The center is actually not too bad it’s pretty decorated it looks kind of alive you know it has character to it but then once you look at the outside of my land it’s really boring and plain and it’s just slabs like there’s no personality there so instead of immediately getting

To the Villager Farms I’m gonna go around and start adding in some more dirt pathway ways and some more leaves maybe add in some lighting because even though nothing spawns in here I want to add my own light post around the entire land make it a lot more beautiful make

It more bright make it look alive and my God is this gonna take me forever this is going to be taking so much time to do this but I’m going to try and do it as fast as I can while still having fun with it and just add something to

Make it look beautiful without going overboard so I finished up the little Insurance pathway that I started kind of for the front of the villager trading post area and then uh yeah I look to my right and you know what um yeah I really don’t like how the animal Hut is

Floating so just an easy fix for it I just went around covered up the top layer with dirt and then I broke all the slabs on the ground put some dirt there so it kind of looks like it’s on a hill at least you know it’s not that bad it’s

Not that ugly of an eyesore now after that um I kind of remembered that oh yeah uh mobs can actually spawn on this thing so I went around and I tried to light it up as best as I could but one thing that I definitely need to work on is figuring

Out how to light up stuff without just using glowstone in the ground like I I want to make it more aesthetically pleasing to light up things which is a lot easier said than done but I think going back to like my Minecraft Beta maybe like Minecraft 3.0 you know and

You make like a little like fence post and you put glowstone on there trap it with uh trap doors might be the way to go but I honestly don’t know anyways once I finish up that I extended the dirt hedge thing at the Villager place

Around it just a little bit just to add in some more color and just to make it feel a little bit more alive add in a bit of Personality then once that was all done I ran around a little bit and I think the next area to tackle is going

To be the villager trading post like the actual one and the iron farm because uh yeah it’s looking really naked and it’s not good so now for the iron farm I made the grass area over here uh kind of incredibly massive it used up every single piece of dirt that I have except

For like one stack given because this point is the farthest place from every other part of my base so I don’t really want to build this direction anymore maybe you want to make it the center of it I I don’t know but in the future if I

Do want to put anything behind the iron farm it doesn’t matter I could just build a path right through this but speaking of path I ran out of leaves some I had to go back to the Oak Tree Farm gathered more of those and then I went back to the iron farm finished

Putting down all those leaves and then the next problem um I need lanterns which take forever when you don’t have any emeralds and I don’t have any sticks on backup to get more Emerald so that was fun barely made it with that so now I desperately need

To make a farming villager and get my automatic farm set up so that I can go and just have a very very easy Emerald trade then once that was all done the grass luckily spread around everywhere pretty well there’s still some spots here and there that aren’t grasp but it

Doesn’t matter I then went around with two stacks of bone Mill and I just put down some grass some flowers made the place look a little bit more alive a little bit more color everywhere and I think we’re barely good so far obviously still not done decorating this world at

All oh my goodness look at this you see I’m trying to break out of old habits you know maybe the grass block maybe this is an ugly uh same with flowers so you know I’m trying my best also I fed a Big Bubba over there and see oh my God

This place it’s starting to look good I I am liking making these little Hills so I think maybe we just need more height in here because that’s one thing that I’m kind of getting stuck on now is I can keep on adding these and these can make the base look really nice and

Everything and it really does bring it all together especially this area right here it’s like this is looking really really nice to me however God I really just want to do something with the ground I really don’t like this and then at least for me I don’t like how flat

Everything looks I don’t know if that’s just because you know growing up in California and living there you know always seeing mountains so it’s just it just looks wrong it looks really really like bad and wrong summer and I mean one thing that I can do just to make it I

Guess more of like a village or a city is just build like random Huts like this everywhere but then that just feels really weird you know however okay bye-bye you know we can’t look at everything like that gets super duper overwhelmed I think the biggest thing is

Going to be flooring and one thing that I kind of want to try out but oh God this would be so much work and a lot of resources is building a pathway in here just to break up all of the wood and I kind of do have a lot of stone and some

Stone brick slabs which would really look really really nice around here okay so just because it doesn’t make sense so I’m not going to touch this um I guess we just start here and then I just kind of go from there luckiest thing is that I really don’t care at all

If I don’t collect all of these slabs I really don’t need them oh okay I mean ultimately I I can oh God I can go around with like wooden stairs at least against the grass and it might look a little bit better because I kind of want

This one slab below just for some depth because I feel like the land is way way too flat but I don’t think I hate myself enough for that so I I think this will uh do you know it’s it’s just a learning process once I go and do the series you

Know I’ll I’ll know everything for that we’ll make it perfect then I very weirdly don’t hate this so we kind of have a railing but I’m not gonna continue it right here like because uh it blocks up the pathway so I’m liking this I definitely think this is a good

Decision uh the only issue are them uh wait can I use water I can move them no what are you doing why are you up maybe I I hit them please don’t die okay so we’ll walk the children over here yep yep come on come on yep good good um

Um maybe we leave them right here yep beautiful okay we’ll see you guys later okay okay this is looking nice maybe I’m just trying to lie to myself so I feel better about all of this oh okay perfect perfect I actually think this definitely was the right decision to redo Pathways

Plus this has been something that I’ve been wanting to do in my hardcore world that I’ve never gotten to okay so Pathways over here are good I don’t think it would be smart to continue it that way oh but it might just because all of this is just one color so I don’t

Really like that yeah oh god oh man I thought I made too many slabs but no I’m definitely gonna be needing more we’ll get to the difficult part later I like to do the easy stuff first okay so just an update this is a massive pain to do

What we are uh actually making decent progress on all of the pathways everything is kind of looking like a spider web but I am loving this look a lot more it just looks so much more complete to me plus it’s nice just to see different textures colors and also

Just to see like a pathway just so everything doesn’t look like it was just thrown together even though it was but luckily almost done with all the pathways thankfully I didn’t build that much okay so really quickly before the hour ends I think I finally finished all

Of the roads given if they look good or not I don’t know but I at least believe that I’ve marked out every single building with a road so for the most part without having to spend you know the rest of the movie redesigning the entire base and trying to build up

Everything it was a good practice run you know like I think I got everything you know like like a good general idea I kind of figured out some stuff what to do what I don’t want to do for the next World or you know the series plus by

Doing this I now have a whole lot of slabs which I really don’t know what to do with uh and I also have a lot of iron so I know that at least some of the farm I kind of want to attempt an automatic sorting system in here but at the same

Time I don’t think that’s really going to be possible just because I’m worried about it taking up so much time but we’re gonna see I’m gonna try and Tackle uh more pressing matters also yeah I need to heal up everything oh yeah another thing that I realized that I

Never said I would love to put these guys in their own lamp posts but since they came from a monster party or I think they came from a monster party I don’t think I can actually rename them I’m actually still surprised that they’re here I really thought that they

Were gonna despawn like the other you know mobs like the bees that I had so I think it’s best to just leave them like that I mean I could probably make a lamp post with a boat in mind and then you know they could stay up there but it

Doesn’t matter okay first thing just so I can stay on top of food because I am getting low on cooked pork chops so I think we should uh mess around with the chickens I kind of like the location of it right here it just fits very well so

I don’t think I’m going to be moving them so I’ll just always come by with the with the eggs here and I’ll just pick them up and you know transfer them over there and I can kind of control it more that way and luckily I don’t need

To look up a tutorial because I really don’t want to I want to stay away from those you know I want to figure out Minecraft myself how do you make a repeat or it’s been so long okay so I don’t need a crazy amount of space for

It I kind of want to put it over there and this new area that I just built but I think I’m Gonna Leave This for the villagers because I do believe that I’m going to be needing a lot of space for their Farms so I guess right here

Actually might be a really good spot for it plus it just makes sense since the chickens are right there and it’ll kind of and it’ll kind of fill up the space right here so it’s not so awkward and empty okay so the chicken should be happy in this very beautiful land right

Here actually I do need to be able to get in wow it actually doesn’t look too done so very clearly you know I could just you know bring the eggs from down there over here throw them in but that’s manual labor plus you know that would

Just be so fast it’d probably take me like a minute to you know clear out a double chest so instead I’d rather spend about an hour creating a Contraption to automatically do that for me yeah now the hardest part oh God can I remember

How to do this from the top of my head did I actually build this correct but I just I need to have Redstone right here no wait that had to be correct yeah no because now it’s not working why is this not working does I need to be on no oh

Wait I got it to work you have no idea how surprised I am that this works it’s been six or nine months stop laughing that I’ve built one of these okay so big oh wait wait I need to make sure that chickens can’t jump out so oh God this

Is so ugly I’ll try and make it look pretty oh let’s double check make sure everything works oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop no okay so it works but they fly

Too high okay so to make it a little bit prettier I guess we can then go around and put down fences okay so this is good plus I do like it how it injures the chickens if they stand right here so that’s beautiful uh it looks like the

Fence definitely helps it out okay so everything is full proof Hopper doesn’t get affected by this whatsoever and then since I have so much ooh do I want a chance to oh God okay what if I put hoppers on top wow it actually looks perfectly okay

Okay so anyway so without making a water elevator which I really wish emojing would make a reverse hopper one that could like push things up my God would it make things so much more simple but I guess right here is fine um it would kind of be twice as fast but

It would definitely block things up but it would clear out the chest even more so I guess we just go this Direction with it because I do believe that both Hoppers will pull it out of that chest so it makes things a little bit faster I think I’m going to be building something

To cover up all of this because God this is just so ugly oh wow yeah okay so it does go by twice over okay good good now I need all of you to work a lot faster you know you guys are kind of slacking Ah that’s actually fun pretty fast and

Well okay so I believe I gathered everything Plus at the end of it if I really don’t like having a hobby here I can always just remove that so anyways I don’t think I need to worry about any blocks like touching on the edges so I

Suppose right here should be good it is really funny to me how they don’t move they just really enjoy getting hit constantly and hurt okay beautiful then I think we just go to all Corners we can just add in like this okay nope can’t do that okay nope something broke it I

Think it was this oh god oh no oh no why are you breaking why what did I do oh no it’s because of that okay so I didn’t break anything okay so I have to remove this it’s too efficient I know I’m just I’m too good at what I

Do at least I figured that out and I guess now I can actually fully cover this up just to be safe because this spot worries man and then the Redstone Warriors oh okay you know on here let’s just expand it all by one block I just I would rather

Be safe I don’t trust Redstone enough look at all those chickens okay so actually let’s cover it up every single corner with these then we can go around with some stone bricks on top we can then go up like two then maybe we go planks

Um yes yes wow this is so unique and beautiful I’ve never built a design like this before what I almost want to do now is just do a fence on top of everything and can I put fences on oh I can’t I don’t know I don’t know why that

Surprises me and then just so it’s really uh easy boom we just do leaves on top also this is spawn proofs it and I kind of want to do leaves on top of here as well plus then I could put that over the chest and the chest should be able to open right

Deputy cam okay beautiful I’m crying it’s not too bad it’s not not too shabby I’ll cry and I think this is good enough you know I don’t think I need to do any more go even crazier I could do something with the ground but I think this is completely fine just for a

Little chicken farm and then the nice thing if that’s ever too slow and I’m like wow I really need more food I’m just going through you know cooked chicken faster than uh they can pop them out I could just make a second one like right over here and yes you still work

Okay I don’t know why you guys are such masochists and you love standing Earth it’s weird to me but I’m not gonna judge you if it makes you happy and you know it doesn’t harm anyone else and I I guess that’s fine and now writing off of

The success for my chicken farm while I was building it I couldn’t help but notice that all of my Farms are fully grown and that’s a big No-No so just for the remainder of the hour I just got to work on them tended to all of them and

To also just let the chickens hopefully grow up because I would like to see just how successful this Farm is KFC oh wow I didn’t even think of this a bright bright a byproduct of this Farm is that um I get eggs so if I just fly in here oh you’re not

Bad you know I get six UH 60 18. 18 eggs from that ah and I get to inflict more pain on them get back in there no no no no stops see in the outside world get back in there I don’t know how my chickens are always breaking physics

However now with you know that being uh automated I’m really tired of this and having you know to tend to it by myself I’m gonna leave everything here like I’m just I’ll probably just leave it as like a legacy farm and I’ll just leave it just for looks you know I’ll never touch

It but um yeah I kind of want to make everything automated I’m getting really sick and tired of having to do manual labor also need to heal up everything okay beautiful now I also want to make this place look beautiful you can already oh God I have no wood like at

All okay let’s go inside to the tree farm so just come over here to the tree farm and my God I just love this mod so much hopefully I can refill up on enough wood just so we can make all of the Farms that I want to over there I’ll try

And not use too much wood or maybe I’ll use uh Birch okay so good news I believe I have everything that I need for the farm I’m gonna attempt to do this by memory that should go well however uh yeah you’ll notice wow I only have 63

Pieces of dirt and I have no more on backup but I have a lot of gravel so very locally since I do have this massive area over here where I’m going to be building all the Farms that also means that I have a huge area to make

Dirt and since I’m going to be making a whole lot of farms we already know that I’m going to be needing a whole lot of dirt God I really wish that it was possible to just make a dirt farm oh I really really wish that that was the

Thing okay beautiful we have more than enough dirt to hopefully do all the Farms that we want now I’m going to attempt to make it uh somewhat centered or at least lined okay now I need to do a lot of counting so if we have the

Border that go around you know on this block then we need a 9×9 for the dirt okay so that’s the spot for the first farm right here I believe this is going to be the collection center I think I made this wide enough because it goes hopper Hopper villager stands right here

Then you have a fence here fence here trapped on top okay yes yes just double checking my work no no wait did I just build this one block too low oh luckily it’s an easy fix okay so I got everything set up this part I wasn’t worried about whatsoever luckily it’s

All correct the part that I’m worried about are Hoppers it’s actually I think it’s easier if I first make the chest which should be this direction oh god oh no wait oh no oh I was so worried that I built it in correctly again and then I

Would have to do more work and fix it okay now because I believe now the villagers will walk up barely actually no no they can still make an encounter they’re actually supposed to be here because I can walk up and all the villagers can’t so it keeps the Villager

Back here so they’re gonna try and throw them stuff but it’s not gonna reach over here so then the character potato falls down into here I think that’s basically it we just now need to cover this all in glass which yeah I think that’s everything I think we’re good

Feeling confident and then let’s just go around secure all of this which I’ll be generous we’ll use glass for everything okay stack and a half should be able to maybe let me finish that oh you um we were so close and beautiful okay so at least now we can move in some villagers

The only worrisome part actually no no never mind I have a lot of iron I forgot I’m rich okay just not in this chest oh wait never mind I made some in the past okay please be kind to me please pretty please where are you going

God oh man it’s such a good thing you have a massive Cranium okay now can you just not be a massive pain and you know go to the mine cart okay do I need to use water on you actually I’m smarter than you I’m going to cover up the wall

More so you can’t use the water to get out and move what are you staring at what I’m doing this for you you know I know you want to become a farmer no no no no no not that way no yes yes a little bit more yes what did you just do

Oh no wait I forgot you’re really stupid wait no I need to protect you from your own stupidity and then just to save myself from having to rebuild this we can then continue it like this okay nice who wants to be next okay let me break

You out go into the minecart in to the card yes good good oh there we go beautiful okay please don’t make me hate you oh my God I can’t pick it up I can’t pick it up oh my God no no no no no no

No no no no no no oh oh he almost escaped okay why do I have such a phone inventory I’ll uh until you step into this Minecart I’m just gonna keep on placing dirt blocks to block you off okay okay oh my God it can’t go back up there

Uh why do I have a strong feeling that you’re just going to die just just go just go please stop fighting it just stop just a little bit more okay yes can I go in yes beautiful now do I break you out or do I just leave you because I don’t know

Oh okay I can’t break you out okay what did you just plant and what are you thinking about planning I did not give you permission for that I love maxed out tools so much and then I honestly oh maybe we just make everything carrots because I feel like carrots are a bit

Better than potatoes and then if anything I could just go and make some more uh potato Farms like I can just make that again okay now what did you plant what is this okay I like that you were ahead of the curve um okay I think everything’s actually

Done very strangely uh that wasn’t really that hard to build okay so now I think we just go up one more level with all the glass maybe we just duplicate what we did on the bottom so now I just take you go to all Corners I suppose I

Should also light it up in here instead of just using that glowstone and then the next step for this Farm I think just so that they can’t really jump I think we just put leaves here okay I’m not gonna lie I really don’t like how it

Looks but we do have a whole lot of slabs oh my God so just to improve the looks just a little bit but to also make it all spawn proof it can go around this entire thing with slabs I don’t know why I really want to put glass up here like

I really want to use glass but I don’t know if I want to use regular glass or maybe blue ooh light blue glass might look really nice and we do have a bit left I actually don’t know if that’s enough uh we’re gonna find out I think I

Actually like that uh can you see it from the ground yeah kind of just really depends on where you are on the land I think I’ll keep it I guess just in case if there’s a lightning strike it’ll maybe protect the leaves but you know the slabs can still catch fire but for

Most part I don’t mind oh and then just because we have leftovers uh never mind nope nope that is not a good look never mind okay for the most part the farm is done but I am definitely not done decorating I think we really need to

Make this look a lot more beautiful so I think we use leaves here up to there yeah and then maybe we go to all of the corners on the ground right here we can then put bricks like this okay so now with all of the pillars having you know

These blocks surrounding them that uh completely makes the log below them disappear and that was a total waste of putting that down there that’s cool so I like this I almost want to bring this out I kind of think that this would look better with a lip the part that I hate

Is that it’s gonna cover up this too unless you know you look from up here maybe it won’t look that bad then okay let’s see let’s see I think we need stairs because you see I’m trying to make it look beautiful before I go into

A new project are you proud of me are you so now we just mimic the log placement up here do I really have to oh my God why am I making this so difficult on myself I swear I’m a professional okay just go no okay just give me 50

Hours and I’ll finish this oh okay I actually really like that I almost think that yes we should duplicate it down here because I think it would just look a lot nicer like this and then at the end okay I need more type of slabs but

Then maybe we do slabs under here oh I like where this is going oh it’s so pretty I outdo myself oh um I outdo myself every single time okay however now we have a lot more uh respawnable areas now with a nice refill on leaves I think we just go around this

With oak leaves and then it should be completely fun we might have some droop down even I kind of want to bring it out one more block and then maybe have some of them drop down I think that would look nice and then maybe just go like randomly

Around I’ll be just keep jumping and just clicking and seeing how much droops just so I can stay random okay that kind of worked out why well oh it’s like so earthy looking oh it’s just so beautiful ah good job me and then for down here

Maybe on all of the stone parts we just put down some lanterns but I know that’s not gonna be enough maybe oh how would you look so what I can do okay let’s see it on this wall but I can go around with slabs put this on top of all the stairs

I mean it’s not bad just makes it a lot like skinnier but I mean you know who wants to see villagers but I think that’s actually a really nice easy fix when lanterns on all sides of this lights up a little bit more oh it’ll be

Nice I mean they’ll be kind of hidden but then we can also go around here oh God I need more oh I love that oh it looks so nice Okay the entire place should be completely spawn proof if anything can spawn I’ll actually be really surprised but I think we’re done

I’m pretty happy with all of this the only thing I would change is just the ground but I don’t feel like going that crazy in this World maybe in the series I will this entire time that I was working um does it just not work oh you guys

Probably haven’t harvested any oh wait wait yo come over here you got one wow you guys work really fast um wow oh look at that now we have three okay so one of the sides work I’m going to assume it’s you but I think we’re

Good God I really don’t know if I feel up to it to duplicate this I can either build it this way oh or I could just oh I could just put it over here on this side and then the center is open for something else maybe a center could be

Open for the wheat farm right here huh well I did want to automate it so fine I guess I’ll make another one for the potatoes it’s a very reluctantly I got back to work I began copying over the base layout and size and for whatever reason that was becoming very difficult

For me I don’t know why I can build things and then when it’s time to copy it or transform it even it becomes very difficult but besides the point made really good progress I luckily finished both sides of the Farm planted down the potatoes was making the collection area

Everything was looking amazing until I started placing on the glass so luckily I have sticks back when I you know tended to the bamboo Farm um the one thing that I wasn’t expecting when I was trading the sticks getting emeralds and then getting glass there

Was a random villager uh that got out I believe I don’t know when or how but I saw a brand new librarian in front of one of my other Librarians and then towards the end of the hour I looked at it it was a feather falling for villager

One of the last enchantments that I need and I know it looks bad and it looks really suspicious no I did not spawn them in I really wish that I recorded it but um yeah it was really bizarre so I set up their own Trading Post at the

Very edge of all the villagers so uh it’s cool I guess I’m just speechless on how it all happened hi this was supposed to be a timeline apps so my recording file for it corrupted for the first time ever in my life and wow would you look

At that I made some progress wow so I’m not really sure when everything kind of broke I think I only had the glass walls up but I got the villagers in here it was really easy this time I just had like a two block hole on both sides

Brought them over in boats made a staircase they walked inside trapped them this dude I just made a little roller coaster that just went up here boom put them inside easy peasy then I kept running out of wood and leaves so I had to go back to the Tree Farm multiple

Times I then put the leaves on this level it was wrong so then I had to like you know take it down and then I made it to right here an issue that I’ve been noticing while making this Farm I don’t really have any of the resources that I

Need for it I also had to cook more of these and I only have 29 more light blue stained glass so at some point gonna have to make more of those do I have any more light blue dye I have no idea I think I have lapped this so I can at

Least do that but um yeah uh sorry for no time lapse and showing me doing all this stuff uh that’s incredibly annoying it doesn’t look like I got much done because I was you know having to collect a lot of resources and then waiting for the furnace over there

To you know cook some stone for this so yeah but um anyways uh hopefully back to a time lapse that you know doesn’t get corrupted and delete itself so yeah and would you look at that this time lapse actually worked it actually saved itself now I believe I copied everything over

From the previous Farm to this one pretty accurately I don’t believe I missed anything the most annoying part though was how many times I had to go and make every single block especially the blue glass very luckily from the first 50 hours movie I had roughly like

49 light blue dyes saved over so that one was super easy just bought a glass from the villagers kept on making more blah blah blah but after spending so long on this I’m actually pretty happy with this normally I just make them pretty Bare Bones make a box go to the

Next one blah blah blah but I’m fairly enjoying this action making the world look beautiful and kind of lived in in a sense okay given I know that I still need to go around and finish all the leaves so let’s just go do them now all right beautiful not you I think I’m

Finally done with these two Farms so the entire time that I was building this that’s actually not that bad I was actually kind of expecting a little bit worse so that’s not too shabby and then for the carrots okay that’s kind of bad I don’t know I was expecting a bit more

I mean you guys had a like like an hour or two before them so I don’t know that however at least now I don’t need to tend to this the issue now are sugarcane and bamboo uh the bamboo farm that one’s super easy but I kind of want to try and

Put these together I just don’t know if I can make these automatic or if I need to go build a new farm for both of them ah because I need to make a flying machine and then I want to flying machine just go through all of this and

Then through all of these together which isn’t hard whatsoever uh we might actually have to build it up because I know that I need to make like a minecart system to go through and pick them up so yeah I’m just thinking out loud and then

Was I close enough to my iron farm the entire time I was making those Farms I believe I was hello okay beautiful another thing you probably noticed I’m now eating chicken I’ve moved on from hoglands on another because I’m so sick and tired of having to farm them I

Wonder if there’s an automatic farm I could build for them but anyways uh chicken are actually just amazing I never realized just how rapid you can um expand them and how many eggs that they drop like this is just from running around in here so I think before we lay

More chickens uh there’s some babies in here but I think that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make which it’s also a really good XP farm oh my God oh my oh wow uh I guess saluting three really is no joke um I think wow if I were to make like

Seven more movies on this like seven more 50 hour movies on this world uh yeah I would definitely have enough food for all of them like well anyways uh might as well just restart the farm can I sell feathers is that a is that a trade and there we go just set

Everything off to start cooking oh that’s so much chicken oh God I forgot can’t you sell feathers to Librarians I’m pretty sure that was a trade oh yeah here’s the feather falling for mysterious villager that I got during one of the uh uh time lapses so yeah

That’s like a really bizarre and weird like nice fine okay which one of you buys feathers okay so no to the Librarians herb was it you oh it is ooh it’s kind of decent it’s not the best but that’s incredible so now we have another Emerald farm and luckily for

This one I have to do like next to nothing and then wow hello let’s clean you out it’s already begun oh we’re gonna have so so much chicken now the next trade that I want to set up right now because it’s going to be very useful

Are farmers or these guys just because I have so much of this uh let’s go and make some birch logs okay this should be everything that we need okay let’s set up shop here okay so with this beauty setup I’m hoping that I can just make it

In a way to where they’ll just walk right into it just like all the other times so it’d actually be really greatly appreciated hello there boys who wants to trade with me forever and ever with carrots oh come on I think I can set this up in a way to where you won’t

Sprint away I’ll just want to be a good villager and go into your forever home that actually went like no oh my God oh my God don’t move don’t move don’t move don’t move oh my God jeez was it because I put on the stupid leaves wait why did

It not make all of the leaves disappear oh my God that scared me okay I was not expecting that whatsoever oh but it’s a trade I want okay I hope that makes up for it the one time my entire time playing on this world I don’t click

Shift and it almost ends in tragedy okay maybe this time if I just like lock you in right here maybe please please please please please just just go in there please please be good to me good good good to me good to me I don’t care if you have a crush on them

You’re going into this one you’re lit you’re going to be right next to him you can still flirt thank you I kind of want to strip this I think it would actually look better uh uh yeah let’s do it I kind of like it wait what if I strip all of them

Beautiful don’t mind me just making it a little bit more pretty over here even though some of the uh logs are messed up and in different directions but hey we don’t have to pay attention to that okay because I never know when to actually like strip a log or to leave it because

I really don’t want it to blend into the ground but I think this is nice but anyways time for our next victim please go in just please please be good to me don’t be a butt head don’t be a butt head just going okay okay can you be

Potatoes please oh dear God okay uh trust me I know I might be needing carrots in the future but I would like at least one potato trade I I probably label them I want to make signs for them all ah beautiful yes I’m abducting your husband don’t mind me no

You cannot write him letters or ever see him again alrighty Bud let’s have a nice easy time no tricks snow Tom fooleries I actually really don’t trust you you give me really bad vibes yeah yeah yeah just go right there thank you okay can you also give me a potato trade or

Almost nothing that I want cool thank you you might be useful once I finally make the wheat farm uh I just don’t want beets is it possible to get potatoes and carrots on the same trade no no no fine I’ll take it just go in the book

Skin the bike yes good good yes yes now get into the hole yes yes thank you yeah I don’t know what’s going on though wow like just as time goes on I start to hate the villagers less and less and well right on the first tray I get

Exactly what I want thank you it was a pleasure doing business and then very sadly I have enough for one more unless oh my God you guys work fast okay okay well luckily yeah you look goodbye oh does no one love you like they’re not even oh no

There we go now someone’s chasing oh I didn’t even oh god I didn’t even build yours yet uh oops this is awkward yep yep yep there we go see I’m becoming one with the people I just know exactly how to speak to villagers and get them to

Work all right what do you want to give me I’ll actually take that because I do need another potato one I won’t lie I really want to switch both abuse and then I have three carrots and three potatoes uh I don’t care enough for that all

Right let’s make two more because I have a feeling that that’ll probably be one of my best trades just because of how rapidly I can get all of that stuff for free without like any work it is a possibility wait I could I could have had all of them be potatoes and carrots

That’s that’s an actual combo I oh my God I didn’t think it was oh I know exactly what I’m doing in the series for all of my farming trades I can’t believe that’s actually a possibility wow that actually is like news to me about to lock in this trade I actually

Don’t mind that because now I can get another potato character oh my God okay first one hello yeah lock you in there we go you have no idea how oh God I am so tempted to just break the floor beneath them and just have them fall

Into the void so I can redo it and just get potato carrot trades instead of all these oh God do I do it what if I lose the honey uh I kind of want to do it uh I’m gonna do it I think I think it’s

Worth it I think it’s worth it and then luckily I don’t care about the Cobblestone but see you later homie it was nice doing business with you for a little bit and wow would you look at that we just have five clean spots for some new villagers And Trades oh but

Skies couldn’t you have just let the villagers Go free and let them roam around the land and you know stay alive so just to not draw it out and you know make it boring uh here’s a time lapse of me bringing over the Five Little Angels over to their new Trading Post very

Suspiciously like three of them already had the potato carrot trade first try so I didn’t have to keep on refreshing their trades and stuff uh two of them are annoying blah blah blah nothing really exciting happened but all of them now sell just potatoes and carrots and I

Don’t know why but I’m very happy oh look at these Beauties ah just so nice so one thing let’s see that entire time that I was making all of them wow that is really pathetic okay and why are you okay all right here at the very least you can come over here to

This chest and start taking everything because I really won’t need it anymore and then now we just go through oh my God you are really easy to level up oh wow we you see if this was a series I would never have any issues with food

Because my God it’s so easy just to get so much food okay I’ve never actually made an automatic melon and pumpkin farm but that might also be a good trade and then if I really cared for it I could also just turn all of them into zombie or

Zombified villagers I’m gonna just get all trades to just one so wow maybe Farm Villages are actually like the best way to go for making emeralds I hope I already have a stack and a fourth so uh yeah I am loving them okay so with these

Farms done our trades all set up there’s now two different routes I originally I was gonna make this one wheat farm where I saw the tutorial for it I kind of get the just of it and how it all works I think I can just make it you know my way

Or for the first time ever I can try out a watermelon and a pumpkin farm which I I’m kind of curious how those work I’ve never really played around with pistons and I don’t really understand them too much at least for like the breaking

Blocks part I I think I want to try out a watermelon pumpkin farm also this is really important to me hey would you look at that I’m level 69 stop laughing okay just because I’m addicted to your demise yeah let’s go load this bad boy

Up my word oh you guys grew really fast hello eggs all right yeah first off yeah we might be needing a lot of you okay just crafting up everything right now I can see why I’ve never made this Farm before because my God is it expensive oh

No wait do I even have melon seeds oh God wait did I never save them I have pumpkins I can at least make those wait no oh yes oh barely saw you oh oh thank you past me I love you now we might be running into some problems I think I’m

Super lucky and I need to go make more dirt okay well we almost have everything that we need for the farm I think I’m just gonna make it entirely melons instead of melons and pumpkin or making one for melons and pumpkin blah blah blah that’s just going to take so much

More resources for it so I just don’t think it’s gonna be worth it at all so we’ll just try out this one if I like that farm enough then that’s just a good sign for the series you know I’ll make a melon and pumpkin farm on there now

Here’s the remain ing amount of dirt that I have for the rest of the movie because I also don’t have any more gravel so it’s not really looking too good for us and uh I really hope I don’t need to go back into the northern Farm

Uh some more gravel I really wish I could have made the one farm that I really wanted to because it’s such like a massive multi-farm oh it’s gonna be so amazing it’ll be in the series I just don’t want to say what it is are you supposed to be this slow like is

Everything okay okay my wow okay you guys are both just really slow now for the wheat farm I kind of want to build it off into the air there’s also need to build an area down below it so that I can actually uh put a minecart Hopper system in there

Which if the farm is gonna be level on here I need to go down two levels and I also didn’t bring over any slabs okay so if I build it right here it’s perfectly centered so we need it down two blocks so we started here and then we can put

The slabs right there yes perfect okay this way I can actually put rails on top and then later on I’ll just probably have to destroy it and put down some uh redstone blocks for a blah blah blah now first up I want to go through and actually build a platform so I can

Actually walk around and move which I think a 15 by 15 should hopefully be big enough I have no clue how big this Farm is oh boy I know this should be fun uh time to follow a tutorial okay so here’s is an interesting part I don’t know uh

What part of the tutorial that I should be following but I’m definitely not going to be doing what they just did okay so instead we’re gonna put down redstone blocks here this is where we shall put down some Redstone rails okay which this should be fine okay and I

Think we should be good with all of these placements now we just need to go around remove all of this which we’re going to be putting rails here oh okay I’m just stupid okay yep yep I was trying to do this a lot harder I break

You you place down a redstone block like that then you just do this and then uh I don’t think another wreck now but that’s ugly wait okay we just need to block that can’t conduct any Redstone and do some weird like magic stuff but this

Should be good so now the my car will come all the way down here hit that bounce back go through all of this again then it’s going to come all the way over here which I want to make a Contraption to where it’s going to make the minecart

Stop up here when it has anything inside of it and then it drops off everything once everything is dropped off then boom it sends it off again so first off this part is insanely important okay uh we’re gonna make this look beautiful so we’re gonna get rid of you put down you then

Put the chest here then we need a hopper going into it right here with a comparator there pretty block right here with the redstone torch I don’t have any power rails cool I need a powered wheel okay now that I made some more we now want to put some powered rail right here

Which why are you not on uh okay then we put a repeater going this direction with another pretty block right here which yes okay that did power it then let’s be safe you know let’s test out our Contraption do you actually move I like it I would teleports to the like the

Line right in front of it instead of actually moving like that wait did that actually work yeah wait we need more blocks all righty eat good God that makes me nervous how like close it is to just going off oh it’s actually working okay again it should be finishing up

Right about now yes ah that was actually beautiful okay yep and I have 64 again wow it actually works like perfectly I don’t know why that’s impressive to me I’m kind of shocked okay now that I’ve done that we can actually go back to the original uh

Tutorial which yeah I’m so excited so now the easy part is that we just need to go through and add in dirt which I think it’s this layer I’m actually really hoping that it is and actually uh going off of the tutorial I guess it’s actually good to just do a 9×9 instead

Of a nine by ten so I don’t know why we built this far out because uh water can only do like a 9×9 area around it okay so now the absolute Center I believe is this one because it goes four on all sides okay please don’t go down to the

Rails I’m going to cry if you send it off the edge I’m kind of beautiful and we put glowstone right here and now we just go around make a nice little checker board okay now with the checkerboard completely done we can go around start to plant all of our melons which I might

Go and get some bone meal and just make all these grow fast but at this actually no we should definitely wait until the end I know how fast these monsters can grow and beautiful I now need to leave a two block gap down there build a

Temporary roof above them oh God now for a section that I can very easily mess up uh we now need to put pit oh God we need to put Pistons uh facing every single block that doesn’t have a crop on it which oh God I think the easiest way is

You find the edge of the block you go to the very edge pixel like right there and you place it yeah and finished okay perfect now we can go around and remove all of this very luckily even if anything falls on the farm down below I don’t even think I

Need to go and pick it up I’m actually curious is it gonna pick this up oh okay I don’t see any other nether rock down there okay wow everything’s actually working beautifully so now we just have to go around with The Observers put on top of the crops just

Like this which I’m guessing because the crop moves when it plants something so that’s probably how the machine automatically figures it out and you know we’ll go and harvest it and done okay wow this looks really weird and kind of ugly oh God you know we are

Definitely going to uh beautify it and then it looks like lastly we just have to go around to all of The Observers and leave a blood stain on it and wow what wait what none of them just Harvest wait hello oh because they’re growing up okay wow

I’m impressed by easy stuff okay okay oh we are completely finished and I think I actually already have a design that I want to do for this build I think I know exactly how to make it look very beautiful because now that we’re all cleaned up but just come over here take

Some bone mail we then go to these Beauties and which ones can I reach okay yep yep oh God can’t I make it yes I can oh yes okay I just need to not die in here oh oh yeah maybe if I just stay back like this and I just snipe them yeah

Don’t hurt me I’m too beautiful I believe every single melon in here is fully grown and even if not then oh well doesn’t entirely matter they’ll grow very fast I’m assuming but just for me doing you know that very quick thing uh yeah we already have half a stack so yep

I’m definitely happy with this farm and this will should hopefully be a pretty fast one because I think you just have to take four of those in a mix of melon and then we can sell it okay now we just need to make it look pretty which I’ve

Luckily have been uh cooking some Cobblestone so we do have some more stone that we can actually work with Okay so I think I know exactly the design that I want to do first off let’s make you look beautiful oh God I I don’t know how I want to

Design this because I can’t let anything touch it but I also want to put some blocks right here uh actually what I could do is make a I could put the chest one block forward and then have another Hopper come out do I have another Hopper I kind of want

To try that oh I do jeez okay you work really really fast okay so we break this break these replace you break you and then actually here let’s be super fancy we’re gonna put down those like whoa so cool okay anyways then we put a hopper inside there and then yep still works

Okay beautiful we already have two stacks Jesus okay now I can actually build a pretty decent design for this and it’s not gonna be too crazy so uh let’s start off with chiseled stone blocks we’re gonna go to the edges right key actually here I am 100 going to make

This like pretty large because I am very scared of like putting blocks next to Redstone just in case if it breaks anything boom and then I think we’re just gonna strip it yeah I think that makes it look a little bit nicer and okay now is very simple this is actually

Really similar to every single design that I ever make on here sorry uh let’s see let’s go up about two on everything then we’re just gonna bring you across also making it this side just so I can have this whoops this design right above

The chest strip all of you oh god oh I didn’t even think of this wait this can clear it like no issues whatsoever oh okay um it seems to work but it just makes me a little unsettled because I do see it kind of like glitch out when it gets up there so

Instead I can actually just use slabs which in that case we’re gonna make the edges that and then we’ll just make it like this and then this should hopefully uh not have like any issues yeah okay yeah this doesn’t even touch it now it works perfectly fine so now I’m not

Gonna put anything up here just in case if it also messes with the redstone blocks right here don’t know what it could do just really don’t care to test it out but now I kind of want to work with slabs so I think we go like boom

Boom boom on all Corners add in some gray I don’t hate it actually I actually don’t mind this I think we’re safe to put blocks like right here yeah yeah because then that’ll have like an air pocket right there so that that’ll be perfect and then because I can’t help myself I think

We’ll just put more logs right here and then I kind of want to make it pointy make it look a little evil you know so we can do that and then we can also put fences on top of these because I just love that look and we just go Boop right

On top this will light up the roof so nothing should be able to spawn up here at all and I guess just so we can still see the inside but it’ll kind of hide it we can put leaves up top just so we can see if there’s ever any issues with the

Redstone inside and then I’m almost kind of tempted just to leave this open in the front I mean what we can do is fill up the sides uh I just don’t know with what oh we could just do light blue glass like that oh my God that looks

Hideous but whatever uh oh we can actually then get more of these slabs and just fill it in wait for all Betsy to move and perfect okay that should actually be completely good we might want to actually build a staircase going up beautiful and then

Just so we can break up this block right here let’s just use regular Stone oh wait wait wait wait wait wait okay maybe we just do this and then we strip it so it’s still all going different directions oh but wait what if we break

You and then we place you I kind of like it a little bit more I don’t know if that’s good or bad but I think that’s better the sides I think we have to do it like that yes and I kind of want to break the ground around it and let me

Just go around with stone brick slabs I think that’s what they’re called and then maybe we bring you around because I absolutely hate how flat it is right now why do we not hate this why why does this actually look kind of good so at this point I’m just trying out anything

What if we do two lanterns like this oh what if I kind of weirdly like this I’m just going for like the most bizarre looking placements ever just placing down random stuff everywhere and it’s kind of working for me the issue is running into this building

Oh God maybe that I think that might work and save it that looks funky it looks very funky and weird very bizarre kind of cuckoo oh maybe we also just put in some fences right here just to add a little bit more color okay I’m starting

To dub this Arts work or this building style as vomit because I just like to throw blocks everywhere maybe it works out most likely it doesn’t but I think this is nice what if I put glass on the floor oh no because then it’s gonna pop

Up like that ah darn oh well anyway s important in the world now God you’re gonna be oh God you’re gonna be very difficult so the bad part is this is actually spawnable things can actually you know spawn on here so I do need to cover the entire uh railroad system or

Else in something you know completely ruin it now the railing is somewhat becoming protected which is random something that I really want then maybe we bring you up like this so let’s go around copy that to all sides and then maybe we can go for like a mirror effect

So we can actually just do this Huh uh-huh wait wait I don’t think I like the glass wait a second way I have to position the Shadows apparently uh there we go okay so I think this is a wall design you know uh I I think this works because at least then you know you

Can always just come down here you can look inside you can make sure everything’s fine that was the point of the uh the ground out here so I think this is good to stay I I might be able to replicate that on every single side

Or I think I have to cut off this part of it but I can at least copy over this part okay so actually never mind uh since this side is so much longer than all the other ones this actually has to be its own design so I actually like

That I think this actually looks good I’m a fan of it so now I just have to remember exactly what I did here and build it over here this is also why I really need to put down walls everywhere so that the melons will actually stay in

The farm and not fly out everywhere holy oh my god do I need to make more than just one chest oh my God I might have to check that like if I was playing on this world longer I would probably have to check that like every four or five hours

And then it would start to overfill okay beautiful oh wait never mind I forgot about this wall and then since I will be selling this side the most well let’s sing guess what we can do is one two three you go in the center Center bring a log

Down which we strip then maybe we go one two three what I almost want to do for this level down here is maybe just use glass so that then when we’re up here okay so we can still see into the farm up here year and then to fill in all of

This space I need to go oh my God I need to go make more but we could then just put trap doors there and there we go now we have a very lovely Cube and we definitely need to cover you up it’s really funky but I kind of like it

And I don’t know why but I think it works as long as I can just still see inside and just make sure that everything is fine in here that I think we’re completely good so now every single watermelon piece should actually stay inside of the farm or at least land

On an area where you know the cart can actually pick it up I don’t think there’s any spot in here where it can’t maybe that one block area right there but uh oh well now for the roof so now one of my most favorite ways and

It’s uh unbearably easy to spawn proof a place by it so yep we’re just gonna go around mimic all of the blocks with slabs now how do I want to make this roof okay so I’m kind of a fan of this because the strip log goes with the uh

The wooden slab right there so it kind of goes up pretty nicely I think I want to add some walls like on the corners like this and then maybe we put lanterns on top so everything can actually you know stay well lit bright not have

Anything spawn on it then up here we can actually just leave the log like this I don’t think we need to strip it it might look nice to have it stand out and then at the very tippity top I think at this point it doesn’t matter too much I think

We can just honestly just close up the roof so then we’re just gonna use slabs and then I guess at the very top we could put some more lanterns make it look very pretty and then without adding any depth it’s just super duper busy tomato it it literally it just looks

Like I just vomited everything oh that’s cool so every single time that the Redstone activates it might open some of the trap doors or at least the one in the front so I might want to change that but I don’t know ah things might look

Nicer if I just add in like some walls maybe some slabs around it at the same time I think it’s just gonna look super super busy but I maybe it’ll just look funny at that point oh uh hi bud um welcome to my world and now you can

Say goodbye to it okay and finally I think I’ve actually finished the build that at least is best as I could in this amount of time because I just really don’t want to spend the rest of the movie making this one Farm but Tada so I’m still heavily addicted to adding

Walls and fences to the side of building same as slabs just to make it jump out a little bit so it’s not so plain but also now I’m just playing around with like adding stuff into the grounds that then the colors can like go out a little bit

More so it can at least help with the build not looking so flat I also lit it up a lot just so you know we hopefully don’t have any issues with anything spawning on here however after building you know all this stuff um I definitely

Have a lot of room to like work and a lot of things to improve I won’t lie I’m probably gonna go watch a lot of Ethos Lab I swear that man is allergic to making bad builds so yeah I think I’m gonna go learn from him however that

Entire time of building this that’s actually really impressive I yeah oh my wow okay two stacks and three jeez that farm comparing to the others which isn’t actually like that bad yeah okay I’m not not too shabby I can’t really you know insult them that much and now after

Making all of those oh that’s right now we can buy golden carrots from you oh if it wasn’t the end of the movie that would have been incredible okay now I just need to work on all of you hopefully I can get you to buy watermelon please should probably also

Be healing my tools yes thank you there you go okay cool cool so even more carrots nice yeah let’s buy my watermelons geez almost two stacks actually wait wait wait I’m not even done selling carrots you buy them all I almost have exactly two stacks of

Emeralds yep yep I gotta say I love farming villagers and uh thinking Automatic Farms my God it’s just so amazing okay so with all of those like completely done now I can actually like work on other parts of the base or at least try and touch up stuff because I

Don’t know if I want to start another project and then possibly not finish it in time by the end of movie the one thing that I actually haven’t been doing in like any of my movies is making an actual base for myself oh no how did you

Break it’s very confusing to me on how this breaks just by having items inside of it like just by filling up it just breaks there you go but it’s definitely upset but it’s definitely fun to just Chuck eggs at all of them oh it’s just so pleasant so obviously this is super

Beautiful and oh man we just all love so much on how it looks however I think the best spot for a base for me or at least tries to put on my chest and be a little bit more organized and just have more storage room is probably going to be

Exactly on this line going down because then at least over here all of my Automatic Farms over there and especially my iron farm and I guess my bees it’s gonna be better because they should actually be in render distance so they’ll continue to work and then with

Me actually like kind of just staying around over here I guess if I ever want to go and trade it’s a lot closer and a lot easier to get to it plus it’s just so much more beautiful over here okay so I think it’s best we just keep all my

Stuff right into here and we just really need to hope that nothing wants to fight me so again not touching any of you but then for you I think first let’s take all these chests and then let’s just break you okay so I’ll give myself four blocks of a buffer room for like

Crafting table furnaces blah blah blah then you can go here and honestly I think it’s just smarter just to keep all of the cobblestone in here because why would I want to take blocks out of a chest into another chest so yeah you can stay over there bud then just because

I’m cursed with so many slabs I think all of you can go into here oh dear God I forgot how torture it is to actually be organized and doing all of my own stuff oh God it’s so much work oh dear God I’m not gonna lie I don’t know if I

Have it in me to finish this there’s so much I hate being organized but I love it so much okay just so we have something for this hour just to show it oh my God I’m almost done oh I’m so sick and tired of Chess I miss having my

Automatic sorting system I’m 1 000 going to do that in the series oh God okay so I’ve now moved over every single chest it’s actually pretty organized over there I’m kind of happy with it however we have the monster oh God we have the hardest one left which I believe this is

One of the first chests that I ever had because I just threw everything into it as I was getting all of them like it was all like the miscellaneous items so this should be fine now there’s one thing that I’m curious about for the egg so technically this is an AIR block you

Know like a torch so when I break the dragon head am I gonna be able to keep it or is it gone forever I can keep it okay oh and then go around and remove you I was like really open so now that that’s opened up this absolute Behemoth

Is completely organized and done which let’s put you there I guess just to you know show everyone how terrifying this building is you know we could put a dragon head there and it’ll keep everyone away uh the dragon egg can go right here yeah I like that

Oh well oh well it was almost broken anyways let’s just go make another one I wonder if I have enough iron for it oh hey look I have a lot of iron ah beautiful sustain all of this iron in here I kind of really wish that I had

Enough time to go and make some villagers to trade the iron with that’s that’s definitely uh one of them up on the list for the series and then just so all of these aren’t floating and ugly let’s go around and change you with hopefully not touching any chest then we

Use the beautiful Mossy stone bricks which I really wish I knew how to make these like how to make mossy stuff because I still think the only way is just by finding it out in nature but a lot better I like that a lot more and

Then one thing that I really want to change now after looking at a fountain I kind of want to change it like it was kind of cool and funny just to see like half of this water still floating up here what I think it’s time that we just

Go through and then just change these out into full blocks oh so much nicer okay so we go boom boom you know what maybe we make this one super tall you know we don’t just make it two blocks we go three and I don’t know how to put the

Glowstone on top there we go so now this area over here is going to be all lit up and beautiful I’m crying I’m a little attempted to add in the signs like I did over here for these but I don’t know if that would look good I kind of want to

See I actually kind of like that oh and I hate it that I do because I don’t have enough signs well hello monster tree wow you caught my eye hello never mind I don’t think I’m gonna have any issues with Oakwood anymore okay beautiful and

I have almost two stacks of wood now so that’s nice oh oh I kind of don’t like the bass but I don’t really feel like changing it anymore oh and then I almost completely forgot we should move you so I finally don’t have to sleep next to chickens or

The farm anymore and I guess just because I have so much of it I think it would be kind of funny or at least just unique is that I put you right there and then I put my bed right on top ooh fancy place to go to sleep and what’s next I

Think we should go through you guys see if I could buy any glass just to heal up my tools so I hate ending movies with uh damaged stuff and there we go I just survived another 50 hours in one block Sky Block hardcore blah blah blah so

Yeah I would continue on this world however we’ve already done so much and I think that would just you know really lower down a lot of the series plus I have so many ideas that I want to change now and like redo on here I think I can

Actually like perfect the world for the series so I hope you guys want to see that I think that’d be fun to have a series again on the channel and then every single episode I’ll get you guys is an input on it I mean you know we can

All shape the world make it look gorgeous and stuff because this place isn’t bad but I can definitely do better I am definitely going to be doing a lot of landscaping and making mountains and stuff and then all the Farms that we’re going to be doing so I hope you guys are

Excited for that one uh I need to go download a lot of mods for it because I have a lot of ideas that I want to do with it but I don’t want it to just be vanilla and one thing is if you’re not following me on Twitter you’re going to

Want to for that series uh it’ll make a lot of sense soon but I hope you all enjoyed this movie thank you guys so much for watching and all the support I love you all so much and I’ll see you guys in the series see ya

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2023-06-09 16:15:02. It has garnered 1666535 views and 16236 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:19 or 10279 seconds.

I Survived 50 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE] 30,000 Likes and I’ll release another 50 Hours Movie! ๐Ÿ™‚

INTRO SONG – Softwilly – i love you so https://youtu.be/B6sCNz4aZ1c


MY SECOND CHANNEL! – https://youtu.be/D7wWiw1wm48


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Edited by: https://twitter.com/SirSquidz


#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #50Hours I Survived 100 Hours in ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT Hardcore or I Spent 50 Hours in ONE BLOCK Skyblock Hardcore! It can go either way haha! I built a mob farm, animal farm or animal barn, an iron farm, a massive house, nether hub, villager breeder, villager trading hall and so much more! If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks 😊

⭐ One Block Download – https://bit.ly/32BlNIT


Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 01:22 Hour 51 16:28 Hour 55 24:52 Hour 60 43:48 Hour 65 1:10:07 Hour 70 1:37:43 Hour 75 1:49:58 Hour 80 2:03:03 Hour 85 2:12:36 Hour 90 2:28:42 Hour 95

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    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1)

    Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Our heroes embark on a thrilling ride. Casual and Catalina, lost and apart, Searching for elements with all their heart. In the Aether they roam, a dimension unknown, Seeking the four elements, their quest has grown. With Ariane by their side, they’ll face any test, To reunite and find peace, they’ll give their best. But obstacles loom, challenges arise, Will they succeed, or meet their demise? Stay tuned for the next episode, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Read More

  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

    Captainchu's MC Takeover Welcome to Conquerors MC [S1 EP1] Embark on a Nuclear Adventure In this exciting episode of Conquerors MC, players are introduced to a world filled with possibilities. Imagine using nuclear weapons to create chaos in an Earth SMP setting – the thrill is unmatched. Meet the Players Join @frosty_studios, @JakeyIsaac, @ZayFeeR, and @gm_tabby_cat as they dive into a world of Minecraft like never before. Together, they explore a vast world map, establish countries, recruit villagers, build colonies, and even delve into the realm of civilization. What’s Next? With so much already accomplished in this episode, one can only wonder… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore

    PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore Welcome to Pog Games 2: A Minecraft Puzzle Adventure! Embark on a Puzzle-Filled Journey Join Pond and Majikz in Pog Games 2, a Minecraft Puzzle map that will challenge your wits and creativity. Dive into a world where puzzles abound, and every corner holds a new mystery to solve. Get ready to test your problem-solving skills like never before! Meet Pond and Majikz Get to know Pond and Majikz, the dynamic duo leading the way in Pog Games 2. Follow their adventures as they navigate through intricate puzzles and unravel the secrets hidden within the map. With Pond’s fairy-like… Read More

  • Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians

    Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians The Origin of Demons and Magicians in Minecraft Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft In the captivating world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the latest episode titled "Origin of Demons and Magicians" takes players on a thrilling adventure. This Minecraft animation, accompanied by an enchanting soundtrack, delves into the origins of two powerful entities – demons and magicians. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Lore The episode introduces viewers to a rich tapestry of lore, shedding light on the origins of demons and magicians within the Minecraft universe. As players navigate through this immersive storyline, they uncover the secrets… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Experience a Better Gaming Community

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Experience a Better Gaming Community Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft with a twist – Jack Black’s “Minecraft” movie trailer causing a stir on the internet. While the internet may be buzzing with opinions about the movie, why not take a break and immerse yourself in the ultimate Minecraft experience on Minewind server? Join players from around the world in an exciting and dynamic gameplay environment that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial๐Ÿ  | ็ฐกๅ˜๏ผ็Ÿณใงไฝœใ‚‹ๅฐใ•ใชใƒขใƒ€ใƒณใƒใ‚ฆใ‚นใฎไฝœใ‚Šๆ–น(็พไปฃๅปบ็ฏ‰)’, was uploaded by SEVENใฎใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉๅปบ็ฏ‰ on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— โ– Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos โ– Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 โ– instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘ป #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘ป #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft ๐ŸŽƒ #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft ๐ŸŽƒ #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?๐ŸŽƒ #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) ยท Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi โ„— 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkฤฑnda; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yฤฑlฤฑnda kurulmuลŸ olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eลŸsiz deneyimler sunmaktadฤฑr.Yรถnetici ekibimiz yฤฑllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde รงalฤฑลŸmฤฑลŸ olup รงalฤฑลŸmalarฤฑnฤฑ bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncularฤฑn Minecraft dรผnyasฤฑnda daha neler yapabildiklerini gรถstermektir. Yรถnetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kiลŸi olmakla beraber gece gรผndรผz oyuncularฤฑmฤฑzฤฑn neler daha fazla dikkatini รงekeceฤŸi รผzerine รงalฤฑลŸmaktadฤฑr Ekibimizi kฤฑsaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazฤฑlฤฑmcฤฑlar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda gรผzel vakitler geรงirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing ๐Ÿ˜€ Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ™

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ AskAbout.video โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

I Survived 100 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!