I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I started up this Hardcore Minecraft world roughly nine months ago and I fully expected to last maybe a couple hundred days but look at me now Look at your boy waking up on day one thousand to celebrate this occasion I have the 1 000 Day movie this is going to be from

Day 500 to day one thousand if you want to see the first 500 Days in a long form of movie formats I will leave a link to that video in the description down below I didn’t want to combine it with this one because then the video would be like

What nine ten hours long and that seems a little bit excessive I will also be providing a world download link in the description down below if you would like to hop into this world yourself and check out all of the builds I’ve done and see everything that I have not yet

Completed because there’s a lot um I don’t I don’t do many Interiors I gotta be honest I think the next 1000 days in this world whenever I build something I’m gonna make sure I completely finish it and that does include the interior all right I gotta start getting better and if you’ve never

Downloaded a Minecraft world before and you would like to try to download mine I will also be providing another Link in the description that’ll walk you through how to download a Minecraft world and where to put the files to actually play it whether you’re watching this video to

Help fall asleep maybe just has some background noise if you’re trying to study or get some work done or if you just like watching long-form content I hope this video is enjoyable for you thank you so much for watching let’s start the movie now last episode we

Built this massive tree wow in the Overworld to hide the nether portal and today we’re still going to be focused on the nether portal but this time the one in the nether today we will be building a massive nether Hub on the nether roof I’m thinking we make some kind of like

Spooky Mansion looking thing I feel like I could probably come up with some interesting design I really want to use a lot of nether blocks in this build obviously since this is a build in the Nether and I’m not too experienced using those blocks I normally don’t use many

Nether blocks of course though that’s going to be at the end of the episode so let’s talk about what we’re gonna do to start this episode foreign S I would like to get done before I start building uh the nether Hub the first thing is I want to get a beacon it might take a while because weather skeleton skulls are fairly rare even with Looting 3 but I definitely want to just tackle that in the beginning of

This video I actually don’t even know if I have enough blocks to make like a full Beacon but still getting any kind of a beacon will help a lot with Gathering materials the second thing I would like to do is I want to build an iron farm

Probably the same one we have in the castle up here I want to build that in the spawn chunks so it’s always running I’ve been running out of iron in this world because uh you know the one I built up in the castle here is not

Activated when I’m working in the area I thought it would be it just isn’t so I had to AFK this for a little bit and I have I want to say like five stacks of iron now actually it’s like six and a half stacks of iron really not that much

So if we build you know that same iron farm in the spawn chunks should make my life a lot easier you know when it comes to everything lanterns and Hoppers and stuff like that those are the two other main goals I have for this episode of course the third one uh being the

Netherhub there might be some other random miscellaneous stuff we do throughout this episode but let’s get started with the first goal which involves me heading to the nether also last episode we moved the nether spawn on top of the nether roof already and I don’t really want to go break any

Bedrock right now so I’m just gonna go make a new portal somewhere else that will take me just to a random spot in the nether don’t tell me I’m out of obsidian I will not believe you please your boy is definitely out of obsidian

Well that sucks I have to go back to the end but I guess I can show off something else I did between episodes so I made a couple more nether portals on the nether roof one of them hooks up to spawn and one of them hooks up to the end they’re

Actually very close to each other too I don’t remember which one this one is but there’s one over there and this is one I just came out of so they’re all very close to each other all right so I set up another portal here in the village this should be far enough away

So it’ll you know generate a new nether portal in the Nether and we will no longer be on the nether roof that was incredibly convenient that that just actually spawned me in a fortress that’s hilarious I’m assuming though that this is the Fortress I’ve been to

And I kind of want to go to a different one I want to find a fortress in a Soul Sand Valley I’m gonna fly around a little bit here in the nether then and let’s see if we can find a Soul Sand Valley I also kind of want to find a

Bastion to raid a little bit I don’t want to look too much in one because I feel like even with netherright armor uh those brutes are terrifying but I do want to find pigstep like pretty badly that’s like the best music disc man it’s so good there’s this Bastion over here

That I found a while ago I think I’m just gonna kind of peek my head in real fast and see if I can grab a couple chests no Pig step but I did find a lodestone not gonna lie I don’t know what that does but that’s cool here’s

What the speedrunners do right they just mine around because they know exactly what they’re doing I know exactly what I’m doing I’m gonna mine right into a chest just wait for it right here bam wow that worked all right yeah let’s go I had no idea that would actually be here that was

Insane maybe I should speed around Minecraft I’m already a genius I probably missed like a thousand chests in this Bastion but I’m just gonna head out I don’t really know what I’m looking for how to loot those things so we’re just gonna head over here which is

Actually exactly where I want to be Game Stop skipping please but this is exactly where I want to be in a Soul Sand Valley with another Fortress this is perfect oh yeah those guys are all mine over there all right it’s time to start the hunt

Here we go first try first try first try first try first try first first first first first first first first try let’s go definitely called that all right time to get the rest I got another one wow okay that was super lucky let’s go I got the third one those last

Two came so much faster than that first one and I’m not sure why but I’m not complaining let’s just head down to the mines then and actually fight this wither I’m gonna do this a pretty safe way because I don’t trust myself to fight it in the Overworld I feel like

That is a very easy way for me just to completely lose this world and you know I’m not trying to do that right now all right here we go let’s fight this bad boy let’s kill him with my fist I accidentally switched to My Sword I didn’t mean to do that

I had that fully under control with my fist but whatever we got the nether star and also some diamonds I mean cool I guess so we finally have a beacon now which is huge so I will definitely take that the first goal of this episode is

Completed now next up here in the video I want to work on the iron farm at spawn that guy is a liar um hi it’s editor SRAM nice to meet you but I did end up making an iron farm it sucked really really badly though I

Don’t know what I did wrong if I built the farm incorrectly or if I just have to spawn proof a lot more I have no idea but this iron farm was terrible so I don’t want to waste your time with a section of the video dedicated to something that is like essentially

Broken I will fix this in the next episode I don’t think I’m gonna actually like tweak the iron farm and make it better I can probably just get away with going down into the mines and actually just physically mining the rest of the iron that I need because I don’t really

Need that many more blocks and if I can find one big like massive iron vein underground that’ll be more than enough so I’m just gonna move on to the nether Hub and that section of the video now now I plan for the netherhub is to make

Like a really big spooky kind of Haunted Mansion sort of thing that’s kind kind of the vibe I want to go for and to do that I want to mainly use a bunch of like black blocks for the walls and since this is going to be in the nether

We might as well use some nether blocks and this is actually not where I want to be I mean I want to be in the nether just not on the roof so they fly over to the village where I built that other portal earlier and we’re gonna go

Collect up a whole bunch of like basalts we’ll grab a bunch of Blackstone and then for like the roof of this place I want to make it out of like Crimson wood we’re gonna have like stripped Crimson wood as well and probably some purple terracotta I really like what that looks

Like with the other two blocks but we are in the nether now so I’m gonna go collect up a whole bunch of Basalt which I really don’t want to do there’s actually like a little dangerous a lot of lava beneath me and I don’t have any

Potions but I think as long as I’m careful I’ll be okay then after this we’ll collect up a whole butt ton of that stuff right there that Blackstone we got one entire shulker of basalts that’ll be nice to have now let’s fill up another one with Blackstone

All right another Soaker box filled this time with Blackstone now let’s go grab a whole bunch of crimson wood I’m not gonna fill up an entire shulker with it let me just go grab a whole bunch of this I’ll probably fill up like a little

Bit more than a third of a shulker with this stuff I’m actually going to do this in a very different way I only got about two stacks of the Crimson stem but I’m gonna bring a bunch of this stuff the Crimson fungus to the Overworld and just grow it there

Man so I know I said I was gonna get like a third of a shulker of this stuff but oh my God this stuff is so annoying to harvest it reminds me so much of Mangrove wood so I’m not gonna do that right now uh we might come back to that

In a little while instead I’m gonna go to the Mesa biome which I completely forgot where it is probably off in this direction somewhere and I’m gonna go grab a bunch of terracotta so this is actually the first beacon I have ever made I’ve never used a beacon before

Which might be a really weird thing to say but straight up I’ve just never done this but let’s go ahead I think this is how you do it it looks like it’s haste too yeah I’ll do that and then we can now hopefully instamide this stuff oh it’s not insta mine

Do I have an efficiency five on this I only have efficiency four hang on maybe if it’s efficiency five oh there we go so much better so now let’s just gather up a ton of this terracotta I’m Gonna Fill an entire shulker with this probably because it’s very easy to get

Yeah well that took all of like five minutes these Beacon things are pretty cool I don’t know if you guys knew that but uh big big advocate for beacons and now after that that saved me a ton of time we still need to gather up a few more

Things and I’m actually kind of running out of shulker boxes which is sort of funny but I want like white blocks to use in this build too I was thinking like calcite maybe diorite maybe some other third Block in there that I’m not thinking of right now

Um but I think that would look really good and this video is kind of all over the place isn’t it it’s just the wacky stuff you get over here on this channel um no I don’t end up using any of the white blocks all right I don’t think it

Looks good once I start throwing them down but I do need to find a geode to get the smooth Basalt that is something I do end up using so I do right here go end up finding a geode We Gather a whole bunch of smooth Basalt and then we’re

Vibey we’re chilling okay so I am running out of shulker boxes so I want to go and just grab a whole bunch of dark oak wood and then I think I’m gonna start planning out the build even though we probably won’t have enough materials I have like one more empty shulker here

Which I can fill with dark oak wood so let me just go find a nice big dark oak forest and and then I’ll just go shopping I filled up maybe about half of this shulker box with uh dark oak wood I also stripped it all because I’m gonna need

That for the builds and I’m getting a little impatient honestly I’m kind of tired of just collecting materials so I’m gonna head to the Nether and we are gonna start building completely scratch that I just forgot something I need purple dye ah dude it’s just so many

Materials for this build man I need to get purple dye because I need to make all the Terracotta I harvested purple now what’s the best way to get purple dye you wanna sell me any my man Brown die lime die if only you had purple no idea what just

Happened to that guy he said he had to go I don’t know where do these come from who knows but uh yeah okay anyway let me clear out my inventory again for like the eighth time in this video and then um I’ll figure out the best way to get

Purple dye I think my best bet right now is to combine red and blue dye to get purple dye so I’m gonna take all of this lapis I have and just make it into die I don’t really need much lapis anymore I’m not gonna really be doing uh much

Enchanting in the near future and I do have a bunch of poppies that can be made into red dye so let’s make as much purple dye as we can we have like two and a half stacks of purple dye how much terracotta will this get me actually

Quite a bit of terracotta here this might be enough for a very solid start on this I was able to make a lot of this into the purple terracotta not all of it but I can always convert the rest later if I need it alright so this will be my home base

For the next bunch of hours now I found this picture on the internet kind of just looked up spooky Mansion and I really like the vibe of this mansion and this is kind of the idea that I want to go with so we’re going to be taking some

Inspiration from this picture here and I’ll begin here by just laying out some black stone I suppose just to get the dimensions down we have ourselves a layout of how big this is going to be and it looks kind of weird from up here but this is the size of this build

All right it’s gonna be pretty big it should be perfectly symmetrical now don’t know if it’s gonna stay that way also these magmas could actually become an issue might have to spawn proof everything here maybe we’ll just put like a bunch of carpet down or something I don’t know

Um but yeah it might not stay perfectly symmetrical might make it a little bit wonky to add to the effect I don’t really know just yet um but this is definitely at least the size of this building we’re gonna have a lot of room on the inside I do think

Though that we are ready to construct this thing at least a lot of it I don’t know how much I’m gonna be able to get done with the blocks I have but I’ll do as much as I can and I’ll be back after a while this is definitely going

To take me some time Thank you All right so I’m back right now because I do need to go collect some more stuff and I haven’t really done anything with the walls but I put on the peaks of the roof and I’m kind of liking what this layout looks like right now when it was

Just the dark oak and stuff I wasn’t super sure about this I thought I’d have to like rebuild the whole thing because I didn’t really know if I liked the shape I didn’t know if this thing was going to look good in the end but I

Think with like the roof put on or at least like part of the roof put on I’m a lot more comfortable with where I’m at but we do need to go grab some more deep slate I completely run out of the deep slate stairs so I’ll probably go fill up

Like a shulker with deep slate just so I for sure have enough for the rest of this build alright I got an entire shulker box now of deep slate of course this is going to be made into the deep slate bricks I’m also going to grab all

The Spruce Wood I have which is actually quite a bit I have a bunch of leftover Spruce Wood and I don’t exactly remember why maybe I was just harvesting my trees at some point but I’m gonna grab all of that probably heal up my pickaxes and then we should be good to start

Building again All right so we got a good bit of progress done on this mansion but I’m out of a lot of blocks that I actually now have to go back and collect more of one of those blocks is uh purple terracotta now I have a little bit more

Terracotta left in a shulker box down here but it’s just regular undyed terracotta okay well that kind of hurt um but it’s regular undyed terracotta it’s this okay I don’t think this is gonna be enough to finish off the rest of the roof here but at least we don’t

Have to gather an entire shulker it’s really not hard to gather terracotta though it is instamide with a beacon but I’m definitely at the point with this builds where I’m having a lot of trouble imagining this looking good I don’t know if it’s too big it’s just

Too much of a mess right now it’s really hard for me to imagine kind of what it’s going to look like when it’s completely done but one bright spot is I really like what the roof looks like I really like the colors I think this color combination is like

Perfect for what I’m going for the Deep slate trim is also super nice I think it accents it very well but we have a ton more work to do still is that a gas that is most certainly a gas all right hang on a second don’t don’t don’t destroy my

House don’t do it don’t destroy it hang on get out of here I okay what is the hitbox on these things man stop destroying the house all right we had some damage it’s not a huge deal though I can fix that uh we also need a lot more dark oak

Wood because I’m completely out of that as well and I need more uh to section off the build still now I’m sure you guys are just absolutely thrilled uh to watch me gather more materials again but yeah I gathered some more terracotta to make a purple terracotta for the roof

After that then I gathered the second best wood in the game in some dark oak wood following that up with the best wood in the game Spruce Wood where I’m stripping it as I go it’ll just make it a lot easier to build with later and

Those are all the materials I wanted to gather right now I was going to gather some Crimson wood or Crimson stem whatever you want to call it um but I was just a little tired of gathering up materials now let’s cut it back to the SRAM in the video where he’s

Gonna say almost exactly what I just said all right so I’m actually a little tired of gathering materials so I did not get any Crimson wood instead what we’re gonna do is kind of just work on the walls I need the Crimson wood for the roof and we’ll work

On that later but let’s see if we can get these walls mostly up I really hope I have enough materials to get this done if I don’t then I’ll just have to go get some more which I really don’t want to do but let’s see what happens Thank you All right so I’ve made quite a bit of progress but I have uh run out of Blackstone I I don’t want to collect more but I have to I grossly underestimated how many blocks this is going to take but we have a good portion of the walls in also some random Spruce

There that doesn’t actually have to be there whatever not a huge deal but I kind of just need to finish off like this side right here that I’m looking at and like the peaks of a few of the like the rooftops and for that we need more

Blackstone so let’s go collect a whole bunch more I mean I have a little bit left so I guess I didn’t completely run out but that’s definitely not enough to finish off everything else so back to the nether I went and I gathered up a whole bunch more Blackstone and also

While I was here I gathered up all the Crimson stem I was going to need to finish off the roof Foreign I have finished the structure as of now right there’s a whole lot more work we still have to do detailing this thing but at least it is like a full building right now there are some small gaps like as you can see right there that is on like every side of the building

Um I think I want to make that like a balcony of some sort I just haven’t really decided what kind of floor block I want to use yet that’s why I’ve left it blank and I also just realized I missed something on the roof over here

All right I think we’re good now I think I fixed it so for the rest of the episode here we’re just going to be detailing the outside of the build I’m not going to do the interior in this one I really just want to get this video out

I feel like it’s been a very long time since I’ve uploaded because I’ve been working on this for so long but let’s start doing the exterior so let’s try to come up with a window design I do have to remember that the floor on the inside

Is going to be on that level because I’m not removing all of the Bedrock inside and replacing it with a floor block that is just not happening so the floor is going to be on this level so the window has to at least start here probably maybe I’ll go a little bit

Higher or maybe I won’t maybe we’ll just make some really tall Windows here that could probably work pretty well that’s a pretty good size just based on the scale of this build and let’s see what kind of window design I want to go for now I

Have a bunch of deep slate uh brick blocks because I think I want to use that for like the trim of the window here throw some stairs over there like that that’s a good start let’s go we’re on to something here let’s build up here a little bit

Now I got these walls which we can probably bring all the way up to the top actually let’s go one block before the top can do something kind of funky here about something weird like that let’s see what that looks like oh that’s not the right block let’s see what that

Looks like when I connect this all the way down again yeah it’s looking kind of nice I think we could also even do this since the window will go on the inside one I can even have this connect right there as well I think I like that

More yeah I think that’s looking good I think that’ll be the window design and then along with the windows we are going to add some lovely Spruce trap doors because they are honestly just the best block in the game can you stop no one invited you get out of here

Your children too we got a little bit of trap storage and stairs to test this out to see what I want to do here so I’m thinking we just do something very typical okay not jump off my scaffolding that’s not what I meant all right we threw down some trap doors

And some stairs at the top I feel like it doesn’t actually do all that much but it’s doing something at least I also changed up the window design just a tad we put a wall at the top I think it looks pretty good forget about that piece of deep slate

Just floating there all right I’m not gonna get it okay actually it’s bothering me let me go get it I want to work on the entrance next so let me just start throwing down some dark oak and stuff and I’ll see what I come up with I think I’m okay with this entrance

Looks pretty decent to me we can throw some lanterns on top of these walls then too now I did just realize something this entrance should have been one block higher due to where the floor is going to go but I think I can probably just

Put carpet on top of the bedrock in here and then put like a stair in here somewhere that goes up to uh the actual you know base floor of this building I think we’ll have to get rid of one piece of Bedrock which is this one right here

So I’m not gonna be able to put a carpet there with the door on top of it but that’s not a big deal if it’s only one piece of Bedrock maybe three maybe I’ll get rid of these three pieces of Bedrock here but that’s not a huge deal way

Better than getting rid of all of the Bedrock on the inside of the house um but yeah anyway let’s decorate the rest of this building I’ll come back once I get the entire front face and then we’ll just kind of copy that design all the way around we

Got like the entire front of the Mansion decorated and I think I’m okay with it I definitely missed two walls up there though one’s supposed to go right there one’s supposed to go over here how do I keep realizing that I missed something right when I start talking again now we should

Be good all I need is glass to fill in the rest but we’ll get that later but I think we can replicate this same design all the way around the house now some of the windows will have to look a little bit different like for example like the

Windows right here that I’m gonna put like we can’t make a whole thing around them because it’s like too small of a space but most of these places can have some pretty large windows so let’s go start working on that I literally just noticed potentially the worst thing ever

Can you guys tell me what’s wrong with this wall yeah um this one has a four wide Gap this one has a five wide Gap they were both supposed to be five get out of here I’m complaining these were supposed to be five like it is over here what this means then

Is I would have to extend this side of the build all by one block I’m not doing that so what I’m gonna do instead is just take down this section maybe we don’t take down the entire section hold on let me see if I can do something else

To this instead I think this is what we do instead we make this a door not sure where this is gonna go but this is now going to be a door alrighty just pretend that there’s a door here I’ll fix that later I do believe all of the walls

Should be decorated we just need to add a couple more things to this build and I think I can call it complete now we just need glass I want to put a chimney on this and I want to hang some lanterns all around so just three final things

Hopefully they don’t take too long all right I got all the stuff I needed from my storage room we have a couple furnaces down here now smelting up some sand so we can make some glass while that’s melting though let’s work on the chimney and I think I’m going to

Use some of this Basalt finally I want to get some use out of this all right and what I’m gonna do is I think I’m gonna start with some Basalt here and then I kind of want to transition this into this Stone and the tough and stuff

All right I don’t think I like this it’s also just too boxy I have to change the shape of it for sure I think what we do instead is use like the basalts and then bleed that into some black stone or something and not actually use any regular stone or Cobblestone air let’s

See how are we feeling about that I think that’s a good shape I am fine with this all right let me build it up a couple more blocks and now normally I would go with trap doors to cover this but instead I want to do something different let’s do that for the top

How does that look pretty decent I think as long as I throw some stairs and put like some more supporting pillars on this I think that’s gonna look pretty good all right it’s a bit like wonky looking but I think I like it I think that acts as a nice chimney for

This kind of house I think that works I think that actually works out pretty well like it’s a little skinny in some spots and then fat in some other places but honestly I’m okay with it it gets the effect I’m going for cool all right so lanterns and glass

And then I think we are done with this build so let me go do that and when I come back we’ll throw in some shaders and take a look at this builds in all its Glory the shaders are on all right making the nether roof look as pretty as

It could possibly look and I’m very excited to show you guys what this completed build looks like with shaders on I think it actually looks really cool anyway though without further ado bada boom this is the build I kind of really like the the effect the nether

Roof has right now like the buildings like wiggling that looks kind of cool anyway though throw my Rockets out I do not have my Rockets out a professional YouTuber here by the way all right cool wait hold on now we’re good all right um yeah there it is

The roof is pretty dark but honestly that doesn’t matter usually you light up a roof like on the Overworld just so stuff doesn’t spawn on top of it but even if it’s lit up in the nether stuff’s still gonna spawn on it so it doesn’t actually matter all that much

And for the windows let me kind of explain what I did there I combined white stained glass into regular glass the idea is to kind of make the windows look older like they’ve been there for a while and they’re like deteriorating a little bit or like fogging up or something that’s

Kind of the idea I don’t know if that effect is completely shown here but that’s what I wanted to happen got a whole bunch of lanterns all over the place I could have used like the other lanterns like the nether lanterns but I think the regular lanterns look

Better in this case but yeah I’m definitely very happy with how this build turned out it is the single biggest building I have ever built in Minecraft so that’s cool it looks really good in my opinion from over here like when you’re coming out of the nether portal like

That just looks sick man I’m sorry to gasp myself up okay but I’m actually kind of proud of this it’s it’s a very weird feeling when you’re building something and you don’t think it’s gonna look good and then you finish it and then it looks good uh because

That’s kind of what I’m feeling right now when I was in the middle of building this thing I thought it was gonna look like poop I did not think I was gonna be able to make it look good and I’m definitely at least satisfied with how

It turned out but thank you guys so much for watching this video I really hope you enjoyed my nether Hub there has been a bunch of new subscribers over on the channel recently and I really really appreciate it so if you are new thank you very much for deciding to check me

Out and if you’re still watching this whole time also obviously thank you very much for the continued viewership you guys are the best um but I will talk to you guys soon bye that that’s not where I wanted to zoom it whatever we’re gonna that’s that’s the outro now I don’t think that

I’m alone Minecraft villages need an update at this point in the game and the way that it’s been for a while there are five Village types you can have your Plains Villages your desert Villages tiger Villages Savannah and snowy Villages and obviously there are way more than five

Biomes in Minecraft I feel like there are so many other biomes that certainly deserve to have their own village so today I’m going to start a brand new project in my Hardcore Minecraft world I’m going to be making a village in nearly every biome that doesn’t already

Have one and the reason I say nearly is because if you think of a jungle there’s like a bunch of different biomes within a jungle itself like you have your normal jungle and then you also have jungle Edge biomes and bamboo jungle biomes those are all technically counted

As separate biomes but I’m going to you know include those all together in this video we’re going to be focusing on two different biomes we’re gonna have the Birch Village and the dark oak Village so then without further Ado let’s fully get started with this episode actually

Really quickly before we get started I wanted to say uh that like part of the way through this video I can completely overhaul the mods I’m using and download an entirely new list this is the list of mods that I downloaded recently or almost all of them I don’t actually use

Every single link here but of course as you can see this is provided by flip these are the mods that he uses in his hardcore series and they make the experience of the game a lot better some of these are just for Content creation but a lot of them also just improve the

Performance of the game so if you’re struggling with performance issues or just want some other visual changes these links are very useful foreign Other goal I would like to accomplish before we do anything with villages that other goal is a very simple one I just want to complete my beacon alright so last time we built an iron farm and it was horrible okay like I could go check it now but it probably doesn’t even have

A stack of iron and that was going throughout like all last episode so it’s really bad we currently have 54 blocks of iron I think you need to like what just over two stacks to make a full Beacon I’m just gonna go mining I should

Be good if I can just find one of those really big Iron veins underground so we’re gonna start today by doing that of course though let me show off what I did last time I always like to show off the build of the previous episode at the

Beginning of the next one uh this build is completely in the nether I slammed my face that kind of hurt I’m gonna break my ankles but this build is completely in the nether we spent a lot of time on the nether roof last episode building another Hub that looks horrible from the

Inside but from the out outside looking pretty snazzy if you ask me we built this really big like spooky Mansion you can go back and watch that episode if you missed it if you would like to see the process of this build this is easily the biggest building I’ve

Ever made in Minecraft and honestly admittedly it’s not completely done okay you’re gonna see these gaps here because I want to put like a balcony I just didn’t get around to doing that yet all right something else I would like to point out uh I have a Twitter if you’d

Like to follow me on Twitter link to that is in the description down below I don’t really tweet super often but if you’d like to connect with me in any other way uh you know feel free to check out my Twitter down below and I don’t have any torches oh I’m a dingus

That was a little close I probably played that like a complete [ __ ] but we’re alive it’s fine I would have been okay anyway because of my totem but still we’re chilling did I find one is this one this looks like it could be one it’s definitely one sweet all right

Let’s mine all this out we got so much iron from this one vein there’s probably still even more but we have one two three four five nearly six stacks of iron ore I think that’s probably good to leave with I guess I’ll just grab the little bits on the way out

And then we can break all this down and see how much we actually end up with all the iron has been mined up and we got a lot of stacks of raw iron I don’t have a crafting table on me so let me go check out how many blocks this is that was

Enough for about a stack and a half blocks I do not have enough iron I don’t believe according to Reddit um it says you need two stacks and 36 which I’m not going to have I’m very close though so that’s good do I have any leftover iron here do you have a

Little bit it’s enough for a couple more blocks I suppose I can probably just AFK the iron farm for the rest while all this stuff is smelting because we don’t actually need that many more all right let’s go do that I should have enough iron blocks now to make a

Full Beacon so that is super nice and now up next we just have to go gather a whole bunch of materials I’m going to start by gathering materials for the Birch Village I was able to gather a lot of stuff just from my storage room here

And I think we can make a very very good start on this village with the blocks we have here so we have most of a shulker here uh filled with some Stone and some brick and this is what the chimneys are going to be out of I haven’t completely

Decided yet if I want to use stone blocks or if I want to have like a brick chimney for these buildings the Birch Village is going to have two different buildings with two different pallets the first palette is going to be all these blocks for the walls now all the birch

Logs will be stripped don’t worry about that so it’ll have like a gradient going from the oak wood to the Birch and then to the Sandstone kind of like what we did with the Coliseum a couple episodes ago and then we’re probably going to use a lot of spruce somewhere I don’t

Exactly know where just yet but I will definitely make use of all the spruce got a whole bunch of dark oak as well I’m sure I’ll make use out of that and then we have deep slate so the building that has this palette for the walls will

Have a deep slate roof not super sure which kind of deep slate just yet we might kind of just like mush them all together just add a little bit of texture but it’ll certainly be deep slate and then the other palette is going to be these white blocks we’re

Going to have the calcite we’re going to have diorite we’ll have polished diorite and then that roof I think it’s going to have a spruce trim with Birch in the middle I also forgot to mention that we have some amethyst blocks and a little bit of shards I want to get more of

Those for sure um because my idea right with the Birch Village and the dark oak Village they’re both kind of gonna be magical in a way that’s kind of how I view both of those biomes I always imagine the dark oak forest to be like a Magic Forest that is

Completely like dark and shrouded on the inside maybe it’s some kind of like dark magic maybe some evil magic I don’t really know and then the Birch is like the opposite of that it’s gonna be more like light magic that maybe less evil magic I don’t know but I definitely

Think the block of amethyst will work we can probably just have some clusters just like floating in the sky that’ll be kind of cool but I do think with this we should be able to start construction now we just have to find a birch biome I

Want to build in and preferably I want to find a birch biome that is really close to a dark oak biome which happens all the time I don’t know if that’s actually a thing in this game but I always find dark oak biomes like at the

End of a birch biome I think I actually quite like down that way this was actually where I was gathering all my dark oak from that’s actually pretty funny so I guess we cleared out a nice area here to start the dark oak Village but we’re going to start that second let

Me move over here clear out a big area of birch trees and we can start placing down some a blockage yeah so this looks like a mess but let me explain so this structure right here that is just all the birch logs I want this to be a fountain the placement of

This is definitely subject to change the Beacon’s just kind of in the way I would ideally like to push this more this direction just so it’s more Central around all the buildings and we’re gonna have four houses surrounding this Central uh Fountain and they’re all pretty much the same size they look very

Similar they’re all just a little bit different in their own kind of ways this one here looks really weird but it’s just because there’s so many different levels of elevation right here I’ll certainly fix that once we actually start building my thought is that the pathway will connect all the way around

The fountain we’ll then have smaller Pathways branching off into the houses and then the pathways will also meet back up again up here and then lead into a much bigger building I didn’t really mention this yet but I think each of these Villages is going to have like a

Big staple building that kind of like fits the theme of The Village at least the theme that I’m going for so for example I think we’re gonna have like a school at the end here maybe that’s where people can study magic I don’t really know there’s some Allure there

Probably and then like in the dark oak Village I want to have like a big library that kind of makes sense we can have some like enchanted books maybe that’s like the dark side of the Magic in this world we’ll have to come up with some other signature buildings in the

Future once I start making more of these custom Villages but definitely for now I think that’s a good start and I think this school fits with this area quite well I think it’s time though that I cut away to a time lapse let’s start building up one of these buildings I’m

Gonna start with this one right there Thank you We have one house mostly built I kind of forgot to bring over all my grain blocks like all the leaves I have like the mossy stuff just to decorate the exterior with I forgot all that stuff so we have to make a trip back home go grab

Some and then we can actually completely finish this thing but this is definitely the vibe I was going for and I think this color palette looks really good the plan then is to have one more of these houses out of the final three one more of them is going to be

This exact color palette the other two then will be a different color palette I think they’ll mesh pretty well together but I like how this one looks I think it fits into a birch biome pretty well I also forgot a campfire I definitely will forget that again even if I bring it

I’ll probably forget to throw it up there but let’s head back home really fast so we can load up on some green blocks that was the sickest like Glide I’ve ever done I have no idea how I just did that but whatever I almost forgot this but I’m

Gonna bring my beacon because I’m gonna go collect some more deep slate as well we’re going to need more to finish off the next house in the same color palette because of course when you deep slate for the roof and I’m almost completely out so let me grab my beacon we’re down

Here in the Deep slate mine we have our full Beacon setup let me just go fill up this entire shulker with this deep slate on second thought I’m actually not gonna fill up this entire shulker because I don’t actually think I need to this should be plenty because I only do need

This for the roof of one more building I loaded up on a bunch of random stuff now some of it I might end up using like the different Moss variants I might incorporate those somewhere but then we have like white concrete powder and this is certainly going to be used I’m going

To use this in the walls of one of the buildings the building where I’m going to be using a calcite and diorite and stuff white concrete powder looks really good with those blocks I prefer the concrete powder as well over the concrete itself because the powder just

Has more texture to it I think it works better in a wall at least in this example all right you’ve gotten to the point in the video where I have completely overhauled all of my mods all right I’m I’m planning on saying something at the beginning of this

Episode about that so I really hope future SRAM remembers to put that in and if not he will have to record that point once he edits this section of the video this is getting like weirdly meta right now but anyway yeah um I wanted to point out one of the mods

I downloaded it is this mod that makes it so if it’s dark in a cave or dark outside it does not look dark so as you can see this is completely lit up this is what it would normally look like but the gamma is hacked or modded

Whatever to like 1500 so now every cave is like perfectly lit up I don’t think it’s an issue that I have this on a lot of other Minecraft youtubers have this setting turned on maybe it’s something I turn off once I start a new world again

Just because I feel like part of the danger of going mining early on is not being able to see what is around you without torches you know so maybe I turn this off when I’m actually genuinely doing some mining at the start of a new

World but I feel like at the point I am in this world it’s fine to have on but I have finally switched over to sodium I have been told by so many people to do this I’m using sodium I’m using fabric I’m using Iris all those words that I

Wasn’t really too familiar with before but we’re using all of these it actually has given me a much better performance in this game I am like stuttering a lot less which is beautiful so if you’re looking to maybe enhance your own Minecraft performance then certainly go

Ahead and download some of the links I mentioned earlier I’m hoping that I remember to put up an image of what flip has downloaded in his world because that’s kind of what I just did I just went down his entire list and just downloaded like everything I can’t tell

If the leaves look different to me I feel like they look a little bit weird oh my God that is the most cursed thing I’ve ever seen get that off of my screen please all right anyway now that that nightmare is gone they look a little bit weird

Maybe I’m just saying things I don’t know let’s just continue building we are going to work on this house over here and next I think and this one is going to be a different color palette this is going to have the white walls so we’re going to have calcite diorite white uh

Concrete powder also probably some birch wood that actually looks pretty good with this you know color palette we have going and then the roof of this one will be out of spruce wood as the trim and then a birch wood on the inside so let’s cut it away to another time lapse and

Let’s start building this bad boy The building’s not finished but I kind of just wanted to give you guys an update I am completely out of calcite so I have to go gather some more of that but here’s a work in progress of the building I’m liking how it’s turning out so far I think the color palette is

Definitely working out well but there’s a whole bunch more stuff we have to do to this and I don’t want to do anything else until I get more calcite I found a geode that was actually perfect I just flew right into this random cave and it was right here nice

All right I’m fairly certain I got all of the cow side out of this geode but at the very least I got a ton of it that should be enough for the two houses you know that we’re gonna use the white color palette for let’s just go finish this house then Our structure is done uh it still looks very bare I’m aware okay um yeah but I will fix that once we actually bring in some decoration for the outside we got two more buildings left to go this one here is going to be this color palette and that one over

There will be this color palette now I know for sure when I build this building again I’m going to need more Spruce Wood so to procrastinate that a little bit longer let’s build this one because I think I should have all the materials for that Thank you One more house is built just copied the same design as over there and I just realized I missed the chimney all right one second all right we now have a chimney looking a lot better now for this last house we’re gonna need to fill up on Spruce

Wood I think it’s probably time then to set up another portal here and get onto the roof again let this portal back up and this should hopefully take us directly back to the Birch forest and it does Perfect all right we can get back very easily now let’s go do that and

Fill up the shulker entirely with spruce I have gathered up so much Spruce Wood in this world it’s insane this is definitely the most Spruce Wood I have ever gathered in one world let me check out how many I have actually mined thirteen thousand five hundred and

Seventy one Netherrack is still the top but still a lot of spruce wood in this world that actually just took over number two it was previously Stone um yeah that’s definitely the most Spruce would have ever mined in one world this is the longest I’ve ever played a

Minecraft world for so it makes sense but geez I think I’ve used Spruce Wood in literally every single thing I’ve ever built in this world and with that out of the way we can start constructing the final House of this Village foreign house is now finished well at least the

Structure is you know how it goes by now uh we’ll be doing the rest of the exterior decoration here in a little while but the base structure is up and this is what like the main Courtyard area is going to look like at least in terms of these buildings obviously a ton

More work to do down here but I do want to move up here now and we can start laying out like the bigger building in this area it’ll probably be a little bit bigger than these houses I don’t want to make anything massive but I don’t want

To make it the same size as these homes so let me just go grab some birch wood and we can kind of line out how big this build is going to be we also certainly have to clear out an area back here I think this level is probably good to

Start clearing out so let’s do this for a little while get ourselves a nice big area to build on and then we can lay out the dimensions of this building I cleared out a pretty big area and I put down this structure thing here this outline I guess is a

Better word for it and this is what I’m thinking of for this building now I want to have the entrance right here and we’re going to have two bits of the building that extends past the entrance on either side I think it’ll look kind of cool so the main like part of the

Building will be over here I guess we could probably have some other rooms like classrooms and stuff over in this direction the main rectangle I kind of started off with is this one right here but with the outline down let’s go ahead and actually start building this thing Thank you All right so all of the buildings are in place the school has just been finished I think it looks pretty cool has an interesting shape to it has a nice color palette I think it fits very well in the area and now we have to work on the

Exteriors of everything so we have to do the path around the whole area we have to build up this Fountain and we have to like decorate the rest of the buildings by putting some leaves everywhere putting in some windows doing some other exterior decoration stuff so still a

Decent amount to do I’ve also thought about something else I’m going to take down this little canopy here I’m just gonna do this instead I think it looks fine but I guess the next order of business should probably be the center piece it should probably be the fountain

And I gotta be honest I have no idea what to do for this I kind of just consulted Google I looked up just Minecraft fountain design and I found a couple nice pictures I’ll throw a couple of them on the screen and I’m going to take a bit of inspiration from

These at least from the shape because I have no idea what to do for this thing man just throwing down some random blocks kind of at the moment we’re gonna see how this goes it looks really bad because it’s just Cobblestone but maybe after some texturing it’ll look a little

Bit better so I was working some more blocks and let’s see what it looks like in the end I guess after a little bit of texturing I definitely think it looks better now we just kind of have to put like a little ring around this thing to

Actually catch the water as of now I just have tough blocks right there blocking the water but let’s kind of just throw down like a ring of slabs I guess I think this is a good size then all the way around I think we should be

Able to go ahead then and just decorate these slabs a little bit more so let’s break up the pattern because I just kind of threw down all the Cobblestone slabs I had and then finish them off with regular stone slabs so let’s break this up add a little bit

More texture in between here with some Mossy slabs as well I’m also going to go ahead and bring a few of these up a little bit make it a little bit weird I think that’ll look kind of cool I think I’m comfortable with that a few of those

Are brought up a little bit more I think looks kind of cool now let’s let the water go and that should fill out this entire thing maybe I’ll actually use more water to fill it out all evenly yeah that looks really bad when it’s not

Even let me go do that there we go the water is all nice and still and then I realized that areas where I left just one slab I want to put another one on top of because it looks really weird with the water like that and I think as

Well just to add a little bit of spruce to this to make it look a little bit different to Spruce it up I all right I’m sorry um but yeah to actually add a little bit more color to this let me go grab some Spruce signs and let

Me kind of just add these wherever I can now I can’t put them all over the place but maybe we can put some bushes around here to cover up the spots I can’t put them also hit a super secret sign in the middle there I wonder what it says I don’t know next

Up then I think I want to work on the path and I’m not going to do any crazy fast design for this I’ll probably just use a whole bunch of path blocks and then I’m thinking just like spruce wood or something that usually looks good but I do want to make this area

Look a little bit better first so let me do a little bit of terraforming here all right I think I like this terrain a little bit more didn’t do all that much to it but kind of just flattened out some bits just gave myself a little bit more room

Around the fountain as well but I guess let’s just kind of start here and let’s just go start making a big old path around this whole area got ourselves just a very basic path for now we will add a bit more texture to this for sure

But it at least runs all the way through this area and goes up to the school and we also have little branching off bits to each house and to texture up this path instead of using Spruce like I said I was going to we are going to use some

Sandstone some stripped birch logs some Birch planks and then some Oak and strepto that’ll probably look good I threw down most of this path and I hate it I really don’t like how these blocks mesh together so I’m just gonna switch this out probably for like core start

Something really simple yeah I think the coarse dirt looks way better the wood just looked really out of place let me go gather a whole bunch of leaves then and we can finally start putting leaves everywhere in this Village and giving it a lot more life got a lot of leaves so

Hopefully this is enough but let’s go start throwing these all over the place I’m actually going to begin by sort of bordering off the path here with a bunch of leaves and probably some fences and walls we can probably use some Birch fences and then like Sandstone walls yeah that’ll probably

Look good this area is definitely coming a bit more alive with all these bushes looking pretty cool now we definitely need some light in this place at night so let me grab all of my lanterns which are somewhere if I can find them there we go I have 33 lanterns here you can

Always head back home and you know go back to the iron farm and everything to get a little bit more but I’m gonna check a few of these on top of some of the fences on top of the walls as well just so this place is nice and lit up at

Night also around the fountain why not yeah so I think the pathway is nearly done the last thing I would like to do is add some bone meal everywhere just to give the area even more life it’s looking nice and overgrown that’s perfect I think it looks so much better now

Just bone meal is such a simple thing you can do to your areas but I feel like it enhances them so much I think we are on now the last little bit of exterior decoration to this area and then we can kind of call it done and that decoration

Is all going to be focused on the buildings we have done nothing to the outsides of these buildings so we gotta add a whole bunch of stuff gotta add some more leaves kind of draping off of the roofs we gotta add some more like barrels and hay bales and composters all that fun

Stuff all around the area and especially lanterns I’ve been putting lanterns anywhere on these buildings this might take a little while but it’ll improve the builds so much so I didn’t actually end up doing all that much exterior decoration I kind of just threw down some leaves and some lanterns around the

Buildings and I think it looks really good the way it is I don’t really think I need anything else I don’t really want to over decorate or anything like that I think I’m in a pretty comfortable spot with this Village um I do wish I had more like the bigger amethyst like

Clustered things like I only had one pretty big one and I put it over there the rest of these are pretty small but it’s okay uh maybe I can come back and replace these later I went back to the geode I found earlier in the video and uh we only had the

Small ones there I didn’t really want to wait there for them to grow so we’re chilling with what we got but yeah I think this area looks pretty cool I will come back with shaders though when I finish the other Village in today’s episode considering they will be so

Close to one another and kind of just walk over kind of wanted to do just like a quick uh run through though without shaders on just to kind of give you the Vibes let me turn off the the max gamma thing so it’s a little bit darker here

Too but yeah looking pretty cool I think but now let’s start preparing for the dark oak Village we also got to clear out this big old shulker mess that’ll take me a couple years probably but I guess let’s just get started with that and then we can collect a whole

Bunch more materials so off I went then Gathering up some material of course I use that in literally everything terracotta which we’re going to use for some of the roofs of these buildings we’ve got dark oak of course we’re in a dark oak forest after all and

I have to fit that Vibe and then we got some Stone to round it out all the materials I gathered are in these shulker boxes right here we have a bunch of stuff now we are very close to where the Birch Village is birch Village is right there I’m gonna start building

This one in this open area here let’s just begin here by outlining a layout for this whole village now instead of having a fountain in the middle of this one I want to have like kind of a garden I guess you can think of it I want to

Have like a field for like mushrooms and trees and shrubs and stuff like that I think that could look pretty cool so I’m just gonna get like a weird shape here in the middle not gonna be like perfectly symmetrical or anything like that honestly the weirder looking the

Shape the better and I think that works really well as the centerpiece here then I think from here we can probably have a house over here somewhere let’s clear out a little bit of this grass now the boxes for these houses are going to probably look small but it’s okay

Because I think I’m gonna make up for that in the uh the roofs the roofs of these houses are going to be really big they’re going to be the most interesting part of the build I think and you’ll see what I’m talking about when I actually start building one of

These houses now I’ve kind of designed one of these houses in a creative world because this is an entirely new style to what I’m used to so I definitely needed to practice a little bit and the house that I did practice on was this size we

Have a nine by seven rectangle here we might add in a couple other like little rectangles branching off of this somewhere I don’t really know I mean we’re gonna need an entrance somewhere unless I just kind of throw the entrance in the side that’s totally an option but

Once I start building this thing up I’ll kind of figure it out from there I think we can certainly have another one back here then now in the Birch Forest each house was a completely different shape but I think here we’re probably gonna stick to like the same uniform building

But we’re kind of just going to change up the roof and by change up the roof I kind of just mean the color I think the shape of the roof will probably be the same unless I decide to tweak that too so these are where the four houses are

Going to go I probably could have made this one over here a diagonal building um but I’m really not good at building those personally so we’re just gonna keep it normal and I think the main build is going to go back here fairly certain I’ve mentioned this already in

This episode but this is going to be a library but yeah now that we have the layout down I guess we can kind of just start building I’m gonna build one of these houses and then kind of go over what I did and then we can use that same

Kind of schematic for the rest of these builds but um let’s choose this one sure it looks good to me Foreign This build needs a lot more decoration to it but I’m going to tackle all the decoration once again once I get all of the structures built exactly like I did the Birch Village but this is the idea of the buildings for this area I really like this shape I try to get more

Intricate with the roof I’m just trying to get better at making roofs in general I usually make them very flat very normal looking but I try to make this one look a little bit more interesting and I gotta say I just kind of Googled like fantasy houses in Minecraft and I

Found this picture and I use this as some inspiration kind of stacking the different floors on top of each other in this sort of way now of course the image on Google is a much larger house but I just liked that Vibe so I try to capture

That here now these other three houses are going to be made in this exact style it’s probably going to be the exact building just a different roof color now actually one of these other houses is going to be this exact building again with the same roof color and the other

Two I think I’m gonna do a black roof for those I feel like that could look really cool we might change up the wall design then me maybe instead of using spruce up here maybe we go ahead and use some dark oak or something like that or

Maybe some regular Oak and then use Spruce for the pillars and stuff that might be a decent idea just to change it up a little bit more so let’s get started building up the final three houses here for this Village Now all four of the buildings are you know completely up obviously they still have to be decorated on the outside but at least the structures are all in place and I also aligned out where the library is going to go there’s going to be a path that connects like through this

Little area back to the Birch Village and I think seeing the library is like the first thing as you walk through this way would probably look really cool but I got this nice sized rectangle fairly big on the inside and I have like a mental image of I think the shape of

This build I’m just gonna freehand this the best I can that’s just kind of what I do in this world I freehand most things but after we build up this structure we can go ahead and decorate everything on the outside with the path with this like you know little Field

Garden thing in the middle and of course the rest of these buildings putting in the windows the leaves all that fun stuff but for the last time in this video let’s build another building I hope you guys enjoyed the time lapses in this video I believe that should be the final one um and I also kind of want some feedback on them because I feel like this episode had a ton of time lapses in it so if you

Want to could you let me know in the comments how you felt about all the time lapses if it was way too many let me know and I’ll try to have fewer the next time I do a build like this big next time I have an episode you know where I

Build this many buildings but this is the library I think it fits the vibe of this area quite well you know we combine the different roof colors here into one building I’m comfortable with it I think it looks pretty cool next up though I want to start working on the center

Piece of this little town so we’re going to be working on the little mushroom garden and actually I can kind of just take this mushroom here and we can kind of come up with some designs so let me get this entire mushroom and let me try to come up with

Just some kind of design I definitely think this looks pretty cool I think it’s a good upgrade to like the vanilla you know mushroom design so I think we probably have like one more red one maybe then we have a brown Mushroom in here as well but I think this is gonna

Look really cool when everything gets placed down but before I actually start building up more of the mushrooms I want to work on the wall around this thing I think we’re gonna use a lot of dark oak in this little like fence wall thing that we have going on I’m gonna throw

Down some planks we’re gonna have some stripped dark oak and then just some regular dark oak chilling uh maybe also some like fences and stuff once we build this up a little bit more I think this is good we have a good amount of space in here like the texturing on the wall

Uh we’re probably gonna add another like red mushroom and then maybe a couple smaller brown mushrooms in here let me go gather a few mushroom materials all right we built up a second brown mushrooms over here as well now I definitely have bone meal right yes

Sweet okay so let’s just kind of bone meal the grass all in here I think that’s probably all I really have to do in terms of like the vegetation uh decoration in here let me just throw down some lanterns and I can probably call this little main area finished actually

I’ll throw a little bit of the Azalea stuff in here too because why not and I think we got ourselves a little garden acts as a cool centerpiece I think to this area now let’s do the path the rest of the way around and I think instead of

Using path block I’m going to use coarse dirt I like this that’s good enough for me but we do have to link this path up with both the library back here and the Birch uh Village so let’s go start doing that all right this is going to be the

Final path design then I think the mud adds quite a bit just a little like pop of a different texture in here looking pretty good and now obviously there’s way more stuff we can do to this path because I have to border it with something and we’ll probably just have

Some dark oak fences and then some leaves which I actually have to go collect unless do I have any extra from this Village I might hey we have two stacks almost three stacks the paths are now connected and decorated so with that out of the way I think we can move on to

Just bone mealing a little bit of this area and then we can finally complete it by finishing off the buildings I bone milled a lot of this area but I had to like terraform back here that’s why a lot of this is just dirt and you can’t

Really bone meal that it doesn’t do anything so I’m gonna wait for all that to grow before I bone meal everything else so I guess while I’m waiting for this all to turn into grass we can go ahead and start finishing up the houses finally the front face of the buildings

Are now decorated we got some light we got some windows got a couple like potted leaves looking pretty cool and the absolute final thing I want to do is just throw some lanterns around the library just to light it up I should really stop myself because I’m just

Gonna keep finding random things I want to change but let me bone meal this and then I’ll actually call this episode done now at the start of this episode this area looked like this and at the end roughly a hundred days later it has been transformed into these two

Villages I’m really proud of how this build turned out and I hope you guys liked it as well thank you so much for watching this and I will talk to you guys soon bye now over the last few episodes I spent a lot of time doing projects outside of

The starter area we built our nether mansion on top of the nether roof acting as our nether Hub and then I also built two custom Villages right next to each other we got a birch Village and a dark oak Village but today we are going to be

Returning back to the starter area back to home and we are going to be transforming this entire area now I think it already looks pretty cool but it could look a lot better so I decided to spend approximately 100 in-game Minecraft days adding some new buildings adding some custom trees and just some

Other custom terrain around the area to complete the starter village town area whatever you want to call it I hope you guys end up enjoying the build I really like how it turned out thank you so much for watching Thank you do you guys like my new totem texture I’ve been meaning to look up how to do this for a very long time but I kind of just kept procrastinating but here we are we finally have a new texture it is like one of the best things I’ve

Probably ever seen SpongeBob is probably unironically like one of my favorite shows at least the earlier Seasons they’re so good they’re so well made they’re hilarious even as an adult honestly memes aside though I have two more buildings I for sure want to add to

This area one of those is a church I feel like a place of worship might make sense in an area like this I don’t know what we’re gonna worship but I’ll figure it out and then the other thing is I want to add like a quarry area because

You know where I’ve been Gathering Stone it’s kind of just like behind the Gazebo over there there’s just a small hole that I just kind of drop into and I even made a second little Stone Gathering area up there with that like uh Stone pillar you can see peeking through the

Woods and that’s not gonna really cut it alright I want to make it more aesthetically pleasing so I really want to add a quarry area with like a crane dropping down picking up some materials obviously the crane won’t be an actual functional thing but you know it’s fine

We can imagine I think over here would probably be a good spot for the Quarry we can just make like a really big hole in the ground over here and then design it however I want with some Pathways uh with some other like storage areas down

There and then as for the church I think over here would be a good spot to clear out a whole bunch of these trees but that’ll look really nice I think and speaking of trees I’m going to be building a lot of custom trees I want to

Make this area my own custom biome that’s kind of the idea here and these vanilla Minecraft trees that’s not a custom biome all right so we’re gonna probably get rid of like all of these that might take me a very long time but I really think it’ll be worth it in the

End but let’s not get ahead of ourselves let me kind of lay out a couple of the things I want to build now I have laid out three different areas okay so we have the Quarry over here it is really small as of now but uh

You know I have a lot of room over in this direction back over here to go to um I just wanted to give it like a spot this area right here is just a small residential area you know we don’t really have any houses here aside from

Mine so I wanted to make like a little neighborhood kind of thing in this Village maybe all these people work in the Farmland in the Quarry all that fun stuff maybe in like the wood factory area thing so I think their house is being close to all that stuff makes a

Lot of sense and then also the church it’s going to be over here like right beneath me right now instead of being back over this way so what I’m going to do now then is I’m gonna start chopping down a large majority of the trees in my

Area now this is certainly going to take a lot of time but I think it’s going to be well worth it in the end I just chopped down a whole bunch of trees now the area looks quite bare in the middle here but that’s okay we’re

Gonna be replacing them and at least now we have a whole lot of materials to rebuild a bunch of trees with so that’s nice I was doing my best to collect leaves as I was going to so we actually have a decent starting point then when I

You know decide to go build all these custom trees the next thing I would like to work on though is just more terraforming I never finished this like Cliffside thing that I was building so I actually want to finish that this Cliff face is now finally completely done that was probably a bit

You know long overdue this was floating for a long time next up then I would like to tackle the church and we certainly have to do some terraforming to this um because I do not want my church floating all right we have a nice and flat area now and I also tweaked the

Dimensions of the build making it a little bit bigger the idea then with this build is that this is going to be the main part of the church and then over here I will just be a nice big tower probably have to figure out a spot

For the entrance maybe I put that in over here I’ll decide that in a little while but I think we can at least start building this up a little bit I’m going to be using mainly stone blocks and then the roof will be out of spruce wood it should look pretty good Foreign now I still have to add the windows in here and I still have to do the interior but we have a church now I think it fits in really well right there I still have to connect up The Path and everything but I’ll do that

Near the end and I also think I’m gonna do all of these Interiors at the same time so I’ll just build up all the structures first and then we can work on the Interiors yeah I’ll tell you right now I completely forgot to do the interior for the church my bad I’ll try

To get that done between episodes and I’ll show it off next time the next thing I want to do is work on the Quarry so let me throw down my beacon and then we can just dig a giant hole oh All right quick update because I have to go heal up my tools my pickaxes are about to die also my shovel but yeah we made a lot of progress and as you can kind of see here I want to have a few different levels down here so this is going to be like

The first level then we can drop off to the second level here and then I think the rest here is just gonna go down another maybe like eight or nine blocks there’s not too much more to go but I think three levels to this makes a lot

Of sense but let me go heal up my pickaxes and then we will be back foreign How much stone that got me it got me a lot of stone I have at least one double chest of stone and of cobblestone about one and a half of each of them and then like half a chest a little bit more than that of dirt and grass and stuff also

All this random miscellaneous stuff next up then with this project I want to touch up the walls because it looks horrible right now and I want to work in some like really big like rectangular rocks and stuff because if you guys have played Modern Warfare 2 before like the

Original Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 the one that came out in like 2009 uh there was a map called quarry on that game and in that map all of the rocks and stuff inside the Quarry are very boxed off they’re like huge like rectangular prism things and also uh you

Know with the person I take probably the most inspiration from in Minecraft flip has made a quarry in his Hardcore Minecraft world I’ve mentioned him so many times in my world because his builds are awesome he’s a great person to take inspiration from at least in my

Opinion um but in his Quarry it’s the same kind of idea now I’m going to be detailing the Rocks a lot more than what I’m about to do right now I think I’m just gonna throw down just regular smooth Stone just so I can get like a

Relative of shape of everything but I will be detailing them more with like tough with Cobblestone maybe some Mossy stuff here and there but let’s see what I can come up with here let’s kind of work just up here in a much smaller scale and we can kind of Branch it off

To everything then I was kind of thinking something like this right if we kind of just replicate this sort of design all the way around I think it’ll look really cool so let’s grab up a whole bunch more stone that we just mined and let’s go start working on all the walls All right so this is pretty much exactly what I had in mind with like the shapes of all these rocks and stuff I think this looks pretty cool but now that we actually have a good shape over there let’s go ahead and let’s go grab some texturing blocks I was trying to figure

Out the texturing I wanted to use for these walls and originally I was going to do like tough Mossy Cobble moss and stuff like that and then eventually work that into stone but I don’t think I’m going to do that here I think I want to do something just like this it’s very

Simple but it’s just like Cobblestone diorite and stone I want to do that all the way around so don’t mind this Big Blob of cobblestone I just had to patch up the whole I was like kind of working on but I do need to go gather up a bunch

Of diorite because I don’t really have any I have like just over a stack and a half all right I have a good bit of andesite now I can always go back and gather more if I need it but now let’s finally start detailing all of the walls here

And just like that we have texturing now on all of the walls it’s definitely about time that we work on the ground in here because I kind of don’t want all of the ground to be Stone I want to work in some like course dirt and probably some

Like path blocks in here uh just to make some pathways on the different like levels we got some dirt we got some coarse dirt and I also got some mud I feel like that’ll look good now I don’t want the pathways on each level to be

Massive but just big enough so that we can walk through it you know something like this I think is going to look really nice in here I think the coarse dirt with the brick and stuff is a nice contrast to all the gray that we have in here I think it’ll

Fit in very well we also have a nice little staircase getting down to the second level here where then this path can kind of cut off to the right this way to the left here is how we’re going to get down to the the final level yeah

I like what this pathway looks like I think it fits in well down there but now we actually need a way to get down in the Quarry itself from the surface so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take some Spruce slabs and with these slabs we’re gonna make a staircase going all

The way down but it’s also going to be like connected to the walls all right so we have the staircase now going down but I want to Spruce it up a little bit uh no pun intended but I’m going to be adding some Spruce Wood underneath just

To make it look like it’s actually being supported yeah I think this looks pretty cool as a way to get down into the mine we’re gonna use the same kind of design here to get down to the bottom level too all right there we go now we can get all

The way down to the bottom layer and down here I’m kind of just gonna fill in a decent portion of the ground with like coarse dirt and stuff like that yeah I think this looks pretty good the last thing I want to add all the way

Down here is just a little bit of light so we’re gonna throw it on some fences every so often and just throw a lantern on them there is one final thing I want to add to the area here around the Quarry and that is a building we’re

Gonna have a storage building here with a crane attached to it and at the bottom of that crane we’re gonna put a little cart with some materials that’s like being you know pulled up from the Quarry I think I’m gonna go with an L-shaped building like a back around this Edge

Right here so that means I have to fill in this huge hole all right we got ourselves a nice flat area over here so let’s grab some building blocks I’m actually just gonna start out with a quick little outline it might be looking a little weird right now but this is

Going to be the size of the building it’s all going to be like open concept kind of like the little extension we have right there of the tree building or the wood building I don’t know I keep calling it the tree building I also just realized I missed some trap doors up there

I need to fix that all right that’s way better now anyway um yeah so it’s going to be completely open concept right here all of these blocks are spaced three apart and we’re gonna have this little Archway design between all of them it’s gonna be a fairly basic looking building but it’s

Okay I think it’ll look nice Now like halfway through building everything that I just built I stopped my replay mod recording to go get some more materials that I needed and I forgot to start the recording again once I got back so not everything was actually in that time lapse but let me

Go over everything that I just built so I think most of the building was in the time lapse just probably aside from the leaves and the lanterns and stuff and probably the barrels underneath everything here maybe the fences as well um but this is the kind of vibe I wanted

For this building I wanted it to be all open concept I’ll fix what it looks like in here in a little while once I actually do the Interiors of everything but I think it looks good enough for now and I also built this little crane thing

As you can see it’s like pulling up some rocks and some oars and stuff from the Quarry itself and I think it looks pretty good I consulted Google once again and I found this image that I used as my reference point and I tried to

Keep that same idea here with my crane I think it works well it’s like slightly overhanging the Quarry itself but I built a little platform where it’s actually being like supported on the sides with those stairs and stuff I think it’s a cool little addition to this area but I believe with the

Building and the crane this area is pretty much done now there’s more stuff I can do to this like exterior decoration and stuff but I’m going to tackle that all together when I start throwing down the custom trees and the bushes and stuff like that around this

Whole area the next thing I would like to work on is this little neighborhood right here which I will have to move a little bit but that’s perfectly fine now after moving the layout of the neighborhood back I went off Gathering some materials so we got some clay

Because I want to use some bricks in this build we got some dark oak because of course I love dark oak got Granite to pair with those bricks and then we also of course ended up getting some more Spruce I use Spruce and everything it shouldn’t really come as a surprise

Right now that I’m using it in this build as well all the materials I just gathered are in the shulkers and then the clay is being smelted into the bricks here in this little Auto smelter thing so we should have all the things we need to actually begin this build I

Hope this is enough to finish it but I guess if it’s not we can go collect more later but anyway let’s start the time lapse good Foreign All right we now have six houses down here I decided to go with six over eight just because I felt like six was enough I feel like it rounded off this area pretty nicely but they’re all relatively small they look kind of similar in some aspects but I like how this little area

Turned out now we still need to put the path that goes through this entire area and like the windows and the doors to all the houses but I’ll get working on that in a little bit I want to start working on the custom trees and stuff

That are going to go around this area let me Begin by clearing out my entire workspace over here and then we can start throwing some wood into these shulkers everything is now well organized all the shulker boxes are empty aside from this pink one that I always carry on me with fireworks and

Whatnot um but the main trees I want to build in this area I want to build oak trees and birch trees so we have to go collect a whole bunch of the respective wood and leaf types but I should have a lot of birch yeah I have a ton of birch logs so

Let’s just throw all these into a shulker and then oak I don’t have nearly as much still a decent bit but we’re definitely gonna have to go collect some more Oak I might actually be good on Birch for a pretty long while but let’s definitely grab some fence this is some

Stairs because I’ll probably throw those in the trees as well and then probably some slabs same thing with the Birch here I might even throw in some Sandstone walls every so often don’t know if that’s something I’m gonna do a lot of but it could potentially look good together and then I actually

Need some diorite because the diorite walls look really good with the uh the birch logs and then obviously leaves I have a lot of oak leaves okay so let’s get the entire shulker of oak leaves if I can I can get most of a shulker of oak

Leaves and then let’s try to fill a shulker with Birch leaves I know I’m not going to be able to do that for my collection of leaves but we have a little bit of a start almost three stacks so then I think the plan for now

Is to fill out these shulkers with their respective materials so this choker I want to completely fill it with oak logs this one I want to fill out with birch logs only a couple more Stacks to go this one just Birch leaves and then this one oak leaves so let’s go get started

On that I’m really sorry to do this to the wildlife here in Minecraft but uh yeah I’m just gonna completely destroy this ecosystem All right both of the Birch shulkers are now filled so let’s go gather up some oak wood we now have a ton of oak leaves so we filled up an entire shulker and have almost half of a second shulker but we didn’t really get all that many extra

Oak logs out of that but honestly I think it’s okay because I want to use some stripped Spruce in those uh trees as well so if we can fill out this shulker with Spruce Wood we should be good all right and just like that we have a bunch more Spruce Wood now I’m

Gonna run around then and we’re gonna throw down some birch wood and some oak wood to kind of signify where these trees are going to go so let’s kind of just figure out how many I really want here alright so I dotted down some oak wood and some birch wood all over the

Place you can kind of see a couple different places like there’s one right there there’s a birch one there is a pretty big looking Oak one because I kind of want that to be a bigger style tree another Oak one there you can kind of just see them all over the place if

You look around those are all going to be trees I might throw in more than that as well but I feel like this is at least how many I’m going to build unless I start building them and it turns out I don’t need as many I don’t really know

I’m not really a big custom tree guy but I kind of want to use this as a way to get better at making custom trees so let’s start throwing down a few these I think I’m just gonna kind of work right here let’s do these three and then maybe

The big one and then I’ll come back and kind of describe what I did foreign S that I came up with With a Little Help from Google I kind of just looked up uh Birch and Oak custom trees to get a little bit of inspiration it was definitely needed because I had no idea how to start these but I think they turned out pretty well

And this area is going to look a hell of a lot better when we put these all over the place so these are the three smaller ones that I came up with and then we got a slightly chunkier boy over here it’s a good spot for it because it’s on this

Like little raised area I think it fit pretty well right here but now that we got the basics down let’s replicate these three trees all around the rest of the area Foreign This place is now littered with custom trees we have a whole bunch with a bunch of birch a bunch of oak trees everywhere and I think it’s looking pretty cool but we are still not done decorating like the landscape of this area because we still have to connect up all the

Pathways to all the new places that we just built we’re gonna be going with the same old path design we’ve been going with this whole entire time so we’re gonna have some path block probably some mud some coarse dirt some rocks and then got some fences and probably uh some

Leaves kind of bordering around the path so let me do one small area over here and then we will replicate the entire design all the way around so I’m gonna do this area back here between these trees let’s go ahead then and load up on some materials so I’m gonna grab a whole

Bunch of grass just in case I have to terraform anything let’s get some a packed mud and some mud bricks actually I really want the mud brick slabs more than anything else we’re gonna grab some Moss stuff because of course I mean it always looks good when you’re decorating

With some Moss we’re also going to grab some of the leftover stacks of logs that we still had I’m not gonna be putting down any more trees I don’t think but I do kind of want to I have some logs just like on the ground maybe covered in some

Moss I think that’ll look kind of cool there may be a couple like campfires because I want to throw some campsites around the area and obviously we cannot forget about the coarse dirt that is one of my favorite blocks in the game honestly it looks so good in Pathways

And the last few things we’re gonna grab we’re gonna grab some like rock blocks and then we’re also gonna get some leaves that should be a good start for now if I realize anything else I would like to grab I can always just fly back to the storage room I’m gonna start by

Doing a little bit of terraforming over here because this landscape looks a little bit awkward I like that this looks like a little bit more there’s not as many holes everywhere so I’m just going to kind of start from right here I’m just gonna start off with some path

Block for now and then we will decorate it further all right we got some nice and simple path Block in here so let’s incorporate some of the other stuff I’m gonna throw down some of the rock blocks some core start of course we’ll get some mud in there as well and then probably

Some Moss yeah so nothing too crazy right now kind of just threw down all the texturing blocks and then I also bone milled some of the moss on the outsides I’ve seen mythical sausage do this before and his Pathways and I really like what it looks looks like and

Now I’m going to throw on like the rest of the Border here so we’re gonna do is the classic fence and then leave combination all right and there you go we got the final path design I’m just gonna replicate this all throughout the area connect up all the new things that

We just built and I think instead of showing the entire process of doing this I’m just gonna bring you guys back once I have shaders on when I first started this project it was day 659 and the starter area looked like this you know

We did a lot in this area up until this point we built a massive tree built a whole bunch of other buildings but it didn’t feel completely done to me yet and then about a hundred days later on day 754 this is what the new starter

Area looks like I’m a huge fan of how all the new additions turned out I really like the Quarry that’s one of my favorite builds that I added in this episode I think it actually looks really nice with the crane pulling up the materials the custom trees just sprinkled around

Look really cool as well we have a nice church now all the paths connect up as they should and we have a little neighborhood you know of the people who work in the barn and the farms and the Quarry is all that fun stuff there’s some lore definitely to be had there but

I really hope you guys ended up enjoying this video I really enjoyed this transformation myself um we kind of need a name for this Village or this town whatever you want to call it we need a name for it I don’t really know what it should be called so

Maybe leave some suggestions down below and I’ll take one next episode I really do appreciate all the kind feedback lately on the videos it really means a lot to me thank you so much one final time for watching and I will talk to you soon bye now dark prismarine right it

Might just be my favorite Block in all of Minecraft the only problem with it is that it is incredibly annoying to get in order to make one dark prismarine block you need eight prismarine shards and one piece of black dye now the black dye obviously very simple to get but the

Prismarine shards in order to get those you need to kill these guys who are super annoying and only spawn underwater in Ocean Monuments I have a future project in mind where I want to use a lot of dark prismarine so to prepare for that and just to have access to it right

Now I guess I’m going to be making enxo4’s Guardian Farm the length of the video will be down in the description below it is an incredible Guardian Farm really not that hard to make you get so much stuff you also get a ton of experience now the thing with this Farm

Is that the Kill Chamber is suspended very high into the air so in order to conceal that I’m going to be making some Sky Islands some floating islands I’ve always wanted to make a floating island and I feel like this is a really good opportunity to do so so hopefully

Everything goes well let’s get started with the episode Foreign I currently have a whopping 27 Scaffolding in this world right now and if I’m going to build a floating island and a guardian Farm I’m going to need way more than that so to start this video I’m going to fly over to a jungle biome trying to find a bamboo jungle and

Just go crazy with my sword and probably just fill up like a shulker or something like that and maybe we can hit up like a mine shaft somewhere and load up on a whole bunch of string because I also don’t have many of that but before we

Actually go out and fly anywhere let me show off the church because I said last time I was going to do the interior of the church between episodes and I did just that it’s nothing crazy nothing spectacular but I think it fits the church Vibe it’s nice and like kind of

Overgrown a little bit looking pretty cool and then you can also use this ladder and go all the way up to the top there’s nothing really up here but you at least get you know a decent view of our little compound also last time I asked you guys to potentially name this

Place give me some name suggestions for the town for the city um that we kind of made you know throughout the a series so far but mainly last episode we spent a lot of time here last time detailing all these custom trees detailing the pathways adding that church adding this

Neighborhood adding the Quarry over here so we kind of like a nice complete settlement now and asked you guys for some names and uh the name I’m going to kind of choose is shremy land but I’m gonna actually shorten it it’s gonna be SRAM land so I’ll be the name of our

Starter compound here welcome to SRAM land but thank you guys so much for suggesting the other names maybe I will use them in a future build this should be good enough for now let’s make our way down here and let’s start going crazy now something else I want to say before

I keep forgetting because honestly I just continuously forget to say this at the start of every episode I will be providing a world download for this world if you like to play on it yourselves and kind of check out what we’ve built I’m going to provide that

Either when I die or at a thousand days just whatever comes first we are currently on day 760 so hopefully we get to a thousand in a little while and I’m you know obviously very much hoping that I don’t die before then and that might have been the easiest shulker box I have

Ever collected I knew this was going to be fast but I didn’t expect it to be that fast I guess now after just healing up my tools a little bit in the end let’s head back home and then we can go look for a mine shaft because I actually

Don’t know where one is off the top of my head I somehow had no idea that this massive cave was kind of under my Mountain but this is pretty cool down here I might have to build something here one day uh but yeah anyway let’s just kind

Of you know look for a mine shaft hopefully I can find one just deep underground here hey we actually got one over here sweet that did not take that long and this is exactly what I was looking for found myself one of the poison spider spawners

Got rid of it and now let’s clear out all of the string here you’re not gonna lie I thought that was going to be more string so let’s see if we can find another spawner well I can’t seem to find another spider spawner so I’m gonna

Bring all this string back with me and we’re gonna see how much this gets yeah so the farm I’m building calls for just over five stacks of scaffolding so this is more than enough we also have three in a bit Stacks extra which is really nice because I’m gonna use this to make

The floating island let’s fill these two shulker boxes here with all the materials I’m going to need I was able to get most of the materials just from you know the stuff I already have just in my storage room but there’s a couple things that I still have to go get I

Have to collect a couple more stacks of sand to get more glass I need all of the Soul Sand as well so I’ll have to take a trip to the nether I need the obsidian because I need roughly two stacks of obsidian for this and then we also have

To head off to a swamp because I need some sticky pistons and a slime block I do believe though I have everything else aside from those things I just mentioned so let’s start collecting the rest of those materials I’m gonna head off into this nether portal once again this is

The one I accessed to go to the Jungle earlier so we are now back in the Badlands biome and I think there’s a desert over here yeah perfect okay so let’s go collect a bit more sand we got all the sand we needed and then some and

While we’re out here in the Overworld I’m gonna fly around for a little while and see if I can find a swamp we found a Shrek’s Homeland so uh let’s hang out here for a little while and then we can fight off some slimes when it becomes

Nighttime all right what the hell is going on with this biome excuse me is my world okay my game is lagging my computer can’t even handle what’s going on right now what is this if anyone’s curious and if you’re playing on this world and want to come

To this exact spot for whatever reason uh yeah here are the coordinates wait is that a mob spotter over here I was just messing around jumping around like kind of zooming in random places and I see this Cobblestone here that is a spawner all right um I could have actually really used do

Spider spawner now sadly it’s not a full moon I’m pretty sure the Fuller the moon the more slimes that spawn and we have pretty much an empty Moon all right just a little bit of a crescent up there um I’m Gonna Keep flying around though hopefully we can find a couple slimes I

Really don’t need much hey we got a little boy what’s up slime friend I found one and we also got some frogs oh what’s up little guys I feel like I haven’t seen frogs in Forever in this world I’ll have to breed up some frogs eventually you guys look so cool look at

Him go dude the world generation over here is just completely drunk what is going on look at this tree that tree has three different leaves on it well I understand they’re all the same Leaf but it’s in like three biomes so they look actually kind of cool I’m digging that

Tree it’s a good tree hey we got a big boy down here sweet hopefully this is enough then I think 16 should be enough we should be able to make one slime block with that and then at least two sticky pistons so that’s nice we got the

Sand smell thing over here I got these sticky pistons and the slime block now let’s head back to the nether where we can go ahead and collect some Soul Sand we got ourselves a nice looking Soul Sand Valley right here got a whole bunch of Soul Sand for me to steal

So let’s snag this up I wanted to actually loot a Bastion too but I didn’t really see anyone along the way there is a Bastion back that way but I’ve already looted it I just really want to get pigstep dude it’s been too long man and

In like no time at all we have enough Soul Sand does not take long to get a couple stacks when you have a netherride efficiency 5 shovel and one more final thing we have to grab is all the obsidian so let’s go hit up the end now

That we have the obsidian the only thing left to do is just wait for the sand to be smelted and while this is smelting down I’m gonna go ahead and Brew up some very important potions now I’ve actually never gone through an ocean Monument before if I’m being completely honest

But from what I understand it’s really important to have a potion of invisibility so you can’t be seen and just ambushed a night vision potion is also useful but uh with the mod I have where I can kind of just increase my gamma to 1500 I don’t think I’m gonna

Need one and then the last potion I’m gonna need is water breathing which we actually have nine minutes of or sorry 12 minutes of already in this chest so I feel like this should probably be enough time do I really not have any brown mushrooms all right give me a minute um

I’m just gonna go to the nether they spawn on the nether roof ow I feel bad for my character in this game he 100 has CTE to some capacity I hit my face on the nether portal tree all the time the poor Yi dinosaur thing is just struggling oh now he just broke

His ankles I’m so sorry my guy all right 13 mushrooms should be plenty because we just need to make fermented spider eyes and I think I only need a couple we got all the potions that I think I’m going to need right here so we got our

Invisibility potions I got six of those then we got four water breathing potions and I actually just extended the time of the water breathing potion so instead of 12 minutes we have 32 minutes so that’s really nice and of course then we have 48 minutes of invisibility so that should be more than

Enough time to clear out the Elder Guardians in the ocean Monument then I think it’s about time that we grab all the materials we’re going to need and we head off and try to find an ocean Monument that I want to actually use for this leave a like on the video for this

Guy right here look at him go he would really appreciate it if you liked the video and maybe subscribed I don’t know but he’s just a little man doing his thing love this guy so at this point I decided that I wanted to go get a trident but

After searching for like an hour and killing a whole bunch of drowned I decided I no longer want to try it so we’re just gonna go ahead and try to do this without one but as I was looking for like the underwater ruins and stuff

Like that to find a trident I found this ocean Monument which seems perfect for me all right I think I’m ready I got my inventory all sorted out I got three potions of invisibility and three potions of water breathing now honestly I’m not sure if I have to take off all

My armor and stuff in order to be truly invisible but we’re gonna try to test that out just only at the outskirts of the ocean Monument I think I should be good to do that so let me drink one of each of these and let me see can I be targeted

By the Guardians yes I can okay I can be targeted by the Guardians now can I be targeted by the Guardians no I cannot all right we should be good all right so let’s go inside this way I do have mining fatigue which is a little bit annoying so I can’t actually break

Myself in and I’m assuming you don’t have to break your way into the Elder Guardian rooms right because that would be really annoying considering I do have the mining fatigue and I don’t really want to wait I’m just going to keep kind of swimming around and see what I could

Find here’s an Elder Guardian okay I think there are three of these that was pretty simple he also could not see me so that was nice another Elder Guardian right here thank you very much for that and now just one left and I think we should be okay

To start building this farm and I think that’s the last one I hope that’s the last one all right I believe this is all cleared out now I would like to make sure that all of the Elder Guardians are gone so I’m gonna kind of swim around

For a little bit and see if I get mining fatigue again all right I am not getting any mining fatigue so I think I’m good I’m gonna set up shop on this little sand beach I think this is actually the closest like bit of land to this ocean

Monument this one’s very much in the ocean which is really nice a floating island here is gonna look sick all right we’re all set up over here with the shulker boxes we’re going to need so let’s go ahead and start building this Farm Good foreign is up and fully functional so if I swipe these guys they should all die in one hit and now if we just wait a couple more seconds a new wave will start coming through the portal this thing is actually insane it’s one of the most ridiculous

Experience Farms I’ve ever seen and you also get so many materials I’ve just been here for a little while just swiping away every so often and I have a lot of stuff already it does not take long to pretty much fill up a double chest with the materials that Guardians

Drop now we will be making like a building around this thing on top of the floating island so I should be able to access all these chests a lot easier but even still if you just wanted to build it like very Bare Bones without any kind of build around it

It’s still quite functional with you know what you can reach and whatnot there’s also a very simple way of making this where you only get the materials and you don’t get the experience you just kill them in the nether with soul fire campfires it’s pretty simple to set

Up as well but I don’t mind having the experience here too this actually heals everything up so much faster than my Enderman farm so we might as well use this from here on out this thing is insane and it really doesn’t even take that long or that many

Materials to build I highly recommend building one of these if you want to either build with prismarine or if you just want a busted experience Farm anyway though let’s go and gather up a whole bunch of materials to start building this floating island we’re back home now so let’s start loading up some

Shulker boxes on some of the materials that we’re going to use and actually it’s probably more wise to go to the Quarry to get all this stuff because at least the stone stuff because I have so much Stone in that quarry but I suppose while we’re here let’s grab some dirt

And some grass and stuff and we can fill up an entire shulker with that and also just threw some Scaffolding in another stalker because we’re gonna need a bunch of scaffolding for sure let’s just get one full shulker of dirt I do at least need a little bit of grass because I

Need some grass on the top of the floating island so I’m just gonna take all the grass I have as well why not or maybe not all of it but at least a shulker box full all right two shulkers of dirt and grass and stuff that should probably be enough I

Really hope it is and then we’re probably Gonna Fill like the rest of these up with stone blocks now the thing is how much tough do I have oh not much at all might have to go collect some of this I don’t know if I’m actually gonna

Use these but I’m gonna bring all these dead coral blocks because they kind of fit the the color scheme right and they kind of look cool just a little bit of a different texture on there and then we’re going to need some things to hang down so leaves obviously I might just

Get an entire shulker of leaves you know let’s probably do that we got some Birch leaves some oak leaves I’m gonna bring and then also a few of these Mangrove Roots I might try to work these in you know every so often I would also like some glow berries because we can

Definitely hang those off the sides that’ll be a good light source and it’ll probably look pretty cool as well grab some bone meal to go with that this is just going to be a whole bunch of materials man but I think once we fill up like a shulker or two of like stone

Blocks then we’re probably good to head back and just start throwing down some of these blocks and figuring out how big the islands are gonna be and you know where exactly they’re gonna go so I got two more shulkers so give me all the stone here then the thing is I’m gonna

Need some andesite but I guess I’ll just throw it in wherever I can it actually fits into this shulker pretty perfectly so I’ll take that for sure and let’s head back to the guardian farm and actually start throwing down some blocks I’m thinking we have like the

Surface layer of the island up here about halfway up this really long shoot kind of just realized how uh how phallic this thing could kind of look nice rocket ship I guess I don’t know anyway uh yeah so I think about halfway up is where we can have the

Surface of the island and now I just kind of have to like configure a shape around this thing don’t want to make it like too perfectly circular because I don’t look kind of weird so let me just kind of place a whole bunch of dirt and see what we end up

With I feel like that’s a pretty good shape it’s not absolutely massive but I also don’t think it’s too small so I guess from here we should try to figure out where the bottom of this is going to be and that’s why I left all the scaffolding here

I didn’t want to take this down yet because I figured it’d be really useful when making this thing all right what if it comes down to a point like this and we kind of just connect up the sides is that gonna look weird it might be too tall

If we do it like this yeah I think that’s going to be way too tall all right so let’s shorten this up let’s kind of go a little bit beneath the farm I think I went too far down here let me kind of make like a weird spider web

Looking thing just connecting all the way back up to the top all right buddy you want to not do that bro all right I’m looking at you I saw you do that do you want to not take that block I know you’re pissed but listen I think I’m the

One who should be upset here okay none of that distraction’s over quick update um I kind of just connected everything up to the top I think I’m going to trim off this section A little bit more because it looks kind of weird right now yeah I think that looks a lot better

It’s not as like weirdly like long on this side all right I’ll take that that’s a good shape at least and now let me definitely go grab all the dirt I just got rid of because there’s a lot down here and I definitely just now realized that I forgot some

Very important blocks I definitely need some Mossy blocks because that’s going to be near the bottom we’re gonna have some Mossy some Mossy Stone that’s probably where the tough is gonna go to and then it’ll transition to the Cobblestone and then into the stone and uh the andesite that’s going to be like

The top layer ish the top layer of the stone blocks at least that’ll then transition into the dirt we got some Mossy blocks and we also got some tough so I’m gonna kind of replicate this pattern here around the bottom like third maybe of the island and we’re

Gonna see what it looks like I did about half of the section that’s going to be this color palette and I’ve run out of tough so I have to go mine some more but this is the idea there’s a nice mixture of these blocks

But I do need a little bit more tough so I suppose we should just go mine some so I’ve gathered up an entire shulker box of tough so we should have enough for this island and hopefully the other few that I’m gonna make but let’s go

Ahead and actually just put in all of like the walls I guess if you want to think of it that way of this island and then I’ll be back with an update all right so we got ourselves a nice shape we got a floating island for the

Most part there’s a few more things I want to add like underneath here um but before I do that let’s put on the top layer of dirt I haven’t filled like any of this in yet so let’s just go through with all this grass and let’s get a nice flat surface up

Here I also threw down a bunch of torches just so you know nothing spawns and now hopefully in here it is also light enough so nothing will spawn I’m pretty sure we should be good down here as well I still want to use a bit more

Grass though and I want to try to like hang some grass over the edge I think this will be a nice effect when we look at it from the sides yeah something like that at the top I think it looks a little bit more natural that way now

Let’s move back up to the top I want to throw a few like Mounds up here I don’t want this to be completely flat looks a little boring that way I think just something really simple like this just so there is a tad bit of like height

Difference up here let me throw like two more of these little hills around here and I actually do need to go grab more dirt with like an entire shulker of dirt down here all right so now we have some height variation up here looking a little bit better in my opinion next up

Then I want to do the really annoying task of putting stuff underneath the floating island I’m just gonna throw these glow berries and these different types of leaves all around the place and we’re gonna see what it looks like all right it’s not much but I definitely

Think it helps at the bottom it gives a lot of life down there which is exactly what I was going for one more feature I would like to have on some of the sides is I want some water flowing down yeah just like that all right I think this is

Looking pretty good then I think that is going to be like the final little bit of decoration we add to like the bottom and the sides of the island before we start actually working on the top and like the buildings up here I want to build the

Next few Islands they are going to be much smaller than this one so hopefully this doesn’t take too long foreign so all three of the smaller Islands have been built I really don’t know what’s gonna go on these islands but I think it’s just gonna look cool you know from

The ground if we have four Islands up here instead of just one big one but now we can start working on the actual building that’s going to go up here so let me go gather a bunch of materials for that and I’ll be right back I

Quickly went back home just to empty out all the shulker boxes and to fill them back up with stuff I was going to use for this build I actually didn’t have to go collect anything right now I’m hoping I don’t actually have to at all for this

Build in total I’m not expecting it to be absolutely massive so we should have enough stuff we’ll see though but anyway I got a whole bunch of like wood types we got some Spruce Wood we got some oak wood we got a bunch of deep slate stuff

We got some Cobblestone some tough some andesite that was kind of just left over from what we were using to make uh you know the actual Islands we got some a dark prismarine and some regular prismarine I don’t really have that much dark prismarine because it’s a bit

Expensive to make that stuff I had like a stack and a half of black dye in my storage room back when I did like the Halloween an episode because I needed all the black concrete and stuff so I used the rest of my black dye to make

All the dark prismarine I could but I’m gonna see how far like roughly a stack and a half gets me that’s kind of just gonna be for the roof my idea is that I’m gonna kind of make this into like a wizard tower sort of thing I wasn’t sure

What kind of tower I wanted to go for so I kind of just went on Google and I looked up like Minecraft tower designs and I was scouring through a little while and I found this one and I really like the the shape of it I like what it

Looks like and I want to try to use this as my inspiration put my own twist on it of course but I think we’re gonna kind of go with this the walls of the tower are going to be out of like the stone blocks the Cobblestone Mossy Stone tough

All that fun stuff the accents will probably be with the spruce wood and then the roof is going to be out of the prismarine blocks anyway though let’s get building all right so a little update we got the roof in yeah I know that one spot right

There that like the tip of the roof on the left it’s not symmetrical with the rest but don’t worry okay I noticed it eventually and it gets fixed and I’m really liking what this looks like so I changed it up a little bit from what I was saying instead of making the whole

Thing like the prismarine blocks I added a spruce trim and then we just put in a gradient at the top and I really like how this turned out gotta be honest I saw flip do this once recently and that’s what changed my mind he used like this exact same gradient and I think

It’s just wonderful looking and as for the front here I added some Spruce and put in a design and I think I’m liking it it’s kind of tough it looks really awkward at the top just with like the little like stone brick bits sticking out but I think this section right here

With you know the oak wood and the strip Spruce kind of ties it all together really nicely I feel like once we replicate that all the way around it’ll look much more cohesive but I need a lot more Spruce Wood in order to do this all

The way around so let’s go gather that the spruce wood has been acquired so let’s continue building Foreign lapse the tower is now done at least on the outside I don’t know if I’m gonna do the interior I probably won’t but I think it’s looking pretty snazzy got a whole bunch of green blocks and some windows and stuff all up and down the Walls I think it’s looking pretty cool

The last thing I want to do in this episode is kind of just like bone meal up all the grass around here maybe make a couple like flower Fields I brought some flowers in one of these shulker boxes I think I could probably make a flower field in each of the smaller

Islands just one for each of the two tall flowers here that I have and then I kind of figured I would just bone meal the rest of the grass I don’t have any other crazy plans for the islands I think just making the you know the

Ground look a little bit nicer with bone meal should probably be good enough I’m gonna throw down some of the flower Fields then and what I think I’m gonna do for the border is I’m gonna work some of this prismarine in here and then also just some Birch leaves I think that’ll

Look kind of nice I think this is definitely looking solid let’s throw some lanterns on the sides and then we can actually plant some flowers let’s do rose bushes in this one why not yeah I think this is looking pretty good in here we have a lantern in

The middle a bunch on the outside to hopefully keep this lit up enough so nothing spawns and just a nice little Rose Garden I suppose I can probably bone meal the rest to get some taller grass in here too that’ll probably look pretty good and let’s continue that on the outside

Here as well it’s really simple but I think it looks nice this island over here are going to do the same kind of design on the outside with the prismarine walls and the Birch leaves I actually have to make a quick stop into the farm to get some more prismarine

Walls hopefully I don’t have to turn it on because I don’t have the obsidian on me to turn back on those portals I didn’t have to turn it back on we got a little bit more prismarine here there should be enough to finish off these islands I’m gonna make this one over

Here lilacs and the final one will be the peonies all three of the surrounding islands are now done looking pretty good in my opinion let’s work on the main one now my plan is to get rid of all the Torches so I’m just gonna throw down some walls and maybe some like Oak

Fences every once in a while and just put a torch on top I don’t want to do anything too crazy I’m gonna throw some like random bushes around here too just to give it some more life and maybe some flowers and then we’ll bone meal everything all right so I’ve put on the

Final details of the island and we are complete finished with this project I really like how this turned out I really wasn’t too sure about the tower as I was building it but I think it looked really nice I thought the shape was a little bit too weird honestly I didn’t think

I’d be able to pull it off but I feel like I did quite well I really like the vibe these floating islands are giving off it’s very magical in my opinion I think it’s a pretty sweet build and it’s also very useful man this Farm is incredible in terms of experience and

Also just in terms of the uh of the loot the blocks you get from this are so nice I’m going to be using a lot of these blocks in the future but thank you guys so much for watching this video I really hope you guys enjoyed this one and I’ll

Talk to you guys soon bye I think we can pretty much all agree that Minecraft villages could use an update a couple episodes ago I started a project where I wanted to make a village for every biome in Minecraft that doesn’t already have a village and in

That episode we tackled the Birch and the dark oak Villages and I think they turned out pretty well and here today I will be tackling the cave village now full disclosure I wanted to do the Ocean Village as well in the same episode but I kind of spent more time than I

Expected on the cave Village so we’re just gonna have this one for today I hope you guys enjoy this video let’s get started Don’t mind the arrows in my face alright I promise that I’m okay we’re living still we got a good old Squidward in my offhand to keep me alive and you know a little while ago I stumbled across this massive cave underneath my base that was rude all right hold on going on that Yeah I keep hitting the wrong button and I gave him my sword and my pickaxe I haven’t played Minecraft in a couple of days okay I’m a little rusty anyway I found this cave a little while ago and I think this would be perfect for the

Village I have in mind the thing is though now we just have to light everything up it’s probably gonna take a lot of torches but let me take the little bit that I have and spam them all across this area and hopefully we can get it to be mod proof pretty soon

Next up then let’s go grab all the materials we are going to need now I’m unsure exactly what these buildings are going to look like I will probably figure that out as I am building them but I do have a relative color scheme uh

In my head so I think I want the walls at least at the first floor of these buildings to be out of granite and bricks and Polished Granite we’ll get a nice combination of these blocks going and then the upper floors we’re going to have a bunch of different like colorful

Blocks so I have a bunch of terracotta here in these two shulker boxes I’m gonna make about half of this into lime terracotta and then the rest into purple terracotta which we actually still have a little bit left over which is nice we’ll be using both of those colors and

Then we will also be breaking in some white blocks like some polished diorite and some calcite that’ll look good I think and then the last color I thought of that’ll look nice at least I think right now maybe once I put it down I’ll completely change my mind is yellow and

We’re going to kind of get the yellow effect with some concrete with some wool and then with some concrete powder I really want to give this gave a lot more life so that’s why I want to bring in a bunch of colors and I also will probably end

Up bringing in a whole bunch of moss and making parts of the cave like Lush caves I think that’ll look really cool anyway though we now have to go on a quest to get a bunch of dyes so we’re gonna need a bunch of lime green dye which I feel

Like the easiest way to get that is to go get a whole bunch of cactuses or cacti all right listen I know the plural don’t don’t comment please um we have to go get a whole bunch of cacti and then I have a bunch of Bones

Lying around I think you can bind those you get the white dye the green dye bada boom bada bang color theory you get lime dye we will also have to go punch in a whole bunch of flowers because I’m gonna need some yellow dye and some blue dye

We have a little bit of blue dye in this chest here but I’m definitely going to need more I will combine that with the red dye which I have somewhere yeah combine these two together get purple dye make purple terracotta you know how it goes so let’s go punch a whole bunch

Of vegetation after I take a nap I forgot you have to smelt the cactus too you don’t just get it from the cactus I don’t have to use fuel too many things man too many things going into this one Village that won’t really ever be useful but it should look

Good this is actually super convenient that I just found this because I need a lot of gravel too Foreign box here of sand and gravel approximately split down the middle hopefully that’s good enough for a little while now let’s just go punch some more cactus all right I got myself two stacks of cactus I hope this is enough I really don’t think I’m gonna need that much

Lime dye but let’s head back home and on the way let’s go punch a whole bunch of flowers you guys are not ready for this watch this hold on hold on hold on hold on first try and all right we are returning home now with all of the flowers and the

Sand and stuff that we’re gonna need let me clear out my inventory a little bit though and get stuff more organized I think we have everything ready to begin building I just crafted up all of the colorful blocks that we’re going to use let me kind of just go through all the

Different shulker boxes here so this one has all of the white blocks in it so we have white concrete powder we have some white wool some calcite some Birch I might throw some diorite in here as well but I don’t know if I want that many white blocks together we’ll kind of see

This shulker box just has a whole bunch of yellow concrete powder in it and some yellow wool and then I think some of this concrete powder we’re going to make into just yellow concrete so then it’ll be yellow concrete powder yellow concrete and then yellow wool we only

Have a little bit of yellow wool but that’s honestly probably enough I don’t really imagine like the second floor of these buildings being that big so yeah this is certainly Overkill we have way too many materials for this but I kind of wanted just to get a whole bunch just

In case I ever need these blocks again this is kind of just leftovers like these aren’t going to be necessarily used for anything in the I really need them and then this shulker box here has a bunch of purple terracotta also a bunch of lime terracotta and I am forgetting

Some very important blocks that I just now realized oh I have some let’s go I really hope this is enough but I forgot I needed the Crimson stuff to go with the purple terracotta but let’s gather up all these shulker boxes here and let’s head down to the cave

This guy’s all just hit a suicide shot on me man what the hell think I’m watching a Faith Hill cams episode from back in the day that was crazy we do have a layout here of where the buildings are going to go it’s very much just a rough sketch at the moment

And I might even add in a couple more buildings if I make these kind of small because I think I certainly have enough materials to do so but this is kind of the idea right so this bigger one in the back is going to be like the main

Smeltery area so that’ll be the main attraction of the village and then we’re just gonna have a couple houses on either side uh surrounding this thing we’ll probably have like a nice walkway going around here too and I do kind of want to make it more secure so mobs

Can’t just walk up there so maybe I make it a couple blocks high add some fence gates all that fun stuff maybe just some regular walls too we’ll make it look good hopefully at least you know good for my standards but I do want to begin

Here by carving away at some of these pillars at least this main one in the middle I might put it back but just for now I don’t really like it here I think I want to start off with the pathway that’s going to go around this whole

Thing just so I know exactly how far these buildings can come out of the walls I got some Spruce blocks so let’s kind of start with these and I’m gonna kind of run these slabs just in like a semi-circle until we get to around here

Maybe then we can kind of get a better sense of scale and we’ll also know how much room we have in the middle here to make it look all nice that’s probably where like the Lush part is going to come in that’s probably where most of

The Moss is going to be kind of in this middle section here I also do really like this like stalagmite looking thing but I do think this has to go for now too I will probably put this one back maybe just more in the middle it’s just

Sort of in the way of the path here so it’s looking a little weird right now because it’s just these Spruce slabs kind of like floating but we do have a pathway now kind of connecting everything over here is still a little bit awkward but I will definitely fix this I’ll probably just

Bump this building out so it meets the pathway same thing here I’ll probably have to drop it down a little bit and then bump it out but obviously this is not just going to be floating spruce so let me grab some deep slate blocks got some deep slate bricks and some

Cobbled deep slate I’m gonna follow the path one block over with Cobble deep slate on the bottom and then on top of all of this cobbled deep slate we’re gonna throw some deep slight bricks all right so then it’s going to look like this which is kind of cool looking in my

Opinion and then we’re gonna do some kind of like railing design up here so let me kind of figure out what I want to do I’m not even really sure what I did I kind of just threw in a bunch of walls and some fence gates and some fences I I

Don’t really know but I think it looks alright for now I also think I want to continue this deep slight trim around this side of the pathway too I think it’ll look really nice if I do this all the way around I do not know what kind

Of railing I want to have on the left side if there is a railing there at all it might just only be on the right so for now I’m Gonna Leave This Kind of blank just like this but I think it looks pretty cool right now I think

It’ll look a lot better once we get the buildings in and also once I throw some lanterns down but for now looking pretty sick I do want to work on one of the buildings now and I think it’s going to be the building that is over here so

Let’s clear out this tough and let’s throw down some but blocks I’m also going to structure this video a little bit differently now normally I would just time lapse pretty much everything that’s kind of what I’ve been doing but with this Village here I think I’m gonna

Build this one kind of along with you guys I’m not going to make it super long and drawn out like I would in like a tutorial or anything like that but I kind of just wanted to know if you guys would like me to do this more in the

Future where some of the builds are way more Hands-On some of them are time lapses or if you would rather that I just time lapse everything like I have been doing now I think this is probably a good size for these buildings here not too big not too small we’re gonna

Have a second floor for sure and that is where like the lime terracotta and the green wool is going to come in at least for this building in particular and I forgot my scaffolding so we’re just gonna have to use blocks to pillar up but it should be okay but for the first

Floor we’re gonna do the same design that I literally always do all the time with the spruce stairs and trapdoor looks really nice as an archway and now let’s start trying to figure out what I’m gonna do for the second floor this is where it’s gonna get interesting I’m

Gonna bring the second floor out a block I think that’ll look pretty cool let’s get our Spruce logs again to build these up probably four more strip these bad boys all down of course and then back here is where all the lime terracotta is going to come into play

And then green wool of course can’t forget about that and that’s looking pretty good I think I think once we get all these colors everywhere it’s gonna look a lot better all right did you did you not did you not see this look it okay this is what’s gonna happen to you

Do you want to have a change of heart here pal clearly does not want to have a change of heart all right let’s just keep adding to the pile all right maybe eventually they’ll get intimidated so I definitely don’t just like the slab roof

How do I want to change this I have one idea I have no idea if this is gonna look good or not but let’s try it alright so what about that it’s better but as I was putting that together I kind of had an idea so my original

Thought for this Village was I was going to have a whole bunch of just completely disconnected buildings but I think it would be a lot better if instead we kind of just make this one really big connected building and we only really differentiate between the houses with

The colors at the top I think that would actually be really sweet so let me kind of just lay out the first floor of what I’m thinking of all right so that’s not looking too bad right now kind of figure out the second floor is from here but

It’s looking pretty cool I think I think what we do is make the second floor of this section still green and then we work on maybe yellow over here I definitely think that’ll look good so let’s see if we can figure out how the hell I’m going to do the second

Floor up here okay that’s looking more interesting now so let’s transition the second floor in this area into yellow blocks dude all these axolotls ever do is just get stuck my man was struggling down there for a while but the rest of them die no look you’re stuck too I

Think how are you guys all stuck it’s just a sea pickle like figure it out all right so I didn’t throw the roof up there yet but I’m kind of liking this Vibe looks a little weird over here but we’ll fix that that’s not a big deal again that’s a future SRAM

Problem you know me I live in the moment current trim yeah he’s an idiot now I don’t know what the exact shape of the main like smelting building is going to be so just for now I’m going to fill this entire Gap in with Spruce slabs just so I can

Put down Spruce logs anywhere in this whole area I’m also not gonna work on this man building yet I’m gonna save that for last but let me at least map out how long it’s going to be because I want this to be an odd number of blocks

There is a 13 block Gap now between this pillar and the start of the pillar down there they’re also a little bit diagonal from each other but that’s what I wanted I will figure out the rest of this building though once we finish over here

Let’s work on uh the left side of the houses I’m not sure if this is gonna look good or not but I’ll do my best all right so I laid down a whole bunch of pillars here to kind of signify where the different like archways of the

Buildings are going to go so let’s start building these all up then all right so we got the layout all together and now we just have to put in the walls and make it look all nice so just like this side over here gonna start on the bottom with some Granite

Working some brick as well of course and then also work in some polished Granite let’s just continue working on this all the way across and then we’ll get into the second floor is where the colors are going to get more interesting let’s start with the purple blocks so that’s

Going to be the purple terracotta the Crimson planks and the stripped Crimson stem and I’m not gonna lie this is a little confusing to do considering this side is way more like diagonal than this side but we’re making it work okay it might look a little awkward but I think it’s

Gonna look good in the end and then we are going to transition into the white blocks and I think instead of using diorite I think we’re gonna use just the other blocks that I have because there’s a lot of diorite in this cave and I feel like it’ll blend in a

Little bit too much so I’m gonna use just the other white blocks just so it’s a little bit different I also don’t think I’m going to use any of the white wool I just feel like that’s too many blocks in a very small area and now that

We have all of the walls in let’s do the trapdoor and stair design that we have everywhere else and now I would kind of like to figure out the roof I think for both sides I want to figure out the complete roof we already kind of started

Right over here with the roof but I didn’t do that much of it I just want to point something out before I start talking about the roof on this half I changed this slope right here it used to be slabs but I made it all stairs I kind

Of just think it looks better that way but I’m kind of replicating the same thing over here we’re just gonna make this stairway go up until we hit this pillar here but if I just put stairs straight up to the top it comes up to this block I think which one really

Works because I want the roof for the next section to come like that and that’s gonna look really weird with stairs right there so instead what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna slab our way up and it’s gonna look something like that a little bit funky because

This building is not completely straight here but honestly I’m all about the weirdness right now I don’t actually think this section in the middle really needs a roof I feel like it’s kind of fine the way it is I do want to exchange out these blocks at the top though because I don’t

Really want dire right here I feel like it’ll blend too much in with the walls I think what we should do instead is just kind of bring this down and it looks pretty good in my opinion I don’t think we need a roofer right there we might be honestly okay over here too

Let’s see if I can kind of just bring down some Stones I’m fine not to have a roof there with the like white buildings now I believe all of the roofs are on at least I hope so if I missed anything I guess maybe someone will point it out

In the comments and I’ll come back to it I forgot that there’s just a big hole though in the side of the building here so I should probably go ahead and fill that in and also before I forget I need to fill in the tops of all of the roofs because

I’m definitely gonna forget to do that if I don’t do it soon all right I finished up this side of the building and I also put a little bit more Stone next to it just to fill in the gaps a little bit better but now absolutely

Before I forget let’s fill in the tops of all of the roofs all right so I filled in the tops of the roofs with the respective colors and also this side over here is still completely empty that’s just because I don’t know how much of the smeltery is going to block

Over here just yet whenever I figure that out I will fill in the rest accordingly but speaking of the smelter rebuilding let’s go ahead and start building that I think for the smeltery building back here we’re gonna keep it pretty simple I’m gonna keep this building mostly just a regular

Looking rectangle but then over here it’s going to get a little bit more interesting just because I want it to connect up with the buildings over here so if I kept this completely straight and made it a full rectangle then we’d have a little bit of stone between these

Two and I don’t want that so instead we’re gonna have a bit of a diagonal over here but I think it’ll be fine before I do anything else I actually do want to work on the roof because I kind of want to figure out what that’s going

To look like I think just stairs going up like this will look pretty cool we can definitely continue the trend of the second floor here jutting out a little bit but this second floor section is going to be a little bit wider than the rest so normally this would have been three

Blocks in between but now we have five and I kind of feel like just over here I’m just gonna drip down some more Stone because I really don’t know how to work in the roof on that side and I think that looks fine like this let’s start

Working in the walls then we’re going to start the first floor the same as we have been and then I think for the middle one here I’m just gonna keep it with the White theme because I feel like we haven’t really used much of that color in these builds one final thing I

Have to touch up with the buildings before I start adding in a whole bunch of details is this side of the yellow building it’s completely empty still but I also suppose we should probably figure out how we’re going to get into each of these buildings so I’ll just kind of

Start plopping in doorways wherever I can I gotta be honest I’m really not sure what’s going to go in any of these buildings except for this one where I’m actually going to put a super smelter might not do that today we’ll probably do that in the next episode

Quick little spoiler for next episode I guess I think I’m gonna spend a lot of time working on Interiors next time I want to finish up a lot of the projects in this world that I’ve kind of left unfinished so I feel like that’s a good time to actually do the super smelter

Anyway though I really don’t know what’s going to go in these buildings in general I might just decorate them at some point with a bunch of really random stuff just to make them look okay but let’s go ahead and throw on some doors I’ve also just seen a few places where

I’ve missed some stairs and some trap doors um there are Shirley more but if I see them I’ll try to fix them and if I don’t see them and I don’t say anything about it you can point them out in the comments now I have a whole bunch more exterior decoration to do

But I kind of don’t want to bore you guys with this stuff so instead I’m just gonna cut away until I am finished doing the exterior decoration with these homes it’s not going to be anything that I really haven’t done before we’re just gonna throw in a couple windows and

Probably some leaves falling off the roofs and stuff like that just to give it a bit of life down here so I’m gonna go start working on that and I’ll be right back so as you can see we added a whole bunch more detail to the exterior of these buildings got a

Whole bunch of leaves going through we got a whole bunch of Windows and inside the windows I kind of just put some shroom lights I don’t know if I’m going to tackle the Interiors today or not but I just wanted some kind of extra lighting in here so that when I turn off

The gamma mod I have it still looks pretty good and those shroom lights work very well in that regard but it’s definitely coming along there’s still a few more things we have to get done with this Village before I can conclude this episode and the next thing I want to start

Working on is this Central bit I want to make this more into like a lush cave kind of like Pond thing I think I could do a pretty cool job we could probably have a whole bunch of moss a bunch of Mossy blocks probably some more leaves

Some different kinds of greenery I think it’s gonna look pretty cool down here but my inventory is an absolute mess so let me go ahead and clear out some shulker boxes and we can gather some more materials got a couple Stone variants got some grain blocks and also

Some bone meal because I feel like I want to bone meal some of these flowering azaleas just to get some azalea trees down there I feel like that’ll look kind of nice I guess to begin let’s get a good shape down for this Pond I’m gonna use some

Cobblestone just to map out where I want it to go I like this bit back here I think that’s actually a pretty good shape this is just a little bit too awkward up here all right I definitely like this shape a lot more don’t know what that just was

But that was a weird little Glide all right anyway um let me get rid of all of this diorite because I don’t really want this being on the floor all right so we got this all filled with stone now I’m gonna cut away a little bit more of this actually

I forgot three blocks hold on my bad um they cut away a little bit more of this and I think that’s looking good for the shape so let’s go ahead and actually start throwing down the water and there we go we got a pond so let’s go ahead

And start throwing around some of these green blocks so I’m gonna go around and bone meal a whole bunch of moss around here throw in some like Mossy Cobble some tough probably somewhere and just decorate this to the best of my ability and I think I’m gonna do this through a

Time lapse so I will be back once the central Pond area is completed Thank you foreign At the start of the episode this cave looked like this what what and now it looks much better in my opinion we have a nice cave Village down here A whole bunch of details in the pathways and stuff like that a bunch of ores kind of just chilling around trying

To imagine like they were just mined a little bit ago and there’s being stored here or something we have a nice Pond a bit of a lush area to the cave a couple trees I think it is looking pretty cool this is definitely one of my favorite

Builds that I’ve done in this world so far and I feel like if I had a little bit more time maybe I could have like extrapolated this to the entire cave down here but it’s been a very long time since I posted a hardcore episode so I

Really just wanted to get one out and I am very comfortable with where this build is at thank you guys so much for watching this episode I really hope you guys enjoyed this one and I’ll talk to you soon bye now this is the nether Hub that I

Built in episode 9 of this series and I really like how it turned out I think this is the biggest overall building that I’ve ever made and I think it actually looks really solid but if you move on to the inside what it looks like absolute but all right

There’s nothing here it’s not even finished some spots have holes uh it’s usually filled with Magna cubes and pigment whatever it’s just a mess so today I’m going to be tackling the interior of this building now this is a rather large interior so I wanted to dedicate an entire episode to trying to

Get it completed this isn’t the sole thing that I end up doing in this episode but this definitely takes up a very large portion of the video thank you so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoy also really fast a massive shout out to guilty Ohio on

Twitter they made me these two amazing avatars to use in my videos and in my thumbnails and I think they absolutely killed it they look amazing I will leave a link to their Twitter down in the description down below if you want to drop them a follow or anything like that

And they also said when I asked them what I should shout out they also just said maybe try to do something nice for someone today all right give some good vibes so once again a massive thank you to them and now I’m going to cut myself off in the middle Dude the moment I started recording my cat jumped on my desk and she’s just chilling and every time I put her down she comes right back up again and she likes the she likes the mouse let’s see if I could get her to chase it here hold on

Yeah you can see she likes the mouse and ever since she noticed it she keeps jumping back on my desk come say hi to the camera oh there she is okay yep point of view just got smushed by a cat you know not many of you guys know this

But I’m fluent in cat and she definitely said to subscribe she said if you do that that would be the best so I mean you could do it if you want you can do it if you want she looks straight into the camera you could do it if you would

But Annie wants you to so you know you can’t let her down all right but for real I have to work so please I love you but yeah but you gotta go fun fact about me uh I’m actually allergic to cats so there’s definitely a really good chance

That I’m going to be sniffly and maybe sneezing at some point in this recording but you know what they are definitely worth it but the first thing I would like to do in this episode is I want to go ahead and outline the interior for

The nether Hub a building we built a few episodes back I’m thinking we have a nice big Central room here and then we kind of just surrounded with hallways and maybe some other random rooms all right I’ve mapped out nearly half of the first floor down here so let me kind of

Walk you guys through what I am thinking here so from the main entrance we’re gonna have one connected hallway going all the way around and then as you progress through the hallway you get to one of the other exits which I think is going to have its own little like

Entrance area as well we’re gonna do the same thing for the one down there too but I haven’t gotten there just yet then the middle is going to be completely hollowed out and we’re gonna have like a big like eating haul something like that I think it could

Look kind of nice and of course on this side of the wall here in the Netherrack we’re gonna have some you know different doorways getting into the main eating area I think this is the best way to tackle a build like this to break it off

Into a whole bunch of different rooms so let me continue laying out all the Netherrack and I’ll be back whenever I’m finished All right so it’s kind of fully mapped out it’s not entirely symmetrical but it’s not a huge deal right now I just wanted to make sure I got the right width of everything like going all the way around and I think I did that uh we

Can work on the exact specifics of each room when we actually start building in here but this is the idea right here’s the hallway going all the way around the first floor this is the main like attraction I guess of this house now after laying out the floor plan I

Decided to go ahead and collect a whole bunch of materials and while I’m collecting these materials let me go ahead and explain the color palette that I want to use for this interior now we’re gonna have two different colors for the walls one of the wall colors is

Going to be out of a bunch of Red Blocks which very annoyingly includes Mangrove wood we’re gonna have a gradient going from Netherrack to Mangrove planks and then finally stripped Mangrove logs I think that’ll look really cool and then the other walls I wanted to stick to the

Nether theme so we will be using the Warped wood so it’s going to be like a teal blue colored wall so we’ll be using the Warped planks the stripped warped logs and we will also be using like the Warped leaves I think they’re called like warped wart blocks or something

Like that I think those three together will also look really nice it’ll be a good contrast to the red colored walls as for the floor then we’re just going to keep this very simple and make it out of stone and like other gray blocks and a nice just kind of like random pattern

Probably have some Cobblestone some smooth Stone then some stone bricks as well as for the accent blocks I want to use some darker colors so I would like to use some deep slate I think that’ll be a fantastic contrast with both of the wall colors so we can kind of have deep

Slate to frame out the walls to have some pillars going across some supporting beams all that fun stuff we should have plenty of stuff to get started here in the shulker boxes so let’s bring all these over to the Nether and let’s start building let’s begin here though with the floor so let

Me grab a bunch of stone some stone bricks and some Cobblestone and I think I’m gonna make all these into slabs I don’t think there’s any reason to actually have full blocks for this but this is just a very easy block combination that looks really good

Together in my opinion you can use these blocks as a gradient really easily like starting from the bottom of cobblestone going up to regular Stone throwing in some stone brick if you want just a basic gradient or you can kind of just mash them all together and it still

Looks good so we’re taking the latter approach here not really doing any kind of design just kind of throwing down random blotches of each of these but it’s definitely a good thing I am using slabs because this is going to take a lot of blocks fast as [ __ ] boy

Still fast as [ __ ] boy I just now realized I never put glass in this window all right um hopefully I remember to fix this guys I think I just made like a Magma Cube Farm by accident um in retrospect I probably should have made this all at like a half slab level

But it’s all right we’ll figure it out hopefully when I get all the decorations in there aren’t many spawning areas for these guys all right I’m pretty sure we got the entire floor covered so let’s put away all the stone stuff and we can

Move on to the walls so we have one full layer of Netherrack on the bottom I’m gonna go in and pepper in a little bit more Netherrack here on the second layer maybe even the third as well that might look okay because I think these

Walls are going to be sort of tall you know I just thought of something else all right I’m gonna try to take control over these stupid magma cubes I have an idea pause the building for a second let me go get a friend all right we are back

Is this how you make one of these I don’t think it is it’s down here maybe hold on I don’t remember I haven’t made an iron golem in a long time is it like that it is go kill him all right I made five of these guys okay just the handle

All of the magma cubes and you’ll get paid handsomely so I think I got all the Netherrack down that I’m gonna want to use let’s transition now into Mangrove planks so after I threw in a layer of the mangrove I think I realized that I do need more Netherrack because I feel

Like this wall is going to be taller than I’m imagining but now let’s work in the stripped Mangrove logs so at this point with the planks let me just kind of throw a couple more in sporadically all right and then from here let’s just throw in a whole bunch of stripped

Mangrove logs I think this is looking kind of cool there’s just a couple more things I think I want to change I want to put more Netherrack in actually because I think it looks a little bit weird with all the bits sticking out like this so if we make like the first

Like two layers pretty much all out of Netherrack I think that’ll help a lot yeah I think that’s looking way better now you know I actually just thought of a better idea hang on this might take a little bit of time but I feel like it’ll be worth it so let’s completely pause

This for a second I’m gonna go get some frogs because then I can kind of just grab some frog lights while I’m building here because the Frog should be able to eat a couple of the magma cubes yeah I didn’t really actually realize how long it takes for

Uh tadpoles to grow up into frogs in this game it takes like 20 minutes I did not feel like waiting an hour to get each type of frog so instead I just got one type of frog and this frog gives us yellow frog lights I’m sure I’ll

Eventually go back and just make a full Frog Light Farm but I figured just for now this is a pretty easy way to get a handful of frog lights alright I believe all of the exits are now blocked off so my man should be able just to freely

Roam around and kill some magma cubes let’s see if it works go eat I’m sure you’re hungry take him down little man let’s go we got some frog lights there’s a lot more for you to eat here pal you already made very quick work of those guys yes that definitely was not

Like an hour and a half long distraction but uh let’s continue building again I was trying to mess around a little bit here just to figure out what kind of block combination I want to use and I think I’ve settled on this so we’re gonna have something like the Warped

Planks at the bottom layer we’re gonna bleed that into this warped wart block which I’m definitely gonna have to get more of and then at the top we’re gonna cap it off with some stripped stem so I severely underestimated how much warp stuff I would need so let me hop back into the

Regular Nether and let’s go grab a lot more I think I’m actually gonna have to fill up the shulker box foreign box but we got a whole lot more blocks to place down so let’s see how far this gets us so the walls are pretty much

Done I think I want to make just a couple final tweaks I want the stripped warp stem to come down a little bit further in some places I think it’ll just make the transition as a whole look a lot better so let me go do this to a

Handful of places and no one of the Golems died ah you did well my friend how did you get here what where did you spawn um but anyway I think all of the like teal walls are in now but now I think it’s time to throw

In some deep sleep so let’s figure out which kinds of deep slight I want to use I think bricks are a no-brainer I think they’re gonna look really good as like support pillars so let’s get a bunch of those and then I’m thinking tiles as well I think two

Kinds of deep slate will be good enough here then I think the design for these pillars is just going to be super simple we just have some deep slate bricks leading into some deep slate tiles there’s four deep slight breaks here four deep slate tiles there and then in

The middle here there’s six deep slate bricks two deep slate tiles I’m also gonna go around round and throw some slabs and some stairs everywhere so up top we’re definitely gonna round off the archway I’ll probably put a lantern there in the middle so we’ll do this all

The way across and we’re also just gonna have some slabs and some stairs down here to kind of act as shelving not sure really what I’ll put up here but at least it gives me spots to put something now before I moved on to like the Warped

Wood section I want to do something else so let me take a full stack of Mangrove logs I’m gonna make this all into trapdoors because I want to use some frog lights that we’ve been kind of like passively getting and some shroom lights to add a little bit of light in here so

What I’m going to do is break out a piece of Netherrack put a shroom light and then put trapdoors on either side and we can kind of do this all over the place the lighting is all in place so now let’s move on to the other side of

The walls and let’s kind of copy the same design we did in the middle oh my God I just popped the totem wow that was actually the second totem pop I’ve ever had in this world uh the first one I wasn’t recording for but I

Was flying down into one of my minds and I just landed too hard but I just got completely overran by magma cubes and I think I’m out of totems I have also not tried my RAID Farm since I built the Coliseum so I’m not even sure

If it’s going to work like I’m not even sure if the if the Raiders will get stuck anywhere but I guess let’s give it a try all right well I got bad Omen so let’s see if this works oh I have three more totems down here I don’t even have

To do this uh this happened last time I did a raid they are all stuck in this cave and I really don’t want to deal with this right now so uh I’m just not going to I’m just gonna fly away all right I have three

New totems I think I only had two on me before this like since I made this farm and I just now used the second one so I should be good to rock with like three totems for a while I’m just gonna leave guess that’ll be a future SRAM problem

Once again we have the battle between current and future SRAM current tram very lazy person future Shram has to deal with the consequences but you know what I’m focused on another build at the moment okay really quickly the floor might look a little bit different and that’s

All up by half a slab I’m really tired of these Mountain cubes spawning all over the place there are still spots for them to spawn but I think a lot of those spots will be taken away once we put in the rest of the decoration for the walls

But I moved everything up to half slab so now nothing can spawn on top of any of these blocks in here though it’s also completely spawnable I do have an iron golem kind of patrolling it so I’m gonna kind of let him do his thing I’ll probably eventually move those up as

Well but I just wanted to do the main stuff for now I’m also pissed because as you can see in the top right corner I set up my beacon out here hoping that I could instamine all of the slabs but you can’t even with haste too a little bit unfortunate but it’s fine

It was still I guess a little bit faster than if I didn’t have the beacon but now let’s continue working on the decoration for the rest of the walls we will be doing the same exact design as we did for these walls so let me just go ahead

And get this all done so as you can see here I finished up all of the walls I guess I shouldn’t say all of the walls because down here still isn’t finished the other exit the main entrance those aren’t completely finished just yet and we kind of just have the shelves on I

Didn’t put anything on the shelves just yet this is the idea this is what it’s going to look like when we’re walking through the hallways the main room also is not finished just yet but I’ll work on this when I’m completely finished with the hallways next up I kind of want

To work on like the ceiling in here I think I want to make the ceiling for the hallways here out of like a Basalt maybe some variations of Basalt in there I also did not know that you can smelt down basalt just wanted to try this for a second to

See what you get is this how you get smooth Basalt it is okay so you can get smooth Basalt other places than a geode I did not know that that’s really good to know I’m gonna bring these furnaces with me too and we’re gonna make some more smooth Basalt while I’m waiting for

All the basalt to smelt I’m gonna go ahead and outline the pillars for the main room I was able to pretty much finish the main room here we had a bunch of archways now on the walls looking pretty nice in my opinion and also all of the smooth Basalt is done so let’s

Head up here and let’s actually start placing this stuff down I think we’re just gonna kind of do just a combination of the two it should look pretty good I don’t think I’m the biggest fan of the basalt in the ceiling but I think I’m alright with it enough to keep it the

Next thing I would like to do is I want to figure out the roof for the main section here so let me go grab some Spruce I think Spruce would look good in here all right so I got a good amount of spruce wood I only have a little bit in

My inventory right now but I think that’s all right to get started I just want to try to get a shape down for this roof in here I’m kind of thinking we just bring some stairs all the way around upside down like this and then maybe just continue to get a little bit

Taller level by level until we hit the middle because I kind of want this to be a bit of a taller roof but not super tall I would like to have like a chandelier hanging from the top I think that could look pretty cool so after the

Stairs let’s throw in some slabs after that then I think we go up another layer of slabs but I think we skipped the corners I think that’ll make a cool little design on the inside and maybe we do one more layer up this time just with

Stairs though and then to add a little bit more detail I’m gonna throw in a layer of trapdoors and then we just slab The Middle on the inside we should be able to hang some kind of lantern or Chandelier from the top there pretty easily let me actually turn off my gamma

Mod because it looks a lot better like this now all right cool looking pretty good in my opinion so everything should be completely covered now on the inside all right now that this area is completely covered in let’s shift Focus once again and let’s start working on

The entrance and maybe the two exits on the sides because I think I’ll probably do these in a similar style so I went ahead and grabbed some dark oak wood for my storage room I’m gonna use this as the pillars here I’m gonna strip all of

This down and as well I’m gonna break in a little bit of Mangrove just a regular looking Mangrove much like how I like using the strip Spruce with the regular Oak I think it kind of gives the same effect and then within the archways here we’re just gonna do the upside down

Stair and trap door design pretty much always looks good over here I think we could just get away with the stairs and just like that the entrance is all covered up looking way better than before that’s for sure I think I just want to put some carpet just to stop the

Spawning and to get rid of the Bedrock texture but I’ll work on that in a second let’s move on to the other two exits and I think I’m probably gonna do the same kind of thing over here so as of now I have all of the like warped blocks but I

Think I’m gonna get rid of those and then it’s gonna have to look a little bit awkward in here but I think it’ll be fun because I’m not able to the two pillars on this side at the same level because this one is like part of the wall here

So I really can’t make that dark oak it look really funny so instead we have to make it like this a little bit diagonal but it’s okay and then just like before we’re just going to use spruce to make the roof very simple and then just two archways for the two doorways

And we are chilling one more exit to go and I’m gonna do the same exact thing I just did we are getting very close to finishing this interior the next thing we have to do is just a bunch of miscellaneous decoration like I want to put a table in here maybe

Some chairs chilling some benches potentially get some stuff on these shelves I probably won’t fill them all up because there’s a lot of shelf space here um I don’t really even know what to put here to begin with probably put some bushes because those always look good just the basic interior decoration that

I pretty much always do I cleared out all my shulker boxes and I’m starting to load them back up with random materials to decorate with so let me kind of go through what I gathered this is about as much as I can think of for now but if I

Think of anything later I can always just come back so we got a whole bunch of like plant blocks and some other just random stuff in here also got some carpets some Moss carpets in case I want to use that and then just some warped doors and some warped planks I think I’m

Actually going to use those as actual doors uh within the building here is just a whole bunch of wood I’ll probably use this all over the place because I usually use Spruce Wood quite a bit got a bunch of random lighting blocks and I guess some paintings and

Clocks this isn’t super organized okay got a whole bunch of clay balls to make into pots but I’m just now realizing that I don’t have enough coal but I do have a couple lava buckets where are those I think a lava bucket will smelt a hundred items if I’m not mistaken so let

Me just grab three furnaces and then the lava buckets we can have that smelting while I’m decorating other stuff got some other stuff in here like some composters they’ll also hold some leaves some armor stands if I want to throw those around scaffolding to actually use

Uh to build with some item frames if I want to throw in some random items a couple flower pots that I have and then some lecterns and then we just got some Stone because I think I’m gonna have to slab off some more stuff in order to

Spawn proof it and I think this black one is empty yeah so I actually do have to go gather one more thing I want to get some bookshelves and the easiest way for me to do that right now I think is by just heading to the strongholds and

Just Gathering up as much as I can alright so I joined every bookshelf in this stronghold at least in this first Library here and it amounted to three and a half stacks just about of bookshelves which is really nice back in the nether Hub once again let’s get this

Clay smelting and we can start working on some other stuff but I’m gonna start decorating here by giving some oh dude poor piglet poor guy just a no chance so to begin the decoration here I’m gonna go around and give this place some more life so I’m

Gonna throw some lanterns all over the place and then we’ll wrap back around and throw some Greenery everywhere and also as I’m going through I think I’m gonna get rid of the deep slight stuff at the bottom here I think I prefer it a little bit more without the deep sleep I

Ran around and I threw down pretty much all of The Granary that I’m going to be using in these hallways and I think it’s looking a lot more lively at least not sure how much sense this stuff makes to be here in the nether probably couldn’t survive here

But you know what I don’t care now I’m gonna run around with some more decoration blocks like some paintings that’s actually a perfect painting for here and let’s just kind of throw these down and see what we can get I think some red candles could look really cool

Around the area yeah that’s so nice I I really haven’t gotten around to using candles yet but I really like them I think I’m done with the decoration here in the hallways I don’t want to go too crazy and over decorate but I also tried

To not have too many blank spots on the walls and I think I’m content with where this is at right now let’s move on to the main room where we’re gonna have to clear out some of this space we might actually have to move the nether portal

Again I’m gonna move it for now and I’ll try to find a spot once I put down some more decoration I’m going to elevate the middle of the room to another slab level just so I can actually put chairs and other blocks down to make a table I’d

Rather go up than go down a level you know quick note when I build this table right now in the video it is not symmetrical like it’s not centered in the middle of the room but that does eventually get fixed just to save anyone from commenting that it’s not in the

Center of the room all right we got ourselves a nice big table in here now threw down these like Spruce pillars on the ends I don’t know why I kind of just think they look cool I might actually replace all these slabs here with Spruce too yeah I’m gonna do that I think

That’ll look nice and then last but not least we need some chairs and I’m gonna use some warped wood for this just to get some different colors there’s also a super secret hidden message somewhere around this table if you guys can find it you should definitely do what it says and we are

Getting oh so close to finishing we just have to add the final touches to this room here so I’m pretty much gonna do exactly what I did outside in the hallways just in this room here we’re gonna add some Greenery we’re gonna add some paintings probably and I guess

Something a little bit different I’m gonna put some bookshelves around the area here too I didn’t throw any outside but I’m gonna throw them in here so I will be right back once I’m finished with all that and with this I think we are done with this build so let me kind

Of just go over all the things I just added so we got a nice fireplace back here got a whole bunch of bookshelves got a bunch of greenery the nether portal is over in the wall over here looks kind of weird because there is a shroom light back there but honestly

It’s fine I don’t think I’m gonna notice it all that much we actually have the nether portal being like kind of held up here by the chains going into the ceiling I think it’s an interesting looking design I didn’t know what else to do so kind of just did this I also

Wanted to point out that I put stuff in these Corner rooms as well I still need glass forgot to get that I will do that in like one second um but in this one we just have some bookcases over here we have a couple armor stands I have to go grab some

Armor I’ll go do that when I get the glass I need and then these back two over here are pretty much exactly the same so I’ll just show you one it is just bookshelves and then we have a little like reading area so I accidentally destroyed one of the armor

Stands but whatever we have uh three suits of armor now this one has a backup pair of elytra because why not so there’s one more thing I would like to do before I finish this episode completely and that is I want to build a super smelter

In the village we made last time so let me clear out all of these shulkers and then gather the necessary materials to build one so I’m gonna be watching a tutorial on how to make one of these because I have no idea how to make a super smelter I’ve never made one before

And I am very much not technical at all when it comes to Minecraft so I’m going to be following this tutorial by Mr Cat I will leave the video in the description down below and since I will just be following a tutorial I don’t think I’m gonna time lapse any of this

If you actually want to see this being built definitely go watch the video because it’ll be far more informative than one of my time lapses will be so I’ll be back when I have this thing up and running I’m fairly certain I got this thing working so this thing should

Be good for everything I’m going to need to smell I could have went bigger but I don’t believe I’m ever going to need that much stuff so now we have a super smelter the first time I’ve ever built one of these this was actually fairly simple I could probably replicate this

Again without watching the video honestly it’s not that hard I don’t think there is one final thing I would like to do in this episode before I show off the interior of the nether Hub with shaders on and it involves the church we finally have found our God our Lord and savior

The most powerful omnipotent being in all of this world This Server it is of course my man bold and Brash now look he might be small he might not be centered because I wanted to make him really small in my offhand but of course of course it’s bold and Brash we finally

Have a deity to bow down to uh yeah massive shout out to whoever suggested I do this and actually put bold and Brash in an item frame in the church I don’t remember what episode that comment was left on so I severely apologize for not being able to uh

Remember who did that but thank you so much for suggesting this I think this is such a good idea but anyway let’s pass it off uh to the guy who’s editing this video it’s also me um right after I get the Cinematic of the new build

With shaders on now when we started the nether Hub was completely empty the only thing that was here was an uncentered nether portal and a whole bunch of hostile mobs but after a good amount of work it ended up looking like this looking really nice with the shaders on

I love the shaders on the nether roof with the effects of everything it’s just really nice everything’s all like a blurry kind of feels like a weird Mirage kind of thing it’s really cool I know my most recent projects haven’t been super massive compared to like some of the

Other stuff I did in this series so far but I’m trying my best to balance uploading frequently while still having a lot of quality content within the episodes I really hope you guys enjoyed this episode though thank you so much for watching thanks for all the support

Over the past whole bunch of months it’s kind of been crazy uh we are slowly approaching 1 000 days survived in this series and I’ve said this before and I’ll probably say it again but at a thousand days I will be providing a world download link I’ve been asked that

A whole bunch so if you guys want to take a closer look at any of my builds in this series so far you can definitely go ahead and download it one once we hit a thousand days or if I die before a thousand days whichever comes first but

Anyway I will talk to you guys in the next one bye now this Village is really close to srammiland which is the name of my Hardcore Minecraft base and I decided to build near this Village on purpose because I wanted to transform it into a big city later on in this series the

Problem now though is the area between ashrami land and this Village is completely empty it’s just a basic looking plains biome with nothing there there is also a pretty massive lack of crop fields in my world I only have four so I figured this is the perfect opportunity to build a farming Village

In this world with a ton of crop Fields now I’m pretty sure this project took exactly 100 Minecraft days to complete I don’t know how I did that that it’s just kind of wild um but if you end up enjoying this one please consider hitting the like button

Down below it definitely did take a long while to produce but more importantly I just really hope you guys enjoy this video thank you so much for all the support recently the channel the other day hit 20 000 subscribers which is ridiculous thank you guys so much one

More time let’s get started with this episode Man I was just playing Skyblock for the last few hours and I gotta be honest dude just having a ground really really nice not having the fear of falling off to my death every few seconds is kind of you know it’s kind of something that I like

I think the best way to start this project right now though is to outline some Pathways because then we can more easily figure out where the fields and the houses are going to go and just for now I think I’m going to use path blocks

And then I’ll you know make the path a little bit more interesting down the line but I think for now we can probably just extend it through here and let’s connect this all the way up to the Village now once we actually build up this city

I will have a Gatehouse as the entrance here but for now this is probably good enough the Gatehouse will just kind of go in this area somewhere but now that we have this main path put in let’s Branch off a couple to the sides and we

Can use these as outlines for the fields that I’m going to build today foreign ing right when I finished you know I’m marking out all these Pathways but we have a ton of space back here to have a bunch of really big fields now these fields aren’t going to be exactly as big

As like the pathway outline like kind of indicates because I do still have to throw some buildings along the pathways just to kind of make this a village and these are definitely very tentative Pathways because we could keep expanding in this direction like kind of up this

Hill which I kind of really like the idea of so I might do that at some point in this video once I start throwing down some of these if I feel like I want more and we can even expand back this way kind of to the right over here where I’m

Looking so we have a lot of room for expansion now that we have the basic layout down I’m gonna go grab some Cobblestone and we can start marking out where some of these houses are going to go I’m actually going to use Granite for this as well instead of cobblestone

Because I just had way more granite in my storage room I don’t really have a great plan for this so let me just run around for a little while and try to figure out what I want to do It might be a bit difficult to imagine right now considering the houses aren’t even kind of built yet uh we just have the outlines but I threw down a whole bunch of house placements now these little squares that are along like the main pathway here I’m gonna use these as

Like little stands like little trading huts and then of course these bigger looking shapes that aren’t completely Square they’re a little bit more interesting looking those are all going to be homes and then these two in the corner there’s like two other square ones like rectangular ones I guess like

One right there and one over there those are going to be windmills I don’t really have too much experience making windmills but I think it could look kind of nice on like the start of the mountain over there that’s the plan for right now um we could definitely throw in some

More houses again we have a bunch of space to expand I’m kind of liking this spot right here for another house I feel like that could look kind of nice I am going to outline one right there the more I think about it I think that’s a

Really good spot but then once I do that it’s time to gather a whole bunch of materials I apologize if my voice sounds funny I literally just woke up but I went back to the storage room then to start compiling all the materials in a big blob of shulker boxes I grabbed a

Whole bunch of granite bricks packed mud and dirt in one of the shulker boxes then I grabbed pretty much all the stone and the Cobblestone I had in my storage room along with a whole bunch of tough can’t forget the Moss too gotta make some of these blocks into Mossy Stone

Grabbed a whole bunch of sand blocks like sandstone and smooth Sandstone I also grabbed a little bit of spruce that I had in my spruce chest and a whole bunch of deep slate materials at this point though it was time to go gather some materials that I didn’t already

Have in my storage room so I started off getting a whole bunch more Spruce Wood I say this all the time but I use Spruce in literally every single one of my builds pretty much so I’m going to need a whole bunch of this stuff after the spruce I decided to completely decimate

A forest kind of nearby and gather a massive amount of oak wood and Birch and then finally I collected an entire shulker of sandstone which is awesome together it takes pretty much no time at all it’s an insta mine it’s beautiful so let’s take all of these materials over

To where the village is going to be I should also say that we have a bunch of sandstone smelting in the soup super smelter that we made last episode but let’s set up shop over here and we can start building one of these houses I think I’m gonna begin with this one and

Then work my way around the hillside over here and then we’ll do the houses back here at the end without further Ado let’s begin building foreign Holy [ __ ] that scared the hell out of me yeah so I I still have a pulse so that is good thank you very much bold and Brash you saved my life holy crap all right let’s get let’s continue building this thank you Yeah so when I was originally building these houses I thought I was only going to have two different styles of house one of the houses would have been like the bricks on the bottom and the Sandstone on the top the other one would have been the stone blocks and then the

Wood on the top but I decided eventually to mix and match these wall colors you’ll kind of see what I mean when you know I time lapse the rest of the builds so that’s why I said here that I built one of each of the houses there’s going

To be a couple different kinds of houses here though not just two here’s a quick progress update I have built one of each of the houses that we’re going to have in this Village I’m a really big fan of how like the roofs turned out I think

That looks awesome with the Moss and I even got a little bit of grass planted on the Moss definitely makes it look overgrown and that’s the exact Vibe I kind of want to go for I still need to add some final touches to these guys like with leaves and flowers and stuff

Like that but I’ll probably tackle the exterior is just as a whole once I finish putting up all of the buildings but now let’s continue building these all around this area Foreign We now have seven new houses in this area and I’m gonna take a break from building things so we’re not gonna work on the windmills or like the little trading stands just yet I want to start working on the actual farmland and I think the Farmland is going to be very

Basic we’re probably just going to use leaves and fences maybe with a bit of like moss and mossy blocks mixed in but I don’t want to make it too complicated and I think I’m actually going to use Birch leaves let’s use those with a combination of maybe Oak fences just to

Break away from the spruce that we’ve been using all over the place because every one of those houses has Spruce in it I’m thinking we just make a butt ton of Oak fences and we have a bunch of extra oak wood to make more and let me

Go load up on some Moss I think the easiest way to do this would just be to take some moss and then just bone meal it around the area rather than having to place down azaleas and flowering azaleas and all that fun stuff so I’ll take a

Couple stacks of moss and we’ll take a little bit of bone meal also I can’t forget the water buckets so I’m gonna start with this and we can outline where all the Farms are going to go which we already sort of did with the path blocks but they will probably be changed these

Are kind of always going to be tentative it kind of just depended on where I put the houses let me sort of go through step by step of one of these farms and then maybe we can just time lapse the rest kind of already seen me do this a

Whole bunch with my area in a couple different ways but we’re just going to kind of use this design where we just take some leaves and then switch over to some fences back to leaves again it’s very repetitive but it should look good once it’s all done

And I want to have these houses kind of attached to the Farmland as well I think that’ll look pretty nice it’s kind of like each of these houses owns one of the plots maybe you can kind of think of it that way but I threw down leaves in a

Few random spots let’s throw down some fences now and then we’ll go back through again and put some moss in and bone meal it and I think this is going to essentially be the final product for the outlines of the farm so I think the only other thing I would add to this

Would be some lanterns um but uh your boys kind of poor with coal right now I’ve almost survived a thousand days in this world and I don’t have any coal anymore I haven’t mined coal in forever so that’s probably how that happened but for now I’m gonna go

Around and put these big fields all over the landscape here so let’s go ahead and place a whole bunch of fences and a whole bunch of leaves it’s a little difficult to see from up here but the borders for the Farms are now in and I

Also fixed up the pathway in some places I’m sure I didn’t get everywhere but the pathway now kind of goes around everything and goes between a couple of the Farms that’s exactly what I wanted it to do and I may even add more Farmland in the future

But for now this is going to be a lot I also went ahead and got rid of the Moss that was bordering the Farms as well I just kind of think I like it with just the fences and the leaves and it seems I’ve missed a couple pieces of moss I

Probably missed a whole bunch of this because it kind of Blends in in some cases but I should be able to find it once I’m planting down the Farmland speaking of Farmland we need to go get a whole bunch of crops and I think the

Best way for me to do that actually is just to harvest my Farms that already exist so I’m gonna go ahead and do that and then we will get started planting these fields and I’m definitely going to do that in a time lapse because planning fields in a time lapse is very

Satisfying to watch Oh Though Farmland is looking mighty fine in my opinion I’m really excited to see what this is going to look like when everything is completely grown in got a small sneak peek down here because the carrot Fields here the potato field and the wheat field is pretty much all grown

In but it’s definitely starting to take shape that’s for sure and I’m pretty sure I forgot to record in replay mod for this potato field here so I don’t really think I have a time lapse for that so that’s definitely on me right now though I want to work on one of the

Windmills and I’m gonna put it right here right in the middle of this potato field I think it’s gonna look really nice gotta begin though by emptying out these shulker boxes here and refilling them with materials and I’m going to need to build this thing I’m thinking

For these windmills here we’re going to have like the base the first kind of few floors out of Oakwood so we’re gonna have the stripped Oakwood and Oak plank design and then we’re gonna transition into sandstone I may end up throwing a little bit of birch in there too that

Could probably look nice so I think I’m gonna do that we’ll go from the oak to the Birchwood to the Sandstone I’m gonna start here by trying to build up a Tower and in my opinion trying to make Towers look good is quite difficult in Minecraft and actually I want to get rid

Of all these blocks because I want to start on the bottom with barrels and then once again of course it starts raining it’s just right when I talk I swear I don’t know what kind of curse I have man let’s bring these pillars up I don’t know like seven blocks we’ll see

How tall that looks I think I’m also gonna throw barrels at the top I feel like that could look nice I think that’s a pretty decent size here for like the first floor we can probably then push this in a little bit for the rest of the build it’s actually a

Thunderstorm so I can go to bed let’s go let’s get rid of the rain let’s throw a stair on top of the barrels let’s put a slab and then we can place a trap door here then another slab and another stair and that can kind of be like the dividing piece

From the first floor to the second floor and then why not let’s begin with the barrels again and I guess we can build these up probably at least as many as like the first section so let’s go up at least seven and then at this point I

Think we start thinking about the roof so I’m gonna try to make a little trim here on the outside with some Spruce let’s do a trap door and then let’s do a slab and then another trapdoor did not mean to fire off a rocket that’s for sure let’s just alternate between

Trapdoor and slab here let’s go ahead and grab our deep slate then let’s put a little bit of deep slate on each of these barrels and then we gotta work our way up into the middle and I would also like to have like a strip of spruce wood

Also going up into the middle I think it’ll look really cool all right I’m really not good at making roofs like this but let’s see what this looks like from down here I actually quite like that I feel like that’s not too tall it’s definitely not too small either I

Do think it’s missing one thing though or I guess four things hold on yeah I think I like this a little bit more I put four walls around like the third the top layer all the way up there and then put lanterns on the top and do you think

There’s one other minor change I want to make with this build I think the second portion of it is a little bit too tall so we’re gonna try to fix that here by bumping up the first portion by one block I gotta say if you’re trying to build a tower uh definitely do

It in creative mode first towers are at least for me one of the most awkward things to build it’s really hard in my opinion to get the size correct because you don’t want a tower that’s way too tall or too small or like a section of the tower that’s like way too

Big it’s difficult to get right that’s for sure yeah I think this looks a little bit better now let’s start throwing on the walls and then we can worry about the blades because those are going to be tough as well and like I said before we’re going to start with

The oak wood of course this will be all stripped down then we’re gonna transition into the oak planks here and then after the oak planks we will transition into some Birch then after the Birch of course we’re going to get some sand some smooth sandstone and some regular Sandstone I’m definitely digging

The colors here that’s a good little gradient we got going on the build’s definitely looking a little bit funky to me right now but I think it’s because the walls are so just plain so what I want to do to fix that is I want to decorate these walls a little bit more

We’re gonna throw in some Spruce we’re gonna have some trap doors maybe some signs as well those could always look nice just sprinkled around the area and we’re gonna give these walls a little bit more character and some more depth and I think we’re just gonna do

Something like this all the way around I’m going to section off the different layers here and we’re going to throw in the very classic and iconic at least for me right now uh Spruce Archway with the stairs and the trapdoors so let’s copy this design all the way around the sides

Of the tower are pretty much complete we kind of just have to throw windows in the little gaps you know along the walls but now I want to work on the actual Blades of the windmill and I want to see if I can get those right this just looks

Like a massive like jungle gym here with all the scaffolding I have to place down for this but I actually had to go reference one of my older worlds I couldn’t do this just completely freehand because I’ve built a windmill before I’m gonna wow how did I not

Destroy a potato there that was crazy um but yeah I actually had to reference one of my old worlds because I am lost I don’t know how to build this thing to make it look good so I’m just going to kind of copy that design here now it

Might be a little bit difficult to see with all of the scaffolding everywhere but I like what this design looks like I do want to do something a little bit different though I want to hang some white banners down I think that could look really nice because the banner is

Like flowing the wind and stuff and I think it just adds a good effects to a windmill and there we have the final product of the blade but the final thing I want to do here is just throw in some windows and I think I need glass for that and I

Think now that all of the windows are on this building is complete and now that we have like the blueprint down let’s put another one probably over here I kind of like this little Hilltop the second windmill has now been built and it’s a little awkward honestly because

The banners don’t render in when I’m like even just a little bit far away from these buildings like watch when I turn around it looks like there’s no banners but they are definitely there and I really like both of these windmills I think it adds quite a bit to

Like the skyline I guess you could say it’s pretty nice this path though needs a ton of work done to it so that is up next on the agenda and I think to begin I’m just going to put a whole bunch of coarse dirt everywhere the problem is we

Only have 42. so I do have to gather some more gravel do I have any left over a little bit of extra gravel but not much all right let me go fill a shulker box with gravel I got close enough to a shulker box here of this like gravel

Biome that was here is kind of completely gone now I’ve been coming here for a while to get gravel and the only bits left really are like sloped down like that and I don’t really feel like dealing with it so I’m just gonna say that’s enough and I really hope it

Is we now have a full shulker of course dirt that should be plenty it’ll be a rather large path but I don’t expect it to be larger than an entire shulker box worth of materials so let’s grab all this dirt and let’s go start Excavating a pathway so I’m just gonna start

Digging and we’re gonna be replacing the blocks as we go all of the coarse dirt is placed and now we have a much more defined pathway through this entire area now the pathway kind of just completely ends right over here and I really don’t know where to

Lead this area to but maybe we can expand like in this direction eventually and this pathway can just continue you know kind of this way but for now it’s just going to kind of go to the back of this house and I also wanted to mention

That I don’t really know when the city pathway is going to begin that’s why I kind of just abruptly ended the course dirt right here I’m imagining that the city pathway will either be out of like bricks or like stone or like deep slate or something like that I think we can

Fade those in together pretty well so just for now it’s just going to end right here I’m going to go ahead though and grab a few different kinds of blocks so that we can texture the pathway a little bit better I’m going to start with this small patch right here

And then we can kind of extrapolate the design I come up with all the way around so let’s mess around a little bit and see what we can come up with I grabbed a bunch of random blocks I don’t know if I’m going to use all of these different

Types but I feel like most of them could look pretty good in this kind of pathway we have going on I know for sure I’m going to use some mud because I really like what mud and coarse dirt looks like together the colors are super close to one

Another and they blend in beautifully in my opinion at least grab some Spruce logs I don’t know if I actually want to throw these around but stripping the spruce looks decent too I don’t think I’m gonna do it though I feel like it’s just too different of a color now I

Definitely want some Stones everywhere either bordering the path or just in the path itself I think that could look pretty nice because if we have these stone bricks I want to try to get this design going or then like next to a stone brick you can have a muddy stone

Brick which I think looks awesome together so I’ll try to be doing that all the way around and this is also how we’re going to get up to the different levels we’re gonna be using stone brick slabs some stone slabs that’ll be great and I also wanted to throw a couple

Stones around like some bigger Stones like this not too many of them though I don’t want to go Overkill here but just a couple in a few different spots I think will be a nice touch just a combination here of andesite and smooth Stone I think we’ll do just fine this

Will also be a decent spot to throw some lanterns then which also reminds me I want to have a very very soft like fence border so just every so often I want to throw a couple pieces of oak fence and we can throw some lanterns on top of those as well

But nothing too structured I want it to be very open here and this is kind of the main path design I had in mind so let’s just replicate this path design all the way around the area and this is going to be super tedious so I’m just

Going to cut away until I’m done so I’m fairly certain the pathway is complete we are definitely on the home stretch of this build I want to now add in some like Market stands all across like the main section of the path but for like the 1000th time in

This video let me clear out my inventory and my shoulder boxes and stuff and then let me grab some more materials we have a bunch of stuff in here now I have some Spruce Wood stuff we have some Granite stuff and a few different colors of wool

Let’s see if I can just freestyle one of these um I guess we’ll throw in here we’re gonna start out like this on the bottom we’re gonna have granite and brick on the corners and in the middle we’re gonna have some fence gates and we’re also gonna have some fences and now we

Kind of just have to build up from here and I think we probably use fences to do this Spruce fences that is and then let’s maybe top it off with granite and brick walls and I feel like we probably just do a really similar design maybe

This time we just do fence gates all the way across instead of including the fence we’re definitely getting somewhere with this but I do think I’m gonna bring it down a block now let’s figure out what we’re gonna throw on the roof this is where the wool comes into play I

Really want to just alternate the wool colors but I don’t know how to make it look good obviously this looks like garbage um I really don’t know how to make this look okay I do have an idea though hang on let me try something I threw a trim

Around the outside with some trap doors and some Spruce slabs I really like what that looks like I might now have to change the blocks on the inside I went ahead and grabbed some quartz slabs and then now we just need blocks for the middle so I I need another slab block

What if we use some dark prismarine that could be kind of cool I think this looks alright actually that is a very simple little trading stand let’s go ahead then and build about three more of these I do want to use a different block on the top

Aside from the dark prismarine so we’re gonna need three more like colorful slabs to pair with the white quartz slabs I think we can find that but I guess let me get the frames down for all of these I looked at my storage room for

A good while to try to figure out which other blocks I want to have for the roofs of these things and I came up with deep slate tiles Crimson wood and a prismarine let’s go ahead and throw these on and let’s see how they look if

These are pretty much the exact Vibe I wanted to capture when I was thinking about these little trading stands I still want to add a couple more things to this Village but before I do that my elytra are pretty much going to die soon and also I have seven fireworks left

So I think it’s about time but we go to the mob farm and get some more gunpowder now after I restocked on my rocket Supply I went around and added a bunch of small details to this Village I added a couple carts I think I built three in

Total just to kind of haul some hay and have some more spots for lanterns and make it look like this Village is actually kind of lived in and useful then I kind of just threw Hay all around the area too and this recording looks kind of weird I used like the first

Person perspective on replay mod and it kind of looks awkward I don’t really know how to describe it it’s just pretty weird after that I decided to add some more detail to the trading posts by putting like a little interior kind of like storage area to each of them we

Built up a couple custom trees not too many but I wanted to add a few around this Village and then finally of course it had to happen I put leaves on the roofs of all of the houses just to give them a little bit more life now with

Those finer details done let’s take a look at the build in its entirety when I began this episode it was day 875 and the area between shremy land and the event sensual City build I’m gonna do looked like this it was completely empty nothing there at all but then fast

Forward 100 Minecraft days to day 975 and it now looks like this this is definitely one of my favorite Village builds that I’ve done so far I really like the house designs and I think the colors blend really well together and I also wanted to make the crop Fields like

The main focal point of this Village so I didn’t want to put too many houses and I think I accomplished that at least pretty well of course though let me know in the comments down below what you think of this build I would love to hear your feedback now since there’s only 25

Days left until I hit day 1000 I won’t be able to have like a full length episode out so I think what I’m gonna do is just do a couple random things around the world maybe gather some materials like do some Interiors potentially of these buildings just kind of prepare the

World for the eventual World download at day 1000. so the next episode in this world will probably be the 1000 Day movie just to give you guys a little bit of a heads up but thank you so much for watching this video really hope you guys

Enjoyed and I will talk to you soon bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by ImShrammyToo on 2023-05-03 20:23:47. It has garnered 346196 views and 3418 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:04 or 11164 seconds.

here’s to the next 1000 days friends 🙂 thank you so much for the support on this series ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– World Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fuja7hfqu46a9g5/Shrammy_1000_Day_Minecraft_World.zip/file *******IF THE DOWNLOAD DOESNT AUTOMATICALLY START, BE SURE TO ONLY CLICK THE DOWNLOAD BUTTON NEXT TO WHERE IT SAYS Shrammy 1000 Day Minecraft World! I don’t want anyone downloading something they shouldn’t*******

How to import minecraft worlds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llup_iHeWJg&ab_channel=TroubleChute

I Survived 500 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PssoFzGa5k&ab_channel=ImShrammyToo ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Avatar is by: https://twitter.com/GuiltyOhio ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Thank you for watching my hardcore minecraft series. I hope you enjoyed the episode 🙂 World Seed: -2547169278668765196 House coordinates: -192 107 1804 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shramwich

Discord: https://discord.gg/dKjB5AH ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Hardcore minecraft logo: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/o3ecvy/i_made_some_logos_for_hardcore_videos_if_you_will/ ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Background Songs: Minecraft OST – Dead Voxel (Synthwave Remix) (Nether2.ogg): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgOc1xDD5-E&t=0s

Royalty Free Celtic Fantasy Music – “Behind the Sword” by Alexander Nakarada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgbLtbh9q0g&ab_channel=RoyaltyFreeMusic-AlexanderNakarada

Celtic Music → “Grundar” by Alexander Nakarada (Royalty Free) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZjpLQYAnr8&ab_channel=RoyaltyFreeMusic-AlexanderNakarada

Legend of Korra ▸ Lo-fi Remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBogNu8fNsg&ab_channel=GameChops Produced by Sweetboikyle Mastered by Dj CUTMAN ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– – timestamps- 00:00 – intro 01:15 – I built a MASSIVE Nether Hub in Hardcore Minecraft! | 1.19 Let’s Play #9 (Season 2) 27:43 – I Spent 100 Days Building Villages that don’t Exist! | 1.19 Let’s Play #10 (Season 2) 01:01:00 – I Spent 100 Days TRANSFORMING my Starter Area! | 1.19 Let’s Play #11 (Season 2) 01:25:41 – I Built a Floating Island Guardian Farm in Hardcore Minecraft! | 1.19 Let’s Play #12 (Season 2) 01:51:06 – I Built a CAVE VILLAGE in Hardcore Minecraft! | 1.19 Let’s Play #13 (Season 2) 02:13:14 – I I Finished my Nether Hub in Hardcore Minecraft! | 1.19 Let’s Play #14 (Season 2) 02:39:48 – I Spent 100 Days Building a Farming Village in Hardcore Minecraft! | 1.19 Let’s Play #15 (Season 2) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– #minecraft #hardcore #letsplay

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide The Top 3 Best Minecraft Servers You Must Try Are you tired of playing alone or looking to make new friends online? In this video, three servers are highlighted for you to play with your friends or make new ones. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting Minecraft servers: Pika Network Pika Network is known as the best international server with a variety of modes to choose from. Whether you enjoy Kit PvP, Skyblock, or Survival, this server has something for everyone. With thousands of players online, it’s a great place to test your skills and have fun… Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

    Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft Minecraft Grindstone: Repair and Enchant Your Items One of the essential tools in Minecraft for repairing items and removing enchantments is the grindstone. This handy block allows players to keep their gear in top shape and customize their equipment to suit their needs. Here’s how you can make a grindstone in Minecraft. Materials Needed To craft a grindstone, you will need the following materials: Stone Slabs: Crafted from three stone blocks arranged in a horizontal row in a crafting table. Wood Planks: Obtainable by placing logs in a crafting table. Crafting the Grindstone Once you have gathered the necessary… Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More

  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

    Automagic: Industrial Foregoing's Machine Melodic In the world of Minecraft, machines and magic collide, Industrial Foregoing, a mod to provide. Automating tasks, making life easier, But beware of the challenges, they can be a teaser. Peagasp, our fearless news reporter in rhyme, Bringing updates and facts in no time. With a grin and a spin, crafting stories with glee, Engaging the crowd, setting their minds free. Join the live streams, full of laughter and fun, As we explore new mods under the sun. Peagasp, the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the gameplay, like never seen. So leap into the verse, let the… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative fusions like the ones featured in the YouTube video “¿Como se vería TOM y MINECRAFT Fusionados? 😱 Dibujando Fusiones”? If so, then you’ll love the unique and exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Immerse yourself in a community where creativity knows no bounds and where you can bring your wildest fusions to life in a virtual world like no other. With a diverse range of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers an experience unlike any other Minecraft server. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and unleash your… Read More

  • Shrek Craft: MAIZEN’s 100 CRAZY Minecraft Dates!

    Shrek Craft: MAIZEN's 100 CRAZY Minecraft Dates!Video Information Mas and they are leaving so it’s time to start now you have to go to this house I hope you can handle it and this is my H hundredth row I am very happy finally I was able to complete the task M and we have arrived and now you can meet your fans I hope you have good dates it’s time to start wait Mikey I’m just a little worried and I want to calm down before meeting them can you hear that it’s me I’ll be the first and then you will don’t even think… Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! Are you ready for your new Minecraft adventure? Whether you’re an explorer, master builder, or redstone genius, our server has something for everyone. Join our young and growing community today! What we offer: Java server hosted on the east coast Whitelisted for players 18+ Mostly vanilla gameplay with quality-of-life enhancements Engaging features like Dynmap and frequent End resets Head Database for donators & supporters Join our vibrant community: Experience our warm and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. From the bustling Shopping District to mutual support and camaraderie, there’s always something exciting happening on Infinity Isles…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Real Minecraft Gamers Don’t Sleep”

    Well, looks like this meme is starting from ground zero! Read More

  • Minecraft Farewell: Slick’s Moving Day!

    Minecraft Farewell: Slick's Moving Day! In AquaVerse City, Slick’s birthday was grand, But his friends’ pranks got out of hand. They blew up his house, not once but twice, Leaving poor Slick feeling not so nice. But wait, a surprise was in store, A cake house as big as a door. Forgiveness and laughter filled the air, As Slick’s friends showed how much they care. So let’s toast to Slick, our Minecraft star, With a cake as big as a car. Happy Birthday, Slick, may your year be bright, Filled with joy, laughter, and gaming delight! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of viral videos, trending topics, and all things popular on the internet? If so, you’ll love the excitement and buzz surrounding Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine diving into a virtual world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers who share your passion for adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player Review

    Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player ReviewVideo Information what up y’all so I’ve been trying to look around for like a new person to look at their profile and then it instantly hit me I’m like wait benett Arthur why haven’t I thought of that it f you have 20 cents in your bank balance Benn it how the [ __ ] do you not have Eman 9 and you had 3,2 runs how do you not have a subset duplex one ter chance three nothing not even like five star are you trying to battle Joey LMAO worse Warden helmet so we got refrigerate one… Read More

  • Trapped by Doves!

    Trapped by Doves!Video Information nej nej jag got TR This video, titled ‘They Trapped Me!?’, was uploaded by Doveular on 2024-02-15 11:55:00. It has garnered 8678 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Nextbots Mod! #minecraft #gaming #trending #mc #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMC

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMCVideo Information nos parecemos bastante No ambos rubios de hecho diría que te pareces también a ciertas personas a quién me [Música] [Música] parezco que me recuerdas a mi amada ella me está esperando en casa y yo muriendo por volver This video, titled ‘𝕄𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕖́𝕝… #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC’, was uploaded by Daya Lore on 2024-03-29 05:56:33. It has garnered 614 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #Skins #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Dog House Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Sunfy Shorts on 2024-01-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 10974 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding Hey there, welcome to Snufy! Your go-to spot for cool and simple Minecraft builds! We’re all about making your gaming experience better by sharing quick, awesome building ideas that you can easily try out in your own world. 🏡 Build it fast and easy: Check out short tutorials to create stunning structures without breaking a sweat. 🎨 Unleash your creativity:… Read More

  • Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :O

    Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :OVideo Information This video, titled ‘💥Eksplodere Starvys Hus I Youtropolis :O #dansk’, was uploaded by EliasHau on 2024-01-13 17:52:49. It has garnered 4407 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #danskminecraft #dansk #youtropolis #funny @StarvyDK Join My Discord Server Link In Bio Read More

  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

    INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)Video Information since the literal Stone ages of custom zombies maps there has been one thing that has made its way to every game that has custom zombies and that is Minecraft whether it be an original map or the tutorial world or a remake of an actual map Minecraft has been part of custom zombies since World at War and today I’m going to be playing zombies maps that have been fully recreated into Minecraft versions but without further Ado let’s get into the first map with the first map being knock dur un toen I haven’t played any… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

    CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic… Read More

  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]