I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)

Video Information

I have officially survived 1 000 days on our Minecraft hardcore world and to celebrate this special moment I figured that we’d combined all of the episodes of all of our amazing builds and all the things that we’ve done in this world and combine them into one giant movie this

Is a pretty special series because this is also the longest I’ve ever survived in Minecraft without using any totems at all this is a totemless hardcore run and I think we’re doing pretty amazing in this world and if you guys want to enjoy this movie make sure you guys like And

Subscribe join the Paul GG Army and here’s to 1 000 days the movie okay and here it is our first official okay here it is our first official spawn point in the new world it looks like we’re on an island stranded in the ocean on in Iowa

Okay probably not it looks like there’s more land that way but we should be fine because there’s everything on this island that I could ever dream of all right we should be good to go on all the starter Essentials that you need in Minecraft and it’s about time we hit the

Dusty trail even though the sun’s about to set that’s because we got a lot of things to do today in this video I got a lot of different things that I need to get done such as finding a place to live because that’s always super important in

Minecraft I also want to try to get some Diamond gear so that we can get really op really fast and then most importantly I want to flex on some villagers because that’s also a Minecraft Central I think it’s it’s day one of Minecraft first episode you gotta Flex oh that’s not

Villagers hold on let me go to sleep before I go attempt to raid this thing because uh uh day one this might be hard that’s maybe one of the Dumber things I’ve ever done in Minecraft but I mean in my payout I don’t really know yet uh

We need to see what kind of loot’s gonna be in this thing which it looks like the loose uh terrible it’s quite literally terrible um however ball it’s fine oh wait a second there’s a village okay I guess it still Flex on villagers I just gotta get out of here without dying see

You later guys now stuff that hurts well then we also got our ruined portal as well so of course I’m gonna snag up all that loot everything the light touches belongs to me okay it is also not that great apparently every chest I open in

This world oh wait a second I need I need iron iron aside at least I do get to flex on villagers I get to steal all their stuff and call them cute okay you heard me of course you can’t Flex on villagers without recycling the Iron

Golem and stealing all the iron from him which means now I can make an iron pick okay what am I doing here come on now and now with my iron pick I can get the gold block from the Rune portal and with flexing on all the villagers all done

And out of the way it is time to try to find a place called home which in my OG OG and if you remember it and if you guys saw my very first hardcore world back when I was terrible at building in Minecraft I do mean terrible uh I built

Some basically an underwater city it was a kingdom underwater and it was Glory is beautiful and now I’ve been thinking about it and toying with the idea of potentially doing that again and I kind of like this Coastline how it’s like a raised portion of the land what do I

Want to call this one of those things in Ireland where it’s like a giant like a thing where it’s like you know the the cliffs no I don’t know anyways I’m thinking about doing something potentially with that actually maybe with this mountain I have another idea I’m looking at this mountain however

This if I do something with this mountain this this is gonna be really big yeah I think I think we’re gonna use them on uh so in a way I I suppose that we kind of have found a place called home pretty quick into this actually

Um but if I’m gonna turn this into a giant mega Mountain Base um that’s that’s gonna require a lot of diamonds and Diamond Pickaxes tools to get diamonds we’re gonna have to go caving so um supposed to be like rare or something I think people always say it is but yeah

I’m just gonna mind it and now what should be plenty of diamonds later I hope we’ll see um we’ve come across this in ancient city uh high risk High rewards potentially part of me doesn’t even want to touch this thing right now but another part of me is telling me I

Must we shall give in to Temptation and loot a couple boxes because if I’m able to get some Diamond gear out of this then that means more diamonds for pickaxes later instead I get Duty butt cheeks I know you can get some diamond armor out of these which could come in

Handy I just gotta be careful yep there’s a Shrieker right there you gotta be careful I did survive 100 days in an ancient city world and if you guys haven’t seen that video I highly recommend it because it is a constant state of stress uh but you could say

That I’m kind of a perf professional we’re just gonna go this way and run on the carpet oh I do see more diamonds though she another part of me is kind of regretting this because it’s like the chest it’s up there and I don’t want to go to it because there’s a

Shrieker but yellow swaggins is what we’re here for please don’t spawn just don’t do it you don’t gotta you really don’t all right W oh and then we got Diamond pants that’s what I’m talking about saving some diamonds oh a mending book too oh okay I set off the third I

Think that means he’s gonna spawn no either way I’m Gonna Leave can’t handle this right now actually I was looking forward to getting some free Diamond gear it went down I was just doing his triggers you know what screw really we’re leaving we’re leaving yeah yeah I

Don’t want to be any part of this anymore now checking diamonds off the list next thing on the agenda real quick I’m gonna whip together a little dookie Shack of a house that I could be able to sleep in I mean you gotta start from something you can’t just jump straight

Into you know giant mega Mountain Base you know you gotta gotta start at a dirt Hut at least right I mean come on I want to make the villagers feel that bad wow would you just look at that how marvelous a nice Little Bird Hut anyways while my materials are all smelting up

What I’m gonna do is just craft up some Diamond gear so that I could pretty much be unstoppable in every way as well as some tools especially made two two axes um that’s not what I wanted to do but hey kind of sucks making an extra ax

Because wouldn’t I want to make more Diamond Pickaxes since I do got a mine through a Giant Mountain I could make four almost five another thing about it couldn’t I also just level a villager they sell Enchanted pickaxe and that’s busted busted but if I’m gonna get a lot of

Diamond pickaxes then I’m gonna have to level up a toolsmith which means I need a lot of money which to get a lot of money really fast I should level up a Fletcher thank you because then I could just sell them stick and I get a lot of sticks I’m

Gonna have to chop down a lot of trees so uh you see where I’m gonna go with this now instead of watching me chop down trees guys I’m here to tell you that I’m partnered up with G film if you didn’t know that I’d be amazed because I

Love g-fill I drink it all the time it’s how I get my clean source of energy and you guys could too if you guys use go to Paul GG at checkout sometimes my code’s 30 off most of the time it’s 10 off however you get G’s peel at a discount

Use my link down below I’m sucking on some PewDiePie back to trading with villagers and now I can officially and finally buy diamond Enchanted pickaxes and they have efficiency which is obviously super op and I got some efficiency axes so I can chop down more trees to get more money

To be able to then buy even more pickaxes however now that I have an infinite supply of diamond pickaxes with efficiency mind you next thing on the agenda is finally getting started on building our Mountain Base which I will probably be going through these pickaxes relatively fast but again easy to get

Easy dispose don’t really care my goal for this Mountain Base essentially is going to be to mine out a giant Tunnel right here but it’s Gotta look terraformed to the point that it looks very natural to the mountain I guess we’ll see how that goes I might add like

A fancy entryway I don’t know but I am going to need a lot of dirt to kind of smooth it out I want it to look semi-natural like I guess a secret tunnel secret tunnel good meme um or I might just go all out and make this

Thing just stand out and look epic yeah probably the latter uh either way either way either way let’s get started okay maybe I should have focused on getting some Enchanted shovels because um yeah it’s turning out to be more dirt I thought it was gonna be like a thin

Layer of dirt and then just nothing but Stone I thought it was gonna be a ton of stone which I I mean it is but there’s more dirt either way I guess let’s get to shovel mining There we go now we officially have our Mountain tunnel it’s it’s super long and I honestly I kind of love it this thing is gonna look super cool at the end of it I tried to blend in the back side of it as much as I could because the back

Side this is gonna be like a little garden let me give you guys the pre-built tour the garden is gonna be in the back over here which overlooks this beautiful landscape oh there’s bees nice that’s cool that’s okay anyways the front door over here I’m thinking all

Glass pretty much the entire thing in glass except a giant wood beam entrant most importantly though we gotta change out these floors and I’m thinking Oak Wood pretty much all the way throughout maybe a front porch over here should look good and I hope it was worth it

Though because I went through pretty much three efficiency Diamond axes and my current one’s almost dead so I I really hope this was worth it here let’s just get to swapping that out there we go now that looks much better now no more dirt and cobblestone on the ground

All we gotta really work on is the roof and then the entryway which luckily for the roof what I want to do is line it with stone bricks there errors and I already set up an auto smelter so this thing’s been chugging along the entire time that I’ve been working on this

Tunnel pretty much all the Cobblestone I’ve been taking out of the chest and putting it in here which just to make some people happy it’s very very specific amount of people that in the comments section that always gets so upset for some reason specifically upset about whenever I don’t use one of these

Stone Cutters because everyone gets mad whenever I just do this and I make stone bricks I’m sure that triggered them right now however when you make stone bricks I’m pretty sure it’s the same amount right like how many was that that was like what 30 then if I put 30 right

Here I do that it gives me yeah I do that right I’m stupid either way I think this is only good if you’d make stairs so I’ll use it because you know like I said I’m doing a lot of stairs tears and stairs nobody cares but I’m in

My underwears I’m just gonna take this with me now all I need to do is essentially get to placing down all of the stairs along the roof now finally with the entire thing covered in stone brick I’m liking this a lot first of all because it still gives

Off kind of like a KV feel like you’re in the mountain you got the dirt and then you got the stone but with this all out of the way now it’s time to work on the entryway the library the storage area my bedroom but to work on that

Entryway I’m gonna need some sand all right now let’s just get shoveling and now with all that sand smelted down into glass now I can actually begin building this entryway which is pretty much all gonna be Windows except for hopefully I’ll line this up right um the actual doorway the actual doorway

Needs to be something solid because doors up against windows don’t do it guys it looks ugly I’m not gonna lie there we have it here’s our entryway I opted for the stone route for the actual door itself but otherwise it’s pretty much just glass all the way around it

That’s all it is now with the entryway done what I want to start working on is essentially what’s going to end up being uh my bedroom my goal is for this bedroom to be lifted up off the ground so I adds a bit of Dimension to this

Place because I mean it is a very just flat tunnel I need to make sure that this platform is wide enough to be able to have bed and a couple chests and you know all the essential things that you have in a bedroom in Minecraft but I

Also would like for there to be an enchantment area up here where it’ll essentially be the library upstairs and then underneath the platform what I’m going to do is chop up a lot of this and basically make it a recessed platform recessed Reese’s Reese’s Pieces I want

To make it drop down a little bit drop below low low and here we go now we pretty much got our bat by the bad bad our bedroom all set up as plain as it looks I mean I need to decorate okay give me some time I need to decorate

This but this essentially this strip right here will be the bedroom and then right here will be the enchantment table I’ll probably where’s the center yeah okay yeah enchantment table bam right here and then I’ll surround it with some bookshelves got another staircase going down right here got the recess platform

This will essentially be the kitchen the smelting area stuff like that and then over here will be the storage room now the storage room I realized I’m not gonna have time to build in this video I wanted it to be like red Stoney and like maybe an elevator even something like

That regardless though now I would say it’s pretty much time to start decorating this whole thing and kind of getting it into the vibey look of a home foreign Ly the house I would say is decorated enough to wear it looks pretty Swanky we got these support beams because last thing we want is our house collapsing on us Minecraft physics am I right built up some chandeliers inside the house that you know were able to actually have some

Distributed lighting and I don’t need a torch spam anymore I hope I mean we’ll find out when mobs are spawning on me in my sleep we got our little kind of kitchen Ariel set up so all of our finished food will be in here and then all of our trash food and rotten

Potatoes and stuff will go here like I said for building up the storage room this is going to take some time because what I’m envisioning is basically a storage room that is kind of squared like this this outline but this would be filled with glass and then you could see

A giant tunnel just all the way down and it’s gonna be chest I hope you know what I mean it’ll look good either way got some nice big open Windows into our garden that we could Overlook the valley and it’s just uh peaceful now the only

Part of the house I don’t really care for right now is the front the front of the house is Nick I’m taking suggestions if you guys want to suggest anything to do with the front of this house let me know what I’m thinking about doing currently on my mind what’s gonna happen

Is I’m gonna build kind of an underground staircase water slide system that’ll then go into the ocean and I’m thinking about building another Ocean City something like that um but we’ll see for the most part I’m kind of vibing with this house it’s just got a nice and mountainy aesthetic I’ve never really

Built like an in-mountain base kind of like this and honestly for the first time I think I did a little Swanky job I’m not gonna lie of course there’s a lot to come in a lot of things that we still got to build and a lot of things

To do and with our base completed and episode one out of the way and now it is time to begin episode two where I want to build up a glass Village but first probably gonna need some enchantments because well this pickaxe it’s just got done no enchantments and so that’s the

First thing we need to do today is pretty much just work on getting those enchantments which shouldn’t be too hard all you really need is some obsidian and do I still have diamonds it should still be in the dirt Shack because I haven’t fully moved into the new house yet

Because well I haven’t really played much on this world other than when I’ve recorded which yeah we’re in the clear we got plenty of diamonds yeah if you guys missed the last episode of oh no not another hardcore series we built up an epic tunnel base it’s literally a

Tunnel in a mountain and this is just our starter base we got a lot to come and a lot of things we’re gonna change but enough about the house when you get started on building an enchantment table so it’s like you’ve got some levels we should be able to easily get something

Like silk touch on a pickaxe so then I could be able to mine up tons of stone with ease which I figured I’d start off by getting rid of this little eyesore over here in the river tired of looking on my front window I can’t believe the HOA hasn’t contacted whoever built this

Piece of crap so oh my God there’s more gold and now that I got all that obsidian I did just realize actually I need books I literally have no books I mean well I have one book as mending um but I definitely don’t want to get

Rid of that I’m also going to need a whole lot of books like a ton of bookshelves also because I have to make a whole Library so now there’s two ways I could go about this actually I could either a just be Minecraft go to the strongholds get a bunch of bookshelves

And then slay the dragon or B I could just head on over to this Village and just Farm more villagers which now that I’m here at the Village I realize there isn’t even a lectern here um really is a sad day for rain so unfortunately it looks like I’m gonna

Have to do this the old-fashioned way I’m gonna need to get some sugar cane and craft all that into paper and then just get some leather from these cows and just craft up a few books and some bookshelves and lastly a lectern so that now I can finally hire a book boy hey

You want that jab and then I buy bookshelves but I want them to also sell a book like you got to be somewhat useful right that’s always like turns man this guy’s gonna give me a Hemi impaling in a bookshelf going on down here what are you doing down there you

Get out of that hole there you go save it alive today see how he wrote those Acts were now you’re gonna give me a good trade no okay respiration one you know screw it I’m over it I’m just gonna just literally gonna take this all right

I need to get some more more emeralds real quick from Trading with Fletchers and finally after all that grinding we should have plenty I need 15. oh wait okay oh no he stopped selling them no that’s fine that’s fine I still got paper I could

Just I could just craft a few just uh I need leather I’m sorry no now I should have plenty of books for my enchantment table as well as all the bookshelves that I’m going to need to wrap around this thing which I figured the way I

Wanted to do this is something like this I think I wanted it it was like I wanted it what level is this 25 oh no levels this 28 oh no I want to make this taller and fill in the sides and stuff like that but you know bookshelves we we need

More of them I know and that should be plenty now 30 beautiful and now Begins the fun part of attempting to get silk cut wow Fortune three okay how about we keep that one go ahead and craft up another pickaxe and boom all right yeah I should I should craft up a grindstone

There we go wait I’m already oh my gosh I’m already under level 30. my life all right we’re gonna try it again and this time never mind here we go ah and there we oh actually there there we go that’s actually it I’m breaking three efficiency and so silk touch step one of

Creating an underwater city even though it really doesn’t feel like we’re going to be building one right there at some point in this video but we’re not quite there yet because I got a million other things I still need to do some things such as building up a stone generator

Which I mean it doesn’t really take up much room maybe I just throw it right here I guess uh clear out a little bit of space on my Mountain all I really need to do is lay down some chests have some Hoppers going into those chests and

Then essentially just in case the entire thing in glass because it looks cooler that way I’ll be honest there’s literally no other benefit other than the fact that it just looks cool well that end because you can still open your chest when you got glass on top of it

You know I mean that’s kind of neat oh wait no I need stairs I’m stupid then just slap a door on it and waterlog all these stairs and then just slap some love on top and bada bing bada boom we got ourselves a beautiful stone generator momentarily and since I got

Silk touch I’m getting actual stone stone and then I just turn it into stone brick and now a day later we got a bunch Stone should be all the stone that we’re gonna need I hope um we’ll find out oh no Paul’s not using the stone cutter oh

My gosh someone put him in jail he’s getting the same amount of stone for making stone bricks because he’s not making stairs in the last video when I built up our starter base I asked you guys what I should do in the front because well it’s kind of confusing and

It just is this giant open space a lot of you guys said build a living room some of you guys said I don’t know ruin the whole base because it’s ugly and I’m like you know what that hurts my feelings but to all of you I say okay well fine

Yeah hurt my feelings uh whatever I’m gonna turn this into a really cool cave system that goes all the way down into a nice little Lagoon that then I could jump on a boat and then go all the way out to the water where this underwater

City is going to be gonna real quick just kind of outline this entire thing like so and then kind of just dig all the way down until I’m about sea level I should probably figure out what sea level is and as I was saying I need to

Basically just dig all the way down to Y level 62 or so but I want this to feel kind of like a natural looking tunnel like a cave that just goes all the way down so actually you know what I have a way better idea to do this just need to

Get a little bit of sand real quick and also get a little bit of this gun powder oh gosh and then let’s just craft up some TNT which okay I only got six that’s it’ll do first let’s dig a decent bit away from the house I’m not blowing

Up my floors and now all we need need to do is set down a little bit of TMT strike it and it should fall hopefully far enough to not hit me how okay it’s not really going to give that kind of blast effect maybe I just wasted some

Time I don’t really know I need a lot more TNT I’m kind of sad this is giving me mixed emotions maybe that’s just mine all the way I’m stupid oh just look at that we got ourselves like cave underneath us this actually should help out a lot because that means

A lot less mining for me hey how’s it going guys what potion effect you have tell me then now that I got the dropper tunnel all set up all I really need to do is kind of enclose this entire thing I want to make like I said like a cave

Type of Lagoon thing every time I drop down from the base it’s into this nice beautiful peaceful little homemade Cave of course I gotta fill it with water as well that’s you know that’s a yeah that’s a lighter thing and then now that’s really left to do is just connect

This with a tunnel all the way to the ocean I’ll pretty much just be funneling all of the villagers I capture I thought I mean higher higher of course I don’t capture anyone finally they like oh we’ve made it and then this will be where another dropper will go down into

Where we’re building our city so our Lagoon dropper City this is our parkour all the way back up here then now all I really need is a a whole lot of glass like like a city’s worth of glass to get glass I’m definitely gonna need more than just that little island that I’ve

Been stealing from so we’re gonna have to set sail tomorrow hold on I want to do this tonight well you know what I can actually make a brand new spoon because my current one is uh he’s hurting he’s seen some sand I can upgrade yeah there

We go now we got efficiency and I’m braking and now it’s time to set sail to find a desert but not only do I need a desert I also actually just realized I do need an ocean Monument because I’m gonna need a lot of sponges to be able

To clear out on my human fish tank is it a fish tank or is it like a terrarium you know what I’m putting people in in glass bubbles now I mean I know it ain’t no desert but we do got a beach a pretty large one actually hey wait this is

Spawn Island oh boy look what we have here it might not be an ocean Monument I mean it only took me like um 12 seconds to find it but hey don’t you respawn and of course before I go jumping into this ocean Monument let me grab some of this

Some mommy milkers and then let me also turn my render distance all the way down to help prevent mining fatigue as much as possible you know what I’m gonna drown in there I just realized I didn’t buy respiration for my villager earlier and also I don’t have doors so hold on

Two seconds rewind all right now with doors I’m ready to bust some fishy cheeks and there we go already two seconds in wow that’s pretty epic um could have brought more milk either way there should be a fishy boy right yeah ow bro your Thorns are going crazy chill

Chill chill what I just realized I don’t have protection on any of my armor which makes this a lot more stressful no and I just got mining fatigue no I guess that’s fine I just need your sponge sir stop resisting ow it’s cake nicely done and now quite frankly after remembering how difficult

It is to kill one of these things with no Enchanted armor or anything I think I’ll just take my one sponge and leaf because the houses I’m building are villager homes anyways so they’re not going to be that big right I’m not building mansions for these things you

Know they don’t deserve it but now with the sponge out of the way it’s finally time to get started on getting a lot of sand and ideally I’d find a desert but again these giant beaches are getting me tempted and while we’re sailing around trying to find a desert one thing I want

To suggest to you guys the viewers only your opinion is should we do a no totem run I’ve never done a no totem run I rarely ever use totems and hardcore but when you do obviously it’s insanely important to have it but I’m thinking about doing a no totem run and just

Surviving raw let’s hold that Island why is there just a big tree is it bullying the little trees anyways yeah back to the totem comment down below do you guys think we should do a no totem run I think totems are pretty abused in Minecraft pretty easy to get however uh

Elytra now I’m definitely never gonna play because of this reason I hate boating around this is triggering me you know what I already hate this so much I’m just gonna start shoveling beaches Minecraft be having these thicko mode beaches I’m just gonna take advantage of

It and I’m just gonna shovel up all the sand off of them foreign Not too sure what I was worried about because honestly these beaches are so big I’m easily going to be able to get all the sand that I’m going to need for the City by just shoveling up the beaches and then all I need to do while

Waiting for the rest of the glass to smelt is begin actually working on all of the village rooms but first I need to start on building in the little dropper system which I’ve just pretty much mined out the area that I’m gonna first set up

With some glass all I really need to do is just kind of square this off just like so then make it a tube that goes all the way down and then I need to drain out this tunnel basically and oh man all I need to do is make sure that I

Got plenty of water down here though so that when we fall We’re Not Gonna Die and it’s pretty much just expand all of this and then all I need to really do is expand this hallway as far as I want and essentially just build up a city and do Foreign And finally after flopping around in the ocean like a fish are beautiful amazing underwater city is not completed we still need to do the floors but I completely forgot how unbearable it is to build this kind of stuff underwater when you don’t have respiration so I wouldn’t buy respiration from my

Villager and then put it on my helmet so that then I could be able to breathe but it’s just so annoying so annoying also I completely forgot to put some doors on these houses so let me do that real quick here also let me give you guys the

Tour here we got a couple of houses all the way in the back over here I basically made the Villager home shape right I mean like they look kind of like a villager house with the uh spiraly roof kind of hard to do the triangle roofs when you don’t got stairs and

Glass stairs Minecraft please come on anyways this will be like the Town Center where normally there’s a fountain I guess I could build a fountain maybe maybe not I’ll probably put some grass in there or something I don’t know got a couple more houses over here in the back

Needless to say there’s plenty of room for this to be an underwater city and have an animal amount of population of villagers you know like I said there’s one major thing that we still need to do and that’s the floors which remind of tons of stone to be able to have stone

Bricks so that we could easily just fill all this in all the way down just like there we go now that’s looking pretty snazzy not really I’ll be honest I didn’t finish it because I didn’t really like it it’s just if you look at it from

The top down it’s just gray it’s a nice texture though I will say that and I know I built a stone generator and went through the trouble of getting all this Stone but it’s just the more I look at it the more the oak contrasts with the

Ocean I just think like it just looks so much better there we go now that’s what I’m talking about I decided to keep the outline of the stone brick just a little bit more contrast you know I’m saying oh regardless though now this is starting to look like an underwater I can always

Forget about these doors regardless though with the village all finished up the next thing on the agenda is actually filling it up with villagers like I said originally I I was like oh this is kind of like a town center kind of spot but in reality I’m like oh this would

Actually be a perfect spot to just do a bunch of jobs so this is the working Hall so after I funnel in a bunch of villagers I’ll just drop them all in here and load up some work and since pretty much everyone in this village

Already has a job but what I’m gonna do is just probably kidnap let’s go so that at least this way I could be able to take a villager plenty far away and then lure them in with some hard work it’s usually if you just drop down their job

They’ll kind of just run right to it at least normally that’s how it is when they want the job but okay yeah it still works spawn over Chief now jump in that boat okay no get in the boat oh yeah look at this underwater city as I expand

This thing and make it bigger and attach like Farms to it it’s gonna look so cool actually alright sir get down the tube just don’t resist please come on come on now come on almost there a little bit more a little a little bit open day I’ll

Give you a bedroom as well with no bed you have to sleep on the hardwood and now all I need is one more villager no no one wants this sure that’s fine I mean I have other means and villager number two come on stop resisting I

Don’t know what it is about this farmer he’s just putting up a fight um oh you’re exciting me new strategy get the boat you know what’s gonna happen to you sir that’s what you get for resisting you just take a waterfall ride goodbye welcome to your new home and now all I

Need is a bunch of wool so I can be able to make beds so that then my villagers can know that it’s okay to multiply because they got plenty of beds around them so now I can be able to craft up a bed I know it’s pretty exciting it’s

Pretty exciting you know what else is exciting though baby making so here’s some potatoes you too you need some potatoes too I’ve had it oh eating in bed late night snack for some reason Farmer Joe over here just he’s really not having potatoes I don’t think he

Likes the underwater city maybe he needs a sea legs I don’t know but I think Fletcher now you guys just kiss and then yeah there we go that’s what I’m talking about nine months later we have a fully occupied City that’s the wrong door in here you go this way you guys enjoy

Yourself now with that our city finally being populated it’s all built up it’s constructed and it’s looking pretty good oh I completely forgot about this um so um oh oh my look at that it was magically all redone two hours later after finding all this moss and blueberries and everything uh but

Regardless it still looks beautiful and let me give you guys the rundown so I still haven’t been to the nether but I do need to make uh a bubble elevator so I could really go up this easily but the other side obviously we just dropped

Right in no one cares it is what it is we got a chest right here full of boats so that if I you know lazily leave my boat all the way at the end of this tunnel like I always do then I could just grab another one easy peasy so this

Is basically how I get down to my villagers to go do my trading haul stuff except I mean once I get in a lighter I’ll probably never use that tunnel again but with our underwater city out of the way it’s time to begin our next project which is building up a bunch

More Farms but first things first I’m gonna have to speedrun Minecraft because unfortunately there’s no shortcuts to beat in the game and unfortunately I have yet to do that actually in this world which normally I actually beat Minecraft in the first episode because I always always need that elytra which

That is why beating the game takes priority right now before I get started on building up Farms it would really suck to have to start building up farms and everything and just not even having a light trip oh it’s nighttime hold on a little bit of G fuel before bed you know

What I’m saying anyways as I was saying I do got to beat the game what I need to do is first obviously head into the nether which I do believe we do got the obsidian and now I plan on building a custom portal probably over there now that’s obviously

Gonna be later because today we have other stuff on the agenda and just build up my portal on the top of the hill that when we go to make our custom portal at least it’s already in the right place when we go into The Nether it should

Just be the exact same and we are in this might be one of my best hardcore series spawns my gosh and then there’s fashion no chance right this actually is my best spawn I’ve ever had for hardcore series five a million if you’ve been watching the live streams for ever on

Twitch okay now hopefully I don’t just get roasted I’m getting roasted I just said I didn’t want to this is non-consensual roasting now all I need to do is first of all loot this thing take every Diamond I can out of it but also find a blaze spawner would you look

At that another Fortress off in the distance there we go and now that we got ourselves a blade spawner now we can just get blaze rods I should probably get rid of these guys first it stings oh there we go that should be plenty of blaze rods and you know what while I’m

Crafting up these gold booties I didn’t just realize that I uh forgot all my gold at home which I’m gonna need that because we’re gonna be trading with some pig lens that we can be able to I’m glad I could be able to get all my pearls

Which not to worry because we live right next to the Fortress I’ve always say that but now I gotta go all the way back down the stupid Mountain can’t wait to build a custom portal with a bridge and it’s gonna look really epic and cool yeah but until then we suffer and now

That we’ve pretty much got all the gold from our base it’s time to head on over to sheesh look at that gold right there it chilled for a second sir I’m just I’m trying to I’m walking it I do see a lot of gold on the way don’t mind if I do

I’ll just take all of this and now all I need to do is take care of these Pookie Brews that’s what I thought nerd are you too small what can I say other than I’m sorry I love you goodbye anyone else hate those guys and now with all the

Piglet Broods out of the way I need to sorry I need to open that are you gonna you can bye I’m sorry anyways go ahead and take literally anything of value oh our first another right scrap oh my gosh I just gotta make my way over to this giant

Heaping pile of gold or you guys don’t mind if I take this right apparently they don’t mind because that guy should be mad but he really doesn’t care bro I’ve been guarding that Gold forever just please get it out of my face I’ll take all this gold oh gosh I need to get

All these guys into a hole preferably right here beautiful and they’ll trade all the gold give me tons of pearls because that’s the only thing I desire and they know if they give me literally anything else I’ll do that please give me pearls please give me power oh sheesh

Dude look at the mustache oh my gosh dude two days and it’s already looking like this and stacks of gold later we should have uh plenty of pearls which means it is time to leave the Nether and now that we’re all done in the Nether

And we got everything that we need all I need to do is craft up some eyeballs as well as some fireworks for the road obviously once I get into light that’s over I ain’t never going back I ain’t walking another day of my life but now

It is time to set sail or possibly walk we’ll see um looks like we’re walking I mean I’m walking you guys get a little transition there we go I bet that was quite nice for you guys all I gotta do is load this thing up with all the eyeballs that

We’re gonna need because well it literally has zero eyeballs in it also I made sure to get plenty of books from the library so we could actually expand our library at home but now it’s time to do the deed and slay a dragon all right Dragon it’s just another Saturday night

For me and you I’ll make this take a little too long because I uh have a really long laundry list of things I want to do in this video please do do there we go dragon is slain gotta suck up all my green juice there we go

Perfect level wait but we left some now now all we need to do is hop into the outer ends that we can oh hello we can be able to find an End City specifically one with an end ship see why can’t it be this every time I spawn on a tree and

Then bada bing bada boom except it’s never like this for me anyways and ship I think you kind shulker for looking after my elytra but I’ll take it from here and then what do we got in the chesticles oh actually these two together make quite a nice pair I also don’t even have

Enchanted boots so I’ll just leave those behind now the only thing that’s left to do really is go on and fly I was gonna say I want to fly over to the actual end cities but then I can be able to get plenty of shulker’s shells because the

Other thing that I need here is shulker boxes before all the projects that we’re gonna be building not fun carrying around a million blocks when you don’t have shulker shells I want to shulk these shulkers real quick and there we go shulker shells accomplished now we can head back home

Wait where’s the portal ah there it is and now that we got all of our shulker boxes all set up we’re pretty much ready other than the fact that I want to add mending onto my elytra which we got a mending book on episode one and I’ve

Pretty much just been holding on to it specifically for this I need to put them on my wings there you go beautiful and now essentially we should be good to go on getting started on these Farms I’m sure you’re probably wondering what Farms Paul what Farms are we building

Today well let me tell you the good ones one thing’s for sure is I need a food farm because I neglect my Farms all the time the only farm that we got at the moment is this dookie little potato farm but to build a food farm I’m gonna need

A whole lot of villagers so I’m going to the nether so that I could get plenty of bone blocks so that then I could grow up all my crops so that I can give them all to the villagers at the Village next door so that they can make more babies

Because once I drain this Village of all of its fly I mean what’s the point of it you know I’m sure you’re wondering but Paul don’t you have an underwater Village yeah I know it’s super cool isn’t it right it’s also attached to my little Oasis all the way underneath the

Base but the thing about this is that I can’t really take villagers up out of it it’s too much work I’m way too lazy to do that so everyone stays except for you I need your iron because I will be another farm that we’re gonna work on

But not right now I do need to build an iron Prime I’m also gonna need more villagers for it and now while the villagers are doing the deed getting their job done what I want to do is start collecting all the blocks that I’m gonna need for building the farm and

Also where I’m building it maybe I’ll just finally get rid of that and then we just big old farm right in the river all right well now that we know the location actually what I do need though is a whole lot of stone preferably using silk

Touch that is now for building up this food farm we should have everything that we need for the food farm we got a bunch of glass got a bunch of stone probably gonna need about more of the the probably gonna need more of both however

I know I said I was gonna build this on the water but I’m worried about it might be a little bit too far away from home and I need to make sure this thing’s fully operational while I’m in my base and doing basically things so I’m going

To clear out a little area right here make it nice and flat and now begins the process of creating an outline for what I’m going to be calling Potato Tower essentially this is the layout we got chamber number one and chamber number two and we’re gonna build it up it’s

Gonna look amazing because it’s going to be Giant and vibrant full of crops and villagers however villager a will sit in villager a chamber villager B will sit in villager B chamber but I also need to set up the storage system before I start building this up because I’m not really

Going to be opening up this chest section so I suppose it should be fine say yeah it’s just not openable but it should be fine so all potatoes are gonna funnel down further and further into more chests I also realized I’m gonna need a lot more iron for this this

Should be iron golems in this village now the only tricky part though is going to be getting villagers all the way over there which typically it’s pretty easy when you just lure them with a job this guy already has a job though and that’s what I’m saying I’m left with no other

Choice but to kidnap which kidnapping always makes it just oh hey no no get back in there get no no no no no no no you’re getting on my last Nerf any more tattoos what are you doing down in the hole with the zombie that’s not where

You’re supposed to be you gotta hang on your gloss bubble there we go well like he’s trapped in there all I need to do is get another one but I’m I’m just gonna bring two villagers over and I’m just gonna make them breed in the hole I

Just know that this is gonna be a whole lot easier because while I construct this thing they could just be piling up tons and tons of villagers for me and now with them out of the way time to begin the Real Construction foreign Ly the food farm is finished it’s just I don’t know I wanted to do something kind of like modern a little bit different how I normally would build things I guess I decided to go the route of giant boxes in different directions to look really cool I also wanted to make sure

You couldn’t see the dirt from underneath although now that I’m looking at it I can see the dirt from the inside yeah however the way it works is just like any other food farm you got villagers they fill up their own inventory then they throw it to their

Boy their boy gets intercepted by Hoppers and then needless to say we should be in the clear and get plenty of food out of this it’s just it’s gonna take a little bit of time to get started that’s all because once the villagers fully fill up their inventories because I couldn’t

Really get enough potatoes to fill up their inventory then plant potatoes I just planted that’s the stupidest are everywhere however next thing on today’s agenda is that I need a build up a sugar cane Farm because my current one is depressing now I’ve built up about a bajillion

But I need to start off by heading down into some caves I then can also replenish my iron I should probably build an iron farm but most importantly I am here for some redstone there we go now with pretty much a full shulker box of redstone we should be

Good to go on that the only other thing that we’re going to need is and I think about it a lot of iron maybe maybe I just build an iron here first of all before building an iron farm I do have to let all the Hooligans loose which hopefully they’ll just naturally

Gravitate The Village maybe I hope because I can’t have too many villagers all near each other because I don’t ruin my iron farm now since I can’t have villagers too close together what I’ll do is I’ll just transport over two villagers to a new area where I’ll

Actually build up the iron farm and now I’ve built up this iron farm probably a million times if you guys have seen my videos you would know that I’ve gotten pretty fast to building these things fast in fact that don’t even blink oh there it went did you miss it did you

Blink I’m sure you probably did because it happened so fast you know I’m just so good at building this one but in all seriousness though no this this form is really good except I realized that I built it next to a mountain and then also a hill that was right here and he

Needed to be in a really flat area and eight blocks up all the Iron Golems actually spawn in the farm and not on the Hills however it is like my favorite starter iron farm it should be good enough for now and then we’ll end up building a bigger better and more

Amazing one later down the line the only thing I gotta wait on is for these villagers to have more babies and then once they have more babies Iron Golems will be spawned day two and now finally much time later we should be good to go to start saluting this yes indeed so now

We should be able to get plenty of iron for building up the sugarcane farm the only other thing that I need a lot of is we got Redstone we gotta learn I got a cobblestone generator so don’t worry about that so then the only other thing

That we need is quartz which quartz I need to get in the nether need a lot of it because I need to craft up a lot of observers which this shouldn’t take too long since we do have a fortune three hopefully I mean we’ll see foreign Now that we got a bunch of quartz a bunch of redstone it’s time to set up all the observers wow that’s a lot the only thing that’s gonna be slowing me down while building the sugarcane farm is that I’m gonna need to make a lot of pistons and that means any more iron

Because I think it’s like one iron per piston or two yeah it’s gonna be a lot but also I’m gonna need one but luckily I’m gonna build it over near the iron farm so I’ll be getting plenty of iron while constructing it at the same time we should be fine speaking of

Construction it is now time to officially begin construction after I enchant a new ax because mine is terrible and it’s dying let’s just uh hope we can maybe we’ll try again and uh you know that’s still not good but this time oh my gosh it’s still so fresh

Whatever you know what we roll we roll now for constructing this thing my plans are to pretty much just build it right here so let’s just start off by doing a little bit of terraforming there we go now that looks much better we got plenty

Of room to be able to build this thing up oh no I didn’t put torches below where I was placing dirt anyways now for the design I am going to be going a bit different than how I normally do because we’re on a much different version of Minecraft typically I’d always build

Sugarcane Farms with a piston and water method however this one I’m gonna be doing the minecart Hopper method I’m just making this as big as I think I’m gonna make it I don’t know yet I’m just kind of you know I’m just here right now

I’m right here at the end is where I’m going to be placing down a handful of chests with some Hoppers going right into them and then I will essentially just place down a bunch of rails all the way throughout while also simultaneously putting down some Redstone rails now my

Goal for this is that I would like more than one rail to go at the same time you know like it’d be ideal so now let’s just give this a bit of a test craft up a mine cart and then just set it on its

Way now I gotta make sure it’s able to go all the way around mostly this corner I want it to go slow over The Hoppers having that’s slow yeah all right that’s quite what I needed um you move this down a bit place down that and we go

Again and now this time it should make it around it nope okay we just need more all right now this time I’m so confident I’m gonna ride okay it’s going a little too fast all right there we go okay there we oh come on I’ll put the one stupid rail back and

Then now it’s perfect again now essentially all I need to do is place down all the dirt above the rail where all the sugar cane will be and then also fill this in for all the water channels so technically it’d be better just to build this on the ground but I think I

Think it’ll just look a lot better if I just build it up no other reason then all I need to do is cover up all the water then I can begin placing down all my Pistons of course I can’t forget about planting down all the sugarcane

And of course can’t forget about all the observers and then just combine them all with redstone so they all go kachuga at the exact same time then essentially this thing is fully functional we do got to kind of like decorate it I mean come on now a little ugly you’re gonna give

It that apology special you know what I’m saying and now with that it’s fully completed and now it should be a completely lossless if I’m not mistaken sugarcane farm because the glass blocks still the sugarcane lands inside this thing picks it all up which I just realized this is not the right Minecart

Because I need to add a hopper to it there we go and now it’s fully functional technically it’s incredibly scalable as well because well I mean I do have a good bit of observers and Hoppers left I could just build it nah not really up but I could build it wider

I can build a bunch more next to each other because it’s actually kind of compact it’s very skinny but this should do it for now though because this is the beginning of the world the only other thing that now I really need is a creeper Farm if I’m going to be building

Up this creeper Farm one thing I do want to do is build it on this island perhaps because I want it to be creeper Island you know have a little theme over here maybe let the creepers run around open range you know which it’s not too far

Away from home so we should be fine maybe it’ll run maybe it’s maple leaves one thing I hate is when Farms are too far away and then they don’t get to run unless you’re close by and then I gotta AFK then again if you have them all too

Close together then it starts lagging I’ve been there several times regardless for this creeper Farm one of the most important things that I’m gonna need a lot of unfortunately it’s Stone Cobblestone stone stone brick there’s a lot of a lot of rocks don’t matter because this is going to be a tall

Creeper I’ll move okay yeah that’s gonna take way too long I’m tired of mining stone like this I need a beacon like I really need one which if I’m gonna make one the likely one to get what how the likely one to make would be Iron because we do got an

Iron farm but I kind of did use all of our iron building that up and then making an accidental excess amount of Pistons so what I’m gonna do is hopefully find a cave I could build a minor tons of iron while the iron Farm’s also going so I’d like to make a

Full-size Beacon get that haste too we must go deeper deeper maybe not it’s a dead end okay we go back and now we shall get to mining tons of iron in a three a two all right and with all that mining out excuse me with all that mining out of

The way though we should have a plenty of iron so I’m gonna drop all this into the auto smelter I just got to think about where I want to build this thing because I was thinking about putting it in the base about the same time I don’t

Know if that’ll really look good so I was like oh snap bro I can put it right here oh my gosh this isn’t centered to this Square all right that’s that’s a huge problem this is gonna be a storage space later um maybe next episode maybe I just

Spoiled that maybe it’s Maple Leaf I don’t know that’s the second time I made that joke this video anyways I’m just gonna put the beacon on top of the hill house and pretty much the only other thing that I’m going to need to be able to make this Beacon is to pretty much

Just go get a bunch of Wither skulls and then defeat the Wither a boss however I’m not doing that without looting because when you try to get those with those schools without looting it’s pain but this isn’t going too well um oh never mind I lied look at that wow

Chrissy uh with sharpness too I’m running low on fireworks hold on this is why I’m making this thing and now this also shouldn’t take very long since our Fortress is also inside of a Soul Sand Valley which means we do have increased spawn rates however uh we know

How it goes when you’re after those wither skulls I think it’s usually the last one the last one always just takes forever just to get the first after you get that first one it feels good where all the weather’s at oh that’s not a Wither hello good sir let me finish my

Oh my gosh excuse you all right Withers playing time one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen oh wait we got our first one on 17. our first weather skull hopefully it won’t take much longer day two and now finally after another dozen

Withers or so and a lot of Swords we got all the skulls that we’re gonna need all I need now is well done a tiny bit of this and then now all we need to do is go slay the Wither boss so that I could

Be able to get my Nether Star in the end of course because we’re gonna cheese it and make it as easy as possible I simply just spawning him down here underneath the end portal and just let him cram there we go now that we got our another

Star that means that now we could finally craft up our bacon hopefully most of this iron it will be done okay add it uh it hasn’t really been cooking we’ll be back after this short break did you guys know that I’m partnered by G fuel yes a one and only G feel the

Delicious the best energy drink in the game period no sugar a delicious and lean energy it’s made of vitamins and it’s also uh 20 to 30 off with code Paul jugia checkup by the way just saying you know get them sales up guys you know

Maybe we get a flavor maybe we get a cup you know maybe there’s something already in the works I don’t know and now at long last we could finally set up our bacon and when you think about it you know Minecraft it’s just one really long

Side west you know like I went on the side quest I still to build a beacon but then I could be able to get stone faster to be able to then build up a farm this is the life we live as my Crafters also this is the most Jank way I’ve ever

Built to be speaking in my life look away I’m sorry this is just so weird now finally at long last we could get a mining ton of does not feel right literally just realized I I got efficiency four and not five and that completely defeats the

Purpose of why I went off and got the beacon and everything like 99 maybe that’ll work so certain that I don’t have any efficiencies but yeah that won’t work I need a book and I just gotta hope for efficiency and there’s another one so we should be good I

Believe if I combine these books uh that’s not gonna work I could combine these two to make efficiency three on my almost broken pickaxe and I can’t find this efficiency three with this one to make another efficiency four which then if I’m correct I can make efficiency

Five a really roundabout way of doing that also I healed my pickaxe okay and now it’s time to mine oh yeah so good all right now that should be plenty of stone for this project the only other things that we need today to be able to actually finally start constructing this

Creeper is oh a lot of snow probably enough that’s for the farm portion now hopefully I don’t sink into any of this I up there it goes what are you thinking oh and we’re going deeper I just need regular snow that’s not too much to ask

For here we go that’s all I’m talking about some actual snow snow and now we should be in the clear on all the snow well actually I don’t even remember how much I need I just know it’s a lot now the last thing on the grocery list is I

Need pumpkins lots of homekins which we are in the Hill Country of Minecraft so usually there is a lot out here however I’m uh not seeing any of these Minecraft ah I’m kittens now in reality I probably should just like you know plant some seeds and then get a bunch of these

However I just you know like exploring living life and punching sheep hey guys I’m um I’m gonna borrow these I kind of I kind of need them for a couple snowman projects oh we don’t mind let’s say it’s for all the collateral damage that you guys cause on a daily basis

Excuse me excuse excuse me excuse me oh my gosh dude chill boys chills this is a no totem run guys relax jeez and now we should finally be good on pumpkins now it’s time to finally construct up our giant creeper with our creeper Farm inside of the creeper first I need to

Flatten down this little area because this is gonna be pretty big say the least oh that’s not good oh no no no my Sand Island is falling apart there we go now creeper Island should be big enough and flat enough for us to start construction now in the past if

You’ve watched my videos for a while you know I have actually built this Farm before and quite frankly I think it’s just gonna not have invisible blocks please okay I guess we’re we’re rolling with it anyways as I was saying I do think it quite literally is the best

Creeper farm right now and for that I must have the best in this world it is the only way and so I’m pretty much just building this thing off a memory I hope I don’t mess it up um either way I’ll have a tutorial linked down below for

The actual instructions on this thing wait a minute some something’s already now lining up here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up hold up I figured it out I need a blocker there and then now I could be able to finish this off and essentially

This portion of the farm is going to be filled up with water so that it pushes all the creepers down into this hole and into the collection system which is just hoppers in chess I gotta make sure that I place down a bunch of gates Over the

Hole pop all of them open and then essentially just dump some water right here and a whole lot more water there we go so it should look a little something like this so all the Crips will Splash and get pushed and then I gotta build up the walls of the little

Swimming pool then I gotta build another little fancy square around the uh I’m so focused anyways as I was saying then I gotta place down a bunch of slobs around this and then now that I think about it I need a lot of beds and I skipped that part of the Gathering face

Hold on it’s time to give some haircuts I need to build an auto sheep and a Nader I’ll never have to give another haircut a day in my life oh who needs to give haircuts when you got all this wool over here boys I’m back for a little

Borrowing session hold on okay stop bullying me like I get it you don’t like me I stink all right all right all right all right all right all right I get it and now we have everything that we’re gonna need so now all I gotta do is

Place down a bed right there place down some fences around it a couple of temporary blocks and then essentially just make a bunch of snowmen 16 snow men to be exact and with all of our snowmen in place there we go now we gotta do a little bit

Of Spawn proofing with some buttons around here and put a bunch of trap doors and the last thing that we need to do is just build out 11 blocks in every direction away from the farm there we go now that we got our outline all we need to do is essentially fill it

In then now that we got our gigantic platform all filled in all the way out all the way around all I need to do is essentially just a bit of Spawn proofing placing down some slabs two blocks apart and now with all the spawn proofing pretty much out of the way and we’re

Guaranteed to not have any spoters in this thing all I need to do is essentially just build a wall all the way around this thing then also got to make this wall two blocks tall and now for the final step of this Farm all I need to do is place down a bazillion

Trap doors and create essentially a roof on it you guys pitter patter a little quieter it’s honestly freaking me out something about the way it sounds there we have it now we got all the trapdoors all set up so now essentially this thing is basically completed all I

Need to do is slap a layer of cobblestone on top of this but again you know we are building up a creeper and creepers are tall which means we need more than just one layer like for example two player three four and five there we go now that should be good

Enough I mean I could in reality yes build it up even more however one I’m lazy two honestly this thing says op as it’s gonna get I mean there kind of is a spawn cap I believe and so it’s like when you factor in all the caves underneath and then all the creepers

That are spawning let’s be honest am I Really Gonna Get More besides I want to get to the decorating part and since like I said this thing should be good enough I mean be honest if you guys know a better creeper Farm let me know because then I will literally blow this

Thing up with all the gunpowder that we get from it like I said on to the fun part now it is time to decorate this thing and turn it into a creeper which is really hard to Envision right now trust trust process and now the obvious thing for decorating this thing is

Probably to use concrete right I need to look at a creeper I do think concrete would probably end up being the best because I could do lime green concrete and then also just like regular dark concrete oh but then again we do have wool okay that’s gonna be a lot of wool

You know what honestly I could just use both I’d use concrete and wool so I need to cut a lot of sheepers and also get a ton of gravel in the nether and also get a bunch of cacti for green dye oh and then we also got ourselves a

Jungle biome finally I can get some scaffoldings I haven’t yet wait is that even a jungle bomb it’s well I mean there’s a bamboo so I guess this counts I want to make scaffolding so bad building things in Minecraft without it is pain and then now I could finally

Start working on Crafting up all of this concrete then all I need to do is turn all this concrete powder into actual concrete which I could pretty much do in the cobblestone generator all I need to do is place down blocks and then mine them down right this feels right I think

Because I could just build its own Standalone machine which would just basically be the same thing but all I gotta do is get rid of the lava on top I might as well just use the Cobblestone one and now yes I know I could just dump

The water after I build it creepers are pretty Square anyways it’s just that I want some parts to be powder and I want some parts to not be powdered and again I can just break the parts that I don’t want deep powder and leave the parts I

Do you know what we’re doing that finally at long last it is um to build a gargantuan creeper now I’m still not entirely sure we’ll start off by doing an outline real quick and see how that goes gotta start off by doing a little bit of black for

His toe beans there we go now I’m thinking that should be good enough on both sides for his little toes probably do it about three blocks tall and then we’ll transition it to Green so basically now all I need to do is the outline for the creeper himself which is

The primary color of this creeper is definitely going to be the lime green over the regular green so I’m gonna just basically create the outline of lime green okay so as I’m doing this outline and like you know shaping out the feet and everything and I got the toe beans all

Set up trying to make it as centered as possible you know make everything all even I realized built the farm just like a little too low because it’s like this entire bottom row the entire bottom row is gonna be sticking out and it’s it’s just gonna look terrible I mean I could

Just cover it with more green no that’s that’s just gonna be really ugly I might have to get rid of the bottom row but I’ll do that after we build the creeper and then we’ll know for sure how much is actually sticking out but it’s painful

To think about having to get rid of this bottom row because building these things is kind of tedious because now the only way that I could really fix this is by building the Creeper’s torso here instead of one block higher than the feet which this might look stupid and

Finally we have the entire outline all set up and prepped and ready I think the shape looks pretty good looks pretty accurate I do like the shape of the head I like that creepers just have this like big fat head on these like skinny bodies the feet are a little small just a

Little what I might do is dig it down into the water and then it’ll kind of look like he’s a part of the land probably yeah you know what yeah we’re gonna do that but now it’s officially time to fill the entire crypto build the entire creeper in and then we’ll figure

Out afterwards if we gotta chop off this bottom layer but I think we’re good because I created that line I think it’ll be fine you know what I’m I’m gonna make sure it’s fine but now let’s begin filling this in foreign And now finally after many of concrete later we have our gigantic creeper and honestly I hate to say it he’s kind of cuter than he is you know like scary creeper I feel like it turned out to have like baby face for some reason just looking at it oh my gosh this is

Just one of those builds man this is just one of those that it’s like so close to being like exactly what I wanted it to look like but not quite there you know it’s just it’s just close enough now the only thing really left that I want to do is essentially just do

A little bit of decoration on it like you know adding a bunch of different flavors of green or white wool and stuff like creepers do just look at that face that face needs to be decorated there we go now that looks a little I’m not really good at doing like pixel art and

Stuff maybe I just make him solid green again but either way the AFK zone of this Farm is also the mouth by the way which is kind of the coolest part about this I’ll be honest making the mouth a little bit three-dimensional so that when I’m afking for gunpowder I can just

Sit up here and do nothing however the most important part the farm itself hey no spilling gunpowder it’s it’s pretty functional say the least uh I’m glad I didn’t sacrifice this bottom layer also because I think it just would have cut down on on the production and the

Production is the most important thing making a really op Farm even more Opie and with this giant creepy Farm out of the way now it’s time to begin the next episode and the next challenge which is to beat every single boss in Minecraft but before I even do that what I’m gonna

Have to do first of all is uh get some XP because I realize that XP is miserable well then again I should probably put mending on all my tools you know what there’s there’s a lot of things to do today I’ll be honest we’re gonna start with mending I need I need

To get mending the only thing I really got mending on is my elytra and my booties and I mean as good as it is to have mending on those two things I need it on everything oh oh hello sir you someone no do you summoning no kidding I

Already know they don’t because I built this underwater city and I haven’t really used it yet this is gonna be a hundred percent my my trading haul though I mean it first I get mending oh no wait what what this has never happened never happened before I got it

Immediately um well thank you here this is what I’ll do I’ll get a bunch of money from selling tatos yup there we go okay we’re in the clear I’ll get the money real fast I need to lock in that trade it’s important to get all the

Sugar cane that I got so I can be able to craft up paper and then I’ll Farm up all the tatos I got over here because honestly I forgot all I thought about this Farm like I haven’t touched this Farm in forever it is the Forgotten Farm

Oh my gosh they like creeper is sitting outside it’s just so magnificent okay but I also need to get tattoos from our potato farm which I have not looted this even once since building it which uh yeah that’s about what I expected between all these potatoes and all the

Paper we should have plenty of money for All The Mending books that we’re gonna need for building up building we’re buying up all of The Mending books for my armor and such I gotta take the Oasis route just so nice and peaceful you know then you get to the end of the nice

Peaceful tunnel and then I have giant creeper what are you doing out here our Farmer Joe I demand money lots of money and now after selling a few potatoes I got the coin to be able to buy The Mending book lock in that trade and begin selling paper as well and finally

With many of mending later we have of all the books that we’re gonna need now to just upgrade all my tools and armor by adding it on that should be good to go mending on everything I’m gonna have to get some Unbreaking books because I realized that like my ax doesn’t have

One breaking and like no it does my sword I I got kind of screwed in a lot of enchantments and also now I’m already down to level 11. that’s unfortunate because I’m probably gonna be doing more enchantments and I need the XP but that’s fine because the next thing on

The agenda is to build up an actual XB Farm which I figured I’d probably do an Enderman Farm everybody loves Enderman Farms every time I talk about XP Farms everyone’s like anime I’m like I know I know so all we gotta do is head on to

The end there we go good old Minecraft teleportation now all I’m gonna need to do for building up this Enderman Farm is that first things first I need to get all the way down into the void at zero zero zero zero zero zero all right so firstly I’m gonna drop some lava let

That pour all the way over slowly and in the meantime I can get some Ender balls so that I can be able to spawn the Enderman because what’s an Enderman farm with that under bite it’s not a farm how much I’ll say then now all I gotta do is

Drop my water bucket and that’ll turn into a nice tower all the way to the void I guess I could have picked up that lava there anyways and now that I wait a second I didn’t um I had a shulker box full of leaves I pre-gathered before

This I don’t have it um hold on there we go and now that we got plenty of leaves now I’m just gonna swim all the way down into the void really risking it all oh my gosh dude I’m enormous I’ll be honest oh no I goofed

The goofing kind of worked okay we’re in the clear it’s important to have these leaves so that Enderman don’t spawn on it because leaves are a magical block that creatures refuse to step on doesn’t make sense I know but it is what it is now essentially though all I gotta do is

Bridge all the way out into the void a million blocks and finally now that we’re all out in the boonies it’s time to begin building up our little platform that’s gonna have The Hoppers I guess so it should look a little something like this and I planned

On making a little Hopper dump system right here into a dropper just set up a bunch of pop first like this there we go and I just gotta build a little roof above this platform which I’m gonna do without a leaves so nothing spawns up here but otherwise with the collection

System pretty much all set up and since I’ve built this Farm about a bajillion times how about some spicy beef roll thank you Foreign Pretty much all set up we’re on to the last part of this where I gotta sit here and bang my head against a wall with cemented pearls until I get my little friendly wait wait I did not bring the name tag imagine I went through all that

Spawned him and then there’s just no no name tag imagine shouldn’t be me definitely not been there before all right even in here we go Oh oh it’s happening it’s happening get in there nerd I’ll see you later ow stop stop we don’t gotta be hostile trust me fit in the hole okay maybe I gotta get rid of the blocks is there anything oh my gosh now there’s an Enderman mad at

Me no this isn’t good okay we’re gonna we’re just gonna drop him down low no no oh my God chaos oh this isn’t good no there’s a block down there and I got an Enderman mad at me all right hold on let me juice up okay which one of these guys

Is mad at me okay well I found you there we go and then now I just gotta get rid of that there we go and all these blocks and we’re pretty much all set up all I need to do is fly on down here where I

Got a bunch of XP just waiting for me oh I forgot about the pain it causes so much pain in my ears now I get to know all of my tools foreign there we go we got fully healed tools we’re already back to level 30 in literally minutes and also I didn’t set

Up the hopper clock for all the pearls so that’s a problem for future Paul and now that we got our XP farm all out of the way all of our tools are all healed up they’re looking juicy and now it is time for the next thing on the agenda

Which the next thing on the agenda is to pretty much just fully nether right out all of my tools and armor now I haven’t gotten mining for another writing uh quite some what are you doing quite some time but all I know is that in the last

Video we built up a really really op creeper farm and when I’m mining for netherright I’m definitely going to be using TNT the first things first I need to take out a bunch of gunpowder oh yeah no this is oh okay that’s a borderline problematic I don’t think I’m gonna have

Enough sand at home for this so I’m definitely gonna have to fly out to the desert there we go and now it’s time to get to work foreign Ty later I mean it’s it’s a lot but we need to get some nether right now all we gotta do is find a nice little spot to set up shop where I could just blast my head my way all the way through the nether honestly underneath a fortress

Might not be too bad I think it’s pretty solid underneath there right it’s literally lost finding a place to do TNT Mining and then other is the worst part gotta kind of punch a hole and hey if you ever find that magical spot where you hit literally no lava

Now it begins the fun part see it really fun part where I get to just mine out some really long tunnels and place a million TNT That’s that’s not what was supposed to happen I’m still not even done placing down TNT I got a lot of tunnel left regardless this has been the most unpleasant panel I’ve ever mined in my life so I’m just gonna blow up the rest of this TNT real quick

Was literally know what can you leave don’t there we go Keep saying another right but like I know there’s gonna be people upset about it oh you say another right but it’s ancient Deborah why is there two different things iron Rhine now the right why not we’re on another right anyways with a Swish and a flick and

There we go I tried to get rid of most of the lava um using some magic I thought I mean going all the way home to get Fire Res so that then I can mindlessly plug up all the lava just so that I can finally reap the rewards and

Mine up all the ancient debris Finally after mining up all of the ancient Debra’s in our tunnel we got ourselves a whopping 33 ancient debris well actually hold on there we go 34. forgot I got one earlier but now it is time to leave this terrible tunnel that gives me absolute nightmares and now

It’s time to just smelt all this down along with what little goal we got and now to craft up all the netherright scraps and finally add it to Oh wrong thing add it to all my armor that feels weird wearing full another ride again feels like I haven’t worn

This in a long time but finally with everything all upgraded to netherride the only thing that we’re really lacking is just a couple enchantments on a few pieces of my gear like for example my boots they just got them breaking they need to have protection protection comes

First then you know I need a little bit of Unbreaking on a couple of tools so I figured what we’ll do is just grab a bunch of books slap them I don’t have lapis slap them on an enchantment table bada bing bada boom I mean sweeping Edge

Will also be needing that for our Enderman Farm I mean let’s be honest but see now I’m already low level 30 and this isn’t gonna work this way because it’s gonna take too long so instead what I’m gonna do is craft up a bunch of

Bookshelves and I’m a fly all the way to the end and instead of doing the enchantments at home we’re gonna do the enchantments at the Enderman Farm where I’ll be able to save a whole lot more time so that way we don’t gotta fly back and forth and it’s just a struggle but

Most importantly though I mean to bring everything for certain as I was saying I made sure to bring everything for setting up the dropper system with all the Hoppers and everything so that way I don’t got to deal with this mess anymore and throwing out pearls and it’s such an

now in the future this is going to be a sticky piston I forgot that I have not even seen a single slime in this world yet but that way I’d be able to retract it and etc etc it was happening what doing oh because that was

Blocked no I messed it up dude no is this gonna fall don’t fall please don’t fall please don’t okay well you guys you know uh we’re gonna deal with the pearls for now because I don’t feel like flying home anyways back to setting up some bookshelves I also run enchantment table

Ah all right and now we are back with everything so we got our enchantment table all set up nice and crispy I know all I gotta do is not mess up this dropper again because I’ll if I will cry placed down like that and it should be

It’s not it’s really not how how do you place this please just don’t don’t explode oh my gosh no there’s because my inventory is going to fill up with pearls and then I’m not gonna be able to have any room to catch it that’s what’s happening 100 I hate it here wait a

Second why is it going now where’s it going which way are you facing oh you’re facing in oh oh I see how I placed it wrong so it’s like pushing it back whoa either way give me it no all right again ignoring that moving on XP enchantments here we go foreign

These are the books that I think will be able to get us as good as armor as I’m gonna get pretty much without having to completely scrap it and re-enchant these boots sheesh I mean I don’t have lappers I forgot but anyways yeah we got like Aqua affinities all the protection

Threes and fours feather falling all the good enchantments are up here and then all these are like level ones that I was like I guess I could really like mix them together if I really need to the hardest thing to get for some reason was Unbreaking but whenever we did get it

Usually it would be like a like a three so although it being rare it was worth it I would just load up on XP so I could combine all the different stuff together I’m gonna start off by grabbing all of my protection books and adding protection onto all of my armor which I

Do have fire protection on the pants which I’ll probably just leave because I think it’s pretty good to have fire protection let’s add some protection onto the booties and let’s combine two threes that make a four and then slap it onto my helmet that’s gonna be way more

Expensive than I thought I should just I’m probably gonna take an anvil into the end however I’m also gonna add aqua affinity to my helmet as well so now I got respiration aqua affinity protection legs got protection and breaking mending boots gotten breaking protection mending and then also I need to add feather

Falling that’s right we did get feather falling because if there’s one way I’m I know for a fact I’m gonna die in this world it’s falling now our Armor’s looking good like I’ll be completely honest I’d wear a chest plate 0.005 percent of the time in in Minecraft

After I get the elytra it’s done however I’m also completely out of levels and I need to craft up another Anvil mine looks like it’s knocking on death’s door and now it’s time to reduce and start upgrading all of our tools and now finally everything all loaded up with

Unbreaking protection we got I’m breaking we got efficiency we got all the sharpness we got everything that we’re gonna need to begin the next part of this video out of my way nerd it’s the next thing that I do want to do is officially slay every single boss in the

Game and I’m gonna do it from easiest to hardest starting with the Elder Guardian which technically if I’m not mistaken yeah I have already slain one however we’re gonna do it again for the sake of doing it all back to back fighting every single oh my gosh this is getting a bit

Zesty in here say the least hello I gotta get rid of all these underlings first I keep forgetting now that I have like respiration and it’s like I can just really hold my breath for a very long time okay so he still does some good damage to say the least to say the

Least it hurts that’s my feelings yeah yeah reduce real quick last time I slayed one of these guys I wasn’t doing as much damage either though that’s something to keep in mind here honestly I feel like I feel like he’s just kind of done like a hit or two yeah there it

Goes that attacks out all right well Elder Guardian taken care of next up I want to slay the Dragon for the next boss now I do think the dragon is probably the second weakest boss I think we could all agree on that uh but for that I obviously got to read summon the

Dragon which means that I’m gonna need some gas tears which I do have looting on my swords so it shouldn’t take very long I just need these guys come on over brother yeah did I get them yep we got two right there easy bro easy

And there we go we got plenty of gas tears they cried quite a bit I don’t care if they’re crying because I’m a bully but now I could finally craft up the end crystals and actually right before some of the Dragon I remembered I had an Infinity book which I can easily

Just add to that which means I’m gonna have infinite arrows and this dragon is done all right Dragon it’s time there we go Dragon Slain feed is done I definitely did not miss a single arrow that was cake yay Dragonstone and now with that dragon out of the way we’re on

To the Wither boss the definitely the second strongest boss in the game used to be the strongest but hey he is and dethroned he’s kind of weak now let’s be real first things first though wither skulls oh wow that’s a lot of Withers hello all right this line right here all

The skulls literally all the skulls 100 okay guys relax relax relax not all at once satellites behind me yo chill boys chill chill chill you guys bite a little zesty I’m not gonna lie oh there we go first goal actually not that bad um

And there we go we got all three of the Wither skulls that we’re gonna need for this now and now typically whenever I slay the Wither usually usually I I would you know I’d cheese them I’d put them in the uh underneath the end portal and I’d make them cram in there however

This time around we got to do it pretty legit you know I mean I’m still gonna I guess you can say I’m gonna cheese it first things first I need to go down into the caves preferably all the way down to deep slate where I will then dig

A really long tunnel just like this one I hope that this is plenty long enough actually uh and it’s deep slate which means he’s blowing it up slower right like that’s how that works regardless it’s time to so am I ready for this I know I didn’t enchant my chest plate

This is like one of the few times literally one of the few times I would ever wear a chest plate I know I said earlier I don’t but hey whatever you know I’m gonna I’m Gonna Keep to it I’m not gonna wear the chest plate and if I

Die and this is the end of the series because we’re doing no totems is what it is all I know is this boy’s done done four literally done are you gonna get through all that deflate that’s a lot of deep slave brother also water why is

That lava oh no I swear I see lava back there why is there lava what kind of cave did you reveal okay and it Shields up and it’s time to toss those cheeks all right well in a day’s work being a Minecrafter here’s what it is take about

Enough beating around the bush with the Wither out of the way it is time to begin slaying the final boss literally the final boss this guy is like the red boss the feeding a warden sucks I’ll be honest hey they’re strong but me I hope I’m stronger I mean we’ll find out right

But first things first what I want to do is buy a bunch of apples so that I could craft up at least a few golden apples I mean yeah five yeah that’s not too bad that way at least you know I got some golden hearts now defeating this Warden

Isn’t gonna be easy but I have learned a few tricks for defeating the warden when I did my whole surviving 100 days in my 100 days in ancient city world so I mean you could say kind of a professional now the most challenging part about this is definitely one thousand percent going to

Be having to deal with all the blindness because unfortunately the roof in this place is kind of shallow because the strategy that I like is just flying away and uh shooting at him while I’m in the sky that’s like my favorite thing to do but unfortunately it doesn’t look like

We’re gonna really be able to do that much of that but either way enough talking to talk let’s let’s walk hurry up and summon stupid I might as well loot this chest while I’m over here nothing really that good okay and now it should summon him on the next one there

We go oh my gosh it’s pretty close actually like I said the blindness is kind of the hardest part so I’m gonna stay over here I’m gonna stay quiet and I’m gonna wait this blindness to go away and then I’m gonna start dumping some arrows on him Brody done I’m sorry

You’re gonna run over here this will be a big mistake because you’re gonna have to run another Mile and I’m gonna wait for this blindness when this is gone you’re done you’re done kid please don’t summon it we’re fighting two fighting two now I’m nervous now I’m nervous I

Can’t see anything he sounds kind of close over there this one’s definitely close oh no yeah he knows he knows he knows where is this guy dude I hear him and it’s terrifying period it’s it’s terrifying hearing this guy blindness please oh there he is okay what’s up hey

What’s up bro you’re just gonna stare me down oh oh now you’re not I thought you could give me the flexicution and stare at me little did he know that was a huge mistake because he’s literally fighting legless look at this okay now I’m whiffing

No he got one I was hoping they’d never get another one again because I think that keeps us so that the blindness stays longer I don’t know I could be wrong oh yeah oh you’re not like maybe 500 more arrows and you’re done why do I

Feel like my bow is gonna give out before this guy dies that is the likely scenario right now I don’t know where this guy is kind of scary where are you in the tunnel where are you cheesing me I’m trying to cheese you okay okay okay

Come on bro every time I think he’s gonna die he just doesn’t gotta keep sending arrows right into his face I know how much oh oh I knew that was coming he’s done it’s easy didn’t even Panic once now let’s get these uh rewards anyways after that

That’s pretty much all of the bosses in Minecraft slain by my hand with my upgraded gear all looking delicious except I realized when I went into the nether that I did forget to put on Soul speed however it’s fine and I guess I could put on Swift sneak while I’m here

I could probably get a book there we go that’s the reward and with all the bosses slain now it’s time to begin the next episode which is building up a gigantic castle with a mob farm inside of it and not only did I Envision this

Mob farm being in a castle but I also envisioned it being in the ocean because well that’s just literally how my brain operates I literally think of everything and I’m like put it in water one day I do want to fully expand out this little villager farm thing but also I need to

Build my base one day which is also going to be in water I like water speaking of make sure you’re hydrated now me I Hydrate with g-fill it’s delicious scrumptious and then oh yeah you guys aren’t supposed to see the shaker cup yet um now nine times out of

Ten I always end up building all of my castles and buildings and structures and such things as that out of spruce because well I like Spruce it’s the best wood I’m thinking about changing it up because building in the ocean and in the water you can really get some good color

Contrast going so I’m thinking about using acacia wood I know probably gonna get some hate for that now my first problem being I don’t know where an acacia Forest is in this world like I mean it’s still a new world we’re only like what five episodes into it I think

I don’t know anyways aha acacia wood finally they’re only taking me forever now the only problem with chopping down these trees is I can’t just grow like a giant thick tree like a Bruce tree I wouldn’t be here forever and ever Ah there we go a nice Barren Wasteland not a single tree inside wait hold on a second oh that’s not acacia wood though we’re good now hopefully this should be a plenty of wood for building up castle that I’m envisioning and now like I said my goal for building up this Castle is

To build it in the water but I want it to be like just on the surface because I want like a part of it to go underwater and then I want it to look castly above for the water and then above the water will also be like storage room I don’t

Know we’ll see but I’m also gonna need like a million blocks of dirt so um let’s just go ahead and ruin some more Minecraft rain um and now essentially all I need to do is create a giant platform just on the water so if I just realized how annoying

Like all the soup health is and you know you gotta get rid of it you can mow the lawn there we go now we should be good to go all I gotta do is place down a million dirt blocks [Applause] all right and now that we got our gigantic

Platform all set up for this Castle what I’m probably gonna start doing is outlining the entire thing I wanted to have that like kind of four walls effect you know where it’s like safe on the inside but I also want there to be a watchtower portion that’ll be a much

Larger and off to the side I don’t know we’ll we’ll see what I come up with that foreign okay now this is the outline that I’ve pretty much come up with and I’ve kind of already mapped out like the entrance there’s gonna be two of them one over

There one over here so that when I fly in from the the Mountain Base I can be able to easily walk right in and then the mob farm is essentially going to be right here in the middle and so each one of these is going to be you know the

Towery castley Peak thing I don’t know how to you know the Watchtower type things except this one over here is like double the size it’s much bigger this one originally I was thinking like making a storage room you know like fill it up with a ton of chests and use that

As my storage room until one day I build up my actual storage room kind of procrastinating what you do in Minecraft you know it’s a fresh world you gotta procrastinate but Each corner basically has its own little Watchtower thing except for the giant one that that one

Will be special now it is pretty much time to just basically build up all the walls all the windows and fully assemble this beautiful thing I I hope that I really hope it’s gonna be beautiful I mean we’ll still say Laughs And now officially the castle is finished being constructed now honestly this thing kind of turned out really cool if I’ll be completely honest I’ve I’ve normally don’t build anything this cool we have some minor flaws that I realized uh after finishing it though and that is well I can’t really like get

Up off like up there um but I did build it so that you could go up here it’s just actually getting up here you know is the problem got like these Pathways that go from one Tower to the other climb up this little staircase you go to a taller Tower and then that

Tower is the same height and that one’s kind of like a dummy Tower um I did make it so that you could go inside of each and every single one of them though and like hang some lanterns I kind of ran out uh I guess we should just probably

Place a couple torches in the meantime and now my goal here is that smack dab right in the middle of this thing is gonna be the mob farm all the way in the sky that is now that’ll make sense soon but not right now I know um I am also

Even contemplating just moving into this thing because cause it is really big you got this nice little doorway which opens up into another room up here which is all nice and safe up here again you got the downstairs originally I was gonna make this Tower the storage room the the

Temporary storage room until we build up our Mega base because I’ve never in my life built a mega base in Minecraft and now by that I mean literally a gigantic base normally it’s like I’ll build you know a decent sized house and then I’ll just you know survive in it but I’m

Trying to thrive in this world and that’s why I built like a giant castle just be a mob farm but until we build up our giant mega ocean base this is what we got to work with which actually it’s about time we start on the next part

Which is the mob farm and also the collection system I should probably work on the collection system what I wanted to do is make it so that the collection system goes down into the water and now that I’m thinking about it I did realize

That this this is going to be a very op mob farm and it’s going to be collecting a lot of items so I do need to make sure I have a lot lot of chests and a lot of storage for it now my original plan for this is to basically build a glass

Bubble underneath the water kind of like we did with the villager trading Hall and just do it completely underwater and then I got a completely drain it and now I can finally set up anyway hold on and then now I could set up all the chests

And now that I think about it I might want to make an auto sorter there’s gonna be a lot of items like like a lot I want to make sure that there is plenty of storage for all of this now with all the storage out of the way how do I how

Do I build an auto disorder again I’m like brain farting so hard because I have to build the auto sorter portion at the very top of the chest which means I’m going to need a little bit more room now for the auto sorting portion or rather the Redstone stuff essentially

What I’m gonna have to do is basically like punch a wall right there I think to see if I could just break it in between and then I had to put all the Redstone stuff back there which means I’m gonna have to slow slice off like another

Little chunk and now I mean this thing’s going to be ugly and no one’s really going to know about it really except for you guys like you guys won’t call it ugly right you guys won’t tell on me gotta drain it all out and now we should

Have plenty of room for all the Redstone all I need to do is place all the comparators on the other side of the Hoppers then I’ll have to place down a bunch of repeaters right here some blocks on top of them and then Redstone all the way around it and some torches

Right underneath the comparators and hopefully that should be it then essentially all I need to do is cover up this entire area with Hoppers all the way around it it’s actually I now I think about it I don’t know if this is gonna work we’ll find out and then now

With all the storage out of the way my goal here is to pretty much just connect the storage room right here to the bottom of the big tower then I could just easily cover up all the Hoppers with some carpet and do some decorating and stuff like I said I do want to

Attach it to kind of like the main big building over here so firstly I’m going to replace the floors and I’ll just continue with the stone brick since I mean it does got that kind of castly energy except now that I think about it

I do want to try to make like a spirally staircase that’ll go all the way down and make it out of slabs and this is going to be painfully hard to do but hey I think it’ll be worth it in the end I think it’ll look beautiful also dolphins

Please stop you’re stealing all my stuff there we go now we got our staircase that’ll spiral all the way down now into a glass tube that’ll lead all the way over here and you get to admire the ocean you know we appreciate the ocean on this channel a lot and then I got

Access to all the chests I might make like I don’t know like an Escape Route like a flying thing I don’t know to be able to like just you know pull the firework and then now pretty much all that’s left for this is to build up the

Actual mob farm which I want to build pretty high in the sky I mean they did raise the limit in Minecraft to be really high and on top of that I don’t want it to really be able to be seen like I just want there to just be

Falling mobs in the courtyard of this Castle you know just falling down what’s that sound effect so now let’s just climb up a few a bazillion blocks here here instead of climbing this let’s see if I could actually just land up there oh oh oh all

Right nice let’s say all the way up to the cloud should be high enough now all I need to do is essentially create the little pool section like every mob farm pretty much has that kind of just funnels them all down into a hole it

Also means I could get rid of all the scaffolding and I guess this is a good test to make sure that all the Hoppers work down here let’s just break that and then imagine instead of scaffolding it’s mobs and the only thing is that I

Realized on my way down here um I didn’t actually finish setting up all the uh the Redstone stuff because I need a name a bunch of items so yeah now it’s all going to be stuck in The Hoppers I bet that’s unfortunate that’s fine we can

Fix that later now all I need to do is basically just create a nice little platform all the way up here that’s eight blocks wide that’ll funnel all the mobs into the one hole then all I gotta do is fill it up with some water and so

Now all the mobs are gonna just get funneled right down into this hole I completely forgot that I need to make a bunch of gates Bam Bam Bam blam blam blam man man man there we go and the only tough part is I need I need to get

Up on top of this gate stupid and now comes the beautiful part where all I need to do is essentially set down a dispenser and go out about one two three four five six seven yeah sure we’ll go out seven blocks feel like it’s not

Seven but I also feel like it is so and essentially fill it all into that like diamond shape I feel like everyone’s kind of built a farm like this before am I right ones in the comments if that is true we got a bunch of farmers in the comment section then essentially just

Build up a bunch of platforms that look just like this now with all the layers all built up now all I need to do is slap a big ugly roof on top of this thing So that obviously it’ll be dark enough in all the mobs it

Will then spawn now you do the Redstone starting off by placing down a lever the comparator a little bit of dust and then a bunch of repeaters all the way down and now just to finish this thing off I need to fill up a bunch of buckets with

Water and then very very carefully put them in all the dispensers in this entire thing but also one thing I forgot which was actually I need to add um observers I think like that I hope yeah we’ll find out essentially I got to do that on every single level and it has

Mobs so this can be high risk um needless to say what’s a little danger you know a few moments later oh oh danger and now all I should need to do is basically flip this thing on then the timer will start it starts dispense using water and

Then now let’s make sure real quick yep it starts raining mobs down into there they go down in the hole and then lastly down into the castle oh this is beautiful it’s exactly what I dreamed of you ever just get a vision in Minecraft and you’re just like yeah that’s that’s

What I want to do today you know and if I want it to be super op I can build like a little AFK spot a little ways up so that if I’m like hey I need some mob parts or you know I need some rotten flesh I’m trying to get some Emerald you

Know a little bit of that coin and obviously more mobs will spawn the higher I am so it’s free real estate oh Mr Skelly no I guess the only thing is I do need to make the hopper section just like a smidge bigger because they’re kind of like just barely missing

Um hey guys it’s time to come down goodbye let’s see can I get down there before then without dying preferably oh yeah oh yeah beautiful it’s just magnificent and now pretty much the only thing left to do is just decorate the courtyard a little bit because right now

This is looking terrible which we all know the best way to decorate things is with a little bit of magic there we go now look at that beauty oh now it’s so much better got some nice little Pathways can easily just you know step in the the mob rain everything’s all

Well lit once all the crops are all fully grown it’s gonna be beautiful and with our awesome castle mob farm all finished up and it is officially time to get started on building up a mega base which I have never done in Minecraft once in my life now most importantly

Before we get into building our official Mega base which is gonna be in the water oh that’s the ball GG shaker cup baby I transformed a Pillager Outpost into my shaker cup because I’m officially doing a shaker cup with G fuel that’s right guys today’s video is sponsored by

Myself as well as g-filled because I’ve made my own G4 speaker cup and G fuel has given me the opportunity to make my own shaker cup it’s very Sleek it’s very minimal it’s very Paul GG is what it is whether you guys drink a g fuel pre-workout water whatever you want to

Even drink out of it I mean I’m literally using this as a day to day cup now at this point I got like a bunch of them and you guys can too top Link in the description by usecode ballgia checkout it’s an amazing cup used day to

Day just like me you’ll be a better gamer I promise yeah if you guys didn’t know I am doing some YouTube shorts now officially where I’m just basically doing random things either in the hardcore world or a Minecraft butt challenge so you guys should uh check

Out my short and also check out the shaker cup because it is very limited and uh I want to make sure everyone gets one in time back to Mega bass though what I plan on doing is building it halfway underwater potentially half above water and also in the shape of a

Giant circle with maybe a courtyard in the middle I’m thinking this might be a really good location for it I don’t want it to be too far away from the farms and stuff but also I want to transform this entire Coastline into something basically I just feel like there’s a lot

Of opportunity I guess Islands got my giant creeper got some Coastline got my shaker cup regardless regardless though uh we are gonna need a lot of glass a probably disgusting amount of glass just to be able to make a bunch of Windows underwater and stuff because I mean it’s

Going to be underwater you know it’s got to be made out of glass let me grab a bunch of gunpowder real quick and let’s craft up a bunch of TNT and let’s set off for the desert now I brought TNT specifically because everyone always comments on my videos saying that Paul

You should use TNT when you’re getting sand because it’s way faster and I’m like I don’t know my shovel is pretty fast but I guess not but also it cost sand to make TNT so I don’t know in my brain this doesn’t work but I’m sure

Trust in you guys all right I’m just gonna start dumping some TNT in the desert and I’m gonna start blowing it up except I I just realized I brought no shulker boxes which means I can’t collect any sand I gotta go back home stupid me with my stupid face being all

Stupid there we go now we should be good to go and I’m gonna start popping some TNT let the chaos commence oh my gosh oh this is just chaos this better work okay maybe it is working maybe maybe my audience is right maybe they’re onto something maybe it’s Maybelline I’m also

Getting stupid Sandstone the width about a stack of TNT we got ourselves just about two shulker boxes some of it despawn because I was too slow to get to it but regardless sure this will be my new way of getting sand and I know a lot

Of people are like just build a sand duper blah blah blah I don’t know destroying the world’s kind of fun gotta be a little bit cleaner about how I do it so that way it’ll be easier to pick up all of the sand but regardless though

This should be a perfect way to get all the sand that we’re gonna need for the base and now with a bunch of sand later take this all home finally now that I’m finally home I’ve also kind of gone to the realization that I don’t really have

Much like it’s melts all the sand down with because I got just a regular furnace Auto smelter thing right here but I need like a mega smelter for all the sand right I mean it’s gonna be a big base so um maybe I should make one of those There we go now all I should need to do is pretty much just load up a chest with a bunch of sand look how fast that’s going and then basically just flick that lever and then now it should be sending them all off and there we go well having

This last one oh it had a rail in it but there we go now everything should be Auto smelting and it should fill up this chest which is going to fill off too fast so I should add another one there we go now we should have plenty of

Storage for all the glass wow that’s fast and then while all that glass is smelting I’ll be basically constructing our base over here in the ocean and I’m close enough so it’s still going to be smelting the entire time so now I got infinite amount of sand so long as I

Continue to refill it while I’m constructing our megabase which now I figured it’s about time we probably should get to building that uh now my goal for starting out this Mega base to make it remotely tolerable is obviously to do the outline like I mean I’ve drained like what eight Ocean Monuments

Now or so like lot uh so pretty pretty good at uh draining the ocean what I want to do is first set a center point for this entire thing because I’m going to be building two gigantic circles which this should be far enough from Land it might be a little bit close to

The island maybe go a little bit further because I want the sea floor to be as even as possible without having to you know take away layers or build it flat and if I get too close to the island the floor is going to be too high over there

And essentially this will be our very center point and now I want to build out about maybe 50 blocks in each Direction and there we go now we officially have the entire outline of the base let me give you the quick little rundown on how

This thing is gonna go so this is going to be kind of like the courtyard I think is what my plan is um where all this water basically from each one of these Corners is going to be drained out entirely then I’m gonna keep this middle section right here as a fish

Tank this is going to be like a little full of water fishy tank and then right here is going to be the portion that we are going to be able to walk through live inside of pretty much except this side looks a little bit bigger than this

Side maybe I make the outside the fish tank I don’t know regardless now it’s time to begin the next phase of this which is grabbing all the glass that we’ve been smelting down and pretty much just outlining the entire thing from top to bottom so that then we can eventually

Drain it all out so let’s just start filling up shulker boxes full of glass and now as far as like a main entrance for this entire thing goes it’s pretty much just gonna be like flying in and out of the center Courtyard so what I’m probably going to start off with is that

That’s on her Courtyard area since I also know for a fact that oh I need silk touch um since I know for a fact that this is all going to be drained out now originally I was thinking about placing sand because you know when you drain an

Ocean Monument you usually use a ton of sand but then I was like I want to break this hand and then place down all the glass anyways so it’s like is it really worth it I have to place down blocks twice right that crazy yeah regardless you with Epic b-roll foreign Did somebody say b-roll by that I actually mean um my replay mod kind of stopped working actually it only recorded this one clip of me setting up all the glass underneath the water and then all the other Clips just don’t exist so and since I know you guys are here for that

Quality content I figured I’d just give you the play-by-play exactly what I did in Photoshop so so to start off you know I sectioned off different portions of the entire uh Circle because you know I need to drain this thing out you know it’s a big section big section then all

Of a sudden I noticed that actually this looks like kind of like a basketball right like a little bit of anyways then I grabbed my sand and I dropped tons and tons of sand all the way down here to really section off every single thing so

That then when I gotta get in there with my sponges I was able to actually drain this thing out speaking of sponges unfortunately in this world I don’t really have very many sponges so I had to go slay some Elder Guardians and Tang did they get canceled then after getting

Those sponges I flew all the way back home home to start cleaning out the entire base of all of the water in each one of these channels except it looks a lot better than this right now I’ll be honest it looked way better and alas it

Is finally done the training is now over with I completely drained out this entire centerpiece which is like a little bit smaller than I would normally do like an ocean monument and then I’ve also drained out the outside ring except for well this this part because it’s a

Cave um and then also I discovered that literally after draining like 99 of this that uh the replay mod kind of didn’t record all my Clips or at least I record maybe I recorded too many all right maybe it’s my fault maybe it’s mine anyways I hope future Paul uh makes a

Good joke of it or something I hate that guy anyways now it is finally time to begin the next couple phases of the base because the way I want to do this is kind of making it so that there’s a roof on top of everything except for this

Area because like I said this area will be the courtyard as for the rest of the base though as for the rest of the base though being this entire ring essentially I do have to create it flat level because like there’s like hills and stuff like that right here but for

This entire section I want you guys to kind of create this base with me and that’s why I was saying in the beginning of this video that I want this to be of like a collaborative effort where you guys are also helping design and build this thing giving tons of suggestions in

The comments tell me what you guys want to see in the base pretty much all I’m gonna do is make it livable and then we’re gonna start working on it together but to even make a livable first I gotta get rid of all the stupid mountains and then put in some floors foreign

Ly done with flattening out the entirety of the base now oh that hurt um no totems forgot no Toto run need to be careful now what I need to do is essentially chop down an entire Forest worth of wood because I need to put down

A lot of a lot of plank I need that I’m hardwood floors and uh yeah I got like no wood left now ideally I do want to do oak wood usually I use Spruce Wood for pretty much everything because Spruce Wood looks phenomenal but this time

Around I’m gonna change it up by that I mean I’m literally just gonna do oak planks for the floor and then everything else will probably end up being spruced so let the flooring come in and there we go we’ve completely changed out all of the floors in the entire base

And now with all the floors completely done though that means that is time to begin working on the courtyard because this is also actually very uneven now I think about it I was gonna say it’s ugly but now it’s ugly and uneven sometimes I feel ugly and uneven anyways how’s it

Going champ what I want to do is I want to try to make it so that the entrance into the courtyards is basically through a tunnel on the flat sides of the circle the circles have flat sides in Minecraft wow wait hold on you just had a

Breakthrough right but before I even get to putting in some tunnels we gotta kind of landscape this we need to terraform this entire thing because we got a giant Hill over here and then not a hill over there and this all needs to be covered

In dirt mind you so first things first I need to shovel a ton of this real quick hold on I got poo brain I just realized I should definitely be building a beacon right now cause a beacon is gonna make this 100 way faster oh yeah there we go

Because that actually feels the exact same effect okay if you’re shoveling it doesn’t make much of a difference but for mining oh and now that feels great there we go either way satisfaction’s aside let’s just get to covering this entire thing with dirt and grass and

Making it look pretty and not so ugly yeah And there we go we’ve pretty much covered the entire circle in grass and or dirt one or the other and I started doing some terraforming like actually like building up a bit of like slopes and stuff like that but then I realized it’d probably just be best if I wait

Because like I said I want your guys’s opinions I want to know what do you guys want to see here we could put a village here we could put a forest we could put every single biome in Minecraft in the center of our base kind of sick actually

Make it like a giant sliced pizza or something oh my God a spider as a spider that scared me the whole face regardless next thing on the agenda is that I want to carve out essentially some tunnels that would be made up of glass that would attach from the inside of the base

To this outside portion so that then I could obviously get through the ocean that’s kind of separating us wait I should use slip touch not to mention that I mean let’s be honest this is gonna be kind of a vibey aesthetic to begin with by having these tunnels just

Chopped right through the center of our base and then let’s just attach it to the other side like so and I’m not going to stop this until I finish it I will drown 100 and I’m not going to get air oh hold on let me just eat my

Regeneration should out power it right or we should be op enough okay maybe I’m not all right and then now Donald is complete thank goodness because I looked around and die now we just gotta suck up all the water no stupid sponges stupid water stupid Minecraft already put the

Hoe away I didn’t think I was gonna need sponges again I already forgot about this I’m just gonna spam them get it over and voila there we go that’s pretty much what I want to do also on another side I’ll probably just do it directly across from that one right because I

Feel like that makes sense if I’m on this side of the base I go to this side uh but this side’s the cave I hate the cave and maybe we do it on this side whatever’s gonna need less work because we’re lazy like that maybe during our

Snack break it’ll all just be done there we go oh wait it didn’t work um why does magic oh wait no it did work it just worked on the side that I said I wasn’t gonna do it on I’m just kidding guys I’m stupid I’m just trying to make a joke um

Anyways I decided this side would be cool because now it looks like a bridge action actually and I started working on that side I was like ah but the Symmetry is going to get to me you know there being a hole on that side and then not

On this side but right there nah so I decided to make it here and it’s already being test driven by this guy who sells literally nothing because he sucks um comment down below some ideas what do we do with the courtyard guys do we build a

Village do I put a gigantic waterfall in the middle and put the bee cut on top meow hear me out guys that sounds cool because the Beacon’s already up there the only other thing that I really want to do is kind of add some more texture

To the base like I want to add some pillars along the glass walls and of course you can’t forget to put a roof on your house I mean you don’t want to be getting rained on and getting soggy whenever you uh wake up there we go now

That is a roof got some nice Windows going all the way around it so that then I can easily get some light in the base because honestly I’ve built way too many cave-like bases with no windows and also this thing is looking a lot better from

The top down I’ll be honest it’s really coming together but with our snazzy roof all out of the way it is time to head on inside because the only thing that I’m really gonna do inside the actual base itself like I said because I want you

Guys to kind of give me some insights Some Farms some setups I don’t know elevators for the storage room or something like that so I’m not going to build too much inside but what I am gonna build is basically my bedroom and where I’ll be sleeping and living and

Then maybe the library yeah probably the library what I want to do is convert one of these flatter sections of the circle because we already established that there’s flat portions of circles now into the bedroom so kind of like how our current base has the raised portion of the bed

Remix as I was saying I want to do something kind of like this doesn’t look even because this circle is like this is my biggest problem with circles in Minecraft is I mess them up no matter what but they just look circle enough this circle is smaller than this circle

So this will never line up but I need to make it look like it lines up I’m the best at hiding my ugly little mistakes trust me I can figure this out I think I just solved it it kind of looks nice no no it still doesn’t this oh my God you

Know what I’ve already come up with a new plan I’ve solved this first let me make the actual platform itself yeah night time and I do need to sleep and the new game plan is to just build one staircase I kind of want it to be like one of those swoopty looking ones

You know what I mean there we go a little something like that then it kind of goes up and over and then this will be our staircase up to basically our bedroom I’ll probably decorate it add like a little bit of roof or I could have some lighting and stuff like that

Because that kind of is the biggest problem with having this ginormous roof I know not to brag or anything but I also do need to replicate that staircase on this side as well which I definitely will not be able to do that much I know so we’re just gonna kinda wing it there

We go just like that now we got our staircase that goes up on this side as well as this side then what I want to do is just basically lower the floor right here since this roof is obviously a little short you know I’m a tall boy I

Need that Headroom you know what I’m saying I’m not trying to hit my head every time I go down to the library there we go a little something like that should do now we need to do is head on over to the old house the old Hobbit

Hole also Actually I don’t even know what I’m going to turn this thing into um we can just leave it as like an ancient ruin you know anyways then I’m gonna take all the bookshelves that I do have currently which I do need to expand on these because I can’t be having this

Little amount of bookshelves I’ll be honest it’s kind of pathetic and then let’s just set up our bookshelves just like so and there we go like I said I’ll expand on getting more later but it is what it is that works for now I’ll just line the entire thing up with

Bookshelves basically and actually now I think I do want to decorate this just a little bit more there we go now that oh wow you know how snazzy come on now you add a little bit of that Greenery to the place a little bit of texture by adding

Some walls and stairs and of course we need lighting because this place is literally a mob house like the amount of mob spawning in here is ridiculous I need to figure out more of like a permanent lighting system in here because um yeah this isn’t gonna work unfortunately be honest so actually

Comment down below how should I do the lighting in here obviously I could just slap some like you know uh sea lanterns on the walls or in the floor is actually like shroom lights or something like that line the into line the entire thing all the way around that’s a lot of

Blocks however would look cool but as I’ve said many times give me some ideas guys what do you want to see built inside the new megabase but also don’t forget about the Paul GG Shaker guys I’m pretty sure we’re like one of the first Minecraft channels ever to have a g fuel

Shaker which is pretty legendary in and of itself but also it’s a beautiful Shaker so make sure you guys go grab one regardless now that the mega bass is all finished up it is time to start upgrading this thing by taking some of your guys’s comments and creating a

Giant transformed nether portal we built up our Mega base well we kind of started building it right it’s a giant Circle in the ocean with an aquarium and a courtyard but I asked you guys to comment down below a bunch of different ideas and some things to add on to the

Which actually keep commenting on the video one for the YouTube algorithm appreciate you guys love you thanks too because like the cave under my base two because I want some more ideas what you guys want to see in the base you know you want to see all the beacons you

Want to see a giant storage unit thing with like an elevator uh I don’t know potato salad regardless today as I said we are going to be building up a brand new nether portal our nether portal yeah it’s it’s uh it’s pretty trash um and so what I want to do is transform

It and I want to put it in the middle of this circle but not just any old portal to clarify here I want to build up a gigantic tree okay a huge tree roots are spreading I want this place to look like ancient a lot of you guys were

Commenting saying make it like jungle themed make it a village how about we just do it all honestly how about we just uh kind of make it look epic now my biggest problem with building this up though is that I’m gonna need a lot of

Wood like a lot of wood so first things first we’re gonna have to figure out what would we want there’s a couple different wood in Minecraft that is a good option obviously there’s the classic oak wood we got Spruce dark oak and Acacia now we’re not going to do

Acacia and obviously Birch isn’t even on this list so we’re gonna keep it that way because Birch is terrible and now personally you guys know me I like spruce which actually for getting the wood it should be free real estate if we are going with this sprucy boy because my

Goal is to basically just combine a bunch of logs into these type of logs where it’s like four four-sided log I don’t know how this makes any sense anyways actually no I need those but we obviously do have our giant tree farm right here where we’ve just been growing

Up giant trees so all I really need to do is chop down a bunch of these first actually I need some bone meal hold on uh hopefully the last time we’ll ever have to use this ugly bottle that’s right I called you ugly wanna cry about

It stupid idiot but now it’s just real quick grab a bunch of bones for bone Mill nice nice that should be enough clothes and all we really need to do is just basically set up a tiny Beacon there we go now we got haste two which means I

Could chop down these trees even faster so let’s begin The Chopping Cause wait a second Minecraft 1.20 just dropped while I was in the middle of filming this video yeah I’m pretty glad that I spent all that time chopping down those trees now that 1.20 is out because uh yeah now this is all useless let me just throw all this away no I’m just

Kidding actually I still want it I worked hard for that wood but regardless now with 1.20 out obviously I gotta do 1.20 stuff you know what I mean like I love cherry blossoms in real life they’re beautiful they’re scrumptious and not to mention it would be so cool

Because they got some special effects is what I’ve seen also no OptiFine on 1.20 and and this glasses yeah that’s painful um but as I was saying though if I’m gonna be finding a cherry blossom biome that means that we’re gonna have to do some adventuring and explore some areas

That we have yet to see and I also know that it’s in a hilly Zone which means we kind of gotta go this way this is like the only hilly area I know of and so let’s let this adventure begin oh here we go our very first cherry

Blossoms oh oh it’s so actually small never mind um looks like it’s so beautiful it’s yeah it’s just a really small one uh I still want to find like an actual biome I mean I guess we can still check out the tree right now which this is what I

Wanted to see more than anything is that it drops like these pink flowers oh it’s so Majestic the way it just like rains down its petals then it creates this like Little Flower thing on the ground that yep you’re able to just like pick up and plant down oh it’s beautiful oh

Oh that sound hold on listen it’s so different okay let’s get a bunch of this real quick so I can play around with it and then wait what when you break oh no I have silk touch on my ax I was tripping me out I was like how did I

Just get leaves but yeah no it’s so touched yeah no it still makes sense that tracks look at this thing this is a beautiful block even the sapling it looks amazing okay hold on this this has to lead to like an actual biome right there’s got to be one not that far away

I want to see a beautiful giant luscious cherry blossom Vibe Cherry Grove or cherry yeah Cherry Grove I think is what it’s called and if not then we’re just wiping out that puny tiny depressing little Cherry Grove uh because I’m gonna need a lot of wood and then uh we’ll

Take all the saplings home I guess make our own Cherry Grove the next morning all right here we go we got a village let’s ask for some directions where’s the cherry blossom Vibe stupid where is it I see that villagers holding out on me pointing me back in the direction

That I already came from me back to the tiny one I’m just kidding guys it was it was all just a joke I wish villagers could tell me where I could go anyways I’m just gonna give up on trying to find a big one if you guys want to see an

Actual video of me like exploring all the 1.20 stuff drop a drop a comment down below and what do you want to see and also you have no Visa bees growing cherry blossoms I’m taking this yeah you know what I’ll take that too oh yeah there’s achievements in this game I

Haven’t gotten achievements in a while anyways let’s chop down a bunch of these trees real quick also gotta make sure I pick up all these saplings as well so that I could create a farm at home but now finally with all that wood chopping out of the way we are primed

Ready and got the wood to start building up this gigantomous tree like I said my goal here is to build up the biggest tree that I can right here in the center of this entire thing maybe put some like pawns and you know obviously other trees around it and everything make it look

Good but I do kind of want to do something with like the roots and make it look a little special around the base it’s kind of confusing how I’m even envisioning it so I’m not even going to bother trying to describe it which I’m also going to convert a good majority of

These into the four-sided logs I want to try to build it as centered as possible I still got the center of the entire circle marked down for our base so here what I’ll do is I’ll build the uh the height the max height that this tree

Will be well I guess to the bottom of our our nether portal probably maybe be about right there and then build up the platform in which the nether portal will be on actually I just realized even walking on this log it sounds different this is such a special wood either way

And so basically now the goal here is to basically just build up a gigantic tree which I feel like is easier said than done I feel like making a natural looking tree is actually kind of kind of hard um either way let’s see if we can get

This thing going and figure it all out there we go now it’s starting to come together pretty much got the the half of the front side going right now I am just kind of need to do it to the back also there we go so now we got the first side

And also the back side which is it’s coming along I need to kind of fix this Archway thing but I also did just realize you know we haven’t even hopped in this portal there there could just be a lot of Danger on the other side let’s

Just give it a look real quick which yeah there’s danger also we got that floor spawn near the the portal that we’ve already been to which this is our portal up here I say the portal that we’ve been to no The Fortress anyways yeah it’s still a perfect spawn in fact

It’s actually just easier now I’m closer to Lava um sir uh thank you so now this thing’s coming along all I really need to do is pretty much finish up but you know creating the archway and stuff that’s already looking cool that dark wood that dark wood with

The the dark purple it’s already looking good as I was saying though you know I need to start working on obviously getting the branches going having some a little bit lower than others and then kind of creating the big poof you know what I mean the big poof I need leaves I

Need lots of leaves yeah and so that’s exactly what I went and did was chop down a bunch more of these trees and cheered a bunch more leaves and oh this is pained oh good thing I uh I got this Jeep field to help me get through this

And now that we got a bunch of leaves the next thing that I want to do is essentially start building up a couple of branches and then I got an intruder huh what are you doing on my lands anyways I’ll deal with that later I’ve never been very good at building up the

Giant poofy parts of trees but I think I I think I know what I’ve been doing wrong so uh yeah we’ll uh we’ll see how this goes ha Foreign There we go now we’re talking we’re starting to get it together I’m realizing there’s a decent bit of a gap on both of these now that I’m looking at it from a wide POV so I’m definitely gonna have to fill this in but what basically did my strategy for this was

After I chopped down and uh got a bunch of leaves I realized I could literally just like grow saplings like so I just placed down some dirt grew up a sapling and it creates this like natural look of like branches because these trees obviously don’t just grow in a straight

Line so essentially that’s what I basically started doing after placing down uh half of the leaves that I already sheared away from trees yeah again I need to kind of fill this in real quick Gotta be careful flying no totem run gotta be careful and now with the leaves kind of touched up now I need to begin the next process which is pretty much like I want to try to grow the roots to look like they’re coming underground and then up and above ground over here and

Then going through the glass you know what I mean so it’s kind of interactive with the base itself so it’s like technically the roots will be going down underground right here then they’d be coming up above ground right oh so I need to kind of create a gigantic route

That would then be going up and into the glass make it a little thickness right you know there we go a little something like that and then on the inside of the glass I also need a place down a bunch of these and I wanted to kind of be

Shaped and angled so that then it’s going up and through the wall of the inside of the base as well this is a very interactive uh nether portal by the way sometimes I forget that I’m actually just building another portal right now and like I said I wanted to go through

The inside of the base and this will make sense later and then go all the way back outside the base and above the water where I’m also going to be placing down a bunch of the cherry blossom leaves as well and I’m thinking about in the future adding all

The beacons To Each corner of the base on top of each one of these little cherry blossom trees guys comment down below you want to see me build all the beacons because that’ll be painful um yeah I’d put them on top of these little platforms I probably just flatten

It out and then using the inside root system what I want to do is place down a couple of chains and stuff and then I’m able to place down a shroom light so then we also have some kind of natural looking light as well dangling from the

Ceiling which IMO just kind of looks nice another thing about I actually kind of just want to add some shroom lights also to the actual branches up there because then it’ll like kind of more glow at night and we’re beautiful but now all I need to do is essentially add

One of those roots to each one of these Corners bigger and smaller and about a bing bada boom and there we go now we’re talking okay we got all of our Roots all set up I planted a bunch of new trees so now this place is really starting to

Come together and I’m actually really liking this world already now that I’m looking at it I’m starting to realize that this thing’s kind of it’s kind of chunky you know like it doesn’t really have that like whoosh tree shape like I need to chop down some of these sides a

Decent bit yeah I’ll be honest building trees kind of my biggest weakness and I got a lot of weaknesses most of you guys probably know that already if you’ve been watching my videos I’ve had I mean I just suck at building even though you guys comment and gas me up so I do

Appreciate that there we go now that’s starting to look a little bit better now it’s got a little bit more of a whoosh to it slice off a little bit more but then look at the opposite look what I did over here terrible and you guys be

Honest with me good or bad build you know what in fact just bully me I actually don’t I’m fragile and now I essentially just need to do the same thing to the other side now because it’s too flat and too ugly I guess one way I

Can also do it is kind of well I don’t want to add on I’m trying to make it skinnier I’m stupid we’ll start chopping all this this guy actually good because this will give me a little bit of wood back for the next thing that I want to

Do since we are running a bit low on wood after building this thing there we go now she got that figure you know I’m saying where it’s like going whoosh all the way up like uh it’s not just like fat and straight up I guess I don’t know

How to describe it it just like a tree didn’t have a very tree shape is the only way I can really put it but now with how peaceful it’s starting to feel you know we got these leaves falling down which actually why isn’t it making the flowers isn’t it supposed to be

Making flowers on the ground is it because we’re at sea level anyways what I do want to do now is actually start using a bit of the planks for the cherry blossom wood and then what I want to do is build up a house or two actually

Maybe down in this corner right here start off by building one real quick and what I want to do with this house is experiment first of all with a little bit of this wood because the stripped version of this log looks amazing with the regular version of this log which

Typically you want to mix like you know know the actually yeah no it planks are solid but the stripped version looks really good with the uh the actual regular version of it I want to do a little bit of experimenting with these logs building a house so then we can

Have a couple villagers living inside of our our Courtyard so I just built this thing I realized uh it’s not really not really symmetrical so hold on let me fix this real quick there we go we’ll start off with a little something like that and you know what let’s just try to make

All the walls pink real quick I want this villager living in style I also gotta experiment with the roof a little bit I’m mixing some slabs along with some stairs oh yeah that’s feeling a bit fancy the only thing is that I do need

To mix in a little bit of stone I’m not gonna lie like the pink it’s it’s a bit much it’s nice but it’s a bit much I do kind of like this little like half slab shape thing that I just created never done that before in my life let me grab

Some stone brick real quick and just replace the pink logs oh and then now I’m kind of torn actually because the the dark log with the pink log you know we’re just gonna go pink log for this house and also gotta replace the floors in this thing so you know what we

Already have so many pink logs that it’s like why not I guess actually it does make a really nice floor color the doors unfortunately I kind of ah they’re all right I don’t really like the see-through doors in Minecraft personally not the biggest fan of them

And they sound weird yeah it’s a little weird but there we go now we got a nice little villager Hut all I need is a an actual villager so uh hold on let me go find one of those ah we still do have some villagers trapped from when we are

Transporting them to our underwater trading outposts which uh one of you guys need to get out get in no not poof there we go and now get in please thank you up here you’re coming with me oh look at that apology Shaker cut back there dude that was sick dude now while

I’m transporting this guy on over here I want you guys comment down below actually what’s some names that you would like uh for this villager I’m thinking guys you know in my old world I used to name things after subscribers now hear me out not saying I’ll do

Whatever video because I will be lazy and I will for forget but maybe some videos okay actually how am I gonna get you down here so I’m just gonna have to like waterfall you down somehow come on get up go no not that way dang it stupid

Idiot yeah I know what I need to do where’s that boat place the boat up there push you on into it and send you on your way there we go and now brother welcome home it’s peaceful it’s beautiful occasionally there’s mobs that spawn because I’m way too lazy to torch

It up out here you don’t care you know where you belong in your windowless house hold on two seconds there we go and now you’re living like royalty now the only other thing that I want to do is craft up a few more chains because I

Want to craft up some of these hanging signs brand new just added to 1.20 and the only downside to it is that it does require logs six whole logs if you do get six signs so I guess it’s not really that bad it’s a sign of log you can make

Some really really cool stuff with this which actually I should have just probably included this in the actual build but now I want to slap a name on this right here you know so it’ll be like XYZ house you could also just right click now comment and a name please plus

Plus there we go and then we’ll name him in the next video but my goal though is to hang these signs also on the inside of the house all over the place to be able to point me in the direction of everything because this is going to be a

Huge obviously house and everything that we’re building everything based on comments down in the comment section because like I said this giant tree thing was actually a suggestion originally it was going to be to turn the entire thing into jungle but then you know a jungle kind of went out the

Window and you know cherry blossom um and finally with that nether portal transformation out of the way it is time to build up an iron Factory and make a better iron farm honestly building this iron farm it couldn’t have come at a better time because our current

Situation is honestly just on little I missed the ladder it’s honestly just a little depressing our iron farm is Tiny we got one tiny little villager farm up here and oh actually we got a little bit of Juicy iron in there right now as I was saying it’s just one tiny little

Iron farm and now I built this up along with a couple starter Farms but um yeah the world the world’s gotten a lot bigger since then and the builds have gotten a little bit more extreme in that tiny little iron farm just ain’t gonna cut it guys what I do want to

Build up is a brand new iron Factor right here on the coast and I want to transform this entire Coastline into essentially an industrial farming Zone I want to pollute the ocean it’s gonna all everything’s gonna dump out right into the ocean and and it’s gonna it’s gonna

Be like real life as I was saying though iron farm boom right there but first things first we’re gonna need some resources not chicken eggs now as for resources for building this thing up I’m definitely going to want a whole lot of spruce wood because it’s going to be like a coastal oceany

Factory town type thing basically why am I chopping this down hold on just remembered in the last video I actually I already chopped down a lot of spruce um a ton actually but then after I chop down all the trees Minecraft decided to update to 1.20 which um yeah I had to do

Cherry blossom for this build I mean come on needless to say we could already check off wood off this list plenty of spruce in the pocket now next thing I’m going to want a whole lot of is probably going to be a decent bit of clay because

If it’s going to be a factory obviously it’s gonna have some bricks I mean I’m sure a million people have already seen a cookie Gods videos my boy cookie builds some pretty Swanky looking factories it’s just like getting Clay’s pain why is it why is it gonna suck make

It easier please Paul from the future here turns out I am a pea brain and there is a much easier way of getting bricks and well that’s actually just villager trades now my new number one problem is that I’m going to need a lot of emeralds and ideally what I would

Want to do is probably build like a villager Outpost Farm type of deal going because you could get a lot of emeralds that way now the only reason why I’m hesitant is because I’d probably be tempted to use totems and as most you guys probably know that are following

This series we are doing a no totem run I’ve never done it on Hardcore before makes a high risk makes my anxiety High um needless to say though yeah probably not using totems anyways um my only other option is my villager trading hall because the villager

Trading all I can be able to set up tons of Fletchers do tons of trades for sticks and get tons of emerald there we go now we should have plenty of emeralds that now I could finally buy up a bunch of bricks the only problem I’m realizing

Now is everybody is a Fletcher I need I need stone masons guys I’ll be back I’ll bring some potatoes you guys are gonna it’s gonna get hot and heavy down here I’m back everyone and as promised potatoes all around I just need some hard workers in here all right the next

Morning there we go now we should have plenty of villagers so that then I can be able to buy up all my bricks and finally spend all this juicy money oh speaking of money if you guys got money you’re trying to spend by the way we got

Apology GG fuel shaker cup by the way just so you guys know link down in the description pretty special unique and last but not least the final thing that we need to gather up for our Factory is a lot of stone I’m just gonna sit here

And get some Stone but now finally with all the resources that we’re going to be able to need for building up this Factory at least to the way that I’m envisioning it it is time to begin construction by that I mean um uh terraforming the land let’s uh get to that

Um oh well there we go perfect actually hopefully this will be big enough for the factory that I’m envisioning and with all that terraforming though out of the way we can finally get started on the Construction and building up the entire frame of this thing for starters

Now first things first what I want to do do is essentially build up the platform mixed up with a bunch of different Stone the base of this is gonna be stoned there we go now we’ve pretty much set up all the bones for this thing obviously

It’s still got a little ways to go it’s kind of hard to Envision it as is we got kind of a slope roof going on over here and then this one’s gonna be triangle roof regardless it’s all thicko mode this thing’s big and and I gotta I gotta

Load it up with brick now Foreign There we go now we got the entire thing completely filled in with all the bricks that we’re going to be using and now I can actually get to accenting this thing a little bit but actually I probably I really should put the roof on this

Because the roof is going to be a little bit complicated we got a rounded roof and then we got a triangle Roofing kind of blending those uh it kind of sucks balls sometimes I’ll be honest for the slanted roof my goal here is to have it

So that there’s glass going all the way across like so I’m also gonna need to cover up all this brick with some slabs as well then we get that this part where it’s going to be a bit more confusing and I’m realizing that I didn’t quite

Build this as high as I should have let’s go ahead and build that up with one more block maybe which means I also need to rebuild this entire thing but I’m also now realizing that that won’t work this is where I was talking about kind of stuff all sometimes combined in

These different shaped roofs it ain’t adding up looks like I’m pretty much just gonna have to slap a bunch of Glass on it like so and actually this should would be able to work there we go now we got our snazzy glass roof over this portion of the entire thing so now

We need to start working on the triangle roof which I’m going to continue the mixed stone look all the way up there we go now we got a finished up roof so we got our rounded glass roof right here so we can get some sunlight in the building

And then we also got our triangle roof with some smoke stacks sticking up the top of them which I just put a little bit of uh hay bales on top of a fireplace you know the Smoky is extra Smoky I don’t know is that still a thing

In Minecraft I thought it was back in the day so I did it regardless now that the outside structure is pretty much done other than basically doing decorations I also still now I actually just realized that we haven’t even done the floors um that’s a little awkward uh

Oh there we go nice that looks much better actually imagine the rafters up top which actually I need to do some lights hanging from those so that we can actually get rid of these stupid torches but most importantly I do actually need to build like the farm like I realized I

Got caught up in the structure having fun building it and that I haven’t even started building the actual Farm itself which I’m still definitely gonna need some villagers for this Farm which I think I still got one or two roaming around over here from back when I set up

The Tater Farm oh yeah look at this guy doesn’t even know what’s gonna hit him there we go and then let’s just oh sorry sorry about that all right you’re coming with me though oh look at that industrial moving in baby ruining the neighborhood now the goal is to

Transform this entire Coastline into basically all these like factories and like a waterfront Village type thing where I’m gonna have like a uh docs that’ll look really cool when this thing’s all done in the future trust me it’s all going to be right next to the

Base so then the Farms are going to be chugging along and it will be uh Mega Rich easy peasy just gotta build a staircase all the way up now and now technically I should be able to just lure him up with a job let’s just get

You out of that boat buddy and push you on land get over there stupid uh look at him go he’s so excited new life ahead of him the more standing on the side of the water huh where’d you go oh you’re my bed no no no no no I said no go buddy

Get in the boat the boat is your bed and now all I need to do is basically just bring over at least one more villager which I remember there being another one over here gotta let him uh Jerome do their own thing oh there’s two actually I mean to interrupt this conversation

But um I’ll be taking your friend all right definitely realizing now that I should probably build like a villager burrito Farm over here as well if I’m gonna be building a lot of farms and stuff like that then uh usually you always need villagers and I hate transporting these guys they’re so

Annoying and I’ll park you right next to your friend and then you guys could look over the fjords happily ever after and now it is officially time to begin construction though and my goal here is to basically take the already existing Farm but multiplying it and making it

Bigger making it better more villagers more power because in reality it’s a decent farm and it’s an easy Farm it’s just that you’re able to add a lot to it because I mean yeah no those things this thing’s filling up pretty fast still just not enough you know it’s never

Enough and so now with that in mind basically what I’m gonna do is customize a little bit more make it fit to the new Factory and make it just a little bit better there we go now we got both of the Villager pods all set up so

Basically what I need to do is just give these villagers some potatoes then they’ll oh wait a second better not wake up out here I’m just gonna I’ll block it off until they have kids but my goal here was to break this glass once they

Have kids the kids are going to be like oh my God other beds and they’re gonna run over here and then they’re gonna get trapped over here and then they’re gonna grow up and then I’ll have more villagers over here it’ll be easy peasy but now while waiting for them to have

Kids well first of all let me go to sleep because they’re not gonna do it while they’re sleeping and just like that they had their first kid so then now the kid is gonna get all excited and want to wander and go on an adventure

And he has nowhere else to go but over there where he’s gonna be trapped forever and yeah but then once I got villagers on both sides Iron Golems are gonna spawn on top water will push them they’ll land down here water then will push them into a destroying chamber bada

Boom once once once the village is done maybe we just fast forward to when the villagers are done and in the meantime I could just work on making this thing aesthetically pleasing and then also finish up with the the water tables oh my gosh while I’m setting this up we got

Our first contestant pulling up Just Dropped In The Water channels are clearly working totally fine but I just need to finish setting up the lava so then the lava will do all the work for me but first I need to finish up with stupid chest there we go now that looks

Much better now we got the slaying chamber all set up so now so that’s illegal okay well obviously this is a this is a minor flaw in the system that is easily solved by waiting and he’ll just fall in the water uh but as we can see Iron Golem gets pushed

Pushed all the way to Lava he starts burning up it’s hot in here baby okay I need to drop the lava down like one block now I’m realizing it this is not quite touching the lava anymore and he needs to always touch lava I’ll go ahead

And fix that one now um excuse me sir I need you to die and here we go and now here’s the final test I had to drop down the lava a decent bit and also move the chest but it should be fully functional now with the double Iron Golem spawner

Pumping out Iron Golems we should be able to get plenty of iron out of this the only thing left that I really need to do is kind of decorate the outside and cover these blocks because these blocks are high enough to where Iron Golems are gonna spawn on them uh and I

Gotta do that all the way around besides I need to decorate the outside it’s looking pretty Bare still uh anyways and if I’m gonna be doing decorations I’m definitely gonna have to fill in all of these windows preferably with blocks so that the panes aren’t going to leave any

Sort of room for any iron golems to spawn I’m trying to be as cautious as I possibly can I also gotta add like some depth to these windows a little bit or like texture you know filling in these corners just putting some stairs add some wood on top of it with some trap

Doors so that then no Iron Golems are gonna be able to spawn but also it just looks scrumptuous it’s okay you don’t have to lie to me I know it looks good and maybe it looks all right right there doesn’t really look that good either way

I’m basically gonna do that to each and every single one of these oh it’s gonna look so much better when I got OptiFine I hate these stupid lines on the glass I just wish Minecraft would make a special glass or something like that there we go

Now with all the windows filled in we had a little bit of texture to the outside instead of it being so squared off in all the corners and everything a little bit more texture with the wood as well the only thing that I really want

To add is just some more light in here it is it is depressing um yeah let me get to that for doing that what I want to do is basically make kind of like a little bit of a chandelier going down right here with just a few lanterns hanging off of it

And then basically do uh wanted to do the same thing but now it’s not only even OCD is going to kill me for this one but hey committing there we go that’s looking a little bit better I mean they’re kind of ugly oh it’s a little ugly you know and with all the

Lights and stuff out of the way the next thing that I do want to do is start actually building up a staircase or down a staircase rather towards the water because like I mentioned before what I want to do is essentially turn this entire Coastline into kind of like the

Industrial Revolution you know I want to have like a bunch of factories I want to have a waterfront Village right here it’s going to look awesome it’s gonna require um a lot of docks and and a lot of a lot of building but for now since I did

Already chop down a ton of trees I figured why not at least get started on this thing there we go with the staircase all finished up going down into the docks I want the docks to be kind of raised off the water as well so

Then you could kind of see the uh the old Sticky posty Thing underneath the water holding it up definitely not going all the way to the ground with this only uh you and I will know this all right comment section no need to bring this up the supports are just for aesthetic

That’s okay and then now I got this nice little dock thing set up I’ll probably expand it outwards more because like I said this entire Ridgeline is just gonna be more buildings maybe also built inside of the mountain itself the next thing I want to do is essentially build

Out a little bit of a widened platformer right here where we’re just gonna basically build up a nice little villager house nothing too special you know a nice little basic house I mean I don’t think anyone’s gonna really be living in this thing anyways eventually

I mean once this thing’s done we got a whole village going on over here my main goal though for this house is that I wanted to essentially be like a um kind of windmill but a uh Watermill water yeah so what I want to do is just basically create a water mill

Never done this once in my life by the way it might turn out dookie you know what yeah I already goofed nice go me go team high fives all around there we go now we got our our winter water mill I keep want to say windmill or watermelon

And I you know it’s like I like it but I kind of don’t at the same time guys comment down below do I just blow this up on TNT keep it a buck with me comments please is it ugly I need to know I think it looks all right not in

Love with it though regardless though the full wide view of this thing is really telling me that this is gonna be a really cool project the entire Coastline looking like this is gonna look beautiful beautiful and also comment down below some more farms and stuff my goal with building up this iron

Farm is because there’s an iron golem up there that that’s illegal as I was saying goal with building up this iron farm was primarily to be able to get a lot of Hoppers because I need to build a gigantic storage system inside the mega base um what I’m thinking is to

Literally just line this entire wall with chess and then make it go down really far and just just make it a really gigantic thing that to be able to store every single item in Minecraft in so comment down below some more of these Farms if you guys want to see some and

If you enjoyed the video make sure you guys smash that like button hit subscribe join the follow GG Army because we all know you should right and because I love you now go tell your mother you love her and I will see you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2023-06-21 16:00:03. It has garnered 775889 views and 9683 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days In minecraft Hardcore PaulGG Shaker ➡ https://gfuel.com/collections/shakers/products/paulgg-shaker-cup Today on the Minecraft hardcore series, I am building up an iron factory becasue its about time

Watch from Ep1 ➡ https://youtu.be/WTshrEnT6ag ( The best start in minecraft hardcore )

Check out my last video ➡ https://youtu.be/1QdHQZqUuPw ( I Built AN IRON FACTORY In Minecraft Hardcore! ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💬 Discord ➡ https://discord.gg/v3SA7Tp 💬 Reddit ➡ https://www.reddit.com/r/PaulGG/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔴 Twitch ➡ https://www.twitch.tv/notpaulgg 🐤 Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/NotPaulGG 📷 Insta ➡ https://instagram.com/notpaulgg

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    Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Creating the Most Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Looking to build the coziest townhouse shops in Minecraft? Join in on this creative Minecraft build where you will be guided step by step to create these cute townhouse shops. This video showcases a unique approach compared to the previous videos in the Cozy Mountain Resort series. Feel free to share your thoughts on which style you prefer! Building Process In this video, the focus is on constructing charming townhouse shops that add character to your Minecraft world. The step-by-step instructions make it easy for players to follow along and recreate… Read More

  • Minecraft Dungeons Fail

    Minecraft Dungeons Fail The Rise and Fall of Minecraft Dungeons Introduction Minecraft Dungeons, a spin-off of the wildly popular Minecraft game, took the gaming world by storm with its unique take on the dungeon-crawling genre. Players were drawn to its charming graphics, engaging gameplay, and cooperative multiplayer features. The Beginning The game’s release was met with excitement and anticipation, as players delved into the various levels, battling mobs, collecting loot, and exploring the vast world of Minecraft in a new light. The introduction of new weapons, armor, and artifacts added depth to the gameplay, keeping players hooked for hours on end. Part… Read More

  • “Insane YouTuber Hack: Sub Boost Potion” #clickbait

    "Insane YouTuber Hack: Sub Boost Potion" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘구독자 늘리는 포션#shorts’, was uploaded by 공갈 on 2024-05-31 09:00:17. It has garnered 116879 views and 5624 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #minecraft 🔔If you find me here, please click subscribe🔔 Mode information https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/breeding-potion 📷Link to sign up for ‘Gonggalgal’ membership (Vlog) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQyxwKimAFoloIEzaqVP16w/join Various inquiries (we will respond as quickly as possible) 💚E-mail: [email protected] 💜Instagram: https://goo.gl/svvz93 Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel Challenge

    Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-08-31 09:00:31. It has garnered 5346 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • 🔥EPIC DRAGON Encounter in Hardcore Minecraft #100days

    🔥EPIC DRAGON Encounter in Hardcore Minecraft #100daysVideo Information This video, titled ‘🐲 Mon Premier Dragon en #hardcore sur Minecraft ! #100days #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nebulus FatGame on 2024-07-24 15:00:14. It has garnered 1557 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 💪 My First Dragon in Hardcore on Minecraft! |🔷✅ GOAL ➡ 10,000 Subscribers!! 🔷| #minecraftshorts #minecrafthardcore #minecraftmemes #survivalminecraft #shorts #100dayschallenge Read More

  • Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream Home

    Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream HomeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building My Starter House’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2024-04-20 13:00:11. It has garnered 10950 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:28 or 1468 seconds. Chilled Minecraft let’s play to relax/study to! Welcome to episode four where today we are starting construction on a starter home! World Seed: 17 🔵Twitter – https://twitter.com/itsmarloe 🟠Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/itsmarloe/ 🟡Discord – https://discord.gg/TpJAe2K 🔴Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/itsmarloe2 ⚫TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@itsmarloe 🟣Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/marloe_ 🌟Shaders – https://bitslablab.com/ 🎨Resource Pack – https://vanillatweaks.net/ & My own custom pack (available to download for my YouTube members and Twitch subscribers) Mods… Read More

  • The Silence Minecraft Mod: Terrifying Gameplay with FlappyJacky

    The Silence Minecraft Mod: Terrifying Gameplay with FlappyJackyVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Played the SCARIEST Minecraft Mod | The Silence’, was uploaded by FlappyJacky on 2024-04-12 19:00:06. It has garnered 6332 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:49 or 409 seconds. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/CQ9JyKfGUJ This video, we played one of the scariest Minecraft mods called the Silence. If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe! some boring tags: —————————————– Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is… Read More

  • “SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱” #Minecraft

    "SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Age will attack your base?😵#minecraft #shorts #mrbeast’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-05-09 01:00:18. It has garnered 16400 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel 😚 X (Twitter)https://twitter.com/iceopi1219?t=g8S9v-ohQLSnAMFSt-ZSkg&s=09 KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!

    Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Filling out the tip (of my tower) [VOD] Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Exinerate VODs on 2024-09-25 19:57:17. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:50 or 12410 seconds. Minecraft SMP stream from September 25th 2024 Follow me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/exinerate_ezx Subscribe to my main channel! @Exinerate_EZX Check out my Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/daniel.exinerate/ Join my community Discord! https://discord.com/invite/rtSwu2dsKE Check out my TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@exinerate Read More

  • Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft server

    Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I forced TF2 YouTubers to join my Minecraft server’, was uploaded by LucidLIVE on 2024-08-24 18:00:07. It has garnered 4943 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. This was a mistake… FULL STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei9yB6TN3CI People in the video: @ZestyJesus @orrenlane @PurpleColonel @RichterOvertime @SnowmanSixtyFour @bradleyg_ @furnset @Technicals @Lonqudor @PartyPugTV @daws__ Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio thelucidletters, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, teamart, music, fixtf2, savetf2, lucid dreaming, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, team fortress 2, team fortress two, team fotrees 2, tem fortress two,… Read More

  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

    Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fight With A Zombie In MINECRAFT 😅 #shorts #minecraft #explore #viral’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-06-07 23:49:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts … Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! play.soulpvp.fun Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

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  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/stan616 Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP 😨 || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir ►Discord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)