I Survived 1,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)

Video Information

I just survived 1 000 days in my Hardcore Minecraft world so to celebrate this I bring you the full 1000 Days movie containing every single day of this Hardcore Minecraft Journey the progression you’re about to see in this world from day one to day 1000 is truly something special so if you want

Something to watch while you study or just want to see the crazy progress I make in this world I hope you enjoy this movie now here’s the story of surviving 1000 days in Hardcore Minecraft okay welcome to episode one of the Minecraft hardcore series and well we all know

What we need to do for episode one thank you all right there we go we have got all of the basic tools now I’m just looking around our world and it’s actually looking really interesting because we have a shipwreck literally right there and then an Oak Forest right next to a

Jungle biome so it seems like already we have a very interesting world first things first let’s just go ahead and loot this shipwreck hold up just a second aren’t Shipwrecked supposed to be in the water I mean what even is this oh here we go we found the first one

Please have some goodies in okay let’s break this block and okay we have a buried treasure map and we’ll leave the rest of that in there actually you know what we’ll take the feathers now for the second chest and this one has oh a bunch

Of iron let’s go and that’s about it now the question is is it worth going to get this buried treasure okay so I’ve just done some quick calculations and it turns out there’s no point getting this buried treasure because you see I’m over here and the buried treasure is all the

Way over there which means it will take me so long to even get to the buried treasure that it’s just not worth it I mean okay it turns out I couldn’t help myself let’s see what we get oh okay two diamonds and even more iron I literally

Almost have enough for a full set of iron armor got some gold and some food which is all cooked up for us which works out perfectly because I’m running out of hunger how is it already night time and even more importantly how is there this many mobs on my world okay so

I think we need to go somewhere safe and luckily for me I already know exactly where I should go dig directly down because I’m I’m scared okay because it’s already night time I’m actually gonna use this to my advantage and go mining and see if we can get some more iron

Okay I can hear zombies and stuff which is always a um you know what I think it’s just best for us to try and see what’s in that chest so let’s try and do that and oh we found cold this is perfect okay let’s put the Torches here and let’s see if we

Can just about Reach This spawner there we go another thing I just realized is we probably can’t go mining for too long because I have only five pieces of food I should also probably make myself a shield a better sword and also a better pickaxe all right there we go this could

Go absolutely terrible but I’m going to attempt to do some mining so you know what let’s just go for it Um yeah maybe going down there isn’t a good idea but I think if we smelt up some of our iron so we can get some iron armor we may just be able to go down into that cave and actually be safe okay iron chess play Iron helmet iron

Leggings and now all we need is some iron boots you know what we’re actually making some pretty good progress now down in that cave it is deep slate level which can only mean one thing well well actually two things the first thing is is we are actually really far

Underground and the second thing is that’s the area where you can find diamonds but before we even get down there let’s try and not let these creepers explode okay let’s try to be extremely careful let’s get our food here okay we can do this we can do this

Although it is really really scary okay we got some gold right there oh okay nice we already have some lapis as well let’s just take all of this really quickly and let’s just keep looking around because we do not know who is gonna sneak up on us so it turns out

This cave is absolutely giant look we can go down here and there’s still even more caves leading on down oh okay there is a a creeper right there okay let’s get rid of you all right there we go and as you can see the cave just keeps going

I’m kind of tempted to go down there you know what let’s just do it I really want to find diamonds and please don’t be a dead end ah okay it’s it’s a dead end okay I knew it I knew I would find diamonds down here okay let’s go okay we

Need to get rid of this water source I knew I would find diamonds this quickly we have done it we have found our first diamonds in episode one let’s go okay let’s be very careful let’s make sure no Creepers Are Gonna sneak up on us let’s

Just put a torch here and a torch here just in case and let’s go ahead and mine these diamonds please be a lot okay please don’t just be three please be maybe four could we get fourth and okay you know what wait what I was so

Confused for a second why I had five diamonds but then I realized that I literally got some back at the shipwrecks so that’s why I have that many diamonds but it turns out our first amount of diamonds we found is three and you know what it’s not amazing but I’ll

Take it I’m actually so excited we found diamonds already I’m also just taking every single piece of iron I can find because as we all know when you first start out a new Minecraft world iron is basically one of of the essentials that you need so whenever I find some I’m

Making sure to pick it up seeing as this small mining trip has already been a huge success I think now is a good time to head back up and make ourselves a home hold on just a second take a look at what we found here okay so I’m mining

Up to go into the Overworld and we have found a glow squid trapped in this tiny piece of water okay maybe not so tiny now but I do want some glowing ink sacks so um I’m sorry I’m sorry and that is what we’re looking for we have ourselves

A glowing sack now let’s get back to mining all the way up to the top now I don’t know about you guys but I think living on this island over here would actually be really cool because it’s pretty much all flat which means we have

A ton of space for building so let’s go and get some food and then we’ll build our house on this island okay Gamers food has been obtained which means it’s now time to build a house but really quickly it’s becoming nighttime so let’s just go ahead and sleep so yeah

Let’s get to building this house and I think the first thing I’m going to do is completely flatten this island change all of the sand into grass and doing all of this flattening is gonna require a bunch of shovels but don’t worry I have it covered I’m cooking up all of my iron

From the mining trip so I can make some shovels another thing we’ve got to do is completely get rid of the Shipwreck so let’s get to work on transforming this island for our first house [Applause] We have done it we have flattened out the entire Island right now and this is looking like the perfect space for us to build our house so what I’m thinking right now is that we go ahead and build our house around about here because then

That way we have the rest of the island to basically do whatever we want with but for now let’s just really quickly make some new tools let’s get a new ax and also another shovel because what I’m going to do is start Gathering materials for our first house and is that a ruined

Portal yes it is let me just take a look in here oh also what is it with structures spawning really weirdly in this world first it was the Shipwreck just on land and now there’s this what I think I’m gonna do now is just collect

Up a bunch of oak wood for the build and basically get every piece we’re gonna need I’m hoping this is gonna be enough wood for the build now all I need to do is get a bunch of cobblestones so that I can make some stone bricks Take a look what I have found while mining for Cobblestone we have got even more diamonds so it’s time to see how many we got one two two diamonds oh that is what I was looking for we got three diamonds okay so I’m back from mining cobblestone and

This is the amount we have obtained as you can see we have a bunch of cobblestone right here and I actually need to turn some of this into stone bricks which means I’m gonna need a lot more furnaces so um yeah I think that’s gonna be enough

Furnaces I think I may have overdone it just a slight bit there but anyway let’s start cooking up some of this Cobblestone and then we should be good to start building I think a good idea that we can do is actually use some of this Stone here because we can make a

Stone cutter I’m pretty sure this is just a faster way to get stone brick so this is really going to help us out also can we just take a look how satisfying having all of this flat spaces on the island we have so much space to do

Whatever we want and trust me guys we are going to transform this island into something insane I mean I have some pretty crazy ideas of not only things we can do on this island but also things that we’re going to be doing in this series now we’re making pretty decent

Progress smelting up all of this Stone and turning into stone bricks so you know what guys I think now is the perfect time to build our very first home let’s do this thank you so I have built this platform right here and this stone brick platform is where

I’m going to be building my house on top of so now that we have this platform done all I need to do now is build the house foreign Check it out this is the house all done well technically it’s not all finished because we have to go ahead and do the interior and stuff like that but you know what it’s looking pretty good if I do say so myself I mean we got a little

Balcony right there we have the front door we have like a bunch of different rooms but yeah this is our house guys let me know Down Below in the comments what you actually think of this place and also give me some name suggestions because you know what I actually want to

End up naming my house it would mean a lot if you guys comment down below what you actually think of the house but not only that I’m going to be putting a sign right there with one of your name suggestions of what we should call this house so guys comment down below what

You think we should call this house and apart from that I think it’s time that we start with the interior alright so not only do I have all of the chests that we’re going to be putting in our house I also have a bunch of other things which are going to help us

Decorate the inside of our house so what I’m thinking is we get to decorating so over here for the kitchen what I’m thinking is we do something like this put some trap doors here put some smokers right there also some slabs here I’m also going to put Barrel here so we

Can store some food and what I think would be really really cool is if we were to make some Hoppers because with the Hoppers what we can actually do is make it look even more like a kitchen we just do something like this and that

It’s also light it up a little bit and put some more decorations just like that okay so the kitchen is actually looking pretty nice you know what let’s also put something like a table right here in case you know we ever want to sit down

And eat some of our food let’s also put a sapling in the flower pots and you know what this kitchen area is looking pretty nice and then over here this is going to be like the crafting area so what I want to do is maybe something

Like similar to the kitchen area but a slightly different I want to put a crafting table there but then I also want a bunch of furnaces because I want to do like big mining trips and when you do a big mining trip you obviously have

A bunch of oars so it’s always a good idea to have a bunch of furnaces I mean this is a good enough amount of furnaces but you know what I want some more there we go we have a bunch of furnaces also crafting table let’s move on upstairs

And there we go we put our bed right there I’m also going to put like a barrel in case there’s any like temporary storage I want to put in there let’s also put a light on top of that and a crafting table because why not and finally in the storage rooms it’s pretty

Simple we just have a bunch of chests now I actually don’t think I have enough I think we’re gonna need more chests oh yeah I should probably light up my island with a bunch of torches to stop things like this from happening I mean there is too many mobs out there and we

Are done with both of the storage rooms so there we have it not only have we finished the outside of the house but we have also done the inside as well one thing I really quickly need to do is cover this entire Island in torches to stop mobs from spawning

There we go we now should be protected from mobs okay so the next thing I want to do now is finish off decorating the final room in our house which is all the way at the top here and I actually want this to be an enchanting table room so I

Want to put the enchantment table there and Surround it with bookshelves and once that’s done we have basically finished everything inside of our house because as you can see we now have our fully decorated bedroom over here we have the first storage room and then over here we of course have the second

Storage room and then when we get down to the bottom floor we of course have the kitchen area and then the crafting and furnace area so yeah all I need now is an enchantment table and a bunch of bookshelves so seeing as we need bookshelves let’s start planting some

Sugarcane because of course we need sugar cane to make paper to make books and another thing we need to make bookshelves is actually leather and we literally only have nine pieces of leather so you know what let’s actually try and find a way to transport some

Cows onto our Island now we need to bring cows over with some wheat so because we need wheat that gives us the perfect opportunity to use our farm and let’s use a little bit of bone meal to speed up the process okay now we need to

Go on an adventure to try and find some cows alright take a look at what I’ve just come across there is literally a bunch of cows right here so I’ve got to take these all the way back to my base it took longer than expected but we have

Made it back home it’s put down some fences and boom there we go I’ll make them a better house later but as you can see by the massive smile on this cow’s face right here I think they’re really liking it in here all I have to do now

Is keep on breeding my cows and also wait for my sugar cane to grow and once that’s done we can finally make a full level enchantment table all right so some time has passed and I’ve been Gathering leather from the cows and a bunch of sugarcane as you can see the

Farm has extended quite a little bit around the back of the island there so in total I have managed to gather over four stacks of sugarcane and over one stack of leather which is definitely more than I needed but it really doesn’t matter because we can now make a bunch

Of bookshelves so let’s make as many books as we can and there we go we have in total 24 bookshelves which I believe is the perfect amount we need So there we have it all of the bookshelves are in place and now we just need the enchantment table now the thing is if I want to make an enchantment table I need obsidian so let’s go ahead and make a diamond pickaxe so we can mine the obsidian and seeing as we’re

Going down into caves let’s just make a bunch of torches as well oh my look at the size of this cave oh there is a lot of mobs do I actually go and risk this yep let’s do it I need obsidian okay we have our shield in case anything goes

Wrong let’s try and find obsidian and you know what while we’re down here let’s also grab some other stuff like iron and it keeps going this cave is huge there is so many creepers down in this cave there’s definitely a ton of lava in this cave but I just can’t find

Any obsidian oh and would you look at that we’ve just stumbled into some more diamonds right here this is perfect I literally came here for obsidian and we are already finding diamonds iron and loads more stuff all right let’s take these diamonds and it’s literally one Diamond by itself it’s fine though let’s

Just keep looking around for some obsidian and who knows maybe we’ll find even more diamonds in this entire cave I am seriously struggling to find any lava so that I can get some obsidian wait a second just as I said that look what I found a bunch of obsidian all right this

Is perfect this is exactly what I was looking for oh okay that actually scared me also why can I hear thunder and lightning anyway let’s get rid of this zombie and let’s cover up all of this lava just to be extra safe what I think

I’m going to do is not only get enough obsidian for the enchantment table but I’m also gonna get a bunch so that I can make another portal as well all right so we have 20 obsidian let’s head back home we’ve made it back home so let’s grab our extra diamond and

Craft ourselves the enchantment table there it is and boom there we go the full enchantment area has been done which leaves us one more thing we must do let’s see what enchant we can get on our pickaxe here we go let’s hope we can get really lucky with an enchant okay

Three lapis in like that and it is showing us that we will get on breaking three okay that’s good please can we get efficiency for an Unbreaking three that would just be perfect and Fortune three okay if we can get all of the best enchantments I’ll take it okay we’ve

Done it and we get ourselves uh okay okay of course it would just be Unbreaking three you know what I’m not too happy with that in chance so I have a plan I’m going to also make a diamond sword because what I want to do is use

The subsidian that I have here to go to the nether so that I can enchant my pickaxe again but also enchant my diamond sword and maybe even my iron armor as well just for now I’m going to make a temporary nether portal okay we have our Salva flint and steel it’s like

This portal up and let’s go in and get a bunch of quartz for XP things are about to get dangerous so let’s get our Shield out and let’s head in and get as much xp as we can I don’t know why but I’m kind

Of worried but we have to do it and you know what this spawn isn’t too bad but it’s also not the best Also let’s quickly get some extra blocks just so we can protect our portal all right over there we have ourselves a Bastion and I

Don’t know if I want to risk it but I think I’m going to because we could get some pretty good loot in there and I think if I’m extra extra careful I may be okay so I think we’re gonna make our way over to that loot the Bastion and

Then once we’ve looted the Bastion we’ll just get a bunch of quartz for XP actually before we enter the Bastion I think I’m just gonna try and get some gold because if I have gold armor the piglins won’t attack us also this Bastion is huge I am very very scared

Okay do we have enough gold and yes we do okay let’s take our iron boots off put the gold boots on pick up our crafting table and it’s time to enter the Bastion okay if I’m correct these guys won’t get angry at me and okay yep they’re definitely not angry at me yet

But they definitely will be when they find out I’m trying to take all of their loot now the question is where is all of the loot at I’m literally face to face with a piglet okay let’s be careful there’s a hoglin right there and they definitely stay angry at us even if we

Have gold boots on okay for some reason one of them is really angry at us oh no oh no okay let’s stay back let’s stay back okay okay oh okay that does insane amount of damage oh no oh no oh no and it’s really fast as well place it stay back stay

Back stay back okay oh my I did not okay it’s still following us it’s still following us we just took so much damage okay I’m really debating if going in that Bastion is even worth it there is some chests up there but there is another brew as you can see yeah you

Know what I don’t think it’s worth it I I just think I’m gonna go back to mining quartz okay let’s try and take it out and there we go okay so I’m gonna go back to the Bastion when I have diamond armor because I just think with iron

Armor it’s way too risky I’m just gonna play it safe and get a bunch of XP alright so mining quartz has got me to level 33 so I think what I’m gonna do now is head back and re-enchant my pickaxe and also my sword let’s get out

Of here and head back into the Overworld all right let’s make ourselves a grindstone and let’s place it there put our pickaxe in and take the enchantment off and now let’s see if we can get any luckier with this enchantment okay the pickaxe is in the lapis is in and it is

Saying that we are going to get silk touch okay this could be good if there’s efficiency you know what if there’s efficiency I’ll take silk touch just by itself you know what that is getting straight off the pickaxe okay we have enough XP to go again and it says

Fortune two okay if this is a fortune 2 efficiency 4 I’ll take it and okay it’s it’s not that bad but I still want efficiency for so let’s go back to the Nether and let’s get a bunch more XP okay I’m back with more levels let’s see

What enchant we get now put the lapis in and it is saying that we get efficiency for finally that is literally all I wanted okay let’s go okay you know what it’s just efficiency for but it doesn’t matter for now that is just the enchant that I wanted okay and for our sword

Let’s maybe get sharpness okay looting two and I’m breaking three for now this will do I also think a good idea would be to just enchant all of our iron armor as well just to give us a little bit extra protection so let’s get Protection One on our helmet let’s get projectile

Prediction on our chest plate protection three on our leggings and I’m breaking on our boots so there we go let’s also clean up our inventory a bit because we have so much quotes okay so I think this is everything cleared out of our inventory everything in my inventory

Right now is stuff that I want to keep on me oh and this is what the Torches look like on our Island at night time and as you can see it looks very very satisfying anyway so now that I have Enchanted iron armor an efficiency 4 diamond pickaxe and a decently enchanted

Diamond sword what I want to do next is give my cows somewhere better to live because if you guys remember earlier on in the episode I said that I would give them a new place to live so I think that is what I want to go ahead and do so

Let’s just quickly make a few iron axes so that I can get some more supplies for this build now what I am thinking for the cow’s brand new home is making them some sort of barn around this area of the island because if I build the cow’s

House here it’ll be super close to my house so it won’t be far to run every single time I want to head over to the farm the material that I’m going to be building this Farm out of is going to be oak woods so I’m just going to chop down

A bunch of trees and get a bunch of wood and then we should be good to start building our cows a brand new home so I’ve got a bunch of wood and I’ve also crafted some extra things that I’m gonna need for this build so I think it is

Time to go ahead and build this thing And we are done this is what the cow Farm is looking like and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself and if we even go on the inside I’ve added some hay bales right here for some decoration and these cows are really really loud

Anyway that was episode one let’s head into the next one I need diamonds so in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I fill an entire shulker box with diamond door and then use a fortune pickaxe to mine every piece but why you see by having this many diamonds not only will

I be able to get full diamond tools and armor I also won’t have to mine diamonds again for a very long time now anyway there’s a lot of preparation that I must do before I begin mining for diamonds the first thing that I have to do to

Prepare is not only get myself a fortune 3 pickaxe but also a silk touch pickaxe so let’s just get some more XP okay let’s see if we can get fortune on our pickaxe but the thing is as well I don’t only want fortune 3. I want

Fortune 3 as well as efficiency 4 and I’m breaking three because then we will have ourselves the best pickaxe we can get so let’s grab some lapis okay our first enchantment says I’m breaking three and we get okay we’re we’re missing efficiency it’s okay though we have a few more levels to

Go come on don’t let us down enchantment table please and um okay I’m running out of levels please do not do this to me okay we just need a little bit of luck on our side and okay last try can we do it can we do it and

Oh oh wait Fortune two I need Fortune three you’ve got to be kidding me well you know what that means we’ve got to get more XP can we just take a look at the size of this ruins portal this thing is absolutely huge anyway though let’s check out the chest and we have

Ourselves oh okay I will take that we have got ourselves our first enchanted golden apple let’s try re-enchant our pickaxe for the thousandth time and Fortune two it’s already a bad sign silk touch okay come on yes All Right There we go we have an efficiency for silk

Touch pickaxe now all we need to do is get the efficiency for fortune 3 on breaking pickaxe and seeing as my luck is absolutely terrible with enchantments today I’ll be back when I have the perfect enchantment on this pickaxe finally yes we have fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 efficiency four after a lot of

Enchanting I was able to get the pickaxes that I wanted but seeing as I was going to be mining a ton of diamonds I needed The Mending enchant and the efficiency 5 enchant so after finding a village and trading with some of the villagers I was able to get exactly what

I needed there we go we have an efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 fortune 3 mending pickaxe the best enchants you can get on a pickaxe oh before we put mending on it let’s actually rename our pickaxe wait you know what instead of me naming this pickaxe I want you guys to

Name this pickaxe so guys for now I’m not gonna name this pickaxe I want you guys to comment down below some name suggestions of what you think I should call this pickaxe it would really mean a lot to me if you guys come into down below some name suggestions also in the

Last episode I did ask you guys for a name for my house and we will definitely be choosing one of those later on so make sure you guys stay tuned but for now we have done the first stage of preparation we have a silk touch pickaxe

So we can silk touch all of the diamond ore and then we have our Fortune pickaxe which is the pickaxe we’re going to be breaking all of the diamond door with to get a bunch of diamonds now all I need to do is the final part of preparation

Before we go on this huge mining trip now as I said earlier I want to fill an entire shulker box with diamond ore but the only problem is I don’t have any shulker boxes and to get shulker boxes we need to fight the Ender Dragon so I

Guess that is what we have to do next now to fight the Ender Dragon I need eyes vendor and I can get both of these things pretty quickly in the nether so getting the ender pearls is going to be pretty easy because all we need to do is

Just trade with piglens okay the piglens are done trading and in total we have 14 Ender poles you know what that should be enough I did want to get more just to be safe but I think that should be fine now all I have to do is find a fortress so

That we can get some blaze rods hold up just a second there we go there is another Fortress right there and it looks like I found a blaze spawner now the good thing is my sword does have looting so this shouldn’t be too difficult we have 13 blaze rods that is

More than enough because if we turn some of these blaze rods into blaze powder combine it with the end Ender poles there we go we have 14 Eyes of Ender now the only thing that I think we will need for fighting the Ender Dragon is just a

Really good bow and arrow I mean we definitely don’t have to worry about getting any more arrows because I got so many from Trading with the piglens so I think I’m just gonna quickly get level 30 get ourselves a really good bow and arrow and then it is go time against the

Ender Dragon and just like that we’re level 30 so now we can enchant a bow to level 30. so here we go let’s see what we get power three is what it’s saying and okay that is not the best but it will do for the ender dragon fight okay

So now that we have our bow I think that is everything that I need to fight the Ender Dragon so you know what I think it is time that we battle the Ender Dragon and then if everything goes well and we defeat the Ender Dragon we can then go

Into an end City get some shulker boxes ready to fill them up with diamonds all right here we go first throw and we need to go that way so I should probably get myself a bow all right let’s keep on heading in this direction and let’s throw another one oh it’s going

Backwards that is a good sign I’m gonna dig down because I think it actually might be under me um I was just digging up and we found the stronghold all right let’s get up here and see what is looking like inside all right what’s in this chest we have a knockback power

Four book which is really good this place is filled with creepers I’ve really got to be careful all right there is no sign of the end portal let’s keep on looking okay so we found the library which is really really good because we can get really good Enchantment books I

Mean take a look at that we’ve got an efficiency four book but although I found the library I still cannot find the actual portal oh yes yes we’ve found it we found the end portal room and oh okay I’m so lucky that I brought over 12 ice vendor because this portal has

Absolutely no eyes already in it all right let’s take out the silverfish spawner and let’s prepare our inventory we’ve got the water bucket there we’ve got all of our arrows we basically have everything so you know what I think without any hesitation let’s just go in here and fight the Ender Dragon okay

Here we go let’s do this boom here we go let’s do this okay so good news is we have a really good spawn let’s head up here and let’s just you know what let’s start by focusing on the end crystals first I’m on yes there we go let’s do this one perfect oh

No oh no oh no foreign that was way too close okay I’m not going on top of the uh the obsidian polls yet that was kind of a close call maybe I should have brought some slow falling potions we’re almost all done with all of the egg crystals I think

Maybe we have like one or two left this end crystal is so high up please yes I think we have every single end Crystal now we just need to take out the dragon we’ve run out of arrows how I had so many let’s keep on hitting it with our

Sword all right here we go let’s get in position and we should be able to take it out this time okay let’s keep hitting some good shots let’s keep on going almost come on come on so close no don’t fly away please come on yes let’s go

There we go we have defeated the Ender Dragon take a look at that and we get all of this XP oh my look at our levels 53 58 60 oh my what is going on and level 68 there we have it we have defeated the Ender Dragon so it’s

Probably a good idea to pick up the dragon egg so we don’t forget okay there we go so now that we have of the dragon egg and we have defeated the Ender Dragon let’s do what we came here to do and that’s of course to get some shulker

Boxes now I think I want to get two shulker boxes one shulker box to store all of the diamond door and then I can use the second shulker box for things like iron ore Redstone lapis and basically all of the other valuables that I’ll be getting from mining so

Let’s head into the end City and get ourselves some shulkers okay we are through the portal let’s do a little staircase like this so we can get back up and now oh you what wait I have no idea what to say right now we have literally got out the portal and look at

What we have found all right looks like getting shulker shells is going to be way easier than I thought all right come on shulker please give us a shulker shell come on please and perfect okay so our helmet is broken that is not good all right there’s a chest here and oh

That is literally perfect we can just put this one on instead okay let’s take this choker out and yes okay we only need two more shulker shells okay there’s one and there’s two okay we have the four shulker shells so let’s head back home all right we’re back home and I think

For now we’re just gonna put the dragon egg there we’ll do something better with it later on let’s also turn these shulker shells into shulker boxes and I think it would be a cool idea if we make one of the shulker boxes light blue and

This is the one that we store all of the diamonds in all of the preparation that we have been doing in this episode is now done we have both of these super overpowered pickaxes that we’re going to be using in this mining trip and we also have both of these shulker boxes that

We’re going to be storing everything in during this mining trip that means it is now time to go mining for a bunch of diamonds so what I’m gonna do is put a trapdoor here and mine all the way down to Diamond level Here we are at Diamond level let’s go ahead and put our silk touch pickaxe right here and I think we should just mine in a straight line and see how many diamonds we can get so by the end of this episode the goal is to fill up this

Entire shulker box with diamond door um this is probably going to take me an absolute ton of time to do but you know what when this whole thing is filled with diamond door and I place each piece and then mine it with a fortune pickaxe

Not only will it be worth it but it will also be so satisfying to have all of those Diamonds oh and I’m also going to be filling up this shulker box with any other valuables that isn’t diamonds things like iron Redstone and Lapis so

What I’m going to do is just mine in a straight line and anytime we find diamonds I’ll use my silk touch pickaxe to mine them so yeah the amount of diamonds we’re about to get is just crazy anyway though I guess let’s begin mining [Applause] all right

Would you guys just take a look at what we have here we have found our first diamond so we bring out the silk touch pickaxe and let’s see how many we get one two and three okay so we found three diamonds and that marks the start of

This mining Journey let’s go ahead and keep these in this shocker box and continue mining it seems we have found a cave while mining let’s see if we can find any diamonds in here this cave is filled with so much Redstone I mean what is going on Redstone is good because the

XP we get from it does mend our pickaxe but of course what I really want is diamonds here we go again there’s just so much Redstone okay guys you’re not going to be able to guess what we found in this cave even more Redstone there is nothing else apart from Redstone in here

I’m not making this up like I I’m seriously not making this up all I can find is redstone is this normal like is it is it normal to find this much Redstone finally after all of the Redstone that we have found we have finally got some diamonds and it looks

Like this is going to be the biggest vein of diamonds that we have found yet so we have one two three four diamonds and one of them dropped down here so we’ve got even more diamonds that brings the total seven and we haven’t even been mining for that long so we’re actually

Getting pretty lucky right now oh and again I literally turned the corner from those diamonds and found these diamonds and there’s one two okay there’s only two but I’ll take it and of course more Redstone which I I guess we have to take as well I thought mining in a straight

Line for diamonds would be the best way but it turns out looking in caves has been pretty successful this cave is giant I didn’t want to spend so much time in one cave but it just keeps on going to the point where we found an amethyst geode so of course we’ve got to

Take some of this the sounds of mining amethyst do not get old anyway though our inventory is getting so full so let’s just put all of our valuables in this shulker box um yep definitely not going down there there was way too many mobs in that cave

So let’s just go back to mining in a straight line foreign We are making amazing progress I haven’t even been mining for that long and we already have 32 diamond ore we are already at half a stack but I think I’ve came up with an even more genius way to find diamonds faster so this is what I’ve been doing I’ve just been mining in

A straight line but what I’m gonna do is change it up a little bit and mine to the sides like this so every couple of blocks I’m just going to turn to the left and right and mine down as much as I can because by doing this I’m pretty

Sure we just end up revealing more area which diamonds could be hiding there is no way as I’m literally showing you guys an example of this mining technique I have found diamonds I am not making this up I have no idea how this has just happened right now four five five

Diamonds by doing this you know what I’m doing this tactic for the rest of the mining trip as you guys have literally seen it works it literally works that has to be the most perfect timing ever so let’s just keep on using this tactic and see how many diamonds we can find We now have over one stack of diamond door and while this is only the beginning let’s keep mining foreign mining for absolutely ages and I have found a ton of diamonds but something has just happened that I need to show you guys okay are you ready check this

Out what is going on here there is literally one two three four five six seven eight diamonds all around here but then if we dig behind I’m hoping there’s going to be even more diamonds so it turns out there is only eight diamonds here but what are the chances that they

Spawn like this they all spawn surrounding me so let’s pick these up and I want to show you guys the progress I’ve made so far so obviously I want to fill up the entire shulker box with diamond ore and I’ve been mining for absolutely ages I haven’t even filled up

An entire Road just yet and I cannot tell you guys how long I’ve been mining but trust me by the end of this video this shulker box is going to be filled with diamond door and I’m very excited to see how many diamonds we’re gonna get

From this so yeah I guess all I’m going to continue to do is just carry on mining and as I told you guys earlier the strategy that I’ve been using is obviously just strip mining but every so often I like to mine off to the sides and this tactic has been working very

Very well also another thing that I’m really looking forward to do is not only mine all of these diamonds with the fortune 3 pickaxe but by the end of this we’re going to have so many diamond blocks we could probably make a full diamond Beacon which is a really cool

Thing to have but not only that it’s also going to be really good to have full diamond tools and more importantly full diamond armor because my leggings are already broken anyway though let’s get back to mining [Applause] okay so I’ve been mining Non-Stop and I can finally say that we have just about made it to the halfway mark and look how crazy this looks I mean having this amount of diamond ore doesn’t even seem real and this is just the halfway mark I

Mean we still have another half of a shulker box to fill up with diamond ore and that’s not even the most exciting part if we get between two or three diamonds per diamond or with our Fortune pickaxe I don’t even want to guess the amount of diamonds that we’re going to

Be getting but we’ll have enough for full diamond tools and armor and basically just to have unlimited diamonds and yeah we don’t have any space in this shocker box as well I mean we literally have so much iron a ton of gold more than enough Redstone and Lapis

Oh and we literally just found diamonds so it’s safe to say that although we have a ton of diamonds we also have enough of basically every other valuable as well also while I’m mining I just want to say thank you guys so much for all of the support you guys give on the

Last episode I was reading all of you guys comments of things you guys want to see in the series and just all of the amazing comments you guys are putting it really means a lot to me so I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for

The support and this is only the beginning of the series things are going to be getting a lot crazier so as I said thank you guys so much anyway though I need to fill up the other half of this shulker box with diamonds so guys what I

Think I’m just going to do is update you guys whenever I’m getting closer to the end goal of filling this shocker box up so a lot of time has passed and this is taking some serious time I am almost there I have literally only got three

More Stacks to go but the good thing is I am actually kind of getting lucky with diamonds so hopefully we will be done soon I mean we only have three more Stacks to go and trust me I’ve mined so many diamonds at this point that three stacks of diamonds isn’t even that many

At this point also I haven’t been above ground in so long that I forgot what my cows look like I forgot what my house looks like I’ve even forgot what the clouds look like I’ve been mining for that long at this point but hopefully

It’ll be worth it and as you guys saw we only need three and a bit more Stacks so you know what let’s get this project done and I really cannot wait to finish this I’m gonna be so happy when this is finished here we go we are almost there

We just need another half a stack we have almost finished honestly I have such a temptation just to go ahead and mine them all right now but I just need another half a stack and then we are done we have finished and we can mine every single piece with our pickaxe

Perfect we found some more diamonds and we found even more even more diamonds okay guys the next vein of diamonds that we find could bring us to a full shulker box of diamonds because as you can see we now only need eight more diamonds so let’s hope we find an eight vein of

Diamonds I don’t think it’s eight but this is quite a few here we go so there’s one two three four five six and seven okay we need one more diamond we need one more Diamond to go as you can see 63. okay I’m just gonna take this

All in right now because this is about to be finished you guys have no idea how long this has taken me let’s pick up the shulker box and let’s find this last diamond oh here we go we’ve done it let’s pick this Redstone up first though so we can

Mend our pickaxe here it is the final Diamond okay we have more than one which actually brings us over a shulker box but it doesn’t matter all right let’s put the shulker box down and that is a lot of diamonds like that is a serious amount of diamonds right there a whole

Shulker box of diamond ore just looking at this is crazy this is absolutely crazy so now that we have all of these diamonds there is only one more thing that we have to do and that is to take our fortune 3 pickaxe right here and mine every single piece of diamond ore

So you know what let’s get out of here I am so looking forward to just looking at the clouds looking at the trees looking at grass because I’ve been stuck underground for so long let’s get back home it’s nice to finally be back home let’s go check on our cows guys I am

Back you’ve probably missed me quite a lot right anyway though I’m just gonna store all of the other stuff inside of this chest and we can smelt it later so the plan that I have right now is to basically place all of these diamond ore down and

Then all of the diamonds that we mine we can store in these chests my prediction of how many diamonds we’re going to get is that I’ll be able to fill up this entire double chest I don’t know if we’ll be able to fill up a lot of this

One but we definitely should have enough diamonds from this to fill up one entire double chest which is pretty crazy but what’s even more crazy is this this is what’s crazy look at the amount of diamonds that we have so I think the only thing left for us to do is to place

All of these diamonds down so I think we might place them like this and then just start building up I don’t know about you guys but I am so excited to mine all of these thank you And we are done whoa look how high up we are I need to see this from down there yep this was definitely worth it that is the most satisfying thing I think I have ever seen now for the moment that we’ve all been waiting for I guess let’s see

How many diamonds we get from an entire shulker box of diamond ore let’s do this Foreign And there we go let’s put all of the diamonds in the chest and see how many we have in total all right so this is how many diamonds we got from mining an entire shulker box of diamond door and boom so we have not only filled up one

Entire double chest of diamonds we also have some diamonds in this double chest as well so we’ve pretty much got a double chest and a bit of diamonds from all of that diamond ore and to be honest that is more than I was expecting I knew

That we could fill up one chest but I didn’t think we would be able to even put any in this chest but it turns out we did so now I think it is time that I finally get myself some diamond armor because my chest plate and leggings have

Broke and I mean I’m still using an iron ax and an iron shovel so you know what we just need diamond tools as well so to transport all of these diamonds into my house what I’m going to do is just make all of the diamonds into diamond blocks

And as you can see we have more than enough diamond blocks to make a full diamond Beacon I’m pretty sure let’s grab these diamonds as well and and there we go so in total we have one two three four five six six and a half stacks of diamond blocks now yes I am

Going to be making a diamond Beacon but the reason I’m not going to be doing that in this episode well let’s just say I have a little bit of a plan of something we can do with the diamond Beacon for a future episode so make sure

You guys stay tuned for that so let’s go ahead and put all of the diamond blocks in this chest right here really quickly though I’m just gonna turn some of these diamond blocks into normal diamonds because then we can make ourselves full diamond armor and also full diamond

Tools as well so now that we have this fresh set of diamond armor and also some diamond tools I’m just gonna go ahead and enchant all of this and let’s see what enchants we can get so let’s start off with our helmet really quickly so let’s go ahead and enchant that blast

Protection four that’s not too bad I mean I have so many XP levels that if I’m not happy with an enchant I can literally just take it off and re-enchant it so these are the enchants we have on our armor I really like the leggings in chat we have protection four

And I’m breaking three on those I think I’m gonna reach out my diamond boots and also my diamond helmet I think we could just get a better in chat on these so let’s try again and that’s a bit better and let’s see if we can get feather

Falling on our boots okay no feather falling but protection three that’s not too bad if we have any leftover levels I’ll re-enchant them but of course now let’s do our tools so our ax has oh okay that is pretty much the perfect enchant that I wanted and our shovel okay and

Again with the shovel that’s really really good I’m breaking and efficiency now what I want to do is re-enchant my sword because I want to get sharpness on this I also I’m going to re-enchant our bow let’s re-enchant our diamond boots and also diamond helmet and let’s just

Re-enchant our Diamond chest plate as well okay it turns out my luck with enchanting this sword isn’t that great I mean just take a look at that Smite 4. that’s just getting re-enchanted straight away and there we go okay sharpness 4 and fire aspect I will take

It now for our helmet we got okay I guess that’s gonna have to do our chest play Thorns one protection three and I’m breaking three that’s pretty good depth Strider three which is really good and I’m breaking three so now that I’ve Enchanted everything let’s put our

Diamond armor on so there we have it we now have have full enchanted diamond armor and diamond tools and we also got some pretty good enchants as well now if you guys remember from the last episode I asked you guys to comment down below some names of what we should call our

House and while I was looking through the comments and I found a name which I really really liked so of course that now means we have to put a sign down and name our house this is the name that I have chosen so the reason I really like

The name the beginning is because this house is the first thing that we ever built on this world so it technically does Mark the beginning of this whole entire Journey so I’ll go ahead and put the comment on screen right now of the person that suggested this so thank you

So much for the name suggestion and also thank you to all of you guys for putting some name suggestions Down Below in the comments it really does mean a lot but with that being said let’s head into the next episode in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I make a bunch of TNT to

Explode the nether to get my hands on a ton of ancient debris so by the end of this episode we are going to have full netherright tools and armor all with the best enchantments but before we go ahead and do anything in the last episode I asked you guys for some name suggestions

Of what we should call all this pickaxe now as you guys know I read all of the name suggestions that you guys give and well yeah it’s it’s safe to say you guys went a bit crazy in the comment section of the last video no but seriously guys

Thank you all so much for the amazing support you guys have been leaving on the series it really means a lot but of course now it is time to name our pickaxe so this is the name that I have chosen I’ll put the comment on screen

Right now look guys you see I usually pick the most creative name that you guys suggest Down Below in the comments but I think for just one time we have to name our pickaxe this look guys I’m sorry okay anyway though now that we’ve named our pickaxe let’s go ahead and do

The first thing that I want to get done in this episode so I pretty much want to get the most overpowered tools and armor you can get and well to do this we are going to need a lot of netherite and the best way to get a bunch of netherite is

With TNT so yeah my plan is to basically explode the entire never so we can then get an insane amount of ancient debris but of course to even make TNT we are going to need a lot of gunpowder and when I say a lot of gunpowder I mean a

Lot so let’s get a bunch of resources to make a group of bomb okay so we basically have everything that we need to make this creeper Farm I just have to quickly make some extra things and there we go okay so we now have everything that we need to make this

Creeper Farm now the thing is with this creeper Farm it is not the best looking thing so for that reason I’m going to be building it on This Island right here which is really really close to our main island but by building the farm over

Here we can keep our main island for all of our best builds anyway though I think it’s time that we go ahead and build this farm so let’s do it There we go so the farm is complete so hopefully this thing should start getting us some gum powder although the thing is I haven’t even tested this thing out yet so I really have no idea if it works or not so there’s only one way to find out let’s test this thing

Okay so I’ve been using the farm for quite some time so let’s go ahead and see if this thing actually even worked so let’s head down to the storage area and let’s see how many of these chests we have filled up so let’s see if this

Thing even worked and oh okay so we have one double chess field we have another Hopper field right here our second chest full as well now the reason there’s also string is because this technically isn’t just a creeper Farm it’s also a spider farm as well so we have a third chest

Filled with gunpowder a fourth chest filled with gunpowder and okay so we basically have about four and a half chests of gunpowder and also string so now that we have all of the Gunpowder the only thing left for us to do is get some sand so we can make a bunch of TNT

Okay I have got a lot of sand but we still have a lot more to go and I also need to be careful that my shovel doesn’t break so just to be safe let’s go ahead and repair it and let’s go back to mining sand

Okay so I have stored all of the sand that I have collected down here and then of course we also have all of the gunpowder so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to place a crafting table right here and I’m just going to turn all of

This sand and gunpowder into TNT this may take a while so let’s do it [Applause] so all of the TNT are in these shocker boxes right here so let’s check out the exact amount that we’ve got so in this shulker box not only do we have one stack of TNT not only do we have two sacks of TNT not only do we have three

Stacks of TNT we have a whole entire shulker box of TNT right here and then in this shulker box we have filled up half of this one so we are definitely going to be getting a ton of ancient debris with all of this TNT actually guys you know what before we head into

The nether portal I think it is the perfect time to actually give our nether portal a little bit of a redecoration right now because as you can see we have a house over there we have the barn which is decorated nicely and then we just have this foreign

Use all of this TNT in the nether I’m just going to go ahead and grab some blocks that we can use to decorate our nether portal take a look at this we’ve just found a zombie spawner and the thing is about this it’s actually kind of like hidden away like I actually

Walked past this thing and had no idea so let’s see what’s in the chest and oh we found our first ever music disc I think I’m just gonna go ahead and leave all of this but something that I do want is all of this mossy cobblestone because

I’m actually going to use it to decorate the nether portal as well so let’s go ahead and give this portal a little bit of a makeover so let’s start by placing down the new portal now the idea I have in mind for this design is to kind of

Make it look like the nether portal is in a cave if that makes sense it probably doesn’t make sense but hopefully it will when the build’s done so let’s add a couple slabs add some extra Stone couple blocks here like this add in some drip Stone can’t forget

About some lighting also gotta make sure to cover the back of the nether portal like this I’ve got to add in some more slabs you know what this is looking a little bit weird so let’s add some detail and there we go it’s looking a little bit better so you know what let’s

Go and use all of this TNT okay so now that we are in than ever let’s go ahead and start digging down to ancient debris level okay so we’re here at ancient debris level and just as I’ve said that we have found a piece of ancient debris

Anyway though all of the area that I’m mining right here is where I’m going to be placing all of the TNT and take a look at that as I’m mining the straight line I have found even more ancient debris it looks like this is a pretty

Good tactic as well anyway though it is now time to bring out the TNT so let’s go ahead and start placing it just like this let’s just keep going and I think we are just about back where we started so let’s go ahead and explode all of

This TNT in three two one let’s go okay let’s stand back let’s stand back let’s see how much ancient debris we are going to get from this oh my okay we have placed So Much TNT that it is just not stopping okay so I think it’s the

Perfect time to just go through and mine up all of this ancient debris we got some here we have even more pieces here I also have to keep my eyes peeled because I do not want to walk past any ancient debris okay so it seems that our

TNT has stopped exploding so I think what I’ve just got to do is just re-light it and hopefully that should keep on going we are getting extremely lucky with ancient debris we already have 12 pieces and we haven’t even used any of our TNT basically we still have

Another shulker and a half left yet again the TNT has broken so we just got to do that oh no we have a problem we have a big problem there is a lot of lava oh no okay we just gotta walk right past this okay we should be good now

Guys is this luck even normal I just can’t stop finding ancient debris alright so we have reached the end of the tunnel and we have 18 pieces of ancient debris but I mean we have so much TNT to get through so let’s do it All right so I’ve used the first half a shulker box of TNT we still have another whole entire shulk box of TNT to go now I’m just gonna go ahead and say this I did not expect to get this much ancient debris out of just this shulker box of

TNT because we still have all of this TNT to go and we already have a stack and a half like bro so I mean we’re not even halfway through and we already have this much so I just wonder how much we are going to end up with so right now we

Definitely already have enough ancient debris to upgrade all of our tools and armor so I think any extra ancient debris that we get that we don’t need to use for our armor and stuff like that I think we’ll just go ahead and put it towards another eye Beacon because I

Mean getting a netherite beacon is probably the coolest thing you can do anyway though let’s place all of this TNT all right about here should be good let’s explode all of this listen here buddy we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way so I suggest

You back up a little bit I really didn’t want to do this but you’ve given me no other option I also want to know why does this keep happening like the TNT just doesn’t explode for some reason so I keep having to go back and light it all back up so

It turns out I’m not finding any ancient debris down here I think we have like one piece right there and that’s about it did you guys really think that I was just about to walk past some ancient debris right there guys come on you know they don’t call me the pro Minecrafter

For nothing okay but seriously though we are still getting really lucky with ancient debris I have no idea how but we’re almost at two stacks so the method of placing TNT I’ve done up to this point is just placing it in a straight line and then exploding all of it but I

Kind of want to try a different tactic of placing TNT this is either going to go really good or really really bad here we go so the plant that I have is to fill this entire box with TNT thank you let’s put the final few pieces in and

Here we go this is extremely dangerous what I’m doing right now I actually am pretty scared all right here we go I don’t know why I’m so scared let’s just do it three two one let’s go okay come on let’s keep running let’s keep running

Oh it’s exploding oh no oh no I think we’re good let’s just let’s just hide down here oh my what is this look how cool this looks it’s like a giant crater whoa okay this turned out way better than I expected and also it didn’t go really bad which

Is also another good thing anyway though we do have quite a little bit of ancient debris so it turns out this was quite effective so let’s pick up all of this ancient debris so I think I’ve mined every piece of ancient debris from in here and we are now on two stacks of

Ancient debris and we still have a ton of TNT left so yet again I’m gonna try another tactic of exploding TNT so we have three lines mined out right here and I’m just gonna fill them all up with TNT and explode every piece here’s the first line of TNT placed here’s the

Second line of TNT placed oh no wait something wait oh no oh no oh no it’s gonna explode the all of the TNT oh no please please please oh no oh no oh no go go go go go go go go go go oh I didn’t even mean for that to happen okay

I think we’re good wait hold up a second I don’t think it actually yeah it didn’t affect the second line of TNT that was so scary I literally had nowhere to run I had to literally mind my way out of danger finally there we go we have all

Three lines of TNT I mean some of it did explode back there which wasn’t oh oh no oh no it’s happening again it’s happening again the TNT decided to explode itself again but I have a feeling this tactic of placing TNT is probably going to work the best because

It explodes such a big area the only problem is though that we’ve exploded such a big area that there is just too much lava so just to keep things safe I’m just gonna go back to placing TNT just like this we are now down to the final stacks of TNT and it’s looking

Like we may be able if we are lucky to get four stacks of ancient debris so let’s see just how much ancient debris we can actually get Everything We are now down to our final stack of TNT so let’s go ahead and finish exploding all of the TNT let’s do this the moment that we have all been waiting for we can finally see just how much ancient debris we are going to get there

It goes our final pieces of TNT so we got a piece here got one here and I think these two pieces are the final pieces of ancient debris that we are going to be getting from this ancient debris mining trip so in total we have ourselves almost three stacks of ancient

Debris we have two stacks and 46. so when I go back home and smell all this down into netherite scraps we are going to be ending up with so much netherite but we really have to keep all of this ancient debris safe so let’s store in

This storage box and let’s head home and we have made it home and of course we have all of the ancient debris right here so what I’m gonna go ahead and do is smelt all of this ancient debris and of course seeing as we’re making netherite we are going to also be

Needing some gold so let’s smell all of this and now we wait all of the netherite scraps are now melted and so is all of the gold so now there is only one thing left to do and that is to turn all of this netherite scrap into

Netherrite ingots oh my three two one boom there we go we have 43 netherite ingots just take a look at that now you see the thing is we could just go ahead and upgrade the armor that we already have internet right but you see the enchants that we have aren’t the best

And I kind of want to get the best enchanted armor that we can get so this is going to require us to get some villagers so we can get the best enchant trades but before we go ahead and do any of that let’s make ourselves a fresh set

Of diamond armor to turn into netherite and you guys are also probably wondering what I’m going to do with all of these diamonds that we got in the last episode now guys in the next episode we are going to be doing something really really cool with these blocks of

Diamonds so you guys are gonna have to stay tuned for that but for now let’s just go ahead and make ourselves a fresh set of diamond armor so let’s just take out one of these furnaces and replace it with a smithing table and now it is time

To go ahead and upgrade all of this diamond armor and all all of our tools our helmet our chest plate our leggings our boots and then our pickaxe our sword our shovel and finally our ax and then with all of the spare netherite let’s just go ahead and make some netherite

Blocks and we’ll keep those safe in this shocker box with our diamonds and also our spare never right scraps so for now let’s just go ahead and put our netherite Armor All on this armor stand whoa take a look at how cool that looks so now that we have turned everything

Into netherite let’s bring some villagers back to our Island so we can get the best enchantments possible now the thing is to bring all of these villagers back we are going to need a lot of Minecarts and a ton of rails alright so I’m at the village now if I

Remember correctly I should already have a village with The Mending enchant so yeah we have it right here so let’s make sure we bring this villager back home and we can also bring back a few others as well okay so I think I have enough Villages inside of Minecart so let’s

Take them back home the villagers are now really close to my Island but there’s actually something really weird that I want to show you guys so over there somewhere as you can see there is a jungle and somehow a parrot has flew all the way oh over here so guys I got

Out my wheat seeds and I got some leads and I think we know what we need to do I think this is our new pet and any moment now this is taking quite some time there we go make sure to comment down some name suggestions of what we should call

A brand new pet parrot and in the next episode I will be choosing one of your guys’s name suggestions that you commented down below let’s make a dirt path so we can get back to our Island and for now let’s go ahead and put Tim in here we’ll definitely build him

Somewhere better to live soon let’s finish sending the villagers off to our Island now that we have the villagers on our Island I’ve gave them their workstations some beds and let’s also give them a ton of food so I guess all there is to do now is extend their

Temporary house and don’t worry yes I will be building them a better house soon now we can give them even more workstations and get the trades that we want I then spent a while dropping down trees so I could make a bunch of sticks

And then once I had all of the sticks I sold them for emeralds so that I could go ahead and buy every single enchantment book that I needed and seeing as I wanted to become super overpowered I was going to need a ton of enchanted books it has taken me

Absolutely ages but I finally done it I’ve got all of the enchanted books that I need we have some mending books some feather falling books sharpness books respiration looting protection and breaking and also the prices that my villagers are trading these books for is actually pretty good and yeah let’s just

Ignore this mess we’ll be building The Villages a very very cool place to live in the next episode but for now let’s take all of this netherite armor let’s also go ahead and make a new Anvil and now let’s begin combining together some books I don’t think I’m going to have

Enough levels to do all of these books I mean to combined looting and breaking and mending with a sharpness 5 book is going to cost me eight levels and to add all of this to the sword it’s going to cost me 23 levels so pretty much to

Enchant all of my armor and tools with these books I need some more XP levels so the only solution that I can think of to our problem right now is to build an Enderman Farm which I really did not expect to do in this episode but it

Needs to be done now luckily for us building an Enderman Farm actually is pretty easy because all we need is a bunch of building blocks and other random things like an anvil some carpet and ladders so let’s take all of this into the end then let’s place down our

Lava bucket and also our water bucket now we can use this water to get all the way down to the bottom now we’re at the bottom we can go ahead and place some leaves and I almost forgot but we have to put some ladders down as well so now

We have the ladder in place we can pick up the bucket of water and head back down here to construct the farm foreign There we go we now have ourselves a fully functioning Enderman farm so let’s place down our Anvil and our shulker box with all of our enchantments in and let’s go ahead and get a bunch of XP so we can go ahead and add all of the

Enchantments take a look at the XP that we are getting from this oh my goodness Yep this is definitely an overpowered farm so seeing as we have a bunch of XP let’s add some enchants so let’s add this to our sword and boom take a look

At our sword sharpness 5 fire aspect 2 Looting 3 Unbreaking 3 and mending this thing is Unstoppable and because our sword now has mending it’s impossible for this thing to break let’s now enchant our helmet our chest plate our leggings as well and also our boots and

Finally let’s add mending to our ax and also our shovel okay so we have two mending books there that we can use in the future but anyway we have done it we now have not only super overpowered armor but also extremely powerful tools as well I mean just take a look at all

Of this but quickly before we head home and put all of this netherite armor on let’s just mend up all of our tools seeing as they now have mending and there we go we have full durability on all of our tools we’re now back home which means we can now take off our

Diamond armor and let’s place it on the armor stand diamond armor you were amazing but it’s time for an upgrade because now we can put on our brand new netherite armor take a look at that but of course it isn’t any ordinary netherite armor oh no this netherite

Armor has some of the best enchantments you can get and the same thing goes for our tools they all have some of the best enchantments that you can get anyway though it’s now time to head into the next episode in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I am going to build the

Ultimate hidden base that contains everything you could ever need from a villager trading and potion brewing area to a secret vault filled with goodies in the last episode I got a bunch of villages on the island and well they’re living in a dirt box so I think it’s

Time to build them a new home but not that I need to build a place to display my diamonds a place to store a beacon a place for all of my valuables a place for brewing potions so to solve all of these problems I’m going to build the ultimate Secrets hidden Redstone base

Now guys we all know that I’m a pro Minecrafter but I have a confession to make I can’t do redstone I know now although I’m not the best with redstone the one thing that I do know is that if we are going to make a secret hidden door we need slime balls for

Sticky pistons and as you can see we have no slime balls so let’s go and find a swamp aha here we go why does slime sound so satisfying so to make this hidden door we need some Redstone some Pistons that we can turn into sticky pistons a slime blocks some

Obsidian two Redstone repeaters and some of this wood so we can make some buttons now that I have everything prepared I need to First decide where I want to put the hidden door it could be really cool if we build the secret door inside of our house but I’m thinking it will be

Way cooler if we camouflage this thing right out the front of our house so let’s build this thing okay this has taken way longer than it should have so let’s test it out three two one and why isn’t it working okay so I’ve changed some stuff in the Redstone and

It should work please work oh yes it actually worked now the question is if I press this button will it send us back up to the top let’s try it out and boom oh yes oh and if you guys think that this Secret Door is cool trust me

This is nothing compared to the doors that we’re going to be building later so now that we have the first Secret Door set up we need to mine a giant area to actually fit the secret base itself but the thing is I want this secret base to

Be Giant and well mining like this is gonna take us absolutely ages but if we get ourselves a beacon we’ll be able to mine out the area super super quickly so let’s head to the nether fortress so we can get ourselves some Wither Skeleton skulls and then with the Wither Skeleton

Skulls we can summon the wither hopefully defeat it and get ourselves a beacon okay we have made it to the Fortress now all we have to do is try and find some wither skeletons okay we have our looting three sword let’s see if we can try and get a wither skeleton

Skull and okay no luck okay what about you please drop us one and okay this this may take a while there we go we have our first one there’s two and there’s three let’s go we have all three and surprisingly that was really really quick now it’s time to head home

And fight the Wither which I’m really really scared to do alright so let’s do this I have the Wither Skeleton skulls I have the Soul Sand I have a trusty enchanted golden apple if anything’s to go wrong so let’s go down here and let’s find a good spot to fight this thing all

Right this area is looking pretty good so let’s just might anyway though so what I’m going to do is just mine out an area like this where we are going to spawn the wither and then from here we just need to mine a straight line so that we have somewhere to run

Okay now it is time three two one let’s go okay we just have to wait for it to charge up and then we’re just gonna go ahead and fire tons of bow shots here we go okay let’s go let’s just keep on firing both shots oh that is doing

Chunks of damage as well this is actually gonna be quite easy I hope okay let’s try and do this without getting hit once okay and we now have it at half Alpha which means we need to go in with our sword come on this is actually really easy what’s and any minute now

There we go it turns out that was way easier than I was expecting and we didn’t even need all of this space so now that we have our nether star we can go ahead and finally make ourselves a beacon and then let’s grab all of our diamond blocks and head down to our

Secret base and now finally all we have to do is set up our Beacon place the beacon down and boom so let’s put a diamond in give it haste two so now that we have H2 we can pretty much instantly mine anything anyway though now I have

The beacon set up I’m basically going to mine out a giant room to pretty much give us a bunch of space for this secret area so once we have everything my find out we can pretty much decorate everything inside of it and it should look pretty good but before I can even

Think about getting anything decorated I have a lot of mining to do My pickaxe keeps getting so close to Breaking but that’s fine because I have a big brain idea and well the idea that I have is to just make more pickaxes so let’s make a bunch of fresh diamond pickaxes and let’s pick up our enchantment table and all of these

Bookshelves because I’m going to temporarily move all of this into the end because that’s where my Enderman XP farm is and it’ll make enchanting all of these Diamond Pickaxes a whole lot easier so here we are at the Enderman Farm I’m just going to extend this area

Right here so we have somewhere to put the enchantment table and let’s put the grindstone there and let’s get Enchanting all of these pickaxes hold up just a second I may have accidentally forgot to bring lapis so I now have to go all the way back

Home and that’s what I’m looking for so now I have the lapis let’s start enchanting and our first enchant is literally perfect anyway though let’s get some more XP and let’s keep enchanting these pickaxes so now that all of these pickaxes have efficiency for we can combine them together to get

Efficiency 5. let’s combine these two together perfect and finally let’s combine these two together and there we go so now we have three efficiency five pickaxes all of them breaking three and I’m pretty sure we can put mending on them as well because yeah I have some

Spam ending books so let’s just get some more XP and there we go so we now have three insanely overpowered pickaxes also quickly before we head back home let’s just mend up our main pickaxe Also let’s not forget to take back our enchantment table now that I’m back home from the

End I’m just gonna go ahead and upgrade all of these pickaxes into netherite and just like that we now have three more netherite pickaxes so let’s get back to Mining and seeing as we have all of these new pickaxes we should be able to get this done really really quickly There we go so now that I’ve mined out the entire area let’s actually start building the hidden base so let’s go and get all of the resources hey oh no something’s telling me that I’m building this Secret Base in a slime chunk which means we’re just gonna have a bunch of

Slimes always spawning you know what though I’m actually okay with that I’m just gonna let these slimes bounce around and do whatever they want down here so the materials I want to build this base out of is light blue and white concrete maybe some stone bricks and

Then also some Acacia logs I can’t be the only person that likes acacia wood guys back me up in the comments if you like it too please anyway though let’s gather all of the materials that I need starting with sand and gravel for the concrete This should be enough materials for the build all I need to do now is turn all of this gravel and sand into concrete and seeing as I want light blue concrete and white concrete I’m going to need some light blue dye and some white dye

And luckily for me I think I have a place where I can get a ton of white dye so even though this thing is supposed to be a creeper Farm sometimes you get mobs that spawn around the island and somehow make their way into the middle so I’m

Hoping there’ll be some bones down here and perfect now we can turn these bones into bone meal and turn this bone meal into white dye oh we have ourselves a Wandering trailer let’s check out what trades we have and the trades are some of the worst trades that I think I have

Ever seen hey yo why the lion was looking at me weird anyway though now that we have ourselves the white dye we just need some blue dye so let’s find some lapis let’s put the crafting table down let’s turn some of this lapis into blue dye now that we

Have blue dye let’s just put the spare bone meal and Lapis in here now the thing is I don’t know exactly the amount of concrete I’m gonna need so let’s just make a bunch of white concrete okay we already have a ton of white concrete powder let’s also not forget that we

Have to combine blue and white dye together to get light blue dye and then we can use that to make some light blue concrete okay maybe I grabbed too much gravel and sand I don’t think I’ll be needing to use this much now the thing is with normal concrete though I cannot

Just build out of the concrete powder because if I try to build out of this it will just well yeah it will just fall to the ground so I need to head to the surface so I can turn all of the concrete powder into normal concrete so

Let’s load up this shulker box with a bunch of concrete and let’s get to work turning all of this into normal concrete there’s definitely a better way to do this but the way I like to do it is stack up all of the concrete powder put some water down and then mine every

Single piece okay Gamers I have all of the concrete in this chest which I think should be enough so now what I’m thinking is the best way that I’m going to be able to build this thing is probably by outlining where I want every room and then once I have the outlines

Down I can kind of go around and build everything also yes the slimes are still spawning down here now the one thing that I’m thinking before I go ahead and build this base is do I bring my villagers down underground now or do I wait until I’ve built the underground

Base okay you know what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna build the whole entire underground base first and then bring the villagers down after I feel like that’ll be the easiest thing to do so yes guys you are gonna have to um wait out in the rain in until I’m done so

Yeah let’s grab some concrete and let’s get to building this base so as I said earlier the best way for me to do this is to Mark out the outline of where I want each room to go so I’m just going to go ahead and do that with the blue

Concrete so there we go we got the first room outlined now this is probably going to be the smallest room of them all because it’s literally just a way to get in and out the base so it doesn’t have to be anything special so then from this

Room we go into the middle room where the Beacon’s gonna be so this one’s gonna be quite big so let’s get the blue concrete out and let’s start outlining this room and yeah this one’s gonna be pretty huge okay so I’ve done the outline for this room now I’m just gonna

Move the beacon into the center to make things easier now that we have the beacon set up let’s go ahead and finish all of these outlines okay so there we go I have marked out where I want every single room to go and I really wanted each room to be a circle

But when it comes to the villager trading room it kind of doesn’t make sense for it to be a circle because I basically want all of the villagers to be stood next to each other and then I can have their like workstations in front of them so that’s why this room

Isn’t a circle I’ve also made the final decision on where I want each room to go so this room will be the Brewing room this middle room will obviously be where all the villagers go and then this room is where I’m going to be storing all of

My valuables now the thing is I’m going to be expanding this room in this direction this is basically going to be the area that I turn into the hidden Diamond Vault so now that we have marked everything out building this thing is going to be a whole lot easier and I

Believe there is only one more thing I need to collect before we go ahead and build this thing and the thing that I need is glowstone and then with the glowstone I’m gonna turn all of it into Redstone lamps because Redstone lamps is what I’m going to be using to light up

This entire base okay so now that we finally have everything let’s go ahead and build this thing foreign So I have finished the first room and this is looking pretty good if I do say so myself I’m really glad that I chose to go with light blue concrete because this just looks so nice so I think that is this room completely finished the

Only thing that I need to add is maybe some like light blue stained glass right there so the Beacon Light is blue but of course it is now time to finish all of these rooms as well but honestly having this room done just looks so nice like

The Acacia would like guys I told you acacia wood can look good okay I know a lot of you guys don’t like acacia wood but guys trust me it’s seriously not that bad okay let’s just go ahead and get back to building this thing Yeah foreign the only things I need to do is turn both of these into actual water elevators and then over here I need to decorate the Brewing area and then opposite the Brewing room we have the valuables area which I still need to decorate as well and I also need to

Build the secret Diamond Vault down there and then finally this is the room where all of the villages are going to go so you know what let’s just quickly hand just like that we are done all I need to do now though is get the villagers down here and the way that I’m

Gonna do that is just build a giant Minecart Track all the way down into the Villager room okay guys hop in the Minecarts come on come on please yes and perfect okay yes so I have the first villager in position I just got to go

Ahead and get all of the rest of the villagers down here the villager trading room is amazing I have all of my best villages down here so whenever I want to trade I can just go ahead and do it so now that this room is done I’m just

Gonna go ahead and decorate the interior of this room and also that room so for this room this is where of course I’m gonna be putting all of my valuables so let’s just go ahead and put a block for each valuable okay now I just need to quickly transfer all of my valuables

Over now that I’ve transferred all of the valuables over as you can see we have the emeralds we have the netherite we have all of the gold I now just need a place to sort all of my diamonds so I’m gonna build a Diamond Vault right

Here now the thing is about this Diamond Vault it requires a really cool redstone door but as you guys know from earlier I suck at Redstone I really hope a 3X3 Redstone door isn’t that bad to build so let me just go ahead and grab all of my

Redstone I think we’ll just need a bunch of um did you guys just see that how did a glow squid get down here I kind of feel bad for that glow squid I mean I’ve literally got the glow ink sacks in my inventory right so I think this is

Everything I need I’ve got some Redstone some observers some Redstone repeaters some sticky pistons so let’s give this Redstone door an attempt before I began making the Redstone vault door itself I decided to make the room first just so that I didn’t get any of the Redstone in the wrong position

The vault door is now done so as you can see we have a button right here and then we have a button right here I really have no idea if it works so let’s give it a go please work and come on oh there

We go all right now if we press it again it should open up and look how cool that looks I am just so surprised it actually works okay I have a really cool idea so if we just go ahead and close it if we break this block and replace it with a

Diamond block will it still work and yes okay so now so obviously over here you know if you look in this chest you’re obviously going to be getting Redstone because the redstone blocks there and over here you’re going to be getting emeralds because you know there’s an emerald block right there if

You now look at the Vault we have a diamond there to show that all of our diamonds are going to be in this Vault so let’s quickly add back some lighting into the Vault now we can just go ahead and place all of our diamonds down in

The middle and stack them all up oh my we have a full pile of diamonds I also have some spare so I’m just going to put them all in this chest so if we actually do need to use any diamonds we can just use the ones from here but wow this just

Looks so nice and then we also have this really cool vault door to go with it as well just to make it look even better man I am happy with this okay so I’m just gonna leave this closed for now because there is another room that we

Need to quickly decorate and it is the potion brewing room so for this area I just want to put all of the stuff that you need to brew potions so let’s put some item frames down and then let’s put all of these in their item frames and

Then over here is where I’m gonna put the Brewing stands so let’s put some barrels down with Brewing stands on top okay that’s looking pretty nice but I do have some spare bookshelves so let’s go ahead ahead and put these here and then over here I’m gonna put another cauldron

Because if this cauldron Runs Out of Water I’m going to need a spare so let’s do something like this with The Cauldron on top and finally let’s put an iron bar there and there we go we have ourselves our full Brewing room now I think it’s time that we finally turn these water

Elevators into actual working water elevators so to do this I believe I just need a bunch of kelp think all I need to do now is just fill up each water elevator with a bunch of kelp okay so that’s the first one done and that’s the

Second one now if I break this and replace this block with Soul Sand it should somehow work and then for this one I need to put a magma block okay so this one should pull me all the way to the top and yes it does and then this

One should pull me all the way down and yep it is working perfectly we have now fully completed the hidden base so I’m gonna give you guys a full tour so you go down the Secret Door you then walk all the way down here take a right to go

Down the water elevator then you hop out of the water elevator and you are now in in the hidden base so once you walk out of the water elevator room you are now in the beacon room and I just realized something and that’s much better so to

The left of the beacon room you have the Brewing area which is quite big then you come over here to the villager trading area where you have all of the best villages and then you come over here to my personal favorite room storage area where I keep all of my valuables and

Then of course all the way at the back of this room you have the Diamond Vault check this out so there we go there is the entire hidden base now this thing is so cool I absolutely love this place but guys now that we have a new build I need

Your help that’s right we need a name for this place so comment down below some cool names that you think we should name the hidden base I’ll be putting a sign right there with not only the name but also the name of the person that suggested that name and I also just

Realized talking of naming things in the last episode I asked you guys for some name suggestions of what we should call our brand new pet parrot and you guys went absolutely crazy with the name suggestions so the name I decided to go with is Sparky so I’ll put the comment

On screen right now of who suggested this name and for some reason I really like the name Sparky so there we go we have now named our pet parrot Sparky but now it’s time to do something which you guys have been suggesting Down Below in

The comments and that is for me to get an elytra so before I head to the end I’m just gonna make some fireworks ready for when we actually do get the elytra I’m gonna need a way to get back home I also only have one piece of steak so let

Me grab some more food okay so I’ve got some delicious bread and also some building blocks so let’s head over to the end portal all right let’s hop in the end portal okay there’s the portal but I need an ender pearl to get in so let’s just take this Enderman out let’s

Throw this in like that and you’ve got to be kidding me wait what okay that was a complete fail we need to get another one maybe like that okay there we go wait what is going on why is there water okay I really have no idea what’s going

On but anyway so this is the end City that I’ve already looted so we need to go and find another one so I think the best thing for me to do is just basically run around and explore until I find one also if I want the elytra I not

Only have to find just like a normal NCT but it has to have a ship on it as well okay this is where the blocks come in useful because because I’m just going to breach from Island to Island okay here we go Pro Gamer move let’s not mess this

Up let’s just come on oh wait come on yes okay if I had messed that up that could have gone terribly wrong I found an end City oh my I’ve been searching for ages I really hope this thing has a ship wait will I be able to see from

Here I wait I don’t know I’m gonna get some more blocks and head towards it but from what it looks like I’m not sure if this thing’s gonna have an end ship or not I’m here and there is no end ship you’ve got to be kidding me I guess we

Got to keep going hold up a second is that that’s an end ship yes oh my I’ve literally been searching for way too long but we have finally found one so let’s get under the end ship and let’s build directly up all right we’re almost there let’s build up and we gotta break

A piece of obsidian okay perfect let’s get in there should be a shulker right there let’s not get hit by this there they are there are the elyters but before we get the electro let’s check out what’s in these chests so okay that is the worst chess play ever the boots

Aren’t that bad we’ll take that we’ll take the iron as well we’ll leave the iron sword and chess play in this chest we have ourselves some oh these are actually really good boots we’ll take the iron as well and of course the diamond horse armor and why not we’ll

Take the saddle as well but are you guys ready three two one and boom there we go we have finally got ourselves some elyters guys I am so happy right now because Elijah’s just have to be one of the best items let’s put them on let’s

See what they look like and oh yeah take a look at us we definitely have to enchant these with mending and I’m breaking when we get back home but yes we finally got some elitras let’s also put some fireworks in our offhand and now we can literally fly around this end

City okay this is the way that we get home let’s see if we can perfectly land inside here and there we go all right so now that we’re back in the end let’s head home so let’s store away all of our stuff really quickly because what I’m

Gonna do now is just make a bunch of sticks and then trade all of them for some emeralds and then with these emeralds I can buy an Unbreaking book and also a mending book now I need to quickly make another Anvil because my Anvil that I usually use actually broken

So let’s put this here and then take our lighters off so now let’s add Unbreaking to our elytra and also mending to our electric so now we basically have elytres that will never break and guys come down below some name suggestions of what I should call my elyters as well

Also another thing I’m just going to quickly quickly advise not only do we have ourselves this rib Ace we also have ourselves an elytra so I think it’s time we get into the next episode in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I’m going to be getting 1 000 XP levels which is an extremely

Challenging task oh and if that’s not crazy enough I’m also going to spend all 1000 levels on enchanting books to become the most overpowered player in the history of Minecraft so welcome back to another episode now I’m very excited for this episode because it’s the first

Full episode that I have an elytra I got this electron in the last episode so make sure you go and watch that if you don’t well this little turtle here will disappear I’m just kidding guys but seriously we are going to be doing something absolutely crazy today because

We are going to be getting 1 000 XP levels so to make this more challenging I’m going to go all the way back down to level zero so to do this I’m going to take some lapis make a ton of wooden pickaxes and now all I need to do is

Just waste all of my XP levels on enchanting wooden pickaxes here we go as soon as we enchant this pickaxe we will be set back down to level zero and boom for some reason it is really weird being back down at level zero anyway though it is now time to

Begin our journey to level a thousand so seeing as I need a bunch of XP to get to level a thousand the first thing I want to try is mining a full shulker box of Court saw mining nether quartz is a pretty good way of getting XP and I

Think mining an entire shulker box of quartz is definitely going to give us a bunch of levels so let’s do this and there we go we have an entire shulker box filled with Port saw so I guess all I have to do now is place all

Of it down let’s just go ahead and do this there we go so I’ve placed down all of the quartz all I need to do now is get a different pickaxe to mine all of this with also can we just take a second to realize just how much quartz this

Actually is anyway though let’s mine all of this and see just how much xp we can get foreign Mining all of the quartz and you guys are probably thinking you know after mining all of that I’ve got to be at least what like level 100 maybe even more well 52. I mind an entire shulker box of quartz to only get 52 levels I really

Did expect to get way more XP levels than that but you know what it’s okay because this next plan that I have to get XP trust me guys this method is about to get me hundreds of XP levels and the method that I’m going to use is my Enderman Farm wait this enderman’s

Angry at me I have no idea why that Enderman was angry at me but anyway we’re here at the end of an XP farm and now if this thing cannot get us to a level a thousand then I don’t know what will because this Farm

Is a beast I mean just take a look at this the amount of XP that we get from this thing is just absolutely crazy look just from that we get all of this so let’s get to work using the Enderman farm and hope that it can get us to level a thousand Alright guys level 99 and let’s go level 100 just another 900 levels to go foreign now the thing is the Enderman Farm was working really really well but as you can see the higher levels that we are getting the more difficult it is to actually level up so what I think I have

To do now is go ahead and research and try and find a way better XP farm than the Enderman Farm okay Gamers so some big brain research has been done and I found out that the farm I need to build to get level 1000 is some sort of zombie pigment farm that

Not only produces thousands of gold but even more importantly millions and millions of XP which is exactly what we need so I guess let’s gather all of the materials we need and build this thing all right okay now all I have to do is craft some grindstones make some trap doors make

Some chests and finally make some Hoppers so I now have everything to build this XP farm but the only problem is I need to build this XP farm in the Nether and I need some more shulker boxes if I want to transfer everything over so I should probably head into the

End and search for some shulkers there’s one two three four five seven twelve come on 18 20 23 and 24. okay we can now build all of these shulker boxes and start moving everything that we need over to the nether here we go so I’ve loaded up all of the shulker boxes with

Everything that we need to build this XP farm so let’s head to the nether this XP farm needs to be built on the nether roof and I’m kind of scared to go up there because there is a chance that I could get stuck up there forever but I

Guess if we want to get level 1000 we have to take the risk now in this shulker box I’ve put everything that I need to not only get on top of the nether roof but also to get back down first thing that I have to do is make a

Ladder all the way up to this piece of bedrock and then if I throw an ender pearl like this there we go now all I need to do is break this piece of Bedrock so I think I need to place a piston like this and a piece of TNT and

Then I have to place a piece of obsidian there and I think another piece of TNT then a trap door and a lever so now this should work I really hope this works so let’s do this I have to do everything super super quick so let’s just go for

It I have to press the lever do this and then just Spam my mouse button like this come on and it didn’t work guys honestly I’m getting kind of scared because if I fail this another two times then I’m just gonna be stuck on the nether roof for the rest of

The series yeah we better not mess up all right here we go let’s just do this and come on come on come on and yes so we can now go ahead and start working on the farm itself I think that is now everything ready we have all of

The stuff that we need in all of these shulker boxes so let’s just go ahead and get to work Oh all right so we are making pretty good progress so far so what I’ve built at the bottom is a storage area to collect all of the gold and then up here is the platform that I’ll stand on to get all of the XP when this Farm’s up and

Running now luckily for us building all of this is the hard part out the way all I have to do now is place a ton of glass blocks and magma blocks then once I’ve done that that is the spawn platforms complete and we should be able to use this farm and The glass has been placed so now all I have to do is begin placing down these magma blocks so I can give the piglets some space to spawn I’m placing thousands of magma blocks can’t be that bad right okay maybe I was wrong So all of the spawning platforms are now done and as you can see they are working really really well because there is just an absolute ton of zombie pigmen spawning now the only thing that I have to do now to finish this Farm is just add a few finishing touches the first

Thing that I have to add is a bunch of trapdoors all around the sides of these spawning platforms all of the trapdoors are now in position which means we can do the final thing to complete this farm and that is to bring a Zombie Pigman To

Each corner of the farm come on and perfect okay we have another pigment let’s send this one over to that corner let’s try and break the minecart perfect and we’ll give this zombie pigman some gold boots so uh there you go buddy finally the last zombie pigman is now in

Position so I think it’s about time that we get level 1000 so the way that this Farm works is as soon as I hit one of those Zombie Pigmen with my bow and arrow all of them will come charging towards me fall down here and get trapped in the Minecarts the Minecarts

Will take out all of the zombie pigmen giving me all of their XP and also gold I have no idea if this thing works so there’s only one way to find out and let’s do this okay so oh this is the most terrifying thing that I think I’ve

Ever seen all of these Zombie Pigmen charging towards me it’s working and just take a look at my XP bar look how fast this thing is moving up and I literally have to do nothing like I don’t even have to do a thing and the XP just keeps flowing in this is so

Overpowered anyway though let’s just sit here for a while and keep an eye on our levels I’ve been using the fan for quite some time and we are about to hit Level 700 which is well over halfway to level 1000. the craziest thing about all of this is that when I hit level 1000 I am going to be spending every single level on enchanting so I’m pretty excited to

See just the amount of things that I’m going to be able to enchant anyway though we have like another 300 levels to go until we’re at level 1000 and as you can see from my XP bar it is moving pretty slowly so I’ll be back when we’re

Super close to hitting level 1000. come on come on come on level 996. here we go live 997 only three more levels to go our XP goes up so slowly but it doesn’t matter because we’re level 998 only two more levels to go here we

Go we’re about to be level 999 and there it is you know this has taken millions of XP and I cannot believe we are about to do it we’re now officially one level away from level 1000 this is I I am absolutely speechless right now and the

Moment that we’ve all been waiting for yes yes they said it couldn’t be done but we have done it level one thousand guys this has taken forever we failed with the quartz we failed with the Enderman but we did it with this pigment Farm now it’s time to spend all 1000 levels on

Enchanting books to get some of the most overpowered enchantments because we’re going to be able to enchant so many books Let’s get out of this thing we have done it just take a look at that level 1000 that just looking at this is honestly just so strange it’s crazy like

That is literally level 1000 that is 1000 XP levels that is millions and millions of XP that it took to get here it is nice to be back home and how could I forget about my pet parrot Sparky Sparky bro I just hit level 1000 how crazy is that

Oh well I thought you would be a little bit more excited than that but anyway anyway though it’s now the most exciting hey get out of here Phantoms anyway as I was saying let’s spend 1 000 of our levels now seeing as I wanted to use all

1000 of my levels on enchanting books I decided that I wanted to build some sort of library to store all of the books in when I had them so I gathered a bunch of resources like brick andesite bookshelves and even some nether quartz then once I had collected all of the

Resources I began building this library now I didn’t want this thing to be too big seeing as it was going to be going on my Island but I also needed it big enough to fit a bunch of books now building this thing took some time but

Once I was done with the outside of this build I was still not finished now all we need to do to finish the library is just complete the interior so let’s just place an absolute ton of bookshelves all right now that we have all the bookshelves down let’s put some item

Frames on top and this is where we can actually store some of the books that we get enchanted I’m definitely going to need more space than just the item frame so let’s put some barrels down as well what I think I’m gonna do is put all of

The best enchanted books in the item frames and then put all of the rest inside of the barrels so now that we have built the library let’s defend all of our levels um I’ve also just realized that the library looks uh a little bit out of place

Oh and one more thing before we spend all of our thousand levels comment down below some name suggestions of what we should call this Library I’ll pick one of your guys’s name suggestions in the next video and put a sign right there with not only the name that you’ve

Chosen but also your name as well and talking of naming things I asked you guys for some name suggestions of what we should call our secret base in the last episode and well I have chosen a name the name I decided to go with is the diamond Dome I’ll put the comment on

Screen and everything like that now the reason I like the name the diamond Dome is well because not only do we have a diamond Beacon but also yeah we got a lot of diamonds down here now that we have all that out of the way

It is time to spend all of our levels so I have all of my shulker boxes to help store all of the enchanted books seeing as there is going to be an absolute ton of them and in this shocker box I have brought a ton of books and also a bunch

Of lapis as well so let’s just take some of this and let’s start enchanting so this may take a while and also we could end up getting some really good books so I mean some of them are going to be really bad like just protection three

But some of them maybe okay I was hoping that would be a bit better but smite4 is not that good also I just have to say how sad it is to see all 1000 levels go I mean we’re already down to level 940 this quickly and you know what it’s kind

Of sad because having level 1000 was pretty cool okay so here’s the first shulker filled with all of the enchanted books and honestly there’s nothing too great in here apart from maybe this book with Unbreaking three and sharpness four okay so here’s the second shulker box filled with enchanted books and I can

Already tell that having all of these enchanted books is going to be so useful in the future because I’m getting random books like Acro affinity and at some point I’m probably gonna want these enchant so I think it’s going to be really useful to just have them laying

Around and the reason I’m not just going to be enchanting pickaxes and tools is because I have really overpowered Villages which I can just buy all of those things from anyway so yeah let’s keep enchanting foreign protection 3 Smite power and piercing is not the best but that is still really

Good Infinity I actually might put that on my bow I have wanted Infinity on my bow for a while now so we finally have it I’m really surprised at the amount of just good enchanted books that we’re getting because we have so many Unbreaking threes sharpness Falls I

Don’t know if I’m ever going to need to trade for any books again with my villagers because I’m getting so many good enchants by just doing this I’ve also just realized that my helmet doesn’t have Acro Affinity so you know what let’s just find this book right

Here and let’s give our helmet Acura Affinity also I saw your guys’s comments and yes I will call my elytra flying through wow just take a look at the amount of enchanted books that we have I don’t think I’m ever going to need a new enchanted book ever again you have so

Many feather falling books we have so many Unbreaking books and just so much more now instead of enchanting the final few books that we can do I have a way better idea gonna take a bunch of the really good books and just combine them all together so now we have things like

Efficiency 5 sharpness some braking efficiency silk touch Unbreaking so what I’m gonna do with all of these really good books is put these ones all in item frames and then we can go ahead and put all of the other books inside of the barrels there we go so all of the

Enchanted books are now inside of the library we pretty much have an infinite amount of enchanted books now so if you’ve ever wondered the amount of enchantments that you can do with level 1000 well now you know I’ve also just realized we’re not quite at level zero

Yet so let’s spend our last three levels very wisely now to spend our final enchantment level I’m going to change the name of this enchanted golden apple to level a thousand now this golden apple is officially a symbol of what we’ve accomplished anyway thank you guys so

Much for watching and I’ll see you in the next one alright let’s grab some of my valuables and oh I have absolutely nothing I should probably go mining in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I’m going to mine ten thousand doors to become extremely rich but before we fill

Up these shulker boxes with ten thousand dollars we first have to make a place to go mining I’m thinking we build some sort of cave entrance over here so let’s just okay this is everything that I need to build the mine so let’s just mine a

Small chunk out of the ground add some oars and some spiky bits for decoration I guess the mine entrance itself a blast furnace area and finally a moving Minecart with a chest inside for some extra storage all right this is looking nice but it doesn’t take me underground let’s change that

Just like that we are fully finished and ready to mine now to obtain ten thousand dollars I’m going to try four different mining methods to see which one is the best way to mine so method one I’m just going to explore caves for method two I’m going to try strip mining then for

Method three I’m going to be getting alls from the Nether and finally for method 4 I’m going to be Beacon mining underground with haste too so seeing as I need a beacon let’s head to another Fortress and get some with the skeleton heads alright we are at the nether

Fortress now the question is can we get ourselves a Wither skull from our first wither skeleton and no no we can okay so I’m trying to get some Wither Skeleton skulls and take a look at this is this amount of wither skeletons normal because I have never seen this

Amount in my life this is absolutely crazy like take a look at this there’s like hundreds okay I just took all of them out and I didn’t get a single with a skeleton skull you’ve got to be kidding me come on and oh we actually

Got one hey stay back so we have our first wither skeleton skull only two more to go okay there’s four with the skeletons here surely one of you guys have to drop one yes we got second one now I doubt any of these guys are gonna drop one but we can still try

No way I just got back to back with the skeleton skulls you know what I will take that we now have three Wither Skeleton skulls okay I guess let’s head home and fight the Wither and get ourselves a beacon so let’s just go ahead and spawn in the Wither just like

This I’m just kidding guys I’m not actually gonna spawn up here but what I am gonna do is spawn it down here now as you can see I’ve prepared a straight line that I can run down for if the weather gets too close I also added the

Infinity enchantment onto our bow in the last episode so hopefully that should help us here and we’re good to go so let’s do this okay here we go as soon as it spawns in I’m just gonna shoot my bow an absolute turn so let’s just keep on

Shooting our bow just like this and look at the amount of damage this thing does I always get scared to fight the Wither and then I realize that our bow is just so overpowered and come on boom just like that we’ve defeated the Wither now where okay there’s the nether star so we

Can now craft ourselves this Beacon just like that and although we don’t need to use this Beacon until the final mining method it’s just a good thing to get out of the way so we can focus on mining and I’ve also just remembered that I only have two silk touch pickaxes and seeing

As I’m soup touching ten thousand dollars I am definitely going to be needing more than just two silk touch pickaxes so let’s make two fresh Diamond Pickaxes upgrade both of them to netherrite pickaxes now we can head inside the library to try and find some silk touch books here’s one and here is

Two let’s also grab another efficiency book now finally let’s put this pickaxe in here and combined it with this book to get ourselves efficiency silk touching and breaking and then let’s give this pickaxe efficiency 5 Unbreaking and also a silk touch book as well so now that we have everything

Ready the last thing I’m going to do before I fill up all of these shulker boxes with ten thousand dollars is quickly go ahead and color code all of my shulker boxes just like this and then I’m going to just name each shulk box after what method they’re going to be

Used for for example these two shulker boxes will be filled with alls that I get from exploring caves these two shulker boxes will be filled with alls that I get from strip mining and so on so let’s head down to our mining area and begin mining ten thousand dollars

And the first mining method is exploring caves so let’s find all right so we have found ourselves our first cave and although it’s not very big it does have a mine shaft but of course before we explore the mine shaft let’s begin silk touching our first oars hold up just a

Second I have never seen Iron Ore place like this in wait what is that guys I have no idea what I’m looking at right now is that is that a raw piece of iron that’s a block of raw iron I had no idea you could find those underground

That is the weirdest thing I have ever seen I mean I’ll take it it definitely brings us closer to ten thousand dollars but this is just so weird we have got ourselves our first diamond door and I’m pretty sure it’s just one piece yeah it’s just one Diamond door by itself I

Should also probably explore this mine shaft although it could be pretty dangerous oh so it seems that this mine shaft is connected to this giant cave which is perfect seeing as we need to explore caves to get walls for this method so what I think I’m gonna do is

Just go around this massive cave and mine every single ore that I can see let’s do this Now this cave was absolutely huge and filled with valuables I mean everything was going great and I was mining pretty peacefully that was until for some reason an absolute ton of mobs spawned and I had seriously no idea why why is there so many mobs spawning

Well that was fun on the bright side at least I found some axolotls I have been exploring flooring caves and mining for absolutely ages so let’s just quickly grab these diamonds and finally pick up these pieces of redstone so if I’ve done the maths correctly we should be able to

Move on to the next method of mining which is of course strip mining in this shulker box we have pretty much filled it up and this is just all of the ores that we’ve got from exploring caves just take a look at that and let’s also not

Forget about this shulker box as well so in both of these shulker boxes combined there is over 2 500 oars which means we are now a quarter of the way there to getting 10 000 but now that we’re done with exploring caves let’s move on to strip

Mining now I’m just going to go ahead and say this is definitely the method where we’re gonna find the most diamonds because I am mining at Diamond level and would you look at that we’ve already found some diamonds now I have a lot of strip mining to do so let’s get to work Oh our pickaxe is getting really really low but being a pro Minecraft I always bring backups and just like this we can get a fresh pickaxe and boom but also real quick this is a progress that I’ve made while strip mining and it’s actually not bad and we have found like

Almost a stack of diamonds already but we have quite a long way to go so let’s keep going now guys I don’t know if you know this but mining in a straight line for just ages it’s it’s not the most fun thing to do but um I need the resources so I I

Really don’t have much of a choice you know the only thing keeping me mining at this point is just imagining the amount of valuables we’re about to get with all of this when I finally get to mine it with my fortune pickaxe what am I doing it has taken forever but we have

Finished the strip mining method and in total we have ourselves one two three four five six seven eight nine we have almost nine stacks of diamond ore and if we combine everything that we have gotten from the strip mining method and also the exploring caves method we have

In total five thousand oars now before we finish this off and get ten thousand dollars I want to make my way back home so that I can make a place ready to smell all of the ten thousand dollars when I get them so what I’m gonna do is

Build a giant furnace right here and then inside of the giant furnace I can have an auto smelter which will be able to smell thousands of ores extremely quickly now to make this giant furnace I’m going to need to collect a bunch of gravel and also quite a lot of sand and

Then I also need a bunch of stone a few pieces of wool and finally some clay so this is everything that we need to make a giant furnace the only thing I need to quickly make now is just some concrete so let’s make some gray concrete some red concrete yellow concrete orange

Concrete some light gray wool and finally some light gray concrete and to make sure that I’m doing a good job of building a giant furnace I’m going to put a normal one right here so I know what to build so to start things off I’m just going to go ahead and flatten out

This area okay let’s start on the build over here I have really no idea of how this thing’s gonna turn out I mean I think we’re doing a pretty good job so far You know what I’m actually pretty surprised I don’t think it looks that bad I mean it’s really hard to make it look exactly like a normal furnace but you know what I think I’ve done a pretty good job now what I want to do for this

Bottom bit of the Furnace down here is actually make it look like this furnace is turned on so I’m gonna grab some orange red and yellow concrete and I’m gonna try my best to make it look like this furnace is being used just like you would see on a regular furnace

Wow that just makes it look 10 times better I’m Gonna Leave This part of the Furnace open because inside of there is where I want to build the auto smelter but for now though let’s go around the furnace just like this and fill the rest

Of it in now let’s just build the room inside of the Furnace where the auto smelter is going to go now luckily for us building an auto smelter is really easy because it requires no Redstone to set up so let’s just quickly put everything into place now let’s just put

These Hopper mine carts down these will help just put everything into the furnaces for us and let’s finish off the back of the room just like this alright so the auto smelter is all finished and there is a drown here for some reason so let me show you guys how this works so

Say for example I want to smell this sand I go ahead and put that in the top chest and as you can see the hopper Minecarts are picking it up then I do the exact same thing for the coal and then I press this lever and as you can

See the hopper Minecarts put everything inside of the furnaces and then we leave the auto smarter for a little bit of time and then as you can see everything that has been smelted pops out in this chest so when the time comes to smelt ten thousand dollars this Auto smelter

Should do it really really fast but for now though it’s time to get back to Mining and third method is of course mining ores in the nether now this is definitely the easiest way to get us and the reason I really wanted to do this method is because when I mine all of

This quartz with my fortune pickaxe the amount of XP that we are going to get is insane and even this gold ore right here is really really useful for gold oh look at the amount of walls that there are over here I’ll take all of this now

There is a Bastion right here and I really don’t know whether it’s just worth risking everything to go and explore it because as you can see there are just a ton of pigment this is going to be so risky but you know what I’m

Gonna do it now I think we’ll be okay as long as we don’t find a piglet brute because those things can seriously do some damage okay let’s just be very careful let’s take you out okay so there is a chest right here let’s just make

Sure we are all good to go ahead and loot it I’m just going to block off all of these entrances all right let’s see what we get and oh okay look at that we have some iron some golden carrots but the first chest that we found that’s

Pretty good loot all right let’s just go over here and okay so I found another chest let’s just block this one off as well and oh we got Pig step I’m pretty sure this music disc is really rare let’s go that’s the only good thing from

This chest but I will take that that is the first big step that I have found okay let’s head into the middle of this thing and there is a chest in the middle which has a gold block let’s go I think there’s probably one more chest I’m just

Gonna go ahead and look and also let’s not forget to grab this gold block I’ll take that okay I think that may be the last chess over there let’s go I don’t think there’s any piglets over here so let’s quickly check inside here we have another gold block and you know what I

Don’t think there’s anything else really good in the chest okay let’s go let’s go let’s get out of here you know what I am not risking it because those things are the absolute worst did you guys just see how much damage that just did now I think I’ve

Looted every chest but even if there is one more that I haven’t looted I don’t care I’m not going back in there because I really do not want to deal with a pig you know what though let’s just get back to mining walls because right now we have around about five thousand dollars

And we have another five thousand to go so let’s just fly around the Nether and get all of the oils that we need And just like that we have all of the nether rolls that we need so we have all of the quartz and all of the gold but even more importantly our total amount of oars is now at 7 500 which of course means we only have

One method of mine left to do and this next mining method is about to be the most satisfying one out of them all because while the next mining method is mining with a beacon and in case you’re wondering why this is about to be so satisfying well let me show you but

First I I sort of have to borrow these diamond blocks from this Beacon because I I don’t have enough blocks to build another one so let’s move the beacon down here and then of course so let’s give the Beacon haste two okay now this is the reason this mining method is

About to be the most fun and most satisfying I could do this all day and you can already see that it’s a really good way of getting yours because we not only have some lapis but also some coal and I’m pretty sure this is some of the

First coal law that we have got so far because all of the other mining methods have required us to mine quite deep underground so yeah we should be able to get some colore from this method oh we’ve also stumbled onto some gold as well and of course some iron also guys

Another thing that I’ve just realized about this method is that we’re just gonna have giant chunks mined out of the ground anyway though as I said earlier we have 7 500 all so far so let’s go ahead and get the final 2500 dollars that we need to get up to ten thousand

Dollars let’s do this [Applause] thank you Okay so this is how much we have mined of this place and it is just looking destroyed and hold on just a second did I really walk past some diamonds without realizing how many have we got here we have one two and is there any more hidden behind and yes there’s another

Two here so in total Four Diamonds that I completely missed now I’m gonna be honest this method has really surprised me I didn’t expect it to be that good but I seriously cannot stop finding oars anyway though let’s check on the progress so far so if we put all of

These alls in the shulker box we have almost one full shulker box so we’re making really really good progress and we have just found an amethyst geode foreign things you can do in Minecraft okay let’s not get too distracted because we are so close to filling up the first

Shulker box for the beacon mining method okay so I’ve been mining for a little while and we have successfully filled up the first beacon mining shulker box and we’ve also made a little bit of progress on the second shulker box here so I think we only need around about nine or

Ten more stacks of ores until we have reached our final goal of ten thousand dollars let’s get back to Mining and let’s hit that 10 000 Mark these pieces of copper should be the final ores that we need to bring us over the 10 000 Mark

And from what it looks like this is a giant vein of copper so yeah I’m thinking this may be the last amount of wars that we need until we hit ten thousand you know what I’m gonna make these last Diamonds the final ores that we mine so let’s grab these and check it

For over the 10 000 Mark so let’s put these shulker boxes down and now let’s place in all of the oils that we just mined so there it is if we go ahead and combine all of our shulker boxes just like this we are now at ten thousand

Dollars so if you guys ever want to know what ten thousand dollars looks like well uh it looks something like this we just have so so much Diamond door so much iron gold Redstone lapis honestly I don’t think we’re gonna need to go mining again for a very long time

Because this is a serious amount of Oz and also we’re gonna be getting way more than just what’s in these shulker boxes because I’m gonna be using my fortune pickaxe which will obviously give us more than one off each ore but I just can’t believe what I’m looking at right

Now because this is just so many ores but now for the part that we’ve all been waiting for I’m gonna go ahead and stack all of these holes on top of each other and then go ahead and mine every single one but uh before we do that I should

Probably bring back this Beacon alright so we are back home and ready to mine all ten thousand dollars but really quickly before I do anything I need your guys’s help naming this mine because we built this mine at the start of the video but I completely forgot to ask you

Guys for what we should go ahead and name this new mining area so make sure you guys comment down below some name suggestions and of course I’ll be putting a sign right here with not only your name but also the name that you suggest and speaking of names I asked

You guys in the last episode to give some name suggestions of what we should call our brand new library and I have gone ahead and chosen one now the name that I’ve chosen is the leveling Library I’ll go ahead and put the comment on screen and everything like that I really

Think that this name suits the build but as always thank you guys all so much for the name suggestions but now the time is here to finally place down all 10 000 doors and also mine them so what I’m gonna do is place all of the oars on top

Of this furnace I think it will look really cool but even more importantly I’m definitely going to need to set up a beacon down here because mining these oars is going to take absolutely ages and hopefully having a beacon will make it much quicker okay so we have the

Beacon in place let’s just go ahead and give it haste too and then the final thing that I’m just gonna quickly do is put a bunch of chests inside of the Furnace so I have a place to store all of the valuables when I mine them having

All of these chests here is going to make everything so much easier because when I have all of like my iron and gold and everything in these chests I can just move them over into these chests and smell everything super super quickly anyway let’s get into the most exciting

Part of all of this and that is placing down all of yours and then mining them now one thing that I know for sure is that this is going to take me absolutely ages because there is ten thousand doors here I’m placing down 10 000 blocks well

I just know it’s going to take a while so I think I’m just gonna start by placing down all of the other quartz and then the higher up that we go in the pile the rarer that all’s become so yeah to start with let’s just get all of the nether quartz down Sports so let’s move on to placing the nether gold ore So now that we’ve placed down all of the netherals seeing as the higher up we’re getting the more valuable all of these are going to become I think next would be a pretty good idea to start placing down all of the copper and when I say

There is a lot of copper I seriously mean there is a lot of copper so I have a lot of placing to do That’s all of the copper placed down so let’s move on to coal Move on to Redstone Okay we’re almost done with the Redstone and boom we can now move on to lapis That’s all of the lap is done so we can now place down all of the iron Before I go ahead and place down all of the golden diamonds just take a look at the progress we have made so far this is looking crazy and the thing that I really like is that all of the ores are placed on top of a giant furnace and for

Some reason that just makes it look way cooler anyway though we are now down to the last two ores that we have to place and that is gold and then diamonds so I’m gonna place down all of the gold first and then finally we’ll put the

Diamonds on top and then we’re gonna go through and mine everything so let me grab the rest of this gold and I think that should be everything so let’s get to placing all of the gold and oh there is a creep up here let’s get rid of this

It’s now finally time to place down all of the diamonds and once we have done this that is all of the oars placed down so let’s do this all right guys check this out here is all of the ten thousand dollars placed down now after we mine this we are going

To become so rich and we probably won’t have to mine again for a very very long time because the amount of just valuables I’m gonna get out of this is gonna be insane I mean just take a look at the amount of diamonds that are up

There take a look at the amount of gold iron like there’s just so much stuff so I guess let’s just begin mining all ten thousand door and let’s start off with the diamonds all right here we go starting off with the diamonds now I am really interested to see how many

Diamonds we’re actually going to get from this and just to make sure yep okay so we are using our Fortune pickaxe here we go so we’re already at a stack of diamonds which means I’m just gonna take a guess and say that we’re probably gonna end up with about maybe I don’t

Know like 10 to 15 stacks of diamonds who knows I could be really far off because I mean we’ve just hit our second stack which um means that I may be a little off because yep we’ve just hit our third stack of diamonds now having the Jesus Beacon is definitely making

This fast but with deep slate it doesn’t actually make it that much faster anyway though let’s keep going and I’ll make sure to keep updating you guys with the amount of diamonds that I’m getting okay and that is the first layer of diamonds destroyed and we have ourselves six

Stacks of diamonds so far and we have another two layers of diamonds to go okay this is the second layer of diamonds done and we have ourselves eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen we have almost 13 stacks of diamonds and we have one more layer of diamonds left oh

Actually we have a little bit more than one layer of diamonds left because there’s some diamonds under here that I actually forgot about as well so we’re definitely gonna go over 15 stacks of diamonds my guess is very wrong we are now down to the final few pieces of

Diamond door and there we go so in total we got ourselves around about okay we we’ve almost got a full shulker box of diamonds so that’s almost 26 stacks of diamonds right there so let’s take all of these diamonds into the furnace and just store them in the

Chest for now and let’s head back to the top and begin mining the gold layer okay so I’ve just finished mining all of the gold and in total we have just over half a double chest filled with gold so half a double chest of diamonds and then

Just over half a double chest of raw gold but you know what though we have still a lot more mining to do so let’s move on to mining the iron so we are now done mining all of the iron so let’s head into the furnace so

In total we have ourselves almost a full double chest of iron now this is gonna come in so useful because I’m always using iron and hold up a second why is there a Wandering Trader just on my beacon what what trades have you got these have to be some of the worst

Trades that I’ve ever seen I mean come on a bucket of puffer fish anyway though it’s time to mine all of the lapis so I’m about to be done with the lapis layer and the problem is that I’ve been mining so much lapis that I’ve literally

Had to turn it into lapis blocks I mean is it possible to have too much lapis but anyway let’s put all of this inside of this chest and wow that is that is a lot of lapis right there so now I believe we are on to mining the Redstone

Layers so I think we’re about halfway down and we are almost done with the Redstone layer there we go and I’m gonna have to turn all of the pieces of redstone into redstone blocks because yeah we have a lot of redstone so let’s move all of the

Redstone into this chest and boom now let’s mine all of the coal so I finished mining all of the coal and this is the amount that we got now it is time to mine the final three layers we have the quartz we have the nether gold

Ore and we have the copper I’ve also just realized we’re level 72 so I’m hoping that the nether quartz down there is going to be able to get us above level 100 anyway let’s mine all of this copper mining copper all with a fortune pickaxe gives you so much copper Sun doing the

Same thing I had to do for the lapis and Redstone and I’m turning all of it into raw blocks of copper so let’s go ahead and take all of the blocks of copper down into these chests just like this and I think it’s safe to say that I’m

Definitely not going to be running out of copper anytime soon I’m going to be able to do so many things with all of these valuables like with all of this iron the amount of farms that I’ll be able to build and stuff like that and with all of this Redstone I’ll be able

To build some really cool redstone contraptions and I mean I can even get a second Diamond Beacon now if I wanted to but anyway we are down to this layer right here and I’m just gonna go ahead and mine all of this at once because

It’s all of the ores that we got from the nether so you know what let’s go ahead and finish mining all ten thousand doors thank you so we have mined all ten thousand dollars as you can see there’s nothing left on top of the Furnace so let’s go

Ahead and double check over everything that we got from mining ten thousand dollars so to start things off we got half a double chest of diamonds we then almost got a full chest of gold we pretty much got a full double chest of iron and then down in this chest we got

A bunch of lapis and redstone blocks I had to turn them into blocks because there is just seriously a lot of lapis and Redstone in this chest and then over here we have all of the stuff from the nether oars so all of the gold all of

The nether quartz and then last but not least we got ourselves a ton of copper and we also got a little bit of coal as well so I’m gonna put some coal into this chest I’m gonna start smelting all of the gold and the Iron Soul it’s flick

On the auto smelter we have a ton of stuff to smelt but the auto smelter will be able to smell all of this extremely quickly so I’m gonna wait for this all to smell in the giant furnace and I’ll see you guys in the next one in this

Episode of Hardcore Minecraft I’m going to be making one of the most overpowered raid Farms that produces thousands of totems of undying and when I get all of these totems I am going to be doing something very very very risky now I haven’t even done one raid yet so let’s just

So now that we have bad Omen let’s do this raid okay that should be the end of the raid and yes we’ve done it that took forever all right we can finally check how many totems we got from that and four we did all of that for four totems that’s it

I’m building my own infinite totem Farm now to build a totem Farm I won’t need that many materials right oh maybe we should start Gathering everything so to build this totem Farm we are going to need a bunch of stone we’re also going to need to gather up a

Ton of wood also a bunch of ice and finally we need to collect some sand and now we can craft the final things we need so here is everything that we need to build one of the best raid Farms so let’s get to work okay so the first

Thing that we have to do is find a giant ocean to build this raid Farm yeah this ocean is definitely going to be perfect to build this raid farm and this spot is looking just a little bit safer so let’s begin building so the first thing that we need to do to

Build this raid Farm is we actually need to place a bed right about here now that we have the bed in position we have to build up 20 blocks just like this and now we can remove all of the temporary building blocks and now that we’re left with this one block here

We can put a Soul Sand here a fence here and then a block here and then we can put a pressure plate on this fence and then two blocks here and then finally we can put a block here and break this one and now that this is all in position we

Have to do something I absolutely hate and that is redstone hopefully we don’t get any uh malfunctions with this Redstone okay you’ve got to be kidding me why is it raining foreign So the first part of the farm is now done and I have no idea if it works so what should happen is that when I stand on this block I should get pushed all the way to the top of the farm and then when I reach the top I should get pushed

All the way back down again so let’s test this out and we get pushed all the way up and yes we get pushed all the way back down automatically okay let’s go it all works perfectly so let’s continue building so next what we have to do is

Place a stone brick here and here with one on top so we can break this one and then now we can place this stone brick here add a trapdoor right here and then it’s pointing observer in that direction and that Observer is looking kind of sad anyway let’s place a repeater and a

Lever and then next to where we put the lever we can put two trap doors just like this all of this Redstone is looking super messy but we just have to trust the process let’s now make a little staircase down to the other side now at the bottom of this staircase we

Can start building a little storage area now this is where all of the totems and all of the items will go into we will definitely have to extend this later because we’re going to have so many totems so now all of the story chests are in position we just want to go ahead

And put some hoppers on top of these chests now on top of these Hoppers we want to place down a cake and also a rail now this cake is very important so even if you’re really hungry just don’t eat this thing okay that was just a terrible joke anyway let’s put a hopper

Mine cart on top of that rail now let’s just place two blocks on top of this cake with a piston like this and then we have to try and push this block into the minecart so let’s put a lever here and boom okay and now we can break all of

This so now that there is a block in that Minecart we just have to place a glass block on each side and then let’s put down two sticky pistons now from this bottom piston we just have to expand out by three and then place a

Block on the top so it should look like that perfect now the reason we just put these blocks down is so we can put some redstone on them now above the water elevator we have to put down some chests now we have to get on top of these

Chests because we need to place down four fences above the cake and then next to these fences we add some glass like this and then let’s also put some glass down on the other side and now that I have all of this glass in position I’m

Just going going to go ahead and build up with some glass here because we need to extend all of this really high up into the sky so let’s just go ahead and do that now what I’m building right here is what all of the pillagers will fall

Down so now that we’re up in the sky we have to make a little platform just like this now let’s go up three blocks like this and build a wall all around the platform that we’ve just built now I need to come down here and place a fence

Gate so all of the pillagers that spawn into the raid will all fall down this hole we now just have to build the area for them to spawn in but quickly before we do we also have to place down a water bucket to push them all down the hole

Now let’s get to building in the spawning platforms so let’s start by surrounding all of this with stone bricks just like this and I also have to make sure that the wall that I’m building around all of this is three blocks high alright this is looking

Pretty good so now all of the pillagers will fall down into this hole but what we have to quickly do is just place a bunch of fence gates and make sure all of them are open now to make sure everything goes down into the middle we

Just have to place some water buckets on every single corner it’s now placed glass on top of all of the stone brick and make sure that that is two blocks high okay we are almost finished so what we have to do now is place down just one

Layer of ice all right this should be good okay so now let’s do the final thing that we need to do to complete this Farm now this part is very weird because we have to place these two chests down put a block on top of each

Chest add some trap doors add even more trapdoors add some fence gates and then remove all of these blocks and then add even more trap doors with buttons on each one and now we are just left with this really weird looking thing but somehow it has a purpose because what it

Does is if you put lava on top of these fence gates it will make it so whenever those big ravages spawn the lava will be able to just take them out so I now have to repeat this on each of the other sides all right let’s now get rid of all of

These blocks and there we go we have fully completed the raid Farm now this Farm is about to give us unlimited totems unlimited emeralds and just a bunch of other items but before we test this thing out we have to bring a villager to this bed okay buddy just hop

In here now guys while we’re bringing this villager over to the raid Farm make sure to subscribe if you guys enjoy the videos you know I don’t really like asking for subscribers I mean I definitely wouldn’t name my pickaxe sub to through because that would just be so

Stupid okay so this is now the villager’s new home and boom I’ve also just remembered that I need to put sweeping Edge on my sword for this Farm to work properly and it’s going to cost 34 levels I guess we gotta do it now let’s test out this raid Farm I really

Hope nothing goes wrong so the first thing we have to do is take out a Pillager to get bad Omen we now have to head back to the raid Farm okay we’ve made it back to the raid farm and what we quickly have to do is turn this off

And then we have to do this okay perfect and now I think we should be good to use this thing so I think we stand here and wait for the machine to start working okay so we’ve been pushed into position and now any minute now we should drop

All the way to the bottom and hopefully the raid should start I really hope this works I’m really really scared that it won’t okay any minute now I’ve been waiting for quite some time okay here we go here we go okay we should land in the water

Perfect oh and if you guys see up there the raid bar is actually filling up we are now back at the top and the raid bar was there but it’s just disappeared now but I think that’s supposed to happen all right here we go oh actually wait oh

Okay things are spawning okay it’s working let’s just keep on swinging our sword we’re getting all of this XP and hopefully the items are going into the chests let’s just quickly look in one of the chests and yet the storage system is working and oh okay so I think we’re

Starting another raid it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve built this Farm correctly because another raid has started so I decided to continue testing out this farm and it was working perfectly until this happened we have a little bit of a problem I didn’t think

We’d be saying this but this Farm is way too overpowered I mean just look at all of the totems that we have I mean all of our storage is full we are also beginning to fill up these chests as well which means we need to expand the

Storage and I don’t want to make any storage I want to make a giant automated storage system which will automatically be able to sort all of the items that this Farm produces now building an automatic storage is actually really easy so let’s just craft the final

Things that we need and now we can build this thing so by having this automatic storage system everything that this Farm produces will automatically be sorted into these chests alright we are all finished now because I have this storage system I want to try

And fill up as many of these chests as I can because not only do I want thousands of emeralds and all of the other things that this Farm produces I want to try and get hundreds of totems because I have a pretty cool idea of what I want

To do with them so I’ll be back once we’ve used this Farm a bunch of times there we go so I’ve been using the farm for a while let’s go and check out how much stuff we’ve actually got I really hope we got a lot of totems from this

Okay so let’s start from this side and work our way down so we have some Redstone a little bit of gum powder okay a few stacks of Glowstone and sugar quite a lot of glass bottles some spider eyes and I’m really excited to see how

Many emeralds we got so we got oh my goodness that is like a full double chest of emeralds and we also have quite a lot of sticks anyway now on to the most important part how many totems has this Farm got on us okay so there’s one

Double chest of totems two double chests three double chests four double chests five double chests six okay there’s no way we have more than this seven what’s eight nine okay there is no way we have ten bruh wait so this is 11 and then this is

12. so we have filled up 12 double chests with dotans I seriously can’t believe my eyes right now I don’t think we’re gonna run out of totems anytime soon this Farm is crazy but now it’s time to put every single one of these totems to the test you see I want to do

The most riskiest thing I have ever done I want to use all of these totems I’ve collected to battle four Withers at once I’m also going to fight the end of dragon at the same time as well that means it’s going to be me versus four

Withers and an ender dragon now is this a bad idea yes is there a chance that I could lose this entire world by doing this yes but I haven’t gone through all of this work to get all of these totems to not use them so let’s do the most

Dangerous thing I have ever done but quickly before we risk everything I want to build a giant totem dispenser right here so the first thing that we need to build a giant totem is some wool the next thing I need is gold blocks so let’s get some gold this should be

Enough then finally the last few things we need is some terracotta and some concrete so now that we have everything let’s build a giant Toto foreign I think I’ve actually done a good job I mean here’s what the normal totem looks like and here is what the giant totem

Looks like now I’ve got a button and some dispensers and I’m actually going to turn this thing into a giant totem dispenser so what I’m gonna do is extend the totem backwards a little bit and now because I’ve extended the build slightly I can hide some dispensers inside so

Let’s fill up these suspensers with some totems now let’s add some Redstone so now if I’ve done everything correctly when I press this button yes hold on a second I’ve just got to do this one more time take a look at that so now not only

Do we have a giant totem dispenser we also have a giant furnace building giant versions of things is actually kind of fun so comment down below what I should build a giant version of next anyway it’s now time to use all of these totems on fighting four Withers and the Ender

Dragon at once so let’s prepare ourselves a fresh bow this bow should be good and while taking out four Withers is not going to be easy so I’m going to brew up some Strength 2 potions and now that we have everything prepared for this battle we now just have to get 12

With the skeleton skulls to spawn in the four Withers now this may take just some time here we go we got one with a skull only 11 more to go here is the second with a skull yes the third Wither Skull the eight and there is the 12th let’s go wait what

Wait I just got back to back with the skeletons again what is my luck okay so we ended up getting 13 with the skulls even though we only needed 12. so now that we have enough Wither Skeleton skulls to spawn in four Withers we now need to get this stuff to respawn the

Ender Dragon so let’s get some gas tears alright so we have the perfect amount of gastiers now the next thing we need is some glass and then finally we need some Eyes of Ender alright so let’s craft it let’s put the glass like this let’s put

The gas tears here and the Eye of Ender there and boom I am now fully prepared for this battle I have the Wither Skeleton skulls and the Soul Sand so I can spawn in all four of the withers I have the end crystals to be able to

Respawn the Ender Dragon I have the emergency Golden Apple if anything’s to go wrong I have a water bucket a bunch of strength two potions a shield and also a backup Shield as well loads of fireworks and also loads of food and then most importantly I have all of the

Totems now I’m actually interested to see how many totems that I’ll use in this fight but I guess we’re about to find out now I just want to say if I do end up losing the world to this this moment will end up going down as one of

The most stupidest things anyone has ever done in their hardcore world but with that being said I’m going to say goodbye to everything for now because it’s time to do this here we go let’s head into the end now in its place down where we want the withers to go just

Like this and I’ve also covered up the end portal in case one of the withers tried to fly in now there’s one more really important thing I want to do I’m going to place down both of the shulker boxes filled with totems because say I’m running out of totems what I can quickly

Do is fly down here and take out as many as I need so for now let’s just take out a few just in case and now everything is set up let’s do this so let’s start by putting all of the Wither Skeleton skulls in position I am getting really

Really scared to do this so now let’s just drink a strength potion and place down the end crystals oh yeah I probably shouldn’t have used wood to block off the portal okay here we go let’s bring the Ender Dragon in and the first us with her the second wither the third

Wither and the fourth wither let’s go okay let’s put our water bucket here right let’s do this okay yeah this is already a bad idea I already have a feeling that this is the worst idea I’ve ever had oh there’s like five of them okay let’s just also remember we don’t

Have our electron so we can’t fly around let’s just keep on running oh this is really scary this is actually really scary oh my goodness okay let’s just focus on one wither let’s just focus on one why are they all together oh no we do not want to fall into the void okay

Let’s just keep on running let’s turn around let’s just keep on bowing them that is all I can do right now I would stop and eat but I don’t want to risk it I have no idea where the Ender Dragon is wait is the Ender Dragon even here okay

Let’s eat let’s eat let’s eat let’s eat let’s pop another strength potion I have no idea where the Ender Dragon is okay we’ve got some of them quite low to half Health if we keep on running we won’t be able to take them out we just got a key

On firing our bow I have to remember that I have these totems so I shouldn’t be scared to use them okay how have I not got one of them okay yes we’ve got one down to half Health okay this one we’re gonna have to take out with this

One let’s just focus it let’s just focus this one with a oh my okay let’s come on let’s keep hitting it with our sword please there we go one down three more to go okay this actually isn’t going too bad we have 10 seconds left of strength so let’s pop another strength potion

Okay you know I’m just gonna tank it and pop a totem right now because we need to keep on shooting our bow and arrow oh okay wait we’re gonna have to pop a totem we’re gonna have to pop one there we go this is actually going better than I expected we have another

Wither down to half Health we’re gonna have to pop another totem there we go come on with a please almost there and yes we’re halfway there we’re only having two Withers I’m taking a lot less damage now all right can we just take one second though what is going on there

Like seriously I think your Enderman is angry at us wait a minute we’re about to pop a totem there we go I’m running out of totems I might have to go back down to the shulker Box all right and there we go only one more wither left this

Should be pretty easy you know what we thought I am not scared of you because all your buddies are gone and it’s just me versus you okay so let’s just make this easy for both of us and stop shooting things at me we’re almost there and come on yes

Oh my goodness that has to be the most terrifying thing I have ever done all right can we just take a second to realize what has happened to my end portal like there’s just two pieces left I was really confused as to what happened to my end portal and well I

Wanted to fix it so after some thinking I came up with a solution that I thought might work I thought that maybe fighting the the Ender Dragon again would maybe bring the portal back to normal so I got everything to make some more end crystals and went back to re-summon the

Ender Dragon I think I know how to fix what’s happened to my portal so let’s fight the Ender Dragon again and hopefully when I defeat it the portal should open back up right the Ender Dragon has now been taken out let’s hope the portal reopens

Yes there we go anyway guys I’m gonna go back to using the infinite raid farm so I’ll see you guys in the next one in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I’m going to mine a giant 100 by 100 area all the way down to bedrock so that I

Can not only get a bunch of valuables but also a huge space to build farms now the first thing we need to do is Mark out our 100 by 100 space I think right here is perfect so now that the 100 by 100 is marked out it’s time to begin mining the first

Mining method we’re going to do is just regular mining but as the video goes on the crazier the mining methods will get but for now though to make things easier let’s craft four beacons and give them all haste too much better oh my this is so satisfying foreign

Okay I think we may need even more pickaxes I mean I do have all of these pickaxes but I have a feeling that even this won’t be enough so let’s make an extra five pickaxes I also think I have some spare netherite around here somewhere where did I put it up how did

I not see that so let’s upgrade all of these now we just need to get some enchantments thank you thank you thank you all right let’s combine all of this together all of these pickaxes are getting efficiency five I’m breaking three and mending you’ve got to be

Kidding me I’ve run out of XP let’s quickly get all of the XP that we need and you know what because we’re here let’s also mend up our pickaxe we can finally add the final enchantment to this pickaxe and boom so now that we have all of these pickaxes let’s get

Back to mining [Applause] All right so we are making some pretty good progress I know we have a long way to go but when this thing is done it is going to look absolutely crazy now another thing I’m going to do while I mine this 100 by 100 is collect every

Single ore that I find with a silk touch pickaxe and of course there’s only one place we can store all of these oars on top of the giant furnace so let’s go and place all of the oils I’ve collected so far and boom so this is everything that

We have collected so far so throughout the video we’ll keep on adding to this pile and then at the end we can mine all of it and see how much we get but now that we’re back at the 100 by 100 I want to test something out you see a

Minecraft chunk is 16 by 16 blocks wide and what I want to do is take a chunk out the corner of this 100 by 100 and time how long it takes to mine it all the way down to bedrock and that way we can get an idea of how long this entire

Project will take us to finish so let’s start the timer yes we have found our first diamonds in the 100 by 100 five Diamond door that’s not bad foreign we are almost done I just have to remove all of the deep slate between the pieces of bedrock and we are

Finished so mining this entire one chunk took us just over three hours and while seeing as mining this took that long I don’t even want to know how long the rest of this is going to take but on the bright side at least we got all of these

Oars from mining out the one chunk so let’s place all of these alls on top of the giant furnace and boom this thing is only going to get taller this is just the beginning anyway though before we continue mining all of my pickaxes are almost destroyed so let’s fix them

All right our pickaxes are looking a little bit better so I think we all know what that means it’s time to get back to work Guys this truly is taking forever the only thing that’s keeping me mining at this point is just knowing how cool the end result will be oh and also while I was mining I stumbled across this I’m gonna have to patch that up later but for now there are a ton of walls I

Need to mine all right now that we’ve done that let’s try and mine all the way down to deep slate level ah this is gonna take some time Um are you guys okay I mean what is going on is this supposed to be happening they’re literally not even shooting their bows or anything hey yes we’re finally starting to see some deep slight now there is a little bit of a problem being this slow down and well

That problem is the beacons that I set up do not reach all the way down here so I have absolutely zero haste so to fix this let’s move all of the beacons down lower all right the beacons are now in their new positions and that of course means

We can go back to mining fast and is that an amethyst geode oh it is wait hold on just a second that means now that we’re down at Deep slate level not only are we gonna be finding amethyst geodes we’ll also be able to find things like mine shafts mob spawners and maybe

Even a stronghold who knows but anyway now that we found this amethyst geode I think we all know what needs to be done oh that was satisfying okay let’s try not to get too distracted because yeah we still have a lot of work to do but I mean we’re making great progress and

We’re even starting to see some deep slate so let’s keep on going whoops now this is where everything started to go wrong you see this entire time I’ve been instantly mining stone with my beacons and making amazing progress but because I was now starting to see more deep

Slate appear mining became much more difficult and well if I didn’t move on to the second mining method this project would become almost impossible so I knew what needed to be done alright guys as much as I’ve enjoyed the first method of mining we have to move on you know it

Has brought us all the way down to this level but at this point mining like this is way too slow so it’s time for method two the Moss method the way the Moss method works is simple if you place down one piece of moths you can use bone meal

To expand that one single Moss block into a bunch more and then by using a hoe you can mine all of the Moss blocks instantly and while seeing as Moss blocks are much easier to break than deep slate this method is going to make mining deep slate really easy perfect we

Have found some of the Lush cave trees so if we Dig Down Under we should find a bunch of moss and here we go we are going to have to mine thousands and thousands of this stuff so let’s keep on lining up a bunch and boom we now have

More than enough Moss blocks now let’s get a bunch of bones for bone meal that should be enough and in total we have ourselves one full shulker box of bone meal finally we can craft some Diamond hoes and give them all on breaking three we now have everything we

Need so let’s test this method out oh wait a second I really need to clean this up so let’s grab a bunch of stone and Patch this up perfect anyway let’s get back to mining now for this method to work I need to place a bunch of moss

Blocks into the ground just like this and now all we have to do is grab some bone meal and see if this works so let’s test it on this and yes there we go we can turn deep slate into Moss this is genius and there we go so I think everything

Should now be covered in Moss this has to be one of the craziest mining methods I’ve ever seen I mean just look at this place so instead of biting deep slate this slow we can now just get our Diamond toe out and mine all of this instantly

This has to be my favorite method of mining thank you foreign Mined now usually I would have had to spend hours and hours of my time mining deep slate but because of this method I was able to take out an entire layer of this 100 by 100 in literally no time but we still have a ton of moss blocks and

An absolute ton of bone meals so let’s try and make as much progress with this method as we can now the Moss method was working perfectly I was gliding through layers of deep slate and making an absolute ton of progress but doing this method was

Using up a bunch of my bone meal and unfortunately for me this happened no we only have five pieces of bone meal left which means this method has to come to an end I mean on the bright side we mined a lot of the 100 by 100 by using

This method and wait a second what are you doing down here now anyway before we move on to the next mining method I need to make sure that I’m getting all of the oars and well speaking of alls I should probably place all of the ores that I’ve

Gathered so far and yeah it’s a lot now I’ve got to stack them all on top of the giant furnace and boom that is all of the alls that I’ve mined from the 100 by 100 so far and I wonder how much stuff I

Get from all of this when I mine it with my fortune pickaxe later anyway now we’re back at the 100 by 100 hole I think it’s time to get serious and move on to the final mining method to complete this 100 by 100 hole now let me

Introduce you to my method number three the ultimate TNT duper machine this contraption is a moving TNT cannon and it will drop TNT and pretty much explode anything in its way but doing this method is not going to be easy one of these machines costs a ton of resources

To build and I don’t just need one I need a bunch of these things so let’s gather everything we need starting with slime blocks I’m sorry about this and we now have enough slime balls now let’s craft these into slime blocks just like this and this should be enough for

All the flying machines we’re also going to need a bunch of redstone items so let’s craft all of these alright so we now have all of the slime blocks and all of the Redstone items we need for the TNT machines but now the item that we

Need next is a really really random item called a coral fan and I believe the way that you get these Coral fans is from a warm ocean we’re here so let’s try and find what we need all right let’s swim down and I did bring myself some shears

So let’s just go ahead and try and pick some of this um wait a second maybe I have to use silk touch oh there we go now the problem is there is so many different types of coral I actually have no idea which one I’m supposed to get you know

I’m just gonna grab a bunch of yellow ones and just hope they work all right we have 11 so far let’s just grab a few more and there we go so I think 35 should be enough next up we need some obsidian craft some mine carts and

Finally let’s gather a bunch of sand to of course make all of the TNT that is going to be used in these flying machines we now have everything we need so let’s attempt to do this now some of you guys may know I suck at Redstone so

Be prepared for this to go very wrong so the first thing we need to do is build 10 blocks from the ground now this is where the first machine is going to go so let’s just quickly break out some of this now we make a platform

For the machine to go place down a piece of TNT and add a wall on top now we need to get one of our observers right here now let’s play some slime blocks just like this and then on top of this slime block we can add a detector Rail and a

Minecart then place our Coral fan right here now I think I put a sticky piston right here with some slime blocks just like this with another sticky piston right about here I think this is looking pretty good so far anyway though I think we finished this up by placing a piece

Of obsidian here another Observer here now we can place a block with a lever underneath now on top of the block we just placed down we have to put some Redstone down and a redstone repeater and now we can turn on the lever and place down a trapdoor right here and now

To finish off this part of the machine we have to place an observer right here and just like that this entire machine is finished all we need to do right now is go over to the other end of the 100 by 100 and build a machine that will

Make it so when this reaches this end of the 100 by 100 it will get sent straight back you’ll see what I mean so now we’re on the opposite side side we have to place down some blocks with a repeater and also some Redstone then let’s put a

Trap door here with a block on top and then next to this block let’s Place Another block with obsidian on top and an observer facing this way now that the obsidian and the Observer is in position we can go ahead and break this block right let’s fly back over to this side

And break all of the blocks underneath the machine and now I think we are all ready to use these machines I am very scared to do this no no what have I done wait no what did I do um okay I may have accidentally sent the

Machine off and I had no idea it was going to work and it’s working I didn’t even mean to break that piece of redstone whoa look at the amount of deep slit It’s already breaking now let’s just hope that this machine gets sent back the other way and yes it actually

Works now there is just one problem I’m having with the machine I don’t actually know how to turn it off and make it stop I’ve turned off the lever so I’m hoping it will stop when it gets here come on and please stop oh my how do I stop this thing okay what

Happens if I just turn this on yes there we go it stopped so now that we’ve got one of these things working let’s build 10 of them foreign Automatic flying TNT duplicator machines I can’t wait to turn all of these on I’ve also just discovered that there’s a mine shaft under the 100 by 100 but what’s even cooler than that is the amount of diamonds we’re about to get so I think it’s time that we turn all of

These machines on now the only one I’ve tested is of course this one I have no idea if these ones work yet but you know what let’s just risk it so let’s turn this one on this one on and let’s just run down and turn on the rest of the

Machines wait hold on a second this one is not working okay it’s because I need to put an observer here okay let’s turn this on and there we go now I need to be really careful because there is just so much TNT but this is insane hold on just

A second for the most part all of the machines are working but there are a few which for some reason have stopped working I think I fixed everything so we should be good to go now before we turn all of the machines back on let’s just

Quickly go ahead and grab all of these alls and now let’s turn all of the machines back on foreign this is giving us so many ores we already have all of this but even more importantly we are starting to see bedrock and not only are we getting down

To bedrock we’re also getting down to Lava and the machines actually don’t work if there’s lava in the way so I am having to go through and clear all of this up and that’s exactly what I did while all of these machines are going to work destroying all of the deep slate I

Was going through and blocking up all of the lava and once I was done clearing up all of the lava the machines were back to working at maximum efficiency now that the machines have exploded as much as they can I’m going to manually mine all of the random pieces of deep slate

That are left this is the most time consuming thing I have ever done this 100 by 100 better look good when it’s finished now that took forever but we did it and this thing is looking really good let’s now do the final thing that we need to

Do to finish and that is to use the Deep slate that I’ve just mined to clean up the walls and we have done it we have mined a 100 by 100 hole all the way down to bedrock I can’t believe it this is amazing and it actually looks way better

Than I thought it would but you know what I want to add some finishing touches so let’s grab thousands of sand and then smelt it so we can make a bunch of glass then whilst all of that sand is smelting it’s also grabbed some ink sacks for some black dye

I can then use everything I’ve collected to make a bunch of black stained glass let’s just keep on making a bunch of this and now let’s head back down to the bottom of the 100 by 100 hole and we can use all of this glass to fill in the

Gaps between the Bedrock and not only will this make the 100 by 100 look way better it will also stop mobs spawning down at the bottom which means when we do end up building a farm down here we’ll be able to get the most amount of

Items from any farm that we build down here so placing all of this glass is going to come in super useful so let’s just keep on filling in all of the gaps just like this and you can already tell how good this is about to look Are about halfway done with the glass and look how good this is already looking I mean from up here it looks way better but we do have to finish this area right here so let’s do it all right we have officially placed all of the glass which means we are done

With the 100 by 100 hole take a look at this this has been such a crazy project and I’m so happy that it’s done wait a second why are the beacons still here let me just get rid of these real quick all right this place is looking a lot

Better without all of the beacons oh and also make sure you guys comment down below some suggestions of what you think we should build down here in the 100 by 100 hole I do already have some ideas myself but I really want to hear what you guys think as well now of course

Though throughout this whole entire process we did silk touch all of the eels that we found in the 100 by 100 hole so let’s go ahead and place all of the rest of the oils that we have so let’s just stack them all on top of each

Other and this is everything so let’s get our Fortune pickaxe and mine all of it let’s start from the top and mine all the way down thank you foreign So I’ve organized everything that we have mined into all of these chests so let’s see just how many valuables you get from mining a 100 by 100 hole okay so let’s start from down here this is all of the Redstone we got moving on up

Here this is all of the lapis we got we have a bunch of that now moving on to the next row this is all of the copper that we mined and it is just an absolute ton and then this is all of the iron

That we have so we have a lot of that as well up here we have all of the coal that we mined so pretty much two double chests filled with coal and then finally this is all the gold we have and the most important thing this is the amount

Of diamonds we got so not too many diamonds but seeing as we got all of this from the 100 by 100 hole I think we did pretty good but I’m now going to spend a bunch of time in the 100 by 100 hole because this is definitely one of

The most craziest projects I have ever done so I really hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next one wardens are way too strong oh no if only there was a way to farm these guys in this episode of Hardcore Minecraft I am going

To build a giant Warden Farm to not only make my world a much safer place but to also get unlimited sculpt blocks now to build this Farm we need to find an ancient city so let’s make some night vision potions so that we’ll be able to

See in the caves alright this should be enough so let’s go All right so we found an ancient city and before I build the warden Farm I want to loot this place so let’s just try and quietly loot the chests and oh no I’ve summoned the warden and for some reason it’s not attacking us so I think building this Warden Farm should be easy

Okay maybe it’s not gonna be as easy as I thought come on let’s just keep building out of here oh that is not good that is not good okay I think it’s safe to say if I’m going to even stand a chance at building the warden Farm I’m

Going to need to stop wardens from spawning so let’s grab a bunch of wool and place it around every single Shrieker so no wardens can spawn and I think I have covered every single Shrieker hey okay now I have covered up every single Shrieker so now that this ancient

City is completely safe from wardens we can head up to the surface and begin obtaining all the blocks we need to build the warden farm so let’s start by gathering a bunch of wood you’re also going to need to gather up a bunch of stone a ton of kelp and finally let’s

Collect some Soul Sand now we have all of this let’s craft the final components we need things like observers Hoppers and dispensers and there we go so this should be everything we need to build a giant Warden farm so let’s get to work now the first thing we need to do is

Find a good spot to build this farm and we need to build it on top of a Shrieker so right here should be perfect let’s now clear out a bunch of space around the shrika to build the farm Alright so we’ve cleared out the area and we are good to start building the farm and wait a second is that is that a diamond oh it is so the first thing we need to do to build this Farm is actually grab a bunch of our carpets and then remove all

Of these I’m hoping we are safe to do this and a warden just doesn’t spawn in okay looks like we’re good so we now have to place a bunch of carpet all around the Shrieker and perfect so the next thing we need to do is grab an observer and some blocks

And place our Observer facing the Shrieker and then a block here let’s also place these down and then next to the blocks we’ve just placed down let’s place even more and break these and now that we have this we can place some redstone on top of these blocks and then

To make sure nothing spawns let’s spawn proof these blocks by putting some carpet on top now we need to grab our dispensers and place one here and one here okay this is looking good so far we just need to go ahead and now build the platform where all of the wardens will

Spawn onto so let’s fill in the spawning platform and now let’s surround this platform with a wall of glass all right this should be good so the next thing we need to do is place a block right here and then get a fence and place it here

So now that we have this fence in position let’s put a Soul Sand right here and remove these blocks and of course we now need to place some blocks either side of the Soul Sand all right let’s now head back up to the top because I need to spawn proof all of

These pieces of glass so nothing can spawn on top boom boom boom let’s now grab our fence gates and place three of them on top of this fence so one here one here and one there now we need to build a water elevator all the way to

The surface so that way we can see the wardens when they get transported so let’s expand this water elevator all the way up to the surface all right this is as far as we can build so we’ll just have to break our way to the top manually

Finally we have reached the surface so we now need to leave this water elevator into a giant Warden structure that will then trap and kill all of the wardens now here is an outline of the giant Warden take a look at the size of this thing I should probably start Gathering

All of the materials I need to build it now I want this thing to be super detailed so the first thing we need is a bunch of black and light gray wool so let’s start by getting all of the wool that we need now let’s gather all of the dyes

Then let’s turn all of this into the dyed wall that we need alright so this should be enough now the next thing that we need to get is this blue wood from the Nether and not only do I need a bunch of this blue wood to be able to

Build a giant Warden I’m also going to need a bunch of these leaves as well so let’s just grab a bunch of these and there we go so I’ve now collected all of the Warped blocks we need as you can see there is about two shulker boxes here

Which is probably gonna be more than enough now the final thing that we need to build a giant Warden is actually a bunch of different colors of concrete now we don’t just need a few pieces of concrete we need an absolute ton of it and well luckily for me I have already

Gathered all of the materials we need to build an infinite concrete duplicator machine and yes I know this sounds crazy but when you see the final result of this Warden you’ll understand now the concrete machine needs to be built on top of an end portal so let’s clear out

A bunch of space to be able to build this machine foreign Now we’ve got to break the End Portal frames now apparently if we bone meal this it should break the end portal frame so let’s just go ahead and do it did it work oh my goodness wait take a look at that the end port frame is literally disappeared so now let’s just

Go ahead and repeat that on all of the other sides and there we go so we have broken all the end portal frames and I still can’t believe this is possible this just looks really weird for some reason like what even is this thing anyway though let’s build the concrete duplicator machine There we go so the machine is finished we now just have to head inside of the end and build a storage area for all of the concrete All right so there we go we have fully built the storage system so now all we need to do is craft the different colors of concrete that I want to duplicate so let’s start off by crafting light gray concrete gray concrete black concrete light blue concrete and finally I

Actually need to put some blue dye with some green dye and craft some cyan dye to craft ourselves some cyan concrete alright so there is all of our concrete powder I have literally no idea how many times I’ve just said concrete so let’s see if this thing works we have to place

All of our concrete powder around the end portal just like this now let’s make sure we get each of the different colors of concrete and there we go so now our concrete is in position we can go ahead and turn all of these levers on there we

Go and it does look like it’s working but let’s head inside and actually take a closer look and wow I did not expect it to look like this but it appears it’s working I mean we’ve been using it for barely any time and just look at the

Amount of concrete that we already have like three stacks so I guess all I have to do now is stand here until we have enough concrete to build the warden Farm Okay so I’ve been stood here for quite some time I’m hoping we have we have concrete to build this giant Warden and oh my wow guys take a look at the amount of concrete we have this is a crazy amount let’s now go ahead and load up

Our shulker boxes with all of this concrete the shulker boxes are full so let’s finally billed the giant Warden you’ve got to be kidding me I’ve just remembered that I have to turn all of this concrete powder into normal concrete and I have to do this manually

Oh my God oh hell no man it took me forever but we have now turned all of the concrete powder into normal concrete so we now have every single thing we need to build a giant Warden I’m gonna go ahead and start by building the body

Of the warden first for the bottom of the warden we just need to place a bunch of black concrete we’ve now got to switch up the blocks that we use to make it look more detailed so let’s just go ahead and add some gray concrete and

Some black wool as well and let’s also make some warped planks and place those in as well now let’s start making some serious progress Let’s just go ahead and place in the final few blocks and there we go the body of the warden is complete and I would call that success it looks pretty good now let’s go ahead and start work on the arms which hopefully won’t be that hard to build I really hope we

Don’t mess this up guys take a look at this this spider is climbing up to us oh hey little guy and boom we have finished building the arm well actually only the front of the arm is complete so let’s just go ahead and fill in the rest of the arm let’s

Just keep on building just like this and seeing as we’re building the rest of the arm we’ll also go ahead and fill in the top as well and just like that we are done building the warden’s left arm which of course means it’s time to build

The warden’s other arm now I know I’ve just built that arm over there but I’ve somehow forgotten how to build the arms already I think it goes gray concrete here and then some more black wool then even more gray concrete and black concrete I mean at least I think that’s

Right anyway let’s just finish up building the warden’s right arm both arms of the warden are now complete and even though we’re not finished yet the giant Warden is already looking insane so let’s just hurry up and build the back of this thing and we’re done so we can now finally

Finish this off by building the warden’s head and his little ear horn things so let’s start working on the front of the warden’s face and of course let’s not forget about his giant mouth we’re missing one more block oh you’ve got to be kidding me okay there we go I would

Say that looks pretty good so let’s move on to building his forehead And just like that we finished the front of the warden’s face so let’s build the rest And we are finally done oh wait a second okay now it’s finished I could not believe that this actually looks just like a warden like take a look at the detail in this thing and also not to mention it is huge anyway I think it’s

Time that we get this Warden Farm up and running ouch so let’s head inside of the warden farm and let’s build the area where the wardens will die and drop all of their sculpt blocks so the way that this works is that when the warden spawn down in

The ancient city they’ll get pushed up this tube and then die then they’ll drop all of their sculpt blocks and it will lead into a storage area and I kind of want to make this storage area look nice so I think we should stick with the block palette and use some black

Concrete and let’s also add in some of the other blocks we’ve been using for the warden like cyan concrete warped planks gray concrete and finally some warped stem now for the wardens to get pushed up here we have to place down some water and now we have to place down

Tons and tons of kelp and now if we go down and break it we should have ourselves a water elevator and yep take a look at that now if we place a slab at the top of the water elevator the wardens will get stuck right here and

Then drown and then of course when the warden drowns it will drop its skulk into this Hopper which then leads into this chest and just like that the warden Farm should now be ready to use but I have no way to get back down to the ancient city so let’s fix that by

Building some more water elevators and now we can go down to the ancient city and even go back up to the giant warden so let’s finally test this Farm I really hope it works so to start it we have to break this piece of wool and

Step onto the Shrieker so here goes if this Farm somehow breaks we’re gonna be in trouble because this Farm will just keep constantly pumping out wardens anyway let’s do this Warden where are you is it oh there it is oh my that is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen that

Is so close to us but there it goes and straight up into the water tunnel it’s really hard to see though because we have blindness but it did go up there okay here’s another Warden spawning in this is working absolutely perfectly there we go and they are definitely

Going up the tunnel right yep they 100 are wait a second and yep there it goes okay so the good news is it is all working down here but the question is are the wardens getting taken out up top in the giant Warden I guess there’s only

One way to find out oh wait a second we have another Warden going through that is the most satisfying thing ever alright let’s head up to the top and see what’s happening to the wardens up here now if everything’s working correctly they should be wait I think I can hear

Them take a look at that the wardens are inside of there I don’t know if I should be standing this close but I guess we’ll find out it’s really hard to see because I have permanent Darkness I wonder how long it will take for these wardens to

Drown and wait are they gonna attack me wait what oh yep we need to go let’s get out of here okay let’s try and be extra careful are the warden’s still in there okay they’re still in there that just shows you how much health they have I

Guess we’ll just wait up here on top of the giant Warden until all of the wardens have drowned okay finally the wardens are gone which means their skulk should be in this chest so let’s go and take a look and there we go so there was

Four wardens in here which means we have four skulk catalysts now I know these blocks look kind of cool but I wonder if they actually do anything so let’s place it down and oh okay so they drop XP now not only can we use these for XP I also

Have another really good idea of what I want to do with these so let’s start using the warden farm for an absolute ton of time to get a bunch of sculpt blocks I ended up using the warden farm for an absolute ton of time and well I mean it was working absolutely perfectly

The wardens were going up the water elevator and of course dropping all of their skulk blocks so once I decided I had used the warden Farm enough I went to see just how much skulk I obtained so in total it see just how much skull Catalyst this Warden Farm has generated

Us and boom oh my goodness almost an entire double chest of skull catalysts what the that is insane I wonder if we were to break every single one of these just how much xp we would get anyway though that’s not what I want to do with these skull catalysts what I actually

Want to do is place a bunch of them all around the bottom of the warden just like this so if I turn the entire ground to sculpt catalysts it will make the giant Warden Farm look so much better now this might take a while so let’s get to work All right let’s see what it looks like um it looks a little weird but what if I lose some skock sensors from the ancient city and also mine up a bunch of normal skulk while adding all of this make it look any better yeah I like that a lot

More so now that we’ve fully finished this project I’m going to go ahead and use the warden Farms so I’ll see you guys in the next one in this episode of hardscore Minecraft I am going to mine in a straight line for 100 1000 blocks and collect every single law

That I find on the way to see just how rich I can become let’s start by heading underground and as you can see my x-coordinate is now zero which means when we finish this challenge my x coordinate will be one hundred thousand so let’s begin mining Yep this is definitely gonna take longer

Than I thought all right our first diamond door let’s go now as I mentioned earlier I’m going to be mining every single lore I see with a silk touch pickaxe and then when we’re finished mining 100 000 blocks I’m going to mine all of yours with a

Fortune 3 pickaxe for now though let’s keep going Guys we have a problem I’ve just reached 1 000 blocks mind and my pickaxe is about to break and to make things even worse I have nowhere to store all of the yours I’m collecting so what I’m gonna do is make myself a ton of diamond pickaxes upgrade them to netherite and

Get a bunch of XP so that I can enchant them all and this should hopefully be enough to mine a hundred thousand blocks in a straight line let’s now head to the end and get our hands on a ton of shulker boxes so I’ll be able to store

All of the yours I’m going to collect now this is exactly what I’m looking for hi there we there we go we now have 20 shells which we go ahead and make a bunch of shulker boxes alright we now have everything that we’re going to need to mine 100 000

Blocks in a straight line so let’s head back underground and continue mining only 99 000 blocks to go oh why do I do this to myself all right oh hold up a second it seems we have like a lush cave right here oh wow this Lush cave has so many oars some irons

Some red stones some lapis over there and even some gold I am taking all of this wait wait wait wait I think I can hear some Axolotl somewhere I need to find these guys wait I think it’s coming from up here wow take a look at these

Cute axolotls I really hope nothing bad happens to these guys oh my God anyway I need to mine all of the oils in this Lush cave so let’s get to work and perfect now that we’ve mined all of the oils in this cave let’s head back to

Mining in the straight line and is that a mob spawner oh it is wait a second what is that um uh is what now I’ve just realized because we found something as lucky as a double mob spawner we’re also going to be able to find things like ancient

Cities mine shafts and even strongholds anyway we’re back at the straight line so let’s continue mining We have stumbled into another cave but this one is absolutely giant which means it’s filled with tons of wars and speaking of walls let’s check how many we’ve mined so far so as you can see not only do we have one full shocker box of walls we almost have two full shulker

Boxes filled with Oz and if we take a look I’ve only mined around 4 000 blocks so just imagine the amount of walls we’re gonna have when we’re done anyway there’s way too many mobs in this cave so let’s get out of here ouch that didn’t I hadn’t made much progress

And knowing how difficult mining 100 000 blocks in a straight line was going to be I decided to return to the straight line and continue mining as much as I could I have done nothing but mine in a straight line for hours I think I might

Be going insane but on the bright side we are about to hit 10 000 blocks mind and there it is so let’s now go ahead and make a sign and place it on the 10 000 blocks Mark so we can go ahead and show the progress that we have made

Anyway we have 90 000 blocks left to go so let’s get back to work oh on another place oh my way what is that I know we found the double mob spawner earlier but I think this might be rarer than that anyway let’s see how many diamonds this thing has here’s one two five seven and eight and I think that’s all of the diamonds mined from this thing now speaking of diamonds most of

The eels that I found while mining 100 000 blocks have actually ended up being Diamond door so I wonder how many Diamond beacons we’re going to be able to make at the end of this video you’ve gotta be kidding me luckily for us we brought a ton of spare pickaxes

And oh diamonds let’s see how many we get one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen that’s a 13 Diamond vein anyway though we are currently at 15 000 blocks mind and I really want to get to the 20 000 blocks Milestone so let’s keep on mining

In a straight line hold on a second we’ve hit some lava here so let’s just uh bridge over this don’t mind me and back to mining ah this is seriously gonna take forever let’s just keep on mining It has taken forever but we are about to hit 20 000 blocks mind come on and there it is but not only have we just hit 20 000 blocks mind we also have all six of these shulker boxes filled with Oz and speaking of alls I would probably be

Able to finish this challenge much faster if I didn’t have to stop and mine every single ore that I see I mean mining a hundred thousand blocks in a straight line is gonna take long enough on its own so by mining every ore I see I’m just making things harder for myself

Anyway I guess our next stop is 30 000 blocks so let’s do it right after I mine these diamonds okay that’s there’s literally just two okay let’s go Just like that another 10 000 blocks has been mined which means we’re getting closer to the halfway point so let’s just keep on making huge progress This is the weirdest mine shaft I have ever seen I mean it’s on fire and just when I thought this thing couldn’t get any weirder there is literally a zombie spawner in here and inside the chest we have oh wow we have three music discs and another one in here I think we’ve

Just got really lucky finding all of these so you know what I’m storing them all in this shulker box oh this cave also has a giant amethyst geode ah that was satisfying I was now getting closer and closer to hitting 50 000 blocks mind and while seeing as that’s

The halfway point hitting this Milestone is all I could think about so after mining tons of wars and Mining through countless caves this happened come on come on and 40 000 blocks we are 10 000 blocks away from halfway now guys I’ve been mining in a straight line for hours

Upon hours days upon days and I’m gonna be honest there has been moments in this challenge that I thought this was impossible but seeing that we are so close to the halfway mark just puts a big smile on my face I mean just take a

Look at how happy I am yep I definitely think doing this challenge has made me insane anyway though um we found another cave which isn’t surprising and it contains like a million mobs and hundreds of wars and yep that is another shulker box filled with us we are about to be so

Rich when we mine all of this with a fortune 3 pickaxe but before we can even think about mining all of the oils we’ve got to get to that 100 000 Mark Let’s check how many blocks are out oh oh my goodness yes we’re actually going to hit 50 000. let’s go you guys have no idea how long I’ve been mining it feels like years all right here we go just a little more Mining and yes we are halfway to 100 000 blocks now

Before we finish this Challenge and get to 100 000 blocks mind I need somewhere to place all of these ores because we are running out of space in the shulker boxes and luckily for us I have just the idea so let’s head home now that we’ve arrived back home I want

To build a giant version of every single ore so I can then place the oils I’ve collected on top of the giant ones not only will this look amazing it will also show us the amount of each all that we’ve gathered now I’m going to need a

Place to build the giant oars so I’m thinking I built a huge island for them right here now to do that we’re gonna need to collect a bunch of dirt and using this dirt we can begin constructing the island all right now that we have space to build the giant holes let’s actually

Begin Gathering the resources we need to build them starting with some wool next we’ll get some terracotta we’re also gonna need a bunch of different colors of concrete and thanks to the concrete machine we can get all of this pretty quickly another thing that we need is

Some deep slate and finally I’ll go ahead and grab all of the other random blocks we need all right now we have everything let’s start by building an outline of where we want each giant all to go just like this now we’ll start by making the giant Diamond door now to

Make sure I build it correctly I’ll place the actual Diamond door right here so I can see what it looks like all right let’s do this I really have no idea how this is gonna go I mean I feel like we’re doing a good job okay we’re almost done and perfect let’s

See what it looks like all right here we go oh okay that actually looks like diamond door I’m actually kind of proud of myself so for that reason we’ll go ahead and complete the rest of the diamond door All right now we finished building one giant ore let’s get to work building the rest of them starting with gold all and next up let’s build the iron ore and of course next to that we’ll build the giant lapis and finally the giant redstone ore

And just like that we have built all of the giant oars which means we can finally place down all of the oils that we have collected so far so let’s go ahead and do it just like this and wow that is a crazy amount of odds in fact

By doing some quick calculations I found out that in total so far we have collected 15 704 ores which is just insane I mean if this is what we have now just imagine what we’re gonna have when we’re finished mining 100 000 blocks and not

Only that I also can’t wait to see how rich we get when we mine all of this with a fortune 3 pickaxe for now though let’s head back down to the straight line because we still have another 50 000 blocks to mine wait are we under an ancient city right

Now wait am I gonna summon a warden if I keep on mining I I guess let’s just find out um guys I did summon a warden and it’s right above us can it hit me through blocks oh okay okay no no no no no no no not

Like this not like this I’ve come too far to die right now no no no no no no no on a serious note though I don’t know what to do if I just Crouch past it like this will I be safe it is literally right above us I have the blindness

Effect it’s okay no no no I really don’t know what to do I can’t go back to mining in a straight line because the wardens are in the way and it’s not like I can mine around the wardens because then I wouldn’t be mining in a straight

Line so I think what I’ve got to try and do is move the wardens out the way somehow I believe it’s somewhere over there why can’t I see it you’ve gotta be kidding me okay there’s no way what am I supposed to do like literally what am I supposed to do okay

We ran into a problem the warden’s not going anywhere so you know what you you guys can stay over there okay I’m just gonna spend my time mining some more Ores so that’s exactly what I did I explored around this cave mining all of yours in sight and well luckily for me

By the time I got back to the straight line the wardens had disappeared now at this point I could go back to mining in a straight line peacefully but something was telling me there was an ancient city nearby I mean every corner I turned in this cave there seemed to be some sort

Of skulk lock so with this in mind I continued searching around the cave and found this yes an ancient city I knew it I knew there would be one around here somewhere let’s see if we can get lucky and try and find some enchanted golden apples

This is literally my first chest I will take it all right so the good news is we found five enchanted golden apples and well the bad news is I’m summoning a bunch of wardens so I need to get out of here which means back to the straight line we

Go oh wait a second I’m way above 60 000 blocks so I must have just completely missed it I guess the only thing we can do is keep mining forward so you know what let’s keep on making as much progress as we can foreign

We have made it to 70 000 blocks as you can also see from our coordinates up there which means we are now so close to 100 000 blocks only 30 000 blocks left to mine I’m going to be so happy when this is over this is by far the hardest

Thing I’ve done at this point I don’t even care about hitting the 80 000 or 90 000 block Milestone I just want to get to a hundred thousand so badly and the fact that we are only 30 000 blocks away just is pushing me to just get this done

Right now because we are so close also I’ve mined so many diamonds that at this point they don’t even feel rare to find anyway I guess I’ll keep Mining and see you guys at 80 000 blocks And there it is let’s go we now only have 20 000 blocks left to go so 100 000 blocks Mark here we come we are now almost down to the final thousand blocks are you serious okay now is not the time here we go we are now only 400 blocks

Away from hitting 100 000 all of the mining and everything we have done in this video has been leading to this moment let’s do this I am so tired of mining deep slightly let’s just get this over with all right here we go any minute now final ten blocks okay ten

Nine eight seven six five four three two one boom one hundred thousand blocks in a straight line has been mined we have done it and of course to make it official we can’t forget the sign oh yeah let’s also not forget that I have another eight shulker boxes completely

Filled with us so I guess it’s now time to place all of these alls on top of the ones that we currently have and mine everything with a fortune 3 pickaxe so I guess we have to say goodbye to the 100 000 blocks mind Milestone and fly 100

000 blocks back down the straight line this is going to take forever I have no idea what just happened alright it took absolutely ages but we have made it back home so I think it’s about time we go ahead and place the rest of our oars and I mean we have a

Lot more to place so let’s go ahead and start by placing down all of the deep slate Redstone all that we have let’s head all the way up to the top because this pile is literally so giant and let’s get to placing And that is all of the Redstone placed now it’s having too much Redstone even a thing I mean we have just an absolute ton all right next up we’ll go ahead and place all of the lapis so let’s just grab everything we have in our shulker boxes now surprisingly we don’t have a

Lot of lapis so placing all of this shouldn’t take long that is all of the lapis placed so next up we’ll get to placing down all of our iron oh now all of the iron oils placed will move on to gold or Finally let’s go ahead and grab all of our diamond ore and begin placing all of this down now out of all of the eels that we have collected I am most excited to mine all of the diamonds with our fortune 3 pickaxe because I’m kind of interested to see how many Diamond

Beacons we’re going to be able to make so with that being said let’s go ahead and finish placing all of our diamond ore all right so we have now finished placing every single ore that we have collected from mining 100 000 blocks in a straight line and also if my

Calculations are correct we currently have in total 28 616 ores which is just a crazy amount of wars and I now have to mine all of them so let’s do it but seeing as there are so many alls it would probably help if I had a H2 Beacon so let’s move this one

Over Just like this this and we’ll also make sure to get to give also another thing I quickly want to do before we go ahead and mine all of the alls is make a bunch of chests and then place them down so I have somewhere to store all of the

Things we’re going to mine alright let’s start mining from this side meaning we are going to begin with mining the Redstone really quickly let’s make sure we’re using our fortune 3 pickaxe okay we are also to make things easier I’m Gonna Keep on Crafting all of the

Redstone into redstone blocks and as we go we can just store it in our shulker box to make things easier but apart from that let’s just keep on mining all right it took a while but we have mined all of the redstones so let’s see how much we’ve collected in total so

Right here we have one entire double chest completely filled next to it we have another one and finally we have almost a half chest of redstone blocks so in total pretty much two and a half double chest filled with redstone blocks which isn’t that bad now we’re done with

The Redstone though let’s move on to the lapis now mining this is gonna give us so much xp I mean we’re already over level 100 just from mining the Redstone also I’ll do the exact same thing I did with the Redstone and craft all of the lapis into lapis blocks just to make

Things easier but apart from that let’s get to mining All right the lapis has been mined and in total we got pretty much one entire double chest filled with blocks of lapis so I think it’s safe to say I have pretty much enough lapis to do unlimited enchants anyway let’s now head all the way up to the top of the next pile

Because it’s time to begin mining all of our iron Boom just like that all of the iron has been mined now let’s put the last two pieces in here and add up how much we have in total okay let’s take a look so we have one double chest filled with iron right here a second one right here

A third one and okay so we have one two three three and a bit double chest completely filled with iron so we are now down to mining the final two piles of Oz wait a second I’ve just realized because mining gold ore doesn’t give me XP my pickaxe is probably gonna break

Soon so let’s quickly fix up our pickaxe and get back to work We’ve mined all of the gold so let’s go ahead and move over all of the gold that we’ve mined into the double chests and now that we’ve done that let’s see how much gold we have in total so we have one double chest right here a second one

Right here a third one and okay so we pretty much have three and a half double chests completely filled with gold which is pretty crazy to think about anyway now it is time to mine the pile of diamonds all of the other walls have been mined so let’s go ahead and do what

I’m most excited to do and that is to mine every single piece of diamond door that we have here with a fortune 3 pickaxe now guys go ahead and guess how many diamonds you think I’m gonna get from this entire pile I’m gonna go ahead and say my guess I think that we’re

Gonna get around two double chests completely filled with diamonds and the reason I think that is because we’ve not even mined one entire layer and we already have two stacks anyway we are now a few layers down of the diamond pile and already we have filled an

Entire shulk box with diamonds I think I’m probably gonna get a lot more diamonds than I expected anyway let’s just keep mining diamonds foreign ER and closer to the bottom of the pile and we already have two entire shulk boxes silver diamonds so it’s looking like we may fill up more than the double chest that we have here anyway though let’s just keep on going All of the diamonds have been mined so let’s go ahead and see how many we have collected in total so let’s transfer all of these diamonds into the double chest just like this and oh my we have completely run out of space in both chests I guess we’ll have to borrow one

Of these shulk boxes to put right here and fill that up as well so in total the amount of diamonds we have collected from mining 100 000 blocks in a straight line is not only one entire double chest filled with diamonds not only two entire double chests of diamonds but two double

Chests plus the amount that we have in the shulker box right here and now with all of these diamonds let’s see how many Diamond beacons we can make um so yeah we can make five Diamond beacons with all of the diamonds we collected I mean just take a look at

That we are so rich well technically they’re not baking yet because they are missing the actual Beacon itself but look that’s not the point the point is we can actually make five Diamond beacons that is crazy anyway I think it’s safe to say that we aren’t going to

Have to go mining again for a very long time and I think I can now say I am one of the richest Hardcore Minecraft players anyway though I have a lot of stuff to smell so I’ll see you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Fru on 2023-05-13 13:22:09. It has garnered 1856213 views and 18636 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:37 or 11377 seconds.

I survived 1000 days in my hardcore Minecraft world! This is the entire 1000 days adventure so sit back, relax and enjoy this Minecraft journey. I Survived 1000 days in hardcore Minecraft and this is what happened.

My Second Channel: @morefru Twitter: https://twitter.com/FruTweets

Music used in this video:

Track: Chime – Lifelong [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDVzaNB0Hso&t Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Lifelong

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    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙎𝙈𝙋 Fresh start Support 24/7 uptime Java & Bedrock edition Custom bi-weekly events Server lore Dynmap Whitelisted 16+ In-Game Features Shoping district & player-driven economy Enhanced terrain generation Custom bosses Custom items and much more! How to join Join our Discord server Read More

  • PixelPeak

    We are PixelPeak Network, a new and growing network, we have our main modality, Towny Earth, a towny/cities modality, but with the map of the earth. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Memes #24

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Memes #24Why did the Creeper join the math club? Because it wanted to improve its EXPLODING skills! Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4

    Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4 In the Minecraft world, love and drama unfold, With characters bold, their stories untold. From basketball games to shy confessions, Friendships and romances, in all directions. Paws, the handsome one, catches everyone’s eye, But his heart belongs to someone, oh my! With kisses and love, emotions run high, In this Minecraft tale, where feelings can’t lie. So join the adventure, in this animated show, Where love and friendship, in Minecraft, grow. With twists and turns, and surprises galore, This story of love, we can’t ignore. Read More

  • Herobrine vs Dream: Spicy Minecraft Karma! 🔥

    Herobrine vs Dream: Spicy Minecraft Karma! 🔥 Herobrine thought he could outsmart Dream in Minecraft, but little did he know that karma works faster than a creeper explosion in this game! #instantkarma #minecraftmishaps Read More

  • Minecraft Animation: Ping Pong Shenanigans

    Minecraft Animation: Ping Pong Shenanigans Minecraft Ping Pong Animation: A Fun Twist in the Minecraft Universe Exploring the vast world of Minecraft always brings surprises, and the latest trend of Minecraft animations adds a whole new dimension to the game. One such unique creation is the Ping Pong animation by bagasgg50yt, a talented Minecraft animator. Engaging Gameplay The Ping Pong animation showcases a friendly game of ping pong between two Minecraft characters. The animation captures the essence of the game, complete with the back-and-forth rallies and competitive spirit. It’s a refreshing take on the traditional Minecraft gameplay, adding a fun and light-hearted element to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your building skills to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and create jaw-dropping landscapes, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of creative players and a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies, Minewind will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Imagine exploring hidden passages, collaborating on epic builds, and showcasing your unique designs to a supportive gaming community. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to learn and grow, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Ghost Secrets

    Minecraft's Sneaky Ghost Secrets The Spooky World of Minecraft Ghosts Did you know that ghosts in Minecraft are not your average spooky specters? These ethereal beings have some unique characteristics that set them apart from other mobs in the game. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft ghosts and uncover some interesting facts about these elusive creatures. Speedy Spirits Ghosts in Minecraft are known for their incredible speed, making them the fastest mobs in the game (excluding bosses like the end dragon and the wither). These spectral beings can travel at an impressive speed of 20.83 blocks per second, making them a… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Enchanting Room Mini Build! #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Enchanting Room Mini Build! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Enchanting Room in Minecraft! #shorts’, was uploaded by Mine Magic on 2024-04-26 03:20:05. It has garnered 589 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

I Survived 1,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)