I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft! FULL MOVIE!

Video Information

I recently reached a huge milestone of a thousand days in my Minecraft hardcore world and what better way to celebrate than putting the whole journey together into one epic Minecraft movie across this series we made average builds transformed The Village into a trading town and built a huge end portal room

All before a completely stupid end to the series so however you want to watch the video sit back and I hope you enjoy our Minecraft hardcore journey I played a lot on smps recently but I seem to have found myself in a brand new world all by myself

Yes welcome to episode one and I am gonna be really Brave and play on Hardcore which means we only have one life and if I go and do something stupid this whole world Goes Up in Flames speaking of flames I have fire tick off because basically I don’t want to lose a build

To stupidity as well as a few other mods and data packs which I’ll put in the video description and for those of you who have seen my videos before you might notice we have a new skin but if you’re new well I guess you haven’t really got

A clue what I’m talking about have you so anyway enough talking it seems like we’ve spawned in a jungle so let’s do the standard episode 1 stuff and start Gathering some tools foreign So let’s make our first crafting table and make ourselves a flimsy ax a flimsy pickaxe and let’s go for a flimsy shovel as well and we’ll leave this crafting table here as a Memento of where we started our hardcore world so I guess the main goal for day one will be to go

Off and potentially upgrade our tools to Stone and find some sheep because I am not staying awake for night one absolutely no way but I guess this is not really the terrain for trying to find some sheep in a nice big green field so we probably need to find our

Way out of this jungle pretty sharp ah well that’s a good start we’re out of the Jungle already so let’s see if we can find some of those woolly creatures and take part in some sheep killing activities I said that in too much of a friendly way we’re gonna go and murder

Some sheep okay oh this is bad this is bad the sun’s going down already and I can’t find any sheep anywhere huh shape one shape it’s not enough oh two sheep One two oh no oh no oh oh this is bad this is bad well I feel quite proud about that but don’t judge me for this because I don’t want to lose my hardcore World on night one it’s dark and I’m gonna stay here for the next 10 minutes

Well I can hear rain so I’m guessing that means it’s changed the daytime ah the fresh smell of Minecraft rain on a lovely hardcore world and no mobs let’s see if we can find a sheep now it’s embarrassing enough spending night one in a hole but we don’t want to spend

Night two in one as well oh oh oh oh My God skeletons creepers this is not what I signed up for oh my God this arrows flying everywhere help help okay new plan we’re just gonna walk around the river oh thanks for the boat recipe we’re just gonna walk around the river and stay away from the trees because there’s

Definitely going to be mobs hiding in there so let’s just follow the river and see if we can find something that helps us out a village where were you on night one come to me bet come to me oh it’s a huge village as well I really hope there’s

Some good stuff here oh now we find a third white sheep where were you ten minutes ago hello sir can I stay here for a bit will you keep me safe from all those scary mobs that are over there I’m assuming by him walking away that’s a solid yes well

Sorry villagers but the first thing I’m going to do is steal this bed and let’s see if there’s any other goodies across this Village finally I’ve literally gone around every single house in this Village and this is the only chest this better be something good

Ugh I guess it’ll do some food at least so we can restore our health and get back to those full hardcore hearts lovely stuff I guess we should steal the hay and we can make some more bread just gonna steal the hay I’m not gonna touch you because you will

Absolutely kill me with one hit okay okay oh no sadness right let’s make that hay into some wheat we’ll make the wheat into some bread and that’s going to keep us going for a little while and it looks like the sun’s going down so rather than spending

The next night in a 1×2 dirt hole surrounded by creepers and skeletons that are going to try and kill me as soon as I come out I think we’ll spend the next night in one of these lovely cozy houses so I’ll catch you in the morning good morning I had such a good

Night’s sleep it’s amazing what a bed and a cozy house can do for you anyway you might notice I’ve got a bit of an accessory in my head well basically I spent a bit of the night going around trapping these villagers in their houses I don’t know if I’m gonna come back here

But there’s so many villagers here I didn’t really want to lose them so I’ve basically trapped them inside the house in case we do come back here and we need the villagers so the next plan is we really need to upgrade from these wooden tools because they’re not going to last

Very long so we need to go off and find some Stone and then hopefully a bit of iron although there is some iron behind me no not worth the risk just yet anyway like I was saying I need to get some Stone and iron but I’m kind of too

Scared to go caving just yet even though there’s some caves behind me so I’m thinking let’s find some free cheap loot am I idea shipwrecks so on the way we stopped to gather some Stone and I uncovered two bits of iron which I went to turn into the most opium

In the game a shield went back to spawn and spotted a ruined portal in the distance so headed over there to see what we could find and that got us a gold chest plate and some gold leggings don’t we look shiny and nice back on the water spider notion Monument quite near

Spawn actually but too scared for that might come in handy another time spotted the Shipwreck and to be honest the loot was not what I was hoping a buried treasure chest some junk in the second and some iron which did come in handy because it made us make some iron boots

So three out of the four armor sorted settle from the Shipwreck to see what else we could find an unbelievably just across the water there was a desert temple nestled right on the coastline went and had a look at that the chests were pretty rubbish in there as well got

A golden apple from the troubles a little bit more iron bit of gold and some Gunpowder which might come in use later self-defined the treasure and got distracted by this village where I saw this weirdo with their head stuck in the ceiling not sure what that was about

It’s all this beautiful of an iron golem giving a flower to a villager so I just decided to punch them to death got myself a helmet out of it and that’s the four pieces of armor finally acquired they have to find the buried treasure for a second time did manage to find it

In the end and there was a few goodies in there some iron some gold and our first diamond of the hardcore World starting to run out of inventory Space by this point but on the way back saw this Mangrove swamp so I picked up some proper gills and some Mangrove logs and

Saw this gorgeous Frog who just showed me their butt and walked away and finally really on the way home this time we found this Spruce Village and this was actually the best of the lot tons of iron gear another diamond and then picked up some Spruce Wood and some of

The mossy Cobble while we were there and after that little Adventure we’ve made our way back to the Village but you can see we are fully decked out in our iron armor and as you can see I’ve also started planting some sugarcane some crops and a massive tree field that

Makes this whole area look pretty disgusting and I’ve also started Gathering up all the cows and sheep from the village so we can start breeding them over there but I’ve realized that whilst doing this is a good idea doing it all over here at this Village is probably not the best idea because

Whilst I do love these villagers well love them enough to lock them in houses I don’t actually want to permanently live with these guys over here so I think it’s time for us to start scouting or a new place to live and we’ve explored a bit in this direction we’ve

Been over there a bit and over that way is where the spruce Villages but the one place we haven’t been is over in this direction so I think it’s time to go on another little adventure and see if we can find a place for our starter house thank you Stop um I think I found the place I want to live already I’ve literally moved like a hundred blocks uh I think just over here you’ll be able to see where the village is but this little area here is basically just what I’m looking for I

Really like the terrain of this area it needs a bit of flattening out but this hill bit over here looks like the perfect place for a starter house and we’ve just got the village over there so easy access for the trades from the villagers but the one problem I have at

The moment is I don’t have anywhere near enough resources to build a house yet and for the house that I have in mind there’s a few things that I’m gonna need starting with some packed mud and some mud bricks though after sleeping the night away so I don’t get killed by mobs

I’m back at the village and that means I’m gonna need some of these seeds that I planted earlier like some kind of Genius thinking I was being clever and using some of my precious iron I’m going to make a bucket grab a bit of water beat the hell out of some grass to

Get some more seeds and build a temporary little farm over here closer to where we’re going to be building And while we wait for that to grow we need to dig down to deep slate level for some deep slate that I need and hope that we don’t hit a big scary cave Strain myself from attempting this mine shaft and just safely collect some deep slate maybe next episode grab some clay that I can turn into bricks Chop down this monstrosity behind me Head off to find a dark oak forest and after grabbing a Spore Blossom and some azaleas from a nearby Lush cave head off to partly decimated desert This is Boren I have a better yet totally unnecessary idea See loads of sand and I didn’t even have to mind any of it thanks to the TNT from the desert temple foreign all the resources and what to me seemed like a completely unacceptable amount of time to craft up some materials we’re back over here in this area that showed earlier opposite the

Village and I think it’s time for us to get a crack in on our starter base Thank you Foreign If I take you up this gorgeous little path that I made I basically made this out of stuff that I was able to gather during the duration of the rest of the episode so you’ve got like the mossy Cobble that we found in the spruce Village a load of the spruce Woods

You’ve got coaster all from the tiger that’s just over that way got some of the mud that we made with this really disgusting wheat field so the less we talk about the better but the main thing is this gorgeous little house so we’ve got the sand and the Sandstone used for

The walls we’ve got like a little Stony trim around the bottom we’ve got dark oak and Mangrove and some of the muddy Mangrove roots for the pillars and the spruce trim with the roof filled with jungle and mud an oak in the main detail of the roof and I tried to create this

Cool little roof line so this is quite a tall roof on this side so we’ve got like an A-frame on the roof and doubled it up at the top just to give it a real good peek and then a flat of roof on this side because this is quite a long part

Of the house so it kind of made sense just to have a lower Peak just going along that side and keeping the theme around the outside we’ve got like the lanterns a bunch of flowers got some of the azalea leaves and trees over here we’ve got a bunch of hay that we stole

From the village over there some of the job blocks again which we stole from all the villages that we found during episode one including the grindstone and the stone car and around the back we’ve done basically nothing I put one tree and Bone milled it a bit so it didn’t

Look completely disgusting to try and hide the chess monster so yeah the less we talk about that the better and the final piece of the jigsaw should I take you inside and show you yeah I haven’t done that either it takes a long time to build a house in episode one okay it’s

Really hard anyway I would class that as a pretty successful episode one in hardcore and the trick to not dying is sleeping a lot so I think before the sun goes down that’s a good time to end the episode welcome back to hardcore where in the last episode we spawned in a new

World spent our first night hiding in a hole in the ground and after a bit of an adventure we eventually made this beautiful Starbase and our main plan today is to sort our steady supply of iron and to try and upgrade some of this shoddy gear to some

Nice shiny blue stuff now I love this build to bits I really do but if you caught episode one you’ll know there was one thing that was missing an interior it’s looking a little bit bare at the moment shall we fix that Thank you and the interior is all done and as you can see is a pretty simple one we’ve got a cozy little bed over here we’ve got the leftovers from some murdering that we’ve done I’m really not a fan of wandering Traders as well as more of the

Evidence over here with our shiny gold armor that we got in episode one we’ve got a bunch of chests knocking about this is all of our storage and over here you can see that we’ve got some bookshelves with a little space in the middle here for something very important

So if we grab some materials we’ve got some obsidian and the two diamonds that we found in the spruce Village in episode one and a book you know what we’re gonna make let’s head over to the crafting table we’re gonna make our first enchanting table something that’s

Very important in a hardcore world and we’re gonna pop that over here with our beautiful little bookshelf set up and on to today’s plans I want to make an iron farm because that’s going to be quite important over the course of this world so so the one problem I have with most

Iron Farms is they’re kind of giant and ugly and they take up loads of space outside so I think we’re going to change it up and I’ve got a really good tutorial which I’ll link when we make it for an underground iron farm and then

We’re going to cover that up with a nice smelting house because to be honest it’s kind of weird having furnaces in your bedroom so what do we need to make an iron farm well iron actually for Hoppers and stuff and in the last episode we found this mine shaft which I was way

Too scared to go into without some decent armor or enchantments so I’m thinking there’ll be loads of iron down there but before we do that I think I want to get that armor and enchantments and use that new enchanting table that we made so I think let’s go Diamond hunting foreign Mining through deep slate is with iron tools blue is kind of successful I guess I found a few Diamond door veins but what I’d really like to do is somehow get fortune 3 out of that enchanting table so we can make the most at the diamonds that we can and I actually have

Two diamonds at a house that I managed to find at a village in between episodes so I’m going to mine this one and then grab the two diamonds here and we’re gonna go make our first diamond pickaxe and although I’m not quite level 30 yet

I think we should have a look at the enchanting table and I’m really hoping we’ll be able to get Fortune three here we go the moment of truth Fortune too oh well it’s better than nothing I suppose and it will help us get some more diamonds out of the ones

We found in the strip mine so I think it’s time to head off and try and get some more levels and I’m thinking we make the most out of this Village and the villagers that we trapped inside the houses just like this one over here so

I’m thinking that it’s time to chop down this mess that I made I haven’t shown you this yet but I think it’s kind of ruining the aesthetic a little bit so let’s drop that down quickly and then we can use some sticks and go and trade with a Fletcher

So now that’s done we have our two Fletching tables and a bunch of logs let’s go make ourselves a Fletcher now I think this house has two villagers in it if I might be right I am yes so this looks like the perfect one to go and

Make a couple of Fletchers there we go right let’s get some trading done and boost those levels Level 30 Acquired and we even managed to get a bow let’s go and charm that pickaxe now I’m ready to enchant this diamond pick but I thought after getting a little bit enraged earlier about the fact I could only get Fortune too I’d have a little play around with this

Enchanting table and here’s something that I didn’t know and I don’t know if you know this as well but the iron pick will give me Fortune 3. now I thought any of the same tool would just give you the same enchantment but apparently not so what I’m thinking is actually it’s

Better off to enchant the iron pick so we can get Fortune three so I can go and get the most out of those diamonds so for the first time in this series let’s enchant an item it might only be an iron pick but it’s got Fortune free on it at least

Minecraft’s a funny old game isn’t it and although we don’t have 30 levels anymore I thought while we’re here might be worth us having a go and seeing what bow enchantment we can get so power one that’s not really gonna do much but you know what it’s better than nothing so

Let’s go for it so now we’ve got a semi-decent bow and a fortune free pick let’s go get those diamonds all the moment of truth how many did we get 12 that’s not too bad we should be able to get a couple of bits of diamond gear

For that now I think chess play is probably the most important that’s eight diamonds and then maybe some boots for four time to go and hit that mine shaft I think so I arrived in the mine shaft and saw this zombie welcoming me with a wooden

Plank Oh and shoot him and he didn’t seem to fancy that much he eventually came back down and I shot him in the back of the head very quickly after that spotted a cave spider spawner not sure I want to go too close to that before it

Light it up quickly and one spider came and attacks me it did manage to catch me with the poison with my expert sword skills but we survived that just about then found another cave spider so that’s the original one this is the second one look how close definite XP farm

Potential found some diamonds Stone diamonds shame you don’t have silk touch because they’re pretty rare when off started Gathering some iron and then came across a chest it was rubbish to be honest there was nothing good in there but a name tag that’s decent I’ve spotted some more diamonds eventually

And with the fortune 3 got quite a few out of those X Burley dealt with this zombie then I expertly dealt with this zombie but I didn’t quite expertly deal with this zombie who hit me from behind but I got him eventually came across another chest again it was rubbish but

Got some glowberry and a golden apple found another chest again it was rubbish but mug Library so that’s pretty decent went around the corner and found what I really didn’t want to have to deal with a creeper but it turned out they were stuck behind the rail so he managed to

Swipe them to death quite comfortably another one came around the corner and a four would be the same but they did seem to be able to walk over the rail so that left me a bit confused but after Gathering tons of iron and struggling to

Find my way out we went back to the house where I can now show you what we got from our little trip to the mine shaft I’ll take you inside it’s all stored in this Barrel just up here and the most exciting bit of all 15 diamonds so I’m

Thinking we should definitely make ourselves those final two pieces of diamond gear I hear you ask well we got some glowberries which are going to come in very useful for some decorating to make things look nice and pretty we’ve got another Golden Apple to add to our

Collection and some more gold so we can make some more of those which is going to come very useful in a hardcore world we got loads of iron which is gonna come in very useful for our next job today as well as the rails and the name tag and

These are going to be needed because we’re going to be making an iron farm and we need the name tag to name a zombie and we need the rails because we’re going to be moving a couple of villages over from across the river over there and as I said before at the start

Of the episode we’re going to be making an underground iron farm now this is an amazing tutorial which I’ll link in the description it’s so easy to follow I’ve made this a ton of times before and it just works perfectly and where we want to put it well this disgusting mess over

Here of a wheat farm is gonna go because that’s the perfect spot for our iron farm Underground and a smelting house on top of it so before we get on with the smelling house step one is the iron farm should we get cracking with that then Thank you And there you have it we now have a fully functioning iron farm right in the middle of a wheat field just where you’d expect it so if we hop down here you’ll see the Golems are burning I should feel a bit bad about this shouldn’t I but yes I

Left this running for about 40 minutes and as you can see it’s turning out iron really well so we’re not gonna have to worry about iron for the rest of this world anything we need we just come and grab from here and if we hop down here

I’ve even made a little viewing platform for our pleasure to see the villagers getting scared of big nige the zombie to make a fair bit of Racket when they die though but yeah this is a really simple Farm to make but it was created by someone who’s a lot cleverer than me

Called me amateur whose name I’ve probably completely butchered sir apologies but make sure you check out the link in the description and it will tell you how to do it and yes I know it’s disgusting and ugly down here but let’s be honest No One’s Gonna see it

And we’re gonna make a beautiful build up above and to do that we’re gonna need a few resources oh that’s very close that’s better and in here I have actually started putting the resources together this chest is full of stuff we need for the build and this is kind of

Full of stuff we need for the build but there’s a few things that I don’t really have enough of yet so let’s quickly run off and grab the bits we need and amongst other things that includes trip to our local tiger forests to get some spruce

A bit of a dip in the water for some clay a trip back to Sport and to collect some jungle Woods some mud from the local Mangrove swamp finally dismantling this Horror Show so we can build our smelting house Thank you Thank you and it’s all done we have a gorgeous melting house oh complete never take you down the path which we’ve extended from our starter base up on the hill it takes you all the way up to our lovely new building to the front door and as you

Can see we’ve kept a similar block palette and build style so we’ve got the Sandy roofs and the Sprucey trim with a nice big peaky roof at the top and on the side you can see we’ve got our blacksmith working area and oh my goodness do I love this area so much

This is the best part of the build in my opinion as you can see we’ve got some other oars knocking about they would have that in this type of environment I think and we went over to the Village just crossed the river which you could just see poking over the grass Verge

There and we managed to get a silk touch librarian and that came in really handy to get a bunch of different oars and then coming inside you’ve got the furnace sort of area here with the lava in there that goes right up to a chimney

At the top poking out the roof you got the anvils which we can just fly flex and use for decorations now thanks to the iron farm and we’ve got the different stuff that they’ve been smelting out here the axes and the leggings basically these are just the

Old iron gear that was completely dead basically and over there used to be an armor stand with some armor on there but uh creeper kind of blew up in this area just as it came out of that door a little while ago and I had to rebuild

The whole thing I was not happy and on the floor I’ve tried to put some of the deep slay and a bunch of coarse dirt just to make this like really trodden in make it look like it’s a working area for this type of environment I never

Take you over to the front door a nice little interior that we’ve done and this is where we’re gonna do all the smelting so we’ve got loads of blast furnaces furnaces smokers all that sort of jazz more of the oars and loads of storage area so we can smell all of our raws

Over here and just down the ladder we’ve got the iron farm where you can hear the Golems burning away and they’re still pretty loud aren’t they while we’ve been building away at the top we’ve managed to gather tons of iron and this again elastis for ages hello welcome back to hardcore and we’ve

Made it to episode three come on own up you thought it’ll be over by now didn’t you but that’s okay because I actually had pretty low expectations of myself anyway but so far we’ve managed 139 days in hardcore without dying which is actually pretty amazing given my past

Record and in the last episode we made this beautiful blacksmith’s smelting house to cover up an underground iron farm which has been churning out iron quite rapidly sorry gollums and in the comments in the last video I asked whether you thought that we should decorate down here or just leave it

Looking rubbish and obviously nobody who replied said to leave it rubbish and the reply said I should decorate it and make it look better so we decorated it and it’s not perfect but it’s quite hard to make an iron farm look good when you need to make it no

Higher than two blocks tall so they spawn in the death chamber and we even decorated down here which kind of makes it look more like a prison with the iron bars and you might notice it’s not decorated in there there’s still all the granite in stone but to be honest I

Can’t really face trying to move the beds in the villagers because we just know they’re going to escape but at least the Golems will leave this world in something that looks at least semi-decent and what about our plans for today well for today we have two main

Plans and they revolve around XP and storage and on the storage front we are going to make an absolutely huge storage house today and I mean huge it’s going to put the rest of these builds around here to shame and that is very much needed because as you can see this is

Just not working for me I cannot live like this but that will come a little bit later because more importantly as you can see we are covered in Diamond gear but it’s nowhere near shiny enough so we need to get this stuff Enchanted and for that we’re going to need some XP

So we need to head back down to the my shaft where you might remember that in previous episodes we found not just one but two caves by the spawners and with those we can make a double cave spider farm and that’s going to give us a bunch

Of XP at this early game stage and they’re pretty simple to make but the main thing we need to do is find a spot where both of them will be activated at the same time so if we clear some of these blocks out we’ll be able to see

Both spawners at the same time and we can see that when we’re smack bang in the middle of the two they’re both activated so let’s make a spider farm shall we And the spider farm is all done and to be honest that clip made it look a lot easier than it really was making a double spider farm could be a bit of a pain with trying to get the water to flow in the right way but it’s all done

Now and as you can see from my XP bar we are racking up the levels quite nicely and we now have a good view level 30 and chance possible so let’s head off back to our base to the enchanting setup but taking a quick detour through the strip

Mine so we can grab some more diamonds to replace these shoddy tools Laughs oh my life well that was the closest we’ve come to death so far it just goes to show why some enchanted diamond gear is gonna do us very good and on that very quick little diamond mining sesh we managed to get ourselves 20 diamonds so

I think it’s time to make a few more diamond tools so let’s get ourselves a diamond sword a diamond shovel a diamond ax to repair this broken one another diamond pick to replace the broken silk touch one and another diamond pick that can be our Fortune One eventually and

That still leaves us with eight lovely diamonds going spare and now it’s time to use some of these lovely levels and this equally lovely enchanting table and stick some enchantments on this diamond gear so I’ll quickly do that and then I’ll show you in a minute what we managed to get

So I got a bit carried away I started enchanting a few things but I couldn’t really stop so after a few trips back down to the spider farm for more XP we now have all of these enchantments look how shiny we are so we’re now fully shiny on the armor so

We’ve got protection three I’m breaking three some of the bits have got protection for which is pretty decent and then on the tools we’ve got a new upgraded bow with power four we’ve got sir stabilot our trusty sword and we’ve got a new ax with efficiency and then

We’ve got a new fortune and a silky pickaxe with efficiency 4 and I’m breaking it’s not the perfect stuff but maybe we can go proper Op with some villager trades at some point in the future but that is going to make resource Gathering a hell of a lot

Easier and protect us if we get any more creepers well creep in I guess next up is time for a new segment snow does something but um the comments you can join in too yeah that’s legit the best thing I’ve ever done yes it’s the catchly named snow

Does something from the comments section and you’ll never guess what we’re gonna do yes we’re gonna do something from the comments from the last video so if you have something that you think I should do in the next episode drop it in the comments and I might just get to it in

The next vid unless this section completely bombs and I’ve made a complete idiot of myself which is very possible and for our first ever snow does something we’re in the comment section we have this one from cat who said gosh that house is absolutely adorable well I’m blushing thank you I

Think you should build a bigger and pretty weak field to replace the smaller one and you know what that is an absolutely great shout because down here we used to have our manky little Wheat Field thank you and then we built the smelling house over the top but there’s a lot of

Sort of Dead Space around here at the moment so I think we should make some nice pretty wheat Fields just like cat requested so let’s do that shall we foreign Well that took longer than I’m happy to admit it did but it turns out the cat was right adding more wheat

Fields around here does make it look a bit more filled out and nice and if you can just creep through the trees you can see I’ve taken some of the wheat Fields up the side of the little Hill next to where the starter base is and it’s

Wrapped around all the side of the smelling house and you can see I’ve taken the path all the way around the side and it does make it look a lot nicer to walk through it kind of stops up here I haven’t really got to this bit

Yet but I thought this would be a nice little area at the top here to have like a farmhouse or a barn or something like that maybe something we can get to in future episodes if we make it that far of course but I think it’s only right

That we make a little note of Whose idea it was thanks cat you might notice when we come back this way towards the starter house that there’s a big open space here which you might think would be a good place for another Wheat Field actually that

Leads us nicely on to the next job for us today to build our big old beasty storage house because as I said earlier this bit of a chest mess that we’ve got going on over here is really not working for me I like to be a hell of a lot more

Organized than this and before we can do a build we need some resources so let’s go and gather some up shall we which consisted of decimating the wheat field that we literally just spent hours making we then needed a bunch of wood so we chopped down a spruce Forest some Oak

Birch jungle as well as a dark oak forest we then proceeded to completely ruin a beautiful Lush cave before grabbing some sand the only way we know how just like episode 1 with some TNT before finally stripping all the wood which leads us to now and we have this

Area here which is in absolutely no fit state for a build so we need to flatten it out a bit and now that’s done we’ve got a beautiful flat space over here behind us ready to put a build and we’ve also got chests fall to the brim with resources

I think it’s time for us to get cracking on the build Thank you Thank you Before I show you the build this little guy he’s just been hanging around the whole time like a lost little pup I think he wants to be our friend we need to tame him but I have no bones let’s go find some [Applause] foreign [Applause] over and yes we are a pincushion with pins in our head but let’s see if we can tame this guy with 15 bones I hope it’s enough ah first one I actually had two bones in my starter base so maybe that wasn’t required after all but yes you

Are very cute and you can come and live with us and you can come on our travels as we go and have a look at the storage house and show everyone who’s watching and if anyone’s got any good ideas for a name for this little guy let me know in the comments

But yes the thing that I was supposed to be showing you before I got totally distracted are beautiful storage house is now done and maybe we can stop living in those pokey little chests in the starter base and if we follow the path from the rest of the area we’ve got two

Entrances to this house so we’ve got a little side building over here with a beautiful little stairway that takes you up to that door and we’ve got the main entrance at the front here and I’ve actually put the free cam mod onto the world so if I come out of my face

Because this is such a big one it’s easier to show you from this angle and actually before I start that look at this this area is starting to look so beautiful now I am so chuffed with how this is coming out but yes let’s talk

Over the build so it’s the same sort of color palette but you can see at the bottom because this is such a big one we’ve taken the stone walls up a bit further on the bottom we’ve got this awesome little crane pulley system which is taking some of the storage that we’re

Putting together from the bottom down here up into the attic space through this big open window on the side we’ve got this little balcony section at the front here I really wanted to add that on this one because eventually if we get wings we can just fly straight onto here

And go straight through there instead of having to land and use the stairs inside like some kind of Minion and actually on the other side we’ve got another similar sort of window which is this big open plan one where we can fly straight in and get straight into the chest rooms

Which you can just about see poking through there and if we come out of f4 mode you’re not going to believe this I’ve actually done the interior would you believe it so yes through the front door I’ve just tried to put loads of chests in here basically so in total I

Think there’s well over 100 chests throughout this building and I’m thinking that should keep us occupied for quite a while oh dude you’re okay there so yeah down here we’ve got just a basic little sort of kitcheny area brewing stand that we robbed from the village over the road and a load of

Chests and do you reckon these are full do you reckon we’ve moved the junk from over in the starter base no of course I haven’t I haven’t moved anything over yet that might be an in-between episodes job I think and these doors take you through to the

Little side building which I’ll show you in a minute and if we come up the little winding staircase the big storage room at the top which has got the open window on the side and the little balcony on the other side and this is actually a perfect time to show you this is

Completely unplanned but look at the view you’ve got the sun set in on one side from the little balcony section which is just beautiful and on the other side through the big open window you’ve got the Moon Rising Okay anyway now the moon’s risen and all the scary mobs are starting to come out maybe I should carry on sharing you the room so yes similar to downstairs loads of chests I’ve left out the scaffolding I was using this to put the interior together and I actually thought it

Looked really cool it was like a funky little way to show you how to get up to the chests right at the top even though we can’t actually reach them now for the side building and the roof space this is where I need your help because you’ll see when we climb up here

To get to the attic it’s an empty shell at the moment with nothing in it so I need some ideas of what we could put in this little space I’m thinking a farm maybe sugarcane farm something like that but let me know in the comments what you

Think we should do and heading back down here likewise for the little side building yeah there’s nothing in here either again it’s a complete show so we’re gonna need to fill this space again maybe some Farms maybe we can move some villagers over here but let me know

What you think we should do with it but because in real life I’ve been feeling poorly for the last week and I think my voice is gonna dial me soon I think now’s the perfect time for us to end the episode so from me and my good

Little buddy down here who needs a name and remember by the way I’ll see you on the next one so far in our hardcore World we’ve built a star base sorted out an insanely productive supply of iron Enchanted our gear and in the last episode we made this huge storage house

And at the end of that episode I made a big promise which to be honest I wasn’t quite sure if I’d be able to keep which was that in between episodes we’d make the best effort we could to move all of our resources across from our starter base and unbelievably I’ve actually gone

And done it and to be honest this is about the most organized a storage room has ever been for me so we’ve got all the different stones and whatnot down here and upstairs we’ve got lots of other stuff super organized with signs and everything in that last episode we

Also made ourselves a new little friend who’s making himself feel very at home right now and we’ll get to naming him a little bit later and as for today’s episode things are going to start to get very dangerous because today we’re going to start to sort out permanent food

Supply and we’re going to build an awesome Barn to go alongside it that’s not the dangerous bit but we are going to be making our first trip to the nether that is the dangerous bit because when we built this storage house there was a couple of areas inside which we

Didn’t get to an interior for and we were going to save for future projects like this side building which I don’t quite have a plan for yet and also this attic which I do have a plan for because I’m thinking that this is the perfect size for a little sugarcane farm and

What do we need for a sugar cane Farm we need some quartz which means that we need to up the danger levels quite considerably and head into the nether for the first time so rather than procrastinate like I kind of want to because I’m scared we might as well just

Get on with it this might be a short episode and I’ve mined out some obsidian and I have a really cool portal design idea so if we do manage to make it out of here alive we’ll build that later in the episode but for now I think we’ll

Just make a really basic portal design somewhere about here and then we’ll jump straight in and I’ve got some spare obsidian just in case things go terribly wrong we got a fetching gold helmet which we’ll put on to protect us from the pig lens some blocks just in case I’m definitely going

To put the shield on here we go wish me luck I’m scared I’m really scared I hope it’s a good spawn oh by the way I hate hoglands as well you are kidding me you are kidding me how is that even possible no way oh my goodness

Well I’m pretty pleased I brought some blocks because the first thing I need to do is protect from those guys I could do with some skulls at some point but I don’t really think I want to deal with that right now but let’s do that and we’ll do that and we’ll do

That and maybe we’ll also cover this up in case someone decides to drop on our head so let’s have a little wand around and see if we can find some easy quotes and then we’ll have to make a decision as to whether we actually have a look at this place or not

Oh some quartz hello please be kind to me uh be kind be kind oh this is such an OP trick when you’re in a fortress Hello friends this kind of looks like death doesn’t it I always find the trick with fortresses is just periodic blocks at free high just in case you encounter a Skelly so we have like over a stack of quartz so I think that’s enough but this is kind of just too tempting

It’s around the corner looks like the bit where there’s a blaze spawner do we do it do we try and get some oh my God there’s a blades Should we just go gung-ho let’s do it well that’s a few blaze rods that I’ll do for now oh my God there’s so many of them oh run away run away all right let’s just see if we can get rid of these guys and then I think I’m

Not gonna be too greedy here all right how many have we got six that is not bad you know what I think we’re just gonna call it a day with the blazes because I’m not really ready for that let’s see what else we’ve got around the corner

Another Blaze Warner I think we’ll just skip past this one Jesus that scared The Living Daylights out of me more quartz given that’s what we actually came in for we might as well grab it oh look they never what right I’m gonna grab that and then I think I’m just

Gonna quit while I’m ahead because I did not expect this sort of success so I think we should just get that and be done with it grab that lovely doubly and we’ll also grab that lovely jubbly and now we just retrace our steps and try and figure out how we get out of

This place I actually can’t believe that this was our never spawn there’s the portal let’s get out of here we got what we came for we made it I actually can’t believe that we got everything we needed we got tons of quartz so we can make our sugar cane

Farm now in real life I’m gonna go and have a lie down because that was kind of scary and then we’ll go and start making a sugarcane farm shall we Well it’s done and I managed to squeeze it in here just about it is working albeit very slowly to be honest it’s a horrifically inefficient farm and basically it’s just for show because my sugar cane collection will mainly come from over here where I can just put tons

Of it out and grab it all at once and next up as soon as we did actually manage to survive the trip to the nether like a pro I think it’s time that we sorted out this portal and made it look a bit more better so I’ve got an idea

For a huge beautiful big custom tree that’s gonna hide the portal inside it’s gonna be tremendous okay sorry about that should we just get on with making it and for some reason I chose to make it from mangrove and azalea leaves which although they both

Look amazing means it did prove to be a bit of a pain to collect the bits that we needed but once that was done we made the portal slightly bigger spent some time building up a trunk and some branches and then we scattered leaves all the way across and decorated it with

Some Vines glowberries and lanterns if I say so myself I think it’s looking pretty blooming gorgeous and we’ve even got someone who’s come to check it out for themselves and as you can see I’ve even made some of the never blocks come spilling out the portal just to give it

That nevery scary effect we planted some of the never water that we grabbed earlier from The Fortress and I’ve intentionally not filled in this little section here which was kind of dug out in this way I’m thinking this might be a cool little area for a pond or something

Like that maybe something we can get to in future episodes and now it’s time for snow does something but um the comments you can join in too yeah yes despite a lack of popular demand it’s time for snow does something from the comment section and there were so

Many good ideas in the comments from the last video but I just had to make this one about this little guy who we will name in a minute and the comments this time came from Nadia and Benjamin who both suggested making a little dog house so that’s what I’ve done a nice little

House for our new friend and of course we have to recognize whose idea it was thanks Nadia and thanks Benjamin but what sort of dog house has a dog with no name that’d be complete Madness right so let’s name this little guy average Rex which to be honest is completely and utterly perfect

In every single way and thanks to Green’s animator for the redonk suggestion and next up we’re four episodes in and at the moment we don’t even really have a proper source of food sorted we’ve been surviving off bread and some manual cow and sheep related shenanigans

Now at the moment I don’t think I really want a super duper automated food setup but what I would like to do is at least make the cow and sheep slaughter a little bit more aesthetically pleasing so with that in mind I’ve planned out an area I’ve collected a bunch of resources

Let’s make a big old barn shall we Thank you We now have a lovely Barn all done I think it looks Unborn leaveable oh okay sorry I really need to stop doing those bad jokes but yes it’s all done and you know what I’m pretty happy with it as you can see we’ve followed the path again all the way from over

Here so everything’s joining up it even joins round to the never tree over on the other side oh yeah and ignore the rail track bridge I haven’t quite got around to clearing that up yet and there’s quite a lot of things I’m happy about with this barn but the thing I’m

Most happy about with it is the interior so you’ve got the muddy chopped up floor where the animals might have been walking around and chopping up the floor you’ve got the troughs of water so they can come in and have a little drink and then at the top here you’ve got a little

Storage area where we can store the hay blocks and the carrots and the potatoes from the farmland and then through here through the little door you’ve got a lovely gorgeous Stables which isn’t really much of a stables at the moment because there’s no horses but I think

We’ll go and find some horses in the next episode because well walking is really tiring isn’t it and over to the side over here we’ve got a big old animal pen which eventually will fill up with cows and sheep and it did move over a bunch of these animals from the

Village where we were storing them and breeding them up a little bit from the beginning of the series but to be honest the less we talk about that moving process the better Foreign ing up these cows so they can continue to live a life of luxury that will obviously end up with me kind of cooking and eating them eventually but anyway the sun’s going down and we’ve got a lot done in this episode today we’ve been to

The never we built a big old never tree a doghouse and a barn and I’m kind of tired so I think that’s a good place to finish for today this is good snow this is bad snow and I’m Average now and welcome back to hardcore where in the last episode we

Made this gorgeous Barn to ramp up our food supply and essentially it’s just a nice looking slaughterhouse because pretty much all we do is breed up these cows chop them up into small pieces and once we’ve cooked them up we have a little bite to eat in the last episode

We also made this nether portal tree which I am totally in love with and took our first trip to the never where we got this totally insane spawn and while we’re here I want to pick up a few more blaze rods for some potions the Walnut do you need potions for I

Hear you ask allowed you need potions for well random voice in my head I’ll show you now I do plan eventually to do the whole villager book thing which I probably should have done by now and of course needs a whole bunch of XP and whilst we

Do have a spider farm there’s something else in the game which can provide XP a little bit quicker this early in the world which is this thing in the distance an ocean monument and we’re going to turn this in to a big old Guardian Farm but before we can do that

We’re gonna need to defeat those big scary Elder Guardians and to make our lives easier I need to grab some water breathing and some invisibility potions which is what the blaze rods were needed for and for those potions we need some golden carrots and some puffer fish and

I have a bunch of gold from mine in so the golden carrots are sorted because we’ve got carrots from our Farmland as well but the one thing I don’t have is buffer fish so let’s do something that’s really exciting and do a spot efficient so we’ve got the puffer bit and we’re

Gonna get some other bits that we need for the potion so we need some netherwart that we picked up in the last episode we’re gonna need some sugar cane some brown mushrooms and some spider eyes we’re also going to need some Redstone to make the potions a little

Bit longer and then from down here we’re gonna need some carrots and some gold for golden carrots let’s make some potions So now the potions are required before we can make this Guardian Farm we need to take out those big guys and that means we need to do something that you should never really do in a hardcore world and that’s take off our armor and a shield and then we can pop these potions

And the other one and then we’ll hop back into the boat and let’s go off and try and kill these guys Well there you go three Elder Guardian trophy heads acquired using a bow to avoid Thorns like a genius along with a bunch of sponge and gold and to be honest with potions the hardest thing was navigating the monument which is a complete Maze and seeing as it’s night

Time I think we’ll make the farm a little bit later let’s have a quick sleep and then I’ve got something a lot more interesting for you this is pretty cursed and that more interesting thing is snow does something but um the comments you can join in too yeah

Yes once again it’s the horrifically catchly named snow does something from the comment section and this time it all relates to this little area here next to our nether portal tree that we built in the last episode now in that last episode I mentioned that this naturally

Generated circular area here will be a really cool area for like a pond or something like that in a future episode well the future has arrived and that’s all thanks to this comment from nobody Noob who came up with an amazing idea to make a never-infested pond spilling out

From the portal tree and you know what that’s such a good idea it’s really close and we could do some really cool funky things with all the different blocks from the nether which means we need to head back through there but wait we need to replace this thing because

Seven durability in the never is not going to get us very far so let’s make ourselves a better piece of gold armor foreign But after psyching myself up I did eventually go in and was greeted with a nice calming hug from this guy before appearing over the wall at what faced us which is mainly these hoglands who I absolutely hate so after killing them I decided to change approach and I went up

To about Y100 and just mined in the hope that I would come across different biomes and it worked we tunneled into a Basalt Delta picked up some magma blocks but being up that high does have its dangers like this scary sight went back to drop off some blocks and this dude

Was just chilling in the Overworld so dealt with him and headed back to continue tunneling where unbelievably we came across some ancient debris not just one but two I didn’t even know it could generate up that high to be honest here’s me feeling very proud of myself

Anyway carried on tunnel in and found what I was after which was the Warped biome gathered up some materials whilst being careful of the Enderman and saw this Fortress which there was no chance I was dealing with today got the last thing I was after which is the Twisted

Vines and then ran home with a sword in my hand which is something you should never do in real life gazed at the beautiful materials before getting started on the never Pond for which I had no real plan for to be honest I just started placing blocks grew a crimson

Tree which was way too big so built a couple of custom ones along with some lava and a little Bridge and here is the final nether Pond complete and I don’t know about you but I think it looks pretty awesome it was never in doubt

But like I said there wasn’t much of a plan to this other than that I knew that having this theme coming out would really add something with a little bit of movement so there’s some campfires underneath the blocks under the water you’ve also got the magma blocks and

That gives the bubbles which adds a little bit more as well we’ve got some of the Warped blocks creeping up sort of infecting this over world tree and also a couple of little custom Crimson trees which is the perfect place for a little sign thanking the person who suggested

The idea thanks nobody noob and remember if you have any cool suggestions leave them in the comments and it might be your idea next time also come here closer subscribe please anyway now back to the ocean Monument which we defeated earlier and time to make a guardian XP farm but

For that I need some Soul Sand which means I need to go back in there so I’ll quickly do that and then we can finally make this Farm those sound Acquired and lots of it as well along with a load of other bits and Bobs and we are ready to make this

Guardian farm and Trigger warning this is going to be proper ugly because I’m not going to decorate this today I just really want that XP now I’m going to be using a tutorial from mind the Fab which I will link I know there are newer types of farms with portals and stuff like

That but I’ve done this one before and I Know It Works a treat so if you want to see how to build it go and watch this tutorial and I’m gonna get cracking with building it myself It is done and I told you it was ugly didn’t I if I fought you can see that it’s basically just a massive pipe of birch planks and I can’t really think of any way that I can make that look good although I could make this look better

So at some point in the future I will decorate this to make it a little bit less well rubbish but that is not a job for today as making the farm was much scarier than actually defeating the Elder Gardens to be honest trying to stay topped up with invis and water

Breathing potions before the Guardians start shooting whatever it is that they shoot at you was not particularly fun what is that stuff that they shoot at you but it works a treat and as you can see it racks up the XP very nicely indeed although you do take a fair bit

Of damage from the Guardians through Thorns which is a bit annoying and can do a bit of damage to your gear so we are going to need to sort this out because it’s not going to last very long but before we start preparing for that let’s hop back down here you can see

We’ve got a little collection system going which we’re going to need to increase because that’s not going to last for very long and a portal which takes us back to our base area so let’s head back there quickly and I’ve got something else to do over there

And the thing that I want to do is something that’s going to help to bring my heart rate back to normal levels in the last episode we made this barn and a little Stables on the side so for no particular reason other than the fact it’s going to make our barn look good

Let’s go and find a couple of little horses that we can move in which can probably be this guy not this guy and then also maybe these guys Lovely stuff much better if you’ve got any ideas for names for these little guys let me know in the comments so now we’re feeling a little bit more calm like I said a minute ago we’ve got a need to beef up our gear we’ve now got

A plenty of full supply of XP we’ve also got iron and fish from the guardian farm that we can use for trading so I think it’s time that we started preparing for a bit of a villager trading setup So today we’re going to start that process by building a villager breeder and this

Time instead of being horrifically ugly we’re gonna make it look awesome with a big build around it which means it’s resource governs item when I say resource Gathering what I actually mean is finding a geode for the first time so I can gather up some calcite and then spend in about an hour

In my little storage room crafting up a whole bunch of materials because I actually had everything I needed in here already and as well as that we’ve also placed out some copper to oxidize and flattened out an area over here just by the river opposite the village and

That’s where our build is going to go mainly so it can go next to our super aesthetic Bridge so instead of standing near chatting shall I just do the build Foreign Thank you villager breeder Tower is complete and I think it looks pretty awesome perched by the river behind me and I want to show you this build but I think I’m gonna have to use free cam because it’s so big if I get too close you can’t really see

It all so you can see that I went with a different block palette to the rest of the area mainly because I really wanted to incorporate some of the blocks that we managed to get today so I’ve gone for a more of a fantasy inspired roof with a

Bunch of the prismarine and the Warped blocks in there and we’ve got the kawasai and I’ve even managed to find a use for some diorite in the tower and then we just got a standard Stone type Tower with all the mossy stuff at the

Bottom to make it look a bit worn and if I take you inside up to the first floor you can see we’ve got a little interior set up and we’ve got our villager breeder all set up now I purposely didn’t show you me move in the villagers mainly because of the villager-induced

Rage and this is sort of your standard villager breeder that I’ve used before I’ll link the video for it in the description but I wanted to make it a little bit more fun than your standard one where they just drop into a glass tube so if we grab some bread

And we drop some of this for these guys to have a little bite to eat And then we wait patiently for some love hearts there we go now let’s hop back downstairs and you can see that we have a big puddle of water down here So eventually when they have a baby there you go they drop straight into the water and they flow

Into that Central block over there so when we want to move them rather than trying to fudge a minecart into the corner of the tower where they drop into I’m just gonna need to run a minecart underneath that block and actually catch them and we can move them to wherever we

Want to move them to it’s like a well-oiled production line just with living beings and obviously a tower is a pretty good shape for a villager reader but it also has some other uses because it doubles up as a beautiful vantage point so we can see our whole

Area looking beautiful it also shows the Old Village which is not looking so beautiful we might have to do something about that at some point oh yeah and this is completely empty so if you can think of any ideas what we could put in here let me know so soon hopefully we

Can use some of our new villagers to get mend in and sort out these tools because they’re looking a little bit worse for wear now but that’s gonna have to wait for the next episode because well this one’s finished hello hello welcome back to hardcore it is I the most average of

All the Snows and welcome back to my hardcore world where so far we have survived 412 days and we’ve made it to episode 6. and in the last episode we built this villager breeder Tower where inside the villagers just popping down into the water here just entertains me

So much and we also decided that a spider farm for XP wasn’t really cutting it so we needed a guardian farm and that meant braving an ocean Monument in between episodes I’ve done a load of tree chopping and I’ve been contemplating how beautiful that Guardian Farm really looks Which is also the case for this killing area now I feel like I’m getting into the habit of saying I’m going to finish something and then not actually doing it so this time I’m actually going to do what I promised and start the episode by attempting to make this place feel a

Little bit nicer That’s much better so as you can see we used a bunch of the prismarine the sea lanterns and some of the Warped blocks and I think it looks beautiful beautiful is exactly what you need when you’re killing bad guys so as you can see while we were building that we’ve had

Campfires here so if we head down here you can see we’ve got a whole bunch of chests now so a little bit more organized and we’ve managed to collect a whole bunch of stuff which is amazing the only thing that I hope doesn’t happen is if I accidentally slip my

Finger onto F4 and go into Rico mode and you’ll be able to see what it looks like from the outside oh no how did that happen yeah it’s proper proper disgusting but we’re not gonna go out there we’re gonna do all our killing and material Gavin from in here so I guess

At this point you’d like to know what the plan is for today’s episode right well let’s head over to our base area and I’ll tell you all so since we started this series we’ve slowly worked our way down from the top of the hill where we built our starter

Base all the way down to the river which crosses over to the village where we camped out in episode one and as you can see from the tools and the armor that we’ve got here it’s not looking great we also have a severe lack of diamonds and

At some point I’d also like to get some wings as well but I am just nowhere near geared up enough with enchantments or stuff like that to attempt the dragon just yet because I will die if I do attempt the dragon right now because I am grossly incompetent at Minecraft so

We really need to start getting some Librarians so we can get some books and improve our gear and thankfully we have just a few villagers who are ready to go and across the series so far I’ve been getting a few small hints from you guys that you want me to do something with

This Village behind me so I thought of a fun little project so instead of having a classic villager trading Hall where we put villagers in like a one by one square and feel really sorry for them maybe we could build them some lovely little houses and they can have their

Own little villager trading Village I said the word Village way too many times there but yes they could have their own little small houses and then they can live freely over there so the first step to having some nice builds over in this Village area will be to get rid of this

Horrific bridge and get rid of this horrific bridge and build a lovely Grand bridge that can connect from our main base area across to the Village so let’s do that shall we so believe it or not I haven’t actually made a proper Nice Bridge before only

Well junk like these types of things but this thing over here does actually have one use in that it gives us a really good frame of the area that we’re going to build it so I’m thinking we’re going to need a central pillar about here maybe with an arch that goes over to

Another pillar around this sort of area that you’d be able to boat under and then the same over on this side so let’s first put those pillars in so we’ve got a bit of an idea of how big this thing is going to be So for now I’m just going to make this with plain Stone and some Spruce just to get the shape and the distance is right and I think that distance is looking about right at the minute but what we do need to do is probably bring the grass

Out because it looks like it’s closer over this side but that’s just because this part of the juts out from the coastline and I think we’re going to need to sort of shape this round a little bit over here so let’s do that Okay that makes it a lot easier to see so we got rid of that little chunk dirt there and I think the sizing’s about right next up I think we need to try and get some arches between these pillars on both sides foreign ways I’ve added some stones on the

Pillars as well just to give them a little bit more depth and I’ve also added some lower sort of pillar sections because we’re going to have a Stairway to get up to this sort of height to walk across on both ends I think that’s looking good but it’s looking a bit

Plain and it’s kind of hard to see the shape properly because it’s just fully stoned so I think time to do a bit of texturing Now I think that’s looking much better so towards the bottom we’ve got more Mossy Stones leading up to the more cleaner Stone towards the top just don’t look at that yeah it’s kind of floating I haven’t gone all the way to the bottom that’s really far and that’s going to

Need a lot more materials so just ignore that we’ve also got in the spruce of but the standard Spruce behind it leading up to like the stripped this one kind of looks a bit more wet which I think looks quite cool I think the one thing we’re

Missing now is sort of change of color because there’s a lot of stone here and it’s kind of difficult on the eye so I’m thinking let’s put a bridge that we can actually walk across between it now and hopefully we can make that come down a

Little bit lower here so you’ve got a different sort of shade with some wood types underneath it where the floor of the actual Bridges so yeah let’s do that foreign Now that is looking very nice indeed and if you come over to the side here you’ll see that we’ve also done it underneath so kind of matched the arch from the stones and I think that makes it look really cool and we’ve also got some trapped friends because I got rid of

That monkey old oak plank bridge and a hand saw it out the water yet so they can just stay there for now next thing we need to do is I’m thinking we need to break this up with some sort of fences or some fence gates something like that

And maybe a couple of lamp posts and then I think we’re done And there we go all done not bad for a first effort bridge I think what do you reckon let’s have a little walk across I think it’s looking lovely with our little custom lamp posts and it goes really well with the whole area we’ve put together so now that’s done it’s

Time for snow does something but um the comments you can join into yeah which this week relates to our villager breeder Tower and if we head past the loud mouths down at the bottom and we head up to the top you’ll see that the nice Tower we made right at the top here

Is looking pretty empty and in the last episode I asked for some suggestions on what we could do in here and there was a few really great suggestions but there was three people who suggested the same thing so how can I avoid that and what was that suggestion

It was a potion room suggested by Vanilla Echo Sparkles and Cheyenne I’m so sorry if I’ve completely butchered your name by the way let’s see what we can come up with and here it is looking all magical and potiony is that a real word so we’ve got

A couple of Brewing stands we’ve got the blaze powder and the neverwart in there we’ve got empty bottles potions and potion resources up here and some little barrels got never walk growing we got the water source and some Twisted Vines as a little ladder up to some extra

Storage up here another thing we did pretty well with this sort of size it was difficult but we figured something out and of course it wouldn’t be a snow does something without some signs saying thanks to the people who had the idea magical potions brought to you by

Vanilla Echo Sparkles and Cheyenne and now that’s done it’s time to sort out some trades and somewhere to live for these guys so as mentioned earlier we’re going to have a little project where we create a little villager trade in town or Village or whatever you want to call it and full

Disclosure I’m calling this a village transformation because well it’s clickbaity as hell but I’m not going to do a huge transformation in one episode because well that’s Bonkers this is going to be a slower Pace change where we progressively move villages in as we need their trades so if I hop into free

Cam for a bit of a better angle for today that’s going to mean doing some terraforming where I think we’re going to probably bring this out a little bit here and I think I’m going to cover in this bit of water because well this looks pretty gross we’re also going to

Build a couple of houses so I’m thinking a little Fisherman’s Hut on the side here next to the water where we can trade the fish from our Guardian Farm as well as a house for a couple of librarians for some key trades like mendin to sort out these horrific tools

So rather than me continue to talk about it I should probably just get on with it shouldn’t I Thank you Foreign So here we are we’ve cleared out some space and the first couple of houses are done we still got a bunch of exterior decorating to do and I’ve been very horrible to that cow behind me keeping the little cow mini Island where I’ve left this dude stranded well we have a

Little house over here which will home some Librarians and over here we have a little Fisherman’s Hut with a little pier out the front to do some fishing even though they are very much trapped inside and cannot Escape and before I show you inside their new

Home I just have to show you this because this is brilliant so obviously we breed up the villagers inside our villager breeding Tower but we need to get them over the road to their new little village so the process is this button is filled with Minecarts and

There’s a button just over here which we’ll press and I’ll show you that in a sec if we head down here and you can see the very disgusting handiwork I’ve done under here but press the button it activates the dispenser which has got all the mine carts in that shoots around

Here it’ll collect the Villager and they are standing on this block right here which is that Center Point in the village of breeder Tower where the water is and then they’re going to shoot all the way down here and make their way over to their Island so why don’t we

Show you it in action so yeah press the button and then if we watch yeah you’ll hear the little bear damage because they do go for a block ignore that if we keep an eye over here we should see them pop out in a sec hey there you go and then we’ll head

Over we can give them their trade and then we can move them to whichever house they’re going to live in in their new little town which means we can also finally remove this monstrosity and in here we’ve got a couple of fishermen you can see it’s only slightly bigger than a

Trading Hall but it’s better than a kick in the face so basically I’ve leveled these guys up with the string from the spider farm and that gives you the raw Cod traits so that means we can head over to the guardian Farm grab a bunch

Of fish and trade to get a whole bunch of emeralds and with those emeralds we’ll be able to trade with these guys so in here we got they’ll let me in let me in we’ve got three Librarians and so far yeah we have some pretty rubbish

Trades which are not gonna do the job for us and what I really want is mending Unbreaking and protection for which I reckon are the key enchantments that’ll get us on the way to be in that pesky Dragon so I’m gonna crack on with rolling these trades and I’ll see you

All on the next episode shouldn’t take too long to get the good ones right oh hello fancy a new ear welcome back to hardcore we’re in the last episode we started to tear down our neighboring Village and turn it into a little trade in town and at the end of the last

Episode I needed to start rolling some trades and I made oh hi jelly a pretty bold prediction shouldn’t take too long to get the good ones right well turns out I’m a complete donut and that was a load of rubbish I’ve since broken 540 lecterns as you can see I did get a

Little bit carried away and we now have a whole bunch of librarians ready to be locked away for a lifetime of misery at my expense but that does mean that I now have all the trades I need to beef up all this gear that I’ve got with the

Number one important trade this guy with mending so you know what that means well it means trading for some books with our favorite villager wasting a whole bunch of levels at an anvil and smashing up some Guardians to repair our stuff much better 400 and something days

Without mending is just not acceptable I even had to revert back to an iron shovel everything is back up to scratch the only thing that’s now not 100 is the bow and that’s because I use Infinity on my bow not minding I’m not a monster and back over at our villager area whilst

They do look like they’re having a lovely time down here I suppose they can’t live in here forever which leads us on to the plan for today’s episode and it’s a big one because I want to get all these guys moved up here into their own lovely little houses

And that’s going to need a bit of planning I think first we need a bit of a blank slate so we’re going to have to tear down all these OG villager houses cue insanely fast clip of Smashing up some buildings Well now that’s done I’m very pleased to get like six seconds of content out of something that took me like an hour but you can now kind of realize how big this place is oh and I also forgot about the Fletchers from way back when and there’s

Also a bunch of other villagers over there which I’d forgotten about so we better get a shift on and sort some houses out for them to live quite quick so I think we need to plan a bit of a layout which means we need to make some

Sheep cold and steal some of their wool I’m so confused how did you get in here he’s an honorary cow sheep Bunches of wool acquired now to plan out a layout I guess this is the point at which we say trust the process because it’s looking kind of weird at the moment but this gives you a bit of a Vibe if you hop into free cam and go up high so yeah lots of different size buildings different shapes and these are just kind

Of rough outlines because we’re gonna have like towers and all sorts of other stuff for some of the builds this bit of the dirt is really weird and thin and looks proper odd so we’re gonna have to terraform this out a bit to make it look

A bit better and I guess we’ll see where we end up and now we’ll start the process of gathering all the materials and there’s going to be quite a lot of them for this number of builds but before we do that if we’re going to be gathering materials I think we’re going

To need a bit of extra inventory space in the form of our first ever and a chest time to go and gather resources yay and that started with smashing up a whole bunch of sandstone after that we needed to go up to this Butte which meant we

Needed to row all the way home just to get to the nether portal inside the farm we dealt with some helpless Guardians to gather up some prismarine before stopping up in the Nether on the way home to get some warped wood after that we mined out some Stone and some Granite

Harvested some crops for the wheat to allow us to breed up a bunch of cows before feeling sad for killing them all just for their leather we then finished up with chopping down a mini forest for wood and that made it look a lot quicker than it really took because after

Gathering all the resources it was then onto the painstaking tires of crafting everything but we now have a ton of stuff crafted up and we’ve got four double chests of Staff up here and down here we’ve got another chest full of stone and other bits and Bobs and we

Even managed to find use for this little room in here for some smelting so now I just need to spend ages moving it all over to the Village so rather than me showing you that let’s just skip to me building the first couple of houses shall we Foreign Houses of the episode are done and I think they’re looking pretty nice please agree with me so you can see the first one we’ve got is a little librarian’s house and inside we’ve got a lovely little interior nice and simple we’ve got the beds and the job blocks and a

Little painting wall across the road here we’ve got a house for some Fletchers so again inside we’ve got a little interior with our job blocks and some beds for them to sleep in nice and simple and around here on the side we’ve got a little wood chopping area for the

Sticks that we can trade with these guys who are still camped out over here you guys behave in yourself yeah well done and then my favorite of the three over here this one is gonna be for our toolsmiths to trade all the iron that we’ve got from our iron farm I love this

Little slanted roof on this one something I haven’t really done before but I think it came out pretty Lush and we’ve got a lovely little tower on the side and you can see that we’ve mixed up the colors so on these ones it’s all the mangrove with the Red Roofs and over

Here we’ve got the prismarine matching the roof for from the Villager Tower across the river now these houses are looking lovely of course but obviously the houses are unoccupied at the minute and I really think to make it look like a proper lived in Village we need to

Come up with a little path design Oops it seems the villagers were harmed in the making of that last bit but anyway the villagers were all moved into those three houses and as you can see we have decorated throughout and all my days walking through here do I love this place it feels amazing walking through

This little town and I cannot wait to get it finished and we’ve still got some work to do as you can see but before we carry on with getting this Village sorted I need to take a bit of a break from that and if I take you over to this

Horrific chess monster over here you’ll see that we have a whole bunch of wool left over from the shapes of the buildings that we tore down and that’s given me a bit of an idea so I think that we should do something that’s low being keeping with my middle name now I

Wouldn’t normally reveal something so personal but in fact my full name is average danger snow so what could we do with this wool well we could make some beds now obviously that is not filled with danger time for a trip to the nether Yeah Oh yeah that was productive and I wasn’t freaking out at all but we managed to get 21 ancient debris and a final mistaken four of these bad boys combined with a bit of gold gives us an everay anger so let’s pop these in the oven at a warm 180 degrees And then we’ll grab a bit of gold five never eye ingots and let me know in the comments what you think I should have put this on but I’m gonna go for the full Suite of armor so we can be protected for that Dragon I totally forgot about that and it made

Me jump out my skin and the other one I think are lovely old Silk Touch picked oh yeah looking good in that shiny purple clubber and after a little sleep heading past our two jellies now back over to the Village time for a spot of building meetings Thank you Mammoth build slash complete but something bad happened I think I forgot about the guys that I’d left out here and they’ve reached their demise Five more builds done and they all have villagers moved in one two three four and five obviously still a lot of work to do to join everything up with the paths and the evidence of moving them about a bit but we’ll get to that in a bit because there’s another task on the

List for today but first we need to sleep this is Hardcore after all much better now tell me something if we had a section where snow did something from the comments what would we call that oh I know snow does something but um the comments you can join in too yeah

Yes it snowed outside from the comments and this week’s comment comes from Jillian who reckons that we should have a Hut at the end of this bridge to protect our villagers from bad guys and I think that’s a pretty amazing idea uh I’m gonna evolve it ever so slightly Looking good I reckon but obviously there’s no villager here to guard the bridge I have another plan Oh yeah two jellies protecting our village the best bodyguards money can buy and obviously it wouldn’t be a snow does something without a little thank you to the person whose idea it was thanks Jillian so should we finish that Village off once and for all Thank you Thank you Apparently building a whole village takes a long time but it’s done and oh it looks amazing shall we have a little look around now heading around the corner here you can see we’ve decorated throughout and over here we’ve got a little flower pen with some bees to

Manually just grab some honeycomb and to keep the atmosphere in the village buzzing Got a little Berry and I should also say that we’ve also got Interiors done on all of these buildings and the villagers are making themselves feel very much at home although annoyingly some of them have attached to beds in different houses because well they’re numpties over here

We’ve got a lovely little weak field and swinging around the corner just around here you can see the final build that we made in that last little clip a lovely little Farmhouse with big fields out the front for all of our crops oh and a special guest and over here you can see

We’ve got a load of little trees bordering the edge of the village with some little custom trees over here and thank goodness for acacia trees which look Lush without me having to build a bunch of custom trees he’s not impressed with my lack of custom trees and if I

Free cam quickly you can see the size of this project it has taken an absolute age for me to do it it’s taken a really long time but I am so happy with it I think it looks amazing let me know what you reckon in the comments now if we

Have a village that looks as good as this I think the time has finally come to do one more thing and that is to finally remove this horrifically disgusting Cobblestone Bridge I think that’s enough for today’s episode I’m gonna do a bit of trading with these guys and generally just walk around this area because I love it hello hello welcome back to the next Hardcore episode and we are already at episode 8. and today we have absolutely mahusive

Plans this might be the end of the series today because we have something very big happening at the end of the episode yes enough of the absolutely hilarious wordplay today we are finally gonna head off and fight the dragon and if we’re gonna be heading off to the end

Then we’re also gonna need a creeper farm for some Gunpowder so we’re also going to make one of those now I know most of you will probably thinking oh the dragon’s not even that hard but the thing is I’ve never fought the dragon in hardcore which kind of makes sense soon

As this was the first time I played hardcore and whilst I do have experience of fighting the dragon that experience is not filled with great success foreign so that’s why in the last episode we got ourselves some shiny purple navarite and also transformed this Village over this

Side of the river into a beautiful trading town with all the villagers we need for gearing up our tools and armor trapped inside these houses they are not here against their will okay so the first job is to head off and do a spot of book shopping guys what happened to you Thank you well and please that’s done and let’s be real if this gear isn’t good enough to beat the dragon then I don’t really deserve to be playing hardcore anyway back over our base area and I have a bit of a confession see back in

Episode 4 I made a sugarcane farm up in the attic space of our storage house unbelievable should we let you out there you go anyway we made this sugarcane farm in the Attic of our storage house and to be honest it doesn’t work now in the whole

642 days of this world it’s managed to accumulate 12 sugarcane because they just don’t fall into the Hoppers so we’re gonna need to improve that and like I said at the start of the episode we really need a gunpowder Farm because I’ve only got 45 gum powder and that

Isn’t going to last us very long if we do manage to defeat that big bad dragon and get some wings so if we head back outside we’ve got a big old space right next to our storage house over here so I’m thinking we’re going to build a big

Creeper Farm under the ground here and with a big house on top and inside we can have a brand new sugarcane farm that actually works and yes I am fully aware that I’m gonna have to dig a massive hole and light a whole bunch of caves up

But I want to build another house I’m sure I will regret this so I’m gonna build this farm from Chapman and if you want to know how to build it check out his video or alternatively I’m gonna build it in the space of about seven seconds so I guess you could slow this

Quick time lapse Down super slow and try and copy it block for Block foreign Don’t stop holding shifts no but we now have four layers of Creeper Farm sorted and to make it work we’re gonna have to go about 120 blocks up that way for it to start spawning bad guys so we’re gonna go with some temporary scaffolding This is fun hey we’ve reached the top and while we’re up here I’m going to quickly go into free cam and just check whether this thing is actually spawning creepers here we go oh that’s weird the moment of truth let’s dive all the way we write down

Oh there’s one let’s see if we get any more ah there we go that’s better nice there we go here they come I’m sure if I lit up a whole bunch of these other caves around here it would probably increase the rates but I’m quite happy with that now obviously I’m gonna have

To make a slightly more permanent and safer AFK area than that but at least for now we know we’re gonna have a really good supply of gunpowder so now it’s time to fill in this gigantic hole and get to work making a sugarcane farm preferably one that actually works And now that the Farm’s done it’s time for a new little section that I like to call average Redstone with average no teach you all the things that you need to know yep so basically I am very much not a redstoneer but we all need a bit

Of redstone from time to time so I’m going to attempt to explain to you how the Redstone in this Farm works most likely incorrectly disclaimer please note that average snow is not a red Stoner and his Redstone skills are very poor to ensure you don’t make the same

Mistakes that he makes then it is highly recommended that you pay no attention to the following clip so basically over here we’ve got the happy faces staring at the sugar cane and when it changes the blocks lightly the signal goes down the red Dusty stuff and makes the pushy

Out things attack the sugar cane and then down here this thing is within round and picking it all up and brings it over to this collection system and because of some clever magic with this thingamajig reading the contents that drop into the hopper it waits here is

Drop off all the stuff and then goes background all again to give it another go and that was average Redstone with average snow average Redstone with average snow teach you all the things that you need to know so now the Farms are both in done and working it’s time

To build something beautiful on top of it and before we do that we’re going to need to gather some materials which will be super fun ofs now I actually have pretty much everything already the only thing that I do need is some sand and some sandstone and I know a fun way to

Grab that time to build Thank you And the house is done and I think that’s one way to make a creeper farm and a sugar cane Farm look a little bit better and if I take you into free cam for a little guided tour we’ve got the bluey green roof design same as the villagers

Hair on this side of our little base same as a couple of the houses over in the village across the river as well we’ve got not one not two but three chimneys we’ve got a couple of little Dormer windows in the roof and we’ve got a lovely little overhang that takes you

Through to the front door and we’ve also finally joined the path up or cross to the bridge so the whole area all the way from our starter base all the way right down across to the Village it’s all finally joined up oh yeah and we got these guys who are being really horrible

To our fishermen and if I take you down that path all the way down to the front door I’ll show you the interior which yeah it’s not done yet because I’m saving this interior for snow does something but um the comments you can join in too yeah

Yes is the world renowned super not annoying theme song that my kids sing around the house all the time snow does something from the comments and let me know in the comments have you sung this song to yourself in real life if you have sorry not sorry and this week it

Comes from Dan who suggested that it’s time to have a bit of a map room to show off our base area and you know what I like the sound of that so I made one and as you can see we’ve got a lovely little map room interior

Here over there you add to the top here we’ve got a lovely little bedroom at the top we’ve also got the Pillager yeah I dealt with him and here is the map of the area and it actually kind of makes it look really small I needed four mats to fit the

Whole area right from the starter base all the way down to the end of The Village but it does show all this space that we’ve got around our base area that we can expand into over time and of course it wouldn’t be an SDS FTC without

A sign the Great Dan map room thanks Dan so now that’s done I don’t think I can procrastinate anymore it’s time to fight the dragon and there is actually a final bit of prep that we need to do before we can fight the dragon so maybe we can

Actually procrastinate a little bit more now I want to make this as risk-free as possible which means we need a few things and we obviously now have our super duper never right gear and thanks to the many many many many many jellies that we now have guarding

The bridge over to the Village one of them brought me a phantom membrane in the night so we can make a few slow falling potions hi guys don’t mind me foreign Lastly we’re obviously going to need some eye vendors to not only find the stronghold but to fix the end portal and we’ve got the blaze rods or the blaze powder but looks like we’re missing one final thing let’s sort that and now that’s done we can make all of

The Eye Of Enders that we need let’s go find that stronghold alrighty let’s throw this first one and see where it goes seems we’re going in that direction you’re really going to make me climb up there and grab you time to dig down foreign

Oh there it is we found it oh we got straight into the library I need to focus but it’s gonna take everything I’ve got not to try and get all these bookshelves for decorations let’s go find that portal room Oh my gosh that is unbelievable all right let’s break that quickly ow wait now that would be embarrassing if we died to a silverfish before we actually got into the end right let’s get rid of that and we will make a little portal and I think we might be ready to put

Some of these eye vendors into the pool frame I think we might be ready to go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey editing snow do you really think that that’s the right music shouldn’t we have something that’s a little bit more dramatic

That’s better and I say drama to be honest this was the most dramatic bit where I thought I was going to fall straight into the void but after recovering from that right we bridged over to the island and first job was to create an Enderman safety zone but we

Were rudely interrupted by the Beast so after that we got Kraken dealing with the crystals and nailed the first two shots before getting interrupted by this guy after dispatching him it seemed like a good time to pop a golden apple and also our slow falling potion and in the

Process doing that picked up some dragon breath carried on with the crystals this one was really high so bridged up to get it got a couple more and then after that floated down and thought you know what I’m gonna get this one super cool in the sky and yeah totally missed that one

Anyway picked off the final Crystal and then it was onto the dragon managed to get a few successful shots in and then also significantly more amount of unsuccessful shots before finally pulling my finger out and getting that final swing of the sword yay we did it see you later sucker oh yeah

Look at all those levels now we definitely gotta remember to get the egg so I think we break that block and that one and that one just stick a little torch there hey we got our trophy but now that’s finally done after a busy episode I

Think we’ll leave it there and in the next episode we’ll head off and find some wings we’ve done quite a lot of building so far in this series but today we’re going to be doing the biggest project of the series so far we have a build that’s going to cover this entire

Area today we’re going to be revamping the classic Minecraft stronghold with a proper Lush replacement that will hopefully look uh slightly better and we’re gonna have so many resources for this build to have them all sat in chests and trying to move them about isn’t going to cut it

So seeing as we actually managed to defeat the dragon in the last episode why don’t we go and do a little bit of end raid in try not to die to cement the men and get some shulkers and wings to make our lives a little bit easier foreign

Average loot from the first city not really anything to write home about should we go find another one but I forgot to bring Rockets didn’t I so even though we got Wings we’re gonna have to walk oh let’s go that was actually pretty close and it’s even on the same island

As the last one so no scary bridgen across the scary void what there’s one here and there’s one literally right there I guess it would be rude not to do both wouldn’t it mate yeah yeah I think so do not very nice to look at up close that’s better

So that’s three NCS rated time to aimlessly walk around and try and find one of those portal things I guess that was rude this is when Ashley remembering to bring some Rockets would have come in use well numpty there’s one there’s two that’s weird time to go home because the end sucks

Ah that’s better home sweet home and we got some pretty nice loot like this stuff and also some pretty pants loot like this stuff but most importantly are these shulker shells and These Wings and these backup wings and also these Backup backup wings so we’ll grab one of these

And if we pop outside and check the Farms that we made thank you thank you and we can craft up some of these bad boys and that means after nine episodes we can finally fly about ouch and fly up really high and we can look at our base area from up here

Pretty nice if you ask me and I guess we should probably enchant These Wings because I’m not in the business of fall into my death just yet and I guess now it’s time to head off and dig out some blocks at the stronghold I think I need to saw this monstrosity

Out at some point so we’re over here at the stronghold and for this build we’re gonna need to dig out a massive Cube all around the portal frame which needs to be a blooming huge 61 by 61 by 22. best get mining I suppose

Uh sod this I think I could think of a quicker way [Applause] I have to admit I thought that might take about a gazillion hours but actually if we look at the stats 63 with the skeletons it’s not too bad for three skulls and at least I didn’t nearly die to a

Bunch of zombie kids oh my God just so annoying so now it’s time to try and kill one of those Rascal River guys so we can get ourselves a shiny Beacon thingy and I’m a massive wimp so we’re gonna do this the easy ishway we’re down in deep slay

And we’re going to place these skulls and run in that direction until we’re feeling brave enough to try and attack it wish me luck oh that’s scary we have to wait till he’s not blue anymore I think let’s go let’s kill this little guy hopefully this is quite easy and we make

Short work of it so far so good oh diamonds down there too close all right now I think we need to sword this guy Geronimo die see you later sucker hey look at that bad boy oh and a head as well nice so let’s collect our never

Star which is what we came for and also some extra prizes of some diamonds we absolutely nailed that and back of the house we can now grab a few stacks of iron and then a bit of glass and some obsidian which I think we’ve got yep we

Do pretty obsidian and we can make ourselves our first beacon and back at the stronghold I think I’m right and saying that we need nine by nine and a space we need to dig a big hole in that direction All right gravel oh no oh oh thank goodness I was pressing forward so we managed to move into this little cave I don’t know why we keep nearly dying today all right get off get off your little rascal oh where’d he go oh did he fall down the hole what a loser And then time to head all the way back down again Oh my days and then hopefully we can just place this bad boy and pop one of these in here and then we can get ourselves Ace two should we finally get to work digging out that massive hole then and to begin with I thought it made sense digging out the bottom first before

Changing my mind and working from the top down and all I got done in a whole five hours was these bits which to be honest isn’t really working for me so I think we should try a slightly different approach not quite as productive as I’d hoped so

In the end I just had to face up to the fact that I’d started a blooming huge project of which phase one is now done and you know how long it took Yeah only 16 hours nothing major and I have to say after all that I pretty much hate deep slate right now that feels better and we definitely didn’t get enough shulkers so we’re definitely going to need some more of them later because all of these chest

And shelter boxes are full to the brim with materials so we’ve got all these Stony bits over here we’ve got a bunch of wars that we got 55 diamonds thank you very much as well as a whole bunch of deep slay and more deep slay and more

Deep slay and more deep slay and more deep slay but I suppose now at least we can start getting around to actually building the thing and I think the first thing that we should start with is some outer walls so we can have something that looks a little bit better than this

So that looks like a good shape for me let’s build them up So the walls are done and we’ve got a lovely little Stony gradient and these little four sections are going to be filled with something a little bit later on and for now we’ve got a lot of space to fill and I’m thinking some bridges connecting all over towards the portal

In the middle is a good place to start and for that given all of these chests here are completely filled to the brim with deep slate we might just have enough of that to use but I also kind of want to use some copper and we have a

Bit but not quite enough so let’s head off and grab a little more time to build some bridges I guess Oh yeah that’s looking a bit better but we do need a floor and for that floor I want some lava and some magma blocks and you can see down here I’ve set up a little lab Farm which has been running quite nicely in the background while we’ve been building

Let’s go get some magma blocks in shall we and then we can build something Flawless ah forget it let’s just crack on And with a scary floor that has Lava Smoke and fire all done I guess we should probably add a roof to this thing which is now done and looking very Lush and was a nightmare to build to be honest and the final thing that we need

To do to finish this all up is these four corners and the first one is a giant portal a little Library a gorgeous little custom geode and for the final one if we’re not really sure what to put there what do you think that we should do oh I know

Snow does something but um the comments you can join in too yeah yes of course it snow does something it couldn’t go an episode without it could we and this one comes from Bravo Tango who suggested a little dragon egg display and I think that would go

Perfect behind us so that’s what we’ve done but obviously it’s missing something quite important for a dragon egg stand which I think is in here beautiful and obviously we have to thank the person whose idea it was thanks Bravo Tango and with that I think our giant portal

Room is now finally done oh we should probably break that as well and you know what this has been a grind but I am so happy with how this has come out and I’d love to know in the comments what you think too and next we need to find a way

To get all of these resources home because to be honest I don’t have anywhere near enough shulkers back to the end I guess to grab some more before we finish off Safety First oh how does this thought thing always happen to me little monkeys go away

Oh God my wigs no ah quick flight oh God

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft! FULL MOVIE!’, was uploaded by AverageSnow on 2023-07-19 14:17:00. It has garnered 66210 views and 1916 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:25 or 7465 seconds.

Ello friends! You might have already seen the episodes (or not) but why not watch it all again in one epic movie! 😄

This video takes you through our Minecraft Hardcore journey, going from our starter base through awesome builds, farms, a village transformation and end portal revamp!

Watching this video even if you just leave it running in the background really helps out the channel, so THANK YOU! 🧡

If you can, please like the video and let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks for watching 😍

Snow x

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LINKS: Twitter: https://twitter.com/AverageSnowMC Instagram: http://instagram.com/AverageSnowMC

MUSIC: https://www.epidemicsound.com/


DATAPACKS (Vanilla Tweaks) Anti-Enderman Grief Co-Ordinates Hud More Mob Heads Wandering Traders

RESOURCE PACKS (Vanilla Tweaks) Bushy Leaves Different Stems Grass Sides Lower Dirt Variants Lower Shield Variated Bookshelves


#minecraft #minecrafthardcore #minecraftletsplay #minecraftbuild #minecraft1000days

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Minecraft Lofi Study Mix: Chill for an Hour

    Minecraft Lofi Study Mix: Chill for an Hour Welcome, dear listener, to our Minecraft lofi mix, Where beats and melodies will give your mind a fix. Relax and unwind with tunes that soothe the soul, Let the music take you to a place where you feel whole. In this hour-long session, let your worries fade away, As the sounds of Minecraft lofi keep the stress at bay. Close your eyes, take a breath, and let the music flow, In this peaceful moment, let your mind just glow. So subscribe, like, and share if you feel the vibe, Let’s spread the joy of lofi, let’s keep the energy… Read More

  • Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21

    Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft Brewing Guide 1.21: Mastering Potions and More! Potions in Minecraft are often overlooked, but they can be incredibly powerful tools in your gameplay. Brewing potions may seem daunting at first, but fear not! This ultimate Minecraft 1.21 brewing guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you can craft every potion with ease. Getting Started: Brewing Essentials To begin your potion-making journey, you’ll need a brewing stand. Craft one using one Blaze Rod and three Cobblestone. Don’t forget to fuel your brewing stand with Blaze Powder! Next, gather glass blocks to create bottles for your… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • Lost in Space: Alien Encounter in Minecraft RTX

    Lost in Space: Alien Encounter in Minecraft RTX Minecraft RTX: Alien Encounter Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft RTX as you find yourself on an abandoned spaceship in the vastness of space. Join Toothless Fury as they navigate through this mysterious world created by NVIDIA, where things have clearly gone awry. Follow along as they uncover the secrets of the spaceship and try to survive the alien encounter. Exploring the Abandoned Ship As Toothless Fury delves deeper into the spaceship, they encounter various challenges and puzzles that need to be solved. From finding an ID card to activating elevators, every step brings them closer to unraveling… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick

    Minecraft's Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick Minecraft Auto Crafter: A Compact Solution for Efficient Farming Are you looking to streamline your Minecraft farming operations with a compact and efficient auto crafter? Look no further! This easy-to-build, observerless one wide tileable auto crafter is the perfect addition to your Minecraft world. Whether you’re playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition or Minecraft Java Edition, this system is designed to enhance your gameplay experience. How It Works This auto crafter operates on a simple principle similar to item filters. By placing iron ingots in one slot and redstone in another, you can witness the system independently crafting these items. The… Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): million-overhead.gl.joinmc.link Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft! FULL MOVIE!