I Survived 1000 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)

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I just hit a big milestone I recently surpassed 3 000 days in my hardcore world and like many others I had the cool idea of putting all my episodes into one long movie well I can’t do that it’d be like 20 hours long so we’re gonna break this down into a three-part

Trilogy so sit back relax and enjoy the story of how I survived 1 000 days in Minecraft hardcore for over five years I’ve only played in but today we begin a New Journey in a fresh 1.18 hardcore world oh boy I’m scared yeah I don’t make new worlds

Options this is a big deal to me it’s kind of like if you’re married then you get divorced now you’re back on your first date again so not used to this and here we go what the all right interesting start there’s a village on

The side of a cliff but I will take this seed guys I’ve been searching all morning trying to find like a good seed I kept spawning in snow biomes or jungles but finally some nice mountainous area oh my goodness guys I am so excited to try a new world from

Scratch I do still plan on keeping my old world but I just wanted to start fresh 1.18 and just experience Minecraft again from the beginning oh hey okay perfect easy food source but I am also notorious for dying in hardcore so if I can survive in the first couple of days

I’ll feel confident but until then I’m on edge hello villagers what we got for me oh a chest bread perfect I’ll take the bed as well I’ll even take the chest anything in here another chest okay good start for the food department I want to

Get up there but how do I even get up let’s make some tools first just so we don’t get carried away I’m like so confused what to do right now again I’m not used to the start of Minecraft just do a little parkour action barely no risk here oh hello chicken already

Wasting food getting up here if it’s just empty houses I’m gonna be upset oh hello what an interesting little spot this is Gollum Bells a couple of cats all right house we have nothing of course oh my gosh there’s more when does it end oh Emerald hello oh big cave oh

Wow what a start oh and you I forgot you’re deadly now okay let’s post up for one second and go mine all these materials because this is a really good start because my biggest fear for this world right now is going into caves where there’s creepers like you just saw

But if I can get all this stuff just here exposed it makes my life a lot easier and I mine these with a stone pickaxe I’m gonna take that as a no okay the total Haul is not bad but now I want to get up to that blacksmith house

Because that looks like there’s gonna be loot in there all right what do we have little house over here nothing in it careful I’ll take a ride rhinestone I’ll take some furnaces and now for the chest please please please good stuff good stuff go iron pickaxe oh and pants Oh

That’s a really really good start no that’s like really good I have some protection and those emeralds what a wonderful start to this world I’m already loving it oh the Sun is setting all right day one’s coming to a close just gotta avoid being dumb and sleep when I need to

Sleep all right is it time it’s time and just like that we survived day one well the hardest part’s over right why are there two skeletons there in a zombie where’d you come from well I’m going achievement hunting give me that monster hunter give me yeah stop stop stop stop

Stop stop and I will take you guys thank you very much well for now I’m gonna post up in this villager’s house and I’m gonna get some iron armor rocking because I have enough iron for it Smackdown of fairness melt this bad boy up and as I wait I’ll make some more

Food and also I’m taking his bed because I hate the p-colored bed looks ugly okay give me this let’s make a chest plate boots helmet put that all on my body and I also want to make a shield because I think I can do that right where is The

Shield do you need more wood maybe yes shield now I feel safe and secure this bad boy but that being said I am taking my stuff and I’m going on the move because I don’t want to build in a village this is their land I don’t wanna

You know I don’t wanna steal their swag so we’re going down the mountain looking for a new place to live on that note thank you Mountain Village I appreciate your kind sacrifices I’ll take some of you thank you very much this could not be a more perfect start right now also

Pumpkins never know when you’re gonna need them oh guys I will be honest as someone who’s had a world for so long and I quit it I was really nervous to start this and honestly I had a lot of doubts I wasn’t going to enjoy it but so

Far I’m really liking it like I’m having a ton of fun right now imagine I just died now I see more mountainous area over here all I know is I really want to build in the new terrain because it’d be kind of lame to go build like a normal

House in like a flat area but these mountains baby these are new is that another Village why are the villages stealing my swag I wanted to build that myself but I don’t know this Mountain’s kind of cool that like a jungle up there no that’s just a forest oh nether portal

Okay this could be a nice area I see some sheep for food maybe oh gotta sleep don’t die don’t die there we go oh my God why are there so many villages in this world but look at this beautiful Meadow here I love this spot right here

We have all this nice view got another portal we got two villages we got a giant ocean down there this is the spot I love this well might as well go investigate the neighbors hello neighbor I just moved in what do you sell arrows don’t need that yet but thank you

Terrible trade you guys got an iron golem they have two churches very religious group huh maybe I gotta go okay enough fooling around let’s get to making our starter house and I feel like right here is just the best spot we already kind of covered this but I’m

Just trying to you know really decide and I think this is the number one area so we terraform okay looks good but now I am thinking about what I want to build here and this whole Meadow scene just screams like cozy cabin so yeah I’m thinking like a small but practical

Little house for myself probably mostly like Oakwood right so on that note I need a better ax and I’m gonna go chop some trees over there genuine question am I playing hardcore right I just made an iron ax to go make a cool house before I even like looked for diamonds I

Don’t know I’m just gonna do me I have no clue how much I’m gonna actually need so let’s just go for like a few Stacks Maybe okay that should suffice but I kind of want to get another kind of wood because ideally you want to have two

Kinds of wood like one for the base of the house one for the roof so if I could find like some spruce wood or even like some dark oak maybe all right I’m gonna go on a little mini Adventure see if I can find some Spruce Wood and if I can’t

I’ll just Wing the house I know some of you guys are saying use Birch you deserve to not play Minecraft which would disgusting horrid yup there is no Spruce around me all right fine I’ll use what I have so let’s put a little log there and put some Cobble across the

Bottom and then bring it back up this way so I’m kind of going for like a cobblestone base to the house then the rest of it’s gonna be like oak wood so kind of Imagine This has like Foundation I don’t know if that makes sense hopefully it does and I’ll have my

Doorway be like right here and I think the walls are gonna be oak logs I kind of want to like strip these and like that actually looks kind of nice imma do it let’s do that walls are looking mighty fine now I’m hoping these windows don’t look too plain because it’s a lot

Of oak wood again I really wanted to use Spruce so I could have like some accents like some darker colors here but I’m not gonna you know complain it’s literally the first day yes donkey I know the house is awful don’t eat the bed what are you doing crazy donkey but I’m gonna

Keep working I’ll be back when this thing is mostly finished all right about one hour later here’s what we got and of course I want to give credit I was heavily inspired by a YouTuber named Shara nam I love this style of house it fits in so perfectly with the area so

Shout out to Shara but that being said I’m so proud of the roof I did like my own kind of spin on it where I did like logs and some stripped wood and some stairs because normally as I said earlier I’d want spruce up there but

Since I couldn’t I got creative and I love it and side note I’ve already broken an iron ax building this so that’s nice but obviously the outside isn’t too polished yet I can only do so much on you know like the first couple of days of Minecraft but the inside is

Ready for move-in let me take my bed put that bad boy race I want a window here now I get a window up there that’s fine oh also this door I have a door here because I want to make a little bit of like either a garden or a farm out here

On the side of the house so I’m thinking if I make like some fences oh hold on side note again campfire that sounds awesome hello Ambiance up here wouldn’t hurt anyone and of course some logs to sit on too I feel like I’m doing hardcore so incorrect who cares about

Surviving make little build details that’s the point of Hardcore right and a little texturing oh yeah I like that but back over here if I do like a little bit of like a fence area make it look all pretty with like a little bit of a

Barrier and kind of like weave it around the area yeah look at this this is awesome I could put like some animals in here maybe I don’t know should I do like a crop Farm or actual animals I’m leaning towards real animals but I don’t know wait who’s stopping me from just

Making another Farm over here well that wouldn’t really fit too well and now I sleep you know what yeah I’m gonna make a little cramped Garden right here like a really small one oh the worst part about moving house is needing to move the chests this is gonna be a tight

Squeeze so I know it’s a starter house and I’ll probably be fine but like at the same time this is small than my average house I guess for now I can make a few like shelves here and there to put things on I do wish these were Spruce

Though because I don’t like how they’re like see-through but it’s fine it just started out how as far as you chill out and now I’m gonna use my last two pieces of iron to make shears for decorations at this point I’m just embracing my psychopathness um you’re not serious right you’re not

Serious right I just started this world dude well that’s partially scary but aside from them the house is looking nice into a nearby Village stole some stuff and now the house looks a lot more decorative and amazing but uh we have a problem I don’t want them attacking my

Neighbors but I don’t want to kill them then I’ll get the banner thingy effect oh also look at my chimney Isn’t that cool all right well I’m just gonna let you guys chill hopefully you despawn hello rabbit I’m gonna go raid that nether portal but Intruders aside the house looks wonderful I’m actually

Really really proud of it for like again this early of a house what do we got in here oh shovel okay I’ll take those and some Avi for a later date thank you guys still there just chilling well this is probably a good sign to go mining and

Get away from here so maybe they’ll leave me alone so let’s go get some torches and put our stuff back and go find some caves so this part in theory should be the fun part you know finding all the new caves and whatnot but I also

Don’t want to die and I already found a cave that was fast with five creepers in it yes okay oh Emerald pillow take some more of you for a future trading occasion there are so many emeralds in this game now did they like up the raids

I see you I see you I see you I see you cool okay iron I need you but there’s also a billion mobs around me wait didn’t I make an iron sword before now I have a stone sword what happened to my I don’t even know I swear I made one

Getting a little nervous here but I’m finding good stuff is the skeletons like the zombies they’re fine I can avoid the skeletons they got range they’re annoying here’s a hack Friendly Fire go attack him yeah now I can mine in peace oh did I get a bow from that guy yes uh

11 shots but still four arrows I’ll use that to my advantage if I’m in trouble oh no bow needed there but that was trouble to me our creepers like less Opie than they used to be I feel like they used to be way more damaging but I’m not gonna

Complain I’ll tell you that much I am finding a lot of copper and I think they upped the copper rates right still to this day all I want Mojang all I want is copper tools or copper armor okay out of that cave I have about a stack of iron

Which is pretty good but I want to find more caves because I really would love to get diamonds today look at that pretty house over there whose house is that that’s my house yeah I’m kind of conceited whatever I think I see a drip Stone cave in there and I know those

Caves are usually massive so this could be a really good sign for us what are we working with here oh it’s not a water oh I hate the water caves wait unless non-water isn’t it mine shaft okay this journey just got a lot riskier but we’re

Going for it be careful be careful be careful carefully submerge oh no no no don’t shoot me oh skeleton’s everywhere nope nope nope nope nope please please please please please please oh it goes so low it goes so low I’m in so much trouble go oh oh oh God just just build

Give me a second let me eat some bread we’re doing okay we’re doing quite all right but oh my that looks like a huge cave I want to go check out the mine shaft first though I don’t want to get lost down there you know that’s smart let’s not be too

Risky here it’s the idea of not being dumb and dying right away like look at all this copper why is there so okay this was surprisingly empty any more down here was that literally it what a terrible mine shaft okay I’m gonna stop for one second and go make a

New Iron pick because mine broke and if I find diamonds want to be able to actually mine it just need one of you not one of you I meant the tree now I’m gonna head back down if I find the diamonds I can then stop and make a

Crafting bench and all that fun stuff after oh geode I think oh yeah look at that I’m sick oh mobs are coming get down get to some safety is there any safety here oh oh no no no no we’re not starting this here come on come on come

On oh yes you’re fighting thank goodness okay I gotta make my stuff now get some of this iron in here all right fresh pickaxe that’s needed I’m gonna make a fresh sword all right back out we go I’m back to being nervous again some Redstone don’t know why I need you right

Now but I’ll take it diamonds you guys see that that’s the look of an amazing thing very descriptive Farsi and here we go our first diamonds of the new world we got one we got two dang it I wanted one for a pickaxe but I’ll take diamonds I I can’t complain

Over diamonds regardless of the amount this is why these new caves are so amazing because I can just like find oars in the walls I don’t have to go like strip mine or you know just like randomly dig into caves everything is here uh well I’m going to take a couple

Of crystals just because I can and I could maybe possibly make a spyglass now we got some good loot now I just want to get back home and continue on our journey and we are back baby uh where’s my house over there hopefully I probably gotta write down my coordinate soon I

Haven’t done that yet I see you I could never lose you just like look how amazing that looks up there on the mountain like that is just so amazing I said the word twice now here’s the big question are the pillagers gone I think they’re gone yep they had their little

Campfire roasted their marshmallows and then left they robbed me are we good now we’re good okay well let’s get our iron cooking up back home now I can make a bucket or a diamond home maybe no no no got a new bucket it’d be a funny meme

But not today and we’re gonna go grab some water and start making our first Farm now again I could be dumb here because I don’t make new worlds often but in my mind I get water I make crops I use the crops to get animals and breed

Animals right that sounds right I think I don’t like how weird this Ocean looks you know it’s all like broken oh it’s a cave that’s why it’s all broken I’ll check out that later but we have water oh and by the way the other Village is

Up here which I didn’t actually look at yet hello other neighbors oh they got an iron golem too so they’re a big family what do you got for lewd nothing but I’ll take your Blast Furnace got a nice Farm here for me to steal for I mean I

Mean look at okay this is a pretty small village actually so I’m gonna assume these guys are the poor Village up there is the rich Village and my house is like the middle oh give me all this too please cause who needs a farm when you can steal well borrow I’ll give them

Back their wheat okay so as previously talked about we are gonna make the farm over here so I’ll take my bucket just put some water here in the middle and I’ll make a hoe Diamond Hall I want you so bad I’ll make a stone hoe till some of the dirt I hear

A heart oh hello any trades for me yeah I think I really want but I have Emerald so come back another day I really could use those leads oh no he despawned get our wheat seeds down and our first Farm is complete it’s horribly ugly but it’ll do the trick

And now with these new leads from our despawned brother we can go get some animals so chicken donkey kind of want some cows you know what I’ll just take them all I’m sure eventually I’ll need like a bigger Farm but for just day one I keep saying day one run like day ten

But for our first episode a simple little starter house Farm is fine can you get to this door I don’t think you can let’s go this way sneak on in here Mr sheeps and close the gate okay we have our first oh whoops no escaping

There you go we have our first pets well they’re not pets they’re gonna be livestock but I’ll feed them well there you go make your first Little Lamb Chop I mean lamb there we go you heard nothing and what a little coincidence too cows by the portal you’ve won a trip

To a free spa and by Spa I mean Murder House how did you how did you get out oh oh my God you little Parkour masters all right gotta do some adjustments here come on get on in oh my God he’s walked right over to get it okay well I think

We are all set with the animals now I will have to make this bigger though this is like incredibly small plus they’re gonna make so much noise and annoy me like all hours of the day but again episode one I’ll deal with that later and for the final thing I’m gonna

Do today is I started melting some copper so I can actually make a spy glass boom Spyglass done also a fishing ought to be nice to have go get some food but uh yeah now we can look no I like that now we can look far the distance and actually see things because

OptiFine isn’t out yet for me this is amazing guys that’s gonna be it for me for episode one I really hope you enjoyed this again I’m not the kind of guy to make new worlds options this is like a really big deal to me so I really

Hope you liked it if you do have any feedback let me know down below I’d really appreciate it today I’m back in my Minecraft 1.18 hardcore world and last episode we made this amazing little starter house got some animals got some iron gear so overall an amazing start

But today my big goal is to get more gear get more situated because again this is Hardcore if I die I lose everything so I need to go and get some diamonds go get some more materials for Mining and building and in general just make more progress okay so first off I

Should get some more food because I currently have none on me how’s the farm doing nothing yet but I do got some wheat so I can make a bunch of bread and as you can already see my chest is filled up so I need to probably make a

Chest room today or like a storage house oh I have a ton of iron in here forgot about that thank you very much so that being said let’s go begin our Quest I know last time I went mining like that direction down there maybe I’ll go this

Way to find a cave and go towards our neighbors is this something this is a cave but it doesn’t look too promising oh oh baby zombie no no no no no no no no I am afraid of you dude uh you stink whoa this goes down oh there’s torches down there I’ve been

Here well we go onward what do you got for crops here buddy anything I want not just wheat seeds if I find some carrots I’m stealing them okay oh hello we have found a potential cave please please please please please oh oh this could be something there’s a tree in this cave

And iron hello hello Creeper face oh two Creepers hello hello hello we really are just like on a Giant Mountain like there’s nowhere else to go besides down man I cannot get over this new terrain like that is amazing that I can just like go to the edge of my land

And just see like a big drop by like 50 blocks I know squids actually I want to kill you because eventually I want to make a book and quill that way I can write down my coordinates so at this point on my Island I couldn’t find any

Big caves so I decided we’re taken to the Seas planks a boat and we go on the way look at that this is new land then wonderful a village there’s so many villages in this world that’s the fourth Village I found already all right portal

What do you have for me any loot yes loot sharpness sword I’ll take that shovel oh Golden Apple missed that boom that’s a good start this is a big Village oh my goodness oh look at all the villagers in there hey guys what’s up party saw a blacksmith please give me

Diamonds that’s the goal for today I want diamond so if I had diamonds here oh well not oh that’s still good but oh what a diamonds could be a found something what lies in here nothing man these caves aren’t very big like for some reason I just couldn’t find any

Deep caves but I would not be deterred we kept going okay Knight is approaching also my inventory is just about filled up so I’m gonna run back home make a second chest clear out my inventory then come back or go somewhere else I just want to find caves man oh you guys need

The leather is this the way home that’s not the way home I’m kinda lost I’m not gonna lie stop it stop it please oh please stop I see the house I made it back baby and I sleep with an arrow in my hand okay now I’m gonna make a second chest for

Myself so maybe up here I could do a double chest just to keep the you know the floor not cramped that looks okay right also with my leather and my ink can I make that book now I kind of forget how to make a buck and quill I’m

Gonna guess paper you make an actual book then ink I think a feather too do I have a feather chicken where are you oh I’m so sorry buddy a sacrifice for the world oh oh I picked up your egg I promise your son will live on forever

Never mind okay let’s try this out so oh I can do it oh I’m so smart now I can actually write down stuff which is amazing and for now that’s all I need because there’s one thing I hate and that is getting lost especially in hardcore I feel like it’ll be way more

Stressful so I’m happy with the book okay we got inventory space now we’re back on the journey that way was where we went right so we’re gonna go this way then onward and upward so the other day I was thinking this is such a fun experience for me if some of you guys

Are new I’ve had a survival world for like over five years now and I have only played in that world until I made this world and it’s just so fun to like experientially you know like trying to survive and like having to use a shield and you know like keeping my coordinates

All the time because I’m telling you I normally wouldn’t care about that if I die I die it’s fine I just respawn and this oh I can’t do that is that a pirate ship over there hello wait there’s a boat right there next to me you know I would think about getting diamonds

Through mining but if I can get through a pirate ship that’d be awesome as well all right how do I get in where’s the captain let me in where’s the chest I gotta dig out the entire ship are you serious you must be somewhere please oh

Wait I’m dumb I can use torches haha where could the chest be man I found it please be Diamonds oh my God what a dumb stupid boat oh let’s go try this one and we go in here and oh treasure map and some books and some feathers x marks the spot right here

I found it please give me diamond yes one dime oh one Diamond but it’s a diamond okay that’s a start okay that is all done and out of the way let’s go find a real cave now what am I looking at that’s an interesting structure a

Spruce tree I need a sapling in front of these guys please give me a sapling I watched Bruce Wood so bad Whoa We are finding things we’re finding new generation apparently is that actually all floating oh my goodness dude look at that I kind of want to build up there

One day imagine like a little village up there oh I can go up it this is the weirdest scene right now oh right at the top all right ready oh I want a disappointment all right I had my fun but we had to get refocused and finally we found something okay I

Found this amazing village with a lot of hay in it by the way so easy food but the bigger deal is it’s raining that’s a bad sign uh the bigger deal is cave at least it looks like a cave to me it might maybe it’s not I don’t even know

We’ll investigate but anyways let me quickly go check out the chests in here because I saw one what do we got emeralds thank you okay what do we have down here anything hello oh okay these big split caves usually give me Good Vibes it usually means it’s gonna be a

Big cave and all look at it already oh my goodness all right gotta be careful oh God gotta be oh mine shaft too all right careful careful careful oh we are getting down to the nitty-gritty of this cave there’s a lot of iron here too that will come back for

Shortly all I see deep slay here’s what we’re talking about was it a mob spotter baby zombie nope nope nope nope we ain’t playing that game today sir yeah look at that mother spawner quickly light it up quickly quickly how’s the loots golden apples Galore and a name tag and in this

One name tag horse armor let me just get the coordinates for the spawner it stinks because we’re really far away from our home but maybe one day we can make like a zombie XP farm over here these caves are so epic to explore I’m having so much fun right now I just

Gotta find a little bit of a lower area just like this to get down to the diamond area because I think diamonds spawn under y negative 50. I think that’s another spawner a spider spawner wait is that a geode this is a geode in the spawner that’s insane what are the

Odds of that okay loot time music test nothing really important and another name tag you know the deal let me get the coordinates those two coordinates are really close to each other imagine if we had some like dual XP farm that’d be amazing oh hello Lava Lake thing

We’re on level negative 20 so down here could be Diamond area this looks ominous doesn’t it but I get jumped down here by some mobs um hello oh don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that I’m good right I’m good right just in case just in case please is there

Wire nearby oh no that was scary I don’t like hardcore have I not found diamonds yet oh wait oh it’s glow Squid Ink I thought there was a diamond right there it looked teal well in the meantime I will start getting iron since I have the extra space okay well this cave was

Super cool but I’m gonna get back out and just find a new cave because that had no diamonds in it at all oh right next to that village with the cave there’s another cave here is it all linked together well now I gotta go investigate here this looks different

Now this definitely is a different cave gotta get more torches though could our luck finally change because so far we’ve made some good progress but I’m not impressed we have to get diamonds we are not in a position to be just chilling and iron we gotta get better loot

Another spawner I hear zombies right another zombie spawner hey nobody sorry to invade your house but it’s mine now we got Golden Apple I should keep these in my hand more that seems kind of Handy and another music disc Brad short nothing crazy but whatever so I was

Finding some pretty cool stuff but wait until you see what I found next oh stronghold oh this is amazing we just found a stronghold oh God what do I do what do I do I’m not prepared for this I’m on literally episode two we’re here

I spy baby let’s go no diamonds but we found a stronghold what are the odds of that okay just don’t trigger any silverfish please I don’t want to attack the army of bugs oh and it goes into here okay before I do anything let’s get the coordinates I can’t believe we just

Found a stronghold also if you look at these chords look how close everything is together this is like the best area ever all right I’m going in be careful oh that’s a lot of Hearts don’t kill me please I’m gonna eat an apple just in

Case just in case you know never be too safe now they’re geode here diamonds yes yes yes this is what I wanted we safe we secure give me a couple baby give me a couple oh man more yes thank God I kept digging and

Some iron of course on top of that so we got three diamonds in our inventory I think we have like two back home either one or two so we’re in good hands now can you yeah these strongholds are so confusing like where to go next okay the risk of

Getting lost here I’m just gonna leave the stronghold because I am gonna get totally confused a geode in the stronghold dude what is wrong with these geodes oh a chest hello iron sword oh thank you a fresh one and a saddle I appreciate that thank you Minecraft

Imagine if the geode like took out the portal room oh my gosh can you actually imagine that like it would ruin the world forever portal room portal room portal room portal oh no I am not ready for all this right now it is episode two

It is episode two let me just get the achievement because that’s always fun give me wait I thought I’d just find the Portal room I’ll break this though where’s my achievement man I found the portal room oh I gotta enter the end portal that’s all right how did I follow

An Ender I I didn’t I literally didn’t the game’s trying to accuse me of cheating I didn’t cheat I found this legit okay I’m getting out of here and next thing you know we died oh wow why would it do this why would this be a thing no I’m just kidding but

It was a close one staircase to Lava this is the weirdest stronghold of all time I’m digging out I don’t care I’m just digging out I don’t want to be here anymore oh right into a cave hello oh never mind what’s that bookshelves I’m like at the surface is there a library

In here oh my God the stronghold goes up here dude this is one of the craziest strongholds I’ve ever found like this is insane I can come back here with silk touch one day get all these bookshelves and make an enchanting area wait that doesn’t make sense I need the

Bookshelves to get silk touched or maybe not I don’t know this is a problem for another day but for now look at the coordination so I don’t lose it and just like that we’re already on our second page of coordinates and we got chests here oh oh wait they actually got good

Enchantments here I didn’t know that I thought it’d just be like paper and books and that’s it thank you very much my friend I don’t see anything oh I do what do we got nothing okay get me out of here I’ve always said my welcome I

Feel like from here on out only bad things can happen like three creepers in one room so I’m just gonna leave I’ll be back later though see you boys what are you oh just a portal and a desert temple 10 11 golden carrots thank you very much

I wish over here was around spa and there’s so much cool stuff here all right this would be a cherry on top if I found diamonds ooh not skeletons I said diamonds but this would be like the perfect ending oh am I gonna survive that just in case

Okay I’m just gonna break that before I get down there thank you all right Chess Time everyone give me your diamond Vibes all right let’s go no diamonds but emeralds we got emeralds Golden Apple sure we got the worst chest of all oh saddle and finally Diamond one diamond

And a golden apple that is a wonderful assortment of blocks there and of course I want all of you for future nether rights Endeavors and there we go we good we good wait a second well now that you mention it I do have a saddle and horse armor yes okay uh saddle armor

Oh my God you’re slow I’m faster walking kids Look Away what about you brother or sister come back here I will ride you okay let’s try you out are you you’re also slow but you’re fast enough that I’m just gonna take you well I immediately realized it’s all water

Ahead so sorry about that oh I see I’m just gonna leave you here forget I ever met you do you recognize this place let me help you can you see the smoke up there we’re home I’ve been in this cave before right in front of my house I’m

Gonna be so mapped as diamonds in there that whole time but guys we made it back from The Greatest Adventure in episode 2 history I can’t believe the loot we got today we got diamonds we got enchanted books we got a heart of the sea golden carrots name tags illegally everything

You could ever want is that a man what are you doing up here is your pathway lead oh wow I didn’t know there was stuff up here you want to come to my house wanna have a sleepover sleep over sleep oh he hates me oh there’s donkeys

Here oh I could tame a donkey right put a saddle on you and look at that I got a slow but helpful Steed I don’t mind him being slow because I can hold on one second I can make him carry my luggage weight can I yes luggage carrier I will

Name you Branson Branson the donkey and you can hang out right over here okay back to the plan for today as I mentioned earlier I do want to make a storage house eventually and eventually is today I want to make a separate small warehouse to store all of my chests now

It’s not gonna be like crazy big or intricate or like sorted because after all we’re still in early game but it would be nice to have a separate place to you know store stuff and not feel cramped in the house so yeah let’s go do

That okay I got a brand new ax now I’m gonna go get materials to build so I’ll be right back okay I got some logs I got some Stone and I think I’ll have enough for this build and I decide we’re gonna put our storage house right here in this

Area right near our house just for easy Transportation back and forth but that being said let’s give building Introducing the storage house so I tried to give it the same kind of vibe I have for this house a lot of cobblestone lotta just exposed wood and honestly I wish I had Spruce Wood right now because I could make a lot better build if I had

More wood or more wood variants for that matter but the oak did all right I think it’s a really nice looking place and I really tried to make it not look like an actual house for the sake of it not being a house it’s like a warehouse It’s

A storage place I have a little chimney on top too which I think is adorable a lot of Windows got these little things up here and inside it is glorious not the most spacious thing in the world but it’ll get the jump done just now realize

I didn’t do the floor whoops but I’ll probably make this all wood at some point I’ll be totally honest I’m finishing this episode at like midnight and I’m so tired so I will do the floor off camera in between episodes oh and how silly of me I have to put down the

Actual chest so I’m not sure how we’re gonna actually organize it but I imagine we’ll just do like double chest here double chest here it’s kind of wouldn’t I don’t know I could do it like that and then put like one here than one yeah I

Can make that work can I have to mention the middle and then these dirt blocks will be chest blocks at some point you know what I mean we can stack them up and organize them and do all that fun stuff but again guys I’m exhausted I’m

Not gonna lie I gotta post this video tomorrow as I’m speaking at least I can sleep in Minecraft today we’re back in my Minecraft 1.18 hardcore world and I have a major goal for this episode we want to tackle the nether we’re gonna make a portal today go travel to the

Underworld and hopefully find a fortress because one of my biggest goals in this series is to kill the ender dragon as fast as possible and to do that we need blaze rods but obviously we’re not stupid our gear is not the best all iron tools might lead to me dying the nether

Which would be terrible after all it is Hardcore so my first plan for the day is to get some diamond armor right now I only have six diamonds so I need to go mining and get more also the comments are awesome some of you guys told me I

Already have 10 obsidian in my chest just from looting so I don’t even need a diamond pickaxe which is crazy to think but it’s true so yes the goal is diamond armor let’s go wait full inventory hold on now if you guys saw last episode I stumbled upon a really big cave

Somewhere around here and I want to explore that today because that could lead to some riches not that one not that one I think it’s you that looks like a thing like a big old rainstorm but I see deep sleep down there so that is a great sign all right

Gotta be careful this is deathly if I follow the series is over oh my gosh dude this is a huge cave look how big it is at least it looks like it from here oh already mob here how you doing baby go away so are you telling me we

Traveled like thousands of blocks to find a cave when there was this thing right under us the whole time okay let’s play it safe and go down go down this way just be safe oh my God it’s so deep so far a lot of iron which is fine

Because I want to make an anvil soon as well so I started Mining and taking my time but pretty quickly it got intense all right we are down into the really big part of the cave I’m a little nervous dude the cave goes so far you

Can literally see fog in the cave what is this underground Paradise okay don’t get lost the big lava spike is where I came from do my eyes deceive me oh that’s cool like it thought it was diamonds dude this is insane it just walks me straight down there’s a geode

Right there that’s awesome okay I gotta be on high alert this is like the move I see diamonds I see two diamonds oh my god let’s go again high alert high alert high alert no child Army don’t you dare come to me I hate the baby so much I see

You buddy better stay right there while I mine these diamonds we got one that really what about you we got one dude baby again more diamonds here oh and a mob spawner dude we’re finding everything here oh spider spawner though that’s an ugly one I want a Skelly

Spawner for some free bones all right first chest Golden Apple name tags cold sure and nothing crazy I love that mob spawners spawn more frequently now I feel like they’re everywhere and Le Diamond got one do they only spawn in singles now just want to get the chords of the

Spawner on the way we go another oh oh my God there’s a zombie spawner right next to the spider spawner dude my luck in this world is insane I’ll speak to you soon light it up light up light up we could make like a double spawner like

A double XP farm jests we got ah the loot and these aren’t great anymore but I will not complain even though I just did I’ll save you some time I started finding a lot of diamonds so I made a fun Montage for you more diamonds give

Me give me give me oh don’t do that I see diamonds more diamonds give me give me give me so many diamonds give me give me give me diamond even more Diamond more Diamond you can’t make this up when will this cave end a diamond’s above me too this is actually insane yes

It’s so wonderful I wasn’t joking okay we’re out of the cave but who knows where we are like look how far it traveled from that one cave I’m like a thousand blocks from home and after all that I did manage to get about 15 diamonds is he a pirate ship possibly

More diamonds oh there’s no chess back here I see my home and now combining our diamonds together we have a total of 21 total diamonds which is totally fine for me because in the nether I’m also gonna want one piece of gold armor for the piglets because if not they’ll rip my

Face off so I’m gonna make a diamond chess plate I’m gonna make diamond pants and finally some diamond boots let’s get these bad boys on my body and oh man I look good I look real good now with the final two I could would just make a diamond sword but I also could

Potentially make an enchanting table do I have sand I do not BRB okay got my glass and I think I can make the enchantment table with these blocks no I need a book I’m a Minecraft newborn die ha ha enchanting table so now if I just go get some bookshelves I can have

Enchanted armor as well and that sounds like a safe bet to me so let’s go do that also one thing is for certain if I ever gotta go mining go to that cave it’s right over there and it is massive okay books none there oh 13 okay so I

Need books and then wood converted into planks and right there is four bookshelves but right now I don’t have the books or the levels to even get Max and chance so I’ll just do low enchants for now just fix the land a little bit and I’ll smack it down over here and

Maybe later we can even make an enchanting house but for now this will suffice is that correct to how I do it but the cool part is I also have grindstones so I can enchant my armor just for today then when I want to you know make it better I can unenchant it

With this thing what do I got for levels I don’t have any lapis do I my fears were correct I don’t have any lapis back to the mind we go I’ll make it quick oh hey a geode and a Lapis right next to it amazing well that was easy I didn’t even

Go up there with this drip Stone there’s so much to do in this cave that entire area there is totally unexplored okay okay I’m ready what should we enchant first I’m thinking boots for like fall damage purposes so why don’t you give me a nice protection too what can a chest

Plate give me I can get Thorn to want that pants what do pants do Blaster is that good I’ll just go with the boots and just be safe that is pretty good I guess depth Strider not important but okay boots back on the face now chest plates give me something good Unbreaking

That doesn’t sound very good the pants give me fire protection that could be important and I kind of wanted more than that but whatever and chess played for the third time protection two wonderful and I might even try the pants again just because I have a grindstone here

One more time what do we got fire protection again anything no well I’m out of lapis so I’ll take the pants as they are I still need to make a gold helmet though and boom and I am officially ready to rock and roll I just felt so cool saying that okay so

Now for the portal there’s a portal right down there that is mostly filled in and I still have like six obsidian left so I should have enough to finish it if I don’t I’ll be sad but first I sleep oh I can’t sleep it’s Sunset faster I haven’t looked at these crops

At all yet oopsies gotta get my food on also the poor animals I haven’t fed you guys I’m sorry I don’t need you though cause I got bread but uh okay sleep time okay here we go again I have no diamond picks oh that needs to go so if I mess

This up we are in big trouble okay so I gotta replace you and I gotta go up one more here and I can fill in the corners like that go boom boom and I have enough I can even do the corners because if you skip the corners you’re a terrible

Person and now I chop please no creepers get behind me that’d be terrible yes okay got it boom and there we go so we are now ready to go to the nether who would have thought episode three I’m proud of myself man I stink at Minecraft

But not in this world okay so I gotta get a flint and steel I gotta probably get some more food some more blocks and maybe some gold to the piglets can you know trade with me also I totally just realized I have a whole storage house

There that I have not used once I probably should get on this pretty soon but not now we got things to do also I’m gonna make a new bow just in case something bad happens okay are we all set I think I’m good saddle for Striders TNT for netherrite mining gold flint and

Steel extra blocks fishing rod for Striders bow and arrow I think we’re good to go all right let’s do this thing like the portal baby and it’s time to go in if I die here world I love you viewers I love you all right let’s go

Bye chicken see you soon oh I’m dizzy oh it’s raining in here no it’s not oh hello hello so far safe safe oh oh oh no that’s not safe what a great portal spawn dude right off the edge hello are we cool yeah I have gold on my head right yep

Gold in my head we’re cool oh I see a guest all right well I feel good that I’m actually in here and not dead yet that’s always a good sign why is it so foggy in here though I like I can’t see far at all I don’t like the look of that

Guy you’re dead huh oh what the heck what yeah oh oh yeah all right we gotta find a fortress and I’m also gonna want ender pearl so maybe this guy give me some trades and give me some give me some as a vendor or some ender pearl sorry give

Me give me give me give me give me not spectral arrows dude you guys dropped the worst stuff ooh a potion is that fire resistance oh that’s really good that’s really really good okay no more gold that’s all you’re getting nothing of value but whatever on the journey we go wait portal

Coordinates that would have been a disaster all right boom okay this is a safe biome to be in because I don’t think hoglands want to be in here and hoglands are my biggest issue right now just in case I’ll take one of you to plant down in an emergency

Back it up just backing up so hard to navigate this place I don’t even know where to go so the only place I could go was across a lava lake so I decided to go hitch a ride on a Strider okay I’m Gonna Make A fungi on a stick and I

Gotta find a good place to get in the lava oh that’s the guy he sees me too come here I need an Uber driver come here hey buddy come here I got something for you can I cast it at you no I can’t oh whoa whoa whoa eating Apple eating apple

We’re good we’re good we’re fine we’re okay this will be kind of difficult won’t it come this way no you’re going the wrong way you you’re the one you’re close my heart is pounding right now gentle come here buddy you you see it you smell the fun guy come here come

Here no I’m right here you know you want it yes yes okay take out my saddle right and I want to put that on you and I can ride you and now we’re on the Move baby let’s we have nether transportation and there’s a wall there are you kidding me

That’s so depressing I guess I’ll go this way then hello gentlemen how’s the lava today nope I’m not feeding you nope not happening this is gonna end so poorly so fast Nothing so far oh hello that’s Blackstone that’s a Bastion okay well I’m not ready for all this wait what did I do explore all Nether biomes that was fast okay well I will take oh y’all just see that I’ll take note of the coordinates once again but

I’m not gonna stop here right now I will say though this is amazing Transportation I didn’t even think this was like that good of an idea but it really is foreign wait am I going crazy that guy’s a sad one already hey dude how do I find

One of you naturally you’re worthless to me and after a lot of traveling I finally found the Fortress boys boys boys boys and girls I’m sorry I was excited we have found a fortress I have my time stamp right here I’ve been searching for 40 minutes I finally found

It but the question is how do I get in gotta find some land I can like get on top of I guess over here is gonna have to work so I’m just gonna go like this how am I gonna get off this guy wait like honestly am I am I screwed right

Now okay so hypothetically if we go into this corner right stop stop moving oh hold on okay and if I build yeah yeah I’m so smart now we go up here and there we go back to the basics right buddy all right now you gotta stay here be a good

Little Strider and I’m gonna go climb this giant structure well my pick is gonna break oh no I should have brought a backup pick well I got no wood either oh I’m gonna take a risk here dude I’m gonna just build up if I get shot off

It’s over if there’s a skeleton up there it’s over am I taking a big risk for no reason yes but I’m just gonna do it okay we’re at the top dig in and we are here okay gotta be on my toes nothing can get to me hello anyone home uh

Uh uh that’s a blaze spawner okay I’ma drink my potion now it’s go time this is my chance to actually get some blaze rods really quickly die die die die die come on spawn faster I’m so afraid I’m gonna box you guys in so you can’t leave die die die die die

Blaze run let’s go now I just gotta get like six seven more of these I don’t know come on I only got like I only got a minute 30 of this final 20 seconds of this this is scary oh yes three this is my chance right here this is it this is

It this is it give me one it’s one just one just one just one just one I got one bye see ya bye for this skeleton where you at I know you’re around here oh which way I come from just gotta run just gotta run just gotta run no

Stopping no stopping no stopping no stopping I think we’re on the right path we are the exits here let’s go I have to be Uber careful here I don’t have any solid blocks to build down with parkour master what what oh Apple go we gotta get out of here

Dude we gotta leave right now step on it dude we’re getting out of here let’s go guys we did it and after that it was time to hop on my Strider and head home along the way I did realize I could make a pickaxe using iron nugget so I did

That then I found my portal and I went home all right what a journey that was we got our blaze rods and soon we’ll also have ender pearls which means very shortly we can go kill the Ender Dragon well I say kill will attempt to kill very nervous about that and you guys

Better not miss the fight it’s gonna be epic so make sure you’re subscribed notifications are on but now it’s time to build our enchanting house because obviously this stuff all outside it’s it’s not looking good if it rains it’ll all get wet oh soggy books can’t have

That sheep walking near it ruining it desecrating it nope we’re gonna go build a house for that thing so let’s go out over Yonder chop some trees then come back and build what are you guys doing why are all the villagers in this pig

Pen I kind of want to keep them here so I can actually get villagers easily and I got no torches so free lights don’t burn yourself dude uh-oh oh no I’m burning all the fences no okay okay bad idea bad idea bad idea whatever no the pig’s gone I messed up All right I got some wood I got some cobbler am I gonna build this bad boy right here so let’s get to work And here we go here’s the enchanting house now as you can see it’s pretty small I tried to make it look like really cute and adorable not like some big Grand building but a nice little Charming building out I got a lot of exposed wood and some leaves to kind of

Match the theme of the rest of the place and I put a bunch of purple flowers around it just because I kind of imagined like enchanting and like you know like Wizardry kind of stuff as being purple colored so purple flowers to match that now inside it’s very rough

Right now because I have no bookshelves but I have a little bit of like a hanging grindstone crafting bench in the corner and I’ll put like some plants and stuff like around here later on but one thing is missing and that is an anvil right here next to the crafting bench

Because you know enchanting Anvil grindstone that’s the big three there’s a three iron blocks four iron blocks yep Anvil boom and now I can smack this bad boy down right over here now again I am gonna have more stuff in here hopefully but the bookshelves are probably gonna

Cover like these blocks so I got a little bit of space to play with here I also can make a little bit of like a staircase to go above maybe like a little floor up here it’d be kind of cramped but we could do it but yeah

That’s future plans for now this is all I got so this is all I’m Gonna Keep with also I think time to start actually making a pathway at first all we had was a small starter house then after that we made a nice little chest room still gotta use that

By the way and now with our enchanting building we have three buildings which means we are officially a small town so I can start doing some of this around the place bring this back over here and boom a pathway to connect all our buildings next up I do want to see if I

Have enough blocks to make observers so I did mine some quartz which should be in here up in here can I make one oh I can now why do I want these guys because if I find some sugar cane which I have two of right there I can make a little

AFK farm for myself if I put down one of these guys put down some Pistons backwards observers now check this out if I placed on sugarcane and it grows up to that block it’ll Auto chop itself and I can just smack some Hoppers here around the side and there we go an ugly

But working AFK sugar cane farm so let that thing run overnight so I can get some paper but now I’m I’m gonna end it here today we’re back in my Minecraft 1.18 hardcore world and today we have a very special goal we’re gonna upgrade our armor and our tools because simply

Put we have all the day one stuff done we got animals we got a house we got food we got armor but now it’s time to upgrade so first off I need to make a diamond helmet this gold thing will not do it and luckily in between episodes I

Did a live stream where I organized this chest storage area like we got signs we got barrels it’s all organized and neat and we did some Mining and we got some diamonds I’m going right over lava this is horrible this is a horrible decision

Guys talk me out of this why am I doing this this is the work this is how you lose a series yeah I was so close to dying there but anyways diamonds so let’s craft a helmet for ourselves and boom and we are officially all diamond

Out oh also I gotta make new tools these are all gonna break and by the way the reason I’m doing all these upgrades today specifically is because very soon I want to fight the Ender Dragon like I would absolutely love to go do the fight next episode so no promises but if we

Get good enough armor and good enough gear we’re gonna do it well we’re gonna try to do it again no promises now obviously I want to get better enchantments on this stuff too because right now these are all level one enchantments but if I go into my

Enchanting room we realize we don’t have enough bookshelves to actually get max levels yet so forget this dirt we gotta go get some more bookshelves and if I do quick math one two three four five I’m just gonna say we need like 15 bookshelves total so I know a place if

You guys remember on episode 2 we found a stronghold and in that stronghold we also found a library and in this here book in front of my feet I have the coordinates to said library right there ten two thousand all right we’re on the move and by the way if you guys are

Enjoying this series I’d really appreciate if you subscribe and hit the Bell okay I’m seeing a lot of water so I’m gonna make a boat and we set sail little pit stop for some free food I recognize this place well well well what do we have here I forget exactly how I

Got in I don’t know where the actual like entrance is oh this might be it the Giant open Tunnel got a water bucket for a reason MLG I’m so good I think we found it all right this is exactly what we needed all these books give me give me give me I

Wish I had silk touch so bad right now but whatever I’m not gonna complain free books okay I mind a good portion of the books here and I think we’re all set that’s a lot of ice cream sandwiches no but like really those look like ice cream sandwiches like exactly like them

Minecraft update your textures man but now I can head back home but on the way I saw a village and I found something pretty useful oh I can take you I can brew potions now look at that I would just stopping by for some more food look what I got I

Don’t think I’ll ever make a wheat farm home sweet home now the question is how many bookshelves can I make I can make ten that should be close to enough I think I need 15 but let’s see boom boom boom and can we do it uh 28. a couple

More if this video gets 500 likes I will break this beehive I’ll probably be fine but just do it and Kaboom level 30 enchantments are here now of course that’s all good and dandy but on level 27 I don’t have enough levels yet to even enchant stuff so enter the next

Part of the episode down there there’s a giant cave and in that cave I found two monster spawners So today we’re gonna try and make a dual XP farm you heard me right a double XP farm this might be very annoying to build but I’m gonna do

It because I want XP also totally forgot something I Gotta Give Branson the name tag Branson there you go live long and prosper so now I’m gonna need a a lot of materials I know for a fact I need a lot of water so I’ll take two buckets thank

You very much I’ll need some Soul Sand which I don’t have I’ll be right back homie I just spawned here but you get Aha and check and then finally some signs and some trap doors all right we’re going in and while this cave may be ginormous I know my way

Around it now what what is going on down there think it’s down this way well I mean if you insist I guess I’ll stop here and mine these I mean how could I say no and right over here and look at my memory it’s so good so spider spawn

Is right there then right over here a zombie spawner so my idea is if I flow them both like into like a middle area maybe like somewhere over here we can sit in the middle and have them both spawn okay I’m making my attempt let’s try this thing so I’m gonna make my

Zombie Farm first then just again try and flow them that direction and I will shamelessly plug I used to be a tutorial channel so I got a pretty good idea of how I want to build this thing and if you want to build it yourself in your

Own world I’ll put a link down below it’s my old tutorials disclaimer they are cringe I totally forgot how annoying it is to break blocks like this when you don’t have Enchanted gear because this took so long to actually break out the area then of course the water was

Annoying but by the end of all of this I made a nice little stream and the mobs could flow properly okay just doing the finishing touches on the Zombie Farm all right now time to give her a test so I just gotta remove all the Torches first all right zombies are spawning that’s

Great that’s great just close this off for now and I run down here where I have a little bit of like a hangout room right in here and they should drop right onto this block right here it’s been tested so it should work okay nothing yet which is weird I’m gonna bust in

Here and see what’s going on what are you guys doing oh there we go that that was weird I don’t know why that worked but it did and there we go they’re spawning here and I can one hit them let’s go all right Zombie Farm works fine but reminder I gotta checked out

Water again because that was kind of weird but now on to the spider farm which is going to be a little bit of an issue here because it’s literally right like right underneath our little base camp down here so I’m gonna try to make this work it might not be perfect but I

Will make it functional so let’s go obviously this Farm was gonna be a lot harder to make because the space constraints but that being said it was a really fun challenge to try and Tackle okay here’s the thought process zombies go right here in this block and the

Spiders come right here to this block and they get stuck here I don’t know if it’ll work but let’s go try it go back up here and find where the spider spawner is in this wall Bingo break the Torches if this works I deserve an award okay run back down please be stuck

Please be stuck please be stuck can you get me guys it works it works I made a dual spotter let’s go they can’t get me and I can sit right here in this corner and both of them are gonna spawn dude this is insane I know it’s not some crazy

Elaborate design but I’m so proud of myself for making this thing work let’s go the one downside I cannot get the string I probably need to get some hoppers for that but uh for right now I’m happy I’m really happy invisible spider jockey that’s interesting now all

I gotta do is make this room a little bit bigger and then make a ladder system to get back up to the house so I’ll be right back it took about four iron pickaxes but I made a nice Pathway to get home super easily and boom look at

This the ladders come right up in front of our other houses So eventually I can make a little bit of like uh like a house here or something like that but regardless now I can get XP whenever I want now there’s two things I gotta do

One is get more XP so I can actually go enchant my stuff but two is I want to actually decorate that little hangout room that AFK room down there because right now it’s just a Big Blob of stone one pretty ugly so I need some materials Oh I see you what do you have for me sir any good trades jungle drip Stone cacti nothing I really care about oh no he despawned and here we are a little bit more spacious than before but still pretty dull so let’s make it look a little prettier And there we go that is a lot better we got some chests we got a furnace a crafting bench and a nice floor also matching Cobble on the walls and a deep slate roof so it looks neat it looks organized and most importantly I can get

XP so let’s go do that and get the level like 40 something because I want to re-enchant all my armor so yeah once again I’ll be right back note to self please get a bane of arthropog Sword please alright it’s enchanting time so first off let’s go unenchant all this

Level one armor because I don’t need any of these anymore and now let’s get to it first off let’s do the chest break that seems like the most important one protection three probably not how about the boots protection three probably not future Farsi here I don’t know why I

Didn’t take the protection threes those were really good pieces of armor how about the pants I’m breaking three hell man respiration three that could be handy and Fire Protection Aqua vanity sure so right now we have fire fire blast normal if I can just get a normal protection here I’ll be very happy

Please please please please I’m breaking protection let’s go protection four two oh that is amazing and that right there shall complete my set look at us man we got really good enchantments first try I thought that was gonna take a lot longer but I’m happy with that that’s amazing

Now all that being said what’s the one thing I could do to make my armor better you guessed it netherrite so now it’s time to go back over to the Nether and we’re gonna make an ancient debris mine now normally for these kind of Minds you

Want to use TNT or beds do I have either of those forgot we don’t use these chests anymore all right let’s check it out what do we have in here extra tools okay I got some TNT flint and steel of course I don’t think I have any extra

Beds though can I make any more TNT oh I got a lot of gunpowder actually I just need some of you and that will give us a 17 TNT not gonna lie I thought it’d be more but whatever that’s fine it’ll be a short trip but a good trip all right

Here we go Gotta put that on for safety and we gotta find a nice safe area to build this thing definitely not here not here and I guess if we dig down here we could be okay I’m gonna be extremely careful here this is very risky because if

There’s lava above me I am in trouble but let’s go for it first one go go do it do it do it oh there’s a lot about love above there’s lava that way so why don’t I go this way let’s go for it again another small one

Are we good are we safe are we okay we’re good all right it’s time for the big one it’s time we put down a bunch of TNT and make a big explosion ready go come on come on come on anything hello I don’t see anything man

That stinks oh what a waste of all my TNT well let’s try it again oh no I was gonna say let’s try it again maybe this way instead please give me one at least one this is all my TNT please please anything I don’t see much I see lava I see a lot

Of lava oh no well guys I’ll be honest I came ill-prepared I thought I’d find ancient debris a lot easier than this but apparently I was wrong so I say maybe next episode we make a creeper Farm back in the Overworld so I can get gunpowder easily then I can find ancient

Debris a lot easier so it stinks about the ancient debris today but there’s more things we have to do we’re gonna go on a little mini Adventure today because ice ice diamond tools I have his iron inside of here I owe so I’d love to get like a diamond

Pickaxe and enchant it maybe a diamond sword too so yeah hey Branson I need you on second thought he’s really slow he can stay here I got some boats lying around here in the ocean and we can take these bad boys and go let’s go that way

Land I’ll take it let’s go oh Savannah Village it’s not a cave but it’s cool hey there guys why is your farm what you got a water problem here guys hey hi do you know where any caves are not a busy okay oh oh look at that

Monster spawner on the side of the Ravine that’s actually so cool I’m not gonna use it because it’s so far from home but that’s sick hello there guys how you doing how you spawning just like light in here things were going so well

And then I died oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh uh oh I’m kidding but once again really close to death I almost just died that

Was the biggest trap ever there were a million zombies in there but you know what I will not be defeated I’m going back up right torches torches torches you can’t spawn no more haha better be good loot in here golden apples that’s actually good loot and you you name tag

Gold sure back to the important task at hand there’s a giant cave down there oh diamonds right there look at that it could be a trap though it’s literally in the worst spot possible but I’m gonna go for it all right please be more than one

Give me more than one yes all right I got two that works for me so right now I can make a pickaxe plus one more Diamond so if I can get one more I can also make a sword oh let’s go more diamonds and I

See you I see you I see you I see you let’s go we secure we safe we’re going for it boom one that’s all I need that’s fine it’s not mine shaft above me hey there’s diamonds right there too just gotta be careful and be safe all right give me

Give me give me give me give me one more fine okay this is where I’m pushing my luck because there’s poisonous spiders in there that could eat my face off so I’m gonna be out of here so fast okay you know what I’m getting nervous I’m just gonna leave because the number one

Rule of gambling is no one to time to I swear I just heard a spider right I’m digging up I don’t care bye home sweet home now we can make our new diamond tools so let me pop inside of here and let me get to a craft and soap diamond

Pickaxe for sure then I’ll hop back inside of here and grab my other two diamonds and I shall make a diamond sword and now time to enchant it up all right give me something really good here we got efficiency four I will take that give me give me that’s it I wanted more

Than that oh I should have just made two Diamond picks it would have been so much smarter actually hold on one second I might have an enchanted book in here somewhere enchanted books do I have something I can put on the pickaxe impaling like of the sea oh I also could

Just go and chant books and try and get like Unbreaking or something for my pick I’m gonna do that oh feather falling yes this is actually a really good idea for getting good enchantments ah sweeping Edge you’re looting ah well after a little bit of work I got some good

Enchantments on my boots I put on feather falling three on the pickaxe I got fortune and Unbreaking one and on the sword I only have sharp Darkness but eventually I can also put on sweeping Edge and knock back too right now that’s all the XP I have for today and speaking

Of which that’s gonna be all I have for today as well today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m just down here in the XP farm getting some experience oh a potato wow thank you but for this episode we have one major goal we want to get netherrite

Armor I know I love diamond armor too but we need to be more safe and secure in the hardcore world so today we’re going to that evil Place Intruder where’d you come from why are you in all leather but anyways before we go to the nether we have to get more TNT because

That’s how we’re gonna mine it because last episode I used all our TNT up we had like 10 pieces here or something like that and now it’s all gone please foreign Ty enter our first plan for the day we are going to make a creeper Farm an easy

Way to get gunpowder infinitely easily and AFK Lee the word is automatically I swear I have a college degree so we gotta think what’s the first thing I will need to make a creeper farm and funny enough it actually is fish because most gunpowder Farms require catch to

Scare the creepers into a Kill Chamber and cats can be tamed with fish do I have a fishing rod I think I do in where extra tools no it’s okay I can make one I need some string from the spideys I need some sticks and boom a fishing rod

For my face so when I went fishing rod in hand but I quickly realized fishing is actually really boring and I could do this in a much more fun way no you know what this is boring I’m just sitting here in the mud fishing like some Neanderthal but I’m farzy I wear diamond

Armor I make cool builds I deserve better than this so I decided I was gonna build a really fancy fishing doc because then that way I can fish in style plus I just like building so that being said I went to go get a ton of oak

Wood because I think Oak is the best kind of wood for a dock design so yeah you get the point I chopped I chopped a lot also I replanted because hashtag team trees well I guess it’s team sees now but I tried that didn’t really work

Out so well okay where should I start building this thing I think right here would be a great spot like this little Canal also down here where the boat is would be pretty cool too yeah you know what it’s going right down here okay so

I got a pretty cool idea for this so first off I’m gonna take some logs and make some like stilts in the water then bring some slabs across then we extend the whole thing out a little bit throw some stairs in here in the corners this

Is the biggest waste of Vlogs ever hello glow squid I’m making you guys a little bit of a intrusive build but whatever you’ll like it and I’m thinking we use fence gates as like our you know our fence because I think normal fences are kind of bland and basic but this this

Looks more unique and there we go it’s done did you really believe me come on this thing this thing with things to do here so starters I want to make awning that like cobblestone on all these logs then above that an oak fence and now we have fun

With some trap doors and some slabs looking good now I just want a few more details around the bottom and the sides so I started off with some Cobble around the sides then I did some stairs so I could actually sit down and fish did some underwater details and finally

Ended it with some naturey blocks like hay and there we go here is the finished Dock and honestly I like it a lot it’s small it’s cute we got some cobblestone on the side of here we got some like hay and some nature stuff on the dock itself

Whoops safety hazard but yeah it’s a little bit clutter in here but if we go to the end there’s a little bit of like a perch station to sit here with our fishing rod and fish into a giant crater which is actually really cool and of

Course I can put all my loot right inside of this Barrel now this is called fishing in style so back to our creeper farm plan we gotta get some fish so fish come to me I made a whole dock for this so you better come wait am I dumb

There’s a bunch of fish right here let me just smack him in the face give me yourself so I’ve built that whole dock for no reason then literally no reason for that but whatever it’s built not gonna lie I kind of hate these Cobblestone things so I’ll fix those

Later but right now we got things to do we got cats to tame more fish oh hey friend can I have that shell thank you all right where the cats at I know they spawn in villages hey there guys if you didn’t see I made you a dock

Over well I didn’t make it for you I made myself a doc okay okay I’m sorry politics man so what I forgot a permit I don’t care oh why do you care so much no cats yet what the heck well you know what I’ll go check the other Village up

Over that way this Village stinks anyways it’s the worst one in the area that dog looks so pretty from a distance I love it so much and in the future I might even make it a little bit longer like make it go further out into the ocean too that’d be fun hey other

Village how you guys doing in your pit of misery you doing good you guys happy like please let us out so at this point I still couldn’t find any cats and I was a little bit nervous because I needed them for the farm but I thought of a

Better solution okay still no cats so you know what that calls for we’re gonna go to a different village and I recall on episode one there was a village right near our spawn so mini Adventure Time hello spawn Village long time no see still one of the coolest spawns of all

Time but the question is where are the the cats I just heard a noise was that a cat I heard a meow don’t tease me where’s the cat where’s the cat kitty cat come here hey come here oh you’re so cute look at you you got two eyes well

Everyone has two eyes two different color eyes come here let me get again I love you your name is sprinkles not you you’re not sprinkles you have sprinkles all right one cat down I want to get one more for the farm so I just gotta find

It one more kitty cat look at this amazing view Franco’s not that time you know what you’re so darn cute I’ll join you wait hold the dang phone I think I saw a village over I did how’d I totally miss this Village back when I first

Spawned here oh this is a nice Village it’s like a big one oh also free food again there are a few things I love more than stealing hay now the cat a black cat it’s okay I’m friendly I have fish come here oh that cat’s way cooler sorry

Black cat I like you but look at that one oh if I can get two of them I’ll do it two friends for sprinkles come here I’m friendly oh come get it yes two cats down your name shall be Sebastian yes yes yes yes take the fish let’s go we

Got three cats I don’t know what your name’s gonna be viewers do your thing we got sprinkles we got Sebastian and we have the nameless one that will be named later you’ll be my pet and those two will be the creeper Farm guys all right let’s head home cat check so I’m gonna

Toss my pal and put him over in the house and now I can actually breed these two cats so I can get more cats and make the farm bigger and as I do that thing I’m gonna go get some blocks so I’m gonna need a ton of trap doors some

Slabs some Hoppers and some carpets and just like that we are ready to start making the farm wait I almost forgot last episode I promised if it got over 500 likes I would break this beehive and Noah you guys smashed it so I will smash this

Oh you’re dead you’re dead oh you can’t catch me I’m invincible okay back to the farm so the most important thing for this Farm is the location because it needs to be on flat land but also these Farms are notorious for being ugly I think this field right

Here is the perfect mix of not too close and not too far so then I started making the farm AKA a big pile of dirt and trap doors I’m out of dirt dang it oh and don’t worry I plan to build something over the giant dirt mess

So it won’t be ugly but uh anyways the farm actually looked pretty good okay where cooking we have a creeper Farm it’s ugly it’s horrible but it should work so here’s how it does work here’s a little staircase to get down to our chest area to collect all the gunpowder

Which will fall in here and simply put the creepers are gonna spawn and fall into the water and flow onto the fire and then burn to death also I want glossier so I can watch it all happen is that mean to say but here comes the

Really scary part to get this Farm to work we have to go up into the sky because if I stand right here creepers can spawn in caves beneath me or in caves to the side of me but if I go up in the sky they can only spawn right

Under me so I gotta go like a hundred blocks in the sky above this thing in AFK up there I’m kind of scared if I fall I’ll probably lose the world so there’s totally no risk at all okay have an idea it’s gonna be really really ugly

But just bear with me I’m gonna experiment using a giant water elevator and as I build up I will remind you guys I used to be a tutorial channel so if you want to build this farm for yourself I’ll link a tutorial of mine down below

Oh I’m so scared I’m so scared right now I love this world so much okay I’m exactly 100 blocks about the ground so now a little platform to stand on and a little water elevator to go right back down safely and I’ll make a little place to actually like stand in peace like

Right inside of this little box a torch some mobs can’t spawn and a cover for the Phantoms listen I get it it’s ugly it’s horrible it’s repulsive but I promise I will make a better build to cover up this whole dirt mess I promise you but for now I will cover up the

Holes mobs can’t come up here and I will sit here and go AFK for a while so let’s go see if it works BRB in the meantime watch how high I can jump also if you’re enjoying the video make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell okay

My stopwatch says 13 minutes exactly so let’s go see what we got in 13 minutes careful be careful it seems safe though I’m going down very nicely and easily why do I see mobs just chilling oh it’s night time okay pop out right here hello we’re safe we’re alive oh that’s so ugly

Okay what do we have anything in here please please please please please yes let’s stack of gunpowder let’s go oh that’s amazing it works that’s like really efficient too okay well that being said we can actually go get TNT and mine for netherrite which was the whole point of the episode so perfect

Why you three here you’re supposed to be inside the farm not here okay so I’m gonna go back up there AFK for a lot longer get a ton of TNT then we go mining sound good sounds good to me okay we’re back and I have acquired over a

Stack of TNT and in my head that sounds like enough to get ancient debris so let’s go try it out in we go oh I forgot my gold helmet hold on much better okay where did we mine last time think it was down this way yeah yes it was that

Pillar I made my staircase and my mining spot so I’ll make a little bit of a strip mine here and you lovely commenters told me farzi don’t Place TNT like this but do every other that’s more efficient so thank you commenters like actually thank you I didn’t know that to

Do a few of these like this and we light it and we back up and run away oh oh look at that that’s four that’s for the comments are so smart you guys are cheap let’s find you guys are geniuses I love you guys so much I’ll do anything

You want anything just name it what are the odds of finding five in one chunk like that this is the luckiest world it’s another one oh there’s six of them this is the luckiest seat of all time I swear if you guys don’t know me you probably think I’m such a cheater I

Swear this is legit this is absolutely unbelievable I already have another I didn’t get well let’s do it again boom boom boom boom We like that sucker we run away again go give me stuff give me stuff I see lava I see I see lava that’s it I can’t complain

Though I literally just got six I’ll just keep doing this till my TNT runs out I guess lighter up run away and oh two more four more okay they had to have buffed how rare this stuff is they had to have made it more common to

Find there’s no way I found 10 already okay little funny backstory as I’m talking right now it’s nine o’clock the night before this video got posted and honestly I’m kind of rushing to get this done so the fact I’m finding this stuff so fast is saving my life I can actually

Sleep tonight guys please comment Down Below have you ever seen anything like this is this like a common thing now or am I just insanely lucky because I really don’t know what to think right now foreign and here’s our last batch right here cross your fingers for more and nothing

Well guys what an unreal haul that was but now let’s go back home and convert these bad boys into actual netherrite and after all of that I literally got myself in the worst situation possible oh I heard that don’t you dare I will fight you jellyfish I am better than you

No no no no oh they’re all coming for me oh no no no no no no no oh no I hit them with the gas ball now they’re mad at me oh this is the worst possible situation there’s so many of them what do I do I played cod zombies

My whole life I know how to deal with this oh no oh no oh no go climb climb oh they’re all falling in the pit this is like kind of a movie you Napoli Napoli an apple eat an apple and go run run run run run I’m sweating so much I

See the portal up there go go go go go go go hurry hurry hurry are we good Oh my gosh do you see the sweat on my head do you see how shiny I look right now never again am I going back in there I don’t care nether is off limits I’m never going back in there well on the positive side we got 10 of these guys

Now I need to smelt these and then get gold right yeah 10 gold is that how it works I don’t even know I haven’t made this in so long okay I take out the iron and I throw in this with some charcoal and yes okay scraps cool and I take

These things and I go to the crafting bench and I just craft up another I didn’t get I can make two of them look at me now I need a smithing table right to put them on my armor boom smithing table crafted and I will smack that

Right over in here and now I can use this okay I’m gonna do my chest plate for sure and then maybe maybe my boots either my boots or my leggings because leggings do more protection but my boots have better enchantments on it you know I’ll do leggings just because that’s

Like the superior piece of armor boom boom ladies gentlemen we have netherite of course not full neither right but uh yeah I’m not going back there so you’re gonna have to deal with it if you want to say click baited to you you know what

I don’t care I’m not go I’m not going back there I’m just not happening in the beginning I said that place is evil and I meant it that was foreshadowing for boating whatever you want to call it that was psychic So today we’re going to

That evil place and I did mention I was gonna make a build to cover up this dirt structure but that’ll be a different day okay I’m gonna leave it like this for today today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m just chopping some wood to get ahead on

The resource game you can never have too many resources but today we have a very ambitious plan and unlike last episode it does not involve giant hunks of dirt please never again but today I want to tackle the challenge of making a raid farm and we’re doing this because we

Want to get totems of undying simply because in hardcore I have one life and if I die it’s over but totem’s gonna extend to my life a little bit longer so that is today’s plan let’s get to work now for a a farm the first thing you

Need is a Pillager Outpost so a few days ago I did a live stream to go find one and me and the chat actually didn’t build your own post build drop post Pillager Outpost oh we are gonna make the best farm of all time now hello you

Guys are scary can I have your number your number yeah don’t ask for YouTubers phone numbers okay also in that stream I found two dogs you’re so cute and speaking of cute last episode I told you guys to give me a name for this here cat

And you had some good name ideas but the winning name was patches and I think patches fit some nicely because he has patches all over his body what’s up patches welcome to my world it’s very amazing oh you guys look very wet right now okay I’m getting carried away it’s

Time to go build our raid farm so I started Gathering up all the things I need for this Farm okay that is almost everything but there’s one big thing I’m missing well actually two but the second one is not important right now right now I need to find some lava because for

This Farm we’ll be using lava to kill certain things so where is lava I know what I have to do we gotta go deep down into the caves I always hate doing this it’s very scary there’s lava right there whoa dear oh dear be gentle boom got it

Hey achievement look at me making progress and of course I can’t say no to a geode who can say no to these but that being said already to take it to our Outpost but I don’t want to go though this place is so beautiful I’m such a good Builder right putting my

Giant ego aside we began our adventure now keep in mind it is a very long Trek so there were some pit stops oh hello Village I’m not gonna lie I could use some extra food and a bed so I’m gonna take pit stop here really there is no

Hay here not even one I guess the rumors getting around that I steal everyone’s hey not just one Pit Stop many pit stops another Village oh my gosh oh word spreads fast but far as he spreads faster oh give me give me give me I mean

I’ll take the iron but that’s not a treasure map what a ripoff but a few thousand blocks later we were getting close all right we should be approaching it oh yeah we are there it is and by the way beautiful real estate we got a coral

Reef we got mountains we got a jungle and I moved here one day but first off let’s quickly sleep to avoid any monsters and such and then we can begin the process of making this Farm good morning okay gotta be careful because the pillagers can be feisty they don’t

Like visitors very often so we gotta find a good place to actually make this Farm it shouldn’t be right next to it because it’ll mess up with the rates so maybe I’ll make it out over in this direction here and being followed you know what I think this area right here

Is flattened up it’s far away enough it is perfect no trespassing on my property so the first thing I did was move the farm spot about 20 to 30 blocks back just to be safe I then used multiple iron shovels to flatten out the area and

Now I could begin making the actual Farm which requires a gigantic Hollow Circle in the sand but that’s about all I could do right now because if you remember there’s one more really important thing that I need to get okay we are gonna need to get a villager because for this

Farm to work there needs to be a quote-unquote village in the vicinity and if I just stick one villager underground somewhere here it’ll suffice also I got so much sand right now but now mini Adventure Time I think there was a village up over this way I could

Be wrong but let’s go double check oh also Lush cave right there all right take note of that an adventure for another day this is gonna be such a pain to get a villager back here you know what I’ll just use a boat that sounds easier wandering Trader hello sell me a

Villager that is probably illegal but tell me get out of my boat dog oh he sells drip Leaf I would love some of that but not now get on my boat leave me alone bye and as I set sail I will say if you’re enjoying the video make sure

You subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate it oh I see a desert that’s perfect I think that’s where the village was spoiler alert it was not okay nothing in the desert but up here there is a Savannah Biome and I know for a fact we passed one of these bad boys

On the way to the Outpost so fingers crossed again and this time our luck was a lot better bingo I know my way around the Minecraft world come on now and it’s perfect cause it’s right near an ocean so I can literally just get a villager

Kidnap him and put him in the water that sounds messed up hey there you know how I normally take all your hay well now I’m taking something else get in the boat yeah as far as he’s a kidnapper has a nice ring to it on second thought

Please never call me that yes we’re on the way just gotta bust through your farmland and we are good to go ladies gentlemen we are on the way to Paradise except for the Villager he’s on his way to a dark pit in the ground alright we are arriving back at our destination and

The Villager is safe and sound and as soon as things start looking good of course something bad happened not gonna lie I’m a little bit concerned that he still has his old profession but hopefully I can you know get that out of him so I’m gonna want to make a

Workstation for this guy all right if I put a barrel here and a bed here will he take the job oh where are you going he’s going the wrong way getting nervous I’m so confused what he’s doing okay perfect you’re gonna get in a hole right here

There’s a bed down there get in there get get in the hole I’ll spare you some time he didn’t get in the hole he’s trying to go back home dude your home is millions of blocks away okay you know what I’m done with you I’ll go find

Another villager I don’t have time for idiots okay this was becoming a disaster because not only did I have to go find a second villager but I also got lost on the way there but half an hour later I finally found another Village Well that took longer than I wanted to I totally

Got lost there but we found a village okay you got a job right I’m gonna break that yep you know you’re a free agent get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat all right are we jobless we’re both jobless right okay we’re jobless

We’re good we’re on the way just gonna double check yep no jobs okay I feel good now all right time for attempt number two please buddy don’t fail me okay let’s stop here let’s put down a barrel up here so he wants to come up here barrel down is he a fisherman yet

Uh not yet please dude how about a bed too does that help you oh he did some particle things it might be working yes he got the job okay now I break it and we keep doing this over and over and over get in there yes he’s in there

Let’s go let’s take him down a few more blocks and boom boom boom we are good now we are good to continue on making the farm now to make this farm work we have to implement water to push any mobs inside of this bowl into a centralized

Kill Chamber now we’re gonna dig down about 25 blocks to make sure all the mobs that go in here have one HP we’re also gonna need a small collection chamber for the loot and finally we’re gonna put down one piece of lava just so any ravengers that get in here won’t

Clog up the farm alright well I feel good about the farm so let’s go try it out so to start this bad boy I have to go over to that Outpost and go kill a banner guy also if you you want to make that farm for yourself I have an old

Tutorial that I made on that so I’ll link it down below oh a banner guy all right die die die die die okay Battlement effect so now I gotta go run back to the farm and since we buried a villager underground they’re gonna think it’s a village and they’re gonna try and

Attack the villager oh it’s working it’s working it’s working okay so I gotta run down here into my little AFK chamber go go go go go go and look at this beautiful little place got a bed got a barrel got a crafting band and they should just fall right here and I can

One hit them and their loot goes into the chest right now it’s flint and Cobblestone so I guess now we wait this is a bad sign there’s nothing here yet all right what’s going on up here where are you guys you’re down he’d probably just spawn down here well that’ll be

Annoying if they don’t spawn in the area that would totally ruin the farm so I’m gonna have to level out all these beaches so they can get away up are you serious all right round one was a Monumental failure time for attempt number two please please actually work

This time oh oh one wait it’s only one where’s the rest of them dude are you serious they’re all spawning in the water why I’m so upset right now okay you know what I know a way to make this easier if I could just steal a bell from

This Village perfect I can smack this thing down I can actually ring it it’ll show me where the guys are they are they’re down there so it’s working now I’m so confused would you look at that they are down here let me smack these guys up and let’s give it a

Real test now oh this is great news they’re actually coming right down the thing what’s up buddies how you doing hey would you look at that our first totem is already here I’ll be taking that who needs Shields and you have totems baby let’s go now I just gotta

Finish off this raid and I’ll be good to leave we did it and our total haul was a couple of totems three totems four totems and some emerald too which is awesome but oh my goodness guys this Farm isn’t like the worst spot possible

I’d say at least five or six times I had to come up here and go find the guys just floating here along the shore so they’re spawning down there which is a terrible terrible thing for me so here’s the deal one day I’m gonna move this

Thing to a flatter area I’m hoping maybe over there there’s like some better land but as annoying as that may be we have totems which is the whole point of today’s episode we want to get totem 7 dying and we got them so on that note

I’m very happy so now it’s time to head back home and go get some more stuff done I see the beacon and by Beacon I mean giant dirt pillar that absolutely no one likes but now that we have totems I do want to take a little bit of a risk

Here I want to go back to the Nether and complete my netherite armor set and if you’re wondering why I’m scared to go well refer to last episode oh this is the worst possible you’re afraid of that place but today I have some confidence because of my

Totems so we’re gonna go back also I got so much sand from that build that we can now make a ton of TNT but first let’s see do we have any extra gunpowder we do and by the way next episode I plan to get rid of this giant dirt structure and

Make a cool new building so stay tuned for that okay I can make 43 pieces not bad and I already have two scraps in my chest so I just need three more pieces of ancient debris to make another piece of armor in we go wait don’t be dumb

Don’t be dumb all right are you guys mad at me oh skeleton what are you doing here zombie what are you doing here what a weird welcome Hey Pig are you still mad at me dude are you really why are you mad at me it’s been so long okay

Okay I’m not welcome I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it okay you know what let’s let’s change our plans today huh I’m good I’m okay baby no no get away from me please oh we came here too get away but honestly guys what should I

Do now does anyone know in the comments like what do I do now how do I get them to stop getting mad at me think I have an idea I’ll need some resources though and maybe a bow and arrow I think our only chance is just to fight them all

Now granted this could be unbelievably stupid of me but I’m just gonna try it because it’ll be fun plus I just really enjoyed nether rides all right we’re here hello oh they’re already on me okay my plan oh there’s so many I’m scared dig dig and make a little staircase

Thing there we go we’re safe this is risky because if there’s any holes here they will murder my face but I should be able where’d they go hey where you guys at come here I want to smack you in the face if they all just funnel right here

Oh my God no no no I forgot what babies no no no cover it up cover it up cover it up I forgot about the children this could get annoying well I may have made a great mistake but there’s no stopping now I gotta keep going all right that’s

The last of them for now are there any more in the vicinity do I dare take a peek outside oh there’s more there’s more there’s more well my hope is if I kill all the angry ones the non-angry ones who haven’t met me yet won’t be mad

At me if that makes any sense it sounds smart to me oh are we good was that it so now if I run this way any new ones that spawn shouldn’t recognize that I wronged them at all right does that make sense let’s test it hey there you guys

Mad at me are we cool I really can’t tell yet I’m so unbelievably scared right now I think we’re cool hey we’re friends again hey let me give you a kiss mwah we’re friends again let’s go my plan worked guys I’m so smart now we can

Go back to mining netherite well time to see how good our luck really is Boom Boom boom all right let’s try it out back it up two two two two two two yes get it quick before the lava comes go go go nice our luck still there I love this seed so

Much and if you guys want it for yourself it’s in the description of this video more more more hello oh this world gives me great happiness well that’s already one more piece of armor last few pieces right here let’s see if we get anything oh we got one nice well I’ll take five

Pieces that’s fine with me but that means I’ll have to come back here another day to complete my set throw these bad boys in the furnace I also got so many gold swords from that now the question is do I have enough gold because last time I was getting a low on

Gold oh just enough just enough to make one of these now I got three scraps spare and I can put this on I’m gonna go with the boots because my boots have cool enchantments on them and boom Another Piece another red armor onto my set also I would love to get mending

Soon because these are starting to wither down oh I have maps in here let me get a map of my place oh you can’t really see much like can’t just looked very small but I’m gonna make an item frame and now I can display my map in my

House maybe I’ll put it right here look at that perfect today we are back in my 1.18 horror world and oh my gosh guys I am so excited for our plans today if you recall a few episodes ago I made this creeper farm and the farm itself is

Hideous it’s a giant pile of dirt so I promised one day I would cover this thing up with a cool build and today is that day my plan is to make a giant farm area over here with a barn Farmland a farmhouse everything that being said

There is much work to do so let’s begin now ironically enough the first thing we’re gonna do today is actually take down the creeper farm and move it down a few blocks I don’t know why I didn’t realize this earlier but I could just move the farm into the ground then

There’ll be no dirt structure visible and I love this idea because now I’ll have much more room to build with today but that being said it was time to chop remake the farm and test it out and boom just like that the creeper Farm is totally hidden underground of course

Minus this thing but for the farm we go down this little ladder Chute and we have our chests right down here so it looks good to me but obviously just give it a quick test just to make sure it still works so vrb why are there 1

Million zombies around me what is going on in this world right now but that being said to the farm does work that is a relief but now it’s time to gear up for a big adventure because for this build we’re gonna need a lot of materials we’re gonna build the barn

First and here’s the design I’m gonna use but as you can see it requires a lot of blocks that I don’t have yet so it’s time to hop on a boat find a cave and get to mining oh I see you I see you I

Know you guys saw him in the last clip I almost did not so our two biggest targets for blocks to get are bricks and granite and I’m gonna go for granite first because I feel like we can get that in any old cave pretty easily I see

Some down there when I’m not going in the water that’s way too dangerous I will find a cave like a normal person oh look at that oh wait it’s all over the place well this could be very easy I will take all of you there’s so much of it this is awesome if

I need more Granite I know where to go but for our haul we have a really good amount I think that’ll be enough for our build oh my gosh I almost broke my pickaxe I’m gonna go heal that really fast oh no it’s my last Diamond we’re not doing this again thank you

Well anyways next up we’re gonna have to find brick and to get brick we’re gonna wanna find clay and I know the perfect place to find a bunch of it last episode I built a raid farm and over in that area I did see an azalea tree oh also

Lush cave right there all right take note of that an adventure for another day and using my own words from earlier today is that day also if you guys are enjoying this series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell I’ve gotten so much support recently for this series so

Thank you so much I really appreciate it little pit stop come on I can’t help myself well as I’m passing by it I really could use some bamboo I’ll be taking that for a future Farm thank you very much what is this little thing down here it’s like some underwater hidden

Temple you see a chest though what do we got what do we got anything oh okay I promise final distraction but this thing looks promising please please please please please meet what about over here oh you guys stink hello old friend nice to see you just gotta find that azalea

Tree because if you didn’t know azalea trees means there’s a lush cave underneath Bingo let’s experiment we’re gonna dig straight down break the cardinal rule of Minecraft what is rooted dirt that’s pretty cool there’s so much of it hello you’ve been digging for a while Moss there’s more we’re in

The cave and look at all this clay this is why I came here oh also Spore Blossom I like that but this right here is how we’re gonna get all our brick for our build today don’t worry I have a spare I then got a little bit sidetracked

Because I found some open cave area oh wow we are going really low in the cave all right little Diamond Pit Stop just a little pit stop for diamonds it’s fine but let’s die oh it’s a zombie shirt I thought I saw diamonds right there oh we

Are entering big cave territory we are entering big cave territory oh my gosh and you know what time it is it’s time for a diamond Montage diamonds are there any more yes there are yes there are yes there are just what the doctor ordered oh my gosh there’s more

Oh my God there’s more there this is amazing more diamonds hello my friend I’ll be taking you diamonds but the fun didn’t last forever because after I got my diamonds there were mobs chasing me and I got lost oh snap oh snap oh snap parkour parkour parkour lucky for me I

Wasn’t lost for long I also almost died trying to get some diamonds but I ended up getting them and finding my way back alright the overall haul from that was amazing I have 30 diamonds now but that being said who cares about diamonds we need clay right now for our brick

Building we just gotta go get as much as we possibly can oh I’m so smart Advanced storage baby well my shovel broke but luckily I got diamonds so we can make a diamond shovel and that kids is why you always mine diamonds okay I think this is enough clay for me

Just about 10 Stacks now we can get out of here and head back home the only part that really stinks that I have to go re-break all this clay again but if I don’t do it this way I can’t carry that much so I had to do it but anyways back

We go home sweet home first off we go sleep now we’re gonna line our furnaces with coal and prepare for the great smelting of 2022 or 2021 but now it’s Clay time all right rat World height let’s get to Breaking I officially realized the brick

Grind was on as I broke tons of clay tried to smelt it but then realized I need more furnaces which also means I need more fuel it was a mess but by the end of it I was happy and satisfied okay this is a lot of brick but oh my

Goodness this took way longer than I thought with all these furnaces and the coal and everything and we even have some clay to spare but that being said let’s see how many stacks of brick we can make about five Stacks I feel like it should be a lot more but you know

What that should be enough for my build so we are ready to roll wait actually scratch that I’m gonna make a diamond ax because I need a lot of wood too I somehow totally forgot about that and you know what if this video gets 800 likes I’ll free these villagers please save them

Well this is a lot better isn’t it but now it is finally time to start the Barn Building I’m very excited and I’m gonna put it right around here and don’t worry I have a plan for this thing too later on but for now let’s comment The Barn

Building let’s go and as you watch me build this I do want to give proper credit to Lenny random who made an amazing tutorial on this Barn design it looks epic so go give them some love Look at this thing guys it looks amazing I am so proud of how it came out look at the accents here with the brick and the granite all the wood details and of course the inside is not touched yet but I have so many cool ideas for this and

I’ll tell you what it looks a lot better than that old dirt structure we used to have there and it sets the scene perfectly for the farm area that we’re gonna build but anyways let’s begin working on the finer details on this thing so I got some leaves to put around

The side I want to combine this with some hay bales because I figure for going for the whole Farm theme we need to use some of our hay which I hate to use because I love hay as you guys have seen but it must be done put a couple of

Piles around here oh that looks amazing already somewhere on the side mixed with some leaves I can’t stop hearing the cats underneath though you hear that that’ll get annoying fast now for the inside of the barn I want to make like these giant kind of stilt

Things like more of these maybe I’ll go up like this a little bit then like bring them across and I’m thinking maybe we could put animals in here I didn’t really plan on that but I mean a barn is meant for animals so I might as well oh

Yeah this is looking great then we can also have them come out of the walls like this and bring them across like this too oh that’s great so I put some of these things around the place and oh my gosh it’s looking so good I don’t

Know if you guys can tell but I’m really proud of how this is coming out so far it fits in so great with our whole aesthetic here and some torches here this thing here is kind of awkward but a little trap door should probably fix that right maybe I don’t know it’s

Better than nothing get our fences for the animal pens oh I got one final amazing idea do you guys remember all that rooted dirt we picked up earlier well that would make an amazing block for the ground of the barn because in my imagination inside of a barn is kind of

Like muddy and gross a lot of like dirt and just mud so this is kind of like a cool mud block you know until they actually add mud to the game which by the way I cannot wait for the Wild update oh it’s the creeper Farm hello

Creepers that’s kind of awkward I can see everything down there put it in the animal pen too oh my goodness I love it I love it so much and then finally I’ll mix in some path blocks using my shovel like this just for some extra like muddy

Spots and oh baby this place is looking amazing all right I think I’m done with the fine details for now now it’s time to work on other Farm stuff oh also I need torches because I don’t want this place to be destroyed by mobs so next up

I want to make a ton of farmland and plant crops because as you can imagine a farm has Farmland it’s in the dang name so I’m gonna use my well-earned diamonds to splurge a little bit and make a diamond hoe I’ve earned these diamonds so I can do whatever I want with them

And I choose Diamond hoe there we go that rhymed so I’m gonna need a bucket of water and a bunch of wheat seeds which I have 47 of that is not really enough but I’ll take it for now okay so here’s the idea we’re gonna get a bunch

Of water and we’re going to place that water in little sneaky places around the place maybe like right down there and then hide it like that then we take our hoe and we can till all the farmland and you can barely even see the water there

But we can still plant seeds here and begin growing our crop Empire and the idea is to do this all over the place all around the barn everywhere all sides maybe even down the mountain here that looks so sick so you get my plans let’s

Get to work on this funny enough it was really hard to get enough seeds for this thing so I will say we’re gonna do a lot more of this over time I have never been this desperate for seeds in my life well I just realized I can also use carrots

And potatoes too so that works out but here’s a small update on The Bard I am loving how the Farmland looks obviously there’s still a lot more to be done I don’t have that many seeds yet but even this little start here looks amazing got slabs we got hidden water it goes all

The way around the place it just looks so farmy I just gotta make sure I actually use the slabs to get down so I don’t trample the crops also I made this cool Pathway to go from here all the way back back to this area over here I mean

It’s not fully done yet but you see the idea it’s going to be a big connecting road to the farm area so yes there is still much work to be done but now we’re gonna try and Tackle this ugly monstrosity as I mentioned earlier I have a plan for this giant dirt AFK

Spire and are you guys ready to hear what it is we are gonna make a UFO in the sky to AFK in and where this giant water source is that’s gonna be the UFO’s beam that’s shooting down to abduct us into the AFK room and I love

This idea because a lot of UFO sightings are around Barns and Farms so it fits in so perfectly I love the idea and the first thing I need is a heck of a lot of wool so sheeps come here this would be a great time to have a sheep farm but I

Don’t have one yet so I gotta suck it up and just go do it manually would you move cow I’ll put you in that bar and I swear oh you know what Brandon you should go in the barn I just put like a little post right here in Branson you

Can just chill right there that’s awesome I love that back to getting materials now I just really realized I want lime wool for the UFO because I feel like lime wool is a good like sci-fi color so if I could just dye those sheep lines that’d make my life a

Lot easier do I have any dye or rather do I have anything I could turn in to die any of this stuff I think I need cacti which I don’t have somehow I was in a desert I literally passed by a desert today all right fine I won’t be

Lazy I’ll go get the materials I forgot food is there any hay here well if you insist I’ll be taking that thank you for the hay ah I think I’m lost but I see a cute parrot and I want you too bad I have no seeds because I used them all

Already oh there’s two of you I like you you’re cool what the heck oh he’s mine hey get your beak out of my camera shot his name shall be Charlton he looks like a Charlton come on Charlton let’s go hey Charlton you like UFOs what the heck

Look at a parent through a spy glass Ah that’s a cool achievement oh look at me and Charlton man the best of friends looking for some cacti but on our Quest things went horribly horribly wrong Ah that’s cacti give me that oh there’s a jungle there are you thinking what I’m

Thinking hello don’t you dare skeleton You’re a murderer could it be a new Charlton Charlton charlton’s back charlton’s back forget the first one he’s a figment of your imagination this is the real Charlton all right the cacti and Charlton made it home yes the first and original Charlton we are never to

Speak about that let’s get him a name tag and there you go Charlton welcome to the family you can sit here and get toasty by the fire well I go build a UFO so at this point I made my lime die I dyed the Sheep then I got a few more

Blocks I needed for the build alright I finally have all the blocks I need for this builds let’s go get to work let’s go climb up to the top of that thing and tear it down oh no oh no I didn’t just do that did I oh no oh no well I was

Gonna ruin all my crops quickly save it Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage oh no oh I’m so clutch oh I’m so clutch let’s try that again all right we’re down to just one block now let’s begin building the UFO And here we are inside of the UFO this will be our AFK spot for the future creeper Farm usage but now it’s time to make the laser beam of Doom which also equals water hopefully no issues with it going down I think it’ll be okay I’ll

Just put one torch here for now put a trapdoor on top of that so I can get in and out easily and now I’m just gonna break this thing please don’t harm my Farmland that’s all I care about don’t harm my farmland and it looks pretty

Cool from down here but here comes the real test if I go far away how does it look alright here we go oh that looks so awesome it legit looks like a laser beam coming down like abducting someone that looks so good I was really afraid it would just look too

Much like water but when you have the UFO it really looks convincing and I can go step in the beam and get abducted help me they’re taking me up and that kid is what you call cringe but oh my goodness guys we really transformed this

Area and as I said we’re gonna do a lot more with this field too I’m not even close to satisfied with this yet it’s still really small I want to like flow down to this Cliff over here and have it go back towards the village a little bit

I want this Farm to look like a farm completely and utterly farmy today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and last time we made this amazing farming Barn area and I’ll be honest I had so much fun with it I want to build more today I

Want to expand upon this amazing farm area oh hello UFO forgot all about you looking amazing by the way so anyways I want to do more building today and my big build idea is a giant windmill because I figure that’ll fit in nicely in the area Plus Branson was begging me

I also want to add a few more things to the area like putting animals in our barn and maybe doing some smaller builds around the area like some Gardens or some smaller farmhouses or things like that I just said area like three times So the plan is set let’s go get to work

Wait why is that oh my gosh I didn’t get to see the Christmas chest yet yes the festive chest oh I love these so much I’m currently recording the day after Christmas so that explains why these are here but that’s awesome hello Charlton how you doing now since we’re doing some

Building today I do want to make a new pickaxe because my current one is about to break and I plan on chopping down a lot of blocks today so let’s go enchant the new one honestly I really could use mending soon but today that’s not the

Plan the plan is this stuff I have no lapis in here do I F I need a Lapis Barrel boom much better lapis Barrel can I please have silk touch can I please have Sosa deficiency Fortune you know what I’ll take it I could combine that

With that and get fortune 3 right or that’s not how math Works wait this is the wrong thing my brain is starting to Mush it’s okay I’ll just use the new pickaxe it’s fine so as I was thinking about blocks to use for the windmill I realized something you know what as I

Look around at all my builds I see all Oakwood and it just hit me I have not used any Spruce Wood yet I don’t even have any Spruce Wood yet wait right yeah I have none all right well that’s a good thing to do today why don’t we go get

Some Spruce Wood for once and trust me I love the aesthetic here of all like the Oakwood builds it’s really cozy to me but a little bit of spruce here and there would make a big difference you know what that sounds like a plan let’s go find some spruce trees Adventure Time

Oh call hello always need you and as I go on this journey to find Spruce what I do want to say if you’re enjoying the series make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell if you do I love you now I could be wrong but I have a feeling up

In this direction there was Spruce Wood someone reminded me come back and get a horse whoa whoa oh I see deep sleep are you trying to tell me I could possibly get diamonds today oh oh my God oh my gosh Creeper’s hello look at this place

Huge any diamonds no okay I will come back here another time I got goals today and I’m gonna stick to them I was right oh let me give me all right that’s Spruce Wood that was like the fastest event ever but it works I swear I’m good at parkour oh

No I’m not oh look at that beautiful little Birch Forest I want to build there one day too all right here we are okay that’s gonna get as much wood as I possibly can and some saplings because ideally I could make a little Spruce farm at some point near my house that’d

Be nice Oh two more there okay I got 50 means for saplings that sounds good to me right zombie he’s like Yay he’s for saplings yay gotta do a bit here and home sweet home now if I take a little bit of dirt where’s dirt dirt and some Cobblestone

And some bone meal we can go make a mini Spruce Farm around here so why don’t we go down the coast where it’s out of the way because I’ll be honest these things aren’t very pretty to look at you know what over here looks fine to me so I’m

Gonna make a little Cobblestone box just like this now I can plant my spruce saplings inside of here and make one big like massive hunk of wood if you guys haven’t seen this yet you are missing out on how to farm Spruce actually I’ll make it one taller okay ready I go over

Here and I put down a four piece a four piece a four piece and I start bone mealing these I get big spruce tree I do it again I get big Spruce Street I do it again I get big spruce tree and then you can chop all this wood all at once together

Easily and that my friends is called efficiency and look at this after all this Spruce what I have I even have more saplings that is stunks farzy big brain tree talk aside we have enough Spruce Wood to begin building our windmill so let’s go get to work on that and now we

Officially have a chest for our Spruce Wood a spruce chest now where are we gonna put the windmill I’m thinking maybe just like right next to the barn like right around here oh wait right here would be so sick too like right on the edge of the cliff right here ah

Decisions you know what I’ma Do it there that just that just has a good feeling to me that just looks unique and and sick and I’m just gonna do it so let’s make a little bit of like a base for ourselves here okay I think I have a

Nice little outline for this place now but boy this is gonna look weird because it’s like half on a hill and then half on a flat land but you know what I am up for the challenge so let’s begin building this thing so for blocks I have

A few in mind that I want to use for sure I want to use cobbled deep slate I’m also going to use some normal Cobblestone obviously a lot of oak wood and of course our new favorite Spruce will would and obviously there are a few more blocks that we’ll need later on but

For right now for the start of this thing this is all I need so let’s get to work gonna raise the base up a little bit taller throw some deep slate in between all these little stilts and then smack some logs across the top like this

Okay so far I actually like it a lot obviously I’ll smack some windows in here but now we go to the second floor where I kind of want to make it have like a Spire shape where it kind of goes like more to the middle so to do that

I’m gonna put down some stairs llama sorry did I scare you I saw a llama and this guy hello what do you got for me nothing I really care about I hate you back to building I’m gonna put some Oak stairs on these little exposed wood

Would you guys knock it off oh no they despawn no no what I was gonna say is then in between these stairs put a temporary block then put some more stilts maybe like five tall ish oh yeah it’s coming together it is coming together if you trample my crops I’m

Gonna trample your face oh now we despawned so at this point I had a pretty good idea for how I wanted the build to look but that being said I also want to make this build really unique to me so I was kind of experimenting and

Just kind of going crazy and by the end of it I really liked how it came out okay so here is the base of the Tower and I’m actually pretty proud of it I think it looks really good tons of details tons of different textures and

Colors it fits in nicely but now I gotta make two important things I gotta make one a roof because that is just ugly and number two I gotta make the actual rotors for the windmill like those big like Flappy I guess they’re called like wings I don’t know I’m not a farmer but

Uh you know the big floppy things that go in a circle I’m gonna call them rotors so that being said let’s do the roof first because that’s gonna be the more challenging thing here because honestly I’m not great with building roofs I never really have been a good

Roof Builder so they have this like square area and I want to make it kind of like pointy so I guess I can start by like putting some logs one in to kind of you know reflect that point shape then I’ll cover these things up with trap

Doors they look a little bit less basic oh I’m one short of you kidding me Pains of being a builder now make a little up upside down T shape right here to make it even more pointy uh plays look good I don’t know if it’s gonna look good

Please look good maybe smack some walls in for extra color I’m just kind of winging it right here to be honest and the Final Touch is put a little bit of a peek to this thing put a wall of maybe Cobblestone and then one of a fence and

Let’s go see if it looks good and the Jerry says at first I was like that’s kind of stubby but then when you kind of back up and just look at the whole shape as a whole it kind of has a good roof I’ll

Take it the more I look at the more I like it I’m actually okay with this granted I may go change it a little bit off camera but for the most part good now next up as we mentioned we want to work on the rotor itself which will go

Right there right in the middle on the side and I want to make it out of wool because I imagine like big white fluffy rotors so I want to use white wool but right now my sheep are lime and I don’t know about you guys but I do not want to

Have a lime windmill that would just be stupid so I’m gonna dye my sheeple’s white and let’s get to share it wait a second you guys did it last episode I promised if it got 800 likes I would free these villagers in this pen and you

Know what if this video gets 800 likes I’ll free these villagers and you guys did it you guys are legends so villagers thank my subscribers you’re free go be free no are you good well I tried guys oh there we go there we go I gotta up

The stakes now okay if this video gets 1 000 likes I will shave off my beard I really don’t want to do that but I’m a man of my word so go make it happen all right here we go so I’m gonna break this little dangly thing I’m gonna put down

Some logs coming out of here like this the second to last piece will be where all the little rotor things are and this piece here will be like the little nose of it so on here I’ll smack down a trap door and I’m gonna put some grindstones

Around it because these kind of look like cogs or like gears now the question is how do I make rotors that don’t look stupid bring that down here and then like bring it a little lower then I guess I just line this thing with wall well you know what I’m just gonna roll

With it let’s keep going all right finishing touches let’s go check it out from afar and far as he says that’s good wait that’s actually really good oh the rotors are even better than the building itself these look amazing look at your boyfriends and go I’m so surprised how

Good that came out I thought that was gonna be oh don’t you I’m having a moment oh I broke my ax but this I am proud of this and it fits him with the farm super nicely now to make a small cozy interior oh and boom not too shabby not amazing

Either but you know what it works for me and maybe one day we can even make a little bit of a ladder shoot to get up to the top it’d be a little difficult but we can make it happen at some point but now it is time to move on to our

Next project for the day which actually is a pretty funny one but that is I want to move animals into the barn so I gotta grab some of this wheat and of course some carrots for the pigs and I have to go find one of each of the four main

Kinds of animals sheep pigs cows and chickens of course I knew that now I kind of want to keep the sheep in here just so I have an easy source of wool next to my house so they can stay but the cows I want you out of here all

Right I guess they’re all coming then come back here also I do want to mention I am not just going to be building here every single episode in the next few episodes I do want to start getting ready to fight the Ender Dragon so for

Those of you that like a lot of action and you know high stakes Minecraft that’s coming don’t worry all right cows good now you can breed and sheep you can go over here come along Child come along he’s so conflicted he’s like do I go back to the parents or follow the wheat

Okay no one wants to watch this I’m just gonna skip it go in here and boom there we go and that is the start to our eventually put like some horses back here or maybe like if they had some other animal to the game or something

Now next up I absolutely need to make a better Pathway to get over here because right now it’s kind of on the side of this hail and it works but it’s not very like handy so I want to kind of flatten out a pathway over there then surround

The whole area in crops and just make it look a little bit cleaner but first I need another diamond shovel because I’m not using that oh I also have three netherrite scraps I could possibly complete my set today I just gotta find one more but first I gotta stay focused

So what I’m thinking is maybe like around this level here I’ll start digging it down to the same level as that door and this is something I don’t do very often that being like having different levels of land I see a lot of pro builders doing this and it kind of

Makes me want to try it out so that’s why today I’m gonna give it a shot and they’ll kind of do something like this where there’s like a clear like level difference between the Upper Land and the lower land you can kind of make a pathway here and it can kind of connect

Up there I already like it a lot like even just this little bit looks amazing and now this pathway can kind of come along the side this way and just like wrap down here somehow ah this looks so good right now I love this and even

Better I can even replace some of these dirt pieces as Stone oh that looks good maybe I also mix in a couple of like andesites and some Cobble just for some variety that’s interesting I don’t love it but I also don’t hate it there we go a great little Mountainside for our

Windmill which I can put some torches on now I kind of forgot about torch it’s not gonna lie and of course the most important part is actually expanding the Farmland itself down around the windmill because it’s still part of the farm so let’s get to hoeing that sounds strange

So off I went expanding our Farmland down and around our new windmill area and there we go an expanded crop range going along the side here now honestly I’m not gonna lie to you guys I didn’t do too too much it’s only like the first

Couple of rows on here but I think it’ll grow and look a lot nicer and again over time we can always do more going down so all in all this area came out great today I absolutely love it but we have bigger and not bigger but better things

To do today and as I just mentioned earlier we want to complete our netherright armor set it has been far too long we are eight episodes in it we don’t even have a full set that is unbelievably disgusting it’s actually really funny because in the comments I

Get a lot of people saying farzi you make so much progress of the episode like that’s crazy how do you do it and honestly I don’t really feel like I do that much like I do a decent amount but I feel like I’m behind and I shouldn’t because we’re making amazing progress

But all in all I gotta finish my another right set so I don’t lose my mind so I’m gonna go AFK up in the UFO get some more TNT then we’ll be on our way and look how amazing everything looks from up here look at this shot hello spaceship

How you doing okay AFK time as I’m sitting here I just noticed you can see the moon in the UFO and the Stars how sick is that it’s the small details man the small pixely details okay a stack and a half of TNT will suffice for me I

Always forget the gold helmet every single time oh hey there buddy don’t go attacking my villagers okay don’t do that that would really stink all right let’s go hello nether nice to see you again oh by the way I really want to get some of that is that Basalt or Bedrock

That is basalt I want to get Basalt because Basalt is a really cool building block for like a stone variety and I want to use it more so in the future we gotta mine some more like maybe going like a big Basalt mining spree but for now we’re going on a netherrite mining

Spree or ancient debris whatever they call it these days okay so up to this point I’ve had unbelievable luck in these caves mining for ancient debris so there’s a good chance I will find more or there’s also a good chance I’ll find none and ruin my luck but let’s find out

Boom boom boom boom all right give me a step give me stuff anything nothing that’s not a hot start we’re just gonna do it again oh hello it’s the Enderman gravel club I’m just gonna turn over this way come on all I need is one I just need one piece and I’m full

That’s all I need we got two even better dude my luck in this world is insane it is literally inside oh no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not I lied I lied I lied oh we got three pieces you

Know what they say never leave when you’re winning that is quitter talk actually no one says that but still I’m gonna do a little more because I have TNT oh hello strip mining into some oh my God again wait what the heck’s going on is there more around here dude this world is

Sea this is honestly so insane and just a reminder my seed is linked to the description down below so you could actually go in the seed yourself and test it out to prove I’m not cheating but you know what if you accuse me I understand why because this is kind of insane

Oh we found more I really gotta buy a lottery ticket in real life okay well I’m gonna be smart and take my remaining stack of TNT and go back I got the TNT not TNT I got the ancient debris that I wanted now we can go get our full

Netherrite set of armor you know I just thought of one of these days we should go fight a Bastion that’d be really scary but really fun at the same time because if you’re new in this series I’m all about fun I’m no Minecraft pro but I

Just like having fun in the game of Minecraft so if I can have some fun and almost die again almost but not actually die then I’ma Do It Amigo smelt up this ancient debris and side note I really gotta make like a smelting room because

Right now I go into my starter house my little dinky starter house to go smelt everything so I gotta make like a smeltery like a big like like kind of like this like a smelting Factory with like smoke coming out of it so not to spoil any episodes but that might be

Coming up pretty soon okay let’s grab these babies smack a little bit of gold on oh I have no gold what yes I do combine that to make some in God I take my helmet I do that I do that and boom loud noises Minecraft trying to make me deaf or

Something why was that so loud but ladies gentlemen Look at me now all netherite armor boom and look at that I still have six scraps to make another Ingot for a future tool but I’m gonna wait till I get like a really really good pickaxe like efficiency five still

Touch everything today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and we’re gonna tackle a very big project today we’re gonna start the episode out by making a villager trading haul because if you guys haven’t noticed yet I have not the best enchantments on my tools so my

First goal for the day is to make a trading haul and get a bunch of cool enchantments for our armor and our tools but oh boy we got much work to do today so let’s begin first off do I have any emeralds because I need emeralds to do

The trade do I have any I have 30. I mean that’s probably okay but let’s go get some more just to be safe so off to the raid Farm we go but of course I got sidetracked I saw the greatest thing in the world do I spy hey I can’t resist

I’m sorry have I ever told you guys how much I love the color of jungle grass it’s just so bright and green just I love it I love it so much and we are here hello rain Farm how you doing look at me so wasteful boat parkour

I’m king of the world you look ridiculous up there oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean it wait a second there’s an iron golem in here I’ll keep you there for an emergency but that’s really cool I didn’t know that now I needed to find

A banner guy so I could get the bad Omen effect better guy better guy better guy I’ve been looking for you for like 10 minutes now thank you now I’m gonna take my bat open effect and go back over here what are you guys doing right there and

Now the raid starts and I go hide in my little chamber of chamber of something I don’t know and they should fall down right here for me to smack and get free emeralds and my farm still works now my farm mostly works well but sometimes the

Guys spawn too far away how are you guys on the other side of the dang Island who’s a good boy who’s she good boy come here who’s your good boy you want a belly rub I’ll rub your belly oh all right I’m going back he’s unstuck he’s unstuck wandering trainer not the

Time no no [Applause] don’t go oh oh oh oh oh get in get in get in oh my gosh and that’s it all right Victory and our total haul was for Emerald six emeralds two emeralds twelve emeralds and of course some extra totems which I will definitely take so overall

That is very good but one day I have to come over here by this Shore and make the land easier to get up because so many pillagers got stuck down here and I had to come and fight them and it’s really dangerous but all that being said

Let’s head back home and make the Pillager not Pillager villager trading Hall and if you’re enjoying this series make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate that alright home sweet home also I hate the rain now it rains too much in Minecraft but anyways

Now it is time to pick the place to build our villager trading Hall I was tempted to put it over here by the farm area but I kind of want to put it over back in this you know starter house area like maybe back over this way towards

Like the cliff or maybe back here actually right here could be perfect so we have like four houses in this little small like Courtyard area that sounds good to me I kind of like this area plus I could terraform the land a little bit and make it a little more like steep ooh

Kind of like how we did over here we made like these artificial walls oh that would be a really cool idea I like it let’s start terraforming so maybe right over here I’ll start digging it down a little bit oh you want to help here take a shovel

And boom a nice little platform with an amazing view of the coast and the water and later I’ll even make a cool pathway here to kind of connect back up to these houses but I’ll save the building for later let’s get to work on the actual villager part of this so we’re gonna

Make some cells for villagers to stay in let me just grab some wood and I’ll do something like this where I’ll build in some stilts and have the villagers like go in between these and this looks good we have five cells right now which means we’re gonna have five villagers in the

Trading Hall and obviously I can get more in the future but just for today I want to make it easy and simple so this works for me but now it’s time to go make the actual designer for this thing which will require some pistons and a

Little bit of redstone so I need some levers some sand blocks some redstone dust and some normal Pistons which I can craft using iron Redstone and some goodies I’ll take five of those so basically we’re gonna have these levers that control where each villager goes if

I flick the lever on a villager will get infected by a zombie then I flick it off and he gets brought up to safety or I can cure him and get discounted trades so let’s build it and as I build this I will note if you want to make this farm

For yourself I have an old tutorial on it so I’ll link that down below okay so far everything checks out and looks good now down here we’re gonna have a zombie that lurks in the back but can’t bite the villagers unless I lower the sand

But again if I do lower said sand the zombie can then bite the Villager then again I pull him up to safety with the same lever but now here comes the annoying part I have to get villagers in these cells and honestly I’ve been dreading it because I know how hard it

Is I’ve done this before it’s gonna be rough hey villager I have a vacation opportunity for you yeah I Swear free vacation just get in the boat yeah I swear we’re going to a magical place you’re gonna love it I’m stuck on the path blocks okay villager please don’t

Run away please just stay in the area yes go keep going keep going yes okay get back in the boat yes all right we’re here just gotta make sure you can’t escape all right now get in there get in the hole get in the hole nope you’re

Going the wrong way get in the hole yes I gotta haha you’re stuck in there now and you can’t get out all right I just gotta do that four more times I’ll be back shortly so when I went stealing villagers from their homes using boats and honestly it went pretty smooth

Except for this one part where the Villager went up the water for some reason but by the end it all worked out okay that was frustrating but we have them all here they’re all safe sound and secure side note did you guys know we’re on day

165 in this world we are flying through the series but now I have to make some lecterns to get the correct villager trades I think I use slabs and books which I both have in bulk is that how you make it leg turn I need bookshelves

Uh okay well I can do that too and now I go boom boom and I’ll try to place all these down I can break the last dirt blocks and all these guys are Librarians with trade mending whoa I kind of want to just buy one right now as far as it

Be patient please oh hello Next Step was to get a zombie could I get you really fast in here come here quick get in here hurry get in get it in come here come on don’t burn to death right run away oh he died dang it well I gave it away the

Next step here is to get a zombie in here with a name tag or just to hold an item so he doesn’t despawn so now I’m gonna go get a name tag which I probably have in here I got oh I got four and I’m gonna name a Zombie George and now we

Wait until the sun sets did they take zombies out of the game I don’t see any zombie zombie villager oh no no no no everyone’s good everyone’s safe okay we’re good I got scared there all right you can come over here come inside of here come on water’s fine all right we

Got one in here all right run away run away and seal it up they can’t get out boom sorry sorry all right dead and George you have your name tag and boom all right I am excited we have the farm done oh hello and now let’s give her a

Test let’s drop a villager down and see if he gets infected uh George is staring at me no look at the Villager I’ll walk away have you privacy did it work it worked all right he’s infected perfect now drop these guys down so they can all get in fact and boom they’re all

Infected so now we gotta cure them and hopefully they don’t despawn you guys want some blocks to hold you don’t despawn for me thank you thank you I appreciate that now I’m gonna carefully go over here and grab my thingy my this thing brewing stand and of course when

Things are going smoothly something has to go wrong oh I’m gonna cry one of the zombies despawned only two of them are holding items oh no I’m actually gonna cry right now all right fermented spider eye requires what oh great I need brown mushrooms I don’t have any brown

Mushrooms okay well I gotta go on an adventure to go find a brown mushroom which also means I gotta name tag these guys they don’t despawn it was going so well until right now all right I got Bob and then I got Bob okay off to go find

Brown mushrooms I spy a swamp bio and I’m pretty sure swamp biomes do spawn brown mushrooms boom boom boom thank you very much we then headed back home brewed up some potions and then got the last villager that we were missing and there we go we have our last villager

And we have a potion of weakness we can finally do this so first off you just gotta go get infected real fast now I go boom I go boom and I go boom and you each take one Golden Apple thank you very much and now we wait until they’re

Cured and they should have discounted trades and I’m not making any dumb mistakes I’m sitting right here and I’m staring at them until they cure oh I got cured oh they’re all getting cured all right great timing and the last one Ready set go and there we go they’re all

Done so let’s see are they discounted trades oh yes they are one emerald and one book for enchantments But Here Comes the part where I got oh my goodness sharpness five I was gonna say here comes the part where we get the good enchantment you’re a keeper but what I

Can do is find a guy with a bad trade like this guy put a piece of dirt over his head so he can’t escape then just break the lectern and replace it let’s give it a test break it put it back and let’s try it again

Oh yeah new trades okay you know what I just want mending if I can get one mending guy I will stop talking forever and boom I got my mending I want to buy your entire inventory I’ll be right back and I will take all of your stuff thank

You oh my goodness that’s a lot I didn’t mean to do that many books at what I didn’t mean to shift click that’s so funny it’s okay I’ll take them all thank you okay well I got mending to spare that’s wonderful and I guess for now

I’ll put most of them in this chest in the enchanting room but I’ll take one to put on some of my armor I like my chest plate I like my boots and I like my helmet boom boom and boom now I have another right stuff that will not go

Away and you know what I’ll just do the pants too because it is nothing right I’m not gonna risk losing it and there we go full mending armor set oh The Mending guy is a silk touch trade too I want that this guy here’s the chosen one

And now I can go heal up this old pick of mine with some diamonds and I can make this my silk touch dang it I thought that would work never mind but you know what I would call this day a success as far as this little trading mechanism goes but now we gotta

Get into building because this thing honestly is pretty ugly it’s just kind of out in the open I want to make a cool build here to kind of encapsulate it but first really important news last episode I said if the video gets 1 000 likes I

Would shave off my beard and I hate to say it but you guys didn’t so thank you so much for all the love and support for this series so far but that being said I’ll be right back I don’t want to do this I don’t like it and you shouldn’t

Either and I am not doing real life sacrifices for likes I’ll keep it to Minecraft only so that being said if this video gets 1 000 likes I will build up to World height and I will jump off but anyways back to the building idea so

Here is my idea I’m thinking we make a potion lab centered around these guys because after all I got their cheap trades by using potions so if we make some kind of cool potion lab in the same building as them that could be like our Brewery and in the basement we could

Have these guys so oh I’m excited let’s go get some wood and get ready to build alright so first and foremost I think I’m gonna need to expand this wall a little bit further out maybe I’ll take some like dirt and just kind of bring it

Out like this a little bit and fill it in all right looking a little bit better now let’s start placing down some structure so I’m thinking maybe like some wood like there and make a nice little shape like this now I think I’m going to use Blackstone for the base

Because I’ve been loving Blackstone I don’t know why I’ve just really been like oh it is in Blackstone this is deep slate I’ve been loving deep slate recently in all my builds and by the way I’m kind of winging this right now so if it comes out bad don’t yell at me I’m

Already having a bad day but oh my goodness this was one of my best builds yet I think I’m so proud of how it came out I was literally just throwing stuff together and just testing it out and experimenting and by the end of it I really really liked it and the final

Touch and boom we are done and here is the building from this side not super impressive it’s kind of nice but you know nothing crazy but as you walk around here look at this grand entrance it’s kind of hard to see because of the cliff here but this grand entrance I’ll

Make it a little easier for you guys boom check it out that’s amazing and as promised on this side over here this is is the basement to get to the villagers then there’s staircases in these side rooms that lead up to the potion brewing area oh I forgot about that but in this

Small room we’re gonna have Brewing stands we’re gonna have like growing Nether Warts we’re gonna have like cauldrons full of water it’s gonna be amazing let me just do that that’s better also I want to show you guys a really cool building trick I’ve been experimenting with I’m sure a lot of you

Guys build your houses like this where your roofs are pretty smooth but over on this side I tried making it kind of like kind of raggedy and just like messy with some random blocks and trap doors and it adds a lot of variety and texture so I

Do recommend if you want to you know spice it up a little bit do some of that just add some plain old blocks here and there with some like maybe a little bit of a color change or a texture change oh yeah this is looking a lot better now

But yeah I guess now it’s time to go work on the interior because the exterior looks fabulous and also I just want to say this series is really testing my building limits like I did not think I was gonna make a building that good just on the Fly and I did and

I’m so proud of myself and that’s been kind of like a theme in this series as a whole for all my builds I’m trying to really like stretch my boundaries and try new things and just try and you know become a better Builder and so far I

Think I’m nailing it I only have two Brewing stands but I probably can just make another one just so I have like an odd amount to think that would look the best all right extra brewing stand and let’s pop inside of here let’s make some little shelves here on this wall I think

Throw a few barrels down some of these Corners I guess and right here I’m gonna make a barrel of water not a cauldron but a barrel because if you guys didn’t know if you fill up a water bottle with a cauldron you lose water but with this

Kind of a water source you don’t lose any so it makes more sense for me and this place already looks amazing I’ll make a ventilation system to go to the chimney oh that looks good and now for a few final touches here I’m gonna put a little barrel of netherwort because why

Not got a little hanging root up there for some mysticalness I’ll make a flower pot and put a nether mushroom inside of that and maybe right here hang a glow Berry all right this place is already looking amazing it has a lot of alarm already and at some point I’m gonna grow

Another wart right here but I don’t have any right now it’s kind of funny I have the blocks but not the actual warts so I call that a job well done thank you Mr villagers I appreciate all your help and sacrifice to be here you have no choice

Now I gotta grab a saddle and some horse armor because I need to get a horse and lucky for me I got some Diamond horse armor right here because over here in this Barn I have some extra cells for animals and you guys told me I should

Put horses and donkeys back here so I like that idea so Mr Branson you can come with me you get this amazing cell next to the cows I know you like cows out out I swear I saw horses in this like field up here hey look patches how

You doing I see a pure white stallion how are you doing but the question is are you fast oh you like me okay put a saddle on you and let’s see oh you are slow slow slow I do not want you how about your friend other white one you are

Equally as slow you are horrible well I guess I’ll ride you to go find your replacement ah there’s so many things I want to do around here like there’s a big cave there I want to explore there’s underwater caves down there there’s so much exploration to do oh I see you

Hello and this lovely guy is oh you’re slow too why are you all so slow I guess this guy’s a little bit faster than the rest short I’ll take it you’ve been bestowed I don’t know what you call it you’re my horse now and your name is Jeremy Jeremy the horse oh man

That’s awkward oh my ex is right there oh my ex is in public oh I hate that hey when that happens all right Jeremy needs a name tag I have this horrible habit of naming every single pet I get and I run out of name tags or my world gets really

Laggy from all the mobs in it Jeremy boom Jeremy you can stay right across from my good friend Branson you’re gonna love it here stay put today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world for the past hour I’ve been sitting in my XP farm trying to get better enchantments for

All my tools and I’m very happy to say I got this amazing efficiency 5 pickaxe but then I said I’ll go for a sword too and look at the stupid stupid sword I got the pain of arthropods four yeah stupid enchantments aside today we have an amazing plan for the episode we are

Gonna make an iron farm today in this world because if we go in this little chest room over here we’re gonna see I don’t have much iron I have like half a snack and if we make this Farm we’ll have an infinite supply of iron forever

There is much to do so let’s get to work so first off I had to go mining because I don’t have like any blocks left and this iron farm uses a lot of blocks and while we’re mining I want to get my first silk touch pickaxe where are you

Where are you where’s silk touch guy who is it I think it’s you it is Boom memory is amazing also I don’t know why the more I trade with this guy the higher his prices go that’s four emeralds now for mending I’m confused so let’s hop in

My enchanting room and let’s craft up a diamond pickaxe and I might have an Unbreaking book in here protection I’m breaking and I got two efficiencies perfect then I go boom I go boom I go boom I go boom I can’t put efficiency on it all right fine it’ll do for now so

Then I walked over to a huge nearby cave took out my pickaxes and mined all my favorite blocks also look at the band of arthropod’s Sword go well I’d call that a success and I got about 10 stacks building blocks that should be enough for sure and who knows maybe I’ll make

Another build today I don’t know all right well I think it’s time to go make the iron farm itself and for this Farm I’ll be using a design from my good friend Waddles hey Iron Golem what are you doing up here I’m gonna Farm you soon but anyways where should we build

The farm because it’s gonna be kind of up in the air so it could be kind of ugly so maybe I want to put it like towards the coast where it’s not really in the way I kind of like right there right next to the fishing dock thing oh

Hello oh yeah I like this spot a lot because it’s not too far from my base but it also isn’t going to be like you know getting in the way of my building so I think it’s perfect oh hello there how you guys doing yeah it’s fine go up

To my base I don’t care if you want a beverage there’s Waters in the fridge help yourself all right here we go it’s iron farm time okay so so far we have this there are three little collection Chambers for villagers and there’s one collection chamber for a zombie so obviously I have

To go get those mobs so first up let’s do this made a mistake I was gonna say let’s go get the zombie first because he’s probably gonna be the easiest to get so I’m gonna make a little staircase like this kind of complicated to make but I’ll figure it out

Okay I didn’t figure it out here we go I’m being much smarter now okay the staircase looks good but now we have to go fishing because if I get a zombie in that farm without a name tag he might despawn now here’s the issue I think I’m

Out of name tags right extra tools yep I’m out so I’ll grab my fishing rod and I’ll head down here to my fishing dock area and I’m gonna sit here and fish until I get a name tag which I think is really rare So this might take a long

Time but lucky for you I can edit videos so poof uh actually scratch that I’m gonna go enchant my fishing rod so I can make this a little bit faster because right now I’m just getting caught and stuff pop in here take some of this come

On come on give me something give me something oh I only have oh man I forgot about XP BRB all right let’s try this again boom boom boom put this in here and give me something good I’m breaking three that’s not even that good oh that’s actually

Really good and where was I oh yeah poof I’m not kidding I paused my recording the First cast I got a name tag the first one what are the odds of that oh that’s awesome that is so awesome well now it’s zombie time oh I see zombies

Hey yeah yeah come this way yeah keep coming I like your shovel very shiny oh baby no easy no no no yeah I just need one of you perfect perfect uh okay this is becoming a disaster no you’re all idiots okay I got the one yep and I’ll

Go right in here okay come on you got it let’s go get in there yay hop back here and you are now zombie it’s perfect and now here comes the not so easy part which is getting villagers up there I need three exactly and I gotta make a

Rail card system for them or like a water elevator so the question is can I make powered rails easily I don’t make them often so I don’t know I think I need Redstone and gold and maybe some sticks Let’s see we got rails 12. here’s

The rest of my gold and I got 24. that should be good actually now I’m pretty sure that Village over there is empty because I took all the villagers from my trading Hall hello again how you guys doing why is the door broken but this Village over here should have a lot of

Friends oh one right there hello there how you doing get in the boat and as I get my villagers if you’re enjoying this video please subscribe and hit the bell I would really appreciate it and boom the villagers are up there so now all I

Gotta do is just place down a few blocks I’m a lot of fun call it a day put some blocks here throw some more blocks on top of that put some stairs right here now I also just realized I need to get some lava for this Farm which I don’t

Have so quick pit stop oh my goodness why there’s so many skeletons here’s what I want give me that you know what I just reminded myself I could make a lava farm with drip Stone I should totally do that right now okay so real quick I need

Drip Stone which I think I have in right there and I go cauldron I go a couple blocks up and I think I go boom boom lava on top right there Blanc is it dripping oh yes it is look orange drip that’s a lava Farm boom but one farm at

A time back to the iron farm a little bit of this a little bit of that and a tiny bit of these so we are almost done but I wanted to explain how everything works so basically we’re gonna put water on this level here where Iron Golems are

Gonna spawn after they spawn the water will push them down to this level same thing here with water in this corner which will then push him down into here where they’ll die and drop their goodies onto the Hoppers and into the chest and

This is why I got the lava so I can put some signs here and have lava dangle right above the Iron Golem’s face just gotta carefully get lava in the middle all right place it and get down get away get away all right we’re good we’re safe

And that should be it the should be a fully functional Farm now I think oh actually one thing I gotta make sure that the zombie can see the villagers we’re gonna break these pieces of glass right there right there and right there and now quickly break my blocks oh it’s

Already working look at that it’s already working I love how this thing looks and the glass on it makes it perfect so it’s like see-through and boom there it is in live action kind of morbid but it does the job so yay amazing we did it but the only issue I

See is that the chest is all the way up there so I gotta make a system to get up there easily something a little bit like this yeah this works fine I mean it’s not very pretty but the issue is I can’t really build here because if I do Golems

Could spawn on my build and ruin the farm so I gotta make this as spawn proof as possible which by the way reminds me let’s put a slab on here it just to be safe and put some walls around me just for safety so I don’t fall to my death

And now we officially have a fully functional iron farm and that calls for celebration disco break Oh I almost forgot last video I promised if we get 1 000 likes I’ll build up to World height and jump off and of course you guys being the best fans in the world you made it happen so I’ll need some blocks and also I’m pretty sure

There’s an achievement for that I was right caves and cliffs free fall from the top of the world to the bottom and survive I gotta practice first what all right I’m ready I feel good about this I’m gonna dig all the way down we’re good it’s so terrifying

Oh I think I found it yep Bedrock right here Perfect all right we’re back up to the surface now we’re gonna keep going until World height oh boy oh I’m out of blocks oh you kidding me BRB and I gotta make a new shovel thanks farzi all right

Give me something good please please please I’m breaking this is such a cool look at my place from here look at that so scenic all right let’s try it again oh boy we’re here we’re at height limit it’s a long way down I can’t even see that far down

All right water bucket oh my gosh my water buckets are empty oh my gosh no there’s no way I’m going all the way down there there’s no way I’m doing it I don’t care I don’t care I’m not doing it nope nope nope nope please don’t please

Don’t die please don’t die please don’t die ah gotcha I hope I scared you oh wait I had a totem in my hand and I totally didn’t scare anyone I didn’t realize that okay I’m dumb I ruined it I’m sorry but I think it’s time to up our game

With the likes if this video likes I will jump in a pool of lava and I won’t use a totem I promise next up today I want to do some building in this world we have made some amazing buildings so far but there’s one really important thing we have not built yet

And that is a place to smelt things a smeltery a furnace house whatever you want to call it and I think today’s the perfect day to build it because you actually can use iron to make blast furnaces and in case you forgot we have an iron farm now how could you forget

That so I am excited I’m ready to roll but first we’re gonna do something are you guys ready for the most satisfying thing in Minecraft history oh I am ready three two one go I love this look at that that’s so amazing I am legit like five years old

In the inside and you know what I’ll keep this block right here so we’ll always know there’s a big cave beneath there now that being said it’s time to go get some materials do I have any wood I got a little bit I need more though

And off we go why is it always rain in my world I hate the rain getting so sick of it all right I got my wood now I want to get let’s do Blackstone that’s fine not Blackstone deep sleep I always call it Blackstone and maybe some cobbled too

Because why not and where should I build it you know what I kind of want to put it right here where the sugar cane Farm is I don’t know why but the spot here is called my name so you know what I’m just gonna do it let’s go it is building time

So we started out with a simple Oak structure put some deep slate on the bottom and then made a simple Cobblestone roof all right it’s looking good so far I’m just kind of detailing the roof so here is like the basic outline for the build but I want to do

Some specific cool details one of them being how I did the roof over on this building as you can see I did kind of like a mini Roof then a bigger roof and I really like that so I kind of want to try this over here where the door is

Going to be so I’ll smack some Stelton and raise these up bring it out there yeah you know what I like that now something else I want to do is work with a better chimney because as you can see I love chimneys but these are very like

Bare Bones it’s just like bricks going straight up and that’s it that’s my chimney but I’m thinking maybe I can make a little bit of a more like Gray and chimney okay so I’m gonna go to the back over here let’s try and make like a

Like a thick boy right here uh this is confusing to me already okay wait I’m kind of onto something here now I go like this and then I take out my campfire boom boom boom boom boom and then put this bad boy there and let’s

Check it out from afar oh that’s not bad at all I like that it’s kind of hard to say from this side but you know what I know it’s there so I’m cool with it so back to building I go now I got really creative here I tried making a deep

Slate tower on top of the building and there we go check out the sick tower on this build I was just thinking it was a little bit too flat so I’m gonna try making a tower kind of like we did over there for the windmill now I’ll be

Honest I am a tower Noob I’m not good at it yet I’m just learning how to do it so it might be a little bit you know repetitive but I hope you’ll like it I think it looks awesome and over time I’ll only get better at it but now

There’s a few more details I want to add and I wanted to show you guys while I do it because it’s going to be such a sick idea so I think down here is fine to be kind of bland because you know it’s like a road here there’s a building here it’s

Okay that it’s not like super amazing but over on the other side it’s really empty and I want to have something cool here so I’m thinking what if we do a cool like hanging crane kind of thing if I have a log coming out of here add some

Reinforcements around the top so I’m thinking wall fence chain then hang something off this cauldron full of lava from my new lava Farm it’s all coming together and guess what it makes total sense because this is a smeltery and usually they’ll use a lot of I just melt

Things in medieval times it’s still missing something though okay wait let’s make the ground look all like charred and smelted with like some you know darker stone blocks maybe I have a sick idea hold on I want to use some magma blocks which I think are in the ocean in

Some places I will take you oh hello there this is gonna be so sick I can’t wait oh hello there random underwater cave I’m gonna leave now bye look at the view from down here that looks so good I’m gonna place down some gravel some tough and some Cobble deep sleep

Sprinkle in my magma blocks and now for the best part raw materials like some raw gold and some raw iron as if we’re smelting it here live from this fire I think this thing looks sick and now it makes this side of the house have some purpose and some actual you know

Something to look at and now the final thing for this build is the interior because I have not touched it yet right now it’s very just basic and ugly but let’s change that real fast vrb first I’m gonna need some iron from the farm

Oh we got so much already I love it I love it so much thank you waddles and here’s the final interior boom check it out I got my blast furnaces my normal appearances and my smokers for meat got a cauldron back here for lava some plants some tables and an unfinished

Roof see I’m hoping one day I can use that big deep plate Tower and make like a staircase up there for something whether it be like coal or you know special oars or things like that today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and ladies gentlemen it is time it is the

Big day we’re gonna fight the Ender Dragon today I am super excited but I’m also super scared because in my Minecraft history I’ve died from the dragon quite a lot and I don’t want to lose this world after all it is Hardcore and if I die it’s gone forever so that

Would really stink but today let’s keep a positive attitude and say we’re gonna beat the dragon let’s go now we do have a ton of preparations to do one of them being getting some potions I asked you guys to give me your best Ender Dragon

Tips and a lot of you guys said make slow falling potions and that is a really smart idea idea that way if the dragon Bops me up in the air I’ll be safe I’ll be fine I’ll slowly fall back down no damage taken so that being said

We gotta go to the Nether and get some potion stuff get some blaze rods get some nether warts all that fun stuff hold on one second I gotta smelt some food because I have a bunch of raw food on me right now wait this is not the

Right place I’m so silly I’m still using these old furnaces I have an entire furnace house right here which by the way I love it it looks so good I’m so proud of this all right smoke me up some mutton oh and by the way I totally

Forgot to update the map in this little house I’ve had this for a while haven’t updating it much let’s see it oh nothing really changed oh actually it did oh it’s pretty cool look at that grab me some of this and it’s adventure time I’ll meet you guys in the Nether and by

The way sorry if I sound kind of weird today I am very sick and my throat is killing me all right we’re here amazing hello guest how you doing what the achievement look at a gas through spy glass I don’t have a ranged weapon right now Mr guest

Oh I didn’t plan for this okay so if you guys recall we have another Fortress pretty far away from us so I have this journal here which should have the coordinates inside of it nether Bastion are you telling me I didn’t write down the coordinates of the Fortress I just

See Bastion maybe I made a typo let me go investigate well that was no help I tried to go back and watch the episode where I first found it but I didn’t have the coordinates on screen at all so I just got to go back and try and find it

I need to get to one of those careful one wrong move in the world is over come here yeah yeah okay now I gotta get a saddle I go boom I go boom and now we’re on the Move baby let’s go so I was on my

Way to go find a fortress oh I found a Bastion but that doesn’t really help me so I gotta keep going but about 20 minutes later I found what I was looking for oh we found it all right where can I park this guy pop in here and there you

Go Mr Strider you state put box you in so you can’t leave all right set let’s get up there wait actually first let’s get the coordinates for this place so I never lose it again and bingo hello there how you doing all right we safe no wither skeletons oh I need these

Mushrooms and would you look at that another warts right here I’ll take all of these and the Soul Sand well this was a great start I just gotta go find some blaze rods Rod is there anything else I’m missing maybe I’ll take some red mushrooms too

But I feel like that’s it aha I’ve been here before come on it’s fun oh hello back it up back it up back it up all right be swift be nimble and get out of here don’t spawn down there I can’t do that oh my goodness can you imagine if I died

During the prep for the ender dragon fight how embarrassing that would be because I almost just died there all right I’m gonna call up there I have eight blaze rods I think I have like two more at home for the end portal so I am

Good to go now to get out of here without getting lot another place spotted hello well I’m not gonna say notice some extras come on now I then hopped out of the Fortress got on my Strider and traveled back home and hello Mr Charlton how you doing I’m gonna

Fight the dragon today okay so form a potion but this is the wrong house I gotta put labels on these things I can’t tell what’s what into the actual potion lab in here we’re gonna put a blaze rod inside of here in the form of blaze powder actually forgot about that are

There any OG Minecraft fans here you didn’t even need to do this blaze powder thing you could just put the thing in the thing and it was done I’m not even sure if that made any sense so I need some glass bottles get some water from

Our what the heck my bad let me do that properly uh what the heck okay I gotta go on top of it and do it like that okay there we go fill these all up and toss send our Nether Warts to make awkward potions they named a potion after me

What the where did you where did you come from this guy just walked up here what’s the meaning of this oh wait the door’s blown off isn’t it yep the door got knocked off by zombies well as I fixed that the next ingredient for the potion is a phantom membrane which I

Don’t have yet and as you guys might know Phantoms only spawn when you don’t sleep for a couple of nights so we’re gonna stay up late and wait for them to spawn and I know just the place to go AFK there is nothing Cozier than AFK and

A UFO in the sky now I can look up and wait till I see flying things and while I wait I’ma go stargazing BRB oh I see some hey can you guys come down here you’re pretty high up there all right where they at hello there I see you oh

They’re afraid of the cat I forgot about that oh patches is hissing at them all right come over here all right let’s go let’s go let’s go whoa what what hey I got one where did you come from hey excuse me why are you here why are you

Damaged so you know what you’re welcome to stay enjoy yourself oh snap oh snap uh Hey new friend I need you for a second all right go make friends with them thanks thanks what are you doing what are you doing there you go there you go look at him go

Actually died from them that was embarrassing oh geez oh geez oh geez that’s the last one all right perfect those are the three I needed now let’s bring those three things into our potion room and let’s smack them all in these then I want some Redstone and we have

Slow falling potions which will be extended with this and just like that our potion brewing is done but hello Enderman that reminds me I’m gonna have to kill some of these guys soon for their eyeballs but first we have other things to do I really need to get a good

Bow for this dragon fight because right now I don’t have any bows that are enchanted at least and I only have 21 arrows so I want to make an infinity bow hopefully and I have 30 levels so maybe we could do that right now let’s give it

A try please please please please please please please please please please send me your positive vibe power for oh my gosh power 4 on breaking three flame and infinity that couldn’t be any better oh wow that was easy but I also just realized my swords aren’t very good for

The dragon fight sharpness one Bane of Arthropods yet who needs that so let’s try and get maybe a sharpness four a sharpness five sword to the XP farm we go and by the way if you’re enjoying this series Please Subscribe and hit the bell I will love you forever I really

Hope we beat the dragon because then I can make a better XP farm too with Enderman I mean I’m so proud of this farm that I made but it’s not very efficient for getting XP but oh my gosh Enderman Farms if you guys don’t know they are crazy it’s like four times the

Amount of XP you get from it and boom level 30. now if I was smart I’d stay there and get more levels in case my next enchantment is bad but I’m also just lazy fingers crossed let’s go craft a new sword up all right I need

More Good Vibes let me get that same luck again take out my lapis and let’s get to work boom boom I don’t think smite’s very good I have one last help please villager trades do we have any good trades for me Vanishing okay you know what I’m just gonna try

And get a sharpness trade doing this the old-fashioned way well I got sharpness but 26 emeralds I think one day I have to re-cure these guys because their trades are getting a little bit expensive now but let’s see if I got the emeralds for that trade because I don’t

Care I just want my sword to be good Emerald 34 that’s fine I’ll do it all right boom boom boom all right we are getting really close to the dragon fight but there are a few more things I need one of them being a pumpkin because I

Don’t want any Enderman looking at me funny and chasing me so I’ll take a carved pumpkin thank you very much and let’s try it on for size oh yeah it’s a little bit hard to see through but oh yeah I bet there’s a resource pack that

Gets rid of this pumpkin effect aha I found one how amazing is this I’ll bring some extra totems of undying obviously a water bucket I also got some blocks I got some beds to explode the dragon got my blaze powder but now it’s time to go

On a mini Adventure because I need two important things that are kind of far away well actually three things I gotta get some better food so I’m gonna go kill some animals so I have you know an actual good food source I also gotta go find snowballs because snowballs can be

Really helpful to take out the towers and of course the most important thing is the Enderman I gotta kill them take their eyeballs as I talked about earlier and make ender eyes so Adventure Time we go I think there’s snow up in this direction so I’m gonna go this way aha

That is snow if I could get maybe like a few stacks of these that would be great oh my inventory is full tough decisions here leather I’m sorry I also just realized I can probably find Enderman Better in the Nether in one of those warped biomes all right we’re gonna

Throw uh meat in the smoker and as that cooks up we’re gonna go to the nether as I said oh that’s kind of awkward going to kill your family but you literally won’t believe what happened next all right oh my goodness oh I don’t have a flint and steel oh my

Gosh how did that just happen I have to somehow go find another flint and steel somewhere or if I find a gas he can reshoot the portal right why would the creeper do that oh I see one over there get back to you jellyfish hello look at

Me look at me look at me look at me look at me why aren’t you looking at me he just despawned that was great yes yes shoot shoot almost right here yes no try again ah try again no don’t go away please I need you to shoot me you coward come

Back shoot me yes yes yes yes yes well that was scary but we’re safe now we’re good okay off to go kill Enderman hello there I was looking for Enderman and there’s a fortress right near my portal how did I miss that but anyways we have enough pearls let’s head back

Let’s craft the Eyes of Ender and get my food thank you very much and guys I think that’s it I think we’re totally ready to go to the fight oh I’m scared I am actually horrified right now is there anything I’m missing all right let’s do

This thing guys it’s time oh man if things go bad I’m Gonna Miss This World I love it so much but let’s go so what I went nervously sailing to the stronghold I was super afraid of this fight but if I want to make my world epic I have to

Take down the dragon I think we’re here the big cave and the stronghold is inside of here ah I see it I see wood Yep this was where the library was before I took all the bookshelves out but guys we’re here all right let’s go exploring oh snap snap

It’s here all right let’s put the ender eyes in and the last one oh boy ah guys I’m ready wish me luck hot bars all set here we go all right we’re here oh okay build up build up build up uh we’re here Enderman hello all right I immediately gotta go

For all the towers oh gotta avoid the acid boom Oh no eating Apple eating apple be safe right cool cool cool cool cool all right time to go up and start getting the Caged ones oh boy break it open all right good get down yes this is

Going well so far it’s going well get my ender pearl ready if anything goes wrong go go go go go go boom come on fire Z yes all right again get down water bucket I’m getting good oh I’m done I have potions to drink drink a potion how’d I

Forget about that freak you nice is that all of them I think they’re all down okay get my beds ready it’s time to go kill this guy with beds get over here dude bet him to death bang oh no oh all right the bad stuff’s not working

So far but I got one more to use so I might as well try it bench strap oh come on work work work work work oh my God Quick and as a matter of fact second potion let’s get it rolling just in case just in case look at his health it’s going down really low he’s gonna keep hitting my shots keep hitting my shots like dive bombing what the oh my oh my this guy thank goodness these

Potions man if I didn’t have these that’d be dead oh she’s getting close come on one more shot let’s go let’s go I wasn’t ready for that guys we killed the dragon and the reward is Bountiful look at all the levels oh my goodness we actually just did it and we didn’t even

Take that much damage and the reward is here the dragon egg I cannot believe how simple that was I was so scared for that boom give me the egg and there we go oh yeah I know for a lot of people killing the dragon is really easy but for me

I’ve always struggled with it I’ve always had a really hard time with it so I am just super proud of myself but that being said sayonara and we’re going home ah the credits haven’t seen the credits in so long and I was so proud of myself I actually watched the entire credit

Scene all right here we are back at spawn wow hey this XP is on haha what an absolutely fitting way to come back from that right back we started now we can Trek back to our area home sweet home guys we did it we have officially beat

Minecraft now we can delete the world totally kidding but since the dragon is dead we can now do whatever we want there’s no more oh we gotta do this and this and this to beat Minecraft we’re done with that we have creative freedom to do whatever we want here and I’m

Gonna put this dragon egg right in my starter house the perfect place for it how about right where this pumpkin is to put a dragon egg right above my bed oh that looks good well with that out of the way we gotta go risk our life again

Because last episode I said if the video got 1200 likes I would jump in a pool of lava and of course you guys hit it so I need some lava make a little pool right here for myself oh and most importantly no totems of undying I’m doing this

Legit all right three two one bathing we’re good we’re good we’re chill my armor is great it’s amazing and that being said if this video gets 1300 likes I will explode 100 pieces of TNT all at once so yeah like for explosions but now I actually want to get some stuff done

In this world so first off I actually want to make a mushroom farm because I’m gonna have to re-cure these villagers and to do that you need mushrooms for the potion and I currently have like no mushrooms so let’s go make a small farm now I’m pretty sure these are really

Easy to make or I just like dig a giant like hole in the ground with no light why don’t we go here to the XP farm and then somewhere here just kind of dig a little room let’s stop here let’s dig a little place like this I’m not gonna lie

This is make me want to make a cave house so bad would you guys want to see that I mean like obviously my main goal is to expand my little like town I have above but I would love to make some underground stuff too because I just

Love doing that kind of stuff I’ll put one there and one there and that should be ready to rock all right I’ll come back there soon to check on that and speaking of this little hole here I should put a build here this is kind of ugly and someone actually gave me a

Really good suggestion for this on my last Stream So I think I’m gonna build like a small Hut or like Outhouse just like a little tiny cute Hut there next to the barn that’s gonna match it wait a second no as I was walking back I got a

Better idea what if I made a water well right here and you go down the well to get into the ladder system oh that sounds so sick well we’re doing that for sure how would this look like that’s not bad actually and now in these Corners we

Go blocked we go walls and we’re gonna go with a spruce fence all right a little bit later we have a nice little Hut look at that I like that but here comes the most important part and that is the actual well mechanism and we’re gonna go wall we’re gonna go fence then

We’re gonna go chain put a cauldron there for the water and then lower the entire floor so what I’m thinking is we put water on the top level but put signs here so the water doesn’t actually drown me put some water right there and yep

I’m totally safe down here and if I want to get out I just jump up and swim into it well does that even work yeah it works it’s just a little bit difficult but you know what that’s the price to have been cool build so I’m gonna keep

It and there we go a perfect well for me to get in and out of my XP farm and my mushroom farm how’s that doing we doing good oh it’s already growing Halo spider we doing in here I got two of these I got a couple of these oh today’s going

Wonderful today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and when you look at that I have a new logo but back to Minecraft guys today we are gonna go end busting because if you missed it last episode we killed the Ender Dragon so it’s only fitting that today we try and get elytra

Shulkers and all that fun stuff so it sounds like a plan to me but first off I got a lot of XP on me so I kind of want to go enchant a bunch of new stuff not gonna lie I think my armor is pretty good but I maybe could do some better

Tools let’s see what I can do in here let’s make a second pickaxe give me something good efficiency four I’ll take that and I’ll combine that with my old Silk Touch pick to get an amazing pickaxe bold the ax gets silk touch as well the shovel gets efficiency and I’ll

Do some books because why not and yeah I’d call that a success I even had to make a second barrel of books because I have too many now but all right folks it is time to go back to the end and get to busting that sounds weird so I know for

A fact I’m gonna need a lot of blocks because I have to like Traverse those end Islands but I guess I can just mine End Stone when I get there so that’ll be fine I want a bucket of water just in case huh I don’t have much food left

Well good thing I live on an actual Farm that’s handy And you know what I’ve actually wanted to expand this Farm more recently so maybe after end busting we can do some more building in the farm area that sounds pretty fun to me huh I wonder how my iron Farm’s doing I haven’t checked you in like a week what we at oh we’re

Getting iron really fast sorry buddy sorry what the heck how did this happen well carrying on let’s go to the stronghold so we hopped in a boat and began our journey to get there we are approaching hold on I just can’t help myself I was going to say we are approaching our

Destination here is the big cave with a strong hold inside of it but first I’ma chop down this tree I’ll explain why later it’ll come in handy get out of here and in we go oh I have a silk touch ax now this is the best

And the portal room and here we are in the end I just realized I didn’t bring a pumpkin that would have been handy but it’s fine if I die I’ll respawn right and there is the portal to get to the Ender Islands thank goodness it’s not

Over the void thank you Game make a little staircase and here we are okay so there’s a reason I brought my little wood and that is because it’s way safer to make a trap door and crawl into this portal than it is to throw an ender

Pearl in smack this down here get a trap door now watch this I go boom I go boom I go boom and I can crawl right in 1000 IQ all right ready set go oh hello we’re safe oh my goodness hey look at that that is amazing luck it’s

Like the game doesn’t want me to die thank you Game I’m gonna give all my credit to my new logo it has to be it right it’s the logo which by the way I love it so much I hope you guys like it too and here we go the shulkers away

Hello I want you don’t float me in the air please I’m a terrible baseball player especially when there’s three balls at once strike I struck out but I think if I put down a bucket of water I can swim down the water still uh 100 IQ

I’m so smart where’d the thing go there it is if you guys are enjoying this Minecraft end hacks make sure you subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate that my first shocker hey stop floating thank you my first shelter shell is that just one uh just one okay

I need more but lucky for me we have an entire structure to loot hello housekeeping anybody home oh I stink at parkour I hate this part and by stick I mean I’m great at it look at me go get him get him get him get him oh I’m

Floating too much how are you up there dude I can’t reach oh I can’t hey second one boom and right there is our first shulker box well not made yet but it can be made now oh geez okay a lot of guys see a lot of guys here get the ball I’m

A true Marksman don’t worry oh let me hold my totem you know let me hold my toe just in case just in case sloppy Hasty here is that all of them in here I think we got them all all right loot time oh good helmet alert chestplate don’t care

About oh diamond sword new shovels boots binding that’s kind of a curse isn’t it no pun intended but I’ll take it all thank you very much and you know what I’m gonna craft my first shulker box that way I have like a little backpack for storage boom first one is officially

Crafted now take all this diamond stuff oh there’s more shocker shells down here I forgot I want the Pretty Lights too all right there’s so many of these guys I think we’re safe for a minute I’ll take that ender chest and oh big chest blade alert and a saddle Ender Chest I

Also want you to have a silk touch pick I didn’t bring it with me I can’t use my ax can I I didn’t happen to get one right no okay I’ll be back for you I don’t trust myself right now so I continued exploring the end City and

Collecting shulker shells until I got just about all of them okay well it seems I’ve looted everything except for one really important thing which is the Pirate Ship Ahoy matey but I have to somehow carefully get over there uh this is this is a terrible idea isn’t it why

Shoot me hit me come on please hit me let me fly yes this is a terrible idea don’t do this guys oh it worked to Perfection somehow yeah how did that work oh my goodness wait it didn’t work no no no no well I’ll be here a while

Nice get out of the Crow’s Nest and here is oh brewing stand I forgot about this I’ll take that thank you very much but here is the place oh you’re being guarded when I take you out and you get out of my frame elytra stupid idiot well boom that was incredibly fast

But we have it we got the elytra sky’s the limit and for the amazing loot chest we have a bunch of oh my God it took me a second to realize that that’s a lot of diamonds yeah that was so embarrassing how long that took to notice oh more diamonds nice

Chest plate some extra gold we got a really good haul today but still no silk touch of still no Ender Chest but you know what I got the two things I really wanted so I will be satisfied today shall we take her for her first test run elytra one oh baby

This feels so good I probably should have saved some levels to enchant that thing but you know what I can get more I got an XP farm but now we are off to go back home so where’s the portal UPS over there boom boom boom and we crawl home

In we go and we’re home all right do we have an Unbreaking book no we got mending nothing could I maybe get lucky with another book no okay all right come on Minecraft give me something I want here please well that was useless I thought of a potentially better idea I

Have eight emeralds I got a lot of books is it possible that my good friends in the Villager Trader can give me an Unbreaking book Infinity pretty cool but don’t need that let me just do a little bit of this ah 25 Emerald you’re worthless but then I thought about it

For a minute and I got a pretty good idea actually you know what why don’t we cure these guys to get cheaper trades again and try and get another one breaking book because I’m pretty sure that’s the easiest way to do this so I need mushrooms sugar something else I’ll

Figure it out mushroom sugar spider fermented spider right to the potion lab we go boom boom boom boom we go boom boom boom and you take the spider eye take the gunpowder and while that cooks up I gotta get some more golden apples apples oh yeah can I craft them oh yes I

Can and boom Perfect all right take that and eat wait I didn’t infect them yet whoops that was dumb get infected Bob sorry Bob it’s all part of the process come on Bob you’re taking forever is Bob Invincible all right lift them back up throw one more potion down because I’m

Dumb and I give them their golden apples I mean I could do these guys too but I don’t really need them right now I don’t need mending and silk touch for another day all right the fine Lads are ready to go do we have cheap traits oh we do all

Right give me I’m breaking again so can someone clarify this to me do I have to do this like often I’m not a villager trading experts I don’t know if this is like a common thing to do but it seems like I have to cure these guys every

Couple of weeks right Bob has on breaking two tempting but I’m Gonna Keep Going aha I’m breaking three you stink up give me all of it I want every single one of it thank you and now we have an Unbreaking guy give me those books back please well that’s excellent that’s

Amazing did you get out of my way dude so we pop inside of here and we go elytra we go Unbreaking grab a mending and buy the bank bada boom we have our electric can I name it too flying Farsi 4xp it’s worth it nope F well good thing

I got an iron farm but there we go we have our amazing new elytra now we gotta go break them in do I have any fireworks gunpowder boom 18 Rockets all right boys girls let’s get to our first flight in the rain sadly you oh look at let’s go not our first

Flight ever but you know our first flight with fireworks in the Overworld it’s amazing now I can go fly to my iron farm to get iron oh it’s so nice to have transportation sticks to landing and I’ll take some iron for an anvil thank you this is gonna change everything I

Can Traverse the terrain Traverse the land with ease get to my UFO easily it makes everything easier now allow me to redo what I’ve messed up I don’t want to spoil a future build but I kind of have to right now for this next point I gotta make like a library or something

To store these books because I have way too many right now and it’s Gonna Fill Up fast so like no spoilers but Library maybe coming soon but anyways now we gotta go to the creeper farm for a very important reason last episode I said if the video gets

1300 likes I will explode 100 pieces of TNT and you guys did not get it as I’m recording now but it’s so close I’m just gonna count it so I need a lot of DNT so let’s check out the gunpowder Farm what do I got oh that’s a good amount now I

Need some sand and in total I have 88 so I decided to go to the AFK spot to get some more and I literally died foreign Fly up to the UFO to AFK for gunpowder and I came back down to grab something and I almost died uh can I get one of those again thank you put that back in my off hand and look it we’re safe we’re fine I want to cry right now all right

Back to AF King all right let’s try this again Redemption time Swift Landing Swift Landing oh I’m so good at Minecraft well on the bright side I got an achievement for that are you kidding me I have 99 pieces but I’m a man of my

Word so let me get some sand I love elytra man I love it so much oh these new enchantments go crazy on the sand look at this all right 100 pieces now I’m thinking I’m gonna go to the nether for this because why would I explode 100

Pieces you know around my land when I could go to the Nether and get ancient debris from this so yeah I like my options with that just making sure no creepers around all right oh my goodness all right safe and secure all right 100 pieces coming up

And that is it let’s make an easy Escape Route just in case of emergencies all right let’s go back out back it up no deaths here Enderman no Oh my god oh Enderman don’t attack me bro that’s your own fault you got in my way don’t even think about it I killed your mother I killed the dragon there is just a gigantic void over there now well hello beautiful how you doing oh my gosh

It’s such a big hole this is insane how big this is is this the move oh my goodness well you know what that means we gotta up the stake so if this video gets 1500 likes I will detonate 200 pieces of TNT I’ll literally double this

Entire hole and not gonna lie I really want to do that so please like the video but yeah my work here is done so back to the Overworld let me go smelt my ancient debris grab some fuel and we’ll go right in there oh my gosh I need more gold

Badly but now we can get our first netherrite tools which is amazing I would do this pick but it only has Fortune 2 on it uh I also want mending too okay you know what I’m gonna hold off on this now because I have no XP but soon very soon I’ll have netherride

Tools I promise but now it’s time to do some building I have a light run now so if you think about it imma need a lot of gunpowder and sugar cane because that’s how you make fireworks now I have a gunpowder farm right beneath my barn

Right down here but I don’t have much sugar cane so I’m thinking today we add on to our farm area and make a sugar cane field so kind of like this thing but all sugar cane I think it might look really really cool so let’s get the

Building I think maybe back here would be like a nice little area for it just do some terraforming now for most players they’ll do something like this but they’ll have like one piece of straight water then on the sides of that have their Reeds and this like little

You know Line Design but honestly I think that’s a little bit boring and just too you know too straight and neat I like my Farms to be kind of like messy and natural looking maybe I’ll do something like this but I’ll also kind of you know bring it over this way and

Have a kind of like zigzag or go like that way and make it kind of like a river if that makes any sense to you guys let’s go to the well take some water and let’s get to placing I have a good feeling about this I’ll tell you what

Hello there buddy how you doing got any good trades for me ID spawn no oh the law must be spawn too no but anyways we’re making some good progress here with the water so let me actually get my lighter on and go for a little aerial attack view of this thing

Boom look at that now right now it is pretty small I kind of want to be a little bit bigger but for a start I love how it looks it looks natural and like no side is the same so the idea now is to take all my sugar cane and just go

Around this place and just go like bang bang bang bang bang and also up here it kind of elevates with the land too which I think looks sick now the only issue I could see arising with this is the fact that there is not really an easy way to

Not fall in the water while harvesting I mean if I could get like lily pads I could do that but that’d be like a lot of them and it might look kind of ugly so I’d say for now this is fine but uh yeah back to placing and that folks

Looks like that’s all the spots one more view from the sky and oh that looks so sick looks like an octopus or something but now it’s time to add some more details because right now it’s just kind of like you know a big hunk of green but

I kind of want to add some more like nature to the area so maybe I can do some massive leaves it’s a bone meal and maybe some rooted dirt just for some extra nature so I started placing down my blocks getting a real vision for the

Thing and by the end of it it came out really good and I loved it and for the final reveal boom look at that thing I added in so many small little details like a bunch of flowers leaf piles obviously rooted dirt seagrass in the water some stacks of hay here and there

It just looks so good all together now honestly I probably could have done a lot more to this but just for the sake of you know keeping it practical and not going overboard with a farm but oh my gosh there’s so many more things I want

To do to this but for now I am gonna just leave it because it works and it looks awesome right now but yeah this is perfect now I can get my sugar cane get my gunpowder right there next door and make fireworks really really easily so

I’d call that a success oh and there’s one more big reason we made this Farm sometimes villagers can trade paper if they’re a librarian and lucky for me this guy here with The Mending trade also has a paper trade so I figure I can heal him up to day trade some paper and

Regain the emeralds I lost earlier it’s all coming together I love when that happens you’re not gonna lose your trades right I doubt it go get infected goodbye hey oh you have armor on now hello bring you back up give you a potion and a nutritious Apple now go get

Better oh homie is healed or what do we got what do we got what do we got we have yes same trade oh the paper trade isn’t I thought it was gonna be one paper I gotta do this more don’t I but I’ll make some paper now that I have

Some on me and I will trade it back to this little gentleman thank you for the four emeralds I’ll take it can you imagine that a stack of paper and I could buy four mending books that’s crazy today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m

Just getting some farming done real fast but oh my gosh guys I have an amazing plan for today’s episode we’re gonna start the day out by going to the end and making an Enderman XP farm because currently we have an XP farm under this well down here but it’s only for zombies

And spiders which aren’t great for XP but Enderman oh my gosh if you guys don’t know Enderman are crazy for XP they are so good like I’m pretty sure you can get level 30 in under a minute which is like so yeah that’s our first

Plan for the day but before that we have some business to take care of because in here I have two netherright ingots and I really want to get better tools to you know make them netherite but the reason I held off on this so far is because my

Tools aren’t great like they’re good but they’re not perfect so it’s kind of ironic but to start the day we’re gonna go to the old XP farm get level 30 and try and get a perfect pickaxe to make netherrite sounds easy enough let’s get to work oh look at the mushroom farm go

Baby it’s so simple but so good and here we are hello XP farm how you doing uh I’m gonna miss you you’ve been so good to me but today we’re making a better one so die all right 35 levels sounds good to me okay do I have any good books I kind of

Forget okay it appears I gotta enchant a new pickaxe grab a couple diamonds make a new pick and give me something worthwhile pretty please efficiency four perfect that’s actually perfect and I can throw that onto my silk touch pick do that then put mending on that boom

Boom Oh My Gosh well back to the XP farm oh yeah yeah I’m back I literally cannot wait for this Enderman Farm shall we try this again boom boom boom okay there we go hop back in my chest room and let’s grab another right and I go this and I

Go that and here is our first netherrite tool and I still have one more piece here which I’m Gonna Save because this pickaxe is not good enough yet which I’m gonna do next but maybe after the Enderman Farm we could do that we can get XP much easier it all makes sense

But it’s a very good thing that I got this pickaxe because the first step to making the Enderman Farm is getting a lot of blocks and I don’t have very many so let’s go fly over to a cave and go mining I need Wing Zone first forgot how

To play Minecraft off we go here’s my Old Reliable favorite cave in the game because it’s so massive but I can land right over here and I can get to mining out excuse me I said get to mining right we good safe okay get to Mining and as I

Do this if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate it alright I got a lot of blocks now also side note I went fishing to get a name tag because I need that for the farm too and I got this

Amazing power for both so don’t mind me making a super op bow yes sir power five baby let’s go but yeah we’re just about ready to go to the end now I do need to get a few more things though and I think I can use my shulker box as like a

Backpack well maybe not this is full I think I have more though from the end busting trip uh I do and boom and I kind of want to dye this one and call it my backpack I want to make it teal because Teal’s my channel color and I just like

The color teal I think it’s blue and green not entirely sure but I guess we’ll figure it out right now boom boom boom and that is a cyan shulker box AKA farzi’s backpack there we go throw my blocks in slabs trap doors and a little

Bit of glass now I just gotta toss on my pumpkin head for the Enderman to not attack me but we’re ready to go so see you Charlton have a good day off to the end I cannot tell you how much I love flying over the ocean I hate boats I

Think we’re here it’s kind of hard to tell when you’re in the air this the big cave maybe possibly aha I forgot some bookshelves last time you kidding me and as I go locate the end portal I do want to remind you guys I used to be a tutorial channel so if

You want to make this Enderman farm for yourself I’ll put a link to my old tutorial down below aha I knew you were here in we go well hello Enderman nice to see you for the third straight episode but anyways we have to make this

Farm so to do that I have to go build into the void now honestly I’m terrified about this because if I fall off the world is over I cannot respawn when I go in there I am spamming shift so hard right now my finger is turning red all

Right I think I’m far out enough so now it’s time to take out my big boy building blocks and do a risky little Jump Place Jump Place Jump Place come on jump there we go and I’m gonna make a small little platform to stand on so basically how it works is that Enderman

Cannot spawn on these slabs over here they won’t be able to spawn on this thing when I’m done making it and the only spawnable area here will be a big platform in the sky where they’ll drop down here and get one hit by me I don’t

Know if that makes sense but just wait and it’ll make sense in a second and I’m gonna have them fall on these six blocks right here so now I take out my glass and I start building up on all these sides with said glass in hindsight I

Didn’t need to use glass this was probably a waste but who cares well I am dumb and didn’t bring enough glass blocks because again I am dumb so vrb that was my bad so funny story I went to go mine the sand and I realized I had no

Coal to smelt it so I had to go mining really fast well that was a struggle but we’re done and next up I gotta go actually kill some Enderman to get ender pearls because for the next part of Farm I need an Ender Mite which you only get

By throwing the pearls Also let’s be smart about this let’s make a little place to be safe in and this should be good okay let’s get rolling armor on Enderman stare and start attacking oh there’s so many of them time to get some pearls I will take all these thank you very

Much and back we go so here comes the endermite part I’m gonna build up a couple of blocks here go one inward then put some rails here now the idea is to get an Ender Mite inside of a mine cart on these rails and if you guys are

Wondering why it’s because Ender might always attract Enderman so if there’s one here Enderman are gonna chase him and try and murder his face and they’ll fall into this hole and die so yeah Enderman I need you to spawn right now I said right now I said right now I’m

Gonna need armor for this please any day now oh we got one hey don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t get get in the minecart don’t kill me that was scary for a second all right can you take the name tag oh you can’t let me just take

My Thorns off and quickly try this again all right get out take the name tag get back in and now here comes the fun part and that is sarcasm because I have to place literally like a thousand stone blocks just going in this Big Blob just

Gotta do a little spawn proofing here on these corners and we’re good okay it’s building time I’ll be right back Well the farm seems to be working but I’ve uncovered something not great down at the bottom the end of her just dying which they shouldn’t do they’re supposed to like survive a little bit let’s see if I can Crack the Case here yep they’re all just diet but hypothetically what if

I raise this up by one block think that fixed it oh yeah that fixed it and now you guys can see just how Opie these Farms are ready look at my levels go crazy right now like this is a cheat code there’s just so much xp this is so

Addicting I cannot stop I have to go and as promised I can now get my other pickaxe to be an amazing pick because I have XP now I just gotta dispose of all these ender pearls I don’t care about and we’re gonna make another new pickaxe

And I need to get fortune 3 on this thing efficiency four yeah that’s a good pick but not what I want so I’ll go to my grinds unenchant that real fast come on efficiency come on come on come on come on come on

Yes and now I go boom I go boom I can do this and I can put mending on it now right yes the perfect amount now we have the perfect silk touch pick and the perfect Fortune pick life is good on the farzi world hardcore World thing I will

Dig this thingy right there smithing table boom boom and that’s our second netherright tool oh we’re progressing so much in this world life is good right llama in my farm why are you here who are you you’re invisible what do you got for me nothing good you trampled my

Carrots oh he despawned I hate when that happens happens all the time well next up we have some TNT matters to attend to last episode I said if the video got 1500 likes I would explode 200 pieces of TNT and I’ll be honest I did not think

You guys would get that many likes but you did so thank you so much for all the support but that being said we gotta go get some TNT so off camera I did some AFK in my creeper farm and I think I’ll have a good amount I guess we’ll see

Right now let’s should be good actually I don’t know let’s figure it out I’m terrible at math what the heck is this I was going to get sand I just see this is that like a ship under here oh it could be a ship wait or maybe not what the

Heck oh my God wait it is underground ship alert that’s really cool where’s the loot can I go in here oh it’s all dirt what is oh what do we got thank you for the leather armor are there more chests in here usually two right I know it’s in here show yourself

What do we got for me oh treasure map hold on slight diversion treasure map I want to go find treasure that sounds awesome also this could make a really cool underground base in the future like an underground pirate ship base that’s so cool all right where am I going uh I

Don’t know where I am oh Phantoms forgot to sleep oh we’re on the map but should be right around here oh wait it’s literally exposed what the heck why is my world so lucky this is insane where’s the loot oh would you knock it off wait

But why is this chest have nothing in it this is really weird have I been in this before if someone recalls me looking in this chest before please comment down below because I’m confused well back to getting sand oh that guy has to try it before me thank you

All right is that 200 I’m so dumb I’m literally using a calculator right now to figure this out 202 pieces okay that sounds good to me and just like last episode I’m gonna do this in the nether because why would I waste an opportunity to get free ancient debris all right

We’re here oh I see you don’t do this we’re not doing this today why do these Endermen love placing blocks everywhere like what’s the point just like get a job or something pop down here let’s break some blocks oh hello well that’s a good sign of

Things to come hopefully oh my God I’m just perpetually lucky every time I play I change it back I change my mind I take it all back and let’s get to placing and then we had a horrible horrible accident what is going on The lava lit it by accident well that was not supposed to happen I was just mindlessly placing TNT I just started hearing boom boom boom boom boom but oh my gosh I see ancient debris everywhere but I will take you I will take you three and of course I can’t forget you

Well I guess I gotta keep going then I still have a lot more TNT left so on we go and this time no more horrible horrible accidents I promise and that is it I have many rows of TNT so let’s get to lighting this thing let’s go over

Here at the end yeah at the end light it and run away thank you for all the likes I really appreciate it so much lava I can’t see anything it’s a natural divide how do I even get around all this right now did I just blow up a

Lava lake oh I think I found the other side I see some well the lava kind of ruined this whole thing but I mean I got one more piece so I’m not gonna complain yum yum yum thank you well that was 200 pieces of TNT so I hope you enjoyed now

Let’s try to up our game if this video gets 1600 likes I will blow up 300 pieces of TNT I’m gonna need a lot of gunpowder aren’t they all right back home we go well now that we’re back home I want to do some building today and I

Just got a really good idea and it involves my food situation right now I don’t have like any food I’m totally starving and no I’m not kidding I literally have nothing to eat maybe apples sure so that got me thinking what if we build something that kind of

Involves food and I have the perfect idea we’re gonna build a chicken coop in this Farm area and inside the chicken coop we’re gonna have an automatic chicken farm so it’s gonna look nice and actually be efficient I’m actually so excited for this let’s go but first off

I gotta put my ancient debris in the furnace because I can you can take that right there thank you very much and now time to get some wood do we have any wood I feel like I do where’s wood in here eh I probably have enough but the

Big thing I need is more fences because I want my chickens to have a free range to you know roam about and just be free and I think I’ll build it like right over here maybe grab some fences up and let’s get to work on this thing

All right I think this is big enough so now it’s time to build the actual Chicken Coop house itself so basically inside of this fence we’re gonna have a little bit of like a skinny Tower and the chickens can walk up it and lay their eggs and hang out so maybe I’ll

Make it over here do a little space and do this looks good to me and now we commenced the building so for this build I had two things in mind small and detailed and since the house is being built for chickens I had to scale the

Whole thing down so it was kind of a fun challenge for me and here’s a small update on the place what do you think I love it it’s small it’s cute and it’s detailed and of course there’s plenty of room for the chickens to roam around here within these fences but now it’s

Time to go make the actual coops inside of this little house so I’m hoping I can just use some trap doors and do something kind of like this and make some small cages maybe I do something like that that and then put a row on the top oh that actually looks so awesome

The chickens can all go in their own little Coop and hang out and chill just gonna change one little thing here and boom I love it so now it’s time to actually go get some chicken friends to put inside of here so I think I might

Have some eggs I’m not actually sure oh what are you what are you doing here why are you here are you bothering my villagers you guys the worst all right let’s see do I have the eggs where would eggs be animal loot I have one egg but

If I grab some seeds I can go find some wild chickens and lure them into my place we’re going chicken hunting where are they at feathery friend hello there oh an egg you laid for me thank you do you want to go on a vacation I got seeds

Follow me good sir now jump in here jump jump oh it’s okay I’ll break it open for you get in here yes this is your new home enjoy it gotta get another one you stay put here have a seed wait a second I have chickens in here don’t I I have

One fine you can stay in the barn do my eyes deceive me oh it’s a flower hello there you’re getting taken right in here my lady and I’ll give you to some privacy baby chicken well this is awesome we got chickens in here now they’ll lay eggs we can breed them and

Get more and more and more but now it’s time to decorate because so far the the building looks nice but the rest of it’s a little bit Bland so time to activate Builder farzi mode I’m gonna need some blocks I want some hay I want some coarse dirt some naturey blocks and a

Cauldron this is by far my favorite way to build in Minecraft just making like messy nature builds I love it I thrive off of it and I had so much fun building this thing and what do we think about this I tried to make it as busy and as

Just like natural looking as possible I got my coarse dirt I got some mud AKA path blocks got their water I got their food or poop up to your imagination there and again I just tried to add as many small things as I could to make it

Look busy and not too like you know too lame and empty and I love it I think it came out really good and in the process I got two more eggs give me a child give me a child a child hello child don’t get

Wet I want them to go in the coop come in the coop come in the coop it looks so cool come on get in the coop get in the coop nope you’re all done it’s no use they can’t get up here make a new baby

Now I also should note I don’t want to breathe these guys too many times because I want most of the chickens to be in the underground you know Auto chicken farm because if I have a billion chickens up here then a billion chickens down below it’ll just be way too laggy

So let’s keep them mostly down below but these five are fine found more chickens in the wild but also I just had a totally random thought I actually gotta fix something on my iron farm right now someone in the comments told me to fix my iron farm storage because right now I

Only have one chest that’s basically already filled up right now it is filled up right now actually but what I could do is make some Hoppers make some more chests and I go like this like this and make a little funneling system for all the iron and boom so much better we

Speaking of which how’s my ancient debris doing are we all cooked up of course you’re all cooked up you know what’s so funny I have almost the same amount of netherrite as I do gold I gotta go mining so badly but ladies gentlemen now it’s time to make the

Ultimate chicken farm for infinite food I think I’ll put it under this trapdoor right here let’s dig a little hole for ourselves to work with make a little ladder system to get back up I hear cats so loudly I bet I’m right next to the creeper Farm oh yeah it’s like right in

Front of me well I think we’re good to go let’s go get our materials oh hello there why are you guys everywhere Boop you just got your snoot pooped don’t harm the chickens monsters all right anyways let’s get to building and once again I have an old tutorial for making

A farm like this so if you want to make it yourself I’ll link it down below and we’re done and it’s absolutely perfect timing because I only have two apples left so I am legit starving here but the great part is this Farm is totally automatic I don’t gotta do anything I

Can just leave this thing and I’ll get chicken in that chest over time so that is amazing not gonna lie though this area is so loud all I’ve been hearing is blocking and clucking and but all in all I love the build I think it

Came out so good it fits in nicely with the area and of course it’s very useful for me speaking of which I kind of want to expand the wheat field a little bit too you know encapsulate the chicken coop because I bet that’d look pretty

Cool and as I do that look at this funny meme I found on the internet and there we go the back end’s looking awful crappy is that a word it is now crappie and I’ve said this many times already but I really want to expand the crop range like much further maybe like

All the way down the Mountainside all over the place I got much work to do on this thing now I am absolutely starving do we have any food ready please does the farm work oh well it works it just needs more time glowberries again my favorite I need chicken so badly today

We’re back in my 1.18 hardcore World hello there I always see these guys but anyways I have a conundrum today we have a big issue if I go over here to my enchanting house and we look in these barrels the enchantments are filling up I am running out of space to hold these

Enchanted books so I need to make a better place to store that so today my plan is to make a library build in this world a nice big building to store books bookshelves and all that fun stuff and oh boy I have so much to do so let’s get to work

So first off I’m gonna need some blocks for building and I think I’m gonna use wood because wood is just kind of the general theme I have going on here a lot of wooden buildings in the place I also kind of want to use some deep slate

Which I don’t have much of so that settles it let’s go mining how did you get back here I pooped you uh the chicken coop I forgot all about you if you guys missed it last episode we made this amazing Chicken Coop and underground here we have a chicken farm

Which by the way it is working so well so much food for me I will never starve again well I’m actually surrounded by Wheats maybe I should never starve in the first place but who cares about wheat I like chicken better anyways so tasty so then I took out my elytra and

Flew to the nearest big cave it is just so crazy to me that we always go to the same cave and there’s still so many resources here and speaking of which I really need to get to mining these oars because I’ve been doing a lot of building recently which is obviously

Amazing and fun but I’ve been really slacking on things like coal and gold and Redstone so yeah I’m gonna need some of you thank you oh hold on one second second I don’t think I’ve been to that drip Stone area up there I kind of want

To check it out hey stop it oh wow there’s more cave here mine shaft oh I remember this place I think I came here in episode one or episode two to this mine shaft and I got scared and ran away okay you know what I’m getting nervous

I’m just gonna leave she asked what do we got called an apple well it’s not really part of the plan today but I kind of want to go exploring now I’m seeing all this cool stuff parkour champion oh so close so I continued on exploring through caves mining resources and

Getting blocks for our build today diamonds hey how you doing only one really the worst feeling ever and out we go into where are we I have no clue where I am a bee’s nest I finally have silk touch so I can take you thank you nether portal where actually am I free

Gold nope not gonna complain so we then found our way back home and I was gonna begin building but then I thought about something else I’m having a vision right now I’ve made all these really amazing builds so far right but the ground still looks really basic and just like normal

Minecraft grass so you know what I kind of have a hankering to Spruce things up here make it look a little bit more like naturey and and cool and unique yep let’s do it I am so motivated right now let’s go so what do we have in here for

Nature stuff ooh Moss okay that could be a really good start mossify the place a little bit just take out some bones and let’s experiment if I go like right here put down some Moss oh yeah oh yeah we need Moss all over the place this is

Gonna add so much to our area and you know what these dumb torches who needs these all exposed let’s hide those underneath the Moss carpet boom boom hidden lighting oh sorry Pat just didn’t realize you were there I want more though what else could I do I think I

Want more flowers because after all this is like a metal biome right so we probably want to have like some flower gardens around the place where can a guy like me find some tall flowers oh I see you I will take all of you I will take

Some of you and of course how could I forget you and the reason I love tall flowers is because you can get them so easily I place one down I bone meal it and I keep getting more off the ground I still have no clue why that actually

Works what the sense of it is but I don’t care I’m gonna utilize it and while I decorate if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate it I am loving this Moss right now makes the place look so much more just Lively but I also have

A really cool idea for the flowers I’m gonna make a little garden here in the center using Stone so let’s make a little circle of stone around here yeah looks good now take out our flowers and fill this whole thing with them and now little garden here in the center well I

Am now totally and utterly out of bone meal but on the bright side things are looking great over here we got tons of moss tons of flowers a bunch of nature it’s just looking so much better now and I have so many more ideas too for this

Area like I could do again more Moss more flowers I could go to Flat dirt walls like this and put some Stone in here to make it look like a Mountainside oh it’s so sick ow oh I need bones thank you so yeah if you guys have any cool

Nature build ideas for me commented down below and I’ll try and do them all but for now this looks amazing I also just totally lost my shovel didn’t even realize that do I have any extras oh well I do thank you very much oh also I

Have a bee’s nest on me I will hang you off the barn because I think I that would look cool somewhere like that and I like that oh that looks so sick it fits in so nicely with the place and let’s see the changes oh it’s a lot Greener now so much more

Greenery but that being said we’re getting a little bit off topic today after all my main goal is to make a library not decorate the grass so it’s time to go do that goal oh a bee popped out hello are you enjoying your new home

So first things first I need to go and get some more wood as I talked about earlier is that a wild cat in the forest oh well now it’s not a wild cat in the forest it’s a wild cat in the ground oh now I’m on the ground let’s get back to

Breaking trees okay all right I got my wood I got my deep slate and I want to get one more kind of block to build with and I’m thinking it’s gonna be stone or stone brick and you know what I kind of want to do stone

Brick craft some of that up and I think we are ready to roll so where should we put this Library well over here’s the enchanting house so maybe like back here I don’t know it’s gonna be a pretty big build so I might have to find somewhere

Bigger you know what I think back here actually is gonna work out I have a vision let’s go with it so we started out with some light terraforming and a rough floor plan for the first floor so here’s the infrastructure now I’m thinking we’re gonna take deep slay and

Fill in these in between parts and I’ll be honest I’m pretty excited for this build because it’s really big like look how big the inside is here and also it’s gonna be multiple levels not just one but like maybe like two or even three floors so yeah I’m excited I then raised

Up the walls of the first floor and started planning the foundation of the second floor now here comes the part where I try and add some Dimension and some texture to the building so obviously I I could just go straight up with these walls but it would look you

Know kind of basic so I’m going to come to the front here and make these little like kind of lips on the bottom and then on the top as well smack a window in here then in between here put some stone brick walls for some extra color and

Boom look at the texture on this thing would that look good yeah no but yeah let’s keep doing this little texture thing over and over on each side so at this point we’re making a ton of progress on the second floor but now we gotta start planning for the hard part

Which is the roof from far away it looks so epic already but as you can already see the biggest issue so far is how Square it is the roof is kinda non-existent right now so I gotta somehow make it where the roof sticks out and has some shape like the rest of

These buildings so here’s my little trick I go to these corners on the inside place a block and bring the wood up a few blocks right inside of the build and by doing this I can slowly but surely make that like roof shape kind of going up to one centralized Point throw

Some more wood in here and now it’s time to add a little bit of color like I just did here so we’re gonna put some stone bricks on the side put some deep slate in the middle then more stone bricks over here I like this a lot already

Ladies gentlemen it’s time to take a risk here we’re gonna make a very exotic looking roof all right I’m gonna try doing some upside down stairs wrapping around the top I never ever build like this so I’m really nervous but it’ll be fun let’s do it and now maybe double

Stack these going the opposite direction now oh yeah wait that looks really good it definitely could use some more details but just for like a general shape it looks really nice well let’s continue on okay pause I just had a really good idea if you look around

You’ll see on a lot of these roofs I have like kind of chaotic roofs with like different slabs different variations of wood and leaves but over here I didn’t do that do you know what I’m saying this place might look insane if I added like a better more variety

Varietied variety filled is that how you say it variety filled roof so let’s try that so much better already so much better hey guys you want to go into the library oh hello there’s more in here guys I love reading too but it’s not ready yet bunch of nerds but anyways

Back to the mind to get deep sleep I think I just need to like two stacks and I’ll be good oh wait a second one more pit stop I forgot about the last episode I said if the video got 1600 likes I would explode 300 pieces of TNT and you

Guys absolutely crushed it thank you so much so that being said we gotta go explode some TNT and lucky for me I have a gigantic brain I started preparing for this days ago I AFK for like 15 hours in my creeper farm and got so much gunpowder and that right there proves

That I had faith in you guys to be amazing loyal fans and you were so thank you actually my brain isn’t that big because I didn’t get enough sand how much TNT can I make with all of this 64. not bad and if I grab the rest of the

Gunpowder take all that I can then make 30 more yay all right I gotta go break some blocks but first I gotta upgrade my shovel because this current shovel is not very good take an efficiency book can I just do that please have enough XP please yes look how flat the beach is

I’ve been here so much I’m actually really curious if I go to my stats times crafted TNT is over 500 that sounds about right but that number’s gonna Skyrocket in a few minutes we craft some more and we get 48 more I think we’re like halfway there and if my math is

Correct I should have enough yep just checking my math on the old phone calculator and this here is exactly 300 pieces let’s grab by flint and steel and let’s go to the nether oh the things I do for likes on YouTube oh side note look how amazing this thing looks from

Down here wow all right you guys know the drill hello Enderman with your block collection very weird hobby but that’s fine okay I always go down in this hole to blow up TNT but that might be a little bit overused I wonder if I go over here maybe I can go dig somewhere

Else uh or not or maybe not or maybe so because I have a light nature I kind of forgot about that maybe down here okay not a great start what’s touching me what what how am I dying how am I dying oh you glitched block all right I think we’re safe let’s

Get to digging oh I found old explosive area I’ve exploded so far I guess I’ll go this way then okay same thing how about this way oh hello that’s one down hey it’s me while editing and I just realized I missed a piece what the heck all right I

Think we’re ready to begin placing 300 pieces of TNT let’s go I made it so far I have to now turn the TNT this way now we’re going down I might have too much TNT we’re now back into an already exploded part of the nether well time to improvise we can go

A little bit this way and then maybe a little bit this way all right that is it we have the ultimate TNT Trail ready to be detonated thank you for all the support in this series I really appreciate it that being said explosive time run away be safe now go boom Oh it’s going so fast hey ancient debris what’s up oh it took the turn here it took the turn it’s still going well in the meantime let me get that thank you very much ah you guys are single-handedly funding my netherright armor and tools so thank

You for that I couldn’t do it without you well I guess I could but it wouldn’t be as fun wait there’s more TNT what happened all right well we got more we’re in luck boys let’s go more more more it appears that is the end ladies

Gentlemen 300 pieces of DnD now I’ll be honest it was not my plan to do TNT explosions for every single like Milestone but at the same time I kind of want to keep going all right I got a good one if this video gets 2 000 likes

I will explode 500 pieces of TNT and yes that is a lot of liked but that’s also a lot of TNT so if you do your part I’ll do mine and also out of curiosity would you guys want me to keep doing the TNT

Challenge or do you want me to mix it up and try different things like fighting certain mobs or you know doing certain things like that so yeah comment down below and let me know what you think well that was fun I go smell to my ancient debris like I always do but now

Back to the important part of today’s episode which is finishing our library I know you guys are gonna call me lazy but the more I look at this building the more I kind of like the roof how it is so my plan was to make a giant kind of

Like tower on this thing but I don’t know if I need it I think I’m just gonna make this thing a little bit taller and maybe just add like a little mini tower like this I don’t know I don’t know if I even like that I’m just gonna take this

Thing down and put it back to the way it was oh yeah I love it it looks so good this way I actually love this design and obviously there are always small things I could add on to this later on like for example put some like walls here in the

Corner but now here comes the fun part and that is working on the inside so first off we’re gonna bring down the floor a few blocks put some stairs here in the doorway and now using that small little trick we have a much taller building let’s make

The floors all oak wood and here comes the fun part for me putting the bookshelves in and making the place actually look like a library now I’m pretty sure I have a lot of bookshelves it’d probably be in miscellaneous oh yes I do I got a stack of shelves and I got

A lot of books to craft more shelves so very simply put we’re gonna hop inside of here and we’re just gonna make some bookshelf like rows so let’s land the back wall of bookshelves okay the walls are good now we’re gonna bring out the rows along with the wood so it’ll be

Like this kind of a thing yeah and check it out now we have these different sections to pick out books now I’m gonna craft some barrels because check this out the whole point of the episode was to store our enchanted book somewhere else well inside the Library we’re gonna

Break out some bookshelves and put in these storage bins for each kind of Enchantment it is gonna look so cool when it’s all done so for now off to get some more wood and thank goodness for a mega spruce tree I love this tree best

Source of wood ever and boom how do we feel about this first floor I think it looks so sick it’s kind of hectic but I also love it tons of barrels tons of bookshelves tons of slabs just for some extra texture and detail and don’t forget on this back wall it’s totally

Open because we’re gonna have a staircase here that leads to the second floor in the future and speaking of the second floor I just got a really good idea perhaps a small balcony goes right here in the front I don’t know I kind of want to try it though so the stairs can

Go just like this and somehow this has to go up that direction this might take a little bit of finagling actually it’s looking really nice so far and I think right about here can be the second floor so I’ll put some slabs now up here now

I’m not sure how I want to do the bookshelves per se up here it’s not really big enough to do more rows because all the rows are down here but I’ll work on this more in the future now it is time for that balcony I talked about I’m really excited for this

Actually wait am I wait am I on the wrong level hold on I think it’s up there yep it’s up there and walk out here oh this is gonna look so sick out here actually I don’t want to be too big this might be nice and a little bit of

This and perfect I love how it looks from the inside but not from the outside oh that looks so good that looks so good wait there’s one thing I want to do support beams like that like that and like that oh that looks so good this is

Even better now so ladies gentlemen that is the library but I’m gonna end the episode here because I am tired and I have to go edit this video for tomorrow uh I totally forgot to move the enchanted books into the library my bad today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore

World and oh my gosh guys this is a very special and dangerous episode today we’re gonna be fighting the Wither I am loving the progress in this world we’re making so many cool builds getting amazing armor amazing tools but that being said it’s time to take some more

Risk and we’re going for a boss battle right Mr Pig I think he agrees so oh my goodness there is so much to do today as far as planning and prepping and you know safety precautions but before any of that we have some unfinished business to attend to over here in my library

Last episode I made this Grand build to store all of my enchanted books but I am extremely dumb and forgot to put any of the books in the barrels inside of here so I gotta take care of this thing first it’s been bugging me for days now so I

Shall hop into my enchanting room and take out all these books and I guess I’ll just break it so here’s the idea I’m gonna come inside the library and I’m gonna put signs on each of these barrels so for example this Barrel could be for mending books so I put all the

Mending books inside of there and now I slap a sign on here that says mending and boom simple and effective storage for my books so I got some work to do BRB and as I do this if you’re enjoying the video please subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate that oh also

I totally forgot to mention guys I reinstalled OptiFine I Now consume using a button it’s amazing hello B so stupid Spyglass who needs you you’re old news I don’t need you I can do anywhere I want I’m so powerful right Jonathan I think he agrees and boom that is it I now have

Every single enchanted book in my world in this Library so that is very comforting to know I also can’t help myself that I really want to do some decorating in there because I have a couple of cool ideas one of them being putting some flower pots around the

Place small details Guys small details and maybe some trap doors here and there again just for some extra texture and most importantly get rid of these stupid stupid torches and put some fancy lanterns here I hate torches they’re so ugly now that is what I call a perfect

Library what the heck what are you doing in here are you dead why aren’t you moving excuse me do you mind I’m not gonna lie guys I’m kind of in a decorating mood now I’m just gonna add some random shelves here why not so much better bro what they come every episode

Why do you guys love my base I know it looks amazing it’s Bill felt so well but leave me alone you’re not welcome here well anyways let’s get back to our wither plans okay so first off I need to go and get Wither Skeleton skulls from

The nether but there is one small issue my sword does not have looting on it and I need looting to get those skulls a lot faster I don’t think I have any looting books I’ll go check in the library just to be safe but I’m pretty sure when I

Was doing all this movement I didn’t see any looting nothing well that settles it I gotta go get some XP and go re-enchant my sword so to the Enderman Farm we go and then we go hey there’s more bookshelves I need you and some more here I really want to find another

Library like this because I always need bookshelves and here’s the portal and we hop in and we fly to the farm Now give me XP all right I think 54 levels is good enough for me I love that farm Cannonball oh that was scary all right

You guys know what time it is let’s go grab a new sword take out a couple of diamonds craft this and let’s go enchant the best Dawn loading you’ve ever seen where’s my lapis lapis everyone give me your Good Vibes knockback two that’s not what I wanted but I have so many levels

I can unenchant that without any regret in the world and try again give me Good Vibes please knock back two again this might take a while no please please please please looting looting two that’s fine that’s honestly a pretty good sword but then I thought about it some more

And I changed my mind no I changed my mind I’m gonna go get another sword go get more XP and get looting three Farsi is not a quitter and I’m gonna get the Looting three that I wanted I’m not settling for anything less than that

Let’s go so I flew back to the end got my XP and I realized I am a really Petty guy for this aren’t I surely 64 levels is enough right please spoiler it wasn’t I cannot believe this I’m almost through all my XP my last attempt once again uh

Okay just do it just uh but again I refuse to go without looting three I’ll be back once again stupid game stupid enchanting system well you know what they say third time’s a charm right please end my suffering game but then finally Against All Odds I got it

Looting three good things come to those who are patient let me do that let me do that and make the ultimate sword of all time thank you and wait a second in here I have another sword that’s sharpness for and a fire aspect sword and we are

Going to make the ultimate sword of all time sharpness five and fire aspect oh my gosh I’m gonna faint looking at that thing I will take you and to throw a cherry on top I have ancient debris in here so let’s turn our amazing sword into a netherite sword oh baby she is

Perfect I feel so good right now so satisfying well now it is officially time to go to the Nether and find some wither skeletons so what should I bring with me I definitely want to make some golden apples so let me smelt some gold up really fast oh I forgot about you

Hello netherride scraps I’ll take you oh and that reminds me I also should bring TNT to the nether because last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would explode 500 pieces of TNT and you you guys absolutely nailed it thank you

So much so let’s go to the old creeper farm and oh I’ve been preparing for this moment I afk’d for over 24 hours so I think we’re all set on the gunpowder I’ll take all of you grab some sand and craft a lot of TNT I have no idea how

Many stacks I need just using my calculator four three two one there we go that’s 500 pieces in my backpack side note look at the view from down here this is beautiful our base it’s so good and I think we are ready for our adventure oh I am so

Scared we’re gonna kill wither skeletons and blob TNT that’s a lot for one trip well if I die world I love you you’re amazing bye and here we are so I think we do the fun part first and the hard part afterwards so TNT first I’m just

Gonna go fly away from this area because I’ve already exploded all the ancient debris over here we are going far away put my armor on all right I feel safe let’s get digging so while I went digging for over 700 blocks and even finding some ancient debris along the

Way all right I think I’ve gone far enough let’s start putting the DND down this is gonna be insane here we go we have dug into an already blown up area maybe I can go this way it’s literally too much TNT I shouldn’t have to turn my TNT train to the side well

We’re back in here again wait what the heck I missed a piece I am terrible at this game on we go all right guys 500 pieces of DnD thank you so much for all your support that being said ah run away I’m going this way be safe be safe uh I

Want to watch it though oh oh I’ve done covering so much this is all thanks to you guys thank you so much so much thank you and thank you thank you again oh my gosh I’ve been walking for so long well guys I think this is

The end in our total Haul is 21 pieces of ancient debris that is insane insane dude but that being said let’s mix it up for next episode if this video gets 2 000 likes I’ll make a TNT cannon and shoot myself into the sky what could go

Wrong all right it is Wither Skeleton time throw my armor on and let’s do this thing so my only protection is milk and golden apple so hopefully I can survive off of that oh I see some there’s like five of them oh my gosh yeah come on

Good sword do me something oh they’re fighting over there what the heck oh I got one already this is the best sword of all time spooky scary skeleton obtain a Wither Skull let’s go so I then spent the next hour killing wither skeletons and exploring the Fortress

Give me some diamonds oh thank you that was fun yes number two one more to go you’re not the right kind of skeleton I anoint you as the chosen one give me a skull nope okay and then after all that I died oh this is getting tight

Oh I take it back it’s getting good now I’m joking I didn’t die but it was close well there is our third skull let’s go that was amazing timing I thought I was gonna die there but it’s the but now we’re leaving get me out of this

Horrible Place see you later but now it’s officially time to go spawn and kill the Wither I got my skulls I Got My Soul Sand but I also need one more thing I need obsidian if you guys didn’t know there’s a way to kill the Wither without

Taking any damage really but to do that I have to trap him using obsidian and bedrock and now we are off to the end if you’re confused about we’re going there you’re gonna find out why pretty shortly I have been here so many times today I

Am not joking I really should have died here I almost just died there that would have been awkward hello once again old friend and here we are so the reason we’re gonna fight the Wither here is because there’s a Bedrock portal right here and

If we use our big brain we can turn this portal into a withered trap just gonna put my armor on now we dig underneath the portal and dig the whole area out to take out my obsidian and place it like this Soul Sand above that and then I

Think I put the skulls on we’re all set right I really hope this works oh also I cannot use knockback knockback will break the Trap I’m gonna use my ax for this fight all right here goes nothing oh are we good are we safe I’m scared I’m so scared

Are you gonna stay I think he’s he’s stuck it was too loud to hear anything but you can probably tell I was happy the Trap works and that is how you safely defeat a Wither life is good let’s go well ladies gentlemen we have another star which

Means we can finally make a beacon in this world hello Mr iron farm give me iron give me all this and let’s get some blocks for the pyramid and that should be enough now how do I craft a beacon I haven’t done it in so long Beacon

Obsidian I don’t have any of that I just used it all whoops time to go lava hunting I always hear lava down by this hill where are you show yourself oh I found it I knew there was lava here this whole time give me that and I will take

All of you and I think it’s only fitting if we craft our beacon in our starter house in our day one Abode boom boom and boom that is a beacon now I say let’s go break this bad boy in let’s pop in the big cave and I’ll smack it down right

Over here get out of the way man and boom Oh I’m dumb forgot to make a hole in the ceiling I think it would be right here oh I cannot wait to use hey in this world I’ve been dying without it poor choice of words for a hardcore series

Boom boom haste two and let’s see it I love Insta mining so much but now we’re gonna leave this Beacon down here and go back up because today I also really want to get some building done so I’ve been reading the comments a lot

Right and you guys seem to not be a big fan of this Garden right here so right now why don’t we go build a nice centerpiece for our little town here so far I have three ideas that I might build here one of them is a giant Pond

Another idea is a statue in the middle but my favorite idea which is the third one is a custom tree and yeah I absolutely love that idea so let’s get to building that a nice little tree for our town I’m sorry did you like the garden well blame the commenters they

Told me to do this so long flowers I loved you I don’t want to move the campfire though I mean if I have to I will but I’d like to hopefully keep this here and put the tree over here maybe that’ll work oh no let’s go try it first

I need a lot of shears why is it always raining in my world man I’m so sick of the rain ooh Beacon I already forgot about it oh maybe one day I should get a beacon and put it in the UFO beam how sick would that look I’m getting

Distracted back to the tree so it’s pretty obvious what I’m gonna need for this tree I’m gonna need a lot of wood and a lot of leaves so I’ll be back shortly and while you wait here’s a funny meme what are you doing in here and why are

You so damaged let’s see what Dr Farsi can do for you oh nothing well have fun down there okay I think that’s enough leaves dude I can’t get over how nice this place looks when I fly over it like it looks so amazing but it’s gonna look

Even better in a second tree inbound let’s make a little outline here all right I think I’m good to go I’m a little bit nervous because I’m not great at making custom trees but whatever let’s just try it so off I went throwing together wood and leaves to try and

Sculpt the perfect tree shape and after about half an hour I think I nailed it all right how does it look I think for a start it’s pretty good now again I say a start there’s a lot of things I want to add to this but for just like a basic

Shape I like it I might have to move you though you’re kind of too close to that sorry Mr B oh yeah much better without that tree now back to those small details we’re gonna go on a small trip right now to get some very special

Blocks so first off I want to go find a swamp here we are and I came here for these Vines I want to hang Vines all over the tree also I don’t have any of you I’ll take a few and for our next stop we want to go find a wild azalea

Tree and on the way there we found some crazy things oh what the heck are you gigantic nether portal not part of the plan but I’ll take your loot oh yeah Guardian Temple oh no that is a plan for another day aha I found you and I’m only

Here for one reason the rooted dirt oh I love this block so much and I’m pretty sure if I dig down yes there’s more I knew it shall I go further yes I will oh I’m gonna get my dirt and run and back to decorating we go and I think that’s

Gonna be it for the tree I added so many cool details like hanging bee hives hanging glowstone orbs little wood variations like fences and trap doors some small secret branches up there and my personal favorite is the customized ground with rooted and coarse dirt oh I

Love it so much and wait till the vines grow in too The Vines aren’t even fully done yet and the best part I got to keep the campfire at least most of it and that means Charlton gets to keep his spot I know you love that seat you can

Stay there now forever also I have another cool building idea for today for most of my flower gardens I encase them in these little Stone boxes right well I was thinking what if we did that for the farm area too or around all our crops

All our Farms put a wall around it I don’t know it might look really dumb but it also might look really cool and I kind of want to go try it so I will need some Cobblestone and some andesite well let’s try her out all right here’s one

Side done and honestly I don’t mind it at all I actually really like that all right I’m fully committed let’s do the rest of it hello sir what do you have for me nothing I want are we despawned well I’m currently out of andesite so

Back to the mine I go but thank goodness I have a beacon so I can instamine it life is good and the final result is wonderful in fact here’s a better view look at this thing oh I think it looks so good now obviously it might get a

Little annoying because if I expand certain Farms or make new Farms I have to make all new walls or move the walls you know what I mean so I wouldn’t call it perfect but it definitely is really good today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and oh I am excited for

This episode we’re gonna be making a wool Farm but not just any wool Farm we’re gonna make a giant wolf Factory I have so many cool building ideas using wool so that being said I want to start farming it up so we can make some epic things in this world wait a second

You’re not a sheep imposter Among Us so yeah the plan is set but before any of that stuff I want to work on this tree a little bit more last episode we made that amazing custom tree but in the comments you guys gave me some really

Cool ideas to add on to it so I want to put these on here right now so let’s see what I have in the old chest room aha I have some glowberries this is gonna look so wait it’s not possible unless I throw some extra branches in with wood and

Then do that oh this might look really good I can bring them down too this is gonna look so sick at night I love it already now there’s one more thing I want but do I have it I don’t think I do midi Adventure Time BRB so off I went

Looking for a lush cave aha it’s my favorite tree in the the world the azalea tree just gonna dig down here and then I literally almost died now show oh we’re in it we’re in the Lush cave baby I’ll take some extra of these thank

You very much but I’m here for a very specific reason where are you oh I see you I want you hey Axolotl how you doing one day I’ll get a blue one one day so long story short I think those blossoms are gonna look amazing on my tree so

Check this out ready if I put this down right there oh I need wood again stupid game mechanics now watch the particles emit off this thing these little green particles all over the air it’s so naturey it’s so tall it summons the undead the point being it looks really

Cool with the whole nature Vibe here I love it there’s still one thing missing and it involves you Charlton I think we should make Charlton a birdhouse where he can perch up on the tree and hang out somewhere I think it would look so cool I’m finally making you a home dude I

Love you so much I guess I’ll just pop you off smack a chain there trap doors and here comes the sick part ready I’m gonna craft scaffolding and put the scaffolding inside try to hear and boom look at this little birdhouse now how do I get you in there You’re Gonna Love It

Come on we’re almost there Charlton no get in go in it get in the house no what are you doing get in well that was difficult put the door back on oh I like that so much well sayonara I’m kidding that can be open oh he looks so good in there what a

Handsome gentleman but now it’s time to focus up and get to our wool factory hello sheep how you doing if my calculations are correct I think there’s 16 different kinds of wool so that means I need 16 different sheep because I want to have every color of wool

Automatically producing in my factory so who do I have in the barn I feel like I have a couple of sheep in here yeah I have two ender man what the heck well this should be pretty easy just get some wheat and make a baby oh hello moms be

Like look how cute my baby is the baby please Laugh at My meme I actually think it’ll be faster to go find some wild sheep oh yes hello oh it’s more there it’s like a sheep Sanctuary come on guys we’re going on vacation you’re gonna love it

So what I went Gathering up sheep breeding them and just being a good shepherd how did you get in here okay no Shepherd is perfect okay it’s really hard to count all these guys but I think I have 16. 13 in here three in there so

That’s math right so now it’s time to go make the actual Farm itself the little mechanism that cheers them automatically I may have forgot to mention that this Factory is going to be fully automatic so I’m gonna need some red Stoney things like observers Hoppers and some

Dispensers which I can craft using bows I think oh I’m so smart look at me go is that really all my string dude I have a spider farm how does that even happen well small Pit Stop oh mushroom farm how you doing kind of forgot about you why do those emit light

And those don’t that is interesting well hello old XP farm where would string be it would be there yes and that is all we need so now the question is where am I gonna put the wool Farm because I’m gonna make a really cool building to cover it up

Later where do I want a new building you know what maybe we go a little bit down the Hillside and go over here I’m very intrigued by that because all my builds right now are on like the same level just about but down here oh we’re expanding baby yep I’m down with it

Let’s go side note I need a better shovel this thing stinks so here is the idea we go up about two blocks in the air and I make a little t-shape out of grass like this I go Observer on the back dispenser on top of that on the

Back of the Observer a block and a piece of redstone then I put shears in this dispenser and that’s all it is now all I gotta do is put a sheep right on this block over time he’ll eat the grass and when the block updates he will get automatically sheared with this thingy

It’s so simple a caveman could do it let me just grab one of these and who wants to be the test dummy please form a single file line a single file line oh I made mistakes all right I got my one boom boom boom and there we go I’m gonna

Shear him once so he’s naked put the shears back and let’s see if it works eat the grass eat the grass oh my gosh you stay there I’m gonna go sleep he did it he did it it works that is great news and now I just gotta make

A system to collect the wool automatically so I’m gonna go under here and break that block that block in that block put a double chest right there Hopper Rail and then Hopper Minecart and that way if any wool gets caught up there it will flow into there into there

And into here I do want to use glass though because glass is pretty and huzzah that is one Farm completely and totally done so now I just gotta go make 15 more of these for all 16 colors time to get to work and as I build the farm

If you’re enjoying this video please subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate it okay here’s an update I have eight sheeps in their pens and I was gonna make eight more pens right over here but I kind of realized that’s gonna be a really really like thick area

So instead I’m actually gonna stack more sheep pens on top of these pens so yeah wish me luck this might go horribly wrong or maybe not I guess we’ll find out actually really hold that thought I need to make a new shovel because this one’s about a break and I want silk

Touch because I need more grass to the Enderman Farm we go but then I got a little bit distracted you know what I’ve been passing by this ship every single time I go to my farm but no longer what is in here treasure uh Moss but not

Treasure what about you treasure map yes I’m getting a little bit distracted but it’s worth it it’s treasure come on it should be right here where is it oh no that makes it way harder I found it give me good stuff Diamonds oh and a heart of

The sea I will use that later on well back to business okay give me levels all right it’s shovel time I’ll craft you go to the enchanting house give me something good and Breaky not bad but if I go to the library maybe I can find a

Silk touch book in here somewhere silk touch oh I got one and I’ll take a mending boom boom boom boom boom boom rip and to top it all off let’s put one of these beautiful netherite ingots on the shovel and that is what I’m talking

About back to work we go and the last one we’re done we now have all 16 sheep in their pens so now the mission is simple we gotta go dye all these sheep one of every kind of color so do we have any dyes on us right now red white pink

Light gray oh there’s so many colors just gotta smelt some cacti oh snap I forgot I had ancient debris in here that’s 21 pieces I don’t know how I forgot about that so off I went trying to craft all the dyes and let me just

Say it was a struggle man I think all I need is yellow and black black so I see yellow flowers up here take one of you and for black I need some Squid Ink thank you very much okay it’s dying time I meant like dying wool not like dying

In hardcore light gray dark gray what am I missing oh snap I need brown do I have any cocoa beans oh I do ladies gentlemen that is it that is every color of the rainbow in my sheep farm now all that’s left is I gotta make a ton of shears you

Take some shears you take some shears everybody here gets shears now I just gotta figure out a way to tell who’s who oh what I could do is take one piece of wool and just kind of like print it on the front like that absolutely perfect

Now hold the phone for one sec last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I’d make a TNT cannon and shoot myself into the sky but sadly you guys did not hit it so no TNT for me which to be fair is probably a good thing but

That being said I’m gonna up the stakes for next time if this video gets 2 000 likes I will go into that portal behind me and I will start attacking zomb be Pigman with no totem of undying and just to clarify we’re not just attacking one

Or two we’re gonna attack an entire Army back to the wool factory now that the farm is done it’s time to go actually make the build as I mentioned earlier we’re gonna build something to cover up the sheep farm and it’s gonna be a pretty big build so I’m gonna need a lot

Of materials so it’s shopping time and I really meant that I got a ton of oak woods Spruce Wood deep slate chicken jockeys and calcite well what do we have here an escapee from the factory Carl you can’t run for your problems all the time you gotta face them head on okay

But anyways I got quite a few blocks in my hand and I am ready to build and for the build idea we’re gonna be making a clock tower so wish me luck let’s get to work first things first I want this building to be very Square not you know

Rectangular so I want to make sure it’s all even so my goal is to make about a 13 by 13 house looking good looking good now we’re gonna add in our logs as all good buildings have and I think we’ll do three Cobble then one log and then make

Some wood pillars across the top it’s still kind of bland for me though so I’m gonna add in some Oak stairs for some extra texture oh yeah and oh yeah that looks good but then I made a little accident well you know what they say measure twice cut once I am one block

Too far this way so I gotta tear it all down and redo it effing chat but after that mistake I was really enjoying the build I am not great at making big scale buildings so the fact that this was coming out so well was really exciting

To me well we’re one half down and so far so good I think we’re gonna have like two more floors above that right there so it’s gonna be a pretty tall building but I’m getting low on my material so I gotta go get some more Spruce Wood and Oakwood but also I just

Realized something the Sheep pen is now empty and honestly that’s kind of sad so I wonder if any possible friends want to go in there I don’t know what your names are I never actually name these dogs but you’re gonna come over here and this here is now the doggy play yard let’s

Just scoot you in from the range I want to get you all wet there we go all right well you two enjoy this it’s all yours in fact have a trapdoor to play with both of you my treat actually I’m gonna need those back I need a lot of those

For the build so you know what I say I say we make a mega spruce tree again clothes are always fun let’s fly down here and we throw some saplings down in groups of four now make a big tree do it make a big tree how about over here make

A big tree yeah and that is how you farm Spruce Wood also hey Minecraft why can’t I make giant oak trees at it well back to building we go also I want to point out how Humane I am look at the view of these sheep have look at this I didn’t

Have to build these windows I chose to because I care about the shapes and their well-being and by the way I want to give you guys a little bit of building tip here I see a lot of people have pretty basic walls like this which

Is totally fine but if you want to make it even better try adding some extra Dimension and add some blocks on front oh yeah that looks so good so I continued on building and boy I was in the zone building this thing I just felt

Like no matter how big the scale was I was gonna make it look amazing and I really did all right we’re just putting the finishing touches on the roof and oh man guys this is one of my best builds of all time I think just want to give it

A little bit of a pointy roof here and boom boom and I think we are done and are you guys ready to see it boom look at this bad boy completely and utterly finished and yes I am joking the clock is not inside of it yet the rest of the

Build is done which looks amazing I’m so so so proud of it and now we’re bringing out the heavy duty decorative blocks we’re bringing out calcite and we’re going inside the farm to take out some white wool I hope that’s another off this is gonna be interesting but here’s

My idea I’m gonna make a circle shape out of deep slate add some stairs for a little more texture and the idea is to use wool and calcite to make the clock itself I’m using both of these I think it’s a cool little mix of blocks I hope

It looks good that looks wrong I did something wrong here I see these need to be stairs oh yeah much better wait I need clock hands could I use Spruce fences for that boom boom boom oh snap dude that looks so good now off to go do

The other three sides of the clock all right it’s time for the far away view oh my gosh I know I’m biased because it’s my build but I think it looks insane I think it looks so good I am so proud of myself you guys have no idea it looks

Way better than I thought it would well my hard work has paid off hey Charlton what do you think of the new build these Vines run the way you can’t really see can you no matter I can fix it I’m gonna break that and put some string

Underneath it that way the vine can’t grow anywhere below that as a matter of fact I should do that for all these but now what do you think I think he loves it now for the inside of this place it’s kind of hard to get around right now but

I guess I don’t really have to because I can access all the chests from here wait why are these empty ah the grass isn’t growing back I gotta put more light in here problem solved hopefully I guess we’ll find out over time stupid grass do photosynthesis now I just gotta add some

Hidden lighting under some musk carpet Perfection oh and also I gotta make a pathway to get down here because right now it’s kind of hard to get down here without like going into this little crevice and taking fall damage maybe I’ll wrap it around down here and that

Right there is one beautiful landscape you know what I just realized I almost have a complete netherite set of armor and tools I just gotta make an ax so I think you guys know what that means do I have any more netherrite oh I have so

Many scraps wait how many can I make I can make I can make nine I can make a block of netherrite dude as sick as that is I gotta go for the ax sorry I’m just gonna make one new ax and just try and enchant it see what I can get also off

Camera I did a little bit of decorating in here because it was kind of bugging me how basic it was so I did a little little flower pot action little trapdoor action just a few things but who cares give me a good enchantments please Fortune three oh well I have no Anvil

Forgot about that I’m so lazy I’m just gonna craft a ton I’m gonna craft six of them so I have to come back here ever again I just need an Unbreaking book in a mending book do I have those I know I have mending do I have Unbreaking oh my

Gosh I got a lot I can’t get over that view dude it’s so nice Fortune ax with Unbreaking with mending and now with netherrite and that is a full set of netherride tools we are making so much progress in the series and now to update

The map oh look at that new build on it that’s sick today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m just peeling up my tools in the old Enderman XP farm but oh my gosh guys I have an amazing idea for this episode so

Far in this world we’ve built many cool nature builds like this custom tree and this giant farming area so it’s time for our next big nature build we are gonna make a gigantic greenhouse and within that Greenhouse we’re gonna have a bee farm but wait there’s more we are gonna

Use that bee farm to make copious amounts of honey then we’re gonna take that honey and make an amazing build using honey blocks so yeah there’s a lot to do let’s get started the fun part about today is we’re gonna be adventuring all over the Minecraft world

To get different blocks so our first stop is the forest to get a bunch of oak wood Three Stacks I always forget to replant trees I gotta keep doing this dude I hate Enderman so much why do they do this now small pit stop down to the

Spruce tree farm oh this is very empty I thought I had more wood here no matter because I can make a mega spruce tree and as I do this if if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell well I guess brucewood now but I

Used like all my bone meal this is all I have left in my entire world I need a skeleton Farm really badly hey random cave can you give me a skeleton spotter please no okay oh it was worth a try well I have a good

Chunk of blocks now so I think I’m gonna start the outline of the build so that being said where are we gonna put this thing I would say it probably needs to be near the farming area over this direction hmm I think I have an idea I’m thinking we continue expanding our

Little town and go down here to this flat land right over here and then in the future we can put more Farms coming down this Hillside right up to the greenhouse all right let’s do it so first off we need to do quite a bit of terraforming the greenhouse won’t take

Up the entire area but I want to make room for future projects too oh look at this beautiful excuse me I was talking about the beauty of this newfound land but you guys I swear my world is glitched I see them like every other day would you just go

Away fly shoot the banner guy kill him you guys stink well let’s get to building maybe the front door can be on this side over here throw down some Cobblestone and push the walls this way so here’s the main door frame now back here we’re gonna start to you know kind

Of poof it out make it look a lot bigger so I’ll go this way then this way get away no I’m better than you but how’s that for a shape it looks a little bit Bland right now but I promise you it’s gonna look way better shortly so why

Don’t we start raising up the walls a little bit now oh I told you I’m better than you but don’t you understand also where did you come from it’s the middle of the day okay it’s getting there but of course it needs a better roof well any roof for

That matter so I’m gonna go like this I’m gonna go like this upside down stair raises up a couple of blocks and make a really tall roof And look at that I can really see the vision now this thing’s gonna be awesome now to the untrained eye you might think this roof is amazing but if you’re a pro Builder like me you’ll notice the roof is totally Hollow I need to fill this in

I’m sure no one noticed right oh pretty sunset sun to come back but now it’s time to go head out on our next adventure because I’m gonna need a lot of glass we’re gonna have the greenhouse roof be entirely glass made which honestly is kind of scary to think about

Because it might look ugly but I want to try it because after all it is a greenhouse and those tend to have glass roofs too do I have any sand that’s dirt do I have any sand that’s not a lot well you know what that means I’m bringing

Out the heavy duty equipment not just one shulker box but two shulker boxes to the beach we go oh look at it it’s glorious so much sand is that jungle I didn’t know that was there but carrying on sand this is boring I’m gonna need a break

But not just any break disco break all right back to work so off I went getting about two shulker boxes full of sand ah to be honest I don’t think I needed that much sand but who cares I got extra back home we go trick shot oh wow

I missed it I’m terrible there is nothing I love more than flying into the base from the water side it looks so pretty over here all right it’s melted time I need some cold hop into the zombie go away hop into the furnace house and begin smelting away oh what a

Beautiful sight but also I am like totally out of coal I have to go mining very shortly but forget about that we have more important things to attend to right now so I’m gonna need to get a lot of light gray dye this is because I

Could just use plain glass here for the walls but it might look a little bit too transparent like I don’t know about this yeah I don’t really like this that much but if we use something like white or light gray dye it’ll still be transparent but it’ll also have a little

Bit of like some you know some color to it so that being said light gray dye how do you make it I’m pretty sure you need two white dyes one black dye light gray is yep one gray one white that equals two whites one black do I have any Squid

Ink I don’t oh I’m so sorry squids come on show yourself I’ll do what I must aha sorry sorry what are you doing here were you an escapee from the wolf Farm last episode no escapees none another one oh I have terrible Security in there drop it nope drop my egg sack hello

There underwater ruin is there a chest for me in here somewhere oh there was oh oh and Cole I need gold impromptu treasure hunt where are you oh don’t tell me it brought me back to the old one I’ve already been to this one I’ll take those I guess but that’s dumb dumb

Map well back to killing squids and that gives me a total of oh it’s one for one okay about a stack and a half of die that’s fine I think how much do you get per oh it’s all oh that’s a great deal okay and that’s perfectly fine that

Is enough dye for me but here comes the issue with the white die as I mentioned earlier I don’t have a lot of bone meal I have 12 pieces left wonderful but I do know of a place where I can get a lot of Bones very easily I’m just gonna need a

Gold helmet and off we go to the Soul Sand Valley in the nether wish me luck hello you foul foul place hello there flying jellyfish you’re dead oh shot so I’m pretty sure out this direction that’s where the valley is maybe not I see a lot of Basalt nope I’m going the

Wrong way what about this way oh hello what are you gold block oh it’s a portal that’s pretty cool I’ll take that though anything in here any treasure any loot or something no okay oh we’re here and look oh not you look what’s standing around bones would you not knock it off

Dude I’m on fire but check it out these Soul Sand valleys have tons of fossils which I can convert back into bone meal so yeah I gotta come here more often this place is epic oh skeletons spawn here too this is like a bone Paradise not for you though huh thank you thank

You stop didn’t see that one coming oh would you stop it I hate these jellyfish oh you’re dead huh just about one stack of bone blocks is fine for me see you later please how do I get home I’m kind of lost haha they don’t call me Farsi

The navigator for nothing literally no one has ever called me that and let’s see are The Darlings done smelting door frame you’re so fat how are we looking oh we’re all done delicious delicious content and now I craft some bone meal some white dye some light gray dye and

Finally a bunch of light gray stained glass oh that’s the stuff and that being said we can get back to building our epic Greenhouse so we’re gonna simply take the glass and place the glass it is quite simple oh yeah that’s so much better than clear glass but now here

Comes the interesting part we’re gonna fill in the entire roof using this glass as I said earlier I’m a little bit nervous about this because I don’t build roofs out of glass very often but that being said I’m up for the challenge let’s just go for it wait pause hold on

I was walking by the wolf farm and I realized some of the sheep weren’t being sheared up there Mr Blue and Mr cyan what is up with you eat man eat the grass oh there’s no there’s no shears in there how about you oh how’d I make that

Mistake well good thing I noticed that uh Hey guys funny seeing you here squeeze out of that all right you take some of those you take some of those and I’ll go boom I’ll go boom and you should be working properly now right all right back to building so when I went filling

The entire roof for the glass plus some wood details to mix it up and boom how sick does this thing look for a start it looks really good I like this color of glass I like the shape of the the place and inside it’s huge I didn’t miss a

Piece oh my gosh I’m so bad at this game but that being said it is still a little bit Bland to me so I want to take out some fence gates where are they and I kind of want to bring some like horizontal rows across like this oh yeah

I like that in fact I probably should do that up on the roof too a little bit oh my gosh guys I think this really didn’t and the grand reveal oh yeah the texture on that looks great but you know what there’s one thing that’s bugging me and

That’s the bottom here it’s very Bland so why did I take out some stairs and just add in a little bit of texture yes so much better already but I think it’s fair to say the exterior is just about done guys look there’s gardeners in here look at them they’re growing flowers you

Guys are so nice hey it’s hardcore please don’t kill me thanks and look I even add a few flowers in for our own enjoyment but now it is time to go on our next big adventure because we need to make the entire in interior there’s nothing in here besides these skeleton

Flowers stupid gardeners but oh boy I have many many ideas and a lot of those ideas are going to stem from natural blocks we can find in the wild so let’s go uh guys I think I got too much sand I’m just gonna admit that now so first

Off how much coarse dirt do we have not a lot because my plan was to make the entire floor inside of here kind of like this where it’s a mix of coarse and rooted dirt just a little bit of this and some of this well as suspected I

Need a lot more I’m pretty sure I can craft it though right I think he used dirt and gravel to make it please please oh yeah I love crafting but what I can’t craft is rooted dirt so we’re going on an adventure so I flew thousands of blocks to find my desired destination

How sick is this a stone Beach next to a jungle this looks awesome and here we are do you guys recognize this place this right here is my RAID farm that I made long ago and right over there is a lush cave this should be rooted dirt all over the place I’ll take

All of you that is a hazard why’d I do that oh I love this block so much it might be my favorite nature Block in the game and that’s saying a lot there’s a lot of nature blocks in Minecraft and then I almost died Jesus that was so scary that was so scary

Quick where am I where’s my shulker boxes I forgot my shulker boxes which has my totems in it oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh well let’s throw the old chest plate on to be safe I came here to get some of these beautiful nature blocks so

I gotta be really really careful now I’m scared I’m scared aha oh yeah parkour skills ah that was just jumped in lava all right I got my blossoms I got my hangy things AKA glow berries ooh hanging Roots can I grab these silk touch oh

Well who cares I’m out of here let’s do this safely shall we and we are good and you know what while I’m here is there any chance there’s already totems in these chests down here from previous raids please please please I’m actually terrified right now anything no no yes

Put it in my off hand all right I feel safe again and I’m taking two back with me because why not oh well I also only have one firework great planning farzy I’m so smart well I guess we’re going back the old-fashioned way it’s a long

Journey ahead of us let’s get a move on wait big brain alert if I take some of you and I take some of why are these things four tall that is cursed but take some of you what kind of house is this excuse me any crafting benches around

Here I go boom I make paper I use my gun powder to then make fireworks because my brain is the size of a melon or something how big are brains stop stop my brain’s huge stop it stop it my brain’s huge I’m so tempted I can’t uh

Must steal wheat okay bye home sweet home and back to work we go so first off let’s finish off the floor entirely it looks great I love this look now here comes the interesting part now we’re gonna actually put some flowers leaves and all kinds of nature blocks

Hold that thought what I was saying is we’re gonna take all different kinds of nature blocks and put it inside of the greenhouse all over the walls and whatnot and on the floor and on the ceiling well where do we even begin I don’t know let’s just guess and figure

It out along the way so I placed almost every nature block I could possibly think of and it came out awesome all right who’s ready to see farzi’s nature Wonderland and Tada look at this beautiful Greenhouse interior I think it came out so good all different colors

All different shapes and sizes it just looks chaotic which I love and most importantly the roof actually has details too I was kind of afraid of how I’m gonna decorate up there but it actually came out sick with all the vines and the leaves and the glowberries

So yeah I am so proud of it that being said over here is totally empty because earlier I mentioned I wanted to make a bee farm today so I’m gonna try to put it right here in this corner now to be honest I haven’t made a bee farm ever in

My life so this may end up being terrible but it’ll be a fun challenge so why not let’s go for it well one thing’s for sure I’m gonna need bees nests for this farm so do I have any no I got one but I am certainly gonna need more than

That so let’s see are there any over there oh I see bees hello where’s your home oh it’s right there perfect I’ll take that why aren’t you mad at me wouldn’t you be mad at me for that in fact I want bees bees get in here get in

This Nest get in come on no ah because here’s the thing I don’t just want the nests I also want the bees too so I need to hopefully transport these guys cow get out of my farm okay I have an idea I am pretty sure there’s bees nests on

This tree is it empty it’s empty I will take you I’ll replace that later on now bees get inside of it oh why is it current honey which one is the right one oh it’s that one come on you know you want it it’s ready here

Ah now you’re mine but I still need more another bees in there yes I knew there’d be a beehive here another one yes yes I mean what achievement move a b nest with three b’s inside using silk touch cool all right we’re good to go oh

From far away that looks so sick all right well now we need some Redstone Tings so do I have any Redstone in here no how about in here a little bit and make some dispensers so here’s how we’re gonna do things we are to enter our luxurious and amazing Greenhouse hop

Over on this corner over here we are to place all the beehives here and take any honey that’s in these out of them even though they all have no honey except for you poof sweet epic amazing now take out my dispensers and throw these right on

The back and now on top put down my observers ah I want to put some blocks here but cobble’s kind of ugly with the rest of the build what can I use Moss maybe would Moss look good heck yeah I’m down with that bunch of redstone here

And finally I just gotta make a bunch of shears to actually put in the dispenser so I’ll take some iron oh they’re all coming out that’s awesome now let’s sneak in the back here and load these babies up with shears and that should be totally good it should completely work

Now or not are you guys okay and now we wait I can breed you guys too make baby bees it works it just worked awesome it automatically sheared the honeycomb out they’re not mad at me and it’s there 360 no scope I’m so happy it works well now

We have a new issue right now we have no way to collect the Honeycombs automatically so I gotta go make some sort of redstone Contraption to do that I am going to need rails and lots of them I’m also totally out of redstone that’s awkward one moment just one

Moment a very small short moment all right let’s get to it oh hello okay I probably want to get rid of these leaves actually just so don’t get in the way and now I’m gonna go underneath the ground really fast pop and cover it up

So the idea is to put down rails to Auto collect all the stuff above Howard rail rail something like this and now double chest goes right here Hoppers feeding into that chest and last but not least the final set of rails go right here and that should be a fully working system

Shall we give it a try my Minecart do your thing go go go yeah all right is it working it’s picking up the rails hey look at that it’s working it is absolutely working it’s picking up all the honeycomb since putting them down there stop doing this stupid rails well

That right there is a success now I just gotta dig out of here and make a way to collect this stuff from the outside haha and that folks is how you do it easy way to get my honeycomb dirt stop going in there dude I hate when it does that oh

This build couldn’t have turned out any better it looks beautiful it works properly that’s kind of ugly because it’s gray but maybe I could do something like that in fact I might just raise this entire thing up and just make it look like a giant Garden up here oh guys

I can do no wrong today it looks amazing and and it fits right in with the whole place oh life sure is sweet now I did say I wanted to use that honey to make an amazing new build right but I gotta let the farm run for a little bit longer

Because right now I’m not really getting too much so in the meantime I have duties to attend to last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would go to the Nether and start attacking Pigman with no totem of undying and you guys

Were so close I’m just gonna count it so we gotta gear up okay I got my tools I got my weapons I got my armor I got my golden apple some blocks to play with and of course I gotta get rid of this stupid totem and I will put you in here

Oh boy we are exposed we are naked right now that sounds strange I didn’t mean it like that also a friendly reminder this is Hardcore so if I die I lose all my progress in this world forever sounds like fun let’s do do it all right we’re here and Hello friends hello Brethren

Tag you’re it hey guys hey come fight me tag you’re it now why am I doing this to myself there’s no reason for this there are so many easier challenges all right let’s get to kill them see ya oh gotta keep moving don’t stop unless I’m gonna shoot them so far so good

They’re not really being too intimidating yet except for you big jellyfish I have never seen so many at once I guess we’re killing these guys faster zombie what are you doing here and we’re getting to the end of the train and all this free gold that I

Needed so badly well that was fun oh hey there buddy but that being said if this video gets 2 000 likes I will explode 700 pieces of TNT that’s gonna be a lot of gunpowder I didn’t forget about you I’ll be taking this back ah safety and

Shall we see how much honey we have two sticks and now I craft those into Honeycombs I get 30 blocks yeah that’s not a lot but I can make do with it for now and are you guys ready for the amazing honey build that I teased

Earlier we are gonna make a Bee Cave in the side of this map Mountain here because right now all the bees in this world are in this greenhouse and I want to have some still flying around the place you know that are free so I’m

Gonna make them a home right here so the idea is gonna be to make a little bit of like a cavern shape is that who I think it is hey buddy what you got for me you have nothing I care about oh he despawned so back to the honeycomb cave

We’re gonna have the walls and the ceiling lined with this honeycomb block I think the floor can still be like coarse dirt and rooted dirt just because it kind of looks you know more natural that way and now we start lying in the back with this honeycomb Block it’s

Gonna need something else though I’m gonna try some gold no not Gold Blocks but raw gold blocks or rather block of raw gold whatever Minecraft and maybe some glowstone ooh shroom light nah let’s do glowstone how does that look oh that blends in nicely that looks really

Good then the glowstone oh it’s all coming together now uh I mean it looks good but it still needs a lot more honey you know come over the top and kind of make it look more like a cave and less like a wall for example I want to have

Honey called kind of like cascading down kind of like this with the dirt so long story short I can’t do that all today unfortunately because of time constraints but there is something else I can do off camera I managed to go get some more beehives which are in

Somewhere where are they right there and now check this out campfires in some little Corners in here and put beehives down that way the neighborhood bees have a place to live besides in the greenhouse so my plan is to use both the Bee Cave and the greenhouse for

Different purposes that’s going to be used for getting Honeycombs and this can be used for getting bottles of honey oh hello Mr B where are you going come back dude made this place for you what the heck but when the bees do stick around we can get these amazing honey blocks

And stick whoops and stick these up on the walls of the Bee Cave so I can put it like up there for example and boom hey you’re back what’s up deposit more honey I want more of those they look so good I’ll be back to work on you later

But now I have something better in mind which involves the pathway going down to the greenhouse as you can kind of see here I have like an outline already so I’m gonna see if I could just like maybe dig in here a little bit and make this a

Little bit more smooth but you know what it certainly could be worse it looks okay it does the trick maybe I’ll fix up a little bit another time but I think it looks good enough for now I do think some Moss along the sides will help a

Lot though uh oh my gosh yeah that’s a million times better now and maybe over here I sculpt a little Pathway to get to our Little Bee Cave also looks amazing today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and oh my gosh we have big plans

For the episode hello Mr B how you doing I think there’s something wrong but today my main goal is to go out into the ocean find a guardian Temple and defeat the Elder Guardian and after that we’re gonna make a brand new build today there

Is so much to do but first I want to show you guys something else last episode I made that Greenhouse behind me and we also made this cool honey cave and off camera I finished it how sick does it look we got flowers we got candles we got pressure plates for some

Reason but it looks so cool in here and I love it speaking of which how is the Honey Farm doing I went AFK for a long time oh it’s doing very well but something else I noticed while I was making that is I’m getting a little bit

Tight on space in here so you know what I kind of have an idea right now I think I want to change up the storage system in this world and actually store blocks in the buildings that correspond with the items so for example I might store

Honey in the honey cave and I might store nature blocks in the greenhouse I can keep my crops in the barn and the best part about that is I have an excuse now to make tons of new buildings for each kind of item I I have oh I love it

Let’s do it I’ll need some barrels I’ll need some wood well I have no Spruce Wood don’t worry I can fix that come on do it do it come on yeah and that is one thick spruce tree all right Greenhouse time what’s up I still love how it looks in here oh and

The vines grew down too oh that’s sick but anyways maybe I’ll move these barrels to one centralized spot like over here or over here towards the door now the thing is I kind of want this to be like a universal like design that way I can make the same design in every

Single building and it will be all neat and organized and proper do a little bit of this a little bit of this make it too tall and how does that look wait hold on one little missing piece all right how does that look I think it looks good

It’s small it’s cute but it also has some details and some texture so if you guys hate it let me know down below if you like it then cool we’re gonna use it gotta put some flowers back real fast oh I need food kind of forgot about that

Hello chickens how you doing pop down here take some chicken oh it’s full I gotta expand that storage pretty soon too so much expansion I love it well now I can move all the nature stuff into the greenhouse so nature chest don’t care about you no more get broken well let’s

Get to work and while I do this if you’re enjoying the video please subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate it and this here is the last of it boom that’s awesome hold on a second yep that’s what I thought I need those and now I got more chest space

Here I love this system so when I went placing down the shelves in almost every building in my world and there we go all the places that need a storage shelf now have a storage shelf so that being said it’s now time to start planning for the ocean Monument Adventure we’re gonna

Need quite a few things to defeat that foul Beast underwater so the first thing I really want to get is a water breathing potion so inside of here do I have any potions of water breathing no I guess I’ll take an instant health potion because why not but that is the first

Goal I want to find a water breathing potion and luckily they can spawn naturally in the ocean all I gotta do is just go find some buried treasure off we go if I were a shipwreck is that one no it’s a portal what do you got for me

Though nothing I care about oh oh that looks like a ship to me pop inside here and show me a treasure map where’s the loot loot that’s not treasure map take the call though thank you on we go oh big coral reef over here and shipwreck I almost missed it okay give

Me some better luck this time where’s the other one yes yes yes very treasure map I’ll take that now where are we headed to I don’t know what that is we’re getting close well it’s digging time ah I found it and nothing I mean Diamond’s cool but not the water

Breathing potions I wanted Rip but I continue journeying around the world until I found the right shipwreck whoa look at this Village it’s like a desert village but it goes up into the mountain that’s really cool yes come on baby please please please please please yes yes two water

Breathing potions hey knock it off well guys that’s it we got what we needed we got our potions we got some free diamonds now I just gotta get back home need some Gunpowder though give me give me give me wait a second I know where I

Am I am right near the stronghold it’s right down here what are the odds of that so I’m gonna take a shortcut to get back home 360. I mean well I’m here I might as well go get some XP you know like who wouldn’t and thank you very much gentlemen and my

Lady and back home we go potions what else do we need oh I got a great idea I want a better underwater weapon to fight the Guardians with so I have a trident here that’s unused so why don’t we go and chant this bad boy take some lapis

And give me something good please please please impaling is that good I feel like I want more than that let’s try it again please please please please please please please please I’m breaking loyalty oh I want loyalty that’s important and now we go to the library

Back here and we can go and find the proper book to put on this thing I have no clue what I’m looking for though impaling I guess I don’t know oh five sure why not wait I have no anvil in here that’s dumb I’ll fix that Bonk and

Boom boom and boom oh also mending please and there we go the perfect Trident I think I like never use Trident so I have no idea potions check weapons check what else do we need oh I have an idea we’re gonna need the help of two adorable friends I’m gonna watch some

Cows so I can get free milk if you didn’t know milk cancels out the Guardians mining fatigue so let me grab some wheat out of here in my new storage bin by the way and breed make baby hello I’m gonna exploit your parents hey Branson can I borrow your lead thanks

And I choose you come with me no not all of you not all of you come with me sir and for now you can chill right there now the other creature I want is an axolotl because if you guys didn’t know axolotls will attack Guardians for you

So imma take some iron from the iron farm make a ton of buckets duh and now we go to their home which is a lush cave and go get a bunch is that what I think it is an azalea tree also hello Village nobody say a word oh a spider jockey

That’s supposed to be rare right all right let’s get to popping down here break some Lush dirt thing it’s called Rude dirt not seeing any lushness oh or am I oh oh oh hello hello that scared me a little bit ooh I want you I like you

Very much but now where are the axolotls well hello there I see water Axolotl and diamonds what an amazing combo and I want you I want you come on you you you thank you and I’ll take you just for good measure what are you stealing oh I

Didn’t mean to look at you you can’t touch me you can’t even swim hey buddy hey buddy come on this thing come on this thing right here game mechanics are awesome grab my free Diamond then I got kind of carried away oh big cave alert oh more diamonds I

Don’t mean to get carried away here but come on it’s diamonds I can’t say no to that and some more diamonds all right last Diamond now I’m out of here I don’t want to die ah but uh okay I’m sorry I know I said last Diamond but let’s just

Make a little exception okay oh we go and I now believe we have everything we need to defeat the guardian with ease I guess we’ll see if that’s true or not oh wait a minute hello chest out in the open okay I’ll take you name tag I’m getting very distracted let’s just get

Back home okay and home sweet home hey Charlton how you doing in there I haven’t seen you in a while just gonna go toss my loot in the chests and maybe I’ll grab a door just to be safe but that being said Mr Cow we are ready to

Roll so where would this Guardian Temple be I do have this book that lists all the coordinates of things I found in the world so do I have a guardian Temple written down anywhere oh I do Guardian Temple okay all right let’s do this

Thing world if I die I love you so much oh I’m excited all right Mr Cow just get in the boat yes and off we go oh now I find shipwrecks look at the Cow he agrees with me too so when I went sailing the Seas until I found the ocean Monument uh

Oh I see it well it’s go time it is officially time to do this thing I got my armor on got my tools got my Potions all right I’m going in don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me to shoot me to shoot me oh okay mining fatigue

Already luckily I got milk so I can drink that bust in here oh spawn just hello die die die all right I got it again well I’m glad I brought the cow with me this might take a while thank you sir I’m having a hard time even getting in

Here I just keep getting the effect I’m in I’m in where are we we good die die die okay what’s in here oh gold rank some more milk I’m getting this gold I don’t care what anyone says I just gotta find the Elder Guardian so I can kill

Him I mean easier said than done but you know what I mean I hate this effect it’s so annoying but I kept on going and kept drinking milk until I found the Elder Guardian oh oh he’s there he’s there axolotls go go kill him go up there hey

More more keep going The Army Goes what are they doing attack them yes oh it’s working yes sir do it I didn’t do anything let’s go boys you’re the best uh I’m drowning hold on let me just put this down I can’t believe that just worked but I still

Have mining fatigue so are there two I’m pretty sure sometimes there are two so let’s look around a little more oh another one another one so many beams so many beams nope you know what to do boys go go work your magic get him yeah okay what

Are you doing why are you standing still okay you know what this is a good time for a water breathing potion let’s get this thing out where’s the big guy did he escape oh he’s here you can’t hurt me this guy is so easy I just killed another one all right Minecraft here’s

An idea make it so those big guys can break blocks too or make it so he can shoot faster or something like that that was just too easy like I was actually so excited for that challenge and that was like easy mode hey Mr Cow I did it oh I

Can’t forget these guys the sponges these will come in handy later on what I got it again hold on one second where’s the third one I’m not going out of here without getting them all oh I see the tail I see the big old tail hello buddy

How you doing all right let’s get this over with you’re not good you’re trash and hopefully that’s the last of them look at that beautiful sunset too that’s the cherry on top well ladies gentlemen we did it it was very easy and simple but we didn’t I am pleasantly surprised

And Mr Cow you can actually stay here because if I ever come back here to make a guardian Farm I’m gonna need you or maybe not because the guy’s are dead but who cares you’re gonna stay I don’t care about you just kidding love you mwah I wasn’t kidding what the

What the traveled to us on like episode one or episode two that being said I’ll meet you guys back home and here we are hello bees how you doing looking a lot better now than earlier I’ll take that also that just gave me an idea I have not been seeing

Many bees down here in the honey cave if any at all so I think I could use some of you guys and breed you you get a flower you get a flower you get a flower Etc and can some of you guys come with me a few of you keep coming keep coming

All right close the door I got three that’s fine that’s perfect can you guys just like chill here is that okay if I just put these away can you stay I think it’s working but now we have very urgent matters to attend to last episode I said

If the video got 2 000 likes I would explode 700 pieces of TNT and yes you guys did it but that being said I did prepare I have a lot of sand in this chest here and I get a lot of gunpowder in this chest here also I totally

Expanded my creeper Farm on a live stream so now the creeper Farm is twice as big with double the storage I really hope that’s enough gunpowder grab some of this grab some of that and begin crafting until my fingers hurt well I’m like halfway there and I have no sand

Left so we gotta go mining do you guys wanna know how long I afk’s in that creeper farm for literally over 30 hours absolute crazy talk man all right let’s get this over with I really hope that is enough sand oh I think we have enough just double

Checking my math as everyone should be doing day in school and there we go everything in the shulker Box makes up 700 TNT I’ve said it once they’ll say it again the things I do for likes are insane hey nether how you doing well now

I gotta find a place where I can explode This Much TNT I’ve already blown up the entire area over here maybe down here all right here we go ladies gentlemen we have dug about 1 000 blocks in One Direction it is time so once again thank you so much for all the

Support in this series it’s absolutely insane how much you guys love it so that being said this is for you and by the way I know it’s smarter to do spaces like this but there’s literally too much TNT I cannot make it that far I have tried I promise

And that is it oh boy well let’s do it see ya go go go go it is just so much explosion just so much aha debris I don’t think you guys truly understand how long I’ve been running and I still can’t even see the

End oh is this the end I think we found the end and I think that’s all the ancient debris that being said the total haul will be 17 17 pieces of ancient debris oh wait make it 18. I think our record is 21 pieces in one TNT session

So one day I’d like to beat that oh there’s two pieces here 18 19. oh there’s one there my eyesight is horrible these days come on just two more for a new record please in fact if I find two more I’ll release a Minecraft diss track darn too bad I couldn’t find

Any more that stinks don’t you dare ask for a diss track you know I was joking but all jokes aside I got a funny challenge for next episode if this video gets 2 000 likes I will try to ride a ravenger don’t ask questions just like

The video well I’m glad that’s out of the way hello there I’m glad that’s out of the way but now it’s time to do some other things whoa that sky looks weird over there oh oh where’d that just hit that just hit really close to me it hit right

He rods around here because you know I prefer my buildings not to be burned down do I have any already I feel like I made some recently ah they’re in here all right where can I put this that won’t affect any wooden stuff oh that sky is so beautiful dude look at that

Look at like the black and the orange oh that’s so nice that being said I’ll put one lightning rod right there maybe one right here and maybe there oh it works well that’s good it means the lightning strikes are gonna hit not wooden things that’s great I hope I’m using them

Correctly that would stink if I mess things up here oh hello there didn’t expect to see you there well anyways how’d the bees doing are they settled in here yet oh yes they are oh that’s awesome can they use these ones too though please I probably gotta breed

More bees but I’ll do that another time that’s not important right now what is important is that earlier I said I was gonna make a new build today and simply put I want to make a cow Farm I already got a chicken farm I already got a sheep

Farm and a cow farm would be really handy because they draw the Leather So my friends you need to breed again make another baby so here’s the interesting part I don’t know what to build around the farm like I know how to make the cow Farm itself with the Redstone but I

Don’t know what to put there for like an actual building it could be a butcher store it could be like a leather shop it could be an extension of the animal farm in the barn so if you guys have any cool ideas comment it down below and I’ll

Pick my favorite and where should I put this cow Farm I probably want it to be in this area here near the chicken farm maybe I can sneak it right down here near the chicken farm like right down here and that looks good to me so now

It’s Farm time and as I build this if you want to make the farm for yourself I’ll link a tutorial down below and that should be it so how it works is I get cows stuck up here in this little top bit I then breed the cows and their

Babies will fall down here when they’re babies they can’t die when they grow up they will get hit with lava from these dispensers and finally all the food and the loot goes into this chest here with dirt blocks in it for some reason but yeah it’s pretty simple works really

Well that being said it’s cow time all right come with me just need like two of you come on keep man they gotta get up these stairs and fall into here you can do it come on experience this part is always the worst because they just barely fit in

There yeah now all I gotta do is wait the cows over and over and over and once we get like 20 cows in there the farm will work totally fine and as I said earlier please give me an idea for a building to put here I am leaning

Towards like a butcher shop or something similar to that but I want to hear your ideas and I’ll build it next episode today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore World ladies gentlemen we are gonna have so much fun today we are going to be making amazing new builds battling crazy

New mobs and most importantly hugging bees all jokes aside I have some really fun ideas today and the first one starts off right down here on this clip side yes I’m looking at you panicked villager I have been getting quite a few comments about this here iron farm which by the

Way works great but that being said the iron farm is the only Farm in my world that’s not being covered by a cool build so I have been inspired to cover this thing with an amazing new build and I have a really cool idea we are going to

Be building a lighthouse it’s gonna be perfect it’s right by the water the dock is right down there it’s the perfect spot for a lighthouse that being said I really hope I don’t break the farm by building on top of it but I guess we’ll find out that might go horribly wrong

But anyways it is Lighthouse time now in my Minecraft career I’ve built and seen quite a few lighthouses and in my humble opinion I think the best lighthouses use terracotta blocks and I don’t know why I feel that way but I always just love using terracotta for lighthouses I just

Think it looks amazing so that being said it is going to be an adventure time today we gotta go fly around find a is it called a badlands biome or a Mesa the place with the Terracotta and get a whole bunch of it for our building purposes just gotta get some of you

Hello chicken did that hurt wait hold that thought I just realized this map is pretty small I might want to actually go make a few more maps and make like a big map because I’m pretty sure I have maps in here somewhere oh I got seven empty

Maps yes sir I’ll get one out over here maybe over here and we can go boom boom boom boom that is in the wrong order I think and boom a bigger map of our area and it makes it look so much cooler too but of course the iron farm is just Out

Of Reach I’ll fix that later now I just gotta take care of my inventory a little bit I got a lot of blocks on me a lot of nature things and look at us being all organized putting things in the right place oh I want you get your Pony butt

Right down here I need more honey I’m getting distracted let’s get out of here okay and as I travel there if you’re enjoying this series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell do you see what I see the Glorious terracotta Mesa biome whatever it’s called but we are here and

I am here for you the red terracotta so obviously when you picture a lighthouse you picture red and white right so I’m gonna take some red terracotta and I think this is the closest thing to White right oh it’s actually called White I thought it was like tan terracotta well

There we go I need these two colors in bulk so let’s get to breaking wait I just got a really good idea this has been right in the middle of the middle of colors right but hold on Big Brain fires he’s coming just needs some wood I make some trap doors

And I break a block put a trap door there go like this go like this and now I’m crunched down it’s kind of hard to see but the point is I can now mine in a one by one space stupid light gray who likes you not me back to Mining and here

Is the total haul that should be enough that being said let’s get back home and start building uh who remembers this place it’s the day one starter Village Hello friends how you doing hey buddy you should go inside there’s zombies around it seems you’re okay there alright bye home sweet home first we

Sleep second we take out a few extra building blocks like some Cobblestone that should be enough and now it’s time to go get planning for the build so let’s hop down to the iron farm and I think we gotta do a little bit of moving things around for one this chest system

If we want the lighthouse to fit around this structure we have to compact it so that being said the chest and The Hoppers need to be like underneath all this how can I make this work I go chest here Hopper there would that work oh it

Does all right sweet up here comes the iron chest uh oh please don’t despawn iron I want all of you oh gosh there’s so much and the last sucker goes right there all right now I gotta pick all this stuff up and put it back and boom

Everything is totally cleaned up now I think this is as compact as we can make it so that being said it is officially building time let’s get to work so first off I had to do quite a bit of terraforming I was gonna need more space

To build this Lighthouse so I kind of had to make a little impromptu Mountain over here okay I think we have a decent area here I still have to work on the mountain side somewhere later but for now I want to get to building the actual

Lighthouse and here we go here comes the fun part about building so what I went building a foundation for the build expanding the land and of course making sure the farm is gonna fit uh okay this is gonna be a lot bigger than I planned I plan to make a smaller Lighthouse but

Since the farm needs to fully be inside of it I had to make it bigger so this might be a gigantic disaster but I guess we’re gonna wing it and see what happens cross your fingers so I began placing down the Terracotta and there was no

Turning back now uh oh why are you here well they’re starting to spawn the outside but luckily I can spawn proof this later on and that right there is just about all the stuff I have for now so let’s go take a little fly back and take a look at it it looks

Thick again just to clarify I didn’t mean to make it this big it just happened to be this big because of the farm like I think it’ll be excuse me what I was saying is I’m sure it’ll be fine but just right now it looks very fat so it doesn’t look good

Yet why is the door broken off this thing all the time who did it was it you stop looking down look at me it was you it was you wasn’t it well before we get back to the lighthouse I want to take a small break and go on a big adventure

Something I’ve been meaning to do recently is going to raid a Bastion so I say we do that now it might be a lot of fun it might kill us I don’t know I guess we’ll find out soon so I’m gonna need a gold helmet and maybe some golden

Apples for some safety but that’s about it throw this bad boy on my face and let’s get to work here we go oh look at you with the drip Fair trade but anyways I have a book here that has coordinates for things in my world in here I believe right there another Bastion so hopefully this will be nice easy and Swift but I guess we’ll find out oh it’s right here that was a quick Journey well hello Mr Bastion I’m

Gonna raid you now okay looks a little dangerous we got an achievement oh I see a bunch of gold there hello why are you just out here in the open I probably shouldn’t just break it though right hey there guys what’s the best way to raid

This place should I just like kill them or should I I don’t know I kind of came here unprepared to be honest you know what I’m just gonna take this make a little staircase to be safe and mine now thank you are you guys mad at me are we

Cool not being attacked yet which is pretty nice oh I guess I am what are you gonna do you can’t touch this okay I gotta be careful of the piglet brute those guys will rip my face off oh oh Pig behind me hello there die die I feel

Uneasy about this right now oh but look at this block I love this block gilded black gilded Blackstone all right it’s time to get risky we’re building up into the higher parts oh look at this place down here whoa oh this place is massive dude look at it

It’s like underground caves and craters and all this stuff that wasn’t English why are you attacking me though I did nothing wrong oh I see chest hello there nothing to see here sorry sorry sorry sorry what do we have in here’s the vanishing I’m good oh you’re

Cute little baby what about you oh never right Asian whatever it’s called thanks baby oh I see you Mr chest quick little open oh lodestone I haven’t used one of these things before well guys I think that’s it I don’t see anything else I’ve missed in here like rooms or you know

Chests so I would call that a success okay bye guys made a mistake I made a mistake chill chill oh hey it’s the drippy guy what’s up I was just talking about you that is one cool pig man do you guys know how much Netherland I have

Like I have so I’m such now I have nine is it nine eight ingots in here I have 23 ancient debris make that 24 now and then a scrappy thing we are making progress in this world baby now what does a lodestone do I think it has to do

With like compasses right do I have a compass no I don’t but I can make one is it gonna explode I don’t want to explode I’m gonna go right over here where it’s nice and safe and place it down and go boom Oh oh my compass is all weirdly textured oh

So it always points to it on the compass that’s pretty cool so can I then move this to the center of my town like what if I sneak it inside of the tree somewhere make a little bit of that and that and I’ll just stick it in there and

Do that again oh look at that that’s so sick and now I’ll never get lost I probably should name the compass though right I’ll name it barzi’s base simple and to the point well now it’s back to Lighthouse time so I flew back to the Badlands biome and mined a ton of

Terracotta sneak attack then after using our terracotta we decided to go down to the mine and get a bunch of cobblestone we then took the Cobble and made a nice little balcony above the balcony we added some glass and above that we made a final roof all

Right I just finished the roof and it’s time to see how the whole thing looks everyone cross your fingers please three two one oh that actually looks okay it doesn’t look too fat anymore because it’s so tall oh my gosh it is a mega build though look how big this thing is

Look at this thing oh you’re still there and that right there is a good reminder we gotta see if this thing actually works properly oh hello mobs how y’all doing I’m gonna put some lights down too ah the inside is so massive too but now

I just gotta go outside to kill that one Golem and see if they start spawning inside or on the outside please spawn properly if not the whole build is a waste oh don’t kill me please I don’t know we jumped down here all right thank you all right come on baby spawn inside

Of there please but then our worst nightmare happened nothing yet that’s not a good sign line let’s go check outside I don’t see anything yet this is very odd they’re not spawning at all the zombie’s still in there right what the heck man I’m gonna cry I built this whole

Song right after doing some research I have one final idea here if I patch up the sight lines of the zombie and kind of give the villagers like a small break if that doesn’t work I am out of ideas well enjoy your break guys I’ll be back

Shortly So the plan was when I built this thing I was gonna then add a bunch of cool details to it and make it look fancy and amazing but now I’m gonna have to wait on that because if things don’t work properly I might have to tear the

Whole thing down I really don’t want to but that being said there are other things I have to attend to today last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would try to ride a ravager I still don’t know why I said that but the

Video got 2 000 likes so yeah we’re gonna try to ride a ravenger that will be interesting to be honest I more or less said that as a joke but now that you guys actually got it how am I gonna do this disclaimer I probably did this

In the worst way possible don’t yell at me in the comments I’m probably gonna need some leads and maybe like a boat I’m just thinking out loud here and now to find a ravager oh hello there whoa look at this portal I just traveled so far in the wrong direction does anyone

Recognize this place over here is my RAID Farm hello sir so if I could just find a banner guy I can start a raid and get a ravager to spawn hey there buddy how you doing come on out have some fun I think I should test out how this is

Gonna work so the plan in my head is to build up like this put down a fence and then smack down a bow and attach the elite ah it doesn’t work I’m thinking of Bedrock Edition dang it well in that case things might go a little bit

Differently today better guy dot dot dot yes and let’s make things happen oh hello there how you doing I feel oddly confident right now oh that was bad timing oh ravenger ravenger Avenger ravenger come here look at me no don’t go in the pit come here all right get in

The boat get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat come on you got it no wrong one we’re going off the rails here folks how should we go about this okay maybe if I take out some blocks and I build up above him

Question can I lead you oh I cannot block above your head stop being a meanie oh why don’t we just say if I can jump on his back we’ll call it even okay I’m just gonna hop on your back and you’ll be fine it’ll be all cool right

All right here we go oh lesson learned you cannot ride a ravenger it ain’t possible well that was a stupid but funny challenge but that being said if this video gets 2 000 likes I will re-summon the Ender Dragon now that will be fun Should I finish the

Raid I don’t really want to I guess I will and then I died oh wasn’t paying attention to the Vex I was just joking but honestly I should have died there and this should be it we’re good we did it and I will need an extra totem now and now we’re going back

Home all right break time’s over everybody cross your fingers and see if we can fix it it goes nothing break that break that and break that and break these blocks right here please spawn not looking great I just don’t get why it’s not working I mean obviously there’s

Something wrong but I just don’t understand it I’ll save you guys some time I tried a bunch of different solutions to this but they all failed except for one wait I’m an idiot here I was tearing the whole thing down it just hit me these villagers need to sleep

They have not slept since I made this whole Lighthouse so I need to wait till it turns nighttime block them off from the zombie and let them actually sleep in their beds so let’s pop in here place these blocks back so they get some rest

And now we wait until night time but in the meantime we should rebuild the thing I broke I feel dumb right now yes look at them they’re sleeping that’s perfect all right the building is fixed there’s a llama on the roof what the heck are

You doing up here why is there only one of you oh no what happened to the other one I’ll take care of you Jimmy you’re mine now hey dude why are you up in my lighthouse what do you got for me nothing of any value of course oh you

Despawned whoops oh I know we despawned oh that stinks and how is there one of you down here how’d you survive well carrying on Jimmy you see that behind you it’s the sun which means my villagers got a full night’s sleep so now I’m gonna hop back in here and build

Up break the blocks please for all things glorious work it’s working let’s go disco break I’m so happy guys you do not know how good I feel this has taken me like four hours to do this whole farm system but it’s finally done with it works the iron farm is saved and most

Importantly the lighthouse is saved and Jimmy well that being said we can finally go build the finer details on the lighthouse and make it look really good so I’m gonna need a lot of spruce wood let’s get to it so obviously I got a good chunk of wood then I went down to

The grass and made a little bit more space for myself to work with a few logs in there some stairs to get in the front door perfect after that I made a ton of custom windows and added some railings to the top and what do we think of this

Bad boy right here the windows look amazing to me the top has some fencing so I can walk around and look at the amazing view we have from up here now the inside is still pretty Hollow but I’m gonna eventually put like a small

Room in here to hang out in oh and maybe even like a light hence the name lighthouse in fact what can I use for a light in the top I don’t love glowstone what if we just make some lamps so crap some of these make a little floor up

Here and make a little bulb here in the middle I’m gonna need a lot more though one second oh now I’m out of redstone there’s always something to do and boom there’s our bulb now we get a redstone the thing up do that let’s do that that that that

That that that that that you get the point here well it turns out this is a little bit too small of a space to have the whole thing lit up so I’m just gonna do one side of it but I guess that’s kind of realistic to how real

Lighthouses work it usually like spins and it’s just one side at a time so I’m cool with it and let’s go take a look at it oh yeah that looks so sweet well Against All Odds we made the lighthouse look good and the iron farm Works I’d

Call that a success I still have to build the back of this mountain over here into the water but I’ll do that another day probably on like a live stream or something so make sure notifications are turned on so you don’t miss it but now we have more building

Duties to attend to duty all jokes aside here is the cow Farm I made last episode and I told you guys I wanted to make a build to cover it up and I read the comments and most you guys want me to build a butcher shop here so consider

It’s done and the cool part about this is it’s gonna be kind of like in the mountain side too over here so it’s gonna be a really cool design so that being said let’s get to work on that what do we have for blocks in here I

Probably want to use Oakwood which I have none of so we’re going shopping I would do anything just to have like an automatic wood Farm oh that was a thing I think you can make one using like TNT but it seems complicated and just I I

Don’t know I don’t know I will save that for a later date and for a second block I kind of want to use some deep slate again because this is just like a nice ominous dark block that kind of fits the butcher theme and let’s see what we can

Do here let’s start with some stilts a little bit away from the cow farm and then simply have it go kind of into this Mountainside maybe like right here I’ll end it and you know what this room in here is not that big so I might actually

Have a little side room here that comes out like four blocks or so oh I like this already now we add some dark blocks in here and for the roof I’m gonna do interior Oak exterior Spruce and we shall see how that looks all right here’s a small update things

Are looking pretty good but there’s two really important things I want to do number one I want to kind of break up the roof a little bit and make it look a little bit less clean so what I like to do is add in a little bit of like

Luggage it’s luggage a word it is not a little bit of luggage around the top and then randomly sneak in some planks just to raise it up a little bit and toss in a few trap doors every here and there oh yeah much better and the second thing I

Wanted to do was add a chimney here because it is you know like a cow Factory after all I’m gonna pop up here and I’m gonna make a little chimney maybe just on this side a couple of brick blocks campfire trap doors around that and that’ll wall on top to make it

Look like it’s actually coming out of something and are you guys ready for the inside it’s not fully furnished yet but it looks nice ready for this if you walk inside of here we got the cow cooker in front of us we have the storage room

Over here a cute little staircase to get to the top of the farm and of course an extra space for maybe like some smokers Maybe actually that’s a really good idea because we got the brick right here hold on I like this idea a lot over here in

My smeltery I do have smokers but I could just say hey this place is just for smelting like oars and blocks and then the smokers go in the you know cow butcher place so I’ll take these thank you very much and I can replace that with some blast furnaces I guess and we

Go boom boom boom and I do that I do this this this this this this and it connects into the thingies does that look good I don’t know it will do for now I can always add things on later and now the final step for this place is to

Add my patented storage shelf I do some of this I do some of this and boom there we go oh man things are looking great in this world I am loving our progress right now today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m

Just taking in the beautiful view over here oh wow I love this Lighthouse so much but anyways we have so many amazing building plans for today’s episode and the first plan is kill the beat oh you are lucky all jokes aside my first plan is very very important and it involves

This here storage building for this entire hardcore series I’ve stored all my blocks either in the small room or in these small storage shelves scattered around the world and I’ll be honest I am just not digging it anymore so that being said we’re gonna say forget this little dinky storage building in our

Shelves we’re gonna make a gigantic storage warehouse to store every single block in the game but oh don’t worry we got plans for this building later on just wait and see but before I get too crazy with building things I want to show you guys something last episode we

Built this Lighthouse right check it out I made a custom Rock Mountain for the lighthouse to stand on I completely finished it there’s details it looks amazing there’s moss on top I love it well yeah that was really it JS wanted to flex a little bit and we got a nice

Little Pathway to get into the lighthouse things are glorious speaking of which why do I still have this giant Cobble thing here I think I used this bridge to transport villagers from the village over there from my iron farm but now it needs to go much better well that

Being said I am ready to build so first things first let’s go get some materials we’re gonna need some wood how did this happen and I’m gonna need some Stone some Stone oh would you leave me alone and while I mine if you’re enjoying the series

Please Subscribe and hit the Bell okay I think I have all the blocks I need so now it’s time to think about location because again this is gonna be a pretty big build it’s probably gonna be like the size of the barn so where should I

Put it oh if we can I’d love to put it here on like the hillside with the great view oh snap wait I want to do this so first off we gotta do a little bit of terraforming to make some more space for ourselves so I started making some good

Progress then I got distracted hold on a second I swear I just heard a bunch of skeletons below me please be a spawner please oh hello not a spotter not a spawner fight fight fight fight you guys have no idea how badly I need to find a

Skeleton spawner I need bones so badly thank you wait a second there’s a huge cave in here and I see Emerald this is so sick how long has this been here dude oh man little Mining Adventure sure thing oh no way it comes out at the Village a little shortcut for the future

I like so many emeralds man no no way oh it’s a zombie spawner I would have screamed if I found a skeleton spawn right when I was talking about one what do you got for me name tag and golden apple oh and Bones I need bones where

Actually is this dude we’re right here that’s so sick I will make an XP farm there one day for sure but anyways let’s get back to building and there we go the build is totally done do you guys like it I’m so sorry you had to hear that

Joke but anyways we are now ready to actually build the place looks wide enough I think the view will be nice from down here I guess we’ll find out but that being said let’s get to building so first off I had to do a little bit more terraforming but I also

Had visitors oh hello gentlemen how you doing I did not miss you guys by the way next up we started counting out our wood pillars building them up and bringing them all across to connect we then laid cobblestone as a foundation and put deep slate above that for the walls how do we

Feel about the size right now I think the front door is going to be like over here I think it’s big enough right chest chest chest chest chest stacked up that’ll be good that will be a lot of chests well carrying on it was now time

To make the roof so I made a small roof on the side and a big tall roof in the middle and I liked that combo a lot all right well here’s a little update to the shape of the building and there’s no real details on it yet I just have the

General shape and the roof done but so far I like it I have these little small rooms on the side I got a big roof in the middle and that also means I can make a second floor right up here hello Enderman how you doing leave bye

that just scared me so bad well anyways I want to add one more really cool part to the structure here I’m thinking maybe over here on this side I can do a little bit of like a tower and maybe have it come out like right up

There next to the roof yeah you know you know it why not but first we sleep rise and shine hello Charlton how you doing so how should I go about this I’ll put it right here so let’s bring the wall out by one and let’s bring the

Pillar up a little bit taller into the roof and make sure it all lines up and now here’s the million dollar idea I want to use brick in this little Tower thing to do a little bit of this around the place and now I just gotta do a

Little bit of like a top here to kind of round it off and the finishing touches will go block wall fence let’s go check it out oh yeah I like that now again there’s not many details on the house yet so there’s a lot to do as far as

Making it look prettier but for the general shape of it I love that well now it’s detailed time out but this is absolutely my favorite part about building adding in these small details and making builds come to life so yeah let’s get to work funny side note for

The first time I tried building while listening to music and I kind of forgot I was recording excuse me where are you bro I turn down why get out get out give me that door back fool oh there’s more of you stay safe my children and I think we

Are done what do you guys think let’s get a better angle shall we right up here and boom it’s kind of far away still but oh my gosh it came out great we have all this texture on the sides on the first floor we got a textured roof

We got windows we even have a balcony here on the front which by the way is fully usable and we walk into our second floor with an entrance into the brick Tower not sure what I’m gonna put in there yet but I’ll put something in there maybe like my shulker box or

Something like that but we head downstairs to a big empty room that has nothing in it yet but wait there’s more my favorite part of the entire build is this little cargo crane full of barrels to kind of signify this is a storage house it has no practical purpose for me

In the world but oh I love it it looks so cool and from far away it looks even cooler hold on one second though I gotta do something hero fast these stupid gosh darn zombies keep spawning and bring breaking down the door this one’s okay but upstairs they broke another door and

I’m getting fed up so we’re making bodyguards we’re making bouncers if you want to enter the club you need his approval first let’s go and you’re gonna be tied up somewhere you can hang right there all right bodyguard do your thing or rather bouncer sorry hello mythical

Horse why are you going into my dog pen you’re not a dog you’re a horse you win this round giant dog and one more bouncer over here at the front door Boop and you chill there now no one’s ever gonna break into my villager breeder ever again my children you’re safe I’m

Getting flashbacks Enderman but anyways now it’s the most important part of the episode it’s officially time to begin putting this place to use it’s time to fix the floor put down our chests and actually use this place as a storage house building thing so yeah let’s do it

A nice Oak floor oh side note if I ever gotta make a basement right down here is already opened up for me hey buddy you got something in your nose you need a tissue no okay okay just asking geez and about one hour later introducing chestville AKA my storage building look

At it chess Galore in the middle I got some workstations for things you might want to use like a stone cutter like a smithing table crafting bench got some nice little flower pots there as well and this is a gigantic storage system about to wait there’s more go upstairs

And boom this is a very special room to make these chests up here are junk chests so if I ever have any random junk I’m just in a rush to you know put away I can throw them in here and I can go take care of them later on so these are

Like my lazy chests and as I talked about we’re using this little tower for shulker storage I’m gonna call it my shulker closet but look at that racks for shelters of all various sorts and kinds and like oh my gosh I love how it came out this little Aroma here is just

So cute and like quaint I like it and we got the balcony too with the great view guys this came out so good I’m not saying it’s like perfect it is still a little bit like rough on the top and like on the walls a little bit which I

Can fix over time but look at look at how good in general I’m a fan and now all I gotta do is go move it there which is going to be super annoying but luckily you don’t have to watch that because I can edit videos so

Poof and here we are a completed storage room with color coding on the floor blocks in all these chests and oh my gosh this took a long time to do I was starting to go insane 360. no scope oh my gosh dude my copper oxidized that was a normal piece of copper it almost fully oxidized while I was building this how long has it been yeah who cares get over it Farsi but anyways the upstairs is a little bit different now I had to actually put more

Chests up here for a certain item so the whole junk chest idea not gonna do that but yeah we’re done we’re all good I swear to God if an Enderman comes in this building and picks up one of these blocks those are fighting words they are

Gonna be dead so fast but all in all we completed our new chest storage Warehouse thingy whatever I’m gonna call it storage building I guess oh but anyways look at this building now this old room is totally empty it looks kind of sad now but as I promised earlier I’m

Gonna do something really cool with this building but not yet we’ve been building all day so let’s go have a little bit of fun what are you doing dog all right fine I’ll join you are you gonna leave me okay I’ll do it myself I don’t care

Having so much fun right Charlton ignore that carrying on since I have so much new space in the storage Warehouse I want to go on a big fun mining trip and get tons of blocks and gems and everything because believe it or not I don’t have many blocks in this world

There are many like gems in this world I use all my blocks for building things and I don’t really mind enough to get a lot of gems so yeah let’s go find a big cave oh hello is this a big cave it looks like one oh oh don’t die don’t die

Ah 20 mobs but my armor on have I been down here before what the heck man I have been here before carrying on that was pretty sick now at this point I couldn’t find any more big caves so I just decided to go adventuring oh wait

Pit stop I don’t have any melons in this world yet somehow I don’t know how that makes any sense hey what’s up dog funny seeing you here what you got for me I think all bad stuff right Bowie despawned dang it what do we have here a ship in the sand what

Do we got in this thing go away ah this is Mutiny I’m your captain chest pumpkin I guess big nether portal with nothing of any value to me well at least I have you giant gold block give me oh ow I gotta achievement for that and

We’re back home that was a fun little break I had some fun got some loot Oh wrong building gotta break the habit now I gotta go this way also I gotta make a little bit of like a staircase here to get down nicely hello again beautiful I

Am still so not used to where things are where is gravel I don’t see gravel oh wait there it is whoopsies hold on one sec I gotta go into the cow farm and I gotta breed these guys I kind of forgot about them hello cows I didn’t forget

About you I love you all and I go Boop and I go Boop and that should put the babies down at the bottom right eventually oh wait press the button and yeah there they are yeah they’re so happy me too oh okay I ruined the fun I

Guess but anyways I’ve kept you guys waiting enough it is time to work on this beautiful building now and give it its new purpose we’re gonna turn this building into a lumberjack wood shop so basically right now when I go to get wood I walk over this way go over to

That big Forest over there and bring the wood back over here but maybe it’d be nice to have a place to store a little bit of extra wood so if I need wood in a hurry I can just go right here and grab some ignore the fact that I just made a

Chest building I just like making builds that make the world come to life and this will definitely make the world come more to life because it makes sense so let’s get to work I’m gonna open up this wall right here and make a little garage I think a little bit of this honestly

Not bad but I do want to get rid of the door now because who needs this all right looking good now I think I’m gonna match the same garage on the other side too just to make it easy on both sides oh I put the port Garden I don’t want to

Get rid of you but I kind of have to because I want to put stuff here sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry and there we go both sides are done and the flowers have been replaced over there with a small homage paid right here but that being said here

Comes the fun part I got Stone Cutters that kind of look like log Cutters in a way so I’m gonna put some of these on the inside on the outside and I’ll make this place look a little bit nicer too in fact you know what great idea forget

The front yard here let’s have all the logs just here in the back trust the process guys trust the process and now we need wood I need a tree farm so badly like you guys have no idea and I promise you one day will happen because I

Recently found out you can make one using like Redstone and stuff ooh a little birch wood too would look pretty nice huh all right check this out ready we got logs coming down here and then we tie it up with rail so it doesn’t move anywhere in the wind well that wouldn’t

Move with the wind anyways as a matter of fact why do they tie logs down in real life anyways I don’t get it but I’m also not very smart so yeah tie some more down get a little Variety in here with the Birch and now here comes the

Best part of the entire build yeah fence chain and up here we’re gonna be hanging a big big log like this and let’s put a little table down right here please fit please fit please fit it fits let’s go how sick does that look oh I love it it

Looks so good I can have like an assembly line kind of thing where we have like multiple of these coming down wait even better put some little pieces of logs here so it looks like they kind of broke off this thing when they were getting chopped oh I’m a genius maybe

I’ll sneak a small one right here just for a little Birch look oh going and go like that oh and then put some Birches around the place guys guys throughout the history of mankind there’s been many Geniuses who have been called crazy when they were alive I think I’m a genius no

One knows it I love it I love it I love it and the final thing I’ll do is put a little shelf somewhere again I’m not really gonna use it but just you know for the story of the world for the lore I want to have a shelf because ladies

And gentlemen never forget it’s about having fun in your world and making a story and not just making you know the Practical build all the time because this build here has no practicality in the world it makes no sense at all I am building it but it just looks cool so

Yeah I’m Gonna Keep it and boom we are officially done that’s a wrap actually hold on one second and now we’re officially done promise you just got lost well now I was planning to go to the end because last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would go

Respawn the Ender Dragon and surprisingly I am so happy that we did not get it this time I did not want to fight the Ender Dragon today but that being said let’s change that for this episode if this video gets 2 000 likes I will explode 800 pieces of TNT so if you

Enjoy explosions like the video now that being said I’m gonna go over here to my sugar cane Farm because I realized something I pretty much have an automatic farm for every kind of crop or animal farm in my world except for sugarcane so I kind of want to go

Somewhere like underground make a little hole and make an AFK sugarcane farm so I don’t have to always come and chop these by hand even though I love doing this it is a little tedious at times so let’s do that I’m gonna need some Redstone stuff kinda forgot how to craft observers ah

Quartz how silly am I make a few of you uh check it out I can take shortcuts now this is not really a shortcut but still it’s the same out ah on the other side we go hello Mr B and I’ll go boom make a little room down here for myself and now

Allow me to show you my Redstone geniusness so first we go oh dang it I forgot something I promise I’m a genius just wait a second all right I’m ready we go sand on the back we go water in the middle cobblestone on the back behind that Pistons observers on the

Back and redstone dust and I think that’s it right it’s time to test it do that that that yes Auto breaks that is how we do it and now I just gotta make a system to collect this all using hoppers in chess but my question is can I water

Log a hopper I go boom boom it breaks it works oh I’m so happy I was a little bit scared they’re not gonna lie and there we go there’s a fully working sugarcane farm that works automatically and there’s absolutely no advertising here at all none at all I would never do

That ever do it and now as promised I want to kind of make this easier to get into as far as you know from there I might have to kind of shrink the chicken pen a little bit sorry guys is this wide enough here I think this will be okay

Right oh yeah this could be perfect and a little that that and a small gate to enter and I think that is absolutely perfect ah look at it it’s cute it’s unintrusive I like it I’ma call that a success today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and ladies gentlemen we

Have an amazing plan for the episode obviously I love building cool things which we’re gonna do later on but first the main goal for me is to find a woodland mansion and rate it I think that’d be super fun and yeah I want to do it sound good patches but before we

Do any of that I need to do something really important the other day I was trying to smelt some items in my smelter three and I realized I have no coal look at this chest no coal none of it so before I do anything else we have to go

On a big mining trip it is a must let’s grab some gear and let’s get to work I was looking for torches and I’m like wait I don’t have any coal F but I’ll tell you what I am excited because I haven’t gone mining in this world in

Quite a while I feel like and oh it’s so much fun that being said let’s go and I got no clue where I’m going I’m just gonna fly until I find a cave and while I fly there if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell

It would help me out a lot oh wait a second I spy in azalea tree and that means there’s a lush cave underneath here let’s go do you ask what the doctor ordered okay where’s the cave I don’t see anything yet oh oh my gosh you see

Lava what the heck man what’s this all about this is some kind of trap I will die down there won’t I well let’s find out I knew I’d survive oh look how big the question is all the coal that’s what I need dude this place is massive why is so many

Skeletons here the heck wait everyone try and fight everyone’s fighting at once who will be the winner I vote gold guy oh gold guy died now I vote you oh okay you’re the winner now you get to Die thanks for playing dude I need all these sport blossoms too I love look at

My character oh don’t kill me please oh what the heck am I in Australia or something what I was trying to say is I love Spore blossoms and they’re kind of hard to get so I want to go get those things be careful okay okay all jokes aside where’s the coal I

Don’t see any coal down here ah diamonds again I just want cold man aha give me give me give me this is why I came here and now I can make torches and we can see for once that was really difficult to see so off I went on a big coal

Mining spree to get as much fuel as I possibly could oh big slime I’m gonna kill it a lot of babies are so cute all right relax relax I’m done by the way I love caving so much this is so much fun Axolotl I want you oh can I hit that

Let’s ignore that happen wait what if we get a pet Axolotl should I do it kind of want a pink one though those ones are cooler hello there what what why are there fish in here I found the best cave ever more diamonds more sport blossoms hey Wanna Be My Pet no

Poop Now ladies and gentlemen I’ve been shot in the face what I was going to say is give me a name idea for the Axolotl down below and next episode I’ll pick my favorite well that being said I think we’re all good in the cold apartment we

Got like a few Stacks uh I’m in danger all right bye guys have fun just a war over there oh but wait diamonds just grab these and now I am out of here peace out oh come on I want to leave but you won’t let me all right I am done now

No more oh my gosh there’s more right there I’m also literally gonna die right now and there’s more here oh I’m gonna die for this I don’t even care all right you know what I’m just gonna leave I don’t care about the diamonds it’s fine although I do have a journal

In my inventory where I keep my coordinates for the world so I might put this down in there giant Lush cave all right sweet and back home we go and here we are I’m not gonna lie that was a lot of screaming in that cave my head kind

Of hurts now but no matter we can sleep it off now that being said we probably can go get ready for the Woodland Mansion now just put my coil away thank you very much and my diamonds well now the question is how do we get to a

Woodland mansion and I know the answer I gotta find a cartography table and now we go up to our villager trading Hall and try and get a map guide Trader person who will then possibly trade me a map to find a woodland Mansion all right all right what’s going on in here

Gentlemen yeah my lady who has an awful trade that’s a terrible one so it’ll be you hey why do you still have a job right now oh did I trade with you before ah okay you’re not the one you knock back yes see ya who do you think you are

Just get this out of the way and now give me good trades I need to trade you paper all right well the plan is set and luckily last episode I actually made a sugarcane fall please don’t be at work please come on yes wait seeds but I’ll

Take all you thank you oh that’s a weird sign you should totally not do what that says Shameless plug make some paper all right hey Bob oh it’s Bob it’s Bob give me all of that and we have Ocean Explorer map I didn’t want that well I’m

Out of paper and I gotta fill up this here bar fine I’ll mine the old-fashioned way what the heck is going to Enderman why do you do this to me wait what the heck what the happened here okay I usually AFK up there in my UFO for gunpowder I guess something

Happened while I was AFK yeah that’s weird oh come on man take more paper all right gotta get glass stop being so stingy give me the stupid map do we have it yes we’re the Explorer map absolute stocks and I will take one of you and

There we go ladies and gentlemen we can go find this that looks far away that is a really tiny cursor but as I was saying it’s go time I’m excited but let’s not forget this is gonna be dangerous so we gotta gear up big time maybe I’ll take

Some potions what do I got in here slow falling don’t really care about insta Health yeah I saw that I’ll need some golden apples ah and my compass to show where my home is I’m gonna go sleep okay ah I hate it here so many jump scares but ladies

Gentlemen there is no more stalling it is time to roll let’s take out our map and let’s get flying oh boy this is gonna be dangerous ah did we go for the two for one today no I’ll pass oh I’m moving I’m moving on the map it means

We’re getting close now I just gotta go this way it appears oh we’re on the map and that means we’re gonna see it oh dear it’s right here oh what the heck oh it’s a lush cave right oh don’t die it’s a lush cave right here with tropical

Fish in it for some reason oh dear we’re approaching you know what let’s get the armor on get our potions out this just got super real ah and just as a friendly reminder in case you didn’t know this the guys inside of the Mansion can two

Hit you they can kill you really fast so I’m a little bit scared right now yeah fight fight that’s fine that’s okay with me where do we go from here I’m gonna go this way someone we went ready to explore and raid the Woodland Mansion

Get oh you’re the guy I don’t like what what is this a refrigerator it’s like a refrigerator what is this thing oh a little clever oh my oh wait there’s like a jail dude this place is the coolest thing in Minecraft and a secret base

Underneath here no okay but oh my gosh I love this structure this is so many cool things in there I kind of want to do a test how much damage does he do with the full netherite armor all right wanna hit one hit okay okay yo that’s okay not

Okay not okay but okay that wasn’t that bad I thought it was gonna be like two hits like I said earlier that’d probably be like four hits five hits still dangerous but a little more safe hey Enderman chest room are they oh they’re all empty aren’t they but you know what

These things will come in handy because I always need chests come on guys we’re guests here relax who actually owns the Mansion is it like the pillagers that own it or is it the owner of Microsoft as a matter of fact is this a sponsored Microsoft building all right

Where’s the Windows installation stop stop stop stop stop this is so fun it’s like a big what what the heck is this that is strange oh melons oh dude this is the sickest mansion ever should we just move in here they got everything oh a chest what’s up there

Well thank you very much are there guys below me right now that’s dirt that must be above me then oh there’s a trap If I want to go up there it seems kind of scary eat a golden apple first before I’d go kill myself what do we got nothing nothing fake bed you cheapos oh oh Library give me give me oh that’s not so Dutch I don’t want to jinx it but so

Far this has been really easy and then I literally jinxed it okay are there any more oh no no no no no no no it’s the guy who sponsor The Backs he spawns the Vex and he’ll kill me why are you here I don’t know he was here I had no idea

About that uh bye bye bye bye I’ll let me know I’m gone I’m gone I don’t care those guys will rip my face off since when do those guys spawn here I had no idea about that oh but I see a big Library I gotta get in there oh no oh no

This is Hardcore if I die I lose the world just a reminder to you I’m very stressed out right now this is extremely risky imma try and grow I just gotta go for the kill I can’t dance with this guy gonna eat my golden apple get my potion

Ready I just gotta go he’s there he’s there ready who no no don’t do that no oh he’s dead all right was that it I think that was it anymore let’s go guys we did it I told him too and then we died no no no no no

Potions potions give me Bloods please okay I did it but I really really should have just die just die just die just die just die give me the stupid total please oh my gosh oh my God this place is not for the faint of heart I thought for

Sure I was dead there there was no doubt in my mind okay we almost done here please also is there a secret room down here I had a well there is ah wait never mind just not let’s grab these bookshelves now I swear I just heard the

Guy with the Vex as a matter of fact I don’t care where he is I’m just gonna let him be well guys I think I’m gonna call it with the Woodland Mansion there I’m out of breath I am actually shaking right now I need a break but not just

Any break a disco break I can barely breathe right now that was so scary well you know what I’m gonna call that a successful Woodland Mansion raid and thank goodness I didn’t die because if I did my channel would just stink then like what would I post but luckily we’ll

Never have to know it’ll last but not least I gotta get the coordinates of this place for my journal Woodland Mansion oh by the way I’m on day 774. I didn’t know that that right there is a lot of days home sweet no no no I just

Fought your cousins for like an hour I’m not fighting you guys boy am I glad to see you iron golem I almost died that would have been terrible oh my gosh I got so many books I didn’t realize I had that many but oh boy now that we have

Some fun activities planned I have an amazing new build idea that I want to build today but before that there’s something even more fun we’re gonna do and it may involve a little bit of TNT last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would explode 800 pieces of

DMD and oh yeah you guys did it so you know what that means we need a lot of gunpowder and a lot of sand I’m a little afraid though because I think I might have used all my sand when we went TNT mining last time let’s see and we got a

Little bit but that is certainly not enough so let’s get the old shulker box in here and let’s go to a beach and go sand mining wait hold on one second I’m actually curious about something if I go to my stats how do I see see how much

TNT I’ve crafted time’s crafted oh my gosh it’s over 2 000. all right back to work so I flew over to a nearby Beach mind a bunch of sand and defeated my mortal enemies okay I’m gonna guess that’s enough TNT just double checking my math here I

Swear I’m smart and boom there we have it exactly 800 pieces of TNT in this here shulker box it’s glorious and now it’s explosion time I’m very excited for this by the way hey Mr B how you doing see you later all right all right all

Right where are we going I’m pretty sure I’ve exploded the entire area around here so I gotta go somewhere else let’s go alright it’s go time ah never mind what about down here all right I think we’re good to go so let’s go so what I went mining over 1300 blocks away all

Right ladies gentlemen it is officially time to start placing down TNT so thank you so much for all the support in this series I really do appreciate it that being said let’s blow stuff up and that is about it all right are you guys ready I’ll do the honors thank you

So much and explosion run away do it do it oh there we go oh Asian debris oh my gosh there’s so much already oh I love explosions they’re so fun thank you thank you and thank you if I had to guess I’m gonna say I’m gonna have 25

Pieces of ancient debris what’s your guess say your number out loud and do not cheat oh this looks so sick with the basalt and the black stone I love this little cave right here and what do we have up here but two more pieces to make

25 I was correct unless I find any more here at the end no wow that’s crazy I actually got it I didn’t miss any right oh God dang it but all in all that was a great haul that being said if this video gets 2 000 likes I will fight an entire

Raid with no armor what could possibly go wrong and alright we are back safe and sound now as promised today we’re going to do some fun building and I have a really cool idea which of the sky if any of you guys are new here you might

Not know up there in the sky is supposed to be a UFO build and basically I use this build to AFK in to get gunpowder but the point is this UFO is kinda small kind of basic so today I want to renovate it I want to make a gigantic

Beautiful UFO okay I don’t want to click bait you guys it’s not actually a gigantic I shouldn’t have said that it’s like medium size but it’s still good and I got a really cool idea for it so let’s get to work oh I’m excited so for this

Build we’re gonna need quite a few random blocks I’m gonna watch deep slate I’m gonna want lime wool I’m gonna want Netherwood oh my gosh we have so much Asian debris now as a matter of fact I kind of want to convert this to another right block right there just to flex a

Little bit pop in here and I’ll pop in there you take some coal take some of that and smelt for me success get flexed on viewers get flexed on well back to my UFO plans I’m gonna need some of this I’m gonna need some more glass which I don’t have much of

Here we go again hey what up homie how you doing nice to see what you got for me nautilus shell I’m pretty sure that’s rare right oh wait he spawn no why do those guys teeth spawn so much it’s so weird I need some of you and last but

Not least I’m gonna need some lime wool from here I’ll take you and I’ll take a bunch of you all right it’s raining time I was gonna say building time but rain also is depressing but I’ll build anyways who cares so I started out by tearing down the old UFO and expanding

The base of it to make it bigger I then built it back up added a few new details and boy do I love this idea I want to build more UFOs in this world and how does that look I think it looks a lot better there’s more color with the red

Buttons it’s bigger it’s a little bit wider too I still kind of want to add something on the undercarriage here maybe oh wait slabs here and a few more trap doors oh yeah that is so much better so much more detail now but yeah there we go a little overhaul for my UFO

Now by the way I am gonna make bigger and smaller ones I want to have some variety and I want to put them all around this whole town area have them like you know abducting random creatures around the world and I’m also gonna spoil something here one day I wanna

Make one big alien Mother Ship so do not worry there’s more UFO stuff on the way but you know what I might want to improve the beam going up because right now the beam’s a little bit like base it’s just water so what if we pop back

Inside of here take some of this here glad that’s my glass glass wait for it we get some lapis from here make that into blue dye and we make blue glass panes oh please look good please look good and so far yeah it looks a little

Bit too much like the water you know what why would I make that like light blue so it’s a little bit different just a little bit too similar right now well that was a waste of glass wasn’t it and let’s see it oh that looks nice with the

Water inside now it looks like a real beam okay okay I like that a lot it could be a little better in some aspects the whole thing could but again this is like the first UFO of many so I’ll get better over time I’m not sure if you

Guys watch other like big let’s play series maybe like hermitcraft or something like that or like other big smps but a lot of those people have a building style that they keep on the whole series or the whole let’s play and for me my building style is kind of like

This rustic Farmland area with alien invasion going on and I really really want to elaborate on this whole style over the course of the whole series so hopefully if I don’t die I can make more and more UFOs and maybe like I don’t know like a moon or something or like a

Space station and all these cool ideas I can’t wait today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and today I I am super excited because we’re gonna make a brand new big build down by the water I want to transform this entire Coastline into a beautiful Harbor and fishing Village

So yeah we have a lot of work to do and I’m so excited for it but first first it rains I hate the rain man what I was going to say is before we do any building today I gotta take care of something really important over here in

This here chest I have an axolotl and I told you guys to give me a name for him because he is my new pet hello there how you doing oh where’s the water oh sorry Ed oh my gosh there were so many name ideas I literally had like 700 comments

Last episode but that being said there was one name I liked the most and that name was Ruby and say hello to my homegirl Ruby what’s up how you doing oh you’re so cute I get back in the bucket now but that being said I’m not gonna

Stick Ruby in some small pen somewhere I’m gonna let her be free and she can swim about wherever she wants and maybe just maybe she’ll stick around to see the new Doc and harbor all right Ruby have fun I’ll catch you you later you’re still my favorite Charlton don’t tell

Anyone you heard nothing and now I sleep well rise and shine it is now time to begin working on the Harbor so let’s go get some materials and get to blazon oh look at you Mr strong guy taking care of business I like you hey you forgot one

So for this Harbor build I’m gonna need quite a lot of wood and a big variety of stones I’m thinking a lot of cobblestone stone brick and then maybe some and decide oh I don’t have much of that well you know what that means I need to see a

Spider in my wall I need to go mining to get more blocks so we fly down here to the big old cave hello there and we gotta find andesite which would be my favorite block that’s probably a lie and while I mine if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell

Hello there Mr diamonds well anyways I probably have enough blocks now now I just gotta get a little bit of Oakwood I love Forest cat I always see this guy he just lives out here he is the best random can’t decide let’s get to building so where are we even gonna

Begin there is a lot of land here a lot of Coastline but I guess I’ll start over here because it’s like the most obvious spot right in front of my lighthouse so short why not I’m gonna show you guys what the plan is why are all those fish

Not moving it’s kind of freaking me out right now I’m not gonna lie I’m gonna go about five or blocks off this Hillside all around here and just put like a big wall of stone going down into the uh water this might take a while so kind of

Like this shape maybe a little bit more Polished in some Corners like there but this is the general kind of idea then I’m going to take out my wood out and I’m gonna go to the front and I’m gonna put these big spikes that go straight

Down all the way to the sea floor and it’s gonna look so sick so off I went beginning this massive project what are you doing to yourself guy you got it one of these times you’ll get me I swear keep trying this is Minecraft AI for you

I then carried on making an outline for the harbor which meant I needed a lot more materials but I put them to good use because I Rose the walls up brought them down to the seafloor and of course saw my best friend all right we made a

Ton of progress check this out a gigantic wall that goes all the way around the coast in front of the lighthouse and oh don’t you worry I did not skimp out on the bottom I went all the way down to the bottom to the sea floor I did not miss anything and that

Took a long time to do to be honest with you but there are still a few things missing on this like some stair details so I think I’m just gonna go to the top here literally just put stairs across like this then in certain spots as I talked about earlier throw some log

Pillars in how would this look you know what I dig it let’s do it let’s go make this thing Perfect all right this is the last piece and let’s check it out from afar please please please please please please oh it’s snapped I mean that looks

Really good oh that looks so much better than I thought it was gonna look oh wait wait wait you haven’t seen the best part yet I am so proud of the fact that I was not lazy look at these pillars look how low they go wait for it wait for it look

At this one pillar I could have been so lazy but I wasn’t and I’m so proud of myself for that I am normally a pretty lazy person in Minecraft hey nope don’t even think about it I just built this so yeah this thing looks really good but

Now here comes a very interesting part a very important part of that so the whole point of building a harbor is to put something on on the inside of the wall and my idea at first was to put like a few houses around the water here and

Make kind of like a mini fishing Village kind of thing but oh no no no I have a much better idea now as opposed to using this little bit of water we’re gonna cover this whole thing in a big layer of this kind of stone and then build out

Into the ocean oh man I cannot describe how excited I am for this build I just I picture it in my head and I just I love how it looks well anyways it’s time to do what I said which involves filling in this entire area with more Stone this

Will take a long time but luckily for you guys I can edit videos so I’ll see you guys in 10 seconds foreign We’re looking good we’re looking good I didn’t finish the thing because I’m out of blocks already but so far it looks really cool look at the ground the texture the detail the flatness but now hopefully you guys can see the vision I have I want to have all different kinds

Of fishing buildings and Villages and you know shops all that fun stuff on the Harbor area over here overlooking the sea oh The Vibes are gonna be Immaculate well back to the mine we go side note I am tearing this place to shred I’m gonna leave I’m ignoring the

Gems I’m ignoring emeralds and Lapis and gold because I just want the stone for my builds I think I’m gonna build a hot like I’m gonna be honest with you guys I have issues oh snap my pickaxe is gonna break I kind of forgot about that so why

Don’t we go to the Enderman farm and go heal these things up oh there’s so much work to do here I’m just flying over it now there is so much maybe if we ignore it it’ll go away well let me go right down here we go I should make like a

Better entrance for this place I have to kind of go into like a giant cave pop on in here hello Enderman how you doing I’m here for the xb’s come to me yes yes unload down here and that right there looks all good to

Me so let’s get out of here XP I said I’m done it just won’t stop all right back we go wait hold on a second it just hit me I don’t have an Ender Chest yet why I should totally do that right now how do you make one of those things uh I

Swear I’m a Minecraft Youtuber I swear Ender Chest enter right obsidian I can do that obsidian oh I got some boom boom and boom Ender Chest how are we doing baby in fact I kind of want to put you right here where the candles are sorry candles oh yeah that looks sweet right

There the more things we do the better right well let’s get back to it we got much work to do oh my goodness I forgot it’s hardcore let’s be careful here let’s be careful here so I got back to mining but then of course me being me I got distracted

Again ooh secret cave alert show me the good stuff where’s the diamonds you know they’re here somewhere aha I knew there’d be stuff here look Diamond door very real diamond door ignore my dumb jokes let’s get back to work and there we go it is completely and totally

Filled in oh It’s So Glorious it’s so big it looks so detailed and the most important part is there’s so much space to build here but actually the first thing I want to build isn’t a house I want to build into the water and I want

To build a dock man oh man I hate to say it but I think this cute little doc over here I think it’s a goner it served me well throughout my time in this world but this is just it ain’t gonna fit I’m so sorry this like actually hurts I love

This little dock when I first made it what do I have in this thing oh I got my fishing rods in here I will take you thank you very much and see a fish no one cares about you ah it’s so empty now but that’s quite all right because now

We’re gonna make a new new Doc right over maybe not there maybe over here and I got a pretty good design idea so let’s go try this thing out where did all my saplings go I needed a bunch of spruce wood for this idea I swear I had like a

Stack of these saplings well anyways here’s the idea I have I’m gonna go to the edge here I’m gonna break off these little pieces of stairs I’m gonna put down some stairs of the spruce variety leading down to my dock oh whoa down there looks really cool oh wait in the

Future I should make like an underground like sewer down here like a spooky sewer all right all right we got a little walkway down here to the water side now we take out our slabs and we make a nice dock going across here wait for it now

We take out our logs we make more pillars going across the side here and trap doors for more details dude I’m loving this this looks so good so far I can put my fences in now should I have some openings too to like go fishing I

Should do that right yeah why not all right I am literally digging this so much this is such a cool little Vibe we got going on here we got the nice little whatever you want to call this Harbor I forgot the name Harbor and a nice little

Dock down here which by the way I’m gonna expand it too I don’t want to just have one straight pillar here I kind of want to like also go out this way with the dock maybe I’ll you know break some of this and put more slabs down and see

How that looks and then I messed up I was coming out so good but I miscounted by one block I gotta tear this all down guys girls remember to count your blocks don’t just start placing stuff not a good idea and problem solved but look at

That I think it looks so good I could even expand this more and kind of you know snake it down the whole Harbor way not all today but you know in the future but oh my gosh I like it a lot and in fact let’s go to the sky and see how it

Looks from far away and let’s see oh that looks good it needs to be bigger for sure it’s a little bit small maybe I’ll make a few more of these but uh yeah definitely the right idea out but that being said we’re gonna take a small break here with building because we have

To do something really important last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would go fight a raid with no armor and oh my gosh you guys did it oh boy I am terrified and excited I’m scared because I don’t want to die and

Lose the world but also it’s exciting to you know take these big risks and do these big challenges it’s fun so if I went to go find a Pillager Outpost but then I realized I forgot a lot of important stuff wait what am I doing I didn’t bring golden apples or potions

Hold on a second let me craft some of these bad boys all right I feel a lot better now and back we go all right we’re getting close and there it is the Pillager Outpost I’m nervous I gotta find a banner guy oh look at that Golem

Over there you just got played so hard dude you got it you got it wait hold on is there any iron in here somewhere if I could heal this guy I could use him for the fight please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

Please please please please please please nuggets wait that’s huge boom that’s an iron ingot which I can use to where would you go where did he go did he die dude I just got you an in-git I think he died oh yeah Banner guy all

Right die die die die and here we go we have the raid effect now I guess I gotta go find him Village I kind of forgot about that part not gonna lie well in the meantime let’s get prepared let’s take off our armor I’ll keep the

Electron so I can fly around but no armor is on oh dear oh oh oh here we go Village next to a jungle oh what a cool scene here all right it’s starting oh dude Iron Golem yes yes yes yes this is perfect okay everyone get ready get my

Stuff ready get my iron out oh boy I hear them they’re this way cats go do your thing all right easy easy easy these guys are just the bow guys no ax guys no flying pixie guys oh don’t kill me what are you doing baby help there we

Go round one is done oh no ax guy oh no no no no no no no yes yes the lad my friend and You’re Dead all right round two complete this is fun I’m having fun right now why did I have to jinx it where are they oh they’re underground

Ravenger oh don’t mind if I do easy kill yeah please foreign I can’t believe I just did that by accident I almost lost the world all right let’s try it again and be a little more careful okay let’s just go right here and just shoot him I don’t like this challenge anymore I’m no longer having fun how did I not die there ah a

Lot of them oh it’s like a war there’s so many of them go in my son go yes you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead let’s go let’s go chest bump oh you aren’t looking why are you here this is not the time what do you got all right

You can stay but you better be helpful oh no pixie Guy fixing get him get him get him wait no that’s the guy that spawns the Vex and then things got even worse oh go run run uh I have not told him I have not told him this is bad this is bad

This is bad is the Golem died I think no my friend he spawned okay this is bad there’s no more protection there’s no more help there’s no more totem all I have is cats I gotta be at my best here no messing up no anything bad dead oh

You got one ah nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I see him come here oh he’s so fat he’s so Nimble I told him he dropped a totem for me oh my goodness how is that even possible where’s the next round oh oh he’s on a ravenger this

Is the worst possible situation right now die just die they’re still a baby villager here what the heck’s going on uh uh another totem yes need that totem need it take the saddle I don’t care I heard you oh wait what just happened oh there’s a

Guy behind me I was not paying attention right there you’re dead more totems on the ground need that need that need that it’s over we did it guys we did it oh why is he still alive don’t celebrate we’re gonna die baby we did it children stop shooting fireworks where are your

Parents oh my gosh guys that was the most stressful challenge of my life I never ever want to do that again ever where is my armor I’m taking it right back where is it oh it’s my inventory give me give me give me I could have lost the world there about four

Different occasions but that being said if this video gets 2 000 likes I will make five netherrite hoes that would be a giant waste but it will be funny oh home sweet home so happy to see you I didn’t know if I’d make it back here but

Thank goodness I did but that being said it’s now time to get back to building which I’m really excited to do so the next thing on our agenda for today is to make buildings on this new Harbor as I mentioned earlier I do want to make this

Area into like a fishing Village so it’s time to make our first fishing building and I think over here is the best spot we got a nice big area right in front of the dock so let’s begin at first I didn’t really know what to build I knew

I wanted to make a fishing Hut but how big would it be eventually I had a pretty good idea so I got a bunch of materials so many in fact I needed to make a new shulker box I then did some light terraforming and began placing down the outline to the build And what do we think about this build guys oh my gosh I love it so much I love the size we got this big tall building here a side building here beautiful roofs tons of details and most importantly the interior it’s not really done up there but look at how we have

This like open kind of like hallway room Vibe I love it there’s no like little small cramped doors it’s like a big open area to put barrels and stuff I love it I love it I love it and I really hope you guys do too because this took me

Like three hours just to workshop and plan the build that another like hour to actually build it so yeah let me know what you think Down Below in the comments but yeah this thing just fits in so nicely now and let’s get the sky if you for good measure uh yeah but that

Being said I still want to add another building here not as big obviously but something else to kind of you know make you feel more like a village and less like a singular house so maybe like over here I put a little small building why

Not let’s do it I have gone through so much wood today it is unbelie available I’ve probably gone through like at least 20 stacks of wood that’s not even a joke all right that reminds me I’ve had so many mobs spawning here I gotta get either some light down here or like

Maybe some oh wait some Iron Golems how sick would that be little like minion guards going around the place I love that I need iron got iron over here take some of those and pumpkins boom all right you dumb mobs no more harassing me let’s get to work let’s go boom boom

Boom and smack you on top and there we go we got a guard and one over here too for good measure I want to put a lot of these guys around the area that’d be like really cool even like up on the hillside just have you know have some

Section okay back to building I’m gonna put a small Hut right around here just adding a few more things and this place looks pretty good I will say for sure this took a lot less time to build this very you know small basic little Hut

Here but I like it got some detail got some some nature pretty cool but that right there is exactly what I wanted because now I got a nice big building here a smaller building that a compliment said building and maybe in the future I’ll make more buildings over

That way and over that way and fill up the entire Harbor I can’t believe we did all this today this is like a lot for me in one episode yay progress where did that Iron Golem go I swear I just saw one what over there where’s the other

One oh my little fisherman how you doing that also reminds me I gotta do the Interiors one day maybe like on a live stream or something I’ll do them I’m not good at doing them like on the Fly I’m a terrible interior designer but that being said they will be done so don’t

You worry a small mistake right there oh look at the beautiful sunset with the harbor in the background and the Iron Golem but you know what I can’t help but notice underwater looks a little lame right now in comparison so what I want to do right now oh I forgot to tear that

Down over there what I want to do right now is I want to go to a coral reef go on a big adventure to find one get a bunch of coral and like seagrass and stuff and decorate underwater around the harbor I think that’d be really cool I

Guess the game says no it’s crying but Imma do it anyways hey Gollum this is your job I’m not painting to be lazy I’m not paying him at all either oh that stinks my map doesn’t show the giant Harbor I just made I gotta make a bigger

Map one day oh my gosh that looks so cool from up here I love the view but that being said let’s go get another shulker box because I currently have no space in my inventory plus two entirely filled up shulker boxes so Mr green guy

I will take you and I’m gonna be lazy and put these two full ones right there because I don’t want to empty them right now oh snap I forgot all about this place the Bee Cave thing I totally forgot to farm you sorry about that oh

Wait I have a beef Farm back here too I’m slacking I’m like very like Spacey sometimes and as soon as I finish one project I just kind of like forget about it and don’t check on it anymore I gotta stop doing that oh my goodness that’s a lot of honeycomb I’m getting distracted

Let’s go find a coral reef come on baby I know there’s something down here I can sense it aha never doubt my Farsi sentences they’re very good and I will take a whole bunch of you I don’t know about you guys but tearing down a coral

Reef by hand kind of feels like a crime I feel like Mr Beast would not approve of this I hope this is enough let’s find out all right Mr ocean you are about to be glamor glamorous I’m gonna give you a makeover how about that so I put down

Some Coral some bone meal for seagrass and of course sea pickles all right all right things are looking good but here comes the important part if I hop out of the water right here my little Steppy Stone cool how does it look from above

Oh that looks good oh I see tons of life and coral and color yes this is a success I am a fan Iron Golem what are you doing yeah you guys are the worst bodyguards ever if I go to the sky can I really see the light in the water oh my

Gosh you can that’s like such a big difference look at the contrast there oh I love that are my gollums like dead where actually are they excuse me hey what are you doing it’s not break time go kill that guy worthless well you know what guys I’m gonna say that the harbor

Is good for today now don’t forget I’m gonna add so much more over time I’m gonna add you know more doc I’m gonna add more buildings I might even want to add villagers here one day which would be amazing but that being said let’s go do

That is a terrible attempt at a segue what I was going to say is let’s go do something else today can you imagine if I lost the world off of that so what I’m thinking about is this Farm area if you guys are new here I have this gigantic

Wheat Field area with tons of crops in it and I wanted to keep expanding it but I kind of forgot about that but right now I want to make another like field so maybe somewhere like back over this way or over there we can make like a little

Maybe like a beetroot field like a carrot field or something like that so why not do that today let’s go for it so what crop are we gonna do what have I got in here I see not much of anything fine I’ll do it the old-fashioned way I

Gotta pick them by hand this might take longer than I thought all right that should be enough carrots for today so let’s go grab some water from the well like soap and simply put let’s go find a place to toss down some carrots I’m thinking maybe right back here let’s do

It so off I went tilling the dirt planting carrots and most importantly putting a nice stone wall around the whole farm and there we go here is the carrot field of course it’s it’s not fully done yet because I ran out of carrots but the whole area itself and

The wall around it is done and I think it looks pretty good but once again as we always do let’s do the sky test how does it look oh that fits in so perfectly that is awesome oh I love progress so much right Jonathan today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore World

Ladies Gentlemen We are on day 900 in this hardcore world and we have made so much progress around this area no I just look at it it’s amazing it’s wonderful but wait I’m seeing a trend here we have only been building in the Overworld so I

Want to fix that and oh my gosh guys I have an amazing plan for the day we’re gonna make a really cool nether base on both sides of the Overworld and in the nether it’s gonna be like an interdimensional base it’s gonna be so amazing I can’t wait let’s waste no time

Let’s go get to work so first things first I want to move that portal somewhere else closer up here because right now it’s kind of isolated it’s kind of lonely I feel bad for it so let’s murder It Goodbye so off I went tearing down the portal and all the

Blocks that came with it I then got some grass to fill in the crater and did exactly that and boom boom boom oh whoops and boom and look at that you could never tell there’s a portal there ever totally natural so that being said where are we gonna put this bad boy

Should I put it maybe like right here it kind of fits in perfectly right here next to the library right in the shadow of the old spot I mean nothing was there but sure why not let’s put it in right over here is that tall enough that looks

Short ah no that’ll fit now to light it I don’t have flint and steel wait can I use a flame bow to light it let me try that oh that would’ve been so sick hey Minecraft free ideas here really good ideas and let’s give her a test do well

But I am oh it works and let’s see where it takes me please seem portal please same portal oh hey hey it works hey hey why are you here but huzzah we have the same portal which is perfect because I want to build here well do I want to

Build here wait a second I wonder could I move this a little bit too let’s figure it out hope fully I don’t get stranded here that would stink I kind of like this area but maybe I go like a little bit closer down there where it’s

Safer or maybe maybe even here with this little dirt what’s your problem man I just got here I’m your new neighbor what I was saying is I’m gonna maybe put it right here where the dirt structure is this is like a nice little flat area I think you guys are the worst neighbors

Ever hey why does everybody hate me is mad I’m more handsome than him ladies what do we think you wish you look like me didn’t you this is getting weird so carrying on all right everybody cross your fingers please work boom boom and oh I’m having a terrible time so far

Please please please wow where am I why am I here I don’t understand another portal travel it just my brain can’t comprehend it oh stop it why is everyone so mean to me today I was having a good day before this man all right let’s try it again I go in

Here and it puts me back you know this is fine it’s fine I don’t care anymore well we have our portal location set so why don’t we begin the process of building let’s get to work so at first I couldn’t think of a good idea for a

Build and whenever that happens to me I like to go to a separate creative mode world and actually practice and experiment with things so I spent the rest of the night just trying to make this build look cool and by the end of it I really did like it and that being

Said if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the bell I would really appreciate that okay it is a whole day later and oh my gosh I haven’t amazing idea it’s gonna be the perfect design but that being said it’s going to require a lot of material so

Let’s get to chopping as we always do I’m gonna need a lot of oak wood and would you look at this my little impromptu Tree Farm here I put all the saplings in one big row to try it out and so far it’s actually kind of growing

Oh it’s so much easier I take it back so off I went harvesting a ton of oak wood for the building and then a little bit of spruce wood for the roof a forest cat how you doing I love seeing you I then flew down to the mine to get some Stone

Variant blocks from my walls but then I realized I want to try something new today so we’re gonna do some experimenting today I want to find tough because if you didn’t know tough is one of the only blocks that can be a nice kind of like gradient from Deep slate

Cobble to normal Cobble aha I was looking for you I’ll take a bunch of you oh there’s so much of it yes but do you guys get what I mean like if I do this and then this and this in the middle it has like a nice gradient effect it goes

From light to darker to the dark guest and I think that’s going to come in handy today hold on a second is this not really rare I’m pretty sure deep slate coal is super rare oh I’m taking you I like rare stuff oh there’s so much of it

Here is this rare do you guys do you guys tell me in the comments is this actually rare why is there so much here am I just super lucky right now and then like I typically do I got distracted I also hear zombies down here show yourself oh

No that’s a spotter here hey what’s up stop stop stop stop stop oh wow there’s so many this is like a zombie apocalypse no no no why are there so many what do we got we got Golden Apple cool I need that right now name to oh three name

Tags hello lucky day today I take it back and take it back take it back I almost died there from zombies that would have been embarrassing I’m tempted to go exploring right now but I do want to build two ah oh my God we could make a double zombie spawner

And no chest in here that’s odd but if I ever want to make some like massive zombie Factory for rotten flesh for whatever reason we know our place but that being said let’s not get too carried away today let’s get back to work all right all right it is time to

Begin the build I am super excited for this like guys the idea I have for this is making me like smile I’m so excited to try it out I hope I don’t fail and mess it up but uh let’s get to work let’s go thank you Stop stop you’re ruining everything well spiders aside guys guys what do we think about this building I’m not gonna lie it looks a little wonky over here because it’s kind of floating in the air I need to like raise up the mountain here and kind of terraform it a little bit more

But I was not kidding look at this thing look how amazing it looks zombie we have one big roof a smaller roof than a zombie get off here then we have a mini roof right there and the interior actually looks pretty I’m asleep I don’t want to die while I’m showing it off

What I was saying is the interior is actually really big we got this nice like big hallway here small door in the back small door in the front and then of course an upstairs with that giant area and up here if I kind of sneak up here

Don’t die I have um wait not here up there I have the little like balconies on both sides if I can get up here look at this one on one side and then one on the other side also funny story while I was building this I accidentally hit the

Wrong key and the Minecraft narrator turned on and it scared me so bad narrator narrates all what the that was funny oh also I wanted to show you guys how I used the tough the gradient effect I have Cobble and tough on the first floor that above that

I have stone brick and I have andesite so it kind of has like again a gradient effect it gets lighter as you go up and I really like that also not to brag but I love the little nether plants I have here it’s kind of like hanging gardens

But it’s nether themed I just think that’s a really cool addition too but all that being said I still have a lot of work to do down here I need to make the interior I gotta terraform this entire Mountain so it doesn’t look weird and floaty like it does right now so I’m

Gonna go take care of that first off I collected a ton of grass and then I broke all the junk around the area and I built up a little custom hail with moss on the top I may have slightly miscalculated here it’s only one block

Too low I can try and fix this though can you imagine if I built this whole thing and the portal didn’t work when I moved it and I think I’ll put it right here why is this portal so thick I didn’t mean to do that that looks so

Weird to me that’s like a cursed portal I’m gonna cover it up a little bit still curse but less cursed you know mean so off I went to decorate the interior of the building and let me just say I pushed my creative limits to the max I never built anything like this before

And I love how it came out and are you guys ready for the grand reveal oh my gosh ready three two one oh check this place out we have our portal right here in front of our door we have tons of barrels for extra like Netherrack and

Stuff and down here we have a nice little farm for another wart but wait there is more we have ladders here to go up to our second floor which has a nice little bridge between two smaller farms and I might put something else where these Farms are I just didn’t know what

To put here so I just kind of put these as like placeholders but still looks really good then over this way we have an amazing staircase to our balcony level so we have a beautiful sight on each side a small table here with just a

Lamp for no reason at all but oh my gosh guys I love this build like I am not a good interior designer usually and this it just looks good I’m just so proud of it I think it really is a good interior but that being said there’s still one

Little place I haven’t touched yet which is right back here this back wall is kind of like not needed so that being said I have a pretty cool concept to put back here I’m thinking I do like some big like nether Shrine here but like a

Big glass wall here so I’m gonna need is some stuff what’s the coolest nether block probably like red netherwort right that seems like the coolest in my opinion so here’s the idea I have I kind of want to put like a big red nether cross there like it kind of in a way

Feels like a church to me I know it’s not a church but it kind of looks like a church to me so if I put like a big cross there it would kind of look like it fits maybe I don’t know let’s try it that looks scary but I kind of like it

And some of this wait as a matter of fact if I take some red dye I could make the glass all red that could look really spooky and cool and oh my gosh that looks so good that looks so cool I love it it just looks so like spooky and

Mystical I missed a trapdoor there we go much better up there was kind of like I don’t know if I want to have glass up there I might remove that but overall this big Square here looks amazing all right I think I think we’re all done

With the interior for now but you know what that means I told you I wanted to make an interdimensional house that goes on both sides of the portal so now I’m gonna make this same house in the nether but make it a little bit different the

Plan is to remake the build using only nether blocks so the first thing I want to do is for one make sure the portal actually works and takes me to the same spot I didn’t actually test it yet since moving it so cross your fingers we are

Good I think yeah we’re good why are there always skeletons in the nether uh I probably want to do something about this little situation here because this is a little bit dangerous so why don’t I get some Netherrack and try and like reinforce the area here make it a little

Bit you know wider and safer sounds good to me so I grabbed a whole bunch of Netherrack and began placing it down at times it got a little bit risky especially when the gas showed up but don’t worry I managed to survive barely and there we go a lot more space to work

With a lot more reinforced Island here I feel good but before we do any building I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would make five netherright hoes and congratulations we’re making five hoes today you guys

Didn’t all right time to go waste some netherrite unfortunately for me I’m a man of my words up give it here go in the thing oh wait I’m dumb it’s already smelted I just gotta craft it up all right give me some of these eight oh that should is that enough all right

Diamonds come here this is gonna be painful and I’m gonna craft five Diamond hoes and then I’m gonna convert these into netherrite using a smithing table so I go but bam oh this is gonna hurt oh oh achievement serious dedication all right dude you don’t gotta rub it in

Like that there’s two three four and five okay I feel like I wasted my entire life but that’d be that being said if this video gets 2 000 likes I will blindfold myself and spend 60 seconds in a mob spawner that could end very poorly

But on the bright side it is kind of cool that I have these hoes now because I wanted to make a silk touch and a fortune hoe for chopping down trees and chopping down netherwort so I’ll put three of you guys in here and I’ll save

You two to be my very special friends that sounds weird so shall we go enchanting give me some lapis and we go like this and like this and I get a fortune three first try okay what about you what can I get on you oh I don’t have enough

And you guys should be the last of it yes please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please hello there friends where’s the silk touch guy give me one of those thank you very much and just like that we have the

Perfect set of hoes I don’t like how that sounds all right all right we’ve had our fun but now let’s get back to the main goal which is making this big building in the nether so let’s go get some materials and let’s get to work on

This thing I swear if I see a gas come and shoot my building there’s gonna be a war in here happy thoughts Farsi happy thoughts let’s get to work considering we just built this building today we know how it’s gonna go but the difference is getting materials here is

Going to be very very risky and difficult I have to go fight through hoglands to get this red Crimson wood after securing the wood we then went down to the mine to get some stones and just like that it was time to build Foreign troducing my nether base guys look at this place I know you’ve seen this layout before already but having the red wood it just looks so spooky and mystical and awesome there are a few differences though I didn’t put any Barrels in here instead I put like little chunks of nether blocks like

Obsidian and netherwart I also put the portal on the opposite end of the house because over here I’m gonna put something else that I’ll talk about pretty shortly and oh man my favorite part of the whole build is behind this door I have an elytra landing pads if I

Go flying out somewhere I can land right back here and get right back to the house and oh my gosh look at it from far away oh that looks so sick with the fog dude that looks so cool I love it I love it so much but that being said I gotta

Take care of something else in this place I want to add two very special blocks inside of here one I want to add a lodestone so I can find my way back here from traveling in the nether so how do I make one of those load Stone I need another

Someone told me that well you gotta do what you gotta do oh my gosh Hello friends why are you invading my how many guys went into the portal and I wasn’t looking there’s so many in here hey can I just get by thanks all right do I have

Any of this stuff left hopefully I do and boom lodestone baby let’s go oh they’re all gone I’m not gonna lie I kind of enjoyed it and now I’ll hop up here and I can smack down this load it’s gonna be right up here like that’s not

Here with this compass that I named and boom nether base I now have a compass that leads to my nether base and the other thing I wanted to put in here was an Ender Chest which I think I have in one of these shelter boxes right maybe

Yes I do and the reason I want to do this is so I can put a flint and steel in here so I will never ever get stuck in here ever if you ask me it’s a really good idea but now it’s time to fill up

This area like I teased that earlier and we’re gonna put a penguin trade farm right here that way we have a way to farm up courts and obsidian very easily so let’s get to work and by the way if you want to build this farm for yourself

I have an old video on this exact design so I will link it down below disclaimer I used to be cringe back then and there we go the farm is done except for putting the piglands inside of here I need to trap two piglens in each of

These pens and I gotta make sure that they don’t despawn but lucky for us as you saw earlier I found some name tags in that mob spawner which means I can name tag the pigland so they won’t despawn how many do I have total I have

Five all right I just need four and their names will be Jimmy one through four alright so here comes the hard part I’m gonna have to get them in here without them killing me first hello Gold Guys where you at so at first this seemed pretty easy get in here you got

It you hop in yes and I just gotta patch it up all right got him and that is Jimmy number one but then this turned into a nightmare really quick we had piglens doing parkour to avoid the farm one of them legit jumped over the hole

And I smacked them and as we all suspected they started killing each other he just shot the other pick one that I named oh by the way it happened twice but by the end of it I did manage to finish the farm get in yes oh good good and he’s wearing

Gold pants I think we are all set that was a struggle but let’s see if our hard work paid off let me take out my gold throw the gold back here in this chest and test the farm yes Gold’s coming out all right and they’re gonna toss me stuff right yes

Yes they have it yes it’s working we’re getting loot oh thank goodness that was like the worst thing of my life that was so so frustrating to do oh would you look at it we’re getting so much cool stuff oh I love this farm so much and I

Think we’re out okay the only downside to the farm is I need gold to power it so if I don’t have a lot of gold I can’t use this often but luckily I have like a decent amount so I should be okay but that also means one day I gotta make a

Gold farm so that’ll be a future episode idea but that being said I am done in the nether guys with the gold please don’t despawn please don’t despawn I will actually cry oh man did I miss seeing grass that was way too like red in that Dimension but now there’s still

Some more things I want to do today one of them involves down here by my fishing Village thing in case you missed it last episode we made this giant Harbor and Village and this past weekend I actually started to decorate the buildings here I made this really big building a boat

Shop so there’s small boats in here here there’s small canoe rentals in here check out these little things oh it came out so good I love them and over here we have a fishing rod shop a place to store and sell fishing rods like these bad boys or my personal favorite one which

Is somewhere is it in here okay there it is I got scared for a second but anyways back to the plan obviously this Harbor is massive so my plan in general you know throughout the whole series is every episode to do something down here whether it’s like you know a big new

Building or a small little boat added but something so that being said let’s do something here today and it’s gonna be a very simple thing I want to add some boats in the water and I figure it’ll be pretty easy to do because I already have a nice little canoe design

Here so we’re gonna put some small boats in the water and have them sailing around the place so first I need some Spruce Wood I need more Bond meal don’t I man I still really need to make a skeleton Farm I just I can’t find a

Skeleton spawner is the issue but if I find one oh I am going to make the best farm of all time oh no there’s so many leaves in the way what am I gonna do oh wait I have Enchanted hoes this is why I wanted to have a fortune hoe because now

I can get so many saplings so easily alright alright I got some wood so now it’s building time let’s hop over here in the dock and let’s make our first one right here right in between the two sides side note I hate building in the water it’s so difficult and boom there

We go there’s one finished small boat it could be a little bit better in some areas but overall I like it but now it’s time to go build some more of these I’m gonna build a few more of these exact same boats all around the harbor and

Maybe one day not today but one day we can build like big boats like big cargo ships that sounds awesome hello Sailors how you doing oh come get on the boat Come Here Come Sailing oh they can’t swim lifeguard where are you wait that’s a lighthouse oh no they can’t swim and

They’re spinning all right back to building whoa what you doing there buddy you’re not a sailor where’s your sailor’s license but there we go we got five boats in this world I think they look good the only downside is you can’t see the banners from far away like if I

Fly over here and look back over that way you see you can’t see them all but you know what I’m okay with it because I still think they look wonderful and it’s a great addition to shut up to our Harbor today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore World ladies and gentlemen hold

The phone I just received breaking news I was informed recently that villagers can trade you emeralds for melons so today we need no further explanation we gotta take advantage of that deal we gotta get some melons real quick the plan is to make a gigantic melon farm

Out here in this big open field we then can Harvest thousands of melons at a time and trade them all for emeralds do I have any melons I don’t well that settles it the first thing we gotta do today is go find a bunch of melons and

That means it’s adventure time so we gotta go find a jungle biome because I believe jungle spawn melons naturally what is that bee doing but the thing about jungles is they can be be very dangerous so we have to gear up my bow is about to break so I want to heal this

Bad boy up and maybe bring some more food with me just in case but the question is how do I fix an enchanted bow I don’t really know how to do that do I take another bow and just smack them together how do I not know this

I’ve been playing Minecraft for like 10 years now boom boom oh that’s it okay well that was easy I’m so good at Minecraft and as a matter of fact I actually have a good amount of food so you know what I’m all set to go let’s

Get a move on and I’ll meet you guys at the nearest jungle which I think would be this way what the heck what’s up traitor llamas where’s your guy daughter he despawn hey when that happens man carrying on and while I fly if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and

Hit the Bell oh that was fast well hello jungle thank you for being here now to find some precious melons I need a lot of them so I Trek through this dense jungle to find that mystical fruit don’t sneak up on me I’m a ninja okay so far

No melons which is kind of weird I think this jungle is actually really small so that being done I think we gotta keep going so onward and upward that sounded so cool to say and like 30 seconds later we found another one well hello there another jungle

Jungle do it oh wait I want to silk touch that do I have I have a shovel oh wait a minute I have my backpack with me which might contain my silk touch hoe all right it’s time to go melon hunting and I’m starting with you

Wait I’m being dumb I want to use Fortune I want to get more melons duh this adventure was a lot harder than I thought we had to navigate tight spaces and really search hard for these melons but eventually we did find some I just want melons leave me alone Oh hello little guy oh you remind me of my friend Charlton but he’s way cooler you’ll never be him and then we found something really cool oh hello there bamboo jungle I haven’t seen you yet in this world a pan oh hey there buddy what’s up I love pandas so much yeah

You’d be cool all right if you see any melons let me know okay what a good guy as a matter of fact I’m gonna write down the chord into this place in my coordinate book because I need to come here more often I can always use more

Bamboo oh wait a second a jungle temple I haven’t seen one of these things and oh in like years these things are like ancient to me what do we got inside of here where’s the loot where’s the Trap I know there’s a trap in here somewhere

Down here lovers one two that’s it right maybe it’s like that or like that how about like this I don’t know let’s go find them I’m not stupid oh and we have oh an emerald but where’s the Piston thingy I wanted to do I don’t can’t

Break it in I hate puzzles anyways what do we got oh my that the big puzzle just for that me those Pistons I deserve them horrible loot aside we carried on getting our melons oh man I would love to live in a jungle one day like my two

Favorite biomes in Minecraft are jungles and then those coral reefs in the water oh are we filled up all right that is a full inventory just about with melons oh I banned I’ll rub your belly you’re so cute why are you so ugly oh my gosh he

Was mean and scary but not you you’re the best all right bye dude see you later back home we go rise and shine it is time to get my melon farm on So the plan is as I said earlier to go down to this big area down here and make a

Gigantic field of melons so step one was to terraform the entire area and make it all flat um I wonder what this is I thought I got rid of you in case you’re new here this is my old nether portal spot but I thought I got rid of all this stuff I

Guess I was lazy yeah that sounds like me but I carried on transforming the land until I thought it was perfect but then I made a mistake okay bad news I tried to flatten out that area then this area and they both look a little bit too

Small so I might have to kind of combine this all into one big flat land which will take some time so back to work we go this is gonna be a grind and I was not kidding we broke over 4 000 dirt and grass blocks in one sitting which meant

We had to fly to the Enderman farm and heal up our shovel a lot but we stayed focused and got our work done well at least until my friend showed up oh hey there guys haven’t seen you in a while how you doing how’s the family can you

Relax that’s it you’re going in the time outfit and you think about what you’ve done hey what’s up guy I’m seeing so many friends today oh he despawned but anyways take a look at this beautiful flat land it’s almost done there’s a few spaces here I’m still working on but the

Main part of it is done and it is glorious it is gigantic the perfect place for a huge melon farm well the first step to getting melons is planting melon seeds so I’ma take out my shelter box has all my melons in it and I’m gonna make all these things into seeds I

Think it’s just a one-to-one crafting is it oh yeah it is okay that’s helpful so long story short we’re gonna have a lot of melons to plant is it possible we have too many melon seeds so that being said now we just gotta hoe the land

Plant the melons and watch them grow so let’s make a gigantic row of melons I said row I mean multiple rows we’re gonna make a lot of these oh wait I’m dumb I gotta plant them while I go my bad oh our first little melon growths

Are starting I’m Gonna Be Rich my eyes were on the prize I want these emeralds so bad so I powered through the farm as fast as I could maybe a little too fast my fingers hurt so bad doing this it’s so much clicking I’m gonna have carpal tunnel soon aren’t I and ladies

Gentlemen we have done it we have a gigantic melon field and you know what’s funny I wanted to put more Rose here but I ran out of seeds I used them all but oh my gosh it is gigantic look at it it’s so nice as I said earlier I’m gonna

Be rich but that being said I can’t do too much more right now I have to wait till these things grow so I can get more seeds plant more melons and become more Rich so in the meantime I have other things to take care of if you guys know

Me well you will know that I love building and I feel like this melon farm is very Bland and basic it’s very you know productive and it’ll make me Rich but it looks kind of bland so we’re gonna make a cool build to surround this

Thing and make it look a little bit more epic I want to make a beautiful rustic wall to surround the melons kind of like what I did over here from my wheat field but much bigger and much more epic so that being said we’re gonna need some

Materials and we are gonna get to work so what do we have for stones in this establishment I know we have a lot of cobblestone I kind of want to use like a mix of all these Stones make like some big Grand stone wall and if that’s the

Case we need to go mining so let’s hop down to the mine and let’s get to chopping 360. well that was an accident but now that I’m here I’ll take some of you I would love to build out of amethyst but I don’t know what to build

With this but one day I’m gonna do it getting back on track we started Gathering up all my favorite kinds of stones I then popped in a separate creative world to try and make a design and after a while I had it oh my gosh I

Have the best idea ever oh it’s gonna look so good I can’t wait so I’m probably gonna need a lot more blocks to do this all the way around but here’s the basic idea a base layer of tough capped off with Cobblestone and here comes the magic the Cobble is capped off

With an andesite wall and if I do this in like a big chunk it’s absolutely glorious I love the look it has like a gradient effect where it goes from darker to lighter to lightest it has the special points it has texture variety everything so we’re gonna make this wall

All the way around the farm it’s gonna take a long time with that being said we have time to kill let’s go so I started grinding out this wall design which meant I needed to get a lot more materials but luckily I also found diamonds what is that thing it’s our

First melon but it has a problem what is on top of this thing man I don’t know but I don’t care melons are sprouting this is awesome back to work I worked day and night to make this awesome design come to life my hands hurt really

Bad but it was worth it now introducing farzi’s finished melon farm look at this glorious glorious sight the walls are done we have storage over there we have tons of these little weird black things I think it’s a glitch in my texture pack but I don’t care it looks amazing the

Whole thing looks amazing we got fences we got lanterns and most importantly we have the wall all the way around the whole area and it just looks so good I love this design I love to use this like more and now for the sky view

I can’t get up oh my that right there’s a thumbnail shot there’s so many melons I’m gonna I’m gonna but now the melons are all set all set trade us emeralds for the melons luckily over here we have a villager trading Hall and one of these guys

Should have a trade that’s not locked in is it you yes it’s you so if I break this and I put down a composter he should become a farmer composter yes I got one all right buddy it’s time to trade me your goods become a farmer whoa

Look at the drip on that guy’s head that hat is sick is that Gucci I’ll break this right here now give me melons carrots and potatoes so I gotta unlock the melon trade first that stinks to the carrot field we go give me all of this I

Just love farming in the rain in Minecraft it’s just so atmospheric and just pretty and peaceful I feel at peace right now take all my carrots take them all I don’t want them yes yes okay next set of Trades pumpkins I wanted melons wait did I mess

Up okay let’s keep trading and see if we can get melons unlocked pumpkin pie sure please please please please please please please please melons let’s go we have to celebrate disco break I’m Gonna Be Rich well that being said we know what our next move is we have to go farm

Up all those melons and trade them all to my friend and make pure profit but first I sleep wait wait wait wait how big is this Farm gonna be on here oh my God that is so massive it looks so weird too but it’s kind of cool oh wait I just

Realized something the farmer doesn’t trade for melon slices he trades for full melon blocks so that means I really can’t use my fortune ax why don’t we go make a new ax and have it be our melon Chopper give us some diamonds craft and ax find the best enchantments for it

Which also meant I needed some more XP and make it netherrite and now it’s time to harvest I’m having so much fun right now and that is it oh my gosh so many more grew in already we’re literally gonna have infinite melons oh it looks beautiful but here comes the Moment of

Truth the moment we’ve all been waiting for all day and that is the day farzi becomes a rich man give me all these emeralds wait what he locked me out you’re telling me I gotta also trade something else with him I’ll save you some time I did some research and found out that

Villagers can unlock their trades twice per day so ideally the way to fix that is to get multiple Farmers so I can trade many melons over many different villagers but sadly my trading Haul is too small to add any more villagers right now so that’s not gonna happen

Today oh would you go away I swear he’s stalking me but anyways what we can do today to solve our issue is to plant pumpkins because as you saw that farmer also trades pumpkin so if I trade melons and pumpkins at once I’ll get double the emeralds in each sitting sounds good to

Me that being said do I have any pumpkins they’d be in here so off we went to find pumpkins oh yeah oh there’s so many here this is awesome all right we got some pumpkins and some melons let’s go try this trading thing again hey buddy be nice to me give me

Lots of this stuff give me lots of melons give me lots of pumpkins and you know what that’s fine I know one day I have to make a bigger trading haul but until that day I’m fine just taking my time and getting emeralds like this he actually refreshes these trades pretty

Fast but as we wait for him to do his thing we gotta take care of something else that’s really important last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would blindfold myself go into a mob spawner and survive for 60 seconds and you guys were close enough so we’re

Gonna do it this will be fun maybe maybe not I got my armor I have my food I have one totem and I think we’re all good all right here we go I’m pretty sure there’s a mob spawner up over this way aha yeah right down here I’m a little bit nervous

But also pretty excited I’m just gonna secure the wall so I can’t get jumped from something else get rid of the chest for more space to run around this is a really tight space I don’t own a blindfold but I do have a scarf that I

Can like tie over my eye so I guess I’ll do it like this all right I got a timer on my phone I have my stuff ready I’m gonna blindfold myself right now wait how do I start the recording okay break the Torches cover the whole start the

Timer blindfold on all right let’s go I’m not getting any hits I’m gonna fire my love what is going on I can’t do anything I hear so much damage going on are they dead I gotta eat how do I eat ah this is not stressful oh did I do it

I did it well that was really easy wow I’m surprised about that hey Jonathan I did it that gives me a good idea if this video gets 2 000 likes I will get Charlton a feathery Friend by the way if you’re an OG fan you might recognize him

Like the video you won’t regret it come here melon man I want more trades well next up for today I want to make a really big change to this world my whole town here is absolutely amazing I love the builds I love the nature I love the atmosphere but one thing is missing

Citizens people villagers so today I want to make a villager breeder so I can have tons of friendly faces wandering around and someone you know keep me company he gets lonely here man so anyways I have a really good idea for the Villager breeder design we’re gonna

Make a villager breeder inside of a giant UFO and that’s gonna fit in perfectly with this world because the whole theme of my world right now is a farm town with an alien invasion going on so yeah I absolutely love it that being said we gotta get some materials

And we gotta get to work I’m gonna need a lot of blocks and some boats because I need to transfer villagers over to this area now here comes the big question are there any villagers left at this Village I would say no because it’s really old and probably had been ransacked by

Zombies hello anyone here yep I was right the doors were all open they’re dead what about over here because this way there’s another Village I have a little bit of Hope on this one let’s go let’s just get scared come back with me I’m gonna kidnap you you’re gonna be

Fine yes come here follow the blast furnace you know you want it alright that’s one villager down now you stay safe now to find you a wife is there anyone else here there’s really no one else left he was the last survivor oh that’s so sad so what do we do now I

Have a risky idea I could take one of the villagers out of the trading Hall and use him to breed but the issue is he might be stuck up there forever so who’s the guy I hate the most I think it’s you with your stupid monocle you think

You’re so smart I’m smarter than you come with me come on whenever you’re ready Bob I’m dead serious come here fine we’ll do it the hard way yes yes use let the water fuel you now get in the boat there we go all right progress so now we have our villagers we just

Gotta make a UFO and put them inside of it very simple and standard right so as I like doing when I make new builds I went into a separate creative mode world to try and think of a cool idea I made a really epic UFO design but I still

Needed to put the breeder inside of it so I did some testing and after a while I made made it work how many times we gonna do this why do you keep coming here you always die nobody wins so now it’s time to think where should the UFO go I don’t want to

Be anywhere near that one because you know that’s already there maybe somewhere over on this side of the town I’m thinking maybe back here behind the storage building in this area so I did exactly that I made the Villager breeder then I put an amazing UFO design around

That and everything fit in flawlessly all right all right the UFO is looking really good it came out pretty like well shaped I think but now it’s time to do some work on the ground so first and foremost the villagers are gonna be falling out of here to you know come

Down to my town so I gotta put like a water pool so they won’t you know fall and break their legs this thing definitely is not gonna be pretty but it’s necessary so whatever uh here comes the part everyone hates I gotta transport the villagers up into the UFO

So this is gonna be a very painful process how are we going to do this this is going to be like very difficult oh maybe we can make like a bubble column and like shoot them up that’s actually a really good idea yeah I need Soul Sand

And I also need kelp so we go like this perfect and now we put water down this thing and we hop down here and put kelp all over the place will I survive this let’s find out we did let’s try it now oh yeah that works great now it’s time to get these

Villagers up here gently get in here nice get in go Bob don’t do this again Bob oh Bob you’re the worst just get in go get in yes you make my life so hard hey there we go and Bob is safe well here comes a slightly more annoying one

The Villager over here is very far away it’ll be difficult to get him over to the breeder but you know what we gotta at least try so we place some blocks in the air to make a pathway and brought him over all right we’re back I have

Faith in this guy he’s no Bob yeah look at you you’re so good Bob’s the worst you got it you gotta get in there come on you’re so close oh you’re teasing me so hard yay let’s go we got you we got Bob we’re gonna have a bunch of babies

Now here is how the Villager breeder is going to work these guys are gonna have carrots all around them so they think they have infinite food they’re gonna have so much food that they’re gonna be thinking we gotta have kids because there’s too much food here they’re gonna

Make a baby and the baby’s gonna fall into this Trout the adults can’t go in here but the children can it’s happening do it do it do it but that sounds weird hello child how you doing oh wait you’re Bob’s son little rascal the only downside to this design is I kind of

Have to force him to go in here because if he doesn’t he’ll grow up and get stuck in here come on you’re almost there baby get in yes and he’s going down and he’s gone it works it works so well where are you there he is hey dude

And look at him go he’s going to my town this is perfect we’re gonna have so many friends around here let’s go um I think the baby is broken oh silly me I forgot the most important part of the UFO which is the big laser beam shooting down into the ground so let’s

Get some glass do I have any blue glass oh yes I do oh we got two babies now okay they’re having some fun up there but guys look at this beam I love it it’s a little bit weird because there’s no big water column here like in the

Other UFO like that one looks a lot better in my opinion but again no water here because I want them to come down and Frolic in my area today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore World ladies gentlemen this here is my starter house and I’ve been living in this house since

Episode one but I think it’s time for an upgrade my house is pretty small compared to the rest of my town and I want to live like a king my first idea was to make another big Farmhouse to live in but then I thought about it some

More and I want to make a big castle for my entire Minecraft career I’ve always loved medieval castles for some reason I just think they’re so cool and epic and Grand so today I want to live in one so as you can imagine we have a lot of work

To do today but first I got duties to attend to you guys gotta do what you gotta do now give me emeralds thank you very much putting aside my Emerald addiction let’s get to work on this thing so first off let’s find out where we’re gonna put the castle because right

Now there’s not a whole lot of like flat land in this area I mean I had a lot but I made a gigantic melon farm last episode so that doesn’t help oh wait a minute what about right up here it’s kind of far from the rest of the town

But this area is nice it’s on the hillside I kind of like the spot hey Forest cat how you doing guess what we’re gonna be neighbors I’m moving in with you as he runs away I love you Forest cat but you know what I like this

Space let’s do it right here it’s time to get materials so I picked up my shulker boxes I flew to the nearby mine and I got to digging and collecting all my favorite kinds of stone oh I want those give me your chain pants Oh chain

Boots it’s not the same but okay now we have a good variety of stones in my inventory so we can begin thinking of a design stupid emeralds who needs you I got melons to trade for those so as you guys might know already when I want to

Design a new build I’ll go into a separate creative mode world and practice it there first so I’ma go do that oh I gotta sleep first stupid house I’m gonna get rid of you soon I promise while designing I realize something I am really bad at designing castles I just

Could not make this look good I was struggling I didn’t know what to do so by the end of all this I actually kind of gave up but after about three hours of work I was inspired all right I am ready to get to work I am so motivated

Right now let’s do this thing so first off I gotta clear out the area no trees no clumps of dirt here we gotta really just make this thing pretty flat and as I do this if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the Bell I’m just destroying his home I’m so sorry

Pig please talk to me I didn’t mean it fine how about this when I make the castle you can live with me yeah now he’s interested you got a deal okay I think we’re good here this is a pretty big area so that being said we can probably start laying down our

Foundation ah but first one last trip to the old house all right all right all right your days are numbered stupid house creeper oh man I’m sorry I had to do it I know it was cringe so I put down a little bit of an outline to make sure

Everything fit all right looks good to me it might look weird to you but trust me on this it’s going to be amazing so that being said let’s get to building and while I build this I want to give massive credit to Minecraft fantasy builds this Castle was heavily inspired

By one of their tutorials so go check them out let me just tell you guys getting stripped wood is really really boring I need so many stacks of this stuff this is a grind then I got distracted but for a good reason what the excuse me I’m moving out but

Not yet I still have an active lease get out of here thank you I kind of forgot I made a villager breeders how are we doing with this any more babies Oh yes what is going on over there oh snap we got multiple villagers what’s up okay

I’m getting distracted let’s get back to building And how do we feel about this Castle oh my gosh guys I absolutely love it oh hey there where’s your friend I’m gonna guess he despawned but let’s give you guys a tour of the place the inside is not touched up at all really but I have

Like the general outline in here so here’s the front door here’s a staircase up to the second floor and then here is like a big zombie room it’s supposed to be a room for like chests and storage but I don’t actually need that because I

Have you know a giant town over there so I think I’m just gonna put like some Gardens down here like some nature scenes down here but anyways going up this way up here is the main part of the castle again there’s no details in here yet but the whole like aesthetic of this

Is great we have these little watch Towers which I can put ladders in later on a small house here in the front a much bigger house over here in the back and I assume this can be the place to have like our bedroom and you know like

Our Essentials like our ender chest and like our dragon egg maybe check it out usable Watchtower oh from far away it looks so good straight on how is that for a Scenic backdrop look at that but anyways before I work on the interior of the building I want to work on this

Whole Hill area I have so many cool ideas for the whole you know yard I guess it’s more of like a mountain but yeah the mountain I want to put some cool things here number one is a rock wall right now the walls are pretty straight which makes sense but I want to

Have like a jagged kind of like dangerous mountainy wall here because after all castles were built on dangerous rocks on purpose oh Mr Pig I totally forgot come on into your new home come on come on this way wait if I hop down here to my fishing rod shop let

Me take one of these grab some of these take that and let me get on top of you and now we’re cooking let’s go oh gosh I’m a cringy person I am sorry but cringe aside Mr Pig is here I will name you I don’t know you’re an enigma

Mr Pig let’s get back to work on that rock wall shall we I have some tough in here which I think will be the best block for it so I’m thinking something kind of like this where I just literally make like what’s up dog something kind of like

This where I have like you know these big kind of like mountainous Spikes all over the place I’ll try that out oh yeah that looks sick as a matter of fact let’s do that all around the entire Castle I think this will be really cool

Dare I say it I think tough is my new favorite Block in the game I just think it’s so beautiful and let’s see it from a distance yes yes triple quadruple yes so much yes the only thing I’d want to add is like slabs or stairs to add some

Texture but this stupid block doesn’t have any slabs or stairs Mojang you know what I’m talking about fix it what are you doing here I’m a king I have a castle everybody call me king of Farsi now wait this world is being set up so nice right now check this out over here

We have a giant castle now but across the way there’s a farm town so what if these end up being two separate districts in one big Kingdom for example over here is the really rich Royal area I can build more castles here palaces and just really wealthy buildings but

The farm town will be the exact opposite there will be a lot of buildings there but not gigantic castles because it’s mostly just Farmers there oh I love it I love lore lore is the best oh my gosh wait and then down here is the fishing town we got three towns already this

Isn’t amazing and for one final time we’re gonna sleep in the old house soon my child soon all right house it’s been real I love you do you mind I’m having a moment here I love you you’ve been great to me but that being said this is our

Last hurray all right buddy the house is yours take good care of her we’re on to bigger and better things oh that view it never gets old so getting back on track I want to add more things to the castle and the first thing that I’m thinking

About right now is adding a better way to get in it’s kind of annoying to have to either fly there every time or you know climb the big mountain here so I’m gonna make a big Grand Master staircase where we can walk right up and easily

Enter the castle and I think I have a pretty good idea for this something like this and bring it off the sides a little bit and how is that I like the shape but there needs to be something like supporting it this just looks weird right now so I built the giant Square

Structure to support the staircase and honestly it came out a lot better than I thought it would now that is much better it looks really good there is a big open spot right there in the middle which I’m gonna put something there don’t you worry and here’s the tour nice big grand

Staircase with some spikes on the side a beautiful view by the way we get up here and I’m gonna put I think a fountain right here that’s why I have this kind of like Canal pool thing and the stairs go either side you can go up it loops

Around comes up to the top here with a beautiful little balcony is it a balcony just like a little view platform and this leaves right up into the castle so I think it’s really good I kind of want to put like some Gardens here on these

Big flat pieces of grass so I kind of want to do that same like mountainy effect it did up there where is it up there and I want to do that over here as a matter of fact I should do that all over the whole thing oh snap like up

Against the staircase like this yeah let’s do that oh and I made the fountain I cannot describe how much better that looks now look at this the rocks make a big difference the fountain looks amazing there’s just so much more atmosphere here now now that being said

There’s one more thing I need to do in this whole area and that is put lights up because right now there’s no lighting at all mobs are gonna spawn like crazy so I was going to just put some of these lamps down like that but I thought about

It some more and I think I’m gonna put down some Redstone lanterns with daylight centers that way when it turns nighttime the lights will all turn on at once all right where are we gonna put these things definitely want one right here on this little odd one or

Definitely up here at the top for sure and here at the bottom and let’s see it oh that could not be any better that is so good oh man this is coming out so amazing as a matter of fact I’m gonna spoil you guys I’m gonna do something

That I never ever do I’m gonna turn on shaders to Showcase my castle all right here we go oh my goodness oh it looks so cool oh everything looks so cool wow oh snap I don’t use shaders often I don’t want to use shaders but just for this

One little special treat wow so there you go there’s your treat now obviously I still want to do a lot more building today but first we have something really important to take care of last episode I said if the video got 2 000 likes I would get Charlton back there a new

Feathery friend and you guys didn’t did you hear that you’re getting a new pal and his name is going to be Broderick Broderick the chicken scientist if you guys didn’t know I had a pet chicken named Broderick in my old Survival series and he was the smartest mob of

All time all right Broderick two plus two four or six yes he’s smart you’re the best that being said if this video gets 2 000 likes I will explode 1 000 pieces of TNT that is a lot come on come meet your friend and here is your new

BFF Charlton oh look at them they’re best friends they’re talking but where am I gonna put you because you can’t go in a little bird feeder you’re fat no offense are you thinking what I’m thinking what if we made the two birds move into the house and this could be

Charlton and Broderick toes up I just promised that villager that house guess what the old owner moved out it’s your house now but that also means we gotta decorate the inside here this is currently my Decor I gotta put into bird Decor what is bird Decor I don’t know

But we’re gonna figure it out come on oh Broadway he can’t just lay eggs in here you have a roommate now have some class so you know what guys we’re gonna take a break from the castle right now and we’re gonna decorate this house for the

Birds but first I gotta go heal my tools because they are all gonna break off we go much better oh I gotta sleep but you know what this is no longer my house I’ll take this I’ll be right back I still gotta do the interior for the

Castle but for now I’ll just put the bed right up here Boop and Boop it is daytime now what the heck are you doing how’d you get up here Mr Pig wait what how are you here I’m so confused he was down in the dungeon wasn’t he is the

Door no what I just watched all my footage back and I still have no idea how that happened all right fine stay there I guess that is so confusing but whatever it’s out of my mind already all right that being said it’s birdhouse time first off we gotta tear down all my

Junk I don’t need the dragon egg here I don’t need the map here I’m taking this stuff to the castle and that right there is it an empty house so then it was officially time to build but first melons Now give me those emeralds Mr dude thank you thank you getting back to

Building we decided to split the room into two halves Broderick is really smart so I gave him some pristine iron blocks to stand on on the other hand Charlton is from the jungle so he likes more of a nature scene so I decorated both their sides accordingly then I made

A little communal bird hangout in the middle for them and here is the finished product this came out bird Tower thing I didn’t think this was like possible but it is it looks great we got broderick’s area all smart and proper with his nest we got charlton’s

Area with his little dirt muddy jungly Vibe he likes oh it’s so good all right guys be nice alright pay your rent on time and don’t be too loud you have neighbors oh one more thing and don’t forget a buck Broderick you’ve been here for like 10 minutes he already wrote a

Book broderick’s thesis a journey into the scientific mind of the world’s smartest chicken well I see Broderick is gonna be a busy guy in here I told you he’s a very smart man he’s a scholar but that being said the birds now have an interior to live in now I gotta do my

Interior in my castle so it’s going back to Castle time now oh where’d the pig go Mr Pig what are you doing over there get down to your dungeon thank you well carrying on it is now bedroom time so I have a really good planned layout for

This whole area this big building is going to contain my bedroom the small building is going to contain maybe like a small storage room for like an ender chest or like a crafting bench and down here I’m actually gonna make this area into a dungeon forget the whole garden

Idea I want to make this like a jail cell for any evil mobs or Mr Pig so that being said let’s get to decorating and designing our bedroom and long story short this bedroom came out amazing all right we’re done and oh my gosh guys

That took so long I was planning to work for like 30 minutes on this and I’ve been doing it for like two and a half hours I got so carried away but it was worth it because here is the inside the first floor has our map has our Dragon

Egg on a shelf some flowers a candle and just some nice decor and by the way look at the castle on the map that looks so sick but wait here comes the amazing part drum roll please we have this main second floor room with some flowers and some more Decor we have

A little Library just because I thought it’d be cute it’s a little library in here and then and the most important part is the bed which is up above the little main room I go up here and look at this a little cute bed for me how

Amazing is this I this is the best bedroom I’ve ever made in my Minecraft career and that is saying a lot what an absolute success also some small gardens around here I put some lights around so mobs won’t spawn overall things are looking great but now it’s time to do

This little room here but I think this will be a lot easier I’m just gonna smack like an ender chest down maybe like you know a crafting bench a furnace a couple of barrels just you know the basic stuff you guys just see that Arrow you know the basic stuff that was weird

Craft one of these and we go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and a bunch of more booms I can for sure tell you this building was a lot easier to do than the other one that’s a win so next up it was time to work on the dungeon hey what are

You doing here nice to see you buddy what do you got for me nothing of any value to me no we despawn and hey don’t be mad at me be mad at the game all right respect he actually listened anyways guys we are here to get more

Stone because I have used all my stone today I literally cannot believe it like all my chests are empty now I gotta do so much mining off camera now but it’s been so worth it back up top I started out by getting rid of all the grass on

The floor oh wait here’s how Mr Pig got out there’s a small little way to get around uh okay okay that makes sense I then covered the floor in stone broke the fences and replaced those with iron bars to fit the theme and the dungeon is complete now you’re gonna look at this

Thing and say oh that’s nice far is it really cool build but wait until you see what went into this at the end here I put down some candles which lights up this pathway enough some mobs won’t spawn but mobs can spawn inside of the cells because it’s still so dark inside

Of there so we can have real life prisoners in our dungeon it’s gonna be so amazing oh wait one thing I forgot I wanted to add some of these buttons to look kind of like rocks or Pebbles or something like that oh so sweet I’ll

Keep an eye out for some mobs in here but worst case scenario I always can go here to the side door and just bring prisoners in manually I don’t want to do this because it’s kind of dangerous but you know we could do it but all that

Being said believe it or not there’s still more to do I want to add some more flowers and nature around the sides I want to add some Gardens hanging off some of the buildings I just want to make you know more nature details here but the issue we have is we are

Completely and totally out of bone meal so I gotta go to the Nether and go mine some bones from the Soul Sand Valley because those biomes have an insane amount of bone blocks oh my poor chests look how empty they are I have like no Cobble or anything left well it is go

Time I probably should have got more food but I don’t care I just want to go get this done because honestly my hands are starting to hurt in case you guys are curious this video has taken me almost 40 hours to produce it’s been a long one where’s the Soul Sand Valley

Aha where are the bones I see skeletons but I want the big bones aha bones Just about a stack of Bones is good to me well not really but I only have two pieces of chicken left so I’m gonna go home I ain’t dying today why are there so many Endermen here holding blocks what are you building what do they have planned oh it’s night

Time you know what that means we get to break in the new bedroom oh I love this build so much I can’t stop saying it I think this build is just so amazing that button is floating now that I finally had bone meal I could get some more wood

I could plant more Moss more flowers and more leaves do my ears deceive me oh they did I thought I heard a zombie in here never mind but guys the gardens are all done I’m also just putting some little Pebbles around the place because I really like this idea but that being

Said check it out lots of red flowers tons of them Gardens along the sides of all the towers it looks really really good now ladies and gentlemen I think I can say with confidence the castle is done and that being said I think this is my best Minecraft build of all time and

That’s saying a lot because I’ve built a lot of cool things this before in this world in other worlds but this might take the cake for the best thing I’ve ever done and there we have it 1 000 days in Minecraft hardcore if you made it this far in the video you are

Literally a legend make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Farzy on 2022-12-03 20:41:04. It has garnered 1191558 views and 14507 likes. The duration of the video is 07:02:06 or 25326 seconds.

In honor of surviving 3000 days in Minecraft Hardcore, I wanted to release all the episodes in the form of one long movie! This is part 1 of that movie! Enjoy my first 1000 days in Minecraft!

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #letsplay

TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 0:21: Episode 1 16:55: Episode 2 33:06: Episode 3 50:26: Episode 4 1:04:37: Episode 5 1:19:02: Episode 6 1:32:44: Episode 7 1:47:37: Episode 8 2:04:15: Episode 9 2:20:18: Episode 10 2:33:38: Episode 11 2:49:51: Episode 12 3:05:45: Episode 13 3:23:42: Episode 14 3:40:00: Episode 15 3:55:41: Episode 16 4:11:18: Episode 17 4:33:14: Episode 18 4:49:47: Episode 19 5:08:54: Episode 20 5:25:44: Episode 21 5:42:13: Episode 22 6:03:16: Episode 23 6:23:24: Episode 24 6:42:50: Episode 25 7:01:52: Outro

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    EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL - SkyBlock in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-09-23 10:00:11. It has garnered 2345 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:56 or 1736 seconds. JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game Fun

    Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just a silly little block game’, was uploaded by ElBoboMan on 2024-05-08 00:34:55. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:49 or 9889 seconds. Playing almost every free epic games game. In this particular instance I am playing Minecraft Subscribe for more! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/64ug5cVG Read More

  • Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let’s Play

    Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Ice Spike Starter House Finished! | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let’s Play’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-08-04 11:45:02. It has garnered 556 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds. In Minecraft 1.21, this Let’s Play chronicles my journey to build a house in every biome in a large biomes world. In episode 32, I finished the ice spike starter house and decided to move on and go back toward spawn to fill in the map. But where should we build next? == Support me on Patreon to… Read More


    ASNOX - CREATING USA in Minecraft! REDSTONIA IS BACK! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LES ETAT UNIS VONT ETRE CREE SUR MINECRAFT ( REDSTONIA DE RETOUR !! ) ft @fantomax4126’, was uploaded by ASNOX on 2024-08-11 02:43:47. It has garnered 72 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:41 or 10181 seconds. yo friends today at 2 p.m. the REDSTONIA V5 server opens these doors and leaves pure nostalgia and desire I made the decision to start a new adventure filled with experience the server had an upgrade with a lot of new things – But ASNOX it what is Redstonia ???? REDSTONIA is a server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Evi - DRAGON SMP - EPIC HOUSE!Video Information This video, titled ‘YENİ SERİ – EJDERHA SMP – EN GÜZEL MİNECRAFT EVİ?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Evi on 2024-05-30 13:15:00. It has garnered 108712 views and 7586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. Have you watched the How to Train Your Dragon series? We are here with the team with a brand new minecraft series that the viewers will love! Today we are starting the survival series in the viking world in the 1.18.2 minecraft mod package. We’re starting with our classic starter! We are looking for the owners of our houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-14 17:00:32. It has garnered 9130 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:24 or 3924 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • Noki’s Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥

    Noki's Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Смішний момент з виживання в 1.7.10 #twitch #minecraft #stream #gaming’, was uploaded by Noki on 2024-05-02 10:16:37. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Its_Me_AK_King_1432 on 2024-07-26 16:06:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft mod maizen minecraft shorts shorts canman minecraft challenge minecraft but challenge cash … Read More

  • “EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥” #shorts #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥" #shorts #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Reverse Puppet 🎎 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #gaming’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-23 11:15:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • MCXP Network

    MCXP NetworkWe’re a Minecraft Network! Join and check it out yourself, see you soon 🙂 We have Lifesteal, Bedwars, and Mini-Games! Bring your friends, and enjoy your gaming experience on MCXP 😀 mcxp.net Read More

  • Minesson SMP | Releasing this weekend | Whitelisted | 1.21+ | Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a server with a mature community and where griefing and toxicity are not allowed, you’re in the right place. Both Java and Bedrock players are welcome to join on any 1.21+ versions. Features: Custom diamond bank plugin for storing and trading diamonds Chest shops for buying and selling items Quality of life additions like homes, teleportation, and land claiming Levelling system for progression If you’re interested in joining us for the server release this weekend, please join our Discord server and submit an application. Click here to join: https://discord.gg/anxf8YqJST Read More

  • »» ICECLUB NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20x) «« ¡UNETE YA! ❅ discord.gg/iceclub

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: iceclub.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockbusters and Creepers

    Minecraft Memes - Blockbusters and CreepersWell, I guess the Minecraft movie is already starting off with a higher score than most Oscar winners! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 – Buddies Unite!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 - Buddies Unite! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Buddies forever, in a story untold. Family, friends, peace, and love, Cherish these moments, like a gift from above. In this episode, we dive deep, Into the bonds that we sow and reap. Children grow fast, time slips away, Treasure each moment, make memories stay. Learn from mistakes, from lessons learned, In the game of life, the tables turned. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword, In Minecraft world, let’s explore the horde. Together we’ll build, together we’ll fight, In this pixelated world, our future bright. So join us now, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now!

    Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now! Welcome to the Minecraft LifeSteal SMP! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure like no other? Join the public LifeSteal SMP server, where Java and PE players come together 24/7 to explore, build, and survive in the captivating world of Minecraft. What is LifeSteal SMP? The LifeSteal SMP is a unique Minecraft server where players can experience the thrill of a public SMP with a twist – the ability to “steal” hearts from other players. This exciting feature adds a new level of strategy and excitement to the gameplay, making every encounter with another player a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival Episode 86: “Fury of the Storm”‘, was uploaded by SkitzTGPG on 2024-09-16 13:00:26. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:38 or 1178 seconds. Skitz and his new fire/lightning-breathing friends send a clear message to Pillager leadership- The time to settle this is now! Neener-Neener-Cheater-Discleemer: All Cinematic, Plot, Story and Montage shots are done in a duplicate save file and any structures, items, mobs or other materials are used for storytelling purposes – the scenes depicted do not actually occur in the world save of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-02-18 08:21:55. It has garnered 3773 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Trail – Unbelievable Aesthetics!

    Epic Minecraft Trail - Unbelievable Aesthetics!Video Information This video, titled ‘#ASTHETICS #OF #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-06-02 07:45:35. It has garnered 429 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES I PLAY . IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS THEN DO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!

    Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dinosaurs Ultra Dino Episode 3 | A Real Foundation |’, was uploaded by Iggy INC Gaming on 2024-01-10 06:59:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today I took time to gather resources to build our bunker base, it turns out exactly how I imagined it would look. The building of the … Read More

  • EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraft

    EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘|⚡PLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP 🙈❤️⚡| MINECRAFT FRIENDS | #minecraft #live |’, was uploaded by DikkaShaabYT on 2024-03-08 23:53:32. It has garnered 11 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds. Hello Guys Welcome to my Youtube Channel😉❤️❤️.. I Stream Everyday in evening on this channel 🎮❤️… Hope you guys enjoy the stream!! 😉❤️ Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe the channel if you Like my content🥹❤️ Your 1 like = Motivation For me 🥹❤️ Insta: https://www.instagram.com/your_brain_strucker7/ If you guys wants to support more🥹❤: Paytm: 8587830645@paytm… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the Skeleton

    Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the SkeletonVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is happening with AndrewGaming67? | AndrewGaming67 ARG’, was uploaded by Mush the Skeleton on 2024-05-17 03:42:21. It has garnered 186643 views and 6322 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:42 or 5382 seconds. #analysis #arg #minecraft #mystery THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! This one was my biggest project yet, and took quite a bit out of me. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you so much for the support and sugegstions for this one. I sincerely hope that you guys enjoy this and hope I did it decently well. I’m also… Read More

I Survived 1000 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)