I Survived 1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] #1

Video Information

Gamers welcome to the first installment of the road to a thousand days in my hardcore world this video consists of the first seven episodes of my hardcore series and I’ll be continuing to release these compilations every seven episodes also feel free to leave this video running in the background if you don’t

Feel like watching all of it as it greatly helps the channel and also like And subscribe yada yada let’s get into the first episode Gamers I unfortunately cocked it on my previous hardcore world so it’s time to start a new I have so many awesome ideas for this new series

So let’s honestly just Dive Right In now the one thing that we’re going to be doing is just turning this rule off right here update fire this just stops stuff from burning because no one wants that we’re also going to switch over to hardcore here and we’re also going to

Put in a seed uh I don’t know epic gamer there you go and so with all of that done let’s get started [Applause] Thank you All right so we’ve now got our tools and uh just all of the essential stuff next step on our to-do list is to oh actually getting some food would be pretty nice let’s go ahead and uh just Slaughter some innocent animals here all right so now that we have some food cooked up

It’s time to go ahead and get started on a few things so the main goal is to of course just find a really nice spot to uh set up our area now I’m gonna be looking for something similar to the previous season a nice Plains area but

For this one I definitely want something a little bit more flat having the mountains kind of on the sides of our area limited us a little bit and definitely made it a lot longer to uh build stuff because of all the Landscaping required so I’m pretty much

Just looking for something that is a little bit flatter compared to our previous one oh Some Coal hell yeah now while we’re exploring the area I’m definitely going to be on the search for a few things the first thing is going to be some bamboo because scaffolding is

Just honestly Priceless we’re also going to be on the lookout for more animals to get for food although it’s not really that important also some sheep once we get some shears uh for wool and then for beds as well and also a village a village would be very helpful especially

If we have one that’s close to the area that we’re wanting to set up at our kind of area it’ll definitely be a really nice bonus all right actually looks like we’re coming up on a jungle right now which is pretty good we should hopefully

Be able to get some bamboo in here and I don’t know if you guys can hear it but it’s actually a storm going on outside which uh kind of sucks for recording quality but uh oh well bro I don’t know if you guys can hear me but we literally haven’t had rain in

Like months and now we’ve just got like this massive storm and of course it’s like right as I’m recording this first episode that’s just like it’s it’s perfect timing isn’t it guys peep this set up hell yeah ignore all this crap everywhere but uh yeah peep the setup boys what do you think

Yes there’s a lot of gum there okay I like chewing my gum all right shut the hell up also we’ve got a guest appearance guys it’s big kitty okay there we go there’s some bamboo hell yes bamboo acquired might also grab some cocoa beans while we’re here as

Well just for the sake of it priced Almighty that is a nice view just the sunlight kind of shining through the edges of the leaves looks so nice man I love that so much that is the nicest view I’ve ever seen in my life let me

Just do this dude that oh when you stop getting distracted by the views and find a village with a plane’s biome next to it okay all right I swear to God next clip we’re gonna be finding a nice plains biome with a village in or near

It okay guys come on I look I’m sorry okay I I definitely lied in the previous clip uh I just had to update you guys that we found well one whole piece of iron that’s honestly just not even worth uh lying to you guys about bro I need to

Make a bed and literally all of the sheep right here are different colors which means I can’t use their wool I just killed a white wool sheep and then we have a black and a brown one and then a baby black one so I literally could

Not make a bed right now ah I don’t know how we’re gonna get through the night but um yeah we’re just gonna have to hope and pray for the best okay in the first mob of course are two Creepers right next to each other as per the

Usual okay we’ve got some sheeps here and that means I can make a bed hell yes I’m sorry guys I just I really need your wool and I don’t have enough iron I’m one iron short to make some shears so you don’t have to die but um

Unfortunately you do have to die all right let’s make a goddamn bed No mate you’re an actual little go away brother oh my okay I was about to say thick oh holy mother of God okay oh dude I just got goosebumps across my entire body we literally almost just died in the first goddamn episode uh yeah so like I was saying we thankfully

Made it through the night now the quest continues for a nice flat plains biome with a uh nearby Village uh yeah let’s just pray that we can find something pretty suitable in a minute here dude there’s actually no way I was just about to say this area looks really cool it’s

Not incredibly flat but uh it’s definitely suitable and literally as I just started recording about to say it there’s a village right there I cannot I honestly you not I can’t my nipples are fully erect right now that’s gonna look like the most scripted thing that is

Just stupid that is stupid I’m sorry guys that’s actually stupid brain dead that is brain dead stupid all right it’s a bit of a wacky Village that we’ve got here it’s like one of these like weird segregated ones but the upside is we do actually have living Villages here I

Mean I don’t think there’d be a village without living ones in there but yeah so basically what I’m gonna do is just try and get as many as I can lock up inside their houses so that they don’t die because that would definitely suck and defeat the purpose of this uh really

Lucky Village that we found so uh let’s try and find the bell of the village so we can just get everyone sent inside and of course it’s down here okay we’ve got some water to jump into hell yeah all right let’s ring a ding that yep everyone get inside get

Inside your houses even you little man let’s block that baby up we’ve got two men in there we got some leather boots hell yeah Chuck those on okay there we go we’ve got another villager lockdown uh we should honestly be fine with just those ones because we can always breed

Them to make more alright and so I’m pretty happy with that we’ve got some confirmed safe Villages which is uh just exactly what I was looking for and so let’s just have a little quick survey of the area that we’re going to be working with here which honestly looks

Absolutely amazing it is still a little bit hilly it’s a little bit Hillier than I wanted but honestly with the village being right here I can’t complain we’ve also got a nice little like centerpiece kind of area of the village here which is like this Ravine oh it’s actually not

A ravine okay we have a giant massive cave system right here in the middle of our area that’s actually really cool we could like beautify this add like a whole bunch of leaves and Vines and stuff around the place and have like a nice ladder that goes all the way down

To the bottom and uh yeah we can make this like our giant like minor entrance of the Town that’s actually sick that would look really good for a thumbnail as well hell yeah boys all right so the only thing I need now is some Spruce

Wood because uh of course I want to make everything out of spruce wood and stone bricks it’s just my favorite block palette I don’t care what you guys say all right so yeah I’m Gonna Save the coordinates for this area just in case if I go too far and I’m gonna go find

Some Spruce Wood and bring it back here so uh yeah give me a minute Jesus Christ this area looks freaking sick mate what the hell’s going on here looks like the edgelands or the Firelands or whatever it was this is crazy there’s another Village here as well dude what the hell

Let’s see if there’s some free that we can get I don’t know if there was carrots back at the uh the old home Village so um we’re just gonna take these guys so they won’t mind too much oh we got some spuds as well I think I

Already found spuds but um more doesn’t hurt dude that looks so nice that spot right there with like the little Cove thing that looks nice as I love that all right do you guys think I can make it into this water ah dude that’s that’s Pro Gamer you guys

Honestly just wish you could do something that cool I’m sorry but I’m just like on another level more apples we got some emeralds as well that’s pretty cool uh but yeah still no sign of a spruce tree I’ve gone pretty far at this point yeah I’ve gone like basically

A thousand blocks and still no sign of a spruce tree so um we’re just gonna get right back to it unfortunately the footage corrupted where I found the only Tree in like miles but uh there’s a little bit of footage left so here you go there we go every leaf harvested

We’ve got four saplings that’s pretty good and uh now it’s time to make the arduous Trek back home so I’ll see you guys there all right home sweet home hell yeah well it’s not really much of a home yet and uh so that’s what we’re gonna get started doing right now

Building a home that is and so because my starter base is gonna be pretty large I’m gonna have to make a starter base for my starter base so uh let’s just come right in over here and just uh dig out a little bit of a uh temporary base here

All right there we go so there’s our little base of operations now I’m just gonna get started harvesting a whole bunch of wood and probably some Stone as well for our starter base Gamers I found this awesome Lush cave and guess what we just found our first diamond so I’m gonna head on over there and see how many we actually got okay one please be more than one that’s actually dog um well that’s um that’s quite unfortunate we only got one Diamond uh I

Can make a diamond shovel or I guess I can save it up I’m Gonna Keep exploring this cave hopefully I find some more because a diamond pick would be pretty busting but oh yeah I’m mainly here for the iron the iron is definitely the uh biggest bonus of this cave uh so I’m

Gonna continue Mining and uh I’ll see you guys in a second all right Gamers it looks like I found some more diamond oh oh we got a bogey get out of here mate oh I hate creep okay okay we’re good uh yeah like I was saying we found some more diamonds uh

Once again it looks like it is just one piece of course man what is wrong with the diamonds here like isn’t it supposed to be like veins of like maybe four at least it’s like what is this crab I’m getting absolutely scammed right now all right guys so I just came across this

Massive underwater section and I saw something where is it there it is uh something a little enticing uh usually I don’t bother with these uh things but yeah there’s oh my God okay buddy what no what the f what the hell dude there’s one holy okay it what is the spawn rate

Like increased down here for diamonds or something because that’s actually insane there’s more what the do I swear to God this whole episode looks like I’m cheating there is no way there’s that many diamonds like I I swear to God you guys can you guys can get on the seed go to

These coordinates and look at how many diamonds are down here that is actually busted uh the only problem is I don’t know how I’m actually gonna be able to get these I’m gonna try placing doors I don’t know if that works anymore uh but it is definitely worth a try so let’s

Give it a go here okay so if we place a door yes it does it creates an air pocket for us that is beautiful all right let’s go get all of these goddamn diamonds hell yeah boys okay there’s two the hell look at this vein it’s like kind of split okay there’s eight

Diamonds that is so stupid dude okay there is ten there’s 14. all right so I’m pretty sure that’s all the diamonds uh we have 20 in total that is actually busted oh crap I’m about to freaking drown here uh that’s definitely gonna last us quite a while here and I can

Actually make some tools and armor and stuff with that and uh yeah so I I’m happy with the amount of stuff that I’ve got and I think it’s time to get the hell out of here so uh let’s get back to base all right now that we’re back home

It’s time to make some upgrades to our tools okay and now with a whole bunch of tools and a whole bunch of resources we’re gonna finally get started making my starter base now this database is actually going to be more of like a permanent base I guess as it’s actually

Going to be pretty massive and so for this base I’m wanting to kind of build it on the outskirts of where the actual town is going to be so I’m thinking the town is going to be pretty much surrounding this like giant opening in the ground here and then the outskirts

Are going to be like up along the sides around here and I feel like this spot right here is going to be absolutely perfect for the base I’m gonna need a pretty big area and uh yeah so I’m gonna have to flatten this off quite a bit

I’ll probably make the base on this layer here and then I’ll just kind of excavate all of these surrounding dirt and then fill in all of this dirt as well so uh yeah cue the time lapse foreign Of the entire base as you can see it’s absolutely massive so this Outer Circle here of cobblestone is kind of the perimeter and in all of these sections here we’re going to alternate between wheat and carrots and then this Central Area here is uh obviously pretty small

But this is going to be the actual base eventually I’m probably going to need a larger base and that’s why my plan is to convert this into like kind of the farmers like Barn area and then I’ll just add in like a bunch of farmer villages in here eventually and so yeah

The first thing I’m going to get started doing is uh building the actual house here so the first thing I’m going to go ahead and do is just raise up all of the pillars to the correct Heights and uh yeah I’ll just do that as a time lapse

As well because it’s just uh repetitive and uh boring pretty much thanks all right so there’s the frame of the base completed now it’s time to go ahead and fill up all of the walls with all of the details so firstly I’m going to be adding this detail around all of the uh

Exterior around the pillars so we’re going to be adding some extra pillars like so and adding in some Spruce stairs on top of those it just adds like a little extra depth to the look of the base and it looks really cool in my opinion okay now with that done let’s

Come back to this first wall here and we’re going to be doing something pretty basic pretty much just a textured wall using Stone and stone bricks and then at the top here we’re going to Chuck in some stairs and then I’m gonna have to put some glass panes in here I haven’t

Gone ahead and gotten the sand and stuff yet so I’m just going to add that in after because I can’t be bothered right now and so on this wall over here we’re going to do the exact same thing and then as we come over to the door area

Over here I’m going to just quickly remove some of the ground here and place it with some Stone and then so we’re going to be chucking our door on right here and then pretty much just surrounding this entire door with a whole bunch of trap doors then we can

Close all of these up and we’ll get a pretty cool looking like entrance here as you can see it kind of looks like a massive door even though I mean it’s just this little door here and then just for some extra detail we’re going to Chuck in some stairs here and then some

Trap doors below those and then I’ll be chucking in a lantern here as well once again I don’t have those yet and then as for the wall at the top here we’re pretty much doing the exact same thing as the wall down here except it’s I mean

It’s just going to be a little bit smaller you know so just something like that and then we’re going to Chuck in a single glass pane right there next in between these pillars here we’re going to be adding in a couple of neat little details so firstly on this side here

We’re going to be adding in this kind of arch thing then we’re going to do the same for the center except we’re going to add another trapdoor on top of uh Central trapdoor to make more of them like an arch I would like to do that

Over here but the roof that we’re going to be adding in prevents us from placing this trapdoor here so it’s just kind of staying like that and then we’ll be doing the same thing up here as well and uh while I’m up here I might as well

Actually just Chuck in the trim for the roof and so this roof is going to be pretty similar to uh the roof style of my previous hardcore series so we’re just going from slabs and then transitioning to stairs like this and then back to a slab at the top it gives

Like a nice curved roof I’m going to quickly repeat this on the other side over here and then I’ll actually just fill in all of the roof as well while we’re up here okay and there’s the top roof done now as for these like kind of side roof sections we’re going to just

Simply be doing like a slab kind of thing no yeah so that’s basically what it looks like there I’m just going to repeat this on the other side and then just fill in the entire roof as well all right so there’s all of the roofs done including the side roofs here now while

We’re up here I’m just going to be adding in this little detail here so we’re going to be extending our pillars down just by one block I was gonna Place one there that’s already there then all along this area here we’re just going to be adding in some more slabs likes so

And then we’re simply just filling up with this little Gap here with some Spruce fence gates and then as for this little section right here we’re just going to Chuck in some extra slabs and also another trap door in the center here just to give us a nice little like

Kind of arched look in between all of these pillars and uh yeah I’m just going to go ahead and repeat this exact same thing on the other side over here all right and I just went ahead and made some lanterns and also some glass panes so we can actually fill in these details

Here and uh let’s see if I can get a glass pane in this area there we go and now the final detail for the front wall here is just to Chuck in some azaleas I was originally going to do some flowers just because I thought azaleas were

Going to be hard to get but thankfully we found that uh Lush cave which had a whole bunch of them and yeah there we go so there’s the front wall of the house done I’m gonna go ahead and get started doing these sides in the back these

Walls here are going to be pretty much exactly the same as these uh windowed ones here and then the back walls are just going to be uh without windows so yeah I’ll just go ahead and do those as a time lapse right now Foreign okay and there we go there’s pretty much the completed exterior of the house I also went ahead and added in some more azaleas along the sides I kind of forgot to do that during the time lapse and I also added in this pathway that surrounds the entirety of the house and

Allows us to access each of the farm sections now all that’s left to do is uh all of the Farms of course I’m also going to have to go ahead and Chuck some slabs on top of all of these Cobblestone blocks fill in all the farms and then

Also the house interior which we’ll probably get to right at the end so I’m just gonna go ahead and get started working on all of these Farms right now and of course do that as a time lapse so let’s get started foreign Okay and there we go so that’s pretty much all of the exterior done uh of course except for the actual crops themselves I obviously don’t have enough right now so I’m just going to keep growing this and replanting all of the extra crops that I get like this bad boy

Right here I’m just gonna Harvest and then just uh keep growing it you know it’s going to take a little while to do all of that but uh yeah now with all of the exterior done actually I forgot these uh three Spruce fence gates right here but yeah now with all of the

Exterior done it’s time to head on to the interior and uh get everything laid out the exact way that I want it so let’s go ahead and get started right now okay so the first thing for our interior is uh of course gonna be the floor so

I’m just going to go ahead and just excavate the first layer of grass here and just replace it with a nice checkered pattern of stone and stone bricks just something like this you know I already messed it up you guys didn’t see anything and yes I’m just going to

Go ahead and do that real quick right now okay there’s our floor done looking nice the next thing I’m going to go ahead and do is add in our ceiling out of just some Spruce slabs uh I need to figure out where I want to have like the

Ladder or staircase going up to this so um yeah and I think something that could be cool is maybe adding in like a nice Central ladder right here so I’m going to Chuck in some Spruce trap doors like so now unfortunately you can’t do this

On Bedrock uh this is just kind of like a perk of being on Java version I guess uh but yeah so I’m just going to create like this giant like thing here I don’t really know what to call it and then we’re going to Chuck some ladders on top

Of those and yeah so now we just have like this Central ladder that takes us up to the second floor gives me a bit more room for like the sides of the base because this base is kind of small as it is and uh yeah now let’s just start

Continue adding in the rest of the ceiling here okay and there we go so that’s pretty much the base layout and now of course it’s time to add in all of the extra things and I’m thinking I want to put crafting at the back it’s melting

On the left and then storage on the right here and then we’re gonna put like our bedroom right in here just right next to the door because uh it does get annoying having to go upstairs to sleep in a bed like in my previous episode I

Was pretty much just uh placing a bed down on the bottom of my base and sleeping in that instead and yeah so now comes the fun part of trying to figure out a layout and I just realized I might have to actually move these lanterns back one because they’re gonna be in the

Way so just give me a second okay there we go that’s a bit better so yeah now let’s start off with the crafting in the back here so I’m gonna of course grab all my crafting blocks which is uh just pretty much these four for now and so

The first thing I’m going to do is just Place some barrels along the top like this I might not necessarily use this storage but it definitely does just look nice it’s more of like an aesthetic thing I guess then down the bottom let’s Chuck in our crafting table smithing

Table we’ll Chuck our grindstone maybe on top of the crafting table here and then also our stone cutter to the right and yeah that’s pretty much all the crafting blocks that I have for now I don’t know if I’m ever actually going to add any more to this but uh it works for

Now and something just to make it look a little bit more cohesive I might just add in some trap doors on the sides like this so it’s kind of like a contained section I guess there we go just something like that we’ll also add in some Spruce slabs on the top here just

To fill in that weird little Gap and there we go that’s a nice little crafting area now as for this melting area we of course need something a little bit larger I want quite a lot of furnaces here and so I’m thinking I pretty much just want to line the entire

Bottom and top row here of furnaces I’m of course a little bit short I might actually just take these ones here and add them to the top just so we can figure out the design I guess there we go and we’ll just repeat this once we

Get some more furnaces but yeah so I’m thinking I want to add like a supporting shelf to all of these furnaces like this and yeah we can just kind of alternate between trap doors and slabs that’s a nice design that’s not too bad then we’re going to fill in this Gap once

Again and then because our house is nice and Tall it gives us enough room here to put in some decorations on top of all these furnaces which I have pre-prepared actually I really haven’t done a good job pre-preparing for it uh there’s a couple of things I need still oh my God

I’m getting attacked out here boys what the hell get away from me cretins owie oh my God we’ve got more Eye Care boys see you later all right so let’s just sprinkle in like a couple of flower pots maybe like with an azalea in this one then to the right of that let’s

Put an extinguished campfire it just kind of looks like a pile of logs that you’d be like shoving into the furnaces or something like that and then we can just Chuck in some more like random just uh stuff you know maybe an oxide Daisy would look a bit better yeah that that

Looks pretty good and uh yeah so that’s pretty much how our furnace area is gonna look I’m of course gonna extend this to the right once I get some more Cobblestone but yeah now let’s add in our storage area over here so I think I’m just gonna stick with something like

This just pretty much filling up for the entire area with some double chests and we’re of course going to leave a gap here for the window it might look kind of weird from the inside and the outside uh yeah in fact this is just gonna be the most efficient way to store our

Stuff and then I think just to add a little bit of decoration to this I want to put some barrels in between these sections like this and then we’ll just continue this off on this side as well and then we can just fill in this whole

Area with some more chests like so and then we can end it off with some more barrels then because we have this weird Gap here and I can’t exactly add a slab like this because then that means we can’t open the top chests we’re gonna have to do something different and what

I’m thinking of doing is it’s actually going to be a real pain in the butt doing this actually I have an idea if we use a trapdoor like this and place it like somewhere not like that okay buddy what the hell am I doing yeah if we

Place it like that then we can go into uh swimming mode and that should allow us to get in here like so we can’t go exactly under but uh this should work hopefully and so instead what we can do is Place some stairs facing hopefully

That’s the wrong way God damn it man why is it so hard okay if we do it like that there we go so as you can see it kind of covers the Gap and it also means this top chest is openable so I’m just going

To go ahead and crawl around in here and not just do this to every single area where there is a chest and then for the areas with the barrels we can just pretty much just fill it in with some slabs like so okay and so that pretty

Much leaves us with the last section over here which is going to be my bedroom so let’s first Chuck in our bed and then I’m thinking I want to cover up this weird little Gap here and we’ll just do that with some logs and we’ll

Also strip those just to make it look a little fancier then and as for the decoration I’m going to do my signature design here which is pretty much just having three oak leaves and then we’re going to Chuck in a spruce slab and then some trapdoors beside those just to make

This little design I guess we’ll cover in the weird Gap there as well and then finally down here we’ll add in some bedside tables with some barrels add in some flower pots on top of those with maybe like a corn flour and a poppy like

So now I’m gonna go ahead and fill in the rest of the furnaces here and then we’re pretty much done with the bottom floor here okay and there we go so now I’ve added in all of our furnaces and our bottom floor is basically complete next it’s time to head on upstairs and

Add in whatever the hell I’m going to add up here which is actually going to be some offhand storage so basically just storage for things that I’m never going to be using like that often like I don’t know just extra dirt blocks extra Cobblestone and stuff like that in

Reality I’m probably never going to end up using all of the storage even like pretty much down in the bottom of my base and I’m pretty much just adding this in because uh I don’t know I like the idea of it I guess and there we go

So that’s pretty much uh the top floor done I’m not exactly sure what else I want to put up here there’s not too much room up here but I’m happy with that for now gamers in today’s episode I’m gonna get started creating our new village now we’re gonna need an absolute load of

Resources like Stone and wood so let’s just get started right now all right so first things first I want to get survivability addressed real quick and uh yeah so I’m just going to be using a little bit of this iron here to make some iron armor I definitely feel like

It is a worthwhile investment for the series I don’t want it ending prematurely so let’s get all of this good stuff on real quick and uh yeah we’re looking pretty good now in order to get started making our village we do need to get some more resources as you

Can see I don’t really have too much wood and I don’t really have too much Stone as well and so I’m going to go ahead and mine a whole bunch of spruce trees and also a whole bunch of stone as well as we’re going to be needing that

For all of the houses we’re going to be building today so uh yeah cue the time lapse All right now that we have a whole bunch of resources as you can see I’ve got a bunch of stuff it’s time to figure out where we want to build our first house and so I was thinking probably this flat area right down here as I kind of just

Don’t really feel like doing terraforming to be honest and I really like this spot it’s not too close to the hole where I’m wanting to make our like kind of mine entrance thing so uh yeah I think this is a pretty good spot to get started and so I’m wanting to do a

Similar but different kind of style house from my previous hardcore series something maybe a little bit more realistic looking and just a little bit more interesting I guess as well and so we’re first going to start off with the smallest house here this one’s just going to be a simple three by three

House so these are going to be the pillars kind of layout you know and we’re going to raise all of these up to before high end total and we’re also going to connect them up along the tops here and add in the signature sticking out bits on the corner points of the

Pillars so there we go there’s the pillars created now let’s go ahead and whack in the wall where we’re going to have the door and also a little bit of the pathway here so the Wall’s gonna be uh textured pretty much exactly the same as the previous series and

Um yeah so there we go there’s the wall for the door now let’s head over to the side and we’re going to do almost the exact same thing except in the center here we’re going to be chucking in a window let’s add in some stairs like so

And then we’re going to Chuck some glass panes with one glass pane in there like that then for the back wall I’m just going to fill it in pretty much entirely with blocks because this is where the bed and other things are going to be and then we’re going to mirror the opposite

Wall over there to uh this wall here and there we go so there’s all the walls done now it’s time to add in a couple of the details so starting off let’s Chuck in a design like this um it’s uh yeah exactly the same as my

Other series but we’re just not going to worry about that and we’re also going to repeat this exact same thing on the back wall and something else I want to do as well which I think is a really nice little extra detail to add is chucking

Some Stone buttons on the ends of all of these pillars it just adds a nice little accent to them and makes them look a little bit more interesting in my opinion next for some added detail let’s add in these nice kind of slopes that transition the pillars up to like the

Top area over here it might be a little bit too much detail but um to be honest I don’t really care and yeah so that’s pretty much the actual house part done now all that’s left to do is is to add in the roof and I of course forgot to

Grab my extra dirt I do need to make some scaffolding pretty badly as that would come in handy I probably will go ahead and do that in a minute here and so for this first roof here we’re just going to be adding in a simple slab kind

Of roof I guess so it’s just going to be entirely made out of slabs and I’m going to make it a little bit different compared to my last series in that we’re going to be alternating between stone slabs and stone as we progress up to the

Top area of the roof here so yeah something just like that adds a little bit more visual interest to the roof and another thing that I want to do differently as well is actually connect up the trims in between here like so so we’re just going to yeah connect them up

Like this and then I’m going to add an extra little slab down there like so and now as for the rest of the roof we’re just going to Simply fill it in with some Spruce slabs Foreign and yeah so that’s pretty much it for all of the exterior of the house I don’t actually really have anything to create the interior all I’m really going to put in here is maybe like a barrel and a bed or something like that but I will just

Quickly Chuck in the floor I’m gonna make it out of slabs just to conserve the stone um you know how it is out here but yeah I’ll get back to the interior probably in this episode but yeah I need to get like a sheep farm going or

Something like that I just went ahead and shared a bunch of the sheep that were up there and uh just made the bed now because I know I probably forget and so we’re just going to Chuck that bed in right there add in a barrel and Chuck a

Lantern on top of that and uh yeah that’s pretty much the interior done we don’t really need to go too overboard with it I mean we’re not going to be using it it’s just going to be for the villagers now like I mentioned in the previous series I wanted to make the

Houses a little bit closer together in this new series and yeah so I’m just going to be doing exactly that and starting the next house pretty much right next to this house here I’m just gonna offset it maybe a little bit more actually just to make it look a little

Bit more interesting I guess and this house is actually going to be a lot bigger as well this is just pretty much the entrance here and then we’re going to Branch it off into a nice rectangular shape over on this side like so we’re going to bring this all the way up this

Way and up over here as well and there you go that’s the layout of the base it’s pretty much like a t-shaped base I guess and now let’s just go ahead and raise all of these pillars once again up to four blocks iron total all right

There we go so there’s all the pillars done now I’m just going to go ahead and quickly add in a whole bunch of walls pretty much the same as this house over here so just give me a second foreign [Applause] There we go so there’s the layout for all of the walls of the house as you can see we’ve got a whole bunch of Windows in here I just decided to leave it out on these walls because I thought it might make it look a little bit weird

Having windows on every single wall and uh yeah so now we’re going to go ahead and add in the roof it’s pretty much going to be the same as this one it’s just going to go down this way and it’s also going to Branch off to the right

Over on this area here where the door is and that yeah let’s just get started All right okay and there we go so there’s the whole house completed now of course it’s once again time to head on to the interior and I’m just going to quickly go ahead and replace all of the ground blocks here with some more stone slabs Now with the floor done we’re just going to Chuck in a couple of little details like a bed on this end and also on this end we’ll Chuck in a chest maybe beside those as well and a barrel too and on that Barrel let’s just Chuck in and on

That Barrel let’s add in a lantern I need to stop saying Chuck in you guys keep bullying me for it in the comments so uh yeah I really need to get that out of my vocabulary but it’s a very hard to do and then over here where it’s like a

Little bit Plain on the wall let’s just chuck oh my God I just said it again yeah we’re just gonna add in a couple of barrels like so and uh maybe let’s add in a spruce slab between those I don’t know what that’s supposed to be maybe

Like a table or something but yeah it looks kind of cool once I Adventure out and get a whole bunch more detail blocks and stuff I’ll be sure to come back and add it into all of these build interiors and also under my house as well it’s

Lacking a little bit of interior detail but uh yeah there’s our first two houses created all right so those are just some pretty boring standard old like housing houses I mean just houses that you kind of sleep in you know if that makes any sense so now what I’m thinking I want to

Do is maybe head up here and create a building that actually has like a purpose you know and so I’m thinking a lumberjack building would be pretty cool we could add in a building put in like a little bit of a field in front of it where you can like split logs for

Firewood and have like a bit of a forest behind it as well I think that would look pretty cool and so I’m thinking this spot right up here we’ve got a nice flat area I might have to extend this land out a little bit so I’m just going

To go ahead and do that real quick all right so there’s our extended land uh of course it has unfortunately started raining so I do apologize for that and so for this building I’m thinking of doing something pretty small maybe off on the uh back like kind of corner of

The area here I just want like a simple five by five house and instead of adding like some Stone and stone trim I’m thinking of keeping this one predominantly wood as I think it would look pretty cool for like a Lumberjacks kind of like Shack I guess I don’t know

It might end up looking that’s the joy of building you know you got to do it to find out so yeah as for the roof let’s just do something like this basically I mean the exact same roof that we have been doing so it’s nothing

That kind of crazy you know I would like to do maybe like dark oak for the trim but unfortunately I don’t have that so we’re just going to stick with all Spruce it’s not going to look as crazy as I might want it to look but that’s

Perfectly fine with me to be honest okay there we go there’s the roof and the pillars done now let’s just go ahead and add in all of the walls so instead of stone let’s just do some stripped Spruce Wood like this for the door let’s Chuck

In some upside down stairs of course and I’m gonna have to go craft a bloody door actually I just realized that I made this a bit too close to the edge here I might have to extend the land out a little bit more for like what I’m trying

To do you know oh my God I just I realized I’ve been placing my course don’t okay there we go that’s a bit better for the land uh let’s uh head back over to the door here of course go get some Stone my God why the am I

Forgetting all my okay let’s go ahead and replace the ground here with some Stone as uh that’s going to be like our pathway block actually oh do I want that in here I don’t know uh yeah we’ll just leave it for now and we’ll see how we go where’s the door man

Oh dude I swear every time I have doors I know they’re in my inventory I just I can never find them I don’t know why it’s very frustrating I need like a texture pack that makes them like neon yellow or something you know okay and so

For the side uh walls here let’s just add something in like that I don’t know if glass panes would really suit a building like this so I feel like fences would look a little bit better then for the back I want to do like another door

Because this is going to be kind of the pathway out to the back like Forest kind of area of the uh thing you know what I’m trying to say so let’s get some Stone going in through here and like out like this as well and then we’re gonna

Chuck in our door once again and then for this sidewall we’ll just fill it in completely with wood as uh we might put some like chests alongside this wall or something you know next let’s add in the details for this area up here so we’re gonna Chuck in some slabs on these parts

And then over in the front here let’s add in this design I unfortunately ran out of lantern so I’ll have to go ahead and get those later thank eight buttons is right let’s see one two three four six seven eight yes okay so there’s our completed little uh

Lumberjack Shack now as for the area outside here I want to have like this kind of fenced off section where you can chop it your like firewood stuff now I might need to plan this out a little bit because of the way that I’m kind of

Wanting it to be so I’m thinking I want the pathway to kind of be an L shape like this and then it comes over this way and then it’ll connect up to like our main pathway that I guess will probably run like maybe up here yeah

Just something like that and we can add in our texture for the pathway here so I think I’m gonna have to bring out these fences to the left one more block so we have room to add in like a nice little design actually no we’re not going to

Have room anyway yeah no we’re gonna have to leave it like that we can bring it all the way out here and then bring it across and then we can come back over here towards the house like so now we can chuck in our Spruce fence gate right

Here and then we’re gonna have some little areas here where we’re like kind of chopping logs you know it looks a little bit strange I thought it would look better than that to be honest we can go ahead and replace all of the ground blocks with some coarse dirt

Hopefully we have enough yeah these logs would definitely look better if it was like the player head like logs you know what I’m talking about I’m probably showing a picture of it right here they look really cool for something like this and it kind of sucks that we can’t

Really do that in survival unfortunately so we’ll have to live with just the big old logs for now I guess but yeah that looks a little bit better with the course dirt in there and now as for the back area of the house here I just want

To Chuck in a whole bunch of spruce saplings that obviously grow into trees eventually I want to have like kind of like a bit of a forest going on behind this maybe we could even Chuck in like a couple of the two by two saplings like

This so that we make a big tree and this can be like the area where we actually chop down our logs as well so this area kind of has an actual purpose you know yeah I actually really like that idea so I think we’ll have like a dense Spruce

Forest behind it and off to the side here and then maybe up on this area we’ll have some really tall spruce trees that’s definitely a pretty cool idea I’d reckon I’m declaring this area out here to make it nice and flat so our forest is uh like kind of man-made looking or

Like a cultured Forest you know yeah let’s start like maybe right here and then we’ll space them apart by like three blocks they’ll have to come back and place some more in once I get some more but yeah that’ll do for now now let’s go ahead and Link this pathway up

To our actual uh well we don’t really have a pathway yet but um yeah let’s create the pathway for this and Link it up over there and add in the pathway for those houses too yeah so there we go there’s our pathway that links these houses up and also the

Lumberjack over there this will of course Branch off into the main pathway I don’t really know exactly where I want that to be yet I kind of need to do a little bit of planning but yeah I’m happy with the way this is looking so far we’ve already got a tree growing as

Well hell yeah all right next up I’m thinking I want to go for a quick trip to the nether I know what you’re thinking uh I died in the nether last time I went there but this time I’m gonna be a lot more prepared as you can

See I’ve got uh yeah not that much food um we’re not going to talk about that okay I’m not going there to like find Blazers or anything I just want to get some essential stuff that’ll definitely help us out in the long run like some bone blocks for bone meal as right now

I’m just kind of living off skeletons you know and I also want to get some nether quartz and some glowstone as well just for like Redstone stuff well the nether quartz is for um Observer blocks and stuff I don’t know what the glowstone would be for but yeah so yeah

We’re gonna head into this massive cave here that’s under my area and uh just try and find some lava oh okay holy mother of God are you okay are you okay there dude it’s just standing there in the corner just facing the wall we actually need some coal as

Well this is goaded man honestly I’ve been searching for lava for like 20 minutes now and I still haven’t found one like look at this whole freaking area down here look at it there’s no Lava what is that it’s like a big pillow what the hell and

There’s a freaking uh thing I mean we have been finding a lot of iron and stuff which is still pretty good but I mean oh my God that was close Jesus Christ This is actually the biggest like cave I’ve ever seen dude this is huge I’m pretty sure this is the one that’s

Like under our area did you just see that why did it like uncrouch me for a second dude I just got I know I said I’ve said this a few times but I literally just got goosebumps across every inch of my body do with that information what you will yeah

Literally look at this there is not a single puddle of lava except for that which is probably just like one water sword like one source coming out of the wall you know like this is unsafe I’m getting out of here honestly Jesus I’m I’m honestly stupid you are actually

Kidding me this whole time right here right next to my base there is a massive lava pool dude I did all of that basically for oh I mean we did still get to mine which is still pretty good but yeah there’s literally a lava pool right

Next to my goddamn base all right now with our obsidian I was actually going to go ahead and just make a random portal somewhere probably in like our mine or something but I thought it might actually be cool to make a little bit of a build for it in the actual town it’s

Gonna be pretty small but uh we could eventually just upgrade it if we wanted to and so I’m gonna do something pretty similar to a build that I’ve showcased before in one of my 30 build ideas videos which I highly recommend watching those if you’re out of ideas for builds

In your Minecraft world yeah so I’m thinking of something in like a kind of shrine and style I guess so let’s place four blocks like so and then on top of that we’re gonna Chuck in our portal uh oh I just realized I don’t have the

Corner blocks okay I’m gonna have to go ah I’m gonna have to go and get another four obsidian blocks for this to look as good as possible uh just bear with me here guys I’m back and we now have all of the obsidian that we need so let’s

Just go ahead and make this entire portal I also want to make sure it’s the right height because I always mess that up so there we go that’s a good there now let’s continue to expand this platform out a little bit so we’re going to go to the left one more and then

We’re going to bring it towards us actually sorry my bad so we’re gonna bring it out two blocks here and then we’re gonna go along like this and then we’re gonna come out like this as well so we’re kind of creating like an oval shape yeah just

Like that I also want to replace these uh Central ones here with some Stone as that’s our pathway blocks of course I don’t have any stone slabs on me which is a bit annoying uh yeah we’ll just link up the pathway later and yeah then

I’m just going to go ahead and add in some slabs in these spots here and then we’re also going to Chuck some stone brick walls right here and here and in the other side in the same places and we’re going to Chuck some torches on top

Of those as well I would prefer candles but unfortunately I don’t have like the B stuff set up I don’t know if I ever will set that up because it’s uh it looks like a pain in the butt to be honest but uh yeah there we go uh it’s

Actually not as cool as I thought it would look but we will definitely go ahead and upgrade this in the near future so don’t worry about that but uh yeah now with our nether portal lit and ready to go let’s Jump On In and head to

The nether for a quicker visit okay and here we are uh there’s already a gas there um okay let’s um get some blocks ready okay there’s some bone blocks that’s the first thing I wanted hell yes why is there skeletons here dude why is there skeletons in the nether like just

Go home buddy what are you even doing here man I mean it’s just man’s just absolutely vibing up there all right so there’s a whole bunch of bone blocks that should be quite a bit of bone meal actually how much did we do we get from one thing nine that’s actually goated

Hell yeah now before we leave I do want to get some nether quartz I think yes I see some up there that is good let’s get those nether quartz and uh can we is there any glowstone nearby uh yes okay we can just go over there get that bone

Get that glowstone and head the hell out okay salute that sounds like an absolute game plan right there boys all right and that should be good enough uh we might as well just grab these bone blocks as well why not you can never have too much bone meal okay and we’re pretty much

Done we’ve got a decent amount of bone blocks some nether quartz and some glowstone as well so uh yeah let’s just go ahead and uh head back home okay and now with that done I’m just gonna go ahead and create a couple more houses for our village here and also the

Pathway I’m just gonna go ahead and do that as a time lapse because it’s pretty much just the same thing that we’re already doing I might make a couple of different variations of houses but yeah you’ll see that in the time lapse and yeah so let’s just get started right now

I just felt like I had to quickly say uh I finally got some scaffolding now so you don’t have to watch me placing bloody dirt everywhere you know uh so yeah now let’s get started foreign In today’s episode of the hardcore series I’ll be creating a whole bunch of essential Automatic Farms that honestly every survival world should have as it just makes life so much easier and thankfully only one of the Farms involves torture and execution so we shouldn’t feel too bad let’s get started

Alright so the first thing that I want to get started doing is actually bringing some villagers over into our area and making like a little bit of a villager breeding underground uh chamber or dungeon if you will as we’re going to be needing some villagers for these

Automatic Farms for two of them in total and so I’m thinking maybe like over here or something like this it’s not too far that we have to bring them so it’s not going to be like an absolute pain in the anus so maybe like behind the portal

Here we could have a bit of an entrance that goes down into our uh thingamajiggy maybe like right here yeah I think this is a good spot so let’s just dig this all the way down uh we’ll Chuck some beds in when I actually have some beds I

Need to get started if I make some sheep and uh yeah so just give me a second and I will clear out a bit of an area here all right there we go that’s looking pretty good for now uh it’s not too big but yeah I just can’t be bothered ending

It and so I’m going to transport our villagers over by using a couple of boats and also some water this is probably going to be not too much fun so honestly we’ll see how we go I think I’m just going to make some like giant River or something just to transport them as

It’s just going to take forever if I don’t do that uh so yeah give me a second dude are you guys seeing this I’m actually like 200 IQ I can’t like ride a boat up a stream so what I’m doing is I’m luring the Villager up to the only

House that has a bed in it now I can just you know get him in the boat and get him down the stream dude I’m just honestly I’m on another level out here boys like like no one is no one’s as good as me okay I know I’m kidding but

That’s just too far I just sound like an so yeah this will be our second villager thankfully and uh now we can go ahead and just transport him down into the other villager and just breed those because uh honestly screw having to do this crap ever again honestly all right

And there we go there’s our two Villages I’m just gonna uh probably yeah I’ll probably have to expand this a little bit I’m gonna Chuck some beds in and get these guys breeding and uh then we can move on to creating our first automatic farm alright and so now with everything

Sorted out with the villages I’m gonna go ahead and create this first starter Farm which is going to be our iron farm and so just due to the nature of this Farm I’m gonna have to build it pretty far away from our existing Village so

I’m going to go ahead and find a nice flat area kind of behind our base over in this area over here yeah probably like just down here in this spot will be perfect and also we’ll just say that this Farm design is originally created by enxo4 is just like I mean the

Standard goat for farms and stuff like that and then I will be figuring out how to beautify it myself as well just to make it look nice instead of just like a weird hole in the ground but oh yeah the link to his original tutorial video for

This Farm will be linked in the description and yeah I’m not going to show you how to build it because I mean he obviously does a pretty good job of it so I’m going to go ahead and build it as a time lapse right now and then we’ll

Go ahead and beautify it at the end All right so there we go there’s our starter Farm completed all I need to do now is go ahead and lure a zombie down into wait not that hole uh this hole right here and I also need to get three villagers into these beds destroy the beds and they’ll fall down into like

These beds down here where they need to be and then our iron farm will be up and running actually I also need to put this lava bucket in right here I forgot to do that there we go so yeah now it’s time for the arduous task of bringing three

Villagers all the way down here I have no idea how I’m gonna do that but I think one way that I want to make this easier is actually go ahead and get some Soul Sand from the Nether and that way we can actually push our boats upwards

And then I’ll just make like a giant river that leads all the way down here or something like that I’ll once again it’ll be done as the time lapse because that is boring it’s just the way it is boys uh so yeah let’s just go ahead and get started doing that right now Okay there we go so there’s our giant villager boat River transportation system thing completed uh we have to do this a total of three times which uh is gonna suck hopefully it’s not too much of a pain but yeah as you can see we’ve got a nice elevator in this part here

And uh yeah we just have to make this entire thing so we’ll see how we go all right there we go there’s our first villager in the boat now we can simply open up the fence gates here and uh we should be able to just take our boat

Over to this get straight up and stuck straight away that’s perfect I love it why does nothing ever work the way I wanted to yes there we go okay we’re good we’re good now we can take the river all the way down over this way I’m gonna have to sleep real quick because

Um yeah that’s gonna suck all right now let’s continue our journey down the river down this way hell yes we should be able to just okay we don’t even need that elevator now we’re coming up on the big elevator here uh all right up we go okay buddy

Oh no no buddy buddy buddy buddy no please come back please come back uh Bang get it yes okay okay we’re good we’re good holy crap all right so we need to make these elevators a little bit higher because uh they seem to be getting stuck

At the top of them for some reason okay and let’s go straight into the elevator bang up we go yes there we go that works perfectly our man’s still here sweet down this way through the trees I made it a bit of a like a Scenic Journey down this way

And what the hell what the brother where are you going how the hell does that happen mate in the boat no this is actually annoying me what the hell dude get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat

Dude what like these so glitchy man like what the hell all right we go all the way down this way and straight in not quite straight in but that’s good enough for me okay so now we’ve got our first man in here now I need to uh actually make some fancy

Gates all right there we go so now we’ve got our first villager in here now I’m gonna have to go ahead and do that a total of two more times so that we have three villages in our thingamajig so just bear with me guys and I’ll be back

In a couple of minutes well for you it’ll be like a couple of seconds but yeah you know what I mean Okay [Applause] [Applause] thank you Alright so if you’re paying attention during that time lapse you would have seen actually created a whole nother iron farm over to the left here oh there you go you can see it in action hell yeah I mean it’s kind of sad but I mean

You got to do what you got to do you know so yeah now we’ve got basically just double the output because uh yeah I mean it’s easy enough to build this farm so might as well you know and just like that we’ve already got a stack and a

Half it literally I don’t even know how long that took probably like 10 minutes or so I just realized I forgot to uh till the land on this one oh no I don’t actually know what that does but um yeah I’m just gonna listen to the tutorial

Guy because he knows best I don’t know why did we why do we get one out here man that is so annoying nah sorry buddy you know where you gotta go stop fighting against me it’s just it’s not going to work out for you I’m sorry mate I’m sorry

Poor guy I probably need to flatten this like area off more because they can probably spawn in these blocks down here and now I know I said I’m gonna beautify these Farms but honestly I have no idea how I’m gonna do that and we still have

Three other Farms that we need to get done these ones definitely took a lot longer than I thought they would uh so yeah we’re gonna leave them as is for now I might come back eventually and decorate them I mean let’s be real it’s probably never gonna happen but if I

Remember I’ll get to it and uh yeah so now that we’re fully done with all of the iron Farms it’s time to move on to the next automatic farm all right for the next automatic farm I’m going to be creating a fully automatic crop Farm as you can see my

Inventory is full of juice here and as you can tell we’re going to be making a carrot farm so I already marked out a nice spot I think oh I need dirt I need dirt give me a second okay I’ve got my dirt now and uh yeah here we go I marked

Out the spot with a torch uh I don’t know why I mean it’s right here but yeah so I’m gonna have to do a little bit of landscaping to get this area looking nice and instead of just like a flat kind of like plain boring Farm I’m gonna

Sprawl it across this like entire area I’m not exactly sure how it’s gonna look in the end but uh hopefully it looks good enough for the thumbnail for this video so yeah I’m gonna get started smoothing off the landscape I’m gonna cover in a whole bunch of these random

Holes around the place clear all the grass and I’ll probably Mark out the edges of the farm with these fences as well so uh yeah let’s get started foreign Now with everything basically done except for actually like planting the crops you know it’s time to actually create the mechanism for how this Farm is going to be automatic and we’re going to be chucking it in right uh we’ll probably do it right here on this block

So this block right here we’re going to add in a slab this is where our village is going to be standing and then we’re going to have our other villager here that’s going to be like just farming everything and then throwing everything to this villager now I’m going to block

Off the sides here with some just some logs I guess I didn’t actually think the collection method through here all right so we’re gonna remove all of these grass blocks here and replace them with some Hoppers so these two are going to point in towards this corner block and then

These two are going to point towards this block over here and then on these blocks we’re going to be adding in a barrel and then to actually access the barrel we’re going to place some Spruce stairs here like so so that we have like a little Gap here that we can access it

From okay now on top of all of these oh my God I didn’t create some goddamn rails give me a second I have to go back to my base and make some actually oh I can make some here hell yes okay so let’s just make some rails real quick

Then we’re gonna Place some on top of all of these blocks around like so I actually want this one to be facing that way there we go and uh before actually I can just add in three of these because I need to get an actual villager in here

So we’ll just do it like that and we’ll bring the Villager in through this one and then next we’re gonna add in some Spruce trap doors around the place like so to stop at the villagers from moving and yeah so this whole system should keep the Villager stuck in this place

And it should stop the Villager out here from actually like walking inside I haven’t actually tested this so uh yeah hopefully it works I also need to add in a composter in here I don’t know if I need to like add multiple I think one like composter will be fine I’ll just

Chuck it here and then he should hopefully cover this entire area and uh yeah so now I’m gonna go ahead and just place in all of the carrots in this field and I’m also going to bring up two Villages it’s gonna be in absolute pain I’m probably just going to do it with

Some rails because making a boat elevator from there all the way up to here is going to be pretty frustrating so yeah I’m gonna go ahead and do all of that right now and uh I’ll be back okay and now with our villagers in place

As you can see we have the uh crop receiver in here and we have our actual farmer guy out here I’m going to Chuck down this composter and uh he should hopefully run to it and get a farmer job there we go and then he’ll start harvesting the carrots and once he’s

Full on carrots oh no you little prick I need to uh Chuck a slab on that you know yeah I believe once he’s full of carrots you’ll start trading it to this guy to try and breed with him but all of the carrots will actually get stuck in these

Hoppers and then be sent into the barrels and uh yeah I’m really hoping he can actually reach all of these crops and uh that he has like enough range to yeah reach all the crops so uh yeah I guess we’ll have to see in due time but

Uh yeah that pretty much does it for the fully automatic crop Farm two Farms down two to go all right and now for the final two Farms we’re actually going to be building these ones together so they’re gonna be in the same build and I’m thinking probably this spot over

Here it’s a nice little flat area I mean I have to do a little bit of landscaping but it’s not too bad and I might as well just reveal what the two final Farms are right now you might be able to tell what they are in my inventory but uh yeah

This is going to be a lava drip Stone farm and also a sugar cane farm and I’m gonna create them in the same build actually Oh No Love Is Gonna melt the wood no it’s not I turned off do spread fire Yes means I don’t have to worry

About that stupid crap you know so yeah on the front we’re gonna have the sugar cane and then on the back we’re gonna have the lava drip Stone thingy majiggy and yes I’m just gonna get started flattening off of this uh little bit of an area here and then we’re going to

Start creating the build all right so I need to figure out the exact uh actual like width of the build here so let’s place our first pillar actually we’re gonna place it maybe out here so this is going to be the total length of the

Build here and yeah now we just need to figure out the width so I want to leave a gap here and then on this block here is where our sugar canes are going to be actually it’s probably going to be up one so more like on this block here then

Behind this we’ll have our water for the sugar canes so pretty much exactly like this then we’ll have our line of stone behind all of these our pistons on top of this and then finally some observers on top of all of the Pistons then we’re going to add in another layer of dirt

Here and also in front of or behind all of The Observers like this and then we can chuck in some Redstone Dust behind all of these pistons and now just to double check this works we can just place a sugar cane on top here oh

Actually we need to go all the way up and there we go actually I think I want these pillars to go back one more block like that and uh we’ll figure out a front design obviously but yeah we’ll just leave it like that for now so

That’s the total length of the back area there that’s the total width of the sugarcane farm now I want to add in the lava drip Stone Farm thing on the back side here now I don’t exactly know how these work I should probably look it up

But I know that they have to drip into these cauldrons down below and then we of course need to have the drip Stones hanging down like this and then we need to have obviously a lava source above this so that the lava is like dripping

Down the drip Stone you know as you can probably tell I didn’t do a lot of research before this so uh yeah I probably should have to be honest yeah let’s just try chucking in a lava bucket here and uh hopefully it should start dripping down this yes there we go and

This should fill up the cauldrons eventually and this should slowly fill up the cauldrons over time I just realized I probably should have used a freaking stone for all of these blocks so it doesn’t look ugly as hell let me quickly fix that up okay there we go that’s looking a lot

More professional let’s add all of our drip stone blocks on here I didn’t even realize they just naturally drip water oh that’s cool now up here let’s add in a bit of like a surrounded thing so that the lava obviously doesn’t flow out everywhere and I’m gonna have to go get

More Stone so just to bear with me Gamers okay I’ve got more Stone now we can finish up this little area and also add in all of our lava buckets now I’ve only got three buckets so I’m gonna have to do several trips to my little lava

Pool up over this way I mean I could just make more buckets but honestly I don’t know why I didn’t I’ve got basically infinite iron going on down over there so uh yeah now you know what to save one trip we’re gonna go ahead and make three more buckets okay

Hopefully I’ve actually got enough iron left in here oh I think that’s just enough literally oh no that’s oh yeah oh yeah okay wait yeah okay I was so confused for a second there once I finish this I really want to check on our iron and see how much

We’ve actually gotten after doing like all of this in the meantime would definitely be interesting to see all right now let’s finish adding in all of the lava there we go there’s a full ass lava pit going on now all of these should be dripping lava yes they are

Hopefully uh they just go straight in I I don’t know how long it’s supposed to take or if this is going to work I might have to actually look it up yeah I probably should look it up before I finish the entire build and make sure

That this is actually going to work give me a second okay I just confirmed this should definitely work if it doesn’t uh I don’t know I’m gonna be upset if it doesn’t work but oh yeah now we can get rid of this scaffolding and this will

Also Mark out the edge of the building right here oh we’ve already got one Jesus that was quick what the hell that’s actually sick and yeah so that’ll Mark out the edge of our building probably to this point here I’m gonna have to figure out some way to like

Conceal this and uh yeah we’re gonna have to make it pretty tall as well to actually go over this situation here I just need to quickly check to make sure this is going to be good yeah we should be all good with the setup like this

It’s going to be pretty tall it might look a little bit weird but hopefully not too weird you know now let’s come back around to the front and actually add in the mechanism to collect all of the sugar canes so we’re going to remove this layer and also this layer of dirt

Here now smack bang in the middle let’s remove this block here we’re also going to remove a couple more and so right here is going to be our double chest that’s going to be the output chest and then let’s connect up two Hoppers to that as well we’re gonna replace these

Dirt blocks and then we can also go ahead and add in our rail so we’re gonna have a powered rail at each end this is so the Minecart with a hopper is able to bounce back and forth and we’re going to connect them up like so and then we also

Need to get a lever placed on here to power these rails we’ll do the same on this side of course now we can place on our Minecart with a hopper and this should just infinitely go back and forth and collect all of our harvested sugar cane all right so that’s all of the

Mechanisms and all of that uh stuff done now it’s time to figure out a front wall design and I’m pretty much thinking I just want like a giant wind though you know so I might actually change these stone blocks into some stairs and we’ll add those on all along the bottom here

And I’m gonna have to go and smell some more glass but yeah we’re gonna add them in like this also if you’re wondering why my glass isn’t connected textures like it usually is it’s because the continuity mod hasn’t been updated yet which kind of sucks but uh yeah I’m

Gonna have to go and smelt some more of the sand that I’ve got in my house so uh just bear with me what the hell I’ve just come back and there’s a villager here where the hell did this guy come from I honestly have no idea like what

Why is he like a blacksmith guy as well did I leave this open no my guys are still in here what the heck man that is very strange I’m just gonna leave him do what he wants to do so I kind of want to check on my farm to make

Sure it wasn’t any of these guys that got out somehow that guy’s still there where’s that actual Farmer Boy oh no is gone isn’t he man how did he get out well now I have to try and figure out how to get this guy back in an absolute

Pain why like how did he get another job man what are they doing oh it’s probably in The Cauldron wasn’t it I don’t know if the cauldron’s a job site block but yeah all right give me a minute I have to get this guy back inside and figure

Out how he got out as well okay I finally got him back in that was an absolute pain in the ass but I’m pretty sure he got out by just walking up over here and then over one of the fences so I’ve just raised up the fences

Everywhere around the place and uh yeah hopefully he gets his farmer job back because right now he’s like I don’t even know what this is like some freaking what’s it called you know the guy that makes clothes the tailor or whatever but uh yeah I’m gonna continue on creating

Our build over here so um yeah all right so now with our glass we can go ahead and place in the rest of it like so I think I will go ahead and make it three wide and yeah I hate not having connected textures this looks so ugly so

Hopefully they update the mod soon to 1.19.3 but uh yeah now we’re actually gonna connect up these areas here with some logs I’m gonna have to go and chop down some more trees because I I’m running very low on logs connect those up like so and also on this spot here

I’m gonna have to quickly switch to my logs here so that the lava doesn’t pour out there we go and on the back that’s actually kind of annoying I’m gonna have to replace all of these stone blocks with some logs and oh yeah okay so now

I’m out of Vlogs I’m gonna have to go Harvest some of my trees I’ll be back in a second okay I’m back with more wood and uh let’s just continue on placing in the rest of our stuff here and I’m gonna have to start replacing the stone blocks

Here with some wood so let’s get into the gamer position and uh let’s do this all right there we go that was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be man look at all this lava it’s filling up so quickly hell yeah that’s gonna be

So good for fuel now as for the back design I feel like I want to just keep this open it’s going to be nice and easy to grab the lava out I might add in some stairs like this that might look cool oopsie days in place for that yeah that

Looks pretty cool just having it open like that I might actually even Place some slabs along the bottom here just to make it look a little bit contained yeah that looks nice as I like that now as for the sides here I just want of course of course it starts raining man looks

Like it’s time for disruptive’s special section of building in the rain yeah as for the sides here I just want to probably do some kind of like textured Stone and stone brick wall nothing too crazy yeah just like that and I’ll quickly repeat this on the

Other side and there we go now oh actually it’s storming that means we can go to bed hell yes there we go that’s a lot better now it’s time to add in all of the details oh we got our first harvested piece oh we actually got a couple oh yeah oh yeah so

Like I was saying let’s add in some details so we’re going to be adding in this Arch design that we’ve done to pretty much every other building there we go we’ll also make some buttons for those extra details on the ends of the logs here and then in between all these

Logs let’s add in our signature design of some Spruce fence gates a spruce fence in the center and then also our Lantern below this fence here as for the sides we’ll just connect them up like so because the walls are an even number here it’s going to look weird if we have

Like I don’t know two lanterns or one offset Lantern you know and then as for the back we’ll do the exact same thing and then for this side of course wear one fence gauge short oh my God man the struggle is real Gamers one fence gate

Chuck it in Easy Peasy mate all right and now I’ll just go ahead and do the roof as a time lapse because yeah it’s just uh you know it’s just boring so let’s get started doing that right now [Applause] foreign and there we go there’s our final two

Automatic Farms in one so whenever I need some sugarcane I can just come down here and grab it from this chest and if I ever want to just smelt some stuff easily I can come here and just grab some lava with the buckets and yeah

There we go I’ll be able to smelt a whole bunch of stuff with these buckets now the annoying thing about using buckets for fuel is that the bucket actually gets used as well but thankfully we have our iron farm down there which I’m gonna go check on right

Now I just need to empty my inventory all right looks good it looks like it’s still working I can see a Golem perishing over there and another one okay we’re in the green Gamers okay let’s take a look holy mother of God okay I was not expecting that much iron

That’s actually sick holy crap now I’m just expecting pretty much the same amount in this one oh my God we’re gonna have to turn these into blocks Gamers we’re gonna have to turn these into blocks there’s just so much what the hell that’s actually sick I don’t think

I’ve ever had this much iron in a freaking survival world before you can tell how much of a like a survival Noob I am all right so we’ve got a snack and 21 of iron blocks and I’m just gonna keep this unblockified because I’m probably going

To be using it but oh yeah that’s actually crazy I can’t believe we’ve got that much iron that quickly I mean I have been playing for like probably three or four hours since we built that but I mean it’s respectable for a starter Farm I mean that’s pretty good

Gamers in the previous season I harnessed the power of trees to get infinite emeralds but this time I’m achieving infinite wealth by harnessing the power of the melon that’s right I’m gonna make a giant automatic underground melon farm let’s get started alright so first of all I’m going to need a lot

More resources than I currently have as you can see I only have 19 nether quartz and I’m gonna need pretty much one nether quartz for every Observer and I need one Observer for every single melon that I’m going to want to grow yeah we need to head back to the nether get a

Whole bunch of nether quartz which uh isn’t going to be very fun I hate the never we’re also going to need a lot more Redstone as you can see I’ve only got uh pretty much a stack here I need them for the Pistons I also need Cobblestone and yeah just a bunch of

Stuff so for the first thing I think I’m going to head to the nether real quick and just get as much nether quartz as I I can so let’s quickly stock up on some food because I’ve only got nine pieces of steak at the moment and I feel like

I’m gonna need a lot more definitely so uh let’s just breed a bunch of my animals over here in my rudimentary Farm I definitely need to upgrade this into something better but I mean it works well for now and now let’s just go ahead and Slaughter some innocent animals

All right and that should be good enough for now now I’m going to cook up all this meat using my uh lava buckets I think I’ve ever used a lot oh it actually doesn’t use the bucket what the hell that’s sick I caught I thought I consumed the whole bucket as well when

You use this that’s actually goaded but yeah I’ve never actually used lava to fuel the furnace before so I don’t know how honestly it looks like it lasts a pretty long time what the hell and if you’re wondering how I’m farming all of this lava be sure to check out the

Previous episode but uh I mean long story short we made like a little building over there with a uh drip Stone Farm dude it hasn’t even like the fire hasn’t even gone down like a tick yet that’s crazy while our food’s cooking I’m gonna quickly expand our villager

Breeding area got a whole bunch of spare beds here because I do want to start giving the villagers some jobs so that I can get some enchantments as well with our emeralds that we’re going to be getting from the farm that we’re building in particular I’m pretty much

Looking for like a librarian for uh specific enchantments like mending and stuff and uh just like General other things you know so yeah let’s expand to this and uh put in a whole bunch more beds Wait what that still hasn’t gone down dude I just did that whole like villager thing and got like a bunch of stuff and that’s still going ah no way is that bugged or what I’ve never actually used lava so I don’t know how long it lasts

For all right now with a whole bunch of food and uh a little bit of preparation work actually yeah I should probably grab some extra blocks just grab like some diorite I don’t know we’re never gonna use this and uh yeah now let’s head over to the Nether and just get a

Whole bunch of nether quartz buddy what in God’s name are you doing here what the hell I should probably put a fence gate in front of the uh the portal in the Overworld but I mean at least we’ve got some portal defense now and uh yeah this time around I’m actually going to

Uh probably mark down the coordinates of the portal because I think we’re gonna go pretty far and I’m gonna try my hardest not to die I don’t want what happened in the last series to happen again uh so yeah I’m gonna be very careful in here okay we have a ghast

Situation over here uh it’s gonna be a little bit annoying to deal with but I’m gonna try and do one of them oh bro literally first one that’s insane I’m actually goaded at this game what the hell dude that’s sick and uh yeah there’s a bunch of nether quartz around

Here so I’m just gonna get started harvesting this juicy stuff what the heck there’s another one not you saw what happened to your friend it’s happening to you okay maybe not first try but come on yeah oh yes we got him hell yeah honestly just get on my level gusts you just nothing

Honestly I just realized how risky that was there could have been lava right there and I would have been absolutely creamed oh yeah I need a I really need to step up my uh occupational health and safety level out here and I really should have gotten Fortune before I started doing

This because then we’d be getting like no like maybe three or four nether quarts per per thing instead of one but I don’t have any emeralds so I need to build this thing uh to get it oh actually I could just enchant a pickaxe right I’m basically level 30. what the

Hell am I doing okay we’re going back and I’m gonna enchant probably a new pickaxe because this one’s almost gone uh yeah I don’t know what I was thinking I just kind of forgot that you can actually like enchant stuff without emeralds oh dude this guy’s making short

Work of some skellies around here that’s actually sick forget what I said about putting a freaking fence gate in front of the portal like I want them in here now let’s actually see it yes we’ve got a new baby oh that’s so cute question is though where am I going to build my

Enchanting area because I don’t really have much room in this uh house do I have room up here I could I could build it up here actually that might be what I do I do want to make a library building eventually in our town but I think for

Now just for ease of use and um because I really want to get this Farm done I’ll just build it upstairs what the hell how are you in here man get out brother oh there we go we just hit Level 30. oh yeah all right well I’m gonna quickly go

Get this uh four obsidian for dude there’s another one get out I should probably fix up the wall here because they can easily get in yeah as you can see my wall isn’t really much of a wall I should probably yeah lower the surrounding area there we go that should

At least keep the mobs out and uh yeah now I’m going to get some pressure subsidian over here dude look at those Reflections that is so nice if you want your Minecraft to look as good as this be sure to check out my freaking video okay just constant comments of people

Asking for my settings and my shaders I just don’t reply to them anymore because like the videos on my channel okay watch it man just just stop asking me man it’s right there okay let’s see if I can remember how to make an enchanting table I’m pretty sure it’s like this Bang Bang

Guys you know like I’m just I’m too good now we need an absolute load of books it hasn’t been too long since I actually built this probably like I don’t know like in-game like half an hour 20 minutes or so so there’s probably not gonna yeah there’s only 20. that’s yeah

Yeah it’s kind of rough let’s go scavenge the town real quick to see if they have any bookshelves I don’t think they do yeah I just checked every house and unfortunately there is no bookshelves so yeah that kind of sucks I might just go scavenge some extra

Sugarcaneis around the place so to uh speed things up a little all right so we’ve got a little bit of sugarcane it’s probably not going to be enough but uh yeah now what I want to do is actually start harvesting all of these melons and getting like a bunch more seeds because

We need a lot more than 22. and uh yeah I apologize this episode is just kind of all over the place I haven’t really planned this episode out too well so yeah forgive me for that and so yeah I just want to make a temporary uh little

Melon farm and yeah I mean let’s just uh let’s just get started here so there’s our two rows let’s get all these bad boys planted and we did get a bunch of bone blocks as well so I may as well just bone meal those to get those going

A little bit quicker oh geez that one grew instantly what the hell oh can you do wait why are those growing straight away I don’t know if that’s just like a coincidence or what like can you can you make it grow straight away I don’t know

How I did that but yeah I will also put some light around here so these can grow during the night time let’s just put like one hanging up here it might look a little bit weird but oh well oh yeah that’s definitely kind of weird we’re

Not going to talk about it okay all right I’ve also just gone ahead and planted a whole bunch of sugarcane here so we’re gonna have that farm going this Farm going and this one as well and I’m just going to go ahead and sit in this

Hole for a little while in AFK and uh we’ll be back in a couple of uh well honestly I have no idea how long but we’ll be back All right we’re back after really not that long it’s been like 10 minutes uh yeah that’s uh not a lot of growth uh I was expecting a bit more but I probably wasn’t gone for long enough but uh you know every little bit counts actually we

Do have the automatic farm to check but I’m not expecting a lot oh yeah eight not too bad respectable all right so after that we have enough to make a whopping four bookshelves I know guys settle down I can’t believe we honestly got that much from all of that work but

Yeah it’s pretty good now let’s go ahead and Chuck down our uh enchanting table and then uh we’ll just start lining the back here with some bookshelves I will have to get rid of some of these chests because they’re going to be covered up by bookshelves so um yeah let’s just

Let’s just do that now okay all good and uh yeah I’m just gonna honestly wait for the sugarcane and stuff to grow so that we can make the um enchanting area so I can enchant my pickaxe hopefully get Fortune go back to the nether get more

Nether quartz so that we can then start the build for this episode actually I know what I can do while I’m waiting for the stuff to grow I can start digging out the hole for the actual farm so yeah let’s get started doing that all right

So want this to be pretty deep I want to do a couple of layers at least so let’s go like maybe yeah that deep that sounds good now I just want to say I have not planned this out whatsoever I have no idea how I’m going to build this or

Anything so yeah we’re just going to see how we go to be honest now I actually need to get back up so I’m going to start creating the ladder Of course I’m One ladder short man God damn it man there we go ladder complete now I’m pretty much just gonna go until my pickaxe breaks which I mean it doesn’t have much time left uh to live on it so yeah let’s just start get started Excavating And there goes the pickaxe uh yeah we didn’t really get too much done I wasn’t expecting to get too much done down here but um yeah so now uh the next clip okay we’re gonna have enough stuff to make all of the bookshelves up here and we’re

Gonna be enchanting a new pickaxe which I might as well just make right now bang There we go and uh yeah so I’ll be back in a couple of seconds all right so I just went through the trouble of getting a librarian villager all the way up here

I’m probably showing the time lapse right now on the screen and so I’m trying to get um to cold oh what is it called and I’m trying to get that one enchantment that lets you heal your tools up with uh XP mending that’s the one and so I just got this really

Interesting uh trade here as I’m going through destroying the thingies we’ve got nine emeralds for one bookshelf now that’s probably not a very good trade but something that is uh pretty interesting is uh if you have seen the previous episode we have a fully automatic carrot Farm over there and I

Noticed that our farmer villager actually has a trade that uh gives us emeralds for carrots so let’s actually check to see if he has uh deposited any carrots into the barrel and uh unfortunately he hasn’t given us any more carrots it was almost a full Row in

Here of carrots but I gave them to all the villagers down there to breed but oh yeah as you can see he has a trade here 22 carats for one Emerald it’s not too bad but that can definitely be a really nice way to get those bookshelves really

Quickly so what I might actually do is just Harvest all of the crops here manually because uh he’s taken his sweet ass time and we can do a bunch of those trades and hopefully get enough bookshelves to enchant our pickaxe alright so we ended up getting 16

Emeralds from all of those which uh well it gives that’s one bookshelf not really that great on its own but I mean it does take a lot of resources just to get one bookshelf so uh I mean it’s it’s good enough actually I think we have yes we

Have some spare emeralds here we can get one more bookshelf hell yeah all right and uh with all of those we did actually manage to get to level 30. hell yes uh it does look a little bit janky at the moment I will eventually fill these up all with bookshelves just for the

Aesthetic purpose but uh yeah now it’s time to grab some lapis and enchant our first ever tool for this series I like to see Unbreaking there let’s pray that we get yes Fortune three yes Unbreaking three efficiency four that is goaded I am perfectly happy with

That now what I will go ahead and do is just uh keep cycling through this guy’s uh thingies until we get a mending Book trade actually sharpness three is pretty good nah that’s fine we’ll keep going uh you’re gonna lose your job but what like how are you still a librarian right now

Uh but yeah this guy can sort himself out but yeah I’ll keep going until I get a mending book and then we’ll slap that on we actually need to make an anvil as well but thankfully We have basically infinite iron so we can just go ahead

And make one of those real quick right now uh wait how do you make an anvil all right I’m an idiot bang There we go okay so now let’s get our mending book and uh I’ll be back ah see ah yeah I just realized he’s not losing his job because

We traded with him that sucks all right um what I’ve decided on doing is um yeah I’m sorry I really am oh Jesus Christ all right um yeah that’s unfortunate well I’m gonna have to go ahead and get another one in here and then we can get

Our mending guy so yeah I’ll be back once again diamonds it’s finally here it took like man a long time at least five minutes okay so now with everything done well not everything but like a lot of stuff done it’s time to now finally head back to the nether alright so back in

The nether straight back to it all right honestly uh we should be good for nether quartz here uh yeah that’s definitely a lot oh my God man I have fended off literally like eight gas at this point they just keep spawning here look I’ll show you a trick shot on this one get

Ready are you gonna are you gonna fire at me or what like what are you doing G well never mind I was going to do a sick 360 but it was just acting weird all right now with uh all of that juicy juicy nether quartz Let’s uh find our

Way back to the portal and back home all right now that we’re back home and we have a whole bunch of nether quartz the last piece of the puzzle is redstone as you can see we’ve only got 62 and both of the redstone things we need uh need

Redstone as you can see Observer needs two and a piston needs one piece of redstone so we’re gonna have to go mining and get a whole bunch of redstone thankfully we do have fortune and the main thing that I want to do before we go down there is actually enchant my

Sword because we’re going to be fighting off a crapload of mobs which is just annoying so I’m praying that we get sharpness on this okay we’ve got Smite that’s um it’s actually not that great now I think if we enchant something else first it’ll change the enchantment so

Let’s actually do that that’s goaded I love that and we do have 30 levels left so now let’s try enchanting the sword sharpness four that’s what we want give it to me okay where’s the Unbreaking well uh that’s kind of trash uh I mean sharpness 4 is what we want

But we can just get more Librarians to get the enchantments that we want like Unbreaking and stuff but uh yeah that’s uh that’s good enough for now so now I’m gonna go mining for some Redstone I’m probably not even gonna show it just because it’s boring I might show a

Couple of Clips hopefully we find some diamonds too because I only have one left uh so yeah I’ll be back in just a second oh Gamers guess what I just spotted uh we do have two pretty buff guards here get out of here okay that’s one dealt with let’s get the last guy

Okay we’ve got uh backup arrived oh man what’s with all the mobs dude it’s it’s honestly annoying it’s like I’m playing in hard mode like or something okay let’s get this piece of diamond uh hopefully it’s more than one and hopefully we get more than one if it is

One you know I’m trying to say like with Fortune okay it is of course one and we got one just as I predicted hell no that actually sucks God damn it man well hopefully we find some more that would be pretty good oh Gamers there’s some more diamonds hell yes hopefully once

Again it’s more than one piece that would be great all right ah okay dude did we just get four from that one and there’s more as well that’s goated there was only two oh there’s another one yes bro that’s why you always dig around it okay gotta check

The surroundings wait oh there’s more yes honestly I don’t know why I’m getting so excited for diamonds like I don’t really need them I guess diamond armor would be pretty good we do need that for sure uh all right we’re gonna have to kill a bunch of crap around the

Place oh man why did more just spawn dude look at all those diamonds what the hell no way there is so much look at all that I’m gonna have to fight off a whole freaking zombie horde first though dude we’re at 22 diamonds that is actually insane okay they’re having a battle oh

I’m out of food that sucks man God damn it we’re gonna have to probably dip after this honestly sharpness 4 isn’t even that great like it still takes like honestly the same amount of hits to kill stuff that’s kind of a dude there’s more what are you doing come on just kill

Everything or not okay that’s great all right let’s go back to these diamonds dude that’s crazy how many there are what the hell there’s more no way what it’s still going okay it’s ended now a bit dude 41 dime wait we’re making a whole set of

Diamond armor once we get back up that’s actually crazy oh oh okay that should be enough Redstone we’re getting out of here I don’t have any food that’s actually kind of scary uh honestly I’m just gonna play it safe and I’m probably just gonna dig straight up from here because yeah

That’s um man what level are we at negative 17. oh don’t touch me okay yeah yeah no no way we’re playing it say we came from here but yeah we’re playing it safe we’re digging straight up to the surface screw that all right looks like we’ve made it

Back to the surface I’m actually gonna sleep before we go up there because um yeah I don’t trust any of that stuff okay so um yeah actually I think our area is over this way because um yeah honestly I don’t know why I just kind of know I know my surroundings all

Right yeah I think that’s one of our big trees right there I see it it’s a good Landmark dude actually what the hell we’re so close I thought I was gonna be like ages away but we’re right here hell yeah all right let’s go back home uh eat

Some food and make some Diamond Armor All right back home we’ve got some food cooking and uh yeah let’s make our diamond armor it’s finally time for an upgrade I didn’t even get to diamond armor in the previous series you can tell how much I honestly really didn’t

Care about survival I probably should have cared a lot more and uh that’s definitely what I’m doing in this series so let’s Chuck this good stuff on and hell yes we are absolutely geared to the teeth next step is netherite armor that’s gonna be pretty crazy and uh yeah

So we’re back with a whole bunch of redstone hopefully it is enough I feel like it might not be but um we’ll see and uh yeah so now the last step is to clear out this massive area that I want to clear out honestly don’t even know

How big I want it to be we’re gonna have to of course craft all of the Pistons and The Observers and everything as well and so yeah let’s just get started digging out the area that I want right now [Applause] Foreign got enough emeralds here to buy a second mending book actually I don’t know if I said I I have bought a mending book so uh let’s get oh I forgot I need a book all right so now let’s buy a mending book now we have two I’m going to uh

Actually let’s just enchant our ax first uh the last tool that we need to enchant so um yeah let’s just Chuck it in and see what we get oh Unbreaking three efficiency four for June three it’s pretty good I’m very happy with that now let’s go ahead and slap mending onto our

Pickaxe and uh this is the point where we also need to name our tools I don’t know what I want to name them all right so our pickaxe is going to be called Big Pick um yeah and what else should we put mending on I’m thinking probably the

Sword yeah let’s just Chuck it on the sword right now sword’s gonna be called stabby there we go um so yeah that’s pretty much all I wanted to um update you guys on okay and now Gamers it is finally time to start building the uh the main subject of this episode the

Fully automatic melon farm well it’s actually going to be two it’s gonna be two side by side so we’re gonna have one on the left and then one on the right and then we can just extend it by pushing in this wall or this wall or I

Mean both of them and just like pushing that out and we can extend it as far as we want to go I don’t think I will be extending it anytime soon but uh yeah I will also make this maybe like two or three layers thick and we can also

Expand it downwards if we want to so uh yeah I actually haven’t planned out this Farm design whatsoever so I’m kind of just making this as I go we’re also going to need to put some water inside of the walls so that the dirt and stuff can actually get like uh fermented I

Don’t know what the word is soiled I might as well also just grab some melon seeds real quick and plant them in so directly above these melons we’re going to have some observers if I can actually place them uh I need to make sure that’s

Faced the right way yes it is the face is facing into that then Above The Observers we need to have a full block so a full block above that and then beside those we’re gonna have some Pistons okay so once again on top of The Observers we’re placing a block and then

On top of the Piston blocks we’re gonna place a redstone dust like so so whenever there’s stem block updates you’ll see that the Piston will push down and that will harvest the melon block like so but it will also update when it grows a melon off to the side as

It changes to like an arched stem instead of like straight up and down and that’ll trigger the Piston to push the melon down breaking it and then we’ll have a thing underneath that Harvest it’s a little bit complicated but I mean it’s not that complicated honestly all

Right so yeah you can probably see the process here this is definitely going to take a while so I will speed up probably a majority of this build oh my God man what the hell am I doing I just kind of wanted to Showcase this first part here

I also will showcase how I’m going to collect the melons as well in a second so just give me a second for that I need to get this last piston down there we go okay and now as for underneath all of this area we’re going to be having some

Rails underneath that are going to collect all of the I don’t exactly know how this is actually I I just came up with an idea of how this is going to work let’s have a whole bunch of Hoppers that come down this way we’ll have one that’s facing downwards like this and

Then how am I gonna do this man this is so annoying okay actually I have an idea give me a second all right ready for this bang There we go hell yeah so let’s have a whole bunch of Hoppers that go down to the central area here and

Actually I think I’ll need to make this come out an additional block so just like this and we’ll have our final Hopper here this will go down as far as we want to go down into our output chest and I’m just going to continue filling

Up this platform all the way down to the end just so we can actually set up the rails properly alright so we’ll have it the rail start right here we’ll also need a lever to power that so let’s just place that on right there then it’ll go

All the way down this way and basically it’s just gonna yeah go down there turn back this way and then just kind of snake around all the way down to here and then it’ll bounce back off here and back throughout the track back to here and as it’s going over these Hoppers

It’s going to be depositing them down into this Hopper all the way down to our output chest I also need to make a minecart with a hopper there we go and yeah so that’s basically the gist of it I’m just going to get started um

Building all of these now I’ll do it as a time lapse as well of course because yeah it’s basically just this exact design right here and I’m just going to be repeating it all the way to the left and right and I’ll probably make another layer down here and then I’ll of course

Repeat this on the other side as well so yeah let’s get started right now All right so first off I of course finished up the minecart collection system and then it was onto adding in the rest of the entire farm and all of the Pistons and Observers foreign [Applause] below this one I pretty much just repeated the exact same thing as above [Applause] and then heading over to the opposite side we once again just repeated the exact same thing that we just did okay and there we go we’re now fully done with the entire Farm as you can see

We’ve got the left side and the right side completed I kind of like the aesthetic of it just being completely open and like kind of industrial looking like this I was thinking of covering it up using like glass and wooden stuff but I actually kind of like the way it looks

Now we do have a problem where some melons are getting like kind of spat out the sides occasionally but um yeah we’ll just worry about that later and uh yeah something I may have realized and you may have realized as well is that the Pistons are very loud and annoying which

Is something I had not accounted for when I built this directly underneath my base and so I was thinking of a solution I tried looking up like mods and stuff that mutes the Piston sounds and what I eventually ended up doing was actually just creating my own resource pack that

Mutes piston sounds as you can see right here I literally have never made a resource pack before and uh this literally took like 10 minutes it really wasn’t that hard and uh yeah there we go it works perfectly I’ll just try and find a piston to activate and you can

See that it’s muted there we go nothing at all yeah pretty cool only mute piston sounds and so if you guys want to use this resource pack as well I just thought I’d put it up on my patreon it’s available to all tiers so feel free to go over there and check

It out you can also download my old hardcore world and my entire build world as well oh my God I’m just getting pumpkins thrown to me so yeah be sure to check that out if you want now something else I also did as you can see over here

Is add in this little area and this is where we’re going to be selling all of our melons eventually once we get some villagers up here as you can see down here I’ve added in an extra little villager dungeon uh We’ve also got an iron golem down here what the hell and

So basically I’m just gonna lure a villager over into this um Minecart send them up into their chamber and then hopefully they become a villager with a melon trade that’d be pretty good I’m not gonna do that now I’ll do that like in my own time just because it’s boring

Stuff you know but yeah eventually this will all be filled up with a whole bunch of villages I can expand it this way if I need to and we can just go through all of them and trade as many melons as we want to them I’ll also probably have to

Expand this storage downwards pretty soon because uh it’s already filling up quite nicely Gamers I’m absolutely pumped for this episode because we’re going to be building something in my favorite style that being in like a natural style if you’re a member in the middle of our village we have this hole

In the ground that leads to an absolutely ginormous cave system like it’s honestly stupid how big it is and so we’re basically going to beautify this and make it into the main feature of our town let’s get started okay so the first thing I want to do is of

Course grab a whole bunch of resources that I need to build this thing the main thing that I’m going to need is some jungle leaves as you can see I have a bunch of oak leaves but I actually want to use jungle leaves for this so let’s

Grab out our trusty shears I’m gonna actually make another pair because that doesn’t really have much left there we go and also I want to get a whole bunch of vines as well to add in like of course more decoration to the thing and thankfully I know that there is a jungle

In vaguely this direction over here so um let’s just head over there and grab a bunch of stuff God damn isn’t that just it’s just such a beautiful hole don’t you guys agree like just look at the state of this hole once we get the resources and stuff I’ll head back and

Uh we’ll we’ll obviously get started but yeah I’ll kind of explain what I want to to do with this as well alright so there’s the jungle just past the original Village here so um yeah let’s uh get over there I’m also gonna have to sleep because I don’t feel like dealing

With uh creepers and stuff oh actually there’s that jungle uh trees right here what the hell okay cool let’s just uh Harvest all of these leaves and all the vines all right so that should be pretty good in terms of leaves and Vines for now I feel like I may need more but

We’ll just leave it like that for now and I I can’t leave these trees in this state I’m gonna have to chop them down I just hate doing that now just before we start on our mind entrance I just wanted to Showcase uh yeah how many melons

We’ve gotten so far almost two double chests full and I just wanted to showcase our progress here with the farmers so I’ve just filled up this side this side’s still blank for now but we do have our first guy here with a melon trade this guy I’m kind of on the way of

I need to get some more carrots and then these two are still uh yeah just um your basic boys out here but yeah we did just get our first guy with a melon trade so yeah I just kind of want to make up a whole bunch of melons and just sell them

To him just um I mean because I can now I know he’s not gonna take this many all at once but uh let’s just see how much we can get from like one trade with one guy holy crap okay that’s a lot more than I thought that’s pretty good he’s

Already max level as well yeah I mean I’ll do this off camera but I’ll get all of these guys up to like a higher level to where I can trade melons to all of them all like at once you know and then eventually we’ll get a library building

Setup where we can actually spend our emeralds and get a whole bunch of enchantments that we want like I mean efficiency five sharpness five and like fire aspect and stuff like that also looting looting 2 would be really good I’m pretty sure looting two is the

Highest I don’t know and then also all the enchantments for our diamond armor here like protection and Unbreaking and mending and stuff like that but uh yeah that’ll probably be for another episode because in this one we’re gonna get started doing our actual uh mine entrance cave uh thing so uh yeah let’s

Get over to that right now okay so starting off I think I want to get the placement of the ladder and the way I envisioned this was having the ladder like right here and it just goes yeah all the way down to the bottom I want to

Have maybe like a waterfall off to the left and maybe off to the right side as well and those will create some big like ponds down the bottom that we can jump straight into without having to take the ladder down now I did think about having

A water elevator to push us back up but I just think I’ll really like the way that a like a spruce door like ladder thing will look and uh yeah so I’m just going to set up a temporary little station here craft myself a couple of

Slabs and uh yeah let’s head to that block right there and make like a little ring around it and have the ladder go down I also need to be very very careful I’m gonna have a water bucket in my freaking hot bar at all times okay

Because if I fall that is the end my fellow Gamers alright so let’s start building out a little bit of a ring uh it’s not gonna be anything too crazy but yeah just something like that then let’s grab our ladder blocks and our Spruce trap doors and start adding this is

Actually going to be really hard to do I just realized how like difficult this is actually going to be all right yeah this is actually not gonna work building it from this way so I think what I’m gonna do is uh maybe just Chuck some water

Down and just wait for that to hit the bottom we’ll jump down and I’ll start building this from the ground up to here so I feel that’s definitely going to be a a lot easier all right that is now touching the bottom let’s go oh my God

Oh that’s scary of course there’s gonna be a million mobs down here as well yep there’s the creepers bring them to me bring them okay we can actually see now the exposure has like adjusted oh this is where the uh the mine thing is as well we can actually do

Something with that that’d be pretty cool that will be perfectly lined up with the ladder okay so now what we need to do is uh yeah do do this all the way up to the top uh I’ll see you guys up there okay we are now all the way up at the

Top now what I need to do is um yeah just start closing all of these um I’ll see you guys at the bottom all right there we go now you can see what the ladder is actually going to look like this is a very very long

Ladder uh yeah and now it’s time to start adding our ladders on uh once I have defeated this zombie and oh my God what are you you’re kidding me you absolute little prick you just couldn’t help yourself could you God I’m sick of creepers to be honest let me just repair

This real quick there’s some little demons out here trying to mess up my plans okay now let’s start adding all of our ladders on I already know this isn’t going to be enough I’m gonna have to go up and craft some more actually I can just craft those right now let’s just

Start make another freaking crafting table and there we go that should be enough uh so yeah now let’s start adding all of the ladders on and I’ll see you guys up there foreign there we go there’s our ladder done and so with that completed I’m going to get

Started working on all of the exterior stuff up here like all of the natural stuff all right so first let’s work on the waterfall that’ll be on the left side over here so I’m thinking this spot right here and we can kind of uh like

Make a bit of like a mound here with some dirt to make it look like it’s coming from some kind of like underground river or something like that yeah just something simple like that we can remove these blocks right here and then this is where our actual waterfall

Part will come from and let’s add in the water like so and yeah there we go there’s our uh basic ass waterfall that’s not too special at the moment but uh yeah of course we’re going to be adding in a whole bunch of details so let’s get started doing that so first of

All I of course want to add in a whole bunch of leaves pretty much around this entire thing I want to have leaves just like dangling down into the uh Abyss below I pretty much want to cover almost all of this waterfall with leaves here now we’ll just say this probably won’t

Look as good as I could get it in creative mode just because I am more experienced and creative and it’s definitely a lot harder to build in survival mode but yeah I’m gonna try and make this look as good as I can yeah that’s looking all right so far we do

Need to connect the leaves up over here as well so let’s just add in a couple of leaves like that and I think one thing that’s definitely going to improve this a lot as well is just adding in some regular rolled oak trees around the like

Back area as well so I’m going to grab some Oak saplings real quick hopefully actually have some all right I just had to harvest a whole bunch of uh oak trees there as you can see we now have 19 saplings uh my sword has been pretty severely damaged from having to whack

All of those leaves and so actually looking at this I’ve decided this looks absolutely horrible so I’m going to tear the whole thing down and restart so I feel like this would look a whole lot better if we actually have the river a little bit more open instead of just

Having this closed in thing and it just instantly flows out maybe if it starts from like maybe back up here somewhere and we actually have a bit of a river that flows down towards it yeah I feel like that’ll definitely look a lot nicer let’s also make it three blocks wide

Instead of two just because I feel like two blocks is just a little bit too small and let’s destroy it all the way back up until like this point right here we’ll have it flow out from under these blocks so right there create the same

Kind of like a mound thing that we did just before not too crazy just something subtle like that we can even add like a little bit of a uh more of an overhang there we need to fix this up here make sure that it’s actually flowing out

Nicely there we go I want to raise this up a little bit just so we have it being three blocks like so actually let’s just bring that down a little bit extra like that yeah that looks good yeah okay now we can actually decorate the edge of

This River a little bit here so uh yeah I went ahead and grabbed some sugar cane we can plant some of that next to all of these let’s just sprinkle some of these in around the place I would really love to have some lily pads down to this

Actually that would probably look weird never mind let’s go ahead and add a little bit of leaf edge around this area here just to hide the mound a little bit let’s add some like Riverside bushes like this I might actually go back and grab some stone blocks and add some

Little stones and buttons along the side of that so um yeah once again I’ll be back thank God it started raining now because we’re actually going to be able to sleep and just get rid of that crap oh yeah okay I’ll be back yeah just coming back that already looks so much

Better than it did just before it’s a very big difference okay let’s also sprinkle in some azaleas along this as well that’ll definitely Spruce it up a little bit we also need to blend this in a little bit better it kind of looks weird how we just have like this

Separating thing so let’s add in some like blocks to kind of smoothen it into the landscape we’re going to do the same on this side here also what the hell is going on with this water how is that what how is that even happening my G

What the hell let’s just get rid of those what is that man how is that possible why is it like oh man okay we’re we’re just gonna have to replace all of this water because that’s just whack all right while we’re waiting for this water to go away let’s just

Continue detailing this here so let’s remove those dirt blocks like so let’s have this dip down a little bit lower like this just so the waterfall actually flows out properly this time let’s blend this in a little bit like so nothing too crazy next let’s add in some nice little

Stuff oh what the hell oh it’s because the water’s gone right now it’s actually replaced the water here just so we don’t lose all of our sugar cane placement go ahead and add this one back what the hell is going on with this water what is

This why is it not flowing man okay you know what to fix that I’m just gonna add some more water okay let’s just add some more water like that uh of course it’s still not working okay let’s we’re just gonna have to do that and then let’s

Just add in some dirt like this just to make the uh area look a little bit cooler I heard some sugarcane pop off man where did it go I think it was that one let’s add that in there anyway oh it was down here okay let’s just do that as

Well all right now let’s start adding in some Stones around the place just to add in a little bit of contrast to the area so maybe let’s add one in like up here this one can be an andesite one let’s also add in a lantern on top of that

Just start to add a little bit of I don’t know light over on this side here let’s add one like here and then let’s remove a little bit of the surrounding dirt just so it isn’t like perfectly touching it and uh now I think actually

I want to move this back a little bit like to here I think that’s pretty good I think maybe just add one more over here I feel like adding too much more than that will just kind of overdo it and we can also just add in a couple of

Little Stones around the place okay and that’s a pretty detailed Little River there that looks awesome and then this of course branches off into our waterfall over here which will then go down into a ponder that we can use to jump down into instead of having to take

This giant ladder all the way down every time and now let’s start adding some detail to all of this area here and also to the side a little bit as well so let’s first add in the biggest kind of uh things of detail which is probably

Just going to be some oak trees so let’s just start adding some of those in and pray that we don’t get any of the massive ones because they just kind of are a little bit unsightly they’re going to be definitely too big for uh this

Kind of build and it’s going to be an absolute pain having to take those down so yeah now I’m gonna have to keep going back over to this side just to make sure that the tree composition is looking nice yeah so far that’s looking good I

Think we’ll add one back there and then we’ll just keep kind of sprinkling them in around so let’s Chuck one in up here oh my God this is so annoying I keep placing lanterns next to everything man all right let’s add another one right here and now just so it isn’t like a

Single kind of like layer of trees we’re just going to add in some extra ones at the back here and okay that isn’t a big tree thank God it is a little bit sparse looking like you can easily see through the trees but I didn’t want like a dense

Forest anyway I do actually want to add some houses and stuff behind them I’ll probably even eventually add a whole fence around this just so our villagers don’t fall down to their doom and yeah now let’s add in some of the finer details like some jungle leaves and some

Vines and stuff oh actually forgot to add Vines to this I mean there’s not really too many places we can actually add them but I do want to have like a whole bunch of vines hanging down from the actual like edge of the Cave thing so let’s add some Vines like just

Sprinkled around I don’t really want too many I know these are going to grow all the way down and it’s just going to be kind of too much so I definitely want to keep it a little bit lighter on the vine side let’s do maybe like one of those

You know what I’m talking about and yeah that should be good it’ll of course take a while for them to actually grow in but um yeah okay now let’s get back over to that side add in some extra details so let’s start adding in some extra Stones

Around the place it definitely just adds a whole lot of extra interest and detail to the area let’s add lanterns oh that’s not a lantern let’s add lanterns on top of some of the stones also just placing the rest of our buttons might as well so starting off with the bushes let’s just

Add in a couple of little ones like this just adding simple little Bush shapes like this even in like a bit of like an l or like I don’t know what kind of shape this would be there’s definitely a nice detail to always add alongside any

Kind of path or like wherever you feel you need to have a bush you know now let’s add in a couple of leaves that are hanging down like this so when I removed that one oh yes that is looking so good I love that so much I

Think we need to add a lantern on top of that stone there but yeah that’s looking so nice it’s not too like super detailed but it’s just adding a little bit extra to that vanilla landscape which really makes it just pop so let’s place that Lantern on right there oh actually

Forgot about the azaleas as well let’s actually add some of those in to the landscape as well we’ll kind of add some in like far away from all the trees as well out here I feel like this area here needs a nice healthy dose of a bone

Mealing so let’s uh bone meal some of this grass here just to add in a little bit of extra grass okay and now for the last thing pretty much for the entrance here is I wanted to just add in another waterfall on this side here it’s

Definitely a really nice spot for it we can have a bit of a wider one here maybe it’s going to hit this spot here as well and then flow down for like kind of a two-tiered waterfall or something like that yeah we just have this really nice

Like natural kind of spot I say as I’m like clearing away the naturalness of it but um we’re not going to talk about that yeah so the water is going to flow down here and we can pretty much just start it maybe like all the way up here

That would look pretty nice and let’s just see how this flows as is I don’t want it to be too crazy actually yeah I think I’m going to remove that because I want it to be recessed into the ground a little bit okay so yeah let’s actually

Like uh take one layer out of the ground here and have this actually recessed a little bit and yeah that’s flowing nicely we might have to add in a couple of extra little ones around the place just so uh it flows down a little nicer now let’s just add in some details like

We did to the previous waterfall so let’s add in a couple of extra little Stones here let’s also turn some of these into buttons for some little mini Stones I highly recommend this as a detailing block alongside Pathways and rivers and stuff it’s just it’s just

Such a nice detail to add it’s really simple and easy as well and then it’s time for the leaves so let’s add some on top of this little Mound thingy here we can also have this kind of drooping down a little bit it’d be really cool if you

Could water log leaves actually I wonder if you no you can’t you definitely can’t but yeah that would be a really cool thing if you could do that okay I’m actually really happy with the way that looks right there with the uh lee waves not having too many let’s just add in

Some Vines to the surrounding area just so it doesn’t look so kind of like Stark difference from the leaves you know what I’m trying to say then let’s bust out the azaleas and the sugar cane and just add those in around the place as well that looks weird there what the hell was

I thinking we might be able to crack one in right there yeah that looks cool I really want to get a whole bunch of strings so I can cap off these plants and have them not grow any higher hell yeah that is Lush AF oh I forgot to

Actually add in some more leaves uh let’s sprinkle some of those in maybe a little bit alongside the actual waterfall here that would look pretty cool as well and actually I was thinking these spots look kind of weird but we could actually just add in some leaves

To those and make it not look weird now let’s take another look and hell yeah that’s looking awesome and yeah so that pretty much does it for all of the exterior of the mine entrance here I do want to go back to that Lush cave to get

Some Moss carpet like I was talking about before I really want to add in some glow berries hanging all underneath this as well I will need to trim those up so they don’t go like all the way down I want to have them kind of ending

Like at that point at the max I will just go back to that Lush cave in my own time because it’s a little bit boring um so yeah I’m gonna go ahead and do that right now and we’ll be back in just a moment okay I’m back and I’ve got some

Juicy stuff so I’ve got some Moss carpet here a couple of glowberries as well I also went ahead and just grabbed a whole bunch bunch of azaleas that were down there and also I got a couple of moss blocks as well so that we don’t have to

Go back and we can just like bone meal it and get more stuff and yeah so now with this Moss carpet I’m just going to add a little bit alongside this River thingy and then I’ll also do the same over on the other side as well just

Because I feel like it’s a nice detail to add to something like this all right and that’s looking pretty good now the next challenge is um getting some glowberries underneath this area here I have no idea how oh actually I could uh probably put some scaffolding here and

Make like a bit of a thing I’m not gonna be able to go too far out because it’s just going to start dropping off but uh we’ll give that a try right after I sleep come on man there we go all right so let’s take the old waterfall down

To this spot right here and let’s place in our scaffolding and then let’s just kind of go out as far as we can which yeah it’s not going to be too far and let’s just start adding in some glow berries uh I’m just going to kind of

Place these as they are and let them grow and then I’ll um trim them to size once they have actually grown because as you can see I don’t have too many I’ve only got 16 and it’s going to be hard placing any like over in that area oh I

Might actually that might actually reach over there yeah we should be good okay let’s place down some scaffolding I might also Place some like over here once again water bucket oh I don’t know what that oh my God that scared me dude Jesus Christ don’t do that to me you

Little bastard I don’t have a water bucket on me but there is water down there what the f man where are these guys coming from oh probably like over there I don’t know why I just didn’t think there’d be mobs here but yeah we’re gonna have to deal with these bastards

Get out of here okay those guys should be out of range we should be all right this one’s there as well yeah I think that’s good now I want to get all my scaffolding back so let’s jump down and grab all of that and uh yeah I mean okay

Buddy what the these mobs man they’re actually yeah what I was about to say is that while we’re down here we can figure out what we actually want to do down here and so for the first thing I was thinking of making like a bit of a

Railway or something like that and also we could transform this little area here add in like a staircase and turn it into like an actual mine shaft and like fix it up and stuff and also I want to add like a whole bunch of lights around the

Place as well just to stop the mobs from spawning and just to have it looking nice so let’s just go ahead and place like a whole bunch of lanterns around here while we’re while we’re down here okay that’s pretty good for now it’s nice and lit up I will of course have to

Go ahead and make some more lanterns eventually but uh yeah thankfully we do have basically unlimited iron for that oh and also yeah I want want to turn at the bottom of these waterfalls into like an actual Pond thing as well and make them a little bit larger so we can

Safely jump down into them so yeah I’m going to go ahead and just grab some other resources I’m going to get rid of like all this natural stuff and probably get like Stone and wood and stuff actually I’ll probably keep a little bit of it for the ponds that we’re going to

Be making but um yeah I’ll be back in just a second okay I’m back at the hole and now I’ve got a whole bunch of cool stuff that’ll help us build stuff that uh we want to build down here also I apologize my game looks a little bit

Different I accidentally hit reset on my Shader pack and I had to redo everything and now it looks different of course so yeah I apologize for that but uh yeah let’s get started creating the actual little ponds that we land into now we’re mostly going to be jumping in from this

Side so I kind of want to make the pond come towards this direction over here so that we can just jump down safely you know instead of having to like aim for this freaking Waterfall oh there’s a slime down here what hell yeah dude sticky pistons would actually be goaded

I don’t know what I’d need them for yet but it’s always good to have me a little bastards oh my god dude it’s always always creepers man why just get out of the game no one likes you there’s a freaking skeleton army over here dude okay I’ve

Also brought a whole bunch more lanterns as well so we can light up more of an area around here and just stop the annoying bloody mobs from spawning yeah I wonder if that means that’s like a slime chunk or something because um yeah I I don’t know how slimes work at all to

Be honest okay back to the pond thing so we want to pretty much make it in like this kind of area over here so let’s remove a bunch of this stuff we might as well just use the natural flow of the water to help us like create an edge I

Guess so yeah let’s just start it like here oh I forgot to grab bone meal man God damn it I’ll be back okay we’re back now with some bone meal and um I basically want that because I’m gonna be placing some moss and stuff on the

Exterior of all of these ponds and I’m just going to use bone meal to spread it along this dirt let’s just trim back this edge here and um yeah just continue building the pond okay let’s cut off all of that water so it actually flows into the pond properly and then we’re gonna

Have to of course remove all of this stuff oh my God hello okay get away from me you absolute freak man why is there enough there’s another freaking zombie army coming after me right now dude there’s more man’s fully decked out in full gold drip out here what the hell

Okay and there we go now it’s actually flowing out nicely and there we go hell yeah that’s looking awesome nice big flow down into this Pond thingy now I just want to expand the dirt layer out a little bit more just so it isn’t like

One layer thick I want it to actually be like a little bit bigger than that okay now let’s place in a piece of moss and then bone Mill it and see if that actually works I’m pretty sure it will and yeah this should hopefully spread to

Everything yes it does on it even like adds extra stuff out here wait do I not even need to place dirt are you kidding me I thought it could only spread onto dirt man you’re joking brother well I guess that makes it a little bit easier

Oh and it even adds like azaleas and everything like man I’m an idiot I completely forgot yeah that is so good well yeah that makes it so much easier doing that bang and we’re done it’s already got Azalea’s in there it’s got grass in there we don’t really need to

Add much and that looks awesome it’s like a nice little Lush like space under here that’s so cool now let’s go ahead and make a quick little infinite water source and uh just fill in the rest of that pond so it isn’t like flowing I would really love to have some lily pads

In this but yeah unfortunately I don’t know where a freaking thing biome is a swamp biome yeah that’s what I’m trying to say yeah we’re just gonna have to leave it blank for now but something else I do want to add in here would maybe be some like fences with some

Lanterns on top of those just to like brighten up the inside of the water and yeah there we go that’s a nice little waterfall pond thing now let’s of course just go ahead and quickly do the exact same thing over to this one over here uh

Actually this one’s going to be a lot more of a pain because uh what the hell is this landscape and I’ve got another zombie man what the get out of here there’s another one he’s doing freaking 360s and there’s one of it how has he seen me from so far

Away I don’t get this game anymore man and he’s fully kitted out the wires at oh I think that’s pretty rare isn’t it you can’t actually make them can you all right well let’s try and fix this up a little bit we’ll just make it go like down to here and we’ll

Just remove a bunch of this stuff that’s kind of in the way you know okay that’s looking a little bit better we do need to get rid of this one of course yeah I don’t know if we’re actually going to be jumping into this one

Um but we’ll um I don’t know we’ll just make the pond anyway should be all right let’s make it go up around this way we’ll make it just like end right at the edge of this wall and just kind of use this like natural already existing uh

Like hole as our kind of guide you know yeah I guess we can just kind of fill up this entire area I might just block it off over this side all right now let’s test the theory let’s get a moss block here actually I think we need to get

Water and everything first so it doesn’t actually spread down to the water let’s just fill all of this area up and why is this one being so annoying I think I just need to fill in this hole for now because this water is being an absolute

Pain in the bite okay that should make it a bit easier to place all of our water in because it’ll like automatically fill up spots hopefully maybe not all right let’s just test out the um Moss uh situation bang There we go okay so it does it does

Just spread to anything that’s awesome let’s just get this going all the way around uh oh it doesn’t spread to cobbled deep slay okay so it must only spread to like cave blocks I guess bugger I’m gonna have to go grab my dirt again then okay well let’s just keep spreading it over

This way and then I don’t know we can just do that it should be right actually probably work on Stone wouldn’t it because I do have some Stone on me let’s just replace these blocks here with some Stone and let’s see bang There we go hell yeah it works with stone that’s

Awesome let’s just spread it up over this way as well just a little bit why not and yeah that’s looking pretty good now we do just need to fix up all of the water I’ll just do that real quick right now because um yeah it’s kind of boring

To watch you know just placing water everywhere all right and there we go that’s looking pretty nice now we have some nice little targets to jump down into whenever we want to come down here real quick I do really want to figure out a better alternative to the ladder I

Really like the way it looks but yeah it takes like at least like a minute to climb up that thing maybe we could just add like a hidden water elevator somewhere or something that just pushes us up like maybe one that comes up into the actual like inside of the river up

There or something I don’t know we’ll figure that out later but yeah now something I want to do is make like a little bit of a minecart station maybe in this area and it could lead over to our uh mine shaft over this way we can

Make a nice staircase up to it and yeah so let’s just start doing that right now now let’s make our little station let’s just make it right here then we’re gonna place a powered rail and then we’re just gonna build a whole bunch of regular

Rails all the way over to it oh my god of course I’ve got a there’s three a baby zombie army coming after me right now Gamers what the hell is this get away from me absolute little demons look they can’t even deal damage to me

Okay they did half a heart there but we don’t talk about that it’s also eradicate this little piece of crap over here come on mate no one likes you get away from me all right so now that our rail is like kind of in line oh my God

Man these guys they just don’t give up we just we need more lanterns everywhere like man we need Golems down here that’d be cool getting some Iron Golems down here to just defend the area oh what the hell is a villager zombie I know they

Can they can be good to like purify but honestly I just can’t be bothered all right so now I want to make like a spruce staircase that leads up to this actually oh we need to use Oak wouldn’t we because this is Oak actually not you

Know what we’re gonna replace all of the oak with Spruce just because I want to do it that way okay don’t question it let’s get rid of all of this Oak all the Minecraft goes over there as well that’s pretty cool oh my God just killed like

60 zombies why is that range so far is that something to do with like hard mode or something I just I don’t get it okay back to the mine shaft thingamajigi so I’m planning on actually making the pathways here maybe like five blocks one instead of three so let’s build a pillar

That comes down here I’m Gonna Leave a gap of three so one two three and then let’s Place Another pillar right here and that way our staircase will kind of be like three blocks wide and it’ll have the pillars on the sides so let’s crack

Out the old scaffolding if I have it I think I’ll put it away no okay we’ll just use the pillars as scaffolding that’ll be all right oh my God Jesus Christ this guy is actually suicidal Like don’t you want to live your life man like Jesus okay so let’s just use the pillars here as scaffolding how do we want to do this do I want to have the rails in the center or on one of the sides of the stairs I think we’ll have

It on the side actually a bit more like that we’ll have the stairs to the right of that let’s keep coming down this way adding some more stairs all right and there we go so there’s our staircase now I’m just going to add in the rest of the

Pillars I think we just need one more set of pillars right here oh my God man Jesus freaking scared me a little bastard okay let’s whack some lanterns on top of all of these pillars just to bright up the area and then yeah there we go there’s our little staircase I

Think I might actually add some fences oh my Jesus dude they just don’t stop let’s add some fences alongside this just as like a nice little like railing thing even though it’s not really that safe like you can kind of just walk over it but it’s mainly for Aesthetics and there

We go that’s looking pretty cool oh my God no of course these are the ax to freaking place the the thing there’s another slime over here as well let’s grab that real quick oh yeah 13 that’s awesome I don’t know yeah I don’t know what we’re

Going to be using sticky pistons on but um it’s definitely just nice to have all right so now let’s continue placing our rails down along this new staircase thing and the way that we’ll actually power these is Maybe by placing a torch if we place it there will that work

Let’s see yes it does okay sweet and let’s just use powered rails all the way up this thing and then yeah uh obviously we’ve got to go this way because um that way is uh yeah it’s nothing and I mean we can just keep going as far as we want

To go with this until we just like I don’t know reach somewhere and we’ll keep going and yeah it makes it easy because there’s already existing rails here too so that’s pretty cool let’s actually see what’s inside this um that’s just pretty much garbage oh

Also yes the bonus of this is that we just have like so much string that we can just easily get we don’t need to worry about killing spiders or anything we just come here and just Harvest as much freaking string as we need I can’t actually remember what I needed it for

Oh yeah blocking like the growth of plants and stuff but are you yeah we’ll leave exploring this too another time I pretty much just wanted to get the staircase area of this done and then also all of this nice stuff that we’ve added in yeah we’ll of course just

Continue expanding the light as well because I am honestly sick and tired of these bastards constantly coming after me like go away I need to get a better sword as well I need to just add as many enchantments onto this bad boy as possible because yeah Gamers my Village

Is um not much of a village but today that’s gonna change we’ll be adding in a whole bunch of stuff like some new buildings job sites like the Fletcher and Library New Pathways and Improvement to our nether portal and a whole bunch more so let’s get started okay so like

In basically every episode of the series uh once again we need more resources to do what we want to do in this episode as you can see I don’t have much Spruce logs at all and I have basically a no stone I do however have a little bit of

Cobble yet uh basically nothing actually and so we’re going to be needing a whole bunch of both of those resources and uh the first thing I want to go ahead and do is make another diamond pickaxe and actually enchant it and pray to God that we get goddamn silk touch on that battle

Actually I need a craft at first what am I doing okay there is our pickaxe now let’s head back up to the enchanting table and pray that we get oh my God I need freaking lapis what am I doing brother okay let’s add up once again

Chuck that crap in and uh okay on breaking three let’s honestly let’s yeah let’s just hope that we get what we want yes yes okay that’s kind of crap but we we got silk touch I’m very happy with that because if we didn’t we’d have to go ahead and get another librarian

Villager up here or something and and yeah I don’t honestly don’t know what I do but thank God we got that however not having efficiency definitely kinda sucks but uh we’ll make do with what we got so let’s head over to our new mine what the

Hell are you doing in here brother all right he’s just on his way and he had to trample my crops while I was at it thanks dude uh actually I might as well just slay some animals here because I am running low on food all right five pieces should honestly

Last us for a while I did actually discover that we uh have smelted a whole bunch of stone in here I completely forgot about that so um let’s just go ahead and grab all of this out oh damn it’s actually oh what and there’s food too okay buddy all right so we’ve

Actually got a decent bit of stone here I will however still go and get maybe a couple of stacks we’ll maybe fill up this entire thing here so yeah let’s head down to our brand spanking new mine entrance I’m excited to actually finally use it damn it just looks so good I love

Having like a nice Lush kind of centerpiece to like a village oh yeah once again not much of a village but this episode that is Gonna Change I want to build a whole bunch of buildings and just kind of surround this entire area here but uh yeah if you didn’t watch the

Previous episode I highly recommend it we got all of this done and even a whole bunch of stuff down here as well so I highly recommend watching that of course I mean it’s my own video why wouldn’t I recommend it let’s jump down into our pond and um yeah actually where can we

Mine some Stone I kind of forgot that it’s mostly like deep slate down here okay there is actually a bunch of stone up here okay and so yeah thanks to silk touch we don’t have to worry about smelting the blocks of course it just gives us straight up Stone so um yeah

I’m gonna mine a couple of stacks and I’ll be back in just a moment foreign that we ended up getting uh it’s not a crazy amount but um put together with all of the stone that we already have but we should have enough hopefully for this episode at least I will actually

Get started uh smelting all of this Cobblestone while we’re at it might as well and something else I wanted to do real quick as well is actually grab all of our emeralds we have acquired quite a bit thanks to our uh giant underground melon farm I think we have some more in

Here as well yes we do I might as well just do a little bit of trading with this guy here while we’re at it as well just to get some more even though I don’t really need that many at the moment and now that’s because I want to

Go up to this guy here and just get a whole bunch of mending books I of course need the bloody books I keep forgetting that and then I just want to get a mending book for all of my tools that don’t have one yet so we just need three

One two three and then let’s whack those on at the old Anvil down here bang bang and bang okay and now so we have a whole bunch of stone uh where is it there it is we’ve got more smelting as well now I am just lacking in the wood Department

Uh that sounded a little bit wrong but I so let’s just go ahead and grab our saplings a whole bunch of bone meal and um just chop down a whole bunch of trees so once again I’ll be back in a second foreign Okie dokie now with a whole bunch of juice acquired we can finally get started expanding our town and so the first thing that I want to go ahead and do is actually plan out a little bit which um yeah is something I definitely do not do whatsoever at all ever oh

We’ve actually got some spare stuff in here hell yeah because that yeah I think the town will definitely benefit from a little bit of planning I don’t know my scaffolding that would actually be pretty good I don’t know where it is God damn it um give me a second I couldn’t

Actually find my scaffolding so I just went ahead and grafted a whole bunch more because um yeah I probably left them in some chest somewhere we’ll find it eventually and yeah so I think I want to just make a massive scaffolding Tower right here just so we can um check out

The placement of stuff once we’ve like placed it down and I can kind of use this for like an aerial view I guess of our area so yeah I pretty much want to expand our town out this way and just keep going all the way around up until

We meet back here I don’t know if we’re going to be able to get all of that done in this episode but that is the plan anyway so yeah I’m just gonna start placing some house outlines along all of this area maybe even up here as well

We’ll have to do a little bit of landscaping so let’s just go down and get started alright so next house let’s place it uh right here this one we’re gonna make an L shape one that we haven’t actually made yet but I mean it’s um it’s a pretty similar design to

The rest of them actually no I think a uh just a regular 5×5 house will fit better here let’s maybe add the L-shaped house back this way so let’s place the corner in there bang bang my cat’s meowing at the door I don’t know if you can hear him

I’m sorry big kitty I’m recording all right so there we go there’s the layout for the L-shaped house and uh yes I’m just going to pretty much continue uh placing the outline of all of their houses all the way around here I’ll do that as a time lapse just because um

Yeah I mean it’s just the same thing you know Okay and uh yeah as you can see uh of course it has started raining during the time lapse which isn’t going to be very good for visibility and I can’t sleep unfortunately because it isn’t thunderstorming so it’s going to take this opportunity to uh hit up our old

Tower here and have a look at the placement which I think should be pretty decent for now I mean we haven’t really placed in that many buildings but yeah as you can see this one over here I just went ahead and placed in the whole outline because I feel like I’d forget

That I wanted this one to be a like L shape like this and yeah so we just got two standard little um normal houses here exactly the same as this one we’ve got an L shape a uh just like I don’t know a rectangular one and then another

Normal five by five house over there and uh of course we can sleep now right as I’ve just decided to um build these houses but I mean I’m just gonna build them anyway now because we might as well let’s just quickly grab a little bit more wood out of the chest

Um yeah we’re already not really running low at the moment but I feel like we’re definitely going to be running out uh before we get all these houses done but uh yeah let’s just go ahead and start building these houses so for the first one here this one one’s just going to be

Our standard 5×5 house just the simple plain and basic one we’re gonna go ahead and connect up all of our pillars here like so just because um I like doing that then we’re gonna have to grab some stone slabs and also Spruce Labs there we go I might also

Just turn some more of these into slabs too and let’s also make a couple of buttons as well because we’re going to need those for detailing uh we might as well actually just slap those on right now why not now let’s crack out the old scaffolding head up here and start

Adding in our roof okay so in these Corners here let’s place in some stone slabs like so then we’re going to transition back to Stone back to stone slabs and uh yeah I mean you kind of get it then in this little Gap here we’re going to be placing in some strip Spruce

Logs and then let’s just repeat this trim once again on the other side over here and then with that done let’s just go ahead and fill in the entire roof with some Spruce slabs all right now for the detailing blocks let’s go ahead and slap a spruce fence right there with

Some fence gates beside those and then a lantern hanging down from that bad boy do the same on this side again of course and uh actually just realized that looking at the build over there I kind of built this wrong this uh it needs to actually be a stone that slabs here I

Mean stone bricks Labs forgive me so let’s add those in and then we’re also going to add in those little dropping down Parts there too and let’s just fix this up on the other side as well of course all right there we go now it’s

Time to add in the walls and this is pretty much just going to be entirely Stone and stone bricks so this is going to be our doorway here let’s place in just some textured Stone and stone bricks like so we’re going to have an upside down Stone stair there and then

We’re going to Chuck our door in right here too then for these side ones here we’re going to do a pretty similar thing actually I forgot I need to add texture to this oh my goodness but instead this time let’s add in a window like so and

Then for the back wall here we’re just going to completely fill this in and then for this sidewall we’ll just once again do the exact same thing we just did on this side here facing a glass pane in there now for the floor let’s remove all of the grass and I need to

Check this build to see what we did for the floor okay we just did Stone add all of that stone in uh I will need to go and get a couple of beds to add into these builds as well no yeah I almost forgot that we need to add this little

Extra detail as well well this nice little like arch in between all of the pillars just adds that extra little pop of detail and looks really nice and yeah so there we go there’s the first house of the expansion completed except for the interior of course we just don’t

Talk about that though and yeah so all of these basic houses here are just going to be basically just this exact same thing so I’m going to go ahead and do those as a time lapse and then after that we’ll get started creating some actual new builds so uh yeah let’s get

Started on these houses right now Thank you foreign Okay and now with all of those General housing buildings done I’m just going to go ahead and slap some random crap inside of them uh basically just a bed and a chest for the moment okay and now with all of those Interiors done well not really done we will of course go

Back and uh just add more stuff to those but yeah with those completed for now I want to go ahead and create our first like job site building I guess and this first one is going to be an archery range I’ve already figured out that I

Want it to be in this spot here we’re gonna have to do a little bit of landscaping just to clear out some of the dirt here because I am wanting this to be quite large I’m not exactly how big yet but um yeah we’ll figure that

Out all right so first let’s place in our uh just base pillar blocks here so I’m wanting this to kind of be like the front of the building and then we’ll make this go back by three like so and then we’ll go back again and so this

Front half of the build here is going to be only four blocks high so it’s just kind of like the the standard height of all of the houses and then as for the back area here we’re going to make this two stories higher now of course I need

To get more wood just bear with me okay and I think what I want to do might end up actually looking kind of weird so I think I’m going to change it up just a little bit and actually bring out these pillars as well so these ones are going

To be the same height as these ones and I feel like doing this is just going to make the roof look a little bit better than it probably would have and So speaking of the roof let’s actually just start laying it out and so as you might

Have guessed this roof up here is just going to be a simple L-shaped one pretty much the same as that one over there there’s the top roof done and then as for the bottom one here I think we could probably just do something like this hopefully this will work out I think it

Should let’s just have a look yeah that actually looks pretty nice like that I like that and we’ll bring this trim all the way back over here and then we’ll just fill in the rest of the roof of course with some more slabs and of

Course I’m out of slabs okay and so yeah that’s pretty much the basic layout I’m just going to go ahead and fill in all of the walls and all the extra details and stuff so yeah I’ll be back in just a second okay so there’s the completed

Exterior of the build I’ll just do like a quick little showcase um yeah I mean it’s just the same as all the other houses you know but this time we actually have this little area here which is going to be the shooting range let me just grab my blocks real quick

There we go so we’re going to strip this and Chuck a Target on top of that and uh yeah so basically this is where you’d come to train your uh bow shooting skills or whatever I also would like to add in a bunch of coarse dirt into this

As well just um to make it feel like it’s been a little bit lived in I guess yeah it’s nice I would like to get a couple pieces of grass in here like um this this grass here uh but I didn’t have room for shares so I’ll just do it

Later now heading inside let’s uh let’s first replace all of the ground here with some Stone of course all right so as for this first floor here we’re going to be adding in a ladder up to the second floor and then down here we’re going to be adding in our Fletching

Table job site blocks so let’s just Chuck into like uh I don’t know here and here and then let’s also just place in this log here and strip it as well so it’s like kind of like a little bit bit of a table we can also add a flower pot

On that with I don’t know like a corn flour looks nice then let’s add in all of the sealing blocks here with some Spruce slabs okay there we go now let’s head upstairs and um yeah okay let’s just fill in this little area here it’ll look kind of

Weird if we don’t and up here let’s just add in another little table over here at this uh window thing this time it’ll be like this kind of table you know what I’m talking about let’s Chuck on another flower pot right here with uh this time

Maybe an azalea in it and uh yeah unfortunately I’m gonna have to leave it at that for now because um I do not have any other freaking uh like tabletop decoration blocks I guess I really need to get like just a whole bunch of those

Made so I don’t have to worry about like uh which ones I’m gonna use and stuff and I think as well just as an extra thing I want to just add in some fence gates across here like so just to make it look like it’s kind of contained in

That area I don’t know I just like the look of that okay don’t question it and yeah so there we go there’s our like Fletching slash archery range building done I actually really love the shape of this it’s very like unique with having just one little area here is lower and

Yeah I I really like it all right and so far we have done uh yeah a whole bunch of house buildings so let’s switch it up and actually upgrade our nether portal I do like the look of this it’s nice and simple but I’m thinking I want to do

Something a little bit uh cooler I guess so let’s start just quickly deconstruct this uh well yeah it’s not going to be quick for me at all because this freaking takes forever uh it’ll be quick for you guys because we’re going to be done right now and I’m also going to

Have to go ahead and just grab some more obsidian because I do want to make this a little bit larger than just the uh the stock standard one so just bear with me I’m gonna go get a little bit more obsidian all right hopefully 33 obsidian

Should be enough I feel like it should be hopefully all right and so I’m thinking I want to move the nether portal over to here and it’s actually going to be in the side of this hill I’m gonna have to do a little bit of Excavating just to get it looking how I

Want it so um just bear with me here okay so here is what we’re working with and uh yeah now it’s time to actually take out a big chunk of this uh area just like that we’re also going to go back again and uh we’re right back again

One more time okay now on this layer here we’re going to remove just the outermost layer like in a ring around this and we’re going to replace all of these blocks with the obsidian blocks and this is where our portal is going to be situated so with those removed let’s

Add in all of our obsidian blocks all right now let’s uh remove these background blocks here and actually replace from the stone just so it looks a little bit cleaner and now let’s ignite the portal see what we’re working with okay okay looks good now it’s time

To grab out all of the stairs that um I forgot to grab oh my God man I’m gonna lose it in a minute I swear to God I don’t even have a crafting table what am I doing okay now let’s lower this a little bit like so and on the other side

As well and then let’s add in some stairs like so now you might be able to tell what I’m trying to accomplish here and it’s just kind of like a natural like portal look I guess like one that’s kind of in the side of it I mean

Obviously like a cliff or something but as if it’s like been here for while what in God’s name where did you come from Brother what the hell okay you do what you got to do G uh and I actually just realized that I want the portal to

Be bigger uh just give me a second uh yeah I’m gonna have to make this entire thing just start one block bigger like if that makes sense so I’ll be back all right and now that should be good now let’s reignite the portal and yeah that’s looking a lot better now we won’t

See like the edges of the obsidian it won’t look weird now let’s continue adding in all of this stuff like so randomize it just a little bit so it doesn’t look weird it’s like that actually I think I wanna oh my god there goes that block okay see you later now

On the outer layer here let’s actually remove a couple more blocks just so we can smoothen it off a little bit better and then yeah let’s just go in and smoothen this off by using some extra blocks like so so there is a Golem stuck in there sorry mate I’m not sure what

You’re doing in there buddy and then something I really love doing for these kinds of like portals is actually removing these little chunks here and then adding in some stairs like so and that way you can kind of see the portal through these little gaps and yeah I

Don’t know what it is about that I just really love the way that looks I don’t know it’s yeah it just looks so cool to me I don’t know if you guys feel the same let me know in the comments but I just think that looks awesome dude let’s

Do the same with one right here yes dude that looks so good I don’t know why it just does okay don’t ask now I think we’re still extending a little bit too far out with those blocks there so let’s fix that up a little bit now it’s time

To add in some texturing blocks like some Cobblestone and andesite nothing too crazy I don’t want to go like overboard with the texture so we’re just going to keep it light just very very subtle texturing is all it needs all right and there we go something else I

Want to do as well is just make a slightly like indented pathway that kind of leads into this and let’s also texture that just a little bit and then let’s just grab out a regular Stone stairs here and place all of those in like so yeah it just kind of looks like

A big crack in the ground or something and yeah and let’s also have another crack on this side too like this actually let’s curve it around this way as well yes dude that look sick okay and now we can chuck in a uh thingo right there a lantern that’s what it’s called

Then let’s sprinkle in some dirt blocks and on those I just want to add in some azaleas like this actually that one might be a little bit too close to the portal Place one there and then a flowering one maybe there then let’s add a couple of vines to this too just where

We kind of can to slap them in I guess I don’t want this to be like too overgrown so we’re not going overboard with it and then an extra little detail I want to add is just a little bit of an overhang here like this I’ll have it maybe come

Over that way and then we can add some slabs underneath this to make it look like it is being like supported by the cliff or whatever I don’t know basically just removing all of the bloody vines that I just placed and let’s actually turn one of these into some stairs like

That and yeah there we go there’s our upgraded portal I do want to add in some extra detail blocks but we’ll add those in once I go and get them but uh yeah that’s pretty much it for now okay I did actually just quickly fix up a few

Things like uh the stone here I just kind of faded it in with the dirt as you can see I placed a couple here and over here as well I also just went ahead and grabbed a couple pieces around us because I actually have my shares on me

I think I might actually fix it up a little bit further let’s just add some pieces like right here as well yeah that looks good oh and one more thing give me a second all right let’s Chuck in some glowberries in this spot right here I

Just felt like it would look nice and uh yeah of course it does let’s share those to stop them from growing further and then also bone meal that so we actually have some like uh glow berries in there it’s also maybe bone meal that one as

Well just because yeah I like that that looks nice all right and there we go we are now actually fully done with the nether portal be sure to let me know what you think in the comments of this design I’m actually quite fond of it I love like natural style builds and like

Builds that are integrated with nature so um yeah just let me know what you think in the comments okay so now with our nether portal fully completed I want to go ahead and create the next build for our village which is going to be the library and I’ve actually found this

Spot right here which I’m pretty happy with it’s nice and flat do have to do a little bit of terraforming but uh shouldn’t be too bad now I know this is pretty far away from everything else but we will be linking up the entire Village all the way around here like I mentioned

Previously and uh the main reason why I’m building it here is actually because our villager breeding Hall is like right here so it’s not going to be an absolute pain transporting them into this building because I do want to actually set up a whole bunch of like stalls with

Villagers in them and we’re going to turn them into Librarians using lectins of course and we’re just going to get a whole bunch of enchanting book trades that we need like efficiency five and stuff like that but uh yeah we’ll worry about that once we actually get to that

Point so let’s begin a terraforming a little bit so I just want to kind of smoothen off this land a little bit okay there we go now we’ve got a nice flat area to work with I might actually have to expand it out a little bit more but

We’ll figure that out once we get to that point all right so now it’s time to grab out our trusty Spruce logs and lay out the base of all of the pillars of course and so I’m wanting this to be a pretty decent size nothing too crazy and

I already have like a decent idea of the shape that I’m wanting so let’s place our first outline block right here actually um we’re gonna move it back one there we go then we’re gonna go out one and then out again and then we’re gonna go like this bang and then we’re

Actually gonna go five blocks instead of three I know guys I’m stepping out of my freaking bound here one two three four five bang like that and then we’re gonna do another three Banger right there I hope my like Minecraft building language is like resonating with you guys because

I don’t know how else to describe it to be honest all right there we go so there’s the layout uh of course I need to sleep because it’s getting dark I don’t feel like dealing with creepers they’re just just hate him man that’s so annoying all right and so yeah you might

Have already guessed the kind of layout that we’re going for here and it’s going to be a u-shape so let’s go ahead and raise up all of our pillars to the correct Heights we’re also going to add in all of these uh sticky Addy bits of course someone in the comments tell me

What you would call this other than sticky Audi bits I really want to know okay give me like a professional building like terminology for that or something like what would it be called like pillar knobs they’re like the knobs of the pillars I don’t man I don’t know

Okay don’t ask me do you guys see me out here I’m practicing my like speed building skills I’m starting to do this thing now you see like the what the pro Bridges do okay don’t you didn’t see that all right so there is the first

Floor laid out now as for the rest of the pillars uh this pretty much this rectangle here is going to be an extra floor high so one two three four and uh yeah we’re just gonna raise up all of these pillars as well so yeah give me a

Second oh my God I just realized I accidentally did that whole side what am I doing man and there we go so now you can kind of see the layout of the build so it’s like a u-shape but it’s also like an L shape and also like a I don’t

Know shape okay and so yeah I’m just going to quickly slap the roofs on slap the walls on and all of the exterior details and stuff and I’ll be back in just a moment okay Gamers so here is our completed Library building it’s exactly

How I wanted it to uh turn out I guess I mean I built it so yeah also I just want to apologize if I sound a little bit more nasally than usual I am sick again my immune system is literally on its last legs I swear to God man and uh

Actually taking a look at the interior of this this is a lot smaller than I’d kind of wanted it to be but we’ll make do with what we got we can always go underground if we need to as well I actually do prefer it being smaller

Because then it will kind of be like disproportionate to the rest of the town like if this is just way too big compared to everything else kind of like how my base is like massive compared to all the builds in the town that’s why I

Wanted it to be kind of far away and yeah so thankfully we can always just go underground to expand if we need to but uh yeah let’s uh start creating all of the Interior I think I might actually make the outline out of stone and then

The inside of the floor can be Spruce planks I don’t know why I just like the look of that makes the build feel kind of cozy so let’s get some of the old planks and Place those in like so and I have not actually figured out how I want

To like lay out the interior for this for like the actual Librarians to be in here so we’ll kind of have to figure that out as we go also where I want to place the ladder okay let’s slap the ladder on right here in the middle okay there we go there’s the completed

Ceiling let’s also add in some lanterns maybe like here add one on this side as well and then in these corners and also maybe in front of the ladder here as well there’s some nice spots bang There we go all right now as for the placement

For our doodly dudes uh let’s go like I think to take up as little space as possible let’s do like a trap door to close them in and then we’ll have the lectern off to the side kind of like how I’ve done in my base if you uh recall

What that looks like and then above them we’ll have a slab to stop them from jumping out of course so it’s not the most elegant setup but uh it works at least maybe maybe we can just encase this whole thing in trapdoors to make it look kind of better that’s all right and

Then the next one can be like this uh hopefully that’ll be enough space for the guy I’m pretty sure it should be and that way we can just kind of keep continuing this off to the side like so and we can fit in like a whole bunch in

Here actually yeah that works out pretty well actually and we’re not going to be able to trap doors on this side but that that’ll be fine that actually looks kind of cool I actually really like the way that looks it’s like nice and compact it

Might be a bit of a struggle trying to actually get the guy in here but we’ll make do and then let’s just mirror this on this side here now I’m gonna be one lectin short unfortunately but um that’s fine okay that’s cool I like it we can

Also like come around this way if we need to as well and also of course we can go upstairs too so what I want to do now is actually bring some villagers in and then breed them in here so I don’t have to bring up like 60 000 Villages

You know so let’s maybe dedicate this side here to uh villager breeding now we’re not going to be able to fit many beds in here uh yeah that kind of sucks actually okay maybe because we haven’t completed this side yet let’s actually just like fence off this whole area like

That okay that’ll be fine for now and yeah we should be able to fit a whole bunch of beds in here so I’m going to quickly go grab some beds because I don’t have any or I have my money of course I’m going to sleep to get rid of

This stupid storm and uh yes I’m gonna go make some beds I’ll be back in just a moment all right so here we go there’s our beds let’s also Place some in here as well now I don’t think they’ll be able to jump out uh yeah we should be

All right one thing I also want to do before I actually bring them in here is uh just in case if they get out of that area I want to just add in another fence gate here just in case if they get out and then they’re actually just stuck in

Here you know all right so now what I’m going to go ahead and do is just get two villagers from our little breeding chamber down here and just bring them over using a minecart system now I know I keep getting comments of people saying to like use job site blocks and stuff to

Lure them over but honestly it just feels like too much effort and when they actually like get lost and just start running away it really pisses me off so I just prefer doing this because I know it works yeah we’re gonna finish this rail bring it all the way down here and

Then get our guys into here so uh yeah just give me a second and I’ll get that done right now okay and there we go there’s our boys inside ready to go now here’s some carrots do your best business what is this guy doing man are

You good off you go guys we’ll be back and uh hopefully we’ll have some babies running around and then we can bring these guys into their jobs and uh start getting books that we need oh yeah we can finally get like efficiency five and stuff because I’m sick of having

Efficiency for and also we’re gonna upgrade our sword as well hopefully now I need to figure out like what levels uh some achievements are at and stuff like that so um yeah it’s time to go on to the wiki and figure it out but yeah that’s pretty much it for our library

For now when I do need to expand and add in more villages we will of course just uh keep expanding this design off to the side and we’ll go upstairs as well and I’ll probably end up expanding our little uh separate villager breeding chamber down like underground here when

We need to but yeah for now that’s pretty much it for the library and what I’m going to go ahead and do next is just start building a whole bunch more General housing buildings around this way like I’ve said probably four times in this video at this point and I will

Of course do that as a time lapse just because you know it’s the same crap that we’ve just done over here and then the final thing that I want to do is just add a pathway to everything which will title to together so it kind of looks

Kind of messy at the moment without having a pathway but this area looks nice because we do have a pathway connecting up all of the houses and yeah so I’ll do that right at the end as we’ve added in like all the buildings that I want to add for this episode and

Uh yeah so let’s just go ahead and get started right now Thank you Thank you Gamers my area is starting to look pretty good I mean it still needs some work but as you can see the nether is looking pretty so I thought in this episode why not build something crazy in the nether like a giant City let’s get started alright so once again I need

Resources and uh specifically Stone as you can see yeah I have uh basically nothing and so if you recall in the previous episode we created this pickaxe here specifically to mine Stone but unfortunately it doesn’t have efficiency so my plan is to create a whole nother

Pickaxe get up to a level 30 real quick from our villager trades here there we go and then I want to enchant a whole nother pickaxe oh yes it does it has efficiency okay let’s enchant this bad boy efficiency 4 Unbreaking three okay now what we should be able to do is

Combine these two pickaxes together in the uh thingamajiggy and there we go we’ve got Unbreaking silk touch mending and efficiency 4. I know it’s not efficiency five but um I mean it’s good enough for me so yeah let’s combine these two pickaxes and hell yeah now I

Know I could have saved a couple of diamonds and a couple of well actually yeah a lot of levels around now 14 now yeah I know I could have saved them by just um using My Librarian Villages and getting the efficiency 5 enchantment to trade but I honestly couldn’t be

Bothered waiting to do that so yeah now with our new pickaxe we can go ahead and head down into our little mine thingy and start mining an absolute crap load of stone because we’re going to need a lot for my plans oh yeah and as you can

See at the top of the screen here we have a raid now this raid actually started in the previous episode at like the very end time lapse I just had to quickly deal with them but yeah I’m not sure where these last two guys are it is

Kind of annoying I would like to get rid of this little like UI thing at the top of my screen now I might do a quick little hunt around and see if I can find these guys because yeah the UI is a little bit annoying all right after

About five seconds of looking I’ve already decided to give up just because um yeah I can’t be bothered so let’s jump down into our little Pond down here oh my God that’s scary every time man I think I need to make this a little bit

Bigger or as a witch I wonder if this Witch is a part of the uh raid crew come here little bastard oh my God okay oh yes they were and here comes the goddamn onslaught of mobs how long does this last 30 seconds of poison oh my god

Brother I should does bowed the bastard yeah there’s still one guy left somewhere I have no idea where he is uh he’ll turn up eventually but uh yeah now let’s head up to our little Stone mining spot up here and just begin Excavating a whole bunch of stone right after I get

Rid of these freaking mobs man okay now let’s get started All right so after mining a whole bunch of stone which is uh over in this chest right over here I also just went ahead and prepared a whole bunch of other stuff like some interior blocks for the base we’ll be making and a whole bunch

Of rails in case if we need to go to like an area that’s kind of far away and yeah so as you can see this chest here has a whole bunch of stuff in it it’s got a whole bunch of stone wood and then all of the stuff that we’ll be needing

For the farms in the village and just a bunch of dirt as well and uh yeah so before we take all of this in I just want to kind of like head into The Nether and just kind of survey the area and see what we’re working with so um

Let’s head on inside okay there’s a bunch of random crap here okay oh my god there are so many Golems here what the hell Jesus Christ okay well yeah I’m pretty much wanting like a very flat open area it’s not gonna be that big of a deal if it isn’t completely flat

Because it is very easy to like mine never stuff very quickly as you can see it’s like basically instant but we’re going to need an absolutely massive area and I preferably would like it to be very close by as well just so we don’t have to like make a giant freaking track

From the nether portal down to our area every single time or even this area down here looks nice we would have to expand it quite a bit but I would like to get down there I just don’t really know how to at the moment maybe we can get a

Better look from over on this angle and of course there’s a gust over there okay we’re gonna have to deal with this guy luckily I do have a bow now so we can just kind of snipe him you know Bang there he goes see you later buddy yeah

So this area down here is looking pretty nice we’d have to like clear all of these like little mountains and stuff but this is a pretty big area so the problem is I don’t exactly know how big I want to go with this city thing I am

Wanting it to be fairly large but um yeah I don’t want this to take an absolute freaking lifetime to create but so far that area over there is looking the most promising at the moment on this freaking skeleton what the hell okay man’s just man’s just he just did

It see you later buddy so let’s actually jump down here and take a quick little uh look see at what we’re dealing with down here yeah I really actually do like how flat this area is I feel like I would need to clear out this and yeah

All of this as well which I mean it’s gonna be a given I’m gonna have to do a bunch of landscaping regardless so yeah I think this is the location it’s looking really nice and flat alright and so what I want to do now is actually hook up a quick little uh Minecart

System to take us back and forth so we don’t have to make this Trek every time we want to like come back here all right so let’s just start from here I guess uh this is going to go down that way of course Branch this all the way up over

To our portal and then we’ll bring it down there as well and probably just end it like right there or something uh so yeah just give me a second and I’ll get this done right now all right and there we go there is our completed Railway system and uh something I didn’t realize

Is that Ghasts are very annoying and they constantly spawn here and keep it what the hell are you doing uh yeah so Ghasts are very frustrating to deal with they keep spawning here and destroying freaking chunks of the land so yeah we’re just gonna kind of have to

Deal with it but a yeah now it is time to start the excavation process hopefully it’s not going to take too long because it is very quick to mine this stuff thankfully so yeah I’m gonna get started Excavating all of this crap right now Foreign And there we go there is our massive area cleared out this definitely took yeah it took way too long dude but uh yeah I still feel like this is not big enough um we’re probably gonna have to expand it over that way more and possibly even

Off to the left a bit further but I pretty much just want to get started building the actual thing and then we’ll expand it as we need to and yes also if you’re wondering in all of that stuff we found three pieces of ancient debris which is uh I don’t know it’s pretty

Good I guess but uh yeah now I’m gonna go ahead and just empty all of the crap out of my inventory and head back home and um yeah I’ll be back with a bunch of stone and we’ll get started all right Gamers up what the hell are you Jesus

Okay yeah like I was saying I’m back and I have a whole bunch of stuff uh most of it’s in the chest up there but yeah I’ve marked out roughly the center point of our area here I think I might actually go in a little bit further just in case

In case we want to expand oh my God the ghosts man they just they just don’t give up oops take that one now he’s going away like what are you trying to do brother all right so now let’s start making our little city thing yeah we’re definitely gonna have to expand this

Which is a bit annoying but yeah okay so we’re going to start off with our Central Building here which is going to be my building and I want this to be a 5×5 building actually maybe seven by seven because uh five by five is gonna

Be a little bit too small I think and I’m actually going to do a completely different style of Building compared to my like actual Overworld Village I guess and I’m gonna make this kind of in like an adobe Village or something like that I don’t really know how to explain it

But they’re kind of like square houses and they’re very like simple and they’re all like really bunched together and I don’t know it just looks really cool I like the look of them and I feel like it could work well in a nether Village um well I hope so because yeah that’s

What we’re going to be doing so yeah I’m just gonna keep raising this up um I don’t know how high I’ll go maybe like to here maybe one lower actually yeah we kind of I think we need to go up maybe like two more blocks it’s a little bit

Too Stumpy at the moment okay and let’s take a little squeeze yeah that’s looking a little bit better okay and so I’m actually wanting to add a door onto every side and we’ll just do a simple design like this we’ll also make sure to put some Stone in the actual ground here

Okay so there’s all of our doors added in then on the sides here we’ll just add in some simple little Windows there we go just like that and we’ll also add some more windows on the second floor which will be up here oh we got another

Gas to deal with my God man just go away it’s so annoying what the hell dude can you get out I’m trying to I’m trying to place a window here man how the hell did he even get in there he must have spawned in there like what the hell all

Right well while he’s vibing there let’s add in our ceiling now as for the way to get up I guess we will just add in a ladder somewhere and we can just extend our ladders up here like so and then as for the details up here let’s grab out

Some Spruce fence gates and also our Spruce buttons in between all of these blocks here let’s place in our Spruce fence gates like so oh my god dude there is so many ghosts holy crap you’re flying away the other one I don’t know where he went we’re just not gonna worry

About it okay and now oh my God bro no did you did you see that I hit the fireball with an arrow that is insane I’m actually cracked at this game but oh yeah so we’re gonna be chucking some buttons on the like ends of all of these

Blocks here and then an extra detail that I didn’t actually really account for oh man I’m why so many spawning right now when I’m trying to build uh yeah like I was saying I feel like an extra detail that might be nice is maybe adding some slabs

On top of these it might actually look better using some trap doors let’s go down and take a quick look yeah that looks a little bit strange I think trapdoors may end up looking a little bit better and I think we do also need to add some extra details to these uh

Windows okay and so I’ve actually changed my mind I think instead of just like a plain rectangular shaped building I want to make it a little bit more interesting because right now it’s kind of looking weird so let’s remove this like top corner of the build here and

Then I kind of want to make this into like a bit of a balcony or something like that so let’s have that come around that way like so and then we can extend these up and I think oh my god dude it scares the crap out of me every time it’s so annoying

Okay like I was saying I think it might actually be better to do something a little bit different up here instead of what I had originally done there is another Ghast god dude I’m gonna lose it okay he’s gone in one shot thank God I’m getting a little bit better at killing

These Pricks at least okay and I think something a little like this might look better just having a whole row of slabs up here instead of like adding weird little extra bits I need to craft some more slabs of course give me a second Foreign flashbacks for a second there it’s gonna be really close here okay so yeah I feel like something like that definitely looks a little bit more interesting it still kind of looks weird I think I need to add some extra details to it still and uh it’s actually yeah

It’s actually a little bit wonky so we’re gonna have to slim it up a little bit all right just give me a minute and I will go ahead and fix this up real quick okay and there we go there’s the completed main base design it actually

Ended up being a little bit smaller than I wanted but it’s not that big of a deal because um we don’t really have too much stuff to put in here but I’m very happy with the way this one turned out now it’s instead of just being like a big

Square it’s actually a little bit more interesting it’s like an L shape with like a little uh Block in the middle I don’t know how to explain it but yeah it definitely just looks a whole lot better than it did before now let’s head on inside and add in pretty much everything

That we need and we’re pretty much all gonna have to put it on the first floor because yeah as you can see on the second floor we don’t have a lot of room at all so the main things we’ll be needing in here is a crafting table of

Course and um yeah that’s pretty much the main thing that we’re gonna need all of this other stuff is just going to be some extra decoration so let’s place in our smithing table maybe a couple of furnaces like so in here let’s maybe add that on so that we can place our

Grindstone here and then maybe to the left and right of the crafting table let’s place in an anvil in our stone cutter and yeah that’s pretty much it for everything I wanted to add in here we can also maybe just add a lantern on right here as well oh that’s not a

Lantern there we go and yeah that’s a nice little interior obviously it’s lacking some extra detail like some tabletop decorations but um yeah I just kind of forgot to grab them okay and so now let’s maybe add in our pathway and I want this to pretty much stem all from

This main Central base here and um yeah so maybe let’s uh add in our first little pathway here I think I want these to all be three blocks wide just so there is a little bit more like a definition to them I guess and I don’t want them to be completely straight as

Well so maybe let’s bend it off to the left here and we’ll keep going this way a little bit and then just Branch it off to the left and we’ll kind of make this pathway maybe go up towards over to our little Railway system thingamajigi fill

All this in with some stone bricks I don’t know if this is the final pathway block that I want I feel like it might actually Clash too much with the actual Building Material which is obviously going to be Stone so I think I might leave these out for now and just kind of

Think about what I want the pathway blocks to be yeah so we’re going to have that pathway going over that way and then we’ll have another pathway here on this door that’ll go maybe over this way I don’t know exactly where this pathway is actually going to lead to it’s pretty

Much mainly just for Aesthetics but I guess it’ll actually like let us kind of Traverse the town a little bit easier and we can just kind of leave it there for now and then I also want this Pathway to actually kind of outline our base a little bit and we’ll fill that in

Of course once we have actually figured out what block we want to use and then as for the back area here let’s do the same thing and just kind of surround the base here with the pathway block back up until we reach with this side here and

There we go then let’s have another pathway on this side here that’ll just pretty much maybe just be straight for the most part let’s have like maybe oh my God that scared the crap out of me Jesus dude yeah we’ll just have maybe like a couple of twists and turns in

This one and then for the final one let’s have it Branch off of course on this side here all right and there we go there is the complete plated area well I mean it’s not complete at all but uh yeah this is um the area that we’re

Working with so we’ve got our obviously our main base in the center and we have our Pathways that kind of just sprawl off in every direction I’ve also figured out that I want to use Basalt for the pathway blocks because it contrasts the Netherrack and it also contrasts the

Stone quite nicely in my opinion and plus there’s also like a massive supply of it right there so um yeah that’s uh the main reason so I’m going to go ahead and just start filling in all of these pathway blocks and then I’ll also add in

The first ring of crops that I want to add that surrounds our base here and so yeah we’re just going to go ahead and do that as a time lapse right now All right so now with all of the pathways added in and the first ring of crops it’s time to start adding in our actual buildings here and so let’s just add in the base of the first building right here and so I’m thinking most of these are going to be just little very

Small three by three buildings uh yeah you’re not really going to be able to do much in these so yeah we’re just going to Chuck the door in right here let’s raise it up to be just a little bit taller and then we’ll also add in the

Same design that we did for this building over here so we’re just going to top it off with some Spruce slabs like so then at the top and all the corners We’ll add in the spruce buttons let’s maybe add in a window on the left side over here also add in the same

Design that we did with this and then we’ll have a trapdoor um that I don’t have I want to just make a crafting table man there’s one in here what am I doing and there we go there’s our window design and yeah so that’s basically our first house done and now

We’re pretty much going to be doing like uh kind of like an adobe Village style I guess how the buildings are all like very very closely joined together we’ll of course have some that are going to be separated but the most part they’re going to be very closely joined together

So this next building is actually going to pretty much yeah take a chunk out of this uh actual building here and uh yeah basically all this stuff that we just did here is for nothing because um we’re just going to remove it and then pretty much add in the same design can’t forget

Our buttons in the corners as well of course now as for the windows on this one let’s just add one up here and then we’ll just kind of fill in this whole back side like so once again we’ll add in our Sam little design here like kind

Of just the I don’t know the roof of the window I don’t know how else to explain it but yeah so you can kind of see like the layout that we’re going for here and we’re pretty much just going to be repeating this exact same kind of design

We will have some little gaps between some of the buildings but for the most part they’re going to be very closely joined together and be like all kinds of shapes and sizes so here we go here’s another house pretty much the same thing as this one but just like I don’t know

Rotated and yeah so this part is going to honest honestly be kind of boring so I’m pretty much going to do most of this as a time lapse because it’s not the most interesting thing in the entire world so yeah I’m going to just continue building these pretty much in a ring all

The way around this area here oh my God the Ghasts man they just do not stop they are absolutely Relentless out here there we go see you later mate and yeah so we’re just going to continue these building designs in a ring around the entire area here and um yeah we’ll of

Course just do that as a time lapse and so I’ll be back in just a moment [Applause] thank you All right and here we are here is the um well half completed City I do want to add another layer of crops and then another layer of buildings outside of this I’m probably gonna have to expand the area again but yeah here’s the uh here’s the area so far and it actually

Turned out a whole lot better than I thought it would this actually feels like I don’t know like I’m walking through like a miniature City or something like that obviously it’ll be a lot bigger in scale once we have you know added in the extra layers and stuff

But so far it is looking absolutely awesome and yeah here’s the high angle I’m gonna turn my fov down a little bit just so you can kind of see it but yeah it’s turning out pretty well and uh yeah so pretty much what I’m gonna do now is

Just continue adding in the extra layers like I said an extra layer of crop Farm around the buildings here and then we’ll add in the final layer of buildings and then after that we’ll actually be adding in a wall around this as well so yeah I’m gonna go ahead and get started

Adding all of that stuff in right now [Applause] Thank you Thank you foreign ERS that definitely took way longer than I expected but there we go there is the entire city basically done so we added in our whole Outer ring of farms here and then our final ring of uh buildings I do need to add some smaller ones in up

Here because I did change the pathway shape so we will get that done don’t worry about that but yeah I’m so glad that we got all of this done finally I’m very behind in my uh like uploading schedule because of the scale of this freaking build so I’m very glad it is

Done for the most part we actually do have a couple of little things that I want to add in the first one oh my God there’s aghast okay come here mate come on see you later buddy okay so yeah as you can see we also added in this big

Wall around the entire area and now it’s not really going to serve much of a purpose because crap just spawns everywhere in the freaking nether it’s so annoying so things are just gonna spawn on the inside anyway so it’s mainly just aesthetic but one thing that

I do want to go ahead and add in is some actual functioning watchtowers I think the first one let’s add it in here and so these watchtowers are actually going to allow us to go up to the top shoot any one of these guys with a bow and

That’s going to aggro everything in the area oh my okay buddy settle down don’t run away from me yeah it’s gonna aggro everything in the area and bring them down into like a pit and then we can just kind of you know deal with them

And get a whole bunch of XP and items so yeah it should be pretty good and so these towers are going to be in a pretty similar style to our like buildings here it’s just going to be like a simple square shape kind of thing and I don’t

Want them to be too tall so we’ll probably just go up to here and then let’s also of course add in the final Corner over here now as for the outward facing areas here we’re going to leave them completely open uh okay give me a second so let’s actually remove these

Blocks that I added in here and let’s add in like a nice Archway just like that and then the whole top area of course will be filled in and we’ll do the same on this side as well just so we have like kind of double the entrance

Capacity then this side will just be completely filled in I might even I might add some like Windows in and then this side will be where our door is next let’s add in the same window designs that we did for all of their houses might as well keep the uh the theme

Similar you know in this side we can add in two windows okay and now as for the top I just want to keep it relatively simple and in a Sim similar style to everything else so don’t you dare let’s just do something like that just like a

Kind of simple Castle kind of look and then actually I think these front ones will just leave these completely filled in we won’t add any windows I think it’ll look kind of weird so yeah let’s just finish that up we’ll add in a uh floor up here so we can actually stand

Up here and lure the mobs over no you absolutely prick you just had to do it didn’t you come here come on boots just stop it I think we got him hopefully okay let’s head on back over and add in our ladders so we can actually get up to the second floor to

Lure the mobs over then as for down here we will uh continue the ladder downwards like so and our mobs will be coming in through these sides so let’s lower these as well oh okay this guy needs to go away man what are you doing not ready

Yet you can come back later okay let’s lower those like so and then we should be able to put these open trap doors on the entrances and then the mobs should think that those are full blocks and then they’ll fall down into our uh Death

Pit yeah this guy needs to leave get the hell out so I hope something just simple like this will work and they won’t be able to get across it would kind of suck if they could no they can’t there we go okay sweet so we’ll have the guys in

There this guy dude what are you doing so we’ll have it like that uh oh that’s annoying we’re gonna have to move our ladder now for the floor we might as well just add in some Spruce slabs just to make it look a little nicer instead of the Netherrack why is everyone in

Here dude go away and so now we’ll just be able to come in here and just um basically whack the mobs I was gonna set up a hopper system but I don’t think we really need it we’re just going to be able to easily collect all of this stuff

Here and yeah I mean we don’t even have to attack them and they’re already coming over here like what the hell and I think our Watchtower is looking a little bit strange I kind of want to fix up the top it’s just looking a bit weird oh my God there’s another ghast

See you later mate I think the corner blocks just need to go up a little bit extra maybe let’s see how that looks from over here oh it just looks weird actually I have an idea I have an idea give me a second okay instead of these

Slabs here let’s get rid of those let’s have some of these blocks I can’t remember they’re called freaking fence gates let’s have some of those instead and then let’s put in some solid stone blocks like so now let’s stand back over here and see how it looks yeah that

Looks better I like that let’s also add the buttons on as well that’ll work well let’s actually do stone buttons I feel like that’ll match a little bit better yeah that looks nice I like that there we go yes get in there oops boots okay and there we go hell yeah that’s looking

Nice it does look very simple but I want it to pretty much match the rest of the village and not stand out too much actually I did just have an idea just to make it look a little bit nicer let’s try adding in a slab here and then below

That a lantern let’s see how that looks it might look a little weird actually no that’s kind of cool I actually really like the way that looks that’s nice let’s do do the same on this side as well I don’t know if it’s just me but that looks really cool I like that

Little extra design there right and I do really want to test this out but I’m not sure how to like reset the aggro of these guys I think just going out and back into the nether should reset it but yeah I’m a little bit scared and I do

Have a couple more of these I want to build so I think we might just test it at the end because yeah I want to go ahead and add another one in on this corner here and then also on the opposite corner over that side we won’t

Be able to add one in on this corner because it just like is pretty much a solid area We’re not gonna be able to lure anything there yeah this area should be able to spawn a whole bunch of those mobs so yeah let’s add in another

One we’ll just slap it in right here and I will just do these other two as a time lapse because you know it’s the exact same thing that we just built so yeah let’s just get started doing that right now Thank you all right so now with all of our watchtowers added in I’ve just come back here to the original one and it’s time to test it out let’s go ahead and just snipe one of these guys it should yes it does it aggros everyone in the area

They’re all going to come over and fall down our little trap hopefully down they go oh no okay uh okay we definitely oh they could come they can climb ladders okay um yeah we might need to make the Gap a little bit bigger crap okay let me

Uh let me just try and get these guys oh my God man how do I manage this and yeah we kind of forgot about the baby ones as well oh my God okay that was a bit close yeah let’s remove these ones okay let’s let’s jump over to this side and have

Some more trapdoors like this and then let’s bring these slabs into here and then we should be able to just remove all of these outer slabs remove all of those like so and we should be able to just come down here and then just you know whack everyone until they are all

Agonski and we should get a whole bunch of gold and XP from this which is going to be a very good now I probably could set this up a little bit better so I can actually like jump attack hit them because right now we’re a little bit

Confined on Space which is a little bit annoying but um yeah I might eventually figure out a better way to set this up but as you can see we’ve got a whole bunch of levels and a whole bunch of gold as well which is pretty cool all

Right there we go that should actually work I just dug down a little bit deeper and now we can actually jump shot hit them oh my God okay it’s kind of annoying that they can open doors um I might have to do a fence gate there

Instead because uh yeah this is a little bit scary thankfully it only seems like they can climb light is for some reason oh okay I spoke too soon holy crap why is there so many oh my God okay what they actually destroyed the door okay let’s quickly replace this with a fence

Gate instead and there we go we should be safe now yeah it doesn’t seem like they’re able to actually cross this Gap now which is good um but yeah this is pretty scary um but now we should be able to jump shot them maybe yes we can jump shot

Them under here now so hell yeah that’s good and yeah let’s look at all those drops all the XP that we’re getting hell yeah that is awesome what the hell we’ve even got guys up here how did you get there mate we may need to actually add

In another funnel on this side so they can come down from out here because that’s kind of annoying all right that just about does it for the first of the series if you want to continue watch your new watches right here and I’ll also be uploading the next compilation

Like this one very soon and you know that’ll consist of episodes 8 to 14. and yeah thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] #1’, was uploaded by disruptive builds on 2023-07-09 03:59:32. It has garnered 332873 views and 4257 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:36 or 10476 seconds.

This is the road to 1000 days survived in my Hardcore Minecraft world compilation/full movie! This first instalment consists of episodes 1-7 of my Hardcore series. (I decided to do it this way or else the full compilation would be like a 20 hour video…)

Part 2: (coming soon)

If you want to continue watching, here’s the next episode in the series: https://youtu.be/Isns2dgItOA

— s o c i a l s —

🏰Check out my Patreon for build downloads & more benefits! ❤️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/disruptivebuilds 👕Merch: https://disruptive-builds-shop.fourthwall.com/ 📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/disruptive_yt/ 🔷Discord: https://discord.gg/QbDhscExU7 🐔Twitter: https://twitter.com/disruptive_blds 🔴Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLu3lbamoD8-w1stjIpd8Kw

☀️Want my shaders/settings? Tutorial here: https://youtu.be/xVbdxg-pox4

— m u s i c —

All music is from Old School Runescape & Banjo Kazooie

#Minecraft​ #MinecraftHardcore​ #minecraftsurvival #minecraft1000days

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  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

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  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

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  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

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  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

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    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

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  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

I Survived 1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] #1