I Survived 11 Years in Minecraft Superflat [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

On June 9th 2012 I posted the first episode of my super flat Survival series I kept working on the world year after year until almost 10 years later in May of 2022 I was finally able to quit my job and do YouTube full-time now as my

World turns 11 years old we can look back on everything we’ve accomplished in the past year and I think it’s safe to say this was the craziest year ever for the flat world I took on the most ambitious projects I’ve ever done so without further Ado please enjoy my past

Year in survival superflex my super flat survival world just turned 10 years old and I still don’t have any end base we’ve all seen those insane bases that people build in the end Dimension and I want to make one too but in order to do

That I need to get rid of the main island so I’ve been formulating a plan to erase the whole Island in a matter of minutes and the plan has to do with Swiss cheese no I’m not crazy why would you say that I’ll show all of you but before we can

Start destroying the island we’ll want to get all 20 of these end gateways so far I’ve killed the dragon twice in this world so we’re gonna need to do it 18 more times re-summiting the End Dragon requires four end crystals meaning we’ll need 72 in total each Crystal takes one

Gas tier but luckily we recently built this little gas Farm I have plenty of glass and under eyes so we should be good to go perfect okay that’s one thing down next we’re going to want to get geared up I’m bringing tons of arrows from my piglet bartering Farm we could

Also bring along some boats to trap any Endermen that get angry with us but just to be extra safe I’d love to have some totems of undying ready to go in case things go wrong the only problem is we still don’t have a raid Farm I’ve been putting that off literally forever so

It’s time to finally put one together we’re using enxo4’s design which I’ve heard is pretty easy to construct I picked out the spot behind the spurge since there’s plenty of villagers to grab from over here it’s a couple hours later now and I finally got the raid

Farm fully functioning and this thing is like incredible dude I afk’d at it for like 5 five minutes and my chests are full of stuff I’m never gonna have to trade for emeralds or Redstone ever again and best of all we already have a full shulker box of totems of undying

For this dragon fight the view flying bag from this thing is actually really cool oh I love our base we’ve got our arrows boats totems and end crystals so I think I’m ready to do this oh and shout out to Knight in my Discord for these cute little MOG swamp themed

Totems it’s me here we go oh God I’m nervous for some reason all right round one nice round one done just gotta do this 17 more times wait what did that hit it on the way back down nice oh God no no no somehow I still died I really am

Terrible at this game man I really wanted to do this without dying big respect to hardcore players I do not know how you guys do it Thank you Foreign well that was on my crystals but you’ll notice I am missing one of the end gateways and that’s because apparently if you quit the game right as you’re spawning the dragon it just never spawns so let’s go back and make the last four crystals and here we go I’ve done this

So many times now I’m pretty confident so if I die during this last fight I’ll delete my flat world for it easy my flat world is safe and sound and there we go all 20 end gateways are now in place with that all done it’s time to reveal my secret plan operations search

Cheese the plan is simple I’m starting by laying out a grid of holes with two blocks between each one I’m beginning below the end portal and just making holes until I reach the very edges of the island each of these holes will be dug all the way through the island to

The bottom which is gonna take a while if you haven’t figured it out already this is why we’re calling this operation swiss cheese before we start the drilling I have to place a platform below the island to catch me when I dig down it’s also gonna help me plug the

Holes from below when I drill them we need to plug the holes because each one is going to be filled up with TNT this is going to take a ton of TNT maybe even 100 000 blocks from my testing in creative mode I think this should clear

Out the 3X3 area of n Stone around each block of TNT the goal is that once I light one TNT the entire end Island will be gone within minutes and hopefully my PC doesn’t just crash I set up a few chests to collect all the End Stone I

Would get and after that I was pretty much ready to go it was time to start drilling and Drilling and Drilling and drilling man I’m I’m getting really good at Drilling this is giving me ideas All these YouTubers just hope on the back of the latest trends these mobs got my bucket of water in my chest I forgot my mops my name is and it’s time to shop so I ring the wandering trailer you can’t comprehend the amount of emeralds that I spend okay

No no no no bad idea terrible idea I’m gonna stick to Drilling in the game only but rap career aside I still have a lot of work to do I’ve been drilling holes for about a week now and um I’m beginning to lose my mind I’ve been capping off the holes with the nether ax so I can easily see which ones I’ve already done and after days of digging I’m still not even done the worst part is drilling the holes is

Only the halfway point I’m still gonna have to fill everything up with TNT which takes just as long honestly I don’t know how I’m ever gonna get this video out to you guys two days later I’ve been grinding Non-Stop and it made me start to wonder how long it would

Take to mine the whole end I found a video by Pippin FTS and it took him 145 hours to mine everything but he did it by hand but I couldn’t find anyone else who used TNT but didn’t use a TNT duping flying machine see I have a rule against

TNT duping in my world partly because I feel bad for having to dupe the sand for the TNT since the wandering Trader only sells sand very rarely and only one stack at a time plus not duping the TNT gives me a use for all the gunpowder we

Get from our mob hotel and it forces me to build farms that really take advantage of every blast and are completely future proof just in case Mojang finally decides to remove TNT duping from the game but I think my friend Beppo used TNT duping to clear his Island right yeah Jesus I didn’t

Realize you were listening okay how long did that take Bebo oh I think about 30 hours and all okay so in theory we’ll land somewhere in between 30 and 145 hours I haven’t been timing it super closely but I’m guessing I’ve done at least 50 hours so far if you count

Repairing my pick and elytra and Gathering Netherrack and placing the scaffolding below the island but we still need to place the TNT based on how much End Stone we got it’s looking like we’ll probably need something like a hundred thousand TNT I think that’s around 60 shulker boxes so far I have

About 44 boxes collected you know the further I get into this project the more I feel like this is definitely going to crash my PC what was I thinking but despite my fears I pressed on and began placing the TNT for hours on end

And as I did so I began to reflect on my Origins on YouTube you see mock swamp is not my first YouTube channel I start making you YouTube videos way back in February 2007. I mostly did pivot animations and I would set up dominoes and do these huge Domino

Rallies and the more I thought about this the more it all just started to make sense setting up dominoes for hours and hours only to knock them down and have it over in seconds or drawing for countless hours just to get a few seconds of Animation I mean this really

Is no different grinding for weeks on end to create one massive explosion that will be over in just a few minutes I guess I’m still that same kid I was 15 years ago I’ve just always been willing to grind for those few seconds of blissful payoff maybe that’s why I was

Able to keep my YouTube channel and this world going for over 10 years when I read that one comment that just really touches me and makes my day it makes it all worth it three days another few days and I’m almost done with this out of the whole island all I

Have left is this little corner here but I do think I’ve begun to lose my mind I’ve been staring at this texture for so long I’m beginning to see things like from this direction it looks like a riot you doing a tail whip from this

Direction I see like a fox or a wolf on a leash then we have the man dancing with a jump rope or like a tassel and this side just looks kind of sus oh my God it’s done it’s actually done oh this took so long this is so surreal literally three weeks

Of just digging holes and placing TNT and finally the explosion is ready to go I went ahead and cleaned up all the End Stone we had mined and just look at how many chests it fills up it’s insane I was gonna clean up the Netherrack under

The island as well but I figured we might as well just set off the explosion and see how much of it gets blown up that might save me a bunch of work let’s take a look at my statistics real quick over the course of this project I went

From 1 338 n Stone mine to 134 578 and I went from 11 250 TNT placed to 146 804. this has been insane and now we’re ready to explode the end once and for all as I stand here I’m reminded of all the past explosions I’ve done in

Minecraft messing around with too many items when I first got the game exploding my base on the Red Cube server back in December 2013 that was 4 000 TNT or exploding the Giant creeper a few months ago that was 5000 TNT but this is a hundred and thirty five thousand TNT

Based on my calculations that’s equivalent to about 224 kilotons for reference the two nuclear bombs that the US dropped on Japan and World War II were only equivalent to 40 kilotons combined we are quite literally nuking the end and possibly my computer as well

I have no idea how this is gonna go so there’s only one way to find out let’s do this I guess this is it here we go oh my God oh my God it’s happening Going Oh God okay now it’s going it’s going now oh God oh my God oh my God okay oh geez no my light just freaking out oh wow This is insane somehow my computer’s not crashing from this dude oh my God I’m speechless right now what is happening oh no we forgot to close up the portal oh my God we gotta go fast Oh my God no I can’t I can’t stop Flying I can’t eat I could be dead I don’t even know go go go oh thank God give it back no the TNT is coming food okay I just have to run [Applause] oh my God look at it go it’s spreading

Across the whole island look at the Enderman it’s like a stop-motion animation of the island just slowly disappearing I’m glad I didn’t try to clean up the Netherrack down there because it looks like the TNT is doing it for me dude this looks so cool look

At it slowly disappear oh my God it’s all gone before Enderman dude oh yes dude yes we did it I can’t believe it my end island is gone look at all the Enderman just taking refuge on this one little yeah it would have been a huge waste of

Time to get rid of the Netherrack by hand I’m glad I didn’t do that dude this is just unbelievable I guess we have a little cleanup to do but this island is gone God I wonder what happened over here oh no oh no wow this is just the most

Insane thing I’ve ever done I can’t believe this wow I’m never gonna forget this moment I can’t believe my computer didn’t just crash and I’m glad we went for the amount of TNT we did because I wouldn’t want more of this little debris to clear out well I’ve got some cleanup

To do so I guess that’s it weeks of hard work and it was all over in seven minutes but you know what I do it all over again in a heartbeat thanks for watching underneath the Bedrock layer in every Minecraft world is a mysterious region called the void where the player

Constantly takes damage and no blocks can be placed but what if I told you that super flat worlds are actually different today I’m gonna prove it by building an entire ocean biome with sea monsters and sunken ships all underneath Bedrock this might be my favorite project I’ve ever done so make sure to

Watch to the end so way back in November 2021 Minecraft 1.18 was released which lowered the build height by 64 blocks but unlike in normal Worlds the Bedrock layer in super flat was not replaced with deep slate since Mojang didn’t want to mess with everyone’s creative worlds

This was kind of a bummer because I was hoping I would be able to build a bit lower in my Harbor area here to allow room for Big Ships but this also provided a unique opportunity see if I were to break the Bedrock I’d still be able to build underneath so back in

January I decided to drain my Harbor area completely and start removing Bedrock allowing me access to building below y0 and luckily I had found a special technique that was perfect for the job this method requires twigaroo to enable fast right clicking and the ability to place Pistons face down it might be a

Little non-vanilla but it was the only way that breaking this much Bedrock could be feasible for one man so I decided to get to work and from January to may you could slowly see the Bedrock disappear in the background of each of my videos and after months of grinding

Whenever I had some extra time I finally finished in late May about 13 thousand blocks of Bedrock removed entirely by hand of course I could have used a Bedrock raking machine but the shape of this area is so strange it would have been really hard to pull off but now

After months of work I get to do the fun part it’s time to start designing the shape of our lake bed I’m thinking this part will be really shallow and over here it will get deeper with a big underwater Ravine reaching down in the middle since most of the lake bed is

Going to be sand we need to put dirt underneath to hold it up so the first thing I’m going to do is start wire framing okay so I’ve got the shallow part of the bay totally mapped out and I’ve started shaping the Ravine area as well I quickly finished up all the wire

Framing but at that point I was feeling pretty burnt out so I took a break to celebrate 10 years in my flat world blow up my entire end Island and go on vacation but more importantly during this time I met a group of Builders called the bakery see I really wanted to

Top my giant underwater base Celestia and suddenly I was in touch with Instagram’s most talented build team they helped me learn world edit which made it so much faster to design something crazy the black palette is super complex so I downloaded a mod called limatica that overlays the

Schematic into your world so you can tell where each block goes but in order to pull off my vision we’re gonna need a ton of random resources like yesterday I spent all day in the nether collecting shroom lights Another resource we’re gonna need is a ton of copper right now I use literally the most scuffed drown Farm in the entire world so we gotta fix this luckily our favorite Farm guy enxo4 just came out with a new design I already gathered up all the materials we need so

Let’s build this thing okay this Farm is actually insane it works so well it’s actually lagging my game I had to build it on one of these outer end Islands because my main island is gone I’m Gonna Leave This copper out to oxidize and we can start Gathering some other materials another material

I’m gonna need a lot of is Clay luckily you can now make clay by placing mud above drip Stone so the first thing I’m going to do is make a hole in this wall here and make a quick way to convert dirt into mud using this TNT blast

Chamber big thanks to my friend Redstone CPU for helping me figure out the wiring for this now I can mine Cobblestone four different types of trees and convert dirt into mud blocks all at the same farm with that done I started converting all the mud into tons of stacks of clay

It’s so nice to finally have a way to get lots of clay blocks I’ve been collecting resources for so long and I feel like at this point I just gotta get started I guess I’m just gonna go down there and start placing blocks I really went crazy with the palette on this build I used tons of cyan wool cyan concrete and warped wood which I’m hoping will give the water that like tropical teal color like a Baja Blast the sand and Sandstone provide really good contrast and in the Ravine area I

Transitioned to darker colors with blocks like black stone smooth Basalt and Acacia also thanks to light matica I was able to save a ton of blocks by leaving holes where the coral will eventually be placed and I went ahead and finished off the shallow part of the

Bay this is looking absolutely crazy so far some of the block choices feel so strange but they just kind of work you know but we’re far from finished I’ve got a checklist of things I still want to get done an underwater cave a sunken ship tons of coral and an entire sea

Monster I’m about to start streaming so I’m gonna build this cave right now let’s see how it comes out there we go this was a super fun build to do on stream I’m really stoked about how the red octopus came out and I’m especially

Proud of how I did the eyes on this one it’s gonna look so cool once it’s filled up with water next up we’re gonna work on the sunken ship first I built a basic ship then my friend rubella showed me how to rotate it with world edit and we

Added in all the final details I’ve already collected all the resources I’m gonna need for this except for rooted dirt I just had to grow a ton of azalea trees and mine out the dirt underneath I don’t know if there’s a farm for this but we might have to make one in the

Future wonderful that right there is a sunken ship this looks so cool there’s like trap doors glass panes candles sea pickles all just kind of representing Barnacles and coral growing on the side of this thing I’m so excited because I think that once this thing is actually underwater it’s going

To look insane oh and by the way composters pretty pretty good building block so the next thing to do is all the coral so I began searching images of coral Coral concept art screen caps from Disney Pixar’s critically acclaimed 2003 animated film Finding Nemo bushy coral

Shelfie Coral to be Coral I wanted to build it all so first I laid out some block pallets to use I got to work training for all of the Terracotta I would need and then I fetched all the wool colors needed from our sheer Towers after some AFK at the sanduper and some

Pigwin bartering for gravel I had all the concrete needed as well with all the resources ready to go I started placing all the coral and thanks to light matica it actually went pretty fast the coral really brings this area to life and hopefully the big seaweed I built will

Go nicely with the kelp and seagrass we’ll be placing once the water’s All In foreign It’s obvious for my to-do list that the next thing I should do is complete the sea monster so we can fill this Bay up with water so instead I’m procrastinating and working on finishing up the shores I didn’t include these parts in the light madica schematic because I figured it’d be faster to

Freehand it but now that the shores are done I really can’t procrastinate anymore really it’s not so bad I just need to AFK privet at the new copper farm six and a half hours later and now I just need to AFK a bit for the copper to

Oxidize two hours later and now after way too much AFK it’s finally time to build this thing designing this thing was super cool first I built a spine in the air with the up command then I used the spike tool in archeon to create that serpent shape after that it was just a

Matter of adding fins and other details I use purple just to try to prove to the haters that purple can actually look good the build itself wasn’t even that many blocks I actually had plenty of copper to spare his face is so goofy but it’s also kind of creepy at the same

Time I’m really happy with how it came out I cannot stop flying around here this is looking so insane honestly it’s kind of a shame I have to fill it up with water now and you’re not going to be able to see it as well but it’s gonna be so sick

To go diving down there so it’s worth it foreign and now I’m just gonna do my best to add a couple small fish here and there clown fish okay you use your imagination a little blue fish these ones look so bad and two of the really cool guy from Finding Nemo I

Actually really like how these two came out so I guess all that’s left to do now is fill this thing up with water and once the water is in place we can spam kelp and sea pickles and sea grass everywhere it should look really cool so

A couple of water buckets should be all I need let’s do this First time filling up a ton of water filling up salacia taught me a lot about filling large spaces with water and honestly I think Celestia took a lot longer so this felt like a piece of cake the trick is just to go layer by layer and help the source blocks spread across

I’m gonna start to decorate the bottom before the water gets too high that way I won’t really need water breathing potions I’ve just been spamming kelp bone meal and sea pickles and it looks so much better ah this is so Bittersweet I mean it looks so cool with the water but it also

Looks so cool without the water I don’t know I’m conflicted but I’m just gonna keep carrying on This looks so weird I almost have the entire bottom area filled up but right now it kind of just looks like there’s a really bad drought there’s only a few layers left to go on this thing and it’s looking insane it adds like so much depth and dimension to

This world the coral the kelp this whole underwater Ravine area it all just looks amazing oh my God I’m gonna finish up the last few levels so we can really check this thing out I think I just have two more layers of water left now which

Is crazy and I think this is the very last layer here man this is gonna look crazy it’s so weird to actually see these ships in water they’ve just been floating for so long what can I say this project has been months in the making and sure that was mostly because of

Procrastination but hey procrastination is still a part of the struggle you gotta trust the process I added a bunch more kelp seagrass sea pickles and I also added a bunch of smaller lily pads I’ll put in some tropical fish later for now I just added some cod from the

Fisherman villager and to finish this off once and for all I added some actual Coral blocks around near the larger Coral clusters I can’t believe the bay is finally done I’m so excited to build big ships and more buildings and I still can’t believe all of this is under

Bedrock I never dreamed I’d be able to build down here but with Minecraft you just never know nothing’s impossible thanks for watching In this video I attempt to build the craziest end base that’s ever been made in Survival Minecraft and I think it’s easily the biggest project I’ve ever done make sure to watch to the end of the video and let me know if I actually pulled it off the very first step to any

Jaw-dropping end base is to clear out the existing ad dialing so I spent two weeks drilling holes and filling them with TNT it took 135 000 TNT but it was totally worth it the explosion destroyed the entire end Island in only seven minutes it was like watching a chemical

Reaction but now I’m left with a totally blank canvas I started making a list of things I want to do with my end Base number one is try my hand at terraforming now that I’ve begun to learn world edit I really think I can level up second I want to make something

Sort of cyberpunky My overall really fancier than like steam power it would be cool to try to work in a more futuristic style and lastly I want to make sure that I include lots of colors the end is such a dark place and some bright colors will really help the bass

Stand out so I started drawing and after a few different iterations I had a solid plan our end pillars are going to be buried in a big Lush Island full of greenery and custom trees scattered across the island we’ll have some simple Pagoda style buildings and towering

Above will be a massive cyberpunk City but just the terraforming alone is gonna take forever so we better start Gathering resources we’re gonna need a bunch of stuff I started off by AF King overnight at my Cobble Farm we’re gonna use lots of Cobble itself but we’re also

Gonna need it for stuff like Stone and andesite after a full night of AF King I had chests and chests full so I smelled it up a bunch of it in my super smelter then it was time to craft a bunch of day and a site for this we need quartz and

Since I’m too lazy to mine for it I AFK it overnight at my piglet farm and then I did that again two nights in a row and that is why my levels are so freaking High I got all the quartz I needed and crafted up tons of andesite another

Thing we get from piglet bartering is gravel not only do we need gravel itself but that’s also going to help us make a bunch of concrete powder you also need sand for concrete powder I use a sand duplication machine I built up my end portal with sand I bought from the

Wandering trainer I should probably mention I play on a 10 year old super flat world I would go into it more but I made a whole movie about it and plus I need to stay focused we have an entire Island to build the stones of the island

Are going to use gray concrete light gray concrete and light gray concrete powder and roll also going to use green concrete powder for the grass our palette for the grass also includes Moss blocks and green wool just a few hours of afking at the Moss Factory gave us

Plenty of moss then I visited my high capacity sheep farm and dyed all the Sheep green after yet another overnight AFK session we had chests and chests full we’re gonna use light gray and gray wolf for this project as well but we have plenty of that at our sheep Towers

We also need tons of smooth Basalt but luckily I have a Basalt Farm I threw that into the Super smelter as well and then we had plenty of smooth Basalt for the project all the resources we’ve collected so far have been a breeze but now it’s time to move on to some harder

Ones our tree farm only handle saplings that means all the acacia and Mangrove wood we’re going to need for this project has to be mined by hand eventually we’ll make farms for those wood types as well but today I’m not feeling it I only had one villager

Selling cyan terracotta so I traded with tons of Masons until I got three more with the trade luckily while unlocking the maces I got a bunch of drip Stone after curing them all and trading with all four for a while I had a good amount of cyan terracotta mud requires me to

Mine dirt by hand at the bottom of my world but luckily I recently built this mud converter that hooks right into my blast chamber with all these materials in shulker boxes and ready to go it was finally time to start building the island oh we’re gonna need to light this up the

Progress is going pretty fast because I’m using light matica to see where blocks need to go the whole island was designed in creative mode with the help of my friend junipy from the bakery Builders what’s up Juno hey so how are we gonna lay in the basic shape of the

Island for that I usually go with the boulder command the boulder command has this cool modifier that lets you choose the smoothness of the boulder from zero to five I usually use two to three how do we like Smooth it out we can use something called blend ball with the

Main island shaped down it was time to add some big boulders to the landscape like in my drawing and once we had all the boulders in we just needed to figure out where the grass layer would go once that grass layer was in place we started

Painting and Juno showed me how to use a purlin noise pattern to create smooth gradients it adds an instant pattern kind of like marbling we used a combination of those purlin gradients and the gradient brush from go paint to finish off the rest of the texturing on

The island thanks for the help Juno yeah anytime dude with Juno’s help the island was looking just like I imagined it and filling in the schematic was no problem at all thanks to all the resource collecting we did and so it was time for one of my favorite things in Minecraft I

Put on some good YouTube videos zoned out and got building and before I knew it the island came to life before my eyes At this point I’ve basically finished placing all the grass for this island but there’s still so much stone that needs to be placed under here we’re making so much good progress I finished up all the mud that surrounds the grass and you can see I put like the

Base of all these Boulders in just so I know where they start so really now we just need to finish up these Boulders and eventually finish up this Lake area by hiding shroom lights underneath Moss carpets I was able to make sure this island is nice and bright which looks

Nice and is also important in case we ever want to try and MOB proof it fully all right guys I finally finished up all these Boulders and I have to say this entire island is looking insane I know I’ve already seen it so many times in creative mode but somehow it just hits

Different when you actually build it in survival I’ve still got to finish up this little lake bed area but I think I’m gonna save that for the end of the video that means the last thing we need to do before starting our big structure is put in some beautiful cherry blossom

Trees I’m gonna be building all of these completely from scratch by hand so this should be fun I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that tree building isn’t so hard maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree I just really think some people need to

Branch out you can’t be too comfortable in your roots you just gotta stick to it and we’re done one dozen custom trees except they look a little dead so now’s the really fun part we need 17 stacks of pink glass 13 stacks of pink wool 10 stacks of pink concrete seven stacks of

Magenta and three of the pink glazed and last but not least we need 10 stacks of mushroom stems so it’s time to use our trusty mushroom stem farm and there we are 10 stacks of mushroom stems all right time to get to work foreign I moved on to creating the shattered

Islands that form the base of our megastructure at this time I was still finishing the design up with the help of shovel 241 and snarpal from the bakery Builders I was racing to try and finish the design as quickly as possible but my PC was having major issues this video

Was already taking me forever and without a working computer I didn’t know what to do but then I got in contact with Ironside computers oh my God they already finished it I’m here this is so exciting I unboxed the PC and it immediately ran like a dream I’m running all my favorite

Games with the highest graphics and editing is faster than ever before plus ironsight even helped me install an extra drive and they’ve reached out from time to time to make sure that everything’s running okay right now they’re doing a limited edition Tokyo dream PC which is such a good

Inspiration for our cyberpunk build this isn’t just some faceless business these guys are super knowledgeable and insanely down to earth and their builds are stylish inside and out if you don’t believe me just look at their YouTube channel the builds are insane and they have interviews with the staff please

Help out the channel by checking out my affiliate Link in the description below I can’t recommend them enough well my PC troubles are finally over I just got over covid and I’m finally ready to get back to work I mined up a shulker box of warped and

Crimson wood so we can start our first building I used a double layer of glass and glass panes to get a sort of glow effect to the right of the building is a staircase leading to an Alleyway with this creeper graffiti in the back of the alleyway I built a condemned arcade

Using armor stands pushed into blocks for the arcade cabinets I made some vending machines to really capture that cyberpunk Vibe and I built a little Ramen Shop on the other side of the street I began adding some detail to the front of the build and did this little green building with iron trapdoor

Windows I had to levers on the back to make some of them horizontal it’s a neat effect this fan was a pain with all the observers behind it and I had to spend another eye on the lodestone in the middle I think it was worth it I’ve been

Working all day and you still can’t even see the build from the spawning pad eventually when this thing is done it’s gonna go so high up every time I needed something during this build I kept grabbing shulker boxes until this monstrosity form but on the bright side now that everything’s here I’m starting

To build a lot faster now I’m gonna try to build something really challenging on these big flat spaces around the city there’s advertisements and murals that use a ton of random blocks so let’s just see how long this takes I found a cool pixel art on Google and then made some

Edits to it and converted it to Minecraft blocks using an online tool I just had to take out super flat unobtainables but it wasn’t too bad next I built this lucky cat that I made with snarpel who taught me how to make signs look neon by using gradients behind end

Rods you can see what I mean from the back the murals didn’t take that long so I started working on the crumbling bridge on the right side of the structure from my drawing shovel241 helped me create the dissolving effect at the end and it came out really cool

It’s hard to believe this used to be a normal end Island as I’m walking along this bridge I can’t wait to add more detail and make it more immersive next up I built a shady tunnel with some sort of campsite this is where the villagers probably go to do illegal trades it’s

Right above that other little alley area we built up somehow we’re gonna need to transition the roof of this alley into the rest of the build but at this point I went back to filling in the gaps on the front of the structure which really helps everything just feel more complete

I feel like we’ve already achieved my three main goals for this build but there’s so much more to go I’m really happy with this build so far but I think I need a break from these complex buildings I want to put a ring of end rods connecting each of these end

Gateways surrounding our base the first step is to lay down a dirt ring under where the end rods are gonna go just to make placing them a little bit easier okay I went ahead and got that dirt in place so now it’s time to start placing

Rods these are the only odds I have so we’re gonna have to craft more but let’s just see how far this gets us That didn’t last very long N Rods are crafted with blaze rods and popped chorus fruit okay I don’t have a ton of blaze rods basically I reset my Nether and 1.16 when the nether updated and so I don’t have a blaze farm anymore you might have to reset the nether Nolan I

Think you might be right but at least we have a chorus fruit farm so I’m gonna AFK here for a little bit okay this thing is really slow so I’m gonna get the chorus fruit manually but to get to the end we gotta go through the nether

So we might as well try to hunt for blazes while we’re here hunting for blazes is way too slow so I’m just gonna build a blaze farm this this won’t take long right and it actually didn’t take long I built up the farm within a few minutes and after like

10-15 minutes of AF King I had plenty of Blazer odds now I just need to find some chorus fruit [Applause] There we go this should be enough to finally finish our ring of end rods and hopefully we’ll have plenty left over for the rest of our city Putting down the end rods and removing the dirt actually doesn’t take that long I was kind of dreading doing this ring but it didn’t take nearly as long as I thought and it just looks so cool but now it’s time to start the main tower that’s really going to make this build

Feel like a city hopefully my resources will take me decently far Man these repeaters will look super cool when the build is finished but they’re so annoying to craft it sounded so great when snorkel told me about it this building also used a lot of mud so I went back to the Overworld to gather more and then I was struck by hubris

Like Icarus I have flown too close to the Sun I knew this Farm wasn’t working for wood the blast chamber has been a little screwed up lately I thought the mud Farm was fine though and usually I’d make a backup but I didn’t want to break

My replay mod time lapse and it all exploded I guess this Farm is officially out of order until I can repair it this was my only source for automatic mud Oak Birch Spruce and jungle farming instead of thinking about all the wood I’m gonna need to manually Farm soon I went back

To work on the tower and finished off this colorful little segment next I made an entrance for a Chinese restaurant I want to do Interiors for this base someday and I have so many fun ideas I kept jumping around working on things for a while and then I did this rooftop

Garden area which came out really neat and finally I built up this quarter Circle building which helps break up the shape of the tower a little bit this is kind of the main focal point of the build we’re finally starting to see the build from where we spawn in it’s looking so

Cool I just came back from crafting Target blocks I’m using them up here to go behind some banners since banners disappear when you fly far away the blocks behind kind of make up for that missing detail until you get close enough this is a trick snubble taught me

It mimics how in lots of games detail loads in as you get closer I gotta restock on wood so I’m not gonna stop until all of these shulker boxes are full Selected Oak Birch jungle Spruce dark oak and Acacia hopefully I don’t run out again because this took a few hours so far the city has had a huge variety of blocks but one of the things that snarball taught me was to unify the style you use at the top of the builds

That way it just kind of ties everything together in a cohesive way so I think we can get a lot done by just finishing off the top of some of these towers so I’m gonna try to do a little bit of that here we’re gonna go with like a pagoda

Style that’s really gonna capture this cyberpunk feeling wish me luck foreign there we go a couple of the tops are now done as expected it didn’t take that long because there’s not a huge material list the biggest issue is I keep running out of Blackstone but now this area is

Kind of like half finished and floating it looks pretty bad so I’m going to continue work on this bridge area and we also need to build the train car that’s going to go down here the train car uses a bunch of weird Redstone items so I’m

Gonna craft them all up and let’s get started [Applause] you know I have to be honest with you guys there were times when I thought I might have to scrap this entire video I mean way back on September 29th I made an emo tweet about not being able to get anything done on this video and right

Now when I’m recording this it’s November 21st so it’s been almost two months I went on vacation I got sick went through PC troubles but for the first time in this whole project it’s starting to feel like the end is in sight well I guess technically the end

Has been in sight the whole video but really the point is sometimes in life you have to buckle down and get to work even when you doubt yourself or when a project seems destined to fail and Minecraft is no different I pushed and pushed and now we’re almost there so

It’s time to give it that final push and finish this base I tried to make signs for people that helped along the way there’s one first shovel 241 who helped a ton especially with the bridge area I also built one for starpo who taught me so much about building in the style that

Their sign even includes ancient debris and there’s one for junipy who taught me so much about terraforming and helped me get the silent looking just like how I imagined it and I want to shout out rubella snippet Dobby and air tug for helping out it’s an honor to be friends

With such amazing Builders I also built this Ironside logo to shout out Ironside computers for helping me with the new pc and even though they aren’t sir I made a sign for sugar-free Red Bull because I drink a lot of them to finish this video please sponsor me

I wrapped up the main tower by putting another Pagoda on top I designed these two quartz lion statues that I think actually came out pretty good for the small scale this Pagoda is extra tall and dramatic to give the skyline some more verticality this thing is enormous

Like it’s so tall it takes me at least three rockets to get to the very top from our Island and once you get up here out the view really shows how high up you are really the only major part of the city to fill in is this cluster on

Top of the bridge section this had tons of tedious blocks to get including tons of terracottas walls and concretes getting a villager for each terracotta color was such a long and tedious project but it was so worth it for me to be able to do Mega projects like this

But even though resource Gathering wasn’t too bad a big challenge with this project was Inventory management which is why you see me flying around so much I frequently have to repair my elytra at the end farm but at least there’s a cool view on the way back honestly the

Hardest material in the whole build was wood especially with all the trap doors but luckily I spent an entire stream refilling my shulker boxes so I have more than enough I finished up with this little cafe on top of one of the buildings eventually I really want to

Make this city totally explorable with interiors and Easter eggs I think I’ll do a lot of that on stream in the future I gotta comb through and fix some things here and there but for the most part the exterior is pretty much finished but there’s still a few big holes in the

City and they all have one thing in common they all require copper time to use our copper Farm just through this Gateway here I think so oh yeah this is it I tried leaving the copper to oxidize and what I thought were my spawn chunks

But I’m not even sure these are my spawn chunks and I don’t know if it would work while I’m in the end or not so I guess we’re just gonna have to AFK overnight oh looks like it’s all done after a bit more copper farming I finished up all

The remaining parts of the build and I scrubbed through making sure to clean up anything I missed along the way to the best of my ability man this is such a surreal moment this project was honestly so difficult for me I think I’m finally gonna build up this

Little Pond area and just reflect on my journey so I got to work hand painting the pond and making it as beautiful as I possibly could and I made a little gazebo where you can sit by the water and ruminate it’s always sad adding the water and partly covering up your

Beautiful art but I cheered myself up by building an elegant custom tree there’s so much more to do to make this build come alive with interiors and extra details but I’m really proud of how far this project has come and for now I’m ready to leave the end and it’s dumb

Inhabitants so I built one last thing a little Tower to help blend the exit portal thank you Yep this should do the trick see you later thanks for watching recently I did my first ever 100 days video with my friend Javi and it was so cool to see how much you can get done in 100 Minecraft days but it got me thinking

Scratch but how much could I get done in the same amount of time on my well-established 10 year old super flat survival world that’s what we’re finding out today okay now before I get started there’s just one thing I need to make clear I have no idea how many days old

This world is back in 2012 when I made this world statistics didn’t even exist and over the years mine have been corrupted or reset several times it’s just impossible to know but don’t take it from me take it from this legendary YouTuber whose world is only a few

Months older than mine when we started the world statistics didn’t even exist so they’re not accurate anyway and they got corrupted once in the past too well pretty though so here we are it’s the night of day two two four nine I’m gonna go to sleep and it’ll be day

2250. all right let’s get started I kicked off day Zero by heading to the nether to repair my tools at my pigment Farm but my tools ready to go it was time to get to work on our first project finishing off the Mason department store

Or as I like to call it Macy’s the focus of these hundred days is going to be finishing off as much of the lower part of my city as possible with some of the biggest goals for our world Reese completed it only makes sense to chip

Away at the biggest task of all filling in our massive City I spent most of the day struggling with armor stands to make this really cool display case and as the night turned stormy I finished off the lower level with this fancy ceiling fan the next day I moved on to the second

Floor I made a staircase to get up to the attic and roof and then worked on some nice furniture to fill in the space a little I made a nice big fireplace to tie into the chimney on the exterior of the building and then I went to craft some campfires and cartography tables

For decorating on day two I finished up the second floor with a fancy little couch and then decorated the attic in the roof a bit finishing up Macy’s was a good warm-up but it was time to move on to some bigger projects I spent the next morning Gathering up my materials and

Then I set to work on a nice big bank I spent the entirety of day four working on building up the bank I worked a bit on the back entrance which is on the second floor and a vault area which will be in the basement after another full

Day of work the front of the building was looking pretty much finished and by the end of day six the right side was just about done as well I wrapped up the left and the back side of the building on day seven and grabbed some terracotta

To use for a nice trim at top of the building with the back pretty much finished I moved on to the roof on day eight and by day nine the roof was complete and I was back to working on the interior on day 10 I made big progress on the interior I used

Cartography tables for the counters which is a really cool trick it only works in a few directions due to the texture but I got lucky and none of the ugly sides were showing I used loads and loads of trap doors on this and I also

Crafted up a beacon to use as a light table for like checking counterfeit money then on day 11 I worked on creating the Vault I think it came out really cool I’m thinking maybe at some point I’ll store like my extra diamonds and gold here the next day I built up

The balcony on the second floor and I made a spiral staircase to get up I also added a few more details to the bottom floor which really helps it feel complete on day 13 I went to grab some black stone and then began the third

Floor I got harassed for a while by this gold skeleton I guess he thought the bank was open for business he’s clearly a high rolling gentleman I kicked off day 14 by building a nice fancy Chandelier and then I visited my bee farm to craft up loads of beehives these

Things make great filing cabinets and I figure a bank would have a lot of Records I also ran out of flower pots and had to run back to my base to craft some more by day 15 the third floor was just about finished I got to see a bat

Get shot in the face by a skeleton which made my day and then I tried to make one of those Book cart things you see in libraries but I ended up just making some sort of reading motorcycle I call it the bookmobile somehow a creeper

Found his way into it so I guess he just lives there forever now this guy is truly Hooked on Phonics what should we name him I use a ton of beehives again on day 16 while finishing up the attic of the building I figured the attic

Would best serve as some sort of like archival record storage by the morning of day 17 the bank was officially complete I spent the day cleaning up my shulkers and Gathering up materials for my next big project covering up our mushroom stem Farm I love building with

Mushroom stems but getting them in bulk is such a pain that a while back I decided to build this amazing automatic farm by Alex bomberg but it’s been a real eyesore in my world so I’m gonna hide it inside of a giant mushroom I actually designed the mushroom and

Creative with my good friend snippet a few months back on a live stream so all I really have to do do is copy over the design as the sun rose on day 18 I headed over the mob hotel to grab some bone blocks to give our mushroom stem a

Bit of texture but after building up the stem for a while I got nervous and I wanted to double check that the farm was still functioning luckily it was so I got back to work after a bat took a bullet for a creeper that bat should

Join the Secret Service on day 19 I worked on cleaning up the interior of our shroom a bit then I visited our mob Hotel once again this time to visit our hanging root Farm the roots are a really nice touch I concluded our second 10 days by expanding the staircase in front

To give access to the area where the farm is restocked with mushrooms and bone meal I also Blended the terraforming a bit and hid some lighting around under Moss carpets we’re already 20 days in and we’ve actually accomplished a lot so I thought I’d give you guys a closer look having the

Terracotta store all finished up is just really nice I come here quite frequently and it just looks so much better than it did and it makes the city so immersive when every single part of the building is filled up with detail the bank was a really fun build and it’s such an

Awesome addition to the town I think all the details Behind These counters came out really really cool I’m a big fan of the this Vault and I really love the idea of coming up here and seeing all the bank records and files and this guy we’re making really good progress on

This mushroom as well and I’m hoping I can get it somewhat finished in about 10 days so let’s get working on day 21 it was back to work on the mushroom stem I added some little shelf mushrooms to the side like you see on trees sometimes and

They came out really cool by the next day I was ready to start the mushroom cap for this I’m going to need a bunch of oxidized copper so I went ahead and laid out a Copperfield so it can convert while I build I got as far as I could on

The mushroom cap on day 23 but I really want to use diamond blocks as the little spots and I don’t really have a ton of diamonds so it was time to go on a massive end raiding Adventure see the only way to get diamonds in super flat

Is to find them in loot chests and end cities are really your best option luckily I rarely need raw diamonds since tools and armor are easily traded for essentially raw diamonds are only used for enchanting tables fancy fireworks jukeboxes and an R case diamond blocks and so days 24 through 28 were spent

Looting chests and slaying shulkers needless to say I was very relieved to return home safely on the 29th Day by the end of it I had 24 diamond blocks not bad for under two hours of work I also had shulkers full of diamond Loot and I spent most of that day putting

Away the several shulkers full of goodies that I had acquired while doing so I cleaned up some chests that have been cluttering up my trading hall for forever doesn’t it feel so good to get organized in this game it’s like that feeling you get when cleaning in real

Life but even better because you don’t have to move I spent day 30 Gathering up the oxidized copper and adding it to the mushroom cap when it turned night I was attacked by Phantoms and I totally forgot that I’ve not been sleeping for the sake of the video oops luckily this

Is the only time I slept during the hundred days on day 31 I got some of the diamond blocks in place on top of our mushroom and man do they look cool I’d say it was worth it spending all that time in the end all the diamonds seem to

Have attracted a visitor it’s always good to visit with my old friend I got some ice from him but unfortunately he didn’t have any tropical fish or brown dye both of which I’ve been needing maybe next time I needed to wait for more copper to oxidize so I said goodbye

To wandi T and then headed over to work closer to the Copperfield I already had the foundation of a house started here but I replaced the white terracotta with bricks and regular terracotta before the newest update terracotta was so hard to get I would have to rely on Clay gifts

From Masons when I had the hero of the village status effect but now that you can dry out mud into clay it’s so much easier to get in bulk but I digress on day 33 I finished up the roof of the building using the new Mangrove wood

This truly is a 1.19 build the next day I finished up with the interior and it came out really cozy with the house finished I went to check on my copper on day 35 and it looked like I would have enough to finish the cap sure enough by

Day 36 the cap was complete so I began to work on a little shed area to conceal the chests I used to stock the farm I decided to add an outdoor porch area as well just to give the area some more interest I spent the entirety of day 37

Continuing to decorate but at night time the mobs began getting in my way so I made sure to light up the area a bit work on the porch area continued through day 38 and right before night time I took a break to play Soul lanterns on all the diamond spots on the mushroom

Cap it gives the mushroom this cool glowing effect that I think looks super cool at night I then spent the rest of the evening placing these little drippy nether brick things which was inspired by one of my favorite mushrooms the inky cap these things look so magical the

Next morning I ran over to my super smelter to smelt some Nether Bricks in order to craft up some more nether brick fences after finishing off the drippies I went ahead and crafted up some Sandstone which we’ll be using for the little ribs under the mushroom cap apparently they’re called lamella

Lamella lamella this was the only part of the build that I actually designed in world edit using the line command made it so easy to get the effect I was going for it was a bit annoying to replicate in survival but it looks so good I topped off the Sandstone by adding some

Oak wood and packed mud above but before I could finish I ran out of packed mud so on days 40 and 41 I spent my time Gathering up some more mud I should mention before making this video I spent an entire afternoon rebuilding the blast chamber for this Farm which

Unfortunately exploded while I was working on our giant end base in the last video somehow my cat turned off the power strip for my PC and the footage for days 42 and 43 got corrupted but basically I spent day 42 running wood through the farm just to stress test it

And make sure it wouldn’t explode again and then after placing the last of the packed mud I spent day 43 getting all the final decorations in place for the porch area I rebooted my PC and got back to work by spending day 44 baking some cakes and finishing up the little side

Building attached to the porch the next day I placed all the cakes around and put in a little more work on the interior of the mushroom stem by day 46 the mushroom was officially done at this point I decided to give the farm another other task just to make sure I hadn’t

Messed up any of the Redstone while building everything luckily the farm still ran like a dream I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally have this Farm dressed up it’s gonna make using it so much nicer I’m just very pleased with how it came out I

Cleaned up all my shulker boxes on day 47 and I decided to spend the rest of the day making a few Farms to dress up the path between the windmill and the mushroom these were directly inspired by some Instagram posts I saw by pure builds or Blu-ray builds not quite sure

How to pronounce it but they have some insane designs including all of these incredibly detailed fossil tutorials up on their YouTube page go check them out seriously anyways the next day I took a short flight over my mountain range to grab some pods all and then I finished

Up the farms and began improving the paths around the area I spent the evening carving another path up to the windmill on the little hill behind our bee farm connecting everything up just makes the city feel so much more immersive I spent day 49 adding a few

More little mushrooms around our big one and just doing some finishing touches on the whole area and as we hit our halfway point on day 50 I decided it was time to start another big project but before doing that I just wanted to quickly build a little mud hut in the empty

Space next to our little Mangrove roof building I worked on it all day and my by day 51 it was finished and I began Gathering the materials for our next project I laid the foundation for what will be a Naval Academy where the sailors of this Harbor earned their sea

Legs the whole building is built on a diagonal so it should be a fun Challenge on day 52 I built a little windsock and then I started laying in the floors of the building the next day I got started on the classroom area I’m using lecterns

For the desks which I think looks pretty good on day 54 I turned my attention to this cafeteria area and I made a little Janitor’s Closet in this awkward corner of the build one thing I thought would be really cool is making some Banners at the nautical alphabet so I spent the

Entirety of day 55 designing the banners and then day 56 naming them and making copies making loads of banners like this is so time consuming but if the cyberpunk city taught me anything it’s how much of a difference they can make when it comes to immersion and detail

Finally I was ready to place them around on day 57 and afterwards I worked on the roof which is a mix of jungle Acacia and granite on day 58 I took a break to go trade with the Cartographer villager for the globe Banner pattern which I’ve apparently never done I use the pattern

To make a cute little Globe Banner for the classroom afterwards I got to work on the ceiling I made some ceiling Raptors with lots of buoys stored above like you might see in an old boat house on day 59 I added a wire between the tower part of the building and the lower

Part of the roof I think when the build’s done I’m gonna hang some nautical banners here I also built this little hanging boat in the classroom at first I wasn’t sure how it looked but holy moly I’m in love with it it makes the classroom feel so immersive by day

60 the build was nearly done I made a little area in the back of the build for boat storage and then I decided to build a little tree next to it with jungle fences and leaves these kind of trees are so easy to make and they come out so

Good so while I had the materials in my hot bar I decided to build a few more around town and I also hit this sick trick shot Dude Perfect the only part of the building left to do is the tower so on day 61 I worked on building it up a

Bit and planning out where the staircase will go I spent the entire next day working on the interior for the tower where the sailors bunked together and I turned the very top into sort of like a bell tower by day63 I was putting on the finishing touches I added this little 5

Fire escape to the side of the tower which really helps the front feel a bit less empty and awkward finally on day 64 I was ready to call the build finished so I added the naval Flags to the wire as promised can you tell what it says

With the Naval Academy finished it was time to start a new project so I packed up my shulker boxes and moved next door to make a flower shop I chose a really fun color palette for this build and I actually think it fits pretty well with

The area also I slayed a spider jockey the same moment the lightning struck which just felt pretty metal so I had to share it the next day was another Banner Day this time I spelled out flowers for the storefront this didn’t take nearly as long as the nautical banners so

Afterwards I had time to put in the floors of the building on day 66 I had a Mossy roof to the building with loads of little tulips and then I worked on a little stall for out front I love using campfires as like a trellis or a or a

Pergola an arbor someone explaining the difference please a cool trick you can do is to put kelp on the campfires and they kind of look like fallen leaves on day 67 I added a second floor to the building and then decorated as much as I

Could I spent way too much time I’m on basic V8 adding these fancy signs above the counter but I think it was worth all the copy and pasting weird symbols this just looks so cute I figured a flower shop would be selling some hoes so I weighs an entire netherrite Ingot just

For the decoration was it worth it who knows on funny number day I crafted a respawn anchor to decorate the bedroom and I crafted this neat mirror Banner to go above it but the decoration still didn’t feel expensive enough so the next day I went to my sketchy obsidian box

Under Bedrock where I kill Withers now I used to murder them using the end portal like a normal person but now my end portal is decorated all nicely after I got the nether star I crafted a beacon to use as a little crystal ball at the

End of the bed I’m guessing the lady who runs this flower shop is into some witchy stuff like I don’t know astrology and Tarot cards too bad I can’t get amethyst because she would definitely have some crystals anyhow the flower shop was now pretty much finished so I

Went ahead and built up The Path a little I’m sure most of you guys know this trick but dried out brain coral can be great for a little variation on day 71 I began yet another new building one of my goals for this world is to have a

Building for each villager profession so this is going to be the building for the fishermen I’m going for like an Eclectic Shack sort of look I had to clean up this little area that I used to restock the bees in the bee farm whenever they mysterious disappear does this happen to

Anyone else like they just disappear sometimes I guess I’ll have to make a new place for restocking bees at some point I kicked off Day 72 by working on a little market stall for selling fish I also added like a crow’s nest sort of tower that I plan to connect to the

Fishing shack with a rope bridge I finished up the day with some little details around the base of the structure like a boulder and some scattered barrels I spent most of day 73 working on blending paths around the area and by the morning of day 74 it was looking so

Much better I spent the rest of the day decorating even more I added an anchor a life preserver some lobster traps and a big swordfish before I knew it we were already three quarters of the way through 100 days I was very much feeling the urgency but I pressed for it and

Traded with some villagers for COD to create a little pool of them I also went through and made sure all of the item frames had items on day 76 I began expanding the building upwards I made some spots where the fishermen villagers will go eventually I’m gonna worry about

Getting the villages here some other time that’s probably a stream project I also had to go craft some more campfires and smelt a bit more terracotta by day 76 and I was onto the third floor of the structure I decided to use Mangrove wood again for the roof and once that was in

Place I started getting in a lot of the final decorations I was really proud of this telescope I made on day 78 by pushing a lightning rod into an armor stand and I was also really proud of this Weather Vein design I made I just love being creative in this game I

Finished up the day by building the catwalk between the Crow’s Nest and the shack a cat walked to a crow’s nest almost sounds like the start of a bad joke so a cat and a crow walk into a bar with the building basically finished I spent day 79 creating some miscellaneous

Banners to hang along the Rope Bridge after that I had to do a few more custom trees to add some more Greenery to the area I started out with a pine tree but while I was collecting some leaves to use I accidentally broke my enchanted shears

So I visited my library and made a new pair does anyone else enchant their shears is it just me it’s just me isn’t it the next day I built a custom tree adding pink terracotta for the peaches is another idea I got from buray builds huge shout out to them after

Finishing those trees I decided to add a lot more decorations to my Moss Factory so I got my shulkers ready and the next morning I began decorating and trying to make the entrance into the basement look a little bit better I wanted to set up a minecart that goes back and forth to

Give the area a bit of life so on day 82 I went ahead and built some scaffolding and then I set up a loading dock where the Minecraft can deliver the Moss I decided to build a little shed to match the bigger factory and also to fill in

Some of the empty space so I worked on it all of day 83 until night fell and it began to thunder I wanted to try to to get a skeleton skull because I have a cool idea for some fish bones after frantically running around all night catching charge creepers and boats I had

A setup for each type of mob head but the skeleton didn’t die and the normal creeper blew up the charge creeper so the only one that really panned out was the zombie one for three not great but I brushed off that frustrating experience and turned my attention back to the shed

Finishing off the roof by the end of day 84. on day 85 I began putting in all the little finishing touches because the little details matter with the shed pretty much finished I just had to make the minecart go back and forth I laid down the tracks and it looked cool and

All but I want the minecart to stop for a few seconds when it reaches the shed before it takes off again but rather than dive into this daunting Redstone task I went back to my base to refill my fireworks shulker but by the dawn of the

Next day I could delay no more and I dove into making the worst Redstone of my life like seriously this is a monstrosity I’m not even quite sure why or how it works but somehow it did what I wanted my brain was totally shot from that experience so I decided to get back

To building it was time to fill in the last few red outlines that have been lingering in the city for almost two years now this first building is going to be like a warehouse with a big crane for grabbing cargo off ships I quickly

Built up the walls and by day 87 I was putting in the roof I’ve never really done a copper roof in the city so I decided to try my hand at one of those nice copper gradients the next day I worked on all the interior details and

Finally on day 89 I added in the crane on the roof I spent another nether I didn’t get on the lodestone for the crane I think this is the third lodestone I’ve made purely for decoration in this world but what can I say they just look so cool I had a

Little time left in the day to begin the final building in this lower section of the city since it was nice and small I was able to work super fast and by day 90 I was finishing up the interior I wanted to use Blackstone for the roof but I couldn’t find my Blackstone

Shulker box anywhere so I reviewed the footage and discovered that my black stone shulker had avoided being picked up in a despawned forever not a big deal since I can just piggle and barter for more Blackstone but I was kind of bummed out about losing all my gilded Blackstone since it’s great for

Decorating and kind of a pain to get but that’s a problem for future MOG I headed to my piglet bartering Farm to replace the old shulker and then I visited my sea pickle farm since I had finally run out I guess I use a lot of these when I

Decorate the next day I gathered up a bit more mud since I was out of that as well and with those materials I was able to finish the building up with only 10 days left it was time to get in as many finishing touches on this section of the

City as possible a few of the Interiors really needed some work so I headed to my base to grab some armor sets and got to decorating but after staring at the purple roof building for a few minutes I realized I hate the color palette and I

Decided to switch it up most of day 92 was spent swapping blocks out but I was happy I did it because this new light gray terracotta and drip Stone combo looks really unique and interesting on day 93 I focused on the interior and I came up with this piano design I’m

Really proud of so proud in fact that I tweeted about it which is like the adult Minecrafter equivalent of bringing home a drawing to put on the fridge I also moved next door to finish up the interior on the blue roof building by Day 94 that building was done too and

Then next day I moved on to this tiny little greenhouse building that didn’t take long at all and so I moved on to the final remaining interior the second floor of this Smokehouse building I started by using a few leftover diamonds I had to make an enchantment table this

Interior was a huge challenge due to the floor being half slabs so I really had to get creative as the sun rose on day 96 I went to go dye some leather armor I’ve been having a lot of fun mixing the dye colors together to get some really

Weird Hues I always forget that this is a feature I finished up the interior meaning that the entire lower city was now pretty much complete I spent the rest of the day making a candle banner and then the next day I used it to make a little candle stand outside of Macy’s

I also added a little booth selling the armor and tools from the next door black cat blacksmith then I headed over to the crane building to add some bundles of wood that the crane would have grabbed off of ships on day 98 I set up some

Cannons and TNT over by the end I built up a bunch of crates and barrels but it was a bit slow since I was constantly being rushed by mobs I really need to do a better job of lighting up this area on day 99 I added sort of a boat launch

Loading system to the docs and then suddenly it was day 100. that really snuck up on me not wanting to waste a single moment I spent the full day building some extra booths along the docks and I made a little staircase by our bank but as the sun rose on day 101

I had to accept that the hundred days were over foreign Days down and I’m actually impressed with how much we got done if I can fill in the whole city like this this will really become my dream world the world I’ve wanted since I was a kid totally immersive and full of life I just hope I can get there someday but if

We keep going like this I’m sure it won’t take long thanks for watching I’m so frustrated Minecraft 1.20 is introducing all these new plants and everyone is losing their minds over everyone except me that is I love plants but when it comes to Minecraft I’m stuck

Here and my 10 year old super flat survival world with no fun plans in society I can’t get bamboo Spore blossoms cocoa beans berry bushes the list goes on and on and now they’re adding the torch flower to that list and possibly even more I’ve had enough it’s

Time to take matters into my own hands today I’m building the greenhouse to end all greenhouses and it’s going to be filled with every plant I’ve Ever Wanted then we’re gonna have someone from my local Botanical Garden review the greenhouse and let me know how I did but

The only day they’re available isn’t exactly one week which means I only have seven days to build this entire thing yeah we better get started first we need to find the perfect spot for this thing I want the greenhouse to be huge so I’m not sure anywhere in this

Main city is going to work I think a cool spot would be beyond the mountains over there by salacia Beach so the first thing we need to do is create a path going up the mountain for that we’re gonna need some Moss this little Factory should give us everything we need next

Up we need to run our cobble generator this thing is fully automatic and it uses efficient blasts instead of TNT duping I do have to dupe sand from the wandering crater to make the TNT but getting all that gunpowder and then crafting it is definitely still a

Challenge okay now that we have all this Cobble and Moss we can craft up some mossy cobblestone and stone bricks and start painting this path into place I transitioned the rough dirt path up the mountain into a more built up stone walkway that naturally winds along the custom terraforming we’ve done rather

Than cutting right through it I added this little covered part because I’m trying to think more about sight lines when I build and I want this to frame the bottom of our Greenhouse Lee I added a stone walkway leading to our build site yeah that wasn’t too bad all right next we need to make some sort of platform for the greenhouse to sit on I want to use diorite for this but if you haven’t noticed this is a super flat

World so we’re gonna need to craft it we’ve got the Cobblestone so now we just need some quartz from the piglet bartering system okay hopefully this is enough while I work on placing this platform let me go through the three main materials for this build palette first

Up is Green Glass which will help the greenhouse look extra green second is oxidized copper and third is Warped wood all right our platform’s done so let’s start tackling those resources the easiest one is glass I have a cactus farm thanks to my friend Juan T so I can

Throw some of that in my super smelter and the dye shouldn’t be an issue but trading for the glass itself is gonna be a pain I don’t like to smelt my dupe sand so we’re going to need a lot of librarians I’ve been working on giving each villager a special building in my

World like Macy’s which is the home of my Mason villagers or the black hat blacksmith where my weapon and toolsmiths live but I’ve yet to build a library so we’re just gonna have to stash these guys somewhere for safe keeping welcome to your new home boys

This is so nice Okay I just spent half the day trading so hopefully this is gonna be enough next up is the copper I built Enix copper Farm design on one of my end Islands so we just need AFK for a few minutes my bad a few hours sorry a few days

Yeah that took so long I left my copper Farm running almost around the clock but it still took up two entire days to get it all I literally even set alarms throughout the night so I could wake myself up and tend to the farm I’m just hoping we’ll have enough to finish the

Project now we can leave this out to oxidize and move on to the last of the three materials we need warped wood I still don’t have any other tree farms and if we’re gonna get enough warp wood to build this project that needs to change like now since I need this fast I

Modified enxo4’s versatile Tree Farm to get rid of the TNT duping and Scaffolding since you know we can’t get bamboo kind of the whole reason we’re doing all this yeah so I quickly built up the tree farm and collected plenty of warped wood all while my copper was

Oxidizing in the meantime it’s actually really satisfying going around and collecting it all okay so the good news is I think we have everything we need the bad news is it’s already I basically have 48 hours left to build this entire greenhouse and fill it with

Plants or I let down a local plant expert and the thousands of people watching this video no pressure right and so I finally started building I’m gonna start with these lower greenhouses here and just sort of figure out how this style is going to look to kick

Things off I built up the entrance using copper as the base block warped wood for the trimming and ornate details and green glass windows as planned inside I put some iron bars and chains to provide support for the structure I’m using the fence gates on top to create those

Little parallel supports you see on Greenhouse roofs I think it’s a really good effect and there we go now I just need to build the end cap dude this is looking so sick you can already just start to see it from our main base and this is exactly what I was talking about

When I mentioned sight lines earlier now to copy this over the other side a couple years ago when I moved across the country a bunch of my house plants couldn’t fit in the car and then even more died on the way because it was winter but doing this build is really

Making me want to build up my house plant collection again alright that one much faster the second time around I’m so happy with how this is looking but I have to stay focused and keep going these little guys were just the warm-up I have to build this whole big main

Greenhouse starting with a domed entrance right at the top of the stairs alright so first we lay down this basic circle shape but this is looking a bit plain so now we’re gonna throw down the detail and it’s really gonna come to life the entrance is like a double layer cake

With a smaller Dome stacked on top of a bigger one the way the Green Glass filters green light into the interior is so beautiful once we get the plants in here this place is really going to be special the view from our main base is looking

So cool I was kind of worried you weren’t going to be able to see it very well from here so I’m really happy with this that space underneath the greenhouse is driving me crazy so I’m here at my dirt mines to get some pack mud In creative mode I put together a super simple wall segment and then I used world edit to quickly copy paste the pattern then in survival mode I’m able to use lightmatic as easy place function to speed this whole process up significantly ah this looks so much better but unfortunately it’s getting

Very late and we seem to have bitten off more than we can chew maybe if I like pull an all-nighter tomorrow I can still make this work the weight of this situation is starting to sink in the meeting is tomorrow morning just over 24 hours from now and

We literally don’t have a single plant here yet so basically my only choice is to play all day today and just see what I can get done I found this list of Minecraft plants in the wiki and there are a lot of them so I think it’ll make

Me feel better if we knock off a few azalea bushes look really nice in the garden so that’s one down at least man what have I gotten myself into I’m over at Macy’s right now buying some terra cotta to use in some little ponds I think these will really enhance the

Nature you feel of this build I painted down a little swirl pattern that should add some nice color to the bottom of the ponds after that I filled them up with water and began adding some plants I want to do some Cattails like this but wandi T hasn’t sold me Brown dye in

Forever so instead I’m using pink magenta and purple candles to sort of be like water flowers I don’t know how realistic this is but it sure does look cool I think we can knock off kelp seagrass lily pads and dripley from the list now I want to get all the crops

Done and I think I want to put them in these lower two greenhouses I really want to try to enhance each type of crop somehow by putting some sort of big version of it so I got real creative and started making some extra thick versions of the four main crops we

Know and love and then with the extra space in the back I made a pumpkin patch in the other Greenhouse I kicked things off by setting up an irrigation system for some sugar cane which I enhanced with some white candles on top I also put a little barrel of sugar I grouped

Up chorus fruit with the cactus in a little desert area and I tried to knock out a few more crops as well I’m pretty happy with how this looks so far these XL potatoes are pretty goofy but they’re fun I’m also really happy with this other Greenhouse there’s some

Really fun details like these little creeper heads as mini melons and we’ve got some non-minecraft crops like turnips radishes and cabbage I feel like we just crossed off a ton of plants on the list so I am feeling a bit better about that but I’ve already been working

For hours so if I’m gonna finish the rest of the greenhouse I’m gonna have to build faster than I ever have before let’s just get on with this shall we thank you Foreign I tried my best but that whole all-nighter idea no no no I’m not the young man I once was anymore honestly I really have no idea what I’m gonna do but that’s a problem for tomorrow mock swamp waking up Monday morning was hard but when I rolled over to check my phone my

Whole day changed so I just got an email that says something came up and they can’t do the interview until after spring break that means I have another week to finish this project relief immediately washed over me and I realized how hard I’ve been pushing myself I mean the whole point of this

Project is to have a special place in my world to relax something had to change we’re here at Zilker Botanical Garden to get some inspiration from all these plants but more importantly just to relax a little oh [Applause] Look one not 20. Something about the fresh air and being surrounded by plants was such a good reset for me I really needed it I really hope I can have a garden kind of like this someday but until then I’ll have my Minecraft Greenhouse speaking of which I’m feeling very inspired to get back to

Work I relaxed my Pace a lot and focused on finishing up the greenhouse exterior over the next couple days and I had a lot of fun with it I dove down some crazy YouTube rabbit holes and before I knew it the outside was finished this is looking awesome but we’ve still got the

Entire interior to do and a whole lot of plants to knock off the list first let’s take care of the Moss block and carpet I want the floor to be a gradient of stone pathways that transition into Moss where we’re gonna put a lot of the plants I

Just love how well this gradient works there needs to be a way to get up to the second level and I noticed a lot of the greenhouses on Pinterest have these ornate white spiral staircases so I did my best to create that look and I built

It up on each side and you can actually walk up them all right let’s take care of even more plants the list just says flowers but I want to make sure we get all of them I’m gonna put a bunch in these Gardens in front of the base with a focus on tulips

Nice I think this pattern looks pretty good all right and for these ones by the staircase I’m gonna do some enhanced doulos these are so cartoony but I kind of love them I mean when you think about the size of the Minecraft B it kind of

Makes sense okay now for the rest of the flowers poppies enhance dandelions enhance corn flour enhance allium Blue Orchid with the Roses lily of the valley Azure blew it and oxide Daisy but mug swamp what about the two block tall flowers well if you were paying attention in the intro you’d know that

These are unobtainable and super flat wandi T doesn’t sell them and they don’t grow in Planes biomes but that’s not gonna stop me we’re gonna build our own bigger better version starting with the rose bush all right this is looking pretty cool we’ve got the red glazed terracotta as

The Roses the end rods is the thorns and little candles as like little rose buds next up I want to take on the sunflowers these came out cool I might even like these better than the real sunflowers in the game next up is lilac and there we go a little bit of allium

And some purple slabs and we’ve got this lovely Vine going all the way to the tippy top up here last but not least is the peony foreign for these but they kind of look like the real thing but there’s still some flowers left although they’re not really

In the game yet it’s looking like I probably won’t get the torch flower in super Flats so let’s try to build that one even though it’s a real flower a lot of people have been complaining that the torch flower doesn’t create smoke or any

Light so I did my best to fix that this actually came out really cool it’s like this epic jungle plant if we ever do get torch flowers we can always replace these ferns and last but not least for the flowers let’s try to do those two leaked flowers from Roger badgerman one

Of them is like some blue berries on a mixed with vines this kind of works I guess and this other one is almost like a jungle log slab with a plant coming out of it this is uh as close as we’re gonna get I’m having so much fun trying

To fake some of these unobtainable items so let’s just keep going one of the ones that hurts the most is bamboo but I think using glass panes fences and candles we can kind of get there I mean you gotta use your imagination a little bit but this actually came out better

Than I thought now for two more unobtainable here are our cocoa beans yeah not bad and the best I can think of for dead bush is using some Mangrove Roots over in our desert area and now sweet berries and Spore blossoms for the sweet berries I’m using Spruce leaves

And candles as the berries and we’re gonna use candles once again to be the petals falling from the Spore Blossom this might be my favorite plant we’ve built yet With pretty much all the unobtainables done I knocked a few last things off the list so basically all that’s left are the different tree types but the wiki I don’t want to talk about my levels but the wiki also provided this list of plant adjacent things so I made these

Little pools to cross off the coral blocks and I even added some fake sponge to the big pool in the main room all of the fungi is going to go in this entrance Dome and I’m gonna put them all around the statue of a mushroom deity

And I saved this room in the back for a little spot dedicated to bees but first I need to farm some bee nests this actually takes forever to do I do not recommend it ah but it was worth it there we go the B Nest composter gradient works so well but that’s all

You get to see for now I’ve still got a lot of empty pots to fill in and the ceilings need more Vines for sure not to mention the bees trees and shrooms which are going to make this place come alive so I’m saving the special reveal for our final tour

And it’s done I finished this up before bed last night I’m so nervous to show you guys and to show our guests speaking of which why don’t we introduce him how’s it going my name is Matthew guest and I’m the Director of Education here at Zilker Botanical Garden

Thank you so much for joining us you mentioned that you have a little bit of experience with Minecraft yeah so I’ve built a couple Minecraft worlds in kind of glass houses but probably not to the scale that you might have created all right Matthew welcome to my world this

Is actually a super flat world do you happen to know what that is I don’t know what that is no time for the big reveal here is my Greenhouse wow look at that looks like a giant Victorian Greenhouse oh I’m so happy you said that Victorian is exactly

The style I’m going for we’ve got some tulips over here the four colors of tulips it gives you are white orange red and pink the plant basically has the capacity to produce a variety of different colors because of the enzymes and molecular Pathways there are certain colors that occur more frequently so

They could have included yellow I don’t know why they did one thing that might be a little bit realistic is this pumpkin I mean pumpkins can grow huge right yes pumpkins can get massive you can strategically remove all of the developing fruits so they only have one

And then all the sugars from the leaf we’re going to be going to that one pumpkin here we’ve got some sugar cane I know that this game has bamboo and it has sugar cake in my opinion they should swap the blocks bamboo has an underground stem called a rhizome and it

Spreads and then it pops up all over the place so bamboo would kind of look like this sugar cane would usually be a singular stim bunching from the base this is sort of an imaginary plant in the game this is called a chorus fruit my partner and I beat the Ender Dragon

And then we felt successful and stopped there but I’ve used this fruit before when you eat it you actually like teleport randomly there any fruits that do that in real life maybe a hallucinogenic fruit I mean if you ate some kind of yeah I guess the

Cactus here right uh so up these stairs here in the first entrance Dome I’ve dedicated to be all about mushrooms and fungi this definitely looks like a mushroom I’ve seen in real life probably think of the Amanita they’re called toadstools the older mycology is relatively new there’s still lots to be

Learned one of the blocks in the game I’ve done my best to fake it here is called mycelium it’s kind of like Roots it’s the organism that’s spreading out on a fibrous pattern and then it produces like the mushroom their cells have multiple ways of communicating they

Can move their nuclei around is lichen another mushroomy thing it is not a plant it is more of like an algae living with a fungus though Minecraft Wiki had some plant adjacent things one of the things it listed was help as its own separate thing kelp is defined as an

Algae but if you ask someone in Victorian England if kelp was a plant they would say yes same thing with mushrooms this game oak trees actually drop apples but I’m assuming in real life you’d have to have an apple tree for that yeah Oaks drop acorns so moving

Along we’ve got some custom birch trees I tend to see these skinnier birch trees in real life birch trees aren’t super long-lived so they don’t get super thick so all the small ones are pretty accurate these are alliums alliums you probably ate one in the past a week

Onions really you notice the flour is just kind of like nothing is there except the little stem that’s because everything is under the soil so these are onions and garlic and shallots the only thing about your design is that the leaves look like grass on your big ones

It looks like you have oh so this is not accurate we gotta get rid of this now a second there we go they added this azalea bush and then you can grow these so is azalea classified as a bush or a tree I would say it’s more of a bush

There is not a very distinct definition of what a tree is these in the game are called dark oak trees when I was Googling I was seeing some trees with these Golden Leaves think of something in Bavaria like a dark Oak Forest I think they’re just going for oh there’s

A lot of Oaks out there this one has darker wood this is a mangrove tree it’s a relatively recent addition to the game they have these propagules that fall right off the leaves into the mud down here and become new mangrove trees yes I didn’t know they had this one in the

Game that’s amazing but the seeds basically germinate on the tree and that’s called vivipery it’s like a baby kangaroo of Home plants of the Plant World I reconstructed a couple of these Stone lanterns that I was seeing all around Zilker yeah that Zilker Botanical Garden we have 12 different Toto there’s

Kind of like five different elements Earth in the bottom water and then you have the Firebox which is fire and then you have air and then Spirit on top you’ve made a really nice one here over here we’ve got ourselves a nice big Mario Style piranha plant so this type

Of plant has a bear trap they don’t get super big and then they got the victory belts and the penties those pups can get huge this isn’t really plants but we’ve got a whole B room so at Zilker pretend for garden we do to provide habitat for

The bees we have a lot of native bees that are called sweat bees you have an area that is kind of unmaintained that is great habitat right here we’ve got our jungle trees I’ve built some trees that aren’t actually in the game um some big palm trees here this is my best try

At an acacia and all the reference images they seem to have ranches that sort of all meet at like one flat top Acacia like the one you’ve described has a spreading form I agree like a canopy there’s even research showing that people enjoy the look of spreading trees

It’s like sheltered shade are there any other examples is it monkey pot tree there’s Italian Stone Pine literally a pine tree but it grows up and spreads these are my spruce trees back here and then these these sweet berries you have any idea what they’re trying to emulate with those sweet berries I’ve

Thought about this because when I play Minecraft sweet berries are my favorite I think of kind of the Ikea berries they put it with you oh the lingonberries yeah this is an upcoming tree these are cherry blossom trees I don’t even know if they’re referring to one specific

Type of tree cherries apricots and peaches are all in the same genus we can’t grow cherry trees but we want to so we grow peaches that’s a prunus persica that’s a peach tree but it doesn’t really produce fruits Texas version of a cherry blossom these are called wither roses done my best to

Create a giant version of it what I mainly took inspiration from I believe it’s called a corpse flower yeah so that’s called the rafelsia it is pollinated by things that like rotting things flies flies and maybe beetles that would basically be our whole tour of this Victorian Glass House well done

It looks fantastic botanical gardens are a great place for Education research and just enjoying the natural world around you but if you’re in the Austin area come Botanical Garden that’s where I am so yeah you can donate that would help us tremendously so we can educate more folks and and keep our garden

Flourishing or you can also donate and support your local Botanical Garden in your area if you would like to thanks again for being here and have a great rest of your day Matthew all right thanks for having me it’s been a while since I put out a

Video and it’s because recently I went through a move and although it’s a major life upgrade for me it’s still very difficult and stressful to pack away your entire life and start over somewhere new but for almost 11 years this Minecraft world has been a constant

In my life life can be chaotic and unpredictable but this world is always here for me and here in this Garden I can find peace and comfort whenever life gets stressful in the future and if life ever gets stressful for you too I hope you join me here for a deep breath

Thanks for watching today I’m going to spend a hundred full Minecraft days building a city you see it’s already been almost three years since I made a master plan for my super flat survival world at the time many of my projects sat unfinished and sort of disconnected from one another but I had

A vision for a Grand City surrounded by a massive mountain range unifying everything in the world and although I’m definitely proud of all the progress we’ve made let’s be honest there’s still not much of a city so today I’m tackling this entire Northeast quadrant of the

Map we are going to build as much as possible starting now I kicked off day one by beginning construction on a curved Road that’s going to connect the top tier of the city to the lower platform I’ve designed everything ahead of time in a creative copy of my world

And I’m using a mod called lightmatica to help me see where everything needs to go notice how I’m leaving plenty of space for the houses to go because I want this road to contain fancy housing for all the people of the city who work at the nearby lumber mill this brings me

To the first great challenge of this project building diagonally you see this this is a building and over here is another building they’re nice and straight just like in Minecraft easy enough right right but take a look from above and everything changes even cities with grids have all sorts of Slants it’s

What gives a city life but building diagonally in Minecraft has always been a struggle for me like how do you make a door so as I built the road up over the next few days I prepared to face my fears head on and build as many diagonal

Structures as possible all right so I think I broke my lumber mill again which is also my mud and Cobble Farm but at least this time nothing seems to have blown up I think just the Piston conveyors got messed up so I’m just gonna have to fix this later luckily I

Had enough mud to finish the walls for our road and after chopping a bit of acacia wood the job was finished I quickly laid out the path for the Lower Road which doubles back to reach an even lower tier of the city containing the lonely lumber mill don’t worry buddy

Soon you’ll have lots of other building friends on day seven I set out to give our lumber mill some bodies by starting on the first house this one isn’t actually diagonal so consider it a bit of a warm-up the further down this road we build the more slanted the houses are

Gonna get I built the house very directly based on the historic 1889 CA a Belden house in San Francisco a prime example of one of my favorite architectural Styles Queen and victorians we’ll talk about them a bit more later in the video by the end of

Day eight I made some great progress and the house basically just needed a roof which I worked on the next day I began another one on day 10 and after a long hard Minecraft day of work the house was just about finished on day 11 I wrapped

Things up by adding a little tower on top and then I powered through the next house and by this point things were starting to get pretty slanted I actually didn’t even use reference photos for these last two houses so I could focus more on the diagonal construction my strategy was to take the

Normal rectangle of a Minecraft building and start dividing it up into odd sections sliding things over one block at a time this split and slide method is something I’ve used before in my city like on these shops over at the harbor it also kind of sounds like the name of

A new line dance I went to craft some more Looms on day 12 and I was able to finish up the third house and then I began constructing a fourth house using that same split and slide technique to create the diagonal for this one I took inspiration for the color palette from

This house on Carl Street which is also in San Francisco nothing could stop the building train and I finished the building by the end of day 13 and began house number five the next day this was the first truly diagonal house so rather than using the split and slide method i

Instead had to establish a diagonal line that felt natural which was a significant challenge for houses like this I would fly way up in the sky look at the center of my base and try to imagine that the house was like a little slice of the pizza that probably made no

Sense but Pizza is cool after establishing the general shape I based the form of the building on yet another house from San Francisco this time from the iconic Alamo Square this one was built in 1894. only 90s kids will remember am I right the next day I

Cleaned out my inventory and I cleaned up a few missing details and then I started on house number six at nightfall for this one I paid homage to the historic 1891 Corbin Norton House on Martha’s Vineyard an island belonged to my home state of Massachusetts unfortunately the gorgeous color palette

Called for a bunch of Mangrove wood which is my least favorite wood type to collect but collect I did and by the end of day 16 I was finished with that house and on to the next this was the last house with any sort of back to it by the

Way I made a little porch area which again is straight from the reference lecterns are fantastic for railings like this at this point I guess I fancied myself as a bit of an architect because I decided to go off reference for this little pink house on day 17. I found

That using fences and walls around the windows not only helps mitigate the difficult diagonal building but it also creates the heavily ornamental look that you see with these queen ants I ran out of gilded Netherrack and I also needed more quartz so now would be a good time

To dive a little deeper into the architecture so as I mentioned this style of house is called a queen and Victorian which is a bit of a confusing name see Architects have this annoying habit of naming some of their Styles after whoever ruled Britain at the time

That’s why you may have heard of the Georgian style named after King George or eduardian after King Edward or Jacobian after James huh apparently James in Latin is Jacobus just when I thought this couldn’t get any more confusing anyhow so right away the name Queen and Victorian is confusing like

Which Queen is it Ann or Victoria well really Victoria is more accurate the Victorian era lasted from 1837 to 1901 and most Queen and victorians were built between 1880 and 1901 which by the way is precisely the time period I like to build from in my world in the UK there’s

An entirely different architectural style called Queen Anne that looks nothing at all like the US version so what happened here long story short some silly Americans built some ornate Victorian houses and didn’t know much about architecture so they called them Queen Anne’s even though they shared almost nothing in common with their

Namesake they tend to be very ornate often with big front porches steeply pitched roofs and an emphasis on asymmetry in the 1960s there was a movement to paint these old victorians with two to three bright colors in order to accentuate their intricate architectural details these became known

As Painted Ladies but they have nothing to do with these butterflies which are also called Painted Ladies there’s a famous row of them in San Francisco lining Alamo Square called postcard row oh and apparently one of these is the house from Full House I don’t know man my head hurts and I think we’ve done enough learning for today luckily I got what I needed from the Nether and I was able to start some new buildings by the end of day 18. these two buildings are built at a true 45

Degree diagonal line making them a bit easier than some of the other ones the pair is based very closely on the historic 1890 Albert Wilford houses once again in San Francisco this time we’re in the Pacific Heights neighborhood according to the National register of historic places in San Francisco these

Houses are quite unique for their use of an equilateral arched domical Bay roof I think that’s these things I opted to skip out on building the equilateral archdominal Bay roofs but I think the buildings came out pretty good regardless I finished up on day 19 and

On our 20th day I began house number 10. that’s two days per building not bad at all for the reference on this next house we go back again to Massachusetts this time in Hyde Park which is a neighborhood of Boston the unique coloring inspired me to do this blue

Terracotta trim with the light blue concrete powder but then for the roof I decided to go off reference in order to get just a bit more contrast with the other houses when you look at it from above too much Blackstone can be really overbearing and I unfortunately can’t

Get deep slate in my super flat world to break it up I finished the building up on day 21 and I began Gathering materials for the last two buildings on the road this pair’s inspiration are two iconic painted ladies at Alamo Square according to Zillow this pink one was

Built for the harder family in 1899. the renovated home sold for 7.3 million in 2021. the green one appears to have been sold in 2022 for a much more affordable 4.6 million suddenly wandi T’s prizes seem reasonable but luckily I can build these Minecraft versions for free well I

Guess that’s not quite true because I ran out of glass and I had to go do a bit of trading but once I had secured enough glass to finish the project I was able to spend all of day 23 working on the buildings the detailing on these was

Really a delight even though the diagonal was a bit wonky the Birch and the Sandstone worked beautifully together against these slightly desaturated terracotta colors and it just really sells that Queen and style I wrapped up the buildings on day 24 and before I knew it I was a quarter of the

Way through the Hundred Days wandi T stopped by to congratulate me on my progress but he had nothing good for sale before we go any further into the video I just have to ask are you my science teacher if so then please click away to another video now that he’s gone

I can tell you guys I have an amazing plushie for sale right now on makeshift and it may or may not be based on my high school science teacher is that legal there’s only two weeks left to place your order and I’ll probably never do this again this is basically the

Cutest way to Pledge Your Allegiance to superflab forever or you know sell it in 10 years for 5 million dogecoins and buy a new Android girlfriend this thing is so high quality and he’s so cute I went back and forth so many times with the designers to make sure it was perfect

Look he’s holding my logo and he even has my Minecon Cape we need 200 orders to make sure these get made so go to the description click the link and order one right now all right back to the video I was needing a break from constructing

Houses so I decided to switch things up by heading down to the water to work on some docks I stopped to collect some Mangrove wood on Day 26 and then I spent the evening working on the docks and battling mobs smaller cargo ships can go into the City Harbor but the narrow

Passage and shallow water significantly limits the size of vessels The Wanderer is about as big as you could fit so bigger ships will be able to use these docks to drop off some of the larger Goods like raw Lumber I will say this more industrial cluttered style of

Building is very new to me but people are always asking me how to get better at building and I think the answer is really the same as with anything else go outside your comfort zone if you only practice what you’re already good at that it’s not really practicing now is

It as the sun went down on day 28 it just really struck me how much progress we’ve made as I flew towards our city this could be the most significant transformation my world has ever seen in a single episode after working on the dock straight through to day 29 I was

Really running out of spruce wood and with my lumber mill temporarily at a commission until I had time to sit down and repair it I was gonna have to collect all my spruce wood manually all the trap doors for the dogs ate right through all the wood I had left and I

Had no choice but to take a break and chop down some tall spruce trees on day 30. after a bit more work on the docks I spent the next day refueling I crafted more Rockets I grabbed some golden carrots and I moved some of my shulker boxes to a more convenient location

After that I started a custom oak tree that’s going to act as a buffer between the first house and this row and The Hairpin turn in the road the next morning I was finally ready to get started on another house the inspiration for this one takes us to Ocean Grove New

Jersey this storybook like seven bedroom fantasy Masterpiece includes a lush Garden out front which is part of what inspired me to create the custom oak tree I was also inspired by the patterns and the shingles to do these little Mangrove slab patterns on the Blackstone roof the reference also inspired me to

Do this little quartz line window protruding from the tower roof I really enjoyed this one and it felt like I was really hitting my stride because at this point I barely noticed I was building slanted at all on day 34 I wrapped up my 13th house and began construction on a

New one unfortunately I couldn’t find any information on the reference for this next house but it sure looks nice I straight away from the reference a little bit by adding this rooftop porch in order to deal with a tough roof line roofs are probably the most difficult

Part of building on a slant but they can also be kind of forgiving like a lot of the more Awkward spots kind of just get filtered out by your imagination especially at distance I broke ground on the 15th house as the sun rose on day 36. the amazing color palette for this

One comes straight from this historic 1892 Seattle Mansion known as the Madrona Castle it was built during this population boom that followed the great Seattle Fire of 1889. these light brown shingles you see in some of the photos of the house inspired me to use Spruce

Wood for the roof and I think that was the perfect choice on Day 36 the house was finished and I was feeling amazing about how the road was looking these big path block squares are actually the slime chunks in my city the path blocks disable them from spawning and then when

I go to build in the area I can kind of blend the ground enough that they don’t stand out too much there’s a few examples of this throughout the city already wandi T stopped by again on day 38 and I bought some tropical fish from

Him and then got back to work on the paths the next day I was ready to go back to building so I began working on the biggest houses yet I’m imagining that most of the people in the houses we’ve been building are either office workers for the lumber mill or the docks

Or they work on the upper level of the city where I’ll be putting government buildings like a post office a town hall Linda Library the house is closest to the mill probably belong to its wealthy owners which is why we’re going a bit bigger and more extravagant the one I’m

Building now is inspired by the Albert H beach house built in 1896 not even 10 years after the town of Escondido that it sits in was incorporated so basically my Minecraft world is older than the town was when they built the house this house in particular really made me wish

We had a green wood type please Mojang it would be so awesome please instead I was forced to use the Warped wood which Strays quite a bit from the reference but I think it works okay nonetheless after a couple trips to the nether for warped wooden Blackstone the building

Was finished by day 43. I’m using white terracotta for this next one but unfortunately I don’t have any in stock at Macy’s the home of my Mason villagers I’m only able to buy 48 blocks per day so it might take a little while to finish even though I’m using white

Terracotta my main inspiration is called the pink lady otherwise known as the J Milton Carson house this lovely House was built in 1889 in Eureka California just across the street from the Carson Mansion which is perhaps the most famous Queen Anne Victorian other than maybe the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose

William Carson the rich guy who lived in the Carson Mansion had the pink lady constructed for his son as a wedding present I don’t think I even brought a present to the last wedding I went to now I feel terrible maybe when one.20 rolls around I’ll add some cherry wood

To the house and make it a little bit more pink but with the pink blocks in the game at the moment I just couldn’t really find a good option these bigger houses are really fun to do especially after doing all the skinny row houses I

Feel like I have space to spread out and really explore this Victorian style between Gathering the granite the quartz and the Terracotta progress on this house was relatively slow and the days were just flying by so on day 48 I began construction on the final Queen Anne

House we can work on this while I wait for the materials I need to finish our pink lady replica I’ll be doing plenty more buildings but most of them from here on out will be shops and offices for this last one I wanted to try more of a classic brick construction rather

Than the vibrant Painted Ladies style coincidentally two different buildings from the same town came up in my online research details on these houses were pretty scarce online I’m not sure if they might have had the same architect or if there’s any relation between them

At all but I found it quite fun to work with the enormous diagonal porch and I’m pretty happy with how the building came out afterwards I finished up that little gazebo and I made several passes on all the houses adding any remaining missing blocks I could find I continued tidying

Up for the next few days and I tried lighting up a bit as well I also want to add vegetation where possible so I worked on a big custom spruce tree also mobs were starting to get pretty frustrating so I pretended to promise myself to get better at lighting things

Up once again I relocated my shulker boxes on day 54 and the next day I was done cleaning things up and ready to continue building I gave myself a break from all the diagonal building with this quirky little drugstore this is the kind of place that would have a big counter

Inside with a soda fountain and sell things like candy cigars and lipstick I can’t wait to do the interior for this in the future I have so many ideas these little banners take forever to do but they really complete the old-timey look with the banners done I was ready to

Move on to another building I knew I wanted one on this corner but I wasn’t sure what to build build it first but I figured since the cemetery is just down the stairs it would make sense to build some sort of morgue or Mortuary I tried

To make it look rather official so it stood out as sort of a scholarly structure the interior for this one is also going to be super fun the next day I added a few more custom trees around the area and then I started working on an office building for the lumber mill

On day 59. it took me all of day 60 and the morning of day 61 to finish it off and despite my best efforts I still had a lot of lighting up to do on day 62 I built a little oak tree behind the new office and then I began a new building

In the center of the lumber yard I’m imagining this one to be sort of like a combination warehouse and office I’m adding a bit more texture variation of these work buildings since they’re gonna have a little bit more wear and tear and they’re just not going to be as well

Kept as the houses after finishing the Green Building I started working on a big flag to fly over the mortuary it’s an enlarged version of this banner I came up with to represent the city the design kind of matches the carpet in the tower also represents this Obelisk

Complaint on building in the temple on day 64 I started building an extra big version of the flags on the East and the West sides of the temple I tried to texture them as much as possible to make them look like worn Fabric and avoid them becoming too cartoonish looking

After I finished the flags I spent the rest of day 65 beginning another road for the city this one will connect up to what’s currently this dead end and provide a way to get down from the top level on day 66 I stopped to cook some more stone bricks and then I began

Working on the walls of the road for the gradient I’ve chosen I’m gonna need to trade for a bunch of cyan terracotta and I’ll also need to chop some acacia wood the next day I decided to do another house probably for the family that runs

The drugstore I’m trying to do more of a simplistic floor plan that still fits in with the other dwellings in the area in terms of color palette I needed some more warped wood so I headed to the Nether and then finished up the house on day 68 after finishing up the house it

Was back to work on the road and this work continued throughout the next three days I chose to leave the Inside Edge of the road unfinished for now I’d like to eventually build a big opera house that’s going to take up most the available space on this level but that’s

Gonna have to wait for a future episode with the road done I decided to try try something very new on day 72. I added some Blackstone Birds above the city I’m so in love with how these birds came out I really hope you guys like them too

Next up I started building a circular section of dock which I worked on for all of day 73. I want to add a lot more structures to the dock so I started working on a new one up top to help ease the transition into the dock area I also

Started the foundations of some buildings down in the docks themselves over the next several days I jumped from building to building slowly collecting any missing resources and building everything up I had to take tons of little breaks to collect various materials but by day 78 I had wrapped up

Most of the buildings in progress and I could focus on combing through for any missing details like barrels or pipes I’m hoping once I do all the Interiors this entire region is just going to be so full of life next I turned my attention to the lumber yard I want to

Add a lot more machinery and infrastructure to make this place feel more like a bustling work yard I added this big gear thing and it’s starting to add that industrial feel to this area another thing I always mentioned when people ask me how to get better at

Building is that you need to collaborate I totally hit a mental block when it came to this steampunk industrial style so I hit my good friend shovel241 just hopping on a call with him and building for a bit was enough to give me the confidence to complete this area that’s

Not how I remember it mug I thought all this for you huge shout out to shovel go subscribe to him I spent day 83 working on a loading dock to finish off the back of the lumber mill which has sat unfinished in my world for far too long now I gotta

Finish this little uh face of the building and then I also need to do the back here the back is a sight for sore eyes um that’s not how you use that expression is it well you know what I mean the next day I created this Basin

To help transport logs and other cargo either into the mill or towards the storehouse and the day after that I filled the Basin with water and created some more infrastructure around I’m so happy with how it looks so far I even made this little Telegraph Wire between

The main doc office and the lumber mill now they can send cheeky little messages to each other like SpongeBob and Patrick with the bubbles on day 86 I did some work on that doc office building but it requires me to trade for cyan terracotta so progress on this building is going to

Be very gradual I also built the elevator platform itself out of a bunch of campfires and then I spent the next day working more on the loading dock area once again as I was flying back towards the city the magnitude of everything we’ve built so far really

Just hit me you could honestly title any of my videos adult man-made weirdly emotional by his own Minecraft Builds and that would be pretty accurate but when you’ve spent as long as I have in the same world it somehow feels reasonable I buckled down on finishing up all the infrastructure around the

Lumber mill and by the end of day 90 I was pretty happy to call it somewhat finished with only 10 days left to go I decided to focus on making the docs feel more full I started this red building that’s sort of half on the docks half on

The city platform on day 93 I built some more small trees and I addressed some of the unfinished dock supports who couldn’t use a little more support you know the next day I started this little house on the spiral road with basement access to the docks and the next day

After that I built another small house next to it after everything I’ve learned from designing the complicated diagonal Queen Anne’s these smaller dwellings feel like a total Breeze and they get us a lot closer to that cluttered look we’re going for I was able to finish the

Buildings and go back to adding little details to the dock like this newsstand the next day I kept adding details and I realized I really need to finish that doc office so I traded for as much cyan terracotta as I could and chipped away at it afterwards I started making a

Little black market area on the docks I kept working as hard as I could wrapping up all the dock supports on day 98 and trying to finish off any missing detail I could find identifying and adding in all the missing details can be quite time consuming and before I knew it I

Was on day 100. I went ahead and I built this little spot for a hanging billboard maybe you guys can help me decide what goes there I also started one last building on the Docks but as the sun went down I just had to accept that 100

Days was now over but I just couldn’t help myself so I spent another two and a half hours working as hard as I could to finish the dock area to the best of my ability I went totally crazy with the details and it was definitely worth it

If you guys like this type of video I’ll do 100 days of interiors and I’ll make an interior for every single one of the houses and maybe I’ll even do some interior work at my nether Hub and my end base but for now that’s it thanks for watching subscribe for more

So that’s it another full year in my super flat world it feels fitting that the 10th year was the most insane one yet but we’re far from finished with this world so I hope you’ll join me for another year of hard work and next year we can look back again at everything

We’ve accomplished what do you want to accomplish over the next year let me know down in the comments and we can both check back on how we did see you in 2024

This video, titled ‘I Survived 11 Years in Minecraft Superflat [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Mogswamp on 2023-06-09 19:00:09. It has garnered 428842 views and 19178 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:56 or 6476 seconds.

It was a crazy year and we got so much done. Put this on in the background while you study or game, or cozy up on the couch with some snacks and revisit some old projects!

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    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft

    Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft Building a Japanese Temple + Interior in Minecraft Welcome to a detailed tutorial on how to construct a magnificent Samurai Temple complete with an intricate interior in Minecraft! This step-by-step guide is designed to assist both seasoned builders and beginners in creating an authentic Japanese temple to elevate your Minecraft world. Materials and Layout Before diving into the construction process, ensure you have the necessary materials and a clear layout plan. You can access the materials list here. Additionally, download the map from here and use a custom seed with the Vanilla texture pack and BSL Shader version 1.20.1…. Read More

I Survived 11 Years in Minecraft Superflat [FULL MOVIE]