I Survived 2000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

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I survived 2 000 days in my Hardcore Minecraft world and during this time we built some insane Mega projects like the wood factory the warden statue custom biomes transforming the Overworld into an ocean a cold Factory and so much more and before the movie begins I just released some brand new cookie merch

That’s on sale for a limited time only so if you want to look cool and show off to all of your friends go buy yourself a t-shirt or a hoodie we have some cool cookie Army snack break and one block designs as well as some cool accessories

So click the first link in the description or type in the cookiegod.shop buy yourself some epic cookie merch now let’s start the movie so my last few videos I’ve been building some pretty insane projects I hope that has taken me over 200 days to complete but the thing that slowed me down the

Most wasn’t the billions of blocks it took over the weeks I’ve spent on building oh my gosh it was not having enough food to eat so today we’re gonna change that and I have no food in my food chest ah so we’ll first start off with the easy food Farms like potato

Wheat and carrot then move to the harder ones like cow farms and chicken farms and at the very end we’ll make a golden apple farm so let’s turn these three crops into automatic food Farms starting off with the potato so the potato farm will go right there over the ocean

Somewhere and now let’s start building out the frame of it yeah that looks pretty good so for off the crop farms I’m gonna be using a villager styled farm so that way I don’t need to do any work harvesting and farming myself because I’m I’m kind of lazy so now

Let’s build off the little pods where the villagers will be working now let’s start Gathering all the materials I need like an enormous amount of dirt now I need some staff for a lot of glass oh wait wait is that hold up hold your horses there gotta land it with half a

Heart I totally forgot I have this oh my I got glass for days maybe even years I’m going to need 36 composters and lastly I need a really op hole which will give me efficially for Unbreaking through I think that’s everything I need for now let’s first start off by filling

Up all of these pots with dirt there we go now let’s slap some water in all of these holes oh God I probably should have put some light all over this There we go now it’s time to hoe up all of this dirt actually it will probably be a smarter idea to work on the design in between here before I turn everything into farmland and do this because everybody hates that so let’s use a bunch of spruce labs and fill up all of

These edges here crops need light to grow obviously let’s put some light in all of these Corners just like that and some trap doors above it and now since each of these Paws need at least two villagers let’s make some glass walls all around every single pot And now it’s finally whole time it’s basically a version of hammer time but better trust me what’s more exciting than farming okay there’s there’s many things I can probably list at least two but I’m just gonna keep farming And now with all the pods we just need to fill it in with some villagers and since there are four sections every section has nine farming pods which means I need at least nine villagers just to farm then another six per section for the collection system that

Makes a total of 60 villagers and luckily for me I have a villager breeder inside this giant iron golem it just uh doesn’t work very well one eternity later okay I got a mosh pit of villagers and now let’s start working on a quick railroad system that will lead them to

Their new home Let’s put some Minecarts down and let’s let them free pop in the the my carts come on no you guys don’t want to hop in the Minecarts okay oh no push them that’s not what you’re supposed to do all right there’s one there’s two and three off you go

There he goes there goes the second guy and the third now it’s your turn All right they have landed in their destination and now let’s start transporting all the other villagers oh I think I made a little traffic jam okay I have a bunch of villagers now and I think the minimum amount of villagers I can have per section is at least 14.

So right now I have four five yet in there six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and thirteen wow that was almost half of all the villagers I got yeah 60 villagers there’s a lot I need to put one villager inside all of these Corners here thank

You so I need one here and three on these corners and these guys will be the collectors so let’s go through the painful process of trying to get them into the corners wish me luck come on buddy oh look at this guy this guy’s so

Easy he just let me do whatever so now I think if I put composters here it’ll make the villagers want to collect a job so they’ll just naturally walk here at least that is what I hoped they would do and yeah it seems like it’s actually

Working we started a parade of jobs nice let’s block these guys in you guys need to stop kissing please and now let’s put a composter here to litter one guy in and just to bring him closer to get in there get in there get in that corner

Please ah there we go totally not using Brute Force let’s get this guy in here let’s trap him in no no no no no oh no no no no no no where are you going what if I litter him with the bed and to return with an even bigger bang I’m also

Releasing some brand new limited edition clothing that includes my famous one block videos you can also pick up some amazing cookie Army and snack break shirts and hoodies everything is on sale for a limited time only so if you’re a part of the cookie Army get yourself

Some swag click the first link in the description or go to a cookiegod.shop come on man oh there he goes he’s going let’s break that bed he falls in oh that was perfect that was actually perfect now I just need to do the same thing for these sections

Wish me luck well I accidentally had the babies fall down and I’m not sure why they’re having a rave party over here their babies running around all underneath the glass I didn’t think that through I’m hoping if I put composters over on this side they might run over

Here and get a job at dealing with villagers is a lot harder than I thought and eventually I found out the perfect way to move these villagers over to their farming pod I just bait them with some composters oh my God this dad has like nine kids just following him

Everywhere okay that works stay there and grow up okay I don’t know how this happened but their toenail is keeping them alive from drowning I guess I’ll save you guys okay we should have enough villagers around here to fill up every single pod so let’s break a hole in the glass wall

So they can reach a composter here we go here comes the parade you just need two more guys let’s leer him with a composter yup yup come with me and there he goes let’s trap him in and trap that guy in and after a full day of straight

Pain I finally got all the villagers inside their own pod there’s probably over 70 to 80 villagers just in this area mainly because half of them are in the water now with all four of the different quadrants we can separate four different crops we’ll have carrot potatoes wheat and beetroot and let’s

First start planting some carrots because half of these guys already have carrots planted I have no idea where they got them from maybe when they were born excuse me could you please move sir um thank you thanks for moving your foot and I already ran out of carrots yeah

I’m gonna need a lot more please tell me I have some bones somewhere um that’s white dye oops a moment right there and a stack of bone blocks and now I can slowly and peacefully Harvest all of these crop and there we go the carrots are done and now for the potatoes That is the potatoes complete that is the wheat and now for the beetroot which I probably do not have where do I get beetroot is there any beetroot over here in this Village this doesn’t look like beetroot oh wait well there’s no luck over here okay I think I found another

Village and so far I don’t see any signs of beetroot maybe they don’t grow in The Acacia Village which is kind of unfortunate okay we found another Village this is where I had the raid attack and I don’t see any signs of farms around here and there’s nothing

Over here bro why is beetroot so hard to find oh Diamonds though okay I finally found a normal village and I’m guessing this is the best spot to find beetroot growing come on where are the farms at I don’t see any farms I’m getting kind of worried here how does this entire

Village not have a single Farm hello what are they eating these are just starving oh there’s one over there too my luck isn’t over where’s the beetroot and there’s no Farms here too bro wait there’s another one over here come on if the third one doesn’t have a farm I

Think Minecraft hates me yeah Minecraft hates me never mind never mind there’s a farm right here please be root no beetroot come on what is that what is that was that yes he proceeds let’s go let’s go let me steal all that food and now with these two beetroot seeds I can

Bone meal them and just continue harvesting and getting enough beetroot to fill up this entire Farm took a very long time I had to collect so many bone blocks who is hitting me get away God yeah and just Harvest for days honestly I don’t even know what you need

Be root for so if somebody can tell me that would be great oh I forgot this one and now we’re actually done but now let’s start working on the collection system using these villagers in the corners and for that I’m gonna need my rails back oh my God look at the amount

Of villagers just roaming around here now okay um I made a mistake but enjoy your life before zombies eat you guys alive so to build this collection system I need to replace this block with a hopper which is kind of scary because I need to do it really fast um okay please

Don’t run sir what do I do now oh no well I need to put a hopper right where your head is um okay so I have a plan I’m pretty sure villagers can swim right I sure hope so so let’s put a water right here hopefully he swims up oh he does okay

Perfect you stay right there and now I need to put a hopper here I think then with that we’ll just have a minecart Hopper right underneath collecting all of the crops so now right here let’s put a rail a my car hopper right there and now remove the water okay I hope that

Works now let’s replace this corner with a block and I think a trapdoor right here and let’s do that on all sides and now I should be able to break the bottom ones here oh um that’s a problem okay let’s get this villager back up here and let’s try to

Get this Minecart back into position and maybe breaking this rail right here will prove oh no no no get back in there no no no no no oh my my card I’m struggling hey let’s bring him a little bit higher and let’s do this all again and fix it up okay now

It should work oh wait I just don’t need to remove this now it should work bro okay now it should work let’s remove this please don’t move my car okay take three or four okay let’s just not worry about that let’s just pray it works come on I think

That should do it I really hope so I had to change the design a little bit so hopefully the villagers will stand right here and throw the carrots that way so the minecart picks it up now let’s repeat the same exact Pro wait did you throw a carrot in there you might have

Just thrown a carrot into him I’m not sure yet but now let’s do the same exact thing here oh wait they are throwing carrots at him it should be working actually that’s really good news but now let’s do the same attack thing here on all four sides and I think they’re

Making love in between walls ladies and gentlemen we’ve got them we got cheaters oh my God okay all four stops are complete hopefully it works I did make a bunch of mess building this thing like all the characters are gone here now let’s go under here and see if it actually

Collected anything I think this is the first one oh my god there are a lot of carrots in here it’s working well I do need to use all these cares to replan these so let’s do that please oh I didn’t think he hit me oh wait can’t

Touch me now imagine dying to a hoe that’s so embarrassing now let’s start working on the actual collection system underneath the farm so there’ll be a minecart going around in a circle right here or I guess a square and I want the main chest area to be right in the

Middle over here so I can stand here and just collect everything I need let’s make a butt ton of chests well bam and let’s slap them all down right over here and to make this work I need the minecart to cross over these Hoppers here to drop off the cares so this top

Layer wouldn’t actually work and now we can connect the entire thing up with some rails let’s power them all up oh I can’t reach it why am I so short I gotta do some Spider-Man stuff there we go let’s go over to the next side and then to that side well bam and

Now for the final piece the mine cart and this what is going over there there’s a there’s a love fest going on here hold up let me investigate oh my God this guy’s getting uh he’s being used by four other okay never mind let’s just focus on the important thing is

This really working let’s go check and there’s no carrots yet oh oh there’s some we got a total of seven carrots yay and now let’s do the same exact thing for all three of the other sides to complete the collection system what what they got left so fast that guy was so

Prepared to leave what in the world nope get back in there get back in there yup that’s what I thought don’t look at me bruh Yeah sucks this suck you can’t touch me how does it feel s anyways I finished building all four of the collection systems yes they are working the character in the wheat one kinda it’s kind of questionable the beetroot’s working and the potatoes are yeah they’re flowing in so the very last

Thing we need to do is design this thing and make it look pretty kind of like you guys so I’m gonna need a lot of spruce logs and a bunch of glass and now let’s start designing the farm Foreign Please tell me why there are 10 villagers in this one little farming pod what is going on here anyways for the design I added some glass here so you can actually see the minecart rolling around I think that’s pretty cool so you see how the whole system actually works

And of course you guys know me I had to add some leaves I actually forgot to add some trap doors right here and I forgot it over here as well wow what kind of Builder am I forgetting proper doors that’s not possible and now for the last

Thing I need to design the chest room on the inside Foreign And there we go we got the beetroot section the bread the carrot and the potatoes and that is the crop Farm all complete which is the easy one but now let’s move over to the medium leveled food Farms which is the cow we gotta automate you somehow so building these

Animal Farms would be pretty easy I think you just gotta burn them alive that sounds kind of cruel but um I’m gonna build it right over here behind the Iron Golem guy because I have a really cool idea you’re just having to trust me and wait but first let’s clean

This whole place up Before I started working on some animal farms I really want to remove this thing I built it’s a really ugly and it just floats here in the middle of the world so uh let’s break it down okay yeah this is gonna take a while oh oh uh nobody nobody saw that now let’s

First start on the automatic cow farm so I think I’m gonna build it right over here probably let’s slap down some Hoppers and this is gonna be super simple because it doesn’t need to be overly complicated the cow just need to fall and burn so I can eat them out

Behind here let’s grab some dispensers one there one here and one up here some more blocks like so some trap doors and I’m pretty sure it goes this way and that way and also on top of here let’s make a little hole this is where the cows are gonna sit and

Now for some glass which I forgot bruh and now let’s fill in some glass here just like so and on the top dispenser and you put a water bucket and these two I need lava buckets let’s go ahead and grab some one in here and one there now we need to

Do some special thing with these buttons I think we go this one first um why isn’t it working I think I need some Redstone well bam now let’s try oh there we go and I think we just put one there and then break that and if we click this

It should pump out the lava nice and then go away and that should burn the cows and now let’s grab my lovers put it here and here um bam and a button and these lovers just close these Gates which makes it easier for me to read the cows now we

Just need to find a cow haha hello buddy I’m gonna give you a nice home just you wait Oh oops tasty though all right I got two cows come up here your new home and just politely get into the hole please don’t make me punch you or you’re literally hovering over the whole how are you floating over it there you go and now

It’s your turn come on buddy ah there we go now I just need some weed to breed them up so let’s head over to my brand new automatic crop farm and head down here this should be my wheat and I got three that’s not good enough uh why are

They pretty producing bread what kind of Witchcraft are you guys doing how are you guys making bread villagers are smart enough to do that well since you’re being lazy sir I’ll Harvest it for you you replant them because I’m lazy I’m just as lazy as you are so you

Gotta replant them and I literally have no source of food right now so I guess I have to eat some carrots now with this weed all I gotta do is click this button they should pop up like this and it makes it easier to breed holy cow this

Is the Big Daddy of the zombies I’ll save you villagers and what are they doing to this creeper are you being harassed creeper and now since we have this let’s build another one over here which is going to be the Sheep one over here for the pig and maybe a

Chicken one over here or something Foreign there’s the water and there’s the lava buckets and now I need some Piggies those are some pretty good pig noises I think okay I’m done and for this and the second let’s click this they will Bob their heads up and that’s an easy breed and now we got a little baby pig [Applause] Foreign now that I have three automatic food Farms built let’s start working on a different one the chicken farm over here and I got some Intruders yeah so for the chicken farm it’s gonna be a pretty simple design as well I’ll need our two dispensers here I’m pretty sure one will

Shoot out the eggs to grow some baby chickens and this one will be the lava put another Hopper back here a comparator facing that way an observer like this carpet on the hopper and glass like this to keep the chickens in let’s build it one block higher let’s put a

Lava bucket in here and now all we need to do is fill it in with some chickens I did see some walking around here earlier there’s one there and one up here all right Snapchat look at them fly and Joint oh he just popped up an egg oh he bought another

Egg what are my chances yeah nothing now all I gotta do is put the chickens in the hole and turn them into KFC makers that’s one two three and four and now all we gotta do is cover it in gold last I’m pretty sure and put one more

Observer facing that way and it should work yep lava came out and that’s when egg is thrown out oh wait wait wait wait I totally forgot something before that I should probably breathe them until there’s like 20 chickens in here oh I did not mean to jump in here but let’s

Beat them up and for the next hour I spent the time breeding all of my chickens sheep pigs and cows so I’ve bred the animals a few times now and I’m not sure how many are in there but I should have less than 24 or energy cramming will kill them but before I

Start breeding them even more let’s start decorating each of these automatic food farms and that is the reason why I built it behind the Iron Golem because I want to build a big cow head a pig head and so on let’s start with the cows and

I think the best block to use for the cow face is gonna be brown terracotta so let’s grab a whole bunch of this and all the other materials I need and let’s start building up the cow’s face I don’t really know how to do this I’m just

Going off by my brain which is um questionably small so see how this turns out Foreign ‘s really good and now let’s just carve out an entrance on the side of its head like right here and this is the cow Farm that’s pretty awesome now let’s do that for the pig the chickens and the chef let’s go And that’s all the animals complete the chicken has a kind of a fat and Long Head well let’s not worry about that um now let’s finish breeding them all up so now that all the baby Techno Blades are all grown up we can finally break these levers that opens the trap doors

So now when I breed them with my only three carrots it should drop the baby pigs down here once they grow up they shall die and turn into some bacon and the same thing for the cows and the Sheep oh some baby sheep just died that’s not good but for my KFC producers

I need to fix this by putting a Observer right here I think and break this and it should work I hope um it should pick up the eggs which it’s not and we we have our first problem nice why are the eggs not being picked up oh maybe because

There’s a bajillion eggs in there oh my there’s a lot of eggs it’s not shooting out any eggs either so maybe there’s too many and let me just empty all this out and it’s still not working um oh wait I think I figured out the problem I didn’t put Redstone move man

What do you want let me put Redstone there and I didn’t put Redstone up here does that work oh it does and our first egg got us a baby chicken yo we got ourselves a KFC store let’s go who wants a box of fried chicken now if I put all

These eggs in there will it shoot out a bunch of eggs no it won’t nice and the baby chicken’s eyes are being burned um that’s kind of weird but now with all these eggs let’s see how lucky I get oh first one with a baby chick another one and let’s just Spam these And we got more than 20 because every time they go in this hole one dies but before we move on to the third food farm which is the golden apples I want to decorate this place even more and the reason why I built this behind the Iron

Golem is because I want to make this little section a city a city of my entire city or I guess that can be a town and inside my giant cookie City let’s call this the pixelated Pond even though there’s no sites of water but I’m gonna change that right now let’s start

Decorating this place foreign Lake [Applause] And there we go the medium automatic food farm is complete now it makes a little more sense because there’s a pond right in the middle of it see what I mean next up is the hard automatic food farm the golden apples the only thing I need are some magma blocks which I can

Find right here oh god oh oh all right let’s head to the top of the nether here I do not remember breaking this Bedrock but I guess I did and now I need to find myself another waste biome which is right over here there we go and that

Will lead into this chest now from here let’s go up 24 blocks there we go and right here on this block I’ll put a turtle egg but I don’t have that yet but now let’s start working on the outline for this slap down a whole bunch of trap

Doors and let’s make a little ring around the middle now let’s build 10 blocks on either sides foreign letter isn’t enough let’s make it like three more and now I just need to put some glass blocks above the top layer to prevent gas from spawning and there should be

Three blocks gap between each now that is complete the only thing I need to do is add some turtle eggs right in the middle so let’s go steal some eggs oh there’s that way and now I just need to find some Turtles um where do turtles like to hang out oh

I see what oh there’s two okay they can breathe there’s three okay now I just need some sea grass which is down here let’s grab some of this oh I oh you can’t still touch it oh my I need to go all the way back home just to grab

Shears bruh okay now give me the seagrass yup from the ocean and let’s go ahead and feed these guys and there we go oh here he goes he’s digging he’s digging please give me four eggs and I got three dragon eggs I mean I mean turtle eggs please

Excuse me so I can snatch them and it’s four never mind now let’s come down here all the way to the bottom and plant some turtle eggs bro just squashed it with my fat bum I don’t even know I could do that I just killed a turtle rip Turtle comments guys

Okay but let’s be a little more safe and put it there without standing on it and trap doors on top just like so and it’s already working they’re already chasing it and let’s do this same thing up here let’s break that hopefully it floats you’re telling me if I stand on a turtle

Egg it snaps and breaks it can flow midair bruh Minecraft what is this there we go now the very last thing I need to do is build up to the height limit in the Nether and let’s put some glass at the very top here which will make the

Spawn race for the pigment a lot better as you can see it’s oh my it’s actually oh my God it’s actually working really good holy all right let’s AFK here for like 20 30 minutes and see how much gold I get from this wow that’s a lot faster than I thought

Oh my okay let’s see this oh man that’s a lot more good than I thought a lot of rotten flesh too exactly what I needed to eat and that is why I made the gold Farm because it gives you a lot of food let’s go oh no I’m just kidding so let’s

Turn all of these into gold ingots here bam let’s grab some apples um three exactly what I was thinking and now we have golden apples let’s go so we made some easy Automatic Farms like wheat carrot potatoes and beetroot then we moved to some medium difficulty ones

With some animals like cow sheep pigs and chicken and lastly we went to the heart difficulty and the expensive food the golden apple are you sick of running out of wood and tired of always having to go back to my some trees yeah me too

So to solve this I will be building the best automatic Tree Farm inside a wood Factory and there’s no better place to build this than right beside my iron Factory I’ll build it right there somewhere the very first step is to clear out the area Foreign the second step is to build the automatic Tree Farm then we’ll build the wood factory on top of it so there’s enough room and lastly I build some random bits and Bobs that will make it more fun like Invader belts and random cool stuff and there’s a few items that

I will need to go out and grab for example white concrete there we go I also need lime glazed terracotta which I’ve never made before wow that’s a cool unique block and next up I need a lot of slime blocks and looking in my chest I have 14

Um nice oh 24 one seven blocks here and that will make me 11. um I need a lot more than that and luckily for me I’m pretty sure I built this giant structure underneath a slime chunk so if I mine down here oh my I still have a beacon down here and I

Never got rid of it huh I’m so rich I’m just gonna leave it there well let’s try to remove some of these torches and see if any slime spawns um okay I’ve never seen a creeper protect me from another mob that was pretty in say here we go let’s go nuts

Hey give me that back I need those balls okay just beat the Skeleton with it I guess thank you let me grab that there we go now I need honey blocks which I’ve never made before I do have a beehive over there so I’m guessing if I

Fly over here and grab some shears could I share it I can and if I grab the Honeycombs I’m guessing I can turn it into a honey block so let’s fly around the world trying to find some beehives so I can steal their honey does that

Remind you of any type of movie hmm now let’s craft a little bee nest area Oh yeah come on boys and girls come inside oh yeah let’s go ahead and breed all of them so there’s even more and now make some honey and it looks like this one might be ready is dripping I’m not sure if it’s a level of five yet but I’ll yoink it

And let’s turn all of these into some nice honey blocks there we go at first I thought you used Honeycombs to make honey blocks but luckily I realized that sooner rather than later because this would have been a big waste of time what do you even do

With this and now I should have everything I need to build this automatic wood farm so let’s start it right over here all right move one block this way break that one grab your materials and automatic Tree Farm is complete all right see you nah I’m just

Kidding there’s gonna be a lot more complicated than it looks so I’m not even gonna try to explain what I’m doing let’s just go through this and build it all right there’s the dispenser that’ll shoot off the bone meal for the sapling and let’s throw in some Hoppers that

Will refill the bone meal and some chests right here this would be temporary I’ll probably move it over there somewhere so it’s easier to access because I’ll be standing on this side you know and there’ll be a bunch of restaurants oh I can’t say that where that’s centered Redstone poop

Please I’m trying to build a shut up you guys are so annoying all I hear is wait you smelly boys and now let’s put a dropper right here this will shoot me some saplings so I can avocate and now let’s add some Hoppers that will collect all the saplings that fall from the

Trees like that and after all this mess honestly it looks like I just right clicked my mouse and I came up with this mess but I will be living right here this is my AFK spot okay this is what it got so far and

Let’s test it out to see if I messed up yet this Barrel right here is basically the on off switch so if I open it it should work oh my it’s actually working wow I did something right in my life so it’s setting a restroom curve into this

Dispenser just shoot a bunch of bone meal growing the tree and is shooting this dropper and it’ll keep dropping me some saplings and to turn it off I should be able to right click this and wow I am not a failure so this is only

About five percent of the tree farm so I still have about 95 percent to screw up wish me luck let’s go so now we’re actually going to work on The Pusher system that will push the logs out and the Pistons that’ll Crush off the leaves

And get me some saplings back oh wow I just got an advancement What an amazing Sound Honey blocks makes when you place it nice and now it’s invisible okay beautiful absolutely beautiful I love Minecraft look at this Now that we have all the Pistons let’s start wiring it with some redstone foreign For the big review The Leaf Crushers are complete and everything else should be working I hope so let’s give it a test let’s grab some bone meal and some saplings let’s put bone meal in here and if this doesn’t work I don’t know how to

Fix it because this is a little above my pay grade let’s right click this to turn it on let’s right click here and once it grows it should crush it all and it does and it pushed it right over here on this side let’s do it again it crushes all

The leaves and it pushes it oh my God I did it right this is new for me honestly this this is amazing and it’s even dropping the stop place to me this is crazy I’m so smart for building this and designing it all myself I’m just kidding

And to turn it off you right click that wow hello mango you are a smart fella anyways let’s keep this ball rolling foreign Thing was going great yeah I don’t know what happened um I removed one stone brick block and then it made a mess everything is broken now well time to rebuild almost everything and try to fix it oh this is so painful I really don’t know what to

Fix first like this is all messed up what do I do I think I’m gonna recreate all of the leaf Crushers right now because that’s what seems like it’s broken so let’s just do that all I did was remove one block by accident and it causes this oh man one eternity later

Okay I gave it a test and it actually works let’s go that broke twice while I was trying to fix it um I’m not really sure how I fixed it I kind of just rebuilt what I did earlier and it works so I’m not gonna test it anymore

Just in case it breaks again but now I’m gonna be connecting a lever to the top of these Pistons up here and this will just allow me to use some Oak saplings to Spruce and get different types of wood basically now let’s build out a

Pathway where I can walk to end enter my tree farm which would be right here and this will be my switch so that should push it down this block right here and it’ll grow small oak trees I flip this and then I can grow jungle trees and

Spruce trees which is really nice so now that the actual Tree Farm part is complete you’re gonna find a way to automate it so I don’t need to mine the wood because you know I’m lazy so once the tree is grown it’s going to be pushed out this way and over here we’re

Gonna make a TNT duper so the TNT will drop and blow up the wood for me so I don’t even need to touch my ax anymore like I don’t even need this anymore if you buy ax and now I’m gonna need to place 21 scaffolding up top and somehow

It’s supposed to carry a redstone curtain with it I’m not sure what kind of sorcery or witchcraft stuff is going on here that wrestle can travel up scaffolding but but I’m just gonna trust whatever I need to do no my Observer Well I’ll be honest I have no idea what I’m building right now this is looking like I just smashed my head on the keyboard and my mouse and I just right clicked all of this into Minecraft it’s wild I hear you can’t build downwards in Minecraft like it’s so annoying I was

Gonna bring out water or something like that’s for peasants and now that the TNT duper is complete all I have to do is build a giant swimming pool underneath here to catch all of the wood droplets once the TNT blows up the logs and I should be done I

Think so I probably need to go down a few blocks to protect the TNT from blowing up any of this stuff so let’s mine a hole and there’s a lot of creepers in there um oh no actually help me thank you there’s another creeper

Here oh my God oh my oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa scaring me a little bit finally creepers are coming in handy they’re actually blowing it up for me thank you sir not you go go away you smell well let’s start digging and making a hole in the ground And now let’s replace the inside walls with some stone brick and some glass all right and now I just need to add some water here I think one goes up there and it continues like that it should bring me right to the middle oh oh there we go

I got a little skid right there so let’s continue this all right and perfect so that is everything I need I still need to build an auto sorter there and a chest room down there for all the wood but this is the automatic Tree Farm I still have to test it I’ve never

Activated the TNT duper yes so I’m kind of worried but here goes nothing let’s walk up here there’s not a lot of bone meal in there okay actually never mind let’s grab a bunch of saplings and some bones and now I’m ready let’s load this up let’s put stop links aside The

Dropper since I’m using oakless turn on the lever so that goes down turn it on and it should drop TNT soon I really hope so oh wait I didn’t turn it on yet oh there we go okay it’s on is it gonna drop TNT doesn’t seem like it is okay we

Might have a problem here oh I just realized I built this entire duper one block too low I need to build it on this level oh shucks well I’m trying to redo all of this okay I moved everything one block up and all I need to do now is add an observer

Facing oh wait ah let’s let’s use some water here hopefully it doesn’t screw anything up let’s put the water right here let’s go down with the Observer facing upwards like that and a slime block right there now it should be working hopefully I built this part right again oh boy all

Right let’s go down let’s turn it on and please work wait oh Oh my Jesus Almighty me it’s working the TNT system’s working the TNT Cooper is working that’s amazing and let’s quickly go to bed let’s get rid of this creeper because I’m scared he’s gonna walk by me

And blow something up and now it’s time it’s finally time everything should be working both meals in I got my saplings I’m set at Oak I stand right here in the middle leave Crush to work to let’s keep right clicking here please don’t break okay it’s working oh man this is part of

The most advanced thing I’ve ever built in Minecraft and I’ve been playing Minecraft for over 10 years oh my God is actually working and once it gets oh it works it’s blowing up the logs the TNT is that is so cool all right let’s turn

It off now and let’s see how much wood I got I feel like I might have like 32 or something um with a TNT stop because I don’t want to kill me okay it stopped perfect let’s go down here and I don’t know why there’s a my car down here

Let’s come back up and I got stuck in 16 logs and I used it for only like a minute this is insane but now that automatic wood Farmers working let’s build the actual Factory around it and I have a super cool idea for the wood I collect over there I’ll make it go

Through a bunch of water streams and then go into a chest like over here it’s gonna be pretty cool so let’s go collect a bunch of clay for some bricks all that clay only got me four stacks of brick blocks are you kidding there has to be a better way of getting bricks

Right than smelting clay I do remember that you could trade emeralds for some bricks so let’s come down over here and grab some emeralds Oh I thought I’ll have a lot more to be honest let’s just see how much four stacks of emeralds will get me in bricks because I feel

Like it wouldn’t be a lot a lot I thought I was a lot higher let’s swoop down here and slap down some Stone Cutters somebody please take the job up there we go and they should give me bricks yeah so one Emerald gives me 10 over here and one gives me ten okay

That’s actually pretty good let’s keep trading with these guys and oh yeah this is way better let me go grab some more Stone Cutters everybody gets a job you get a job you get a job you get a job you get a job even this chicken Gets a Job look at

Look at them they’re just coming out of nowhere where are the guys I just traded with look at these guys I want to see if they lower their prices or give me more bricks so let’s keep trading with these guys and then continue on with other

Random new newbies wow I wish I did this earlier fill in the iron Factory before I only used clay to get the brick blocks I would have saved so much time just trading with the Villagers bruh let’s turn these all into brick blocks wow this is so much faster I love this why

Didn’t you guys tell me this in the comments come on guys no I’m just kidding I heard this idea in the comments so thank you guys the cookie Army’s the best oh my what the what is going on in here I just walked in here to trade some

Mason guys and look at this a villagers made their own house in oh my bruh what is uh I I’ll just let you guys be before I change my mind and demolished your home there’s a whole civilization going on in there and now let’s find some agnesite all right let’s start mining

Let’s start working on the actual frame of this Factory before I start building because uh this is kind of my third or fourth time doing this and I’m really sick of tearing it down and rebuilding it I’ve been struggling so let’s start with the basics which is the frame and

This was supposed to be five blocks wide at six blocks and this was supposed to be five blocks and it’s four blocks yeah I probably should have got more sleep last night um okay here we go okay now this one is 25 blocks bruh foreign

At all look at all the materials I need and let’s start working on the factory right here for this Factory instead of making it the classic shape that I always do I kind of want to make it spherish or circlish because I love my circles yeah I don’t know if that’s a

Good idea okay let’s tear it down and go with this style I did not think that through okay that that’s better yeah way better So we’re gonna be doing the same exact thing on this side over here oh my build an exact replica right in the middle is going to have a big lock pixel art thingy and this one’s a little bit taller than that one because we have to

Fit in the TNT duper which is kind of tall so I think we just fit yeah we do and I started a raid um how what where where’s the Villager that oh oh oh whoops um I guess we’re gonna have to defend a raid now I was not expecting to

Do this today but I will protect my villagers at all costs never try riding a ravenger how much damage does it do oh okay that’s that’s a lot a random oh no okay I should be a little more careful I that genuinely scared me one hit and I

Would have lost the world oh man okay let’s get this raid over with and I finally won the raid but there’s also a billion vexes chasing me that was a big waste of time but let’s continue working on the factory I didn’t even have to craft more bricks but like you know why not why not I’m just getting Annihilator right now let me place a block boom I missed the block five times oh my I’m gonna die by skeletons that would have been embarrassing okay the walls are all complete and now let’s start working on the ceiling part and this little house

Looking thing let’s make a bunch of anesite slabs now let’s start filling up the roof and luckily this machine just fits inside the new wood factory which is awesome it’s a little bit taller than that one and it’s a completely new design so no wonder it fits okay now

Let’s start working on this top part I really don’t know what to call the canopy the top of the iceberg the cherry on the muffin I don’t even know what I’m saying okay let’s just continue building I also forget to light up the inside before I build a giant roof on the top these go away you stinky bum yo if a creeper blows up any of this Redstone I’m gonna be pretty upset because there’s no chance I’m gonna know how to

Fix that so you need to go you need to go oh no no no no no no no no no no no but now we need to add in some wood and some windows do I have any wood ew I have jungle wood I don’t want oh wait

What am I doing I was just about to go mine for some wood with an ax bruh I literally forgot I made a wood farm right here let’s grab some Spruce saplings let’s come up here that’ll be useless again it’s been a couple days just turn that on let’s turn this on

Hopefully it doesn’t blow up the factory at all and now let’s start getting some Spruce saplings let’s just put a chest here as well to collect the wood let’s do this for 20 minutes and see how many logs I get okay it has been like five

Minutes only I’m kind of curious to see how much wood I got I already have a bunch of saplings so let’s turn this off and I honestly have no idea what to expect let’s come down here and oh my God okay the whole Hopper is full let’s see what’s inside

Oh I literally spent like five minutes or less just holding right click oh wow this is an insane Farm well that gives me enough wood to finish up the factory okay this is probably gonna take a while so uh bam the walls are all complete and

Now for the floor there we go isn’t editing kind of cool uh I definitely didn’t go through any pain building that you can’t tell by all the arrows in my body no no pain at all no pain at all oh my geez oh my I didn’t know bro and now

We just need to add some blue window panes like over here I should have a bunch left over do I have any inside these out inside these chests I have a stack oh oh yeah yeah here we go now we’re talking so I’m in here and that’s

Not a bad start start adding some windows And finally the entire external of the wood factory is complete now let’s move on to the interior the fun bit first things first I want to build like a big glass cage around the entire automatic wood Farm because it’s pretty special and I want to kind of show it off and a

Nice staircase going into the entrance and I probably should have stripped these logs to be honest okay I got like four logs and on the inside here I’ll put some white stained glass and hopefully you can see through it pretty well oh yeah that’d be perfect

Okay well this big pane of glass took me about like nine ten stacks of glass um luckily I have unlimited sand and bones aren’t hard to get for white dye so that’s good but that’s a lot more glass than I expected anyways it’s not looking too bad it’s just a big giant

Cage I have some finer details later but let’s continue working on this Okay I have a big giant bro hold up hold up before I say anything you need to go bro get out of here anyways we have a giant glass box right here now and let’s build the stairway up to the tree farm let’s craft some stairs and some Oak

Stairs as well maybe some slabs and let’s just gradually bring this staircase down like that let’s stop it there continuous straight and then bring it down again to this level wait I also let’s use Oak slabs bro There we go I think the staircase is pretty good and now let’s move on to the fun bit I wanted to take off the wood over here and kind of bring it up some water stream so it kind of flows around this entire Factory and ends up in a

Giant Auto sorter on this side very similar to the iron farm over here where iron just spitting out turning into iron blocks and then into Iron Golems but there’s one small problem this wood factory is a is pretty fast it produces a lot of wood and I’m kind of I’m just

Running into every block possible I’m kind of scared the entire Auto solder will get clogged up so um yeah let’s just build it and see if it works so my idea is to have why is there so much water down here and well bam here we go okay so now let’s build a

Little water path down this way one two three four five six seven and I want to pop up like right in the middle of my face right oh never mind that’s not in the middle yet but the middle go right here oh I still got a lot of space to go

Okay so my idea is to bring you over this way and this way so it kind of starts over here um too bad there isn’t a center so maybe I could do a two block version so let’s carve out a bunch of space for this little tunnel system for the wood items Okay hopefully this works I put some ice down here so the items would kind of fly by and hopefully catch onto that water stream so let’s throw an item down and oh yeah yeah oh yeah that that’s beautiful that’s a beautiful that’s absolutely beautiful yep okay they all

Go up up the glass water stream onto here so now my idea is to have this go over the entire Factory like this and then end up over here on this little section here and all the wood be sorted out into chests that’s my idea it looks

Kind of stupid right now it’s all glass I’m not sure if it should add some logs or something in these Corners kind of like this I’m not quite sure yet because it would like obstruct the view of the items flying up but um so far so good it

Is pretty hard to see the items go through white stained glass though I kind of want to change it to normal glass okay it took some time to change it and I like that a lot better I also added some logs behind here and also

Some slabs at the top so it looks like the glass is being supported in some way so now let’s continue this downwards oh wait this is a little too low let’s bring this down like that and break this so the water will fall through and oh

Man how am I supposed to remove that now let’s do some quick Spider-Man moves you ah there we go oh bruh that was something I didn’t want to do well now it’s too late so it doesn’t matter if I pour any more water down this actually

Helps me so that’s good what in the world is going on over here Minecraft physics what what is this Einstein would not be happy right now So down here we will have four sections of chests like this because this tree farm is capable of handling four different trees I think so one will be Oak Birch Spruce and I think jungle or something honestly we might have to make it just a tad bit smaller so maybe like

That bro with all this wood I could just make the chest sound while I’m making a layout right now bam bam let’s slap down a whole bunch of chests let’s come over here and grab some iron yup let’s make a butt ton of Hoppers and let’s connect

All of this up let’s put this straight line of Hopper so the wood will pass through and to prevent clogging I want to put a bunch of hoppers on this water stream so if one hopper gets off full there’s a bunch of more Hoppers for it

To collect so now let’s bring this down and I just need to connect it up to this line like so and that should do it let’s come over here and grab some materials for the auto Sorter and let’s start working on the rest stone for the auto sorter

Flee that uh hopefully that works let’s put some logs in there to test it I think this is how you do it kind of just guessing it should stop now oh oh my I did it right for once all right let’s fill these all up and then test it okay

Change of plans we’ll actually test it a lot hello there oh hello over there hello there oh my there’s even more of you guys what should I do okay before I do anything actually I don’t want to go near my villagers because doing a raid is really painful I’m wondering if you

Could drink a bucket of milk and the bad Omen will go away oh yeah nice but now let’s start decorating the Chester room Foreign [Applause] want to fill up the empty space right here with some bookshelves I think it’ll look kind of cool who wants a job I got some lecterns you want a job you want a job you get a job and I already traded with these guys earlier because uh I’m

Not gonna tell you but I did recorded this already and my footage crashed and I had to delete all my bookshelves and get them again so I I honestly already have enough bookshelves because I did this earlier yeah let’s go fill this in for the second time hopefully my footage

Doesn’t crash I just did this so you guys have something to see Foreign is being supported kind of and I think the inside the wood factory is finally complete I really like this section it’s just so fancy and I should probably organize all these uh with things so let’s grab some item frames I only need about eight spam if I can count

And let’s put them up oh what you could do with that give me that back let’s put them right here on the top this is jungle here are the Birch uh Spruce and lastly the Oak and the very final thing I need to do is add the wood logo right

There just like how we have the iron ingot and what better log than the oak log I’m gonna be honest this might be the ugliest log ever built in Minecraft look at that that doesn’t even look like a log what did I do that is a log and that is a a big pile of poo well I don’t really know how to fix it I would at

Like the top section on there but it’s hard to make like a 3D looking image on a 2d thing you know what you know what I mean so yeah I might just leave it as that well that is my wood factory with the amazing automatic tree farm on the

Inside the TNT blows up the wood then the wood items travel down this water stream into my automatic sorter so recently I’ve been building some more advanced projects that requires a lot of more slime blocks oh my and I’ve been needing to kill Slime by hand and I am

Really lazy so today out could you guys shut up please oh uh okay so in this video I will be building an automatic slime farm so right now I only have 34 slime balls and 16 slime blocks that’s pretty sad so let’s see how many slime balls I have

Now compared to how many I have at the end of the video and the first step is to find myself a swamp biome oh here we go and I need to build this Farm in the middle of the swamp ocean water exactly where Shrek lives and out of the entire

Swamp area it seems like this is the best spot to build it stupid Louis pad and now let’s start clearing the swamp Hola oh I’m so stupid I just realized I was placing lily pads to break more lily pads it’s an endless cycle I can’t believe I just realized that late for one Lily Pad I’ll break another one is placed ah it’s cool not having a brain finally the swamp is clear though

And right in the middle over here will be the automatic slime farm before we start building I’m gonna need a lot of more resources because I don’t have a lot and I’m thinking about using some black stone and some quartz so uh yeah let’s just uh you know let’s do our thing

Oh oh okay okay that was a little close okay let’s just mine up the Black Stone from the surface and not deal with those guys and now let’s grab some chords okay I got most of the things I need the final thing I need are these brown

Mushrooms and I need like seven oh oh like seven stacks of these and uh it’s kind of hard to get these it doesn’t drop very much from this one giant mushroom I only got what nine a ten wow oh never mind twelve now is worth it while I’m mining this look at the

Amazing jungle temple I built over there wow I made the back so detailed and this is probably the first time I’ve ever seen it good job cookie thank you Foreign Let’s start building this slime farm so let’s slap a chest down right here and the very first thing I’m going to be working on is the collection system so let’s do something like this and you put a lever right here a block on that and

There we go and now let’s make a eight by eight square and right on top of here will be the collection system with a hopper Minecart so let’s put a bunch of powered rails like oh not like that um just like that there we go and lastly a block right here so it

Sends the minecart back and oh wow we already have slimes over there okay that’s awesome next step is to sleep on top of the Rails this is a very important step I’m just kidding now let’s power up all these rails with some redstone blocks and now let’s give it a

Little push and test it out now let’s grab my magma blocks and make a five by five area right in the middle and this will be where the slides will just die by by burning and in the middle let’s put a regular block like that and in

Order to get the slimes into the middle here they are attracted to our Golems they want to attack it so let’s make a little fence right here and let’s put a iron golem right up here where’s my pumpkin and now let’s start adding some blocks to make the platform where the slimes

Will spawn and now I need to line the edges with some stairs which I don’t have so let’s fly over here and and just steal a piece of wood just turn this into a crafting table and make some stairs and let’s start building up the walls and now just a layer of blocks

Above it I really hope this slime farm works because everybody on YouTube has been making some really complicated slime forms they always gotta dig like a giant hole into the ground and do all of this crazy building this is so simple so maybe there’s a reason why no one’s

Using this design I guess we’ll find out at the end of the video imagine it just gives me like one slime ball per hour now that is efficiency anyways now let’s grab my quartz slabs and then fill up the entire ceiling now and goodbye oh my camera plays a block

There and now for the Iron Golem your head is a little too big so let’s just put slabs above you like that there we go and now let’s grab some light sources and place them all around and I think the final thing I need to do is plant some brown mushrooms on the

Inside here hopefully there’s no uh why why Creepers out of every mop there’s so many mobs in the game and I hope I can plant brown mushrooms on quart blocks oh nice okay let’s fill up every single block with some brown mushrooms And I am done that was a lot of mushrooms and for some reason a cap placed mushrooms in this very odd Circle what is going on Minecraft is this like a UFO landing or something am I am I this dumb oh oh okay I can promise you guys I am not

That dumb that was just a one-time thing so uh how do I do this I need to cover this up so it makes it dark I guess make a little Hut right here close it off and get a plant now oh there we go yeah see

I’m just testing you guys I knew exactly what I was doing let’s cover it up and I think I’m done I feel like I’m missing something there’s no way it was that easy there’s just one more thing I could do and this will increase my spawning

Rate I can add some half slabs on this block I’m not sure why it increases it but let’s go grab some more slabs one day I’ll make it through let’s grab some stone brick slobs bam how much money if I land this how much money if I

Land this perfect spot oh now let’s build a three block wide platform all around this Cube thingy and this should increase spawning rates I guess and the final thing I need to do is build an AFK platform all the way up there in the sky so let’s let’s come over here and where

Should I steal some dirt um right here looks good ah give me your dirt all right that should be enough let’s build all the way up and now let’s build a simple glass platform up here where I can AFK and just do nothing and get free balls bruh I really ran into

The glass this is unreal let’s take down this dirt pillar and now we are done let’s flip the lever so that my car is running and the collection system is turned on and if I can ever fly with my fat okay there we go let’s fly all the

Way up to the top over here oh build a little roof over my head just in case and now I guess I just AFK and see if it works I don’t see any mobs spawning down there so that’s a good sign and let’s stand here for like 30

Minutes to an hour and see how many slime balls I get drop some comments in the guesses I mean what All right it has been exactly one hour and let’s go see how many slime balls we have I will be happy if we have like five Stacks honestly let’s see the moment of truth that’s pretty good that’s about 16 Stacks I think way more than I need but now let’s start

Decorating this because uh it’s pretty ugly so my idea is to build a giant freighter in the water and then a big slime is like crawling out of it if I know how to build that so first let’s start draining the ocean and draining the ocean is probably one of my least

Favorite things to do and where are my sponges did I really lose them never mind I found them okay and now all that’s left is to uh okay maybe this maybe I should have thought this through it’s not working as yeah as I planned let’s quickly steal some dirt and let’s

Make a quick border around the slime farm so it’ll be easier to drain and now it should be a lot easier to drain this water I believe if I just Spam this quickly and yeah it’s it’s working a little bit doing this reminds me of the pain I went through to

Transform the end portal that was so painful oh um I don’t think it works [Applause] [Applause] And we are done oh never mind there’s one more water block there ah there we go well Jordan’s area was a lot faster than an ocean but it was still pretty painful and somehow I already have slimes coming what please don’t blow please don’t blow up please please blow

Up please blow up thank you now let’s start removing the area a little bit clearing all this Dirt away so I have some room to build okay now that we have the area cleared out let’s start building the giant slime and I’m gonna need a lot of green I got some lime

Concrete here uh some green stained glass some green terracotta and that’s about it okay how do you make the green colors red on yellow dot well that makes orange is it yellow and blue I’ll do some lime dye here I mean oh I’m stupid I need cactuses what is going on here

What kind of Illuminati stuff it’s like a perfectly aligned Cactus growing like they’re in sync reminds me of the pier pyramids and why do I have a random Beacon there as well I swear I just got beacons all around my world that I don’t even remember building There we go okay I have all the materials I need to build a big slime right here and I already have a mob farm and like why why Minecraft Minecraft come on does this happen to anybody else it’s just all creepers all the time let’s grab this and

There we go maybe adding some torches would be kind of smart but now let’s start working on the giant slime unfortunately I was too lazy to turn the concrete powder into concrete and as you guys know concrete powder Falls so I’m gonna have to get a little creative here and build something

Yep just just build something I guess that will hold the powder maybe like this I think that’s maybe a little lower and now let’s go around this perimeter of the square And now let’s put in some concrete powder and the concrete will be the inside of the Slime if that makes sense you guys will see in a second okay I’ve finished one side of the Slime and that took over 12 stacks of concrete um that that’s a lot of stacks and I got

Three more walls to build and on the outside of this concrete I need to put another layer of glass so yeah I’m definitely gonna run out of lime dye so I have a pretty good idea to get unlimited green dye let’s grab a bunch of cactuses again let’s go right be some

Automatic slime farm over here on the sand and plant some cactuses wait oh I’m so stupid I don’t need water or sand I thought I was building a sugar cane farm for a second so let’s just plant all these cactuses so I actually have a farm

For green dye because I’m for sure gonna run out by building that thing honestly I probably should have spaced it out a little more because if this breaks it might land yeah well uh too late for that I’m too lazy to fix it well let’s wait for all of these to grow and

Continue working on that whoa bam yeah um it didn’t grow that much I got kind of lazy I waited for 20 minutes and only a few cactuses have grown so I’m just gonna continue working with the concrete powder I have left let’s make some more concrete powder and let’s hold right

Click for another two hours Okay well I’m almost halfway done building just the inside but I still need to build another layer with some lime stained glass so these cactuses really need to start growing is there a way to speed it up like can I talk to them hello please girl can you grow

Please okay I don’t like you either well I’m pretty desperate so let’s try to harvest what I can um so far that’s four five making some progress and that’s 15. so best thing to do is probably just to replant them honestly and let’s wait another 10 years hello so

I left my computer on all night and I’m hoping the cactus has grown oh oh yeah we got a whole Army of cactuses let’s collect it now okay well in turn that got me three stacks and 29 green dye now let’s go grab some gravel and now I need some

Sand and finally I can make more concrete that was a process and now let’s continue building this giant slime okay I finally finished all four walls and now for the satisfying bit let’s grab a bucket of water and just pour it down and watch everything turn into

Concrete that’s so cool all right let’s turn the entire wall into concrete now foreign just need to fill in the top of the Slime here the only problem is concrete um yeah concrete follows gravity so yeah I’m just gonna place all of this into water and then mine it it would be

Really nice to build a beacon here so I can mine this instantly hmm no I’m just kidding I’m not gonna build another Beacon like that’s way too much work and it’s just unnecessary to do that I built another Beacon and let’s put some haste too on that

Uh I’m not lazy at all yeah what I thought it was instant oh my God I really wasted my time that’s awkward And finally let’s fill in the top of the Slime so since we have the green box of the Slime frame thingy let’s grab some black concrete that I got and Mark out the eyes and the mouth so obviously the eyes should be pretty even so let’s go

Down four blocks from the corner and kind of make it like five by five I think would be a good size like that and let’s do it on this side and I’m pretty sure the mouth of the Slime is on like the middle line but on the right so

Let’s jump here and make a square mouth thingy because it’s making a weird face and let’s see how it looks what hey yo come on come on come on now that’s a slime that is a slime we definitely need to fix that and we definitely need more black concrete

Okay what I built should be perfect that looks pretty good not as good as my first one though nothing’s gonna be that one oh this doesn’t look that bad but it’s not good enough to fit the cookie standard of building so now let’s grab my Limestone glass and some green stained glass my

Plan is to build one extra layer in front of the Slime so it kind of looks like it’s a real slime because you know how slimes are kind of translucent that you can see right through them and right here I think I need to change this little square into some green stained

Glass because that’s just how a slime looks for some reason so let’s do that and the middle part here should be just normal green and there should be four blocks like that and let’s continue this pattern And a big reveal oh that’s not bad it doesn’t look perfectly aligned for some reason why does it look more rectangular than Square okay whatever it still looks like a slime well that’s the face done and now I just gotta do every single side and the ceiling yeah that’s gonna

Be a lot of green stain dye okay let’s head over to my cactus farm that hasn’t grown a single inch since three days ago for some reason and let’s wait for this to grow because I really need some more stained glass okay all the cactuses has

Grown again this project is taking a lot longer than I expected I didn’t think it would be this hard to get green dye let’s Harvest all these up foreign cactuses that would have been so embarrassing top three moments in the world possibly in the universe okay but

I’m getting really sick of always having to harvest these cactuses so what I’m gonna do is make a very quick cactus farm and automate this as you guys know me I’m the laziest man alive so uh yeah let’s turn this into an automatic one okay so this should be pretty easy I

Think all I gotta do is kinda break the blocks in between all of these cactuses like in a Big Grid now I haven’t built these in a while but I think I’m supposed to put water through here and if I put a full row of water on this side and I’m hoping all

The water will go between these edges and kind of oh that’s that’s not good if a block goes right there does it get stuck let’s say it breaks right there move move move move okay it’s stuck am I supposed to put water like that nope I really need to

Look up a tutorial on how to make a cactus farm bro I’ve been playing Minecraft for 10 plus years and I can’t even make a simple automatic cactus farm I’m a joke so I was too lazy to search up how to make a cactus farm so I

Decided just to make my own way and mine out a Big Grid underneath it so the water can just be normal if that makes any sense and I just realized this might be a lot more work than I thought because I kind of need to redo all of

These cactuses and then put a sandstone and then sand so it could hover like this so water can go like that so I’m struggling all I had to do was type in how to make a cactus farm in Minecraft on Google and I couldn’t even do that

Now I must suffer suffer through the pain Okay now I just gotta remove this bottom layer underneath it and now let’s bring this layer one block down so the water can flow let’s remove all of this hey this is taking a while what if I come over here because I built a beacon I

Collect Ace two okay 15 seconds go go go go go 14 13 12 10. oh no oh Come on come on come on come on and okay I needed I need to do it one more time okay I got H2 again go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go I need to mine the stone because the Sandstone is

Already instant mine go go go get away copper you stinky and I think we’re done wow I’m so big brain so now if I put water on this side only it should work just like that so it goes all underneath here and when the cactuses break it

Would just go into the water now I just need to get out of here some fly fly you fat fly I’m too big okay I give up wait oh they’re out I’m really having a rough day and now let’s get on top of here and all I gotta do is Place some fences

Between each of these cactuses so they break when they grow and they’ll fall down into the water and get picked up by those hoppers foreign I just want to sleep in peace man okay we got another side complete that just leaves us two more and the top so let’s make some more green stained glass and some line steaming glass well time to go through even more paint And you guys guess what I’m gonna say I ran out of glass what a surprise let’s go check how many cactile we got ah we got three stacks and 22 that’s not bad we gotta go ahead and smell this now all the way back home you know what why

Didn’t I bring a furnace with me that would have been so much easier okay let’s do that now let’s live the normal Minecraft life that’s mine for some Cobblestone let’s go back and grab haste two and mine for some cool there we go let’s make some furnaces and let’s start

Smelting up all of my cactuses all right let’s get back to work a lot of glass a lot of right clicking it’ll be worth it though at the end of the video this slime’s gonna look insane and now finally let’s finish up the ceiling we’re getting very close okay all right let’s go

I ran out of limestone glass are you kidding me and gloss okay we’ll only have a few pieces left um two stacks okay will I finish it oh I actually will and there we go now we just need the green I don’t have a lot of it but I can

Easily make some more and it will be done foreign so now my plan is to make it look like the Slime is kind of emerging out of the water so I want to make some waves kind of Rippling up into the air and like dirt being flown around kind of

Thing so let’s go home and grab some more materials let’s grab some blue stained glass maybe some light blue some cyan I’m going to need some dirt and some Stone nice I’m obviously gonna get more but these are the basics I need so let’s try to align the perimeter up with

Some water like this so it’s there’s a little bit of a real wave yeah it’s very hard to notice the water coming out so now let’s try adding some stained glass so it looks like more water is kind of being splashed around I did the same exact thing on my transformation of the

End portal frame um if you guys remember so I’ll try that to see how it looks it’s probably gonna look really stupid and really messy so now let’s put some panes here now let’s go on to the cyan let’s try to get some lift a little bit add some panes again

And let’s finish it off with some light blue stained glass and make it look like it’s really being splashed upwards honestly I don’t have a clue what I’m doing so this might turn out really really bad so uh we’re just testing it here oh I actually kind of like that if

I added some more and it made it look like a little bigger and it went all the way around that will look pretty sick okay let’s do it all the way around and see the final product Now that is nice I really like how that looks okay let’s do the same thing all the way around the slime’s perimeter except the front I think because I don’t want to cover his face or maybe I should I don’t know we’ll see let’s just get a building foreign And now let’s do the front Yeah that looks pretty good I surrounded the entire slime with a bunch of glass so it looks like the Slime kind of just jumped into the water and it made like a big splash and now I gotta find out where I should put the entrance to the

Inside of them maybe right where his mouth is so let’s just break oh that’s not where it goes try to break a couple pieces of glass here like that and make a entrance into his body and I think we should try to hide it so you can really

See the hole oh yeah you could barely notice there’s a hole down there let’s grab some more lime concrete and just make a tunnel a little bit longer here so it Blends in even more now let’s start working on the inside of this place I have a really cool idea with

Some water streams and some falling blocks and stuff that will look pretty awesome so let’s actually bring this down a little bit so it’s a nice little staircase I know like that maybe make it a little bit fatter let’s make this a little bit wider and right here I want

To make a water stream it’s not gonna be any ordinary water stream because I want slimes to fall through here and float down this pathway I’m not really sure how I’m gonna do that just yet but let’s see if I can figure it out so let’s just

Build out this pathway and then that okay so let’s put water here and here this lives will flow down this water stream up until here then I want to make another water elevator so the slimes flow down come up and then into this chest it sounds super complicated but

I’m gonna figure it out okay so over here will be the water stream so the item elevator will be right here in this corner and the Slime box will kind of flow down and get picked up here and then go over here this way so let’s cover this up with

Some glass like that and hopefully we can see the slimes kind of going up it I feel like it’s gonna be kind of hard to what if we use green stained glass would that be easier to see a slime ball yeah I would say so okay let’s switch to

Green stained glass okay I went over and grabbed a whole bunch of stuff so let’s work on this item elevator let’s put some signs here like that let’s put some packed ice right here so the items can flow and some Soul Sand down here let’s

Put back our water hover it up and let’s put some Kelps so it’s a water elevator and there we go this is getting very complicated and that looks pretty good let’s just try to hide this sign on this side I feel like it’ll be more hidden

You wouldn’t be able to see it right on the edge here so if I stand back yeah you can’t even see it it just hidden let’s just cover up this water for a second it’s kind of annoying let’s now slap down some chests and some Hoppers like that

That should be enough for slime balls and now let’s cover this up and put a hopper right here and I kind of want to have the Slime boss fall yet again into this Hopper so you see the Slime balls actually fall I think that will look pretty POG champers I can’t believe I

Just said that but it’s probably the best word to describe it and I know you can see slightly through Hopper so let’s cover these up too so it’s super clean and yeah this is gonna look pretty cool build this up and let’s put some glass

Right here let me get over there okay so this is the water I think let’s connect it this way and this way let’s make sure it doesn’t flow off the edges like this now oh my this is perfect water just stops right here it doesn’t even flow

Down wow so if item Falls I’m hoping it would come this way um no it just gets stuck right there that’s not good maybe I do need to hide some signs here and cut it off like this okay this should work now once the Slime balls come up the water elevator they’re

Just gonna fall down right into these Hoppers and we’re gonna have a pretty cool view of just slime boss flying down here let’s cover up the ceiling so you don’t see the ugly quartz there we go and now let’s quickly head home to grab some more Redstone oh I’m gonna run off

Fireworks I’m gonna need Spencers some rest on dust and a bunch of random stuff I don’t know let’s just let’s just grab whatever all right let’s mine out these blocks right here and this is where the item is going to fall down okay I haven’t even checked how many slime

Balls we have ever since we started working on this giant slime so let’s see oh wow half well not even have a double chest but it’s close I don’t a lot of slime bars more than I will ever need but now um I need to move all these slime just

Put it over here I guess try to transfer it over just to store them for now and let’s actually shut this off where’s my lever right here okay I need to reface this Hopper so oh are you serious that’s annoying I need the hopper to go this

Way into a dispenser like that and whenever this dispenser gets a item inside like this I need it to drop a bunch of items can I just do like this that work so I put in a bunch of items like that oh wait that wouldn’t work I’m being stupid

Let’s put a repeater and I probably need a sticky piston bruh okay let’s go back okay I got a few more things and let’s redesign this I’m not really that good at Redstone but I got sticky piston here hopefully that helps let’s bring this up like that okay perfect and let’s just

Make a simple clock like that let’s power it on ah here we go put a repeater there and a repeater there here we go and now it just starts spewing out items let’s take that and let’s build a simple water stream let’s build an infinite water source right here wow this is

Taking a lot more work than I thought water there let’s put a ice block and a sign some more walls and another water a sign and water going this way put a sign there and the Slime boss will fall right into this hole down below now I just

Need to figure out how to get the Slime balls over on this side how would I go about splitting the Slime balls oh I think I got it I think I’m literally just gonna do the same exact thing on this side so let’s put a hopper here and

Let’s just do that now the Mind car will drop some slime balls over there and this Hopper and in this corner let’s put another dispenser and the same retinal contraption let’s give it a test and there we go let’s bring the walls out right over this perfect lining let’s

Put some water down and oh that is so perfect that’s so perfect there we go that should work that should work I know there’s probably some way easier way to build this thing but I’m not really that smart so that’s just gonna have to do let’s get this mine cart let’s put this

Rail back with uh Minecart let’s flip it on let’s load up these dispensers oh bam and let’s see if it works oh my god look how amazing this looks let me sum it up some slime balls fall down here into these Corners flow down this water stream gets picked up by this water

Elevator and then it gets shot out right there in the middle into these chests and it fills all the way up this might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever built in my life it’s causing a lot of lag but I mean it’s so worth it it’s so

Worth it this is amazing but now let’s make some slime blocks off finally so easy to make slime blocks let’s just cover this up with some slime blocks like this maybe a little bit over here hopefully that looks good oh oh oh no no no okay uh

Um we made a problem oh it should be fine and there we go I think that’s perfect and finally my automatic slime farm is complete so this is my dinky little cactus farm yeah it’s kind of embarrassing but at least it gives me stocks and stacks of cactus oh so

On this episode we’re gonna change that and build a massive cactus farm and we’re gonna need a lot of sand so luckily I built myself a sand duper that should get me unlimited sand and nice we’re gonna need all of that and Bam next up we’re gonna need a lot of slabs

To build out the platforms for the cactuses and let’s just fly over here to this mountain and start destroying everything okay this is taking a while let’s come back over here we have haste two and oh yeah this is so much faster with H2 and now we need some fences so

Let’s head over to the wood factory and let’s grab a bunch of wood and my tree farm just broke um nice and that should be everything I need for now except one thing and that thing is the hardest thing to get ever in Minecraft that is cactuses please

Tell me I have more than 10 in here oh yeah yes we are filthy rich well that’s AFK here for about five hours and see how much cactuses I get so I ended up leaving my computer on overnight basically and let’s see okay that’s pretty good about 18 stacks and

Now we should have everything to build this giant cactus farm and let’s build it right beside my automatic food farm right here should be good and I want to make this cactus farm pretty big but let’s start off simple and build a small little square just so I know what I’m working with Foreign That is a quarter of the entire Farm complete we still need three more corners and that would be the entire size of the cactus farm I did a lot of research on different cactus farms and I’m pretty sure this is the most efficient and has the least amount of

Chance of the cactuses falling into another Cactus and US losing another Cactus or cacti I just said Cactus like five times cactus cactus cactus but there’s one last thing I need to do and that is to put some fences down like right here so when a cactus does grow

The fence will just break it but right now I’m kind of too lazy to build it so I’m just gonna wait till all the cactuses grow up into big kids and then put the thingy beside them you know yeah exactly yeah that’s what it meant why am I so awkward anyways let’s start

Building the other quadrants and finish up the true size and frame of the cactus farm There we go that is two out of four for this third one I’m gonna build I’m actually gonna try to give you guys a tutorial just in case you guys want to build it as well so what you want to do is build a 21 by 21 border with some

Slabs or any block that you want just like that and fill it all in here we go now grab your sand and now all you do is start from this corner so skip these blocks and just place a sand block every other block like that and fill up the entire area All right once you have this go to this middle section of sand so it should be your fifth Block in so one two three four five and break the middle slabs right in between like this all the way across and do the same thing on the other side right here and above the

Holes just put some fence gates down and make sure to open them once you have something that looks like this come into the middle of one of these quadrants and break this middle slab right there just right smack in the middle do the same for all of them and if you want to

Expand this entire Farm like how I’m doing over here you could just make another row of fence Skates on the very edge and then continue another section right here but now take some buckets fill them up with some water just put them in these Corners like that and if

You did it right you should have a little hole right here in the Middle where the water is directing to and that is where all the cactuses will fall and now repeat that for all three of the other quadrants and now once you have

That all you need to do is line it up with some cactuses and there we go go that is your cactus farm and I’ll show you guys how to make the collection system beneath all of these holes later in the video but now let’s quickly finish this last section And that is one entire layer complete and with this first layer there’s 361 I think cactuses planted down and that is not enough for the cookie standard we need to start building more building left building right wait there’s no space let’s start building up I don’t know why I made that so dramatic

But yeah I’m gonna be building a lot more layers to this and just stacking it on top of each other but before I do that I need to finish one last thing and that is to play some fences here so the farm actually works this is very

Satisfying I love the noise it makes look at that just look at them pop and like fall so peacefully kind of like art in a sense uh I don’t know what’s up with me today I’m just making everything so dramatic hey yo who made that noise what control

Yourself please time to watch cookie in pain oh my I do that so often wow this is kind of difficult oh my okay this is okay maybe it might be easier to place the fences before the cactus is just just a thought finally the entire first layer is fully

Complete and that took me about an hour and 30 minutes if I add even more layers to this yeah that’s gonna be a lot of time spent on this cactus farm but now let’s start working on the second layer and I think I could start it right here

I believe so I go three blocks up and yeah that should that should be perfect and that gives enough room for the cactus to grow and fall and break but let’s see how long it takes me to build this second layer let’s try to Beat It

By 10 minutes 1 hour and 20 on the clock [Applause] I waited a few hours and most of the cactuses have grown a bit so let’s start adding some fences Okay I’m gonna be completely honest this second layer took me over a day it’s because uh I left the house and I just came back and finished it so yeah I went over the time limit by a lot so far I’m really curious how many cactuses I would get from only two

Layers and I haven’t built the collection system yet so all the cactuses has been uh literally litter literally the ocean littering litter littering littering the ocean so let’s grab some more Stone and now let’s smell all the stone with this new method that came out in 1.19 and Bam let’s go a

Bunch of smooth stone that was 100 legit trust me all right let’s start working on the collection system and why do I look so weird I’m swimming up water with my feet with my toes So with all these holes that the cactus fall out of they’re gonna land into this big water stream that’ll come from here and go all the way down all the way into this stream and the collection chest will be over here somewhere that is the plan there’s probably a way easier way

To do this but come on this way is a little more fun now let’s start placing the water and this should go all the way down okay it looks pretty good and I’m kind of slowly streaming away come on come on fight the water the water might be a little too strong

Here go go go come on come on yes this is a little harder than I thought it would be all right now some water here and some water on this side now let’s put some temporary chests right here and on this side and this will just

Collect all of the cactuses for now and let’s wait here for about an hour and see how many cactuses I get I guess we’re gonna be missing these cactuses that fall over here but this will give us a good estimate be right back hello okay we’re back and let’s see oh wow wow

Wow that was one hour with only two layers of cactus farm thingies and I’m gonna build like eight more on top wow I think I’m set on cactuses for Life anyways let’s continue the grind let’s collect even more materials foreign the third layer of the cactus farm Hey yo put that down sir that’s my sand I need that let me put it back please right there right there oh god oh god wow wow wow I might not do a baby you’re here wow that would have been pretty embarrassing if I died to a baby but

Right now I’m on some pretty insane pacing right now it’s only been like 20 minutes and I’ve already completed this much of one layer so uh yeah I’m I’m picking it up a lot of picking up the speed honestly I’m not gonna be surprised if I end up finishing this

Later in one day uh I might just get distracted or something but it’s going pretty well I might be setting the world record time for the fastest ever built cactus farm layer ever in Hardcore Minecraft ever later what what did I just say I don’t really know but you

Guys are witnessing history right now let’s finish this up okay I’m getting really lazy jumping back and forth getting water so let’s make this easier for myself there’s a reason why I built myself in Iron Factory for some iron oh yeah let’s craft a bunch of buckets okay

That might be a little too many and let’s drain the ocean I’m gonna steal all the water from the ocean oh yeah this makes my life so much easier I don’t need to keep going down there grabbing water like a peasant does that ruin anything I don’t think I

Did okay for a second I thought water would destroy Cactus but oh it does I just abandoned myself to oh okay my brain is brainless I really trolled myself there and I’m out of water bruh I thought it was saving me the hassle honestly I still gotta go back down here

And grab water I’m a loser okay now let’s come down here and oh wow we have a lot of cactuses in here do I really need to build four more layers like bro I’m already set for life ah yeah I’m gonna build four more layers maybe maybe five because why not that’s

The that’s the cookie standard we have to build some insane projects in this world for every Cactus I place you must like the video so there must be at least I was just trying to get likes but I don’t think anyone’s gonna like the video now but now that I say that

Everyone’s gonna like the video so please like the video and subscribe thanks guys and now that we have all the cactuses in place we gotta wait for them to grow up like little big children and put some fences down so I can Harvest them I just

Used the little and big in the same sentence I got 500 IQ for real all right time to wait so I waited like 20 minutes and only about four cactuses I’ve grown bro so I’m guessing this is what takes me the most time building these layers so I was

Too lazy to wait so I did it myself Do you guys remember our old cactus farm yeah it was pretty bad we only have one cactus in here bro what oh my well here it is now we have completely upgraded it and revamped it and the crazy part is we’re still not done let’s continue adding even more

Layers and see how insane we can make this thing I’m getting better at this I finished all of this in 35 minutes all I gotta do is add the fences while building this I have some pretty scary encounters with some mobs loser loser yeah how does it feel now oh you lived I turned around for three seconds I’m

Getting mopped literally stop don’t blow please please okay they weren’t that scary but they’re really annoying but this time I’m actually not gonna wait for the cactuses to grow because it takes way too long and that just takes up like another hour of my day so let’s just use some dirt

And add the fences myself and if I missed a jump on this fence I’m literally gonna quit YouTube and delete my channel nah I’m just kidding There we go that is four layers complete I’m sure you guys are really sick of watching me build cactus farms over and over again because uh it’s pretty repetitive so let’s just beat this so and see how fast I can build two more layers of this cactus farm what is going

On over here this zombie literally has his head stuck in the farm bruh well I guess he’s staying there for the rest of time anyways I’m gonna try to build two more layers within two hours you think I can do it let’s see oh I’m already out

Of slabs I just remembered I need more slabs to build this thing and not only slabs that need more sand more cactuses more wood and just more hope so let’s get some more materials uh again and this probably won’t be the last time thank you foreign Cactuses I have bro and The Hoppers are just fully look at this I don’t need this much but the paint is really starting to set in now it’s a really painful building each layer it takes so long and it’s so much effort and just so mundane if that’s a word yeah guys I

Don’t think I can do it anymore it’s just so painful and this is probably gonna be the last delay I built another layer but honestly I think that’s enough cactuses for me after four full days of sweaty Cactus building I think I have more than enough cactuses for uh a rest of time at this point I’m just throwing them all the way into the ocean because like look at all this

Oh my it doesn’t stop it doesn’t stop even these Hoppers are full and it’s just pouring cactuses or cacti but you guys know me I can’t leave the cactus farm looking like this and this ugly so let’s transform it so I think I’m gonna cover this entire farm with four glass

Walls so we can see the sheer scale of this entire farm that took me like five minutes to say so we can see the big I can’t talk so I think I’m just gonna cover it with food I can’t talk today so we can see the ins

So we can see the so we can see the the hole so let’s fly over into the end to grab some sand and this place still blows my mind I can’t believe I built something so cool yeah I should probably check it out but let’s come down here

And grab my unlimited sand and let’s head back into the OverWatch world and these furnaces here just isn’t enough for all this sand what should I do hmm that’s much better let’s head over to my blaze farm to see if I have enough blaze rods please please please and oh that’s

Not bad I think that should do let’s just grab let’s just grab all of it might as well this isn’t gonna be enough glass I don’t know what is because that is a lot of furnaces working right now honestly it might have gone a little too much glass maybe because of the last

Episode when I built that cactus farm I needed so much materials but let’s just see how well this goes and let’s fill up this entire farm with a glass foreign Side took like 12 stacks of glass so uh yeah I might end up running out And I just ran out of glass I actually finished up basically all four sides I’m just missing a little section and some for the top I think this is more than enough glass just for this ceiling I kind of went a little Overkill but let’s finish this up And this entire roof took a whole inventory of glass I did not think it would be that much but I totally forgot about this area the collection system area and I’m already out of glass I know a very secret trick in Minecraft though that would get you unlimited glass all

You have to do is stand on top of a sandblock and stare at it and after five minutes you should get unlimited glass in your inventory oh nice it worked now let’s start filling it in Now I really need to fix this collection system because it’s filling up really fast and it’s starting to lag my game I keep needing to throw these out into the ocean like the last episode I was desperate for green dye and cactuses and now I’m trying to get rid of all of this

It’s too much go away so let’s actually break all of this and get rid of it because I don’t eat it I’m sorry it’s a waste but I’ll start working on a brand new collection system so I can hold all of these inside chests so my plan is to

Have like a big Cactus waterfall right here so we could just see them pour out of the sky basically just exactly like this and put the chests down here somewhere so let’s create some more space over here because I’m gonna need a lot of chests to hold all of these

Cactuses okay can somebody please tell me if I’m saying it right is it cactuses or cacti because all of my comments on the last video Everybody Was flaming me that was saying Cactus is wrong or Cactus the green spiky stuff all right and now let’s start building out the

Platform for the okay this this is really annoying I just picked up a whole inventory you have cactuses oh my God okay I really need to stop this I need to clog it up we need to make this cactus farm constipated and clog up his bowels there we go you cannot poop for

More than two days just hold it tight Farm I just spoke to a cactus farm like it was a living being I mean it technically is cactuses anyways I’ma shut up and uh just continue placing blocks down on Minecraft for a few more hours I actually don’t like how this

Part looks it’s too like Stony it’s too boring I think we should change this to something green to match with the theme of the cactuses so let’s smell some cacti or Cactus for some green dye and the only time I need green dye I don’t have any like bro honey come back here

And collect some and it’s not even enough give me uh them Cactus cactuses honestly I’m probably triggering so many people in the comments on how I pronounce cactuses or cacti I really don’t know foreign now that we finally have some concrete powder let’s replace this and see how it

Looks now let’s turn it into concrete That’s pretty satisfying I think that looks better now let’s start adding the chests to hold off these cactuses and we’re gonna need a lot of it so let’s align all of these guys with some Hoppers like that and I don’t really know how to evenly spread these two

Corners of cactuses my only idea is to like kinda do this if I could right click okay I’m missing um like that and then on this side I will have Hoppers come across like this if that makes sense so it kind of like mismatches the cactuses a bunch up in

Those Corners I don’t think any of you guys understood what I just said I’m hoping that would do something I I really don’t know it probably won’t but we shall find out and I already ran out of Hoppers nice well bam and let’s finish up this collection system

And now let’s connect The Hoppers up like that now let’s just cover up all of this mess with some uh green concrete yep just pretend nothing is behind wait what am I doing I totally forgot the plan I wanted I wanted it to look like the cactuses were falling oh no all

Right I totally messed up my plan let’s uh Delete all of this and let’s redo this entire thing so like I said earlier I want the cactuses to flow down like it’s a waterfall so let’s put some slabs right here and I need them to split

Evenly so let’s put a water block right here I think that will work so if a cactus piece Falls right here it should move oh um okay that block just okay I think it would do so now let’s make it loop around a little bit like this then bring

It up another water stream and then the chests will be on the sides here I guess so first off let’s build up these walls so it’s a bit more organized and I know what I’m sort of doing Foreign elevator so let’s quickly build this and it’s basically going to be the same exact design as my slime farm which I thought was really cool so let’s put more glass here actually instead of slabs so we have more visibility on what’s going on put a sign there sign

Here and build up these Glass Walls let’s put a water bucket down and some kelp break it down and now we got a water elevator and now let’s just put a bunch of Hoppers like this and now fill in this water so I’m not making a giant

Mess and that should work I hope now let’s repeat the same thing on the other side let’s expand this platform and I think the only thing I need to do now is add the chests and I’m hoping I can put a lot of chests in these two areas because

I’m pretty sure These Are Gonna Fill Up extremely quickly that’s one section and that’s the next now for The Hoppers last thing to do is cover this part up so no cactuses fly out and finally let’s give it a test let’s come in here and unclog

The digestive system you can now poop as much as you want to let all the cactuses flow and I think it’s working cactuses are pouring down and they come over here go up the water elevator and into these chests I love it we got ourselves a cactus Waterfall oh that’s not a cactus

Where’d you come from is my boy Gordon over here have a baby but now let’s take some concrete powder and hide all of these Hoppers so the entire thing looks a lot cleaner just like that and since we have this big green blob right here I think it’d be pretty funny and creative

To just add a bunch of random spikes and this will just imitate it looking like a cactus what do you guys think it’s not bad but now let’s do some final details like adding a log border all around the cactus farm oh yeah that definitely makes it look a lot better and cleaner

Now let’s add one more right here oh perfect just to cover up these planks I think it’ll look better with some logs just right now is looking a little bit boring and blocky so I got a bunch of stairs and slabs and let’s try to spice

It up a little bit let’s try to land in this corner and try to make it look a little better and I think something as simple as that makes it look so much better let’s do it on this side now and let’s add a few things to all of the other Corners as

Well and I think it’ll be a lot easier if I do these Corners now rather than later because it was a it was a pretty big pain to tried to do them after I built these uh filler things so yeah I think that that makes my life a lot easier Foreign And finally the entire cactus farm is complete producing me millions and millions of cactuses that I don’t really need I built a giant Warden and Hardcore Minecraft and I even trapped the real Warden inside of it so I’m gonna have to collect a whole bunch of different blocks from everywhere in Minecraft for

A total of 19 unique blocks but there’s just one block that I haven’t laid my hands on yet and that is the skulk Block in the Asian City and I’m not gonna lie that place scares me a little bit but before we do that let’s clear out an area for the warden

Now let’s start building an outline for the warden sort of looks like the warden right okay not really don’t worry by the end of this video this Warden will be so detailed and it’ll look amazing now it’s time to start collecting some materials to build this Warden let’s first start

Off by getting the easy materials foreign So here are the materials I have so far now let’s move on to the harder materials to collect like dark prism Marina I think you get that in the ocean monument and I’m not really good at raiding these things um I’m not really sure what these guys

Really do but I’m just gonna fly in here and grab as many as I can and just see how it goes honestly it might not be the okay yep I already got money fatigue oh no this isn’t good okay I need to get out of here

No this is good this is not good I should have prepared that was a little dangerous um well boys job is done I got myself three blocks of dark prismarine that’s all I need all right let’s grab a whole bunch of photos of undying that is a lot and

Let’s go back here okay I already got mining fatigue let’s grab a bunch of milk buckets and now I’m ready oh there’s a bunch inside here okay that’s perfect there’s less of those Squidward looking guys to attack me in here Oh where did all these Squidwards come from was there six looking at me okay let’s run and let’s just try to collect as many dark personally as I can before I die oh my okay that’s a big daddy I don’t want to deal with him I’m gonna be

Honest I don’t even know what an ocean Monument is for other than to be drained out because that’s all I see on YouTube everybody drains this thing out from the ocean let’s fly over to the next one and collect some more blocks and this OSHA Monument was a little more difficult oh

My God okay oh oh my drown right here my drowned okay I need to get out of here okay that was pretty painful and in order to build this Warden I’m gonna need a lot of wool and after harvesting all of these sheep again I don’t think this is good enough

So I ended up breeding all of them to have babies and even with all of these babies it still wasn’t good enough so I found some more sheep all right come home guys join the family let’s go they don’t even fit jump through the chest so

Let’s go and you guys go and let’s breed all of these new sheep up and let’s start harvesting even more wool and after about two hours of harvesting and breeding my sheep farm this is what it looks like now yeah I got a lot of sheep

In here now and it gets me a lot of wool which I really need to build this ward in and for all of my future projects but now let’s move on to the more mysterious and difficult block to get the skulk block the first thing we need to do is

Find myself in ancient city okay what are the chances that I just go into this Ravine that randomly found straight down and hit an ancient city or what are the chances here um okay no ancient city yet let’s continue digging no Diamonds though and nothing I thought

A dream can do it I could do it too but I’m not a dream and after countless hours of searching I finally found it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I found it I’m scared I I okay all right

Let’s go in I know you gotta be quiet but how quiet do you need to be just run let’s just run and see okay um what are those noises I’ve never done this before I’m scared what are those things what are these why are they waving at me I don’t think anything is

Happening when I’m making these noises so oh wait I think I should be scared of that thing what if I just uh oh I got goosebumps oh no my legs are tingling right now but I’m only here for one thing and that is to collect myself some skunk blocks so that is exactly

What I did before I go though I should at least see him right like I’ve never seen him before so what do I do to summon him do I just make noises I think the warden is scared of me you can’t hear me you can’t see me you can’t see

Me you can’t see me you can’t see me you can’t smell me I smell good just walk by me walk by me um hello we are friends right we are good friends see we’re just friends right we’re just friends oh oh he gave me a smooch wow that’s oh my God

Oh oh my God why’d I get more scared of a creeper than that guy I have no idea how I’m gonna trap the warden inside this Warden later on I’m really gonna have to grow some big balls or something but let’s finally start building the warden and let’s start off with building

The feet for him I’m probably gonna mess this up really badly but I’m just uh gonna try my best here so I think sign concrete goes here let’s put some of these skulk blocks bam some more Scion and some concrete up here now back here let’s put some more skulk like that and

The warden is pretty dark so let’s use a bunch of black wool to make out the leg and let’s just randomly put like some skulk blocks like there and there or something let’s fill him up pause and let’s continue building until we get to the bottom of the arm right here so

Let’s go all the way around with some more wool and add some more details to the front Okay that’s not bad it looks pretty good so far now let’s repeat the same exact thing on the other leg hey come on that looks pretty good and honestly I’m not sure why I still have

So many told items in my inventory I’m still scared and I want to be safe you never know he might get me out here anyways let’s finish up these legs and then start building the arms All right I built half of the arm and let’s see how it looks oh that’s not bad that’s not bad it looks kind of weird with this dirt here let’s just remove that and if I fill this in with some signed concrete instead of just air it

Will look a lot better hey there we go I feel like we’re about 20 done the warden and is looking not bad just surprising because I’m a terrible Builder okay now I’m moving on to a whole new block palette which I’m not really used to look at this difference this is kind

Of hard to build I think I put jungle wood here and then strip them yeah this doesn’t look right at all but hopefully it comes out looking all right I’m totally messing this up what am I doing I what oh I okay it goes like this and

Then sandstone and then a bone block then sandstone and then Birch more Sandstone uh sandstone and Bone yeah this is very difficult it’s gonna look amazing when the video is done though trust me Okay I think that’s the front side of the arm all complete and I can’t even tell if that looks right or not but let’s just pretend it is and start working on the other sides Oh I messed up here oh no I’m supposed to be one block lower than this um why do I always mess something up let’s see if this part is messed up or not I really hope it isn’t so it goes skulk black needs some concrete powder here

And black black skulk and black okay so I messed up this part where did I go wrong I just break this entire thing and redo this part the pain there we go this side is perfect and finally for the back end my favorite part And now for the top of the arm and there we go that is the entire left arm of the ward incomplete and building just this of the warden took almost all of my materials I literally don’t have any black wool left and yeah I still have a

Lot more to go so I spent the next hour Gathering even more materials foreign To you guys look at them they’re all hairless uh anyways and finally I got enough black wool to continue building again and trust me when I say this no squids were harmed ever in the making of all this black wool trust me like nobody was harmed at all

And now let’s continue working on the last arm well I guess the warden only has two arms so I guess the the only lot the never mind All right all we need left is the top of the arm and the bottom let’s quickly finish that up and there we have the arms complete I think we’re almost halfway done we just need the Torso and the head which is gonna be the most detailed and the most

Works so we’re actually probably not even close to halfway done oh man it’s looking good though it’s looking good I can’t wait till we trap the actual Warden inside that would be pretty cool anyways the rest of the build will take a lot of black wool and I’m already

Running low on it and constantly killing all of these squid it makes me feel pretty bad so I’m gonna change this so I’m actually gonna make a very quick squid farm so let’s get rid of this garbage put it back into the ocean let’s grab some glass some slabs and some

Fence gates and now let’s just use this random river right here this should work yep I do see some squids right there and let’s build out right into the middle of it now let’s build out a 9×9 square right in the middle of the river here if

I could even place my clock at the right bruh there we go Minecraft stresses me off sometimes now that we have this little platform let’s remove every second block so it looks like a checkerboard or a giant hashtag kinda like this and now let’s put a three

Block wide platform on every side like this and fill it in and now for the challenging part I need to remove all the water underneath that big glass platform which means you gotta drain the ocean once again how do I manage to drain the ocean in every single episode

That literally took me so long to say how does every video have to why am I required Do I even know English at this point Bro please leave me alone whose idea was the ad drowned into the game they are so useless look at all these Trident me trying to hit me as I’m trying to build I’m actually gonna lose brain cells or you don’t even want to go into the farm

Don’t you buddy don’t worry I’m gonna be farming your family soon oh my please leave me alone I need to get an Advil my my head is hurting I’m I’m hoping okay all right let’s start the pain of draining the ocean again oh so much fun [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign Ly all the water is drained out and now let’s just simply remove all of this dirt and luckily for me this Lake was really deep already so I don’t need to dig into the ground Thank God now I need to place a fence gate underneath every single hole so hopefully that is lined

Up it should be and let’s do the same thing for every hole like this bam and make a giant grid let’s put some blocks on top of these Gates and now even more gates yeah this might be the messiest thing I’ve ever built but let’s remove all these

Temporary blocks and open all of these fence gates up somehow there’s no chance I’m gonna be opening all of them there’s just way too many and it’s screwing with my eyes okay what in the world did I just build now I need to dig even lower

To Y level 29 so I guess building this platform is kind of useless and I am way too lazy to mine all of this by hand so I built another Beacon so now it makes my life a lot easier but I don’t need a mind by a hand so it didn’t really

Change much it just made my life a little bit easier Just need to make the collection system let’s put it right over here some Hoppers like that and let’s bring it all the way down Now the final thing I need to do is put some water in these slots and it should work oh uh oh let me just remove this giant Beacon that’s uh slightly in the way now let’s put the water buckets down and I’m hoping they land in those Pockets right

There and they don’t flow okay it looks good oh I got invisible water what what hello Minecraft come on now oh there there we go wow I actually didn’t mess this up wait I missed one oh wow I actually didn’t mess this up I did something right for once mom nice but

Now all I need to do is come down here and just AFK and Squids should be falling from the sky like cloudy chance of meatballs and just fall down on this platform and give me free ink sacks please any day now I did hear if you built 120 blocks up it should help

Increase spawn rate so let’s try it [Applause] all right let’s sit up here and AFK why are there squids spawning beside it and not inside okay I please tell me I don’t need to drain this entire thing please I don’t want to drain that I think I made a giant mistake building this in a big

Big river I’m still gonna have to get here and wait to see if I get any ink sacks all right let’s go check how many squids I got now let’s come down here oh I gotta be kind of careful and um what the heck Bruh Bruh can you guys just spawn in

Here please well I guess you gotta Resort back to killing squid manually because I can’t be asked to build this again in a different area like that’s way too much I built another squid farm and to make it even worse I even drained out sections of this River to increase

Spawn race just a little bit and so far I haven’t seen any squids yet so let’s fly up to this little glass platform I made up here and please work please please please oh yes oh my God we did it we got squids let’s go down here and see

How many ink sacks I got oh my God I don’t even have a totem on I should be careful let’s come down here and oh yes yes we only have 62. and after nine hours of pain building the squid farm and draining out this River I finally

Have unlimited squids to make black die and turn it into black wool all right let’s get back to work on this Warden I start building his torso And the big reveal oh my God the warden is coming he is coming it’s really starting to look like it I can’t wait till we get the head ready and the little horns this is gonna be insane all right let’s start working on the back of

The Torso and then we work on the sweet head Hey yo how did a lush blog get inside the warden’s arm what what how did that happen Edmond muscle went in the depths of Earth to get that and put it into the warden that’s pretty crazy finally the Torso is officially complete and the only thing left is to build the warden’s

Head and the cool little horns or ears he’s got and I’m not even sure why I collected two stacks of light blue terracotta I only need one block of this and it goes on the left side of his forehead I guess the ward has a pimple on his forehead I’m also finally gonna

Use more light blue wool they only have one block right there in his chest it might be one of his nipples or something And my first ever light blue terracotta and the only one ever to be placed down that’s an accomplishment but I’m getting pretty close to finishing the warden’s face I just need to build his giant forehead or his six head and I should be done and then we get to trap him I’m excited Yo my first light blue wool that’s a big milestone and actually I lied I do use light blue terracotta once more and two more times over there I think look at that he’s growing pimples on the top of his head imagine another label wool here A bunch of cyan concrete around it and

Another piece of light blue terracotta and one here now let’s fill everything in and I think I should be done the entire Warden except the horns let’s go check it out a big reveal for the fifth time in this video yo yo yo that is so sick come on guys

That is amazing I see what it looks like in the daytime and yep that is so sick the very last thing we need to do now is build the little ears or horns let’s first start working on the left side so I think I gotta come down here and build three

Skulk blocks like this one under here one on top of that let’s push some dark prismarine and then some more skulk let’s do some planks and it’ll go up one block here I really hope I’m building this right I I’m probably screwing this up really bad

Um bring one down here and then kind of bring it up like that honestly I don’t even know what I am doing or building at all so we shall see if this turns out nice let’s come down here and right underneath this block let’s put some

Light blue wool and I think these are the final blocks bam I don’t want to look at it yet and I won’t show you guys yet let’s work on the other side first and let’s have a grand reveal of the warden when we’re done Okay and for the eighth time the biggest reveal in Minecraft history the new fully built warden in Minecraft oh my God if this isn’t the best thing you’ve ever seen I don’t know what is look how realistic he looks that is insane wait I think we have a problem why does this

Ear look a little taller than the other you guys see that as well this one’s a little taller it doesn’t look right it should be four blocks down from the top oh oh no it’s uh it’s three blocks it’s supposed to be four it would just leave

It or do I go through the pain of fixing it so I fixed it anyways now that the warden build is complete and it looks amazing and all that’s still not good enough we gotta go one step further and trap a warden inside of here that would

Be pretty cool oh no oh no there’s a lot of creepers in here oh how what do I do what do I do okay I should be safe here get me oh let’s go dig a giant hole to the ancient city so this is where my

Base is right now and all the way over here is where the warden lives in the ancient city that is a distance of over 2 500 blocks and after talking to my good friend sandiction he told me that the best way to transport and trap the

Warden is to do it underground in the tunnel so let’s get to work and start over here by the warden let’s dig down and I’m pretty sure the warden is two by three blocks tall and why what a chunky guy so I need to make the tunnel pretty

Chunky anyways let’s start mining 2 500 blocks away oh that’s gonna be painful What the what the okay I I I I I I I don’t know my brain just went idle for a second there Okay I’ve been mining for about two hours and my pickaxe is just about to break we have gone a very far away and we’re still 2 000 blocks out this is insane all right let’s get right back to mining oh man this could literally be an entire separate video of me trapping the

Word but instead I’m doing it in this video so you guys better like And subscribe because uh I’m going through a lot of pain okay I have finally made it to the ancient city and we got a long dark tunnel to transport this Warden I

Have all of my totems and I think I’m ready to go I don’t think I can be any more prepared so let’s summon the warden oh god let’s try to get this guy the spawn oh no the darkness has appeared trying to make some more noise I think

The warden is scared of me to be honest like I’m the cookie God and we got the entire cookie Army oh okay come on Daddy why did I just call him that okay it was over there why are you scared of me oh I think I angered him oh my God he’s fast

Why is his head bombing like that was he a bobble head okay he’s coming oh my God Google oh I can’t even see him my hands are literally sweating Palms are weak knees are heavy oh this is a good okay please don’t give me slowness please don’t give me slowness okay you’re gonna

Pass them oh I should have lit this up and he’s just gonna ramble through them I do have a lead on him so this is good let’s keep this distance from him okay this isn’t too bad it looks like he’s like injured oh why’d he turn around are

You loose side of me oh I probably should put my name tag on him though so he doesn’t despawn um yeah I do have a name tag in my shoulder let’s quickly do this so where is it right there and how am I supposed to do this okay let’s try

To block him off here maybe like that you break blocks I don’t think he can oh my God look at him let’s try to walk up to him it might have been a good idea to bring some golden apples okay let’s put my chest plate on Just for this okay let’s

Try to right click this on him oh yep yep yep he’s he’s not happy I really don’t know what to do guys what if I trap him like this and I’m not sure if he can hit me through walls or anything oh yeah I guess you can I guess he can oh okay

Um oh my God oh oh this is not good this is not good my God this is not good guys um that was the most unorganized thing ever yeah let’s just forget about the name tag Oh my god look how cute he is just jumping up the stairs oh my name tag says otherwise okay we have made it cookie overreacting in three two one you monkey oh my God I didn’t overreact you guys oh okay he’s right there look at this head bopping right there his head just

Popping right out of the ground that’s so funny hello Warden meet yourself so now I kind of want to like fly right by him and then give him the name tag and this would be the best way to name him or he doesn’t despawn I think so let’s

Fly here give it that to him why why so now he shouldn’t be able to despawn because he’s named so let’s go grab myself some more totems so my idea is to trap him inside the crotch of the warden because that’s just where he belongs so

Let’s mine out the crotch and put some glass right here just like that and from down below that is exactly what we’re gonna see the warden just chilling right there so now let’s build him a little home And right in the corner let’s put one light blue terracotta because that’s gonna be his pimple in his home so I don’t really have a good idea on how to bring him down here without putting myself in danger so let’s make a big vertical tunnel and just drop them from

The top and this is kind of funny because it seems like he’s being born again you know like he’s being like dropped out of the pool all right let’s put some trap doors here so we’ll trick him into falling in I hope let’s block that off here so he can’t come reach me

And I can just run this way just in case now let’s start building out the staircase to bring that guy up here the ugly boy okay I got the staircase built and before I do anything with this Warden let’s grab some golden apples and also build a beacon with regeneration

And resistance okay now I don’t really know what the best way is to get him out of there oh don’t really want to go near him because he’s definitely gonna Sonic boomi or whatever and do a lot of damage to me so I think I might just fish him

Out of there if he stops hiding so let’s put a fishing rod down here it hit him oh my God I didn’t think I’ve thrown that High um I think I could just simply go on top of these stairs here and he’ll just follow me get my bow and arrow out

And maybe he would just follow the arrow noises and come over here to the beacon let’s get a totem in my hand just in case I’m kind of scared I have no idea where he is right now oh he knows where I am though let’s get

On top of the head and oh my God he’s in the forest hey Follow the arrow noises please let’s hit him and try to make him walk up the stairs let’s hit him a few more times okay you hit me didn’t do any damage and

He fell he fell oh okay oh hit me again okay there’s Golden Apple in the regen is doing really good let’s Chomp another one down and I really don’t have a way out of here I probably just thought this through what’s the best way to get out

Okay let’s just mine out of here like that that was super hectic let’s just break these trap doors and cover him up with some black wool go over here and just get out and now if we go down here we can see him just chilling he could

Probably hit me through there though so I want I should be yep I should be careful I guess we’re never gonna have a good view of him well there he is the ugly boy in all his glory the very last thing I want to do is transform the

Ground to make it look like the ancient city so fill it up with a bunch of skulk so the Overworld looks infected now let’s add some of these catalysts around I really don’t know what they do they just look kind of cool is that some of these freaky sensors and the warden is

Officially complete with the warden trapped inside so I have one Warden trapped already and he’s right over here trapped in between his own legs which is kind of weird oh look could you imagine what 100 trapped wardens would look like so here’s the plan I remind out a giant

Tunnel that’s over 2500 blocks long that goes from my base all the way to the nearest ancient city and I use this tunnel system to transport one Warden over here now imagine if I transport 100 wardens this is gonna be an insane project so before we trap the wardens

Let’s build their home in this giant cave so this doesn’t happen while I’m building and there’s no way I’m gonna mine the entire area by hand so uh there we go Say Goodbye Oh God okay oh my god oh what I thought the explosion would be

A lot bigger and he didn’t die are you kidding me he’s still alive okay I see how it is now you asked for it bam yeah if you survive this you can officially be my dad and Bam and I was actually watching this explosion I don’t

Think it’s gonna be that big hey I got some diamonds though that’s for the next hour blowing up this entire cave to make enough room for 100 Wardens oh God I’m gonna die wow it almost burned to death and this is what it looks like the TNT left a

Nice little pillar right in the middle so I decided to leave it this is exactly where 100 wardens will be living next up I’m gonna need a lot of skulk and I’m kind of afraid to explore this ancient city we’re breaking this block alert this thing

Yes it will yeah let’s just get out of the ancient city and collect my skulk somewhere else Oh God I did not mean to spawn that guy oh no oh no time to get out so the first thing I want to do is cover this entire area with some grass blocks and I know grass doesn’t seem that fitting for a warden’s home trust me I’m gonna try to

Transition the grass into skulk and make it look super cool but first let’s cover up the floor with some grass so I got the entire grass floor laid out now and it’s pretty small but I want all 100 wardens to be kind of tight and cramped but now let’s start working on

Some Western styled homes right over here and as I was building the frame for the first home the skeleton kept annoying me yeah go away you loser I first started working on the deck of the house and then started working on building up the pillars once that was

Done I started building some very Advanced windows then started working on the second floor it looked pretty good I think ah I’m a bad Builder I thought there was too much Oak plank so I started adding some oak logs and stripping them and it looked a lot better Then I started working on the next house and all of these houses will have a different style And I finally finished the second house and you might be thinking the western style homes and the grass doesn’t match what a warden would live in but trust me I’m gonna add some skulk later in the video and I’m gonna make the entire place look infested kind of giving some

Stranger things Vibes anyways let’s start working on the homes over in this corner There we go we got a small little house right here and there’s been a bigger one over here And there we go this might be my favorite house out of all four of these what do you guys think now let’s add some finer details like some hay blocks in these Corners to cover it up so the wardens cannot Escape having a warden escape and roam around your base seems

Kind of scary let’s try to make it look a little more natural by adding some you sleep behind the hay and I want these houses to look a little more real and not just a flat front so let’s finish up the walls around here so it looks like

It’s actually a house and really it’s not and one of the last things I want to add is sort of a little train track up here at the very top so let’s add some andesite I think that’s a good block to use and all I need to do now is add some

Little slabs every second block and there we go since there’s a cool Cave opening right here I feel like it would be pretty cool if there was like a water stream coming down so let’s just slap it down right here and see how big it spreads I’m really hoping it just stops

Somewhere I don’t want it too big of a water stream let’s just mind this please please please stop here please stop there please stop please stop wow I’m clutch I’m so clutch and The Last Detail I want to add before adding some skulk blocks are some barrels is make a butt

Ton of these all the wood I got and let’s just slap them over in this corner right here and over here let’s also cover up this empty space with some deep slate now let’s finally start changing up the grass into some skulk blocks and start making this place look infested and I

Have some pretty cool ideas like adding some leaves to these western homes which I haven’t done in any of my builds recently so let’s put a bunch of these around and what I want to do is kind of make it look like it’s being transitioned and I think adding some

Actual green Vines would be cool so let’s just grab some of these and try to make it look like it’s being transitioned a little bit from the skulk veins to the green Vines foreign I think that’s a really nice touch it kind of makes the house look pretty ugly

But that’s exactly what the wardens are so it’s a perfect fit don’t worry I bro I got even more ideas and I can even take it one step further by changing up these blocks into some deep slate so it looks like the ancient city a little bit

And it just makes it look like the entire house is being infested I think that’s a pretty nice touch it is pretty ugly though I would admit that but let’s work on the western houses later and focus on the ground here and let me just test something if you put a skull

Catalyst down and if you take a random mob I guess the slime’s only test subject come on buddy and I heard if you kill a mob beside it oh it spreads now let’s start placing some skunk blocks and make the ground look infected now that the floor is done let’s start

Transforming some of these homes and replace these Logs with some polished deep slate some over here and some of these locks have some deep slate bricks [Applause] and now for the leaves So I have one house left and I’m not gonna lie oh these leaves and Vines make this place look very ugly it just covers up the entire house with like poo but I have to do it let’s finish up this final house okay I think the entire area is complete

And ready for the 100 wardens to be crammed inside of here all I need to do now is build a thick glass wall right here to separate the wardens from myself and now let’s start building the Great Wall of glass protect myself from the Wardens All been waiting for let’s start transporting all 100 wardens from the ancient city over to here but before I head over to Asian City let’s quickly build a small wrestle machine or make a bunch of noise and I’m hoping this will attract the warden from there over to Here Without

Me doing anything that way I have a less chance of dying it is pretty annoying though now let’s start the process of transporting the wardens I do want the tunnel to go right into the ancient city though so that means we have to remind half of the tunnel let’s start the pain

Once again okay this is taking a while whoa bam okay let’s get it started let’s try to explore it I might have spawned the word in already please don’t spawn okay we’re good let’s just walk up here and see what’s inside that chest okay that wasn’t too loud

There’s wool here so I could run oh my God two enchanted golden apples that was very lucky oh I see one over there let’s make it run for it oh wait there’s two and what block is this why does it look like there’s a creeper face on it I

Break it this is oh chiseled I’m done okay this has oh okay well I should probably have a totem on um that would be pretty safe to have let’s piss him off actually and let’s go towards my tunnel oh God this is so scary I cannot see anything oh there’s so many noises

Hello oh he’s right there all right buddy come to me hey I’m sorry okay we have the first Warden all we gotta do is transport him like 2 000 blocks oh God I did not fix that path I’m sorry oh God why didn’t you get in

My way okay we have finally made it come on buddy and faster Daddy come on all right and let’s just try to fly away hopefully he gets targeted by the sound is he still on me oh no we gotta Ward it on the loose now no he’s seeing me

Through the wall he was supposed to go to the sound okay let’s go back here then um now he’s underneath the entire thing oh God what do I do now okay I need to build a quick pathway I have no idea where he is but let’s make a

Staircase up um while he’s gone let’s just build a little railing so they can’t get loose again like that and let’s fly over here oh he’s right there come to me hello I think his computer froze why do you just stop I’m right in

Front of you ah there we go oh my God let me fly up here I don’t think he could reach me up here come on man use your brain please oh God okay watch your golden apple this is harder than I thought guys oh okay let’s put another

Totem on I really need him to come this way oh he’s here he’s here come inside please okay he’s in now if I fly away I’m hoping he gets targeted to the trap door and the Piston so let’s fly far away oh wait he could despawn right now oh god

Let’s grab my name tag he would be ugly boy V2 and where’s he hiding is that him oh he found a home already let’s eat one of these let’s fly down take that oh go go and there we go we got ugly boy V2 just sniffing around his new home oh god

Oh no he’s gonna find his way out isn’t he no oh are you kidding me okay he found his way out oh oh my okay well I got him back in and now redesigned this part so he can’t climb back out now let’s repeat the same exact process and

Collect 99 more this is gonna be painful all right I got the second Warden oh God he’s catching him oh God oh God oh God oh my God this one’s quicker this guy’s quicker he’s got some legs oh my God how how’s he still reaching me here he comes

Oh we think I came quick just around the corner okay I’m pretty sure it’ll be easy for him to get in now cause I fixed up that area and is he oh he’s in let’s go and that guy’s focused on the Piston it honestly looks like that Warden has a

Three IQ he’s just so focused on that piston but now let’s grab a name tag so this guy doesn’t despawn oh I forgot a name tag well he’s probably gonna despawn but let’s try to go quickly grab one I have 10 right here and let’s come up with some very unique names

Yep there we go perfect please don’t despawn are you still here oh he’s still here nice yeah I’m lucky because I built this pretty close to my base come down here and I don’t even know what to say I just got very scared now we have ugly

Boy V2 and three and it looks like they’re pretty good friends now and they’re both fascinated by the moving trap doors but it takes me around 12 minutes to walk from the ancient city all the way home and if I want to move 98 more wardens over here that will take me approximately

1176 minutes or 20 hours of running well uh wish me luck I’m not excited for this okay can I name him right oh I did okay that’s the third guy that might be the easiest way to name them let’s try to hit him with an arrow

Oh I got him oh hit him again I don’t think he’s gonna be happy with that and let’s start running for another 12 minutes don’t worry by the end of this video having 100 wardens trapped would be amazing just keep watching this see how insane it will be okay I should have

The third Warden trapped inside here I hope okay yep he’s in there and he really wants me hello sir I’m not scared of you anymore you can’t do anything to me you know why because I’m trapping your entire family and your ancestors and your next future generation of

Children oh okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s a warden without arms isn’t that funny looking and here he comes welcome to the family that makes a total of four trapped wardens ow here comes the fifth welcome to the family I’m

Wondering is there’s like an unlimited amount of awarded just chilling underground ready to climb out like this is like the sixth guy I think and they just keep coming they don’t stop let’s go buddy we don’t go out all day let’s get some more name tags and let’s

Continue this madness come on stinker and here comes stinker ready to stink up the entire room here’s the ninth okay we have just passed 10 wardens trapped I feel like that’s already a world record in Minecraft history but we’re gonna times that by another 10. but I read a

Lot of your comments from my previous video and you guys just told me to put down some skulk streakers and spawn it in from here and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work like that like if I place this down and make as much noise as I

Can a warden will never spawn it has to be in the right biome I wish it was this easy it would literally save me 18 more hours of my life this guy will be named hi hello okay I need to go in here run I

Need a run get him get him get him get up this guy will be Preston next up we got Nestor all right we got our boy sandiction ugly as ever oh wow he was not happy I said that because our boy Mr breast right here always wanted to meet you all right that

Makes 15 trapped wardens I can’t wait to see what a hundred trapped wardens would look like I need to go grab some more name tags because I already ran out the best way to get name tags is to trade some Librarians I think what is going on

What is happening in here what what yeah I’ve seen enough let’s give some of these guys some jobs let’s grab some emeralds and let’s continue trading with these guys until I get the name tag trade there we go that was pretty quick there we go we have 85 more name tags

This might be the stupidest idea I’ve ever had in my life it’s gonna be insane though once I’m done well let’s continue this madness and start collecting even more Wardens oh God and 20 finally so is this what you guys imagine all right all right all

Right as I was saying is this what you guys imagine 20 wardens would look like that is very weird oh God look at them chase me how do they smell me through walls what all right let’s name this guy Jax and this is definitely the best Warden just because his name is Jax

We got Bob here we got ourselves a Kamal got ourselves a cross-eyed I would like you guys to meet idiot we got a five head right here dinner bone but I misspelled bone so now is dinner bone in Lexi we got Thomas idiot and mac and

Just a progress update this is what 30 wardens looks like all trapped and going crazy over a piston and a trapdoor and trapping those 10 extra wardens took me about 2 hours and 30 minutes this might be the most painful thing I’ve ever done in my life but we’re not stopping anytime soon This is probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done we are halfway there with 50 warnings trapped my ears right now are just being molested by all these wardens well like I said we’re only halfway there Foreign 70th Warden and I got kind of lit oh my a guy is very aggressive I was gonna say I got lazy with his name yeah just look at it but there we have it 70 trapped wardens oh that guy’s aggressive we are getting very close to having a

World record honestly it’s already a world record I can guarantee that we only have 30 name tags left and they’re just having a mosh pit over there that’s hilarious I wonder how long I can survive just being in the middle of that honestly I I don’t even want to try this

Is pretty crazy now let’s play a little game let’s see how fast I can trap one Warden let’s name this guy Willie and starting now dude wait what where’d he go okay that doesn’t count that doesn’t count to the added time like I just left you didn’t

Want to be trapped I guess word is spreading around I’m trapping their nephews and cousins and everything okay he’s spawning this calling Willy and let’s go come on we don’t go all day really Willy Wonka let’s go let’s get those legs moving buddy oh my okay yeah he wants to

Move wait that’s pretty genius you give me a speed boost oh okay never mind come on we gotta break the record and this part is the slowest part because he kind of bounces his big broad shoulders against the walls because he’s just so chunky come on man hurry up you know how

You could hit a horse to make the move faster could I do that with the warden like come on buddy let’s go oh yep I think it works I should have brought a speed boost potion or something or made the entire ground ice because that would

Make my life so much easier I’ve been transporting these wardens for over 10 hours already okay we’re almost there we just passed the amethyst geode and that tells me we’re close come on really you got this everybody type let’s go Willy in the comments oh my God the amount of noise over here

Come on really yes oh he has made it I can’t really see him making it but I’m sure he made it to pause the time and that only took 6 minutes and 30 seconds that is half the time it normally takes to transport these guys oh God I made a

Mistake I made a mistake you guys can’t hurt me I’m your father I brought you here this new beautiful home I am your daddy respect me oh okay okay yep I see how it is but this is already pure chaos but it’s gonna get even crazier because we still need to

Transfer 30 more wardens and this took me around three to four more hours but eventually I got left with the final ward in I needed a transport and right here I have the final guy and I’m gonna call him final Frank here you go that was a little dangerous that is the 100th

Warden let’s get him in here let’s fly over here and it seems like he has walked in I know Frank yeah it is there we have it we have officially broken the record for the most wardens trapped in Minecraft but let’s just say the last 30 wardens the Trap wasn’t the easiest

Thing to do oh my okay oh leave me alone leave me you can’t touch me boy oh yep I take that back oh I’m getting stuck on the wall oh what what what what what what did I just run into what but after all that pain the final thing I

Need to do is decorate this entire place and make a nice viewing area so I can sit back and watch all 100 wardens so this is gonna be a pretty difficult way to build this because I’m always gonna be making noise and I don’t think the

Wardens are a big fan of this I do want to add a nice wool layer so I can make the most minimal noise as possible while I view all of the wardens like a zoo oh my God this is gonna be very difficult let’s just fly away so they de aggro me

Did it work I feel like it didn’t work yeah uh very evidently oh god oh that is not good that is not good okay place as many as I can I need to remove all of these blocks here I don’t think they’re that happy none of

Them has attacked me yet which is a really good sign this might be the scariest thing I’ve ever done I transport in the wardens wasn’t that bad but building beside 100 wardens is a little freaky now let’s put a little wood contrast border right here on this

Path this part I gotta do as fast as possible right here okay I need to leave I need to leave and while I was building this I had to be very careful so yeah my heart was racing pretty bad how does he know I didn’t make any noise yet how out of all

99 wardens this guy’s woke he has the eyes he has been mutated to have eyes I swear I didn’t make any noise yet so I brought down the wool path a little bit but all these blocks are in the way so I have a pretty bad idea that might make

Me lose the entire hardcore world you won’t know until we find out okay if that blows a hole into that glass we are really screw so please don’t so far so good this could end very badly if one TNT flies into that wall okay I think so

Far we’re good and I think the wardens have gone deaf because they don’t hear this TNT blowing up right beside them which is kind of funny because hearing is their strongest sense since I was safe for continue blowing up the cave just trying to be a little more careful

Because if I have a hundred wardens get released into my hardcore world everything will be over now that the entire area is more cleared out let’s continue decorating since my home is on that pathway up there let’s start building a quick staircase out of wool

And now we have a safe path all the way down through the front of the window where I can view all of the wardens and I feel like they won’t hear me right I could just jump around make as much noise as possible yes nice and my idea

For this area is to make it feel safe and welcoming while behind the glass it feels like a laboratory where I have trapped 100 wardens and the place has been infected and I think I did a pretty good job doing that by adding some grass and some Greenery to the area it’s

Looking pretty snazzy in here the last thing I want to do is add a few pillars going from the ground up to the top of the cave here so it looks like the entire cave is being supported up in a way the main viewing area is complete

And all I gotta do now is fix up this pathway nice and that is how I trapped 100 wardens in my Hardcore Minecraft world I have a big problem I built this chest room over 20 episodes ago and it’s so full and unorganized and with all the massive projects that I build it’s

Impossible to find the items that I need so on this episode I will be building a massive automatic storage system that will collect every block in the game so let’s build the ultimate chest room right over here so the first step is to flatten the Land There we go and now I’m

Gonna need like over 2 000 chests so let’s head over to my wood factory let’s grab a butt ton of logs and let’s craft some chests I think this will do now let’s start laying out the chests for my brand new storage system so this is a storage system layout I’m

Going for and each one of these will be able four blocks tall like this there’s no chance of running out of chests right right there’s no chance I’m never gonna run out of space I’m never gonna yeah I’ll probably still run out of space so now that we have the frame for the

Storage system here’s the plan all the items inside this main area will be Auto sorted like wood Stone and dirt in this little section it will be a manual chest room for the things that can’t be Auto sorted like diamonds totems armors and tools all the items will come in from

The left side go all the way around the big area that would be Auto sorted all the things that can’t be sorted will come back to the right side so if I can count correctly there are 380 chests over here which means I need 400 Hoppers

So let’s head over to my iron Factory that was a weird noise but let’s grab a bunch of iron let’s crop up some Hoppers and this isn’t gonna be enough well those AFK my iron far for 10 hours foreign Up all of these chests with some Hoppers putting all these hoppers down is taking a pretty long time there we go now let’s start working on the automatic sorters let’s grab some Redstone some repeaters and all of that good stuff so I’m gonna be honest I don’t even remember how to build an

Automatic sorter thing I think it goes like this or oh it should be over there that looks right I think right over here I put a bunch of repeaters and then another block comparators go this way and now just line it up with redstone I’m almost certain this is the right

Design so let’s give it a quick test let’s name this smelly toes and let’s sort some stone bricks it should stop at 40 what okay it didn’t stop at 41. um yeah I think I built it wrong I think this is supposed to Face this way and I

Need another level of Hoppers up here I’m guessing so let’s try that again please stop please stop please stop please please please please please yes now if I put some stone brick in it should get sorted out right into this chest oh yeah nothing else oh my God

Call me Albert Einstein III I’m such a genius I don’t know what happened to the second Albert Einstein but all I know is my brain is massive but now I can sort every single block in Minecraft using this system so let’s continue building an auto disorder for every single one of these chests And now for the most exciting part I get to connect this side with this side and Bam that was exciting my hairs are just jumping out of my pants right now And that’s exciting So with all this Redstone now this chest room looks so much more advanced it used to be just chests and now look at it it’s getting me pretty excited I won’t have to go through all of these chests and try to find my items anymore so I

Want to build a shulker box unloader so if I put a shulker box down all the items here will be unloaded and brought up there so I never need to move my hands ever again so I’m actually gonna build the shulker unloader in the ground because I’m kind of running out of room

With all this Redstone over here let’s first start by putting two chests like that and some Hoppers let’s put on blocks here a sticky piston here uh luck and a dispenser facing downwards now let’s put a hopper here in the chest and that’s where the shulker Box will go and

I didn’t even align it right nice it’s supposed to go here there we go okay now I wanted to block higher I can’t build this right there we go now let’s add some scaffolding right here they compare there and honestly I have no idea what I’m doing so I’ll show

You what it looks like at the end and if I put this correctly it should work so let’s grab a shulker box and just fill it up with some random stuff and I put it in this chest and it should unload it okay it places it down all the items

Should be coming into here which it is then when it’s done it should break and oh wow it actually works that’s pretty exciting um okay now I need to redirect the items that go into this chest up into those Hoppers so it sorts through this entire

System and over here I want to make another chest and this one I just want to throw some items in and we’ll just go up there as well and get sorted so this is gonna take a lot of redstone work let’s first get rid of these chests and

Let’s have this Hopper go down a few levels under here like this so it doesn’t interfere with this Hopper and let’s also connect this Hopper system right into their directly in now let’s place a dropper here and right here will be the water elevator that will bring everything up into these Hoppers right

Here before I add the water though let’s clean it up a little bit that looks much better and now for the water let’s put down some kelp and it should work now the only thing I need to do is make the dropper actually drop the

Items oh yeah so let’s give it a test if I put some stone brick in this chest it should shoot out of the water stream all the way up there and get sorted right into this stone brick is loading into here and if I do the same thing with a

Shulker box let’s put some brick inside let’s put it in here should be unloading and yes yes this is probably the best thing I’ve ever created only thing I need to fix is the shulker Box Hopper and I want the shulker box chest to pop out over on this side so let’s quickly

Do that now let’s build a little Hopper system that would go underneath the ground here and this is pretty Overkill you don’t need to do this at all but I want to be fancy so I want the sugar boxes to end up in this chest let’s put

A hopper here and let’s repeat the same dropper system over here comparator a sticky piston and observer and an observer over so it should spit out some blocks perfect and this should work so let’s try it let’s load up the shulker inside the shulker unloader and while stone brick

Is being unloaded whenever this is done unloading the shulker Box should break like that and it should come over here please work please work please work come on yes and we got the sugar box on this side that is so cool and right now it looks like a mess of redstone stuff but

Don’t worry I’ll clean it up later in the video and make this entire place look amazing now that the dumb chest and the shulker Box unloader machines are complete and all working it’s time to organize all of these chests and figure out where all the items will go like

Wood stone brick and dirt so I’m gonna need a lot of item frames to categorize every single item so let’s come over here to my cow Farm I kind of forgot I had this and I only have four pieces of leather nice that’s totally enough

I also have a nice idea that involves a lot of Glowstone so let’s go grab a lot of this don’t mind me guys let me just sneak by you here and grab my glovestone Then the glowstone let’s craft some Redstone lamps my idea is to have a redstone lamp connected to every single Hopper so when I don’t travel around the hopper system you can see all the lamps light up so let’s give it a try if I throw in like a bunch of item frames

Will it light it oh it doesn’t light up why what happened oh I need to fill in all these Hoppers okay and I just realized I can’t open these chests but everything is going wrong in this video let’s change it to some slabs and let’s bring this whole design all the way around

Foreign okay I really hope this works I haven’t really tested it yet and I can’t really test it until the very end of the video once all these Hoppers are filled up so I guess you’re gonna have to wait I feel like it’s gonna look so cool though and

Now for the item frames I think I’m gonna put them on these locks right here so let’s just test it out and see how it looks okay it’s not my favorite how about up here well that kind of blocks the wrestling lamps now I guess we’re gonna have to go old-fashioned and just

Put it on the chests which isn’t terrible let’s put all the item frames down and it’s coming together quite nicely and now it’s time for the most painful and tedious part which is figuring out where all the blocks should go and be sorted this entire process took hours and hours So I finally added one block to every single chest here except for uh this one um I really don’t know what to put here but I ran into my first problem and that is I already ran out of space before I can even use my chest room because I

Practically have every single block here except for these blocks all the terracottas all the concretes all the colors all the glass like I I need a lot of room for these so I think it’s already time to expand this chest room Foreign Before I finish uh clearing this place up let’s give it a test I really want to see all these Redstone lamps later so let’s put some grass blocks in here and it should go to this chest and oh my God look at it look at it that’s so awesome

Wait oh there we go it’s such a little detail but it just makes me happy I get to see where the blocks end up and it should stop right there oh wow oh yeah this this gets me really excited for some reason now let’s try some deep

Slate it should go all the way to this chest so why am I so fascinated by lights just turning on I’m actually a child and stop it works well that’s good news now let’s continue removing the Earth So I ended up digging a way bigger hole so I can fit all of the auto sorters and all I need to do is bring this Hopper like this and then straight down which I believe should work and now I need to build the layout for this chest room

Down here and it’s gonna be slightly different because there’s 16 colors in Minecraft and I need to store terracotta concrete stained glass and some wool then have a section for miscellaneous stuff or if I ever want to expand the chest through well but added another 156 chests down here all of these chests

Will be enough to sort the wool the concrete the Terracotta and the stained glass so basically every block in Minecraft this is looking pretty unreal but now let’s start adding some Hoppers to the back of these chests yeah having all of these chests and Hoppers are

About a lag on my hardcore World anyways with that being said let’s start building the auto sorters And now let’s connect all of The Hoppers The hopper line goes all the way around connecting to every single chest and all I need to do is connect this final piece like that and now we’re fully connected through the entire system up here and just a reminder this is what the old chest room looked like and this is what

It looks like now yeah it’s a pretty insane upgrade but we’re not completely finished yet let’s put the same thing that we had up there with the Redstone lamps let’s put down some slabs and some comparators which I’m just about to run out yeah I’m gonna need a lot more in the

Meantime let’s put down some lamps and when the items come from the top system down to the bottom system it should light up these lamps as well should I’m not sure if it’s gonna work yet but let’s go make some more comparators And let’s continue working on these Redstone lamps all of the Redstone and auto sort of should be complete and all I gotta do now is to assign an item for all of these chests so now all of them are empty and now they’re not you guys don’t

Understand how long it took me to collect every color in the game it it was very painful now that all the restaurant part for the auto sworder is officially complete it’s finally time to cover this entire thing with a nice build and my plan is to build another

Japanese styled house and I’m not the best at building but let’s give it a try so for the Japanese house I want to make the roof out of some type of Blue Block so I think some warped stairs would be the best option and I really don’t like the sound of this block

It sounds like I’m walking around with a wet shoe it brings back disgusting memories Alright so I got a bunch of warped stem blogs now and let’s try to put it in this sugar box D loader and see if it works okay I should be unloading I think um I haven’t tested this in a while okay and it should be coming up this water

Stream eventually which is not happening um why is it broken hello oh wait I never even connected it there we go now it should work so if we come here we should see some stem coming up nice and it’s going all the way around and where

Is the stem oh right over there it’s coming it’s coming and it stopped right here is it working oh my God it’s working this has to be the coolest thing I’ve ever built I’m actually so happy this works but now let’s start building the house to cover up the chest room [Applause] So I have the basic frame build toe and this is a very large building I didn’t think it would be this big and just by looking at it it looks like the roof will be a pretty ginormous so I’m gonna try to bring this in just slightly a

Little like that and then start building the canopy I don’t know it’s gonna look really weird and bad but let’s just see how it turns out I have an idea to make this look a little more normal I’m gonna build a second layer just for decoration and I might put something up on the second floor I guess I could have put the storage room up here but um a little too

Late for that now let’s come up with the frame I think I might skip every three blocks and then add a middle one here so this would be like some decoration and this would be a big window hopefully it lines up oh perfect that’s so perfect

Let’s do that all the way around okay this is this is not so perfect Now let’s start building the second layer and see what we come up with So this is what I got so far and what you see here will be the second layer of this giant Japanese style home but this will make the rooftop a lot smaller if that makes sense so I can actually make it look to the scale of the entire size

Of this if you know what I mean uh yeah I’m sure no one does so let’s just keep building foreign We’re not now we are but this entire build is taking a lot more warped planks than I thought so let’s spend the next hour collecting some more warped blocks come here you ugly white sugar cube thing let’s get it started out out okay I am a burnt cookie now and let’s continue this

Madness and this is probably the most painful thing ever it looks really easy but if you guys have ever played stairs before you know it can go uh really wrong and get super frustrating like that I can I can never place it straight yeah there’s literal steam coming out of my

Ears but this is taking a while so let’s finish this up all right let’s move on to more important things like finishing up these walls honestly I think this is more important there’s a lot of mobs around here now and if a creeper spawns in this Redstone it would be really bad

If it blew up everything it just deleted like the 50 hours I spent on this I just put torches everywhere I’m putting torches on the wrestle lamp that is lightable I I I I’m lost for words that’s like dipping ketchup chips and ketchup you guys have ketchup chips

Where you live in Canada there is and it sounds pretty gross but it’s really good all right I’m just gonna shut up now continue building guys it’s raining right now in my world have you guys ever seen a rain in my world I what I swear this is like the first time

It ever rained okay that’s very weird but this side isn’t looking too bad it’s a pretty simple design and let’s just repeat it on that side and it’ll basically be the same thing up here so uh yeah I’m pretty creative I know All right the front is basically complete it’s really simple but I actually like it oh I missed a block right there you can’t hide from me foreign so the bottom part is basically all complete now I just need to focus on the second floor and the whole exterior of

The house will be complete I literally can’t wait to see the finished product you guys are gonna be blown away And the last thing I want to add over here is like a statue type of thing because Japanese um culture has a lot of statues I’m pretty sure and I want to put like an animal up here like a line or something so let’s smooth this out just a little

Bit let’s build a flat platform and using some Sandstone let’s try to build a lion foreign I feel like that looks pretty good he’s just kind of inside the building so I did a pretty job planning the size of it but I think it’s still pretty good now

Let’s put the same thing on the other side the entire exterior is complete we gotta started working on the interior and there’s a lot of work to do in here as well but let’s first start off simple and start building the main floor which would be pretty nice so I can actually

Reach my chest room um yeah now let’s start adding some finer details like some logs right here to carry on the same trend from the exterior into the interior Now let’s add some stairs right here to clean it up a little bit and just some finer details foreign So I decided to add some leaves to the ceiling just to add a bit of color and one little detail that’s bothering me is this it’s Mickey and look a little too like industrial it kind of takes away the color from the entire build so I

Feel like if I change it to Oak planks to give it a little bit of contrast from all of this dark wood it might look a little better let’s take a look and oh yeah I like that a lot more but now let’s continue the same design All right I completed the main floor this part is a little ugly I don’t like how flat it is but it’s not that big of a deal I do like it anyways but now let’s start working on this bottom part and it’s basically gonna be the same

Exact thing a bunch of wood and some leaves Oh and finally I am done my brand new base with an auto solder for every single item that you can think of in the game and just a beautiful Japanese styled exterior and I decided to leave some glass right here so you can look inside and see all the Redstone Madness but

It’s finally done that was so painful and it took so long but now let’s give it a try let’s throw in all of these items and see if it really sorts it this is my first time ever testing it with a whole bunch of different items so let’s

Pray it doesn’t break right here it’s also put in some shulker boxes and let’s see oh uh I I didn’t think that would happen there’s a all the trap doors kind of get moved and blinked um I guess that’s a nice addition there’s a bunch of items

Being shot up this water stream elevator they’re all gonna be sorted out into these chests and all the items that don’t have a dedicated Auto sorter will just end up in one of these chests we’re getting pretty close to the end so let’s grab all of my old items just grab a

Whole bunch of random stuff and let’s throw it all in there but it seems like everything is sorted correctly and everything that isn’t goes right here but this is what the chest room looked like at the beginning of the video this is what it looks like now I have a

Massive project plan for next episode but for us to build it we’re gonna need a lot of wool and what better way to get unlimited materials than to build another Factory so let’s start building the wool factory right over here here I almost passed out there yeah clearing

This jungle took me two full hours now let’s start building the ultimate sheep Shearer 9003 that was probably the most uncool thing I’ve ever said in my life um yeah I really hope this works so the Sheep should go right in there let’s try to grab a sheep and they’re kind of stuck

So oh God okay that’s a little too many okay stop stop stop stop oh no please send help okay finally got a few sheep here and I totally didn’t struggle at all yeah in the hole please get get in come on okay bro where are you going I’m

Back yep okay no no yeah oh no all right just get into the hole there we go now all we’re gonna do is put a sheer in the dispenser and when he eats the grass like he just did it should cheer him and give me his wood that I literally missed

Oh there we go now he’s butt naked and we got some wool oh yeah it’s working and now to get every single color of wool I need to build this 16 more times For every single color of wool I’m gonna have two sheep just to make it more efficient the shears are going here and I even added a hopper above it so we’ll never run out of shears so these three will have a certain color and then we’ll

Put some more colors over on this side but now let’s continue building the automatic sheep Shearer 9004. oh nine thousand three I’ve got a name to that uh That is eight automatic wall machines complete and now let’s work on the other eight Now that we have 16 pods fully built all we need to do now is bring some sheep over here and put them in the Pod so you hear that I’m gonna Farm your entire family what do you have to say about that oh okay and I had a pretty tough

Time transporting the sheep with some wheat so let’s use some leads instead let’s clear out my inventory by the way if you guys haven’t watched my last episode yet I built a pretty awesome automatic Chester room Source every block in the game for me let’s grab some leads and let’s start collecting some

Sheep how did a sheep just die what how did he die I am lost for words all right we have made it let’s build a little fence so these guys don’t escape and run away from their uh new home so let’s build this right here come on in and there we go

All right let’s go through the painful process of transporting these sheep into these little pods this is gonna be pretty tough all right first up Albert get in there no don’t fall in there no no no bruh come on separate please get over here you dummy come on make some room please

There we go yeah let’s put some trap doors to make my life a little easier okay we have a problem I dropped some leads in there I was wondering why they were being picked up by the mine cart and I just realized I built this entire thing wrong yep

Every single one of these are wrong The Hoppers and the mod card needs to be on this block not not that one it’s not a cookie build without me messing up at least once okay I got a sheep in every single pod now and some of them have

Babies because I tried breeding them so they don’t despawn and uh yeah it looks kind of weird now well let’s fix this up I gotta remove this entire bottom part and move it one block backwards wait this one was built right this side is built right all all these

Are right oh it was this side that was wrong ah oh no I think I built this entire thing wrong everything is is wrong uh I see I was supposed to build this cheap layer one block this way yeah I I goofed well now it’s gonna be ten times harder to

Fix it with all the Sheep there okay let’s put some grass here and now some glass and it shouldn’t be too hard I think um all I need to do is have these sheep move that way baby’s doing it because he’s smart you move please go go

Go okay now now the baby’s not smart okay I’m sorry are you I think I’m not the smart one hello darkness my old friend and now before dispense if I put a dispenser here and a hopper just move everything up a block it should fix itself this is gonna be

Very painful and to make my life easier I ended up just killing all the sheep and rebuilding it it’s all fixed up and now let’s start dying these sheep to the correct color there are a few flowers right here so let’s join this get some red some blue

Some yellow and some white oh wait I don’t need white I’m dumb if I’m not mistaken sheep are pretty white let’s grab a bunch of these random colors that I have just chill in here and I have a few in here that I can grab and I’m only

Missing the Brown die but I’m pretty sure I have one brown sheep inside of here oh my God I do let’s Shear him oh wait that gives me a brown wool I am so dumb how on Earth do you make brown dye do I just take oh wait I have some here

You guys will be lime you guys will be green yellow orange some Reed pink and by the way I renamed all the sheep sheep because I was scared they were gonna despawn so yeah don’t make fun of my extremely unique names and lastly the black sheeps there we go look how

Colorful they are I love it and we even got the rare pink sheep that has totally got naturally so if I build this correctly every time a sheep eats the grass they should be getting weird and um these guys ate some grass and they’re not getting sheared why is that it’s oh

It’s because I forgot cheers my brain is not working this episode okay we’ll test it out later for now let’s start working on the giant farm stable that will cover this up soon we’re gonna start working on some cool little bits and Bobs like block conveyor belts and some cool

Dispensers shooting a wool or something so my idea is to build this out of wood which would be different from those factories but since it’s housing some animals I think this is the only way to correctly do this and for the doors I want to make some type of barn doors

That kind of open like this if you know what I mean so these will go up just like that for now let’s map out the shape for the Sheep Factory foreign Built out let’s work on a simple wall design that I can repeat over and over in all of these little sections let’s add some stone brick and I do want to have a nice little window right here so let’s put some stairs let’s add some more wood down here with some little

Borders let’s add a little sunshade thing over the window and maybe some slabs here to smooth it out and honestly I might just go with something simple like this I decided to change it up a bit to some bricks because it’ll match the roof pretty nice and let’s add some

Bit of light and I think that’s a pretty easy design to copy and paste all throughout foreign We’re getting a lot done we got this entire side complete as well as the entire backside and as you can see it’s a very unique design changing every single time okay let’s start working on this final wall And There we go and I’m actually really liking this new design of a factory compared to this design that I used like four times already but now let’s start working on the rooftop let’s put a whole bunch of bricks so it’s still giving off like a factory Vibe using the brick

Making it look a little industrial still also adding some wood so it looks homey and farmy honestly I’m just making random stuff up I don’t even know what I’m saying and I just ran out of brick bruh I’m literally missing the entire rooftop could I just do this without anybody

Noticing like come on like it’s not that big of a difference they both have brick inside the name you know like brick stone brick same thing right yeah um I take that back let’s get some Mason workers going here come on kids pick up

A job you guys are at the right age and I’m pretty sure I could trade for clay right no that’s reverse oh wait I can trade for bricks uh I’m blind let’s go ahead and grab some Emerald come on Emerald bruh I don’t even remember how

To use my RAID Farm like I really don’t want to wait for this this takes forever foreign Building the roof So the roof is almost complete but I do have a super flat part on the top here which is kind of weird so my plan is to build a second layer so let’s build some like logs right here in the oh I I totally forgot I didn’t build this side

Yet oh that was a very ugly laugh but my plan was to build like a second layer here so the entire thing looks a little bit more normal and then I can put a sheep face on there for the wool factory but uh let’s continue building this

So now that I made sure this side is complete let’s just make sure it’s real yeah yeah it’s real let’s start building a second layer right here and I think this will be kind of good so let’s kind of build it across here now I think

Maybe a little higher one two three and build it across like this now if I strip these down and make this look a little more real by breaking that this should look a little better okay maybe I need to move it back a little bit and make it

Taller okay I think I fixed it up and yeah I think that would look a lot better I hope it doesn’t give me a lot of space to put a sheep face so I might have to shove it in there somehow but let’s bring this all the way back here

And maybe that’s a little too far I think this would be a good distance away and let’s continue working on the second layer So we decided to change up the oak plank to some quartz and I actually really like it now I don’t really know what to do with these windows I do want to oh what the hello why are you jumping so much I do want to add some stained

Colored glass to match with the sheep farm but it would look a little weird so I think I’m just gonna stick to some white stained glass which will be right here [Applause] All right all the windows are now complete and the entire exterior now we just need to work on the inside of this wolf Factory first starting off with the floor that was probably the unsmoothest transition ever and let’s quickly finish up these walls so we can move on to the fun bits Like building a wool block conveyor belt right over here I want to make like four vertical sections kind of like this so you see a bunch of wood blocks moving around exactly like what I have here with these iron blocks so let’s put one right in the middle here and maybe skip

Three or two blocks like this and Skip another three this is gonna look like a slot machine which is uh not what it wants but it might do a separate design here what if I put some observers so it would detect a block being placed right here and maybe would it transfer a

Redstone signal down there oh my God it will and now if I put another rest on Dust there that did not work out with this okay that doesn’t work how about a comparator let’s put this down and then a repeater and a block that doesn’t work either

Um yeah let’s just stick to what I normally do so I built this rail track right here and my recording didn’t record anything but basically I made this so I can finally test out if the sheep farm Works while we wait let’s continue working on this block Pusher

Conveyor belt thingy so now let’s connect these Pistons up same with this one and let’s delay it a tick so it goes on the same time perfect let’s put down some slop so I can bring up the Redstone current all the way up here these Pistons let’s now connect up these top

Pistons like this oh I cannot do that um there we go and let’s actually delay just one tick so that looks good let’s put another repeater some more blocks on top of these guys let’s add one tick and put some red Sun On Top to activate these pistons and lastly let’s put a

Full tick repeater here and connect up these last Pistons here and hopefully they’re all in sync actually this one is a little too fast how about now all right that looks good let’s give it a test let’s keep filling up these Pistons with some blocks and see if it actually

Goes around in a circle so once it gets up there it gets pushed nice it should get pushed down okay and the final test that should get pushed here and it’s completely working now if I put one more block here it should go a full cycle yes

It does that is perfect now if we replace the stone brick with some wool and it looks a whole lot better once it adds some decoration is gonna look insane speaking about decoration let’s start decorating this area because it’s pretty ugly I already did this side because my recording kind of crashed and

Didn’t record anything again let’s repeat the same exact design over here and now let’s start designing this area and make it look really good let’s bring up some stone brick because I am seeing a lot of wood here which I don’t really like a little too much wood so I think

Right in the middle I’ll be focusing on some Stone let’s slap down some circle stone and then stone bricks all throughout let’s put some stairs right where these wool pieces are like that let’s bring up these pillars and I think I’m actually gonna use this separate slot to add some Greenery so let’s

Actually use some Azealia leaves I don’t use this quite often but I really like these leaves let’s first add some accent blocks inside here like that let’s put some light at the back so it’s just some hidden lighting which is always nice and I think that looks pretty good let’s

Finish it up over here also add some more light over here to keep up with the same design that I have over here and I’m starting to like this a lot and everything is looking pretty good so far I just need to figure out how to finish

Up this ceiling because I do have a lot of random shapes going on here like if I bring this over to this side to connect them I feel like it will look a little weird with this thing right unless I just bring this up and then do that or

Let’s actually make it like that and yeah it’s just a weird mixed up in this corner but I don’t really have any other choice so let’s just finish up the ceiling to cover up all this mess Just a little wire this entire thing is going down in flames I have so much wood everywhere I probably should have used a different material at least down here if I can get down there oh my yeah it’s a little too much for my liking but I’ll

Try to switch it up up here with some stone or quartz or something and let me just bump my head into every block in the game and now let’s just put a bunch of random blocks like this um I think that looks pretty good yeah we’ll just roll with that design Foreign by adding some leaves to the ceiling And we’re almost complete we got two of the roofs complete and I actually really like how this looks I just need this main area and I really hate building rooftops it’s kind of annoying like kind of just leave it like this like how bad does this really look not that bad but

I’ll do it for the views not really for the views because it’s mainly for my own satisfaction but let’s let’s do it the first thing I want to do is remove this and make this railroad track thing look a lot better because this Stone just doesn’t match it just looks actually I

Feel like it’s not terrible hold up let me let me continue this build first and see okay yeah let’s definitely bring it down a few blocks so the my card’s actually visible when it goes by and let’s make it look like it’s being supported a little bit by adding some

Stairs right here and maybe just one little support beam it might add a little too much like this uh yeah I think I’ll keep it like that can you put rails on stairs oh my God you can okay I just made this look even better look at

That now if I push this around look at that little Arc right there little details man it just makes it look so much better my plan for this part of the ceiling is to have a sheep face looking down at me and some more leaves over

Here and we will be basically done so let’s start on the ceiling And this is the ceiling I designed for this section and I really like this Arc it adds like a nice little texture or character or uh insert a cool word here type of vibe yeah so now I need to figure out how to build a sheep head uh

Flat words not backwards flat words um is that a word I don’t I don’t know but I got all the materials I need here and let’s just give it a try so I think the eyes will go here and here I I think so let’s bring the face down a bit I

Think the mouth goes right here here here here here and then it goes like this out oh my God I’m actually doing it I’m doing it Mom I’m doing it and then we do something like that and Bam look at this wow I got a sheep head on the

Ceiling it’s not a line perfectly because this is eight blocks and this is an odd number but the math three plus three is nine and there we go we did it I’m so tired right now guys I’m just spitting random words at you guys okay let’s get up here and finish designing

The ceiling my plan is to have a nice Simple Wood border that kinda surrounds the Sheep face and let’s remember to strip all of these logs and there we go [Laughter] and there we go and the very last thing I want to add is a little bit of

Greenery here so let’s put some cauldrons down in these Corners like this and this would just look like some flowering pots or whatever you want it to be let’s put one over here as well and the entire wool factory is complete and decorated with oh I’d lied I need to

Remove this and now it’s done oh wait I need to turn this machine back on now it’s done so far we only got a little bit of wool I think it’s because I didn’t have any light up here I had to add some lanterns so the grass would

Grow back but oh yeah it is working now they’re all sheared oh that explains it okay well there you have it that is my wolf Factory and Minecraft Parkour Minecraft biomes are pretty plain so in this video I will be building custom biomes this would be a great spot

To build it right in front of my home let’s start building out the frame there we go and this is the size of the frame so far and I think it’s a little too small so uh bam that looks a lot better now instead of four quadrants I

Want to have only three so uh hey that looks pretty good so here’s the plan each one of these sections will have a different custom biome two of the custom biomes will be unknown for now but let’s start off with the pink blossom tree biome where the first

Custom biome I want to build a lot of pink trees which means I need a lot of pink wool and oh I don’t think that’s gonna be enough well luckily we built a wool factory last episode so let’s come in here and okay I also need a bunch of grass and also some green stained concrete luckily I have this cactus farm that gets me pretty much unlimited cacti that will give me a pretty much unlimited green dye so now that we have all the materials let’s start working on the pink Blossom biome

So I basically have half of the floor complete and I decided to add in some concrete to change up the texture a little bit but I’m kind of wondering if lime concrete would make it look better or worse what do you guys think do you want this cherry blossom biome to look

Pretty vibrant and beautiful so maybe adding some additional lime concrete will make it look a little bit better yeah it looks alright anyways let’s finish the entire grass floor honestly I don’t really know how I feel about this puke green terrain but let’s just run with it and start building some hills And right here in the Middle where the stone is I want to build a little Hill Spike type of thing kind of like these Cliffs and have a waterfall come down from it um I have no idea how that would look but uh let’s give it a try

Now let’s put another Cliff over here on this side that’ll be slightly taller so I can build a cool little bridge between these two yeah I might have made a mistake and I probably should have lit this entire place up because we are infested with Mobs

Um oh God oh God oh no no no no oh no now let’s start working on the little bridge that will connect these two Hills together I’m thinking about using some acacia wood for the main portion and on the outer side will be a spruce frame because I think that’s a pretty good

Contrast let’s have a curve just slightly to the left here let’s add a few fences to the bottom so it looks like it’s being supported a bit now let’s build a little Hut right over here in this empty space and I’ll also be using the acacia and Spruce combination to match with the

Bridge foreign looks alright but now let’s build a little path that leads over to this mountain right here and let’s work on a spirally staircase that kind of wraps around this Cliff so there’s a way to get up here now let’s clean it up a little bit by adding a spruce border

And now we got a pretty sick staircase that wraps around this Cliff let’s make some path blocks right here that will lead to this bridge and now let’s build something cool on top of this cliff foreign ER detail to the path before we start working on the pink trees hey there we

Go and now to build the pink blossom trees I’m gonna need a lot more acacia wood so uh let’s turn the logs into some four-sided wood and now let’s start on these custom trees I start working on a little tree first and build a realistic foundation

For it this doesn’t look too bad the roots kind of stick out a little bit and now let’s work on the shaft um that sounded a little weird and I want to Branch it out a little bit so there’s like a y shape right here why I

I don’t know I guess it looks a little cooler and now for the painful part which is adding the color of the tree which is pink and white I need it to look pretty fluffy and Airy if that makes sense so there’s a lot of air pockets around and that’s pretty hard to

Do well let’s see how it’s looking so far oh my okay that needs a lot of work Foreign that doesn’t look too bad I think I just need to fill in this bottom part a little more because it’s pretty flat and I think we are done I actually really like how that looks but that tree looks a lot filler or full or no

Um now we just need to cover the entire biome with those trees and uh yeah it’s very painful building one of these so I’m thinking I’m just gonna build like smaller sized version of the So I built an even bigger one and now this custom bottom is starting to look really good I think we just need to add two more of these trees around here but this time I’m for real gonna build a smaller tree trust me I’m gonna build a

Smaller tree I’m gonna build a smaller tree so I built it bigger no I’m just kidding this one’s a little bit smaller and I built two more but I realized they started getting uglier and uglier and smaller and smaller like this one looks okay it’s kind of like simple just

Straight up and then look look at that yeah I started getting a little lazy but now let’s start adding some finer details like flowers and some bamboo and this bomb should be complete and I have a feeling this blue color will match very well with the pink let’s grab a bunch of these

Let’s start adding some grass And some of these flowers and now let’s add a bunch of grouped bamboo around just to give it some height I guess and finally some little lamp posts around here so no mob spawn and I’ll give it a nicer look and finally the first custom biome is officially

Complete the pink Blossom Forest thingy thing yeah so next up let’s start working on something scarier let’s build a toxic Wasteland and the main block I’m gonna use is deep slate let’s see if I have any bruh that’s not gonna be enough let’s get some deep sleep oh this is basalt I

Have officially lost my brain I really thought this was deep sleep I mean I guess I could still use Basalt it still gives off the waistline type of vibe but uh that was kind of embarrassing that was kind of embarrassing And let’s come down here where I trapped 100 wardens and it blows my mind every time I see this and that’s mine for some real deep slate this time this is deep slate right okay it is oh man just checking just making sure you know you never know okay let’s get building And I already ran out of deep slate bruh so let’s put the next hour collecting even more deep slate I spent another hour holding down my right click button and there we go as easy as that all right buy them complete next one no just kidding now let’s start adding some

Natural Hills and bumps like regular Minecraft terrain well let’s also somehow make it look like a wasteland so the terrain I made looks pretty vanilla but I tried adding these little spikes here to simulate that biome in the Nether um it’s called the the spiky gray thing

But right here in the middle I want to put like an acid or toxic lake and this will be the big daddy Lake right in the middle here with this flat area so let’s mine it up real quick and make a wonky shape for it that looks kind of wonky I guess and

Let’s just remove this and now I need to go through the painful process of draining the ocean once again how do I manage to always have to drain some type of water in almost every single episode let’s grab my sponges what oh they’re wet what if I stand

Beside it it should dry off because I’m pretty hot right that was a really bad joke so to make my life easier while I’m draining the ocean I’m gonna build a confined space so it’s easy to drain if that makes any sense at all now just imagine this blue water turned green and

Toxic I think it would look pretty cool but let’s start draining this out and I’m hoping this will work it’s not working come on just make a little opening of water it’s gonna happen eventually water can regenerate all around and fit oh it worked a bit I mean

Like only the edges sort of I feel like if I remove these sponges though it’s just gonna fix itself right back and I was totally right well there’s below some dirt walls and make my life a little easier and now let’s start dreading off the water

To make this area look toxic like me I’m going to need a lot of green stained glass and 20 and 21. I think that would be enough right yeah I think so that’s all that filled up yeah we’re gonna need more if you’re gonna tell already luckily I have this ginormous cactus

Farm let’s grab some cacti and let’s melt this up for some green dye craft some lime dye and let’s try some stained glass so to give this toxic lake a cool depth effect I’m gonna be putting some lime stained glass at the bottom here and then some green on top of it

And continue that Trend all the way up so when you look down it gives like a cool depth and there we go that’s the first layer complete and that took me over 16 stacks of glass that’s a lot now times that by another four layers and uh

I my brain can’t even do that math so that’s probably gonna be a lot of shulker boxes full of glass I’m guessing well let’s continue building this toxic lake with a bunch of glass and glass I don’t even have and we’re done let’s go see how it looks oh yeah that looks

Amazing we got ourselves Shrek’s home a toxic Wasteland swap thing and let’s just build a baby daddy version over here on this side now to spice up this custom biome even more I also want to add a few trees like this Japanese biome and make you look

Dead and Halloweeny I said weenie now let’s turn these Spruce logs into Spruce Wood so all four sides are kind of covered and I’m gonna try to make a few dead looking trees in this biome so it just gives off like a scary or Eerie

Vibe type of thing so there won’t be any leaves at all and it’s just gonna be a bunch of spiky branches all right this doesn’t look too bad but it’s kind of fat right in the middle right there so let’s try to slim this down a bit like

This maybe just chop down some wood like that and maybe make the stem part look a little thicker like that it’s a little better now it looks weird with a big empty space by the way I do like the shape a lot it gives me like a wasteland type of vibe

But now let’s put a few more trees all around this biome and it’s gonna look pretty insane on this side though I’m gonna build a giant pine tree looking skeleton one yep I I have no idea how to build it but we’ll try her best This is what I got so far and I really don’t like it that much it just looks a little too skinny and hard to tell what it is let me know guys should I tear it down or should I keep it what should I do in the meantime let’s continue

Building even more trees by this time make it look a little better here now let’s add a few structures around this place because it’s looking pretty bare so I’m looking to build a small little bunker right here so my idea for this bunker is to have like a little

Slit opening right here so you can shoot out some arrows or something to defend yourself so adding these upside down stairs makes a really nice opening that is perfect for just your head to pop out of and to add a little bit just threw a stone at me somebody in here hello

Oh it’s just Minecraft being weird and this entire bunker made out of a stone looks a little bit too clean for this biome so let’s add a little bit of andesite to give it a little bit of texture or something like that along those lines I’m not sure if you’re

Getting craft anesite stairs that would be very oh my God you can oh wow that’s pretty cool let’s add a little bit of divots in here with some stairs so it looks a little bit worn down even in these walls now let’s add some light some cool barrels an iron door with a

Button some divots on the outside of the bunker and we got ourselves a pretty cool War bunker now let’s add like a wooden one over here to differentiate with that one differentiate what a hard word and for some reason this entire custom bomb still looks pretty plain to me

There’s just not enough maybe I just need to add a bit more terrain because it’s really flat right here so let’s try making this place look a little more rugged and just Spam right click on my mouse and maybe it’ll look better so what are your thoughts on this

Um I just added a bunch of random blocks in these empty spaces and some little divots into the ground but I think it looks a little better it looks more wastelandy to make it even better I think I’m gonna add some pools of lava right here and have it Pour down some of

These mountains and it will help add even more color let’s grab some buckets I got no buckets now I got buckets that have no lava in them I’m not sure why I grabbed so many lava buckets but it’ll do more is better than none like I would definitely have more

Money than no money or more food than no food you know it’s literally simple math I don’t think I’m gonna make the lava flat and nice because I do like this little uh yeah okay I put a little lava pool right over here and I’m kind of afraid it’s

Gonna catch this wood and burn this tree down then catch over to this tree and burn it down so this is a very risky place to put a lava pool I’m not sure if this helps but let’s make a little wall try to block the lava from burning the

Wood I guess and now with the added lava to the bottom it really brings it in and makes it way more complete looking now that makes two custom biomes finished and we are left with this last and giant section and the biome that I’m building

Here haunts me and if you’re an old fan you guys will know why I am building a volcanic biome oh God so the main block I want to use for this volcanic biome is some terracotta and if you guys don’t know why this volcano will haunt me for

Life but that’s because over nine months ago I built a volcano in my first hardcore world and I pushed myself so hard to build this giant project and I kept working on videos non-stop without worrying about my health a few weeks later my wrist started hurting really

Bad I went to the doctor and it turns out after a few checkups I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel it’s basically nerve damage to my wrist and ever since my wrist has been hurting pretty bad so yeah this brings backed a lot of bad memories but let’s do it anyways let’s

Make this volcano even bigger and better let’s first start off with the floor I’m gonna use a lot of terracotta and once it’s all done I’ll probably add some stolen around to ASM color or something or a different texture Foreign ‘s gonna go right there in the middle and I didn’t want to fill it in because it would just go right over top of it and it would save me a bunch of materials and time so now let’s start working on the shape and a frame for this volcano Okay so this is the frame for the volcano that I came out with it’s uh not too bad once it adds some brown terracotta into it and some Stone some flowing lava I think it’ll look pretty good well let’s go ahead and collect more terracotta and continue working on this volcano foreign

I got the outline for the entire volcano and I just need to start filling it in and this is exactly where my wrist started to kill me I right click my mouse probably over a million times in like a span of two to three days nine

Months ago it was uh it was a bad time and it will forever live with me so what better way to relive the moment than to build another volcano this might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done so you guys better continue watching till the end and subscribe right now because uh I

Might just dive right here on the spot and it took me about 30 minutes to finish this one side and I realized this volcano is a lot smaller than the one I built nine months ago but yeah it is pretty plain right now but don’t worry

Later I’ll be adding a lot more detail and it’s gonna look way way better but let’s just get this final shape of this volcano laid out [Applause] [Applause] and the shape of the volcano is complete it’s a it’s a lot taller than I expected yeah it looks a little bit weird but now let’s start adding some lava streams that go down this volcano so it looks super cool and I’m gonna add a lot of

These so the volcano looks like it’s glowing sort of and I’m just casually mining hours and hours of hard work away it’s nice feels great all right that’s not a terrible start it’s just a little stripe down here now let’s try to split this right here and make the lava vein

Go this way now and back down to the ground and touchdown and now is a bedtime that was enough work for me now let’s make another lava vein over on this side and connect it to the other one on the left and once the veins are filled with flowing lava this little

Section right here would look like a boulder Trust me it’s gonna look better than this um right now it kind of looks like I just TNT this entire volcano and just completely ruined it well I have a plan to add some red stained glass and some lava underneath it to make it look pretty cool and make it pop let’s go

Ahead and grab some poppies and turn it into some red dye let’s craft up some glass so let’s start working on the path where the lava will flow down using some more terracotta so now I’ll give you guys a sneak peek on what it will look

Like let’s put a bunch of lava down and hopefully it will just flow all the way down without making any big troubles I I pray there it goes it’s doing pretty good so far no no no no no wait please oh okay please go that way okay this is

Gonna be very bad I’ll just let it flow and eventually it’ll disappear I might die to fire right here please stop stop stop come on you have to stop stop oh wow okay let’s be a little careful coming down and let’s grab another totem but now with this flowing lava my plan

Is to cover it with some red stained glass like this and I’m hoping it looks cool it’s okay I guess it’s not as vibrant as I thought it would be but I do prefer the red stained glass over just normal lava pouring down the mountain because that’s just a little

Too plain and boring so uh yeah let’s continue with this design foreign yeah this might be the most painful thing I’ve ever built dealing with blocks to hold lava in to make it look pretty still and then dealing with the flowing lava and then dealing with glass

That was still sort of look like it’s a part of the terrain and then burning in it is the most it’s it’s why on Earth did I decide to make this so difficult it did not have to be this hard trust me the end result will look amazing you

Just gotta stick to the end This is taking a while so uh bam yeah that was the most painful thing I’ve ever done now that I spent two full hours building these lava veins on this volcano let’s start adding a little bit more detail let’s grab all our Brown terracotta and right on these edges of

These Boulders beside the lava veins I want to change up the color a little bit to some brown terracotta like this so there’s a nice little like chocolate border I’m not sure why I’m describing a volcano with a food item but I think it’ll look a little better if it doesn’t

I’m gonna blame you guys let’s make it a little bit thicker and let’s take a look please look good um it’s not terrible it looks way better than just having normal terracotta so let’s do that on all of these little Boulder sections foreign touches I want to add to the tippy top

Of this volcano is a little bit of bump or Texture like this because right now it’s a really flat top it looks like somebody just sliced the top of it and it’s gone so let’s try raising this up a little bit so it looks like it was

Naturally generated and it does look a little weird because it’s flat-ish not 3D so let’s actually make it look like a boulder so let’s give it some depth and act like I know what I’m talking about trust me guys I’m a volcano expert after what happened uh nine months ago I know

A lot about volcanoes and and the harm it does to your body and your hand and your self-esteem and your entire life and your and your entire existence ah but before we do that let’s build down a little bit and build a platform maybe right here and on

Top of this flat platform I want to put some fire campfires yeah that’s the word so it gives off a nice smoking effect from the top of the volcano now how on Earth do I craft a campfire is this not right Minecraft this looks like a

Campfire to me what else would that be oh I need I need logs yeah and I want to CL oh what get in the hole man no no don’t mate okay he made a bigger hole so my original plan was to fill up this entire platform of campfires so there’s

A lot of smoke raising out of this volcano but I feel like all of this will start lagging my entire computer out and uh my computer isn’t the best so I might just do like every other block kind of like this just so it saves my computer

And my hardcore World unless there is a sneaky way to make it not lag like putting I don’t know composters over it or something then let me know in the comments well let’s fill it all up okay every time I fly into here I start

Lagging a lot um I decided to space it up a lot more over here and I’m probably gonna remove a bunch over on this side okay now one of the very last things I wanted to do is add a little village there are a few Huts right here on the

Edge of this volcano and finally the door let’s put a little bit of light in here and wouldn’t be a great idea to bring a villager all the way over here so when this volcano erupts he has a peaceful death um yeah maybe burning a villager here

Isn’t the best idea yeah I got myself Joseph right here and touchdown all right come with me all you gotta do is enter this house there’s literally a red carpet for you and let’s trap him in let’s put a name tag on him and welcome home I didn’t spell his name right but

He’s gonna die anyways right oh that’s so cool I also decided to bring some villagers over to the Japanese biome and there we go we have a few villagers in this biome now the final final touch I want to add is some little waves or ripples around this ring

To make it look even better exactly like what I did over here with my end transformation video with this glass right here by the way you should watch this after this video so let’s start even more pain we’ll go with the blue stained glass and then some cyan and

Finally some light blue stained glass at the very edge foreign and that is three custom biomes built on an island in the meadow of the ocean wait a second am I traveling around Minecraft or am I traveling in a straight line um I think Minecraft is flat oh no we we

Gotta fix this so today we’re gonna build a massive nether planet and what better place to build it then in the end that was a pretty cool transition so let’s build the planet right there in the sky or void somewhere okay we’re like 80 Blocks up in the air

And let’s start the planet right here Whoa oh I got I gotta be careful and done so this plan is gonna be about 70 blocks tall so this is gonna be an insane project oh I’m gonna run I ran out of fireworks I should probably have extra fireworks on me yeah just to be safe now let’s continue building the

Frame for this planet Foreign That was uh very painful see you bro and yeah we’re only about halfway done so uh this is gonna be pretty massive and it looks pretty insane from over here but nah we’re done and after three and a half hours of pain I have finally completed

The planet well uh the skeleton of it let’s finally start adding some biomes to the nether Planet like the netherways biome a Crimson Forest a wart Forest a Soul Sand Valley and the basalt deltas and I might have a secret custom biome up my sleeves that includes a lot of

Asian debris but you’re gonna have to wait till the end for that one let’s first start collecting items for the worked Forest you mind if I take that I need that word block thank you And let’s build the biome on the top half of this planet mainly because if you look at the bottom and the sides it just looks like normal Netherrack so I have no choice then to place it on the top all right I think that’s a pretty good

Size and section for the Warped Forest now let’s start filling it in And we are done no no no give me that back stop I need that geez Enderman are so Anno bruh did you just respawn yeah let’s light this place up now let’s start adding some decoration like some warped trees nice let’s add a few more trees all around the biome

Are since the planet is a circle if you couldn’t already tell there’s a slight curve so I’m actually gonna follow the curvature of the planet and make some diagonal trees kind of thing um is it possible to make some Force oh my God you can oh yeah that looks a lot better

And now I just need to make it look um real sort of hey that doesn’t look too bad and now let’s start adding a bunch of random stuff to the ground like Roots Vines and the Warped fungus and that marks the Warped biome complete and now let’s

Start working on the exact opposite the Crimson Forest what where did he’s go oh my oh where’d you come from um Bruh Bruh Bruh three four I’m leaving and now that I have the materials let’s start working on the Crimson Forest right beside the word forest and it’s

Literally gonna be an identical replica but in red There’s no way deserted Enderman stealing my bro why are you running away from me no my Crimson nylon well that’s gone forever all right start has been exterminated and let’s uh continue building this All right that looks pretty good to me but now let’s start working on the next biome which is going to be the Soul Sand Valley and I wouldn’t that kind of scared me a little bit give me a quick tingle um but I would imagine this biome would be pretty easy to

Replicate because I mean it’s only one block oh oh sorry sorry two blocks I see the difference so let’s collect a whole bunch of this brown stuff and let’s also come over here and grab some bone blocks so I can make a skeleton on the planet I’m also seeing a

Big theme of these long Basalt um thingies I go from the ceiling to the ground so let’s go ahead and collect a bunch of this and let’s start building the slow sand value right underneath the work to biome Okay I lied this biome might be the hardest bomb to build only

Because I’m on the side of the planet now and it’s getting very difficult to build this correctly because I’m like on the edge and I keep falling off and it’s getting really annoying I’m just losing my sense of everything um I don’t know it’s it’s getting really

Messy here but uh let’s continue this massive struggle I’m also not really following the perfect shape of the planet and it’s not gonna be a perfect sphere just because you know a planet has bumps and mountains and hills and everything so I feel like it’s only realistic if I just kind of go YOLO and just Spam right

Click until it sort of looks spherical and so far it is looking pretty good as long as it doesn’t look like a square I think I’m on the right path but building on the side of the planet is so painful I can’t even imagine how painful it’s gonna be building down there I’m

Literally going to be suffering so I would appreciate it if you guys click the Subscribe button right now we are so close to 3 million subscribers come on right there just I’m I’m clicking it right now just click it please and for this will send value to wrap around this

Planet it took around two and a half shulker boxes full of Soul Sand and the funny thing is I haven’t even gotten to the soul soil I don’t even know what this is for but it’s a part of the valley so uh let’s add it to the bottom

Of this entire Valley and this is where it’s gonna get really difficult to build because it’s kind of curving inwards now and yeah I really don’t know how to do this in the best way but hey it looks like I have a fan it’s nice to meet you

Man you want to autograph I guess not I must oh hi okay bye I must stink really bad I really need to hit a shower or something please go oh there goes my fan I feel like an easier way to build on this bottom curve is to build upwards so start down here

And then build to there rather than trying to build down I feel like that would be better Hey that looks pretty good so far it is a huge chunk of the planet but I’m planning to build a giant dragon skeleton remains on the side of this which is going to be very painful but I actually really like oh no not all of you guys again so now let’s start

Working on the bone skeleton this is gonna be very painful because I’m gonna have to build it on the side of this so let’s make a bunch of dirt layers kind of something like this um this already took me like an hour to do and this is literally just for me to

Walk on so I can place blocks on the side of this it was uh kind of Overkill let’s first start with the dragon head down here somewhere just to mark it and let’s have the neck of the dragon come down this way will probably look better

If I made it straight rather than off facing like that because that looks really stupid and let’s build the rib cage right here I think would be good let’s jump down the floor and do that and the wings could be spread all the way up here kind of like this and I’ve

Eaten a lot of chicken wings of my time I know exactly what this should look like look how perfect that is that’s a wing right when you see it ah that doesn’t look anything like a wing at all let’s do the same exact thing for the other chicken wing

All right now let’s bring the spinal cord down a little bit and before we build the tail let’s build a little bump right here kind of for the hip of the Dragon um I have no clue how to build a hips I never had to work on my hips because I’m

Just a natural born thick with eight C’s behind it so uh that’s probably the best I can do for uh dragon hips now let’s start working on the Tail of the Dragon let’s make it kind of curve down a little bit right down here and then we

Will make it curve back up kind of like a snake and now let’s make it curl downwards and end up right in the middle now let’s make some room to build the ribs because it’s gonna stick out a lot kind of like this let’s take the spinal

Cord and try to connect it up to these ribs here which is looking really bad neck that up this up and back to the tail and for the dragon head I’m thinking about using some quartz to help make out its shape all right that’s the best I can do it

Literally looks like a mosh pit of random blocks but uh let me just connect this up a little bit so like the head looks a little bit realer that’s some stairs so there’s like some dentations and there you go this is the jaw with the sharp teeth I had some horns back

Here and a little horn on the nose but it still doesn’t really look too much like a dragon but if you squint your eyes hard enough it sort of looks like one just try it are you trying it yeah it doesn’t work I know that’s the best I can do all right

But let’s clean up all of this mess and see what the dragon skeleton looks like from the far and I’m pretty excited to see this where did the planet go oh I got a little lost I thought I was in the void that’s pretty good I like the

Dragon’s Wings the ribs the hips and the monkey looking tail I should probably fix this tail a little bit let’s remove some of these blocks so it looks like you have lost a few of the bones like through Evolution or uh the big bang I

Don’t know just to make it look a little bit more realistic I’m also thinking to add a little small wing right there oh yeah that looks so much better that that’s that’s sick the final thing I want to add to the Soul Sand Valley biome well there’s two actually one is

The basalt spikes that round me stick from the ground and I think the spikes add a lot to the Soul Sand Valley but there’s just one more thing I want to add and that is this blue flame fire type of thing how do I get this how how Minecraft can I

Still touch it um of course I can’t how to get the blue fire Minecraft oh all I need is a flint and steel um okay there’s no way that was true like I don’t think it’s gonna work uh it worked I feel like it’d be pretty

Cool if I added a bunch of flames in front of the dragon’s mouth so it looks like he had like a final breath of flames before he died like a hundred years ago and somehow the fire is still going just uh don’t don’t ask too many questions you know it the story the

Storyline just sounds kind of cool look at that that’s sick he’s blowing fire and there we have it the solstat valley biome is complete I feel like it was the boringest biome but I think it’s turning into one of my favorites but let’s change things up a little bit over here

In this section let’s make a lava C and this is gonna be very challenging and uh very tough believe me let’s first start off by getting a whole bunch of dirt and also a bunch of lava bucket oh no a bunch of lava buckets oh um

What just happened so the Lava Lake will kind of start right up here and pour all the way down for this to get really messy if I don’t do it right so I think the lowest I can go with the lava is probably right here until the planet

Starts curving inwards and yeah there’s no way I can control that so let’s first start with building like a pocket that will hold off the lava waterfall thing if that makes sense so it just doesn’t pour all in here and uh don’t ask why I

Have grass and dirt um I was too lazy to sort them out they’re basically the same thing just one has green stuff on it like it’s the same thing just don’t judge me all right thanks guys and it’s not looking too bad so far what I did here would just build up these

Walls so like the lava will pour here and keep pouring downwards um I think that will work oh no not you guys again please please all right you asked for it we lived Okay I’m finally at the top and I’m practically done now all I gotta do is fill in these final blocks where the lava will start pouring out of right here and now the plan is to take these lava buckets and put it right on these

Edges over here so it pours down and not this way and I need to put lava in all these little pots here so it looks real this is probably gonna go really bad I’m actually kind of scared so let’s first remove all of these pre-existing rings

That were the uh outline of the planet and we should get a better idea on how this lava ocean will look so now imagine a bunch of lava pouring down here it will look so cool it will look even cooler if all of these Enderman would leave me alone

Um okay let’s light this all up again but before we pour the lava let’s try to add a few more blocks to these Corners just so the lava stream or flow looks a little more realistic so it’s like not All Uniform if that makes any sense okay

I think that looks a lot better and way more smooth now we’re just gonna pray it kind of follows the shape of the planet and still looks round well it’s finally time for the scariest part of this entire build which is putting down the lava let’s grab a whole bunch of these

And you know what YOLO let’s just Spam it put a whole bunch of lava everywhere and just see how it goes this is gonna be so bad and disastrous okay let’s fly down here please please look good please please please okay it’s taking the shape it’s not

Looking too bad oh no no no no no no I forgot oh no I forgot to I forgot to put a border here okay this isn’t good this is not good this is not good oh my God I’m playing Temple Run in Minecraft right now no no no no no no

Oh my God it keeps going okay oh I saved I saved it here did I save it over there oh okay oh my god oh no I can’t oh I cannot believe I saved that we only let one drop go no way okay but that’s half

Of the lava filled out and I think it looks pretty good it curves pretty well along with the planet I think it would help a lot if I filled this in and just made it look a little more full on these random blocks but that’s pretty good

Let’s start filling in the rest now wait I almost did it again I should probably uh make a border here honestly that was pretty fun I should I should do it again it got my heart racing a little bit okay now let’s start placing down more lava

And that is the lava C complete on the planet but from a distance oh my God my elytra just broke thank God I was over the island we were about to lose everything in the world if I was flying over the island that was so lucky

Well I gotta get this light repaired so I gotta walk like a peasant everywhere I don’t think I even walked inside of my end portal thing yeah and I literally have to run to my closest mob farm which is the blaze spawner when was the last

Time I ran on this pathway I made I can’t even remember and if you guys know what episode I built this pathway on let me know in the comments because I bet you guys don’t all right let’s repair this thing there we go all right we are back in

Business now let’s start working on the netherways biome right underneath the lava lake and for that we’re gonna need a lot of Netherrack let’s also grab some quartz or some gold ore and also some glowstones all right let’s start the same process of building down here and

Then slowly working our way to the top until we reach the lava and that is gonna be kind of hard to deal with so let’s get building shall we Yeah that’s gonna be a giant nether waste biome right here on the bottom side of this planet it’s like the entire half of it don’t worry on this nether waste bottom I’ll be building some awesome structures like the Bastion the ruin portal maybe another Village or another ray Tower and maybe even a

Nether Monument it’s gonna be pretty cool and since we’re almost done with the nether waste biome let’s start to transition This Grass out of here and replace it with some Netherrack that way it looks a lot better and a lot smoother yeah that looks a lot better it’s just a

Little flat so let’s try to give it some character and some umph you know like a little bit of seas behind the thick I already made that joke this video I think I’m running on a jokes guys if you guys got some jokes for me could you

Guys leave them in the comments please like I’m trying to be funny here it’s not working if I don’t have any jokes thanks guys I think that looks a lot better and why is there a giant beam of lava coming from the bottom of this planet what is going on telling me this

Little piece of lava from this one block turned into that mess bruh but there’s another ways biome is looking pretty plain so let’s start adding a few things All right that makes it a lot better adding some quartz and some gold let’s spice it up even more I can’t forget my magma blocks and this would fit perfectly for the lava so there’s like a super smooth looking transition like the lava seed to the magma and into the

Netherwayspile and let’s also come right here cracked every bone in my body but let’s put some glowstone down add a little bit of brightness and you guys don’t even want to know how difficult it was to get Glowstone under there I’ll make it eventually peaceful landing and since we’re on the topic of difficult let’s work on the next structure which will be the nether fortress hello there oh hello oh my look how many there are off so we’re gonna need a bunch of this stuff and let’s put another Fortress right over

Here if I this is gonna be this is gonna be very oh oh almost made this is gonna be really challenging oh yes so let’s start working on a little platform so I have room to build this Fortress so yeah I’m not really sure how I’m gonna build this nether fortress

Um it needs to be upside down because we’re on the bottom part of the planet if that’s how gravity or physics work I have no idea but let’s make it stick out a little bit so this will be like where you walk on but it’s upside down then up

Here let’s thicken it up just like that okay now it looks like there’s a walk away on the top side and the bottom side um that’s a little trippy but if I’m not mistaken there are little Windows here inside the nether fortress kind of like that and it’s just kind of blocked off

Or you go walk inside of it right yeah let’s do that and now let’s fill in the roof or in this case is the floor and honestly I’m just gonna make it end off and be one of those uh broken fortresses if you know what I mean like the ones

That just break off and look broken Um I think that looks alright but I still think it looks a little awkward it kind of just protrudes out of the planet what if I do something like this oh yeah I do like that a lot better so it’s like an arc and uh I did grab a lot more

Nether Bricks than I thought I needed so let’s start working on another one on the other side of the planet foreign Are you serious on on the final four blocks my shovel breaks bruh bruh over here on this side I decided to make it upside down Blaze spawner I’m not gonna lie it looks pretty uh poo but since I have so many stacks of Nether Bricks I have a pretty cool idea let’s

Head into the planet here and I feel like it’ll be pretty cool if I connected both of the nether fortress up together so it sort of acts like the real nether fortress when they connect inside the nether yeah I think this was a little Overkill

What is that and now I can walk from one end of the planet to the other end all within the planet which is uh pretty cool and let’s also make a ruined portal right in the middle over here so let’s just uh yoinka portal what’s in here yeah nothing

And let’s actually build it at the very bottom side of the planet um this is probably the hardest thing to do so let’s just try my best let’s put down the obsidian bring it all the way down and across and I already ran out of a

City it’s all good I’ll just break some of these and turn into some crying obsidian let’s bring down some of this stone brick and let’s connect it up with some iron bars and right in the middle let’s put some gold blocks and let’s just slap down the chest right there

That’s the best I can do well that is the nether waste bomb complete with the awesome nether fortress going right in between the planet or inside the planet and it’s pretty POG this is what the planet looked like at the beginning of the video this is what it looks like now

And we still have one more biome to build right over here and the last bomb is going to be the basalt biome oh that’s not enough all right let’s start stealing some basalt what dude oh my God what is that damage chill out oh wow I was not expecting that oh

What okay here comes his brother The Avengers oh never mind he’s running away okay see you later man that’s the second time today no all right let’s start working on the Bell test the Thomas what is it called again the basalt Deltas yes that um that’s it’s kind of awkward now let’s

Just build and pretend nothing happened and by the way I never do this but if you guys care about me go follow my Twitter and Instagram I post about my exciting life all the time so uh go follow me um And subscribe I guess we’re actually really close to three mil which

Is pretty insane so I’ll go ahead and join the cookie Army and bam oh wait I forgot this there we go and honestly it looks pretty good just like that but let’s take some black stone here and change up some of these blocks so it adds a different

Color and since the biome already had Blackstone on it so that kind of makes sense to you know use Blackstone I’m really bad at this YouTube commentating stuff and yeah with a little hint of Blackstone I think it adds a lot of character to the basalt Deltas well

Let’s also add like a few spikes of Basalt I think that would be really cool if I can ever get here okay so now with this I can just slowly come down this water stream and just simply build a spike that’s pointing down let’s fix it

Up a bit here make the base a little thicker and that’s an amazing addition let’s add a few more let’s put one right here put one on the bottom of the planet just pointing straight down I don’t want to make it too long or kind of look like

A pimple pointing out of the planet or something and unfortunately I can’t add lava like the actual biome so there we go the basalt Delta is complete on the planet and the entire nether planet is complete on every single side this is pretty crazy but before we end this I

Want to add one final touch to spice this up even more I’m here little guy I’m here to capture you for life you are coming with me let’s bring him up to my portal that leads me to the end portal come on yes and now somehow I have to get him

From here down there and he looks a little nervous his legs are shaking uh pretty heavily all right here’s what’s gonna happen we’re both gonna jump down together and I’m gonna MLG water bucket clutch this and you’re gonna live Tony trust me don’t don’t be nervous and yeah

Bruh you gotta jump all right fine if you don’t do it I’ll push you ah don’t die to the water please and in you go now we gotta transport him all the way over there yeah we got a long journey ahead of us And touchdown wait that’s down you made it buddy let’s name him Pony and bam oh wait I named all three name tags Tony oh whoops okay well you’re staying right here so you can reach the lava Seas if you’d like I guess I got a three more mobs to take

Over here and now let’s find a hogland to steal hey yo I was trying to record buddy yeah have some respect okay I think I found what I wanted um there’s just a little too many pigs around here God oh my oh my God where are they

Coming from this is what dream feels like speedrunning I don’t want you stinky guys I want the hogland so let me just jump over here and where did they go oh hello okay come with me bring your son with me as well um he’s welcomed and oh man yeah

Oh wait we just lost the sun no wait yo why you attacking my pit oh leave him alone it’s okay Tony okay let’s take you oh wait here’s another kid all right let’s take you all the way to the end all you gotta do is come through this portal

Please just walk right through all right there goes the baby and now the daddy nice they’re gonna turn into zombified pigments or hoglands but that’s all right let’s bring them over here oh god um I don’t know how to save this guy you might die here what if I just put water

Down then I’ll unlead you oh God unlead you and then you can just hop into the end just get right in there get it okay there goes the daddy and the baby and now for the long journey all the way to the planet and finally they have arrived

Pony meet Tony meet Tony all right now stop stop hurting me please you guys enjoy your life all right I’m not coming back and for this Tony well I’m sorry that was too painful okay we we already lost the one hey yo Pony leave Tony alone off bruh are you okay Tony

I’m sorry about that and finally the custom nether planet is complete built in the end when the warden was added to the game he was never meant to be killed until now because today we will be building a water Farm inside a giant skulk Streaker and is gonna have a bunch

Of cool features like a catalyst waterfall a hidden secret door and I even rebuilt the sensor Rings before we start farming him let’s try to kill him by hand so I know the warden has 250 Hearts so let’s run over here and trap him and he’s trapped oh God but let’s

Just stand back here and shoot him with my arrows and see how long it takes for me to kill him okay that only took around 27 arrows to kill the warden by hand but now let’s start working on the actual Warden Farm I need to find a

Pretty open skull Streaker like that so let’s continue searching around oh guys I think I found it this is so easy to access so easy oh God I don’t like the sound of that where is he oh my God what what just happened after some searching I feel

Like this Streaker right here will be the best just because I need a lot of space vertically to build it so let’s take my white wool and cover it up so it can’t hear me because I am fat and make a lot of noise and let’s just get rid of

All of these sensors here that might give away my position and also him because you smell and now I think if I break blocks around the Streaker it won’t hear me oh yeah I can make as much noise as I want now so let’s clear this

Area a little bit and let’s make a little platform around the Streaker now let’s cover up the area with some carpets so it’s a safe spawning area and now with all this wool it should be safe to remove this and expose the Shrieker and with all the sensors removed I

Should be safe but now let’s head back home to grab some materials so I can build this Warden Farm I need some building blocks some wood stuff a little bit of redstone and some things for a water elevator that should be everything I need and let’s start building this

Warden Farm let’s first put an observer right there and a few blocks like this to make a v now for some Redstone and let’s just put some carpet here so no mobs spawn there and let’s build the rest I’ve heard a sensor uh Make Some

Noise oh I see you you can’t hide from me let’s continue working on this thing and this will be where all the wardens will spawn let’s put a block here and a fence now let’s put Soul Sand here and this will be the water elevator all the

Way up now let’s put a bunch of carpets here to spawn proof the block so these stinky guys can’t spawn up here and now let’s add some fence gates and open them all all let’s build something like that and now from this layer let’s build up 20 blocks so uh okay now

Um all this garbage is in the way oh diamonds nice I totally care about them And there we go now let’s make a little border thingy and a slap down his chest right here with a hopper facing into it now let’s slap some water right here and let’s start working on the water elevator let’s slap down a bunch of kelp let’s break this kelp here and now we

Have a water elevator all the way to the top now up here let’s slap down a slab and let’s put some carpet over here so no mob spawn and now I need two buckets of water and I’m missing one bruh huh oh nice Let’s slap the water here and then put the buckets inside the dispenser and the very last thing I need to do is add a ladder that goes up to this chest and there we go the entire Warden Farm is done it’s pretty simple and now to test

It all I need to do is break this wool and stand on it and Warden should spawn but before we do that we need to light up this entire cave because uh yeah this this is getting really really annoying bro as quickly fly home and let’s craft a

Few torches alright no more mobs are spawning on my watch these aren’t Vines I can’t climb up these all right they basically lit up the entire area from bottom but the bottom bottom all the way to the top so now let’s actually give this Warden Farm a test

I’m pretty excited before I do that though I’m gonna make a little fence surrounding the area where I’m gonna AFK because I still don’t trust all of these torches to protect me so all I have to do is break this wool block right here

And if I stand on top of it it should start summoning the warden and if everything is correct they should spawn only on this platform here so let’s keep waiting until a warden spawns hello there oh oh here it comes here he comes okay he’s going up the water stream

Elevator already and he should be up there getting suffocated or oh my God there’s another one there’s already two this Farm is insanely fast I literally could have done this when I trapped a hundred wardens in my video bruh so let’s APK for 20 minutes and see how

Many skull Catalyst blocks we get Foreign [Laughter] I thought my screen was bugged I was like hold up that doesn’t look that right and I thought he was just glitched a good thing I was looking at my screen I literally would have died okay let’s let’s kill him with my arrows there we

Go and let’s put carpet here so the warden can’t spawn here I think that was the problem just having those open that would have been really close but this is looking pretty insane look at all those wardens just being suffocated Minecraft said it was nearly impossible to kill

These mobs well we have a farm now but let’s just cover up these edges just to be safe so no wardens spawn on me and let’s continue afking right on top of here Okay it’s actually been about 30 minutes now let’s check how many skull cattle this we got but first we gotta wait for all of those wardens to die oh there goes one two three okay this is taking way too long to count there’s at least

Like 20 up there okay all of the wardens have died and I’m pretty sure the warden dropped only one Catalyst per death so let’s see oh wow we already have two socks and 40. that means we already killed 168 wardens in uh like 30 minutes yeah

Um I don’t think the warden is that impossible to kill now after all the water Farm is pretty boring and ugly but we’re gonna completely transform this farm and build a skull trigger on top of it and ask some super cool gadgets like the sensor rings and the hidden door so

Let’s first start off by getting rid of this entire area and you guys know I love using my TNT let’s just pray it doesn’t blow up my farm right underneath it oh no oh no so I think it blew up the phone okay let’s uh try this again but be a

Little more careful My chest it blew up all of my catalysts no oh my this is going terribly wrong all right I think this is a big enough area to fit a skull Streaker now we’ll just need the materials for it but since I did build this giant Warden statue which you guys should totally watch

After I basically have all the materials I need to build this skull Streaker I’m just missing one thing and that’s cold blocks it’s just impossible to get automatically I can’t make a factor or anything I have to go out and mine it like what is this peasantry I’m out here

Mining coal like bruh I got better things to do I gotta I gotta build a skulk Streaker like nothing gets more important than that in my well I gotta play real Minecraft eventually so let’s just have some fun and mine some cool I was too lazy to make a full stack of

Cool blocks 57 should be good enough well let’s start building this skull Streaker I want to have this area eye level inside the Shrieker so we can have a perfect view of all of the word is dying so let’s start building this about five blocks down and make a 16 by 16

Area and now let’s start building out the frame of the skull Streaker and it’s gonna be pretty simple just like the warden statue build okay trust me it doesn’t look like much but it’s it’s definitely gonna look better um just trust me bro now it’s gonna get a little more difficult because we’re

Gonna be adding some wood here and oh I think I already messed that up I think Birch goes here some aquamarine some we’ve got some terracotta some Sandstone here and oh wait I need a bone block here there we go now let’s do the rest and there we go now imagine having all

Four sides complete with the weird tentacles coming from the top and real sensor Rings coming out of it and maybe with like a secret hidden door on the side this is gonna be very cool once I add all of those features but now let’s continue ability on the other sides All right now that the main base of the sugar is complete let’s start working on the tentacles or the weird little uh arms yeah I’m sure you guys don’t know what to call them either let’s build a little ring around here just so it’s a little

Bit easier to build oh I oh no I’m missing a block that I need I need mushroom stems or whatever where can I find some gigantic mushrooms I feel like I mined them all I think oh never mind let’s join some of these all right let’s put one right there I think we

I swear there was not a creeper just standing beside me unless I just don’t have eyes on my head um oh bruh did he come from the sky anyways that was pretty weird let’s continue building here so these tentacles are a lot lighter in color so it’s a little harder

To build because it’s hard to decide which type of white to use it’s like come on we can agree all of these look pretty white and the only color really used are some of these prismarine blocks right here [Applause] it’s looking pretty good so far I just need to add a little detail with some slabs and some quartz slabs to head up here first try oh up here oh up up he up he up up here let’s put some Sandstone slabs there and horse there and I think here

Looks better wait a second I think quartz should go up here there we go I definitely need more slabs though just speed bridge over there and on to the next this is a mess now the final thing I need to do is build the ring sensor looking thing in the

Middle here skulk blocks here A bunch of prismarine like this um I think more warped blocks like that let’s throw in some black concrete like here I guess um what what what do it I I guess I’ll just slap Another Log there and one there just to hide the mess let’s put

Some more black concrete I made a funny shape and do some more things like this and there we go that’s the first like ring now we gotta build the other side kind of circling around yeah this this is kind of difficult so let’s start having a bunch of random blocks and I

Think that’s all right let’s just grab some torches and light up the corners here just for now before a bunch of creepers spawn and blow it all up now let’s move on to the fun parts of this entire video and that is adding all the cool features so let’s start with the

Easy gadgets and slowly move towards the harder ones at the very end so let’s start with the Catalyst waterfall is what I’m calling it all the warnings that dial will drop their Catalyst and it will fall straight down to where I’m AF King over here so it’s like a cool

Little you know waterfall so let’s remove this Hopper and bring this water oh oh okay I just made a fat mess I wanted to fall um not there because I don’t want it to fall on top of me so what if I put sign here and some more glass down here and

Try to split the items up like that let’s give it a try let’s throw a bunch of blocks down and I’m hoping it will just um okay it gets stuck that is not good and the water Rune of the carpet so uh let’s cover this up with some wool so we

Don’t spawn a warden on us so let’s just extend this all the way to the wall throw a sign here and let’s put a block there oh oh and now let’s build another water stream here so the Catalyst will just get transferred to this one and extend

It underground and throw a sign right there now let’s put a water bucket down let’s make a nice tube so the catalysts don’t miss now if I throw items right here it will go all the way up and they should drop right here yep oh yeah they

Shot it pretty far though so let’s just add a few blocks right in front of it like that so it hits the wall and Falls straight down let’s give it a try let’s throw a bunch of random items oh there goes my ax I hope I get that back wait

Oh there there it goes nice I got my items I lost my ax though where’d it go bruh oh there it is so now if I put some hoppers down here and a few chests I have made myself a catalyst waterfall so now let’s give it a try let’s remove all

Of this and spawn some wardens oh God I should probably cover up this floor so it doesn’t spawn on me now let’s find a bunch of these and collect some catalysts But there are a bunch of wardenses dying up there and let’s see if we got any catalysts oh we got nine but now oh here it comes we got the Catalyst waterfall yeah the waterfall is kind of slow so I guess we gotta call it like the the drip

The Catalyst drip but we got 14 already and now that the easy feature is completely I’ll start working on the medium difficulty feature which is going to be the secret Redstone door right here so we can actually go see these wardens dying which is a pretty cool

Sight so let’s come over here and grab some observers I also need a sticky piston and obsidian where did I put obsidian uh is that obsidian nice I don’t even know how I have so much obsidian and also needs some slime blocks oh I haven’t been here in a while

Does this thing still work um I guess it doesn’t matter because I have a bunch of slime balls well bam and this thing still works pretty beautifully this is so satisfying so let’s put the secret door right here and have the blocks come from underground so

I need to go about six blocks deep here and somehow place the block there oh what I didn’t even take fall damage let’s break this let’s build a platform underneath this so I have space to work I need honey blocks um how do I manage

To forget that bro please tell me I have some in here come on come on come on come on come on please is there any in here come on there has to be some in here yes 18. and now I can put some honey blocks that only took me like 10

Minutes and now behind this let’s put wrestling Dutch there and some more observers facing into the repeater so now let’s actually oink these blocks right here and rebuild them in front of these sticky stuff just like that so the door actually works and that’s pretty much it for the door it’s a pretty

Simple design hopefully it works instead of activating this entire door with like a simple lever or a pressure plate that’s that’s pretty boring let’s make this interesting so let’s come right underneath here in front of the door and build a little platform and now let’s

Fly around so I can yoink a sensor block mmm and I’m pretty sure this would give a redstone current if I just do this oh yeah see if I make noise that thing lights up that’s that’s a good that’s a good sign so now what if I put this down

A comparator and then some dust how oh it actually carries the signal pretty far what if I make noise further out oh okay so it depends how close I am making this noise to send a big rest on current so let’s actually put the repeater like

Right here so I need to be decently close to activate the entire door now let’s put a block here some Redstone Dust connecting to this and oh my god it worked oh oh oh oh um there’s a little too much noise going on just making the door go crazy what

Noise does it picking up what is going on the door is freaking out is there a mob somewhere or is it picking up like the Torches what if I remove that I I broke the door now there’s a little Gap right here I was not picking up the

Right amount of signal bruh what if I put it here okay so if I walk by it should what is what what noise is it picking up oh wait is it picking up the Redstone so it’s just a constant Loop okay maybe this wasn’t the best idea so let’s

Change it up and build it further away from the Redstone door and let’s put it right here and will it work properly um it will not so what if I put a comparator here and do something sort of fancy like this okay well it sort of works to added this little pulse um

Shortener and if I Make Some Noise it sort of works and then if I make noise again it pushes it back up I Make some noise and it should pull it down like like like like that um it’s not perfect but it works as a hidden oh what what

Kind of timing it still works as a hidden door now I just need to go to the secret area to activate it so it makes it even more hidden and soon I will redecorate this entire area surrounding this skull Streaker and it’s gonna look amazing so now that we have the easy

Feature complete and the medium difficulty feature complete let’s start working on the hardest one and possibly the coolest and that is I want to make the actual working rings of the Streaker because you know how when you make some noises it makes like these cool rings I

Want to imitate that with some falling water and I’m not really good at Redstone so this is gonna be challenging so let’s start by coming right into the middle here I’m building up and I don’t think I have enough room to build this thing so uh this should be enough space to start

Building this thing so let’s first start off by building the smaller ring that would drop the water like this size is good so now let’s build an outer ring kind of like this and there’s gonna be dispensers on the bottom sides of these so they can dispense the water but

Somehow I’m gonna have to make this shoot first and then this one and then the other later wait we have I have a good idea what if I just made this higher so the dispenser sits up higher and I activate them at the same time so it I I’m a genius

And once this lights up it should shoot a bunch of water oh wait I didn’t put water in it oh and uh I probably shouldn’t move this clock so it’s not underneath the water oh now it’s kind of delayed oh no all right let’s redesign this entire thing

So I’m somehow gonna take this side wait a second that wouldn’t work oh my I I let’s redesign this again what is guys I’m brain dead okay I think I fixed it and it should look like um oh that didn’t work and the thing that I was worried about happened it did this

And ruined all the Redstone oh God this is a never-ending cycle I realized this machine is impossible to use with dispensers and with the new design instead of dispensers we’re using sticky pistons let’s turn on these pistons and um these ones don’t even turn on nice all right another redesign

Okay um it still doesn’t work what if I’ve removed these corners and removed this will that make a difference yeah I know it doesn’t I’m not giving up I got a new plan on off oh there we go that’s the ring except that I’m not sure what’s happening there but that’s working oh

I’m dumb I left this platform here let’s give it another try and why is only this side working okay I rerouted it if this doesn’t work then Minecraft is literally broken there we go oh my God and it’s coming down yes yes it’s not totally centered in the

Middle but I mean you can’t even tell now we just gotta add two more outer rings that are a little bit bigger and we should have rebuilt the sensor rings so now let’s start working on the two final rings and I’m super excited to see how this will look when it’s finished Okay I decided to make my life a little easier and put two currents in one system so it will activate the water here and then it will deactivate it again so I don’t need to like try to get two outputs out of this thing I should

Have done that a while ago but I simplified it a lot and I think this is gonna work it starts from the bottom here then moves to the other one and then the furthest layer thing you know what let me let me just show you let’s

Grab all my water buckets and fill up these oh actually I almost forgot to add a border around these dispensers so the water doesn’t go crazy and I also need to come down here and figure out a way to contain this water because this dispenser just lands on this block so

It’s gonna pour everywhere would it look weird if I just put a glass block there to like contain it or something like like this like would that look weird let’s just do it for now and figure out a solution later I’m just excited to see this work so let’s turn this off and

Fill all the dispensers with some water okay I think we are ready if this doesn’t work I’m gonna be upset I spent literal days planning this I even moved out into a new spot please please honestly this is good enough for me I already went through so much pain to

Build this thing I’m even living in a different place from when I started that water dispenser thing and that’s probably why you hear an echo right now I moved homes I left my parents house and I’m living in a condo all by myself so I got some extra rooms if you guys

Want to live with me drop your applications in the comments since all the features are done let’s start decorating this place and making it look better because uh it’s pretty ugly let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of grass some skulk blocks and let’s craft a bunch of light blue concrete and now

We need to convert all this powder into concrete um you know what it’s pretty easy all you gotta do is look into your inventory and bam yeah I got a little lazy with these last stocks oh God I got a whole family of glow squids in here what is

Going on these guys are living with like drips of water and they’re not dying like how they usually do this is insane well I made two Farms I made a warden farm and a glow squid Farm that’s a pretty pretty POG champ I really need to stop saying that anyways it’s you this

Grass is gross what kind of biome am I in um let’s replace this entire ground of grass or this puke grass I guess it matches the theme very well that’s disgusting Alice are adding a little bit of terrain I try to blend it with this cave so I

Got some deep slate so I’m gonna try to like mix in a few blocks here make it look like it was built in and all natural I think this is looking bro and by the way we just passed 3 million subscribers which is insane

About a year and a half ago I only had 3 000 subscribers so thank you guys so much for joining the cookie Army but there’s just one small problem I only have 20 000 followers on Twitter and Instagram guys what is this the cookie Army could do so much better so go on

Instagram and Twitter and type in a cookie God and go click that follow button do it now I’m waiting okay thanks guys and just on the outside of the skunk block I’m gonna replace the grass with some skulk blocks for a nice little transition and now to finish up

This entire build up here at the top I’m gonna make a nice little blue sky I feel like it would be a cool contrast through the Overworld of Minecraft compared to the deep dark so let’s start building this guy and I decided to add some clouds around as well just to break

Apart the blueness of the sky and make it look I mean the real sky has clouds so that’s why now right in the center of the skull Streaker let’s transition into a dark cloud let’s use some light gray concrete right at the very edge and then some darker gray concrete I feel like

This is gonna look so cool and now right in the middle let’s use some black concrete since Gold Blocks also have a hint of black I’m gonna put that right in the middle but without blocking these water dispensers and I feel like it’ll give a stranger things type of dark

Cloud Vibe and there we go it does look a little weird seeing all the dispensers and you kind of think to yourself like what is that I guess that’s the unknown of the dark cloud and what’s coming out of it anyways that is distorted on how I

Built a Warner Farm inside a giant skull Streaker that has a cool Catalyst waterfall a secret hidden door and even the working sensor Rings thanks for watching and quote of the day um I guess make memories with your friends and family yeah that’s my new saying make memories

Now on this episode I built a massive mansion in Hardcore Minecraft filled with awesome features like a basketball court a tennis court a outdoor swimming pool and even a helicopter pad and many more so the first thing I need to do is find a spot to build this giant mansion

And uh there’s not a lot of space in my world when I’m seeing a pretty nice area right here and Bam there we go now the next thing I need to do is terraform all of this land because people who live in mansions just have better looking land

Like their grass just looks richer and they probably spend like six million dollars to keep their grass nicely cut so let’s smooth out this entire area that took me two full hours to do yeah but now let’s start collecting the materials I need to build this mansion

And it’s gonna be a lot of it we already have a bunch of jungle wood well bam we also have unlimited sand and that we can turn it into sandstone but we’re gonna need more things like Blackstone how did you get in here oh my oh let’s just come

Up here and uh grab it from here so I don’t get attacked and we also need some andesite for this project so let’s come here and grab a bunch of and lastly I need some birch trees or birch wood could be more specific because I can build a house out of a

Tree I need the wood why am I so awkward man and now that we have all the materials that we need let me tell you guys the game plan so obviously the Mansion is going to be built right there and it’s gonna look super cool but to make this

Even coolier I’m gonna be adding some super cool features to this Mansion like a giant fountain in the front a swimming pool a basketball court and a tennis court in the backyard it’s on palm trees some super cars and maybe a helicopter so this is gonna be pretty fun let’s

Work on the frame of this mansion and on this end right here there will be a spiral staircase that leads up to the top of it kind of like that now let’s put an entire frame for the size of this entire mansion and see how big we’re

Gonna build it and now let’s build up the foundation all right it’s not looking too bad so far now looking at it I feel like my chest room is way bigger than this Mansion I’m gonna build which is uh it wasn’t the plan but this is still

Gonna look awesome so now let’s start working on this staircase let’s come and grab some Spruce stairs and some slabs which this part won’t be enough there we go now let’s build the stairs and now the entire floor and now let’s come to the backyard here start laying down some foundation for

The cool features like a basketball court hopefully that’ll be big enough um I’m not sure why I used leaves to outline it yep that’s much better now right beside it uh let’s build a tennis court right here and I’ll spice these up later in the video but it’s gonna look

Pretty cool and right against this stone wall let’s build the outline for a two-story outdoor swimming pool hey there we go and later on in the video I’ll be building a lazy river inside the cave I also built the frame for other cool features like a front water fountain and a helicopter pad

Finally it’s time to start working on the actual Mansion so let’s take some jungle wood and I’m really surprised I’m building with jungle wood look at this this almost makes me want to throw up but I have a plan to mix up the jungle planks with some stripped birch logs and

Some smooth Sandstone to make a cool looking combo so first things first I want to make a pretty grand entrance so let’s make it a circle as well to match with this thing and let’s build it up now let’s add some birch wood this will be the main block frame of the Mansion

Like the support stuff and let’s strip them down now let’s get five blocks and build up the next support beam thingy would and this will be the size of one of the walls now let’s bring out the wall one block so the matching just looks bigger and continue this all the

Way around this entire outline Now let’s simply connect up all of these pillars with some more birch logs and strip them again and do this all the way around And I just ran out of birch logs why didn’t I bring more snatch all that and let’s come right back oh let’s come right here and what the let’s come here okay I made it oh if I miss this I’m gonna pop a vein in my forehead nice nice

Oh it’s like oh my God as you fell so the Mansion is looking pretty big so far and we’re not even halfway done because I still gotta build a second floor oh yeah let’s just uh run over here and Bam isn’t editing pretty cool so now that the entire frame is basically built

Out oh god oh no oh my God it’s a whole Army did you see how much knockback I just took the next step for this Mansion building is to build the frame for the rooftop because that is very important and I’m thinking of building it out of Blackstone so let’s turn these into

Slabs let’s just come up with a general shape and see how it looks Foreign so this is the basic design I came out with but I’ll probably end up rolling with the same design all throughout this entire Mansion so let’s leave that till later and start working on these walls and it’s gonna be pretty simple just some jungle wood and I might mix in some

Jungle logs and strip them kind of like this to add a little bit more texture and the windowsill will be right here with stairs coming out like oh like this no not like that like this okay I kind of don’t like that how about some Sandstone to replace it I think

That looks better but up close it’s pretty ugly if you fly far away though and look back you won’t even notice a thing so let’s just stick with this design and bring it all the way around this mansion and later on we’re gonna add small little details to the walls

And spice it up a little bit but I’m tired so uh let’s go to sleep bruh what is going down down here oh my this is literally the best creeper Farm ever why is it always creepers please please oh oh my God I’m gonna just uh

Snatch my bed don’t mind me and sleep over here Okay well that’s basically the entire front side complete and that took me a pretty long time and I still have all of this to do oh my God And now we just need to finish the second floor so we just do his quick Spin and we’re done that was a very weird noise I made um I actually make a lot of weird noises but it’s looking pretty boring right now it’s basically the same exact Windows just copy and

Paste it all all over the house oh man but once we start adding some detail and a rooftop this will look amazing you just have to trust me please just trust me oh and now let’s start finishing up this rooftop and this is a pretty complex design with sandstone a

Birch border and Blackstone at the top it’s uh it’s hard but it looks really good so let’s grab all of the materials and let’s first start off with the Birch border that goes all the way around the mansion and oh why is Minecrafting so hard like I cannot walk in a straight

Line and there we go oh my God on the very last block of Phil and now for the Sandstone it goes stairs slap stairs slap stairs slab all the way down and I’m hoping it will be even right here if I build this correctly and I barely do

Anything in life correctly hey yo so far so good I’m actually doing something right for once mom she’s gonna be so proud of me building things right on Minecraft is such a huge accomplishment in life and there we go but now it’s for the painful part let’s take off this

Black Zone and turn it into slabs and now that we have a full inventory let’s finish up this entire ceiling Thank you Now it’s starting to look like a mansion it’s pretty awesome now we just need to fill in these windows that was a good cool Spider-Man move but let’s go grab some glass and I’m thinking of just using some white stained glass panes because it just looks cooler and it saves on a lot

Of materials not using full glass blocks because I’m just cheap like that so let’s fill in this first front wall and see what it looks like and hey that’s not bad I feel like that’s the best choice of glass well let’s start filling up all the glass paints why do I what

Why do I make those noises it’s just like instinct you know I was sick definitely not my first try I mean I mean definitely my first try just like instinct you know it’s just like inks oh come on man what does that look like to you guys that’s a really that’s really thin All right the matching is looking pretty good so far off the windows are in and let’s just fly through here and also in the back wait I I forgot to build the rooftop here bro there we go now let’s spice up the build by adding some finer details to the

Windows and the walls let’s grab some stone brick walls some item frames some lanterns let’s craft a bunch of anvils and let’s start whoa whoa whoa where’d you come from where’s your dad I’m your dad now and we also need some Birch stuff which I’m out of birch nice let’s

Head over to the Birch Forest sorry I’m I’m a little impatient and let’s collect up a bunch of birch trees let’s turn these all into planks and then let’s make some trap doors we’re gonna need a lot of this because I’m gonna put them all over the house so to

Spice up this build a little bit I’m gonna be putting trap doors on these logs but like every second block and I have a feeling it’s gonna make it look a little better I hope um no no promises at all let’s quickly do it on the other

Side and let’s see how it looks oh my jeez that adds a lot to the build look compared to that side to this side it’s also put it on this giant window over here I feel like it will look good and over on this side oh yeah I love those

Trap doors they’re quite Exquisite if I do save yourself myself I’m literally the weirdest person ever but now let’s take some lanterns and some stone brick walls and start adding some lights to this build what if that how does that look that’s not too bad yeah I think it’s a pretty good addition

To add and if your matching doesn’t have 16 million lights turned on all night then is it even a mansion now actually I do need these trap doors I want to add some more window pane looking things I’m not quite sure how to do it yet let’s

Take some Sandstone walls and kind of bring this up so it looks like it’s an actual windowsill and now I kind of want to have some dividers like this maybe um will this look good is it even oh could I put blocks here and trap doors

Like that if I break this now and I put trapdoors on the other side it should look like a very thin divider oh that that that’s op that that’s so good compared to this to that side he’s mean I I’m so weird this is oh my God what is going oh what

What am I how am I placing a block right here what is this Minecraft I’m aiming here and okay I swear it was you know what I’m not gonna talk wow that looks so much better that’s insane oh my God I got a better idea hold up hold up hold up But oh my God I’m a legend look at that jeez man and by the way if you guys didn’t know I’ll be uploading all of the BTS funny moments bloopers and just funny personal moments all on my second channel for every single Hardcore episode you watch so if you guys want to

Hear me make weird noises or hear some funny personal stories while I’m making this episode go to the second Channel And subscribe it’ll also be linked in the description below wait a sec no whoa wait a second do you guys see something wrong here on the second floor compared

To the first floor you guys see anything wrong oh I forgot to add jungle logs to the the walls no I need to I still need to do that I don’t even have jungle wood no why is there zombies now no way around of jungle wood oh let’s collect

Some jungle wood oh man and let’s just add a bit of jungle logs all around here and pretend that I didn’t forget because like I don’t I don’t forget anything guys I’m just the smartest man alive I’m walking on this earth now let’s grab some Birch stairs and let’s build the

Railing up here here for the balcony let’s do this and continue on this side and meet right in the middle I think is that the middle I don’t think that’s the middle that’s that’s the middle right yeah oh that’s not bad I just feel like there’s too much wood going on let’s

Switch it to stone brick and you might look at this thing and think there’s enough detail and it looks pretty good but I still got more ideas to make this look even better and snazzier let’s craft some more Sandstone let’s grab some campfires and let’s build a few

Chimneys on top of this ceiling I think I’m gonna build four And let’s just throw a campfire back here and that will be the chimney honestly it’s kind of ugly okay from a distance from a distance you can’t even tell maybe just a little detail with a trapdoor there yep that works for me now let’s build a few more And since we have the big daddy chimneys on the main part of this Mansion I want to build some smaller little ones over here so I have a pretty good idea let’s grab some Sandstone walls some burst trap doors and there’s one block I want

To use which is how the heck do you make a flower pot it’s Clay I’m so dumb we even have Clay bruh that was the weakest firework ever so for the small chimney I’m gonna put it back here somewhere and it’s just gonna be thinner so it’ll go up like this I’m

Gonna use some Birch trap doors instead and let’s hide two campfires in here and I’m gonna put up some Sandstone walls like that and flower pots on the top I feel like that’s gonna look pretty good oh that’s pretty good let’s build the same exact thing on this side and the

Very final touch I want to add to this Mansion is a little Spike right here um oh that’s a problem let’s um break this turn into a full block and do that and just a reminder this is what the matching looked like at the beginning of the video and this is what

It looks like now yeah it looks pretty awesome there’s just a few little details that need to fix up like filling in these small little triangle things in the roof now let’s move on to the cooler features like the helicopter the basketball and tennis court and the outdoor swimming pool so first things

First let’s start building the helicopter pad right here I think I’m gonna go with some simple black and white and I don’t have any black wool um do I have any black concrete I have a bit so let’s fill up this entire circle and right in the middle there will be a

Nice little H like that perfect all right let’s slap down the H right in the middle here just like okay it should probably be a little bit bigger yep there we go so now let’s start building the helicopter okay I think I got all the materials I need I haven’t

Really built a helicopter before so this might go very bad so let’s make some walls and this will act as the wheels of the helicopter I guess so my plan is to have the helicopter all wiped so let’s give it a little nose like that let’s

Take some iron trap doors and put it at the bottom of this let’s make a little wing kind of like this and let’s put some trap doors here to thin it out a bit I guess let’s bring this up um this will be the body of the plane in here

Let’s throw in like a window here I guess I I literally have no idea what I’m doing guys but let’s just make more windows let’s now switch it out with some Block Stone and make it the cockpit um maybe a thing like that and let’s smooth it out okay that’s not looking

Too bad right guys like it’s not terrible let’s just continue building and see how it looks at the end hey it’s not looking too bad so far come on it it looks like a Vulcan what not a volcano it looks like a helicopter but now all we gotta do is build the

Propellers at the top I already made a little baby daddy version right here at the fin or the back now we just gotta Design This top part and just a small detail I’m gonna replace this bottom support beam thingy for the propeller with some black stone it looks more

Tough you know what I mean and now my helicopter is complete yo yo guys I think we did something here maybe just some trap doors here for like some armor protection I don’t know and that’s a pretty sick helicopter guys what do you guys think drop some ratings in the

Comments because I really like this now on to the next cool feature which is gonna be the basketball court right here so I’m gonna use a different white than the uh out of bounds area so I’m gonna go with some snow blocks let’s make the three-point line kind of just bulge out

Like uh this um yeah I think that’s a good size and now for the paint on the inside let’s go for a red and Orange right in the middle with another red line like that and I forgot my Oak blocks bruh let’s grab a lot of these and let’s fill in the floor

And only rich people have wooden basketball courts outside like come on we can’t go with some boring old peasantry concrete as we be the same thing on the other side but now let’s start building the basketball net oh come on now come on now that is sick now let’s build this

Side and there we go but there’s just one more thing I want to add to these basketball nets and that is some cobwebs bam and let’s grab some more just for the tennis court oh oh where’s my ax oh wait and now if I put a cobweb in here it’ll look like the

Net maybe down there um let’s let’s remove that yeah I I like that bam and there’s my awesome outdoor basketball court and now for the tennis court so I don’t really play a lot of tennis but I’m pretty sure the courts are green oh nice I do have green concrete nice let’s

Come down over here and this should be pretty simple let’s replace there’s some snow blocks right there and let’s I think there’s a a border like this I I don’t know the fans that play tennis will be kind of mad at me and I think I just filled this in with lime concrete

Here we go let’s take some white concrete put it there and take my cobwebs and make the net yup there we go my tennis court is done I think that’s all you need right it looks it looks like a tennis court I am a bigger fan of

Basketball though so um how do I get stuck bro what is it what is going on with me okay that was so weird um yeah that was your fault there we have it we have a tennis court and a basketball court all built out in the backyard something that only rich people

Have so none of us will ever see this and if you do have a basketball court in your backyard uh hit me up please thanks all right next up let’s start working on this doubled layered waterfall thingy pool um swimming pool and I feel like this is

Gonna be pretty cool because it’s right on the edge of this cliff and that gives me pretty good ideas so the bottom of the swimming pool will be made out of quartz because it just looks a lot cleaner so let’s grab that and start laying it down so this top section of

The swimming pool will be more of a shallow kitty swimming pool but down here will be the deep end the Big Daddy version where all the cool kids will hang out so let’s fill up this floor And I already ran out of quartz nice I can never have anything I want in life and I’m gonna bring it down just a notch very subtly with some slabs I’ll bring it all the way here and I’ll have a spiral into the deep end I don’t know

What’s up with me and spirals lately but yeah I’ve been liking spirals I guess Okay now all I gotta do is fill it up with some water all right it’s going down to the second step and oh God I think I think I’m a little too short for this pool I’m about to drown yeah I think this side’s gonna be a little too

Deep for me I’ll stick to the kiddie pool but I don’t really know what’s the best way to fill up this pool I can’t really place a block so I think I just gotta spam water until it works oh my God it’s actually working I’m a genius I never questioned myself ever in

My life I knew exactly what I was doing and the pool is done oh my okay I thought I was gonna drown look how funny this looks it’s just my head popping off the water let me take off some clothes here ah we’re just chilling in the pool just me

Um yeah I might need some company I got no friends of those so um what what could I do I got me some chickens yeah all right calm down join me in the pool yes I got me some friends I’ll make some babies in the water my God and there we

Go and now let’s just extend this floor beside the swimming pool and now that gives me some room to build some lawn chairs so I can just like sit right here and relax and be lonely oh man what do I remind myself every day and let’s come down here to grab some

Random wool colors let’s turn them into carpets and let’s start building some umbrellas for these lounge chairs that’s a really ugly umbrella what if I replace this with oh no I didn’t think it would break let me just put a stone brick wall right right here right right

Right right he right here I trapped myself in somehow how did I try myself okay okay I’m struggling oh my and it’s still just as ugly yeah I’m gonna go sleep my pain away you know what let’s put another ugly umbrella over here okay the Dual ugly umbrellas

Um perfect and now let’s start working on something fun let’s build a few diving boards off of this Cliff because you know why not let’s put some stairs here and some slabs like that a ladder and yay okay yeah we didn’t have to add that sound effect um that was that was so

Offensive but uh let’s build another one over here like this and there we go and there’s one more thing I need to add and that is the lazy river that goes into this cave and pops out on the other side let’s just make the tunnel now since we

Got the Lazy River let’s put some lanterns in here to make it like a little bit spooky with some nice lighting if that makes sense and there we go we got ourselves a lazy river I can’t believe I just made it all the way around it’s banged on my head on every

Stone wall now I thought the entire backyard is complete and looks super awesome let’s work on some decoration at the front of the house which is gonna be this Fountain right here I don’t want to make it too tall because it’ll block the beautiful mansion so it’s just gonna be

Like a little one let’s use some and the site I think that’ll be a good uh block and some quartz so let’s remove this red border we have here and let’s replace it with some stairs like that I think that will be all right there we go to make it even fancier

Let’s put some slabs um just scattered around like this let’s now come up here and grab some Spruce Wood and let’s replace this floor with some planks to add some color now let’s start working on this Fountain let’s make it super fancy but still kind of

Small that relates to a lot of things in my life not not the fancy part just a small part anyways and I also want some water to pour through this bottom part here so let’s first fill this up so I know what I’m working with and I already ran out

Of slabs nice biome and these aren’t even the right slabs bro what what slabs are these pork slabs I I made smooth SLA bruh no one could even tell a difference right like if you just yeah fine I’ll go get some cord slabs bruh okay there we go that makes my

Heart feel better so now let’s make these little uh slab thingies because it just makes you look rich and water is gonna pour off of these little uh entrances thing and let’s also have it pour out like right uh here I think it would look kind of cool let’s add some

More stairs and one more little peek like that and that’s where the water will come out of hopefully this turns out nice that’s the land right here and let’s put the water down please look good okay um it went through there which is good I need to go through these holes

First so let’s block these off and make it spread and please look nice oh that’s not that’s not bad that’s not bad let’s go from the far and yup I’ll take it that looks pretty fancy to me but the final thing we need to finish with this

Mansion is this entrance right here it’s still empty somehow I forgot about it so let’s remove this right here and kind of redesign it a little bit let’s have the door protrude out just slightly like two blocks and put some stick wow those those stairs are really ugly now what

The heck could you make smooth stairs okay that is a lot nicer these are really ugly so let’s put some stairs like that let’s build this up slightly like this and let’s bring around a ring of stairs kind of upside down let’s put some slabs right here underneath it

Let’s bring it all around let’s just smooth out these Corners here by adding a few slabs like this even some like that to give it a nice Arc and we got ourselves a pretty nice entrance the very last thing I want to do is build some pillars that lead up to a balcony

Up there to act as some support beams and you can’t forget trap doors I thought it was the entirety of the Mansion complete the front looks so beautiful and even the backyard is full of cool things like a basketball court a tennis court a swimming pool and even a

Helicopter pad on the side but there’s just one thing missing the inside is empty well looks like you just gotta wait until next episode on the last episode I built this giant mansion but there’s just one slight problem the entire Mansion is empty so today we will be decorating the interior of this

Entire Mansion I fill it with some Basics like a kitchen a living room and a bedroom but I’m also gonna build some epic things like an at-home gym an indoor movie theater an aquarium and even garage full of supercars so let’s start by simply filling up this floor

All right next up let’s start laying out oh God I made a mob farm oh no why do they all have armor this is not fair no no no no yeah let’s fix this and light this entire place up all right for this side of the Mansion I laid it out a little

Bit so this green outline will be the living room of the Mansion this red outline will be the kitchen area this blue outline would be a freezer over here on the yellow side will be the dining table area where you just feast and I still have yet to decide what’s

Gonna be on this side of the mansion and upstairs and probably the basement too because there’s gonna be a giant basement this is gonna be a big project and the first section I want to start building is the living room I have a bunch of materials in my inventory and

Let’s start building where the TV is gonna go and I don’t remember what the biggest size painting there is in Minecraft I haven’t made a painting in like 10 years so hopefully it fits on like a 5×5 right here whoa what did you guys see that I literally just flew I’m cheating it’s

Official let’s remove a section and put some black concrete down act as the TV now all we need is a painting is it wool and sticks oh my God I can’t believe I remember my brain is ginormous and bam oh that is not what I wanted does it go bigger than this

Um it seems like it’s only a 4×4 which isn’t ideal it’s not really a centered well that’s not good oh damn yeah Bruce Lee my boy now let’s come over here and build like a speaker that sort of looks like one and now let’s just build some comfy couches here

But before we do that we need one material and that is some snow blocks let’s joint this oh wait I’ve still touched oh that makes my life so easy my sound effects are insane so let’s build the couches right here and I’m gonna use some snow blocks and now let’s

Build the side of the couch like that but I’m gonna change it up a bit because here is gonna be some gray wool let’s grab some trap doors and put them on the edges and now let’s build a coffee table right in the center like this and using

Some carpets let’s make a rug in these Corners let’s put a End Rod for some lighting I really hope it doesn’t melt the snow here and The Last Detail I want to add is some Greenery does that look good I I thought it would look like a

Like a nice stem and a tree like the dead bush is the stem to delete yeah I don’t uh I’ll just keep stuttering until you guys understand I feel like we should add some back here as well there we go and it’s looking pretty empty on

This back wall so let’s add a log here and strip it down it’ll act like a table and let’s just fill this out with some decorations that’s not too bad right I guess we could also add some shelving up here for more decoration so let’s slap

Like a flower pot up there a land and turn up there maybe another brewing stand and let’s head over to the ocean to try to steal some egg thingies these seagrass things you mean some of that and I can probably just slap these down here and make it look pretty normal

Right it looks it looks all right right somebody somebody please say right let’s just add a few more decorative pieces and we are done that makes the living room area complete now we just gotta get rid of all of these mobs they’re literally mobs on my tennis court get

Off only professional players only no no and now I can just sit here take off all of my clothes and just watch TV and relax ah this ah it’s nice being rich okay yeah we got work to do let’s build this kitchen so let’s first start by building

A big wall separating the kitchen from the freezer area yep that’s beautiful that looks so bad okay let’s make a little um doorway right here that will lead into the freezer let’s go collect all the blocks I need and this is gonna be a giant kitchen there’s gonna be a nice uh

Island in the middle here and I have a bunch of blocks so let’s build a stove now I have a bunch of barrels and these will be like Cabinetry and we could make some pretty cool like button things here so let’s put some frames like that and

If I put some slabs on it and then some signs it will look like it’s a handle it’s have a big uh Pantry area like that and let’s do the same thing on one of the sides and let’s flip it so it’s on this side I know rich guy has a kitchen

Without some bookshelves just chilling here right it needs some recipe books because they can’t cook themselves because they will just hire a chef so let’s put some support beams like that and right behind the stove let’s come here Bam Bam that’s the sink let’s have some levers here like that and let’s

Slap an item frame down so it looks like a mat or something and maybe a pressure now let’s add a bit more Cabinetry and some other storage stuff or whatever it’s called up here just to fill up the space and it’s looking pretty solid so

Far I really like it it’s a bit messy but it kind of gives a nice Vibe and now I just need some raw food to finish up the decoration so let’s come over here to my farms and let’s take some meat let’s also bake a few cakes um there’s a

Bunch of chickens over here hopefully they will lay some eggs come on give me your balls that sounded a little weird Yeah that’s what you get you take too long to lay eggs there’s one here thank you man okay finally got my eggs some milk buckets and some wheat I think that’s all you need for a cake that is wrong um what else would you need how to bake

A cake in Minecraft oh I need sugar yeah let’s grab some of that we’ll bam and give me a cake nice that was so much work for a cake all right I made a few more and let’s just slot one here and grab this meat and just slap it on these

Item frames and some on these little Skillets or holder things and now that the kitchen is complete let’s move over to the cooler side you see what it did there the freezer where we hold all different types and sizes of meat that that came off my tongue wrong okay

That yeah let’s first start by enclosing the freezer because I’m pretty sure there’s not any windows in freezers and that’s also change the floor to some iron blocks I start by adding some iron doors right here so it reinforces everything and some pressure plates

Right here so I can walk in and out very easily I’m gonna be using some red glazed terracotta to make it look like there’s hanging meat off the ceiling that sort of looks like some hanging meat right or it could just be punching bags those are really bad fighting noises and

Over on this side I’m gonna do some campfires to make a freezer type of storage system thing uh yeah and now we can slap my raw meat all over the freezer and save it for later to eat and here is my complete freezer with a bunch of meat hanging around and being

Stored let’s move on to the next thing which is going to be the dining table area right over here beside the kitchen and now I can build a giant dining table right here so I think I’m gonna make it go this way have it wrap around just like this actually that’s probably not

Good enough every Rich bazillionaire has like a giant dining table so let’s make it a little bit thicker let’s use some red carpet and put it across this and now for the chairs I’m gonna use a staircase right there put some signs like this and I kind of want to use

Banners so it makes a red little thing like that I think that looks pretty good I would like a glass of your finest wine please and the cup must be gold plated with caviar on top did I sound Rich at all and on the ends of the table I’m gonna build another

Chair but this is Gonna Act Like The Throne so let’s do the normal thing like this but use a yellow Banner so it looks like the golden chair and that’s where the king’s gonna sit so uh me obviously because I’m the best in the world and

This is where the queen will sit and it’s gonna be empty because I am lonely and no one of you guys can sit there but I’m actually gonna replace this carpet with some actual wool so I can throw some decoration on top of it and let’s

Use some item frames to act as the plates and actually I’m gonna change these plates over here and all I need are some glow squids oh my jabib there’s a lot of mobs here holy cow look at all these mobs and that zombie has a boner

Oh okay there’s some water oh there we go there’s always some glow squid guts just chilling somewhere let’s craft some glow item frames the royalty are eating royalty their plate just looks fancier and the king and queen can eat a golden apple they just bougie like that and

Everyone else can eat just some raw oh wait I’m gonna be sitting in these chairs um I’ll just have a cake now let’s add some carpet underneath the dining table to make it a little bit fancier I also added a ceiling and also added some hanging lights and the

Chandelier over the dining table and there we go the dining table area is complete and that makes this first section completely complete I I really need to get better at English but over here on this side I want to fill it up with some cooler gadgets and

Cooler things so this is the layout for the other side a red outline will be a library a green border will be an indoor whole movie theater and the blue will be a custom aquarium but before we start working on these three features let’s start building some simple walls to

Divide all of the rooms All right let’s first start working on the library section let’s go grab some bookshelves nice zero bookshelves let’s head over to my RAID Farm steal a bunch of emeralds and let’s trade for some bookshelves thank you sir and I I have no idea why there’s a whole family of

Villagers hiding underground what are you guys all doing what there’s even a chicken in there bruh there’s at least six generations of families in here and there’s but I’ve seen enough I’m I’m out of here but now that we have a bunch of bookshelves let’s start working on the library And to fill up this wall over here I’m just gonna add a simple painting now down here I guess we could just put some barrels and maybe like uh empty bookshelf like that and over on this side we can put some lecterns elect turns I’m gonna say lanterns and put

Some booking quotes in there I am and now since this is a library obviously you’re gonna read the books right and I also built this thing in the middle um I forgot to click record so I made a nice comfy couch so I could just sit and relax and read some like dictionary

Books or books of no words because I can’t read now we just got finished up the roof and now the library oh I’m so dumb I did I didn’t fit on this side and now the library inside the Mansion is complete now let’s start working on the in-home

Theater right here I want the main block to be black wool or black concrete so it kind of blocks it off the light luckily I have a custom squid farm right here that should have give me unlimited squid sacks or ink sacks ink sacks let’s also

Collect a bunch of wool wait I am so stupid I literally have a sheep Factory that would probably give me oh my God everything I need let’s just take that and throw this away and pretend that I had a brain so the main floor of the theater will be a gray wool

Separated from the block walls and I need to cover up all these walls that block these windows as you can have light in a movie theater like come on guys and right in the middle here will be a giant screen and that is nowhere near the middle but uh yeah let’s start

Working on the theater okay now that we have the basic room set up let’s also put some banners and they’re gonna act like acoustic foam or a padding that kind of makes the theater sound even better and now let’s start working on the couches it’s gonna be

Pretty simple it won’t be too big it’ll just sit kind of like this and let’s surround it with some trap doors that make it look better let’s grab some end rods and this could be the ambient lighting last but not least let’s add a little bit of decoration like flower

Pots and sea pickles to make it look like cups and popcorn or something I guess and the very last thing I want to add is a small popcorn machine in the corner and I also decide to add some speakers and there we go the at home theater is done with some nice comfy

Couches a bunch of Cups and even a cake some giant speakers and a popcorn machine right here that totally serves popcorn yeah I don’t uh don’t look too closely please um now let’s work on something even cooler which is going to be an aquarium for the aquarium I’m

Gonna need a bunch of glass but I also need to grab some Coral so let’s come down here and let’s grab a bunch of this let’s also collect some seagrass all right I got most of the materials I need and let’s build this aquarium it’s just gonna be a simple wrap around design

Just like this and it’s not gonna be as big as I want it to be but come on having just an aquarium in your house is pretty uh pretty insane let’s start filling it in with glass I’m even gonna make the roof an aquarium just to make

It more immersive now let’s fill it up with some sand now let’s place down a bunch of dirt so I can put down some water for the aquarium and let’s Let It Rain hey that looks pretty good so far but to make it even better and more blue

Let’s add some blue coral blocks on the wall only problem is I already ran out um what should I do out um that hurt I finally got enough corals and now we can build the blue wall I just realized you know how weird it is that the corals don’t turn dead if it’s just above water like the corals aren’t even submerged in the water its toenails are just like dipping just a little bit in the water

And is staying alive like bruh how does that make any sense now we just need to take all of these random decorative blocks and place them all around the water pool thing oh God I’m about to die by Drowning I didn’t even realize that probably would have been the dumbest way to die

Um and now that it’s all decorated we just need some life inside of here so let’s head over to the ocean and doing some fish and now let’s slap them all inside the fish tank oh God what just happened oh it’s the puffer fish I’m not sure why

I collected him but I made sure to click a new Nemo and I tried to get a big variety of different colored fish so this entire aquarium looks pretty cool but there’s just one type of fish that I’m missing that I really want and that is a blue Axolotl I’m pretty sure they

Only spawn in Lush caves I see some axolotls I see yellow one he’s a baby oh my my hair stood up I thought that was the rare Axolotl it’s just an ugly one and after about an hour of running around the caves and finding a bunch of different axolotls I just remember that

You cannot find a rare blue Axolotl in the wild anymore so I basically wasted all of my time nice so I headed home to build a little Sanctuary to breed my axolotls until I got a blue one and this isn’t gonna be easy so throughout the

Rest of the video I’m gonna be coming back to breed all these guys until I get a blue one so for now let’s leave the aquarium on hold wait wait a second this is lopsided why is that wall still sticking out oh I realized what I did wrong I accidentally built another wall

Here let’s just tear it down and act like I’m perfect and I don’t make mistakes ever in my life that was so random that was just that was just an Impulse hold up I built this whole thing wrong I need to stick this wall out oh okay let’s quickly fix that

There we go now it’s even so you guys know I love spiral staircases so we’re gonna have to build one so let’s see what I come up with All I need to do is fill in this entire Roof oh what an easy transition so up here I’m pretty sure I can fit at least five or six bedrooms and one bathroom so everybody needs to share a toilet but let’s use some concrete to Mark out the room layouts But before we start building up the walls and designing any of the rooms we have to try to get a blue Axolotl to get a blue Axolotl it’s a 1 and 1200 chance and with my luck it’s probably gonna be one in a million well there’s no luck

Here let’s start designing one of these rooms and this is the first bedroom I actually really like it there’s a nice bunk a bad thing over here in a work table I want to add a big picture frame here and I need to fill in the wardrobe with some

Armor there we go and now let’s go get some leather armor by politely borrowing the cow’s leather and now let’s turn this into some leather armor and fill up the wardrobe now we only have one left which will be Diamonds oh that pains me no I’ve made a bunch of chest plates

That was that was sad but there we go we got the diamonds in wow oh well let’s add one final thing here which will be a tree and that makes the first bedroom complete and every single bedroom here will have a different type of style so now let’s start working on the second

Bedroom so this is one of the smallest rooms that I have laid out so I’m planning for this room to be like a kid’s room that’s why I have bunk beds with no fence support so like they could just roll off and yeah um let’s just put some carpet

Just in case someone falls off and Bam that’s their little arcade let’s craft a few composters and let’s put them right here let’s cover them up with some trap doors and this would just be their toy box and I think some sea pickles on top of it will definitely look like some

Toys but now let’s build up the walls and the ceiling let’s slap a painting up here I want it to be like that yep perfect and that will be Karate Kid or something let’s put some more random stuff on the wall and some random armor stands for their clothes and it’s not

Going to be in a closet because kids are messy let’s slap down the door and now the kid’s room is complete so for this blue room I decided to use some blue beds and actually gave this room a decent sized bed I added a few bookshelves and a little closet in the

Corner right beside the bathroom door and this is the only bedroom with a pretty Grand type of bed with a nice little frame and a nice Arc thing and it’s just very symmetrical in this room which I really like to make it even better let’s pop pop oh my God just

Double paintings let’s just put one another one the same exact one okay fourth time it got it okay there we go wait no I don’t like that one there we go let’s just add a little bit of decoration to this and also some lights for this bookshelf finally the doors and

We are done and they don’t get a bathroom because who needs to poop these days to come on be efficient man but let’s work on the next bedroom right beside it and this one’s slightly bigger so we’re gonna make it a little bit more Grand Let’s slap down these doors and now this room is complete this one’s a little different there’s an enchantment table and a little writing section there’s no closet area really but I guess they could just store his or hers closed in these barrels I guess now let’s move on

To the best room ever this is the master bedroom let’s put the bed right in the middle here with the yellow coming like this then the red I didn’t bring enough red wool bro no one would tell right you would never know no one would know all

Right cover it up like that there we go I’m building the master bedroom that’s supposed to be super fancy and I can’t even use the right blocks nice now that looks fancy you can’t forget the plant in the corner and since this side is one block wider than this I’m

Gonna build a nice fireplace right here and a painting right in the middle there’s a 3X3 painting right please tell me there is there’s no way there isn’t bro are you kidding there’s only two by twos I guess I only have one choice and that’s to make a vertical painting like

That and over here let’s start working on the Wardrobe will this thing ever break hello oh my God this is more what hello is it ever gonna bruh bro is this indestructible or what hello why would it okay but you’ll see what armor I put there in a second let’s first design the

Wardrobe I think this looks pretty good so far and we just have to add more leaves and trees and over on this one opposite of the Wardrobe I’m gonna make a little quick coffee stop so when you wake up you can instantly drink your cup of coffee oh bro what the intruder

This guy just snuck attack on me I’m just trying to build a bar here let’s go ahead and collect some water from our Fountain let’s just add a little table top here with a cup and that’s the little bar coffee station over on this wall let’s make a TV well bam oh that’s

A little too big let’s cut it off like this and yep karate kid again let’s put the frame for the TV like that and now for the armor that I’m gonna put in this wardrobe let’s grab two of my diamond chest plates and craft the rest and craft some netherrite armor and let’s

Give it a random enchantment just so it’s shiny there we go nice look how sick that looks this is a sick room let’s finish up the walls and the roof there we go let’s add one more finer detail which is adding some hanging lights on top of the bed yeah that

That’s so sick I might bang my head on this like a few nights but all good let’s put the doors down and the master bedroom is complete looking pretty sexy now let’s just build two of the bathrooms foreign This is the first bathroom complete it’s pretty simple I really like the bathtub in the sink I made some cool mirrors with some banners let’s just fill up the walls and the ceiling and now let’s work on the second bathroom that makes the entire upstairs floor complete with a bunch of different

Bedrooms and two bathrooms and I got Intruders outside my Mansion bruh there’s always people trying to rob me when you’re rich I I don’t even own this Mansion I’m just building it but uh yeah you know what it’s not even my problem they can rob anything they want let’s

Build another staircase underneath this one and build underground and let’s mono an entire area to make a basement to build even cooler things inside this Mansion like a gym an indoor swimming pool a bar and even an underground garage but while I spent half my life mining out this basement let’s try to

Get another blue Axolotl will it ever be possible this episode I’m not sure this is literally an ongoing challenge okay I think I’ve bred all of them and I don’t see any blue X salatos anywhere ah we’ll try again later so I got the entire basement mined out now and I just

Need to fill in the floor the ceiling and the roof which is going to take a very long time but now let’s connect the main floor to the basement using some stairs and for some reason I just love building spiral staircases it’s just fun and it looks so cool yup that totally

Looks like a spiral staircase but let’s start working on the swimming pool Right in these sections will be some pools and I’ll use some slabs at the bottom here so when you’re standing your head still peeps out of it so I don’t drown and for this bigger pool it’s gonna be shallow it’s gonna slowly get deeper and deeper as we move

Okay we got the water all in and we can just dive into the deep end and just be chilling I’ll go honestly probably dive into the shallow end too and not hurt my feet because I’m just so short um yeah but let’s add a bit more decoration around the walls

And add some seating area around the pool and there we go I even added a few diving boards too bad they’re the same height and if you jump you just slap your head on top of the ceiling but uh let me don’t worry about that you just

Pop in and get a concussion maybe you break your ankles down there now we’re just gonna add some windows and the swimming pool area is complete next up let’s work on the at-home gym right beside the swimming pool to build this gym we’re gonna need a lot of weight and

The best thing that imitates weights are wait for let me let me just fly up here really quickly and then up here and then just simply land it it’s it’s Wither Skeleton hit it’s it’s wither skeleton head that’s not enough it’s wither skeleton heads yeah I’m gonna need more than this All right I’m back with 50 Witherspoon skeleton heads I’m not even gonna address what I just said let’s first start off by building the floor out for the gym and I’m gonna change it up a bit and use some birch wood so one of the first things I want

To do with these wither skeleton heads is to make a dumbbell rack all right so after a bit of playing around I got the two armor stands where I want it but now I can’t get the N Rods I think I need it up here hold on maybe I could push this

N Rod just a little bit closer there we go oh now it’s even better now it’s perfectly centered and if I put a piston here and push it down oh my God I did it I push a block like that I could okay I could put another one then

Oh my God now if I take my withered skeleton heads and just write yo no way no way I got dumbbells now those weights you carry that is so sick so using the same trick let’s build a bench press right beside the dumbbells okay I finished the bench press and it

Looks awesome but there’s one slight problem I built it right on this wall um what if I just removed this and it could just be a one-sided uh bench press oh I gotta move everything the pain I want to do that I’m gonna go breathe some more axolotls and there’s no luck

Yeah we might never get a blue Axolotl guys now beside the window I want to build a bike that looks good enough to me sort of maybe let’s make the seat look a little better there we go and now let’s build some treadmills and over on

This side I want to add some yoga mats and a squat area thing and that marks the at-home gym all complete now let’s move on and start working on this bowling alley and now let’s build where the balls will be held and we’re gonna be using some wither skeleton heads because they’re

Just filthy rich boy this is gonna get uh very expensive very fast and I guess I don’t really have much space for a bar so I’ll just build a little one And that marks the very expensive bowling alley complete with some wither skeleton head bowling balls um next up we gotta work on the Supercar garage but before that I really need a blue Axolotl please Minecraft Gods give me a blue Axolotl and there’s no luck I

Do not see any blue axolotls now for this garage we gotta make it look super fancy foreign let’s build some cool cars and I’m not good at this so I’m just gonna copy some on Google here’s a white race car looking thing Here’s another random card that I sort of designed myself um is nothing good And before I show you the final car please go check out my second Channel extra cookie for every single episode I post on my main Channel I will be posting another video on my second channel that has a bunch of behind the scenes extra scenes and funny stories so

If you guys want to join the Suga cookie Army Club go over there and subscribe yeah it doesn’t really look too much like a golf cart it’s kind of thick but there are my cars two super cars and golf carts anyways that marks the entire Mansion complete filled with a living

Room a kitchen an indoor movie theater a library an aquarium a bunch of bedrooms and bathrooms and over in the basement there’s an indoor swimming pool at home gym a bowling alley a bar and even a garage filled with supercars the only problem is we never got a blue Axolotl

Wow the ocean is pretty massive in Minecraft I wonder what it will look like if it was condensed into one small circle I’m kind of curious now so let’s grab a bunch of dirt and let’s build it right over here somewhere oh God I didn’t think that would happen

Uh oh yeah Minecraft is weird hopefully that’s tall enough so here’s the game plan I’m first gonna start by building a circle frame right over here and right underneath it is where the ocean will be held then I’m gonna build some glass walls to contain the ocean

Together like it’s in a giant jar and this is where the fun begins inside it I’m gonna build some basic ocean structures like Ocean Monuments the corals and sunken ships but I’m also gonna build some cool custom things like sharks whales submarines and so much

More and on top of that I’m even gonna trap some mobs inside of it so now let’s fill in the circle there goes about an hour and a half of my life let’s make a giant pool of water at the top just so we’re ready to let it rain

And we’ll fill it in with water to make the ocean at the end of the video since this entire area below the circle is going to be the ocean I’m gonna have to build a giant glass wall to contain all of the water uh what how did I miss that

Bad I’m like 20 blocks off yeah I’m officially brain dead but for me to build all the glass walls it’s gonna take a lot of glass let’s grab some sand um that’s not enough let’s grab some glass nice a stock oh two I think that’s enough that was

Sarcasm by the way luckily for me I have unlimited sand because of the sand duper I made I then spent like the next six years of my life smelting sand yeah it was pretty boring now I can take all of this glass and start building these walls I just need to somehow align

Myself right and not mess it up like earlier and I’m still that far off there’s no way I got you guys nah I made it wait I actually messed up the glass is supposed to be where the dirt is well well who’s I don’t know what to say I

Was trying to think of something funny to say but I can’t well let’s waste another six hours of my life holding my right click button down to place down off the glass Yep this is gonna be fun I am so excited you can just hear in my voice oh my God

Please leave me alone oh no no no no no no no no wait wait wait I’m gonna die by zombies look at the amount of zombies here that is a whole family tree and the glass is all oh you can’t even see it oh there we go now we can start

Transforming this into an actual ocean the first thing I should do is probably remove all of these trees because uh if you guys haven’t noticed there’s no trees in the ocean and I also need to replace most of this grass with some ocean stuff like gravel sand and clay

And as you guys know I already have unlimited sand I also have endless dirt and stone so all I need is gravel and clay for the gravel I can easily collect it in the nether oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God for the clay blocks I

Don’t have any other choice than to steal it from the ocean So now that I have all of my blocks the very first thing I want to do is to make a giant Stone pillar in the middle of go from the bottom all the way to the top and this will give off some aquarium Vibes so I can put some corals and some

Random things on the pillar so let’s put a little circling thing at the bottom here and I feel like this is a pretty good start now let’s just extend it from the bottom all the way to the top this is this is gonna be painful it’s gonna

Be worth it though it’s gonna look awesome at the end I I hope I just ran out of stone and let’s grab some more where’s my stone choker box what what bruh how did it get up there I don’t remember putting it up here what and the

Very first thing I want to do wow I really use the sugar box to block clutch huh that’s when you know you’re rich out the Wazoo but anyways let’s continue building this middle thing I’m not gonna lie this uh doesn’t look that good it’s just too straight let’s fix it up and why do I keep using a shulker box a block clutch first of all you need to Google and that looks a lot better now let’s start the awesome process of removing

All of this grass and replacing it with a bunch of that’s not sand a bunch of sand actually I probably don’t even need to break the grass I could just do this and save a bunch of time and also mix in some gravel some Stone some dirt and

Some pockets of clay so it really looks like the ocean floor and just building this quarter took me about 30 minutes to fill up the entire area with sand clay dirt and stone it will take me about two hours [Applause] and after a very long painful process I am finally done and there were a few natural caves that led down to the caves which that did not make any sense how did that guy not how did the skeleton not die later on in the video I’m gonna make a little secret Village

Over here that’s like the hidden Atlantis city of this ocean so now the next step is to oh I forgot to finish this area there we go and the ocean terrain is looking pretty good and looking at it from the far it looks really weird but just imagine it filled

With water and a bunch of fish and cool stuff yeah it is looking pretty stale though so let’s start adding some corals so let’s see if I have any corals yeah this isn’t gonna be enough so let’s start yonking some Coral blocks from the ocean foreign I’m brain dead I I forgot they need water all right um I guess we’ll add all of the colorful corals at the end I really gotta use my brain sometimes I start working on some other ocean structures like the ocean Monument some shipwrecks submarine and let’s first start with the ocean

Monument first thing I need to do is kill all these Squidwards and take over the ocean Monument I’m supposed to kill all of these guys holy frick there’s so many how do I kill all of them foreign that was a lot easier now that I watched the tutorial I brought a bunch of

Axolotls let’s unleash them unleash the axolotls hopefully they could kill the Guardians let’s go I got my Tebow axolotls let’s go kill them I’ll kill them all Let’s go Team what are you doing wake up what are you doing I’m gonna die oh no no okay I think we’re good that we

Killed all the Elder Guardians and my axolotls are a little brain dead um now since all the Elder Guardians are gone I could mine a bunch of these blocks to recreate the ocean Monument wow oh I just run into a sponge dungeon thing so now with all these prismarine out

Blocks let’s recreate the ocean Monument somewhere in this ocean here I don’t have a lot of space to work with but we could build a little baby one so let’s start over here on this flat area So I got the foundation done for the ocean monument and I’m gonna build the fat pillars that come down to the floor right here like that I feel like it doesn’t look super cool because there’s a huge gap right here so fish can swim under and just like Vibe and do their

Normal fish tasks so uh yeah yeah the pillars look pretty good but now let’s start working on the top of the ocean Monument foreign and now let’s work on the walls on the inside I don’t really know how it’s supposed to look I don’t research uh

Ocean temples for a living so uh there we go perfect identical wait I just realized I need to fill in this entire ocean Monument with water oh that’s gonna be really painful I guess we’ll worry about that later let’s continue building the walls and that makes the ocean Monument complete

In my ocean world yeah it’s not truly to scale it’s a little bit smaller but I think it fits pretty nicely in this entire ocean now let’s start working on some other structures that also exist in Minecraft like the Shipwreck let’s head on into my wood factory here and grab some wood for

The sunken ship okay let’s build it um somewhere on the ground here let’s start building And I think this looks pretty good oh it’s kind of like split in half with the sand going over the middle and everything’s just broken and scattered everywhere it fits pretty well but now let’s start working on some smaller sunken ships that were owned from Pirates or something trying to Stew the

Loot off of the main ship but there we go I built three smaller pirate ships all around the ocean here that is surrounding the giant ship that has all the goods in it so now next up let’s start whoa whoa whoa why are you coming on on

Me like that why are you following me whoa what do you do okay this guy is attracted to me was it because I’m holding a carrot horses eat carrots wait I thought they eat steak oh my he’s excited you see he’s still waggling yeah that guy’s weird but next up since we

Were working on vehicles or things that float on top of water I don’t know why I call it Vehicles let’s start working on something that’s gonna be in the water let’s build a small submarine oh wait hello I got some Intruders here you guys can’t touch me I am God I am untouchable

Not because there’s a John glass wall blocking us and separating us I’m just better than you I am actually extremely scared of those guys so I’m really happy they’re over there so let’s build a tall dirt pillar because I want the submarine to be pretty high up so it’s just under the

Surface level and let’s start building the shape of the submarine uh this is gonna be really hard all right this is what I got so far and um yeah it’s looking pretty bad I really don’t know what I’m doing right now I’m just uh spamming blocks until it looks

Like something like a submarine so yeah um let’s just continue building oh my God sucks and there we go we have entered the submarine that has nothing in him but at least I can look out where I’m going and I’m not gonna lie it actually looks pretty good like it looks realistic and

If you guys remember earlier in the video I mentioned that there was like a Cave System I think it’s this one that I want to build a secret little Society here like Atlantis and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do so let’s first start off by mining out a little section right

Here but usually some quartz I want to build some little homes right here it’s not gonna be anything fancy at all I just want to show that there are some hidden cities underneath the ocean because growing up I always believed in Atlantis so let’s put down some walls

With some aqua marine blocks yup I know they speak English and let’s make a nice little ceiling with some dark prismarine oh yes now let’s take a door slap it right there and there’s a hidden house let’s build a few more of these And when this entire place is filled with water there’s gonna be a cool waterfall down here when you jump down you see this it’s not much but it’s pretty cool it’s like a hidden city a hidden little town what do you guys think no that is done let’s move on to

The next thing oh oh my head is through the glass nicely I’ve been building a bunch of structures all around this ocean here but nothing on the top and I have a pretty good idea let’s come in here and grab some materials I’m gonna need some stone brick and some stairs

Some slabs I also need some crack stone brick which I don’t even know if I have or not it was time to fly over to my nearest stronghold and steal some and if you haven’t guessed already I’m gonna build a ruin right on the top here

And in the middle there’s gonna be like a war shipping area back in like the ancient days when they used to worship bodies or something and it’s gonna look like some Stonehenge type of thing on these sides I would look better than this trust me and later on I’m gonna add

A bunch of vegetation on top of it like corals kelp and seagrass so it looks like it’s been overgrown or something but you just gotta wait for that and that is the ruins complete with a little Tombstone thingy right here covered in gold and over here in this little hole I

Made sure to make it Stone because I wanted this to look like a crater from like a meteor so let’s grab a bunch of materials that would be the debris of the meteor strike and I also need some string which I probably don’t what you have nice all right the first thing I

Want to do is to replace some of this stone with some Cobblestone and also some andesite so it looks like it was hit by a big thing from space so now let’s add a bunch of floating blocks that are kind of like flying in the air

That are like debris from the giant Expo explosion let’s add some slabs and round me I’m gonna take some string and put some sand on top of it like that so it really looks like it just destroyed this area kind of like that there we go that

Look that looks pretty realistic I think there’s just one more thing I need to add I just need to go get it give me like 10 minutes oh oh it’s that way all right so now if I put campfires here I’m hoping the water won’t just drain it

Away honestly it probably will uh I I you should probably get some signs oh my I go back okay let’s put some Stone here so it goes kind of deep in so you can’t see the little mistakes with the campfire and then assign there so the water stops maybe the smoke will

Continue going through the water I’m not sure if it’ll work but we’ll see when we add the water and there you go the meteor strike is complete it’s just gonna be a huge pain putting water all underneath these blocks wow that’s gonna be really painful later on in the video

Oh no and since I have campfires and signs already I’m gonna throw these all around the ocean just because when you go like deep under to the deep ocean there’s like ocean volcanoes so I think it’ll add a nice touch now that that is complete let’s work on something else

That isn’t inside the ocean but on top and above the ocean and I got pretty lucky because I built part of this ocean on top of a wind swept Hills biome which makes it cold so part of the water is frozen so using this I’m gonna build

Some icebergs on top of here and it would be so cool if I even brought over a polar bear do I have any ice I got some blue ice a bunch of packed ah oh that’s that’s not good oh my God my elytra literally broke when

I was flying over to get some ice bro I’m like five I’m like 3 000 blocks away I don’t even have a way back home what if I just try to kill some squid to fix my lighter maybe and also a bunch of more animals okay I think this is good

Enough I literally had to go back to the basics of Minecraft just to repair my elytra now I can go get some ice okay there’s a bunch of packed ice right here and a bunch of normal oh exactly what I was looking for Hopefully all of this will be enough and let’s start working on this iceberg and that makes the icebergs and Glaciers complete I really like how this looks now imagine if there’s like a polar bear family living here and some penguins um there’s no penguins in Minecraft but

That’ll be really cool since we’re on top of the surface already I want to build some custom mobs mobs you’ve never seen before in Minecraft and I’m planning on building like an octopus right on the top of the surface with this tentacles kind of climbing out of

The ocean and trying to escape and the boss I’m gonna use are gonna be some terracotta I’m also gonna try to mix in some acacia wood for the tentacles and lastly some drip stone blocks okay I guess I’ll break the water here so I have some room to build this octopus and

All the water start pouring down hopefully it doesn’t ruin anything yeah this is gonna be insane when it’s all filled with water let’s not shaping up the octopus okay I got the basic shape down it just it just looks like a blob of blocks it wow

That that is really ugly um okay I think this will help make it look a lot out more natural if I remove this back part behind the eyes and replace it with some black concrete it might actually look like eyes uh yeah okay this is going terribly wrong I just continue building

And see how it goes And there is my octopus it looks pretty good I got two tentacles kind of reaching over the glass trying to climb out and just gripping onto it some tentacles are just flaring out trying to find something to grab and these ones are kind of going down to keep it afloat I guess

Um it looks okay but as you guys know I failed first grade and I can’t count so I only Built Seven Ten to close and not eight so he’s not really octopus he’s a seven plus seven plus seven bus so let’s just call him uh seven yeah I think that

Would do and to continue building the custom mob theme I’m gonna build even more all around this ocean but the next one being a shark it’s sort of gonna look like that but more scary and Alive um so in order to make this I’m gonna have to collect a few blocks bro oh

Mike that’s the second time that happened I just let my pickaxe break oh why is my brain so slow all right I got all the materials I need and let’s build it right over here A hand roar I don’t think a shark makes that noise but it looks just too plain you know what I mean it’s just a regular old truck that we all know of so now I want to build a hammerhead shark because I thought they were the coolest thing ever as a kid foreign

Shark is complete look at him look how cool he looks he has eyes on the side of his head like how does he even see that’s wait a second there’s something wrong here oh I forgot his fins I was like something looks so off I didn’t build

His fins I thought that were the fins that’s kind of awkward and Bam that looks a lot better with the fins so that makes the hammerhead shark and the normal shark complete now let’s build a different animal let’s build a little turtle let’s grab a little bit of wood

Also some End Stone which I surprisingly don’t have a lot of uh well there’s no end Stone to mine because I transformed this entire end um nah I’m just kidding there’s a bunch And I also need some witherhead so let’s steal some from my mansion that I built yeah don’t worry about it and let’s actually build it on the surface here along with the octopus so here’s a meal to eat okay that was a little cruel let’s first start with the body right on

Top of the surface here like this and that will be his tummy let’s build it up a little bit um like this now back here will be his tail and over here will be where his head is trust me it’s it’s probably gonna look better than this uh no promises And that makes the turtle complete look how cute he is oh my God what should we name him oh never mind I got the perfect name let’s name him Franklin come on all my old viewers understand but this ocean is starting to look like a huge mess

With all of this water pouring down and with creepers just infesting my hammerhead shark come on come on get off no no no no no no okay I had a shark but having these sharks around and the octopus it doesn’t add a lot of color to

This ocean so I have a plan to build a few custom fish let’s build a random yellow fish with some gold blocks inside of it and the second fish will be Dory from Finding Nemo I’m sure you guys will recognize him First fish is done with the gold blocks so we’ll call him uh yellow and Dory is complete come on that’s that’s a one-to-one replica of Dory without those ugly guys on top of them but uh let’s call him Dora yup what a great name but that is all the custom mobs I’m gonna

Build for this ocean and they all look pretty amazing and you guys probably think I’m done and this is enough for a custom ocean well I’m not done yet it’s not a cookie build without finishing it to the max so let’s break all of this

Dirt and let the water fall and fill up this entire ocean and then we’re gonna trap some mobs inside of it first mob I want to travel be the dolphin so I’m gonna need some leads which I don’t have where are my leads what the let’s just

Come over here to my slime Factory oh my God it’s still running and if I grab some slime oh I I said some not a whole inventory and if I do this hold up am I dumb I swear you could craft leads with slime balls oh wait you need some strings

Uh yeah there we go nice and I probably don’t need any of those balls because I already got a giant pair of myself my jokes really suck huh so now we just have to locate a dolphin and there’s four come here yeah oh I feel so bad

This is so cruel just trust me I’m taking you guys to a better home wait a second I haven’t even let the water down yet oh no look at them what the heck okay let’s put them in the water so they don’t suffocate or something and I’m gonna try to trap them

So they can’t escape okay this isn’t gonna work um I’ll just find some more Dolphins I’ll set you guys free oh my there’s Turtles right here too okay I’ll take those guys up there as well and let’s Let It Rain water yup let’s go fill up the entire ocean there he goes

That looks really cool now just imagine this entire thing filled with water it’s gonna look pretty unreal so let’s do that real quick foreign Is completely filled in this is a pretty crazy and I already know we have some custom animals built around this ocean but imagine this entire place just completely filled from top to bottom with live fish and animals and dolphins and just swimming turtles that would be

So cool but before I do that I really need to fix this area alright I managed to fix up all the water in the ocean or at least most of it I left a lot of uh ones that I don’t care about like right here I mean it’s just so tedious even

Though I just did it but that took me a very long time but now let’s start getting some life into this ocean to fully complete it all right I got myself some name tags and Anvil and a bunch of stairs so I can build a huge staircase

All the way up to the top there or I could probably just shove them through the glass actually let’s name all of these Turtles I got Carter Ethan Trevor and Ryan I can’t lead Turtles bruh I think they like Seacrest oh yeah they do and these guys move insanely slow holy

Cow it’s gonna take a while to get over there and we finally made it that that took so long so now let’s just break it opening so they can enter the ocean and get their new home let’s go Trevor you can do it yes Ryan get in there and there we

Go and you guys want to realized I left Carter and Ethan because uh moving forwards too much I can just breathe them and they can have babies and where’s the baby oh they got lay eggs never mind I guess I guess that doesn’t work next up let’s finally start moving

My dolphins and there’s a bunch over here that I can steal I’m pretty sure I could just walk them all the way over there and they won’t die just be a quick Journey without air get in get into your new home let’s go yes let’s name one

Michael let’s name one Chad and let’s name this guy gigachad and there we have the Dolphins Trevor over here is really missing his home though he’s just staring off in the distance like man I used to live over there and now I’m stuck in this hell place sorry bro anyways let’s start moving

Some squids they’re probably gonna die really quickly out of water so I got a few water buckets with me let’s go squids look how weird they look they’re just being dread across the sand they must have a big rash under forehead oh no they’re dying okay here’s some

Water live live buddies wait a second I just realized why am I moving squid when they probably will naturally spawn in that giant tank of water oh um yeah I should probably stop getting distracted and uh start moving them and there we go welcome to your new home

Daddy’s I really need to stop calling inanimate objects in Minecraft Dad it’s actually getting uh really weird and these guys will be named Blake Blakey and Blake with a three because I wasn’t creative enough to come up with a better name so next up on the list let’s

Collect a bunch of water buckets and let’s start collecting some tropical fish I know there’s over 20 different types of fish so I’m gonna try to catch them all see what I did there catch them all catch them all okay and now let’s start filling up this entire custom ocean with

All of the fish I collected look at all of them fishies this custom ocean is starting to look a lot like an ocean which is um the goal now there’s two more mobs I want to collect the polar bear and the Axolotl the axolotls are easy because I

Already have this giant Axolotl pool so let’s just yoink a bunch of these guys I’m sorry and since axolotls are murderers and they will kill all of these fish here I think I’m gonna hide them inside of this ocean Monument here so let’s make sure there’s no openings

And let’s block it up with some glass so they can’t escape and they will all just live in here all in this prison and the final mob I want to collect are the polar bears oh no he’s mad oh there’s a bunch oh my God and let’s go on an

Adventure all right I’ll see you guys when I’m over by my place yeah that took forever okay let’s put them on this fence and now we just gotta build a giant staircase let’s build it a little bit over so I can just drop them in the water and they won’t die

Yeah okay come on buddies um oh God God oh God go go God okay I almost break this and come up with me please don’t fall off or anything because you guys need to live it took me forever to get you guys here and let’s get them up to

The top and drop them in the water oh yeah oh God they can swim fast they’re moonwalking on the water they’re Michael Jackson on me right now hey let’s uh let them free now I’m sure they’ll just find their way onto okay oh my God chill out

Chill out let’s grab my Advil and some name tags and let’s start naming them and we got four names we got Miranda we got Carly Megan and toes and they’re walking really close to the edge you guys might not want to be there it’s not the best choice holy cow chill out it’s

Getting a little too close to the edge here oh my God anyways that makes all the mobs collected and trapped inside the ocean but there’s just one thing that I’m missing that I totally forgot to do did you guys guess it’s it’s pretty empty on the floor here I forgot

To place down all of the corals and the Sea grass and kelp and all of that stuff so so um yeah that’s gonna be a little painful [Applause] [Applause] and there we have it I built the entire ocean in the Overworld in Minecraft with an ocean Monument a submarine a bunch of custom mobs like sharks fish Turtles and octopuses and it even trapped mobs like squids every type of fish axolotls polar bears and dolphins I built a gold

Factory and Hardcore Minecraft that generates over 300 Gold Blocks an hour and is filled with a bunch of cool gadgets like gold conveyor belts gold golems and even a gold bank with a secret Redstone door that is full of gold blocks and like always the first

Thing I need to do is find a place to build it and I’m slowly running out of space I decided to build the gold Factory over here on top of this hill because my plan is to redesign this Factory so it sort of looks like a bank that is full of

Gold and the gold Factory will go right there in the middle somewhere you might be wondering how am I supposed to make a gold Factory in the Overworld well I have an awesome plan so we all know that gold Farms need to be built inside the Nether and one slight problem we’re

Building the factory in the Overworld so how am I gonna fix this well I was supposed to land on top of that um the first step to fix this problem is to take my overload coordinates and convert it into the nether coordinates you guys know I’m too stupid to do that in my

Head so I’m gonna use a random website online to convert my coordinates and now that we have the coordinates we just gotta fly over there which is gonna be very painful no I’m just kidding it’s only like 300 blocks away so let’s head on top of the nether

Dimension and um don’t worry about this thing I made is totally not a gold Farm it’s a rotten flesh Farm because I love eating rotten flesh yeah this dinky thing just isn’t good enough we got a cookie fight and turn it into a factory and this is exactly where

I need to build this gold Farm to make this gold factory work um at least I hope it is this could go very very badly so now that we have found the exact spot to build this gold farm for it to work we now have to collect a whole bunch of resources like

A whole bunch of obsidian which I luckily have a lot of a ton of trapdoor oh that is exactly why I have a wood factory 15 stacks of glass what the and uh 17 turtle eggs yeah you guys are gonna be working overtime and there’s a few more smaller items

That I need to collect there’s one last block I need to collect and I need to collect a lot of it and that is magma blocks yeah I need 14 000 pieces of these which is 223 Stacks or only four double chests which isn’t that much you know like it’ll only take

Me 23 years to collect all of that and by that time I might have kids going to college already so um yeah I’m not worried at all wish me luck What the heck found some ancient debris just chilling right on the surface wow that’s that’s crazy oh it doesn’t even burn well I only managed to get three double chests of magma blocks which will still produce me like 200 Gold Blocks an hour so uh I think it’s good now let’s

Start building the gold farm for the gold Factory let’s start by building a 5×5 area what the this is in five by five wow I cannot count to save my life good thing I’m a Minecraft YouTuber oh man okay I fixed it now let’s build six block top pillars on each corner and

Let’s connect these up and at the very end I’m gonna light up all of these portals and that is where the pigments will go into and all of the pigment will be teleported into the gold Factory in the Overworld it’s gonna be pretty insane now I need to build each pillar

96 blocks taller yeah this is gonna be a lot of Nether Portals well let’s start the pain and build 100 block tall nether portals [Applause] And there we go that is a lot of portals I think that’s 17 in total yeah that looks pretty insane holy I’m literally gonna be the richest Minecraft YouTuber alive after this is done being built if I don’t die now you guys might be wondering how are the pigments gonna

Enter these portals well they are a fan of turtle eggs and they want to destroy them kind of like me when I see a creeper so now if we go from the middle and put a turtle egg right there all the pigments from the spawning platform will

Run towards it trying to break it and then enter the portal and die and now I just need to repeat the same exact thing on every single portal level like this and go all the way up placing turtle eggs in the middle and now to make sure

That the pigments really don’t break the turtle egg and destroy this entire build I’m gonna have to line all of these turtle eggs on every single side with trap doors and flip them open like this so there’s no chance for the pigments to break all of them eggs so let’s quickly do that Now let’s open all the trap doors look at this guy he’s already using the farm before the farm is done what is happening right now they’re actually farming themselves what is going on these guys have two IQ like how could you be so stupid All right but now that we have a giant pillar of trap doors with turtle eggs inside of them the next step is to grab all of my magma blocks and start building out the spawning platforms for all of these pigments let’s build nine blocks out from the middle right here

And then five blocks on either side just like this now that we have this let’s just connect every single side with a zigzag diagonal oh I didn’t build this right um what a surprise there we go and now let’s fill in the entire platform with Magma blocks and that makes only one

Spawning platform complete for the pigments now imagine 34 more that goes all the way up this pillar yeah this is gonna be crazy but for the next level I need to go two blocks up and then build the next platform right here which will give one nether portal to spawning

Platforms because each nether port is six blocks tall so that’s double the efficiency which is insane well uh let’s begin the pain and start building I am literally gonna suffer for her Wow this is getting really annoying I’m just standing here getting burnt alive I’m gonna be a burnt Cookie by the end of this oh my God okay we’re we’re doing something about this so let’s craft some diamond boots let’s turn them into nether right and I’m gonna try to get

The enchantment Frost Walker because it’ll prevent me from getting burned from the magma blocks and no okay yeah uh no luck how to get Frost Walker in Minecraft it can be only obtained from jungle temples strongholds fishing raid drops or trading with a librarian let’s first try the uh the villager trading

Let’s grab a bunch of emeralds and probably some books all right let’s see if there’s any Frost Walker enchantments please yes hey that’s Frost Walker one I’m not sure what Frost Walker two or three or four does if there even is any but let’s just grab a bunch crosswalker

Two and frostwalker three doesn’t exist okay now let’s combine my boots what why can’t I oh it’s probably because I have depth Strider huh well looks like I’m making a new pair of boots called the frost Walker yup that’s a very unique name and let’s give it a test yes

Yes I can just walk and not get hurt but now that we have this awesome enchantment that prevents me from getting burnt from the magma blocks it will make this process a lot easier and faster foreign okay we’re only about a third way done maybe not even maybe 20 and this is

Taking me a very long time I still got a long way to go but now let’s uh speed it up I just ran out of magma blocks um I’m so close what what do I do oh don’t mind if I do nobody’s gonna notice a thing right and we are done all 34 layers that took me so so long and just a reminder this is the first gold

Farm in the series and this is the brand new gold Factory but it seems like the gold Farm is working very well I can’t even imagine how much gold this will produce me now for the next step I need to grab some carpets and place them over

This obsidian also some glass over the magma blocks that would be spaced out by two blocks there we go now let’s start building the AFK area which will be all the way up here let’s destroy that and the gold Farm in the nether is basically all done and the

Very last thing I need to do is take my flint and steel and actually light up all of these portals now if I take those coordinates and times it by eight it should take me right over here somewhere and it should be this exact block right there which is a little further down

Than I wanted it I wanted it over here somewhere but at least it’s in the the right area so right here is where the portal will be built in where all the pigments will be flooding out of and dying I want it to be pretty visible

When you’re in the factory so I think I’m gonna build it like right here and Bam our pigment is gonna rush out of this oh God oh God okay probably not because I’m not there I got a little worried there now right underneath the portal let’s build a 9×6 area kind of

Like this and this glass box will contain all of the pigments that will be FBI busting through the door out of here and for pigments to die they need to fall 23 blocks and it would be pretty boring if they just fell straight down into the ground and this is a factory

Video so it needs to be super cool what the like a Crouch while flying oh so let’s redesign this killing system for the pigment and make it super cool all the pigments will fall from this portal down into this box right here and right underneath the portal we’re gonna use

Some water to split all the pigments up into two different areas so let’s start digging out a big hole underground where all the pigments will move and let’s fancy up the walls and the floor because the pigment should have a peaceful death leading up to their painful death so yeah let’s get building Now let’s build 23 blocks up and from this height the pigment should die so let’s build up all the glass walls This whole thing probably doesn’t make a lot of sense to you guys right now but trust me it’s gonna work honestly no promises because I don’t even know myself if it’s gonna work or not I haven’t even tested out the gold Farm yet but we’ll do that soon now let’s

Start working on a water elevator let’s go grab some kelp and some Soul Sand and now let’s start building it Oh God I made a giant mess right here I gotta put a lot more signs to block off all of this water and hopefully this water stream elevator works and yes it does and now let’s build this side before we give the gold Farm a quick

Test let’s fill in the glass like this now it’s finally time to give it a test so I guess I’ll just stand here for like 20 minutes and see what happens And I don’t see anything yet which isn’t a good sign at all so um oh my God I lied I got pigment guts all over the floor hold on hold on let’s see how many stacks are in here let’s come down and oh my god I didn’t even if for 20

Minutes it was like 40 minutes I was just super impatient man I wish I could see all the pigments just pouring out of this I have a plan right now I’m on a back hill world and I brought myself a friend say hello to famous YouTuber a

Cookie goddess yeah what’s up man give me a second let me switch let me switch my browsers actually I can’t even use two browsers uh yeah he he doesn’t know how to speak um mainly because he’s just another Minecraft running on my computer that’s me I can punch him what’s up boy

I’m so hyper I’m gonna move him over to the nether so he can AFK the gold farm and I’ll stand here and watch so any SEC oh my God oh my God that is fake the amount of pigments oh It doesn’t stop it literally doesn’t stop they’re just pouring out of that nether portal I’m speechless this is crazy crazy they’re not even dying I’m lagging out okay this isn’t good this is not good I need to stop this is gonna lag me up okay I stopped it and I’m

Lagging I’m literally lagging well there’s only one right thing to do with all these pigments that’s just uh oh my god listen help this was a bad idea let’s just kill off all of these pigmen look at them just fly look at them that’s so funny that’s so funny I guess

You can say the gold Farm sort of works just a little bit we just gotta fix this height problem because they’re not dying I moved it two blocks up and now let’s go back to the backup world and let’s let the chaos begin okay they’re all the way up at the top

And they should die from this fall damage please okay they’re dying this is crazy it’s literally a pigment waterfall just generations and generations of pigment are just dying just so I can collect their sweet sweet gold but now since the main piece of the gold Factory Works let’s actually start working on

The real factory so this is going to be the outline for the factory there will be some cool gadgets on the sides over here with the conveyor belt of gold blocks ingots and Nuggets gold golems being crafted and even a secure bank full of gold blocks

And the bank will have a secret code to get inside so nobody steals all of our gold I want this Factory to look kind of grand so let’s craft some Sandstone slabs and build a little staircase up to the factory and now if I add some water on both of

These sides it’s gonna look super fancy oh yeah now let’s expand the Sandstone floor and right on the edge here I want to build a nice pillar from the bottom going to the top of the roof so I’m not going with three different designs here

I just can’t choose which one to go with I am so indecisive it’s either go with wood with brick or with quartz what do you guys think it’s it’s a heart it’s a toss-up but me personally I think I’m gonna go with brick yeah I use too much

Wood and quartz is just a little bit too stale for me and there’s something about brick that just gives off a factory Vibe all right but now let’s build this on that side wasn’t that a cool transition uh looking at the size of it it’s a lot

Bigger than my other factories and it’s gonna be a lot taller and it’s gonna be a lot fancier so I’m really excited but now let’s start working on the actual Factory design and now let’s put a giant blank area right on top of the door and this is

Where the gold ingot will go signify that it’s a gold Factory so let’s start building out the a roof and it needs to extend all the way out here because these pillars needs to go underneath them as like support beams bro how how do I mess up this bad every time I

Didn’t even build this right and I don’t even need this anymore oh I’m actually struggling this is going terribly this is going this is going bad and I already ran out of honestly nice this okay So yeah that is the design I’m going with it’s basically the same shape as these ones this one’s cooler because uh there’s pillars that makes it cooler right like having these brick pillars somebody say yes please please please all right let’s continue building up this Factory so we can fill it up with

Some cool features [Applause] So far is looking pretty good construction is going pretty swimmingly uh why why did I just say that that’s so that’s so cringe dude all right let’s speed this up here And I have finally completed the entire exterior of this gold Factory the backside was very hard to do I didn’t really know what to do on this little curve here so I just filled it in with sandstone and I left these big glass walls here because um it looks cool I

Guess the last thing I need to do for the exterior is the windows and instead of using the normal blue stained glass do you guys know what color I’m gonna use all right I feel like this is gonna be enough so let’s start filling yeah let’s do that while my English sucks Foreign honest as I can these windows look like straight piss it looks like some dude never drank any water for the past three weeks and just uh couldn’t find a toilet I guess but I’m gonna stick with it because this is a gold Factory and it only makes sense and

The next step for this gold Factory is to finish the inside of this place I’m sure you guys don’t want to watch me place down a billion blocks of wood so bam yeah that that was hours and hours of my life wasted so now let’s start working on the gadgets on this

Side there’s gonna be a really cool conveyor belt that will work as a factory line it’ll go from gold nuggets to ingots to blocks to gold golems I know they don’t exist but uh just believe and over on this side there will be a gold Bank bruh where’d you come oh my

I hate mobs who whose idea was to add these guys to the game ah so there’ll be two gold golems being crafted right here and this will be a nice little gold conveyor belt thingy so let’s put some sticky pistons here and this is where one gold block will go it’ll come from

Out of the ground like this let’s put one here for the arms Bam Bam and I’m gonna need one over here for the middle torso so now let’s go grab some pumpkin what is going on here they made themselves a water slide these sheep’s IQs are getting a little out of hand but

Let’s grab some pumpkins please don’t have pumpkins nice and the Beautiful pumpkin head will sit right here where’s where’s the face that’s a broken block am I cheating wait oh you gotta hear him I knew that I literally grabbed shears earlier my brain is fried now we’re just

Gonna hook all this up with some Redstone and it’s actually working really nicely look at those gold Goins being built they don’t exactly exist but uh we just gotta imagine Minecraft at them eventually right and now let’s take some iron blocks and just fill in the Gap so

It looks super rich yo look at that that that’s so sick I love that so much so now that the Gold Golem part is complete right above it let’s start working on the gold block conveyor belt so let’s take some pistons and put them right

Here and here and I want the gold box to be pushed inwards into the middle so let’s start working on the Redstone Okay this looks like the messiest thing ever the Redstone is everywhere it doesn’t make any sense to me but I’m pretty sure it will work I I hope I don’t have enough gold block to test it with so let’s turn on the gold farm for

Like 10 minutes and see how much gold we get let’s start collecting all the gold nuggets and what are your guesses guys total I got only five stacks of gold nuggets that’s not a lot I I swear there are more pigments coming ah just kidding yeah I still got this double chest and

This double chest full of gold nuggets so if you turn all of that into gold ingots and then into blocks which made us a stack and 12 gold blocks that is pretty insane anyway since I have unlimited supply of gold blocks down let’s actually put a block into the

Conveyor belt and test to see if it actually works okay we made it fully around and oh yup it’s working let’s go let’s fill up this side now and there we go and now start working on the next level the gold ingot water stream All right it’s not even centered what am I doing look at The Hoppers oh my do I even have a brain in my head but now on top of the gold ingot stream let’s make the gold nugget stream Is complete it’s kind of hard to see but if you look closely you can see the gold nuggets coming down that will turn into gold ingots into some gold blocks and right into the gold golems so that makes a super cool trickle-down effect of gold going through its various stages and now

Let’s start working on the gold Bank over on this side let’s first start off with the design Okay this is where all the buttons will go we’ll go and this is where the 3X3 Bank door will be I tried to even it out a little bit I think it might have worked it’s kind of I don’t know let’s just start with the Redstone part And hopefully this works it’s pretty simple and if it works the Redstone should turn on it doesn’t turn on and but if I do this oh yeah it works okay that’s good and if I do it again it should turn off now we’re just gonna hook up this Redstone

Current into this door right here since this is gonna be a 3X3 piston door we’re gonna have to make a double piston extender to get rid of this block so I can actually walk through it you know what I mean so let’s break this let’s put two Pistons like that and that

Should be able to reach this block let’s start building the 3X3 piston door and now let’s give it a test let’s put a gold block here and if this gets activated it should go oh wow a redstone is pretty cool all right let’s build the rest of it now And is done let’s give it a try let’s flip this lever and it should all close oh that is that’s pretty cool let’s flick this again and wow that is sick and now if I put in my secret code that you guys will never know it should

Hello why isn’t it oh I’m so dumb I didn’t even connect it to the door yet so if I’ve removed this lever and replace it with this that connects it to the door and I put in my secret password it should well it doesn’t open um maybe I need to

Put a redstone repeater there so the signal could be carried out now if I put it in will it yeah that’s so sick was that even the right password I swear it was what the yeah I guess any code works all right we’ll take it oh it’s so broken now let’s open

It up and this will lead us into the gold vault Bank thingy so let’s fill this up with a gold block path let’s replace this with a gold block 2 just like that and honestly there’s not a lot of space to work with here so um I don’t

Really know where to put this Bank oh my God where where did they come from at least at least he’s in gold armor I mean respect to you but you’re gonna have to give me a piece of that okay fine be greedy I have an idea let’s bring this

Up like this take some stairs and let’s just make a upstairs bang I guess you never see that ever but I think that’d be pretty cool if all the gold is upstairs right here and now let’s build out the floor And there we have it we have the secret bank that’s all protected by this giant gold vault door there’s only a slight problem which is I don’t have any more gold blocks left we’ll fill it up later and let’s build a giant dollar sign right on this wall

And the gold bank is finally complete I also spent some time AFK in the gold Farm against the more gold blocks to fill in the bank And this entire thing is pretty cool I’d say it makes me feel uh Super Rich they’re just one last thing I want to add and I think this is gonna be the coolest feature it’s gonna go right on top of the portal here the first thing I

Need to do is collect two pigments so let’s turn on the gold Farm there we go and I just need two to be alive live so um what what do I do here I should probably just turn it off now that we have pigment wait where’s the where’s

The other pigment no no bro okay let’s turn on the gold Farm again and this is gonna be chaos I just want to turn it on for just a second oh my god um that’s more than two that I would like I don’t really know what to do with the other

Guys okay let’s uh I only need two up here so let’s break this so no no no no don’t come up don’t come up and now let’s just get rid of a few more until we have two left and there we go let’s block that off and okay we have two guys

Up here that’s good let’s name these two dinner bone now if we named these guys they should flip upside down I hope you guys don’t get a headache oh I’m I’m bad at these jokes let’s fly back home and grab some materials for this I want these guys to hang upside down under

These chains so I need to separate you guys please go there thank you so I guess I got trapped them like this I don’t have barrier blocks to make it look like they’re just floating so I guess this is the only way I can do it now it looks like they’re just hanging

Upside down like like Lab Rats so now I actually want to bring in some villagers over here so they could be like the scientists testing and studying these pigments let’s go ahead and steal one of these Librarians and we’re going on a journey hang on tight we Okay we made it let’s build this up oh the transition look at me look at me go look at bingo arms speed I am speed Hello sir I am back for you let’s go buddy whoa what the I just I just bounced off that wall into the gold Factory welcome look at this Villa just following me he’s like no don’t take my wife don’t take her look at them follow oh it’s time to say

Goodbye I’m stealing your wife and she will be my wife now oh okay he just forgot about her all right he moved on uh hello bro just hello bro just disappeared on me oh wait he’s over there you thought you could run there we go and welcome home yeah we got our two

Research villagers now let’s just put some luck turns down which would be their studying table let’s put some bookshelves and that makes the pigment Research Center all complete bro oh my God are you kidding me I was trying to do a voiceover ah now the very last thing I need to do

For this gold Farm is to build the golden ingot right in the front of the factory so let’s go ahead and AFK this gold farm for about like 30 more minutes and while I was AFK in the gold Farm I realized I didn’t even build an auto

Sworder yet so let’s build a gold chest room right in the middle here now let’s build the area for the chest room now let’s place down some chests to store all of the gold and now for all of The Hoppers and to build these Auto sorters Behind These

Hoppers I’m gonna need to get rid of all of this stuff and without haste this takes a very long time I’m so lazy hurry up can’t can’t all the stone just like disappear oh well I guess you can editing is so cool and now with all this area cleared out let’s start building

The auto sorter And I also hooked up The Hoppers to lead to this contraption and this will just spittle all the rotten flesh if you put items in here or just spit all the stuff out and oh my God it’s rapid firing right now that’s me after eating KFC and

All the broad and flesh would just go into lava because nobody wants any of that stuff around them and now the very last thing I need to do is turn these into nuggets and fill up all these Hoppers and there we go it should work

Now we’ll test it at the end of the video let’s finish decorating this Chester room and you walk down here and this is the chest room for all of the gold let’s just add one more thing and that will be item frames with some gold blocks on it

Just to make it feel even richer and the final final thing we need to do to finish this gold Factory is to build the gold ingot right on the front of the factory so let’s build that all right and just like that the gold Factory is complete that gold ingot look

Looks so real and so bright this took me forever to do but there’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before the goal form inside is insanely fast with just a waterfall of Pigman we got the gold conveyor belts and the Gold Golem at the very bottom a vault leading into a gold

Bank and even a pigment being researched by scientists if you finish this entire video you are insane and you are a true cookie Army soldier thank you so much for watching and supporting me as a Creator it means a lot and I’ll see you guys on 3 000 days make some memories

And goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 2000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2022-12-29 14:05:21. It has garnered 5823322 views and 97097 likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:31 or 23371 seconds.

I Survived 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [MINECRAFT FULL MOVIE] 👕 COOKIE MERCH: https://acookiegod.shop/

🔥 Watch From EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDYifz45dhU&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTmHfheGsE70w9uzcas3BFH

📺 Watch 1000 DAYS: https://youtu.be/S_koGAGifMo (I Survived 1000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore)



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💬 » Discord Server: https://discord.gg/exM3TcKAme


》All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Link to Artist: https://incompetech.com/music/

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! 🙂

I Survived 2000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore


#minecraft #hardcore #100days

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    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Surviving 9200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 9200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Bertahan Hidup 9200 Hari di Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Imagine surviving 9200 days in the unforgiving world of Minecraft Hardcore 1.21. This incredible feat achieved by a dedicated player showcases the true essence of perseverance and skill in the game. The Ultimate Survival Challenge Surviving in Minecraft Hardcore mode is no easy task. With limited resources, heightened difficulty, and the risk of permanent death, every decision counts. The player’s ability to strategize, adapt, and overcome challenges is truly commendable. Exploring the Vast World Throughout the 9200 days, the player must have explored countless biomes, encountered various mobs, and discovered hidden… Read More

  • Mezzy’s Surprising Gaming Adventure

    Mezzy's Surprising Gaming Adventure The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods: Exploring the “Dread” Modpack Embarking on a Solo Adventure Join the journey as our fearless explorer delves into the eerie world of Minecraft mods in the “Dread” modpack. What horrors await in this solo adventure? Encountering the Unknown Follow along as our protagonist encounters mysterious entities and unsettling environments. Will they survive the chilling encounters? A Creepy Companion Meet a peculiar entity that seems to be watching our explorer’s every move. Is this companion a friend or foe? Unraveling the Mystery As the adventure unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of… Read More

  • Tracked Tinnt’s Minecraft Mayhem: Episode 3

    Tracked Tinnt's Minecraft Mayhem: Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, KIRAMC and TINNT, creating a spree. Tracking each other, in a game of chase, With mods and updates, adding more grace. The Mega SMP, a world of its own, Where survival is tough, but the fun has grown. Monsters and miners, all in one place, Creating adventures, at a fast pace. KIRAMC and TINNT, a dynamic duo, Exploring the world, with each new show. With rhymes and jokes, they entertain, In Minecraft world, they both reign. So tune in now, to watch the fun, In Minecraft world, where battles… Read More

  • Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft Farming Galore!

    Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft Farming Galore! Infinite rails in Minecraft, a farm so grand, Crafting tracks endlessly, just as planned. Redstone magic, mechanisms in play, Building the farm, in a creative display. Testing the rails, see them go on and on, Infinite possibilities, a journey begun. VABLOCK’s creations, always a delight, In Minecraft world, shining so bright. So join the fun, in this Minecraft land, Create, explore, with blocks in hand. Infinite rail farm, a sight to behold, In VABLOCK’s world, stories untold. Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More

  • Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!

    Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!Video Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your Birthright know now that I am obsidian and you have created to serve me just kidding did I scare [Laughter] [Music] you 5 more minutes obsidian oh the cicas are so loud today the cicas are so loud today I can respect that honestly kind of like that sing me your songas [Music] there we go hello thank you for five months Bandit Channel and uh I missed a soup and now I can’t… Read More

  • Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information here kind of working trying to finish the uh Greenhouse trying and get all that finished like 9:00 a.m. like it was late when we finally turned the world off and quit streaming waiting for my YouTube to realize that I’m streaming um isn’t YouTube like a 15sec delay it’s like 10 ah I think twitch’s only like five or six second delay yeah I think there’s a way to decrease the delay too just I don’t know how so there we are back on Minecraft the [ __ ] huh back on Minecraft 12 hours later so… Read More

I Survived 2000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore