I Survived 2000 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)

Video Information

This is my hardcore world and I wanted to make a movie series showcasing all my Adventures so here’s how I revived two at 1.18 hardcore World why are there so many villagers in my house still I hope you’re all paying rent this place is expensive to manage but anyways ladies

Gentlemen I have an amazing plan for this episode we are gonna make a gigantic fishing ship out there in the Water behind me if you’re new here down here is my Fishing Harbor Mega project and I have many things to build here but I figured a build out in the water would

Be pretty cool so yeah we’re gonna build a boat today it’s gonna be amazing epic let’s get to work if we’re gonna make this build truly epic we gotta do a lot of preparing and the first and most important thing is making a design for a

Boat I don’t make boats how do I make a boat I’m not Mumbo I’m not green I’m not a pro Builder so I gotta get to work here never mind I made a boat guys terrible Jokes Aside let’s get to work Boop every time I design a new build I

Go into a separate creative world to test it out so at first I just tried free handing the boat and it came out good but it was way too small so so after some Googling for boat inspiration I found a really good big scale design and after about one hour of constructing

This monstrosity I loved how it came out no spoilers but oh my gosh guys it came out so good I am so ready to roll now well great we have a design but that being said we gotta get a lot of material specifically a lot of spruce

Wood so lucky for me I got a big old Spruce fight right over here so we’re gonna have to get to work with chopping and funny enough out of all the materials in this boat the thing we need the most of is actually Spruce fences I did not realize how many fences were

Needed for a boat do I have any sticks in here I don’t well that’s sad look at that beautiful man up there all right back to work so I chopped the Spruce Wood I replanted the Spruce Wood then I chopped some more Spruce Wood I’m not

Gonna lie standing in this big hunk of wood really makes me want to make a tree house one day future spoilers right here Spruce Wood check now I gotta go get a ton of oak wood and would you look at this a big lot of trees waiting for me

Already Life Is Good by the way please subscribe and hit the Bell hashtag team trees Mr Beast shout me out I mean I’m joking but I would take it I’m just saying oh my goodness the days and nights are passing by so fast right now

I must sleep okay Mr Pig how you doing you’re in a ladder shoot okay I was just asking geez I was so rude of him I had no idea he knew those bad words and a good night now I think we’re all good on Oakwood as well so we probably can go to

Our next step which is getting wool for the giant sale as most of you guys probably know already lots of ships have big sales and I’m gonna make a nice big white sale using wool so enter the sheep farm well that’s interesting my sheep aren’t being sheared oh we’re out of

Shears I am so sorry guys BRB I totally forgot about them they probably hate me I’m gonna need a lot of this here iron everybody gets shears and here’s the final guy Perfection so that being said I’ll let the Sheep perform run a little bit more since there might not be a lot

Of wool in these chests right now I’ll come back soon but in the meantime we probably can begin working on it least the bottom half of the ship so why don’t we go do that if I had a nickel for how much I hate the rain I’d have one nickel

I hate the rain back to the boat I want the boat to actually tell a story and have some like lore behind it so that being said where should It Go like obviously in the water but should it be like facing a certain direction like going somewhere like you know dropping

Off Goods or something like that it is gonna be a fishing boat so maybe it should be going towards the deep ocean which I think is this way oh yeah I see a lot of ocean out here this is the direction for sure hopefully it ignores the crashed ship right here so the

Boat’s gonna be facing that direction out in the middle of this here ocean I love it let’s get to building so let’s build up a little bit with some tough and let’s start making the hull is it called the hull the bottom of the ship I don’t know I’m just gonna start building And let’s see it it’s coming along it’s all right the size is great I still need to add like the pointy bit to the ship obviously the entire like top and sail but for the bottom half of it it’s a really good start so yeah I guess we can

Keep on going okay I’m really trying to build down here but the water is making it so difficult so I’m gonna have to take care of that right now so frustrating I’m not gonna lie to you guys but lucky for me I do have sponges from the old Ocean Temple right a few

Episodes ago but where would they be guys go get a job I guess you got jobs already go get your own house why are you living in here who cares anyways sponges that is horn coral oh wait I’m done sponges okay they do look kind of

Wet though so I gotta smelt these bad boys I think right I don’t use sponges often I don’t know what I’m doing I’m a Roblox YouTuber before you ask it’s a meme I’m not playing Roblox do I just toss them in like that oh all right so in the meantime disco break

15 short good enough let’s get to sponging is that a verb get sponged oh there’s so much water in here man it doesn’t stop so we’re gonna have two sets of staircases right over here on this side of the boat and these are gonna lead down to the under uh the

Cabin the I don’t know what you call the underground part but the place where all the barrels are gonna be for like fish storage and like Nets and you know like fishing equipment and all the way over here on the other side we’re gonna have

A little bit of a room here which will be like my Captain’s Quarters like my place with my you know like my journal maybe like you know a plant something cute in here I don’t know yet thank you sponges you did so good why in fact I’ll

Kiss all of you this is getting weird oh wait I almost forgot about the most important part of the base of the boat and that is the pointy part that goes out on the front that’s like a signature part of a ship so let’s see how this

Comes out shall we it’s decent again I’m gonna have a lot of like like fences and you know like ropes and stuff all over the place so it’ll look a lot better but for an outline again it’s coming along fine but oh dear the biggest part has

Yet to come we are about to start working on the upper portion of the boat the really difficult part with the sale you know the giant poles the ropes I just talked about that’s gonna be scary all right how are the Sheep doing I need your wool it’s sale time Mr white sheep

Oh yeah thank you very much I probably gotta go get more shulker boxes soon too I’m like running out of space hey why are you near the lava be careful man that’s a hazard gosh I hate villagers anyways let’s get to the boat it’s time

To build like a madman let’s go so first off I laid down these giant wooden poles and covered the poles in Spruce fences to replicate Nets or ropes I also want to say this build was heavily inspired by a post on Planet Minecraft so please

Do not give me full credit I got a lot of inspiration from someone else but carrying on I then covered those Spruce fences with tons of wool to replicate the sails and oh my gosh it came out so amazing there are no words to describe how good this boat looks this thing came

Out so amazing like I never in a million years would think I could ever make something like this even with inspiration it just came out so good and so detailed the underground part is still pretty empty so I gotta work on that now but the general shape and the

Sale is just chef’s kiss so then I went to show off the build to my best friends and oh dear that was a big mistake where are those pet birds hey what are you what did he do this is a code red is Broderick gone how could you do this to

Me I was gonna show the birds the new bow but now I gotta go search for Broderick a chicken could it be please please please please Broderick you scared me that stupid villager lets you out if you guys don’t know Broderick is my best friend so that was very scary

For me don’t you ever run away again or you’ll end up like that well that being said Charlton we found your brother let’s go look at a new boat I made get a load of that boat down there what do you guys think all right get back in your

House oh by the way I’m curious how’s your thesis going if you guys didn’t know in broderick’s free time he likes to write about scientific things going on that little chicken brain so let’s see what we got in here we got the introduction we got Oh chapter one he

Actually wrote something all right why Minecraft is good yeah I’m not reading all that but if you really care go ahead and pause the video oh broad Rick that was so beautiful did you also write chapter three I want to read that as well why far as he annoys me Broderick

Shut up dude well ungrateful pets aside let’s get back to working on the boats as I said I want to do the interior of the boat and make it really come to life so first and foremost the inside of the ship should have a lot of cargo like barrels like crafting benches things

Like that but for that I’m gonna need a lot more wood so much chopping today I’ll tell you what okay I literally just spammed barrels and it looks so much better now so this is a good start and you could even say this is good enough

As it is but the back of the boat and the front of the boat are completely and utterly empty so let’s make ourselves a Captain’s Quarters in here for starters I’m gonna want to put a little bit of a chair here for myself so I’m gonna take

Out a slab some arm rests on the sides and a back like this little table right here and over here I’ll put like some bookshelves or something like that some you know kind of decorative thing there but all right that’s a good little Captain’s Quarters it’s cute I like it

Front to the boat check back of the boat not check so back here I have two ideas one is to just make just like a hangout spot you know like some beds some barrels maybe like a keg for you know some ale or I could make a jail I only

Say this because I played a pirate game once called sea of Thieves and in that game you got to ride pirate ships around and in those ships there were jail cells for like you know the crew Men that were trying to overtake the ship or something

Like that so I brought some iron bars with me what if I just kind of you know do a little something like this in the back forget the back let’s put it over here on the side wall instead so it’s like a little small cramped cell right

Here okay yeah I like this I could work with this in fact I’ll put a seat right there and put a sign next to it as like an armrest and boom little place to sit for the captive farzi approves of this build and now for the other half of the

Back this could be more of a hangout area back to work we go so I finished the back of the boat then I added a few more details to polish things up oh who is that I see what’s up dog oh he despawned and here’s what we have so far

So some more details were added to the giant piles of barrels back back here we have a little bit of a keg for you know some piratey ale got a bed got a barrel obviously the jail cell and over here in the Captain’s Quarters I added some decorative stuff a little flower plant

Pot plant flower pot some bookshelves yeah now funny enough I actually want to add more things to the boat later on but right now I gotta take a break and do something really important what are you doing up there are you stealing blocks I hate Enderman man anyways last episode I

Told you guys to leave me challenge ideas in the comments and if the video got 2 000 likes I would pick my favorite Challenge and do it and you guys hit it and that being said my favorite comment was building to World height and doing the MLG water bucket challenge oh and by

The way no totem of undying either that’s cheating I’ll take one of you grab some water and begin building up with sand I’m sure this is high enough right because if I fall I’m still gonna die but I have faith in my reflexes so please please don’t die considering how

Big this risk was I went into a separate world to practice a little bit first and I felt confident three two one come on I literally was so scared give me that totem back please yes okay that was way too risky so I’m gonna up the stakes for

You guys I usually do these challenges when the video hits 2 000 likes but I’m gonna raise that up to 2 200 likes so if this video gets 2200 likes I will fight the Ender Dragon with no armor on that is gonna be fun so like the video well

Getting back to the boat actually you know what I need a name for that boat call again the boat is so boring how about the SS farzi I love it getting back to the yes as far as the we gotta add more details that really make it a

Fishing boat right now it looks kind of like a pirate ship so one thing I really want to do is add a big fishing net to cast out and catch tons of fish so I have a really good idea I’m gonna use cobwebs because I think those look kind

Of like Nets but anyways to get cobwebs we gotta go on a big old Adventure I’m pretty sure the only place to get cobwebs is in a mine shaft and I think you need so touch shears disclaimer that is not correct I was dumb for a few minutes here can you guys

Just pop over here in the library hello librarian I want silk touching Unbreaking nope that’s the wrong way you suck at your job Unbreaking is here and silk touches here okay I gotta do it the old-fashioned way villager trading hello there I will take all your silk touch books thank you then

I realized I was being dumb pop in here and I go sheers I go boom wait what oh wait I’m dumb I don’t even need silk touch I just need the shears back to the journey we go so we’re gonna hop down here into this big old cave and I’m

Pretty sure somewhere around here there’s a mine shaft maybe it’s I kind of forget it was somewhere in this area so off I went exploring this giant cave to try and find that mine shaft this is why I hate Enderman why do they do this look how many grass blocks there are

They’re literally littering Minecraft remove them oh I found it I knew it was around here somewhere now show me some cobwebs where are they I swear they usually have like big bunches of them in some rooms like this oh creeper hello that’s terrifying slightly yes give

These all to me wait cave spider spawner I forgot about that hold on hold on I’m taking enough risks I’m also pretty sure you can get poison into death and hardcore so let’s be careful here oh this is perfection so many webs oh diamonds hello thank you very much and

We’re out of here let’s put these cobwebs to good use guys look I landed in the Crow’s Nest how cool is that parkour so I assume I can just go to one side here and just kind of like cast these webs off the side like this and

Make it get a little bit bigger as it goes down and by the end of this it’s gonna be like a big cascading net down here oh I can’t go in the water oh that stinks yeah whatever who cares it’s still fun and you know what it’s not

Perfect but it’s good enough we can use some imagination here right I’m stuck so that’s one cool thing but I also want to add something on the other side of the boat that being a fishing hook or a fishing cage so my idea is to make some

Kind of like crane mechanism that lowers something into the water to catch fish let’s go figure it out so I hopped back into my creative world and found a pretty good idea for this crane I’m not gonna lie I’m liking how it’s coming out so far so here’s the actual crane but

Now I gotta put like a pulley system to you know get something down in the water so I’m going to use a grindstone and some chains and I’m gonna go boop I’m gonna go boop boop and bring the chains down to the water like that and here comes the amazing part the real

Creativity in this build we’re gonna make kind of like a grabber kind of thing so I’ll hop down here boom boom ready for this we’re gonna go levers pointing down ah yeah that is so good I love that now that’s one thing but I also want to add something else I want

To do the same kind of crane design but add like a crab cage on the bottom bring the chains down and let’s take out the iron bars and make a little square here like this and check it out it kind of looks like a crab cage if you guys don’t

Know what crab cages are you put them on the ocean floor and crabs walk into it and you pull them up but something I probably should add is like a display of the fish we’ve caught maybe like some racks of fish here oh yeah I got a good

Idea for that I go over here I place down some campfires on top each other like this I smack it out with my shovel and I put fish on all these racks so it kind of looks like it’s fish storage in a way maybe some kelp too in case they

Caught I don’t know some cool sea plant I don’t know I’m just having fun here and I’ll do a few more over here for a nice little touch ladies gentlemen I am happy to say the boat build is finally complete it is 100 done with the building aspects of it that being said

I’d love to add some villagers on board so it kind of has like a Live Crew but as far as like building stuff that’s it that’s the last stuff yes as far as he looks beautiful now there is something else I want to do today I noticed that

Now my Fishing Harbor looks pretty small compared to that boat so I kind of want to expand this entire little dock area and maybe bring it all the way across this Harbor like down to that boat there so it’s a lot you know bigger and wider

And just it looks cooler so yeah let’s go do that today it’ll be a great cherry on top for this whole water area so once again let’s get to work on building Foreign well that was a big project but we got it done and it looks amazing now the funny thing is I kind of just took like the schematic for the first little dock and just kind of like did the same exact thing over and over and over so

It’s all the same layout just expanded and the sky view you could see it so obviously now it’s just like a bunch of U shapes but it looks really good so I do like it not today but one day I’d also love to expand this like over on

The other side of the harbor like all the way over there too but that’s a lot of work not for today today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore World well hello there how you doing I am stuck but ladies gentlemen today we have an amazing plan and much to do I want

Prismarine but I’m not gonna go mine it myself like some loser So today we’re gonna make a guardian farm and we’re gonna use the prismarine we get from the farm to make it amazing new build that being said let’s get to work there’s much to do first things first I gotta go

Heal up my tools because they are gonna break so I flew to the stronghold to use my Enderman Farm well hello there beautiful I’ve missed you much better 360. is there anything more useless than ender pearls I hate them so much now let’s get back to this Guardian Farm

Talk all right so first off I gotta find a guardian Temple and I think I have one in my coordinate book which is somewhere in here maybe where’s my coordinate book oh thank goodness it’s here I got scared there for a second all right any Guardian temples in here aha Guardian

Temple all right sweet let’s go investigate away we go all right we’re here look who I found Mr Cow please stop that if you guys didn’t know when I rated this Guardian Temple a few episodes ago I had this cow with me for free milk and he’s still here living

Life like a maniac that being said the guardian Temple looks pretty good to me there’s no big like structures in the way there’s no land masses covering it so it’s good for farmage farmage is that a word someone Google it so anyways to make a guardian Farm it’s actually

Pretty simple but you need to get a lot of materials specifically a lot of Soul Sand because how the farm Works we’re gonna have soul said push the Guardians up into a chamber which kills them it sounds more bit but it works so let’s go

Do that so that means I gotta go to the Nether and get to farming would you look at that a free ride what do we got in here for me nothing I care about but I’ll take you oh my God okay fine keep it it’s yours jeez home sweet home hey

Excuse me sorry need to sleep thank you oh I can’t cats are spawning here now that’s so cool I didn’t know we had wild cats here let’s hop in here and let’s go to the Nether um hi can I help you okay bye okay it stays open geez in we go so the

Plan was to go mine Soul Sand but then I got a better idea wait I wonder do these piglets trade Souls they do well that’s kind of handy as a matter of fact give me more I’ll be patient trade me stuff but then I got impatient I take a pack

You’re being too slow I’ll get it myself so I pretty much just flew around looking for deposits of Soul Sand oh my gosh what is going on down here why are there so many Enderman I don’t know what you guys are planning or building but I

Want no part of it that’s terrifying I saw like 20 of them and as I searched for Soul Sand if you’re enjoying the series Please Subscribe and hit the bell I would really appreciate it this is so satisfying right now I’m not good at math but I’m gonna guess that’s enough

Soul Sand I’m so tempted to do it you’re lucky I’m nice 360. are you actually still there what are you doing are you stuck on something oh you you’re stuck you idiot kids stay in school don’t be like him yeah I’m talking about you yeah you better go back out there Soul Sand

Check but other blocks not check so I collected a ton of glass a bunch of wood and most importantly a lot of building blocks shut up I did not realize how many blocks I need it’s a lot okay I got most of the blocks I need in the shulker

Boxes but I don’t have enough obsidian so funny enough I gotta go find some nether portals to break where are they aha guess what I was looking for any more in here oh two oh my gosh do I wish I could actually use gold tools and

Armor it just looks so cool but it’s so weak Minecraft you know what to do fix it make it amazing and while you’re at it at emerald armor thank you wait big brain time I’m a genius okay everything seems good on my end so let’s get to

Building this Farm back to the guardian Temple we go there she is oh a lot of Guardians too cow defend me stop stop stop I should have brought my Trident with me this might get annoying you’re part of the family now all right shut up I then began clearing out the

Area but I almost died a few times okay you know what let’s go back home I gotta get my Trident and let me just say that was a really good decision I can’t wait to farm you guys it’s gonna be so rewarding back to the farm we began placing down some temporary blocks

And making some nether portals in a big Square I then broke some more blocks took a second to compose myself and got to placing down a bunch of temporary blocks Okay update things are coming along good basically right now we’re putting a little water system so any Guardians up here will get flushed into these Nether Portals it may not make sense right now but trust me it will on we go okay here comes the scary part we have

To actually light these portals and go into The Nether and this might drop us off right into lava so let’s pray grab my flint and steel and let’s get to lighten please please please no Lava uh uh lava of course wonderful I can’t see because the portal all right well that’s

A terrible spot but not too bad because it’s not in a lava lake but okay cool I can work with this so once the Guardians get pushed into these portals we’re gonna have to make them a little bit of like a Kill Chamber to die so I’m gonna

Make a little two by two hole here on each side of the portal looking good and here comes the Kill Chamber so we’re gonna use campfires and Hoppers to kill them and put the loot into chests absolutely diabolical and we go boom boom and finally boom glorious it’s

Gonna work so good I think I hope just gotta carefully get back up to the portal and now I gotta make a little bit of a containment system so I don’t just flop out and go over there in fact I’ll use glass that’d be way cooler perfect

Now the bigger question is where is this thing in respect to my portal because I gotta fly back over here if I wanna get the loot I should probably write this down shouldn’t I would you back up please so now let’s hop back in the portal and we’re back and now all we

Gotta do is get rid of all this grass so technically the farm does work now but there’s no way to get the Guardians up here so that’s where we enter the Soul Sand we got earlier if I coat the entire ground with soul scent it will

Make a bubble column which will push up all the mobs in to the portals uh look at it it’s starting it’s glorious hey if I were you I’d start apologizing right now for what you did to me because you’re about to get killed Soul Sand Style Oh my gosh it’s getting so wacky is there a way to turn these particles off boom boom boom boom all right we’re done get me out of here oh my gosh that’s a lot of bubbles but guys the farm is 100 officially complete and we can see it

Live in action right there Mr Guardian see you later you stink but right now the farm won’t work very well because I’m standing right next to it so I gotta go AFK somewhere else specifically up there in the sky let’s do it can I land it

Wow yes oh my gosh look at it it’s going so fast I would call this Farm a massive success so why don’t we go test out the rates on this farm and go AFK for about 20 minutes sounds good to me but let’s make a little chamber so I could be safe

I don’t want to die right now and boom Perfection all right let’s see what we got oh there’s still so many Guardians here I’m gonna assume it’s not safe to use these portals anymore so I’m just gonna go back home and just find the portal on the other side all right where

Are we going I have the coordinates in this book 7200 somewhere down here it looks like oh I think I see it all right I’m excited ah it’s not the right place it’s down here all right I’m excited let’s see oh my gosh that’s a lot of

Stuff already that was literally like 20 20 minutes all right this needs an expansion for storage this Farm is absolutely insane that is so awesome but ladies and gentlemen brace yourself here comes the amazing part of the episode as I said earlier I want to take my new

Prismarine and I want to make prismarine builds with it and the first build ID I have is oh my gosh chef’s kiss let me explain for this Farm to work we need to go AFK up in the sky up there so my plan is to make a giant air balloon up here

At AFK in but the best part is that the air balloon is going to be fully made out of prismarine blocks I have been thinking of ideas for this thing and I am so excited let’s just get to work so as I always do I hopped in a separate

Creative mode world to practice my building ideas and oh my gosh I made the best air balloon ever but that being said I was gonna need to transport a lot of materials very far my solution make a shortcut in the Nether um excuse me why are you in my nether

All right here’s the farm so I’m gonna Maybe just make a little straight line going like this way and connect it all together we just don’t do this I know this is super ugly right now but for the meantime it’s gonna work let’s test the portal boom yes all right it

Works so many flaming zombies right now what is going on so one day I want to make a big bridge this way to connect to that portal but for now I’m just gonna put a little arrow so I know all right sweet I’ll get the idea back to work we

Go so then I began collecting all the materials I needed such as wood such as glass and a bunch of other little goodies and how could I forget the most important material the prismarine so I crafted a bunch up only to realize I

Need a lot more so I had to go AFK for a couple more hours I AFK did for so long I had time to go get a haircut oh my gosh I filled it up this Farm is amazing so I grabbed my blocks and it was time

To build now I am no air balloon expert but when I Google a picture of one I see a little pointy thing on the bottom which I think is like a weight there’s a basket to sit in then there’s a big puffy balloon part on the top and I

Mastered all three elements making the perfect prismarine balloon like guys come on how amazing is this blimp not amazing enough I guess because I called it a blimp I absolutely love it I will say it was a pain to build because it’s in the air and I couldn’t like scaffold

My way up properly but oh my gosh look at it how sick is that thing I literally am in love with it it looks so good and the prismarine just makes it super unique and it fits the whole area I love it now funny enough We’re Not Gonna AFK

Here because this is kind of dangerous because you know Phantoms and stuff can come kill me so we’re gonna go up here man yes okay here’s the inside it kind of looks like a guardian Temple which is funny but these ladder systems go up to this little girl glass grass glass

Chamber we can AFK so I hop up here with some warped trap doors to fit the color theme and look at this safe secure and all lit up but don’t get too excited yet because there is still one fatal flaw with this blimp it’s not a blimp that is

Without a light truck I can’t get up here so I gotta find a way to actually get up here and when I say find a way I already have a way I have the best idea ever follow me I’m gonna need some wood if I convert these into planks make a

Crafting bench and I make some boats I can technically place them right here oh yes I can and now watch this when I’m down here I can simply click on the boat Maybe please come on there we go all right and I Dismount and

I can be up here and hop back down this way or go up that way it is perfection not gonna lie that’s a terrible orange color but I’m too lazy to go get other kinds of wood so it will do for now but that being said we have completed our

Guardian farm and our new air balloon that is a weird landmass it literally next to my blimp why is it so high in the air but anyways we’re not done yet as I kind of mentioned earlier I want to build multiple things using this new prismarine and I got some really cool

Ideas that we can Implement back at home oh my gosh wait look at that that’s such a cool silhouette so allow me to go grab some more prismarine by the way this is only getting bigger and bigger there’s just so much loot I had no clue this

Farm was so op like it’s crazy side note free fish and free ink sex this is like an all-purpose Farm I love it but wait just one second hold your horses we got something really important to take care of first last episode I said if the

Video got 20 200 likes I would go fight the Ender Dragon with no armor and you guys absolutely smashed it so you know what that means it’s Dragon time so this will be fun I can risk my life with no armor and if I die the world’s over that’s awesome really fun super

Entertaining first things first how do I make an End Crystal because I think I need those to re-summon the dragon right crystal that’s easy all right cool I take it back I only have one guest here I gotta go get three more we’re going guest Hunting come over here big jellyfish ah

Did I get it no don’t go to the lava I can’t do that I think I lost that one didn’t I dang it on we go stay right there stay over the land yes you didn’t even drop one no I got it I caught it oh that was so septic

That’s the last one all right we’re good to go and crystals check now I probably want to get some things to help protect me a little bit with no armor so maybe I could do like some potions slow falling yes please and if I have any I’d love

Some golden apples oh we have two all right perfect wait I have a gold Farm I’m just gonna make more thank you very much I’ll get some more chicken I think we’re all good I don’t need a lot to kill the dragon I just need confidence

That add an Infinity bow and maybe a few more totems just in case ladies Gentlemen let’s go oh my gosh I should have brought a pumpkin with me Enderman are gonna murder my face well it’s too late now I’m pretty sure I just smacked these on all the corners and that

Relates them boom oh I think it’s working all right let’s get my fireworks ready got my totems got my potions I’m good to go let’s do this thing oh wait armor take the armor off okay I’ll take keep the elitro on though because that’s not armor come on you Beast ah okay okay

Okay get these things first get them out of the way be like dream be like dream be like dream I am not dream I can’t hit this stupid I can’t all right I’ll fly up there wow I’m gonna drink a potion real quick just in case I don’t want to have any

Accidents here all right it’s time for the Caged one this is gonna be annoying oh my goodness hold that hold on hold on oh I got way too confident is that it I think they’re all done okay they’re all down all right Dragon time come here you

Foul Beast it’s time to die I hit my shots I’m just like dream except more handsome no offense dream I’m just amazingly handsome and then things got a lot more dangerous ah what the no Enderman don’t do this to me I don’t deserve this down to my last

Totem if I didn’t have a lighter I’d be dead right now so easily potion potion potion nope golden that book please quick stop stop being mean I’m trying to beat the dragon don’t like that no totem left I just gotta stay in the sky and shoot the

Dragon die die die he’s dead we did it don’t kill me please Enderman we did it we did it we did it that Enderman is still terrifying me though as a matter of fact the challenge is over give me back my armor I’ll take you I’ll take

You I’ll take you and I will put on you you’re dead oh you’re dead now give me all this glorious XP oh my gosh we did it I swear you guys better not be like Farsi elytra’s armor it’s not that kind of armor so don’t even say that I

Completed the challenge goodbye and that being said if this video gets 2 300 likes I’ll make a giant TNT cannon and shoot myself out of it that actually sounds so fun so please like the video as much as I want to start building right now I really need to go get more

Totems I’m currently all out after that so let’s go fly over to the raid Farm oh my gosh my life just gonna break too I am currently not in good health at all hello there beautiful all right where’s the banner guy guys look at Shrek why

Did I say that all right I got the bad Omen effect now we raid Farm we Farm The Raid someone please remind me to make a better raid Farm one day there definitely are better designs that could be a lot more efficient and I need that expeditiously that’s a big word kids

Stay in school yes that’s a totem guy get in there get yes I’ll be taking that well that was nice thank you Mr creeper that was very much appreciated and that I think is it yep raid Victory all right I got a few more of these bad boys oh

Yeah that is exactly what the doctor ordered all right let’s get back home wait you guys remember this guy right from earlier I just got a great idea what if we use him over here to trade rotten flesh from the gold Farm I totally could use him for that hey buddy

You stay right there I’ll be right back all right follow the brewing stand you know you want it no this way why does he not want it is it like another thing take the job take it all right you know what forget this you’re useless I had a

Good idea and he ruined it I guess I’ll just smack this thing right here and hopefully one villager will take this job and I can use him I don’t know I guess we’ll figure it out later but now it is time to get to the building with

Prismarine around my area and my amazing idea is to use prismarine around the boat here because if you forgot last video I made this giant boat and there are a few things I forgot to add one of them being an anchor for the boat so making an anchor at a prismarine might

Look really cool I think dark will look the best in my opinion so I guess I’ll hop off here and do something like this bring it down to the sea floor and I guess I make the anchor right here let’s see what I can do and how does that look

I personally love it no biases here even though I made a tutorial on this exact design about three years ago but that being said it aged like a fine wine it’s beautiful still and it fits in perfectly also not today but in the future I’d love to add more like underwater stuff

Like that like maybe like I don’t know Big Rocks like lost anchors lost ship parts maybe even custom like shipwrecks that’d be sick so I got so many cool ideas for down here wait one more thing I don’t know why I don’t have gold on the pirate ship wouldn’t that make sense

Because Pirates like gold I know it’s not part of the whole prismarine theme for the episode but you know what it’s gonna fit in here nicely so I’m gonna do it and of course I want some gold in my Captain’s Quarters I’ll be looking at one right here and there we go much

Better today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m just up here in my Guardian if I’m getting some prismarine but ladies gentlemen today we have an amazing build plan for this episode I’m gonna make a custom Island out here in the water it’s

Gonna be a beautiful lush jungle themed island with tons of cool details on it so my first idea was to transform this small island into my Lush Island but then I realized it’s just a little bit too close to the harbor so instead we’re gonna make a brand new Island from

Scratch in the middle of the ocean there is much to do so let’s get to work but first I must sleep so if I’m gonna make a truly epic Island I need to figure out how to build an island I have never done that before my solution load up a new

Minecraft world and find islands for inspiration guys look it’s Florida jokes aside I did some studying and now I felt confident okay I’m now a master of Island Building but that being said we have to decide where the island is actually gonna go exactly and I kind of

Like this area right down here it’s not too deep it’s nice and flat and most importantly it’s heavily visible from the harbor sounds good to me so what comes next well we have to grind for some materials yes Mr B I agree and as I collect blocks Please Subscribe and hit

The Bell hey there guys where’s your buddy oh he must have despawned dang it oh don’t mind if I do all right we got a ton of materials so we can begin outlining the island let’s go this is so boring I’m so sick of placing

Grass already but on we go so we flew back out to a field got some more blocks and got back to work and okay how are we looking with this thing it’s really big it’s a lot bigger than I expected but that’s perfect the bigger the better and I should mention

This is not gonna stay all grass this is like a canvas for me and I’m gonna paint this canvas with different kinds of blocks to make it look more islandy so yeah there’s still a lot more work to do including making the entire bottom because right now this is just a

Disaster so much work but I’ll do it for you guys I love you oh my gosh my shovels was just gonna break I was not paying attention so I’m gonna take a little pit stop at the Enderman Farm as a matter of fact I could probably make a

Portal in the nether to make this faster alright let’s do this look at that idiot he’s still out here what a dummy all right coordinate book where is my stronghold right there just doing some nether math on my calculator it should be right here let’s try it out I didn’t

Bring a flint and steel yay what’s the point of a shulker box literally called farzi’s backpack if it doesn’t have a flint and steel in it all right take number number two dang let’s try it out uh where are we oh I think I’m here aha

That’s the hole all right fast travel to the stronghold I love it so I ran to the stronghold found the portal and went to my Enderman XP farm all right give me XP and that right there is much better back to work so I spent the rest of my night

Trying to turn this hunk of grass into a real Island I surrounded the exterior with a beautiful Sandy Beach and that made this build come to life Steve why am I Steve I guess the Minecraft servers are down but who cares we still have a beautiful island and oh my gosh guys

Look at this thing it looks so good there is so much sand here and just to clarify there was no sand here before this was all placed down naturally and it took me a long time now I’m not saying it’s totally perfect it could use a little bit more polishing off but we

Can do that later on that’s not important wait if I go to my stats how many sand blocks of my mind oh my gosh it’s 27 000. I’ve mined more sand than stone or grass I’m a psychopath all right back to work so our next big step

On the island is to make it look a lot more Lush and natural so we’re gonna take out some moss and some bone meal and we’re gonna mossify the top bam bam oh yeah that’s gonna be glorious all right let’s get to it the reason I’m

Using moss is because I want to make a custom jungle in the middle of this custom Island and the Moss fits in perfectly uh oh I am out of bone meal well that is what I was afraid of because I don’t have much at home so ladies gentlemen it is finally time we

Make a bone meal Farm I cannot get used to the Steve face at all but yeah bone meal Farm I’ve been lacking phones for a long time in this world and I’ve always just kind of put it off but I think today we need to do something and I have

A beautiful idea involving the lighthouse AKA my iron farm which resides up there I recently found out you can make a little Redstone Contraption to turn all these poppy flowers in to bone meal so you know what that sounds like something I need to do right now so I’m gonna need some

Redstone stuff now guys as you might know I’m funny I’m a good Builder I’m incredibly handsome well that’s debatable but I am not a red Stoner I can’t make redstone stuff I’m not good at that so don’t make fun of me if I mess up I’m gonna try my best but it

Might not be pretty so beware where do I even begin here I guess we’ll start by removing the chests up here and putting a little Hopper line going this direction now I have to somehow make an item filter out of this which I think I

Can do I’ll save you some time I figured it out but it took many attempts okay I think we’re making good progress now now all I gotta do is fill up these Hoppers to sort the items going the right way and let’s give it a test let’s see roses

Iron let’s go I am literally mumbo jumbo the best redstoneer of all time and all right we are looking good I’m not gonna lie I’m a little bit triggered that this thing is not even with the door frame it’s really bugging me but that’s another day but the point is it works

Functionally we got iron over here we got roses up there but now we gotta turn this Rose side into a bone meal farm so I’m going to need out a composter so if I smack this composter right there it’s going to convert all these roses in to

Bone meal and I go Hopper down there to collect it and check it out free Bone mail coming slowly but surely ladies gentlemen I am a redstone Master but anyways we now have bone meals let’s get back to work on the island so I completed the Moss then added some dirt

Variants for extra detail all right looking good looking Lush looks nice and jungly but now we gotta start actually making that jungle so why don’t we go make a big jungle tree and I don’t mean bone mealing some saplings I mean building a custom tree I kind of have

This Vision we’re in the middle of the island we’re gonna have like a big thick tall jungle tree and if you ask me that sounds pretty darn cool so let’s go find a jungle and get some materials hey spawn Village how you doing I am pretty sure there’s a jungle up in this

Direction aha I’m a genius just the place I was looking for all right we gotta get a bunch of jungle leaves and jungle wood but the question is do I have a silk touch oh I do let’s go And we’re back if you want to see how much chopping of leaves I did look at my hoe that was basically full durability earlier today but that being said ladies and gentlemen we got the goods so let’s go make ourselves a custom jungle tree BRB so I got to work building up this

Mega jungle tree which was designed by a Creator named springstaff things were looking great until of course I stubbed my toe I just stubbed my toes so hard putting my pan aside we were back on track until the creepers appeared I’m so mad I’m so mad I’m so mad stupid creepers man toe

Pain and creepers aside we should be back on track right not again I just patched it up I just patched it up I hate creepers so much all right are we safe are we good any more creepers around here I think we’re okay but anyways here is the tree it

Looks amazing it looks beautiful I’m really excited about it you probably can’t tell because I’m still mad about the creepers but oh my gosh this thing came out really good so obviously our main tree looks amazing but now I want to add some smaller trees around the

Main tree to kind of have that jungly feel where there’s a ton of like leaves over our heads so that being said we’re gonna make a few smaller jungle trees and my personal favorite some palm trees I think the palm tree should be like on

The edge of the sand so like you know on these kind of blocks and the smaller jungle trees can be closer to the big tree maybe like in this area I like it let’s do it so first up I made the small jungle tree okay it looks good but I

Feel like it’s missing something maybe some more like hanging bits like that that yeah that looks a lot better now all right sweet jungle treat looks good now let’s try the much easier palm tree why are my leaves decaying they’re disappearing what the heck what am I doing wrong here these aren’t decaying

I’m gonna try a different kind of leaf maybe like some oak leaves would be better for some reason I don’t understand I don’t see any of the oak leaves breaking so that is weird I just have to mix the leaves I guess I don’t know but I also don’t care it works so

Cool palm tree but anyways I’m sure you guys understand the idea here I’m gonna make some trees like that and trees like that and sprinkle them around the whole island so I’m gonna go do that I then spent about two hours making these trees and the results are epic what the

Um okay I have chopped so many leaves I literally need to put mending and Unbreaking on my hoe that is sad and what do we think I personally think it looks amazing but maybe I’m totally wrong and it looks awful I don’t know but I like it this place just has

Amazing atmosphere now like if we look up there’s tons of leaves tons of nature it just looks busy and I love that now there are some spots kind of like over here where you could say oh I should have put a tree here but I didn’t want

To go too overboard and that’s because I have so many more ideas to put here on the ground like you guys have no idea it’s gonna look even better but before I do any of that we gotta take care of something really important last episode

I said if the video got 2300 likes I would make a TNT cannon and shoot myself out of it and you guys didn’t this could be very dangerous but also very fun so I haven’t made one of these in a few years but I think I need Redstone I really

Hope I don’t mess this up that would really be a disaster so I go like this fence water TNT around this Redstone around that and a button right there I think that’s all it takes let’s make sure my armor is on and let’s hop in this thing alright guys thank you so

Much for the likes I appreciate it let’s go all right all right all right all right all right oh it actually works I thought I would land it I didn’t but that makes me one under what if I used double the TNT absolutely glorious and to add some high stakes why don’t we

Just get rid of the totem okay I gotta land this back into the hole this could be very dangerous now all right let’s do this hit the button pop in all right let’s go come on we got this we got it we got oh my gosh oh that’s so high

That’s way higher than I thought oh okay okay okay I’m good I’m good I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m so good at this game well that was scary wasn’t it but that being said if this video gets 2400 likes I

Will build a monument to Broderick and if you’re new here Broderick is my pet chicken scientist who lives right that Frederick Broderick where you going Broderick I’m gonna build you a statue come back Broderick says like the video get your stinky Buck back in here all

Right let’s get back on track here and get back to working on the island now as I said I have many cool ideas to put on the ground over there but I gotta get some materials first so let’s hit the mine I need some deep slate and my idea

Is to make some Boulders so maybe like over here I could just do a little bit of this throw some stairs and slabs in and something kind of like that it’s not perfect but you know what it’s a good step literally but I’ll smack a few of those around the area Looking good looking good the only thing I hate is that they don’t have deep slate buttons I’d love to put like some Pebbles around the place but you know what whatever but that being said next up we gotta go get ourselves some puzzle because I want to make some muddy piles

Of quicksand so I’m also gonna need some Soul Sand and some coarse dirt and very simply we’re just gonna go find a nice little patch of land maybe like right here for example and just cover it in these random Brown blocks so I’ll smack a few of these around the place all

Right epic but now here comes my favorite part of the entire build and that is gathering up placeable blocks to put on the ground so things like wild flowers and mushrooms and love like it and ironically I was gonna get lichen so I could light up the area that was a

Sign third time’s a charm all right fixed now I’m pretty sure I don’t have a lot of these nature blocks that I want to use already like I have some but not too many so you know what that means it is Adventure Time Time to clear out the

Shelter box doesn’t get to traveling but first I probably gotta go to the Enderman Farm again and heal up these tools because they’re gonna break I’ve mined a lot of blocks today so I flew out to the stronghold to get some XP and after that we were on our way to our

First destination all right azalea tree which means Lush cave is down below come on Lush cave where are you oh there you are all right perfect So the plan is very simple I’m gonna grab as many of these blocks as I possibly can and I just want to load up the island with

Tons of nature I definitely want some drip Leaf I absolutely need glowberries and how could I live without the beautiful Spore Blossom oh and of course the most important thing here the Lichen for extra lighting no more creepers on my Island well that was a very quick pit

Stop but I think we’re all set but don’t you worry we got many more places to go as I’ve already said I want to get every kind of nature block I possibly can that includes dead bushes that include stuff in the jungle stuff in the flower Forest

I want to get everything so that being said let’s hit the jungle I want cocoa beans I want Ferns and some bamboo I think you guys get the idea now Charlton wait no you’re an imposter after finishing up with the jungle I flew over to a flower forest and picked a bunch of

Flowers I then hopped in my portal to go get some nether nature blocks oh Soul speed don’t mind if I do thank you piglet I appreciate that boom and Boop too expensive what are you talking about I’m rich nothing’s too expensive for me and then out of nowhere my lights broke

Uh oh I think my light finally died oh ladies gentlemen can I get an effing chat the blue light has died now all we have is red not gonna lie this looks weird to me but anyways back to Minecraft I have a disgusting amount of nature stuff I have so many different

Kinds of blocks so let’s put them all to use and get back to our Island so I got to work and oh my gosh this was one of the most creative builds I’ve ever done I literally had to recreate nature from scratch there was nothing here to

Inspire me I had to make this all myself and I loved it it was so much fun everybody Welcome to my a jungle island paradise look at this at this place I don’t even gotta say what’s different here there’s just so many different colors and plants and textures it just

Looks so Lively I literally think I used every kind of nature Block in the game not even kidding like I can’t think of one that I missed I also added tons of hidden lighting and some more little details along the sides and like lichen and some must carpet and all that fun

Stuff and it just looks so good and also the best part is up here on top of the tree I added in more hidden lighting so no more sky creepers which is awesome now funny enough there were some things I wanted to add but I ended up scrapping

It because it didn’t really fit with the theme I wanted to add some man-made stuff like maybe some ruined like old houses or like a crashed ship or something like that but the more I thought about the more I realized that this place looks like deserted and

Unexplored and I kind of like that so no things of man-made variety going on here oh my gosh that looks so cool I love the colors just pop out that’s so awesome well there we have it the island is 100 complete and 100 mob proof how does this

Keep happening why are there Enderman in my boat shop I don’t get it just so you know those are rentals you better not break them so now begs the question what do we do with that Island there do I just get rid of that do I make another

Little island on there do I put a build there I don’t know if you got any good ideas for it let me know in the comments today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world what is that villager staring at let’s give it some time buddy it’ll grow

I promise but ladies gentlemen today we have big build plans see this pretty face right here I want to build that pretty face basically I want to make a giant statue of my skin but not just using normal Minecraft blocks like wool or terracotta or something basic like

That no no no we’re gonna be using oars and I am super duper excited for this because I’ve built my skin before in Minecraft but never with something like oars it’s so unique and so cool and I love it so that being said let’s get to

Work there’s much to do first off do I have any oars in here already I have six that is not a lot of Wars well you know what that means we gotta go hit the mine and get to mining staring contest and as I fly to the mine please subscribe and

Hit the bell I would really appreciate it and here we are so guys we gotta literally get a ton of iron and copper and diamonds and gold and all these different ores now if you’re smart like me you might be thinking farzi you got an iron farm a gold Farm why are you

Mining these blocks because here’s the rule I can’t use ingots or blocks of ingots I have to use raw materials like ore or raw blocks that’s gonna make this challenge way harder but also much more rewarding if we actually finish it side notes why do I literally mine nothing

This is good for today but why did I skip all these Vlogs I’m a weird human being so my first goal collect one of every kind of ore in the game oh hello slime I kind of want to keep a pet slide I’m not gonna lie to you that sounds

Like fun so at this point I knew I had a big journey ahead of me so I started live streaming on YouTube and began the adventure I mined so many ores and gems regardless of who is standing in the way of them now this was a grind until I

Found something insane I found a copper vein for those who don’t know or veins are gigantic deposits of thousands of ores they’re super rare and somehow I found one on today of all days oh it’s here let’s go that’s a vein that is a

Vein that is a vein so I grabbed all the copper I could and headed back home oh my gosh what a big mining session we have so many oars and thanks in part that copper vein I think I have enough materials to actually start building our

Statue and it’s raining yay I hate the rain but anyways let’s think about where we’re gonna put this statue now I’ve been doing a little bit of thinking about this and I’m gonna put it down over this way across the water over here and I have a really cool idea for this

So basically over here is my farm town right over there is my castle Rich area and down there is the fishing area I’m gonna make a new area today over across the water called the fun area basically everything I’ve built so far is somewhat realistic so if I built a giant ore

Statue here it would just look weird but now we have the fun area a place to make random crazy builds without any fear of it fitting in and this is the perfect place for a giant statue so I’m gonna smack it right here sorry cows you’re

Not very fun this is the fun area you’re on thin ice I’ll be watching you alright that being said let’s get to building so let’s look at my skin take the armor off how am I gonna do this there’s a lot of dark blocks in here I’ll figure it out

Let’s get to work so to practice I hopped in a separate creative mode world and built my skin you using normal blocks after that I made the exact same statue again but this time using only ore blocks and after about one hour of testing I liked what I built so you know

What that means it was time to build the Statue in the hardcore World wow it looks just like me all jokes aside somehow I ran out of iron and copper already that was very fast so I gotta go get some more deep slate copper but that

Being said we did make more than half the suit so that’s a really good start but I do gotta go figure out a few more things such as how I’m gonna make the hair which is yellow and my skin because there’s no like tan color I can think of

Right now oh wait actually there is wait watch this I’m a genius if I Fortune This iron and I find a crafting bench I can craft this into blocks of raw iron which kinda sort of looks like my skin skin color a little bit but you know

What’s the best I can do so we’re doing that the ideas are flowing I love this also hello random wolf do you like me no I guess not okay so I guess you guys know the drill we gotta go back to the mine wait just one second hold the phone

I was about to put my stuff in my shulker box then I realized that’s full that’s full I need more shulker boxes and as far as I know I don’t have any more shulker shells so you know what that means we gotta go end busting so

Let me throw all my junk in here and let’s take a quick pit stop I need some more fireworks though so I don’t die that would not be good this episode has taken a pretty weird turn but you gotta do what you gotta do to make the statue

So I flew over to the stronghold hopped in the portal and went to the end all right howdy howdy so I’ve been to that end portal I have not been to that one let’s do this safely and securely gentle gentle I am sweating so hard right now

How can I do this safely please please please please please please I hate that oh it’s such a lag I hate it over here all right sweet off to go find an End City oh that was fast well okay I’m not gonna complain we found one oh hello

There shulker friends hello there buddy don’t do that Wait a minute I just realized something I never got the dragon head even back when I first fought the dragon and came here I never got the head wow I’m an idiot I’ll be taking that this looks so silly right now and back home we go and

Boom that is more shulkers now we can go back to the mine so I flew back down and got the rest of the blocks that I needed alright this has to be enough blocks I have mined for so long so let’s go finish off this big monstrosity shall we Foreign this thing came out so good now obviously there are a few blocks that aren’t oars like there’s some dire right there there is some drip Stone up there there were a few things I had to do some substitutes for but for the most part it

Is all oars and it looks so good I literally love this and congratulations to the first build in the fun area but that being said not the last one for today let me explain last episode I said if the video got 2400 likes I would make

A monument to Broderick and you guys did it so that being said why don’t we make an ore statue of Broderick right next to my statue how does that sound sound like fun speaking of which how’s your thesis going title page chapter one chapter two chapter three he has a new chapter yeah

I’m lazy so I’m not gonna read all that but feel free to pause the video oh my gosh Broderick you’re so wise all right let’s get to building so where should I put this thing maybe just like right next to me down here sounds good to me

So like I did earlier I popped in a separate creative mode world made a chicken statue and converted that statue into ore blocks after so for the chicken I’m gonna need a lot of gold and a lot of iron now luckily I have a good amount

Of gold right here but iron I used pretty much all of it on the Statue so we’re gonna go mining again but I have a really fun idea to make this a lot more entertaining as you saw earlier I found a copper vein to get I’m gonna go search for an iron vein

Let’s do this thing so I did some research and I found out iron veins spawn in these tough patches they’re very rare but they do spawn in here sometimes so I gotta dig around and find one nothing here on we go to the next

One so I looked around for a bit but no iron vein oh hello don’t mind if I do but then we found something what there’s a lot of iron here in this tough patch hold on a second hold on a second I can’t see I need the light give

Me that okay wait wait wait guys this has to be one there’s no way there’s so much iron down here okay there is no more doubts this is an iron vein dude that is insane we found a copper and an iron vein in one episode are these like

Not as rare as I thought I’m so confused right now so I mined all the iron I possibly needed and then I found something even cooler oh mob spotter what do we got please be skeleton please be skeleton guys I am so happy I’ve been looking for a skeleton spawner for 30

Episodes now I finally found my first one finally I can make a farm for bones I’ve been wanting that for so long what do we got for Lou Golden Apple a little name tag I don’t care about that but I will definitely be back here soon and the coordinates are saved perfect well that’s convenient the skeleton spotter is right below this pillar which is right in the middle of my town how’d I miss that for so long all right let’s go build Broderick Looks good looks good now by the way those gold raw blocks took forever to get so please appreciate that I use them in both builds it was very annoying but anyways I kind of want to make his eyes blue to match my eyes I think it looks

Cooler that way all right Broderick gets some nice blue eyeballs in there do I like that you know what it’s fine I’ll keep it now they’re matching but there we go we have my statue we have Broderick statue I could mix in you know some more like copper stuff inside of

Here but just to keep it simple for now I just did this oh Broderick I got a surprise for you come over here let’s go You’re Gonna Love It come on we’re almost there Tada look at it Broderick it’s you it’s amazing no look at over

There that way there all he sees it he’s going towards I think he likes it so what do you think Buddy okay that was just uncalled for all right we’re back right about that in your Journal oh Charlton do you want a statue too I kind

Of feel bad now he looks so sad alright if this video gets 2500 likes I will build Broderick his own statue please like the video look at his little face he’s so cute and that’s called guilt tripping okay I’m not gonna lie I want to add some copper in here now it’s kind

Of bugging me it looks a little bit too bland now that I think about it Oh yeah much better oh you know what I should do I should make a giant wall here at this Village so it separates fun area from like the realistic town area that could be a future plan for sure but that being said we have more things to

Do today very important what the heck get away from the chimney it’s hot don’t burn yourself idiot what I was going to say is we have things to do today really important things one of them being making that skeleton Farm because let’s face it my only source of bond me on

This world right now is this iron farm but I’ll be honest this Bond Mill Farm is not very fast it’s cool that I have one but it’s it’s not very good so let’s go make a skeleton Farm let me just take care of these shulker boxes first wait

Side note I have not made a jukebox yet let’s change that boom and boom and I’m pretty sure if I play this jukebox out in a metal biome like right here for example achievement disco break I’m sorry I’m getting carried away let’s get back to work all right where is that pillar I saw right there I got the eyes of a hawk so let’s pop down here and let’s make ourselves an XP farm actually no I don’t need an XP farm I just want

An AFK bone meal Farm oh hello creeper City how you doing wait a second this is right next to my other Farm I’m pretty sure that’s my spider and Zombie Farm from episode like two there we go all right we’re here so as I said I don’t

Need to make some elaborate XP farm all I gotta do is get all the skeletons to be flushed into one spot where lava can kill them seems simple enough let’s get to work foreign if I do I love Diamonds oh No the spotter is getting wet it’s gonna get

All mushy I’m a weird person oh snap there’s Bedrock here that’s not good but don’t you worry far as he always has a plan I am literally a genius you just wait and see Diamond’s not the time I’m busy fine I’ll take you why must the spawner be at

Bedrock level it’s making my life so difficult right now despite the annoying Bedrock we still got the farm done all right I got a good feeling about this so basically I made a skeleton elevator to bring the skeletons from the spawner right to this block right here now in

This block here I’m gonna have a lava source boom boom boom boom I’ll probably use glass later but for now this is fine put a sign right there and I go Boop and now we go Hopper with a chest right next to it would this work if I just stacked

Hoppers and chests like that I’m not good at Redstone I think that would work but anyways who cares well I care but for now who cares it looks like it’s gonna work so yeah so allow me to pop back inside of here and break the Torches off the spawner right all right

They’re spotting okay get out run run away I’m gonna go in here and Patch this up and hopefully they’re gonna land right there come on it’s working and wait wait wait I love this game well there we have it we finally have a boned Farm a skeleton

Farm and I can AFK down here and be totally safe and cool but that being said let’s make it look a little prettier because this is just a disgusting mess right now so I guess I’ll make a little staircase ladder system to get back up it should be right here

Oh geez that could have been bad on we go louder system check now time to decorate And there we go it’s small it’s not very big but it looks awesome we got this nice glass to watch the skeletons die that sounds morbid we got our chests and our Hoppers and most importantly we have another window here to watch the skeletons get flown up into the system

It’s really cool I do like it a lot but that being said we are all set with the skeleton farm this thing’s gonna be such a help for me in this world but oh my gosh this ladder system is so so far it’s like a 60-second climb stupid New

World height 1.18 you stink you know what I probably gotta put something here this is like dangerous mob just walk down here and go kill me so you know what let’s think of something to build I actually have a pretty good idea my idea

Is to make a little bit of a well here and I’m only saying this because I have a well right here which actually leads down to my spider and Zombie Farm so I’m gonna steal this design and put it over there all right let’s see what I can do

A little bit of this some of this and some of this looking good but now we need to put the fence with a little thingy under that like that the chain and then The Cauldron attached to this thing like that and here is where the magic happens we put down a bunch of

Signs right here and we tossed the water right up here now there’s water in The Cauldron but when we’re down underneath you can’t even get touched by it it’s perfect and finished oh my goodness wait I take it back hold on finished today we’re back in my 1.18

Hardcore world and we have a pretty big issue this world here is super epic like look I’m a king I have a castle I have a town I have UFOs but I don’t have any beacons around here and if you ask me that sounds kind of dangerous so today

The plan is to go to the Nether and make a Wither Skeleton farm this is gonna be a huge challenge but if we complete it we will have infinite beacons in this world and that right there sounds like a great deal to me so let’s get to work

There is much to do first off we gotta get some Gunpowder to make fireworks we gonna do a lot of traveling today to make this Farm we need to find another Fortress in a very specific biome and that means a lot of flying around here we go well hello nether base how you

Doing hey gentlemen what’s Poppin now I have good news and I have bad news the good news is there’s a fortress literally right over here it’s right here but the bad news is that it’s in the wrong biome to make a real really efficient Wither Skull Farm it has to be

In one of two biomes either a Soul Sand Valley or a warped forest and sadly for me this is none of those go away no I’m leaving okay fine so off we go to find another one and as I fly around Please Subscribe and hit the Bell oh dang it

Same issue it’s not the right biomes hey Bilbo how you doing oh Bilbo you made a friend go say hi to him please come on over hey Pedro come meet the elbow no Pedro Pedro Bill Bob’s so sorry so I kept finding fortresses but again the same issue kept popping up are you

Kidding me another one but again in the wrong bio is this even possible but after about 20 minutes of flying I found the right one oh wait now we’re cooking we’re cooking we’re cooking oh no we’re not we’re not we’re the skeleton oh my God not playing no games today but okay guys

We found a thingy what’s it called we found a fortress in the right biome hello anybody home oh a chest what do you got for me oh diamonds thank you so I’m gonna get the coordinates and put them in this here coordinate book and boom okay we got it so that right there

Was the easy part now it’s time to go get some materials and get to the hard part which is actually building the farm back we go so for this Farm we’re gonna need quite a lot of things but the thing we need the most of is actually nether

Brick do I have any not too many but I’m pretty sure I can actually smelt Netherrack and turn that into bricks and craft them right let’s go find out shall we all right we go boom we go boom it’s melting I knew it so you guys know what

That means no Mr Gall not spinning time it’s time to smelt a lot of stuff so I smelted Nether Bricks I traded Nether Bricks with piglens and I even went to an old fortress and just mined a bunch of it by hand after that we grabbed a few more important materials and just

Like that that we were ready to roll all right we have just about everything in the shulker boxes except for one really important thing I need to get some more obsidian and I have a good idea of where to get it follow me what the oh my gosh

He got stuck if you guys are new here this idiot has been wandering around the roof for like three weeks now and he finally got stuck that’s what you get here we go we’re gonna go to the end and mine obsidian off those giant Towers oh

Would you look at it it’s beautiful well let’s get to mining I need all the subsidian because I need to make a ton of nether portals for this farm so I’ll be taking a lot of this and while I’m here I might as well go get some XP my tools aren’t looking great

Is it just me or does the end Island look like a pirate ship right now that’s the front and that’s the back and that’s the sale all that being said it’s Farm time and we’re back so first things first let’s put some armor on so I don’t

Die also I have so many ender pearls in my inventory I don’t need those all right Blaze please don’t do it this is gonna be so annoying with you but I’m gonna have to make a little bit of a platform here for the wither skeletons

To spawn on so let’s get to work so I made a giant nether brick platform with two chests in the middle for height purposes I then filled in the entire area and put down walls so magma cubes can’t spawn here next up I had to make

An iron golem to lure the mobs into a portal come on all right get in get in get in get in nice all right all right the spawning platform looks pretty good pretty sophisticated but now it’s time to do the portal magic so I have to go

To the nether roof go to these coordinates and make a new portal up there so that being said let’s fly up here carefully and let’s find some Bedrock oh right there perfect I hope I remember this correctly but I think I just put some ladder is up here then I

Just throw an ender pearl like that oh wow I’m so good at Minecraft so it should be right here this block right here so now all I gotta do is go up 126 more blocks than I was down below let me just do a little bit of math right here I got this

And boom this block right here back to building we go so we’re gonna build two portals up here one is for the wither skeletons to get transported up here and the other portal is for me to come up here myself and kill them all right it’s

About to get real imma light the portal go through and see where we land please no love uh uh no Lava nice but a lot of moms that’s not good please go away try to make a farm here but anyways now we gotta do some more math we need to break

This portal and move it somewhere far away side note why is there a patch of grass in the desert that’s very interesting whoa this is this is a weird little microbiome I kind of like it though it’s pretty swag that was cringy I’m sorry oh I’d love to live in a

Desert where there’s no rain it’d be so nice I hate the rain back to the portal we’re gonna break this bad boy and back to the calculator for some more mathematics I love multiplication it’s the best and now I gotta go to those coordinates that I just calculated and

Once again we are back to building so much building today man and the final piece of the farm is to make one more portal system to to ensure that we get the skeletons up to the nether roof safely ladies and gentlemen that should be it the farm should work now so let’s

Test it out I’m gonna AFK right around here for a few minutes and see if any skeletons spawn here cross your fingers that was a lot of work so I waited and waited and waited okay so far nothing that’s never a good sign maybe I’ll go investigate this portal I don’t know

What to do right now hello oh my God there’s a lot of skeletons up there I know that for sure okay why aren’t they going into the portal is there something I’m missing here like a water stream or something I don’t know how can I make this work without standing up here this

Certainly isn’t supposed to happen right wait a second I have an idea what if I put an iron golem up here because I’m pretty sure these guys hate Iron Golems right boom boom so if I go back here and place a block down like this smack some fences around trap doors this should

Technically work I think looks good to me all right let’s see if Fuzzy’s a genius these are the guys that all aggroed me so don’t get too excited yet so I decided to give the farm a good old test and go afking for a while I am literally the smartest Redstone farmer Minecrafter of all time before the far is working dude it’s working so at this point I decided to AFK even longer and get a ton of Wither skulls all right a little bit later and I have 13 wither skulls which is absolutely

Amazing but that being said I want to find a way home because I want to get some stuff to make a storage system here not gonna lie it’s kind of annoying to have to pick up all the loot from these guys I kind of want to have it go into a

Chest automatically so that being said let’s find our way home and get some Redstone stuff I think home would be this way right here oh it is wow that’s awesome well that’s convenient all right I’m gonna need some Hoppers and some chests boom and boom and maybe some more

Glass too while I’m here hey again buddy how you doing so all I gotta do is put down a couple of chests right over here and put some Hoppers underneath them like that then the loot should go into the chests yes sir that works this is so

Cool I have like an automatic coal Farm too like it’s bones coal and wither skulls this is the best thing ever now next up I gotta put some more glass around here this is way too skinny and dangerous just in case I want to have some safety precautions so obviously our

Next step is to take these skulls and make some Withers to get beacons but before we do that we gotta do something really important last episode I made a statue of my pet chicken Broderick and I said if the video got 2500 likes I’d make another statue for Charlton and you

Guys absolutely smashed it so that being said Charlton hey buddy we’re gonna make a statue out of you it’s time to get to work so first off I hopped in a separate creative mode world and practiced building a parrot statue after that I converted the statue into ores because

That’s how I want to build this okay I have good news and I have bad news the good news is I can make the statue I did a little test and it’s gonna look really amazing but the bad news is I’m using all ores right and Charlton is mostly

Teal and what’s the only teal ore in the game you guessed it it’s Diamond so we gotta do quite a bit of mining today unless I somehow have a bunch of diamonds stored up here but I don’t think I do maybe please not really well all right no complaining here let’s go

Get Charlton his statue to the mine we go so I flew down and started collecting diamonds I’m gonna need all of you guys now this was a grind I literally was mining for like two straight hours but after all this I found all the diamonds I needed all right I think I’ve mined

Enough I have a lot of diamonds a lot of gold and a couple of emeralds to fit charlton’s colors so that being said it’s time to actually build the Statue now I think I’m gonna put it right in between my two statues me and Broderick so maybe like right here where this

Annoying sheep is all right let’s begin foreign what do we think about Charlton I really like it there are a few things I wish were different for example I wish the belly was out of raw gold but honestly guys I just don’t have the time to mine

All that gold today so please forgive me for that but besides that look at the back look how many diamonds there are this dude is Richie Rich he must be worth like five million trillion billion dollars I really wish they had like raw diamond blocks and raw emerald blocks

Would look so much cooler but again I used the colors that I could so deal with it but there we have it the Three Amigos the scientists the cute little buddy and the giant amazing handsome man life is good hey Charlton want to see your statue well okay all that worked

For nothing nice now all that being said you guys have been smashing the like Milestone so thank you so much but that means we’re gonna raise the stakes if this video gets 3 000 likes I will make a giant dog Army and go attack all the

Mobs in the world that’s gonna be so much fun so like the video that was a lot of fun but now it’s time to get back on track and let’s go get ourselves some wither Stars so I need some Soul Sand and I got my skulls right here so let’s

Go kill some Withers I’ll meet you guys in the end Dimension yeah you’re still there you’re gonna be there forever idiot side note I really gotta make a better way to get into the stronghold without going through a cave but that’ll be for another day if you got any cool

Ideas though let me know I’d appreciate it 360. all right we’re here so basically the best way to kill a Wither in Minecraft is by trapping the Wither in the Bedrock portal in the end and I’ve actually already done this before in this world so you’re gonna see I dug

Out the bottom put some obsidian down and all I gotta do is play some Soul Sand here put the heads here and smack the Wither without knockback so my sword is probably not gonna work today boom boom boom here we go all right please work please don’t go Haywire just in

Case armor on so it worked but I also couldn’t talk because I couldn’t hear anything the weather is so loud and he’s dead that was really really loud but look at that a star for me so I’m gonna do this a few more times until I get all these skulls turned into Stars

And that’s all we got for now five stars which equals five beacons I’ll take that any day of the week except for Sunday on that day I want seven are you okay is everything all right you’re floating there so how do I make a beacon again I’m really dumb and I forget things

Often so I think I need obsidian and I’m gonna guess glass haha I’m the smartest man of all time but I need more glass and as that smelt I gotta go grab some more obsidian because I don’t think I have enough right now hello random lava source down here meat water

I’m so powerful I’ll grab some of you and I’ll close the door and I will craft myself a few more beacons and there we go guys five beacons look at it so beautiful so now it’s time to go actually make the beacon Pyramids by using blocks of gems so I’m trying to

Think what gem should I use I have a lot of emeralds I have a lot of gold I have an iron farm and by the way I see so many comments saying farzi make another right Beacon shut your mouth I’m not doing that I I want to have a social

Life outside of Minecraft too so I think I’m gonna do at least one of each of the three so one Emerald one gold one iron forget about diamonds forget about netherride actually diamonds could I do that maybe pause now probably not but one day oh it’s gonna happen I promise

You so first up it was time for the iron Beacon oh they’ve been so sick oh hello are we overflowing up there I guess so oh why do I have so much iron right now this is awesome all right it’s time to bake it oh hey Charlton that looks so

Cool for me first beacon will go right around this area I’m just gonna spread them out all over the place because I want to have potion effects at all times so I got to work laying down these pyramids bam boom now out of the five beacons I made three of them iron

Because that’s the most abundant resource I have and here is our third iron Beacon so I’ll make this one resistant so I don’t die that’d be great and would you look at that I got strength two Resistance 2 and regen now it’s gonna be very handy but that being

Said let’s go make the other beacons now I want to make a gold Beacon and emerald Beacon so gold I don’t have a lot of gold right now but I have a gold farm so let’s go see what I can do oh hello rotten flush on the ground that’s

Awkward anyways we have a lot of gold in here so let’s see what I can do about crafting this into blocks and I’ll save you some time here I had more than enough gold well this was pretty easy wasn’t it and back we go gold big weekend on the way

And boom and of course last but not least I gotta make an emerald Beacon now I’m not sure about this one because I don’t have many emeralds I don’t think I have 42 that’s not even close okay I’m probably gonna skip the emeralds for now I don’t want to spend hours trading

Melons to get more emeralds but in the future I might make a better raid Farm which means we’ll have a lot more emeralds to play with honestly I’m kind of curious if I put a beacon in a UFO would that look dumb because I think the

Beacon would go over the UFO too but it might look kind of cool I kind of want to give it a try I really hope this looks good this might be like a game changer for the whole UFO idea I got going on oh hey there buddy I haven’t

Seen you in a while what’s up what do you got for me oh gunpowder not bad not bad dude oh we despawned no I really like that trade dang it all right how am I gonna do this I’m gonna have to like put the beacon underground right so like

Dig down here like like this and I’m in a cave wow big cave at that all right cool let’s get to building okay everything looks good down here now time to go see how it looks in the UFO and yeah I the beam looks so sick but

The fact it goes through the UFO I don’t like it and that’s the end of that so I guess for now they’ll just be sitting out here in the open oh but there is one thing I have to do right now and that is I gotta make all the beacons different colors I

Want to make it like rainbowy in the sky I think that’d be so sick so I’m gonna need some different colored glass oh don’t rain now I’m about to put the colors on so inconvenient all right purple yellow blue red and last but not least lime or green rather and get a

Look at that all the colors in the sky except for that one over there kind of forgot about you but that’s a beacon underground so who cares but oh my gosh they look amazing and even more importantly they’re gonna be so helpful I can sit in that farm get tons of

Beacons and over time put them all around the area like everywhere and that way anywhere I go I’ll have regeneration and strength and all those fun enchantment potion thingies today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and I am currently on the way to go make some

Trades I have no idea this guy trades golden carrots thank you very much but anyways today we are making an amazing build we’re gonna make a giant aquarium this build will be home to hundreds of fish Turtles and other sea creatures as you might have noticed already I like

Building by the water I’ve built boats I’ve built custom Islands I’ve built fishing Harbors I love the water in Minecraft so why not make another ocean themed build I am super excited but there’s also a lot of work to be done so let’s get to work so first things first

If I’m gonna build an aquarium I gotta learn how to build an aquarium I don’t know how to do that yet so I did what I always do I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began practicing at this point I took out my prismarine and began free handing this design and

Oh my gosh I did a really good job with it okay I am officially the most qualified aquarium builder in the world but first I must sleep now as you guys can probably guess if I’m gonna build an aquarium out of prismarine I gotta go

Get a lot of prismarine and lucky for me I have a guardian farm so let’s go get to farming wait I forgot I need shulker boxes I’m bringing back a lot of loot today I definitely need those oh don’t tell me oh my laziness is the worst I

Have to empty these out now BRB and as I pay for my laziness Please Subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate it someone please remind me to make an auto chest storage system thing that’d be so much easier I hate doing stuff manually

I’m so lazy all right to the farm we go hi nether base love you oh hello hello bye bye bye oh hey Bilbo how you doing guys look it’s Bilbo all right I wonder where the prismarine farm is I I wonder where it is I’m funny in we go ah look

There it is that’s my AFK spot for the prismarine farm can I land it ah I’m so good and I just gotta hop inside the balloon thingy hop in here and sit AFK here for a while in the safety of my glass bubble let’s get some prismarine

So I AFK it for about half an hour and the loot was glorious all right let’s see what we got oh I see stuff already sitting there that’s a great sign oh that is a wonderful sign right there prismarine check and look we even have fish for the aquarium one bad joke

Equals one head smack you’re crafting up all my prismarine I went to get some more important things like Spruce Wood and sand for glass I’m like 90 sure there’s like a way to duplicate sand with an end portal and make an automatic sand Farm I should do

That one day because I’m sick of mining sand I’ve mined more sand than Stone what the heck then I had to address something last episode I made all these beacons and you guys were going crazy in the comments saying farzy put a glass paint not a glass block it’ll look

Better I literally read hundreds of comments saying it so fine I give up I’m not hearing it anymore I’ll do what you say I break you and I smack down a glass pane are you guys happy you better be and with that out of the way it was time

To get back to the Grind getting stripped wood is really annoying so I’m singing to pass the time okay I think we’re all set we have a ton of blocks like a ridiculous amount we’re probably gonna need more later on but that being said we’re good to go for now so my plan

Is to build the aquarium building first and get the fish and all the mobs in later so where should we build this aquarium I kind of like down there by the end of the Fishing Harbor oh yeah over here is nice and flat it’s open I was thinking about maybe putting it on

The island there but that’s a little too small but over here oh we got space for days and I love it so let’s begin so first off I did a little bit of terraforming to make the area a little bit easier to build upon then I took out

My prismarine and began building the first layer of the aquarium building now before I go too crazy basically we Hank in the middle this whole building and the tank are gonna go up pretty tall like three floors tall and we’re gonna have smaller tanks around the sides of

Each floor so for example there could be like a tank right here but there’s also going to be that giant tank in the middle so tons of fish tanks tons of stuff a lot of space for all the sea creatures but there is one creature that

I don’t want to put in a tank because it just feels kind of mean and those are turtles so out here I have a little bit of a turtle like sunbathing Sanctuary so there’s gonna be no roof out here the whole building will have a roof but out

Here will be kind of like a sun deck so they can sit here in the sand and play in the water and just you know enjoy their time in the sunlight but there you go those are my plans now that being said let’s get back to work so I was

Busy with building I raised up all the walls added in new floors and most importantly added in tons of new tanks for the fish and behold the aquarium guys it looks so good now granted there is no roof yet I didn’t know what to do

For the roof so right now it just kind of you know flat so I’ll take care of that soon but look at the inside I love the aesthetic in here it’s like a giant tank in the middle floors that kind of like Cascade up in their staircases to

Go around and these are the smaller tanks and the whole thing together just looks really really good and of course out here is the turtle Sanctuary nice and Sandy and watery and cute I like that a lot it seems I forgot a block whoopsies but all that being said we

Have to make a roof design I kind of want to make it like a round like Dome shape if that makes sense it’s not really a good fit for like the rest of the builds up there but I think it would look the best so I kind of just want to

Do it and for the block of my choice I’m gonna be using some white wool so let’s try a little bit of this foreign How does that look please be good please please please you know what I don’t mind that it’s not the best it’s not perfect but I don’t mind that at all it looks actually really like like oceany and it fits the theme as a matter of fact yeah

I do like that a lot nice all right well the building is all done now let’s see the inside is look weird it looks pretty cool I gotta put the tank up all the way don’t I or at least like cap it off somewhere but regardless that looks nice

I like that I’ll take that awesome um this is creepy why don’t you go somewhere else okay yeah yeah go somewhere else but now it is time for my favorite part of the whole episode and that’s gonna involve filling the tanks up with fish so I think we should

Probably put water and stuff in the tanks first and then put the fish in after so they don’t you know die that seems smart right so what do I got in this hero in this here chest room so we have a lot of coral no matter because you

Know what that means it’s adventure time let’s go find ourselves a coral reef be our Beast so when I went flying around the world I spy one block I’m gonna land on I stink of this game ah I spy Coral exactly what the doctor ordered now if

We’re being honest I really can’t use these Coral blocks that much they’re a little bit too big for the tanks but these fans up okay I need silk touch shovel do your thing I need fans that need sea pickles and some seagrass too hello puffer fish all right all right that’s it you’re

Going to the aquarium I promise you you’re gonna be imprisoned for life Hope instead guys I think we’re all set in the kelp Coral department so let’s get out of here wow so I guess the plan will be to just kind of pop up here and just dump some water in like that well dang it but it’s okay the water is all

Working out fine so now let’s put some Coral in here so what do we think this is the general idea for the tanks it’ll be a little bit you know varied we’ll have different colors and different kinds of nature in there but this is the idea a little bit of stuff some fish

Swimming around having a good time looks good to me so let’s do that for all the other tanks in the place so I filled up all the fish tanks and after that I even made some new tanks with the extra space we had in the building but then something caught my attention

Wait I just heard thunder I really really want to try and get some mob heads like really badly all right I need a trident and I need channeling Trident no channeling on that hold on I have an idea this is gonna hurt so bad but I’m gonna unenchant this and try and

Re-enchant it over here please please please please please please this Channel first one nice let’s go Harry go find a creeper quick creeper yes he’s charged up okay zombie come here I want your head do it do it do it do it do it do it yes I got a mop head

Let’s go come on where are the creepers I see two creepers come here everybody gather around for a giant explosion don’t kill me please do it oh goodness was it worth it oh yeah zombie heads are creeper head too I don’t see one but whatever oh no it ended right

When I had a giant train of zombies that’s depressing oh well that was fun and now I can smack these zombie heads down here in the dungeon of my castle hey boys what’s up why don’t you take one of these I’d prefer you know a

Skeleton head but it is what it is all right let’s get back to work all right here are the new tanks I put tanks in these Corners I filled all the tanks up and they all look amazing and most importantly look at the big tank in the

Middle it’s all filled up things are looking glorious so basically where you see coral and this kind of stuff these are gonna be tropical fish and if we go down here where there’s no Coral but just you know like kelp and normal grass these are like freshwater fish so like

Salmon and cod and if we come down to the bottom there are some open tanks down here which are like touch tanks for Coral I don’t know about you guys but where I live they have an aquarium near me and they have these like touch tanks

You can kind of like Pet Coral and pet starfish and you know just like feel things so these are the touch tanks pretty cool but that being said it is officially fish time that was a good pun our goal is to get as many unique fish

As possible and put them in the tanks I’ll take some iron and we craft yes so we got a big journey ahead of us but let’s get to work on it first off we’re heading down to the river because I want to get some salmon those are probably

Pretty easy to get aha I see one and I will take you there in the front you look nice and healthy and I also want a cod cod goes in here and there we go our first fish in the aquarium please don’t despawn they won’t despawn right I

Really hope not and salmon over here oh it looks so awesome I love that it looks so cool already so with those guys out of the way it is now time to get some more exotic creatures ah the perfect spot over here is a beautiful coral reef

And over here is a lush cave for axolotls and I think I’ll do axolotls first where am I I’m in like underwater Paradise Axolotl hello come here I’m taking you to the aquarium oh side note look at that beautiful fish it’s cotton candy colored oh I want glow squid too

But they’re too hard to bring up maybe one day so I swam back up to the tropical water and began collecting all the colorful fish I made you a promise little puffer fish I keep my promises and before I knew it I had a full inventory of new little buddies well

Hello there you’re a weird kind of fish aren’t you all right let’s get the first batch settled in okay what are you you are a butterfly fish I don’t know about you guys but that ain’t a butterfly that looks like a frog or something and we can’t forget everyone’s favorite fish

The puffer fish not so smug now little dude you guys get the idea let’s carry on wait great idea for these tanks they’re like bigger and they have two leg turns I should put two kinds of fish in there because I think that’s like a real thing they do in aquariums yellow

Purple clay fish you’re getting the neighbor a red lipped blenny that is a fake name that is not a real fish name and after those fish I went back out to the ocean to get the remaining friends okay I’m pretty sure all the side tanks are filled I haven’t touched the big

Tank yet I have bigger plans for that but for the side tanks we got fish in all of them and the best part absolutely zero casualties but now it’s time to work with the big mob so for example Turtles I gotta get some turtles to put out here in the sand

And I also want to put a big mob in the tank that’s my idea I want this big tank in the middle to be home to a bigger aquatic mob so let’s get to work starting with the turtles now I think there’s some over there on that Sandy oh

There are I can see them hey there buddy what’s going on I’ll grab some of you but then I saw an old friend oh hey buddy what’s up do you want to be in the aquarium too I’m just kidding what do you got for me nothing too important oh

No he despawned I hate when that happens all right come on Turtles we’re going to a magical place side note Turtles are really slow like really really slow ladies gentlemen give a warm welcome to your newest aquarium friends the turtles I’ll put some seagrass down here for you

And you can eat something to make some babies life is good now before we handle the big mod for the tank in the aquarium we gotta do something else really important last episode I said if the video got 3 3 000 likes I’d make a giant

Dog Army and go attack a bunch of mobs and you guys absolutely and Tam some dogs I found one hello why are you in the water that’s sad it doesn’t matter because now you’re mine all you gotta do is hop inside of here now I can breed him with these other two

Dogs and make a giant wolf Army that’s also related it’s gonna be so epic hey Jonathan hey Broderick how you doing I’ll save you some time here I sat around and bred dogs for like two hours all right I think we’re all set I’m gonna guess there’s like 25 30. friends

Soldiers come with me we’re off to do great things battle against evil mobs everybody to Victory now let’s go find ourselves some mobs to kill attack the wandering trainer oh this is horrible this is the best thing ever who wants to fight me I heard something they’re

Charging something oh my God yes sir get them they can pay for his sins all right boys you know your challenge here go for him do it go get him yes go for him yes oh no they’re dying dying oh no what what okay it’s too late it was a fun

Challenge but that being said if this video gets 3 500 likes I will get a pet ravager what could possibly go wrong okay I have no clue where to put the rest of the dog so I guess they’re just gonna go maybe in the barn for now until

I find a better place for them hop in here with Branson come on make yourself at home all right let’s get back on track here with the big aquarium mob in the big tank and my crazy idea is to put a guardian in here it’s gonna be tough

It’s gonna be very tough but I feel like a guardian would fit this aquarium so perfectly and be like the perfect chef’s kiss to this whole thing so that being said let’s go do this there’s a guardian Temple not too far from here so let’s go

Check it out and there she is the big old prismarine Guardian Farm now I don’t want to jinx it but I’m very optimistic about this because I’m pretty sure somewhere over here there was a guardian trapped in a boat right there that’s the boat there is there is there is put my

Armor on oh no the cow is in the boat no this cow has been here since day one cow I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it has to be done but this is perfect he’s already in here I can hop in the boat right yeah I can this is amazing he’s not even

Shooting me this is perfect oh sweet where do I go oh no but I’ll figure it out okay story time this was a very annoying process there are no direct waterways back home so I kind of had to you know improvise here and I was getting really upset I had a little bit

Of uh farzy gamer rage I give up I give up but on the positive side after about one hour I did find a way to bring the guy home all right we’re getting close this is a really promising sign but the hard part’s gonna be getting this guy up

The hill I don’t know how to like move Mobs with boats upward you know okay first things first I probably gotta name tag this guy right I don’t want him to despawn do I have one I have one all right Mr Guardian you can take that

There you go now how to do this how to do this and just being totally honest I had gamer rage again this was a very difficult process oh this is such a mess right now get in the door get in the door don’t on the door come on go in the

Door please I’ll cry please don’t cry go that way no go there please I’ll I will actually cry I guess it’s not gamer rage but whatever it is it’s pretty sad come on come on he’s in he’s in oh Closer Closer Closer guys oh my gosh I have

Been doing this for over an hour I was so sick of this oh my gosh okay let’s go clean the place up I made a big mess out here oh I’m so happy ladies gentlemen that was one of the most frustrating Minecraft tasks I’ve ever done but that

Being said the aquarium is officially open for business so let’s do a little bit of a tour shall we swim over here on the first floor we have the little baby Coral touch tank ooh nice and soft walking over here we have the ornate butterfly fish oh very fancy we got some

More Coral over here and we have a puffer fish very cool to look at some more Coral of course our friend the thread thin that’s a weird name cute though and out here the Turtles going to the second floor we’re gonna start off right here in front with the card

Popping along this way we have the salmon and of course some cool little fish the goat fish and the Dottie back that’s a weird name anyways pink Axolotl the Moorish idol and the blue tang we have the emperor red snapper what a cool name that is and finally on the third

Floor we have a lot of cool tropical fish such as the chick chilled the yellow purple clay fish and the red lipped bloody cotton candy betta parrot fish I think this is a clown fish too yep clownfish yellow blue Sun streak I can’t really see it the Queen Angelfish

Your majesty the magenta light blue cob that’s a cool name and finally the final fish is the Tomato clown fish I love that oh duh the giant tank the guardian hello he needs a name someone give me a name for the guardian but there we go

That’s the aquarium I love this build I love the inside so much and I might even work on it some more in the future make it a little bigger change the fish out you know do more things to it because I love it that much but that being said

I’m gonna end the episode here today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m just doing a little bit of farming right now but ladies gentlemen today we have a big building plan we’re gonna make a gigantic tree house now funny enough I already built a

Giant tree a few episodes ago and I made this custom Island and I saw so many comments saying farzy that’s the perfect tree for a tree house so long story short I was totally inspired so that being said there’s a lot of work to do

So let’s get to work wait but first I gotta trade these here melons to this guy give me some Emerald thank you I appreciate you so the great thing about today is I don’t need to practice building this tree I’ve already built this tree on the island before so I just

Gotta make the tree a little bit bigger and wider and that’ll be good so first thing is first where are we gonna put the tree house I would love to put it right here in the middle of my town but I already have a tree here and it’s kind

Of cute and I want to keep it so where else could it go you know what I kind of like down there by the castle okay I guess that was the wrong decision I hate the rain so annoying can I sleep it off no dang it well anyways I was thinking

Down here in this area because there’s a greenhouse right there it’s naturey it would kind of fit the whole theme in this direct area so I kind of like that why don’t we build it right up here oh man that means I gotta take down my TNT

Cannon what the hello there friends why are you in here it’s dangerous let’s be safe okay and boom we’re all set location check so next up we gotta go get a ton of materials to build the tree such as wood and leaves and things like

That so let’s see do I have a lot of jungle wood a little bit but I think I’m gonna need a lot more than that so let’s empty out the shulker boxes and head to the jungle and as I do that please subscribe and hit the Bell oh my

Goodness I’m so bad at being organized alright let’s roll and here we are in the beautiful vast jungle all right we need what do we need to leave so let’s just get to breaking and I’ll catch you guys in a little bit so I started chopping down all the tall jungle trees

Okay can we just acknowledge this beautiful landscape I want to build here one day so badly as a matter of fact I’m keeping the coordinates I will build here one day I promise you that and after Gathering up all my wood I then decide to go grab some oak leaves for

The tree there’s something very therapeutic about just breaking leaves on the jungle floor it’s very very peaceful very good for the soul I’m enjoying myself but there is one more thing I had to get for this tree I needed to get glow lichen because it

Looks amazing on a tree and it’s a great natural light source if I were a cave I’d be oh right here well that was easy all right where’s the Lichen oh a little spooky sidekick ladies gentlemen like him yeah yes got it and I can Bond me all that later on

So that’s all we need for now oh big cave whoa oh my goodness this goes down far whoa hold the phone what is this I really should go back up and get back to work mine shaft that’s pretty dope give far is he a name tag or a golden apple I

Got neither diamonds yes so the trip was worth it boys we got the diamonds got it and that’s my sign to get out of here see okay after that I took my materials headed home and was ready to build the tree and we have a ton of materials so

That being said let’s get to building this bad boy Thank you ladies gentlemen what do we think about this tree you can already tell from my voice I love it I think it looks so amazing here I absolutely love how the branches look I love how the canopy at the top looks and of course the inside

Of it is kind of open and that is for the Treehouse rooms basically on every single Branch here I tried to keep a little bit of like space so I could put something inside of it afterwards so if I go up here you’ll see small room

Inside of here room inside of here and so on so that being said now we gotta go make the actual Treehouse components itself so things like staircases and ladders and ropes to get up the tree so we’re gonna pop right over here and make a little bit of like a staircase using

Slabs and then wrap this along the sides of the tree and make pit stops at all the branches so you know what that means it’s time to get back to work once again now this staircase design was really easy for me because I actually made a

Similar design for a giant tree house I made a few years ago but yeah it came out great it was super compact super deep detailed and it just looked very cozy all right this thing looks really really good I’m super satisfied with it but that being said here’s a small tour

Of the place it’s very very simple so we got these small rooms inside of the trunk we have these little side staircases to get higher up in the trunk and little like corners and whatnot Branch room trunk room you guys get the idea it’s not very complicated but wait

Until you guys see my favorite part of the whole design at the very top here we have a little ladder system that takes us up to the top canopy where there’s a nice little viewing platform a little balcony it’s small not really needed but I think it’s adorable and I love it look

At that view it’s so good I love this so that being said The Treehouse is technically done but I want to add a lot more details this is like very Barren it’s just wood and leaves and like and not much else so I gotta add things like

Lush blocks and like Spore blossoms and flowers and custom trees and all that fun Jazz so that being said we got much work to do but what a beautiful start to the tree house I love it but the big question is what’s gonna go inside of

Here like I already have a castle I live and I have a whole town over there should I even make this like a living space I gotta think about that oh don’t rain on me where out it’s time to sleep I hate the rain so much and Slumber oh

Look at the far away view that looks so cool so I took a few minutes to really think about what I want to do with this tree house and I have a really good idea okay here’s the plan I’m gonna make this tree house the most epic survival base

You’ve ever seen I’m gonna have all these branches contain like Minecraft Essentials I’m gonna have crafting rooms smelting rooms chest rooms enchanting rooms everything this is gonna be the best survival Treehouse base you’ve ever seen in your life so I grabbed a few workstations from my chest then I mined

Some materials for decorations okay how do I make candles because I feel like those would look really sick in a treehouse I need oh that’s easy I have tons of string wait no I don’t ah dang it why am I always so ill prepared for things all right to the spider farm we

Go if you guys didn’t know I got a little secret Farm under this here well and we go down here oh mushroom farm I forgot about you hello I haven’t been here in ages I’ll take some of these why not it’s free aha do you guys see this

It’s the door of wisdom to the zombie spider dual XP loot Farm thing and I should have some string in yo yes sir I do I’ll be taking all that thank you back we go so I continued farming up resources until I realized I forgot something guys I went to go get some

Cobblestone to make some furnaces and look I don’t have any Cobblestone left I’ve literally used it all I have no clue how I didn’t notice that before but all right mining trip please remind me to go mining more often I like need Stone so badly for my builds but after

That small pit stop it was time to decorate the tree alright let’s start this party off with the crafting room right here so I’m gonna put a little sign right here and I’m just gonna write crafting room and boom here we go we got some candles some flower pots some

Barrels and some crafting benches Perfection for the crafting room and very simply put I’ma do that kind of thing for all these Aromas make them cute make them unique and just make them cozy so let’s do that and I had so much fun building these rooms because I was

Not stressed about practicality I was just making sure everything looked nice and once again looked cozy so here’s what I have so far you’ve seen the crafting room over here is the chest room little storage area up over here we have the smeltery the kitchen with the amazing little kitchen tile design I

Love this little thing over here is the enchanting room with no enchanting table kind of forgot about that I’ll get that in one second the Brewing room the Armory room the farm room and most importantly the bedroom and as you’ve already seen up here is the balcony but

This place looks really epic I mean the details are rough I could add more things in I probably will but uh yeah for a start this tree house it looks really really really good but that being said I need to get an enchantment table I guess I’m wasting more diamonds today

And boom where the heck is that room I lost it already I’m not used to this place yet Aha and boom perfect but oh my gosh guys this tree is looking abs absolutely amazing and there’s still so many more things I want to add to it so

We got a lot of work to do still but before I do any of that I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 3 500 likes I would go get a pet ravenger and you guys were so close but I’m gonna

Count it anyways because I’m a nice guy so oh boy how are we gonna do this we’re gonna have to probably go to a Pilger Outpost and start a raid and get to a ravenger round and then somehow bring one back over here I don’t even know can

I use boats or mine carts I probably should test that all right I’m in a separate creative mode world and I don’t think boats work that’s sad now I’m also gonna have to get a name tag so the guy won’t despawn so let me go get some

Emeralds and go make some trades hello again friends how you doing where’s the name tag guy is it you no where’s the name Tech Guy am I crazy was there a guy that had full trades unlocked I guess I’m going insane I’m getting these name tags whether they like it or not we’re

Doing some trades give me all this stuff and after quite a few emeralds we got the name tag alright come on guy where is it yes 10 emeralds sure don’t care that’s fine now I have a million mending books which is honestly pretty good as well all right ladies gentlemen it’s

Time to roll this could be very dangerous so wish me luck oh hello there villager I forgot you were there I love that guy I think I’m going this way and this one says raid fart perfect and we’re here hello gentlemen now to find a

Banner guy to start the raid not you not you oh you’re the one knock you out and I get the bad Omen effect okay let’s go start this party over here at the raid Farm which is right there oh here we go it’s starting let’s get the armor

Actually no armor on let’s go fly somewhere else I don’t want to get any risk of death here so I thought through a few waves of the raid until I saw the Beast the ravenger oh there’s one okay let’s kill all these guys first and save

The ravenger hey buddy look at me over here come this way no wrong way oh he’s here okay he’s on me he’s on me and the sky is clear and it’s so symbolic okay so far so good I wanna see if I can get him to come in the portal with me that

Could make it really easy all right get in the portal just just pop right in here come come here you got it you got it you got it yes okay let’s carefully go in and get ready to fly away as fast as we can this is good this is really good this is

Amazing amazing oh no guests allowed buddy I’m sorry okay finally can stay I’ll allow it so I had the ravenger follow me all the way back to my own portal all right buddy hop inside of here come in this portal now you got it I believe in you

Yes yes okay here’s where it gets really scary because he will be in my house and I can’t fly far away oh well let’s see what happens and sadly I died well that was scary I’m just joking but it was a close one I’m shaking right now

From that okay let’s give him a name tag just to be safe where are you you didn’t despawn right hey down there come here take it just take it ravager okay bye all right pet ravager secured but he can’t stay in there because he’ll murder

My face so let’s make him a cage listen don’t kill the big ravenger guy he’s my friend he hates me but I like him and yeah it’s a toxic relationship but it’s cool okay iron bars I got a lot of them Perfecto and where should my pet ravager

Be he probably should be near my castle because that’s like my house you know what I’m gonna put him right next to the tree house that’s probably a bad idea because he can break leaves but it’d be funny so let’s do it you can go right

Here and how does this look what a beautiful cage for him it’s nice and big nice and Tall but most importantly amazing real estate he’s next to a tree house and a castle that plot right there is gonna be worth a lot of money someday

And trust me I used to work in real estate so I know these things all right buddy how you doing what wait no no I’m so confused oh did he go back in the portal no Diddy oh he did oh we did I see him oh hello just come back

In the portal just come back in here just come on quite you got it you got it you got it yay oh it didn’t work yes he’s in okay ravenger you need to come with me this way but do not make a mess and Break Stuff okay come on okay always

Come he’s coming he’s coming don’t break any leaves no no 360. he’s such an MLG pro look at him go he’s going for trick shots on me break open the cage get in here you got it I’ll save you some time here the ravenger was being very smart

With the cage and would not get in so it took me like 15 minutes but after all that I got him in close him close him he’s in I got him I got him all right we have ourselves a pet ravanger but he needs a name I shall name him Snuffles

Snuffles the Cutie Pie you can’t see it but it says Snuffles there it is Snuffles you see it you saw it please tell me you saw it because you’re never gonna see it again see your Avenger okay bye but that being said if this video gets 3 500 likes I will go

Fight a piglet brute with no armor that’s gonna be dangerous but very fun like the video and then I realized I forgot something I gotta name another mob last episode I made this giant aquarium build and in the middle here we have a pet Guardian somewhere uh

Guardian oh there you are oh I got scared there for a second hey there buddy we got an you and I told you guys to comment your best name ideas down below and I thought I thought off I saw some pretty good ones and the name I

Enjoyed the most was Spike I think spike is perfect because it’s a guardian he has spikes all over him I think it just fits Spike take it take the tank Spike Spike spike okay I got him all right Spike see you later how are the turtles

Doing out here any babies yet wait they lay eggs not babies whoops kids stay in school oh it’s raining again dude I hate the rain but anyways getting back on track let’s get back to working on the tree house so one thing I really want to

Do is add custom trees around this tree because right now it’s a little bit kind of you know like a sore thumb like it looks great but it’s way too like alone in the middle of a field right now so I gotta kind of make like a little

Makeshift jungly Forest right here so that being said we gotta go get some more wood some more leaves and most importantly feed Snuffles here you go Snuffles have an emerald I know you like those cringy jokes aside I went to the Jungle got my resources and I was ready to build Oh no they’re here to break out their friend Snuffles hunker down he likes it here he hates you guys but anyways guys here are some of the custom trees they’re small they’re cute and they look wonderful and from up here they look even better look at that tons of Nature

And a pill as you’re down there but having these extra trees definitely makes the place look a lot more you know fitting with the whole tree house so now we’re gonna affect effect we’re gonna what’s the word improve the ground okay we’re gonna put down a bunch of details

Like maybe some pods or some coarse dirt of course flowers and grass and some Spore blossoms and just make the whole place look a little bit more you know green and Lively Shall We Begin oh my gosh it’s like the fourth time it’s rained today what have I done to upset the game

Foreign Blocks let’s see what we got so far that can be very repetitive and boring work but oh it pays off in the long run oh I see creepers there that’s scary but look at the ground that looks so Lively and amazing and this whole thing is really

Coming together now I think we can officially say The Treehouse build is done it looks amazing the ground surrounding it is perfect I just love it I really really like this treehouse so much and now we officially have a sick vacation home from the castle it’s not

Very far but it’s a vacation home today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world I see you yeah that’s what you get but ladies and gentlemen I have an amazing insane build idea today I want to make a giant Minecraft Museum and the purpose of this museum is to Showcase every

Single biome in Minecraft so my mission is to go around the world collecting blocks so I can recreate all these biomes in the museum and I meant business I popped on my nerdy glasses hopped in a separate creative mode world and began designing the perfect Museum

Okay we have an amazing design but now we have to go get a lot of materials this build is literally gonna cost us thousands of blocks so we gotta go on a big old Mining Adventure wait but first I probably should heal up my tools they

Don’t look too good so that means quick pit stop at the Enderman Farm oh hello there funny seeing you here and as I fly there please subscribe and hit the bell and there she is the farm we all know and love now give me some XP

And that being said it’s time to go mining we’ll be here for a while oh look a green Cube hello but anyways the main reason we’re down here is because we need to get at least two shulker boxes full of cobblestone so the mission is simple mine mine a lot oh hello diamonds

Well that’s funny I’m gonna use all this Cobblestone to make the walls and the floor for the museum I also grabbed Granite for the roof and a few more kinds of stone just for extra details ah bugs and that is what I am talking about look at all these stones and the best

Part is I still gotta get a ton more materials like wood and glass and things like that I’m using wood to make tons of external details on the building and I’m using glass to actually make enclosures inside of the museum and we’re using so many materials I had to get two new

Shulker boxes and all right we are back one full day later and I have all the materials I need so that being said let’s get to building now where am I gonna put this thing because again it’s gonna be a very big build so I need a

Lot of space and not over here probably not here either could I just say if I built this underground it would have been 10 times easier but I want to go the extra mile for you guys you’re welcome ah you know what over there on that Hill looks pretty promising it’s

Pretty flat up there it’s all alone shall we go investigate who owns this land Mr B you own the land well friends I’m gonna build a museum here and you can either leave or get crushed by construction I suggest option A so I began construction by terraforming the

Land a little bit lower to make it easier to build upon oh hello there yet to be yes yes be Warfare I love it are you the guys from town hall guys I have my permits it’s fine I have my permits go away I hate laws that’s the police

I’m sorry I love lost I love lost the best dumb jokes aside I brought a beacon over so I can terraform a lot faster I highly underestimate how much work this was gonna be but on the bright side I found an emerald how cool is that not

Cool at all and done all right so Mr cow get out the way without any further Ado it’s time to begin building though I probably should change pickaxes though right that’s probably a smart idea let’s do this thing so I began by using my Cobblestone to make a nice little

Foundational base for the building above that I used more stones and tons of wood to make beautiful detailed walls that led up to an amazing roof made out of granite and what do we think about this bad boy guys I love this I love how it

Looks it looks so Grand and amazing I couldn’t imagine it being any better so we walk up here to the small platform not really needed at all but it looks fancy so I did it then we walk up here to go in to the museum which is right

Now totally empty but the idea is to have like an exhibit in all of these little wooden boxes so one here one here one here and on all these other ones I forgot about the glass I gotta put glass over all these rooms too and that right there is much better

Getting back on track we have an upstairs we have the middle ground that you already saw and we have a downstairs so in total that equals 18 total exhibits so that means we gotta go pick out the 18 most iconic biomes in Minecraft and put them in those cells

Side note look how comfy that skeleton looks in that shell oh I’m so jealous of you carrying on it is now time to begin filling up the museum with biomes I decided to start off with the three most iconic biomes in the game the planes biome the desert biome and the forest

Biome while the planes biome should be very easy because we’re in a plane’s biome right now so I just needed some grass a little bit of the other grass and maybe a few flowers and let’s see what my small brand can come up with here pop inside of here we coat the

Ground in Grass we make some height variations so it’s not all boring and flat and we sprinkle in the details now I’ll be honest here this is like the easiest biome I could possibly pick so if this looks bad we’re in trouble and I’d say that looks wonderful next up

We’re off to find a desert so the desert contains cacti these dead bushes oh would you knock it off and of course a bunch of sand ooh and Sandstone I’ll take a little bit but then I realized I made a big mistake wait oh my goodness I

Forgot last episode I got a pet ravenger and I totally didn’t finish the raid no not the children let me just take care of this really fast okay and what we get oh some totems Don’t Mind If I Do back to work we go so I got

My resources flew back to the museum and began making the best desert biome of all time and glorious oh I love this one this one’s so cute and next up it was time to visit the forest now the forest is an interesting one because it’s the same thing as a plane’s biome but

There’s just some trees here so that being said I might have an idea to make this a little bit Cooler why just build a forest when I could build a flower Forest how sick would this be tons of flowers I think I’ll be sick it’s been decided ooh pumpkins yes that’d be a

Great touch oh yeah oh no I didn’t even get it ah don’t kill me it’s hardcore I’m not playing this game right now I’ll find another one Aha and you’re empty all right that’s good stupid bees so once again I flew back to the museum and began building the biome oh my gosh

There’s actually bees in here I did not know that oh don’t all Escape I will literally murder you guys I will call pest control and the tree in the corner looks kind of weird to me I guess the this is better it’s tough because you know the enclosure is so small I can’t

Build like giant things but I mean that’s all right also what did I just say you could have had it all but you chose Freedom instead what a shame all right first three down 15 more to go what should I do next I don’t even know

But I know someone who does know oh Broderick Mr scientist smart man I need your help I need you to help me think of some biomes to put in my new Museum okay okay sure all right those are some good ideas brother good job and by the way how’s

Your book coming along any new chapters for me oh is rain too common yes yes Broderick it is you are so smart dude I totally agree with that I hate the rain carrying on it is now time to get back to the journey and here we are in the

Jungle biome now funny enough jungles are my favorite biome in the game so I really want to make a good jungle biome for the museum so let’s get some jungle leaves some Vines some wood oh and some of these things these ferns these are kind of rare for me oh cocoa beans oh

And bamboo there’s so much stuff in jungles man ah but there is one issue the grass here is really bright and it won’t be this bright back in the museum so that means we’re gonna make a substitute Everybody follow me oh how do we feel about moss this looks kind of

Jungly I think that would fit in nicely I say maybe give it a try all right please be good please look nice and spoiler alert it looked amazing I’m not gonna lie I really like this like obviously it’s not really jungle grass but it looks even more jungly and I got

The rest of the stuff here and I think this is the best one yet to be honest with you I love it now at the risk of this video getting a little bit repetitive I’m gonna skip ahead a bit I collected samples from all the other foresty biomes like Savannah’s swamps

And dark oak forests look how small this biome is it’s literally this big that is so weird I then popped back in the museum and got back to work building the biomes oh my gosh the spruce Tiger Biome looks amazing we got the podzel the mossy Cobble the spruce tree that

Actually looks good somehow amazing it wasn’t all good though as the dark oak biome was killing me why is it so hard to fit this one I just want two mushrooms and a tree is that too much to ask for all right I’m satisfied with that one no wait Broderick he was right

He knew it all along it won’t stop raining okay here comes a very interesting one The Acacia biome I have the wood I have the leaves but the grass and The Acacia biome is very weird it’s like yellowish so I gotta find a replacement for that and I don’t know

What to actually do let’s investigate so I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began experimenting with some weird blocks but then I found a really good idea okay call me insane but what about a path Block it’s either this or wet sponges and I don’t really like the

Sponge idea so let’s go with the path block I’m nervous about this let’s do it ah I don’t know but it’s not terrible so that’s a good sign right I guess we’ll roll with it and see how it looks at the end little tree in here

If I can pull this off I’ll be the best Minecrafter of all time and things were going so well until I forgot something oh dang it it looks so good but I can’t put down grass now right it won’t dang it I’ll have to improvise once again so

I created a savannah-only world popped on my glasses and began studying the landscape for Secrets ah uh it’s not perfect but this is not terrible and you know what I think that’s good enough Savannah done end up at 1 you here just because and right there too awesome and

Of course as soon as I make a little bit of progress I got sidetracked hold on it’s a thunderstorm and you know what that means I can get mob heads if I use my Trident where are the creepers at mobs come here we have a party a

Gathering all right do it explode do it do it well that wasn’t safe what’d we get we got a zombie head any more heads just one zombie head feeling no one time I want the rain and it stops you can’t make this up ooh spider jockey

I’m still upset okay I just finished up with the swamp biome which looks pretty decent I had to use Moss for the grass color but anyways I am ready to start doing some more exotic and you know creative biomes so my idea is to make some interdimensional biomes like nether

Biomes or an end biome I think that would add so much variety to our Museum and make it more colorful and just more unique so I love that let me just grab some food from the old Chief over here I’ll take some of these thank you very

Much and off we go to the Nether and hello my beautiful nether base I’ve missed you I always miss you I love this bass so much but anyways I’ve calculated that I want to get two nether biomes for the museum so I think a warped Forest

Would be awesome so I’ll take some of this stuff oh there’s so much stuff so many things now for the other biome I was very conflicted if I wanted to do like another waist or you know like a Soul Sand Valley oh go away no no no no

No what I thought you’re scared of me I’m bigger than you better than you what I was saying is I think I’m gonna go with the other Forest the Crimson Forest so I got some Crimson stuff and I was ready to head home oh wait a second I

Can’t leave yet last episode I said if the video got 3 500 likes I would go fight a piglet brute with no armor and you guys were so close but I’m a nice guy so I’m gonna count it alright let’s get this thing over with I’m a little

Bit scared off to find out Bastion oh would you stop at oh well that’s convenient Sebastian all right here comes nothing let me just take off my armor and now we search for a bad boy now as far as I know these guys can one hit you I think right it’s either one

Hit or two hit but either way it’s very dangerous oh not dangerous lava well that’s not good I lost my totem that’s not good at all oh dear now I’m scared I’ll put my electron so I can fly a little bit that might help okay I

Don’t see any brutes here so I’m just gonna go find another Bastion on second thought I’m out of firework so I gotta get back home and get some more BRB oh dear oh dear all right I got it so I grabbed some gear and headed back out to

Find that Bastion we found one in a really weird spot it’s literally in the middle of a waste biome but all right is that one oh no it tricked me that’s one though all right my armor is all off let’s go oh you’re you’re dying oh there’s two is this cheating whatever I

Don’t care you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead all right I did it oh no all right bye armor back on see ya but that being said if this video gets 3 500 likes I will tame a pet Pillager and yes that’s possible now at this point I was

Ready to get back to work and finish up this Museum so I built the Nether exhibits the end exhibit and even a couple more exhibits for Overworld biomes oh hey there buddy how you doing what’s what’s up what do you got for me yeah nothing too good oh no he despawned

Dang it now for our next biome we needed to travel quite a bit away alright it’s adventure time I’m doing a snowy icy biome but there’s no ice here so I gotta go find some off we go on a big Journey so I flew for over 4 000 blocks until I

Finally found something just what the doctor ordered it only took me like 4 000 blocks of flying but it’s worth it guys a polar bear hello there my furry friend how you doing look how cute he is I didn’t know you attacked me don’t do

It don’t do it oh look at his little I’m just here for some ice I’m just here for some ice I definitely gotta write this place down so on I went building the snow biome until not again there’s always gotta be a distraction but you know what this is a

Good one I can get more mob heads hey little buddy do it blow it up quick do it no no no yes we got one awesome that’s what I wanted let’s go and while I’m here here’s an update with the biome so I made a little Mesa biome which I think

Is adorable with a little Minecart I love this I made a warped Forest a Crimson Forest and an end biome which is very Bland but whatever I can’t do much with the end I have the pillar though which is pretty awesome and coming up here to the very top floor we have two

Snowy biomes a snow tiger and over here ice spikes now I’m not gonna lie the glass touching the ice here is a little bit triggering but I can’t do much about it ice spikes are big so I gotta roll with it but anyways we now have one two

Three four more left and oh boy we gotta get creative for these last four now for two of them I made underground cave biomes but for the third one I want to do a mushroom Island now the issue is I have not found a mycelium Island yet and

I’m not gonna go exploring for one because they’re super duper rare so I’m gonna make a substitute I tried using purple concrete and let’s see oh that looks very very bright purple that might not work oh maybe that what is that that terracotta light gray terracotta that

Looks very mycelium-y oh yeah I love it already are you telling me I can plant mushrooms on this too this is the perfect block for this oh my gosh it looks amazing I love this and ladies gentlemen we’ve saved the best for last for my last biome we’re gonna make an

Ocean biome but without the water like I could do water but when you put water between glass it always looks really weird so I’m gonna try and do this without any water and it could look sick could look awful I don’t know let’s figure it out and I’ll just say this was

By far my favorite biome because I really was creative with it thoughts I think it looks really good I used Coral I use some like nature blocks to make it look kind of like seagrass and kelp I even made an ocean ruin and a shipwreck I think it looks fine but anyways guys

That’s it that’s the whole museum we’re all done she looks glorious and now it’s time to do the official Farsi bio Museum tour starting over here we have the planes biome the desert biome and the flower forest biome this way we have the dark oak biome we have the spruce Tiger

Biome and we have the jungle biome going downstairs we have the nether warped Forest the nether Crimson Forest and the end Dimension the Savannah Biome the swamp biome and the Mesa biome and last but not least up on the top floor we have the Lush cave biome the drip Stone

Biome and the underwater deep ocean the Mushroom Island the ice spikes biome and finally the snowy Plains oh you know what I should do I should put lecterns here so I have like the names of the biomes in front of the exhibits and boom there we go Mission successful today

We’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and I have a big issue in this world I’ve acquired a plethora of emeralds but I have nothing to spend them on until today today okay we’re gonna make a gigantic trading haul to trade for every item in the game did you guys hear that

I’m gonna kidnap you from my own Financial benefit it’s gonna be so fun right now funny enough I actually have a small trading Hall inside of here but it’s only five villagers well I guess four technically all right people but the point is this is way too small for

Me I gotta make something built for a king so all that being said let’s get to work there is so much stuff to do today the first thing we have to do is get ourselves a bunch of villagers and lucky for me I have a villager breeder right

Up here in this giant UFO hello boys how you doing it’s time to start the lovemaking that sounds weird pop in this chest gets the beds out and I place these beds down and they should activate the Villager breeding thing all right make babies here have some food yes do

It come on Bob look at him not me Bob I don’t love you like that I’m just gonna go over here okay it worked wait I saw one baby oh he already went down congrats you guys are the best parents ever your kid fell in the ditch on day

One very good parenting there so I hop back back down made a little container so the villagers can’t escape and began waiting for more to spawn and alright this thing is working wonderfully but of course I need a lot of villagers not just two so I’m gonna wait let this

Thing run so in the meantime we gotta go design a gigantic building for the trading Hall so I hopped in a separate creative mode world popped on my building glasses and began designing the most amazing trading Hall design of all time alright design check but now we

Gotta go get some materials for said design so we gotta head down to the mine because the main ingredient I need today is Stone hello there mine how you doing we’re going in 360. oh you’re lucky I’m a bad shot okay I’m gonna need about one

Shulker box full of stone let’s get to it and while I mine please subscribe and hit the bell I just got so freaked don’t I thought that guy was my shulker box and I was like why is my shocker box moving around I’m so dumb well I want you I’m making a trading

Haul perfect well that was easy oh I love haste haste is the best back up we go I also needed to collect a few more important resources like Spruce Wood Cobblestone and my favorite prismarine I really want to use prismarine because I feel like I’ve built so many buildings

Already out of just basic blocks like wood and stone so why would I start using more colorful and creative blocks like prismarine look at that building down there it looks so good so that means we’re going to the prismarine farm follow me oh hello intruders are you

Trying to break your brethren out don’t do that carrying on WE Follow the prismarine arrow for prismarine aha right up here and let’s see do we have any in here already no okay no matter will AFK some more and there she is the air balloon of prismarine wisdom so I’ll

Climb up here into the center of the balloon close the door and we AFK right here BRB and let’s see what we got anything oh yes sir I’ll be taking all of that and after the prismarine I grabbed a few more important resources and just like

That it was time to build so the question is where are we gonna put this thing cause it’s gonna be a really massive build and I need a lot of space maybe down here potentially oh maybe right down here in this field in front of the museum all right it’s settled I

Love it but I do gotta do a little bit of terraforming first so I placed down tons of grass to outline where the build is gonna go oh how nice are you to show up why do you guys always appear when I’m building something I always try to

Get in the way of progress and there we go the land is perfectly terraformed now of course there is a giant crater still here but I’m gonna have to replace these blocks anyways so I figure why even put down grass so let’s take out our blocks

And let’s get to work on this thing so off I went building the trading Hall with stone and wood for the walls with a beautiful prismarine roof and what do we think about that I think it looks so good it’s like four separate buildings all merged together and inside we’re

Gonna have all these four hallways filled up with villagers so we’re gonna have like I think 50 something like that 40 to 50 total villagers it’s gonna be insane I also love that I used Emerald blocks in this build like that is a flex and a half but here’s the thing we are

Not done yet the roof the middle there’s nothing there and I want to put some kind of okay what I was saying is I want to put some kind of cool Tower design up there and that being said I have an amazing idea for a tower design you guys are

Gonna love this so I was in search of a very specific kind of block okay I’m gonna need a lot of mushroom blocks don’t ask why it’s gonna be so epic well hello there a little ruined portal anything good for me oh I’ll take the carrots though I then grabbed a few more

Important blocks and I was ready to roll foreign behold the kings of this world the villagers I absolutely love this idea I just wanted to put some fat villager heads on top of the building and it looks so amazing and let me just say it was annoying to get the mushroom blocks

For sure those were a pain to get but we have an amazing building and from the inside how does it look oh they’re noseless oh no do I have any more mushrooms let me just fix these sorry about that boys but anyways the outside of the building is done and that being

Said I need a break but not just any break disco break Disco aside it’s about to get real it is now time to design the inside of this place make all the pens for the villagers and most importantly bring the villagers inside of here so step one is to get at least one of every kind of workstation so in total there are 15

Villager occupations and I have 48 villager slots in the trading Hall so in order to get the most efficient trades possible I crafted a ton of the best workstations things like composters lecterns Brewing stands those are all super important for getting great trades I’m pretty sure that all the jobs in the

Game I hope but all right sweet oh by the way how are the villagers doing oh my God so many villagers why are they breeding so fast next up I hop back in the trading Hall and put down a beautiful spruce wood floor guys look at Emerald

As a matter of fact I’m Gonna Keep it here to pay homage to the Villager Training hall it’s gonna be there forever but now it’s time to actually work on the Redstone components of the trading Hall so basically every villager is gonna stand in between these two wooden blocks with a piston right

Underneath their feet and this piston will allow us to lower a villager down to a zombie who will be hiding back there on that block and the zombie is super important because that’s how we get the discounted trade so that being said we made a ton of these piston traps

Okay the entire Temple has been rigged up with piston traps and I made a little bit of a zombie place to hide zombies down here so they can infect the villagers so long story short we are ready for the villagers let’s put down some workstations and then get the

Villagers and bring them in here isn’t it absolutely beautiful look at all the workstations we got these two hallways here are the most important we got the Librarians we got the farmers and the priests I did this because I think these three trades are the best for getting emeralds in the game but

Regardless of that I have the other workstations in these two other rows and Now ladies and gentlemen it is time for the most fun or most annoying part of the episode and that is transporting the villagers down to the trading Hall hello my friends how you doing now how am I

Gonna get you all down there this is not gonna be easy oh dear but after some brainstorming I thought of the perfect idea three words giant water slide I love it it’s gonna be so epic I need dirt and lots of it so the idea is I’ll

Make a giant dirt shoot that leads right into the wall let’s do this thing I don’t see a single scenario where this backfires I think this plan is foolproof I hope at least now I just need some water and let’s give this thing a little test water there water there and water there all right everything looks good here all right everybody come follow me

This way I said come this way how am I gonna do this yeah go I’ll push you out if I have to go yeah there’s the first one oh wait what the heck there we go that’s better see you boys let’s go foreign Look at it it’s like a villager conveyor belt yes and they’re inside oh look at them they’re already taking jobs oh wait they can’t get in everybody get in your little pens do it do it for me well this might be annoying they’re not actually

Hopping in I need to push them in ah dear no don’t do that how am I gonna fix this issue here long story short this took so long almost five hours of work to get these villagers in oh my gosh this is so painful why are villager AI

Is so stupid but after a long night I got all 48 villagers secured oh my gosh that was so annoying but guys the training Hall looks wonderful we got tons of happy and healthy villagers well most of them some of them are a little

Bit mad at me I may have punched a few to get them inside of their cells but you gotta do what you gotta do don’t yell at me so I then took down the giant water slide and noticed something hilarious much better but that being

Said my tools are about to snap in half so let’s go take care of that well it appears I left the breeder on a little bit too long uh oh to the Enderman Farm oh side note if you you guys want to see how much progress I make in these videos

Watch my tools Health literally every episode they go all the way down I swear my ending on it oh well but oh boy here come Gary part of this trading haul and that is getting the zombies underground I’m really afraid because one wrong move and all the villagers are dead and all my

Work is gone so yeah fun so first things first we’re gonna need some very specific things for one I’m Gonna Wanna name tag every single villager and zombie in the trading Hall so nobody can despawn name tags I have nine I need 52. hey old trading haul sorry to replace

You but you guys are bad let me just sneak in here and name text 10 emeralds all right hold on I’m gonna need to get some discounts here and as everybody knows the best way to get discounts is to make potions of weakness I’ll lower you down and go get infected all right

Come back up here take a potion and then eat an apple and now we wait and round two says one Emerald thank you very much why would you lock me out that quickly I need so many more whatever I’ll get it done but in the meantime I’m gonna go

Get some more potions and golden apples so I can cure all the villagers in the trading Hall I’m gonna need quite a lot so I chopped up some apples went to the gold Farm to turn him into golden apples and of course got more potions and by

The way I did not forget to put mending on my hoe I’d say things are looking in Zombie time let me just name all these name tags to something I’m gonna name every single entity Bob zombie hello friend come with me come on in my friend the water’s fine yes down here

Come on Bob all right Bob’s here bye Bob see you later and I’ll put a piece of glass there so I can keep an eye on him as well looks good to me so if I went corralling more zombies to put them in my trading Hall okay all the zombies are

In the underground portions which now means it’s time for business literally let’s take out our potions and let’s start infecting and curing these villagers who wants to go first how about you find gentlemen and spoiler alert oh boy did farzy mess up big time what no he just

He just walked out that’s not good I made a mistake already and I instantly realized my mistake I messed up the Redstone so I had to tear apart the entire floor and redo it all right the floors are all fixed and that took a long time but we are ready to begin

Infecting and curing the villagers alright please no more hiccups this time no more mistakes no more nothing come on yes it’s happening yes all right keep infecting guys I’ll name them Oh my God wait they’re all monsters whoopsies and behold the Hall of Bob’s they’re all bobified the only weird thing is a lot of these guys actually lost their occupations but I think that’s okay because when they’re cured I think they’ll just take them back I hope

At least if not that would be a disaster but let’s get to curing all right everybody say cheese and eat some fruits it’s good for you oh it’s happening and just like that the Bob trading center is officially open for business I love that name what do we got for discounts okay

Not bad I should care them more so I get even better discounts but you know what a discounted discount but that being said I’m most excited for these guys here the farmers because they’ll trade me emeralds for my melons and if you didn’t know I have a lot of melons look

At this melon farm so that being said let’s start trading so I gathered tons of crops and started trading with the Villagers and before you knew it I was already trading melons this is the best invention ever pure profit now before I go too crazy with the trades I gotta

Take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 3 500 likes I would go tame a pet Pillager and you guys absolutely didn’t so that being said it’s pet Pillager time so I’m pretty sure how you do this is you take

On a shield and you make the Pillager shoot at the shield until his bow breaks I think let’s go figure it out oh hello there all I’m saying is don’t go in that portal You’re Gonna Hate what you see he is not gonna like that trading Hall all

Right pillagers where you at hey there how you doing put my armor on just to be safe and I guess I just hold the shield like this forever hop inside the portal you got it you got it come on you got it Go in I think he’s in oh there’s two of

You hello and now I just sit like this for a long time I guess you’re gonna have to die because you’re being annoying sorry this guy’s gonna break my shield isn’t he yep he did wait can I do that wait will this work he’s not hitting me I think I

Found a cheat code is it broken no way let’s go hey what’s up Bob how you doing hey look at us the homies everybody make sure to subscribe to Bob’s YouTube channel it’s Bob the Pillager come on Bob look at the Free World I probably should give him a new name though

Because there’s so many Bobs in there I don’t want to get confused I’m gonna name him Craig and hello Mr Craig welcome so Craig why don’t you just chill here I’ll make you a little house okay just hang out in the boat okay introducing Craig’s Shack of epicness I

Know what you’re thinking it looks a little small but Craig likes it tight but alright Craig have a wonderful time in my beautiful world if I die you inherit everything except for maybe that that’s not a good match is it but that being said if this video gets 3 500

Likes I will explode 1 000 pieces of TNT in the Overworld that right there will be a lot of fun but getting back on track with the trading haul stuff I gotta think about what I want to do with this old one I mean these villagers have

Really good trade so I might keep them here for now but if you have any cool ideas for things to do down here let me know down below I definitely want to do something like maybe I could expand the potion lab down there oh that could be a

Good idea oh no I gotta think about some more but right now as amazing as the trading Hall is it’s still missing one really important thing and that is a nice Pathway to get down there so I’m gonna make a beautiful little pathway from this road here all the way down to

The front door And look at this a beautiful pathway going straight down there with moss flowers some fence posts it’s just it’s nice it’s quaint it’s cute also check out all the colorful flowers I put here I got so many different colors it looks so like mystical coming down here I

Would say it looks fabulous but sadly that’s all the time I have for today because I gotta get this video posted for your face today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and don’t mind me I’m just getting some melons for the old trading haul over there but today oh my

Gosh we got a very big plan we’re gonna make an overpowered raid Farm recently I’ve had some close calls with death I want to put some kind of so I realized I need an easy way to get totems of undying also free emeralds so yeah the plan is set let’s get to work

We gotta get a ton of materials wait what did I just hear hey buddy what’s up how you doing I haven’t seen you in a while what do you got for me nothing too good oh no he despawned oh wait no you’re right there I love that guy so

Our first step is to find a place to build the farm and I know the perfect place Everybody follow me and here we are who recognizes this place this right here is my old raid Farm it’s like my poor man’s Farm it’s okay it works but

It’s very inefficient so my plan is to tear this thing down and build the new one right out over here on the ocean and the reason I want to build it in the same area is because of that thing right there the Pillager outposts for all you

Noobs out there raid Farms are powered by the bad Omen effect and surprise surprise the easiest way to get that effect is at the Pillager Outpost hey there buddy how you doing I’ll be back for you later don’t kill me yet location check so I ran back home grabbed my

Shulker boxes and began collecting materials and while I do that please subscribe and hit the Bell there is one thing I’m missing and that is some Redstone stuff this Farm requires a decent amount of redstone and I have not been mining much recently so I’m a little bit low in this department so

That being said Redstone mining spree I’m going in oh my gosh look at all the dirt blocked I hate Enderman dude Redstone where are you hiding not what I need but I’ll take you thank you very much aha more Redstone Redstone oh my gosh there’s more well this is going

Swell and more Redstone too I love this game man thank you and boom just like that we are ready to roll I’m not gonna lie that’s a lot less block than I thought I needed but I’m not gonna complain let’s get to work so I took the portal back to the Pillager Outpost

We’re not doing this right now I’m making a farm for you guys as well not for you guys it’s more with you guys now this Farm consists of a bottom Stone base to hold a villager a giant Cobblestone tube for a water elevator and a chamber of the the top to kill all

The raid mobs alright we’re almost done here and would you look at that tall specimen this is quite the tall thing I’ll be honest it looks extremely ugly but it’s good for emeralds and totem so I’m okay with it for now but there actually is one more thing I need to do

I gotta get a villager and if not the farm will not work at all so we gotta go do that but luckily for me we can reuse parts from the Old Farm because somewhere underneath here there is a villager trapped so our mission rescue the Villager and get rid of the Old Farm

I should probably sleep first shouldn’t I oh well I’m down here is there any loot I want to take with me yeah not really yeah I’ll take those and now I sleep Foreign and that’s all she wrote All Right villager where you at I’m busting you out of here I can hear you somewhere aha hey my friend how you doing it’s your time to leave get on out of here and I take out a boat get in get in the boat

Get in the boat get in the boat there you go he’s in the boat now hopefully this will be pretty easy and smooth but villagers and me don’t get along very well we got a bad history don’t die don’t die all right good smooth as a cucumber wait what come on

My friend yes yes oh you’re almost there and then nice all right sweet villager secured and that being said let’s go explain how the thing works now the pillagers think that this guy is a village so they’re gonna try to spawn a raid on his face but as soon as they see

Him I’m gonna run up here and they’re gonna spawn at the top of this platform and I pop up here go on top of this trap door and I smack the pillow juice from this little slit right here and there’s a lot of weird redstone things like

Boats and whatever that is up there as you can tell I’m not a redstone guy but I’m excited let’s go try it out oh Banner guy out where’s the banner Guy Where’s Your Leader I want to give him a gift hey buddy a gift for you it’s

Called a smack in the face and now we go to the farm oh my gosh that thing is so ugly but okay I fly down here where’s the raid where’s the raid where’s the raid when’s the raid gonna start what’d I do wrong I’ll save you some time I had

To give the Villager a workstation smack it there does that work yes okay it’s starting go go go go in the water go up quick go boy I’m nervous all right I go in here I flick the lever and they should just go right there yep let’s go guys it’s working I’m getting

So many emeralds I have five totems already that was like nothing I was not kidding this Farm is overpowered okay I think that wave is done so now I have to go back down and restart the raid thing until I go back down here I Splash and I

Go back up and do it again Perfection chef’s kiss now at this point I wanted to give the farm a proper test so I AFK for quite a while and oh my gosh I got so much salute I’ve only been here for half an hour and I have two full shulker

Boxes full of totems and on top of that we have this many emeralds this Farm is insane I literally might never need a totem ever again I’m like set for life one thing I didn’t realize with the farm is it’s infinite it goes on until I

Decide to leave I could sit there for hours and hours and hours and it will never stop giving me that stuff are you mad at me cause I’m farming you I’m sorry now that being said I am never gonna use all these emeralds right so I

Got a really sick idea today I want to build a giant epic building that uses emeralds in the build and after some thinking I decided I want to build a giant Watchtower I’ve really been wanting to make a giant tower for a while but I couldn’t think of the right

Reason to do it but now I have one so let’s get to work so I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began planning out a grand Tower encrusted with emeralds and after about one hour I loved the design okay I am super duper excited for this build but I gotta find

A place to put it because it’s gonna be like a nice tall building kind of like the lighthouse but a little bit smaller so where would this look the most grand and epic I’m thinking maybe we go a little bit near the castle because if

You think about it over here is like the rich area of my world and this Tower is going to be made of emeralds sounds pretty rich to me so yeah over here maybe up there sounds amazing all right I like it but now we gotta go get some

Materials and there’s a lot let’s get to grinding but then I saw an old friend oh hey Forest how you doing wait Mr Pig what are you doing out here oh my gosh if you guys are new here Mr Pig is my pet pig who lives in that castle he must

Have escaped we’ll find Mr Pig stay out here find a new Castle no one appreciates me man so I gathered tons of woods and stones but there was one block I was missing so it appears I don’t have much calcite which I want to use in the

Build so that means we gotta go on a little Adventure now I’m pretty sure you can only find calcite in geodes which are kind of hard to find so wish me luck here I think there’s one somewhere around yes right there nice safe landing out oh my gosh I haven’t mined these

Things in like years it feels like I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to neglect you one day I really want to make a build with this stuff I don’t know what I want to do yet but I’d love to do something with this I’m getting a little sidetracked here give me that calcite

Please thank you very much I then realized I forgot another important block okay listen nobody better judge me here okay I may or may not need some gold for this build and I’m too lazy to go mining so so sorry sorry I’m sorry so I replaced the gold with iron for the

Beacon and just like that it was time to build This Magnificent Tower And oh my gosh what do you guys think about this bad boy I love this Tower I think it came out so good I love the color scheme I love how it’s like a gradient how it goes from like dark to gray to the lightest I love the emeralds

Inside of here and the best part is we made a giant Bell up here it’s more of a bell tower it’s kind of like a watchtower Bell Tower mix and it’s raining that’s nice totally killing the mood right now but the Bell looks amazing the tower is great so yeah I’m

Satisfied this is the best view ever the Tower and the castle side by side oh now we still gotta do the Interior right now it’s totally empty it’s very ominous in here so I gotta do that I also gotta do like a little bit of an outside Pathway

To get back over to the road so we got some things to do with the tower but overall it looks great so what a great start so off I went Gathering some materials to work on the interior floor oh a little secret cave down here oh

Hello I guess I did I thought it was gonna be cooler than that hmm now how should I do this I think I might do like a big spiral staircase that goes up to the top that might look kind of cool right I say we try it out let’s do this thing

Okay so the staircase looks good but I want to make this feel like very Royal and like classy because again it’s right next to the castle so it needs to be like fancy so I’m gonna put some really like fancy blocks in here like some bookshelves and like some stray Emerald

Blocks all over the place I hope this looks good and here’s the final product what do you guys think I like the emeralds it’s a very eye-popping thing the bookcases are nice and the candles and all this stuff I’m not gonna lie it’s kind of annoying

To walk up because of all this junk but again it’s for looks it’s for the aesthetic so I’m not gonna complain too much and up at the top we have a ladder to take us up to another little staircase which kind of spirals in this big circle then there’s one more ladder

That takes us up to the top I think it’s glorious actually wait I have one more idea this is the Royal Watchtower right so I gotta have some bodyguards Squire defense wait but take number two Squire oh my goodness take three Squire defend this Tower I got it and I’ll smack the

Other one up here at the top and he can actually be like the Watchman he’ll actually be the guy who’s like you know spotting out enemies insane fire Z there’s a Pillager near you all right my friend be a good Watchman tell me if there’s bad things happening and most

Importantly have some fun fun is the most important thing after all well that and doing your taxes everyone do your taxes okay I then built a nice little road to connect back to the tower but then I realized something I almost forgot something very important last

Episode I said if the video got 3 500 likes I would explode 1 000 pieces of TNT in the Overworld and you guys absolutely nailed it so that being said we got some explosions to do today but the question is do I have any TNT I have

11 that is not one thousand I need a lot more than that so I collected tons of gunpowder from the creeper farm and mined tons of sand I’m sorry Mr Turtle I just need to say it I sincerely apologize well raid Farm we meet again I have

Quite literally mined all the sand back around my base so I gotta travel to new places to get sand and that right there is one thousand pieces of DMT so it’s time to go explode these bad boys so here’s my plan I want to go find a big

Flat area and just explode a gigantic super deep crater why I don’t know it just sounds kind of fun oh wait ideas ideas over here is the mountain across from my base from my land it’s across the pond Lake River thing you can’t tell me a giant crater wouldn’t look sick up

Here I think it would be awesome that being said I’m doing it we’re digging straight down let’s go wait just a second there’s a copper vein right here what I placed all this TNT already there’s a copper vein right here what are the odds of that but I can’t

Stop now I gotta keep going I’m so sorry copper van and that is it well minus these eight here but I’ll just snack em like that I guess all right 1 000 pieces of TNT down three two one run away oh my goodness oh my gosh that is a big

Hole oh my good gracious hey the copper van and an emerald I’ll take you wow this is insane this is dude this is like way bigger than I thought it was gonna be total side note I could build something really cool down here if you guys have any cool ideas for this

Comment it down below maybe one day I’ll build some massive cave base or something like that I don’t know but all that being said if this video gets 3 500 likes I will try to tame a pet guest that could go so poorly but it might be

Fun but carrying on there is another project that I really wanted to work on today if you missed it last episode I made this gigantic trading haul but the thing is back over here I have another small trading Hall that I no longer need So the plan right now is to transform

This old trading Hall into something cool and epic so I did some brainstorming and I thought of the perfect idea we’re gonna turn that place into a Tavern a place for the villagers to get drinks and it’s gonna fit in perfectly because is up here above that

There is a little bit of a potion lab so here’s where like the drinks are made and downstairs they’ll be served in a nice underground restaurant Tavern thing so I started out by breaking out the villagers and the zombie and then opening up the back to make a nice open

Area for a big room so the back wall is all opened up and I also kept one of the villagers because this guy has amazing trades he is mending silk touch fire aspect so he’s the one guy I do not want to get rid of you can go away Bob I

Don’t care about you now obviously I can’t leave him here in the middle of the place it just looks dumb so I think I’m gonna make him the bartender and make him a little bit of like a like a bar to attend to but that being said back to work we go Introducing the Villager Tavern guys ladies gentlemen everybody what do you think I personally think it is amazing oh we got a leak we have a leak on the premises not good I’ll get that patched up but besides that look at this beautiful Tavern it looks very cozy and

Homey it’s not too big but you know we got the little Lounge area down here we got the bar with the seats got the The Keg thingies and of course the bartender who has the amazing trades your name will be Mr Bartender I don’t know I love

It it’s a great little Tavern bar place and plus we can still go upstairs to our potion lab very easily I’d call that a success oh hello there I’m so happy he’s not despawning anymore wait as a matter of fact since I have a sick new Emerald

Farm I’ll give him some business excuse me again sir I will take some of your blue ice because we are now friends right no okay today we’re back in by 1.18 hardcore world the other day I was walking around the world just kind of admiring things thinking about ideas and

Then something caught my eye my castle over there I love that castle castles are the best so I decided I wanted to build another Castle today but not just any Castle a sand castle oh my gosh I got so many ideas we gotta get to work

There is so much to do mostly because we have like no sand if I’m gonna make a Sandy Kingdom I gotta get a lot more of that stuff so before I start collecting sand I gotta figure out how much I need so I hopped in a separate creative mode

World and began designing the best sandy castle you’ve ever seen and oh my goodness this is gonna be so epic oh my goodness this is gonna be a gigantic build it’s more in a sand castle it’s more like a sand Kingdom so that being said we gotta get a lot of sand and

Luckily there’s a great place to get a lot of sand over here by the raid Farm oh hi bunnies how you doing well we got a lot of work ahead of us so let’s start shopping oh wait I gotta heal up my shovel don’t I that seems important so a quick pit

Stop at the Enderman XP farm hello gentlemen all right I get it I have enough XP I’m sure I’ll be back here again today so I grabbed a ton of shulker boxes and headed back out to the nearest Desert and as I mine please subscribe and hit

The bell I would really appreciate it for future reference this desert by the stronghold is massive so much sand here and good thing we’re here because I also gotta get some terracotta for the outline of the castle because in my personal opinion using only one kind of

Color just looks very Bland and stupid so I’m gonna add a little bit of this red terracotta look at this little mine shaft this is cool I’ll take some of you ah no I just want to build the sand castle that’s it is that a spawner Why

Is the the responder on the side of the river hold on I’m breaking you I’m breaking you see ya so much for you stupid spiders I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry why can cave spiders swim oh so what I went collecting more and more sand until I decided I wanted to start

Building well this desert’s looking a lot more like a cave right now but guys we are making great progress we have a lot of sandstone and sand and all this fun stuff what do you want oh he wants the carrots okay you can have one now

Funny enough I still gotta get a lot more sand but I wanna go find a place to build the castle and start placing down like an outline for it so back we go obviously a sand castle should go on a beach so where’s a big beach over here

Is a tiny Beach and that’s kind of small over there too oh over here could work this is actually a really cool beach because if you guys are new this beach has an underground shipwreck how cool is this well okay it’s settled we’re building the sand castle right here

Let’s get to planning so I place down this giant outline of buildings walkways and this whole Courtyard in the middle this is gonna be an insane Castle I’m not gonna lie this looks more like a amazed that an actual castle but I promise you it’s gonna look amazing but

Oh my goodness this is very complicated there’s so many twists and turns and buildings and stuff but it’s all right because progress is being made let’s get back to work get jumped over Turtle I’m so good at Minecraft any chance that a villager would sell me

Sand I doubt it but I just want to check in my trading haul who would trade sand maybe a stone cutter well I did all the trades and there’s no sand here though there is terracotta which is pretty cool but no sand I am sad boy foreign wait is this thunderstorm weather hold

On you guys stay right there there is one rule in Minecraft and that is if you can get mob heads you have to do it oh creeper come here yeah that wasn’t part of the plan but getting back on track I went back to mining sand

Which also meant I had to go heal up my shovel a couple of times but after an entire day of collecting resources I was ready to build the castle oh my gosh that was so much mining look at all these shocker boxes look at them all I’m

Not gonna lie to you guys my hands hurt pretty bad right now if I’m constantly mining but that being said it’s time to hurt my hand some more because we’re gonna go build the castle let’s get to work on this thing also I want to give credit to a Creator named samata who

Made this survival base which inspired me to make my sand castle well ladies gentlemen what do we think about the castle it’s not done yet I still want to add a ton more details but look at the general shape of this place like look at that it’s like a whole Village basically

It looks so good and I walk inside the front entrance little Courtyard here walk up the stairs bigger Courtyard here with a nice well that I’m gonna put in here and we keep going over this way to go do a little walkway into something I

Don’t know what’s going to be yet we can even turn and walk up this way to get on top of the whole place but obviously the big thing is this is very flat right now so our next goal is to add some height variation to make the castle pop out

That much more and I promise you guys that’s gonna look insane so that being said let’s get back to it foreign Look at this big thing we got beautiful big towers on the back side the front is still short it’s looking like like a castle a kingdom even it’s looking like a whole gosh darn City in here look at this place the well is active we got

Some flowers we got a little cut thing that I made but overall this Castle looks amazing I do want to add more things to it but at least for like you know the basic castle itself this thing is looking fantabulistic XL is that a word it’s looking good it’s looking good okay but

Of course I wanted more ideas for this Castle so I flew back to my old castle and began looking for inspiration there’s another one of you those guys confuse me but anyways what can I add from this Castle onto my sand castle this is like his lifestyle but

But wait a minute there’s a jail in this Castle oh do I do a jail a Sandy prison that sounds pretty cool to me but then suddenly I became sad oh man I’m sad guys Mr Pig used to live here if you guys are new here I used to have a pet

Pig who lived in this Castle named Mr Pig but recently he escaped and I told him to get lost because I was really rude of him I kind of want to go check on him Mr Pig where are you Mr Pig hey how you doing buddy long time no see oh

Look at that cute face all right Mr Pig I’m sorry I know we had our differences here I say we buried the hatchet hatchets buried it’s gone okay kind of need that back hold on one second I have a good idea oh Mr Pig what do I have

Here oh he’s running all your favorite snack a little mini carrot on a stick keep going this way yes Mr Pig look at him he’s going wild hog rider is he there easy there and Mr Pig is back where he belongs you’re the best man I’ve missed you you can stay here

Forever and you can poop all over the place well maybe not that but you know you can you can do stuff scratch the poop idea well getting back to the sand castle I wonder I should put the jail in this big room it kind of looks like a

Gel already with like the boarded up Windows as a matter of fact I’m down with that little jail cell in here okay it’s looking good we got some candles in the corner which are being lit by an arrow funny enough we got some jailed benches for the inmates and most

Importantly a nice red carpet so boom jail is done now next up I want to add some shops around the area in the castle so I want to have some melon shop some pumpkin shops and you know just somewhere like naturey blocks like that being sold so we got our melon shop

Pumpkin shop wheat shop and mushroom shop and there we go we got a lot more Life coming out here I want to add more things like that more small shops more colorful blocks just to make the whole place again come more to life so that’s the assignment let’s get back to work so

I started off by getting some extra materials whoa that is a really cool Mountain I could promise you one thing I’ll be building there one day and after that I got back to work by placing down tons of naturey blocks like leaves cacti dead bushes garden shop so many things I

Can’t say at all it’s too much to say at once but after all that things were looking absolutely amazing introducing the fully finished castle look at the details we got Boulders we got Gardens we got nature we got a custom road going into the market with tons of stuff guys

It is just chef’s kiss things are looking absolutely beautiful tons of liveliness tons of action going on we even add a little bit of a bedroom up here if I go up this way and go back up this way and go back up this way a lot

Of turning here here is the master bedroom don’t judge it I know it’s small but I was out of materials I didn’t have too many more like fancy things so I kept it like this I’ll probably add like a carpet here eventually but uh for the rest of the castle it’s done it’s

Perfecto it’s amazing and I absolutely love it like everywhere you look it’s just so gosh darn Lively it’s this color there’s nature there’s everything I am very much proud of it now that being said we gotta go take care of something really important now last episode I said

If the video got 3 500 likes I would go try and tame a pet guest and you guys absolutely nailed it so oh boy that being said it is time to get ourselves a pet gassed I am afraid I’m terrified I don’t know what to do I don’t know how

To do this but we’re gonna go figure it out so let’s go do that so if I were a betting man I would say I would need to bring a mine cart and a rail to trap the guy in the thing so I’ll take you and

I’ll take some of you and I think that’ll be good I’ll take a boat too just in case I don’t know which one to use now the cool thing is I did read the comments last episode and one of you guys said to get a potion of

Invisibility so I’m gonna do that so how do I make a potion of invisibility I don’t know so I looked on Google I guess it’s actually pretty simple a little bit of netherwort a golden carrot and finally my last fermented spider eye look at me I’m like a 10 chemistry

Teacher I’m like a like a science guy and huzzah potion of invisibility wait wait wait I’m pretty sure if I put in some Redstone it’s gonna make it even longer right I hope fingers crossed yes eight minutes thank you very much very helpful well okay then let’s go get

Ourselves a pet guest okay we’re here what do I do I guess we start off by searching for one hold on hold on he’s in a little area all right hold on drink this drink just drink it drink it drink your drink and drink it I’m invisible

You can’t see me I’m invisible why are you shooting at me I’m Invincible oh my armor is on hold on take it off take it up how about now we good now we’re good now hold on hold on it’s perfect and then I died don’t move big jellyfish no what

Nope nope nope nope nope put it on put it on nope eat eat eat eat hide eat hide hide and eat all the above do it do it I’m just joking but that was a close one well that did not work as intended I think someone lied to me in the comments

Oh my goodness I am really afraid right now so long story short I did some brainstorming and I thought of a better way to do this okay wait I have a better idea if I go to the nether roof no mobs can spawn here but if I make a platform

Somewhere over here maybe I could force a gas to spawn and I could trap him in a mine cart that might be the move I say we go for it so I use Netherrack and glass to make a spotting platform for mobs to spawn and all right this thing

Looks all good it’s very ugly looking but it’s gonna work so that being said let’s go test this bad boy out I’ma fly up really high in the sky and come back down I literally can’t see anything I feel so disoriented and after some weight eating I realized I messed up oh

Wait I am definitely in the wrong biome aren’t I that would explain why it’s not working right so I grabbed my blocks flew to a better biome and rebuilt the entire thing okay take two at this but sadly after about one hour of waiting I

Could not get a gas to spawn well ladies gentlemen no guests are spawning only one skeleton and I murdered him so imma take the L here I’m gonna say I couldn’t do it I don’t know why it’s not working I really want a pet guest man so tough

Luck with the ghast but that being said if this video gets 3 500 likes I will try to capture a pet Phantom that should be a lot easier but a lot more fun but that being said I’m not gonna waste my trip here because I want to go over this

Way to my Wither Skeleton Farm there you are right up here and I’m going here because I would love to put a beacon in the sand castle I think that would look really cool so that being said let’s post up right here go AFK and get some wither skulls

And there we have it three skulls and then I ran to the end to go fight the Wither And bingo that guy is so loud but okay it’s Beacon time oh my gosh from far away this thing looks so sick but uh anyways where should we put the beacon I thought about putting it in the fountain but I don’t know if that would work because there’s so many blocks in there

You know what what if I put it above my bedroom would that be crazy and boom okay it it’s good but it doesn’t look very fitting so you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna take some more sandstone and I’m gonna make a little Sandy pyramid here it’s gonna fit

So well because you know pyramids are made of sand normally and this is a pyramid so it’s perfect and let’s see it oh yeah that looks so amazing that’s like the cherry on top for this whole thing that looks so good oh my gosh I’m loving this Castle it’s

Getting even better and better and better Perfection well ladies gentlemen I think we can call this Castle a success I think we are a hundred percent done it is perfect so that being said it’s now time to connect this Castle back over to my area over there so that

Being said let’s do this thing foreign So good we got a little road going here there are some water obstacles like this little Pond Lake thing here but I’ll get to that in a second and the road twists this way and turns that way and it goes all over the place but eventually it

Leads you all the way over to this big water system right here so I think my solution for this is to make two Bridges one big bridge here and one Bridge back over there so I’m gonna need some wood how’s the tree farm looking over here it’s looking pretty healthy all right

It’s time for the first Bridge so let’s put this right here and let’s try and make this look a little bit fitting with the castle I don’t want to look too out of place thought I think it’s pretty good it’s small it’s cute the colors aren’t too

Like flashy it’s not going to distract you from that thing I think it’s cool so that being said we now gotta make the same exact bridge over there on the other ocean so once again let’s get to it not the time guys I’m busy right now Should I feel bad for that guy the amount of wood I waste on these giant pillars is insane but you gotta do what you gotta do and quite a bit of wood later the bridge is all done and this one here looks way more epic it’s like

Way bigger it just it feels like a bridge as opposed to that small one over there and let’s get the far away view oh yeah that looks awesome and the best part about this whole thing is I now have so much more land to work with for

Builds I could build along this road I could build up here on this little Hill over here so many more places to build now today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and oh my gosh guys I’m super excited because today we are starting a brand new Mega project in this world and

That project is the Space Project the main goal of this project is to transform the end Dimension into the moon this includes everything from Custom moon to rain to space stations to rockets and so on so today’s plan is to make a gigantic rocket ship to get us to

The Moon let me explain as of right now if I want to go to the end I gotta go into The Nether fly into this big cave down here and run around the stronghold until I find the Portal room but what if I told you we could just build a rocket

Ship and go directly to the end so that’s the plan we got a lot of work to do so let’s get to it I am so excited for this so first off I had to design a really cool rocket ship so I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began

Working on the greatest rocket ship I’ve ever built and by that I mean my first ever rocket ship but regardless it still came out amazing okay so I’m pretty confident in my rocket design but now I gotta go get some materials to build this thing and lucky for me the thing I

Need the most of is wool and I have a wool farm right inside of this clock tower so let’s see what we got inside of here oh that’s a lot of wool that should be more than enough thank you very much but then I realized I spoke too soon I

Had a lot of some colors but other colors had like nothing in the chest well that’s not good well who would have thought I actually need a lot more well so my solution go to my secret spider farm and craft wool using string all right what do we got in here for string

Anything oh my gosh where’s all my string I can’t believe it I have like nothing here dang it my plans are getting ruined well but I’m gonna have to get a little bit creative here well let’s see what we got over here in the barn do we have any sheep we have one

Sheep okay I’ll be right back where are you sheep aha sheep oh I see more there too Everybody follow me why is my home so far away and the Sun is setting oh no everybody hop in the barn and we’re in oh not you and I’ll

Give you a little dive we’re doing this day one Minecraft style so I sat there for about an hour shearing sheep and as I do that please subscribe and hit the Bell oh hey there buddy how you doing well you have a good day I’m a little

Busy down here after that I then went mining to get a very specific block and I’m looking at it right now I need some diorites because if you ask me this looks great combined with white wool to make a rocket ship and after a full night of grinding resources it was time

To build and here’s how it’s gonna work I’m Gonna Fly here to my stronghold portal and what I want to do is I want to make it when I go through this portal I will spawn up inside of the rocket ship so I’m probably gonna have to move

This thing pretty high in the sky but regardless of that I want to then be able to drop straight down into the end portal which is somewhere underneath this giant Hill so I think our first goal right now is to find the end portal and dig a hole directly down so I know

Exactly where to put the rocket ship down we go into the cave of mystery oh my goodness I forget it’s hardcore sometimes and here we are right here so see portal careful and I’m gonna dig straight up oh well that was easy well sweet then it’s right above that

Sandstone block perfect that right there is a lot easier than I thought it was gonna be so right here all right I can make that work so without any further Ado ladies Gentlemen let’s get to building a spaceship thank you oh my gosh is that a kitty oh I want

That cat so bad as far as it stay focused we’re going to gosh darn space be honest what do you think it’s not done yet of course that’s just like the spaceship space shuttle what I was trying to say before that mean guy came up to me is

That this is just the space shuttle I’m not is it called the shuttle if there’s any astronauts watching me I’m sorry for the ignorance here speaking of which if you are an astronaut take me to speak face please I want to go there hook a fella up will ya but getting back on

Track now it’s time to go build that giant rocket now as you can already see I built a little bit of it just to kind of get like the location of it down but we’re gonna build a giant orange rocket right there and that is the exact reason

Why I needed all this orange wool for the giant rocket so let’s get back to it oh wait wait wait wait wait wait where is that capped oh hey there buddy oh you’re so cute oh I need to tame you hold on you stay right there I’m sorry

This is so important to me come on there’s got to be some fish down here in my fishing Village hello my friends I’ll be taking some of you and then I ran back to go tame that cat come on you pretty kitty yes yes yes and little did you guys know

I got that cat phrase very special reason you’re gonna be the first member of our space crew yes you are the first official astronaut in farsi’s hardcore world I shall name you one second Commander muffin you’re gonna fit right in with our crew come on this way all

Right Commander you sit right there and watch the rocket reconstructed let’s get back to work folks what you gonna do you’re gonna come that close to a commander what’s wrong with And would you look at that that thing looks absolutely amazing we got the shuttle we got the giant rocket that’s orange we got the boosters to get us up into space it looks so realistic I think and let’s see it from far away up here oh yeah that looks really good now there

Is one thing I kind of want to add to it and that is a smoke Trail because right now the Rockets kind of just like floating in the sky it looks a little bit unrealistic so I want to add like a giant puff of like fire and smoke coming

Out of the bottom of the boosters so it looks like it’s like propelling into the air and I got a pretty good idea for that let’s pack up our stuff head back home and get to work what why am I in a cave I took the portal to go back home

And I’m in a cave I don’t really get how that happened but okay we’re right here but anyways I was doing some thinking to think about a block that looks like fire that looks like an explosion going on in the rocket and my conclusion is I want

To use shroom light from the nether I think those would absolutely perfect for a smoke Trail so we’re off to the nether to go get a bunch of that stuff we’re going in hello there gents how you doing oh would you look at that shroom light everywhere all right perfect let’s get

To farming I’m gonna assume two stacks is enough and I’m also gonna grab some orange terracotta all right it is go time let’s go try this thing out this might be kind of difficult because it’s literally in the middle of the air but let’s go for it And the verdict is absolutely epic I think it looks actually really realistic like it actually looked pretty convincing so I’m cool with that and Commander muffin agrees right Commander I think that’s a yes now it’s time to actually make this rocket functional so I gotta make a hole in the bottom of the

Rocket so I can drop right down into the ender portal so I’ll hop down right here break a little hole down here make it like a three by three and perfect we’re right over the portal careful wow well that was a mistake I didn’t want to do

That and now I fly up here to the top of the rocket make a small entrance somewhere to get in I’ll just poke this open right here and I should be able to just hop right down I see lava down there that’s concerning well I guess

We’re gonna try it out all right let’s go careful careful careful why did that happen something tells me I might need to put some water down at the bottom of that thing shall we try this again hop down here oh there’s some water here okay yeah sure that works

Fine for me but of course as you saw I shouldn’t be jumping from up here that’s kind of dangerous so now we’re gonna take that nether portal over here and move it into the rocket and to do that we gotta do some nether math so I turned

On my brain and began solving some Advanced calculations to make this thing work alright ladies gentlemen Here Comes The Moment of Truth cross your fingers Cross Your Toes pray for me let’s go we’re in it works we’re in we’re in the rocket ship that is amazing oh that’s so

Good we now can teleport directly into the rocket ship and go straight down into the stronghold ow that’s not part of the plan get rid of that and just in case I ever need to use the top entrance I’ll put a little bit of a water system

Here so I can’t just you know follow my death and hop right down here and go to the end and life is well so I officially have a way to get get to the moon but now I gotta find a way to go from the

Moon back to Earth and to do that I want to build another big rocket ship right here above the portal to do the exact same thing as I did before I can hop in the rocket hop back in here and quote unquote fly back home but there is one

Issue here the second I start building in the end is the second I can no longer spawn the Ender Dragon because he will tear through all my builds and ruin it and make me cry so that being said we’re gonna spawn the Ender Dragon one final time because I gotta get some

Achievements here one of my main goals in this series is to get all the achievements in the game and two of those achievements involve the Ender Dragon one of them being look at the guy through a spyglass and the other one is to get a bottle of dragon’s breath so

That being said we got some work to do let’s go respawn the dragon oh I forgot already that’s no longer a portal I’ll do it the new and improved way hop up here go down here splash down for safety and we go home um so how do I craft

Those Dragon Crystal things and Crystal there it is I have gender and a gas tear I probably don’t have those do I no gas tears and I also need some more blaze rods too oh great this will be fun for this Mission I’ll probably need some

More fireworks hold on one second I just got a really good idea someone please explain to me why I am holding all my shulker boxes in my inventory when I can just take them all and put them inside of an Ender Chest so much easier I take

It back it doesn’t work oopsies all right it’s go type oh pillow there why are you here that is so weird for you to be here you just broke my I’m taking your tears don’t die catch it catch you catch it no catch it catch it that was not smart

Can I please find a gas that’s not over lava you you’re dead finally we got some I just got four right there that’s all I need well okay thank you very much oh here’s the Wither Skeleton Farm that’s funny hey there my friend I need some of

Your rods that sounds strange but I do what I must you’re dead you’re gone you’re trash I’m better than you at the game get good kid I still can’t believe that guy did that so rude now I gotta even it out and I am out of here we got

A dragon to fight oh are you kidding me why are you guys here right now Iron Golem get off the leash go get him why are you so lazy look how slow he is what’s wrong with you you’re like the worst bodyguard ever ignoring the dumb

Golem it is now time to fight to the dragon and Crystal’s check I’ll take a glass bottle for the dragon’s breath and a spy glass which is right there and you know what I might bring some potions with me just in case I don’t want to die

Here and some more you guys and here we are the rocket ship everybody ready for takeoff we’re going to the Moon okay we take out the crystals we place them around the port around the portal and oh boy it’s happening that was loud oh there he is hello there

My friend all right let’s get some achievements spy glass let’s look at the sky Hey there achievement unlocked so I can put that away and now all I gotta do is get a bottle of dragon’s breath in this here bottle so Dragon spit on me that sounds weird oh acid acid wait do

It do it I got it let’s go can I get more of that oh I can’t let’s get a bunch just while I’m here and I guess I can start shooting these things out now all right sweet oh I love slow falling potions they’re the best well can I get

It in the air be careful here give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me oh I’m dying that was a close one oh wait no my bow is gonna break it has two shots left uh what can I use here do I have anything else

Trident I can use that this is the weirdest way to fight the dragon ever but if I try and go it’s gone oh no I think I toss them map that’s not good but after all that we defeated the Beast and for the final time the dragon is

Dead in my hardcore world let’s go baby I really hope I didn’t forget any dragon achievements that would really stink but okay guys sweet we’ve killed the dragon which means we can now make the rocket on the moon now how do I heal up a bow

Do I just take another bow and go like that oh that’s it well okay don’t mind if I do and now it’s back to shearing sheep hello my children how you doing you’re not my child get out of here in we go I then gathered a bunch more resources

And it was time to build the rocket and here we are all right let’s build this rocket baby can we like not do this right now leave me alone And there we go here’s another rocket this time with no smoke plume because I want this one to be kind of like landed quote unquote but oh my gosh guys our first build on the Moon looks amazing and something else I really want to do is make something out of our entrance

Portal thing down here you know how like you spawn here when you come to the portal I want to make that like a space station or you know like a research lab on the moon now there are some more things I want to do today for the space

Project but before I do any more I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 3 500 likes I would try and tame a pet Phantom and you guys absolutely nailed it once again you guys are killing it so

That being said Phantoms where you at I think I gotta wait until night time so in the meantime let’s go do something else and I have just the idea I gotta move these sheep somewhere I thought about it and I want to keep them in case

I ever need to get more wool in a hurry like I did today but I do not want them right here because they’re so loud and they’re so laggy and I just don’t want them here so we’re gonna move these guys offshore to somewhere else I’ll take one

Of you and everybody be free come follow your boy farzy oh my gosh this is so much oh there’s just too many I can’t get all of them I’m sorry guys so sorry hey there Craig I got some visitors for you I guess we can post up right here this is far enough away I think everybody stay still everyone’s looking good just gonna put up some of these things here so I can hop in and out little Minecraft hack right there but there we go we have

Our offshore sheep farm oh gosh I lost so many at the melon farm they’re literally everywhere but would you look at that the Sun is setting it is officially time to get myself a pet Phantom and I’m gonna name him Flapjack Phantoms where are you well well well

What do we have there I see a friend I have a good idea for this if I can get him in the spider web I then can build a little cage around him and he’ll be stuck in here oh there’s so many of you oh you’re in you’re rich stay there stay

There stay there no we got out dang it that was so close oh you are the worst annoying creature ever just get in my trap it’s not that difficult but after three straight nights of trying this I finally captured a phantom day is is he

In is he stuck I think I might have him stuck oh I think you’re stuck too oh box them in take the name tag Flapjack okay we got flapjack and the final iron bar guys we have a pet Phantom the cage is uneven it’s very ugly but I’m not

Messing with it this was so annoying to do we have Flapjack what’s that Flapjack how you doing please don’t do spawn okay oh man that was not fun and since you guys have been crushing all my light goals I’m gonna up the stakes here if

This video gets 4 000 likes I will go fight a Wither out in the open what could possibly go wrong besides dying and losing the world forever but getting back on track with the Space Project I do need to do one more really important thing I need to assemble the rest of my

Crew with Commander muffin to go into the rocket because what good are you down here on the sand come on with me up here if I just like fly up here while you teleport no you’re still down there oh my goodness where would you go is

That your tail where are you oh hey Commander come on in here go more a little more yes that is perfect all right well this is pretty small actually so as a matter of fact I might just have muffin be the soul old Captain space person in the rocket because I’m not

Sure how many more mobs can fit in this small area so you know what Commander muffin you are the sole commander of the farzi space force so yeah enjoy yourself that was easy but one thing I will say is when I eventually make a space

Station here I might have a job for my good old friend Broderick the chicken scientist how you doing Broderick and hey Charlton how are you doing long time no see guys do you got any new chapters in your book I do not think he wants me

To read that Broderick is it okay if I read it one two three four five five’s the new one chapter five is the world infinite this is concerning Broderick I think you need a break from writing why don’t you go take a walk okay I’m a little concerned for you today we’re

Back in my 1.18 hardcore world and we’re gonna build something truly epic today we’re gonna make a gigantic mining Outpost in this world I use Stone a lot but I always run out of it so quickly so my goal today is to make an epic place

Where I can go collect Stones so I’ll never run out ever again and oh my gosh I have an amazing idea for this follow me this way if we go over here across the water there’s a gigantic hole over here and take a look at this bad boy I

Made this by blowing up 1 000 pieces of TNT oh my goodness oh my gosh this is gonna be the perfect place to make a mining Outpost it’s so big it’s so deep it’s so deadly jeez but anyways let’s go get to work there is a lot to do today so my

First plan is to make the giant hole look a little bit less boring so we’re gonna make a really cool build above it and that build’s gonna be a gigantic UFO shooting a giant laser beam down into the mine so I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began designing

A giant UFO with an amazing laser beam coming out of it and I really liked how it came out okay so this UFO is gonna look really sick but I need a lot of glass like a ridiculous amount and they don’t have too much so I think that

Means we gotta go on a big old sand mining trip which means I probably should go heal up my shovel shouldn’t I let’s go do that and as I travel Please Subscribe and hit the Bell oh my gosh I love this rocket ship so much in we go

We’re going to space oh hello why are there 400 men in here I’ve seen this show before I’m out of here give me XP much better and back home we go so I grabbed my shulker boxes and as promised it was time to go mine some sand hello

Bunny how you doing look at us hopping around together best of friends but all right let’s get to this thing foreign crossing my fingers this will be enough sand for me I guess we’ll find out I then made a quick pit stop to get some fuel to smelt the sand aha the old

Wither Skeleton Farm what do we got in these chests I love farming in Minecraft it’s the best this this is a beautiful sight ladies and gentlemen a beautiful beautiful sight I then had to grab a few more important blocks for the UFO but after that it was time to grab our glass

And how are we looking it looks like everything’s all done yes sir are you telling me I’m really out of yellow dye well I gotta go flower picking real quick totally part of the plan today but anyways we got a ton of materials so let’s get to work on building ourselves

A giant UFO so I made a giant lime green Flying Saucer with a deep slate trim some smooth Stone and of course white glass oh and some Redstone torches for that sci-fi look I then used my glass to make a gigantic laser beam coming out of

The UFO and it’s so cool it looks like the aliens are burning a hole right through the mountain and oh my goodness guys look at this UFO beam like the ship looks amazing on its own but the beam looks so good look at that it’s so like immersive all the glass panes I

Absolutely love it and it’s kind of like a little parkour here it’s pretty fun to play on don’t you dare don’t you dare don’t you dare we got glass here don’t play around with me but the lore here is really sick so this UFO is shooting a

Giant angry beam all the way down to the Center of the Earth and down here is where I’m gonna put the mining Outpost at the bottom of the giant beam but before that I do want to work on the sides of the giant hole it looks way too

Basic right now so we’re gonna pretty it up and make it look super immersive I don’t know why but I feel like moss would look really cool have like a bunch of like Mossy spots all over here I kind of want to try that make it look a

Little more Lush sounds good to me so imma need some bone meal and some Moss are you kidding me I have one piece of moss where did all my Moss go oh no wait wait could you be the hero I need today where are you you hello sir do you sell

Moss no really the one time he’s possibly useful and he does this to me oh no he despawned I hate when that happens well you know what they say no Moss no problem because we can go find a lush cave and spit on me already spawned oh no tragic

What I was gonna say is we can go find a lush cave and collect our own Moss Adventure Time I’m not gonna lie I totally forget where there’s a lush cave oh well I guess we’re gonna go find out also hello Sandcastle how you doing I

Love this place it’s so nice on we go what the heck why is there a traitor lava alone here hello buddy I kind of feel bad for him are you okay where’s your friend oh he’s down there what’s up you’re back oh do you have any moss on you no unbelievable

This is an azalea tree which means there should be a lush cave underneath here let’s investigate oh rooted dirt my favorite Block in the game come on where’s the cave oh hello what oh it’s over there I was so confused for a sec well okay sweet Moss everywhere right relax relax relax

Oh hello there I need more of you oh did I just break it when I didn’t I need more of these I love these things well I think I’m all set in the Moss department so let’s get out of here I’m gonna take a little pit stop here so

I can sleep aha the master bedroom that I totally finished right it’s fully furnished I am so forgetful I then hop down in my secret skeleton Farm to go get some bone meal for the Moss I absolutely love this funk you can see this

It is fun to look at I love this world but all right here we are at the location let’s go see what your boy Farsi can do and hopefully I can cover most of the entire hole with moss then add in some glow berries for extra lighting let’s get to work folks Oh an emerald as a matter of fact I might put some oars in here to make it look more like immersive you know what you’re staying there I’m not touching anything in here and all right you can see it’s looking nice and Lush and green but there is one issue here this giant

Hole looks like a lush cave which isn’t bad but I want to look more custom and more like I built it you know so we are gonna need quite a few more nature things to make it look that much better and I’m gonna need some inspiration so

I’m gonna hop in the bio Museum and go look at some of these biomes and think about things and after a few minutes of brainstorming oh my gosh I have a great idea it is science time with farzi in nature when Stone gets heated up really hot it turns into either glass or

Obsidian or something like that so can you imagine if I had obsidian chunks all around the place to make it look even more realistic I think we have to do this like a ton of obsidian all around the place like this so I grabbed my beacon and went to go get more obsidian

So much obsidian perfection Ah so much fun disclaimer I was lying this was not fun at all I’m already so bored and it’s been like 30 seconds I hate obsidian man but putting my crying aside I grabbed my obsidian got some more nature blocks and decorated the giant hole even more and this is what

I’m talking about look at all these blocks we got the magma blocks we got the obsidian we got some leaves some Vines it just looks a lot more like a real beam is shooting down I absolutely love the magma it really makes the whole vibe of the place feel that much like

Hotter and more dangerous but now ladies and gentlemen it’s time it’s finally time to build the mine shaft down here at the bottom so we’re gonna get some TNT blow the whole place up and expand it in all different directions oh my gosh that’s a copper vein I knew that

Was there but I totally forgot until right now I gotta mind that later too let me craft some TNT right quick and okay let’s get to work so here’s the deal I thought it was going to be a lot bigger and wider but I kind of like it not too big because then

I can Branch out into these little pockets here and have the beam come all the way down here in the center so I think it’ll look good so I collected some materials and just like that it was time to build why are there bees in my

Tree farm so weird first off I brought the laser beam all the way down to the bottom of the cave then made a small burnt spot beneath that after that I made a custom mine shaft using giant wooden pillars as support beams but the cool part is most of the mine shaft is

Actually collapsed because of the giant laser beam impact and finally I covered the floor in stone debris along with a bunch of ores to Showcase that it actually is a mine shaft now you might be thinking farzi you wasted so many ores but I think it looks absolutely

Amazing all the oars all the colors all the textures the mine shaft it just looks really immersive which is the whole idea of the thing so yeah I like this a lot but oh my gosh I used so many diamond image like I used so many diamonds but we’re actually not done

Down here I have a secret idea that’s gonna make this build even better so I’m super excited for that but before I start building my secret project I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 4 000 likes I would go fight the Wither

Out in the open and you guys absolutely nailed it but sadly for me that means I gotta go fight the old boy out in the open is he a boy what is the Wither well regardless of what it is I’m gonna kill it I’m probably gonna need some

Fireworks for this fight then I flew to the old Wither Skeleton Farm aha come on with their skeletons drop here for me well that was fast okay no complaining for me now the funny thing is I’ve never actually fought the Wither without using the Bedrock strap where he’s trapped and

He can’t hit you so this could get a little bit dicey for me so let’s get some totems and maybe some potions if I have any good ones and now all we gotta do is go find a place where I don’t care where the weather blows up stuff so

Probably somewhere in the ocean I would think right or is that dumb maybe over here these islands are like pretty secluded oh boy there’s no turning back now is there get my hot bar all set up and okay three two one oh I’m scared I I’m already regretting this right oh

Dear flight fly all right gotta be careful here oh he’s so high in the air right now oh he’s moving so much I don’t like this like a potion oh oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no my God you are

Way too high in the sky come lower he’s above the cloud level what is going on I just had a thought are all these skulls gonna go flying back towards my base I hope not this is so disorient think where is he like look how far down the

Clouds are they’re so far away we are at y1000. Focus far as he Focus just die just die I will defeat you looking pretty low there on health buddy he’s dead oh catch the star where’s it going get it get it get it yeah yeah we just

Do I don’t even see anything all right well sweet but that being said if this video gets 4 000 likes I will pick my favorite comment and do whatever they say so make sure you comment your best challenge ideas down below but getting back on track it was now time to start

That secret build so if you think about it the whole idea for this project is to have a place for me to mine Stone so my plan is to make an automatic Stone generator which I’ve never actually made before but I think it’s pretty easy I

Think so that being said let’s get to work that could save us so much time so like we always do we grabbed a ton of materials to build this new Farm okay so there is one thing I don’t have on me right now and that is slime block so

Let’s go find a place where I can get some slime and I think I have an idea where I can go aha the swamp now I think this should work out because slime spawn here at night time so if I just post up right here on this tree and I wait till

Night time slime should spawn so let’s see what happens shut up I See Stars where’s the slimes I know they’re gonna spawn here guys yes yes and we are out of here well all right let’s go make some magic happen Oh boy this was a pain to make I’ve never made this before so it may totally not work but fingers crossed let’s try it out this thing looks insanely complex but basically it’s like a TNT duplicator that dupes TNT and blows up Cobblestone and this makes more Cobblestone

Something like that hit the lever and run down here let’s try it out oh it’s working ignore the D play that’s not part of this but this it’s working so I let it run for a little bit and as that happened I decorated the floor and

All right that looks a lot better and I think we’re good with the farm this thing definitely works this will be very handy if I have like a big Cobblestone project and if I want to turn this thing off I just go up here hit the lever and

There we go oh my gosh that is amazing I didn’t even know that was possible until right now so yay thank you Redstone Farm people I love you guys now I’ll be honest I do want to add something else to the build but first I got sidetracked

Okay I just had a totally random thought but it’s kind of bugging me every single time I sleep I sleep in this bed which is in my storage building I don’t know why I do that but maybe I should make myself like an actual bedroom in here

I’m not gonna lie this could work pretty nicely and here we go nice little empty room with a nice double bed right there I kind of want to put something on the walls maybe like some paintings or like a map oh that’s a good idea ah

And I gotta make one quick pit stop in the castle because somewhere inside of here I think right in here we have a giant map so I’m gonna take this back with me and put it in my bedroom oh I kind of want to take that back too and

Boom sure it’s a weird spot but we’re out of space but there we go there’s my cozy comfy bedroom I absolutely love it well that was a really random side project but regardless this whole main project being the giant hole looks amazing and we have our Cobble Farm but

There is one final thing I want to do for this project and that is I want to make a place to store all my stone up here so I’m gonna make a stone shop right over here in this little field it’ll be small it’ll be cute but it’ll

Be practical let’s do this thing so I did a tad for the terraforming then got some materials to build the house foreign Horse that thing is super rare oh my gosh skeleton horse hello I knew this would happen don’t kill me oh I have no food left come on yes gentle oh I’m so good well all right we got pet skeleton horses now that’s awesome but first I

Gotta go sleep in the new bedroom what a great time to have this thank you very much hello there my friend how many hearts do you got not many are you fast not really well honestly I don’t care you’re rare so I’m taking you with me oh

I kind of forgot here’s the house I didn’t show you guys it’s a very simple house nothing too crazy very small tiny but you walk inside I’ll store some Stone here it’s just for like extra chest Pace really but yeah I’d call this a success and I even made a new friend

Today I’m gonna build a carnival in Minecraft hardcore this sounds like a really cool project think about it Carnival Ferris Wheel rides games all in Minecraft I’m not gonna lie this sounds incredibly fun and I think I’m gonna put it over were there by my giant ore

Statue stay here so I did some scouting and I quickly realized this place was gonna be perfect but first I gotta put my new skeleton horse friend in the barn so you can go with the cow I guess yeah sure so I think first off I want to

Build a giant Ferris wheel because that seems like the most iconic thing at a carnival so how am I gonna build that BRB so I hopped into a separate creative mode world and began working on a gigantic epic Ferris wheel and I can say with total confidence this is gonna look

Amazing okay so I’m probably gonna need a lot of materials which I don’t have a lot of so we’re gonna have to go on a big mining spree please be empty please be empty oh I am just the biggest slob it’s time to organize things I would

Literally kill for an auto chess sorter I hate doing this so much and as I do this please subscribe and hit the Bell nether star why haven’t I used that yet I’m making a beacon and I will take care of you later but carrying on I grab my

Shulker boxes and flew down to a big cave to go collect a ton of resources like andesite and diorite and just like that we got a lot of polished anthocyte and quite a lot of logs walls diorite walls not diorite logs but next up on

The agenda I need a lot of glass which I know I don’t have I have pains but I need blocks so I’m gonna have to smelt up some sand if I got any fuel yeah sure all right smelt up take it all I am very curious is it easy to make a super

Smelter I’ve heard those are like insane where it’s like a big Redstone furnace that goes really fast I might do that one day so satisfying and that’s all that junk smelts up I’m gonna go grab some wool we’re using andesite and diorite for the actual Ferris wheel like

Mechanism but we’re gonna use wool for the actual like carts to sit in thereby making the place colorful and amazing why is there white well in there oh I forgot to re-dye them I may have had to do some tinkering in here when I built the rocket ship

I have so many colors except for yellow because I forgot to re-dye them and I’m an idiot and I hate myself so I gotta go get some more dang it ah I need yellow dye and I then took a visit to my backup sheep Supply aha they’re still here I

Love myself for not killing these guys get wrecked sheep oh I’m in the pen and boom there we go all the colors we need now let’s go get our glass and perfection what do you mean it’s my bedroom where are they I’m gonna find him aha cave

This is my bedroom oh my gosh there’s so much cave here yeah he’s holding a stick where’d you get that that’s my stick I paid rent here I then carried on Gathering up materials so I one thing I never understood about Minecraft is why does some places have tons of animals

Then like my base has none near it not a soul except for you I kinda sort of forgot I need quartz so BRB guys look at me oh oh my gosh you can see the villagers in that pen oh dear ignore that ignore that you saw nothing

All right it is Ferris wheel time and oh my goodness we have a lot of materials now before I build the ferris wheel I do got to kind of think about where things are gonna go cause this Carnival might be pretty massive honestly Behold our area so over here we have a small

Walkway to go over to the sand castle I got some ore statues down here where these boxes are and of course I want to have a big ferris wheel probably somewhere over here near the pathway like that area maybe over here can be like the game area for like fun carnival

Games and I probably want like a circus or some like Grand buildings maybe that’ll be like back behind here well all right then let’s get some materials and let’s begin work on the ferris wheel so off I went building the massive foundation for this project oh and by

The way this design was heavily inspired by light D on Planet Minecraft out of all the things I’ve built in this world this is by far the most annoying it’s just so much parkour involved to build it like it’s literally a parkour of course oh my goodness this build is

Taking forever we’re only like halfway done we only have one cart on here this is like a really big project but I gotta take a quick pause in the action because I need more glowstone for the middle and I’m willing to bet I’ll need some more

Diorite to it at some point so let’s go get some more stuff follow me this way in we go hey there guys how you doing and we fly where’s glowstone on the roof why is it all on the roof for some easier to get spots ah just what I

Wanted give me give me give me oh is that a fortress down there all right here’s the rule I find one chest I loot it and I leave have I been here before maybe I have Hello housekeeping I’ve been here before absolutely hey Pedro

Wow see you later back home we go oh wow I can’t wait till that’s all done that’s gonna look insane hold on one second though I need more fireworks gimme gimme gimme and Booyah if you guys have a cool name for my skeleton horse comment it down below preferably something bone

Related alright back to work we go so I continued on making this gigantic Circle which by the way used an incredible amount of andesite walls but after that I used all my colored wool to make beautiful rainbow carts going around the whole thing well all right behold the

Giant Ferris wheel it looks absolutely wonderful it’s colorful it’s epic I love it I walk up right here I open up the little door and I hop inside and we can pretend it’s going around in a circle you know what’s insane the guy that inspired me to make this build literally

Made his with redstone I could never do that but that being said it’s now time for our next addition to the carnival and I think I want to start making some games and I got many cool ideas but the one I really want to do first is the

Target game the concept is very simple I take a Target block I take a bow I try and hit the target and win the prize very original idea so how do I make a Target block Target hay and Redstone all right easy boom and boom and there we go

I then got some more materials and just like that it was time to build build I guess it can go right over here behind the ferris wheel sure why not let’s do it so we’re gonna make a little bit of a carnival tent right across here make it pretty long

I’m not gonna lie I have no clue how to make a tent I’m just totally winging it right now fingers crossed I’m not gonna lie not bad at all but I need more like decorations here and I think I might have a cool idea I need some hanging stuff so why would I hang some chains I mean I could make banners too but I don’t like banners they’re

Annoying no banners for me and let’s see just the little things in here you know what sure it looks festive it looks carnivaly I’ll take it nice put some path lines in for the shooters something here is still missing though oh my gosh I got it please tell me I have them

Please do I have any Redstone lamps I have three I need more but lucky for us we did go mining for extra glowstone somewhere ah right there and I put these up here and this way if I hit the target it’ll ring the light and show that we

Won the game Perfection ah this is gonna be so much fun now after all that I still was missing one key element now for the final thing I need to think of a prize to give away if someone hits the target now I could do diamonds but

That’s kind of you know basic and everyone does diamonds so I think I have a better idea if I go to my mob loot chest I have some mob skull so imagine these as like mob like plushies or something I don’t know I don’t care I

Like it oh the grand prize yes and I guess the prizes can go like maybe hanging from the ceiling like that yeah sure why not and there we go the prizes are all set here shall we give it a try ready line myself up get ready and I won

Give me that Dragon back now I’m kidding you can keep that but that does give me a better idea I’m pretty sure there’s an achievement that involves hitting a Target block right oh hit the bullseye of a Target block from at least 30 meters away oh I can do that easily all

Right one two three and right about here all right let’s do this thing ready by now the whole dang thing’s on fire stop it are you kidding me stupid flame bro I can’t see anything BRB all right this time I’m definitely gonna get it excuse me I’ve hit the bullseye look

There’s proof I’ve hit it this is some RGN right here as a matter of fact I’m doing this all wrong we gotta go for the trick shot ready 360 spin a rabbit in the air what I tell you guys I’m the trick shot Master Okay you caught me I used some

Redstone magic to make a little system where I could drop an arrow safely onto a Target block while still being 30 meters away and don’t call it cheating I definitely hit it the first time I’m a genius oh that was funny but carrying on let’s go make some more carnival games

Off we go why I’m out of fireworks oopsies I guess I’ll walk back home fish jump fish jump Enderman in a boat jump why are you guys here that’s so funny so while brainstorming ideas I did some terraforming and then I had the perfect

Idea oh my gosh I just got the best idea for a game ever we’re gonna make a dunk tank game it’s that game where you’d shoot a Target and if you hit the target the person gets dunked in the water that sounds so fun and I have an amazing

Twist on that so let’s do that I’ve used all the wood I guess one of these days I really gotta make an auto Tree Farm I hate chopping my own wood I’m a king it should be automated for me foreign put our seat up here like maybe there

And I’ll put the Target right there and if I hit it it should fling that thing down right oh wait I’m being dumb I need Redstone and a little while later I figured out the Redstone it’s very simple I hop up onto this step if someone shoots this thing it dunks me in

The tank I’ll put this line here so nobody can cross and cheat and boom side note I love the pathway idea we should make Pathways going to all like the games and rides looking good looking good but now here comes the real question who’s gonna go in the dunk tank enter farzi’s great

Idea what if I trapped a skeleton right here in a cage and made him try and shoot the target and I’ll sit in the dunk tank so I’m gonna need Al a doctor and a name tag do I have any up here I’m gonna guess yes Bob how about I rename

You random child I like that so I’ll go right here and I’ll make a little container for this guy I guess it’s definitely not the prettiest but it’ll get the job done no zombies allowed nope nope nope no not four spiders you guys can’t participate in the carnival oh yes

Come here come here come here get inside here get in and get in get in yes you’re in he’s in he’s in he shot me with my Thorns and he died that is unbelievable well all right we try again for not third time’s a charm yes yes yes armor off quick all right

Blows the doors you can’t escape please don’t kill me it’s a carnival it’s not that serious and get name tagged random child welcome all right it’s game time now time to hit the target hit the target no you shouldn’t do high come on he’s too good at this game man it’s so

Annoying I’ll save you some time we could not make this work well guys it was a good idea it’s not working out sorry buddy you’re dead he’s just simply too op at shooting like come on but have no fear I have a backup plan I’ll be

Taking you come on my friend and I can stand here shoot that and boom you’re dunked as cool as a skeleton idea would have been this is also pretty cool but the one thing I’m still missing is the prizes like we had on the first game

Tent so I decided we’re gonna go end busting and get some more Dragon heads one thing’s for sure though I’m not going to the end with bread I’m getting something better hello there gentle out hello there gentlemen how we doing give me some emeralds please and with these

Emeralds I now can buy golden carrots the tastiest carrot in the world we out of here let’s get to the end or as I like calling it The Moon ah the moon my favorite Moon of them all I’m just gonna need one Enderman eyeball thank you very

Much way to go don’t kill me that was a close one and come and we’re here so that being said it’s adventure time let’s go fly to the abyss and find some pirate ships oh pirate ship we have our grand prize give me oh give me that

Please and more importantly I need some baseball lesson tool oh I’m so good my Minecrafter and an athlete oh and I can fly too I’m the best putting my abilities aside I raided the end City killed some Shockers and flew out to find more another one oh my gosh they’re

Like right next to each other oh my gosh another one the best seed ever ah oh I forgot elytra’s here I’ll take a spare foreign so yeah I pretty much kept looting and things went smoothly oh my gosh well smooth-ish I’m not even lying this might

Be the best Android I’ve ever done I think we’re all good in the end Department let’s get back home I’m not sure where home is aha I found my way back I flew straight to the home Island that’s so funny and we’re back home everybody get some prizes boom I

Definitely need more mob heads but for now I can’t do that because no thunderstorm actually I can because I have a wither skeleton Farm there we go more prizes and now since I have more shulker boxes we can get back to building and oh boy here comes a big

Build we are now going to build ourselves a circus now if I’m being totally honest I don’t know if circuses actually fit in with the whole Carnival idea but I’ma put it there because I like circuses but first I want to take a ride in the ferris wheel let me in

Oh my goodness look at that view of the sand castle and the lighthouse and the training oh and all this fun stuff I love this world so much man all right no more messing around let’s go get the circus on so we started out by doing some terraforming Then followed up by

Getting some materials such as wool Spruce Wood and even some warped wood from the nether now at this point I actually found a Wandering Trader but my microphone was accidentally muted but I can assure you we took good care of him but after all that it was time to build

This beautiful circus which was designed by Nevada 31 on Planet Minecraft trust me I tried making my own circus it didn’t look good well alright the circus is done and more importantly my mic is no longer muted I can speak to you guys again but look at this place it looks

Amazing it’s blue it’s red it’s colorful it’s epic it’s everything it’s perfect I absolutely love the shape of it how it’s like fat at the bottom and gets like skinnier it really looks like a circus tent so amazing design here and we walk inside to this beautiful stage that I

Made myself this is a farzi original right here very challenging I know oh yeah and I also put a beak in here I can’t talked about it before but I was muted but anyways guys yeah I think we’re all good with the carnival for today but I

Do want to say I am not even close to being done with the whole Carnival in total you know I want to add so many more things in the future like more games maybe like a roller coaster maybe like a bounce house things like that I

Got so many cool ideas for this place but before we carry on I gotta talk about something really important last episode I said if the video got 4 000 likes I would do whatever the top commenter said but sadly you guys just missed it but have no fear I have an

Offer you can’t refuse if this video gets 4 000 likes I will make my girlfriend play Minecraft in my hardcore world I told her about the idea she said she’s down but most importantly guys she does not play Minecraft she does not know what she’s doing and we are in

Hardcore Minecraft so if she dies that stinks so yeah like the video but anyways with the carnival out of the way I gotta take care of something else today I want to do some more achievement hunting today I really want to get all the achievements in the game and there’s

One that I’ve been thinking about doing for a a while and that one is star Trader trade with a villager at the build height limit this might be annoying to do but I want to do it because it’ll be fun so how should I go about this I’m thinking Soul Sand

Elevator so I’ll need some kelp and I will need a villager you sir stay right there all right good and now I guess I just build up with blocks all the way to the height limit all right we’re here so I guess I’ll build a little platform out here so the

Villagers safe and we go Soul Sand water up here at the top and now I break that block I put some kelp there and see you buddy is he up here he drowned he’s not up here all right take two please work this time please please I’m following

Him I’m right behind them come on this one worked this one worked all right give me a trade I don’t have any Emerald dummy do I stay here do not move I need emeralds all right we’re back you’re here all right give me bread We Didn’t

Start Trader let’s go buddy thank you so much why is the ground look so dark and scary right now well thank you very much sir you’re no longer needed bye have a good time now to tear this thing down but in conclusion of all that we have our achievement we have our Carnival

Things are looking good so if you guys have any cool ideas for carnival games or things like that comment it down below today I’m gonna make it absolutely insane creeper base in Minecraft hardcore okay story time the other day I was going shopping to buy some new wall

Art for my room I then found this poster and said wait I could totally build this so yeah let’s do it and then we’re gonna live in it because I like living in cool things my current place to live kinda stinks stupid Castle so first off I want

To make a giant platform to put the creeper base on top of and I think I’ll use dire it because that looks cool I probably need more than that don’t I or maybe not I knew I had some more let’s go and I think we’re gonna put this

Thing over by the carnival because after all we did nickname this place the fun area and this build’s gonna be really fun let’s go oh on open sick I say right over here in front of the sand castle a perfect little Hill right here I’m down so we started off by terraforming the

Land as much as we possibly could can someone tell me why I didn’t heal up my tools yet I’m so unprepared when I record these videos hey there buddy it’s my test subject I’m gonna build a giant statue of you don’t be so grumpy oh my gosh we are burning through these

Tools right now as a matter of fact let’s go now and get these all healed up because I’ma need to need today we got a lot of work to do hey there buddy I forgot about this guy he’s been stuck in this piece of Bedrock for like legit

Months you poor poor guy have a carrot okay bye there she is the baby my favorite thing in the entire world my XP farm give me some XP please ah much better get out of the pathway and back we go into the rocket ship oh I missed that somehow how is it even

Possible and as I finish terraforming Please Subscribe and hit the Bell okay we have a huge chunk of land for our giant creeper statue so let’s begin making this platform now by the way guys this is gonna be a ridiculously monster sized creeper for scale each pixel on

The creeper is gonna equal four blocks and there’s a lot of pixels on this guy this is gonna be a massive build I’m so excited for this thing so I started making these gigantic diorite pillars for the platform and unsurprisingly we used all our blocks so I had to go back

Down to the mine and get a ton more but despite the small Pit Stop we still got the job done you must be joking I’m one block short are you serious got me some diorite thank you and we’re done oh my she’s gorgeous hey free loot but now

It’s time to start designing our creeper base so there’s three parts to a creeper the feet the body and the head and each part of the creeper is gonna contain things from Minecraft very iconic biome structures things like that so it’s gonna be absolutely insane but that

Being said there’s a lot of blocks to this thing so we gotta get to work big time let’s begin the grind so first off I’m gonna want a lot of basic Minecraft blocks like Stone and like grass but there’s also some blocks that aren’t so

Easy to get like a bunch of ores I want to get a lot of diamond or a lot of gold ore so you know what that calls for big fun mining trip but first I need some fireworks I think also I gotta give this horse a name I read your suggestions in

The comments and my favorite suggestion was narrow was that a bad name idea uh I don’t think the Minecraft God’s like that name please much better off we go so I started off by flying into my normal big cave I go to but then I realized I think I mined

All the oars in here so I went off to find a new cave hello oh my goodness big gay huge cave actually Monumental cave hello how’d I end up over here I don’t know but this place looks sick oh a chest Golden Apple sure oh hello spider spotter I’m finding

Some cool stuff today what are we got in here nothing I care too much about I then continued down the cave mining every single ore that I found don’t tell me don’t tell me I found a copper vein I’m the king of finding copper veins but

The fun was cut short as I almost died from this Enderman I almost just died that guy over there got mad at me and I flew into a wall out of panic and I almost died I’m getting out of here now and okay I think I have all the blocks I

Need so let’s begin by making the Creeper’s feet this should be pretty easy so the first step for us is to make two big rectangles and decorate them like their normal Minecraft chunks but I still have to make sure the build looks like a creeper so I use deep slate and

Tough to make the Creeper’s toes look at those toes they’re uncanny get away from my toes these are my toes but getting back on track for this as I did say earlier I want to add like structures in the actual statue so I think first off I

Want to make a mob spotter somewhere inside this thing so what I’ll probably do is just like break out a little area maybe like over here oh hello there I need some gorgeous don’t I much better but yeah I’m just gonna break a little

Hole in here put a mob spawn in a room and it’ll look sick from the outside so let’s go for it oh don’t tell me this one too oh geez no so for a mob spawner all I need really is this mossy cobblestone right and maybe something to

Represent a mob spawner hmm not that bad for a spawner block honestly sure I’ll take it oh no it’s an even number of blocks in here time for Plan B introducing iron bars it’s not as pretty but you know what it’s good enough and smack some

Chests down and sure oh yeah that thing looks really good actually that’s a great mob spawner sweet now what other structures can I put in here maybe like a lava pool sure why not let me just get some lava I have no Lava I’m so unprepared today BRB

Thank you oh keep that in the back your mind guys we should make a geode in the creeper too that’d be sick one thing at a time though I guess the lava can go inside of these blocks here Perfection a little bit of this and raise it up a little bit more foreign

I’m not gonna lie it’s kind of hard to make this thing look natural I hope it looks good and we sprinkle some oars here and there and I would say it looks okay something’s missing though wait I got it lava pool coming from the sky okay yeah that’s a lot more lively that

Looks great lava pool check now for the next structure I have a really ambitious idea here I kind of want to try making a stronghold not like the whole stronghold obviously but like a little mini stronghold room you know so let’s go get some inspiration follow me this way

And boom we’re in the stronghold I’ll be taking some of these blocks with me I honestly have no idea how this is gonna look I’m not gonna lie I’m a little bit nervous for this one but let’s go for it why not have some confidence farzi and confidence I had I

Placed down all this stone brick put down some doors put down some stronghold-like things and after all this it looked pretty good well that went better than I thought it was gonna go I kind of like this place it’s like a small hallway we got the doors some

Torches some iron bars it really does look like a real stronghold now I might still add more things to the feet later on but at least for right now let’s move on to the body now the good thing is the body’s gonna look pretty similar to the

Feet just a little bit taller so that meant I had to go get a few more materials there are literally eight creepers right here nine creepers what the heck back it up jeez and after grabbing those few extra blocks it was now time to build this epic creeper body

Crafted out of stones dirt and oars you guys might notice that there are holes in the body but I did that on purpose because I want to put put some cool structures up there as well and the first structure we’re gonna make is an amethy Ed so let’s

Go let’s get it hey there how you doing geode I’m gonna need some amethyst some calcite some Basalt and most importantly these things these are these called shards clusters amethyst clusters I need some clusters today I love the sound of this place so much I was so Zen right there why’d you ruin

It but all jokes aside I flew back up to my statue and made the perfect amethyst geode oh my gosh yes that looks so amazing it’s not like super big but the purple and the white really just pops out from far away like look at that that’s amazing oh that is perfect well

With that out of the way let’s get to our next structure and I got a great idea for this so we’re gonna use this small Groove down here to make a little bit of a waterfall like water cave kind of thing and have it spill into a lake

Here on top of the foot so I guess the lake can go like right here and bring it out a little bit oh what are you doing down there as you spun there don’t explode please and now I just need some water give me some of that how am I

Gonna do this maybe just like this and that flows pretty nicely all right sweet I like that but that being said up here on the foot is a little bit boring now so I might want to put like some trees and some nature and stuff like that

Please be a small tree please be small that’s okay sure I’ll take that and now we add some grass some sugar cane some flowers and most importantly a bee’s nest absolutely perfect Vibes here oh I love this foot right here it’s so cool that sounds weird what are you doing

360b all right I’ll join you now obviously I had to go decorate the second foot too but after that it was time to move on we are now on to our next idea for the body and I have an amazing structure we’re gonna put right up there we are gonna make an abandoned

Mine shaft and it’s gonna look amazing but to do that I gotta get some very specific blocks one of them being cobwebs because as you guys might know cave spiders are abundant in those mine shafts and they have a lot of cobwebs around them so I gotta find some I

Really wish I kept those coordinates from earlier I didn’t save those oh man so I had to retrace my steps I think it was somewhere around here could that be it please please please please please please no that’s not it or is it oh that’s it oh we found it oh hello there

Copper vein another other one man oh and a lush cave I’m getting lucky today found it and would you look at that cobwebs Galore I’m gonna need some shears which I don’t have with me oh my gosh man how’d that happen so my dumb self had to fly back home and grab some

Shears and go all the way back okay can we not do this right now gravel attack not gonna lie that was pretty epic aha cobwebs spiders let’s be quick here okay all right I think we’re good bye bye bye mine shaft but first a chest enchanted golden apple let’s go that’s

My first one of the series back it up my golden apple not yours and we’re out of here so I got back to the creeper and began building this epic mine shaft which came out really really good okay this mine shaft is by far my favorite structure yet because look at how

Interactive it is we can go up here where the you know the spider spawner is there’s a pathway out this way a pathway through here it literally is like a little maze and I love it it’s so cute we got the oars it’s perfect and of course from the outside it looks

Absolutely wonderful why is there a b up there b what are you doing up there get away from the mine shaft so now the feet are done the body is done and all that’s left is the iconic creeper head but before we get started on that I gotta

Take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 4 000 likes I would make my girlfriend play Minecraft and you guys absolutely smashed it literally within 24 hours we had four thousand likes so that being said roll the footage okay here she is

She’s ready to play Minecraft now the best part about this is she has no idea what she’s doing so I want you to tell people what do you know about Minecraft I know there’s creepers I don’t really know what they are but she knows creepers that’s really it okay creepers

That’s all all right Mariah put your hand on the mouse put your hand on the keyboard I will sit back here play I can’t tell her anything there you go you’re breaking block you can go pick those up and you can place him down wait I also know what the pickaxe thing is

What is it ah I just knew it so you know what it was you just broke a plant I think that is that’s an achievement we’re doing good what is that oh you might have found something am I supposed to be using this nope nice all right you’ve mined your first ore

That’s copper look at you you’re mining you’re a pro okay walk back over it there you go it’s back if you press Q you throw your thing in your hand those buttons are very close to you I know Minecraft do better there’s too many buttons to press there’s legit like four

This is prime entertainment are these things supposed to break because he built them you can do whatever you want if you put your copper in there you can smelt it and get like the engine right and it’s cooking let’s go she’s smelting things um am I supposed to

That would be a monster that’s we have carrots what do you think that is over there in front of you it’s a claw I’m not a bad Builder guys if you had to rate my building skills out of 10 what would you say I’ll give it a solid nine because I

Have no idea what other things look I’ll take that I’ll take a nine I’ll take a nine over there I got carnival games play a game get the target all right well Mariah I think we’re gonna end it here because you did a good job you gave me good compliments and

Most importantly you didn’t die amazing now get out of here it’s my time to play but that being said if this video gets 4 000 likes I will lock myself in a cave spider spawner for 60 seconds what could possibly go wrong oh that was fun and

Just for the Memories I’m Gonna Save her copper and get and name it Mariah’s first Ingot I love it and I’ll put that down in my bedroom so I’ll never forget it in the Ender Chest sure why are there potions in there I kind of forgot about

These all right well I can go right there for now oh also my golden apple yeah all right sweet looks good to me but ladies and gentlemen it’s now time to finish up our creeper and make the Creeper’s head so of course that meant yet another pit stop into the mine to

Get all different kinds of stone now the issue I’m having now is I need to use some other kind of block for the Creeper’s face like for the eyes and mouth so I think I want to use terracotta but I’m probably gonna need some more off we go aha this brown

Terracotta will be perfect I’m also going to be using black terracotta too so I need some ink sacs stupid squid I don’t even like squid tastes disgusting all right at this point you guys know the drill let’s get to building and there we go the creeper looks fully

Complete the face looks amazing which means it’s now time for the last couple structures on the creeper now the what I want to do right now was actually on the poster I referenced earlier and that is putting a village on top of the Creeper’s head Mr Chicken agrees and

Lucky for me there’s a village right here nearby so I might just scrap these houses here and literally move them right up there as a matter of fact sure why not so I started off by tearing down that terracotta house and building it on top of the Creeper’s head I then wanted

To add some of the more iconic nature things in a village like a farm and like a tree and to top it all off I wanted a big Grand building like the classic villager church so I threw that in as well and how do we feel about our little

Mini Village here I think it’s cute I think it does the job I gotta add a few more things here like some path blocks Smackdown some bone meal every here and there and hopefully if I’m lucky I can get some chickens in here with you six

Eggs come on give me a chicken give me a chicken give me a chicken okay never mind who needs chickens they’re stupid but next up if you guys were paying attention you might have noticed over here there’s a hole in the side of the Creeper’s head and in here I’m gonna get

Shot off knock it off but in here we’re gonna make a mine for a player like a very small cave with some simple things like some oars some chests and just like you know a very basic starter mine because after all we’ve all experienced that before you make a new world you go

Mining in your first kid get your first pickaxe it’s a pretty big deal so yeah I want to build one and I’m ready to start as soon as these creepers get away don’t do it don’t do it no no no no no oh my goodness that was a close one okay let’s

Get to work in here foreign is so perfect to me because it’s so like nostalgic of day one Minecraft Like Your First cave you bring down a chest because you’re a noob and you have a ladder system to get down there which leads back up to your house it’s so like

Cute to me I don’t know I just really like this now this whole build has been absolutely amazing I think it already looks 10 out of 10 but there’s one final thing we have to add one key thing that is so integral to Minecraft and here’s a

Hint it has to do with creepers you guessed it TNT so very simply I’m gonna mine over here get to the other side of the head and I’ll smash open a bunch of blocks like this and I’m Gonna Fill the entire void with TNT blocks because

After all creepers are made of TNT so it’s only thing that we put TNT all over the thing plus I’m pretty sure TNT is one of like the oldest blocks in the game so yeah this is like super fitting and boom no pun intended now I just

Gotta hope no skeleton shoot this thing with a flame bow that would really stink wouldn’t it oh my goodness I love it that looks so sick it’s like a a TNT SCAR or something it’s so cool but okay guys I think the creeper is all done and

We officially have a new home oh my gosh this thing came out so amazing so proud of our work well with that out of the way I think I deserve a break but not just any break disco break oh man that felt good but carrying on to

Other matters I do want to fix something around this area and that is the pathway to get back up to the rest of my town I’m not gonna lie right now it’s really dumb I have to like walk across this way and do some like parkour and jump up

Here I kind of want to like flatten this all out a little bit I think it’ll be pretty easy so I grabbed some blocks and began making a beautiful little Hill decorated in Moss path blocks and even a custom stone wall absolutely beautiful so much smoother to go up and down the

Walls are all fixed up now it just looks a lot better today we’re gonna build the world’s largest trampoline in Minecraft hardcore this build will be comprised of thousands of super bouncy slime blocks and it’s gonna make a great addition to my Carnival down there so let’s get to

Work so the first question is how many slime blocks do I have right now now not even one okay so I guess that means we gotta make a super epic slime farm let’s do it now to make a slime farm I need to go locate a slime chunk so I flew to the

Nearest cave and began searching where are the slimes at I think I’ve seen slimes around here before anybody hello I’m seeing nothing but creepers so my search for slimes really turned into this big adventure fight fight fight fight come on leather guy I got you you yes

The champion all right I’m having a tough time with this oh hello diamonds and more over here and even more up here but the adventure was cut short when I almost died all right you know what this is getting a little dangerous now I see me go for

Plan B and that involves using chunk bass which is a site where you can type in your seed and find slime chunks almost instantly on a giant map well that made things a lot easier so our slime chunk is actually right around this mushroom and to make it even easier

If I press F3 and G I can actually see the chunk border so it’s right inside of this mushroom chunk sorry buddy you gotta come down so sorry now all I gotta do is go dig down find a slime to confirm it works then we go build the

Farm so I started hollowing out the entire chunk just hoping to find one slime oh there’s a big cave here die I’m very busy right now come on slime spawn already taking so long and after about half an hour of waiting nothing but I trust myself and I trust chunk bass so

I’m gonna go for it alright I’m taking a risk here I’m putting all my faith that this is a slime chunk let’s start the farm now a farm like this is gonna require a lot of digging so first priority is to go get a beacon we’re

Gonna pay a visit to the old Wither Skeleton Farm there she is let me just safe landing sweet okay let’s AFK here for a bit and get some skulls skull two two skulls three skulls all right sweet and we’re out of here so I took those skulls and flew to the end

Dimension so I can easily battle the Wither wait a second I have a beacon in the end already I wish I knew that I would have just taken that one down but whatever I’m already here let’s battle and he’s dead thank you very much and no

Damage to the rocket right I think we’re good all right sweet and as I get more materials for the farm please subscribe and hit the bell I think that’s everything all right let’s get to it I’m excited but that excitement did not last long are you kidding me I’m actually

Short three iron no way it can’t be true I’m out of iron how’s that even possible I have not been paying attention I guess shame on me and you guys might be saying oh farzi you have an iron farm in your Lighthouse what are you talking about

Well this Farm does not work too well it still works but when I built the lighthouse around it it like severely crippled the rates and I don’t know why so yeah I’m iron poor but back to it we go so our first step was to dig out a

Gigantic 16 by 16 by 18 Cube to put the farm inside of and this was by far the most tedious part of the whole Farm but we still got it done and now we’re gonna make a bunch of giant rings going around the whole room so slimes can spawn on

The outside hop in the middle and die simple but effective easy peasy I’m not gonna lie I’m still a little bit concerned I haven’t seen a single slime yet I hope that’s not an issue I’m a little bit scared all right here comes the fun part and by fun I mean kind of

Weird I’m gonna make an iron golem boom nice and innocent he looks and I’m gonna lead him and I’m gonna put him up here on this fence I’m gonna break the blocks it looks a little bit weird looks a little inappropriate not gonna lie but now we have the perfect slime bait all

The slimes are gonna see this guy try and attack him and fall to their death Perfection and the last thing I had to do was to add some final additions such as a second Golem for bait and a Kill Chamber using Hoppers and campfires ah

This is not easy oh wait yes it is I’m dumb also funny side note while working I had music on and I got a little bit Too Groovy with it well alright guys the farm is is looking almost completely done it actually does work I have seen

One slime spot here already but yeah long story short they spawn on these Rings they fall down here and they try and get the Golems which will make them fall into here where they’re gonna die and back this way we have a ladder that takes us up back to the surface or down

Here to our chest collection area boom and as you can see we got three slime balls oh we need so much more than that it’s like so so much more so why don’t we go try this Farm out so to do that I need to go make an AFK platform all the

Way up in the sky and it’s raining now yay I hate the rain alright let’s do this thing I guess that’s it that’s like not that high at all oh wait that’s gonna be perfect because now I’ll be close to the iron farm too so I can get slime and

Iron at the exact same time oh that’s epic put down some glass some mobs can’t spawn up here and let’s land in it oh I’m so good okay let’s go AFK for a bit and see what we can do and after about 15 minutes we have 27 and 23 slime balls

That’s a little underwhelming so I did some research and I found out if mobs spawn in other nearby caves they’ll mess up the raids of the farm so I grab my torches and began looking for every possible cave I could find I’m about to turn the entire underground into the sun

It’s gonna be so bright I can’t wait when does it end there’s so much cave I feel like it’s infinite okay Stacks and stacks of torches later I think we are all set let’s try to go AFK one more time please be better please and let’s try this again all

Right that’s what we’re talking about that right there is much better rate and now that the farm works at full efficiency I afk’d for a long time like seriously a long time well okay it’s been a full day later let’s go see what we got and we have a full row of slime

Blocks now obviously I did come down here and craft these all so it’s not just a bunch of balls but yeah we have a lot of slime blocks and I think that’ll be enough to make a trampoline so now let’s go design ourselves one ah Phantoms I forgot those guys spawned but

Anyways I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began designing this trampoline so I used all my slime blocks to make a gigantic Circle for the trampoline surface and for the record it was very bouncy wow this is fun carrying on I then used green wool to make a

Border around the Slime but I quickly realized it’s a little bit too dark so I switched over to live wool instead now at this point it looked really good but it was still too low to the ground so I raised the whole thing up and used diorite to make little stands on the

Bottom okay yeah I like this a lot and the best part is fully functional look at me jump all right sweet what is that I see hello my friends how you doing all right I’m going to bed bye I forgot when you AFK for a long time miles will spawn

But anyways let’s go figure out where we’re gonna put this trampoline I did say I wanted to put it in the carnival area so where will it fit at first nowhere because there’s so many trees in the way well you know what that means it’s chopping time so very simply we

Chopped a lot of trees oh a little water cave right here Splash oh he died I just want to dunk him in the water oh no and after taking care of the trees we and terraform the dirt back to make the land a little bit more flat and easy to build

Upon so much better flat land open area it’s time to build so our next step is to get some of those blocks to build the trampoline with so first off I need some lime wool please tell me I have a lot I do okay thank goodness and I also need a

Little bit of diary you’d think with how much diorite I use I’d have a big supply of it but I don’t I’m always at zero I use every block I get hey how are you spotting I placed down torches stupid spawning mechanics I just wish I could

Say no don’t spawn and after the diorite I got my slime blocks and it was time to build foreign this is the most satisfying sound in the world well I’m all out and I’m not done yet that’s actually insane dude I afk’d for like 24 hours on the flower and I’m like

Two-thirds of the way done so I had to AFK for like 10 more hours and let’s see what we got this time that should be enough I think I feel good about this you must be kidding me I can’t believe we’re still not done so I’ll fill the

Rest in later but right now we gotta get back to work on the rest of the build and what that involves is making a gigantic ladder to climb up and jump on the trampoline and I think I want to use more diorite for that so back to the

Mind we go I’ll be taking some of this and I’m also gonna need to plant some more trees to get more sticks to make all the ladders to go up come on grow is this one over here okay there we go I just wasted so much bone meal

So I guess we’re just gonna make a giant ladder going straight up like right here sure why not okay I think we’re high enough we’re pretty much at Cloud level just about and I’m gonna make this like diving board style so it’s gonna kind of come

Out here we’re gonna walk off the edge and just fall right down and boom that is quite a lot of ladders dream ladder clutch so good I’m like dream but better and I say we go for a test run go up here nice safe landing and we jump and miss the

Giant hole please please oh we’re good we’re good we’re good let’s see it oh yeah that is awesome best trampoline ever but I did realize the ladder looks terrible from far away so I made it look a little better wait a second mobs can spawn on that thing well that’s not safe

That’s a lot better these little rings I put on every like 10 blocks look really good just a little detail there to make it a little bit less you know flat and straight so that looks good to me on we go now there actually is another big

Build I want to build today but first I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 4 000 likes I would trap myself in a cave spider spawner for 60 seconds and you guys absolutely nailed it so it’s time to risk it all but first

I must sleep good night now cave spiders are really poisonous so I definitely want to get some milk and beyond that I think we’re all good let’s go do this thing hold on pit stop so I flew on over searching for a cave with a mine shaft in it I think it’s

This cave right down here oh hello giant cave whoa this is not the camera I was looking for this is sick though whoa I will come back here another day oh there it is and the creepers are waiting for me hello don’t do it now to find a

Spider spawner oh spider webs okay armor on hello my friend how you doing okay let’s box ourselves in boom boom break some of the webs but okay I think we’re good to go start the timer just pulling it up on my phone real quick hey I’m not

Ready all right three two one let’s go nope stop stop stop stop oh come on now spawn this is too easy oh they’re spawning now okay hello stop stop stop easy easy break some milk this is so easy oh well okay we did it that might have been the dumbest challenge yet that

Was so easy I thought they’d be spawning like crazy like legit five spots on oh hello there Mr chest oh a diamond and a name tag a reward for killing the spiders and why don’t we up the stakes for next time if this video gets 4 500

Likes I will fight the Elder Guardian with no armor and no totem what could possibly go wrong 360 B let me join you oh I just wanted to join the fun but getting back on track I gotta do something about that AFK spot for getting slime if we’re gonna be honest

It’s not very pretty it’s actually very ugly so our next goal for today is to make a cool build right where that glass is so we can AFK in style and oh baby we have the best idea also where are the doors Stupid Zombies I’ll fix that later

Ah there she is so basically this is my guardian farm and the guardian Farm works very similar to the Slime farmer I need to be high up in the sky right so I made this giant prismarine air balloon so my idea is to make a giant slime air

Balloon over the slime farm now obviously I can’t use slime blocks for the air balloon because I need to finish the trampoline for first but I can use green and lime wool which will be a nice little substitute so I’ll take some of you thank you very much I then grabbed

Some extra resources like sand terracotta and even some wood and just like that it was time to build this gigantic lime green air balloon Again can you guys stop spawning plates but behold the giant green air balloon I think it fits in so perfectly it looks slimy in a way and we can simply fly over here if I can land it come on nice and I can actually go up inside the

Thing in AFK all the way up there in that giant little glass bubble and boom safe and secure in this nice little dome but wait there’s more my favorite part of the whole air balloon is how we actually get up here in the first place we’re gonna use boats and this is the

Same thing I used for the guardian Farm air balloon I put boats up here and I can click on it and just like teleport right up one on that side and there we go so I can hop right down here and get right back up by going right here and

Clicking on the boat boom hacks magic I’m so smart but putting the air balloon aside I think we have enough slime now to actually finish the trampoline I literally afked for like 10 more hours oh yes sir I love this Farm man it’s time for them out it’s time for the

Moment of Truth can we please finish it We have done it the biggest trampoline in Minecraft history is now complete okay it might not be the biggest one ever but it’s still pretty darn big and here we are the Pinnacle of the video the climax of the episode it’s time to jump on this bad boy three two one

Oh boy oh but what what oh I was holding shift oh no one more time hey buddy what’s going on how you doing what do you got for me nothing too good oh no he despawned three two one don’t hold shift this time go yeah there we go sheep I

Couldn’t get a Best build ever wait I have an idea you know what I’m doing hello there sir go go off go have fun no no no no oh he’s okay side note can you guys please yell at me to clean up my dang shulker boxes I am so messy they’re

All over the floor and they’re all full of junk I gotta get on that and one last thing I do want to see how much iron I got while I was AFK up there for over 35 hours and yes I did the math it was 35

Hours what three stacks of iron I afk’d for over 35 hours oh my gosh I gotta make a new iron farm what is this I can’t believe you stupid Golems you don’t spawn enough unbelievable today we’re gonna make a giant amethyst tree in Minecraft hardcore so far in this

World I’ve had a lot of fun building custom trees like my cozy tree right here or my epic tree house down there but what if I made a giant tree out of some crazy block like amethyst let’s investigate there she is the amethyst owl the amethyst geode beautiful purple shiny blocks beautiful noises

So yeah let’s get to work and build a really sick custom tree and I can already tell this build is going to require a lot of blocks so I gotta get my shulker boxes and get to work oh yeah I forgot to clean these all out BRB and

As I do my chores please subscribe and hit the Bell Well that took forever but okay let’s get to work so first off I hopped in a separate creative mode world to test out what kind of wood I want to use in this tree and after going through

Almost every kind of wood in the game I found Birchwood and I really liked it you know what I can roll with this yeah I then built a rough draft of the giant tree design and I absolutely loved it I love it okay so first up I need to get a

Lot of birch wood but sadly I don’t have like any this is like it right here come to think of it I don’t think I’ve used Birchwood for any of my builds in this world well that changes today we gotta go find ourselves a birch Forest but

First quick pit stop I need some food and now we pop in here into my trading Hall and I’ll give you some melons for some emeralds then I’ll take golden carrots that’s called a good deal best trade ever so we carried on scouting out the forest in search of Birchwood oh

Well that was fast there’s literally a birch Forest right behind the carnival like right there’s my giant trampoline all right sweet let’s get to chopping I need a lot of this Whoa hello what do we got going on down here oh big cave alert hello what do we got oh a lot of lava down here oh would you shut up oh I take it back back to work And one full day later we deforested the entire area I really hope that’s enough wood fingers crossed side note we have an amazing area to build here one day Giant open field big cave in the middle one day folks one day but it was time to

Put that wood to use and make the base of the tree along with the trunk wait Pit Stop I love this trampoline but anyways let’s get back to talking about the trunk so my inspiration for the trunk is actually gonna be the big tree on my custom

Island over there if I fly right over here this big Mega jungle tree I love the shape of this so I want to use this kind of design for the amethyst tree oh my goodness things are growing Way Too Tall here can’t forgot about this build

Not gonna lie but carrying on I had to decide where the giant tree is gonna go and after some thinking I had the perfect idea you know what I kinda like it near the castle over here I feel like an amethyst tree is like a really like

Fancy rich person things why not put it next to the richest building in the whole world let’s do that oh it’s raining oh my goodness look at that silhouette back there that is so pretty getting back on track I did some terraforming I thought it would be

Really cool to put the tree on a custom Hill with its own little rock wall and look at that a little custom Hill that looks beautiful and perfect for a nice fancy tree and let’s see it from far away oh yeah that looks good so that being said let’s begin building our

Trunk everybody cross your fingers and off I went placing down Stacks and stacks of birch wood to make this amazing looking tree trunk which kinda looked like a statue for some reason it looks interesting not gonna lie the branches with no leaves look like tentacles or something they’re a little

Bit strange but I think they’ll be okay but ladies gentlemen it’s now time for the really important part of the whole build and that is the amethyst leaves and as you can probably tell we need a lot of amethyst we got some work to do so I did some calculations and I found

Out I need about 3 500 amethyst blocks to complete this build I also found out each amethyst geode has about 500 blocks inside of it so if I completely tear apart seven of those I should have enough that was some good math stay in school kids but that being said it’s

Time for a big adventure we gotta go find some geodes and there’s our first one right here that we found earlier ow stupid ceiling but okay I gotta get all these blocks oh snap my pick is gonna break am I allowed to use Fortune for this please it works all right nice we

Survived this is like the best song ever while I mine I’m such a loser I think we got them all all right sweet just doing some math on my calculator wow 600 I was off by a hundred but you know what I’m not gonna complain let’s get back to it now I know

There is a geode down here but I kind of want to keep this one this is like the only one right under my house yeah who cares And boom another one down I really hope there isn’t some situation where I need a geode intact for some reason hopefully not but okay let’s get back to the tree and begin placing down our first couple of branches I just realized this is not centered that is triggering oopsies

Whoa this looks really interesting it looks really like mystical and magical and like wizardy themed you know what I mean I don’t know how I feel about it yet but it’s really cool so I say we keep going on to the next one oh my gosh yes I’m already loving this

Thing excuse me what are you doing on the edge buddy he’s supposed to be the watch guard of the bell tower go get in there thank you very much and something else I kind of want to do is I want to put amethyst like Vines going up and

Around the trunk something kind of like this if that makes sense you know what I mean there we go nice little touch I like that so at this point our mission was very simple fly around the world look for big caves and search out amethyst geodes aha big cave alert and

If I recall correctly this is a giant Lush cave which should have a geode somewhere in it that’s it that’s what we’re looking for I’ll be taking all of this and we’re out of here so we carried on exploring this giant Cave System Hello whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa but look

At that a geode inside of a mine shot this is a weird one but all right and while I’m here is there anything cool to check out oh two chests diamonds name tag okay I’ll take it and I’ll save you some time here we kept exploring and

Kept finding more geodes wait no way this is we’re finding geode so fast today let’s go another one inside of the mine shaft I knew I recognized this block wait what the heck why are you half broken right now okay would you look at that the big cave

Strikes again and boom another one down but we do have to go back home because my pickaxe is about to snap into pieces so I traveled to the end Dimension to go to my Enderman XP farm hello my friends how you doing much better are you serious but anyways we have

Enough amethyst to probably complete almost all the trees let’s get to work and see what we can do here oh my gosh this thing’s taking forever my hands are getting so tired right now ah we’re so close we’re like probably one more geode off this thing being done

BRB One Last Time come on where’s One Last geode so back to the caves I went hello there Diamonds oh and zombies nice a party of zombies wonderful and all I gotta say is our cave luck was crazy today another mine shaft I’m finding so many of these things and more diamonds

What the heck there’s two spotters here whoa what is this thing oh wait it’s a skeleton spotter oh snap could I make a dual spawner skeleton zombie spawner one day maybe maybe but first one to the chest name tag sure I will keep these coordinates in mind and as a matter of

Fact if you guys are OG viewers you might know I have a book in this shulker box called my journal and inside of here we have all the coordinates for things in this world so I’ll be using this today boom perfect is this an iron vein

Oh my gosh guys the luck is insane today we’re finding so much cool stuff but I gotta stay focused where’s those geodes yes we found another one let’s go and after mining out that whole geode I flew back to the tree and finished up the top canopy ladies and gentlemen it is

Officially time to showcase the finished amethyst tree this is amazing are you kidding me I’m just about a bask in the glory of the tree and it rains I hate the rain man but regardless this tree has left me absolutely speechless like look how big it is it totally trumps the

Whole castle right there next to it and the best part about this is it really gives me so much more inspiration to build with like cool blocks I love this kind of like you know it’s off the wall out of the box style oh hey buddy what’s

Going on how you doing what do you got for me nothing too good oh no he despawn on but before we carry on I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the video got 4 500 likes I would go attack an Elder

Guardian with no armor and no totem and oh my gosh you guys absolutely smashed it so unfortunately for me it’s time to battle this could get messy so what am I gonna need I’m probably gonna want some buckets of milk and you know what I probably want to get a trident because I

Don’t think bow and arrows work underwater well yeah yeah that’s what I thought do I even haven’t tried it though I don’t don’t know let’s see if I can find some drowned uh-huh an underwater ruin but where are the Drone I think I see one I know baby but

Honestly this took way too long so I decided forget the Trident it’s a little risky but whatever on we go so to find the Elder Guardian I gotta get an ocean Explorer map so I can go find one of those big temples who sells the maps

Here I think it would be you the Cartographer all you gotta do trades first all right BRB and we go to our super secret Auto sugarcane farm down here and we have a little bit oh what’s that a really weirdly placed sign oh that’s a weird sign you totally

Shouldn’t do that and boom ocean Explorer map I’ll take that thank you Bobby well okay let’s get a move on it’s time to get rained on man I hate the rain I take it back I’m sorry but on we went to the ocean Monument oh there it is the

Guardian Temple okay it’s go time now I did make one pit stop to go get an emergency Axolotl and some golden apples but beyond that it’s time to roll so armor off totem out of my hand and oh boy it’s time to roll okay we’re approaching the area I see one eyeball

Guy I just get it just get it just get it oh I’m drowning this is gonna be tough with the drowning I forgot about that right we’re in okay let’s go find the big beast we’re trying to again find air find air oh no I’m gonna drown eat

An apple how do I get out oh no how do I get out of here oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear quick make an air pocket how do I even do this torches torches go torches I do not like this already okay I gotta

Use those torches more oh sponges I want those mining fatigue you stink all right stay focused stay focused all right we have found the Beast we found the monster all right golden half Apple eat it’s time to roll let’s go water you’re so annoying die die die die

You foul Beast Axolotl go get him go yes yes no he died we gotta keep going he must be so low get out get out get out get out oh eat an apple oh I’m trying again not the time he’s dead he’s dead I got him quick armor back on totem in

Hand we’ve done it let’s go guys you guys have no idea how scared I was I thought I was dead for sure but that being said if this video gets 4 500 likes I will update my world to 1.19 and get a pet frog I’ve always wanted a

Froggy friend well all right we’re back home and I want to get more building done today I want to add a new building to My Fishing Harbor I actually had a goal of filling up this entire Harbor with more buildings to make it like a fishing Village right and I like totally

Forgot about it so today I want to add another building here and get that much closer to finishing this whole area up what the heck is what the heck Enderman and skeletons in boats wonderful but okay we got the boat shop right there we have the fishing rod shop in here and

Back this way is the live fish market so what else can I do maybe just some simple houses for the fishermen to live in I can do that well okay let’s get some materials and get to work so I chopped down some Spruce Wood and some

Oak wood and use those blocks to make this nice little house on the Harbor and there we have it this thing is small but cute and for the inside I guess I’ll just put down like some beds over here and just a couple of barrel Stacks around the place well all right guys

That’s gonna be it for me today make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 2000 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Farzy on 2023-01-14 17:00:15. It has garnered 1517138 views and 7535 likes. The duration of the video is 04:36:32 or 16592 seconds.

Here is my 2000 days movie from my Minecraft Hardcore world! Enjoy!

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay

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    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

I Survived 2000 DAYS in Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)