I Survived 25,000 days in Hardcore Minecraft Tour

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Any minute Dude any minute I’m gonna have this and that said he’s gonna cut out a lot of this stuff but hey welcome to my 25 000 day world tour for those of you guys who don’t know who I am come check out the channel we stream here every single day live on

Twitch so hopefully you guys got your snacks got your drinks cause we’re about to go through about probably about two hours worth of full content and we’re gonna start here with one of our latest projects God of celebrations we built this one for Sizzle sore we build everything for

You guys on the community and let me show you guys a few things here first so we are at 25 000 33 days currently as of right now stats we are currently at 0.71 of an entire year of gameplay which is equivalent to about 6 200 hours Plus

So we and like I said we do live stream this world every single day over on Twitch without further Ado let’s get into this we’re going to start over here scissors Ascension so let’s start from down here we’re going to try to do a full walk through and we’ll start right over here

With one of our third end builds where I was currently trying to push my Organics with the uh the blossom trees to really kind of bring and frame this whole Build Together we have a bunch of really cool stuff here so one of them being we built these spotlights right here that Cascade

Lights going on up just trying to play around with a little bit of shaders we have these fountains right here that are supposed to be like holographic fountains we work our way over here we have ourselves some really cool gazebos this is just for uh the people on Twitch

And stuff like that so they can have their own little armor stand set up in the world we do a lot of that as we come over here we’ve done a little bit of the uh Sizzle sore for Sizzle sword got a celebrations here but this build has a lot

Of amazing things here so one of the biggest things that we have on the channel is the the ability to ascend so if you guys want to be able to ascend in this world it basically means that I be pretty much build you a build with your

Title so this is our Board of achievements right here everything that we’ve accomplished in the 25 000 days because it’s an absolute lot this right here is all of our Ascension banners that you can uh customize and put on your own Hall of Fame plot later on

These are all the ascensions that we’ve completed and we’ll be walking through today if you guys see any of this this is a mod that allows us to customize our own uh texture packs with the um the paintings so these are all the ascensions that we’ve completed we have 71 or 72 full

Ascensions in this world so we have a lot of work done officially done 21 of them moving on to the 23rd 22nd I know how to count uh we’re gonna have all the Farms we’ve completed in this world more ascensions right here all the blocks that we’ve gotten into the millions right here

So this is our uh all of our big Milestones 2 million Netherrack one million of this uh and so on and so forth everybody who’s uh ever ascended in this world that has a title all in here we have 20 full pages and this is basically how we do our

Content around here as we base this uh base it off of what you guys tell me uh what your title is and then I’ll build you something so like I said this one is the god of celebrations so let’s get into it I’ll show you guys where the

Scissor sword is at at the end of this uh tour right here so anyways I wanted to create a little bit more of a like a manicured look over here making everything look a little bit more like modern and a little bit uh very very bright I

Love the way that quartz looks inside of the end I think it really pops this is actually a redstone testing facility or Rockets So this floor is actually functional so I could pull this lever right here and it will actually fire off Rockets into here so we can actually show you

Guys that right now if I wanted to create a rocket real quick uh say we wanted to make a green rocket a little bit of that a little bit of this come inside of here so this is exactly what this thing does I don’t know if you

Guys know this but there’s so many different things that you could do with rockets and for celebrations it only makes sense so if I pop that in here and we wanted to see what the what it would look like with different modifiers for big events

We come inside of here with a nice uh dark background so we can actually see what the firework looks like itself so this floor is actually functional we’ll come over here over here is where we actually arm a ton of our dies in this world

So if we come around here we have for these gazebos just a first symmetry’s sake we wanted to try to play around with a little bit of a floor design here too playing around with top Acacia and a little bit of like a weave pattern this right here is a quad flower farm

So we could do that behind this wall currently not on we have a sea pickle farm if we want to have a lime green dye a few for those of you guys who don’t know because it’s not actually a very well-known fact you can actually smelt sea pickles for lime

Green dye and then it will just uh collect into a system for us um this Project’s not a hundred percent complete so we still need to put our um our guards and everything like that in here so if we come up here I can show you guys a little bit of the

Concept for the roof here so this is supposed to be an exploding firework and a really cool heart so if I slap on the shaders you guys will see that it kind of looks like a big giant firework that’s exploding with confetti all around and the heart that goes all the

Way across I think that’s a really cool effect we’ll come around here over here is where Sizzle sore hangs out like I said the god of Celebration so I built them here we have bigger Fireworks shows that go on uh back here against the void and I’ll tell you guys

A little bit about the concept of what we want to make our end look like here so this is Sizzle sword right here he’s got the Python’s head from hermitcraft we’ve got a couple data packs that I will go over and make sure that they’re in the description down below

Um but he’s always watching the fireworks with us and then he’s got his party room back here not a hundred percent done yet uh because we can only get as much done as possible so he’s got a little bit of a table um let me crank the render distance for

You guys and I can show you guys a little bit of the concept behind why uh we’re doing things in the end the way that we’re doing it the way I make a little bit more sense so for those of you guys who don’t know this the end is

About 1 000 blocks from the outer islands all the way around in a big giant Circle and this just goes to show you how close we are to the outer Islands from our build over here the outer islands are over here that’s where our build is we’re slowly expanding on our way in

And let me show you guys a couple more of the ascensions that we have here because we also have Turtle master god of portals and a couple really cool farms around here now let me just turn down the render distance otherwise I literally will crash my game and for

Those of you guys who are looking for the stats and all that kind of stuff we’ll make sure that we um we have a tour of the stats as well because I know there’s a lot of you guys who are going to be very very interested in that as well um

So walking on down here this is basically where my end Hub is at this is where all my portals are at we mined out our entire end Island most of it by pickaxe so if you check out this we finish at 896 000 End Stone mined in

This world a lot of this was pickaxe but we also did a lot of it with uh TNT as well we don’t duplicate TNT but what we did do was we just crafted up an absolute ton of it so this is my next project right here this one is built for Tan Lane

Uh so every single one of our hearts is decked out for the portals all the hardcore Hearts we have the Enderman Farm up here one of many we have three Enderman Farms out here I mined out only one of the uh the pillars like down below that’s why there’s a piece of

Bedrock just chilling but it all starts down here so let me show you guys where uh where tanley’s at on the gazebo so if we come down here we have the Gazebo so tanley sits on his throne with all of his guards this is the obsidian platform where you first

Spawn in and we got this little uh little area right here you guys could see we got a little bit of a floating Lush Island a little bit of a floating um corrupted Island to hide our beacons so we can have Beacon effects then we got these really cool mushrooms which

Kind of have like a really cool like thing here but this is where we Farm the Wither basically we’ve killed over 1 480 Withers in this world so I could just set up a this to either Yeet or not eat so I can demonstrate that for you guys if I

Wanted to spawn in a Wither I think I’ve got all the resources here for it so if we wanted to do this real quick we can get withered roses from this place so we just set up our wither like this set them up like this except we don’t

Want to blow our eardrums out we throw that guy down and you guys will see that all the Endermen that fall down from there are all a one hit so when the Wither blows up he actually kills all the Endermen in the chamber creating a bunch of Wither

Roses which is really useful for using dies or also spawn proofing certain builds because for those of you guys who don’t know if a mob can take damage on a block it will not be able to spawn so that’s a pretty cool mechanic of the game and then we’ve got obviously we’ve

Got Mike mob heads and everything like that we don’t need any of this we’ll just Chuck that in there um or we could just turn it off and everything gets heated into the void so this is where we get a lot of Our Stars at it’s a pretty cool farm it looks like

They’re all kind of falling out of the nose and everything like that we’ll just turn our volume back on because this is weird champ but yeah we got the like the gazebos and everything like that we don’t really use these portals they’re just for decoration we’ll come across here and I can show

You guys a little bit of why we have these mushrooms and why there’s a turtle basically swimming through the uh through the void so this is the turtle master I wanted to make a tropical island on a turtle and uh in a sand castle we built this one for cat cumber

So he is the turtle Master himself he we also have a turtle farm here if we need any turtle eggs so he sits here on his throne it’s supposed to be like kind of like a cracked egg like a little turtle egg and then of course he’s got his

Guards here we have Turtles all over the place um I think this is also when the when the axolotls first came into the game as well so we were obviously going pretty hand with the axolotls and learning all kinds of cool stuff about that so and

This is also the first time we ever really got to do like tropical trees and stuff like that we got like these little bird nests a nice little Fountain right here you’ll see everybody these are called immortalizes in my world these are just people who watch the the live stream who

Uh gain enough Channel points to basically make their own little armor stand in the world somewhere so um these turtle legs are actually kept on the turtle’s back because obviously where’s the turtle gonna lay eggs in the void this Turtle actually eats these mushrooms so it’s on pursuit of those mushrooms

Over there and inside some of these eggs I could show you guys a little bit of an Easter egg that we got going on around here we’ve done a few we’ve done a few trips where we do uh Easter egg hunts so this was an Easter

Egg hunt that we did almost a year ago today where we had to find all these items around the world and then throw them all inside of here so it’s pretty cool being able to like see a lot of this stuff that we get to do with the community and everything like that

Uh just pop those back made ourselves some little like Pawns um just wanted to create something very beautiful very um tropical so you see all kinds of eggs on here the purple eggs the green ones uh orange eggs chilling we got some birds up in some trees little turtle eggs and whatnot

We come down here uh we have a little bit of a honey farm so bees don’t sleep in the end they constantly work so this was like how I did this way back in the day when I needed tons and tons of honey and honeycomb so we got those guys chilling it’s not

Automated by any means I’ll show you guys the automated version when we once we get over to the Overworld um but yeah this is uh this was a really really fun project this is where we used to do a lot of our celebrations instead of waiting for night time all

The time we could do the fireworks shows on top of the castle and see it across the uh the sky and everything like that so this project was a lot of fun we tried to add as much detail as possible to this uh sand castle I’ll show you a

Little bit more of the Enderman Farms I’ve got going on over here this is a little bit more of like the industrial area does not look that pretty over here but it’s still functional so this was the very first uh end farm that we ever built

So this is for our Enderman this was our very first form of experience we built this like um pretty early on to the game for those of you guys who don’t know actually come from Bedrock I’ve only had this world for just under three years and this is

One of my first worlds ever I made on Java so a lot of the things that you guys are going to see is a pretty big learning experience um I got one of my volumes has got to be off yeah that’s what I thought um anyways yeah this thing’s heck is

Loud I’m sure we’ve all seen this uh this thing before hello can’t hear anything um you guys have all seen the uh that uh that farm right there this Farm over here is actually a really cool farm so if you need a farm skulk skulk shriekers whatever you uh whatever you

Want to do this Farm is actually super useful uh designed by one of my friends uh Timmy the man who uh who is able to help me uh put this thing together I don’t have a manual out off and on switch so don’t judge I’m not I’m still learning redstones and stuffs

Um but let me just turn off this Farm over here manually and then I could show you guys how this Farm basically works um if I can land over here all safe and such uh pop you there pop you there okay and then we’ll just fly around here so

This is uh this is a pretty flipping cool farm hopefully it works and I didn’t break it but you can already see that there’s uh there’s like shriekers in here let me turn off this volume otherwise we’re gonna not have a great time if you want to farm shrakers sensors

Whatever it may be you can do that all here um it’s pretty flipping fast so let me uh let me grab one of my uh one of my hoes this one is named Zopa um this is where we put a lot of the resources that we want

Um skulk and whatnot hold up dude let me get this uh this thing real quick Loud anyways uh it’s pretty flipping cool so I just flicked this lever right here turns it on um and then I just um I kind of just chill out in here and then I go back and forth and I just mind skull which is absolutely amazing especially for a builder because this

Right here is such a beautiful building block so I can just stay here all day mine skunk whatever it need be and uh it all gets uh sorted into this uh this area over here which is pretty flipping cool so we ever need skulk or anything like that it all

Feeds into this uh this area right here uh extremely useful you want to turn that off um just in case you don’t want to be breaking anything and all that kind of stuff so let’s head over to the Masa sorry for the super zoom

Um and I can show you guys where it all started basically we should uh we should just end up straight up my base basically so let’s go that’s that thing’s absolutely amazing it actually cranks this is uh this could be improved obviously uh but it does what we needed

To do which is um pretty cool we’ll bring those frog lights back dude I promise anyways let me come through here and I’ll show you guys a little bit of the bass and the concept between behind the Mesa biome that we work in so we should be back at home or inside

Our villager trading Hall that was not expected I guess we’ll start here this is my villager trading Hall um let me show you guys something real quick so we don’t typically do your your normal standard stacking raid Farm or anything like that for any of our emeralds but we do have 906

000 villager trades that we’re trying to get up to a million uh and this is where it all flipping happens for those of you guys who are probably wondering oh how does he do that iron dude I sell tons and tons of flipping iron and I’ll show

You guys where I get this stuff too these guys are absolutely amazing uh they’re some of the most um well-behaved most well-kept villagers um now you guys can never see basically um these guys just on vacation basically uh but we have every single villager in the

Game pretty much uh I wish we had more we have all the clocks here so we can just tell what time it is and everything like that uh because obviously the refresh trades we got the butchers we have our uh our farmers um obviously leather workers every

Room’s different so we can kind of walk through here see the color of the floor and then immediately know which uh which Hall we’re going into uh clerics they sell bottles of Enchantment obviously I bought a bunch because I like to repair my elytra with bottles of Enchantment these guys are awesome

They’re like glowstone and stuff like that but we’re the real money’s at look at these dudes Masons man for those of you guys who don’t know who Masons are they’re awesome they sell you all kinds of building blocks if you’re a builder you can buy quartz quartz pillars this

Is where I get a lot of my resources to do what I uh what I originally showed you over at the uh in the end with the very first build that you guys saw we got our Fletchers we got our um those dudes we got the Librarians where

We buy it tons and tons of glass because that’s a hot commodity this place I come here like every single day extremely useful then of course we got a security guard I’m pretty sure this guy’s name is Frank Frank the Tank a little bit of an ax behind this wall

I don’t trust these guys behind this wall is where my villager breeders at this is where it all basically what the flip I don’t know how he got in here uh anyways this is where we get a lot of the villagers and whatnot this is uh is obviously shut the f shut down

Um but yeah this is a village of reader uh that we use and it’s like right here so I don’t know where the heck all these dudes are coming from uh excuse me sir holy flip I don’t like them uh anyways that’s that we got a little bit of a

Vault right here this is kind of like our Emerald Bank little uh little bit of thing we got dargan here he watches over all the emeralds then we got these hidden little shocker boxes down here where we keep just like our emeralds and honestly random stuff that chat on Twitch is basically too

Lazy to tell me to put away so we just put it in here uh and then we got splash potions just in case you know anything bad happens we need to heal somebody up a little bit of an emerald uh Bank back here cheeky little uh crafting bench if

I need to craft that uh for those of you guys are probably wondering we got honey blocks so this guy can’t get out he basically cannot jump he’s stuck to the floor like a theater floor you know what I mean uh same thing with all these guys too they’re all just

Standing on honey blocks um where they’re stuck and they don’t look like prisoners or anything like that so pretty cool man pretty cool um so if you come down through here we got puff puff is my first organic I don’t want to be judged um puff is our first amethyst dragon in

This world his wings are supposed to be the egg that he hatched from we love puff he’s awesome this is for Shadows Ascension Shadow Stone one of my friends over on Twitch I’ll do something that I never really get to do all that often I’ll show you Puff’s booty because I know you

Guys are probably wondering um but yeah puff is thick just so you guys know he’s certified um it’s a pretty decent back end over here um and I’m glad you guys asked but we have a full diamond Beacon check this out for those of you guys who are asking

Me like hey link do you have a diamond Beacon yes I have a diamond Beacon but I do not plan to build another I Beacon because nobody cares about my diamond Beacon which is Sag uh but I keep my dragon egg up here too so yeah pretty lit

Uh we got these little miniature robots that are all hanging around here they just kind of keep this place maintained so we got like little like Battle Bots uh blowing up Bots over here we’ve got uh these Bots these Bots are pretty flipping awesome uh I actually use them as storage

They’re uh they’re kind of inspired by Fallout 4. if you guys know who cogsworth is he’s lit uh this was a cool door that we built we gotta obviously we got our Stacks we got Emerald uh deep plane emerald ore before it was rare dude

Um but we got this big giant door right here uh that works every single time we just leave it open because of airflow it gets hot in here obviously being underground and stuff like that um but yeah out here we got the blue hardcore heart it’s a very common Trend

You guys will see around here um we wanted to create a little bit of an entrance way and everything like that so this is a pretty cool thing we’re out here in the Mesa which I’ll show you guys a little bit about what the Mesa really is after

This but I wanted to kind of create like a little bit of a volcanic and entrance and all that kind of stuff uh we’ve got a little bit of a Viking boat here or a bunch of people have immortalized hanging out on the boat chillaxing and stuff like that

So if we come through here I can show you guys the sewer system and we’ll start working our way into the sewer from the sewer into the storage room so I can show you guys a little bit of that uh but before we do that I got a

Couple little things over here that I need to show you guys which is our furnace array and our Nether wart Farm so this is the netherwort farm we just needed something cheeky for a red nether brick um it’s just basically it’s like just platforms of like water that if I click

A button they will all basically um get collected into a harvest area so if I come down here oh we got tons of hoppers down here um and then down here is where everything gets collected if I need any of this it just uh we can kind of just move it along

We use a lot of red and other brick it’s a beautiful block I just gotta flick that switch that’s pretty much it so that’s another wart farm this is our furnace array this is where we do a lot of our furnace arraying um for stuffs anyways we’re low on coal and whatnot so

A little bit uh of this we got a little bit of a storage area over here for all the um the stuff gets collected and whatnot so we do a lot of this type of stuff around here um let me show you guys the sewer system

So we go through this little geode right here into our storage and then this is the sewer and you guys are going to see some pretty cool stuff in here so we’ve got the blue Axolotl took us three months to get that guy what the flip uh and then this is the

Sewer right here um pretty cool build I had a lot of fun with this one it was really uh tough to kind of light up but we got light all over the place you know for those of you guys who are probably wondering um but it’s supposed to be like kind of

Like a slime like toxic looking um environment but I’m also realizing that I never turned my volume back on because this is season two Kappa this is our very first Warden that we ever captured in this world we’re now up to 10 wardens captured in this world

That I could show you guys a little bit of this uh We’ve also killed 10 wardens in this world so I guess we’re 10 for 10. uh but yeah this is uh season two Kappa he hangs out here we typically Vibe we say hi to him all the time

Um and then we can be like yo it’d be like YouTube says line foreign normally yells back at us and says hi back you know he’s chilling anyways uh and then we work our way through here we got this guy Oma um he’s our zoglin that we brought over from the um

From the nether obviously if they’re hostile they don’t grow up and if we come through here this is the storage room dude this is where it all happens I’ll show you there’s so much to show in here we got a ravager electric tube Boogaloo I think ravager two

Electric Boogaloo because the first one you know anyways we have about uh seven charged creepers in this world I think so these guys help charge up our beacons which is really flipping neat uh for those of you guys who probably don’t know this I’m heavily inspired by hermitcraft

So these are just some of the people who have touched the channel in a pretty cool way either by like rating me commenting on my YouTube videos whatever it may be uh this is where it all basically started uh with these guys they’re a heavy inspiration to the

Channel and I just want to give a huge shout out to these guys because they are amazing and I’ve changed my life in a massive way we’ve got the the spirit wolf as a car as a carpet right here we used to be our skin back of the day now we’re

Link the Hylian Warrior which is cool from The Legend of Zelda that’s actually where my name comes from uh before we get into all this craziness uh we’ve got um we try to collect up all the mobs and stuff like that this is a little bit of my uh my

Manually sorted stuff up here is going to be my auto sorter up here so let me show you guys not everything in the game needs to be Auto sorted so we kind of just like put some stuff in here and whatnot um just to like have a little bit of a

Um a bulk of this kind of stuff because you know we don’t need to be Auto sorting all this down here we have these little sellers uh typically you can tell what’s inside these sellers just by looking at this so if I want like we’ve depleted a lot of

This Stone uh but anyways we got tons of stone tons of Cobble uh it’s all down here uh and that’s in every single one of these pods basically so we do like Stone Cobble we do terracotta all that kind of stuff so we got the The Greenery

Here if I’m ever doing like any like um like I don’t know terraforming we’ve got tons of leaves to at our disposal tons of seeds and whatnot this is like kind of like a random area where I just keep a lot of all A’s they’re big chilling I hardly

Even go over here this is where we keep like food and stuff um lighting and whatnot if I ever need like um shroom lights lanterns um candles you name it it’s all there uh fence posts doors and stuff I actually come in here quite a bit this is where I

Can get all like my random fences and whatnot um we got our two we got Simba we got Timon these are my meerkats uh we have a little bit of a garbage can in here so if I wanted to throw these uh these frog lights away that I totally needed for

Later and I will write down on my imaginary list to replace later uh that’s in there now um but we’re up here now so this is the auto sorter we got the diamond Beacon chandeliers we have these uh sport blossoms they’re actually hanging from candles that are not affected by gravity we have

Mods to keep like animals uh small we’ve got ourselves a guardian a full diamond zombie a little bit of a disguised B we got the um the the brown mushroom the gauntlet the Infinity Stones of uh parents which is pretty lit um in his side of here we got Carl

That’s her boy Carl he’s the small uh dude and then we’ve got the uh this guy I think his name is Francis Frozen pawns or whatever uh and then we got the Skelly horse and this random chicken jockey uh named Jerry and I think that guy’s name is Tom

Um we got the uh the really cool like slashes in the ground with a really cool fog effect here this is just like silos where I keep like extra stuff for things that don’t fit inside the auto sorter you guys can see that it’s actually on right now so we’re currently

Starting Stone well when I open this it’s gonna be just Stone right and it’s not gonna be broken uh from my world tour yeah so there’s just Stone filtering in through there we have a pink sheep that we found we got little Jeb and a little this guy his name is problema

We have our overflow for the um for the auto sorter we also have a a shulker unloader which is lit if we just throw all of our shulkers in here and it just does its thing dude a little bit of more custom paintings um got their little Warden banners and

Whatnot but basically this is the heart or the brain of my world where I do a lot of my thinking about like what we’re going to be putting together and everything like that took a took a long time to put together the storage room there’s some things that I would improve

For next time but all these items that you do see up here are like automatically sorted uh throughout the system probably wondering what this is this is for fight night Fridays so if I do like pop that take this no chest plate that means I gotta do a level five

Raid with no chest plate which is um yeah a lot of fun and I I definitely never want to skip anyways we got all of our wolves and everything like that coming through here chandeliers um just a lot of stuff going on in here we

Got tons and tons of uh of shulker so let me show you guys a little bit down here right down here is a place where I keep a lot of my shulkers that I never use but it looks cool and then we just boost

Our way up out of here oh those are down there and they look neat so it’s it’s it is what it is but anyways let’s get into the Masa almost so that’s pretty much the storage room right there if we come up through here we don’t really come back here anymore

This is like my very first storage area storage uh furnace area where I used to cook up all of my stuffs and things and stuff like that so uh this was where it all begun when it came down to cooking resources I hit a cheeky um crafting bench back there

Always thought that was interesting so this is where it all started we got smithing tables for the roofs um I’m just gonna pop that back uh this used to be my storage room until I quickly outgrew this area we have these little doors back here took me uh

Absolutely no time at all to throw this thing together easy clap quick Redstone um so it’s a little bit of a little bit of a door right there and then we keep like other things like our other like micro blocks uh that we get from vanilla

Tweaks or mob heads that is also through vanilla tweaks uh these are some of the very first people to ever immortalize in my world this guy right here Outsider literally the only reason why I’m here today is because of that guy introducing me to hardcore and to Twitch

It’s a big shout out to that guy um yeah then we got all the cats in the game we got this uh Berry uh this is where uh it it all really really begun I used to have my storage room there because before before I outgrew that one

Um behind this portal we have a we have the burnt down Library dude uh so this used to be a fully Decked Out Library until I found out the hard way that when a gas shoots a flipping portal it actually goes through the portal and burned down this entire area so I

Haven’t fixed this thing yet but it looks cool I guess um Easter egg it’s an Easter egg now over here I got a quick little concrete converter a little place up to like the top of the uh the world right there top of the world I mean like the top of the

Mesa and a quick uh quickly eat this pork chop here um all the immortalizes is where I this is like very very early I still live in my very first base I ever built down here is where my creeper farms at so this is one of my first tunnels ever built in

This world you guys are going to see an app load of tunnels when we make our way into the nether Hub which was an insane project nonetheless um but this is where I get a lot of my uh my gun powder in this world it’s a logical geek boy design it’s right

Beside my storage room and we have gun powder basically every single day all day just filling up which is a really cool thing so I’ll show you guys the very first potion room that we ever built in this world uh back when I was afraid of Auto Brewers when we get over

To the witch Farm I can show you guys a proper Auto Brewer that was designed by impulse which is pretty flipping neat uh this is a little bit of a sneak peek to the outside of the Mesa which is actually what we call the Mossa pretty neat

So we built this bridge right here to connect these two mountains with uh uh campfires I wanted to play around with like really cool like depth inside of walls it’s actually like glass back here and whatnot um I thought this was a pretty cool design I had another wart Farm back

There where I just used to press this button and it just shifted the floor for me and I’d have to go all up in there and you know collect it and stuff but now I don’t need to do that that’s that’s beyond me I got a bigger uh

Netherwart Farm but then we got like all these shulker boxes back here where we just like kind of like you know filter and these Brewing stands by hand and throw it together so that’s where it all started with the potions you’ll see Cats everywhere dude like I said I got all

The cats we got all the cats dude uh let me show you guys the outside of the Masa um we might start off with halfling hills which is a current ongoing project that we have now maybe we’ll even get a cheeky sleep in here so we could Farm a day this also

Leads out to the Masa right here so if I wanted to come out there I can go out there to the Masa um but yeah you guys can see a little bit more of the Cinematic views of this place through the movie that will be coming out here relatively soon so let’s

Just Farm a day real quick you out here firemen um and then I’ll take you guys up through the water Vader right there because I guess not a whole lot of people know that that water Vader is chilling so humble beginnings this is before I had

An electron I needed to kind of boost my way up to the top this is called the build Dojo so the concept behind the Mesa was that we wanted to bring life back to the Mesa so what’s the first thing that brings life to anything it’s

Water so we needed to kind of uh create a nice little area for um dance to kind of pump water into the Mesa and then life is going to radiate from the dojo out uh we got attacked by pillagers but we persevered they broke our door down um

We have a little bit of an outside of here this was the very first Circle I actually built in Minecraft fun fact uh out here is a little bit more of a sneak peek of the of the Mesa and then we can go out there so I’ll just uh

We’ll just kind of fly out here and I can show you guys the entire Mesa we’ll start over here by a uh Anka’s Bay which is kind of like our fishing district one of these days we want to build a little bit of a bridge here connecting so I’ve got these uh anchors

Right here so I can connect my bridge up here and whatnot um we have a Lapras if you guys are a fan of Pokemon pretty much an identical one-to-one scale of a Lapras right there uh we have little houses little fishing areas right through here we have a um this was

Our very first Redstone testing facility is what inspired Sizzle sort basically ascend as the god of uh celebrations is where it all started where we used to be like oh snap you know what I mean kind of see what fireworks look like uh you know we have

A little bit of a fishing area in here you know we kind of try to add as much detail as we possibly could little uh little areas hello uh little fishing areas people fishing uh crab pods I think those are what those things are just kind of making it busy we got larpis

Um we got tug boats we got these boats we got houseboats uh we got we got sheeps and all just chilling Little Crab pods and whatnot we come through here uh you guys can get a better angle of that beautiful face right there um we got another little house bow right

Here you know uh we got these really cool mushrooms which is where I wanna like I have a weird obsession with building mushrooms and stuff this is my uh we’ll make our way over there real quick we got like the little gazebos and this is where I really

Wanted to kind of become a better Builder with Organics trees and everything like that trees are probably one of them uh the most difficult things to build and uh in Minecraft dude we got flabberjack make chicken pants we got a little lays absolute nerd nugget um got the little moon right there this

Is a lily pad people riding flipping Ducks uh this was my very first blob some tree we called The Blob some because it’s very Blobby uh little benches to people like sleep on little uh little like uh tree thingy with like people hanging out in there um

Really really cool that’s a really cool Vibe basically and this is all the Mesa right we’re in here in the Mesa I don’t know if you guys could see that uh let me kind of just do that real quick you guys can see that we’re in the Mesa currently

So it was a very very challenging thing to do I wanted to kind of challenge myself to build like a green Lush environment uh really cool tree right there I was reassured by a friend that that was a beautiful tree um so we got a little bit of a uh a tent

Right here there’s like a little uh settlers area and whatnot you got the uh the the horses for those of you guys who don’t know you can actually dye horse armor pretty flipping whoops pretty flipping cool um we have ourselves a little bit of a llama stable where I didn’t know we had

Skelly horses so that’s neat I thought I was all sold out um Annie hoosler we got um this is where I bring up a lot of my uh my llamas and whatnot this is also where Zopa hangs out pretty cool pretty cool guy thought we lost him like a long time

Ago but this is a little bit of a stable right here it’s pretty neat um and then I can bring them up and whatnot uh this area is not 100 done yet but I just uh kind of like an area that’s under development we got all the the

Mountains and stuff done we have a lot of like rock formations um you guys can see a little bit of the um The Windmill and the barn up there but I just wanted to create like a really cool like environment building these land bridges and um wheat fields that are cascading Down

Still continuing trying to get better at trees and those bees I don’t know what’s up with them they’re obviously um on something uh but we got these little like houses and whatnot but uh over here we had a original spider spawner that I never wanted to get rid of which

Is flipping awesome so we made a cool cave out of it so in here we have a nice little like little uh little like drip Stone cave that’s always bugged I don’t know what’s going on there uh with little campfires and uh drip stone and a little like little small little detailed

Cave you know I mean um I don’t know what’s going on here I don’t know why I can see through this all the time but yeah a little amethyst geode uh dealio um and all that fun stuff so let me come over here and I’ll show you guys the

Upper layer of this area let me get a quick pork chop in we come through here so you guys can kind of see a little bit of an overhead view of that whole project that’s not 100 done before we work our way up to here

This uh this back track a little bit and kind of go over here so we can come uh over this way I try to map out all the pathways and stuff so that’s the cool pickaxe I’m sure you guys have all seen that we got the Masa hardcore heart

Um this is where you know like I said that’s where it all started that’s that like the random area that leads back to our base and whatnot just trying to add little bits and pieces of detail and um stuff like that and little uh little fountains and all the people who have

Immortalized this thing’s from um better Minecraft and whatnot uh it’s really cool this was my very first original portal that I used to use to get to the uh the nether before we revamped the flip out of that so we wanted to make it kind of like the Soul Sand Valley thing

Where we walk up in here and then we go through the portal and then end up at a gold Farm a little cheeky little blossom tree look for you guys we’re not there yet um but yeah just a pretty common theme with just like you know the mushrooms and

Everything like that kind of created another tree right here messing around with that so now we are leading on over to Harvest Hollows that’s the one Harvest Hollows we’re not there uh halfling Hills yet any hoosler this is where literally one of the legends of Minecraft actually immortalized uh a

Super big inspiration this is actually flip it’s pretty flipping cool and uh Havoc so that I thought that was a very very cool experience uh and then we just got like little wagons so if you want to be part of the bandwagon uh little like houses and whatnot

Um this is Harvest Hollow this is all like kind of like themed after like pumpkins and designing um these random looking mushrooms and whatnot uh we have a little bit of a fox family here my founders of this channel people who were here back when I only

Had like 30 followers or 30 viewers uh they have a fox family they got married and they actually had a kid IRL it’s pretty cool a little bit of a under here area Interiors totally done don’t look in there um but yeah we got this whole deal done

Um a flip and then we got a little bit of an area around here so we can come over here to halfling Hills it’d be really cool to kind of create like a really cool tropical island type dealer out here but this is basically this area uh we’ll go up here

You can kind of see like the trees have continued to keep uh developing and whatnot as time goes on we got obsidian right here he’s pretty cool pretty cool that’s another blossom tree uh that was actually our first one we built in this world like that uh style

This is halfling Hills this is based off of uh Lord of the Rings for the hobbits um people can actually buy these houses I’m actually working on the Interiors for this place so we have like the full interiors and whatnot um for those of you guys who don’t know

Hobbits they like to party but we got a little bit of this going on people can buy these outfits obviously no shoes um and everybody’s small right I came here one time we had a good time um basically uh with the voice crack and

All so it’s a good time dude a good time just kind of creating like smaller Wells a little bit of this action or um that guy the old guy the old tall guy Gandalf whatever his name is um It’s a Small Time movie you guys might know it Lord of the Rings and

Whatnot uh we basically got like these little wheelbarrows and more houses over here just all different styles these little trees love doing these trees well this we built this frog when the frogs first came out into the game I thought that was pretty neat just try to

Add in as much detail as we possibly could through this whole area we’ve got the uh we’ve got the boat where it looks like somebody found something gold in there I wonder where that’s from probably Harry Potter or something uh we got another little house right here a little bit of a waterfall

So a little picnic bench or what picnic thingy um and then we got all these houses over here we will do all the Interiors but I’m not there yet before we go into that I’m going to show you guys something that makes absolutely zero sense to be inside of the Mesa and

It’s our icy cave dude this is where we keep Pepsi and cola um there’s a little bit of an ice cave I don’t know why we built this but this guy is wearing Frost Walker boots and he’s creating like a nice little icy effect in here but yeah we got Pepsi and

Cola they hit like a truck so I’m not going in there because uh they don’t F around uh creeper Farm is right underneath this creeper platform right here oh we come up here I’m just gonna get myself a quick little sleep but we’re not doing this at night because it’s not

That easy to look around here at night so we’ll fly down here we’re done we’re done halfling Hills basically it’s like I said under development this is outside the dojo these trees beautiful right these were my very first trees I ever built in this world

So you can see a little bit of a progression between that and this um we got the dragon head being like uh killed by a wolf which is pretty neat this is the dojo from the outside don’t know how the heck I’m able to see that oh

That’s probably because I still have my my render distance cranked no it’s 20 chunks dude we built different we could see that over there anyway uh this was our very first trading haul so in here the saburra used to do all my humble trades and stuff this is where it

All started with the villagers uh somewhere I used to grind out all of my um my villagers basically this is the very first uh dude we ever had our mending guy so we actually uh actually cured this guy when we were uh when we were down bad or uh emeralds and stuff

Used to have the ravager back there so uh you know good times good times dude this is solid totally anyways we have this really cool area right here this is my wheat farm and holy cow dude we gotta shut this thing off too much wheat man

Uh they Works off of all Lays which is really flipping cool we have wheat for days out here man it became a problem so we just wanted to outfit one of these old Farms that basically was built for like carrots potatoes and beet Roots um and we just made it where these guys

Were in here and then we had the all a kind of whipping around and just kind of collecting stuff up we got a little bit of a mushroom a little bit of a chicken back there um for those of you guys who um you know probably looking in a mirror and you

Guys can see your reflection this is my mod haul those are pretty cool um it used to be my sugar cane Farm down here until we upgraded so now we don’t go down there it’s just empty and stuff um this is all the banners and all that

Kind of stuff so in here I’ve got all we’ve got a really cool like floor I haven’t added all the mods we have a oh crap snap snap I meant snap uh we’ve got all the uh the people in here and stuff my um it was pretty cool

We used to have a uh a cactus farm up there as well so it used to be a sugar cane farm and a cactus farm layered on one another uh but we don’t need those anymore we upgraded and I’ll show you guys the industrial district after this which is the city build

Which is a whole different build dude um we’ll go this way first the very first Halloween a few years back we built this pumpkin patch pretty cool we built this wall right here this is my first time I ever thought I was building a big project

This is the uh the wheat field over 10 000 seeds I thought this was big back in the days first time I ever built a windmill first time I ever built a barn uh this is one of my other trees that looks you know meh

Uh we got a lot of like really cool people up in here though we come through here you guys can see that we have a um a bunch of people actually kicking around here I’m gonna get these a little bit of a pork chop in here um

So this is the very first windmill it’s actually got an interior dude um in here this is where we used to keep a lot of our uh our seeds our wheat and all that kind of stuff whoops uh in our leather and our steaks and it actually had a little bit of a

Function here dude I never really used it though a little bit of a silo back there over here we have ourself the barn where we have a couple just random villagers or random zombies chilling out here a couple cows um big vibing I think we have an upside down Cow around here yeah

Dinner bone just uh just out here oh um anyways we’re gonna work our way through here and we will go to our sheep farm which is pretty flipping neat down here uh we have our sheep farm inside of this door right here and then we’ll work our way over here

This is the sheep farm this is where we used to originally make a lot of our banners here so we got a lot of really cool banners um really flipping neat to do you can do so many things with like uh banners we got like axolotls roses keys and uh all that

Fun stuff down here is the sheep farm we’ve got the uh the cool like looking floor again we have the clouds going through the sky this is supposed to be kind of like a rainbow with like a like this the clouds then we have Jeb the manager around here who doesn’t want

To look at us right now because you know I don’t know oh there he is what’s up Jeb uh we have every single color sheep pretty much times four so whatever 16 times 4 is probably 60 something or whatever the heck it is but anyways this thing kind of cranks

In a way but nothing too crazy just humble um yeah come through here going down to this area another little bit that we wanted to terraform so this is what I wanted to start working on bigger mushrooms and uh better fluffier trees you’ll see a lot of um basically development with

Style and whatnot um we have ourselves the original horse stable where we keep like you know Nightmare and where we used to breed up all of our horses and whatnot just something kind of neat we got we got Pig champ right here just vibing I thought this was like

A really fun build back in the day this is when deep slate first came out basically um you got like all kinds of really cool like little pieces of detail we got like apples inside the trees huge pain in the neck to do that we got

This guy we got a little bit of a waterfall back there I wanted to kind of create um like a nice little I want to have all kinds of like really cool like things don’t look at that back there I have a beacon back there um really cool things we have like this

Little Pond where we used to have axolotls but I think they all took a vacation and they don’t hang out with us anymore you know more mushrooms and uh these amethyst like caves and whatnot with like a mine cart that should be going back and forth um

You know to make it look Lively but you know how it is old ah that thing’s supposed to be going back and forth basically uh to make it look a little bit more lively so we uh you know we take that and we can kind of see everything kind

Of going back and forth I’ll show you guys the squid Farm before we made a Wither Rose farm but this thing kind of sucks but hey it doesn’t look good so don’t judge it’s but it’s underneath here uh we obviously have a beacon setup over here because we’re

Rich with it uh look down here for a creeper this is when I thought I was rich in a big baller and I was using lapis um and I was like bro I’m rich I’m going to use Lapras over here it’s gonna be lit

Um and all that kind of stuff so I kind of created this like room down here uh this is where all the um you know the ink sacks the random Nautilus shells uh you know all that fun stuff gets collected down here we’re already an hour into this world this is nuts

Um and we barely scratched the surface with this world tour and I’m trying to go fast over here is the is it that we have ever had we built this graveyard right here which is really cool um this is when we wanted to build like more of like the dead looking Vibe trees

We’ve got um you know all the moths in here people who are are part of the channel got the name uh one of these things you know we got uh this guy who’s an absolute pain in my neck and I will probably never put a Skelly in a spot

Where they could shoot you all the time again because love this um but this is my life you got a little bit of a shed right here we’ve got the Grave Digger we have a little bit of um uh what are these things called like a morgue or whatever the heck it is

Um where we caught like a little bit of that we got Dave there he’s chilling he’s big vibing over here I do plan to build a little bit of a bridge to connect the area but I’m still working on a huge development over here uh we’re gonna build like a river system

That’s gonna come through here and then we’re going to build a bridge um which is going to event uh evidently break my flip-in squid Farm over there which is you know but we want to build this area to be like kind of like the elephant graveyard

A part of like Lion King unlike the place that you don’t really want to go we’ll have a bunch of like bone structures and all that kind of stuff it will also give me a really cool like um reason to get rid of this thing this monstrosity everybody’s got this ugly

Thing in their world just like ethos said everybody’s got that one really ugly thing uh and this is my ugly thing this thing back when Blackstone first came out and I thought I was gonna build a whole house out of Blackstone with absolutely no texture but anyways look

At this it’s actually a zombie and Skelly spawner and it helped me get through a lot of my uh a lot of my days in this world so early game come down here eat a soggy pork chop anyways I was so scared of night time back when I first started this world I

Used to hide in holes I’ll fully admit it I also had a bed and a clock always on uh always on deck dude we kept all of our arrows all of our on flash you know what I mean all the items that uh that pop up in here they’re just big chilling

Right here um but yeah that’s part of this we’re gonna go over to the city which is just across the way um you guys will see like random like little bits and pieces all over this world like uh like I showed you guys earlier this thing is connected to

Shadows build we’re gonna terraform all the outside of this area um we have this dude in here there’s a dude in there he’s doing dude stuff anyways he’s uh he’s chilling so we’ll fly over here probably cut this bit out so I can take a sip

Or maybe we won’t cut it out but I just needed coffee um but we’re back over here towards the Masa we’ll just flying it up we’ll leave it in we’ll leave it in we’re gonna go to the city next the city’s a pretty big project where I

Wanted to kind of like push the boundaries of what I could do in a short period of time so I will show you guys this though just one like last look at the um at this area right here you guys can see the actual blazing sun that these

Shaders uh bring into this place but this is the Masa don’t look at the Sun pretty cool all right to the city the city’s just over here like I said we are going to connect a uh a bridge and uh when the city grows big enough I

Want to have it as big as this whole area so I got lots of big plans over here so let me come over here where it all starts just over here this is the city project where we um where we start to feel a little bit more small like CIS and all

That kind of stuff we got the portal right here we got a tripping Enderman we got a hoglands coming out of portals we got the ring bearers looking for the Rings and stuff we’ve got uh this is where I wanted to kind of like start building trucks and vehicles and stuff

Um so we got all this kind of stuff here we’ve got little mopeds flipping lights overly complicated trying to get lights done in uh in front of a twitch chat because holy smokes um these places are gonna be under construction we got these little berries and stuff

Um lamp posts uh we got the uh the rainbow crosswalk and we got cool uh motorcycles and I know what you guys are thinking there’s no way he did Interiors well let’s work our way back so this is our um this is our hospice or whatever the

Flip they’re called where if people need a Airbnb they can come over here to Exile Jester and they can get themselves a little room here in the city if they don’t have a place to stay uh over here this is an ill mango design for a melon and pumpkin farm this thing actually

Cranks we had to shut it off because oh my gosh I’ve never seen so many melons in my life dude um and that’s yeah so yeah it’s all back here I think there’s an entrance to the actual Farm back here um pretty much where uh it’s just it’s

Just flipping nuts dude it’s flipping nuts uh where it just kind of cranks out melons and pumpkins you know I mean hospice or yeah we’ll come through here we got ourselves the uh the hippie van where uh you know we got uh people drinking water in the back here hydrating because it’s hot

Uh we got a little bit of this area right here more mopeds uh we’ll head over here to where people actually buy Vespas professionally out here on the display for the Vespa area we got dig along we’ll sell you the keys your brand new Vespa little guy is already looking at what he

Wants to buy with his paper out money love it um but yeah I thought that was a pretty cool build to do ew uh we’ll come through here we got luscious you’ll see luscious a lot in here she’s um apparently a triplet so uh she uh she runs his place so um

We’ve got all kinds of uh crystals and um you know healing baths and uh if you want to get yourself a massage without the legs uh because legs come extra and this guy was a little bit too broke to do that um come across here we got a little bit of

Uh of the ambulance which I thought was pretty neat we have a little bit of a bus with advertisements going on we have a little bit of a Japanese restaurant you’ll see that the hardcore heart of course like I’ve shown you guys multiple times more places for people to live

Uh we got this Shady alley dude with a bunch of cookie thieves back here anyways this guy’s heck and sad because all he wanted was a cookie came over here to Amanda got immediately turned the flip down because um yeah we got the Amanda’s on van back here with the alleys impulse

Appreciate you uh we have uh these two dudes Dame and dragon and an upside down cat um they’re they’re the totem dealers and whatnot it’s pretty cool back here um but obviously heck and mean uh so we’ll come over here across the way and I’ll show you guys the Japanese

Restaurant that we built should be right on here we’re able to assist uh for Yoshimi you’re pretty uh she’s pretty high uh she runs the Japanese restaurant up in here I love this I love this area uh this is where we were building like a really cool like um I don’t know

Different themes dude look at these look at these dudes this guy’s eating coarse flipping dirt um a man of culture apparently this guy’s yonking chicken as a chicken we have uh aquariums we got Fantasia who’s cooking up a mean a mean meal you have a little like swords and stuff like that

People are like oh Exquisite dude love it uh we got a lot of open seating we got a puffer fish that we literally never go buying because it always you know yeah uh we’ll walk over here we got graffiti girl next door oh here is our main

Graffitious making a little bit of a Corrales Mumbo uh mural back here and I don’t know what the heck’s going on right here but she out here um we got Flippin Mr we don’t care you broke you’re flipping leg on gravel Outsider who was riding his motorcycle

His dirt bike on gravel and ended up slipping which is um you know pretty unfortunate for that dude we got the uh we got the arcade really flipping cool build very colorful run by Scoville um but this place was a lot of fun where you can take like photos in front of the

Alien you know like uh we got the this guy’s name is Stormtrooper because obviously he hits all of his shots yeah I got these little popcorn machines uh we got these little baba chicken we got the uh the little arcade machines right here balloons a little bit of a a

Little bit of a vending machine pop popcorn uh DDR if you guys are into dancing you know what I mean so that’s pretty flipping cool um it actually doubles as an overflowing cactus farm so yeah there’s a cactus farm up there and a um um flower farm up there as well so

That’s pretty cool very functional so uh big shout out to schoolville for buying that um come through here we have a little bit of an Easter egg back here for a Doctor Who this guy coming in here like what the flip what era am I in um we got the gamble truck

People out here this guy’s uh he works for the truck this guy’s stealing Pokemon dad get enough gapples to ascend what a nerd um come through here we got the yoga mat hello dude this is where luscious in her next form comes into play if you guys

Are into uh you know bottles of water good juice and hyper extended stretches this is the place for you uh really cool uh vibe in here hmm over here we have the art gallery where we also have our mud Farm um also helped out by uh Timmy

So we got uh this little area up in this fish um it’s got the the mural there we got a bunch of items that we’ve collected in the world a bunch of banners a bunch of like oh that’s where that other uh dragon potion was

Um you know we got all the heads and stuff you got one of the first bamboos from hermitcraft and whatnot this was the turtle that I showed you guys in the end uh creepers always trying to scare me dude bunch of cool looking micro blocks um

Yeah this place was really cool this was made by Rubik’s pretty lit he owns his place he runs his place right now he’s just kind of taking you know notes on um stuffs all right we’ll work our way over here arm Industries we’re not there yet uh

There’s still a lot to see here we got a lost chicken we got a uh handsome fireman’s we got dudes doing can cans girls who are really into uh firemen obviously um yeah Ali likes her firemen we got two dogs just chilling out here in the middle of the road um

We got a police force a police force um and uh yeah she hangs out here she’s uh she’s kind of out here with Kona her uh her attack dog but yeah it’s pretty cool um we have ourselves a little bit of a food truck for people who want to be uh you

Know buying some food and whatnot and a little bit of fountains and stuffs so let me just shoot this thing flawlessly and I can show you guys what’s up and uh while we go up this forever long elevator I’ll probably uh you know take a sip but this is om Industries this is

Supposed to be a redstone uh uh testing facility where we got better at redstone and um all that fun stuff we don’t crank this thing that often but when we do it takes three years to get to the top so we big chilling just want to make sure we don’t get squished

Anyways the concept behind this whole area was that we wanted to basically complete as much Redstone as we possibly could so every design of redstone that you see in here is something I actually learned in Minecraft we’ll just get off here uh this is um dude uh uh looking

Shredded as always with his little uh his Notch Apple and his Warden head uh that’s a lot of Channel points as he looks over the top of the city where we got our planes our helicopters our reindeer our train station which we’ll get into here in a moment

Uh these are little things that I’ve learned throughout the world Redstone wise this is uh ethos Hopper clock uh pretty big piece of redstone um pretty important to use we have the impulse SV item sorter where we tacked on the whole light system to the very top here this is what

We use for our own Auto sorter in this world this thing’s amazing and then this thing I saw on uh I think it was Tick Tock where it’s a one second clock I don’t know where the heck this thing comes from but it’s neat this basically

Gives also a pulse every one second and it’s flipping reliable dude so that’s pretty cool um let’s get some snacks uh the elevator it do go down it do go down dude so if I just press this button and we wait uh 10 to 15 business days it will actually go

All the way down but we’re not going to take that way on the way down we ain’t got time for that we gotta we got a world to see we’re only an hour in and we’ve got so much more to see um like an insane amount of stuff to see

So we’ll just kind of throw here Bop Flawless dude uh we’ll go to sleep real quick uh should be inside the ambulance but we’ll just kind of sleep in here and I’ll show you guys the Train the very first train I’ve ever built in this world so that’s cool

Uh we got a flying chicken dude I bet you didn’t know chickens could fly okay up here I can show you guys a little bit more of uh what’s going on up here this is a helicopter it’s flipping cool super controversial never knew that the the helicopter blades had to hang down

Low and not go up high arguments were had let me just say that uh but this thing’s pretty flipping cool we got our uh our helicopter pilot and everything like that big chilling uh over here if I jump this roof like Spider-Man dude we’ve got uh unicorns and a little bit

Of a pool up here we got DJs and you know it’s a Vibe up here some towels just chilling and stuff um a couple more farms in here that I can show you guys here in a minute you fly over here I can show you guys a little bit more of

The the uh this lush green roof that we’ve got up in here a little bit of a you know a garden roof style because we all uh you know we take care of ourselves out here this guy stretching their leg trying to get a good stretch

On that’s a gold Farm over there we’ll show you guys that later we got Zopa a certified pilot um up in this piece dude I think at least uh I haven’t seen his credentials yet but he’s out here and he’s got Snoopy on his wing not the safest

But it is what it is and he is flying a little low but uh he out here dude uh in here we have ourselves a bamboo Farm this thing is uh beyond me the thing goes harder than a chipmunk and a nut Factory uh when it comes to

Cranking out flipping bamboo up here we have ourselves uh not snowballs but of course fruit area this is where I also Farm the course root flowers uh and then we just flick this switch and uh we can get a bunch of uh course uh course fruit because we build with

Purple all the time um it’s a pretty hot commodity around here uh if I fly over here where this random light is I can show you guys a little bit of the course fruit firemen up in here pretty cool pretty cool um okay let’s make our way over to the

Train area because I think we’re there now also I don’t want to hear it I went through a financial crisis when it came to the amount of shulker boxes I had to use here I still cry to this day but it looks cool anyways this is our Christmas

That we spent just a couple months ago here this is my very first train this is the Christmas train um I’ve never built a train before so this was an experience um I had to rebuild this thing at least five times we got over our conductors Fantasia and robust who out here you

Know they’re pretty cool peeps we’ve got the uh we got all the presents people stealing presents old people’s uh chewing people off from stealing presents we got a big effing present for Puffs probably the amandazon we got these uh cool looking um thingies right here uh this is for our snowman again

And uh getting pulled up in here Christmas trees Rudolph slays um whatever it may be we also have gingerbread houses built for small people like sis um we also have you know a little bit of coal for the people who are bad and want a little bit of coal for their their

Birthday or whatever the flip it is uh don’t look at that that’s just nothing uh we got these lights that are uh you know ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding like don’t come over here uh little trees and whatnot uh we got ourselves one of these things

If you want to buy some like you logs we got a little bit of a reef thingy dealio right here if you want to get some of that action um a little bit of uh the train station right here where we got super Zopa and this yellow polka dot bikini saving systematically

All blushy and stuff like that from Bonnie dropping an anvil on his head like Wiley Coyote out here and uh pumatz who’s uh also you know feeding her stuff we got all these cool like envelopes this is made from um item frames with um banners on Shields which I thought was a

Really cool thing and a little bit of a map of the city if you guys want to see what’s up um obviously there’s a cheeky little Holly there they’re having a moment um this is inside of the uh the train station if you want to buy your tickets

You can buy your tickets there pretty cool foreign we got a little paper boy stand if you guys want to buy papers and whatnot want to know that like the latest news we got these uh these people right here girl geek and snowpock big chilling having a

Snowball fight where’s the snow I have no idea but anyways they’re doing that um pretty cool coming over here we got the hot chocolate stand with these two sassy nerds so this is uh Amanda and Sam who refuse to sell anybody hot chocolate they they run the business I think it’s

Called Uh samanda Enterprise where they sell uh led the lack of cookies and the lack of uh bagged milk here um pretty much so that’s uh that’s uh that’s a thing um and then we’ve got you know like little picnic benches and people taking pictures in front of the Christmas tree

And whatnot so let’s get a like a little bit of a closer look over here this is uh Rudolph big chilling did build this guy not my design we got essentially dead obviously being essentially a a scrooge um whipping flipping Christmas eggs off this thing Christmas eggs I mean Christmas presents of course

Um so yeah she’s a little bit of a you know that this guy’s uh skydiving safely big big chair up here for for big Santas um and then we’ve got like this little dealio and whatnot obviously a white-tailed here and obviously doubles as a mob farm for those of you guys who

Didn’t know that because I didn’t um there’s mobs in there so that’d be pretty lit gold Farm just a box this is a place that I’m gonna build into a construction area soon enough um we’ll we’ll get to it we’ll get to it so let’s go over to the nether Hub which

Connects all of my builds together dude I think that basically sums up the city project for now obviously huge expansions to come in the future and whatnot back over to the Masa we have two different ways I’ll show you guys the gold Farm probably later but I’ll show

You guys the main Hub where we keep four of our Wardens we’re um very well behaved uh and I can show you guys that so let me just slap a chest plate on because this place is um safe safe can I just show you guys where Sam and systematically chill out

This is the nether Hub dude this place connects me throughout my entire world this is a very important place to meet so we got the wardens in all four areas of the Hub big chilling and I can show you guys a little bit of this area here with a little bit of the

Shaders going so you guys can kind of take in like a little bit of the beauty here everybody that you see along here are all the founders of the channel uh as kind of like a big thank you we have the giant chandelier here in the middle that holds our portal which is

Pretty flipping cool uh you know Sam’s little Enderman up in here got anything left uh big thank you to these guys basically um you know Zopa um which you can call him Zopa for short we got Outsider Stone signer because he’s big into like Shadow Stone

Um and we got kuyon and all the people that are around here so the concept behind this area where we got the big Shrieker here in the center we got little uh ancient debris walls and whatnot kind of says a subtle Flex um because you know how it is we got Ender

Chess underneath all these carpets to give it like a really cool effect but let me show you guys like the concept behind this is like the theory of like basically dying as soon as we get the flipping lights back on in this place so give me a second [Applause] terrible power grid [Applause]

Any time down all right so you start at no Health wait that doesn’t make any flipping sense if you start at full health and as we go around you start losing health so the concept is supposed to be like life and death we got the upside down heart and uh that heart

Every single one of these uh areas will take me to different places of the world and more places to even come but down here I can show you a little bit of my Redstone paralysis where I can just walk through here bang it opens up yup

And we come down here to the dungeon dude this is where Sam and systematically are a big Chillin dude right down here with the upside down dinner mobs uh this is their uh their own room down here that’s an IRL picture of Sam IRL picture of uh says

Uh we’ve got the guards here guarding them on their throne chains hanging from the roof upside down gassed we have um Sam with uh Corin and Rue we got systematically that’s not green I know what you’re thinking uh he’s just a a trickster in Disguise basically upside

Down chicken dude uh with the a little bit of a skull cart type dealio back there we come through here this is the contract room check this out bang we got Amanda who’s looking into the portals that uh a bunch of gas or uh Spirits are flying out but of we have

This area right here this is where I signed the contract for more life if I need to get a totem we’ve only gone through four totems in this world so basically the lore behind this video or this world is that people can buy me totems in the future so this

Is when I pop a totem I can come over here and be like at a Crossroads we’re face intertwined here you stand with an apple So Divine meaning I have to give up a notch apple or a new totem uh question is are you willing to make that

Trade Fight for Your Life at a level five raid so I had to earn the right to uh survive longer uh the unsuspecting crowd cheers unaware that what they hold dear four million gapples the beginning cost of this uh is a as a community challenge just so we’re clear for this

Is our journey and we all must pay in order to live to see another day so if I want to buy a totem in this world uh I have to earn that totem because I know how uh how cheeky totems can be and how overpowered they are this

Is our way of trying to balance that which is pretty flipping cool um yeah so if I come through here walk over here check to see if this door is still open and then close it because Sam complains about the draft all the time um and then we come over here this is

Kind of like our middle area right here uh we got a few different rooms here we’ve got the warden area where we keep a lot of our uh you know uh these dudes this guy’s uh this guy’s a righty sucks to suck nerd I’m a righty though uh we

Got more cats we got hubcap uh supposed to be hubcat but that’s an Easter egg we got melee out here she big chilling um we got a little bit of a dungeon in here or you know Dungeness stuff for those of you guys who are into that uh

But yeah this is where we just keep a lot of these dudes just big chilling and stuff like that um we’ll come through here yeah we like to call that one the fungen yeah they’re here this is our library Yep this is where a lot of book learning

Goes on dude we got all coming out uh oh here we got this guy I don’t know what the Flip’s going on with this dude we got uh the alter ego of bunny out here with um boots um we got relish behind her and whatnot

Uh don’t ask me what she’s gonna do with those boots But it includes stepping on somebody’s face um anywho come through here this is our morgue we also have a crematorium big words uh where we got the airline bat and a little bit of a uh a morg area

With colonel and uh Landon oh here a little bit of a coffee machine a little bit of like there’s little Easter eggs in here somewhere yeah see that guy little banners and stuff like that you never know what’s going to be looking back at you this one’s a little bit bloody

Um not the most like sanitary area but it’s fair it’s cool it’s cool all right let me get some pork chops in here uh and that’s this area which is like the dungeon of the nether Hub so let’s go start I guess we’ll head over to the princess of Wonderland next which is

Bunny’s build now you guys have seen so frequently in this world uh Small Time lurker um she hangs out from time to time on the channel so I think it’s this way now that I’ve been blinded by you know these dudes uh where am I

Oh my why okay I know where I’m at anywho everybody’s got a different style tunnel actually before we head over to Bunny’s build let’s do the couple of the nether builds that we got going on here oh snap that’s bunnies anyways this we’ll head over to zopa’s build

First because you know makes sense it’s right here so zopa’s got the blaze tunnel pretty flipping cool is a big giant battle going on here between Zopa and the uh piglens uh elusive soap is supposed to be a little bit of a mage these guys are supposed to be a

Little bit more of the brutes they’re going to be named after people uh inside the channel but over here huh we have the blaze farm a little bit over a little bit over the top so we got the band blazes we got the blaze Towers uh the eternal flame that’s like right here

And we got the red the orange oh snap uh Annie hoosler we got uh his army right here so the cool lore behind this one is the fact that uh these blazes actually come out of these things like these are like spawning pods for zopa’s peeps you know what I mean

Uh so his Army’s infinite it’s not just this it’s just all that we got the blaze farm up here so right behind here is the blaze farm uh with a blaze obviously shooting flamethrowers out of its uh you know out of its mouth with the blade spawner

Right up there where I you know get all my um Ablaze stuff craft my n Rods uh and whatnot it all just comes through here then of course we have Zopa on his eternal throne uh very high in fiber never caught off his porcelain throne for as long as I’ve

Known him and a good bunch of people who basically protect him on that Throne are waiting for the throne I don’t know but anyways he’s got his toilet paper he’s set he’s got a buck a little bit of cheeky water in there I can’t spend too

Much time in there because it gets a little bit too much um with the uh with the good old nose uh let’s take that guy out pick this guy out um never miss a shot but this is Zopa come down this way we can go see uh who elusive is

So lucif of course has his own tunnel up in this piece as we walk down through here obviously more fighting going on uh this guy’s looking down like what I know it’s crazy man uh come down through here we’ve got more Wizards doing wizardy stuff more fighting um

And then this is elusive’s build who is the god of red rivers where we built a giant netherwort farm and uh stuff like that for flip six um we’re just gonna fly out of here uh never miss a shot that’s true uh this is elusive’s build kind of like a giant

Cathedral it’s got a giant netherwort farm in it I’ll show you guys what we got uh going on in here so if you come through here it’s uh this is where I want to build like a lot of like I don’t know like like cool like glass work and everything like that we

Have elusive over here on his throne uh we got the hoglands up here inside these cages that one’s probably just a small one probably named sis um so we got a big group of people here I don’t know if you guys recognize this he’s in the city as well looking at a map

Um and all that fun stuff so he’s got his army here uh his crossbow guys his sword guys we’re gonna take a super sophisticated way down to the netherwort farm where I’m just gonna break this block and I’m gonna fall down a layer

This is where I cook up a lot of the um netherracks so I can make the stuffs who’s this we got sand out here the gold helmet we got bees out here with a little piece of Netherrack doing I don’t know what um but below here we actually have the um

A giant Another War Farm so that’s pretty cool we got Bonnie down here we got zompa uh big Chillin I use the all lays down here to basically collect all the nether Ward as I come through here and just basically Harvest I think it’s like something stupid like

20 000 Plus or uh I don’t know it’s a it’s a it’s a good amount it’s a good amount who else we got up in the air dude we got um uh silly I can’t remember what the chicken’s name would be oh silly goose uh we have more people up

In here and this is where I also breed them up I don’t know where Amanda’s at oh Amanda too big Chillin where the heck’s her name I think anyways this is a giant nethermore farm all right we’ll take our super highly sophisticated way on out by slap it on the elytra we’ll fly up out of here and I’ll take you guys over to the princess

Of Wonderland which is a pretty cool build um we will check out the Wither Skelly Farm later dude um didn’t obviously spawn proof a lot of this place I brought a little bit of another Workforce in here there’s also a hogland farm to go with this um so yeah

We’re just gonna fly through here take it all like pretty quick and then we’ll do uh we’ll just fly up this way kick it over this way it’s a massive Hub this thing took me about three months to build this hub uh it’s a lot of stuff a lot of

Expensive resources a lot of uh red sand you know what I mean so over here is bunnies she is obviously into Alice in Wonderland and um light blue pink or magenta cyan those are her colors so we try to do that we wanted to go with a little bit of a

Unique road so we have like the uh the coarse fruit and stuff like that inside of the the floor with the gems going down the center she actually made this art which is pretty flipping cool there in the center she’s got two charged creepers uh and then we use the cake to basically

Spawn proof this area a little bit but if we continue to go on down here we’ll actually find Bunny’s belt so um let me just kind of just like oh this is Bunny’s build supposed to be kind of like Berry based off of uh Alice in Wonderland

Because that’s like one of her big things so hopefully it’s night time when we get here nope um anyways this is uh this is Bunny’s build this is uh this is a mushroom Island which is really flipping cool we got the Cheshire Cat up there we’ve got

Um this is supposed to be Mrs Potts pouring tea into chimp from Beauty and the Beast um I think that’s the one uh we got the uh the giant heart Castle right here we got the gas shooting Fireballs there’s a lot to take in here I got the little pocket watch me and

Bill chilling there with the Bunny with the Mad Hatter’s hat and the monocle um but yeah let’s get into this area a little bit I’ll give you guys a little bit of a flyby because this island is actually shaped like a heart which is really flipping cool if we fly away far enough

You guys can see that it’s actually shaped like a heart which is a very unique Flippin Mushroom Island I didn’t make this this is just normal terrain dude which I thought was really wicked we’ll just fly through here and uh I guess it’ll work our way around here um

So we can kind of take it all in we got upside down pandas apparently we got um all this kind of stuff here there’s a lot to take in here so here we go we got a little bit of an outdoor uh area for people to eat

We got the uh the coffee shop we got the ice cream shop uh we call this one jitters got a little bit of a menu array here I don’t know who the heck Walter and Karen uh people hanging out here we got Marcia and all that kind of stuff I think this

Is honeybee or honey Bay chilling out we got ice cream here with another appearance of you’ve guessed it Amanda and Sam out here but this time and flipping Panda form so it’s very uh it’s very out here they don’t sell anybody ice cream because they don’t really have opposable thumbs

Notice how one of them’s grumpy that one’s Sam uh we got a random fox in here a little bit of an ice cream machine and whatnot um big chilling come around here we got a little bit of a donut shop um a little bit of a Sino in here so we

Got this donut area right here if you want to craft up donuts or cinnamon rolls goats apparently in here and all that fun stuff I think that’s where I keep my wheat a little a little wheat stash come out this way this is our loot box

So this is actually supposed to be like a little bit of a casino though I’ll show you guys a little bit about this that’s the loot box so if we go inside of here we actually have a um flipping super rare Enchanted flipping dude out here over here where I flipped

Out just need to flip he’s not attacking me because I think it’s daytime oh he big chilling right now uh he’s got his nautilus shell and all that kind of stuff we got the little gambling machines and um whatever people want poker tables pool tables uh dart boards

Um yeah a really cool build fun fancy come through here of course we got mooshrooms all over the place a lot of these guys are names uh like this guy right here um that’s homura we got uh mushroom uh next door all that fun stuff chaos everybody big Chillin of course when we

Make our way over to pixel Palace we have the chess board yeah Riley hanging out there this is uh like the big game of chess that you can play in Alice in Wonderland which is pretty flipping cool uh we got like these uh these little goats and stuff like that

These little like Micro Arts but I think are so cute um not my design at all but this guy uh is absolutely amazing I got a lot of these things uh up in here we’ve got the uh big giant snowball fight going on right now everybody just playing uh with the

Snowballs and stuff this guy big chilling um pretty cool fight we got the uh the penguin the um the Snowman a bunch of boats where apparently we’ve got a bunch of llamas hanging out these little crabs hello are you kidding me dude look at these crabs that’s so cool

Love these crabs anyways we got this little uh this little guy right here inside of here we actually have another version of Carl in his big terrarium so he’s got like a little bit of a mushroom dark oak fullness a little bit of uh uh Sandy Beach over there some water so he

Could Vibe out big chilling dude in his own is a little terrarium another grumpy panda um we got the frogs love these frogs inside of here we actually have a area where you can play games if you want to go catch uh like those little like fish and stuff like that

So this was uh this was a really cool fun build to do obviously we got the mushroom cows and all that kind of cool stuff as we go uh we’ll work our way in a little bit closer to uh pixel Palace we’re actually another one of our wardens reside right

Here so this is where this dude’s at this is uh bestie next door this is bestie uh one of bunny is Messi’s just big chilling out here uh we’ll just fly away so we can go we don’t get blasted into season two um and we’ll fly down here into the darkness um

Anyways we got these things Bunny’s got her little uh gargoyles and all that kind of stuff big sand from arm across not being invited to the uh the table we got um Sam out here with more boots it’s a very common Trend around here we got assist

Trying to snipe somebody with a snowball I highly doubt he’d say he’s able to hit anything he doesn’t have that big of arms um anyways as we come through here we’ve got Tweedledee Tweedledum they’re big chillin uh we got the uh the flamingos up that do you uh that you saw them that

They were playing I think it was crochet or whatever the heck game that was uh we got bees and golf guarding the entrance of the door so ain’t nothing gonna get through that and if that doesn’t work we got Rusty an outlet on the other side uh

But this is Bunny’s table right here she’s got the aquariums going all the way up the soul gem um the uh the Axolotl that’s her right there I don’t know if you noticed it but it says her name right above her uh her armor stand though

Um and then we got everybody who hangs out at the table with her the Big T table you got Carissa corn they’re all eating flipping cakes with tridents because flip in trying to make me go down bad for tridents out here man everybody’s got big forks for big cakes you know I

Mean so uh people drinking tea we got the parents out here a little bit of a jukebox down here that we can like play music in and whatnot um pretty cool so it’s a Vibe we have a dark heart up here which I thought was actually kind

Of unique and I was like oh well just keep that dude f it looks cool um and a little bit of a unique floor design I don’t know if you guys can really see that these doorways that totally go places so they’re uh they’re really cool and again

With the uh with the fans and everything like that we try to go with the like the theme of hey uh keeping everything kind of split up but that’s the inside of uh pixel Palace what the flip how’d you get out anyways I’m gonna show you guys the uh

The petting zoo where all the animals are kind of small and some of them are kind of big um goats are a real pain in the neck to keep in there as you guys can see this is uh the petting zoo where we keep all the small animals um

This is where the this is where the goats are supposed to be we got bunny goat next door uh apparently they’re able to get out so we got Brad Brad’s a real pain in the neck so he’s probably the culprit of that we got uh tur twig

We got this random little creeper over here why is he over there oh he must have got rammed by one of the goats he used to be right here whoa um yeah that’s crazy dude we got jab we got more of these guys we’ve got small uh small grumpy dudes Oreo

Um we got this guy who’s Big chilling out here with spuds uh we got a little Leo little um little mooshrooms mui Belle Carlos um I didn’t realize how many uh flip and Skelly horses we have here we got turn up you know I mean we got Turn Up For

What anyways this place is gonna be uh built up more so it’s a little bit more detailed later and stuff that’s also another random pink sheep that we found here we didn’t dye that guy that guy’s legit uh we also have like Squirtle and uh Turtle again

Uh they’re big chilling out here uh but apparently all those dudes got out so that’s a that’s a vibe um but yeah a little bit of an Easter egg up here on the top of this ghast we have Poltergeist so remember that because they’re gonna make an appearance later

On today when we go over to the Wither Skelly Farm which is really cool so this is uh these are these dudes these are supposed to be like hot air balloons that are bringing in people on vacation which is going to be tied into some other stuff

You know we got uh football crazy who’s just out here um and everything like that so we’ll come through here and we’ll make our way over to the next build which I think will probably be the witch Farm because it’s almost nighttime dude and that’s like the perfect time to go over here

But anyways princess of Wonderland built for bunny oh she’s also got cool Phantoms up here uh I thought this build was a lot of fun so we’ll go through here again and we’ll make our way over to the witch Farm then the raid farm and then ocean monument in

That order there’s a lot of stuff to show for two hours into this world tour and if you guys have made it this far I appreciate you guys thank you so much and I’m trying to rush my way through this but this is a big flipping world yeah holy smokes okay so

This is the ocean Monument tunnel that comes from the uh the main Hub as you guys will see let me go through here all ocean Monument themed after like Guardians and uh Outsider who is the god of the sea so that’s pretty cool um and in here we transition over to the

Witch tunnel must be like split off into this we used a ton of respawn anchors and crying obsidian and books and all that fun stuff for the floor not expensive at all didn’t struggle whatsoever with the crying obsidian uh we got people like rip systematically and the poultry Geist

Again as a little bit of an Easter egg as a ghost uh and then we wanted to go with like a little bit of a Halloweentown vibe in here um where we have like these cool like houses and that will tie into the Ascension that we’re heading to right now for football crazy

Um but as we make our way through here we got like cool ghosts and stuff and scarecrows and bookcases and we got uh dead inclusive out here big Sanchez um we got like a little bit of this scape like a mural with like the clouds and scarecrows and all that fun stuff so

We’re gonna go through here this will take us out to the witch Farm uh this was probably the biggest fog effect I’ve ever had and ever done in a world so this thing’s nutty welcome to the witch Farm let me show you guys an overhead view of this this thing is

Um probably I think it’s over 70 000 pieces of purple glass going all the way down towards the witch Farm itself which we’ll double back to I wanted to build a bunch of big giant mushrooms and uh play around with that this is when I wanted to build bigger mushrooms but with

Different details um mind you we also like filled the ground with like um you know stars and these little Bubbles and wanted to kind of gray create like a little bit of an effect like coming out of the ground so people can look at them in awe that’s Amanda looking at that thingy

Um and we got people like kind of walking down here you’ll see all kinds of really cool mushrooms where we’re just kind of playing around with stuff being like what could we like come up with mushroom wise um to make things like look really really cool we put amethyst inside of

The fog here give that a little bit of a um nice little touch I really like this one so that might make another appearance or in the world somewhere um but yeah we have all kinds of people kind of ripping all around out here and stuff like that but

Football crazies uh is supposed to be a little bit of a haunted mansion so check this out it looks really flipping cool with shaders uh with the honey blocks with the glow uh glowstone behind there was uh suggested to me by um I think Amanda inside the comments section or

Inside the twitch chat it looks really flipping cool looks like the lights are on in there dude so that’s really really cool uh we got the toxic fog you know a little bit of a wall right here and then this is where we kind of

Stepped up our game when it came down to potion brewing so as we come up through here we have the hardcore heart of course uh we have perninator oh here we had another one right here but I think a pig pushed off there but now I guess we have a chicken

Um so I guess you know it’s whatever this is the potion Brewer designed by impulse it’s pretty flipping cool we have these cauldrons right here where these two people are trying to put together uh I don’t know some sort of like recipe for something we got the

Purple cauldron we’ve got the uh the green uh collagen right there I thought that was pretty cool behind this wall is a massive um ocean Brewer will basically keep Auto brewing potions like I said flipping awesome uh this thing’s nuts uh designed by you know impulse so we

Got all the potions slow falling um fire resistance as soon as I use up an item it will basically replenish that item well a little bit of water down there we’ve got the swiftness um strength potions healing weakness and then whatever the heck we want to add in there pretty flipping cool so

Um that’s really neat right there so that’s a potion Brew right there if we come through here we can go over towards uh Ray works is uh witch Farm but over here I’ll just show you a little bit of the detail up in this fish

This is a little bit of a what the slime farm and a little bit of a pumpkin patch with a scarecrow and all that fun stuff just on this side another little bulky tree as we slowly got better at doing trees in this world um

This is a little bit of a cemetery where we have all these dudes this is one of the villagers that took a vacation I blame bunny um anyways we come through here we’ve got like you know pigs popping out of graves we got all those dead trees uh different trees

Um this is the uh like I said this is uh Ray Works design that works off as zoglands and probably one of the scariest Farms I’ve ever had to put together because this Farm uses entity cramming to kill flip in um these dudes and then we just get a lot of this

So we got spider eyes like nobody’s business don’t know what the heck we’d ever use that for this place is pretty cool supposed to be like a little bit of a um what do you what do you call these things again like a crypt or something

I love this I love grayscale builds I absolutely love it dude if we come back here this is uh we’re gonna be heading over towards Halloweentown but first there’s a secret behind this wall right here um and here we have a little bit of a uh

You know when I don’t know what we needed this for to be honest but we got a bunch of one cow we got one cow in there um shears you know all that kind of stuff this is a bee fun that we had and all that kind of stuff so

Um this is where we keep all the bees and stuff when we were working in the area to get a bunch of honey that I didn’t realize that Holy flip this thing’s full um so that’s pretty cool uh so we’re gonna come through here and I’ll show you guys Halloweentown

So Halloweentown is just back here looks really cool at night so we’re gonna try to like look at this thing got a little bit of a pumpkin patch here like little cauldrons uh flipping this guy hello there it is um a little bit of a pumpkin patch with

These big flipping um pumpkins and stuff um we have a mayor we do have a Mary here uh not fully in place so it’s pretty cray-cray got the little scarecrows got all the kind of houses this is like a costume shop and all this kind of stuff

Right up in here if you guys want to buy like costumes and scarecrows this is uh Sam runs his plates it’s not done yet we kind of missed the mark this is back when I was uh probably taking on a little bit too much at the time to be

Able to finish in a month a lot of flipping work but anyways this is the the mayor’s uh house right here and this is where the mayor lives she’s in here somewhere it’s all boxed up okay I’ll show you guys the interior of this uh this place come through here

This is inside of the flipping Mansion did this is where uh football crazy hangs out we got a gassed up here um super easy to capture I guess if you guys have never done it nothing but the finest Nether Warts um yeah if you guys have never captured a

Gas it’s just insanely easy you can’t like honestly never done anything easier resident sleeper type deal um but anyways if you ever want to come down here and tickle its toes or just chill out um yeah so big uh big big vibe there flip was that noise anyways

This is the uh I love this table it’s like a two thick trapdoor table are you kidding me uh we got Nikki Casey Dragon bunny we got football crazy thought it’s a magic of course we got Forbes and Abby and then essentially back there looking for books but this is her uh her

Table right here a little bit of a um a library that we built here this thing’s actually on wheels yup so it actually slides back and forth thought that was kind of creative I’m just gonna eat these pork chops real quick got it on both sides

All that fun stuff but that is pretty much the witch Farm really cool oh check this out look at this uh what happened to my carpet there it is look at that you know if you like if you if you literally look at that that’s pretty cool I thought that was super neat

You can just walk up this thing without even jumping because there’s a uh fence post there oh yeah this is the witch Farm we’ll head over to the raid Farm next which isn’t that far but we’ll still take the nether so you guys can see the portal for that area

So uh we’ll see how it goes uh we’ll fly through here yeah that’s a very cool uh like mechanic that you can do where you can put like um fence post underneath that kind of stuff a little bit of a little bit of an incline without actually having to jump it’s super neat

Come through here obviously back to the nether Hub this over here is our our raid farm so this is supposed to look like a Coliseum with a totem so we have like the stands all along here this is supposed to be the rib cage of a T-Rex and you guys

Will see why dude so we’ve got this as we come through here we’ll go over to the raid Farm and on the other side of this portal we have a T-rex skull dude and for like the longest time we had this cow stuck in there named a

Toothpick but this is the raid Farm the Coliseum not that far away from the wish Farm one of our very first uh second time we’ve actually tried to build a little bit of a village it’s nothing crazy it’s not it’s still under development like a

Lot of things in this world but this is where we do a lot of our manual like raids so we step inside of here or Ninja Warrior the God of War and we come in here like a gladiator from back in the day and we fight our raids here in the arena

Which is really cool uh we got like little slime launchers um that if you like ravagers will like get shot up in the air um obviously like bones for taking a down big creatures we actually have a firework display back there um that we don’t really use that much

Anymore because we do this every Friday so quite a bit we have the Vex heads sad and happy ravagers happy and um you know uh mad and chilling I guess another uh skull I was going through like a phase here where I wanted to just build a

Bunch of like skulls and stuff I thought that was really cool we got chicken jockey of course we got the emerald heart uh we got dragon out here he actually holds one of my Notch apples uh we got sloth we got the guy who took out filza Sizzle sore we got uh

Nero and uh turtles they’re all like kind of like Gladiators and champions that used to hang out basically I’m just gonna kind of like rip around here um and then we got the outside of this area we got like the little benches and whatnot uh little uh info Booth by Ally

And then we got Stompy and you want to buy like your Yarns and your wool a little wandering trainer action right here for joberson selling whatever joberson’s selling out here um honey stands for Professor Bob we’ve got Fantasia with his pearls uh just like a little bit of an outdoor market area

And then just messing around with a different build style and everything like that so we’ve got uh trees right there uh this should be rowboat I believe yeah Robo and um skier all selling like these little like little areas people bought these houses we got stogie uh we got a

Little bit of a Pergola right here and people want to kind of chill out and hang out got these fake bees out here we got the little bed above a little bit of a bath house for Pablo and uh um this is supposed to be like an outdoor uh

Bath house you got your towels your hot tub people can come uh come in here and get their massages and big chilling a little bit of uh this is supposed to be um you know some sort of book shop more houses a little bit of a cart back here some sheep

A little bit of a pumpkin carp we built this one for Boyd um his house right here hablo’s side he loves green so we added a little bit of green there um we got Pappy little his little house right there and all that fun stuff I thought it was really cool like adding

Like the Redstone to the floor and whatnot but it’s uh supposed to be like kind of like a Roman themed Village so it’s uh it’s still under development whenever the heck we make our way back here we’ll make our way back here and kind of expand it as the time goes on

But obviously as the world expands things get busier and busier dude holy um got an Enderman we got a little like honey pot deal there’s right here I think I built this one for mini yup mini Tron built this little outdoor uh little um archery thing where you can like you

Know have like your archers can shoot the apples off of uh armor stands and you know practice with your crossbows and fight with your shirt off whatever you want to do um coming over here and we have a little bit of a like a blacksmith ore area this

One’s for Dragon Warrior or Warrior uh he’s like our little Smith uh Smith guy like a little bit of like a gnome um anyways learned the hard way that you can’t put wood that close to Lava because apparently that’s too close to put a flipping little bit of a roof uh

Wall anyways he’s our guy uh we got a little bit of an outdoor horror stable if you guys want to come over here and rent some horses this is for spring he’s got a little bit of a horse stable uh donkey of course because you can’t have a horse stable

Without that one donkey this area is built for deshone he’s got a little bit of an outdoor area up in here so clap chilling this one I’m pretty sure I built this one for this they’re all just like really cool and uh like interesting designs completely different from what

I’m uh from what I’m like normally used to and then we got the flowers and uh you know another Charged Creeper that we haven’t done anything with but this is for sir uh sir angles Sergeant angles or um you know all that kind of stuff

And then we got a you know the flowers and I don’t want to get too close to that guy obviously not dangerous at all you’re right um where I get my level uh where I get my level five raids from it’s just over here nothing pretty just functional

Uh we have this right here I just kind of go up to this dirt platform where I can try to get myself um you know a level five raid pretty much so that’s pretty cool oh we’ll fly back and then I kind of come over here we do that whole deal and

Um you know it’s whatever get our pork chopped in we’ll go over to the Wither Skelly Farm next uh but before we do that we might take a quick little intermission to go uh to go stretch your legs and everything like that I know we’re like

Two hours into this world tour right now and there’s still a lot to see a lot to see so we’ll work our way back to the central hub and we’ll take ourselves a small little break and we’ll continue on with what we’re doing so so we’ll do this one we’ll come back

We’ll look at the Ocean Monuments actually we should just go to the ocean Monument now we’ll go to the weather scalley Farm after so we don’t have to fly through this region of the world anymore so we’ll come through here and we’ll just go straight to the ocean

Monument we’ll go to my boat we can big uh we can Big Chill and then we’ll be back um but yeah this is the ocean monument that we’re gonna go into this one’s built for outsider uh the god of the sea which is pretty cool

This is a little bit of a sneak peek this is the boat this boat is designed uh inspired by uh Pirates of the Caribbean and there’s a lot of lore that comes into this uh this place this place has gone undergone so many changes and uh we’ll get into that here in a

Second we got a full diamond Skelly and everything like that this is basically where everything started the very first Ascension and everything like that so I’ll be right back give me a couple minutes all right so where we left off was on the boat that was like a split second

For you guys it was like five minutes for me anyways this is my boat uh or outsider’s bow and I’ll tell you guys a little bit of the uh a little bit of the lore behind Outsider and why he’s the god of the sea pretty

Much so we’ve got uh this is the one year no uh no popping a totem cake right here to celebrate that we have our one millionth and uh one millionth um Stone mind the last Stone uh in the end we of course have uh Golden Apple all of my mods on all their

Heads uh Warden had just for the flax rainbow head because this is a safe place to be at for no matter who you are cheeky little Flippin um crafting bench down here we got Rose’s head paying the ghast Wait no that’s when I got the advancement for

Getting that got this little guy named snowball um this whole deal we’re not going to get into like the full part of this place but this is basically the heart of my base the heart of my world pretty much down here so as we come up here you guys can see

Everybody up in here who’s like you know on the boat and this is a guardian Farm um and all this kind of stuff so let me just go quickly sleep in the nether I can show you guys this without getting um you know dive bombed by a creeper or

Something like that this is a small glimpse of the uh the Hall of Fame we’re gonna go over the Hall of Fame later not right now but we’ll get into the Hall of Fame later probably finalize it with the uh with this because this is a massive

Project on its own we got about 18 of these random Halls they’re all different themes with different people inside of the uh the Hall of Fame and stuff that you guys can Deco your channel points okay anyways the overhead view of this this is the monument we have the

Guardian who shoots the laser out of the monument itself we built it all out of Blackstone warped logs all that fun stuff and it’s all propped up with these big giant tridents this used to be Bedrock before they changed the Bedrock height of the world uh but we have these big giant tridents

That are basically hold up our Monument with a little bit of a um a centerpiece right here which is a little bit of a fountain we have all the axolotls this is actually where we got the blue Axolotl in this world then of course we have Outsider who sits

On his throne the god of the sea uh and of course his guards who uh who guard him on his throne so a little bit of the lore behind Outsider was he was a pirate that was his pirate ship back in the day until he died because he didn’t know

About Guardians back in the day he wasn’t aware of what was lurking inside of the monument itself he ended up dying inside of the monument finding the heart of the sea that resurrected him brought him back to life and the Magical Trident that was able to give

Him the power to basically drain the entire Monument to make it his own kingdom to conquer it in the very end uh so that’s a little bit about him in a little way we got these drowns pixel arts up here on the roof as like little fountains this is the storage room

Itself right here and if we look down here we have one of these dudes captured I thought that was pretty cool this is where we get all of our prismine shards pursuing crystals apparently prismarine blocks um so on and so forth all right here pretty simple they just fall to their

Death we also call this place the Terra Temple where we get a lot of our terraforming materials in this world so I didn’t follow any kind of tutorial on how to build this I think this is a pretty easy mechanic only Guardians can spawn inside of a guardian Farm

Or inside of a monument sorry and if you just fill it with water Guardians will spawn sure you get the occasional fish but it’s not really a problem because they don’t really like go into the center here it’s a little bit broken as you can see that guy just whiling out

It’s supposed to push him in I broke the signs by accident a little bit of an Easter egg for you guys and there’s just eventually they’ll get shoved into the center here this is the uh the guardian when I was trying to get better at doing pixel arts and everything

The original dogs we got Domino travsky Zopa Tommy then we got little things like if we want to neat if we ever need like cocoa beans we can do that if we need these we could Shear those and warped uh twisting Vines uh snowballs Flower Farms a bunch of bone meal to

Fill these guys up these are all just micro Farms bamboo lichen um we got a little bit of glowberries sweet berries if you’re into that um make your way across here we’ve got Vines all the way across if you ever need vines that just get collected right here

A little bit of a bamboo here although we don’t really use that if we ever need like I don’t know like mushrooms or like nylium or anything like that we just use this area I think those are supposed to be for ferns don’t use that anymore this

Is actually awesome this is root so if I ever need Roots I can just do this or do that and just like kind of farm Roots I don’t know why this is here oh infinite water source kelp seagrass and we used to have drip Leaf here and now it doesn’t grow one up

Sitting anymore which is Big sad but anyways we could Farm we could Farm drip Leaf there if you wanted to add the um the Moss Back oh yeah this is a little bit of the exterior here and it comes all the way down already showed off the boat to you guys we’ll be

Revisiting this area later because there’s so much more to see here in terms of a huge amount of uh Hall of Fame stuff uh there’s a little bit of Easter eggs here though we had a Charged Creeper that we flipping walked into one time that was inside this boat blew us up

Took no hearts of damage you know because you know we’re a Chad like that um so that was pretty cool um so you were just out here got these random dudes who would just throw inside boats just because we can um let’s go through here we’ll make our

Way over to the weather scalley Farm now where I get a lot of my beacons and everything like that oh we’ll just fly through here we’ll connect ourselves back up to the chandelier uh the main Central hub I think we have about five or six more big builds in this

World to look at so I can show you guys all that like I said I hope you guys brought your snacks because this is not a this isn’t light a lot of flipping hours back to this area gotta switch over to shaders because it looks sweet uh with a big

Giant Chandelier and everything like that in place here absolutely gorgeous make our way around here don’t fly too close to the wardens slap those bad boys off come through here ah okay so this is our wither Skelly tunnel we’re gonna be doing these out uh these outer areas soon enough

But this is where we get a lot of our beacons this farm that you guys are about to see took me like three months to build it is almost a testament to just being mentally flippant strong dude because digging in the nether or this flipping long

Um took a lot of mental fortitude right now we’re at 2.6 million I don’t know what we ended off at um the basalt because we’re inside of a Basalt Delta I didn’t know a whole lot about these um wither Skelly Farms when I built this originally so

This was obviously my very first one like I said came over from Bedrock but this is their uh this is our this is our perimeter dude and it takes a while to kind of like soak it all in with that just how big a perimeter really is I

Didn’t get rid of the lava because F that um but this is just a massive area that just took us forever to dig out if I can do it we might be able to dangle our way over here but we have an original hole over there

I’ll show you guys that before we leave the original hole uh we got these little crystals this guy’s falling off the end Island uh we got a cool looking ghast this used to be a pixel art of a of a Wither and uh creeper except Halloween happened and I was getting the Wither

Skellies with the pumpkin heads and let’s just say long story short things got burnt down by flipping gas um anyways basically it’s pretty straightforward wither skellies was basically spawn on the Wither roses because they don’t take damage right mobs can spawn if they don’t take damage on a block that’s what basically makes

It spawn proof for every other mob like you know blazes and uh gas and whatnot so this is two layers two Crossroads and um all that kind of stuff it kind of cranks it out but it’s nothing too crazy like I said I wanted to kind of do this

One with my own like knowledge of Minecraft uh we’ll turn down the the Hostile creatures because you know you know what they say dude anyways quick little thing Poltergeist is here another little Easter egg Poltergeist used to activate this thing I set it up to a clock and I never see

The fire uh the fireball actually shoot nowadays so I don’t know dude I blame Bill anyways we got these floating little platforms right here the Dual hardcore heart big boy right here uh the fake Withers the the tubes where they fall uh we got crazy out here out of the underworld

And we’ll come down here that’s another bunny back in the day um before she became toxic and stuff like that one of my mods uh we got the another one of the floor tricks with the uh the uh the end of chest another one of these dudes big Chillin this

Auto sorter for the Wither Skelly Farm hardly ever breaks incredibly reliable because it’s totally not built on a on a chunk border anyways we got bones for days we get coal for days wither skulls a lot of Wither skulls all that kind of stuff but in insanely reliable system if

We ever need we got boxes here and uh more bones and um you know let me just launch yourself up to here whoop come over here and just start swiping away and start killing them you know with their skellies pretty easy pretty straightforward um yeah let me see if I can um

Show you guys the little hole that I um used to hang out in got more skulls right here whoa those are supposed to be there um obviously anyways bounce our way out of here we’ll turn back on the uh the mob sounds thank you that’s how it’s all it’s very flipping

Loud in there dude uh we’ll just kind of jump our way out of here uh let’s see if we can dangle this so this is the original hole right here where we used to kind of sit at back in the day day all right let’s chill I meant to do that anyways

Check out this hole I used to hang out here dude this is where we used to come over here on the twitch streams and stuff like that just look at this and be like brah why are we doing this and I used to like kind of hang on this

Hole and used to have all my boxes and stuff like that and things were super organized and we’d even did a little bit of netherite mining down there but I had all kinds of boxes in here just like tools I can come over here every single

Day because I wanted to not because I had to um so you know that’s pretty chill a little bit of a volcano and stuff like that I’m kidding obviously uh this uh this place is amazing another little fog effect you’ll see a lot of those um

Cool and it’s in a Basalt Delta so you know magma cubes probably one of my favorite mobs you know what I mean um yeah lots of magma cubes okay we’ll go over to the iron farm next since it’s right there holy flip we’re chilling uh we’re back here we’ve got King Jared

Out here we’ve got mini Tron we got blue all the um these dudes we got trevsky who is the god of iron uh we got healer all right so this is the iron farm town supposed to be a very steampunky um got the gears in the floor got all

The active thingies lights that it should be flickering wherever the flip those are yeah right there we got little cranes more robots you guys will see that big flip and drill broken clocks because you know this is the uh this is the uh you know the nether clocks don’t work out here big

Steamy deals with big levers and you know parts more robots when we come through here and this is gonna be our iron farm this is our spawn chunks this is where I first spawned in on the world uh that basically you know started this whole deal

And we’ve got the uh the flying Airship that we’re on right now which is pretty cool uh we were probably gonna go to sleep real quick because you know um but anyways this is the uh this is the Airship very first Airship I’ve ever built bunch of people on the boat we’re

Able to be here for uh when we finish this place this is the iron farm itself which is pretty cool supposed to be kind of um you know a different style let me just uh sleep real quick so I can show you guys um daytime stuffs but it’s supposed to be like an

Observatory uh you can see like the big giant telescope coming out of there and whatnot if I fly over here this is the airship pretty cool put a little bit of the uh the things right here so I basically spawned right here in the world and that was the Mesa

That’s when I knew dang I’ve never seen anybody ever build in the Mesa before so I was like I’m gonna do that uh there’s a bunch of like random stuff in here too like frogs uh crocodiles look at this crocodile dude look at this thing are you kidding me Isn’t that cool

Uh we have the uh the hardcore heart of course very common Trend we got these guys Brad and Chad you got the gears in the floor so this this floor was actually um heavily inspired by those really cool watches that you see and then you look

Into them and you can see all the gears moving and stuff like that I thought that was so cool so I was like bro I gotta do that um got the big windmills the the robots that are flipping whipping around here um the flipping cranes and stuffs

Uh we’ve got a really cool looking uh wall Ray here ran in here this is where I I breed up a bunch of um Turtles to get scoot so this is actually a scoot Farm yep got a mine cart system underneath here pretty flipping cool

Uh got the gears in the uh the wall right there um come through here we got a little bit of a furnace array nothing too cray-cray um just because furnace is obviously run non-stop in the uh in spawn chunks so we come in here this is a quad iron fire

Built by rayworks pretty cool well I built it but he designed it um yeah so we got all kinds of stuff never been blown up by that Crystal ever uh we got Stella out here and we got like these really cool like pods with like um especially like Iron Man suits in a

Way with robust oh here we got um the honeycomb Farm because you know these guys go flipping hard in the spawn chunks and it’s probably Beyond broken now so I don’t want to repair it uh we come through here we got the exact same deal but this one’s for honey

So we got glass bottles for days um and we should have honey somewhere I don’t flip it now a bunch of honey if we need uh any of my honey blocks or whatever you know I mean uh down here is where all the um you know we’ve got the four modules gets you

About 350 per so about 1200 per hour which is obviously pretty dang good for a single player world I don’t really need a whole lot of that you’ve already seen my villager trades um this thing kind of connects back to the hub but this is where it all goes we all

Filter out all of the um the poppies and we just keep the iron in here so I thought this was a pretty cool pretty nifty we’ve got some uh cheeky little ender chests down here you know come up through this so I thought that was pretty neat

I think goes hard though love it over here we got robots is this supposed to be like kind of like one of those things where they display their robots and stuff really cool got the flying drones we got Wally who’s like kind of like a

Wee-woo you can kind of like sit in here and type deal it’ll play like pushing around and what’s not what not we got R2D2 and wired um they basically build the robots here and ship them out that’s basically what the lore is like this is supposed to be

A manufacturer for these robots uh we’ve got the guard Bots we got Chad uh I’m pretty sure this guy’s name is Brad yeah Chad and Brad and then we got uh we got Sparky and awkward Tron really cool um so we will fly up here now

Towards the uh the upper part of the observatory um looking down at that looks pretty sick but dang dude looks like an iron farm because it is I know it’s a shock uh I’ve got a little bit of a window so we can see like the robot up close uh a

Little bit of the gate dealio like dang dude uh this guy’s like looking off one of the uh the the thingies and then we got trevsky the god of uh you know um Forger and he’s looking through a telescope one of these days you might even connect it

And uh yeah no problem a lot of fun littleness sort of deal kind of getting it all going but it’s a big giant Observatory and that’s pretty much the iron farm so uh we’ll go out of here and we’ll do the the deal so that’s the iron farm dude I’ll take

You guys over to slimeville real quick this was actually one of the very first uh villages that I ever came to one of the one of the uh literally one of the first Villages I ever came to but it’s still an active Village we just wanted

To make it look abandoned all boarded up and all that kind of stuff um kind of like abandoned like we couldn’t get rid of it we didn’t have the heart for that this is my very first Fletching table bruh uh pretty neat we still have villagers in here I guess uh but it’s

Just supposed to be like kind of overrun and stuff like that we’ll make our way back over here when we expand the uh the Masa and uh stuff like that those are very very fun build this is the mossinator did currently probably busted but it’s uh you know

It’s a it’s a small Flex um I’m not gonna try to fix it right now because I was like you know what I’m gonna fly out of here and I’m gonna go get do some stuff okay back thing was busted anyways it’s uh it’s a whole lot

Of levers and a whole lot of wasted bone meal but it’s lit um basically it’s where we get a lot of our Moss blocks Moss carpet Azalea more Azalea you know it goes It goes you know what I mean it goes so it does what we needed to do and that’s chill

So uh yeah we’re big chilling uh tomorrow problem and when we get to tomorrow we’ll just say that again it’s chill um one of these days we’ll get around to uh fixing it this is a completely decimated flipping um desert that I’m kind of just like destroying right now what the flip um

But let’s head on over to slimeville slimeville’s chaotic AF all right but that’s because I let chat choose a block so I could build with it what the flip um like Australia out here dude what the heck’s going on right now Sky pack must be busted um this is slimeville

Garbage is being taken out right now so if you hear big thuds garbage Seinfeld go for Colonel not a slime uh let me see if I gotta go to bed because I don’t know what the Flip’s going on right now yeah apparently it’s night time dude so we’re really out here

Anyways this is what happens when you let people choose the block that you get to build with so we’ve uh we’ve actually created something kind of special here um that flipping Lighthouse actually works so we’ll start there um and then we’ll work our way over to the club so

We’re gonna build a bridge here one of these days we’ll get it we’ll get it uh but just not right now so this is the lighthouse this is where Felicia lives so we can just yell uh you know that thing that Felicia says um a little bit of the Redstone up there

And whatnot don’t understand any of it but she lives up in here and we can just like close that down but this is the inside of the uh the light uh the library the lighthouse that looks like a library dude so that’s pretty cool um a lot of torch spam

Uh this was built way before you know the Light update so I don’t want to hear it this is the club where people get tipsy dude this is crazy out here dude so we got the lower area where you can hang out in the lounge we got DJs and stuff like that

Um and I bet you didn’t know we had this take this out of here pop that wow what the flip we got Kronos out here he works here this is a uh underground flipping sushi bar with nothing but the freshest fish so it’s pretty cool Chronos helps uh you

Know run this place and whatnot so it’s pretty chill uh and then I just fell Bop and then I fill this guy back up you’ll never even know it’s there dude great ciao we got Sean out here washing dishes and a bunch of people you know doing their thing

Uh we go up to the top floor of this place where we got the bouncer dude hello we come up through here we got another DJing back here DJ CJ up in the house dude where it makes no sense that I’ve got ice right next to a desert but it’s

Minecraft hey yo how you doing uh we got ourselves a little bit of like a dining I don’t know what do you call this place like a little place where you drink beers and stuff a lounge um out here people just hanging out here on the deck

Um but where the real parties at you can only get two if you have an elytra so we don’t have a Stairway up here this is the hot tub for all the hot tub streamers and stuff like that out here so we could just kind of vibe nicely uh warm environment

Things are getting real crazy up in here um we got uh DJ Legos up in this piece dude doing things little a little bit of a um what is this thing called air balloon never burned down once don’t use Netherrack use campfires um don’t learning that from personal

Experience just saying that just because it’s random anyways that thing is wicked um come down here this is my first modern house ever built I’m pretty sure thought it looked cool interior is totally done so check this out yeah looks Wicked um Power Plant water thingy so it’s obviously powered by a water

Wheel back here on a lake yep water wheels work on lakes or whatever the flip that is the ocean so anyways we we get the power I’m missing an End Rod I must have needed that somewhere um or maybe we need a repairman in there I don’t know

Uh water obviously if you need water another little modern house this is the pet shop dude run by Zopa pretty sure there’s no big big uh big chilling in here a little bit of aquarium these are all named fish that will never see the name of because they’re behind glass

So we all we can really do is look at them through the class and not know how much time has passed but it feels like forever but anyways back here we got a little bit of a like a little thingy back here so we can like pretty much you know uh

If you want an animal you can have like a random you know whatever the heck okay whip that egg okay check this place out this place is uh probably one of my favorite houses right here this thing’s Wicked uh we have this love this this was obviously a prismarine house

No Beacon effects because I’m a chad uh don’t need beat effects here uh we got the purple house built for Jack like what’s up dude he’s like Build Me Up purple house it’s like I got you I got you uh we’ll get into that mayor house this is Frank’s house dude Frank’s

Vibes Frank’s vibes he’s a fisherman he hangs out he’s got a little bit of a house deal going on back here a little bit of a dock view um let me come what the let me come through here so Frank works at the Slime Factory

We’ll get into that here in a moment but let me show you guys what’s down here uh this was built by armor stands and flipping uh helmets I thought that was really cool and you just fill it in with sand I thought that was really neat

Um a little bit of a dock all dilapidated and busted up and stuff like that and down here we have the actual slime farm which is pretty cool and then the Slime Factory that’s haul and slime out of here and these slimy holes yeah I said it

We got holes with slime coming out of them and a flipping mine cart that’s continuously going through there so it’s pretty sick um show you guys the mayor’s house after this but right now we’re gonna look at slime slime towns um Factory of slime with toxic gases coming out of here and

Where they ship out all kinds of slime stuff um you know it was a slime crime company the HQ every day 1 30 Pacific Standard Time back my old days because I got uh you know zero day since incidents um this place is completely drama free so your typical work environment this is

Um this is Frank he’s always working hard never gets a day off to actually go fishing or anything like that so that’s big sad watch a step obviously because safety first we got this creeper who’s whipping slime balls at flipping Frank is a bully dude we got the manager out

Here getting mad at this guy with the with the um wandering trainer holding him back as he’s spitting on him for bullying uh Frank as he should uh and all that kind of stuff chickens that don’t really want to work and then this guy who’s eating you know

On his break this guy who chops up all the Slime and whatnot pretty cool pretty cool so that’s a that’s a slime Factory dude uh over here this is the mayor mayor’s uh house she runs this place it’s bunny pretty sure you’ve seen her a couple

Times in the video uh she’s got the the rabbit the crazy bee and um the Calico cat so this is um one of our big supporters Jimmy uh he’s our lawyer up in this piece we got bunny who’s the mayor a little bit wacky quirky personality uh

And then we got essentially dead and bird we were kind of just like you know the The Crazy Ones out of here a little bit of uh this thingy I’ll show you what’s behind this wall otherwise I get in trouble by the mayor but there’s a bunch of stuff up there

You know I mean uh we don’t go through that but yeah that’s the town hall right there let me get some snacks real quick uh I’ll show you guys this area this is the Outdoor Market uh this was like the very first time I ever got to mess around doing like

Outdoor Market areas so if you want to buy flash kind of smelly but it’s here uh small sport storage rooms right there um yeah we got if you want to buy water we’ve got a little bit of a well right here try to go as detailed as possible plants honey

Uh I think this is supposed to be like leather and a little bit of a butcher area right here just behind here we have the bakery and a small little chicken coop actual functional functional functional no I mean a little bit of a bakery because I was like I’m gonna build

Something with brick and we’re gonna make it look sick this is where we cook up all of our cakes up in this piece dude look at this look how perfectly cooked that is yeah and then we got a bunch of stuff that’s on display and whatnot you know

Just kind of just chilling and stuff as a bakery would do you know put it all in the window sell it back here I’m going to show you guys something I’ve never shown anybody the entrance to before so this is gonna have to be a secret between us this is the

Black market it’s actually right here not that obvious but uh right through here I kind of click this button bam the black market right here dude where they sell all kinds of crazy stuffs like totems and rabbits feed and um we got Shadow back here he kind of

Runs this place people who sell apples people who sells grass all this kind of stuff um and crystals and whatever it made to be I was just trying to mess around with crying obsidian down here um so yeah anyways we got a football crazies house she wanted something built uh out of

What the flip where’d the door go there was a door here oh I think there’s like a way to get up oh yeah look at that see Wicked that’s pretty cool we got Bill’s ice cream truck who uh who is currently just absolutely stun locked at the amount of people who

Are waiting for ice cream as this guy fixes his flipping uh cooler up here because the ice room’s down dude these guys have all been waiting patiently for ice cream and this guy maybe a little bit too patiently because he’s melted oh GG on that one bill

Uh we’ve got the uh the pyramid right here this is for colonel uh before we get into that this is our tree house right here this one is built for Loki we wanted a little bit of a treehouse so we come through here this is our uh

A little bit of a pyramid in here that we got colonel who actually lost their hardcore world to a tier 3 rocket and Ice that’s why he’s a little bit shorter than some people because he uh he actually lost like at least at least a foot of height by

Crunching into uh ice that day that’s why you don’t use duration three rockets I only use duration one because of that for those of you guys who want to ask um we got flipping slime Shady big Vibe big Vibe these little slime Alters big chillin I got these really cool like pillars I

Love Basalt dude we got uh we got the chunky boy all these people here who are like the guards pretty neat so that’s pretty neat uh we need to find a bad stat dude I’m not fixing to do this at night so we’ll just rip on over here we’ll sleep

On an uh on one of these balloons and buy balloons I mean umbrellas um obviously so we’ll make our way over to the the Llama area so this is my first take on a uh terracotta house I don’t know what this is is this stucco or whatever the

Flip that is that’s a different look in the house anyways I was playing around with like a lot of stuff this is a map of slimeville what’s up uh we’ve got this house that’s built out of a lot of crafting benches so these are actually smokers

Um every day open the skull as a smokestack to use uh smithing tables for the top uh I thought this was kind of cool we built what are these things furnaces um try to build his house out of all these things we got a big flip in the hammer

You know got blacksmiths out here and stuff pretty flipping neat we got all kinds of llamas out here dude when we want to get all the llamas in the game basically and I started bringing them up looking all you know like fancy and stuff so this is a little

Bit of a llama stable or um this place don’t really come out here too often don’t need this many uh llamas and they’re kind of aggressive with the spinning um so slime come through here substin she hangs out uh we got a little bit of a slime tunnel this is an aggressive

Staircase just so you know uh this is back before I knew what a landing was on a staircase because holy this thing goes down um but I thought this was a cool like design here um this is where all the Slime gets like fed into comes through other little uh Flawless

Redstone design right here oh big chilling big chilling but um not not a you know a staircase for the faint of heart tell you that um but we learned we learned so we come up through here make our way down here this is a pink magenta house or whatever the flip it’s

Called magenta I think I did the Interiors out here yeah look at this this is what I wanted to get better in tears I got cushions and stuff was it just banners a little bit of a room back there pretty cute I like it um over here we’ve got another brick

House because people love brick duh it’s got an interior uh we’ve got our first Greenhouse it’s actually the first house we actually built ones for wayward um so it was a big chilling big vibe a little sleeping bag up there and whatnot it’s pretty cool just trying to

Play around with like different kinds of like interiors and whatnot uh we got uh anime out here big chilling out here come through here we got Shadow got a little house most the Interiors are done I don’t want to hear it uh this one we built this one out of

Tough this one’s for Luke wow so this is pretty cool but I already looked at that house okay I’m over here I think I did this one for butter this is uh butterton’s house you know messing around got a little bed up there a little bit uh he wanted Acacia or something

Can’t remember what he wanted coat star or uh out here doing all the studies and stuff pretty cool I like it fill this one over here for music Wanted pink glass so this one was a fun one and we got the original toast up in there

So I just wanted to kind of create something neat this is when we’re like built a little bit of a bar right here a little bit of one of these like areas out here where we listen to the other side disc for the very first time and

Just vibed you know it’s a cool little area uh we got enjoy he’s got a nice little like house where he wanted it built out of diorite a little bit of a lure behind that we’ll get into that here in a second got his whole gaming setup up here you know

Don’t ask why he’s got a Wandering Trader lamp um this is for luscious shaky dude luscious has got a little bit of like a little bit of a system going on here in slimeville where she’s able to Joint people’s stuff out here to take your sugar uh she’s

Also got a good view back here between all the houses because down here she got a little like tunnel here where she can get around the world to basically oink your stuff a little bit of a cute Corner she’s got a little like bed in here and stuff that’s cool pretty neat

You come through here uh this one was built for um another little house that we wanted to build out of um brick brick was all the fad back then people love brick got herself a little bit of um what is this a greenhouse this was fun

I think I built this when I wanted to get honey at first not a very uh very productive Farm by any means copper for cardistry this was probably one of the more challenging Interiors because it’s such a weird layout it’s just a circle pretty cool huh uh Mushroom House

I love this house this house is like what the why do I hear a piglet anyways what the Flip’s going on around here I don’t know why there’s a piglet out here oh snap dude’s got a nugget oh that’s an Easter egg a new one a little workshop down here modern house

This one was cool another one of these things pop you know triple bad action a little light pole little View at the back here pretty pretty cool pretty cool foreign we do this one for Colonel he wanted pink anything pink we got this little area right here he sleeps up here

Pretty cool pretty cool um what what I think the that was the theme of this one a lot of the Interiors are done dude I don’t want to hear it I think that’s supposed to be like a heating vent I have no idea oh yeah pretty cool pretty neat

I’ll show you guys the area over here that we built for Rusty Rusty wanted uh kelp dude I actually really like kelp as a building block look at this thing she’s our resident Flippin marine biologist who studies the axolotls in how they’re able to shove their face through blocks

Among other things uh this is where I used to like you know breed up all the axolotls and stuff uh over here we have an emerald mine or Emerald or dude if you ever want to get some emerald ore we got a little bit of an emerald mine down here it’s got a

Bat which is like pointy there you know you go down in there you know what I mean get some emeralds uh we got the Sheriff’s Office hey y’all built this one for Pern pretty cute pretty cool a little bit of a jail here where we had like you know uh a reward

And all that kind of stuff those shares badge uh got some peeps up in here you know what I mean uh this guy is trying to escape going through there this is like a fake body and then I’m pretty sure one of my moderators Carissa’s up in this fish

So that’s the Sheriff’s Office we got this pyramid over here built this one for Bonsai dude this thing’s pretty cool uh this is also where I get a lot of my uh where I used to get a lot of my uh where the flip are they

Yeah no shrooms and stuff I only have two of them in here yeah uh I had a bunch of Skelly horses in here obviously used them so yeah this is slimeville I’ll show you guys a little bit of this but slimeville also had a little bit of

Things done to it for Christmas and I’ll show you guys that here now where over here for Christmas we actually have the Grinch uh up on this uh Hill over here who looks over slimeville all jelly and stuff so this was one of our very first Christmas builds actually where I wanted

To do like a little bit of a grinch thing but look at this mountain the Mountain’s like perfect ish let me just slap the house up here this is the Grinch Birds you know where he looks over slimeville which is way over there you know and inside of here is actually

A big fan dude uh he’s got a little campfire he’s got a uh thrown over tree he’s got Max a bunch of presents that he yoinked you know I mean so yeah this was a cool little build okay from here we could probably head on over towards

We’ll go over towards the the tree farm panda sanctuary area after this I think we’ll go to the panda sanctuary first and then the tree farm and then we got the Trident area and all that fun stuff to visit after this I might have to restock on Rockets

So we’ll uh we’ll make our way over here through the dilapidated flipping uh area I haven’t seen a Wandering train at all today which is kind of weird like kind of like on brand I want to like obviously we want to connect a lot of these builds up with

One another as time goes on not everything’s connected um but it’s obviously a pretty big flipping world now that we’re I think officially three hours into the world tour right now and we’re only a little bit way through this world so this is literally the product of having

Six thousand two hundred hours in the world um yeah come down here I’m gonna join some Rockets before we go on here and then I can show you guys even more stuff throw a portal without your chest plate on dude never know all right come through here

It’s hard to remember all the Easter eggs and everything like that I don’t fly through this tunnel this tunnel’s a little bit too confined for me but if I want to go over to the tree farm I think that’s over here If I can see nope oh this is the weather Skelly area well you know warnings make things a little bit more complicated dude [Applause] I think it’s over here Oh this is Bunny’s area nope it’s over here I can’t see anything on here dude okay right here this is the tree farm area this is where the tunnel’s at for the tree farm we wanted to use Azalea uh sweet berries for the floor just to make it very very green and overrun

Oh we’ll kind of fly through here so this takes us to uh to uh to the tree farm the panda sanctuary also the Trident area of the world so if I come through here this is actually the uh the panda sanctuary right here so we get on through here

All right this is the panda sanctuary wanted to build something very very beautiful I wanted to build something to play around with uh the scale of things that’s why we have giant butterflies and stuff so let me show you here let’s do a quick little fly through here

We found this perfect mountain range I had like a I think it was like a meadow or something like that in here we got these big giant bees one’s got green eyes uh we got the uh the big what the flip kind of butterfly is that like a monarch or something

You got these guys up here uh for the the fireflies and I guess we’ll start right here and this is for Rusty this is uh Rusty’s little area she’s got the uh the Axolotl Pond up here and uh kind of looks down at a lot of the

Things here we got the Caterpie and all that kind of stuff yin and yang uh we’ll go into that area there’s a lot of stuff going on here so guess we’re just gonna start right over here all right so this is the Honey Shop this is where we sell potions and whatnot got

A little bit of a honey heart right here um this was run by bees dude so she runs uh a lot of potions through here and stuff she also hides a bunch of potions back here and stuff for Speed if we want to get the if we want to get the juice

Um what is this guy’s name manfy I think it’s a Pokemon so we built that up thought this was the neat I got this area over here ready for an expansion so we’re gonna build a bunch of like really cool ants and stuff through there over here we have the Knowledge Tree

So there’s the tree of knowledge in here we built this into a kind of like a library it’s run by um wire so we got like daphnis and stuff like that yoinking books thought this was a really cool uh really cool build got people who are surfing on ladybugs

Ladybug right there in case you didn’t know um coming down here this is all built for Luke and model so big hearts inside the chat for them uh they’ve got the panda heart we have the science facility right here this is actually where we got our brown

Panda and learned how to do that we got the blushing Panda right here this is uh where we keep all of our Brown pandas in the world and where we bring them up and all that kind of stuff this is also where we like kind of like

Evaluate and look at pandas and we’re wondering how they’re able to stand on a one block flipping bamboo and all that kind of stuff we got chaos this guy’s looking at potions we have Amanda over here she’s our she’s the doctor around here she’s like the scientist super into pickles so she’s

Always gotta she always keeps it behind her desk um a little like washing station and I think over here we do um you know stuffs um really cool build this actually has like a beacon beam that goes through there um if I turn on my beacons actually I

Can show you what that looks like so we can just go into our rendering we don’t typically have beacons on I can show you guys how this thing works press that button look how cool that looks so it makes it look like they’re like kind of like behind

You know uh like a force field type deal let me just turn it off that’s pretty neat huh so go back into here we turn that off just because it looks like a strobe light show so um pretty cool make your way through here we have ourselves the guest shop and a little

Bit of a cooking area like a catering area this is the best we can come up with a with a mushroom mushroom Banner strangely difficult to do we got a couple more mushrooms over here this is the um the souvenir area hips runs if you want to buy some souvenirs

Want to buy some clothes or whatever it may be in here we have this guy this is like kind of like a catering area We have uh no cardboard in the oven obviously kind of redundant should never put cardboard in the oven but not everybody knows that so you know and then we got this guy um yeah uh we’ll make our way down here actually we’ll make our way over to the

The Slime area that is run by uh get jumped um there’s a little bit of a slime cave back here pretty neat so if you want to buy like slime and all that fun stuff can come down through here then this is uh run by Yash

Got all the slimes in here it looks kind of horrific but hey down here we got a bunch of stuff down here holy got this area this this place is run by Cola dude this is before we had the blue Axolotl so we just started building blue

Axolotls trying to lose hope at this point never thought we’d ever get the blue Axolotl so like uh like with like one of these fishing areas we got all the axolotls there salt water fish back there freshwater fish over here puffer fish so that’s pretty cool

A little bit of a little bit of this area over here huh we have the candles run by Outlet he sells fancy candles and lighting and stuff like that so we got like little candles the floor and fancy chandeliers and all that fun stuff really cool

Over here we got a little bit of a shady shop this is the the plant shop run by sin um don’t ask she sells melons we’ve upgraded the melon farm obviously which is always checking inventory go ahead ask her if her neck hurts it definitely does I’ve never seen a look

Up from there a little bit of a terrarium back there don’t even know what the flip that does oh it activates that I guess that’s a bamboo Farm cool uh yeah I got all that deal going on here guy throwing a flipping Emerald into the uh the pond really neat really neat

Little bit of a music shop that we built for hey man we got the other side disc he sells uh you know pianos apparently sit at them uh guitars some people would even call these guitars uh we got a little bit of a panda or These Guys these aren’t pandas dude

We wanted to like listen to a little bit of music you know we could Vibe out play the drums do you dude let me get up in here dude sorry um so yeah that’s this area come through here I guess we’ll Walk This Way first so um I built all this obviously

We got like little pandas or why do I keep calling pandas parents flipping parents this place a little bit of a lore behind the bees Breeze uh Annie hoosler we got snowbee we got this guy he’s got a little like fart cloud behind him bees’s cousin

Not paid to say that uh anyways selling all kinds of bees Breeze up in here uh with a cool looking banner and stuff got over here got a little angry bee and all that kind of stuff coming over here got another little Bridge uh and then we got the Oracle next door

You guessed it another bunny build uh so she’s got this uh kuromi uh thingy in the floor type deal she’s the oracle so she looks into a little thingy right here and she’s like brah what is this this is crazy man uh and then she’s obviously got the gold the thing he’s

Coming out of there and uh that kind of stuff this is a cool like a little room right here uh ladybug so I’m here I’m gonna need you guys to put on your big pants here because I’m about to show you guys something heck and scary dude so this is what happens when

The when the warden first came out we built one of the scariest shops known to Minecraft up in this piece so if we come up here beyond all these flipping crazy pandas who actually have like the third strongest bite force out of all flipping Bears hello why um

But if we come dangling on through here this is the warden shop dude anyways we’re gonna sneak on through here we got the souls in the floor when it’s realistically it’s just two C’s um this is the head hunting Chomp built uh for Abra I thought he had the most expensive immortalized

Freaky dude anyways head hunting shop pretty lit um so hopefully you guys all made it out of that with your uh with clean pants got a little bit of this area a little bit of the bamboo transition comes up here like dang dude look at this come over here to the Charlie

What’s that guy’s name uh Jimmy Neutron ice cream or whatever the flip it is looks delicious uh it’s supposed to be an ice cream cone it’s run by Rise and it’s got freezers and such you know little this guy’s actually inside of the freezer can’t get out because he’s standing on a honey

Pretty cool if you want to get all your flavors go for it got a little uh that guy there I think they’re called polar bears but I’m no animalologist uh we don’t go this way because that place doesn’t go anywhere yet um thank you guys over to the um

The areas over here got a couple more places to look at um we’ll come on through here I hope they don’t get blown up or something like that because you know creepers are a thing auction shop if you guys want to buy flipping animals this is the place to

Come you know I mean this is where we auction off uh flipping animals dude we got mushrooms we got this random guy we got that random cat people buying flipping animals from heart attack pretty sure this is Crimson he’s got Bluey got the the Trident uh this guy

A little bit of a snow fox action who’s he holding feather we got a Strider got the parents out here building with purpur making it look easy um over here this is kind of like a thing that we built for scar good times with scars this is a um a gray scale

Flip in jelly head we got a creeper running away from the there with a speed potion which I thought was pretty creative um are you kidding me help flip okay anyways we’re gonna get up in here this is the Cat Cafe dude what’s up run by buttertons what up he’s also a cat

Dude uh we got all kinds of cats up in here doing cat stuff jumping off balconies playing around on Flipping scratching posts uh scratching stuff up playing with string uh hiding inside your plants uh playing with you know sticks on a flipping whatever the heck that is

Chains hanging off walls we got all kinds of cats lots of paintings on the wall everybody loves those um it’ll like this thingy little uh little bit of this action right here you know just a little thing for cats and stuff on the balconies love this

Uh in terms of this place being pretty much done I think this is pretty much it I can take you guys over to the tree farm now let me just make sure we didn’t forget anything like I said we’ve got the um got the Caterpie all that kind of stuff sometimes it’s a

Little bit sometimes you can kind of get lost in the amount of stuff that goes on in this world let me fly up through this way we can come over here this is the tree farm right here so we can kind of go to bed don’t look at it don’t look at it

Close your eyes um this was a completely different style dude just go to sleep real quick don’t look at any of this stuff we’re not there yet okay go over to the portal and uh we’ll kind of take it all in this was like I want to do a completely

Different uh style of tree farm I manually chop down all of my trees I know it’s crazy you’re like bro why are you manually cutting down trees and stuff like that when we have like you know tree farms and stuff because I don’t duplicate TNT and honestly I just wanted the stats

Um but this is the portal obviously you guys know what the uh the nether Hub looks like but this is what we come into kind of like got the the big giant panda head up there a little bit of a like spot up in here um kind of come through here and stuff

Got the little bit of a bridge this guy’s coming out of the forest I don’t know what the flip just happened over there um first crane ever built a lot of logs this is the tree farm it’s basically just a platform where I can kind of farm trees pretty much

We got all the peeps up in here this is a pretty cool place you know um got bees over there all immortalized and stuff hanging out on some logs we got this Skelly horse that pushes this area up here I chopped the trees all right pretty straightforward Big Trees chop up

Here little trees chopped down there everything gets like watered into the flipping area over there never use this area um I got mushrooms if I ever need to uh chop some mushrooms you can also Farm Roots down there so that’s pretty cool if I throw an item in here right

Trap chest it goes through an auto sorter down below so if I’m chopping trees I’m gonna have all A’s out here at one point and have like cool like all a Huts so they’re gonna come out collect all the uh the sticks and stuff like that for me down here

I actually have the tree farm like storage area we got a big giant Diamond ax big giant Diamond hoe um and then we’ve got all the uh the storage and stuff with that so like foreign blocks probably show up here we basically organize all these items up

Here that you see so maybe we’ll see some stuff I use this thing more than twitch will ever tell you I use this thing um but yeah basically we just get all kinds of stuff never broke the flipping water Vader up in here because I never set it up back there

Um pretty cool pretty cool pretty uh pretty open room come back here even open a room we got another little like one of these deals so if I if I click one of these buttons oh the lever just shoots all of my uh my cocoa beans in there lever flip

Uh this thing is for the uh the 9 Liam and stuff like that if I ever want like nylium like grass and whatnot I can just kind of go down here just like fire this bad boy up don’t remember how to turn it on so you just have to use your imagination it’s

Just basically bone meals the bottom shoots it back and forth you know I mean that’s how that thing works you know uh we’re gonna go over to the tree farm area now so I wanted to build hello I wanted to build like some cool houses uh where I wanted to try to challenge

Myself to get better at roof Styles dude holy so it’s kind of like a like the Viking roof uh thingy uh this is uh this is a full on cart hold my rabbits pretty crazy um so they’re always getting fired up and ready to go Interiors are done

Uh Chicken Coop back here absolutely booming so got a little chicken coop back there speaking about Bowman dude I built this house and it got blown the flip up it’s an Easter egg now I ain’t fixing it I blame this guy or a creeper depends I had a bunch of

Rabbits in here that’s why I have a bunch of rabbits now all over the world like them they’re they’re everywhere dude like we got a little bit of a well right here people hanging out we got Kristen and people throwing flipping diamonds in there this is a triple roof Style

Uh this is their wood uh Factory this is where we uh reprocess all the wood in the world so this is where we like dry out the lumber um cut it all up with a rabbit’s feet uh which is kind of like a drying rack

A bunch of cool stuff it’s built out of flipping blast furnaces right look at that that’s pretty sick okay a lot of talking okay anyways we’ll be like three hours into this tour now uh we got more trees here to kind of like Nestle Us in here

Back here we got a little bit of a lake a little bit of a patio uh people hanging out you know little bees um Bloodlines this is all built for Kip snip God of trees we even built like little wet beavers and stuff like that look at this Beaver

Dude it’s a horse head look at that isn’t that sick people like fishing Blowfish or puffer fish what other heck you want to call those things so we got beavers all up in here dude I got a couple dead fish in here too but he hangs out on his swing we got this

Little area going all the way across here Dolphins got no flipping idea what’s going on right now um oh yeah pretty neat all held up and uh why are you so happy dude um anyways this is like a big terraforming project big chilling now people all around here

Just kind of wanted to create like a very very lush green environment after this we go check out the Trident Farm which is pretty big there was never a big tree here um we got a dark lord of Doom dude what is this I think that’s supposed to be a turtle

‘s on a budget I don’t know why I didn’t just put a real turtle in there we got Debo uh Jennifer out for a stretch uh Stumpy the log uh all that cool stuff but yeah this is our our version of The Tree Farm pretty neat will expand it as time goes on

But for now we’re gonna go over to the Trident area so you guys can see where I get a lot of my tridents and stuff at that and then I’ll show you guys the drown town the little rabbit Village yeah that’s exactly what that is um okay

Down here this is where my Trident area is so we put water in the nether this is the nether back obviously back at the Hub um where we kind of wanted to do a lot of Blues a lot of like overgrowning air overgrowning areas overgrown areas gosh couple wardens up there um

I’ll show you guys the uh the actual uh Farm in here so this is the Trident Farm I think this is a redstonia design pretty flipping epic I’m gonna have to turn this thing down because this thing hauls um once it gets going I can’t remember what

Time of day it is right now um so we’ll just turn that down got the dry uh the drowns again this is where I get a lot of my uh my not really that big into copper but it basically shoots the flipping um uh the drowns up here once it gets

Fired up it just starts like throwing flipping drowns in here dude it’s actually pretty insane I got a crazy amount of tridents through here um this is all built for healer so healers actually like down inside of here somewhere yeah this guy um big chilling and then I just kind of

Hang out here and once I think it takes a little while to get fired up but then we just kind of like sit here and we just like kind of start swiping away killing all kinds of drowns and whatnot and then like whenever or If Ever I

Could have tried it it just shows up down here I’ll show you guys the outside look at the size of this thing are you kidding me look at all that things massive got a lot of glass um it’s where all the uh the flipping these dudes spawn in it

It’s pretty flipping knee dude uh the thing goes hard okay we’ll try to we’ll try to fly over to drown Town dude if I can if I can dangle this jump second try um don’t look at the outside of this thing the thing looks like heck and cursed

But drown town is actually over here very Nate I want to build something here I would love to do this like look at this look at this like hole dude I’m not sick one of these days we’ll build something there over here is actual drown town

So I’ll give you guys a little bit of a Shader deal of that just drown Town dude must be like a busted up Bridge overgrown all that fun stuffs we got the tridents um this is all built for healer of course this is where I keep all my blue

Axolotls in this world this guy’s name is Manatee get it sea cow uh it’s also where I keep uh this thing because you’ll see why uh random flipping escapee I don’t know where the heck that dude came from but we flip and put glow squids inside aquatic tanks

That was pretty cool you’ll see all kinds of people here like Dirty Dan Landon lukewarm we got a little bit of a um a turtle area I got like a little bit of a bubble Vader so we can like rotate those guys you know I mean

Uh axolotls for days we got Timmy out here bobber healer who sits down on his throne behind here we got two Elder Guardians that was a good time do I have my mob sounds on I thought it was a bit quiet um so we got like you know the guards

Here potato Max Carson and uh dark lord of Doom uh Fantasia avocado and uh bees who all protect you know the only drown to ever spawn in with two tridents and that is what makes him special he also he obviously all he flipped he obviously loves diamonds uh we all we

Got uh Guardians here as well uh tropical fish and then all the people who are around here and stuff magazine and down here is actually drown town so this place is lovely and it looks beautiful with shaders so this is drown Town dude this is where

I wanted to mess around with a really cool effect fog effects underwater dude look how flipping cool now looks and we got axolotls down there it’s kind of like a like a life that lives down there but it’s basically an underwater um area for you know like a town

These guys are all named dude we got uh we got a shredder we also got swim Shady down here I don’t know if we’ll be able to find swim Shady it’s Eliza spoon Dirty Dan yeah I swim Shady dude I see a lot of shadies up in this piece um

Obviously the Trident right here and then it goes all four ways you know all the different houses as you guys can uh you know see one day it’d be really cool to be able to expand this area and I think this concept is really flipping cool

We killed all these fans I think they look Wicked um all that fun stuff this guy’s swimming up with a totem be cool to like open that up and kind of expand out that way one day this is my very first time I’ve ever built fully underwater conduits up

There those you guys are probably wondering I’ve never done any like fully underwater builds so this was the very first time I ever got to do uh to tackle that with every Ascension I try to learn something different I try to learn something new um

And I try to push myself so I can like kind of like learn more as the as the world goes on but yeah this is around town this is wicked so that’s where this is where the flip and milk bucket comes in handy enough just for strong bones and not

Because I’m you know six foot seven uh but I just need to drink milk for the spoons effect pop that back your elytra we’ll go over to the fox Sanctuary now um I wish I had a bat out here that’d be cool um okay we’ll just we’ll just kind of throw

A bed down dude I can see all kinds of people up in here Dust Busters uh Green Valley Sam all that kind of stuff I think I keep a bucket and by bucket I mean bed in here so just kind of quickly go to sleep um are you kidding me

Yeah well they’re now down a grass you know what just keep that in the inventory flip um that’s an Easter egg I’m just kidding I’ll fix it I’ll I’m out of here let’s go to um the other area now that I was just talking about so um obviously back to the Trident area

What’s down there nothing’s down there okay so we’ll come to uh through here get this turn flawlessly fly up on uh down here okay we’re going to Fox Sanctuary dude my first time ever building a floating island dude uh something different uh struggled built it twice

Um so yeah this is the fox area oh icy Vibes up in here we got a little bit of the uh the blue glaze uh terracotta this is where we get out of all of our frogs and foxes and everything like that so welcome to tmgs

So let me give you guys a quick little uh little like whoop hello I built this flipping Island dude twice yeah it’s not that easy building a flipping Island I’ll tell you why especially when you’re dangling yourself above the ground like that it’s not a good time um anyways

This is uh This Is It got TMG out here big vibing with his foxes uh we got the icy trees I also wanted to play around with like different kinds of trees here if you look at this this is a a snowflake with a bunch of um ice

For some for some reason uh snow doesn’t layer on ice so that’s cool uh yeah so these are like my little snow trees and my little um snow trees for the ice biome spruce trees for obviously the uh the foxes and stuff so both foxes

We got the the you know the orange Fox the white fox the phoenix fox and the Andrew Fox dude should totally have one of those in the game that would be cool um but yeah just kind of messing around with different like you know tree shapes and stuff

Um kind of creating like a nice little environment looks like the um looks like the flip look at these dudes um all kinds of floss it’s just laying here sleeping um it’s a vibe a little bit of a sanctuary they’ve been going hard in the uh the sweet berries obviously um

Kind of tuckering themselves up but that’s not it dude hello we actually have a frog sanctuary frog sanctions right down here is where we got all of our frog action you know if we’re looking for frogs this is the Frog area gonna get all kinds of frogs

You know I mean it’s super super cool to be down here the vibe oh this guy just chilling sin um but yeah so relaxing dude I can hang out here all day dude so that’s a little bit of the Frog area if I need to bring uh frogs into the

World or anything like that uh it can move into people’s Hall of Fame plots which will be the heading there pretty pretty flipping soon um trying to think about if there’s anything else I’m missing in this world because there’s a lot to show and I think we’ve pretty much covered everything except

For the Hall of Fame which is a massive part of this world um which will obviously take a little bit of time to kind of go through like I said everything is interconnected on here oh we can show the nether roof yes so I’ll show you guys how I get to

The nether roof and what I have on the nether roof so I have a gold Farm up there or aftrix the god of greed pretty cool so we got like two of those things so we gotta come through here through the Mesa we gotta go through our original portal that we came from

Uh just over here um what the we come through here we can come um around here to make our way to the original portal that we had we first started this world on the nether roof and then we kind of like went down below afterwards when we built our full Hub

Because I wanted to have something bigger that we dug through tunnels and everything like that so come through here this will bring you to the nether roof where I’ll show you a few things up here oh this is our first original Ice uh this is our first iron farm tunnel that

Used to lead us out to the spawn chunk so this is a pretty cool area remember that area that I was showing you guys way back then that kind of like LED down inside of the hole well this is where this thing goes so this actually leads to the uh to the

Iron farm and I can show you guys this room real quick this used to be my iron farm way way way way before we uh we actually had the the big build that we had we actually had like all the iron that used to feed into here this used to be our

Iron farm room until we expanded so obviously like a lot of things have changed there Frog Light Farm uh we have right here if we ever need uh you know load up on frog lines because they’re probably the one of the most beautiful parts of uh you know

Probably the most beautiful light source in the game gold Farm over there but I gotta show you guys this thing real quick like I said we have 10 wardens on this world these guys is this is what I do to basically move these guys out of here

I can show you guys a little bit of the system but it’s basically just a Shrieker with a water Vader um yeah we have a bunch of wardens basically up here ready to be moved out so we have all kinds of uh wardens chilling but we will relocate inside of this world

We can’t see anything so we’ll make our way over to the uh the iron farm I think hopefully we don’t fly into the iron farm we’ll just walk okay this this was like my very first concept of what was gonna be my Hub I was basically gonna have like a gold Hub

Right here and I was gonna Branch out different areas this was like very early on so this Farm has actually gone through a few different uh changes actually I’ve built it like super big got tons of portals the portal is the one outside of the city so um

We built it up we flexed with all of our gold and then we were kind of struggling there for a bit because we didn’t have gold because we flexed with it so hard um but it’s a very very fast efficient gold Farm got a lot of flipping layers

Like 36 or something I don’t know not a mathologist so we basically just chill out here and we can like look down it doesn’t you don’t really like see it going too hard but on the other side of the portal it’s actually going pretty flipping nutty these guys just walk into the portals

Here very neat behind here we’ve got the um the the bartering Farm which is um where we have all of our piglens so we can trade up a lot of our gold so let’s be a floating Castle I want to challenge myself with diorite try to make diorite look good

Supposed to be on a cloud like a glass cloud got Pern instructorus and app tricks all hanging out there and whatnot so they’re big chilling Pig lens all get organized up through here so we just like feed the gold in there I’m pretty sure this is The Logical geek

Boy design that we used in order to feed the gold in here so and then just down below we don’t have an Autos filter or anything like that but this is where we get a lot of our um our trades and stuff like that through bartering

And the concept behind this is since I don’t AFK in my world at all this is all 100 like play time uh the bartering Farm is actually tall enough where their iron or gold Farm should be going at a pretty good speed this is uh sir Pig the fifth

We had to get a pig up here it was requested by apptrix don’t ask why it’s the fourth or the fifth I don’t know what number that is yeah it’s the fifth oh yeah that’s that and then the the gold Farm is obviously hauling while I’m

Up there doing my thing and trading and all that fun stuff um I actually have over here we have ourselves a hogland farm if I could find it first try this goes with um elusive spilled God of red rivers is where we can get a lot of our leather in this world

Absolutely amazing pretty cool so check this thing out I just chill that up here all glands go flipping crazy dude they all die inside of the the fire right and if I come down here gracefully because we don’t want to pop a totem or something stupid

They all get down here and then we just like that pretty good way to get lots of leather in the world thing’s neat love it all right I’ll show you guys the Hall of Fame now mm-hmm uh that that little structure there is actually where I got the advancement for

Capturing the ghast and killing it in the Overworld uh I think it’s called unsafe Alliance whatever it’s called I don’t remember what it was called so yeah okay this is the exterior of the the big giant Hub that you guys saw obviously it’s all down here okay

We’re going to get into a part of this world shaders one last time we’re gonna get into a part of this world where it’s literally the heart of my entire world so the Hall of Fame is something that we created on the channel for people to basically gain Channel points

Just by watching the stream and supporting the stream on Twitch it’s where people can utilize their golden apples which is our currency to basically buy really cool stuff to Deco their plots uh besides just ascending and I have something that I build for you guys um we have about 18 hall of fames

And it’s pretty flipping massive so we’ll come through here and it all started right here with like a simple concept this is the OG Hall of Fame um this is where people can deck out their plots as much as they want you can buy all kinds of really cool stuff show

Off your personality spend your gambles and everything like that um we got Outsider I try to put their people who have ascended will have a banner what we call the Phoenix Banner different colors and we’ll also if it’s completed I’ll also put a picture of their their uh their Ascension on there too

So this is uh Zopa he’s uh got this whole deal and that guy up there we got Queen uh Shadow it’s got a pretty decked up plot dearest pretty neat uh people can buy like really cool like paintings and stuff and then basically deck it out but this

Is basically where it all started we got goth right here and then it kind of just expanded from over here to so many big things um as you guys can see we’ll go through them in somewhat in order we got Pern and Sean you come through here whoosh Harry Potter Hall of

Fame dude floating candles we got Slytherin I try to make something for everybody we got Gryffindor got luscious Stella you’ll see a lot of big names around here uh Ravenclaw Hufflepuff essentially looking Wicked Preston a lot of pie app tricks we got the this is my edition

Of Star Wars if I try Sith on one side Jedi on the other so we got uh sen out here big chilling yo uh travsky who’s the iron farm we got football crazy who’s the uh the the goddess uh or the Magic um and all this kind of stuff so as we

Go through here you guys will see like all kinds of uh really cool plots right llamas in here turtle farms and flipping math lead and Timmy who’s got a zoglin that’s a hot sale item right there we got Yoda hey yo flip an old Yoda um cardistry just chilling

We got this area this is the bee Hall of Fame it’s supposed to be a little bit more Lush environment we got bees some of the people will actually be wearing different player Heads This is a data pack from vanilla tweaks um so she’s got a pretty cool looking

Plot it’s really cool to kind of see what everybody’s done with their plot this is a cat theme uh font um ladies is out here being a nerd um people have done some really creative stuff so we got like little axle right here this little rabbit back there Abby made

A little aquarium it’s all color coordinated um as we come through here you guys can see even more people we got the witherby right here for Outlets uh girl Geeks out here chicken cyberpunk actually very challenging uh to build on a small scale so this is our cyberpunk one this is uh

This one’s uh this one’s for Loki we got Phantom Boyd Mia or Maya Moulton blade but I tried to do like a little bit of a design with like you know making these into like kind of skyscrapers and a city with like the the manholes and all that

Fun stuff you know people can get custom paintings basically upgrade them as we go we got tree um dargan or dragon um Carissa out here it’s really cool to kind of see what people have done with their plots it gets pretty nuts pretty expensive probably literally the

The most laggiest part of my entire world um like I said it takes like 21 days of watch time which is 504 hours just to be able to apply for one of these so this is absolutely massive this just shows like the community over here we have the uh Legend of Zelda

Hall of Fame obviously very special to me we got people like Marsha and Andrew who’s starting up their own bookcase uh books bookstore and all that kind of stuff flipping these two nerd nuggets buying all of my Notch apples Blitz has got flipping three of them and uh

Elusive has got flipping two of them are you kidding me um finished off his um but yeah this is this right here is pretty nuts that’s five Notch apples that’s pretty wild you’ll see a bunch more as we go through the world and stuff netherite armor for days because

We don’t flex another right beacons we Flex the community and we got people who’ve got another ride armor um zoos out here wearing the you know his head he got Virgo got Amanda out here with the uh the enchanted leather armor which looks Wicked um we got like little Jeb sheeps and uh

Cats and whatnot um another Notch Apple uh go through here this is the bone Zone kind of based off of archeology or like the floors like kind of like supposed to be like an like an archeology area Fantasia helped me out with this one they were able to snag a flipping uh

Zombie uh with a flipping sword we gave him the sword uh but Nikki was able to yoink that as we were live we got KRON we got skier out here looking Wicked uh getting like full on benches Cassie got Derek Fantasia’s got a pretty Decked Out plot

You know and people can kind of like kind of build them up as we go um we got pumats uh Stark remember if you see these banners it means that they’ve ascended you got little shovels in the sand like a nice little detail um we got Merc down here getting there

Obviously also ascended flip pretty flipping Wild um okay we’ll go to Alice in Wonderland Hall of Fame next okay uh you’re about to see um this whole area right here this is for bunny obviously we’ve seen her quite a bit um so she’s got all of her uh her plot

Like all decked out she’s got all kinds of animals uh people gonna buy barrels I don’t think I’ve mentioned that uh where people can get like kind of like their um um kind of like Memoirs uh she’s got two of them just for like like little tokens along

The along the way and stuff like that small animals we’ll put away the sword dude um she’s got a shed back here she’s working on this is obviously her Ascension right here so she’d be she’d be out there with the shed we’ve got the uh the Mad Hatter

Table big giant T table what the flip there goes is all my entities um you know more flipping netherride armor I got Pokemon Dan up in here dude and honeybee and we got Viper there’s a lot of netherton in this place I don’t know how many sets are up to now but

It’s really cool to kind of see like people deck out their plots as we go rockaboo and chugs and that guy the bald gamer it’s really neat to see this this is a really cool set of armor love the banner too ascended uh so that’s pretty cool Vol frog I love

This color of armor as well I think it looks neat kilikio no you’re always lurking appreciate you all right big POI pants on this is the haunted Hall of Fame yup this is where we’re met with Sam who also has a Notch Apple hello and everything’s looking all super

Symmetrical and everything like that and was able to get an upside down um mob who’s holding a boat in an online all that kind of stuff obviously ascended as we go through here see even more netherite armor systematically has a pretty flipping thick looking plot could barely see the guy back there

Um we got Rhino out here and Dusty and Shillings out here the thick looking plot as well so that’s neat it’s really cool to kind of like see like people’s different takes this one’s a really cool take red Dawn’s making like a horror theme so

He’s got a saw he’s got uh the um the clown inside the sewer the ant clown um you know it’s really cool to kind of see like all the really cool themes we got many Real and True um coming down through here we’re gonna head towards the space area we got

Stumpy into hot dogs and you know we got hooner uh this one’s a pretty cool plot so this was for DJ uh ascended as well king of freaks he’s got an invisible spider in here dude I don’t know if you can see that small red pixel right there that’s a spider hey y’all

Yeah yeah see him big chilling a DJ all right this is uh this is this is the space Hall of Fame literally light years away from the center of the flipping Hub which makes sense we got smoothie we got a professor all glowy and stuff uh more

Netherite armor as we go through here got Jennifer and um a lot of cool like plots here this is neat neat little design like Cola rail down here uh we got Turtles we got bunny streams uh as we go through here we got pork chops sandwich we got lukewarm

Kind of building it up Alpha uh DJ Redcat all these people literally these two people right here or like three biomes away from the center of this place uh and we’re not even done yet we still have lots to show um so I’ll show you guys the um the winter

Wonderland Hall of Fame ocean Hall of Fame and EG Egypt Hall of Fame Egyptian whatever you want to call it whip an egg we’ll get a chicken nope all right yeah this uh Alice one is supposed to be like the stump you know I mean chicken in a flipping fountain

We’ll work our way over here all right down here we built this one of the Christmases pretty cool come down through the CR the chimney you got snowmio and daphnis Daphne’s has got a little like thingy up there like moving in or something um you know we got more people in here

And stuff cool cool armor flipping Warden head that’s Sizzle sore again complex in uh his not Chapel with uh all the arrows he’s got going on right now that’s silly and Bricks bricks cheese uh got all of her stuff going on um Anna big viben we got Angel and Dawson and

Silly and it’s pretty flipping cool in here like literally and we got a flipping nightmare of a of a um this guy what the heck you want to call that guy flipping AK over here with like full flipping netherright armor bruh Lincoln and Dan Dave I know how to read

Over here is the ocean Hall of Fame yeah that’s really cool very uh very festive this is the ocean Hall of Fame so we got like dolphin right here supposed to be like a completely different vibe we got the Spore blossoms in here too that’s dolphin kind of a big deal around

Here we’ve got Dean one of my friends you know raspberry we’ve got Kristen and just got like uh kind of like a different vibe I wanted to walk on lily pads and stuff um and kind of just like go that was pretty neat we got some pretty cool plots in here

This is uh we go from like probably the wettest to the driest which is pretty funny dude this is uh this was probably one of the most challenging ones I’ve ever had to do um trying to bring like it’s because it’s so plain but you don’t want to

Bring life to this I don’t know apocalypse has got a pretty sweet looking plot God of Apocalypse very Wicked he’s got a neat looking uh Vibe he’s got the Four Horsemen you know he’s going he’s going you know we got these uh you know it’s always wilding out here

Yeah if you oh and also if you saw I see like somebody who’s got a cake with a candle that means they’ve been here on their birthday they get a little birthday cake but there’s all kinds of really cool stuff that you can do and deck out for your uh your own little

Plot and stuff like that Lucifer and Savage who’s always complaining about how far he is but he’s really not even that far it’s pretty cool there’s always room for uh for more people inside the hall of fame foreign back over here got more over this area

So we’re gonna check out the cave one and the swamp one oh here we go like I said we’re back at the ocean Monument like I said this is like the heart of our world right here so we got all the peeps up in here Rambo who’s got the full netherright

Dude uh as we go through here you guys can see a little bit more we got Sammy Sue and cow waski um PMG that’s their Ascension right there Snoopy there’s a lot of flipping netherride in here this is the cave theme obviously wanted to kind of give it like a cool

Like little geodes and stuff like that and kind of go like very K vibe from like the stone over to a deep slate with as many ores as possible mine carts uh all that kind of stuff we got Amanda Lynn uh it’s got some really cool stuff Muhammad uh dumpy

Wigs has got a pretty thick looking blunt he was here on his birthday as well Jones cool Banner you can make like your own custom banners and stuff Coco and Shauna Bryson and popcorn sniper okay I gotta fly through this without flipping hitting anything hey frog down here dude

This is like uh this is a swamp dude so we got donkey we got Puss in Boots we got the Dragon like Shrek pretty funny we got denti uh you know if you don’t claim an item he will yoink it basically we’ve got some goats down here and

Uh snitch Shard more more netherite armor which is pretty flipping cool overdose prevalency ascended Rosary we got uh this one’s a pretty cool looking plot it’s all greened out by penguin and then we got uh Freya is all I like her armor it looks really cool

We got freak and kales and Zen it’s a wicked looking banner up there love it we got shark Cassie um heart attack like I said pretty cool he was over there with at the auction shop selling stuff now people like path night that have uh then we’ve got uh people like you know

Melly hello look at all those freaking mob heads you kidding me which is also a level uh she’s also a level snagger so she snagged all of my levels and she made me literally name every single one of these items just uh to do that and then I had to

Give her another one of these and then she’s got her dogs hanging out here oh and a little bit of a flower for international women’s day that’s pretty cool even scammed her out of it we got Olivia who loves pigs and a lot of hay bales so we got all this

Very cool like a plot like people got a lot of cool like custom uh paintings and stuff got Jojo all right we’ll go over to uh the nether Greek and uh rainforest and that’s flipping in only like uh you know a four hour long tour um let me come down through here

This is the nether dude hello you guys saw a brief look at this earlier this is uh this is Dan so we got um fortress on one side we got uh Bastion on the other side kind of divide it up wanted to make it look like the nether

Um got like more more another armor which is really cool we got proxy hanging out we got this is a really done out plot right here all gold a joberson uh Nero out here got Oola some people have like uh dyed armor all that fun stuff we got Kool-Aid

And uh round which is their birthday today so happy birthday to round um mono and Leanne what the see something super trippy we could sleep in the nether because we’re actually in the Overworld so we we’re chilling we’re chilling my Croft I don’t know if you guys are

Able to put it together saw him inside the city saw him on a loose’s throne and now he’s got his own Hall of Fame plot and it’s a theme of a small chicken dude I love that um kind of a little bit of a little bit of lore yeah like people like Rubik’s

And cloudy Chef Matt um it’s just cool to kind of see everybody’s like own interpretation of a plot uh and it’s cool to kind of see like where people can kind of go with a lot of things you know I don’t have any more like netherite but I’m building up on it

It’s a constant struggle we got the ghast where that shoots the fireball or the lava ball whatever you want to call that thing uh this is Greek dude hello we got like Chronos got a Time he’s got his best scented banner and we’ve got honeybay pretty cool looking plots um get

And then as we go through here I just want to kind of create like something like very green I guess uh green blue and like white very Greek Vibe I guess you could say uh we got warty we got um all this kind of going through here

Um imagine not spinning I know right not spinning at all we got a bunch of horses in here dude bernardo’s got all the flipping uh sheep heads all decked out look at all fancy uh John and uh Brandon got the horses going on here we got Betty B4 uh armor

Stand we got Fletcher chilling paintings um Joe and all this stuff Boomers out here dude Havoc hello wait perfect yeah I’ll show you guys the uh the rainforest Hall of Fame wanna create like a nice blue uh a blue sky in here nice like a little carpet

All that kind of stuff lots of vines which is like a massive pain in the neck to uh to try and get going um so down here is the rainforest basically trying to basically create like a cool watering effect this is the the newest one that we have going on right now

We got madoto you know boom and as we go through here it’s supposed to be like a rainforest Vibe I don’t know if you can see it but there’s sometimes there is a little bit of like water droplets that come from the ceiling right so that’s pretty neat

We got uh I think this guy’s Canadian dumlin uh A-Okay we got uh larion and everything like that pretty cool pretty cool Nella docks Maryland got a throwing Theory pretty cool looking uh pattern they got going on there Leo and frost night banana pants big big chilling dude uh Inglorious hanging out Wicked

And then we’ve also left ourselves with enough uh space to pretty much expand into the next Hall of Fame for the future which will actually be the deep dark so that’s why we have like this uh this place like all filled out right here so I plan to expand the deep dark down

There or even more people and like I said the only thing you got to do is just watch the Stream you gain watch time you get gaffles you buy cool stuff make your plot look Wicked uh and it’s pretty pretty flipping sick so this is uh the Hall of Fame projects

For the most part that’s the entire world uh in a nutshell that’s pretty much what uh what 25 000 days looks like with even more to come uh because we do live stream every single day we go hard so go over here to the boat we’ll call it a day

And the next build that we will be working on is the Frog Haven or Melly while we finish off all of our Hobbit houses halfling Hills so those are their next up and coming projects but this is uh this is the very first Ascension in our world this is right

Where it started the heart of the world where you guys can see everything like that Community is absolutely amazing and then I come through here this is where I start and end all my streams oh yeah appreciate you guys thanks for the support

This video, titled ‘I Survived 25,000 days in Hardcore Minecraft Tour’, was uploaded by Linkzzey on 2023-03-25 14:00:02. It has garnered 823251 views and 7363 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:39 or 13839 seconds.

The Longest standing Hardcore world, All live streamed daily on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/linkzzey

0:00 – Sizzlesaur’s End Ascension 8:08 Tanieh’s End Hub Ascension 11:09 CatCumber’s End Turtle Ascension 14:13 Enderman and Skulk Farm 17:50 Villager Trading Hall 21:10 ShadowStone’s Dragon Ascension 24:48 The Sewer 26:24 The Storage 31:58 Old Storage & Smelter & (RIP) Library & Gunpoweder Farm 36:34 Mossa 50:14 Halloween #1 55:25 Halloween #2 59:32 OmiAm’s City Ascension 1:17:39 Mortician Sam & SystemMC’s Nether Hub Ascension 1:25:00 Xopa’s Blaze Ascension 1:27:23 Illu5ive’s Red River Ascension 1:31:22 BunnyGirlNextDoor’s Wonderland Ascension 1:42:37 FootBallCr8zy’s Magic Ascension 1:49:00 Halloween Town 1:53:00 NinjaWarrior’s Raid Farm Ascension 1:59:43 OutsiderOG’s Ocean Monument Ascension 2:08:16 Krzazy’s Wither Farm Ascension 2:14:21 Trevski127’s Iron Farm Ascension 2:22:26 ColonelKohler’s Slime Farm Ascension 2:46:39 Luke The Duke’s Panda Sanctuary Ascension ❤ 3:00:20 KipSnip’s Tree Farm Ascension 3:07:11 Healherrxd’s Drowned Farm Ascension 3:15:26 TMG_3d’s Fox Sanctuary Ascension 3:19:41 OG Iron Farm 3:21:27 Apterixuwu’s Gold Farm Ascension

Hall of Fames OG – 3:26:32 Harry Potter – 3:27:48 Star Wars – 3:28:15 Bee – 3:29:03 Cybor Punk – 3:29:56 Legend of Zelda – 3:30:54 Bone Zone – 3:31:57 Alice in Wonderland – 3:33:11 Halloween – 3:34:39 Space – 3:36:15 Winter – 3:37:36 Ocean- 3:38:53 Egypt – 3:39:30 Mineshaft – 3:40:51 Swamp – 3:41:58 Nether – 3:44:21 Greek – 3:46:03 Rain Forest – 3:47:46

Thank you romeoromeo8471 For the timestamps!

World Tour, Live streamed and uploaded Raw with one cut. 6200 hours, 25,000 days

Data/Texture packs are all from Vanilla Tweaks (More mob heads) Mods from Roundaround https://modrinth.com/user/Roundaround – Axolotl Buckets – Nicer Portals – Babies Forever – Sprint Indicator – Custom Paintings – Shearable Vines – Armor Stands – Invisible Frames

#minecraft #Hardcore #survival

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  • Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check!

    Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check! In the world of Minecraft, cheats are a sin, But some players just can’t help but give in. They burned a player with cheats, what a shame, But justice was served, they got banned from the game. The server admin caught them in the act, Flying around, breaking the pact. They were building a beautiful home, But cheating in Minecraft, they should’ve known. The admin called them out, asked for an explanation, But the player refused, faced with termination. They were banned from the server, a fitting end, Cheating in Minecraft, they couldn’t defend. So remember, dear players, play… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Mob Tower

    Outsmarting the Mob Tower Minecraft Dungeons: Conquering the Mob Tower Zak and Zi, two brave adventurers in the world of Minecraft, found themselves deep underground in a dimly lit cave system. Armed with their swords and armor, they ventured through twisting tunnels, hearts pounding with every step. Exploring the Tower As they delved deeper, they stumbled upon a gigantic tower teeming with eerie creatures. From zombies in armor to powerful bosses, the tower presented a formidable challenge. Armed with their weapons, Zak and Zi braced themselves for the battles ahead. Choosing the Right Gear Amidst the chaos, they had to make crucial decisions… Read More

  • Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft

    Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft Exploring the New Armadillo Mob in Minecraft 1.20.5 With the latest update in Minecraft 1.20.5, players are in for a treat with the introduction of the adorable Armadillo mob. This new addition brings a fresh dynamic to the game, offering exciting possibilities for exploration and creativity. Discovering the Armadillo Habitat The Armadillo can be found roaming in the Badlands biome and the savanna. Keep an eye out for these unique creatures as you venture through these terrains in search of new adventures. Taming and Feeding the Armadillo To tame the Armadillo, players can feed them with spider eyes. Once… Read More

  • Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2

    Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2 In the world of gaming, we take the stage, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that engage. From Roblox Murder Mystery to Death Ball fun, We spin the finest rhymes, our journey just begun. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers at heart, With passion for Roblox, Minecraft, and BTD6 art. Join us on our channel, subscribe and see, The gaming world through rhymes, wild and free. In Murder Mystery 2, the action unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. Dancing and battling, in every round, We face the challenges, with victory bound. From the Sheriff to the Murderer’s hand, We… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house builds? Do you enjoy creating unique and modern structures in the game? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine taking your building skills to the next level in a community of like-minded players. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, learn new building techniques, and explore different design styles with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on creating amazing and unique houses, Minewind is the perfect place to hone your skills and get inspired by others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve or… Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More


    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

    "Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic's Love Drama in Minecraft" #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animationVideo Information [Music] help [Music] please wow [Music] [Applause] This video, titled ‘Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Minecraft #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic’, was uploaded by Snuka Game on 2024-04-25 18:39:17. It has garnered 17307 views and 545 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Sadako or Aphmau Minecraft Herobrine #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic Read More

  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

    Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!Video Information o Coach do Ramon avisou que ele vai ganhar o mter Olímpia esse ano eu já falou já deixou Claro só que eu duvido sebum tá começou a preparar muito mais cedo que o Ramon o ceum já tá na frente do Ramon então tipo assim se o ceum já tá começando a preparação na frente significa que ele já tá na frente então meu filho só se O Ramão treinar de verdade mesmo sem com vergonha na cara com sabe porque realmente não dá se ele ficar cendo assim aqueles treinos fofo igual ele fez nas outras… Read More

  • EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL – Episode 6 OMG!!!

    EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL - Episode 6 OMG!!!Video Information Cal’s pretty freaking good all right way better here shame that I’m being demoted but oh well it’s not like we could do anything wait a minute are you doing here oh I live here y uh you’re sler like me though yeah I live here right right right to be honest that makes no sense um like why are you in R yellow if your life uh so there’s a room that apparently was contaminated with bugs I cleaned um I got someone to gas the room um then I broke in through a window then now… Read More

  • Determinacy

    DeterminacyDeterminacy.net is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore In the world of Minecraft, we build our dreams, Crafting structures, mining seams. From underground houses to mountain retreats, Every block placed, every resource we meet. Agni Gamingz, our guide in this land, With updates and builds, always at hand. In Hindi he speaks, with passion and flair, Sharing his journey, with a playful air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let the story unfold, in the gaming light. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, Thanks to Agni Gamingz, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Player in Minecraft (day 1) funny minecraft animation in real life.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it perfectly captures the fun and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy the creativity and humor that the game brings, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and exciting events, Minewind offers an experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

    Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Private Games With Viewers – WBEDWARS WEDNESDAY IS BACK!!!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-18 12:25:37. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds. #ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive Classic WBedwars Wednesday action that anyone can join in on! Donate to Stream Here! – https://streamelements.com/bygonearchive/tip Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@ByGone_ Discord – https://discord.gg/K8xGYAeKUu Merch – https://bygone.printify.me/products Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more! Texture Pack: Vattic’s… Read More

  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: https://vaulthunters.gg/armory/Stressmonster101 ♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stream upload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/hqR4uR3f Instagram :- instagram.com/barytekken Like and Subscribe Read More

  • Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!

    Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 9)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-04-11 14:23:11. It has garnered 12169 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:02 or 13082 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. Every 200k +3 runs & 1 million +20 runs. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join Now

    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sunterla MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. mc.quadcrafters.com Read More

  • Pandamium: Snapshot SMP – Vanilla, Snapshots, 1.20.5 Pre-Releases, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More


    NOTCH'S TEMPLE IN 2024: HOT DIGGITY DOG! 🔥 In 2024, the Temple of Notch will have a strict dress code: diamond armor only. No exceptions! #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

I Survived 25,000 days in Hardcore Minecraft Tour