I Survived 300 Days in a ONE CHUNK Minecraft World… Here’s What Happened!

Video Information

Every minecraft world is divided into a bunch  of small pieces called chunks these chunks are   what the game uses to divide the map into more  manageable pieces and every minecraft world being   30 million blocks big in each cardinal directions  contains this many possible chunks that’s 14 with  

12 zeros behind it but what would happen if  instead of having access to these hundreds of   billions of chunks i only get one well that’s  what i set out to answer in this challenge   this is the story of how i survived 300 days  in a minecraft world that’s only one chunk big

On day one i did all the normal day one things  chopped down a tree made some tools and started   a little melon and wheat farm my next task was  stone tools something i’d have to get used to  

Using for quite a long time i then went mining  for a bit found some brown mushrooms then spent   the rest of the day mining gravel i don’t really  know why i mined all this gravel but i kind of  

Just felt like it once night came around i  wanted to get out of the scary caves and go   to the surface to start working on a bigger and  better farm since i don’t have any animals in  

This world yet melons and wheat are going to  be my only food source for quite a long time   by the end of the night i had already  figured out how to get outside the border  

You can’t break or place blocks out here so it was  really just to see how my world was coming along   and not bad and just as day one was coming  to an end i had my first death and of course  

It was from a failed mlg water day 2 was spent  constructing a hideous bamboo farm in the sky when   i realized i’m all out of cobblestone so time  to make a cobblestone generator with my newly  

Found riches cobblestone that is i set out on my  first big project on the world making a mob farm   i was in desperate need of food and the bones  i would get from skeletons in this farm could  

Really help me out to make bone meal once i had  it all constructed it was time to test it out   i thought to myself hmm this seems slower than it  should be that’s because the entire farm is filled  

With spiders only skeletons zombies and creepers  were able to fall down the chute in this farm   so eventually the only thing that was left  was spiders and no more moms were spawning   the next day was spent organizing my items for  being in such a tiny world i had accumulated  

Quite a bit of items i constructed a somewhat  janky storage system and boom problem solved   oh and would you look at that i’m back in the  mob farm killing spiders oh i mean i’m back in   the mob farm being killed by spiders hey but  at least the farm’s working pretty good now  

A few days of killing and being killed by spiders  and i finally had enough string to make wool   and then carpet to start spider-proofing  the mob farm the next day i got redemption   for my first death by hitting this absolutely  insane mlg water on day 19 i decided to try to  

Make something cool using the amethyst geo that  was in my world i wanted to make an underground   area that connected with the geode but for now  i’ll just be putting a potato farm down here  

And what do you know i am back in the mob  farm and for some reason i removed the spider   proofing but this was not a normal situation in  spider death this was a full-blown disaster i   had accidentally left the trap doors open from  when i was clearing out the moth farm earlier  

And a creeper exploded sending mobs spilling  everywhere out into the world would this be   the end of the one chunk world well i thought it  would be but i was able to save it after just a  

Few deaths and one exploded chest that disaster  was a wake-up call for me and made me realize i   need to burn some trees down outside the border i  used some weirdly placed blocks and leaves to get  

The fire to spread outside the border but it  didn’t work too well and i was left with this and not even one day after my last mob  farm disaster i was already back inside   killing spiders yet again that same night  i found my first chicken and a pesky zombie  

Was riding it so i took care of that and put  the chicken in a hole so it wouldn’t escape   i ended up completely forgetting about  this chicken and somehow it just vanished   the next morning i woke up realizing that i had  experienced enough danger and death in this world  

So it was time to completely spider-proof the mob  farm for good this time i then spent the rest of   the day afk at the mob farm to see how much loot  i could get and i ended up getting two sugar  

Perfect for what’s coming next on the world you  see from the very start of this world the goal   has been to cure a zombie villager that’s why i  made the mob farm and that’s why dave41 was spent  

Searching where gold generates in the new update  according to the wiki there’s an average of 12.4   gold per chunk and i needed 16 but i got super  lucky and in my chunk there was a whopping 5 gold  

I even found a big vein just outside the border  taunting me but hey at least i found some diamonds   the only way for me to get the remaining 11  gold was to go to the nether and i was not  

Looking forward to this i used a lava pool that  was at the bottom of my chunk to carry individual   lava buckets all the way to the surface and one  by one using water i turned them into obsidian  

And on day 46 i went to the nether for the first  time surprisingly it wasn’t infested with mobs   like i had thought it would be this is great i  dug down below the fortress and started mining  

I found a gold vein not too long after and wanted  to bring it back to the overworld to keep it safe   but as i was underground in the nether an insane  amount of mobs started spawning above me being  

Not prepared i ran back to my portal to escape but  was greeted on the other side by a load of blazes   they killed me a few times burned some of my stuff  and burned down most of the forest outside the  

Border so i took a break and brewed the weakness  potions i would need to cure my zombie villager   i also used almost all of my iron to make  some full iron armor and as you can see it  

Was extremely helpful i went back to get my stuff  then continued mining after finding the rest of   the gold i needed i decided to go full assassin  mode and kill as many nether mobs as i could and now it was time for me to get a  zombie villager so i could cure it  

I made a little platform with trap doors so i  could prevent any zombie villagers from dying   to fall damage but so i could let the rest  of the mobs through here i just got one and  

I lured it into a box outside the spawner  and on day 52 i got my very first villager but i forgot to light up the box the villager was  in and a zombie spawn inside turning it back into  

A zombie villager so i had to use the golden apple  that was supposed to be for the second villager   on this one while i was waiting for that villager  to cure again i realized i had accidentally  

Turned my mob farm into a music disc farm in  total i got seven music discs from it but once   the villager finally cured it was back to the  nether to get some more gold for the second one  

I finally got the remaining gold and cured another  zombie villager while i was waiting for this   one to cure i went above the mob farm to make a  massive potato farm that i could use to scan the  

Villagers into getting me all of their emeralds  oh and to get the villagers so they could breed the next few days were spent trying to  come up with some get rich quick schemes   exploiting my newly found resources and killing  anyone who didn’t comply after realizing that i  

Could grow potatoes and carrots much faster using  a bone meal dispenser farm i converted the rooftop   farm to a melon farm since i have a villager  who will trade me one emerald for one melon   with a small supply of iron coming from the  iron golem spawning next to the villagers  

I got to work on some more automatic farms the  first being an automatic bamboo farm but my hunger   for iron was not satisfied so my next big project  in the world was making an iron farm i started  

With the framework of the farm then built the top  platform where the iron golems spawn and i pushed   off into lava this farm needs a zombie and three  villagers so i made a dark box from the farm for  

Zombies to hopefully spawn in and after waiting  below for a bit i finally got three to spawn   inside i don’t have a name tag yet to prevent  the zombie from despawning but if a mob picks  

Up an item it will also no longer despawn so i can  use this mechanic instead of an expensive name tag   once i had gotten the zombie into his  cage it was time to bring the villagers up  

I started making a staircase from the villager  area all the way up to the iron farm i thought   this was going to be extremely painful but at  night villagers pathfind to their nearest bed   so i used this to my advantage by breaking  and placing beds up the long staircase all  

The way up until i made it to the top one of  the three villagers fell off and died on the   way up but that was fine because i still  have two and i can breed them together   but these two villagers gave me such  a hard time once we were at the top  

And this one didn’t want to stay up there and kept  trying to escape down the stairs i thought it was   gonna accidentally fall off and i was gonna have  to bring one all the way back up to the top again  

Luckily that didn’t happen but when i was trying  to get them to breathe to get my third villager   one of them would just not stop being scared  i tried everything and eventually resorted to  

Google to help me out it said to just restart my  server and it worked and i finally got them to on my way back down from the mob  farm i noticed a wandering traitor   the first one i’ve gotten in this world it’s  day 103 by the way uh it took that long for  

One to spawn and it was also selling some pretty  useless items so that’s great cats can spawn next   to villages so i guess the game decided a good  place for one to spawn was inside my mob farm  

I didn’t have any string to fish for fish though  so i had to kill a few spiders make a fishing   rod then catch a few fish to tame the cat and  here it is my first pet on the one chunk world  

Once that was done it was time to test  the iron farm and it was working great   so it’s on to the next project when i went  to the nether i found myself yet another cat   so it was back to the pond to fish some  more fish and i got myself a second cat

While i was in the nether i also  decided to spawn proof the entire   thing that way we wouldn’t have  any more of these situations the next big project was going to be clearing out  the entire nether underneath the fortress all the  

Way down to bedrock and building a hogin farm at  the bottom i didn’t know this till now but there’s   quite a large lava lake underground in my nether  which made things so much harder this project made  

Me die so many times and i lost all of my stuff  on multiple occasions so this project took quite   a long time after dying a few more times i decided  it was time to take a break and gather some of the  

Resources that the farm would need this is when i  had a panic moment i covered up all the nylium in   the nether and when you do that it turns back  to normal netherrack i thought i was screwed  

But i knew you could bone meal nylon to get it to  spread i just didn’t know how you would bone meal   it i made a dispenser and tried to bone meal the  blocks that were still outside the border but that  

Didn’t work after trying a few more variations i  opened up a creative world and noticed that you   need to bone meal the block that’s next to the  nylium so i tried that and it worked i was so  

Scared because i thought i permanently messed up  my world but luckily i was able to fix it once i   had gotten the nyluim back i bone mailed it to get  the warp fungus that this farm needs after that  

It was back to the grind of clearing out the  nether a few more deaths later and i needed   another break this time i was going to get a  fortune 3 pickaxe from trading with villagers  

And use it to mine the diamonds that i found  earlier here we are and not bad from 4 diamond ore   i was able to get 11 diamonds and naturally the  first thing i used my diamonds on was a jukebox  

When listening to mellohi i had an epiphany  instead of dying every five minutes to lava   i could craft myself fire resistance  potions to clear out the lava even faster   i’m a bit disappointed in myself for not thinking  of this till now but hey better late than never  

Once i had them all crafted up i dove  into lava and started clearing it all out now that the entire nether is  all cleared out i marked out   the boundary of the crimson forest biome  since this biome is where hoglin spawn  

Once i had it all built i stood above it to see  how it was working and it looks like it’s not   working that great because the hoglins are just  running around and not really going into the lava  

So i decided to fix it i figured that since  it was up against the world border it must   have been confusing the hoglins so i made the new  version smaller and farther away from the border  

And it looked like it was working good now so  i did a quick one-hour afk test to make sure   and it got me 17 stacks of cooked pork chops okay  it’s definitely working good i came back to the  

Overworld so i could start working on the next  project and oh wow now even more of the forest   is burned down but deforestation aside it was  time to work on some more farms and for those  

I’m gonna be clearing out the overworld chunk down  to bedrock i wanted to make a mini industrial farm   area with the limited space i have and i figured  doing it underground would be best the first farm   i was going to build was a villager-based crop  farm these are fully automatic and work super  

Good so i was excited to build one the first step  was abducting some villagers from my trading area   and bringing them underground i thought this  was going to be a pain and i was right because   it was villagers are single-handedly the best and  worst thing on this world well maybe the nether is  

The worst thing anyways i was able to get these  two villagers down to bedrock relatively easily   meaning none of them died and got to work setting  it all up this farm means three villagers so step  

One was bringing these two together then getting  a villager into the center of the farm now all i   had left was to set up the oh come on now that it  was all done i did a quick test to see if it was  

Working good and it was i then went on to make a  few more piston and observer farms like a bamboo   farm and a melon farm once that was all done i  ran into another wandering traitor but this time  

It was selling something that was actually useful  moss blocks and pumpkins both first for this world   but since i was done training with him i had to  make room for the next one to spawn sorry morally   troubled from murdering that wandering traitor i  decided that it was time to retire the mob farm  

It was ugly and caused me so much pain in this  world so it was time for it to go i also wanted   to clear up the villager area above here too  since it was just ugly and confusing i started  

Off trying to save the villagers by pushing them  off so they would land in water but that got   too annoying so i just i was like yeah anyways i  also wanted to move my nether portal underground  

So i wouldn’t have any more of these situations  i figured putting it inside of my amethyst geode   would look pretty cool since both the portal and  amethyst geode are purple and here it is completed   now i decided to rebuild the mob farm underground  since the mob loot was still pretty useful  

I’m making this one in the same design as  the other one but with two levels this time   and yes don’t worry it’s gonna be spider-proof  too i did a quick test to see if it was working   and it’s looking good i noticed that it was  pretty easy to get skeletons to kill creepers  

In this farm so i decided to get some more music  discs but out of nowhere my cat teleported to me   and tried to climb into the mob farm it got shot  by a skeleton a few times and i tried to save it  

I sat it down and everything seemed fine so  i went to the farm to try to clear out the   rest of the mob so i could save it but it  was killed by a skeleton i was devastated  

At least i was able to get one of every  music disc this is for you unnamed cat   the next few days were spent collecting resources  for my next project and trying to forget about my   cat dying since i didn’t have a reliable source  of gravel yet to get renewable dirt i cleared  

Out every single dirt block in my world then  remade the terrain so it was hollow underneath   you wouldn’t be able to tell from above and it  would give me so much more dirt to work with  

And i think it looks pretty good i also went and  lit up the area with moss carpets and torches   but since i’m in a jungle biome the grass is super  green and the carpets don’t really blend that well  

But that’s okay i bone milled the area a bit and  finished smelting the rest of the stone that i   would need for the project while i was down here i  noticed there was a blaze stuck in my portal area  

A perfect example of why i moved my portal  underground if this were above ground there   would be fire everywhere but instead the blaze  is just stuck in here not causing any problems   this is how things should be the next big project  was a big sky island area with villagers on their  

Own islands and a large island in the middle i  pillared up with some scaffolding and got to work   on the first islands the main island was first  and it was turning out really great each of the   surrounding islands were next and i then got  to work detailing everything to make it look  

A bit more natural once the islands were done it  was time for the villagers to move in i used the   iron front that was above as a villager breeder  and it was working out pretty good i was getting  

A steady supply of villagers that i would just  put in boats and row down to their own islands   finally a project that hasn’t had a major disaster  yet oh well that didn’t last long the same thing   that happened to my very first villager just  happened again you think i would have learned my  

Lesson because all the villagers and the breeder  died i had to transport one from the bottom of the   world in the potato and carrot farm to the build  limit so i could get it to breed with the one  

Remaining villager that was in the iron farm once  i had that all sorted out the islands were done i   had an island with tool smiths and armorers one  with farmers one with fletcher’s one with masons  

And one with fishermen villagers i plan to add a  few more islands later once i could get myself a   librarian villager and that was the last major  project that i completed on the world now we’ve  

Come to the last thing and that was fishing for  a name tag for my cat it took me quite a while to   figure out how to get treasure loot while fishing  since mojang updated the fishing mechanics in 1.16  

So my first second and third setups all didn’t  work there have to be two source blocks of water   below the bobber and two air blocks above it in a  5×5 area so i had to remake the box so the water  

Would be all source blocks and it finally worked  i found a second cat while fishing so i tamed it   and brought it with me and here we arrive at the  last clip that i recorded on this world i asked  

You guys in a video what i should name my cats and  here are their names chunky stampy and garfield   unfortunately this world was accidentally  deleted when my pc decided that it hates me   so this is the last you’ll be seeing of this  one chunk world however there are bigger and  

Better series soon on the way so get subscribed  so you don’t miss it thanks for watching bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 300 Days in a ONE CHUNK Minecraft World… Here’s What Happened!’, was uploaded by Julien Azelart on 2021-11-20 14:00:13. It has garnered 1866664 views and 3651 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:47 or 1067 seconds.

The culmination of the one chunk series on my channel! – 🟣 Become a channel member for exclusive perks! ⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/c/JulienAzelart/join 🟣 Discord! ⚡️ https://discord.gg/kBwzdgTzgq 🟣 @julienazelart on all socials ⚡️ https://linktr.ee/julienazelart – This is a Minecraft Survival Challenge Series. Even though this video was inspired by 100 by 100 Minecraft, it isn’t, and it isn’t I Played Minecraft Hardcore for 100 Days and Here’s What Happened, also not 1 by 1 Minecraft or Minecraft, But Achievements Expand The Border. This is A Minecraft World with an Expanding Border, a Minecraft challenge with a border. This isn’t a speedrun or a video on a Minecraft SMP. #minecraft #onechunk #challenge #gaming

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    INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft's SPUD Update! 🥔Video Information hello oh my gosh okay let me put on this is why we don’t update things hi hi everybody oh my goodness oh what a pain twitch is not going to happen tonight so it’s just going to be me and YouTube like it always uh like it used to be so hello hello everybody hi um how you doing Strike Zone hippo no Avid quick singer hello viid I saw Ruby in the chat sadden hello cup half full lemon hi everybody odev GG on 1 million well okay so look sorry I’m a minute late I’m… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: https://discord.gg/bFRgSKa Forums: https://royalasylummc.enjin.com/ mc.royalasylum.net Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Chest Looting”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Chest Looting"Well, at least this meme scored higher than my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes

    Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a stack of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your hopes of defeating the Ender Dragon with a pile of dirt.” Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tricks! Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks! Are you ready to revolutionize your Minecraft builds? 🌟 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is a goldmine of game-changing build hacks that will take your creations to the next level! 💡🔨 Discover Innovative Building Techniques Get ready to explore a world of secret tricks and creative strategies that will make your Minecraft world truly unique. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Unleash Your Imagination With these innovative building techniques at your… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Mods!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Mods!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to the channel in this video I’m going to be surviving all the mods 9 in hardcore please sit back and enjoy watching me try to Rack my brain around as much of this pack as I possibly can in 100 days what’s going on everybody Welcome to uh 100 days in all the mods 9 what I’m picking up right now is Fluffy seeds they actually when you plant them and grow them they grow uh fluff which gives you uh string three of them make a fluffy string and then you can… Read More

  • Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in Minecraft

    Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in MinecraftVideo Information e e is that there there we go now my microphone is actually plugged in oh it’s black screen though hold on where is it where is the the stupid pack okay open it no stay stay in the basement stay in the basement you don’t get any food tonight maybe if you worked harder in the sweat shop You’ get P you get you get to eat I’m GNA sneeze I’m gonna sneeze oh my I’m going to sneeze so much okay I’m rolling over plug it in really fast I was stuck in traffic my bad… Read More

  • Bizzie Survives Alone – Insane Minecraft Challenge

    Bizzie Survives Alone - Insane Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information I have already survived 30 days on this island but all of that progress is nothing compared to what you’re about to see in this video Welcome to Minecraft hardcore 100 days on a deserted island when I had started I had absolutely nothing and I can only use what’s provided by this island and nothing more so I’m hoping and praying that there’s diamonds down here because I still only have stone tools after some digging I found them and while I’m this deep I’m going to go ahead and find a lava pool because I told… Read More

  • Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request 3,125

    Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art - PPL Request 3,125Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125December 14, 2023’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-14 09:15:46. It has garnered 2758 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

  • 🌟 Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! 🔥🚀

    🌟 Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! 🔥🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘”🚀 Minecraft Public SMP: Join the 24/7 Adventure NOW! 🔥🌐 #MINECRAFTLIVE #SMP’, was uploaded by ChillMode Gaming on 2024-03-06 07:07:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft adventure on our Public SMP – Join 24/7 and experience the excitement NOW! Highlights: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don’t Blink… #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don't Blink... #shortsVideo Information to hit the road and laugh but something told me that it wouldn’t last had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture those were the days hard work forever P now I see you in a better place how we about everything I would do you was standing there by my side and now you going to be with me for the last ride been a long day without you and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again I see you again we’ve come a long way from where we… Read More

  • “Exploring Florist’s Island – EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!” #minecraft #seeds

    "Exploring Florist's Island - EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!" #minecraft #seedsVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the charer B I was given this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen let’s go okay we stay in wow in water okay more water and we have in the spon a cherry be wow it’s a is land and we have a small beom of snow ah for me this is the have more Iceland and we have a more bioms oh a village it’s more along of the spoon I like this seed because we have more more Iceland and we… Read More

  • Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames – EVIELUTION!! 🤯 #shocking #drama

    Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames - EVIELUTION!! 🤯 #shocking #dramaVideo Information everybody’s [Music] crazy eeve you were just standing there nobody was touching you I had to do something wa why did you do this to me I I could have stayed on and you hit me up this is a competition there’s no friends This video, titled ‘Minecraft BETRAYAL!!! #minecraft #minecraftminigames’, was uploaded by evielution on 2024-04-04 02:57:08. It has garnered 423 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. He’ll never forgive me… #minecraftbuildbattle #minecraftminigames #hypixel #gaming #minecraft Read More

  • “💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥” #clickbait

    "💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THE NEW BEGINNING IN SURVIVAL SERIES DAY 3 2024#gaming #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by PooKRi is Live on 2024-01-14 19:10:32. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:25:23 or 19523 seconds. #valorant #valorantindia Hello everyone 🌹 welcome to the ಕನ್ನಡ ಗೇಮಿಂಗ್ಚಾ ಚಾನಲ್KANNADA GAMING CHANNEL Do like share subscribe and support Kannada channel 🌹 🌹 Let’s do fun 🙌and enjoy the stream 🌹 ❤️ 🌹 🥈 Second Channel Link -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNuY5-nYHVa5eylh32RI4g Join Discord:- https://discord.gg/sdX7HzT6 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— DONATION 💰💸 (Gpay and Phone pay) ✅Rules of chat 🧑‍⚖️ NO spam,self promotion or… Read More

  • Breakfast Club

    Breakfast ClubBreakfast club – Minecraft survivalists Features: > Free for all. > Keep inventory is on. > mob griefing is off. > 15 current active players > Java 1.15.2 Breakfast Club is a friendly discord society committed to civility, compassion, and making a difference in the world. We host regular Minecraft get-togethers, movie nights, chess tournaments, and more. Join our community and meet people from around the world! breakfast.apexmc.co Read More

  • KazzyKraft Modded | Whitelist | 15+ | 1.19.2

    Modded Minecraft Server for Building and Exploring If you’re tired of grindy Minecraft servers and want to focus on building and exploring, this server is for you! Created by Ezzy and Katty, we offer a small, no P2W server with around 100 mods including Origins, Cobblemon, Naturalist, and more. Server Specifications: DedicatedMC server 24/7 run time North America based Version 1.19.3 If you’re interested, join our Discord here to get started today! We hope to see you soon! Katty and Ezzy Read More

  • NitroGaming

    NitroGamingWelcome to the NitroGaming server page!We are still a fairly new server.Our main component is the game mode Survival!IP: ng.mineplay.meServer version: 1.20.4Discord; discord.gg/7YyHuQUC(We are still looking for team members) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft trend alert 🌶”

    “Looks like this Minecraft meme is hitting a high score of 95 in the meme game! Guess it’s mining its way to the top!” Read More

I Survived 300 Days in a ONE CHUNK Minecraft World… Here’s What Happened!