I Survived 3,400 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…

Video Information

Today i get thousands of tnt to continue my quest for a netherite beacon the emerald palace gets finished and the villagers infiltrate it and i build a new and improved gold farm that connects to a very cool bartering station with powdered snow and sliced portals and

What will i be using all of this gold for well i’m going to build the golden mountain complete with a statue of me last episode i spent so long building this that i used up three days i shouldn’t have well there’s no time to waste i need to get notch apple number

34 and to do that i’m going to be flying far far away build another portal get trapped in a cave find some diamonds whilst trying to escape and then search for desert pyramids here is the first one and searching for these is also a great way to harvest sandstone and

Unfortunately well i wouldn’t say it’s too bad but it’s it’s not what i want and there’s the second one and as i expected it’s kind of empty but this third one i almost missed it it’s just hidden like in the side of a mountain but will it be a hidden gem nope it

Won’t be a hidden gem he’s got a couple of that okay i spoke too soon i spoke too soon my third pyramid and hidden in the side of this mountain there was a notch apple i did not expect that and before i head back home i’m gonna search

The rest of this desert just to make sure i don’t miss any more pyramids after this one had nothing useful i actually checked all the chests this time before saying it was rubbish will this one be any better and the answer is no so it’s getting blown up looks like

It’s going to be the same result for this one and also this one and if i mess up this singular firework rocket hardcore series is over but don’t worry we’re absolutely fine and i’ve also run out of desert it seems to be turning into a mesa so i’m going home and on the

Way home founder and portal would sadly know not chapel do i just grab the gold blocks you know whilst we’re here okay maybe we got it let’s grab this one as well and i have made it back home let’s do all these items in here grab an item

Frame and add in the 34th notch apple only got eight more spaces that i’m going to run out of water and now i want to take this opportunity to grab some iron blocks and mine a hole right here okay goodbye glass then i put down one bit of scaffolding so i can

Kind of go down here and i’ve actually realized this is going to make no difference okay yeah the lava’s on its way down let’s just plug that up and i’d like to build a beacon down here and what is the reason for this beacon well it’s actually because i’m tired of never

Having swiftness when i’m down you can see i’ve got haste but no swiftness i’m just gonna fix the lava repair the glass now to dig a hole going all the way down to the chest room the beacon has activated i believe i can keep a slab

There and it’ll still go through and i can use it to give myself swiftness and also place a bit of glass here so that it covered in snow yeah there we go it looks very very good i’m glad that’s done because i’ve been meaning to add it

For like the last 300 days and for my next project i wish to change this entire floor to be respawn anchors and the main thing we need to do that is lots and lots of glowstone dust so i’m going to take out a pillager captain

Place some others in boats so i can save them for later turn on the mob switch and then spend a bunch of time afk at the ray farm it should get me the rest of the glowstone that i need i’ve been at this farm for quite some time and now

To see if i’ve got that shulker box of glowstone that i need there’s one there we’ve also got redstone dust which is useful and i still need to fix this so that the sugarbox sorta actually works but i’ll do that some other time instead i’m going to grab some red and yellow

Dye to dye both of the shulker boxes the correct colours i’ll also be needing lots and lots of crying obsidian let’s make all of the glowstone blocks then the respawn anchors mine up the glass as well as the warped wart and place down the anchors now to power them all up and

The floor is starting to look very nice indeed how to craft a load more and place them down looking very nice indeed they also have a bit more glowstone in this chest so i’m going to make a good use of that as well you know what i’m

Going to grab a little bit of extra glow stone out here as well and then armed with lots more glowstone and place them all down i’ve now nearly actually finished all of it and as we said it does look a lot better so you know what

I might as well just get a few extra pieces of glowstone to fully finish it and it would seem that we have yet another stray chicken well we all know what happens to you guys now i’m very sorry and now to sort out my next problem some of you may or may not

Have noticed but every time i open my inventory where’s my op chest plate i’m not wearing it cause i’ve got me a lighter on well fear not i have i’ve watched my last video back and worked it out it would seem that whilst i was at the

Bartering farm i somehow emptied it into one of these chests and it went all the way through the storage system and i’m hoping it’s in here okay it’s not in that one it’s thank goodness for that and there’s some other random stuff pistons what’s that all about should probably just

Empty all these items out and i’m very very glad to have this back in my inventory and for those that are always asking me how i got such op amer what’s 2 100 days last episode we built this amazing emerald mansion slash palace whatever you want to call it but

There is a problem whilst it looks great from the outside the inside still got work to be done so i’m going to grab a bunch of materials and get to work on building the inside and that is this side complete well it will be once i

Light up all these lamps anyway and this side is also complete i’m just going to add some stuff to here and now since there are going to be loads of villagers inside this building i think that it’s super important that i make it as safe as possible and now i think it’s time

That i create the stairs that will take you up to the higher level it’s going to involve those dark prismarine stairs along with these emerald blocks and prismarine behind and it’ll work its way up layer by layer like that i have now almost made it to the top just got a few

More levels to go and that is all of the staircases now complete i really hope i don’t end up with any villager casualties from this i’m sure it’ll be fine and all that’s left to be done now is this pillar in the middle it’s gonna have some lights on it like that then

Some slabs above those and then lights like that and with that it’s pretty much there i would like to add a couple of lanterns to the very very front and warped fences along here as well as adding lots of torches underneath here to activate the lamps and one other

Final thing i nearly forgot there needs to be chandeliers in both of those so let’s get to work on doing that the easiest way to activate them all will be to use redstone although i suppose just using four lamps would also oh no i would have done the bottom ones then

Yeah no we need to do it like this and then loads of nether brick fences like this that is chandelier number one complete and also chandelier number two i also think it might be wise to go do something like this just just for the villagers own safety yeah i’m looking

That up as well i don’t want any purchase to walk about i know how stupid they could be it just simply isn’t worth the risk all right i might decorate it eventually and add some beds for the villagers and stuff but before i can think about that i need to head back

Home grab loads of grass and also dirt and terraform this mountain so that it’s not a massive floating building and that is all of the terraforming complete it looks much much more natural now doesn’t it and i would also like to just go under here and light things up so that

Mobs can’t spawn and whilst it was lighting up down here i was just going into this cave and what should we have at the bottom a dungeon yeah this is unexpected nothing too amazing i decided not to break it in case it’s of use for me sometime in the future that is

Operation spawn proof complete just wanna craft a few slabs and place those along the front here and that’s probably as good as it’s gonna get i think that’s perfect let’s gather up all the shulker boxes fill in a little bit of extra dirt and that is that project complete i can

Move on to bigger and better things well maybe not bigger this one’s already pretty massive as it is but also guys if you are new here and you like my world you enjoy this series please please please could you subscribe i’m trying to get to 4 million subscribers but the

Channel happy kids tv nursery rhymes is looking like it’s gonna beat me there so if you knew and you could subscribe that would be amazing or if you’re already subscribed please could you ask a friend and then together we can win this war and now the next thing that needs work

Is this the netherright beacon i have got a lot of netherright blocks i know it doesn’t look like many but it really has taken me so so much effort but of course until i finish it i will never have enough and i’ve realized that mining stand it’s just not the way to go

Instead it’s much more efficient to use tnt and so that’s how i’m gonna do it you see mining a stack of sand by hand well it it takes you know it takes a good few seconds but if i go ahead and just place a singular piece of tnt and

Light it up as you can see i get over a stack of sand just instantly so then if i find a good bit of desert to ruin like this where the tnt are far away enough from each other in a very short space of time i have destroyed a lot of sand and

If i collect it all up you’ll see that really really fast it has given me a grand total of like i don’t know 20 stacks over 17 that’s crazy and with this new knowledge i should be able to get loads of sand and loads more tnt really really fast it’s actually an idea

From a viewer so i really appreciate the person that told me about it it’s really going to speed things up and i also kind of feel like i’m going to ruin this desert and it’s kind of an area i don’t know i kind of want a bigger flat one to

Yeah now this is the place trying to be as efficient as possible so i’ve lined them all up eight spaces apart and then i can run back along to collect the sand yeah now that i have an infinite amount of gunpowder this is definitely the best

Way to do it normally it’ll take me a couple of days to have got all this but i’ve got four shulker boxes worth i’ve filled my inventory so i think the best thing i can do is fly over to this portal also turn off the trunk borders

They’re a little bit annoying now from there i might as well pop down to the eol farm grab a bit of gunpowder and begin crafting tnt my shulker box number one filled up and quite a lot is filled up in a second one as well and now i’ve

Got a bunch of empty shulker boxes again i’m gonna go ahead and refill them i fear my tnt shenanigans smith may have gone too far run little rabbit you don’t want the same fate and that is another four shulker boxes completely filled i have to say the

Aftermath looks kind of crazy it looks like one of those broken seeds doesn’t it and one day the entire desert will look like that i think that’s better than looking like this one this one just looks like a mess now manning sand is something i spend a lot of time doing

And the aol farm is still holding up strong look at loads and loads of gunpowder here apparently i’m an idiot and accidentally put the other shulker box of tnt into this machine but i didn’t lose that it could have been a massive disaster i don’t think i’ve ever

Got this much tnt for ancient debris searching before two shulker boxes and almost a third one’s worth as well i’ll just line up a little extra sand for these last bits of gunpowder and i also want to repair all my tools particularly the flint and steel and since i’m

Actually very very near to the pillager outpost i might as well get rid of one of these captains that i put here earlier and began collecting up xp from the raid farm more than enough time has passed and everything is now mended and loads more emerald shulker boxes have

Come through i’ve cleared them out some other time but now my main concern is ancient debris i also need to grab a couple of bits of wood to make a chest i want to place it here the reason being i completely filled that one up with

Choker boxes more or less now we’ve got more room for empty ones and next i’m going to head back to the nether dig all the way down to level 12 and create a really massive massive long tunnel when you combine all my tnt together i have

About 4800 tmt and all i know is that’s going to get me so so much ancient debris looks like we’ve crossed into one of these tunnels that i made some other time but don’t worry i’m just going to ignore it and keep on going while sticking this very very long tunnel

Found a couple of pieces of ancient debris already better check out some stuff so i can actually pick them up it’s a bit tragedy if i couldn’t so far this tunnel is 800 blocks long but that’s nowhere near enough over 5000 is the goal and another piece here as well

Things really are going swimmingly and after over a thousand blocks we’ve come to a basalt delta so i think the best idea is to kind of turn a corner and mine now in this direction and this right here is piece number four and i seem to keep running into lava on this

Way so i’m going to start lining it up with tnt and now i’ve reached the end of my tunnel i’m going to dig the other way now that i seem to reach another very difficult lava dead end i’ll place even more tnt oh dear oh dear it seems to be

Blowing up a little bit prematurely but now let’s get all the rest of it blown up and start collecting the ancient debris look at that one two three and there’s one up there it is really just so satisfying to go around and collect uploads of the ancient debris i have to

Say all this lava is making it very annoying but i’m finding it it was just a few sections with a lot of lava caves on route now that we’re coming to the part where there’s broken chains in my tnt i think it’ll be a good idea to go

In to be in the chest grab this shulker box right here then get the infinity flame bow along with some arrows and i can shoot the tnt to light it up and that in turn will reveal more ancient debris right here we’ve got a perfect staircase of three pieces which will get

Me 36 and with 36 ancient debris that is the equivalent of one near the right block it’s a good step but there’s still a long way to go i always find it so strange when you find an ancient debris inside a basalt delta it feels like it

Shouldn’t belong there the color of it seems to fit a lot better with the red netherrack you also apparently have no idea what’s behind one of those netherracks when you mine it because they’re always seems to be lava thankfully this four pieces right here seems much safer it’s not often you find

Four pieces together either now i’ve managed to collect up a grand total of 64 ancient debris and there’s still more to be found and the end of my massive tnt tunnel has been reached the total amount of ancient debris i’ve got from this is 89 pieces that is so so much but

I’m not done just yet now i’m gonna dig an even bigger tunnel and place down all the tnt i have left in the shulker boxes my inventory i’ve got loads of it to go i’ve been busy i spent hours digging a massive tunnel that’s thousands of

Blocks long now it’s time to clear a bunch of space in my inventory and all this quartz are into here i have been mining the quartz where i need to repair my pickaxe then i can grab loads and loads of tnt and begin placing it all

Down this might take a while sounds like something has set off with the explosions and the tnt up there and it’s coming up after me i’d better get moving there we go okay it’s called up look at that ancient debris already but we’re gonna carry on it’s totally so long i

Even went through a basalt delta which took a lot longer to mine and probably won’t be as good for finding ancient debris but it’s still not going to stop me from blowing it up in fact i’m not going to leave any gaps with this tnt because they probably wanted to blow up

A bigger area now we’re back to the good old netherrack so i’m just going to go back to the two in a row kind of ones something tells me it is not going to be a good day for that piggling you know what just have the satisfaction of watching it

Sounds kind of evil but i’m blowing it up here we go there we go blown to smithereens i’ll teach him to get angry just because i’m not wearing gold and we’re now on day three three three three we’ve not had one of those since day two two two two oh it’s blown

Up but i’ve just realized i’ve just gone past some ancient debris that i must have had when mining oh oh dear hey revealed a bit more though well that’s a happy day’s moment three here in total i did very nearly get blown to smithereens believe it or not it seems

That the tunnel is longer than the amount of tnt i have because that’s that’s the last of it so let’s set it off that’s a shame i didn’t bring more hold on a second i was wrong there’s more in this shulker box okay we can carry on that little bit more ancient

Debris in the roof there too and as it happens i’ve made it to the end with a bit of tnt to spare yeah like nearly two stacks let’s remove a bit of this lava and create a way for me to escape so when i blow this up i don’t get blown up

As well with it i hope that this will be safe yeah look at it go okay now we can get a load and load of okay that was a mistake let’s put my electron and as i was saying i can get loads and loads of ancient debris and is it a problem that

The tnt just stops every now and again well no no it’s not whilst i’m mining that that’s all blowing up and so far i’ve got just over two stacks of ancient debris and i probably won’t find quite as much in the basalt delta but there’s

Still some around it and that was a vein of two there’s another one just here and it’s actually a lot easier to spot because of the colour contrast this is also a great way to collect loads of basalt i might as well be putting this into here it’ll all be very useful for

Extending my nether hub i have noticed you definitely find a lot less ancient debris when you are in the basalt and can i please just get out of this lava that would be nice you can tell i’ve got too overconfident in this world when i just willingly jump into lava but yeah

Without like this it’s it does make me pretty safe now that i’m back in the netherrack area i’m finding lots of ancient debris much much faster i’ve still got loads of this tunnel to go and we’re up to over three stacks and look at that i have now reached four

Stacks and i i can’t fit this poor little piece of ancient debris i’m sorry but netherrack you’ve got to go sad thing is by the time i finish that’s only going to be worth about seven netherright blocks it’s so hard but i still won’t stop until this quest is

Complete with four and a half stacks we’re now re-entering a basalt delta and if my memory served me correctly that means we haven’t got too long until we reach the end of the tunnel at least i hope that’s the case because i’ve been exploring it for ages and after getting

A grand total of four stacks and 63 blocks of ancient debris the end of the tunnel has been reached and i guess the fastest way to get back is just going to be to fly through which is actually going to be quite fun and it’s also an interesting challenge trying to navigate

But yeah it’s not fun when you’re just going through lava i suppose well all the times it’s just a bit of skill yeah look this is great practice for me in my quest to get better with the elytra and you never know i might spot an extra

Piece or two of ancient debris that i’ve missed on the way back although so far there’s not been any sign of any of them oh i think the total might be going here quick after heart going yeah there goes sorry it gives you a fire resistance there’s nothing to worry about but just

To be safe i’d better get another one out of here before i let anything else happen and with fire resistance traveling back is way easier i could just fly through the lava and now i’m going to dig a bit more of a tunnel to place these last few bits of tnt to

Collect up even more ancient debris and the end of the tunnel has been reached with a grand total of 336 ancient debris i’ve also found myself trapped in a massive lava lake trying to get to the shore i mean with this armor as you can see i’m basically

Losing no doubt look at that we’re on full health and i’ve made it to land before i do anything else let’s load this up with more basalt grab some gum powder from this shulker box as well as a bit of paper i craft myself a bunch of firework rockets because uh i’ve been

Missing those now that’s sorted i can fly on home and pop to my gold farm to repair everything up everything is now repaired but as you can see in all that time we have not got much gold at all and really we need to do something about

It i need something that’s going to be much much faster but before i worry about that let’s head on through this portal and get all of this ancient debris smelting something very satisfying looking at six blast furnaces all with full of ancient debris let’s also take this magenta shulker box which

Has got loads of this nether quartz and fly on down here so that i can add it to this chest yeah now that’s looking a lot healthier cause i kind of used it all up on things like comparators and also observers nothing like a healthy top-up

There’s also loads in here for xp if i ever need it a bit more black stone to be added as well as okay i was going to say more netherrack but we’re kind of full on that anyway if i grab myself a little bit of red dye this yellow

Shulker box can be made red and added to the collection i can also put this shulker box down grab a load of basalt and put it on there okay not quite full enough but it will do for now and for all this ancient debris i’m probably

Gonna need a bit more gold we’ve got all of these gold blocks here so i guess with that yeah we’ll have enough i think i have a few yeah look at that a few spare nether i ain’t got weight in there but i’m still waiting for this to finish

Smelting and now it is all done as i’ll use the xp to heal up my pickaxe then to craft all of these angles look at that over a stack oh it’s beautiful we make the blocks of netherride and we’ve got nine if i had one more four more asian

Debris and i have enough i you know what i’ve got to go for it i’m just gonna swoop one down dig a massive hole into lava yeah good idea sp maybe maybe that wasn’t so wise anyway now i’m down here in one piece i can grab even more nether

Quartz ore and dig a massive strip mining and attempt to find even more ancient debris okay well we found some already wait we’ve found two this is brilliant at least late i literally just dug out into this cave as you saw turned the corner it was right here so that’s two down and

Two to go and two oh my goodness it’s three that i have just got the luckiest i think i’ve ever got with ancient debris it doesn’t get any better than that literally went from there found some more here and then i’m just to this game that has

To be the best i’ve ever done and people say finding ancient debris isn’t easy now let’s set these five pieces off smelting grab my nether quartz magenta box you know what i mean and put those in as well craft one more ingots craft the block there we go we got ten blocks

Of netherrite and yes i know it sounds like a lot but it is actually very very depressing when you you see them all placed down and you realize it there’s still loads to go although once the bottom layer is done you would have to say probably one of the hardest parts is

Done and every layer from there will get easier and easier and that is how i’m going to keep thinking positively now for this next bit i’ve got a bit of a plan the plan is to turn my lag machine at the nether perimeter into a proper

Gold farm i mean that was has always been the plan for ages and i’ve just never got around to it so a lot of you will have seen this it is my massive massive perimeter and it’s actually yeah it’s got a massive lag machine which is probably making the game laggy as we

Speak yeah look at that you can see it’s it’s really lagging because i can just fly up and up and up and up and that firework rocket is lasting for ages so really the first thing i need to try and do is is turn off this farm and the way i’m

Thinking of doing it is just finding out what coordinates is here and then times it by eight which gives me a grand total of 6784 on the x and 2762 on the zed because as you would expect the lag machine has completely lagged out my game i’d better reload the

World and then somewhere around here i’m just going to build a random portal and you know what completing the room portal seems like a fitting idea look at that it brings a tear to my eye to see it completed of course though it links down to a cave it’s just so annoying every

Time i generate a new port i end up 100 blocks below the surface anyway it wasn’t hard to get up because we’re below an ocean an ocean right by a mushroom aisle this is interesting i don’t think i’ve ever been to this one before especially since it has those

Cool azalea trees below it well the lush cave is below it the azalea trees are on it oh now i know where we are this is the place where i got my brown panda it really is a small world isn’t it anyway yeah i know i’m here now because the uh

Chunk load is right here and this can be turned off i think does that turn it off no okay that didn’t work i’ll just break the red stone and put it on there that should do it and then if i work my way down underground there we go all the

Pigment that would have been under here have despawned and this pit down here actually won’t be used anymore and i’m thinking down here would just make the most sense to create a bit of an entity crammer since i don’t have a very good portal set up as the way i set up the

Portals i can’t really get the pigment to come back through and then use looting because i’m too close to the edge so mobs will spawn on there if only i’d have built the middle of this to be in another waste yeah i’m a bit of an

Idiot when it came to that and you know what after giving it a bit of thought i think i’m just gonna use fall damage instead of an entity crammer this is going to be a very interesting design for a farm can’t say i’ve ever tried this before but hopefully it should also

Solve all of my problems i feel like i’m going to be bringing so much kelp that it deserves its own shulker box there you go let’s get all of you in there and half a shulker box worth definitely isn’t enough let’s fill it up as much as

We can for now this is gonna be everything that i need let’s get this thing created so once a mob comes through the portal it can’t go through another portal for another 30 seconds so when i create this system it must take 30 seconds for the pigment to get to the

Other portal what is my plan to do that well it’s actually pretty simple i’m just going to create a massive water tower that goes all the way to sky limit it’ll take them 30 seconds to float up it and then they will go through another portal and fall to their doom looks like

We’ve made it up to the top and there’s some water already waiting but we’re not stopping here i want to go even higher and apparently i’ve run out of glass thankfully though hold on let’s get rid of all this junk we’ve got so much so

Much stuff i don’t need here and as i was saying i thankfully have loads more glass in this shulker box which should hopefully be enough to make the super high tower the tower is now over 100 blocks higher still not high enough and it’s going to go higher than this trunk

Load oh my gosh what a mess design nuggets everywhere now but now that it’s out of my way i can just keep going whilst i’m going i might as well get rid of this bit of obsidian as well as the droppers you know what i’m just gonna

Get rid of everything maybe some of it’s gonna get wasted which is sad but it’s all just got to go and now that this final bit of obsidian is just about gone like that we can get rid of a few stray pieces of glass just those two all that

Cobblestone that you know what i was gonna say all that cobblestone there needs to go at some point that some point is right now i uh yeah i’m just gonna get rid of it before i forget about it i can grab a bit of a few items

On the way as well very nice indeed now that that’s out the way let’s try and fly all the way back up to the top well it’s pretty high already it’s kind of crazy that i plan to go like another 200 blocks at least i don’t know what’s

Going to happen first i’ll run out of glass or i’ll get to the sky limit all i know is i’m not going to have much glass left by the end of this and placing all of the glass has been going well although i am now unfortunately out of glass which doesn’t make sense

Because when you look at the size of this tower it goes up to about level 280 let’s just uh not die so i’m going to head back home fly all the way over to this desert and start using tnt to get even more sand i have to say this bit is

Probably the most satisfying of all of it and there we have it all of them are blown up let’s start collecting sand although i’m a little bit worried that maybe i don’t have enough storage for all this i didn’t really bring any any shulker boxes we’ll

We’ll chuck it into here so what’s the one thing i can do is as i’m collecting the sand i am also accidentally collecting up sticks every now and again so sticks they’ve got to go we don’t need those in there i don’t know sooner have i thrown them out my inventory and

This there’s more back in also if i go ahead and jump into the inner chest we can trim that in fact i’ve got loads of space in the end of the chest i might as well put a few other things in there as well this shulker box can also be filled

To the top right this is this is all the space we’ve got now okay i have got some sandstone but you know what i’ll see how i’m doing i might keep the sandstone if i can but if i can’t then it too will be thrown away once again i’m fresh out of

Space but what i could do is take this brown shulker box and chuck sand in there there we go you know it’s all about maximizing your space it’s a okay i put something important in there i think yeah the other sand one that doesn’t need to be that yeah i mean it’s

Not ideal is it to be using spare shutter boxes for other things but you know what it’s worth it i’m gonna be able to carry the sandstone now and all the sand i just need to remember a note to myself next time you go to collect sand bring loads of shulker boxes but

Yeah now i’m very happy with that we’re going to fly over the grand canyon it’s like the grand canyon isn’t it but it’s the old eol farm and head back to my house now that i’m home let’s grab all the sand out of the shulker box that it

Shouldn’t be in and put it into the minecart and i’ll also fill up these hoppers and i have to say by the end of this i’m never going to need glass again ever and thanks to me chunk loader which is constantly now going to be working

And if i just grab some firework rockets that is going to load all of the chunks around this furnace array which will mean that even when i leave the area it’ll all still be smelting i’ll do one last top-up on all of these hoppers and

The rest of it i might be able to just fit into here and bad news is also stroke we are fresh out of coal in this furnace this one’s nearly out of it you know we’re back into the troublesome situation this 31 furnaces here and do i

Have any coal okay i’ve got four pieces of coal and no coal blocks but lots and lots of cola okay this could work i just nip over here grab myself a better pickaxe while the pickaxe can actually get the coal and i actually could just

Chuck all of that into well i took it into this dropper right here so let’s just go like that and then i can just sit here and and mine it up that is plenty more coal obtained but i still want more so i’m gonna do what somebody recommended

Me to and find a brand new mountain bio because according to the person in the comments they have coal absolutely all over them i think i’m nearly into new chunks but we’ve got a room portal here now you just never know with these there’s a chance of a not chapel well

There wasn’t one but you know what i’m gonna take the gold because gold is always nice even though i’m literally in the process of making a new and improved gold farm but hey when you see a ruined portal it’s always nice to go for it okay we’ve got a regular gold number but

I haven’t had a notch apple in a room portal one for ages you’ve got to search like 80 out of them to to find one on average no what i’m actually looking for is something that’s much bigger and much easier to find yeah that’s right a

Mountain and look at this it already has some coal in the side of it if i just grab a bunch of stone and i can glide on over here and land on a block and mine up lots and lots of coal and there is quite a lot of coal because look there’s

Just some down here the problem is is it just little bits of one no there’s loads of them and 31 stacks is my goal shouldn’t be too hard should it and what on earth is that that has to be the strangest place i’ve ever seen a tree

Generate before it’s listed on a little pole on itself it looks so bizarre anyway i’m not going to worry about that too much longer it’s the greatest tree ever instead i’m going to continue grabbing this coal cause that emerald as well look i don’t think

I’ve ever seen emerald in the side of a mountain before today i knew it was possible since the new update but yeah i’m going to grab the ore because you know the olds are kind of rarer than the actual emeralds since i can normally just trade for emeralds but to actually

Get the emerald all well that takes a little bit more effort look at that more coal down there and these iron quite high up as well i didn’t realize that was a thing and already i am up to a grand total of well a lot of stacks over

11 stacks so far and this mountainous area is just what i’m looking for look at this cave by the way how cool i love the cave update it just looks amazing under there and coal kind of pointed the wrong direction but there’s a few there’s also some coal right here

Whoever told me about this was right it is really easy to find coal doing this and just like that i have already filled up the inventory but don’t worry blocks of coal can be made then i can continue with my mining it’s actually so abundant like look how much i’ve already got

Nearly three stacks again that was just from mining in that one place up there another room portal i am this is gonna say i’m gonna grab that gold block maybe i’m not gonna grab that gold block nothing too useful in there if we just place a couple of blocks like that is it

Gonna burn no it’s not gonna burn let’s also build our way up here very carefully there we go grab that i’ve got another mountain waiting for me do you see any coal or there’s some coal ready like that perfect nice nice landing let’s grab it now this has got to be the

Kind of mountain i’m looking for pure stone there’s absolutely loads and loads of coal on it and once again my inventory has filled up so let’s go and grab the crafting table create more coal blocks there we go i have got loads and loads of them i think maybe i’ll fill up

My inventory one more time it’s crazy i would start one project then just get completely sidetracked and go mining for gold for like three days nearly i’m supposed to be building a super fast gold farm and with that i think okay it keeps going to the goal but i was about

To say i think i have got enough yeah i’ve got bold enough for my entire super smelter like nearly four stacks of coal blocks which will will definitely keep it going at some point i do want to actually build a much bigger super smelter as well i feel like it’s a bit

Of a sorry excuse for a super smelter and when i do eventually do that i’ll also find a way to solve my fuel problem i probably would end up using lava again i’m not sure if i can be bothered flying all the oh my goodness what is down here

Oh wow what a k it’s amazing you’re just flying along amethyst geode this is a guy i would build a base in this cave i’ll come here for diamonds but just look at that down that way is the diamonds down there no as i was saying i’m just going to make a

Portal because there really is no point in flying all the way back home it’s like another 8 000 blocks or something so let’s create that do i have my flint and steel no i don’t have my flint and steel but me ender chest does no it does okay some infantry i’m just blind

Nothing that you guys didn’t already know though i suppose all right this is an interesting oh mike what is that all about okay soul sound not what i wanted to see can i actually get out of it i can get out of here perfect i’ve kind of come to a dead end

So you know what i’m just digging a tunnel there we go now life is much much easier but apart from the fact that i was flagging that direction i meant to be flying in this direction which feels the nether is a pretty difficult place to navigate more tunnel digging is going

To be needed and of course there’s a little bit of lava why what’s it all about what were the chances of that happening as i’ve got more quartz on the way as well this area does look kind of familiar and the reason for that is because we are now home

Sweet home let’s now go and head up these stairs up to the furnace room which seems to have stopped now is that because we’re out of coal no wait has it just smelted everything successfully i bet it hasn’t smelled it now you see there’s some sand left but first things

First let’s chuck a load of this stuff into the system there i know where to put this emerald door so i’ll put it with the deep flame ruler i can turn loads of these blocks into actual coal and start filling the furnaces and apparently with all my glass because i

Made it so it didn’t go to the uh the chest room i’ve really uh jammed up the system here yeah that’s not good let’s get this shulker box filled up so i have a little bit more space and the rest of the glass can just be sent back through like that you know

What the great thing about this is i’ve got loads of spare coal as well and i can also in fact fill up the old blast furnaces for the ancient debris that i’m gonna be getting loads of over the coming episodes and all this spare coal

Can just be put into here let’s grab the shulker box full of glass i do not have a lot of spare glass so i’m gonna chuck it into this chest as well and whilst i may i’m gonna grab a bunch of other items such as slime blocks and you know

What because i will be making a sort of sorting system hoppers and things like comparators will also be kind of useful and whilst this bits probably not necessary i am going to grab a few trapdoors and also some turtle eggs in fact i could also no

I’ve got a glass i don’t need more glass i just need to get to work on building this thing so the first of the steps with this is to grab a load of glass and continue building this chute realistically it probably is already tall enough but i always say it can

Never be too tall although it could possibly be too tall because they also have to build a portal here so i think we’re probably a good enough height here let’s go and make ourselves another portal so here it is right here i’m gonna put some glass on top as well okay

Well we we just i did it to the exact right height then because nothing can actually go above that let’s light up the portal now i need to make a portal that corresponds to this one but i’m pretty sure that as long as it is in the same place

But just higher than the other one it should be fine let’s now go into here we want to grab the water buckets i think can we place that there there we go yeah we’re probably gonna need four of them or perhaps the easiest way to do it

Would be just to have two of them but with glass above so that’s going to create myself well for me myself all the port you know what i’m trying to say some water sources then if i break that one it will go all the way down and just up here we’re gonna need

A couple more like that so they’re gonna be flowing into the portal perfect now to swim all the way down hopefully without drowning look at that i actually swim down faster than the water can travel so that’s that’s a win and from there it’s time to go back into the ender chest

Get out the kelp and get to work placing it all down i’m not really sure if there’s an easy way to do this which is why i’m just kind of going like this you know as i’m placing all this i’m starting to think to myself was it

Really necessary did i have to place all this glass and go so hot i mean i’m not even like i haven’t seen the top yet and i’ve been going for ages at this point i still can’t see the top i’m kind of surprised that i haven’t actually run

Out of kelp that i can finally see the top i might just do it i might just have enough kelp to make it to the top you probably all thought i was going ott when i brought an entire shulker box worth of kelp but as you can see it was very

Very necessary now i don’t actually want to go too high with the kelp because otherwise well let’s just see what happens we can actually go into those ones anyway we’re at the max okay now i’ve got to get all the way to the bottom and if you think i can be

Bothered to swim all the way down you’ve got another thing coming okay instead i’m going to try and oh i missed how i was so close and then from here i’ll i’ll just do something like that yeah it’s making a bit of a mess can we even place them back nope we

Can’t really no you know what let’s just swim to the bottom then i can break all this kelp yeah that’s right and we’re going up okay now then was it on this side that i need to get out okay i missed it i get a feeling like it’s

Going to be a sad moment where all the kelp just goes through the port and i can’t reclaim it yep that is what happened anyway let’s go ahead and break a bit of glass then i can fix this gap as well as this gap right here and head

On through the portal i would seem that it was all coming through this trunk load i didn’t know this trunk loader was still in operation okay that’s not meant to be happening now it should be stopped so has this just been collecting kelp it’s been collecting all sorts of

Rubbish yeah come on out of here you go right i don’t really need that so that can go into there that’s there’s nothing in that one yeah it’s all there at least i had a nice collection system to get all my kelp anyway but anyway this

Portal has got to go the trunk loader is no longer necessary thanks to my perfect sense of direction i can remember where this hole is so we’re gonna go and carefully float down and then build a tower right here at the top of this tower there will be a portal this one

Definitely needs to be spawn-proofed with glass and the pigment will fall either side down one of these chutes where they will land on this platform and be down to one heart before i do any more of that i should build this chute upwards using all this glass that i now

Have loads of so i’ve actually just done a little bit of testing and i’ve had a change of heart because i was an idiot and didn’t build the center of my perimeter over in other ways it kind of messed everything up which means i can’t use two portals to make a looting

Pigment farm so he said it just makes way more sense to take out all the pigment in this dimension and then use the water chute to send the items back through to the nether if it doesn’t make much sense don’t worry it will do very shortly so the pigment will be falling

All the way down here and the trusty pistons will be pushing the items down this hole let’s do the same thing on this side and once the items are down here they’re going to get pushed along this way and from here i’m going to have to create a little extra water shoot all

Around here is going to be obsidian with two sticky pistons and slime like that pushing it into what will be another water shoot once i add the blue ice come up here so that i can craft some signs and also top up my water and i found myself building yet another glass shoot

But realistically i think it’s going to be easy to do that rather than get the items to flow into there and this shoot is also not going to need to go all the way up to sky limit in fact i reckon it might even be high enough right here

Let’s light this portal and make sure it correctly links up which it does do no problem i can add signs right here and begin placing my kilt and there we have it mission accomplished all the kelp can be broken and any items that float up here will float into the portal and i

Think i can actually make this portal to be much lower and it turns out when i go through this ball is yeah it’s a slight disaster i wonder if do i get out of this mess okay i must get back through the portal yeah i should stop being lazy

And make this portal a bit higher up okay this time i’m fairly confident that i’ve actually built it high enough oh my goodness that was a that was an interesting moment didn’t expect him to still be angry at me is that two totem pops in one episode i i just use totems

Like it’s nothing but the very least it would seem that no pigment are coming through this top portal so let’s get the water down despite this supposedly supposed to push you upwards i’m i’m swimming down through it i didn’t know you could do this if i let go look at

That it pushes me looks like if you’re in the corner and you swim downwards it’s doable anyway i’ve got to re-add all of the kelp i’ve made it all the way up to the top now to break it all right that’s the last time i’m doing one of

Those and i can test to see how well the farm is working based on where the kelp’s gone so it has all come out on the end there’s some of it like just flown out it’s all it’s all here which is perfect i’m thinking i might have to slice this portal for the

Items to fall through but i think they’ll just naturally come down here and i can then push them together using pistons from here i’ve got a slime block that’s going to push the items which will have blue ice right here this is what i’ve created so far it’s coming i system that transport

The items all the way to where i’ll be standing but i do need to get rid of this old portal up here i think i’ve mined up as much as i can i’m just going to put some glass on top of that to spawn proof it and now i just need to

Knit back home and grab more blue ice it is still such a massive achievement wasn’t it to take that perimeter it took so long i would make another one that was better in like in a better location if i could but it already took me like

300 days to create the last one i am not doing that ever again there’s the blue ice that i need in fact whilst i’m here if i’ve got any spare i’m gonna grab some glowstone look at that we’ve got loads the reason for that will just be

To light certain things up to spawn profit since i don’t really want any mobs to be spawning in my system this is about as far as the items can reach without getting stuck this is all starting to look very nicely set up indeed this is where my little afk

Platform is going to be and so i want these items to drop down to a level just above that in fact i might as well build a decent sized platform if i make this go to about here that should be more than enough space i want to grab a piece

Of magma from the wall which is what will get rid of the extra swords i don’t need and then hoppers along here which will be going into comparators with repeaters underneath and redstone on top and i also will need redstone torches which i i didn’t bring i only need eight

Of them but to craft them i’m going to need some sticks or wood or something like that and i don’t seem to be coming across any of that in trying to find some i’ve pretty much flown all the way home am i going to take a tree or do i

Just you know let’s just go all the way back second thoughts i can just get rid of one of these it’s a lot quicker than going all the way back i don’t think i’ll need any extra items after that anyway although on second thoughts i i’m gonna need to

Collect some string which i have loads of right here i’ve already got the observers but some extra repeaters could come in handy there’s only three torches there anyway let’s craft all of the sticks use i think i can use that redstone yeah we’re all right the rest of the stuff could

Just be dumped into there and the build continues we’ll need hoppers all the way along here with hoppers facing into those and then these will go into chests now that should all be fully completed there just needs to be some item filters added and since i’m only going to be

Filtering out the gold i can just grab some from here so golden guts are just going to go straight in like that and i’m also going to need a few nuggets and any other items are just gonna get burnt there’s no point keeping the other ones they’re just just

Annoying and you know like smelting gold swords to get it to nuggets it’s just not worth the effort let’s get this wired up to an observer i think if i put a piece of redstone there that should be fine and then a string in front when an item drops down

Oh there we go it gets burned i better be careful about that but yeah it’s working for this one i’m going to use two repeaters something like that should work i need to make sure that all of this is also spawn proof same for these bits down here and to spawn proof this

Obsidian because i can’t really do it any other way if i use glowstone it’ll be lit up i’m really doing my best to think this through hunter that’s all of them done which means when i flick this lever that redstone don’t get stuck it didn’t get stuck okay

It got close to being stuck but it hasn’t i don’t think so it’s coming along come on redstone no don’t pick it up let me just try that again so the redstone has successfully got to here and then what on earth happened there so it one block too high didn’t i it annoyingly

Means i’ve got to make all of this one block lower but that’s exactly the reason why we test these things now i can conduct attempt number three here comes the redstone it’s going along it’s not falling off okay if it gets all the way to the bottom

And it’s got burnt yes oh it didn’t get burnt even better although i do need to remove this to make sure that all future items do get burned now i just need to put a bit of glowstone here and hook this up to a bit of redstone this is

Just a very simple hopper clock that will just keep pushing it in and out let’s just test it is that i think it’s a pretty good speed i might just speed it up a little bit yeah i’m very happy with that now to go through one of these

Portals i need to hook up all of these pistons to some redstone well that’s going to be very difficult with some random water where is this water from oh it’s from there let’s just patch it up and forget about it so these pistons are going to be connected like this so they

Can be periodically pushed so when i flick this lever yeah look at that we’ve got we’ve got that going in and out pushing the items down this also needs to connect to those pistons which can easily be done by doing something like this does it reach no not quite okay i just

Need a one extra repeater one second and it’s pushing the items which will go up there you know what it’s working everything’s working the only thing left to be done is to test it so if i stand right about here pigmen will be spawning and very soon look at this items are

Coming through you know what a decent number of them are coming through now then how is it looking in my chest down here is it filling up no not just yet but that’s because this hopper is still filling up in fact i bet they are now filtering in aren’t they

Yeah look at that we’re getting nuggets we’re not going in there yet but it seems slow i i feel like i’ve done something wrong and yes this is what i’ve done wrong items are coming through out fine that’s working absolutely perfectly but the idiot that

I am forgot to hook it up to the pistons if i go like that look at how many items are going to be going through now this is going to be too much for me storage to handle all of a sudden i thought yeah surely it’s slightly faster than what it’s currently doing

And indeed it is this is now looking much much healthier and look at the nuggets just fly in you look at that the chests are filling what will i be doing with all this gold well i’ve got plans for it i’ve got actually more than one

Plan for it yeah this is all working fine i’m gonna afk here for a bit and just see how much gold it gets me just let me yeah just get loads and loads plenty of time has passed the drops are still flowing and as you can see i have got so

So much gold from it look at that it just goes into all these chests i’m gonna have to clear some space in my inventory i’m right here i’ll put a crafting table a piece of glass above it to spawn proof it now if i start grabbing all of the nuggets and i’ll

Craft them into ingots i have to say just crafting all these nuggets into ingots has taken me forever look how many gold blocks i’ve got already and i’ve still got entire double chest worth to go through it seems that because i haven’t personally aggro the pigment i’m

Not getting things like gold swords and gold ingots coming through which in reality makes my life much much easier and that’s pretty much all of my gold crafted that i need to worry about we’ve got some more here i’ll shove the ingots in there for now you know what i think i

Can just shove all the gold in there for now this chest is already filling up at a rapid speed because that farm is just working in the background whilst i’m studying crafting this farm really is much much faster than the last one before i start the next build that is

Going to involve a lot of gold blocks i want to sort out the situation of all these villagers they deserve to be unleashed onto their new home so it’s time that i actually made that possible for them and the first thing we’re going to need is beds lots and lots of

Different colored beds you see if my estimations are correct there is like 50 villagers in here that well i don’t know how many of these a lot just give me a second i’m going to count them all up one two three four five difficult to count them because they’re all moving

Around but i think there’s about 43 in there and as you’d expect 43 villagers are going to need plenty of places to sleep so that will be the first project to accommodate all these villagers probably going to be a big mistake but i’m going to place all of the beds

Upstairs for them now with all these colors i’m going to craft one of every bed and they can all go in a line along here that’s all of them crafted and i’m just good in fact we’re going to go i don’t know why it makes a difference but

We’re going to be very particular about it and that is how the beds it looks so empty in this massive room since i’ve got so much lime water i’m going to make a bunch of carpets and create a bit of a flooring around here i will finish that

Once i go and get more lime wall but for now let’s go ahead and put a couple of crafting tables here and there and we’ll do more beds and that is all of them done on both sides and since the sun is now set up i think i’ll have a sleep in

One of them let’s swoop on down here and a little bit more grass down and going to the sheep why on earth is there snow everywhere in the sheep farm this has rogue snow golem written all over it anyway as i was saying before i to clear

Everything up let’s grab some lime wool maybe not quite that much lime we’ll make some carpets and decorate the floor a bit more in the end i’ve gone for this kind of carpet pattern i think i’m just gonna fill in the entire thing with light blue and that is how each side is

Gonna look i don’t think it looks too bad certainly looks better than it did before anyway i’d also like to add a couple of ender chests up here just for a bit of decoration in fact it might look better if they’re on top like that you know even better what if they’re

Right up there yeah i like that better than just randomly being to one side yeah that doesn’t really work i would also like to decorate the floor down here and i think carpet is probably not good enough i think i’d like more emerald blocks and the best place for

Emerald blocks will be the raid farm so i’m going to fly to the portal that leads me to the stronghold and also pillager outpost that’s going to say the portal ribs through there but if i instead go this way and i’ll let you know i’ve never got lost okay that was

Actually that was not doing that on purpose guys but yeah this is the right way here’s a captain that i saved earlier but you’re not even a captain so you can just be getting rid of and now we fly to the raid farm where i can begin collecting all of those emeralds

Plenty of time has been spent here and a milestone of 400 xp levels has been reached and if it’s emeralds that i wanted it’s emeralds that i’ve got now to start emptying these shulker boxes and turning them into blocks as all of them crafted and we have one entire

Shulker box of blocks and all these other shulker boxes can be gathered up and put back into the system now with these emerald blocks i wish to make some sort of floor pathway i’m pretty sure that’s symmetrical it took me about a minute to work it out and i can fill

These in with emerald blocks instead and you know what i’ve learned from this the emerald blocks just just don’t work in that situation instead i’m gonna head back to my house and all the way down to the storage room so i can grab some black dye or at least some weather roses

To make black dye and then i’m gonna fly all the way over to the guardian farm and whilst i’m flying over there i’m now asking myself the question has this room portal been searched i’ll grab the gold box so that i know for next time it definitely has

And i can’t seem to spot a chest okay that’s that’s a new one either i’ve broken that chest in the past or i’ve just been completely scammed i also had to do a bit of searching but i finally found the guardian farm only to realize yeah i didn’t turn on the mob switch

Hopefully there is going to be plenty of prismarine already there and the answer is there’s a few that might just be enough actually i go so far as to say that there’s loads more than enough for me to do what i need to do that’s why i

Brought an entire shulker box with the roses because run out or die we can just make more all this dark bridge marine should be more than enough and i might as well just head back home by going through the nether and now that that’s sorted let’s get back to work on doing

The bottom of this palace so dark prismarine like this definitely does suit better than emerald blocks but we can add a bit of decoration in there i also want to mine up both of these because this is also going to be turning into dark prismarine of course i’ve lost

The door underground but i’m gonna have to go on down whilst i’m here i can actually go ahead and if i could just reach i can go and do that this is a nice bit of extra underground work and i also think it’d be good to just mine out underneath the

Fences and again place some emerald blocks i mean i did take the time to make a farm that would get me millions of them i might as well make use of that now can i create some sort of floor pattern by using these lights well you know me i’ll try

Anything once whether it actually works though will remain to be seen alrighty this is what i’ve come up with i tell you what i like it i think it brings a bit of something to it but i also reckon i can make it look even better and the

Way to do that will be by getting a load of green stained glass which i’m going to have to craft you know what do i craft a load of stuff i don’t want to do craft too much don’t want to go over the top we have also got loads and loads of

Green dye here so we’ll just go and craft as much of it as we can yeah that’s gonna be plenty and then i’m gonna redo all of these blocks to be one block lower which shouldn’t be too difficult i’ll just do something like this probably the lights that are the

Most if i want to move down so i’m gonna break each and every one manually like that and do that and replace it all manually to light it up but despite that it is slowly but surely coming together now it’s all been moved down one block i

Do believe all i need to do is just try and get out of here that just okay i didn’t mean to break that many blocks now that i’m out here i want to get inside out of this horrible rain and mine away at this floor and this is what we’ve got now

It’s not quite finished yet since i firstly want to cover it in green stained glass which i have now successfully done next i’m going to take this dark prismarine and create a bunch of stairs mine a border all the way around the outside and then use these stairs to go

All the way around the outside will this work will it look good only time is gonna tell with this one there we go what do we reckon you know what i like it and i like it enough to do the exact same thing on this side although before

I actually finish it i definitely think that i won’t quite have enough dark prismarine to do everything and even though i’ve already made one trip to the guardian farm i’m gonna grab a shulker box head to spawn so i can actually remember to turn off the mob switch this

Time and then i will make the journey not into the lava but all the way over to the guardian fire by this time guardians will actually start spawning plenty of time has now passed i think we’re going to see what we’ve got we’ve got plenty more prismarine shards that’s

What we’ve got and for now that should be all of the dark prismarine that i need i’m going to use a stone cutter to make the stairs because it’s actually much more efficient and now i’m going to get to work on doing this part of the floor And that’s this floor complete i decided to try it with normal glass to see if it looked better than the other side but i do think that green stained glass looks much much better looks like i get the very fun task of just breaking all of

This glass now and place the green glass all back down and there we go i think i’m pretty happy with all the floor designs although a board around the edge of emeralds might look pretty good if i do something like that yeah i think i like that adds a bit more extra color

Reminds everyone that this is an emerald palace so i’m going to carry on mining out a trench around here and then it can be filled in with emerald blocks so i really like that i don’t think it would make sense to have it go all the way to

The door before i forget i do want to mine into the floor patch it up and collect up all the concrete that i mined up because i don’t want to waste it a lot of it took me a lot of effort to get i think it’s worthwhile just nipping

Back home so that i can drop off all of this stuff and now i’d like to grab loads and loads of different job site blocks i do want some bridge stuns but apparently we need blaze rods and something tells me the blaze farm will be the best place to get those not the

Fastest thing in the world but it does work none of them are waiting for me let’s just wait for them to spawn and then take them out i’ve got seven from that it is enough really you know what i’ll get you as well i’m not gonna leave you

Behind now i’ve got ten that is definitely enough and you know what i might as well take on some straight blaze as well whilst i’m at it turns out i had plenty of blaze rods in this barrel yeah you know you know next time i should probably just look but not to

Worry i can now craft my brewing stands took quite a bit of time but i’ve now got every single jobsite block which in theory should keep all of these villagers very happy and very busy and the plan is to just put them all in a row along here like so

Looks pretty good if you ask me because i have an odd number of job site blocks but an even number on the wall that’s why the prune stand is going there i’m not going to bother putting them in the exact same order as the other side you

Know we’ll mix it up a little bit there we go that’s all of those done i also wouldn’t mind just quickly nipping home grabbing six more blaze rods an 18 cobble that i can craft six more brewing stands why do i want six more brewing stands i just feel like

They just didn’t make sense you know just to have one on each side you know what i mean just those one on each side when there was equal spaces in all the areas so instead i’m thinking yeah we’ve got one there but why don’t we also put

One there and then on this side we could also have one here one here and then do the exact same thing on this side both on there and both on well that one’s already there and i really can’t think what else could be done i think i’m ready to just extend this

Fence which probably involves me going back to my house to grab a load more spruce fences so that i can extend it properly and safely i’m gonna say safely i mean safely for the villagers you know it’s not like the most dangerous thing in the world placing fences but if i get

This wrong for the villagers it could be a matter of life and death there we go that’s up to that wall i should probably fence off this cave because i i really don’t want them disappearing down here or down here you know what villagers are like they love wandering off there we go

I wouldn’t want to be on the other side of that you’d be like you’d be in prison but on this side there’s no problem whatsoever i’m also going to extend this fence ride here to go with yep you guys are going to be getting out real soon they’ve literally spent their entire

Life living in a tiny waterfall maybe i am the real monster of this place so i think it’s ready i don’t know what could possibly go wrong let’s first get rid of the old fence and then we can let all these villagers go free there we go guys

You’re finally allowed out now then who’s the first one is anybody going for it come on mate you know you want to so far they just look like they all want to get me no leave me alone guys that’s it so far none of them have worked out

Where to go maybe i need to open the door for them or something i don’t know how smart their brains are for pathfinding and while i wait for them to actually use the emerald palace i can get rid of this wall here as well i’m even getting a few extra emerald blocks

From this as well i’ll actually mine the entire floor of my house when i had spare emeralds just sitting here right oh i’m so sorry that was an accident mate don’t run i’m sorry i built you a big house just want to mine up these spinning tables and they too can be

Placed in this house to hopefully lure them over i’m guessing the reason this hasn’t been the grand opening i was hoping for is because you guys are just all having a big meeting at center this guy looks determined to go in there look if i’m if i mind this what do you reckon

They say why’d you want to go in there there’s really nothing to say now we know no look mate trust me there’s nothing to say guys i know some of you want to go to bed there’s loads of beds up there it’s entirely possible that

This is a bill a bit too far away from the village but one way or another i will get them here all right guys if you come this way there’s an entire world waiting for you that’s it villager you fall for my trap yes you might think

You’re here for a job but no you’re going to be working in here welcome to your new home you are the first villager and he’s got a job there you go happy days right mate i don’t want to be horrible to you but you’re staying here

For now look at that they’re all coming in now but they’re all getting the idea really brings a tear to my eye to see them finally using this place and because this villager right here was the very first one to enter you shall become the emerald leader congratulations mate

Enjoy your position alrighty your brains really got you through this time meanwhile these stupid villages can’t even work out how to use a front door not to worry though i’ve got more important things to be cracking on with such as my new and improved bartering

Farm and the reason it’s going to be new and improved is because it’s going to involve update suppression all the items that i’ll need for it are right there however it would also be useful to have even more powered rails so i’m going to grab all these ones that i’ve placed for

The evokers grabbing the powered rails is pretty straightforward it’s picking up the levers that’s quite annoying so i might even just leave those behind although it’s weird to explain it but i feel like if i leave the levers i’m kind of like littering if you know literally

In minecraft i know and you should never literally in real life or in minecraft so we’re taking the labels with us well i’ve made it back to the first portal which is a good sign i’ve nearly filled this shulker box up with rails so you know what i’ll leave all of those behind

To be collected another day and now i’m going to go ahead and start building the update suppressor inside the massive perimeter and you know what because you’ve seen me build these loads of times before you can have a time lapse The entire update suppressor has now been built one thing i have realized is that i want the slice portal to be more over in this direction but i built it in the wrong place so instead i’m going to extend this end bit over this direction a bit more i’m hoping doing something

Like this will work only one way to find out no it didn’t and after a few more attempts and adjustments it’s it’s now sorted and whilst i’ve been building this update suppressor i have been getting gold as you can see there’s loads of nuggets in here but very

Annoyingly i don’t have any obsidian to build a portal and i don’t have any under chests so i think it’s important that i solve that problem and the way i shall do that is by grabbing a bunch of obsidian as well as eyes of ender and then crafting plenty more ender chests

In fact i’m just going to grab a little bit extra obsidian from here as well because there’s plenty more in the chest that can be crafted so there we go got 44 that should be enough let’s get back to work so right here i am going to

Build the portal hoping it’ll work if i do it right here then i’ll light it up and i think if i break this piece of obsidian there we go we’ve got a little one by one all of the obsidian around it can be broken and then in order to break

The obsidian below it i just need to move this down a block i’m hoping that this will still work let’s just do that and okay yeah the update suppressor is no longer working maybe if i move this to here it should now do it let’s have a

Look yeah there we go it’s working and if all goes to plan i can break this piece of obsidian there we go we’ve got a little one by one portal and i cannot place any blocks on any of these four edges of it otherwise it will break well

That is mission accomplished this update suppressor can be taken down i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again these suppressors take it here to build and five minutes to destroy and that is everything collected up the next thing to be done is make a portal that

Perfectly connects to this one and as i’m building this it does make me realize that it’s a completely pointless way of doing a battering farm could have achieved all this just by keeping all the items in the same dimension but i also think it’s a really cool way to do

It update suppression isn’t going to be in the 1.19 update so i’d like to use it whilst i still can and now the slice portal on the other side needs to be right here well you know what it’s gonna be just too much effort to build it

Underground we have to dig out a massive area to build the update suppressor so i’ll just build it somewhere up here so the other suppressor is gonna be built right here i just need to clear out some leaves it probably makes the most sense

To use shears to do that and from what i can tell the entirety of this tree is in the way so it’s all got to go i mean i know if i just mine up the wood it will disappear on its own but i’m kind of

Trying to give it a bit of a helping hand as well see we don’t really have any storage i think i think we need to store some of this stuff it could all come in useful one day just got no idea when that day will be that should give

Me enough space to do the building so now it’s time to get to work and of course as soon as i start building it starts raining i i hate building in the rain but oh well it looks like i’m just gonna have to power on through and that is update suppressor number two

Complete let’s turn it on i believe we are now update suppressing right here is going to be the portal block that’s going to be staying so we’re just going to go like this apparently i’m not updated preston okay now we are and next i shall light the portal

Break this block right here and then all the blocks around it and i need to do the same thing as before to be able to break the obsidian creating something like this suppressing it all and mining it up now just to double check let’s head on through and make sure it works

And look at that straight through okay we fell down but we went through that one that means i can go back through this one and begin removing this update suppressor and i think everything has now been destroyed so now i can go back through this portal and head back home

To get some more items and the main item we’re gonna need to get is gonna involve me crafting a lectern there we go and whilst i’m out and about i’m also going to grab a bunch of emerald blocks you see my pickaxe needs repairing and i

Could go out and use an xp farm and oh my goodness what has happened to you guys i guess that’s why you should never leave the door open change of plan we need to do some brewing using a couple of spider eyes i should be able to get

The weakness then i can make it splash with gunpowder and whilst i’m waiting for that if i head on down i can grab a bunch of golden apples from here i didn’t expect to be doing this today but hey at least it’ll get me better trades

In the future let’s grab all of these do some splashing whilst i wait for that i can trade with you guys i don’t have a raid farm so i don’t really need to buy redstone but i also have way more emeralds than i know what to do with now

Let’s head on down here to the trading hall which is it’s still a bit of a work in progress guys but despite that i need to get a cursive binding book from this fella right here oh my goodness i got it first time i got it

All my work you know what that’s the best rng i’ve ever seen in my life you sir really are an amazing villager it’s nice to see that one of the bits that i thought was gonna be the hardest was was very very easy all of these can go into

A shulker box for now i’m also gonna need to come down here to purchase a load of name tags that i can buy loads from you guys you know what you want me to buy more don’t worry i’ll buy loads from you hold them for different prices don’t worry

I’ve got plenty more emeralds i’m i’m stinking rich mate the economy you guys you don’t stand a chance i’ve got over a stack of them i think that should be enough to see all of you guys looking much much better let’s buy loads and loads more redstone and my pickaxe has

Never been fully mended as well as we said this trading session has been very successful indeed having unlimited emeralds really is the best thing ever and speaking of having unlimited emeralds i’d like to spend even more of them to get loads more books and this time i’m going to actually remember to

Close the door and you’re probably not wondering what is the next phase in my plan to do this fancy bartering farm but we’re going to be moving on to what i like to call the annoying phase why is it called the annoying phase well that’s because i’m

Going to need to get hold of loads and loads of piglens and then not only do i have to find them all i’ve got to lure them right here now we’re not in the right biome for piglets to spawn so i’ve got to go and find that first and it looks

Like this is the nearest crimson forest and so i’m going to build a platform in this biome right here i reckon all the way up here should be high enough i don’t seem to have any gold armor so i think i’m gonna have to go into this

Treasure shulker box grab a few pieces of gold and create a gold helmet from that that’s just gonna make the pig lanes be nice to me because i can’t be bothered to deal with the other way this is the size of the platform a pretty big one and i also really don’t want

Hogwarts to spawn so i’ve got a plan to stop hello little fella you’re uh welcome welcome up here to be honest mate you’re no use of me though yeah i need adults not not children anyway as i was saying i do not want hoglings to

Spawn so the way i’m going to get around that is by grabbing some glass and placing it like this because hotlines need more than one block to spawn so they won’t be able to well i was trying to tell you guys the couch pawn yeah on the bits i haven’t placed the glasses

They can though boiled again by those beasts okay mate you’re kind of getting in the way now let’s see you you go over there oh my goodness no why did he walk off i was actually planning to murder him because he’s not supposed to be able i mean

Definitely not but then he accidentally walked off and tell you you know 100 blocks in the air he’s not the safest place there’s definitely too many hoglings starting to spawn i should be placing the glass at least this gives me a bit extra food all right little fella

I know you like it up here i know it’s fun try not to walk off apparently baby piglets have a habit of doing that gets spleefed i may have the most powerful nether right tools that you can get but sometimes you just just gotta outsmart him and the piglet farm is

Pretty much complete i just need to place these final bits of glass all right guys there’s loads of you up here and i’ll be honest i don’t really have a good plan on how to get them all to the bartering place oh my goodness oh now you’re all

Angry at me oh dear i completely forgot how protective they get over enter chests so for this i am going to need a lot of boats i’ll craft a few right now and start collecting piglens yeah i have no real plan other than just sending them over the edge but a pretty good

System for sending them off i just go like that they go spiraling down on a terrifying experience and i just stay up here i’m also only choosing piglins with swords not crossbows that way i don’t have to worry about them accidentally damaging each other if you think i’m

Gonna one by one boat them all the way to the bathroom farm you’ve got another thing coming and i’ve now got 24 piglens which is all the ones that i really need if i try to put more than that in a one by one they’ll start entity cramming i

Could use vines but it just over complicates everything so the next thing to do is make loads and loads of leather boots why do i need leather boots you may be wondering well all will become clear we’re gonna be putting cursive binding on all of them which is really

Gonna make a big dent on my xp levels but that is where powdered snow will be coming in i’m gonna grab a single bucket of that as you can see i have plenty there i did unfortunately break an anvil and this one is very close to being

Broken you just can’t see it let’s grab the items to craft a new one like so and i can go back under that it’s not like i’m struggling for iron or anything like that is it so i’ve got all the boots i’ve got the powdered snow let’s go back

To the piglens now if i mess this bit up it will uh it will break the slice portal but we’re gonna have powdered snow right here there we go that works fine and then all around it like so now me because i don’t have any any leather

Boots on i’d fall right through this and that is what’s going to happen to all the items of the piglens barter but because they’ll be wearing leather boots they won’t fall through and the reason all the boots have curse of binding is otherwise the piglets will decide to

Upgrade to the iron boots when they barter those i got this design from not j hill and whilst it is a bit more complicated than it needs to be it’s also a very cool way to do it i’m also making a nice safe shoot for the piglets

To fall down so that i can safely lure them all the way to this hole no idea how well this is going to work but i’m hoping for the best in order for this to go as smoothly as possible i’m also going to use armor that doesn’t have

Thorns on it but it’s still the very very op armor and now i’m going to start supplying you guys with your very own new and improved boots come on put them on don’t be shy there we go he’s got them and don’t they just look great all

Right you’re all getting a pair since i don’t want you to despawn i’m also going to give you guys name tags let’s let them out the boats okay guys welcome welcome out of this of course he just walked into another boat and they’re really hard to get out when these two of

Them okay you know what let’s just learn one one guy all right just one of you okay let’s see if this all works i put the gold helmet on why are you still mad there we go he’s calmed down now he really is just going to wander

Off into the void of nothingness sorry mate i’ve got a place for you to go just need you to walk down here stop being so good at pathfinding come on that’s oh no oh no oh and i’ve got no uh i forgot i have yeah let’s just do that there we go

You’re trapped and we pushed you down there alrighty see you later buddy i’ll be back when i’ve got more of these guys we’re trying to use hitboxes so i don’t actually hit the piglens i think yeah that works there we go let’s get you out of there

That’s it right you guys follow me that’s it two of you good morning fellas there we go you win as well you two can be sent down the ladder i realize that getting them to go all the way to the bottom of the ladder is a bit of a

Nightmare i mean look at them they’ve managed to climb all the way up to the top what’s that all about but they won’t have to do this but it’s time for plan b and what is plan b you may be wondering well i’m going to go to my chest room

Grab some slime blocks and also a single piece of glowstone so a mob can’t spawn on the slime block a little bit of a risk but i’m going to try and learn five of them in one go okay they’re all currently chasing me okay this is why i’ve got the good armor on

Though there we go let’s just keep moving also for some reason these two don’t seem to care about me guys you need to be angry come on all right fellas catch me if you can now this bit is going to be a little bit more tricky

Than uh than the other times oh and there goes the totem all right now i’ve got to be really careful all right we don’t want to do anything particularly stupid here otherwise this will be the end of sb737s hardcore world so we don’t want that to happen turns out just

Standing up here was the easiest way to do it anyway let’s put some a gold helmet back on so that they are no longer angry and i’m going to move away a little bit and open an ender chest and with that i can get myself another totem

Three in one episode what’s been going on today and i can hopefully float down this ladder if i can get past these guys anyway there we go i got down somehow i don’t know how i did it but anyway we’re past all the way at the bottom we’re

Going to change this glass to instead be a slime block let’s put a bit of glowstone next to that for safety then i’m going to attempt to break all the ladders i think doing it like that might be the best option oh they’re going they’re going past me now oh you guys

Ain’t coming back up this whoa oh i forgot about that some of you guys what do i do here you know what let’s put a slime block there just you and me buddy don’t walk into my axe it will be painful for you now we’ve made it to the

Bottom am i gonna get stuck here there’s a chance say can i break that i can yes we’re out okay good stuff guys welcome to the bottom and you know how you guys like to get angry at me for absolutely no reason well this is going to be one of those

Times all right fellas straight in that’s it push it wait you lead the booth why did he fall through the powdered snow that guy’s not coming back i should have tested this properly it turns out that if they fall more than two blocks onto the powdered snow they’ll just go straight through that

Poor piglet now he’s he’s a gunner that’s gone through there but anyway what’s going to happen is if i go and mine away this yeah once they’re all there i will mind this piece of glass and then they’ll just all go on the snow i guess this is why i should

Really test these kind of things what about you you’re not going to get mad there we go you guys just wait there i’ve got to retrieve my boots from this piglet looks like the piglet didn’t make it because yeah there’s actually nothing below here so yeah i found the boots

Though so in my opinion that was a successful mission so now i have to fly up this shoe and when i get to the slime at the top if i just break it there we go should be pretty good i can push these guys straight down now i need to

Just check are we surviving at the bottom of it oh look at that we’re having a good bounce and we’re having no problem at all that’s good to see all of them have been successfully sent down so it’s time to go and get more i also need one

Of you guys because uh don’t ask what happened to the last guy that you’re replacing you’ll be fine i mean seriously what’s the worst that could happen to him all right here are your boots you’ll be named trader and this time i’m going to really push the boat

Out and just bring all of them now this guy already has some boots on are you going to upgrade if you don’t you’re staying here you know okay that’s it yeah you’re going to go the same way the other guy did now some of them are

Starting to wander off a little bit so i’m thinking we maybe just take what we’ve got and get out of here all right mate there you go you’ve seen whoa they’re everywhere let’s release you as well oh my goodness i’m pretty low there’s an army of them after me now

Have i got time to wait look at that loads of time tweet that guy the guys at the back are getting lost come on guys don’t lose focus the finish line is in sight and it seems the best way to do this is what i did before just to build

Up a load of blocks and they soon all just wandering and i wonder if i just break this block here oh that’s it all of you just go down that’s it you’re all going on the slime just get ready for the ride of your life i would go down

There as well but i feel like it’s just gonna be a bad idea so i’m instead going to do something like oh are we gonna do this now if i go like that no that didn’t work take two nope didn’t work again different idea we go like that replace

The block there we go we’re gonna fly on down here so i kind of want to blur them from this side all right guys catch me if you can oh my goodness they’re all coming this time that’s it all going you two as well oh no all right mr piglet

You are the final one you guys sit tight all right i’ll be back let’s grab the rest of the boots now i’m sorry to do this in front of y’all but this guy will not put the boots on so he’s he’s got to go and you good sir

With the shiny sword shall be his replacement if you want to be anyway all right we’re going on down here’s some boots a name tag and i give boots to all the rest of you all the boots have been distributed and the boats are getting broken and follow me guys to your brand

New home all right fellas in you go that’s all of them sent down now i’ll join them down there and get them to come into the machine that’s it fellas all of you in hopefully if i’ve done it correctly when i break this glass they’ll all stand on the powdered snow

The moment of truth oh god look at work don’t know what i was afraid of okay worked perfectly all these extra bits of glass can be removed you guys can be welcomed to your new home all of the excess glass is now gone so i think it’s

Time to fly back home and get a bunch of blue ice and also some pistons i don’t know what to do with all the boats so i’m just gonna show them into a shulker box and put them into a chest i can also put my good old armor back on that has

All of the fancy stuff and the backup armor can go back into the shulker box pretty sure everything i need is right here except for one item that i need a lot more of and to get it we’re going to be heading over to the iceberg since

It’s pretty much the only place to get it it’s the fastest way that i’ve found to get it much faster than farming and crafting it anyway yes i have come to collect blue ice now is this blue eye so packed ice okay it’s packed never mind

That’s what i’m looking for yes the blue ice i’ve already mined up quite a bit and there’s another big deposit right here so once all of this has been mined up i’ll probably have more than enough yeah i’ve got two stacks and four and i’ve also got a bit more packed ice

Which can be crafted to blue eyes so yeah i’ve got plenty first of all i’m going to build a blue ice pathway all the way to the piglens and i’m hoping that if gold lands here they can grab it i better just test it out so if it’s

There can they get it yes they got it okay what about if it’s all the way over here though i guess they can’t quite reach that oh they can’t okay perfect so right here i’ll have a couple of pieces of obsidian gonna be a slime block on

The end and i need an obsidian bit right here i also need to spawn proof this blue ice before i forget and i’m thinking if i do something like this when i go ahead and stand there okay it kind of works just needs a bit more

Delay on the repeater and now if i was to throw items in i missed the string yeah this isn’t quite working instead we go string observer and redstone like that throw the items at this angle and they get sent off now is it going to reach yes they’re bartering it okay so i’m

Like oh i just want to barter my gold that gets sent okay that didn’t work it’s gone down there you can always tell when i’m making something up as i go along because it always goes wrong a few times but this time when i send it through

Okay it can get stuck but in the end i decided to completely change the design and just use a lever it is much much easier and it works fine and now that that’s done we need to go through this portal so that i can build the auto

Sorter on the other side probably going to be best if all of this floor is blue ice and for this i’m just going to have water like that which is going to go all the way to the edge and from here it will hit a row of ender chests which

Will make the items be aligned perfectly to go in the hoppers i also want to grab myself i’m trying to look for the walls there we go we’ve got the walls they’re going to come along here as well just to keep stuff like this water in place i

Went quite far in this direction then i realized that these chunks well this trunk here particularly wouldn’t be loaded by that portal so i’m going to have to mine these ones up and that’s why i’ve instead decided to turn a corner let’s add some more ender chest

To this end and continue with the walls and to separate the water so that you know it doesn’t flow backwards we’re just going to place some like that we’re going to do the same thing here just so that it can go around the corner and with this one it should take

Us all the way to the end and i’m just gonna go back through my portal if that’s even possible there we go did make it through and then i’ll grab a single piece of magma which i’m gonna light on fire so that it burns all of the books the fire resistance and the

Boots so let’s test it out with a bit of string okay it comes through the portal it goes through there it goes all the way around and look at the speed that it’s going and then it gets burned but to make sure that everything else doesn’t get burned let’s make the

Storage system and to do that it would actually be helpful if i had a load of blocks so jungle wood is gonna be the answer these are just going to be temporary blocks all the way around the outside and then they’ll have hoppers pointing into those blocks and these

Blocks can be removed and we can have blocks underneath instead if you love the comparators you’ve already seen me in this episode build an auto sorter so i’m just going to get on with it normally i wouldn’t like to build a jungle wood but since we are in a jungle

I think it actually looks quite good and this first half of the storage system is complete although i do want to just add an extra row of chests underneath just to make sure that i don’t run out of space and i’m now creating the floor that i shall stand on although to extend

These extra chests out a bit more i’m going to need more wood because we’re yeah we’re fresh our chest in fact we have actually got more wood will it be enough to make the chest that i need not quite so it looks like it’s time to begin project deforestation although calling

It project deforestation might be a slight overstatement considering i’m only mining one tree i’ve got plenty more and for now it should hopefully be enough i think i might get rid of all these chests and hoppers right here so that i’ll have room for the ones on this

Row because i’m not using that corner bit i have had to extend this a little bit further it is going to go into there i don’t want it to uh well i need to make sure i get that right so i’ll listen let me let me change this up you

Know forget it i’ll just put water down actually that should work fine and i’ll throw a single plank down just to make sure that it does go all the way through and get burned once again i’m gonna need more chest and i’m also gonna need a

Load of hoppers which is why i’m gonna keep mining up lots of wood and all of a sudden project deforestation is is actually becoming a deforestation but as long as i’ve got enough resources to finish this build i don’t mind building is going well but sadly i didn’t quite

Bring enough repeaters but it’s nothing to worry about because i can simply just head back home and craft plenty more repeaters and they can all be placed down with the redstone on top next i’m going to place blockers into each of the hoppers to filter the items and once i

Add in these final chests the full system is completely finished the only other thing i really need is an easier way to get backwards and forwards because that paul’s not very good so i’m thinking i should make a portal right here let’s light it up and then if i try

And build one on this side that will correspond to it looks like right about here should be a good place let’s spawn proof it with glass on top and see if it works okay so it did bring me to this one here and if i go back through it

Also takes me to the correct one let’s now check that these ones still work properly and look at that no problem whatsoever and since this has all worked so well i’m gonna get rid of this tree and also this tree up here and then i’ll build a massive glass platform that

Connects to that one i think i got a little bit carried away in placing loads of glass but all in all i think it looks great so let’s go ahead and offload all of these items and next i need to head to the old and inferior bartering farm

Which is all the way up here and grab a bunch of each item apparently i’ve got no crying obsidian and i’ve got no gravel by the way so i’ll have to sort that out in a moment in fact the easiest way for me to probably sort it is to

Just go into here and grab myself some gold and trade it to all of you guys and from that i got plenty of the gravel look at loads of it and enough crying obsidian all the rest these items aren’t going to be needed at the moment so they

Can just head on through now to grab this shulker box of all the stuff fly to the gold slash bartering farm and add items to these hoppers this is also why i named the items because eye nuggets have to go through but they don’t stack with the blockers just temporarily i am

Going to turn off this fire and do a proper test on the bathroom farm and hopefully see if it’s working correctly in here i have loads and loads of gold so let’s just go and craft it all and then i’m just going to send it all

Through to them like this it’s all sat there ready flick the lever okay and it’s going to be sat there and they’re just going to start battering it and when they barter look at that item yeah okay i thought i thought the item didn’t go through for a second there but they

Are all going through absolutely fine look at that it really is kind of cool to watch as it all just drops through and i kind of want to see what’s happening on the other side if we can quickly will we’ll be able to see any items come through probably not because yeah it’s

Not not gonna work like that they’re not gonna be battering anymore maybe if i throw an item through like that they’ll trade and i can load it there we go look at that we can see it in action so they are bartering as we go and it looks like

Yeah the only items that aren’t getting sucked up are the books fire resistance and the boot so i can actually set this back on fire because it is working as intended and whilst i’m here i’m also going to put down loads of item frames which will correspond to what is in each

Chest they’re all now set up i have to say i’m very proud of this bartering farm and it is a really cool meme way to do it as well using sliced portals and those guys have still got loads more gold to barter and as i’m stood here my

Gold farm is still working and getting me loads and loads of extra nuggets might as well craft all of these and send them across to the piglens and for my next project even though i am losing all my gold to those guys i actually

Need quite a lot of gold so i’m going to spend a bunch of time afk at this farm so i can have enough gold for my next project so quite a bit of time has passed the metal look like there’s not much in this chest but that’s because i

Have been trade i turn it all into gold blocks i’ve also been bartering it with these guys if we go and send some of it down there but i have realized in the battering system that when he’s at that corner these guys on the left don’t get it so i

Need it to be on this near side so i’m going to take all these gold blocks home with me which will be very useful for the project and then i want to get a block that’s not a full one that can’t be pushed by a piston i’m thinking a

Grindstone might be the ideal one there’s my grindstone whether or not it’s gonna be the correct size it remains to be seen so my plan is to put the grindstone right there and throw gold like this then when i push it okay that did not work i’ll try putting the

Grindstone the other way but it seems like that is that is not an answer to the problem so it’s back to the drawing board to try a different item the grindstone was useless i’m gonna burn it in the lava and rather than going all the way home i’m gonna make a little

Detour a detour that takes me to a bastion and out of this bastion i want one very specific thing a lantern i reckon a lantern will solve my problem and i didn’t even have to go all the way back to my house for it so if i place a

Lantern right here and then throw a bunch of items against it like that i don’t want to pick them back up but for demonstration purposes there we go they get pushed all the way along and the piglens can grab him let’s send the rest of the items down as well

Yep absolutely perfect that is problem solved i’m also curious to see how much stuff i’ve actually got at the bartering farm quartz is looking very healthy generally speaking it all just goes into the first chest lots of black stone which is great same for gravel and the

Best thing is i haven’t even used up most of my gold because obviously i’ve got that for another project so i am very happy with this new farm and you may be wondering what on earth have i got all of this gold for well it is

Gonna be something to do with my next build and for this next build i’m gonna need quite a few grey items i’m also gonna need about six stacks of some colored terracotta i only have about five do i have any in here at all nope i’ve got none so that leaves me

With only one option to head all the way to the fortress farm and then go through this portal which takes me straight to a lush cave and i would say that lush caves are the place for getting all the terracotta but it seems that i’ve

Already mined most of it up not to worry those there’s still quite a bit to be found over here and it seems we’ve found an extra area of this cave as well which has even more clay i think the nearly six stacks that i’ve got should be

Enough and i’m pretty sure if i dig in this direction i should get back to the main cave hey look at that we found some more clay and it’s led to water yeah it seems like a lot of the time there is water above the clay oh my goodness

There’s a creeper in here as well i think he blew up so another one what is going on yeah things really are getting a bit crazy i should just turn my mob switch back on here is my portal and here are the furnaces ready to be filled with clay now let’s make some

Cyan dye and then we can make loads of cyan terracotta and there’s a bunch of other gray and black blocks that i’m going to need for this build and since i am now going to be needing quite a bit of concrete that means that in order to

Craft it i will need gravel which we have enough of but also sand which we don’t have enough of let’s grab a bunch of shulker boxes as well as some tnt and head to the desert to collect lots of sand pretty much just going to be continuing my massive destruction of the

Area by placing down lots of tnt in a row i’ve nearly got two shulker boxes worth of sand which in my opinion should be more than enough that should be all the gray concrete powder i need i believe i’ve already got white concrete right here and i will need some black

Concrete and also some black concrete powder and now with that i’ve got everything that i need so let’s go ahead and get on with the building it’s going to be on this mountain over here and before i start the sun is going down so i think i might make a really quick trip

To spawn and get this mob switched turned back on sick of having to deal with mobs all the time now sat on this mountain right here i want to have a giant sb-737 statue let me take the helm off here you can see what i look like

Properly yeah this is this is what it’s gonna be looking like and i’m gonna try and get a year to sit on this mountain should have more than enough items to do this but it’ll be very interesting to see how it looks at the end it’s really hard to differentiate all the different

Items in your inventory but when you actually place them down you can see there is a big difference and right here i’m just creating the actual fate you know we’re going to start at the bottom work our way up absolutely anything could happen with this one but the good

News is that it is kind of a mirror on each leg so i can kind of use the other one to help this is what i’ve got so far with the bottom of the legs and if i take off my armor i can’t really show

You very well but you can see yeah we’ve got something like that and i’m gonna try and add a bit of a bend in the knees now as we get a bit higher up so i think i’ve sort of managed to do the top of the legs what do we reckon yeah they

Look like knees to me if i’ve ever seen these before and i’m going to be trying to use the mountain to hide my terrible sculpting skills let’s also change this stone to be dirt i think it’ll look a bit better that’s not what i wanted i’ll

Just make a piece of dirt from here and uh stick it in the wall and now i can begin building the torso better make sure i get that six pack in there no not really i’ve got a massive onesie on so you’d never see the six-pack that hides

Beneath it an operation do my torso is now complete yeah you know what it’s starting to take shape although i think i should work on some arms it looks a little bit strange at the moment and i’m sure they won’t be too difficult to do and that is shoulder number one complete

I’ve looked at it from a distance you know what i’ll take it it’s okay you can’t see it for the bacon yeah i think it looks like a good-looking arm you know like i said the rest is still to come it’s not gonna be the world’s best

Building i should say it’s not gonna be the world’s best build but i’m gonna do my best and that is arm number two complete yeah it’s definitely starting to take shape like it’s not a very 3d build but minecraft skins aren’t aren’t very 3d anyway are they yeah they’re

Quite blocky so you’ve got to expect this build to be a little bit blocky i’m sure once i get my head added it’s going to look amazing i’ve got to use string there to hold up the concrete powder let’s do the exact same thing on this side and add white concrete in the

Middle let’s get the beak on the front that’s a that’s a pretty crooked beak if you ask me i’d like to think mine is a little straighter than that let’s move that down to where it should be and fill all of that in along is that right i

Think this n1 actually needs to be black concrete powder same on this side there we go if i’m unsure i just just go look at my face and then i can go around the entire outside of this with grey wall which is going to kind of create the

Hoodie you can’t really see it with a helmet but yeah i’ve got a hoodie on but let’s bring that round like so and now comes the fun part of adding my sunglasses if i kind of go like that do the same thing on this side we reckon

How’s it looking i think they’re looking good we go like that should we get a little look at him oh yes it’s really coming together let’s continue adding things on to the face the top of the head is now complete so yeah it’s definitely looking good i’ve just got to

Do the hood a little bit higher and there we have it the build is now complete although when i compare to the top of my head and look at this one i don’t know i almost feel like it looks a little bit flat i think i’m just gonna bring this front bit

Up one more layer something like this with wool all the way around the outside but not like you know what i mean kind of like gradually built up a little bit so it’s a little bit curved and i reckon with that we are definitely done yeah i

Think i think that looks better look at him he’s he’s sat on the mountain is the uh the big the big penguin himself sat on the mountain looking over the world i’m actually really pleased with that i think i think it looks good i think i’ve outdone myself there but i’m not

Done just yet oh no no no you say peasants would sit on a normal mountain but i am no peasant play like me deserves to sit only the very best of the mountains so i will be sat on a mountain made of solid gold yeah this

Might take some time and it’s going to use up quite a lot of gold but when it’s complete it will without a doubt be worth it well although it is still early days it is starting to come together i will also need to add snow on top of all

The gold as well unless unless the sky could do me a favor for once and snow when i actually want it to but yeah with snow on top it does help it to look a little bit more natural i’ve got a decent sized area and i’ve still got

Loads of gold left so i’m confident i can get this done and after lots and lots of placing i have now run out of blocks and perfect timing i’m not saying i’m gonna have to cover it in snow but well the snow has come to do the job for

Me and difficult to see it probably through the snow but you can see like most of the mountain is now covered in gold i mean it would be cool if i could do all of that mountain and all of it behind and stuff but that would take a lot of gold and whilst

I have got the farm for it whether or not i have enough gold for that remains to be seen so whilst it’s snowing i’m gonna leave it to do that and i’m gonna grab a load of string from down here because whilst i do want all of the gold

Blocks to be covered in snow i don’t want my penguin to be covered in snow no he should not have snow on him at all you know my original plan for this was to actually build the statue out of gold but after testing it out it looked absolutely terrible which is why i

Decided to do it in my own original colours if anybody is a really really good builder and can make a gold one feel free to tweet me a picture or something like that and i believe that is all of the snow now dealt with oh not quite

It’s going to be sunglasses i don’t know what it looks like it looks like i don’t know it looks like i’ve got gray air or something the term white eyebrows springs to mind yeah we’re not going with that let’s put those so we need it on yeah basically all of the sunglasses

And now i think it’s definitely uh completely snow proofed i’m also going to add snow to all these areas that are underneath the penguin since they can’t get snow on them that includes this big area underneath the arm since the snow has done most of the work for me i’m

Just gonna do a few extra bits here and there and all of the gold should more or less now be covered so yeah i’m very happy with that i would like to add a few more gold blocks here and there but to do that i need more gold which means

Another trip to the gold farm is going to be necessary probably shouldn’t have given so much of my gold to you guys i could have used that to make a lot more blocks but anyway have we got any nuggets here we’ve you know we’ve got loads here already that’s fantastic

Loads of gold ready and waiting here for me i didn’t even have to afk for it i think i’m now going to take all these nuggets and leave i don’t want to run out of time we all know what happens when i go over time in this series so

For once i’m i’m actually going to try and finish on the day i’m supposed to let’s use these 81 gold blocks that i’ve got to change a bit more of this mountain and i have run out of gold blocks that’s as good as the gold mountain is going to get in this episode

But yeah it does look pretty good i know the sun is setting i better get a move on i just want to place down snow on top of all the gold blocks that i’ve placed there we go that has been done successfully and penguin mountain which

I am i am sitting on has now been completed and i have to say i really really like it yeah i think it looks good i mean it’s not the greatest build i’ve ever done me well but you know what it looks like he’s sat on there and the

Sun has now set on my world so that ladies and gentlemen was 3400 days in hardcore minecraft

This video, titled ‘I Survived 3,400 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2022-04-02 12:19:41. It has garnered 5992269 views and 124228 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:17 or 5177 seconds.

3,500 DAYS HARDCORE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/vdJORL0WkZ4

►Subscribe Here: http://goo.gl/0JbOQk ►Leave a LIKE if you Enjoyed! ►Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737

In this Minecraft video I survive 3400 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

100 Days Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tutorials I used for this video: Bartering Farm by NotJHill: https://youtu.be/FoVGz-cBSHo?t=2487

Thanks to @Luke TheNotable for the idea! https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesbackfire

►Watch me stream Minecraft LIVE: http://twitch.tv/SB737

►Become a Channel Member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFrVj6wBM42y3XuKCAj8n5A/join

►Official Merch: https://sb737.store

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL99he9m2vBqPYJxqtNJmQScpfxVka6bR7 ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → nc.akumamc.net Bedrock IP And Port → bedrock.akumamc.net | 19132 Website And Store → https://akumamc.net Discord Server → https://discord.gg/akumamc minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ https://bit.ly/2W9nxmz ► Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/SeeKaaaahh ► Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/seekaaaahh/ ► Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/SeeKaaaahh ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – https://discord.gg/HDSnR8P ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

I Survived 3,400 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…