I Survived 4000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

Wow I just completed 4 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft I built the entire solar system got unlimited choker boxes and so much more so to celebrate I’ve compiled the last 1 000 days of footage into one mind-blowing movie Witness my builds evolve and my ideas get crazier

And crazier but before diving in catch up on my 1000 days and 3 000 days movies by clicking here now grab your popcorn and prepare for an unforgettable Hardcore Minecraft adventure I’ve just spent 20 hours minding these obsidian pillars so I can transform my boring end Dimension into the entire solar system

And the solar system doesn’t really have an end Island so we’re gonna have to get rid of it wait a second we have a problem when we finish the transformation we won’t be able to spawn the dragon because the portal will be inside the Sun and if we

Spawn the dragon it will absolutely demolish the Sun I think I have a solution we need to kill 50 guests our first victim Wait a second is probably smarter if we use our looting three sword uh yuck oh my God All right and then we can use these to make a bunch of end crystals so we’re gonna kill the Ender Dragon another 15 times to unlock all 20 gateways here we go wait what no no oh my God this video is sponsored by honkite impact third the next gen 3D

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Get 30 crystals 288 asteroids and one character trial card for free once again thanks to honkai impact 3 for sponsoring this video and make sure you don’t miss out on the honkai impact Story by downloading the game with the link below I have wasted 20 hours and there’s Dragon number one now time

To kill him 14 more times um I think I’ve broken the game I placed them when the dragon was still alive and now they’re not doing anything I guess I’ll just shoot them well that is that was very clever and and great we have run out of end crystals and we

Have five more portals to get looks like some Ghasts are about to die and with that we have all 20 portals okay so now because of my tiny brain we need to mine all these obsidian pillars again oh my god I’ve just realized something we could have used a beacon for all of

This time that’s gonna make it so much faster I have such a tiny brain today and there we go H2 this is so much faster and bang that is all the obsidian pillars removed for the second time I’m actually such an idiot that took so long

Anyways the next step of the plan is Operation delete Island literally everything has to go so of course we start with this stuff actually we should probably leave the beacon and we should probably move this 40 000 obsidian get rid of this stuff I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do with the

Sun jeeper maybe we could turn it into some kind of asteroid but what I am sure of is this Enderman Farm needs to go so I’ll say the magic words subscribe to lockdown life and Bank wait I can’t believe that actually worked alright and

The last thing we need to get rid of is just this one million End Stone we obviously can’t just mine This by hand right yeah we actually can’t so my plan is to build a bunch of TNT machines and make them do my work for me whilst I

Relax somewhere and read your comments but before we can do that we actually need to build the machines so let’s get collecting the first thing we need is a bunch of slime that is the wrong hole ah here we are perfect next some Redstone a bunch of observers a Sprinkle of TNT and

Finally some Coral fans yeah not gonna lie these were surprisingly hard to find so I’m gonna collect loads of them all right so I’ve just done the math and it turns out we need a bunch more slides so I’m just gonna collect up the rest of the materials whilst the slime farm does

Its thing all right perfect that is everything we’re gonna need okay now it’s actually time to start operation delete Island but before we can just sit back and relax and use our TNT machine workers we need to trim this island because right now it’s a bit of a weird shape and the

TNT machines are just gonna go along in lines so I think it would be better if we had more of a square shape um hello oh my god get combo alright so first let’s get rid of these weird floaty bits the little random floating bits have been destroyed now I think we’ll use

Some good old-fashioned TNT Bruce Force action to trim the rest of the end Island yeah you see this bit that kind of sticks out that has to go so I think we’ll draw a line about here all right now everything that side is getting destroyed and you guys actually kidding me Three Enderman yeah we’re gonna need to do that a lot more this time I might try some pillars of TNT oh we don’t FIFA So now it’s time to build the machines hmm we need to make sure these things are not in the way I think this looks good so all right that’s the machine build we just need to Prime the TNT and then we click this ah what the

Oh all right it looks like the machine’s working which is good and it should stop nice now we need to place our second TNT here and now for the Moment of Truth is this actually gonna work oh that’s going to make things so much faster I’m gonna let it run for about 10

Minutes and see how it does all right let’s see oh my god wow if that’s what one machine can do in 10 minutes imagine what 30 could do in an hour alright so let’s turn this thing off for now there’s an Enderman actually just knock

Me off first we need to lay out a perimeter so the TNT machines can cover the entire Island so all right another same for the other side subscribe to lockdown life perfect and now I need to use my massive brain to figure out how far apart these TNT

Machines need to be to each other one two three four five six seven eight forty one forty two forty three forty four forty five six seven thirty five hundred and thirty six hundred and six 180 divided by 30. that is six so that means the TNT machines need to be six

Blocks apart and we’re gonna build 30 of them all right so first let’s build all of the return stations and straight away we’ve got a problem these things are gonna be in the way this is gonna be so annoying because if we can’t do this this is all going to be

Up really high and the rest will be broken doing this by hand or manually with TNT will just take so much more extra time as well but after some time of thinking I might have come up with a solution what if we do the impossible and break the Bedrock all we really need

For this is some Pistons some levers some trap doors and some TNT yeah as you can see from the broken portal block this is definitely my first try come on please let it work this is how you meant to do it what and it didn’t even break

Yes we finally broke one piece of Bedrock now let’s try and do it for all the other ones that are going to be in the way of our machines ow and the last piece of bedrock yes perfect that is the first end portal Gateway completely destroyed and now I’m

Just gonna go along and destroy all the other ones which are in the way of our TNT machine wait pause the transition there is another problem I’ve checked and pretty much all of these portal gateways are in the way of our TNT machines so instead of literally breaking all that bedrock and destroying

The portal blocks as well we’re just gonna lower this by a couple of blocks and then mine the extra blocks from the End Stone so that way the TNT doesn’t blow up the TNT machines so let’s make sure we got H2 and let’s just clear as

Many of these blocks on this level as possible All right nice now we just need to test how much we have to lower this by all right and that all depends if this machine can go under this is it gonna work oh nope it is not gonna work we need to lower it one more time so it looks like

We’re gonna have to mine this entire layer all right nice now I’m gonna lower these and then blow up these random pieces of Bedrock so regime the transition all right now the TNT machine should be easily able to go under there so before we can destroy the entire

Island the last step is to build 30 of these TNT machines this is gonna be fun perfect we now have all the flying machines complete the only thing I’m worried about is the lag because this is what my PC sounded like with only one machine running

Yeah we might be in trouble and we’ve put the levers in the wrong place great Perfect now we just need to Prime the TNT wow that looks so cool now we just need to add the TNT to this side and now all we have to do is turn the machines on is it gonna break my PC oh my God no we’ve got to cover up the

Portal oh no it is literally destroying our Beacon and for some reason all of these flying machines have broke oh this is gonna be so annoying all right we’ve managed to fix them all but we have another problem the portal is higher than the rest of the end stain blocks

Which means the three flying machines there blow themselves up when they go over it so to fix this we need to break all the Bedrock just cover this up so we don’t fall through and let’s get to work and we accidentally blew ourselves through the boat well we’ve actually got so much better

Than that now if we just remove the subsidian and we have a completely bedrockless portal which TNT can’t rest on meaning these machines won’t be able to destroy themselves alright now I think it’s finally time to turn on these machines and complete operation delete Island and whilst the machines destroying the

Entire end Island I’m gonna be reading some of your comments and sitting outside wouldn’t be a lockdown live bid if he didn’t kill a horse foreign says he is so close to 1 million I think he deserves it well thank you very much and you guys can help by clicking subscribe

Wow those were some really nice comments I really hope I get another one of those ah Aiden Gilbert says LL all right it’s been a couple of hours let’s see what’s done oh my God it’s literally destroyed so much of the island alright so to finish up the remaining five percent of

Blocks we’re gonna need a beacon but not just any old Beacon avoid Beacon yeah it’s a it’s a beacon in the void okay so my plan is to start at the top of these bits and just work our way down oh yeah that’s gonna be a bit harder than I thought

Goodbye Einstein blocks yeah I think one of my favorite things to do in this video is just to drop Enderman into the void so satisfying so this process of clearing out the Romanian endstone actually took quite a while and made me realize we had a very big problem and as

You can see guys operation delete island has been completed but like I said we have a very big problem this video was meant to be completed tonight and we still have to build the entire solar system so we really need to start picking up the pace the next step is to

Map out where all the planets are gonna go so for this we’re gonna need a bunch of dirt and we’ll probably grab some Netherrack too okay now we should probably build something around the portal the only problem is this might be a bit tricky you need to go exactly through the middle

Yes perfect actually how are we gonna do the edges perfect now this is going to be the very center of our solar system and now I need to work out how far away the planets are gonna be and how big they’re all gonna be so whilst I use my massive

Brain to do that all right this might not make much sense to you guys but that’s okay because I think I know what I’m doing we’ve got it all planned out now now we just need to get the materials and actually build the entire solar system so one of the main

Materials we’re going to be using is concrete which means we need a bunch of dyes nice so that’s all the magenta dye will ever need yeah this Farm is pretty annoying because it only does one type of flower for the rest of them I guess we’ll just collect manually thank you scary foreign

We can make all the different colored concretes all right now we can come down here and use our concrete oh wait we destroyed all of it with our TNT Jeepers yeah we need to rebuild this chests Hoppers and I think it goes something like this

Okay there it is kind of feel like it’s not gonna fit in with this build hmm I don’t really know what to do about that what do you think Mr Enderman wait that could actually work all we need is a couple more blocks and some lime green stained glass and bang we

Have a flying UFO to completely house the sandeeper alright let me show you how this works alright so first we load up all the concrete powder that we want to duplicate then we just split these levers to turn the machine on and make sure our trunk loader is working now if

We jump from here all the concrete is being duplicated and sorted into these chests oh this is actually working so much better than I thought it would whenever I build something it always goes wrong anyways the process isn’t over now we can take this stuff and whilst powder

Cream powder into concrete this way I’m using my massive brain to get concrete and concrete powder at the same time and we’re going to use this method to get all the materials to build the Earth which is the first planet we’re gonna build okay I think we’re finally ready to

Start building and how this is gonna work is we’re gonna build a planet at each one of these stations and then in the Middle where the Netherrack is that’s where the giant Sun’s gonna be and obviously as you can see from this animation everything is not going to be

To scale because that would be actually impossible to do in Minecraft and doing it this way is gonna look so much cooler anyway so of course we’re gonna start with the air which of course is going to be blue and green but the question is which green hmm I feel like this one’s

More realistic but the lime kind of looks cooler yeah I think we’re definitely gonna have to go with this green all right so we’re gonna start at the bottom and use some white concrete to build the South Pole all right now we’re gonna move up the layers and gradually Fade Out the snow

Into some ocean and also land I think this is gonna look really cool And there we go we have finished building the entire Earth but that is only one planet of the eight planets in the solar system so we need to get moving the next planet we’re building is Elon musk’s favorite planet yeah that’s right we’re building Mars Mars has a

Very ready orange color so we should probably use a mixture of orange and red concrete um actually I think these colors are a bit too vibrant at this point I decided to Google the conditions on Mars and it said that the surface is actually covered in some red dust which gave me

An idea there isn’t any red dust in Minecraft but there is Red Sun however red sand has gravity so we’re gonna have to use red Sandstone which still looks good all right we’ve got all the red sandstone and I’ve actually got a cool idea to build Mars how about a countdown

In three two one and wow that totally didn’t take ages but it’s not finished I want to add one more thing yeah in the hole yeah it’s definitely too small all right now get in the hole And there we go that is Mars next up and specifically Jupiter alright so as you can see Jupiter has this stripe pattern going on and I think the color scheme of it is pretty similar to a Mesa buying so I think we’ll be using these sort of blocks to build Jupiter All right I think we’ve got everything and because Jupiter is mainly this white color we’re gonna build it entirely out of that first and then add the stripes tell you what I am good at building spheres in Minecraft and now we just say the magic words subscribe to lockdown life and

It’s not working wait a second you’re not subscribed are you you have to actually subscribe for it to work okay let’s try that again subscribe to lockdown live and there we go it actually worked that is three out of the eight planets complete all right now

It’s time to move on to the second of the gas giants Saturn I didn’t really know this but sign is actually sort of a yellow color so I guess we’ll just use yellow concrete then all right so I’ve decided because Jupiter has some Stripes we’re also going to use some yellow terracotta to

Just make it more realistic what do you think about that Elon Alright that looks quite cool but I feel like it might be missing something hmm I can’t really think what it is uh yeah Saturn has a ring doesn’t it and just like that Saturn is now complete so that’s four planets complete and four more to go however we’re

Running out of time so we need to do these planets quickly so the next planet is Uranus alright and because Uranus is pale blue and it’s also extremely cold so I seems like the perfect option so let’s build Uranus that is Uranus complete now on to Neptune the furthest away planet from

The sun and looking at the pictures Neptune is a bit darker so I think we’ll go with this blue concrete and I’m sure you’re probably bored of watching me build Spears in Minecraft so whilst about this one enjoyed this footage of a squirrel eating a nut All right and that’s Neptune built alright now it’s time for the last two planets and they’re pretty mid-tier so all right so this is Mercury and that planet there is Venus so we now have all eight planets in the solar system so all that’s left to do is build a massive sun

In the center I think we’re gonna go for something like this as the design because the glowstone will give it the light and the magma blocks will give it the fiery aesthetic we’re going for so I guess let’s start collecting the 14 000 blocks we need for the Sun

Oh that actually looks way better than glowstone foreign calculations hundreds of decisions and over 60 hours of work we are finally about to finish the entire solar system in Hardcore Minecraft it looks so cool I just had the finishing touches to do getting rid of the Bedrock adding more

Lighting and replacing the horse Elon with Elon husk and then it was done [Applause] oh this is the Earth or is it you see last episode I built the entire solar system and in it I built the Earth as a sphere but I might have been wrong some people seem to think the Earth is actually flat so I’m gonna build what they think it

Looks like so for this I’ve spent hours studying flat earthers and what they see the Earth as and I think I finally know how to build it so now it’s just figuring out where to actually build it maybe it’ll help if we do this oh my God

We can actually see the end Islands from here so let’s build it a couple hundred blocks this way thank you oh wait we only have one rocket oh no oh my god oh if I fall off I would have been dead anyways now to build one of the biggest circles you’ve probably ever

Seen in Minecraft and we’ve got a massive Circle this project is gonna be massive and it’s gonna look so cool when it’s finished and maybe it’ll actually convince me to become a flat earther but you’ll have to wait till the end to see if it does

Alright so now we’re going to use this carefully constructed plan to build all of the continents and all the oceans in the entire world but there’s just one massive problem with that if we use the equation pi r squared to calculate this area we can see that the circle will be

Made out of 17 672 blocks that is a lot of blocks hmm maybe this UFO will help because you see it’s not really a UFO it’s a sand jeeper that we built last episode so if we just fly into the sun place our colors so blue lime green yellow and white and

Then turn it on this will now give us an infinite amount of these materials however this will give us concrete powder which will fall so whilst the machine upstairs is generating concrete powder I’m going to be converting it into concrete foreign so now we’re going to build the ice wall

Which is actually what flat earthers believe stops us from falling off the world yeah that definitely makes sense all right we’ve done about half of it but I don’t remember seeing these guys on the plants So we should probably get some torches perfect now if you didn’t know flat earthers think this ice wall is actually Antarctica which means we have done one out of the seven continents so now it’s time to build these continents which is gonna be very cool but also very hard

Like as in I literally have no idea where to start okay we’re gonna go for South America first and I think we’re gonna use these notches to figure out where it starts so one two three all right and looking at the plan I think it’s about eight blocks away

From this corner so one two three four five six seven eight and now we have to try and map out all of South America then it goes up oh it’s so hard to see how many blocks this is I think it’s five then two one one three one a little

Indent here oh I think that kind of looks like the shape in the picture now we need to somehow do all of the other continents can you guys just move please right next we’re gonna do North America which is actually close to the center of Flat Earth Okay so we’ve got this little

Scrappy bit here which I don’t really know what they are then I think North America literally starts here oh anyways it’s North America time [Applause] okay and that weird looking thing is actually all of America however when I was building it I realized we have a little bit of a

Problem there is no land connecting North America to South America it just seems to stop here so let’s add a couple of blocks in to act as the Caribbean countries that link these two continents I don’t know if you can see but there’s a very angry Enderman in North America

Archie jump scared me bye in the center of the Flat Earth all right nice and now let’s move on to the final three continents Asia Africa and Australia wait how did I forget to mention Europe it’s literally where I am anyways we should probably fill them in nice oh my God the Enderman are literally taking over the world what do you want just making them all kill themselves oh and goodbye Enderman but actually that’s

Now created a bit of a problem because these torches don’t look very good and I’m pretty sure flat earthers don’t think there’s giant torches everywhere well actually to be honest they might anyways I think I have a genius plan to stop the Enderman spawning in the ocean

All we need is some of this stuff then if we do something like this this and this with a little bit more water we can make the entire ocean Enderman proof without even having to use any torches Wait they might be able to grab the blocks and mess up the build yeah we should probably do water at the same time and about one hour later we finished the entire ocean oh my God it actually looks so cool but before we move on to phase

Two of the Flat Earth plan we need to make this a bit more realistic and the first step and the first step to do that is finding a way to remove these torches we could try using lanterns or even frog lights but they’ll still look just as

Bad wait a second what about a texture pack alright let’s hope this works oh oh my God yes it’s nice and bright and you can’t see the Torches that is perfect next we’re gonna add the smaller countries that we forgot to add first up is Madagascar which is just off the

Coast of Africa oh my God my torches are literally invisible on my Hotbar as well there’s Madagascar next up is what I think is New Zealand and it’s right here next to Australia and there’s New Zealand and how could I forget about this one next up is the UK which is

Actually where I live we’ll also do two squares for Ireland and now let’s just quickly go for our map and make sure we’ve got all the countries here’s the Caribbean islands oh and I think these islands actually might be the Philippines wait a second so this isn’t

New Zealand that’s Papua New Guinea and New Zealand is like somewhere over here and there we go that is pretty much every country big enough to be represented on this model oh wait I forgot to light up New Zealand then let’s just Enderman chill in there sorry guys

Okay so this is looking pretty good but I think we can make it better and to do this we’re gonna need some more resources we’re gonna build some cool things like a ship and some other awesome landmarks to make this a bit more realistic and to do this we’re

Gonna need some more resources okay so for our ship we’re gonna need some Spruce Wood and now we need some wool for the sails so so now I’m thinking we build the ship somewhere over here all right and now we’re gonna do the sale and there’s our ship now we’re going to

Build some of the most famous landmarks in the entire world and first up is the Eiffel Tower so for this we’re gonna need one iron bar and probably about One Tree’s worth of wood and we’ll get two just in case actually we’ll probably get Spruce Wood instead all right I’m pretty

Sure this is France so oh there is a torch there then a fence on here some signs and perfect we have an Eiffel Tower I’m gonna make all the landmarks really small like this otherwise the scale is gonna look ridiculous I mean the Eiffel Towers have already taken up

All of France the next Landmark we’re gonna do is the Great Wall of China and some people actually say you can see it from space wait all right I think this is China and there we have it the Great Wall of China all right next we’re gonna

Build the pyramids of Giza so all we need is some sandstone and then we can use this to craft up some stairs there we have the Pyramids of Giza now I’m thinking let’s speed this up a bit next I built the Sydney Opera house and I did this quite easily by using quartz

Stairs I’m not too sure it looked like the real thing though anyways next was the Leaning Tower of Pisa and once again it was a bit of an awful Recreation as I use these diorite wolves and then for the penultimate Landmark I decided to build Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer

Statue and you may be wondering how I’m gonna build such detailed architecture on such a small scale I’m just gonna use a armor stand and now for the final Landmark Mount Rushmore wait a second we don’t have any heads well that’s going to be a problem all the other landmarks are looking

Perfect and exactly like their real-life counterparts but this one just looks nothing like it it doesn’t even have heads I was going to use my channel in Trident to get a supercharged creeper and get ahead that way but I can’t seem to find it the only other way I can

Think of getting heads is by killing weather skeletons wait oh my God I’m such an idiot we have a wither skeleton form and just like that we have all of all seven landmarks this place is looking pretty cool now but I think we need to add something to

Make it feel more alive the first thing I want to add is some fish in the ocean so let’s grab ourselves 60 buckets build them all up with water and now let’s connect all the fish we can find oh these are cool fish I really wish these guys could go in a bucket Nemo these ones are so cool let me know your favorite tropical fish in the comments down below and now let’s release them into their new home foreign liking this it actually adds a lot to the ocean also we can add some salmon

Into the lakes and rivers feel like it’s still messing something though I want to bring some frogs to the flutter Pokemon Frogs make tadpoles now let’s grab a bunch of these guys and once these guys grow up we’re gonna have a bunch of frogs now there’s only one

More mob I want to get on the flutter and that one mob is the most impactful mob on the entire disc yeah that’s right I’m talking about people or in Minecraft’s case villagers alright now how are we gonna get these guys into the end I guess we could just use boots

Nice now we need to find a way to get this bow up that hill could try using Pistons will this work underwater wait what where’s the Villager going wait how how did he get up there come back no no no don’t go down no stay

Okay at least he’s out of the water and this should be easier okay and then nice We finally reached the top of the hill and now to do that one more time okay now it should be pretty simple to drop these guys down into the end now this is the difficult part nice and if we just all right let’s try that again with this guy we oh my God

Oh my God no well that’s definitely did this get any worse all right we can do this Nice then if we just break these and that I’ll be come on no all right let’s try that again maybe we need to break the boat no no let’s go stay don’t don’t go anywhere one in there and one in there please now we just need to build a

Railway to transport these two villagers from the UFO to the Flat Earth and now we just need to do the tracks ow Okay let’s test it out and yes and the next one and yes let’s go it’s actually working And there we go we now have villages on the Flat Earth so we have the landmarks we have the animals and we also now have the people maybe the Earth could actually be flat the only way to know for sure is to move on to phase two of

Our plan you see during my research of flat earthers I discovered that they think the Sun and the Moon move around the earth so we know how to find a way to show this on our model maybe we’ll start with the Sun so I think we use the

Same blocks that we use for the sun in our last episode so magma blocks and stream lights all right I think we’ve got everything now as far as I can tell flat earthers don’t think the sun and the moon are flat but judging from these diagrams they seem to think the sun is

Very very small meaning we won’t have to build a massive Sun like this but we do have to find the right place for it so I spent the next 10 minutes searching around and trying to find the best location for the sun I used all the diagrams I could find of the flyer

Theory and eventually I think I have it all planned out so let’s build a tiny Sun oh oh I keep burning myself on this stuff and I think there’s an enchantment you could get for your boots I’ll try it with some diamond boots no no uh great apparently you can’t even

Get it from an enchanting table and I guess we’re doing this now oh my God we got it first try can someone please like calculate the odds on that anyway let’s go they actually work [Applause] So cool already imagine how much cooler it’s gonna look with the moon as well oh and speaking of the Moon many flat earthers believe we never even went to it so I think before we build it it’s important to understand how the moon landing might have actually been faked

And for this we’re gonna need some of these a couple of these and a bunch of other stuff now we need to find somewhere to build it and it has to be top secret this is pretty secure how about down here and then over here and if you haven’t guessed already I’m

Building the TV studio where apparently the moon landing was faked okay so this is where like the top secret government officials might have sat then we’ll add some Redstone torches to make it seem Top Secret at the front We’ll add a green screen oh and we can use the

Invisible torches to light it up and last but not least let’s add a camera that is the wrong way around and just like that we have our secret TV studio let’s see if it actually works one small step for man one giant leap for lockdown

Live kind so now that we know how the moon landing was faked it’s time to build the moon and the moon’s gonna be slightly smaller than the Sun so we can start building it here now what blocks should we use to build the moon My Heart Is Telling Me cheese but Google is

Telling me rock and 10 iron and sadly there’s no cheese in Minecraft so we’ll have to go with Google’s suggestion Foreign I’m not gonna lie it’s a pretty dull Moon let’s add a couple invisible torches that’s much better wait I think I’ve got a better idea if we get rid of the torches on this side and put more torches on this side it kind of looks

Like the sun is reflecting onto the moon wow that’s looking so cool but it’s gonna look even cooler after phase three a massive Dome that protects us from everything outside of our atmosphere you may be like this frog and think that that’s stupid but it kind of makes sense

I mean why else would the Horizon appear to curve from a plane so to get our final opinion on whether the Earth is flat or not we need to build this massive Doom the only problem is it requires 20 000 blocks of glass I don’t

Have 20 000 blocks of glass so I guess let’s grab ourselves a shovel head to a desert and now let’s mine a strange amount of sun one two three seven eight eleven whoa and that is all the sand we are gonna need yeah I don’t even need this anymore

Thank God for this machine so now we’re getting about 12 sand per second and we are definitely not smelting it at 12 cents per second looks like we need a super smelter all right let’s try it out so coal in this chest sand in here and

It’s working so that’s good we only seem to be getting about three glass per second Okay so we’re now getting glass at the same rate we’re getting sand the only problem now is this doesn’t really fit in with the solar system now whilst these machines are getting us thousands of glass so I’m gonna go check on the Flat Earth look at these mobs

Everyone’s happy and having a good time and these landmarks look completely natural and the Sun and the Moon just make perfect sense maybe the Earth really is flat so whilst I was building the giant Dome I did some serious thinking and I think I finally came up with a conclusion after hours of

Research Planning and Building I have finally made up my mind the Earth is flat one million emeralds that is the goal but we currently have two so we’re gonna use loads of different methods to become Minecraft’s richest player and get to 1 million emeralds the first method is

Very simple all we need to do is chop some trees then crop this wood into sticks and come to a village of prison and trade them with these guys for lots of Juicy emeralds and just like that we’ve got nine emeralds already so for the next 30 minutes I continued working hard

Chopping down trees for wood turning that wood into sticks and then trading them sticks for a juicy Emerald profit until I got a very strange message from my friend Gamers you see Gamers had heard that I was trying to get to 1 million emeralds and he thought it would

Be a good idea to make it even harder for me because the message said if you don’t get a million emeralds in five days then I’m gonna leak your face reveal a lot okay I’m not really sure if he’s joking or not but we should probably move on to the next method

Because otherwise there’s no way we’re getting to a million emeralds in five days after this next method we need to make sure we’ve got fortune 3 on our arcs all right so for this method we’re gonna make use of the resources we’ve got available also known as the facts that

We have the world’s largest carrot farm this is where fortune 3 comes in we’ll collect as many carrots as we can carry then we come down here and we can trade all the carrots for a bunch of emeralds Nice we’re now at 397 emeralds let’s repeat that a few more times let’s see how much higher we can get foreign Five hundred and fifty two emeralds that is quite a lot of emeralds but it’s less than one percent of a million emeralds so I think I’ve got a way to speed this up instead of bringing the carrots to the villagers how about we bring the villagers to the carrots this is gonna

Be difficult so if we put a boat there and there then we need to let two out of here get in the boat you always want to escape hmm yes we’ve got one and if we throw some carrots there there’s villager number two now I guess we just

Clear this like so and the villagers are free oh no we probably should have waited till morning yeah this is a bit safer Hole with some beds and feed them a bunch of carrots how did this happen um get out oh now the floor is gonna look weird so beautiful anyways now it’s time to upgrade the breeding hole okay wow this hole is looking so much better this is gonna be so useful to get emeralds

Speaking of which foreign did I just have a trident oh mine is that actually another Trident guy one choker of emeralds wait let me do some math so one shulker has 1728 emeralds so if we divide a million by a thousand seven hundred and twenty eight we can see that we need another

577 shulker boxes of emeralds we’ve definitely got to find a fast way to do it otherwise my face is getting leaked wait I think I’ve got an idea so right now this is the most intensive part I have to manually collect all these carrots by hand but what if we could

Find a way to automate this that way I could still collect a bunch of carrots when I sleep and then in the morning I’d be able to trade them for a bunch of emeralds okay to build this Farm we need a bunch of things the first of which is

Dirt now if we just steal this turtle’s habitat and flick this our UFO will generate us thousands of sand but we need glass so if we grab some sand and head in here and flick this now the asteroid will get us a bunch of glass and okay let’s build this Farm thank you

[Applause] Perfect now all we need to do is plant the carrots and lastly we need two villagers this is gonna be so annoying then if we use a boat and now we don’t want a farmer yes perfect and nice how did that actually work then you should naturally run in in there go on

One more go nice do you mind okay and now we do the same thing but for over here get the boat no no I don’t want to hit a villager because that guy’s gonna smack me oh okay Apprentice chill come on yes nice let’s go now this Farm should be fully

Operational I’m gonna wait for the carrots to fully grow and then I’m gonna AFK for 30 minutes and see how many carrots we get and wait what I’m no expert when it comes to this Farm but I’m pretty sure that’s not meant to happen all right I think I know what happened All right let’s try that again now this time everything was going really well and the farm was working perfectly that was until it was time to check the carrot chairs is that it yeah I definitely have to find a way to fix this before I go to

Sleep so that’s exactly what I did all right it’s the next morning let’s see how many carrots we’ve got one two three four just over four and a half double chests of carrots we could just trade them straight up for emeralds with these guys but why not try and optimize the

Amount of emeralds we get so for this we need mushrooms sugar and spider eyes okay I think I remember how to do this right so we get some of these water and then just Chuck these in oh effects and gunpowder all right perfect it’s night time all

Right now we need to be very careful we need to get rid of this guy nice now if we put this here come on Mr zombie go on get in get in let’s go he’s in no oh God damn it zombie number two it’s time let’s use the fence gate nice

Oh quick infect everyone yes come on yes it’s working let’s go we’ve got loads of zombie villagers now I’m gonna add a reef so the sun doesn’t kill them all oh my god did not mean to fall in now we need to kill the zombie now if I jump in

Here oh it’s quite dangerous actually let’s go oh wait no the burning no no no [Applause] let’s go he’s the first one cured nope don’t infect him again no that is bad they all need to cure at the same time no this is bad no oh they’re just all

Being infected again wait if I just stand here they’ll only care about me then I’ll just do it again Nice ah I think these guys need another splash Let’s go they’re all cured wow look at that 10 carats for one Emerald so that has more than doubled our yield that means we’ll get twice as many emeralds for the same carrots let’s get traded I spent about an hour grinding and pushing myself closer and closer towards that

One million Emerald gold everything was going great and I was converting carrots into emeralds at near maximum efficiency even when the auto carrot Farm run out of carrots I just switched to the manual method whilst the farm collected carrots in the background I felt on top of the

World and for the first time I thought this 1 million gold might actually be possible but sadly this feeling didn’t last very long wait that’s only our second shulker box full meaning we only have about 3 000 emeralds which is 0.3 percent of a million I don’t even think

This is possible I’ve literally spent hours doing this so that night I went to bed thinking I might have to scrap this video however that night I had a dream of a machine so powerful that it could make me an emerald millionaire in less than a day it was literally the fix to

All of my problems and the only only possible way I’ll be able to do this before the five days is over there was just one big problem in my dream this machine looked insanely complicated and luckily enough enxa4 has a tutorial on this exact Farm yeah I definitely didn’t

Just see the farm on YouTube anyways now we just need to build it but where I mean this Farm works so we could build it here but it’s in the way hmm Now you may be thinking such a complex machine must have a massive range of items that we’re gonna need to build it well actually no it just requires these items so let’s collect them before this guy escapes to land luckily there’s a bunch of kelp here

All right and I’m pretty sure we got loads of bones in here nice some Hoppers a few chests some lava and then a bunch of other random things and now there’s just one more thing we need and that is ice all right perfect and we’re going to use

Normalize because when we break it it makes water and it’s a lot easier than carrying 19 water buckets wow it’s actually still here anyways let’s build this Farm we need to make sure we can’t see any land yeah it looks pretty good anyways it all starts with this Lily Pad then we

Instantly destroy it with a block and now we build a very intricate structure out of scaffolding that’s wrong four five six but we need to be very careful to come out at certain points then we just keep going up okay and it says this should be at y

69. perfect then we go up oh that’s not then this way again one two three four five six seven eight and then one this way and one two three four five that way and now it’s 31 scaffolding all right now it’s about to get interesting so we

Place three of these on each side and like this this and now we’re gonna Place lava because you see this lava is literally gonna build the farm for us then we just build some more scaffolding now we break this and no starts our timer we need to get down to the other one

Out I’ll quickly pick up the lava and place that perfect and that is gonna make our drop shoot I don’t know what I was worried about lava drops so slow and we take that and we can just chop away all of this stuff all right now we need to come

In here place an invisible torch down and then pillar up to wire level 69. and now we cleared this block and put a where’s our dispensers oh I’m pretty sure I put it somewhere random in the ocean that was very stupid how am I gonna find it yes so Random

Why did that bear oh this is the love okay so dispenser we’ll put half the Amazons in there then a button and get rid of this now it’s time to make our storage system so we need to get rid of these blocks thank you okay nice we’ve got our sorting system

Now I’m just putting my trust in this tutorial and hoping this machine actually works okay so we break in here break these block button the suspenser facing up armor stands in there and we break this and we put a cauldron and strangely a piece of string on it and

Then we surround this with glass okay all right now we come up here and here’s where I’ve done something wrong I think that’s fixed sign there and sign there then water okay now more water here all right now we do this one oh no I think we messed it up okay never

Mind we can just fix it like this perfect now we go like this now we replace this with water why is that why is that not water then hello okay water and now we build a platform in three two one this is gonna be like a dock for our

Villagers to get them in and we put this there a little Corridor and now it’s time for operation bubble column help oh we forgot to place the sign ah now we just Spam baby off and we ran out of bone meal okay it stopped growing break that and let’s test it out

Let’s go I’m just gonna leave that kelp Just Dance in there all right and now it’s time to place you guys get it because I’m placing observers and you guys are observing this video yeah I’m definitely getting tired of building anyways now we’re gonna place four more of you guys than sticky pistons

Composters then some glass some stairs and some more glass this is where the villagers are gonna stay so now we’re gonna build a few more of these going down this pillar I’m not gonna lie I kind of feel bad for the villagers this is not very comfortable Okay so we’ve

Got our pods now we just need the villagers wait where’s our ocean villager gone yeah and I’m pretty sure there’s no villagers in this Village either because I killed them all in a rig oops yes there’s a village here let’s get some boats perfect now we need to kidnap five villagers Nice where are you going nice and who’s gonna be the lucky last villager that gets to spend his life in a box you will be sorry guys you missed your chance now you may be wondering how we’re gonna get this villager all the way up there well it’s actually built

Into the design of the farm we docked the Villager here and if we break the boat oh he needs to not have a job maybe if we break this and this all right yes now it’s actually working because he’s trying to get to the composter now all

We have to do is push him up all right and this is where it gets clever now we’ve just replaced this red stained glass with the composter and then we just need to push him down perfect and if we break it he should fall right into the chamber

Perfect now let’s just do that with three more villagers here he comes in the hole you know no yeah nice I am the captain now nice out wait is he alive let’s go he was just out of render distance all right and now for this final villager we need

To do something different all right so for this one we’re gonna push him in and then place the salt on again break this all right now we need a composter there and like that okay we’ve nearly finished building this Farm now and I really hope it’s gonna work because we’ve only got

Two days left before Gamers might leak my face reveal so we need to hurry up and build this Redstone part I think this is right but if I get it wrong then it’s gonna be so hard to fix I’m pretty sure this is all right only one more Redstone bit to go Okay the Farm’s nearly done we just need to add the finishing touches like setting up the storage system lighting it all up adding ladders to get to the farm and finally dispensing armor stands okay and after a little bit more preparation we’re ready to try out this

Farm we just need to get the bad aim in effect now we come over here go up here and we go in here and we just click this every 1.5 seconds let’s put our chest plate on yeah I should probably use another quicker for this because I’m

Gonna need to do this for about 20 hours I’m Gonna Leave it running for about an hour and see what happens okay I know I said I’d be back in an hour but something very serious happened I just came back into my office and I saw I was getting killed by vexes so

Quickly I tried to turn off my auto clicker and get out of there but I must have left it on and switched my pickaxe and then I just started destroying the entire farm with an auto clicker I’ve now fixed the farm but we need to fix

The Vex problem and to do that we need beacons so to do this we’re gonna have to reinvest these emeralds into blocks and now let’s make ourselves a mega Beacon um hello I think I actually made it too big but it works so first we’ll get strength

That means vexes should have less time to spawn next we give ourselves resistance two just in case and then regeneration so we can’t die of hunger now to be honest I don’t know why I got four because we only need three but um I guess jump boost this is pretty fun actually anyways

We’re running out of time because of all these setbacks we’ve only got like a day and a half left and this machine needs to be running for a full day but wait I’ve just looked at the replay and it looks like some of the emeralds are actually going straight into the fire so

To fix this we need to expand this storage system I mean it’s only got like 10 chests and like I said earlier we need 290 double chests of emeralds to get to 1 million yeah we should probably chop some wood I also think we’ve still got loads of hoppers in here perfect and now let’s build ourselves a mega sorting system And now we finally have an epic storage system that can store one million emeralds but right about now I’m starting to get a little nervous because this Farm has to work because if we don’t get to a million emeralds in one more day then Gamers is gonna leak my

Face reveal so I nervously went out and got the bad aim in effect made sure all my gear was equipped and finally activated the farm the very fate of my face was relying on this farm would it be able to get me to a million emeralds

In one day the first hour was hard The Raid mobs were spawning on my beacon so I had to completely get rid of it and put it underwater then I was constantly worried about going away from my PC because I was scared of being killed by

Vexes I really didn’t want to lose my world even for a million emeralds but eventually I worked up the courage under our three I noticed I was actually starving to death and the beacon was keeping me alive but the knowledge that we had already collected 150 000

Emeralds kept me going the rest of the daylight hours went by until we hit our 40 scene and it was time to go to sleep this would be the longest I had gone without checking my computer but when I wake up I should be at a million emeralds

Alright here we go it’s hour 20 the Moment of Truth do we have 1 million emeralds let’s go oh my God we’ve actually done it this is AI wait no this is actually Ai and it takes whatever you write for example a Purple Rhino riding a rocket

And turns it into a beautiful piece of art so now we’re going to use this AI to build something beautiful in Minecraft the first step is to get some suggestions of what to build from you guys so I’ve tweeted out asking for your favorite colors animals and places and

Then I used a random wheel to pick a combination of the three and this is what we came up with a blue tiger on Tatooine which is the planet from Star Wars this is gonna look really cool let’s see this one looks really cool if

We click on it we can get variations of this all right nice so we’re gonna go with this blue tiger so now it’s time for step three this is where we’re gonna use a Minecraft pixel art generator to turn this image into something that can be

Built in Minecraft so if we just click generate we have the plan but most importantly a list of every block we’re gonna need which is where step number four comes comes in collecting the 10 000 blocks we’re gonna need for the build okay looking at this list some of

Them are very easy like one Spruce Plank and other ones are very hard for example we need a thousand three hundred and fifty eight blocks of gold uh why did someone have to suggest a planet that’s made of sand anyways let’s start off with the easy blocks and work our way up

To the harder ones hmm I’d say six oak logs is pretty easy now we’re really up in the levels and going for 17 strepto clocks God this is hard we also need 17 Oak planks uh it is dull I mean I guess getting the rest of the wood should be

Pretty easy so we need 38 of these bad boys perfect then eight normal ones six planks and now it’s time for jungle and Spruce then acacia after a long flight we have dark oak and that’s all the words complete next up is 452 snow blocks which would be easy

Apart from we don’t have our shovel maybe it’s in here well looks like we’re gonna have to get a new one that should do ah we need silk touch 12 emeralds after last episode I think we can just about afford that and there’s the one block of emeralds ticked off the list too Now we can finally get the 452 snow next up it’s time to acquire some eyes and I don’t mean the kind of ice that rappers wear I’m talking about packed eyes normalize and blue eyes which I have just remembered is made out of nine packed ice I’m about to destroy

A lot of ice spikes all that destruction and we still have less than half of the amount of blue ice we need we need to go bigger foreign that is all the blue eyes but we’re not done role-playing climate change just yet we need 158 pounded snow and yeah so

We need 158 buckets looks like a lot of these guys are gonna have to die oh no perfect that’s good oh wait oh my God we have to store 158 of these we can use these spare six shulker boxes to store the snow but I don’t want to have

To carry them around with us so a normal person might say put them in an Ender Chest however I am not a normal person there’s gotta be one around here somewhere oh hi dream that is the wrong animal let’s go how do I wait what you don’t even need

To craft anything you just need a chest oh my God And just like that we have somewhere to store all of our snow this is so much better than using an Ender Chest anyway now we’re going from the code blocks to the hot blocks well the nether blocks all right what do we need we need six Soul soil

An absolutely massive amount of blocks from the nether fortress as well nice LOL 21 delicious pain blocks oh they sound so nice And now 14 of these glowing stone blocks wait that is the wrong pickaxe no what is this called again battles how does one make it smooth ah like this and I’ve just realized we need five more now it’s time for something dangerous we need all of the Bastion blocks but where

Is the Bastion no oh there is okay I don’t really know exactly what I need so I’m just gonna get everything Oh our first block of gold as well we only need like a thousand three hundred and fifty Seven more don’t mind me I’m just destroying your phone because AI told me to build a blue tiger on a different planet oh no guys we can talk about this

Oh my God all right I might just fly away all right we just need 11 gilded Blackstone and then I think we’ve got everything from here four or five oh another block 1 356 to go I don’t know why people think these places aren’t that safe thank you nine eleven perfect

And now I think it’s time to speedrun the rest of the nether blocks cue the dream music We now need 818 stream lights and we definitely need a faster way of doing this ladies and gentlemen I give you the Streamlight Destroyer four thousand and there we go now for the final nether block and it’s going to require some TNT do I have any nice okay

Now we just placed down some TNT wait it’s not gonna light that oh oh so we’re looking for four ancient debris can we get it from this there’s one why do we even need ancient debris to build a blue tiger uh whatever the AI wants

Oh oh my God there’s two yes just one more to go and that’s all the nether blocks complete now it’s about time we start dealing with one of our biggest problem the 1358 blocks of gold we need for this build luckily I have one of the most AP

Gold farms in the world so all I need to do is click this All right I don’t know if the farm was working properly but let’s see how much gold we got anyway and that’s it we have just over 10 of what we need oh my God I think we’ll come back to that later for now let’s gear up to go mining because

There’s a bunch of blocks we need not to mention the 857 lapis blocks We need oh that’s gonna be hard so for lapis mining we’re gonna need silk touch and then we’re also gonna need mending turn them into netherrite we’ll grindstone all the bad ones and then everyone knows you need to

Spend lapis to make Lapis add all the books and we’re ready to go mining it’s not just lapis we need we also need a bunch of other blocks for example three undersight one Cobblestone oh wait that’s on the side still one Cobblestone and three tough we’re also probably gonna get a

Few more but let’s get down to the mine and start looking for lapis I think this is the best level to mine up of first lapis yes more it seems to be working so far how long is this gonna take though yes that’s 12 now and I did some research

And it says every Fortune three lapis block is going to give us about 36 lapis but we still have so much to collect oh we need regular gold or Not Gold oh and we actually need about two polished andesite so we should get some of this

Oh 11 dirt we also need like 13 blocks of holes that we should probably get this I haven’t found any lapis in ages oh this is gonna take so long Let’s go okay we’re starting to get there we’re on 57 lapis blocks now I think for the next couple of hours I’m gonna really get my head down and start Mining and hopefully by the end we’ll have all the lapis we need this is around 250 blocks of lapis ore

Now the question is will using this fortune 3 pick up get us enough lapis to make 857 blocks well it’s time to find out there’s our first Stark we’re two stacks down and we’re on to the second layer hmm I’m not sure if this is gonna be enough

Okay and the final result is this that’s just over half of the amount we need why did the Tiger have to be blue mining wasn’t all bad though we did manage to get four Cobble deep sleep two polished diorite and undersight four drip stone blocks one copper ore and after I mine

This we should have the 13 cold blocks we need Perfect all right we’ll make a good progress but I think it’s time to take some of the easier blocks of the list let’s start with the desert blocks so I’m gonna steal 10 smooth Sandstone from this house thank you

Then we also need two cut Sunstone we then also need one regular Sunstone and finally we need 433 chiseled Sun soon I guess we’ll just mine loads of this this Village is going to be floated okay and we’ll chiseled up when we get back to base next is the colorful blocks

We’re talking concrete and terracotta and since we’re here we’ll grab a bunch of the Terracotta is this regular yeah and if we come down here to our little die area we should be able to craft all the terracottas foreign blocks of wool as well and I’ve got a

Pretty good idea for this we’ll just dye these sheep the color of the wool that we need so we need some black we need some light blue we also need a light gray a gray some white some brown and some blue now we just put Redstone here

To make the machine work and we can just sit back relax and watch our will get collected All right awesome that’s all the world now the last group of colored blocks is of course concrete so for this if we just put blue here light blue black and gray switch them all on now if we come through here our UFOs should generate us all the concrete powder we need and I

Can turn it into concrete down here wow we’ve just ticked off so many blocks but let’s keep this progress going by collecting some of the most random blocks we need for this build for example we need 263 prismarine and I think I know just where to get it we

Transformed the outside of this ocean Monument but not the inside perfect oh this is going to be so much easier than finding the new one also let me know in the comments it’s prismarine blue or is it green next on the list is seven clay which I think we could get from here

The next one’s a little more difficult 42 jack-o-lanterns so for this we need pumpkins well we need a bit more than two of them I always remember seeing pumpkins over here yes I still need more why is there a raid here then do you have pumpkins okay I’m Gonna Leave

Them pumpkins don’t mind me guys I’m just taking the pumpkins ow oh my God there’s loads what the hell yes this is actually so good right we only need a few more yes all right that’s enough now how do we make jack-o-lanterns out of these we need to torch and the carved pumpkin

There’s torches then if we just And that is all the jack-o-lanterns now we’ll just get a few more things until we’re on the Final Bosses of the blocks okay it’s time to collect the final boss blocks these are the hardest blocks we’re gonna have to collect and each one is going to be quite difficult in its

Own way but we’ll start off with the easiest one for me which is a block of diamond yeah that’s how hard they’re gonna be next up we need to fly thousands of blocks this way I have been flying for absolutely ages and I can’t even find one but I think

Wait we could have just got it from this party oh my god oh we need silk touch to make matters worse my elytra has barely any help so we’re gonna have to walk back okay so I’ve been using the piglet Farm to repair my elytra and it’s

Actually given me an idea about our next block you see it’s crying obsidian so if we eat into some of our gold Supply we should be able to trade with these guys for crying obsidian the only problem is it’s based all on luck and we’re not

Getting very lucky we need to find some way of increasing our odds and the best way to do this is gonna be getting multiple picks come on Mr piglin they are such gold diggers oh yes more gold diggers let’s go yes we have six piglens in the Hulk And that’s the crying obsidian done now it’s finally time to tackle the lapis again and after doing some research I’ve came up with a new method and it involves this and making some of these alright and this should give us a water breathing patient yes let’s go and we’ll

Make it eight minutes by putting Redstone in there combined with night vision potions this is the perfect setup to explore underwater caves and apparently this is the best way to find lapis look at this there’s two together oh my God this Cave’s amazing okay it’s literally just been eight

Minutes and we’ve already found over 50 lapis let’s see how much we can get in an hour yeah that is definitely a faster way to get lapis and finally if we combine our lapis blocks that we got from earlier we now have the 857 lapis we’re gonna need

There’s only two different blocks left now and the next one is 1146 and stone uh yeah I forgot I built the solar system where the end Island was I guess we’ll just fly this way just past the giant Flat Earth model and here we go this island is getting destroyed I

Wonder how long this is gonna take And finally the one I’ve been dreading the 1000 Gold Blocks we’re gonna need for this build yeah I’m gonna have to sit here all night and by the morning we had all the gold we needed so all of the blocks have finally been collected now it’s time to

Construct the ai’s amazing build but where should we put such a magnificent piece of art this looks like a good spot and that way dream will always be looking at the ai’s build so first we’ll grab some dirt and we’ll use this to build the 100 long area we need for the build

Foreign I had to destroy this hill okay it’s time to start building because we’ve only got 10 hours to get this done and we need to place 10 000 blocks meaning we need to place one block every 3.5 seconds for the next 10 hours oh my God

This is gonna be hard the way this is gonna work is I’m gonna build it up in Road and luckily this pixel generator allows you to click here and it tells you all the blocks you need for each row so with time ticking down it’s time to start the first row five gold

Stream or gold now we’re on to the random blocks at the end for some reason and stone diamond Emerald is that slime Streamlight purple concrete powder and finish it off with blue concrete powder okay that’s the first row done only 9 900 more blocks to place oh this is

Gonna look so cool at the end but it’s gonna be so hard to build okay row number two foreign I realized the next 10 or so layers are mainly made out of stream lights and gold blocks so if I focus on doing the gold blocks first and then just fill in the gaps with stream lights that will probably be so much faster so now I’ve

Got all the gold blocks in my inventory and I know exactly what to do at first this method was going well it was easy and I was making good progress but then I started making mistakes getting confused about which blocks go where and completely messing up connecting the

Different branches but eventually I got all the gold placed and from then on filling in the gaps with stream lights was very easy to be honest I can’t really see how this is gonna look good but I guess we just gotta trust the process and get grinding oh and believe

It or not that has taken us two and a half hours already so time is definitely ticking down at the moment and this blue represents the first part of the blue tiger what do you think about that anyways we’ve got a lot more today and I

Think I’m gonna switch back to doing it in Rose because there is a lot of different blocks in this target foreign I kind of feel like the AI is the artist and I’m just a printer printing out the image all right we’ve only got about five hours left to build it and we’re

Still under 50 done but I think I’ve got an idea to speed it up a bit there is a couple large areas made out of only End Stone so if we fill them bits in now it should save us a bunch of time later hopefully I don’t mess this up All right that should help but we’ve still got so much to do and not very much time so it’s time to start making some serious progress come on leave me alone oh why does the blue tiger bit have to be so complicated I dream I feel like

Once we finish the tiger part it’s going to be so much easier because this part is so complicated Yeah it’s finally time for this next bit we need some powdered snow so if we come over here we can find our trusty donkey and he has all the powdered snow for us perfect Hmm this is gonna be interesting how am I gonna build the next layers and

That’s a problem for future light down life all right yeah future lockdown life is having problems now the powdered snow ended up slowing us down quite a bit but I didn’t let that get me down because we had nearly finished the blue Tiger’s head there we go that’s the tiger’s head

Complete but before I show you let’s finish the sky And after 12 hours of building the Masterpiece is finally finished AI might be the destruction of the human race but it can definitely make some awesome art this is my 3 300 day hardcore world and it’s full of lots of Epic Builds that all have one thing in common they’re

Made out of lots of blocks which is a problem because lots of blocks don’t fit in my inventory but there’s a solution ladies and gentlemen I give you the shulker box oh wait we don’t have any if only we had an unlimited Supply once we filled this giant shulker box with

Shulker boxes we’ll have an unlimited Supply so let’s get to it to obtain shulker boxes we first need to go back to the basics one shulker box is made from two shulker shells and one shocker chest in the middle to make a delicious soccer Box sandwich so it looks like we

Need some wood and fun that’s 53 chests and for the second ingredient we need to head to the end and here we go our perfectly transformed end portal now we just fly away from the solar system and pass the Flat Earth we should arrive at an end

City so it’s time to extract all the shulker shells our first victim I think you can hide there’s no hiding from lockdown I get it you think you’re clever not very clever anymore okay I’m pretty sure that’s all the shulkers from this NC and we have enough to make eight shulker boxes there’s gotta be a faster way of doing this so I left the end City and threw myself into the world of

Research trying to find a way to get thousands of shulker shows however I wasn’t having any luck and I was starting to lose hope until I clicked on this video This is Gonna Save Us so much time oh wait that is a lot of resources but we better get collecting them if we

Want to have more than eight shulkers so the first material we’re gonna collect is 1237 scaffoldings so we need a lot of bamboo all right there might be some sad pandas now but we’ve got all the bamboo we’re gonna need however there’s still one more thing we need for scaffolding and

That is string so let’s wait till it goes night okay and it’s time to hunt some spiders our first victim only like 200 more string to go oh my God it’s spider Heaven they must know we need string or something this is actually a pretty decent way to get a string we

Don’t even need a string file after a very painful night that is all the scaffolding collected but that’s not the only difficult block we need to collect for this Farm we need over a thousand of these bad boys the only problem is I don’t want to destroy my

Landscape to do it I mean look how beautiful it is so I’ve got an idea to build a really overpowered cobblestone generator that way we won’t have to destroy a world but we’ll be able to collect thousands of cobblestone in just a couple of minutes oh this video looks

Good does your inventory look like this and do you want it to look like this well you’ve came to the right video so welcome to the unlock up death Channel and this is how to make a cobblestone generator so the first thing you’ll need is a bucket of lava

The next thing a bucket of water and then and then just do something like wait that’s wrong and then you just do something like this oh wait that’s that’s Cobblestone does this guy know what he’s doing and then you just do something like this and there you go you

Have unlimited Stone huh why is that Cobblestone I’m gonna find a better tutorial this tutorial looks better and this should be everything we need to build the farm all I need now is this pig to tell me where to build it over there okay and before we start it we also need a

Haste two Beacon yeah the resource blocks are not going to be a problem and hey all right let’s have the works like this oh okay let’s see how much Stone it gets us in five minutes okay in five minutes we got that is a good amount of stone we should be able

To make all the slabs we need we can also use these to get some stairs and some building blocks perfect and now we’re moving on to some of the more random items we’ll start off with 23 glowstones nice then 10 snow uh we need a shovel that’s better and now five carved pumpkins

And that’s only three of the remaining 15 items so now I’m gonna quickly collect four pieces of glass six observers 10 powered rails two activator rails six levers three buttons two chests two Hoppers two fence gates two trap doors one piston one redstone torch one target block two Minecarts two armor

Stands 64 temporary blocks and one shulker wait how do I collect a shulker also I kind of need to breathe now okay I think I know how to capture shulkers now but before I do that we need to find a place to build our really overpowered

Farm what if we just fly through one of these portals then it needs to be close to an end City whoa what the hell why is this like this yeah this is a weird place oh yeah this will do and does it have shulkers no we needed shulkers here

Oh my God leave me alone wait what oh my God our totem wasn’t equipped and we nearly just died please have shulkers no why do I always kill them Elon husk tell me where an end city is please um okay please don’t be looted no oh whilst I’m flying I’m thinking of

Changing my Channel logo so just make sure you’re ready to see that it’ll probably be changed to my character rather than the egg timer logo okay this one’s decent decently closed yes oh my God it has them okay and now we can actually start building the farm this

Place looks good but it would be nice if it was a bit more flat and now it’s time to build one of the most overpowered shulker farms in the world well definitely in my world wait I think I just wasted 20 minutes because it would

Be cooler if we built the farm over the void I guess let’s start building out oh this is so slow is there a faster way of doing this oh I’ve just found out there’s an enchantment called Swift sneak and it enables you to move faster whilst holding shift which will make

Bridging so much faster the only problem with that is swiftly can only be found in ancient cities and they are very very scary so we need to make sure we’re geared up come on and we’re finally ready okay I’m pretty sure there’s an ancient city down here

That we’ve been to before Swift sneak is gonna make bridging so much faster Okay so somewhere in there it’s a chest with swift sneak or at least I hope so all right here we go okay I’m just gonna shift why is there a heartbeat no okay don’t push blocks it’s so dark

Guys this is what it looks like for you but this is what it looks like for me yeah it’s scary a chest um nope yes swiftly right I think our best chance is go straight up into that cave okay go no I think yeah I think the warden’s

Getting summoned if we get up high enough he won’t be able to hit us and yes we’ve escaped okay so it should be as simple as putting this on our leggings and oh my God yes I am crouching and this is so fast oh my God

This is making bridging so much faster I guess let’s just see how far into the void we can go okay I think this is far enough I guess now we just need a platform to actually put the Shocker thumb on so and now the only thing stopping us from

Building this Farm is these guys perfect and it’s time to build and by the way I’ll be using this tutorial that’s Linked In the description one two three four five six seven eight six seven eight now we go this way one two three four five six place a block and

Build a three by three platform out of slaps while Swift sneak even helps with this and now this Farm’s about to get a whole lot snowy because well we’re adding the snow golems in one two three four and five looks pretty comfortable in there but it’s about to

Get even more cramped because I’m gonna put some scaffolding there okay I should be able to place it just like oh And now we make a 10 by 10 platform but now it’s time for scaffolding two three four five six seven we’re gonna need a bunch of this I think we just need to do this all the way around I always think placing scaffolding sounds so nice

Okay I think this is going to be like one of the areas where shulkers are gonna spawn and then we’re gonna put an armor stand here which is actually going to protect the shulker so it doesn’t die a stone block piston facing in this way and a lever and that’s moved the armor

Stand along to the side of the block now it’s time to go up slab here oh not like that Okay next we come down here face piston like that a regular block like this and a lever here and now we need to get out of the hole then behind here we are going to build a Observer clock I’m not exactly sure how to build one of these

But let’s just follow the tutorial oh it looks pretty easy actually it’s just perfect yeah that’s kind of annoying right it’s looking good but it is a bit dark so let’s brighten it up a bit wait have I made a mistake because this should have one more slop ah okay I

Think I was missing a row of scaffolding here oh wait all these slabs are wrong too all right we finally managed to fix it oh my God I’m not making another mistake and now it’s scaffolding time again Slabs again we’re literally just adding more and more layers to the farm like a sandwich so the chokers have the maximum area to spawn okay it’s time for another layer but this one’s not gonna be like the others five blocks this way now we need

It a bit wider oh wait no not like that this bit and then the rest of this can just be filled in with bottom slabs and now it’s time to build the storage system but I’ve just realized we forgot to bring our chests all right so for this it’s important to

Make sure none of these blocks are spawnable so basically no shulker box can move on to it and I want to extend this a bit from the tutorial and put a few more chests we need to make sure the additional chests are spawn proofed as well I think the shulkers are actually

Going to teleport to that we need to find another solution so I was looking in the comments of the tutorial for some solutions and this guy suggested using an auto drop system with Soul Sand because Soul Sand isn’t a full block meaning shulkers can’t teleport to it

Well then to the nether we go I know I should probably fix my shovel but it should be fine to just get this and it broke okay let’s see how this goes all right this is very loud but now we should be alright if we surround this all with sosan

Okay and now we want to make sure that Shockers can’t teleport onto the chest which means we need to build them under this platform so this is going to be difficult no it says Ricky risky I’m in danger all right this should be low

Enough if we can get a block on the side of here nice okay and we can just build out the platform Okay and then we’ll replace all this dirt with bottom slabs I really hope I don’t make a mistake here I think should be good enough we had buttons to here it should make it even safer as well okay the storage system is looking good all right next we need to do

Something like this out of the way so annoying now we just get rid of these and close the trap door like this yes now the next step is going to get rid of these guys all right now if we just fly away and go back over the end a minute

Gone and now it’s back to making the sandwich Okay now it’s time to build some staircases then we do something like And the same on this side I hope that I missed that jump wait I’m just gonna stop this from making a noise because it’s really annoying now we play some stairs like this and some levers over here okay now we just put activator rails here I would rails here then we

Put a temporary one here then break it and yes the activator rail should go on a slope like this then we place powered rails up here go all the way up break this one then a slab like that and same on the other side looking good now we

Place slabs on all of this and a block here and slabs like this going across and now another sandwich layer are you kidding me we’re nearly done with this farm and you have to come and ruin it goodbye anyways yeah we’re nearly done so we just need to do this armor stand

There I think and if we break this and this the armor stands should drop inside perfect okay now we just need to push some glass in so looks good then another bit of glass a button and a slab on top now to make the farm fully Enderman proof one two three four five

Glowstone and from here we just do the finishing touches to the sandwich okay we’re nearly done there’s just a few final things to do Minecart’s there and there also we can put the Observer back now we need to make sure this lever is turned on like that we also need to make

Sure there’s no possible blocks the shulker could teleport to so let’s move all these and we don’t have a shovel yeah I’m gonna go get one oh and whilst I’m here I’ll grab a bunch of rails and Redstone torches okay this is a lover okay the farm is ready now it’s time for

Operation shulker collection this operation is gonna have multiple steps and step number one is building a railway all the way from here to the end City [Applause] okay we’ve run out of rails so whilst we’re here we might as well start step two which is gonna be getting potions so

The shulker doesn’t shoot us and Potions so we can heal the shulker we’ll Chuck nether warts in each one of these then I believe golden carrots and this should give us night vision potions but lockdown live why do you need night vision potions well I’m glad you asked

Because we don’t we’re just gonna add some fermented spider eyes to these and then they should turn into potions of invisibility We’ll add some Redstone to make it last longer and gunpowder to make it Splash all right that’s the first potion done the next is the potion

Of regeneration so for this we do the same thing with the netherwort oh they’re already awkward potions but the next item it requires is something much more Sinister the tier of a giant white Q I know there’s one here somewhere I got my trusty sniper rifle at hand the

Visibility is not good in here it’s quite Eerie this is their usual mating grounds I don’t see them though here’s the remains of one there it is yes the tear of a giant white Cube but I’m not finished with my sniper rifle yet we need a couple more of those

Let’s go yes the final guest here all right I don’t really know what happened to me then but uh we have all four gas tiers so let’s put these in here and yes potion of regeneration perfect so with the potions and all the rails I just crafted it’s time to complete operation

Shulker collection so first let’s finish this Railway the shulk is going to be going that way so uh we don’t even need powered rails for this hook but we do need them this side all right we could go around this or we could just go straight over it

I really hope Enderman can’t pick rails up oh that’s a bit of a problem all right 3v1 I’ve got this maybe I don’t yeah I’m just gonna fly away all right we’re pretty much at the end City now so let’s just test it out to see if the shulker will get there

Safely oh this is really cool Well it’s working good safer Looks like it’s pretty good oh that was kind of scary anyways we need to build this bit of the truck so it takes the shulker up there where did you get that block from anyways this end is done now it’s just the end City end but before we do this

Let’s make sure to use our potion of invisibility oh I’m a ghost right now we’ll continue like normal Up Until the End wait why are they shooting at me I’ve got invisibility off maybe they can see my armor we need to be careful this doesn’t

Run out all right now we need to build some kind of Hiccup system wait what and we need to use the potion of Regen to make sure they don’t hurt each other alright so we need to build something like this like this like that then if we

Grab our Minecart we’ll Splash them one more time and yes he’s going to the farm please let this work okay we’ll keep our distance so he doesn’t try and shoot me but everything’s going to plan so far goodbye little shulker oh the moment of truth is it gonna work wait I forgot to

Put a redstone torch on the activation rail we’ve got invis so if we take our armor off oh I don’t want to do this over the void I’m ready to get the elytra out of my inventory and put it on please let this work don’t hit me Mr

Shulker and then we turn it on yes wait where is he is that the right place no Paul how how have you gone there that is definitely not the right place for him to go sorry shulker I gave you every chance to go into the right

Place and you didn’t so if we get rid of all the Soul Sand and then we cover each side of these blocks with buttons all right let’s try it again I think that should have fixed it take my armor off wait what why can you see me how

How can you see me I’m invisible they should grab him nice he’s making his way across the bridge it says in the tutorial it can take up to five minutes to get in the right place so we’ll just give it that time it’s finally in the right place in the

Farm now we can just delete all of this and all that’s left to do now is start the farm let’s see how many shoka shows we can get in one hour Okay it’s been pretty much exactly an hour let’s see how many shocker shells we’ve got wait it looks like there’s a bit of a spillage 120 oh we should be getting 750 and the Farm’s definitely working I mean listen to that so we need to somehow make sure all of these things

Are being collected okay so yeah looking at the replay a lot of these shells are missing their Mark so if we just expand this area and we make sure all of The Hoppers lead to this middle one I’m sure this will be enough let’s add one more

Layer around the edge just in case all right surely that dropper can’t miss okay that went in okay that went in that’s going in that’s it that’s it all right yeah all of them are making it in now so this is gonna drastically improve our rates now I’m gonna AFK overnight

And see how many shulker shells we can get Okay it’s the next day it’s been about 12 hours let’s see how many shoker shows we’ve got oh my God yeah that’s enough shoka shows for 4 000 shulker boxes so that means one part of the recipe is now ticked off what we need to do now is somehow get 4

000 chests and we’re gonna do this by following this tutorial to build one of the most overpowered Wood Farms in the game the only problem being that this Farm requires 30 honey blocks and for some reason our Honey Farm has stopped working so I guess let’s tear it down

And stop building a better one and now let’s grab all the materials we’ll need for the beef Farm okay so that’s all the materials now we need to find some bees I’m pretty sure I found bee nests around here before Oh there’s a bee uh do you have a nest my

Friend oh here’s the Venus all right get back in the nest I think I’m yeah I’ve captured them all in here all right now if I get some glass then we get some flowers and we put a door on here pump fires truck doors flowers down all in

Here and then our B hives along here this should work and then we can breed these bees and get another B and now we just repeat this until we’ve got three bees in each one of these all right we’ve got the bees now but apparently it’s important we build this

In the end because there’s no daylight cycle meaning the bees will always be awake this island looks like a good place so let’s build this Farm Okay next we release the bees now we can finally add the flowers to the farm and then the last thing we need to do is add all the glass bottles to the dispensers okay we just got our first eight honey which is two honey blocks so the Farm’s

Working let’s see how much we can get in a couple of hours all right I may have ended up AFK overnight so we’ve definitely got enough honey bottles craft this into honey and that’s the honey taped off the list all right now the rest of the material

Should be pretty easy for example 208 iron blocks 71 oak leaves and 36 slime blocks and that’s all the rest of the items as well now let’s build this wood Farm okay so this is all the collection area built we’re now going to build the leaf

Crushers and all of them will feed into here into this dropper and give us unlimited saplings to carry on spamming bone meal wait this honey is so annoying I can’t jump okay and now we need to put fence gates all along here which is actually going to be what crushes the leaves and

Breaks them oh and these need to be open and now we need the same thing on the other side All right and now we need to just connect these two together with redstone All right so the leaf Destroyer is now working perfect now we need to build a double piston extender here which is going to push all the logs that way okay this is all connected and working as well and now we’re building the collection system because this Farm collects 10 000 logs per hour

All right that’s looking pretty good and now it’s finally time to work on the TNT duplicator okay the Farm’s basically finished all we need to do now is load it up with bone meal and I know just where to get it perfect and now all

That’s left to do is turn the farm on and try it out oh my God it’s working so well alright so I’m going to leave this running worse them at the gym and we’ll see how much wood we can get All right I just got back from the gym let’s see how much wood we got oh my God yes and the same on the other side as well now we can finally craft all the shulker boxes we need so finally after hours of collecting resources making these farms and using these forms it’s

Finally time to craft the shulker boxes that’s five shulkers of shulker shows oh my God and that is kind of hard to say now let’s convert all of this wood into chests well first we need to make a crafting table yeah this is gonna take a while And finally we have all the shulker shouts all the chests now let’s combine them into shulker boxes how many shulker boxes does it take to fill a shulker let’s fill it up I have heard stories that this has broken some people’s worlds but um let’s hope that doesn’t

Happen and let’s make sure not to put our firework one in here because without it we won’t be able to get home wow this is the most shocker boxes I’ve ever heard okay we’re on a fourth layer which means we’ve already placed over 600 shulker boxes oh my God okay

The giant shulker is now halfway full which means we have enough storage for 3.5 million items yeah I don’t think we’re ever gonna run out of shulker boxes and after another hour of shulkerbox placing we have finally done it this shulker box stores over 7 million items wait a second where’s my

Rocket shoker 120 million blocks that’s the same distance as flying around the earth three times or double the distance of a Minecraft map and I’m gonna travel it in less than a second so to find out how this is possible you’ll need to watch

Till the very end a while ago I made a video where I traveled to the world border and it was really cool so I want to do it again but this time see a world border on each side of the map so let’s pick a direction and get walking wait a

Second we have a big problem I just did the maths and we walk in Minecraft at 4 meters per second which comes out to just under a year of straight walking there’s got to be a faster way wait these would be faster be my friend while

This horse is really playing hard to get I will tame you yes I think he’s my friend now we need a saddle and if we put this on him he is faster than walking but I think we can do better let’s try this guy okay yeah this guy is

Much faster but I can’t help but think we could get even faster so I’ve spent some time building this behold the horse speed measuring machine 3 thousand so as you might have guessed this machine is going to help us measure the speed of the horses

Um did you just see my carrot so let’s test this one bang nine blocks per second that’s decent but as you can see the fastest horse we can get is around 14 blocks per second so now let’s search for that mystery horse perhaps it could even be

This one alright what will horse number two get nine blocks per second you guys can chill together wow this one’s moving fast already I think this guy feels faster boss number four will he be able to do it all right there we go 10 blocks per

Second he’s the fastest one so far so he gets to live in a hole horse number five hmm horse number six seven blocks per second that is terrible so what if it was a donkey it should have been a faster donkey wait we already have a

Horse but I can’t remember if it was fast or not you shall be your horse number seven alright here we go now if we can find another 12 blocks per second horse we should be able to breed them and get the possibility of an even faster horse or at least I think that’s

How it works so that’s how it went for a while I would find horses and then measure their speed until this happened and I definitely didn’t have to stay up all night to get this guy anyways now that we’ve got him we can breed him with all these 12 blocks per second horses

And hopefully get our hands on The elusive 14 block per second horse Okay so to breed horses we need golden carrots which we can get by grabbing some emeralds from here heading down to our basement and trading with these guys alright that should be good okay so for

Breeding them all I’m gonna do is take a 12 block per second horse introduce him to the mega horse and make them make a smaller horse yay and once it grows up we can put him to the test any horse that scored 12 blocks per second would

Join the others but anything below that well they got disposed of foreign Foreign horses and we’re still no closer to the 14 block per second horse we haven’t even got a 13 one so I’ve had to make the decision to use this one as a horse so this horse is about three times faster than walking though you may be

Thinking this journey will still take us four months to complete but that’s where you’re wrong because one block in the nether actually equals eight blocks in the Overworld meaning this horse won’t be traveling at 13 blocks per second it will be traveling at 13 times 8 which looks like this

Thank you also there won’t be obstacles like this because we’ll be doing it on the nether roof speaking of which yeah in the portal and I guess let’s just see how far you can get in 10 minutes starting now all right that’s 10 minutes let’s see how far we got

Oh my God we spawn a zombie spawner oh it’s a spider spawner wow 63 000 blocks away but on my journey I think I discovered a problem you see 10 minutes is quite a long time especially if you have to hold down W that entire time I

Mean my hand kind of hurts now imagine it after 120 million blocks so unfortunately I think that rules the horse method out at this point I was feeling quite sad I had spent days trying to get the perfect horse and it was all for nothing but that’s exactly

When I had an idea for a machine that would change everything it will be made out of slime blocks and honey blocks and it’ll be a flying machine that flies us all the way to the world border automatically meaning I won’t have to injure my hand to do it so first up

Let’s grab all the slime blocks we’re gonna need on the little weird hole joint we’ll grab all the Redstone stuff and finally we can get the honey from the bee farm we built last episode which was very good by the way so I recommend one watching it hello bees I’m seeing as

We’re here we might as well build the flying machine on top of the Flat Earth alright I’ve only built this once so let’s hope I can remember how to do this so Observer facing that way Dickie piston um Observer sticky piston slime next one is honey back to slime and then we just

Repeat this for a bit and whilst I’m building that I want to introduce you guys to someone say hello to mini lockdown live I’m literally like every other hardcore YouTuber now wait what’s that you want to say something subscribe to lockdown live now and help him reach 1 million

Subscribers so make sure to subscribe before then to become an OG well said mini lockdown live now back to the machine um that was definitely not supposed to happen and we fixed this by somehow sending it back the other way um that should not be there oh it’s all going wrong

Okay it’s finally done it looks so cool here is my spaceship alright so to test if this works we’re gonna see if it can go from the Flat Earth all the way over to the solar system so if we break this what no all right I think I fixed the problem

Let’s try out version 2.0 this time instead of having concrete behind I’ve added extra honey and slime blocks because the machine couldn’t pull them along it could only push these or at least that’s what I think we’re about to find out oh my God the same thing happened again this is spaceship version

5.0 yeah we’re just not gonna talk about three and four but now if we hop on here make sure we’re on the honey block and if we break this now this should take us all the way to the solar system All right and if my calculations are correct this obsidian I put here should stop us so now we’ve got a machine that actually works let’s try it out in the nether all right nice it’s all set up let’s see how it compares to the horse method in 10 minutes

All right it’s been 10 minutes and I broke the machine but let’s see how far we got okay looks like we’re in some kind of weird cave but the most important thing is wait we only got 11 000 blocks away that is so slow what are

We actually gonna do I mean I did sort of have an idea whilst I was flying okay hear me out we all know ender pearls can be used to teleport you in Minecraft but that alone is not very useful however if we use a TNT cannon to shoot an ender

Pearl thousands of blocks and continue doing that multiple times we might be able to get to the world borders really really fast however I soon realized that this enderpill cannon idea was not gonna work because you can’t use water in the nether who would have thought

At this point I was a very sad blocked on life I mean even mini lockdown life was upset I thought there was no way I’d ever be able to travel 120 million blocks in Minecraft and I seriously considered giving up and just going to bed foreign

To go and pay a visit to my old friend Mark and he told me not to give up because if you never give up then you can never fail at least that’s what I think he was saying nevertheless Mark was right now was not the time for

Giving up it was the time for research so I threw myself into the world of books and learned to challenge the very physics of Minecraft itself eventually I started to see hope and before I knew it I had a plan so I’ve discovered a way to travel 60 million blocks across the map

And then 60 million back in only a few seconds but this is gonna take a lot of preparation so let’s get to work oh I doubt my electron the first thing we’re gonna need is about 60 shulker boxes no thank God for last episode to build the

Machine that’s going to let us travel in seconds we’re gonna need Redstone and a bunch of these other items Okay now we just need some of the obsidian we got from breaking all the pillars in the end and that’s pretty much everything we need to travel 120 million blocks in a couple of seconds however to make this work we first need to travel to each of the world borders

And actually set up the machine and to do this first we’re gonna need some more elyters I say we’re gonna need at least 60 more bring on the end City oh a ship already no we are gonna have to go a lot further away is this one going to be

Looted too yes it is all right I’ve just put my render distance on 32 so now we should be able to find all the end cities this has got to be like the biggest end City without a ship oh yes okay maybe yes I like your number

One only 59 more to go there’s a weirdly rendered half chip it’s missing the side with the Elijah Yes actually a full ship I never thought I’d have to be worried about that and elytra number two yes I like your number three number four yeah number five this is actually going

Pretty fast under Lightroom number nine one full row of elitrus and elytra 13. there’s 17 24 and here is elytra number 27. a whole shulker box of Elijah’s but there’s still 33 to go so let’s speed it up Okay and with this final one we now have 60 more elyters now we’re gonna make them even better by adding Unbreaking 3 and mending to each one these guys are about to get a lot of business All right that’s mending added to everything and got some breaking out into everything too the next thing we need is Rockets because without them elytres are pretty useless and we’re gonna need thousands of them so let’s AFK at the creeper Farm come on Creepers die and give me your

Powder wait I’ve just realized if we replace these campfires with soul campfires then it should kill the creepers a lot faster the creeper flow is blocked so once this guy dies we should be safe to go in right please and replace them oh my God all right so now we should be

Able to get gunpowder a lot faster okay it’s been a while and all of these chests are now filled with gunpowder that is over a hundred thousand gunpowder but now it’s time for the second ingredient of fireworks which is paper and for this we’re gonna need to

Fix this sugar cane Farm because I’m pretty sure one of the hopper Minecarts is not meant to be down here okay I’ve pretty much fixed it so now if I tap this it should go along and collect all the sugar cane and bring it into these chests so I’m Gonna Leave This running

For a couple of hours and whilst it’s running turn all this stuff into paper all right and now we’re going to use this paper and combine it with gunpowder to make fireworks but not just any fireworks we’re gonna make flight duration three fireworks which means

That one rocket will be able to take us a lot further okay with these two shulkers in here we now have 34 shulker boxes full of flight duration three rockets that’s gonna be more than enough so now let’s just get our final few items firstly a shulker

Box of totems because this journey is gonna be dangerous now we’re gonna need a bunch of golden carrots so we don’t starve today and now we should probably make sure all of our elyters are at full health it is so low and now we’ll just craft up

A bunch of ender chests so we can have constant access to our items nice and finally the last thing we need to do is build all the Redstone so this first thing is going to be a chunk loader and now we just built the exact same thing in this nether fortress I might

Just block this off quickly now all we need to do is fill this up with blocks and fill this up with lots and now it should be working yes it’s working basically all it does is throw sand through the portal which will keep this chunk loaded even when I’m millions of

Blocks away so for this we’re going to need a daylight sensor and we’re going to set it to night mode then we’re gonna dig down here and make ourselves a nice ender pearl stasis chamber which should work if we just do this nice then we can add this trapdoor and

Wait till night time to throw the Pearl don’t worry if you don’t understand this Redstone stuff because I’ve literally spent hours coming up with this plan and I barely understand it anyways now we need another one of these chambers that is not right but this time we need a big

Delay then we just need a redstone torch here and a button let’s just make sure it works all right looks good now I’m just going to get my inventory sorted and when it turns night we’ll throw the pearls and we’ll be on our way to the first world

Border all right it’s night let’s throw do you mind okay it’s night now let’s throw our pills they’re all good and now let’s start our 30 million block Journey to the first world border all right so we’re gonna head directly up first and I think we’re literally gonna do this

Until we break our first elytra as you can see I’ve put the mini Hood in the top left so you guys can always see the coordinates I wonder how high we’re gonna get I think my first elytra is about to break oh there it goes uh let’s not lose

Too much height and then we’ll do the same until this breaks and then we should be able to just Glide from there it won’t take us all the way to the world border but we’ll just see how far we can go not gonna lie seeing this High

Number is actually making me a bit nervous now like what if I get stuck at the will border this could actually be the end of my world I’ve literally been flying straight up for about an hour now okay when we run out of rockets like now we’re gonna readjust and go at minus 25 degrees as the angle now we literally don’t have to do anything apart from every 30 minutes we need to come back and swap out our

Elyters all right so we’ve got four and a half hours worth of elytra’s and I think this is going to take about 20 hours so I’m gonna be awake for a long time all right we’re coming up on the first 10 000 blocks traveled there we go and remember one block in

The nether equals eight blocks in the Overworld so we’re actually at minus 80 000 right now well there’s 50 000 blocks oh let’s go 100 000 blocks just 3.65 million blocks to go yeah I’m gonna watch a couple of films and whilst I’m doing that try and think of a name for

You guys let me know if you have any suggestions down below Foreign All right A little update we just ran out of heights and we’ve nearly ran out of elyters and we’re at 835 000 blocks away so now we’re just gonna restock get more fireworks and now literally repeat the same process of flying straight up in the air for thousands of blocks I’m literally having

To click my mouse every second for multiple hours to do this video so make sure you watch to the very end because it’s going to be so cool when I travel 120 million blocks in just a few seconds oh here we go we’re about to hit 1 million blocks away

Let’s go everything’s looking good and I’ll see you at 2 million oh my God this is taking a very long time and there’s two million blocks we are now over halfway and we’re finally over 3 million blocks only about 600 000 more to go if this doesn’t work we’re gonna be so screwed

All right here we go we’re about to reach it once we hit 3.75 million blocks we are at the world border and there we go now it’s time to get to work the first thing we need to do is build a chunk loader before we light it and go through the

Portal we need to make sure that it’s night time when we come out and the only way to do that is to wait until the day number changes and then wait an extra 10 minutes all right the number just changed so now we just wait exactly 10

Minutes if we get the timing wrong this entire idea will be ruined okay when the timer goes off we light the portal and go through oh my God we’re only gonna have about eight minutes to build everything so we need to make sure we do

It fast okay here we go let’s do this oh my God we’re exactly at the world border wait is that gonna be a problem let’s break this portal and instead let’s make it more Central in this chunk no we can’t sleep why didn’t I bring my ax

Yeah the way tree oh not a creeper come on leave me alone okay we need to get this portal belts so just in case we can go back through if we need to like kill this semifant wait I think it’s nearly daytime We’re not gonna have enough time

This time so let’s just set this up as best as we can all right we’ll leave it like this for now and we’ll come back tomorrow and do it that went so badly all right it’s time and there’s a zombie there are they not I’m going to kill these guys

Now we can set up the end of post stasis Chambers all right this is going to be the first one all right nice that’s set up now we need the other one over here all right this should be deep enough and if we have a button on that yeah that

Closes it perfect and now we have repeaters going into this and we need a lot of them and we are running out of time again so let’s do it on another night I’m literally burning wood to get torches let’s light up the area with torches first just so we can get rid of

All the excess mobs this should make it easier right now we need to carry on placing these wires they’re still mobs just keep coming nope oh my God okay it’s all been leading up to this will this work the first thing we need to do

Is throw a pill now we need to do this next part really fast otherwise this entire video is going to be scrapped okay so click and then sleep straight away when we wake up we’re teleported we need to click that button and then we’ll be teleported all the way back 30 million blocks

And then we need to throw a pearl there Perfect and now we’re back at spawn but we have a pearl all the way at the world border oh that was stressful but thank God it actually worked right now before we leave to the next World Order we need to make our way home which is going to

Involve a lot of repeaters so let’s grab all of these and a bunch more repeaters and now we just put as much delay as possible all right that should do and now we just throw our Pearl here and that’s our way home sorted all right now we can just

Literally repair all of our elyters and now it’s time to head to the complete opposite side of the map oh that is in the way this 20 plus hour Journey was pretty similar to my first one the only difference being I was a bit more relaxed this time so I made a

Few more mistakes however during the last couple of hours the magnitude of what I’m doing dawned on me my PC had been running Minecraft for over 50 hours straight and coming up with the plan nearly drove me crazy and I’d added nearly 300 days to my hardcore

World and yet if I was successful I was about to travel nearly half the speed of light all in a block game and there we go we are here let’s see the world border there it is it’s in a completely different biome to the other one well obviously it’s literally 60 million

Blocks away I’m gonna burn this tree out of the way I’d be lying if I said the pressure wasn’t getting to me all right is it gonna work so it should work if we put a block on here yes it’s working all right we need to be quick all right straightway in this

Chunk dig down water on top Soul Sand help kelp kelp nice couple of the Way to the Top break it and we’ll set that to 0.5 seconds that’s how long that is and if we throw a pill right it’s set up so when it goes night we are going to be

Teleported from here x equals 30 million to x equals minus 30 million and then back again to here for a total of 120 million blocks traveled all this work leading up to this okay we’re about to find out is this actually gonna work come on please we put so much work into this

Yes oh my God it actually worked let’s go and whilst I’m waiting to be teleported back to base you guys should watch this video next there we go we are back at base 63 biomes are in Minecraft and for every single one I’m gonna build a planet and

By the end of the video we’ll have a galaxy of planets with every biome and trust me it’s gonna look so cool but to get to that we need to start on our first planet the ice spikes Planet this planet’s gonna look really cool and for it we need packed ice regular ice

And a bunch of snow now to get to the point where we actually want to build the planet we’re gonna need a bunch of dirt nice okay and now the plan is to get into the end and build away from the solar system so we have a nice big area

To build our galaxy okay so we’ll start at Uranus and we’ll just build out from here oh yes Swift sneak is gonna help so much with this all right this looks like a good place so let’s put down some water that is kind of scary now we want to go one two

Three four five down and this is where we’re gonna start building the planet all right for the actual Planet itself we’re gonna use a mixture of snow and regular ice all right I know what you’re thinking this looks nothing like the eye spikes by him I mean we’ve got the ice but

We’re missing the spike don’t mind me just building a massive Spike for a planet and that’s the I Spike Planet complete yeah it definitely looks really cool but it did take a long time to make and if I have to do 63 of them like this it’s

Gonna take a while so I think we’re gonna start off with the easier planet and then move on to the harder ones later so for our next planet let’s do a simple planes bio which is literally just grass dirt and I guess a bit of stone okay and now

This should be an extremely easy build wow that was fast to build however it looks a little boring but I’ve got an idea to fix that all we need is a little skeleton take your bones and bye next up is the desert Planet so we’ve got sand also Sandstone cacti and

These dead bushes wait what oh we need cheers yes iron oh finally actually let’s add a well as well oh my God I said World twice wait they’re literally stealing my Planet I guess the only way to get rid of them is gonna be to light this area up so oh no

These torches melt ice no they do that is not good oh my God they’ve literally destroyed all this island okay so I’ve done some research and apparently a light source that doesn’t melt ice is soul torches and for that we need some Soul Sand all right and I think it’s

Like this nice okay now hopefully this won’t melt the ice okay it looks good we’ll get the inside too and replace all the ice that melted torches absolutely everywhere because they are stealing all the blocks I literally hate these guys oh wait Enderman that have blocks in the

Hands don’t despawn wait if we break ice on top of them it should melt into water and kill them there we go now if I go in here and stand in the water they can’t get me look what they’ve done to my beautiful planet I hate them

For the desert Planet I think this one will look good over here all right and because sand blocks have gravity we’re gonna build the bottom layers out of sandstone plus that’s how deserts are built anyway okay I think now it’s time to start integrating the sand a bit more

So this layer can all be sand no problem but this is where it gets a bit difficult because we need sand there I guess we can just support it with dirt this seems like it’s working right now this bit all needs to be dirt okay

That’s all the sand now we can add the cacti oh wait the only place we can add these is at the top okay I guess we’re gonna have to scrap the well because there’s no space for cacti otherwise and dead bushes [Applause] wow if this is how cool it looks with

Only three planets imagine how cool it’s gonna look with 60. speaking of which let’s make some more progress so I built the snowy planes Planet which is basically the same as the plains Planet but with snow then next was the meadow biome which is the same as the plane’s

Biome but with flowers and then the sunflower planes biome which is the same as the planes biome but with only sunflowers anyways then I continued to progress and build up the Galaxy of planets that was until I came to a realization some of these biomes like the Savannah and the

Savannah Plateau are gonna look the exact same as planets so instead of building two identical planets we’re just gonna build one and we’ll use the extra Planet space to build some custom planets speaking of which let’s build the first one now this planet is going to be called the capitalist Planet it’s

Entirely centered around money so that means this planet is going to be quite expensive to build we’re gonna need a bunch of this some of this and a whole bunch of this alright let’s do this I was gonna say this is a waste of emeralds but we do have a million of them

We now need to make some luxurious trees these are some expensive leaves I really hope this looks like a tree I’d say that’s a pretty good tree wait no I think it needs to be one taller there we go that looks a lot better now let’s add

One more tree and that’s the capitalist Planet complete okay I’ve got loads of really cool custom biomes that will build later on in the video but for now let’s make some more progress with the actual biomes so now we’re gonna build the warm ocean biome which means we’re

Gonna need a bunch of this stuff and we also need to make sure to get all these fans now it’s quite dark in the ocean by aims so we’re definitely gonna need some sea pickles oh these are my favorite let me know your favorite item in the comments

And finally a warm ocean biome wouldn’t be complete without some tropical fish oh a puffer fish yoink all right and we can’t just use water to make this planet because it’ll do that and just fall so instead we’re gonna build the outline out of glass

Bang we have a giant ball of glass now if we just come over here and steal some sun we can place this down to mimic the floor of the ocean now for the difficult part if we just do this we have an infinite water source and we’re gonna

Fill it all up with water we can’t miss a single block otherwise it is gonna look weird all right looking good now we can start decorating so we’ll put seagrass we’ll have some kelp and of course to light it up let’s use Sea pickles they’re actually a really good light source and

Finally to bring this planet to life let’s add some fish wait this guy reminds me of like the Cadbury’s caramel anyone know what I mean that is definitely one of my favorite planets so far but this next one is gonna compete with it because we’re building a

Mushroom Bayou okay so for this one the difficult part is actually finding the mushroom biome I always forget to remember their coordinates hello mushrooms where are you yes finally okay and I’ve got silk touch so we should be able to get this perfect wait I just want to try something

It turns it into a normal cow all right and we’ll also get a bunch of these all right I think I’ll put this by aim over here so the layers of this planet go Stone dirt and mycelium alright and now we can just Spam mushrooms all over the

Place then if we just bone meal them nice okay there’s the mushroom Fields planet now we’re gonna make most of these leftover mushrooms and build the dark oak forest Planet all right perfect and we’ve forgot our ax so maybe let’s just try and get some saplings wait I’ve

Got Fortune three will this help yes oh you’ll be useful for bone meal alright let’s build this planet all right I may have forgot to get grass so I’m just gonna steal it from this planet all right perfect now we can use all those skeleton bones turn it into bone meal and

That is a thick tree right now we need to sneak some mushrooms in here somewhere oh and over here we’ll put a brown one will it grow no okay and once the Grass Grows that biome will be complete all these buying planets are looking really cool but one thing is really annoying me

There is literally torches covering every planet and it just looks a bit weird wait what if we use our invisible torch texture pack oh my God yes the biomes look so much better oh no it doesn’t do Soul torches at this point I was really upset all this hard work was

Gonna be ruined if I couldn’t fix this problem I’m gonna hire someone on Fiverr to make me a texture pack that makes torches and soul torches invisible oh this guy looks pretty good so we got to talking I told him what I needed and he said he could

Do it no problem and sure enough in about an hour this was the result okay I’ve just put the texture pack on let’s see oh my God yes there’s no soul torches they’re completely invisible oh this makes it look so much better so now with that out of the way let’s make some

Serious progress first things first we need a lot of stone all right and now we also need loads of dirt and grass and now let me show you something called The Magic of video editing there we go we have 12 more planets and they’re all blank like this so let’s decorate them

The first biome is gonna be a bamboo jungle so we’re gonna need a bunch of this a bunch of this is it called podzel nice and of course some watermelon alright so let’s replace all this grass with podzel okay now we can plant a bunch of this bamboo oh my God it grows

So fast all right then we’ll scatter some melons around you okay we’ll also do one of these like bushy jungle things yeah that’s what I’ll call them and we’ll finish it off with more bamboo all right and whilst that stuff is growing let’s get on to the next biome which is

Gonna be the flower forest all right this one should be pretty easy all we need is some flowers and a couple of saplings oh my God how many leaves do I have to break finally then with the better paint meal and that’s the flower forest biome done

Alright next up is the swamp biomes so we’ll get lily pads Vines wait I forgot Vines is it with shears yes then we should probably get some clay and a couple of trees all right now if we just steal some water from the ocean biome we need to create like a

Pool of water on this planet so let’s use dirt underneath doesn’t actually have to be that deep all right I’m liking that now we can swap out some of the dirt for clay a clay patch there and maybe one here like kind of in the side

And now we just add the water get rid of this bit then we can plant our trees and our lily pads even though it’s not part of the biome I feel like this kind of matches the swamp aesthetic I don’t like how you can see through the gaps okay

And now that the trees have grown we can add all the vines and these should just grow by themselves so we can move on to the next biome this will be interesting because we somehow got to build the river biome as a planet all right so

First I think we get rid of this middle section then we pretty much completely flatten these walls all right now we can replace this bottom layer of dirt with sand okay and then we add the water all right we don’t need to make it perfectly still because rivers

Flow anyway but I’m thinking we maybe turn the side of this glass like we did with the ocean all right now we just add the finishing touches some torches and a few decorations for the actual River look the river actually has a current okay now I’m gonna speedrun some of the

More boring biomes so we can make some even faster progress All right we’ve made a good amount of progress now I think it’s time we move on to the nether by Ames alright so we’ve got the nether Wasteland biome make sure we get a bunch of ports and also a bunch of gold ow oh yeah we should probably also get lava all right

And now the Warped Forest by him so we’ll need a bunch of this blue nether grass thing you can just give me that please thank you and instead of chopping down trees we’ll just get some of their mushrooms then all we need is the vines and whatever these things are okay now

For the dangerous one the Crimson Forest a bunch of this red grass stuff and yes I know it’s called nylia I just call it red grass because that’s what it is okay now we’ll get some of these mushrooms again so we don’t have to collect the

Trees and we’ll get some of these Vine things these kind of look like red tentacles kind of glad there’s no fat pigs around because those guys hurt now the battle Delta by him so we’ll start things off with Basalt oh bruh this takes ages speaking of Ages we’re

Approaching 4 000 days so there should be a full movie coming out very soon okay now we need to find the final biome which is that Valley made out of so sand I forget what it’s called LOL I’m just joking it’s obviously called The Soul Sand Valley I’m not a noob

Um anyway it’s here time for my favorite part of every episode and then a bunch of this stuff all right I think I’ll build the red nether biomes first one here one here and one here now let’s decorate them so for this one we’ll do the Crimson Forest so let’s

Replace the top layer of Netherrack all right nice that biome’s looking good now we’ll do the same again with the walk Forest by him just gonna steal some of these bone blocks yoink oh and to finish it off we need some Vines we’ll let these grow on their own

Now for the nether waste by aim we’re gonna need some of this alright for this I think I’m gonna build a bit of a higher pot up here try and make this one look somewhat natural it’s gonna be hard okay then we’ll dig this down a bit here

Trying get a bit of depth to it we have some lava coming out of here nice and then we’ll fill this up and we have ourselves a lava lake then we’ll add some warts and gold all right nice now for the last two nether biomes we’ve got

The basalt Delta buying oh this looks really cool already and we still need to add the spiers I feel like I’ve built this kind of thing so many times and we want the biggest spiers to be in the very center of the planet uh now we add the lava this looks so

Cool and I think the final Nether biome can go over here Now we add some of this stuff but the main thing I want is some sort of bone structure considering the small scale I’m pretty happy with that and that’s all the nether biomes complete but I’ve got an idea for a really cool custom buying all we need is some glass from

The asteroid a bunch of magenta dye and some obsidian how did I only just remember to replace my Tatum anyways I think this custom biome can go about here yep it’s a nether portal planet and it works using different colored glass to create a fog effect wow we’ve actually

Made so much progress but before we move on to the next planet I’ve got an idea to really bring this galaxy to life for this we’re gonna need white concrete but more importantly a bunch of end rods okay and now let’s bring light to our galaxy wait I’m basically like this

Galaxy’s God anyways my idea is to do something like this as stars throughout the Galaxy wait I think I’ve got an idea for an even better stop this is gonna be annoying all right so we’re here at our frog Island oh my God I haven’t been

Here in a while uh we need to make another portal and we somehow need to get loads of orange frogs to go through here so uh will you go to the Slime is that how it works getting get in the nether I should probably lower it no don’t escape stop

Escaping you’re not allowed to leave okay now go into hell go into Health go on frog go into hell all right yeah good all right now we need these orange frogs to kill magma cubes the only problem is there is no micro cubes oh I’m gonna be here for a while

All right yes there’s one here uh we just need to get him to come over here all right now I think he’s close enough we’re gonna chop him up into little pieces yeah yeah all right frogs where are you come on little guy are you

Hungry oh look at him he’s a hungry boy all right now if I remember correctly he should eat all all of these guys oh my God yes yes Kill Them All yes good now I’m just gonna do that a few more times okay important moment let’s see what this looks like

Oh yeah that’s a lot brighter All right as you can see we now officially have stars in our galaxy now I think it’s time to move on to the End by aims and believe it or not there’s actually five different end biomes and of course all of them are made from End Stone

Oh wait there’s actually six and biomes we’ll start off with the easiest one the void Planet there it is oh wow it’s so beautiful all right and now we’ll build the end Barons which is literally just gonna be a plain end Stone planet well what an interesting planet next up

We have the end Midlands Planet which is the same again but with some of these things wait we need the actual flower all right do we just plant these here like this and hopefully they should grow by themselves yes oh my God growing so fast that’s that done three

More end biomes to go now we’re gonna build the small end Island by him and I have a pretty cool idea for this so we’re just gonna build the planet normally okay nice and now we’re literally just gonna poke loads of little holes in it all right yeah I’m really liking that

That’s the small end Island buying the next biome is the end Highlands which is the one that the end City spawn in yeah I’m just gonna steal this part all right so it’s like a normal End by aim but then we’ll add a bit of a hill

To it and then build part of the end City okay the Final End biome is the main island okay so that’s the obsidian pillars and then above it I want to create kind of like a mini dragon and some stones on his butt okay there is a very frightening Ender Dragon then we

Have our extremely detailed portal and now we just need end crystals and that’s all the end biomes complete okay now it’s time to activate Grind Mode because we’ve got to get this build finished I can’t wait to remove all these dirt Pathways all right we’ve got

This come on so for the next couple of hours I grinded building biome after biome and drinking coffee after coffee to keep me awake until finally the Galaxy was complete but before I reveal it I just want to say thank you so much for 1 million subscribers you guys

Watching my videos has literally changed my life and I don’t know what I’d be doing without you and I’ll be doing a 1 million subscriber special where I’ll be releasing something that I’ve never released before so make sure you keep your eyes open for that but anyways here’s my Biome Galaxy Thank you so much for watching watch this video next

This video, titled ‘I Survived 4000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by LockDownLife on 2023-04-08 11:45:03. It has garnered 1503548 views and 13481 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds.

I survived 4000 days in minecraft hardcore [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE] Download Honkai Impact 3rd using my link: https://bit.ly/3KbI161 and redeem gift code NEWCHAP for 30 Crystals, 2888 Asterites, and 1 Character Trial Card for free. New players will have more bonuses in-game to explore! Thanks to Honkai Impact 3rd for sponsoring this video!

Watch my first 2 movies here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5n2K5k7eAHyQc-LbPEmGJG Watch from the start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CplCUyiI3c&list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5qTks7ziukaGsjckRnROGV FOLLOW ME: https://solo.to/lockdownlife Get gamersupps here with code “LOCKDOWN” for 10% off!!! https://gamersupps.gg/LOCKDOWN

This is my 3rd hardcore minecraft movie and covers all the days in my 1.19 minecraft hardcore world between day 3000 and day 4000! This is similar to “I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]” but its 4000 days instead!

This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod. Instead of being Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod, this series is similar to a Minecraft challenge video but it is Minecraft Hardcore! This is just like my 100 days videos but better!

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft

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    1 Hour of einfachjustus Candy Memories Minecraft Memories: A Nostalgic Journey Exploring the world of Minecraft can often evoke a sense of nostalgia, much like reminiscing about past memories. The game’s ability to transport players to a virtual realm where creativity knows no bounds is truly remarkable. Memories of the Past In Minecraft, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s simplicity and endless possibilities have captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. From constructing elaborate structures to embarking on epic adventures, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience. Building Blocks of Creativity One of the most iconic features of… Read More

  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

    Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay showdown brews, Angel Angela versus Devil Angela, who will you choose? Witness the clash of good and evil, so divine, As Angela transforms, her powers intertwine. With radiant wings, Angel Angela takes flight, Her grace and charm, a heavenly sight. But beware of Devil Angela, with fiery wings ablaze, Her mischievous energy, in a darkened haze. Join Angela on her journey, through challenges untold, In a world where light and darkness unfold. Will purity prevail, or mischief take the lead? Watch the battle unfold, in this epic deed. Subscribe, like, and hit… Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 607

    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 607 In Minecraft Land, Episode 607, We build and explore, a gamer’s heaven. Flying high, crafting diamonds and fire, Furnaces and zombies, a gamer’s desire. Chickens to feed, sheep to shear, With fireworks and wings, we have no fear. Building our world, block by block, Creating a place, where dreams unlock. So join me in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity and fun prevail. Thank you for watching, until the end, In Minecraft Land, we’ll always ascend. Read More

  • Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥

    Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥 Looks like MrBeast finally found someone with the power to stop time…in Minecraft of all places! Maybe he can use that power to win even more challenges and give away even more money. #TimeStopper #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Unlock Zultan’s MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Unlock Zultan's MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEW WORLD | Minecraft Vanilla Hardcore’, was uploaded by Zultan on 2024-05-21 21:28:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How long will this world last I wonder? Read More

  • Flight of Fear: Minecraft Creepypasta

    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dumbtacpac Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nerdtacpac Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft ip-play.cubecraft.net port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

I Survived 4000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]