I Survived 50 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

This is a single block of grass and I’m stuck in this endless void we’re back to the basics and I need to be fast there’s 14 faces to this world all with their own themes to them meaning if I want to get lava or sheep or a warden for some

Reason I have to get to grinding now I need to set up a safe quarters round the one block in case baddie’s spawning make some holding cells for any animals we get and to start on some basic Farms you’ll love my interactions with the skeletons now yours may surviving 50

Hours in one Block Skyblock hardcore enjoy the Pig fingers crossed nothing spawns in except for you hello beautiful what yes yes I know there’s no nummy grass in there oh my God I don’t think we’re gonna get anything dangerous oh my God I don’t mind if I do

Why hello there golden child’s number two and then you get off the edge see you later And ah the sun is shiny the grass is green and for whatever reason there seems to be a village down there I can’t lie I don’t ever actually plan on going down there I kind of feel like it’d be a little weird if I did what you know yeah

I’d like to think that we’re all like really accustomed to this uh one block already since I’ve done it so many times and I am so excited to do this series so I I hope you guys enjoy it I have like 75 mods installed for this so first off

You already know it break the block below you the block will regenerate it is an infinite block it spawns More Than Dirt blocks even improve over time chess can also appear and wow we have two Oak saplings Ooh So Good In larger platform what if I don’t want to actually I think

That was more of a threat than a question and just in the beginning so over the entire course of the series I do actually plan on redesigning my entire base and moving stuff around and like making certain areas larger smaller up or down blah blah blah so for now

We’re just going to be going with the traditional slab layer down below so all of this is an error block so nothing actually spawns on us especially once we get the pig also this one um every single previous like one Block Skyblock that I’ve done there’s only been 10

Phases and then this one is 14 so the first one we’re gonna be going to is the planes and oh my God please don’t be thunder oh my God it’s Thunder are you kidding wait right when we start real I don’t get any kind of like break or time

To at least make a bed so I can skip you I don’t even have enough wood to make fences so honestly if I lose this pig oh God I’m a little sorry bud oh cool yeah yeah definitely lightning okay we’re just gonna attempt to actually speed through all of this really really fast

So hopefully none of these little like text pop-ups right above the block are actually important for me uh just gonna going to be skipping what did I just say if you follow you what some blocks like gravel Falls really oh place a block under the infinite block yeah I would

Love to if you gave me a water bucket might help with that hey wow look at that you gave me a water bucket uh thank you so much how did you know I wanted that for now we’re just gonna be placing you there I 100 plan on changing that I

Want to make this like actually automated to where every single block will just get picked up and we won’t really have to like do much ready for an adventure now if you teleport me around like that and make me move okay beautiful if I don’t pick up the

Items and I just break the chest you just appear on top you do beautiful okay what we got five seconds and then the real game starts so luckily we do have a whole lot of wood and oh my God that lightning is so loud well uh I at least

Made enough fences oh God I need so much more wood I just want to make a pin for them so I could push them over is that they’re not gonna walk off because I really want to save every single mob that I get I know this is gonna jinx it

And it might actually just strike me or my pig but I’m really shocked that none of the lightning has hit my platform yet no no no you don’t need to get closer that’s totally fine and here we go a whole lot more slabs very beautiful get you away from the one block you’re

Actually kind you’re not the lucky block never mind I don’t need to be scared of you it should be more than enough for the beginning area I’m not beginning area I mean just like the PIN for the animals oh yeah that’s right I love that

Mod okay you can go into here and be nice and safe now I do know that I probably should put slabs on top actually yeah we probably should go around and do that because I know that I think the chickens will actually walk out from underneath it so fine I’ll

Waste even more and at least we have one little thing of Lights you know it’s not too bad for us Bud oh hi maybe one thing that I do in this series with how many mobs that we’re gonna be getting I mean hopefully I never need to like Farm you

Guys or like for food or anything and I’m like oh that’d just be so bad for you and maybe one thing that we can do in this series if you guys want it any comments on make me laugh or like any top comment I could put like your name

Like for one of the mobs and now we’re just going to be getting just enough items from the Block where I can actually start certain farms and you know actually building a base because I don’t actually want to progress through the phases too rapidly maybe we only do

One phase per episode two phases per episode and then you know we at least have enough faces for seven episodes but yeah I don’t want to go too rapid through these there you go Betsy you’re going to their beautiful back to you also it’s so bizarre to actually see

Like 1.19 blocks in here or that might be 1.8 but yes I’m actually on an updated version of Skyblock so we can actually have some of the new blocks coming oh yeah that also means that yes the warden can spawn oh hi oh you did not waste any time whatsoever to go and

Eat that thing but hey welcome to the world it’s actually kind of cool that it’s colored wool instead of just like a white one but uh that might cause issues let’s see I forgot I think phase two actually gives me iron I’m not 100 certain or you know maybe I just use my

Ax on the uh on the sheep there and then I can actually get a bed and then we can skip all the uh the Thunder and nighttime oh cool another different colored one I could actually make a spawning platform we can try and get skeletons and then I can turn the bone

Mill into white dye I might be a good decision but I mean I don’t think we’re hurting to fall asleep just yet because like we don’t actually need to like rush through the days or rush through the night anymore so we can actually just chill please uh I’d like some

Cobblestone also some iron and we got we have so much to do oh God it had oh no it’s two oh God it just had to be you guys very luckily it looks like no mob is interested in being sentient yeah except as soon as I said that half of

You had to start moving okay please get in there or anyone wants to run off the map thank you okay good good oh yes finally good good good why am I getting so many multi-colored ones oh please I saw some movement towards the front just gonna get in get in but beautiful we

Have a white one we can just get literally just one more of any of these uh colors then that’d actually be perfect since we have four of them I’m just saying we don’t need four sheep we only need two we could just get some matching ones and then just hope to God

That you know when they have an accident uh you know we get three wool yes no wait I don’t know if I want to get rid of wait oh there’s only one of them ah I think we take our chances let’s see um oh god what happened to him oh Jesus

At least we have a starting point you know so if we find any more white sheep then uh yeah we might have a bed somehow and given how many of the wooden tools that I’ve already broken we have to be getting close to the end of phase one

Because phase two is when we’ll actually start getting some Cobblestone and then from there once I finally start getting some Cobblestone and I can make a furnace and Betsy then we can actually start building a base because I want to get pretty far from the one block since

Like it’s it is friendly don’t get me wrong it’s just I can’t spawn in zombies and skeletons and creepers as well so I kind of would like at least some kind of uh running space instead of just like one block you don’t oh hello beautiful

Okay this should be the end of phase one yes beautiful beautiful one and pause if you’re enjoying the movie so far I have a fun challenge for for all of you I want to transform my world I don’t want it to be all wood and boring so I want

To transform it from this into this but I’ll need a lot of dirt and I know you all want me to suffer so for every subscriber I gain on this video I’ll craft in my Note 10 blocks of dirt I hope you’re all up to the challenge now

Back to the movie The Underground okay beautiful now we actually do need to make a pickaxe ah very beautiful yeah CS we’re unlocking so much of the game and maybe we actually don’t want to go too far with this I mean if anything spuns then I can actually just luckily punch

Them off of the map so technically we are safe but I know that this is when skeletons and zombies do like to spawn in oh hello and we already need to oh God okay let’s see uh I’m sorry to whoever this hits but there you go we

Can clear up that spot and then you boom I can at least make this and we can actually get some iron I guess I didn’t need to kill any of those sheep so um my bad and there we go yeah okay so we’re now starting to reach an issue uh you

Know what fine here we’re just gonna drop you okay well I do have multiple chests so that’s really lovely uh I’ll I’ll just put you like right there and then yeah you could just take all of this and for now oh yeah we’re definitely eating melons and we need

Some building blocks okay can you fall into the void thank you and there we go beautiful okay we have so many slabs to work with now I kind of want to try out something new with this since I always have the lucky block down below but then

You also have to be careful because when certain mobs spawn in they will delete parts of the ground and I think what I want to do because this is gonna be a little tricky to figure this out because I kind of don’t want to build with any

Air blocks to uh prevent bad mobs from spawning in because I kind of want to just like light up everything and then just have everything be nice and flush so we need to figure out once we get to a full block which going off of this so

These two that’s a full block AIR block and I kind of want this to be at eye level I think would be here no because the block would be right there I don’t feel like looking I don’t hear so much movement up here are you guys becoming

Sentient stop that okay after way too long of figuring this out maybe this is the best height because then I don’t have to worry about any of my blocks getting deleted except for that one and that one but this does make it eye level it gives us some space to work with down

Below it so maybe this is the best area kind of just guessing here and awesome it is night time again now if this is the center point of our base and I want to build a Hut around this thing because it just you know kind of just eliminates

So much uh difficulty and challenge when something spawns in so maybe what we do is on every single side of the block we go out six blocks from it so we got two three four and I think that would give us a pretty decent size on everything I mean

If anything we can actually just build this into a circle I uh I think I know the distance for all of these because this is why like a 13 by 13. which actually it won’t be that difficult to figure it out plus I do look at how at

That point then we actually have like a center piece so we can make some nice Pathways with that so go here and let me go three and now it just comes into the issue of the animals okay well at the very least here let’s just fill in the ground

Should be able to actually here let’s do this side as well yeah okay so if we just fill in the entire floor right here but we could probably do honestly we could just leave it up to chance see who actually survives in here see okay first

Off let’s remove you so I can actually move around nicely uh can I reach you nice alrighty boys let’s see okay let’s first actually wait wait wait we might be the same no no we’re definitely not safe because that’s their actual floor where they’re standing well here I can

Open up the door for you here if you guys wanna try and be a little free here you go uh I will give you the opportunity anyway I can just water bucket myself up this okay here I’ll just push all of you out and hey hopefully you guys don’t walk off the

Edge uh honestly since you know these are all common mobs I’m pretty positive all of them will spawn in again from the one block so I’m not sweating over it if we lose them we lose them oh well I won’t lie I actually won’t remember

Which mobs we have so yeah no offense to any of them got Mr Pig I need you to get off there we go so far I actually think that we still have all the mobs surprisingly I don’t think any of you have walked off the edge yet oh there

Goes the chicken well have fun bud you did that to yourself I saw you pushing the pig and nope didn’t go well for you oh yep there goes the baby chicken wow you chickens really like that one spot I think I built the circle correctly I don’t know why I’m having such a

Difficult time with this circle but I think I built it correctly honestly okay here I’m gonna clean this up but uh yeah let’s wait for daytime please stop walking towards the edge like that yes please daytime come fast I would like to actually see so it’s not night time in

So dark okay platform gone most of the animals are actually still here hey as long as I have you I don’t mind about the other two okay because you’ll keep laying these eggs and actually I’m not gonna throw these just yet uh also yeah let’s move you and you can just stay

Right there and we should actually probably just make a furnace right now before I accidentally make it into tools so there you go and oh we do have coal but we only have two raw iron wait wait wait how much uh the wooden shovel do oh one wooden

Shovel gives you one iron ingot not bad that’s actually a pretty decent trade if I do say so myself okay next up actually here so what we’re gonna start right now which probably is a really smart idea to do this uh let’s start on a tree farm

Which I think we have enough room for it hopefully I mean given I probably should have built this a tiny bit bigger but I kind of immediately just want to start on decorating everything I kind of want to make this platform already beautiful so put down all the oak trees that we

Can and just because why not Harold I’ll put down a birch one maybe I’ll actually build with you who knows uh okay this might be a really dumb idea but let’s mind you a little bit uh fingers crossed nothing spawns in except for you hello beautiful well you’re the

Most important animal for me right now um if you start walking then I’ll trap you but right now I don’t ah because I really want to make a pen for all of them but I really don’t want to build anything down here because I really don’t feel like tearing down

Another pen but yeah if you start moving then I’m gonna be forced to actually trap you also yeah please don’t stand there I actually want that to grow but yeah I guess now it’s oh no no no no no no no no no okay it’s not a waiting game

Just yeah okay let’s see please stop moving you’re making me nervous actually I’ll make a little pin for you guys right now I just I really don’t trust you guys do I have any seeds actually the seed only matters for the stupid chicken never mind okay wait wait wait

Yes yes I forgot I have the carry mod oh yes every single one of you into the pen yes beautiful wait if that’s the case I don’t even think I need to make a fence gates then but yes all of you just go straight into here beautiful there you

Go yes my precious come here you go there probably could have given you guys a little bit more room but honestly oops okay so you no no I don’t want you on top of each other I want you there okay beautiful I know it’s a tight fit kind

Of don’t have enough space to be working with here and just because I’m pretty positive that this will be affecting the trees let’s actually just move everything and our new spot can just be right here and then you go right there okay perfect now we actually have uh

Some room to work with and move around so these are not going to be uh permanent whatsoever but right now we kind of don’t have much to work with so I can’t exactly complain and be picky so we’re just gonna be using some Birch stairs and then we’re 100 going to be

Replacing these later on but here we’ll start actually no no I don’t want to start on here right here so every single side we’re actually going to be having a staircase leading out so we have multiple different directions to go around plus I have so many design ideas

To do with this so I’m very excited for that and beautiful okay so I marked out every single side and then in between here this is where I’m planning on putting some logs some leaves it’s just we can’t really do any of that right now and I think almost all of these blocks

We will be changing I really don’t feel like making it all uh this basic you know but we will be focusing on this side for getting away from the Block first yeah like this should be fine it feels like we’re up super high but like not really now I could build everything

In a circle and you know that could work out really well it could be kind of fancy and stuff but I really don’t want to I kind of like building in rectangles and swears just because with circles as we’re already seeing it right now with the trees it kind of restricts you for

Building because if we had if this was a square we’d have this entire Corner over here so we can you know like capture like anything that falls from the tree but I know that’s like super specific it’s just it kind of just restricts everything and anyways so up here not

Like that okay wait since it actually starting to go Sundown pretty please can I get one more white sheet please just a white sheep white sheep actually wait a second hold up I just got a big brain idea okay break you and then put you

There and then I can break you and then if I ever get any sand or gravel what wait really oh okay never mind then so I guess if it was two blocks slower than you would work I mean what I could probably do then is actually lower this

Slab down by literally one slab and then I’m pretty sure any kind of gravity block would just automatically break on there regardless hello more wood and dirt and the wood that I actually want oh my God no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God okay how did you not break any of the floor I’m actually confused by that how did I’m a little confused I don’t think I lost anything at all did

The map Creator turn off no no my griefing song honestly I think I’m just gonna wait until these trees grow I really don’t want to break that why hello there I don’t ever to finally grow oh though cool I’m sorry I see a lot of comments always

Saying how I say beautiful way too much I’m sorry actually wait never mind okay instead of waiting we can actually just start working up here especially if another creeper spawns then I need to be able to just Sprint away from it so going off of you know this number here I guess this

Can actually be for the the animals you know well why I should make this for the animals why not so for Animals uh at least on the left side so I think I want to give them all about five blocks of space so let’s make the seven blocks

Wide so seven wide we then at least have like a two block uh walkway which let’s actually start using some Birch but now with Hugo one two five and then as I’m thinking about it with the fences fine here well we’ll do a five by five so at

Least I have like three blocks walk around them you know I’ll be a little generous to all of our animals why not and then with regular Oak we can then go around and actually Mark out all the areas that they’re not going to be at beautiful gotta stand top view and then

Ideally if I oh man I’ve had some Spruce ooh make this Spruce but it stands out from all that Oak oh yeah we’re definitely gonna be changing that okay so we’re gonna have sheep cows pigs uh actually okay so here you’ll be Mooshroom so I don’t have to run that

Far to get food then we have cows cheap pigs I really like the chickens that much do they really deserve their own spot Actually I don’t even think I have enough birch wood for them so I think for the chickens and then yeah we’ll just replace that once we actually get

More Birch okay beautiful up next uh we’re actually going to be using fences for this I don’t think I need any fence gates so luckily that’ll save me on some wood that’d be very stingy with what I use everything on okay so start off with you because I care about the Mooshroom

The most oh God I just realized how many fences that’s gonna take okay here at the very least come here my precious oh God not you okay come here my pressure this let me get you out of there and into a spot where you actually have room

I am shocked I didn’t just walk off the map okay we can move the cows over please be enough yes okay wait not with me in here okay let’s move over the cows if I can reach you and then up next we can move in the Sheep yes yes I know

There’s no nummy grass in there just yet I am struggling actually wait no I I can’t actually make grass in there never mind oh and that would actually give me burst okay wait if I’m gonna swap it out with grass why am I still moving you

Guys here just so it’s easier here you can go stay with my Golden Child sure you guys can just live on top of each other so it’s easier to find you guys okay so with this here’s what we can actually do it’ll only take like half of

A century oh wait I actually I have a grass block do I want to use it though because it’s oh God it might actually take a while for me to get still touched I don’t know if I’m gonna use is that uh I’ll get well here if I already have one

That means that it’s not going to be that difficult to get it again all right yeah let’s use it for good okay so we need to make a buffer zone from my sheep so that they don’t devour everything and then you can go there then inside of

Here yeah we’ll make the entire thing it’s in here we’ll just remove all of this if I pick up any of these that would be cool but it doesn’t look like I’m going to thank you very much game so I don’t want to acknowledge it but I

Just realized that I just made a very big oopsie doopsie um I kind of just created a very massive uh spawning platform given how I don’t have any torches and I mean I can actually just go make some charcoal and then I can fix that issue which now that

I’m also saying that out loud let’s very quickly go do that uh let’s see I have two coal and this is going to be my greatest investment ever we need to be very fast I really don’t want anything spawning on here and yep there you go yep beautiful yep you there you

Hoping to God nothing will spawn on here okay let’s see you go there pick you up and you go there have no faith I have no faith at all that this is going to prevent anything from spawning and so while we still have time I’m really hoping that this works

Not any more wood to cook I do not but that’s at least four more torches which you can go there and you can go there I think it’s safe beautifully the grass is growing I don’t like how dark it is over here so I’ll put you down yes I think

We’re safe I mean I don’t think we need to worry about it anymore though so we can actually go back to this and then what if I pick up you okay it just does that I don’t know what I was expecting I was kind of expecting to pick up all

Three of them at once that would have been kind of cool okay well sheep are now in their own pen they have unlimited food coming in soon I just really need to find a skeleton I really yeah and I’m definitely gonna be dying all of them

White actually if I just cook more of the iron yeah I can actually make the shears when they can make a bed getting all the same colored wool is so difficult as well we wait uh uh yeah let’s turn that into fences see if I could finish up the pigs area because I

Would really love to just remove that little pen from down here wow this really sucks just waiting wow this is really not nice I am a little scared actually no no no we’re definitely waiting for daytime before I start mining this because I so here let’s make

Another two block walkway over here I just don’t know what I want to build on this side I mean it can be more animal pens so we don’t have to run down that far yeah yeah actually yeah this will be for Animals because I already know we’re

Gonna be getting uh just a ton of mobs from that block and I do want to save every single one of them at some point in this series I definitely want to make I just made another spawning platform well let’s see what spawns down there oh

Wait do I have any wood whenever I get more wood we can actually make a wooden bowl bowl why does that sound weird but then I can start using The Golden Child over here and then I can actually have some food instead of watermelon let’s

See what happens if I break you do I get anything bad so far no okay something other than copper would be greatly appreciated oh you’re kind of appreciated yes more wood yes yes oh cool yes even better oh even more wood and some iron yes and then let’s drop

You down first up more torches because with you we’re gonna go and like make absolute certain that nothing can spawn up here even more fences beautiful I think with that this should actually finish off the pig area and then we can replace the rest of these and very beautiful oh the lighting actually

Flickers I love that that’s so nice Okay and then we can start on the chicken area oh wait we actually have more area to plant trees yes okay we’ll have a tree up here and then we’re just gonna start planting trees alongside here and there you go pigs are all secured in

Their own spot the grass is actually coming along pretty decently and yeah it’s kind of oh wait wait if the chickens fall then that’s their faults I’m very positive I will be getting more from that one block but I can actually just break all of this and this will be

Enough fences for their little pin area and this will open up the entire platform down here beautifully please stop moving just need one of them that’s it I don’t care the other walks off and beautiful okay chicken area is done come here uh now I’ll save the adult first

Instead of the baby we’ll leave the child behind and come here little one oh my God you have a big head Jesus you got a lot on your mind are you thinking about the past present and future there we go ah beautiful ah so much room also

I do have more of you so if that’s for the animals maybe over here this will be our area so this is our area in the future we will be expanding it a ton because I do want to make an automatic sorting system since I haven’t made one

In like a super duper long time now we can’t go too far over but how much would this be like if I leave one block between this and that how much is this because that’s seven blocks three with the centers that’d be ten seven more

Okay so that’s 17 and the reason why I’m now focusing on this we can actually build this back super far and this can be for the trees I mean I could just build another platform going out and then that could be for the trees but at

Least for right now just so I don’t have to use so much wood even though I already have to use so much wood because of this area we can start just growing some of the trees and then we can remove it from the one block down there so I

Want to make that area completely open just in case of another creeper spawns in or skeletons or something I can have room to run around and hopefully get away from them hello beautiful yes beautiful lots of wood thank you I’m quite literally starving for materials

To build with nice we got a stack and a half let’s go use this okay perfect I love the size of this on the look of everything and then just to get rid of this so I have like another slot in my inventory let’s just go ahead and build

These stairs don’t fall ons on the void we actually would have had enough stairs to finish off this one entire Lane but of course not now we can actually take down all of these trees we don’t need to have them spread out everywhere and be so messy and same for Dan down here

Because finally we have a lot of space up here to work with so we don’t want to be too close to the edge so you don’t have like a two block radius every two blocks can go a tree just so we can get a whole lot of stuff a lot of trees

Going down hopefully they grow nice and super fast very lovely okay even though I’ll be losing like half of the wood from here what go down all of these little trees and then the second that these grow I think that’s when we’re just going to uh immediately just start

Cooking them just get some charcoal because I need to make a lot of torches so I can actually light up this entire platform and I can actually you know if we can get some charcoal going I can go around and like efficiently place down all these torches everywhere that’s

Right now it’s basically a waiting game oh wait I have one okay beautiful so we got 42 more we can quickly go and expand the platform so our trees will not fall into the void whenever they drop stuff at least a little bit of a walkway

Around there okay now trees I don’t mean to alarm you but we have about half a day remain meaning please start growing I mean at the very least I’m camping over here so if I see anything spawn over there I’m not you know I’m not gonna stop them okay we’ll use one of

You to cook those five okay we at least have four charcoal coming in now I’m not sure how I want to go about lighting up this entire place it’s like that’s okay quickly go get more yes you all finished probably should have saved one of those

So I can you know I’m just immediately start cooking all of the incoming logs but oh well but that should be enough light but one there for safe keeping this should be lit up enough because 1.19 is actually really kind and generous so all of this lighting should

Be enough I don’t think anything should actually spawn in nice I think we actually have some room to breathe I don’t have like anything to build with yeah once again it’s just a waiting game but now that it’s becoming nighttime let’s see if anything spawns in and if

Anything does spawn in I’d greatly appreciate it if it’s a skeleton I will very happily take okay so I can’t just use all all of this uh oak logs for planks which might be a smart decision excuse me I could just make some more slabs and keep on expanding this backwards because the

More trees that we can uh start growing the faster I can start building and actually like expand this place I think that’s the move uh I think that’s definitely the move yeah because we want to focus all of our resources on just expanding right now so I really would

Like to start growing like I want to make this like at least able to grow like 64 trees okay but the platform expanded we can add in one more row very nice however I really don’t expect to see any of these grow since it is nighttime but I’m hoping with all these

Torches right there that should actually get them to grow God I really wish that the birch trees would grow a lot faster I’d need so much of their wood type oh do the grass completely grow lovely wow love to see this I I think we can be a little Brave

Um I think we can actually mine this a little bit I don’t think we’re gonna get anything dangerous oh my God we got something dangerous no no you can’t go back there and get my Cobblestone no that is my Cobblestone okay but this time like seriously I don’t think that

We’re gonna get anything dangerous and before it spawns in like a Wither not a wither skeleton I mean like an actual wither okay this is getting suspicious I’ve been able to mine this a whole lot without anything spawning in okay more wood and okay it was only one wait a

Second wait do I have any slabs at all okay wait wait wait wait hold up hold up okay so what we can do now thinking about it to make gravel and sand and anything else immediately break I’m pretty sure just having a slab like that will actually make them break and since

We have five more we can put five more right there um nice I don’t know why you had to sound so creepy hi well uh I don’t mind if I do why hello there Golden Child number two I can see there we go beautiful oh and they’re already kissing

Man I knew I was Cupid oh God it’s the scariest thing ever bunnies well since you guys do like to jump off the edge I promise I’m strictly only doing this because you know they will just jump off the edge so I’d rather get their items

Instead of them going to waste plus I’m pretty sure I could use rabbit hide as a substitute for leather so whenever I need to make something like that I think we’re good I kind of want to ask this earlier on in the video just to get like

Even more responses from this would you guys be down for me uh if there is a mod I’m not sure if there is one but if I download a mod to make craftable uh spawners so I can make like a guardian spawner or like a like a guardian fish

Spawner thingy uh please make it okay there we go yes oh my God yes yes oh oh I’m sorry that worked oh I love that spot I’m doing that for every single creeper but if I can find a mod to make a craftable spawners and you know make

Like uh some like uh yeah I think they are called Guardians because yeah because there’s the Elder ones so if I can make like a guardian spawner you know I can then actually make a lot of sea lanterns because I really miss like ever since like my hardcore world no I

Didn’t die in it no I don’t know when it’s gonna come back I find vanilla Minecraft really boring and I find that scene of Minecraft uh YouTube really oversaturated but yes I can return to that world whenever I just you know always have to update everyone on that

But I would love to use Sea lanterns for this series so if you guys are actually down for that and Hello beautiful and of course it had to be on the edge I’m pretty sure I can collect all the wood if I chop this down don’t fall off oh my

God yes I actually think I got all of that wood which that is huge yes I love Monster trees monster trees with a tree cutting mod so beautiful okay so we’ll get to that in a second I’m just enjoying breaking this because I just want to see wait

That can actually huge yes and no don’t fall off the edge though don’t fall off the edge yes beautiful beautiful how much string did I get three ah okay well if I got four I could have made a wall block and then you know we would have had three wall blocks at that

Point so they’re like oh God ah that would have been good I got in the meantime since we have a metric ton of logs now so we could oh my God we have so many okay beautiful oh and we just got more ESL uh before we go and make

More slabs I’m really tired of eating watermelon because it kind of doesn’t heal you up whatsoever so hello Bulls which I won’t lie I only need one so goodbye you three I like to be efficient like that with my space and then we can take all the leftover flanks make those

Into slams and then you no no no no no no no no thank you okay so let’s expand the platform as much as we can which I’m really hoping with all of the slabs that I have just gotten I can actually at least double or triple the size of this

Platform so then we can start really building especially the Birch I really hope that the birch trees start growing I need more of those stuff coupling and not too bad we at least kind of doubled it in size so we can start planning a whole lot more trees yes Birds I know

You’re so happy that I go delete your home now you shut up okay perfect now we can actually start expanding this even more and well I think very soon we’re not going to have any issues whatsoever with wood oh and fuel because oh dang it

Okay well a lot of that just fell into the void but with this entire massive platform yeah we should not have any issues with Wood anymore or fuel that’s gonna be really nice we just have to give it a little bit of time for everything to start growing and speaking

Of fuel honestly let’s just start cooking all of these this is gonna be a lot more oh no we actually know we have to because I need a lot more and hello nice just by waiting like a minute or two wow okay well we have a lot now so

Not bad just by waiting like a minute or two we now have a lot of grown trees yes finally we have some birds yes and nice we now have six Birch and I think like 25 or 30 Oak which hello a lot of wood yeah I think I’m starting to reach

The points where I I can like almost barely keep up with all the trees that keep growing so that’s a good problem to have and hello 56 beautiful looking logs nice okay almost an entire stack of torches okay we can finish up the staircase here and then we can go and

Finish up this staircase too perfect okay every single staircase is down and done and honestly I kind of really want to get into decorating especially around here I don’t like having these like little open spaces and I think one thing with this series even if I go and I

Finish something and it uses expensive blocks like you know these kind of Vlogs I think I’m okay with coming back in the future and actually just destroying them no like replacing them with something I don’t know why I did that that was incredibly stupid of me I mean I

Probably should just use regular blocks for this but just so I can actually place down stuff because I really don’t feel like going down with a water bucket this is where all of our logs are gonna be going so let’s go around adding all of this and I haven’t said this yet

Because I really don’t want to jinx it but I’m really shocked that no Phantoms have spawned in yet first Slayer we have logs going down like that however next up I think we go around with like these regular logs like this so you know we

Don’t get any of these uh ugly tops and then this will finish off the first block layer oh boy this is gonna be expensive thank God I have a huge tree farm at least it’s average size you know like I think it’s big enough oh I love

This farm so much oh my God whoa hello beautiful oh that was so much wood oh yeah so that was so much look at all these leaves oh my God look at everything geez pretty sure there was like 16 logs from that one tree ah beautiful okay beautiful now with that

Layer done now if we go over here and we actually look at the staircases so for this layer I really want to put down dirt going back a little bit and then we like continue it with the some more logs like up here but I don’t know if I

Really want to put dirt like directly right here which I guess to fix that what we could do is put a slab there and then one more block there yeah I guess that’s like an easy cheap fix why not this is kind of a little hard to judge I

Mean we can actually start it kind of right here actually here let’s finish off this spot so we kind of know roughly how much space is going to be in between these guys I I have a strong feeling that I in the future I will be going

Around with a border around this place but maybe towards here it’s not gonna matter too much but we are going to be using dirt for this which I’m hoping I don’t come back to regret this because you know like it’s just expensive getting this stuff so first off let’s

Just start with by going two out from every single block like that which might be enough yeah yeah I think two blocks still might be enough next up what we need to do is start bordering it with even more logs so now we can take the

Not these because that’s a lot rare wood for me so we will just go around with Oak planks okay so you go here then we’re gonna go around wait us am I dumb wait I think I’m dumb wait I didn’t need to do that oh that actually is a village

Down there yeah I don’t know if I’m ever gonna go down there feels a little weird but I don’t know that’s for future man oh my God wait I think I’m actually dumb okay I’ll leave that for future me I don’t feel like uh removing all of those

Right now I’m so oh God okay well here I’ll at least remove you so we need to go around to every single one of these pieces put down slabs so that then I can go back but this kind of Vlogs and oh boy is this going to cost me a lot but

We have these kind of different uh level layers like that which oh God I actually really like that then what we can do while up here is we put down even more dirt and here we’ll just go two more in that direction which we then go around

With even more slabs and we finish it off with this I think that’s good once I get the ability to actually collect leaves then I’m 100 gonna come back and like swap out some of these blocks with them or even just put the leaves on top

Of all the logs which I think that’d be tremendously nice and wow look at that look at all of these trees that I desperately need since I just used a whole lot of wood okay beautiful finally done with all of that so after doing all

Of this now we just need to go around and do it to all of this as well because one thing that I want to focus on for this series and I want to make sure it like this just never happens is I don’t want to have any areas that are just

Undecorated or just really ugly like areas like this once we actually get Farms going and I have access to a whole lot of resources I’m gonna come back and I’m gonna redecorate all this stuff and make it look very beautiful I kind of what I’m doing right here I just want to

Make sure that it’s actually a really cool looking base I want to have nice Pathways and like light sources that are kind of hidden or at least some lampposts maybe make it look like a like a city even who knows but it’s one thing that I really want to get

Into is more uh decorating stuff okay we need to go chop down these trees uh dude these birds think that they’re the main character oh okay we’re not gonna touch that tree I do not well oh my god dude oh dude I found my game crashed my

Screen just went black for like a few friends like oh my God I wasn’t expecting it to grow as I’m inside of it that oh okay wait wait freezing okay anyways we can actually get back to this and I also want to work with the a lot

Of different like levels and like things going up down please don’t fall into the void oh man oh okay yep that’s cool didn’t need either of those but basically for this series and kind of all of my other series that have been going on I kind of just want to work on

Just building skills that I haven’t really done before and I think with this series I’ll be able to uh definitely hone in and definitely improve a lot of the building stuff since that’s kind of what this entire series is about so next up what we need to do so obviously these

Aren’t going to be staying as dirt oh my God can you shut up can you let me do what I need to do next up we need to actually keep mining this until we get to a grass block very specifically that for obvious reasons and now my slab idea

Does not work okay I mean if anything it kind of looks cool having that slab right there so I’m down for it I’m here I’m here don’t jump off the edge come on was it trying to hide from me oh yes oh that is huge oh that’s so many more

Designs that I can do oh my God no no come on we’re gonna try out that same exact strap buddy no no come on don’t be shy don’t worry you’ll be in the void soon with your brother don’t worry don’t miss y’all get a few I actually thought

I was gonna miss that one and you get off the edge yep see you later don’t love you oh yeah another thing that I really want to make sure while I’m building this entire place is having absolutely no holes to fall through so yeah that’s uh most definitely gonna be

A design that I need to work on oh dear God don’t walk off the edge though come on there we go at least with this way I can see and oh my god dude we look so cute you know my face directly in an area where the sun don’t sign that no

One should ever put their head in towards a cow you know because it kind of doesn’t smell the greatest over there given you know the nature of cows oh yes oh thank God I almost mind you okay now with our very limited amount of dirt so

This is when things are gonna get really fun her stuff just gonna be having diagonal blocks and we will be having some kind of snake around and go everywhere like this so that side done and there we go at least it kind of looks cool but I’m like 99 certain that

This grass block actually does grow out so really we just have to wait now and God knowing grass that’s actually probably going to be taking an hour of which I won’t lie I’m actually really tempted to just put myself into a box and then just wait like an hour or two

While I go eat might be a smart decision in the meantime let’s go run and collect more of you no I didn’t want to chop it down ah I kind of was expecting that to happen but I was just really hoping that it wouldn’t but oh well I go at the very

Least since we have like a lot of wood now let’s uh this might just be the end of the tree farm actually no no because now we can grow Spruce so never mind actually we definitely need to keep on expanding this this sure is going to be

A lot of work to replace all these blocks I think I will most definitely be waiting until I have maxed out Diamond uh gear at least oh my gosh you’re actually growing beautiful okay so I think I made this platform big enough because I kind of really don’t want to

Extend it like if anything I’ll probably just expand it by one more block what I think this entire area is done leaving all of this open because we’re now finally growing Spruce and I see a whole lot of trees that I need to go and start chopping down I’m kind of beautiful so

All the shoes are chopped down plus I now have a nice little area for Birch to start growing so I can at least maybe start our building with that also nice this is all starting to grow a lot faster so I’m really hoping that we can actually complete all of these pretty

Soon now since we have kind of a lot of wood oh yeah pretty soon I’ll actually get organized but since we do have a lot of wood honestly let’s just go and make 64 charcoal and that’ll be perfect let’s also just turn the rest of this into

More torches so there we go with that yeah we definitely need to get organized though and okay originally even though I was actually saying this like to be our own platform like our own little base area we can actually move everything and maybe we just leave leave it as the trees

Um in the future like we’ll actually just redecorate it and make it look a lot nicer and like maybe space them out a little bit more because this is a lot of wood but I mean I guess it’s not a bad thing being able to get a lot of

Wood like really fast so maybe we’ll just leave that amount of trees in there uh next up we do need to finish this off at least like just mirror that to over here okay beautiful next project done um God we should make all the fences for this place probably would be the

Smartest move I also uh reduce the uh the oak plank little area right here back a little bit so I think we’ll fill in all of this with Spruce slabs might be a nice you know a little color pattern up here but before I forget it

Let’s go over here put these away grab you a whole lot of you and hello a metric ton of fences actually kind of surprised that that wasn’t enough fences to finish up that entire area oh hey wow look at that I actually had fences beautiful okay well okay the pen is done

And we’re at least situated if in case we find more mobs coming from there is there something wrong with this dirt block like do you do you need like a torch or something why are you not growing the other ones are zooming by but really strange that you haven’t even

Started yet now let’s see did either of the precious grow of course not okay come on little buddy I know you can grow come on and then I have an idea once this actually starts to grow which I think I think it’s gonna be a good combo

But it’s gonna require a whole lot of dirt but I think I actually have grabs I think I should be safe I’m not gonna lie I haven’t really been paying attention to like what blocks I’ve been getting from the one block probably should probably actually have important stuff

In there oh especially lava oh yeah we definitely need some lava oh my God I thought that was like a monster all the way down there and it’s just a spruce sapling but yeah we’re starting to uh get a little dire on everything and you know what actually here let’s have some

Fun uh we’re gonna do something that I never really like to do whatsoever let’s actually make this dark over here and I expect this to work immediately as soon as I step away that should be more than dark enough fingers crossed that I can actually get a skeleton to spawn in

Might still be too light so okay let’s remove this come on before the sun rises oh yes oh and it’s a skeleton yes that’s actually exactly what I needed please give me more uh don’t shoot me though please give me more than just one bone

Oh but don’t fall off no no no no no no no no okay get away from the edge away from the edge all the way down here come on which side are you going on okay who’s juking who oh oh okay there we go uh actually no no okay we’re gonna leave

It uh dark over there I want more things to spawn in uh we need to heal it kind of hurts to play without any armor okay well we only got one bone but I’m pretty sure okay so bone meal yes straight into white dot actually yeah all three into

That so now with these three we can go boop bop Bing and I should have iron and you know what here we’re gonna melt these eight give it to me yes yes thank you collecting all of the wool for whenever I get villagers we can already start making them beds yes I can

Actually sleep uh we’ll sleep right here why not yeah yes yes finally oh I can actually sleep through the nights and oh my God a little little issue here of course we had to get a creeper uh wait no do I have any string I might be able to make

A bow yep I have exactly three okay beautiful oh oops horse duh okay now I can go over here and very safely I can handle the green wiener yes yes don’t don’t fall off the edge though I would actually like to get the gunpowder or whatever

Reason oh maybe I can use it for something God I hate these Birds Go in shop shop again strictly only for the fact to get rid of their entire ecosystem before any of you say because I just realized while I was chopping down the trees uh shut up uh for every

Single comment that’s going to tell me Skies you dummy doo-doo head you could have just made a composter and then put all these saplings into it and then you could have gone bone meal uh to that okay I’m trying here I’m brand new to Minecraft what do you want for me okay I

I never played this game literally in lighter news we can go back and replace down all of the Torches again why have you guys not grown yet why is this not good enough dirt well it’s not GMO free well you don’t like all the piss decides

I got in that brother because I’m not really understanding why none of this is growing and I kind of really want it to grow and let’s see okay so we have some gravel so I actually can make more dirt which I think we yeah no we we actually

Do need to start on that uh yeah let’s take you and then we’re gonna take you oh God I probably shouldn’t have taken that one hello wait what happened to the dirt wait huh wait can you not like collect these excuse you what happened

To my dirt do I have a ghost around here just devouring dirt or something wait did it just like break through the ground and fall into the void hello okay maybe I’m too close to the one block let me try these okay if I do this do you

Where’s my dirt going is it because I’m tilling it like do I need to use a hoe am I not allowed to create dirt on this world at all can I place down water can I get it back okay I can place it on water and get it back okay I guess let’s

Try making a hoe all righty let’s see how this works though okay so I can till it and it’s still there absolutely phenomenal now if I break you I actually get you okay that’s cool and then I do that okay and now I have four starts so

I guess I can’t use my shovel oh God do I even dare use a shovel on this oh and actually get it back okay so I think that was like a path block for whatever reason that just breaks the game path box big No-No apparently that’s just

Anyways we now need to go back after using up like eight pieces of dirt so you go there you go there I feel like I can make this even more efficient yeah here let me let me get these two back and you go like that it’s okay beautiful

Uh still not growing uh you are making me nervous I don’t know oh my God what is wrong with this world um okay luckily we do have some Spruce already so we can actually start building with this I’m very excited for that uh in the meantime I’m gonna go

Through and I’m just gonna turn all of this dirt or course the dirt into regular dirt use up all the gravel since I really don’t think that I need to like save it or use it for anything uh plus we’ll always get more in the future and

Luckily for this world I actually do plan on making a gravity block Farm because I have a mod enabled to let me replace the end portal so that’ll be a lot of fun okay not too shabby we got 38 pieces of dirt and honestly I mean we’re

Always gonna be getting dirt from the one blocks that I just really don’t need to actually care if I use up all of it because uh I kind of want to actually use up all of it so I want to start actually uh decorating making things

Beautiful and nice okay so I guess it was actually too close to this I mean what oh my God I don’t really understand this down there and frankly I’m not really happy with it strictly because of the fact that I won’t be able to get any of

Those leads wait wait wait I I actually think I’ll be able to save that llama just so I can get the lead okay so what we do first okay if I pick you up okay the lead actually drops if I pick them up so I can’t pick you up uh okay let’s

Not push him at all and let’s go down here we’re gonna put down some water then if I go down here I can pick up the Loma and get yes yes I actually got the lead yes oh man I I really don’t care that I saved them oh my God I actually

Got the lead yes we have both of them oh my idea worked okay yeah in other news um gragas vorndran the wandering Trader um what do you have for me no no I think I I actually get that from the lucky block uh pack dice might be cool I think I

Want to make a farm like if it’s possible for me to make an ice Farm I kind of really want to because I kind of want to use some ice for some like item sorting I mean really I don’t need anything in there so it’s like it’s not

Really like important or anything and there’s like not like volleyball swim so uh you guys can stay there if you want and I really don’t mind I already got some leather in here so it’s like I really don’t need anything from them so I’ll I’ll actually be kind this once I’m

Feeling generous and other news so we’re gonna take all of our Spruce Wood make some Spruce slabs you don’t gotta be smart like that then we’re just gonna go around and make a border alongside all of this uh oh oh God okay if I even have enough wood right now because these

Trays seem to not like me and okay well we didn’t have enough to finish it but without having to use even less dirt that’s actually kind of really good for us so we’re gonna go through and just put down dirt in a straight line like this it’s gonna be super tiny it’s kind

Of what I built in my 50 hours one block like that nice little like green uh pasture way with like leaves surrounding it so it’s gonna be like kind of cloning that um here God can you grow like you guys shot all the way out here and then you

Just stop I don’t get it we’re just going to have to wait so we’re just gonna have to wait for the grass to grow over here going to that boom shoot up here I’m gonna replace you I I really don’t trust you there’s very clearly something wrong it has now been several

In-game days and it’s not growing actually all of it just stopped God I hate these birds so unbelievably much let’s actually stay on top of things because it shouldn’t be that long before a good villagers so yeah we need to stay on top of shearing all of our sheets uh

Let’s go make some carpet you know we’re gonna make a nice investment make some carpet gives us three so the pins that we will usually like always go into will probably gonna be the sheep and the chicken so I can get their eggs so put down some carpet we can actually jump

Inside boom boom lay down those eggs jump back out we will work fast I love you not like that just so I don’t need to keep in the chest we’ll just put you there and then go through make some beds okay we’ll we’ll just store all of the

Beds into a chest luckily I don’t think I need to use that dirt for anything so we should be good with that maybe it’s actually time to read designed this tree farm I’m thinking of a cool pattern that we can do because I like using the wood

Type for the flooring I actually really enjoy doing that I think it makes it look really really nice and I know that all of my trees need a lot more space like not in between themselves that’s fine but I don’t want them touching each other like this because I think it

Actually does affect some of them growing so we’re not being as efficient plus Spruce doesn’t like to grow near any of these trees whatsoever but sadly we don’t have that much Spruce but we do need to collect up a fair amount of this before we even build the tree farm area

I kind of have a fun idea for building all of their areas we’re God this is going to take so much wood though I mean I have a lot of Oak luckily but okay actually no no no okay first up we’re gonna cut down all of these get a whole

Lot more in inventory okay fine here we’re just gonna go around chop down all the trees never mind I need saplings I mean saplings really badly okay beautiful now we can actually start working so for the animal pins I think I mean this is only temporary in the

Future I will be building them a base and like build like a nice building to hold all of the mobs because I think it’d be fun to collect everything so I I will actually try my best to do that I know for the tree farm I mean slowly

Over time having like a gigantic Tree Farm will be really nice because I do know that I will want to you know gather a whole lot of wood we’ll probably come back and redesign this floor in the future once I have like a lot more resources and a lot more blocks to play

With like especially Stone I really don’t only want to build with wood starting here this will actually be the wood Farm I think it would be best if we only come out this far on everything and then we just leave like a nice one block space like in between this and the

Animal pin area and we could just put leaves there in the future so it can be really pretty and stuff now comes math God oh my God it actually grew oh look at that it grew up to here oh no way the grass actually does grow except for this

Side which is unbelievably weird and bizarre like is this like like a ditto or something are you a fake dirt block like you’re not real so just so we actually like collect everything from the tree you know sticks saplings because you know that’s uh that’s just gonna be turned into bone meal apples

Like all of that stuff plus if we get monster trees so I think for once we’re gonna give a nice four block radius from The Edge and then this will be where the first tree will be placed and then in between every single tree I think it’s

Fine at least for like Birch and Oak just to have a two block radius someone got like one two and then boom and then you had lids and one two three and maybe this is actually far enough like I think just having three uh trees wide and then

We’ll just make it long maybe that’ll be big enough for a tree farm and I think from here we’ll just go like one two you know actually I don’t need to use this expensive block there and it’s into the void cool um but yeah so we’ll just go

Like one two and then we can start going out this direction and then starting here we’ll go like one two so then we still get that four block radius and then both you’re the first tree and then one two three you one two three you let

Me go one two straight into Spruce so we go like one two perfect boom that’ll be the first one this should be um this might not be far enough I think maybe like two more blocks and then starting the spruce tree farm that should be enough space between them okay

So we at least have everything already placed down started out which yeah I think this would be way way better than how I had it in the uh the previous one block world and now since I have a lot of you let’s go and build this so just

Like everything else that I’m gonna be doing on this island uh yeah we’re gonna be making this huge well go to here we might make this bigger in the future who knows but I’ll just leave it as this wooden block for now and then I just

Need to extend this side all the way down there too we’ve got beautiful now don’t worry just so we can actually make it a little bit cheaper um scratch that I know I just said that I wanted to make it nice and cheap let’s now go around and we’re gonna double all

Of the layers with their logs just so I can use up even more resources and have it be even more difficult to build this but also once I place down all of these logs all right at least all the ones that I have we can go back and strip

Them giving us like a little bit nicer of a border oh it’s growing on here here oh my God yes oh yes only progress um anyway so now we can go back around with some slabs and we can start putting these in make these super duper fancy

Ooh so nice and then I don’t know maybe in the future we’ll come back redo the flooring maybe add in some stone or something but I think this should be good my God I really do not have that many uh material or resources okay so that’s everything

Now dirt which we will actually just go around and steal all of these okay beautiful with these um okay so we want to be four from there and I think we want to be four from over here as well so the first one will be like right here I believe boom boom oh

My okay that’ll be cutting it really close to the edge but oh well and well that lasted really long oh God we also have to figure out lighting for it uh anywho luckily I can get more wood here and make stun platform along here we’ll just go that far with that side over

There just because we do need to use a lot of this wood for planks slabs sod planks slabs I love these birds whoa okay beautiful we finished that platform off perfectly that means we can go around and place down all the dirt again and the Sun is already falling not

Too thrilled that means I need to go faster okay let’s just immediately start planting the birch trees and I know it’s super off center I won’t lie kind of bugs me as well I probably should have designed it to where like all of the sides would be equal but maybe it’ll

Look good once we put down the oak as well because I kind of want them all to be like together you know like I don’t know like it it’d probably be best to do like two slabs on every single side we’ll see I don’t know maybe in the

Future I’ll like change in fix it who knows yes what how did oh wait oh that one there grew up to here I think I don’t know how that skipped uh that’s gonna go oh my gosh it actually grew there’s no way the grass actually grew right there oh my dude that is

Phenomenal that is crazy work and speaking of crazy work I think I might actually just make a bridge like across from this for dirt because I actually think the grass would grow faster this direction than this direction okay and then instead of win for that to finish

At least I have the metric ton of uh oh so we should actually be able to finish this entire platform oh that sucks that right there is some fancy looking wood oh it definitely should stay on top of you we can hopefully at least finish this side and

Not even close okay it’s getting close and nice okay so this one is actually completed and if I come over here very luckily this one is actually uh completely symmetrical so I guess it’s just gonna be the beginning and then once we get down to the very last type

Of trade that we want to build with you know those will just be the uh the odd ones out well lucky me oh my god oh that was nice unlucky me I will get a huge return on all of my Oak nice and my ax is about to break that’s even cooler ah

God I need so much Stone I’m gonna have to get back to that block soon oh my gosh it’s so open and nice oh we can definitely do something on this platform anywho now let’s figure out all of you so I’ll do it here oh these trees are

Totally gonna be touching each other so basically nothing has changed it’s just more organized and beautiful this one’s completely done gonna add a little bit more to you and yeah we might actually have to extend this a little bit further because I’m not too happy with how close

This is to the edge God I really need those spruce trees to grow faster yes okay good good these two platforms are done so now all that I need to actually worry about is the Spruce one beautiful whole lot of view because I think right

Now my main goal is just to get down as many farms and like resources that I can actually do like right off the bat in the beginning because I really don’t want to get to that part of one block to where you’re just dying for any kind of

Resource kind of isn’t fun playing like that I know for a fact I will want to build some dark oak trees so I think yeah okay we’ll just cut it off here and we’ll just go forward and then I mean if I get some emeralds I can immediately do

It but we can at least have this down here and then we’ll hopefully get some dark oak in the future okay and then we’ll just let those grow very nice I’m actually kind of shocked how like massive the area is getting already Yes okay good good this is is already

Growing over there so now we’re perfectly fine to at least remove these actually here just to open up the entire area I know that if you leave some lines of grass like it’ll grow even faster compared to this one block right there but I kind of want to be able to move

Around my base so I can actually start walking around instead of having a parkour around the entire place this God forsaken line is finally started growing so open and nice now oh I love this and then speaking of lava definitely need to get a composter going just for like

Practicality here we’ll just leave you there because God I have so many of these I got a beautiful wow we actually used up every single one of those and we now have four more to go through I want to speed this along as nice as fast as

Wow okay yeah uh I want to speed this long as fast as pot wait am I missing logs in there oh wait oh it chopped down all those logs except for that one um okay anyways as I was trying to say for the fourth time I want to try and speed

This as long as fast as possible I really want to get back to that one block and I think for this episode I just want to finish off this phase for the Vlog I think that’d be a good stopping point and let’s see okay that part’s done oh and perfect okay this

Side finally done and then we’ll just start on this side instead of doing all the planks because honestly I’m totally fine with leaving all of these there any news so we can actually get back to building uh other areas other than that here now I could actually go back and um

Like we can actually still turn this into our base but I think I have a really fun idea I think now is the time to get into some modded blocks which wow look at this I have so many of these let’s do this and then you go like that

And then we’ll do this with that okay so first off we’re gonna strip these just have a nice little transition straight from the stairs and I kind of want to build like a pathway and make it go down even and then go maybe that direction or forward

But I kind of want to have like little zigzaggy areas I really I mean I already know that I’m already building like this which I’m not too thrilled with but I kind of want to make it like very zigzaggy and kind of like close corners

And I don’t know just like a lot tighter fitting I don’t want it to be like super duper huge massive like this because I just I find that so ugly first off if I get all of the wood that I own okay there we go as I was trying to say so we

Can actually make bridges you know what here since I never really build with Birch and I never really built with like light colors let’s actually do that so we’ll build with you and I need iron because this is super important from what I’ve learned with uh 100 days on a

Raft which you should go watch if you haven’t is that okay we need to do that do this and then with those what are you roofing hammer right click on the top roof to toggle between States oh I never even know that was a thing metal door so

I can actually make pliers which are unbelievably important to making Bridges first off we go boom to Boom to out to here okay don’t fall into the void yeah suck it thank you don’t okay oh and then not like that because it’s not big enough sadly let’s make it a little bit

Easier for us and we can have it come out to here and okay we actually need to build this a lot higher what happens if I do that okay so that does nothing that’s cool okay wait a minute so we can parkour yeah there we go okay please

Don’t fall into the void and die okay good good God I wish I had an elytra and you can come out to here like this maybe we actually don’t do that one then okay so we can come out here and boom we have this gorgeous looking Bridge thingy

Already I know it’s so pretty now we can go forward like this okay that is not how I wanted it at all don’t drop okay beautiful which I think I need to put it there and then I can not do that okay no

Okay there we go do I need to put it on this side and then I can nope still not that oh come okay there’s a very specific Direction I I just know it it’s just figuring it out is the tough part because I want that guy on there we go

Wait if I do it from this side does it actually work no okay that’s cool oh my god oh Jesus okay that launched me forward that scared me yes okay beautiful we can actually go around this with Oak slabs because in the future I will make some leaves go around this

Make it even more pretty and oh God it’s turning nighttime and identity light up the tree farm no there’s nothing uh yeah let’s actually go through and light this up I would really prefer it if a creeper doesn’t spawn in here and blow it up okay perfect so we don’t really need to

Worry about the spruce one just yet I mean things are definitely gonna be spawning on that but I could just easily shoot them off but finally okay we don’t need a worry or Panic about that uh I think anything’s spawning it and then I can very luckily not fall off the edge

And get back to you and then I very hopefully do not fall off or else this is gonna be a really short series you go along there okay beautiful the hard part now is making this go down since I have so many plans with leaves I think we’re

Gonna put the bridge on pause to our base then use oh wait no no no no no no no no no no no we already have shears okay didn’t waste any iron so uh I’m sorry I’m just gonna default straight to this just because I just I love these

Leads so much yeah we’re definitely gonna be using Oak for all of our Leaf uh choices until something special comes up okay I’m just doing two lines of this nothing else this should be enough and oh yeah dude okay so two and a half stacks I can work with this now we can

Go around and beautify the place maybe what we can also do in between these is put some leaves on top maybe actually absolutely not because then if I have leaves there and if any tree touches that it’ll delete this entire thing so never mind uh I’d very easily talk myself out of that

Um God I really want to put leaves along here but I really I hate having leaves with like the void below it because it looks so ugly and so hideous so I think what my original idea with this was just putting them on top of all of the logs

Which I think is a really nice touch I actually really really like this there you go we can still put a torch like there yeah it’s beautiful yeah yes this is growing so I can delete you I wish this would grow a little bit faster very

Nice we can actually remove these two oh I’m loving this so far oh this looks so good let’s see one in doubt you just need to add some leaves and then you know your bills just become super beautiful and I really hope that I have leaves left over for the bridge okay oh

Dude this is so nice oh I’m loving this 100 I’m gonna be doing something down here like maybe put stairs instead of slabs who knows but uh that’ll be for future me I’m not too worried about decorating just yet we’re going for you know functionality first I have 59 Leaf

Blocks left and this is why I chose to do it like this so we can go around all of the bridge and put the leaves it just looks so nice oh it’s so beautiful if I made it even bigger we could have had like two passageways which I kind of

Really want to do I won’t lie like I’m actually really tempted to remove this and then just extend it like one more block no no no no okay we’ll just leave it like this just to save time you know we can build down and then we’ll do that

Idea because I I love doing it trust me once I show you what I mean you’re gonna love it however it looks like a really good time to collect some more uh wood right now God yeah no we definitely need to add some kind of uh slab down here I

Would love to use Stone I won’t lie I think a stone slab with leaves on top would look really good but I kind of don’t have any stone we could do and aside oh I think I’m talking myself into that can I make a stone cutter right now

No because I think I need actual stone slabs oh well here we could just waste them do this boom have some endocytes and then we put handistar right here okay so if we do this and then we add leaves on top I I kind of like that it’s

It’s a nice one especially since it’s just different than having wooden slabs oh I love this especially actually now I don’t have to freak out when I jump over to something and I’ll accidentally jump too early I’m like no I’m gonna go into the void and die oh I love this so much

This is looking so pretty except for that lovely bird God I hate those birds Don’t Tell Me me having leaves over here like on top of all the logs that’s gonna trigger Birds to be going off non-stop yes my precious grow continue oh I can actually uh complete that off yes

Continue now for us to make a staircase to actually go down I kind of want to try out the staircase design that I did over in my 100 days on a rap series which very sadly requires a whole lot of leaves try and save these shears as much

As I can kind of don’t want to use any of my iron just yet and I I say that and I didn’t I I wasn’t paying attention I’m sure it’s fine you know I don’t need it it’s only two iron uh it’s gonna be leaves and then it’s gonna be planks and

I feel like it’s only right to continue this especially just so it matches with the bridge I think I don’t only be right to continue this with some uh Bert’s uh slabs I just realized that I have my sword ax pick like I have everything on

My body I just realized that that’s so cool I totally forgot I installed that mod Birch planks patch oh that’s how I make that uh oh my God no I didn’t oh my God I do I that was a legit Miss click ah I didn’t actually mean to do that

That’s very interesting I I really don’t get the point of these but wait a minute okay I’m gonna be forced to use it now stay not here we’re gonna go around to every single stair top and uh yeah you can go there like that actually never

Mind okay good I just had to do I have two of them uh I don’t think I’m going to be doing that for every single one of these uh strictly just doing that because I was a legit in this click and I know that I desperately need these to

Like to finish their Farm but I want to put Spruce below all of the leaves just so you know and doesn’t you can’t see the void doesn’t bleed through and stuff stuff and there goes my ax all of my tools are leaving me actually here let’s

Go get organized before we go and do anything else there’s also one thing that I really need to figure out how to do that’s actually cool that’s what I need uh vertical slabs how I’ve been saying it in so many of my series well um yeah there’s apparently a mod for

That so I can finally have something that should be in vanilla I’m just saying you know not mad not salty but I can finally do it so that really uh broadens how I can build in this game so I’m oh yeah I’m actually so excited for

This I get impressed by the simplest of things okay so let’s start off with only doing like seven for these and then we’ll do uh seven for these okay so we’re gonna have to be playing with a whole lot of water meaning I’m really hoping that I don’t die first off we

Come down to here you come out I mean it really doesn’t matter but let me see if I can at least collect you back uh oh I actually can okay nice yeah I don’t think I’m going to be doing that for the entire you know way down because how to

Look at very difficult and tedious next we go back in the water you go there and then we should be a good enough level for leaves and that is a big no and I don’t have any shears wait did I do this wrong already I may have done this wrong

Okay wait maybe it was leaves it’s called boom boom and okay I don’t like that at all uh I really don’t like that okay you go there then okay so we do not like that can I have an easier time of putting you there okay nope still not

Like that wait you’re vertical why’d you just go horizontal no I need I want that oh okay well I don’t want it that much but how did that slab go horizontal that doesn’t make sense to me okay do I need to put you like there yeah okay so it’s

Kind of like stairs has different orientations based on the area that you’re like trying to put it at how do I do this so I need you there but I need to get behind my leaves okay what if I put you there you still work okay oh yes

And I can come back here okay okay Yep this is not unbearably difficult there no okay let’s see if I break the bridge yeah I’m hoping I can place it back exactly like how I need it yeah I need you like that boy we have to break all

Three of these and then you go there and you go there perfect this this is exactly what I wanted then you all go back but I need you to be open open yeah it’s okay beautiful didn’t cause anything but look how much nicer that looks and then with using slabs it just

It’s so much better than a full Block it’s better than using stairs right here but we don’t see through all of the leaves so it’s very nice and pretty and then we pick up the water and now we go down one layer with Birch if I make a uh

Edumacated guess you know if I calculate everything I believe putting you there oh God don’t swim okay and then I do leaves there yeah yeah you go there perfect okay so now we just go through adding all the slabs which I think I need to remove all the Birch okay so

It’s gonna be a whole lot of placing and unplacing that’s what I’m starting to get can I place regular slabs like this okay no so they actually can’t okay I didn’t want that one anyways yeah buddy okay beautiful now before I go down there you know I put the the slabs

Underneath this I think I want to continue it not that you go there perfect yeah I think I want to put the vertical slabs on the side of these slabs as well just to continue the Border thing I really want to test this out and I really don’t at the same time

Like I want to see am I gonna fall and die from this like can I can I actually walk through this but I’m really scared to let go of shift okay I think I can land in the water now okay so no oh wow wow despite what OSHA says this is

Actually safe I I actually can’t fall beautiful uh maybe we’ll add some other block here in the future as well I’m sure there’s something I really don’t feel safe okay not fall and yeah this is basically the entire staircase it’s just gonna be following this pattern back and forth

Open to God I don’t die this time we’re gonna be smart okay not like that I I just said we’re gonna be smart so we only go out in one and actually I’m already dumb okay so we break you and then you’re fine Leaf block here yeah

Okay so then we can get a root nugget we can get a refund on that one okay good good okay good good yep you go there beautiful yeah yeah um yep you know the drill nope not like that you don’t know the drill okay yep didn’t want you either and there we go

Not bad I think that entire step took me like a minute already optimizing this and becoming amazing before any of you see it yes I understand that uh actually no never mind I was gonna say I could use a full Spruce plank right here instead of like the vertical slabs but

That’s actually still cheaper than using a entire one things are so confused so confusing to place I swear I’m placing it the correct orientation like that there you go buddy I know you were just struggling there for a little bit oh but this is looking so pretty I’m loving

This oh this is such a good idea a mirror Mr shroomy okay even though it was an accident maybe I actually do like this I mean that might actually be a really cheap alternative to like redesigning some of the stuff oh imagine this on top of uh leaves instead of trap

Doors now we’re going to be getting to a part that gets a little bit interesting so I want this to go down kind of like below all of this point so we can have like different levels and stuff or maybe like in the future I can like look back

You know and I can actually like see my land up here while I’m like down here or something I don’t want to do that super boring like okay I make a rectangle boom and then staircase continued down this direction I’m kind of enjoying challenging myself where I make the

Staircases like go down and like kind of like wrap around and just not be so straight like this no the hard part is going to be figuring out okay so multiple things I need to keep track of when I could put leaves and when I can put try uh not trapdoors slabs which

Believe it or not that’s actually kind of difficult for me I I don’t know why and I need this to flow together like pretty perfectly uh maybe what we do is just go around with some Birch and kind of just plan out things as if we’re

Gonna want it to wrap around you need to make the right side fatter than the left side you want to do that but at the same time you don’t want to go too fat on the right side the middle part’s the most important so it’s like we want to go

Like this because you already see it wrapping around actually no no we want to go far around I think that’s correct which man we need to go down and that’s gonna be really a fun trying to figure this out because I wanna I wanna make it

Even more loopy I don’t want to make it just like a straight line going down so maybe now bring it out one more okay then getting to this section we’re starting to get down far enough I mean I might actually touch up the bottom parts of this if I’m going to be sitting

Underneath it because I will become very important so maybe we actually continue going down maybe two more slabs oh you’re finally there beautiful okay you’re completely gone uh oh very nice it’s continued up to here so we can remove these put you down uh I’ll leave you there just for safekeeping I still

Don’t know if that uh grass block can jump up to this one up here but you know I’m not gonna chance this I think that was everything nice our design here is almost completely done anywho back to our super fun part right here so just

For fun maybe now I kind of have it start going to the left which then at this point I think perfectly with there I don’t know why but I can’t tell which block this is on but I’m pretty positive this is lined up perfectly with that so

Now we could just have the staircase just like kind of go like right here and then we just like maybe continue down a little bit more Tiki I’m playing with fire man if any of you get anxious about being over voided that can kill you and

Die at any moment with water that keeps shifting oh man you must be having fun with this oh my God not just like that man that must suck this is totally not freaking me out and then judging entirely based off of this little water block right here uh boom this should be

The perfect layer to end it on just like that so now if I go back Upstream get rid of you water go away yep yep just keep going buddy yep there you go pal okay this should be good enough and let’s test you out with this are you

Actually where I want you to be oh boy and now if we do the block test perfect okay this is the level that we want to be on and goodbye fine didn’t want you either then even though I’m just gonna come back and you know remove all of

This and make it all pretty and like redesign everything I just want to have the entire staircase done at least by this so now we have the fun job of going around and kind of fixing all of this so the very least this is all like an AIR

Block kind of a thing like just like that so I don’t have to worry about any mobs spawning on this section because we are gonna have to figure out lighting which I don’t believe I could put lanterns on top of leaf blocks which kind of really sucks a counter argument

To that is I have some modded lights and I think I can design something pretty decent for lighting here but that’s for future me not current me um I can’t exactly place down any Leaf blocks I mean we could probably put a border of leaves around this just so

It’s not all wood which I’m kind of down for I’m not gonna lie especially right here oh man I don’t know how I want to design this and then what if I nope not like that at all oh man I don’t know but you like that okay yep nope you did the

Exact same thing nope still don’t want that cool didn’t want that block either okay do I need to get like more over here and then put a nope nope you still just go right there yep didn’t want you either okay so maybe I just need to get

Right here and then I go like that yeah there you go Bud there you go you’re doing fantastic I think I like that album I’m very tempted to put down a leaf block here like maybe actually doing that might actually be a good idea there yeah I actually think I like that

And what do you look like like what if I use some Spruce Plank’s path and I put you like that I honestly can’t tell I don’t know if I like this or I hate this uh can I put you there’s oh wow so I can’t walk through it okay do you take a

Long time to break you do okay oh God what if I put you along here I don’t think I like this uh maybe a different wood color would look better however it kind of defeats the purpose of having the leaves there as the floor even though it’s a nice color splash but I

Like these more because it just looks more naturey and it’s more of like a fairy Vibe which I unintentionally went for so I think this kind of defeats the purpose if I was making like a jungle rope bridge then yeah I would totally go

For this I mean maybe at that top is the bus oh there’s actually a pixel difference between this and the bridge it’s literally one pixel okay I mean maybe I like this maybe this is nice I’m so indecisive my God but yeah I don’t know if I should add anything to this to

This uh Leaf block right here if I should leave it like that so I’ll wait for your comments on that up next you actually go nice can I get this one too okay Leaf yeah okay beautiful that was a good guess by me let me remove all of

This and then you go here and then you know what maybe we leave the slabs underneath for last because I’m gonna have to do this a whole lot yeah we’ll come back to that later because I can just add like the vertical slabs around this but I really think I should use

Leaves I think having a little leaf border like this around here will make it look a lot nicer and it kind of keeps it in theme with my staircase at least especially when I go around with all of these until I get there man I really

Wish that I could put one like right here oh dang it I can’t okay yeah I really wish I could do that so to get around this issue my thought process is maybe what we do is just focus on the single block like this because it will

Cover the most area compared to putting them on on the sides of these because then we would just see right through this and that would just be a humongous eyesore absolutely awful so yeah I think that’s like the only fix that I can do for this part which really sucks I

Didn’t think that through when putting it down maybe it’ll look even better once I put these slabs below it he don’t die oh okay yeah I think that actually worked oh there’s a few issues with it but you know I think that’s fine I can always go back and remove some of them

And just put down like an entire block but uh I want to keep only using these and then we might as well go over here and finish you off beautiful sit up next get rid of this and then not to bore you guys but over the next hour I just went

Through kept on replacing out all of the Burt slabs with leaves and then trying to make everything look pretty tidy it all up just so we can get along with the project a lot faster since it’s a lot easier to build and be silent than build

And talk why is it black am I in purgatory ah there we go okay so for the most part I would like to call this staircase done I just let myself just go crazy with this and just keep on adding and adding and adding uh personally I

Love these three little uh like support beams that I added don’t know why I just felt like it would add in more like you know at least like connect the staircases together and then over time once I build land down here maybe we’ll build in uh even more support beams

Another thing is yes I do plan on going through and uh redoing the bottom of everything just so it’s nicer to look at but right now and I don’t really care to I’m more just down to build the structure and like Foundation of everything and then we’ll just come back

And make it look pretty um except for the stairs I just kind of wanted to try out some building ideas with it like all of these you know Spruce logs or wood I think it’s called wood not logs but in the future I’m gonna make like lanterns or something I

Could place them onto these which I also placed down on here as well which I’m hoping this will I mean we’ll have to put in a lot more lighting here and there but yeah I think I’m portraying like the gist of what I’m trying to build here like fairly decently like I

Think you guys are going to be able to pick up what I’m like planning on building plus another thing with building this is that I want to make it to where in the future like if I want to build that direction or something like if I need like a staircase to go

Somewhere else it should be decently easy to kind of like redesign it or at least add on to it or expand like it should relatively all work out uh together and here not look too awkward like especially right here to like that spot right there if I wanted to build

Like another staircase leading all the way over here oh and I put them in the corners right here anyways since this is actually below the platform I don’t really know what I want to put down here I’m not gonna lie but I am happy that I

Built this however we have I believe one more direction to go the this direction and from here I think I do want to build a like a nice little pathway going down to that stir uh case maybe for now this will be like my little base I just don’t

Know how I want to build a platform for it oh while I’m up here we should actually finish this and start adding in all of the leaves that I have because this is totally gonna be enough well let’s make you let’s go have fun go little snip snip place down the rest of

You I got beautiful yeah I like this a lot yeah dude it’s actually once this actually goes up goes grows and they’ll look even nicer but yeah I really don’t know how I want to build this I think I definitely want to use Spruce even though again I really need this wood for

A spruce tree farm oh wait whoopsies please don’t fall into the void I’m gonna get you at least yeah well uh let’s do that and then we’ll just strip you be really nice I mean maybe we just get a little wacky crazy which is oh like another Square rectangle might get

Boring now but in the future I’m gonna make it all look a lot nicer that’s gonna be so much work tearing this all down oh beautiful actually here before we even go and start building an area for like all my chest and like my own little personal room and let’s finish up

This which please tell me that I have enough wood we might also have to go back to Breaking uh the one block as I only have 21 more oh God only 21 more Cobblestone ah beautiful the sun’s going down my platform with no torches is all

Done and that is my cue to run uh anyway so very luckily now that I don’t have any void right next to all of this and especially that lovely monster tree right there we can also go through chop down let’s do every single why not let’s

Go make mother nature and Mr Beast cry especially since I am going through these leaves really fast and I kind of need all the trees to regrow and there goes my ax again my God these things do not last oh no no no no Sun’s going down

New I don’t want any creepers and that’s another ax and since I’m over here yeah yeah I kind of have a whole lot of wood and I don’t think I’ll be needing that much for a building right now and I really want to stay on top of charcoal

Because in a few seconds I’m going to have to use a whole lot of torches wow that’s a very weird view yeah I really don’t like that not not gonna lie maybe one thing that I should try out I don’t actually think I’ve ever tried this out the building with trees like maybe

Finding some spots over here where I can plant some trees and have them grow might be a decent idea since I usually just build like this and it’s always super flat and just void looking maybe maybe that’s not a bad idea like I can put trees like right here and they might

Grow okay now that all of that stuff on uh let’s actually go through and start adding in all of these into their uh correct farming spots and make this all nice and cleared up so I’m pretty sure with spruce trees I can still put them

In like a nice uh I don’t know what to call as like three by three maybe are the birds here really because of you no I see that they’re just programmed to hate me oh wait no no the birds are gone okay good so it was because of that one

Tree so I guess removing that one tree removed about like 17 generations of birds so that’s pretty nice lovely the first farm that holds a whole lot of importance is finally done action never mind I need to go through and add in all their lights okay now we’re done and now

We can go and get back to building yeah I’m actually kind of interested to build with some trees so let’s see uh I’m not gonna go make bone meal won’t try out anything we’re just gonna see if this even works just because like kind of really don’t have any faith in any of

These uh saplings sprouting or growing but hey if they do then that’ll be cool I’ll leave the trees here and then it might be like a really nice addition into this little area right here I kind of want to take a break from building but at the same time I really want to

Remove like all the stuff right there and get it out of here okay so I thought about it and I think I have a really fun idea for this entire world so instead of actually building this right now I actually want to get a lot of stone so I

Can start building with that at least but you know I have to get back to that I think I now know what I want to do for the staircase going down which we’re still gonna go down like a decent amount more because what I think that I want to

Do down here is uh we’ll have it slowly start transitioning into like Stone and then this could be like the sewer system or like the underground or I don’t know we’ll call it like the midnight District something like that just something fun but maybe that’s where I put like a lot

Of my Farms or I put like the uh the mob farm storage system whatever something like that up here will continue to be like kind of like a fantasy-esque and very green and just happy looking uh just ignore all the animals and pens but I think that’s how

I kind of want to design this entire world which yeah now we’re gonna be redoing so much work uh for a lot of the designs and for over here I kind of want to build like a castle that’s also somewhat inspired by Lord of the Rings because there’s a very specific Castle

In Lord of the Rings where there’s a cliff that kind of divides the building or buildings kind of in half like there’s like a left and right side I don’t know I’m terrible at explaining maybe there’s a picture on screen from the editor for you but I kind of want to

Build that it’s just I need a whole lot of stone this thing anything spawns then actually it will put you down to here to make you safe we go out three blocks like this on every single side we built this nice little circle so if anything spawns then it

Can’t immediately rush to me okay and then like this we should actually be hopefully fine just to sit right here and just break the block oh what was that oh rabbits wait no no oh no oh my god dude I’m back here right now don’t

Don’t do this man okay no no come on I need your leather no no no I need your I need I need the leather please oh okay I see you yeah okay yeah yeah you like to play games here you’re a little smart one aren’t you huh not the bridge not

The bridge thank you okay there’s one more please just wait just wait I’m friendly I swear I’m I’m a kind person thank you I think that was all of them I can’t tell oh dear God maybe I should also use copper in some of the builds

How much I’m getting oh my God no oh but it works yes it worked careful with how many uh how many times I hit you don’t want you to blow up there we go okay even though I’m breaking this for some Cobblestone maybe we keep farming this

Until we get a bucket of lava no no bucket of lava not more rabbits I just want to go and jump off the edge oh no no no no no no no no no oh hi I like you come here buddy oh do I have a beautiful

Home for you ah there you go isn’t it comfy in there um I mean it’s kind of cool okay good good oh we’re not at the end of the phase please please some lava oh yeah no you want to I mean it’s the underground phase you know it makes so

Much sense to give me lava because oh my God think of all the beautiful things I could build if you’d give me lava there we go I don’t know why you guys made that weird noise I wasn’t even scared I had that entire thing under control oh

No way wow having to in a while dude this is gonna blow your mind you’re my boy do I have a beautiful home for you along with like four other reviews please nope okay cool yep always wanted more feathers yep I was very low on those I mean other than arrows what’s

The point of feathers like I don’t think I’ve ever looked at those as like oh yeah that’s a valuable item I need those okay I love you trust me I love you a lot can I get anything other than you though I’m starting to uh think that

You’re not that rare oh wow um so it actually grew and it grew into quite literally the one tree that I didn’t want yeah it grew into the tree where all of the leaves cover every single log so yeah so it’s basically a giant Bush

Um okay so let’s take you down try again and we need to actually be careful with how we take you down God I just realized if I have trees over here I’m gonna be hearing these birds all the time oopsies I didn’t want to actually take out those

Two oh my God please uh I might actually just kill this one I’m not gonna lie I’m starting uh starting to really not care about you buddy it’s either rabbits or this thing hey I’ll be kind you come here yep yep I know I love you too there

You go there we go that’s what I’m talking about a nice tall tree doesn’t blend in with the bushes and it’s not just a giant Bush which I think I actually really like the one I think this one stays yeah yeah I think that one stays I actually really like it oh

My God no it’s more rabbits huh oh let’s see are you the end one oh oh that’s actually huge okay I could possibly make a farm with that and then an empty map oh okay yep we just finished the face so with that completed it sounds like he

Actually can I kind of want to make an item frame which I think I can make it with rabbit hides right yeah oh I actually didn’t know that wait so it takes four of them just to make one hide interesting I didn’t even know that you

Could do that uh anyways yeah let’s make one item frame oh now we’re on to snow oh yeah and this should be a whole lot of fun so I think that we’ll just leave you like right here just because why not and then yeah we’ll have an empty map I

Kind of want to make a cartography table just to see if I can lock in this map just so we can have like a memory like oh yeah this was episode one but uh wow not bad I’m pretty sure if I picked this back up I can uh refresh it so here for

Right now we’ll just have uh this be the map anyhows let’s continue going oh no I need to have an iron pick now okay uh I mean luckily I have 20 iron so like it’s not like I’m hurting for it anymore so I guess we’ll start smelting in and you

Know what I guess I’ll make better tools however I’m still gonna be smart with it so I’m only gonna be using the iron one for uh iron specific blocks because I mean like it doesn’t make sense to get lava from this but like surely I will

Actually get some lava from the uh the snow phase also dog dog no no Augie how do you why does every single mob like to run in oh is it because of grass like I don’t I don’t know why they’re like running like specifically into those uh

Planner boxes but yeah I’m just gonna assume that it’s because of the grass but there you go I’ll just keep you in there I would say me but I don’t have any bones and even if I had bones I don’t think I would no offense use it on

You I’m not the only one that thinks that it’s really weird how I’m getting terracotta from the snow face high oh they can’t shoot me wow can I pick you guys up I’m sure you guys have a great personality you guys I’m positive you guys are so kind but um yeah nope I

Don’t owe you little I can’t believe you’re able to shoot me oh my God you’re so tanky jeez oh wow thank you for the bow with uh only six shots wait I just realized oh yes you come here beautiful yes get rid of slowness off me ah so

Much nicer I mean not bad thank you but oh man come on just give me give me some lava give me some lava buddy oh I really wish that I had silk touch I forgot that we actually do get packed ice on this and we also get these guys and what if I

Shoot you huh oh yeah would you like that huh no um that’s right I don’t like playing fair oh no way yo believe it or not I’ve actually never like played around with goats in this game like I’m sure that they’re cool and everything like that must be valuable for something but yeah

I’ve never actually like played around with them I haven’t really explored the 1.19 update I’m not gonna lie wait you got out I mean I guess that’s not really surprising since you know they grew up on Mountains wait was it because of the carpet sure let’s see if I put you in

Here are you gonna be safer or do they go go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you do not explore okay how are you getting out yeah no I am talking to you how do you do it I got a feeling

That you have to be able to jump like two blocks tall huh so let’s see do I have any more fences on man because I would like to keep the goat like I’m not lying there for once and he’s out again where did you go well it’s a good thing

That you can’t really go far so if you’re breaking out of a one fence tall height pen let’s see how you like having a two fence tall pen huh yeah let’s see if you can get out now huh buddy and guess what next I’m just gonna put a

Roof on this thing I don’t like how you’re looking at me though I don’t like that I’m just gonna let you know okay it’s either you stay in the pen or I drop you off the plot what the oh they can jump that high okay wait wait wait

Okay I was just kidding okay I’m not gonna throw you off but first up we’re gonna go over here we’re gonna get a gate I’m gonna clear this out break that oh God okay you go there I make you then I’m just gonna go around put some slabs

On top you didn’t think I would have to you know make this yet you know a nice little enclosure and perfect now let’s see if you can break out of there huh that that’s not a challenge please don’t do it okay anyways that’s actually kind

Of cool to get a go because now thinking about it I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen the goat mob in this game oh hi I know that you’re also are you little you have it in your mouth what cut back no no no no no no no no no no

No no okay you don’t just pick up my copper ore and then run off the map I think I know how to get that from you but eh you still have it you still have it in your mouth even when I pick you up that you’re actually coming cute okay

Here so since you’re adorable and I know that you’re also really annoying to keep in the pens if I put you with a goat are you gonna stay in here because I don’t know if you can jump over uh this little fence gate I don’t trust them I’m just

Gonna go put another gate yeah we’re just gonna slap this one on and it’ll just be really annoying to put things in here here because I know if that fox gets out all of my chickens are dead and it’s only three hopefully four just three but um yeah I hope you guys are

Chill please don’t do anything no no oh nice okay I only need three more I think yep just need three more oh God no no no stop you little yeah it’s a little Betsy it’s me again yep still love you oh hi uh you might be an issue oh I can pick

It up I’m like I can actually pick up a polar bear this is so cute I don’t know why I’m enjoying this yeah why not you know I’m down to keep a polar bear I’m pretty sure you should be actually I really don’t trust you right there uh

We’ll put you into here far away from everything else because I don’t know if you could do some like Voodoo black magic and like go through the fences and like attack the fox or anything but you can stand there pal nice okay well I now

Have a polar bear kind of a nice change from like only getting mushrooms or bunnies oh boy we already need to expand to another chest uh you can go there no way was I an entire block oh my God that was an entire block of raw iron oh boy

Do I know a lot about you from better Minecraft oh yes yes and that one’s perfect as well it’s a monster tree oh I love this yeah yeah that was definitely a good call to actually like put trees around this place oh it’s gonna look so

Much nicer especially if I add like oh yeah maybe I’ll add in some trees into here as well I think that could look nice I love this oh we’re making such a beautiful base all right hello there puppy boy do I have a spot for you there

You go now you’re not lonely you have a little friend oh look at that the other tree actually grew and I definitely think I how did I manage to get three monster trees all on the first try well uh whenever you want to grow and become a monster tree that would be fantastic

In the meantime just so I can you know start working towards the more fun parts of building you know like with some Stone so I think I’m just gonna keep on mining away at this one block until I can actually get a lava bucket or I don’t know maybe until I get like

Multiple stacks of cobblestone but from mining all of this it really doesn’t seem like I’m going to be getting that much Cobblestone just a whole lot of everything else and why is so much wood oh hello oh God it’s one of you again what oh my God okay you don’t waste any

Time let’s see uh oh God no no no no no no no no no no no that’s bad that’s really bad where did you just run off to where did he go speed demon where did you go there you are just come here come here come here not towards the chickens

Oh my God I will throw you off the map I swore my life you you cannot go for the chickens and uh okay maybe let’s see if I just get rid of you so we only have this top part are you able to get out okay well standing over here for roughly

15 seconds that is my scientific research right there that I can now uh deduce that no well he will knock it out I don’t know if he does especially if he kills the chickens then I’m throwing the fox off the edge I’m sorry to everyone

Who loves foxes but yeah no no because I don’t know how common it’s gonna be for me to get foxes now at this point now let’s get into things so um overall I spent one hour at the one block breaking it and then I got to the new phase which

You know was like the cave one nothing really changed in there didn’t really get anything I kept getting a whole lot of animals so I I guess that was cool however no Lava which honestly kind of surprised me and then I got the got to these it was the Deep cave uh I’m

Not gonna lie I forgot the name of it I’m so sorry but in there I just kept on getting the lower cave blocks from there and still more wood but I kept getting a lot more enemies just like this one creeper where I swear I was far enough

Away from it but it didn’t matter so it blew up some after seeing how it didn’t help you know having this little ring around the one block I for some reason in my mind I thought if I made it bigger it would make the enemies Wanna Hurt Me

Less or it would prevent creepers from blowing up somehow I I don’t know and this is when I was getting close to the one hour March still no Lava I did manage to get like some candles some other like deep caves stuff which is kind of cool like some of those like

Glow-in-the-dark Vines I also got some diamonds got a whole lot of iron like nearly a stack and also very lucky for me a lot of the zombies that I kept killing kept giving me iron shovels and like an iron sword so you know that was

Cool and then we got to the end of the phase and I figured oh like you know my should get some love by now since you know we’re still in the cave system phase but no um didn’t really get anything I got like a golden apple and

Then that was it I got to the end of the phase and then I decided to stop it there because we’re kind of going through the phases really fast like I think I’m already on phase five of like 12 or 14 so yeah I kind of really want

To stop you know I was just going for that lava but I really don’t think I’m going to be getting it anytime soon three two one and uh we’re in more oh now we’re in Phase five oh so we were just doing four but the Lush drip caves

Surely okay wait wait okay maybe before we stop mining this you know let’s try out a little bit of these because surely I get some in here right because I mean like you know okay so surely with this phase we should actually get some lava from this seeing how there should be

Some drip Stone in this and it would be really nice to make an iron farm okay yes an iron farm I meant a lava Farm oh yeah let me show you something we have a lot more goats and we have a lot more foxes and then I put this fox

Accidentally onto this goat and um he seems to really be enjoying it because for the past two hours now he’s been running around in circles like that and he seems to be chilling like quite literally you know he has a snowball in his mouth but I mean I just left it I

Tried to get him off but uh they’re all the way in the back so I couldn’t reach him but I don’t know I think I think this is like more magical like for whatever reason yeah see like the goats just really seemed to enjoy having foxes

On them and you only want a fox too so yeah you know not bad just need to get all those items from those foxes I kind of don’t want to donate it to him dude please I’m so desperate just give me some lava lava and a drip Stone would actually be so phenomenal

Um I’m not gonna lie I don’t know what to do with um I mean I could just put it in here I guess especially since it’ll be right next to the polar bear so I think it’d be really funny because like they’re just gonna go crazy because

They’re gonna you know want food oh wait uh that’s an issue because those are slabs oh okay wait wait I can fix this okay if I do you and then do that and then if I remove this I think that oh wait did I ever set up an infinite water

Pool uh that’s an oh okay wait that might be an issue wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait counter argument Hold Up Wait I have not smell I have ice somewhere I mean I I can make an infinite water source from that but I

Don’t know if I want to use up all the ice I mean it’s only four it’s not like I can actually use that for anything well here since we have like a lot more room up here we can put the water source right here okay please don’t make me

Look stupid Please actually work okay thank God yeah let’s see are you still alive buddy okay beautiful I mean it seems to be fine you know they’re constantly swimming around because I know like the center like the water’s pushing them away so yeah never mind that should be fine kind of wasn’t

Expecting to get fish from the Lush Cave System I mean it makes sense to have some fish maybe I was maybe more of like axolotls but you know I don’t judge oh hi oh my God no you can actually get over the hole no oh my God hi don’t

Teleport on me please oh my God that almost killed me oh okay oh yeah I forgot to mention I also got some armor but yeah maybe I need to invest in some iron armor because leather was really not cutting it there and if I’m gonna be dealing with some jockeys yeah we need

Way more protection like hello precious okay much better with this we should actually not almost die to one enemy also yeah I started cooking some Cobblestone because I kind of figured that I was never going to get lava oh yeah it’s also really Pleasant and very enjoyable every single time it turns

Nighttime one of the foxes on here just loves to scream bloody murder as if like a lady is getting killed so yeah that’s really cool and like not a little jarring can I give me a chest with some drip Stone and some lava you know like I

Know you want to because I want you to you know you know we could be kind to each other oh my God not again oh God okay much better much better good investment the Block’s not gonna spawn in the warden right is that gonna be an

Anime that I need to worry about surely not oh nice and you’re stuck oh come on man that’s like the eighth chest that I’ve gotten where it has those uh amethyst shards in them hello oh no way oh hooray before they start dying I know

That they need to water but I don’t know how long they can stay out of water oh okay well that’s gonna be a little bad maybe because they’re just constantly gonna be placing water into the void okay pick up you phew okay I don’t know what axolotls need any

Oxygen that’s right they don’t like this I don’t want to eat it can I make you guys eat it well I thought they needed tropical fish to breathe oh do you want like that yay more I won’t lie it would be kind of cool if I can get some like

More rare kind of axolotls instead of just the pink one and the brown one where’d you go hi bud oh this is so cool I’m not used to axolotls at all in uh one blocks oh God I love this newer version and also R.I.P fish I used to

Live in there so I guess this will be for the fish oh well that’s interesting can I kill the zombie and not the chicken uh let’s see I can okay nice hello the only thing is that I don’t know if this chicken is actually gonna stay because technically it’s like

Connected in with a zombie so I mean it’s already acting unbelievably weird compared to the other chickens but I’m pretty positive like when I come back after X amount of time that chicken might be gone like I’m I’m pretty positive that chicken will not stay because it was a jockey okay so let’s

Break this just a little bit more maybe until I get to the next chest but then after that I think we should go and actually make an area four all four of my chests now probably get like a little organized with that and also make this a little bit more beautiful because it’s

Kind of really ugly like I really don’t like how this looks right now and it’s more shards okay so I’m good to stop mining it there and also before we actually go and start uh building the new area I’m gonna do this quick little

Uh new build idea that I got oh okay I hope I don’t get any of you back yep yep yep just nothing yep Ryan to the void yeah perfect just like that yeah I’m good and good okay wow I didn’t even get one uh anyways here so if we put you the

Oh boy and yep yep into the void as well um okay I won’t lie I was actually expecting this to go up to there like I was kind of EX not expecting it to be like that like hmm let’s see okay so if I put you like that but I put you like

This and then this okay actually here okay before I judge it let’s just see what this looks like at the very end once it’s all done I mean I guess it’s nicer than what I have right now like this kind of works I won’t lie I was

Really expecting it to go up by like half a block on the logs because I thought that would look way cooler but I think this is nice I think I’m down for that it’s just gonna be a little pricey because I can’t seem to pick up any oh

Except for that one but I can’t seem to pick up any of the blocks that you know I chopped okay I don’t know why I just broke all the blocks right below the chest but uh let’s see if I can even get any of these staircases right below them

No way I can oh my gosh okay yes yes per perfect it is just unbelievably difficult to snipe it on the exact pixel that I needed on I think that one yeah yep just like that okay yeah I know this is absolutely impossible to see right

Now but I think I just nailed it I think I actually did all of them in the correct orientation as well beautiful okay I actually kind of like this a lot more and then if we’re doing different like color uh gradations of wood okay let’s follow all of the slabs that are

In the air right now please give me that torch and if we just replace these with the spruce ones I think this will be a really nice look whoa I like that oh I like that a lot oh and then let’s remove this one and we’ll just have this one

Right there yeah oh I like that oh it’s such a nice addition oh boy now for the big project um God do I feel like tearing up the floor like it oh man it would probably look really good because like compared to here you know and I guess this might

Be a good spot for my chest I don’t know okay so I think I finally got it after uh thinking about this for you know half a day I think that we should try and bring over the design of here to over here but I don’t really want to go

Through and destroy this entire floor because I take literal hours especially with iron tools so uh I’m definitely gonna leave this for once I finally get some netherrite tools that are you know Max now Enchanted and then that’s when we’re gonna go back and like start redesigning everything so over here uh

You know there’s like a whole lot of depth there’s a whole lot of oak logs and some leaves and different color wood so I think that what we need to do at least for like just starting off with some of the chest is definitely needs

Some wood and just so it’s not all the same because you know it’s just Oak uh I think we’re gonna start playing with some Spruce but we’re still gonna be using some oak leaves for this and yeah we definitely need to collect more of you and very luckily I have a whole lot

Of dirt now after collecting so much so we can actually add in like a nice green pasture most likely which oh God honestly yeah actually here let’s start doing that now uh let me collect you and then we’re gonna put you there and I’m pretty sure it’ll jump across to this

Which we can then go to this and then yeah we’ll just have it at least like going forward so God it’s gonna take so long actually here just to increase the odds of it uh growing a lot faster let’s also do some of this on this side there

We go and if we’re going to be making this our chest spot for like quite some time in the future uh let’s see so I don’t want to go too far just because like you know it’ll take so like unbelievably long for the dirt to or the

Grass to grow over so I think we’ll start it roughly around here uh we’ll have this be like the entrance and let’s not make it like completely smooth so I like it like that a little bit like some of these around and I think something roughly of this I should be fine I’m

Really I’m just winging it I gotta be honest in some nice beautiful dirt everywhere ah so beautiful so I think this should be fine for right now uh we’ll just extend it as time goes on and yeah actually let’s just remove this make a nice clean cut across just like that now

We need to go through and actually dig up some of the dirt that I just placed down so we could put down some of those logs with leaves on them so maybe what we could do is just leave like a one block border for this so we can go like

Here and there we go on what’s on the uh you know just stopping it right here so this will be kind of the entrance going in but this also will allow the grass to go around it and then once we add in some leaves this place is gonna look so

Green and I kind of like this um I can’t wait like if I ever get to like episode 50 or something on this world because I’m gonna do everything I want to make this world and like my main project kind of I won’t lie because I love this mod

Pack so much just imagine how much This is Gonna Change within like 50 episodes like you know in like maybe half a year from now oh I’m excited for this then luckily I don’t need to break any of the chest right now because I can just go

Over there to take one of the metric tons that I have oh wow you’re actually wow you’re going fast and see this is why we do the double side give it a whole lot of choices first you know grow over here super fast but nice no it’s

Not even brighter over here they’re the same light level so I don’t know why this grows faster now for all of our chests at least for right now like it really doesn’t matter I think we leave it down low we don’t want to make them

Like eye level oh dear God I love love these birds on man I adore them so much okay I’ll put you on that side and I’ll put some on the side get two more dress and you can go right here now we just need to kind of get organized I think

You know one of the most important ones so we’ll just make this wood oh I’m getting close to chopping down your entire Forest I swore my life I really hope it’s not these leaves that’s making all those birds go crazy oh boy we got a whole lot okay

Um so here we’ll make this all of the main wooden ones that we have and oh my God I already have so much jeez I have a whole lot of Oak I’ll never have an issue there okay beautiful so with that all entirely done so then we’ll make

This a nice wooden chest with all of our chest inside of them God you get so much throughout this and then we’re just gonna throw in all of the other random little uh wooden types that we get right into there you can also go with there

Shut up bird thank you next to that let’s just get all of like the stone types that we have oh God we have a lot wait that’s white concrete powder oh man it wants me to build the autoinator and then we’ll just make this her Stone

Chest which we have so much to go through and pick out then we can go around collect all of our foliage stuff and uh yeah we’ll just take like all the farming and food and you can go right into here now it’s time to get all of

Our valuable stuff like all of our oars and all the uncooked ones oh my God there’s so much copper and now with almost everything pretty much organized we have this one last chest and then I’m just I’m really lazy to organize everything else because it’s so like

Minuscule and just really all over the place so for all of this stuff we’re just gonna throw it all into that chest yeah that God that would be way too much work organizing all of that plus I don’t even know if this is gonna be staying all of this might be uh getting

Reorganized or swapped over to something else like with How I build oh it’s so much more open and beautiful down here now we just need to move you guys guys do I think a good spot of like right here and you go there you can go over

Here hold on to those for me and now very luckily if a creeper to where to spawn into here again and then just blow up I really don’t need to care so I think we should be completely fine and safe you know if anything were to blow

Up I’ll say let me remove this from like our little planner box and then we can upgrade to having our bed uh um right here ah there’s so much to build so much to do uh it’s gonna be so busy uh before the movie is over though I really I

Actually I think I need to build a cartography table ooh but do I have any glass oh very likely I do have the paper and wow look at that I luckily have the wood as well so we can make a cartography table we’ll just smack you

Down right there and oh boy now it comes down to if I have any sand like at all sand or glass ooh this might get a little tricky uh that’s really not good well I’m honest honestly kind of shocked I haven’t gotten any sand yet oh really

I don’t have any and the worst part is I think I need six because I need to make pains God I can I don’t have any whatsoever okay well you know but I’m so sold to the idea because I really want to have this map locked in so then like

If I ever like pick it up you know then be like oh wow you know it didn’t update even though I just updated right now but I wanted it to but yeah I just I want to remember you know like the beginning of the world maybe every single episode you

Know I’ll make a map just so we could see how much the the our base changes you know so here let’s just oh God not you again nope didn’t mean to hit the chicken I’m sorry buddy no don’t touch me you’re so where are you going oh if I

Saw four chickens that means the yeah not I’m pretty sure the other jockey one because I’m pretty positive I had four with that jockey in here so yeah I don’t think the jockey chickens stay but I could be wrong you know well we’ll be certain this time you know because now I

I have four for certain I I could have had three last but let’s just keep mining just for a little bit see if I can get any kind of sand because I’d be really really nice it’s just like I should need six that’s all I need I

Think the worst part is that I actually have to get through this phase oh hi oh no no there’s two no no no no no uh you you could be for fish oh God he doesn’t have water oh the other one down there he’s still alive somehow I don’t know

How he’s doing oh God it didn’t work um I don’t have any blocks no this one just died can I make uh is he no no he’s still I don’t have any water oh no he just died I guess that’s a little awkward um yeah at least I could pick up that water

Again yeah let me yeah let me oh let me go sleep oh no please nothing’s spawning and let’s do the SMART where’s the slab yeah this is the one issue of building wood slabs is that you know you can’t put down any water to save your fish you

Know and that’s totally not a very specific moment that won’t apply to like 99 of the player base well uh let’s see if I can get more fish no wait oh I don’t have water again I hope that you guys can survive outside of water for a

While I don’t think you’re the rare kind yeah I know I don’t think this one is but let’s see if I can hopefully save both of them no oh my God oh my God I’m so dumb oh I am so dumb I’m so dumb I’m

Dumb I’m dumb I’m dumb oh no oh they’re not moving uh hi guys yeah I really need you to get out of the way so I can place this there thank you bad I’m killing everything that I love in here entirely by accident okay there you

Go you guys luckily have water again uh let’s see if the one down here is still alive it is okay I don’t know how many seconds or minutes that can survive outside of water but I really don’t want to find out yeah there you go pick that

Back up okay actually no let me let me see if I can can I can I keep this in there can I can I place it thank you okay we’re gonna leave that in there for whenever I place down our axolotls and yeah let’s have another one

For the fish I have like a little stump in there but at least then I can actually place down water did I leave oh God there’s a water source somewhere oh that’s gonna bug me and I think I know exactly where it is okay let’s do this okay we’re gonna do a

Pretty harmless fix okay so I put my water there and I pick up that water and then this water I put right in there and then I pick up that water now I need all of you to move so I can put you there

And then you go there now if we go to the edge there’s no water okay beautiful God I’m so smart I think I just redeemed myself I don’t think I’m going to be mining too much I really don’t want to make that much progress on this yet oh

Hi nope nope I did nope nope nope it wasn’t looking for you come here please stop shooting me thank you oh yes I can make a lava farm with these if I ever get some lava but that’s actually huge that’s not even circus and that’s actually so needed and nice no oh no

It’s the fish again please please please please yes okay I got this one go go go go go go go go go okay there you go saved you get this come over here buddy don’t run don’t run come on yes oh thank God I don’t think either of them even

Took damage oh I’m so amazing I’ve improved as a player so much over the course of like two minutes and on second thought maybe we actually do want to get through this phase because I kind of really don’t like it um it’s giving nice you know oars and everything but I kind

Of don’t like how many different like hard rocks there are you know like granites this thing beautiful oh nope gotta get rid of you yeah maybe we want to get through this one just so I can get to like future phases especially one that’ll actually give me law books I’m

Still really surprised that neither of the cave faces have given me lava just just putting that out there oh dear God how many are there of you is there a spider skeleton mom just giving birth to all of you like what’s going on oh I mean I’ll take those because like I can

Make like a bigger lava Farm but like come on yeah you’re literally teasing me you are oh my God you’re you’re teasing me yeah I don’t care for chainmail something you know we’re I mean maybe you know maybe we’re getting closer to some lava come here buddy man the day that they

Give me three fish to catch oh man that’s gonna be a tough Challenge and right now I am one of the greatest fishermen alive so far I have a zero loss ratio on fish just ignore the two that died two circumstances outside of my control oh dear God no no oh God no

It’s a baby oh God it’s two babies okay you’re gone you’re gone and actually here let’s go take care of the chickens right now yeah let’s run past every single carnivore that we own just to tease them that they can’t eat this chicken yep sucks for all of you nope

That’s my fourth one okay so yeah that oops sorry I didn’t mean to hit him oh uh yeah that’s just uh kind of just showed me that saving the chickens are completely useless which kind of sucks but um yeah you know at least I can just

Kill him like that and we can actually get some food out of them oh dear God hi why are you on an autograph or something oh you want a hug too bad why was there oh it was because of the brown dye man I saw those pains pop up thinking like oh

I can actually make something now please sir I would like some lover doctor God not you again I like that one relative on the hall it is I just want to take the hint go home I don’t want you here okay was that too real no no I’m fine

How you doing how’s the wife how are the kids oh she divorced steering it don’t worry I can see why oh and welcome to your lovely new home where’d you go okay I was like you can’t go that are they’re not an Olympic runner you’re an Olympic

Swimmer maybe episode two might want to build them bigger areas or at least bigger pens but I don’t know maybe they like being cramped up like that however it’s not looking good uh this phase is just taking forever to get through we aren’t getting any lava so we can’t even

Make like a cobblestone generator I also can’t even make the nether portal which I actually could make if I would just quite literally just get one lava but you know then that would take absolutely forever to farm it and it doesn’t even seem like we’re gonna be getting any

Sand oh cool we got you so we can’t even uh make that map stay like that forever in case we pick it up like you know we can’t lock it so yeah plus you know we’re getting very close to the 50 hour mark I am getting exhausted my energy

Level is so low size God I think you know for reaching the end and hello and why do I always get the pink one and the white one I want the rare one no no where did I put it where’s the water where’s the water okay there’s the water

And Boop oh my God there’s so many oh my ultra ah there’s so much to do so little time however I would like to think that we found my progress on here you know we got a pretty decent uh design concept going especially with the staircase I

Won’t lie I don’t know why I built the staircase first when I don’t have any plans for down here for quite some time but I don’t know at least like I like fully built this and this you know I think these are decorated nicely definitely gonna be making some changes

To it in additions to it as time goes on and yeah it still does not seem like we are anywhere near the end of this space so it is most definitely going to take an astronomical time to get through all these phases oh man that would have been

So funny if that was the end of it oh God you again no you can’t have an autograph no no photo either nope oh that’s so cute he left me his helmet thank you so I hope you guys have enjoyed the movie I hope you guys are

Excited for episode two and you guys want to see it because I really want to continue this series I really want to make this world my baby and just like make it super beautiful and build farms for everything and a lot of Mega builds like I really want to do Mega builds

It’s been about a year since I’ve ever made one and I kind of miss them you know I’m kind of itching to go uh go big or go home but yeah thank you guys so much for watching hopefully see you guys in episode two check out the second

Channel if you’d like to see me play some other games like raft or Ark survival and I will see you guys next time see you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2023-07-14 16:15:00. It has garnered 477203 views and 10872 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:47 or 8027 seconds.

I Survived 50 Hours in On A SINGLE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! 30,000 Likes and I’ll release episode 2! 🙂

INTRO SONG – bbno$ – piccolo https://youtu.be/AMPa3339G5I


MY SECOND CHANNEL! – https://youtu.be/MdB6K9pHTzQ


🐦-= Twitter – https://twitter.com/Skyes 🎽 -= Merch – https://skyesmerch.com/ 🎥-= Twitch (Live streams) – https://www.twitch.tv/notskyes 🖥️-= My VODS Channel – https://bit.ly/3qD1i4U

Edited by: https://twitter.com/MeggTheEditor


#50Hours #OneBlockSkyblock #minecraft If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks 😊


Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 01:03 Hour 1 19:58 Hour 5 39:43 Hour 10 51:58 Hour 15 1:04:15 Hour 20 1:13:58 Hour 25 1:25:46 Hour 30 1:37:58 Hour 35 1:48:45 Hour 40 2:02:22 Hour 45

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I Survived 50 Hours in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!