I Think I Know What I’m Doing… Kinda…【Terraria】#vtuber #pngtuber

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Cool hello I’m here now yep I’m back I’m back for Mortar yeah let’s go see I’m back Force I’m back here for some more Taria Target you know words I can’t speak English that well you know like wait oh shoot I’ve got I have a discourse over two now right

I guess I should add everyone then huh but yeah so I have a Discord server now which is nice and all but it’s very small underdeveloped but it’s okay um at anyone live if you are free there we go all right now that’s done and out of the way

Uh let me check the audio first do Darius is fine it seems like at least hold on see I’m just checking audios he’s good or not actually good I see ah turn the audio a little bit to 20 20 no 26.5 26.5 yeah let’s see Okay the audience means good all right all right so as you can see I’ve been playing Tara off screen off screen and it’s been great I’ll be honest it’s been very very great I enjoyed every bits of piece of it and I really do enjoyed it and it’s a bit questionable too

To say the least because one thing that I will say is that I’m not very good I’m not very good at Terraria however though but I do enjoy what is this a pinwheel ooh but yeah basically I just been playing Taria so much off stream now I’ve been playing ever since morning

But don’t worry though I did do my work I did make my thumbnails I did do everything else along the line I did do my stuff I I was I’m a good kid foreign but also um just overall this is what I’ve been doing for the past few days now just

Playing Terraria and that’s it and yeah because I should put away the sand blocks too uh which one’s this block minerals potions yeah right here so I did watch some guides how to do a little bit or how to do or how to be significantly a little bit better at the game itself

And I guess it turns out I need to make more potions or so what do you have magical hat increased magic damage by critical chance by two oh wow okay here what’s happening do pink team pink team Bamboo Leaf summons a baby red panda but One Platinum oh my goodness really that’s insane

Well I can’t do anything about that oh that’s fine I’ll just shut up no I don’t you can’t marry anyone in this game anyway so it’s all good let’s see depth currency what’s this could you count dab okay so it’s my accessories okay so they can be equipped but they

Can also be what why am I able to cut Vines still is it because of this I kind of want to get rid of this if I’m going to be honest I kind of want to get rid of this it’s a bit annoying in a way since I’m getting

Um it’s like taking up inventory spots that’s it that’s a bit of an annoying aspect about this thing but it’s fine though I guess in a way but overall I do want other stuff to be used up besides that I guess anyway yay a blue slime doesn’t matter at all it’s just slimes

Though no it’s just slime doesn’t matter which slime is it see how much wood I have to a thousand that’s a lot of wood that’s fine we’re there last teleported right here so I need to go back yes I need to go back because that’s not the right area hmm

It’s hard to tell honestly it’s hard to tell I’m making your progress but most of the time though I’m getting better equipment too that’s one thing I’m getting better equipments better stuff somewhat I guess in a way but also I just want to I just want to

Make more potions I guess I should learn how to make potions and such have everything set up and be ready with it too that’s one thing I should do actually yeah actually you know what no let’s not explore the cave a little bit that’s actually um just start

Um making some sort of a potion stand somewhere I don’t want to make on top over here though but I do want like a staircase up here too so I might as well tear this down a little bit okay there’s open roof that’s fine but I do need let’s see platforms I need

Platforms platforms uh if only if only we can search if only we can search oh that’s that’s fine if only we can just simply just search up items that we’re looking for that’ll be so convenient honestly that’d be very convenient it’s a bit dark too I can’t see there we go

There we go that looks better oh that looks a lot better actually I like that that’s actually a lot better I guess the only way for me to make staircases is but only I have a platform going across from it I guess in a way I mean that’s that’s neat to know I

Guess like right here totally totally it’s working totally right here on I don’t get it though it was working earlier why is it not working now what is this I think oh okay there we go okay there you go that’s much much easier right right smart cursor goddamn they’re so they’re

So useful aren’t they okay Abigail you’re you’re blocking a bit too much there we go that’s that’s fine you know there we go yeah I am new Corolla hello hello Tristan hello I am definitely new wait huh wait can I just walk past through this oh no

Oh no this is drop down that’s it okay okay I am I am new I am very new and um I’m going to attempt making a potion stand I guess or a place for me to make potions and such since I have not defeated any single boss at

All I’ve been playing it I’ve been mining mostly that’s it so this is what I have currently right now with my current inventory Platinum helmet take uh tungsten chest male pants Spark band regeneration we have this ready I have this already and this already and I got the angry

Scope uh angry uh obscene skull and such so it’s not that bad it’s not that bad and I found um the mace before I turn it into a you know before I convert my torches into the um the mace now so I have this flaming thingy it’s kind of cool not

Gonna lie it is very convenient too because I really like this Auto attack as well too so it’s a bit convenient I like it but yeah other than that though I’m relatively still new and I have not made any progress whatsoever any progress in terms of

Any progress in terms of like the game fighting the boss and such I have not yeah that’s pretty much it really because I’ll turn this I’ll turn this area into a Alchemy or potion area I guess I’ll just do that no it’s too tall okay

I don’t know though I don’t have wait I think I have a ruby but wait hold on let me check I think I have a ruby I do remember finding one or having one let’s see I swear I thought I found a ruby somewhere it’s a sapphire This Life Crystals sticky bomb

Wait hold on wait I swear I have a ruby because I did look up a guy how to summon one using a crown but I don’t know how to make a crowd but I know it needs a ruby that’s I that’s what I’m aware it needs a ruby that’s it

I don’t have root I swear I have I’ve seen rubies in my inventory no when I went exploring I swear come on now where is it if only I have a search bar option over here somewhere to search up for a particular item I need that’d be very convenient you know

That’d be very convenient it’s like a huge mess I swear I have Ruby somewhere what the heck uh uh oh it’s an inventory dirt never mind it’s in my inventory never mind can you make well the things in my world I have for two mineral

I have no idea honestly my okay my kind of build I’m trying to go for right now I know there is only there’s Ranger Summoner a magician and melee um I kind of want I’m leaning towards a little bit towards uh magician or magician magic and

Melee at the same time because uh I kind of want to have like a little ice theme with my character for in a sense so I kind of what I have for the time being but that’s like what I have in my mind right now for the time being I’m melee I guess

In a way because I don’t know much about it but I do ideally ideally what I plan to do is that to have a ice and melee kind of build a Magic Ice kind of build kind of character that’s what I kind of want to

Go with and have fun with it and let’s see how far I can go with it too and hello patreon hello does platinum count too as gold since you know uh lead is iron and platinum is gold doesn’t matter because I don’t know or do I actually need to get gold somehow yeah

Yeah I thought you need Ace nothing no I have smelting I have platinum in my not in my inventory but I do have Platinum um okay let’s see can I make a crown there’s a bow is this it yeah I think I need Platinum Crown right I can’t tell

Yeah so I don’t know hmm oh okay okay okay if I make it now so I just need to click it that’s it I don’t have a fighting area too that’s one thing too oh okay stun jail do I need to go to these summoning altar

Do I need to go to like the monster alter thing to make it though that’s what I’m assuming that’s what I need to do right since I do I did found one by uh accident around here the demon altar if I can find it it’s like somewhere around

Here like right here so do I need to go to okay I need to be altered in okay why can’t we just craft them and why can’t we just craft them it’ll be convenient if you can just craft the demon Alters instead why we had to go like manually go search for them

And it sucks all right let’s see I didn’t remember where is it though that’s a campfire demon altar where are you that’s a campfire I guess so but they it’s a bit of annoying it’s a bit annoying if I’m if I’m going to be honest it’s a bit

Annoying okay so I was right here it’s in this water park area so the closest thing is ah screw it might as well just go laughs well Plus there’s like so many Secrets I didn’t know that Tara has to offer there’s so many little secrets so many musical

Stuff and plus I also need to start learning applying Buffs or start relying using buff 2. I also need to start learning how to do that too oh this is just classic I’m I’m very new uh Parrot uh parrot I’m very new so I’m I’m just going with the um classic for

Now then later on after I guess I defeated the one one boss that basically makes goes to Hard Mode afterwards the Wall of Flesh I think that’s what it’s called a flesh eater or Wall of Flesh from hell I guess and that’s when you get into a hard mode afterwards but you know

I still have a long way to go before I become I guess more before before I learned how to get good basically I do I can’t get good I suck I can’t get good I need to get good plus it’s kind of a bit hard to find

Magic spells here I really I learned it’s a bit hard to find magic spells and such since most of the chess I found so far at least in dungeons they don’t seem to have any sort of like magical properties it’s more like this melee class or yeah many class in general all right

Yay yay like a boss oh okay okay maybe I should maybe I should huh turns out okay so I did explore a little bit at the very end of the corruption area I kind of hate it though the fact that the I the ice biome is over here but my

The corruption areas right here already so it kind of sucked that’s a little bit close all right let me just quickly get out here no I don’t have the thing shoot I didn’t bring my other I didn’t bring the item with me hold on it sucks though it sucks that the ice

Biomes at the corruption area which is I don’t like going I try to run but since I don’t have any movement speed on me I’ll do my hook shot that’s it so I was able to get I was able to get overwhelmed quickly and I died from there

It’s kind of sad but it’s whatever where’s the thing because I do have that other thing there it is right here the magic mirror this is the one I’m looking for but yeah before I do so I thought I didn’t want to make a potion first so I

Don’t want to make some potions or see if have any useful ones in fact see I have because it takes some of these mining irons yeah I’ll take one iron skin shine now regeneration I’ll take that too night owls bunker uh potion combat that’s okay I have a I think magic mirror

At the matching mirror so I’m fine with it I can just I can start selling the Callback potions now it’s for extra money and I should create a campfire too all right doesn’t matter if a um battle arena for it does it matter since um

Okay that’s what I thought so do I need do I actually need to build an arena just for this particular boss fight how far is ideally should be away from your base I wonder oh I mean I have this too I have the wands okay I think I should be fine I hope

Okay it’s not even flat so okay make a staff okay maybe I should huh okay okay here um it doesn’t help these guys are spawning into it shouldn’t be that bad actually nothing about it it shouldn’t be that bad how bad can it be what can go wrong

Right what can go wrong I definitely did not activate the um the Queen’s B by accident when I discover her Arena nothing nothing can go wrong right I learned my lesson to a certain degree I learned my lesson somewhat what can possibly go wrong you know what can possibly go wrong

Oh shoot I should get the Slime Batman too I should get this slime banner I forgot how can I forget about that let me get the Slime Banner I have the Slime pattern go get that do I have it on me I guess I do huh okay shoot

For the banners for slime doesn’t matter if the color is correspond to it or it just or is it just like it applies to all slimes not specific colors and they should be fine I guess over here is kind of okay oh it does oh damn it okay then

Okay let me go I can just simply hiding spot here too this could be the this can be my hiding spot I guess and I heard chairs can make can we generally Health too so I’m gonna put it here because you know why not uh uh that should be it right

Yeah that’s everything 2000 HP actually not bad it’s only 2 000. oh that’s big oh whoa that’s a big guy actually this guy’s not that bad never mind it has that that is bad never mind oh it was Abigail shoot where’s where’s she where is she where is she

I mean at least the Slime is blue that’s actually one thing is very nice at least the Slime is blue he’s not like what a different color that’s a good thing at least right oh oh that’s why I go on a tree that’s where I use this tree to my advantage you know

That’s okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay stop now stop now hey sexy not that bad actually I like it okay why is it faster though why is it moving faster at the same time why are you moving faster oh okay okay oh [ __ ]

Well okay you can teleport okay he can teleport so look so there’s no point of hiding in there’s no point of hiding it no no no no ah wait does it respawn wait oh that was so close too what the heck wait that’s is the boss still there

Or is it gone for good after that first respawn it disappears no damn it oh great it was so close here I was doing so well okay damn it under 50 HP too yeah under 50 hit points oh my Lord that’s unfortunate under 50 HP I should probably hmm I do have two

Extra two extra Health um what is it health life what is it called life life heart life hearts yeah I do have uh actual uh two extra Life Crystals but I’m trying to put in the bottle see if that makes a difference since I did heard I’ve seen

That they can heal you too I mean I have four but I don’t I don’t want to get raided at all that’s one thing too I don’t want to get ready too because I didn’t I did hurt if your health is um past 120 you’re going to get raided

And which is something I don’t have like in terms like I can’t really do much laughs I’ll use it later I’ll use it later when I was gonna make a potion where’s the class 280 okay uh all right if I do get rated from this

I’m blaming you guys I’m if I do get raided I’m gonna blame all you you all and blaming every single one of you if I do get rated somehow out of nowhere I’m gonna blame you guys where’s the heart see heart heart star in a bottle

I’ll take that yep I’ll do I’ll take that wait so I need chains on me too with any chains as well hold on once you have a chains Chains No chain that chains on me no I don’t don’t I no I don’t oh my God there’s a small car they are so small

I have them somewhere they they are just scattered everywhere I have not organized my chest yet they’re they’re somewhere they’re in somewhere there there are chains right here okay okay top row I mean this is the um what is it notice the um also here oh okay

Increased oh that’s what it is oh you need oh you need lens oh you need chains not bottles oh okay that makes a lot of sense now okay I thought you need bottles I guess I’ll put them in here for now I guess so dark

Dark are there any do I need to hook up with chains actually nothing about it do I need to hook up them with chains or with a platform no okay oh that’s better yay okay how do we make staffs anyways don’t because uh you need gems right gems can

Make an influence or some sort of impact of your staffs right or no foreign by this logic so if I want ice if I if I want to ice um type of magic then I guess Sapphire will be the best option I guess Sapphire would be like the ideal

What has Sapphire already so let’s see Platinum probably see if I need different Woods too let me see if we can use um materials where is it tungsten oh okay tungsten okay silver where’s tungsten the heck hopefully it doesn’t require too much for Tungsten if that’s the case if

Hopefully doesn’t require too much hopefully oh my God guide there’s amethyst this Amber amethyst blizzard that’s the one I want aqua very fast 16. I don’t have access to the materials for the Blitzer staff anyways wait no you have to find it never mind yeah from Ice Queen

All right in this case they might as well just make the um Aqua Specter I guess let’s see can’t you craft it Auto fire smells by fishing dungeon fishing no I can’t craft it nope hmm we’ll put okay then put craftable craftable wands that’d be much more better

Oh the NPC tells you okay oh wait is that is that the only way to get new um recipe really hold on let me see how do I give it to him though how did I give to you how huh how did I give it to you Cole laughs coal

The little square which little square which oh this one oh okay silver bardel I don’t in my world do I have silver I actually don’t know if there’s like another variation for it like iron like iron to the lead Platinum to gold that’s gonna be rare Um yeah all right let’s see let’s put tungsten let’s see well I have a emerald crystal I don’t yeah I guess I’m gonna get emerald staff though but I don’t have enough um I don’t have enough Emerald I don’t think let’s see check okay I have enough I just don’t have

Enough tungsten that’s it Boom Clap and check Platinum man that’s a that’s a that’s unfortunate though that’s very unfortunate that I can’t I need to find diamond clip the hammer above the Box okay hmm all right then that sucks what does this do actually Mac close increasing maximum Mana by 20.

Your story Mana when damage interesting oh this guy’s useful huh we can make the falling star besides anything Enchanted Nightcrawler warm super Mana ha what is this oh copycon chest plate I need cloth this and silver dye oh that’s a that’s a lot okay um

I don’t know what to say okay so I guess he’s I should use him more huh I should actually look at him more but um I got a mine again God damn it that’s that one thing I don’t want to do is my name I do have a sapphires but I don’t have

Enough silver that’s it I only have three silver bars that’s it I do have sapphire in my inventory it’s just the um silver bars I don’t have that’s it yeah it’s just that just that yeah I could always try again it’s not it’s not a big deal too but look at this

Lightsaber oh fancy a blue plasma blade although I do want to try out any other elements I can use though besides I guess um because besides Sapphire I guess I try and let’s see let’s let’s see if I can use any other purple blade this thing is copper okay not bad

Emerald I mean no gold bar okay topaz all right topaz let’s see what can I do for topaz 10. okay I have that I can make that okay cool I have that 10 10. I do have potions on spunking I do I do it’s in here somewhere in my magical

Stack of potions right here spunking it’s very good I like it I do want a mining potion too I should stick that with me too let me see how much matter does it use though let’s see craftables where’s the wand where is it there it is topaz staff

It uses five mono though that’s one thing huh two damage different though could chance actually you know what I actually don’t need it the one of isn’t like the one on sparkling is actually much more better so there’s no point crafting it it looks like Elise it looks like it oh my God

I guess I should huh I really should the emerald one’s good yeah but I don’t have access to the materials I don’t think so so I might as well just try to rely on a good old um let’s put it here I guess let’s see spunking where are you

Ruby’s the second best okay all right right I need tungsten right you think tungsten that’s the one I need all right let’s go down the Walk of Shame all right that’s good I mean I could but I don’t know if you can find Diamonds though I don’t know for that

I don’t know what for how far or how low does it go now how deep I need to go in in order to get diamond that’s one thing I just don’t know that’s it maybe like below then blow below than this I guess oi

Oy should I put me in the trash can wait and see I have enough Emerald I have enough Emerald I just need to find tungsten tungsten that’s it I guess I should use my potions too huh oh that’s so much that’s so much tungsten my goodness

Hmm you know it’s kind of sad now you brought that up because I didn’t know about that so earlier uh around like four hours ago I made before before I’ve made any of a better tier armor and such I was still using lead I made I finally decided to upgrade my

Armor after having enough lead in my inventory in my chest full of chests and chests and such one thing I did by accident that I didn’t know is that I didn’t know that pressing alt would immediately will transfer to like the trash can what I didn’t know oh look another one

Right here well then what I didn’t know is that um I made the armor already and I was pretty much I used up all the uh lead ore to make uh ingots to uh armors but the thing is though I thought that you know the moment I saw you can literally

Swap or snap any uis with the control with the alt I um threw one of my armor in the trash can and that armor was a lead armor that I crafted recently it was very fun after learning that my lead armor is gone I was actually

Molding about it like God damn it I literally was molding about the fact that I lost my hard-earned lead because I didn’t know that spunkin does this I didn’t know that mining was you know using potions was very crucial in this game I was molding a lot of realizing oh

I gotta go mine again start digging around aimlessly now I need to find ores in order to find something good now it sucks it sucks so so it feels quite nice it feels it feels quite nice but also goddamn is it like painful to witness my hard work

Ls10 hard work and everything else goes down the drain is that topaz by any chance all right let’s amethyst okay also wait for I uh I did control I did control yeah I did I did control I don’t know what this alt does oh oh you mean favorite oh that’s favorite oh

Okay that’s favorite oh okay how much I have three minutes eight minutes okay oh [Laughter] I should have brought my I should have brought the night vision potion huh so for grapple for uh grapples right I’m assuming yeah like I’m assuming that diamond is the best or diamond or

Emerald are the best one to in terms of reach and yeah in terms of reach like how far you can reach I’m assuming no these are 10 give me Platinum because I do want a full set of platinum armor oh really that’s what oh that’s what Diamond does oh okay

So Diamond does piercing but also grapples I guess towards whatever location or destination would go I’m assuming okay oh hmm I also need to make an alchemy table I also need to make pots for potions because I think mainly now I think about it most potion I’m probably gonna make is

Like iron skin and Magic based kind of potions and I guess also spunk and Mining efficiency I guess modern slime oh okay okay who was that oh a great Stone what was it gravitational gravitational allows the ability to control gravity oh that’s cool okay maybe I should maybe maybe one day maybe

One day once I oh what’s that what is this hello oh that’s so cool Detonator oh that’s pretty cool yeah that’d be fun to honestly playing Terraria together that’d be fun that’d be fun to do I okay here’s the thing here’s the thing though that I need to know about

Multiplayer went with playing Terraria right doesn’t matter do you need to go like a third party source to make a server that’s my only question now because if that’s the case then that would suck that we had to go through the extra mile or do another extra step in order to

Play multiplayer if that’s the case oh that’s so much more better than that’s so much more better than all right that’s actually pretty good that’s very good damn way better than Minecraft that’s definitely for sure that’s good because I never that’s one thing I never liked about Minecraft in the first place

That’s one thing I never liked about Minecraft everything I mean that’s good though that’s very good at least that it’s like very simple and stuff that’s very good before Realms I remember the pain that I got Minecraft that’s remember it the moment I got Minecraft and my friend

Said hey you wanna play Minecraft together sure we can play Minecraft together after realizing that we need to actually pay money to a third party website in order to host the server together like bruh like what can we do like honestly what can we do ah okay see where is the

Where’s Emerald there it is right here staff right here six models only six really okay pretty basic pretty basic okay that’s pretty basic I mean it’s a ride though it’s better than nothing I guess it’s pretty basic see what can I do with you though what can I do with you

No I can’t okay a platinum watch hmm okay I see to make potions to make an Alchemy stand uh what you need is very simple all you need is a a platform and a bottle and that’s how you make Alchemy that’s as far as I’m aware and some sort of a water source

That’s it as far as I’m aware when I switch up a guide how to make potions and such that’s what all the guys have said at least so I don’t know if it’s true or not I can be wrong that’s screw it I’ll use it

All right let’s see how back and how bad can it be how bad can raid be nothing about it learning do I need to go back down to crafting table I really do huh oh a bottle on a workbench oh okay all right then guess I’ll make a workbench here then okay

Then I do have a bottle right here okay I do stream often I do I’m trying to stream daily as much as possible I used to do five times a day but I’m thinking about doing seven times a day but the only difference is for stream my streaming schedule is that

Only Tuesday and Wednesday I’m able to stream 5 p.m through four No 5 PM no am to um nine PM 9 am so five to nine but then on Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday I’m wanting to stream around only three to two hours depending how lucky I am with my time

Scheduling with work and such since it can be weird since they like to change our schedule a lot for some reason I don’t know why but it just depends how much work we have to do and yeah and see if um we’re busy or not that’s it for work

So yeah there’s a good chance I have there’s I always stream tomorrow too of course I might as well start streaming like um seven times seven stream a week might be wasteful but you know what it’s it’s whatever I enjoy streaming it’s very fun how do I make a sink actually

Can’t you make a sink I’ve nothing’s under the heavy Wick metal right oh Lord Jesus Christ yeah sink sink sink bathtub wait hold on oh thank you if you if you want to come by come and come by anytime you’re not forced you’re not force I’m not forcing anyone to stay here

I’m not begging or anything you’re welcome to stay you’re welcome to leave it’s okay I thought you could make a sink here am I missing a crucial in am I missing a crucial component wait hold on let me see call what can I do with lead

I thought you need to sing like a water source for your bottle for making potions right because you can just craft it you need to craft like you have glass bottle you need to craft it into a a water bottle I guess nope you don’t really have any wood

Oh you just need to stand in water okay okay then I guess the Alchemy stuff would be outside then it’ll be outside all right that’s fine put it here oh Lord inventory is so messy I hate it was dirt where is it okay yeah go go craft me some bottles I gotta

Go go get my bottles now yeah I think there’s some what you see where’s the water at all right this one over there okay it is very fun Tara is a very fun game it’s quite fun actually it’s quite fun to suffer don’t you enjoy suffering in a very

Simple 2D game like this I sure do it’s always a wonderful experience for everyone to play once in a while my Lord I do have honey too I do I do have a honey bottle too somewhere in my chest area too but I don’t use it

Uh yeah it’s a long range definitely not going to rage in that game too totally not right and you know not going rage in a video game as well totally I will rage I promise you that I won’t rage in Terraria I won’t rage totally do not die

By multiple Boulders at one point or cactus in a desert while digging on the ground totally yeah totally I I swear to God why why does the cat does this why does the ball cactus does so much damage 60-30 damage already right off the bat like bruh why

I literally just I recoiled so so much to the point where I didn’t even know that it could be that bad like why why do you do so much damage it’s so unnecessary for them to do so much damage in the first place like in this game I feel like they the

Dev whoever the dev is they literally like to troll people with the traps and everything is along the line with it oh you see a trapdoor Contraption but you didn’t see the darts yeah that happened to me was I die from the darts I got great I saw the treasure chest I want

The booty I want the goods and you know what happened to it afterwards I died why because I literally did not look through my surroundings and was hyper focused on the chest and that’s how I die but innocent unsuspecting noobs okay look here I might be a noob but one day

You see me improve over time I hope you definitely see me grow stronger over time the little by little just you wait and see just you wait and see who knows maybe one day I would like to troll you guys as well too who who knows

Maybe maybe I’m a good player maybe I’m just a pro player pretending that I’m a terrible player by uh by playing bad on purpose just so that I can definitely feel uh some sort of a validation of my action probably okay that should be good enough right that should be good enough for

Um yeah that should be good enough now okay I’ll show you I used that on my bladder when he has 10K out you that’s right you bet you thought that I bought this game yesterday no this is my alternate account you think that I was able to you

Think I’m willing to spend another ten dollars by the way in this game to make some quick content about Terraria nah I’ve been playing this game ever since the very beginning of launch I am an old veteran player I’m just trolling with you guys where’s the Sand where’s the sand

Uh where is it so I’m gonna block yeah go to my furnace oh what is this what does the glass kiln does actually I’m kind of curious what does it do I have not seen any uses for it besides um making like what food I’m assuming I’m assuming that

That’s what the glass kiln is for uh for a second I thought that was a gun for a second that Sprite caught me off guard I thought that was a a glass gun for a second I was gonna say we can make guns out of glass in this game okay that’s gonna say

I will say oh so it’s just there for cosmetic then class yeah glass Canyon man I’m a glass Canyon okay so I just wasted a lot of my resources on that thing huh that’s unfortunate where is it where is it a wine glass okay that’s pretty cool a mug

There better be coffee I swear they might be coffee in this game because I did I did obtain a coffee they better be at least a coffee machine maker because I do want some coffee right now it’s I don’t have a caffeine addiction I swear I don’t have a caffeine addiction

I totally do not drink three coffee three coffee a day at one point no actually no not think about it I used to drink Five Coffee a day I used to but then I stopped it’s a mob drop only damn that’s unfortunate that’s quite sad okay that’s that’s very sad

All right let’s make the glass uh just for aesthetic though just for aesthetic though where is it a Lamppost oh that looks nice and give me the mug got my inventory so messy put it here pretty reasonable pretty reasonable Ah that’s so satisfying okay now that’s done

Um now I just need to learn the recipe for well I can what can I do so how to make splunking potion how do I make um mining potion see crafting how do I make these actually no okay so herbs it’s the herbs for mine it’s the herbs I have herbs I do

Sunflower dead wheat via mushroom s this water leaf stay bloom fire Bloom and oh yeah what’s the black lindas actually I want to know too I mean he’s he is the NPC that helps you right it should give him the option for he should give you the option at least

To reverse engineer an item right he should at least give you the option like how sunglasses makes you look cool uh Blick staff Tony attacks summon damage very weak comp knock bag oh wow me this this hollow bar and soul of sight interesting okay okay we can do day boom well

Lead Oren I am a water bottle okay genders a gender change potion okay Greenland regeneration potion what do I need oh okay water day Bloom and mushroom iron skin is day Bloom and iron ore or lead okay yep manner generation fear Shrine night owl archery Hunter heart reach what is this the increase

Pickup range for for Life hearts a menstruation okay interesting okay who would have thought that flower has so much uses for crafting huh fishing you know actually how bad fish can be how bad can fishing be obsidian provides immunity to Lava oh that sounds good huh wait that’s a no deadweed

Does it suck that bad though is it really that bad battle potions increase your spawn rate space okay sunflower what do you do with sunflower nothing so I don’t have the I don’t have the necessary resources for it then okay I see sunflower gives you a speed boost okay

Place it here why not okay then you know what I actually do want to try fight the um the Slime boss again I actually don’t want to fight him again I don’t want to try and we we D myself all right Redemption Arc this is gonna be my Redemption Arc

And it’s definitely going to be worth it I hope totally not a huge it’s not gonna be a huge blunder I’m hoping I think glass bottle should go in here glass bottles should go in the bottle section I guess okay Platinum Platinum where is it there you are then Ruby

Yeah I think I should definitely yes yeah I think I should forget your okay I’ll listen I’ll listen I guess I’ll try to listen I’ll try to listen and try not to Brute Force everything along the way I’ll try to listen I’ll try to listen

Because I thought I got it too I thought that I simply got into that’s why I didn’t that’s why I had a lot of confidence a little bit earlier but I guess not hmm by recommendation how big the area should be how big the fighting arena should be my recommendation like 26 tile

Six top 30 tiles what’s your recommendation you could have you could have yeah you definitely could have uh doesn’t be too big okay then I guess I’ll make it I guess I’ll just make it around 25 at best for 150 what 150 that’s so long I’m not fighting a super hard boss or

Anything and just it’s just a slime screen worth a screen for it oh my Lord that’s going to Forever I don’t want to suffer do I actually have to suffer for this now it goes quick I guess Soha all right I guess I should eat being out

Or flatten out this area then this will be the fighting area I guess in a way okay that’s been annoying not gonna lie that’s a bit annoying to see every single time that’s a bit annoying oh okay wait let’s see how far let’s see how far I can reach for the buff though

Let’s see how far is it also actually quite far actually that’s actually quite far you know that’s fine okay this will be fine area I need to make platforms right right I need to make platforms okay I mean this could be no wait the Slime Kings a bit big never mind that’s gonna

Say just be fine oh oh you don’t need walls oh okay I mean it looks it looks nice though in a way it looks pretty I worry about the prettiness too you know I guess I like Aesthetics okay I like I like Aesthetics I like Aesthetics but that’s true I

Won’t get I won’t be able to run in a way too if I do that too there we go uh I think two more layers up we find they get two more two more layers two more layers should be fine two more layers since that should be it are you sure

Because the Slime King looks kind of big and the way how I look at it at least from my judgment I guess it looks kind of big in a way okay I guess that can just find it huh all right then guys it’s time to go back

To the altar then it’s time to go back to the altar the altar of Shame the altar of Shame I can’t believe it I almost beated that boss too without the need of fighting area too shake my head shake my head moves slow really isn’t that the Cthulhu right the eye of

Cthulu that’s the one that goes pretty fast right okay all right where is it where is it again it’s right here that’s got a long way to go okay although if I’m going fight thingy if I’m going if I Cthulhu then might as well try and get like a better magical

Spell or magic or magical stuff in general if I can find it at least I don’t know not even hardmill too because um right after I beat the Wall of Flesh actually not actually it’s okay no actually I think it wouldn’t be them I think it should have

Mattered too much I don’t think no even after going to hard mode after being the Wall of Flesh afterwards and number to reflect the Logan for some whatever reason is now it’s gonna go fast where is it where is it again where is it my God can’t see it’s right here okay

They are separate oh okay I see I see okay what’s down here actually I never check what’s down here when a little sidetracked a little sidetracked but I never checked what’s down here actually uh lesser potions and sure we can that’s it and bombs all right is Bomb craftable by any

Chance because I’ll be honest it is a bit annoying to find bombs only in like Dungeons or caves and such are they craftable by any chance or do I need to buy them from a certain NPC um that’s going to be a bot okay that’s okay that’s a bit uh unfortunate

That’s only bought it can only be bought that’s unfortunate explosive Furnitures right I’m assuming all right I’m past I’m way past it oh it’s pretty cheap okay okay no not you where’s the merchant all right let me get these sunflowers too I don’t have any any more sunflowers so just just take one

Take one sunflower so I can move faster into a rain too that’s also very important movement speeds is important like in like in Apex you know if you want to be moving player movements everything you must move fast you must be good at something you must learn how

To do wall jump start doing Super Glide stop tap strafing start doing whatever the hell you can do bunny wulu a heart pen okay afizi a brick layer and a Charlie wow you have useless stuff don’t you different NPCs okay why can’t I place it okay

Actually no wait I need I need toughness right don’t I let’s go up top toughness any toughness hold on hold on I totally forgot the other buff potions I I do want to get to a generation iron skin and I should be it okay good good

Uh NPC NPCs in my opinion it seems like a little bit complicated than it should have been honestly it feels a lot more complicated than it should have not been I don’t know why it feels complicated for some reason to me having the fact that from what I

Understand it used to be where it doesn’t matter if um they’re in a cramped area as long as they’re happy they have what they need and they’re fine but now ever since they included um the traits of you know there is a like and just like traits now ever since

That traits happen if since that trait now every NPC is a bit more complicated now they actually are depth there’s depth in them you know but to me I feel like NPCs in general they seem complicated like more complicated than usual uh where okay it’s gonna say where are you

What’s going to say oh there’s a person inside of it is that well who I think it is the uh dying person foreign thank you I don’t know yay I did it I did it oh wait wait this guy’s cute wait wait this guy’s sexually queue wait hold on

This is actually pretty cute hello starford pet oh this is actually cute does he follow me wait can you follow me now huh I got slime gun slime King trophy and some other stuff that I didn’t catch reading also solidifier can be used as a craft objects

I got shine a slimy saddle okay lens ninja Hood critical chance oh he lives in a house okay oh it’s so cute I don’t get it though how do I equip him though what is this thing does oh okay oh this is so much faster now oh this is actually cool

Does Disney get fall damage by any chance or no never mind I answered my question laughs this is pretty cute I like it it’s actually pretty cute this is very cute I like it hmm wait what what was that oh I know that’s that’s my weapon never mind

Okay you better tell me what is this what can you just sell on the Fire what is this solid solidifier what does it do can be placed used to craft objects what does that mean and like what what can what can I do with this

Oh no I’m too fat really oh and I might as well try to get rid of doors oh slime stuff oh oh okay okay okay now I get it now okay all right slime block ah okay I mean the anvils right here is a bit

Far that’s it the iron anvil I know that I don’t know the difference honestly does iron anvil and there and there’s the lead Anvil I personally don’t know the difference honestly what’s the purpose of these multiple anvils happening all at ones what’s the purpose of them

Oh they do the same thing oh okay then hmm I guess I could just throw you away then no wait let me sell hey you since you’re still here have my um where is it the heck no you can’t sell did I just put it away really I did huh 10 silver okay

All right since I have slime now what can I do with slime since I had the solid fire that’s it just is it is blocked the only thing I can make out of it for slime there’s sticky Dynamite sticky grenade models of cocktails really slime cough and torches okay

I can make lesser healing increase running speed oh wow okay that’s it just slime block okay oh oh Atlanta right what’s this what is all this pretty a pretty Lantern rights what are these oh that’s pretty the heck man this is this just want me to go back

Playing ancient empire reminding me all the good days of playing gentian impact man fun times those are very fun times before genshin was actually no Genji impact is still a fun game honestly to this very day I still like it it just sucks that now it’s becoming more grindy

Now that’s a that’s the only unfortunate part thank you all right let’s make some Garden pots wait how where’s the Pot where’s the Pot where is it putting Bean no I have Clay I have Clay blocks there it is clay pot it’s like Tony but all these are all these amazing

Pretty lanterns this just reminds me of the lantern right it’s kind of weird now that genshin and genshin impact has not been doing any amounting right it’s been a while honestly it’s been quite a while since it’ll be very nice to see more Atlanta Right Stuff related so cute

I can’t this is so cute foreign [Laughter] this is awesome okay I’m here too what what I was doing again hmm I guess I should just I should probably make a home then I guess in a way should make a home I haven’t I have another NPC move into

My house I guess in a way too I should do that too and there’s like so much there’s so much things to do in in um interior I swear there’s so much I get sidetracked so easily other there’s like so much stuff to do all at once

It’s so easy to get lost stuff what are you trying to do then later on you get sidetracked of doing other things it’s crazy all right now I’m just going to add a chair and table now I don’t have ax have access to welcome back

Hmm might as well try to get I guess my might as well try and attempt to get more NPC I guess or more more villagers I guess to join in our little small town and such you know it’d be great it’ll be great definitely plus I don’t really know the criteria

For them too in the first place I’m going to be honest with you I don’t know the criteria whatsoever what they need oh wow yay a achievement but this is so pretty though like where is it where is this Lantern right happening where is it taking place

I guess this will be the I guess this area will be the um oh that’s what happened okay that’s that only occurs when you beat the boss oh okay I thought it’s because of a particular event going on that’s all I was thinking okay might as well put more Platforms in

I guess to more platforms oh this one okay see look at that I’m a pro game I’m a pro player you see I’m a pro player I know what I’m doing most of the time totally like I am being a pro player knowing what to do thinking that I might need help actually

I do please don’t leave me I’m a Lost Child in this game I swear Forum okay for more space right I’m probably doing the opposite that you’re asking me to do right now so I do apologize hold on hold on put it away put you here

Put you there put you there okay that’s that should be much more easier now I need my hammer God damn my hand was outside my Hammer’s in here somewhere hold on look at this right here wait is that it is this it I can’t suck it wait no no

I’m figuring out I’m trying I’m trying to learn right now I’m assuming this is how you do it why is it all right I need the amount I need uh smart smart keyboard there we go right here no I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m doing

Is this the rooftop that we need is this the one we need oh no I don’t know what I’m doing [Laughter] I am I am trying to have more NPCs to come into my home but for coming to this home but for some reason I am doing

Something wrong that I have no idea what I’m doing 99 of the time though over the staircase like this like this like this right okay now it’s like this now so do I need to add tables and everything else like that that’s it okay we’re gonna oh we’re gonna regular

Blocks okay let’s see because Echo what you mean right here no who plays with solid wood hold on oh come on place it there we go I don’t oh and Lord well this is getting frustrating I guess like this is like this thing like this I try I’m trying to train I’m figuring

Out like this right okay like this okay so like this okay now I just need to add regular Furnitures into this nice um interesting floor I guess doesn’t matter what theme with it too it doesn’t matter all right let’s just start adding some random stuff to it

Okay now since after knowing I can make staircases oh thank God I’m going to destroy some of these stuff okay wouldn’t that make that wouldn’t that upset the NPC at all Wonder like we’ll end that upset them in a way since um you know there’s it’s like too crowded now in a way

And such I don’t know because there’s like happiness level in it too and they say that if you keep them happy and such they will discount their price much more better for you but if you don’t like make them happy what not if their friendship or happiness level is not

That good or not that High I guess in a way and they will be upset for what they will like charge you more if you don’t keep them happy right don’t isn’t it like there’s like there’s like a small mechanic but it built in with it though I guess

But I guess those doesn’t matter because you know they don’t matter that much okay they’re happy they’re happy look at that they’re happy awesome yeah they’re very happy look at that they’re very happy Forest pylon I can I can finally buy it now if only I have money okay I um

I didn’t check my savings huh you know what screw it that’s a that’s that’s a good investment I guess I’m not oh my God so what does it do you can place it right in teleport anywhere you want to go I’m assuming okay so it’s like it’s like wave point okay

You know it’s okay you know it’s fine you know money is not that important for me anyways it’s not that important it’s you know it’s it’s okay it’s it’s not that important it’s totally not that important it’s it’s fine it’s fine it’s totally fine it’s okay it’s not that part anyways I’m

Pretty sure I’m sure eventually I will eventually get something I guess so it’s it’s not that bad it couldn’t be that bad it could it could have been it could have been worse it could have been worse you know it’s gonna be so important hopefully it is hopefully

Uh I have a slime gun now right am I the nurse hello hey hey who where’s this Nerf where where is this nurse girl where is she you know I like my anime or nurse all right nurse girls they’re they they fit my they fit my Foote uh hello there ma’am

These these days what these days are great okay lovely nice just went to the scammer shows up okay there’s cameras in this game home is the homeless NPC right they’re the one that scams you the most correct the homeless one the NPCs no no the homeless NPCs they’re

The one that scams you correct if you have money oh it’s okay this is there’s a lot of healing methods in a way so it won’t be that bad honestly let’s see sort inventory stock everything all right put that in there and NPC with a home okay

Since the NPCs can scam you in a way so I just assume that it’s mostly the homeless NPC they’re homeless and such since they they don’t want to tend to scam people a lot so that’s why I just assume that’s them the most oh my God I definitely

I definitely do need to redecorate my house in a way put this in here put this in here same thing with you chains go to minerals yeah materials chains can go to another mature materials um Clay Pot all right it’s 40 um right I want to set up a area for me

For my pots correct why can’t I place them that looks ugly never mind hold on I guess this area this area can be my um guarding I guess this could be my garden on the ground doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter too I don’t need sunlight right

Oh Platinum coins okay okay I’ll see I’m not that far yet so I’m not even that far yet so yeah also it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t matter then so I don’t need someone like okay it doesn’t matter that’s good that’s good and speaking of chocolate milk I’ll be honest

I think I mentioned this before but in chocolate milk and to me it doesn’t taste anything anymore to me it tastes very plain like like this is like how I’m gonna describe it when when I was younger right going to grade school and such drinking chocolate milk it was like the bomb all

Right it’s definitely was the bomb we love it every little every kid loved it they love the sweetness from chocolate milk but then later on As I Grew Older it just it doesn’t taste good anymore to me it just tastes very Bland very artificial there’s nothing very special

About it anymore it just tastes very sweet and artificial and I don’t like it that much maybe more and that should be it that should be good now make it perfect square man there we go that looks good I’m pretty sure some of them in here

Will will love that if I’m going to be honest um I’m pretty sure many people you know people who played tar before will love that they would love to play Massive mode in Terraria Abigail you’re you’re kind of blocking me in a way I can’t really see huh

Wait there’s a flower girl already interesting okay I don’t know when it comes to chocolate milk I just feel like it lost its flavor to me yeah it just lost its taste I didn’t like it anymore score a harmless stream of water okay that was very weird okay I was

Squirting I was definitely squirting on the um the nurse and she gave me the winky face okay okay there ma’am okay Emma I think she’s down bad she’s probably down bad right now she gave me the little Winky Winky look you know you know that’s a sign you know

That’s that’s a calling that’s a that’s a that’s a true calling right there oh man the Friend Code how do you raise a anime character simple just squirt them you know that’s how you that’s how you raise an anime character if you want to raise a if you

Want to ribs an anime character you’re the anime character of your wife you know your waifu right you want to raise your waifu I got the solution for you buddy very simple very easy all you gotta do is just score on them you know to squirt just start squirting and they

Will probably be attracted to you plain simple it’s that easy it’s that easy to risk not YouTuber it’s very that it’s that easy to Riz a uh anime character you know it’s that easy heck yeah all this info for all these info are free I can be your wingman you

Know I can be your wannabe one man one man that will probably be gone for the rest of your you know that’ll probably be gone before you even get a girlfriend but hey you know it’s fine it’s fine if you can’t get a girlfriend that’s

A-Okay you can raise up a 2d anime waifu by squirting on them and then eventually they might as well consider you okay I’m just kind of I don’t know what I’m talking about right now [Laughter] it’s okay it’s okay we all have our um that we all we always have we have our

Missed days you know we always have like those of those days when we aren’t feeling it everything’s going wrong we’re going downhill everything’s falling apart your hard work in progress is going to it’s going to nothing you know everything’s going downhill but that’s okay you still have

Your waifu which is the body pillow that you probably have in the closet right now with holes in it yeah that’s right I’m calling you out you probably have holes in your body pillow doing unquestionable things I’m kidding oh my Lord who knows maybe that who knows maybe

That anime waifu that you probably picked up along the way was a dude all along maybe it’s a trap maybe it’s an anime trap all this time maybe maybe you thought it was um who’s who’s the other pinkier character that I know of from the top of my head you mean better

That’s even better I should wait I should bring my um mining potion mining potion actually you know what let me look let me look it up let me look it up uh mining potion you know maybe that waifu you picked up it’s part of you know maybe that wifely

Picked up is probably not stopful hey I’m not complaining though if it’s a style full it’s even better so don’t worry about it you know if it’s just if it’s ostafel that’s all that matters you know plus who doesn’t love him he’s actually pretty cute too he’s actually very cute

As well he’s very cute I like him foreign I don’t have blank roots or anything else I think because I do have what I need again I need it I do have the uh enter alarm metabytes but I don’t have the blink Roots that’s it that’s the only one I

Don’t have blink Roots that’s it yeah I have nothing I don’t have any of those all right that’s that’s fine all right I guess I won’t mind the old school way yep those are fun on the ground I guess I’ll start mining also why am I getting

Flowers all of a sudden even though I never done anything can I just mind them huh they’re not even fully maturity I’m assuming oh well 169 let’s go 169 all that fall damage all the way to 169. you know what I’ll take that any day I’ll take that anyway

Oh there’s decorative okay okay all right it’s gonna be a while so I guess while we’re just here mining while everything’s like that I don’t have any mining speed on me might as well try and find some blink Roots if I can find any

Of them the only way to find them is by blinking I guess in a sense too foreign it’s down here hello this is it is this the blink roots right here oh what’s that shiny stuff up here oh that’s tin never mind don’t need that oh no okay

I’m gonna mind you know either way what is this though what is it anyway I’m just gonna mine it orange boy what a orange blood Groot can make orange dye I’m Gonna Keep it just see what it does what’s this oh three sapphires cool foreign okay feather fun potion

Is there a way to breathe underwater though potions oh great everything’s had to be published inside everything’s potions Gill potions hmm that’s gonna take forever huh I thought armor armor set will give you like those breathing potions so no I thought armor in general will give you

Some sort of uh enhancement I guess when it comes to going deep into the water I guess fishing time no fishing huh nice oh this is blue stuff Hello what are these whoa what is that wait hold on what is that actually what is this glowing mushrooms

Oh that looks that’s a very cool area actually that looks very cool totally nothing you know what okay you know how it is I’ll make a challenge for myself for in distance future how about I’ll do a four hour live stream of me just fishing in Terraria how much would

I suffer let’s be honest now I’m gonna see how much I’m going to suffer for our meal of streaming for hours of me streaming playing uh the Terraria but mining only though just mining how bad can it be what can possibly go wrong you know no you’re joking right you’re joking you

Don’t tell me this like don’t tell me that um in order for you to get rare items in Terraria shoot I didn’t bring my ax with me damn it that looks so nice and pretty that’s a really I really like the Illumina place though but don’t tell me that it’s like the average

Um what is this huh whoa what is this what was that I got gold coins and money from it what was that whatever that was that’s pretty cool hey got a life Crystal nice suit what’s this do what is this a imp statue wait I’ve heard about statues giving you

Additional buff I forgot what the statue gives you I forgot this this imp statue I remembered it supposedly to give you like a in a permanent Buff when you’re near its vicinity oh okay it doesn’t deliberately say it though like it doesn’t show like any like buff iconics to it

Oh oh so it doesn’t buff me oh okay I thought it actually does buff me okay Okay I mean when fishing okay about fishing right when it comes to fishing in Terraria there there are some good loot right there better be some good loot like good overpowered gear or very strong gear for early term games and stuff there better be some powerful gears right

Like that’s how I’m thinking if the fishing’s that bad or is this or it’s not hard it should give you at least like a good loot or not right like that’s how a typical games goes though that’s how like most typical games will go that you know the

Uh task is very tedious but it’s very rewarding how bad can it be how about can reward be I’m pretty sure the rewards aren’t that bad too you know who are these guys Spore skeletons oh okay these are spores and let’s go down deeper because I do

Want to go deeper so I can find more Loot and such uh it’s gonna be ages it’s gonna be a while too more tungsten I can’t take that who all right oh I found another of one of these areas nice it was one of these areas awesome uh what are they called

Do you write no I don’t know what they call it was basically gemstone a lot of ruby gemstones such here I am with this no uh how far deep that how far do I need to go down let’s see how deep I am jeez I mean close it’s like so long this

Is like a long way to go hmm oh wait where am I getting hit from jeez it’s got hard to see what was that what statue is that wait huh I don’t have I don’t have Dynamite that can possibly spawn him in though I don’t think

Well I can try though I can definitely try and go statue interesting a platinum and also with these chandeliers all these fancy chandeliers and sludge violent hermit boots the wearer can run super fast I can finally run now right I don’t see any difference I don’t see any difference

I don’t see any difference on speed yeah I don’t see I don’t see the difference I don’t see the difference am I missing something with it oh it is there a blink root okay these get the gold chest because it looks nice I mean what does the green boot okay it

Does it increases the wearer Run speed that’s it but I don’t see the difference though I’m not running fast or anything I don’t huh I don’t see the results man wait I pick up the Iridium uh let’s see lead Ruby button there we go I don’t see no difference of speed

Though hmm I feel scammed I thought I’m getting scammed right now you know oh okay so it’s like it’s like a Metroid it’s like uh Samus uh what is it called oh what’s it called shoot I forgot to call it was basically like that what’s it called speed boost I think I think

That’s her speed boost where she needs to run to build up speed and momentum so she can go super fast it’s like Sam it’s you know so it’s like it’s very similar to uh Samus then from Metroid okay one of her power-up upgrades okay oh shoot speaking of sandwich samus’s

And Metroid I never actually finished a Metro Mania game I never finished one because I was actually I was too dumb to learn how to play uh old school games honestly back then um my very first Metroid um games I played ever was wait hold on Ah mother she’s here all right wait I know how mothers are they like to torture your kids telling them to do this and that and such but you know it’s okay though it’s okay it’s not that bad and I also need to inform my sister to my sister soul

I’ll be back I’ll be right back very soon okay she’s okay done done done done everything else is done okay and then there’s a blue outline odd it’s kind of weird how I’m kind of tilt it aside now it’s a bit weird but overall overall that’s fine now [Laughter]

That’s why I’m here to scare you for fun you know no worries but yeah there’s gonna be like some solar Interruption because uh um since I’m the only child I don’t have any siblings even though I mentioned about my sisters technically she is my half sibling so I am the only child from

My mom’s not from my dad’s side well I have you know everything else on the land everything is along the line like that so yeah so there’s gonna be some sort I guess um kind of like in between pauses when I need to do like a quick earrings and

Such for my mom and everything else like that and speaking of issue speaking of which two to be fair when you’re the only child in your family household it kind of feels to some people they may question me or ask me do I get lonely sometimes when there’s like no one um

Like they would ask me about if there’s like any particular way do you feel any sort of loneliness when it comes to like you know being in the house or being by yourself most of your time personally for me I actually don’t mind because I really do like being alone most of the

Time it’s like ideally for me I really like I just like being alone that’s it it’s just like my perfect time for me at least oh since you know I am an introvert I don’t really like to socialize much if I’m gonna be honest I don’t go to parties or

Anything else anything else like that along the line I don’t even go into social Gatherings let’s be honest now I don’t go I don’t go to social Gathering that’s only for nerds and extroverts to do I am no nerds or extrovert I’m just a simple dude who likes to play games on the

Internet you know but Jokes Aside though wait is that a bad thing wait is that a bad thing am I gonna get raided now why do I feel that seems like a bad thing but yeah either way though I just don’t care too much about social Gatherings that much in a way uh

Uh you know that’s okay that’s okay though I can probably I can probably repel them they they know they know what they’re they don’t know what they had um English they won’t notice will come after them you know they don’t they won’t know what hit them they won’t know just watch I’ll

Come after them they won’t know what hit him they won’t suspect a single thing at all all right let’s get rid of oh my God I have so much trash on me flipper potions that should move swiftly in liquid oh I guess I can get get rid of um

10 because I don’t really need 10 right now what’s that shows that huh Granite Gran tonight golden statue huh famous last word no they won’t know what hit him they won’t know what hit him just you watch me just you watch they they won’t know what hit him they will

Know they won’t know they won’t know they won’t know we’ll hit him they won’t know hit him they won’t know I’ll kick their uh butts no worries just just just you wait and see I’ll kick the butts easy it’ll be easy as pie I’m kind of scared now we’ll see we’ll see

Another chance ooh there’s Minecarts here too hey got flare gun oh shoot oh POG that’s awesome that’s actually pretty awesome sweet um don’t have any inventory space right now so oh dogling hello I’m sure Emily will help you actually have blue students what are you

I have you now hello oh what is this everything’s coming together as planned now what is this I feel everything’s going all according to plan the heck that’s amazing oh that’s actually awesome sweet awesome you know what I’m gonna pet you I can’t it’s still cute so cute

I’m here to sell my recall potion for silver not that bad too Glory mushrooms what else can I sell radar brisket step stool holes up to reach higher-ups M statue I guess I can just sell this this is not even needed if it’s not

Going to help me in any way of form if above if it both no if I can speak English if it just buff the enemy there’s no point having it now or keeping it so I might as well get rid of it I don’t use grenade so I might as well

Sell that eater might as well sell that I kind of want to sell this one or sparkling but I don’t want to at the same time I’ll hold on it for now I’ll hold off on it for now but hey I got this guy now I dislike the number of people here for safety reasons of course I want to strap Xavier the arms of dealers to the rocket and watch that happen

All right you don’t like him that’s what you’re saying okay I mean three silver and third of the carburetor that’s so expensive at the same time what you’re trying to say is you don’t like people in here gotcha oh my oh well you know I might as well

Start uh what is it farming the um where is it oh super I’m super boosting speed boost this is I’m playing Metroid now I’m I’m definitely playing Metroid I am definitely am playing Metroid right now look at this oh that’s so cool that’s actually so cool oh that’s awesome

Oh I don’t have brick root seeds already okay I already have them uh what else do you need Acorn rope Palm what’s that duck that was okay crafting what can I craft with the gloss glowstone no no wait where did you go crafting what can you craft with the glow stream

Restoration potion okay how about this statue then nothing how about this radar display Harmony and numbers has been killed life form analyzer displayed a number of rare creatures around you okay interesting uh what can I do if this actually what’s this we can do with this orange dye just to make dye

Okay you might as well just get rid of that then there’s no point there’s no point keeping it there’s no point keeping it might as well just get rid of it you thought evil eye watch oh okay that’s a nice sign okay that’s a nice sign knowing that um Cthulhu is watching

Me okay that’s that’s good to know that’s gonna know because now watching me now great that’s very lovely now I can fight Cthulhu we even know without the need of using the um we stuff I guess that’s lovely that’s very lovely way to go way to go me you did a great job

I guess I’m gonna put you in the materials I guess why not zero come on okay I guess you were to get rid of you mushroom torches not really that important what the hell why why I didn’t do anything come over here I didn’t I didn’t expect you to show up though

Why Cthulhu all of a sudden though I didn’t expect you to show up is it because I killed the first boss that’s the reason why now you’re able to spawn at random or is it because I found the thing my first time touching and finding the thing now

You’re finally spawned in front of me now I wonder I’m not complaining hey I’m cleaning I’m killing you too I’m also killing you not bad isn’t that okay he’s not doing that much damage too yeah he’s not that bad I guess well this is a classic after all so I

Guess it’s much more harder and harder it’s much more harder and other difficulties than here I guess okay he’s gonna do a lot more damage now huh are you gonna do a lot more damage 11 damage though Oh Mana magic crap okay yay cthulh’s been murdered let’s go I got my eyes on you I got my eyes on you yeah yay [ __ ] them up here’s music legit literally that’s what it is literally that one random Pokemon that you will find out of nowhere and we’ll start

Playing that Pokemon theme every single time see what I get from him though binoculars increase your View Vision okay I mean I didn’t get any pets though I want the pets instead I want the pets huh wait is this the act of hitbox oh it it is oh okay

Okay take care Echo thank you for stopping by this is an actual Act of hitbox really oh that’s an active hitbox oh I did not know that oh that’s actually pretty cool that’s good to know I did not know that was a that’s an actual hitbox an active hitbox okay

I can craft these now yay demonic bars what can you do with these demonic bars I wonder what can possibly go wrong holy crap they’re much more strong oh wow hey hold on call what can you do with these can you tell me huh shout a helmet struck chance huh

Tomorrow I should should I though maybe uh maybe maybe not yet maybe I’ll do I’ll do another time I still want to play solo a little bit I still want to experience the fun playthrough and such because because I do want to set up a because I

Don’t want to do like this so tomorrow I do have work tomorrow so I would like to host a multiplayer if that’s what I guess you well I call my fan name moonsters if that’s what you guys want then I’ll definitely do it I would do it probably

Next week on next Tuesday and Wednesday since those are the only two days where it’s my day off and where I can basically just stay home and just stream all day too if that’s what I want to do that too since tomorrow I do have work I

Do stream I do stream very early in the morning I usually wake up around seven seven to eight I guess eight AM or 7 P.M so I’ll say I said next week next week I can definitely host a Terraria multiplayer reviewers that’d be fun that’ll be very fun though

Yeah there’s gonna be a lot more single player streams tomorrow definitely but you know I was I also do you know to be honest it is also a very nice uh Jurassic Jurassic change too for myself too since normally and usually I would usually stream uh Hong Kai star rails

Genshin impact uh stardew Valley expanded then later on with the console games I will sometimes start pulling random games that I’ve played on console you know I’ve been I’ve been stuck with that cycle for a while now but you know buying Terraria and playing it for a while now

I like it I like it it’s a nice change it’s a nice change for my channel honestly and I’m gives me more diversity too in a way too it gives me a lot more diversity um Justin thanks for that’s a interesting comment I guess that’s a very interesting comment okay

A war ax oh wow damn okay wait with the pickaxe now can I finally mine can I actually mine the um curse area now after having this uh particular upgrading is it possible to mine the um the corruption stuff now without the need of bombs yes or no I

Actually want to know because I’m tempted to craft the pickaxe finally yeah okay I can make it I can finally make the pickaxe now okay awesome finally yay I can finally explore into the Demonic area okay sweet finally finally where’s the pickaxe anvil do I not have any wood on me no

Wait what do I need why can’t why don’t why don’t I see it what do I need call tell me what do I need a shadow scale huh okay the the ear of Worlds either worlds is it the warm boss right is it that one is that the world eater

The the stink worm right okay okay okay that makes a lot of sense now okay all right uh that’s that’s that’s good to know man I got excited and it got destroyed afterwards you got a cool update you got you know you got a cool um you got a very cool um

A cool material to play around with good luck of fighting another boss now if you want the equipments haha lovely all right I guess I’ll just go in it’s worse than okay I’ll admit it is better than compared to cyclists and uh fetch Quest at least it’s not like a

Fetch Quest because those are way more annoying compared to fighting boss after boss after boss so try and get the other equipments and such that’s way better than going to fetch Quest and be confused and become eluded okay way better than that it’s way better than that

So I’d rather have that any day honestly we’re out of seeds piercing projectiles that’s gonna Harden in a way for me at least it’s gonna be hard oh no I do want to explore the desert area in a way too I do want to explore in that area too

Where is the seed I’m looking forward to where’s the seed oh it’s right here so this is so pleasing to listen to okay so let’s destroy these ah screw it it’s like this they’re decorative right they’re decorative they won’t do anything it’s right here okay now it’s got weight for them to

Mature and harvest them so I can make more mining potion and pop hopefully possibly get at least a what is it spunking yeah spunken potion too materials was spunking too look at that I’m playing Terraria I’m learning somehow learning about this magnificent L Bass man I can’t escape the elves can I

I really can’t escape the elves in this game oh no put you no wait no to in there and there put you in there uh uh put you in there is binocular use of by any chance or no is anything useful no okay can I can I craft it though what

Can I do with it though that’s the real question nothing okay put you in there these will be the statue I guess random statue random stuff okay block torches wood gel for torches I don’t want the death meter thing allows everybody to slide downhill that’s actually kind of lame

Glow stick I need that this will be be useful same thing with this one this is useful same thing with the flower this is also useful same thing with this one same with the health potions and seats should go to the seats area right here yep all right cool

All right what do you have to offer let’s see a cheesy pizza pasta a magical hat a magic hat increased magic damage [ __ ] ooh foe tasty pho extended grip what does this do increases block permanent a tool range by three oh okay interesting okay Master game master gaming pants I

Thought I told you to clean up your room this a game is jacket and Gamers Master gamer pants what are these what are these items that’s funny all right oh really they don’t do it it won’t work if I okay this doesn’t the thing doesn’t work if I move it like this huh

All right let me go oh yeah Perry um nutrition and the other um any other person I forgot his name they taught me that person H should give you a much more easier time to heal you know instead of pressing that everything manually and I swear the devs really love to troll

Their uh their audiences don’t they they definitely the devs really love play around with them I don’t know maybe TNT has busy other things going on you know the thing is I don’t really try to force any I don’t have my ax okay I don’t have I don’t have my ax

Now let me make a platinum ax actually since I have enough Platinum for it in ax so they make it you know that’s true he’s very helpful he knows a lot more about Terraria helping my newbie helping me this idiot here trying to play Terraria for the very first time

Teaching this idiot help like Terraria was oh that’s bad huh nah is there any damage that doesn’t matter damage not that it’s on damage it’s not like I need it for damage output anyways that’s okay yeah that should be it oh it was another view it was a

I’m assuming that they found me by random it was a viewer that was giving me a lot of tips of how to play Terraria because knowing me I don’t read the uh controls I don’t go to the settings go to the control cursors and literally go

Through what they do I don’t do that I just go with the flow blindfolded not giving a damn not giving not giving a care to the world just seeing what happens if it works it works that’s it really oh no no no don’t drop that no

Oh my God why does why is T drop what is Q what is Q actually Q does nothing right nothing okay uh put you here no wait put you here stop pressing T it’s Chef no it’s control it’s Escape one of these got wacky controls I swear yeah I guess so huh

I swear these controls are literally meant for to troll you oh shoot I I want to mine this tree right I want to see what does it give me ebony word ebony would Evian wood okay yeah they they really do they they really said we do a little trolling here

We do a little trolling here we do a little trolling and it’s quite clear that they really do enjoy trolling their their audiences you know they really do I mean I don’t blame them too that’s that’s the fun part about the um games for Developers for developers is that

They actually do enjoy and play mess with the players too it’s quite nice poop is that possible just kill them like this [Laughter] that’s so funny yeah that’s a good thing you know the devs they’re not monkey they’re not money hungry they they really want to

Create the best game as much as possible for their fans or their supporters to enjoy the game that’s why I call a great developer right there oh yeah I die right here by the way this is where I died when he was informed of their explosion dates

Yeah buddy Eater of souls Mooney was in four of the expiration date by Eater of Souls lovely huh it’s quite lovely so this is where I will start finding some um this is where I will start finding some magical stuff I’m assuming oh you can oh this there’s actually

Sliding why why that’s the worst thing you possibly do in an icicle game no wonder so many people man they they follow the book man don’t they they know they they really follow the book of how to make the most hated level in the game huh this actually sliding physics great

Oh chicken nugget or chicken tenders um they’re very good but I really like chicken tenders to be honest you know the chicken nuggets they they’re fine all they’re good and all but I don’t think you can beat uh chicken tenders because they are long very long very

Nice to chew at you can take your time sweet sweet time biting it only takes three bites in order to completely finish the chicken tenders a lot of chicken nuggets it only takes like what one single oh one gulp that’s it just one gulp to finish it to finish eating

So in my opinion I rather would have eat chicken tenders instead of chicken nuggets yes excited yeah that too that’s it they have a lot more uh developer crust that I really like to the crush is very good it’s it’s like you can’t beat chicken tenders honestly you just can’t beat it

It’s just so good chicken tenders are just so good there’s no way how to beat it that’s the only exception dino nuggets that’s the only that’s the only exception I remember my childhood I remember my childhood always having uh dino chicken nuggets not the regular

Ones if it’s a dino chicken nuggets I am definitely am gonna eat it right away because God damn those are like those like like a magical moment as a kid for some reason with ketchup then later on like whatever sauces you like to put like barbecue what not good memories good memories man

God damn good memories oh that means okay that leaves me that leads me to one question though is do you think will you classify a tomato a fruit personally for me I classified it as a vegetable because it’s not sweet the Tomato May possess some seeds in them

But that doesn’t mean that it’s a it’s a it’s a fruit it’s a vegetable it grew on a um plant from the ground not from a trees so therefore I will say that the vegetable that a tomato is a a vegetable not a fruit I don’t know why

When this concept came in when people are saying that the the um the tomato is considered as the vegetable when it shouldn’t be it should be a vegetable not a fruit it’s a vegetable oh what’s that oh yeah I think oh what the what wait what all the Thundering staff what is this

The heck corrupted torch okay oh no I bet no actually why I’m going over here I should I’m supposed to go to the right not to be left is it good by any chance is the Thundering staff good like I’m assuming you should lightning right that’s pretty

Cool that’s cool and all but what else can you do with it what else you know okay that the ice Basics are a little bit annoying I’m gonna be honest it’s a bit annoying every ice level is annoying in gaming history because of the slipping mechanic I swear my Lord the friction

All right I wonder when do I find it or that I’m looking for I you didn’t miss much I’ll say oh pretty high DPS okay okay I see I see it’s gonna be hard though for me it’s it’s definitely gonna be hard because I would like again I’m trying to go for a

More icicle ice type of build you know I’m okay here’s the thing okay for my future plan as a YouTuber because um that’s what I have that’s what I want to be for this channel currently right now I’m using reality as a model asset for the time being since it’s free

And it gives like nice options of customizations and everything else along the line with it but the only issue with this um app is that if you want accessories or cosmetic on your characters if you want more accessories and cosmetic but by um but in this app since there are some cosmetic already

Given to you by default but there’s it’s very limiting there’s not much you can do with it in terms of the customization the only kind of customization you can definitely get out of it is by simply changing the color and having more of a gradient scaling like I have right now and

This outfit is a gotcha I got this from a gacha why is this I was gonna say I had this outfit this outfit I’m currently wearing right now it’s a gotcha it’s a my gotcha and yes this app I’m using is a gotcha game it’s not an actual reality it’s not an app

For YouTubers it’s actually a gotcha game but yeah because in the future I I kind of want to have a very similar theme with it too because that’s the reason why I want to be like ice build or type of character is because I want my character to have you know one she’s

Gonna be a succubus she’s gonna be a succubus I know for sure she’s gonna be a very she’s gonna be a succubus next I want her powers to be more towards ice skull theme because personally for me I feel like there’s a lot more creativity when you are uh when with the ice

Elements so I want to be more creative with it too like for example you can have a swording shield that’s basically just made out of icicle or blue eyes if they break it’s okay I can definitely just um change the weapon to a a spear a long sword whatever anything I want in

My own imagination basically I just want more freedom I’ll create create creative freedom with my character that’s it you know at the same time though I’m still brainstorming and which is the reason why I’m going with this throughout that’s it but yeah oh my mom needs me hold on Foreign oh my God there’s so many pearls in here but hello Nathan hello hello so many Pros in here oh boy I wonder how many brains I’m hurting today I wonder actually actually I’m I’m wondering how many brains am I gonna hurt today in today’s stream

Oh man oh well let’s see how things goes I guess huh you’re joking there’s no way there’s no way I doubt that it’s I thought Charles is actually a very popular game I thought since like a very like popular well-known game that many YouTubers alike have like

Made videos of this game this game’s been out for almost well it’s been 2011 right so it’s been a while now is has it not there’s no way this thing’s been out for a decade it’s a decade year old game now I’m pretty sure a lot of like content

Creators made this game and praised it heavily so well that’s scary oh no to be honest I ain’t even I was okay I’m gonna be honest I don’t know how the I don’t know how does the YouTube algorithm work I’m going to be very clear and honest with that I do not know

How does the I don’t know how the YouTube algorithm works sometimes people come and go on my stream it’s okay it’s all right I’m there’s nothing personal wrong about that too but sometimes people just come and go but I don’t know about that I just don’t know

How the YouTube algorithm work I just stream games I enjoy playing that’s it like that’s one thing at least for me because I don’t try to play like the most popular game or the brand new game I only play games that I’m interested in that’s it but that’s so weird though I thought

Toronto I thought mini Tara players were literally be like streaming this game and we’ll try to speedrun this game too in a sense as well interesting you guys are such a different breed I will say that right away but in a good way in a good way you guys are a

Different breed it’s quite rare to find those kind of people I’ll say like since I played a lot of starchy Valley content no no yeah since I play a lot of stodgy Valley most of the time people will only go towards creators that they are familiar with or creators that’s been

Way longer than the um newer creators when they started to stream um particular games such and it’s quite interesting to see that you guys are literally saying oh one person stream Terraria let me go check them out and see what the hell are they doing you know that’s that’s pretty cool that’s

Pretty cool and it’s also kind of nice it’s also very nice too that’s a Healer wait you’re telling me speed running and turret doesn’t feel right really I thought speedrunners will Speed Run any game they touch I I genuinely thought okay because I know speed runs are a different breed they literally

Are a different beast when it comes to speed running and such I thought people who would speak when Terraria would legit will only use the same seed or different seed like very similar to Minecraft where there’s a set seat on there’s a seated run and there’s a

Um non-seater run and they just try to manipulate manipulate the game as much as possible to their knowledge in order to get the best possible run but I guess it doesn’t feel right huh I guess Tara has a different spot huh maybe I’m missing something I guess

Oh I see I see what you mean so it’s more like um it’s what’s a word oh is that the reason why there’s a lot like strats that can literally break the game what is this huh what is this oh what is this actually I was Emerald oh okay that’s disappointing

I thought I’ll find some icicle blue stuff oh man nice torch I’m so surprised that the patch well someone I’m not sure if some of the glitches so I haven’t patched yet though really you can trade it with oh gravitational Bush lines you can trade with villagers really

Wait you’re not trolling me right this isn’t Minecraft right I’m hoping this is a Minecraft you’re not trolling right you’re being serious about like you can use you can actually trade them with villagers right you’re not trolling right how much can I trust you because knowing

That I’m a new player I’m still new I’m still new to I am still a rookie to a Terraria so I wonder if you’re trolling or you’re being serious I can’t tell I had to question every little bit of detail about you guys now especially veterans Like Loving to see what can a

Newbie do seeing seeing their struggles in their mishaps oh we’re playing mind games now okay okay I see I see you I see you what was that whoa a fairy wait Hey listen hey The Legend of Zelda reference hey that’s nice but a fairy though a pet

Oh that’s actually pretty sweet I’ll be right back quickly I need to go check on the coin I’ll be quiet okay wait did I die wait oh what killed me wait what killed me ah ah but I had to go do something I die to slimes oh great lovely

You know it’s okay it’s okay you know what that was Felix you know okay knowing me I’m a filthy djan all right I’m a DJ if it’s slimes that’s A-Okay Slime Monster Girls they’re not that bad you think about it you know Silverthorne okay so it’s okay though it’s okay it’s okay

It’s on it’s not the end of the world too I mean okay listen here right if it’s a slime okay I’m a filthy djin all right I’m a filthy DJ I like my I like my slime monster girls okay if it’s a slime that killed me it’s a-okay I I will accept that

See I have oh that’s quite expensive it’s the end of the world consumable a minor Improvement to all staff five minutes duration black current huh potions fruits potions oh I have five spunken Stan that’s a lot spunkers wait this is what shiny oh sure I’ll take them in with me why not

It doesn’t it doesn’t hurt I’ll take some it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t hurt foreign of these is actually pretty nice I like it that’s actually pretty neat um it’s quite nice that they actually put like you know they date you know the developers the developers really do tip

Their hats and say you know what nice game nice game I know this game I know there’s a lot of reference if you’re a gamer you should know this reference the Hey listen that’s definitely Navi from Ocarina of Time God damn how many how many more references are

They going to add now into this game now how many little references from other titles that are well known popular how many games are there first we have Don’t Starve Together now we have the Legend Zelda and now what others we have the cake is alive because

I heard the cake is also a statue you can get from the party girl like what’s an X like what what can you offer terraria what more can you offer they do a lot of crossover really that’s unexpected he couldn’t hear glasses oh no did I just triggered and unlock a um

A dark secret behind you Geeks I wonder dead cells oh my Lord you know what you know what you know what they should do they should definitely do a crossover of particular YouTubers if they watch YouTubers if I’m gonna be honest I would love that to be to be honest with you

I’ll probably just just you know just a food of thought full of thought you know just full of thought I would probably play Terraria a lot more if they add subtle references of YouTubers okay I would like that for example hollow life ssrb uh lammy’s uh bear cute animal looking thing in the

Just their mascot alone to represent them uh you know for their fan base I would love that honestly because to me personally I enjoy watching shishil Bolton from Whole Life 5th generation JP branch and it will be a nice Jester to see like they you know not just like games from

Cross over to but also anime references as well and YouTuber pop culture as well like any pop culture in general will be nice it’ll be like a nice gesture to add into the game because honestly if there is a pet for a reference to shisho Bolton and her uh mascot ssrb then I

Would love I would definitely would love to um have it equipped on my character immediately like I would not care how weak they are I will I would love every bit’s a piece of it Daniel slimes spaghetti hmm I don’t think I’m able to beat that boss

Though I don’t think I’m gonna be actually think about no speaking of Don’t Starve Together I never beat the game I never beat it I died way too easily and Don’t Starve Together the only the hardest thing about don’t start together is definitely the food I feel like I’m lacking food every single

Time all the fairies not there anymore really the fairy is gone for good really the fairy is gone for good really who are you excuse me who are you oh is that the little guy that killed me is that is those little little fluffy guys okay okay chill your movement it’s been reduced

What does that mean oh is everyone enemy that is it from that guy that talked to me oh okay I see I see okay it’s that guy oh he doesn’t disappeared oh that’s actually quite nice then that’s quite nice actually wait there’s a little light down here

Let me just go down here and then you’re right here boy what do you want now what do you want Jesus Christ what’d I just do new tech new tech from for speedrunner in a in an icy biome new tech new speed run Tech I’m kidding uh could you imagine that

I don’t know you asked me how am I money I do not know but there’s but there’s something right here though there’s something right here the favorite leading to this area so I might as well go over here though right [Laughter] I want to explore every bits of pieces

Of it though all right let me grab my thing too let me grab this how was this over here hello what is that what is this Platinum I can’t tell wait hold on let me dig up I mean yes it is a statue but what kind of statue is it

Like this Platinum nice okay good thing I dig up then I need Platinum though I’m weak I’m a I’m a struggling Noob man I’m struggling Noob I’m struggling very hard right now you know it’s a tough World out here it’s a tough World out here yeah that’s why you back off there buddy

You back off I don’t want you ain’t another Ferry hello hello take me where where are you taking me okay I see what what do you mean the statue means nothing I thought they they also they apply additional buff to you no don’t they I thought they will apply some

Additional buff to you because there’s some statue that does that right oh no oh that’s lead never mind that’s lead no really oh okay then they just spawned mobs oh okay uh okay they want to get defense okay okay I see oh this is 10 huh

That’s not what I think it is oh it’s not a demi altar what flower is this I got a seed ooh oh that’s so that’s so sweet what do I get I get a platinum wet spinner flaming arrow healing potion archery and gold and it’s a decent haul

I guess that’s kind of decent I guess like God damn there’s so many spider webs might as well just take all of them jeez oh Jesus Christ Falls pretty good though hmm I want some fell felt was pretty good um this one right huh wait what’s the difference though

Oh my oh my God that’s so long what the hell so I became Spider-Man basically that’s what it is I became Spider-Man oh it’s way better okay even with even with the um geez even with the weapons I have the spider still does a lot of damage towards me

The debians might die to poison I mean hey you sometimes you win some you lose some you know sometimes you win some you lose some you may be a Spider-Man but you can’t be that good you know sometimes Peter Parker decided to retire have someone else the English have

Someone else do his job for him but you know he has some off days we have we have our off days we had those kind of days once in a while [Laughter] really so the spiders so spiders are pretty hard enemies in general but it’s much more harder for Summoner type of play

Style than uh poison darts what’s this topaz oh that’s topaz oh that’s annoying hold on yeah that sounds like a lot of work what does something someone do short take a lot more effort compared to the rest of the other classes huh they took a lot more effort I guess in a way

Let me make a campfire actually and then make a campfire that’s right touches active hitboxy little slimes again spiders really you have to grind okay so it’s much more uh this much more effort and work to it huh man that sucked then because to be honest I would say one

Thing I would say too because the Summoner is actually pretty it looks very fun to play in my opinion summer looks very fun to play you know you sit back through nothing while all your um summers are doing all the all the heavy lifting for you you know it sounds

Like a very fun thing to do honestly and plus they have one of the most flashiest and coolest um and weapons and animations I’ve seen so far like it’s very interesting to see you know flying Source flying crazy all over the screen doing like this every single time

It’s quite interesting to look at and I don’t think I’ll be bored of watching it every single day too oh God damn this is super dark I think that thing could freeze you really oh wow that can freeze you huh who are you wait wait is this an NPC hold on

Oh I got the ice blade oh sweet I got the ice blade this is what I think it is is this is what I think it is yes it is awesome I got the ice blade awesome this is the one that you guys are talking about hey

I’m getting one step closer to my build this ice mirror okay fire arrow just stick wait another chest where huh where oh right here wow you guys have good you guys have good eyes are you an enemy no what is that noise I’m gonna ask right

Now what is that noise is it like a friendly creature ice machine wait is that werewolf uh whoever that is I’m not going you mean bother I got ice skates cool uh dark traps can go away um this thing can go away too I can throw away Divine ropes and the

Where’s the thing where’s the Rope yeah I get rid of the Rope too snow blocks ten yeah get rid of the 10 or I’m gonna take it either way I’ll take it I’ll just take it eat away more health potion uh archery okay recall potions what does this do though ice machine can

Be his place okay okay you guys are so demanding oh my God yes it’s so demanding Jesus Christ he says [Laughter] what are you oh this is a tree statue okay cool what kind of painting is that uh I guess I can throw away what is this actually

It’s so fluffy awesome material might as well keep it I need anything perfect what do you mean I’m being back seated by Pro players what is this let me be a noob for once I miss being a noob oh instant brain damage what you mean

I’m a whole I’m a looter okay I’m a loot Goblin in this game I swear I’m a Luke Goblin all right it’s got the thing okay sure I guess I could do that no no come back you know come back come back no come back

Is that a werewolf by any chance what is this a Golem oh that’s a Golem oh huh foreign you’re joking no they don’t break doors there’s no way okay let me go back home let me go back home and put everything in the chest okay first thing first what is this what

Does this ice machine do gives me the ability to make stuff now out of ice I’m assuming like what does this thing do snowball oh so I can make ice Furniture is now basically that’s what it does I can make ice Furnitures now okay that’s what it

Is I’ll just I’ll just leave it there it is I’m doing my best okay I got sidetracked easily lasagna huh media Improvement to all stars taste like hurt theirs and meals with noodles a menstruation sure I’ll take I’ll make that sure why not foreign [Laughter]

Them it’s okay it’s it’s not the end of the world okay it’s not the end of the world don’t worry [Laughter] I’m not doing this intentionally too I’m I generally just want to make lasagna that’s it I just want to make lasagna God oh my God these are hilariously funny not gonna lie

I didn’t even listen with the blade the dealer what do you mean the D no not the d word no no we don’t we don’t say that Diva here okay man I like oh my phone’s gonna die wait hold on my phone’s gonna die soon crap uh let me close this app then

Hold on ah my phone’s dying it’s a five percent my phone’s at five percent before it’s dead my Lord what do you may need to go in and what do you mean oh man oh that’s my sister don’t worry about it don’t worry about it that’s my sister

Don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it’s my it’s my phone don’t worry about it too much it’s okay laugh oh my God you guys are you guys are just panicking about anything huh at this point I guess I put you away now wait okay let me just sell you actually

Let me sell this topaz this topaz um let me sell you Granite block can be placed with no value okay I am never going to use these Thorn knives I might as well just sell them actually I’m never going to use them all right potions I’m never gonna use you

I guess I’m not gonna use this accessory too so I might as well put them in here for now random spot for now put them in here for now same thing with the granite blocks too so put them blocks what do you mean I sold it for money

Though what’s wrong with that I’m selling it for money what’s wrong with that I’m just getting money that’s it that’s what I’ve always been doing you know I’ve been selling all the equipments that I am never going to use anymore I just sell them that’s it I

Don’t if I don’t need them I just sell them right wait what you mean the grapple hook is that what you mean the grapple or the accessories which one are you guys talking about because I I just sold my uh grapple that’s it I just sold my grapple

Uh oh okay I’ll do you I’ll do what you say okay there’s topaz and damage right okay my angle’s right here this one this one wait Foreign This one you only craft this one is that what you guys want me to do this one increase movement speed and acceleration provides lights when worn oh okay cool okay that’s so expensive though holy crap 12 bars that’s so expensive Geez Louise they didn’t get anything see oh well let’s put it here

All right nice cool uh I guess I’ll just put this in my storage why not let’s put them in here what do you mean that’s little cheat that looks expensive like I have oh I have 40 more but still that’s still a lot though just from eyes I guess so I guess I’ll

Just keep farming the eyes all right I guess I’ll make more platinum armor too in a way since I think I have enough Platinum too to make armors for it too uh yeah but I like my eyes so it though I like my ice blade I have this ice blade

Though it’s so cool it’s cool it’s so cool though okay okay okay what is considers a new thing though what is considered as a noob thing um I’m a Tungsten right okay I don’t have enough for it oh I don’t have enough oh shoot I don’t have enough

Don’t have enough Platinum for armor piece listening to us Beyond intelligent cut me some slack cut me some snack I’m new okay I’m new to Terraria laughs kami’s a slack I’m near okay Elise take all damage and melt into bars and use all your bars to make one turn sorry

Oh my God I guess it’s my Lord oh my Lord that’s true I want to be I don’t want to be a mage I don’t want to I don’t want to be amazed with a sword too so yeah that’s true huh light Bane that’s weird it’s not a broadsword though right is it

The what axle I want average speed not bad yeah this don’t want to run right the battle ax oh my God that’s not the sword really the the blade okay fine all right then this is if this what it is then okay then I’ll just craft the sword then you’re friends with this

Oh what is this what is this purple stuff ooh fancy it’s cool oh we okay I guess I guess I’ll just put you away for now and take this with me why not negative 12 damage yay I got a dull one gray I got a dull lovely I am proud of myself

For distance we we yeah I got a doll it’s kind of sad [Laughter] I have no accessory I don’t have reforge yet [Laughter] don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I’m working on it I’m working on it okay I’m working on it don’t worry I’m I’m still new okay I’m

Still new I’m still learning okay oh you need a new sword I don’t have any I don’t have access to Resource I don’t think oh I don’t even have enough resources for it actually no I have not beat it no I don’t I have not beat the um

I have not beat the goblin yet I haven’t gotten rated yet so that’s that’s gonna wait for a while we we oh my God does it tell you uh probably that’s what what did me answer you what do you mean what do you mean this is the new story

As what though why you haven’t why am I in bars chest okay hear me out okay hear me out so I like to move my cursor a lot I have my this is my good excuse okay this is my good excuse I this is jungle right

No it’s not the jungle so I have a oppai mouse pad that I’m trying to get used to so it’s a bit hard for me to move around a little bit but one thing I kept on doing is that at the very end of my mouse it keeps on bumping the upper

Chest of my of my open mouth spot So eventually it will go down to um put the um no one where you put all your inventory besides your hot bar into the chest that’s what happened laughs that’s my only excuse okay that’s my only excuse you have I have nothing to

Hide okay this is the jungle okay this is the jungle I guess that means now I just need to dig straight down I guess huh yeah I die multiple times here though I died to a piranha lovely what do you mean so does it explain I

Have honey in my chest does it matter huh what in the world is this huh [Laughter] I mean this is the entrance right no this isn’t just what the engine is supposed to be about right here like I’m literally clueless I thought you just have to literally dig straight

Down you find a jungle biome just starts just starts you know digging straight down afterwards right no okay fine I’ll look for one fine I don’t know if you ask me look this is like this is like this is my uh tunnel okay this is this is my tunnel

Hold on I need to show it this is the tunnel I have right now currently this is what my tunnel looked like a single dick straight down uh dick right here then turn to a right and stick it down then go upwards for some reason and go like this

This is the one that came I dime to bug area in a desert and it’s the area that we’re here now yep [Laughter] yeah I have um I have very interesting methods you know I have very good interesting methods for me to Traverse into the jungles you know I have very interesting methods

What do you mean I suffer brain damage bro I’m just here to Vibe and do whatever the hell think just do whatever I think feels right that’s all I mean it’s just this looks good I guess what I mean I’ll fall down resistance I mean to be frank too I didn’t I did

Okay so I did encounter the queen bees um the queen bees area right here so I did find the queen bee area but I died to it though [Laughter] I mean it’s working I guess it’s working in a way laughs I don’t know man no oh sure uh oh hey

Leave me leave me alone [Laughter] is it all okay there laughs oh sure they did Poison now or they do poison oh my God well I wanted to poison hmm I’m gonna deal with them though that’s a that’s a hard part the bees are the most annoying enemies to deal with

I guess range is the only way for me to deal with them I guess I need more torches though yeah they’re Hornets they’re they’re bees in here so I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t know what to say [Laughter] what do you expect me to do I am missing my shots

Just be good hey no no this isn’t skill issue this is just pure uh uh a uh what is it a misjudgment it’s just it’s just pure misjudgment okay I’m having a lot of misjudgment miscalculation okay this isn’t skill issue there’s just a lot of unfortunate

Terms of event unlucky and um you know I’m because of the game okay I’m good I’m trying I’m trying to get good okay okay that’s like a lot of hearts another man eater shut up shut up hello oh that is extra hit really this does additional damage no extra hit Navi hello

Hello Navi oh that’s it you just let me get that that’s it hey no wait oh oh okay I kind of don’t want to go down and fight him I am okay look I can’t see okay I am blind it’s a bit dark okay that’s my

Only excuse It’s a bit dark in here okay cut me some slack cut me some slack got a ink Arcane bane of regeneration ooh sweet that’s pretty good I already got that one ready manatony damage two percent that’s okay angel statue lesson potion and torches okay is that it really

I don’t even wear glasses though oh no glasses does look nice though I don’t want I don’t want to wear glasses but still I am look I am not very observant with my surroundings when it comes to games okay when it comes to video games I am very uninservant I just do whatever

The hell I see that’s if I see something I’m gonna go over there that’s it plain and simple I’m a simple individual I don’t really think I don’t think when I see something cool okay I just immediately went oh cool I’m going I’m going over there with no reason why no

Particular reason and very unobservant too shine potion I don’t have shine potion no I don’t have shine potion with me I don’t oh well that’s a lot way is that Platinum it foreign right there huh oh shoot wait am I gonna die why do I feel I’m gonna die

Oh really well that’s gonna be fun for Achievement Hunter that’s gonna be fun to be achieving Hunter that’s gonna be fun I have a feeling I’m gonna die though I swear I feel like it I feel it I can feel it I feel I’m gonna die because there’s a Detonator right there

But I have enough HP though I have enough HP should I just do it wait that’s lead where is it oh okay never mind then Ah that’s it’s not it’s not patent numb oh I mean you know what I didn’t die that’s all that matters that’s all that matters

I didn’t die that’s all that’s all I matters I didn’t die that’s all that matters that’s all why do I have an ax with me wait is that what I think it is a blue wait is that I think that’s like a flower right I know at least a particular potion

Needs that flower hold on let me go fight let me go get it what do you mean now you’re sad you’re sad that I didn’t die for your own entertainment how funny of you how funny in you yeah moon glow you got seats now nice side quest herbs what do you mean

Cyclone herbs this is my nature this is my nature man I’m straight that is a fair point I am streaming to entertain that is a fair point but however though is this enough entertainment me giving you brain damage questioning my IQ laughing at my own stupidity you know is

This enough entertainment for you guys or just too much for you to handle oh what is this jungle spores I got keg okay what do you mean to the house like my house like my actual house or what what do you mean this is the house we’ve been to already

Though is it not on the left to the left oh oh hi what do you mean bottle left oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on okay never mind then bottom left bottom left okay okay oh what good question good question I don’t know why

How do you have how do you have how do you guys have good eyesight what I don’t understand left more a little bit more to the left how do you guys have good eyesight the heck not that far down huh am I missing something at least you guys [Laughter]

Oh so here oh okay okay so here okay okay okay okay wait there’s a piano wait that’s a piano Hunter potion silver coins uh let’s see angel statue bombs I’m gonna sell that now tungsten more or lesser potions throw you away throw you away actually let me actually let me try this

Out let’s see how good are they left click laughs hey don’t worry about we got the loot okay we got the loot that’s all that matters we got the loot we got the loot it’s okay we got the loot [Laughter] look at this rubies though look at that there’s rubies

Why did I bring these leaf with me uh I guess I forgot to put them away huh Vines don’t need you don’t need you don’t need this don’t need this uh hello why are you coming over there okay it’s weird that’s Laird I alluded that chest already though

But how do you guys have good eyesight I know how how like speaking of which two wait can I can describe this piano Rich mahogany piano why why did they keep on lead me to that same chest there though Jesus Christ you guys are insane get spores and ride Minecart I don’t have

A carrot wow so you’re one of those people who believe that if you eat a carry you get better eyesight huh you’re one of those people huh I see I see you I see you yeah oh oh oh whoa whoa foreign oh oh water is great yeah H2O is you know who

Doesn’t love Water right I only go to the bottom hmm you’ve been here before ah okay okay wait is that what thing is that what I think it is wait hold on wait that’s not that’s not what I think it is right let’s see let me start making sticky bombs hold on

Sticky bombs no I have not played Don’t Starve Together I have not played Don’t Starve Together yet though my cousin and I we did play together at one point when I was younger oh it’s 10. God damn it I thought it was Platinum also at the same time too I think by the

Time when don’t start to get a came out that’s when I was still in California at that time and my time in California I didn’t have access to the internet whatsoever so I didn’t have anything to do over the Internet whatsoever but I would definitely oh coffee nice

Uh I can get rid of something 10 was 10 where’s 10. that or tungsten jungle torches where’s ten holy crap I can’t see wait where where is it hold on oh there it is why why are you saying you’re why you want me go to the uh what do you want me

To go why you want me to no no why are you trying to buy me Don’t Starve Together why are you asking that why why are you saying that let’s let’s play Don’t Starve Together you’re just asking for much trouble right aren’t you aren’t you aware of that you just asking

For more trouble oh and you’re here down here oh okay fine fine I’ll go to the right then like you’re saying right now okay I’ll go to I’ll go to the right is it bottom right was it it’s just somewhere around my level at the right underneath the house okay okay

Go to the house okay then go underneath it hmm [Laughter] don’t worry don’t worry about it don’t worry about my mining techniques okay it’s above me okay okay don’t worry about my mining techniques okay what what was that I got gif believe his gift what was that wait wait wait okay

Wait pull up his gift what is that I need to find it where is it where is it oh it’s a flower oh okay let me look for it I want to see you quit the ball oh that’s like pretty good I’ll take that uh let’s replace it with

Shoot I’ll keep on with me for now yeah I guess I can definitely see why I could definitely see why it’s a good one it’s a good one for Mages I can definitely see why now why I’m gonna hit her oh hey look I like Crystal

I didn’t get to see from the flower really I guess I didn’t get it go up oh okay foreign oh where I came from is that what you mean okay okay I am trying to go for mage right now Mage icicle Mage type of play style okay and

What do you mean what just are you talking about I don’t know let’s just you’re talking about higher oh it’s higher okay okay it’s higher okay it’s higher okay it’s higher okay okay no more is the Moonies late don’t worry it’s the moony’s way it’s the moon’s way of mining okay it’s okay

It’s higher on the right under right okay okay foreign below me so to the right below me so this is the Minecraft I guess I’m talking about the minecart here ah it’s right here okay okay I see I see huh another ayakulu cool anger oh okay look here okay I I already [ __ ]

Okay so I might as well take it take this one take the tungsten take this take this oh that’s just lesser healing take you elk archery increase the dope ball damage um scared of the shuriken foreign that’s okay it’s okay you know what [Laughter] I have uh no words I actually have no

Words I have no worries I have nowhere I um yeah I didn’t mean to click I didn’t mean to do that um that was unintentional that was not unintentional too I’ll agree people are leaving me out there playing a terrible play shush I messed up okay I messed up

I guess I can get I can get rid of this now don’t really need this I did okay there’s no way I okay look I failed miserly okay I’ll take fault for it all right I’ll take fault for it uh but do not worry I will find some way to

Redeem myself somehow even though that’s going to be nearly impossible if I do say so myself that sounds disliking oh my lawyers that’s so funny actually an action model it’s not that necessary I’ll take this instead damage mainly speed okay not bad it’s not bad

Oh my God you guys want me to play Masters all of a sudden no no anime no I want my animal life for this man I have all my anime girls Okay I want my anime girls I want my anime girls Okay I want my anime waifus

You can’t take her away from me oh my God I’m getting bullied the [ __ ] out because it’s so ruthless holy [ __ ] you’re so ruthless of me getting bullied to the point of like yeah for the rest of my life I swear Jesus Christ [Laughter]

I am a moon master I guess in a way in a way I am you won’t be able to comprehend my capabilities you know Lloyd unless I do Masters does it have to be Terraria related well you only dislike Terraria related content or no or any other stream that I post oh man

No oh boys it’s every it’s every stream oh no don’t you do Masters Jesus Christ now that’s that’s that’s that’s a that’s a threat that’s literally threatening how dare you try and make me play Masters you are threatening me my well-being my innocent noobiness I want to become a

Noob I want to be the best Noob of all times you know that’s my long time maintain goal though no it’s not expert cat this also hello tiny Cactus it’s not it’s not expert it’s just classic I’m new I’m relatively still new it’s classic fun that’s all

What do you mean why what’s up what’s so Roma classic what’s wrong about classic what’s wrong with it it’s just a fun game it’s just a fun first time experience though [Laughter] foreign [Laughter] oh what’s this I didn’t get anything we oh my God what the [ __ ] man

That’s messed up man try to rule me in the algorithm well to be fair I don’t know how the awkward I’m working away so that won’t make it won’t be much I guess ah wait I don’t have any I don’t have any healing potions on me huh that’s a blunder

I didn’t bring any hidden potions with me hold on let me go back let me go grab it let me go grab it let me go grab my potions I totally forgot I’ve got to bring my potions and my healing my healing stuff I forgot to put my potions I forgot [Laughter]

What it means classic I I still suck though oh my God for healing that’s the reason why uh parrot it’s for healing no like don’t you use mushrooms for healings when you have limited resources of stuff no maybe I don’t know I don’t know who let me cook I don’t know who did

Foreign but I’m no expert though I’m no expert though I’m just a noob how am I supposed to know everything about Terraria where this bug is gonna get said they cut me some slack I’m begging you it’s way worse than dark souls backseaters in my opinion

But it’s also very funny at the same time too don’t lie Lord oh no oh flowers moon glow just to get views bro I did okay okay look here okay look I want as much uh ingredients for my potions as much as possible okay that’s

All I’m asking for am I in the right spot wait am I in the right spot hold on is this it yeah it is it is okay it is it is okay okay Moonflower aren’t you uh aren’t you confident with your in your inabilities you know laughs ah man

I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s there though it’s helpful it’s helpful though oh shoot wait this is lit right uh where where are where were we we were okay I just need to take the street below then okay okay right here Minecart thank you this is the right though is it not this

Is the right this is the chest that I claim is it not no there’s nothing in here now I guess gold coin I’ll take that and just for aesthetic I’ll take this chest too just for aesthetic what’s this more to the right okay okay okay I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying okay

I’m trying I mean this is the tree no is it potion uh let’s go out of control well that’s pretty bad isn’t it hmm oh well laughs to the left okay now I’m going to the left okay wait you want me go to the

Right now you want me to go to the left there’s a there’s a statue of heart down here though to that tree thingy the tree the tree thingy like here or here or here tree okay hold on let me let me regenerate my health first let me return my health

First I don’t want to die I don’t want to die oh it’s right here oh shoot that’s a lot of enemies though so that’s the oh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] am I poisoned no I’m not poison okay okay uh here dude plenty satisfied medium stats all improve what does that mean

What does that mean what does the food buff does what does it do let me heal hmm huh okay I thought huh wait I literally mind a dirt trap no it’s sitting multiple traps around it like laughs how are you getting mad is it’s okay

It’s not the end of the world it’s okay it’s okay we it’s okay it’s okay I’m still on a great adventure this is vanilla yes this is definitely vanilla Noah this is vanilla you peanut why why you think I’m a peanut I don’t think I just pressed buttons that’s it

And mine to the left but there’s a golden chest there though there’s a golden chest there foreign nope I have not this I’m very new I’m very very new to tararia so this is what happened I’m here to explore and try out new things and experience what this game has

To offer that’s all oh hi what’s wrong with using his mouth I like it it’s cute it’s cute it’s a pretty cute mount it’s okay it’s okay it’s love it’s cute though I go for cuteness I go for cuteness adorableness over I guess how strong they are okay

All right when I died I dive right here so it’s Gotta Go Traverse his entire Terrain oh okay that’s new [Laughter] I got my money back yay hmm wait why can’t I mine it like is it because I’m gonna Mount that’s why no wait why can I mine this thing is it because

Oh oh oh that’s the islands are gone for good I thought they were gone for good and I don’t need you that’s a good Platinum that’s Manchester oh okay oh cool okay to the left okay oh this is the tree this is the left right this is the left

Yes this is the left which mahogany okay this is the rich mahogany okay okay okay I wonder this is a dead chest too huh okay all the stuff I really rolled it’s actually pretty good I actually want that that’s actually pretty good okay now mindlessly uh I can just I can now mindlessly

Just start oh honey dispenser cool I can mindlessly just start going out through my pot just see which one’s fully mature or not nice foreign it’s kind of good though if you don’t know how to write uh stuff I guess in a way because I’ve seen a video of people saying that

I got poison crap because I’ve seen video about people um using it to use for gardening pots especially when when they don’t know uh when their fruits are fully matured or not so it’s actually quite useful in a way if you don’t know how when the when it’s

Ripe to when when they’re mature or not I guess I don’t know I’m just doing random stuff I’m out of potion I know I know thanks for the reminder thank you for the reminder uh Noah thank you for the reminder oh oh it’s Platinum wait this Platinum oh

Wait that’s not Platinum that’s mahogany no way that’s not Platinum no no there’s someone hog that’s uh tungsten no I don’t this is this is platinum this is platinum yeah this is platinum my armor currently right now um for my armor piece I only have one Platinum two tungsten that’s it I’m

Trying to get enough uh Platinum just so I can survive longer but ideally I won’t go with the magic bill that’s it I’m going with more of a magic build oh ancient crab helmet whoa what’s this increase maximum man up by 40 increase the magic damage dealt crit chance oh that sounds good

Might as well just take it sure why not I’ll just take it or not hey oh wait there’s a rare drop that’s a rare drop really oh okay nice hey hot Crystal I’ll take that I wouldn’t mean no need uh what do you mean uh what is a tiny

Cactus what do you mean no need for armor like the platinum armor hmm actually I don’t dig down a little bit deeper let’s go down oh what’s that what is that over there hello what is that well what is that over there hey what are these well these wait golden brick huh okay

Um let’s get rid of that’s cobbler it’s good of you lens tungsten what’s tin get rid of you cobweb stone bricks tank get rid of you Stinger keep that Cuban potion all right crystal crystal right right crystal crystal green what is that green flower all green torched nah

Can I stop can I just saw the golden brick by any chance for more money for more monetary gain that’s the only thing I’m that’s the only thing I have in my mind right now selling selling gold bricks for monetary gain that’s it what do you mean how I use items what do

You mean I mean hey it’s okay uh thank you for stopping by though more Platinum oh yeah I do know that yeah I know I can press left click for this but I have made mistakes before when I’m not going through my well I’m gonna I’m in a hurry going through my

Inventory I’ve done like where I deleted some items that’s very important so I decided to do it manually afterwards but you know it’s all old habit old habits old habits that’s all maybe I’ll get used to it one day I don’t know manual even this is quite nice though I like it though

It’s just nice that’s it I don’t know I don’t know Tristan I don’t know but it’s pretty funny though not God like it was very funny it was very funny to see the reaction I just find it very funny that’s it I didn’t find any like offense or anything like that so

Anything they’ve done please don’t mind their action it’s just more of a funny uh reaction to them that’s how I see it at least even though most of the back seats are literally just me uh not know what to do about that time and they tried to correct me although my

Favorite part is definitely is when I don’t know how to find chess how do they how do one people have how do they have good eyesight I could barely see everything because everything’s so dark in here like how I don’t know I press buttons with keyboards honestly I just press buttons

On keyboards I press button and keyboards and my excuses where my mouse keeps hitting the old buy mouse pad I’ve gone use opies for some reason the mouse keep going every single test code I move down it keep on bumping her upper chest you know that’s my own that’s my only excuse honestly

Foreign you’re literally um in a way you can go back basically after you got use blunker sure what what what can I see what can I see what can I see there’s another another Crystal uh shoot what can I get rid of we can get rid of the oh I have an extra

Slot for it never mind man so many Terraria players will be so proud of me oh you know Ty shoo I don’t know any tie actually unfortunately I don’t know any tie but that’s definitely tie writing dang I don’t know any Tire unfortunately sorry but hopefully that means

Hello nice to meet you I’m assuming uh no oh okay then what does it mean what does that mean in Thai what did you wrote I must know always air brick I’m stupid never mind I’m stupid I’m stupid never mind I’m so sorry I’m so sorry

I’m so sorry if I’m thinking this time I’m so sorry nihongo oh my Lord I’m trying I’m still learning Japanese so I don’t know much about Japanese unfortunately uh uh now you just want me to make now you just want me to motivate me to learn Japanese honestly

Because in high school I always wanted to learn Japanese but the high school I went to uh back in California they didn’t have Japanese they only have well to be frank they don’t have any other languages too they only have Spanish over there that’s it and it sucks though because I always wanted

To learn Japanese ever since I saw anime and then later on I became interested of their culture then I guess to me personally I do found like the language it’s quite beautiful for example the language Japanese language I find it very beautiful so I want to learn more about Japanese

And learn the language and such but man I couldn’t I couldn’t even get the opportunity to do so because of now school is like no we can’t give you that you can you can only learn Spanish if you don’t take Spanish then you never graduate from high school like bruh

So I so I took Spanish even I don’t want to I have to take it because of the school uh what is it the school core classes in order to graduate I guess in California’s requirement but man if I were in in my hometown earlier in high school and they basically you

Know said you can learn any language of your choice like Manton um Chinese France Spanish of course any other language I’ll speak Japanese in a heartbeat despite how hard it is I’m going to take a lot of dedication time to learn the language even I can’t right

Now because life gets in a way is Dynamite flaming Earls uh Spanish yeah Spanish is okay Tash on my opinion what are you oh there’s a piranhas oh okay uh just the arrow I’ll take that sorry knife I don’t want you getting potions I’ll take you oh I see that’s nice that’s quite

Awesome that’s awesome you guys are taking amazing other language classes that’s awesome uh if only School wasn’t so misleading giving us false promises false hope saying that hey you know if you pick whatever uh courses you want to pick for the first option we will guarantee you

That class is like no that’s a that’s a that’s a lie they lie to us wait so are you guys how many language do you guys actually know because I only know two languages I’m assuming most of you guys are uh can speak three languages at once I’m assuming

After seeing like um uh your capabilities of speaking multiple languages at once you know ah I guess yes that’s awesome that’s awesome uh to get rid of I guess I guess I eat the lasagna I guess I eat the lasagna Kerrigan and Japanese that’s awesome though that’s awesome wow I guess that’s awesome

Oh man it’s kind of sad though because even though I do speak two languages I’m I don’t know I know English a lot more compared to my native language that I speak to since my mom what kind of flower is that it’s blue sky since um I speak English

More often compared to speaking uh my I guess second language technically since English is like technically my first language while um the second language that I speak in is is Hmong by the way I speak Hmong but I for one don’t know much of my mom I

Don’t know I don’t know much in general since I grew up speaking English a lot and my mom trying to teach me to speak Hmong but you know sometimes you’re when you’re in in an American environment it’s kind of hard to uh I found a queen bee area

I found honey hey I thought honey yay so sticky no actually oh shoot if I go there now I’m gonna fight the queen bee afterwards um yeah because if I go there now the queen bees will come after me if I touch that so I’m just going to pretend that I

Don’t see them I’m just going to ignore that yeah I’m just gonna ignore that you see what happens I think uh Tristan saw the aftermath of me touching that I touched that thing for the very first time not knowing what could happen I saw something shiny I immediately ooh

Something shiny let me go over there and touch it and then the queen bee came in and killed me it was very fun it was fun times for fun times do it again what do you mean to it again well I have so much money on me I have

Five gold coins I don’t wanna lose all my five gold coins man I have I have too much value man I have too much value to lost I have too many things to lose okay I have too much to lose I have too much to lose

Because I don’t have the uh I don’t have a good arena for her too that’s one thing as well too I don’t have a good arena for her no that’s okay it’s okay just looking’s fine I don’t mind lurkers I don’t mind lockers are welcome no worries

You know lurkers people’s being quiet I just want to watch the stream while maybe here listen to me molding a little bit I guess in a way and making dumb mistakes well that’s a big jellyfish whoa and such but also I do need to end the stream soon too because it’s been what

Six hours now now it’s been five hours normally I will only stream for four hours straight but you know having too much fun playing Terraria and also being entertained and entertaining the more veteran players see me how I’m failing it’s quite fun I lost track of time but it’s very fun though

Yeah I wish I always have the auto attack one oh excuse me I really don’t like clicking clicking too much is a bit annoying who a fix Auto fire is that what it is Auto pause this is under control oh Auto fires okay oh that’s so oh that’s very nice okay

That’s very nice okay that’s very nice that’s more convenient thank you thank you for it I think for the uh the assistance Tristan thank you man it rains world what’s that game okay what what’s uh ring world is about what’s the game about could you tell me

More and elaborate more of what this game is about I mean to be fair though uh I didn’t know okay I’m gonna be honest with you I have zero clue what does that mean to you I have zero clue when it comes to new games and mechanics and such I try

To make any some sort of a resemblance to um previous games that I’ve known but then at the same time though you know since it’s a new game they will add some different terminology into them so they’ll be it’ll be very different for like say some other previous title up

There we do stand with cosplay oh okay and such but at the same time too I would be like confused of what does this does what does it do like for example I don’t know what does vsync do I’m gonna say around the bat I don’t

Know what does vsync do I was genuinely confused what does vsync even do like what’s the purpose of vsync I don’t understand it I search it online they give like a brief description what does vsync do and I still don’t get it because it doesn’t fully make sense to

Me in a way it doesn’t it just doesn’t make sense to me smooth frame okay I don’t know a lot of people turn that off though a lot of people turn off a v-sync for reasons like streaming for example and on certain games some people will literally on S10 it’s very hard

Moon rain actually you know let me search up right now moon ring let me switch up right now mutoring is it the one with the fuzzy creatures like a green mechanical uh robot with like um Wings on his ears and a I’m assuming it’s probably some sort of a fennec fox creature

To the Moon is it that one or no okay I see hmm I gotta know make sure um this oh it is that game okay let me see judging by the picture of it it seems like it’s like a platformer type of game at least to me that’s what it looks like

At least to me okay I think it’s time to go back home all right we did a lot holy crap and a lot of suffering I guess along the way to a lot of brain damage at the same time a lot of brain damage a lot of suffering

But you know it’s all enjoyable I think and at the end of the day oh right that Crystal you know what nah I’m not gonna use it I’m just gonna put it in here put it in there it’s okay but yeah I think I will in today’s

Stream because it is getting a little bit late too and I think it just seems fitting too that’s in time to also uh get everything ready for tomorrow stream as well too and yeah so you know thank you so much for watching um I do have a Discord server that’s currently

You know under development but I do have I do have a Discord server um if you’re interested uh I did leave a post a Twitter post about my Discord link so if you’re interested joining my server you are welcome just make sure to follow the rules that

Um I have implemented into these rule Tab and everything is subject to change so everything you see right now there will be a lot of changes um over time as I’m going to be honest with you I have never run a Discord server in my entire life so it’s going

To be very much a weird first time experience for me to see how well I can run a Discord server and such and maintain it and plus I do want to make it Community as as well too to Foster Community where we can basically share similar interests to either comes to

Games art or YouTubers alike since I am a YouTuber after all at the end of the day and based somewhat mildly entertaining in a ways be somewhat entertaining I guess somehow I don’t know why this algorithm still targeting people and such but yeah and that’s pretty much it really

Um I just want to make that announcement and things like that oh if you don’t have a Twitter that’s okay I can definitely post my um yeah I could definitely post my invite as well under the YouTube Community tab oddly enough I forgot that tab existed so I would post uh my Discord

Um server Link in the community tab if you’re interested in joining my server overall just make sure to follow rules and everything I mentioned earlier everything is subject to change and everything else like that but yeah other than other than that though um if you enjoy today’s stream thank you

So much for coming for coming and you know make sure you follow me to other other sources of my social media app no social media Pages just so that you can be updated and be informed about what’s going to happen what’s occurring and what time I’m going to start

Streaming for tomorrow and such so yeah either way thank you so much for coming and you know what I’ll see you all next time bye

This video, titled ‘I Think I Know What I’m Doing… Kinda…【Terraria】#vtuber #pngtuber’, was uploaded by Moonielunie on 2023-08-10 03:45:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Yes the Terraraia addiction have started and no I don’t have a addiction even though I said I started to have Terraria addiction!

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “2014 And 2024 Difference Minecraft” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the evolution of Minecraft over the years. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for a vibrant and engaging community to share the experience with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its unique gameplay features, active player base, and exciting events, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods

    Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods The Terrifying World of Minecraft Skyblock with Horror Mods Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Skyblock with horror mods. As our brave protagonist navigates through the treacherous landscape, they encounter the ominous presence of Herobrine lurking in the shadows, the ever-watchful Cave Dwellers, and the haunting gaze of the pale hound. Herobrine: The Shadowy Stalker Herobrine, the legendary figure rumored to haunt Minecraft worlds, adds an extra layer of fear to the gameplay. With his eerie presence felt at every turn, our protagonist must stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to his malevolent schemes. The… Read More

  • Farmers’ Frenzy: Minecraft Mod Mayhem

    Farmers' Frenzy: Minecraft Mod Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a mod takes flight, Farmer’s Delight, a culinary delight. New foods and crops, from onions to tomatoes, And blocks like stoves and pots, for cooking bravados. With tatami mats to sit and relax, The Farmer’s Delight mod brings new tracks. So dive into the game, with a hunger so real, And cook up a storm, with crops to peel. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and futuristic themes, then you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With its unique blend of technology and imagination, Minewind is the perfect place to let your creativity run wild. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, craft, and survive alongside fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, just like K-9… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic builds to intense PvP battles, there’s… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about an incredible video that showcases the Attack on Titan mod in Minecraft. The video titled “ATTACK ON TITAN IN MINECRAFT 1.20.5 | Shingeki no Craft | Fanfo” is a true masterpiece that brings the popular anime to life in the Minecraft world. While watching this video, you can’t help but be amazed by the attention to detail and the creativity that went into creating this mod. From the villages walls to the custom names of the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Pixel Art Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Pixel Art Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft pixel art like the one featured in the YouTube video “Падающий пиксель арта в Майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the creative community at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in building amazing pixel art creations and exploring a vast virtual world together. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, PvP battles, and unique events on Minewind without limits. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Minecraft and unleash your creativity in a supportive and friendly environment. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server… Read More

  • Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft!

    Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 20w10a: Smithing Table and Hoe Finally Useful! A new snapshot of the Nether Update for Minecraft, the 20w10a, has been released! This update brings significant changes, making the smithing table and hoe much more useful. Additionally, there are new ambient sounds in the Nether, adding to its eerie atmosphere. Smithing Table Upgrade The smithing table, previously a redundant block, now serves a clear purpose in the game. It functions similarly to an anvil but is specifically used to upgrade diamond gear directly. This enhancement allows players to retain enchantments on their diamond gear, making it a valuable… Read More

  • Can Knarfy Break Minecraft’s Potato Update?

    Can Knarfy Break Minecraft's Potato Update? Minecraft’s Poisonous Potato Update: A Chaos Trip Introduction Minecraft’s April Fool’s update this year introduced the Poisonous Potato update, bringing a whole new level of chaos to the game. The update centered around Poisonous Potatoes, adding a quirky twist to the gameplay. Exploring the Update The update featured a variety of new elements, including Poisonous Potato blocks, toxic mobs, and unique items like the Potatish Great Staff of the Peasant. Players could venture into the Potato dimension, encountering potato-themed structures and creatures. Breaking the Game In an attempt to push the update to its limits, our protagonist embarked on… Read More


    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

    "Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic's Love Drama in Minecraft" #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animationVideo Information [Music] help [Music] please wow [Music] [Applause] This video, titled ‘Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Minecraft #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic’, was uploaded by Snuka Game on 2024-04-25 18:39:17. It has garnered 17307 views and 545 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Sadako or Aphmau Minecraft Herobrine #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic Read More

  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

    Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!Video Information o Coach do Ramon avisou que ele vai ganhar o mter Olímpia esse ano eu já falou já deixou Claro só que eu duvido sebum tá começou a preparar muito mais cedo que o Ramon o ceum já tá na frente do Ramon então tipo assim se o ceum já tá começando a preparação na frente significa que ele já tá na frente então meu filho só se O Ramão treinar de verdade mesmo sem com vergonha na cara com sabe porque realmente não dá se ele ficar cendo assim aqueles treinos fofo igual ele fez nas outras… Read More

  • EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL – Episode 6 OMG!!!

    EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL - Episode 6 OMG!!!Video Information Cal’s pretty freaking good all right way better here shame that I’m being demoted but oh well it’s not like we could do anything wait a minute are you doing here oh I live here y uh you’re sler like me though yeah I live here right right right to be honest that makes no sense um like why are you in R yellow if your life uh so there’s a room that apparently was contaminated with bugs I cleaned um I got someone to gas the room um then I broke in through a window then now… Read More

  • Determinacy

    DeterminacyDeterminacy.net is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

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  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Player in Minecraft (day 1) funny minecraft animation in real life.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it perfectly captures the fun and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy the creativity and humor that the game brings, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and exciting events, Minewind offers an experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

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  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: https://vaulthunters.gg/armory/Stressmonster101 ♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stream upload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/hqR4uR3f Instagram :- instagram.com/barytekken Like and Subscribe Read More

  • Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!

    Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 9)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-04-11 14:23:11. It has garnered 12169 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:02 or 13082 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. Every 200k +3 runs & 1 million +20 runs. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join Now

    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sunterla MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. mc.quadcrafters.com Read More

  • Pandamium: Snapshot SMP – Vanilla, Snapshots, 1.20.5 Pre-Releases, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More

  • Time’s Tale: SMP Episode 3 – Connections Unravel

    Time's Tale: SMP Episode 3 - Connections Unravel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Chronological SMP takes us on a ride. From Stone Age caves to Medieval strife, Exploration Age brings new life. Ruins in Scandinavia, a mystery to solve, Punishing players for crimes, with resolve. Chile’s speech, a distraction in the mix, But building and crafting, still the main fix. Content creators, a talented crew, Each bringing something fresh and new. Advice and criticism, always welcome here, In a friendly atmosphere, let’s keep it clear. Timestamps guide us through the tale, From Xyxy’s visit to the trial’s unveil. Building roads and fishing taverns with… Read More


    NOTCH'S TEMPLE IN 2024: HOT DIGGITY DOG! 🔥 In 2024, the Temple of Notch will have a strict dress code: diamond armor only. No exceptions! #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

  • Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!

    Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘♫Top 10 nhạc Minecraft gây nghiện 2024♫♫♫’, was uploaded by JuroNHK on 2024-03-03 06:46:50. It has garnered 869 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:47 or 2027 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video good, please leave me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE for the channel ಥ_ಥ 🎮 DISCORD “https://discord.com/invite/a9c3Yt7AM2” 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➡️ https://bit.ly/36AIMDc 💖 “GOAL” TO REACH 20 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS! ⭐️ For copyright complaints or business requests, please contact me directly via email: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ Thank you everyone for watching this video! Thank you very much! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All Mobs

    Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-04-18 21:58:02. It has garnered 1321 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!

    Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft tent house #minecraft #minecrafbuilds #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MK 2215 on 2024-01-04 12:10:26. It has garnered 2452 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

I Think I Know What I’m Doing… Kinda…【Terraria】#vtuber #pngtuber