I Trained my Magic and became a Wizard GOD

Video Information

So I’m a little Adventurer with tons of unique skills that I can use to well just cause massive damage to my enemies and then Rob them of their loot sweet delicious money because I’m on a mission to go all the way to the mysterious glowing Tower however in this world

There’s a well a lot of different enemy types some of which have 200 000 HP and some enlightening on my head so I don’t survive good thing I always have my training it’s the only thing I can dedicate myself to okay what is this who’s throwing these things huh Doctor

Strange Magneto what’s going on better yet how are they being thrown like that and then spikes this training’s so intense and for what uh game can I uh okay I got hit that’s fine all the way up to that was like 400 levels gained sweet might as well put a point in this

Poison arrow ability now I can shoot people with it better and hello mysterious Marketplace it just appeared in front of my eyes I don’t know what any of this stuff is I’m leaving instead I want to head to this nice Cliffside where I can start building my house just

For some copper but this increases my experience gain so it you know ideally should help me level up as an adventurer and it oh I didn’t realize it got that expensive I’m broke at least I have a three times XP gain now so time to use my wide variety of skills available to

Put this bat in the ground sorry friend and Harry dang it I at least blocked it I’ll Perry this one there we go get hit jerk even though I’m kind of the jerker you’ve done nothing to me I’m the one fighting you for no reason whatever this

Is fine I’ll stun the king that way it’s just me and this weird flying pigeon and I can kill him pretty easily what maybe if I counter this did I counter it no this is fine the king only has 87 000 HP and is doing weird abilities to me that

I don’t understand certainly nothing bad will happen oh yes look at this Mega combo quit hitting me with whatever that is it hurts my feelings also and I oh successfully countered that yes staying alive I don’t really have all that much health so that’s nice and I got another

Counter off he’s only at 12 000 HP left this is good don’t my thingy shoot him stab his eyeball yes I played that flawlessly so now I will take my money and Clover’s meat and a giant Cobalt spitter to poison me and has like 10 times my health it’s gonna throw another

One at me countered idiot get hit okay I can’t counter that one and the poison seeps through my veins that’s fine I can just feed my clovers to my mushroom friend who gives me stats and a bunch of money not to mention experience swords which yes I just realized that I still

Haven’t ever done sorcery training which I just destroyed targets seems easy enough oh it follows where my mouse cursor goes this is so weird oh oh I don’t know how I feel about this can I just run in like a figure eight sort of almost well it actually seems to be

Working fine who needs accuracy when you have guesswork it’s also extremely easy to grab the Stars which just kind of boost my ego I’ve uh kind of achieved a combo here of 400 so that’s oh I got to 402 and then lost it man why did I have

To talk that’s fine let’s step out how high did I okay well immediately onto the bronze level Fireball okay test out my new move Fireball go that did 900 damage that wasn’t nearly as effective as I thought it would be Fireball is definitely cool but I still need more

What I can do though is upgrade my Camp so my stats go up higher I did was fix that portion of the fence really and now I think I want to spend the next Wild training up my archery archery is one of the most sure-fire ways to actually get

Damage through and God we got Targets on Wheels now so having my archery up high would definitely be well extremely good not to mention it’s also kind of exceedingly easy except these wheel targets are definitely weird and I got to a combo of 450 but missed one stupid

Target there goes my super cool combo uh well I’ll just get to a quick 100 and that should have been a decent little boost up yeah okay it’s like 2 000 better already what that’s insane and so many level UPS something tells me I’ll

Be able to manage now both of you get a start with an arrow and if I could just make my melee go up just slightly more and I should be able to kill both these guys oh that was one of my super crits countered both of these idiots because

I’ll double hit one on the left Perry the guy on the right and smack him in the face here we go now it’s just me and this jerk who’s at 30 000 HP you think that’s gonna hurt me buddy no get stabbed tell you what Arrow to your

Eyelid oh training pays off give me my money and I have a hundred silver so time to go do a different form of training the training like upgrading my weapon type just got level four Knight gear which also means my museum gets me more money however I’ve been using this

Slash at 15 000 melee damage go up a bit and now it’s 21. tell you what though let me try out the spear and I’ve got four skill points in here to use decrease my skill cooldown I want to add another pickpocket chance and tell you

What just again all I can it needs gold dang it all right just a fireball then all right I’m upgraded now let’s head back to awkward Grove because I kind of want to see if I can manage to just hang in here this time and I can double hit

These guys and just double kill Stumpy here hello jyn you Rogue wizard don’t worry buddy I’ve got poison I’ve got a fireball coming at you I’ve got this bash attack that you resisted that’s horrifying tell you what double hit or just single hit but I think he’s

Weakened now to take more damage handy for you know trying to kill a man and pickpocketing him yes can he don’t don’t heal yourself don’t throw stars at me either I’m all out of skill cooldowns that was lightning why game give me something oh wait just was able to kill

Him this time I’ll see you later man he’s walking off pretty sad all right that’s fine I’ve got more money this is going good oh and level five armor I’m just straight up skipping level four yes please also the nice thing with leveling

Up is I get a ton of points that I can pick and choose whatever I want to go into so for instance I could you know dump them all into sorcery without actually training it and now it’s much better quick Fireball did that 5 000 damage now that’s still pretty effective

Thank you oh that’s a spitter I want to make sure I don’t actually get poisoned here I also didn’t want to get weakened but I missed so you know this will have to work oh no block that yes okay arrow shoot him that works too that mole has

So much HP right now we’re just gonna oh I got the super bash sweet not like a Nicki Minaj song This Bat keeps weakening me would you just die please fireballed idiot and then stab the mole I think I’m doing like half my damage that I should be and this guy’s dealing

13 000. you don’t think that’s a bit much buddy huh that’s fine I’ll just block this one then I can hit him with the weekend and treacherous arrow shoot him and then a stab and I’m just like one attack short this is fine I’ve come back with 10 Lucky Clover leaves now

With my 500 silver though I can buy the ranged weapons and it’s so expensive on the gold next all right well invest some more into the museum here because it gives me a lot more of a share per day and now I can buy that wizard to be my

Ally I mean sure they’re both pretty cheap can I oh I can only have one at a time that’s fine now me and bro are just a couple of cool little Wizards good Fireball buddy I got a bow and arrow coming for him I use that all right kobold spitter’s

Dead go ahead and knock out the miner and we need to immediately kill this stupid bat so I’ll do everything I can and oh I just launched a blue Fireball over at the mall on accident and I countered him perfectly uh yeah I’m feeling confident about this run and I

Got a crit for 24K this is good shoot Arrow at him he sucks he’s ugly parried idiot eat that fireball him buddy and then tell you what I’ll give him a quick poke to the groin that works too sweet victory oh a new armor piece too give me

Oh yeah kind of forgot to uh equip these ranged items too huh make them much better so now that I’m using a staff did my Fireball get better too cast one out 28 000 damage oh yeah it’s double the damage whenever I just hit with a staff

What are these guys doing I don’t know that’s weird tell you what shoot him an arrow that makes me feel better dude becoming a wizard was definitely the right play all right jyn I’ll see you later buddy nice guy that one with the silver I got might as well build a front

Door so I can actually use my house and then a little thing off to the side now it’s taking gold all right Ritz you want to travel with me friend apparently the holy order wants to do stuff too it’s supposed to Peasant doing here yeah he’s getting fireballed big mistake bucko

Here we go eat that jerk and then eat that kunai I found ooh this guy’s name is cleric meaning he has to die first going off stereotypes he knows healing spells oh and what do you know more people who probably know spells get fireballed can I Ritz uh say you should

Have blocked that and it I knew he knew healing spells bow and arrow jerk and then we’ll kill this Knight buddy now there’s just one stupid Archer left who does not stand a chance go ahead do something idiot get stabbed in your loins and then give me my chest please

Thank you oh more armor sweet now I’m officially fully in at least level 4 armor stuff my guy’s looking kind of nice too and this Scarlet wolf has one skull for tough but I’ve only got Ritz for one more fight hello Scarlet Warrior you’re doing a lot of stuff right now

Tell you what buddy I’m just gonna spam all of the abilities I have directly at you are you fine with that hopefully you are and then bashed all right he’s dazed I’m sorry when it’s just one Warrior it’s so easy I’m a walking cheat code give me more things please oh did he

Just give me scarlet armor level six all right Rich I’ll see you later I just got cooler armor to start wearing let me see the helmet yeah I look like a little alien well I lost my traveling companion and then lost the ability to win fights

It looks like do I seriously still need more training in that case upgrade the camp twice that took all my gold but now I’m getting 14 stats per go and then unlock agility training I just have to dodge at the last moment that seems easy enough okay get stopped at stop that how

Do I know this is just Perry simulator it’s actually extremely tough although I have learned that there’s only three things to look out for and that has definitely helped do one quick jump and one level up because all my wood missions are complete busting me right

Into bronze for this one try to dodge at the last moment to counter sounds good buddy just go ahead and kill this guy for me now is that actually man massaged wow I see how that would come in handy and I oh I just actually successfully

Dodge countered and hit him with a crit no don’t poison me jerk and I’m just countering you solely off the fact that I can you know what I realized I’ve also not used once my ability potions which just gave me one ability back for each of these dodged get countered idiot have

Fun getting hit in your face why didn’t I have that sooner I’m dealing just Mass damage to this guy look and then I can counter him to deal another 12 000 and I win wow it’s like a whole world just opened up to me and I’m gonna conquer it

That seems good take my health ring off 25 chance of free special on head back to Soul Town invest some more money in the museum that’ll give me a lot more money and then head up to the blacksmith who has new melee weapons for me thanks friend oh what’s that you got bronze

Ones too hey don’t mind if I do buddy and I can hire Jin back yes I love this guy and I’m starting to feel like taking this Elite Huntress blade might be the best plan of action my Fireball still does 14 000 damage but my sword now does

42 000 so you can imagine how handy that is to murder a lot of things or 85 1000 whenever you hit a crit like that you know like I said it also has this ability called cleave which hits every member on their screen which is of course extremely helpful I mean you know

You’re dealing with like five enemies at once all right bring out the boss it’s going to immediately terrorize this Boomer not the old person and stun that big guy this works out nice just because I can use my super special slash teal a ton of damage and there’s a crit yeah

The cleave just upped my damage output by a uh a whole lot some might say thank you for the chess game but I’m still so far away from my magic Tower oh hello giant Goblin 400 000 HP is my plan Dodge that lock that weak attack and big

Cleave hit and dodged all right now comes the time where I need to kill this guy and I wow okay double critting him definitely will be killing him and Dodge oh I do not have a Dodge ready oh no oh I’m I’m dead but all my training I’m so

Close to this little Island fine upgrade my training camp again and purchase Ritz and keep building stuff for my house just need to do a little bit more agility training however this guy changes sides now man that messes with my psyche and jump and Duck and Duck and

Duck and jump I’m like a preschooler responding to commands but it works because it’s making me better at killing things which I guess depending on the circumstances could be no different than that preschooler although that does make me a little bit concerned I gotta say after doing this for a while you get

Pretty comfortable it’s dodging stuff by the skin of my teeth except for when I start talking and ruin it all alright upgrade that agility right into the silver Matrix please gives me another little Challenge and it’s over 5000 now too should hopefully help my crit remarks now and I leveled up to 45

Chance to deflect projectile upon block counter give me and let me put both one into Fireball and poison arrow now I’m doing 33 000 with my bow and my big cleave well that helps and project back dang it so I most definitely needed to get that lucky crit oh I’m walking into

This one with no abilities but still I can get them back and thankfully I am a handy dandy cleave so hopefully this Boomer isn’t an issue this time either dodged which actually didn’t even realize I got a free action super special cleave sweet and now I even

Though I counter those I still take 18 000 damage so I’m really not trying to but I am trying to do that thank you Game it counted again idiot and then just Arrow the arrival yeah getting the agility up for crits definitely helps what do you have Mr chest couple armor

Pieces level fives equip the best please and this area was just called the demon which no you’re right that is concerning whatever kill the Boomer and you know what let’s just get on to the next area where it said the answer is extremely freaky if anyone was curious hey what buddy reflected

Back oh it finally worked I waited so long for that one and luckily pupsy was asleep for such a long time that he’s just by himself tonight oh my God I still took 20 000 damage off that okay uh well yeah go hit Ritz instead 82

82 glad that wasn’t at me And yet okay Ritz dodged that or don’t I don’t know why she didn’t listen to me there dodged oh and I countered it too I’m just that much better than you are jerk eat ability spam and countered again this

Way I can poison him get a soldier ring cleave off which just means for free and that attack is not blockable all right hey buddy can we survive this oh I did yes I’ve bashed him I win oh I’m just better than this stupid guy screw you

Pepsi the giant monster demon give me everything in this chest I am the rifle heir to it oh a magic bow how cute wait hops what are you what are you telling me right now you’re freaking out why are you doing that with your fingers what was that that was that was more

Horrifying than anything I’ve seen it’s in her orc minions to destroy the Firefly tree that’s that’s a lot of words but he just wants me to go beat up the witch now all right Jen I’ll probably need you for this one buddy looks like an adventure oh wait in a

Scary Forest too oh man

This video, titled ‘I Trained my Magic and became a Wizard GOD’, was uploaded by ImCade on 2023-07-24 17:00:02. It has garnered 203389 views and 4452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:39 or 939 seconds.

I Trained my Magic and became a Wizard GOD in Swords and Souls Check out my NEW channel memberships for exclusive videos and my discord! Become a member ➞ https://bit.ly/ImCadeSub

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    Craft a Pickaxe Quick & Slick: Minecraft's Trick In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Crafting a pickaxe is how a player survives. Gather some sticks and materials strong, To make a tool that will last long. Wood, stone, iron, or diamond so rare, Each pickaxe has its own flair. For Netherite, use a Smithing Table with care, To create a pickaxe beyond compare. So follow these steps, don’t be shy, Craft your pickaxe and reach for the sky. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Your pickaxe will be worth its weight in gold. Read More

  • “MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes “When you’re so excited to learn MLG water bucket in Minecraft that you accidentally pour water all over your keyboard instead of in the game. #fail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1

    Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1 Minecraft One Block Series: A Thrilling Adventure Begins! Welcome to Livestargamingz’s Minecraft One Block series Episode 1! Join the excitement as the journey unfolds in this thrilling gameplay. Dive into the world of survival, resource gathering, and exploration as Livestargamingz takes on the challenge of surviving in a single block environment. Key Points: Survival one block map Minecraft one block challenge Exciting gameplay elements Resource gathering and crafting Exploring the One Block World: In this episode, Livestargamingz embarks on a quest to mine blocks and expand the limited space available. With the appearance of pig spawns, the challenge intensifies… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience! Are you ready for an epic adventure like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. With a modern, upbeat community and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and explore the virtual world. Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer with like-minded players from around the globe. The Minewind server offers a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting… Read More

  • Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23

    Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23Video Information hello my dudes and welcome back to all the mods 9 enchant the world we’re doing a magical mods playthrough of this mod pack and this episode we’re going to be jumping back into occultism and getting to some of the endgame things that mod has to offer pretty exciting well yeah definitely endgame occultism has some really cool things we’re going to look at today familiars as well as storage some highle quarrying and the endgame pesta resistance we’re going to summon a wife now of course we’ve added some red carpet because I wanted to go… Read More

  • Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!

    Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!Video Information hey what’s up with a happy Roblox family with Mom Dad Daisy mly and the baby [Music] baby with the star Squad smart and fun and little crazy well maybe just just a little bit just just a tiny [Music] bit don’t forget to hit subscribe and check out our awesome SN news at. hey guys what’s up it’s me Molly and Daisy and I want to show you this amazing fan video that we found on YouTube and today’s video is going to be based on this fan art it says Molly and Daisy but they’re evil… Read More

  • Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA – Top Clan Slaying Tali Krysha

    Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA - Top Clan Slaying Tali KryshaVideo Information Brasil [Música] [Música] [Música] m [Música] m mij m [Música] h ha [Música] This video, titled ‘PvP Funtime / top 1 clan ss / Kv 1×1 Tali Krysha’, was uploaded by OTRABA on 2024-04-25 08:32:53. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. #minecraft holyworld #gg holyworld minecraft, woopsen anarchy, broke the bedrock in the player’s base, wipe anarchy, trade after the wipe, after the wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, minecraft carrot farm, ifrit farm, minecraft griefing, sold my base, like me sold my base… Read More

  • Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!

    Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!Video Information hello my dear friends today we are embarking on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft on the one block map where every block is a whole world of possibilities together with our loving and reliable family we are here to survive thrive and create wonders out of tiny cubes we started this journey together with each of us putting a piece of our minds labor and Imagination into expanding this lonely block into something grander my mom a master Miner carefully extracting resources from the depths of this World opening up new opportunities for us to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftlive

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftliveVideo Information ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब तो क्या है हालचाल तो गाइस बताओ आप सभी लोग क्या बोल रहे हो बार मैसेज कर रहे हो क्या क्या बोल पता नहीं तो हमारा एसम पी जो है उड़ चुका है मतलब जिसने बनाया था उसका घर उड़ चुका है तो इसलिए हम न्यू घर बना रहे हैं माइक ऑ था हमारा क्योंकि य हमारा जो है ना किसी और रूम में था इसलिए आप रिक्वेस्ट कर ओपन कर दिया हेलो ब्रो प्लीज भाई एमआर राहुल कुमार सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम को… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!

    Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!Video Information hi everybody wax FR here and welcome back to episode two of the hardcore let’s play series we are starting the episode right outside of our very first house in this series and we have plenty more to make the goal of this episode is actually not to take care of myself but to get some housing for the villagers because you know I mean I have a house but the villagers don’t have anything the only housing that we’ve made so far is actually the small dirt Hut that we have a mending villager in and our… Read More

  • Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!

    Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!Video Information तो आज हम वो कर रहे हैं नया अकाउंट बनाते हैं ये क्या करते हैं क्या पता 303 करते है ड [संगीत] अकाउट देखो तोय बेडकम य यह वा नलाइन करते आईडी वो हो जाएगी तेरी म तेरी आईडी की मजी बेबी ते इतनी गंदी सा ले र है गवा आदमी पागल ये देख रिफर क्या है नहीं भाई ये कमेंट रूल्स के मुताबिक य जीरी मैं तुम्ह खत्म कर दूंगा रुको मैं एकदम ठीक हूं अब मैं क्या करू तो मेमो मैं ता मुझे मजा आता है धो [संगीत] लेता भाई वट द वाला होता है ठीक… Read More

  • 🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fyp

    🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fypVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server(Balkna) CookieVanilla starter 🌆bases🌆 showoff #minecraft #fyp #shorts’, was uploaded by KUMKA on 2024-01-08 01:13:40. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. If you want to join us, go to our discord and fill out the application for the whitelist Discord link:https://discord.gg/trmFytRags Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE now

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE nowVideo Information सो हे गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी के क्या हाल चाल भाई साहब सभी बढ़िया होंगे आई गेस सो कैसे हैं सभी यार मेरे ख्याल से बढ़िया ही होंगे और मेरी थोड़ी सी तबीयत खराब है बाकी तो सब सही चल रहा है बस थोड़ा बहुत हेडेक है थोड़ी थोड़ी दिमाग खराब हुआ बहुदा तो अगर कुछ गलत या सही बोल दूं तो भाई माफ करना कुछ खतरनाक बोल दूं तो दिमाग खराब हो जाएगा आपका तो भैया थोड़ा काबू में रहे और हमें भी काबू में रहने दे समझ रहे और बताइए सब लोग क्या हाल चाल… Read More

  • AngelCv3

    AngelCv3Survival MC Server! You can claim your land of course! But you can also buy a plot at the new city UPDATE! SELL to earn money, with it BUY, from stores.. or from players! Work with others or alone. This server is new so there is A LOT of land still left and unexplored ruins and dimensions! Enjoy~ fun fact I made the banner in 2 minutes soo.. yeaah THERE WILL BE A PROPER TRAILER SOON! angelcv3.minehut.gg Read More

  • Survivemc RP – Roleplay, Modded, SMP – Whitelist, 16+, 1.20.1

    Welcome to SurviveMC RP! SurviveMC RP is a new rp-based server with a growing community. Experience intense zombie survival with immersive mods and challenging gameplay. The world is unforgiving, with NPCs to trade with and a life steal mechanic adding to the difficulty. Features: Custom zombie skins and behavior Performance-based mods for smooth gameplay In-game character creation and unique world map Permanent death mechanic for added challenge If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic worlds like “The Last of Us” or “The Walking Dead,” this server is for you. Join us on our Discord to start your adventure: Join Discord We… Read More

I Trained my Magic and became a Wizard GOD