I Transformed the ENTIRE END in Minecraft Hardcore

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Last episode I spent hours and hours completely destroying the end and now I’m going to collect up thousands of items then get to work creating buildings and Towers to build a massive envelope trust me it’s worth the wait I have hundreds of Notch apples loads and

Loads of deep slight diamond ore and so so many other precious blocks but you know what I don’t have a lot of emerald or yep I only have one Emerald or in this entire world okay actually that’s a lie I I may have two more there but

Still three in this entire world it’s just not good enough okay yes I actually have four because there’s one in my collection of every single Minecraft block but anyway today I’m going to change all of that because I’m gonna go out there and find 100 blocks of emerald

Ore in theory it shouldn’t be too hard I just need to find a mountainous biome and I’m also gonna give myself one hour on the clock let’s see if I can do it in time there was something else I’m in the wrong area to find a mountain although

Thankfully I’ve come to land again so hopefully things work out a bit better maybe up here there could be something Emerald is most common at y256 and considering my current height is one five six it’s kind kind of unlikely that that’s the place I’ll try and find somewhere better this looks like a

Better place to me but is there any Emerald or that is the question so far not so much but that’s because of all the snow maybe if I could get okay well what on Earth just happened there we don’t want to be inside powdered snow Blaze that would then not be ideal it’s

Just mine through and look inside a cave there’s got to be someone here somewhere it’s very very promising by the looks of things I just have to keep searching and maybe I was a bit optimistic thinking I could find hundred of these now it’s gonna be quite the challenge but hey

I’ve successfully found the first one fantastic it is just one unfortunately but one is better than none nearly 10 minutes in and that’s all I’ve found you can probably see now why I only had four of these in my entire world I’m thinking strip mining could be the way which is

Why I’m giving it a go and I found some okay well it is definitely the way and now that I’m gonna commit to this method I have an idea the idea is quite simple I just grabbed myself a few iron blocks and build a full Beacon now to activate

It get my haste too and it’ll allow me to strip mine for Emerald or extremely extremely fast there we go we’ve got some already fantastic okay you know what it’s gonna be tricky but it might just be doable yeah I’m getting loads oh oh it’s

Happening guys I think I can do it I think I might have just got the method to find emerald after a strong start I haven’t found any in a while which is a little bit weird oh well okay that ends the curse we’ve got six make that seven

And we’re 17 minutes in can it be done ladies and gentlemen can I do it I’m optimistic that I can get close to it but time will tell there we have piece number 10. and 11 there was two there that’s why you’ve got a mind behind him because you

Just never know and whilst I’m doing this I might as well try and keep as much of the stone as possible so yes this is eating into my time but I’m going to make a few shulker boxes just so I can keep collecting it all I’m over

30 minutes in and I’m starting to lose my optimism that I can get 100 in an hour it’s definitely slowed down quite a lot and that is the 20th one and the 21st and at this point it will take a miracle to reach my goal and on another

Note it’s probably a good idea for me to repair my pickaxe before it breaks otherwise that would be a bit of a disaster thankfully such a task is pretty straightforward I just have to keep breaking the catalysts and from there I can just keep on mining 50

Minutes in 24 pieces if I can get to 30 before the hours up I’ll be pretty happy and I’ve just passed the hour mark didn’t even get a single one in that last time but it’s that’s pretty awful I’m gonna get to the end of this strip

And I’m gonna mine away at these taller bits up here because I feel like I was getting too low down to find emerald in the other bit which is why it went so slow although even up here there isn’t any so you know what I’m gonna try and

Find another Mountain which first means I Must Destroy this entire Beacon and with that successfully done I need to find a higher Mountain I mean that’s pretty tall over there I’m putting the render this inside that’s only going to help me turns out there’s mountains everywhere I’m going over this way yeah

This is perfect it’s even taller than the one I was at before by almost 100 blocks you know if I come here first I’m sure I would have found way more emeralds so I’m gonna set up the new Beacon right here and then get back to work searching for emeralds already

Found some okay this is way better now that I’m high roll oh it’s going fast yeah I really made a mistake not coming here earlier no wonder I didn’t do it in an hour but now I’m optimistic I can do it in less than two hours or at least I

Hope so because I don’t want to spend the entire video just mining for emeralds and that’s it 32 pieces you know what I know I said I was gonna get 100 but this has just taken forever even when I came to this higher up area it’s

Still pretty slow so I’m happy with what I’ve managed to collect I’m removing the entire Beacon again and heading back home here we are home sweet home I’m gonna pick up these extra three here and then all my Emerald oil for now can go in this chest eventually I’d like to

Have a much bigger collection of it but for now 35 is all and I’ve got also guys have you ever wondered what sp737 stands for well it’s something 737 okay not really but that’s the name of the merch line that I have released for this summer there’s a

T-shirt a cap a water bottle which can also be used as a hot water flask and SB 737 sunglasses so we’ll let you look as cool as me plus the shorts we’ve got my favorite item they’re really really comfy very very high quality I wear them

All the time you just can’t see me wearing them now because as far as you guys are concerned I I don’t have legs just like I don’t have ears anyway all of this is available on sb77.star I’m now going to quickly fly up here to repair this pickaxe because

It really needs it there’s actually a lot of XP left down there why is the hopper not picking up all the gold by the way I wonder if it’s because they used to be a hopper Minecart right there but it doesn’t look like it is now maybe

Man maybe that’s the problem which might as well be fixed because I am going to end up needing a lot of gold for the end Hub I’m talking 40 000 Gold Blocks okay for some reason I’ve decided that I think it’ll be cool to have that much

Gold on it and whilst this gold Farm isn’t the fastest one in my world it’s the most easily accessible farm for me to get XP which is why I tend to use it quite a bit so first of all a hopper Minecart needs to be pushed into a

Partly you can eating cake I think it’ll be okay actually if it’s if it’s that way around I’m sure it’ll work at least I hope it’ll work we’ll just push it in and see what happens I suppose and then from there I’m gonna activate this piston just see what happens will it

Work okay no that didn’t work instead to do this I’m gonna have to take a slightly different approach which is to break both of these pieces of cobblestone oh no and then it’s filtered off gonna redo all the Minecarts as well okay how many of them are there one two

Three I think there’s about 40. that’s way more than it needs to be anyway let’s now get back to fixing this Kate goes here I’ll be able to eat some slices soon as soon as I run out of hunger which can probably be done if I

Try and take down image or if I just keep running around there we go I’ve lost a hunger bar or two so I can eat the cake push the minecart along break everything Place everything back and push the blocks into the minecart Hopper and I think it should once again be

Working as intended with all that there and the only way to test it is to put back all the mine carts break this dirt and anger the pigment all right assistant please work my pickaxe has been repaired which is one good thing and the gold is once again being

Collected which is another good thing this is great and everything it’s not the fastest gold Farm in the world but it does work well and it’s also currently the only working gold Farm I actually have you see last episode when I built this new and improved with a

Head Farm I I made a slight mistake the mistake was I built it too close to this so it is affecting the rates of the gold farm and it makes it so that thumb doesn’t work properly either the Fortress fan which I mainly used to get

Blaze rods so there’s only one way to fix it it’s very very important I do it I’m gonna make an on off switch for it where everything will be lit up if I flick the switch on I will do that well quite simply I’ll be using Redstone

Lamps I’ve got quite a few of them in this chest hope hopefully 53 will be enough I think I’m no you know I’m trying to be fine then I’ll also need glass as well as redstone dust and Redstone repeaters now to make this easier I’m first going to activate the

Mob switch which is just all of those Shockers right there because otherwise you would have had things like Blaze and figment attack me all the time it just would have been a nightmare but yeah the plan is pretty simple basically underneath every single wall I’m going

To place a redstone lamp and I’m really hoping I have enough but I’m I’m starting to be not too optimistic about that yeah I didn’t bring it anywhere near enough I’m gonna need at least another stack of them which means flying all the way back home I’ll grab the 64

Glowstone combine it with these and we are back on track they’re all placed down now I’m gonna have to put glass underneath and I reckon the easiest way will be to do something like this and then yeah I can just connect everything up with Target blocks underneath each

One so Redstone like that and then yeah Target block there there needs to be a repeater going why am I not got me tell them that let’s let’s just keep the totem safe but yeah that’s to be a repeater like that to make sure that the signal passes through of the target

Block so it’s quite a resource heavy process but it’ll be worth it in the end I’ve got every piece of glass dance I thought that would be easiest now I’m just going to continue putting all the Redstone in do I need to repeat it there

No I don’t I think I just need to go like that put that there and then the repeaters come back in and it also looks like I’m definitely not gonna have enough Target blocks or repeaters well it might be okay for Peters but definitely with Target box I don’t so

I’ll nip home to grab an extra stack and I’ll craft some extra repeaters while I’m at it too that’s all the Redstone down now for the moment of truth will it actually work the lever goes here are flick it and every single lump turns on oh fantastic and unless I’ve made a

Miscalculation that should disable the farm so I’ll reload the world to disable the mob switch and then I’ll fly all the way up here and the plunge work perfectly not a single mob of Spawn fantastic I’m gonna also use the same thing that I built here to turn off this

Pump although this is a bit of a tricky platform to get to you know I should make it bigger since I have a bit of spare glass always annoying when I’m trying to fly onto it and I have to like go underneath and then rock it on twins

That is a much easier way so that’s disabled that’s disabled which means in theory the only farm that should be in use is this one right here and the Gold’s coming through nicely but since I’m gonna need so much of that we need a lot of inventory space I’m going to

First nip back home just to offload all of these unnecessary items I’m gonna need 20 sugar boxes of gold blocks so I’m going to be optimistic and grab every single one of them now in fact it’s actually 25 shulker boxes worth so yeah I’ve been very very optimistic and

I’ll die every single one of them do be yellow just to give you an idea of how much gold this end top is actually going to use this gold Palace took about 4 000 Gold Blocks how much gold will the end Hub need well it’s a grand total of 44

000 Gold Blocks so yeah a massive massive amount so I put all these sugar boxes in here and just let the gold keep rolling in it’s gonna take quite a bit of time to get on this gold I can tell already but as you can see I’ve got

Quite a good amount but in the grand scheme of things we need a lot more so I shall just keep waiting for all this gold to come in until I get close to a full shulker box worth I’ve been AFK in here age and Asian ages and I just keep

Crafting the goal server every now and again I’ve worked out going like this and a chest and just emptying it out and then standing where those nuggets go and just crafting new ones is the fastest way to do it because then assuming you can reach the crafting table you don’t

Have to keep re-stocking your inventory or anything like that I’ve almost got that first shulker box worth of gold blocks and there’s still many nuggets on the ground here I’ve just got to make sure that I get everything crafted before they all despawn which is why I’m

Moving this crafting table a little bit Nearer My Big quite a smart idea another stack nearly two stacks worth you know what I’m so close I only need 61 more gold books I’ve just got to stay in fact they might yeah look at this we’ve got

Quite a few and I bet these Hoppers yeah they’re full to the brim fantastic we might just have enough well time will tell anyway I reckon it’s going to be very very close indeed as every single nugget I have left apart from these new ones coming through and we’ve done it an

Entire shulker box of gold blocks I admit it was a little bit too optimistic to bring all of these and think that I could film them it takes ages and ages just to do one I might have to slightly modify the design of this end Hall but

So that I don’t spend the next thousand days just afking for gold now another thing that I’m gonna need a seriously high amount of for this build is cyan terracotta almost 10 shulker boxes of it to be precise oh by the way we have quite a few gold blocks in there and

Gold which is good to know about oh yeah 10 Stacks are saying terracotta at the moment we have none I said that’s not true we have two in this chest here we’ve got regular terracotta in there which I don’t know why because we have a terracotta chest so here you can see

We’ve got three shulker boxes worth we need to get 10 of them really so I’ll craft a little more of these and then I’ll head out to a Mesa biome I can’t exactly remember where one is but I think there’s one somewhere in this direction exactly where I’m not sure but

I know if I keep flying this direction I’ll eventually come to it you see what did I tell you guys I knew that they’d be one in this direction somewhere because this is where I normally fly when I want to find one of these and last time I mined up terracotta I got

Told by you guys that you all need a haste one Beacon to insta Miner I made a full lace two one but yeah just just haste one should be enough in theory well we’re about to find out if you’re correct oh you are well that saves me a

Lot of effort doesn’t it because um do I have to build a massive one at all do I I’m not having to spend ages building a beacon is always a positive because it means I can just spend more time mining away the only Annoying Thing is because

It’s a smaller Beacon it doesn’t have quite as big of a range as a full one so I have to keep coming back and making sure I don’t mind too far away from me see I’ve come back got haste again and then I can continue my mining shocker

Box number one has been successfully filled which means there’s just six more to go at this point I’m pretty sure I’ve got every single bid I need I also in a change of location as you can see but yeah 10 shulker boxes worth all in there

All completely full so with that I can remove this Beacon which is pretty easy because it’s only a little one it’s definitely a better thing not making a full one other than the fact that the time you get the effect for is a lot

Lower and it has way less of a range but other than that it was a great idea from you guys so now to gather up every single one of these sugar boxes and fly on home gonna say I could get some loot from here but it looks like I’ve I’ve

Already visited this place before should we take the Sunstone and it’s likely I’m going to come back to a desert maybe this very one because I will very soon need loads and loads of sun here we are home sweet home you know what as I’ve returned I’ve just noticed this massive

Thing and it just doesn’t need to be there I know it’s been here for absolutely ages but at this point I don’t know why I’ve still got it it was great for moving sugars from here into the void base down there but at this point I think it’s got to go thankfully

It isn’t that big of a structure at all to get rid of so it’s a fairly quick process and on a side note Midway through making this video 1.20 has come out I’m not going to upgrade in this video for the next Hardcore episode will be 1.20 and I cannot wait because

There’s stuff like armor trims and so many other good stuff and that is the platform fully removed now for the pillar which is also completely gone also it seems my inventory is a bit too full to pick up every single material so I’ll drop all of this stuff off and then

I can gather up the rest now as I established earlier I need 10 stacks of signed terracotta so I’ve got the Terracotta but I still need over a shulker box of cyanide AI right now yeah I’ve got 17. it’s a big sign that you

Just need a lot of blue dye and a lot of green dye unfortunately if I head down here towards the guardian farm and then move away from this massive lab Farm I think there’s two lava Farms there but if we no if we go this way I’ve got a

Massive smeltery unit there’s four of these here which is below a cactus farm now this was actually built just to get me loads and loads of XP and it does it’s very very good but if I just go and turn that on the method of getting set

XP oh that’s so satisfying to watch by the way but the method of getting set XP is by smelling Cactus so if I just go ahead and flick these levers on it will lock every single furnace so that when something smells which I’ll just have to

Wait for it to get there as you can see where it smells it’ll just stay if I was done click the lever it would go into The Hoppers and get burned like so as you can see there’s lava there and it would fall as awesome pick it up I’ll

Lock those ones as well so yeah the plan is simple I’m just going to turn on every single one and then just get a crazy amount of green dye this is kind of this is my attempt to make the fastest XP farm I think if I really went

For it and built some wait why is this not work I need to turn you see I made it so if that lever’s flicked you can’t leave because otherwise if I leave the area it’ll unload everything it’ll break all the Minecarts but I’m not leaving

The area I just want to show you the size of the cactus farm look at it there’s so much here and it it is planned to be bigger as well one day but uh yeah not anytime soon but it is just layers and layers and layers of cactus

And it was built above a guardian farm so that I could also get the XP from that it’s a dual thing that’s the entire plan of it and these are filled up nicely once they all get to 64 then I’ll just go on a massive harvesting spree

And to store them all I’m probably gonna need quite a few sugar boxes I’ll make two for now if I’ll make three you know me I always like to push the boat out which is what I’m doing with an extra shulker box in fact whilst I wait for

That I’ve got another idea I might as well use the lava Farm in fact I’ll use both lava Farms I’ll use this one first yeah I’ve got loads of loads of lava might as well use it we’ve got loads loads of buckets as well as you can see

It’s just kind of necessary for the whole thing I think I’m just gonna have to fill my inventory up like that then I can press the button and then just hold right click so that I constantly collect up the lava and every time there’s a full cauldron

It harvested and goes into the storage system that’s the first one finished is the logo oh you bet there’s loads a lot of book have we even got enough storage for all these I’m starting to think maybe we’re we’re a little full although these yeah look at it it’s awful

Although these ones down here are kind of empty so yeah we still got plenty of space plenty of space for me to now use this one mission accomplished construct some buckets in there yeah because we don’t have that many over this way and it looks like the cactus is almost ready

To start being gathered up nearly at a stack which is absolutely perfect and I just realized this is going to be loads of XP too which is fantastic and that’s every single one emptied okay like 10 levels from here as well which is pretty good so we’ve got three over three four

Short boxes I’m glad I made those three now and just before I leave the area I am going to run the lava Farm one more time might as well because Bookers of lava always come in handy hopefully all that lava keeps me going for quite a

While I mean there’s a lot more full Chestnut which is good and then I can turn off the machine and safely leave once these Pistons extend I’m just gonna wait a little bit for it there we go operation get loads of green dye is complete so now I just need to update

The stocks for blue which I reckon shouldn’t be too difficult because I also have a place that can get me that I set off in this direction thinking I was going to the farm just remembered this is the orchid flower farm it works really really well I don’t even know if

I have it yet look at that we’ve got we’ve got loads doing it or a few in here but I don’t need that oh yeah the floating Vines as well but anyway I don’t need the Orchid Farm I need the cornflower Fab and that one happens to

Be located in a flower forest biome which is quite far away hence the reason I’m using nether portal travel to get there quite a bit faster so here it is before I activate it I’ll just double check that there is more than enough foam meal in here which I think yeah it

Looks like there’s a decent amount to go I didn’t know so I’ll start the farm like so as you can see corn flours just keep growing and then they will get pushed Along by the gates they go well we kind of fall through the gaps of the gates anyway and then they

Go into all these they get sorted and they fill up the chests and they also have a nice little system where any seeds just go into these composters and then that gets turned to bone meal which will get fired upwards back into the machine so it’s it’s quite renewable as

Well and whilst I’m waiting for it to all grow I might as well yeah take a load of okay why have we got random grass blocks I have no idea but I’ll take a load of these bones and add a load more to the machine already in that

Short amount of time I’ve got nearly four Stacks in fact modern that because it’s going into all the chests this is fantastic and I think I’m gonna pre-craft it as I put it in rather than just putting corn flowers in yeah I’m Gonna Fill the sugar boxes with actual

Blue dye so then I don’t have to worry about crafting it at a later date and there you have it every single one has been successfully filled got a little bit of room inventory for these extra bits as well I’ll tell you what I’ll do I’ll grab that Sugar I’ll grab all these

Sugar boxes because they’re worth taking home I’ll take this end of chest because I don’t want to leave it about and then any space I have for some extra ones I’ll grab those then I’ll shut off the machine and call it a job well done this

Is now a great opportunity for me to go on a big crafting spray you to get all of that cyan dye and then that cyan terracotta so first I’m going to go down here and load the auto crafter up with all of the ingredients for the cyan dye

To be made which as you can see is made very easy with the autograph although I think maybe it’s it’s a little bit yeah it’s a little bit too fast of this this is problematic although I’m making it work I’m just having to do something

Like this which is uh it’s a little bit annoying isn’t it anyway it thankfully hasn’t affected things too much I’ve got enough space for everything it was fairly quick once I got past the annoying bits of having too much and not enough inventory space for it now the

Chests are filling and it could go in the shulker boxes and now comes the fun part I’m gonna take nine of these and place one in each of the slots I see to begin with I’m only placing eight because it won’t work although I say no

It will will it work I don’t know I I might not be right with this but then we put a cyan one in the very middle so now when I use this machine a little bit filtering through and I can just nice and steadily craft it like this I think

It’s done I think I’ve received every single one and I must have done something slightly wrong because some of them I still got choked out like some Terry got it they only worry is is there gonna be enough space in these I don’t think they will and also the best way to

Pick up the shorter boxes is just to go like this and then they’ll go through the system as you can see they’re nicely arriving so start grabbing all these and filling them up it looks like yeah we have got a lot of spare terracotta because if I stand there it’s just

Coming through so I better hurry up before all these balls that would be a sad moment yeah okay fill them inventory fast indeed okay that’s this is good though it’s working I think I’ve calmed the storm for this it looks like The Hoppers are once again keeping up and I

Still do have this extra sugar box and some of these I think maybe I should just manually craft them as for one shulker box a fancy machine it’s not really needed ah yeah some of the normal terracotta is filtered through I must have chucked them out by mistake yeah

Actually quite a bit of that mistake but it’s all worked out in the end as every single sugar box is full although I’ve said that I’ve still only got nine sugar boxes worth and I need 10 so I’ll grab the second die and get busy crafted up

One more so I’m very happy that progress another thing I need a lot of is gray dye now I have a lot of black dye well not probably not enough how are we doing it insects we’ve got a decent amount of insects but you know what I say you

Could never have too many so I’m taking five short walks it’s just five sugar boxes and then I’m heading to the squid Farm to fill up every single one now it’s entirely possible because there’s a storage down here where there’s already some ink sacks left over so we’re about

To find out in here I’ll tell you what there’s a few I’ll take it we’ve also got a lot of eggs and a fish yeah apparently all sorts gets caught into this uh into this Farm once I’ve got some black dye might as well also turn

The red sugar boxes to be black ones I think they’ll just look a little bit better if they’re the same color as the diamond collecting so the eggs are getting chucked out then I go through this portal right here and I’m in position I just stand on this block and

Squids will spawn at the farm and go through the portals spent a few days here let’s just see how much we’ve got we’ve got a lot of mobs in there that’s what it’s why why haven’t we got so many pigmented I don’t know oh my goodness

It’s overrun okay I didn’t expect it to be that many this is actually a way more efficient fun than I realize it might not be that hard to yeah look at that we’ve we’re not even got space for all of the ink stacks I’ve had a known that

I would have not left it so long let’s suppose too many sacks is a pretty good problem to have so I’ll wait here a little bit longer to get even more and after even more time the chest is once again filled with insects my goodness

It’s so quick just need a few more to filter through and I’ll be sorted with my collection but I might as well wait here for that to happen that’s mission accomplished and so now I can begin crafting a load of gray dye which is unfortunately gonna take a lot of steps

To have to make the bones into bowmill then that into white dye and the ink sags need to be turned into blacked I manage just so much going on but it’ll all be worth it in the end there we go two of them filled and now the next

Thing I’m gonna need so so much of for this build it’s not TNT but the TNT will probably come in handy no instead it is sand because I’m gonna need glass I’m gonna need a lot of concrete and I’ve actually changed things around on the

Build so that I only had one sugar box of gold blocks but I will need like 46 shulker boxes of yellow concrete which is quite a lot but it’s also way easier to get than the gold block so that’s why I’m doing that so my plan is simple I

Must first flight all the way back to that motorbike also we’ve got a random Woodland lunch today that’s kind of cool and I’ve just come across an emerald or I’ve got to grab it now I went too early to get him there’s no way I’m now going

To leave him behind when I see them anyway as I was saying back to the Mesa band which also happens to be right next to a desert and from there I will set up camp and start placing downloads of TNT and detonating it as I go from there it

Can all be collected I can fill up shulker boxes and just keep repeating the process over and over again you’ve seen me do this many many times usually I do it to get sand for TNT but this time I’m just getting sand so it will be very very fast to get everything indeed

That’s already the second strip collected and yeah I’m just gonna keep going until I have every single bit and at this point I’ve pretty much run out of desert so I’ll collect up the last few minutes of the Sun and have managed to fill up all of these sugar boxes look

At it and there’s 29 of them which does unfortunately lead me to the issue of how on Earth am I going to get a more backer I don’t know the answer so for as many as academic inventory and I shall fly all the way back and now each and

Every one can be wait I’ve already got loads of sand okay well now we’ve got a lot more stuff I didn’t realize I still have loads and loads in here yeah I should probably start checking chess before I go on a massive collection spree but on a positive note I will need

All that sand for another project as well so I can’t complain too much what is that other project well I’m going to have to get a lot of gravel and the nether is the way to do that and then a TNT so yeah I’m gonna be doing a lot of

Blowing up and the sound is useful for that now to grab the last few remaining bits and once again leave only this time I I don’t have to fly back again I need a shulker box worth of TNT I think the craft is going to be the easiest way

This is all working nicely and the sugar box could be loaded up and now it’s just a simple task of getting loads and loads of gravel my method for this will be to dig down to a suitable level create a nice big long tunnel look at that

Ancient debris okay well I just I was collecting some gravel two pieces of that nope made that three and you might think I don’t need ancient debris now because I’ve got a full netherite Beacon but once they upgrades the new update to ancient debris but once again they’re

Quite useful anyway I’ve done a nice picture looking almost nice to get a full shulker box of growl but it’s time to add TNT that’s all of them down I’ve pretty much run out of tunnel here so I’ll light it up grab a bit more gravel

From here whilst the white and then the big gravel collection spree can begin and it will of course be finding lots of veins and debris on the way as well which is just a nice added bonus that tunnel that I blew up seemed to make with another tunnel so I’ve just been

Exploring it and Mining loads and loads of gravel but it has to be said it is very slow and steady work I’ve got six sugar boxes worth as you can see maybe like six and a half when I’ve finished mining this little bit and I think to

Fully get every material I need I need 14 sugar boxes worth it so I’m not even halfway and I do kind of fancy doing something else and going back to this a little bit later so I’ll dig my way out of here but I’ll fly out as well there

We go massive treasure Bastion too have I been to this one only one way to find out let’s just dig in and swoop on down it looks like it well it does it’s hard to say isn’t it but it’s a pretty bad one I know so I’ll probably have been it

Okay I’m just getting smacked in the back oh it’s another chest another chest witch is also kind of I think what I’ll do is I’ll grab all of these Gold Blocks as I’m going to use this as another way to get lots of gravel I’ll send all of that

Down there I’ll just see how much gravel I’ve actually got in stock probably none yeah not very much at all 23 in total so it’s definitely worked to be done I did also get 22 ancient debris though which is nice and yes what stays slower than

The method I was just using it is quite a bit easier to do I just chill here watch the gold come in then craft it into ingots and barter it away I feel like I’ve been AFK here forever and I’ve Bartered a lot of gold so now for the

Moment of truce how much gravel have they got me hopefully it’s a lot okay well we’ve got one full just that’s a very good sign I’ll load that into these and then the chest above yeah it’s not very full at all is it but at least on

The positive note we’ve got quite a bit in the hopper so about two sugar boxes worth there and then yeah I’d say all together maybe better push for shulker boxes worth just short of that because you’re gonna remember there is some gravel in there and a little bit there

So yeah open four short box is worth is that enough it’s not too bad but it’s definitely a lot faster just mine it in the tunnels all of it is now successfully in storage and I can grab all the rest of my stuff to take it home interesting enough when I combine it

With all the gravel I’ve got at home I have 16 sugar boxes worth which which is enough well it has to be said that is fantastic I can finally get cracker done with other things and the first of those is that I need seven sugar boxes worth

Of glasses you can see there’s about seven Stacks in there not seven sugar boxes worth so let’s get a bunch of these and fill up my giant super smelter so far I’ve put four sugar boxes worth into it and as you can see it just melted away nicely it gets filtered into

This chest and if I’m quick to take the item out I can actually yeah get a bunch of XP from that look at that there’s loads of it I’ve nearly prepared me should I repetit half and I would try and do the exact same thing again okay

Well I did manage to it it’s kind of tricked off I’ve had a few attempts in it nearly prepared the shovel fully I’ll try one more time and I I didn’t miss it okay we got it fantastic fully repaired shovel meanwhile this is filling up

Nicely now we are in a chunk loader so I can pretty much just leave this to it and I’ll focus on getting another much needed material which is yellow dye now we have a few of those dandelions but we need way way more I wish they’ll die in

Itself oh fairly right we’ve got to get busy here because I need five and a half shulker boxes of yellow dye which as you can imagine is a pretty hefty amount but don’t worry I’ve got a farm for it and that farm is somewhere in this direction

Yep here it is didn’t have very far to travel at all like the other flower farm it relies completely on bone meal and best girl I do to run it let’s just go like that then after a little while once you think of the noise

You just stop it by doing that on the Note Block I can pick up all these items and I’m not interested in anything except analyze I know it’s kind of a waste you know might have some use feelers but I’m not bothering just purely collecting these and yeah a lot

Is going to need to fill all of these so I’ll put my best foot forward and get to work already I’ve filled up my inventory the thing I’ve noticed a completely problematic with this is the fact that it’s gonna get laggy because I’m not picking up every single type of flowers

Like something potentially worth bearing in mind in fact I am just going to stop it again quickly could take a few attempts sometimes as I just want to quickly say how my glass is getting on apparently the truckload is working well it’s all up there so let’s just take it

Out and add it to the shulker boxes and I can come back to it a little bit later and for me I’ll just continue to use this while I’m right here that does come a point with this Farm where it starts to get a little bit like it and I think

I’ve got an idea of what I should do that is to offload those then grab a little bit of flint and steel and burn it all okay gotta make sure I don’t burn the fence so that’s you know work care will have to be taken good but I think

It’ll just be very good for the farm to do something like that oh but what I was worried about is happening okay we’re burning up right don’t do that just destroy everything and then continue as you were everything was going well but it looks like we have run out of bone

Meal just to slide over side but one that can be easily rectified like so and the Machine is back up and running looks to me like every dandelion I want is obtained because once I fill this shocker box we’re looking very very good aren’t we let’s bite them up and as I

Wait for the glass to continue filtering through from smelting up there I can start turning all these dandelions into yellow dye there we go all of these are also all crafted not entirely sure where the spare stacker to or glass has come from but you know what I’m not

Complaining I’ll just put it into storage and from there I can start placing these sugar boxes and then the big concrete powder crafting spree can begin out of the 25 sugar boxes 18 have been crafted although Quantum Ambassador unless I let some despawn there should

Be 24 in total so maybe I went wrong somewhere yeah not until I do all these Hoppers are pretty full still with it so it could all just be filtering through well stop when I’ve finished filling the shulker boxes now they all are and I need another five sugar boxes which

Means getting two sand two gravel and a bit of yellow dye as well now back to the crafting I go and installed in a massive crafting project is completed and I’ve turned it all from powder into concrete finally they’re all done which means I can grab them all from the chest

And load up the shulker boxes I’m hoping that I’ve counted this all correct that’s not a full shulker box but all the other ones are so I’m going to mine them up so that’s 24 which means I just need a little bit more to craft the final bits and with that all being

Collected the hardest of the items to get is sorted and now I can focus on all of the easier stuff which will take me a bit of time but it’s easy stuff like any 12 sugar boxes of stone an 11 of obsidian yeah just easy stuff that I’ve

Already got taken quite a bit of time but now every single item is here we’ve got all the concrete all of these different stuff loads more materials in here yeah this end Hub is is going to be a pretty big build the first thing things first I need to transport every

Single shulker box all the way to the end thinking I can just build a little Netherrack platform for all the materials and after four trips every single bit has been transported and the way this build is going to work is I’m gonna have one massive building around

This end portal then lots of little ones connected to it with Bridges and stuff and then eventually they’ll connect to those end gateways over there and the way a plan to build it is start from the bottom of this main thing and kind of work my way up a little bit but I

Apparently have not got any water which is a bit of an oversight I’m gonna need some so I’m going down a couple of buckets can be easily filled and then work can begin I was going to use the water to kind of float down and place

Blocks as I go downwards but I’ve just realized I’ve got these that I can build off from so if I just kind of build outwards from about this level I should be absolutely fine it’s magenta glass that I’m gonna need to start off with which I have plenty of this is the

Position of the very first ring and then the second one the third and once I’ve mine up a few more temporary blocks also the fourth from there I’ll just be building the Rings upwards and making them bigger so it makes it look like the entire end Hub will be hovering with

These beams coming downwards should be enough of those so I’m now going to build upwards a little bit and start building four pillar-like things for the bases to go on top and yeah the good thing about this that makes it straightforward is it is just repeating the same thing four times whilst that

Does mean you end up using loads and loads of materials at the very least I don’t have to think about what I’m doing too much this is what I’ve got so far and I’m just adding some redstone torch decorations around the outside this is the first one done still gonna do it on

Those three there I feel like it currently doesn’t look that impressive but but don’t worry okay give me a bit of time and it’ll look better as it as it gets bigger and at this height I’m not going to connect them all up with one big massive platform and this

Massive platform is going to be in the shape of a giant Circle so I’ve got to make sure that I get it completely correct the circle’s all done so now I’m filling in the middle of it this first main building bit is really starting to take shape and I’m going to expand it

Out even more with Blackstone slabs to kind of make rooms here this is going to be a big room as well I’m just going to kind of decorate it all add staircases and stuff like that and whilst I’m flying let me show you from down here so

You you can say I mean this is a small small part of it but it is looking very cool indeed I also I’ve run out of firework Rockets which is a very dangerous situation so I’m going home to make more good job I built these tunnels because I’m having to do the whole

Journey on foot so I will require one entire shulker box of gunpowder and also make my life easier if I just put everything into here and I think nine paper will do it so nine paper all of that into there one full inventory start crafting I’m back in business with

Firework Rockets which will all go in this shortcut box right here and now with the new rockets I can get back to building so I just stepped back to get some more materials and when I look at it from here wow it’s looking good isn’t it look at this it’s starting to take

Shape and it’s futuristic looking kind of end up yeah this is gonna be one massive room as I’ve said the walls are still being built upwards I did actually just run out of sea lanterns as they go behind the gray stained glass just to make a cool light effect which will be

Going all the way around the outside starting to take shape more and more but I’m thinking I should also start to focus on this inside bits I can build like the staircase structure and then connect these walls to it and make like the ceiling just to bring everything

Together so I’m gonna do this bit now the inside is getting there so there’s kind of some Pathways along here you’ll be able to walk I think I’m also going to put Carpets on top of DC lanterns here as well just to make it look a

Little bit nicer and I can use these rooms for something I don’t know what I’m going to use them for just yet maybe some crop farms or maybe a village down here that could be cool but it’s gonna be a massive very massive space so that’s that’s that’s that idea and then

Along here I’m just gonna have stairs going up like so and in them no no upside down but yeah it’s the same on this side and then the middle is going to be polish diorite just using two different types of stairs gives it a little extra detail makes it look a

Little bit better fairly simple and quite effective yes it does make the staircase take a little bit longer to build but it does still look well it’ll be worth it in the long run the staircases are starting to look like they go to proper arches and I’m going

To have them go upwards like this and then to the side like so so let’s just keep building them across and upwards when they connect at this point they then go up this way quite a lot of buildings do to finish this room but I’m gonna put my best foot forward and get

On with it this little pathway bit down here is completed and so now I’m building a bit of a beam along the middle here which is going to have deep slight towel slabs along the outside of it and then there’ll be all sorts of interconnecting beams to just support

The entire roof within rods in between of course I think I’m off with that let’s have a look at it from below yeah look at it now that it’s all in place I can grab a bunch of yellow concrete and build a massive roof over the top it’s

Taking a lot of concrete but it is now done apart from these bits here which I want to fill with white concrete and smooth quartz white concrete I have here smooth quartz is in this one nicely done and this is what the room looks like from down here I think it’s pretty cool

And so from here I can just continue to work on expanding these walls and building up the staircases I’m having these two connect to a room that goes around the end portal and at this level there’s going to be four cages for the dragons which is going to make look

Really really cool but I think I just need to kind of continue building up this side first make it all be in line because it’s definitely getting there it’s got that futuristic feel it just needs to be continued to be built up so this is how the main bit is going to

Look you can see these four circles are for the four dragons and I’m gonna go around the outside of these now and build up the cages I won’t be able to put the roofs on properly because I need to push the dragons in but I can get a

Good part of it done that’s all of the cyan terracotta down so now I can start adding the glass on top and that’s as much as I’m gonna build up because if I go any further yeah it’s gonna start getting broken by the dragon instead I’m

Gonna focus on this middle bit here that goes underneath the portal want to play stairs all the way around like this the middle bit around the portal is finished although I will continue to have stairs going upwards on certain bits to like connect to the pillars but the main

Thing I’m going to focus on now is having these bids go up because they’re going to kind of merge together on all four sides to eventually make one big roof this first one is pretty much at the right height and now I’m going to kind of make a circle around that the

Other staircases can connect to when I’ve built them high enough a staircase has successfully been built all the way up here and it will lead to like another area above a but for now I need to finish the area down here and to do that I’m going to begin by placing loads of

Stone in a ring around the Top bait at least I would do that if I hadn’t completely run out good job I’ve got a shulker box oh I don’t fall now as I was saying good job I’ve got a shortcut box completely full of it so I can continue

Placing so I’ve expanded it up and kind of connected to the stairs I think it looks alright with the stone so from there I’ve got this all around here and I’m just thinking we’re just gonna put clay along the top and kind of just fill

In all of it now so it’s like one big platform hopefully that makes sense gonna take quite a lot of this saying terracotta so I’ll put my best foot forward and get to work I’m also leaving a bit of a gap in the middle so that I

Can have the stairs go up so I think if we just go like that on both sides you could just walk up to this top bit now that it’s getting higher and higher let’s step back and admire the view you know what it this glance it’s starting

To look good but at the same time considering how long I’ve spent on it I almost feel like it’s it’s not that impressive I mean it’s getting there but yeah at the same time it’s it’s gonna have to be really big by the by the time I’ve done

And this Central Building is gonna eventually they have an Enderman farm at the very top of it so I’m going to keep building upwards towards that it’ll look great when he’s finished I’ve just gotta keep going just a little update as to where I’m at I’m currently building this

Up so that it’ll all converge not quite at the middle because we’re going to have a tower here this is where Enderman are going to land for an Enderman Farm it’s gonna be a big shoot all the way up to an Enderman farm at the top the

Moment I’m just gonna have it so the element die when they get to the bottom and it’s not an XP farm because I feel like the element are going to teleport otherwise which would definitely cause trouble and yeah this is a pretty straightforward task that I’m doing here

Just bring it up like that then continue There add more stairs they’re all sorted and I’ve added a nice little ring around the outside it’ll just help with that futuristic look and the main thing to do now is just yeah build this this Tower really really high so I put my best foot

Forward and get busy building it foreign but it is a complete Enderman Farm the only thing missing is there needs to be an endermite at the top here I’ll add that later on I can’t be bothered right now plus with the mob switch no Enderman spawning but look at it it really is

Coming together isn’t it and whilst it does look amazing there’s still lots of work to do like I need to add extra buildings I need to connect to pull the end gateways I need to connect it up to that obsidian platform over there yeah no time to rest instead I’m gonna focus

On building the smaller connecting islands that will go around the outside that involves some glass Rings much like the first ones did down there and there’s gonna be loads of these all over so I’d uh I’d better get busy start to realize just how big of a project this

Is I’ve I’ve managed to do every single hovering bit which is the second be a fair bit of time let’s mine that away and yeah there’s gonna be buildings on top of each and every one of these that connects to the main place and hopefully building these up won’t take me too long

This bottom bit is going to be made from sea London’s should be nice and bright then a mixture of undersighted stone on top with a bit of a bridge on both sides so this bridge is going to come out three and be a little three by three one

And then the same thing on this side and this is going to connect up eventually to that bit of Island there so it’s all going to be interlinked with Bridges looking something like that although I can’t really build too much more until I finish that one and I know the positions

Properly so I’ll just kind of continue building this up I fill up a couple more not as far as they need to go yet but they’re getting there I’ve just found them if I just do these bottom bases because I’m using the same blocks every time it’s easier than having to switch

Out to other ones so this is another one where you just put these down and then it’s just yeah the same block palette as that so makes it 10 times faster just nice because it means I don’t have to keep opening and closing shulker boxes all the time progress is very very

Steady but I’m slowly but surely building it higher and higher now I’m able to make some Pathways like this out of stained glass above the air rods which looks very nice indeed if you ask me I’m making the decision to just do one layer of every single one of these

Buildings at a time was definitely a good decision because it’s so so much easier with my inventory management because I’m pretty much just using the same blocks all the way around so yeah it’s 10 times better and ultimately in each of these four corners there’s going to be a big dome-shaped building and

There’s gonna be like a floating building in between them that’s the plan then we’ve got to connect up those that’s that’s all we’ve got to do and move the dragons you know shouldn’t be too bad but anyway I can’t get too excited about how the finished product

Is going to look because there’s still a lot of work to do so I’m just going to keep going layer by layer and yet another layer is now done and as you can see it’s looking very very good it actually makes the islands look like they’re quite established and built up

Now and what I’m gonna do instead of doing it each layer all the way around which does work well for the block power I’m gonna build it up to the top then I know exactly what I need to do and I can just repeat it on the other four a lot

Easier so down here we’re just gonna have some extra Stone just to kind of give it a bit of definition a little bit of detail and then I’ll just repeat that going upwards so another bit of obsidian there then Stone on top and it’s kind of

Almost gonna be a small version of that building there in a way so I’m gonna add a window along here then a bit more obsidian and this bit in the middle is just going to be kind of like a little spiral staircase this is how the

Building is looking so far I’m kind of starting to Branch it outwards now so that it makes a bit of a dome so I need to go across like this and then around yeah just kind of making a bit of a circle shape of repair which goes all

The way around now this height I’m gonna make it so that it opens up into a big room so there’s going to be glass along here that you’re what we’re going out as I was saying there’s gonna be glass along here that you’ll walk onto and

Then we’re gonna have a big circle of stone up here completely filled in with stone and this is how the walls of this room are gonna look just gotta finish this little bit up here and now we’ve got a bit of a roof area here and I want

Gold blocks to be in this bit Yeah remember I spent ages getting all that gold finally I’m gonna put it to use I want to do that I need to find where on Earth I put the shulker box with it in here it is loads and loads of blocks and

They are going to be placed along here and now that they’re all down I’m gonna have another layer of them up on this bit and from here I can detail the roof by adding sea lanterns then glass in front of it and then Sandstone slabs in

Front of that then I’ll add even more gold blocks that you’ll only be able to see from underneath here through the glass on top of this there’s going to be obsidian and now I’m switching back to yellow concrete just to keep it varied keep the detail it’s always good to use

Similar color blocks with slight slightly different textures just to make the build look quite a bit more interesting and rather than have it converge into a dome at the top and have a little Watchtower up here so I’m going to add some iron trap doors like this

And it’s gonna be quite detailed just to keep it that futuristic feel let’s have some concrete there I’ll continue this glass around the top and then I always feel like Redstone items are a key to making things have a futuristic feel and now to properly detail it we’ll have an

Anvil here then a slab there with a lever underneath like so and I’m going with broomstand a chain on top of that can I can I get on top of that I reckon that like that and to finish it off a redstone torch at the very top can I

Reach the top I can there you go let’s have a proper look at the building from a distance oh yes I like it it’s got that future I think I like it anyway yeah I think it works I think maybe when everything else is around it it’ll look

A little bit but it looks a little bit out of place at the moment but it definitely does have a futuristic feel to it and it’s very functional you can go inside it all the way up to the the top and then look through the windows I

Don’t know what I’m going to have up here I definitely want villagers to live in here and stuff like in this whole end Hub but weather in here exactly there could be a little farm in here you know some crops or something I don’t know but

It it looks good look at the see look this is what I meant by gold there and it kind of goes into sandstone and then it goes into the concrete I really like that could maybe add like a light chandelier in the middle or something I don’t know I’m not gonna over complicate

It maybe some end rods but all in all I’m very pleased with it and I’m going to get busy building the three other Towers which are all the same so I won’t bother you with the details I will just get busy and get to work and once I get

These last couple of bits on with the chain and the redstone torch the final one of these towers is finally done and now with them all here it’s actually starting to look really really good and starting to take shape still need to build connecting platforms for all of

The end gateways still need to move the dragons not looking forward to that one and you can see there’s a staircase I’ve started here so that’s going to connect up to those end Gateway platforms I’m gonna add a few decorations as well on these they’re all a little bit a little

Bit blank and I want some like hovering buildings as well in this blank space and the hovering builds are probably the biggest project I have left so that is what I would crack on with so just as it’s underneath the whole thing those hovering bits we’re gonna have the same

Little thing here I’m just gonna put that in the middle and then these in a little square with magenta panes in the corners from there I can mine up this Stone I might end up needing it I probably should just go back to the chest somewhere wherever it is and got

The Netherrack and then for a careful Landing so that I can build up three more blocks probably shouldn’t be using wall to build either but anyway and then I can just do something like this in a slightly bigger square and yeah just repeat this all the way up there’s going

To be two for this side because it’s gonna be like a double thing and there’s gonna be that in each area yeah it’s a big project but I’ll just build this one here first and then repeat it in the three other locations now the other ring

Is here I’m just building a kind of exhaust thing with stairs just to make it look good and it will have sea lanterns in the middle and that’s the first of these exhaust pillars built up as you can see it really has that rocket feeling I’m gonna build another one

There and then like a building in the middle to connect them since it’s just doing the same thing again it should be very very straightforward there we go nicely done and on their own they actually look quite good I kind of like how it is but I do think of it in the

Middle will make them look even better so I’ll get to work on that these bits are going to be purely decorational which means they’re going to be Hollow don’t have to worry about anything going on the inside and because there’s no blocks to place inside it will speed up

The entire building thing process wants a goal like this that’s all I need to do to connect them up and I’ve nearly reached the top I’ve kind of got a cool little room here with a window and so that needs completely Roofing over at least I would roof it over if I hadn’t

Run out of blocks take two there we go and I’m gonna use some nice blocks to create a nice little convergence as it kind of towers up to a little point in the middle which when completed should look very good indeed let’s step away and have a little old third person oh

Yes I like it a lot when you look at it in the context of the rest of the build it really does make it come together let’s get a little side angle oh yes lovely lovely stuff now I’ve just got to build three more of them and they don’t

Take that long so that’s that’s good news it’s time to run out of time but there is not much work left to be done and I definitely think they’re looking good so I’ll now focus on building up the staircases on all four of the sides and then I can start adding platforms

That go around all the end gateways which will be connected up by a slightly circular pathway that again has yellow concrete in between there you go you can start to see how they’re gonna look when they’re connecting and this yeah has to go all the way around every single one

And because I don’t have n gateways in every single slot I’m pretty sure I should have more than 20. and maybe I haven’t actually generated each one should have maybe done that before building them I think and then Gateway only appears when you take out a reborn Ender Dragon

Like actually take it out whereas I’ve defeated the End Dragon loads of times but using TNT in a machine so that’s probably why I don’t have every end Gateway no I said it doesn’t make sense because I took out loads of dragons earlier I don’t know exactly in the last

Episode but maybe it’s because it’s not the original Dragon I don’t know either way because it would probably look weird if I didn’t have an even amount of circles spaced around I’m going to just make ones with nothing in now you can actually get bedrock in 1.20 there’s a

Glitch to get infinite Bedrock I I’ve actually probably looked into it I’ve just heard it’s possible so I will probably be doing that in the future and I can build my own little end Gateway things that just what other the portal inside but I’m sure it’ll look really

Really cool and that ladies and gentlemen is mission accomplished also got loads of spellbs sitting on concrete mainly because they kind of overestimated how many I needed for the entire build a lot of materials I’ve got to spare which is good for storage for future projects and I

Suppose I can still use some of the obsidian just to make some decorations like this I’m gonna do it on every single one of the corner bits of the islands this bit I’ll have some sort of stair structure where the stairs go around like that and then the same thing

Also happens but like in an upside down way so I I guess I need to this is gonna be a yeah this is gonna get confusing that’s actually that confusing if I go like that then like that followed by that and that there we go that’s what I’m

Thinking about I’m going to get rid of those on top as well lovely I’ll do the exact same thing on this bit too and over here but not on top of saying terracotta I was trying to think of the name of it I’ve done so much building

It’s easy to forget him let’s go then build this up create another of those platforms and with that everything is looking quite good and now I’m gonna repeat it seven more times there we are that is enough of them for me I think I’ve got him around I don’t want to

Overdo it with decorations I think yeah there could be something on there to make it a little better but I’m happy with this this is the end base this is what we’ve spent all this time Craig 500 Days in the making and there’s just one

Thing left to do I’ve got to get those dragons which are a long way away into the cages this is what I’ve been put off for ages all right and and probably with good reason but I can put it off no longer time to get some End Stone get some

Pistons and just get moving them and then I’ll be able to build the cages up and around them until the dragons are in I can’t do that so yeah let’s let’s go through this we’ve got to find the way to pull looks very fancy indeed it is

Snowing and I’d love to sleep but I don’t know if I do that I might not have enough time to move them so let’s not let’s not cut any Corners let’s give ourselves a maximum amount of time definitely don’t want to be going over time if I can help it I’ll need levers

Pistons if I’m gonna grab all the items that need to make a fly machine because for some of them I might have to do that rather than just push them block by block I don’t need to go in there I meant to go in the end Stone chest I

Don’t know why I went I went all the way down there I think that’s everything except for some slime blocks and I think I’m probably gonna need a ridiculous amount of temporary blocks let’s just grab a shulker box select extra another rack and I want to bring loads and loads

Of Thunderstone as well just for like push them about lots of bridges need to be built that’s it that’s perfect for exciting times ahead so I have realized an issue I have got one Dragon there and one Dragon there but I completely forgot that two of the Dragons went through the

End gateways I should have brought them back before building all this now it shouldn’t be the end of the world but it does mean that we have to like push him all the way back so I know there’s one through the same Gateway and there’s one through an end Gateway over there start

By heading through did the dragon just go through I was just building the tower did it go through it has is it gonna start flying okay I’m pretty sure if I save and quit then reload the world please please freeze it’s frozen just before going and destroying everything

That was close that was very very close but we’ve got one of them back which is good and I want to start by pushing this one far away as far away as that one is and then I can set this off and theoretic okay I’ve done so it wrong the

Observer’s the wrong way never mind now take two I can step no what on Earth is going on here only I can be stupid enough to mess that up all right yeah that’s it go back that way I’ll get up the glass to put that bag as well I

Can’t believe this I’ll fix that right at the very end don’t have to worry about it too much now all I gotta worry about is that getting pushed is it gonna no work or has something got in the way just put a whole new machine all right

That time it will work that’s far enough away so the next task we fly through here and that dragon is also completely Frozen then I build yet another flying machine and push it all the way back I was gonna see can I actually stand on it

Oh yes this is fantastic at least it is fantastic until I’ve randomly started taking damage from the dragon okay that’s annoying seems you can only stand on it for some of it all right you know I’m just gonna fly with it and just just patiently wait I see land in the

Distance we’re getting closer I just got to be killed though because when I get too near to that Dragon it’s gonna start flying and I’ve got to make sure that I reload the world before it goes and breaks everything yeah dealing with Ender Dragons was never gonna be easy so

At this point I’m gonna fly back towards this track is it gonna stay frozen sometimes they move sometimes okay it’s it stayed frozen that’s good I’m trying not to hurt it so now I’m gonna get this one as close as I get I think this is probably close enough let’s break that

Okay stop the machine all four dragons are in the vicinity they’re all Frozen so now I just have to get them into their cages I’m gonna first start by pushing this Dragon upwards because yeah I built that in the way so I need to move it up across and back down again

Using these Pistons is pretty straightforward no point using the fly machine might as well just keep going with this and at this point I’m looking at the hitbox I think it’s definitely high enough I could of course do this with a fly machine I look weird with

Hitbox on it I could do with a flying machine but I just feel like it’s slow and safer doing it this method yes it’s gonna take time and I don’t have a great deal of time left until 6 500 days but I also don’t want anything to go wrong so

I’m happy to take my time looks like we were high up enough because it’s not breaking this in below it that’s good news right guys I’ve been pushing this along and I’ve made a copy of my world just to test things out before I get the

Dragons too close okay just to see if it worked if I push this Dragon any closer than it is it decides for some reason tries to perch and blows and destroys everything I can’t have that okay I think I’m gonna have to sadly give up on the dream of trapping the

Dragons because there’s just no way that I can get him there without it all going wrong they just they just keep well they stop being frozen for some reason and I then I can’t try and solve it I don’t know I don’t know what to do to solve it

These dragons aren’t gonna go anywhere as long as they don’t move any closer if I take them out they will fly to the middle and Destroy stuff there I don’t want that so I think I’ll just have him hovering you know I’ll just have to allow them to be hovering around the

Build could even build cages for them like outside of the end Gateway area that might be quite a clever idea who knows all I do know is that I need to careful but I need to get rid of this because it’s just a massive eyesore and

Then I’ve also got to repair this little bit of broken glass below the build there we go that’s nicely done goodbye Netherrack and also random Observer then I’m flying back to this platform to grab the remaining glass that I have so I can complete these domes it’s just a shame

That they haven’t got dragons inside of them because the Dome itself looks nice oh it would look so good with it you know what I’m gonna do I’m not gonna build the roofs of the other three instead I’m gonna test around in between episodes and see if I can find a way to

Get the dragons closer I’ll just use a copy of the world because if I can you know I don’t have time now to mess around but if I can in the future it’s got to be worth it hasn’t it and maybe you guys have an idea in the comments

You you guys are very clued up on it might be able to do it if we could find a way to do it as a community it would be so worth it wouldn’t it it would 100 be worth it and even so I’m very very happy with this whole thing without the

Dragons you know it’s a shame but it’s still an unbelievable unbelievable build that I’m so proud of how it looks I mean now when I come to the end it’s a cool place to be it’s none of this just average Joe and then I don’t know this

This is a true end of a proper proper custom place I never even built any fans anymore other than like an Enderman Farm in the middle there there’s loads of space down here to build some stuff so I will have things in these gaps and worst

Case if I can’t work out how to get the Ender Dragons nearer and they have to stay far away I’ll build some cages out towards the end gateways they’ll still look great I could just like kind of use the same designs I’ve got for that big massive Dome stick them in there it’ll

Still be really really good just not in the position that I wanted it to be but still I’ve got enough plan for me there’s also now dark so I should probably sleep and there we are ladies and gentlemen that was six thousand five hundred days in Hardcore Minecraft

This video, titled ‘I Transformed the ENTIRE END in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2023-06-24 13:24:39. It has garnered 1518693 views and 44081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:29 or 3389 seconds.

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6,600 DAYS HARDCORE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/qLhbjZziHpQ

MY NEW MAP: https://marketplace.minecraft.net/en-us/pdp?id=2f46d757-8e33-4c9e-80fb-1a018fb12767 —————————————————————- please follow these thanks ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737 ►SB737 Merch: https://sb737.store —————————————————————-

In this Minecraft video I survive 6500 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

►Join My Minecraft Server! JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

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  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

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  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy”

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  • Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥

    Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥 Why is she called Larisa? Because she’s always digging herself into a hole in Minecraft! #cavedweller #digindeep Read More

  • Experience Virtual Reality in Minewind Minecraft Server

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I Transformed the ENTIRE END in Minecraft Hardcore