I TRANSFORMED The Jungle Biome Into A Bamboo Village In Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore

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Minecraft 120 is finally here and it’s added a bunch of new stuff like new Mobs a brand new biome oh look and even new flowers but there is one thing I’m super interested in bamboo that’s why today I’m gonna build a bamboo farm so that I can transform this jungle into a

Beautiful custom Village but if I’m gonna achieve all this in one episode I’m gonna need to take things step by step and step one is going to be venturing out into the Wilderness to find myself a jungle now in between episodes I have been a little bit busy

You’ll see I’ve got a little hole in here which leads to a ladder which leads to this torch pretty cool right oh yeah it also leads to this uh zombie spawner which means now I can get some XP I would have made an episode on it but you

Know what we’ve all seen it a million times but anyway let’s hop back in here grab this bed and fly over this way because I’m pretty sure I found a jungle before and I’m fairly certain I’ve only really ventured out in this direction but guess we’re not gonna get any 120

Stuff I’m only really looking for bamboo let’s please ignore that we have bamboo at home because I figured as soon as we’re gonna build in the jungle okay as soon as we’re gonna build in a jungle anyway why don’t we just go and get bamboo from there I mean this jungle

Isn’t looking not looking that great I will come through and grab all this bamboo oh yeah this is satisfying I want to find myself a real jungle this is bar stronger I think oh jungle it is still pretty small maybe this jungle it’s looking kind of big oh hello so yeah it

Keeps going over here as well with all the bamboo is that Mangrove wood oh this might be the area you know I think I’m gonna say locate a jungle check I’m kind of thinking down in this area might be the way to go I mean it’s gonna require

Quite a bit of clearing out parrot parrot quickly seed seed me that sounds weird God how many seeds does he want forever I see about that buddy okay this is actually kind of cool might be getting excited about 120 but I’m getting excited about parrots but let’s stop

Getting distracted and crack on with step two clearing out a big area in the jungle time lapse All right so I got a nice big area cleaned out here now and I think that’s going to be enough space to work with so I’m calling step two complete now it’s time to talk about the blocks I want to build with today of course I want to build with this jungle

Wood here I do want to make some of these bamboo blocks oh yeah all right let’s paste this down this is a nice little green one I like it I like it uh what else can we do with this stuff oh bamboo planks all right let’s make a bunch of these then

Nice that looks so good we do anything else make a crafting table um so I guess we can make slabs and stairs oh new recipe bamboo Mosaic all right that’s awesome yeah yeah I like this a lot now there is one other thing if I make some more slabs here is it

Like this this and this oh yes let me make a bunch of these I think I want to use these chiseled bookshelves as the floor on our little houses look at that that’s a nice pattern and it goes pretty well with these blocks here I’m thinking

Mainly I want to use the bamboo so that means we’re gonna move on to step three making a bamboo farm and how do you make a bamboo Farm well you just plant loads of bamboo right and surely this is easy hello oh no sir I do not want what

You’re selling thank you you know what I’m kind of thinking this is gonna take a while isn’t it oh geez okay let’s move on to step four automating the bamboo let’s just ignore how stupid step three was I think I’ve got a redstone box here

Yes I was kind of hoping I had some chords in here one night check this before I left oh man all right I think this means I’m gonna have to fly all the way back home because I phone calls to make observers now I learned my lesson

From the last farm that I made for some reason I thought it’d be really smart to use a chicken instead of observers and well yeah I’m not making that mistake again all right see you back at home oh geez that’s a long journey now have I

Got much calls yes I do okay this is good all repeaters I am thinking I need this right okay this time I think I should have everything that I need now to fly all the way back to the jungle again all right here’s the mangrove let

Me get an aerial view I’m lost little damn dude this Mangrove is massive oh oh okay there it is I think I’m back I should probably write down my coordinates next time all right let’s go with redstone stuff in here at the way yep and for some reason I didn’t bring

Cobblestone so I mean I’m a but we all knew that already right all right cobbles today in a quiet and now I can spend some time crafting some Redstone stuff I love crafting red stuff gold my God hello I just wanted a bit of iron oh my god oh I wouldn’t have enough

Materials ah finally some iron oh is that a way out oh God this isn’t good but all right with that I think I’m gonna have enough stuff here to try and automate a little bit of this bamboo now I don’t really think I want to do this

While we’re going to be building so I’ll fly over this way I need a nice bit of flat land for this yeah yeah maybe we’ll come over this way let’s just clear out a bunch of this dirt all right well I think that should do it

Yep I forgot the Bambi now I’ve not already tested this but I think it’s going to be pretty simple I’m assuming it’s just going to work just like the sugar cane farm so I have a row of bamboo here which is growing already I’m gonna put a row of these blocks behind

It then if we go into our Redstone box grab these Pistons place them behind the Bambi I think I’m gonna do maybe three blocks high here and place that on top of the Pistons yep I’m aware this is gonna be not pretty right I’m gonna throw a few observers along the top here

God I’m such a Yep this is looking absolutely lovely didn’t say anything right now all I need to do is connect up these observers down to these Pistons um and I think that should be it it’s gonna throw some more blocks along here right give me this place that there and there

Oh geez it’s not working what have I done wrong I’ve left my bed that’s what I’ve done wrong and sleep right what the heck is going on here man two hours later uh I know what’s wrong don’t worry everyone’s grab a few more blocks just gotta run them along this way right

Today and on top of here okay this should work yes hello idiot right all I’ve got to do now is mirror this on this side so I’m gonna get that done and we can work on the collection system all right the other side is in and it’s time to test

It it’s a bamboo fan not a horse farm my guy okay um right so let’s plant some bamboo up here right fire yes but right now I’m gonna need to tear out all this bamboo because for the collection system I think I want to use mine carts which are actually going to

Run underneath the bamboo so I’m going to dig out a trench here oh that should be good all right so we’re going to come to the end here and put two redstone blocks some powered rail oh please line up properly there we go and of course I’m not gonna have enough powered rail

Am I okay thankfully I got more gold back at the build site but for now we’ll just check on normal rails over here grab some more gold there it is very good more powered rail please all right another 12 should be enough you know what I’m sure we’ve all seen this a

Million times I’m gonna get this done and then I guess I can talk you through how it works okay cuter more on Montage yep I’m not off to a good start am I uh oh all right I think everything is in place for these mine carts now you see I got a

Couple of chests here with some minecart unloaders on either side so this is where the minecart should start got one for each side they should just bounce up and back right hopefully they make it back up oh yeah that’s working right now if I throw some items on the side here

They should end up in the chest I think that worked and okay nice right now I think we should be able to come Outlet buddy you gotta go see ya what I was saying we should be able to come across here and start placing in our grass and

We’ll fill up this wall here as well grab a stack of Bambi and then we should just be able to place it all in here you know what maybe I’ll fill up this side as well just in case we get a bit of loss but guys I think with that done we

Can call step four complete oh we are making some good progress today we don’t have any bamboo yet but um I’m pretty sure this is gonna work and oh my does this thing look magnificent oh man I love building all right next up we’re gonna be working on

An even nicer build so I’m going to take the out here I’m gonna go boom boom bring it around the sides and in the front then we’re gonna grab our stone bricks pop one there and if we come up here Place one there and then there we

Can move on to step five AFK until we have loads of bamboo so we can build finally yay okay step five foreign Well it’s the next day now and yep I got a lot of bamboo which means we can make a whole bunch of these blocks all right then I think I got a pretty decent amount what’s that like 15 Stacks yep I hope it’s gonna be enough

I think I’ll just let that despawn oh dear right Jesus place is just a massive mess already so let’s get a couple more chests and I think in here I want to put all the blocks I want to build with so we got a bamboo but we do need to craft

A bit of this up into other blocks so we’ll quickly get that done there we go a whole bunch of Bambi now I’m gonna want a bunch of this jungle wood upstairs we’ll get a bunch of slabs fences we’ll get some gates as well I think that’ll probably be good one more

Thing I’m gonna want is some Cobblestone and this iron I want to get a bunch of these Vines here and surprise surprise I need some more Cobblestone I can craft a bunch of Mossy Cobble and with that done that means we can move on to step six

Planning out our first build right now as soon as we’ve got a giant mess here I think I’m gonna build like a little storage house just to start off the village and I think I want to make a base out of cobblestone with a parrot on

My shoulder there we go oh he fell off I want to come in here and start knocking out a few of these cobbles so I can replace them with this Mossy we’ll sprinkle a few slabs along here just to rough it up a little bit I guess all

Right I like that looks pretty good so now it’s actually time to start using some of this bamboo I’m gonna put a little border around the inside side here and here will be our floor I’m gonna use some of this Green Bamboo as well actually we’ll do a little layer of

This one then we come back with this bamboo again I think we’ll do another layer of three nice and then bring it up like this same over here all right we’ve got a bit of a basic health shape going on here we’re definitely gonna need a door maybe a

Couple of Windows one on the back and some over here as well now crafting somebody’s Bambi trap doors I think these would make some pretty cool Windows what does that look like from the outside they should definitely be like this right yeah yeah yeah yeah next

Up bamboo door what does this thing look like we’ll slap that there okay yeah I like that what are we missing here what are we missing uh yeah I’m just kidding I know we’re missing a roof right so I think I’m gonna bring jungle across here I’ll

Bring it up here as well I’m gonna put these fence gates underneath to give it a bit more shape what’s that saying oh yeah yeah I like that and I think we can give a bit more interest to this roof trim I’m Gonna Knock Out you I’m Gonna

Knock Out you and replace these with full blocks and here I think we can put a little roof shirt out thingy I mean I don’t know what it’s called but you’ll see what I mean when I’ve done it yeah yeah you know what I mean right you know

What I mean how about we make a bunch of these jungle trap doors we’ll bring it along the bottom here every other one yeah yeah I think that’s looking cool right now to actually fit in the reef and I think I’m going to use the this block here so we’ll just bring these

Across and back here all right last few last few there we go I think that’s looking pretty good right I like that color combination the roof is looking slightly Bland though we’ll go well with this block some leaves it’s not bad there is something else I’m thinking it

Does spawn in the jungle no it’s not sheep um it’s not those guys either we’ll just go this way see you come on where is it where is it yes melons all right melon time All right let’s hop back on this Reef maybe let’s knock out a few little patches here a few melons in yeah I think that’s pretty good all right now all I want to do here is just add a few more details still going to add a little

Shelter over the door there we go I think I’m Gonna Knock Out these ones here and replace them with this bamboo Mosaic I mean that’s very subtle but it works I’m gonna pop back on this roof again and add some of these fences and gates for an extra bit of trim and

That’s looking pretty nice I’m reasonably happy with this but it does kind of feel like it’s mittens something and I really want to get this one nailed down because well the rest of the village is going to follow this formula so I gotta get this one right

Um now I might have an idea let’s make a bunch of these bamboo fences and a bunch of these Gates as well I guess what do these look like oh oh I like those a lot they’re really cool right what if I bring some fences up this way keep

Coming up I will also do some more here maybe one more yeah yeah yeah right now we’re bringing the gates to act as supports nice maybe around here as well yep good good let’s take a quick look oh yeah that’s having something I like that I’m trying to make some sort of jungly

Looking Watch Tower kind of thing right in my head this is gonna look great but it still does definitely need some work so I think we’ll put some jungle slabs on top here and then can I yes see something like this all the way around oh yeah that’s pretty good you

Know what made this pop off though there’s a flag yep I want that I want that now there was that Mangrove by him close by earlier on right let me make sure I’ve got enough rockets and I think it was over this way yes there it is

Right I’ve never chopped one of these down before so this is gonna be a first for me hell yeah this is awesome oh right yeah I can see why people were saying these are a pain to chop down now but you know what luckily for me I do

Not mind ruining this biome just get me the wood and let me out while I’m here let me get a bunch of this mud as well I don’t think I’ve ever used this before in a build and I guess it now seems like a good time right the heck is this muddy

Mangrove Roots yeah I’ll take it okay well I guess I’ll just leave this mess here okay bye all right let’s put this mud away for later and Mangrove wood okay I’m just gonna land on top of here nailed it right let’s go fence fence okay God this is horrible what am I

Doing okay one last trap door and I’m gonna get rid of this and hope it looks good yo okay it actually is pretty decent yeah I like that and with that done I had a set style for this jungle Village which meant I can move on to

Step seven placing a whole bunch more of these bamboo blocks time lapse All right this place is really starting to take shape now you can see I’ve added a few more buildings in here and also a whole bunch of these watchtowers now some of these towers that did change my mind and change the top to some of these

Things I did originally have them all as Flags but it was just kind of too many flags you know and then this one here I tried to make like a little Bridge thing with a ladder going up but if we head inside you’ll see well there is no

Inside yet but we’re gonna get on to that don’t you worry Next Step though I want to start getting a bit of life into this build and I think the first thing I want to do is get a few paths in that way we’re gonna know what space we’ve

Got to work with so we have to dig out some area for some Perth so I just need to do a little bit of digging just a bit more over here right here we go we just need to fill it in with something next I’m thinking I got all that mud before

Right so why don’t we try and mess around with some of this um wait what do I do with this stuff I thought it made Brown box right moments later oh geez we gotta combine it with wheat oh all right give me some more Rockets we’re flying home all right here

We are the village Jordan it’s not safe but I can’t sleep oh God get out my Village and you bye-bye all right get me to bed oh lovely morning lovely morning right like all this mud I need a bunch of Wheat and luckily for me I got some

Big old wheat Fields so um let’s Harvest some wheat all right I think that’s going to be enough wheat oh geez look at all those seeds right so can I just yeah packed mad look at that yo okay that’s not too bad I’ll tell you what I’m super glad I

Made all these wheat fields that should definitely be enough to get us going we can make my bricks as well uh yeah I guess I’ll make a couple stacks of those two all right I think that’s enough time in this Village I think we need to go to

The next one should just be down here somewhere oh yeah yep here it is right now how about we do a mix of these mud bricks I’m gonna sprinkle these around randomly and then we’ll fill in the rest of the gaps with this normal mud I’m kind of

Vibing with that you know it goes quite well with the jungle wood let’s just do a little bit more just to be sure cool rhyme God I’m so cringe you know what as this jungle with matches so well get out why don’t we try put some in the floor

Right maybe not too much of this just a little sprinkling oh yeah that looks nice I like that right now I think I’m gonna throw down a few of these fences just on the edges and then also a few of these jungle leaves okay that’s looking

All right we may train this up later I’m not sure yet I think for now we’re gonna leave the village decoration and I want to start working on decorating these houses a little bit more because right now they’ve got no doors they got no windows they got no floor so yeah let me

Get that done and I’ll be right back okay so I got a bit more decorating done as you can see I’ve added some detail to the front of these houses here and I’ve all got windows and doors I’ve also put a floor inside each of them still not

Decorate the inside yet but um I’m sure I’ll do the interior is I’ve also added these little course dirt Parts here that lead to all the different towers and this random shed see everything’s connected up now now I’m gonna work on little areas like this we’ve got a few

Empty spots here and there’s something in particular that I want to get and I think what I want to get is going to require a little bit of copper now I did find a cave in my little Cobble mine all right be careful this time and I saw it

I saw copper somewhere oh there it is right you ink this and get out I’m pretty sure it’s over this way yes yes we’re out okay right I think I can Fortune this right get the fortune pick out and Chuck it in the smelter right well that’s melting I need a feather

Would you drop a feather you’re lucky this time buddy all right let’s go find a chicken oh yeah let’s grab this copper and a stick oh look at that new recipe unlocked we got a brush baby and that’s because I want to go in search of some

Of these new Pottery shirt thingies I think we just pick a direction find a desert I think that’s where you find the sand suspicious sand something like that right let’s find a desert okay well that didn’t take long a jungle temple yo a Bambi Farm’s just over there and then

Desert temple right here all right let’s find some of this sand how do I get in this thing oh yeah I guess we’re going to loot this thing as well right please be careful break that okay right slap a torch down any cool loot uh diamonds

Hello yes more diamonds yes we want a saddle Riptide tea yeah Golden Apple yes another Golden Apple I mean I’m happy with that right get me out I want sand is it just like this sand here I can’t lie I am very confused that the sand

Around the temple oh geez I have to read aren’t I okay be right back okay so there’s a hidden staircase in here somewhere and I think this looks like it oh yeah oh look at this e suspicious sand no oh wait yo that sound looks suspicious

Oh am I meant to right click it oh I meant to right click it bruh it’s okay there’s another one please give me shirt yo skull Pottery shirt right I think there’s gonna be a few more in here right wait there’s a couple here I think that’s another Shard let’s go another

Skull one I mean I’ll take it wait the only skull ones spawn here I mean I’m not complaining I’ll take it oh no we’ve got an Archer Pottery shed okay what do we do do that no um I guess you’ve just got to do in a crafting table or

Something I think that was all of them around here though and I think we’ll keep exploring I guess I wanna try and find another Temple seems like a pretty big desert oh there is a village though would this have suspicious sand what oh

My God yes oh oh my God this is so good and I’ve got a saddle oh screw the shirts let’s go buddy oh my God he’s so slow he is so slow bruh he’s sprinting the camel is sprinting oh my God you know I’ve got four shirts that’s enough

We’re taking this guy back home oh yes uh guys he’s doing a giant leap he doesn’t jump upwards and there’s a big gap here here we go yes is that jungle I don’t think we’re that far from home right do you have any suspicious answer any suspicious sand no

Wondering Trader though a lot of nice llamas you nerd it’s all about camels now come on Camel let’s go imagine riding a llama what a nerd oh yeah there’s the temple we’re definitely close to home oh I see our bamboo farm right can you jump this River

No you’re drowning what can they swim no hey that’s better than a horse though here we are buddy your new home it’s a very convenient Bridge one last big jump oh here oh ocelots are here oh my God there’s so many animals don’t touch my parrot oh buddy welcome welcome we need

To actually give you a house right I mean you know what let’s just give him an actual house right oh he’s lying down um come on buddy oh he’s getting up hook him to your new home ow now you gotta stay in there please right

Stay there there we go yep you lay down in there buddy and we’ll give you a nice little Interior right what would a camel like what would a camel like I think he’d like a nice bamboo ceiling right you like that I think he likes it I mean

He can’t read so I guess he could have an empty bookshelf because like why would a camel have books oh is he mad can you read oh God right you can store your stuff in this chest and I guess if you ever want to make anything then well

There’s a crafting table oh he loves it speaking of how do I how do I do these oh I did it decorated pot yo here you go that’s pretty cool can you break it yes you know what camo I’m keeping it maybe we can make some sort of like

Shrine for it or something could be a cool idea let me grab some of this Mossy Cobble maybe make a few more stairs or play some stairs around like this a couple of blocks maybe a wall and then a pot I mean I don’t know what it is but

It does look pretty cool I guess I guess we can bow meal it up a little bit as well make it look a bit overgrown I don’t like these yellow flowers get out maybe a few leaves yeah that’s pretty cool I like it probably not what they’re

For but um oh well all right let’s make a bunch of these lanterns and put some of these around oh yeah this is cool we’ll hide one in behind the shrine as well yeah I’m thinking we’re getting there and it’s gonna bone meal a few more pieces right

There is one thing that I think we’re missing though that’s actually a bit more bamboo I got any spare in here yes eight that all have to do I guess I’m thinking in some of these gaps here I need to plant a bunch of this bamboo so I’m thinking that’s gonna peek up

Through some of these gaps here you know what I got the old bamboo Farm here let’s tear it down all right let’s get some nice Bamboo Gardens in here right I think while I wait for all this bamboo to grow I’m gonna work on a few of these Interiors

I’ve got these two to do and hopefully by the time I’ve done that the Bamboo’s All Grain if you can see what it looks like all right everyone it’s been a little while now and as you can see a lot of this bamboo has grown and I think

When you’re in here it does make the place feel a lot more enclosed but yeah well that was great I have been doing a few Interiors we’ve got this one here with a bed and a couple of chests then we got this one in here with a bed and a

Couple of chests oh yeah you can also head up this way over this bridge and up this ladder and you can look over the Hulk Village and Kino’s main notice it puts more melons in the roofs I don’t forget about that but I think with that done I’m gonna call step seven complete

Now you may have noticed a panda on step eight my plan was always to bring over some pandas to this Village but at this point I’m not really too sure where they’re gonna fit because well we found this guy who has his head in the ceiling

But you know what I’m gonna fly and see if I can try find a Panda anyway I don’t think I’ve ever found one in this world and I’m pretty sure they spawn in this but he’s right oh my God they’re literally right there okay well that was

Easy hi guys any more of you there’s one over there as well okay I only try bring these guys back oh geez do you like bamboo oh my God he’s got his tongue out this is the one this is the one I want someone buddy just stuck in the water oh

God this guy’s so stupid right I think this is gonna take a while so um time lapse foreign Okay well we got this one as the tongue one so you know what I don’t care rip Bozo the other Panda right this way tongue boy right we should probably give you a house right which house do you want oh this one right here that’s really easy to get into

Oh that’s not helpful yes yes come on get on the bed okay we’re good we’re good we’re good oh right slap the door on he’s loving it in there he’s loving it have some bamboo buddy you know what you can have this bamboo I mean the

Whole house is made out of it but um I’m sure you enjoy it oh geez right there’s only one house left this is for the parrot say JUMP he’s off me oh yes look at that he’s sitting on the bed all right let’s get him right in the middle

Please yes oh so we’ve got a lovely parrot friend our brand new camel sitting on a chest and this guy look I think now with that done I’m gonna call this episode good if you enjoyed the video leave a like and if you want to see more then please

Subscribe I’ll see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘I TRANSFORMED The Jungle Biome Into A Bamboo Village In Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore’, was uploaded by Blockdown on 2023-06-20 14:06:54. It has garnered 111289 views and 2888 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:26 or 1406 seconds.

Today I set off on a brand new adventure to discover as much as the brand new trails and tales update as I can. Including the new bamboo blocks, the brush, suspicious sand, pottery sherds/pottery shards (i dunno) and I also found a camel! With all this combined I spent almost 100 days in minectaft (1.20) building a automatic bamboo farm and transforming a jungle into an awesome looking jungle village using as many of the new blocks as i can! And once the village was built I managed to fill it with all my new friends! A parrot, and panda and the brand new 1.20 camel! All in all I’d say it was the perfect start to our Minecraft 1.20 journey together!

I hope you are all enjoying the new update as much as I am and I hope you enjoy the video too!

Find me Here! https://www.twitch.tv/blockdown_builds https://www.instagram.com/blockdown_bhttps://twitter.com/BlockdownBuilds

Texturepacks Get Flowered https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/get-flowered-lite/

Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-on https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0

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    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of something special. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! Read More

  • Spider Monkey’s Minecraft Mansion Mayhem!

    Spider Monkey's Minecraft Mansion Mayhem! In Minecraft, a spider monkey took on a secure house, With tricks and traps, like a sneaky mouse. But Angela’s cosplay stole the show, With Angel and Devil, a fierce duo. In My Talking Angela 2, the battle unfolds, Between light and dark, stories untold. Join the journey, the clash of good and bad, In a world of cosplay, where emotions are had. Subscribe and like, to follow the tale, Of Angela’s transformation, without fail. In Minecraft and beyond, the story will sing, With rhymes and emojis, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire

    Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire Welcome to the Imperial Amphitheater Building the Underwater Kingdom Welcome to the Empires Mode server, a creative multiplayer server where builders can create their very own kingdom. Jake Kelton embarks on a new Minecraft Creative series to showcase the process of building a mega base Kingdom. Whether in a creative test world or survival mode, these videos aim to inspire and provide tips and tricks for creating your own incredible Kingdom. When starting on the server, Jake had to decide on the type of Kingdom to build. After considering options like a flying city and a city built into… Read More

  • Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1

    Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1 Minecraft One Block Series: A Thrilling Adventure Begins! Welcome to Livestargamingz’s Minecraft One Block series Episode 1! Join the excitement as the journey unfolds in this thrilling gameplay. Dive into the world of survival, resource gathering, and exploration as Livestargamingz takes on the challenge of surviving in a single block environment. Key Points: Survival one block map Minecraft one block challenge Exciting gameplay elements Resource gathering and crafting Exploring the One Block World: In this episode, Livestargamingz embarks on a quest to mine blocks and expand the limited space available. With the appearance of pig spawns, the challenge intensifies… Read More

  • Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP Trailer

    Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP TrailerVideo Information let’s see [Music] milia up mer [Music] power [Music] n This video, titled ‘Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral’, was uploaded by KIND_JAY on 2024-03-02 08:44:51. It has garnered 116 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral . . . . KEY WORDS :- Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I… Read More

  • SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥

    SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥Video Information [Music] for the F if you want to play and want to hate this show up and make a statement I don’t have SL up no I don’t take I got no love but the if you want to play [Music] and everything I do so instinctive and so passionate every word I move so descriptive [Applause] likea after I gots over facts over tracks n SP slow spitting fast I a roast I can gas think I’m Al last but I don’t don’t know if that can erase all the past and the pettiness a reflection of… Read More

  • Zachcraftone’s Insane Q&A + Minecraft Madness

    Zachcraftone's Insane Q&A + Minecraft MadnessVideo Information we need to do more stuff related to changed maybe I know that’s why you want to do the role play well not just that I don’t want to be reliant on that but there’s other topics I’m trying to get into that are popular well what are furry topics that are trending first seats I don’t know try to do a video on first that’s what I’m G to do okay well how do you know what is trending like in the FY Community Reddit or just Reddit Twitter I don’t [Music] know the random stream so… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥" #shortsVideo Information [Music] to in your wow go go [Music] go cuz you turn This video, titled ‘leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by TonyBT05 on 2024-04-12 00:30:25. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts subscribe 😄 credits: @Reedop_Gaming IGNORE TAGS 😭 #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231

    World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 - You Won't Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231Video Information servus meine Freunde und willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft in der 124 sind wir jetzt angelangt und endlich hat das Optifine auch wieder mal geschafft ich habe ich habe eine Optifine Version eine priversion von der 124 habe ich am laufen übrigens ich habe mir auch noch mal erlaubt ein Andes Texturepack zu nehmen das heißt folgendermaßen majestica oder majestica und ja wir machen da weiter wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben das mal gar nicht mal gewohnt dass wir hier Shader nutzt so wir waren letztte mal hier beschäftigt mit dem Bau undon diesen… Read More

  • EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!

    EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr over here thanks for thanks for stopping by bird so hello welcome but today we are playing Minecraft instead of you know instead of instead of inest game we’re playing Minecraft with voria so I think he doing the intro things right now but yeah I’m just I’m just hanging out yeah but we on hisor Minecraft server I don’t really I’m not uh I don’t I have no idea what’s happening around here I I I I know things exist I I’ve just I’ve just joined the server I don’t… Read More

  • Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23

    Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23Video Information for for hello everybody and welcome to the stream there’s very very very calming Minecraft music today apparently we’re starting extremely [Laughter] chill but hello and welcome to Minecraft Monday hey midnight how’s it going welcome to the Stream [Music] I was going to leave if you were more than 5 minutes late well thankfully we’re all caught up in the warehouse and uh I can get back to the streaming schedule that I want to maintain but I believe you missed last week’s Minecraft Monday uh which is unfortunate because you missed some important details you’re telling… Read More

  • Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information smoking with you in the the in the yard with your the [Music] wind I spoke with you cuz you me to to in your living room no This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight! #minecraftpvp #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by injamine on 2024-04-06 18:25:57. It has garnered 827 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Subscribe ! #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #shorts Subscribe for more Minecraft videos Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords… Read More

  • The Dovan Domain

    The Dovan DomainWelcome to The Dovan Empire. We don’t offer much so far right now but we will soon expand into something big. The server has already been started by me and my friends and we are ready for it to grow with the building support of fellow players. My server ready to have a loving community with many good people to boot. If you also want to talk to me and my pals you could consider joining my discord I am mostly active and so are my mods. I hope to see yall soon. P.S. The only way to join the… Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded Custom Plugins NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server focused on fun without paywalls. Join us for a simple and enjoyable experience! IP cobble.pokeclash.com Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric 1.20.1 Features Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Mega Evos, Mega Raids Shopkeepers, Land Claiming, Homes PokeDex rewards, Pokehunts, and more! Server Links & Info Discord: https://discord.gg/pokeclash Mod Packs Modrinth Modpack: Link CurseForge Modpack: Link Technic Modpack: Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – You have been roasted!

    Minecraft Memes - You have been roasted!Why thank you, meme overlords! I will now graciously accept my crown as the ultimate meme king. Bow down to me, puny mortals! Read More

  • Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled

    Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From redstone circuits to mobs all around. Join us on a journey, deep dive we’ll take, Uncovering the logic, for goodness’ sake. Crafting recipes, village trading too, Enchanting mechanics, all for you. The intricate systems, we’ll explain, In a playful tone, with a rhyming refrain. So grab your pickaxe, let’s explore, The hidden mysteries, we’ll adore. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, come what may. Got questions or tips, drop a line, In the comments below, we’ll be just fine. Let’s unravel the secrets, in this blocky land, With… Read More

  • Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet’s spicy voice

    Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet's spicy voice “Chipi chipi in gamer fleet voice: ‘I asked my mom for a snack and she said ‘go eat some chips’… so I did!’” #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleetmemes #snacktime Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Void

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Void Minecraft’s Galactic Plain: A New Dimension Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got even more intriguing with the introduction of the Galactic Plain. This new dimension, created by the Stinking Galactrift Mod, offers players a unique and empty space to unleash their creativity. Discovering the Galactic Plain The Galactic Plain is a dimension devoid of life forms, allowing players to build and explore without any restrictions. To access this dimension, players must gather Galactite, a rare resource found underground in the Overworld. Additionally, Pincher Beans, which are rarely found in the podzols of the Overworld, are essential for… Read More


    LIVE 24/7 MINECRAFT SERVER - JOIN NOW!Video Information ह बकट बकट [संगीत] है [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] य हेलो हेलो हेलो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम एवरी बडी दो दिन के बाद हेलो आवाज आ रहा है ना मेरा माइक तो मट हा ठीक है हेलो हेलो अरे बोलो यस देख लेना एक बार स्ट्रीम से चल र है कि नहीं मैंने तो देख लिया अपने लाक स्ट्रीम इधर से एडमिन पैनल से बट एकसा तुम्हारा वो आवाज बहुत धीरे आ रहा है शायद से सुनाई भी नहीं देगा ये वाला सुनाई दे रहा है सर्वर प चलते है ना सर्वर प चलते आ जाओ सर्वर पे… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Pratham’s Value System

    The Dark Side of Pratham's Value SystemVideo Information I need a [Music] drop Val I need a drop found you my eyes are better than yours where is everyone hiding hard for enemy spotted a [ __ ] down a Shadows traveling 55 30 seconds left last player standing last round in the half 29 camera taken out enemy spotted B theun begins enemy attacker Spa I’ll handle this Spike planted decoy put down sh one enemy remaining last player standing swiching side they think they’re so secure reloading okay let’s go cover going out cover going out my camera is destroyed reloading reloading reloading reloading wait wait… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft desert only world in pocket edition’, was uploaded by NCN on 2024-01-11 11:39:38. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Read More

  • 🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥

    🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity’, was uploaded by SlowGG on 2024-01-13 05:13:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity #BanglaMinecraftSMP … Read More

  • My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMG

    My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMGVideo Information so there I was building my base with my buddy and he already went and fell off a ladder but because this is the zombie SMP he came back for blood I managed to fend him off this time to join my new zombie SMP head to the Discord link on my profile This video, titled ‘My Buddy Turned Into a Zombie! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jamps MC on 2024-01-09 15:00:35. It has garnered 7345 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. New Zombie SMP Coming Soon! Discord – https://discord.gg/2tRTt36U9T… Read More

  • Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 – MINTOON CRAFT

    Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information [Music] woohoo what [Music] [Music] hey hm [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ah a w [Music] oh [Music] what he [Music] yeah hello [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no do it what the nice huh you will die hello come on huh subscribe now nice come on yeah [Music] boy okay huh wao huh [Applause] UHA [Music] yes come on easy huh huh what the go go go shut [Music] a huh what [Music] the w tast This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: SAVE THE WORLD FROM… Read More


    SMAJOR'S EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MISSION!Video Information make it work make it easy [Music] while [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] I learned that from you Mama it’s amazing what baking can [Music] do make it up and surprise them tell them my secrets but disguise them so they dance on the tongues of the very people that bear secrets from make it soon make it better though better never lasts forever I’ll make it small so it fit even [Music] this even now now even as the walls come tumbling down even as a can stop remembering how every door we ever made we never… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!

    EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!Video Information hello guys like And subscribe you are the best thanks [Music] [Music] woohoo woohoo go go go o oh my oh my god [Music] wow [Music] woohoo go go [Music] go [Music] woohoo what no no no no [Music] what H oh [Music] my Yahoo [Music] what oh my God no [Music] God yeah [Music] boy Yahoo [Music] woo [Music] woo Yahoo wait a minute go go [Music] go look at this [Music] dude [Music] ha [Music] Yahoo [Music] wow huh [Music] [Laughter] huh oh my [Music] God no God please no [Music] no ooho H [Music] oo… Read More

  • Zathan’s Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don’t Miss Out!

    Zathan's Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don't Miss Out!Video Information for [ __ ] hell shitty your laptop keeps on dying and I can’t read chat because of it damn well anyways today’s stream is not Minecraft because of the shitty update they had so yeah I hope they fix it soon because I haven’t played the game well actually I’ve been updating it but the update is just still there like the the new touch controls sucks they really need to change it back I’ll play the game again once they change it back or if they at least fix the spacing L well I guess this is what… Read More

  • Olympian realm

    Olympian realm*STAFF NEEDED* Builders For Olympus Builders for Mount Orthys Builders For Camp Jupiter Builders for new Rome & Rome Builders for LA, SanFrancisco And Las Vegas Builders For Aeoulus’s Place Builders For Greece OlympianRealm.aternos.me Read More

  • Fractured SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Bedrock & Java Dynmap Discord

    Fractured SMP Fractured SMP is a newly released semi-vanilla server that aims to provide a great vanilla experience with added multiplayer enhancements. The community plays a vital role in shaping the server’s direction. Links Website: fractured.craftingstore.net Discord: discord.gg/SamMA9R4Y2 Dynmap: dynmap What We Offer Community: Player suggestions and feedback are valued, and decisions are made transparently. Welcoming: A diverse community where everyone feels included and accepted. Stability: Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable gaming experience. Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication through Discord. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft Players vs. Fortnite Tryhards

    Wow, this meme must have some serious high scores! I wonder if it’s going for the leaderboard next. Read More

  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

    Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay In Minecraft, one block is all you need, To plant a tree farm and watch it succeed. But beware of pillagers, they’ll come for a fight, Defend your block with all your might. Crafting and building, it’s all in a day’s play, In this blocky world, where you can’t stray. So join Devil369 Gaming, for tips and tricks, And watch as your Minecraft world quickly clicks. Like, share, and subscribe, spread the word, For in this gaming world, we all are heard. Devil369 Gaming, the channel to see, For all your Minecraft needs, come and be free. So leap… Read More

  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

    "Hot diggity creeper, that's a spicy meme!" #minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

I TRANSFORMED The Jungle Biome Into A Bamboo Village In Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore