ibxtoycat – Building Every Minecraft Structure… From Memory Alone

Video Information

Hello i’m pxtoycat and today’s challenge is to test my minecraft memory by seeing if i can build minecraft’s naturally generated structures entirely from memory with no physical structures to look at no reference images instead it’s just based of the last time i happen to find one in the wild

And it’s going to be a lot of fun using just that mental image as well as the creative inventory to try and get a feel for how these structures should look and i’m looking forward to seeing how this one goes so i should probably mention that i’ve actually built some of minecraft

Structures before for instance i built this woodland mansion here in my creative world before they even came to the game just based on the reference images and stuff like that and uh you know i don’t think it’s too bad as i think but it’s worth mentioning today

We have no such reference images no such feels instead we’re just going to be starting right over here next to that same woolen mansion and we’ll be starting with the smallest minecraft structure the one i feel most confident about because i feel like the desert well is a

Nice easy one to start with it definitely uses really old minecraft blocks we’re gonna go for some sandstone uh there’s some sandstone slabs in there but i think that’s literally it i think it’s those two blocks and then maybe a water bucket that’s my feeling on our first uh

Structure today and uh again it’s a really really easy design because of just how bad it is i’ve criticized it many times before because it just isn’t a very unique or interesting concept in my opinion it’s just like a square of water that looks like that and then that means there’s like pillars

Coming out from here here here and here and then like all the way around the edges it kind of like waves up and down the entire way actually this this doesn’t seem right either like this kind of uh thing we’ve got going on right here

I think it might be like it’s like that all the places except where the water is so it should be something like this maybe although shouldn’t the water then go through the slabs you know we’ll see what happens so water there water there water there water there and water there

Oh i guess it does stay you know why did minecraft design a structure that was deliberately having water coming at the top it could be that i’m wrong and it’s like a block further down i think that’s probably what actually is happening here anyway let’s uh

Build the top of this because after two blocks there is then some more slabs and then there is uh the kind of top of the desert well where for some reason because i mean the desert will be too plain unless they added the cherry on the top

And my god look how beautiful this is so this is my finished desert well this is how i’m pretty sure that they look and we’re gonna now see how they actually look in the wild and oh damn i that thing about the water i said it like it was very weird that they

Were using the minecraft kind of glitch there but they weren’t it’s actually one block lower down but still not too bad or maybe it’s actually horrendous that even the smaller structure we can get right but uh let’s move on to the next one i’m gonna go for a much

Newer structure because it’s also in the kind of small size of things uh the ruined portal is one that i can vividly imagine in my brain like an almost finished porter with like a bunch of netwrack around it so let’s see if i can accurately build one from memory

Right here so the three main blocks are obviously never act obsidian and crying obsidian but we’re also gonna need a gold block somewhere in there it’s got like one or two of those to add some extra authenticity we’re gonna need some magma blocks in there somewhere i wanna say like you

Know add in that kind of thing and then there’s also one chest which you know we’ll have that just for fun so here is a chest and i think these blocks combined should just about do it so we’ll have kind of like a a circle i don’t know if it’s a perfect

Circle but we’re gonna go over perfect circle of nevrak um for the bass so i didn’t make a circle in the slightest but i accidentally made kind of like this oval or ellipsoid shape and i think that’s actually a little bit more accurate so we’re going to stick with that

Although now it’s sideways compared where we’re on it so you know actually yeah i think it has to be sideways now so then we’ll have uh like two blocks in the ground here then a couple bits of crying obsidian one over there one over like uh here then there’s always going to be

Like a gap over here and then we’ll have the ceiling blocks like there so that could be a ah you know maybe even also a block there i think that’s like a ruined portal it looks really basic it looks like it’s missing something maybe we just removed that corner

Remove this corner as well yeah that’s a little bit more accurate and then we have a chest on this side like buried into the ground although just for good measure we’ll have a magma block below it there’s our chest buried in the ground and then also we

Have to replace some of the blocks around here with like some obsidian uh i want to say also again there’s like a gold block at the top of this maybe two sometimes yeah i think i think two gold blocks actually one one over there they’ll look uh pretty authentic

And then we we’re just like peppering some magma around like here around the edges as well and that should give us a pretty convincing ruin portal so it’s worth mentioning there are actually three sizes of ruin portal so we’re gonna look for a nice small one and we’re gonna see how

Well we did so here is my ruined portal and on the right you can see how honestly even the closest one i could find to kind of make me look accurate it doesn’t look entirely like mine the the never actually have more holes in it there should be like gaps in the ground

Like that but there isn’t any of those uh there should be some stone above it and to the side and below it the chest is again it’s maybe too hidden uh i guess i have one specific room portal i’ve seen that looked something like this but this is not a good example and

Therefore i wouldn’t say it’s my best work but you know what will be my best work the jungle temple because the jungle temple is really just made from cobblestone mossy cobblestone there’s maybe some chests in this one as well and then there’s uh there’s also some string and some

Tripwire hooks oh yeah there’s the redstone in this thing that we gotta consider but i feel like a jungle temple should be pretty doable and those are famous last words i know because i happen to know the jungle temple is 10 by 14 blocks i have that in my head

I could have entirely been mistaken with that one so if we have like this and then that that should look like the start of a jungle temple let’s see if when we go 14 this way it actually lines up okay i mean you can start to see the the jungle-ish temple

Right maybe maybe you can’t actually maybe maybe this is a horrendous mistake but then there’s like a block over here and then there’s like an entryway to the jungle temple i want to say or have like a doorway be like this maybe uh you go in and then there’s like steps going down

And there’s steps going up at the same time steps down there and then steps up over here maybe question mark um this sort of honestly the jungle is such a weird structure because everyone just goes down into the basement but there is actually a second layer to it that i always remember

Because i never imagined it being there and every time i go and i’m like huh you can go up but then if you do go up yep’s like the most pointless second floor ever but i mean if there’s one thing that’s important for this challenge it’s remembering entirely pointless details right also

Then we’re gonna go down under the ground i did not plan this correctly at all and then down at the bottom there’s like some form of little basement where you go left this way if you want to find uh the leather puzzle thing okay so that goes down to there

And then you go to the right this way if you want to go down the arrow hallway and maybe get the chest over there okay so i’ve cleaned up the inside now and it looks a little bit more jungle temporary i think we like add the ceiling uh back

On top that’ll fix that one but first we need to also have a proper place to do that weird lever puzzle so this needs to go a block further that way which doesn’t add up because otherwise we go outside of bounds so okay no i guess the there’s only two

Levers for my lever puzzle or maybe the third lever goes there that doesn’t make any sense but we’ll stick with it oh god building a jungle temple is surprisingly complex huh okay so we’re gonna have a ceiling that’s three blocks high it seems way too high up like i i feel

Like a jungle temple is much more like enclosed like you’re walking through a dark hallway like this but i could be entirely wrong it could be free blocks and you know everyone loves free block height buildings in minecraft then there’s like a couple of things like this although not there clearly

There’s like a couple of little hallways where there’s a tripwire hook there and a tripwire hook here and if you activate them some dispensers go but i don’t know how that’s gonna fit i i clearly did this in far too small an area that’s what i’m learning so there’s a chest over there

There’s some string everywhere there’s redstone uh hidden and then there’s also like a second chest back over here okay so with the downstairs mostly done the upstairs is still looking a little bit like a cube i think with that i think what it is is the jungle kind of like steps out

A little bit like it goes like this and like that and maybe there’s just like an entire lip going around the outside and then on this side we’ll do the same double pillars all the way along oh we’ve done this in odd number of blocks something’s gone horribly wrong here i

Don’t know what maybe that just goes like that instead that that’s not how jungle temples work i know there’s these big windows that you can look out off on all of the sides they’re too wide so you can’t walk out of them but you can look at them

Do you ever think that you have a perfect memory until you try to put into practice and then you realize how broken it really is because that’s what’s happening with me today you know like i can picture a jungle temple perfectly in my mind i think but what i’m really picturing is

Like an abstraction of a jungle temple i’m picturing the concept of a jungle temple like the notion of one um maybe and that’s not what jungle temples look like jungle temples aren’t just a vague nebulous concept as it turns out they’re a real structure in minecraft and i’ve this has gone too tall

It’s definitely not the correct amount of height but it can’t be this height without having the window pointing up otherwise so i don’t know what to do about that i guess the ceiling must cover the whole thing logically that that’s how ceilings work yeah this this outside rim just definitely shouldn’t be there

I think it’s maybe just lots of these like two there and then two there maybe does that seem correct to anyone there we go okay yeah that’s that’s kind of correct right this there’s something to what i’m doing here i just thought i knew how jungle temples were and i have a vivid

Memory but the memory is just not correct today when you when you’re done with this go try and build something you think you know it’s like try and draw the face of someone you know you love like you know you assume your drawing talent’s just so bad but you know your minecraft hunt’s

Good try and try and build a statue of them in minecraft it won’t go well because i love jungle temples and my statue of it looks like this this is my jungle temple and on the right is the jungle temple we find from a google search i’m actually i’m i’m slightly hopeful

That maybe jungle temples uh no they don’t look like that at all okay so first of all i don’t know how my jungle temple got so tall like on the inside it looks this is is it is the ceiling not meant to be three blocks high

No it’s not everyone who says you need a free block high ceiling the jungle temple disagrees with you second of all my roof is missing some like antenna at the front so it looks kind of weird third of all this it’s it’s meant to be an odd number of blocks apparently or

It’s meant to have like it’s it’s meant to be wider it’s meant to be longer it’s meant to be shorter and just my combination of all these things made this instead of a child temple and i’m pretty embarrassed but you know what i can do from memory

I hope a witch’s temple so witch’s temple came out in 1.4 which was before the uh you know the the the update that changed the world which means i know that users would and i was kind of torn like is it dark oak or is it gonna be uh spruce wood

I’m gonna guess that it must be spruce wood i know there is a brewing stand in there even though that a cauldron sorry even though they’re kind of dumb i know there’s a flower pot maybe and there’s no chest is there there’s just one brewing stand and a crafting table

That’s what’s in there and let’s try and build that which is hot right now my my feeling is that i know this perfectly but now that i’ve built that i’m much more worried about my perfect memory yeah i feel like it’s two blocks off the ground something like

That so you can see it but you can’t get it i feel like multiple times i’ve tried to jump to one of them and realized i can’t without placing my own blocks so that seems about right for now there’s no actual door in it though i think it’s just

Literally a carved out piece of wood it’s three blocks high on the inside because i remember if it was two blocks or maybe it’s like the jungle temple where it’s actually eight blocks high or it’s one block high it’s definitely not going to be two now today

Now that i think it’s free it’s not gonna be free though um i know it’s free by free on the inside because it’s a nice square room i know that it’s got windows on all four sides honestly one block wide windows just doesn’t seem right let’s let’s let’s build them

And let’s see what size they end up at yeah i think it’s one block wide windows literally something like this every every side is gonna look precisely the same because i think it’s one it’s one of those minecraft structures from the days of like oh yeah we just built something because we were

Bored whereas now when they build a minecraft structure like the woodland mansion it’s such a it’s such a thing back then i think the structures were just like oh yeah we felt like we should have one of these also this is definitely wrong this should be a block

Further forward can we fix that actually this looks just as weird to me no no maybe the pillars do go up in front of the house no the pillars the four pillars have to be the four corners of the house i know they’re they’re perfectly located as such so we

Remove all of this back wall now and then the four of the two other pillars are gonna go back over here and they’re gonna go equally tall and then there’s going to be another one that goes over here and it’s going to be also this height and then we’re going to replace the

Window like this and i think this is much more naturally a witch hut yeah it’s it’s a one block wide window and then there’s a flower pot in that one and that one but not that one the the witch looks out this window so she doesn’t fill it with flower pots there’s a

Filled cauldron with some potions on bedrock and i think it’s empty on java but we’ll just we’ll just assume the the empty version because it’s easier for me and then there’s some fences out the front somewhere does that seem more correct so i think the fences just go over here

And over there i don’t think they actually do anything to stop you falling off and then i also think there is a giant rooftop that’s kind of curved around the edges and has maybe slabs connecting it oh no we’re gonna make the roof too tall again it can’t be slabs because there’s no

Minecraft structure that used slabs until somewhat recently i think so yeah this looks like a witch’s hat to me besides this something is something is horribly wrong here so yeah i think honestly we’ve done a pretty good job here um there’s obviously a mushroom in one of the flower pots or something

Sometimes no is it a flower or a mushroom and otherwise i think we’ve done a really good job but i’m looking forward to learning how that’s entirely wrong no that doesn’t go there this is my witch hut okay so i did a pretty good job i think i missed the window and

Also oh it’s actually two blocks high damn it i this is this is what people who tell me to make things free block high have done to me i just assume free blocks is the default but minecraft structures all go to it seems um also these are made of oak logs not

Made of spruce uh there was a mushroom in there i was correct about that so there’s something but also these go outside the rim they’re meant to go one block further out where you know like out to here whereas instead uh you can see mine going there so all

Of these things combined to make mine a really off-brand uh witch hut or in other words because we have to make this joke wow mum can we get a witch hut mother no we have witch hut at home witch hut at home it’s like cats witch hut anyway next

Structure time i guess it makes sense that we move on to perhaps the most important minecraft structure these days a minecraft village and we’re not gonna build the entire thing because obviously every minecraft uh village is different but instead i’ll just kind of build a base outline as best i can so let’s

Remove all of these blocks and let’s replace with a shovel because we need some pathway i’m pretty sure we’re gonna build a plains village so we also need some oak and we need some oak wood planks and also some stairs after the 1.14 update they have a bunch

Of stairs in them i’m pretty sure and maybe even some slabs that sounds about right as far as i’m concerned and then there’s some cobblestone to make up the breast and then there’s some oakwood doorways and even some beds but you know other beds important i guess

For true accuracy we’re gonna need a bed so villages always have a kind of weird structure with three wide paths i’m pretty sure it’s free wide it might have changed the two after the update but i’m i’m fairly sure it’s like three wide paths that always like semi-radial so there’s like let’s say

There’s a center point just over here let’s put it then there’ll be a pathway going this way like sideways and then there’ll be one going like slightly sideways out over there as well for now we’ll just leave like a three by three square all i can picture in the

Center of village as a well i think something i can perform much more reliably is like i don’t know a tree or something and maybe it yeah i think you just have like a tree with a bell on the side of the tree does that yeah there’s a there’s like a

Bed on the side of the tree no no the bell is next to the tree maybe um and then on like this side we’re gonna have another pathway going out there also all around the thing we gotta have a path and there we go there’s my little tree block and

There’s my little third path um on this side we’re gonna build our first house the vast majority of villager houses are really easy to build like it’s very hard to go wrong i think it’s literally just a box literally a 5×5 box where the corners are all uh lock

Pillars so the inside is effectively three by three basically witches and villagers live in the same accommodations except villagers don’t even live as far off the floor because they just have the single block here so the inside is just like nine blocks of wood sometimes there’s a a crafting table sometimes there’s a

Chest but i think way more commonly than eva there’s just like a bed here and then there’s like a single piece of wood like that because that’s all the furnitures that villagers deserve apparently um then we’ve got cobblestone all over the walls of like a single gap i want to say

Um along the side uh before this update i think they had like a piece of wood going there and going uh you know the same like over here i think after this update though they don’t have that anymore i’m pretty sure it’s just all stone now and then i think they have

Yellow stained glass i don’t know why i’m thinking this because it seems so horrifically wrong but i’m pretty sure it’s not just regular glass i think it is yellow for some bizarre reason um or maybe it’s red there’s it’s definitely not white and it’s not plain even though plane would be the most

Sense to me oh wait no no that’s only the uh the church that has yellow i think actually in normal houses it is just plain let’s just go plane just so i don’t look absolutely incredibly wrong if it is plain and it’s not um and then we have a kind of like a

Roof along the top and the roof doesn’t start here like with my witch hut which is high quality design instead it starts like a bit out from the roof it goes a bit like this i think i wouldn’t say it looks too big but it definitely looks the tiniest bit uncanny

But maybe that’s just me not having looked at a village for a while yeah that definitely shouldn’t go i think we just have like a flat top and there we go that’s a nice villager house if that’s not how villager houses look then it’s how they should look this is

Correct a hundred percent maybe besides the roof if the roof is correct we’re 100 right on this and then over here we’re gonna have another house because you know we might as well go to also let’s build let’s have at least in here somewhere like that little tree let’s

Throw that entirely because although normal villager houses are great you need a blacksmith to have a truly great village so let’s build one of those over here i think the size is like 8×6 for a blacksmith so that seems blacksmithy maybe it’s like ten by

Six okay so out here is where the the villager works we’re gonna need some like fence posts we’re gonna need a little lava pool back there and some furnaces and on the right over here there’s like kind of a doorway the doorway is made out of

Wood i want to say it feels dumb to make it out of wood but i guess that’s contained by stone so maybe they feel confident doing that so we have like wood over here and then it goes up and above to there and i guess it also has to be here

This is how i know that the blacksmith is not just six blocks long and has to be eight so we’ll expand it a little bit now then there’s a chest over here the blacksmith chest oh no there’s wood here i know there’s wood because i always break through an oak log

To get to the blacks of jets so there’s o’clock there which means there’s probably oak log over here probably o’clock over here which means probably also some here honestly this might be another couple of blocks wider because the inside doesn’t really look like it makes sense yet okay

Now once we place a chest over here i think it actually is that corner and then we have like that weird pretend table that minecraft doesn’t have to make over here i think we’ve got our inside sorted it feels a bit claustrophobic in here you know that’s

Probably true for the normal one too and then we fill the rest in with wood questionable design decisions would not pass an osha check in 2020 but you know that’s fine minecraft villagers apparently don’t have osha uh to be concerned about and uh there we go we got ourselves

A blacksmith village outline so this goes all the way around even over to here so i think yeah you replace the top one of these with these because it’s got to be again they want to they’re listening to osha fire codes but like only very slightly i think there actually is a solid

Cobblestone base here but um we have this going all the way around the edge i think we might be onto something actually so i guess the furnaces go there and there and they block off like they block off the chest from the outside world that makes sense yeah that looks good

And then man i do not know like i’ve been playing minecraft bedrock for literally three and a half years now i still have no idea how this creative inventory works sometimes i just like look around and hope for the best that might be it i think we got ourselves a winner right here

So then we also just have to have the very clear and obvious like planter because every village has a planter then we just plant some seeds over here and we wait for those to grow a bit in fact we should burn mill some just to make it look

A little bit more authentic and realistic doesn’t want to seem too fresh here’s my tree look how beautiful it is here are some of my crops that are now going to be fully grown and this is my minecraft village obviously it’s got two houses because we could copy paste houses

Everywhere but this is these are the four primary features of the village i’d say villager house village of crops centerpiece which every village requires and a blacksmith let’s see how good each of these individual pieces are compared to a normal village so first of

All it seems i did a really good job of this house over here with the like i think i got the roof perfect but the thing i didn’t get perfect which breaks my heart is it turns out the logs are stripped as of 1.14 i think that’s dumb but i totally have

Experienced that like you chop down the sides of the house and sometimes they’re stripped sometimes they’re not though so i’m going to claim partial credit second of all it seems for some of the villager houses they do have the kind of awkward logs here looking like that

But i i made the mistake of not doing that so i i lose some points there um i got the centerpiece correct although my tree doesn’t look so good and also i’m missing a bell the bell doesn’t go like on it there’s like bells on all four sides of it it looks like

Oh just on two sides according to this so that’s the mistake i made there and finally we got this little black slip over here i actually came very close to perfect with this thing i think oh no i i make a lie but even then not really that far these blocks are actually

Wood not stone but then even worse than that um it turns out they changed it a lot in 1.14 there’s like a roof over here and as a result um i think i think i get no points for that i i didn’t even remember they changed properly in 1.16 at 1.14

And that’s a little embarrassing but i can redeem myself because the structure i think i know the best is a little bit of a complicated one but it’s the desert temple i’ve built them not only uh in my survival world normally in creative i built one at 10 to 1 scale about a

Year ago for that video so i should be able to build a desert temple here in minecraft i hope let’s redeem myself let’s show my knowledge i’m so familiar with the structure i know i’m pretty sure every single block in there there’s sandstone then there’s some weird cut sandstone there’s some

Sandstone stairs for the roof then there is some orange terracotta like whatever they call that block now the yellow yeah i think it is just orange terracotta so we start with a pillow because there’s like two giant pillars in the start of the desert temple i don’t know how

High they’re gonna go yet so we’ll just kind of start with that area right there to find and then out in front of it like it goes back a block there’s a three block high wall uh or a two block high wall that’s three blocks long and then there’s like some form of

Entrance the entrance like does something like this again don’t know for sure right now but looks like uh that and then we go back to a bit more of the uh you know the same free block white thing and then we have another pillar over here i’m pretty sure that’s what it

Is i’m like 90 sure it’s pillar free blocks entrance free blocks pillar if i’m wrong about that then this whole thing goes immediately down the toilet here is uh the next phase this is like the start of the pyramid on this level so like after this everything goes like

Across based on that we’ll bring this down a layer we’ll make that like over there and then we’ll connect three blocks back over here boom just like that now there’s kind of like an entryway yep that seems pretty good i think we’ve nailed that then uh the pyramid kind of starts

From here and goes through these pillars so that means that on the other side of this and then around the pillars no it can’t be going around the pillars instead maybe it goes this way along and then the second layer goes along like this and then the bottom layer is something

Like this i want to say that’s how the desert temple works something like that and then we’ll just pyramid all the way up the top if we’ve got an odd number of blocks which i think we should then we of course finish with a kind of

Top like this that you can jump through because for some reason the desert temple doesn’t have a top it just ends like that does that look like a desert temple yet i would argue yes it does i think we’ve got the the bare bones in place now we just need

The details everywhere else to be sorted correctly so we’ll start by finishing the edges around here i guess okay i really like the way this is looking i really feel like we’ve got ourselves a desert temple going i know for almost a fact that these pillars are

Pretty much the same height as the tip of the pyramid they might be one block taller or one block shorter but i’m gonna go with exactly the same height so we’re like close enough because it makes sense like i’ve always looked at this and been like i wish i could jump over there

No it’s one block higher it’s definitely one block higher i can i can picture it now i’ve spent many a day on top of a desert temple and therefore i can tell you these are one block higher so these look like this at the top and

Then for some reason i don’t know why i think this is done personally they just have like four staircases going inwards to like a single block that’s up there i think we’ve nailed that one okay now we need to plan for the fact that there’s like some form of

Entrance that comes down from here into this thing so i think you go like up a block and then you come down yeah something like this then there’s like a miniature staircase oh god these pillars are wider aren’t they they can’t be this tiny because there’s like an inside area that

Couldn’t exist otherwise well there goes my grand theory that i know exactly what i’m doing okay so i am absolutely lost and flawed about how to turn this into anything because now not only am i wrong about because that pill is so much bigger i think that means the desert temple

Itself has to be way bigger right there’s no way this is the correct size for the entire thing should we try again honestly that might be the best bet i think literally th this size being off means we literally have to start again so if i’m

Allowed for the for the purposes of this this challenge i’ll allow myself to be like hey yep this one was just a a fun little joke or whatever um because this is the best we can do if we’re uh calling this our attempt instead how about we go for another one

So the pillars are five blocks long this is because they’re like three blocks of detail on the inside there’s enough for a very small room on the inside of that that much i can now confirm actually i i guess i can’t confirm it it could be that this is correct

It just looks so awfully incorrect after building it but i think there’s like a thing here because i know there’s some weird pattern that looks like a relic on the front of these uh things and then after that block we go inwards still only one block i’m pretty sure

For three blocks of like a wall uh that much i’m sure off uh so a three block high wall and then we have like a big grand entrance that’s actually only gonna be two blocks high because it can’t be any taller than two blocks high which is

Weird but it’s how it’s gonna be or maybe actually wait i remember it’s like um the entrance itself is wider than it was before because there’s like a sub entrance in there which is two blocks high it looks like it’s an entrance within an entrance i’m pretty sure and then out here we’ve

Got something like i don’t know some cut sandstone there there and there uh maybe minus this yeah that seems about right um and in fact uh there is a bit of orange on the front too because it it’s like a compliment it’s like they look like some

Eyes that go along this and that uh they’re often forgot about but i’m pretty sure they’re there they might be up there or down there but i feel like it’s there okay that’s step one complete then we also have to do the same on this side so three blocks

These might be three blocks tool then if this is so darn imposing we might have to assume these are too long and everything is just way bigger than i remember that’s that’s fine of me and then we got a nice five block wide gap over here so my intuitive feeling

Is that the edge of the pyramid goes right out from this corner here but i just i just can’t believe the desert pyramid is actually that big i can’t believe the desert temple would actually go all the way around here for instance this is too small it’s even bigger than

This but maybe it is or maybe it like the pillars are wrong or maybe this is too wide or something something’s feels off about this but we’ll just assume that it’s not we’ll just assume that it really is that big for now and we’ll see where that takes us okay

This felt way too big when i was starting but now that i’m like five blocks in i think we’ve got it as long as it’s not like an even number of blocks that we’ve messed up as long as we can have that top with that little hole in

I think we might have nailed it i’m really i’m feeling good about this one uh but you know i felt good a lot about a lot of things that have gone badly right after haven’t we all i guess you just never appreciate the scale that minecraft does its buildings at

For you until you have to make it for yourself but anyway here is the top if this looks way too ludicrously tall then we’ve made a mistake we have to bring it all down a little but if that looks correct and i would argue it sort of does

We might be onto something here look how much bigger this desert temple is than my old mock-up like i had the scale right on this one but i think this time we’ve got the you know like the actual size correct or maybe it’s too big this time

Or maybe imagine if it’s actually bigger than this and i’m entirely like again my memories are faulty you don’t really appreciate that there’s a lot of stuff happening outside of your recollection of memory um i i really bad example of this actually when i was in um when i was in

School high school i guess by american standards i had uh one of my friends got in like a giant fight right in front of me like me and my friend were talking about uh some video game and right in front of us one of my friends got like

Beaten to shreds uh by a kid from an older year and um it happened and everyone’s like oh my god that was the craziest fight ever and we were literally standing facing the thing we’re like oh yeah we didn’t i didn’t actually notice that and my brain still to this day i can’t

Imagine it happening i have to you know i guess like i can’t imagine it happen i can’t i imagine it being actual memories though and it’s just one of those weird stories that your brain does your brain works in mysterious ways you think you have a perfect memory of things

But you actually like reconstructing them as you go that’s why your earliest memory probably isn’t your earliest memory it’s your memory of a memory of a memory of a memory because your earliest memory got deleted long ago so that it could remember the shape of a desert temple in minecraft for instance

Okay so now i guess we can’t ignore the elephant in the room which is these two big front facing tower things i know there’s a big relic shape thing i can even do the exact pattern i just don’t know how i high up or low

Down it has to be like i know it’s like two blocks here and then it’s like um a single block here and there’s a single block up there and then it’s like a kind of it’s kind of like a helmet i guess you describe it going around there it makes

A relic when you’re done or like this is why we described as a relic but this seems a bit too low down for my for my liking because i know at the top there’s like one layer and then that’s it is this the right height for the top of these towers

Because i don’t think that it is i think we might have to go a block higher up with these so instead it will look like this instead of like that instead we could oh god these these pillars definitely stay um instead we can go like that and then we could have the same

Exact pillar surrounded by the same exact cut sandstone looking like this wow look how nice this whole thing is and uh yeah i i think we’ve actually nailed that perfectly i think i’m not sure which side is perfectly correct this seems correct from the front but like for the size this is correct

Maybe in fact actually it’s just as simple as like there’s an extra layer on top that i’m missing because i know we need the extra layer up here i know we have to have this is the minimum height it might even be one block higher but i think even is about right

Which is correct do you think i’m i’m gonna go of this design being correct i’m gonna go with this design being wrong yeah there’s a real nice charm to this i like it a lot i’m a big fan okay same over here then now the only question remaining is how

Can we put these tops together like what does the the top of a desert temple looked like i want to say could be entirely off base here but my thing was correct that like at the very edge there is like a stair there a stair there

A stair there and a stair there so i guess in between we just have like either a cross or a square going around it i would say this looks more natural than that although maybe these are stairs also like curved stairs if this challenge is proof of anything

It’s that you don’t even know your own memory and then finally we’ve just got to have like a little walkway in here there’s like some stairs that go like this and then for some reason because they’re weird stairs they go like here to a block and then the stairs go like this

I don’t know the stairs are really dumb in these rooms i feel like there we go that’s that’s how the stairs genuinely look i’m pretty sure and then through that oh yeah look at that we we know this we know this so from this side it’s always like staircase here

Staircase there staircase there and then like a block there and a block there it’s a really dumb design that’s that’s what i remember very clearly and then out the side we go again uh actually wait wait here’s the cherry on the top here’s the thing everyone forgets

For some reason to this day i think this is a mistake that they’ve just stuck with uh at the back like there there’s just an extra block it ruins the pyramid it looks bizarre but i think that we got that correct so i’ve got two desert temples now i

Think this one’s correct but you never know this could be the actual look of the desert temple in minecraft we don’t know until we see it right you never know until you go um so let’s see if this is a good desert temple okay so i would like to point out this is

Really darn accurate right we have we have nailed this down to like a science almost if you compare these two things next to each other um i would say the only thing that makes me mad when i look at this is like no i forgot like i don’t know how i thought

This was the entryway into the pyramid this obviously has like you know like a cut thing going around the edge looking like that or something uh i don’t know how i would miss something like an entryway into the side so that’s a bummer to to make a mistake with that uh but that

Is the biggest immediate mistake i’m noticing oh i’ve a very big second mistake this is like leveled up so it’s like a block rather than part of the pyramid that’s why the pyramid isn’t so pyramidy i guess on the sides and then also it looks like i made a

Mistake at the start here i uh this is way taller than it should be and also this is flatter i know actually i think this is correct i think we nailed this oh yeah nevermind this this goes like a couple blocks back but otherwise we got very close everywhere but very close

Is not perfection the structure i thought i knew the best the i was so sure i knew this with 100 accuracy i mean i was sure i knew this for 100 actually too but i even then i didn’t know it in the slightest and maybe that’s the lesson we should all

Take from this you don’t know the things you even know you think you know what your face looks like you don’t you think you know what your loved one’s face looks like you don’t you think you remember um you know how good minecraft used to be in 2011 you don’t

Uh the truth is things are different now than they’ve been before and the reason they’re different is because you’re actually living and experiencing with them actually wait you know before we go i because we’ve done such a bad job with my structures i’ve tried today let’s because there’s gonna be someone

Who’s like hey so cat why don’t you do all the structures technically speaking if you count minecraft structures there are structures in the game that count as like oh yeah the mossy cobblestone boulder so just real quick just for fun i’m gonna do a boulder they look

Something like this and they’re made up mostly of mossy cobblestone they spawn in the mega tiger biomes i don’t know why they exist it’s not it’s a structure no one ever cares about or wants but they’re still there regardless just like the first comments on youtube videos you know

No one’s ever wanted them they just they just exist it looks like that i want to say would like there we go i’ve made a mossy cobblestone boulder now let’s see how accurate i am apparently not accurate in the slightest i thought i would have that one like down to a science

It turns out they are just little blobs they’re very easy to do and they’re fully made of mossy cobblestone so i couldn’t have been more wrong about that if i tried which is why i was joking haha i didn’t really build a boulder that’s not a thing i really did at all

Haha that was funny that i tricked you but no i hope you enjoyed today’s video i hope it reminds you i hope it’s a fun challenge that you want to try yourself because there’s something weird about all of these like these off-brand minecraft structures that i just kind of enjoy looking at

Like especially these two right the the jungle temple and the witch’s heart they’re correct everything about them is right but because it’s made from memory instead of like detailed schematics or a picture or something you make a lot of mistakes your memory seems like the perfect implement if you

And trusting yourself seems like the only thing you can trust but the truth is you have to trust the outside world sometimes because the outside world can be more trustworthy than even yourself which is hard to believe especially if you’re a reductionist or especially if you’re someone

Who doesn’t like to believe that the world can be trusted but there are things in the world that can even if it’s not other people it’s at the very least things because if you don’t trust things then you get this thing and you know that’s something nobody deserves speaking of things nobody

Deserves thank you for watching i’d be very appreciative if you chose to subscribe um maybe with notifications turned on this channel otherwise thank you for watching because i’ll see you in the next one Bye You

This video, titled ‘Building Every Minecraft Structure… From Memory Alone’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2020-07-24 21:17:29. It has garnered 159463 views and 6356 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:44 or 2324 seconds.

This was a really fun challenge, and it definitely went very well. Especially my witch hut

Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft Windows 10, Minecraft Pocket Edition; or Minecraft Xbox One, PS4 & Switch

– The Previous Video(Realm Tour): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmBwXJxlm8Y

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

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This Video Was Edited By: @EditorsBakery

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  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

ibxtoycat – Building Every Minecraft Structure… From Memory Alone