ibxtoycat – DRASTIC Village Changes: New Armour & Maps!?

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And Mojang just added a new piece of loot to the ancient cities that is so good that everyone is going to want to visit they also updated the Explorer Maps while adding seven new ones which is incredibly insane the most we’ve seen added in one big batch while also making

Huge changes to these swamp villagers so you’re going to want to come here now not just for the librarian trades and The Mending book that everyone wants but also for the brand new cartographer and indeed armor trades which will be exclusively found right here swamp villagers are having a massive buff as

Part of 1.20.2 pre-release one that’s right this update has finally gone into pre-release and it really consists of two big separate sections one of these is the non-controversial definitely being added side this is bug fixes and this is quality of life changes which will be in the game in a few short weeks

Now and the other half is much more experimental being added as kind of the data pack features uh these are ones they’re working towards adding which will make swamp Villages much more powerful because that’s where you can find mending while also making a brand new set of these maps that we’re going

To be talking about while also at the exact same time making a brand new set of armor tradable that we’ve never seen before uh at least from a Minecraft villager it is a very very wild time to say the least and today I’m going to be guiding you through all of that so

Please do subscribe to the channel if you like your Minecraft news and you like staying up to date with what is happening because we’re gonna start kind of first things first with the Brand’s new villager trades which are going to be based on biome now because previously every single villager from every single

Blind was exactly the same besides appearance but Minecraft has decided to update that and so to show you let’s talk about those trades I am here now in a jungle Village a type of Village which does not exist yet in vanilla Minecraft but one which Minecraft really wants you

To make and so a Minecraft developer tweeted out this map with no labels on it and it’s going to make a lot more sense in a second because Minecraft has decided that if you are going to make your own villagers in the jungle and swamp you should be rewarded not just

With a different looking villager as you can see he’s wearing an ocelot skin which I think is pretty rude in my presence uh but also in terms of the trades you’ll get you’ll now be able to get different trades based on the biome for not just the librarian which is

Something interesting we’ll have to come back into later in the video but also for the Cartographer and the armorer the Cartographer just has a brand new set of Trades here they all are each villager’s new type of Trades as you can see when you say in text form it’s a little ugly

But then if we come back to that map from earlier you can see that every village type will link you to three other types of Village except the planes which only links you to Savannah and tiger and it’s a really interesting way that villagers will link you to the

Nearest Village of temperature and uh you know like a biome swipe so that’s interesting by itself but the armor on the other hand doesn’t have an objective buff instead it has a lot of new items that previously weren’t possible but also a lot more requirements Mojang has

Said yeah if we’re going to Nerf enchantments why aren’t we also nothing the armorer and so they’ve nerfed the easy diamond armor that you could get from this guy but at the same time made it easier to get certain other things you’ll see more about that later but for

Now here is the easy explanation for all of this there are lots of different trades that you can do including the block of iron now being possible as a way to get lots and lots of emeralds if you really do have a lot of iron which is incredibly interesting but for now

Let’s talk about each of the seven Village types and how they’ve changed I’m going to show you the normal experience you get if you were to trade with a cartographer and a armor up from each playum type so starting with the Cartographer of the uh the jungle type

As you might expect looking at this map um if you eventually trade of the Cartographer he’ll eventually offer you not just as you’ve seen already uh these uh you know these regular maps but then eventually he’ll offer you some Savannah Village maps as well so we had some

Compasses which right now we do not for some reason if we had some compasses we’d be able to show you so let’s go back in there if I have some compasses I can show you that I can get a map that will show me where a savannah Villages

Which is pretty fun by itself right oh there’s one over there but also he’ll be able to show me where a desert village is as well if I keep trading he’ll start showing me other things but this is a really handy way to find not just a

Brand’s new uh Village type so if you’re looking for a savannah Village because you really want one of the trades they have and it for example the cursor binding armor um then you’ll be able to find one using these brand new maps or if you you want a desert village because

You really want Thorns armor you’ll be able to find one of these brand new maps but also here’s the incredible bit it will lead you to that type of biome because think about it you can only ever find a desert village in a desert biome which means if as long as you’re

Following this map to the right direction you’ll be able to find that desert eventually which is an incredible change I I do think this is solving quite a big Minecraft problem personally and so yeah that is an incredible thing if we show you the same thing for the

Armor up the desert let’s say the jungle Villager has quite a few different unique traits so the first thing is the fact that the first level trade has gone from buying and selling to just buying the armor will buy your coal and your iron and he won’t give you anything else

Also the iron trade has gone from acquiring four iron ingots to five so this is a Nerf on the first level in my opinion because you can’t buy anything from the arbor until you get them to second level like I have so that’s gonna be even closer there right now let’s

Sell him even more iron and then show you the fact that after he goes up another level which hopefully he will um will be able to buy some chainmail armor chainmail armor is now going to be a regularly sold thing from both a jungle and a swamp villagers no longer do you

Have to just hope that it shows up it is the only thing these guys will sell because they exist in a rare biome they only sell you rare armor is I guess uh the logic if I had to come out of it also oh God we have so many of these um

So yeah this is a quite quite an annoying thing Java trading is so different by the way Federal trading but let’s uh aside for the point of this um then we go up to this next trade which is basically all the same thing so we’ll buy a bunch of shields uh probably put

Those out as well just have a ton of those laying around and then interestingly enough at the top level he has an exclusive set of trades in the case of the Jungle villager he’s gonna give you Unbreaking and he’s gonna give you projectile protection as potential

Traits he also oh sorry I’m breaking his level four and he’s gonna give you his max level projectile protection and better falling this is very exciting in my opinion because if you want to get a particular type of armor you can guarantee you’ll get it from these two

Villages that is very very very fun obviously the fact that it’s chainmail limits the value of jungle and swamps in my opinion because both these villagers do that but you can see how different trades at different levels is kind of a big deal if we go over to the planes for

Example next the plains villager is the most plain type you can get because the plains Village is not just Minecraft’s plainness Village type but also by far the most common which means this is going to have the biggest impact on the new player trading experience and by God

Does it have quite a big impact so as far as the Cartographer goes you can only trade for two types of maps which is pretty plain I would say but they lead you to very solid finish types so I don’t think this is a Bad Thing by

Itself it might even be quite useful because I do quite like where both those things will take me but when it comes to the armorer this is huge the first bit is it has that minor level Nerf on the low level which is you can only sell

Things to him at first which is not that big of a deal but then the next two traits he’s going to give you are always going to be Iron which is a great way to get yourself some extra stuff if you go up to level four the next traits you

Give you will always be not just iron but Enchanted iron although the same two types which feels like a an oversight to me it should be the opposite types of my opinion but whatever you can buy Enchanted iron armor and also in the plains Village it’s always going to give

You Protection One this means just by trading with these villagers you can get better armor objectively for the average survival player than you can normally get and even better than this the guaranteed diamond armor trade he has is also always going to be protection however there is a Twist that twist is

That one you’ll never be able to sell diamonds to them and I don’t think this is much of a Nerf who is selling diamonds to villagers at one to one rates it’s a terrible trade that exists in Minecraft right now but the second thing is much bigger which is you can’t

Buy diamond armors from villagers anymore without already having diamonds that’s right you might have noticed but the buy recipe here requires diamonds I have 64 emeralds which is more than enough you might say but that’s not enough to be able to buy myself these things I need to find diamonds in the

Normal place which is behind the Armor’s house and then once I have two diamonds I can buy boots so it’s not actually a very good deal I mean it’s a you’re getting a good deal in that it costs two diamonds instead of four but you have to

Spend so many emeralds to get a 50 discount on the price of diamond boots and but then also it’s Enchanted and in the village of the planes type it’s always going to be protection which is actually a pretty valuable thing being able to get lots of pairs of boots and

Then combine them together and maybe eventually make protection four sounds really really good on the surface in my opinion however I then have to say on the other hand actually this is a great way of saying you can’t skip the tech tree you can’t get diamond boots before

You find diamonds because you now need to trade for them I also then think if you’re going to up the cost not just in terms of emeralds but also in terms of diamonds then downgrading what you get or not even downgrade necessarily but then making it a fixed enchantment that

Is bad isn’t the best look in my opinion I think that the way that these armor villagers works is much more consistent now but also much less favorable going through all of this Tech Tree and getting a guaranteed I can give him emeralds so I can get a discount on the

Number of diamonds required for boots which are going to be low level enchantments anyway that feels a little bit rough to me but before we talk about what we feel about that let’s go into an entirely different village we can do this for every single Village type

Obviously but the one which I find most interesting and I think you might too is snowy so just to show you this one uh the Cartographer over here it’s broken but here’s what he trades with instead the armor is the much more interesting one so we’re gonna trade with him over

And over again with the cult which we just have laying around her anyway right so let’s show you what happens at level two for this guy uh okay same thing happens he’s gonna give you random pieces of iron armor it looks like it’s the leggings and it’s the thing here uh

That very very interesting has to be said so let’s trade for a bunch of those maybe too many of those I uh I do have to say it’s gonna be very annoying to do uh training with armors over Just One Day You’re Gonna Want multiple days to

Do this um then we’re gonna buy ourselves some bowls or maybe sell them some buckets I guess is what we’ll have to do so let’s uh let’s let’s quickly just find the lava bucket and then give them a whole bunch of those because clearly uh that’s what he wants in his

Life so let’s give him one bucket of lava two buckets of lava three buckets of lava so let’s see what that does for him yeah he loves lava he gives you a huge amount of XP then we’ll do the weird Java trading thing if leaving him

Be and I can show you some something fun that he does on the next level so the snow villager will only give you two enchantments at the expert level they’re going to be always on iron so maybe not worth going with necessarily you can get frostboker boots and aqua vanity helmets

So again for most people this is like okay so we’ll skip this right and we’ll go uh to the next trade you get 64 empty again the amount of emeralds we’re using here shouldn’t be overstated these are very expensive trades to skip through uh but if you do skip right through them as

We have done right here you get to the Master Level trade and because this is a snow village which in Sharma do you think they give you I I just really enjoy this personally they are always going to give you these Frost Walker boot oh apparently not actually uh he’s

Always going to give you frostwalker boots or an aqua affinity Diamond Helmet both of the installments which would make sense that you would need while chilling in somewhere so cold I like that quite a lot also something that every armor is able to do now is Trader

View this block of iron before emeralds is that a great deal no but it’s a lot better than selling you know five iron ingots for one so uh is this good overall I think that the this is a very interesting set of changes that makes the armorer also more consistent however

If we go and we look through the big map of trades right here I’ll zoom in real quick and just show you the the fact that Savannah gives you curse of binding that’s interesting the tiger gives you blast Protection One very interesting and obviously projectile protection is

What you get from jungles although it’s also only gonna be on your uh your your chainmail armor but the most interesting one is the swamp where you can get yourself a mending on any set of iron armor right here or a brother on their chainmail armor which means that for the

First time in Minecraft it’s a very bizarre thing in my opinion for the first time in Minecraft if you make a swamp Village you’re going to get not just an interesting set of Trades but also a type of armor you really shouldn’t be able to get elsewhere a

Full set of mending chainmail this is a really really really cool Flex in my opinion being able to put together the set of armor just by doing something cool is it’s again it’s it’s making the Minecraft curve more interesting without making it more powerful if you want to

Get a full set of mending armor the easiest way to do it probably is to get two armors together in a uh in a swamp biome together and then also to trade with them with enough iron and gut coal that they eventually get up to this

Level and that is very very bizarre it’s opening up new options again in my opinion having all of this Enchanted armor is mostly like okay most people just won’t bother with her armors anymore but this is a type of armor which is actually a really cool potential Flex that you can now do

Earlier in the game will people still just trade with swamp villagers and get bending elsewhere is and you know do stuff like that probably but I like the idea of this one as at least a quirky thing I also think Savannah and its curse of binding armor is going to

Prevent uh it’s gonna present a really interesting way to make other people have interesting armor but yeah they’re turning the armor villagers from this very very powerful thing into something which is much more precision based again if you want to get uh say protection for

Armor you have to go to a Plains Village and you have to trade again because it’s always Protection One you have to trade for two sets of boots together to combine the protection for two four sets of boots to make Protection free and eight sets of boots to make protection

For that means you’re going to need 16 diamonds and 100 something what is that 176 emeralds you need such an insane number of uh it’s way more than 176. you need hundreds of emeralds and a bunch of diamonds and you need to trade through these levels just to make decent armor

And then you have to do that again for the leggings again for everything else I think this is too much if I was uh to give you uh my honest opinion about these trades I would say that it feels as though Mojang should probably first guarantee that the Anvil too expensive

Limit goes away because if you’re having to repair 16 sets of armor together one that’s not worth it to most people but two it’s even less worth it to most people because you have to go against the Anvil trade limits and two I would say

Um that as well as uh you know like fixing that I would say these have to be more powerful make it Protection One Two Protection free sure make it so sometimes you have to buy two sets of boots and combine them together to get

The very best one uh if once you do have the best armorers but I think making it so that you get here and it’s like okay let’s start the grind here might not be the best feeling even if it just went to protection two sometimes that would be

Quite a big trade up but as it stands right now I think the village is going to be a really handy early to mid game they’ve they’ve nerfed the early game maybe rightfully so but then they’ve also nerfed the late game meaning this only really works out in that really

Weird mid-game era spot I I just what do you feel about that internet do you feel as though the mid game needs these improvements like this I feel like it’s definitely an overall you know it’s a good thing because it makes you want to do different things in your Minecraft

World but also at the same time uh it’s gonna create a real big set of confusion so is that worth it I don’t know for sure I do like the cartography changes though there’s objectively just finding new villagers via these Maps really great this is an idea people have had

Forever and I think that is a really really fun one whereas this is a bit more mixed the other thing they’ve done the snapshot it’s not just change every single type of Village so there’s six types of Village six types of villager trading changes me meaning that now you

Actually will want to have villager types from each six biomes almost uh certainly depending on where you’re at but the other interesting thing that they’ve decided seven biome types because we’ve got the jungle too but the other interesting thing they’ve decided to do is change how enchanted books

Generate in the wild do you want to see how if so let’s go back to the previous World also is this suspicious gravel it sure is huh anyway let’s go back and look at the way they’ve changed structures so between the armorer and the librarian Mojang is making serious

Tweaks and in fact Nerfs to the ability of finding certain enchanted books this goes without saying but then they’re considering making it better to explore for these same enchantments and so they’re making it so certain enchanted books have a much higher chance of generating in some structures if you are

To go to a jungle temple and it’s two chess or the desert temple and its four chests you are now much more likely to find Unbreaking in one of those so I’m gonna be real quick because it’s broken here there’s Unbreaking free there’s Unbreaking one and it’s already too late

It’s all gone okay so as you can see that is very exciting just make sure you don’t step on the TNT um I think that’s pretty great I also think it’s really clever that they made the Pillager Outpost have a much higher chance of generating with Quick Charge one to

Three um this is a brand new this is a crossbow specific enchantment which means that in the same chest you’ll now likely find a crossbow and a really good crossbow enchantment I think that is a very very interesting enchantment also at the exact same time they’ve made mine

Shafts the place where you can find efficiency one for free and more interesting than even both of those combined is the fact that ancient cities which there is one of just down here below me uh are now more likely to contain mending that’s right mending is

Made being made actually here we go look at this so you’re going to be finding efficiency here more often and you’re gonna be finding mending down here more often I think this is the killer loot that the ancient city needs and honestly I think this is the way you encourage

People not just to go to the ancient city but also not to go and farm a librarian more often and instead say if you really want mending go and find some of these they are scary places to go to but now there’s a reason to actually

Come here in the words of Versace really funny tweet us deep dark is pointless Mojang mending lives there now and then us running down there to get it this is actually how you make the ancient city better balanced in my opinion and I also think there’s a really fun uh kind of

Like a fitting of this in a law way I think that Mojang is going through a lot of effort to make Minecraft feel like a more interesting game to play you know the fact that each villager type actually trades for different things is that they’re doing their best to make it

Make sense and in the same way look at these enchantments having mending be down here kind of makes sense just because it’s the rarest place but also the oldest place and so you know the most powerful and Shaman fits here if you go to a mine shaft this is where you

Do a lot of mining it’s where they would have needed you know to have efficiency to mine all of these blocks to make a mine shop right that’s really fun having Quick Charge being the Pillager Outpost makes sense because pillagers are going to need that in Shaman and then the

Final one is what about the desert temple and uh the uh the jungle temple why do they have on breaking I think it sort of makes them sense they’re like yeah these are old structures that have been around a while they are not broken unless you trigger the TNT pressure

Plates that is and so uh yeah given that there’s such old structures in both Minecraft age but also uh lore age it makes sense that you find Unbreaking here or at the very least you can just see it as a new way to look around these

Things also why is this chest so weird it’s pointing the wrong direction huh uh this this happens far too often in Minecraft speaking of things that happen far too often in Minecraft this loot is incredible I I like it as on a personal level but there is the rest of the

Update we still need to talk about so all of the changes mentioned so far are technically behind experimental data packs which means that it is possible they don’t make it into the final release I would say potentially even likely depending on how Mojang sees the response to this however it’s worth

Mentioning there is a side of 1.20.2 which is basically guaranteed to come out one of those things is the fact that searching for items now works differently previously if you typed in say anx it would show you any planks that you could craft but now if you want

To type in planks or Mangrove planks you have to type in either PL for planks or M A for mangrove of planks although it’s weird that wait there may feel I can make Acacia planks right now why is that showing up that’s very that’s a little

Bit of a weird one but yeah I can now type in MA for Mangrove planks and that will allow me to have the recipe for that this is honestly I don’t know how the Java the Java recipe book works or why it’s so odd but one of the things I

Do know how to say is that in Creative if you search for say tour it will show the redstone torch and the regular torch but not the daylight detector anymore also um it’s worth mentioning that uh there are all sorts of uh you know implications of this for speedrunners

Who might like to search for a pickaxe by typing in XC which is the fast way to find that now they would have to type in pick and then find it from there so there are changes and different it does have effects on people but also it’s worth mentioning that they’ve updated

The logos for the Ocean Explorer and for the Woolen Mansion map I I quite like this little change personally it’s it’s a small one but it’s a good one also they have introduced a lot of bug fixes one of these is fun in my opinion uh they fix the typo in the splashtex

Burler integration had an extra R in there was missing or not it’s very funny that they had a typo they had to fix also they technically have a lot of typos in the US English version of the game because the word whilst shows up there this is one of those U.S British

English differences I didn’t know about but apparently some people on the feet on the uh the bug fix have been very mad about because apparently whilst is only a word in British whereas you’d say uh like while or apparently you know I don’t understand it also uh the same

Thing is Trooper burnt you say burnt in British English but in American English you only say burnt that’s odd to me you also don’t say dreamed with a t you say dreamed with the Ed these are differences I genuinely never knew about and apparently Minecraft can teach us

About the fun differences we have as countries also other fun differences they teach us about are the fact that the M the chat message from slash random says uh also wait like random role um let’s say one I don’t know six does that seem right okay what six and then

One uh and six and then two I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong okay Minecraft 2. but yeah the random value would have previously said between 1 and 6 instead of one to six also the death message reforms was missing grammar it used to said was killed trying to it

Used to say sorry my grammar is all wrong was killed trying to hurt what it should have been was killed while trying to hurt I have always thought that this was you know like this was a bit questionable grammar but this also these both feel accurate to me but am I just

Bad at grammar internet let me know am I bad at grammar for using the word dreamed or burnt when I should be using U.S English for maximum search value let me know uh also speaking of fun things regular golden apples uh after Enchanted gun apples is now fixed if you’re

Curious what it means by that if you previously had an enchanted golden apple which you hurt yourself using so we’ll TP ourselves uh into the sky so uh we’ll keep yourselves like 15 blocks into the sky or apparently everyone 15 blocks into the sky and then we’ll take one of

These enchanted golden apples as you can see it gives me a bunch of extra Golden Hearts if I then lose all of those Golden Hearts as you might do if you fall through the sky a bunch of times and eat a regular Golden Apple previously you wouldn’t get the golden

Absorption effect from this but now after this you will get that again it’s a small thing but it’s a nice thing it’s a small buff to the golden apple if you have regular Enchanted gun apples and uh it’s a not very common one to come up

But it’s nice that Mojang sees the two absorptions as not overlapping in the bad way and I think incredibly interesting also uh yeah absorption is gonna last for a minute 42 seconds which is great news so those are all positive things that are coming in this update the more controversial side is

Interesting to me because obviously Mojang said they were listening to feedback regarding the trade you know the changes related to uh Librarians and whatnot but then it seems as though they despite making a really big deal about listening they haven’t made any changes to Librarians with this instead just

Kind of making those same changes to other villagers is the plan to slowly take every villager type and slowly fix the ones they don’t agree with is 1.21 going to have in large part a giant rebalance to villagers because if so it would be like Mojang’s fourth major

Rebalance to the way villagers work did they make them not powerful enough they’re not powerful enough then too powerful and now we need to bounce back on the other side if so it’s very interesting that Mojang does go through so many Nerfs it clearly shows that

People who work there or people who are working on the things now think that the tech tree has changed such dramatically in such a dramatic fashion that they think it’s worth changing from the last time or maybe they’re seeing Minecraft as a game where they want to encourage

Different options even if that means weakening some things you know like a little bit stronger than you might expect it might be worth it so that you want to make a swamp Village doesn’t this thing look incredible making giant mangrove trees hiding your Villages inside having to make Pathways across

The swamp or the mangrove swamp it seems like a fun thing that they can encourage you to do by effectively nerfing what you might be used to obviously everyone in existing world will kind of have it stick but is this worth doing for those reasons because right now there are

Three different villager types which I can benefit from when I make a new Village is that worthwhile I actually think so and so to switch gears and give you my final opinion on this I would say that these are really fun changes for Mojang to be trying I think even if you

Hated every single thing here today you’d have to say it’s a good thing that Mojang are at least experimenting because for so long they’ve been cautious about taking snapshots and saying oh yeah if people don’t like something it’s going to be awful I think and therefore they have to have finished

Features that are basically finished by the time we see them they are showing us some very early experimental features I hope at the very least I hope they’re not finished with this yet and uh based on the feedback they’re requesting they do want to actively improve these which

Is good news I think that if I was to give my personal feedback I would say this is a fun way to increase the scope of what the average player wants to do not necessarily needs to do you know you know besides getting mending chainmail llama which you can still do any other

Way you want um you know realistically you have fun options to do new things but you’re not forced to do any of it here today however I do think that there are yeah and I think it’s also great to remove a lot of the randomness and placing and replace you know like a

Having to sit here breaking and replacing your leg turns over and over again all the same with an armorer having that be gone away is a good thing in my opinion and but I think they’re saying that oh yeah it’s bad when Minecraft is too random and then they’re

Removing all the randomness it’s always Protection One it’s always uh you know Frost Walker etc etc I think they need to just say let’s have a narrower band in the case of uh you know like you know right right in the case of both Librarians and armors they’re taking a

Very random system which you know no one really loves that much and they’re making it more consistent same with the way structure loot works and finding enchanted books there they’re trying to take an insanely random process that people look at and go what’s the point and making it perfectly narrow but I

Think that this is a true rule of game design having perfect narrow fixed paths isn’t as fun as a little bit of Randomness it’s the rule for life right like Everyone likes a life with low variance but not no variance having a villager feel exactly the same every

Time you get to the top isn’t very fun and admittedly you do get different pieces of armor each time so you know Trey you have to make like three or four armors to get the leggings then the helmet then the boots Etc but if some of those pieces would come with protection

Too if some of those pieces would come with uh you know like I don’t know projectile protection free or just a little bit of variance in that that would be great you know it’s going to be the right enchantment you just don’t know the level that is a fun system

Whereas the whole it’s always going to be exactly the same no matter what just feels very robotic and feels Less Fun that is my piece of advice to Mojang people like a little bit of variance too much and it feels like you have no control too little and you feel like

You’re having no fun it’s the weird thing about life that you figured we want to control everything we can but we almost universally do not and so uh yeah do you want to control everything on your life or do you want to have a little bit of a wild time in there

Because I personally think that almost every Mojang player or every Minecraft player might say the first but actually prefers the second and I also think therefore using a little bit of that Randomness space which you probably should already have to just make it a little bit more fun could be better also

The other thing is it’s so clear after doing all this stuff for swamp and jungle villagers are you looking to add these villages on the next update are you looking to add these at all or is this just a fun way to encourage people to make their own Villages because I

Just feels so much like they’re saying look jungle villagers and spot villagers would be awesome and then just still not adding them it just it feels a bit weird um and I would love to know maybe they’ll clarify more soon but I really do feel as though 1.21 a major side part

Of this update is going to be Village changes just from all the things we’re seeing and the fact that they clearly want jungle and spawn villagers to to work and to be appealing to people even if only for weird reasons but let me know what you think in the comments down

Below I’m sorry for the extra long Minecraft news video um we had to cut a lot to keep it even at this length but I think uh We’ve covered everything you need to know about this as well as my opinion and hopefully you’ve enjoyed that I will be talking more about this

Later in the week of course because it’s gonna be coming out for Bedrock later on I just they haven’t said exactly when and so uh yeah I’ll let you know if there’s any differences in the Bedrock version or indeed if anything changes from what Mojang themselves say but for

Now thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into what’s in the snapshot I am not going to be the person who jumps on this is the worst right away uh instead I would like to be optimistic about things uh and so

I hope you enjoy that perspective but also where it was saying when it needs to be said like yeah no Randomness at all is not very fun or saying things like yeah stop teasing us of these villagers we want them already stop making us having to build our own like

Tell us if you’re gonna make us do that or be honest with us if we’re never gonna have it I just think a lot of people are feeling love it teased by that and that’s my uh take that but yeah let me know yours and also come check

Out my live stream which I’ll be doing in a little bit because I’m gonna go cook dinner and then immediately do that so it’s probably live right now have fun goodbye I’m gonna cook burgers by the way it’s uh you know I I love cooking Burgers

Could you just throw them in a pan you forget about them for five ten minutes you come you flip them and you forget them out again and then they’re burned and you’ve got a fire alarm going off but if that doesn’t work uh then it’s all good you’re not cut this last bit

Harrison I don’t know what I’m doing myself thank you for watching goodbye I did too neandros

This video, titled ‘DRASTIC Village Changes: New Armour & Maps!?’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-09-05 23:58:22. It has garnered 33911 views and 1767 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:55 or 1735 seconds.

this is a crazy pre-release!

If you liked this video, here are some others you can check out! ↓ • Minecraft 1.21 Leaks Are Getting Ridiculous Now → https://youtu.be/HgoBW2d89g8 • The Nether Is OP – Ultimate Guide 1.20 → https://youtu.be/zn-52XXIi1A • The Ultimate Guide to BREWING in Minecraft 1.20 → https://youtu.be/eS1_yyaq7Bw • Minecraft’s 10 Most OP Features → https://youtu.be/z-LZriPltMk

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: @HarrisonGray

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Unlimited Minecraft Madness!

    Join Minewind: Experience Unlimited Minecraft Madness! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, exciting game modes, and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind and immerse yourself in a world of unlimited possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, there’s something for everyone on our server. From survival mode to creative mode, PvP battles to epic building projects, Minewind offers a wide range of gameplay options… Read More

  • Infinite Craft Mastery: Rhyme Time Blast

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Gaming Experience!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Power Metal and Minecraft Collide

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  • Crafty Creation: Building a Hawk’s Nest in Minecraft!

    Crafty Creation: Building a Hawk's Nest in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Falconry at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures, including building structures and exploring new realms. In the latest episode of “のんびりマインクラフト,” the focus shifts to creating a falconry adjacent to the ancient Kozanji Palace. Falconry, a popular activity during the Edo period, involved the art of hunting with trained falcons. Matsumoto Castle, known for its historical significance, housed a falconry where these majestic birds were kept. Recreating History: The Falconry The player aims to recreate the essence of a traditional falconry within the game. Drawing… Read More

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  • Harry Potter in Minecraft: AI Film & Music

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  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Fun Never Ends!

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  • Pink PVP Texture Pack Showdown

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  • Minecraft Mods Made Easy

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  • Insane Architect Builds EPIC Bridge in DQ Builder 2 LIVE

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  • Minecraft secrets: Avril 14th on soundtrack?!

    Minecraft secrets: Avril 14th on soundtrack?!Video Information [Music] e [Music] I [Music] This video, titled ‘What if Avril 14th by Aphex Twin was on the Minecraft Soundtrack’, was uploaded by Josiah Granger on 2024-01-18 14:17:59. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:39 or 99 seconds. Can you imagine if Avril 14th by Aphex Twin was on the Minecraft soundtrack? Sit back and listen to this enchanting tune by one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time. With its dreamy piano melody and calming beats, it’s the perfect addition to your Minecraft playlist. Richard D… Read More

  • ZillaSMP – Roleplay, SMP, Factions – Medieval, Kingdoms, Geopolitical.

    ZillaSMP; Kingdoms and Politics ZillaSMP is a Western European themed medieval roleplay SMP with kingdoms, naval warfare, tradable currency, and light RPG mechanics. It’s like a new game inside of Minecraft without requiring any mods. ZillaSMP is set in a historical time of conflict and kingdoms, offering a unique alternate timeline experience shaped by player actions and roleplay. Choose from various roles like knight, pirate, viking, lord, or liege in the expansive 20k by 20k map with different kingdoms for trade, war, conflict, and negotiations. Features: Different medieval faction types like kingdoms, knighthoods, trade guilds, and viking tribes A feudalistic… Read More

  • Killion Detention Center Revival 2024!A Classic Prison Experience

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.killionrevival.co (GL HF) Read More


    BAY CITY NETWORKWelcome to Bay City Network!We are an 18+ Minecraft based network ever expanding, we currently have our flagship servers, Bay City Survival Nation (BCSN) a semi-vanilla smp, Bay City Enhanced Survival (BCE) a modded survival Server, with more at hand and on the way.All our servers are whitelisted, and require you to join our Discord initially so we can get to know you, and you can get to know us!Our Discord link is https://discord.gg/ZR8ZuNgaBUThis is also listed as our website here!We look forward to seeing you! Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore!

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, Cube Xuan reigns supreme, With animations and humor that make us beam. From classroom antics to funny memes, Every video is a joyous stream. Fang Fangxuan, the master of MC fun, Bringing smiles to all, one by one. With child-friendly content, safe and sound, In Cube Xuan’s world, happiness is found. So subscribe and follow for more delight, As Cube Xuan’s channel shines so bright. Minecraft facts and humor in every line, In the world of gaming, Cube Xuan’s design. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: When you mine diamonds and find coal instead #minecraftmeme #minecraft #memes

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  • Experience Sky-High Adventures on Minewind Server!

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  • Mastering Minecraft: World Border Tutorial

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  • EPIC Harry Potter Pixel Art in Minecraft!!

    EPIC Harry Potter Pixel Art in Minecraft!!Video Information ja Leute und damit wieder hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück zu let’s play Minecraft Part 165 meiner let’s play Minecraft Serie ja wir sind hier letztes Mal stehen geblieben bei unserem dunklen mal und haben wir jetzt die finalen ja Elemente zu setzen die finalen Blöcke und ja schwarz wird trotzdem nicht reichen da werde ich gleich noch unterbrechen müssen würde ich sagen aber ja wir starten in alter Frische so wir sind hier letztes Mal stehene geblieben ein Räuber der sich eingefangen hat so den wollen wir noch mal töten wagest dich hier in meiner Festung mich… Read More

  • Minecraft Money Hunt: Raced to Become OP

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  • Surviving Your First Day in Minecraft Hardcore! Watch now!

    Surviving Your First Day in Minecraft Hardcore! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Your First Day in Minecraft Hardcore! ┃Hardcore Survival Guide [Ep. 1]’, was uploaded by Slip on 2024-04-02 23:16:17. It has garnered 1093 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:59 or 239 seconds. Have you ever wanted to play Minecraft Hardcore? Maybe you’ve tried (maybe more than once) and were met with the dreaded “return to title screen”. That all changes today! For the next 100 days, I’ll lead you through my hardcore survival adventure – and share what I know about Minecraft Hardcore along the way! Today, I’ll be teaching… Read More


    EPIC 2023 REALISTIC MINECRAFT BUILDS! EASY TUTORIAL 🏡🌿🐇✨Video Information This video, titled ‘✨🪴All the realistic builds of 2023 🌱🌿🐇🪵✨in Minecraft☘️(Java edition)easy relaxing tutorial long-play’, was uploaded by MomoiroIchika on 2024-01-14 18:22:14. It has garnered 107 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:32 or 5732 seconds. 🌿🌱All realistic builds of 2023 ✨Also if you like this video or if you like my builds pls support my channel thank u⭐️… 🌸Comment down if any suggestions or if I am going very fast. 🌸 Note: “ This video is not sponsored by any external website mention below .” “ pls watch it in HD ” Timestamps… Read More

  • Unbelievable chaos on Minecraft with PepoBrothers! 🐸

    Unbelievable chaos on Minecraft with PepoBrothers! 🐸Video Information This video, titled ‘Una “normale” serata su minecraft!🐸’, was uploaded by PepoBrothers on 2024-02-23 21:12:40. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #minecraft #mod #horror #own #pepper Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! | DeceasedCraft Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOMBIES!!!!! | Minecraft DeceasedCraft Part 2’, was uploaded by TheDanielHero on 2024-03-30 00:59:36. It has garnered 25 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:19:40 or 22780 seconds. Zombies are coming to eat your brains Rules for the stream 1. Dont talk about politics, Religious or sensitive topics 2. Be respectful for everyone 3. Talk in english 4. Dont spam or troll 5. dont dox, its illegal 6. Dont spam :If you wanna give me your money https://streamelements.com/therealdanielhero/tip Disclaimer: any copyrighted music in the stream is belong to the creator “Thanks to… Read More


    INSANE IRON FARM COLLAB BY TOPAR BHAI & 2 NOOBS | MUST WATCH #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘2 NOOB NE MILKAR BANAYA IRON FARM | IQ 100% | IRON FARM | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Topar bhai on 2024-04-12 03:10:31. It has garnered 184 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:19 or 1039 seconds. 2 NOOB NE MILKAR BANAYA IRON FARM | IQ 100% | IRON FARM | LIKE THIS VIDEO, DON’T FORGET SUBSCRIBE ❤️ Meetup :- discord:- https://discord.com/invite/QewCjujT Iron golems can spawn in a 16×12×16 volume around the village center point; that is, a spawning platform should extend 8 blocks in all horizontal directions from northwest bottom corner… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Adventures in Pixel Perfection

    Ultimate Crafting Adventures in Pixel PerfectionVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 11’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:09:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Unbelievable PianoCore: Easy Moog City Minecraft Theme 🎹 #mustsee

    Unbelievable PianoCore: Easy Moog City Minecraft Theme 🎹 #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Moog city Minecraft theme on the piano #easy #piano #music’, was uploaded by PianoCore on 2024-02-25 19:00:11. It has garnered 101 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • BlueberrySMP

    BlueberrySMPBlueberry SMP is an 24/7 online active SMP where you will find many friendly members and many good plugins join this SMP now and make it big. Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 LGBTQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Fabric Java

    Apply here: https://discord.gg/vPqyu9dPJ7 (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an environment where interactions between members are highly valued – the primary goal is for the community to be inclusive of all people. Every member is welcome to join with open arms; no one is judged here. Why should you join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and other… Read More

  • MAINCLUB.NET ┃ Version 1.7 – 1.20 CTW, SurvivalOP, KitPvP & CubeCore.

    MAINCLUB.NET ┃ Version 1.7 – 1.20 CTW, SurvivalOP, KitPvP & CubeCore. Read More

  • Dalorian SevTech MineCraft

    SevTech: Ages is a massive modpack packed with content and progression. This pack focuses on providing the player a long term progression experience with purpose. SevTech introduces a number of mechanics never before done such as: hiding ore until unlocked, dynamically hidden items and recipes based on progress, new mobs appear as you progress further, and much more! The modpack uses the vanilla advancement system to guide the player along while still allowing an open, sandbox experience. As you progress through the hundreds of custom advancements you will unlock new “ages” which will show you new mods to work through…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Title or something, who even reads these? More like spice or something, amirite?”

    Whoever gave this meme a score of 1 clearly doesn’t have a sense of humor as big as a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Eggboy Island: Eggman’s Black Room Boom!

    Eggboy Island: Eggman's Black Room Boom! In the world of Minecraft, a new black room appears, On Eggboy Island, sparking both joy and fears. Cube Xuan, the creator, brings laughter and fun, With animations that shine like the bright sun. Child-friendly content, with safety in mind, No harmful elements, only joy to find. Pirated videos, unauthorized and wrong, Cube Xuan’s channel, where happiness belongs. Every day, a new video to enjoy, Filled with humor, laughter, and playful decoy. Subscribe and follow, for more fun to see, In the world of Eggman, where happiness is free. Read More

  • Roblox Shuken Song: Minecraft Edition

    Roblox Shuken Song: Minecraft Edition Why did the Roblox player bring a ladder to the dance party? Because they heard the Omega Shuken song and wanted to reach new heights in their dance moves! #RobloxHumor #DancePartyAntics Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Multiplayer Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Multiplayer Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of multiplayer gaming in Minecraft. If you’re a fan of playing with friends and exploring new worlds together, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the YouTube video about Minecraft multiplayer games for Android, you may have felt a sense of excitement and camaraderie that comes with playing with others. Imagine taking that feeling to the next level on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of… Read More

  • Can’t Read Properly?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Can't Read Properly?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure Minecraft Zelda Adventure: A Unique Gaming Experience Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Zelda Adventure map! This custom map offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join the excitement as you explore new lands, solve challenging puzzles, and battle formidable foes. Discover AdventureCraft Launcher Experience the Zelda Adventure map through the AdventureCraft Launcher, a platform that brings custom maps to life in Minecraft. This exclusive map is not available through the standard Minecraft launcher, adding an element of rarity and excitement to your gameplay. Download… Read More

  • DoyPingu’s Insane Minecraft Speedrun Trick

    DoyPingu's Insane Minecraft Speedrun TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Speedrun Minecraft: Doogile’, was uploaded by DoyPingu on 2024-05-06 02:30:10. It has garnered 3937 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:03 or 3483 seconds. Join the How To Speedrun MInecraft Discord Server to provide feedback and suggestions, ask past guests questions, and submit questions for future guests! https://discord.com/invite/NWNApUTVjz This is Episode Six of How To Speedrun Minecraft, a podcast featuring top Minecraft speedrunners and how they got there. This episode’s guest is Doogile, former 1.16 Any% RSG WR Holder, speedbridging legend, and walter enjoyer. I talk with Doogile about… Read More

  • Sly Edit: Killer Beat

    Sly Edit: Killer BeatVideo Information This video, titled ‘edit with hard beat i made’, was uploaded by Rare on 2024-03-15 05:13:13. It has garnered 71 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. the goal was sigilkore but it turned out better minecraft,minecrarft java,minecarft bedrock,hypixel,hive,combo,clutch,block clutch,duels,1.8 minecraft,1.16 minecraft,1.18 update,1.17 minecraft,spleef,minemen,ffa server,best minecraft server,minecraft gameplay,bedwars,skywars,bedwars tips,skywars tips,minecraft giveaway,hypixel rank giveaway,hypixel glitch,god bridge,breezly bridge,telly bridge,speed bridge,minecraft sweat,ricefarmer11,Dream,Technoblade,GeorgeNotFound,Sapnap,Twitch,Minecraft Meme,Grain,model o, lunar, badlion, keyboard, techware phantom 87, fantech, g102, minecraft bedwars, video, hypixel update, pro video, kurtclient, handcam, bedlessnoob, derpled, sammy green, purpled, walibear, free cape, minecraft cape, IntelEdits, MinuteTech, fruitberries,… Read More

  • 👻 HAUNTED HOUSE in Minecraft! Subscribe Now! ⚡

    👻 HAUNTED HOUSE in Minecraft! Subscribe Now! ⚡Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted House in Minecraft || Subscribe @MrPaw8 #minecraft #hauntedhouse #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by MrPaw on 2024-05-08 10:36:04. It has garnered 79 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. subscribe guys #minecraft #hauntedhouse #minecrafthindi #shorts #ytshorts #gaming @MrPaw8 minecraft minecraft survival everything you need to know about villagers in minecraft! minecraft shorts minecraft hardcore series minecraft challenge minecraft survival let’s play how to breed villagers in minecraft 1.19 minecraft hardcore minecraft villagers building the ultimate village in minecraft minecraft villager i transformed a village in minecraft hardcore minecraft survival… Read More

ibxtoycat – DRASTIC Village Changes: New Armour & Maps!?