ibxtoycat – How Many Ways Can I Die In Peaceful Minecraft?

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Dying on Peaceful is really hard because unlike the other difficulties which just modify your damage peaceful removes almost all sources of damage while also giving you a permanent state of regeneration which means even poison doesn’t damage you that makes it great for those who hate death because the

Only real way it can happen is if you jump in lava or out of the world right except what if there were more ways you could die and peaceful and what if it were possible to collect them all well that is a premise I absolutely had to

Test and so here is my attempt to die in as many ways as possible on peaceful mode for Minecraft Bedrock by the way I make a lot of Bedrock videos on this channel including the latest news and updates and if you want to stay up to date with all of that please do

Subscribe to the channel or I will literally kill myself in Minecraft except I’ll be doing that whether you subscribe or not so let’s get right into it okay then hello I’m abiax toy cat and welcome to my new peaceful Survival Let’s Play world this is going to be a

Fairly simple world there’s just two rules we’re going to be sticking on Peaceful only we’re not going to be switching difficulties when it’s convenient we have to stay on the lowest difficulty which is actually a challenge in its own right and second of all We’re not gonna be doing that half creative

Half survival nonsense a lot of YouTubers try to lie to you and hope you don’t notice or care but this is actually going to be my real legit survival which is going to start with me doing the opposite of surviving so let’s do a quick Speed Run of the easiest

Steps we can get from this spawn and I think there’s a nice easy one or it would be easy if this weren’t peaceful but I am I am struggling to keep up with the speed of this happening okay let’s try that again I’m gonna try and chain fools

Together this time and see if that works better for me oh no no no no no no come on it’s so hard to die okay this should do it right yeah it takes 23 blocks or more to fall and you will die no matter the difficulty because falling damage doesn’t Scale

Based on it the same is true for drowning damage which does eventually get you even on Peaceful yeah toy cat drowned and honestly this one feels very similar to drowning but does technically count as a different type of death if you uh happen to have let’s say some

Blocks fall on your head and those blocks suffocate you in then it has the exact same animation in terms of the bubbles but you don’t have to wait for the bubbles to go down to start suffocating to death like in the real world although when the bubbles do go

Down you start damaging twice and you suffocate in a wall or in whatever else and that is the three easiest steps you can do on any world basically right off the bat getting the rest of the deaths on Peaceful is a little bit harder right

Because I mean uh for example do you see any lava around here do you see any cactuses around here do you see a void that I can jump into I don’t and so now we have to work on the slightly more Niche deaths obviously after picking up

My gravel from before this might be useful at some Future Point a lot of the deaths you might think would work on Peaceful actually don’t so for example uh llamas or polar bears get super aggressive towards your love difficulties on Peaceful they’re designed not to care about you every mob

Has a slightly different AI depending on if you’re playing peaceful or not and it leads to a bunch of weird interactions you wouldn’t expect Hawkins are always the one that surprised me there’s so many mobs in Minecraft that could be peaceful but we just choose not to have

It that way because we’re monsters oh I cannot kill that though I probably should pick up some torches because even though there’s no mobs in the dark I would like to see what’s in there maybe we’d find lava wait we don’t need torches for lava you don’t scrap that

Well we don’t need what coal at all we’ll just find stuff in the wild yeah that’s right you don’t need to make torches when you find a village you also don’t need to chop down any trees because they give you that and even better sometimes you’ll find some

Blacksmith chests or yeah what’s in here five red okay here’s the best thing about food on Peaceful difficulty it’s really really really good and let me show you why look how many bread I have now and then look how many bread I have at the end of this video honestly I

Think the most valuable thing I will get from the village is this campfire because if I quickly set my spawn this should be a new opportunity to die yes it is it’s a very slow opportunity to die but I’ll take what I can get at this point also it’s really we should take

Off our arm before we do this it’s really messing with that I’ve just been here so long toy cat died this one doesn’t have a unique death message interestingly but it is a unique source of damage the campfire damaging you from underneath gonna pick up some beds as I

Go through this Village I mean in a world where there’s no causes of death do villagers even need to sleep and is that a real Igloo right here oh my God I think it is wait is there a there’s no basement well still this is another bed

For me and a furnace might be useful I think the redstone torch will be useful for something later uh we have more causes of death to exploit and you better believe I’m gonna find it so the next easiest cause of death if you’re in a biome like this is probably to look

For a tiger which has some sweet berries growing naturally sweet berries are basically you know Minecraft 1.14’s cacti and although no one uses them for anything just like cacti originally I mean seriously it’s useful for green dye but how often do you really see people farming Cactus not enough I hear oh wow

Oh speaking of not enough look at this and there’s a second one right next door ah look at that wow even better amazing wow can you believe that there’s actually some sweet berries here which means place down our bed said our spawn and then try our best to get this to

Kill us sweet berries are actually really easy to not die to they only hurt you when you’re actively moving so you really have to move It shake around do a bunch of stuff but if you can do it you can die to the Sweet Berry bush honestly

This is a death I’ve never had so I’m really excited for it oh yeah What’s it gonna be like will it have a message or will it just say I died again oh no poke to death by a Sweet Berry bush man when that that comes up on a server and

People are going to be asking questions about your mental competency so glad that was in a single player game but also I’m glad that uh convenient enough right next door there is another blacksmith I had four obsidian already but I guess I’ll take another 12. and uh

Some iron and a pickaxe and a sword too the game really wants me to have swords for all those aggressive encounters I’m definitely gonna be involved in and I guess I can go to the never now except I don’t have a flint and steel wait I have gravel

And I have steel yeah we could go to the nether okay this should be your reminder your biggest Pro tip if you have a village anywhere near spawn your life gets so much easier this is your reminder I was gonna have to go out into

The forest look for a source of uh you know like a lava then you know build a bucket make one that way but I can just build a portal the game is giving me all the resources I need and that’s real nice all I need is a way to light it and

Even then I I don’t think I need it it’s just gonna make my life a bit easier so let’s take one of these and let’s make a shovel and now let’s use it on this big source of gravel until something comes out slightly blackened hopefully that happens soon oh getting

Some weird lighting glitches unrelated to Peaceful this is just Bedrock being Bedrock have you ever been in the situation where you’re having a hard time finding lava to die in so you have to go to the never to get easier access to it yeah it happens to me all the time

Such a problem let’s hope we’re near some okay this is a little bit of a scary never but it’s a good thing I have some wait no it’s not it’s peaceful oh I was so worried about these piglets but they don’t even they don’t care if you

Punch them you can just Doom them to their deaths or you can trade of them they are a friendly type of villager on this game mode that’s nice if you think piglets exist or we’ve just got these guys I’m just honestly this is payback for all the times you’ve ruined my life

Hope it feels bad anyway so now what we need to do is we need to set our stuff down on the ground because that is grade a lava right there see it’s nice I can place a chest down in the Nether and the piglens aren’t even gonna be mad that

I’m accessing my own stuff nearby them this is amazing and now that I’m unencumbered by anything but my iron boots we can jump straight in to a pile of lava yeah that’s another dash for the list and that’s a fast one too even on Peaceful you die in seconds oh while

We’re here I guess we should also die and fire because that’s a different death you can tell it’s a different death because look at how much slower it is honestly people who compare dying in lava dine and fire you don’t realize that fire will eventually go out after

Seven seconds you can see that even as long as you’re on fire and peaceful you just about stay at the same Health whereas lava made me feel like I didn’t exist whereas I could get out right now and still survive I’m just choosing not to because I’d rather went up in Flames

Which has led to a very interesting animation upon rejoining so uh yeah we’ve got swim and lava went up in flames and just died for the campfire that is three different types of fire death in a surprisingly short period honestly feeling pretty good about myself here but I’m gonna go to sleep

One more time maybe pick up a crafting table and some supplies because this is you know a normal Survivor world I just happen to be trying to die in lots of ways as I go uh but I do want to focus obviously on the important things in

Life such as making a base I mean I’ve spent so long trying to die I haven’t focused on that and so let’s make sure we do that now so let’s gather all the resources we’re gonna need for our basic house yeah I’ve got to say the size of the

Trees that you find in the Tiger Biome just give you so much more wood than you find elsewhere and so here she is I mean it’s not much but it’s pretty nice for a first house right and I really think I’ve done a decent job at hang somewhere

To lay my head as well as expand my maps and so I feel actually speaking of laying my head I should probably do that right about now huh wow toy cat blew up from a bed in the never that seems like a new cause of death to me I spent just

Over 20 minutes building a house for this one bit and let me tell you I have precisely zero regrets although my stuff burning might have to be one yeah that was that was probably a mistake but you know my sword is fine my stairs are fine

And you know this I’m I’m doing great don’t worry about me an entirely unrelated news though I am looking for a new pickaxe because I might have lost one but yeah my house is looking pretty great so far and uh the only thing that looks better than my house is the fact

That I just realized there’s another way you can die that you basically have to come to the nether port I mean you don’t actually have to you know I basically have to is doing a little lifting but you can die in fire here you can die in

Lava here but you can also die in magma here there are three sources of fire death in the never and I don’t know how fast this one will be but it’ll be a fun death in my opinion matches my orange head by the way uh if you want to get

This skin which is an ocelot body with an orange square head uh you can get it as a part of the toy cat super flat world it’s called Ultra flat Survival on the marketplace it’s available right now and it gets you this beautiful skin I think the skin is free whether you pay

For a knot just like how discovering the floor is lava is absolutely free for everything besides you know your life and with that said let’s get back to the rest of the death methods we’re doing pretty well so far but what deaths that I can pull off on myself

Here in the nether because I was thinking of killing a lot of piglens who have crossbows and maybe getting one of their weapons but they don’t even drop arrows and either do skeletons because skeletons don’t exist on Peaceful so yeah as far as actual ways to die in the

Never we might just be about out of them I uh if you can think of one and I’m forgetting it let me know I guess we could fall off a cliff and a boat but that would probably count as just gravity so I’m I’m kind of uh loose on

New ways we can die in the nether which means we’re going back to the Overworld where you know first this is just too fun not to do right okay back to the other order is how else can we die maybe if a piglet is converted to a zombie pigland or maybe

We could like punch a wolf or a cat you know yeah the wolves are attacking something surely they’ll attack me nope that’s not gonna happen what about what about my boy over here who loves gold where’s he gone oh he vanished oh instead of turning into zombie pigmen I

Guess they just stop existing that is very interesting stuff anyway with that said we’re gonna pick up a pickaxe and I’m gonna go and find some slightly rarer resources than what I see up here maybe after a nap as well okay digging underground specifically looking for one

Resource and one type of biome is a little harder than it sounds but you know it’s peaceful it’s not like I’m gonna die while looking unless I dig into a big cave or a deep dark or something you know I wonder what the deep dark is like on Peaceful are you

Curious too ah wow here’s the one by my needed because here is the one block I was looking for so one of the causes of death I believe we can achieve and peaceful is having a drip stone full on to us we could fall into a drip Stone

But I’m not sure if the game counts that as different so we’ll just count drip Stone falling on us or US falling on dripstone is the same thing let’s see what this does so I need to mine this block and then have it full on me and then do that a

Bunch of time so I’m gonna need a lot of drip Stone and I’m gonna need some way to make it full on mass this is actually going to be harder than I assume I’m also obviously going to set my spawn point using what I like to call the free

Clock people think the clock is a useful item in Minecraft but this is my clock right here is it night time no it’s not because you can only sleep at night wow I don’t need any more detailed information than that and so yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna put a lot of drips done

On the ceiling here and then mine it all onto me would having more drip stone full be better or would it be having a small piece full from higher be better let’s let’s test this all out shall we okay so let’s let’s test this this is free high right here

That took one and a half hearts whereas this is one high falling from higher that was all that was two hearts I think so we can have five drip stone full on us in quick succession and we’ll die from it okay let’s do this drip Stone uh

Oh no no it’s hard to get there to hit you you have to be quite accurate with your full length and then ouch and then okay come on we can do this ouch one more ouch no that is that is nowhere near complete we need more than six

Substantially more so I think if we we could do something clever and specifically place our blocks uh all in the same height and have like 10 of them that way we have backups when we get missed okay I’m making a miniature drip Stone Farm here with the sole intent of

Killing myself let’s see how it goes this time okay number one oh wait we gotta get more blocks freed up we need to have a clear surface so we can run and focus on mining one go hit me in the face two hit me in the face you can do

It three oh getting close can we do this it’s gonna happen oh five six seven Heaven oh we’re getting real close hey maybe the ninth one does it no the tenth one though that’s the one that skews me on a falling stalactite heck yeah new death you know I’m peaceful dying this way

Naturally would be really tricky but it is possible you’d probably have an easier time killing a friend the slow uh you’re not pro tip suicide is hard kill your friends instead that is my Minecraft peaceful advice and you know definitely not real life advice please don’t put me in your Manifesto you’re

Not actually given it specifically mentions stalactite in the uh you know the death message there it makes me think it’s probably gonna mention stalagmite for the ground fun fact what’s the difference between stalactite and stalagmite well it doesn’t matter for Eva because if you’re playing

Survival you can get a bunch of iron in the Slime which is where I recommend coming there’s also a bunch of zombies usually I don’t know why I’m not finding any on this difficulty though could you let me know in a comment down below why there’s no zombies in my Biome so far

I’d love to know uh and if you would love to boost my engagement by answering I would like that ooh Redstone heck yeah anyway so yeah this is a good place to find Copper I think is actually the real one but I’m just at a bright Lair to

Find iron it seems and I’m also at the right place to be able to jump on stack tights over and over and over again here’s the fun thing about dying this way because uh it gives you a cool damage from any height you can literally

Just jump on top of it over and over and over again until bad things happen to you it’s probably a bad idea I think we might die faster by jumping this extra block right here though oh apparently not because I guess this is already most

For Block High maybe if we place it a block lower down we could jump and then you know I’m gonna need like slabs or something for this this is actually hard to this is hard to get some real death speed into but I think we’re going a

Little bit faster this way it’s hard it’s hard to actually be sure honestly Pro tip just full from a bigger height that might be it let’s just let’s leave this down here let’s stack ourselves up onto stalactites then let’s jump from way higher and see how that goes yeah

That’s much better so will put stalactites here there and there so we jump from one of these to one of these and then go and then oh yeah this is much more effective Pro tip falling from higher hurts you more it’s almost like the real world not quite though it still

Calls it no it says Stalag might okay so stalagmite and stalactite they it says skewered and impaled we’ll count that as different even though I think we’re really splitting hairs because it’s the same item but you know what more death messages more good I mean I would be

More upset but I can’t really be angry about splitting hairs given what I did earlier so my next death plan is a little bit more resource heavy it’s going to involve a furnace and ooh I can make a dispenser now because of that Redstone you know that’ll come in handy actually

But my next step is going to involve a furnace mostly so that I could craft myself a new iron pickaxe my previous one broke while I was mining some lappers and then we’re going to use the iron pickaxe to get myself more iron it’s basically a pyramid scheme you use

The iron to get the iron so you can get more iron so you can get more iron and then eventually it all works out if you just ignore the facts you know what that point about copper being way more common than drip Stone caves definitely is

Showing itself to be true it’s a shame there’s no real way that copper can kill me I preached true poverty level by the way I have one torch that I just move around the cave with me every time I want to look somewhere see if there’s

Any iron there but I am now deliciously close the like to be close delightfully close uh to having myself a new method of death that specifically comes from Ryan oh there’s some right here didn’t even need to bring the torch around with me and now all we have to do is combine

Them together into iron blocks and we can make ourselves an anvil this is one of the only blocks which is gravity affected in Minecraft but unlike the other ones which just suffocate you this gives you a serious Bonk on the head I actually don’t know how many hits it’s

Gonna take to kill but I know there’s a real risk that this thing gets damaged every time it falls so I want to make sure that it takes as few as possible so I might have to like do a jump place somewhere as high up as we can this

Should be good though right there’s no way this doesn’t kill you for an anvil dropping your head except somehow it doesn’t although you know okay that the Anvil’s fine we’re just gonna go for this over and over again just as fast as we can see what that happens okay come

On come on don’t be and no okay okay the Anvil picked up some damage we need to have a slightly smarter strategy which means we’re gonna have some system to activate it from a distance I think we could probably do that right so you just need wood and stone and Redstone and you

Can make a piston right can we no oh we didn’t have planks there we go so we can make a piston and then we can make a really long Redstone Trail and we can activate the Piston way above me if I want to which you better believe I do oh

Man there was all this coal in my tunnel the whole time I’ve been using the single poverty torch and I could be torch Rich what a what a mistake that is anyway so now we go back up to the surface we dig a long hole down and we’ll use this tunnel which already

Exists to have some red so actually let’s place that now let’s place our Redstone all the way along this tunnel and then see how much we actually need wait no we’re gonna need repeaters or something aren’t we oh this gets more complicated than you’d assume okay scrap

The Redstone on the stairs idea I’ve got a slightly better one I think oh fun it’s snowing outside man I love the snow effect in Minecraft Like Rain gets me real disappointed also wait we can make the splitting a hair joke again you know I don’t mean to split hairs or anything

Uh but yeah with that said uh this is a beautiful condition I really love it but I’m not going to be taking full advantage of it and instead I’m gonna be finding uh the hull from before so now we’re gonna dig down perfectly over here with our Anvil resting presumably in the

Right place actually yeah yeah let’s let’s place down a piston uh over here I guess we’ll say um yeah over over here so that way when it’s extended the Anvil will rest on it over here exactly where we want it to and now we Dig Down except we won’t just

Be digging down one block because that’s reckless we’ll be digging down one block with another block over here occasionally and now we just craft ourselves some Redstone torches and what we can do is we can uh you know have ourselves Redstone which goes vertically and which doesn’t have a limit because

Regular Redstone requires repeaters hopefully this means I can have a super high Anvil full that won’t waste my Anvil now because I don’t want it to become a very damaged animal or a heaven forbid a non-existent Anvil because it took me a lot of time to mine it and I

Didn’t like mining in the dark very much okay okay there we go we now have a big stack of redstone torches going all the way to the top just not quite all the way down here to the bottom and now we have to do is finish that up and then

Place the Anvil up top this is a fair few steps to go through I’ll totally admit but that is now a perfect pillar we’re just going to finish it with some more Redstone hopefully I’m not too limited on that nine more torches should definitely do it though so nine Redstone

Torches it’s enough to put one here and then one here and we have another one over up there and now if I understand correctly and there’s a real chance I don’t by just inverting this bottom one we change every other Redstone signal all the way up so you can see that one

Becomes unlit and now it becomes lit and so that allows us to transfer a redstone signal entirely vertically I assume without requiring that same limit on repeaters which I don’t have right now and so now if we just get a little bit more Redstone thank God I left the nor

Over here uh we should now be able to finish the circuit and test out the design okay so I’m pretty sure Redstone can’t get snow logged and there we go there is a direct link between that torch at the bottom and this piston at the top which means that if we had it

The other way around which we really should have had if we’d have kept an eye on that things would be great but if we have it the other way around now the Piston will be open when it’s on and then as soon as we turn it off whatever

Block is here say a block of sand will fall down then we’d probably test that right now though as to get all the way down there so you better believe I’m gonna do that Pro tip falling damn it full damage on Peaceful is basically negligible right so we have to do is

Full take a little bit of regeneration and then fall again you could do this in any difficulty it just that was a really dumb place to die okay but now that we’re back down here here’s something fun I reverse this did you hear a piston I can’t hear a piston

And I forgot which way was reversed now so let’s go hope that it is aha wait no I’ve designed this entirely wrong this this needs to be one block over here and then the idea Works although that seems to not even require any of this Redstone wow this was perfectly built I

Know my Redstone very well you can trust me so now as soon as this redstone torch is unpowered just to show you what that’s like now the block goes down and everything is good so we just have to get down there get my Anvil bring it

Back then go down and then unactivate it there’s a there’s a lot of steps to that but I’m sure we can do it but we have to do another full without dying this time so let’s hope that goes better than before okay here we go now we just have

To get back down I’m not sure if the faster way is to take the staircase but you better believe I’m gonna keep trying this actually wait I don’t even need to I don’t even need to save myself if I die my inventory is already disorganized

What is the penalty the penalty is I get down there slightly faster doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me and now we test my Redstone Contraption to see if it works there is an anvil 60 blocks above my head right now and I think I just activated something that will make it

Fall down I don’t ah there we go wow that squashed by a falling Anvil that was I was worried it wasn’t working it was taking so long but I guess it was just falling that damn hard and now here’s the best bit it is a very damaged Anvil

But it’s still functional for all the enchantments you’ll definitely want while playing peaceful I mean honestly you if you’re if you’re working on a big build you want efficiency still like maxed out insurance works for that but for other things do you really I’ve made this point so many times before but the

Worst thing about dying in Minecraft is always the inventory reorganization and then feeling like wait didn’t I have something else and they’re not quite knowing where it is and just assuming yeah probably didn’t have a 9x anyway right I’m pretty sure I didn’t if I did

I’d have it right now with all my other junk uh but yeah let’s grab our furnace let’s grab our crafting table and let’s get out there I’m gonna try and take advantage of a new death that hasn’t existed for a very long time but is a

Very fun one and by that I mean it’s the worst way to die it’s ended many a good Minecraft playthrough or run or challenge uh but you know what let’s let’s find it I I’m surprised at how little I am finding given how snowy it is and that block is snowier snow so

This fun new effect around the screen is like the reverse of burning to death what would you call that wow I would call it freezing to death although actually can it not happen to you on Peaceful I don’t know that it can yeah the damage can happen

But I don’t think it will ever kill us it just slows us down and makes us look like a little bit of an idiot although maybe if I just go one block further down okay I’m gonna go into these blocks of my head in this time and so now we

Get the fun double whammy of not being able to breathe and freezing to death still this doesn’t kill you wow small side note here but why does snowy or snow kill you from being so cold when you can literally be in ice water you know zero degrees the thing that killed

People after the Titanic and this is perfectly fine this is healing whereas this is like Oh no you’re gonna freeze to death I’m just saying not sure we have our logical order there we go okay we are fully surrounded now it is above us below us to the side of us we’re

Being pushed into it by water somehow I didn’t know that was a thing hopefully this leads to a faster death apparently not yeah there is no way this is gonna finish Us by the way I headed to another Village because I was looking for the stronghold and I found this it is an

Igloo which has its basement a little bit exposed I don’t think there’s anything good for us in that basement but I’m curious will the zombie villagers still on or will it just be a village like you know will the instructions be meaningless on Peaceful apparently it’s a waterlogged basement

Wait what was that there was a single block of water anyway so if we do go into the basement yeah this is meaningless like if you if you cure him he becomes air that’s terrible that’s that’s awful yep no one no one there no value but

There is a golden apple and there is a brewing stand with a potion of weakness okay not so useful so one of the obvious ways we could die next would be potions right so Brewing has been Impossible on Peaceful because of the lack of crafting the Brewing stands you need blaze rods

For these and there are no blaze rods on Peaceful because they’re well they’re blazes and so uh honestly finding these in the wild used to be a sneaky loophole through that until in 1.9 they decided to add the Blaze Rod requirement or the blaze powder requirement for a brewing

Stand to function and so getting a splash potion of weakness is something I guess uh in in but in reality uh yeah we are only able to weaken things we could weaken this villager uh we’re not able to harm them that might lead you to believe that there is absolutely no way

To die from uh potions on Peaceful difficulty and you would be correct unless you were to think about other ways you can get emotions well you could kill a witch to get potions but ah there’s no witches on Peaceful is there and uh you know you could get potions

From the end cities but that’s a whole other kettle of fish uh we’ll have to dive into so like you know obviously there is no real way that we can actually get potions on Peaceful except what if there was so here is my genius plan step one we get some iron Pro tip

On Peaceful the Iron Golems literally just give you iron you just politely ask them and then they give it to you no no questions asked and then the second thing we’re gonna need is some coal this seems like a weird step until you hear I’m going to be making some glass

Bottles and then taking them on a journey across my world which we can do in super super super fast mode Until we find ourselves a swamp Hut or a witch’s Hut or a swamp Temple whichever way you want to call it because here’s the interesting thing about a swamp Temple they contain basically three things right the witch the cat you know the black cat with its green eyes or

Yellow eyes apparently and then there’s one final thing a cauldron on the Java Edition this cauldron is always empty but on the Bedrock Edition it contains a random potion so in this case we have whatever the red potion is I genuinely do not know let’s find out we got

Instant health potions which are so useful on Peaceful difficulty wow look how great my healing is right there but yeah you can go to a cauldron in a witch hut and you can find a random potion in this case healing but then after traveling literally thousands of blocks

You can check my coordinates it’s been a journey uh I can find another witch hut which will be missing the witch but will have a different potion and I don’t think this is harming but but it certainly is poisonous which means I can now drink and be poisoned if I want to

Is that what I want is this what anyone should want probably not and poison can’t kill you on Peaceful difficulty in fact poison can’t kill you on any difficulty but if I can just find a harming potion I’ll be good and so the goal is to continue heading from witch

Hut to witch hut until we find a harming potion I have no idea what this will take but let’s start that Journey now okay toy cat from the future here and I have a fun update that is a reminder about the meaning of the word random

Because uh to save you looking at me going through all these witch Huts one by one which is so far apart by the way um let’s just say after a little bit I was like why am I getting the same potions over and over and so I decided

To hop in Creative just to confirm like is there a bug where it’s more likely to be some is there some potions it can never generate with you know harming could be too dangerous to allow players to pick up and then after discovering that yeah there was a real bias towards

Healing and poison I decided to look into it and as it turns out there are actually only eight different potions which can spawn in there and even more interesting than the fact that for some reason a few potions are excluded uh interestingly there’s a different possibility based on the chart so

Healing and poison are the most likely swiftness is next then slawless weakness strength for water breathing with just a five percent chance of fire resistance for reasons I genuinely do not understand um there are different odds for different potions and the odds for harming which I would need to kill

Myself is zero percent and so my uh my ability to kill myself with potions is sadly impossible because harming potions are not obtainable in other ways yet and so this potion of weakness and the poison are the closest I’m gonna be able to get which is cool but also you know

Traveling a little bit far that I now have to undo okay so learning is really fun and and I’m glad whenever I get to do it and I love to share it on this channel but here’s an important reminder to learn before going out thousands of

Blocks on a bit of a journey because I am still 5 000 blocks away from home however I have now found a desert which gives me opportunities to do one of the more fun and silly deaths you can do on Peaceful because what’s this green block

Over here that’s right it’s a source of pain if you stand next to it even on Peaceful difficulty it will eventually kill you and this is one where I’ve got way too full in inventory to actually stand next to it so let’s let’s empty

This out first so I know I always have a messed up inventory so I put all the stuff I care about in this pile can you see my XP bottle got that from a Pillager Outpost so maybe traveling thousands of blocks was actually a good thing but um if you look right here

These are all the blocks I care about and everything else if it dies and if it gets killed by the cactus then that’s some Inventory management being done for me by The Game and so really this is a great thing wait a fun fact you might

Not have known is that depending on the language that you have set up uh your Minecraft well I didn’t sit down a bed oh no oh I really should have done that but I was pricked to death uh but it sometimes would say stabbed to death oh yeah that

Was that was a really poor decision huh well there goes all my stuff and uh here’s the fun thing that that is every major death I can think of we could go TNT in that desert I bet there would have been a desert temple somewhere and

So we could have used TNT but that would still say blew up um there is a death message that comes from snowballs you might not have known that it’s really silly that there is but it’s true and uh you could also probably be struck by lightning but lightning

Alone wouldn’t kill us so we’d have to be struck by lightning while we were weak from something else which I don’t know if you if you have a fun way you can do that and peaceful I love to hear it but the only other final way that is

Actually possible to die in peaceful is to fall out of the world right if you fall off the end it doesn’t matter what difficulty you’re on this will kill you so we need to get to the end not only so we can get an elytra and so we can fly

Into things but also so we can fall out of the world and you can get to the end on Peaceful difficulty in theory I guess but you would need to get Blazer rods however where the blaze rods come from One Source only after years of Minecraft adding different Tech tree methods to

All these other ways in the game sadly there is one way to get Blazers and it involves switching the difficulty and what was that rule about switching difficulty earlier oh Christ I guess we can’t do that and so that means there is no way to get to the end and there is no

Way to fall out of the world so the only other method of death that I can achieve would be being shot by arrows and given that the stuff I need to make arrows I did specifically get feathers to do them are 5 000 blocks away can we agree I

Don’t have to do that because it’s basically the same as being pricked to death and so that leaves us with 14 causes of death that you can get in your Minecraft world even on Peaceful which is pretty nuts really to say that peaceful difficulty the game mode where

Nothing can kill you actually has 14 different ways to kill you I mean it would be 15 but you’d need to be able to uh have a world where uh because you know you can’t get Blazers so have to have a world where the Bedrock underneath it was physically broken in

The never or the Overworld which is just so incredibly unlikely unless you happen to load up a seed specifically with that in mind you know a seed where something generated way lower than it should have you know the sort of seed where you’d find an igloo underwater where you can

Conveniently go to sleep do you want to see something fun by the way this is so deep under the water uh that you still are in pure darkness when it stay but then imagine if an igloo was down at the bottom of a lake at why minus 49 imagine

What the ladder downwards would look like I mean where would the igloo basement be if the ladder’s going at this point the answer is it wouldn’t be if you did load up that seed you would be able to fall out of the world or in

Past tense fell out of the world and so that is the 15th cause of death this thing is so incredibly rare you would have to search your world endlessly for this or a 12i portal but if you can you can do the near impossible possible and that is something harder than dying on

Any other difficulty Dying by falling out of the world on Peaceful that is 15 different ways that you can die I don’t believe that it’s possible to die in any other way I looked through all of the death messages just to be sure and although there are death messages for

Things like snowballs I don’t think that you can actually tie to a snowball on Peaceful um but yeah I would love to see if you have found any other ways you can die and peaceful it is one of these surprisingly harder challenges in Minecraft because the game really

Doesn’t want you to die and so if you can surpass that that is something that is a lot of fun and so I hope you all enjoyed today’s video I hope you found it insightful and uh yeah if you can find out a way to kill yourself on

Peaceful that I haven’t seen this video I’d love to see it uh post on the subreddit r slash OBX click out otherwise if you like my skin I in Ocelot with an orange Square for a head you can get it for free on any Minecraft better platform you don’t have to

Download a skin or anything you can just go to the marketplace type in the words Ultra flat and then the map Ultra flat survival will give you the skin for free you don’t need to pay for it both wide one-legged toy cat as well as white toy

Cat because he’s got the orange squirper head are both obtainable for absolutely free um it’s a fun thing you can do using the marketplace every time we put something out we can put out a free skin if we want to and so yeah uh you could also

While you’re here check out the map apparently it’s got a 4.6 out of 5 star rating uh but yeah Ultra flat survival will come with a free skin whether you buy it or not which I absolutely love and so there is my my fun call to action

Today get yourself a free skin and be a toy cat with an orange square head what is there to lose besides everything because you could die in a tragic house fire if you don’t subscribe to the channel because thank you very much for watching I hope you all enjoyed and I’ll

See you in the next one Foreign

This video, titled ‘How Many Ways Can I Die In Peaceful Minecraft?’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-05-09 19:53:14. It has garnered 303091 views and 9460 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:26 or 2306 seconds.

attempting to die in every way possible, in peaceful

If you liked this one, here are some related videos you can check out: • 10 Banners You NEED To Put On Your Shields in Minecraft 1.20 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSKsV9KU76M • Minecraft’s HUGE Missing Features → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9wMePI9laY • I Reviewed 5 Strangers’ Minecraft Worlds → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwdtRDm42JI • Minecraft 1.20’s Biggest Problem, with @silentwisperer → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQlT2VeEwGk

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: @HarrisonGray

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    Terrifying Encounter: Paw Patrol House Exe in Minecraft ft. JJ and Mikey - MaizenVideo Information [Music] all right today we’re moving to a new house and it’s our last day in this house we’ve lived here for a long time and it’s starting to show its age I loved This Old House though moving can be so sad it’s hard to leave these memories behind but we have a new house to move into well it’s time to go let’s hop into our moving car okay ah goodbye house bye-bye we’re driving up the road to our new home now let’s see here it is Mikey this will be our new home this… Read More

  • EPIC: Minecraft Icon Returns for Ultimate Comeback!

    EPIC: Minecraft Icon Returns for Ultimate Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘”العودة الأسطورية: إعادة تشغيل لعبة Minecraft – عودة أيقونة الألعاب!”‘, was uploaded by Mr Really on 2024-03-08 01:11:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Topic: “Legendary Returns: Minecraft Reboot – The Gaming Icon Returns!” My Instagram account… Read More

  • Join SKULLempire for Season 1 SMP Mayhem | Minecraft SMP

    Join SKULLempire for Season 1 SMP Mayhem | Minecraft SMPVideo Information [Music] la oh This video, titled ‘APPLICATION FOR EVIL SMP SEASON 1 | MINECRAFT SMP’, was uploaded by SKULLempire on 2024-01-15 15:17:23. It has garnered 190 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #herobrinesmp I secretly Join Evil SMP smp owner @FireCraft108 Tags (Ignore) #minecraft #ytshorts #viral #funny #montage #lapatasmp #application #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmps5application #lapataS3 #minecraft #1.19pvp #minecraftanimation #bestpvp #lifestealsmp Copyright Disclaimer 😐 I DON’T OWN THE SONG,ALL CREDITS GOES TO THEIR OWNERS,NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED,IF YOU WANT THE VIDEO REMOVED Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: Surviving 100 days in only Diamond world!!

    ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: Surviving 100 days in only Diamond world!!Video Information डायमंड जिसे पाने के बाद लोगों का सर्वाइवल इजी हो जाता है लेकिन यही डायमंड्स मेरे लिए मुसीबत खड़ी करने वाले हैं क्योंकि मेरा पूरा का पूरा वर्ल्ड ही कन्वर्ट हो चुका है डायमंड ओर में यहां पर हर जगह डायमंड्स तो है लेकिन उनको माइन करने के लिए पिकस नहीं है और हम उसे क्राफ्ट भी नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि ट्रीज भी कन्वर्ट हो चुके हैं डायमंड ओर में और अब आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि मैं यहां पर 100 डेज तक सरवाइव कैसे करूंगा खैर वो तो आपको वीडियो में आगे पता चल जाएगा लेकिन… Read More

  • EPIC EXPLOSIONS & TERRIFYING SCARES! MiuVtuber’s DeathLand Extreme EP2

    EPIC EXPLOSIONS & TERRIFYING SCARES! MiuVtuber's DeathLand Extreme EP2Video Information muy buenas A todos aquí en un nuevo episodio aquí en de l extremo digamos de que hemos hecho cositas no No me he puesto a picar porque Bueno si me he puesto a picar un poco lo que viene ser la piedra pero bueno Esto lo tengo puesto asíes por si acaso para que no se me metan bichos aquí tengo tres camas por decoración esto de aquí es lo que os iba a explicar ahora mismo tengo un pozo bien raro en esta aldea es decir el pozo empieza por aquí termina por acá Todo la… Read More

ibxtoycat – How Many Ways Can I Die In Peaceful Minecraft?