ibxtoycat – Minecraft Needs to Fix This BEFORE Mending

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And we are about to learn what Mojang has been working on since June because Minecraft life is in just two weeks now and this is exciting because all we’ve seen so far are the Villager trade rebalances they’re looking to make in other words the Nerf to training for

Mending something which has many in the community absolutely outraged however much of this rage is leading people to miss things like this statement from King B dogs a Minecraft developer who says that he thinks durability is the outdated mechanic that honestly could do with a revisit overall and this is an

Important point about 1.21 as they are finalizing the steps and working out what’s going to be in it I think it’s important to say that it’s not just trading on many that’s broken it’s the enchantment system more broadly and indeed durability as a whole and so

Today I want to talk about what the problem is and what the solution is they probably should Implement for 1.21 as well as exactly what king B dogs has to say about it because there is a lot of that anyway I hope you all enjoy this video consider subscribing if you do to

Stay up to date with the latest Minecraft news because there’s going to be a lot of it and also consider checking out my new live series it’s the endless UHC it’s Ultra Hardcore Minecraft in a world with no end I’m so curious as to how it’s going to go and

You can see my journey which is going to be starting in a live stream Series tonight on this channel so with that said let’s dive into what king B dogs has to say I think that there’s a lot of interesting things in the spread so we’ll start with just the simple uh

Comment that if one thing is clear to me from the feedback on the Villager Togo mending is seen as a necessity for a lot of players in the community I find it pretty interesting considering the game for many years never had mending and players had to craft new tools whenever

One broke this is in fact true mending has been in the game for about 10 updates now and so before that time everyone just had to accept that tools would eventually break something which no longer happens however he then heads that off by saying Minecraft is of

Course a different game now than it was 10 years ago so it’s hard to just go oh but you didn’t have it before builds take more resources there are more things to mine Etc I do think it is fair to point out that Minecraft was just as

Fun back then as it is now if not in some people’s minds more fun right but then he says regardless mending is not inaccessible anymore it’s just something you get later into the game’s progression and its primary source doesn’t just have to be villager trading anymore I.E increased chances in ancient

City chess in other words what he’s saying is what he likes about the new system which is technically an experimental feature in the current update meaning that it could release as soon as next month or they could delay it indefinitely it’s not a guaranteed part of 1.21 it just kind of tells us

What they’re thinking about the update but what he’s saying he really likes about it is that it means there are different ways to obtain mending when you do eventually want to go for it and that mending isn’t required to have a good time in Minecraft as proven by the

Fact that people haven’t done so for so long many people would argue though that without an OP villager trading Hall it’s now a major investment to Max and chance and without mending why even bother to make neverite given the smithing template change getting never right was already quite a bit difficult but they

Made it even harder which is something that would be ridiculous to go through the effort for if you couldn’t repair that tool endlessly and so what can be dog says in response to this criticism is that even if you say now we have enchantments back before 1.0 we didn’t

Have insurance and people still play Minecraft fine I agree losing an enchanted item sucks that’s why I think it’s durability that’s the outdated mechanic that could honestly do with a revisit overall and this is starting to catch on something that is so so true in my opinion and I wanted to come back

Into that when we talk about the actual solutions to Minecraft’s crisis but for now I want to show the last things that he said on this because he never actually once said it should be harder to get he just finds the design questions that arise from the feedback

Interesting if Minecraft was fun without mending once before what can we do now to make Minecraft fun without it again this is the crucial question if mending is in the game right now and everyone feels like it’s so crucial that it needs to be easier and easier to obtain or at

Least not get any amount harder then that is a design failure mending and any other enchantment or Choice should always feel like it is something you are choosing rather than something you need to get the bare minimum done if you’re not willing to make your first castle

Out of cobblestone until you have a mending efficiency 5 pickaxe then that is a design failure in Minecraft because it makes it harder to get into the game without having a bigger time commitment some something which not everyone wants to do this is something it seems he

Concurs on because he says if we can’t figure out a way to do that then I feel we have a big problem in our hands when it comes to the mechanic of durability it clearly doesn’t hold up to how the game has evolved something I 100 agree

On one more time and I do think that he’s actually understanding and I think it’s really great to see uh multiple Minecraft members understanding that it’s not just mending which needs to be fixed it is the broader enchantment system that makes you feel as though if you’re going to enchant your gear you

Need to have mending so it will last forever and also even more broadly than that the fact that tools even break whatsoever if almost every player eventually gets to the point where they don’t it just makes any new world feel like it’s a race to get to that point

Which is why I think it’s important to talk about the big problem they need to fix in 1.21 I am very cautious of saying Mojang needs to do anything technically speaking Mojang could do nothing to the game for 10 years and there would still be some number of people playing because

Minecraft is one of the best games of all time whether or not they fix any given problem whether or not they make an End update the end is still an interesting place it’s just it could be as interesting as the other two dimensions and whether or not Mojang

Does anything about item durability and enchantment it is still going to be a great system that people are going to use for as long as they don’t fix it but right now there is one very big problem that Mojang has made for themselves by making new content and that is never

Right specifically never right tools are very hard to obtain it was already tricky when you had to just do a lot of mining for ancient debris and then smelter together combine it with gold and put it on your tools but now you also have an exploration element built

In there which means getting never right is very very very hard the first time and so you only really have two choices to preserve your giant investment one of those is to put mending on there and to repair your tools using experience which is very readily obtained or you can use

An anvil and repair it using neverite which means a lot of time investment and even then the game will then tell you it’s too expensive even if anvils never told you it was too expensive to repair the same tools over and over very few players would use this system but as it

Stands right now there is only one realistic way to preserve your never right tools and given that it is the goal of every player to get the best tools and armor every one of these pieces of equipment that is nine total requires you to either go for a lot of

Never I Ingot Mining and therefore hours and hours of grinding away until eventually the game tells you no or it requires you to get mending which by the way doesn’t have to be done for each of these tools because when you do it with a village you get mending once and then

You can trade for it an infinite number of times this is a huge design flaw they have made it so there’s not just one realistic way to do something there’s one realistic way to do something and it’s so much easier than every other way meaning that the only people who aren’t

Using mending for their villagers are people who don’t have never right or don’t know about the system if there is a system that is so powerful that everyone who learns about it thinks it’s a good idea or even 99.9 percent of people think it’s a good idea and have

To go through all of the work to do so then that is not good game design when you learn about a creeper Farm you can think to yourself yeah I’ll just kill creepers manually or maybe I’ll go through the work of building a farm but

If the creeper Farm was so op because it was so required for every part of the game that everyone feels the need to have one then that isn’t a fun Choice you’re making it’s a big grind Mojang is putting in front of you and that is how

I see the system being broken right now durability Works to such a level that if you want to use tools any realistic amount in a long-term survival world you need mending and the investment you have to put into it is so low relative to its returns that there is basically no good

Reason not to do so and that is why I do believe there is a big problem in Minecraft as it stands a problem Minecraft is going to have to fix at some point either by having a big Focus update Minecraft the enchantment update or by taking a little slice of 1.21 and

And dedicating it to enchantment this is what we’ve seen them do in past so for example the village and pillage update did have a tiger update in there and also 1.9 the combat update had an entire update to the end and push mechanics maybe they should do the same for

Enchantments but if they were to do so what could they do that would solve this problem well I’m glad you asked because let’s dive into the solution there are three very different paths that Minecraft could take to make enchanting more interesting however one of these is so obvious it almost should

Be done on top of anything else they do because Minecraft does need to fix the Anvil and they need to do so quite bad and to prove that to you here is a current Anvil guide if you want to put out your enchantments on a tool

Optimally if you do it in this order you’ll save the fewest levels because doing it in any different order will cost you more to prove to you what I mean here let’s place down an anvil and let’s show you what happens when we have say a pickaxe and another pickaxe it

Costs just three to combine these together to get the exact same pickaxe as if we do it in reverse but if we do do it in reverse for whatever reason it costs 6 instead the output is exactly the same but Minecraft isn’t compared you’re concerned about your output it’s

Concerned about your input this means that having the exact same tools by having them in a different order can result in drastically different costs which is just insane if you ask me I think that the Anvil should not care about what’s going into the Anvil but

Instead what is coming out of it in the same way that an enchantment table chalk you know charges you different amounts based on whether you’re going for one two and three it should be the same with the Anvil it should care about what comes out not what goes in and most

Crucially you should always be able to repair a tool this way I think that in the days before mending there was an argument that too expensive was a great way to make sure that eventually you had to build your tools from scratch but in the days of mending there is one way to

Keep your tools going infinitely and it means some ridiculous things that eventually it gets so prohibitively expensive to repair tools that you wouldn’t want to do anyway and even Beyond this point it gets so by the way also by the way isn’t this interesting

Again it costs 34 to use this and 30 uh free to use this but the amount output is exactly the same I think that Minecraft should never have too expensive either the cost should just keep going up and give you the choice as to whether it’s too expensive or not or

Maybe even better the cost should stay fixed at all points if you’re willing to throw diamond pickaxe after diamond pickaxe after diamond pickaxe at something that should be something you’re able to do and ultimately that would be something that could rebounce villagers so that now instead of people

Going for mending and that’s you know finding it too difficult they could instead get themselves a bunch of pickaxes and use those instead which would then require you to be able to upgrade them to neverite easier because that is the ultimate problem here but anvils are something that they really

Really really need to fix there is too much xp cost you know involved especially when we have an effectively free alternative in the form of mending which is by the way an enchantment the other part of this system I think they could fix I think inshamen tables could

Do with a few changes obviously they can do a lot of different things and I’d love to see what Mojang has to say uh but personally I think there are two easy uh you know things they could pick up one of these is you should be able to

Store your lapis lazuli in the enchantment table right now bring Rod when you do Brewing you’re allowed to store your blaze rods in there but you can’t do that for an enchantment table it comes right back to you why is that the case why can I not outrun my

Problems damn it why can’t I throw them in there or do something along these lines and also I think what could be fun is if they keep the current enchantment system where you put something in there and you get random enchantments or uh maybe you could direct the installments

Towards specific areas if there’s going to be a objective best thing such as efficiency on a pickaxe you never don’t want efficiency unless you’d want to deliberately go slow it’s just such a clear good enchantment the same is true I would argue for looting on a sword um

You know the same is true for uh you know on Armor everyone wants to have protection if there is going to be a clearly best enchantment which is not my personal preference then Minecraft should allow you to Deuce this in an expensive way right now that could be as

Simple as instead of me putting a sword in here with lapis maybe you put golden apples in there and that allows you to go only for a small subset of extra good enchantments or if you you know want to have Minecraft be a more open-ended game without best enchantments maybe they

Should have a broader set of enchantments that are better balance against each other again don’t know if the existing thing don’t say that this is enough to protection but maybe uh explosive protection should give you 100 resistance to explosions so you actually think to yourself should I have another

Piece of regular protection or is it worth having that 90 or 100 protection against creepers and TNT uh the same for fire the same for uh projectiles having interesting enchantment decisions would go a long way in my opinion the same is true for protection on Armor and

Basically there are a small subset of enchantments that people want particularly bad and right now for an enchantment table you go in randomly and hope for the best whereas when you go for trading with villagers you get the guaranteed installment you want every single time and what’s crazy is right

Now it’s even weirder than that is you don’t just get the exact enchantment you want every single time time you also can get enchantments that are treasure only or in other words aren’t obtainable at the enchantment table one of these two mechanisms is much better for getting certain installments including the very

Best one in the game and for whatever reason that is trading with a villager trading with a villager should be a secondary option for what should be the main way to win shot and it I shouldn’t have to say this out loud but the best way to enchant in Minecraft should be

The block that is called the enchantment table that is something I’m very passionate about and it’s something that I think is really lacking in a lot of people’s worlds and that is something they need to improve quite drastically and I think a great way to do so could be either rebalancing the existing

Enchantments um you know you wouldn’t need to have a way to get the best set of enchantments if they were better balanced against each other make it so blast protection is so powerful you might want to consider not having protection on a single piece of gear and so you’re actually excited to get

Projectile protection or blast protection or whatever else it may be beta 5 pods is a great example of an enchantment that just makes you feel bad when you get it maybe no enchantment should make you feel bad because they could all all be good or even better maybe they should add more enchantments

That are at the level of the existing ones for an example I think it would be great to have an enchantment that lets you walk on lava in the same way frostwalker lets you walk on water I think it would be great to see an installment that improves the amount of

Experience you get when mining or maybe you could have an installment that is mutually exclusive with mending so you pick mending or you pick this one and it increases your experience collection maybe even making it so you get XP when mining every block including Stone this

Would make you want to do these big projects because it would give you the XP that you need to do all sorts of other things I think that Minecraft just needs to add more enchantment and they shouldn’t be exclusively available at the Villager or maybe even exclusively available through a treasure like they

Currently are but maybe they could also be available through the enchantment table that is something I am strongly believing in but the third thing and this is to kind of bring the video full circle that they could easily fix is durability to begin with if people feel

As though they should have their tools last forever and they they’re going through all of this effort to do so maybe rather than trying to solve the symptom of the problem which is people having to make villager trading Halls just to get their hands on the insurance they want maybe they should fix

Durability so it actually matches how people are playing the game if there is a small subsect of people that feel like they need menting that means that their tools aren’t lasting as long as they perhaps should and they’re worried that if they don’t put money on their tools

They’ll just break one day uh the way that Minecraft treated a brand new item when it was rare and valuable the elytra if they made it so it never truly breaks it just becomes a broken Electro which can later be repaired back to health this is really useful because you can

Invest in putting Unbreaking on it or even mending if you want to because you know for a fact that when it dies it’s not going to lose you those enchantments forever I think it would be very easy to argue that never right tools are so powerful and so durable that if they can

Survive lava they can also survive being used 5 000 times and so when they break they don’t just break altogether they just become temporarily unusable keeping their enchantment status and allowing you to repair them at a later date I think that making them easy to repair

Too may be using uh just the ancient scrap rather than using the full uh never right Ingot could be another great Improvement but actually making people feel like they can use the repairing system is an important thing that needs to be fixed not just on the Anvil level

But on the tool itself level and to go a step even further I would say that clearly adding enchantments to your tools increases the value that they have to you and right now besides Unbreaking there’s no real way to extend their life uh that isn’t having some permanent

Solution to that so maybe every installment that you add should add a little bit of life to your tools right now the longest lasting never right pickaxe that you can have is uh just over 2 000 base durability so close to 8 000 once you add Unbreaking free on

There maybe every enchantment you add to a tool should slightly increase the amount of durability it has I mean this is the argument that the Anvil is going for with its ever increasing costs it gets harder and harder to repair these tools as more and more enchantments go

On there and so if that’s going to be the case that it’s harder to repair surely it should last for longer in exchange for that that is to me a fair trade-off and that is something that I think they seriously need to fix in any installment update to anyone from Mojang

Who is watching this video I would say uh that in the same way we accept that gamification is a great way to encourage people to do tasks in the real world in a literal video game it’s important not to try and discourage people from doing what you think is too overpowered but

Instead to really encourage other Alternatives in the same way that they’ve been discouraging the use of Enchantment tables for so long now and effectively by accident encouraging villager trading I think all you actually have to do is move the balance back the other way in the form of new

Enchantments better anvils and a better durability system and I would love to see any amount of attention paid to this in 1.21 whether it is as a major part of the update a minor part of the update or even just a minor rebalance in the same

Way we’ve seen them do with fireworks or villager trading I think it would be nice to see the same treatment for the enchantments and I would love if that actually allowed more people to see more variety in the game rather than just pushing the existing thing that people

Already think is the only way through and making it harder to do by making you have to go to a swamp and do some weird janky boat mechanics um either you can work on the existing system and make it really really fun or you can just make

It so players feel like they have another one with that said I hope you all enjoy this video I’m looking forward to seeing what they reveal in just two weeks at Minecraft life and I do think this is something that is uh you know been brewing out of the surface for a

While there are many mechanics in Minecraft which could do of a bit of a fix and if you’d like to hear about all of those I may admit a video about that earlier in the week and I’d also love it if you checked out my Brand’s new

Endless UHC which I guess also by the way will be going on for as long as it takes not just to kill the dragon but also as a fun little stream series it’s going to be over four hours every single session so if you like long form Minecraft Survival tonight is a great

Time to get into that thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video because I’ll see you next time goodbye thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Needs to Fix This BEFORE Mending’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-09-28 21:28:32. It has garnered 40117 views and 2531 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:10 or 1150 seconds.

UHC Livestream → https://youtube.com/live/LfQWFn5G-Gk?feature=share

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: @HarrisonGray

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    Ultimate Creeper Pranks and ScaresVideo Information toma Creeper hijo de tu madre ese s me hizo [Aplausos] daño no un skeletor This video, titled ‘Creeper #minecraft #creeper #sustos’, was uploaded by Zukekito on 2024-02-12 23:30:36. It has garnered 5362 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🚀 If you are ready to face your fears and immerse yourself in an adventure full of terror and excitement, don’t miss this video of OccultCraft in Minecraft! Please like, subscribe and hit the bell for more scary moments in the future! #OccultCraft #Minecraft #WitchHunt #Harlem #Scares #Zukekito Read More

  • Insane Parkour Challenge Live Stream ft. Pr.Ziyu 🔥

    Insane Parkour Challenge Live Stream ft. Pr.Ziyu 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【Pr.紫羽】☾Minecraft ➱ Parkour☽ IP資訊欄 ❮直播台 🔴❯’, was uploaded by Pr.紫羽 on 2024-04-22 10:53:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft✖︎▭▭▭▭▭▭✖︎ Server name➡manacube Server IP➡parkour.manacube.net Server version➡1.8.9~1.19 (The anchor is currently using… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2

    Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2Video Information okay so this is the beginning this is the beginning of the chunk let me clarify it not this is this is right yeah so from here oh there we need to dig the whole thing subish bud are you watching I’m doing bro I’m doing what you’re asking me to do you know what I was actually thinking we’ll like eventually we’ll do that for this reason only we initially oh no I’m remembering all the things we did so we wanted to actually clear this mountain for making some Farms then I was like okay it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft! 🌊 #gamers #minecrafttrending

    Unbelievable Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft! 🌊 #gamers #minecrafttrendingVideo Information let’s build a mini ocean in [Music] Minecraft AR feeling [Music] Lely but still I want more more more I give a second CH to K it search loser X on YouTube for more This video, titled ‘Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft!🌊 #youtubeshorts #minecraft #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by LoserX Gamerz on 2024-03-16 06:45:02. It has garnered 264 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft!🌊& Enjoy this Video please don’t forget like & Subscribe…… ⛏️ Shaderpacks ⛏️ complementary shaders – (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… ) ⛏️ Resource Pack ⛏️… Read More

  • Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!

    Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!Video Information cash why are you running so fast oh I got so much energy I’m so quick oh gosh you know I see those pushup particles right I know you have speed no I don’t I’m just this fast naturally no you’re not Mia did he ask you for a speed potion he actually didn’t get a speed potion from me then how did he get one I don’t know watch guys I’m going to run all the way to Frank’s house and then back again ready okay go he’s going to say want to see me do it… Read More

  • Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream Patch

    Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream PatchVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] सो हाय हेलो व्ट्स अप गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी का स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो आ जाओ सब लोग जल्दी जल्दी आ जाओ आज थोड़ा डिफरेंट है आज मूड आज हीरो ब्रांड प्लस के डलर मोड है आज आज मैंने के डलर भी ऐड किया है ओनली हीरो ब्रंड नहीं है आज अरे भाई रात अभी से है यह तो दिन ही नहीं होगा भाई सुस्वागतम गलती से दब गलती से मैंने ना [संगीत] दबाया भाई गलती से दप गया था क्या करें या सो तो सकते नहीं है चलो ऊपर… Read More

  • Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94

    Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94Video Information बिना कहीं ऊंची हाइट के जाए बिना आप ऐसे उठ सकते हो मेरी तरह इस वीडियो में मैं आज बताने वाला हूं कि हाउ टू फ्लाई इलेक्ट्रा इन माफ्ट पॉकेट एडिशन तो सबसे पहले आपको इलेक्ट्रा लेनी है मैंने इलेक्ट्रा लेने के लिए क्रिएटिव में गया हूं क्योंकि क्रिएटिव से जल्दी मिल जाती है पर आप सर्वाइवल सीरीज में हो तो सर्वाइवल सीरीज के लिए आपको सबसे पहले एंडर ड्रैगन को मारना पड़ेगा फिर वहां से एंड एंड सिटी में जाके फिर आपको इलेक्टर वहां प इजली मिल जाती है फायरवर्क्स तो क्रीपर को मार से उनके पाउडर… Read More

  • Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #Viral

    Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #ViralVideo Information ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न से तार चिपक गई छाती से ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न सेता है ढीली कौन कसे कौन क कौन कसे कौन क कौन क कौन क कन कसे कन कसेन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप ले [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा [संगीत] हिट [संगीत] परवा ु कमरान इधर अगर तुमको पूरी वीडियो देखनी है तो जाओ देखो यार चैनल पर पूरी वीडियो डल चुकी है और आल्सो लिंक इन डिस्क्रिप्शन और वीडियो देखो बहुत मजा आएगा और मेरी तरफ से हैप्पी… Read More

  • PokeXplore

    PokeXploreUpdated to Reforged 8.2.0! PokeXplore has several unique features for you to enjoy! * Pokemon can learn any move they learned in any game from gen 1-8 * Simple TMs – only one TM for each move * Custom Terrain * Automatic Loot Chest Refills – globally! * Stunning and Unique Auras * Quests * Dual-Type Gyms * More features to come! Website: https://www.pokexplore.com Discord: https://discord.gg/zMTBEtZ play.pokexplore.com Read More

  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

    Welcome to the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Join now and experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in our updated 1.20 modpack. Level up, unlock new skills, and become the ultimate Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Features: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

  • PixelRealm

    This server contains many gamemodes such as skyblock, bedwars, skywars, normal survival and many more will be coming soon. https://discord.gg/9t96EncjEKJoin the above discord server and visit server activation channel to start the server at your play timeThe server also supports all versions and can be played from both java and bedrockEnjoy Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?

    Minecraft Memes - Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?Seems like your dog really horsed around and paid the price! Maybe it’s time to invest in some pet armor and potions for extra protection next time. Read More

  • Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift

    Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift In the world of Minecraft, MishanYAYA reigns supreme, Crafting stories, building dreams, in a virtual stream. With subscribers by her side, she ventures far and wide, Exploring realms of redstone, where diamonds hide. Gifts from Vova, surprises from friends, In the world of gaming, the fun never ends. From LOL to FUGUE TV, she’s a star, Spinning tales of adventure, near and far. So join the journey, with MishanYAYA in tow, As she navigates the world, with a playful glow. In the land of Minecraft, where creativity flows, She’s the queen of the game, everyone knows. Read More

  • My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS)

    My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS) When your friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft start teleporting around like they’re in the Matrix, you know it’s about to get INSANE! #WiFifail #Minecraftmayhem #laggylaughs Read More

  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle - Join Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the exciting and creative world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taming an Ender Dragon to soar above your castle, just like in the video you enjoyed. At Minewind, you can experience thrilling adventures, build amazing structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server by entering the IP address YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that… Read More

  • 🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play #405 – Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*

    🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let's Play #405 - Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Applaus] na einen wunderschönen guten Tag und herzlich willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft ja ich hoffe es geht euch gut und se bisher auch durch den Samstag gut durchgekommen ja ich habe ein bisschen was vor diesmal habe ich aber was vorbereitet hallöchen brinchen und hallöchen Lina brinchen Moment dass ich das nicht vergesse und zwar und zwar und zwar und zwar genau Eier genau eine ganze schaler voll Eier Teppiche und warte mal was war denn hier noch drin außer schwarzstein ach so ja das ist für die Farm noch… Read More

  • World Domination with Princess_Panda27

    World Domination with Princess_Panda27Video Information are doing Minecraft again cuz I said I would and working on the house we’re working on the third floor now yeah third floor I think yeah I got to figure out how I’m going to put the ceiling on this one and then um go from there I’m trying to get the stream up real quick and then there it is I can share it out real quick and then let’s see [Music] h [Music] okay there we go got it up all right let’s see probably do this someone near on here you want to be… Read More

  • “Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!” #clickbait

    "Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играю на анархии LantonCore #анархия #выживание #survival #minecraft #майнкрафт #klauncher’, was uploaded by Hayper on 2024-01-29 20:01:41. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. Tags (do not read): #klauncher anarchy, funtime, funtime, pioneer, akvych, funtime server, pioneer funtime, farm, minecraft, funtime, funtime stream, funtime anarchy, fun time, coin farming, found dupe on funtime, minecraft, funtime fits, netherite armor, fan time, vulture, funtime fits, funtime coins, minecraft anarchy, dup funtime, holyworld anarchy, minecraft anarchy, wipe, mystic funtime, pvp funtime, minecraft, funtime pvp, in minecraft, cheats,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gaming

    Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gamingVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybey that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit do that make me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 – Counting Emily’s Deaths: Shizo! 🤯

    Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 - Counting Emily's Deaths: Shizo! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How Many Deaths? – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 11’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-27 22:00:13. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:26 or 12866 seconds. If you caught my livestream where SerenaFire came to raid an ancient city with us, it happens in the middle of this video, right after I run around like an excited bouncing maniac. After that, I tragically die a bunch of times in places and ways I totally shouldn’t have died. Enjoy! Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBS

    Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBSVideo Information for h what’s up Thomas hey up Thomas how are you doing today how are you doing Thomas racist live once again I’m referring to uh the Los PS TV yes but me no no no chance you’re referring to m ow those suage Works where do you enter you like okay this is not it I’m many good to explain to me how this works where’s little cam cam what do you mean where’s little cam cam right here manam I’m not going to touch anything until goo tells me what to do I’m not going to… Read More

  • Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!

    Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video today I’ll be going over Sky spoofer and the three different spoofer modes as well as answering many of the common questions I’ve been asked by you guys in my Discord so first off what is a spoofer a spoofer is a software that either permanently or temporarily spoofs your computer serial numbers to make it seem like you’re on a new device and this is most commonly used to remove Hardware ID bands which almost all competitive games utilize including valerant fortnite Call of Duty Apex Legends and many many… Read More

ibxtoycat – Minecraft Needs to Fix This BEFORE Mending