ibxtoycat – Minecraft: NERF WORLD – Full Map Playthrough

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Be playing through the Nerf World DLC which is free to download even if you have zero mine coins like me you can check out this Nerf X Minecraft adventure I think brand collabs and Minecraft are getting Wilder and Wilder by the week it seems and this is one

Where Nerf are footing the bill entirely so if you want to check it out uh the only downside is you have to play with a lot of Nerf theme things in Minecraft which is bizarre given Minecraft St against guns but we’ll be seeing exactly what the DLC has to offer and presumably

Just like any other a map that is funded by a big company they want you to have a good time so you associate it with their brand and let’s see if we have one of those today hello I’m ABX toy cat and let’s play Nerf world all the way

Through uh for today’s live stream which should be a lot of fun so this is uh this is how the marketplace works a lot of people will be experiencing it for the first time uh but on this channel I do like to go through various maps and

Show them to you to help you out in terms of is it worth your time your download space not usually your money but in this case uh just is it worth those two things primarily we’ll be finding out so hello I am looking forward to today good to see you by the

Way uh Josh lyes Heroes trademark Alex C anglan kenal Jaden Ogden uh as well as people like hexan Lexi and mcbba I’m glad to see you all showing up here today um and by the way this is a full mashup pack it has to be mentioned it

Looks like it’s just a world but actually as you can see it’s changing our textures which is one thing we got some free skins which is another and even crazier oh yeah look at this even crazier it’s a full world to check out from all Ville Studios Nerf world so

This is um yeah Minecraft maps really are getting wild all right look at this there’s a full menu element inside of the game Let’s press to start and uh I’m going to say we’re going to run a console for now we’re not actually but it’s based on the input method and

Probably will change some other settings so I’m on a console keep that in mind and maybe give me some friendly menus by the way it’s Nerf or nothing to Nerf world oh voice acting take some time to read the information boards and adjust your settings I will thank you you’re

Ready proceed through the doors oh that’s weird chat doesn’t it feel like you shouldn’t be able to jump on top of these this feels wrong oh look at the way you walk too oh God why am I walking like this no something is wrong oh Lord

Look at this chat okay let’s let’s not focus on that too much instead let’s go through the settings uh fov can be Al okay this is fine I’ve got that set up and uh yeah this is everything this is going to be so much better than the

Villager Nerf PS I think I won the tip race to yes thank you Jake Le out the first tip of the live stream today indeed I think you have officially done so I always appre oh she ate it so standing order Brilliance of the first DART First

Dart not the actual one it forces you to be in third person by the way smaller and spongier it’s so weird show we’ve prepared a practice range for you through the doors on the left let’s see what you can do that was that was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever had a

Minecraft map do by the way this was already very highly quality for a Minecraft map a free one at this uh yeah I do every want at that even I do think that is something that has to be said is like the the upside to these weird

Corporate deals is that you get to play through something high quality for free with very little effort required which is kind of nice and all you got to do is put up with the occasional Nerf branding and by occasional I mean probably a lot more than that so let’s pick up the

Training Blaster it’s a chicken so it’s entirely okay it’s not a gun and let’s shoot some things ah we got to shoot a chicken oh it’s hard though okay I can shoot some in it’s weird I okay so hit five moving targets of your blaster you have to kind

Of preempt where the target’s going to be um which is I guess makes sense they’re not bullets they’re uh they’re kind of things like this but just like this uh we can say that we are a Nerf hero W yeah look at me it’s kind of fun

Actually I like that some good blasting thank you I do my best okay let’s kick things up a notch I’ve prepared a little obstacle course for you okay this is really cool that and I’ll be really impressed oh and try to hit all the targets on the way okay so this

One genuinely pulling this off in Minecraft is impressive like if if if they P if they made this game from scratch it would be something but they’re doing it with the limitations of Minecraft which is kind of crazy right so um there’s kind of like a training run that you want to do

As fast as you can and uh that’s what we’ll do today uh it’s funny cuz you can imagine there’s a speedrunning community that’s going to be like how fast can you do it it does give you a timer uh which is really the biggest thing is that a

Target I have to hit yes it is we jump over this now hit this on the right here okay messed that up a little bit it’s weird but it’s fine we got it there’s Target 9 here’s Target 10 I think if we can hit it there we go um yo Christ okay

So it’s a little bit weird I would love to go to this place in real life by the way right am I the only one thinking that like this oh no okay oh okay um this looks like one of those uh fun yet silly uh courses run

Around the outside get back in that’s another one I have to hit but I’ll do it from here just wonderful yeah I think um I I I feel like this is uh I I think it’s a good sign for a map when they can encourage

You like oh yeah I would like to go here in real life give me a Nerf gun and then give me one of these things or not a Nerf gun a Nerf blaster as they are putting it and then put me in one of these places and I’ll have a great time

Also I can’t believe I didn’t avoid those it seems very easy in retrospect but here we go I have officially done my little obstacle course in only 1 minute 15 okay that’s actually pretty bad I feel like we can do better done this before Oh No apparently it’s great I’ve

Done this before let’s go get you your own Blaster yeah you it I have haven’t I I’ll be needing that practice no my chicken don’t you dare take my little rooster anyway um so this was the first as you can see these zombies are very excited by it um now

We’re going to be going into the arena or the shop I guess we need to go to the shop logically speaking Blaster shop and let’s see what we can buy excitement from here it’s a bit confusing that they are Nerf books I found laying around like this is a

Sword just enough for mic a take your pick so okay The Blasters in this are all crossbows oh no never mind a few extra so we can basically only buy we can’t buy any the cool things like the Ender Dragon instead we have to just buy

A colored one of these I what what mob do you like best chat I think the ghast is the oh yeah we can’t afford the Ender Dragon I think logically speaking a cave spider or a gas yeah let’s go over GH I feel like oh insufficient Nerf Buck no I have enough

Okay so we’ll go over GH yeah look at this and now I can use my ghast when I go to the arena which is over here so this is the bulk of the game now I imagine we’ll play on regular difficulty and we’ll just jump in I guess oh I have

To interact with it to equip okay no I missed I missed the key step when you buy something you have to then equip the thing there we go so now we can shoot now for the main oh interesting look at that weird gun anim look how weird this is objectively

Right but let’s go to the arena nows look at this camera I’m controlling like normal blast but the camera is not looking at it it’s very very very strange um big fan of your stream says the real mushroom awesome I uh I want to spend I I want to use streams as an

Opportunity to explore all of these weird collab that come out because there always is a lot of effort going into it right so let’s continue the arena start fresh from round one when entering the arena okay it just told me what to do but I wasn’t listening so do we go back

To the practice range is that what they’re asking for do we shoot some more stuff make sure it’s all good okay I’ve shot I’ve shot some stuff it’s great let’s let’s go into the arena I think that’s the whole point one V one me on Minecraft

Rust I I kind of want to shoot some people with my gun but they don’t seem to care s my Nerf blaster I got to stop saying gun this is distinctly not a gun uh obviously but um yeah the door isn’t opening chat I uh I should have been

Paying attention oh also we got a weird so we’ll hit reset progress continue progress yeah start start round one doesn’t work we’ll try the other way continue progress also not working um so we have to select the arena by shooting the arrows oh interesting y yens could have totally paid attention and seen

That who even came up with end Arena never Arena Overworld Arena and Nerf Arena on through the portal so I kind of want to go Overworld first logically right so in we go oh Christ welcome to the Nerf Arena are we going to go through the portal do you think this is

Pretty cool like this is this is some good engineering here right but um yeah let’s go through the portal and start the Nerf experience look at this this is this is insane that they can do this as a Minecraft map uh yeah Le a free one obviously but you know that it’s free

But still paid for by selling just not this also thank you for becoming the 403d channel member poly caps Heron really appreciate it okay so my plan is simple I’m going to shoot things that come at me you just have to complete 20 rounds so I’m guessing like there we go

If we just stand on the mine cart track it’s a lot easier to hit things this is this is weird huh so there’s a whole world but there’s just random stuff going around that we have to hit also what does the lever do it makes the is

This safe to be in here do I want to be trapped inside or am I specifically trying to find mobs to kill right now is that a bigger challenge I’m not too sure oh no got to hit him damn it we’ll get this guy no he won’t damn it no we will

Not no I’ve I’ve shot precisely two enemies so far no two turn now I think okay so there there are actual challenges that are going to start to build presumably some of these are not as easy as others but there we go round complete six enemies dead I don’t know

What the what the enemies were there are we did we just kill creepers to get darkart packs with the yeah I think the zombies are the main enemy I think that’s the name of the game here yeah oh and but there are creepers that will

Mess you up I think that’s it I think that’s the I think that’s what’s happening so now shoot some creepers just for fun damn it it’s so hard um shoot creepers for fun but kill zombies for actual game and those creepers outside of a mine cart are extra worth worrying about

I kind of want to know if you can hit stuff like I know you can buy blasters or like uh you can buy swords but I kind of want to know if you can benefit from not whatever it’s it’s fine know I’ve got to I’ve really got to do better than

Standing on the mine cart tracks I I thought it was so easy to avoid it first but it seems as though that’s not actually true so we can sit here and we can shoot every time but that seems kind of risky cuz every now and then there

Will be another one yeah if you want to make your game a little harder this is it but yeah this is a hoorde based survival which actually is something I love I love you know I used to spend a lot of time playing uh COD zombies um

While I’d uh you know listening to podcast or something it was like my main podcast game before Minecraft and then even a little bit after I played some Minecraft so having a h base get tamam bad bad timing uh having one of these is great right also can we see the bullpit

Would you like to let me jump you in so we’ve got a lot of Nerf coins already this is the bullpit as you can see you get trapped inside and you just kind of move slowly um I kind look around the rest of the world though so we’ll shoot

The creeper wherever he is he’s going to show up he always does and then we’re going to shoot these guys they have a lot of Health and again you can’t hit things there is no um what’s the word like there’s no melee attack oh but there are a lot of

Other enemies okay so we’ll run past this try not to get slimed try not to get ooh skeleton bowed either apparently they know how to mess people up and uh we’re also going to just look around because that seems fun oh yeah this is this is a surprising challenge like

You’d figure like surely Minecraft with guns should be easier or Minecraft with blasters should be so much easier but it seems not to really work that way the good news is we got plenty of dots oh no not the slimes they’re split in half um yeah the good news is is everything

Seems to be uh working just fine and now we get a boss round yeah this is this is great so we just got to stay away from the witch shoot her from afar right in the head before she can do anything to me oh but there are also other enemies

Okay there and Li is the problem I guess but the witch does have a health bar so we just ignore everything else until she’s dead yeah easy get me some good money hold 20 20 Nerf bucks sasquat should I clean while my client is out or

Take a nap you know sasot 2300 the solution is always do 5% of the cleaning task and then if you feel like you need oh no I’m trapped in a corner H it’s going badly for me chat I’m in a level of view here I am not doing well

Um yeah do 5% of the task maybe 10% and if you don’t feel like it’s important after that take the nap that’s what I would recommend so yeah everything’s got a weird texture to it in this like it’s minecrafty enough to be recognizable and

Fun but also at the same time it has a real fun distinct extra feel to it you know the Nerf people got what they paid for with this that’s for sure um that is very obviously a blast or not a gun Minecraft has specifically said they will never add guns exactly it’s so

Clearly not a gun there is no similarity between this and a weapon sorry this and a gun uh it is a weapon that is not a gun don’t see how anyone can get it confused there is no way uh that I can imagine also this map is actually quite

Huge huh like you can you don’t have to explore the whole thing but if you want to oh then you’ll find some creepers which is nice oh okay not again so yeah I think this is probably quite handy for getting around and avoiding enemies like that that slime physically can’t hurt me

If I just stand up high and do this and uh yeah by the way we’re on round six so we’re going to end up with enough money to buy a really good Blaster after this hopefully which will be nice but yeah I I like these environments it feels like

A um to level of you it feels like one of the Minecraft Gatherings they did for like tales and trails everything’s got a little bit of a fun texture on it kind of implies it’s something different but it’s in that still minecrafty art style also this is weird look at this oh yeah

There are ramps in the game but the textures haven’t kept up so you do a weird thing on them when did the hell hound spawn I think the witch was the hellhound which is a shame cuz you know the Sand Witch would have been a much

Better mob we could have licensed it to them uh dasy would have been much better uh but yeah for now it’s going pretty fun I do think there’s a bit of an enemy variety problem right now but the the Boss Wave is is a fun way to split that

Up if nothing else for now let’s pick up some Dart no jump boost oh there we go that’s fun let’s do some trick shots now yeah look at this trick shot so hard and um yeah this has all of the like things in the making to be a really cool um hord based

Uh game mode right I I like what I’m seeing so far um I think obviously you probably could get more fun out of this in multiplayer uh I think that’s probably true for a lot of Minecraft things right also oh fun we got a raid chat oh that is really fun so we’re

Going to still avoid oh yeah this is scary we’re going to it’s funny cuz they’ve got hammers or something but uh that is a really really really fun goofy idea I like it a lot um the warden is level 20 says uh sep I could believe that actually like the uh the slow

Ramping up the difficulty here uh you know we’ve gone from just a zombie to zombies and SP spiders zombie spiders creepers Etc maybe this is going that direction could totally believe it for now we’re going to try and get as many of these killed by creepers as we can

Cuz the fewer that we have to kill the easier our our life is yeah this is uh okay is this a bouncy pad do you think it is whoa wow again this doesn’t feel like Minecraft in a way that is really quite interesting to me like do you think do

You think that’s what they were going for or do you think that it’s uh you know do you think these like non Minecraft it feels like Minecraft and the enemies and a little bit of the game design but it’s got this really strong Twist of something else on there like

It’s a whole different game keep in mind you no longer get infinite bullets um if you look at my bullet counter in the bottom right because you can pick up any bullets you fire and they’re giving me like packs of them I think it’s working out as basically infinite oh there’s a

Vex by the way that’s scary actually it’s working out as basically infinite um I’m going to spam it as fast as I can shoot cuz I can always pick them all up later as long as we’re walking backwards and not getting uh snuck up on I’m going to do great and

I’m going to keep going till I have 5,000 coins by the way if I get that then I’ll allow myself to die cuz this is this is actually pretty cool it feels less Minecraft cuz of the pew pew gun uh that you’ve got or sorry

The GU n you know don’t you dare say the gun word around Mojang um yeah I do think uh I I think that’s probably part of it but also look at the design like this is clearly a blacksmith there better be a blacksmith chest by the way

Oh no oh ruined ruined my day but yeah look I’ve got 157 dots now is that is that how many I need I’m not so sure that it is also you think I can close this gate too or it’s only this one over there I kind of want to know I’ve got

212 dots now now I think it is fair to say I will not be having a shortage anytime soon so here’s the plan I’m going to sit right here let them come through the gates oh no they can bounce unexpected um let them come through the gates and then as soon as

Too many of them do I’ll jump over this gate to the other side I don’t think there’s full damage on this which means if I jump around here um I should be able to in fact can I just hide over here do you think I’m going to get shot

From up here oh yeah I will by vexes who will then knock me into even worse things um the uh the blast holding looks weird what’s it supposed to be it’s a ghast if you look at it carefully from head on um it’s a little bit hard to

Shoot from this angle but as you can see I’m shooting from my GH mouth right now I mean I’m not actually but you can see how it’s meant to look like that also I’m pretty proud of myself for playing the game uh reverse third person actually killing quite a few people also

We got a evoca evocation illegit that sounds scary I need to keep away from it oh okay oh that’s that’s real scary sounded so I’ll run up here where I will be safe is that the evocation in villager oh we got lots of these guys to

Shoot lots and lots of them oh and creepers to watch out for too okay so the plan is to find whoever the evocation illager is first or maybe we kill all of his minions I’m not so sure this is round 10 by the way um oh yeah real

Weird so the the benefit of the collabs like this by the way I think a lot of people have uh you know some sometimes go like what’s the point of something so un minecrafty is it means you do get to experience like some real creative stuff

For free cuz it takes people like this a lot of time there’s a whole team behind it Etc um and all that money can be paid for by Nerf as a way to get the map out to more people so there were coins in here I had to jump in

But I don’t see right now at least oh no I don’t see right now where the evocation oh no it’s not this is it is he going to spawn after all the enemies do you think so the top left shows how many enemies are left in a round not how

Many there are I’ve killed and so there’s one left and there she is or he is it is CH what what gender do you imagine evokers to be you know they’ve got they’ve got they’ve got too stern of a pose to to be a uh a fellow in my

Opinion but maybe that’s my crazy uh personal opinion also look at all the health he’s got okay he’s dead he’s it’s it’s it’s gone that’s for sure oh it’s healing itself maybe n not anymore round complete and uh we we’ll get some more dots but as long as we shoot as long as

We pick up the things we shoot we don’t seem to be running into any issues so the next round has 14 enemies in it you can see just above my head and uh I’ve got 275 darts that I literally can’t Fire fast enough like this this single

Action loading is causing me some real issues here so I think what we’ll do is to keep things fresh at okay it’s either 4,000 or 5,000 we’ll switch out regardless whether I die um but I do think oh I do think we’re getting closer and closer to an actual death here we

Have to jump on this bounce right over that uh hope nothing else bounces up here and then just get away get away real hard real fast and then shoot from this distance the skeletons have a shorter range than me so as long as we do this we’re great yeah look at me I’m

Fine but that was really really close to Danger I think I want to get myself a hammer or something to go of this yeah we can we could probably keep going for a while we could go for a lot longer if we got a uh like a hammer and

A more fun weapon so I think we should prioritize that right now like get let’s get a melee weapon and then maybe a crossbow or something too um shulkers are guns you know the difference between projectile and weapons and guns it’s all kind of semantic at some point but also

You know almost all things become like that like you know is this a gun in Minecraft or is this just a weapon that shoots projectiles at things that’s like well I mean it’d be silly to call this a a pew pew first person shooter right n’s

Going yep Minecraft is now an FPS game there’s also some other stuff going on here okay this is a lot of money and this is a lot of death round 13 complete so I’m getting so close to 4,000 I think we’ll bounce out at that point just

Because I want to see what wave 15’s bosses look like um every five waves there seems to be a boss round and I I kind I just want to know you know so yeah the spiders can climb walls as I probably should have expected before doing it and and uh also the

Amount of bullets you get is very very very uh not negligible like the the number means nothing it has no real value for you to need which is wonderful um evoker identifi okay that’s that’s a weird comment I’m not sure what what’s going on there but they might I

Mean if I’m eating them then I guess they must be a cheeseburger right also dark Packers drop the yeah the the I think the there could be more powerups and fewer Dart packs or the do packs could be smaller or that there there’s not really enough enough reason for me

To want to pick them up right now it’s just yeah I kind of shoot for as long as I feel like I’m not being terribly accurate but because it’s a blast you know because it’s a projectile you know it doesn’t need to be terribly accurate on a big Target

Like this I’ve screenshotted the funny check DMS you know I’ll check it out right now it’s kind of dangerous uh bad time some would say I would say great time um where about in the DMS don’t see it okay okay I see I see it now it’s on our

Uh yeah okay you did you did a fun thing thank you it’s uh I would love to show of you inet but the sandwich has been placed in here okay so right now there are three enemies left and interestingly even though they’re Nerf versions of the enemies they still have that same

Behavior of hurting each other which I like Anyway round complete now it’s defend the village about the ravager that actually does sound fun chat do you think I can kill a ravager with a with a Nerf blaster my instinct is to say no oh god um yeah my instinct is no I cannot

But maybe if we just okay this is actually quite easy he has a lot of speed to him but we can also fire just fast enough not to be a problem love this um okay so here we go go you are dead my friend now we’re done okay so nine enemies to

Go and honestly things are easy peasy um yeah look look at this they they’ve all got melee weapons but they don’t know they can climb the stairs okay they do now they’ve worked it out they’ve solved the problem um so now that we finished 15 waves we can just

Kind of say good job us um we did we did a nice wonderfully we we did a a good job here but I think rather than just going for every on this let’s pick a harder map and let’s go in with better weapons so wave 15 or round 15 has been

Complete just now yeah and now we can leave Arena we could always come back later I guess oh your progress is saved yeah that’s interesting returning to the hub and now we can just come back in with better weapons so this is the Blaster shop

Where I can buy a Nerf weapon like in real life just got to go in here with the right stuff and I can buy a SE Brewing rapid fire blasting blaster or a storm Lander or a heart stealer or a pillagers crossbow so the most expensive

Thing in the store is the Ender Dragon I cannot afford that yet but a micro shot oh it’s just a more expensive version of this one I think so yeah we definitely want to get the stormland or the heart stealer um yeah honestly I feel like the saing sounds No actually the pillagers

Crossbow could be much more handy than this rapid firing Blaster sounds good though you know we’ll just we’ll go with it it sounds too interesting it’s the most expensive thing I can afford and so I guess I’ll take it this is my sabering oh my God chat it’s got a clip okay so

You’re going to go through your bullets a lot faster than this I think so it’s quite hard to shoot just one but we’ll go to the ne next the Never Arena continuing progress start fresh from round one continuing Pro can we continue in the never from round

16 no you’ve got to complete 20 rounds of the Overworld wow okay so how do we unlock the one after this okay if we want to go into the end complete 15 rounds of the never okay so that there actually is a okay I’m going to go there is a reason to keep

Going here it’s not valueless the more we do this uh don’t set progress continue progress so this is going to continue progress right now right continuing progress yeah let’s go in we go I don’t want to start again I really can’t round 16 back in we go I could

Have probably bought the 1,000 coin sword but I want the I want the Ender Dragon Blaster to be honest with you so let’s do it I think that with all these bullets I think we’re going to need all these bullets is what I’m saying because this thing is shooting a lot more at

Once oh wait is this starting again no okay no it’s round 16 oh but it did take away all my Nerf bullets so yeah I’m going to I’m going to run into some problems I think but that’s fine who doesn’t have problems every now again um so we’re going to activate the

Lever okay with a Nerf bullet and then we’re going to start shooting Phantoms oh yeah this is bad so so let’s test the saber Wing out okay it’s it’s actually slightly weaker to compensate for its higher attack speed it’s not actually the endl solution also oh look at that weapon

Transition Ah that’s fun it’s not the endl Be Your solution to everything but it does solve a lot of problems don’t get me wrong we just also have to go pick things up quite frequently okay so shoot real fast real hard and then switch out to this okay so you definitely need this

This is like a thing that you get after you have 300 pellets it’s a lot more useful then cuz otherwise you do have to go back and actually pick them all up which is fun bro has some SMG yeah if anyone’s ever played with a

Ner blaster in real life um I think you can confirm like you all you want is to get something that shoots more faster harder and better like uh you know the only reason people buy them for you cuz they’re like not that harmful but you kind of want the ones that are harmful

Right also there’s one enemy left but I don’t know where he is do you think it’s a phantom that’s trapped somewhere I think it’s a phantom that’s trapped somewhere it always is right it’s never it’s never what you expect there’s always something a bit weird going on so let’s look around in third

Person why did they have to alter the walk animation do you think though that’s the weirdest bit about this whole thing what what possible reason is there for this it’s weird it’s weird saber Wing saber wing it it’s going to keep me clinging oh I didn’t

Didn’t expect the reload so is there any easy okay you can reload with right trigger on this thing but we H we have one enemy left and I don’t know where he is it’s got to be an enemy that’s trapped somewhere is it a phantom there it is yeah oh

This is this is a terrible idea chat uh I’m going to shoot manually cuz I don’t want to waste all my bullets yeah he gets trapped underneath things um so we should have to get far enough away that we can shoot that okay can we shoot it yeah it was that simple

71 bullets to go and we’re going to pick up just whatever this is jump boost yeah this this seems better than it is I think the SMG is uh sorry the saber saber Wing seems really cool but I think it has a slight damage decrease to bounce

It and that plus it’s low low you know ammo size means it’s fun but not necessarily the best yeah I think I think it might be I think that might be good balance though like you actually still want to use your 250 coin weapon even when you

Spend 3,000 on the on the second most expensive one which is good right you still have aspirations also oh interesting they’re climbing up there yeah did you see that like how effectively I’m taking out the enemies one by one versus this just it has so much spread on it

Too uh it just about kills the enemies but much more than that I’m not sure I’m able to say reload first shoot bullets later reload again shoot some more in there it took 24 Nerf pellets but I think you no 32 40 Nerf pellets but I could kill six zombies so not the

Biggest success in the world um I uh if this is Minecraft turn into OverWatch or any other first person shooter game you can tell how weird it is to see Mojang in a map guns in a map made by Mojang so the weird thing is is

Um it’s Bas it’s true for a lot of companies but instead of making their own stuff like the average Microsoft employee is very well compensated uh and there isn’t a whole mapmaking team in there so instead they have Marketplace teams and they’re like look we’ll pay

You a fixed amount just kind of like get this done please it’s the way most companies run services like that where it’s like we don’t really want to do this in house so we’ll just like contract someone to do it maybe anyway here we go do the zoom

Shooty shooty shooty shoot and make sure we kill as many villagers as we can this this is actually real good this is this is the situation that this is meant for right here I think I uh being able to be being backed in a corner and being able

To shoot my way out very very very fun also round 20 complete we finally um wait I think after this round we’re going to get our hands on the Never by the way what the heck oh dear God oh no don’t kill me don’t hurt me don’t hurt

Me Warden okay so the warden can’t jump yes he can the warden has no fear this is bad oh and also the warden can still do its magical attacks just what I need to know right now so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get whatever this

Is and we’re just going to shoot the warden from down here if he only shoots every now and again anyway there’s basically no downside but look we’re doing no damage or effectively no damage I should probably say okay in we go I’m going to reload I’m going to grab this jump

Boost it just I I think it makes sense to shoot with one of these yeah look look at the damage difference it’s um oh stop making your weird noises stop getting towards me I don’t agree with this I don’t consent Mr Warden um almost wanted to ask if the warden jumps IR

Out I mean implying the warden is not a real life creature is the offensive part of that com okay okay the good news is the warden basically can’t kill you it’s very scary okay never mind I’m lying I’m lying take that back take that back I’m sorry I

Said that out loud I didn’t mean to imply you a weak yeah the warden can’t kill you and you can’t kill it you just spend all day firing at it try um oh yeah he can kill you he can very much kill you only really at close

Range though his long range attacks seem like they’d hurt oh but in general do not also we can probably knock you onto high places that you can’t otherwise get to so that’s handy there we go Warden you are going down I’m hoping that when you finish round 20 there’s like a natural

Hit for this Arena but I genuinely don’t know just some these of them oh I shouldn’t have done that stick to what works stick to what works chat you might not die if you do that ooh Minecraft has now earned the genre first person shooter honestly I mean I’m sure if if

If they saw this was successful enough they’d be like well maybe just maybe we should be doing this again also he’s dead never Arena unlocked so we can keep going there’s only four enemies in this next wave I’m guessing it’s Four Witches or something Dam oh no it just starts

Again chat I think when you when you finish it just starts again like right that’s just a zombie and then what’s next yeah that’s disappointing I mean I don’t know what I was expecting but it you know it’s better than not being able to go if it just

Doesn’t feel like a challenge at this point anymore so there are two zombies somewhere around it and then it’s going to start again from scratch and then the only goal is to try and get the most things here so not too exciting but we’ll go out of

Here we will purchase ourselves a new something around I want to buy a second Blaster just to see if they’re different CH I know this is a waste of money but this one costs 500 and this one cost 250 this one costs two 2 500 I just need to know is it a

Waste of my money yes am I doing it anyway also yes and then we’ll also buy the heart stealer just so we have a physical weapon and then what we can do is we could line up uh oh that took over the slot so then we’ll put this all the way over

There oh only three blasters at a time oh okay yeah this might recover faster chat what do you think is this the exact same or am I imagining it it it looks slightly cooler if nothing else but yeah poor poor use of money very poor use of money so we’re

Going to try to go oh the it it fires oh that’s so cool actually I like this the ne Arena what is the point of the Nerf sword that fires bullets that’s not how swords work but I love it anyway you know it’s stupid but I’m down so we’re

Going to go to the nether now and we have to do 15 rounds of the ne to get to the end and so let’s do it um they said the Wen wasn’t meant to be defeated in vanilla Minecraft no they clearly meant in any custom map for any time hexat Town yeah

There’s um the uh oh wow so this this m uh so there are three clear maps to play this is the never and I’m excited for it chat um it’s going to start easy I assume oh that’s interesting but um it’s presumably going to start easy and then

Work its way up also I think we’ve got Striders as little jumpy places oh that’s fun oh don’t don’t land in the orange cubes okay so you can shoot the Striders but you probably shouldn’t on an emotional level and we can also shoot sword do you think the sword works as a

Sword as well or do you think it’s solely a what do you reckon chat I don’t I don’t actually know I’m going to try right now yeah I think I think it works as a sword as well as a blaster it’s a it’s definitely a lot

Better than the saber wi that is my observation here so we’re going to run around try and find where the powerups spawn and then try and be near that because who doesn’t want power ups right if you don’t want power ups I I don’t want

You okay so this is this is such a weird concept this is so so so weird also wow that’s fun um really really really silly but also in a fun way also we can shoot the Magma Cube through here love to see it so we’ll pick up the dart pack because my

My sword is running low on ammo of course and uh also they’ve uh they f cust some end fight with the uh ugly a dragon do you know they actually sell the uh the dragon blaster in real life I have no idea when Nerf and Minecraft set

That deal up together but it is a real thing that you can do also what’s through that portal do you think I want to know is it just another way out cuz I came in a different way right oh it’s a second never no it’s a

Oh it’s uh you can go through from one part of the map to another that’s so cool that they it’s it’s a really basic idea but it’s pulled off so well I think so let’s shoot some people using the sword of course oh there’s lots of it there’s lots happening in

Here yeah let’s let’s explore this map fully too I think if you’re going to plan a map you need to find somewhere that’s safe to go the the worlds are quite welld designed I don’t think the gameplay matches the well design I think to you know to be a little little critical here

Oh I I I’m dead oh I’m actually dead so that the The Blaze messes you up the fire damage literally kills you um GG oh you just respawn with oh you respawn after to do the same round again so that it’s at least nice in that way

It’s not you have to do this to this quality it’s like do it this way or you have to start the whole round again so definitely make sure you swing your sword at the blazes from nice and far away where he can’t hurt you and

Um so silid also rip wasted so the goal is to make that my only death today chat if I if that’s my only death today I’m feeling good about myself if it’s not I have to feel bad about myself that’s the rules that we’re planned by Al just so

Weird such a such an objectively strange weapon I think but we did it wave complete go pick up the money cuz we want one of those Dragon blasters like the better ones this is a micro shot you know who do I look like someone who’s happy of a micro

Shot yeah let’s bounce up and let’s see if we can get inside of the nether fortress I keep seeing mobs in there so you must be able to win some level but I don’t know what that level is also look look at how weak this is I’m shooting a

Whole clip into these guys and they’re just like nah not right now mate not right now maybe one day but definitely not today so we have to use the hot stealer oh I don’t want to die I don’t want to die let’s jump in the portal to

The other side of the world wait what wa never is okay that is my last death of the game yeah the nether Nea is real bad uh as uh you put it here so I am going to I’m definitely going to learn Escape RP so I’m not going to hang out in the

Open again I I was getting a little cocky a little full of myself this is much more challenging than the otherw world and so I need to adjust my play style as such oh and then maybe get snuck up on by a skeleton so um yeah we’re going to keep

Using the sword CU it does give me Health which is important when stuff comes to me and I’m going to sit right here because this is where powerups spawn sometimes it’s a bit weird to see a creeper in the nether I uh I do have to say and whenever things get a little

Too intense I’m just going to jump out of there and okay go somewhere else where I can’t be hurt and then run inside run up the ramp yeah there’s actually this this feels like a more balanced uh difficulty personally uh it actually is encouraging me to you know use map design to my

Advantage it’s making me think about which enemies I attack first that zombie pigin is not actually really worth my time in comparison to other things um I should be going for the stuff that can mess me up and wreck me Etc uh so that is what I will be doing okay so there

Are enemies left over I think they’re underneath here though yep so now we switch out to the boat and we go for him yeah all dead inde turn up the heat on the Gast and watch it Sizzle so I am terrified for the um I’m absolutely terrified for this cuz

If if the other Raz will be messing me up already the gas will certainly do a good job but for now this does seem to be working I’m firing my sword at the ghast doing what we all wish we could do all the time and uh also oh look at look at that

You can see there’s cameras up there chat wait a minute is this canonically a TV show that I’m on right now but yeah gasta dealt with no problems whatsoever uh and all the other enemies are going through it too oh got to watch out from behind good

Thing I spotted that by going into third person and let’s just fire as many arrows as we can at these guys I think the the magma cubes are best dealt with with this cuz there’s just so many of them so they make sense to do a lot of

Damage a little bit of damage a lot of times rather than a lot of damage a few times and so what’s left there is just a Magma Cube behind that wall let’s go for it also have you noticed how many times it says uh multiplayer hosting has stopped has anyone started getting that

Error message since 1.23 first I never had it before and I don’t the fact that it happens multiple times makes me think that it’s not actually an error that’s happening but I’d like to know also good to see you cat I uh no worries about the uh the the lack of the notifications

Here I this map said they said it came out at 12 but it didn’t come out until like hours later and so I wasn’t sure like is it coming out like probably but we certainly don’t know when also I want to get to the center there which is

Surprisingly tricky it’s a weird this is a weirdly laid out map um but you know in a fun way I think like once you learn it it makes perfect sense but because I haven’t learned it kind of just a bit confused so there’s a rope down there oh

You can probably climb up that rope oh don’t kill me now please don’t kill me you probably climb up that I’m betting and uh for now though we’ll just uh kill some magmas for a wall keep an ey for anything else that we need to kill because these are some

Scary guys also when you kill the magma does the enemy count go up it does it’s it’s gone up from 11 to 12 so even though there’s only 11 enemies to kill this round it’s actually going to go up a few times cuz there’s a lot of magma cubes that have to go

Down yeah very very very um very repetitive wave this one is I think but also I I think it’s fun to encourage you to use different weapons and work out like what works best like okay I’ll try the regular Blaster again it’s cheap but maybe it’s effective

Anyway oh okay you you are you take a lot more damage in the never or never mobs deal more damage to you maybe it’s the correct way to put that but I’m going to have to really uh work on my healing if I’m going to survive today oh

Which we’re doing great at we’re doing just wonderfully at I I do like I do quite like quite a lot about this actually chat um the the first thing I like is that there are actually distinct weapons and they’re well enough balanced that you don’t just

Feel like yeah I there’s going to be oh see what I had plenty of Health the even the ne the the magma cubes are dealing far more damage than I’m expecting I like I I was I was fairly sure I was safe there but now I’m starting again on one of the longest

Waves I can see why unlocking the end only requires 15 of this this is going to take me longer than 10 20 waves in the overw world yeah we’re actually going to chase the mobs around as much as we can at least and also keep in mind

That we can jump on fences on this so we’ll we’ll be it’ll be fairly handy I think uh Minecraft how the Nerf and Rand with it yeah everyone was complaining about the uh the trading Nerfs and they’re like Well if you really want Nerfs so bad I guess we’ll have to work

Out a DLC with them like people are saying Nerf the elra and they’re like fine we’ll work out a way to Nerf the Ender Dragon I don’t know why people would want that so bad but we’ll see if the company has any ideas um that is

100% how this map came to be don’t question it if you don’t believe it so yeah look at this I’m I’m really badly hurt again the jump boost is not going to help me but maybe if I fire this I’ll get okay I’m dead I’m dead we have to really really really

Watch out for magma cubes they are a Peril and a threat to my well-being uh in every single way and so I’m just going to keep running there’s so many magma cubes there’s so many of them um just keep on using the sword cuz the sword

Does give me Health back and then keep walking backwards as we do this oh this short sword didn’t shoot darts I don’t know what this thing is does the real life Nerf sword not fire darts it’s not a Nerf sword then it’s just a sword unless it fires Nerf dots not a NF

Weapon legally speaking uh that’s those those are the rules I don’t make them I just enforce them so yeah blazes are the biggest nightmare of this because of the fire damage they do but also they can fly around the world like that so lots of reasons to fear these things I think it

Goes about saying oh yeah and also add on to that the fact that you can’t see it’s real terrifying so we’ll sit back here and kind of work where things are safe looking avoid the Nerf dots that come from these guys cuz they’re flaming Nerf dots wait actually that sounds like a fun

Idea like have you ever had a Nerf gun and feel like this doesn’t hurt people when you shoot it if you if you like the Nerf Nerf pellets on fire might just be onto something there right okay so we can kill these people quite easily I imagine oh yes we

Can and um oh what is in here I haven’t noticed this though just now there’s some ancient debris in Gold that’s Charming that’s really Charming um I have the Nerf sword IRL says Gabriel Cadera could you tell me why like what the what the appeal of it was I have a

Genuine curiosity as to why it could just be like well it goes with the other weapons that you have but it feels like you could probably buy a Minecraft sword or something like that you know also hitting that Blaze is quite hard I think he’s experienced now though so maybe I

Should stop trying there are a few areas we can’t get to very easily we do parkour up there can we do parkour up here no um also there’s a lot of coins lying around I think I should start I should put more effort into picking up these because if they’re everywhere anyway I

Should be doing that also that’s so funny just a piglin Bouncing Around by himself let’s bounce around after him see where he’s gotten to okay he’s definitely dead where are the other 10 enemies you’d figure I’d see them but no we’ll switch out oh yeah let’s go easy switch out to this

Do some fun little firing okay I’m fine everything is fine I promise you it’s all good no issues here that’s for sure so yeah the cool thing about this weapon is I do heal Health which is so important when a blaze hits you like just like in regular Minecraft in the

Minecraft where you aren’t shooting uh pellets everyone uh Blazers are bad you do not want them this close to you ever because they hurt and so we need to keep that in mind no one wants to be hurt and everyone knows hurt people hurt people so it’s a

It’s a multi-layer equation the amount of hurt you can avoid by being hurt just kind of exponentially goes up also we’re only 600 away from getting that Nerf Dragon I need to know I just need to know what it’s like I beat the dragon while it still

Had a little bar of Health left SMH says said p124 I’m glad it’s not just me who’s uh who thinks it’s a bit weird about that it makes sense that obviously uh the dragon it makes sense that the bosses have a health bar but having a little bit missing at the end

Is is very weird very very weird speaking of weird where are all the enemies there’s eight of them but I can see none of them maybe they spawn in one area and they don’t look until you go up to them nope H they just don’t exist yet

We’ll wait for them to spawn we can we can wait I can I I I have a lot of patience uh that’s not true but I can pretend to have lots of patience um also socialism s teron not in the never damn it there’s one rule we

Do not talk about socialism in the Nether um you got to you got to you got to you got to you got to pay attention to the rules here I want to use this jump boost to get up there actually um there’s a few places I think you can only get with jump

Boost okay let’s go up and then up and then up again so this looks like it’s a place that’s only accessible of jump boost right yeah there’s there’s a whole secret area you can get to that’s fun and then if I use it again I’ll jump up

To here then up to oh that’s a secret okay you can’t access that at all can we jump up here no we lost our jump boost but yeah we have found just one enemy so far and he is now dead hopefully we find something else but no promises just yet oh there

We go see look at that that’s what I’m talking about this is all I needed just give me something give me something sign that there’s something for me to kill and I can kill it very slowly but I can kill it and then all this all this Cal

Damage right here it’s what I love everyone loves collateral damage it’s their favorite thing yeah these blazes are actually a really interesting element cuz you know you need to kill them quickly they can die before they attack once but you need to get them dead because otherwise they are your

Death I like that mixed in like every enemy has its reasons to avoid it and that is nice we are 200 coins to go um also you can get um big salmon merch ibx toy cat. store it is true do you want to represent your love of the world’s

Biggest salmon you can get some big salmon energy shirts ibx to. store or if like me you believe that every day is a Monday you can have a shirt that represents that I I I like this one in particular uh make sure to do so or don’t it’s it’s up to you really

Speaking of things that are up to you um I uh good to see you Dasher uh I hope you’re doing wonderfully uh how are you doing on this fine Monday morning Monday evening um I’m doing great too thank you for asking see look I’m I’m I’m pre-o the

Conversation um just locking this thing down right here okay so this this ghast is giving me some problems so we’ll switch out to one of these and just go for it oh no this isn’t working oh it does work actually you can solve all your problems with a rapid fire Minecraft though oh

Not this one actually not this one at all yeah this this weapon does have its place it’s just genuinely not as good as a sword which is funny to say in Minecraft um oh don’t finish me off um yeah it’s not as good as a sword funny

Though that may be so now we just need to bounce over to that we’ll pick up those coins that might actually be enough to get me over the no it’s so close 5,000 and I can buy the best weapon chat so I think we’re going to

Finish this Blaze off or this Magma Cube off take his cash and say yep that is good I am making a huge life upgrade now the hoodies at ibx to at do store are so soft and cozy you know it is soft and cozy season upcoming if you don’t have

One you’re seriously missing out I hear okay so this is oh by the way we can buy buy Dart capacity you get 48 extra darts to start with that’s interesting but I’m going to just I’m just going to buy one of these Ender Dragon micro shot let’s

Go oh I mean Ender Dragon mega shot so it’s a formidable Blaster powerful enough to eliminate some mobs in a single headit I could do one of these oh yeah videos man love listening to your podcast and the slow pace showing your personality more really makes it superb

Thank you uh Mr Po uh or you know po Mis I I’m not not here to judge your name I I I really am glad you like the uh the the videos that’s that’s something nice to say but I I I think uh I I’ve said

This before I’m a I’m a big believer in the the long form conversation as a way to learn about things and ideas um and I’m glad that you agree with that I there are times where the most concise way to get a point across is something that’s really important to know but also

There are times where it’s actually uh it’s great to have that longer discussion about something also look how ridiculous this is chat I’m I’m excited to do it nonetheless but also can we all agree it is ridiculous I’m going to shoot some things oh it’s shooting four at a time

Though okay we need to go pick that up oh yeah these are really powerful so the only downside to this is ammo use right like this is this is just shredding things yeah we’ve used up all the ammo oh yeah we have oh no I’m dead I’ve used it all

Up okay so that’s a valuable lesson to learn here we can shoot and we can kill one enemy at a time with this but one enemy at a time is not good enough always oh I just got myself the dragon shotgun but then I I think the there was

Probably some bug in there that caused me to get hit three times in a row which is fine okay we’ll try that again round 11 start from the scratch J boost time so yeah when you die you have to start the whole wave again which wasn’t that big

Of a deal but it’s still annoying that it happened right and uh yeah we we luckily will be able to keep most of our stuff here also just look at the power this thing has it really is wild to say okay so there we go reload oh and you get 12 per

Per clip too by the way so really really is just goes about saying the best weapon but still you’d want to use other one sometimes right this is good for killing big groups of enemies and even for a single guy like this like again does the job but it’s still not

Heads and shoulders overpowered on the rest you would want to have two other weapons to go with your silly Nerf Ender Dragon and I like I love good um game balance Alo you missed ancient debris says big salmon you can get big salmon uh merchandise and it can’t even tell you

When you missed uh various items just saying would recommend crowd control gun in Minecraft yeah everyone everyone needs crowd control sometimes right everyone needs crowd sometimes it’s uh it’s a Black Friday sort sort of crowd control sometimes it’s real life crowd control or sometimes it’s uh FPS crowd control

But we all do need crowd control it’s a fact of life Al we’ve got seven bullets in here now which is interesting to imagine thank God for the extra darts finish both these enemies off yeah these these things are so so so powerful by the way it really really is worth going

For also power up dropped let’s go get it power in power up oh no not a Blaze Blaze is immediate death they sh basically that’s how this works so yeah we shoot and we kill and there’s not really a lot of in between which is nice look at that just

Melted um but it still does have a challenge to it because a lot of enemies can finish you off so quickly that it doesn’t matter how fast you kill them if they don’t get the jump on it also look there’s a climbing wall here oh that’s

That’s cute to see so this this map is filled with things you will pick up also ouch ouch ouch 11 misses out of 12 there but what matters is getting that final one in and finally having enough uh ammo that when I I think we can make it to

Round uh 15 and be kind of wasteful too we really need to be I can just Spam bullets all day now um yeah the the the ammo limitation isn’t really there at some point you get to the point where even if I was using the most inefficient

Weapon I had because you get all the Nerf bullets at the end of the round back it doesn’t really matter um how much ammo usage there is cuz I think the biggest downside of this weapon would just be that you you use up four bullets per shot regardless of how many you need

But because four bullets is the equivalent of you know one bullet once you get to a certain point um there’s a there’s a yeah there’s a balance concern in here I’d say but for now what we seeing big big Blaze I mean Big Cube make him big dead oh no they’re going to

Kill me they’re going to kill me no okay oh such a waste also banish the Wither’s Shadow is a very terrifying message let’s see if we can’t do that though so I don’t see a Wither there he is actually oh and you can shoot him while

He see okay so I’m going to keep doing this going to go absolutely wild for killing the Wither and going to see what we can do he is actually firing wither blast at me by the way yeah this this is the wer is a good example of where this doesn’t work it seems

Okay the wer is oh what am I what what is killing me right now what killed oh the Wither blah like the Wither is genuinely very hard but I don’t know why I don’t know what killed me in that I think it must been the wering skull

Effect but I think your health bar doesn’t go all the way to zero it goes to like 20 or something which is strange but yeah kill the enemies then kill the wer the Wither spawns in there but I’m not interested in the Wither I’m interested in literally everything else

Besides the wer use the Ender Dragon to kill the Ender Dragon I’m excited for that idea so someone said earlier that they killed the Ender Dragon and so logically if we’ve had the warden now the wer uh we might have the ender dragon as the next spot but yeah let’s use the saber

Heartwing just so we can stay nice and healed and let’s see if we can oh see if we can’t deal with the biggest threats we have like this Blaze go down oh no okay we need to heal right now oh no don’t kill me also DX cat says Chris H

Thank you so so much Chris H uh absolute uh hero of the stream recently I’m I’m glad to glad to see you again I hope you’re enjoying my my playthrough of a very weird Minecraft map here I um I think it’s really cool when we start to

See familiar names and the tip things um even when they’re not the the biggest it’s always be like oh yeah this is someone who uh wants to be consistently supporting we’re going to die look look at my health bar okay we do this time we did not thankfully I am going to Live

Another Day uh but I need to desperately heal up before that look what the blaze is doing he’s like Sid stepping me weirdly um we need to get every other enemy dead before we can even think about the Wither because he look at that the that effect is just too powerful

It’s too darn good but yeah the wer won’t get me while I’m inside I think oh look no okay that is the minimum Health we can get I think so we’re going to sit inside and just wait for the health to come back slowly but surely maybe finding a blaze

Or a piglin along the way but yeah every single one of the with’s blasts are a bit too powerful for my liking uh but I’m sure we can we can counteract that if we try our best for now let’s run around um probably best to keep this thing replenished

Go uh yeah this is the best weapon for non wither enemies I think for the wer it’s probably going to depend on the Range that I am so we want nothing else to be able to hurt me like physically just not to be in range of me so that I

Can focus 100% my energy on the wer um that is a hard ask I’ll admit is that the wer there or is that camera that’s a camera it’s a hard ask but it’s one that I’m going to focus on a power up just dropped so we’ll pick up this

We’ll pick up that and then I’ll go hard on the wer imagine if this became a real Nerf course yeah I feel like that’s the fun thing about making Concepts like this is Al can you climb this you can’t okay just looks kind of like you can I think making it this realistic

Format where they little Bulls you can jump into actually makes you think yeah I’d go to one of these if they made a Nerf arena in the real world wouldn’t you be so hyped to go to it I don’t know if you would I know I would I would care

That’s my point I would find it interesting am I not everyone you know the answer is of course I am so the Wither is a little bit of a stubborn beast but I’m thinking just avoid everything else go okay this is not working the river is too high up and there is no

Realistic way of me to get there without jump boost because okay I had jump boost as I was saying that but not anymore so yeah I guess we could like kind of shoot over the top here yeah it works okay you can see I’m getting the hit markers to tell me that I’m

Shooting we just shoot slightly higher we’ll do great here or maybe we could shoot through the floor of this no the we need to get the Wither out she’s in a bad place right now and I need to do my best to get her out of there

So yeah I I think jump jump jump all the way power up has dropped by the way that is exciting sounding cuz I I don’t think I can do much right now chat do you do you see what I can do cuz I the the two the only

Way to get up there is basically a jump boost which the game is giving me repeatedly so it’s probably begging me like use the jump boost go kill the wer I don’t know why you’re not doing it right now so we’ll jump up to the place

Where we can do that uh we will use the Nerf Dragon it’s a lovely lovely Lord so we can have no I can’t jump up here maybe I can jump up here and and then jump onto here and then onto here there we go we’re in we’re going for it oh

Lord no just two hit k. just immediately you can’t charge the wer with a shotgun the wer does not get killed by this also how do you kill the wer you outwit her you know I I hate that that’s a that’s a well put together joke disappointing but also good job Dasher

Um that’s a lot of damage yeah just instant death we went from feeling like basically nothing could kill me to feeling like everything will and is eventually going to kill me um so yeah speaking of killing things oh I’m dead I’m dead I’ve died again I’m sorry you

Deserve you deserve more than this but you sh get it from ey um okay reload again shoot these guys there’s two blazes I need to be ready to no okay reload I can’t see where there’s another Blaze around here somewhere there he is okay so we we can f Focus as much

Time on these enemies as we like but the Wither is what I’m here for so let’s make sure we do it yeah this is this this weapon is really bad at shooting things at any distance right it does really well up close really bad anywhere else so now

That we’ve done the basics let’s go kill the wer again there’s five enemies left so there’s one non Wier cuz I think she’s going to spawn free wither skeletons that count um that’s the wer there so we just don’t get hit by the wer while shooting

The Wither a lot we can’t shoot the skulls back at her we just the blue ones are the bad ones too by the way oh no the black ones are bad to seems so we’re going to shoot from this distance where she’s not hurting me back and we’re

Going to do a lot of heart stealing to gain Health from the wer right oh no don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it okay go back here yeah I think I think you almost need to cheese the Wyer into a corner where she won’t see me but I can see her

And this seems to be one of those Corners she’s so far away she doesn’t even know what to do and then when she least expects it I pull out the real expensive weapon reload it fully give it a whole ton of DTS I’m just going to shoot and

Then back away over and over again okay get out shoot back away go oh she’s got to half Health there we go that’s good shoot back away reload shoot oh where did she go where did she go oh Lord get away from this I don’t like that I don’t

Like I don’t I don’t I don’t agree with this at all but yeah now there are wither skeletons that exist somewhere that I need to be keeping an active eye on because I will die if I do not um I guess this is really a good situation

For the heart stealer I’m if you’re about to die having a chance of regaining Health seems like a pretty good idea so just okay she’s dead all of the other things are dead it’s just the wer left there’s one enemy to go and I’m just about handling this by keeping her

On the other side of this Fortress yes oh just in time I think that would have killed me otherwise yeah look at it look at it that’s my life over that is uh yep I wouldn’t have made it if I hadn’t killed her just then yeah we can now go to the final

Nerf Arena and I’m excited the Wy is an independent Queen you know give her credit where credit is due uh she is an independent you know she she doesn’t let anyone else tell her what to do she thinks her own thoughts up and it’s great um so oh but we we now have

Unlimited ammo again we can just fire this as much as we like including at this to become the end Arena wait is the is the Nerf Arena even harder to get yet do you go Overworld never and then Nerf let’s see what the Nerf condition is by

The way Nerf runer unlocked defeat the Nerf Ender Dragon okay let’s find out I need to know so we’ll go all the way back to the end Arena and we’ll start this from scratch this is what the end looks like it is very very nice effect

Like look at the visuals on this it’s just so nice here oh God I can’t I can’t prevent this from taking me now in we go I just got hit so how do you like or not like this so I love hord based game modes um so I think I have a bias

Towards liking this but at the same time oh this is odd um I think this is a really cool proof of what you can do it’s got a few rough points around the edges and the game balance isn’t perfectly there but for a co-branded piece of work where

They you know just they just paay a flat amount to get it done this is cool oh is it just one Nerf Dragon there’s no waves to do here there’s just a dragon somewhere we have to kill where do you think she is I would love to play around

On this in real life by the way I would kill literally I would murder with a Nerf weapon or about yeah right now I don’t see where the dragon is is this a dragon or is this just a a thing I can walk up oh there’s the Nerf Dragon so

She flies away and then she comes back and I’ve got to kill her when she’s here but the good thing is the best way to kill the dragon is with the dragon oh we have to blast the crystals first okay that’s cute so blast the crystals is that a

Crystal oh the crystals like down there maybe yeah that’s the Crystal and uh you oh I’m out I’m half of ammo oh gosh I should have thought about this so you need to have uh restraint for this and more importantly just use something that goes one weapon at a

Time um there is a Nerf dart pack somewhere around here and I need to go running around and find it so again very nice environment it it has this great blend of the source material in Minecraft and like what a real one of these things could look like and look there’s a slide

Here too that’s really fun really goofy like why would there be a slide in a place where you go to fight the dragon I don’t care I don’t know just look at this we so stupid so ridiculously stupid um but in the best way right in the best way so

Um a dart package dropped I’m guessing there’s going to be one below here somewhere oh in fact it’s right behind me so now we’ve got enough darts that hopefully we can finish the dragon by doing this so um these towers are still lit which means shoot them down this

One’s probably going to require a bit of climbing or no it doesn’t just shoot right there and that one requires some thinking outside the box how do we get inside that Tower there’s got to be an access point right if it’s not here it’s going to be down underneath or maybe

Yeah that’s that’s weird we’re going to have to get in there somehow I’m guessing there is an access point um over here no there’s there’s there there’s someone up there in the nether it’s funny you say you will die so much and then you don’t and then you randomly doing you’re like

I actually die um it’s how life is sometimes also um yeah I guess oh there we go there’s a hole up here we bounce into the hole and then from here we shoot it so that means we’ve now taken down all of the lights I think besides that one okay so same

Thing over there we’re going have to jump in from an angle we’re not expecting I presume and uh or maybe we bounce up here first and then from here we can shoot it through the walls hopefully no wouldn’t can’t be that easy so we go down underneath this and just

Oh it’s that simp I was in fact under that so now the dragon is going to be vulnerable which means we shoot the dragon with the dragon it’s Dragon on Dragon action time we’ve all been waiting for it so I’m going to confirm we can do the damage yes we can now we

Just Blaster real good dragon loves getting blasted with Dragons um and yeah this would be a good idea but it has the big fatal flaw okay it does have the Fatal flaw of using up far too many Nerf pallets which we are using in limited Supply so

Instead we’re going to try the Nerf saber Wing if that doesn’t work yeah I’m guessing there’s going to be a damage issue here there is so we’ll use the weapon okay so the Enderman is avoiding me in the worst way um so yeah we’re going to instead use this nope it just

Doesn’t do enough if we want to hurt the dragon we’re going to need to use uh this but unlike or we could try and fire directly up so the pellets come back down and we can use them but we are running into a bit of a problem here um

Which is that the most powerful weapon is not functioning correctly for this um it’s a it’s a very different Dynamic to the other stages but not necessarily in a fun way yeah the Nerf dragon’s a little bit of fa silly thing dragon or Dragon action time is what you see on recommended Minecraft

Live streams I hear Minecraft’s been working on that but it is yeah that uh that is uh that is one of those 24/7 streams that’s on loot to do a thing oh the the the crystal is healed by the way the crystals have healed so just every now

And then we have to go through retake out the crystals so most of these are easy but this one isn’t this one requires a bit of wait this one requires shooting through the Gap this one requires going up for and that one requires going round weird system we going have to I

Think we have to take down the crystals like four times this is going to be a grind but I’m hoping um yeah if if the crystals are going to be a bit of a grind at the very least um there’s going to be some big reward for killing the dragon there has

To be right I mean as well as unlocking the Nerf World there has to be some fun gain for all this pain so there we go shoot up that should be the dragon ready to to go I think pick up the speed boost there’s

No use for it but it makes me run faster and I like that um yeah no crystals left so time to go um so I’m going to slice and dice the dragon as she loves to be done with a Nerf weapon and when she gets real close

We whip out the Blaster and hope some of these bullets come back to earth if they don’t that’s fine too but what matters is we’re trying right blast blast blast oh we’re doing a lot of damage we might only have to do this one more time

One more wave of dragon uh lights in fact what is that over there okay the dragon lights are back that’s fine so hit that hit this hit this this is this is actually a fun fight you know it’s a fun representation of it it’s very very

Goofy but in a Charming way I I have I hate to say but it is true it’s a it’s a Charming representation of something fun and uh yeah now we to get up to the top of this if only because I want to I want to get whatever the Nerf weapons are up

There and using the slide is just a fun secondary benefit the the Ender are a weird thing for this uh how do I get up there by the way are you meant to climb up the slide to get up there is there not meant to be away they wouldn’t put weapons up there

If they didn’t want me to so there is some some way we’re meant to do it I strive to be goofy in a Charming way says Dasher it’s so anyone can ever oh God no no no don’t kill me oh it’s the dragon that’s fine I can avoid no no no no no

No no oh oh let me out this let me out let me out okay so that was scary I don’t want to die with this little to go you know okay that’s dead I need these DTS quite desperately so I can now reload the Dragon

She is loaded and now we’re going to go shoot that last one down yeah it requires a little bit of like four you know you have to do a little bit of the Nerf course um which is fun and there we go finish it off the dragon is

Vulnerable again which means we can shoot her with our sword which is just funny to say out loud every time um so we do have to shoot these each and every time stop whoa he’s good he’s good he’s avoiding every time we shoot it feels like he pre-

Avoids um but yeah we we have no time for this we just have time for nerfing the dragon oh no he’s on half a heart oh okay no that’s done new Nerf Arena unlocked Ender Dragon defeated we did it we beat the game that is the

Nerf uh battle arena the Nerf Nerf World rather uh fully beaten except there’s one little fun bonus when you’re done with it it looks like we get one further thing to do which is the Nerf Arena what does this look like well it’s the reward

For beating the game so I hope it’s damn good also wait I think we’ll finally switch out our saber wing for the crossbow because this just isn’t good we just are not using it do not spend 3,000 on it instead maybe buy a pillagers crossbow with multiple precise

Shots it sounds like a better version of the default Blaster yeah it sounds like a default Blaster with uh piercing on which seems good to me so we’ll try out we’ll play some Nerf uh World Arena and we’ll celebrate our victory over the dragon I uh dragon defeated with dragon

Yeah the dragon is the way to take out the dragon like save up money for it it’s a good weapon I um also had I not think of this during the wer fight Mojang is clearly hinting at nerfing the Wither I mean again someone was clearly

Like to Mojang you need to Nerf all of the mobs and they’re like I sounds like a lot of work but we’ll we’ll we’ll get starting on it I guess we have to hire a whole studio to make it but we can do that so yeah this is oh so there are

There are now zombies and zombie piglins even though it’s a Nerf Arena that’s a fun idea I guess oh and also the crossbow has a limited ammunition so it is actually it’s not better in every way than a uh than a blaster cuz a blaster keeps going at one AB bullet forever

This fire is faster for free than has a pause and then faster for free more I think which is an interesting tradeoff so blast and blast and blast and blast yeah this is this is the I I think this is the best setup I haven’t tried the the

Stormbreaker yet I can’t confirm for sure but I think this is the setup you want to use and yeah now you can play on the Nerf world for as long as you like I assume there’s no benefit for completing this but yeah if you if you want to use

A dragon it’s a lot of fun I do have to say but the crossbow is uh is a lot more akin to your first weapon you keeps it reeling way and so if you want that that’s what I would say here otherwise I’m going to look around see if there’s

Anything else that’s changed here um uh you know this this is a a fun little um horde based you know shooting thing that has been put in the game for free by Nerf and indeed the studio I believe it was Orville if I’m not mistaken and I

Think that’s fun I think that’s fun did you think this was fun internet I um I think the biggest uh thing to say about it by the way this is practice range so there are four areas that we’ve be on to the shop the info room is where

We spawned and then there’s the practice range where maybe once you feel you’ve mastered your skills or maybe once you’ve just got a one of these you can try and time yourself again and that is what I’m going to do today I’m going to

See if I can beat 1 minute 15 which was my previous time um I guess the challenge is like working out the most effective weapon in terms of the time per ship there is no down no upside for getting more damage on this so yeah let’s go for

This oh let’s do it uh I want I want to set a good enough Target oh that people uh my goal is to set a good enough time that people try to oh it’s so hard uh I want to say good enough time that people

Want to try and beat it um but I don’t think I’m going to achieve that right now although actually look I just found a little little shortcut it took me a while to do it but it is in fact a shortcut once you do there’s a Target here there’s four

Targets here and then I think I missed another Target chat okay I’m going to level you I need to go back and find that Target I missed where is it where’s where’s the missing Target um over there it’s got to be that one right yeah no that’s not it it’s not

That one there’s a Target is it this one that I missed nope okay I missed the target somewhere in here uh we’re going to run back through the course Maybe make sure I hit it is it this one that’s the one there we go okay so we’ll start

Again knowing that there are fre targets there and we’re going to see if we can beat this in less than a minute and even maybe even set of time that’s worth trying to beat here so I’m going to leave practice course cancelled let’s go again go okay so then we’re going to

Jump over this barrier which is entirely okay we’re going to hit that third thing over there run over jump over another barrier there’s one hidden behind that we have to I’m I’m nice and high for this cuz it’s real far away uh jump onto that oh we landed badly Okay jump onto

This shoot it I I I love the idea of time trials like you know speedrunning is effectively what most people call it but the idea of doing something then trying to do it again faster and faster I think this hits that Spirit kind of well more so than the rest of the game

It’s a nice addition to what is meant to just be like a you know again hord based shooter inside of Minecraft which is a very weird set of words to say out loud also you know what chat I missed another one again I only hit 14 15 16 targets there is one

Missing and I don’t know how but yeah we could in theory do this in just under a minute if we find that last Target so that is uh 54.3 with not all the targets hit let’s try and hit all of the targets so um there’s one over there I

Think I missed basically then there’s one over here one over here one over there one over the end there this one way up there which we’ve of course gotten now I’m going to wait till I’m over here to turn for both of these at the same time this and this at the same

Time there’s one over there we need to hit it’s weird doing this with a with a sword but we’ve got it uh one over here is of course important this might actually be the biggest benefit of the of the bow is being able to like rapid fire hit stuff

Like this uh we’ll switch out to the Dragon for this like oh this is not working as intended oh no this is oh God it doesn’t work at all as intended did this is awful you got to okay so Pro tip don’t use the dragon it makes this the worst

And hardest challenge but just like that no no no a just like that 56 seconds um also Bow Shoot things as well yeah the bows are the way to do this okay let’s try this one more time set up set up personal best um I’m going to try

This again till we get it right jump in there as we’re shooting okay Okay jump in there as we’re making the shot right uh that way we can jump straight over uh hit this one and this one at the same time making sure we come back for this

One of course then we’re going to hit the one in the corner and then we’re going to run hit that one over there from afar Shoot To the Left for this one love to see it this one and this one right here are going to land at the same

Time uh get some lovely sword hits in there shoot through the gates for this one it is technically doable shoot through the gates for that one as well now we can just focus on running although we could probably should shot at the same time as running there but

It’s fine we didn’t um at the end of this shoot that um we’re going to swing the sword for all three of these oh you know we thought under a minute would be tricky but now we’re about to break a lot less than under a minute and as long

As one doesn’t fall under the sky yeah 48 seconds that is my time I would love to see if you beat that if you happen to play this uh let me know what your score is in the comments down below because this was streamed live on the YouTube

Channel you can check out all my live streams by going to the live Tab and indeed subscribing perhaps if notifications turned on uh because I’ve had a wonderful time streaming today I like checking out new maps like this and uh yeah I think we’re going to do this

For more of the weird co-branded stuff because there’s some real gems mixed in with a lot of weird branding and I think this one hit the nice spot between being a fun map by itself and also probably convincing people to try out some more Nerf stuff right do you want to buy

Yourself a Nerf Ender Dragon now let me know also uh but yeah I I I think I think this was actually a real good time I hope you enjoyed it and consider subscribing to see more of these because for now I have been ibx toy cat I hope

You enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one oh also tomorrow is uh probably going to be the first Minecraft live announcement it’s going to be a lot of fun so see you there and also I’ll leave a link in the description if you want to learn about

Why I think mob votes are a little bit flawed um so just uh leave a link in there just to test something else uh but yeah for now thank you for watching hope you all enjoyed cuz I’ll see you next time goodbye I’m I’m shooting you to make you leave

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: NERF WORLD – Full Map Playthrough’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-10-02 21:07:45. It has garnered 21742 views and 782 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:58 or 5398 seconds.

Minecraft x Nerf is free to download! Let’s play it!

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    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

ibxtoycat – Minecraft: NERF WORLD – Full Map Playthrough