ibxtoycat – Ultimate Disaster Add-On – OMG Moments

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hat and I just got back from a lot of accidental flights and weird chaos that led me being in Sweden uh with Mojang and I want to talk about all of that however first let’s check out the insane disasters add-on this just came out this week and it is the highest rated add-on on the marketplace right now although not with many reviews it’s also the tide most expensive at $8 is it worth spending $8 for tornadoes and meteor showers earthquakes and blizzards well today I figured so you don’t have to I will find doubt on your behalf this is a ridiculously high price for an add-on in my opinion but if it’s a ridiculously good quality well I think that’s not so bad but the only way to know for sure is to activate the add-on on a brand new world like we’ll be doing today this is natural disasters uh it’s by Spock and uh these that generally I find they make pretty decent stuff but is this going to fall in that category I guess we can find out ourselves so um yeah we’re going to enable 1.21 experimental just for some fun and you know what we’ll enable the Villager trade rebalancing as well just in case that comes up let’s go into natural disasters uh a fun new Minecraft add-on or I mean they they claim it’s fun a lot of people I’ve been hearing exclusively good things about it so I have to imagine uh this is literally the Java mod what’s weird is this this add-on this mod if you will is breaking one of the fundamental rules of Minecraft they have said okay so insane disasters guide book and a disaster controller what is a disaster controller they are enabled by default and they may destroy parts of your world so the easiest way not to be concerned by this is oh we can turn up the spawn frequency easiest way to yeah but once you enable it you don’t have disasters until you click all of these things and now we can have any of those things at any time let’s see what that looks like I feel like a frequency of five still means like once a day not once every 20 seconds but we’ll see as we go into the world and try to work out how to survive in a Mesa biome I think obviously we can get sticks nice and easily well we can get some number of sticks some amount of easy but uh yeah otherwise uh there’s a not a lot going on here is there so I think we to we have to get wood we have to go to either the Savannah Biome or we could go to the Pillager Outpost now hear me out the Savannah Biome is the much safer option here right everyone loves a good Savannah Biome but the Pillager Outpost um oh my controller won’t connect correctly uh so the Savannah Biome is the much safer option here but the Pillager Outpost would be much more fun to see a disaster happen by and so I think that’s what I would love to do personally so hello everyone how’s it going uh surprise stream says Zia yeah surprise stream for me too uh right now I’m meant to be in uh Doha and Qatar um I am not there I I there was some airspace closures in the region I don’t know uh it’s wait actually and and no I guess I was going to say a natural disaster happened in real life but it was very much a man-made disaster in real life um you know Don uh things well above the pay grade of a Minecraft Youtuber to talk about also hey we got some uh we got some armadillos over here it’s interesting because I feel like I didn’t enable armadillos wait chat I just to just to confirm something let’s uh let’s scroll down here oh I did enable armadillo and wolf armer so we can go get some wolf armor as our first uh thing but at first I guess we’ll read it in the insane disasters guide book because again I have I have intentions in this world but those intentions are going to have to come second to knowing what’s actually going to happen so beware of the seven insane disasters oh it does say insane I was sure I was just misreading nope it’s insane um so uh stay safe as they can emerge anytime anywhere I’m anywhere and it’s anytime um so as you can see we can now read about the blizzard they uh appear in cold biomes that’s not anywhere anytime is it that’s that’s anytime but that’s not anywhere equip armor to protect against the freeze or huddle by fire for safety I actually quite like that as an event like Minecraft has freezing already making the biome as a whole be kind of cold actually sounds pretty cool you know I I I like this already tornado is a fast moving thing which destroys vegetation and throws around players and mobs in their path look at that pig he is confused what he’s doing in the air um and then we’ve got thunderstorm Beware of the clustered lightning in thunder struck um storm also qara is underwater right now oh yeah you’re right Dubai is going through flash flooding so I mean the whole region is going through some stuff uh trees struck by lightning leave behind burnt logs also Sandstorm beware of sandstorms in hot sandy biomes they slow movement and reduce visibility beware of earthquakes they violently shake the Earth causing oh [Laughter] god oh it’s a tornado I’ll read about the other things later I think I’ve got I think I’ve got some more pressing issues happening right now uh so I would really like some food but I don’t know yeah I feel like I’ll die if I go into the tornado so I’ll wait for something to fall out it this is intense what am I looking at right here I genu no no cow cow okay so oh no I’m in I’m in I’m in get me out get me out okay I just got to there we go I’m going to survive I’m going to survive chat don’t tell me I’m not going to cuz I am uh skin standard cust died very sad so as you can see the there’s a very valuable lesson in what happened to me there chat and it’s when you see a volcano you probably got to get out of the way but the good news is that means if I got flinged out of it then there is going to be some dead cows so hopefully some dead meat or okay I’m just going to get to the side here looks like the okay that tornado is literally beining towards me right like if I go this way the tornado is going to yep the tornado is is sensient and craves Pat blood and I am going to die die I’m trapped in a hole I think this might count as shelter though right so I can’t get oh yes I’ve solved it chat that is how you avoid a tornado tornado cannot get you if you just shelter and funny enough as soon as the tornado doesn’t get you it goes what’s the point of being alive and just ends that’s that’s so dumb on an objective level but I get why people enjoy that but you know I I there are people who enjoy um the there are people who enjoy all sorts of things and when I mean all sorts of things I mean there there are people who go ironing on surfboards there are people who go surfing on iron boards uh there are people who find lots of normal things uh weird and weird things normal and those people therefore might like this because that was not an average event it is a tornado that actively hunts you down um also when when I died from it and I lost my book it looks like unless it was maybe I died just somewhere around here here’s my Cactus okay that’s my Cactus it couldn’t have come here naturally so that means my other stuff is probably in the area somewhere right yeah there we go I need I need the book to work out what’s happening so insane disasters let’s read the rest so as well as the tornado uh we’ve got the thunderstorm and the sandstorm and we got the earthquake and the oh so that’s that sounds kind of concerning meteor showers sounds like a lot of fun and then we’ve got acid rain that doesn’t happen in real life and it disaster alarm sounds an alarm before the disaster it allows nearby players of a countdown that sounds really cool actually oh so there’s probably more to the book let’s we’ll we’ll read for it in a second for now let’s work on Surviving uh so here is my insane disaster controller and uh also a toy cat NATO toy cat NATO indeed I had dreams like this when I was little you know I feel like everyone has fears of natural disasters when they’re young because it’s like a it’s a human thing that they tried to teach into us early but maybe a bit too early or maybe that’s just me I I feel like the amount of Terror I spent thinking climate change is so real and we’re all going to die has now made me adjust into the opposite way where I’m like honestly climate change has only killed like 60,000 people and I assumed it would kill the majority of people so right now we’re doing pretty good at it you know that I feel like that sort of accidental bias that you get when when people OV exaggerate a danger you then start to not trust them and therefore you know start to not believe that there is a danger that’s been averted or that doesn’t exist uh hey toat is back says Roi I am in fact back Welcome to the Jungle yeah you know that’s what we call it here on the channel I if you’re not if you’re new around here don’t don’t back check that that’s what we call that’s what we call the live streams and uh we have fun and games uh except whatever that is a sandstorm I’m guessing so I don’t know what the solution to a sandstorm is so I’m going to quickly read the book okay so there’s a sand storm quickly uh Sandstorm they reduce okay it’s just it’s visibility and movement so as long as I’m not trying to move or be visible I’ll be fine uh I’ll just take my furnace just whx some I know some planks in there and while those smelt I’ll grab enough stone for a for an axe cuz it’s one of my favorite paths to take for Minecraft and then we’ll eat some proper good food I I love eating real food rather than bread it’s a lovely Improvement for my day but yeah as you can see this is a sandstorm oh it hurts too okay I don’t I don’t want to be dealing with any pain right now so I’ll just uh get out of this and uh enjoy down here where there’s some copper I think I needed copper right it was copper surrounding I think it was copper surrounding a redstone or so I get one piece of red what Redstone PL so get a simple piece of redstone and I’ll be good and I’ll just enjoy the sandstorm in the meantime uh try to stay Shel and somewhat maybe if I like stay on this side of the tree I’ll be fine yeah I I’ll use the tree to to guide me and now the the disaster goes away it seems as though the moment you fart a disaster the disaster is like well I don’t see what the point is anymore also a pink sheep that is an incredibly rare uh thing to just have happen right there I love it also these zombies must have spawned in the storm because I don’t see any other reason why they’d be existing right now and uh yeah let’s head towards this thing uh is there a tornado happening in Minecraft oh it’s there are mobs spawning everywhere chat I think that’s just a problem with the add-on or maybe it’s this is a natural disaster in its own right but there’s mobs everywhere I is is the daytime all messed up or something but yeah my next plan is to hang out around the Pillager Outpost so that the next natural disaster can affect them instead of me I don’t know if it’s a good plan but I know it’s one I want to do anyway so eat the pork chop we’ll head right up there maybe if we find a good cave on the wave we could stop for it like just get a piece of coal maybe get a piece of redstone too like Redstone isn’t easy to find but if you find a good cave it basically is and so two pieces of coal yes please uh we can fuel a furnace with that maybe maybe even get some other stuff also I hear a disaster did you hear that is it not a disaster is that just regular Minecraft happening so make some sticks make some torches 12 torches seems like a lot but I think it’s actually pretty worthwhile and use it to get the rest the C to get the Redstone to make to I I feel like a disaster alarm would help me maximize the destruction of this Pillager Outpost is that going to help me massively in the long run it’s mostly going to be fun right let’s be honest this isn’t add-on about punishing yourself and so I want to make it as little about punishing myself as possible so we can see what’s happening with the benefits of it uh and then cuz I think everyone can understand the benef you the the downsides of natural disasters in your world what about the upsides well the upsides are you won’t find sad caves wait what there’s no way this is a normal Minecraft cave this looks like a what just happened here this is this real oh that was a very weird connection between two caves and then it happens again over here very intriguing but yeah if we follow that all the way down I’m sure there’s Redstone at the bottom left I think we could easily get our hands on some if we could just get iron then we would be good to go cuz I think you can’t in fact I know you can’t uh get this without it so we’ll take a peek I I knew I didn’t see any iron but it’s still sad to look back and confirm um pretty sure um but yeah if you want to know how much this cost oh chat something is happening out there I’m going to go take a peek at it but I’m going to be honest with you I think I’m safer in this cave than outside of it I think that is a usual rule for life but it is especially true when you hear noises like that so just go take a peek yeah I think oh wait oh what was that um so it hurts to be alive up here okay yeah it’s another sandstorm oh yeah I I had the sudden urge to you know go but I I have no idea what that could possibly be from man I lost my abilities through that at speed like oh have you seen the new Minecraft movie announcement SL leaks especially the weird and confusing set leaks uh they already finished filing yeah it’s crazy to me they already finished filming uh congratulations to the Minecraft movie everything I’m hearing about it so far is making me say what the heck is actually going on I think maybe that’s an exaggeration maybe it’s not but yeah U thank you very much for the tip by appreciate it so um yeah I definitely want the redstone block and I definitely am better off not hanging out where the dust storms are I kind of like this as a reason to like force you underground every now and then but I mean I could see why you would say being forced underground isn’t your ideal but personally I think it’s Charming I think it’s plenty Charming so let’s just fuel the furnace grab my pork chop this is my one piece of food uh it’s got to go a long way but that’s fine that’s just okay and we’re going to see if we can see just any amount of iron around here would be great would be would be lifechanging perhaps I might say uh but we don’t have any so we’ll just go straight down you know sometimes in Minecraft taking the risk is how you get the win and today I’m going to do precisely that I’m just going to hop into the cave that probably has Redstone and then I’m going to probably get redstone from it and probably not die that’s what I reckon and let’s see if we’re right so block down here block down here block down down over here and another one over here yep nice then do the same down here loock down block down just make make a few torches just to follow it easil and he’s seeing any okay iron perfect one block of iron is not the right numbers but that is the right number right there so jump over and perfect we now all of a sudden have our hands on an iron pickaxe and an iron sword too if we want it but the most important bit is we can mine redstone if we can find Redstone can we find Redstone chat make your guesses right now in fact can you see Redstone if you can definitely let me know would love to see it but I’m going to try and make that skeleton work to fight me for a second and then I’m just going to I’m just going to get up here and I’m going to say you are dead now goodbye oh you are not dead yet though so I would like to assure that is going to happen soon just over the edge please and then we’ll get back over here where I have no food just a reminder and I’m going to invest in an I want to invest in a sword first and you can see why that would be a good idea objectively speaking um in fact a very good idea objectively speaking but instead I’m going to make poor decisions because that is what I do so crafting table let’s go 100% um I’m expecting uh I thought about making a positive Let’s Play video uh yeah it’s the vast majority I think I yeah pretty pretty sure that’s that’s the case um I I should maybe the negative ones sound like they’d be more interesting I think the I think negativity is a a cycle that can feed many people uh and many things oh God there’s a okay so I will die I think I should have made a shield actually I think that will H defend me more than a good offense will so let’s see I think I saw some down here could be wrong I in fact am wrong oh no there is some so we’ll just quickly grab this just make one Shield desperately um I’m hoping the furnace is still running it’s not so just throw throw in this sapling and then a single plank if that need to be and then let’s just just take a peek chat any Redstone at all if you see it let me know give me the coordinate I know what I mean by that but uh I mean I guess there’s someone who could work out like it’s in the negative X Direction and if that’s you good job if that’s not you then also good job because no one should be expected to do an outstanding job all the time okay so torch time torch and run that’s always the strategy chat I actually learned something really valuable about mob spawning recently it was something from Minecraft themselves who basically said yeah we have a mistake that you can fix uh by turning your simulation distance off for and I was like oh that is that’s a game changer for me because lowest simulation distance is usually the least flaggy but it has a huge downside to compensate um anyway so let me grab the iron I’m dead I’m dead it’s it’s over me now you can’t you can’t get rid of a Creeper explosion this way oh you can okay um so yeah there is probably Redstone down that cave there it’s going to be a lot harder to get to I think I should just go to the surface where there’s food maybe and then deal with this all later how does that sound internet does that sound like I’ve got a plan I I think that sounds like a good plan it’s probably daytime uh my my my attempts of getting Redstone are clearly going worse than my attempts above the surface will and we enjoy the the time there also the weather effects are pretty loud by comparison yeah they are crazy loud to me too just to be clear that is not a um it’s not just a you thing I I am hearing it too why am I hearing it that way well that’s an interesting question isn’t it I don’t know if I know the so also um a new Cape map they have been shown says fun yeah it’s true um I don’t know if they are verifiable yet the thing about leaks is you don’t actually know um if they are legit um until way after they’ve been you know you can only find out if they’re true if they are already proven to be true by actually coming out but um oh man it is it is a bad time to be alive right now chat let me tell you I just want food and I don’t know I don’t mind where I get it but I would like it quite badly so the jungle over there is my best bet if I need daytime if I need nighttime food and I don’t want to die getting it so that’s my plan right now is make it to the Jungle um little bit easier set than done sometimes sure but I’m going to okay yep no sprinting just just jungles if I just get my hands on a few melons you know sometimes the dream dream we all aim for uh in and out of Minecraft but if I can just get those melons I’ll be fine um the the thing about leaks they taste good says the fur you know what very fun you should uh find a bed and set spawn you know what why should I do that I cannot imagine a single good reason for needing a bed right now uh sounds like crazy talk to me okay I’m going to die I I’m going to jump in the water and I’m going to be too slow and that’s going to kill me oh don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t do it okay he can’t he can’t I’m fine I don’t need a bed in fact if I needed a bed there’s two sheep right there I reckon I kill them both I get some dive and I’ll be golden yeah yeah that’s my plan it’s a bad plan but it’s a plan I’m going to kill the salmon sorry big salmon but you will nourish me today no you won’t he’s not nourishing me chat okay but there’s some there’s some sheep there and a sheep there as long as I get two from one and not one from nether will be great so just just walk over go for a little little stabby stab did I get two wool or did I get one if I got okay I got a new recipe but it’s not for thing okay we’re fine I’m good chat I’m doing very good right now and there are the two other sheep I am not sure why that skeleton is only just dying now but I’m glad he is sorted and sorted okay so again my goal is to get a natural disaster happen to the Pillager Outpost that is still what I am aiming for but first I need a bed and I need some food so the bed is just here in case the worst thing happens on the way to food as we all know the worst thing does tend to happen sometimes it’s a uh it’s a strange reality we live in um okay and uh oh no no no no right now please let me set my spawn first please just just that’s all I ask for um just just come on no I was so close I got the wool okay um and then we’re going to make another third yellow wall and we’re going to get in the water you’re safe in the water lightning can’t hurt you here okay just make let me make the bed and then sleep in the bed you can harm me all you like now no you can’t it’s not set it’s not set okay oo I can only sleep at night and during thunderstorms I’m just saying chat I feel like I found a bit of a uh I feel like I found a bit of an error with that message which the add on creators really should have thought about okay so that solved my food problems interestingly enough and uh now we can solve my other problems which is I want this to happen to the so I’m not going to get killed by one lightning strike now I want to go up to the Pillager Outpost and have the lightning storm follow me so I’ll kill some mobs on the way there cuz I will need these but let’s go up there and let’s have the pillagers be struck by lightning I’m assuming that will happen the tornado was because you wished ill on the illes you know it is true I I do deserve this on a moral level I uh I do think that the idea of natural disasters being Max frequency kind of is a fun idea if you like if you like um playing Minecraft not proactively I you being in charge but reactively if you’re the sort of person who likes putting out fires oh no I went away I just got ah you know it’s fine I’ll hang out here for a bit I’ll set my spawn just in case something bad happens and now we have to wait for a natural disaster to happen so that it will hurt the pillagers that is worth doing in my opinion and so I’ll chop down some trees I’ll get a ton of wood I’ll make a house here or something eventually yeah I’ll turn the Pillager Outpost into my house once it’s gone I think that’s that’s the best way to take advantage of the situation so we’ll quickly confirm there are pillagers and that they haven’t been killed by the sandstorm cuz there were quite a few stand storms while I was under their base um oh there’s one there’s one there’s two guys one has a crossbow one doesn’t or one has an enchanted crossbow the other has a regular crossbow also look there’s quite a few blocks missing from this is this regular Minecraft or is this is this is this the disaster I I guess we can look at the Outpost The Outpost looks fine and so do all of the trees so that’s probably just how it spawns weird also SI silicon says set your spawn it is always important to set your spawn is what people tell you but those same people won’t tell you um that actually the better thing to do is just not to die they don’t realize that the the solution you know hardcore players never set their spawn at least there’s a way of setting their spawn they’ve got other things going on and that actually works out quite well for them so let’s cook up the raw be oh it’s happening okay okay so this is my this is my moment chat I I’m going to dig down real quick just so I survive oh okay I’m alive going to eatat a cooked beef stay fine yeah that’s good and then get one more in here hopefully also hello I exat long man long time no see says J man good to see you I don’t think it’s been a long time no see I think it’s been a regular amount of time NOC but really I guess not being on every stream that’s long NOC if you don’t know I stream quite at least two different three times a week it’s a lot of fun and uh yeah so we can avoid the storm by just staying behind something where it is and then we’re going to see if this storm affects the pillagers negatively oh they’re perfectly hidden behind the structure so we need to make sure they’re not kind I’m going to die oh Sandstorm killed me I I don’t know I I felt like I understood that I was safe from it but then I wasn’t do you think you can block it use oh I’m blind chat okay I’ve got blindness real bad just going to hang out over here just going to put the little shield on and then move this all up I got to get the axe which is down here somewhere oh just please please ignore me don’t worry about me just doing my own thing here okay and there’s a Pillager so he’s going to get hurt by the sandstorm right I mean logically yeah so you can’t block Sandstorm damage even okay yeah rip it’s this is hard as a as an event like trying to get the event to work out in your favor rather than just killing you very surprisingly hard would not recommend yeah that that did mean no better benit I died twice and now I might die prce uh and it looks like no pillagers were unkilled during that so okay also thank you Peter Feld for becoming the 380th channel member thank you for supporting the okay I’m dead it’s there just it’s just GG where did that witch come from where did where also why am i s skin standard cust I wonder am I a no okay am I yep skin standard cust as we all know it’s it’s it’s what I’m called so um yeah I am okay I am just just having a moment right now lots lots of mobs lots of things they want to do to me but as long as I can Shield my way back out of this I’ll be fine so here are the two stakes from before Oh an iron golem I could have just let him free and I think all of my other problems would have gone away but for now we’ll just Crouch I wait till the skeleton hurts the Pillager it’s about to happen come on fellas you can do this you know how okay so now now they’re busy hurting each other or at least ignoring me we just have to get in here and place a block immediately go sand in now that we’ve done that I can go to the top of the structure and I think once I’m up there I’ll be safe from basically all natural disasters right like besides an earthquake yeah there’s so many sandstorms not a lot else okay just going to hang out in the corner here oh the sand Storm’s going to get me oh no I’m dead chat okay if I hang out exactly here I’m safe from the sandstorm and from the pillagers they don’t get hurt by Sandstorm though I think that’s pretty unfair I think I think natural disaster should affect the world equally not just me I I think that is a bit of a uh yeah I think that’s a bit of a weakness person me I think that’s a bit of a weakness okay so I I I don’t really like my current position um so I guess I’ll just hide inside where I can also oh eat that way where I can also grab this chest so yeah now that I’ve cleared out the Pillager at first I think this is a logical place to make a house chat got some Shar I got some wheat got some potatoes I won’t be taking any of this actually I uh this trip wire hook you know honestly the trip wire hook sound like that fun as you ask the sandstorm nicely so I want to see if the sandstorm still gets me here yeah you are outside you have to be literally behind a block like this intriguing oh where how did you get there that is a bad place for you to be so yeah this is a bit of a bad house design honestly all things considered so I guess we should go and get some windows for it won pill just spawn here from time to time says SI silicon yeah as I understand it um they will spawn here quite a lot actually which makes it sound like it’s a bad place for a house but if you think about it this is a natural disaster add-on we kind of want to have natural disasters but yeah I feel I feel like before we settle down we should go experience the rest because it’s not just um it’s not just the sandstorms and the tornadoes the only ones we’ve seen so far there are blizzards only in cold biomes there are thunderstorms in oh they’re just cluster oh we we had a thunderstorm right we we died to the thunderstorm uh we also haven’t had earthquakes it doesn’t say where these are but I guess they’re just not very common meteor showers will sometimes appear too and acid rain which we also haven’t seen so it’ll destroy my crops which is why we should keep our crops under a roof um we can experience the frequency turn them up and we can summon disasters oh wow do we want to do that chat okay I don’t want acid rain that sounds boring but earthquake sounds genuinely quite useful to me I think I’m going to go make an earthquake happen right now yeah I’m going to take this book and I’m going to uh I’m going to go make an earthquake happen I think that’s just the thing we’ve got to do so let’s head down and let’s do it sandstorms hate players it’s common knowledge that’s why there’s no football in Saudi Arabia I you know that’s a compelling argument you make right there I mean there is sp in Saudi Arabia though so I mean that’s that’s probably the biggest uh Point against you there saano green but good to see you Sano hope you’re doing wonderfully today so here is my natural disaster um controller I’m oh okay let’s go off a floor where we’re safe and if we combine this with what do we combine it with we put it in the crafting table oh it won’t tell me so earth quake we need to combine it with deep slate so not just regular deep slate by the way that is polished deep slate I think I can do that though I think I can actually do that so let’s get down in the caves let’s go grab a deep slate and then let’s cook it up oh please stop killing me I will die if you do oh yeah this is this is real bad okay I’m going to sprint out it’s so easy to okay so the Pillager Outpost is still op I would like to like to remind everybody and I’d also like to remind you that getting in and getting out with all your stuff from one of these is terrible but this is my natural disaster I chose it and I’m willing to live with it also that zombie now has all my stuff so maybe I maybe I chose wrong but any will he deflect my shield attacks do I have to use an axe to make sure he doesn’t Okay um there we go got the stuff I hope and as long as I have my natural disaster controller I feel pretty good looks like I do don’t have my sword though so one more quick visit could probably be useful at this point um just we’ll just go to sleep we’ll just deal with this in the morning um oh God medic your showers in a wooden house would be epic oh nice the did the spider just kill a Pillager okay that’s not a natural disaster but it is a disaster although I guess you know what is a creeper if not a natural disaster if you really think about it oh no acid rain oh this is the one type of rain I specifically would like not to experience oh it’s killing all the mobs perfect it is this is the natural disaster for me right now um okay well not not right right now apparently also why why is he like this okay um put the leggings on put the shield on get the pickaxe out yeah let’s do it and okay yeah just just ignore all the bad things happening right now and try and get I I don’t know why slimes have to spawn during acid rain it’s a bit of a weird outcome if you ask me but that’s fine um going to desperately just race from tree to tree trying to avoid death look at all the slimes this is this is beyond natural disaster this is like full fantasy crazy Minecraft I’m here for it but I think it’s weird I think it’s very very weird so eat the cooked beef maybe get the tools to make some more cooked beef though I had a sword somewhere around him do you think it got destroyed by the acid rain I am going to have to check another time yeah there’s a lot of raw beef now and there’s a lot of pillagers who are fleeing from us underneath trees which is hugely interesting to me but yeah let’s just uh okay okay I’m fine I’m great oh there go my leggings yeah I’m I’m doing good I’m I’m doing real good I don’t think I have a sword anymore I don’t know where it went but I don’t have it so future me’s problem honestly I wonder how they made this yeah a lot of the other add-ons have like big weaknesses and what they do this is like fully featured like World affecting stuff the sort of thing you would not expect them to approve for an addon got to got to give them credit for that if nothing else wait a slime farm yeah slime Farms are getting much better after uh 1.21 too though because of the potion I’ve seen some people make some really crazy Farm designs of it also where was my cave chat I I remember it was nearby here but I don’t remember where is it is is this right this looks right okay in we go we get a piece of deep slate we’re going to mine it set it off and we’re going to have an earthquake happen somewhere fun I’m excited so chat what where do you think would be best for an earthquake to happen cuz I fought Pillager Outpost at first right like destroy that but there are probably way more intriguing structures to destroy like a desert temple could be interesting right we could take a uh you know Woodland Mansion to go craziest or even just a village like it’ be fun to activate it in any lots of people saying Villages uh it’d be fun to activate it more or less anywhere I think all things considered so let’s just grab some torches okay that’s that’s cool glad you’re here hope you’re having a good time and now we just grab a single piece of deep slate if we could get the disaster alarm it would be cool though so I think that’s what I’m going to aim for I’m going to get a disaster alarm going and maybe like an iron chest plate just to save my life in the future you know it’s the small things that we need to think about so yeah Redstone can generate somewhere around here oh big hole yeah we got some lapis before we got Redstone very wild very very wild but if we just have a single piece of this what you just find oh look at the zombies they have they have hord spawned on top of me right there and maybe grab another one just in case I don’t think we’ll need more but it’s nice to imagine and then we’ll hop into this cave uh there’s a lot of zombies following me so maybe I won’t actually and we’ll just oh I don’t have any more uh okay I’m having a bit of a crisis I’m safe okay we good we’re out in we go out we go one little smell and I am good to go woo yeah I’ve got a furnace let’s let’s do this chat so this is um for anyone who’s uh who missed that you can craft natural disasters and one of the natural disasters is crafted weirdly enough using um a a deep slate and a natural disaster Toggler the disaster controller so just taking these two things together gives me a deep slate and combining them makes a it did say deep slay right oh there we go what what did we do oh it’s not it’s not shapeless it has to be there and there so now I’ve got the ability to trigger a thing also a zombie has an iron sword I bet he stole it from me I bet he stole it from me um icy Bubba Says do these disasters work in the nether oh I don’t know but I want to try now you know we I feel like we need to know right do you think they would enable also it’s it’s definitely acid rain right now so we might be stuck in here for a little a little bit longer than I hope yeah it’s not it’s not really good to go out while it’s acid rining I mean that’s that’s what the weather will tell you at least if you can trust such a a thing so we’ll try to work out how we make another disaster controller uh disaster I guess we need crafting table that’ be my guess based on what I’m seeing so crafting table drop it down oh I’m in I’m in acid rain not my goal so disaster controller it’s made from a redstone d and a lightning so I really really need copper I can’t like the co copper ingots and blocks of redstone is where all the secrets are and so let’s let’s go let’s go get the Redstone it’s too important not to the game is telling me yeah we’re going to hold you down in the cave until you get it and so I’m just going to do it I usually I don’t like being told what to do but in this case I’ll make an exception for disasters cuz again like disasters have this like powering effect from humans where we’re like oh God we’re all going to going to die I will do anything to not die it’s you know the time that humans are at our most obedient is when we believe our life is at risk otherwise I think um a year seems too little to me I uh if you could set the disaster once or twice a year it’s be actually great in the long term yeah I do think people could really enjoy natural disasters if they were really infrequent um and if they’ve conferred some small benefit as well as downside like the sort of you could plan for in the same way that lightning is mostly a downside but has benefits in Minecraft which is weird cuz you know it’s funny cuz natural disasters in Minecraft don’t exist but if you really think about lightning it’s like such a it’s every definition of natural disaster also the rain has either stopped or I’m not near enough to here which is uh also possible of course okay that’s probably an earthquake yeah okay is do you think it’s an earthquake right now am I going to die am I in a precarious position for an earthquake oh Lord oh okay I’m just where is the earthquake happening even oh no is it coming for me I just I just want to not be in a ravine while this is happening okay I didn’t trigger this one this one triggered itself um do you oh this is this they should give like warnings before this happen this is making me a little bit sick feeling okay the as you can see what it did is it killed a spider um and yeah that’s about it actually it looks like well that was nice that was that was an event that was an event that’s how I would describe what just happened I’ll get some gold I don’t think I need it but you never know when you need gold until it’s too late pick some up anyway just just have it line around and I will find Redstone down here I know it I fully believe it and everyone knows the more things you believe the more things happen so let’s sand our way up sand up and this this how is there no Redstone around is it really that low down I feel like it was slightly higher up than diamonds when I was last peeking but I must be wrong okay down we go get our hand on this oh goodbye axe it was nice knowing you o yeah I think we’re going to just knock your fell off oh he knocked me off okay that’s good this is that I wanted to be down here actually I’m very glad that we can find a oh yeah my shield does not have the the life in it to do much more of this but I’m just I’m just here for a piece of redstone then I can make disaster controllers then I can make my own then I can make my own disasters that feels op to me oh there we go D we got we got the most important thing we can have that’s right it’s rayons cuz uh if you don’t know it’s uh you might think that it’s pronounced diamonds but if you actually look into the spelling it’s it’s Raymond but um yeah let’s uh go ahead grab some of those grab some of these at some point the channel in jokes get so far that I don’t think anyone understands them I think Raymond’s definitely got there a long time ago but uh look how much there is I spent so long struggling for this chat and now I have a lifetime supply I have a legitimate lifetime supply or a medium lifetime supply let’s say and so now we just grab the Redstone get out and then start causing natural disasters everywhere I’m going to make at least a few earthquakes like we’ve got nine Cobble deep SL that’s a lot of Cobble disasters um you now need to consider that I am I’m I’ll just I’ll use the wood I have wood for a reason right I try to save wood for more valuable causes but sometimes life is what life is and you end up like this so yeah if you’re curious as to what happened um what we’re going to head back to the surface we’re going to cause a lot of earthquakes once we get there if you’re curious as what happened I think I mentioned on my last stream I think it was last Thursday maybe Friday I was like oh yeah there’ll be a bit of a week Gap I had a trip to the Middle East plant I was going to go to Jordan uh it was going to be a lot of fun uh I mean I hope it was going to be a lot of fun but um you might have heard about a news story the same time that I did um which was about 6 hours before my flight which is that uh a lot of countries in the you know this this is a shocking Revelation no one was expecting it but apparently there’s a bit of a disagreement between some of the countries in the Middle East uh and they decided to send bombs to each other but because they sent those bombs VI each other’s assp what’s what’s happening why am I dying I don’t understand how do I avoid this um okay that’s how is it an underground dust storm what just happened okay I’m going to put my stuff in the furnace first oh I can’t do that cuz I don’t have I’m just going to sneak in grab that put some of this in there my last piece of coal and just uh enjoy enjoy how it is you’re doing great Says Z thank you so um you know I never judge your choices but you up danger me yeah so what actually happened uh if you’re curious about the uh assuming you mean in real life is um I was entirely willing to just go anyway because there was between two countries that weren’t involving my country like when I was going to Jordan uh it’s it’s very stable as far as M least is concerned um but they closed their airace just as like a solidarity move basically like to prevent more attacks happening and uh so I was denied boarding to my flight and so I was there halfway between my plight in Sweden and uh the airline company were being really weird about it they just said you can’t go and we’ll email you at some point and then we’ll let you know what to do there and that’s the weirdest thing when trying to board a flight is just being told like oh we don’t know what to do about you so just like we’ll email us later and we’ll work it out uh because in general like that’s a way of saying Go away we’re busy right it’s not a solution to any problems uh it is merely the lack of solutions to problems so I’m actually going to cook up my deep slate now I think that’s the most important thing to cook up and then I’m going to use a crafting table to make a redstone block so I can make a disaster button thing and then some other stuff so my Cobble deep slate did not in fact cook so we’ll just take that with us and let’s try and get out of here healthy and alive that’s that’s got to be my goal for right now come on there’s so many disasters there’s so many of them chat what is what is right now do you think is it acid rain again I just got past acid rain oh no it’s a lightning okay that’s great I feel like this is quite dealable in the ground scheme of things uh oh is it a tornado actually chat what do you reckon happening right now so I’m going to make some lightning rods um we’ll yeah we’ll make a redstone block and then we’ll make a a couple of lightning rods and then I’m going to make the disaster alerter I think just be cool to have wherever we go a disaster alarm you anim suppressions want me to be subscribed keep being you brother thank you I animated Expressions is an interesting thing to say doesn’t everyone have animated Expressions I think when you’re okay oh what okay lightning struck terrible very bad not good all good okay I’m just going to sleep in this bed again we going to get we’re going to be much better in the morning and hopefully the weather will be too no the weather is entirely independent of that which is fine I guess this is okay I have no issues I definitely should have gone in the in the C I agree that oh look it petrified a tree oh we got a new wood type chat look at this look at this we got burnt wood oh it it doesn’t turn into burnt planks it’s just look I got some burnt wood over here beautiful new block so it’s not just a lot of these add-ons are onetick ponies but this is actually not a one trick pony this is oh and look you can see the earthquake oh I mean yeah the earthquake right it made a giant Ravine and that Ravine was actually useful it uncovered coal copper and iron who was killed by lightning uh it’s that’s my new name uh Shentel just so you know hope you’re familiar um tornado sounds like storms yeah I I do not know the sounds of my disasters apparently so it’s it’s over here but yeah it’s cool cool seeing all the disasters so quickly we haven’t seen blizzard yet so I want to see that and then I’m going to activate a ton of earthquakes my basic plan here is just uh be as crazy as possible and you better believe that is a plan that is going to be enabled soon okay so hippy hoppy I have to worry about my property and then oh yeah we got we okay so let’s let’s do some declustering Gone Gone 14 seats gone uh two dirt maybe 10 Deep slight definitely need gunpowder would be nice actually it’ be cool to see if it like does anything cool later and then we can pick up the Torches we can pick up the second crafting table although we actually going to make a disaster controller first so we type in disaster and we make two of these oh they they don’t stack and then we put the earthquake back in here and we’re ready to yeah we’re going to go off and find a a disastrous biome now should be fun I’m going to eat rotten flesh until I switch out to beef and I am very excitable uh with regards to this chat because I am about to inflict Ravines upon the world honestly this is the sort of thing that makes me wonder how it would be on my let’s play world too got to say really got to say okay so Jordan was part of the effort to repulse the event but the weekend it was natural considering the number of sandur and best points in the middle so anyway the the important thing about that is not the actual geopolitics of it but I was denied boarding on a flight um and uh the Aline was just being really weird about it they weren’t giving any they weren’t being committal they’re like just wait and see but it’s like you can’t just wait and see in an airport all day um so went back to the hotel kind of chilled and I was like wait a minute actually um I’m in Sweden I I if if you recall the last time um I called uh last time me and Ora did a stream together um I I me I I mentioned briefly like I’m in stockh home but like only for a few hours it’s like a shame like we keep almost seeing each other but not and um basically I sent my M I was like oh yeah my flight got delayed so I’m accidentally in Sweden and he was like I’m actually not in Sweden right now um as it so happened he was on a trip himself um one that hadn’t been cancelled uh thankfully but um yeah we uh we actually so or reper if you don’t know he’s a friend of mine a gameplay developer of Minecraft um the the the fun term he uses vanilla team um also this is definitely a lava pit yeah that’s the lava pit right there let’s let’s go into it let’s uh let’s remove some blocks that we don’t need let’s place down a crafting table I think I’ve got some iron on me right I do oh no okay so this is lightning lightning is bad for me I want to avoid it at all costs have how do I do that get in the hole Place one of those above my head this is my house for a little bit now and in here I can enjoy I don’t know smelting up some sticks yeah we’ll make a ton of sticks actually make a ton of sticks and it takes two sticks to smell one item so if we want to smell two copper or actually we want to SM I think we only want to smell one but we’ll just smell all eight I guess and we put those in there and uh yeah now now we are ready to go to the nether where I will trigger my first birth play I can also get fruit with my rck fles I guess you know it’s it’s nice that we have times like this to reconsider our activities also MPV cribs say Ruby like Sonic to okay let me do the cribs for my house right now okay so let me introduce you to the furnace room it’s the main room when you enter the house it’s pretty good and then on the other side of the room we have crafting section as you can see this is where I craft things like a bucket if I wanted to go to the nether I can also turn my burnt wood into something I it’s got to be useful for something right there’s got to be some recipe that uses it is there a way to know or do I just yeah I just I just have burnt wood now it’s nice you know let’s let’s put this in my house actually let’s have some burnt wood over here and some burnt wood over oh no over here there we go okay so look at my floor decorations and my wall decorations and now we can finally leave well you know not that I wasn’t enjoying it in here but thank God I can finally get out uh except where do I get out I guess this way looks good jump on the crafting table and that was my MTV CP so obviously that was just a starter home until I uh later settle down for real seies but I want to trigger an earthquake in the ne thirst if you’re if you’re curious as to what my current goal is that is it and it is going to be fun it’s going to be a very crazy one but that’s an important part so let’s break this okay yep it’s a it’s it’s just way lower down than I expected so we should actually break from over here I think yep and place a dirt and one of these and break one of those and then we’ll just we’ll just let this mess up rather than usually what I do is I like have some semblance of doing this the speedrunning way in this sense we’ll just be like oh no it looks like we’re going to make a mistake and that’s going to burn all the lava but it is also going to make this more possible so then we break both of these Blocks place some lava there and some lava over here then we’re going to move the blocks over here I’m going to make sure that it can’t flow this way just in case cuz I really need this lava to stay yeah it was in fact going to flow that was a tactical decision then we go on the other side one two and three and then we’ll do the top two blocks next or finally I guess so top block here and block goes over here and I I think if I did that yeah we did that correctly and so we just remove this block jump up here get some wood oh no we can’t use the the petrified wood for this but I don’t have a flint and steel chat but I do have gumption and more importantly I have lava and some wood so let’s just activate the wood and by activate I mean light on fire obviously we’ll maybe start we’ll Place some fire over here we need to make sure it goes on top at the same time we’re going to cook a pig or two you know cooking pigs is always important key part of civilization and then as soon as the fire spreads we can come on the earthquake no not right now earthquake there are things going on okay so we’re going to try on this side to to make a a thing happen too oh no I placed it wrong let me unplace you okay there we go nether Portal’s ready um so I want to see this natural disaster happen though okay there it is there it is it’s tearing through the lava pit interestingly oh that’s so cool oh yeah that’s so cool just don’t destroy my NE portal and I’ll be fine I feel like it will be a bit targeted if it goes through that but yeah right now it seems to be struggling a little bit is there is there even destruction okay wow that was actually really cool um again I I feel like that’s it’s a fun explanation for why there are Ravines in the world so yeah that was what a earthquake looks like in the overall now we’re going to trigger an earthquake in the Nether um if it works actually Chat Place your bets right now do you think this will work can you place an earthquake in the nether would they spawn here naturally oh perfect this is so perfect okay so I’m just going to do it I’m just going to I’m not going to consider the consequences I’m just going to activate it earthquake is currently at oh and you don’t need to you can just trigger it whenever you want Oh interestingly interesting I would say so right now things are fine um I imagine there’s going to be some not fine happening soon or maybe the earthquake is triggering in the Overworld right now yeah I don’t really see any signs of an earthquake yeah it says earthquake is active lag Quake um yeah it is very laggy here so yeah I don’t don’t think you can do earthquakes in the nether I think that is the thing to conclude here okay maybe it’s still happening in the Overworld yeah let’s let’s let’s make sure the Overworld one isn’t still happening um it’s probably affecting the never roof never can’t into earthquakes Ro it it’s true apparently okay so let’s get out of here yeah I think there’s an earthquake here right I hear the noises of it but where is it happening I’m so confused yeah the the world is shaking no it’s just the noise yeah I think we broke Minecraft it’s like it’s shaking is it happening somewhere that we can’t see but is nearby bro is uh built like Google dos I don’t know what that means I I would love to know if that is a compliment or not you know build Google Docs is a is a seriously good form of uh s seriously good uh form of uh document service one that should be appreciated by all really so yeah I think I should go back to my bed and sleep or commit to being in the ne for a bit yeah okay so let’s let’s go trigger an earthquake in the nether now we know the over world is is definitely done let’s see if it will work this time so apparently it lags when I get in the nether sorry about that internet uh now took much more like a PowerPoint I think you mean Google Slides oh no I’m dead apparently I don’t know why I’m dead okay something there we go it’s a zombie well that’s interesting isn’t it not sure how you got here oh that was so laggy earthquake is currently active so I’ll hang out for a bit see if maybe I can solve it that way oh yeah they get Minecraft does okay so I’ll set down my disaster alarm this would let me know if there was a earthquake active and there clearly can’t be cuz it’s not going off yeah Checkmate it must be on the never roof I don’t think it is though cuz again I’ve got I’ve got the tool that should let me know and there is no sign of a disaster happening here it’s a cool item by the way right can we all agree this is like a nice little thing Minecraft should have something like this like a a storm detector but yeah this was a small waste of my time but just a small one you know it’s like a just just a little just a little waste not a big waste everyone has waste like this somewhere in their day so let’s go back um so he’s definitely a Google Maps is Mr what y thank you that that is the most valuable service I’ve started noticing recently though of Google Maps can I just say I want to I want to be the first one to mention this um but Google Maps is like it’s really hard to actually find certain businesses on Google Maps and it’s crazy the whole like you can have sponsored placement on it um but uh yeah it does affect how people actually do things so I’m going to I’m going to put the disaster alarm down down oh so the disaster alarm is not accurate and also no the so the earthquakes aren’t actually triggering when I say they are this is a big floor in the entirety of the system but it’s one we will ignore because it’s what we choose to do yeah a bit of a bum all thing’s considered the unless there’s a better way to use these they don’t seem to actually place where you think they’re placing like it might be activating somewhere in the world but definitely not over here so let’s eat some raw mutton I went for all that work to get my health up and now I wasted it all but that’s fine I’m just here to sleep and then find a better part of my world okay can’t rest there are monsters nearby I’ll fix that I in fact I I’ll fix that by sleeping a little closer to home and hoping that there’s no zombie attack in my sleep every one block in the never it’s eight in the Overworld so um is a happening ways off oh yeah that’s a good theory that maybe they do some weird translation about where the disaster should happen based on that just going to let this creeper explode um but yeah I think we’re going to go this way just in the hopes of finding something fun to earthquake although actually let’s test this here is my disaster alarm here’s trigger earthquake chat Where is the where is the disaster I want to know I want to feel alarmed about a disaster right now um not going to lie I’m a bit disappointed the update didn’t drop uh yesterday or today says deadly voltage free yeah I I totally feel you on that one I I do think that the uh oh I do think it would have been cooler if it was yesterday but I I think that I think they have a different deadline than we think by the fact that they’re still doing pre-releases and not like hurrying out a a uh a release candidate they the I one of the developers said something really interesting on Twitter uh kind of referring to that so I I do think that they they have plans just those plans are quite a ways off what we imagine those plans to be and that’s that’s entirely fine so let’s go in a boat cuz boats are safe from natural disasters you never have natural disasters on a boat chat it’s just a widely known own thing then we’ll turn these into planks and turn this and this into a stick just to get rid of the inventory stop and let’s go on a journey um what’s so special about yesterday says zav it’s just the Tuesday we just assume updates released on Tuesdays I love that before I could even roll my eyes at the troll comment they were deleted good job mods says ninja acrylic yeah we have really good mods on the stream I think it’s a it’s a really hard line to draw because it’s easy to say why can’t anyone just comment anything all of the time and the answer is that you can comment anything anywhere all of the time but to have any sense of community anywhere you have to say Okay well this is allowed here you need to give people spaces to do that so I think you know trying to ban it from everywhere is an insane idea um like even the most I I I think you should be able to say the most crazy out their stuff somewhere on the internet where there are other people who agree and want to hear that but there are places where it’s just like oh yeah you’re being you I one of the things which I think is most surprising is the fact that your emotions really affect how people see you like if you go into interactions of a lot of positivity people respond with a lot of positivity and they you you kind of add to their day whereas when you’re kind of negative immediately at people they just come back at you like yeah well I you know like you maybe you have a right to be negative like they’ll they’ll come back to you of the same emotion you throw at them basically for like a lot of the world and I think that’s really interesting also I’m going to trigger another earthquake now earthquake is currently active also there’s been no natural disasters since right did we did we do something wrong I’m going to turn earthquake off and I’m going to turn earthquake on and then we’re going to trigger it now chat I I think trigger earthquake has broken broken this whole add-on I think we haven’t had a natural disaster since and I I don’t think that is a coincidence so yeah I I I to to give my overall thoughts um to to to to rank to to give this uh overall review I would say honestly the natural disasters is really cool as a thing to avoid I wouldn’t turn it up to five I would say set it to one maybe two if you want to see like a few more of them or go free if you want to go crazy but like I would say set it to one of the lower settings turn them all on and then genuinely try to uh survive through them and it’ll be a nice thing that happens you know four or five times in average run of Minecraft um and if you’re trying to build it might be like a cool little uh bonus have you tried turning off and on again yeah I think I might need to do that actually let’s let’s turn it off leave the game and turn it on again see if that doesn’t result in something good for us we’ll turn up simulation distance like I said there’s huge benefits to this it’s something I really am quite passionate about and uh yeah let’s do this tidal wave tsunami I would love to see a tsunami honestly so keep streaming on YouTube twitch sucks Wang I uh so let’s let’s trigger it now oh it happened okay chat we fixed it the natural disaster alarm isn’t going off but something just happened right no no it sounded like something happened um Mojang making add-ons of the shop was a really good idea if only they could give money to free creators though what’s crazy is the free add-ons are better right this is uh this is a real problem with the way that um like at I again something they’ve kind of um it’s something they have been uh good about at least acknowledging they’re not pretending it’s not true but um yeah I recently I I I hired one of the best add-on creators that exists and um you know we we we started uh working uh to together and he was like here are all the things I can do with add-ons if we don’t go via the marketplace uh you know that I’ve been doing so far but because we need to follow these rules here’s what we have to take away um and I remember that we we we had this really cool great first idea and we just have to scrap it cuz we’re like yeah the way that this works is is not very viable also I want to destroy this with an earthquake chat is that so much to ask I’m going to put down my disaster alarm I’m going to leave and I’m going to join again and we’re going to see if maybe just maybe it’ll work uh will there’ll be no stream tomorrow since says one today says uh Pat I think we’ll be good tomorrow but we’ll see okay there we go I hear an earthquake happening I assume Maybe I’m Wrong yeah no I’m wrong well that’s nice it looks like we got a a nice viny Village over here so that’s cool I guess you like a nice viny Village chat it’s probably a mix of No Limits and passion of profits but still needing money so ad rev I I think the um I think passion over profits and profits over passion are really interesting balances right I I had a really good conversation recently in my in my time in Sweden cuz I I met with who went to the Mojang HQ had a really interesting discussion about basically that and it’s interesting because as employees there is a certain vision for Mojang that is different to how maybe you know the the corporate world might have a vision which is different to what the con the consumers might want also yeah this is such a lame ending but it turns out if you you actually do what the game tells you to do you will break the add-on um if I want acid rain I need a spider I so my pad for getting rid of that if I want blizzard I need a snowball if I want to trigger a tornado which is definitely the coolest one I need a phantom membrane but yeah um bit of a shame All Things Considered I was looking forward to going around and destroying the world but this is the thing about add-ons you’ve got to keep in mind as cool as this add-on was as much as I could say I would recommend it in theory uh if you’re willing to pay that much for it you can spend $8 a full third of the cost of Minecraft and get something that just doesn’t work and if that is fine with you that is what I would say otherwise I would say uh you know like something worth testing before I don’t know putting out there but I also think that you know like this is a inevitable thing about uh add-on stuff is it’s done by a small team spark Universe does otherwise very good content and I’m sure that this will be fixed at some point which is a cool bonus to add-ons with that said I hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s live stream if you did don’t forget to check out my next one I’ll leave a there’s I’ll leave a link to the unlisted live streams playlist in the link down below and uh yeah there’s been no video there was no video yesterday because um I PL I was sure it would be the update we planned that in the schedule and there’s no video today because honestly dumb reasons like I I I I recently started scheduling and uh like uh you just make sure that everything gets coordinated but we had a mistake with some no anyway with that said uh you know I I I am also working out internally like how to uh balance things creatively between uh some stuff and so with that said I hope that you will enjoy today’s live stream hope you found it interesting because I’ll see you in the next one goodbye this is this is this is what happens every morning

This video, titled ‘INSANE DISASTERS Add-On – Full Playthrough’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-04-17 19:41:44. It has garnered 13717 views and 638 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:02 or 4262 seconds.

Minecraft but I pay $8 for insane disasters

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  • ThreadCraft: Infinite Server, Endless Fun!

    ThreadCraft: Infinite Server, Endless Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a server so grand, Optimized for play, with threads that expand. A tale of refactoring, a system so fine, With chunks and entities, in a design so divine. Started with a cache, recently used, Chunks around players, always infused. But entities brought a challenge, a twist in the plot, Threads working together, but not in a knot. Merged the threads, simplified the map, Loaded chunks, entities in a snap. No need for mutexes, a smoother flow, A system so clean, with room to grow. Now onto multi-threading, a concept so vast, Infinite threads, a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Nostalgic Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Nostalgic Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. While watching the YouTube video titled “People are like a trident, useless without loyalty,” it’s clear that loyalty and community are important aspects of any gaming experience. At Minewind, you’ll find a welcoming community of players who are dedicated to creating a fun and inclusive environment for all. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More


    BEN 10 MINECRAFT SERIES Minecraft: NOVA SÉRIE DO BEN 10 ‹‹ S5João ›› The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as a new series featuring Ben 10 has been introduced by S5João. This innovative Mod Pack brings a fresh perspective to the game, offering players a unique experience filled with adventure and heroics. Exploring the Ben 10 Mod Pack The Ben 10 Mod Pack introduces players to a world where heroes reign supreme. With the powerful hero Ben 10 at the forefront, players embark on thrilling quests and face formidable challenges. The mod pack adds a new layer of excitement to the game,… Read More

  • Crafty Flash: Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Crafty Flash: Minecraft Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, a hero rises high, With speed and agility, reaching for the sky. I’ll turn into the Flash, lightning in my stride, With every step I take, I’ll conquer far and wide. On the journey to greatness, I’ll craft and build, Exploring new lands, my destiny fulfilled. With each block I place, a story unfolds, In the realm of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join me on this adventure, let’s make history, In the world of blocks and pixels, where we’re free. I’ll become the Flash, with powers untold, In Minecraft’s vast world, my… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bridge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Bridge Tutorial Minecraft Automatic Bridge: A Game-Changing Feature Gamers, readers, listeners, explorers, and the YouTube family of WITH ASHISH, get ready for an exciting Minecraft feature – the automatic bridge! This channel offers a unique blend of gaming, education, narration, storytelling, guides, and tutorials. Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon for all the latest updates. Exploring Minecraft’s Automatic Bridge Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? The automatic bridge feature is here to revolutionize the way you navigate the game. Say goodbye to manual bridge-building and hello to seamless, automated bridge construction. Key… Read More

  • Roblox Minecraft Simulator Prank?!

    Roblox Minecraft Simulator Prank?! Minecraft Simulator in Roblox?! – Mining Simulator Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience the world of Minecraft in Roblox? Well, look no further because the mining simulator offers just that! In this simulator, players can mine blocks, buy and sell items, and explore various maps. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this unique game. Exploring the Mining Simulator Just like in Minecraft, players in the mining simulator can mine blocks to collect resources. These resources can then be used to buy and sell items within the game. With 6 or 7 different maps… Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed!

    Cave Craze: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed! In the depths of the cave, Flickarity did roam, Facing spiders and skeletons, all on her own. Mining for iron, with courage and might, Crafting new tools to aid in her fight. But the cave was dark, and dangers did lurk, With creepers and witches, ready to smirk. Flickarity pressed on, with nerves of steel, Searching for spiders, for string to reveal. In the midst of chaos, she found her way, Through tunnels and caverns, where monsters did play. With each new challenge, she stood tall and strong, In the world of Minecraft, where she truly belonged. So let’s… Read More

  • Introducing Gareyn Mowzie’s New Mob & Boss

    Introducing Gareyn Mowzie's New Mob & Boss Mowzie’s Mobs Introduction: New Mobs & Boss Introduction Mowzie’s Mobs is a Minecraft mod that introduces various mythical creatures into the game. With unique artificial intelligence, rich atmosphere, and smooth animations, it offers an excellent gaming experience. Key Features – **Ferrous Wroughtnaut:** A knight found in underground mines or dungeons with 40 hit points and unique mechanics. – **Foliaath:** A predatory plant that defends itself and provides resources when defeated. – **Frostmaw:** A giant creature found in snowy biomes protecting an ice crystal. – **Umvuthana:** A mob gang consisting of Umvuthana Raptor and Umvuthi, the Sunbird, with intricate interactions…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Rich vs Poor Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Rich vs Poor Battles! Are you a fan of Minecraft content creators like Berkant? Do you enjoy watching videos that showcase the fun and creativity of the game? If so, you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of activities to enjoy, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of the Minewind community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Explore the vast world of Minewind and embark on epic adventures with your friends. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. From building your dream home to battling fierce mobs, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey on the Minewind server. Don’t miss out on the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mastery Mayhem!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mastery Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, the choices are vast, Between Window and Java, which one will last? Microsoft or Mojang, where do you stand? Forge and Mods, do you need a hand? Survival, Creative, or Hardcore, oh my! As a beginner, which one should you try? With Shader installed, your world will shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, let your creativity take flight! Read More

  • These ore portal leads me to the Nether! 🔥

    These ore portal leads me to the Nether! 🔥 These ore portal leads me to… a never-ending cycle of procrastination and sleep deprivation. Thanks, Minecraft! #minecraftstruggles #miningforhours #whoneedssleep Read More

  • OcTo Gamerz Fleet Bhai’s Hilarious Scam

    OcTo Gamerz Fleet Bhai's Hilarious Scam Minecraft Adventures with Fleet Bhai: Unraveling the Scam The Diamond Dilemma As the sun sets in the pixelated world of Minecraft, Fleet Bhai and his companions find themselves embroiled in a diamond-related conundrum. Jack, the daring adventurer, had requested diamonds, only to witness a shower of these precious gems falling from the sky. Amidst the chaos, Fleet Bhai’s quick thinking led to a jackpot of 64 diamonds and three more, surpassing all expectations. The Quest for Wealth With the unexpected windfall in hand, Fleet Bhai and his crew set out on a quest for even greater riches. Their journey… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await!

    Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an intense battle between Ravagers and Wardens in Minecraft. The sheer excitement and adrenaline of the fight left us craving for more epic Minecraft adventures. If you’re looking to experience thrilling battles, challenging gameplay, and a vibrant community, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine joining a server where you can engage in epic battles like the one we just witnessed. With the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world filled with endless possibilities and excitement. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and… Read More

  • Creating Country Flags in Minecraft

    Creating Country Flags in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Flags Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the opportunity to create and explore a multitude of designs, including flags representing various countries. One such flag that caught the attention of gamers is the Ireland flag. Creating the Ireland Flag The process of crafting the Ireland flag in Minecraft involves a combination of creativity and precision. Players meticulously place blocks to replicate the green, white, and orange stripes that symbolize the Irish flag. The attention to detail and dedication to accuracy make this task both challenging and rewarding. Engaging with the Minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FAIL! Surrounded By Lava in Sky Factory 4 – Ep. 10

    EPIC Minecraft FAIL! Surrounded By Lava in Sky Factory 4 - Ep. 10Video Information [Music] d [Music] good evening welcome everybody thanks for coming back to hang out with me in another Minecraft stream uh today we are jumping back into Sky Factory 4 uh kind of where we left off but uh I mostly just made up a little bit of resources today uh today we’ve got some goals to do some experiments to runs and some things to get get into so I’m excited about it I cannot find a way to turn off step assist so it’s been driving me crazy all day Hello Steven Z and Teresa welcome… Read More

  • Exploring Dusty Depths in Minecraft

    Exploring Dusty Depths in MinecraftVideo Information Roxy imagine if me and you had a Lamborghini we could be driving down the road picking up the girls being super swag bro our life would be amazing if we had a Lamborghini yeah I would drive like a billion miles per hour yes sir but there’s a big problem me and you are completely broke we have no money and we’re never going to have money yeah this sucks we need to find a way to make money Roxy that’s it’s not how life Works you’re acting like an opportunity to make money is just going… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Speedrun World Record! #28” #trending

    "Insane Minecraft Speedrun World Record! #28" #trendingVideo Information this is day number 28 of mining a vertical air Minecraft for every subscriber I gain until we break the world record for the most amount of blocks mine today we have 932 subscribers which is 31 more than we had yesterday back up on the surface here we got four rows of 16 equaling 64 layers in total so we’re going to do a couple extra for you guys to earn the subscription so without further Ado let’s get to [Music] mining all right and just like that we got our 64 layers mined out from surface… Read More

  • ALONE at Night in Minecraft – INSANE viral video!

    ALONE at Night in Minecraft - INSANE viral video!Video Information वो माफ्ट प्लेयर जो हमेशा नाइट को स्किप करते हैं सो गाइस एक काम करता हूं मैं अपने सारे सामान को कलेक्ट कर लेता हूं और फिर चलता हूं अपने एडवेंचर के लिए एक सेकंड रात हो रहा है अ एक काम करते हैं हम लोग आज सो जाते हैं आप लोग ऐसा मत सोचना कि मैं मॉब से डर गया ह मैं थोड़ी ना मॉब से डरंगा बस स गाइ आज मेरा थोड़ा पैर दुख र This video, titled ‘the one who always skip their night #shorts #minecraft #viralvideo’, was uploaded by OP X ALONE on 2024-04-26… Read More

  • Insane Red Mushroom Build Tutorial!

    Insane Red Mushroom Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Red Mushroom V5 | How to build’, was uploaded by QEOTi on 2024-03-16 17:12:16. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:56 or 176 seconds. ➜How to build Red Mushroom in Minecraft ➜Author: oofbuilds ● Shaders: Complementary Unbound r5.1.1 ● Texturepack: Unity If you enjoy that kind of creation / creations in minecraft, you could like and subscribe to my channel for more! 0:00 Show 0:03 Material list 0:08 Building 2:35 Interesting videos Read More

  • Cheating with XRAY in Epic Mob Battle!

    Cheating with XRAY in Epic Mob Battle!Video Information today we’re doing a mob battle but I’m going to be secretly cheating using x-ray so I can see straight through this wall and see exactly what mobs Grace is placing I even have these cameras so I can see her from the other side Jamesy are you ready to do this m battle yep I’m absolutely ready let’s get started but I should also put mention that there’s a prize of $500 if you win well Sophie as you know we’re cheating using x-ray so we can see what she’s placing let’s take a look and wait… Read More

  • 🔥 Chaos in 30 Seconds! Watch KompotikIvun’s Fashion Review Now! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 Chaos in 30 Seconds! Watch KompotikIvun's Fashion Review Now! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information обзор уникального Minecraft мода за 30 секунд часть семь поехали Born and Kills мод добавляющий много новых построек мобов и оружия новые уникальные структуры полные мобов и крутого лута новые дружелюбные и враждебные мобы Некоторые из которых имеют перевоплощение после смерти парочка боссов и мини-босс сов каждый из которых потрясающе анимирован и имеет особое поведение и атаки много новой брони и оружие также установив мод Battle Combat оружие из мода заиграют новыми красками приятной вам игры This video, titled ‘Обзор Мода за 30 Секунд! – №7 Born In Chaos #shorts #ruvtuber #minecraft #майнкрафт #витубер #игры’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • UNLIMITED TREASURE with Sigils in Minecraft!

    UNLIMITED TREASURE with Sigils in Minecraft!Video Information hi dudes welcome back to another episode of Minecraft Nations uh my bad I told you guys you got 10,000 likes we do another episode then I saw your comments like s you promised it where is it my bad guys I was sick for a week and I just I didn’t have the energy to do this episode but I’m back I’m alive and yeah you guys know the deal if you get 10,000 likes I do another episode if you do less than 10,000 I don’t so figure it out so hit the like button if… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Yabusame Sand Art!! 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Yabusame Sand Art!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”ハチ”のサンドアート 【マイクラ/マインクラフト/Minecraft】 #shorts’, was uploaded by やぶさめ / Yabusame on 2024-01-09 22:00:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Bee” Sand Art I’m wondering if it’s called a bee or a bee #Minecraft #Minecraft #Minecraft #Mine … Read More

  • MysticLink

    MysticLinkWelcome to MysticLink Network, your Minecraft haven of limitless creativity and adventure. We offer stunning builds, custom plugins, and a unique shop system. Our cosmetics and player level systems ensure a standout experience for all. Explore 678 player quests and conquer dungeons for epic rewards. Player ranks add depth, and our loaded crates offer rewards for every achievement. Experience a unique death system and delve into the Black Market for mystery items. The Ancient Traveler brings daily treasures, and our land claim system protects your creations. With 63 custom menus and the ability to mine spawners at higher levels, our… Read More

  • Crafttomuck S2 Modded Create Survival SMP Creative Skyblock 18+ Whitelist

    Welcome to Crafttomuck! Hello everyone! Crafttomuck is a long term Create mod focused SMP. We are a no griefing, no stealing, good vibes only kind of server. If you think you can follow those rules, and a few others, then we’d love to see you on! We also have 2 other servers: a Creative server and a Create Mod Skyblock server. You are welcome to use the creative server for any building/testing needs. The skyblock server is for players looking for a challenge and working together with others! Stop by www.crafttomuck.com to find the invite link to the discord where… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Java players be like “redstone op!!”

    Looks like the Java players are shining bright like a torch in a dark cave with this meme! Read More

  • “Blazing Portal UPGRADE! 🔥” #minecraftmemes

    "Blazing Portal UPGRADE! 🔥" #minecraftmemes When you upgrade your mewing portal in Minecraft and suddenly find yourself in a cat dimension where everything is made of yarn and catnip. #meowtastic #crazycatladydreams Read More

  • Cozy Cottage Chaos: Minecraft Tutorial

    Cozy Cottage Chaos: Minecraft Tutorial Minecraft Tutorials – Cozy Cottage (Part 1) E05 – Our first house Welcome to Episode 5 of the Minecraft tutorial series with Graeme! In this episode, we witness the transition from a humble hobbit home to a beautiful above-ground house. Follow along as Graeme embarks on a journey to gather essential supplies and build a cozy cottage in a picturesque waterfront location. Gathering Supplies and Choosing a Location As Graeme sets out to gather supplies for the new house, he emphasizes the importance of having a bed to sleep through the night. With a need for wood, cobblestone, and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft like the popular YouTuber in the video “MİNECRAFT İYİ GECELER #trend #shorts #minecraftshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting adventures and endless possibilities waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world as you explore unique landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With our custom features and gameplay modes, every day on Minewind is a new and exciting experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting your blocky journey, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • I’m Not Alone in This World | Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

    I'm Not Alone in This World | Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse The Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Introduction In a world where solitude reigns, one Minecraft player finds themselves facing a zombie apocalypse. With no one else around, they must navigate through the challenges of this post-apocalyptic scenario. The Mysterious Encounter Upon waking up, our protagonist hears a strange noise coming from below. Venturing down, they discover another individual in this desolate world. Who is this mysterious figure, and what role will they play in the unfolding events? The Start of Hardship As the day progresses, the challenges of survival become more apparent. Resources are scarce, and the threat of zombies… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Exploring Secret Septer Trees in Minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable: Exploring Secret Septer Trees in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Music] art list IO [Music] music This video, titled ‘Have you know these Septer Trees yet…#shorts #funny #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by EnderByte Shorts on 2024-03-10 14:50:00. It has garnered 210 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. @EnderByte #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #zombiesurvival #boss #weird #gaming #gameplay #games #memes #funny #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #mod #magic #discover #how Read More

  • Potato Madness: New Minecraft Adventure!

    Potato Madness: New Minecraft Adventure!Video Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] hello incredible team members welcome back to another very short live stream so if I go to that then hopefully no is that working welcome in Diego is stream LS working probably not you’re on live uh should be I’ve changed my I might not be feeling the best right now but it shouldn’t be um too different uh right so who’s pinged me no one [Music] m [Music] well I heard um greenet green lopet had uh I heard green lopet and his rat Army nibbled the cables… Read More

  • “INSANE NEW SERVER! Crazy moments in Minecraft server! 🔥” #minecraft #fun #shorts

    "INSANE NEW SERVER!  Crazy moments in Minecraft server! 🔥" #minecraft #fun #shortsVideo Information приглашаю тебя на сервер ун где ты сможешь лампово повышева и провести время на сервере есть бесплатный Донат возможность получения платной валюты много квестов и всяких плюшек IP в описании This video, titled ‘Наш новый сервер! #майнкрафт #приколы #minecraft #песня #шортс #shorts #майнкрафт сервер’, was uploaded by ПЧёл :з on 2024-01-15 03:01:22. It has garnered 236 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Server site► umaland.ru IP servers► mc.umaland.ru Recommended version from 1.12.2 to 1.16.5, but you can play on earlier or later versions Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Episode 2 – New World Exploration!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Episode 2 - New World Exploration!Video Information This video, titled ‘First Minecraft Adventure: Episode 2 New World Exploration and Survival!”‘, was uploaded by Rm Mahmud on 2024-01-14 15:18:57. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Welcome to “Minecraft Marvels,” your ultimate destination for an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience! Dive into the blocky landscapes of creativity, survival, and adventure with this carefully curated playlist that promises endless excitement for both newcomers and seasoned players alike. In this playlist, we embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting world of Minecraft, exploring diverse aspects of… Read More

  • Exploring a New Minecraft World with I_AM_MACO! 😱

    Exploring a New Minecraft World with I_AM_MACO! 😱Video Information hallöchenöchen willkommen auf meinem Kanal mein Name ist mE und wir spielen heute ja Minecraft living in New World und ihr seht das Logo ist gerade ein bisschen weiß weil da ein Filter drauf ist wegen Logo ich kann mal noch mal so machen und so hallo ich habe dabei und zwar habe ich stell und habe den Ben eingeladen und ja ich zeig den Ben mal so ein bisschen hier was ich jetzt gemacht hab ich weiß gar nicht wie spät das jetzt im Game haben wir gehen mal einfach gucken na raus die Bäume hier bleiben… Read More

  • What’s lurking in Hermitcraft 10?

    What's lurking in Hermitcraft 10?Video Information gorgeous what are you doing love why are you not tied up anymore what are you doing if you destroyed my chest gorgeous oh is somebody fting my base thank you stress falce have I um have I done something what have I done gorgeous get off my buttock um oh oh good old CER I don’t know what I’ve done what what have I done and my brain farting right now did I do something I don’t know but uh thanks fo I appreciate it cheers we must do lunch at some point thanks for the uh… Read More

  • Mari Yume scams Minecraft players in SMP!

    Mari Yume scams Minecraft players in SMP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hi everyone welcome hi hello hello how are you all doing today listen listen listen how do I sound today do I sound better I hope I sound better do I sound better I hope I do do I do I sound good I I sound good happy early birthday yay thank you thank you for the early birthday yes that’s right my birthday is tomorrow oh my God yeah I do sound better don’t I oh my God okay yeah I love scamming people let’s go I’m so glad I sound… Read More

  • Duniverce – Ultimate Paladins Mod! 🔥

    Duniverce - Ultimate Paladins Mod! 🔥Video Information [Music] greetings folks St man here R welcome back to Minecraft mods today I really hoped that was looking over there today we’re taking a look at Epic paladins which is mod that adds in all of these armor sets and what we are going to be doing is I’m going to rank them not in terms of how useful they are but in terms of how cool they look aesthetically speaking so before we do that which is going to be fun uh let me just go over all the crafting stuff real quick now this you… Read More