IcyHarry survives 200 days in foggy Minecraft! Mind-blowing

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I’m going to attempt to survive the next 200 days in the updated from the fog where every 10 days I add even more horror mods making it even scarier than the last can I survive until 200 days stay tuned to find out all right day 100 I’m just getting straight into it now I think I should focus on a little bit more wood here I do need wood eventually as well to make the houses anyway so and speaking of which I do I do want levels to make another bat but I guess for now the quickest thing I could do is probably just get a little bit of thing whatever all that’s a big cave love to see [Music] it there somebody’s already here who is it you should be fine all right so for the goal for now is I want to finish up the wall and then right after that I think we can take a break and fight the Ender Dragon which we’ll need the bow for so there’s going to be a few other side quests before we get to the fighting Ender Dragon part but I think that’s the next thing I want to do after building the wall and then once we get back obviously I want to make a a town already after getting elyas and all that stuff so we we we’ll see what we can do oh gosh who the heck are you get out of here die now you die now my friend there’s no need for the Dead AKA you to be alive so a few of you guys might notice that the the combat is different now you know I I want to keep it uh keep it snazzy keep it different I even added some more a audio mods as well just to keep uh keep things fresh and my fov wrong that’s why everything looks so zoomed in gosh darn go Dar gosh she’s already back again change the Dwellers up as well so they’re a lot you know they’re a lot better they’re a lot rarer um so they’re not going to keep spawning 24/7 except the cave crawler looks like he’s kind of a goofing off but everybody should be a lot rarer and I can actually genuinely fight them this time um but even more so than that there’s also really really o gosh get out of here sh Show no time for you OG c deller yeah anyway more so than that there’s going to be super duper rare dwellers that still have the a massive amount of Health let’s just say I lowered it still um just so I can actually genuinely fight them so when they do spawn I will go after them oh that’s pretty cool buddy that’s pretty cool I love it you’re just waiting for me yeah honey I’m home business to take care of so I’ll leave it up to you huh whoa redstone torch what the crap who know that the doar is are actually a little bit rarer I can actually go into caves now without having to worry about anything or at least without worrying about much at least okay you’re definitely a little bit too common as well come on come on you’re nothing then you’re not then come on looks like you’re still a little bit too common I might have made you a little bit I might have made you I might have made you a little too common cuz I never really expect to be in caves too much but you’re a good reminder that uh there’s swers around why not let you live for now is he back again or is that siren head oh gosh it’s my time oh hello what the sigma what’s it looking like out here it’s looking the look laggy that’s what it’s looking like but still the noises are here oh goodness siren you are out here is that you buddy desert underscore how we doing Mr siren hedu anybody else Co want to spawn e possessed husk come on now you’re Brian nothing out of the ordinary okay we Falling Down is kind of out of the ordinary oh I kidding it’s not really ooh switching positions and everything look at the inside of this wall dark abyss of emptiness yeah and I also made sanity a lot easier to gain back all I had to do is just cross this I wanted to make it so campfires give a little bit more sanity as well but that just just not a thing apparently I think it is but I can’t really find that down man all right fine I’ll look at you are you doing okay right so you want to hear my life story it all started when I was three goodness see I’m just I’m just tripping up excuse me Mr villager I’m sorry day 101 as for siren head I do think he kind of just one shots me so can I fight him look at him he has to have at least 1,000 Health there’s no way what are we thinking I just let him be for now he’s walking [Music] away oh my why come on now I just added you back in buddy come on do me a solid all right so I took a bit of a long a bit of a long break just to really get me back to up from the fog Spirit here so I think the first thing I want to do is oh there he is one is definitely try to make a bow again so we can start hitting these guys really far away just keep spawning over there for some reason and another thing is the next few days at least until um day 120 I plan on not sleeping just to see what happens let’s just say there’s a few friends that’s back so I’d like to meet them again and preferably keep him captive isn’t that right Mr siren head I see you so for now about the bow I have no leveles now that’s kind of awkward and this is atrocious absolutely unacceptable there’s no way someone’s actually here yeah okay there we go how the heck did he get even oh wait no wait what it’s just a random chunk the chunks are glitching out again that makes no sense I just need to grab some wood and mend my pickaxe back I guess before and because that’s the cycle I’m going to do for a little while is just level up M my pickaxe keep trying to get more deep just to finish up the wall because the flooring is still not done but the rest is so that’s pretty good after that I’ve been trying to search up some designs I’d like for my castle inside and the Villager houses as well so I’m going to I think I’ll just wing it it shouldn’t really matter I have a few designs in mind let’s see if I can do them all right now I remember I was actually working towards a bow because I wanted to fight the Ender Dragon is it not right Mr Liberian okay so everything’s making a little bit of sense now doesn’t help to have dementia but I still do need a lot of levels before I have to before I can leave so it’s going to be a while I’m pretty sure do I have any ender pearls I doubt I do so now that my pickaxe is mended again time to go back to the Deep slates get some more much of these tentacle guys again what huh he’s here no way Mr silent it’s been a while what what the heck what do you want Mr mimicker come on let’s get you out let’s get you out of here let’s get you out of here jeez man not cool you made me me quck the ground goodness it should be night time Che what day it is actually oh it’s only day 100 okay for some reason I feel like I’ve done a couple of days already right so I’m gonna what the heck is that thing oh my gosh fre can possess villagers making it super duper laggy um okay so I have thorns I think I don’t even remember what were you guys doing then were they attacked that’s why they became possessed okay so I think I have emergency boats here somewhere right or no what’s going on I have some logs I got try to make some boats oh guys whoa hello been a little while huh love it all right here you go come on guys PL oh there’s another one again of course you go there we go we all love boats I should probably just kill you guys but I mean the two Librarians dude really what is oh whoa whoa whoa Mr knocker Mr knocker you are a guy I wanted to see as well um I’d love another boat for you though I don’t really think can get well along with the what is going on goodness you were giving me a massive backr up there glad to see you back though Mr knocker I know I love you too buddy goodness I I really let you slip huh a lot of people reminded me of a lot of okay okay okay okay Johnny Johnny Johnny boy Johnny Johnny boy is in the boat everybody’s just getting in boats okay let’s just make a bunch of more boats then okay everybody loves boats apparently let’s go all right Mr Naka if you don’t mind I guess you can stay with thing and there’s another one again who is it this time what is going on anyway back to my train of thought a lot of people reminded me about the knocker okay okay okay okay a lot of people reminded me about my port animals crap what are they called yeah I think I think that’s a yeah like emotional support animals my llamas from the original from the fog like I can’t believe that let me that slipped my mind right there so I’m also going to try to get those guys back I feel like there’s definitely been like a lot of llamas that have spawned in and just died I completely forgot their lore significance right that’s for you guys are trying not to die on me okay what happened here what happened to all the beds what the heck yeah we’re going to try to slowly collect all the characters back so let’s go back to the mines want at least try to be productive feel like the the original 100 days the first 100 days I didn’t do a lot I mean I definitely I definitely did a lot but it didn’t feel like a lot I mean it’s a long video but overall I feel like there wasn’t much adventuring or anything like that which I’m trying to get better at it’s hard to Adventure whenever you’re always just trying to think critically about you know what’s the best thing to do you’re still on time love it love it I’m going to fight the silence now oh yeah this is the part where there’s like VHS tape the music is still here though he’s a lot more active than I thought he would be you guys think I can kill the silence OHA okay I keep keep forgetting about that bro holy crap see if I can fight him never mind I’m fine amazing and speaking of the silence dude a lot of people loved the full movie I was not thinking that it would do that well so I definitely feel like a season 2 is definitely just around the corner on the final episode I said 2,000 likes and I’ll do season 2 it it’s not even close to 2,000 but uh the full movie is about to get 2,000 so I think I think it should you know count over come on come on I’ll definitely try to do a season 2 on it and there’s also a spin-off I don’t know if it’s a full mod I’ll check it out the silence is not gone yet what the hell was that I’m sorry is there anything oh whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa look like this I’m lagging oh hello you guys are finally back I’m pretty sure this guy’s uh oh my God what what is no oh he’s in a boat I got the freaking man from the [ __ ] a boat there’s no freaking way oh you’re a witch now I love it I’m actually sorry about that so he can get trapped in boats what I was sure it impossible are you serious what is going on did I just look at somebody again who no thank you yo don’t kill the freaking villagers you freaking come on now come on now why are you ignoring me he’s going straight for the villagers love it I’m sorry guys look I can’t really look that way because I kind of just die if FPS hopefully those villagers weren’t that important at least you’re SW wither and Johnny I guess for some reason that’s cool though you can trap the man from the fog well that’s not you know the original man for the f I definitely think he’s just still countdown he looks cool oh it’s St 102 oh so I played a single day and then just took a long nap why okay what song would that be that’s you come on let’s fight then come on come on no need to be afraid no need to be afraid of the dark come on come on now come on what we do it is pry funny that uh the Vols are basically reversed now I think eventually I’ll I’ll bump them up in difficulty the longer the days goes on also just be in killable hello you what are you doing oh I’m going to die amazing love it I love it when I wear my Apple Vision Pros on the dawn of day 102 let just uh down here and uh can I mind a couple more or not I probably get a few more get a few more before my ultimate demise what do we think come on then come on then I wonder if he’s strong enough to onot me there’s definitely a few mobs that could I’m going to Fus one of them I have no idea how people survive his hits probably has to do something with difficulty or something like that okay what is going on I still have it on me oh gosh oh gosh he’s here I hear him what is going on hello holy crap okay now this is spooky look at this so dark and everything who found you are you inable no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not yes you are no you are yes you are yes yes you are hbx is just a bottom of your feet where are you fight Me Like a Man fight me like a man come on come on you got nothing on me I keep I your hit boox is so small let me show it there it is it’s incredibly small freaking shake the ground okay maybe I’m a little bit too overpowered right now just a little bit I am on Hard right holy crap now let’s lock it on hard lock World difficulty yes I’m probably going to regret that very very soon but what’s life but just a bunch of regrets over and over again did anybody cool spawn I can definitely hear somebody oh well right now I think I stairs right make a bunch of stairs and also make a bunch of uh slabs I warned you what is that the freaking silence probably it is I’m kind of regretting putting the Dwellers back so low I mean I think I overall the oh whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa you can save yourself now as you were taught what are you talking about I literally killed the silence dude you guys can’t really make me scared cuz I know if you know you could kill somebody it’s kind of easy is this the same this is not the right one oh my God what did I do what did I do this is not the right one is it nope it’s completely different cool I’m going to guess uh silver this way a s head I could definitely not beat um I didn’t really change anything of his cuz I mean he’s a cool guy I’ll let him be all right then back down here walk all of you in there grab another stash what was that I heard somebody it’s just way too laggy here I think I have to kill the animals they’re all going to turn possessed okay yeah um okay okay yeah it’s a it’s a lot very very laggy can I I wonder if I could one one though I’m going to like be completely insane I think I’m going to die if I try to kill all of them at once cuz they take away just so much sanity good thing I kind of increase the path sanity here let’s just go back to Max I would have preferred the campfire sanity but I I I couldn’t really change it so this this is how I do it now okay is he actually going to spawn or what um does this one shot you it does that’s actually pretty cool then I don’t know how many I I can kill before the one starts spawning in oh fever dream’s going to spawn in I have to kill him Pronto come on now come on now come on now that scared of you I’m sorry once you kill one of them you kill all of them I’m okay okay well you spawned me into the thing hold on hold on this place is actually super duper duper rare so I’d like that okay I’d love to see some stuff out of my way guys out of my way um okay I don’t think I don’t think it’s the proper tool for this can I get some of these this is actually the proper tool for this what the heck is this block I’m going to grab a whole bunch of this block and you can’t stop me you cannot do anything I can’t see further than five blocks why I want to get some freaking VHS tapes and stuff come on come on come on where is it where are the VHS types my friend there should be TVs and stuff here cuz that types all cool love it I love it well you know what they say I got a bunch of that stuff though I think there’s smile blocks yeah smile block okay so I think this one is for thing though fever dream come on that’s not for fever dream I don’t know if it’s the best idea to kill all the animals I prer to keep them but it’s I’m just way too lagy right now okay love it wait is there a hammock ham H no there’s no hammocks I’ll try to get on that hammock let me just get a whole bunch of Sanity before I uh try to kill all the pigs there I think what yeah my ground slam Attack One shots the pigs let’s see how many how many turn into possessed piglins let’s see if I truly am overpowered that’s sad though that I couldn’t find any cassette tapes anywh who you care about this bro right let me just uh gather all of you up to then is that freaking cheepy all right let me just try to gather a few of you guys up guys want to meet Herobrine all right you then there you go I know Mr sheepy I’m sorry there’s a bunch less now in the pens here my goodness this is really laggy though let’s try it there’s one of them that turned into a bad guy where is it wait what wait what what is going on I’m sorry guys look I love you guys a lot it’s just not really maintainable to keep you guys around wow I’m getting really really lucky does this not affect your thing or something oh and I’m also not getting the thing as well interesting I’m also not getting insane so is this just like it doesn’t even count as me killing you guys that’s pretty cool let me just uh finish the job here then wel I’m sorry you guys were supposed to have like a massive barn and I’m thinking I was I’m talking massive you know your average Red Barn kind of house not all things come to uh good people I’m sorry at least pick up your meat oh hello hello hello hello was that fav dream no okay good bun of freaking John’s though I think I have to kill the John’s just in case you guys summon the big one I would not like the Big John here finally I can tear this ugly thing down okay looking at the villagers I’m still pretty [ __ ] but nothing I can do about it villagers just uh take up a bunch Mr biggy you know what here here we go now this freaking ugly thing goes away now I really should be fixing most of those uh things here yeah you know what why not start breaking everything down so my plan is for the middle here to have the castle and then around it is just a bunch of paths connecting all the houses so it’s going to be a pretty big undertaking especially for me cuz I have no idea what I’m doing so let’s just get all these old ones out of here though out with the old in with the new what the heck is this I knew it holy crap there’s a big Gathering of you guys here come on let’s get you guys out of here hope you guys didn’t kill any freaking villagers though goodness what are you guys even trying to do okay out put the houses then should I also kill the sheepers um gosh a lot of blind spawns now huh somebody spawned outside never mind right here oh you killed John what the heck dude not cool how can you guys recognize John but not freaking knocker not saying that you know knocker should die he’s cool is this real are you real my friend oh you’re this one’s tripping out oh you are real what the hell what’s wrong with this guy then get you out of here you should have break these houses too why not everything goes out what was that wait a minute oh goodness oh goodness gracious of course have a dark spot for one second you guys just come pouring in not for the thing though the Villager needs to live okay let’s just go around the Iron Golem so they can help uh you know remove the uh unwanted fellows okay I swear to villager you get to live buddy what a honor to be you huh there you go look happened here though oh man my there we can chest break is that what’s going on goodness being sidetracked a lot here oh yeah this massive especially around the villagers need to light you guys up don’t need you guys to die although at this point right now it wouldn’t really matter all right back on track I keep uh going crazy here I to get back to building so is it no it’s not it can’t be that one I’m going to I’m going to guess it’s bricks is that what’s going on bricks yeah I think it’s bricks yeah hopefully day 103 is there somebody in here no okay the Dwellers are way rarer now this is nice but spoiler for the next video it’s going to let’s just say there’s a lot to do dwellers have a lot to do with the next video and I can’t believe nobody’s done a video about it yet it’s a pretty good idea oh I see him look at him he trying to be opium that’s my guy there’s still the the glitch blocks right there it’s kind of weird oh my gosh finally right now all I need is the spiky Parts oh my go we about to fall asleep I wonder what happens if I grab that uh corrupt thing right there do I actually get the thing t find out tonight a second I’m done placing all these down oh goodness oh my God what the heck dude Jesus not cool man oh my gosh you got me um out I should be able to finish it though I’m going to finish it screw it you guys are all fine now you guys are also fine let’s C you out over be here before anything crazy happens please don’t tell me was F dream okay okay every single time you hear thunder it’s just be dream that annoying little bger is there anybody cool that spawned Mr knocker you doing nice okay everybody’s still everybody’s still chilling that’s good what is that thing what the heck is that what are you that’s pretty cool the zombie can freaking see me from a million miles away though that’s not very cool what was that what is going on what the huh oh those are double gangers this guy though this a Steve right hello haven’t seen you in a while huh what are we thinking okay that’s pretty cool oh goodness I’m sorry look at you I really didn’t mean to do it anybody else cool there’s this guy whatever that guy is is that just a horse is that just a horse hold on that is the that’s not ours well it is oh my gosh what’s up guys are we doing amazing you guys going to summon a big one stop joking around now you guys know you can’t get through the walls I don’t know what you do and hopefully I can get rich enough to just fill this place with iron golems so in in any case that they do uh puncture the walls I’ll be completely fine try my best to not get sidetracked here cuz this is the main goal obviously there’s other ones like you know killing the dragon and stuff like that but other than that it’s kind of it I do want to try to finish this project cuz most of the time I don’t really do that but if the time ever does come to it I think I’m going to have to Tamper my uh goals a little bit not be so ambitious but yeah on day 110 then I’m going to obviously I’ll 100% be start oh I’ll 100% be preparing for the ender dragon fight there you go there’s uh let’s P right there just to get it over with it’s not that there nothing crazy anyway unless it is going to be crazy in there if so then you know we’ll see ideally I should have netherite armor um because there’s a bunch of cool end stuff that I can upgrade it to that’s be fine what are you looking at me for do something about it do something about it what is that guy what the heck is that thing and I know some people say that uh well you can’t be surprised by the Dwellers cuz you already know all of them you’re the one that installed them there are some that’s super duper rare that don’t really spawn so sometimes you kind of just oh no it’s this guy it’s this guy again what do you want buddy and this guy’s well you’re cool I only wish that uh the skin was different over made that freaking mod come on now okay hello hello hello Brian here we go perfect it’s completely uneven uh yeah nobody’s going to notice that somebody down there though hurting the villagers no anybody cool spawning in there no Mr KN still trying to glare at me a bunch of freaking villagers though that’s just standing still for some reason any who I did say I’m going to go check out that uh glitch block let’s go hope I don’t die is there something fancy going on here that’s just a spider okay now this guy this ghost guy here I’m pretty sure he’s just normal if I go towards him he should just disappear hello you’re looking at me you’re looking at me I’m looking at you you get affected by this of course you do I mean you went through the freaking ground dude come on now anybody else though there was a midnight lurker here earlier but I think he’s gone now it’s about to be daytime as well what is that let’s get you out of here my friend oh my goodness Sho shoo get you out of here goodness oh there they are I was wondering where they all went they’re over there there’s this freaking zombie as well get you out of here dude there’s more important business to tend to other than you guys what is that ooh that’s how I get them I going to be killing you guys from now on what the flip this is really good I’m pretty sure oh love you too buddy uh John’s Bane not very good I think this does something really good I don’t remember why it’s good all right let’s try to get you now huh there’s like there’s particles oh I didn’t get it though maybe Sil touch or something oh who holy crap two of them are you guys do you guys see spawn or something yo over here I love you guys I love you guys so much you guys were my most viewed shorts I don’t know why my Tik toks aren’t doing well though I’m going over there there going to be a TV1 and you know who’s going to win baby it’s big pops it’s me I’m going to win two siren heads more like jobless oh yep this one def pay attention to this one this one oh okay yep I got I got both of them Agro okay here we go I’m going to Le you guys straight to my house if you guys can’t catch up then it’s not my problem cuz I’m pretty sure I’ll try to him eventually but heads up I’m pretty sure I can’t kill him I’m just going to Flat outside I’m just going to Flat outside it all you guys coming over oh waa love you guys love it love it love it you know I thought you guys were supposed to lure in your prey um especially because you guys have no eyes you know I thought that’s how it worked but uh apparently this is just how it is um yeah two of you guys going straight at me two two people Mr Mr Cow I’m going schizophrenic Mode come on come on yep is nothing for you guys come on let’s keep going there’s some Johns over here want me to kill them for you nope the Johns are apply gone now oh what the sigma you’ve seen Paradise buddy your cut is a little bit uh too diabolical oh they’re still coming there’s what the heck what I was not expecting this I was kind of joking for you guys I was kind of joking saying you guys should come over you know I wasn’t fully serious about that I thought you guys would despawn after a little while I um you know I’m good I’m good let’s just keep it to ourselves where you guys at that’s my boys that’s my boys right there come on guys don’t let a little bit of water trample your attempts of catching me we all know how it is okay doing the freaking the siren Boogie I love it I love it I love it l taper fade what the sigma um what the sigma um what the sigma I love it guys love it can I damage you guys like this oh I can wow well if you guys want to stay for a while I could uh I could kill you guys like this this one’s running away now though I think you’re going to run away a little bit huh should I try it right now nah let’s watch Until the End see if I am I going to fight him yes kneel before your true king it should be day 104 now completely forgot about that oh Rudolph is here right let’s put these away and then grab some more normal ones and why are you just a single chest now what’s going on that whatever okay so need slabs now brick slab I don’t know if it’s you know what it’s probably better if I just make the slabs like this slab I think it should be fine well I can’t turn it into brick slabs if they’re not okay never mind then what the heck is this that need to someh get rid of that oh good morning to you too so for now I’ll just uh build all this until I’m done and when I am or something cool happens I’ll meet back with you guys hey what is that Alex what the heck that’s cool what’s up buddy what are you doing what are you looking at don’t do anything suspicious what did you just put away what are you doing goodness man from the fog is about to come out I think I should be safe though my villagers don’t die too what’s up Mr knocker hello to to hello and Sir head is over here again yet again oh W hello hello there oh I can see the end never mind that’s not the end darn they’re all cuddled up over there so you guys are getting attacked guys day 105 five more days of no sleeping why did I ever agree to this oh my gosh I’m going to get Phantoms as well whatever it comes with the territory anyway the freaking slabs are done now and I just use my freaking water you’re a fake what do you think you’re doing having a lovely day yeah I can even nudge you and everything that’s crazy that’s for you my friend oh siren head is here I can hear his music what do you think you’re doing Mr siren head let’s see if I can turn it up um this I guess okay but why is there so many Fletchers that’s not doing anything oh gosh all out of freaking wood again time to put my anger out on you midnight lurker get over here you get to die come on what you deserve over here oh what the flip what do you think you’re doing Mr siren head oh he’s definitely going after me now is this really where I have to fight him all right then bring it on Mr siren head I’m probably going to get one shot but Yol you only live once what the freak happened to my freaking what the sigma are you doing man holy crap what the heck is that holy crap how do you deal half my health dude is that fair is that fair doing have my help Mr knocker help me out here goodness oh goodness Mr knocker Mr knocker M Mr Herobrine you oh never mind he’s gone wait what I can still hear him though Mr knocker why did you do anything you’re unbelievable you know that goodness thank you for the knock I do want to know what happens if I just go near a Herobrine here and then give him a little bit of a love tap he just doesn’t care he flew up but uh did not take any damage though that’s interesting he just spawned up there like it’s nobody’s business any we got to get some wood now is there anybody in oh my goodness wa what the heck spiders guess that answers that question got get some freaking coal holy crap that startled me oh hello there are we doing good question is where do I have my coal I have no goal all right so why is this guy possessed again can anybody explain that nobody whatever I seem be then bunch of freaking eyes here oh my gosh is possessed get you guys out of here then what this one what the heck yeah there’s just uh well this is a little bit uh yeah I need to definitely work on this but anyway first off is this and I also need to work on a freaking wall or an entrance I don’t really know where I should put it kind of thinking on these sides cuz it’s shorter here than here but we’ll see when we see I guess oh love it there’s a few things I love in this world and that’s definitely one of it is that Phantoms oh hello oh that’s a lot of that’s a whole lot of you guys okay who’s that as well somebody else just freaking spawned come on then okay one last one come on oh hello oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s actually really bad that’s actually really bad that’s actually ridiculously bad I’m pretty sure you can swim too yep okay love it uh see you in a bit theno that was freaking close holy crap I do not want to lose my levels oh you’re still going after me man with how many dweller copies there are you would think that somebody would use the freaking night dweller man for the fog [ __ ] AI are you going to go away any time soon oh that was a cool that was a cool one oh hello is he coming who are you who are you what the heck is that thing oh that’s a big one what did I do wrong I’d like to go inside now no no no we’re not going to deal with all this today not going to do any of that sort where’s my hole my hole is gone there’s my hole I’d like to block it off please hello there I’d like to keep you in there oh no no no no no no don’t tell me that my villagers are dead oh my that’s a big one what is a big one doing inside of here and what are you doing inside here as well come on don’t act like you’re somebody come on now goodness please tell me my most of my villagers are still alive though is that a freaking zombie possess zombie over there are you possess zombie or Herobine you’re herine that’s fine then are you trying to kill the freaking sheep of all things let’s get you here let’s get you out of here Johnny Boy what are you doing come on then it’s all right you don’t hit like freaking siren head do you come on come on let’s get you out of here okay yeah you do you do not hit like siren head that’s good to know come on I also got to deal with freaking Phantoms now so I’d like you to be fast a bit there we go we you Dr diamonds that’s pretty cool diamonds is pretty welcome is this the last Phantom come on now unbelievable I have to go through those guys today and then five more days after that okay so I’m going to get see other groaning is from the freaking John outside let’s get you out here buddy these are villagers doing fine love to see that I need to go caving in a little bit get some more coal I don’t really want to keep sacrificing wood okay here we go we finally aggroed okay then boat time we all love boats is this guy fake too what are you guys doing man hopefully I didn’t butcher the uh the dweller spawn right cu has been a while and nobody’s shown up yet it’s been 5 days without without sleep as well so it’s a doubl amount of time that they could be spawning but they still haven’t so might have made him a little bit too rare I want to make him too rare at least want to have one D encounter a day is that too much to ask like one doeller encounter a day is is good it uh quenches your dweller dweller needs the midnight lurker though he’s uh he’s definitely still quite active guys everybody wake up it’s stick buying time all right now [ __ ] some bows from you oh I actually can’t trade you now okay and D can’t you just get the freak out of here already dude you are nobody you are nobody you are nobody get out of here where you guys want to sell me a bow two bows please Power Three though is that really necessary to do whatever we’ll just we’ll just keep we’ll just cycle it I guess until I actually do get something good okay Unbreaking 3 is kind of good but I prefer you to have things so I’m a Gambling Man there we go perfect power four Unbreaking three Now where’s the where’s the grindstone they really remove it are you serious oh it’s right here okay I think today oh my gosh Infinity okay we got it then I think today is a good day to go find a natural cave what what what where did you guys come from day 106 what is this wait what this is Oak but these are jungle what the heck did I do that probably right say I did it say I freaking did it I am the one on knock let’s go try to find a ooh hello there definely don’t want you around though look Mr siren head we get it you’re good you’re good for YouTube shorts okay okay yep we love it we love you everybody loves you everybody loves you and cares about you so much we love you so much I’m just going to go with and uh I’m just going to go and completely try to ignore you though holy crap you’re gaining a lot of speed you’re trying to one shot me with your fees you’re not going to do that though you’re just jumping over the freaking vogs are you serious right now oh my goodness that’s right get stuck buddy get stuck get soloed get soloed get no clipped no CLI somebody clip that somebody clip that goodbye asista good there’s a thing over here B it’s time for me to get some coal the legit way I’m more cowering especially cuz barely anything can kill me come on let’s let’s be honest now this is always a good part of the game where nothing can kill you so you want to do everything you can I would like this gold thank you is there another gold there yep okay I’m just swimming in lava for now okay good love it I’d love to get a little bit more another rock though yink all right so now a cave cave cave cave I he’s somebody over here is that C head again come on now what cave can’t be this hard to find there’s some coal right here though love it take some of that coping they get a couple stacks why not oh there’s a ravine here that’s good right ooh this one has a lot of coold though go here first gosh look at these mountains is there a deep dark here I feel like there’s too many mountains now so there shouldn’t be one right what are we thinking love the coal here though holy crap all right right to to be top what is that sound I don’t get it oh hello is that you no that’s not you come on now what is that sound I’ve never heard that sound before look at this freaking desert though I would love to just completely vinm this whole desert it’s not very ethical yeah it’s coming from this way is that just a windigo or something wind goes oh emeralds you iess all right whatever I think it’s just time to go inside of here I don’t have much food so this could be a bad idea we’ll say we’ll see defitely a great amount of coal here though good amount only thing is I wish I could make coal glow even it doesn’t make any sense I mean come on realistically who doesn’t want coal to Glow coal haters that’s to do I have a torch I don’t have a torch I could make a torch though torch some more visibility in here it’s better not to be in the water I know but you know you know how it is it is economy got to get your hands dirty is this an actual like no no yeah there is no actual cave here oh it’s these freaking monster chicken again hold on guys before you kill the whole population come on come on hey you guys still Dro chicken that’s pretty cool okay well fever dreams coming it’s time to put you in your place my friend holy crap I can’t I cannot see you no attacking Wildlife now come on Focus up wa is it going for the sheep first what is wrong with this guy good thing you killed it okay I’m not trying to go for you sheep look I could not care less what you do did you drop it no you did not get out of my way goodness oh man that sucks oh I’m crazy as well I have some wood no what a bad time to be insane let me get some wood make a a shovel and everybody’s starting to creep up now everybody wants to play all of a sudden change your mind guys s her to see her room that’s annoying let’s get the freaking sanity up sanity go up my vision gets Cleaver let’s over the freaking cat in a cave that I keep hearing what the heck what’s up guys how are we doing today it’s lovely lovely day let’s get you out here then oh he’s coming he’s over this way would you guys like to drop your pearls do I have looting on this thing no I guess I disenchanted it what’s up guys oh that’s that’s him right there hello hello my lovely lovely massive friend let work as well everybody starting to pop up nuh we love to see it come on then guys no need to hold back where do keep going dude because the portals this way my house should be this way right do you know that I see you hello you going to chase me now probably not you’re not going to chase an unkillable Target hello there he’s definitely going towards me that’s for sure love to see that is my Farmer still alive by the way I have no more carrots that is fantastic okay a forest but it has leaves that’s not a good sign over here I still leaves he’s watching who do you think that is who are we thinking that is get you out of here let’s see what that is hearing an eerie sound did the freaking knocker just respawn dude come on now Mr knocker you know you’re not supposed to get out the house unless I could actually just completely lure you back having two knockers you know what they say come more the merrier only question is where’s the knocker he should be following me there’s also a slight chance that I lose him okay he’s picking up pace now this a penguin yeah he does not want to get lost okay why is this the only spot with no leaves if we’re thinking about me as a center then it should mean what is that thing hello Mr glowy man I’d like to see what you are what the heck is this huh that’s for you get out of here come on now oh here we go has he picked up PA where is he is love to see you buddy would don’t want to be you hello you see the freaking s over here oh gosh hello I I I’d like to car warranty leave it guys leave it what the heck is going on goodness what the freak was that he stunned me they just left oh hello now saying that I’m completely lost to be an understatement you feel an odd presence watching you is it siren head number two wait a minute that is my old village how far did I go oh I’m time for you Mr s head come on now we love you we love you but uh you know who the heck is this guy hello freaking lers also going for me oh just bringing out everybody huh who’s this Penguin man look at this whole place though this would be so good to mine day 1007 right I was in recording for a while but I don’t think I really missed that much huh what do you think that I love you buddy you hold anything to ow did I move forward I’m pretty sure I didn’t what do I want you to hold want hold a stick for me buddy you don’t want to hold anything you’re not much of a team play are you Mr knocker come on now I got a bunch of coal so I should be able to sacrifice at least a stack of it to uh torches then tonight is the great cleansing I’m going to go uh there’s a bunch of torches on again oh hello what a great place to buckle up in can’t I trade you I can you’re not we stuck though oh man you’re right there all right creepy crawlies where are you here a zombie okay if there if there actually is nobody still by by the end of day 110 then I’m going to have to bump up the Dwellers a bit huh what are we thinking you guys are a little bit too rare now why are you watching me here Brian come on now what the heck oh there’s another freaking Johnny come on now let’s get you out of here my friend got a good amount not too many this time should I just extend it out whatever dude just go all out with it wanted to I wanted to keep it kind of contained cuz I don’t really want too much trees everywhere butun I’m kind of running out of patience here okay why am I losing sanity is it cuz at a little L night time well too bad because I can’t sleep it’s what the people want and the people will get what they want what’s going on is it really night time oh yeah it is okay all right let’s try to stay out for most of the night I kind of do need food though yeah no dwellers I haven’t heard any of their sounds as well yeah look freaking s head is back again like you used to be the freaking rare one I think I just messed everything up royally I just royally messed everything up Bun of freaking guys again hello come on now we can’t have you guys going around oh goodness there’s a freaking thing here too jump scare I get that the wall is uh here to prevent you guys from going in but I still prefer no more freaking John’s going out growing like that massive John in the river and there’s a bunch of you guys aren’t there glad to see you guys are all one hit if I crit D there’s just nothing oh load of nothing he is that thing well anyway I’m going to at least uh going to at least recover my food get some more food I don’t really think there’s a farmer anymore though but who knows I might get lucky can’t even freaking Sprint anymore now where the freak is my hole there you are clock anybody here lava nothing Lo loock anybody inside oh you guys look like you guys killed some people that’s good obviously got to say hi to Mr knocker what’s up Mr knocker knock knock give you a little T tap just as always can’t forget to light this place up as well keep forgetting just need to get some food right any Farmers oh there is a farmer that’s good okay nice let me just get some emeralds for you buddy don’t to mind my oh hello a little bit of assistance here guys what are you talking about you don’t want it you don’t want to trade with me cuz I’m insane that’s pretty typical and I’d like some food now please o dirt Pig Mr funny man stay by my side oh no all right here we go you and I put everything else in the thing but I yes I really just freaking do that BR you you please give me Infinity only infinity and beyond day 108 love it love to see it well you know what that means can I please have another bow thank you very much then I cycle this one through until I get power four again and then this is I think this the last thing I’m pretty sure I should already have all the blaze rods right and all I have to do next is just get under there we go power four perfect all right so the B Saga should come to an end right now I’m pretty sure I should already have enough okay everybody back to work thank you very much all right now next up is what’s this guy called Brewer all right who’s the US you’re the person or whoever picks it is the look person I guess right now it is time for the final thing T of course you also haveo well I guess I could just combine this in hello you have been born to sell red stone I guess and also this yes lapis is also very great for you to sell thank you very much next up glowstone love glowstone how do you know and then please please please okay SC oh I can’t o okay you’re just forcing my hand now huh level up level love your T man oh man well you know what they say do I have any lava here just keep you there for a bit I could probably make just another roving stand but I’m sorry my friend you’re going to have to go you cannot show this much this you cannot show this much disrespect and expect to live where’s the poor soul oh what a smart fellow you are oh my gosh you are incredibly smart all right BR your recruit you’re going to buy Redstone yet again okay wonderful you’re not going to be like the other guy right all right lapis love to see it oh it’s thundering now though that’s a bad thing glow stone and this is one of my favorite things as well I can skip a day even if it’s already daytime unlucky that I have to do this little challenge it’s a little gimmick at this point all this is is a gimmick give me more some please go hey what where you going what do you think you’re doing you’re still on active duty please do o perfect love you love you very much love you very much love you very much is already you guys’ meeting time then why are you not going to this one then that doesn’t make a lot of sense also have some more carrots as well where are you going oh you go this way that doesn’t make a lot of sense do some more PR that pretty good all right so we got the bow speaking of the bow I didn’t um handle it yet so let’s combine the two of them and just do this and this perfect now what should I should I do some spring cleaning then why not a little bit of spring cleaning fix this place up not for these things though let’s get you out of here oh okay love it let’s get you out of here now can we see siren head there’s a freaking what what you doing out there Johnny please don’t tell me he buy the thing again I tell he s’s on the wall again there’s no way right I really got to light that wall up I want to use the lanterns for it though that should look nice what’s up oh you have a friend with you Mr knocker love to see it see you can get along with people all you got to do is just try a little bit it’s not that hard okay did you really have to do that though like if being completely honest did you have to do that I think that was a villager a Fletcher and a jobless villager so not too much of a loss but still a loss is that a bunch of freaking Johns over there oh my god when are you guys going to leave me alone get out of here oh my goodness here he comes the man doesn’t want to give me his freaking teeth are you going to are you serious right now dude dude why does he not fight me though that makes no sense oh my gosh I need to bandaid again wool and paper okay that’s not too crazy then I feel like I made a bunch of those is that a freaking cat bro what the caves HH I have no wool too that’s pretty cool and why does my chest keep disappearing dude I just realized that my chest keep freaking popping away I’m good thing my freaking Woolf f is still alive I just can’t bring myself to get rid of you guys I’m definitely not just holding it off come on guys come on guys let’s be civil about this let me lock the darn door goodness you guys are crazy I need you to I here some hey and where the heck is everybody bro where is everybody Mr dwellers where are you guys it’s been so long come on Mr skeletons goodness you guys are beefy come on it’s time to tussle with a muscle guys we siren head then definitely can’t kill him because he deals just way too much damage probably could bomb down what do you think about that as of right now there’s just no dwellers what happened to you guys how freaking rare did I make them all I literally did was just double their chances like what is that bro what is is that the mole Mr molean I’ve come to kill you now what what come on now come onoo okay you’re you’re wrecking AOC little B you’re wrecking Havoc Mr M man but it’s not enough is not why why are you swimming holy crap oh goodness you are a you’re a big one you’re a biggie you’re a big one why do you keep swimming take this fight seriously holy crap never mind don’t take it seriously I’m not much of a fight holy crap dude what is your hitbox man and why did I turn on hit box oh my good I like this can I not even reach [Music] you okay I don’t know if I killed him or it just despawned holy crap I know I know I know I’m sorry let’s get you out of here now okay let’s get you out of here day 109 oh my goodness jeez how much health does a mle man have bro it’s crazy oh gosh holy crap what was that that was pretty cool okay hello hello there man from the darkness my schizophrenic friend and we just heal back up by walking on path path blocks I love when I love it I love healing my sanity by walking on a bunch of path blocks I love it are the freaking entities still here they are what happens if I attack them while like this oh they’re not a thing but I can still pump into them though what oh that damages them that damages him though then why do I keep why is pressing B do it what the heck what the hell o that’s cool okay what’s up with all of you guys in having like a million reach though what is up with all of you guys having a million reach oh my gosh I’m pretty sure you guys don’t drop anything I just want to test it out though Stand a path path is good path is life can I just bow you down then okay although I definitely do more damage here you with a sword though holy crap hopefully there’s actually a point of this please prove me wrong cuz in Don’t Starve you guys drop freaking like whatever the shadow fuel is called I think it’s Shadow fuel probably and that gives you really good items you don’t even drop XP love it thank you for telling me then the other one should still be here though okay the other one is not here holy crap that guy almost kill all my armor whoopsy isy now you’re making me wonder if I was even hitting the freaking M man I hope I was cuz that fight definitely seemed a lot quicker than the other fight where I was fighting him over here and he broke everything well the fight started over here and then it walked all the way there that fight seemed way longer than this one so I don’t know I’m trying to Hype myself up here oh actually where’s my freaking guy there you are my guy lovely now this is isn’t really very worth it but you know it’s the perfect time to use it though get a bunch of XP from you guys and then now blend some on my own and just like that the armor is almost mended very good very nice very good I should probably have stocks up stacks of those XP bottles just in case anything like that happens I’m not near my villagers but they don’t call me Harry the hardhead for no reason right so all the preparations should be finished by now okay I was about to say I do have some runs good not as many as I thought but I’ll take what I can get I guess definitely enough for the four portal all right guys I’ll miss you guys I will miss you so let’s get all propped up yeah I should be fine right do I have oh I don’t have feather falling on the boots that is actually pretty freaking big I wasn’t even using the I wasn’t even using the good B bro my gosh got to be kidding me yeah just give me like a stack of wood that should be everything I need a stack of wood and that is all I need I am now ready I have a lot more gold though so I could make a few more golden apples CU I probably should where’s the darn farmer wait what he’s over here oh it’s already meeting time give some apples please smelll these bad boys all right now I just clocked in my head that I probably should make some campfires but I can just bring dirt with me and then make it into path blocks and that should be good I did find some more extra gold some more gold so we smelting these just put some torches or put some coal in here canly call this oh is that the Sheep they’re still here right on the 10th day well technically I have to survive until day 111 so well well well I mean should I already go I feel like I shouldn’t it doesn’t really make much sense but what is that what was that was that in the walls is it over here what is going on never heard that before get you out of here spiders the heck was that dude that was crazy huh and I completely forgot my horse by the way oh my gosh got to see you back buddy goodness glad to see you back but uh believe I forgot all with my horse that that’s just how much of a scatter brain I am it’s awesome all righty now where’ he die at over here Mr horsey you oh my God you’re still here I’m so how are you still alive dude what the heck look I’m not saying that I’m not happy that you’re alive I’m just saying that’s pretty crazy let’s get you guys reading then huh Can you guys actually make like a fast horse now or no how do what do I do to make you guys readed what come on breed get the baby making is this one fast 10 you’re 11 I’m pretty sure both of you are faster than this guy yeah but I think I can speed him up though if I feed him carrots right whatever what was the lightning for guys ooh never noticed this one I’m pretty sure this is all like infected blocks and then there’s lava inside as well which is pretty cool you are now here as Decor decoration enjoy your stay I can’t believe it took me this long to notice this I thought it was something I built it would look like something I built right grab the gold and then turn that into golden apples okay nine it’s not that shabby not too shabby and I still have some more so I can still make more I need to buy some more from this guy where’s he at is he sleeping nice and peacefully love to see it 19 apples not bad and you’re here again no point didn’t run bu no point and running come on get to face of f eventually holy crap you’re fast whatever whatever then okay you win this round you win this freaking round that’s for you Johnny you’re not going to win anything Mr KN are you doing good yeah let me just uh break through the walls here oh wow he is right there wa get you out of here I wonder why you guys are spawning here now though it’s interesting you guys supposed to spawn in Forest although I would get it you know the the forest on this uh thing is kind of all wreck you guys no more leaves how many times I have to keep clearing all these letters out dude I say you kill these guys I don’t I doubt it oh do you get teleported though that’d be a cool detail if you do I probably shouldn’t stay still for too long he you actually got them all good job is it just one today I’m going to guess there’s more where that came from I should probably keep one of these just so whenever I want to I want Adventure out just have one in the boat or something and just teleport a million miles away but right now isn’t one of those times so I’m going to let the Mr Golem take care of all of them okay who’s that then whoa no way dude I’m freaking dead um freaking dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead why do you guys attack that guy not this guy and why am I faster than him how dumb is this guy how dumb are you Mr Man from the fog o actually boats boats boats boats boats Bo love to see it dude if he was any smarter he would have actually killed me holy crap I’m glad to see they’re back though that’s cool good to see love to see it oh he’s mad he’s just over this wall let’s go stare him let’s go stare at him then please don’t put me over the wall I’m probably over the wall aren’t I even worse of all the times do not have my water bucket okay is he still there please still be there I still hear him oh he already run away oh man this massive Castle though holy I probably should have been working on it more I just don’t really feel like it though the mle’s up coming up Mr mole Mr mole what do you want the day Rises yet again freaking crafting table how did I miss that 810 all right well okay okay maybe I should start working on the house then I love it or not the house inside the castle I want the inside to be not necessarily flat but I do want some dirt in there just hope there’s no like water holes or anything like that just give me a bunch of dirt please yeah don’t might guys that I me it’s unly terraforming the land here you guys won’t even notice I just need to take all the grass with me and when I do I should be able to FL everything out yeah sad thing about this is there’s no going to be there’s not there isn’t going to be any more sneaky entrances like this anymore it’s all going to be covered up is that a freaking silverfish dude are you serious how is that close to getting sent a million blocks away so the only problem is the outside it’s going to need a whole load of thing it’s better to get out of the water it’s not safe it’s fine now the biggest problem with this is I have to like cover all this up as well really feel like having to completely dry this place out though the inside that this is probably going to stay water we’ll just say it’s like a water Reserve huh what about that maybe some sort of lore significance I don’t got to think about it too much anyway cat D spawned in the Caron DW question is where is he though he was extremely faint so he could be okay probably not in there he could probably be in here somewhere although it wouldn’t make sense if he’s right here I did want to meet him it’s a weird phenomenon when you get bombarded by dwellers every single day and then all of a sudden they’re just not here but you know they’re there just makes me want to meet them more is this really what I want to feel I’m buffing them dude I’m buff scw it it SC it it’s just too lonely nowadays I feel like something will happen nothing’s going to happen dude you’re just all right love it another rainy day although something to look forward to is finally I can sleep after this day after this night I guess finally I can go back like to sleeping it’s all I’ve ever wanted my whole life but here we go this this spot I for the Torches okay don’t have enough torches love it hello there how are we doing today did a horsey grow up yet oh he did grow up oh yeah your speed is still the same though I think it’s you’re like a little bit faster a tiny we seeit faster I also like how you can always just see a knocker always just see a knocker right let’s see what’s going on up here okay skeletone Johnny anything crazier than that more Johnnies some zomos some mobs up here what the heck what the heck bro yeah nothing this way yeah the last night you know what let’s uh let’s try to fight a bunch of guys the last night I’m going to stay awake hopefully this is enough to quench you guys’ thirst TDR if I don’t sleep I mean basically nothing happens it’s all just the same thing but I definitely think it’s going to be a lot more active after this because I’m going to buff everybody everybody is going to come back a little bit more cuz I feel like I nerfed them a little bit too too much so we’re going to be rolling that back not too much to where they just kept spawning every single time every single day but you get what I mean oh gosh you get what I mean with dying to the man from the fog right now be a good idea probably we’ll see what happens oh here Dre’s about to come out where did he go there he is no point in running fav dream you will drop me that tooth eventually you mother trucker get over here no point in ignoring me get you out of here the bee of all things buddy the freaking bee goodness look at this freaking guy dude what do I have to do for you to freaking attack me of all things there we go okay not the blindness please anything with that get the freaking Phantoms please where’d he go there he is he finally dropped it let’s freaking go no more killing you guys then I have to try to find my way back home I’m pretty sure this is weaker than my thing right now so yeah it is extremely weaker but uh it’s all about the message it’s all about sending a message I’m not even going the white way anymore gosh darn it bro screw my life I see it the forest with no leaves hopefully this is it this is probably not it gosh darn it bro how do I always get lost all the darn time who the heck is that I read a freaking thing from the stranger things let’s get you out of here we get it there we get it everybody loves you weird weird things are happening to me right now this is so skiy chillax guys it is nothing too crazy right find the render distance is going up yet again oh goodness okay about where the flip am I did I really go that freaking far dude oh goodness wow look at that the light R is completely blocking everything there we go they 111 oh wait that’s the portal so it should mean that my house is this way then okie dokie no there’s siren head what you doing did you knock siren head did you knock I would love it if you knocked before going inside my house that would be pretty d and oh man do I want to be fighting you not really for the first time in forever I have a little bit better things to know but in any case I will still be attacking you with a bow that’s pretty cool is it literally just deflecting off of you dude that’s s pretty cool yeah it is deflecting off of you enough with the screaming come on yeah take the knil bend the knee all right time I go I guess pretty sure there’s something much I could do now I have a bunch of dirt with me blighted flesh I really want to find out who that is cuz I still haven’t encountered the dweller King speaking of doar King I supp had more mods huh I get two of that what was that my friend check on the perimeter is everything good buddy is everything a okay okay so I have the dirt I have the pearls I have these I have to do now is just do a little out make a few and eyes and I think I should be good I guess before I leave I’ll pack up a few more things more golden carrots and also the XP from you thank you very much and that should be it all right let’s see where we have to go hopefully that that is it backwards better it go this way oh it already broke is that a good sign I’ll be fine I should probably buy more what is making all these sounds I don’t know who it is and I want to know what it is but it’s not like you’re really telling me Oh it’s the goat man that’s who it was the whole time dude come on now come on let’s go let’s go you’re nothing you’re nothing that’s cool [Music] I can’t I can’t help you I’m sorry right maybe in a little bit okay hopefully it’s not too far because I’m already a thousand blocks away welcome back to Desert underscore oh there we go that’s pretty cool it’s my first ever desert temple or what wait why is it doing that wait what what’s going on with my freaking hot bar dude got to get rid of all the thing very quickly fortune 3 though that’s pretty gnarly quick charge I’ll take this though I’m pretty sure I didn’t bring any paper but it would be good to have some in case I ever want to use the elytra speaking of elytra I didn’t grab a freaking thing did I that way I didn’t grab a freaking bed of all things goodness right I to throw another eye then this way I think it’s still going the right way yeah it’s still going this way it’s not like backwards or any other direction what the heck are you buddy keep it to yourself my friend you too as well no no no keep it to your keep it to yourself keep it to yourself my friends what are we even looking at right now you guys just gave up no nope you’re still going after me okay I might I might have to kill you because you are extremely loud oh it’s you again holy crap you’re allowed are you going to say help me I was going good good good gosh I passed across some sheep as well completely forgot about beds I was hoping to be Speedy now cuz I don’t know how to explain it I wouldn’t mind all right but when you’re thinking long term and the first 10 days of my recording ooh it could have been 20 days all right Mr jump scare man that could have been 100 day I could be on day 120 right now but instead I’m on day 111 what’s up Mr Cow are you guys are all faked oh cool love it love to see it well nothing too scary should be happen right I think I should be fine as long as I don’t die you feel an odd person’s watching you yeah okay freaking fever dreams coming out and you guys what is happening what is going on and why is it making everybody lag it’s just freaking siren head right I hope so another Eye plays if you may backwards or already okay it’s a good sign what is that though what is that what was that there was somebody walking let me see where it dropped that is not it where did it go right there okay good oh actually for you guys I already have a bone and you guys do sound like dogs so can I tame you with this well I can get over here oh nice I got you that’s pretty cool did I already tame one of those before I feel like I did for some reason for some strange reason oh these guys you guys are with the uh with the thing aren’t you Goatman is there love it Goatman and siren head what a lovely combination and the meman as well look guys I really love to play with you guys but I’m kind of busy right now so if you wouldn’t mind just showing me where the portal is everything will be spectacular oh a watch House what there wouldn’t happen to be a bed there right there wouldn’t happen to be a freaking bed here right what how are you supposed to use this thing oh it’s over here oh okay well that’s awesome did you just take a Oh I thought you just took a kneil there buddy how are you dealing so much damage now but you weren’t before now you’re going to leave or not that you’re taking damage except I’m taking a lot of damage now your Stomps used to only deal what like half my health now you’re dealing all of it oh a clock perfect I’ve been meaning to get a clock some potatoes o there we go a bed good good good 812 I’ll be taking this down see nothing else here there’s a oh I can get some achievements with this so yoink I think that’s it I don’t remember which Youtuber used one of these things I’m 29 Pages never mind I was I was about to say I I’ll read that later uh I will not be reading that later thank you very much yeah definitely a YouTuber used one of these bases I don’t remember who it was though let’s Che if this still backwards oh it’s already this way all right let’s get dogging Dogo your name is oh what’s a cool name I was trying to get rid of the freaking day counter but I’m I think that’s because I have the freaking clock with me what why would you ruin the clock dude that’s so ugly well technically it’s not um but I’d like to have my own day counter on the left oh you basically made the clock you useless oh my gosh please don’t tell me I chose the one block I couldn’t uh find the stronghold at oh never mind always got to prove me wrong did they bring any torches I did what’s up doggo don’t mind me doggo I just trying to find the start of this whole place I think I just passed it yeah somewhere here is the start I think it might be this thing for some reason I don’t even know are you serious right now dude oh come on doggo you didn’t have to go do all that and you even left me your Parting Gift which is complete Insanity love it now for the most tedious part finding where the freaking thing is oh diamonds love it I wish I could do the F3 trick right now not even F3 oh yes F3 what the heck you’re all possessed you guys broke the freaking chest as well not cool guys this is possessed zombie spawner oh this is just a normal zombie spawner what is wrong with you guys you guys loaded the whole thing what the heck give this St oh there we go that’s [Music] nice what was that sound for dude a freaking zero ID though that’s pretty gnarly all right any who screenshot the coordinates as always and before I go in there I’d like to take a nap let’s see if I can just do that all right then I’ll wait around until I can now should I leave a portal here nah I probably should though cuz I I’d like to have an Enderman Farm or something yeah I probably should just leave a portal here just D all this in water and give it to me whoops oh my gosh I kill all of them goodness let this place up a little bit ooh I don’t have a flint and steel though let’s see what we can do when we get inside okay so it’s 183s when I can sleep one 13 duly noted this is a no ey though that’s pretty crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy here we go another Dragon about to go down let’s get everything prepared yeah that’s fine everything nice here yeah everything’s nice let’s go and now let’s just hope that everything in here isn’t too crazy okay it’s crazy in here what the flip is this right when I freaking say that dude I just had to jinx it what the heck are freaking demogorgan doing in the end make it make sense now watch oh gosh and don’t you dare think I didn’t notice a freaking thing too i s a goat man oh gosh chillax chillax i s a freaking goat man dude why are there demic organs here what’s the lower significance of that holy crap you’re close I can’t even place blocks down look Miss Dragon just play nice a bit here how am I not hitting this thing they really just Meo freaking Ender dude you’ve got to be kidding me right holy crap how did I survive that holy crap that’s a bunch of them oh my gosh the Goatman as well dude oh y give me a minute all I can hope for is that the man from the fog doesn’t appear too early is that another Goatman right there what is going on here I was hoping this place would be fairly nice so we can make freaking Enderman form let just uh walk on my path real quick here don’t mind me just recovering my sanity o is is that some the mle man is here are we serious right now I thought I was freaking siren head holy crap what the knocker here as well oh he’s uh he’s expected he’s a little bit expected he’s an expected guy but you guys are not you guys are not very welcome you know I don’t very much like you guys never really got into the TV show tried watching it in a hotel once but right we get it Goatman holy crap one of these are covered up I don’t really remember which one holy crap this is intensely annoying oh it’s not this one well well well would you look at that it’s not this one can’t see my freaking what I’m aiming at here are we serious right now I just jumped off like a b boy dude why are there demagorgon here in the first place oh and you’re done I don’t really understand I really don’t that’s down another one Frick dude oh my gosh I keep okay love it all right guys all right all right all right little bit of a break did he oh my gosh there a whole bunch of you guys all right all right guys let’s start clearing you guys out cuz for of all the freaking dwellers that would be here of course it had to be you guys by the way the least remarkable of the bunch oh my gosh I got to recover my sanity before everything goes crazy sad part is I’m going to get freaking fireballed so I’m going to get this quickly why is the Ender Dragon getting so far from her nest we can knocker here to say hello how’s it going Mr knocker did go man already dude yeah just come over just come over it’s fine okay that’s not very fine oh goodness hello Mr knocker am I really out of blocks here I’m pretty sure I’ve already done this one as well yeah I want to Pearl onto the other ones but I don’t really get the time to do so oh gosh uh right about there I think all righty next up it should be the last one holy crap that’s a lot hold on guys hold on goodness oh my gosh not you two Mr knocker holy crap W hopefully if I ever do decide to make a freaking Enderman Farm here you guys don’t take up the race that much I definitely think you guys will though I’m done of my mind why why are you just deciding to go all the way over here all right dirt again holy crap I can already imagine how absolutely annoying this would be if I didn’t have this the path block method you’re going to go and fight me aren’t you well hell lovely there’s somebody behind that block over there did you really actually get it gosh darn bro wish is the goat man again wait you striking the toos dude okay why is it spreading so much come on just soak up as much sanity as you possibly can there we go dud we’re freaking AI does this freaking cman have man aren’t you supposed to be normal aren’t you supposed to be normal it walks around and then like pauses as if I’m looking at it and then it just you got to go then this reminds me of the freaking fear Nightfall I think I did Kill the Dragon there I don’t really remember but I couldn’t leave because I was just insane and there was just too many mobs holy crap dude I hate this freaking I hate it when think just spawn like you guys top 10 most father characters come on even supposed to be here you just want your two seconds at a limelight what am I taking damage to your you mother trucker you have got to go my friend you’re using up all your strikes and I’m quite tired of it man what is going on dude oh we cannot be serious right now can I please get my water bucket goodness not a lot of damage from my sword huh I’m going insane okay it’s super duper hard to see with the freaking fist just blocking my view oh my God oh my God you second now Dragon we do love to perch don’t we oh I love it I love perching I love punching I love punching okay why am I losing sanity though goodness love looking at my red hands dude I love it my goodness Mr knocker we don’t have to do this again do we there we go finally give me a hug Mr knocker give me a hug finally finally get you out of here okay so hopefully I can actually just not immediately have to resort to make an Enderman Farm cuz it the boss XP levels here I love it and you my friend I’d like that you who knows it might be useful not there there nice all right on to the islands let’s go I how’s my armor holding up there oh yeah they’re fully mended forgot about that that’s how it would work you don’t mind me just Gathering up all the demorgans love to see it right over Yonder you know what you guys deserve to die oh no man from the fog though that’s uh surprising considering how many people just showed up here unannounced himim not appearing is uh definitely not on my bucket list it was definitely not on my list today one of the best times for him to appear is definitely now it would be the most devastating time for him to appear right now especially because I’m trying to find a thing oh Mr kner yet again let’s get a little bit of High Ground here did I bring any materials to make torches no I didn’t I have one torch left love it that and then back to 1 million R distance keep the simulation distance of freaking five though keep everything small is that the mlan again Mr meman what are we doing oh that’s a new one what tell me let’s just hear scream cuz that would be pretty lame Mr knock over there Goatman trying to look at any Ender though okay so there’s this one over here but it doesn’t look like it has a ship so was there a title one uh day one33 now but I’m pretty sure that should mean it’s we they yeah they w 14 so far no anything though no nothing right I might have to go for this one then let’s get you okay un let you follow me for a while Mr knocker that’s for Mr moment over there he can oh my gosh the freaking guys are still here are you serious of all the things another goat man huh yeah definitely no ship on this one though I think this one should have loot let’s just okay well gosh darn demic organs oh there was just nothing all the way goodness what to do about that oh now that I’m here another one what that right there should lead into a a ship but why is there no ship and why does it feel like 64 render resistance is a little bit low there’s no way this is everything all right dude we get it man we get it dude how many Goodman are there holy moly any who going this way please please actually land that too I’m going to die aren’t I what just freaking happened is it because of the simulation distance um I really don’t want to risk it yeah whatever hopefully what I’m thinking happened actually happened I I think it just went straight to the void so I’m hoping that it’s not going to proc any second now are we right it’s not going to proc right cuz I swear to God if it procs I’m going to lose my cool all right this should definitely be close enough like come on I could practically touch this okay maybe I need to tweak the uh Gman a little bit just a little bit I’m going to very zoom in I keep thinking that the course fruit are eyes staring at me every single time two cities both of them don’t have a ship what is that about as for enchanting the sword I should probably just make another one and just combine it just like what I do with the bows that probably work way better okay you are half gone what is going on with that I almost us freaking jump off it holy crap what is going on with the end here what’s going on with the end that is not normal I’m pretty sure that doesn’t really contain anything so is that just a thing what is going on dude what this is no time for games Mr knocker get you out of here goodness the end is gone what oh my gosh what a time to be alive of all the darn things in the world this is this is what happens well well well okay I don’t really know what kind of corruption this is it could be just that this chunk is gone and then a couple hundred block this way there’s going to be more but that wouldn’t be the case cuz I already on Max render distance and I don’t see anything so it could be that the whole thing is just gone could very well be the case but you are extremely loud and told down the volume did not do anything at all to you what is wrong with this guy dude he’s literally just spawn again sorry he doesn’t go to me if I look at him right what to do well that’s kind of sad I was really hoping for some good stuff most importantly the elytra that hits it right come on nice okay all I have to do now I guess is just go back to the portal it should be around the corner here somewhere actually wait a minute right dude I’m going to be honest I’m kind of having a crisis here and you existing is not really helping out so yeah H what to do yeah I forgot about that if you use those gateways I’m pretty sure it’s not guaranteed that you pop out of gate way right or is it guaranteed that you pop out the Gateway oh wait yeah okay okay okay never mind never mind I was just yapping come on come on come on I really have to fight the mole to go to my Gateway though that’s pretty crazy don’t you think there it is you again I love it yeah it’s right over here finally see you later Mr mole man nobody likes you same goes with the freaking goat dweller same goes with the goat man the Mad bear the bear man the pig man the man Pig I hate everybody equally get me out of here did it work what is going on am I dead please don’t kill me please don’t kill me not yet okay what am I what’s happening am I falling no I’m just okay I’m just constantly going up and okay I’m going to let it be for a little while what is up everybody I will be going to over there now don’t mind me don’t mind me let me just summon the meman also before I leave why not is he not even even real what the hell see you guys later was the portal broken did I see that properly skip yeah look it is what the heck radio all right wait you’re telling me I have to go all the way back on day 116 well somehow I need gravel I don’t did I drop gravel or something no well that’s quite the ordeal I guess I’ll go up for now and then dig back like that when I find gravel perfect it’s right here I do have iron right I don’t have iron well luckily for me there’s a flower forest does shovels work on gravel no of course it doesn’t love it I still have no idea why my gravel everything dirt related is broken it’s very annoying oh my God what happened to gravel and everything dot related aess shovel related shovel related would be a much better thing to say okay so there’s a thing right here desertor is that a freaking wind to go right there hello buddy hope you’re doing fine this wonderful afternoon don’t mind me just some iron you know how it is look at this guy he’s got no idea what’s going on I think I came out the ground right where did I come out from right here Perfecto let’s go all righty here we go it’s about to be nighttime though I would love to sleep it off so oh I’m going to stay here for a little bit longer unbelievable that I only got uh basically a Sher box that’s all I got from doing the end cuz it’s so freaking broken 117 is he in here what a s of all the darn places it had to be you again now this is quite the familiar side what was that just broke a freaking grass block grass block can definitely hear somebody you guys again gosh darn bro where don’t you guys spawn huh my question is where is my portal this way oh W hello long long hand lady you finally appeared I’m still on time yes I am I very much am on time thank you for the screen appreciate it I love the slowness to go away though okay so I obviously bridged this way I’ll take it my portal just somewhere here oh yes it is wonderful don’t mind the sounds of the goat man who thought it would be possible to be forc than the original Goatman who thought it would be possible you know I just saw you 2 seconds ago right only good thing about you is I can actually kill you but I’m pretty sure with this C I can also kill the normal Goldman so you’re not much of a better comparison he’s not much better isn’t he not much of a better fellow did I just see that all right I guess I got to go back to all right I guess I got to go back to making this place huh what do we thinking Mr villager I got to go back to building this freaking Place starting off with patching up all these holes and stuff like that want this place to be too flat I could do that but I feel like being making it flat would be a little bit too much that’s just me though but yeah that definitely just make this whole place grass rather than patches and all that other stuff you mother trucker get out of here oh you’re actually fighting me so now I will go where I’m not needed and find some freaking thing get some dot I probably should have dumped my stuff first huh yeah I definitely should have what is this dude hello we’re not serious right now right okay cool love it I love my Bedrock block that I place right here what a convenient place to put it and now that since I’m home don’t need the clock anymore gosh darn clocks what you have to ruin it why you have to ruin the best item in the game oh my I’m still one time what the heck was that day 118 that’s what it was should just go to a whole different place to get dirt I feel like getting some from the backyard is should be fine just grab some grass would Hur to get some grass what is it the silence again you know it would be cool if if the effect still happened even if you don’t have the Shader pack on oh my gosh you actually are here come on then oh and of course I can’t attack you because your hit box is literally your feet hold on hold on let just turn my hit boxes on yeah just so I genuinely know that I’m hitting you chicken as well love it you why is your hit box your feet by the way you ever want to talk about that oh there we go see you later I’m sorry okay I’m sorry it’s going to be hard to fight me of all people it’s going to be quite difficult because I’m obscenely I am obscenely strong and I’m not talking PVP skills I’m literally just the end game now what was that oh my gosh come on now come on now the Goatman does not deserve that heartbeat effect nobody nobody’s beating their hearts seeing the goat man okay I thought he was going to be more of a a stalker like entity not like a generic dweller me he’s worse than a generic dweller he sponds every minute of every day he’s just a constant reminder of what I have to go through every single day is that him goodness I warned you we get it okay you’ve been warning me for a while just let me build in peace okay you can now save yourself as you were thought bro the sigma okay I really hope you have a config by the way because you’re a little bit too much you’re supposed to act like a normal goat first you’re not really doing any like anything like that at all oh no I’m wearing Apple Visions again don’t tell me it’s going to happen again why do it feel like the sence is acting up a lot more than he used to is it just me what oh I’m here again oh gosh wait what somebody’s here with me it sucks that I have to get the freaking a blindness whenever I’m in here yeah Darkness can’t see the thumbnail man can’t see the other guy what happens if I go on a boat when I’m in here actually what what what what what what what what what what oh my gosh dude can’t be doing things like that man we cannot be doing things like this oh my gosh here we go again is this my whole Dy dog nope well well well um okay all right um can we get the that Squigly things out the way please I’m going to go back to the portal and I’m just going to dig again where he was why are you here my friend why are you here I swear dude day 119 I literally slept right there I set my spawn point right there please if you’re going to do that okay if you’re going to send me to that freaking freaky Dimension please send me back right here okay I think that Dimension works just like the uh the nether so it’s like eight blocks the only thing is you can’t really go in and out of that Dimension by yourself I think you can I’ve seen some people do it they have to like sleep in a certain place but for any normal moral I don’t really think it’s possible cuz you have to use your you know like you have to use commands you have to literally find out SL locate blah blah blah and then sleep in that exact coordinates so I don’t really think it’s normal for you to do to be able to do that so I kind really use that Dimension as a nether travel enough for you yeah just just clock this one up I got rid of my bucket get some milk so next time we’re in that Dimension I can actually seize this stuff that would be nice oh gosh I did not mean to do this okay we’re fully making it back fully filling it in Oh Mr knocker what are we doing nowadays yeah we’re in the grind that’s what we’re doing we’re on the sigma grind set placing in all these dirt blocks yeah I need more dirt I was thinking about using the dirt down here cuz nobody’s going to see the ocean dirt anyway so whatever you thinking buys yeah I’m going grab it scw it but he’s going to miss you ocean dirt nobody’s going to miss you oh my gosh hello buddy good night Mr knocker don’t take guys here it’s my bad day 120 guess what that means Mr nor even more twis love tap as for this though I think this should stay because it’s just so iconic but I’m going to patch up all the water here and stuff always been the bane of my existence let’s P all the water up here let’s go all the water here oh look I’m finally Al again I was wondering when I would turn back I had too much of a good streak going there finally it’s over it’s finally over Mr Goatman Mr Goatman it’s finally over you mother trucker nobody likes you and you Mr sheepy I have no idea how you got inside there by the way kind of crazy anyway let’s dump a bunch of stuff in here I still pick apples can you guys still make babies or no probably not right I try anyway I don’t know why gu I don’t know why I want more villagers but the more the mer are don’t always say Mr NOA speaking of that do I have a backpack mod installed no I don’t okay should make this day what the flip are you how do you even get over there what I don’t want to ruin all this lava just for you get out this way then goodness this lava here is important you know you never know when you need it this here’s my bed get your own bed are you serious right now my friend well I was about to say that you can’t get here naturally I guess I was just proving around I you guys are here as well of all the freaking things man these guys are here thumbnail man’s here as well what’s up thumbnail man love to see you I’m going to go that have to take that back now okay so that over there is not good not over here there we go perfect any don’t mind me just going to give a little bit of dirt preferably from the rivers here cuz nobody’s ever going to see this anyway well they just disappear oh that’s a good feature dude come on now I thought this Goatman would be more of a man bear type of entity you know like popping in and out and skipping it out a dood but he’s basically just a dweller on steroids which is very very very annoying you know different thing about about him and the other dwellers is that he doesn’t go straight after you when you look at him but he’s extremely common and I cannot change that fact I cannot change his spawn rates which makes him even worse but it’s all right he’s kind of a reminder that you know there’s dwellers cuz we haven’t seen any of them in such a long time there’s no way it’s actually that crazy right I might have to tweak them again cuz I did say I would buff them and I did buff them every single one I I uh increased the resistance to sunlight so they’re all they can basically spawn any time of day it doesn’t matter if lava is lighting your place up or anything like that they will still spawn no matter what but they’re still not spawning so I guess it really is all about that timer but it’s weird because all I did was double their timers it’s not like I did anything too crazy I just doubled it but it does not feel like double they’re basically just gone from the game this is not double oh I forgot to do the freaking achievement with the dragon gosh darn it let go find a cow real quick it’s the cow are you a fake gosh darn you guys get out of here out of my freaking sight is there any actual cows here fake chicken as well got you out of here love it where that all the cows go you’re not a cow is that a cow okay I think you should be a real one right yeah yink now what about you what do you do cuz you actually look at me sometimes when I look at you do you AG gr whenever I get too close how close do I have to get how close are we talking about here you look cool though you look very cool yeah I love it I’m definitely going insan by standing next to you though but you know so are you neutral then you’re definitely I don’t think you’re neutral are you neutral I’m going to bump you I want to bump you I’m going to bump you I’m going to do it I’m going to bump you let’s bump each other oh I can bump you I can right click you what am I doing oh I can literally just right click you what is going on what the heck interesting interesting interesting guy you are now my man bear cuz we all know that guy ain’t coming out anytime soon I think this one is completely completely done I still have to fill these ones in too but preferably with freaking bricks not dirt goodness goodness goodness goodness Mr villagers oh I can o i can extend the zoom if I OptiFine okay okay okay Mr shaper oh I know a good screenshot give me this T screenshot you just like that perfect I know Mr sheep right know now though the question in all of our minds is how big do I want the castle to be cuz it’s going to be in the heart of this place in the middle right here right there then from the entrance of that castle is a pathway to all the other Villagers houses so how big do I wanted to be then how big are we thinking Mr villager yeah don’t mind me just you know clear at the trash no no sugarcane I don’t know how these guys aren’t breaking though that’s kind of weird do I want to keep the Sheep dude I don’t really have much of a use for them except like ancient debris I guess I don’t really have a reason to get ancient debris right now but you never know though it’s always a bait oh he at the bait and this is definitely the more messy spot right here I’ll think of that later actually yeah this thing is almost in the middle isn’t it let’s see let’s see where middle looks like yeah I say like too much fog this way so about yeah about here yeah right where the freaking post is the middle right yeah it looks kind of even hold on yeah maybe about here yeah little bit further this way yeah so basically almost where this is is the middle so how do I do that then I need to incorporate you into the freaking Castle I don’t really want to do that do you you have to go after all h a lot of things to think about a little too many things to think about hopefully this hole has to go yeah I’m just going to fill this in Hollow I’ll deal with the consequences later day 122 oh what the heck is going on with the freaking grass here it be dead grass W that’s weird look at this the items are getting sucked down wait does that happen normally nope what that’s such a cool feature but it only happens on dirt wait does it happen now what what’s going on then that’s for you guys you guys are fine down there go kill the Slackers that uh spawn down there oh man come on now I’m quotequote almost finished reforming everything So eventually I’ll have to start working at the Castle I can no longer make any excuses still I go over freaking Bedrock here can I move it with this I wonder oh it does go up waa that’s pretty cool I wonder though can I like do something like this okay so unless I I knock it up o i can that might be the biggest thing I could ever do I’m about to get freaking Bedrock let’s see o you didn’t go up that time why are you not going up I need you to go up so I can collect you please why is it going up your brain’s looking at me oh no do you did you not go up was I just tripping come on there’s no way oh no I thought that was it my grand plan to get a freaking Bedrock yeah it’s not happening that’s pretty cool okay that’s a cool thing to happen love seeing that okay so what kind of entity destroys all my chest though unless it was me gr grind slamming is that really a thing let me test it last time nope it should not be a thing let’s just pump a bunch of these guys into it okay okay where did my pickaxe go is it in the wall right so the ground slam does do it and my pickaxe is gone so Oho we about to see your slow around vaker come on where’s my hug at where’s my hug at look we have bigger things to worry about okay my pickaxe is gone it was a very good pickaxe so I don’t really feel like messing around with you right now okay okay let’s just pray that it’s for some reason in the wall and I’m going to have to dig it out let’s go where you at that okay again dude what oh you might actually kill me this time buddy you were close okay so I’m not tripping right oh and he’s what is going on why is everybody want to play right now where fine okay oh what’s going on here somebody get hurt was it you for falling oh hello what the heck look I have nothing else to prove here I already killed you before and I already got your tooth so not much of a reason for me to do it again okay but the withering is kind of worrying though cuz I can’t see how much Hearts I’m at okay I’m not tripping right I have the bows yep punch one punch one I have that B I have axie oh man dude do I really have to make another freaking pickaxe I guess I do that kind of sucks that kind of that kind of really does suck in a really really sucky way oh well whatever I prob I’ll probably get over it in a little bit H what are we thinking I love that just cuz I was trying to get freaking Bedrock 123 oh what are we thinking Johnny’s what are we thinking is that a freaking nle show what the heck oh fre Spirit these guys again oh they gave you XP you should have said so gosh I really just can’t believe it’s gone that’s crazy oh I got the tacle scals though I’m been meaning to get you because I want to make another sword just for the heck of it try to get to enchanting the sword finally a blaze rod and iron Blaze Rod huh no don’t tell me I’m also out of blaze rods also out of blaze rods dude what the crap for do huh well well oh that was cool oh there a little bit of an issue and I don’t even remember where the freaking Fortress was from my thing it’s probably just the same way I went to right big Fell’s right here fella big fella cool all right so I think it should be the just the opposite way yep it’s starting to come back to me starting to come back to me slowly but shely should just be this way bunch of sounds are being made though and I forgot that I don’t have a freaking pickaxe goodness holy CRA that one that one was extra long wasn’t it little extra long I guess it’s this way actually I one sh youy guys okay okay oh gosh you cannot be serious right now right I don’t have a freaking pickaxe so I can’t blocks to build up with end the pear to the win end the P end the P I really want to use my last end Pearl yeah why not but as for where the thing is it should just be right around the corner right perfect I’d love to get my hands on the freaking skull as well this guy still freaking hear the bane of my existence it’s you making that freaking sound okay why is nobody dropping a freaking Blaze Ronda why is it only one per freaking thing is it because of you out of here you can’t be because of the Torches there we go finally one I’ll save for a few more of course goodness all right this is taking too long I’m just going to go I’m sorry but I guess four is enough for now see you later cool cool cool cool I love it oh gosh I just realized I probably should have stayed up there huh right hold on let me get some Soul Sand then keep forgetting that no no pickaxe man now the man who has no pickaxe oh gosh Here We Go Again de Jau only difference is this time I don’t have the the mod dangers in the darkness I think it’s like beast in the darkness or whatever whatever hell the freaking mod was called it is no longer with me oh goodness my only grip about this freaking sanity mod it just turns everything black you just can’t see anything at all day 124 what the heck is this thing oh it’s freaking creepy crawling at me what are you doing buddy what are you being creepy crawly for oh my S is completely back up are you still freaking creepy crawling okay you were going to get added to my boat collection then uh you know Mr Piggy gets to stay what are we thinking here we go what have a boat freaking prepped out for you oh I wonder if you and the freaking goat guy can also get in here huh right so we got you and now Goatman perfect love it that’s what we are talking about now my question is does that prevent him from spawning cuz if it does I should have done that a million years ago holy crap that is awesome oh he’s going to is he prom going to make noise though cuz if so I would rather him not be in that boat okay let me CH o he goes away from it come on now you don’t have to do all of that I know butd I’m going to make up another sword I can make two swords if I want to oh go you again I really en placing all the freaking time bro with these guys then Jesus that freaking Guy s we go nice okay now for the most fun part rrolling until we get something good after this a little side quest here I can finally get back to building the thing Smite 4 I was thinking about that too since I kind of one- shot everything already might as well go for something like that but I think it’s still better to just have a different just have sharpness to be quite honest I think it’s still a better option sharpness four here we go sharpness four five aspect two knock back two knockback is kind of bad though knock pack is kind of bad Unbreaking three well I am Gambling Man perfect so is that the perfect sword then yeah we got sharpness far aspect knock back knockback not of bad but I can look over it why not that’s 17 and this is 13 um do I want to change the name the name is kind of perfect so I’ll just let it be and then you perfect let’s get back to work then wait is this another one what the heck dude wait did you destroy anything wait this is so close to everything else it had to destroy something what the heck that didn’t make I I want some arrows I dropped my arrows off somewhere none of you guys ARs here we go gosh all right so pickaxe make a new pickaxe let’s make yeah one out let’s another perfect pickaxe screw it hopefully my Ming guy is still alive oh silk touch yeah that’s uh that’s something ooh fortune on this one though let’s see I think I can choose between the two so I’d rather stick with a fortune please yep yep yep perfect absolutely Immaculate can I’m straight back down to freaking under 30 levels love it I don’t know about how big I want it to be probably until here maybe yeah I don’t want it to be too big then just going to overpower everything nobody would like that gosh what a place to get stuck at now is my bending guy still alive um wait I had Fortune I had protection Infinity are youing oh you’re not uh anybody yet are we serious only mending died of course you freaking would how we doing guys how we doing what is Happy guys well Mr Happy happy man give you a good old knock huh what are you thinking oh you don’t grow you don’t glow red like Mr knock over here Mr knocker does love the love Taps let’s get you back on your boat huh come on let’s get you back on your lovely boat I’m not finished with the thinging yet and there’s still holes and stuff how bad am I another one already dude come on why do you keep talking about it like I’m surprised okay no more games no more games let’s get you out of here then are we serious right now dude goat man’s here again thumbnail man though I love you thumbnail man I did want to try to find one of the VHS tapes here I thought oh herbine too that’s pretty [Music] cool I tried I tried a little bit oh hello let’s get you out of here I don’t want any more of you day 125 okay maybe there was a better a better solution that rather than breaking all of it maybe you got to just hold it so it would become normal dirt again let time do its thing cool and a lot of people are wondering like how I can freak out for like like how we can extremely freak out and then just be completely calm afterwards is cuz at this point what’s scaring me is the jump scares if even cuz you got to remember that I’m recording these like in massive chunks probably like 6 hours a day every single day so you kind of get numbed to it after a while I’m going to need like an extreme pause to go back to being scared again like super duper scared I’m talking like from the fog type scared the original from the fog that series was awesome only thing that sucks is dude my mic is so freaking it was so bad it was so bad it’s been bad for a while it’s only started to get quote unquote good um recently when I finally figure out how to do everything and knowing that I have to like put my mic literally on my mouth like there’s no Gap like my lips are touching the mic right now that’s how close I have to be just so the fan noise is not that loud well it’s still loud still definitely heard but my voice is just so much louder to where it knows that okay this is background audio so we can remove it it’s not even that loud as well I have to like genuinely scream just so it goes to normal anyway enough Yip Yap this was almost done is there any other spots that I missed probably right bunch of spots you you’ll stay for now these houses yeah they should probably go they should probably go get these Fells out of here all right anywhere else here I guess I think I will have to just remove that I didn’t want to but I fear I have no choice in the matter oh yeah this as well H I think I can put spawn these guys for a lot later ooh Jackie Jackie is here what is he doing so what is going on he’s inside the cave he wasn’t even out he’s inside this freaking Hollow Earth right here let’s get rid of all these guys now okay the lava is okay okay did the villagers die why are they so stupid man just get out of the way of the freaking thing it’s not that difficult you guys should be able to pathfind a away from lava what oh my gosh there was some right there there I thought I was in the clear okay I don’t think I’m that far away think I have to go this way there’s a couple hundred blocks it’s nothing too crazy I’m definitely not going insane let’s freaking go jeez at least these guys are like chill though I respect them because the Weeping Angels who we the Weeping Angels what do I tell about them nothing good for sure they are not a very good mob so I’d much rather have like a billion of these just walking around just you know give me a couple minutes to kill them all rather than just the Weeping Angels is just existing goodness huh I’m going insane what am I doing wrong okay and then there’s also that uh the thing that Calvin does cuz I watch his series dude I watch most of the people horror people’s videos just to keep in touch that whole lava pit thing I wonder if it’s real cuz it’s definitely hard to tell cuz some of the features he does is real but some of it is also obviously not real um but kudos to him it’s it’s very cool to see I wonder how he does it there’s that whole like thing where he went I think he went into the lava pit and and then it became like a thing there was like a massive hole there and then he was digging through it there’s diamonds and then I think at the end of it there was Alex for some reason and then she was holding something and then yeah it’s cool o there’s is a big Village big Village big big big what up guys just your ordinary old traveler what is up with these guys though what are you guys supposed to be you’re an owl like stuck to a freaking thing and you guys are one hits I’m going to say it’s probably mostly fake like you know fake in quotation marks obviously he’s doing it for the content is fine but I really do wish like that like whatever he does with it is really cool so I’m hoping that some of it is in the game the whole sign thing probably not real cuz I mean he does a lot of cuts you know one second he’s doing something gets scared he goes into his house and then next he’s like trading with the Villagers and he goes out and then he sees a freaking sign saying how are you partner so you know I can only say this because I’ve been playing these mods for so so so long so many hours playing these mods and that has never happened to me now this this happens okay a freaking 100 block 100 tall block uh sand pyramid this happens this is normal but he definitely does not talk about that it’s not really the main thing I really do hope somebody makes a cool kind of Herobrine esod cuz from the fun is nice right but we could just do so much better I think I’ve already said this before like imagine the man bear but he’s Herobrine so just Herobrine just stalking you maybe making your voice and all that kind of stuff that would be way cooler than a freaking brown bear with red eyes I really just get the modding just get my hands dirty and see what’s up see what’s going on what the flip is this thing we don’t have to be doing this Mr Stingray let’s get you out of here then let’s get you out of here I don’t even know where you’re where the heck you’re from goodness what the heck there’s another one down there I did not know had Stingray mod in here what the heck um what the segma there’s more of them over there are they just pathing straight towards me you cannot be serious right holy crap yeah they’re definitely just going straight towards me that’s pretty cool I’d like to get my boat please see guys oh ominous present there nobody serious these guys are rookies only guy we have to worry about is the silence or not the silence the man from fog who is this ooh that’s the updated uh guy impersonator okay okay he’s normal size now and he has this normal definitely looks way better than before holy crap love it dude keep it up hopefully I’m going the right way by the way I should be I’m just going to my portal but in overw World terms but for some reason I still don’t see anything so yeah let’s bump up the render distance a little bit here okay that’s a sight to see bunch of uh leafless trees sorry tell me my house is this way oh yes it is yes it is look at my Majestic Castle so it was pretty close my house is a thousand goodness I really should try to memorize my freaking house there’s a Shreck right here this whole time and of course this guy yeah dude yeah I I I’m I for sure didn’t just see you on the last Island I was that love it ooh siren head as well hold on let’s get some footage of him look at him me cool up there I can see you don’t don’t mind the goat man he’s uh a little crazy look at you guys doing cool things over there cool cool cool are you serious you were literally just you were just chasing after me I just got off the boat we cannot be making this up right oh my gosh I’m home everybody I’m home Mr armor did you miss me did you miss me Mr armor I miss you too I miss GTO get over here where’s my hug at where is my hug at oh hold on point business the freaking thing here did you guys patch everything up here uh no there’s still freaking lava flowing how many people di hopefully not too many don’t mind me guys don’t mind me these are all real okay we have to get rid of that look I’m sorry about you okay there’s really nothing I could do you have a boat just so you don’t act up all right then I guess this one I’ll have to genuinely fill in then no point in not doing that oh my gosh holy crap what’s up here Brian you still get fre from that damn you’re still up there is that a freaking villager with that guy come on oh my God it’s so annoying that the freaking shovels don’t work bro I don’t remember how many times I’ve talked about it in the video cuz I I cut it out I cut a bunch of things out I think the shovel rant is one of it shovels just don’t work I think I’ve tested it with the efficiency and everything it just does not do anything at all but everything else works just kind of weird that’s cool why do you have that cool name now by the way why do you have that cool name now huh oh my gosh I was just doing some stuff man come on now from the fog they 127 I I know you want out of there Mr villager I’d love to get you out but uh yeah just going to go and completely bear this little guy here I was also thinking about making like a memorial to the original 100 days from The Fog by making like the original Castle feel like that castle a little bit too small want the castle in here to be at least medium size all right and there we go now for the freaking Castle had like a blueprint and everything but I don’t really feel like I should use it not very sure what those noises dude this freaking guy you mother tracker oh my gosh hello who’s that I hear somebody very faintly are they in my hole here it could just be you yeah you know what I think I should just focus on things that I haven’t finished yet so I’ll go ahead and do the wall or not the wall what what happened to this how is this even possible what the I could break this like this it went through here huh all right we’ll fix that later then it broke all the thing here did something like spit out fire or something broke all the wood anybody crazy down here hopefully we’re saying no either way I’m going to go grab some beefly if you don’t mind this nice everything’s just so chillax like nothing even matters anymore huh what the heck is that somebody’s teleporting hello who is it is it you it is you why would you do all of that then L 128 want the sigma is that bro mhm hello my S buter oh hello go all right get you out here you so this place come on Mr zombie spawn here and you decid to attack me come on show some Hospitality they 129 Jesus please tell me I’m correct about this it’s the magical llamas are you guys to support camels support llama oh you’re real as well well I don’t really have a support villager so if you don’t mind I’m going to be keeping your llamas this is for um you know look guys I know you guys are going to hate me for a while but I don’t really have a lava bucket in me right now so oh you guys just don’t mind well welcome to the family guys yoink yoink I’ve been meaning to get you guys back come on now come on now and especially oh my gosh you guys have a cool Walkin animation Running Animation okay okay okay okay okay that’s pretty cool can you do it this way okay get you guys over here right especially cuz you guys got fan art right let’s just hope that I remember to put it up on screen you guys got freaking fite which is pretty amazing so you are back to the cannon event who the heck is that oh I missing anybody else I think I had a lot of pets back then I really want to rewatch all that just uh find out what kind of that I had not really but I got the llamas back so that’s pretty cool and big thanks to the person that made the find Art by the way C would spend somebody would spend their time and and I get that my character not very drawable you know Alex very complicated person to draw so I don’t I don’t mind the way you drew it he’s very nice so what you always got to think about but canonically if we’re talking like dream SMP type Vibes of what my character would look like I would love to think that my character is just in a onesie that’s why he’s all red he’s just in a onesie massive icy on the front the text saying IC see then if you unzip it I look like freaking Gojo in there the blueeyed king is Back le that’s what I like to that’s my cannon that is my OC right there that is my OC okay let’s just patch up like that okay got no blocks so we will do the slabs what do you guys eat by the way he will I guess so you guys like golden carrots oh my gosh what are we doing Alex holy crap I was about to hit you because I thought you were a fake and then you blinked your eyes thank you for passing the test where’s my hole this time where was my hole whatever it’s sleepy time I guess come on emotional support animals you are not you guys are not supporting me very well you know that you guys are not very good at supporting me can I please find a freaking vs tape before anything happens please please please this place is very dark I should probably make some things shouldn’t [Music] I what’s up Alex are we doing fine I I can’t I’m kind of stuck there we go okay I’m going to guess that place is haunted so we’re going to move up to here here good night guys oh it’s already day 130 hello you’re Bri have seen Alex he’s kind of H you know he’s a littleit more active now you wouldn’t believe it Alex is I’m Alex I’m back Mr knocker I installed the dweller okay why am I going insane though okay now which spot did I leave up at whatever don’t mind me holy c a lot of creepers creeper what the heck is that is that dude those spiders what was the other one then what the heck um oh hello yourself buddy keep it to yourself what’s up skillington okay okay what was it I swear there was another guy here what oh what the heck are you oh hello come on come on let’s get you out of here goodness what is this then dark Essence which makes you infuse yada yada a weeping bone upper bottle the infused thing doesn’t really do anything right yeah well this is going to take a while okay bro this is insanity oh my gosh I’m just going to b m all that dude screw it the dirt has got to go oh my gosh waa wait the farmer died okay now why do they always turn into Farmers oh what’s up Alex was just peacefully sleeping down there day 131 it’s really doing good oh this guy’s getting attacked dude this what you get for uh you know living a million miles away from home just for the sake of it sh head’s mad already what oh my gosh he’s outside oh my gosh hello okay I think you went away now anywh who money look at this Mr Piggy look how rich we are okay this an unbelievable bones here I prefer to get all the iron though any more iron okay any more iron okay we’re good wait no there’s still more iron I got to get the iron oh W what the heck because if I don’t how else am I going to fund my whole uh Iron Golem project you’re back already holy crap you guys are banged up let’s fix you up let’s fix everybody up then you guys need to live you guys need to live okay so anyway for this oh yeah it is very deep isn’t it have to mine a lot of uh Goble but oh well we got to focus upon you first I’ve always wanted to mine a whole desert of you guys out yink yink [ __ ] we got to get the important stuff first like iron yep bunch of iron and the Diamonds of course oh freaking false Minecraft though can we keep it strictly diamonds and iron love it love it love it love it and you know the best part nobody complained about this zero comments about the the Doppel ganger bio everybody love it it’s the greatest idea anybody has ever heard of I’m think I have to add this mod any other time I want to do this again any other time I want to do this again it’s so beautiful it’s so magnificent all of these can St though he can stay for a little while I don’t want to go too crazy with power even if I already am all right let’s keep it going there’s more where that came from straight through here oh there’s nobody there is no are you a real one you are a fake love it I don’t one shot end dude come on goodness right straight back to this then straight back to manual labor I will take all the freaking cold off that is definitely one thing you get me on I love my co can I make weaer skulls by the way that would have been nice yeah speaking of which I completely forgot about the freaking Ender tools yeah I completely forgot about these well it’s not like you can make a lot of them anyway I can do what my my axe do I have any other thing neite thing I don’t think I do but I definitely would have loved to make a bow yeah there’s a freaking endite bow dude holy m a bow with endite ingots endite scrap and diamonds emotional support Lama a 100 to hello here till we get it where the heck is he is he right over here he’s a million miles away again but I can still hear him he probably is what happened to the farmer he was literally just alive okay okay well you know that’s something I guess should have bread amongst yourselves guys everybody get some bread at first The Mending villager now all of this what was that that was something come on let’s keep you going let’s keep it going let’s keep it coming Keep It Coming perfect right time for me to go back to placing some these because terrain is getting a little bit too freaky now I wouldn’t want to dig at the wrong spot I would waste too much time was that a dolphin guy what do you guys think you’re doing let’s see you poof away now let’s see you poof away poof smell you later buddy I’m have to also put down the Walls to the right height holy crap the things I do for love the craziest part is this this isn’t even going to be visible in the outside because this is purely for the inside cuz there’s Hills here covering it up goodness gracious I wonder how long this video is going to be especially cuz now it’s like mainly building focused and I don’t really like to I don’t really like to talk too much when I’m building obviously for you guys it’s a bunch of talking cuz it cut the silence but in between of all this dude it’s like minutes upon minutes on minutes upon minutes of just building in extreme heat because I have no fans on I have no cooling system you are real oh wa’s here a 133 why do you keep going in here dude I don’t really get the appeal is he here where the heck is this guy I keep hearing I don’t see him hello there okay I guess you’re going to have to get sacrificed now I don’t want you to waste away so I think I’m just going to I’m just going collect you guys I’m just going to bre a bunch of buckets bunch of buckets just use this poor lava as fuel or something I did not mean to put that freaking torch there D come on now enough for the Torches are you connected to this thing probably not right that’s want me to find out all righty wonderful what are you doing Alex oh there’s your name name tag can I actually just walk to you oh no I was close now I was close I was about to meet my sunshine right there all right I’m going to test it out one last time okay we’re going to make iron diamond and a copper shovel one of these guys has to work right day 134 okay iron does not work let’s test out Diamond does not work copper does not work all them do not work I love it oh my gosh this freaking sucks dude why did why out of all the darn things it had to be dirt man had to be dirt hello how you doing all right so I thought of an ingenious plan here all I have to do is just cut out these sides and if I vein mine it it’s not going to take the rest of it out as long as he’s not connected like this juding it’s still going to take a long time though but it is what it is you know the one tool I haven’t tried yet is a hole do you want to break this quick I doubt it no that’s still the same what happened to dirt man this is so annoying are we serious dude I fin to go to bed man oh God one’s also here look guys I would love one of those VHS tapes what are you thinking what are we thinking about the VHS tapes huh I just SP them they 137 35 should I try enchanting the shovel One Last Time come on shovel shovel shovel yink silk touch whatever Unbreaking three silk touch well there we go Ming what the heck is that mimik why the heck is a mimik always here huh anybody else cool not really it’s just uh Bedrock I guess day 13 six yeah holes like these holes like you supposed to be around the massive hole of forever is almost done is that a freaking villager hello Mr villager how we doing you guys going of just wander around all the time you want to Blink for me you’re not blinking you know what it means when you don’t blink right exactly it means you’re an imposter oh jump scare guess not what the crap dude get out of here bad guy all right I guess it’s actually already done huh that’s pretty fast oh fast it took me like what 2 3 days just to do this part alone but in my eyes it is what it is it’s a good time skip don’t want the video to be too long so I’m going to go ahead and clear my inventory and gather up that uh impostor block don’t want the iron to go to waste this side I think you can stay but over here there’s some down here okay why did you change your uh Hallelujah wonderful absolutely wonderful what’s up guys you guys aren’t mad at me are you are you Ser all the chest fall again huh who is that who is that somebody made a cool noise I can’t see him though oh hello Hello Alex glad to see you around I’ll deal with the floor first then the walls one thing at a time then finally I can build the castle and then build the Villager houses 3 137 rainbow that’s going right through the wall Hello Alex she she’s checking up on me checking my sanity my mental health after placing down all these blocks is there anybody there that’s somebody look like some somebody is that somebody that’s just a skeleton I think skeleton and a demagog come on then Mr demagog dude why do you keep walking away what the heck is it actually just done like that Dar okay okay okay and now for the lights though I don’t really know what to do about it I kind of want maybe lanterns but how would I do that cuz they can’t be here unless I do something like this and then hang them in the middle is what I’m kind of thinking about is what I’m kind of thinking about like this get you out here so like this and then put the lantern here and in the middle like every every single time but I feel like that would also look kind of weird but I think it would work out I think ooh pale Hound pale Hound I have not seen you all right not not much damage you’re okay okay fellow let’s see how much hits you take ooh you’re a toughy you are a toughy I could also just keep this place unlit just so some mobs would spawn we just go around this place check it out see if anything cool is happening I have like a wet sound effect on my shoes cuz there’s like water down here is it water yep pale hound and then these guys all right I guess I should just finish up the walls and we’ll see about the uh the whole Lantern thing cuz how about the top it’s going to look weird though it would look cool if there was like just torches but at the same time it’s like still minuscule cuz you know I don’t know if some of you guys uh see what the vision I’m thinking about here you know like torches here and here like all in like the proper place over and over again that would look kind of good but these torches look just too bland do I really want to install like a decoration mod do I really want to do that kind of but I don’t really want to bother we’ll see okay greetings from the ceiling my dear librarian I love you too they want can we stop spawning their Johns here dude how did you even spawn there as well the place is properly lit up go men again yo cartoon glad to see you around it has been quite a while huh anybody else cool want to spawn down here anybody else tussle with a muscle yeah these guys are still here though these freaking tentacle guys should I try fighting them why not let’s see if I can last wait what how did I get resistance am I tripping or was there somebody here yeah you guys just never despawn do you well fear not because I am here to put you out of your freaking misery holy crap holy crap hold on give me a second give me a second to adjust I’m ready holy crap you have really long Reacher oh my gosh I can’t even reach you anymore hold on a minute let’s see dude I really have to like force it out of you holy crap jeez Louise what the heck out of here buddy you in this time Mr tentacle guy I am supposed to fight you with bows but you know how it is bows kind of feel unfair and then it’s the other way around if I fight you with a freaking sword you feel unfair come on now pick a freaking side dude oh no I’m coming up to a jump scare I’m shaking my boots I’m about to die I’m about to die wonder if I can kill these guys I guess they just jump scare me regardless I love it oh Mr impregnator you have come again for me for me you have come I wonder if I can actually keep you probably not right probably not gosh is it already night time it is day 139 dude what freaking button did I press for Shuffle mode bro here we go is that 2 midnight lers hello my friend what are you do what are you doing Alex Oh Jackie okay you’re just going to immediately greet me like that buddy come on I thought you and me had a connection should I bup these guys I kind of feel like yeah you know what I’ll slowly buff them like I want like the final I’d say five days cuz if I do the final 10 days it’s going to be a little bit hectic okay I’ll say the final five days I’m just going to make their spawn timers like just like the Goatman so they’re always going to be here permanently 24/7 we’ll see I’ll have to repair a lot just so my armor and stuff doesn’t break so we’ll see we’ll see it’s not it’s not set in stone okay it’s still like 50 days away practically 60 that’s a lot of days so I could like I could change my mind I do wonder how much shorter this video is going to be from the first 100 days cuz I’m building so much we’ll see I’d love to see it I I hope I I uh edit in the building and breaking and stuff you know like the speed s addiction kind of style sometimes I get lazy and don’t do it so hopefully this time I do it put my big boy pants on and do it day 140 perfect time for me to put the gold man in okay I haven’t even loaded in yet but I think I I’m going to regret my decision I should have changed at least the sound effects that the freaking Goatman does 840 oh my gosh what’s up Alex the goatman’s going to be really beefy as well let’s see if I can beat him Hello Alex I kind of have to build her so thank you for going away there’s my lovely Goatman where’s he at then we actually turn hostile creatures up a little bit here ohly got a lot of creepers is that him oh wait what you’re the old one you’re not the the new one why is there water here it’s cuz freaking flame seed took off all his mods and you can bet my right ass Chek that he is not reworking them dude I can bet you right now he’s not reworking them unless he’s like waiting for all of them to be finished I don’t really get that mindset though like I I don’t wait for 200 days to be finished just so I release 100 days like come on like nobody has to complete everything at once just so that one thing can come out come on guys just make more dwellers okay don’t make me get in the ring cuz if I get in the ring it’s all over it’s all over once icy Harry starts modding cuz I got so much freaking free time I don’t do anything else but this interesting he’s just very very subtle with it unless it’s a different volume at least you guys are saying which bed is safe because whoever is not using a bed it’s a cuss bed never mind never mind I was wrong I was very very wrong thumbnail maning demic organs though I don’t like any of you guys I’m trying to find a freaking VHS but you just don’t last long enough here is that one man I want to find a v chest just so I can conclude the silence at least cuz I said I would find one but I never did they’re not that important anyway not much juicy lore in them not much juicy lore hello what are we doing here Alex what are we doing here Alex cutie patootie you little cutie patootie Mr Goatman what do you think you’re doing ah big Halala Mr go where’s your hit Marx by the way there it is got tall hit boxs got it okay so are we going to die anytime soon though or what’s going on here love it dude let’s have the goat man we all low in love I’ll bring them back later all right I think the Wall’s done now and of course Mr knocker this would have been possible without you huh what are we thinking buddy give you a good old love tap huh give you a love tap as well give this one a love tap all right now for the main thing the main thing we want to like count the whole shebang you so I’m like actually in the middle why not huh why not let’s just delay the build even more day 142 hello Mr herob Brien okay I’m just going to do coordinates screw it dude whoops never mind that negative 8 all right so there’s the maths so the middle of this is what 501 and the middle of this what side is 69 right this is 69 right here this is a true middle so it’s practically on the cusp of it now question is how big do I want it to be I don’t want it to be too big too big too big too big I think yeah right about here should be good yeah so it’s not going to be that big of a castle cuz I want the houses to have a lot of space on them so say about here 15 blocks okay hopefully I counted that right YOLO let’s make it 15 by 15 this a complete Square Castle which makes no sense cuz the uh outside walls is a rectangle of all things let’s keep it Square on the inside huh one two three four all righty let’s go you guys ready to be not homeless cool okay why did siren head sound super duper close wish should I get away this time Mr siren head I don’t have the water bucket with me right now so this is the best I can do Mr Sir head this guy’s still here dude very persistent fellow oh hello you’re not sir head but I’ll take care of you nonetheless that’s good man as well let’s keep things sever Mr Gman Mr Goldman also I like it how like whenever in s videos puff shoots a dweller s’s like no don’t do that no no no no no no don’t do that puff don’t do that you don’t know what he’s going to do you don’t know what’s going to happen oh he’s just taking it now he is just taking it that’s my goat right there that’s why you call him the Goatman just taking the brunt of it holy crap you’re you’re a lot you are a heavy one oh there he is again but my Rend this is just for you buddy just for this little old you what is going on is he somewhere here uh oh there he is that’s one of them but that’s not that one isn’t really walking so it can’t be that one right yep there’s two footsteps love it righty so where is the other one then that’s a bunch of spiders I’m going to guess the other one’s over here somewhere yep there he is you guys are extremely far there’s three of you guys what the sigma one two three love it dude that’s pretty cool okay that’s kind of a a lot of you guys don’t don’t you guys think you know one is a sad time two is a good time three is a crowd you know what they saying you know what the they say about that I I’ll let them be that is not my concern the heck get out of here what is that and what is that oh that’s the freaking nightwell oh of course I triggered them hello guys we have a boat here somewhere we should have a boat here somewhere right we love boats guys we love boats guys we love boats where’s the boats at holy crap he’s gaining on me he’s a Gainer he’s a Gainer where are the boats oh you already took up that spot that’s amazing uh okay you guys are all taken up as well I’m going to freaking die I’m going to die and I love it is that another okay that’s not bad Rock can we help me out here guys thank you guys you take care of the rest there you guys are still following me dude get out of here holy crap what is this dude this is not a zombie apocalypse that’s later I will do another zombie apocalypse later not now right away okay fever dream are we serious right now the worst thing about him is that he doesn’t even go after me yep straight for the freaking villager dude love it there we go thank you for letting me combo in my bunch Mr villager didn’t mean you could you involved in that but you know how it is okay love it dude I just never find it dude I need to get like a oh hello hello hello I need to find or I need to make night vision potions okay I’m insane as well why why am I insane did one of my freaking horses die whatever just a little old nap is going to fix everything there we go day 100 and three okay why is like a million villagers on my bed dude now the only problem about about this is my Bedrock right there what do we do about that then out of the way guys oh my gosh I don’t got no time for this I don’t got no time time for playing games my friend let’s get you out of here let’s get you out of here come on I do Wonder can I like dual wield stuff I don’t think I can right yes question mark oh I can technically dual wield it you’re using yeah you’re using the thing as well did I like mess up all my chest again hopefully not let’s see if I can dual wield it later got to focus up on this okay so I forgot that I wanted like uh the tower things again I keep forgetting about it over and over again every single day and I also want it for the outside as well but I think it just keep the outside as normal walls that should make sense maybe okay that is cool looking the god race from the uh okay buddy oh gosh come on now come on now you know this is not really a fight the god R from the stairs is pretty cool I know buddy I know it would look even better if I like day 145 it would be cooler if I use like better shaders I mean even if I upgrade though I think I’m going to stick to something like rethinking voxal that’s kind of the next Shader I want to use cuz it basically just looks like this but better cuz the whole like ambient lighting or whatever’s going on there but no Nidia announcements computex at least regarding the gpus and stuff it’s sad that they had to Nerf to 90 just so they could in theory do the 5090 TI it’s kind of uh annoying but it is what it is I’ll see what I keep saying I’m going to buy the 5090 I’m going to try okay cuz I’ve never really bought you know the top of the top end GPU before I never bought a GPU in General so we’ll see um from what I’ve heard there’s going to be like scalpers and they’re going to resell it for a really high price and you know even and other than that people are going to like buy it up and use it for their own stuff and they’re not going to sell it so it might like run out we’ll see I I’m really just hoping for a really good uh PC just so I can you know have better stuff and play on more than five R distance and just try out like cooler shaders and like bigger mod packs that and I want to play in four 4K so if I play in 4k I can end it and render in 4k so people on TV cuz 50% of you guys are apparently watching on TV which is my pleasure to be on the television my pleasure so it would be nice to render in 4k even if I think most people don’t really view stuff in 4k though most people still definitely use uh 1080 but just having it is pretty cool and when I do get a desktop I’m planning right don’t quote me on this but I want to try to do Marathon stream not like you know like sleeping and everything I want to do a marathon of 100 days so every day I’m going to try to do 100 days in that one day just like wake up immediately stream then try to finish it ideally I want it to be 16 hours a day like you literally only get 8 hours of your time left so in an ideal world you would sleep like instantly but I’m pretty sure that’s not possible so yeah 16 hours a day and that way I can have like a whole year basically of videos is just ready I just have to edit it either that or even better I get an editor that would be awesome so a whole month basically of 16 hours every single day like that’s a mega grind right there with the extreme benefit of basically you’re just done for the whole month or for the whole year I mean you just don’t have to edit at all and if I’m feeling extra bougie I could just send off all that footage to an editor and just boom you have a whole catalog of weekly videos you don’t got to sit down anymore it’s all done we’ll see if I can do it I probably I probably can’t I mean that’s a massive commitment so we’ll see what we can do though what are we thinking excuse me Mr Golem excuse you as well and you as well are we serious I only gosh and I really want to know as well is like do people watch these little rants you know like me ranting about the the gpus me wanting about you know 4K resolution and uh my plans when I get a desktop cuz if I look at it okay cuz I I can see when people leave but for videos that’s this long it’s like a just a a line just that just goes down the further you go along which is kind of obvious you know that’s kind of just how it works but there’s no like obvious dips because the line is just so big if this was a 10-minute video and I would run for like half of it then it would be pretty obvious that okay people don’t like the runs because you just see a massive dip in the middle so I want to know guys what are you guys thoughts on the rants of me just talking about random stuff because I like that too the reason I do it is because I like it I also watch like really long videos um of 100 days and stuff sometimes okay usually I just watch like really long videos in general that’s uh about a given topic like documentaries or something but if I do ever watch 100 days or long Minecraft videos I like it whenever people rant whenever I get to you know listen into their their stuff you know like podcast that’s a good uh example like they have a given topic but sometimes they’re kind of just rant you know they they talk about what they’ve been up to what they’re thinking and I like that part it doesn’t have to be always about you know that one thing you could also just mellow down and uh talk about what you want to talk about just random stuff really makes you feel connected oh my your boy is out of deep slight all righty deep slight I go then question mark and let’s go for deep slight then the one thing about it though is uh that comforts me is that people you know they say that uh they sleep with this kind of stuff they just have it on their phone and they just do off or whatever you guys do none of my business that’s what I used to do as well so I 100% am on board with that so at least you know whenever R about that kind of stuff he just flying over their heads which just you know that’s that’s one way of one one positive way of thinking about it is that ultimately we do don’t care as long as you’re just chill maxing holy crap dude hello day 146 already already everything’s coming together yeah you’re in coming together it’s okay I don’t want it to be too big where it kind of overpowers this wall I just want it to be big in here so the houses are going to be a little bit mincu we’ll see we’ll see it’s going to be tough to make them smaller because this Castle is kind of going Overhill so the houses over here are going to look bigger than this so we we’ll see what we can do about it but for now I need to mend Mend my stuff oh man I did not mean to buy all that where’s the one fellow where’s the potion fellow is he just stuck in here is this where he was he also just heal these guys real quick there he is you little bugger that scared me you made me unironically jump from my sight brao come you better not disappear this time you better not come on oh man dude gosh done this El is just a little bit too up there right whatever this should be fine for a little bit oh come on guys it is not that serious let’s get you all guys out of here come on come on is it not work time I literally put your thing back dude come on it it is work time let’s get you guys out of here come on let goat man oh man I guess are both real all right go get out of here then day 147 you watching me build money what are we thinking it’s fantastic isn’t it it’s Fantastical your mind just wants every single view this thing is it really that good buddy really is just that good huh I know buddy I know all right Iron Golem buddy I want you to live so go and walk out of here huh that’s right buddy appreciate you there’s going to be one more of you guys to come CU I will make more of you guys mark my words 1 million Iron Golems 100 years Iron Golems 100 Seasons 100 Seasons Iron Golems as for this cat Mr Cat and Mr Pig will stay down here forever those are the rules do anything about it it is what it is see you later Mr Piggy hope you keep the uh the floors nice company hello you checken the interior out buddy it’s not quite done yet but I’m working on it perfect so now there’s just going to be a path here leading outwards like that just you know piness want to make it too perfect like these guys’ paths but you get the gist of it like that it’s going to Branch out I want like a house directly facing my castle probably not right like I want them to be at least on the corners here or something like that and do I want to keep you I mean I I feel like You’ been here for a while cuz the other one was kind of just a box so not much sentimental value there oh goodness that’s a big one day for8 all right let’s get this guy out of here then any more stragglers and these I also need to batch these ones up I’m also kind of thinking about a four-way entrance kind of just make my castle like a a central point or something so every single side of of a wall is going to have an entrance and all of them are going to lead out onto Villagers houses as if everybody goes to my castle all the time we’ll see and it would also be funny if my like the inside here I just have like a tiny house I think I think we got something cooking something’s getting cooked something or someone is getting cooked right now what are we doing Mr farmer did you forget your job it’s right here um okay hold up um oh yeah it’s right here what are you doing you want to be there let’s see if you travel to this yep you love it all right let’s get you back over here then all right next up I have to make the tower looking things here I’m been a long time ago how you doing llamas did I name you guys I don’t even remember I don’t even remember what have I done I probably called you guys something nice like speve what are you up to buddy there you go go ahead and get out dude come on yeah you want to thank me you’re welcome buddy you are welcome no thanks needed just doing my job can I get my water bucket back there you are all right buddy one last time before I go to bed come on you know you can’t take me on you know you can’t do it it’s impossible it’s impossible do I have to crit you out just for you to die I think the one time I killed you was when you’re standing still okay well time to put my anger out on you unless I could actually vat you which would be pretty cool let’s uh get rid of this guy okay killed both of them that’s amazing no no it’s in the hole you want a boat you want a boat I know you want a boat come on now come on now Boat Boat Boat T Boat Boat oh man anybody else go spawning in not really not really go men’s back though day 149 almost done with all the towers here you’re almost sply missionally done SK oh my gosh dude I want of people that say like please stop saying skidy pretty funny oh my gosh no way you talk to your friends that way br blood the hell mate but yeah I I say it just to weird out all the skibby haters all the skibbidy deniers just embrace it Embrace es skib when yourselves embrace it okay one last Tower and I don’t it’s going to be difficult I think I’m going to raise this up probably four blocks cuz I really don’t want it to be close to the the walls what are you doing in here buddy Mr librarian aren supposed to be working production four my it please oh that’s pretty cool buddy you trying to get some sh shade trying to get some Shai the summer heat is kind of big huh oh wo okay I see you I see you trying to get a clear view of it it is pretty good it’s coming along nicely there’s like a million things again siren heads gosh freaking darn it bro you going take care of them guys take care of them take care of all of them oh gosh hold on hold on hold on when I said take care of them not not the go man gotman is a little bit destructive let’s fix you guys up you guys take care of them gosh goodness six of them oh man I really thought that was it let’s see anybody anybody injured anybody want to some iron against no anyway onward onto day 150 just pop better way buddy Hello Alex herob Bri you’re not herob Bri come on stop Jing around Alex this is a serious matter the slabs are about to be finished and I just have to do the pointy things pointy things anything happening nothing okie dokie if you say so ready now for the stairs I should have some extras here somewhere okay I don’t have much extras perfect it’s actually like perfect now no misses no nothing wonderful nice okay do okay my water keeps going crazy I have the holy water love it man if it only was a little bit easier to see in here I wonder if you could sleep in here as well probably not right I go back if I sleep here again they 151 oh the heck is that you get that guy out of here buddy good for nothing you w that guy around good job buddy good job is that oh sorry I didn’t mean it Mr knocker I did not mean it you are beautiful just the way you are I really don’t get these guys dude why are they just roaming around why did they just forget their their jobs makes no sense look at the shadow over here by the way the block goes up whenever I place it but my shadow isn’t there P I’m pretty sure I should have a shadow I don’t really know where it is though let me check oh I don’t ooh I guess my Shadow’s gone because of the uh the the whatever this mod is called first first person animation skibby something like that this was a fake one take care them please all right how’s the castle looking it’s looking spacular spacular all right um okay so next up is the Villager houses villager houses that’s a big undertaken oh it’s this guy again hold on hold on I want to get into fun oh sh a freaking thing it’s a freaking Goatman welcome back buddy you take care of that guy let me help you out I don’t know why he’s not activating hey where you going Mr Goatman there’s no running from Justice there’s no running from the law y get that guy get that guy oh there we go nice nice nice welcome back Mr God man oh no it’s raining oh no oh it’s a thunderstorm you know what that means guys sorry not sorry day one to right I think I’ll go with the uh the idea I have of just a million walls everywhere this just going to be more convenient for me anyway oh no somebody’s getting Hur who the heck is this guy anyway let me get some lights in here hey hey Mr DW who are you Mr DW let me get a good look at you oh it’s you huh anyway let’s get you out of here yeah I totally know that guy me and him go way back that guy was my first subscriber you know they good care of them oh hello how we doing Mr go man why did they just not care about me that’s more like it that’s how it’s B by their AI just completely breaks whenever Iron Golem gets some first oh never mind okay okay okay Herb’s here somewhere Mr herob Brian oh hello there I knew you were on here what happens if I gosh darn it dude come on in the middle here just like a nice shabby old house that would be ideal and then the rest of these Pathways outwards outwards Pathways I don’t have a shovel anymore I like how this is basically just like the the prologue is it prologue or epilog whatever whatever the uh the after after the main thing is oh this isn’t the right one oh no like a crazy path or something like that it’s absolutely crazy going outwards outwards yeah kind of like this I guess yeah over here don’t want it to be too perfect got make it like go crazy and all that stuff like that and I’m guessing here should be a house over here as well another house okay okay and then these guys could have like fancy houses as well okay should I have these I should probably also just do it for here as well I just walk straight this is not straight this is straight this is it right yeah I probably also just have massive Gates here just for convenience sake okay doesn’t help that uh it’s completely submerged holy crap it’s completely freaking submerged brao holy holy moly okay I don’t think I can go that way let me check that to be to yeah so I can finally make use of these guys and jungle okay love it yeah just a bunch of like different kind of houses would be nice looking there’s some dark oak houses there’s some jungle houses Birch and all that stuff so it looks like this place is just a whole community of different people only one jungle sapling what did I do wrong I even get these if I no I don’t anymore I’m going to have to Vain mind them oh gosh all the grass hasn’t gone here yet I’m sorry for you I’m sorry my Rend distance can’t be that long I’m sorry I’m sorry hello herob Bri you just see where the uh the grass ends day 153 oh my God you scared the living crap out of me what do we think we’re doing Mr man who do you think you are huh you think you’re somebody special just cuz I’m looking at you and you’re looking at me you think we got something in common sorry to burst your bubble all right so I think I was making the houses right so one over here and one over there so ideally I kind of wanted to be stairs like this going up to their house and put their Corners like these yeah yeah yeah oh hello you again how many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man oh my gosh all right so something like this and they can also have like porches as well I guess but ideally nothing fancy for now I want to sacrifice all of it yeah something like that and their door would be here make some fancy stuff like fences going up like that yeah supporting a balcony kind of here their house is here L love love oh hello Mr Gman as well can I deal with you just like the other guy just bow you a couple times and then go for the attack yep love to see it buddy that and I also that and I also going to need to leave I kind of need to uh get a few more jungle stuff few more of the other trees please especially this jungle one I didn’t know we had so little oh wa I didn’t know one of you guys was so close don’t mind me don’t mind me just trying to get some wood you know how it is in this economy oh okay I’m dead how the heck can you reach me what is that about huh Mr siren head why do you deal so much damage now as well oh yep take the Neil see you later now the age old question can I put you in a boat okay where’s the oh hello where is the jungle cool sapling that’s it okay time to just bone meal that guy there we go a bunch of bone meal is that who I think it is jeez dude okay so this one has no way up I really have to excavate all this I don’t really think it’s possible I’ll just have to like dig around the mod of it or something I don’t even know I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore I could just have like a staircase going upwards in there onto the doorway that’s something I lost her again where is she oh there she is why did you grow up buddy another just one sapling hopefully you don’t run out anytime soon that would be pretty sad okay I think we’re going to run out just a good feeling okay another just single one AR just supposed to drop more than one buddy come on help a brother out okay there we go that’s what I like it ooh more support emotional support animals oh that was a three Oh I thought it was a finally a four oh gosh hello Hello Alex you keep startling me for no reason is it another three okay there we go four perfect now we get humongous trees and we should be unstoppable now now perfect what is going on there we go perfect perfect perfect love it uh should I go up there and greet them yeah why not are you real buddy I think you are real yeah you’re making potions and everything ooh jungle sapling I’ll take that from your hands and anything else cool Brown dye pumpkins too I think there’s pumpkins like right over here somewhere do I really have to go here every single time now dude I should probably leave a trail as well triy to leave a little bit of Trail so we know we where we’ve been through day 154 Okie doie do I want to do this off the Noggin not really not really make your porch a little bit bigger oh that’s cool that’s pretty cool you see that’s a good thing that’s a good way to do it so like that and then the door is like going to be here but I want your roof to look like the thing roof but I think for it to look like that you need to be a little slim so I might have to cut these down just so this is like this way no more of these two yes SC I’ll go look at the uh the footage of 100 days is expanding border all right I think I got it down it’s kind of difficult hello hello H so as for the house itself put some plankers down Le get a good uh good perception of how big it is yeah I think I should trim it down a little bit here don’t want this house to be too big because right behind it is going to be the uh the wall all right is something that fine it still seems a little bit too big but I think that should be okay it shouldn’t really matter all that much p a little bit of these a little bit of these just add some detail to it mhm holy crap hello already something like that and then I think all right I think they went kind of like this and then over here the stairs are downwards down like that can we get this freaking okay get the torch out of the way placee goodness so like that and over here oh miss with this one whoops huh what the heck dude dude how much health does a goat man have keeps he keeps leaving before I kill them holy moly all right just like that and then over here it’s downwards like this yeah y y yeah I think it should like poke out a little bit more so let me try to do that oops yeah kind of like that wonderful is this a thunderstorm or what’s going on hello BR no it’s not a thunderstorm oh whoops you are a little bit too outwards day5 what the heck that’s a bunch of XP I’ll take it all right so I was trying to keep in mind that I need to make the houses a little bit smaller yeah house looks quy but it should look fine I just like the the kind of pointy roofs rather than these kind of roofs which is what everybody’s used to I like it more kind of stylish straight off the Noggin okay that’s more like it this the first house almost basically done Hello Alex what are we doing today some fantastic stuff huh love it love to see it you seen Herobrine around SW guy huh you’re not him by the way you are not Herobrine let’s just clear that up yeah something like that that looks nice and comfy put something like this and then maybe some planks what are we thinking boys some planks up here yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s definitely getting there but I’m like slowly running out of wood to get it making need to get into the uh wood business here so it’s going to be these special kind of houses and then the other houses are going to be like Spruce cuz that’s kind of the main thing about this they’re going to be Spruce and just so I can use the tile stairs that I made before that’s what I’m going to make the the roof out of so over here this is all going to be like tile and then the middle is going to be the wood type or vice versa whatever I’m feeling however quirky I’m feeling cuz sometimes I do get kind of quirky at night there’s also vertical slabs if I can think of a way to use that somehow but I do want to try out some trap doors that would be nice trap doors and some glass up here that would be good kind of thinking trap doors maybe for like these put them down make it look a lot more like just plump yeah make it look lot more plumpus all righty let me get some sand just dump all this stuff off grow some more trees okay this should be a good amount for a little while now I can have a little jungle Forest here whenever I need it and next up I should also get some dark Spruce Oak and Birch should be just everywhere so I don’t think I’ll ever have to need to I don’t think I’ll ever have to get those oh what’s the sigma take care of this guy guys thanks day 156 oh my gosh hello yeah it looks kind of strange doesn’t it it’s okay it’s quirky this guy’s a foreigner I all what the lore is did you guys just break down this freaking to what the crap dude oh I forgot about sand as well oh you guys are not aligned anymore what mhm is that him over there holy crap buddy we a few chests here just for the woods okay you don’t have to be here you know is Alex behind me goodness I wonder know why you guys break whenever I shoot you guys with arrows all right all right let’s keep it calm get you guys out of here I don’t know how many arrows I have to shoot at you guys but I do know it’s a few because if I just shoot one then go out straight after you guys should do attack so let’s try this out let’s try giving you some trapo windows what are we thinking about that just a little bit of Cockiness going on here first of all these have to go to the ground jeez it would be so easy if I could just use thing I really should just go back to using schematics wrong way buddy let’s get inside then right so trop door trop door trop door trop door you like that let’s see it it’s something something it’s something hello you guys keep crawling out of this or what’s going on yeah I think it’s fine it’s kind of missing something though I really have to like do this put vertical slabs I guess what are we thinking would that do anything for it want some signs cuz it just looks so Bland for some reason no that doesn’t work I would signed on this not much of a window then huh look like boarded up um whatever you’re fine I guess I could just do like yep yep yep I can do like tra towards here and then a bunch of like hedge makees it look like you have a garden outside but for that in the shears yeah let’s do it then I’m taking quite a while on a single house this is going to be quite atrocious I just want to like explain my thought process on this cuz I’m I’m going to guess at all the other houses I’m going to just going to Time Lapse it what did I do did I just make a bunch of pressure plates what’s going on give me the freaking thing please not pressure plates trap doors there we go yeah like that and then I can put long yeah that’s that’s good that’s good just to make it look a little bit more comfy love it love it love it love it that was extra loud just for me all right oh hello you didn’t leave this time oh come on okay so what did there why do do wa huh what is going on here so are you telling me like the the Calvin stuff is real there’s just like random stuff going on why there have to be water though all things all the things in W it had to be water oh W I didn’t make a freaking sheer dude what are you guys doing man who is that who are you you look fancy what the heck is this you’re a big fellow huh let’s get you out of here then what are you hello the heck is this thing oh hello wao guys wo woah wo w W one at a time one at a time I could even get a freaking view that thing any who leaves I’d prefer jungle leaves since I was a jungle house but I think we’ll just default to uh normal leaves okay cool oh I spawn in different places every single time H this like looks like something’s going over here oh that’s oh no oh I do spawn in the same place again get toward you guys then where is it day 157 how we do it Mr knocker forgot to grab some dirt dirt dirt pretty dirt dirt dirt grab some dirts just so we can place some flowers and stuff as well not only just Hedges that wouldn’t look too pleasing Le something like that and then maybe in the middle here than this flower dandel line over here maybe it be a little bit more quirky put it in different spots put the flowers here this time and make it double dandelion go okay that’s a double Wy love it there you go perfect perect makes it look a lot less uh bad a lot less bad bro right next house I want your neighor to be D Spruce what are we thinking about that look some freaking glass Mel I keep putting it off I also have very few of this okay so this house needs to be how big ooh it’s going to be ridiculously big one two three four wait it need to be four blocks tall or four blocks wide uhuh okay okay okay what the heck guys okay so the path is over here I should really try to separate them a little bit more whatever what we can go a little bit over here now we need to farm this next goodness gracious like that that and then this this going to be a slim house and also try to like change it up a bit so the other houses are going to be like slanted this side the roof yeah the roof is going to be like this way as well I’ll also try like the roof the same way but the thing is slanted I don’t I don’t know just tossing on some Dias before ultimately I uh I go Rogue I go Rogue and the time lapse of everything just take care of the Goatman away from me please why you bringing him closer that’s not a good idea you know oh that’s the other guy too you take care of business on that guy too look at the iron goem taking care of business did you really just respawn instantly dude I literally just saw you get killed I saw you die my friend I saw you die great job taking care of business day8 it might have taken a while but we got two houses done what are you doing dude we cannot be doing this every single day I try to sleep day 159 these guys though these guys got to go where are you guys even coming from though oh what the heck man did Zeus strike down my freaking chest oh man all right now for up here though I’m going to thinking yeah something like this something normal like that yeah I fix these as well just a nice and cozy house yeah that looks nice and cozy what are we thinking yeah y yep right now a million more to go and I feel like the road here is kind of a little bit too far what are we thinking kind of want the yeah I’ll redo the roads later I guess because one this road looks to like a little bit too perfect I want it to be a lot more messy like this going straight to the houses connecting to other houses as well any who let’s get the the big boys out time to get the sprues out they W 60 goodness D what the heck you bar they have any Spruce are you serious dude gosh darn it bro oh oh man oh I got to heal my freaking thing though right chopping wood and healing the axe then and chop more wood because we got to sell the wood oh my gosh what no what you’re here again goodness okay what happened to the freaking Brewer why is he just standing there come on buddy the mimer is well come on buddy we need you back at work let me get your thing for you what is he doing come on buddy come on what are we doing today come on come on dude your job’s right here buddy let’s get you back to work all right whatever dude day 161 oh s is here Mr siren head what are we doing this fine afternoon oh you’re running come on now buddy come on now no need for the ankle breakers dude oh I’m actually dead [Music] okay noted you were just doing that thing over and over and over and over and over again that is just the way I like it can I have my stuff back all my stuff ooh I have a corpse Seven Levels I should have grabbed all my stuff first unlimited mending technique that’s nice I have a corpse oh it’s going to stay here forever now I was trying to go up here and just attempt to Bow him down I think he has a little bit too much health to do that but it was worth a shot I guess that’s just what happens when you’re just when you’re just complacent you think even siren head can kill you and then he starts smashing his big toe into your face a million times over and over again like that one cousin that just smashes the keyboard on fighting games that is what I like to say okay guys come on come on guys come on right now I should have enough Spruce for a little while can also grab some of the stairs down here now you can just start printing out a bunch of uh bunch of houses these these stairs right here yep yep yep day 16 to all right guys what do we think about this wall this roof huh was kind of fancy doesn’t it I like it I like it it’s nice looking yeah yeah yep yep yep yep just like that mhm the front porch also want the this to be a little bit fancy uh still on time if I do this Tada a little bit of that wonderful yourself a door and maybe some like bushes here or something like that yep that one’s nice I like that one but it was a little bit tough because I had to redo this cuz I I I only remembered about these a little bit afterwards all right so I think now I’m going to go print a bunch of these houses out some some with this some without it we’ll see probably mostly without it as well mostly without it the heck is this pillagers ooh do I want to do a raid kind of I’d love to have another totem I’m coming guys over Yonder where’s your captain I need to talk to the captain of this vessel all you guess she pushing yourself come on come on I spent all the time going up here oh my this isn’t looking very good huh mister burn as well where’ they go pillagers what are you guys doing let’s get over here on see a raid tomorrow then break from all the building oh you died the thing so I didn’t get it amazing love to see it ooh men from the fog men from the fog occupied ghost monsters nearby day 163 what oh is the silence again what you guys oh my God slowness three for 50 seconds come on now we don’t have to do all this oh actually wait a minute can I boat you probably not right there’s no way you did do a lot of changes I don’t remember if I could boot you before people probably already tried yeah definitely can’t boot you come on one last chance would you want to be a cool guy and get in that boat nope keep forgetting that your freaking hit boox is like all the way down here goodness that sucks I wanted to do a raid take a little break from building this house looks funky why not have a couple funky houses funky house dude why is this s so active all of a sudden I’m just trying to build here man nothing much I’m just trying to build that’s all I want to do it’s build darn that actually doesn’t look half bad you look pretty bad though so let’s get you out of here yeah it looks kind of like yeah it looks like a helmet like a valkyrie helmet that’s kind of cool okay I dig it I dig it the back though the back I don’t really think yeah the back does not look the same at all it’s okay nobody looks like the back anyway so you are now my accidental Masterpiece that is what you are now onward some more houses day 164 all right I pause the game I think I just see something that I’m not supposed to see which one are you then are you the lady or the manom you’re the lady you are the lady oh goodness let’s get her out of here guys dweller Queen the dweller big dweller big dweller with five heads oh whoops did not me to do that uhoh uhoh he’s mad well okay I got to take care of this guy who okay I did not expect anybody else to come out you’re not dying on me buddy there you go anybody else in here no okay yep there are good job buddy we just regenerate a little bit of Sanity here and slowly losing it over the course of the 100 days oh man what happened to the other llamas I was just about to talk about that that the uh Laing Trader l L came to these guys because if you leash one of these guys the other’s going to follow oh that sucks if we lost the other ones unless they’re just around here somewhere for I would have no idea how they died but you know that’s something oh my did I just get struck by lightning dude that makes me lose all my sanity H Mo what are we thinking about this Miss ner okay love it dude uh um oh gosh gosh darn it dude sanity monsters are going to go after me let’s hurry it up guys don’t got no time for this day 165 what the flip why can’t I still see you is it actually going after me yes it is Mr Piggy over there was also a thing as well do you go on boats yeah know you stay there now you and now one of my boat buddies I wanted to make it like a derp house why not put a bunch of nitwits in it if there ever if there ever will be knitwits sound is that for I’m trying to remember cuz it sounds super familiar fever dream’s going to come come on guys why are we all just spawning all of a sudden what does the deal with that oh we just just again let’s get it over with then I don’t why you just stand still every now and again it’s kind of weird who the heck is this Welcome To Earth buddy dude you did not warn me okay can you like stop pretending like you’re doing anything you’re not warning me okay I’m not doing anything I’m making houses the real estate economy is booming right now okay it is booming I’d like to take advantage of that okay oh here we go you can save yourself now as you were taught let me guess he’s going to spawn again dude why is he so active all of a sudden I don’t get it he’s like he was chilling for like a couple dozen days and then all of a sudden he just like remember me I’ve been in your mod pack the whole time yes I know the silence I know hello nice still hear Brian oh that’s not pretty cool that was not very cool perfect the nbit house is done I should proba put some torches in here just in case or at least a torch in every single house again come on now why is this guy still not going away is he just supposed to be here now okay we get it dude everybody’s giving me freaking effects right now holy crap all right path all the way to this house okay mhm day 166 oh my gosh darkness is going on the darkness is still going on any who the path is for you guys path path path PA path path path path path PA path path pa pa path path path all right so I think this kind of thing is done I’ll have to make houses is facing this way [Music] all right I got to talk about this house this is a cool house look at this the roof is like slanted this way so it’s like different sides hello hello herob Bri what you thinking so the house is this way and then it SLS this way so the roof kind of follows it and then down here is where I’m going to add these cuz this this is one of those houses that uh have an adapting roof or adaptive I mean I guess outline roof would be the better word yep yep yep perfect all right all right look me darn yeah yeah yeah I should to put like some around it as well other stuff I’m going to bone me this whole place too just so mean just it looks like more alive day 167 oh my gosh I did not mean to hit you my buddy I’m sorry about that I humbly apologize and I also kind of want to make a a dome house just for the sake of it just to be just another quirky neighbor I guess just a dome freaking house day 168 all right Mr B I want you to stay there I want you to go you can go either way you know I’m kind of uh I’m kind of chill like that what the heck dude you just spawned on me is this you’re doing Alex not very cool I would much prefer somebody but nicer right put the the path down who the heck is that emotional support animals path like this and then path you guys just like that hereb over there you’re looking to buy a house buddy they’re nice they’re shape the low low price of free you can be an owner of an icy estate don’t mind a jump scare nobody cares about those jump scares they’re a little bit freaky they’re extra freaky when they have sound but when they’re complet compl mute you kind of just get uh startled not auditory though there we go get a little bit of a path there oh my God what are we thinking buddy what are we thinking we will should we keep the B I feel like you should go yeah you should go I’m sorry goodness goodness oh wow that’s nice noted I need you do that for this one as well okay that’s what I like to see nice nice nice I did not mean to disturb your bed how did it even reach all the way here not very logical hello you’ve come to watch me in my sleep a I was going to ask if you want to join me come on now day 169 it’s the funny number yet again Mr knocker why is this guy always pop up man what do you always pop up huh what are we thinking here what was that holy crap you’re loud no no no there’s another noise it was like a ding ding ding it was definitely not you though so keep dreaming buddy keep dreaming it was also not that noise as well when are you going to despawn jeez Louise all you got to keep it in my notes next time don’t add any more armor Beyond netherite because it’s just you just be got to a I’m not very sure if anybody really cares about that if anybody out there is like seeking for my death and wants me to constantly die I can still die just to very specific people I could also die to normal dwellers if I just like have their damage up to like a million that doesn’t that doesn’t really seem fun for me so we’re not going to get that okay putting my foot down we’re not going to get that we’re instead going to get is mediocre houses over and over again until the end of 100 days is there anything else I want to do I kind of want to get more netherite and make this into netherite again but um you know why do what you don’t need to do it’s what I always say is what I always say all the time hello Mr heroi or should I say okay not Alex never mind I’m sorry um why am I going crazy what why am I going crazy oh the guy in the boat there’s a guy in the boat can I hit him nope he’s he’s just there for some reason okay that’s one thing to think about there’s really just not a lot to talk about right now I still got to prair for like5 onward I’m definitely going to do that I don’t want the whole thing to just be building so if you want to have action pack do or Fiesta you can go and just skip to uh day9 5 195 I won’t be mad at you even if it is going to hurt me in the long run telling you to skip that far ahead it’s fine it’s fine I understand why you have to do it I understand there’s freaking smudges on my screen I I need to clean it it’s really annoying me and that as well is also really annoying me the only thing stopping me from fixing it is my laziness which is right now gone so I will now fix it hello is there somebody behind the wall guys we cannot be doing this right I should be able to reach it up here oh my gosh there’s no oh slippery fellow I’m a very very slippery fellow what there’s the freaking pumpkins uh yeah Iron Golem break huh what are we thinking Iron Golem break I just Shear all these pumpkins do I want to Shear them I just Harvest them I’ll Shear them when they uh when I spawn the Golems yink this isn’t actually a lot isn’t it h I think somebody sells pumpkins gosh 20 pumpkins I swear there’s somewhere else here that has some and why is this guy so passive do you want man do you gain from not doing anything you want a go why can’t I pet you though pet you you’re you’re SP you’re spazzing out are you getting mad you want your uh personal space I can make like a cage for you to be honest cuz I don’t I think you’ve been there for a while a very very long while let’s see oh I don’t have my other bucket with me anymore it’s all right I’ll just make another one hello my friend I’ve come for milk just in case over here these guys as well let’s get you out of here B me this guy is a fake a fraud an impostor this guy is another fake a fraud another impostor was there really no more around here is that the patch I was thinking about I’m pretty sure I could just craft these into seeds yeah what do I really want to wait I could bone me it I could Bon Me it oh you look at that Modern Problems require more okay 64 I was not expecting that many okay we are gardening now and then we are making a million Iron Golems because that seems like the right thing to do even if it’s probably going to lag my game yet again you know any dweller that spawns inside will uh hopefully instantly die um I doubt it because they are all beefy um but a man can hope a man man can dream we need another one of these just like that and then plant it in plant it all in it’s my first time planting a seed it better be um okay it probably need some space give us some space there I really think they can pop up in the ocean so bun of that even more make SP all right then I’ll head inside get some bone meal and also go to bed all right grab some bones there we go bone what are you doing Mr armor it’s bedtime come on Mr armor can’t be doing this every single time okay um I just can’t get far enough from where I spawn at to even find what I’m trying to what I’m talking about okay are we [Music] okay okay are we done apparently we’re not done two big Johnnies decided to spawn love it okay somebody please move outside day 170 you know what that means I haven’t said Health to in a while Mr knock are you doing good yeah you are here’s a knock really again why is it rainning every day why is anything happening why am I alive gosh hopefully the audio was recording the uh in game cuz I tried using uh Bluetooth headsets and they are kind of bad so I went back to wired don’t SP me hello Mr goatee all right I just remembered I was supposed to make a bunch of Golems completely forgot about that so I got the bones you can make the bone meal right now here we go oh I’m going to get jump SC never mind um don’t like that which side did I planted on this side okay so does bone meal work on you it does but it only makes you grow up you’re not going to poop it out oh no that’s terrible there we go that’s nice thank you thank you thank you coming I definitely feel like I need more put it on this side I guess all righty you guess better grow a bunch of pumpkins there we go that’s good already getting a few all right guys please please please don’t send me to the fre Dimension day 171 are we going to clarify what that means is that this guy who is this guy and why is he already looking at me do you really think you can bait me buddy me are we talking about the same person right [Music] now oh okay let’s get you out of here then no don’t break my stuff you could do that let’s keep it civil man oh my gosh where did he go oh I killed him did I kill him what is this membrane okay that might may be important I don’t where are you from summons the purest form of this of the distorted one summons a chibi oh oh love it thank you for the jump scare so what are you know so I’m going to guess I don’t I don’t know I’m going to guess your dad just broke everything a simple seethrough skin of the dark what oh gosh what crouching in midair performs a short Shadow step need iron boots I need this and I need midnight scale enlightened lens what I like the armor are you from the freaking uh what’s it called wandering Omen that’s cool that’s cool um ooh what a sword better than my own huh M so I’m going to guess your pops drops that your pops made quite a mess and I don’t even know where it I I kind of I guess that’s really good stuff and he wasn’t really all that hard to find what I ate two apples I could have probably just used a carrot probably maybe let’s just fix the path up huh what are you thinking everybody loves the path well I already did right click you right did I make you sit down there you go that’s nice what should I call you then you kind of just teleport to me what should I call you I’m going to call you m why do good girls like bad guys day one 127 see you can walk around then why are you not walking a lot you deal damage I wonder did your pops drop anything else by the way think so who who oh screenshot oh I don’t think so yeah should have gotten everything but he didn’t drop a lot for me he dropped horns and the membrane I think all right let’s let’s TS you out then you want to fight this guy for me oh you are going to fight um okay it’s hard to tell because this guy has a lot of Health think you’re going to do more damage than me unless you do which is uh pretty cool that would be pretty spectacular but I doubt it is this the Goatman in here oh close it up close it up okay never mind there was no windows on that freaking house thank you for telling me about that oh I did get more I got midnight scale oh all right let’s let’s try good girl bad guy on somebody let’s try him out on Mr horsey over here one two twoot a two shot on a horse okay so you’re not that bad after all let’s see it again just get that the horse was like hurt somehow one two okay yeah it is two okay okay go harv some melons huh not melons pumpkins how about this guy you want shut this guy that guy tankier than I thought hopefully you’re like beefy as well go that’s good Kens oh no what how did I break that how did I not bow me this one she going to walk very slowly why is he chasing us he’s trying to get to us buddy let’s just get out of here you know what your name is a little bit long your name is now Darko okay go what the heck are you guys doing man all right fine I likeing enough in my town did you guys make a baby how is that even possible you guys have no beds let me get the glass let me get the glass looks like there’s a bunch of houses here that I didn’t thing up yet this one just missing a whole freaking door did the grass just drop glass Shard let me guess four of it turns into thing okay uh no I’m trying to look at this yeah four of it turns back into glass wait doesn’t I have Fortune three let’s see if I get more then okay no not really can’t just Farm infinite glass with Fortune that’s kind of sad come on Darko only one more house that I have to put glass paint on okay we’re still pretty far along to finishing the whole thing here I think I want this side already right okay not even almost on this side what is this what the hell what this was my chest what happened to it no way that was my chest what the heck oh man chest was like somewhat organized too by organized I mean like know I knew which chest had which item that sucks oh gosh now I lost all my stuff yes I like my bow back i’ like this back my food here yes oh my Mass is gone though gosh Dar it if only I right clicked it first if only I just right clicked it first day 173 [Music] day 174 I did not the heck there a zombie in there what the heck guys not cool there not zombie property is my property okay time’s kind of speeding up here but I’m just I just can’t get these done fast enough cuz I’m so freaking lazy that it’s like a million degrees in here cuz I keep turning up the fan whenever I record I prefer to keep it on but it’s just too loud it’s like super duper L all righty folks you know what time it is before we sleep we must kill the dweller Queen where’d you go where’ you go where did you go she was right here a second ago where is she where is she gosh darn it bro of all the times to disappear it just had to be now follow day 176 got to go back to making some more houses did I make you did I right click you oh man what got get you back buddy I should have right clicked you all right whatever just going to go back to base building then we’re trying to be a little cheeky today or what’s going on here what’s going on here Mister whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa don’t hurt Mr AR Golem he’s innocent in all of this you get away from him okay okay that’s not cool this is not cool what is going on holy crap dude [Music] okay okay I’m just I’m just dead for some reason hello holy crap huh huh what why are we and I crashed why did we go to 0 0 okay so I wonder if we’re going to crash 24/7 now if we do then I’ll have to take off uh wondering whatever Omen which is going to suck cuz we’re going to lose Darko but you got to do what you got to do all right so I died in 0 and I’m going to respawn at my bed so why did I go to 0 then okay on to z0 then I guess excuse me guys let me uh I should have some backup diamond armor here somewhere it’s time for me to go on a little bit of an adventure you know how it is duty calls stuff like that give me the helmet and the boots don’t make a bunch of boots please and then the usual give me a sword SW Axe and a pickaxe and probably should get some food as well huh all righty where’s the farmer you are Mr farmer thank you very much all right let’s get going have to bring Darko with me he’s the uh a reminder of why I have to keep this mod Darko Darko Polo H blocks please yeah I know the the the wandering whatever he’s called The Omen I know that he’s kind of a finicky mod which is why I was kind of hesitant to put him in but I didn’t know he was going to be this this crazy really D 0 huh right onwards this way you must retrieve all my stuff Doo you already know that’s one way to take a break from uh all the stress in life which just building takes a lot of a man to build ooh actually we should have brought the horses that would have been fun my bad oops it Daisy I should probably be heading back to get them but uh you know me stubborn little fellow I’m going back to get him that is pretty weird though um the siren head is here one and two like what what would he do to cause me to go back to 0 like that makes no sense like what kind of uh what are we doing here guys what kind of Carnival s mod are we doing here H just cuz you guys made one good Darko doesn’t mean you could do that okay get your stuff together guys and holy crap this horse is fast what did I call him again it’ll be a good name like speve oh hello R22 my friend we’re getting there getting to z0 um yes crazy that uh doesn’t happen all that much where you get a actual good horse they’re kind of just a gimmick kind of mod at least to me they are oh pumpkins I’ll take it at least to me I kind of view horses as more of a gimmick not really to be taken seriously and all that but on this one I did make horses with like a lot buffer I think they could they should be able to swim nice yep you’re great so I I should have definitely used the horse a lot more but oh look a goat man I should be quicker than you right now so it’s a plus huh okay don’t love the jump scares but it’s okay right we’re nearly there yeah it should be under this hill somewhere they got a whole staircase cuz I kept spawning here what what to where live memories plays up I’d like to go up okay who just spawned oh you spawned all righty so this is it 0 0 Let’s see okay so here’s my thing now where did I dig out from there’s the hole that I could just dig down to but I should just have a staircase here somewhere I don’t really know where it pops out though so got to keep seeing where the hole is where was it was like somewhere around here thank you for the jump scare appreciate it yeah somewhere right there straight down there 0 0 Let’s see over here maybe oh my gosh that took a lot of damage and also forgot to bring a freaking bed of all things okay um I’m just I’m just going to dig down to it screw it dude do I have a bed with me I don’t think I do man freaking hate can anybody explain why this is a bug by the way I don’t remember what mod I deleted just to fix it it was definitely un unsubstantial mob for mod quite definitely let’s see if I vein mine it do I die of fall damage yep practically okay love it my gosh I I need to buy a freaking fan you feel an ominous presence watching you and then you get a smiley face thank you you wait what what oh nice keep it to yourself dude there’s no freaking way just drop down and then save exit and then oh my gosh there’s no freaking way you’re doing this to me man what is going on what is going oh my gosh there’s no way you’re doing this right if you’re doing this to me I have I’m taking a freaking break dude screw this I’m taking a breather okay good yep almost broke all my armor as well oh gosh you broke this block too oh my goodness I’ll leave my diamond armor there just in case I ever want it I don’t even I don’t know anymore what sup Darko here’s the uh what is this a llama what the crap guys I don’t think I could save you guys though well I do remember that whatever the freaking thing happened freaking llamas and stuff came along I guess I could leash you let’s see if you can come up if not then you’re staying here buddy and yeah I don’t have a bed as well I have to be careful need to try avoid fighting as much as possible don’t want the armor to break all right I need to call my horse you need to be high wait what thank you very much Forsey let’s get going back to home is it not that way is it this way oops I’m sorry huh who’s that behind us is that a guy what the heck glad to see the Llama keeping up come on buddy you’re going straight to your new home What how did you get wow holy crap if you actually get to go all the way home with us I think you deserve it a lot of noise Miss huh what was that nothing good I believe let’s keep it to ourselves folks you feel an odd presence watching you I wonder who it might be there’s a portal there so the house should be over here somewhere oh man the llama’s gone poor llama buddy I’m sorry can’t really wait up and all that stuff what is that thing oh that’s him again okay not that they can’t fight that guy I could probably fight him with arrows though although I really really hope just not to fight those guys all right welcome back everybody time to go to bed day 17 o not you again dude come on can we like have a little bit of a break you almost costed me everything in by everything I mean another like 5 minutes off my life take care of them guys take care of them take care of them guys good job good job love to see it Teamwork Makes a Dream Work guys thank you all righty back to making these these these these rooms so I want this house to be like long to envelop this so it’s going to have to be like all the way here oh yeah I need to meend my stuff as well whoopsie whoopsie whoopsie what was that somebody’s trying to get in nobody’s allowed inside the walls guys nobody who inside the walls you’re still on time you bet I am dude you bet I am on time thank you for the rose buddy appreciate it don’t need to thank me about healing you guys all the time just comes with a job really dude oh whoops oh you’re going to die now how do I heal you no how do I heal you oh man I need to make healing potions now how do I heal you buddy you must eat something what’s that mean what does that freaking white thing mean you eat rotten flesh you look like somebody who eats rotten flesh come buddy you better eat this eat this and don’t die where’d you go oh there you are oh you’re not eating it oh my gosh what do I do you’re going to freaking die you look a freaking crit from my sword though you’re beefy only problem is I don’t know how to heal you other than healing potions and I’m pretty sure for healing potions I need slash potion of healing glistering melon that’s not that bad never mind take it back you could get healed for now I think I guess you’re just going to stay there for a while just chillax don’t fight in Battlefield just chillax what the heck is that what are you doing in the house buddy that house is not allowed for people like you something like this maybe yeah there there we go all right so what I want this to be is kind of a I’m thinking of just a big house here that’s kind of like a diner and then over here is maybe the uh you know like what do you call it the reception I guess if that even is what you call it and then here at the back you know the the reception and they go to the back to the kitchen the kitchen’s going to have the portal and all that we all know food gets made in the nether that’s where food gets made everybody loves nether food am I going to take off the Apple Vision Pros or what’s going on guess not guys I really don’t have time for this you know what I mean let’s just keep it to ourselves you know guys what is this guy what the heck are you oh you’re the silence why is everybody ganging up on me right so since this one’s going to be a fancy Diner might as well have like Stone pillars make you just have everything unique about all these houses I have a double door again that’s good 178 then as per usual as well I’m just going to have a massive window cuz for some reason just most d ERS just have like big Windows going to the outside world and most of the time they have glass doors but I don’t have glass doors and I will not be downloading a freaking decorative mod okay in the last 20 days of my world I will not be doing that um um yeah the tiles I need those I have why why do I have so much obsidian do need the tiles though these are good give me some more of these as well I guess and then I warned you yeah you’ve been trying to warn me oh and I also haven’t made an oak and a birch house oh we should have a lot of time I am out of um Spruce though have some Spruce here I should right I’m already out of spruce how is that even possible oh boy here we go again how many times is the silence going to come out dude I need more M big I need more freaking buckets of milk bro it’s all I need in life this is getting really annoying and I haven’t really tested I mean I have but I haven’t tested it when it says something like that so I think when it does say something like that it should be like legit he’s going to come out and eat me up so thank you grab two milk buckets this time so with the tiles I kind of want it to be like this make it look like a lot more 30 getting started with it me it’s perfect that I have one block here available it’s perfect that I have one block here available I just do this I’m already out though that’s amazing do I have more Mr knocker is the guy still here by the way oh freaking Queen is in there should I fight the dweller Queen oh there’s freaking two dwellers in there there’s one over there and the dweller Queen I still haven’t legitly seen the uh thing though dweller King fight him some couple times that and I’ve also missed Simon Simon is no longer very active I made him like a lot less active just for the sake of it to be honest like I get that he’s kind of the man attraction oh here we go it should mean bad news if I do this do it does he still come in here and as for you guys you guys should also be able to be milked can’t are they still here oh the W Queen’s still here and I’m getting thing again I literally just removed it dude milk Bucket please hello so it doesn’t do anything this is nice though this the time I can actually see stuff thumbnail man over here thumbnail man is there any close by I don’t think there’s a single VHS here close spy at least is that one right there oh no that’s a demagorgon demorgans dude of all the freaking things the freaking footstep of the doar queen I get that she’s kind of big but come on now it’s not that [Music] serious thank you for the jump scare I’m going take you all right so in here just a typical kind of thing there’s a bunch of chairs oh freaking go man there’s a bunch of chairs and a table nothing too unique or special like that and that and then over here is where guy is and then over here I guess yeah it’s just going to be a tiny tiny reception area I guess and then the back here is where the portal is going to be usually there’s supposed to be a hole here just so you say hey M this is what they want but uh Herobrine thinks and what I think is completely different so something like that and then some Spruce doors for the little flappy things you all know what I’m talking about right I mean trap doors I mean what does that sound trap doors for the floppy things it’s like that have a little window there for the drive-thru do I want the H do I want it to be this small I think not make it at least a little bit bigger just raise it up by one I think two tall Windows should be good more than enough is a dweller Queen still there no it’s a Goatman now good job guys first for some reason ders just really love spawning in houses and this guy as well hello I saw you I saw you a little bugger who do you think you are you think you’re slick who is it I swear I’m not crazy oh there he is found him you’re going to St there now hello Mr Goatman you know just a way to my heart don’t you yes can your pathing please stay broken bro day 179 what are we doing here obrien 21 more days left for me to build all these houses that’s what 5 hours this should be fine I need to pick up pace I’m just talking too much talking too much and then getting freaking it’s really hot like I I cannot State enough how hot it is okay I’m like sweating like imagine my hands like every single pore just has like a bubble of sweat if you know what that looks like a whole freaking like water drop little of sweat on it just forming so it is pretty pretty pretty pretty hot did I do that right I did not do that right what the hell I knew it look kind of off what the hell is this I done like this so like having to think about what kind of design I want to make while in this kind of heat is like it is depressing so take a lot of breaks and then I should just be building rather than taking breaks it’s not like this is too difficult but the heat just really gets to me really annoying and just for preference okay I’m not I don’t live in the US okay I’m not crying about like 30 31° heat or whatever they they use there whatever The Flipper I use there um okay is that right what is going on why does it feel so wrong but so right at the same time what are you doing here this isn’t right wait why is there huh I guess it is maybe it is I don’t even know you’re a block aren’t you is there a block between those no there isn’t what the sigma M I bought this one wrong m okay that looks pretty right these freaking houses still hasn’t filled in so now all I have to do is just uh first off a lot of spruce stairs and I was checking out the uh the editing I don’t I think I did not get a lot of thing we’ll see how much kind of building time lapses I have my time-lapse I literally mean like just three frames of me placing blocks it’s cuz other people like time-lapse it by just speeding it up but I feel like the uh the three frame Strat is like way more satisfying it just feels way better sounds way better so that’s kind of what I do you know the good old time dition method if anybody knows that probably people probably do it’s s that he doesn’t really upload a lot and when he did it’s not really I honestly thought that his first upload on his uh new world would be like I’m like super duper just everything he did everything but I guess he just break I guess because he did not do that much in that world he he made like what he made a base and he got every color sheep I don’t remember what else I it just didn’t feel like a lot I I definitely thought he would like literally finish everything and then start you know basically start back up from where he left off but that is not what happened so and I’m not saying that I’m disappointed I’m just saying like he it was like what a year and a half until his uh before his new upload so what happened to the time that’s that’s all I was wondering was he doing all that time it was definitely not working on that world over that video I’m not mad about it well I guess like in this context I kind of am but like if you’re going to do something like that like nothing too crazy like it’s just like okay I got I got armor I got I got a base setup it looks cool if you’re going to just do that then at least like upload more you know it’s been like what 5 months since his uh season 2 if you’re just going to do something like that then at least just upload more like that’s like that’s all I want you know I’m not a very hard person to please if you’re going to do something like that like just upload more don’t like Manhunt it doesn’t take a year to make you know you’re recording with your buddies for like 5 hours most it’s going to take what 10 let’s just double it for editing just 10 hours to edit like come on and it’s definitely not going to take 10 by the way like it’s not going to take 10 hours to edit because it’s Mr B Dream isn’t really known for his edits more for his you know clutch moments and stuff like that he just kind of just puts music on his videos that’s it you know it’s nothing crazy it’s not like Mr Beast rendering a nuke or something like that so yeah like dud just upload more and I and I fall in that trap too it’s like I just don’t upload I procrastinate I’m just a lazy guy I try to like make justifications for it like I I need a break you know mental men’s mental health Day come on like I just need to take a break I just can’t do this like genuinely like it’s I don’t know I got to be happy because my job is like it’s not you could barely call it job I’m me I’m I’m on board with the people saying that this is like extremely easy like this is easy right the only uh pains I have doing it is with my setup because my setup is like super scuffed all right like I’m playing on a laptop um my mic is like bolted into a thing one of those tables that you with you know like on your bed and the table that I’m putting that table on is too thick to bolt my mic onto that table which is super annoying my freaking chair sucks so my back hurts there’s no fan because it’s too loud so I’m like super duper hot all the time I’m just sweating 24/7 boohoo me right if I was just comfortable I I would be going for every single minute of the day you know what I mean cuz this is a easy job I do admit that like I I would rather do this than you know service people in a service job blue blue collar style you know but it’s just uncomfortable like imagine doing your blue collar job at the same time having your socks like full of beans in 100° weather means meanwhile you have like 10 you have spikes uh protruded in your back you know like you still do it but you can’t do it for very long cuz you need brakes that’s all kind of I’m thinking about here that’s all I’m thinking about I’m sorry anyway this is almost done I just need a bunch more glass I just realized it it just take me like a day and a half to build one house that’s pretty bad I definitely need to like just Spam a bunch of houses what happened to all my glass oh I have glass in my freaking inventory bro holy crap day 180 any fences and the pressure PL and now this H should be quote unquote done come on now I really need to put like lights up in these places I just don’t really feel like it right now I’ll probably feel like it later right what are we thinking that’s the good man I don’t have any Arrows with me dude come on time to fight then what the sigma me res resistance interesting wait what wait what my stuff keep freaking breaking up hey where are you guys who the heck was that Kim was that unsorted guy what do we do an unsorted Guy Mr unsorted guy I forgot to get arrows as well how beefy are you huh you’re you’re actually the right size now you’re kind of the right size you’re still a little bit taller normally you’re supposed to be this tall you know like a couple pixels Too Tall oh there we go you’re not too bad that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good good to know oh gosh very close huh very eager gosh thank you Alex let me get my arrows over here somewhere right here D Queen is back I want to see if I can do the trick on her as well oh no she just going straight after me she’s immune to arrows are you serious right now I don’t think he’s responsible to kill especially cuz I have freaking knockback there it’s so annoying type knockback you watching me here Brian I know I know not everybody gets to fight the dweller queen of all things every night every single day I fight the dweller Queen with no purpose no end in sight getting me to have health here your job buddy here’s for your service paace dude I’m way too slow for my own good day 1881 I’m right here Kim I’m right here you Mr Kim dweller you get to stay in there you stay in there buddy you stay in there okay you be a good guy now you’d be a good man Jesus that was loud need to M my stuff again well well well I’m am getting close though right yeah yeah I’m on this side already and then this side should already be quotequote done I didn’t really finish it off cuz there’s this in the way and now we still debating whether or not to keep this yeah the house is already over here maybe one more house over here and just keep this is what I’m thinking cuz on the corners here I do want to have like uh like factories of some sort just to make use of them I don’t really remember what the uh the old castle had but that’s what I was thinking for this one now for the front here it’s going to be a lot of work it’s going to be a load of work W everybody’s possessed love to see it so why is everybody possessed what is that about and where is the freaking crafting table here bro there you are don’t mind me just a bunch of boats please okay cool right now Mr siren head can’t we see we’re just I’m just trying to get some wood here you already killed me once you could we could keep it to ourselves right Alex like who is this I think he is huh big old siren for AE next you’re going to meet somebody who’s slender call him Slender Man you know what I mean what is he what is he do are you are you chilling are you chilling there we go get you back up on your feet okay go do Loop to Loops again you really want to kill me for a second time huh oh gosh uh that is not good is not good that is also not good okay there we go see you later head so I’ll just just go Mend my armor maybe a couple of my tools maybe I yeah just m everything get back to work again is that the freaking Goatman I don’t have time for this guys oh my gosh okay we can’t risk it we’re going through the water Under the Sea Under the Sea it’s a good thing that the water is still a good to him in clutch moments like these it’s always good day 178 because I feel like we definitely do not have a lot of Golems around the castle they’re kind of just concentrated on the like I’d say top right corner and I really do want more cuz these dwellers are getting a little bit annoying again I can’t wait for me to activate all of them again it’s going to be amazing I’m going to love it I’m going to love my time being alive that would be something he would do okay so now we’re definitely on the pumpkin profit I definitely should have been grabbing these more often but you live in your land you live in land and all these guys in the blocks 64 blocks 43 blocks and then I want you guys to be cuz all you guys are just in this corner some of you guys are in here as well which is pretty good um like here yeah most of you guys are there huh yeah that’s actually where everybody of you guys are I just want to put up around just put some around the corner put some around the corners make sure everything is uh nice and protected ideally I also lead these guys so they stay in where they’re supposed to be at but I feel like that’s a little bit much so they get to do whatever they want yeah so so this guy example so now we can hit him and he just does not care which is why ideally I want all the Golems here to be quote unquote hired help that’s just that’s just an ideal it’s not going to be like that all the time he do I also get seed but oh my gosh I could have just done this a whole time are you serious I didn’t know didn’t know your honor dweller Queen’s back as well oh she’s right there dweller Queen I don’t think I got enough iron blocks yeah the only bad thing as well is that uh once these guys fight somebody they’re probably going to get um grouped up again they’re not going to stay separated ideally want you guys to be really far away from each other so you guys could group up if you have to but ideally you don’t goodness gracious what is that guy oh the alond is back are you serious dude we’re going to need a lot of help for this guy okay cool he’s just going after me all right we’re going to need a bunch of guys for this uhoh uhoh uhoh R keep in touch guys he’s still just going after me go ahead guys go get him don’t be afraid of that fraudster although I do think I need a bunch of you guys to be able to fight him so mind if I do as long as you guys kind of just Whittle him down a little bit here you know what I mean me goodness yeah he’s not even going full power yet he leave you cannot be serious right now right whoops did not mean to do that this mother trucker freaking left I can’t kill him by myself unless I use arrows and I don’t really want to do that but Jesus yeah oh he’s the one that also breaks blacks blacks right okay thank you for yeah thank you for sending me back here I really appreciate it dude I love you so much very bad Omen 3 yeah dude the fact that you sent me here is a bad Omen are you serious I got to walk all the way back on foot as well gosh was that your face can I try to call my horse let me try to get out of here and call my horse I doubt it’s going to work though that would be that would be insane if it does holy crap to a guy what why no no no no no no you’re telling me he’s somewhere here is he somewhere here and he’s sending me back to 0 yep I saw a face okay it might have to it might have to go um wandering Omen might have to go whatever or whatever Omen he might have to go I’m sorry um I don’t make the rules I just follow it and if you’re going to do something like this you’re you going you are gone really dude there’s a siron head here what whenever I shift I go back here what what why is that a thing dude I can’t not shift that is not something you’re going to make me do I was at the top by the way and then I shifted okay it’s still happening who what am I what is here I’m just going back to 0 huh okay no shifting we get it no shifting if I go all the way back home let’s just say a lot of bad things are going to happen if I go all the way back home and I shift and I go back here okay Merry Christmas I can’t even shift in my inventory dude oh my gosh I can’t shift click anything now okay okay okay we get it thank L I can actually call you here oh there’s a freaking wandering Eye I’d like to not do that is that just going to keep happening while I have this effect on H well I’m very very thankful that the freaking horsey Works what the heck is going on here oh my gosh goatmen yeah things like these this is what typically happens to Cal is that an end that’s cool also did it turn daytime I think it was night time when it got out the cave right what what press shift to dis what am I crushing Omen 5 minutes press shift to Dismount you’re getting one last try one last try I’m sorry Darko I’m really really sorry Darko but we cannot be doing this okay I’m sorry I miss you what is this oh and yep I’m just straight back I was on my horse and then I’m just straight back here whatever dude I’m ring MO um what are you doing here buddy are you serious right now really dude well we can’t have that kind of Injustice here so uh ooh I don’t have my golden carrots so I need wool and paper dude wool and paper I wonder if I could call him even if he’s down like that can I call him I can but he doesn’t appear wool and paper oh here’s the paper part jeez that guy’s gosh darn lucky he’s practically Immortal or else I’d be SP swinging at him right freaking now how dare you do that to me buddy what gives you the right to do that I want to swing at him so badly dude there’s some sheep good good good oh my house is like right here with that horsey though come on [Music] buddy whoa whoa whoa [Music] whoa dude you cannot be you know cannot be doing this buddy why you acting weird huh why do you not bother with me dude come on Focus up I know you’re practically mortal but if you’re going to like like travel a million blocks just to kill my horse again we’re not going to be having this gosh everybody’s already coming up you only attack at night huh okay okay okay hold on now you’re no longer after me holy crap what are all these guys doing here dude things are going getting things are getting a little freaky in the nighttime this need get to back I need to get back to the sheepers make a bed they 185 right more bandages for my Broski like he is considerably far away dude like he’s all all the way over there I have two yep he’s just going straight at him and then just one shots him you canot be doing this dude how much health did they give him dude oh my God this is not a normal amount of Health dude o your knockback is nasty okay there we go you run away now so hopefully I can actually freaking okay love it please tell me now I can actually do my thing bandage heal you up with carrots let’s freaking go okay of course of course of course of course lovely lovely lovely let freaking go dude just freaking go and do not look back okay we don’t have any time for pauses oh there’s a freaking siren head how we doing Mr siren head you trying to get back home you know how it is another one over here as well hello Mr siren head let’s keep it to ourselves huh Can you go through this gate no you cannot that’s how I like to see it all right buddy here you go couple more wait what somebody came through in here broke down the freaking door broke a bunch of freaking Windows what do you think you’re doing guys you know how freaking hard it is to come by a bunch of sand it’s very not hard that’s why you need to not do it they one86 what is what is she doing are you doing okay Mr uh or Mrs dweller Queen I hope you’re doing good only so much I could do to help you out you know nothing because there’s no reason for me to help you out right Mr hori look at this guy I mean gal he’s just uh yep get him out of here good job guys really got him there day 187 all right I got to really speed up here because time is running out all right I wanted day 90 onwards to be me preparing for everyday dwellers so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to just crank some of these out doesn’t really matter anyway um but yeah like this world I I said it was going to go until maybe 300 days I think I think 200 is enough okay um maybe I could do 300 we’ll see what happens but so far it looks like 200 is uh where it’s going to end up at I mean all these houses yeah there’s nothing really much to do now um there’s no bosses or anything this guy’s uh nice and happy in that house that’s good it’s just going to be a lot of building from now on so I think it’s about time for me to let go and do the the next idea I have in mind which she’s going to be a banger I don’t know how or why nobody’s done it yet but it is a banger idea I tell you what it’s a banger idea I tell you what and that one was also ideally also 200 days just cuz I want to like span out my content cuz I’m not an idea machine but the ideas I do have they’re pretty good so I want to dry them out for as much as I can hello let’s just say the next 100 days is going to be chalk full of dwellers yet again whole bunch of dwellers yet again but it’s going to be it’s going to be a lot more more structured rather than this one it’s just a lot more random jump scare driven that one is going to be a lot more structured dwellers what are what is he I wonder if anybody can figure it out bunch of dwellers and when I say bunch I don’t mean like only when I say bunch I don’t mean you know having just a genuine variety of them you know I mean genuinely a bunch dwellers you know what I mean what happens when a bunch of dwellers come together and attack you the biggest hint I could give is a horde of dwellers attacking you huh that’s a good hint that’s the biggest and I could drop a horde of dwells okay so what happens if I just take all the beds and then put them in there are you guys just going to go there and like what way can I put the beds in there do I still have to put them like horizontally or vertically let’s try this way first cuz I feel like let’s starty this way I don’t know which one saves more space bad both should be equally good So eventually I’ll get to placing all your stuff in here as well all your jobs so you guys can stain houses and stuff and all of you guys are going to be separated as well so house is just going to be full of librarians and all that stuff is going to be beautiful what is up with the freaking dweller Queen dude like this is not who you are day 188 what the heck is good job buddy what this like there there’s a bunch of you guys in here now um this was also good but I didn’t want this many of you guys to go in here anyway just need some sand get some good old sand continue making a lot more things with glass glass is just very good I’m sorry my sand ecosystem is is it is what has to be done this what has to be done what’s up Mr villager don’t mind me you just trying to cook up a bunch of a thing ooh this perfect time for me to use my lava that’s very good is oh now for this house call me crazy but I kind of want to try kind of a store kind of build Just Pure Glass on the sides here convenient store kind of build if you don’t mind that’s why you need a lot of glass I get that I should also be using like panes and stuff like that but I feel like a lot of people don’t really use the block glass box anymore so I’m putting it back in fashion you know me a trend Setter people are going to catch on that 100 days from the fog and stuff from 100 days scary videos is a a good thing to do that’s what I’m trying to do you know I’m sick and tired of these 12 10 minute 20 minute videos about horror stuff guys make make hour long videos man like Calvin’s almost there Calvin is a weird mix of it because he has so many episodes but he’s on like what day 100 he just got to day 100 on his like second most recent video that’s like how how is that even possible dude how do you have that many hours each episode is an average like an hour long that that should mean like if you’re sleeping through all that by episode what 15 you should already be on day 90 you know and it doesn’t even include the parts where he’s you know not doing anything for the camera so you should already be well beyond 100 days it’s kind of weird so it’s either he just doesn’t sleep a lot and his his day counter does reset a lot so I think he does like predicting it wrong come on man come on let’s let’s build up the hype for long videos huh long scary videos I’m talking more than 1 hour long guys come on let’s get on it Chop Chop okay now the thing about like convenience stores though is they’re kind of flat you know what I mean so I’m kind of thinking maybe like a little bit of a thing like this so this yeah I think you guys know what I’m trying to get out here some uh slabs here going to have this place lifted up and have some tables you guys get what I’m trying to get at here so they buy their food in here and some of them want to eat out they just eat over here CH ask at like the one or two table sets it’s never really a lot they never do a bunch of tables whatever that’s fine yeah hopefully people start getting on the long long video train for my own selfish desires cuz I want to watch long videos and just like that mhm mhm look at that I like how if the Golems attack them they just become completely docile they just don’t care about me anymore that’s what I like to see here maybe just flat in and out we get it Alex we get it can you change your name by the way you’re not herob Bri right stop mocking my boy herob Brian Day 189 gosh 11 more days 11 more freaking days I probably should have used planks huh yeah it’s still pretty early so I can just chop it down I want this place it feel too cramped hello buddy welcome to the department store how may I help you make sure then I get a double Double Gulp cup one two 3 4 five Double Gulp I can’t I can’t say it I can’t swear sometimes I slip up but I kind of just cut it out most of the time it’s not really anything important anyway just me getting annoyed we’ll see how much stuff I cut out this time I tend to cut out a lot of stuff cuz like I I want to try to stay positive cuz when people watch this it’s a long long watch and I don’t want people to be like ooh almost got me there a little skippity if I wasn’t talking right there I definitely would have been startled oh man you’re not one of my guys guys all right then let’s C you out of here then all right let’s break this then let’s see if they’re going to oh they’re trying to get the freaking goat man you guys go okay why did there we go care about the freaking mimer as well guys man just keeps going up oh hello guys all righty speaking of houses that you guys need to occupy you guys could occupy this house make it look like your fleshing tables is like the whatever the thing is called called actually you guys can reach that right it looks like most of them kind of gave up where’d he go at the bottom where’d he go is that really all my guys wow any just couple uh like that just like that right there you go and there you go that should be enough it’s for you guys in there super duper dark you guys can live with it this should be fine oh is that a fake or really it looks like a fake one oh you’re a real one Mangrove that’s a good one the vine so I don’t really know about that well why’ you take the the brunt of it and that’s a sad thing about this is I can’t really help you very much cuz it’s hard for me to help you can’t hit it alone you kind of get into the mix of it day 190 holy moly guys wait is this a whole new one or what’s going on here oh you’re the old one all right so it’s officially day 90 already so now I have to start preparing I’m sorry houses I loved making you guys I probably could still continue making you guys yeah I probably can still the only thing I kind of wanted to prepare was some gold so more golden carrots more food get some ender pearls and a lot and a lot of um a lot and a lot of XP potions so if the Mr Mr cleric uh whatever is going to wants to pop up but for now Focus up on the food that’s good okay where did the cleric go dude where’d he go are we really doing this guys Mr Piggy Mr uh flincher oh yeah this place as well the whole little the little flood the mysterious flood that happened I wonder how it did happen though still have no idea how dude where did he go come on Mr J we have to find him dude where could this guy be and why do I keep getting jump scared he’s definitely not in there where did I even place the thing I swear it was right around here right where the heck did I put the brewing stand gosh whatever do I want to keep some of these for a potion what am I going to use it for strength potions uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh yeah why not put two rowing stands down there’s any villagers that’s uh up to the task there he is what are you doing Mr villager oh goodness help my boy guys help my boy great job guys now where did he go where did go go I just saw him he was like what around his this corner or something is he in this house where’d he go IR Golem what I swear he was right here somewhere huh is he behind the houses is he over here oh my gosh okay now it’s the meeting is he back what are we thinking guys he’s not back guys I really really really need the XP bottles I’m going to be completely serious here because I I’m confident I can survive all right that’s crazy to say but I can probably survive a million dollar 24/7 all I need is some assurance that my armor isn’t going to break cuz if it does then obviously I’m going to be a gunner I’m going to be a gunner I guess what better way to ensure myself than to make a million beds again breeding you guys even if I this is really a bad idea this is quite a bad idea but whatever just do the best that I can here there’s a million beds in there now have some frisky front I’ll add more beds around the houses I guess that then I also need to put a bunch of um there you are you little conniving mother trucker did you restock your stuff at least no I guess I’ll buy the pearls Escape Day 1 191 guys all right I’m going to start buying more bread again everybody got to start getting freaky get freaky everybody frak me come on that’s right guys get freaky get freaky and on the topic of freaky got to get a bunch of iron blocks again continue making a million guys o that freaking Goatman right there we did not put a lot of these guys I guess in here I didn’t really put a lot my life is about to be made right there’s a bunch of you guys in there let’s see where else in these spots I guess like a few of you guys yep beat that guy up guys beat that guy up keep them coming keep them coming as long as there’s a bunch of you guys I should be quote unquote fine and you guys should have like similar strength to uh the Dwellers you know quot quote similar I think they’re a little bit stronger at least most of them are but it should be fine quantity over quality is what I’d like to say about my uploads but I have neither here we go see what are you dling around about bro you are employed you’re an employed man just get back to work huh that’s him bro gosh D you’re loud dude all right I think this corner is the only side with no iron golems and we should be completely filled to the BR with these guys now I wonder how many diamonds we have can I make a whole house out of diamonds that’d be pretty cool that would be pretty neat so I guess I’ll just oh my gosh I’ll just do some miscellaneous stuff while waiting for the new villagers here to grow up because this guy does not want to do it anymore kill any guys right probably did oh no job guys yeah get freaky guys get freaky the new generation will sell me Ender pales and XP potions primarily XP potions please I love my speed potions and this going to turn into that power these guys and I think I do have some blaze rods right or not blaze rods like blaz powder and I should have some somewhere that’s right get I’m out of here this is what I like to say guys oh man oh okay I was about to say did it die no it did not right so with this I can make okay with this I can make at least a few pots of strength potions the thing is I need oh I need Nether Nether wart I actually do need to go back to the nether after all huh after all this time trying to dodge it I have to come back after all oh I guess I can’t really make a diamond house this is a it’s a good amount of diamonds but 32 for a whole house is somebody what are we doing dweller Queen what are we doing today oh okay come on guys come on good job guys putting those Iron Fists to work all right got two more I guess or this corner the shake is wobbling let me turn H right outside hello so now that that’s done I also want to like slowly cuz I mean obviously not the whole 5 days here I’m going to spend only on these guys so let’s uh do some finishing touches around these houses make it feel like they’re actually SP is actually alive not like manufactured kind of sad looking let’s bury some uh dandelions around some grass yeah this alone is making it look way better way way way better look how big of a difference this is making like look at that actually looks freaking nice now look at this oh my gosh this making such a massive difference actually looks like livable now before it looked like a freaking manufactur compound like I don’t know how to say like a a to perfect of a neighborhood everything’s just trimmed down some freaking vegetation variation to it make it look nicer make it feel lived and overgrown it’s nice what do you think you’re doing dude you’re not the Messiah what do you think you’re doing here Brian you’re not the Messiah BR grow up yet did I see oh hello did you restock oh you did good job buddy that’s what I’m talking about uh uh uh uh uh so going buy from me for a little bit there you go and now for the paths clear the way let’s uh leave it’s not normal to have you guys around when there’s a path clear the way clear the way all the way to over here perfect path has to keep going all the way over here day 193 oh hello good job guys good job coming Keep It Coming make a path over here to this yep yep yep this way as well going to these houses this time see it’s just way better if it looks like this it’s all messy cuz that’s just what paths are supposed to look like at least I look nicer this way yeah like that look at that uh-huh look at all those freaking Golems uhhuh have some going to this yeah anything else over here okay all those seem connected connected connected okay so far everything’s connected it’s hard to see cuz some of them I already made now the path doesn’t look very clear I just dig it out more so like that perfect here you are thank you for this I can’t buy it right got to buy this from you uh yeah more pearls pears are good then this one I need to level up to hurry up and buy from you guys a lot of food and stuff a lot of preparations CU I don’t know if any of the duers will Target you guys but it’s best to be safe to be safe and sorry o the rail system as well oh I forgot about that dude that would have been nice gosh darn it only whenever the video is about to end is when I remember all the cool stuff I promised gosh are you serious right now I really just don’t have a lot of emeralds do I crazy Hello Alex thank you for the bottles love it guys almost a stack of bottles that’s good bottles is definitely what I need the most here why does it look like there’s more Fletchers than before cuz there are goodness oh my gosh my armor does does it even have Unbreaking on it dude are you serious that explains it then do any of my guys sell Unbreaking I don’t think they do I think I had a chance of Unbreaking but I just didn’t cuz I thought I didn’t need it are you real you’re fake Cas darn dude get out of here oh gosh I need another librarian huh sucks like everybody became a freaking Fletcher why did nobody choose a librarian he’s right here in the open too all the baby villagers chose to become a Fletcher which is not a bad thing I love Fletchers but guys you don’t have a freaking Unbreaking boat so twist in my hand here a little well what day are we on I think we’re like3 we should still be fine where’s the farmer I saw him just a second ago there he is I’d love it if we made a bunch of babies guys bunch more babies please Ponto and the baby this going to be the laggiest 100 days ever or laggiest like last few days but you know what they say pressure makes diamonds and I love pressure are we already going home guys no we need more trades more money come on man I have a bed with me no wonder what’s at the bottom of this place what’s up guys day one 94 oh my gosh what are we doing dude you’re literally trapped Mr knocker you can’t do that it’s not legal right I guess while I wait I’ll make a couple more houses why the heck not D just make a little house encompassing uh the enchanting table just a little it B okay jeez Lise get him guys get him that guy’s an impersonator the impregnator oh see you later should I survive all the way until 100 days or 200 2001 I mean it’s because fun fact guys if you say I survived 100 days it includes day 100 okay because most people end off their videos on day 99 then they wake up on day 100 but technically speaking you need to survive until day 101 so you can say I survived 100 days cuz technically that would mean you survived 99 days not 100 so yeah something like that something like that I want to survive until 2001 why not why not why not why not why not I’ll give it to you guys okay that looks kind of far that looks kind of far the whole open roof design I’m going to have to like remove the the the backside here though just to keep it uh Gru there we go we cooked we cooked get rid of that and these that my friend is fire put some stairs down here it’s a lot easier to just climb up kill that Gutman please guys thank you I also need to like carry constantly carry around some iron just to mend these guys whenever they break cuz you guys are definitely dying right you more food and then you more of these and of course you raise your prices and you’re the different one where’s the original then did he wander off again dude don’t tell me he’s in here where is he at where is that little bugger what kind of game do you think we’re playing here is it you nope the other guy the one that sells pearls oh you are banged up get you healed up my friend it looks sad too because whenever they’re banged up they they get all slouched and their eyes start flickering it’s kind of sad this animation pack is awesome dude huh this side has no freaking Golems again what the heck guys just cuz I’m always on this side does it mean this side Al supposed to be empty come on come on here Brian or should I say Alex dare you freaking R what are you doing day 196 all right so today today today is when the go is come out let me just fix them up oh my gosh everybody’s already here the last the final oh look guys you prob okay yep yep okay they probably can’t get through all of that I’m going to go back to my villagers good look guys I really appreciate the love Taps Let’s uh let’s get over here okay there we go there we go okay y get him out of here get them out of here good job guys good job great job is that the dweller king or queen let me get a good luck at him that’s the queen here you guys go oh no that’s oh wait oh good job guys oh that’s uh that’s Kim uh what is this wake up I’m trying my best Ste Jack okay hopefully I just saw that wrong why did it say 195 when I entered the world dude let me check here they why why is it back why do we time travel what is going on as for you my friend not you what the heck look guys I made I made Simon like strong cuz I I I meant to fight him like as a boss oh I guess he’s not that strong a strong one that I definitely know about is a uh thing yeah just get him just get him Simon again goodness goodness who is this one is this the queen again dude where’s the dollar King man I’ve been wanting to see him can’t get him though yep that’s definitely the queen get him guys great job y keep getting him keep getting him I’d love to help out but I can’t really there’s a Jacky over there as well good job guys oh my you know what’s not great is that I don’t have any more emeralds that’s not very good huh there’s a tortured one over here oh come on you’re you’re a thing dude I’d normally let you live but I just can’t really be bothered so oh my gosh I forgot about Unbreaking what do you want Mr sheepy where are you Mr sheepy dude where is he there he is hello as for these guys I need to get freaking thing dude I need it let’s try guys keep him at B guys keep him Bay oh gosh oh gosh guys let’s calm down a little bit here why are you still attacking me what do you think the big idea is here oh my gosh holy moly it’s an iron golem Invasion great job guys great job guys great job get get that guy get that buddy here you’re oh hello you’re kind of dying man get out of the way you know what is this one about what is this one about oh me there we guys go is that the king that’s not the king that’s not the king you’re looking at him baby ho moer HOA moer get out of the way guys I we talking here okay not too shabby this one’s still just going after me oh no mind H basically just an XP Factory over here holy crap okay well you’re not a very good XP fact Factory come on I’ve been meaning to fight you Mr Mrs dweller Queen well most well mostly I’ve been wanting to fight your husband but he doesn’t really want to show up so you’re the next best thing of course I couldn’t beat you come on now what do you want cartoon cat holy crap you’re taking that down a lot of my sanity what is that about huh what was that I’ll stay awake just this one night just to see if anybody else pops up anybody special gosh darn it’s a lot XP hello come on you’re nobody special you’re nobody special my friend there you go get you out of here anybody else nobody else else feeling a little frisky tonight oh well there’s a cim right there I’m guessing this one with sheepers try not to die guys I need you guys alive cuz if you guys weren’t here I’d definitely be getting overwhelmed by now oh there’s the impregnator oh W hello you again how many times I have to freaking beat you up coin to like attack you perfectly as well because you’re only going to be around for a certain amount of time before you disappear okay that’s not good it’s actually what I was scared about you guys ganging up on me anybody cool Spawn oh there’s Jackie there’s sheepers there’s freaking J of people there’s the freaking dweller Queen again there you are that is the queen right you know three heads five heads six head it’s not really much of a difference after a while oh Goldman as well come on guys come on Bring it on Bring it on Hello Alex love to see you thank you guys thank you yep really appreciate it guys thank you for the help oh my gosh let me guess yep Queen again who is this freaking tortured freaking cartoon dweller as well what the heck is this one who are you PayPal who are you PayPal oh holy crap there’s so many of you this is exactly what I was scared about oh Alex as well we just had to get everybody in here everybody just had to come in here woo woo that’s pregnant we love to see him anybody else over here there’s this guy apparently okay there’s a freaking sheep now goodness that was a freaking clip and a half let’s get to bed now guys we cannot be doing this I’ll be digging down now day 196 what’s up guys love to see it what is this one Jackie again this one this one man from the fog that’s pretty bad there’s a boat here right guys there’s a boat here tell me I’m wrong okay good good that’s what I like to see okay guys are kind of getting kind of getting one shot don’t kill my guys evil man oh nice good job guys great job holy crap my armor took a freaking beating are you serious right now bro here we got the freaking Unbreaking train bro I need Unbreaking guys dude what is the freaking dweller Queen keeps spawning but the king doesn’t I’m starting to think that doesn’t even exist probably just a virus oh you guys killed that dweller Queen good job guys you can do it Jackie as well good job not going to lie though there is kind of a part of me that’s glad to see these guys back like it’s been a while since uh I’ve seen these guys and it feels like I’m back home somehow you know even if I never left look at him that what are you doing Simon is also taking the the brunt of it all righty guys mending protection Fortune oh and you guys AR making any more babies as well huh what do we do about that just absolute m absolute Mayhem right now bro look at these guys look at these freaking guys bro oh that’s the queen again that was finally the king look at this guy walking on through come on guys good old Mr knock over there good old Mr knocker you just stay Perfect Two tortured ones two tortured ones guys come on now we all know I’m the honored one we don’t need two of those guys though goodness have to really start keeping an eye of guys cuz I don’t want you guys to start dwindling it is only day 1 194 or 196 after a while it’s going to start getting crazier so you guys to be in your tip top shape holy crap hello guys they trying to kill the freaking Goatman oh take care of the freaking cartoon door inside of goat man guys you ask for this one this one just unnecessarily Gathering you guys that was so screenshot worthy by the way I need to go back to that one is that the king that is not the king that is another queen two queens guys holy crap how much health do you have dude you got to keep in mind every single swing of my freaking crits is like what 20 Hearts oh my goodness holy crap dude hello holy crap what’s going on here don’t worry guys I’m coming to play it’s is that fever dream as well woh woh woh woh yep things are officially getting mad not the freaking Golem as well heal the Golem is he a bad guy or a good guy now still a good guy good oh you’re back again guys just can’t get enough of me take care of him guys take care of him you guys are brutal sign head outside there anybody else here oh you again oh whoops I’m sorry you know what I wouldn’t mind getting all that xped on there holy holy crap two again ho Mo holy moly dude there’s like 50 freaking dweller Queens here oh my gosh are we serious about that by the way do you call these please I did Place more beds right yes I did okay screw this we have to work on the freaking Unbreaking books bro my armor is going to freaking die on me I thought I thought I could just skip it and just keep relying on the XP but I think it’s better to just do this oh there’s a freaking cave in here the hell monsters are nearby gosh darn it Alex get out of the way get he buddy okay this one’s taking a while day 197 Jackie yeah hopefully you guys get to it you guys get to that I’ll take care of Jackie over here come on jackey let’s get away from the horses place oh my god oh Mr horsey yep you’re you’re you’re just you’re just doing that now who is that inside my house my house that’s not my house this is my house technically I don’t really sleep there though all right Mr Horse let’s bat you back up huh this is like honestly kind of a good warmup for my next uh video don’t expect it too soon cuz the next epad after this one is going to be another full movie so dude what are we doing right now why is there so many dweller coins what the heck 198 no come on guys come on we’re not going to kill the Golems we’re not going to oh no come on dude that’s not very cool it’s not very pogers of you okay there’s just another one um I’m going to go in the back and I’m going to go get some more pumpkins we need more Golems oh my gosh that’s so awesome there probably more probably more than enough right replenish everything that we we’ve lost so far I like I like it how I’m basically just making Golems now instead of fighting them by myself because I mean we all know what happens if I fight them by myself they can’t kill me I can’t kill them then they just disappear come on it’s just the same thing over and over again at least with this is a little bit funny to see all these freaking Golems just have at it all right guys have at it have at it have fun for my sake get this guy down here huh there we go you healed up I appreciate the ones with cracks in them because it just shows that they’ve been they’ve been doing their part they’ve been doing their dude okay the double whammy yet again the double whammy yet again Double Gulp cup get him guys get him get him I can’t see it I can’t see who I’m supposed to heal just get them guys get them for me out these out these soldiers out the soldiers go get him hold Mo this is what this is what this is life right here this is the meaning to life oh the Goldman as well great job guys love to see it uh-huh go at them go at them spare no expense customer is always right no mother the most extreme request it would be cool if you killed like those boss kind of dwellers they drop like Ender Dragon level XP cuz I’m pretty sure you could change that I think I even I could change that but I don’t really i’ have to look into it though and I don’t really like looking at things except for you Mr villager you’re you your boy you sight to be hold oh I’m sorry is anybody grown yet anybody any any new guys no no new fellows oh my finally somebody knew get me Unbreaking Ming again Ming again who is this what the heck is going on dude oh it’s a silence what are you doing to me dude security security thank you guys right where’s the new guy come on hand him over is it you yes it’s you we still got a little bit of juice left in our day how many times are you going to give me freaking mending dude if only this happens every other time mending again that’s a what fifth time dude all right we can sleep now oh never mind security thank you gosh freaking darn it dude get me down in this hole yeah see this this Ho’s crazy there’s like a whole ecosystem here I’m trying to dig all the way down to see if there’s even a Bedrock probably is now when we go again oh hello holy crap there’s a lot of you guys here uh okay you are not welcome okay different bed then guys can we please guys we cannot keep doing this oh this is a different spot though what where’s my hole well well well all right different bed again still the same dude and now I’m blind because of the freaking sanity oh my gosh yeah you definitely did warn me you’ve been warning me a lot now three times in a row all right how about this bed that’s a go to sleep bed and I can’t attack him because I’m going to kill all my villagers so I got to walk out again kill those guys I pick this one go to sleep again out walk back inside monsters nearby so I got to pick a different bed again go back to the dimension guys um okay like is everything’s just black oh it’s you guys I see um okay let’s try all the way back here monsters nearby monsters should be dead all right finally holy crap that was a freaking nightmare dude day 1999 though okay that’s a DW King DW King DW King you look exactly the same as your uh Queen but ooh actually another yeah you’re oh my gosh you’re like way more detailed though that’s pretty cool way more detailed huh anyway I’m going to go back to talking to that one guy where is he this one there we go okay six mending book love it all right thank you for sending me back different location yet again though what happened to my original location where I leave him off over here somewhere I guess he just went back to work there we go finally holy crap dude all right perfect we got all done breaking books now to put you all to use I’m going to get freaking one top right now got to be quick with that keep the fighting over there guys gosh the thing broke uh-oh perfect now I should practically be invis Invincible practically don’t order me there nothing wrong cannot be doing that dude guess what though I’m about to have perfect freaking stuff just got to get my shield mending and Hallelujah we are back in business except for you though that’s not very good why you P some Budd I know there should be a boat here somewhere I just need to remember where the freaky it was okay maybe I could just do this and then go to sleep day 200 the last day of the series hopefully the audio wasn’t too crazily bad because I I have the fan on I did say I’m not going to turn the fan on but it’s another fan that isn’t as loud as the the other fan that I was talking about so hopefully it’s not that crazy but we’ll still see we’ll still see over here buddy see you later and ni see you Mr knocker I really appreciated the time we had together give you a couple knocks huh anybody here anybody cool here Jackie’s here Simon’s here C sheep’s here anybody else oh my gosh bunch of freaking iron ingots though that’s not a good sign how many more Fus I have left four let’s see how much more I have in the thing over here just cuz we’re going to end it off anyway might as well just go full out all out are we are basically out of iron though so I’m going to have to uh grab some iron from the desert don’t really think they would mind though yeah we can make a couple 20 more I guess okay I’m going to guess that’s the a simulator I was wondering where he was cuz oh gosh hello oh gosh hello Jacky gosh hello a little bit of help guys who the heck is this goodness guys is that all the pumpkins probably all right we’re going to go back outside again guys help me out here with the jockey holy crap there’s a lot of you guys over here what happened guys there’s somebody in the wall I guess there uh of course a word b now oh yep there it is doppelganger desert need a little bit of iron you know how it is nothing to Crazy Mr desert just a whole load of iron please the diamonds uh you can keep it for now for now until the end of time you can keep it all righty thank you very much under can I ender pearl out of into my thing oh I probably could on this wall oh yeah never mind I probably could on every single side hello buddy you need to get healed buddy look at this look at this guys freaking flickering stuff that’s freaking sad all right guys last couple of guys here hello do queen how are you just fine D me you know me just making a bunch of Golems my favorite pastime nowadays what the heck Mr Golem get that guy get that guy is that the queen that is the queen is that Simon that is Simon all right guys we’re very close I wasn’t really able to do oh hello what is it Yep this is the most normal day in uh updated from the fog here most normal day updated from the fog all righty is there anything else I want to do I mean it’s a good time definitely a good time uh um is there something I wish I could have changed probably like added a lot more adventuring type mods and oh yeah also the end the end was such a let down I really wish I what am I saying I I wish it just didn’t break um because the the end was it was going to be really good uh plus with an elytra you know whenever I felt like exploring I could have just started exploring but you know I could I could explore with horsey of course but that’s a lot slower so that just doesn’t work feel I just you just don’t really feel like it especially cuz you have to go all the way backwards as well so it’s slow exploring and going back Sam but overall dude this was nice kind of definitely overstay my welcome that’s a that’s a that’s a learning curve now I know that uh I have to add more adventuring mods rather than just pure dweller content cuz I wanted to like keep it like because I wanted to keep it as vanilla as possible just to kind of align with the uh original from the fog 100 days cuz that one I I literally just had what the man from the fog I don’t even think I had the man from the fog as well I just kind of clip baited everybody to think that he was there at least to my knowledge right I didn’t really add too many things plus I think that was Hardcore and people did get mad that I died oh yeah I did add from the fog yeah one of the reasons why I didn’t add too many mods on that one is because one I wanted to feel it you know like just the normal from the fog feeling that was really that was really fun it was really fun that and I I didn’t want to install too many mods because I mean hardcore you’re going to die a lot especially in this one I mean I was basically unkillable except for you know some certain guys and as as we saw you know if I if if I had enabled all the Dillers from day one then uh I definitely would have died a couple dozen times anything else I want to talk about this uh the series not really it was a it a great series I I managed to quote unquote finish my uh Ambitions of a build this is kind of like this is honestly half of what the uh expanding borders build was cuz in the in that build there’s like houses here and then Road and then like more houses next to the castle the main castle if you guys want like want to know what I’m talking about you guys should go watch that I’m I was trying to find the world for that so I can continue with cuz I dude it’s such a it’s such a wasted opportunity but I can’t really find it I don’t know if it’s still here I probably deleted it yeah Mr sheepers oh Mr Iron Golems Mr horsey Mr knocker thank you guys for everything see you guys in the next 100 days

This video, titled ‘I Spent 200 Days in the Updated From The Fog in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by IcyHarry on 2024-06-11 13:55:04. It has garnered 69466 views and 620 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:40 or 14380 seconds.

I Spent 200 Days in the Updated From The Fog in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened I Spent 100 Days in the Updated From The Fog in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened I Survived 100 Days of From The Fog in Minecraft Hardcore! #minecraft #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecrafthardcore #minecraftasmr

Inspired by @ForgeLabs @Calvin9000 @Swayle @flamc04 @RenderingFrames

This video I attempt to survive against Herobrine & his secret brother Simon_12, and his friends the Cave Dweller, The Man From The Fog, The Dweller King, The Dweller Queen, and every 10 days I add even more dwellers making it even harder than the last… Will I survive the full 200 days in the Updated From The Fog in Minecraft? time will tell.

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:12 Day 100 47:56 Day 110 1:22:07 Day 120 1:48:00 Day 130 2:03:19 Day 140 2:18:31Day 150 2:35:28 Day 160 2:49:12 Day 170 3:14:14 Day 180 3:32:11 Day 190 3:55:01 Day 200

Base Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/genuine Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/complementary-reimagined Others mods you could find yourself… they’re just dwellers afterall

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    Peace Town's Hidden Bunker: Siro's Mega SMP Ep. 8 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Siro builds a bunker, where peace survives. Hoa Binh Town, a place of tranquility, Protected by a secret military facility. With blocks and bricks, Siro crafts with care, Each wall and turret, a fortress to bear. In the Mega SMP, the challenge is grand, But Siro’s skills, they truly expand. Roblox and livestreams, channels galore, Siro’s talents, always ready to explore. Booking inquiries, email on the go, For collaborations, Siro’s ready to show. On Facebook and Instagram, a glimpse of the man, Behind the Minecraft master plan. Fans gather ’round, in… Read More

  • Creating a Boboiboy Gempa Portal in Minecraft

    Creating a Boboiboy Gempa Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Boboiboy Gempa Portal Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of the Boboiboy Gempa Portal. Join the community in creating, exploring, and conquering new challenges in this unique Minecraft experience. Donation and Community Links For those looking to support the creators and join the community, there are various ways to get involved: Support the creators by donating on Saweria: Donate Here Join the Discord group for discussions and updates: Discord Group Character Skins and Channels Immerse yourself in the Boboiboy Gempa Portal with unique character skins and explore different channels: Check… Read More

  • Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP

    Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft SMPs! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft SMPs? In this video, the player joins an SMP in Minecraft Pocket Edition version, ready to embark on new adventures and challenges. Exploring the Minecraft Universe From survival challenges to parkour adventures, Minecraft offers a vast universe for players to explore. Whether you’re crafting copper items or navigating through tricky parkour courses, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in the world of Minecraft. Joining the SMP Community Joining an SMP in Minecraft opens up a whole new world… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024

    Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024 The Exciting World of Minecraft: Crazy Events Build Battle on 4th July 2024 On the 4th of July 2024, Minecraft enthusiasts were treated to an exhilarating Build Battle event filled with crazy events and intense competition. Players from all over the world gathered to showcase their creativity and skills in this virtual world. The Build Battle Event The Build Battle event in Minecraft is a popular competition where players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to build their creations. The 4th of July event was no different, with participants tasked to build patriotic-themed structures in… Read More

  • Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness!

    Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 31: Super Smelter & Mushroom Farm Introduction In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, our favorite streamer Doc Brennan embarked on a mission to enhance the quality of life in his base. With a focus on creating a super smelter and an automatic mushroom farm, Doc set out to streamline his resource gathering and processing. Super Smelter Setup Doc’s decision to build a super smelter stemmed from the need to eliminate the manual smelting process for his projects. With a vision to integrate the smelter seamlessly into his storage system, he meticulously… Read More

  • Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style!

    Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style! Yo, Blockheads, it’s yo boy yo plays on the scene, Diving deep into Minecraft’s new Allay machine. No need to tame, just befriend with a gift, Watch them collect items, give your gameplay a lift. Find them in cages at Pillager outposts and Mansions, Free them, befriend them, no need for expansions. Hold out an item, let them take the bait, They’ll collect more of the same, no need to wait. But remember, their radius is small, Only 32 blocks, don’t expect them to haul. They’ll collect dropped items, not ores in the ground, But with their help, your… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World

    Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube tutorial on how to build a compact medieval house in Minecraft. The attention to detail and creativity showcased in the video truly blew us away. It got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could showcase their building skills and creativity on a larger scale? That’s where Minewind comes in. With its vast open world and dedicated community of players, Minewind offers the perfect platform for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and build, explore, and create to their heart’s content. Imagine being able to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind is the place to be for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage… Read More

  • The Untold History of Minecraft’s Rise

    The Untold History of Minecraft's Rise The Rise of Minecraft: From Sandbox Game to Global Phenomenon Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival. Available on various platforms such as PC, iOS, and Android, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. But what exactly has propelled Minecraft to such immense popularity? Exploring the World of Minecraft At its core, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s open-ended nature encourages creativity and imagination, making it appealing to players of all ages. Key… Read More

  • Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build – Minecraft!

    Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Taiga Alchemist´s House – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Enchanted.Architecture on 2024-07-11 17:00:29. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:32 or 1652 seconds. In this Minecraft Taiga Alchemist´s House Tutorial video, I’ll show you How to build a stunning and authentic Alchemist´s house in taiga style. Follow my step-by-step guide to create your own Minecraft Alchemist´s House for your survival world. House includes some alchemy interior decorations. Material list is in video. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please give it a thumbs up, leave… Read More

  • Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block Race

    Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block RaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2024-06-23 00:04:31. It has garnered 878700 views and 10911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Read More


    UNLOCKED: EL MODO HARDCORE en MINECRAFT 🤯😳Video Information This video, titled ‘YA TENEMOS EL MODO HARCORE EN MINECRAFT BEDROCK 🤯😱 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #short’, was uploaded by Bleick on 2024-04-05 15:17:12. It has garnered 3343 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!

    Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Desert Nation! : Nations and Nobles’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2024-01-08 17:17:10. It has garnered 249 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:49 or 11509 seconds. Let’s work on our desert nation! This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as… Read More

  • 🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!

    🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tʏᴘᴇs Oғ Yᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇʀ Iɴ Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ | Pᴀʀᴛ 2 | #shorts#minecraft #gamerfleet #yessmartypie #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Naveen Is Live on 2024-03-21 01:48:40. It has garnered 6550 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping down and… Read More

  • ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56

    ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56Video Information This video, titled ‘JAG DÖDAR VARENDA MOB I MINECRAFT – Alla advancements #56’, was uploaded by ChrisWhippit on 2024-05-11 07:00:03. It has garnered 3687 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:02 or 1622 seconds. Welcome to Our series called: All advancements in Minecraft! Do you want to support the channel a little extra? Become a member today! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm4nLrtw4bSYFNUsvHMaP1Q/join Click the link to subscribe! ✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subwhippit Do you have a collaboration proposal that you want to send? Do this below: 📧 Collaboration Requests: [email protected] Want to buy a shirt or a cap? Click on… Read More

  • INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPE

    INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Mods Survival (+ Aukce) | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #26 | HYPE 780 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-16 21:35:25. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:55 or 12115 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————–… Read More

  • Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!

    Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Checking out the Minecraft update with viewers’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-06-14 01:40:56. It has garnered 129 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 06:45:30 or 24330 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support and if you do it I’ll give… Read More

  • 🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED – Epic Stampy’s Parkour Part 4! 🤯

    🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED - Epic Stampy's Parkour Part 4! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘stampy’s parkour part 4 #minecraft #freefire #remix #music #anime #dj’, was uploaded by YES ARYAN PIE on 2024-01-09 09:07:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Create and Origins modded SMP

    Create and Origins modded SMPWelcome to Steam And Copper; a server with many mods, primarily focusing on automation and exploration. We use such mods as Create, Immersive Engineering, most FTB mods, origins (with all of our origins being custom-made for this server), terralith, farmer’s delight, undergarden, and many more interesting additions which will offer many ways to entertain you and make your stay absolutely unforgettable! s406628.mine.game:29084 Read More

  • OddSMP smp whitelist

    Welcome to OddSMP Welcome to OddSMP, a 15+ bedrock SMP with a small and growing community. Our SMP has some unique features, including simple addons for aesthetics and convenience, a marketplace at spawn where you can buy building blocks using a money system, and a ban on extreme OP farms to encourage active play and engagement on the server. If you’re interested, feel free to DM me directly for our Discord code (specify OddSMP in your message). Read More


    ROBLOX DOORS IN MINECRAFT👁️🚪DOORS🚪👁️For Version 1.20.4It is very fun no lie!!!ogerBanner coming soon….Required Resourcepack:https://www.mediafire.com/file/kn4700je2ewhaxd/DOORS.zip/fileMods Doors Server has (Don’t need to install): Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cave Noises of Doom 💀

    Why do cave noises in Minecraft sound so spooky? Because even the skeletons are trying to scare you! Read More

  • Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure!

    Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new frontier, Python and OpenCV, make the vision clear. Control VR with motion, a whole new sight, With Trinus and iVRy, the future is bright. Vivecraft brings the experience alive, With Python and OpenCV, you’ll thrive. So dive into the world, with a new sensation, Minecraft VR, a true innovation. Explore, create, and build with glee, Python and OpenCV, set your mind free. In this virtual world, the possibilities are vast, Thanks to technology, the fun will last. So grab your gear, and take the leap, Minecraft VR, a journey deep. Python and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Hot Ore Portals Ranking #lit #meme

    Minecraft: Hot Ore Portals Ranking #lit #meme When you finally find a diamond ore portal but it just leads you to a room full of creepers and skeletons. Thanks, Minecraft! #shorts #meme #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Nether Portal & Basement Expansion!

    Ultimate Nether Portal & Basement Expansion! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 40: New Nether Portal and Basement Expansion On March 20th, 2022, viewers tuned in to watch an exciting episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, where Doc Brennan showcased some incredible new additions to his world. Let’s dive into the highlights of this episode! New Fancy Nether Portal One of the most exciting features introduced in this episode was the creation of a new Nether Portal. Doc Brennan showcased his creativity by designing a fancy portal that not only served as a functional gateway to the Nether but also added a touch of style to… Read More

  • Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16)

    Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: A Terrifying Adventure with Dwellers and Horror Mods! Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with a twist! Dive into a world filled with terror as you encounter the infamous Dwellers and other horrifying mods. This unique series features a modpack for Minecraft that includes a plethora of terrifying mods such as The One Who Watches, The Man from the Fog, Cave Dweller, Nightmare.jar, and many more! Map Availability and Mod Versions Explore the eerie world of One Block across various Minecraft versions, including 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.4, and soon,… Read More

  • EPIC World Gen Mods & Custom Blocks Creation! Day 2

    EPIC World Gen Mods & Custom Blocks Creation! Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘World Gen Mods & Making Custom Blocks | Project Architect 2 Devlog | Day 2’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-07-14 16:00:34. It has garnered 9861 views and 234 likes. The duration of the video is 08:26:18 or 30378 seconds. Ever wanted to craft your own modded Minecraft experience? This series takes you on the full journey of building a modpack, from KubeJS scripting to mastering essential tools. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, join the ride! We’ll dive deep with tutorials, troubleshoot challenges, and share the real-life ups & downs of… Read More

  • 20+ Terrifying Minecraft Survival Monsters

    20+ Terrifying Minecraft Survival MonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR SURVIVAL ADDONS 20+ Terrifying Monster in Minecraft Survival in-depth review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-06-12 12:00:29. It has garnered 128477 views and 2842 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:18 or 1278 seconds. I’ve uncovered the scariest Minecraft monsters addon that will send shivers down your spine ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Elemental Ecko’s: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=f8ca8722-bdd4-4b8a-b025-e0420fc8d312 Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=a1da6f9b-d454-48cf-b0eb-d140020602d9 In this in-depth review, we delve into… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Base Tour – Insane MANOV Game!” 🎮🔥

    "EPIC Minecraft Base Tour - Insane MANOV Game!" 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Minecraft: Mostrando a nossa BASE #ep 2’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-03-30 19:01:37. It has garnered 67 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:08 or 548 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ READ VIDEO DESCRIPTION ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📌 Help the channel: 🔔 Activate the BELL and SUBSCRIBE to the channel !! 🌎 SHARE. 👍 LEAVE YOUR LIKE. 💬 COMMENT. ♦ 📁 Video Texture: 📌Goal for the video: 👍 50 likes. 📈 And climbing. 📌About the server 🛒STORE: https://loja.redevonix.com/ 👉IP: jogar.redevonix.com 🎫 Coupon: OPENING 90% off 📌About the channel: 📆 New video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tree House Build!! 🌳🏠 #Power

    INSANE Minecraft Tree House Build!! 🌳🏠 #PowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Simple Tree House |#ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft #powr_live #باور’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-12 12:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in … Read More

  • Insane Discovery: A Wild Chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18

    Insane Discovery: A Wild Chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18Video Information This video, titled ‘I found chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18’, was uploaded by Filltrix Sinhala on 2024-03-08 14:30:28. It has garnered 23899 views and 1515 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:17 or 2057 seconds. Subscribe කොරලා “🔔” එක ඔබන්න Friends! ╔════════════════════════╗ Welcome back, fellow gamers, to another thrilling episode of Better Minecraft! In today’s gameplay, join me on an extraordinary journey as we stumble upon an unexpected encounter: a chimpanzee! Yes, you heard it right – a chimpanzee in Minecraft! Watch as we explore the depths of the jungle biome in search of resources… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Battle: Angel JJ vs Demon Mikey!

    Epic Minecraft Battle: Angel JJ vs Demon Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘Angel JJ Grave vs Demon Mikey Grave Battle in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen World on 2024-07-04 11:07:39. It has garnered 55571 views and 342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. Not click Bait : Angel JJ Grave vs Demon Mikey Grave Battle in Minecraft Maizen! 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial Read More

  • “Insane Twist: Minecraft’s Epic End Game!” #minecraft #game #gaming

    "Insane Twist: Minecraft's Epic End Game!" #minecraft #game #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small End In Minecraft#minecraft #game #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by BG_ Galaxy_Gamer on 2024-02-19 04:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. active and passive voice in hindi ca r songs bhutiya short ayush video minecraft portal skibdi toilet herobrine charmander fruits gta … Read More

  • Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #Minecraft

    Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Ribman craft on 2024-05-10 21:00:14. It has garnered 1269 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming Minecraft, Zombies, Warden, Battle,Brute, Action force, Showdown, Survival, Epic, Horde, Adrenaline-pumping, Clash, Resilience, Suspense, Intense, Heart-pounding, Underground caves, Open fields, Open fields, Spectate, Tactics, Adventure, Ultimate, Gaming, Video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon,… Read More

  • Ethan Winter’s INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!

    Ethan Winter's INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘LETS talk about the MCRP Community, shall we? (Playing minecraft pvp, chilling and chatting)’, was uploaded by Ethan Winter’s on 2024-06-20 03:15:34. It has garnered 263 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:19 or 9559 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔥 Welcome to TheRealSenpaiYT’s Live Stream! 🔥 📌 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Nc3mWkdY7d 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealSenpaiYT ✉ Business Email: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📚 COPYRIGHT NOTICE 📚 “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ‘fair use’ for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is… Read More

  • Elartrios

    ElartriosElartrios.net is available for the Minecraft Java Edition and also for Minecraft Bedrock Edition! IP Java: Elartrios.net:25565 | IP Bedrock: Elartrios.net:19132 | Website: Elartrios.net Welcome to Elartrios, where adventure and excitement in Minecraft await you! Our server offers a collection of self-made minigames that promise to inject a refreshing twist into your gaming experience. With a variety of unique gamemodes designed to entertain and challenge, there’s never a dull moment here. Experience the explosive frenzy of Generatorwars as you battle it out amidst thrilling explosions. Show off your skills by conquering the molten obstacles of Lavarun, a true test of… Read More

  • Introducing the new Civilization SMP – vanilla

    Join the Civilization SMP Discord Server Complete the whitelist request form to gain access to our Vanilla Minecraft community! All ages are welcome here, whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran. Rules: No hacking No X-ray No Stealing No racism No homophobia No ableism Join our Discord server, fill out the whitelist form, and start exploring our world today! Don’t miss out on our events, build contests, and community gatherings – join our Discord community now! Civilization Discord: https://discord.gg/HVgKNF68sR Read More