Idiots Ghost Hunting… I guess? Idfk 3 (Funny)

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I feel like Dojo left you know yeah it’s a possibility do I have to kill no I can’t kick him all right uh because I’m not party leader anymore I was trying to get I was trying to get boys spot lobbies can you promote me sir can I be 40 leaders just everybody

Doesn’t want to do this can I be Party leaders sir party leader please I would enjoy part if you just said anyways oh my God zero build dude you’re doing so doing something oh yeah we’re gonna go back to hell because I thought guys [Applause] hello child please pick us your microphone

And not have a microwave remove your microphone from the microwave it’d be very kind and it was child radio looking for that I should actually start broadcasting oh my God he didn’t want it to be public apparently he just said it’s public oh okay I don’t know

Uh he’s running back all right I was like I’ll turn it back to private yeah I don’t know why but if they don’t want him yeah we can hear you but you’re using your PC microphone let’s go meaning it sounds like your microphone is in a microwave

So please take it out of the microwave [Laughter] a suggestions we are literally all gonna die laughs right on two oh look at my bed my bed disappointing I didn’t realize I don’t think that’s a good idea let me smoke for you don’t worry about it yes yes bruh wait there’s only one guy come back thank you

Oh we’re doing this you got me yeah sadly I have you very sad or maybe I don’t because you’re not here games oh my favorite shotgun is My mic better yeah much get out of here and of course my shotgun doesn’t work I’m trying to actually let my game load for a second no get back here you piece of crap I will kill you guys Carlos I’m about to meet you that’s not Carlos no that’s bored

Carlos is in the game what do you mean I’m stupid I know get out of the plane crimson oh my God coughing again playing on playing combat Crimson sorry boy how did you even get up there wow you were 34 35 actually 25 bro your your microphone is so deep

Kids might or child’s mic sorry I mean you’re mine you are the child by the way how did you get all the way up there hi to everybody watching this stream thank you for being here no problem anytime on my second monitor thank you I love new scoping from one meter it’s

Just simple Friday fumbles by my side it’s so cool why I don’t care I’d prefer if you do hey who’s the Echo by the way that’s not me yes it is shut up it’s either the child or boy get out of the damn place you’re aiming at my base okay dude amen

That’s illegal we can’t let you do that are you talking about yourself like that yeah you’re so lucky they fall off so hard uh how are we so foreign dude child is annoyed I’m at 79. we lost a good soldiers hell no if you if you use a cow you can fade

Under the map it’s pretty annoying I feel that goof here ice no just just die look at that if you kill me again I’m playing this entire time bro it’s not my fault that you’re bad just get better no I’m a copyright Ben your friend man it honestly sounds like a problem

Honestly that also sounds like a new problem hit me up real quick I’m not going up back there I can grab one of their planes What are you gonna do about it uh not really man I’ve been busy with school I’m coming I’m sorry what theme song what theme song we’re thinking of twitching together and I wasn’t even told about it yeah that’s right you suck man you’ll lose sex I can’t believe I just hit that

Where’s Goofy goofy I get down here he’s white instead if he’s white he’s dead that’s his little racist hey no swiping here not a load not alone not a load you keep giving us haircuts dude I’m so like you I’m just shooting kills at this point

I hate y’all for bringing me here yeah yeah I know trust me I I know he told me he was gonna give me a gun skin and Valor it never did oh that was a sweet kill yes because I wasn’t moving and also he was super low you’re literally had just jumped

I like cows I got it I got the cows no my plane you left clerk like everything else no it’s not it’s junk oh I didn’t know that so how do I break the cow World War II Crimson how do you break the cow shoot it once the challenge I’m stuck to see you I assume in a washing machine I fell further down the map you’re drowning I’m under water I’ve been under the Batman no I got the other one crimson all right let’s go to the map together around here hi Kristin let’s go watch out he’s coming in under the ground yeah it’s up underneath you oh my God

Get out from under the ground bro leave us alone oh my God this is the cow’s home oh my gosh no no just jump out when you hit the ground trust what the hell is this I’m thinking lower oh you should come down here and find it laughs I’m going to never Seas streak in the Never Land prices I’m inside the blimp oh I made it come on see you later a bit Um all of you guys dying is just giving me free money thank you we haven’t died at all Just gonna chill watch out see you later man are you guys respawning down there no we’re just vibing in where’s the code I’m scared man this is no I’m good I made it anyways I’m down in the water now how do I get lower do you go to the water or yo

How do you go oh wait I’m stuck oh I see I see we’re stuck I’m here boy I can’t get up baby on three on three we go up no I need five four no okay if they shoot you it’s gonna send you back down no I got one dog bro we’re stuck under the map yeah Channel Okay no I do you want to go no bro you’re not leaving with sea of Thieves you are not leaving me with seal please dude you were not leaving me with sea of Thieves I don’t want to be alone with sea of Thieves no I didn’t choose these teams oh my God okay I failed so we’ll have to do it again oh my God oh my God it’s finally peaceful sea of these is finally gone anyways it’s actually like a map under here Steven it’s annoying can you go back into the other tracks

This is already stuck I’m stuck I am too loser I tried to pop his cow but it like it freaked out um bro I’m just chilling in here I’m just stretching right in here get out of you two get out of here I’m literally not as long as sea of Thieves isn’t in

Uh I’ll leave as long as there’s no sea of Thieves imagine young bro honestly imagine it was that’s all I have to say oh I [ __ ] up this oh my God anyways why are we still here is my question that’s interesting foreign no I can’t get back up

You really tried that Crimson you really tried to have a good aim at all click on to choose what’s that what’s that what’s that what’s that oh what’s that that’s me syphilis might be really good at the age of five why are we here exactly oh I’m stuck

Oh [ __ ] I’m stuck all right guys that’s where we got stuck bro what is this bull crap good luck with that curse of their stuff I hate not being able to move dude specific ways hello I’m like stuck in the in this corner I can’t move wait there’s stuck in Corners corners oh

I’m him I’m him he got out I saw him what is this song this is straight up source for you what is going on right now you’re not oh my gosh they got out it was oh crap oh no bro no no please give me three seconds yo what’s up

I need to not be here by myself I am right next to you calm down foreign me came out the blend are you out yet I mean I’m going in today no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no you realize you could technically go into the top of the blimp yeah hello Concourse me dragon this way come to me it’s not that difficult it really is not that difficult wait you can get through here get in here please I can’t I’m stuck are you sure you can’t

Go through the top of the blue oh I figured out what’s in the blimp oh you found the starting area guys yeah hi there anyways you’re dead I have to get another account because mine yeah mine said too like I said you could go through the top

Of the blue yeah it’s mine’s awesome y’all just don’t have imagination shut up I don’t have weight loss they have anger issues that was quickly what anger did you see in any of those comments that’s what I’m trying to figure out yes I still got the room

Get in here goofy I can’t because he broke it so it’s 15 seconds wait time oh my God you’re trying to get in through the walls you can’t get that’s what you said before I see the shadow of whoever you’re fighting yeah oh hi there man

No I’m not stuck give I hate you so much fish bro and you stole it from and you’re eating the third oh my God I literally got it from the kill and then you steal it from see see but we’re fine we’re fine you could see the shadow on the roof

There in the roof here just stay on this side yeah you can see the shadow on the roof you tell where they’re gonna drop it at you see these killing items yeah yeah didn’t you no we’re at a hundred hundred same thing I’m trying oh yeah they’re both coming

In from the top don’t miss Champions this is the spawn thing I love how he just realized [ __ ] a cow oh my God you’re so you’re slow you’re gonna clip anyways they’re on top again or they’re in the sides on the sides do you know that the cow can do damage yeah

Get up here I’m coming they’re coming from Below you saw this woman are you not indians I’m scared oh my God please let me realize I think he can face through the walls and get back out as far as you guys haven’t been trying to stream stuff right now

Because you know your location inside the blue oh bye-bye I don’t know how but I made it out I didn’t even get out of the cow it just kind of phased me through the wall person are you stuck no you are no I’m not wait wait I’m stuck

Respawn you know what I can do now with this because of the fact that I’m in the cow I can do it what are you doing hi guys hi guys Where watch out dragons in the roof don’t go through the roof I’m just gonna go through wherever I see [ __ ] the language they’ve literally W Strat such a W’s giraffe he’s the weaker one if he’s in the room that’s what I’m saying if I can get up there

You can’t get to the roof with a cow you can’t get to the roof of the cow you can indeed get to the roof of the cow that’s how I got it not really what the hell there’s like a big dick in my walls hard on hard on are you still streaming

Yes I am yes you’re a toast man I clipped through the bottom of the plane the heck Crimson I’m standing on the bottom of the freaking pants I see is crawled what oh you’re you’re in the corner yeah he’s always in the corners I’m still in the closet he’s a corner

Man thank you thanks crimson You can just jump off and just kill you I’m not low you were for a second I was at 111 the entire time what do you mean I’m sorry how did I get here where are you I’m like I’m like in between reality what yeah where am I reality I’m like I know I’m literally

Like in between like time and space what I could see all of you but I’m like not able to move or anything I don’t know what’s happening that’s what I mean when we say we get stuck comes to get in here well I’m stuck in the bomb did you die yeah

Wait actually stay up there that’s a really good spot I can’t get out I can’t shoot someone oh yeah my aim would be terrible help me I can’t get down to you you know this this is getting lower and lower each time no actually this is getting you get like

Higher and higher each time that you go down I’m high come on come on come on come on Master again I’m trying to white man hey yo I can’t say that he’s too afraid to come in the top of the book I’m telling you who is nasta it’s because he’s a master

On through I’m through I’m through here stop shooting at me Crimson I guess you’re stuck stop shooting something help I’m through but I can’t I can’t phase anymore because like how died respawn Crimson nah ow Chris is stuck in an ammo Rock on the top floor guys [Applause]

This is a spamming loser but if you like men muted yeah I am muted that makes a lot more sense it’s okay guys we’ve had a moment yeah anyways I said yeah I know to what you said the best I don’t give two [ __ ] what the heck goodbye

There we go goddamn why’d you come down here hi babe I was stuck in a rack good Iraq yeah it comes donate donate 25 and to help me get out of Iraq I can’t say that’s racist and someone in the top there’s someone in the bottom no you’re on the bottom

Your mom you’re well my feet yeah both of these nuts are in there yes they are both in here the kids are trying to join the party again but why oh my God I got double teams Finally have it again crimson’s crimson’s one shot by the way if you hit him with a shotgun he’s dead that’s what I’m saying you forget his name’s not as good get here get here yeah it’s only Crimson both of you phase back through well they both face back through it give

Me a second I’ll be up there in six seconds yo what’s up my cow died thank you that’s me sorry weirdo yo kid can you bring like heels you can see under the bloom yeah I’ve already jumped oh my gosh hold on man no there’s nobody there yeah there’s not

Anybody there right now I smell sucker replace my heavy sniper for heels would be a good idea fortnite doing a collab with personalities yeah I know oh or not oh yeah you totally can’t see his toes just ignore his toes sticking through the ground all right ignore his toes all right just just

Ignore his toes oh goofy I was trying to shoot [Laughter] are you illness don’t go up there this needs to be our final thing we oh my gosh Christian because it’s like lucky it’s funny but it’s like it’s getting better yeah that’s what I’m saying you came up and then you fell another level up let’s go shut up what’s up

They’re in a plane I doubt they can bring that down though don’t you you can’t yeah somebody’s in a plan give me two cans can you get out from under the map oh nobody is my cows just respond Viv no I returned a Lobby by accident I should be able to read Jordan

How have I unlocked a new page yet or I have not I need help if one more level to unlock the page I have to do four more levels after that all right anyways I yeah I think I’m back no what’s going on I want to play some trios

Your child where did you go I have to leave bye bye loser sugar I gotta level up four more times and then get a new skin are you talking about the girl I’m talking about the combat trick Antonio the name is yeah the girl yeah

Yeah I know you want cavity Lane I know you see him how do you know who I’m looking at this dude page no I mainly want the tier 100 it’s gonna be honest I already I already basically was a vampire yeah I’m talking about Cato yeah vampire

Do you want a place called squads with the with the bot oh yeah I can wait Oh it was Gigi it’s broken I’m sorry you would anyways I think anyways ready up yo what’s good to the new person oh no that’s about just 100 19. oh it is yeah look look at look at their level and you should be able to figure out what it is and it was

I mean you’re the one that said you wanted my Lobby so I got you bought lobbies King questions nobody’s better get in oh that’s better boys he’s just not here oh and it was so what you’re saying is that we can actually let’s go here yeah let’s go here um

We could definitely go to two Mansions if the circle gives it to us so what you’re saying is steel oh I prefer you to not but you know I know you’re going to anyways but my face is different yeah that’s why I said I’d prefer you to know if I know you’re

Going to anyways have high hopes for me I have no hopes for you I heard yeah well it’s the truth the box in the actual Mansion yeah the Bots and the Mansion are better than players exactly that’s that’s crazy dude the Bots just gone yeah yeah just

Ignore it yeah he had to transfer his energy to the bodies that you wanted you know anyways just rush the bottom oh my God you got the tree activated which started killing me Rush the bottom I rushed the bottom oh my God it was boy

Then I got no moving items as well uh guy behind me guy behind me oh my god of course you suck could get faster than you I can’t you broke my ebook I broke your keyboard my e-born oh that’s kind of rude you know I do need a shotgun though so thank you

Anyways let’s get out of here guys okay Original Gangster let me heal first let’s go let’s go to Relentless no no you’re not I hate you I know not much is very obvious if you if you take a look at me I have your favorite weapon though dude give me that shotgun shells

No come on please I have no shotgun shells whatsoever neither do I um yes you did uh you must be tripping bro I literally saw him he’s tripping Original Gangster look I picked a five I think for shot controls wait they’ve come back oh what never

Mind there’s a card for me yeah I know that’s what I took my own Pizza Hut one the Pizza Hut one’s the best one no it’s not it wouldn’t be so bad in the Lord’s actually um modified to be a getaway car it’s modified and the Lord not in the game

I mean it literally only looks different the stats and everything I was saying sir all these cars suck on dirt you’re supposed to shoot it what do you think you’re supposed to do I thought I was supposed to hug it I thought I want some load thank you that was very helpful anyways

Goofy I love you dude yeah we can make it we can make it yeah we can make that easy oh wait not that I don’t know what you were thinking I’m thinking about that I don’t think we can make it we can make it I was referring I was referring to

Making the job on me okay then you’re fine then you’re screwed too Get into the side and cracked them can you and stop being just not one chasing over here and stop [ __ ] mean I think I have to kill the words yeah record oh my God I have no Sprint can this bot get out of my face just hold all three of those bottoms

Oh there’s another dude these are thank you so much these are absolutely did we not just say that yes I forgot that you said that this is why you wanted to be in mind uh uh please have decent amounts of ammo on you uh you actually oh my God moving back here

So annoying I know oh my God okay what’s fun yeah and it was all right now time to get out of here you know how we’re gonna get out of here for guns oh my God oh my God now I have two people on me good oh my God you’re fine you’re fine

I need I actually need ammo now apparently that’s crazy oh my god get off of my meat please I beg of you get off my meat hey but what if they wanted are you gonna get are you gonna let them have it I’ve now got four kills it’s about to turn next

This is how I’m gonna be completing the Llama back bling Quest by the way yeah I hate doing the Llama backing challenges legit ain’t no way oh my God there’s another one a crimson can you just wait up a bit hold on we have to go see him you may

Have missed Lake day but that doesn’t just be as you missed leg date doesn’t mean that you’re not fast foreign getting stuff yeah screw you guys I’ve been fighting trying to keep up with you guys well whose problem is that it doesn’t sound like yo Crimson can you get back in the motorcycle

And start driving it just a bit more thank you is I need you to drive there for a daily mission of course you do anyways I’m going towards the okay yeah the cash grandma wait why is he getting ammo I’m like I’m Rose confused right there okay

Whatever bro I don’t know is there anybody watching the snow there’s oh there’s so many using a rocket rims and that’s when your goofy ass is behind me oh hello Ellie is really cool that’s not me oh is that you either of us you want you want my twitch name is

Something that you probably could guess it’s most likely Crimson with a w inner yeah because that’s what you change your YouTube name to it’s not no it’s not that’s what your YouTube name is the name of an animal that I say like almost all the time iguana no different animal oh

Uh I don’t know this year it’s a Guam I want to be when I grow up though iguana a monkey albino alligator you have never said that in your life yes I have multiple times I just don’t say often like that boy now let’s go somewhere guys

What’s good boy get back in the train boys are hungry who took him who took them there you go that’s cool of you I swear because no I’m literally begging at this point like I have no ammo for it you were fine you’re fine it’s Bob lobbies dude I hit my shots with snipers today though kill people yeah too it’s a lot of difficult trust it’s really basic yeah it’s really not that difficult like I’m third partying and

They don’t shoot back I mean yeah you sure do love third partying I know you I look through praying Bots too you know gotta keep the light give me the kill I hate you I know there’s the other one I don’t know man uh let’s go to the island

I’m okay with that yeah I’m down for that it’s an island yeah dude I have foam mats and I have not used a single I see something cool cool I mean it kind of makes sense lipstick dude does nobody have sniper ammo like no no absolutely I don’t have 42 Snapper ammo

I haven’t been here on you oh my god well give them your heavy caliber friends as you drop them in a trail dude you’re such an ass it’s 42 I don’t know if he can handle it all at once you literally dropped it in a trail I

Didn’t think you actually did but you did you are such annoying so we dropped him in a tree in a trail bro is there seriously no vehicles it is Mega City where are the vehicles I found the vehicle oh Lord yeah have fun picking all of this up

I bet you enjoy it because it’s fun you know I don’t know how many how large of a trail he made 42. oh where’s the island okay I find these laws right now and oh my gosh I’m popping off oh my God it’s totally not like their Bots it’s totally like not

Like you have them coming up are they all did no they’re not I’m trying to rocking around them no he’s just like I hit like five times because it was the other one where to go oh it’s over here honest thing I’m being shot at oh my God Michael I

Got the kill no I got the kill I got the kill that’s gonna give me the kill sir nah he gave you two kills and gave me two kills calm down I like sharing I know it’s very obvious how many kills are you at I’m outside

So seven we’re at the same I kill somehow oh yes he was alone for the longest time being shot at yeah and I just kept killing I just kept saying that’s fine you know what you know what that dude once said never kill someone never slaughtered there’s water if they’re shooting at you

Keep that in mind for war of course you’re right behind me the whole time all I saw is your badass on my screen I swear to God because they’re so annoying because they’re like the worst teammates ever oh there’s just a kid that’s sitting oh my God they’re just a kid

He’s gonna take all the animals wow okay well that’s one kid I might have took all the ammo okay um yeah we got a safe and Trust can we paint yeah maybe give us a ping and we’ll know where there is I see one give us a pig

Please you’re still all over the loot no we looked good feel a shotgun for me and another one all right trust I’ll I’ll Glide I got him I got him yet I cannot believe ain’t no way but we just got down in a bot lobby anyways I jumped on it threw me off

Is there someone new you oh my God you guys are so far there’s no one near you no there’s nobody near me didn’t let me redeploy it just threw me off of the freaking thing you were closer to him We’re literally running towards him and now you’re telling me

Oh please sir oh there’s people shooting I swear she was shooting over here though that doesn’t matter go heal him you are closer to him I’m here don’t worry such an order he’s gonna get all those kills now maybe are you happy yes because I’m alive

This is a very hard deal to make your life or kills wow and it was such an ass welcome to playing with Crimson you’ll get used to it after a while you will try to abandon me eventually I found more Bots haha down I am bot King

Oh my God I watched that that was a that was funny it wasn’t your kill though you didn’t shoot at them I shot at both of them no you didn’t shoot out the third one that I killed anyways oh I hear another one you do why do I tell you this

I thought I saw another one but it’s just you I swear to God I hate you so much I saw them first I saw them when they were still in the building this is why I don’t like playing with you dude Here ‘s a jump pad right there I think I’m like saving lives no you destroyed them you are absolutely destroyed oh yeah I know I’m next to you what the hell they go what the hell they go that’s really guys this is so hard

Yo this is how you get 25 crowns in a day no you don’t get crowns from these songs yes they’re Carlos is love this remember we didn’t get crowns from that for somebody I don’t want that um here’s heavy friends if you need them too

Come on thank you yeah I’m at 47 but I’ll take them yeah I literally just if you pick up my [ __ ] heavy round here you would yeah I have too many of course you have too many questions I had full heavy rounds what do you want

From me give it grabby runes you’re not sniping are you you gave me a heavy rounds why do you need mine I seems kind of greedy don’t steer my damn kill it wasn’t you I hit him for over 100 it wasn’t your kill I saw him longer that doesn’t matter if

I hit him for over a hundred and you didn’t hit any shots it wasn’t your kill it’s not always my kill by the way no don’t look at your Chad don’t look at your chat I totally didn’t just see stop don’t subscribe to the toaster no subscribe to me subscribe to me bro

This is subscribe you don’t post any videos I know but subscribe anyway I don’t think your Channel shows up if you don’t post one day I like how you can change yourself your skin to just to be a normal skin yeah they made it that way because self-shaped skins became easier to see

In the store Norm yeah so it was kind of a pay to win yeah no it was paid to lose you can see them in the stores goof here all right go back to your other skin and fit you better fair enough fine you’re so demanding I didn’t even

Continue saying anything it’s so demanding dude Julia I said nothing yeah I make things gold you won’t bought lobbies again I’m screwing right now I didn’t get a crowd from it so no oh I’m lagging good I’m gonna be Emo sounds about right it was like very like I’m hitting crazy

As an emo Oh my God no these ain’t Bots universe yeah love it love it love it stinky to Bob and welcome to the bot lobby you the weirdos no it’s not about lovey no these ain’t about lobbies sure you’re surreal he’s a real people right here yeah Flesh and Blood left the party

Yeah the potluck the party Museum requested you into somebody else for nothing but love is stick around yo want us to bring you to Silver through lobbies build mode I’ve been streaming goofy yeah it was I’m dropping immediately fine I don’t need y’all don’t worry yo everybody land at a different mansion that’s gonna be pretty hard because that means we all have to go to Sanguine suits and I dropped first you all need to go to different mansion Maybe

I’m at the eclipse State already you were going to someone’s going to Relentless Retreat who is with me oh my God my throat is still being a piece of garbage oh and there’s the there’s that all right I’m already hit perfect that’s cool no because the turret I I know um I do

Match I can’t do much Oh she’s here for that one purpose on me yay I’m about to freaking pickaxe this guy to death good for you it’s about Lobby I just pickaxes kind of death not really that’s crazy oh my God I cannot hit my shots with the sniper at close range impossible see because I went to a different ball I

Get to choose my Mythic of choice I get to choose my mythical choice oh my God shame on me well I have two I have a legitimate whole team on me plus oh yeah you’re fine though not mod not Bots roll down two boats um I’ll get your card if you want

I’m sorry where is Crimson oh we’re landing at different Mansions like we said at the beginning I’m watching Tech talks always you don’t worry I got you we got you fam I know when you said don’t arrest me you really want to be rest an email now I’m gonna go kill these

People suicidal baby ew I know which gun I want oh I don’t even look at the guns hey I’ll take the motors yeah I have an AR now it was I’ll give goofy out Midas Midas is gone I can give you the AR if you meet up with me no I’m good

All right oh yeah I forgot that I can’t go through here I’m a bit slow give me a second game damn anyway you’re dead let’s go let’s go to it mastery look at this anyway my Heights was successful how about you yes Amy except for Goofy yeah to the boss

That we’re claimed to be not Bots boom um Let me just build around here real quick that was a horrible Builder anyways it smells like the Builder code just in case um if you want to start heading towards the third man shouldn’t get another Mythic yeah I found a bike yeah good to the third mission or whatever

I don’t need any help sir I don’t need any help he’s the one who died if I died it was I don’t know if you say okay or not he is he’s watching tick tocks I can hear on this thing all right well he could stay there though I rebooted him yeah that’s right in there as well yeah wait I’m alive oh yeah I brought you back do you want a Mythic come here sure there’s my decision But if I like somehow would I grabbed it and teleported out that’d be very interesting and it would tell me that you’re cheating just like I thought I can’t do that can you hire the that’s right there eternity no I said dragon or boy boy hire the bot boy

All right he’s not listening to me but I don’t care enough hello yeah hello or are you gonna hire the bot or are you just gonna continue following me I’m just gonna continue following you all right sounds good I was saying part of the part because you clearly need help is Easy because I took fall damage oh wait you can’t even go to that um Mansion anymore no I’m gonna get to it again oh my God I almost died I don’t know how I’m going I’ll go for the Tower of them all right I’m dead what do you mean again how

Many people on me right now ain’t no no there’s no shooting I mean there are eight people on you where where are these eight people picked them please ping these eight people they’re all my people they’re all my Venus they’re actually oh my god do you have my stream oh yes what

Okay I was trying to figure out who was watching that was really weird I cannot believe I’m watching that what where’s that if you need it it’s nice 3K right oh I would hope so yeah because I’m gonna stay in the storm look I need this ball and I can grab

Like this so I think I’ll survive you have midmost no I’m hoping like this is oh yeah that’s what I did in my free spot Lobby and then there wasn’t a med mist I don’t know what happened he died yeah I love how I’m away from my freaking controller and then die

I wonder how maybe it’s because the boss can still shoot you I know but I literally like one of the kids came over to my house and so I would walk away from controller and uh the kids from last night and it was yeah I’m coming over don’t worry

No I’m going over the dragon by the way there’s serps there if you want any oh yeah it’s thirsty can I have impulse for me I’ll grab me a joke all right I’m out of here you know I kind of want to just let you die and go

For the cash but I’ll rush you oh no anyways go to the penguin sleeps there or don’t go too all right yellow Works go into the cash you just said yeah it works here drink this at least I just threw a slurp at your face and you decided not to pick it up

Okay right there oh thank you all right you go to the cash Tom I need a car and I’m about to solo out the cash like I need a car okay George Dom’s going for where the kills are yeah I don’t need the catch I already got my slurps I already got my

Final weapons of the game what does this or drug heal me over time because if it does that would be great no this the big chunk junk heals you instantly not over time and it takes 15 seconds yeah I was like where’s the cat I’m goofy

Don’t worry once I found the car I’ll be out of here where I hopefully find a car than it was see I just won V5 to people and kids oh it’d be nice if you escaped why did everything break when I like screaming and playing with friends mother um my friend’s mother

There’s only three results quads and with the two of them that means that we can’t play foreign but some of them aren’t on right now yes because only three of us are on right now oh my God oh my God uh no because both of them are trying to

Play with us which would mean that we can’t play the game ones that we’re playing and then his mom’s playing down the pain where is this Xander’s asking um to play yep and then Oliver’s also trying to play so both of them are trying to play it’s just if I did say yes

By the way the cash was here if you wanted it one answers I’m talking Crimson if you want any slurps and caches here no I’m good yeah I’m good oh this is the team that killed me this is the team that killed me oh my God this is so difficult bro this

Is so this is so hard this is so hard that would be that that was so hard where’s the fourth member Foreign the fourth member is nowhere to be found okay anyways a match is more than 15 minutes boom Love’s painful it’s not me being rude I have no problem playing with them I’m not love you too um it was very obvious you just give me a haircut where are you get your goofy no these kids are giving me haircuts anyways give me a second children anyways

Is there one more up there with you where oh you’re just trying to finish them oh there’s more shoes from afar my name is Jamar and I come from well I’m trying to get over 20 kills the skin so I’m gonna be like a kill hungry I’m always hungry I know you’re always

Hungry you don’t gotta tell me that one’s very obvious I have to hurt my feelings like that I am and it was just oh crap of course you’re at the freaking Island friend then you little weirdo well it says they’re supposed to do Navi at the end

Yeah anyway I got one search limit so I’m good I have four I want it I’m just looking for kids but I can’t find any there’s a kid over by uh by Crimson yeah no I’m killing the reminder no that’s my kid I claim him I’m sorry I

Can’t claim four kids at once oh that’s where they are all the way back there the goofy I was hiding in a corner and wait for me to kill his teammates different parts of the island and different parts of the map and then just get kills and then converge at the last

Second at this point yeah w ow yeah like I had the most myths oh my God this kid won’t stop running away from the ground no I can’t even get a crown on premise you don’t get crowns from us it’s the same as the same thing as Carlos’s lobbies

You don’t get grounds from Carlos’s lobbies is he so bad that he gets put in ball lobbies it was hello oh that storm it was hello crazy I was crazy once they put they put me in a room they locked me in a room a rubber room

Over room full of threats interrupt me crazy crazy I was crazy ones that’s being crazy crazy those crazy ones they locked me in a room with Robert room France yeah that’s been crazy crazy all those crazy ones they locked me in the room filled threats made Aquarius Supreme

Right now crazy I was crazy crazy crazy I was crazy ones they locked me in the room full of rats you know that’s been crazy crazy I was crazy ones they locked me in a room that’s made me crazy I think crazy that was crazy once they locked me in the room

The rats made me crazy crazy all those crazy ones they locked me in the room that’s been crazy crazy those crazy ones they locked me in a room a rubber room rubbing Foods rats that’s been crazy Crimson I swear to God going the other direction

This is my side of the map going the other direction I see your name coming this way this is my side of math no get off of my um we’re not near each other who are y’all talking about kids you’re not literally get away from my kills no get away from

That last kid get away from that last kid that’s my kill yeah you saw it that’s my game good game guys oh my God all right anyways no but you’re playing card or Vanguard same thing no it’s not okay guys I can’t read like always yeah you carried uh-huh you sure

I killed the last person I’m sorry skipping this these spot lobbies exactly I can also just get it we can all just get them we land in the three corners of the map I Loki want to know how is it like why why is it adding a bot to our lobby

Because I’m inflating it you’re in what I’m inviting it so that we get the lobbies how do you think we’re getting the lobbies okay it’s the reason we’re getting these lobbies is because I keep inviting this dude yeah oh oh okay so that’s why you guys are so

High a level after yesterday it’s because you guys just kept doing bot lobby oh no we I just discovered this today lies you definitely did it last night all right sure I mean that’s your opinion you could literally watch My Stream I streamed for two hours last night

Watch my Clips watch my streams give me the views watch my clips you see I don’t [ __ ] know three or sorry my Clips watch my Clips I did not ask and their their magazines not clips no you idiot you absolute buffoon these are mags yes this is a MAG mags magazines not clips

Clips is the um thing that you’d Boot and flick at M1 grand or whatever anyways I call here I call this corner I call Redlands okay Crimson what happened Crimson you get the last corner Crimson is just gone Crimson does not exist anymore he is dead

I think Crimson went AFK most likely I mean he’ll be fine since you got this Crimson did you get the last corner I know you we’re all sick apparently shot oh my God this goofia cool place it’s ice Island oh my God give me a gun not ammo please

Okay holy Shrek it’s literally just been giving me ammo this entire time I don’t want him I want a gun I’m playing quad spot lobbies right now don’t tell us about life yeah no these are real babies these are the lobbies totally trust no no like it’s it’s to the point of like

Uh somebody’s inviting bot uh bot into our party so that it legit but notice somebody I’m a person I’m a real person I’m a real boy my chest let’s go you’re a real boy I’m a real boy nothing I just wanted to call you and let you know

How cool I how cool I am from doing Bob Bobby’s and after brushing these kids crushing the Bots yeah basically saying you can eat my shorts to every one of them he just he just hung up on me how rude I don’t I don’t know these I don’t know

The ins and outs of these yet so for right now I’m just gonna go through like an average player oh that’s that’s a that’s a kid that is in fact a kid you’re right that was good news has anyone raided their vote yet oh yeah my voice basically rated I’m

Just dealing with me I already killed my boss how about you guys you did I get to pick between the SMG the Chug jug and the um is whatever you call it the ray gun not ray gun but you know what I mean laser just through the SMG but I already got the

Good SMG from the ball cycle choose the ray gun I don’t know oh yeah and I got um a Shockwave launcher you got the one boy got the best luck that’s right stream McDonald’s looking names yep I mean my name is they’re on my meat

Oh yeah a quick way to get around the um goofiest um whatever you call them the tour it’s just put a code over it before it’s easy anyways uh give me four seconds and I’ll be out of here I’m gonna be down in a second one and there we go

They’re both sucks and then why’d you get it since when can they grapple they probably want you I didn’t know which one to take I would have taken the mobility item personally yeah regret my decision It was yeah oh no I should be going for the kids why am I running away my kids are easy why am I funder why are you ready for me yeah why am I running from the kids come get over here goofy ass yeah they’re real boys almost straight

Up just drive into them at least the Box will be easy to hit this bow with and it was awesome dude now I know I’m just bad because these Bots are kicking my ass I’m like oh my god dude is that lower than Carlos like it’s low-key kind of

Set yeah well no he’s not getting this straight up all obviously anyways I always had trouble finding their teammates that’s the hardest problem yeah it’s like extremely I got between the Midas drum gun or the MK yeah like we said you got the best look

No go for the MK if you have good aim if not just go for the summary both never bad for me because I already have a decent um Mythic assault rifle all right then you if you have a decent Mythic assault rifle then use the um

Midas gun you can use it as an SMG wait I need I need yeah I need you because I need to use bad bad please please please heels please I need to go I need to run I need to run now there’s your teammate at no I just need to break it please

Oh this is bad I didn’t realize storm was so close yeah oh he’s he might go down I think the Trap boy might die here I’m not going to die here you might go down the storm they can’t hit their shots they actually can’t get their shots I’m

Fine I’m fine we will miss you I’m absolutely fine I’m chilling I’m big challenge we will miss you you’re dead we will miss you you’ll be sorely missed no I’m fine you’ll be very sorely missed my friend Don it’s like I can still hear his voice yeah I know

It’s like he’s talking to us right now saying he’s chilling still I can hear this children screaming ah here we go I’m good I’m good I’m here oh wait I get the storm Tower because I’m closer too I already got a swim Tower oh god dude

So we all have like eight slurps now I should have grabbed one of the cars are fighting over here I’m so stupid I didn’t grab one of the cars so now I’m at 58 and the storm’s coming again not gonna lie I think I might just drop the

My Mythic that I grabbed for slurps yeah yeah no I’m dropping my Mythic preserves it ain’t worth it I’d rather just take my shotgun SMG than it was okay there we go oh no you told me where the teammates is at listen Kimmy that oh my God stop building

On the air to find his name team out why did you clean the gun we’re nowhere near you yeah are you trying to give us guns me anywhere to you bro I Now understand the whole video they’re like 10 000 miles away from them although I’m the one that’s the lowest

Yeah I’m still chilling what do you mean I’m big chilling bro what are you talking about I’m fine we’re fine we’re just collecting kills and we’re trying to find people’s teammates you’re all level up again that’s good I don’t have a sniper I just realized

I just realized that I thought I had a purple because there was a purple side it doesn’t change out my SMG for my SMG that’s great uh for the Midas drum gun is now my attitude yeah that’s what I normally use it as yeah assault rifle all right 14 kills

Where’d that bug go the hell okay now I get the kills this is beautiful do you have cruises um run into a bunch of bots so far yeah I’ve been trying to search for Bots this entire game one team of bots at the very beginning and now I’m just finding where Bots were

Fighting oh like don’t steal my side of the map come over here literally standing on my side you’re too close to me I’m sorry I am right next to my Mansion still what do you mean no you’re not you’re way away from your mansion me I’ve only pushed in from my Mansion

You’ve turned like a whole 90 degrees for 90 degrees did you know 90 degree angles are actually the best angles according to mankind near you trying to go for the ammo cash just to see if I can get a sniper out of this oh wait no these are the good spots

The store Tower are the good parts it’s only the big boss one that I’m dying to not the little ones uh okay we’re good because I tried killing it with a bow like three times me I actually know what I’m not near you you’re delusional use just realized this one

In like three seconds like you see this you see this area correctly or this area right here I’m just hoping because why not don’t touch my hair yeah they’re literally I just ran into 14 spots let’s go it’s time she’s gonna die no I’m not he’s gonna die I’m literally

Solo third party yeah you can’t handle one good for you sir okay and saying I’m big Chillin Robo now I’m at six oh my God our team’s at 31 girls winner that’s a whole third of the lobby bro yep guys we have to team up we have to converge we’re gonna no we’re

Gonna be too powerful oh yes yes no we’re just gonna be too powerful looking encourage we can’t we’re gonna [ __ ] you up my God my bad guys I almost died to the Box oh my God two I was building in the water yeah you cannot be talking you died at the bots

In the second case like at least I didn’t die I said I almost died not only died yeah I’m an 18. I need two more tools my blanket tour he was dying I want to leave down the game oh it’s been 102 minutes two minutes I started streaming oh my God

No no Viv we’ve gotten too close yeah you all should have stayed bad because there’s a bunch of people over here no it’s like me and Viv are like well you’re the one who’s running towards me brewski oh my gosh you just kind of converged on me foreign

I haven’t built like to defend myself yeah me either I’m literally building solely for Mobility it was oh my God broke into the house it was that’s a dead person who killed them I bought yeah but where’s that bot that killed them where’s the bot that was Victorious I’ve heard Legends

Oh no I think they just died to the storm terabots we are not doing another Crimson story time oh my God storm Tower Bots are gonna steal my kill like I don’t even need a stormtower but let’s do leave me alone okay oh apparently who grabbed a bounty that was me

When and why because I’m hunting people down you might as well get out the bounty to know where they are we all can get that person I’m opening my cash well the storm Tower Bots are chasing me so far like I’m nowhere near them oh no stormtower Bots are insane though yeah

Like I’m so far away from them they’re still attacking me anyways I see one I know you’re too close I can’t get them in time it’s one that’s two thank you our team is solid half of the lobby and I got our Bounty okay oh yeah we do have

To have to staff the lobby how many kills you got um boy me yeah seven enough ps7 don’t make I’m pulling up your stream you have seven kills yes hated how many kills you got 24. I haven’t seen Bots like this entire game yeah me either I’ve been chasing

After sound in this entire game you’ve also been trying to but like I just can’t seem to find it by the time I get there they’re either dead or they’ve moved on YouTube oh I mean it’s close enough we basically both killed one-fourth of the lobby can we do about lobbies range

Um I don’t know if those would work I mean we can try it doesn’t work I don’t know the sky base oh my God go ahead start building your sky base now there won’t be times oh no oh there’s another there’s one more team nah you just realized this thing’s Captain Obvious

You should call me Captain Obvious yes yeah so your sky base is so bad what is that Foundation what is your foundation what is that boy get over here boy get over here get in getting and we go you like my sky base oh oh no because you’re not even at height limit

Well I didn’t want to go the high limit it scares me well that’s where you should normally go for Skype I have a rocket I have a rocket ramp so I guess oh got a second Circle oh oh oh oh no that that’s just a boy

He’s trying to kill you oh my gosh I thought there was an actual person oh like stupid people bro you know I look you don’t know where they are um it’s almost like none of us do this where we would be shooting at them no goofy

Get in the Box no get in the Box get in the Box I don’t want to get in the Box oh oh oh oh oh oh oh looks like I won’t be there too can we can you all wait for me just so I could see the phone yeah you’re watching the storm

I don’t think there’s another way up on this side all right bro I hate not having any Mobility item having no Mobility items is so annoying I have no mats I have 30 builds left then give us your pants no I’m using them right now for what so what purpose yeah

Empty your pantaloons do not see me right now no we’re just not paying attention to you oh oh oh mine awesome shooting him down that’s two third one for over 100. oh I cracked them from 59 and then goofy over here stolen 25 kill guys killed a quarter of the match let’s go

I got 23. oh yeah I just got my green llama nice hey Bingo oh you should try and rank matches with the bot see if it works I’m gonna lose you said freaked yeah I mean I’m not squad leader bees goofy over here Squad leaders so I can’t do much

Excuse me your head who do you think is squad leader right now yeah so who’s Goofy can there we go no it’s you yeah why are we doing right yeah we’re testing something we’re testing we’re testing we’re testing something you know we don’t want to test something out real quick

And you want to see if it works yeah most likely not but you know play it like it’s a normal ranked match ah okay yeah you know don’t play stupid like we’re landing at the same place yeah you know what place that is Crescent Moon please the beach winning at the beach like

Pearl Harbor foreign voice message thing I think it barely it’s not associated yeah that’s why I turned the soul shooting off man I put it on just normal gradient not gradient now on gradient outline there’s three options that you could choose from solo shaded gradient outline ingredient

Adds an outline to it we’re waiting up selected game mode is not supported choose it default slash zero build moon to and ready of dragon and so we can’t play Perfect that’d be really funny though if we could yeah I don’t think we’re gonna be playing the race

You really want to play ranked squads with a random no right ring squads of Random why the purpose the funnies please emotional health bad physical health oh I’m fine never mind hey nothing I love you that’s what I love you too because I figured it out all right I

Love you what’s the item shot Refreshers I don’t have to go I thought I could change his number because I was calling him and it was going straight to voicemail well it’s 43 minutes yeah I texted him and I said hi and he said hey I heard you were twitch

Streamer what’s your name so I can do homework all right guys we gotta keep it PG-13 now okay one because my uncle’s gonna be hopping on the Stream who’s gonna help you open on the Stream Your uncle All right all right here’s my uncle Aries but he’s you know close close family friends it’s a new person yes very much so okay I’ll be my family this should let you’ve been associating off for every anime skin um I think it’s something it just hurts head shoulders knees and toes knees and

Toes I know I become the best too it’s very family friendly wait what become the best duo it’s very family friendly okay I have to say this pizza as new now I have to load the best deal if he said and then I had to change my backlink to

The green mom of the show that I’m ranked up a bit you know you know it looks ugly I literally just need to do one more match and then I’ll be at the um blue vomit like the green one looks ugly on this way But it was all right I’ll be right back what happened to the best dude though I changed my mind that the skin the meow schools hurts my eyes does it hurt your eyes it’s too beautiful to look at uh just like you’re scared and it was um 10 hours later yep

I know you did radio okay the white one never mind what’s happening why are you guys Thank you it’s Julie I’m the white bearing oh I have rights now I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that you have Fades now no I have rights babe are you ready for the uh tomorrow what test the science test what I’m sorry yeah wait I wasn’t here Tuesday what do you mean

What is it on everything we’ve gone over so far okay then okay that’s easy never mind I’m fine bro I’m eating ice cream right now I’m sorry boy the fast I’m unranked oh yeah that’s one it works out like most of the time funnily enough on these matches I found

Out that they actually no longer put Bots into ranked Lobby so it’s just players that makes sense makes a lot of sense actually yeah wait are we on a trio it’s not your quads match quotes and we didn’t get our filled because you can’t beat trios you

Charles it’ll work out it’ll work out because it’s all the views fun to be all this trust we gotta Believe in Us yeah I don’t need to believe in you gotta believe and believe in yourself I can’t believe in myself I’m bad then believe me so SMGs are explosives

The SMGs are explosive no I have to I’m talking about my quest the shot I’m not talking about you guys where are the ring class at least 30 players of two eliminations all right guys I need at least two motivations before 30 players happens oh no turn turn stop it stop it

I don’t know how you doing pretty good how’s it going what oh and that’s why we brushed the underground we just one pumped me yeah you could do that when you don’t have shields anyways I gotta heal I’m going in the healing too this is why you can’t heal and I can’t heal

I can’t both be healing yeah well I need to heal more than you there you should go ofia get out of here do you have demons can you block this off if you have minutes thank you um it’s the good AR which we we should take my chest okay yeah

You can take it or do you wanna or do you want me to take it you take it uh okay well that’s great build I did how did we place 22 oh whatever yeah but did you not build the area I did I have one suggestion I would say that’s

A pretty successful match bronze three yeah I I was cool last season but Goofy over here brought me into a match at random intro Can’t Let It Go oh my gosh it was are we doing work together or yeah we’re doing right again why because um boys vote is irrelevant what if I oh no rank I guess not

I won’t Bush was cool boy skins kind of match you the outlier here whiskey [Laughter] I read it in white skin yeah I mean that’s those are the main characters that’s always black no hold on you wouldn’t change it just into just this I hate it thanks no it was

I hate it too hold on it looks so bad no no white climbers white primary red secondary that’s just red it’s red and black need primary white and then red is that good is that good enough no yeah that works there we go and it’s off-white but it’s close enough It works laughs and it was I am still dying nice you want you want Pepto-Bismol oh no Hey sir yes wow you hurt me I know thank you I will have to kill you for this translation against my kind Ness oh I wanted a random ly anyways we got a random it was

Cool wait so I don’t add the match but they don’t match whoa so why do I have to match if they don’t match because it’s random and that random doesn’t have a microphone which is wonderful or they’re a child that can’t be speaking to strangers or they just have a legend yet hello

Hello the dude doesn’t have a mic um my crown it was only three I hurt my feelings man hello hello yes I want your language yeah yeah my bad hello to everything on stream I hope you’re having a great day and I hope that this day only gets better after watching it

Nobody’s watching your stream sir shut up shut up nobody is watching I am the only one Watchers mods band The streamer yeah band boy bad boy from his own stream No you little bro I I have been talking for Quest Crimson you suck yeah why do you think we were dropping frenzy

Oh that was your Market we didn’t realize that was your marker I didn’t realize that was a player that he can the moment that he is able to be popular because he just like not be able to get talked to again no he’s dead forever he gets good

So like no but his ghost like the one that sells you stuff can’t you still talk to him yes if yeah it does he’d respawn at least all the ammo ain’t no need to be as my pistol who’s this is our teammate oh we’re being shot at

Least he’s sad hit none of their shots I did more damage than mine now you don’t care when other people would do it but it’s an actual player it doesn’t matter they’re a bit Goofy okay I don’t know if you can hear us today but like that’s kind of your fault yeah

We’re all chilling and you’re just over there hey don’t make thunder like we’ll try to get your reboot maybe I don’t know Lily yeah I’ll go for the reboot uh I mean I guess we could try but but like I still say it’s better if we

Leave him to die he did he did leave us strong I’m oh my gosh it was mighty kill in the first place too the only person behind us then oh and then kill them knowledge of school oh my gosh no boys get away from him no boy don’t do this hey I know

Anyways I got no ammo now sir I came through oh that’s my kill no apparently it’s one you little mother which one of those two literally over 250 damage to him plus he plus he like freaking healed himself we should most likely start heading towards the room you already have one

Kill you’re good thank you nice one I got six ones that’s your own damn fault who is it’s it’s as easy as just get better kind of me yeah I’m sorry it’s time to go get it reboot as soon as possible to someone alive it’s all right okay he’s you just

Switched between spectating us so yeah he’s alive foreign holy crap dear God how far did this kid go he’s literally you swear that the old towers are you just said I think that I’m gonna go bye-bye I want the kills but I know we should go for a teammate

I really wanted I’m gonna grab them of course you know Crimson already I found the team so yeah over here um corrupted good old Crimson going for The Kills are we gonna make it I didn’t even think they’re there I don’t even know if we’re gonna make it in time yeah

As long as if we find a vehicle then yeah but if you find a vehicle then yeah you need to find a video that’s the thing we need to find why are you in the uh we were all the way over at frenzy and he’s in the ice

Yeah I got this guys I can get there in 85 seconds oh he’s just gone I don’t think we I don’t think we’re gonna get him we we control we are we gotta trust we got it bro 700 meters in 70 seconds we got that trust there’s a vehicle right here

You just go quicker yeah the truck might actually be slower to be honest with you I’m gonna pick you up there’s another truck up here so the truck was going to be slower yeah oh there’s a team on me there’s a team on me actually those trucks are gonna be

Closer maybe you should have stuck with us then I was coming to y’all um yeah I got a motorcycle yeah we I can make it there in 30 seconds just leave I can make it there in 30 seconds no I I can make it there in 30 seconds where’s the teammate 20 seconds

Yeah we both can yeah we got him we’ll get him like last second but we got him yeah oh my God that was so close no come on come on I was 15 meters away you failed purple that’s an L for him maybe next time okay we were a warrior they had Warriors

Yeah we could let’s win this match for him at least dude these balls are easy how about the stormbots so what you’re saying is I should drop on you guys that no give me the assault rifle no crimson give me the assault rifle Crimson give me the damn assault rifle

Five four three I got your training me this hurt me at school because of it because fortnight I am going to hurt you at school because of that little [ __ ] I won’t let you I need an aort if anybody has one actually no I just need like caliber runes

No boy has an AR yeah can I get that AR en’t you very much I’m not giving you my ARS when the last time that somebody generously donated something you died oh I’m sorry I think you’re thinking about Crimson he’s the one who we generally see donate to and then he does

You generously donated me and then I died yes did you like did my slide into stealing your loot look good I saw I saw it on stream it was it was wonderful amazing Steel like I’ll give it to you it looked good but it didn’t feel too good oh okay

There’s people fighting over here by the way unlocked or not I was dominating no I I just dropped off the edge thinking I did how are you so long jumped off the edge I jumped off the edge I’m intelligent that’s her Viva it’s as easy as just drive

I’m sorry do you think I’m in a vehicle sir yes just get one it’s not that complicated Rose thinks he’s how many kills um can I get an assault rifle please no I have one you get that no Mr man’s fine you need that find your own find your own yeah you

Like me find your own give me find somebody else and steal it no I killed them for I’m sorry the first person find somebody else who killed him for it we gotta kill these people I’m sorry yeah exactly let’s go get them boys I’ve been doing this like a bottle Lobby yeah I

Don’t see them like it’s during here they’re ending okay cool like they’re inside oh there’s multiple people I’m not going in there oh one’s AFK that’s sitting here knocked one yeah you stand they’re like standing there like they’re brooding no it’s a bunch of kids on top

Yo I love how it hasn’t gotten a single Goldberg but me has two it’s lots of purple let’s smoke them Mike oh you sucker crap I was smoking them with you there’s no gold there’s one there’s one on him shooting games who do you think these random kids bro with him

Oh God there’s a kid on me I didn’t even see you cool I’m trying to kill them your goofy ass building I didn’t even build that yeah that one guys I got it I got it oh there’s two oh there he had some actually decent stuff on him

Oma can you please finish this child or or not use your oblivious to everything and you’re still being oblivious that’s fun oh boy oh he’s very oblivious to everything that’s around him boys you know if only I had a decent weapon it’d be nice I had no shotgun

Okay I’m so dead right now there’s a Galaxy skin puppy run please I’m gonna switch to the edge running for me yeah the Galaxy skin was cracked in Tower but I think they got most loops Galaxy skin is in the giant Tower I ran away the storage building I can’t see what’s happening actually bad I knocked one of them yeah

Oh my God the Galaxy screen I just didn’t have any help I killed them because it’s a boy conventionally about the Stars not me personally I only started building like a maniac go for the kills why not don’t don’t go for the rebuke card you know you go for the kills

Both of you were asleep is very oblivious to how to play the game I just knocked one boy should have killed them while they were leaving my body no oh you’re both better nope oh yeah yeah leave us behind will you leave me behind your body

Two don’t don’t try to kill them I was fighting them now I’m grabbing your reboot card but not him this is betrayal I grabbed his reboot card you only have it because of me you left me here die snipe them I don’t have no then go to the Ruby card

Stop wasting time though there’s no no if you did yeah we’re dead Oh he built oh my God oh my gosh he just learned the thing of building a wooden wall that’s gonna be destroyed immediately because he doesn’t know how to switch to a different building stop going in front of the side go behind the truck go behind the truck no man

And it was yeah um hello Hello oh hi hi My game is lagging so much I could tell you ran into a wall that was right in front of you I know exactly Thank you for actually accepting me oh I was trying to figure out what was going on wow there’s something in the voice so I accepted it bro I’m almost at fish thick and I’m almost at copulating I’m changing this color scheme I need to reach level 30 and then I can

Get fish taken everybody before him oh yeah you’re part of the internet uh-huh oh my God no goofiest part of the leader and he’s gonna put us into something stupid it probably is it’s him like what do you expect no I expect the worse from you so I’d

Rather be a party leader than you like what am I gonna do between the numbers match es you have what you think yeah dear finds out I’m I’m literally buying here I’m sorry it’s happening I’m fine you’re fine what I’m sorry what’s going on what uh what is going on um

I want the freaking gear five show me gear five I found a thousand phobia I forget Whatever You know you gotta be a ghost thing you gotta Be Like You Gotta Be a Ghost Hunter skin I mean this looks pretty emo enough to be a ghost hunter skin yeah or I mean it looks like can be possessed enough to be a ghost hunter

Skin you know I like someone who got arrested anime girl because she wants to study though yeah sure as long as you have a reason for you dumb you guys Amelia never got like a nickname on the little nickname page then you here’s a ghost that doesn’t look very ghostly it looks

Like something from uh Dragon Ball Z it looks like those times I mean we’re Ghost Hunters not ghosts like we’re hunting goes yeah we’re not being the ghost we are Hunted Ghosts okay it’s too late the cops force me to work with you and they found the ghost the workplace [Applause]

Bro shut up I swear if it doesn’t have anything about three or five on it I’m literally gonna be so upset oh my God no not that not you goofy I’m talking about the freaking videos going crazy good dudes wait it’s actually phasmophobia he’s not even lying are you slow

Literally hold on hold on I was joking I think the pro the leader has to continue and choose the map and all that the leader has to do everything I’m pretty sure uh oh oh wait okay uh all right who’s the leader oh you what’s up

Do your email again let’s do a first person train looks like This this is this is just like over to the ground yeah okay all right no wait what about this one it doesn’t show up on my screen wait um so who wants who wants to use the thermometer and stuff well you got the claims oh my God oh my God

Stop it stop it I couldn’t oh my God you get it off my screen oh my God it’s so great dang it’s 90 it’s 19.8 in Celsius look behind you it’s 18.1 dude turn behind uh can I take this off is there a way that I can take these off take weather off

The freaking night vision goggles are so bright to drop them and give them to me I’m still trying to figure out I don’t have the grid guys I don’t have the grade oh I don’t know where that is I don’t have the EMF sensor oh you have the grid I have the grid

EMF sensor here hold on I’m gonna go grab the AMF sensor uh we’re gonna go explore and be idiots easier Yeah by myself no we should spilled up all right uh fertility key card oh apparently I need the grid over here oh I found a floodlight

Isn’t it like a house because I have a key for a house the castle oh that might be the area we need to enter wait hold on I got the EMF sensor yeah we need to be strategic where we I need an EMS sense over here over here on my screen over here

Oh no I didn’t I like picked it up but it phased out of reality it like disappeared we we need to be strategic where we place our things you know for a plane fasmophobia and fortnite is actually crazy I want to play in VR because VR is fun

No no trust me you do not want to play Phantom VR it is 19.8 Celsius here I can’t yeah for me over here it’s 20.1.38 21.9 we’re in different indications one 19.7 let me pick up 20.3 20.9 4 oh I see uh 17.3 well let me pick 3.

19.7 I think weather we need to pick it up three whoa it just got really cold here where I’m pretty sure they died you do you think they died in the Shrek bath house the checkout house you guys I think he died in the iOS

No no they don’t know us I’m using the EMF device that I think it’s spare box are they playing this for my lights to the office so much cooler you haven’t had your life this entire time I should avoid um 20.7 19.9 20.6 19.8 18.8 18.5 off because I turned this one on

It’s turning them off the ghost can turn off devices because I turned that one on before wait the one over here the one that was over here yeah oh it turned this one off yeah it keeps turning the phone yeah there’s another one this way

21 point or 20.1 whoa I just got a flicker yeah that means it’s on Tunnel I’m I’m checking the other side like that yeah oh whoa hello hello bro I really want to play if I can’t how’s it going it’s going good oh the other foot lights off

I just got a flicker on my screen me too it’s 20.6 17.9 20. 19.1 I’m actually gonna die oh no the fog lights have a timer because it like faded off apparently I’m using a bandage there’s a light coming from nowhere that’s fun that that was weird that that there was

Like anything from legitly nowhere if you ask me hold on night vision’s helpful I don’t like how that I don’t like how that was that was really scary how oh right here right there’s a grave oh wait we can see what ghosts it is oh yeah and then you also get the

Everything key right here and the ghost evidence book oh yeah you do I would say cool has it gone under five Celsius no no it’s it’s been pretty constant above so far enough sensor like gone off music we haven’t used the EMF it disappeared oh

My gosh of course it did say there’ll be a little bit of bugs because of the um you know update Department I say we guessed the ghost I think I know um I’m I’m coming trusted to shade so this is the shade guys yeah it’s true

It’s going to pick up what is that why do I need bandanas wait there’s thermometers why do I need bandages a thing to each other and like we have that item and use it bro those things are sketchy oh I just got black I I just got flickered

Oh yeah because they’re I can guarantee they’re they’re definitely evil um what explained uh uh oh eight seconds finalized investigation oh no We’re bad at our job you want to go somewhere that’s not the forest the olds go to an apartment for it no it’s like one or two it’s recommended recommended oh that’s kind of creepy tell us who what you’re picking what item you’re picking um I’ll take um she’s not letting me all

Right so I’m gonna pick up I got the EMS uh I’ll take it through a key card oh that’s why okay that was weird I was like why do I have a key card EMF is a key card yeah how do you pick up the Spirit Box yeah

I can’t pick up anything can you pick up can you pick up the spear box um everything else has been taken I can’t pick up anything else anything else yeah so I guess this is buggy this game we don’t need it we don’t need those things we don’t need

That Spirit Box let’s finalize our investigation guys I guarantee it’s a killing you have to go through the store but somebody picked up the key and I can’t open it you picked the key I didn’t pick up the key try the door maybe you did I

Did not where are we supposed to have the key are we just stuck in this room the key should be right breaking oh wait no we go upstairs guys are we going upstairs low-key wait is it a b or c oh I think it said a it said four a it’s floor 1A

41A um you’re supposed to do trust trust I know what it is investigation foreign checked in every single possible thing there is okay and I can’t uncheck the last one because goofy out over here I swear to God oh my God your phone please let me just what it was let me leave

This all right trust trust guys it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a yeah every single thing so it’s not gonna let you select everything maybe this is what it’s recommended for two people yeah most likely we don’t need the third one which is kind of slow right now

I’m not slow bro that’s not me it’s him it’s him he’s the one that took to get I’ll watch him take the key I watched him he has the keys it doesn’t give me this open door I can’t open the door I swear secretly Don has the key I don’t know

I’m saying I’m picking up the heat does it give you does he give you an option to open the door no it doesn’t no look at Street look at my stream watch My Stream literally it gives me no option to pick up the to open the freaking door all we

Could do is walk into it guys look at my stream you’re not streaming look at my string guys I can’t open the door it’s a jumbee I can’t pick yo wait what oh no how did you change teams how’d you change teams Loki how’d your channel is it just me or

Did you not hear the walking just now it’s him it’s him all on different teams I don’t have the key I don’t have an option to open this door bro I say one of you two is trolling I got a plan ready yet guys we’re going back in one

Of you two is drawing I don’t know which one it is I want to sit in this room for like ever Dom is trolling thumb radio I did oh that it was freaking Hayden because he’s a part oh my God not worth it I’m being accused because of some reasons that I can’t say on stream but reasons I think we all know what that Dom is trolling oh the English one I think it was just bugged dumb dumb are you still watching my team on time yes okay my uncle’s not on yet because

There’s only one person watching right now I just said well y’all want to go that’s your mother I’m not even loaded him yet all right it literally oh no that says gnomes a lot of us literally said moms all the house the house from phasnophobia I’m hitting the gritty all right

No one touch anything someone just pick up the key I’m touching it I’m touching the heat all right I don’t touch anything he has the key I can open the door I opened the door I’m not able to walk in what’s happening yeah because it’s a cut scene oh there we go

I need to grab items I need to get IMC all day I need to pick up the thermometer and the and um somebody pick up the grid somebody pick up the grid I got the green okay where um it’s 18.3 Celsius who wants to go to the basement with me yo baseball party

Oh light just went off basement party oh it’s a basement party oh there is no it does it’s not cold down here yeah you’re here with us please tell us your name I’m pretty sure okay and I don’t know why are you glowing which one of us he hated Hayden’s glowing blue

He is the ghost Hayden you’re glowing blue that’s crazy no every time that you move it gives me the enemy notification it gives all those slime videos no no you did not just close the door close the door it was my vision goggles are useless and I have nothing to pick up because

Your goofy asses already took everything the thermometer it’s clearly not thermometer you know where’s the place immune uh-oh there’s a grid we’re screwed oh okay okay I’m putting the grid down oh I can’t I can’t what’s the key card I can’t I can’t put the grit down you

Put the grid down oh no it’s lagging okay um yeah grab the grab the grid give me a second amazing yeah crap look good that great oh wait that’s an EMF sensor huge this one right there and put it down it says pick it up and

You look at the thing that’s it’s like glitchy now I have a third thing what is this but it’s the grid but the grid now it says pickup group yeah that’s what I say it says okay so it’s like buggy so for some of them it’s being buggy yeah Let’s just pick up grid TMS sensor went off anyway we figured that out dude okay stuff in the Spirit Box I can’t put it down I’m looking for anything in the basement but I can’t see anything because so dark you guys ever find a light switch in

Here oh yeah no it says pick up the grid oh there’s an EMS sensor down there um I’m gonna go grab the EMF whoa flickering phone oh what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that it is what

I want to see it is me like where’s that noise I don’t I don’t like that noise all right I’m gonna go put the put the put the EMF sensor down it’s not cool I could literally the only place the Groot right here that’s the only places

Um game is a bit broken to say the least yeah whoa I mean I’d assume that I’m supposed to be looking for ghost herbs do you think we can find a better phasmophobia map oh you can try but there isn’t really a search can you not shine that thing right in my

Face all right somebody’s turning off the lights they’re touching the whole switch almost like yeah they’re touching the circuit breaker down here so I keep turning it on they turn it off where is the circuit breaker the base down in the basement well is there a light switch in

The book can one of you guys come down here with the flashlight in China on the circuit breaker because I’m trying to figure out what the night vision goggles right there that’s right yeah shine your light onto it turn on your flashlight yeah keep it on turn it on

Can you see it no you are on right now it is your flashlight is not one for me see our new stream that says it’s on it was yeah it’s yeah it’s on it’s all it’s on it’s all it’s all gone it’s off it’s off it’s off time no it’s off it’s off

Some of ours is this glitch but there’s one where there’s like actual like multiples in it it’s off it’s all it’s off it’s all it’s off bro it’s broken I found it I found a different one I think you think seven months from seven months ago whoa breath breath breath breath

Ah yeah and this one and this one which is quieter there’s monsters in this one we just can’t see it I’m So Gone all right so uh EMF sensors is there uh wait hold on where do we whoa whoa whoa Viv what did you say that did I say what it’s a comeback

They’ve stopped playing oh I just gotta I just got an evil evil adults changed to Red is it normally rude what’s forever is this thing normally rude oh no it never like it’s never like like that hold on oh wait yeah yeah anyways Okay so it’s not cold spots it’s not Spirit Box

Wait will the Spirit box or uh I haven’t got anything on Spirit Box is there cold spots okay so uh so ducky is the only thing but I haven’t seen any ghost orbs let’s finish this investigation guys so not spiritual you already oh my God I hate you it is

Like I told you last game it’s a shade yeah exactly okay okay cold spots some ghosts are capable of temporarily altering the temperature of spaces if the temperature drops um footage there was ghost orbs I’m goof okay I had to see what it looks like what they look like okay so the EMF

Sensor flashes um ghostworks look like uh spear box got it okay oh my gosh Marvel is still on the either side oh my god dude wait you left thank you yeah I’ve seen good to close to the radio now um anything interesting no oh there’s that person there’s a cat there’s Ava back

There’s no credit Oculus Yeah you can yeah Yeah how oh get a PC isn’t an option uh get a laptop and then connect the laptop isn’t an option you need a good laptop though good luck you don’t you could just you’re link it to your laptop it might be a bit laggy but other than that it might be a bit

Like actually I kind of want to play the phasma with you guys well if we wait till December then I might be able to do the artifacts of phobia from PCS to have a laptop store hey what do they all look like yeah watch footage of ghost tour View okay

Um oh I didn’t see that oh oh yeah okay um ghost stories oh those are ghost storps oh well yeah I knew those are ghost worms what yeah those are ghost orbs yeah there have been ghost orbs in like the past three I didn’t even know what they looked like

Okay so evil some Spirits are evil if you’re pushed or taken what are you doing I see that you’re talking oh okay so in the forest there was an evil ghost because it took the EMF from me oh I can take stuff from you yeah I was

Wondering I was like the EMF just disappeared oh if I stole it from us it was evil yeah I was like wait a minute what just happened why where’d the EMF go wait did it take the key for me before you even got into the house guys look at my stream

Oh and then choose one who’s the H oh swords ghost orbs where ghost storms ghost stories we haven’t even loaded it like dust yeah I don’t know wait I’m trying to look at Downstream real quick yeah oh wait Don what are you string on oh YouTube YouTube hey what’s your YouTube channel

Capital Vib just it’s like Dr moose oh my I’m looking at your thing yeah just looked at something wait who’s gonna die first that was the age man uh yeah that’s what I’m asking Falcon right now who’s the Asian man I’m asking Falcon now right now

Um is it is it proof I’m a good uh proof I’m a God gamer so I’m sorry do you have proof of my God gamer as a video three weeks ago wait we can die in this game um no wait no hold on oh yeah uh apparently the h-man is you crimson

Hey man the child is joining us oh my God in fortnite it was um where idea I love how everybody says that crimson’s gonna die first there’s only two yes again I’ve played this multiple times the H man is on the child I have never been killed in this and I probably have

Six or seven hours I’ve literally played this for like 20 hours and I have been killed before I’ve never died issue I should just get better at dying yeah and it was wait no goofy doesn’t have a matching skin who doesn’t I just loaded him it’s oh I’m pretty

Sure we were going for white Maine with red side colors who is the echo in the background and why it’s Mom I think you’re watching the stream right now huh all right box is going off make me want to bash my school and you know that right okay wait is mono streaming Hard on my mama has erect balls hard on truthfully yeah and I’m going to take three flashlights all right somebody somebody oh my God let me get something useful please oh no why am I into a person wait well I’m in third person oh my bad I put in third person absolute [ __ ]

Oh [ __ ] oh you’re gay that’s obvious you like to eat men out it’s all abuse our characters are inside of each other all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait all in place in the grid um all three of them at the same time the lights

All right oh wait did I take it I did yeah no it’s the kid it’s the kid the kid what’s this thing what’s this thing in front of my screen what is this once you take it is that it I I swear to God I don’t have it yep um

What’s supposed to be on the grid by the way your mom what are we supposed to be looking for it’s supposed to be like ghost storms well you have the laser group yeah it yeah you can see uh supposedly the spirit’s moving in front of it yeah

So the third yeah I push the place just writing all right I’ll mark it off wait is there one is there one that we can see the spirits then it was disappeared is [ __ ] okay kid ‘s writing is there like a better version of cosmophobia that we can play

This is it this is updated I’ve never played this specific map for you want one I’m taking the colors I hear somebody breathing on my neck why is this glowing these two things are just glowing right here that’s why it’s like please stop shining that in my face gosh security cameras are down

Anyways the breakers yeah break it back home check security again I am I’m sitting on games also just say can you turn off the lights please it’s easier to see ghosts if the lights are off real quick foreign games flicker if you turn off the light if you know this

You actually off the bridge there’s a light that just went off uh that was awesome clean my hand that just has red screen on it someone dropped it now I don’t know oh somebody took this bear box is that what I’m holding evil evil apparently is here Um I’ve not seen any ghost orbs because it pushed me uh so far it’s a demon there’s no cold spots oh it wasn’t evil that wasn’t evil unless it stole something I had the Spirit Box and then it like disappeared hmm it’s because I haven’t read it yeah he has it okay

A demon or a vitella yes we gotta check for ghost tours you know what that is no it’s the same thing as signal remote D because you picked it up and dropped I just got pushed again yeah push it doesn’t like you it’s angry it’s angry at you wait there’s oh my

Word down again the heck there’s walking oh it’s you kid okay [ __ ] yeah I just heard I just heard whispering that was me stupid no no like I actually just heard Whispering my dad walked in my room no it was like there’s a big dick in my room

You can’t even Stingray it’s just a big in my walls okay so like that’s not what is that what would that be there’s a big dick I’m gonna do his pants I see his balls isn’t it evil what no no oh wait no it isn’t because it hasn’t stolen anything

From us right yeah no no but it could be a push or a steal so we need to know we need so we need to determine that there’s a ghost ghost doors appeared in front of me it did yeah it just appeared in front of me and attacked me

It’s already checked off help me click the button because the button won’t work okay I got you I got you yeah the Buns looked weird I should be gone wrong anyway one guys all right where you want to go uh we’re gonna do the apartment because we didn’t

Get to do it last time the two that were in here when I used to play because they didn’t stole the key yeah everything’s still thinking within like five seconds that was me oh you just gave me the item that you just tried to take

Who did you did you tried to pick up an item and give it to me I have the EMF or thermometer and dude okay can we go back to first person because it really it feels really weird person how do I get the night viz well

You didn’t really give me a chance to put it back and forth from my bad yo let me get the night viz s yo why isn’t it letting me pick up key soccer nerd I think this map is broken no no yeah like somebody and also we’re not able to

Go anywhere not able to go anywhere dude find a better ghost game Maybe yeah actually I I agree especially in fact I’m going by totally like the freaking bored sound from fortnite Okay who’s whispering in there who’s whispering in there Mike I don’t know what it is bro what was whispering in their mic Viv is that your soundboard no I hate you for that though isn’t me good job because the beetle movie just came out that’s the problem why is it so in here

If he’s not yeah where where the hell are you we are in Milwaukee my friend yeah if you can find a better phasma phobia game I’ll play it yes please no I don’t know you know a different one just in general no please copyright uh I don’t want to hear it what

Was that what song is that stop playing I just well that’s nothing to you and now it’s only me and you Crimson will you also get muted today all right sounds good oh all right that’s one unmuted and nope you’re still playing copyrighted music bro somebody made a Nerf uh a Nerf Halo Zombie Strike Juggernaut armor cool I’m playing

Scpf Foundation huh we’re playing SCP Foundation let’s go yeah basically yeah if containment we need to say they’re they’re the same so what you’re saying is I’m the thing that needs to be contained here sure sure [Applause] Oh it was oh that’s Fillion what’s Fillion yeah nothing I I’m already searching oh you can’t hide it oh my God I should not have searched it up oh my God I should not anyways I am not gonna search up anything you say ever again

No I didn’t say it look up Billion I just said oh that’s a Fillion yeah so I was curious let me search it up and then it was I already did it’s true my friend no that’s not good yeah now I’m even more saddened anyways again

I muted him for one second is he done playing that map is still in beta guys yeah okay oh Carl’s calling me today why I don’t know I should call him back though because he gets really mad at me I don’t answer man shut up do it you won’t

But no [ __ ] won’t do it you know I will you want my address what the heck for the little leaflet things disappear before are you saying this because can y’all see anything yes I’m stuck on a starting game screen There’s no audio Dragon you’re saying that [Applause] Dragon yeah yeah who is playing Fallout 4 in the background it’s a w I know but it’s kind of getting manure am I moving here you are I just can’t see anything oh that’s fun imagine oh don’t we go oh I went straight I

Followed oh is that what the markers this is literally just SCP Containment Breach remade in fortnite all the assets and everything yeah it’s all the assets and everything are just the same normally there’s two guards here and he hit through another pamphlet to read we call him stand for me

Standing in front of you come on what the [ __ ] you trying to do I take a picture why don’t worry about it my character it’s goofy ass oh no they got rid of his thickness they got rid of his sickness what they gotta do that too it’s not thick look at him

You heard me wait what the heck I’m solo what the heck I’m still blowing in oh I’m not I’m loaded them I’m still loading go down here I think right see what disable security system good job oh okay open the door that’s not normal what you have to do you’re intelligent I didn’t know I would die for me we’re carrying we’re carrying the team wanna know more unless you want your hands replied foreign

I say exactly how I meant to say freezing there’s a big dick in my wall ET on you sounds like tired saying it like treat me like wedgies do it you won’t turn the voice to drop it anyways I might lose my mind wake up when the sun’s down rock in all

These times sorry suffer any bowl of three oh I found entrance soon he did where are you okay just your s yet I just have to wait to peanut be careful that really didn’t do much disable the heavy containment Zone lockdown to end too all right entrance zone is right here

Am I slow as far as I can handle that oh my God he’s doing a little Stanky Leg too still intact though that’s impressive I think I found it well can we use a different map because I only have like 30 minutes I don’t know waste it you

Guys so I’m not loaded them yet no it’s broken for me bye I think this is a one player map yeah crew please for the love of God do something else man coming back um yo Hayden can you send me that picture I want to see what you were taking a

Picture of yeah hi oh where is here there it is yeah what’s interesting there I’m still loading in oh you created are you go back to Lobby really dude that’s what you’re taking a picture of ear hey if you if you want to see what Crimson was taking a picture of look on

My screen It was Crimson Oh no you’re a bit it’s broken put it on your stream I already did dude hey you found the Stream I think you didn’t what the [ __ ] is a banana yeah I did rewind it looks scary that’s what he was taking a picture of crimson what I’m disappointed

They were sticking out man can do it crimson What I replied to your comment in my stream isn’t it commented music My Stream I replied yeah you said e and then Daddy look at that banana oh by the way uh the bananas it’s pretty small to be honest porks in the other map s they updated this one too last time I

Played this it’s uh it’s a memes working on the locker because you just oh no this is a different one never mind I thought Shooters is somewhere else banana am I the banana I am being forced to get off even though it’s not even nine yet uh rip your stream

Um am I the banana wait what oh no I just saw a banana right this is the right one he throws it it’s a fetus it’s a fetus guys trust trust Trust nope yeah it’s not scary I saw the big one get up and I said um see y’all later oh hi um You see he’s throwing it back I told you he’s talking on the locker where are you look you started out where oh my God thank you [Laughter] I do not go out there I’m zooming I’m zooming oh he killed another man he ate another banana no he was starting back

It’s definitely better usually get around yeah you know what’s better it really is that was rude oh we can’t use the emo anymore oh who says you don’t even have the evil Auto Link I do oh yeah he does oh I’m getting a good B right now of

Course you are so tell me a cute person who are you faster than me you’re better you’re like zoom off when we get down to that the heck was that um faster than Viv because you’re still behind me so guys I just got locked in here died yeah no no look who trusts

Oh I just caught locked in here that leads to death hit we’re made it to the next checkpoint uh you guys go up there and then you guys got to run back you gotta trigger it and run through it go into the pipe just come on in traffic it still jumpscape me

No you’re fine it won’t kill you oh yeah you didn’t kill me look guys just a warning oh what was that little run bro he can go through the vents by the way he can or can’t he can I have to get back to you guys is

That we were running an event tonight I’m getting to you guys so I’m getting a nice view right now oh I’m stuck I think we did I think we did broski oh we’re dead behind me oh yeah I know he is why do you lead them to us

We’re all dead now because of you the goofy run is what gets me oh I got to go somewhere where are y’all I got no idea I’m out of the vent I don’t want me to come back for years oh I’m out of Sprint though this way over here

Over here you guys not see me no you don’t see my name tag I don’t know how like somebody got jump scared and I guess I clicked through it or something I don’t know or just let him jump scare you guys lead them to you I don’t know what happens

Yeah see there you go one of you one with this yeah I died yeah there it is loser I’m a good boy what is this that’s another banana it’s another banana we’re gonna shut down our throats you know he can click through the walls right it’s great to seeing everybody emo in

The background it really is why are we eating these bananas if we know they’re gonna knock us out and what just happened I don’t know yeah dragon dragon disconnected no I’m gonna die don’t leave me here motivate the banana yeah just ignore me that’s some extreme dude yeah yeah he’s chasing us

He’s chasing us yeah you got jump scared both y’all died wait how did I die it was nowhere near me I was furthest out of everybody my bad guys he died because you could Murphy’s Law if you can if there’s something okay you will hit it well that’s all forever

Yes it is what yeah oh it didn’t let me through okay yeah it opened what do you mean there’s three books like it’s a v-bucks I couldn’t jump off the edge come on guys is this an insane asylum we’re all just insane the banana is not real um I’m running Trust me

He was nowhere near me though bro we gotta wait one on one should I just go on the train yeah you’re done trained Trust [Laughter] don’t be the train I’m doing my shot guys it’s the trash train dude at 20 minutes by the way how did I die

True I’m gonna go through the door go to the door you’re gonna die if we get the train yeah I’m looking back at kids we broke it almost surrounded all three of us are new now oh [ __ ] we’re screwed then oh we got it you’re right behind us right

That’s where all of us died I made it apparently I didn’t make it you know because of absolute utter straight [ __ ] you know you got this ending uh and one endings no I’m gonna leave too let’s find another one are you guys supposed to leave with me

Oh my God you’re both sacked garbage why because the only option I had was to return the lobby no you guys are both leaving me I have to no you don’t no I do no food I literally I have to go at eight or two fifty

You take 55 actually oh wait yeah my computer time put on a dang ghost game how am I supposed to find a ghost game in your party leader Slow ass no I’m not uh you know all right sounds good we’re doing an XP game play radio no promote me I told you every time I’m beat nope maybe party leader browse I forgot your shoes no I don’t care oh wait there’s no this is three hours on three people watching

It’s fun this Michelle hold on a Marvel’s still there are you kidding me nope I’m gonna kill myself the bachelor’s gone Okay stop stop that it was what are you hitting yourself with I’m not sure is that a soundboard because it sounded the same every time oh it’s because I take my microphone I try up like this then what I do is take my hand and I slap my microphone

So you don’t actually bash your skull no I’m not bashed by school it’s a joke I’m not gonna do that I have a panic attack every time you do that because I think you do I’m always goofy man goofy is my middle name what the heck what what

He said I gotta go get milk that’s a little while ago I know but I just checked your chat because I don’t watch your streams because your streams are garbage just like me your face is garbage I can’t guard guard cage caution stay back nah kill me we have to sink these what

Yo Viv I don’t understand look come here there’s something you got to do because there’s an a here an a here and a over there it’s async have you not watched King I do not watched King pixels my guy no oh my God what is that oh this will do it you’re slow

Not my slow yo we’re in the back oh my God the lag do is this the back rooms get it why did you buy the train because it’s fun are you still mind me yes you are I’m surprised you’re still behind me yo bro let’s go what I’m burning ahead no I get in get it there we go eat cake yes well God lag I got 2.5 000 XP for walking search boxes on a manual hold on Crouch two void partygoers stay crouched emo I dare you you will do it you know you didn’t love me emo

Because I’m sad it kills you didn’t wonder what happened wait what happened oh I died are you kidding me wait no wait for me I already I’m already in the foreign I can’t find the party ahead thing goes right down and to make a right and

Make another way bro I was in a train when I was doing it how did you know some of the I don’t know where I am dude of course you don’t I’m lost in the back rooms I’m not surprised me there’s there’s a monster chasing me though good please help me man

I’d be more inclined to pay you those few bucks if you uh hate me I mean I mean I’m second level so I can’t really can you come back dude I just died again okay a party goes left one please just Diamond honey teach no wait what you went over here

Hold on wait wait please dude how did you make it over this don’t go there don’t go there why no anyways we’re gonna respawn respond here what was over there on you no it wasn’t you what was it man I’m getting a great view right now there’s nothing there it is flat oh

You make me a woman you hit your skull for real this time no I’m good it hurts I’m good I thought you said you’ve never done it before Oh my God I just cracked no I I have the first few times I did for real why yes why not skull damage yes

Where are we how blocking okay yo I got guzzle juice thank you does all this juices bro where do we go and then there’s another pathway right here which they’ll sleep something no this one leads to something no this is back come on let’s go can you go to the other side

I don’t know I’ll go back there going uh looking at the mini map oh and it is leading me Don’t Go Near That stealth Drive all right I thought you didn’t listen to me oh man that looks like that’s right no come on let’s try it Viv

Look at least off the mini map so it has to be no I’m not even running in there well you could actually just run through this yeah until they show up and kill you there’s nothing in here oh my God eat one of the cakes just do it trust

Trust you can only eat one of the cakes yeah find the cake awesome even of course you the flashlight and I’m sucking Darkness dude there’s 8 000 flashlights on the ground right here I didn’t realize I forgot guzzle juice guzzle freezing no I freeze that right I freezed your mom right I do too cancel after your stream aren’t I don’t tag me please no I’m tagging you no don’t do it no you better get tagged but yeah I should also be pull up my stream to see if anybody’s talking it’s just me yeah foreign no no emo for you interesting I’m surprised

Look at all the nose candy yep bro it’s nice playing on low Graphics because the lights are on for me so I’m not playing in the dark I don’t even need a flashlight here’s more ambience the heck did we just go in a circle no yes

I forgot it’s the back rooms it’s a total mind you know that’s what those pillows were you thought oh my God because it looks like a mound of ice cream you like I was happy no it was hope and now there is no I was hoping for the tunnel another reason

It’s all your fault okay you gotta get that nose candy man why do you want to do drugs that bad no I don’t why is this emo better than walking I have seven minutes one I ain’t playing this for another well after those seven minutes I’m getting off

After I get off yeah I’m getting off this Roman Street you sucking here with me now in the corner what are you gonna do to me this let’s stay in jail don’t drop the show yeah don’t drop this up good life advice for any prisoners you’re screwed if you drop the soup Lewis

Don’t rewind your stream do not yeah we were saying your holes will be stretched I didn’t say yours bro can we hurry this song I’m sorry do you know where to go yes then where stay in jail no you can get in the corner yeah stay in there come on [Laughter] [Laughter]

Viv there’s a long hallway oh my God it’s so interesting so cool go down nice view huh no there is nothing there won’t say hello all right I’ll be done in a minute yeah looks like I gotta go win can you wait three more minutes Maybe

It’s supposed to be the other way around no because you’re in a guy you’re in a girl skin and I’m gonna go you are a new girl skin yeah and I’m pretty sure we can figure out who’s while I’m here wait hold on why do they have a studio

Microphone in here yeah you know exactly why no I like what’s going on we’ve let us in your thoughts when yeah no scandi I think is oh no this is the freaking pill is good again you won’t serious oh Mama’s angry what what yo what hey

Get in here get in here no Crouch get in here there’s more studio microphones juice but that’s where the studio microphones are here I mean I’m the one that has the guzzle give those candy you are slow those are pillows the coin I think it wants us to get castle juice

For something I need the coin to get the guzzle juice cool guess what I have more girls of the juice now I have two toys you guzzle too many juices oh my Lord this is a worker’s nightmare I see the light obvious there’s lights everywhere dude I love you that’s just damage

Hey guess where I’m at the start yeah 700 meters away yeah uh is this a good time to Industry alrighty let’s go to love you man guzzle juice I already went back to Lobby I ain’t traveling 700 meters to guzzle soon yes no don’t in stream why

Because I’m I want to turn on your stream real quick now you can stream okay

This video, titled ‘Idiots Ghost Hunting… I guess? Idfk 3 (Funny)’, was uploaded by VIV on 2023-08-31 01:46:33. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:50 or 14090 seconds.

Going insane, my sleep schedule is officially messed up again. #fortnite #tomclancy #tomclancysrainbowsixsiege #minecraft #help #idfk #fun #deepvoice #why #valorant #omenmain #omen #yes #nosleep #multiplayer #boredom #bored #nøkk #nokk #gun #guns #cod #codwarzone #callofduty #aimlabs #funny

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

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  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

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  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

Idiots Ghost Hunting… I guess? Idfk 3 (Funny)