Ikleos – Foraging stuff!!!!!?(forager)

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Okay hello everyone my name is eclius and welcome to live stream be playing Forger um hopefully I’m live this is upcoming on there uh now it’s it I’m live oh anyways hello everyone I’m miklios um I’m playing forager because why not and we’re gonna afford stuff because

That’s what you do in a forager I don’t know what to do in Forge rather than having to build and attack monsters and do some other stuff okay but anyways there are people in the beginning watching the VOD make sure you like subscribe notifications and do other stuff this exact same thing that

Every other YouTuber asks you to do well done I gotta change my thumbnail okay anyways there you go best to thumbnail ever that I made right now like didn’t make it totally didn’t make it like 10 minutes ago I actually made it like I I always make my thumbnails like super early like

Like 10 minutes and I wake up and then I’m like I make them let me get my chat up though forageable for let me get it the chat okay hopefully it’s not lagging today I try to fix it so um if it is I have no idea how to fix it

Uh I’m not laid to Lazy match man uh hello Vex hello ad gamer and hello puku no way everybody’s here and hello Rowan the guy It’s a lazy match man who’s that okay but anyways I got to do something um we’re gonna put playing hopefully the audio is okay maybe it’s the in-game

Audio if it’s too low just tell me and I’ll raise it up the in-game audio because for me it’s okay but it might be lowered for you guys uh uh Isaac lazy man master of T boy it’s iklios my boy hello shrimp what’s up Okay so

I forgot I have stamina that I think I had to actually sleep on the top I played this game before for like a couple hours um but I haven’t in like a couple years like in a year or two I love this game I played it before it’s fun yeah

That’s right okay so uh hopefully the audio is good let’s see actually hold on oh I can’t even pause though uh build uh industrial furnace so I need iron and fiber for that farming I can make a bridge fish trap okay uh fish traps are really good actually economic nothing and magical

Nothing okay let’s see could I get any skills no I didn’t level up yet so go back out okay why am I mining up why am I mining it with the pickaxe um I only have a pickaxe so that’s how they made it they made the game like that so I don’t know

Um okay so no you love this game 3D Terraria seems actually pretty fun no idea what enforce there is Voyager did I spell it wrong oh well uh for one playthrough I mean why you might get you with the pickaxe for monthly through uh I never completed the

Dino potato the roguelike game I’ve heard of it yeah my energy is low uh my energy is low I am exhausted Let’s see we need some iron I can make coal from what wood oh okay so I’m pretty sure I gotta eat food um at least I think so anyways

That’s a toolbar there you go well I can still get everything so I don’t know what’s the point of me being like low on energy how do I fall asleep I know I could fall asleep somehow I need the berries oh hold on there you go berries foreign magic and then close combat

I heard at the mobilt I heard actually it’s um a fly a cricket and a what is it called a spider I know not a spider it’s something else a fire Cricket or something else or it’s a capybara um a duck or an owl that’s what I heard but

I’m guessing they’re all rumors if everyone has like different answers but that’s what I someone told me that it was like one of those I think you could craft a bed somehow yeah I I think I just have to keep on eating food though let’s see you

Let’s see I am exhausted eat food eat more food now you can’t sleep in forager no I can’t uh like why we need to fly it’s just two pixel dots exactly that’s what I I don’t know why but those are like apparently what the things it might be but I don’t know why

It would even be a fly it makes no sense also um in-game audio is it good or is like the pickaxe sound too loud and the lightning sound is too loud I’m hungry I don’t have no food um maybe I could upgrade hold on uh you said good for magic

Um gain more XP oh yeah that’s good yeah okay magic a combat and Alchemy okay but I need money I should have got money stuff um so what do I need okay so I need to create a Forge with iron and bricks and a sewing testation Associated make more iron two more

Any more damage you don’t need money right now it says uh with the skill point go for magic it’s good and then sword under a t-shirt over industrial you know you need money right now you need to go more damage like new crafts and stuff like that so you don’t spend ages

Breaking stuff I guess yeah okay so I need breaks I don’t have no nothing to make breaks because I need another Island but I need money for another Island right because then I I don’t I don’t get no food but I have no food I’m gonna die

I’m doing right now classic I was thinking of doing a hard mode but it said monsters spawn every night so I would probably diet at the night Isaac soon he just okay level three this game is like a chill game like you don’t really have to do much stuff I

Think you catch these but oh yeah they give you XP oh when I leveled up it gave me or when I clicked on it it gave me maximum XP our Max a stamina I just wanted to test test what don’t catch them you’ll need them oh don’t use the fairies

Well they give me XP so why would I not use them see just mining and what even am I like a marshmallow I put that’s why I put a hashtag marshmallow in the description because I don’t even know what I am oh so do you guys like the thumbnail I

Made another skill I made that thumbnail like you think it’s really good thumbnail uh don’t catch them you need them later don’t use those fairies you will catch them in a jar later and use the skeleton no skill point that you have right now I thought you said

Skellington I guess the scope one you have right now on the sword another skill you will need them for the quest to put them in the skill marker in the sword okay hold on I’ll get it right now let me just mind this and uh I’m gonna need breaks so

Um the sword one combat unlock swords increase the space and damage by one okay then I could go for hunting renewal or evasion inclusive Dodge Chance by 15 you cover energy when killing anything oh this one would be good because I need the energy unlocks the bows arrows

Enemies trap coins when killed that one would be good too Alchemy unlocks cauldrons uh okay so you need them for a request let’s go points for the sword why in stream you put hashtag streamer hashtag gamer hashtag fortnite I don’t know I just put random ones um cuckoo’s expert here apparently

Yeah I get I guess puku’s the expert for forager Okay so okay leveled up I’m exhausted again this guy gets so tired so fast whatever the stick is marshmallow because I think I need to eat the meat but there’s no animals here so okay so I need breaks yeah because I can

Make oh wait I know what I need to make hold on I don’t know why I didn’t make the farming fish trap I need berries um Okay so before it’s got powerful weapons okay and the summing station I’m gonna need bricks and fiber but no fibers okay so

This is where I can make coins with gold a key to open chest a basic shovel to plant crops a slime pickaxe I don’t even I don’t know what slimes are I can’t even make a sword I thought I said I could attack a bottle

Uh for food actually no uh what is this spend it on forging so you can get more vegetables for food actually I’ll buy economy and after that forging you should also craft a loads of fishing nets uh by economy now okay then I’ll buy economy um economy there you go economy up here

Um there you go instantly gained 40 coins four inches create four extra something uh four extra coins every time there’s storage and a trade in lots of markets okay um like steel glass Gameworks P1 building structures allows you to find Beats Wheats and a cotton started foraging for cotton

You see I should buy lands and expand um how do I do that again I can only buy one okay Yeah but now there’s now there’s the monsters but those ones are so easy what even is this though uh uh welcome to the museum okay uh collections are rather incomplete at the moment feel free to help me fill the bundles is that what you said I don’t know you will

Need to get a reward or you will get a reward for each one completed okay I don’t have anything though so I got berries but why would I put oh they need so much of them 50 50 50 50 and then just one uh okay so we need more Islands spend

The next two points into forging an industry um you got the most useless one Museum don’t do anything here waste their time now you know started in like mid game or end game okay and their mid game I will have to do that foreign because I need more fish

I don’t have no food catch something um a flower okay so I need I need to just keep mining thingies but I don’t have any food okay I was watching one minute behind the whole time I just thought how did cuckoo predict he bought me his heels up

In my inventory okay hold on okay this is I have flour slime Heats of the flower okay oh berries four berries I can make another um I could eat it but it’s I think I need five berries for that okay so maybe there’s another Berry somewhere

For the fish because I know I could eat a fish a whole bunch you’re ready to click on it no um um farming I’ll put it right here I mean eventually break trees you get a chance to get oranges or whatever they’re called eat some berries I got hit by the lightning

I didn’t know that was even possible is that because I’m still I’m too tired how did I get my stamina did I somehow I got the stamina back it’s been like a reading for like forever I would if I die by it by the lightning because I don’t have enough food oh is

That why I took damage I thought I got hit by lightning okay so I got um points let me level up my skills okay so I’ll do foraging so you get more food and then uh Gathering game or um okay formal injury gained 25 more from plants and Crocs unlock steel glass mrxp

You go for forging okay I got I got foraging because I need that there’s like nothing’s spawning on my Island whatever this thing is nothing for this there’s nothing I there’s nothing on my Island Okay I uh gold let’s see I need to cook it I don’t have no food

Uh okay let me put it into my there you go and then I’ll just eat it like that was not editing okay oh wheat okay maybe I can make it bright or something and whatever this thing doesn’t ever grow oh you said don’t catch these but they

Give me XP and I can’t even make a bottle I need glass and thread um hold on let me see let me inventory okay um because forging when you get fishes don’t eat them you need to cook them first this is game free now this game is no it’s not free

Yeah but I don’t remember when I got it um but I got it somewhere somewhere I don’t know you know I’m catching you I want the XP and he gives me he gives me my stamina and health back this guy’s like super good there’s like nothing on my Island I need more

Let’s see I could make another fish thing like farming fish industrial the only thing I need to make is a sewing station but I need bricks I guess I’ll try making one breaks okay four I can only make three there’s no stone ever in my house for some reason foreign

Okay but there’s like nothing on my eyelids anymore it’s everything’s just gone I destroyed everything I don’t have food I don’t have nothing okay there you go cotton or no that’s fiber a slime okay there you go oh without flour um my second flower right now there’s like nothing happening there’s like nothing

Even spawning in okay so a foraging or in industry um the Gathering would be good because I get another mind let’s see uh I’ll get industry yeah so you get steel glass and the other ones hunting oh well I got something else so I’m not getting hunting now hello

Broth well I guess I went for the wrong one but oh well sewing because I’m gonna need that anyways and carpentry and I’m gonna need that also so hunting this one those arrows enemies drop oh yeah that should have been that would have been good okay because then I could have got

Money and how come only one of them is catching something I don’t have any coal there’s nothing spawning in my Island let’s see can I even make the Slime pickaxe okay so what I need I need a bottle torch bug which is that one up there iron and jelly

Okay that’s way too much oh this was this actually was like the worst Island there’s like nothing spawning here at all I should have gone for the um actually I should have gone for hunting actually because then I could have um I could have at least got it I could

Have gotten money to unlock more stuff there’s there’s nothing here I’m like nothing nothing at all is spawning in I think my game broke um how do I make bread flour and how do I make a flower though um I could make these but I don’t really

See the point of them right now flower and coal I don’t know where to make flour because I have the wheat I’m pretty sure you make flour with the wheat and stuff I think I just have to wait now until everything spawns in I don’t know why though it’s taking forever

Uh maybe holding it so you can make um coins okay okay gold okay go look that’s iron uh I can only make two so two coins okay um and the XP is like one XP okay so um it only makes one coin wow I think it does anyways

Oh it makes twelve for one okay that’s good never mind it’s a 34 coin so I’m gonna need more gold okay so I need gold XP yeah because these ones only give me one XP hold on I gotta switch I was sitting my my foot’s falling asleep again

Okay make gold ingots you can make gold coins okay I made the gold coins also is it not lagging today my like yesterday’s stream is it is it lagging or no because um yeah I don’t know why um yesterday’s stream was even lagging though like it makes no sense for

Terraria to even like no not today yeah okay then that’s good though now I just like reset it I was doing the Beats it is let’s see how much do these give me 11 XP okay so hunting the slimes is good 11 XP how much is it for um for cooking

Food then because I know I get XP for that wait when did I get all this gold from did I just mine gold I I don’t even remember when I caught that gold oh I got sand I guess I think I need sand for glass

Uh hey guys I’m back I was doing the dishes okay right when you’re doing dishes um I’m running out of everything I have like nothing no more I think I need 60 okay so with this one I should be able to get a new island no one more what is this grass

It’s here because I’m running out of food and I’m running out of everything else I ran out of like everything so okay hold on I think I could actually get a new island yeah 50 or 60. this one’s cheaper this one has just a chest

And I don’t have a key this is so useless like I get like the worst Islands okay so now I need 60 okay then 60. how do I even get there at least I have a chicken hallway eggs okay I’ll leave them alive then okay and at least yeah I’ll get i’ll get

Hunting when I level up I’ll get hunting afterwards I think I can make a bridge I gotta I think I have to make one to get to that chest because I don’t have the gold on my inventory is filled uh um oh okay so um let me see Industrial no no no

Uh Bridge how do I make a chest because I’m running out of like I’m running out of space okay there you go level seven and then I’m gonna go for hunting oh okay uh eat the berries and the Citrus make gold ingots you need the key for the chest it’s the vault okay

It’s the Vault for the chest but I need I need to get hunting stuff so now I got hunting instead so I need the key for this okay I need a key but I need gold okay which I need to make I could make gold okay there you go

I need just a golden iron okay that’s not that bad actually golden iron these slimes never attack me but that’s good I guess I don’t know what to do with the eggs but I I have them oh they give me a lot of money wow I think they would give me that much

Foreign there’s nothing else spawning on my Island there’s no iron there’s no there’s no um nothing else okay hopefully that slime doesn’t attack uh make more coal 20 okay okay oh there’s iron okay I need the iron my inventory is full again um I’ll eat this and Okay so

What can I do with the eggs actually what got to do with them I could just eat them thirsty uh tasty and nutritious I don’t get poisoned writing that I just ate like a raw egg uh throw the flowers cook the fish you need them for a museum for some recipes

No I’ll put the flowers in the museum then because I don’t need them if I if I have them the tea could I put these flowers okay the blue one but I guess I don’t have a blue flower oh there’s more iron okay I need the iron hopefully this this chicken doesn’t

Walk in front of me I don’t even need the eggs though they give me like no food but I guess it’s always infinite food though I guess so the adventures for um how much only for another farming thing I think I need seven yeah okay I’m gonna pick up the gold though okay

Cold maybe there’s one more Berry somewhere because I need that one last Berry for at least the fish the fish trap okay that would only give me one wow oh 23 XP just from that you try to make steel um you need uh iron gold and cold but I

Don’t think I need steel right now let me actually make fish because I have enough and then I’ll make the key actually I think I need 60 okay 60 um 60 points okay so I need I think it I think I need the two iron two more iron for the key

Let’s see there’s nothing to do so I’m just walking in circles okay there you go um the key and I’m gonna need more gold I can only make four okay no I don’t want the flowers okay so key is done maybe sand I don’t want to say okay so

Which one should I go for now okay um I think I might go for the vault because I don’t have no I don’t have no space I need to just put something in my adventure or something uh ballistics unlocks ballistos triple arrows okay um likes fishing rods fishing traps catch things

50 fast that would be good if I needed food um or I guess I could go for this one too because then I just have more items more inventory slots um Carrie unlocks that unlocks the leather um go for a vault okay or storage piggy bank and gambling okay so let’s see

For like walking on the water okay so I got a top hat and coins are worth 50 more okay how do I put it on though I I just have it now okay okay I just I just have it oh and I have two chickens Am I the only one getting triggered when he says inventory I know it’s inventory but I just like sing it inventory because I don’t even know why I just started saying it like that and now I can’t stop saying it that way so that’s just how I always say it now

So it’s always gonna be called inventory now 36. why so much okay well I could get a new island um this one Rainbow Land and I need 80. let me make some more coins then I can maybe get the bottom one too oh I can make the Vault I need to make

The the storage um Okay so oh they’re evil what even is this though it just does nothing it’s just a mushroom oh wait hold on waiting uh oh wait do I have to make the Rainbow which one is red that’s yellow uh orange oh no that’s yellow okay so I messed up

Ain’t so super red orange okay yellow green blue and purple okay now I need the key okay oh my gosh so much monsters let’s see I have enough to make another Island now oh a cemetery okay uh making glass making make more coins uh making another key for the rainbow

One you need to do the rainbow but you hit purple first so I failed uh make a glass or for jars Okay so I could only make one glass oh because then you are cool uh let me go oh but I’m running out of wood okay so I

Need to I need to get more wood see my inventory is filled okay you know I’m still gonna say inventory so hmm what do I not need I got a glass so when that’s done then because I I need some performing economics I can make the vault which

Costs it’ll steal and Bricks okay steel and Bricks is what I need to make them okay bricks isn’t that hard because I have almost Stone um but steel is the gold iron and cool it’s not that’s not that bad but what is why but I deal with that anyways

Okay my inventory is still filled um how do I throw I don’t want that um just so I could eat this because I need to write oh but I don’t have any I don’t have any um I can’t make threads yet so I need three three still ingots

Okay but I’m needing more gold so I need more gold and that’s it gold okay see is there any gold around I could just get the gold my imagery is fooled from gold okay so um farming okay so I need eight okay so hold on let me just get this done

Okay one Berry got seven berries honey I need wood I don’t have no wood I forgot about that okay so wood yeah hello Mr glitchy noob oh we’re not a birds okay let’s see any gold any cold I need wood I need everything let’s see um

I I could get the wood because I need to Break Stuff forever no now I have way too much stuff on my islands like I hit the vine so much just to get to get to the things I need to get let’s see I don’t really need iron but I’ll get the iron

The seaweed I don’t even have a space for seaweed or glass um hold on I need to get some more cooked fish there’s actually like in the beginning there’s like nothing really to do but then afterwards there’s like so much to do I still need to make the key okay yeah I

Need to make the key still uh cook the food and make more furnaces like two or what I can’t oh a ruby um I don’t need this oh hold on I don’t need this let me just eat it there you go okay so um take two more nice forward your hello

Dan Doyle and uh Mr glitching you I don’t know if I said hi I played it before um it’s my first paycheck as a mod and and one more for gestation thing I don’t know um okay so let me get something else Gathering uh carpentry sewing trade

Nah just kidding okay um anyways um division we’re supposed to go For Thread oh yeah thread oh wait that’s not even thread that’s just sewing station oh I don’t have the sewing station okay so never mind I should have made that okay oh but I need I need right here for

Gloves and boots um okay um okay so I don’t even know what to do with this rubies so Ruby um it’s Hugh has been listened linked to Fashion itself okay so you want me to make another one of these industrial furnaces I guess so I can make another one here

Um I need more gold um let me make more coal okay how many I need breaks or something I don’t remember what but I know I needed brakes hmm um I have those fate I need I need to make a I need to make something okay I need to

Make the the furnace whatever it’s called okay how much still can I make I can still only make one steel I actually I can make two but I need more coal okay and I need more gold um it’s equal I’m just gonna get like the gold and the iron the items I need

For now let’s see any cool so let me collect this I guess I’m gonna need iron but and I don’t really need it right now if I could Dodge I don’t even do that well I don’t even know I could die as well okay but I need a word okay I need to

Focus on wood okay uh wood and I have enough food but I need wood because I need to make a whole bunch of coal at least I get a whole bunch of XP now even from finding just the monsters and the items also say they seem to like

They stay in one spot at least they don’t really despawn they probably do but I don’t know how long it takes for them um um okay so I need more iron or any more gold they don’t despawn okay yep I just need two more once you make more you can sell

Them one more anvil there I got big wood okay do I need another Anvil for anything oh oh he’s breaking my stuff okay another Anvil what do I need for an anvil um break sand and iron okay I’ll put that right here oh I can make the key but I need I need

Now I’ll make the key I’ll make the key okay so I need more wood and I just need more coal in general that’s what I’m running out of coal another Ruby I can’t even hold it um uh what do I know I don’t need one sand

Okay one sand I don’t need that either oh an amethyst too um what do I not need do I need the bone for now I’ll get more okay now I got a wings okay vampire wings 30 chance to recover health when killing enemies okay um I don’t need I’ll eat that

Uh amethyst it’s more uh it’s me presence makes you feel somehow lucky okay what is this then we spawn this dream of wake up we’re optimistic about this every time has to start you know bro is better um yeah I guess yeah I don’t know what you guys are talking about but yeah

Oh level 10 okay let’s see I’m gonna go for the uh I’m gonna go for um Gathering okay actually though but I could sell stuff if I get the market unlock slot machines oh so these are I’m gonna get for Trader Gathering because look at this I get more inventory slots

But I could also sell the things I have with markets and though I think I’m gonna go for this one okay so this one unlocks Farm farming unlocks windmills and sprinklers Gathering uh Gems or Royal stuff I could pick everything up now I need a better pickaxe or something to mine more

What do I need with this fertilizer probably you can see seaweed is just for eating my inventory is full again in like one second okay so um Steel I still need more gold I’m finding like no gold at all okay um oh now there’s gold right there okay

And I don’t really need fish either I have so much fish collect all the fiber oh uh okay I’ll collect it cut all the fiber cut in whatever it’s called it’s not that it’s not that bad mining it though like this is just like a calm game that you

Really don’t do nothing and that you have to really have to do that much stuff in um I don’t need the flowers okay but I’ll collect them for now just so that they don’t take up a spot on the ground yeah and something else could spawn in after

Oh I didn’t even mean to attack that chicken it’s snowing up here that means is there’s a snow biome up there my inventory is filled uh let me eat the berries oh there’s the skeleton okay hold on um cooked meat I say could I make a bridge okay I can’t

Make a bridge any more wood uh you can make a jars make a throwing station you could get a lots of fiber you can make jars okay uh collect all the fiber whatever cotton it’s called and staff so pay later game you have enough gold now finally make sewing station for carpentry okay

Um I need wood okay attempted to Wood how come I can’t make an iron pickaxe I guess now mine’s already an iron pickaxe how is a slime pickaxe even stronger than an iron pickaxe though let’s use that gold what is this gold okay oh there’s a whole bunch of gold over

Here I have not been exploring that side okay so um steel I need three Steel I’m pretty sure three still hold on let me just double check because I don’t want to make uh too much um okay three steel okay I’m gonna need more breaks for the sewing station

And I’m gonna still need more coal did you just jump on the other side of the island how come I can’t do that I could just roll that’s all is there boss fights is that like the reason why I have to roll and attack um okay I need gold gold is more

Important for now okay give me this more cotton I could check on the bottom I haven’t checked it down there yet either um breaks oh actually I think I might have enough bricks I’m making gold uh um let’s see I was gonna be cool but I was gonna run out farming

Actually no not yet not yet sewing station four okay I’ll make the sewing station up here and then the vault it could be in this corner maybe up here uh okay so when you put items okay that doesn’t automatically transfer into a breakdown um there are bosses

Okay but they’re later in the game makes you broken now let’s not spoil anymore uh sewing station moment okay so that this so if I just put it only holds four stings that’s so bad okay let me put this I don’t need this for now I don’t need that amethyst for now

Um but I don’t I don’t wanna when I pick up flowers I don’t want to have them uh bones did six four six oh yeah six okay six did I say four I I don’t remember what I said so uh and the Beats I don’t oh actually the emerald there

But it takes so much just to get so if I pick up this flower it won’t go in my inventory oh yeah it goes over there okay that’s good how do I re how do I reorganize okay there you go um which do I even go for then uh I don’t need

Ballistics catfishing evasion Alchemy gambling get banking I’ll go for trade game volts uh reduces market pricing by 15. did I eat the fish I think I might ate the fish uh it’s the red I need a threads for something so I just need a whole bunch okay so I’m gonna call okay

Okay so I’m gonna have to make more volts then okay more volts uh to become bigger if I remember okay well these chickens get in the way I’m not even trying to attack them let’s see okay so I need gold for money um actually I might be able to buy another Island

I don’t remember how I think it’s either it was either 150 or I might have enough already uh let me eat food um let me collect these ones because I’m gonna need more fish I can’t even get that uh uh okay then so foreign

Food let me just eat this for now uh oh it gives me one Health actually these ones can be held up too oh they do let’s see what okay I need wood they become bigger okay yeah I already read that okay I remember which chats I

Read I just you know had to hybrid them like twice um another one of those those Ruby things uh I get so much of them I don’t know why okay so I can make a leather and a small backpack this little small backpack is ads for inventory slots

Okay uh a slime wallet is with gold coins up with 25 more uh bro hey protects you as much as it makes you look cool only slightly uh I should make the backpack then oh that’s so slow really that’s like like one second there’s so much of those things down there

Oh well you said I need a glass of bottles okay so I can make a two but I need more glass okay I keep hitting random items random random items random things let’s see this cow is just gonna stay up there this is like Cow Island now his uh

His house is up here by the rainbow what was that sound that okay so if I make the farming Bridge I don’t have no space okay oh there’s so much of that look at all these lines like 50 slimes here is that why nothing else was spawning

Here on my Island because they’re all over here oh my there’s like so much of them okay there you go yeah I could collect them okay there 12 XP for collecting them too okay uh forging Obelisk again bonus XP from Gathering herbs and crops only one obvious can be activated at a time

Do we have enough gold to make a glass um I mean gold enough to buy an island I don’t know I saw glass so I just closed on it um let’s see 270 it’s 500 4.4 thousand okay so 350 no 320 so 320 is the lowest no no 270 270.

What is that oh the album let’s go stay there for 10 minutes okay that’s what it means I was like why why am I why do I have a timer okay so skill points I don’t even know I got a skill point uh we make coin Firelands okay

Um okay make more Island stuff let me just collect the gold then because I’m just gonna make the gold into make the gold into the coins am I am I more faster when I’m but I have more stamina I think I am and was it like so dark down there look

At that it’s like a grade uh we make coin big money yeah big money it’s more fun than you remember um it actually is I like actually keep mining it though it’s like really nothing happening I like breaking all this stuff you can see that that chicken just

Walked in front of me um I didn’t do nothing wrong they go this whole island has nothing in it now oh 20 okay so maybe I can make more uh hold on let me make food really quick and emerald okay um let me make actually could I not make food

Let me make more fish traps let me put them somewhere I don’t really need to go to so I’ll put one there there okay I had to learn new skills can I destroy these and I get them back let me test it out on one of them

Oh I get the wood back oh and I get the berries so I could I could just maybe make them okay so my inventories failed I’ll be wrong one oh and the price goes back down to five so it’s like I’m cheating when we’re down let’s see builds a 20 structures okay

And then I could just eat to these since I don’t want them what do I even do with these lights and things though uh we’ll fly away and heal you for a moment you lose your last heart oh so just it’s just like it’s like a total of and dying for Minecraft

No the backpack yeah I forgot about the backpack okay I’ll add four inventory slots fishing and Mining and producer went and fishing in the mining because I read that twice because you said it twice okay so fishing and Mining skills okay fishing and cooking whoa unlocks cook pots uh

Sugar or mayo and cheese I don’t really like cheese well I lie too it’s okay but I really won’t really eat that much cheese Frost okay rock strap more minerals like if I get a burger I won’t put cheese in the burger but I like pizza so I like cheese pizza

But it depends on the item on the food and let’s get eaten Minerals and Gems carnivorous or cow sivers uh geology uh all rocks drop coal that is spiced cheese mining money pouts and mozzarella mozzarella cheese is good it depends on what the cheese is on like

If I don’t really like cheese on my burger but yeah okay so let’s see what I gotta make gold make a whole bunch of coal because I’m gonna need it hold on um cooked meat fish thing okay oh I need to collect that too my inventory I got a

Lot of inventory spaces now uh the seaweed I don’t even need it I’ll just eat it well I’m there I’m full now so I don’t I don’t need more see I’ll cook the fish what else could I make in here now though to write a letter as he said slime

Wallet I need more gold ingots and the Reds okay 10 more threads um coins I guess oh but I need the gold okay I need the gold for now let me make the Slime pouch first let’s see seaweed there must be a reason for seaweed other than just eating it right now

But I don’t really need all the seaweed right now okay so I need the wood I should clear up my Island I’m clearing out an island that I don’t even live on I should live on this island and it’s all cleared maybe there’s maybe there’s a better

Island I can live on that actually has that’s more cleared out let me clear out my Island right here because this is my Island and I’m not even clearing it out oh another Emerald okay actually now could I make the Slime wallet again and that one also takes forever

Uh I need a gamer what’s this is as a forager it’s in the title um and then the thumbnail so uh mozzarella uh yeah that you know you could press some Max what is Max like a price Max um yeah this is forager uh you have to

Live on every island so later in the game you don’t have any place anymore oh how I just be homeless then I’m low on energy actually I have enough now I have enough to get at the other Island I should make another vulture though maybe the bottom item will be my Vault

If I break my Vault will I get the items back like will I get the um the the steel that I used and all the bricks I think I will because I broke those other items and I got everything back all right because I just want to move it I could

Put the Vault on the bottom Island which where the Obelisk is and um it’ll just be more organized let’s see that slime I clicked out another Island I think it’s the one above me no I should get the money you can go economy uh make yards in front of some

Big money stocks mode oh it’s yeah I thought it despawned I thought I broke it okay so coins are worth 25 more hold on I think I could um farming okay what could I even make okay so I need bricks of wood and leather for a

Market I need more bricks and three more steel for another vote okay so I had to make another Vault winning I need to get more Steel okay steel and I got enough points for something so uh go economy okay without the point get the cold thing um this one or the

Economy there’s not really good economy ones this is gambling bargain I don’t have this so it’s not worth it uh banking I I have a bank um and the slot machines these ones aren’t really worth it right now so I think I would actually go for this one

Because I’m running out of coal and I don’t want to have to mine other stuff you can use my skill point for economy I can’t just get an I can’t upgrade it though I already have it easy I could hold on to it but nothing happens I’m going for this one

Banks make money oh okay so it’s either this one this one’s really good though because this one gives me cool uh or Banks okay the banks give me money oh but I need I need the resources first so I’m gonna go for this and next point I’ll put up for banks

An egg a pet spawns a friendly companion um rocks have 10 more chances of dropping gems increase the chances of finding where items when digging by 30 okay so I’ll go for banks the next points I get uh the over caveman mode free money uh you can craft them right

Now go for coal yeah I think the cold one was maybe a bit better because I can’t even collect that fish it’s just in the ocean he escaped let’s see I’m running out of fish um three fish on me I do have actually some meat let me actually cook fish uh oh the

Glass okay I’m gonna need more cool eventually so let me just make actually no I don’t because if I just get cold from mining uh I need the brakes okay I need the brakes uh hold on though I need a steal let me go okay I just make gold okay

Let’s see how much how much do I get then I don’t know 67 I have so uh I have one of each gem in my inventory gemologist okay so I need iron let me just make a whole bunch of iron I could just click on max

I didn’t even see that button the first time um I don’t really need this for This Island right there to the left is just filled with stuff oh I forgot I could buy an island no wait uh 270 okay 270. uh okay let me just make some coins then

Two should be enough I think uh why don’t you make a shovel eating rocks um gives gems and lots of sand you don’t call anymore don’t make codes it’s mine it’s a waste of wood yeah I I think that’s what I need to stop doing making coal

27 I need one more coin okay where’s the Slime I need to kill like one slime okay I need wood though so that’s like the things I need wood I don’t really need iron but um I’ll be collecting it though oh well what what was that a star fragment

What is this though topaz um very very minimal can only be found at night big star uh for later in game Terraria meteorite moment big old star exactly because that’s where later in the game a rare item I guess I got for later in the game however I don’t know

But it says very rare so let me just mine these and then I’m gonna go and um I’m gonna buy the island the one on my right because I need wood to get to make the bridge so maybe I should make the better pickaxe also

Okay so H I think that’s an H uh uh t or Y what am I supposed to do it’s some sort of puzzle I’m guessing oh do I just gotta like put them in order so this one would be like one uh uh would that would be two no one two three four

That’s so easy like these puzzles are like so simple okay but now I need more other things but that Island was also garbage because it hadn’t like nothing on it oh that thing’s gonna attack you know come back I needed I needed the leather so at

Least that’s good uh Cole I don’t need a coal anymore let me just make a whole bunch of gold I’m gonna need more meat so I should have made two I don’t know why I just clicked on one foreign but I need this anyway so um Well that okay so I can make actually the Slime sword but I think the pickaxe is better but I need oh I need the torch okay that’s what you guys wanted me to make um the bottles for um so I just need I just need the red so

That’s not even that hard to make okay let me go and okay so I got glasses nerdy glasses XP gains increased by 20 so that’s actually good though it would be better if I actually have that like I you could see them on me

So this one give me five oh so I get seven okay five to seven and these are the exact same so seven oh I got six so I guess it just depends it’s random okay so I’m gonna need more fish I only have five well actually I could I could increase

This one again forging obelisk oh it just goes up by one though that’s not that bad though let’s see I think actually I have food okay so I have enough steel okay this is just like a chill game you don’t have to really do nothing in this game that much

Okay so now I go for the bank because you guys want me to go to the fruit economy uh oh management okay so uh items may be sent to your fold from the end oh that’s actually pretty good vaults may have locked item slots okay uh capitalism gain XP when selling items

Item discarded from your inventory will are sold instead oh that’s good too wow so I can make the bank another Vault let me see um what do I not need I’ll put the berries in there and star uh I’ll put the Slime um the sand this topaz um

The beats and that’s it I guess that’s all I could put in right now actually maybe not the berries because I’m gonna need the berries um and the sand so I’ll put in the seaweed and the the wheat okay but this is I’m gonna test it out

Okay so I might lose this completely but I want to see if I break it do I get it back okay I do okay so I just always that’s super good then I could always move them okay then put that there okay so I need more volts so now so when I

Pick these up the random uh seaweed will go in there I need one with just sand and stuff but I need the sand for glass for now so okay so what do I need for the bank because I need gold steel and Bricks okay it’s only 10 in Gold because it

Generates three coins uh oh that’s actually pretty good I need these these flies but I need bottles what do I even need I need threads all this for a slime a slime pickaxe okay so the bone I don’t need you know I haven’t even gone to this

Island like once it’s just all filled up with random I’ll break it so um there’s a higher chance for like oars and stuff to spawn in instead so 23 berries I can make another fishing thing actually instead you know I’ve been playing this game apparently for like an hour already and

It doesn’t feel like I’ve been playing this game for an hour it feels like I’ve been playing this game for like a couple minutes okay one and a two police wait what uh easy puzzle there’s a desert puzzle that is pretty hard uh the four pillars iht police

State reveal am I dying okay hold on I was looking at stream State reveal uh I don’t know I live in every single state at the exact same time um also everybody in the chat uh click on the like button if you guys haven’t already clicked on the like button because yeah

Energy is low food you see I’m actually running out of food now I didn’t think I would okay so how much do I need actually um cooked fish oh never mind I don’t need food never mind I just didn’t have any made okay A Bottle

Uh I need four so I’m gonna need one more bottle I need any more sand I need more glass I think I’m running out of wood hold on hold on man I have enough wood I I am kind of running out of wood though uh eclipse is that he is yeah and I’m

Anonymous his voice is good for falling asleep yeah um I did all you guys know that is all you guys are probably going to know for now okay so I need one more of those things oh that’s a slime I like the calming music in the background I don’t know if you guys

Could even hear it but I could hear it hold on let me see if you guys let me put it a bit louder for you guys day you guys could hear the calming music in the background if you guys I don’t know if you guys are able to hear it or not

But there’s just calm music in the background uh don’t fall asleep because you guys you guys you know others guys want to but um Rowan always says he’s going to fall asleep like every second because it’s like night time for him for me it’s in the morning so

Oh I could get more leather okay I almost walked right into that wow okay I leveled up 10xp from that wow okay out hit him I could have killed him but I didn’t know they’ll get 12 XP okay from those ones and okay maybe I should make a sword for

Them instead but I don’t think there’s really a Worth or like a reason for a sword right now let’s see could I make glass I can add more fish I think for now I need money okay so I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna get more money now

That is the main thing now I don’t I did I have most stuff in these islands now that the main things I need now is just the money was that a golden egg it was a golden egg uh uh what is it called an egg do let’s see

A very rare valuable and pretty egg okay that that’s all the golden egg does the build back in okay exactly there’s a lot of Stone from one raw um let’s see get the pads of the pet skill it’s 10 p.m for me it’s barely 11 39 for me

But my clock is wrong so it’s not really 11 39 it’s off by like a couple minutes okay go for the pet okay I’ll get the pet and get sponsor friendly companion and uh unlocks flower press all constructions have a temperature chance to craft double items that one actually

Good would be good but it’s only 10 percent does he follow me oh he does I could tell him to sit down oh and he just doesn’t follow me what is the point for the pet yeah it doesn’t I don’t lie oh he picks up the items for me

But I can just do that myself though I do it way faster look at this there he picked that up you see this I don’t there’s no point for the pet unless I’m just too lazy to pick up the items but I could just pick them up myself

You see he’s not even picking all of them up why not yeah I don’t know why not um let’s see what was I need one more of those Firefly things so let me just find one it’s night so maybe one spawned in somewhere that was the noisy it’s thing is they’re

Getting caught noise whenever a fish gets caught it makes a noise I was like what is that noise okay so I could make the Slime uh pickaxe I guess that’s what I’m making then okay let’s see what else could I make a coin so let’s make coins actually

Um I’m adding I need bricks for something no I don’t I need a new island okay so I’m gonna try to get the new island that’s a steel I don’t really need steel for anything I guess I can make the bank um I need more gold so

Let’s see I could buy I think one of them two three thousand for this 570 5 280 because I need one more point one more point just to buy that okay one more slime okay where’s the slimes at I don’t even know I was hitting that okay now I’m just trapped

Okay slime there’s like no slimes okay there you go slime an anchor well how would anchor how would I even catch an anchor from here wouldn’t it just be on the bottom of the ocean um and anchor um looks like it has been submerged for a long time so I got a person

Okay slime pickaxe uh 1.50 attack damage resources and plants may drop jelly oh so my pickaxe is now different okay what does this guy want um you’re just the person I was waiting for the natural resources are being exploded by little Jerks with pickaxes isn’t that

Just me though uh I need you to bring me two torch bugs so I could keep them safe from harm I won steal anything from his house I could change how I look I got bunny ears uh skin fedora Terraria slime lunatic cultist Plantera this is just Terraria did the guy make

Did this guy make Terraria too Clothier and a basic head and my body could just be basic I can’t change it basic backpack fancy backpack no backpack I’ll do fancy wings I don’t have any Wings anybody to do no backpack with only for hot wings uh a bunny

Fedora slime cultist I like the I like the slime I can’t go upstairs okay because I need one more I need glass stand okay I need to make one more glass bottle actually because I have actually don’t have any of them wow let me get more berries then um I’ll go find berries

Also how do I not notice this big giant tree that was down there foreign equaled money and money equals Islands okay money is Islands does this guy break my stuff he better not I don’t think he does okay glitchy I could hit him from here because I gotta wait until nine but I

Need more glass and that’s about it I think threads I need to make threads catch 50 fish reward I got a skin laughs okay so glass uh let me actually make the fish the regular meat and now I can make the glass on this one I can only make one glass okay threads

Um I think you need ten I’ll make I’ll make 15 though a rare item where did I get the rare item uh uh rare item somewhere I don’t know where this anchor oh I need these okay um I need bottles I need more glass okay I need more glass

Okay so so I need help with these things are done they’re not maybe I can make more it’s 19 for one okay I leveled up though so that’s good I could get at least one I’m gonna need another one still so they’re even great okay here hey where are even are they

Let’s see uh what could I even upgrade let’s see confirming prospecting uh cooking ballistic renewal of Asian Alchemy gambling management and capitalism Hammer royal steel and Royal clothing uh carbonization structures cost 25 less than wood prospecting prospecting okay then rocks have 10 chance more of dropping gems increased chances of

Finding rare items when digging okay I guess I’ll get that foreign okay that would actually be kind of good let’s say I think there’s enough sand I can make hopefully hopefully it’s done cooking though now I need one more sand okay so this better give me sand no fish Let’s see uh Max iron can I do nothing else with this rainbow I guess I can’t I get health I’m killing them I don’t even know I could do that oh maybe I should get the shovel actually you guys said you wanted me to get the shovel for the sand

I have enough sand now though so glass basic shovel um what does it even do though dig up dirt and plant crops to find where to find items like it’s like a plant stuff instead I could have like a farm a golden pig Expo now golden gets a bottle to Beetle and

An iron ingots oh because that’s okay then so after I unlocked it out when it gave me that oh I think they disappeared I gotta wait till next day okay so I just needed money okay what could I even make let’s see um Market five leather okay and steel for a

Bank okay so I need one more gold ingots bricks and okay maybe I’ll go for let me see I need leather I think maybe I’ll go for another one of those another vaults because I could just have three of them because I’m gonna be running out of space again

Oh three why don’t we give me three Sands about okay so let me just put this here and then that there and just I don’t need steel I need some bricks uh make ten no no I’ll make 20 I’ll make 20. yeah we still have a need for the next Island

350 320 okay 320 the lowest see uh 320 I could maybe just make five and I should get 320. okay medium backpack what do I need for a medium backpack bottle to torch about five of them and 20 leather four inventory slots and a golden wallet I need glass and a topaz

See this is the last one all right what even is this this oh look this is family of my pets let’s see I would even say uh you’re amazing and we love you okay that that’s it you are my favoritest person in the history I’ve ever okay what do I do here though

Uh we should be friends like seriously a lot that doesn’t really make sense um so items and get rich oh um don’t hurt him don’t hurt them okay you see uh when I grow younger when I grow younger I want to be a you that makes like no sense

Okay now if I make you sit there now they’re all in the Square uh uh what’s the point of these they didn’t say anything that I’m like that I have their family like him right here they’re following me let’s see uh 3012 wow I’ve streamed her

Like two hours already and I it does not feel like I’ve been shooting this game for two hours that’s how it is for Terraria I streamed like two guys forever and doesn’t feel like I stream for that long Okay so I need one more I have enough but I want to collect it just because I’m going to need it for later if one of this this animal thing it fought this whatever it’s called the I don’t even know what fruit this is which vegetable that even is

Oh I have enough though okay so thank you for Gathering the critters okay uh you may keep these magic Scrolls as a reward help that you read uh I’m afraid of the natural resources exploitation is still going air amp guards could you bring me some tree

Saplings so I can make sure the forest is safe I got magic uh spawns new actual resources around you okay I finally started running out of space though this Earth my pet gets in the way of me attacking uh okay so I need more I need more steel

I’m gonna have to make another another thing uh the folk or um what do you mean is that a bone or a pear violence is not the answer I gotta go by uh have a good day yeah goodbye Rowan I’m probably gonna end it soon also because I just had this

I I don’t even know what to do but I’ll stream this like next week or something uh let’s see what I gotta do Forge stop crafting it’s not even crafting anything though you can see I need the glass actually I need more steel for the other items I should have made more

Steal from there um let’s see how much steel do I need I need three Steel uh of four it increased oh it won’t get in 4 and 13 I can make the market and then once they went 10. oh the Market’s so big what if I clear out this island I could

Put the market here foreign okay so what if I put on the bridge could I put them on the bridges okay so a bench um beat the statue and bottled rainbow okay what do I not need right now the golden egg I don’t need the golden egg I don’t want this either

And I don’t know I’ll keep everything else for now foreign fifty how do they take they broke the ones I had okay what is this though how do I use this and why there’s so much of you another anchor I could just always sell them well

Maybe I could put them in the museum but there’s really no point for the museum at least I don’t think so no I don’t even have bricks what did I use on my bricks on all that all right okay never mind and let me just make 30 because I’m

Gonna need a lot anyways this pet is like I don’t like the pet he gets in my way okay so uh let me get something then maybe the core is the quarries does sound good but maybe I’ll go for more banking stuff or more like Craftsman stuff

Oh maybe I’ll go for this one instead like something to do with attack I don’t know I still haven’t gotten the show I don’t really want it not right now I’ll make the the deposit and proud is farming structures worth 25 faster I can make a shovel file I’ll make the

Shovel uh I need wood I finally ran out of wood wow I don’t think I would to another wood there is a top floor of his house but how do I get on top floor I can see it I can see the ladder let me see hold on

Yeah I just can’t get up there uh did I get anything new I could be a fish a fancy backpack and no wings Terraria slime limited Cultus Plantera Clothier um bunny Sprout I want the Sprout actually okay discover royal steel okay oh who is this uh sweet to child okay

Let me let my fairies rest your very Soul your very body whatever um I need to ask for your very small donation I reward you with the power of my fairies 1000 is not a small donation one thousand dollars this is like the big giant donation that’s not small donation

But doesn’t go technically so that’s even more okay so I cannot fix oh automatically spawns rocks and minerals uh I need topaz and Ruby that’s not that bad to make wow so any more gold for this one free coins okay the leather put that I could sell that I could put the glass

Corey op okay I’ll make it when uh when I have enough for it okay okay so I don’t need this Cory’s make Island full of material oh I forgot I got something up here I forgot about this island on the top right oh it is gold okay so let me get this in

The gold and I’m gonna check whatever this structure is on the on the bottom why else I forgot about these people up here okay so let me go down collect this iron and I want to see whatever this over here is I don’t even know what that is but I don’t know

A different type of well this is the Beetles I needed I needed that one I need that for the golden pickaxe what do you play is that how do I how do I attack that come over here I can’t her mind it because that because my pet my pet is like so garbage

Oh okay I almost died oh steal okay that was actually worth it give me Steel or also I don’t know if you guys uh heard but apparently the US is doing some sort of emergency system tomorrow so during my stream it’s good there’s gonna be like some emergency alert um

I don’t really know what it’s about but that’s all I heard it’s just gonna be apparent like a super loud alert this pet is like so garbage how do I I’m gonna go make him sit down he’s like actually trash foreign no because there’s only four you can’t light all them up foreign

Maybe there’s an answer somewhere who wants help I don’t know it’s like to light them all up or not okay that’s just the item is that the light them all up or do I put a pattern hold on maybe I have to overload one of them I need a part or no

Hardest puzzle in the game excited a special pattern okay so I’m okay so it’s a special pattern it’s probably outside let me see special pattern and you can’t found it somewhere oh it’s up there okay I see that’s so easy so dot dot Okay so that’s actually kind of hard though I

Got like a screenshot that or something uh one two three one two one two one two one two one two one two okay could I even make that pattern okay so these two one two three but this one was lit up so and then I okay no because then this one’s

This puzzle is actually kind of hard then hold on I gotta go and like check my phone I’m gonna go in the live stream and just cheat let me see pausing the live stream so I could actually just see it on my phone instead okay so one two that was like I don’t

Even know oh maybe I had to make the pattern okay I think I get it now I have to leave the ones off and the dots are the ones I need to light up so what do you want to one two three okay I think so anyways

Because without anything I I can’t light these ones up that one’s gonna be impossible unless I could put something down foreign keep turning off there is a second trick when there’s no okay the second one is the one that makes everything confusing it’s about the pattern uh

I’m guessing it’s that this way then okay foreign I don’t know the pattern I need to see the pattern uh hold on let me go back to the live stream I could just cheat it okay so it’s right there I need to go forward a bit so okay so those two okay

And then this one yeah this one this one that one no that one that one not that one it’s not this one is that the right pattern though I think so because I’m lighting up the ones that aren’t maybe it’s our is the black squares um

Maybe it’s the black squares but I don’t know what to do with them okay so uh oh that was right oh South ancient Galaxy puzzle our ancient Galaxy seal rewarded to only those who solve the hardest puzzles uh spirit or abuse it to increase your stats

Oh that wasn’t that bad I thought it would be harder okay so yeah okay I beat the puzzle does that it though that doesn’t do nothing though ancient Galaxy puzzle but I get nothing other than that stats you need to light up the blanks

Yeah that’s what I did but I I I I I figured it out now it takes a lot of time for those no nothing yeah I didn’t really get it at first but now I I got it now okay so do I use this Spirit orb I guess might as well

So I got I’ll choose I have to choose one so I’d either get increased Health increased energy permanent increase permanent Health permanent that permanent damage or permanent or incident level up that’s not really worth it um it’s out of these three then is that a monkey on the bottom right I

Think there’s a monkey there’s something down there uh Power Up damage okay it takes a lot okay power of damage okay then it is a monkey though he’s a merchant um a great skull avoid Steel Two thousands for one and avoid a rose two thousand that’s so much it that’s so expensive

Also these didn’t go in my inventory like they didn’t get sorted out discard okay so you actually need ten thousand ten thousand Monies kill 100 enemies and I got some sort of weird head Okay so you guys want me to go for this Theo Forge a forged steel or whatever it’s called um this one royal steel and an expensive late game you should upgrade the red path and then the level open menu okay so a smelting furnace is over 25 faster and

The forge is also broke faster that one would be good unlocks factories I’ll probably go for the smelting one then okay so royal steel I can make a hammer uh use it to repair structure so okay that’s good okay so royal steel is oh that’s a wow okay like steel but more shiny

What did I even need for a while still it needs Ruby animals topaz and amethyst oh what happened why did my controller Shake did the star fall down why did my controller Shake nothing even happened the other things over there also I almost have a thousand a thousand

Coins for winning tonight I could give the money to that one lady I could give the money to this person oh but it just turned day my energy is low I’m running out of food I didn’t cook food that’s the thing I need to make uh cooked meat

One fish because I need this guy hold on you need to follow me now the first time he’s useful is that he’s the only one that could cut like the ones that are in the ocean collect that one you know you can just stay here then hello commentary unlock uh upgrade I

Think it’s more useful okay carpentry is more useful could I make the I could make the the Quarry should I make the Quarry somewhere I could put it right here what what is this for like cactus can be used to get uh can we pay people

To get but its flavor makes it worth it if you don’t have enough money to make another Island um 960 oh okay another puzzle thing okay um we’re gonna see what this is it is a puzzle skull Galaxy uh gentle enough to soothe the skin strong enough to break stone

Make a gold coins uh an island without structures Corey in an opened Island okay General have to wait to suit the skin strong enough to break the stone oh so I gotta put stuff on that uh something that could smooth the skin but it could break a stone

What could I don’t even know steel it’s smooth when I touch it but it technically break stone What force and strength cannot get through I with my teeth can do what I don’t even know what do this I mean I could follow some great Heights and live but submerged in water I die sand uh alive without breath cold as death and ever thirsty always drinking

Oh but this one sounds like sand foreign strong enough to break stone higher and how I’m thinking Steel uh what force and strength cannot get through I with my teeth can do I don’t even know I don’t think I have them a cactus Corey op minerals okay well anyways

I’ll I could do that snack stream I’m probably gonna end it here though but um I thought that was a duck it’s a chicken okay but anyways I’m probably gonna end the stream here so yeah I’ll do that next stream and stuff okay um I don’t want this it smells bad

Puzzle I will do an extreme uh next time I play this game again I will finish this puzzle okay but for today I’m going to be ending it here okay I did a whole bunch already so but I I won’t do nothing off camera because I kind of don’t want to but I’ll

Do only on stream stuff okay so but anyways I’m gonna be ending it here click on the like button if you haven’t already clicked on it um subscribe if you’re not subscribed um I don’t know what else to say other than that’s it oh I got it emerald and emerald from uh

I got it from a stone I thought I got it from the tree what about live stream with fans that is tomorrow um with the ones that were chosen from my Discord I’m gonna be playing with those three um I think it’s a Rowan um

I remember who the other two are Elmo I remember I don’t know what his name is on YouTube though and uh flushed I think but because they were chosen for I just chose them randomly so those three I’m gonna be playing with in a world of Terraria tomorrow

I gotta get it set up today actually so maybe they’re still on but anyways those those I’m playing with tomorrow I’m playing with the stream tomorrow terrari it’ll just be like a shortest stream maybe until like 12 so like two hours because I know they were like from another country

So it’s late for them can I join I chose just randomly uh from the Discord and I don’t want it to be too laggy so I just chose like four people or three because I count as one of them so if one of them can’t join then yeah if

You’re on the Discord then send me a message and uh if yeah and so I could have your steam name at least but anyways um yeah I’m gonna end this stream now so thank you everybody for watching and click on the like button click on everything else click on the everything

Else Button as well uh share it I guess I don’t know what else to do but yeah thank you for watching I’m gonna be ending it here I’m gonna be playing this maybe next week I don’t know but yeah this is a fun game and yeah

How are you still alive I don’t know how I’m still alive but yeah I’m still alive I’m gonna be I’m gonna get right now the Rowan okay but anyways I’m doing the stream now so thank you everybody for watching my stream I’m bringing it now

Three two one and it didn’t end wow okay now they’re actually for real now I need it though okay uh three two one and zero

This video, titled ‘Foraging stuff!!!!!?(forager)’, was uploaded by Ikleos on 2023-10-03 19:40:31. It has garnered 80 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:23 or 8483 seconds.

subscribe for good luck. I play games like Minecraft and apex legends and other games. join my discord: https://discord.gg/ZyrXy7KDv #fortnite #streamer #gamer #Foraging #forge #Dog #marshmallow #chill #Holloween #spooky #roblox

  • Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack | Minecraft Mod

    Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack | Minecraft Mod Minecraft Create Mod: Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to optimize their gameplay and make resource gathering more efficient. One popular method is creating automated farms, and with the Minecraft Create Mod, the possibilities are endless. One such creation that has caught the attention of players is the Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm. How It Works The Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm utilizes the Create Mod’s advanced mechanics to automate the process of generating cobblestone. By cleverly utilizing various components such as belts, encased fans, and mechanical arms, players can set up a system… Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and stories from the Minecraft community. Today, we have an exciting development to share with you all. In a recent video titled “We Received A Mysterious Letter | Monster Marauder Part 6,” players on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a thrilling discovery. After uncovering a hidden item in Crimson Keep that led them to a mountain cave with a mysterious cipher, players received a letter containing a photo that is believed to be the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within the cipher. The excitement and intrigue… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft content on YouTube? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching videos like “Minecraft AMA, Youtuberlara Dönüşüyorum▶️” may be entertaining, nothing beats the experience of actually playing on a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Whether you’re into PvP, building, or just exploring, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure on one… Read More

  • 10 Must-Have Minecraft Mods 2024

    10 Must-Have Minecraft Mods 2024 Exploring the Top 10 Minecraft Mods of May 2024 Welcome to a new video showcasing the top ten mods released in May. Each mod brings a unique twist to the Minecraft experience, enhancing gameplay and creativity. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods! Dyed Item Frames The Dyed Item Frames mod allows players to color item frames in a variety of hues, offering over 5 million color combinations. This mod adds a new level of customization to your world, making item displays more vibrant and personalized. Luki’s Grand Capitals Replacing standard village structures with colorful and intricate… Read More

  • Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork

    Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told, I bring you the news, in rhymes so bold. Crafting the Enchanted Golden Apple, a tale to unfold, With hints and tricks, my story is gold. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore the mysteries, of Minecraft’s waves. Like and subscribe, for more adventures to save, In this world of wonders, where creativity paves. So come along, dear viewers, let’s dive right in, To the world of Minecraft, where we always win. With rhymes and beats, let the fun begin, As we craft and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server

    Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we have a thrilling story to share with you that might just pique your interest in joining a new Minecraft server. In a recent YouTube video titled “Someone Cracked The Cipher | Monster Marauder Part 5,” adventurers on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a groundbreaking discovery. After deciphering a mysterious code found on a remote island, they uncovered the words “Crimson Keep.” This revelation has sparked a frenzy among players worldwide, as they flock to the town of Crimson… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. Experience the thrill of PvP combat, the satisfaction of creating intricate structures, and the camaraderie of collaborating with other players. With a dedicated server IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily connect and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back… Read More

  • Tankee’s Dream House Build

    Tankee's Dream House Build Welcome to Tankee Town! In the latest episode of Minecraft Tankee Town, Amy Lee and Lark are hard at work building their dream town. Amy Lee kicks things off by showcasing her cozy cave abode, which comes with some unexpected roommates. Determined to create her dream house, she sets out to gather essential supplies like wood, sand, and iron. Encountering Challenges During her quest for resources, Amy Lee faces various challenges, including a grumpy Lark and a treacherous desert adventure. Along the way, she must also fend off unfriendly mobs that threaten her progress. Despite these obstacles, Amy Lee… Read More

  • 100 Days Minecraft Challenge: Day 4 Adventure

    100 Days Minecraft Challenge: Day 4 Adventure The 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft: Day 4 Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as the 100 Days Challenge continues. On day 4, our intrepid player has completed work on the ground, paving the way for even more exciting developments. Exploring the Groundwork Day 4 of the challenge saw our player diligently working on the groundwork in Minecraft. From digging and mining to crafting and building, every step taken contributes to the ultimate goal of survival and success in this blocky world. Building a Strong Foundation Building a strong foundation is crucial in Minecraft… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the incredible milestone of 15 years of Minecraft, as highlighted in IvanPROFUN’s recent video. In the video, IvanPROFUN takes us on a journey through the rich history of Minecraft, showcasing the impact this game has had on millions of players worldwide. As we reflect on the evolution of Minecraft over the years, it’s clear that this game continues to captivate and inspire players of all ages. While watching IvanPROFUN’s video, you may feel a sense of nostalgia… Read More

  • Insane Progress in One Block Skyblock – Day 2

    Insane Progress in One Block Skyblock - Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Progress? Minecraft Skyblock One Block Day 2 With @cryovision_yt & @pandagirlgamingcorner’, was uploaded by Anna Sweets on 2024-03-27 05:51:18. It has garnered 223 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:44 or 12764 seconds. Join my Discord for chats etc.! https://discord.gg/EYUT8eu4Eg Support me: https://www.patreon.com/annasweets Textures by Mizuno: https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ Skyblock Reborn by: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/worlds/oneblock-reborn Read More

  • Unbelievable: JahirVar’s Zombie Wears Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: JahirVar's Zombie Wears Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombie with Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft: Mods Battles’, was uploaded by JahirVar on 2024-04-05 08:00:14. It has garnered 77 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:04 or 244 seconds. Mobs used in this video: 📌 Mob battle Mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mob-battle-mod Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Monster to Save Zombie Girl! – Hero29

    Unleash Your Inner Monster to Save Zombie Girl! - Hero29Video Information This video, titled ‘How to BECOME STRONG HELP Poor Zombie Girl Revenge – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by hero29 on 2024-02-22 13:32:30. It has garnered 54 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. How to BECOME STRONG HELP Poor Zombie Girl Revenge – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #animation #minecraftanimation #monsterschool #skibiditoiletminecraftanimation Read More

  • Magic Tavern

    Magic TavernThe Magic Tavern       by: Gaming Under the Influence   If you’re a fan of Minecraft but want to try something a little different, this might just be what you have been looking for! With premium plugins and multiple worlds, we try to accommodate for everyone. Our survival world has lots of features that we really hope you enjoy. Players can craft magical items and level them up with the Magic plugin. You can create your own shops through Chest Shop. We offer land claim so members can claim their land to protect it. You can even make your own alcohol!… Read More

  • The Crew Minecraft: smp, semi-vanilla, modded, pve, roleplay, whitelisted, 1.20.1

    Join our discord channel to apply! Welcome to our Minecraft Server, where creativity knows no bounds and community thrives! Throughout our 2 year history, we boast an active player base that is always eager to embark on our next adventure. At the heart of our world lies the Create mod, along with several other hand picked mods, to enhance the basic survival experience. Dive into a realm where imagination meets innovation, where every block laid is a step towards crafting your masterpiece. But it’s not just about building; it’s about building together. The Officials of our Homeowners Association (HOA) meticulously… Read More

  • Origin SMP: Season V

    Origin SMP: Season VWelcome to Origin SMP!A friendly minecraft smp where everyone is welcome! However, there are a few requirements:account_boxDiscordmicMicsecurityages 13-16headsetHeadphoneskeyboardKeyboarddesktop_windowsA minimum of 15-40 possible frames (higher is allowed)space_barJava minecraft (cracked accounts or hacked clients will be banned from ip)gavelExperience with playing minecraft  Rules, mods, and how to apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speed run strats!

    Minecraft Memes - Speed run strats!Why did the Creeper cross the road? To get to the other slide of the meme with a score of 9! Read More

  • Minecraft Mortality: 50 Ways to Bite the Dust!

    Minecraft Mortality: 50 Ways to Bite the Dust! In Minecraft, dangers lurk at every turn, Fifty ways to die, you must discern. From falling off cliffs to drowning in lakes, Each demise a lesson, each mistake. Creepers explode, zombies attack, Skeletons shoot, spiders crawl back. Lava burns hot, suffocation in sand, Each death a challenge, part of the grand plan. So watch your step, be cautious and wise, In Minecraft world, where danger lies. But don’t fear the end, for respawns await, In this blocky realm, where adventures create. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” 😂 #minecraftlove #creeperproblems Read More

  • Zero Teamwork: Machines & Magic

    Zero Teamwork: Machines & Magic Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring New Mods and Adventures Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with the latest 1.20.1 modded version. Dive into a world filled with exciting mods that promise new adventures and challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, there’s something for everyone in this modded Minecraft experience. Discovering New Mods Join the excitement as our intrepid gamer explores a curated selection of mods in Minecraft 1.20.1. From familiar favorites to brand-new additions, there’s a diverse range of mods to enhance your gameplay. Uncover hidden treasures, unlock powerful abilities, and test your skills in this modded… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?とてもかんたん115” which showcases a fun spot-the-difference quiz in the world of Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the creativity and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re someone who enjoys exploring new challenges, interacting with a vibrant community, and unleashing your imagination, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With its unique gameplay features, thrilling adventures, and endless possibilities, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft HalloweenMoonCrab – Catch Rare Cobblemon! Day 1

    Minecraft HalloweenMoonCrab - Catch Rare Cobblemon! Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:54:25. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:26 or 21266 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • Secretive Minecraft Stream on Hypixel

    Secretive Minecraft Stream on HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Стрим Майнкрафт играем на Hipyxel и общаемся #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aninone on 2024-03-03 20:09:25. It has garnered 39 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:40 or 10000 seconds. 📒On the stream I will be playing the masterpiece game “Minecraft” below there will be useful links, enjoy watching and streaming! 📕Donat (message on screen): https://www.donationalerts.com/r/dehel 📗Discord server: https://discord.gg/uEsEGRzM6r 📘теги :minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft shorts, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, camman18, minecraft but challenge, minecraft speedrun, shorts, minecraft but i cant touch grass, camman18 shorts, camman18 minecraft, minecraft but you cant touch the… Read More

  • INSANE SPEEDRUN WIPE w/ Cyrox Senpai #mustsee

    INSANE SPEEDRUN WIPE w/ Cyrox Senpai #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘FASTEST WIPE EVER #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbedwars’, was uploaded by Cyrox Senpai on 2024-03-26 10:03:04. It has garnered 85 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Note:- All The Memes,Bgms and clips I use in my videos other than my gameplays and some other things aren’t mine I don’t take any credit for them. All Credits to their Respective Owners (Thanks Peeps Nothing Without you guys)💜🫂. Disclaimer:- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism,… Read More


    YARALELツ - HILARIOUS MINECRAFT STEVE ZOMBIE! 😂😂😂Video Information This video, titled ‘VERY FUNNY MINECRAFT STEVE ZOMBIE😂😂😂 #minecraft #story #meme #funny #trand #xd #brawlstars #shorts’, was uploaded by YARALELツ on 2024-05-26 01:17:30. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. hey, folks! Welcome to our channel! Here, you’ll find the funniest and most exciting moments from the world of Minecraft and beyond. We offer you: Short clips (shorts) with funny moments, including epic fails and hilarious mods that will have you laughing out loud. Exciting stories featuring Minecraft heroes like Herobrine and Steve. We create funny animation… Read More

  • EPIC Fireball Showdown in Novassy #shorts

    EPIC Fireball Showdown in Novassy #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight Smooth #shorts #minemen #minemenclub’, was uploaded by Novassy on 2024-03-31 13:33:09. It has garnered 10143 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #gaming Drop a LIKE 👍 and SUBSCRIBE 🔴 if you enjoyed the video! Remember To Click The Bell 🔔 Fireball Fight Smooth -Keyboard Apex Pro Mini 60% -Mouse Logitech G Pro Superlight 2 -Pc RTX 4060 i5-12400F Dont Read These ASMR Bedwars Hypixel Minecraft Bedwars gameplay Minecraft ASMR Relaxing Minecraft Whispering gameplay Soft-spoken commentary Multiplayer gaming Online gaming experience High FPS Minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Creothina Minecraft ATM9 Stream 15 Dark Adventures!

    Unbelievable Creothina Minecraft ATM9 Stream 15 Dark Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 15 (Into The Dark!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-16 02:08:35. It has garnered 723 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 05:14:11 or 18851 seconds. Hey everyone! As always, I have a slight game plan for today’s stream but like we see every single time…..I get sidetracked with 100 things and then go in every direction. HOWEVER we will absolutely be heading over to the Deeper and Darker dimension to grab some of those gorgeous building blocks. :3 Note – I’m going to… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN & BED-WARS on BULL07 NETWORKVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED-WARS & SPEEDRUN | BULL07 NETWORK’, was uploaded by bull07_editz on 2024-01-14 09:55:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM |JOIN MY PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP JAVA/PE ||BIGGEST NEPALI LIFESTEAL SMP/BEDWAR … Read More


    GUTS半神 - UNBELIEVABLE EXECUTIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘executed’, was uploaded by guts半神 on 2024-04-21 10:03:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. unranked Tags; SonPlayer, Craftrise, Minecraft, Bedwars, Skywars, SonPlayer Titanium, SonPlayer Cheat, SonPlayer… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Herobrine Attacks in Epic Minecraft Animation!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Herobrine Attacks in Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘#herobrine #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mobs #ytshorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by Nirmal gamer on 2024-01-12 12:33:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Banilla Survival

    Banilla SurvivalWelcome to Banilla.net Survival! Were you looking for a 100% vanilla server with cracked support? On Banilla, you will not find claims, kits, warps, tpa, crates and other BS. IP: Banilla.net DISCORD: https://discord.gg/vfTmq5FPjJ Version: 1.18-1.19+ banilla.net:25978 Read More

  • LostCraft Reborn – factions pvp pve

    Server Information: Server Name: LostCraft Reborn Server Type: Factions/eco/survival Server Version: 1.20.4 Server Plugins: Factionsuuid, essentials, anticheat, coreprotect, jobs, mcmmo, rtp, harbor, and more Server Reset: None. Map will not wipe unless forced Server Map Version: 1.20.4 Server Admin: DJL0st12 Server Website: Under construction: https://lostcraftreborn.com Server Discord: Under construction: Do /discord in game Server IP: mc.lostcraftreborn.com Server Details: Join us on this heavily developing server and be a part of its growth. Play on a fresh old school factions server and contribute to its development by simply playing! Read More

  • ExtraLifeMC

    ExtraLifeMCExtraLife Minecraft is our Minecraft Network that currently offers a Survival gamemode! Survival is a passive, building-focused, gamemode that prioritizes economics and extravagant builds, but does offer a PvP aspect. It is loaded with features and has been in development for a few months. Some of the key components are an in-game battlepass, custom items, and a very user-friendly experience!You can create your own teams to divide and conquer our all-new organically generated terrain! Unlock sweet rewards from our battlepass by completing a large variety of quests, daily and weekly. We offer frequent in-game events to earn even more rewards!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Bless me with mods!”

    “I asked my mom to create a mod of me so I could finally be cool in Minecraft, but all she did was make me run around in circles and scream ‘where did I put my keys’.” Read More

  • Block Xuan: Dreams Unseen in Minecraft

    Block Xuan: Dreams Unseen in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, dreams take flight, With Fangkuaixuan, the creator of delight. Animations that are funny and convey joy, Bringing happiness to every girl and boy. Pirated videos, beware, they’re not the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel, you’ll find the appeal. Daily original content, a treat for the eyes, Filled with humor and fun, a pleasant surprise. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update a delight. Spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Hot mess: Dad forgives son’s Minecraft fails

    Hot mess: Dad forgives son's Minecraft fails “Who needs good grades when you have a forgiving dad? Tý Học Dốt Được Ba Tha Lỗi for the win!” Read More

  • Sneaky Tutorial: How to Join Social Cube Minecraft Server!

    Sneaky Tutorial: How to Join Social Cube Minecraft Server! Exploring the World of Social Cube Minecraft Server Are you ready to dive into a medieval world filled with role-playing adventures and RPG elements? Look no further than the “Social Cube” Minecraft server! This unique server offers a one-of-a-kind experience for players looking to immerse themselves in a world of fantasy and creativity. What to Expect on Social Cube On the “Social Cube” server, players can expect to find a richly detailed world inspired by the medieval era. From majestic castles to bustling villages, every corner of the server is filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate XP Farming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate XP Farming Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to level up quickly and efficiently in your Minecraft world? Look no further! Check out this ultimate XP farm tutorial that will help you maximize your XP gains. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this step-by-step guide will show you how to build the perfect XP farm in your Minecraft PE world. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and take your gaming experience to the next level. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Connect with… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft House Hack Minecraft: Basic House Tutorial | Easy Minecraft Version The tutorial is based on the Java (PC) Version 1.20.2 of Minecraft. Sunshade Bag The BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2 is used to enhance the visual experience in Minecraft. Resource Pack The Honest 3D Addon resource pack adds depth and detail to the game’s textures. Background Music List Music provided by 브금대통령 Track: Naptime! Description: Royalty Free Music with a cheerful and bright vibe. Music provided by 브금대통령 Track: 가을바람 Description: Royalty Free Music capturing the essence of autumn. Music provided by 브금대통령 Track: Spring Step Description: Cute and spring-themed music for… Read More