Ikumi – 【Minecraft】Spooky Things~!

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Sorry to make you guys late hello hello hello sorry sorry for the long wait um my Minecraft is being really weird I had to go in creative and I can’t fix it I don’t know what’s going on it’s like it’s not loading I don’t know why this never happened to me before

What’s going on is it just lagging what what is this I don’t understand what did I do and then disappear and oh my God and then how do I how do I fix this video settings is this what I should fix I don’t know what’s going on F3 reloads the chunks

Well I was in another location I was in the wrong spot and everything was fine uh but for some reason this area won’t load decrease the render distance maybe I should teleport somewhere else um like I don’t know what to say this is really weird um ow I want to build something spooky

Oh hello um I guess this is a spooky stream clothes and reopen it ah Baka Island yeah that’s the one it worked before uh I don’t know what’s wrong it works before no I had a server setup and I liked it so I kept it

Um because I built things that I liked I didn’t want to rebuild them a server issue do I have to play local or something I mean I just play it by myself anyway and Stream So uh uh what do I do I wanna play on this one

Let’s just try it one more time it doesn’t Serve Yourself I built really cool Farms on this server okay hang on let me try something I’ll I’ll be right back real quick hang on hang on sorry Foreign Foreign The server is not working anymore I don’t know why I don’t know why I don’t know what I did it was oh there’s a ship over there it was paid for I don’t know I’ll have to investigate later maybe this will be my new Minecraft server

Oh my God wait I forgot I’m like uh a little bit of game mode survival icon means we’re starting over wait can I even gather this without a H It really spawned me in like the middle of nowhere I’m in single player I started over I’m in single player oh there’s dirt here wow dirt salvation it’s fine I wanted to go to like a new little spot and build a little spooky thing anyway um uh

I had to figure out how to fix my old server Oh there’s a portal near wait where is it I’m here I sure hope nothing kills me wait how do I do this I’m getting suctioned anyway um I don’t really know what’s going on okay we’re just gonna start over we’ll start over I’ll build something spooky I don’t know I can have two servers I guess I don’t really care one could be a resource Surfer it’s more fun when you start over right

So how are you guys doing today how are you doing goomies oh there’s a ship here there’s two ships uh uh I don’t really know where to find the I don’t really know how to oh my God anything else okay maybe there’s just one a dolphin give me speed yes speed Please no samples I will scream I should go that there’s another ship right there there’s a lot around here oh well I guess there’s one this is a really weird spot I don’t know this is not a very nice spawn location but you know what I assume you do Minecraft today so we

Are even though it’s scuffed right off the bat I didn’t think the server would be broken well that’s okay I couldn’t go back to their server once I fix whatever is going on uh uh I need to find pumpkins though Pig pigs are not pumpkins secretly the Bermuda Maybe

Oink wait if I kill you I give me because you know you could eat raw meat in this game you should make a wooden sword coal okay so we got some actual land oh is that a temple or something oh there’s a ship it’s kind of big my name’s good how’s yours

Okay let’s get someone at least it’s raw raw meat yeah you’re drawing and chilling nice yeah don’t eat it in real life not in real life oh hope your mom gets better whatever’s going on oh these are pretty it’s not really spooky though oh there’s a lot of animals here bees

Okay focus focus I get distracted by everything in Minecraft every little thing is oh is a distraction planning a tree with me I don’t have tools or cockadoodledoo well this really uh makes things awkward huh but you know what’s funny I actually wanted to start over I feel like every

Time I stream Minecraft on YouTube I always start a new file but it’s fine it’s fine I’ll fix the other one if you love click the Bees No left clicking is attacking you’re trying to get me killed huh huh Goomy trying to get me killed that’s good water BlackBerry well what’s in here

Water lava llamas oh pumpkins it was meant to be oh my God what are the chances what are the chances I get spawned in the middle of the ocean they’re an island that has pumpkins like he perfect we can build I can work with this

And there’s lava and I have iron oh my God I need to make a bucket I should probably get some of that oh more iron I should get some coal okay let’s see how I open my inventory oh this look at it’s my old outfit I should get a new one

I hope you guys are having a good Tuesday oh this has a mending interesting Fortune well may as well have a hat I guess um I’m gonna see on shift oh no it’s getting dark ski I can make about about well signing a lot of sticks too much drip um

Let’s do like this oh my God things are gonna spawn I must flee to the ocean oh but I want that oh but I can’t I look at this I don’t have a bed there’s no sheep on this island foreign I can’t sleep should I like cheat

Should I cheat I like to cheat with all of them spawning everywhere you think I can wait I can’t even say it oh my God the Sun God was listening well wow laughs just let me get a couple things okay let me gather a little bit about being

Interrupted oh wait I don’t think I can get that yet it’s fine kind of oblivious most time I put oh that’s what I was worried about that um sir just stay over there you don’t you don’t need to uh um he’s probably gonna kill me

I like I was saying I usually don’t pay attention enough and then I just die it’s amazing okay you just don’t come near me that’s it okay oh my God is going into the forest cool all right let’s go this way is nothing scary wait what do you saying

Is nothing scared anymore I’m I’m nothing to you I’m nothing what is this stuff chat what is this I don’t know if I should build a house out of I want to build out of pumpkins I need to find a place to build a farm helping it to sleep like a hundred times

Oh you’re welcome I’m glad you like my content scared not scared always scared I’ll probably just jump and fling my mouse that’s probably what’s gonna happen if some spooky comes around uh uh just trying to get some quick Quick Chef when was the last time you guys played Minecraft

Do I have a lot of Minecraft game reviewers I actually really like watching Minecraft playthroughs game what am I trying to say I don’t know is this calming I really like watching people build cool farms and starting fresh it’s like Pokemon I always loved making a new Final Pokemon starting over I

Don’t know why it is something that I really liked about it but I do want to play Minecraft with a bunch of gear I never do that it never happens I always start over before I can get anything more beat oh my God what a few drops of pearl wait there’s a

Lot of coal here we could my diamonds I know how well everybody knows how just strip mine strip the minds of their diamonds abandoning my Pokemon getting new ones no I just I don’t know I like beating the game over and over again with a completely new party of Pokemon

Get them all to level 100 just like super grinding for no reason well besides completion I guess it will be easier to just level the Pokemon on the main game though but I don’t do that I just start a new one oh my gosh there’s so much coal what’s down here I’m always scared something’s just gonna walk up from a cave and explode a stone ax yeah Matthew thank you for the five months welcome back thank you finally able to catch the stream oh well it’s not your fault I haven’t streamed on YouTube in like two weeks

Sorry about that by the way things just a little uh hectic but we’re back in action oh my God the Enderman okay maybe I shouldn’t I’m gonna get lost and I need to get that lava well look at all this stuff I go probably make an iron pickaxe by now

Well iron is so precious when you start a new server I need to find a stupid Village and enslave a couple of the villagers yes yes don’t worry they’re they’ll be happier living under my rules I’ll feed them I’ll bathe them I’ll watch after their children and make sure they successfully breed more

Oh God breaking everything they’ll be happy I need food oh my gosh I’m starving wait why is there so much I think that’s cool I’m getting lucky all the surf is cold there’s so much veganism I will make their Village better okay I will make it better villager what submitting your villager

Apparently Ace what you have villagers you want to hand them to me uh uh Oh my God there’s more I can’t stop when I see more I just can’t stop you have to keep going so much okay I’m done after this I will move on after this I will control myself I will control myself gonna recast you yeah Gotta get it oh I’m gonna sneeze I’m gonna sneeze Okay I think it passed I don’t know it feels like it might happen still okay one more one more and one more okay one more one more foreign I won’t do it one more then one more then just stop oh no it’s getting dark okay I think I’m gonna make a pumpkin cat

One more one more I am so hungry I have no food wait I thought that was a chicken where’s my boat Chan You saw nothing I’m just typing you guys don’t have a really cool keyboard right I’m a really nice keyboard did you know that it um it’s by Owl Labs pretty cool my hat is ugly I’m gonna tell Davey Jones He said that because I stole it from a ship and he’s

Gonna make you sleep with the fishes um what can I make again is this a bucket bucket uh I’m gonna make two I’m gonna be a little crazy make two buckets bucket no Chop Chop some Pingu h oh why was that so loud um I’m gonna die oh wait there’s water uh

Why did that scare me so much um okay it’s fine a little more water let’s be on our way I’m going to die there’s a creeper on that island um should I go to that boat what’s that thing dolphin I’m glad there’s no sharks in this game oh my God there’s three dolphins

Uh maybe I should try to find like a chicken or something you think that one guy despawned creepers despawn right right can I eat those mushrooms it was so slow there’s nothing alive okay I probably have to go that way Circle on Twitch l surely that green guy is gone

I want to go in there scary things are in there it can I even get even foreign struggle the struggle starting with nothing how do we even get so far in this game hours and hours of farming and struggling why you run towards me Becca too bad I can’t reach him

Hey come back you look Easter over here all right now there should be some chickens wristwatch thank you for the eight months welcome back thank you actually I’m gonna go back to the other side foreign I have three chunks of meat okay I gotta walk slow so don’t waste it

And rain thank you for the eight months as well welcome back we’re the chickens I’m being too loud I’m sorry I’m like leaning in yelling into the mic oh my god there were chickens here I’m gonna run to the creeper and just die chicken well the chickens were next to the ah

Wait that’s not oh my God there’s a dog what are you doing here on this little Island a sheep oh my God I can make a bed I’ve beat the game I’m sorry but I need a bed may as well kill you too you can’t do anything by yourself goodbye

I really can’t heal okay I am yelling oh my God Uh scare these over here okay there’s no cows I want to stay here now because the dog’s here there’s two is that a puppy Hello hello he’s so cute where’s his parents sounds a little low okay you want me to turn up I only saw one adult wolf or dog I need some wheat please just a crumble of a seed okay got it got it three Oh yeah it is kind of quiet huh is that better hang on let me get back to my boat I need to go to that ship not much different okay I’ll Crank It Up more is there Iron over here OMG the chickens we can make a cake

This is probably a really bad place to build though uh yeah that’s probably not such a good place to build ah okay already so much coal wow wow um oh yeah I need a bed this and this right okay Okay we can sleep go there have you guys watched one piece yet on Netflix it’s good I recommend it if you haven’t watched it yet I’m gonna use up this ax actually do I even need to nah Zorro carried it I heard um from people who like watched a lot of

The anime read the Manga that um Zorro’s character was kind of different in the Netflix show like he was way more um stoic and like grumpy I don’t know that’s just what they said um okay we don’t need any of that let’s do this and this okay that’s good now I’m sorry

I’m sorry chicken I’m sorry chicken hey come out of there I I can’t aim uh new world makes me wonder how much emcee you forgot and we’ll have to relearn again oh You doubt me huh okay first of all where’s my bow that’s the first thing I have to remember wait where’s wait where’s my boat huh not remembering how to play the game it’s or you leave your boat that really matters oh chin Where’d I leave her

The SS Boat chan oh my God where is it I only watched some of One Piece like the anime but the Netflix show I watched all of it I really liked it I was very very very pleasantly surprised um I personally thought that um it was kind of slow in the beginning

And I was kind of about it but as it went on I was like oh my God way this is actually really good this is really good there’s more chickens all of a sudden um and it made me want to watch the anime where are there Chicken Go did you run

I guess I have to make a new boat I don’t know where this one went hello okay there it is how could I lose my boat what’s wrong with me okay we’ll go this way I don’t want to go near the temple my bang for your block

Stop give me what kind of joke was that you watch Naruto me too oh my God I’m sorry I’m being so loud maybe I should turn myself down more do you guys watch boruto you keep up with that oh my gosh this is so far wait what if this isn’t about

No this house oh my God there’s ice a little ice this is a big bow what’s that what’s that I need shaders I can’t see anything all right little champion what what ah I thought you could eat raw meat huh huh can I wait this out eating raw chicken makes me more hungry

Bruh okay well in case I die oh my God I can’t control myself saved like how many chests do you think are in here three oh my God I can’t get in I am batting there’s one right here wait oh my God pants oh my God paper oh my God carrots

What do I keep oh they have thorns get rid of that I don’t need feathers right get rid of those hmm okay let’s see hello wait why can’t I open this oh I’m going to scream nothing okay so there’s one two three is our fourth one

I feel like I’m gonna die trying to get the fourth one I did that one uh huh that might just be it oh three max okay I opened the same one no way I did I did oh there’s a door oh my God and a treasure map

So I’m gonna straight throw something at me dude I cannot get I got my bed wait uh maybe I should go back I tried it I don’t know I’m not gonna stick around to find out is that another boat it’s upside down maybe I should go treasure hunting inventory looks empty

What is that there’s a thing there oh it is a shipwreck Don’t Mind If I Do I want this and there’s another one oh no skin dark one way with treasure hunting I guess there’s a polar bear my specs how do I show you oh wait I can’t I don’t think I can press some of my f buttons in Minecraft anymore

I’m like in trouble here it is only potatoes and wheat I want the poisonous potato you can make stuff with that I think I want this is a squid F3 yeah you’re right oh wait I don’t have room oh my God my bed ah wait what am I trade

I’m getting too much stuff Okay so what should we do oh my God there’s a baby bear let me go up there oh wait there’s no chest over here almost forgot kill the baby no you monster why would I do that whoa smite I’m breaking uh uh I’m panicking what do I what

I don’t know how do you make a glistening watermelon I could get rid of this but I kind of need one of these and the books are really good so is this get rid of lapis Malone oh maybe I’ll just do that why not oh and and foreign

The water did what to me excuse me I can probably swim there fast enough as long as I don’t run into that spooky Temple dolphins please provide me with your services where’d they go thank you I know which way oh my God I’m so slow my dirt that I left uh my feather

Can I make a boat really fast game where’d the wood go yes please I just want to make a spooky pumpkin creature foreign okay we’re sailing gummies I think my stuff should still be there hasn’t been five minutes right I should start a gaming channel as is my gaming channel ASMR gaming whatever

My streaming Channel yeah you wanna know my specs for playing Minecraft bruh there there it didn’t stick to the depths oh my God please give me oh my God’s all spreading uh I think um excuse me oh my goodness why do I have one slot open huh hmm

I don’t think I can eat wheat but I can eat bread oh the ax huh where’d it go oh well it doesn’t matter all that for Golden ax and then I just end up with a stone ax anyway okay which way let’s go this way I’m not really getting very good loot

Selena probably got sucked down by the magma yeah you’re probably right please not death by polar bears hey I don’t have room like It’s fine oh I should just be able to jump up Maybe or not oh my gosh okay I guess I’ll just mine my way up I wish I could jump more than one block foreign Wow something’s on fire Big Valley what are you guys talking about love interest why is there a fire lava don’t die again yeah there’s lava a cows and sheep finally oh my gosh sugar cane I don’t really need that right now though thank you for the 16 months welcome back uh uh

Okay let’s see a little more iron this is not very spooky so far is it oh my God there’s horses hmm so many cute animals oh wait I saw pumpkins right I do okay um I want to make a I want to make uh cat out of a pumpkin

Yo Christmas thank you for the eight months welcome back to me wow you guys all have eight months today well a lot of you how do I see anything I recognize no Village way this way if you guys see a village just scream owl scream in the chat Kell

Yeah I don’t know if I want to build here I mean being next to ice could be cool curious to scream how long have I been searching an hour already oh my God scary hole not going in there should I just claim a giant cave can I not eat this what hello why

Foreign okay well potatoes next oh my God I’m starving they’re just gonna Circle um I thought you were an enemy Mr Chicken my colors are even a donkey here it’s a donkey I never find donkeys any new games looking forward to um Starfield that looks fun

Uh I don’t know if this is true or not but I heard a quote leak that they’re gonna be putting out a new uh gold and silver Pokemon game hello nope spooky so that’ll be really cool star Field’s fun I’ve heard decent things about it I’ve heard better things about Baldur’s

Game but you know I still want to try it out gameplay of Starfield I’ve seen some too it looks good it’s uh I’ve seen some pretty funny things are you guys looking forward you see it do you see oh my God okay that’s where I’m building

Our house oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hello oh my God no oh mg I wish I could fly let’s go tall way so we can look over

All the ants of the land your eyes don’t work oh no not snow wait I don’t want to go in there I’m gonna fall and die and suffocate and it’ll be it’s gonna be horrible I don’t want to touch the snow oh my God it’s beautiful pink trees l

Okay we’re going to pinku Forest it’s right pinkle pink oh that’s a nice size Sakura biome why am I not taking damage flowers all right I’m gonna build a spooky Halloween place in the soccer biome foreign that’s perfect right anything else around here now if only there was a village I

Quit breaking my legs well how do you know I’m breaking them how do you know huh how do you know I can still run and swim hello hello welcome in welcome in oh God leg oh there’s a case show over there what are those oh my God sunflowers

Cute wait there’s a lot of sunflowers and pigs foreign And cows okay this might be a good place yes trees spooky but cute place yellow flowers okay we can work with that huh huh sakura tree is underground what the heck oh my gosh horses and we’re pumpkins land of the pumpkins pigs this is a weird place

There’s a portal over there I think more pumpkins um sheep chicken literally all the animals hmm okay how should we do this there’s no Stones over here oh I can make stone I have lava we have lava right yeah it’s kind of spooky over here oh my God wait what what is it

Why is it floating plans to stream while Weaver has a little concrete yup that’s it that’s the one sorry I’m getting like really focused the Slaughter’s so good it has Blackberry blackberry infused okay I think our spooky place is gonna be here I’ll leave my bed here for now oh well Building lower I don’t know I wouldn’t be opposed to building into the mountain I still need to find a village Maybe right here this is pretty flat oh my God I’m so slow okay this is probably good I like being up high my pastures I’m gonna have to go over there this is nice we’re next to an ocean there’s other stuff that’s not too far okay let’s try it

It’s so small they’re always small they’re hard to find okay let’s build some stories Okay Where did all my gold nuggets go didn’t they have some oh I picked up this and said no No oh well I need to make somewhere safe I should probably create a farm uh okay we’ll do that later oh I only got one treasure map back I lost all my stuff oh well checking oh I forgot to put my hat back on oh my God my pants

Dude I lost so much stuff I lost my pants um what at least so you know Iko is afraid of cherry what do you mean I’m afraid cherries you’re so hard to find no I refuse a baby wait that’s an adult um okay let’s make a swing a little farm foreign

Probably need like two of these ah yeah I like to Um I need more lava I use a little coal for now just a little bit like oh there that’s enough yeah I’m starving You know claim a little bit of land let me see I’m back oh thank you I’m glad to be back lots of me back and we’re gonna have a lot of a lot of streams this week ASMR gaming uh okay do you wanna I think I wanna lower this whole thing by one

This is gonna be a lot of work I’ll try to be quick pumpkin I need to grow lots of pumpkins I gotta make a spooky thing I have to the whole stream is about spooky hello Avatar I’m doing good doing good hope you’re doing good too yeah I’m

Gonna make a cat of a pumpkin and I have other stuff I want to make too I’ll probably uh I have to get my original server fixed and then I’ll probably do stuff on on my original Minecraft server after I fix it because I can’t access it at the moment

And then I’m gonna resume Minecraft streams over there I don’t know what this server is going to be for just my own little personal server I guess maybe I’ll use it to get resources or something I don’t know we shall see oh my God a horse here all of a sudden Cubit chunks

Because I could connect them right I think you can maybe not I don’t know I’ll figure it out I don’t mind having to if you can travel to one anime world for a week what would it be a anime world uh they’re all like dangerous

It depends when I have when I have the anime powers that that world offers too I want to just be ignoring me ding ding ding ding you can connect the worlds if you’re running a fabric server using the Multiverse plug-in ah okay perfect one punch I don’t think I want to go one

Punch world and normally the jjk world associate so she won’t even get to interact with Google well well why are you why are you trying to take away the things I like huh why why why why I don’t know I kind of wanna go to One Piece world now after watching the show

Looks pretty fun except for like the giant sea monsters that doesn’t look very fun kind of scary Dragon Ball world it’s even worth fishing in this game anymore I mean you can get a good bow that’s about it right I would not be in prison School no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No no nope fishing hasn’t changed uh monster girl world why why do you say that why a monster girl world huh you think I’m a monster oh would I be the main character and I get a harem what are you trying to say goonie no it was

Oh I guess there is an economy food Wars already I’d have to fight her for the name that’s out cook her how does that work Attack on Titan no no absolutely not oh my God no God that world would be terrifying there’s no way I would hate being in that world laughs Angel Beats I’ve actually never seen Angel Beats before chainsaw man uh probably not relatively sad show Angel Beats us oh I don’t want to be sad uh oh my gosh I have so much dirt it’s okay I can terraform with this okay we’re gonna build a house out of a pumpkin

Where do I get orange stuff can pumpkins start on fire probably right is that a dumb question uh oh my God you guys are distracted with your questions okay let’s get a couple furnaces going oh just kidding poop uh how do I make a wait High School oh my God it’s so expensive

Anna drip Stone no Oh well I just need one one is enough and probably another bucket oh and probably shears uh okay let’s focus on the pumpkin I think how do I make is it concrete cement how do you make a concrete cement hmm I’m not sure what to do

Um okay I guess we’ll make a farm first slime we’re pumpkins I forgot how much work it takes to like start over okay pumpkin pumpkin let’s just grow lots of pumpkins pumpkin pumpkin it’s actually soulmate pumpkins around here bye Dougie all this grass all these weeds make it look nice

My God the horses are like teleporting what the heck okay I want to eat some creatures it’s not October white pumpkins I’m getting a head start I’m getting a henna start to big pumpkin okay let’s put the farm over here uh uh wait this is gonna disappear um One two three four it’s probably fine one two three four one two three four it’s probably good yeah oh wait um yeah I don’t know how much that helps with the plants growing but Epona Maybe Izzy pona opponent how do you say the name oppona

Is that a horse in uh the new Zelda game do I count my fingers no why why do you ask that question oh I should probably foreign So you have infinite water I might need the take some meat off of some I’ve never seen a bunny just in the grass like in this area ever oh my God and I have carrots I need to capture that thing I’ve never seen a bunny in the grasslands before come here oink

Okay I can make let’s stop it oh there’s sand I can have glass there’s a lot of sand oh my God I’m so slow maybe I will kill it did you spawn film name tag well I do have carrots I can trick him Oh let’s get a little sand so we have some glass it’s so easy to get distracted in Minecraft every time I see something I’m like oh I need this I need this especially when you’re just starting again okay I think that’s enough do we have a stack almost let’s get a stack

Is that an ink sack down there oh my God wait whoa I know you can hold that down sorry I just mostly song once I have to I have to try it you know oh it’s getting dark it’s gonna rain ink sack mine Oh No Monsters thunderstorm uh my bed

Help around me oh no everything’s so spawn no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not like this hurry up and sleep already okay are we okay I think evil spawn

I think we’re safe for now oh you only need two buckets so create unlimited water I thought you needed four funny easy peasy there’s no way to predict rain okay let’s put these away Maybe some sand going uh okay pumpkin Carrot potato okay yeah we’ll start with this laughs mwah okay one two three four two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two this is gonna be a bee Garden how far one two three four probably not gonna be able to plant very many

Pumpkins very well though can you make pink dye out of this stuff I think you can no my water’s in the way these horses really just they really want to be here am I winning I am I am I need to make a little farm

So I can start growing my pumpkins I can make my spooky pumpkin house I really need to figure out what else I want to build I want to build a lot of a lot of good stuff for Halloween Okay let’s do them all on the outside uh that’s fine click click click click okay um how do I do this like this I don’t really put down pumpkin farms I don’t really know I guess all I can really do because I don’t want them to grow over each other

And kill each other um Tito where it’s safe and the Russell filled wheat seeds uh what maybe this will work I’ll put it right here oh never mind I have like none okay that’s good enough leave a one block a one block gap between each pumpkin well I’m hoping the pumpkins will grow

In the grass I hope but we’ll see you I should probably Fix this oh is that bad did I just mess it up no I didn’t all right cool chicken laughs one glap it’s been a while since you see my YouTube yeah I was gone for like two weeks but I am here I’m back just you know I’ll come back with a

Cheeky little Minecraft stream okay so the gardens growing We’re waiting on our pumpkins um what else I guess I couldn’t oh no I need animals and I want to go over there uh I also use sheep I could could try to get redstone yeah a little cheeky Minecraft stream uh iron but there’s some villains I don’t know what to do

I do know but but I don’t know which one I do first hmm does I have any mods no no I’m not playing Fame mods I I do need to get shaders again though I do I do I will be getting shaders I and I have my old Eco design

I get a new one okay goomies what do you think I make pumpkin house how do I make pumpkin house there are more pumpkin patches but I’m too lazy to run over there Do I start an animal farm I’m trying to think there’s not really any great Animal Farms to make because You have to third house don’t make a pumpkin house I can make a sh uh a wool Farm money on a sheep to be Orange any Clipper no iron another catch on fire though destruction let me think that’s why I wanted concrete Um I mean I could go mining against them I can make an iron farm but I need villagers can pumpkins even make orange dye I don’t know if they can I need Redstone if I’m gonna do a sheep Farm okay well let’s sleep and then we will go mining no

Find some poppies and then oh you can you can mix them uh the game last few minutes orange and orange and yellow I don’t want to use the sunflowers though you can grab these Give me all the flowers oh what’s that flower blue foreign I’m trying to remember like in my mind just thinking about how to build that sheep farm where like it can clip like multiple sheep at once that’d be a lot easier than building a bunch of different ones

I actually kind of forgot how to build the individual ones I mean I could figure it out like off the top of my head I kind of forgot okay well we need wheat anyway I’m kind of tempted to go over there and look because there might be a village over there there’s always a village in that biome always kill me made through a combination I know like you can make lighter dies I found some simple ones like green though you can’t make but maybe I’m wrong

Anger huh what are you guys talking about Yeah but like making meat farm animal farm I don’t think it works very well because you have to feed them and then wait for more babies which you know Annoying and I want to do I need more lava I need drip Stone is there a drip Zone in there it’s all

Hard to see maybe in there maybe in there I need drip stone for infinite lava feeding your food hmm okay I’ll put these in there okay we’ll get our orange dye um stick these in the ground oh we already have wheat I think no that’s not ready yet is it

In the second cave they’re absolutely a little bit of some common World gen and the second game this one oh my God that’s a lot of meat I think I should make another weapon just in case Okay so foreign Out of leeway you’ve been money on it okay how much money how much money we talking okay wait uh uh how do you okay shift click all of it oh yeah I don’t have a boat I’ll make a soccer ball real quick me I can’t really do a sheep sound kind of loud

Sorry your ears have been destroyed okay let’s just kill one entire tree oh these trees are annoying I forgot did I get it all yeah a solid ten ten dollars hmm okay I don’t know who you’re betting what what is this what is that doing here did you come from the cave

Why was there a random monster there might be some uh um no it’s okay you don’t have to there might be random creepers that’s kind of spooky I’m gonna keep an eye out okay let’s put that on there dang it I don’t have to go in that cave oh there might be a drip Zone in that cave what did I want get out of here uh oh yeah I need a boat it’s so cute foreign there we go

Oh should I make armor I don’t have a lot of iron uh probably um too poor I guess boots are better than nothing right I used to have pants I had pants once laughs okay oh there’s another cave right there all right spooky time oh are you joking it’s raining is this a

Thunderstorm they just sleep pants I have pants once now I can’t tell if it’s not your day you know what screw it I’m going over here oh my God there’s lava right there I’m taking it I need it I don’t want to burn down my grass give me

I am brave I am I am I am see I’m literally coming down from the top what a mad person okay not there goodbye lava oh oh I guess I have to sleep I was literally game sleep sleep sleep there okay now we explore it can only bring grass oh my God

I’m leaving that little shite spawned okay let’s see what’s in here oh Oh Nothing it was kind of glowing though okay let’s go loot the chest Wow look at all the flowers there’s orange I I’m gonna get it now I need orange there’s so many I guess the spooky building’s gonna take longer than I thought I’ll give you a couple streams just for one build I think we’re gonna find a village

I look astonished all the time what you really think I do I think I just looked chill that’s my surprise face the chicken of death okay let’s see you see a drips on oh my God you’re right you owe yourself ten dollars wait that’s a big portal oh

Wow this is a good place to come to literally everything we need oh wow sorry I’m a professional streamer uh uh wow this thing’s huge why is this so big Is that me at least to somewhere smart special uh Uh where’s the chest huh there’s no chest here coupling Oh well God this thing is so big okay when you get drips down and Rob The Village blind iron fine okay I don’t want to destroy the Village though all right thank you for the Super Chat as long as the bill doesn’t pass locks over why

All my colors of black or is this so cute okay so yeah two five six villagers so far two bands oh they’re so cute oh oh my God every time I started a new server I always find a cat that looks like tuna first every time there’s a lot of villagers here there

Look they’re poor I have nothing I can’t steal from them oh there’s another soccer volume up there oh my God these guys are literally poor they don’t they oh that’s a lot of horses they literally don’t oh my God they don’t even have one chest I couldn’t possibly steal hello I need you

Mr Golem paint their house no I need thumbs for an uh iron farm okay how do I make an iron farm again I don’t know the dimensions this could go horribly wrong maybe I should wait focus on pumpkin right see how easy it is to get distracted

It’s like you gotta have your priorities and you have to stick to them ah that Bee’s butt has fallen all over it well you went into his house where’d the sun go oh midday pinkies there’s actually a lot of villagers here four five six seven eight wait

I don’t know we just like eight two four six seven eight nine there’s like ten oh my God there’s so many there’s so many 11. be dumpy bee dumpy oh my God a little white fluffy kid a little cream gray white and cream I need them all okay um over here we start I’m overwhelmed uh eat the chicken okay let’s look at drip soon I can’t believe there’s just a village right here that’s so lucky

We’ll get our drips soon to make our there’s a lot of beehives too Harold B dumpy Harold me dumpy bee don’t be yourself Say anything horrible in here oh oh yes yes oh two horrible things three four five six monsters but I must get in I must squeeze in and steal a crumble of whatever that stuff’s called I need the drip it’s really hard just well there’s Emerald up there there’s Emerald is he chasing me

Oh my God all the cow wanted to fight me too for a second oh I need string for uh oh a fishing rod oh that I can get a cat yeah I’m okay I just hiccups and my mouse went a little cray-cray uh how many uh the strips don’t get bigger great

It’s really not brave at all cowering in the corner I just don’t like creepers um I thought that’s was a creeper coming up from another Direction but then I saw a spider and I jumped are you joking are you joking are you joking are you joking are you joking are you joking

I don’t see my boat what is happening uh why is there so much evil things everywhere I have an irrational feel feel I have an irrational feel of creepers maybe I do oh my God I can’t get to my house in time I’m gonna get exploded on ah

There is a group of uh guys coming what are they called the ones I shoot you yeah the cherry blossom is pretty good I hope I can get back and sleep but before there’s monsters all over my base foreign game please ah okay leg spawn it just sucks when they blow up you

Don’t need to destroy everything that you’ve built pointed drift Zone what’s the difference uh uh wait you think they’re gonna come all the way up here they’re kind of far right those guys with the bows they’re over there I don’t know if they’ll come all the way

Over here I don’t want them to ruin the village are you serious why why is there just a creeper right well there’s always one foreign ERS okay I kind of want my string I’m gonna go get some fish real quick real quick whoa there’s a giant hole oh my God dolphin

Iron well I could just like swing down there real quick get some iron I could I could but will I it’s kind of a weird ocean biome don’t you think it’s so inland deep I wonder if a temple could spawn in here all right I need a fish for cats be brave mad

Do you not think I am brave already so hard to get fish in the ocean that’s enough for cats right two fish okay I will kill the spiders to get a rod get a cat because I need cats in my spooky house right I have to have cats

I have to have Halloween cats I’m getting so derailed oh my God the cute little bunny he’s still there all right creeper creep are you still there or did you despawn 15 fish yeah I should probably get a good amount I don’t see them anymore he’s gone oh my gosh my pumpkins okay

Uh we need to make a thing that that I guess I should grow some sugar cane nice oh they grew the wrong way oh well I should build things indoors then I won’t have to worry all right look at that we already have 21 pumpkins okay

Now I have a trick to show you guys you guys probably already know about this trick most of you wait should I um um How far can lava jump how far okay what let’s put that there and then I need oh I could put glass around it that would work um that and then that eight blocks in another five box oh that is far but if it’s surrounded by glass is it fine

Okay I’ll probably want to play purple next to each other let’s see like four okay Um laughs uh I think for now we’ll do that very ceiling Just stick one up there uh this is fine right if it’s surrounded it won’t burn anything with it I do yeah I stream on Twitch and on YouTube okay that’s good enough for now let’s get the drips down I probably shouldn’t put drift soon on this one yeah that might start a fire

Oh did I just contain the lava in around cauldron I don’t think I do wait does this work that works wait why is it like gonna break away huh oh weird what I didn’t know drift Zone works on something that’s like trailing nothing you’re saying but okay foreign what the heck

I can make more cauldrons I should try it oh I can’t I need iron sag um well okay I gotta wait for that to drip and then there’s another Farm I have to make actually maybe I’ll do it now other form uh where are we gonna put this one maybe

I don’t know where I want to build I have to contain it yeah I didn’t know they could feel I’m flowing ones that’s pretty nice does it take longer if they’re on flowing ones I’ll just build it right here I think just extend all this a little bit arms okay

How am I gonna do this uh I should build in front you can build it like right here I kind of remember how wide this has to be hmm I’m trying to build the I think it has to be wider than this water and lava to make stone and Is it two or three line I’m gonna try two and see if that works once the lava drips but I’m gonna have to contain the lava lab hello uh uh brother hello big chin how are you okay we’re just gonna wait on the drip um those are pumpkins doing more

It’s Ryan Gosling it finally grew in the right spot hmm waiting waiting okay what was I doing now drip I don’t need a cat yet we can wait pumpkin house how many pumpkins do we have 35 that’s probably not enough yet can I eat orange hello hello hello

I need orange oh I can make orange glass why didn’t I think of that I’m such a bigger wait how do I make orange glass yes no wait and excuse me Ma’am which I know enough hey let’s go orange glass that looks good I need way more sand okay sand life wait do I have a shovel I don’t hello Trinity I’m so cold my hands my hands are freezing let’s get a lot of shovels okay Sans taimu well I can make a glass house with pumpkin stuff around it that’s good right there Fireproof I want to worry about my hard work getting destroyed hello Geo how are you

What am I making I’m trying something spooky um it was not going that well because uh my server isn’t working so I had to start a new server because I wanted to still play Minecraft um so I had to start over so uh take you longer than I expected

But it’s okay we’re gonna build something cool right now I’m just gonna get sand get glass for it I actually found a pretty good location for building got pretty lucky pet tuna yeah I’m gonna build a pumpkin that looks like a cat so I need pumpkins and orange blocks

With the only Orange Box I can get right now are wool and glass I don’t know where any terracotta is and I don’t have cement big glass pumpkin you guys just want to make a pumpkin I guess I could it’s a giant pump glass pumpkin well I might need some yellow glass too

To help with it be glowy ah it’s gonna be hard to find nice glowy lights I can make jack-o-lanterns right Carol the Enderman sand gets everywhere yeah everywhere in the furnace it melts and turns into glass easy peasy glowstone frog lamps okay I could probably do a redstone lamp

Glowstone I’m not there yet um what else frog lamps are kind of hard because you know they have to eat slimes this one is need first one oh okay okay yeah cylinders are pretty white light I deleted my Beats son of a I don’t need my Beach

I just lowered the beach I’m bringing it closer to the water this is a beach this is like a drop off a cliff someone get hurt on this it has to be lower to the water would that make me laugh no beaches sun on the beach speechless stop it goomies stop

No more peaches no beaches no problems anyway oh my God I have a lot whoa I didn’t think I would have that much it’s only when I would hurt as myself what do you mean I’m playing alone I don’t want to hurt myself I still remember that SpongeBob song stamina could never forget

Are You Gonna Fill up yet take you forever um lonely it’s not lonely oh iron okay I want to make another cauldron is it like that oh that’s a cart that’s oh my God it’s so expensive Well I guess that’s why you need more going out once so I can uh have this thing hurry up Philip how do I just take one ah okay whatever we got so much drips down and so much sand the key Actually should probably keep that with me um more someone cooked here huh Minecraft’s going good chickens keep leaving me eggs and building up my orange Army of pumpkins my carrots are done I might pets foreign like one pumpkin and a million pumpkins pop up right after hey pumpkin’s chill all right

Let’s get some wheat more carrots more petite oh my carrots don’t get destroyed I’ll be so sad uh foreign I think I planted everything right get out of the garden chicken oh my God these are all growing in the wrong spot can they not grow in the grass oh no they can

Wait why is this of water oh okay because it was not hoed oh all right hopefully pumpkins don’t grow on the seeds they probably will but they might not we’ll find out oh cannibalism wait no I don’t think anything was planted there Oogie I think this is good oh okay perfect

Oh they’re growing so quickly my beautiful slime oh man thank you for the superchat I’m freaking to give you guys heart super gentle heart though okay oh my gosh wait I have so many pumpkins I think I am because they’re making the house now okay let’s take the um last class

Shortcut a oh pickup stack let’s right click is places right click shift let’s double click an item places all items of that type he ran out of the text uh might I keep looking over there um okay now we can make more yeah I know it’s finished the tips give me more

All right put that there I’m just gonna go for it literally just make as much as I can I don’t know if they want clear glass at all I don’t know there’s a little pumpkin look like on the grounds wait how do I make jack-o-lantern Jack pumpkin uh

I have an idea I could at least how do I do this I think I need sticks that’s it oh okay it’s probably enough one gate share the pumpkin oh wait you’re right I thought you were joking wait you’re right you’re right I thought you were trying to be funny

Just share the pumpkin eagle you’re right though oh I almost killed it um before that let’s make no I have like no fences and stick foreign that’s probably big enough I think making a nicer lucky and then this is a special place okay I’ll share in a sec

I’m gonna go grab a couple sheep and color them and then I’ll just clip them when I really grow hair wool fur inventory shortcuts Grab a dirt and shift double click another stack I know you can do that with like middle Mouse click too I think um oh you like it yeah it’s pretty good got pretty lucky okay I need a little sheep you’re not a sheep I’m hungry I crave chicken I can’t eat the horses that’s barbaric foreign blossoms are really nice

All right where’s the Sheep oh you want to go kill the cows I think we’re gonna have some steak for dinner does everything like we Pingu oh no you like carrots I think where are the Sheep learn Colin oh there’s one chickens two sheep that’s perfect hey don’t turn around come along everyone

Oh my gosh so many of you come here okay we’re all gonna take a nice fun trip that’s all of them um how easily they all follow I almost feel bad hey hey hey laughs I think I’m missing a couple sheep oh no I’m not don’t fall in the holes come along Yeah I need a foreign I have care I have seed I can get chickens and pigs next I keep thinking I can pick up chickens in this game but cannot be done you know I think all you guys are all gonna fit what we’ll see it’s a lot of meat walking through here

AC oh there’s chicken literally right there all right can you guys get in oh it’s gonna be so hard they’re so smart they just need the food oh hey get back in here come on no you staying oh my god it worked they want us so bad they crawled over the pumpkins

So smart but so dumb oh no more you miss a pumpkin I did how do I be as cute as you huh I don’t know uh I’ll answer that question I’m sorry a sniffle pretending of allergies yeah Norris who says you’re already not huh he says you’re not already cute did our

Love of Philip yet no uh okay orange sheep I need to build more fancy suspense we’ll just build off of the one this might be kind of hard to be honest um a little difficult listen me this is gonna be hard with one person oh I need this I need

You ever think about being a Schumer who plays with viewers when gaming uh probably not because that’s way too like hectic um can be dangerous for your stream um but something like uh that’s more like random and safe I guess like a Mario Kart racing or something that could be cool

Kumar viewers huh you really think so okay I think I should keep the black sheep and the gray sheep so many animals I don’t know what to do maybe I should just make them all one pen can you guys not shove each other so much please yeah this is fine that’s fine okay

Good enough I mean shave them okay nice also be spooky Colors oh my God they’re so bald no you can’t leave don’t try to leave no no no You walked away Okay so nice gray black orange look how Halloween it’s looking oh my God I can have a lava floor uh let’s put that away I’ll be suicide oh no oh my gosh it grew already hey yo how much you eat keeps growing back instantly do you guys not like

Camp the door please please well this is enough Orange right goomies enough orange stuff okay let’s make our house pumpkin patch oh I need hay bales oh that would be nice okay let’s get another one of these what make an example oh there’s one run no I need their

Colors oh I could breed them I probably should I probably should do that uh you know what we’ll do the cows too oh I can’t ah there is an orange baby ah so cute Halloween baby okay let’s get some work on building how should we do this I don’t have a h

Where do babies come from I don’t know they just spread onto the ground why does our wool grow back so fast oh my God there’s chicken in here now easy dude he literally jumped in on his own foreign animals okay okay okay okay how do I build this

What kind of path should I use probably dirt probably oh I really need my my Cobblestone maker okay um let’s do it that was quick hi I kind of want to do an outline first how am I gonna eat the cows and not accidentally kill the Sheep there’s too many animals

Stain oh my God all the cows just came flying out okay you know what come on you come out now only the cow hello oh he’s might be too big the cows can’t fit wait that’s a good thing you sure you can’t fit oh my god with

The babies okay let’s wait for them to grow up and then we can lure the Sheep out because the cows won’t fit genius oh my God the thing filmed yes go all right wait where’s my oh I had a bucket the whole time Big Orange sheep okay uh I’m uh

Maybe we should look this up take one block down mine craft wait which one do I go down on the uh the lava sign or the water sign um I don’t think I need this here water is it right here do that for safety purposes second block not third okay so right there there’s a redo the water water really nowhere okay thank you so much for the Super Chat good evening helps you fall asleep I’m glad I’m glad

Glad it helps you yes I will be doing more ASMR this week thank you so much just place a cobble on the third block like that little heart okay is that how I do it okay I could probably take that back and I can do this okay

Now I break this middle one right you’ll okay I’m gonna do oh no worries don’t do it I’m gonna do that to keep it keep it safe keep it secret keep it safe okay infinite Cobble well nice hey oh no Kim why I guess you can’t get them all

There’s a better way to do this though you can um Push it out I think this feel already oh wait no wait did I did I did I not I don’t think I gathered it done am I going insane okay well let’s build now that our lava’s under control oh it did fill oh that was quick how come it was so

Much faster that time time for a snip snip oh my God no get back in here you can’t just leave that’s my property give me your wool up get in get back ooh rain or thunderstorm trying to leave no okay I think I have enough stuff

Also I found a really good iron farm I think I’ve made like at least five different Iron Farms and there’s one that’s like really really good but I don’t remember how to build it you have will over it why am I not picking these up

I am so sorry I did not mean to hit you oh my God they’re separated oh they’re scared oh they’re scared separate again okay so I can Uh while you off so you don’t become food all right I think I’m finally good uh yeah are we are are we ready goomies are we ready to finally build our pumpkin house um so many animals okay so I’m thinking putting lava underneath a little bit to make it more glowy

Do you think that could be a good idea oh let me actually get some dirt for an outline okay pumpkin Uh uh I guess I’ll start up here like right here the double door okay three three um you know that’s just the snow nope nope nope let’s try it because door has to be the mouth so God this thing needs to be huge but needs to mention

Man these babies not grow up yet oh my goodness no no no my precious Shiva he set them free you fat cow oh man okay let’s just okay I’m just gonna fix this now so deal with it and what is it oh I don’t have enough oh this may look a little weird

I don’t know where I would help me gonna do this uh I have an idea okay fine just leave you know what just leave I don’t even care I don’t even care anymore all right now all the babies are in the way get out of the way

All right come here my precious where are the other sheep I need their little naked bodies so they can eat and grow whoa okay this is the cow pen I don’t know how to separate them oh I know how I know how come on not you not you my sheepy

Oh he came out I thought it was too big no not the children stop come here bruh uh there’s an orange one wait come here come here no you guys you really can’t just run away please please actually let’s get rid of this problem right now okay come here come here come on

This tastes better I promise can I kill baby cows I’m just asking okay we’re at the orange one go orange oh there you are doing down there come on where’s the naked one all right we’re good after this everybody violin that’s right walk on in yours Oh my God I can’t close the gate there’s so many sheep they’re body blocking me okay now we’re gonna have some white wool White’s good with Halloween stuff stay and now these guys are okay this works this works should make it a little bigger though I have I can’t have enough time

Okay let’s get back to the building now Okay so another orange sheep I think I’m gonna use wool it’s a lot easier to move around easier to visualize I do need to eat some some cows God all I do is escape you don’t need Freedom come on foreign Auto clipper jump all right yes I know what I’m doing oh my God another one already grew whoa I’m getting distracted okay okay okay so this is really a bright orange okay so this will be the mouth so we’ll

Kind of have wait no can’t do it like that so we out more it’s gonna be a small Pumpkin I guess well I guess I can make it a little bigger holy this orange is so bright okay that’s a little better bedtime I want teeth oh wait I’m gonna need them right there

My eyes are crossed on the Sheep works hard not smart hey hey how dare you I just I I’m not envisioning this pumpkin being huge but now the more I put stuff down the more I’m like oh maybe you should be just be a little bigger foreign

It’s fine the whole thing is not gonna be wool okay there’s gonna be a lot of glass look how much glass I have um I’m just trying to make an outline okay so this is the door teeth teeth I think I might use some glass

Okay how do I want to do them um maybe one up yeah I want to be kind of diagonal though okay let’s do that’s that’s better let me have to tweak it a little bit I think it’s too small for your mouth I’m already running on a wall okay a little bit bigger

On both sides build the floor out of lava pumpkins I was kind of thinking of doing that okay I think we’ll start going up this way foreign mouth that’s probably fine uh I don’t have enough oops sorry oh my God I saw the love when I saw this the first

Second I thought there was like a huge thing of lava coming out somewhere somehow that scared me okay whatever as long as they’re growing wool it’s fine all right um I think I can probably connect this now I think maybe put that there yeah probably orange orange so many sheep in here

I need more orange sheep this is ridiculous how do I just get rid of the cows cow not the Sheep I’m gonna kill them foreign Critical hit how do I only hit one animal I need them to grow their wool backs like a diet only sheep they’re not giving me will fast enough okay um let’s do that well that’s a mouth right now and I see a door I mean I ah orange sheep using ax

I kind of want to just like let the Sheep go so I can kill the cows well if I can make the pen bigger the dark sheep get out of the way you know what I mean you guys have more kids make me more well uh I ran out in Orange baby oh

Never mind Okay so there’s that we have the front wishing a door and and normally we kind of want to curve this up a little more but I don’t have a lot of wool I even make the eyes though hmm whoops okay and then the eyes how high should the eyes be

Oh thanks for the Super Chat rain a carpet a top of a fence requires no gate to enter also jump attack I don’t want any instead of all of them oh Carpets off of fence I can’t do that I need more fences though let’s wait do I have I do have an ax thank you for the tips I forgot about the carpet thing okay I’ll be a lot easier well I’m getting a lot of pumpkins now just make them all thank you

That’s probably enough three okay we got this foreign maybe a little bit maybe a little bit uh let’s see if this works wait how do I get in I guess let’s put dirt so I can get on here but they can’t what what would I do All right you guys Gotta Move okay this will work space all right we got it put it on the wall not inside the pen like right there oh like that I yeah I um I guess this is a better idea uh-huh uh-huh that that yeah a little

Bit more brain cells involved for that build though that is a lot easier I will say cows I think I’m gonna do like this this is like a little wild so many cows and sheep um okay so I have to I’m gonna give them some more space so I got more more creatures

Okay now be easier to get our wool haha Oh that’s the wrong button sorry okay who needs to be orange you you one white sheep one gray one black that’s fine okay and then you said to give the cowser to jump attack laughs oh my God chill holy okay perfect I mean I guess I would kind of run like

Crazy too someone’s doing that to me but uh all right so much better kind of crammed though oh am I out of weeds already okay Nice more pumpkins four cows they knew they were bred for that purpose though they knew only orange shape will be allowed once the pumpkin house is done so how’s your night going goomies how come I keep not picking things up I’m too lazy to pick my carrots right now only wheat

I need to put a trapdoor there [Laughter] believing is what counts believe it okay we don’t want This Not That they get them all nope do do do do do I think I want a separate Garden for potatoes and carrots I don’t like having them on mix match I don’t have room for the the bad sponge

Well now I do huh how many potatoes do I have whoa okay ah uh All right there we go thank you thank you Super Chat you’re doing okay that’s good Society what you like it oh thank you I feel like I’m being so quiet tonight I’m just I’m sleepy I had a long day today it was good day but it was a very long day thank you

So I’m sorry if I’m a little bit like quiet today not super crazy chatty a very tired Slimy I’m glad you like my content so much so that makes you really happy thank you oh you’re from Australia cool how’s Australia today more mashed haters go okay thank you for the nine months welcome back oh my God hello uh wow my inventory is so messy okay

Let’s get rid of some stuff I have 30 gray wool already oh wow we Sumi patents I don’t want to put all this stuff oh leather you put this one okay building I finally have enough materials I don’t know if I should do two gaps between for the eyes or one probably two

Probably two usually go up oh how’s your nail all the banana feels uh Eat the whole thing first you peel a banana and then eat the peel after foreign Act does this sound at all disgusting right right no it is okay I think triangle right there will probably be good enough oh foreign two three wait how do I do this because it has to be even

Oh God wait uh wait wait wait wait wait huh one two three there we go oh Pain Is that too small they actually let’s go down here and take a look Yes that’s a little tiny um how much bigger should it be okay let’s go one more out to the side unfortunately I just gonna have to build it and break it a lot Okay so ow foreign this could work this could work oh wait uh might not uh no that’s gonna look bad

Is it gonna look bad I mean it doesn’t have to be perfect triangle I could make it look a little weird I have an idea oh you’re welcome God I can help you sleep man uh okay uh this is gonna look really weird for a second uh uh I want to like that yeah it’s not gonna be perfect but that’s okay Where’s my batats look oh my God I can finally run again Heal Me heal me please I’m dying I’m so glad you guys swimming about this fabric oh my God wait I got a new sheep color I got light gray from a gray and a white sheep

Oh my God the baby is a mix of the parents wow wow so many naked sheep so little time okay I think I’m gonna leave it like that it’s not perfect but I kind of like it oh precious I might make that one Higher maybe one um maybe oh my God help

Like like flying into the wall uh being a pumpkin I okay I like it I like it uh all right so Two two and then two spaces up oh my God I’m gonna be confused it’s fine how many up do I do you can see no one read those that’s not right that ain’t right oh that’s oh um the eyes too big I could just move that in one and that’ll be fine yeah

That’s fine that’s fine konichiwa baby it makes someone smash the pumpkin already wow wow how can you say that ow I’ve got my masterpiece wait I think I did that wrong ow Oh I kind of like it I kind of like it more than this way it’s called personality it’s it’s called personality do they want to be scary I don’t know uh it counts like a frog to be honest an orange frog it will look more pumpkiny soon

Keep it you’re right I I will come here let me clip it all off now you’re free you feel the wind against your little lamb skin laughs uh I don’t want to go up this thing he’s too cute I gotta put in his eyes and

Finish his head in the side of his face it does kind of look like that you’re right I kind of want the mouth to come up a little higher oh I’m a little tempted maybe I will let’s punch out a piece of his face and see if it looks better give me

This is more of a smile what if we did more is like they’re supposed to be grinning right oh that doesn’t look good uh he looks hot it’s a pumpkin [Applause] can’t be high come on what was that oh Paul’s Enderman wait how do I ow how do we pick it up

I can’t reach I’m some good stuff hey you know he’s excited for Halloween he’s excited okay um or she you know I don’t know female pumpkin I should probably not die probably not okay so oh I should probably get rid of them on the corner I don’t want to look like a box

Okay so now we gotta build them out a little bit I ran out again no this pumpkin’s so tall I require more orange sheep flip clip clip clip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snap snap snap snap I get all everything nice oh I got 16. well are you going to live in the pumpkin or just decorate I’m going to live here this is my home pumpkin girl I can’t reach wait how far over did I want this out is there another one over here nope okay oh

See how I feel about this um definitely have to build up the science you ate a cricket today wow amazing proud of you I don’t know if this is going out too far I think that’s probably good um two three okay one more how tall do I make the sides

It’ll call me big pumpkin thank you I kind of like this part it’s kind of makes sense but I might think I’ve learned chunk right there I’m gonna be right there there or there I don’t know yet foreign I can’t unsee the smiley face that looks all like silly like the one in

In YouTube chat it looks like it why do you mean a cricket no balls huh I have my potatoes yes that’s the one that is the pumpkin for real for real should I make it blushing a blushing pumpkin okay oh it’s almost been four hours okay uh

I don’t think it finished pumpkin and one day because it took so long to get everything else I’m about to come back and finish this pumpkin a little bit burns down Um okay so now let me just kind of have to build up the size this might be hard ow like have it come in like that probably I’m gonna have to do it like that ah it’s like it’s kind of a wide pumpkin like maybe it goes out to the sides a

Little too much wow you call me pumpkin well it looks good from here because you know pumpkins are wide but inside looks a little weird pulling my pumpkin thick how could you no don’t run for me I will Clip and Snip okay okay I don’t know how far out this should be foreign

This is the hard part goomies maybe it does have to go like that I want to look like a square I don’t know how long he should be how far back it should go focus on my brain power they’re orange again I need to put the lights I have to put

The glass in the eyes okay let’s put these in well the whole thing burns down at least the eyes will still be there at least at least the eyes monkey smile black glass and Ice would be extra spooky I wanted to make the eyes glow I was thinking of putting um

I forget what it’s called uh glowstone getting some glowstone putting that in there oh yeah yeah those pumpkin okay okay so we need to build up these walls it’s gonna happen first all right Clipper’s gonna break or am I going to be able to finish the house Well where did you come from they have hey that’s gone what what what I’m trying I’m trying to hurry I’m trying to be faster Okay we need to start making this go inwards I don’t have enough help just becoming more painful good night goomies if you’re going to bed good night okay see I think that looks good a nice round pumpkin pumpkins are supposed to be round I think it looks good

And then um we’ll have a stem on top and I think the top slowly needs to like go upwards you know like a real pumpkin so I don’t know about this situation this is kinda too straight and we don’t have enough dirt back here this pumpkin is just gonna look over a cliff

I guess enchant my shears well getting Fortune from fishing that’ll probably take a long time I could I could but yeah it might take a little too long you have to get really lucky okay I gotta builders and the mother’s head taller I need more wool it’s hard to like keep running back

And forth and visualize Hello ketchup yeah we are say so here I’m probably gonna leave windows on the sides because I think that would look nice and I gotta build more dirt back here okay I think I’ll have to pick up with this build next Minecraft stream I might build a sheep farm off stream

Real quick just to get wool or sit here AFK Farm and just clip them I don’t know I don’t know but yeah next on my stream I want to finish the pumpkin um I don’t know if I’m gonna go back to the other server or not next stream I might

Want to finish this and make it look nice and cute around I want to get creepy trees and put them here in there and put them around the pumpkin make it creepy and make like a little like a hay maze or something it might be kind of weird though because

This backdrop is so like it’s just such a harsh like what do I do here what do I do make a wall a wall I could get like insane and I could make this flat and make a huge like spooky Halloween mural and have it come down

Into like a haunted house or something and build out more there I don’t know I don’t know how crazy this is gonna be when I do have ideas we build it down the hill what what I can’t I if I’m going to be an artist I have to work with what I have

And create as I go and be inspired and and push the boundaries I can’t let a cliff stop me an entire Hill oh my God you guys are wild you’re Wild goomies well that’s what we go so far I probably could have gone a little quicker but uh and I have all these

Pumpkins but but let’s see what the floor will look like with pumpkins look weird pumpkin floor oh my God that’s gonna be so Orange I’m gonna be leaking Orange from my nose and my ears and oh my goodness I feel like I need like a complimentary color to go with this

Oh my God it’s too much I want to implement more like black and white and stuff I mean the pumpkin floor is actually kind of cool thank you well we’ll see have I ever tried Vegemite I have not I have not I would try it I wouldn’t be opposed

I don’t know if I’d like it I probably wouldn’t dislike it I like bitter food you know what it’s coming along coming along just gotta makes his head a little bit um and finish the field I kind of like the pumpkin floor the more I look the more I like

Black and pumpkin shark Wait wait what if it’s like white black and pumpkin I like the checkered idea okay let me think uh black pumpkin no why you do this to me sounds fancy Derpy pumpkins looking good yeah I just don’t say this looks like real quick I don’t know if I’m gonna like this

I might get like a little crazy and add I don’t know I might not do light it might be too light it might do great instead I think that looks kind of cute though it’s like it’s like a Halloween picnic vibes picnic you never know you needed ah

The pumpkin has a rizz you you did not just say that does the floor make you want to throw up where do you like it might be too uniform actually I think it I don’t think it’s kind of cool what do you guys think Halloween picnic

Okay what if it was uh a little darker it’s in a white white might be a little too Stark this will probably be a lot less picnic do you like hamsters I do I have a hamster his name is muttario Because he’s black away like a cow okay I think it looks better that’s way less like craziness what do you think foreign Yeah the wife’s not yelling it is true that’s easier it looks good I can kind of do that face wait can I kind of okay well here’s our flooring it’s only a little bit gaudy but that’s okay it is Halloween after all I don’t know what I’m gonna do with it I can’t talk I don’t know what I’m gonna do for the door oh my God this is like this is like someone threw up Halloween in here it’s a cool idea I like the checkered idea I just don’t know this might be too much you know what I could do is um

Build like a path in the middle that’s like quartz or something if I can get some and then maybe do an outline around the whole pumpkin that’s like quartz it’s just so it’s like a little less patterny well we’ll see this is a good start Good Start Good Start pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin

All right goomies I think I’m gonna stop here for it’s in life thanks for hanging out with me hope it was enjoyable for some of you guys and uh we’ll continue with our pumpkin on the next Minecraft stream and uh we’ll do some ASMR this week too and I might play another um

Game this week as well besides Minecraft so yeah yeah thanks for hanging out with me please I hope it was fun I hope you guys had a good time thank you so much for being here thank you for keeping me company thank you for all the support all the continued memberships and super

Chats thank you so much uh but yeah next stream is probably gonna be ASMR yeah tomorrow should we ASMR tomorrow goodbye bye bye bye bye everyone take it easy have a good rest of your night take care have tasty dinner get enough sleep drink water

And I’ll see you on the next one bye me foreign

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Spooky Things~!’, was uploaded by Ikumi on 2023-09-13 03:38:16. It has garnered 3065 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:22 or 15502 seconds.

【Hashtags】 ☆ Main: #Konichiku ☆ Art: #Ikumillust ☆ Fan Name: Guumies


【Socials】 ☆ All socials & business contact here ▸ https://www.youtube.com/@ikumi/about I do other streams / more content so check it out!


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【 Haunted Realm Rules 】 ▸ Follow Youtube TOS. ▸ Please ignore any spam or trolling. Simply block and report those comments. ▸ Chat is English only, so we can all understand each other. ▸ Stay on topic, no emotional / trauma dumping or uncomfy topics. ▸ No self promo or content creator promo of any kind. Likewise, please do not talk about me in other streamer’s chat. ▸ For gaming, no back-seating unless I specifically ask for help. I enjoy going at my own pace and struggling.


【BGM / BGS CREDITS】 DOVA-SYNDROME   • HP:https://dova-s.jp/ • License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/ AUDIOSTOCK • HP:https://audiostock.jp/ • License : https://audiostock.jp/help/usage

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  • Five Multiple

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    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: I’ve spiced it up

    Looks like this meme got a critical hit with that score of 64! Read More

Ikumi – 【Minecraft】Spooky Things~!